#yes of course i made invites for my 30th
decaflondonfog · 5 months
day 30/30 of 30 microfics in 30 days
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kandreil because i didn’t get to write them together throughout the thirty days before now. a 50 word reminder to self that i can write a microfic whenever i want 🥰 because they’re fun 🥰 and i like them 🥰
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bluefiresstuff · 1 year
How would the dorm leaders act when a child is in the ceremony with a weasel?!
But now that we look at that kid they look so ...dull there is no light in there eyes they don't laugh or smile like other kids they don't want to play or cause chaos.....just what is wrong with this kid
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Okay why in the name of queen of hearts is there child in the ceremony?!!
Oh but not only a child but als a talking cat not any cat no a rulebreaker too!
To be quite honest about this i don't think he noticed your weird personality at first i mean this guy was 'taught' by his mother manners so he thought that kid was the same which was good in his thinking that they aren't a rulebreaker
But boy was he wrong
you didn't just make a mont blanc cake and bring to the unbirthday party but you told him he was wrong (with a very blank face that made heartslabyul wonder your sanity)
After the overblot incident did he realize that yes this kid is traumatized for a reason
He becomes much quieter around trying to not scare you and always invites you to unbirthday parties
He knows that you must have lived a hard childhood and he is trying to make the rest of it happier for you
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Hmm it seems that crowley had completely lost it....
A child and a talking weasel what else you gonna bring an elephant
At the ceremony he carried you and took you to corner he said nothing but every now and then he would yawn( leona may not like children but he stand and watch kids getting hurt physically or mentally and i won't take criticism for it)
At the beginning leona thought you were just one of those rare that are quiet oh how he wish cheka was like that he is lying
But then you officially met and stepped on his tail wish angered him he originally was going to scare so you would run but he saw how you looked at him with those....empty eyes there wasn't fear but leona thought that there wasn't any emotion in them anyway
After his overblot he noticed how you would stare at his ears and your hands would twitch
"Oi herbivore why are you staring"
"...come over here"
No one knows but he let's you pet him and if you're sleepy he will cuddle you like a mama lion protecting it's cub and if anyone is making so much as a whisper while you're sleeping they will find leona glaring at them
You are his sleeping partner(platonicly)
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Well this...quiet uh interesting?
A child and a raccoon? Cat? Weasel? Whatever this is it is not normal
At first like leona he thought you were a quiet kid and didn't think much about it
But then the anemo incident happened he was a little to find you the 30th place but he brushed of as an intelligent kid
But then you wanted to free your friends did he then take a good look at you and your very very....empty eyes they looked like a void and did he feel guilty for tricking a kid?yes.but does that make him want you to win? of course not
He did feel bad when he heard the eels saying you accidentally hurt yourself but not bad enough to let you win
Now when i say your plan surprised azul i mean he was shocked i mean it's not everyday you meet a kid that can make a plan as good as this!!
After his overblot he started to treat you better than before still shady but won't use it on you
You didn't hear me say this but when you visit monstrou lounge he ALWAYS gives you a table beside the aquarium why?because scientist said that beautiful views can make a child's trauma lessen and he also give you 50% of
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Aww look at that cute kid they reminde me of my siblings!!
Congrats the moment kalim saw you he took you as a sibling
In the ceremony when leona agreed on giving kalim the kid (which leaona didn't want to do but he wont admit it) he talked to them about half of his life he talked about his siblings he talked about his parents he talked about the parties he made before and he talked about his bestfriend jamil
Let's be honest he wouldn't even notice your weird behavior being to caught up with telling you everything he knows
He would invite you to every party he made much to grim's delight he would notice you sitting on the cushion in the corner and talk to you and tell you to try jamil's food
After the overblot nothing really changed he was already treating you kindly and he would continue to do so
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Okay after vil saw the child his 'respect' to crowley decreased
What the hell does he wants them to catch the weasel like hello he is wearing heels he did his nails, makeup and hair perfectly he isn't going to ruin them or his reputation for this
Okay tell me that when vil realize that leona is holding the kid he won't tease him we all know he would but if he is honest leona earned a little bit of his respect when he was protecting the kid
Vil notices a lot of things about other people easily so he noticed that this kid isn't like the others and how there eyes looks like the void i mean he likes how the quiet you are and how you do what you are told but he knows something isn't right
When VDC began and how crowley MADE you let them live at your dorm and make you their manger let's say that whatever was left of his 'respect' to crowley disappeared like this a kid it is bad enough the way you treat and the place you make them live at
After the overblot vil way towards you didn't change much but he was a little different cause before he was like nice to you now though he spoils you like spoils you rotten oh you like this plush? it's yours you like this brand of chocolate? he gives you a container full of it and when it's done he will give you more
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Okay legitimately this guy saw you and was like 'hm? who brought this chibi with them'
when he finally believed you aren't a chibi he then he realized how messed up this was for a kid to be thrown between people to whisper about how magicless student is here much less a child
Okay honestly you will first ever meet him at S.T.Y.X cause he is 24/7 in his room and when you do meet her didn't notice anything weird about you cause you were mad he kidnapped your freinds he may have noticed your eyes not sure
When you told him you wanted grim he laughed so hard cause you were pouting cutely while saying it he couldn't take you seriously it took rook glaring at him and saying that 'trickster wants to meet their adorable feliene nothing is wrong with that monsieur' you know with that terrifying smile
After the overblot i guess he started to see you as a little sibling cause you looked dull he wanted to lighten your mood a little so he would invite you to gaming nights and anime nights in hopes of seeing your smile
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Okay he wasn't at the ceremony cause he wasn't um you know and lilia wanted to lighten his mood so he told him about you which piqued his interest
Now the first time you met was at ramshackle he saw a kid on the ground and remembered the kid lilia told him about he thought of disappearing so he doesn't scare you but then he took a good look at you boy was he surprised that kid looks lifeless
"Um hi"
"..hello child of man"
"Um who are you?"
He was surprised that someone doesn't know about him to say the least and what surprised him most that you weren't scared even if you don't know malleus has this aura that makes whoever is infort of him on the verge of tears
You two clicked so good together you both were calm and every once in a while made a small conversation and malleuse really adored you and thought about asking lilia to adopt you so you can officially be siblings
"Lilia adopt the child of man"
"Huh-malleus i can't adopt any one like that"
"But you adopted silver and sebek when you found them"
"It was malleus.."
"Oh a shame.."
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Day 31 — Trick or Treat
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Pairing || Dilf!Neighbour!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 1500
Contents & Warnings || Fluff — implied infidelity (nothing major, just flirting)
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Flufftober Masterlist
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October 30th
The big Halloween party you were supposed to go to with your friends was cancelled the day before, and you were pretty much all devastated.
Since they were desperate for a night of partying on Halloween Eve, they were willing to travel 2 hours away to a party that would be even greater than the one you were initially going to. Although you were also keen on some fun, you weren't sure if you were up for travelling that far. You told them that you would let them know the day of if you were down to go.
That was until a few hours later; you bumped into your hot next-door neighbour Bucky in your driveway. You got into talking, and when he asked you about your plans for Halloween, you explained your conflicted situation.
With a shy and beautiful smile, he welcomed you to come along with him and his two kids for trick or treating since his wife was away for a few days. Your heart warmed when he told you that the kids had wanted you to come and that he would very much be thrilled as well if you tagged along.
You immediately said yes. Maybe a little too enthusiastically, which made Bucky chuckle sweetly at you for accepting his invitation.
“Um, it's a date then,” he chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Y-yeah, it's a date,” you confirmed as your heart pumped in excitement that you would spend tomorrow evening with him and, of course, his adorable kids, who you'd grown so fond of.
October 31st
You checked out your vampire costume in the mirror, ensuring every detail was in perfect place. It was sexy yet classy—revealing, but not anything significant that screamed “slut”, and it was more than appropriate enough for the evening. Satisfied with how it all came together, you went to the house next door.
You took a few deep breaths to compose yourself and calm your excited heart before you rang the doorbell. After a couple of seconds of waiting, bouncing nervously on your feet, the most dashing count opened the door for you. He was also a vampire, and you weren't sure if you should feel awkward or excited that you matched perfectly together. You didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression and think you were a couple. Although you secretly hoped that it would come across that way.
“Oh wow! You look perfect! I-I mean, you look just, uh, that's a, that's a very good costume,” he fumbled with his words as he tried to keep it friendly.
“O-oh, thank you, Bucky,” you gave him a shy smile as you felt so giddy at his compliment, “you look good yourself. I-I just hope it's not awkward that we are matching,” you chuckled nervously.
“No, not at all. Actually, it's-”
He was cut off by two screaming little vampires running towards the entrance, calling your name in excitement.
“You're here! You're here!” They both squealed in unison as they jumped up and down in excitement before hugging each side of your body.
“Hey, you two! Oh, you guys look so scary.”
“We’re vampires as well! We wanted to be just like daddy!”
“I see that,” you giggled as you took in their adorable costumes.
“I tried to get them to go as something else, but they really wanted us to be a vampire trio,” Bucky explained as he had the most heartwarming smile on his face as he watched his kids interact with you.
“And now you're part of that family too!” The oldest exclaimed.
“Um,” you took a quick peek at Bucky through your lashes and saw him displaying a shy grin while his face went practically red he must have liked the sound of that, “well, I-I guess I am for the night.”
The kids were becoming incredibly impatient now and were ready to go out and trick or treat. With their pumpkin buckets in hand, they each grabbed one of you and pulled you along while barely able to contain their excitement at all the candy they would collect and consume tonight.
The streets were packed with people of all ages, families with young children dressed up in the cutest outfits, and teenagers as well, who tried to score candy but failed miserably.
You, Bucky and his kids walked up and down the Halloween-decorated streets, both in your own neighbourhood and a little beyond, going from door to door and collecting treats from each house. A few houses were kind enough to give yourself and Bucky a small treat as well, which none of you could pass up on.
It was a delightful evening, and you had no regrets that you decided to spend time with your lovely neighbours instead of getting piss-drunk miles away with your friends at some dumb party you wouldn't even remember after. No, this gave you the time and excuse to hang with the man you were crushing on and his two kids you'd grown so fond of, and it seemed like they were ecstatic as well that you joined along.
Once you were nearing the last few houses, the buckets were filled almost to the brim with nothing but sugar. But the kids begged “just one more house” for the past five visits now, and since they had been on such good behaviour tonight, Bucky allowed them a few more extra houses before it was time to head home.
They walked up to the front door of the last house with their heavy buckets held in front while you and Bucky stayed a little bit behind, having a pleasant chat. With big smiles on their faces, they rang the doorbell. After a couple of seconds, the door opened, and they excitedly blared, “TRICK OR TREAT!”
“Oh, my, don't you two kids look so lovely in your little costumes,” the elderly woman declared as she gave each of them a sizeable candy bar. Bucky's kids were well-mannered and said a nice big thank you before saying their goodbyes.
As you were about to leave, the lady directed herself to you and Bucky.
“What precious kids you have. And what a wonderful couple you are,” she giggled sweetly.
Your eyes went wide at the woman's words, and you sensed a hint of sweet awkwardness surging between you and Bucky at that moment. You kind of just stood there, not really sure how to react or say as you became flustered and your cheeks heated up. Bucky chuckled awkwardly and scratched his neck. To your surprise, he innocently thanked her instead of explaining the situation, which left you pleasantly surprised.
On your way home, the kids took up most of the talking, luckily, as they were both so ecstatic about all the candy they were going to eat.
Once you were back at their house, you all found your seats at the kitchen table. All the candy was dumped in the middle, and the kids were graceful enough to let you and Bucky eat some of theirs. You all munched on the chocolates and sweets as they shared silly and fun Halloween stories.
All was pleasant and fun now and not awkward at all between you and Bucky, as your primary focus was on them. That was until the kids decided to leave you and go play off the overload of sugar, leaving you and Bucky on your own with a mountain of candy.
“So,” Bucky was the first one to start talking after they left, “um, a-about what happened earlier,” he fumbled with his words as he fiddled with a candy wrapper, “I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I should have just-”
“Bucky,” you cut him off with a sweet chuckle, “it's ok. Don't worry about it.”
You didn't want any uncomfortable tension between you and him. He made a mistake right?, and he was most likely just tired after walking so much that he probably didn't mean what he said. He just wanted to get going and go home. There was no point in bringing up what happened when nothing was going on between the two of you. He was a married man, for god sake, and it was stupid of you to even fantasise or wish for anything more than just being neighbours and possibly friends.
“I had fun tonight, Bucky. I really enjoyed spending time with you and your kids.” You gave him a warm and genuine smile as you tried to change the topic to something more delightful.
He blushed a soft pink as he nodded his head while looking down at his hands. “I-I did too, and I know they did as well.” He smiled as he met your eyes, and you stared at each other for a moment; no awkwardness between you now.
A part of him looked relieved that you didn't pursue the situation further, but you also sensed that a part of him had more to say, but he held his tongue.
You simultaneously picked up another candy and ate it slowly while you both held big grins on your faces.
“Oh!” Bucky exclaimed, like he had forgotten something. “I forgot to say, happy Halloween.”
“Happy Halloween, Bucky,” you softly chuckled.
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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In between worlds Chapter 2
The next morning, Sultana awoke from the sound of her door chatting with someone on the other side. She heard an undoubtedly male voice say something, and the door cheerfully replied:„Oh yes, of course, I will let her know as soon as she wakes up!~“
The visitor left, and Sultana got up, brushed her hair and got dressed. Remembering Katakuri‘s advice from the previous day, she chose a more casual dress that didn‘t require a corset, and allowed for a lot more movement than most of her wardrobe.
Upon leaving her room, she turned around and greeted the door with a friendly „Good Morning!“
„Good morning, Your Highness“, it replied politely. „A few of the dear lords were already here to invite you to spend time with them. Lord Cracker asked if you would like to join him on a walk through the Forest of Illusions this morning. Before dinner, Lord Perospero would like to give you a tour of the castle grounds. And Lord Katakuri wishes for you to join him on a stroll through town in the evening.“
„Ah, I see. I will give them my answers during breakfast, then.“
„As you wish, Your Highness.“
Breakfast was almost the same as the tea pearty. With the exception of the members of the family that were already married or too young for marriage and therefore not involved with her visit, the whole family was gathered around the massive table and enjoyed their food.
