#you are free to reblog and comment and all that
Mission Control 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Captain Hydra
Summary: a man marches into your life on a mission
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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That day, the bus is mostly empty. It's only you, an eldery couple, and the driver. The ebb and flow of traffic slows the wheels as the driver passes by vacant stops. You watch the pavement roll by between patches of grass. 
The dulcet ride lures you into a calm even as your pre-work nerves buzz. You hug your bag in your lap as the driver stops and the doors open to let in another passenger. The axel squeals as the vehicular behemoth pulls away from the curb. 
You continue to watch the city as the new rider strides between the seats. You sense their shadow loom closer and closer. You expect them to claim the empty seat across from yours. Instead, the sit right next to you. It's an odd choice given the few passengers aboard. 
You fidget and make yourself smaller. You turn your head straight as you try to see the stranger from the edge of your vision. They're big. Broad enough that their arm presses to yours even as you try to shrink into yourself. Tall too, his knees against the row in front of you. 
He sits rigidly beside you. Uneasy at his proximity, you fish into your side pocket and slide free your phone. You open it aimlessly, tapping habitually on the crossword app you play at work in the low times. 
The solutions elude you as your mind can't detach from the man crowding you into the window. Why can't he sit anywhere else? You look around at the unclaimed seats. He stays as he is, stiff, straight, unmoving. 
You close out of the came and lock your phone. You clasp your hand around the device as you hug your bag once more. Your other hand toys with the little pom pom that hangs from your zipper. 
The bright bus signs pass by. You're stop is coming up. Now is the awkward part. Getting the man to let you out. 
You pull the cord to signal your intent but he's already on his feet. You glance over and thank him softly, a brief glimpse at his face. A scar ripples from his hairline, through his temple and angles down his cheek to his jaw. His eyes are a bold blue and his nose finely cut despite the large blemish.  
He stands back as you grab your bag and sidle out. You go to the doors. He follows. 
He grips the yellow bar behind you, his large hand gripping as if he might crush the metal. You stare at his knuckles and the bus jerks to a stop. You nearly fall off your feet. The man catches you by your hip with his free hand. 
You set your feet and cough out another thanks. Embarrassed, you slap the doors and they open. You scurry off and the men once more trails after you. As you veer towards the mall, he waits until the bus takes off and crosses the street. With him, your suspicious leaves. 
You're frazzled as you enter work. You don't know why. You just... are. Something about that man sticks with you. Even if he never said a word, it felt like he was trying to tell you something. 
You clock in and try to shake it off. His face flashes in your mind. You can't place what seems so familiar about him. You would remember if you met him before. How could you forget? 
You go to the counter as Layton talks with a customer about the new seasonal blends. The tea shop has its peak times, especially as winter approaches, but it's one o clock on a Tuesday and that's never very busy anywhere. 
You greet the next customers. Two girls interested in the cold brew pots. You show them what you have and explain the store's points card. The buy a sampler and nothing else. Typical. 
Layton finishes at four. The traffic picks up once he's gone. You don't mind as it keeps the time moving. It peters out as the dinnertime rush fills the food court. You can hear the crowd from around the corner. 
You set to wiping down the counter and putting away the few stray canisters left out. As you turn back, you have to swallow down a shriek. You didn't hear the man over the mall's top hits playlist. 
You hesitate as your eyes meet. It's him. The man from the bus. You blink and press your lips together. 
"Hello, uh, how are you today?" You ask.  
He just stares. No answer. No sign he even heard you. 
He's in all black. Boots, jeans, cargo jacket. He stands like a soldier. You part your lips again, "are you looking for anything in particular? Today we have our apple crisp chai as the sample." 
He still doesn't react. Not more than his eyes falling to the nervous twiddle of your fingers on the counter. Your scalp prickles and your nape burns. If he keeps this up, you'll have to phone security. 
He raises his hand to reveal a familiar object. It's the fluffy pom pom from your bag. Your brows pop up, "oh? Thanks. It must have fallen off." 
You reach for it and your mind races. As nice as it is to return the key chain, you can't help but wonder. How did he know where to find you?
As you grasp the soft ball, his other hand comes up and snares your wrist. Your squeak and try to pull back. You're stuck in his grip.  
Your eyes round and flick up to meet his. His gaze bores into you and at last, his stony expression cracks. He smirks, the scar on the side of his face paling as the lines around his eyes deepen. He releases the keychain and grabs a fistful of your hair. 
"Ow!" You squeal and yank again.  
He rips your hair out at the roots and you exclaim again. Hets go of your arm and you hit the shelves behind you. He nods and spins on his heel, clutching the handful of your hair.  
You whimper and rub your head as your scalp burns. Your eyes water and your lip trembles. You just gape at the door. What just happened? 
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kckt88 · 1 day
A Heartbeat Between Us III
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Aemond and Y.N attend a scan for their baby and arguements ensue when Alys and Jace reappear.
Warning(s): Angst, Drama, Arguing, Discussion of Past Trauma, Swearing, Threat of Violence, Mild Jealousy, Allusions to Sex.
Word Count: 6454
A.N - Bit of a filler chapter.
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated, do not copy/post to other sights without my permission.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @killua2dot0 @msassenach @xcharlottemikaelsonx @moonnicole @toodlesxcuddles @mamawiggers1980 @minttea07 @nommingonfood
Y.N. stirred as the soft rustling of clothes caught her attention. Her eyes fluttered open, catching sight of Aemond standing at the edge of the bed, already half-dressed, pulling on his shirt in the early morning light.
"What time is it?" she murmured, her voice thick with sleep.
Aemond glanced at her, buttoning his shirt. "6 a.m.," he replied, smoothing his collar. "I need to head home and shower before work." He walked over, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead. "Go back to sleep."
Y.N. blinked a few times, shaking her head. "No, I need to get up too. I have a book restoration to finish for a client," she said, stretching her arms above her head.
Aemond paused for a moment, looking at her with concern. "Is that safe for the baby?"
Y.N. gave him a reassuring smile. "I wear a mask and gloves. It should be fine."
He nodded, clearly still thinking it over but trusting her judgment. "Thanks for letting me stay last night," he said quietly, brushing a lock of hair away from her face.
"It's okay," she smiled back, her eyes soft.
Aemond leaned in and kissed her lips, a lingering gesture that seemed reluctant to let go. "Make sure you have a healthy breakfast," he murmured as he pulled back.
Y.N. mockingly saluted him. "Yes, sir."
Something shifted in Aemond at her words, a flash of heat lighting up in his eye. He leaned closer, his forehead resting against hers, the air between them suddenly thick with tension.
"You’d do well to listen to me," he whispered, his voice low, laced with intent. "Or I’ll have to punish you."
Y.N. giggled softly, clearly enjoying the playful edge to his words. "I might like it, Daddy."
The growl that came from Aemond was deep and possessive. He claimed her mouth with a fierce kiss, laying her back down on the bed as his body pressed over hers, the heat between them flaring back to life.
"I'm going to be late" muttered Aemond torn between desire and responsibility as the covers slipped revealing Y.N’s naked body.
Y.N. bit her lip, an apologetic smile tugging at the corners. "Sorry."
Aemond smirked wickedly, his eye dark with lust. "Don't be." He kissed her again, his hands moving quickly to undo his trousers, freeing his hard cock.
"I thought you were going to be late?" teased Y.N
Aemond glanced down at her bare body, his hunger for her consuming any fleeting thought of punctuality.
"It’s worth it," he growled, as he took his cock in hand and sheathed himself inside her in a single thrust.
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Y.N. burst through the door of the bookstore, cheeks flushed and slightly out of breath.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” she called out, her words spilling out in a rush.
For all the worrying about Aemond being late this morning, it ended up being her who was running behind.
Damn him and his big cock.
Luckily, Aemond had dropped her off, so she wasn’t that late, but still.
She didn’t like showing up behind schedule, especially with so much work to do. Wasting no time, Y.N. headed straight to the back room where her restoration materials were waiting.
She slipped on her gloves and mask with practiced ease, feeling a sense of calm settle over her as she focused on the task at hand.
The book in front of her was old, its cover worn, pages delicate from years of handling. She’d been commissioned to restore it by a client who cherished it, and she felt the weight of that responsibility.
The process was time-consuming and required precision—every movement measured; every touch careful. But there was something so satisfying about it. Bringing an old, damaged book back to life, piece by piece, always filled her with pride.
A couple of hours passed in a quiet blur, Y.N. so absorbed in her work that she almost forgot the time. She was just about to take a break when her phone buzzed on the worktable beside her.
It was a message from Helaena: ‘Lunch at the café round the corner? xoxo’
Y.N. smiled and texted back a quick, ‘Yes, see you in ten xx’, before tidying up her workstation. She placed the restored pages back into their protective covers, wiped down her tools, and slipped off her gloves.
With a final glance at her progress, she grabbed her coat and headed out the door, eager to catch up with Helaena and unwind a little over lunch.
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Y.N. spotted Helaena waiting by the café entrance, her blonde hair blowing softly in the breeze.
Helaena's face lit up the moment she saw her, and Y.N. couldn't help but smile back. As she approached, Helaena reached out, gently taking Y.N.'s hand in hers, guiding her inside.
They found a cozy table by the window, the soft hum of chatter around them as they settled in.
After ordering drinks—a coffee for Helaena and a fruit smoothie for Y.N.—Helaena busied herself with the menu, eyes scanning the options. Y.N., on the other hand, had already decided on her favourite: a jacket potato with tuna, cheese, and, of course, a side of pickles with Helaena eventually settling on a Caesar salad.
As they waited for their food, the conversation shifted to work. Helaena talked about the flower shop she owned just down the street, mentioning how autumn was bringing in new customers.
It was comforting, chatting about the mundane, but Helaena soon changed the topic with a knowing smile.
“So,” Helaena began casually, “-How are things going with Aemond?”
Y.N. nearly choked on her smoothie, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Uh, well-I’m not sure what’s going on, honestly,” she admitted, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks.
Helaena leaned forward; her gaze soft yet knowing. “Is it because you two keeping having sex? Or is it because you're pregnant?”
Y.N. froze, her eyes widening. “H-How do you know?”
Helaena smiled warmly. “Aemond called me this morning,” she explained. “Don’t worry, he didn’t say much. Just that there's something between you two and that you’re pregnant.”
Blushing deeper, Y.N. asked hesitantly, “Are you-mad at me? You know, for being with him while he was still with Alys?”
Helaena’s expression softened even more. “Of course not,” she said, shaking her head. “That’s Aemond’s issue, not yours. But if I’m being honest, I always knew something was bound to happen between you two at some point.”
“Really?” Y.N. asked, surprised. “Even back in school when he was-kind of a dick?”
Helaena chuckled lightly, nodding. “Yes, even then. Aemond was dealing with a lot—the loss of his eye, the surgeries, the pain. It was really hard for him. He struggled with his appearance and thought no one would ever love him for the way he looked. But then we became friends, and he really liked you, but he didn’t know how to handle those feelings, so he pushed you away. He’s always felt terrible about how he treated you.”
A tear slipped down Y.N.’s cheek as she listened, and Helaena reached across the table, squeezing her hand gently.
“Just be patient with him,” Helaena said softly.
