bebx · 3 months
"undoing this character's death would take away his sacrifice and character arc" girl I don't give a shit. I'm bringing him back through the power of ao3 fix-it fics and there's nothing you can do to stop me x
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itsmrvlxh50 · 11 months
I love how we say "PROTECT THIS CHARACTER AT ALL COSTS" and then we go and hurt them like they have never been hurt before
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forever70s · 7 months
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Toni Morrison in 1970
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misagenda · 1 year
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aponii1 · 9 months
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Angela Davis and Toni Morrison in 1974
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sbrown82 · 2 months
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“I remember an incident from my own childhood, when a very close friend of mine and I, we were walking down the street. We were discussing whether God existed. And she said he did not. And I said he did. But then she said she had proof. She said, ‘I had been praying for two years for blue eyes, and he never gave me any.’ So, I just remember turning around and looking at her. She was very, very Black. And she was very, very, very, very beautiful. How painful. Can you imagine that kind of pain? About that, about color? So, I wanted to say you know, this kind of racism hurts. This is not lynchings, and murders, and drownings. This is interior pain. So deep. For an 11 year-old girl to believe that if she only had some characteristic of the white world, she would be okay. [Black girls] surrendered completely to the master narrative. I mean the whole notion of what is ugliness, what is worthlessness. She got it from her family, she got it from school, she got it from the movies — she got it everywhere; it’s white male life. The master narrative is whatever ideological script that is being imposed by the people in authority on everybody else. The master fiction, history, it has a certain point of view. So, when these little girls see that the most prized gift that they can get at Christmastime is this little white doll, that’s the master narrative speaking: “This is beautiful. This is lovely, and you’re not it.”
Toni Morrison on what inspired her to write her first novel, The Bluest Eye.
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rogersideup · 1 month
Helloooo! May I request a Steve Roger’s fluff! ✨Where reader has anxiety and one of the ways Steve calms her down is by skin contact. Maybe he takes off his shirt at random moments and he holds her and he lets her touch his body to feel the skin. He gives her massages once in a while. Maybe even lay naked together in bed to feel their bodies and heartbeat!! ❤️✨✨
‧₊˚౨ৎ˚Skin to Skin˚౨ৎ˚₊‧
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It might not be exactly what you asked for, but I wrote this last night while having a lot of anxiety and it helped me regulate so I hope you love it regardless <3
Word Count: 3,076
Summary: Sometimes even the hardest days have the best endings 🧸
Warnings: descriptions of symptoms of anxiety
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The hallway of your apartment building was dead silent.
Usually you'd hear the faint chatter of people behind their front doors, locking and unlocking, heels clicking, neighborly hellos.
But right now, it felt like the world had stopped spinning. Or maybe it was spinning way too fast and you had no control over it. Really, you didn't know which of those two scenarios you'd prefer, but regardless it all felt like too much.
There was no chatter to distract you from the sound of your own heart pounding so hard you could hear the blood pooling in your ears, no foot steps from friendly faces to urge you to look up from your own feet, no small talk to distract you from how Steve's thumb was apologetically rubbing the back of your hand, the one that was holding his tightly.
You trailed behind him, blinking back your tears and urging them not to fall until you got inside the comfort of your shared four walls. You stopped because he stopped, allowed your emotional barriers to start slipping at the sound of his keys unlocking the front door, then the first one fell down your cheek as his hand on your lower back ushered you from the hallway right into your living room.
Shaky, choppy breaths were all you could manage as Steve put his keys in the catch-all next to the front door. There was only a split second opportunity to see the exhaustion on his face before his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight hug. He cradled your head into his chest, and gently swayed you from side to side.
The smell of your boyfriend's cologne, and the ribbed cotton of his sweater beneath your hands was the last blow to your emotional barrier, that's all it took for you to start sobbing.
From the moment you woke up this morning, you were just having a bad day. It started with a nightmare, which ultimately led you to waking up 5 minutes before your alarm, not allowing much time for Steve to comfort you before you had to get ready for work.
The nightmare almost felt like a bad omen, and it sent your anxiety spiraling for the rest of the day.
The big project meeting you worked so hard on was cancelled, you forgot your lunch on the counter at home, and it unexpectedly started raining while you were wearing a white silk blouse. By the time you got home you were soaking wet in a see through shirt and hungry. You didn't have a single moment to stop and regain your composure, because you promised Steve you'd attend the Avengers monthly team building event with him.
When he saw the state you arrived home in, he urged you to stay home and promised it would be fine. But you knew deep down that he really wanted you there, so you put on a brave face and tried to salvage as much of your hair and makeup as you could, but the rain completely ruined your plans.
Instead of your hair being down and perfectly curled as planned, you had to settle for a sleek, slicked bun and a natural makeup look. This led to your outfit not looking how you wanted it, which also led to you feeling completely unhappy with how you looked and how you felt about yourself.
With hunger levels, annoyance, and sadness being very high, your self confidence, energy, and persistence was very very low.
You weren't saying that you didn't feel great about yourself, but Steve could see it in your posture, and he could tell by the way you went completely quiet. He assured you multiple times that you looked absolutely beautiful, and he wasn't lying. You always looked beautiful.
That at least earned him a small grin and a gentle kiss, but then he threw you in a room full of superheroes and their respective friends and family, and that immediately made everything worse.
Already feeling quite self conscious and insecure while being surrounded by people who were the smartest, strongest, and greatest in their respective ways had you feeling like you couldn't even take a breath.
Even on their worst days they could save the world, meanwhile you were on the brink of tears because Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch looked so pretty.
In a very bold self preservation attempt, you pushed it all down. Steve deserved some happy and chipper arm candy, and you already committed to being that for him so you tried your best to play the role.
To him, this was family and to you, this was a room full of people you didn't even deserve to be in the presence of. Although most of them became friends of yours and accustomed to your habits, they knew enough about you to know that something was wrong, but not enough to know that they shouldn't push your buttons about it.
It left you as the target of all of the jokes that evening. Nearly every conversation had a minimum of one passing comment. Steve tried his hardest to shut down as many as he could, even changing the topic a few times, but there were some things he couldn't save you from.