Perospero was the first person to actually talk to Sultana:„The homie guarding your room relayed my request to you, I trust?“
„Yes, Lord Perospero, and I would gladly have you show me the area.“
He leaned back. „I am looking forward to it.“
Now the man that had to be Cracker leaned forward. „What about me, Princess?“
„A walk through the forest after breakfast sounds delightful, so yes, I also accept your invitation.“ She looked up at Katakuri:„As for your invitation, Lord Katakuri, I would also love to go on a walk with you.“
Katakuri barely reacted to that; only giving her the barest hint of a nod, which confused her.
If he doesn‘t really care, she thought, then why bother inviting me?
She bit her tongue to stop herself from pointing out his rudeness. Now was not the time to pick a fight, especially with him. If the adoring looks the other siblings gave him were any indication, disrespecting Katakuri would not end well for her.
For the remainder of the meal, she chatted with Big Mom and Perospero, who seemed to be the only people actually interested in talking to her. She tried to engage Daifuku Oven and Katakuri in their conversation, sine they were the only ones sitting close enough for her to talk to without yelling, but all she got were a bunch of one word answers, so she gave up after a while.
After breakfast, Cracker approached her.
„Ready to go, Your Highness?“
„Certainly, Your Lordship“, Sultana replied politely, which made Cracker chuckle.
She got nervous. „Have I done something funny, Lord Cracker?“
„Nah, it‘s just… You sound so much older than you are. Like an old woman, despite being.. what, twenty years old?“
„Actually, my 30th birthday will be in a few months.“
„Woah, no way. You look much younger than that!“
Sultana chuckled. „Such is the lot of the people of Evergreen Island. We seem to be forever young until the day when we are suddenly old.“
While they talked, they calmly walked towards the forest.
Since her usual manner of speaking seemed so strange to everyone around her, Sultana tried to emulate Cracker‘s casual tone when she asked:„So why is this called the Forest of Illusions anyway?“
„You‘ll see.“ Cracker stopped and offered her his hand. „Here, hold onto me so you won‘t get lost.“
For a moment, Sultana looked at the hand like she feared it would suddenly grow teeth. On Evergreen Island, physical contact, no matter how casual or platonic, between unmarried people who were not related to each other was frowned upon.
„Of course, if you‘re not comfortable with that, I could also put a leash on you to keep you from getting lost.“ His tone made it perfectly clear that he was joking, but Sultana still felt her face heat up with embarrassment.
„Cracker, behave yourself. Don‘t you see that you are making the Princess uncomfortable?“ Katakuri, who had appearantly followed them, shot his brother a strict look. „The country she is from is a very traditional one, so it is normal for her to avoid physical contact like that.“
Part of Sultana was relieved, another slightly irritated why in the name of all that was holy did this man seem to protect her one moment and then completely ignore her the next?
Cracker was quiet for a moment, just looking at his brother a little annoyed. „Good to know, Katakuri. I will keep that in mind. Well then, Princess, shall we be off?“
Amusingly, he now tried to copy Sultana‘s polite way of speaking, causing her to giggle.
„Now that sounds weird coming from you.“
The Forest of Illusions was as peaceful as any forest Sultana knew, but the scents of plants and water and soil was replaced with a sugary sweet smell. The sound of rustling leaves filled the air, and it almost sounded like the trees were whispering to each other. After a while, she realized that the rustling was indeed mixed with whispering.
„Lor- I mean, Cracker? Am I going insane, or are the trees… talking?“
„What, you‘ve seen talking doors on this island, but talking trees make you question your sanity? Hold on.“ He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted:„Attention all homies! The woman next to me is Princess Sultana of Evergreen. Come here and greet her properly!“
The trees started moving, eyes, noses and mouths appearing on their trunks, and they crowded around them.
Cracker grinned. „The tree homies are the secret of this forest.“
„Oh I see! So when an intruder enters the forest, the homies change position so they lose their way. Fascinating.“
„That‘s why I wanted you to hold onto me. To make absolutely sure that the homies don‘t mistake you for an intruder. I occasionally lure those into the forest. Helps me dispose of them without getting my hands dirty.“
„I see“, Sultana replied still awed at the sight of the trees.
„I‘m sorry, by the way, for earlier. Didn‘t mean to scare you. If I ever do something you don‘t like again, lemme know.“
Sultana smiled, feeling a lot more at ease now. „Thank you for understanding.“
„Hey even if I don‘t end up marrying you, you‘ll still be my sister-in-law. You‘ll be family either way. And I don‘t want to make that harder for you than it needs to be.“
They continued on their path until Cracker spoke once again:„Oh and another thing. We might run into my sister Brûlée on our walk; she‘s the guardian of this forest and commands the tree-homies.“
„Ah, I remember her from the teaparty. The woman with the scar on her face, right?“
„Yyyeah… but you better not mention that in her presence. Or ask her about it. In fact, pretend the scar doesn‘t exist when talking to her.“
„Of course, anything else would be rude.“
After a few more minutes of walking and smalltalk, the shadow of a tall, thin woman emerged from inbetween the trees. Brûlée stepped onto the path and turned to Cracker and Sultana with a wide grin that barely hid the contempt in her eyes. „Brother Cracker, so nice to see you.“ Her grin faded a little as she looked at Sultana. „Princess.“
„It is nice to see you, Lady Brûlée“, Sultana greeted her and sank into a deep curtsy.
„Keep your fake pleasantries to yourself, girl. Don‘t think that I can‘t see through you! Look at you, walking around my forest like you own the place!“
„Brûlée, that‘s enough“, Cracker cut in but Sultana stopped him.
„If your sister has something to say, I would like to hear it, Lord Cracker.“ Then she turned to Brûlée again. „Lady Brûlée, if there is anything I did to anger you, please tell me, so I can apologize.“
„What you did? You are here, flaunting your pretty face and expecting all of my brothers to worship the ground you walk on! In reality, you are nothing more than the child of a numbskull king who thinks that he can leech off of Mama‘s success by selling off his inbred spawn, as if-“
„Brûlée!“ Cracker interrupted, now visibly agitated. „Enough.“
Brûlée went quiet, still glaring at Sultana, who folded her hands in front of her stomach hoping it would help her trembling under control. „I… I‘m sorry that you feel this way. I cannot say anything about my father‘s intentions; he does not share those with me. But I never intended to seem arrogant.“
Another moment of silence, then… „Get her out of my forest, Cracker. Now.“
Cracker lightly touched Sultana‘s upper arm. „Come, I‘ll escort you back to your room. Dinner should be served soon, and you might need a moment to calm down before that.“
Sultana nodded, still shaking, and followed him.
Katakuri was sitting at the entrance of the castle, reading the newspaper, and only looking up when he heard Cracker and Sultana approach him. „Cracker? What happened? The Princess is white as a sheet.“
Cracker began:„Brûlée-“ but Sultana cut him off.
„It was nothing.“ With that, she walked past Katakuri into the palace.
Cracker still accompanied her to her room. „So sorry. Brûlée is usually not quite this...“
„It‘s fine. I can handle this. See you at the dinnertable.“
She used the few minutes she had to spare before heading to the dining hall to splash some cold water on her face. Normally, Sultana was used to being insulted. Petty insults under the guise of sweettalk, malicious rumours and provocation were common tools for nobility to assert dominance. But nobody had ever been this blunt with her, and without political agenda. These things normally carried a note of „Nothing personal“. But this? What Brûlée had said was about as personal as it could get. Whatever had she done to Brûlée?
Dinner came and went without incident. Afterwards, Perospero sauntered over to her.
„Ready to go, Princess?“
„Of course.“ She followed him across the courtyard, carefully listening to him as he explained the purpose of each part of the palace.
„The kitchens are over at the east wing. We can go there later to grab a bite to eat.“
„Already? But dinner was less than an hour ago!“, Sultana exclaimed.
„You‘re not used to having snacks inbetween meals, are you?“
„Ah, no. My father insists I keep a very strict diet.“
„Well, once you‘re part of the family, that‘ll be the first thing to go. Your husband will make sure of that.“
„It doesn‘t sound like you believe that could be you“, she remarked.
He snorted amusedly. „You‘re adorable, Princess, but not quite my type.“
For a while, they walked in silence, only occasionally interrupted by remarks about the castle from Perospero.
After the openly amicable Cracker, Perospero‘s friendly, but fairly patronising attitude was a bit jarring.
At some point, they passed… a shrine? Made of mochi? Sultana was 100% certain that that hadn‘t been there earlier.
„Lord Perospero? What‘s this?“
Big Mom‘s eldest followed her gaze. „That? That‘s where Katakuri holds his Merienda. He has the power of the Mochi Mochi Fruit and can create these shrines whenever he feels he needs some privacy. You may have noticed that he hardly eats while at the table with us. He prefers eating alone. Don‘t go there; he doesn‘t like being interrupted.“
„Huh.“ That was… intriguing. „Understood.“
The constant social engagements were becoming quite tiresome. At home, Sultana usually insisted on taking an hour to herself every day to decompress so she would always be her very best self while in the company of people. She was so easily overwhelmed, and humans tended to do ill-advised things when overwhelmed and stressed. And thus she politely excused herself once her tour of the castle grounds had concluded and decided to take that hour before her evening walk with Katakuri were to begin. She freshened up once more and then just sat there staring at her reflection, reminding herself to keep her breathing steady. Whole Cake Island itself was… a lot, and Big Mom‘s children were even more. She was not used to dealing with so many eccentric characters, who cared so little about any kind of respectability. It was refreshing, yes, but also required her to act completely differently from how she was used to.
Barely twenty minutes into her alone-time, someone knocked at the door.
„Who is it?“, she mumbled to herself, irritated.
A male voice spoke to the door-homie, and the homie responded:„Oh, Lord Katakuri, you are quite early. I‘m not sure that the Princess is ready-“
She dragged herself over to the door and opened it. Back home, she would have rather jumped off a balcony than let anyone see her the way she looked currently; in a light dressing gown, with her hair undone and barefoot. So she only poked her head out the door.
„If you would be so kind as to give me five minutes so that I can get dressed“, she said.
„That sounds acceptable.“
Neither of them mentioned the social faux pas of him showing up so much too early.
She quickly threw on one of her simplest dresses and a pair of comfortable and sturdy shoes, before leaving the room again. „I‘m ready.“
Katakuri turned away and started walking, appearantly expecting her to just follow him. And she did.
It was vexing, really, how Katakuri seemed to one moment be the one most concerned for her comfort and completely ignore her the next. This walked at first seemed to fall into the latter category. He just marched forward through town, not even having the decency to slow down when he noticed that Sultana had trouble keeping up with him even while in a brisk jog. How was she supposed to get to know him when she was too out of breath to even speak?!
After a while, he stopped, in the middle of a lively town square, and lowered his hand, a hand so big that it could comfortably fit around her whole torso. „Let me carry you if you cannot keep up.“
„Hah… hah… huh?!“
„I realize that the way of life you have known thus far is very different from my family‘s. But you will soon live here, with us. And you will never be happy here if you do not learn our ways. You will only harm yourself in the long run if you insist on seeing yourself as a stranger here.“
She stared at his hand, pondering his words. It was… a lot. But other than Cracker, who was a bit too jovial for her taste, and Perospero, who had obviously been showing off, Katakuri‘s words felt… sincere. Him asking her, in his own way, to trust him. So she slowly approached his hand, letting him grab her and lift her into his arms like a parent would normally carry their toddler.
God he was so much bigger than her… but also warm. And, with a deep blush rising in her cheeks, she admitted to herself that he smelled nice, too. Like freshly baked pastries and sugary icing. The skin of his arm was soft, with firm muscles underneath. She felt safe; Katakuri didn‘t seem to be the type of person to play with her wellbeing.
While they walked, she tried to think of things to ask him. Maybe nothing too personal, they were in public after all.
„So… What‘s your favourite food?“, she suddenly blurted out.
„Donuts“, he replied plainly. „...and yours?“
„Fried cookie-dough balls“, she replied. „I haven‘t been able to eat them in years though. They‘re usually sold at fairs and festivals back home. When my mother was still alive, she and I would sometimes disguise ourselves as commoners and sneak out of the castle just so we could eat them.“
Katakuri didn‘t respond, appearantly realizing that he may have hit a sore spot. They finished their walk in peace, and he carried her all the way back to her room.
He lingered for the briefest of moments, before saying:„...I‘ll see you at the breakfast table tomorrow. Sleep well.“ and walking off.
Later that evening, there was a knock at the door.
„Princess! A delivery for you!~“, sang the door-homie.
„A delivery?“, she mumbled.
She opened the door and there stood a servant, with a plate of fried cookie dough balls in hand.
„With best wishes from Lord Katakuri!“, he declared proudly.
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taniteiro · 18 days
Being lonely is so isolating. You never leave your house, you never do anything fun... yeah you can do stuff alone but for how long? And then when you want to connect to people you have nothing to talk about. Tell me about yourself, they ask. What do I tell? I went out once this month to a restaurant? I went to bed at 10pm to quiet down my racing thoughts? This guy at work asked me out. I said no, of course bcs I'm gay. But even if I said yes what would I tell him about myself? My life is so boring... fuck! That was even the first time someone actually asked me out! And yesterday my neighbor celebrated her 30th birthday with a party. I was happy for her but you know how lonely that made me feel? I can't have a party for my 30th birthday next year bcs I have no one to invite. I wanna go camping by a lake in the summer but with whom? Sometimes the loneliness hurts so bad I can't bear it
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perksofbeingamaineiac · 5 months
January 3, 2024
I'm having a mental breakdown.
The trip we went on for New Years was fun. Of course, there were ups and downs. Braeden and I got into a few...I don't want to call the arguments, but arguments. The worst one was in the car with his brother and friend. I told him I didn't know where we were going and I thought he would stop, but he just kept going and thought I would have it figured out by the time he got to the main road, but I didn't. We both made assumptions. Our arguments don't last very long but I always get a little scared.
We were playing a game with his friend and his friend's girlfriend was giving her boyfriend shit about him taking his turn before she was done and I got in on it because it was annoying. Braeden got a little frustrated with me, it was my tone and I get that. I ended up bringing the friend a Beaver tail and apologizing. I just don't want people to see that we argue. It's also normal.