Y.N. nodded quickly, wiping away her tears just as the food arrived. Helaena laughed as Y.N. immediately dove into the pickles.
“The baby makes me want them,” Y.N. said with a sheepish smile.
Helaena grinned, reaching into her bag. “I know it’s early, but I couldn’t help myself.” She handed Y.N. a small gift bag. Inside was an adorable bib with the words ‘I have a cool auntie’ written across it.
Y.N. laughed, her heart warming. “Thank you, Helaena. It’s so sweet.”
Helaena winked. “No, thank you for having sex with my brother. Now I get to have a niece or nephew to spoil.”
Y.N. rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling at her friend. The two shared a warm moment before tucking into their meals, the worries of the world set aside for now.
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Y.N. arrived home, juggling her bag and the stack of mail she’d collected on the way in. She sorted through the envelopes, her eyes catching on one particular letter—the familiar scrawl of Jace’s handwriting on the front.
With a sigh, she tucked it into a drawer, deciding she didn’t have the energy to deal with whatever was inside.
She moved on, opening another envelope, this one from the midwives. It was her appointment letter for the ten-week checkup. The date—October 22nd.
Smiling softly, she grabbed her phone and texted Aemond about the appointment, knowing he’d want to be there. A few minutes later, her phone buzzed with his reply:
‘Thanks for telling me. I’ll be there’.
Y.N smiled as she put her phone down, she then reached down and pulled her shoes off.
“That feels good” muttered Y.N as she headed down the hallway towards the bathroom.
She put the plug in the bath and added a little too much of her rose scented bubble bath, before shedding her clothes and throwing them in the wash basket.
The moment she sank into the warm water, surrounded by bubbles, she let out a contented sigh. The warmth soaked into her muscles, easing her tension. After washing her hair and body, she laid back, closing her eyes.
Her thoughts soon drifted to Aemond and their baby, and she placed a hand on her stomach, wondering about the future.
Would she even be a good mother? The thought stirred something deep within her—she had no real role model to draw from.
Her own mother had abandoned her when she was a toddler, and she never knew her father. Her grandfather, the one who raised her, had passed away just after she’d finished college.
She missed him very much, and the way he would always insist on a cup of tea and a biscuit at 11am whilst he listened to the wireless as he called it, the way he would go for his morning paper at the same time every day, and how he would read a new book every week from the local library as he insisted on keeping his mind active.
Even on the nights when he insisted on having a cheeky glass of whiskey and tonic water, she remembered how he taught her how to count money, and tell the time, the man had the patience of a saint.
He even taught her how to ride a bike and funnily enough how to roller blade, she laughed at the memory of him chasing after her as she went a bit too fast down a hill and fell cutting her knees open.
She then had a thought, that maybe, if the baby was a boy, she could name him after her grandfather.
Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Y.N. groaned, stepping out of the bath and wrapping a dressing gown around her. She hurried to the door, praying that it wasn’t Jace.
When she opened it, Aemond stood there, his expression tense. Before she could say anything, he launched himself at her, his arms wrapping around her tightly.
"Aemond?" Y.N. asked, confused, her words muffled against his chest. "What's wrong?"
He pulled back slightly, his eye wide with concern. "Don’t scare me like that again."
"Scare you? What do you mean?"
"I called you a bunch of times, but you didn’t answer,” Aemond explained, his voice tinged with frustration. “I thought something had happened."
Y.N. blinked. "I’m fine. I was just in the bath."
At her words, Aemond visibly relaxed, his grip on her loosening as he let out a breath. "Okay. I just—"
She cut him off with a soft smile, closing the door behind them to keep her nosey neighbours from gawking.
"I’m okay, Aemond. Promise."
As the tension eased, Aemond’s attention shifted around the flat. His eye landed on a stone figure placed on her dining table. He walked over, inspecting it with curiosity.
“What’s this for?” he asked, gesturing to the statue.
“Oh, surely you know that books aren’t the only things I restore,” Y.N. said, stepping up beside him. “That’s a piece for the museum. They asked me to restore it.”
The statue was of a woman, possibly a Greek goddess, though time and neglect had left it damaged. Despite that, the design was still beautiful.
Aemond looked impressed. “That’s amazing”.
“It’s for an exhibition in a few months, so I have to get it done by then.”
“I’m sure you will,” he said confidently, before adding with a smirk, “I didn’t notice it this morning.”
Y.N. laughed. “That’s because it arrived this afternoon.”
Aemond’s smile faded into a look of concern. “Please don’t tell me you carried it from work by yourself.”
She scowled at him playfully. “I’m not some weakling, Aemond.”
“I know, but you’re also pregnant,” he reminded her. “You have to be careful with heavy lifting.”
Y.N. couldn’t help but smile at his protectiveness. “Don’t worry. It was delivered by the museum.”
Satisfied, Aemond took a closer look at the statue, his interest piqued. “I’ve always been fascinated by history.”
“Yeah. I remember how nerdy you were about it back in school,” Y.N. teased.
Aemond chuckled. “You were just as much of a history nerd if I recall.”
She laughed, recalling a memory. “I still remember that time I answered a question before you in class. You were livid.”
Aemond smiled at the memory, his tone mock-serious. “You infuriated me.”
“Well, it made my day,” Y.N. shot back with a grin, “-Finally getting one over on the all-knowing Aemond Targaryen.”
They shared a laugh, the old academic rivalry from school long buried but still amusing. Aemond’s gaze softened as he asked, “Are you working on anything else?”
“Not right now,” she replied. “This piece will take a few weeks. Then I’ll take on something new-”
“I think it’s fascinating” said Aemond.
“W-Would you like to see pictures of the other works I’ve restored?” asked Y.N
 “I’d love to” replied Aemond eagerly.
With a nod, Y.N. handed him a thick photo album. Aemond flipped through the pages, marvelling at the before-and-after shots of her work.
His genuine interest made Y.N.’s heart swell. Jace had never shown this kind of enthusiasm for what she did, he just mostly complained.
When Aemond finished, he handed the album back, a thoughtful look on his face. “You ever think about starting your own business?”
“I’ve thought about it,” Y.N. admitted. “But setting up a business can be very expensive, and I don’t want to leave Mr. Howlett in the lurch. He gave me my first job after college.”
Aemond nodded. “I understand, but surely Mr. Howlett would want to see you succeed instead of working in some-dingy store.”
Y.N. crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “ Hark at Mr. Snooty Pants. If it doesn’t have fifty floors and its own receptionist, it’s not good enough, huh?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Aemond said, exasperated. “I just think—"
“Well, that’s what it sounded like,” she interrupted, her voice rising slightly.
Aemond took a deep breath, steadying himself. “All I meant was that Mr. Howlett probably wants you to do well, wherever that may be.”
Y.N. shrugged, her frustration ebbing. “Doesn’t matter. I can’t afford it. I have student debt, and now, with the baby—”
“I’m helping with the baby, remember?” Aemond reminded her, his voice gentle but firm.
“I know,-” Y.N. replied, her voice softening. “But I’m not a charity case.”
Aemond frowned. “I never said you were. Why are you twisting my words?”
Before he could brace for an argument, Y.N. suddenly burst into tears.
Aemond was startled at first, but then instinctively pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly as she sobbed against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” Y.N. sniffled, her voice muffled by his shirt. “I don’t know why I’m crying. I’ve just been so emotional lately.”
Aemond gently wiped her tears away and cupped her face. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
She gave a watery laugh. “I cried earlier because I ate all the pickles.”
Aemond smiled, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. “I think I might know of a way to make you feel better,” he whispered, leaning in closer, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered something naughty.
Y.N. blushed, her cheeks burning. "Aemond!" she exclaimed, swatting at him playfully, though she couldn’t help but smile.
“So-shall we?” asked Aemond as he offered her his hand.
Y.N playfully hesitated for a moment before she took his hand and followed him to her bedroom.
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As Y.N. stood in the lift, she found herself reflecting on the past two weeks. Almost every night had been spent with Aemond at her flat, their evenings filled with conversations about work, shared meals, and a surprising amount of amazing sex.
Sometimes she cooked, and other times Aemond amazed her with his culinary skills. Their nights always ended the same way—the two of them together in bed.
She wasn’t entirely sure what was happening between them, as they’d never discussed it but whatever it was, she liked it. She felt a sense of warmth and connection that she hadn’t anticipated.
The lift dinged, pulling her from her thoughts. She stepped out onto the 20th floor of Targaryen Inc. and approached the receptionist, offering a polite smile.
“I’m here to see Aemond.”
The receptionist returned her smile. “Mr. Targaryen is expecting you.”
Y.N. nodded in thanks and entered Aemond’s office. He was on the phone, clearly in the middle of a heated argument. His eye flicked up when he saw her, and he waved her over to the sofa. She took a seat quietly, trying not to intrude.
“I don’t care!” Aemond's voice was sharp, frustration laced in his tone. “I’m a grown man—you don’t command me!”
Y.N. flinched when he slammed his fist down on the desk, her heart skipping a beat.
“I’m done with this conversation,” Aemond finished, slamming the phone down. He sighed heavily, his expression softening when he turned to her. “Sorry you had to hear that. Just my grandsire trying to tell me what to do.”
Y.N. gave a small smile, though she still felt a bit shaken by his outburst. “Maybe, in some twisted way, he thinks he’s looking out for you.”
Aemond scoffed, shaking his head. “Trust me, in this instance, he’s not.”
She didn't press further, instead changing the subject. “Are you ready for the appointment?”
Aemond nodded eagerly, rising from his chair and pulling on his jacket.
As they left the office, his hand settled on the small of her back, a comforting gesture that made her heart flutter.
They stepped into the empty lift together, and Y.N. giggled quietly when she felt his fingers teasing her side, a mischievous smile tugging at Aemond’s lips.
He leaned in, his breath warm against her skin as he began pressing gentle kisses along her neck.
“-Aemond” gasped Y.N.
Aemond then spun her against the side of the lift and pressed his lips to hers in a slow, passionate kiss. His hands sliding around her body, pulling her close as the kiss deepened.
The lift pinged open on the ground floor, and at the sound of someone loudly clearing their throat, Aemond detached himself from Y.N to see Alys glaring at the two of them.
Aemond's entire demeanour shifted, his hand tightening protectively around Y.N.
“What are you doing here?” Aemond asked, his tone cold.
Alys’s eyes flickered between the two of them before she replied, “I’m here with Larys. He has a meeting with Rhaenyra.”
 “Excuse us, but we have an appointment with the midwives” said Aemond his voice was clipped and slightly dismissive, but Alys sneered, her eyes landing on Y.N.
“Oh yes, the child,” she said, her tone laced with contempt.
Y.N. turned to Aemond. “I’ll wait for you outside,” she said, sensing the tension and wanting to avoid a confrontation.
But Alys wasn’t finished. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t leave on my account. You’ve already helped yourself to everything I had, so you may as well take my time as well.”
Aemond’s jaw tightened. “Apologize,” he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
Y.N. placed a hand on his arm. “No, it’s fine. Alys has a right to be angry.”
Aemond frowned. “Maybe, but it was me who came onto you.”
Alys let out a bitter laugh, her eyes gleaming with malice. “Oh, and there was me thinking that Y.N. intentionally seduced you and got pregnant.”