You appreciated him trying, but wondered if he would've rather you stayed home instead of damper his evening with your self pity. That also spiraled into some nasty thoughts, the meanest part of your brain convincing you that he didn't really love you, and you weren't good enough to even be around him.
Thats when you quietly slipped away to the bathroom just for a few moments to take some deep breaths and dry the tears pooling in your lash line, your mascara wasn't about to meet its fate twice in one day.
You knew that anxiety was most of the issue, you knew that you just needed some reassurance and a warm meal, maybe a hug and a warm shower. The thought of all of the snacks out on a grazing table for everyone to enjoy made you pull yourself together, you were hopeful that some food in your empty stomach could really help.
And it did, for about 10 minutes before Tony made yet another back handed, rude remark about you. So sly that Steve didn't even catch it, and when you grabbed his hand to try and comfort yourself, Tony threw you a wink.
Thats when you knew there was no turning your mood around. Your white flag waved high and proud as you spent the remainder of the night making yourself small, trying not to drag any attention to yourself or take any fun away from Steve.
He caught onto the way you let go of his hand and got up to grab some water, then when you came back you sat further from him. Shoving yourself into the corner of the couch leaving plenty of space between your bodies. Knowing damn well you were struggling, he could assume your brain tricked you into thinking he didn't love you, because really, he knew you that well.
Making his way over to you, he wasn't shy to put his arm around your shoulders and use his hand to draw little shapes in the top of your arm before giving you a very quick kiss to your temple.
You didn't speak for the rest of the night unless it was to say goodbye to everyone on your way out, or politely thank Tony for hosting. You didn't even speak to Steve on the way home, and he understood. Rather than trying to force you to speak, he gave you the metaphorical space you needed to keep your composure as he kept one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh.
That led to this moment, soaking his sweater in your tears. You felt pathetic, but it was also the first time all day you felt safe.
"I'm so sorry, honey." Steve spoke gently. He hated seeing you so upset, swearing he could physically feel his heart breaking in his chest. "I love you so much."
You sucked in a shaky breath before mustering up the only sentence you could speak. "Tony is an asshole."
"I know, Baby." Steve agreed, petting your hair and trying his best to comfort you. "They were all laying in on you way too hard. You didn't deserve it."
"They were just joking," You tried justifying between sniffles and cries. "but I couldn't handle it tonight."
"But they could've stopped after the first time I told them. I know they can be too much sometimes. Just because they're just joking doesn't mean it wasn't hurting your feelings." He justified. "You've had a long day, I think you need some love and food and sleep."
"I just want to stay here." You cried, holding on just a bit tighter. Finding your nervous system starting to regulate itself for the first time all day, you weren't feeling ready to let go of your boyfriend just yet.
Steve kissed the crown of your head multiple times, "We can stay here as long as you want."
He held you for a little while longer until your sobs turned into slow tears and you finally felt brave enough to let go of him. After getting you comfortable and warm on the couch, he walked away for a bit to make you your favorite dinner.
When he came back with two bowls and handed you one, it was the first time all day he saw your real, genuine smile. Though you were still crying, he was confident that he could turn your mood around.
Your favorite show playing on the TV, snuggles, a fluffy blanket across your lap, and eating dinner on the couch was a good start. When you were done eating, Steve took the bowl back from you and wandered off to clean the kitchen and do the dishes.
When he came back he hovered over you with a sad pout when he noticed how quick your breathing was and how he could practically see your pulse from the artery in the base of your neck. Approaching slowly, he gently placed his index and middle finger to your neck and left them there for a second before his pout deepened.
"Baby" He sympathized. "You've gotta slow that thing down, your heart is going to run away from you."
"I've had the worst anxiety all day long." You explained, wiping tears off your face. "I don't think my resting heart rate has been normal since I woke up this morning."
You could see his gears turning before he leaned over and gave you a kiss. "I know how to fix it, I'll be right back."
He wandered off again before coming back and holding his hands out for you, pulling you up off the couch. There were a few small complaints about how you didn't want to get up, or how you were so warm and comfortable, but he swore this would help.
Dragging you into the bathroom, you noticed he lit a candle and started a bubble bath. The sight alone made you release a long sigh, and Steve took that as a good sign.
The two of you fell into silence once more, words were useless when you already knew how this was going to go. Besides, all the talking would do was mask the sound of the rain pattering against the roof, and that was loved deeply by the both of you.
He flicked off the light switch leaving just candlelight to softly illuminate the bathroom while you both undressed and sank into the hot water.
Steve sat behind you, and you sat between his legs with your back leaning against his chest. The moment you settled in, his arms wrapped around your tummy and rested on top of your thighs.
With his soft skin against yours, and the pressure of the hot water against the whole of your body, your mind began to slow enough to start thinking rationally.
You could feel Steve's calm, deep breaths as his diaphragm inflated and deflated against your back, subconsciously making your body match his.
Very quickly, you went from feeling like you weren't good enough to even be around him to feeling an overwhelming sense of safety and gratitude for his love.
Especially when you never had to worry about what your body might've looked like while sitting down, or if your tummy was too soft underneath his arms. You especially didn't have to worry about what he might've felt beneath his wandering palms as starting moving them about your body, applying some pressure to your tense shoulders and the tops of your arms. You didn't have to worry about the pressure of being in this situation, already naked with his hands roaming about. His intentions were always very clear and he didn't even need his words to state them.
You were safe in the hands of the man you loved, and he loved you so much that you didn't have to worry. You didn't have to put out for him or give him anything in return right now, he just loved you, and he wanted you to feel better.
He gave you an occasional chastise kiss to your shoulder between massaging various parts of your body, and oxytocin flooded your brain faster than you understood.
The tears eventually stopped wetting your cheeks, and the rain only started falling even harder outside.
Your head leaned backwards and a bit sideways to rest on Steve's shoulder, and you couldn't help but to lift your hand up out of the water and reach back to cradle the side of Steve's face.
"I love you" You whispered, not wanting to ruin the peace. "I'm sorry I didn't say it back earlier."