His sister made a comment about how sometimes, yes, he is mean to me, but also she has never seen him to comfortable with anyone else he has dated. I guess I am just scared that because his brother and friends have broken up with people for being too much like a dude and more of a friendship I am scared he will think of us the same at some point.
I am getting frustrated with my fitness. Last time this year I was jacked and proud of how my body looked. I worked so hard. I didn't have any other commitments though. Work was different.
I guess let's talk about work.
I am not even a little excited to go back. I have gotten texts and emails the last two days and I have tried to ignore them. I answered one text two days ago and a few emails today. I also had a proud moment on one email chain because something I usually control had issues but people knew where to go to get it resolved without having to contact me. Knowing I did my due diligence and that someone had the right tools, made me happy.
Is it bad to say I am happy no one from work reached out to me over the break?
Alessia came over on the 30th. She made some comments how I need to take me time and to do things with them because they want to see me. They still don't invite me anywhere though. Like being there in that moment with her wasn't enough. She didn't know I dove all the way to Toronto just for her. They wouldn't care. I know I am not perfect but also I don't know what more I can do to make them happy besides just be single for the rest of my life.
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seeutv · 1 year
Friday, December 30th, 2022.
I texted the boys on Tuesday telling them that if they wanted to invite anyone else, they could since I invited Cheikh. Anthony said that he he asked Marqus if he wanted to come and Marqus said yes. So come Friday everyone met up at the Nordstrom end of the mall. We waited for Cheikh and Marqus to pull up since they live the farthest and we expected them to be late even tho they’re the fast car guys blah blah. Everyone daps each other up and what not as I introduced them to Cheikh. Marqus and I gave each other sorta secretive looks before he walked over to give me a hug. Cheikh noticed this but didn’t say anything. Good lol.
We walked around, talked, and ate. Marqus would somehow end up next to me while walking and would playfully bump into me and things like that. All I could think about was the dream I had of him dnbdbdbd. The boys and Hunter talked about boy things and I just kinda listened per usual. Anthony and Jervon stayed saying outta pocket shit and Ryen was being his loud self. Cheikh was just observing the whole thing but he seemed to be getting along with everyone. We finally got to Round 1 and went straight to the back to buy game cards and put money on them. We played all the games and won stuff before deciding to go on the lanes. Cheikh complained how we was literally at such a disadvantage because all of us are like pro bowlers and he was not in the slightest. But we were like nah it’s fine you’ll do great. He didn’t dhbdbdbd.
I noticed that Cheikh and Marqus were chattin it up and idk if I liked that or not. It felt weird and stressful idkidk but we move. Bowling was hilarious w/ Cheikh and them because none of us had our equipment. After Round 1, Cheikh and I said our goodbyes and I wished him safe travels for Saturday since he leaves the 31st.
Hunter, Juve, Anthony, Ryen, Marqus, and I headed back to Ryen’s place for movie night. We all spread out throughout the basement.
We made cookies too. Or more so Anthony and Ryen made cookies while the rest of us watched and goofed around. After the cookies we put a movie on. Marqus and I fought for the bean bag and just resorted to sharing it. Ryen and Anthony made slick comments about it and Jervon was side eying us so hard lmfaooo. He was not happy. We sat next to each other for a while but I was like stone stuck until he threw his arm around the back of the bean bag. I was like 0.oh we doin this??? Right in front of everyone??? He smelled good and he looked good and I know he caught me staring a couple times 😭. My heart was beating out of my chest the whole time and I hope he couldn’t hear it.
After the movie ended Marqus and I decided to dip at the same time and of course everyone had something to say about it blah blah blah. I said my goodbyes and Marqus walked me out to my car. We talked for a while before he told me he’d see me later and then guess what. HE LEANED IN TO KISS ME?????? Chile. Whew. I was shocked at first but I definitely kissed back ☺️😝. Mind you it was cold outside but did we keep kissing? Yeah 😙. After we parted he told me to text him when I get home and I told him to do the same before getting in the car. I literally called Dee as soon as I started up the car sksksks. We were cackling all the way home pffft
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hornyflapcat · 2 years
Halloween 2022 Summary
I love autumn and winter. This half of the year has always been my favorite. Seren began as a character with a love for sunlight and beaches, but for me, the dark half of the year is the best.
I love the leaves turning, and I finally live in a place where there are trees in my yard and neighborhood, so I get to watch that from my own porch. I love the colder air, the sharpness and the scent of it, the longer nights and the chance to wear my favorite parts of my wardrobe. I've made cider twice this season now, and it's been fantastic!
And of course, the witching season is always busy for me, both because of my job (I'm a professional occultist), and because of my own personal love for the time of year!
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First off, I decorated my sim parcel for Halloween, largely because I love the season, but also because I've been putting together a new hunt! Something spooky and mysterious but just shy of scary, which is how I like things in general. Intrigue, but not terror.
Anyway, part of the decor was putting together an autumn theme, and setting up trees and pumpkins and such! The archway is particularly cool, I think. There are little faeries and animals along the pathway, mostly just because they look cool. I've got a creepy specter with a sign explaining Oculus Luna and such, which is fun too!
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Inside, we have the entry hall to Oculus Luna- a Shop with Vision! Basically, it's a fortune-teller's shop where some strange things have a tendency to happen.
In the main entry hall, there are rooms to the left and right, and a second floor upstairs. The whole design of my shop was done by Candle and Cauldron, and it's just... really an amazing place. I fell in love as soon as I saw it, and reworked my entire home design to use it!
Anyway, the room on the left is the seance room, with a fully functional Ouija board and a table that can rez any number of chairs in a circle, to accommodate a sitting. Don't worry, the Ouija's been programmed to say specific things, its primary purpose is to give clues to people trying to work out the hunt.
The room to the right is the reading room, in every sense of the word. There's a library for book reading, and there's a table for card-reading, and I even have a teapot for tea-leaf reading, or just spilling the tea if that's your wont. And yes, that's me awkwardly sitting in the corner.
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Upstairs there's an antechamber and a ritual room, and down a hall some doors that cannot be opened (they're private areas for people who live in the shop). I may end up doing something with them later, but for now, they're just for private use. The ritual room is set up for holiday celebrations, although it's currently a work in progress, I haven't found an All Hallows setup I like.
And that's the setup for Oculus Luna- or at least, the part people can easily see. Of course there's more to it than that. Hidden rooms, a puzzle to solve, and even prizes to be won at the end!
Devil Night, Octoer 30th, is when my SL account came into existence, so I consider it my (Seren's) birthday. I generally like to do a streaming event with my Patreon people on that night, although I didn't do one this year. We got waaaaay too busy with Samhain and other holiday ritual stuff!
So, I'll probably do something in November instead! Let's hope I figure out the last little bit of decor beforehand, so I can invite some friends to explore the mysteries of Aumbel!
As far as RL goes, I have been B-I-Z-Z-Y! There's a reason busy rhymes with dizzy! From a seance, to hosting a Trick-or-Treat event, to a banishing bonfire and a pumpkin-smashing ritual against injustice and evil, I've had things going on for over a week now! This season is always busy for me, of course- everyone wants to do witchy things around Halloween. I've also been running a seasonal special which ends today, but I think I might extend it, since it's so much fun to do these kinds of readings!
Anyway, I'm almost done for the season, and then I get some blissfully quiet time until the next holiday!
Blessed Hallows, everyone!
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 1
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.3k
A/N: Yay, here’s the first chapter of my new AU! It might be a little slower at first but it’ll pick up the further we get into it. So I hope you like this!
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist/Character profiles
In this world, mutations, renamed as ‘Quirks’, are abnormal. Only about 5%-8% of the world population are known to have these so called ‘Quirks’. You are a graduate of one of the most prestigious science tech schools in the country. You’ve been selected to work for a secret scientific research facility that houses some of the most notorious criminals in the nation. Besides their crimes, what makes these individuals incredibly dangerous are their mutations. After meeting these individuals, they seem to have taking a liking to you. That should make your research and search for the cure all that much easier…
Before you stands one of the largest facilities you have ever seen. You take a deep breath, attempting to calm your rapidly beating heart. Adjusting the strap on your bag, you make your way into the research center.
Upon entering, you gasp in wonder. The inside is huge, tall pure white walls that meet at a double paned glass ceiling. In front of you is a wall of security, stretching to accommodate the vast interior of the lobby. You walk up to the nearest security officer and give them your information. Thankfully, you were on a list and after checking you over, you're granted entrance to the building.
That's where you meet a man and a woman, both dressed in white lab coats and carrying clipboards. You bow your head to the two of them and they return the gesture.
"Ms. Y/N, I presume? My name is Shota Aizawa and this is my assistant, Momo Yaoyorozu." The older of the two speak.
You smile at the two. "Yes, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, L/N, graduate of UA science tech. I am so happy to be here and look forward to working with the two of you."
The younger girl nods and smiles, gesturing behind the two of them. "If you would kindly follow us, we can get started."
"Ms. Y/N, here's the list of the inmates you will be working with from this point on."
Momo hands you a clipboard containing pictures and descriptions of each individual. Your eyes scan the information on the page in front of you, your brow raising with each word you read. "There is… quite a bit of information on these individuals."
Aizawa nods. "Considering how dangerous the subjects are, it's best to have every detail we can."
You internally cringed at the term 'subject'. These were criminals, yes, but they were still living breathing people. Noone deserves to be dehumanized, no matter the reason.
Shaking your head of those thoughts, you continue to look over the notes in your hands. One in particular catches your eye. " 'Multiple counts of 3rd degree murder by reason of insanity' and yet he's only deemed as a level 4 danger?"
The doctor looks over your shoulder at the character profile. "Ah, yes. Fumikage Tokoyami. He's an interesting one, to say the least." You wait for him to continue, but seeing as it doesn't seem like he will, you gesture for him to elaborate. "Tokoyami himself is actually fairly harmless and incredibly cooperating, which is why he gets a level 4 only. However…" Aizawa looks down the hall of the facility to a door near the end. "Dark Shadow is deemed a level 9."
Your eyes shoot up in shock. "Dark Shadow? A level 9? Explain."
"Dark Shadow is his mutation. It's a completely sentient being that he harbors inside of him. Highly dangerous, more so if there is darkness." He looks back at you. "I'll let him explain the reason why he was instituted. He always prefers to explain the story himself."
The more Aizawa explains Tokoyami's situation, the more your excitement builds up, wanting desperately to meet this man. This was such an interesting mutation and you couldn't wait to hear everything he had to tell you. You take a breath to calm your childish manner and clear your throat.
"If it's alright with you, sir, I'd like-" You look down at your clipboard once again. "'Inmate 06' to be the first one I meet with."
Aizawa nods and writes something down in his notebook. "Very well. Follow me this way please."
You follow the doctor down the long white hallway, your excitement growing with each step. Along the way, you notice each door on the facility that lines either side of the stretched hall. Each door had a narrow window towards the top and a small number engraved underneath. You don't take too much notice and keep following the doctor to your destination. However, an eerie feeling makes you freeze in your tracks.
You slowly rotate your head and look at the inmate's door you stopped next to. The color drains from your face as you see two ice blue eyes peering right into yours. It felt like your breath was stolen, a hint of fear and anxiety built up within you from this intense gaze. After what felt like hours, you snap your gaze back to Aizawa and Momo, who were standing in front of a door you were also supposed to be at.
"I would highly advise you to keep cautious while you are in this facility. While we keep all inmates in cuffs that neutralize their mutations, the technology has not been 100% perfected yet and parts of their powers may leak out. That is why we have additional precautionary measures in place for each inmate." Aizawa gives you an impartial look as you walk over. "Now. The only special precaution with Inmate 06 is the lights must stay on at all times. There are no light switches in his cell, so nothing should go wrong. But like I said, always stay cautious."
You nod your head at the doctor's words and turn to face the door. Aizawa places a hand onto the keypad next to the door, scanning his prints before buzzing and opening the door. You give the man one last nod before making your way inside the room. The room itself is bare. White floors, white walls and an equally white ceiling. Nothing was in there except a desk with a chair and a bed.
On top of that bed sat a young man with the body of a human and the head of a crow. Your eyes widen in awe at the beautiful being in front of you. Tokoyami tilts his head and gives you a curious look.
"Oh. Hello, there. I've never seen you before."
The deep voice of the man shocks you. You bow your head and give the bird man a smile. "Hello, Tokoyami. My name is Y/N. I'm the new scientist at this facility. I'm here to get to know and observe you all to help further our findings for a cure. I hope we can be friends."
Tokoyami blinks. "You want to be… friends? With us?"
"Yeah, of course. Why not?" Your smile never leaves your face.
"Well, maybe because we're all… felons? The greater majority of us being murderers?"
"I truly believe everyone deserves a second chance." You gesture to the desk chair, silently asking if you could sit. The man nods and you greatly take your seat. "Now, would you ever be so kind as to answer a few questions for me, Tokoyami? I would like to get to know you a little better." You take out your pen and notebook, opening to a fresh page.
Tokoyami nods again and you give him a smile. "Just a few standard questions first. Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"Fumikage Tokoyami, age 22, October 30th."
"What is the name of your quirk and how does it work?"
Tokoyami fiddles with the quirk-cancelling cuffs around his wrists at the mention of his quirk but answers anyway. "It's called Dark Shadow. It's a fully sentient shadow that resides inside my body. It can come out when I call call it or it can show itself on it's own. But it's always connected to me and cannot be separated. It…" Tokoyami takes a breath. "It gets stronger the darker my surroundings are. So the less light, the less control I have over it. If it gets too dark, it completely takes over me, no longer under my control."
The longer you listen to him, the wider your eyes get and the more they shine in wonder. "That is incredible! To have that kind of quirk is truly fascinating!"
Hearing your words of praise would have made Tokoyami blush, if he could. He clears his throat in embarrassment. "Why, thank you for those kind words. Though, I doubt having this...quirk, as you say, is all to be impressed about."
You shake your head. "You may not think so, but really, I've never seen anything like it." You excitedly write a few things down before making eye contact with him again. "Now onto my final question of the day. Can you please tell me the reason why you are here?"
Tokoyami stays silent for a moment, staring at nothing in particular, residing in his thoughts. You clear your throat and he looks up to you. You give him a small, comforting smile and it causes Tokoyami's heart to beat harder. For some unknown reason, he suddenly feels like he can trust you with anything.