Y.N.'s fists clenched at the accusation. “What?”
Alys's voice was dripping with sarcasm. “He’s a Targaryen and he’s wealthy. It’s easy to assume you’d want a child with him, a way to secure a permanent tie to the family name considering you have no family of your own-”
Aemond could see the fury shaking through Y.N. and as she took a step towards Alys, he quickly moved forward, grabbing the back of her coat, to stop her from throwing a punch at Alys.
After a tense pause, Y.N. exhaled sharply. “Not everyone wants Aemond for his money or his name, Alys. I’m not you.”
Alys’s eyes flared with anger. “How dare you—”
“I’m done,” Y.N. said firmly, shaking off Aemond’s hand. “I’m going to wait outside.”
Without another word, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Aemond standing there with Alys.
Aemond turned back to Alys, his expression hard. “If you want to hate someone, then hate me. I’m the one who pursued Y.N., not the other way around. There’s no need to speak to her like that.”
Alys pressed the button to call the lift, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him. “I always knew you had a thing for her,” she said, her voice softening to something almost wistful. “Just surprised it took you this long to act on it.”
Before Aemond could reply, the lift doors slid open, and Alys stepped inside.
The doors closed with a soft thud, leaving Aemond standing alone. He let out a slow breath, collecting himself before heading outside.
He found Y.N. standing by his car, her arms crossed as she stared out into the street. She didn’t look at him when he approached, but she didn’t move away either.
“Y.N-” Aemond started softly, unsure of what to say.
She glanced at him, her expression tired but not angry. “Let’s just get to the appointment.”
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Y.N. and Aemond sat in the waiting room of the midwives in complete silence. Ever since their encounter with Alys, Y.N. hadn't spoken a word, her fingers restlessly fiddling with the rings on her hand.
Aemond watched her, feeling awful. He knew that Alys’ insinuations had cut deep. Y.N. was no gold digger—he knew that better than anyone—but the way Alys had framed it was enough to wound her. He longed to say something, to make it better, but the words stuck in his throat.
"Y.N.?" A nurse called out, breaking the tension between them.
Y.N. stood up, and Aemond followed as they were led into a small room. The older midwife, a kind-looking woman with greying hair, smiled warmly.
“Hi, I’m Marie, and this is Kelly,” she introduced her assistant, a young woman who was there to observe and learn. “Kelly is training today, if that's okay with you?”
Y.N. nodded quietly, still not saying much. She sat down and introduced Aemond as the father, trying to keep her composure. Kelly’s eyes went wide with recognition as she stared at Aemond.
“Aemond Targaryen?” Kelly gasped, and Y.N. felt a flicker of irritation as the young assistant's eyes lingered on him.
Y.N. shot her a scowl, but Kelly seemed oblivious, too engrossed in staring at Aemond, who moved to sit as close to Y.N. as possible.
Marie began asking Y.N. questions about how she was feeling and how the pregnancy had been progressing so far. Y.N. answered quietly, just wanting to get through the appointment.
“All right, Y.N.,” Marie said after a few moments. “Let's do a scan, shall we? Could you lay down on the table?”
Y.N. lay back on the examination table, exposing her stomach as Aemond stood by her side, his expression softening with excitement.
As Marie asked for the gel, Y.N. noticed Kelly still gazing at Aemond, utterly distracted. Marie snapped her fingers sharply.
“Kelly, the gel, please,” Marie said, sounding annoyed.
Kelly blushed and fumbled as she handed the gel to Marie, who shot her a disapproving look. “You need to pay more attention,” Marie scolded under her breath.
The gel was warm as Marie spread it across Y.N.’s stomach, and soon the image of their baby appeared on the screen. Aemond’s eye lit up with wonder, and without thinking, he took Y.N.’s hand, squeezing it gently.
“The baby has a strong heartbeat, and everything looks good,” Marie said, taking measurements. “Growing nicely.”
Y.N. glanced up at Aemond, who was utterly mesmerized by the screen. The baby’s tiny legs wiggled, and his smile grew wider. Marie froze the image and printed two pictures.
As Y.N. wiped the gel off her stomach, Marie reminded her to eat well and take her vitamins, setting the next appointment for four weeks.
Just as they were wrapping up, Kelly approached Aemond shyly, holding the printed scan pictures with an obvious blush on her cheeks.
Y.N. felt a flash of rage bubbling inside her as she watched the woman practically fawn over him. With a sharp tut, Y.N. snatched the pictures from Kelly’s hands, her patience at its limit. She spun on her heel and walked out of the room without a word.
Behind her, she could hear Marie scolding Kelly. “You need to be more professional, young lady.”
Aemond quickly followed Y.N., not saying a word as they left the building and headed toward the car.
Once inside, Y.N. handed Aemond one of the scan pictures. She watched as he stared at it, his expression softening with awe.
“Are you okay?” Y.N. asked gently, her anger at Kelly fading.
Aemond swallowed, his voice quiet. “There’s really a baby in there.”
Y.N. rolled her eyes slightly, scoffing. “Surely you didn’t think I was lying.”
“No, not for a second,” Aemond replied, his eye still fixed on the picture. “It’s just-being there, seeing the baby moving around. It’s real. There’s going to be a tiny person who’s going to depend on me, and-I don’t want to mess it up.”
Y.N. reached over and took his hand, her thumb stroking his knuckles. “You won’t mess it up, Aemond.”
He shook his head, a worried look crossing his face. “How can you be so sure? My father wasn’t exactly present, I have no idea how to be a good father.”
Y.N. nodded, understanding his fear. “I know how you feel. I have no idea who my father is, and I never had a mother. I’m terrified too. But all we can do is be there for this baby and support each other. Sure, there’ll be ups and downs, but we’ll get through it together.”
Aemond looked at her, a grateful smile pulling at his lips. “Thank you,” he said softly, squeezing her hand. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Y.N. blushed slightly, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sincerity in his voice.
Before she could say anything else, Aemond’s expression changed to something more mischievous. “By the way, I’m taking you back to my penthouse.”
Y.N. raised an eyebrow, smirking. “And what makes you think I want to go there?”
Aemond grinned, leaning closer. “Because if you do then I’ll do that thing you like with my tongue” he whispered teasingly.
Y.N.’s cheeks flushed a deep red as she tried not to smile. Aemond chuckled as he started the car, the tension from earlier melting away as they drove back to his penthouse.
The night was spent with Aemond keeping to his word and doing that thing with his tongue that Y.N liked before he fucked her into the mattress, thrusting his cock inside her with a series of deep measured thrusts that made her toes curl.
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Y.N. smiled with satisfaction as she carefully placed the restored book into a protective sleeve, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment.
The book had been her focus for weeks, and now, it was ready for the customer to collect. Mr. Howlett, her boss, marvelled at her delicate work.
"Exceptional job as always, Y.N.," he praised, gently handling the book. "I’ll contact the customer to let them know it's ready for pickup."
As he placed the book behind the counter, he added, "By the way, you have a visitor."
Y.N. sighed as soon as she spotted Jace hovering by one of the display shelves.
She approached him, and Jace immediately pulled her into a hug. Y.N. stiffened, awkwardly stepping out of his embrace.
"What are you doing here, Jace?" she asked, her tone clipped but controlled.
Jace gave her a sheepish look. "I was wondering if we could go out for lunch and talk."
Against her better judgment, Y.N. agreed. Mostly because she was hungry and because she needed to tell Jace the truth about Aemond being the father of her baby.
She excused herself to Mr. Howlett before they headed to the café on the corner.
Once inside, Y.N. ordered a cheeseburger with fries and extra pickles, while Jace opted for an all-day breakfast. They sat in awkward silence until Jace finally broke it.
"Are you still set on us being over?" he asked quietly, his voice uncertain.
Y.N. sighed, nodding. "Yes, Jace. I’m pregnant with another man’s child. How could we possibly get back together?"
Jace leaned forward, his expression desperate. "I want to be with you. I’m willing to help raise the baby."
Y.N. was about to respond when their food arrived. She thanked the waitress before immediately reaching for her pickles, devouring them. Jace watched her with mild disgust, but Y.N. didn’t care.
"What?" she snapped, catching his look. "I’m hungry."
Jace just shrugged and started eating his own food.
Halfway through her burger, Y.N. wiped her mouth and took a deep breath. "Getting back together isn’t what I want, Jace. I meant it when I said it was over between us."
Jace swallowed the food in his mouth, his eyes hardening. "Is it because of Sara?"
Y.N. shook her head. "No, it’s because I don’t love you anymore, and I’m pregnant with another man’s child. Getting back together is out of the question."
Jace’s jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing. "Are you going to tell me who the father is?"
Y.N. hesitated, knowing how explosive this moment was going to be. "Promise me you won’t go ballistic."
Jace forced a smile, a weak lie in his voice. "I won’t. I promise."
Y.N. took a deep breath, steeling herself for the fallout. "The father is Aemond."
For a moment, Jace was quiet. Then, his face twisted in anger. "My uncle?" he hissed, standing up abruptly. "You slept with my uncle? How desperate are you to spread your legs for him?"
Y.N. flinched, but her anger quickly flared. "Are you calling me a whore?"
"Yes!" Jace spat, his voice rising as people in the café began to stare. "My uncle, Y.N.? After all the trouble me and Luke have had with him over the years, and you go and get pregnant with his baby?"
Y.N. glanced around nervously, her voice low but urgent. "Jace, keep your voice down. People are staring."
"I don’t care!" Jace shouted, ignoring her plea. "I was a fool to think we could get back together. There’s no way I’m raising Aemond’s kid."
"No one asked you to," Y.N. retorted, her voice trembling with emotion. "And as for getting back together, you’re the one who kept pushing for it."
Jace scoffed. "You have no standards, Y.N. How could you let that animal touch you?"
"Aemond isn’t an animal!" Y.N. shouted back, her face flushed with fury.
"Of course he is," Jace growled. "Don’t you remember when he threatened to kill Luke?"
"That was said in a rush of anger!" Y.N. snapped. "And Luke was the one who slashed out Aemond’s eye and wasn’t punished for it."
Jace sneered at her, his voice dripping with disdain. "You’re pathetic, defending him like this. He attacked me and Luke first, and now you’re pregnant with his child."
Y.N. shot back, "That’s because you spent years bullying him!"
Jace’s eyes narrowed. "You only know what he told you."
Y.N. shook her head. "Actually, it was Helaena who told me what happened."
Jace scoffed bitterly. "Well, I hope Mr. Moneybags is worth it."
Y.N. felt tears sting her eyes, her voice breaking as she replied, "How can you say that when you live off your mother’s money? At least Aemond works for his."
Jace’s face twisted in rage. "Aemond knocked you up but won’t marry you. What does that tell you?"
Y.N. shot back, "He actually offered to marry me, but I turned him down."
Before Jace could respond, the café owner appeared, looking stern.
"That’s enough. You’re upsetting the lady and causing a scene. It’s time for you to leave."
Jace glared at Y.N. before snapping, "With pleasure!" He stormed off, slamming the door behind him.
The owner turned to Y.N., his voice gentle. "Are you all right, miss?"