"It's okay, baby." His voice also gentle and full of adoration. "I know you love me, you don't have to say it for me to know it. I trust that you know I love you too, even when your brain is being very unkind to you."
You very subtly nodded, understanding exactly what he was saying.
The two of you weren't unfamiliar with nights like these, skin to skin in the bathtub, or in the shower, even the bed or on the couch. Between the nature of Steve's job and your chronic anxiety, the two of you have become experts at being present for each other. When the world was spinning too fast or it came to a screeching halt, you could always trust the other person to know exactly how to grasp it and make it spin just right.
It wasn't something that came easy or naturally, you both learned a lot from each other and your methods were ever changing much like every season of life. The closer you bonded, the easier it was to understand each other's needs.
There was a fine line between needing affirming words and complete silence, needing support but also needing to be left alone. Some nights looked like a few hours of alone time, some looked like you were super glued together, but every anxiety attack was ended with your bare bodies regulating as one.
He knew you had your fill of silence, and your words told him you were ready to talk.
"You know you never have to shy away from me, I'm always happy to be with you even if you think otherwise." He reassured. "Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know that was really hard, but I appreciate you."
"I just didn't want to ruin your fun, I felt bad that I wasn't at my best and I didn't want you to have to deal with it. That's not fair." You explained quietly.
You learned very early on in your relationship to just be upfront and honest with Steve, another privilege of being with him. He never made you feel bad or weird about your true feelings, and he always knew just the right things to say. In turn, he was completely open and honest with you, and you've never trusted anyone more in your whole life.
"You didn't ruin the fun, the fun was ruined the moment everyone decided to make you a target and that's not your fault." Steve shook his head. "What's not fair is you thinking that having an off day makes you an inconvenience to anyone else. You're allowed to be sad or upset sometimes, baby. It's life, it's okay. How many times have you cancelled plans or altered your day just because I turned into a ticking time bomb of panic? I'm happy to return the favor, I enjoy taking care of you."
"It's different." You denied with a slight shake of your head. "You're a superhero, Stevie. Most of those days are because you've gotten shot or stabbed or you've witnessed and been involved in unthinkable horrors. I work an office job four blocks away and can barely handle that pressure."
"Thats not a fair comparison." Steve denied. "At the very root of it, we're both human and life will never be completely perfect all of the time. Regardless of if you're smiley and bouncing off the walls or just need a day to cry in bed I love you just the same."
You kissed the corner of his jaw in acceptance before completely relaxing your body against his. Steve's hand reached up and rested right over your heart.
"Besides," He started again. "I think that you're also exposed to all of those unthinkable horrors just from having to put up with me every day. The way you handle it and the way you treat me contributes a lot to my ability to do what I do everyday. I understand I probably make your anxiety worse sometimes, because I wouldn't even be able to handle dating me."
"It's worth every second of digging bullets out of you with tweezers, baby." You grinned, earning Steve's smile in return.
"See? You're a superhero too." He pointed out. "And your heart is slow and steady. That makes me really happy."
"You make me really happy." You replied without a second thought. "Thank you for this, I feel so much better."
"Anytime, Beautiful." He kissed your cheek. "I'm sorry you had a bad day. I know for sure that tomorrow is going to be so much better."
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sturniluvr · 4 months
FA cup champ
Mason Mount x fem!reader
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word count: 1.5k
warnings: some strong language, maybe some spelling mistakes, nothing other than that, lmk if I missed anything.
requested: yes/no
summary: Y/N surprises Mason at the FA cup final
A/N: shoutout to my fave mase acc on tumblr @mountttmase for convincing me to write this❤️enjoy everyone!🫶🏻
❗️semi proof-read❗️
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Today was the day, May 25th, FA cup final, Manchester derby. Y/N was nervous to say the least, having grown up a Man United fan, knowing the boys were playing arguably one of the team's biggest rivals made those nerves worse. She wanted nothing more than her club to win, especially for her boyfriend of 3 years, Mason Mount. 
She was currently in the car with Mason’s family on the way to Wembley, next to the Y/H/C woman sat Summer, who was asleep in her car seat and on the other side of the sleeping girl was Jaz, Mase’s older sister and Lewis sat behind the three girls with a sleeping Mila next to him. Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked behind at Lewis. He leaned forward as much as the seat belt would allow him. 
“Does he know you’re coming?” The older man asked. She shook her head. 
“No, I told him I had to work, but I managed to convince my manager to let me have today off, thought it’d be a nice surprise.” She replied. He nodded his head in agreement and sat back in his seat. 
*little time skip*  
They had arrived at Wembley and Y/N had the job of waking summer up while Jaz quickly changed Mila’s nappy before they all headed into the stadium. 
“Sum, wake up sweetheart. We’re here.” She whispered softly to the little girl and summer stirred in her car seat. She opened her eyes and held her arms out to her auntie. Y/N picked her up out her car seat and rested the girl on her hip until she was more awake and wanted to walk. 
The adults had collectively agreed to get some food first before heading into the stadium since everyone was hungry and they were earlier than expected so they found a little restaurant up the road from the stadium and they made their way to the restaurant and had some delicious food. 
*around 2:30* 
After they finished their food, they made their way back to the stadium and headed up the stairs. As she walked up the stairs to the entrance of the stadium, all she wanted to do was go and wait for Mason to arrive but she had to stop herself so she didn’t ruin the surprise.  
“You excited to see uncle Masey?” Y/N asked summer who was holding her hand. She looked up and nodded enthusiastically with a smile on her face and a skip in her step knowing she was soon going to see her uncle. 
*time skip to kick off* 
She watched as the teams made their way out of the tunnel, she smiled at the sight of her childhood team, on the pitch ready to play and win the FA cup. Y/N and Lewis leaned forward in their seats as the whistle blew for kick off and watched intently. 
30th minute
She cheered with the United fans as Garnacho tapped the ball into the net, scoring the first goal of the match. She certainly started feeling more confident as she watched the reds play with all they could give. 
39th minute
She bit her nails as she watched Bruno beautifully pass to Kobbie and Mainoo kicked it into the back of the net, making the score 2-0 to United before half time, she shot up and cheered once again, feeling pride fill her body at how well her team was doing. 