"I've been charged with multiple counts of 3rd degree murder." He sighs, recalling that day. "I was invited to a college party on a date, by someone whom I had grown quite infatuated with. I never really was one to socialize and never really had any friends. But I really liked this person, so I went. At first it was going okay, nothing too out of the ordinary. Then, the host decided that playing truth or dare was the way to go.
 So my date dragged me to sit down and join them. Every time I was asked, I always chose truth. And everytime, their questions were about my appearance, my mutation. Laughing at all my answers, mocking my looks, talking about how unnatural I was. The more they asked, the more my anxiety and anger built up. But my stubbornness didn't want to show any weakness, so I stayed. 
Finally, I decided to just choose dare instead. At that point, I decided that nothing could be more humiliating than what they've already done." His sharp, red eyes flickered to yours. "Oh, how wrong I was. They dared me to go into the closet with my so-called 'date'. We were shut in and from then, they decided to tell me how this whole thing was a set up, just to humiliate me. That anyone with mutations like myself should just disappear because of how disgusting we are." He spits out that word like it was rotten food. "Remember how I said Dark Shadow gains control in the dark? Well, with my anger rising and the fact that it was almost pitch black in that closet, I lost control of myself and Dark Shadow took control of me. Next thing I remember, I was standing in the middle of the college dorm party, blood painting the floors, the walls, and the entirety of my class slaughtered."
You almost dropped your pen in shock but regained your composure. You give the poor young man a sad smile. He sighs and finishes off his explanation. "I was arrested and charged with multiple counts of 3rd degree murder by reason of insanity, considering I was technically not in my right state of mind at the time."
The two of you sit there in silence, basking in all this new-found information. You close your notebook and set your pen down, facing Tokoyami directly. "Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with the way you look or your quirk. Just because it isn't the societal norm, doesn't mean it's disgusting or wrong. Remember that."
Tokoyami blinks in surprise."Um, thank you." Those were the only words he could say, as how shocked he was at what you said.
You tilt your head and stare at him. "If I may ask, would I be able to feel your head? I'm very curious as to what your feathers feel like. It would greatly help my research as well."
"Oh. U-um, yeah. Sure."
You move to gently sit next to Tokoyami, so as to not startle him too much. You slowly lift your hand and place it on his head, eyes lighting up as you card your fingers through his feathers. "Oh wow, they're so soft!"
Tokoyami's heart speeds up, his feathers ruffling at your touch. He gazes at you with something akin to admiration. No one was ever gentle with him like this before. After another few seconds, you retreat your hand, Tokoyami almost whimpering at the absence.
"Well, I better get going. I have quite a few more things to do today before my shift is over." You gather up your things and bow your head at the half bird boy. "I greatly appreciate your time and look forward to our future sessions. Have a good rest of your day!" You smile at Tokoyami before heading back to the door and signaling Aizawa to open it.
"Goodbye, Ms. Y/N. I look forward to meeting with you again." Tokoyami watches you leave his room. Once you're gone, he runs his hand through his feathers, imagining they were your fingers.
As the door closes, you turn to Aizawa who gives you a disappointed look.
"You touched the inmate. Why in the hell would you do that?"
You place your hand on your hip and give the doctor a stern look. "I was curious about his mutation and wanted to see how it felt."
He sighs and runs a hand down his face. "We try to avoid any physical contact with any of the inmates, as it may trigger something deep within them. Remember, Y/N. Every single one of these individuals are dangerous and unstable. Any abnormal behavior could result in catastrophic consequences."
You sigh and shake your head, giving him a chaste nod. "Yes, Sir. You're right. I promise to heed your warning and modify how I work."
The doctor looks satisfied as he turns on his heel and walks further down the long hallway. You quickly follow to keep up. "Now, on to your next subject. Inmate 04, Eijiro Kirishima." You flip the page of your inmate profiles to see a picture of a red-haired man. "He is of a higher danger level, so make sure to keep your guard up. And for the love of God, under any circumstances…
Do not touch him."
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @silverqueenie @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused 
[If your name is bolded, I was unable to tag you.]
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strangunddurm · 3 years
Hydrangeas bloom in June
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Pairing: Clyde Logan x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: NSFW, fingering, masturbation, age gap (reader is 18+!), voyerism, oral sex (male receiving), virgin reader.
A/N: It's the 30th and summer's over so here's a post as promised! I start my second year of uni today so I don't know how much I'll be able to post, but the goal is once a week.
ALSO, thank you so much for the love shown on my last post (and all the others before it).
The first time you had seen him had been at the grocery store. It had just been a quick glance; a quick once over that was enough for him to become completely ingrained in your mind.
You had been with your mother that day so your gaze couldn’t linger much but he was, without a doubt, a very memorable man. He had been on the other end of the aisle, looking over the store’s selection of cereal and you had almost dropped the packet of sugar that you had been holding at the sight of him.
He was older; tall and wide. The perfect man in your opinion. His hair looked so soft, all you wanted to do was run your fingers through it. You were almost so entranced by it that your hand had started to reach out toward him, wanting – needing - to touch him.
Your mother had called your name and you were pulled away from your distracted mind.
Seeing him that weekend in church must’ve been a blessing. He was joined by another man, much shorter but equally as broad, and a young girl, all three dressed up in their finest Sunday clothes. They looked similar enough for you to assume that they were related in some way or another.
For the first time, you were thankful that your father was the new pastor in town, and everyone was there to introduce themselves to him. You were much more eager to take your designated spot next to your mother and father, waiting for everyone to come up and introduce themselves, waiting for him to come up and introduce himself to you.
He was a tease, left you waiting for so long before he finally made his way over and you got to hear his voice for the first time.
Clyde Logan. His name suited him, and his voice… his voice was the reason why you had to change panties when you got home. The two others that had been with him, Jimmy and Sadie, were his brother and niece. Your mother was the one that had to repeat their names to you once they had left, for you had been too distracted to remember. She had scolded you, of course, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about how rude it had been of you.
It had been your mother’s idea to invite the Logans over for dinner a couple of weeks later and you couldn’t have been more thankful.
You were wearing your best floral dress, the one that made you look extra innocent but had a bad habit of sliding up your thighs. You could tell that he enjoyed looking at you, you could see him trailing his gaze over you from the corner of your eyes.
They had brought their sister with them this time, Millie. She was a social thing, getting on easily with your parents. You wondered if Clyde had brought her intentionally for that reason because it was as if your parents had forgotten you were even there ever since she had opened her mouth.
‘Darlin’, why don’t you go ahead and show Clyde the garden before it gets dark?’ Your mother asked. He had arrived late, after your mother’s tour of the sprawling gardens which she had given the others. He had apologised profusely, of course, but you just thought it was a positive thing, it meant that you could finally be alone with him.
The garden; your mother’s favourite part of the house. She was proud of it; even though she hadn’t done a lick of work in it, she still showed it off as if she had.
‘Would you like to see the garden, Clyde?’ You looked over at him, smiling, praying to God that he would say yes.
‘Show me the way.’
You walked ahead of him, out through the grand patio doors, leading him down the small winding path that led to the waterfall that centred the backyard. It was a magnificent place, with flowers blooming everywhere and large apple trees in rows.
You snuck a quick glance over your shoulder, seeing his eyes trained on the hem of your dress, entranced by how it swung around your thighs as you walked, and you made sure to sway your hips just a little bit more to entice him.
The two of you walked along making casual conversation until you were far enough away from the house for no one to overhear you.
‘Do you like it?’ You came to a stop at the small pond, sitting down on the bench that gave you a view of the house.
‘’s pretty.’ Clyde nodded appreciatively, sitting down next to you. You started picking at your dress, finger rubbing back and forth over one of the petals embroidered on it.
He was so close. His leg was pressed up against your own; you loved the way his khaki pants felt against your skin as they scratched against it with each little shift of movement.
Your shoulders would be battling for space if it weren’t for the way you were leaning to the side, resting on your hand so that you could get a better look at him. He was still startling tall and towering over you despite your sitting position and you loved how he made you feel so small.
‘How are you enjoying town?’
‘People are very welcoming.’ You said whilst nodding. It was standard for people to be welcoming to the pastor and his family, nobody wanted to risk it, just in case.
You pretended not to notice his hand sliding so painfully slowly over from his own thigh to yours. His touch was feather-light; if you hadn’t been so hyper-aware of his presence you might not even had noticed it just yet.
Your breath was heavy as you looked at him. He was watching you, eyes connected intensely as he looked for any sign of hesitation. He didn’t find any, you were as ready for more as you had ever been, making it easy for him to ignore the rational part of his brain and finally clamped his hand down on your thigh, giving it a soft, but firm, squeeze.
His hand covered so much with how big it was. You could feel yourself clench in excitement as you grew wetter over the anticipation that was building in you.
You didn’t dare say anything. It was completely silent as he just watched the side of your face, and you just watched his hand sit there. Perhaps he was building up his own courage before daring to move again.
‘Tell me, darlin’, have you been touched by anyone here before?’ His breath was shaky as it came out in a puff. His fingers skimmed over your panties lightly as he gazed down at you.
‘No.’ It was just a small whisper that came out of you.
‘Would you like to be?’ You had said yes before Clyde even had the chance to finish his question.
Was it so bad that you wanted him? He was older, yes, but you weren’t a child, hadn’t been for years.
You watched Clyde with wide eyes as he applied just the tiniest pressure to that sweet spot you had, causing your breath to stutter as you exhaled. It was an automatic reflex of how your hand came down to grasp his wrist. He immediately started withdrawing his hand from touching you, but you tightened your hold as you protested.
‘No, no, no, don’t, please. I just wasn’t expecting it to…’ You trailed off.
‘Wasn’t expecting it to what?’
‘To feel so good.’ You whispered shyly.
Clyde let out a low groan at your admittance and you loved the feeling that rushed through you as you heard the evidence of his own arousal. He was surer in his movements this time as he grabbed onto your thigh that was pressed up against his and hoisting it over his thigh, giving him easier access and spreading you wide for him.
His hand moved back to trailing its way back to your panties, by-passing their hem this time and finally caressing your clit without a barrier between his skin and yours. Your breath hitched as he rubbed his fingers in small and torturous circles, tracing invisible lines. You couldn’t help the small whimper of pleasure that slipped past your lips. Clyde halted his movements, looking back up at you with a pleased and crooked smile on his face; he loved seeing the effect he had on you.
‘Ya like that, darlin’?’
You nodded your head frantically with wide eyes in response. You had never felt so good before. Of course, you had touched yourself, chasing pleasure whenever you were alone, but you had never succeeded in feeling quite as good as you did at that moment.
Clyde was far more experienced than you were in flicking his fingers just right, making your toes curl in your open-toed sandals. You didn’t need to bring your own hand down to feel how wet you were; you were practically dripping onto the bench and ground beneath you.
‘Yer so wet already’ he cooed as he ran his fingers through your folds. ‘Yer so desperate to be touched, aren’t you?’
Clyde teased your entrance, making sure his long and thick fingers were well and truly coated with your wetness before slowly pushing one of them into you. It was just the tip that slowly sank in, but it still stretched you in a way you had never been stretched before. It was a strange feeling, laced with small hints of pain but you didn’t want him to stop.
“Yer so tight, darlin’. Never been stretched like this before, have you?’ He whispered in your ear as he pushed in a bit more. You were so caught up in the overwhelming feeling that you couldn’t even begin to formulate an answer.
You didn’t realise that you had been holding your breath until he was all the way in, down to the knuckle in you and a shaky breath was once more exhaled. Clyde was kind, he let you adjust to his finger for a few seconds before slowly withdrawing and pushing in again. Your head rolled back, eyes fluttering closed as you got lost in it all. You couldn’t help the moans that were slipping out between your lips. They were slowly building in volume, becoming louder as the pleasure increased with each wet and sloppy stroke. You were bunching the fabric of his shirt in your hand whilst the other gripped the edge of the bench tightly.
You wanted to cry out as his thumb started rubbing over your clit, your walls clamped down hard around his finger at the new feeling, but he connected his mouth to yours just as it was about to drop open.
Clyde was a great kisser. He wasn’t too rough or too soft, he pressed down onto your lips with just the right pressure that would always leave you wanting more. His tongue slipped slowly past your lips, exploring everything as it went, leaving you breathless.
‘Do you think you can take another one?’ He asked, barely drawing back enough to whisper. You were unsure, not because of the situation or who you were with, but because you felt so full of only one, how could you possibly take another?
It turned out that your body was eager to adapt to anything Clyde would give you for the second finger stretched your walls easily. By now, you were a panting mess with bones made of Jell-O, butterflies in your stomach, and currents racing up and down your spine in spasm. You swallowed the heaviness in your mouth, breathing heavy, getting completely lost in everything.
Clyde had set a quicker pace than the one he had kept previously, feeling braver and being bolder in his actions as he pumped in and out with a wet squelch.
‘Look at you, ready to come from just my fingers’ He huffed out as you trembled, bubbling warmth spreading through each nerve in your body.
Your brain was in a haze, you were unable to focus on anything as that white-hot pleasure built behind your eyelids. You reached your peak quickly, falling over it and into bliss just as your mother called out your name loudly from the house.
You stood up abruptly, blood rushing and heart beating wildly in your ears. You knew she couldn’t see you, but you were still scared of being caught - despite the small thrill from the possibility.
You frantically brushed your hands down your dress, trying to smooth out any creases that might’ve appeared. Clyde was still sitting down, staring up at you with a sort of admiration twinkling in his eyes that made your skin flush with heat.
“I’ll see you later.” You cleared your throat as you hesitated for just a moment before leaning down, pressing a kiss to his cheek, and setting off for the house with your cum coating the inside of your thighs.
You didn’t see Clyde for a couple of weeks after that. It was almost as if he was avoiding you and you couldn’t help but feel angry over the possibility. You were angry because you thought it selfish of him. He had completely ruined you. Your own fingers didn’t feel the same anymore; you couldn’t flick them just right or penetrate deep enough to make that coil snap. You were a ticking time-bomb, walking around as frustrated as could be, all hours of the day.
You knew he was avoiding you when you saw him in church again. He p ran away the second his eyes connected with yours, spinning around on his heels and fleeing through the crowd of churchgoers.