Y.N. nodded, but the moment he asked, the emotions overwhelmed her, and she burst into tears.
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Aemond sat behind his desk, feeling the strain of the day weighing heavily on him.
His head throbbed as his eye strained from staring at reports for hours. With a frustrated groan, he took off his eyepatch and rubbed the sides of his head, hoping to relieve some of the pressure.
Just as he was about to relax for a moment, his phone rang. Y.N.'s name flashed on the screen, and he answered immediately, his heart pounding.
"Hello? Y.N.?"
But instead of her familiar voice, a man answered, “Hello, is this Aemond Targaryen?”
Aemond's heart raced even faster. “Yes, where is Y.N.?” he demanded, standing up abruptly from his desk.
“She’s with me, but she’s very upset. She asked for you,” the man explained, his voice calm but concerned.
“Where are you?” Aemond barked, already reaching for his jacket and eyepatch.
The man gave him directions to a nearby café. Without another word, Aemond hung up, and told his assistant to cancel his meeting later that day. He sprinted to his car, the only thought in his mind being Y.N.
In record time, he arrived at the café and scanned the room until he saw her, huddled in the corner. The moment their eyes met, Y.N. rushed into his arms, her body trembling as she buried her face in his chest.
"Do you think I'm after your money?" she asked, her voice cracking with emotion.
Aemond cupped her face, tilting it up to meet his gaze. "Fuck no. What’s going on?"
Y.N. took a shaky breath. "Jace showed up at my work, and I agreed to go to lunch with him to tell him who the father of the baby is."
Aemond’s face hardened. "I guess he didn’t take it well."
She shook her head. "No. He basically called me a whore-and referred to you as moneybags"
Aemond scoffed, his lips curling into a sneer. "He lives off a generous allowance from Rhaenyra. How dare he say that to you?"
Y.N. sniffled. "I-I don’t care about your money."
“I know that,” Aemond said softly, stroking her cheek. “Jace is just a piece of shit.”
“He might come after you,” Y.N. worried aloud.
Aemond's eye narrowed, his voice cold. “Let him try. He’ll be missing a few teeth if he does. He’s jealous, Y.N., plain and simple. And I don’t for one second think you’re after my money. You have your own job, and you’re incredibly talented.”
Y.N. blushed at his praise, and Aemond smirked, pulling her closer. “Let’s get out of here. We’ll go back to my place, snuggle up, order takeout, and watch a movie of your choice.”
Her smile returned, even if just a little. “Deep Blue Sea.”
Aemond groaned playfully. “What is it with you and shark movies?”
Y.N. shrugged with a giggle, and Aemond chuckled softly.
Before they left, Aemond thanked the café owner for taking care of Y.N.
“It’s no trouble,” the owner replied kindly. “No one deserves to be spoken to like that.”
Aemond thanked him again and took Y.N.’s hand, leading her to his car.
Once back at his penthouse, Aemond immediately ran her a bath, telling her to relax and that she could wear one of his T-shirts and shorts when she was done.
“I’ll get the takeout menus ready for when you’re out.”
As Y.N. soaked in the bath, Aemond made a call to Rhaenyra. He wasn’t exactly fond of his half sister, but over time, they had managed to put aside their differences for the sake of the family business. Still, he couldn’t let Jace’s behaviour slide.
“Rhaenyra,” he greeted when she answered, "I need to talk to you about Jace."
She sighed on the other end of the line. "I already know. Jace called me earlier, ranting about it."
Aemond’s tone remained firm. “Regardless of what has happened between us in the past, Jace shouldn’t have spoken to Y.N. like that. I never expected to get her pregnant, but it happened, and I will do everything in my power to protect her and our child.”
Rhaenyra was quiet for a moment before saying, “I’ll deal with Jace. I hope Y.N. is all right.”
“She will be,” Aemond replied, his gratitude evident in his voice. "Thank you."
Just as he hung up, Y.N. emerged from the bathroom, dressed in his oversized T-shirt and shorts, her hair damp and loose around her shoulders.
She looked more at ease, and Aemond smiled at the sight, his cock responding in earnest to the sight of her dressed in his clothes.
“Pick out what you want to eat,” he said, handing her the menus as he willed away his erection.
She had just started browsing when the doorbell rang. Aemond groaned, walking to the door. He opened it to be instantly greeted by Aegon and Daeron.
Aegon shoved a case of beer into Aemond's arms, and Daeron waved a deck of cards in his face. “Don’t tell me you forgot about game night.”
“Well, I—” Aemond began, but he stopped when both his brothers noticed that Y.N. was standing in the living room, dressed in Aemond’s clothes.
The atmosphere instantly shifted, both brothers grinning mischievously.
“Oh,” Aegon drawled, eyeing them both with interest. “Not interrupting anything are we?"
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halfwayhearted · 3 days
Héctor Fort fic where he gets jealous over something reader does and she gets annoyed but also lowkey finds it amusing so she messes around w him abt it. Yeah i got nothing after that, feel free to improvise…
Fall Right In — Héctor Fort.
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Pairing: Héctor Fort x Fem!Reader
Summary: You couldn't tell that a man was (obviously) flirting with you. Héctor notices, causing jealousy to ensue.
Word Count: 575+
Disclaimer/s — Man, oblivious!reader, a little tense, that’s it!
A/N: i want yuh, and imma have yuh (bea).
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Nothing could ruin the day you're having now.
You were sure of it. Not even when you tripped over someone's ankle and stumbled. A pair of hands grabbed your waist to steady you, letting out a huff. It was... definitely something! Quite embarrassing, but it was over and done quickly.
Or… so you thought.
“Sorry—I wasn’t looking…” you managed to say, letting a smile, a weak one, grace your lips.
The man didn't want you to leave, though you didn't notice. He returned your smile, glanced at Héctor briefly, and then said, “It's all good. I can let it slide. How’s your day today? Going good?”
That elicited a narrowed-eyed gaze from the Fort boy beside you, the look in his eyes deepening when he noticed the man’s hand still hovering over your waist. He wasn’t touching you, so you didn’t even know it was there. Too engrossed in replying to his question, you said, “I… yeah, yes!”
“Good, good,” he trails off, “Me too, you didn’t ask, but… I just thought I’d let you know anyway.”
Your eyes widened slightly in response, “Oh! I’m sorry. I’m glad your day is good! Really… glad…”
Héctor stepped in then, his hand subtly sliding over your waist and gently pulling you closer to him. “Sorry, we have plans we have to get to.” With that, he gave the guy a raised eyebrow and a head tilt before walking away, practically tugging you along, making you look over and up at him.
“What was that for?” You questioned.
He looked down at you with an expression that resembled one thing and one thing only: jealousy. “Are you… are you seriously asking me that?”
“Well! I literally tripped over him, Héctor. The least I could do was engage in his conversation.”
“That wasn’t a conversation.”
“Yeah? Then what was it then?”
He sighed, his grip on your waist tightening just a bit. “He was flirting with you. You couldn’t tell?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Flirting? All he did was ask how my day was… a bit, well, randomly, but still! I think you’re reaching.” Your tone shifted from sweet to annoyed. It was just a conversation; what was he even talking about?
“His hand was almost touching your waist,” Héctor continued, “But you didn’t know that.”
“No, I didn’t. What I do know is that he had to put his hands on my waist to make sure I didn’t fall face first onto the hard floor, okay? It didn’t mean anything. He didn’t mean anything. I promise.”
“It was still weird,” he mumbled.
A smile slowly spreads across your face. “What, Héctor? Should I… hm, trip on someone else’s feet? Maybe, I don’t know, see how they react?”
He shoots you a look. “Not funny.”
“No, it’s not. I’m sorry,” a pause, you take his hand and gently bring it to your lips, giving it a quick, tender kiss, “Hey, okay, it’s just you. So, even if he was flirting, you know I’d leave immediately.”
His lips part, his smirk dropping from his face as the words leave your mouth, “He was flirting!”
That's when a loud laugh bursts out, your hand quickly flying up to stifle it. “I'm kidding! I'm just messing with you. I love you, just you. So... can we go into Ulta now? Or not, like, just let me know.”
“Hah-hah, hilarious,” he retorted, “Come on.”
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated ^_^.
DT(s) — @pedrilcvr ! ౨ৎ (my beautiful… thank you…)
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sawtober2024 · 2 days
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Hello, SAW enthusiast.
For quite a while now, you have been interested in the SAW franchise. You consume fan content, and you may even create some. But you have been blind to your selfishness. It's time to give back. You have one week to create fan content of your choosing and to support other creators.
Should you fail... nothing will happen. Create or don't. The choice is yours.
Monday, 10/21:   —      Lesson
2. Tuesday,10/22:   —     Chained
3. Wednesday, 10/23: — Haunted
4. Thursday, 10/24:  —   Hungry
5. Friday, 10/25:     —     Blood
6. Saturday, 10/26:  —    Rebirth
7. Sunday, 10/27:    —    RESCREENING - Day to post whatever you like, reblog your favorites, comment on fics, and show some love to creators. Community event TBD.
Discord Server (Coming soon): Chat with other Sawers, get notified when content is made, and connect with creators.
AO3 Collection: AO3 Collection where all fan content can be posted. Feel free to add content!
Event hosted by @6sp1ral6
Q&A and more info below cut!
Q: What is Sawtober?
A: Sawtober is an event to celebrate the SAW community! During this week, everyone is welcome to make content about saw. Most commonly this is fanart or fanfiction.
Q: How can I participate?
A: However you like! Follow this blog/join our Discord to be notified when content is created. Write a fic, even if you've never written before. Post your doodles. Comment on works in our AO3 collection. Reblog your favorite fanarts. Make something for one prompt, or all of them! It's totally and completely up to you!
Q: How do I add my work to the AO3 Collection?
A: The collection is unmoderated and open! When posting your fic (or after clicking "Edit") under "Post to Collections/Challenges" Search for "SAWTOBER 2024 (SAWTOBER2024)" and it should show up.
Q: I made some content. Now what?
A: That's excellent! You have some options of how you want to notify the event host (@6sp1ral6 hi) that you have a complete work finished. Any one of these work!
Post on tumblr and tag this blog.
Ping me on the discord server.
Private message me on discord.
I'll make an announcement on the discord server that content has been posted, and reblog your post on this blog.
You are welcome to also:
Tag your post with #sawtober2024
Post your work to the ao3 collection
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evanescencelovrr · 3 days
Part 5 of college!simon x reader 👀 hope ya’ll enjoy feel free to like comment and reblog to help this blog grow. Your comments mean a lot to me!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ever since the window incident you hadn’t seen him around as much. Your classes got so busy. You got caught up in studies—Arabic class was kicking your ass. All these letters, different conjugations on writing it in its initial, middle and last form. It was swirling in your head. You were dazed, walking late in the night from the library, a hot cocoa in one hand. You were your fluffy ear muffs, a beanie, and fluffy gloves to stay warm.
November was rearing its head—it had gotten so much colder. Thank god your window got fixed. Not that you’d admit that to him though. As you walked, you caught a shadowed hunched figure on the bench, hidden from the lamp post. His head was down, and brows furrowed. He wore a fur lined afghan jacket, black and zipped. Hands—red and stiff from the cold worked deftly holding a pencil.
