#wouldnt recomend
prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
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“How many infected, possible B.O.W.s have you ever seen wandering around? None. If there’s not a cure for me, well…”
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zzz1gzag · 8 months
Cyno would be such a scraggly, crusty creature if it wasnt for the fact he makes the girlypopiest of friends.
His hair is choppily cut but forever silky smooth. Half the time when hes not on duty its braided because collei wants to learn how to braid hair.
A scholar anxious about the general Mahamatra watches him set up camp. He pulls out a bottle of sunscreen, with a note tied to it thats simply labeled "T", if the scholar could flip to the other side, they would find a detailed explanation on the new sunscreen tighnari's concocted.
Everywhere in sumeru or mondstat there is danger that someone might see him and drag him off to "practice makeup on his face". Dehya covers the desert. Kaveh the forest and city, and Lisa, in Mond. Kaveh insists on painting his nails while they're at it too.
Cyno never buys clothes for himself, all his clothes are sent to him with cards attached. Different handwritings, but equally cursive.
His pantries are randomly stocked with mondstat delicacies.
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bagilgulhaze · 1 year
oooh are you planning to read the liveships next or jump to the tawny man?
I dont know AM I? 🤬😭☠😤🤬😂😭🤬😤🥺🙊🙈🥰‼🙌
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nessvn · 1 year
one of my friends has started reading la robe de laine and like.....i dont rlly expect her to like it bc i feel like my obsession w it can't be explained by like the inherent quality of the book and its not rlly everyone's thing but also if she doesn't like it i will flee the country
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official-beez · 1 year
sometimes i feel like my writing is dog shit then i go back and listen to my old stuff and im like wow this is actually pretty decent
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zer0coz · 2 years
I almost got killed by a sled today.
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crow--kid · 2 years
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adkawariatka · 5 months
Hi, it turns out that fanfiction is really addictive and I still cant move past any recomendations without checking it out. So I have another idea for a dcxdp crossover….
Danny is living on Gotham streets for 4 months. Its perfect hiding place becouse of its aura. Many tradic deaths and general danger on every corner creats ideal barier for all sorts of ghost hunting equipment. Danny wos relucant about Gotham at first but after few failed attempts at finding hiding space, he decided that to hell with that and he will at least try. And thank the ancients that he did because its perfect. No one pays him any attention there is too much homless out there. Even if most kids are staying at Crime Alley seeking Red hood protection. thats one of the reasons why he hestitated at coming to ghotam: vigilinates. They are dangerous, becouse of partnership with goverment…. Who according to Anti-Ecto laws considers him non-sentient and in need of contamination or more often elimination. So yes Danny wos relucant but it turned out fine….. for now. No ghost or human gosthunter found him yet so he counts it as a success. Any other city, forest, mountains or everything else he tried didn’t last longer that a month. He might not be proud of his surviving technics like stealing, laying and dumpster diving but its not like he has a choice…. He is too much alive to be accepted in to infinite relams for good which is dumb if you ask Danny becouse he is at the same time its Crown Prince. But maybe Danny is just too naive or something. He does not care. On the other hand he is too dead to be accepted by humans so he kind of floats in between never to fit properly anywhere. He is surviving, and for about a year he wos completly alone until that one day…
Danny wos sitting on the bench in his favourite park close to lovely Café that had really beatifull cupcakes with blue whipped cream. He liked to pretend that he is a customer there and just waits for his order….that wos never placed…. Well who is he kidding he is just creepy homless kid that stares at people eating sweets from across the street. Pretty pathetic IF you ask Danny but he prefers not to dwell on his mental health thank you very much. So he is staring when a group of kids takes one of the outside tables. And like a serious creep listens in to their conversation. Well its not like he can swich off his super hearing.
The boys are talking about some homework from school. Danny assumes they are classmates becouse of their maching clothes. When to their table comes another one with darker skin and black hairs. The occupants share meanigfull glances and let the newcommer sit. Danny knows that look. It does not indicates anything good. Its the expression that Dash would make whenever he wos about to do something awful to him. Then the guy with blonde hair says
- Damian why don’ t you eat with us?