90+2 minute
She clapped and smiled as Mase made his way onto the pitch being subbed on alongside Lindelof for McTominay and Garnacho. She was silently praying that city wouldn’t not score again and cause the match to go to extra time, she was too nervous for that. Next to the woman, she heard chants of ‘Masey’ coming from Summer. She smiled at the young girl and picked her up and rested her on her hips so that she had a slightly better view of the game. 
*time skip to full time*  
She let out a cheer with and gently jumped up and down with summer still on her hip. Man United had won the FA cup!! She was beaming with pride for Mase and her team, she was so proud of them all.  
She already had tears in her eyes from the sight of Mase lifting the trophy with the biggest grin on his face, reaching from ear to ear and his pearly whites on show, now she was crying even more seeing her team lift the trophy behind the FA cup winner banner and confetti and champagne covering them all head to toe. She physically couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She put summer down and quickly wiped her eyes before they headed down to the pitch, she could finally see her boy and tell him just how proud she was.  
*on the pitch*  
The players had now spread out across the pitch heading to their respective families and friends. Her Y/E/C eyes landed on the love of her life, who she’d been dying to see all day. Before anyone could catch her, summer bolted towards her uncle Masey.  
“MASEY!” Summer screamed out as she ran towards him. He turned around and smiled at the sight of his niece, he opened his arms and picked her up and spun her around before sitting her on his hip. 
“Hey sweetheart, you okay?” Mason spoke softly to her. Summer nodded and smiled at him.  
Y/N stayed behind slightly to give Mason a moment with his family. She watched with a soft smile as Mason passed Summer over to Jaz so he could hug everyone else.
“There’s someone here darling.” Debbie whispered in his ear as she hugged him. The 25 year old looked around and his brown eyes locked with the Y/E/C he fell in love with 3 years ago. He made a beeline for his girl and wrapped his arms around Y/N’s torso and lifted her off the ground, she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, placing kisses all over his face, the last one being his lips, he deepened the kiss ever so slightly and his hands made home on her hips. 
She looked up at him with a breathtaking smile, one that he immediately reciprocated. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you mase!” The woman exclaimed. He pulled her back in for another hug. One hand cupping the back of her head and the other resting on her back, he rested his head in the crook of her neck, planting sporadic kisses to her neck.  
“Thank you, baby. I’m so glad we won!” He replied, voice slightly watery with emotion. 
He lifted his head up to look at the love of his life and he smiled at her before placing a final kiss on his favourite pair of lips. It finally set in that his girl was here and not at work like she said she would be today. He looked down at Y/N and squeezed her waist slightly. 
“I thought you had work anyway cheeky. I thought your asshole of a manager wouldn’t give you the day off?” He spoke with a confused tone, Y/N let out a little laugh at the sight of her boyfriend looking like a confused puppy. 
“I managed to convince him to give me the day off, so I thought I’d surprise you.” she replied, smiling up at her winner. 
“Cheeky.” Mase chuckled, slapping her butt gently. “But thank you darling, it means the world to me for you to be here with my family” he added on, still smiling, his cheeks had started to hurt from all the smiling he’d done in the last hour. 
Interrupting their moment, Rasmus ran over to the couple, he gave Y/N a quick hug as the older woman congratulated him. 
“We gotta get going to the after party soon mase, you coming Y/N/N?” The younger man spoke with excitement in his voice.  
“Mase we gotta get to Monaco for the Grand Prix.” she spoke looking between the two footballers.  
“Love, the race isn’t until 3 we’ll be able to fly tomorrow morning and make it for the race.” Mason reassured the woman.  
“Come on Y/N let’s have a party!” Rasmus spoke in a sing song tone causing her to laugh at him. 
“What do you say baby?” Mase looked at the girl for confirmation, she threw her head back dramatically sighing.  
“Fuck it, why not.” She replied laughing as the boys cheered and wrapped their arms around her shoulders. 
“Jaz, Lew, you coming to the after party?” The siblings nodded almost immediately.  
“Mum? Dad? You coming?” Jaz looked between her parents. 
“No it’s okay, we’ll get the girls home and in bed, you kids go have fun!” Tony replied, smiling at the younger adults. Jaz passed summer to Debbie and Tony already had Mila in his arms, they left with the young girls, and the adults all made travel arrangements to get to the after party. Y/N, Lewis and Jaz got an uber and Mason and Rasmus made their way to the party on the team coach.  
They all danced the entire night. Y/N and Mason being slightly more conscious with drinking than Rasmus as they had to travel the next morning. They all laughed at Rasmus singing Abba. Y/N made a mental note to message the younger man in the morning to see how he was feeling knowing he’d he hungover. 
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whosmarii · 8 months
Said you needed love.
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ᯤ Started: 25/01/24.
ᯤ Finished:
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Tony loves his wife, Pepper. He loves his last daughter, Morgan. And he loves Peter like the son he never had. But you? his first born daughter, he doesn't even know your name.
tw: daddy issues (everything that this entail), no corrections yet.
*reader is fem. slow burn. Peter x reader. Kinda rivals to lovers.
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You are a genius, you got that from him. You study from home, a teacher for each subject meticulousy selected by Tony to give you the best clases of the country. Not because he cares for you, but because you have to reach the expectations of the people. Imagine, the daughter of Tony Stark, aka Iron man, being an ordinary person.
You didn't need all the teachers, you were a genius because it was in your genes. That wasn't enought to meet your father expectations tho.
You did everything in your power to get a proud look (or at least a look) from your dad. You have the best grades, you learned two different languages in a time lapse of two months, you read five books of classic literature in three days, you knew how to play seven different instrument plus you knew how to sing, you were a professional ballet dancer, you knew aeronautical and chemical engineering, and the list could go on and on.
Nothing seems to satisfy him.
Sometimes, because Pepper have told him to or because he couldn't escape the situation, he would mumble a "congrats" or "yeah, good" while he kept working on whatever he was working. Not even looking at your direction.