You didn’t pause to think about where you were, or who could be watching you as you made a straight beeline after him, abandoning your mother’s side without a word.
His legs were a lot longer than yours, but it was so crowded that it didn’t benefit him that day. You were able to steadily gain on him, the angry scowl on your face only becoming deeper as he would throw a glance over his shoulder now and then to check how close you were.
There were barely any people outside as it was getting closer to the service, only a few stragglers that were stressed enough not to notice the two people rounding the corner of the church in a half sprint.
Thankfully, Clyde hadn’t thought about where he was turning to as the side of the church only led to a dead-end of bushes. The both of you came to a stop at the same time; you were slightly out of breath, chest heaving from the small sprint.
‘Why are you avoiding me?’ Your voice was surprisingly steady, with no sign of your internal turmoil in the tone.
He didn’t turn around to face you immediately, just as he didn’t reply immediately. Instead, he stayed gazing at the tall hydrangea shrubs for so long that you thought he might’ve turned deaf since the last time you saw him. You started walking again with a huff, coming around to his front so that he was forced to look at you.
‘I haven’t been avoided ya.’ He finally said quietly with a defeated look in his eyes.
‘Sure seems like it.’ You sniff, arms coming up to cross in front of you.
He was watching you with narrowed eyes and that look he always had in them whenever he was looking at you. It was like he couldn’t quite figure out what he wanted to do with you; fuck you? yell at you? You weren’t sure.
‘We can’t do this… I-‘ He trailed off, looking somewhat defeated.
‘You what?’ Perhaps he wasn’t quite deserving of the attitude you were giving him, but you couldn’t help it. Not being able to orgasm did a lot to a person.
‘I took advantage of ya.’ Your heart dropped at his admittance over his feelings. Taking advantage was not how you would define what had happened.
‘You didn’t.’
‘Yes, I did and now I have-‘
‘Shut up, please.’ You interrupted him with a raised hand, whilst at the same time taking a step closer. His scent was wafting off him in small waves and it was just as intoxicating as it had been the last time you had been this close to him.
You brought your hand up, trailing your fingertips upward along the buttons of Clyde’s shirt. Both of you were watching them make their journey silently. He didn’t try to stop you as you straightened out the crooked collar. Your fingertips brushed against the skin on his neck lightly and you could hear how his breath hitched from the touch.
‘I liked it.’ You smiled up at him. Your smile wasn’t as infectious as you might’ve hoped; Clyde’s expression stayed solemn.
‘In fact-‘ You let your hands drop to his belt, undoing it quickly with nimble fingers. ‘I liked it so much, I wouldn’t mind doing it again.’
You dropped to your knees, licking your lips over the sight of him. Clyde was practically bursting through the seams already; cock hard from the mere thought of you. You teasingly brought the zipper down at the slowest pace possible, releasing him from his constraints slowly inch by inch. He had gone commando.
Clyde’s eyes were hooded as he watched you. It wasn’t hard to see that he enjoyed the sight in front of him – you on your knees – there was a small bead of sweat collecting at his brow and his pupils were so dilated that his eyes were more black than brown.
He was thick and heavy in your hands, far bigger than you had expected him to be. You had to press your thighs together, seeking some sort of relief for the dampness that was building in between them.
Your confidence wavered slightly as you looked up at him. It had been far less intimidating in your mind as you had fantasised about this moment. Clyde seemed to sense that you needed some sort of guidance at that point, brushing his hand over your chin as he coaxed you to open your mouth with a tap to your chin.
Clyde let out a rumble of a moan as you took him in your mouth, lips wrapping around his tip, moaning at the taste of his salty pre-cum. You tested the waters, taking him further in oh so slowly. You could feel the walls of your throat closing slightly but struggle through it, a small moment of discomfort was worth it for the expression of utter bliss that had taken over Clyde’s face.
‘Relax, darlin’.’ He managed to grunt out. You could tell from the small ruts of his hips that he had a hard time staying still, wanting – or perhaps, needing – to thrust into you.
You slacked your jaw as much as you could, placing your hands on his hips to stabilise yourself as you began building a rhythm, taking as much of his length in your mouth as you could.
‘Fuck.’ Clyde exclaimed silently. You pulled him out with a wet pop, looking up at him with a smile on your face. You loved seeing the effect you had on him, bearing witness to him already falling apart so quickly from your touch made you clench.
You couldn’t stifle the gagging noises as you forced him down further, wanting to please him. It wasn’t uncomfortable for you; the noises were more like an automatic reaction.
Clyde was vocal. He wasn’t scared to release the moans and groans that he did, but the volume of them were low. Far from loud enough to alert any passers-by of what was occurring by the church. They were just loud enough so that you could hear them and caused you to be spurred on to increase your pace, swirling your tongue around the tip each time you were by his head.
You couldn’t take all of him, it was impossible, so your left hand grasped the base, pumping whatever didn’t fit, in rhythm with your mouth. You trace your tongue back up over his throbbing vein until you reached his swollen and leaking tip before hollowing your cheeks and sliding back down his thick cock.
‘Such a good girl.’ He praised, hand gripping the back of your head. He didn’t apply any pressure; didn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to; it just rested there, encouraging you to do whatever you wanted. ‘Takin’ me so well.’
He came quickly after that, hot ropes of cum spurting into your mouth as he let out a strangled moan. His hips jerked a few more times as he pumped himself into your mouth, making sure you swallowed every single last drop of his salty cum. You couldn’t help licking your lips; to you, it was a dream, you had been wanting him to cum down your throat for what felt like far too long now.
Clyde helped you stand, offering you his hand. But he didn’t release you immediately once you were upright on your shaky legs. Instead, he pulled you close to him, planting a sloppy kiss on your lips with a smile and a hazy look in his eyes.
‘Stand up and face the wall.’ He commanded with a pat on your ass. You did as you were told turning to the side, so you were facing the church. You wiped away the small dribbles of drool that had made their way down your chin with the back of your hand. You were hyper-aware of everything around you; anticipation high, ready for whatever was to come.
‘Pull up your dress.’ You bunched it around your hips and Clyde let out a loud groan as he saw that you, too, had forgone underwear.
‘I was wrong, yer not a good girl, are ya?’ It was a rhetorical question; he didn’t wait for an answer out of you. ‘No, yer not a good girl at all.’ He hummed with a smile clear in his tone. You could almost feel the burn of his gaze as he admired you.
You could feel that Clyde was clearly still hard as he rubbed his wet cock over your exposed ass, tapping it lightly before angling his hips backwards and dragging the tip down, sliding it through your folds. Excitement rushed through your body, and you attempted to press back into him, wanting to feel even more of him.
‘I should take you right here, up against the church - punish you for being so bad.’ He breathed into your ear.
‘Yes.’ You gasped out. ‘Take me, please, Clyde.’ Pleading didn’t do much, Clyde had taken over control, it was he who decided what to do next, and you loved it.
You didn’t care about the fact that it was your first time. You needed Clyde so much that you would take him anywhere and anytime he wanted.
‘I don’t know if you deserve it…’ He trailed off. ‘Or if you deserve something much better.’
Despite trying to convince him by rubbing up against him, Clyde ultimately decided that up against the church was not where he would be popping your cherry as he spun you around, sense and rationality having returned to him after some overstimulation. You would lie if you said you weren’t disappointed, but it was probably for the best. He was leaning over you, hand resting behind you on the church as he looked down at you with a small smile on his lips, just barely showing off those charmingly crooked teeth.
‘Thank ya.’
‘You don’t have to thank me.’ You giggled, letting yourself fall into him as he embraced you with a squeeze. He planted another kiss on your lips before pulling back and tucking himself back into his pants.
‘Ya should get back in there.’ He nodded to the church with his head. You had forgotten all about the ongoing service. Your parents must be wondering where you were at that point, but you couldn’t even begin to care about the scolding you were bound to get when you got home. You were an adult, after all, you didn’t have to go if you didn’t want to, and you had definitely found something more important to do, in your opinion.
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candiedsour · 3 years
How Genshin Impact characters would react to someone flirting with you || (Liyue)
Hello everyone! I apologize for the wait but I finally finished the Liyue version ٩( ᐛ )و I was originally supposed to divide it into 2 parts but then I decided against it ( ͡°³ ͡°). Part 3 will probably be uploaded in 3 days. But in the meantime, enjouy reading! o(〃^▽^〃)o
-E <3
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Zhongli ❌💸
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How he'd react to someone flirting with you really just depends on his mood
He doesn't really interfere because he knows you can handle it yourself
You two have had the person flirting with you pay or discount something you both bought on more than one occasion and he's not even ashamed of it
"Ah, my lady. Your beauty is simply etheral."
The shop owner said as you examined the jade.
You looked up from the Noctilucous Jade and met Zhongli's eyes. Completely ignoring the owner.
Zhongli's put the Jade onto the table and reached into his pouch for Mora.
Though, once he opened it; he grimaced. Once you saw his expression you realized that neither of you had enough Mora to pay for the Jade.
You cringed as you saw the amount of Mora in the pouch and looked back at the shop owner to apologize.
That was, before an idea clicked into your mind.
You then berought forth the most charming and flirtatious face you could muster and smiled at the shop owner.
"My deepest apologies Sir, but I don't think we'll be able to buy from you today. " You sighed.
The owner widened his eyes at your statement and quickly replied with
"Oh no, it's fine your can just pay any amount you have now and come back to pay for the rest! "
"Thank you so much Sir, I am forever in your debt for this. " You said as you grabbed his hands.
The owner was completely smothered by now, he had completely forgotten Zhongli's presence and was looking at you with completely entranced eyes.
If it wasn't for Zhongli's years of experience in concealing his expressions, he would probably be laughing out loud by now.
"That was quite the show my dear, I doubt that he would have noticed anything even if we had robbed his whole stall. "
Beidou 🏴‍☠️♀️
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Just like with Kaeya, no one would really flirt with you since they know about your relationship with the captain of The Crux unless they're clueless
And Beidou being Beidou, would not take shit from anyone. Clueless or not
If the other person is being persistent, she doesn't really mind throwing hands
"It's a shame that you have a lover, otherwise i'd have made you mine by now. " The creep said as he grabbed both of your hands.
You leaned backwards, trying to get away from the man. You desperately scanned the area for anyone who would help you.
You then met Beido's eyes with a look that clearly read "please help me".
Once she saw you, Beido walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder.
"She's mine, now let her go." She said as she glared at the man who was holding onto your hands.
"And if I don't?"
The person didn't even register anything before Beido's fist collided with his jaw.
"I ain't scared of fines, I'll fight whoever disrespects my partner"
Xiao 🔪👺
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Doesn't really care if the other person is flirting with you or not
If it gets to the point of harassment he will give them a whack with his polearm
He looks like he doesn't care about you but that's just because he knows who you're going back home with
"Would you like to accompany me on my travels, my fair lady? " The traveler said as he loaded his belongings onto his cart.
"I'd have to decline the offer. I already have a lover I am devoted to. " You said with a smile as you passed him the packed food you had bought from the inn.
Xiao watched you two from the distance, he sat on the balcony if the Inn as he waited for you to bid him farewell on his missions as well.
"Were you watching me? " You said you peek at him from behind.
"I was simply making sure he was not a dangerous individual. " Xiao replied, stotic as usual.
"Are you here to bid me goodbye?" He asked as he gazed at you.
"Goodbye? Oh no, I'm going with you! "
"Even though you are hundreds of years old does not mean you are invincible. Therefore, you should refrain from fighting recklessly. "
Xingqiu ⚔📚
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He usually just tells the person bothering you to back off, politely. Of course
Though, he doesn't really mind if the other person is rude or persistent; it's just an excuse for him to have a little 'fun' behind the scenes
If they're rude, they'll most likely find themselves having a number of minor inconveniences
"Sir, please let go of my partner." Xingqiu confronted the creep.
You quickly ran to his side. Not wanting to be near the man for a millisecond longer.
"And what's the pretty boy going to do to me?" He jabbed at the blue haired boy.
Although he was slightly irritated. Xingqiu paid no mind to him and walked you back to your house.
"Y/n do you recall the creep from yesterday afternoon? Yes, I received a notice that he is trying to buy brass for his stall. I convinced every merchant selling fish in Liyue to not sell him any, I also bought some brass. Would you like some? "
Chongyun ❄🍦
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He doesn't really like confronting people so he'd just make up an excuse to take you away from them
If the other person decides to be start an argument, he'd try to keep his cool. Not wanting to go into the manic state he usually gets into once his body overheats
Sadly, on more than one occasion; he has lost his cool and completely and ends up causing chaos to anyone who's unfortunate enough to be nearby
It's been at least a solid 15 minutes since the guy sitting next to you have been pestering you about going with him to the Lantern Rite festival.
And for what felt like the 30th time, you declined.
You really wanted this person gone before you meet up with Chongyun but he kept following you so you just plopped down somewhere on the stone ground.
Unfortunately for you, the other person did not take the cue for him to leave but instead; had taken it as an invitation to sit down and talk with you instead.
At some point, you considered kicking him in the face but refrainwd from doing so. But now, you're regretting that decision.
"Y/n! Me and Xingqiu were looking all over for you. " Chongyun said as he ran over to you two.
The guy looked surprised as the two boys walked over you where you were sitting.
"Who are these people? " He said. As if they were the ones invading into someone's personal space.
Chongyun instantly realised the situation and whispered something to Xingqiu. He then gave you the hand signal for "Run for it" And pointed to behind him.
Almost in a flash, all of you three started sprinting away, leaving behind a very confused person.
"Thank Rex Lapis we didn't actually get into a fight this time"
Hu Tao 👻🔥
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Whenever she sees someone flirting with you, she'd ask them about their health
She'd then weird them out by introducing her as the 77th director of Wangsheng funeral parlour
The person flirting with you would probably be very uncomfortable at this point and leave, but if they don't Hu Tao would hand then one of her buy 1 get 1 funeral coupons
"I simply cannot resist your beauty. " The man said as he leaned in closer to your face.
"Hello there good Sir! How is your health? " Hu Tao asked as she appeared seemingly out of nowhere and before you.
The man seemed confused at her question.
"Pardon? " He asked.
"Ah, I have forgotten that I have yet to introduce myself. Please call me Hu Tao. 77th director of the Wangsheng funeral parlour! " She introduced herself and took out her hand for him to shake.