And then procedes to push the plate with cookies closer to the boy
- I thought I informed you Winser that I do not eat anything made of milk or other animals products. I am vegan.
Answered Damian with monotone voice. He sat incredybly straight and wos so stiff that Danny thought that must hurt.
- But its so good. beside I offered it. wouldnt it be polite of you to at least try?
Wisner insisted. Sly grin on his lips.
- Leave him be Mike he probably has problems with digesting such hard avaible products.
Said boy to the left with massive collection of pimples on his Chin. Danny named him spotty.
- I do not have any „digestive problems” as you put it Jenkin. I simply choose not to.
- of course pardon our lack of knowledge. Its just we worry that your… original diet wos a little lacking… or maybe you ate a little too much chocholate when you where younger. Thats all
And all of the group snickers to spotty „jokes”. Danny Thinks its primitive and disgusting. Racizm is low blow specially after Damians next words:
- I do not understand
And they laught even more. Damian just sits there confused and oblivious to insults vowen in to conversation. And Danny listens and decides that he must tell that boy the truth. He cant turn blind eye to that. He may no longer be a hero but that? He can help with that. Soon bullies get bored of throwing hidden insults at Damian and go away. Damian sits at their table alone staring at the crumbs of cookies. He looks lonely. Danny standard and walks over to him. But before he reaches the table his occupant whirles to face him. His eyes are very green. Not like ectoplasm but close. They are pretty expresive. Danny can see frustration and confusion in them.
-hi there!
Geats cheerfully.
- I don’t have any cash on me right now
Its the first thing Damian says to him. Rude Danny thinks even if he does looks like a beggar with his thorn jeans and dirty jumper, but he has a mission. And he does the one thing that helps him in stressfull, akward or life treathening situations: he turns it into a joke
- Shame but I will make an exeption for you and give you my services for free
- I am not interested
Damian seems irritated now. Danny procedes to ignore him and sits at the table.
- Well as an expert in friendship I can tell you that those guys weren’t your friends. Better keep away from them
- Thats none of your business. Go away
- well maybe not but you should know what they were saying to you….
And then Danny proceded to inform Damian about the hidden insults and racizem comments. Damian tried to say something and even walk away but Danny wos presistent. When he finaly finished Damian exploded
- Leave me you insolent lowborn go find yourself another imbecyle to milk for money! Or I will stab you!
- Wow that same fancy insults there. I havent Heard lowborn yet. Anyway have a good day!
And Danny proceded to turn on his heel and walk away. He left Damian dumbfoned staring at his back. if the boy decided to do something about this then good if not then Danny at least feels like he did everything he could in this situation.
Damian wos confused. That homless lowborn wos strange. He wos not familiar with Damian nor his family. But. Damian couldnt stop thinking about what he told him. About his classmates their words and hidden meanings. Damian wos not hier to Demons head and son of Batman without a reason. He had skills, keen mind and wos curious. So he checked, he spent almost all night reading different forums and sites about bulling and racizem. He tried not Think about how much he resembled Drake in the morning. What he found wos…. Not plesant. It turned out he missed a lot of signs of his position at school. It wos unbeconing of someone of his class. He wos glad to be aware of that problem but now he did not know what to do with it. Father and Grayson expected him to make „friends” and up until yesterday he thought he fullfiled their orders thru his classmates but now he realised it wos failure. He did not want father to Discover his mistake. So now he has different problem he does not know exacly what that „friendship” wos supposed to be. Internet wos not really helpfull, there were so many diversive definitions that he wos confused about what wos true. He wos not going to admit to father or Grayson his incompetence. He will find solution himself. He has one idea that just might work. The lowborn named himself expert in friendship. Damian just has to find him and ask. He seemed willing to sell his knowledge.
Danny wos a little confused and suprised to see angry boy from two days before him. In his defense Danny did not start this conversation. It wos Damian who came to his bench across the café and demanded his services. Which wos weird in itself even before he asked about the price. But he did remember that he made a joke about services so that checks.
- look I am not…
Started Danny but Damian cut him off.