You loved Morgan, she was probably the only person in your house that actually cared for you. And you were happy she didn't have to live the same horrible situation you did. But you couln't help the self-sabotaging feeling of jealousy that warmed you heart every time they were together. You didn't understand. What does she have that i dont? why can't i be enough like she is?
Pepper loves you, she tells you that recurrently. But she never did anything to get Tony to be a proper dad. It isn't her responsability but, she is your mother. She sees you suffer because of him and does nothing.
You live in a house with two adults and a five year old little girl, and the only person that treats you pretty...is the five year old. Therefore you love to spend time with the Avengers, they fill a space in your hearts that should be fill by your father. Especially Bruce, he is so fatherly loving, it warms your heart and put tears of joy in your eyes.
Having Bruce to care for you is so important that if he asks you to have sexual relationships with him you would say yes just to keep having his love. You would have sex with all the avengers man if that meant them loving you.
When you heard Tony tell Pepper about the arrival of a new Avenger of 15 years, your heart stoped. What if she is better than me? What if they love her more than they love me? what if-
Peter. That's the name your father said. It was a male. That was soothing. You usually didn't like boys of your age, but maybe this one was different.
You already know that Tony loves him. The way he talks about Peter is almost shivery. "Peter is a genius, that boy has a future." "He is a good boy. Sweet and all" And that aunt of his... such a display" "The Avengers are going to love him".
Now the soothing feeling is gone and the fear is back.
He sounded good. That was bad.
You can't hate someone good. But you can't like him neither.
He wasn't presented to the Avengers yet. You didn't know how he looked yet. But the boy was already tearing apart the only part of your life that wasn't crumbling.
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@whosmarii | Please do not copy, rewrite or translate my work without asking me and reciving my approval first. Thank you!
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heyitsme1040 · 9 months
Hiii! I just saw your repost, where you said you're going through writers block, and I want to request an mcu headcanons about
Tony Stark / Bucky Barnes / and Loki Laufeyson (all seperate) X a gn reader who gets extra clingy when they're sleepy/tired!
Have a good night!
This is so cute! Thank you for the request, it was super fun to write.
How Marvel Men Would React to: You Being Clingy When Tired
feat. Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, and Loki Laufeyson
AO3 (x)
Tony Stark
He hates how little sleep you get, but he also loves how accepting of his affection you are. Tony hates when you don't get enough sleep. He's no example of a healthy sleep schedule, but you're just barely doing better than he is. It's obvious when it happens. You rub your eyes harshly throughout the day, words seem to escape your thoughts when explaining your latest idea, and you become clumsy.  When well rested you enjoy Tony's company. Always greeting each other with kisses, spending most of the day together, but still managing to do your own things. But when you're tired, you crave his presence. You'll slip in front of him when he tinkers and wrap your arms around him. You'll settle into his space and he'll continue working. It isn't an uncommon sight for you to be straddling his lap, face against his shoulder, while he sits in an office chair. Right now Tony wants nothing more than to scoop you up and carry you to bed, except he's in important meetings that have already been rescheduled four times. He kisses you before going into his office to be ready for the video conferences. You pout as he crosses the hall.  Not wanting to go far away, you work on the project you've been thinking over. It's as you're writing down the last portion of your formula that your focus is gone. Frustration builds as you cross out more and more of what you'd just written. Slowly, the lack of sleep catches up to you. You were crashing, and any more coffee was a bad idea. Finally giving in you drop the pen. You unlocked your phone, squinting at the harsh brightness of the screen, and sent Tony a text. You didn't want to interrupt his meetings, but you also knew trying to fall asleep without him would be difficult. Tony is relieved when the meetings go by faster than he was expecting them to. Once he disconnects from the last video conference, he goes across the hall to the workshop. Surprised by its emptiness, he grabs his phone to call you only to see your text. He smiles, rushing upstairs to the bedroom. You're curled up in one of his sweatshirts while laying on his side of the bed, face squished against his pillow. He steps out of his shoes while crossing the room. You lift your head as soon as his steps ring through the room. The moment he sits on the bed to lay down, you move to wrap your arms around his waist with a huff. Tony can't help the fond chuckle that escapes him. He'll pull your hands away for a moment, a quiet whine escaping you, before scooping you into his lap. He'll lay down, shifting you so that his chin is just above your head. His breaths cause you to be gently rocked. Your legs tangle together, and he makes a dramatic gasp when your cold toes press against his ankles.  "Not close enough,” you mumble against the column of his throat. His responding hum vibrates against your lips. You bury your head further into his neck. Tony's arms slip beneath his hoodie you're wearing and rub your back while holding you tighter to him. The content sigh you release makes him feel more accomplished than any of those meetings did. He presses his lips against your hair. He doesn't pull away, just enjoying having his lips against you while feeling the warmth of your skin. "You should sleep,” he mumbles against you. You fight off a yawn before replying, "You should, too.” "Deal. JARVIS, enter black out mode.” "Certainly sir,” the robotic voice acknowledges. "Black out mode engaged.” The lights turn off and the shutters close, plunging the room into darkness. A projection of the stars dimly covers the ceiling. Tony pulls a cover over the both of you. 
