#you can bet Sebek would fight the adoption
violetlunette · 5 months
Okay I already mentioned the plot twist of Yuu ending up with Lilia because dat thigh game too strong. 🦵 💪😤 🤣
But here’s another plot twist: what if Lilia’s papa bear/adopt children instincts somehow get triggered and latch onto Yuu?
Like, obviously, he’s focused on protecting Silver from Yuu, but there’s been a couple times where we see that, when Silver is NOT there, they CAN coexist.
And this last post of yours, with Crowley telling Lilia he can’t keep kicking Yuu because of the structural damage… that made me think “huh. You know. Crowley is supposed to be taking care of Yuu. Like… Yuu is technically all alone here. Lilia is fae. Yuu is obviously older but like. A free child is a free child. 🤷‍♀️👀💀”
So now Lilia is trying to bring Yuu into the family and telling Yuu that Silver is now Yuu’s BROTHER and Yuu is like “NO. THAT’S THE LOML.” And now Yuu and Lilia are fighting for a completely DIFFERENT reason because Lilia is now determined to take in this poor child that had to SELL THEIR KIDNEY TO AFFORD FOOD WHEN THEY FIRST GOT TO TWISTED WONDERLAND DEAR SEVENS?! while Yuu is screeching that LILIA CAN TAKE CAN CARE OF YUU WHEN YUU MARRIES INTO THE FAMILY BACK OFF BATMAN!!!!
Meanwhile Silver is watching in sleepy confusion, Sebek in horrified confusion, and Malleus in just plain confusion (but he’s happy to be there 😊)
Sorry for the long ask - I just love that series and for some reason that idea just popped into my head and was super funny to me and I wanted to share with you since your series was what inspired it! 💜
Referencing this series
Lol, I love the idea of Lilia slowly developing affection for this problem child to the point of wanting to adopt him.
This be hard for different reasons than you stated, however, as Yuu has a strong aversion towards family for—reasons. He’s also fiercely independent and would rather tear himself apart than depend on others (and he has). (Though the kidney thing isn’t a big deal. He got another one later. Leona should be careful where he naps...) He’d also have to fight Crowley for custody.
You’re on key for Yuu’s reaction though. “You can have me as a son in law, Batty!” lol.
But if Lilia thinks that adopting him will stop Yuu’s pursuit of Silver, he’s got another thing coming. Yuu can call Lilia daddy and Silver hubby easily. (Down internet, you know what I mean.)
I’m so glad people are liking my Yuu and my silly little posts! And I love that people are willing to share their thoughts on the series. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feel free to send more!
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wisekiwi123 · 11 months
The parent wars
Ok I love how this fandom ships Lilia and deduce’s mom because they are both single parents with adorable sons.Then someone else recommend Vil’s dad (I think his name was Eric)since he is also single and might be ready to mingle.
But you know who else the fandom has dubbed as a single adoptive parent of our dear m/c?! DIVUS CREWEL!!!
And now imagine all the dads end up meeting Ms Spade (maybe on parents day at school) and end up falling in love with since she is so HOT , BEAUTIfUL aNd WONDERFUl. So they are now love rivals and they each want to win the Ms Spade heart. Now because the dads are rivals their kids are now rivals since they all want their dads to be happy and let's be honest deuce would make an amazing brother so it is a win win.
But now imagine the CHAOS and DRAMA that will unfold since the kids will battling each other in order to convince deuce that their dad is the best fit for his mom. Like imagine Vil stealing deuce away to his dorm and gives him a list of benfits that he will get if they become sibling (examples: getting tutoring from vil to become an honor student, how there might be adverts about flash bikes (you know those magical motorbikes in their world) or compitions that he can get front roll seats to and most importantly his mom would be set for life).He might have got Rook to do a quick background check and integrated Epel on deuces’ like/dislikes before the meeting.
Then you got M/C who will be normal but say things like how deuce is more then a best friend and that he is a brother to them (insert a very insulted ace who m/c would have explain the situation to later) then u got both ace and m/c start bragging about how crewel is best and if he does hypercritically marry Ms Spade not only will he help with his studies but they can have so many sleep overs at crewel’s house since they will be living together.