- you introduced yourself as an expert in friendship so I require your services. I will pay generously.
God now Danny wos going to be arrested for child manipulation and thieft. No that can’t happen. He already is hunted for his halfa status that’s enough.
- Listen I don’t want any money. I joked that day. I saw a kid being bullied and stepped in. Further events does not concern me.
Danny tried to leave but the kid wos presistent.
- Well your knowledge proved usefull. I want more
-kid, Damian I don’t want to get in trouble by using you or something. I am pretty sure there is some paragraph for that. Ask Google, it’s better option. And without me involved
- you think I didn’t do it already?! I am not stupid, but the information there are contradicting itself and I can’t distinguish what is true and what is not!!!!
Danny looks at Damian. He is shaking a little, and his words are colored by desperation. Ancients this is trouble… but he wos in this situation before wosnt he? A boy who does not know basic social skills in foreign dimension…alone and lost. Fuck he can’t leave Damian hanging. He can feel his fear in the air. Damn ghost abilities.
- Fine what’s your problem?
Danny has been meeting with Damian for over 2 months now. the kid wos socially awkward but quick witted and genarlly nice company. Well Danny wos alone for so long that his judgement may be clouded by he does not dwell on that. It’s nice having someone around. And Damian talks to him. He missed that. First few meeting wos a little awkward but it got better. Danny tried to be helpful,?first they talked about the school interactions, who even wos a friend. But then they got deeper, it turned out that Damian knew about social interactions little to nothing. They talked about family how it works, what it should be like. It wos ironic considering Danny neglectful parents and dangerous home. But he knew how it should look like. Jazz make sure of that when she wos alive. Then Damian started to open up about his origin. Trainings, mother and weird hierarchy. Well Danny saw a lot wilder shit in the zone. A kid from assassin cult wosnt the most shocking but still fucked up. He thinks that Damian might be even winning his little competition: „who had more screwed childhood” He thinks that his calmness helped Damian to share. Ancients he feels like Jazz…. It is not that bad. Damian brings him snacks, becouse Danny refused any money. And Danny talks to him too. Tells him about the stars, laughs about stories of Sam and Tucker Damian will never know who is he talking about so there is no harm. First time from death of everyone loved he does not feel alone.
Damian didnt plan to get close to Danny. It wosnt the plan. But he wos such good listener. Danny wos systematic in his explanation of reactions and habits that are „normal” in society. He wosnt showing horror or acted surprised when he told him about discipline in league or it’s hierarchy. He didn’t even flinch when he conveyed stories of trying to establish his position in manor by attempting to murder Drake. He listened then pointed out how different manor and league functioned and then calmly suggested that he should talk to Timothy. Just like that no screaming or anger. Now he knows why father wos so frustrated with him. According to Danny family doesn’t have strict hierarchy or rules punishable by death. It wos strange to have everything finally explained. He understands so much more. He sees that Grayson tried to explain it to him before. But as much as he is fond of the man he wos unsuccessful in his attempts. But he still has one problem… father told him to make friends. It’s a mission that he is failing right now. And if he is being honest he is not talented in this department. Not that he will admit it to anyone… well apart from Danny. When he asked him what else he should do to accomplish this mission he got quiet and fidgeted for a while and then offered
- well if you want I can be your friend
Damian stopped his walk and stared at him. Did Danny filled all the requirements? He did helped Damian not expecting anything in return which friends are supposed to do according to Danny himself, his presence wos entertaining. They understood each other. Both suspicious of their surroundings and cautious in every situation. They know about each other a lot of useless information like favourite food (Danny loved burgers), colors, hobbies or general interests.
-yes that would be acceptable
Damian saw the happy glint in Danny’s eyes and the way he relaxed. They started to walk again as if it wosnt admission of most importance.
So I may post a little follow up about how Tim reacted to Damian apology? I will see. As you can see my writing isn’t the best sorry😅. So in here Danny’s family and friends from Amity are dead and he is 16-isch Damian is fresh from the league and is obviously confused.
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mass-angel-exodus · 10 months
so, if you are still looking for recomendations i wouldnt mind seeing ash and raerae in more situations, prehaps in place of those that their non-genderbent counterparts?