You stood for a moment, seeing the sketchbook in his lap and before you knew it—your legs carried you over. You stepped over the pathway and onto the grass.
“What are ya drawing?” You ask, foggy air blowing out your mouth.
He’s stunned and lifts his head up, mask pulled up to reveal just his chapped and swollen lips. He didn’t expect to see you at this hour of the night—and judging by the weight of your buckle bag—you’d been studying.
“You draw—I-I just happened to see you and…” Damn it. You trailed off awkwardly, hands stuffed in your dingy zip up sweater, hair blowing slightly in the cold wind. Behind, the tall towering university library stood. Illuminated with passerby’s and chatter.
He then clears his throat, shifting.
“Yea, tattoos. Ain’t it elegant, rough and pretty.” His smooth baritone voice responded, eyes flickering to his sketchbook, then you. His eyes were rid rimmed and lids dropping. You found his natural features breathtaking. The corner of his lip tilted slightly, but then faded just as quick as it came. For a second, you thought you’d seen it and gazed at his face for a moment. The wrinkles under his eyes ceased.
“I like them. You should keep up with it.” You said, knee shifting slightly to lean your weight onto one leg. He was hunched over sitting on the bench, sketchbook in his lap. Evangelion tattoos cover the page and surprise flickers in your eyes. You’d seen his canister of pencils before but this was interesting.
“She sittin’ real pretty…gonna finish er’ and make a final sketch.” He said, eyeing his artwork. Just then, a sudden thought crossed his mind as his fingers worked deftly with the pencil.
Pretty like you.
He stiffened up, fingers clenching the pencil, eyes flashing to his sketch. He then looked up at you, head tilted slightly. You didn’t seem to pick up on his movement, just sipped your hot cocoa, muffed hands holding the cup. White gloves, he observed.
“How long have you been drawing?” You asked, curious. You tipped your head down to look at him, cheeks flushed and lips parted. You sniffled a bit as the cold was getting to you.
“Eh—a while now. Jus’ have all these ideas in my mind. Ya know.” He said, although eyes discreetly looking away as if holding something in. Memories of being late night at base crossed his mind—bedside lamp lit, sketchbook in his lap. Soft snores of Johnny sounded. Nothing but endless thoughts of rage and war on his mind, yet when he picked up the pencil, it settled. Like water lulling against the shoreline.
You picked up on his subtle movement—and gazed at him, rocking slightly on your heels.
“You don’t have to be ashamed of it.”
“I’m not.”
“Then what’s on your mind?” You asked, brows knitting together. You wiped your glove under your nose, sniffling, shifting in your spot.
“You should get inside, lass.” He said bluntly, not moving from his spot. He continued to draw and you chewed at your lip, seeing how cold his fingers were. Careless man, not wearing gloves. At least something to keep himself protected. You knew he dodged your question—and you wondered what he possible could be hiding.
“You’re going to get sick.” You said.
“And if I do let me be.” He responded, eyes still staring stubbornly in his sketchbook. Fingers moved softly, in long brush strokes.
You sighed and shifted in your spot and then decided to leave your hot cocoa beside him. Lipstick marks kissed the mouth, and his head jerked up, confused and slightly surprised. He watched you, icy eyes peering up. “What d’ya think y’er doin’?”
“Leaving that for you. Fine, if you don’t drink it. Im not nasty or whatever. But its hot enough to keep your fingers from falling off.” You scoffed, then shoved your hands into your pockets, seeing his brows slightly raise.
He seemed surprised and wordless for a moment—and that made you amused. Kindness seemed to stump him. Although you felt entertained at the scene unfolding, apart of you wondered why this was odd for him. Something so simple as sharing hot cocoa on a cold night.
Maybe he lacked this kindness.
Something warm radiated in your chest and for a brief moment the amusement faded away—something softer forming in your eyes. Simon cleared his throat and then looked back down at his artwork.
“Get goin’, yeah? And don’t get me sick.” He ordered, although voice sounding lighter. Of course he had his usual bite, but you could tell something has eased up.
“Why? Afraid of a lil’ runny nose, cap?” You joked, the corner of your lip tilting up. You bounced off, boots crunching on the reddened leaves.
Cap, he repeated in his mind. Why that nickname? Even more, why the hot cocoa?
He stared at your retreating form, confused and bewildered. His brows couldn’t stop that pinching it always did—and that slight crazed look in his eyes was quite entertaining.
“Bloody lass…leaving er’ drink. Wot she think? M’ gonna’ drink this?”
Then he muttered and hands clumsily held the cup. His hands were freezing. His fingers barely registered the warmth first—and he thought it was plain cold. But when he sipped—right over where your lipstick marks were, it was hot.
“Yea, right. Hot cocoa my ass—“
He grumbled, still clutching and holding it. He hoped to god lipstick did not smear on his lips.
Maybe the night just got sweeter.
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berberriescorner · 3 days
Hello, my loves 💕.
To be frank, life has been kicking my ass. Sorry, I’ve been MIA. Your girl is just tired and I haven’t had the urge to write anything lately. This has been an…eventful year. Hell, to be honest, it's been an eventful couple of years. Grateful and thankful to be here. Never get that twisted. Life has been smacking me upside the head for quite some time though. All I’ve wanted to do lately is curl up and read.
I’ve also started a bookstagram and booktok, so that’s been getting a lot of my attention as well. I wish I could put into words how I'm feeling mentally and physically but I'm too tired😆😩.
As soon as this lupus flare eases up. Once I don’t have so much brain fog. Maybe I’ll have a desire to write, but until then I hope you all continue to read and engage with the stories available on my masterlist💜.
Honestly, let me be transparent for a moment. I think I can speak for several Tumblr writers. I look at the notes on some of these amazing fics that I’ve read and I'm like, “What the hell? Where are the reblogs and comments?” I’ll say it over and over. The love button is cool, but it’s the bare minimum for that writer. The notes are not matching the constant requests in their asks. That's just the truth🤷🏾‍♀️. The engagement is just not the same. When we bring it up. Were told to get over it. Mind you this ish is free and we've invested our time creating something that brings joy and entertainment. Engagement shouldn't be so hard to come by. If the facts make you feel a way, ask yourself why that is.
Anywho let me get off that soapbox. I just wanted to drop in and give you all a life update and explain my absence. I hope all my beautiful lovelies are doing okay. To those who aren’t, please know it’s okay to not be okay. You’ll get through it. Just keep the faith. Love you my babies🥹💖.
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Tagging a few lovelies so that they get the lovin’ I came to drop off😆💖:
@astoldbychae @darqchilddaydreamz @ravennaortiz @rio-reid-whoreee @percosim @lovedlover @jannavaire @sunshine-flower @phoenixhalliwell @kyletogaz @nobodygetsza @1andonlytashae @novaniskye @thebumbqueen @captainwithoutmakingitlove @kinkiicoils @wroteitbutneverwatchedit @bisexuallyattractivebitch @minton131 @thirtysomethinganduncensored @starrynite7114 @fineanddandy @withmyteeth @prettyyybrownroundd
*if I forgot to tag you sorry in advance. Mama has a lot of babies😆🥰.*
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hi can i ask if you have a list of fics of everlark being together before going into the games?
Hello Anon!
Thank you for this ask! Below is a list of fics I could find for Together Before the 74th Games Fics. Hopefully some of these are new to you! Happy Reading!
74th Hunger Games Challenge: We Always Were-jamiesommers (ao3) or (ff) Summary: In this A/U story Katniss and Peeta go into the Games as a couple. It is based on the book, the movie, and a hell of a lot of my imagination. Since it is written in multiple POV's you'll be able to see what was happening in District 12 during the Tribute Parade, and what was going on at the Capitol during the Games. The Sequels are Catching Fire: Rekindling and Mockingjay: Broken Wings. There are also rated M outtakes for those two stories. I do hope you enjoy. Courage-mamabear623 (ao3) or (ff) Summary: "Today is the day," Peeta thought. Of course, he'd been saying that for the past ten years and it hadn't happened yet. Peeta strikes up the nerve to talk to Katniss before the 74th Annual Hunger Games. AU. Hope (or Lack Thereof)-BleedtoLoveHer (ff) Summary: Oneshot AU in which Katniss and Peeta are a couple before the Games. The same names are called during the reaping ceremony, but volunteers are not permitted. In Another Life-infinitegraces (ao3) or (tumblr) Summary: “I can’t imagine having all that responsibility on my shoulders.” My First Date with Katniss Everdeen-holymfwickee (ff) Summary: AU. Take a deep breath. Wipe the sweat off your hands. Don't let her scowl make you nervous. You're only talking to the girl you've been in love with your entire life. No More Owed-Enna Energe (ff) Summary: Katniss knows she owes the boy with the bread, and she hates the obligation. But now she has a chance to repay her debt. Occurs pre-Hunger Games. our little fires-brimay (ao3) Summary: Pale as a ghost, Peeta climbs the steps. It’s so silent in the Square that I hear the wood creak. The tears are streaming down his face now. Curling his hands into fists along his sides, he takes his place next to me. Finally, reality sinks in, crushing me. I’m not going to wake up. They want me to kill the boy with the bread. They want me to kill the boy I love. (or: The Hunger Games but Katniss and Peeta are a couple when they are reaped.) the sharp knife of a short life-atetheredmind (ao3) Summary: When Katniss’ mother dies, she finds an unlikely friend in the baker’s son. A look at Katniss’ life in D12 had her father lived. AU.  The Volunteer-DustWriter (ff) Summary: Katniss thought she knew the baker's son, but when Peeta is left without a father, Katniss finds she knew very little at all. He's not what she expected, but she wants to know more about the boy who changed her life. Upside-Down Cake-aimmyarrowshigh (ao3) or (ff) Summary: How a boy from the Seam and the baker's daughter healed old wounds, baked bread, and found poison berries in District Twelve.
If anyone knows of a fic like this, please reblog, reply, or send an ask with fics fitting this idea and I’ll add it here!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to shoot me an ask!
Updated 9/17/24 @5:35pm
Thank you @safefromheartbreak
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sugarushwriting · 7 hours
vampire enhypen and you’re their human blood bank (part six!!???!)
jay isn’t happy with your decisions
neither is sunghoon
jake or heeseung
they became possessive over you and refuse to allow you to leave them
straight smut coming this chapter, forewarning. i will not warn anymore after the “keep reading” point. i am not the best at writing smut (jealous of those who can) so please be easy on me!!
next part (?) should not have heavy smut like this one or any at all. didn’t expect this many parts but hi, hello, here we are.
do not repost or translate. but please feel free to reblog, like, and comment! not proof read.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
your leg nervously bounced while you waited in class for the professor to begin. students began whispering wondering why this class was mandatory. the girls were whispering wondering where jay was.
where was he? he made it a whole ordeal that you come to class today and he’s not even here?
the entire class period went by boringly, but the professor did talk about important things. maybe he did need to talk about it to everyone, but no need for it to have been mandatory and worth so many points.
as he dismissed class 10 minutes early, he called you to the podium where he stood.
“yes professor kong?” you asked adjusting your backpack on your shoulder.
“mr park needs to see you in his office. he says it’s about your recent grade.”
you stood frozen, “um, i thought i did okay on that paper?”