He seemed a bit uncomfortable at the mention of funerals but nevertheless he ignored Hu Tao and went back to your conversation.
"What do you say to dinner at Wanmin Restaurant? " He pressed on, flat out ignoring Hu Tao's whole existence all together.
"Here's a coupon, it's buy one funeral, get one free. I hope I'll see you soon! " She said as she dragged you away. Leaving behind a very disturbed man.
"I should've said 'I hope to see you again businesses-wise. ' "
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xiaolinreanimated · 2 years
Our F.A.Q is now available!
You can either continue reading this post to find out more about the project, or you can read them here!
What is Xiaolin Reanimated?
This is a multi-animator project in which animators will be given a section of the show to animate. Once everything is complete, it’ll be edited together to create the episode! Due to the fanbase being small, it is likely that we won’t be able to animate the whole episode, but we have got a handful of scenes from the show that we have in mind. Participants are free to re-interpret the shot they’re given.
When will the project start?
We plan on sending confirmation emails and possibly invites to a Discord server around November 28, 2022. Everyone should be assigned their shot by December 5, 2022.
Will there be a Discord server for the participants?
Yes, if there is enough interest in the project as a whole and if people want to. We will not force participants to be in the server, but it creates a sense of community, and allows others to share tips and resources.
What’s the project timeline?
June 9–November 28, 2022: Interest check/open application November 28, 2022: Notify applicants and send out Discord invite links November 28-December 5, 2022: Assign sections to animators January 30, 2023: Check-in 1 March 20,2023: Check-in 2 May 15, 2023: Check-in 3 July 10, 2023: Check-in 4 September 4, 2023: Check-in 5 October 26, 2023: Check-in 6: Final Cut due November 1, 2023: Final cut is posted online!
What are the video specs?
1280x720 pixels, 24fps, mp4/mov uncompressed
What is the final deadline for submissions?
October 26, 2023: Check-in 6: Final Cut Due If you’re running late for any of the check-ins, please inform one of the organizers so that an extension or reassignment can be discussed. Please account for video editing and rendering.
Can I make changes to my final shot after submission?
Yes, but you have until October 30th, 2023 to make changes.  The goal is to release the finished video on November 1st, the original premiere date of the series.
What kind of animation is allowed?
Absolutely any kind! As long as you’re able to animate your shot and get it to us on time.
Can I choose a specific shot?
When confirmations are sent you’re free to put in a request for what kind of shot you’d like. For example, if you’d like a shot with more action or a shot including your favorite character from the first episode, we’ll make a note of that when distributing them.
Can I alter the characters?
As long as they’re still recognizable, go ahead!
Can I change the staging or alter the shot to be different from the original?
Of course! Like with altering character designs, as long as important features and aspects of the shot are still included, you’re free to do what you want.
Can I trace for my shot?
We don’t mind if you trace from the original episode, but it would need to be different enough from the source by style or other means. Consider it a recreation of XS in your own style.
Should I use my real name or online alias when signing up?
That’s entirely up to you and what you’re comfortable with. As long as you inform others of how you’d like to be referred to as in the final cut, so that appropriate credits can be given, it does not matter which name you use when applying. It is considered more professional to use your real name, especially if you want to use this project on a resume.
How will I know if I’ve been selected to participate in the project?
On November 28, 2023, we will send out confirmation emails to applicants who have been successful in obtaining a spot on the team.
Can I share my finished piece or progress?
Of course! But please post it AFTER the final project is posted. Make sure to tag it with #XiaolinReanimated so that we can share what you’ve made.
How often should I share my work in progress?
Ideally you should share a WIP at the end of each step of your process (i.e. Finished storyboards, finished animatic, finished rough animation, finished line art, finished color, finished shading, finished rendering, filtering, or compositing). This is to catch any mistakes early on, so that you do not have to redo the entire shot from scratch.
Can I collab with someone on my animation?
Should I add a credit/watermark when making my submission?
No. This is something that will be done when the final cut is being put together. You may add a credit or watermark when you post your cut to your preferred social media channels.
What if I don’t know how to animate?
There are other positions available. You could be a mod for the Discord server, create and provide backgrounds or other assets for animators to use, or - if you're comfortable animating a blink or something simple - a still animation shot. More details will be provided when the project gets underway.
What if I can animate, but don't have access to an animation program?
Try one of the free animation programs listed in this blog entry.  There are also links to tutorials on how to use each program.  Read up on the tools and features each offers to choose the one that you think will best suit your needs.  Synfig, Blender, and Kirita were the programs more seasoned animators recommended.
Where can I find the character references?
Character references are available under the #character reference tag.
Alternately, here are individual tags for the characters:
Clay Bailey
Jack Spicer
Kimiko Tohomiko
Master Fung
Raimundo Pedrosa
Where and when will the finished project be posted?
The video will be posted to the Director's YouTube channel (here) between November 1-3. An announcement will be made when the video is live!
Will there be a "Xiaolin Chronicles Reanimated?"
At this stage, that’s unlikely. XC was created nearly 10 years after XS, and as much as we would like to celebrate that as well, two projects going at the same time would be too much for everyone on the team to handle. This may be reconsidered in the future, but for the time being, the answer is no.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our ask box is open and there’s always the option of messaging one of the organizers directly if the ask didn’t seem to be sent through.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Telling Bill - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: Charlie & Bill being excited and emotional beans 💙
Word count: 3,002
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
"Your name?" The woman at the window asked.
"Nova Blackwood. I have an appointment with dr. Nightingale."
"And him?" The woman nodded toward Charlie.
"He's my fiancé."
"Okay. Go down the corridor and up the stairs to the third floor. You take a left there. The second door to the right. It has a number 14 on it."
"Thank you." I nodded my head and felt Charlie grab my hand.
"Are you nervous?" Charlie asked as we walked up the stairs.
"A little bit. Are you?"
"A little bit." He giggled.
We didn't get a chance to say anything else as the door with number 14 on it opened.
"Miss Blackwood?" The healer's eyes scanned me up and down.
"That's me." I grinned.
"Come with me." She gestured for both of us to follow her inside.
"Is this your first pregnancy?" The healer asked.
"Alright. You can sit there, Mr. ...?"
"Weasley." Charlie cleared his throat and awkwardly sat on the spot the doctor pointed at next to the examination chair.
"Miss Blackwood, please sit there and pull your shirt up and it would help if you unzip your pants so that we don't get the gel on them." The healer smiled softly.
"The gel?" Charlie and I questioned together.
"We will use this Muggle machine to check on the baby. It will be able to tell us when approximately you conceived, we will hear the baby's heartbeat and if you're far enough we can even find out the gender if you'd like to know, of course."
"We discussed it," I turned to Charlie, "and we'd like it to be a surprise."
"Okay, I will write that in your file. Are you ready to begin?" She looked first at me and then at Charlie.
"Ready." Charlie and I locked eyes and nodded.
“It’s going to be a bit cold, don’t get startled.” Dr. Nightingale said.
A surprised gasp left my mouth despite her warning when the object touched my belly.
“It might take a few seconds for us to find it... oh, there it is.”
Both Charlie and I looked at the screen the second a noise started to come from the machine.
“What is that sound?” Charlie was awestruck.
“That would be your fiancée’s and your baby’s heartbeats.” The doctor said, looking at the screen.
“The...the heartbeat?” Charlie’s voice shook a little as he found my hand.
“Yes, Mr. Weasley.” The healer grinned. “Now do you see that spot over there? It looks like something's moving.”
“Mhm,” I mumbled, while Charlie stood up and got closer to the screen, squinting his eyes to see what she was pointing at.
“Mr. Weasley?” The doctor said after giving Charlie a moment.
“I...I think I see it.” Charlie couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice, not sure what he was looking at. “What is it?”
“It’s your baby.”
“What...you...we can see our baby?” Charlie jumped in the air, his voice high-pitched.
“That’s what I was showing you.” The doctor giggled.
“That’s...that’s...Nova, that’s our baby!" Charlie’s breaths were getting quicker, his chest rising and falling fast as if he’s about to hyperventilate. “It’s so tiny!” He exclaimed.
“That’s our baby.” I pressed my lips together, trying to keep it together, my eyes already glistening with tears.
“Somebody’s excited to be a dad.” Dr. Nightingale winked at me with a smile on her face.
“Yes.” I breathed, looking back to the screen to see her, I mean it, one more time.
“Whenever you’re ready, Mr. Weasley.” The doctor said gently, chuckling at Charlie who was pacing excitedly up and down the room, stopping every time he passed the screen to look at it again.
He took a deep breath, sat down, grabbed my hand, and nodded to the healer.
“So, the fetus is about 6 centimeters big, meaning you are between 12 and 13 weeks. We can’t determine the exact date of conception but today is the 30th July which would mean it had to be around the first week of May.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Charlie blurted out, the skin on his cheeks matching his hair.
“The heartbeat is strong and everything looks alright, but we will be able to determine more in the coming months.” The doctor took the object off my belly and wiped the gel off it. “I will give you a list of dates with your appointments and this is for you.”
She handed, what looked like a picture, to Charlie.
“Thank you.” I smiled at her and cleaned the gel off my stomach with the paper towels next to the chair.
I zipped my pants and pulled down my shirt.
“Along with the list, I am giving you some brochures you can read to better prepare yourself for the rest of this journey. You’ll be in the second trimester soon, meaning you will start to show and your breasts will grow. If you experience any discomfort it’s completely normal and if you have morning sickness it should stop in the next week or so. If you have any worries, don’t hesitate to stop by or send us an owl.”
I nodded, thanking her again, and stood up. I looked at Charlie and giggled – he was still staring at the picture the doctor gave us.
“Char. Come on, it’s time for us to go.” I nudged him gently with my elbow and pressed a kiss on the top of his head.
He got up slowly, not taking his eyes off the photo, and allowed me to lead him outside. I thanked the doctor again and closed the door behind us.
“Nova,” Charlie finally found his voice as we were sluggishly moving down the corridor due to him still staring at the picture, “this...we’ve made this.”
“I know, Char.” I chuckled. “It’s our baby!”
“It’s our baby.” He whispered more to himself than to me.
“Come on, you’re going to make me cry.” I sniffed. “I have to meet Bill and you can stare at our child at my mum’s.”
“I...I’m sorry I’m so emotional, it’s just...it’s...”
“Beautiful?” I finished his stuttered sentence.
“Don’t apologize. I was hardly keeping it together in there and I can’t wait for us to come home so I can lay down on the sofa and look at that picture until we get a new one.” I pulled him into a hug.
“Oh, can I please join you when you’ll do that?” His eyes sparkled with hope.
“Of course. We’ll cry together, I promise.”
He let out a long sigh and kissed me so hard that I stumbled backward a little.
“I love you so much!” The breath with which he said the words brushed my lips that curved into the biggest smile.
“I love you too, Charles.”
“Nova, I love you very much, but why am I here with you and not Charlie?” Bill asked with a raised eyebrow as we were walking down the street away from the house I used to call my home.
“Well, even though I am with Charlie, you have been closer to my dad than he was, you spending a summer with him in Egypt.” I smiled softly at him. “And I have something to tell the both of you and Charlie doesn’t mind if he’s not the one to tell you and I have...I have to ask you something.” I bit my lip nervously.
I have been putting this conversation off ever since Charlie and I started to talk about the wedding. I have no idea why I was so nervous and perhaps the cemetery wasn’t the best place to ask him something like this but since it would otherwise concern my dad, I decided to do it here.
“Okay, so two things.” Bill rubbed his chin, making a mental note of it.
“Did Charlie ever come here with you?” He asked gently, as we stopped in front of my dad’s grave.
“The last time he did was when we got engaged. He wanted to be the one to tell him. And when he first knew that he was going to propose, he came here without telling me to ask my dad’s permission.” I gave out a silent chuckle, reminiscing on the moment when Charlie and I came here together and he thanked my dad for giving his blessing.
I remember staring at him as if he has gone mental not knowing what was going on and I burst into tears when he told me. I know it might sound weird, but it meant a lot to me that he still considered him to be a part of my family, despite him being gone and passing away before he ever got the chance to see us be together.
“Hi, dad.” I sat on the ground next to his tombstone, wrapping my arms around my knees. “I brought Bill with me today.” I sniffed.
It didn’t matter how much time has passed, talking to him like this has always been hard and always made me cry. Ever since moving to Romania, I don’t have the chance to come and visit him often – mum and I usually do it together when I come to visit her – or I go alone when something big happens.
“I have to tell you both something – I have to tell you two things actually and both concern you and Bill.” I looked from the tombstone to Bill, whose jaw was shaking.
He carefully stepped toward me and sat next to me on the ground, pulling me in a half hug. He has never come here with me before so I understood that the way I talked to my dad startled him a bit.
“I miss you, dad, so much. So many things are happening to me, good things, and you won’t be around for any of them.” I buried my head in Bill’s shoulder. “Charlie and I told you that we don’t want a big wedding. You out of all people would be glad we decided on that.” I giggled. My dad was never big on social events.
“We are keeping it simple. I still don’t know who my maid of honor will be. Bill will be Charlie’s best man, of course.”
“Of course.” Bill sniffed, pressing me harder against him.
“We’ll have a simple ceremony, only our closest family and our friends from Egypt. Mum was joking and said that I should invite your relatives from America. Can you imagine?” I laughed. “You would protest so much at that!”
“You know that I don’t care about the whole thing that much, I just want to be married to Charlie but there is one thing that,” my voice broke and Bill started stroking my hair to calm me down, “that I wanted to be according to tradition and I can’t because you’re not with us anymore.” I sobbed, letting go of the tears completely.
“I...I know I can’t have you give me away. Maybe it’s for the best because we would both be a crying mess by the time we would finish walking down the aisle.” I giggled between my sniffs. “So I brought Bill here with me because I was hoping that you would allow him to take your place instead.”
“What?” Bill breathed and pushed me away.
“Will you, Bill? Will you give me away? I know that you’re Charlie’s best man and I did consider your dad but in the end, there is no one else I would rather walk down that aisle with and I don’t want to do it alone and...”
“You said to your dad that you would both be a crying mess and what do you think we’ll be?” His shaking jaw finally gave in and tears started running down his face.
“Is that a yes?” I asked with hope in my voice.