Thanks for the idea. Oh how i adore them. Despicable awful horrible people these two. How i adore them
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beesmygod · 5 months
Have you read or heard about " no home " ? I wouldnt usually go out my way to recomend webtoons but this ones not translated officially and has a very distinctive writing style, Its a paranormal horror dramedy about some kids living in a haunted school residence because Its still better than their home situations and It handles the topic in a very carhartic/nervewracking way, would say Its part of the horror, It can be a heavy reading at times tho
oh shit this does look interesting. i need something to read in bed at night besides jojo. TY for the rec. i am loving the people who are translating and telling others about these webmanga/manhuas
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study-core-101 · 6 months
Popular Study Methods I dont like
(By Jay)
A list of study techniques that dont work for me at all. But study methods can work amazing for one person and then just complicate studying more for another. If they work for you, awesome, i'm happy about that. These are my personal experience with them, a lot of people wont relate and thats fine, people are different. But if you relate why these common/popular methods dont work for me, know you arent the only one and that there are more options. People might tell you "this method is amazing, you should do this" and there for you is shit.
Avoid this. When you memorize you dont learn. You cannot conect concepts because you dont understand. One thing is memorazing formulas, which is nessesary, but memorazing everything doesnt work. Understandment is way better. Yes, we need to remember and storage the information in our memory, but memorazing is different. Knowing the theory ord by word is shit if you cannot explain it in different words, conect it wit other concepts or put in practise.
Yep, studyblr favourite study method. Bear with me.
For me, it is a really passive way. When i make the Q&As of the flashcards, i remember the answers. I dont think. I associate the words. And then, when the test has the questions phrased different, my mind goes blank. It seem liked i learned because i remember but i wasnt actually learning.
Now you are probably thinking "use it for vocabulary". That doesnt help me either. Maybe it helps for knowing the meaning in a reading, but writing? I cant remember the spelling. For learning to spell a word i need to write it down. Use it in a sentence. Reading it over and over doesnt do anything.
Oh god, there is nothing worse than an all-nighter. One all-nighter will ruin your sleep schedule for weeks and tired=learn less. Plus, too much all-nighters lead to burn out.
With better time management, all-nighters wouldnt probably exist, or at least, be reduced by a lot
Also, as someone with chronic migraines, an all-nighter'd only give me a week straight with only terrible pain and i prefer failing a subject than that (i'd had to learn the hard way that lesson. always prioritaze your health)
It's a little bit hypocrital of me to put it here, as I usually reccomend it to others. But personally? It just de-motivaties and stresses me. (disclaimer: it is a good technique, thats why i recomend it even if it doesnt work for me).
I'll explain why. The only way i can do a lot of productive stuff together (or just a long assignment) is to "get in the mood" or have like a "streak". I usually have to power through the first 5-10 minutes of studying and then i get super motivated and do a lot until my brain asks for a break. When the timer rings, it breaks it and i have to repeat the rutine again. It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt that i work 3 or 4 times faster when i motivated than when i am powering through.
Also, having the self-impose deadline of a pomodoro (i know it isnt technically a deadline, but for some unknown reason, my brain processes it as one) makes me nervous and gives me anxiety. Just knowing the timer is going to go off anytime un-focus me. It's unnesesary stress.
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9private-rant0291 · 5 months
Little late yet im going to add to this
Bear vs man debate
Id rather be stalked anywhere by a bear an animal than a man . The animal wouldnt grape me or harras me after the immediate attack but the man would and call it a Grape Trophy he Graped me . When possible id carry a nurse recomended tazor strong enough to disarm and get away from a bad guy than just pepper spray its not enough
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Why do you think trade evos exist and what are your thoughts on them?
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Trade evolution pokemon have very certain requirements that make having them evolve naturally be a massive pain, for both people and the pokemon themselves. Its likely once the technology was found to get certain pokmon an artificial boost in evolving, it became the mainstream way to go about evolving those pokemon.