“he did too, but he said he found some things and he’s worried about plagiarism?”
“that’s ridiculous! all that work came from me and i made sure to reference correctly.”
the professor shrugged, “i haven’t seen it myself, and i trust mr park.”
well you didn’t. “thank you professor kong.” you nodded politely and walked out the classroom, an immediate ding to your phone notifying you had a text.
jay: come to my office. im watching you. don’t try to hide and run.
you read the text and huffed in annoyance. you looked around for him, but of course, if he didn’t want to be found by you, he wouldn’t.
you made your way to his office in the business building, which was luckily the same building class was held. you took the elevator to the top floor, and made your way to the end of the hallway were his small but cozy office was.
your university gave teaching assistants either their own office or shared office depending on the amount of work they would be doing for the professor. plus teaching assistants were required to hold office hours for extra help for students with a minimum of 2 hours a week. whether it was in person office hours or through zoom.
you raised your fist to knock, but startled when you felt a hot breath on your neck. quickly turning around, you came face to face with jay. your back flat against his door.
he reached beside you, unlocking the door. “go in.”
it wasn’t a question or statement. it was a demand. his tone was hushed, but deep. you recognize his authority tone he usually used on the guys.
you quickly turned back around and walked into his office.
he locked the door behind him, hands in his pocket and made no effort to talk to you.
“professor said you had worries about my paper?” you asked.
jay was behind his desk now, and his brown eyes snapped up from the drawer he was rummaging through. “your paper is fine.”
jays sharp eyes made contact with you and you quickly hushed. his irises were red.
jay grabbed a roll of duct tape and made his way towards you. he ripped off a piece, and when you went to ask what he was doing, he quickly placed it over your lips. again, he said nothing, until you lifted your arms to take off the tape.
“take off that tape and i will turn your ass black and blue.”
his tone was threatening, and even though usually you’d push back, something told you not to this time. you put your hands to your sides, waiting for his next move.
he took your bag off of your shoulder, then next, he taped your hands together in front of you.
he threw the tape off to the side, it clattering to the floor. jay stood in front of you, straight eye contact, pushing your body subtly to his desk, until your butt rested against it.
you’ve never seen jay so quiet. it terrified you to be honest. but you also felt a thrill. is he showing you his dominate side you’ve been asking for? or maybe this is his fed up side with your behavior. you knew you were to be mad at him. and you still was, however, for good sex? you might put it aside just for now.
jay roughly pushed you down on his desk, and put your arms to rest above your head. “move your hands and arms, and you won’t be able to lift them for weeks.”
another threat. you swallowed. jay wasted no time lifting your sweatshirt above your bra, and removing your sweatpants off your legs. without warning, jay slapped your underwear covered pussy—hard. like someone would slap an ass.
you tried to scream, but of course your mouth was covered so it was muffled. jay smirked.
he removed your underwear, throwing them over his shoulder, and pulled your bra down to expose your breast. he took each in one hand, gripping hard, causing pain. another muffled scream.
jay wasn’t being his usual gentle self. and you were thinking this is more than his dominate side.
your arms jerked, and jay raised a brow, waiting for you to move it, but you didn’t.
“good girl.” he praised, and you rolled your head to the side. he clicked his tongue on the root of his mouth, “nope, eyes on me the entire time.”
your head rolled back to meet jays eyes. “good to know you do listen.”
you were surprised when jays fangs extended. your eyes going wide. his kissed your jawline, the tape where your lips would be, and one kiss to you neck. he peppered kisses down your chest before his mouth latched on to a nipple, and you could feel his fangs slightly break skin.
another muffle scream came. he did it to the other breast. then he kissed down your stomach, occasionally scraping his fangs against your skin. your stomach recoiled at the slight touch, because one you were ticklish, second because you were nervous he was going to break skin fully, not just a tease.
he kissed down your body, your left thigh, left leg, then made his way back up your right leg, to your right thigh, stopping just inches away from your core. you could feel his hot breath fanning, and you wiggled a bit. he didn’t move. you whined behind the tape, earning a chuckle from jay.
your eyes closed as you waited for the sensation of his tongue licking your core. you didn’t notice jay was taking his pants and boxers off, stroking his cock twice, aligning himself to your entrance.
he roughly, swiftly, and quickly bottomed out, cause a deep groan of pleasure from his mouth. a loud muffled scream of pain came from your mouth behind the tape.
fuck you wasn’t expecting him to just bottom out like that. usually jay takes his time with slowly entering you. he always makes sure you’re wet enough.
“what a shame, usually you’re dripping for me. this time you’re barely wet.”
if you could talk you would scold him and say it’s because he didn’t give you time! he didn’t prep you!
he knew that. he wanted to bring you pain. a tear slipped from your eye. he didn’t give you time to adjust to his thickness when he started ramming in and out of you, at an unhuman speed and strength, or at least something you weren’t used to. his hands and fingers tightly gripped your thighs to hold you in place. your body rocked against his desk, scared it was going to break.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as jay mumbled incoherently under his breath. you couldn’t hear what he was saying, nor did you care.
not until you realized your arms left the place they were supposed to be, and went to wrap around jays neck.
he quickly removed himself, you moaning low from the loss of him, and he lifted you off the desk by pulling you by your taped hands.
“what did i tell you?” he asked through gritted teeth. your eyes went wide and he flipped you on your stomach, the cold surface hitting your bare breasts and stomach. your arms back reaching over your head, gripping the edge of the desk.
jay quickly entered you from behind, this time gripping your ass so tight, you really were gonna be black and blue after this.
all you could do was let muffled sounds escape from the tape as he hammered from behind, landing slaps to your ass.
his cock was reaching into your cervix, and you didn’t know to scream of pain or pleasure. tears now flowing out of your eyes.
your orgasm began building, and with jays sloppy and low sounds leaving his mouth, you knew he was close too.
it didn’t take long for him to come inside you. but just as you were so close, he removed himself and watched his come drip out of you.
you whined. you whined and cried because you were so close to your orgasm and he stopped! that wasnt like jay. he always made sure you orgasmed first, if not, at least made sure you had a successful orgasm.
you banged your fists on his desk in frustration, as his come slowly dripped out of your cunt, down your legs.
you began crying fully, because you just couldn’t control your emotions. your legs bucking, your knees going week. jay emotionless put his boxers and pants back on, lifting you up by your hair, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“not nice when someone won’t listen to you huh? when they ignore you. when they ignore what you want and your needs.” jay snickered and dropped you back on the desk.
jay went to the other side of his desk, grabbing scissors from his drawer. no further word, he cut the tape from your bound hands, and lifted your chin from the desk, removing the tape—not so gently—from your lips.
but you were too wore out to even complain. you can’t fathom how you were tired. 2 simple positions, but jay used his strength and energy on you. he probably could’ve went harder, faster, but that might’ve killed you.
you lifted yourself on your forearms to look at jay, who still had that lazy smirk on his face. you lifted yourself fully, and when you went to lift your bra, you had to use two hands, but lost balance and fell to the ground. while lying there you lifted your bra to cover yourself again, and pulled down your sweatshirt. you reached over to grab your underwear that was lying on the ground next to you.
“you’re seriously gonna get dressed while lying down?”
you had no energy to even speak. you grabbed your underwear, but couldn’t even bend to put them on your legs.
jay sighed in frustration and disbelief (how dare he, jerk!!) and came to assist you with getting dressed. “good to know you can’t fight back. you’re coming home with me.”
jay threw you onto a bed. you couldn’t even focus on who’s bed and room he brought you to. a small sound came from your throat. wasn’t even a full sentence. you said, “thirsty.”
jay nodded and left the bedroom. oh shit were you gonna die of thirst now? your limbs were still weak but you could slightly move. what the fuck happened?
footsteps could be heard and you saw sunghoon enter with a cup of what you’re assuming is water, hopefully.
sunghoon said nothing as he came closer to you, helping you sit up in the bed and brining the cup to your lips. he assisted you with drinking the water.
“thank you.” you finally said in a whisper.
“our baby doll can talk now.” he smiled and patted your head. he laid you back down on the bed. it must be his.
sunghoon hovered over you, straddling, as he took off his shirt with a smirk. “be prepared baby doll. you’re not gonna be able to move for a while once we’re done with you.”
his lips came down to yours, a rush kiss, as he swiftly took off your pants and underwear at once and lifted your sweatshirt to expose your belly.
you were so distracted by his tongue deep in your mouth, you didn’t feel or notice sunghoon taking off his own pants and boxers. it wasn’t until he rubbed his tip against your clit.
“ah,” you moaned out from the feeling. your body still not recovered from jays attack or lack of orgasm. was sunghoon not gonna prep you either? he loved to eat your cunt out, almost, almost, as much as jake.
this would also be your first time having sex with sunghoon.
your thoughts were answered when he entered into you, slightly slower than what jay did. sunghoon was longer than jay, but with slight less thickness to him.
your hands went to sunghoons shoulders to grip, and he bottomed out, a loud moan leaving his lips. “why have i never done this before?” he mumbled to himself. your walls gripping him snuggly. “baby doll you feel so good and right for me. for us.”
sunghoon found a pace rocking his hips against yours, you connecting your lips together to muffle the sounds. once he started to reach an orgasm, his paced picked up and so did the roughness of how he fucked you. he lifted his lips off of yours as his fangs extended and his teeth scraped your shoulder like a slight pinch and he buried his head in your shoulder.
“so so good, baby doll.” he moaned, using his hand to wrap one of your legs around his waist for a deeper and better angle.
your head tilted as far back as possible from the pleasure building in your stomach once again. “sunghoon, im close.” you groaned out, removing your hands from his shoulders to grab onto the headboard.
you felt sunghoon fill you up with his come, and you were worried he wouldn’t let you come, but he fucked his come deeper into you as you soon came as well with the loudest moan you’ve let slip past your lips.
maybe it was because of the first orgasm denial, so this one was so intense. it had your body shaking afterwards, specifically your legs and they went numb.
you were so tired, all you wanted to to was nap. not even caring as sunghoon pulled out, you closed your eyes.
when you awoke, you were in a different bed, and heeseung was playing a game at his desk in front of you.
you tried to move your body but couldn’t. not because you were tied down, but because your body was so sore and worn out. the only thing you could do was let noises escape your mouth.
your whine caught heeseung’s attention from the game and he smiled seeing you awake. he turned off the game, coming to the bed beside you as you finally noticed him shirtless, only in pajama pants.
all you could do was stare. “baby, you’ve been sleep for hours. was starting to get worried i wouldn’t get my turn.” he pouted.
hours? you slept for hours? you turned your head to look out the window and saw dusk was falling. what time was it?
you mentally did math—okay so class ended around 11:40, you met jay at his office around 12. how long did that last? a hour? maybe longer? then what about sunghoon? how long did that go?
with the light, it had to be around 5 or 5:30 in the evening. “time?” you croaked out.
heeseung smiled. “it’s almost 5, baby.” he pulled you to the edge of the bed, so your feet hung off the edge, your butt close to it. “i’m glad jay and sunghoon didn’t go too hard. was worried you wouldn’t be able to take me or jake.”
wait, they all were going to fuck you? and what does he mean they didn’t go too hard? you could barely move or speak!
you tried to form words, but your mind turned to mush when heeseung got on his knees and lifted both of your legs so they were over his shoulder. “i can’t wait to finally taste you.” he whispered against your inner thigh.
that’s when you finally realized, you were only in an oversized shirt and some boxers. you didn’t know who dressed you in it. maybe sunghoon or maybe heeseung.
heeseung kissed your cunt through the boxers, his nose burying itself to inhale deeply. he pressed open mouth kisses all along both of your thighs, before his vampire fangs felt like a pinch to your thigh. you jerked, but heeseung held you in place. his teeth scraped against your inner thigh, a moan leaving your lips as you turned your head to the side, and ran your fingers through is hair.
he swiftly took the boxers off your legs and lifted the shirt up above your belly button. no warning, heeseungs tongue swiped between your folds, your legs tightening around his neck as he buried himself between your legs like he was home. he licked, sucked, bit, nibbled, all he could on your cunt, clit and in between.