“Of course, it’s a yes but I don’t feel worthy of the honor. Nova, are you sure?”
I just nodded, too overwhelmed to find the words to reply. We sat there, embraced, both crying for what seemed like 15 minutes.
“Is that why you brought me here?” Bill’s voice barely audible.
“Was it inappropriate?” I pulled a bit away from him.
“No. I think it was perfect. Now come back here.” He pressed me back onto his body, ruffling my hair.
“You said that there are two things.” He whispered after a moment of silence.
“Yes.” I bit my lip and lifted my head away from his shoulder, my eyes on the tombstone again.
I needed a moment to compose myself, knowing full well that what I am about to tell them both will bring the tears back. It was enough that my dad didn’t see me start my life with Charlie, or me getting a job, or me graduating and getting engaged. Not having him at my wedding is going to be hard and was a part of why I didn’t want to make a big celebration out of it. I wanted it small and intimate as I knew my dad would want it and it suited me and Charlie better.
“Mum already knows about this, so don’t be mad that I didn’t tell you first.” I chuckled. “I know that the last time I was here I told you that we don’t have any big plans after the wedding but something changed that.”
Bill pulled away from me a little, tilting his head and listening attentively to what I am about to say.
“We didn’t exactly plan this but it happened and we are so grateful that it did and if we got the chance to do it again we wouldn’t hesitate to forget the second time around.” The biggest smile painted my face, my eyes switching from the tombstone to Bill.
“Nova...” Bill didn’t know whether he should smile or start crying again. “Are you...”
He was too overwhelmed to finish the sentence as I nodded.
“I’m pregnant.” The tears, I so desperately tried to hold in, escaped my eyes.
“Merlin’s beard, how many times are you going to make me cry today?” Bill wrapped his arms around me again and started crying into my shoulder. “I’m going to be an uncle!”
“Yes!” I exclaimed.
“How do you always manage to get me so emotional?” He shook his head, squeezing me tighter.
“I have my ways.” I giggled.
“How far along are you?”
“We were at the doctor’s today and she confirmed our suspicion that it happened in May, so about 12 weeks.”
“Suspicion?” Bill pulled away, raising an eyebrow, us sitting normally again.
“We forgot the protection spell on our anniversary.” I bit the inner side of my cheek.
“How does Charlie feel about this?” Bill asked.
“You’ll see when we get to the house. Let’s just say that you should be prepared to cry again.” I chuckled and brushed the dry tears off my cheeks.
“Yeah, he was always big on family. I can imagine he is over the roof about it.” Bill rubbed his nose with the back of his hand.
“He’s going to be a great dad.” The memory of us jumping around our living room when we saw that the test was positive, rolled in front of my eyes.
“And how are you?” Bill nudged me with his shoulder.
“I panicked at first. Mostly because I didn’t know how Charlie would feel about it but I couldn’t be happier.” I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading all over my face.
“You both secretly wanted this even though you said you wanted to wait a few more years.” He winked at me.
“We feel ready.” I nodded.
“I presume you told our family?” I nodded again. “How did mum take it?”
“She...she came around. Charlie will probably tell you all about it.” I sighed.
“Yeah, I thought it didn’t go smoothly. Nothing ever does with her.” Bill rolled his eyes.
“All your siblings and your dad made a bet though.” I laughed.
“Yeah? What about?”
“The baby’s gender. Fred and George started it.” I giggled.
“Of course, they did!” Bill joined me.
“3 Galleons,” I added.
“I want in!” Bill exclaimed. “What did Ginny bet on? She always wins the bets.”
“Ginny, your dad and Fred think it’s going to be a girl.”
“And what do you think? You seem to always be right about stuff like this too.” Bill teased.
“I...I keep calling it she.” I smiled shyly, looking down at my belly.
“Then I bet it’s a girl too.”
“What do you think my dad would say?” I turned my head to the tombstone again.
“I think he would be more than happy and proud of you.” Bill smiled. “And he would definitely bet on anything opposite of what your mum would say.”
I laughed wholeheartedly.
“You’re right. They did love to bet on things.” I felt tears gathering in my eyes again. “You’re going to be a grandpa, dad. Would you call your grandchild Pumpkin, as you did me?” I rubbed my eyes, feeling Bill’s hand making gentle circles on my back.
“I think he would have all sorts of cute nicknames for them.” I turned to Bill, his gaze on the grave.
“He loved to give nicknames.” I chuckled.
“Did I ever tell you that he called me a rising star?” Bill questioned.
“No, but Robert said that my dad wrote that you are a rising star in the Curse-Breaker community when he sent you the letter, do you remember?”
“I do. I still have that letter.” Bill lifted his chin proudly. “He was the best mentor I will ever get to have.”
“He was the best dad, too,” I whispered.
We sat there, me listening to Bill talk about the summer he spent with my dad for another 2 hours. I heard all the stories more than once, but I still loved listening to them and I couldn’t wait for mine and Charlie’s child to be big enough to listen to their uncle Bill telling them stories about their grandpa.
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Your Person
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Requested?: Yep, I’m the machine that makes all of @gingeraleluke​ ‘s ideas come true! Tbh, I asked her for the ideas.
Word Count: 2.3K+
Author’s Note: Tissues suggested, and it’s ok that I release this because you have Jim smut and Jim happy fluff so this is allowed thank you very much.
Warning: bitter-sweet sad angsty fluff.
-- Jealousy is an ugly feature, but it’s one Y/N just couldn’t seem to wipe away. Of course, she hadn’t always been that way, she was beautiful once. Naive, sure, but beautiful nonetheless.
Her mother would have told her she was too young to be jaded, with too much life left in her to be sad or dejected. She would have told her not to put her faith in men, because men almost always tend to let you down, and as she lay in bed that night, she knew her mother would have laughed at her, said she told her so, because she was absolutely right.
It wasn’t the first time, either. Similar events had occurred in the past to lead her to the conclusion, it wasn’t just that night. No, she had a list of incidents that kept her awake, made her swing her legs over the side of the bed and walk into her kitchen to get away from the man who lay in her bed.
It wasn’t even his fault, she thought that was what hurt most. That it was simply a cruel twist of fate for her, and a lucky one for him. He was kind and smart and funny and sweet, she was quite convinced he wouldn’t hurt a fly. And he wouldn’t rip off the bandaid because they both knew it was a low blow, that it was going to hurt her like a bitch.
He was a light sleeper, he would be awake once he felt her gone from the bed, but with the time to spare and a need for some pain relief, Y/N rummaged through her cupboards and pulled out a bottle of Prosecco from a back shelf. She had been saving it for their anniversary next week, some fancy shit her grandparents had sent her for a birthday. She thought about pulling out a glass, but with a glance back at the room, a tear ran down her cheek and she decided on drinking from the bottle.
She passed the wall clock on her way to the couch: 3:24. She sat herself on the ledge of her window, the moonlight sparkling down on the city around her, the stars in the sky seemingly reflected by the dull shine of the street lamps. The snow was settling nicely, and with Thanksgiving just gone, the cold front wasn’t unexpected. She took a swig of the bottle, the cool alcohol fizzing in her throat and urging her to couch a little. She wasn’t a frequent drinker, but at this point, now was a better time than any.
She could hear shuffling in the room over, no doubt he had felt round the bed and found it empty. He was worried about her, no doubt, she usually slept like the dead, and would be out to look for her in a few moments. In response to this theory, she reached over to her bookshelf, just an arm’s stretch from the window, and pulled out a notebook from amongst the paperbacks and textbooks.
“Y/N?” A voice called from the other room, groggy from sleep but still soft, warm, inviting. In the dark apartment, it felt like he was bringing sunshine into the cold room. She wouldn’t notice, but she had goosebumps.
“In here.” She called back, careful to keep her voice steady. Last thing she needed to do was crack and lose her nerve; he would no doubt comfort and shower her in affection to make the problem go away.
His footsteps were heavy, his hair a mess from sleep, and he shuffled through the doorway from the bedroom into the living area with a silly grin on his face: he was confused by the bottle in her hand, but perhaps celebrations were in order.
“What’s the good news?” He chuckled, pushing himself off the doorframe and heading in her direction, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she took another swig.
She was building up the nerve. It would be so easy to lie, to fall back into the safety of it all and fall asleep beside him, but that wouldn’t work.
So she finally brought herself to look at her boyfriend, her Jim, and gesture from him to sit on the couch across from her.
“Shall I turn on the light?” Jim offered, a little worried now. Y/N wasn’t the quiet sort, at least not around him she wasn’t, and this behaviour was off in a major way.
She shook her head at his suggestion, knowing if he saw the tears rolling down her cheeks she wouldn’t do it.
She wouldn’t rip off the band aid.
“January 20th.” She began, taking a second to clear her throat and open up the notebook. She didn’t need it, she had the dates and actions memorised, but having it helped a little. “January 14th. During a coffee break, Jim made Pam laugh. When she shivered, he offered his sweater to her.” She read out, quickly sniffing and wiping her nose.
“Y/N, what is this?” Jim asked, but she held up a hand and he fell silent. He was too kind to interrupt: she was counting on that.
“February 14th. Asked if Valentine’s plans could be changed to include Pam. You agreed. The pair fell asleep together on your couch.” She continued. “March 30th. In the spirit of Easter, Jim let Pam paint his face as a bunny rabbit. He fed her chocolate as payment.” She voice had started to crack, and Jim went to get up and move beside her. She was quicker, standing up with her book and moving away, leaving the pair stood at opposite sides of the front room.
“June 3rd. Six month anniversary. Jim spent half the evening on the phone with Pam after an emergency occurred. You drove him to her house that night.
“July 6th. Funfair with Dunder Mifflin team, you watched him win her a teddy bear, they rode the Ferris wheel together.
“August 10th. Talking, pranks all day. Jim hugged her.” You were picking out highlights from a book full of accounts, and wiping away the tears as you read faster and faster, desperate to get it all out.
“Note to self: buy the green top Pam has, Jim seems to love it. He’s been looking at her all day. Pam is looking back.
“September 23rd. You spent more time on your double date with Jim, Pam and Fred with Fred. Jim and Pam left for karaoke. Note to self: work on confidence, Jim likes Pam’s confidence. You would never get up and sing like she does.” She was sobbing now, hyperventilating as she tried her hardest to read out the rest, not seeing that across the room Jim’s eyes were watering.
“Y/N, stop.”
“Halloween. They matched, by complete accident. Jim would dress up to match Pam. Note to self, look into Jim’s interest more. If you knew him better he would want to match with you.
“Thanksgiving. Jim invited Pam and office friends to a Friendsgiving. He spent the night with Pam.” Y/N finally stopped, looking up from the notebook so stained with tears the ink was running. She stood straight, stiff, her nose flaring as she tried to calm her emotions as Jim stood across the room with his eyes on the notebook. He couldn’t look away from it.
“You say her name in your sleep, do you know that?” She finally asked, and Jim’s eyes shot up, a hand coming to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “I don’t blame you, Jim, I understand. You… you were trying to move on. You didn’t mean to hurt me, I know you would never mean to do any of this but…”
“She’s my friend, Y/N.”
“You let her keep the sweater… The sweater I bought you, Jim. Your favourite.” She whispered, throwing the notebook down on the table in a burst of rage. “FUCK! Fuck, I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” the tears were hard to contain then, and Y/N quickly found herself crumpling to the floor, caught by a pair of strong arms before she hit something solid. Jim’s arms wrapped around her, his lips pressed to her hair as he took in Y/N’s scent: chocolate and apples and rain. She smelt like autumn, smelt like the changing leaves and hot coffee and walks in the frosty air.
“Baby, Y/N please…” he pleaded, lifting her chin and wiping the tears from her cheeks. “What can I do? What can I do to make you happy again?” He begged for an answer, anything that would help.
He loved her, of course he did, and had he known she was tearing herself apart over this…
“I need you to leave, Jim…” at first, Jim wasn’t sure he heard her right, Y/N’s voice was so quiet. But she wiped her eyes and broke the hug, pulling herself up to her feet. “I need you to leave, and find Pam. I need you to be with Pam, because she’s your person and I’m not going to get in the way of you finding your person.” Y/N explained through choked sobs and hiccups, grabbing the fizz bottle and taking another swig. “And before you say some nonsense about how I’ve got it all wrong, I’ve not. I know you lo-“ the word got stuck in her throat. “I love you Jim, but you’ll never be happy with me if she’s still around.”
“That’s not true!” Jim protested, taking one of her hands in his. “Look at me, Y/N, please…”
“You’ve never looked at me that way, Jim… You look at her like you love her.” Y/N raised her voice, surprising Jim enough to pull herself away. “Tell me honestly you stopped loving her!”
And there it was, the plea that left Jim frozen, left his speechless and guilt-ridden and sent tears down both of their cheeks. Because he couldn’t lie to Y/N like that, not about something so big: he loved her, yes, but it wasn’t what he felt for Pam, it never had been.
“I’m so sorry..” Was the first thing he could manage, and Y/N just nodded, her hypothesis proven true.
“We were good, Jim… But you and Pam? You’re better. And I can’t spend the rest of my life trying to be her for you.” Y/N stated simply, Jim just nodding in defeat. “I love you, I always will-“
“I love you too Y/N.”
“This isn’t anyone’s fault Jim, ok? You didn’t do anything wrong, Pam didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did I. But I’m someone else’s person, and I need to find them like you and Pam have found yours.”
Jim pulled her into a tight hug, Y/N’s arms wrapping around him and holding him just as tight. She breathed in deep, taking in the traces of his cologne and the smell of his clean cotton pyjamas, the hint of coffee that lingered around him, and Skittles: the ones that sat on Pam’s desk.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, grasping tight to one another, remembering the feeling of being each other’s arms.
“I’m going to go into the bathroom for five minutes, clean my face, pour the alcohol down the sink because it’s actually really bad.” Y/N started, the pair sharing a tearful laugh. “And when I come out, I want you gone. I can pack the last of things up for you, bring them into the office on Monday, and we leave it at that. Stay friends, but we both move on. Okay?” Y/N asked, the smile on her face faltering. She couldn’t believe she was doing it, ripping off the band aid, breaking her own heart so Jim wouldn’t have to.
“I love you so much…” Jim whispered, pulling her close and pressing his lips to hers one last time. It tasted salty from tears, but for a split second it felt like nothing was wrong, like they were each other’s people.