Bucky Barnes
You sat in the living room, nursing a cup of coffee, and watching the sun rise higher by the hour. Your nightmares were getting worse. You were glad Bucky was on a mission until this afternoon, not wanting to disturb the little sleep he could get. It was a long week, but you could manage. You couldn't help the nightmares that plagued your sleeping mind. They left their mark against you, the dark circles under your eyes anything but subtle. It was a surprise when you heard the lock in the door. Just as you whipped around to look, the door swung open, revealing Bucky. He dropped his bag as you hurried across the room. In your rush, you tripped over the small rug in your hallway. Bucky's arms were quick to be around you. He picked you up, your legs going around his waist. "Hi,” you breathed out. "I've got you,” Bucky kissed you while kicking the door closed. "What are you doing up?” "Couldn't sleep.” You felt Bucky's shoulders slump as he gently traced the circles under your eyes.  "How many?” You bit your lip, not wanting to worry him. But you also knew he understood. While you debated, Bucky sat on the couch. The sunlight cast golden beams into the room, making you feel safe. "It was just eleven…” you trailed off. Bucky frowned, a small crease appearing between his brows. “Sweetheart, why didn't you let me know you needed me? I would have been here as fast as possible.” You sagged against him, using his large frame as your personal pillow. “Because I didn't want to worry you, and your mission was important…”  “You're important,” he said disapprovingly.  “I know,” you promise. "But your mission was so short.” He gave you an unimpressed look. “I was gone four days.”  You sagged against him further, no longer supporting your weight. Bucky sighed as snores came from you. He hated that you didn't sleep while he was away. Both of you suffered from nightmares. The only solution that kept them away was when the two of you slept beside each other. He knew your nightmares, just as you knew his. He slowly stood up, cradling you against him. Going to the bed, he tucked you in. The small whimper that left you as he moved around the bed made his heart clinch. Even asleep you were reaching out for him. He laid down, pulling your malleable body into his hold. His heart always soared when you were tired, loving how touchy you became. Usually you would wait for him to initiate physical touches, but when you were asleep? All you wanted to do was touch him. The first time he discovered this made his heart melt. Sleeping was when you were most vulnerable, and all you wanted when sleeping was him. The trust you had in him to protect you while slept was the best feeling possible to him.
Loki Laufeyson
Loki's adoration of you grew daily. You were self assured and confident, easily seeming like an immovable force. And you were, but Loki got to see what you were like behind closed doors. Loki witnessed you when the bravado was washed away. Witnessed how dedicated you were to the people in your life. He was lucky enough to be one of those people.  Loki's favorite time was the evening. Getting to relax with you after a long day was perfection to him. Being around you energized him from the tiring tasks of the day. Learning your quirks was an added bonus of spending evenings together.  His favorite was when you were tired. He was used to falling asleep in each other's arms, but what he didn't expect was your nightly request that he speak. Anything from tales of Asgard to having him ramble about seemingly nothing. Each night he looked forward to lulling you to sleep with his stories. He learned, slowly, that his voice was what allowed you to sleep peacefully. Some nights, when your breathing was evened out, he'd stop talking. It was these nights you would hold onto him tighter, angling your body as if you were trying to shield him from something. He would stroke your hair and begin talking again, and you would relax against him. Instead of your hands clinging to his shirt, they would lay flat against his chest.  He loved the way you would ask him to tell you something. Your eyes would flutter shut, but then you were jerking awake again as if you wanted to avoid sleeping for as long as possible. You would finally give in, resting your forehead against his.  “Tell me something,” you'd whisper. “What would you like to hear?” He'd brush your hair away from your eyes. It became a game for him, guessing what your reply would be. If you'd want him to finish a story you fell asleep in the midst of, or to start a new story. Maybe you would want to hear about his thoughts on a book, or request he talk about anything. It didn't matter to him, just as long as you were relaxed. Clinging onto his words more than consciousness was a gift you weren't even aware you were giving him. He relished these moments, committing them to his memory.
©heyitsme1040 If you find this post on any platform under a username different than heyitsme1040 it is not their work.
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ironspidersblog · 24 days
I’m not a writer but I have this one Tony and Steve argument playing in my head on repeat
Steve: Howard stark was a good man. I’m tired of hearing you talk so poorly about him.
Tony: he was good to YOU. You were americas golden boy, fuck you were his golden boy, and me? How could I compare
Nat: Tony-
Tony: he probably thought maybe he could beat the hero into me, but here I am, just a guy in a suit. Right?
Steve: Tony- I didn’t know
Tony: no one knows. That’s the fucking point
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itsmrvlxh50 · 10 months
The chokehold 2012 Avengers tower fanfiction has on me is insane
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frogdottir · 2 years
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hainethehero · 6 months
So I made the mistake of stumbling onto the NOT STEVE ROGERS FRIENDLY tag today and..
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You have to be a special type of delusional to be this obsessed with a character you don't like!??
Over 2k fics have the tag and are almost entirely Tony Stark-centered fics. I'm assuming these are the "fans" who totally buy into the MCU canon and don't know any other Captain America lore outside of what Feige and Whedon have done. Or, they're the "fans" who refuse to understand the politics behind Steve's character and how he was inherently undermined throughout the entire ten years of the MCU by the directors and writers for most of the films.
Because the arguments in most of these fics for being "not Steve rogers friendly" are really surface level shit like:
1) "Steve refused to sign the Accords and broke up the Avengers" (he was right & he didn't break them up, an overemotional Tony did when he refused to listen to Bucky's side of the story).
2) Steve fought Tony and almost killed him (yeah, like Tony didn't blast Bucky's arm off and shoot his repulsor rays directly at Steve).
3)Steve is homophobic (y'all are just making up reasons to hate this man atp)
4)Steve is racist (Steve hated racists & you'd know that if you read the comics, or you guys are just that deluded that you're making Steve racist & trying to project it as canon and therefore a "reasonable" explanation as to why you hate him)
5)Blaming Steve for Rhodey's accident (WHICH WAS TEAM TONY'S FAULT!)
6)YALL, THEY MADE STEVE THE BAD GUY IN A BROCK RUMLOW/BUCKY FIC! I stg I cannot make this shit up💀 Steve's bad for wanting Bucky to be Bucky again, but somehow Brock's the good guy for wanting Bucky to be the Soldier...
Steve left Bucky for Peggy (we'll get to this soon)
There's a hundred more irrational reasons for the Steve Rogers hate, but let me get to the WORST part.
And I'm sorry, no. I don't accept that you love Bucky Barnes but hate the one person he loves the most in the world.
They argued in a couple fics that "Bucky also went rogue after Siberia but he didn't want to associate with Steve, Nat & the rest of the team- WHO HELPED RESCUE BUCKY & EVENTUALLY EXONERATE HIM- but rather, he went off on his own & eventually Tony finds him, they hash it out and become friends to lovers."
Helppp???? Wdym Bucky isn't gonna stick with the one man he's been keeping diaries about to try and get back his memories? But he'll go to the one guy that re-traumatized him by blowing out his arm again?