“fuck you taste too good baby. no wonder jake and sunghoon love to be buried between your legs.” heeseung sighed in pleasure, as he continued his attack. meanwhile, your head was rocking side to side, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, all while holding heeseung in place by your legs and your fist in his hair. the harder you gripped he would bite.
you were nearing your third orgasm of the day, but before you could let heeseung know you were close, he removed his delightful lips and tongue from your cunt, kissing up your stomach, lifting the shirt higher above your breasts, to your neck, still leaving open mouth kisses, licks, and occasionally nipping with his fangs.
you whine at the loss, heeseung smiling against your skin. his lips met yours in a sloppy kiss, you tasting yourself on his lips and tongue.
his lips made their way back to your breasts, his lips wrapping around one nipple, you sensitive to the feeling. another moan left your mouth, but then a louder moan mixed with a yelp came next as without warning, heeseungs fingers entered your cunt.
not one. not two. but three of his long fingers, knuckle deep. your body jerked at the feeling, but it caused heeseung to bite your nipple, your cunt growing wetter every second, and even wetter than before due to the bite.
“so so wet for me.” heeseung smiled then did the same attack on your other breast and nipple. he was loving the loud sounds coming from your wet cunt.
now, one hand was in heeseungs hair, the other on his muscular back as his fingers rocked in and out at a fast and bruising pace. “mhm heeseung.” you moaned out in between taking deep breaths. even without his cock he was filling you up deliciously.
your walls clamped tighter on his fingers, so he kept the speed of his fingers, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. his tongue licked and sucked your nipple harder, his fangs making another appearance with a pinch.
it sent you over the edge. you came hard. your juices soaked his fingers, leaking onto the edge of the bed, down your thighs, and down his stomach.
you let out the loudest moan you ever had, and your chest heaved up and down as you chased oxygen as you felt so breathless.
you weren’t done. you kept coming and coming for at least a full 2 minutes, your body weakening every second as heeseung continued moving his fingers to your orgasm.
it wasn’t until tears filled your eyes that heeseung removed his fingers and lifted his body off of yours as you shook. you couldn’t imagine taking his cock right now.
“you’ll get my cock another time, baby.” he whispered against your forehead, easing your mind for the time being.
your eyes began to close as exhaustion took over.
different bed. you woke up in a different bed and next to a different body. your eyes slowly opened to the darkness both outside and in the room.
your heartbeat sped up to not knowing your surroundings. you felt familiar lips on your neck with a kiss and a familiar aussie accent, “you had us so worried baby.”
you swallowed, trying to find your voice. “sorry.” your voice cracked. “im so sorry.” you apologized. this was your punishment for ignoring them. they were letting you know, you were theirs.
“it’s okay baby. we know you won’t do it again.” jake sighed and began sucking on your neck.
you knew jake had a high sex drive. even before he became a damn vampire. you could only imagine how becoming a vampire upped it. usually when he feasted on you, he could stay for hours eating you out, giving you multiple orgasms in a short time period.
“jakey im tired.” you pouted hoping jake would give you a break.
“don’t worry baby, just lay there, jakey will do all the work.”
and he did. you laid flat on the bed like a damn mannequin. your mind couldn’t even focus on whatever jake was doing. you just remember the cold air hitting your naked skin, his lips, his tongue, his teeth, all over your body.
jake gripping your thighs so tight you were sure handprints would be left behind, along with his nails digging into your skin.
you moaned, whined, and cried. jake was enjoying it so much. he didn’t care if you couldn’t participate back. as long as his lips were somewhere on your body he was happy.
between your legs, your thighs, devouring your cunt. your breast, nibbling your breasts. your lips for sloppy kisses, spit mixing between your mouths.
he moved you onto your stomach so he could eat you out from behind. he positioned your body so your head was buried in the sheets, your hands by your side, your ass in the air.
jake feasted, slobber and spit running down your leg. or was it come? did you orgasm? you were so tired maybe you did and didn’t even know.
jake mumbled, “so wet baby. coming so much just from my tongue.”
your mouth was so dry.
jake landed a slap to your ass, you groaned in reaction, and jake smiled liking that you finally responded to stimuli.
next you felt long slender fingers enter your cunt from behind, this time you bit into the sheets. your cunt genuinely could not handle anything else.
jake pumped his fingers at an ungodly speed, or what felt like it, your screams muffled by the sheets of his bed. your hands found the strength to grip onto the sheets.
“come again for me baby. i know you want to.”
and you did. you don’t know what orgasm number this was. you don’t know how long you orgasmed for. you just know your body could not take anymore.
you cried, shaking your head. “no more jakey, please. i—i am so sorry.” you sniffled.
jake shushed you, rubbing your back trying to get you to take deep breaths through your sobs. “it’s okay baby, no more.” he kissed your back. you collapsed onto the bed.
jake got off the bed, and helped you sit up, bringing a cup to your lips. “drink some water baby.”
you did. he had to help you, get you to slowly drink as if you tried to drink to fast, it would miss your lips and dribble down your chin.
once done, he laid you back down, covering up your naked body.
you cried yourself to sleep being so worn out from your body being wrecked by 4 vampires.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
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wordbinge · 15 hours
Can I just take moment to thank every creator on here who blesses us with free content straight from their very souls and they ask for nothing in return. Can we show our appreciation to those that keep us fed each day. I'm talking about the poets, writers,artists and just all of the content creation categories. Goddamn like or reblog or even just a comment on the posts you encounter and appreciate, they need sustainence as well.
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shy-writer-999 · 1 day
500 followers! dropping personal lore to mark the occasion... this is a big day for me :p thank u for humoring me so much lololol
if we are mutuals, just know that i am plotting to become your friend. im twiddling my fingers and rubbing my hands together about it. cant wait to be ur friend. u cant do anything about it either, its just gonna happen (im kidding, please be my friend).
i live in nyc
im a may taurus
i have a note where i screenshot every single nice comment ive ever gotten from someone on this page and i put it in there. if u have ever said anything nice to me even in reblogs its in there 😭
i never wrote smut before i started this blog in august, and i am used to the stuffy confines of academia. i cant describe how freeing it feels to write this stuff
i have a phobia of flies and theres one in my room rn and i cant get it out its literally terrorizing me. also i found a lanternfly in my grocery bag today and screamed, im not being hyperbolic
i have a scar on my chin and i was going to get plastic surgery on it but decided not to because i think it gives my face character and also (please humor me) i told myself yooo anime characters have scars like that and they look cool so why not HAHAHA
my favorite thing to use while i write is the em-dash. it is the panacea/pharmakon of any sentence. i eat that shit up
Zoro usurped Gojo for my #1 anime man of all time. I have a list for that as well. Idk if it will stay this way though because I love gojo so much I would die for him. But theres also Law and Ace and Aki and Itachi and Choso AGHHHHH I START TO GET SO SCRAMBLED ABOUT IT this is why i need my list.
if you read this far omg... (o˘◡˘o) come here NOW and let me give u a big smooch
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vortex-of-beats · 2 days
Hello my dear friend 🌟,
My name is Mahmoud Jihad, from Gaza, where all my dreams have shattered. I was studying Information Technology while caring for my sick father and younger siblings, but now, I have nothing but a flimsy tent to protect me from the cold of night. My home, my university, and everything that connected me to life have been completely destroyed, and I feel like everything has come to an end. 😢
We are living amidst indescribable destruction, and our days are fading into the depths of despair. I dream of escaping this hell with my family and returning to continue my studies, but the road ahead is blocked. Our hearts are filled with sorrow, and with each passing moment, we feel the world closing in around us. ❤️
I sincerely ask you, from the depths of my heart, to help save my family. Sharing, liking, commenting, or even a small donation could make a significant difference in our lives. Every contribution could be the glimmer of hope we've been waiting for in the darkness of this war. 😔
My campaign has been verified by @beesandwatermelons ✅ #190.
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/463cbf01
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you offer. Your support could help us survive and seek a better future.🌹
Everyone’s stories are so heartbreaking. I’m so sorry your family is going through this. Come on everyone, Palestinians deserve WAAAY better!!
Please reblog and/or donate if you can!! Even small donations make a difference! Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
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Mission Control 5
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Captain Hydra
Summary: a man marches into your life on a mission
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The man walks you straight through a yard and into the thicket of trees behind. If he wasn’t so confident, you would think he had no idea where he’s going. His hand stays locked around your arm as he has you staggering over peat and leaves.  
You come out on the other side of the trees to the open highway. A car zooms by but he doesn’t stop. He keeps going, the force of the cars whipping by blowing around you, horns honking. He pushes you towards the cement barrier. Before you can lift your leg, he lifts you. 
He puts you on the other side and follows. He doesn’t miss a step. On and on, across another three lanes and down into a ditch. Across the field. You look back and he yanks you, nearly taking you of your feet. 
A chill creeps through you, numbing you to the terror boiling in your gut. Your legs tremble but don’t stop either. You’re too scared to resist. 
The sky darkens and the moon peeks out from behind another line of pines. On and on. At last, your body gives out. 
Your legs burn as the fold. He catches you. He puts you over his shoulder and presses on. That’s when it really sets in. It’s happening. You don’t know what just that it isn’t good. Your body wracks as your tears flow free, rolling down to your hairline as you hang upside down. 
When he stops, you’re in a clearing. He puts you down. You sit on the dirt as he squats in front of you. The moonlight barely limns his figure. He reaches to his belt. He pulls out a pair of thick cuffs and dangles them. He tilts his head.  
You sniffle, “please, I won’t go.” 
He stares then slowly hooks them back on his belt. He stands and looks around. You hear him in the dark, twigs snapping, leaves rustling. You catch a glimpse of his shadow now and again. The crickets hum and dampness rises from the ground. 
A spark, then a full bloom of flame goes up. The fire casts a light over the barrier built with large rocks and the pile of thick sticks broken to fuel it. The night flickers with the cinder and he approaches you again. He moves you to sit closer to the heat. 
He lowers himself next to you, legs bent, arms resting on his knees. He just sits and watches the flames. You look down and slump. You’re exhausted. 
You flinch as he grips your shoulder. He lowers his legs, crosses them, and pulls you down until you’re on your side. He guides your head onto his thigh. He holds you there. He doesn’t need to give the order. 