Y/N did as she said: she went to the bathroom and cleaned her face, poured the bottle of alcohol down the bathroom sink, and she waited until five minutes had passed. She emerged to find an empty apartment, a few lights left on in the bedroom where Jim had gotten dressed and left.
He kept his side, because a moment later she heard his car leaving the parking lot downstairs.
The silence was nice, the engulfing quiet eased the pain in her chest slightly, and Y/N wandered into his room to start emptying his drawer in her dresser, where he kept his essentials when at hers, only to find it empty.
At least he took a painful chore out of it for her.
She decided to strip and change the sheets, turn the mattress, light some candles, anything to get rid of Jim’s presence from her space. She checked her wardrobe, but he had cleared everything out… Almost.
On her vanity, amongst her bottles of perfume and makeup bags, a quarter-full bottle of Jim’s cologne sat, perched beside a note with her name on it.
She sat at her vanity, lifting the bottle to her nose and smelling the scent she had become accustomed to over that last year, then opened the note:
I hope you find your person. I love you, Jim xx
The alarm clock by her bed read 4.16. It had taken less than an hour to almost completely let go of Jim Halpert. She would keep the cologne, spray it from time to time, and when it ran out she would be able to throw it away without sadness in her heart.
Jealousy was ugly, but sacrifice was beautiful, and looking in the mirror in the lamp light of her bedroom, Y/N felt like herself for the first time in months.
And it felt better.
Tagging some folks who might need a cry after the earlier smut:  @im-a-writer-right​ @professorkrasinski​ @bigdesi​ @gingeraleluke​ @random-thoughts-003​ @twink-jr​ @leahstypewriter​ @dxbriksx​
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noviceaoiryusei · 2 years
FAN REPORT 「 online talk 」
It's my first time watching a live talk show from a university festival. I'm glad that it was live streamed on youtube although there are no archives for both guestings so as much as I want to write down notes from the talk show, I'm only writing a few. 30th of October - Ohtori Matsuri Talk Show guest: Isomura Hayato
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Saturday is one of the busiest day of the week for me so, I wasn't able to watch the stream from the very beginning. I wasn't able to take down notes too since it was so damn noisy on a saturday. For the questions and trouble consultation, there is a box in front of him wherein he randomly choose questions to answer. I just remembered that someone asked about an episode with Kitamura Takumi since the person who asked is a fan of Kitamura Takumi, I don't remember his answer though since as I mentioned, I wasn't able to take down notes. I do remember one question though... Q: what do you do on your day off? A: on my day off? I play games with my friends and go to the sauna. I also go running and cycling around town. 31st of October - Online TUT Matsuri in Kamata guest: Hyodo Katsumi
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This is a memorable event for Katsumi himself since it was his first time being invited in a university talk show. Of course, I tuned in to witness such an event in his life. Lol. I can feel that genuine happiness from him on that day, he was all smiling and laughing mostly throughout the show -- HE IS JUST THE CUTEST!!!! >w< For the questions and messages, the MC holds a paper so it seemed that everything was pre-selected by the staff. Some of the questions that I remember are: Q: what is the hardest role that you have portrayed A: the hardest, huh? it's the sentai because you have to do lots of action plus the shooting took for about a year so it's really tough Q: the actor/s that you get along well A: I do get along well with my co-actors from ryusoulger. apart from them, I also do get along well with Ito Asahi. we have went to eat out for meals along with Hama Shogo. Q: are you half taiwanese (or chinese) A: ehhh? is that a question? *laughs* MC: yes, it's a question that was asked in here, are you half? A: *laughs* yes, I am note: Katsumi was laughing A LOT with this question so I am not sure if I do heard it as "taiwanese" or "chinese" correctly. Q: what are your hobbies? A: I like cooking because I love to eat vegetables. recently I have been cooking quite a lot on my free time. Q: a movie that you have watched recently A: it's a movie of Kiyohara Kaya and Narita Ryo on netflix (Matomo Janai no wa Kimi mo Issho) Q: favorite sweets A: I like gummies There's also a letter that was read, the sender was a father and he said that his son wanted to be a hero. He thanked Katsumi for being an inspiration for his son because of his role in sentai. Also there's a question about disliked food wherein he replied that he doesn't like "nama tamanegi" especially when it's on a barbecue, he don't want to eat it. He was asked by the MC if maybe one day he'll consider eating it, he made a really bitter smile as he shake his head in disagreement. # End
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Helfert, Joachim Murat, Chapter 6, Part 4
Sorry as usual for the long delay. I really had to finish some other work. When we left off, Murat was still in Corsica, planning his landing on Neapolitan soil.
In Ajaccio, Murat's imminent arrival was soon known, and on the 23rd, when he made his entrance, a reception awaited him that sealed his doom. For now he was drunk from joy and a feeling of victory. His pride, his ambition, together with his adventurous, extravagant imagination, won over him to such an extent that he remained completely deaf to calm ideas, to rational arguments. "This is how my Neapolitans received me," he exclaimed to Franceschetti in the evening, "whenever I returned from the field to their midst!" And after a while: "Yes, so be it! I will live or die among my people! I want to go to Naples, let us not miss a moment to be there!" To make the measure of his delusion complete, a letter from Count Borgia of Rome, sent to him via Porto-Longone, came into his hands in these days, describing the mood in Naples as immensely favourable to him, and King Ferdinand as hated everywhere. Lambruschini, who could teach him otherwise, was, as we know, not even in Naples at that time, let alone that any news had arrived from him, which, incidentally, in the mood in which Murat now found himself, would hardly have changed his decision.
The next few days were spent preparing for departure. As a side piece to the Bogognano Manifesto, he now had a "royal decree" drawn up which could almost be called Napoleonic, so much thought was given in it to the most insignificant details. The constitution is to come into force on 1 January 1816, and the convocation of the chambers is to be initiated without delay" (Art. 1). "All civil servants, officers and dignitaries discharged since May 21 shall immediately resume their official positions; the former division of the army shall be restored; all grades, all allocations, all promotions, honours and rewards made during the last campaign shall remain in force (Art. 2, 8, 10). On the other hand, all those appointed since that day shall immediately leave their posts, otherwise they will be declared rebels, inciters of civil war, traitors to the fatherland, put outside the law and treated as such (Art. 3, 4). Neither the royal palaces, summer residences and estates were forgotten, for which the former court servants would once again have to take care, nor the king's horses, equipages and carriages, for which the chief stable master and his staff were made responsible (Art. 13, 14). "All our adjutants and orderly officers must appear without delay at Our Headquarters and rally around Our person" (Art. 18). . . The decree, consisting of 20 articles, was calculated to 36. It provided for the composition of the ministry, for the filling of the leading military posts in the capital and in the provinces. But because it was pointed out to the "King" that a premature appointment of these personalities, most of whom were in Naples, would only expose them to Ferdinand's revenge, Murat agreed to the relevant articles being suppressed. The decree and the manifesto were then sent to the printers at Ajaccio, in order to have a sufficient number of copies of both at hand at the first moment. The place and date of execution were left open; both headings were to be filled in as soon as they were in place.
On 28 September, everything was ready for departure. The desired vehicles were prepared and equipped as needed: there were five trabacoli and one felucca, larger barques (gondoloni), as the Barbaresks used them for their raids; the crew to be embarked, officers, soldiers and seamen, numbered about 250. Immediately before embarkation, the "King" promoted all officers by one rank each and awarded the Order of Both Sicilies to those who were not yet decorated with it. The relevant decrees were written in all royal chancery style, so that the clerks available in Ajaccio had to be diligent enough in their work.
Joachim entrusted the supreme command of the flotilla to the frigate Captain Barbara, a Maltese by birth, who had been given the baronate by Murat.
On 25 September, Colonel Maceroni had arrived in the port of Bastia, from where, after learning that Murat had departed from Vescovato, he had telegraphed his imminent arrival in Ajaccio. At noon on the 28th, he arrived in the capital of Corsica and went to Joachim without delay to inform him of the conditions of the Great Powers, to hand over the travel documents for the journey to Trieste and to enclose his most urgent ideas not to reject the offer made to him out of hand. At the same time, the British Captain Bastard, who had long ago arrived in the port of Bastia with the frigate Mäander and two sloops of cannon, offered to take the ex-king across the sea. But it was impossible to have a sensible word with him. If the Corsicans, for whom he had never done anything, had welcomed him so enthusiastically, would this be less the case in Naples, which he had showered with benefits as king? And should he abandon the hundreds who had now joined him to the revenge of the French government? And if his enterprise failed, what could happen to him? That his person should be secured and that he should be kept in some remote place like his brother-in-law! - When his faithful congratulated him on the unexpected salvation opened up to him by the offer of Emperor Franz, he exclaimed: "Of course, I will go to Austria, so that one morning I may be found strangled in the bosom of my family! I would rather go to Constantinople! But no, even there I would be killed!" Nevertheless, he wrote a letter to Maceroni in which he did not necessarily reject the proposal of the allied powers, but reserving the right to consider it as soon as he would be with his family. He explained that he had to decline Bastard's invitation because it had been made in an improper manner: "une sommation trop peu mesurée"; no doubt the captain had addressed him simply as "Marshal Murat".
Carabelli also arrived in Ajaccio that day and had a conversation with the ex-king, without achieving anything other than encouraging the ill-fated man in his intentions.
Helfert comments on the arrival of the Neapolitan Carabelli in a footnote with reference to two other reports:
Franceschetti p. 39-41 and Colletta-Gallois p. 30 f. present the matter as if the Neapolitan government had sent Ignazio Carabelli, who is supposed to have joined his brother Simone after his arrival in Corsica, in order to play the agent provocateur with Murat and lure him to Naples. This is not only contradicted by Ricciardi's explicit testimony, but also by the entire situation and mood at the Court of Naples, where Murat's ventures were feared, not desired. It is downright nonsensical when Colletta-Gallois add the remark: "Ainsi on était informé à Naples de tout ce qui se passait en Corse". Was there an undersea telegraph at that time? Lambruschini, who certainly hurried to bring his well-meant warnings to the ex-king, needed seven days from Rome to Bastia, 6 to 12 October, and Ignaz Carabelli was certainly not sent by Minister Medici before mid-September, probably only after the 18th, when Jablonovski had his conversation with the king. Now Carabelli, who no doubt had a government ship at his disposal, may have managed his passage to Bastia more quickly than Lambruschini; but from Bastia he still had the arduous land route or the circumnavigation of Cape Bianco in the north or Cape Bonifazio in the south - Maceroni had taken a full three days from Bastia to Ajaccio!  - so that he certainly did not meet Murat before the 28th, which is also consistent with explicit witness statements. And then one should have been informed in Naples "de tout ce qui se passait en Corse"!
The text continues:
Before midnight Murat wrote a second long letter to Maceroni, in which there was no longer any question of yielding: "I will never accept the conditions which you have been instructed to impose on me; for me they are nakedly and simply tantamount to an abdication, for which I am offered the sole advantage of being allowed to live in perpetual slavery and under the arbitrary control of a despotic government. I have not abdicated, I have the right to reclaim my crown if God gives me the strength and the means to do so! I place freedom above all else; captivity is death to me. What treatment have I to expect from these powers who made me spend two months under the daggers of the assassins of Marseilles! I have laid down my life a thousand times in battle for the fatherland: shall I not be allowed to lay it down once for my own interest?"
Immediately afterwards, he went to the ships, the anchors were lifted and they set out into the open sea. The citadel of Ajaccio, whose crew had not dared to take any action against the Muratists, sent a few live rounds after the flotilla, which, however, did no damage because the flotilla was already out of range. The sky was clear, the sea calm. But on the 29th a storm came up and the small squadron had to drop anchor on the 30th at the deserted island of Tavolara, on the north-east coast of Sardinia. On 1 October, they set sail again and on the 4th were so close to the coast of Naples that they could see Vesuvius. The ex-king's mad plan of taking Ferdinand by surprise in Portici now flashed through his mind again, but he let himself be talked out of it and they steered south towards Calabria. On the 6th Paola was in sight. Efforts were made to anchor: a storm arose and four of the ships were driven far out to sea, only the felucca of Battalion Commander Courrand remained near the vessel carrying the "King". On the 7th they waited for the others to return; when they did not show themselves, a landing was nevertheless to be attempted. A muleteer and one of Joachim's old guard came along the way and Major Ottaviani was disembarked to question them. Their answers did not inspire confidence; they also attracted the attention of the beach guard, from whom two blind shots were fired, demanding obedience. Ottaviani was again put ashore, then two sailors and Baron Barbara, who identified themselves to the local authorities as "Frenchmen on a journey to Tunis"; for Barbara had provided himself with passports to that effect in Corsica. Nevertheless, the officials became suspicious and detained Ottaviani and one of the sailors; only the other sailor and Barbara were released. Murat did not want to abandon his men, but in the end he followed prudent considerations and set sail for Amantea and then even further south.
Courrand's behaviour now became so suspicious that Captain Pernice and Lieutenant Moltedo, who were on his ship, insisted on being transferred to Barbara's barque; indeed, Courrand disappeared with his vessel the following night and was never seen again. Murat had only one ship left, and now for the first time pusillanimity came over him. He had only a handful of men with him; he saw that his enterprise would be foolhardy. He ordered Galvani to throw the copies of the manifesto and the decree into the sea and decided to sail to Trieste in order to make use of the offer of the Emperor of Austria and of his passport, which he had prudently kept with him. But for this they needed money, food and above all a larger ship. They were near Pizzo and Murat wanted to disembark here in order to procure what they needed. Barbara objected to this plan, an exchange of words ensued, Murat became passionate, and all his good intentions were blown out of the water. The ideas of the more superior, and the entreaties of his faithful valet not to run to his ruin, did not succeed: he, the "king," commanded, and the others had to obey. "I have only done good to the Neapolitans," he cried, "they cannot have forgotten me, they will hasten to my aid!"
The barge struck the shore, the officers were eager to jump out of the ship, but Murat refused them: "It is for me to be the first to set foot on the soil of my kingdom." And with that he was ashore. He had enough deliberation left to order Captain Barbara to lead his ship into a sheltered bay close by to be ready for any eventuality. It was on the 8th of October, a Sunday, between 11 and 12 o'clock in the morning.
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