As for thoughts, I see no issue. Pokemon dont mind it as long as they are of the proper stage in life. Some pokemon, like machop, prevent this as they are an experience based pokemon, so by the time they're machoke, evolving to machamp wont be an problem.
I wouldnt recomend evolving a baby onix though, as they take time to adjust to their massive growth, in that instance I'd wait till they show signs they're not growing much more. Onix grow forever, but at a certain point they will slow significantly, thats around when its best.
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cloud8doesstuff · 8 months
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"Overcome failure at any cost, even if it means betraying others"… That is our family motto! The cold reality of kicking people down is part of business! Virtues and sentiments are for losers.''
📷-cardeas.ph over on insta!
So, this Cosplay was sorta a big part of why art was slow the last year n a bit. after being sorta disrespected to the point of having to quit artschool around lastyear, art left a bad taste in my mouth for a min and i really needed to sorta shift creative hobbies for a while, so SOMEHOW i thought building a fuckin spacesuit in my one bedroom apartment was a good idea :))). I really wanted to take some more silly photos too but this costume was AWFUL to manuver in alone, i already had to take everything on public transport like 4 times to get to the con. for sure one of those cosplays where i prob should have had a handler come with me. Then again if i had friends i wouldn't have spent practically 2 years building a giant fuckin shadow okumura costume lmao.
There's alot AND I MEAN ALOT of parts to this costume i would approach very very differently if i was gonna do over, i didnt get a sewing machine till p much everything was finished so some stuff like the faux leather gloves came out so ugly lookin sadly. But i learnt alot! there was alot of stuff in this costume i was very unsure about approaching, such as the helmet. and i couldnt find anythin similar online so i kinda had to just "fuck around and find out" for lack of better term.
ALSO ALSO! big and i mean BIG fuckin shoutout to the persona 5 the stage project!! i used the Okumura costume they built for that as reference and i probably wouldnt have even attempted it if it wasnt for seeing it in the live action stage play! I sadly have no idea who did the costuming for that set but absolute props to them, they are my god damn hero. Ik the 3rd part featuring the futaba and okumura arc isnt widely avalable online but maybe just maybe i was crazy enough to find it on dvd n rip it n maybe ill be able to send it to peeps if they care enough to reach out :) if you like just weird ass offical persona 5 stuff or vidya stageplay adaptations i highly recomend watching em!
If you've read this far into my mad ramblings, Thank you! this turned out to be a really personal sorta endevor for me, and i hopfully can muster up the guts to post other cosplay stuff in the future!
More digital art to come soon!
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hestiashearthfire · 8 months
hey i was wondering if you could help me with something ive for some reason only now realised may be from a god or goddess. ive tried mant ways to figure it out for years but ive never come to a conclusion that clicks and i feel asking someone is the next step. On my birthday every year since my birth it rains atleast once, ive lived in many climates and parts of the world that wouldnt rain that time of year but it always happens usually around mid day and ive never known quite why. i love the rain and even when it stopped me from going outside n stuff as a kid i was happy to see it on my brithday every time and the feeling of joy i get is very similar to the feeling i get when praying and connecting to the dietys i worship. i know many have conections with water and weather so its hard to know exactly who it could be so what would you think? if you cant figure it out either i would love a recomendation on maybe how to find out specifically if that isnt too much to ask. thanks for your time!
Have you looked into Zeus? Or Hera? (The Orphic Hymns call her "mother of the rains.") I couldn't tell you who it could be, since signs are usually unique to the person, but it wouldn't be too much of a leap for me to associate those two, especially since the rain is happening on your birthday, and Hera is a mother goddess. Maybe try a tarot spread? Good luck, friend!
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djungelskogbear · 1 year
i should really stop looking at instagram. a cute post of a mom supporting her (young) daughter with a skin disease got recomended to me and one of the top comments was asking if it wouldnt have been better to kill the child to not make her suffer. Its a skin disease!!! it wasnt life threatening at all!! people were arguing that the bullying that would surely come from the difference in skin would be suffering enough to warrant death. people are so fucking weird about skin diseases!!! i hate it here!!! saying that someone with a skin disease will be bullied is only refelcting poorly onto the peson who said it!!! you fucks!!!
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