Not only that, but Bucky absolutely hates Steve in some of these fics and the reason will be, "he left Bucky to go back to Peggy." Like, you cannot be a serious fan if you're still going with the Endgame canon. For a majority of us, we recognize Endgame as being nothing but terrible writing and mischaracterizations. Why are yall not analyzing and interpreting media critically? The MCU has never been on Steve's side and have always diminished his character in an attempt to make Tony the ultimate hero of the OG 6. Don't yall know the discourse? It's embarrassing atp.
And this is my stance on the entire thing: there's nothing wrong with writing fics about characters you don't necessarily like or aren't interested in. It's OKAY if you don't like Steve Rogers- but you've gotta be rational about him, instead of hateful. Most, if not all of these "anti-steve" fics are written in bad faith. Bad understanding of the character and pure, shameless mischaracterizations which just makes these types of fics fickle and weak- hilarious to read though cos that Brock one had me deadddd😭💀.
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vvinirl · 3 months
tony. s
warnings: grinding, fingering, oral (fem reviving and male), pet names, backshots, squirting, degradation, praising, overstim, maybe more
if you see any grammar errors you didn’t 🤗
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you were watching tv in your apartment with some ice cream, enjoying the night and a little time to yourself as you got a call. you picked up your phone and looked at the caller id. tony stark
you paused your movie and answered the phone, bringing it up to your ear as you spoke, “hello, mr stark?”
“i need you” was all he said as he hanged up. you looked at your phone with your eyebrows raised in confusion and concern. “did he really just hang up on me” you said to yourself but you turned off your tv as you got up and out the ice cream away. you knew you had to go see what he wanted because you weren’t really in the mood to loose your job tonight and plus it wasn’t something weird for tony to do
he has called you before out of nowhere, claiming he needed you but it was just for something like watching tv with him because he didn’t want to be alone or, him calling you because he wanted you to see his new suit he made or the latest invention he made
when you made your way over to his house, you put in the code as the door opened and you entered. the lights were off so you called for jarvis to turn them on. “jarvis turn all lights on”
when the lights turned on you mouth opened slightly because the place looked a mess, there was broken glass and vases shattered, paintings that fell off the wall, and also holes in some walls
“jarvis where is mr stark” you asked. “he is in his room miss y/l/n”
you thanked jarvis as you made your way to tony’s room. the door was already opened so you stepped in and turned on the lights
“mr stark?” you called out to him. he was still in his iron man suit but he didn’t look up at you. “are you okay mr stark?” you asked as you stepped closer to him. he stood up and the mask on the suit opened as he greeted you with a smile
“hey y/n” he said as he laughed and wobbled slightly.
"are you drunk?" you asked like a concerned mother. "no y/n i'm not drunk" he says rolling his eyes. you looked over at his nightstand to see a half opened whiskey bottle. "then what's that bottle doing over there?" you say placing your hands on your hips.
“i didn’t drink it, i only took a tiny little sip” he said and you hummed. “are you sure?” you asked him again. “yes i’m sure, i’m perfectly fine”
you looked at him suspiciously, “you better be, you have a meeting tomorrow at the office”
“honestly y/n i don’t really care about those meetings, everyone can go fuck themselves” tony said as he sat back down on his bed. you sat down next to him and looked at him, “is everything okay tony? i saw what happened on the news today” you say, referring to the fight with the avengers and those hydra super soldiers
“we were so close to defeating them y/n but i missed everything up and they got away” tony said as he put his face in his hands
“why do you even care” he said bitterly as he looked the other way, avoiding your gaze
“i care because you’re my boss and i also need to look out for you because you’re my friend too, if you even consider us that..”
“i don’t need your help, i can take care of myself perfectly fine” he said back to you. “is that why you’re all beaten up and you’re sitting here sulking in this dark room” you replied back to him.
“i don’t even know why i called you here, you can leave”
“really? you want me to leave?” you asked as you raised a brow at him. “yes i want you to leave” he repeated, finally looking at you
“okay i’ll go, but don’t call back and expect me to answer” you said as you got up and made your way to the door.
you were about to leave but stopped after tony call out to you “wait, i’m sorry y/n i didn’t mean that, don’t go please”
you smiled to yourself a little and turned back around to him. “see, you need me”
“don’t get too cocky now miss y/l/n” tony smirked out you. “yeah yeah, let’s get you out of this suit and patched up” you said as tony stood up and his suit opened, he stepped out as you took in his appearance. “you look like shit” you laughed a little a him, “they got you good huh”
“you should see the other guys” he smirked at you as his suit closed up and walked out the room. “that thing is still so creepy” you said and tony rolled his eyes, “that’s my child you’re talking about there”
“still creepy. let’s go get you fixed up”, you said as you went into his bathroom to grab the first aid kit while tony sat on the edge of his bed
when you went in the bathroom it was huge, it was about twice the size of your bathroom, with a black and white marble countertop, a bath tube in one corner of the room and a clear shower in the other. there was also towels hanging up on racks and mirrors that were clearer than your future. you found the first aid kit and went back inside the room
tony sat on the edge of his queen size bed with black sheets as you kneeled between his legs. "can you take off your shirt" you say trying not make eye contact with him. tony looked at you with his eyebrows raised and smirked at you. "please" you added so he would comply
he took his shirt off as you stared at his “heart”, the blue glow of it shining in front of your face. you took out some cotton and rubbing alcohol to put on his wounds. you grabbed his knuckles and held them in your hands as you cleaned them up, he would hissed a little as the alcohol hit his skin
you then moved up to his face and grabbed a cloth and wet it with the bowl of water that was next to you to clean his face. when you were done with his face, you moved down to his stomach and started putting pressure on the bruises. you grabbed his torso with your other hand to keep him steady because he was moving a lot from the pain
"i'm sorry, i'll be done soon" you apologized trying to make it hurt less as much as you could. "it's fine, im fine y/n” he grunted as he grabbed your hand that was on his torso and threw his back from the pain. when you were done, you got up and put the first aid kit away and the other things. you went back into room and saw tony laying back on the bed breathing heavily
“mr stark are you okay, is there anything else i could help with?” you said as you made your way over to him and sat next to him on the bed. “you could stop calling me mr stark, it’s too formal” tony said as he tilted his head to look at you
“well okay then tony, do you need help with anything else?” you asked him again, using his name this time. “maybe.. a blow job” tony said as he give you a innocent little smile
your jaw drop as you stared at him in disbelief, “tony that’s not funny”
“but who said i was joking y/n” tony continued to look at you as you felt your face heating up a little. “i’m gonna act like you didn’t just say that” you looked away from him as you felt him run a hand up your shoulders, caressing your shoulder blades with his thumb
tony sat up as he moved closer to you, hand still on your shoulder he said, “i really could use your help with something y/n”
“and what could that be tony” you said as you turned your head to look at him, both of your faces very close together. you can feel his breath on his face as his facial hair grazes your face
he leans in slowly as his lips graze yours, “we can’t tony” you say as you lean back a little. “why not, why can’t we” he whispered against your lips
“because it wouldn’t be very professional” you said to him as he groans, “says who, who get gets to make that decision?” tony said to you, “i’m the boss aren’t i?”