Then you got Silver who is a bit confused but got spirit. He might honestly think that he and Deuce are brothers now from the way Lilia talks like he and Deuce’s mom are already married plus Silver would be happy if there were more humans in the family. I honestly think that Silver would be the most chill not that pushy but teach deuce things like how to sword fight and help him with his homework(if he doesn't fall asleep)
But the most funniest thing about this love square is that it would turn huge very fast because of Vil , M/C and Silvers friends will get involved. Like you got M/C with the first years supporting team Crewel. Vil and his entire dorm on team Eric and then you got Lilia being backed by the Prince of Briar Valley and his people. Not to mention the potential traitors *cough* *cough* Sebek or even Epel (btw I am not saying that they both are not loyal but Sebek’s heart belongs to Mallus and Lila first before anything else while Epel might get threatened with more makeup routines or something but properly not actual betray m/c since he is a ride or die but instead become something like a double agent.) Some of the dorms would be on the m/c side while others would stay neutral (the fish mafia might start a betting pool while Cater ends up posting the situation on Magiscram making the entire internet spilt between who would win the single mother’s heart ) Majority of the staff try stay neutral but are all on team Crewel and situations ends up becoming like a huge source of entertainment better then any reality t/v show (some producers ended up coming and asking if they can make it a show since Eric and Vil are involved but the got told to buzz off since this is a private matter)
Meanwhile, poor Deuce is lost on what to do and only wants his mom to be happy and is not sure how to deal with all this. Let's not forget that he also has to deal with his mom’s potential boyfriends trying to win his favour which is a whole other situation.
Anyway that's it folks thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
(also this is my first time contributing to a fandom. So Hi I am Kiwi and I give my greetings to the people of tumber. Please let me know if I make any mistakes and I wish you all a goodnight/day)
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draftingteacups · 3 years
Lol maybe the egg would hatch right in the Middle of the overblot battle and would have a one k.o. Hit at either Leona‘s or riddle’s overblot?
Hahaha just imagining that a little Baby happiny just punching the overblot dormleaders and thinking they’re just playing gives me life.
The Fact that Lilia would try to kidnap and adopt happiny the minute she hatches out of her egg would be funny and both Lilia and soni having a Custodx battle over the BAP like litteraly the second leona’s overblot battle is over is Hilarious.
sebek just trying to Recruit Baby happiny to becoming a body guard for his beloved waka-sama is just peak comedy, he might even try to indoctrinate happiny to the Waka-sama fanclub he made.
One Punch Happiny AU let's go honestly I love Brock's Happiny in the anime because it was such a twist but I loved the Pokemon for all its cuteness
but if that was the thing, Happiny really inherited a lot from Deuce when she was an Egg aldskfaj; Bet the Limit Happiny Version 🤣
Happiny, literally born five minutes ago: HAPPY!
OB!Riddle: "What in the world are you-" *gets decked by a baby*
Happiny waddles over to Riddle's unconscious body with this expression:
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Everyone else besides Soni:
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Soni's done her job and now goes to bully Crowley for extra money on the job. Just doing the absolute most to get the care for her baby. Trey and Cater help Riddle who later realizes that yes, he did get beat up by a little baby while Ace just ascends to the heavens laughing at it all
Deuce is just proud of his little Egg like awww 🥺💖🥚
Lilia's Child Senses are top-notch. The second that he sees Happiny, he is smitten, he wants to keep her, and that's why he buys baby carriers just so he carries her around
It gets stronger when Happiny starts making a rock collection and she gives them out to her favorite people; Lilia will fight people to have a rock from her and even if he has to return it, the fact that he gets her favorite rock makes him happy
If there's a bunch of Eggs, then oh boy Soni's gonna have a hard time dealing with Lilia trying to adopt all of them.
KSADKHSA SEBEK what are you doing with the baby?!
I can totally see him holding up picture books with handmade illustrations of Malleus to Happiny like alksjdfjlajkf
*wheezes* Baby Happiny just thinks Sebek is there to read her bedtime stories, so she just sleeps on him ten minutes in; Happiny's inherited Soni's deep sleeping ig 💖🤣
Sebek: Human! This little one keeps sleeping on my tales of Waka-sama!
Soni: I wish I could do the same. Now, give me Happiny. I need to return her to bed.
Sebek holds her in his arms like she's a toy about to be taken away: Five more minutes.
Just imagine Happiny playing with Malleus at night; just the mental image is just 🥺🥺🥺
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aio-rya · 4 years
Theory — Malleus Overblot and Lilia's Participation
As I said earlier on the first part of the theory, Lilia's concern for Malleus is the same as a father for a son, since he raised the Prince and has been by his side his entire life —Malleus himself has said that Lilia is family, plus they both raised little Silver and, later, Sebek was left under Lilia's care.
