#you get the point tho chomp is real
prismatixxkhaos · 5 months
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I meant to post this like a few days ago but whatever LMAOO
Anyways blockbench Chomp‼️‼️‼️
Do we think Max believes herobrine exists btw
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its-your-mind · 4 months
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ORV as textposts 43/???
[Photo ID - 10 cropped images from the ORV manhwa with text posts pasted upon them.
The first image shows Kim Dokja smiling with his eyes closed and raising his hand in greeting. The text post is by Tumblr user wizard-email. It reads, "YOU might be crushed under the weight of your own hubris. im ok tho."
The second image is an aerial shot of Yoo Joonghyuk kneeling with a sword in each hand. His head is bowed, and there are bloodstains visible on his black clothes. The text post is by Twitter user Alpha Male (real) @/SortaBad. It reads, "People say 'I'm here for a good time, not a long time' which is weird because I am having a bad time and this is taking forever."
The third image is a close up of Kim Dokja smiling ominously. The text post is a "Notes" section from Archive of Our Own. It reads, "Surprise bitch, I bet you thought you've seen the last of me."
The fourth image shows Han Sooyoung drawn in a slightly simpler and more cartoonish manner. The text post is by Tumblr user toffeestudies. It reads, "yes i am smart. yes i am stupid. it's called being flexible."
The fifth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk with a slightly frustrated look on his face while Kim Dokja smiles behind him. The text bubble originating from Kim Dokja reads, "Good to see you!" The text post are two grey texts with their tails pointed toward Kim Dokja. The first text reads, "you're life would be so boring without me." The second text reads, "admit it."
The sixth image is a close up of Kim Namwoon smiling with an extreme look on his face while his eyes glow red. The text post is by Tumblr user gorcerycores. It reads, "okay i'll bite. chomp even. kill perhaps. maybe even maim."
The seventh image shows Kim Dokja with his hand held up to get someone's attention while he sweats with a slightly nervous expression. The text post is by Tumblr user duckdotcom. It reads, "are you mad at me? would you like to be"
The eighth image shows Bihyung pointing upwards and smiling while he looks down. Action lines are drawn around his head to show excitement. The text post is a notification with a car emoji and two lines of text. The first, smaller line of text reads, "Take a break and have fun." The second, slightly larger line of text reads, "Schedule time for car accident."
The ninth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk punching Kim Dokja with his face covered in shadows except for his eyes to show anger. The text post is by Twitter user Rodney @/SkinnyTuna. It reads, "ass or tits? bro her right hook .im bleedi"
The final image shows Jung Heewon and Lee Jihye unsheathing their swords while Kim Dokja looks on in the center of the background. The text post is by Tumblr user king-monky. It reads, "yeah i understand women. they all want daggers and swords. it's quite simple really" /End ID]
ID by the incomparable @incorrect-web-novels ty so very much!!
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hypervoxel · 3 months
Jumble of headcanons in no particular order about Vark because I need to write them down somewhere to pretend to be organized
He started off sooo cute and tiny, like the size of a guinea pig. And he made laser noises like a baby Cuban crocodile.
He was so so tiny. He did not stay tiny.
Sharks sense electricity! He's naturally drawn to Vox when Vox is taking in or letting off too much power. He naturally interrupts Vox's overstimulation and warns about seizures, so Vox trained him some actual medical alert tasks.
Service shark Vark 🐕‍🦺
On the topic of electricity, I also headcanon him as having some aspects of an electric eel as well. A fantasy eel. He can take in some of Vox's excess energy, and isn't bothered by the sparks Vox throws off.
I'm chewing on the idea that Val bought Vark for Vox as an apology gift.
Now I'm just quoting myself directly from discord: I keep thinking of how I can include this (Vark being a gift from Val) in my one fanfic where it obviously does not fit bc Val hates Vark in it. Maybe he's jealous that Vox cares way more about Vark himself than the fact that Val gave him a gift. So unappreciative, didn't even have make-up sex over it bc Vox was too busy practically having a breakdown over how adorable Vark is. Val realizes that this was a mistake and he should have picked a very different gift instead
Vark is such a well behaved good boy when he's working, as a service shark. When Vox is in distress, Vark is so focused on trying to help with all the power of his tiny shark brain <3 Outside of that tho? He's a terror. He's so excitable. He canonically (in the old Voxtagram art) jumps on and knocks people over. This ties into him previously being a tiny adorable little thing. It was sooo cute when he jumped on your leg, back when he was the size of a large potato. It stayed cute up until they realized he was going to be so much bigger than they ever expected.