The adrenaline never quite evaporates, merely recedes. Your eyes close on their own. You plummet into a pit of darkness. Your head and body ache with the sheer senseless sleep. 
You wake with a chatter. The man still sits. He hasn’t moved. You flutter your lashes at the lightening horizon. 
His hand drifts from your shoulder and crawls up your neck. He brushes along your cheek and over your hair. You hold your breath. Your scalp aches as you brace for another cruel yank. He retracts and pokes your shoulder instead. 
You sit up and stand only when he does. He reaches for you and you cower. He rips your knapsack from your arms as he spins you. He hurls it away into the trees. Then, it’s back to walking. 
You’re stiff from a night sleeping on the ground. Your clothes are damp from the dew and a frigidness lingers in your skin. He keeps you moving until the sun meets its apex. 
You come to a lot in the middle of another highway. It’s empty but for a black motorcycle. He marches you to it and guides you onto the back. He straddles the front and flips up the kickstand. You’re too tired to be confused, to wonder about how and why and what. 
He taps his shoulders. You hesitate but grab onto them. It might not be so bad to fly off but you’re still human. You still have that need to survive. 
He takes off with a roar of the motor. You yipe and squeeze tight. You fight against the wind and lean forward, hooking your arms around him as you feel your grasp slipping. He doesn’t seem to mind as you cling to him. He has a heart. You can hear it through his back. 
You close your eyes as the wind tunnels around you, whipping around the bike and your bodies. He’s a barrier to the brunt of it.  
He rides through the night and beyond. You have to keep awake to stay latched on. He keeps on and on, into another crowd of trees, one so dense that it darkens the daytime.  
When at last you are still, you as good as fall off the motorcycle. You stumble until he grabs onto you. He moves you in front of him and puts his hands on your shoulders. He leads you from behind. Twisting and turning you in a deliberate path.  
You look up at the faded planks on the side of the reclusive house. You clatter up the steps beside him. He stops and tugs the back of your jacket. You think he wants you to stay still. There’s a beep and something clicks. Then something else. 
You look around in confusion. He flicks your cheek. Hard. You wince and hiss and look forward. He points over your shoulder. You follow the gesture to the door as the latch rolls back on its own. 
You stop before the door and just stare. Where the walls are covered in wooden siding, it is metal. You gulp. He reaches around you, stepping flush to you. He pushes the handle down and shoves the door inward. His other hand nudges your lower back. 
You enter and automatic lights flash on. You gape at the room before you. It’s like any other cabin you’ve seen. On television, you were never rich enough for vacation homes. There’s a floral couch and a matching armchair on a round area rug, right before a fireplace, a table with a lamp by the chair. It’s all startlingly normal. Not like him. 
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Today I was invited to the table of the game of life. Everyone here is playing their cards, some are playing Magic, others Pokemon, some Yugioh, some playing cards, and even one guy over there has been playing Baseball cards I think, but as absurd as this game looks, they all appear to be building to a greater image.
The call me to the table to add to the game.
I walk up and pull out my deck of one, singular Skip Uno card. I sit down and shout Uno and play my Skip Uno card. I have won.
The table looks at me - paused in bafflement; a silent stare of bewilderment
They tell me that is not how this game of life works. We each create combos, chains, strategies and skills and build this massive play to form a much greater game.
They tell me that there isn't any winning in this game of life; they tell me that I need to bring more cards to the table, draw some more and join in on creating chained webs and supportive suggestions.
I tell them this is all that I have, there is nothing more to how my plays work other than this singular Skip Uno Card. I play Uno, the only function of Uno is to remove your cards. There is a limited amount of chain and skillful strategy that can be played in the traditional game of Uno; even less when your entire deck is empty and all you have is a singular card.
We have an issue. My game doesn't work at this table. We are incompatible, my deck simply doesn't work with the nature of this collaborative game.
I turn to the ref, solutions my good man. I can't fix my deck, I can't generate new cards. I can't make a play other than Skip Uno, what can anyone ask of me.
The ref checks the book, he checks the rules; he looks up and with a quizzical suggestion, asks if I could ask for someone else's cards
I say no, I don't have a card for that, all I have is a single Skip Uno Card. I do not have a Draw 4 or Draw 2. I only have Skip Uno.
He looks at me. He turns to the other players. He whispers in their ears as they chatter among one another. They each pull from their decks, donating one card each and collecting them into a stack.
They hand me the deck. In it, a Preordain, a holographic Charizard, a single piece of Exodia, a four of spades, and Babe Ruth. These cards now sit around my single Skip Uno card.
I turn to the ref, raising an eyebrow at this strange deck built before me; uncertain if this solution would work, if these cards could even possibly be played at this table.
Even so, new options have been placed in my hand. The bizarre game resumes. I play the four of spades.
The turn roles by.
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #138
Damian decided he wanted to be a veterinarian in his spare time so after high school he applied to Gotham University and moved into the dorms. Alfred and his Father highly encouraged it something about getting that college dorm experience and they were pushing him to make a friend or two. He also didn’t know what to expect from his roommate Nightingale, something was off about him and Damian was determined to find out what that is.
Danny just wanted to get his engineering degree. Unfortunately his new roommate seemed curious about him. After he ran away from home he decided he’d try to make it on his own. He didn’t even try to tell his parents about Phantom, their prejudice about ghosts wasn’t going away soon and the sooner he got away the safer he’d be. He had to think about the infinite realms now and keeping their king, well himself, safe was the best option at the moment. If only the Observants could stop appearing in unexpected places to beg him to return to the realms.
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thunderstomm · 2 months
Is “Prime Meridian Love” Forshadowing for “Battle of the Big Wand”?
With the most recent episodes of “Fairly OddParents: A New Wish” airing, everyone, myself included, is buzzing over what’s going to happen in the big season finale, what exactly is going to happen, and what’s the future state of Hazel and Dev’s friendship? There are many theories going around, but I want to pitch my own!
“Prime Meridian Love: Romance Cruise Ultra” is foreshadowing towards Hazel and Dev’s conflict and plot. Obviously, the show has drawn us a parallel here before, Duckworth looks like Dev. But rewatching the episode “Prime Meridian Love”, along with the context from new episodes and the description for the finale has me thinking that we may already know what’s to come.
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Read the rest under the cut ! This post includes the episode description for “Battle for the Big Wand”, so if you want to go into that episode blind, don’t read further !
Starting with the most basic- Duckworth and Kennueth are stand-ins for Dev and Hazel. Duckworth is literally designed to look like Dev, and while less obvious, Kennueth seems to share a basic colour palette with Hazel, his skin and amulet being the colours of her shirt. There’s also the fact that Duckworth and Kennueth are described as “rivals”, and Hazel calls Dev her own rival.
This is where the backstory / history between Duckworth and Kennueth becomes relevant. The amulets are the one thing they share, and what’s something magical that Hazel and Dev have in common? Fairies!
The story goes that Kennueth and Duckworth were once friends, their friendship cemented by what bound them together. But Duckworth became jealous of Kennueth once he got promoted to captain. Sounds familiar? Hazel and Dev became friends, and shared the secret of having fairy godparents. They fell out over Dev’s jealously of Hazel, and that his dad seemed to care more about her, even if in an unconventional way.
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Duckworth retalliates by stealing the magical pearl from the ancient sea temple, hoping for the power to overthrow Kennueth. Which brings me to my theory about the series finale, “Battle of the Big Wand”. Teaming up with Irep, I think Dev’s jealousy of Hazel having his father’s attention, as well as having two fairies while he only has one, will motivate him to steal the titular “Big Wand” during the takeover of Fairy World, hoping that it can grant him unlimited power, in his fleeting pursuit of satisfaction.
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While the story of “Prime Meridian Love: Romance Cruise Ultra” goes on to say that this event cements their rivalry, the episode has Hazel and Kennueth stop Dev, and Hazel encourages Kennueth to re-write the story, and make things right with him, which he does !
I think the finale will follow one of these two beats. Hazel, Cosmo, Wanda, possibly Jorgen and Peri, and maybe even the citizens of Fairy World will all help to stop Dev and Irep, and we’ll either see Hazel and Dev’s bond cemented as a rivalry, or we will see Hazel reflect on the situation, and write her own story, and actually TALK to Dev about what has been going on. Personally, I would much prefer the latter. Dev is still a kid, and he’s a product of his environment. He deserves a chance to change and grow, and have good people by his side who actually care about him, to help him do so.
The only thing that I’m still unsure about is how Hazel’s rule free wish will tie into this all, but I do think she will use it like many of her other wishes, and do so selflessly.
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What do you all think of this theory? I’m so excited (and nervous) for the big finale next week !!
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waywardmillennial · 5 months
Some thoughts on Steven's new show, and the hate that's been directed at him lately
spoiler alert: the tl;dr is that people's assumptions about the new food show being expensive meals aren't in the trailer and I'm happily subscribed to Watcher TV now!
One of the most awful things about this announcement has been seeing people attacking Steven specifically, and making a lot of assumptions about him. I (probably unwisely) spent a couple hours in the yt comment section and found things like this:
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And then I saw this tumblr comment that do a wtf face irl:
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Keith's new eating show is at Michelin star restaurants... to call that relatable and Steven not? Honey, that's either racism or some implicit bias you need to examine (I watch some TG content, it's fine to like Keith, but damn this take isn't it y'all)
But my main point is: No one said Steven and Andrew are going to be having expensive meals on the new show.
(yeah, remember Andrew is on the show too? but all hate is directed at Steven? isn't that interesting...)
That was Buzzfeed. This is Watcher. They aren't going to repeat themselves. Also, Worth It was about showing food across ALL price points, especially in later seasons once they had a more stable platform at BF. It was about giving chefs across cultures (especially Asian communities) a voice.
I re-watched the teaser for Travel Season, and I also signed up for Watcher TV (it was about $3.50/month with the annual discount promo) and I watched the full trailer for Travel Season. Guess what wasn't mentioned? Food at expensive price points.
Travel Season is going to be six episodes per season, all in one location, focusing on food and experiences that place has to offer. This is more economical from a production standpoint, because the team can travel to a location and shoot episodes in a batch. Similar to how they can get four episodes of TMS filmed in one night. Sounds like they are approaching Travel Season in a smart and efficient way.
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stills from the trailer on WatcherTV.com
Sure, maybe they'll try some higher priced dishes at some point, but Travel Season is about culture and food - not about clickbait titles for Buzzfeed where they need to have $1,000 ice cream. If you've seen the food content Steven's made at Watcher (Homemade, Grocery Run, Eat Like Me) you know he cares about highlighting the connections between people and food, to share cultures and ideas with the viewers.
I am supporting Watcher's new endeavor, and hope they can make it work for more of their audience over time. Some people choose to pay $4.99/month for a Twitch sub to support one creator - which is their right. I am spending $5.99/month (but actually much cheaper for this first year) to support an entire company. If this works, Watcher could bring on other creators, as they've wanted to all along, and hopefully usher in an era of entertainment from a diverse group of independent creators.
Yes, Steven Lim took on the role of CEO of Watcher Entertainment recently, but the other founders still have an active role in the company. Like it or not, they all had a vote in making the switch to a streaming service. Singling out Steven in comments like those above isn't a good look for anyone.
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