“yes, you are..” you whispered back to him. it’s not like you didn’t want it either, you just weren’t sure because it’s unprofessional to be sleeping with your boss and what if you loose your job too. so many things to think about but what if you just let loose for a little while
he kisses you slowly and you were surprised but gave into the kiss. you put your arms around his neck as you deepen the kiss and he slides his tongue into your mouth as both your tongues fight for dominance. he grabs your thighs and lifts you up as you wrap both of your legs around his hips, straddling him on the bed
his hands move under your shirt as he runs his fingers along your sides, across your stomach, touching you all over. you start to move your hips against his, grinding down on him. “needy already huh?” tony said in between kisses
all you could do was moan in response to him as he placed his hands on your ass, moving you and helping you to grind against his clothed dick. the friction felt so could, you could cum easily right now
his hands tightened on your ass as he grinds you faster and harder against him as he bit down onto your lips, earning a moan from him. before you could think about anything else you came into your panties as your grip around his neck tightened, one of your hand going up to his hair and griped it tightly
“fuck y/n i haven’t even fucked you yet and you’re already coming in your panties, that’s so pathetic even for you” tony said against your lip and all you could do was sigh against his lips heavily
he begin to unzip your jeans and then took your shirt off. “come on, lay down for me baby” tony said as he picked you up and laid you down on the bed, he moved to your jeans and slid them off. after discarding your clothes he took his off too and climbed back over you. “let’s see how fast i can make you come again” tony smirked at you as he slid your panties off
he moved his head down to your heat as he kissed your pussy, tasting your juices from when you came while grinding on his lap
he licked a long line up your slit while looking at you. he latched onto your clit and started sucking as you let out a moan due to the pleasure and the way he was swirling his tongue around your clit while sucking on it
he started eating you out as he continued to lick your folds and then inserting his tongue inside you, fucking you with his tongue. “oh fuck tony, right there~” you moaned his name as you bucked your hips forward, slightly grinding your pussy on his face
he groaned into your pussy as he slides his tongue in and out of you, the feeling of his tongue inside you made him harder and harder by the second
you were about to come again as you felt that warm feeling in your stomach return, “i-i’m gonna come tony~” you said through breathy moans as tony only responded with a hum into your cunt
your back arched off the bed as your thighs tightened around his head, squeezing his head as you squirted all over his tongue and in his mouth as it dripped down his chin and the bed
“you’re such a messy fucking little slut, didn’t know you had this side to you y/n” his head tilted to the side in surprise as he give you a small smirk
“now i really wanna see how hard you can come again but on my dick”
tony rammed into your pussy repeatedly, his hands gripped your hips tightly as he hits your g-spot over and over, pulling moans and whines from you as he groaned and cussed under his breath
“you’re so fucking tight, squeezing me so good” he said, landing a slap on your ass as you gasped but it turned into a whimpered as he rubbed the area he slapped
“you’re such a whore for fucking your boss, what would happen if people were to find out hm?” he said as he began going faster and faster, his pace not slowing down. all you could do was moan into the pillow as your back arched and grind back to meet his hips
“you’re so fucking needy, taking me so well like a good girl” tony said as he picked you up and your back met with his chest as he begin to rub your clit, earning a whimper from you. he kissed your jaw then your neck as he bit it
“so warm, this pretty pussy is taking my cock so well”
he rubbed your clit faster as he left bites and hickeys on your neck. “fuck i-im gonna come tony~”
“good, will you be a good girl and come on my dick for me baby?” he said into your ear as he nibbled on your earlobe
“mhm” you let out a moan. “come on speak up, i wanna hear you say it”
“yeah i wanna come for you tony!”
“atta girl, you’re doing so good” tony said as he hit that spot inside of you again and you’re already squirting on his cock, you legs shake as you tried to keep yourself up
tony held you against him as he kept fucking you, not stopping. you were starting to feel that feeling again, you knew you were about to come again
“t-tony it’s too much” you said as you bit down on your lip, already feeling overwhelmed and over stimulated
“i know baby but im close, you’re taking me so good, i can’t stop” he said into the crook of your neck as he kept rubbing your clit
“fuck~” you cussed as you came all over again, falling back onto the bed as your legs shook. tony groaned behind you as he pulled out of you
“come on, suck my cock for me baby, wanna see that pretty mouth wrapped around me”
he gripped the back of your head as he shoved his dick in and out of your mouth, hitting the back of your throat every time was you groaned and gagged around his length
“fuck y/n, just like that” he hissed and threw his head back
you slurped and choked on his dick as your saliva drip down your chin, some dripping down his length and his balls
“just like that, you’re doing so good” tony said as he felt himself about to come
a few more thrust into your mouth and he let out a groan as he came down your throat, still thrusting into your mouth to ride out his high
“fuck that was so amazing y/n” tony said as he leaned down and kissed you slowly, tasting himself on your lips as you moaned into his mouth
“we both gotta get cleaned up now” you said to him as you smiled against his lips
“sure, i wouldn’t mind going another round in the shower” tony replied back as he picked you up bridal style, taking you to his bathroom
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