Now, the point of this is to explain some facts I've noticed on the opening and some influence the ancient fae may have at the very end of this adventure.
We can split two points from here:
He find out something about his family which Lilia was aware of, but never told him was it an order or for his own sake —in case he don't know or what he know is not the truth. Obviously, this will break the decades of trust he had over his guard and, additional to it, we won't be able to comfort him. Lilia has been present over Malleus' entire life, which means he knows —maybe better than anyone but Malleus' Grandmother 『who is, according to Malleus conversation with Sebek, the Witch of Thorns herself』¹— what happened to his parents or even if she had something to do with that. I bet she hadn't, but this game has brought us many unexpected turns and we are, actually, talking about a Twisted place where fairytales are not what we have already seen.
Malleus is hiding something from Lilia, not only because he's always chased because of his royal title and he don't like it, but the feeling of loneliness growing up because of MC. He might be confused about his feelings but he is a Prince, he is one of the most powerful mages on NRC and he is one of the greatest five in the world —he is aware of his image and he will repress his feeling to keep it like that.
The first one is not that probable, why? Malleus himself knows about his parents or at least that's what he had let us see. And he loves his grandmother so much as even he helped her back home with throne issues.
But the second is some different matter. He has always been lonely, hasn't he? They were only Mr. Vanrouge and him and not always since Lilia used to travel a lot alone and her grandmother, as a Queen, had too much to deal with. He knew nothing else than an almost empty castle, though his excuse is that he is "used to it". We can even see that's not true at all when Lilia talks with Deuce on his SR Halloween Card about how he played Trick or Treat with Silver when he was a toddler, the kid knocked at the door and Lilia pretend to be a different person every time until his bucket was full of sweets and Malleus asked if he really did that and why they never did it together? Of course, since he helped raising Silver too, he won't argue and it was just "a comment".
But we take another theory: something about Silver. We know he's the adoptive child of Lilia but how? Why? What happened? We could argue that Malleus might have lost control over some village on his dragon form, but Silver is a 17 year old man, and Lilia said Malleus learnt self-control long ago, some time after burning his bangs but what if this is not true? Maybe Malleus had an accident and Lilia was in charge of easing such memories but considering the youngest fae's power it's less probable. We don't know how Lilia got Silver but what if he just arrived to the castle with him? What if there's some hidden truth in there? A fact is that, as we see on the Wish Upon a Star event, Lilia has always wanted peace but he painfully states that there has always been war between fae and human kind, even though there's peace now, he said history is a cicle. Malleus is sort of fond of Silver too, his own way, but what happens if he discovers something?
Now, we have assured that this Overblot will be Malleus —yeah, at some point I thought it could be Lilia or Sebek too since Silver... Well, is Silver, he's such a pure creature. Buuut... why? Grimm's Overblot. He has many of the characteristic references to the past transformations and maybe the most remarkable is a pair of huge dragon wings. And we know Malleus is a dragon fae.
Now, the relevance of Lilia on this arc which was re original explanation. Not only because of his relationship with Malleus, independently from the already mentioned theories, but because he is mastered on every magic too.
That leads me to this part of the cinematic:
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Lilia Vanrouge is not only an ancient and wise fae but a very powerful one too. He may be gentle, sort of spontaneous and mysterious, but when he get serious, he is a mage to fear.
He's chasing Malleus trough the forest once, here, he is on a triple formation with Sebek and Silver, two men he raised and trained on magic and combat. The attack Lilia releases is very powerful, why would he need such kind of magic on a school?
As I already said, I don't like making theories out of the opening since almost none of the scenes have had any coincidence but the possible context of the two cinematic is just exciting.
Think it this way: Lilia is the only character who has lived long enough to get to know Malleus as well as he knows himself, as well his magic level is the only one who can get near, even for a bit, to Malleus' and the most important thing, prince Draconia listen to him and Lilia knows how to calm him down and how to comfort him.
If there is only one person able to fight and defeat Malleus power, is him.
1 — On the dialogue between Sebek and Malleus, the first one praises the prince's habilites over the Witch of Thorns'. Malleus asks him to lower his praises since "She was more powerful than even any of the other Great Seven. My power can't even hold a candle against my grandmother's. She's so advanced so there's no point on comparing us when she's on a whole other level."
I hope you enjoy this random stuff that just pop into my head. If you want to share out of here, please ask and leave credits~
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