(It's like a bottle raised bull. The cute things they did when they were a little baby calf are no longer cute now that they're so large they are going to hurt you on accident just trying to be friendly and playful. RIP.)
Other service dog tasks for Vark: deep pressure therapy (of course. Interrupting behaviors such as when Vox is getting overwhelmed. Blocking to stop other people from getting too close to/touching Vox when he would shock them. I am forgetting so many things and will continue writing this list later
Vox doesn't do public access with Vark. This ties into my headcanons for Vox that he is deeply ashamed of himself and he cannot let anyone know he has problems ever.
Unfortunately, I am evil. So I also like the idea of Vark as an owner-trained service animal who is hmm not the perfect candidate for the job. In the same way shepherds aren't recommended for anxiety work, he can feed too much off of Vox's own emotions and has issues with guarding aggression that at times cause him to become reactive. (*points at my fanfic where he bites Val*)
I love bad representation.
Alsooo I don't like hammerhead sharks or animals that are too cartoon-y for me to understand as a real creature, so I'm making up a new design for Vark
Based on a Bonnethead Shark! Fun fact about Bonnethead Sharks: they are omnivorous! They eat seagrass :)
So Vark is omnivorous but unfortunately he's also like a tiger shark in that he'll eat anything even if it's not food. Tiger sharks have been found with license plates, tires, and other trash in their stomachs (sad)
Don't ask Vox how many times Vark has needed emergency exploratory surgery after eating something he shouldn't have. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Vark chews on wires like real sharks biting at undersea fiber optic cables. Chomp chomp
When Vark was a tiny baby, Velvette dressed him up in silly little outfits to post online. She doesn't do that anymore because he has mostly outgrown his cuteness stage for her: she only thought he was cute when he was little.
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lunar-lattice · 8 months
alrighty fellas thoughts on the fnaf movie under the cut
its everything i wanted!! such a love letter to the fans too without coming off as too much. i was rly worried it was gonna be too egregious with the fanservice. the story went and did its own thing but it preserved the basic story beats as well as making it coherent and i appreciate that a lot
i know ppl will be disappointed mike is not an afton but i like that. the connection to william was obvious but i still enjoyed it (tho i feel its a bit shoehorn-y but oh well. aint the first time a story has asked me to just accept a story beat). also i just love his characterization? totally my fav archetypes of 'good guy but hes a bit of an asshole' and 'good older brother'
(also he reminds me of my liam so double points)
the afton reveal we did get was so obvious that i discarded it in my 'trying to figure out vanessa' thinking but it worked. kinda sad tho this not only did 'afton kid fights against dad' better than the games but also just made vanessa more interesting than sb did
the animated intro was delightful and one of the things where you can tell they did their research
almost missed the matpat cameo bc he rly just looked like A Guy, mad at how natural it was (not rly, im glad it wasn't very egregious)
was very startled by the girl getting chomped, i was so sure the trailers were setting her up to get her head chomped but nope! get bisected
the animatronics were uncanny but in a good way! uncanny bc they look like theyve been pulled straight from the game files but like. theyre real. they move!
on that note, the lighter scenes with them delighted me so. i told a friend i rly hoped they would really lean into the tragedy of the children and it did not disappoint. i see ppl didnt like them but i think theyre important both to show theyre just kids as well as making the violence afterwards even scarier
golden freddy was…. suspiciously underused
id say william was too but no. it was the right amount of william afton. any more and he'd be running away with the whole movie
the climax was exactly as i expected but still surprised me. in fact i straight up forgot about the most iconic line in the series and was SO excited when it dropped
what can i say but I was so excited abt the credits song. it felt too fanservicey to actually happen but yet….
I wish i could go back to 2013 and show this to my younger self
and now. some theories and other speculation
obvious move for next movie is 2 but i honestly think its gonna be 3 with flashbacks to 2. the sequel hook was too damn obvious and tantalizing to fans to not get Right to it. also the 'COME FIND ME' in the credits works with this idea
…that being said, using the puppet's music box in the credits. maybe its the puppet that we need to come find
who exactly is william afton in this universe? i think its going with modern canon and that he was a owner/co-owner of the pizzeria. the way he talked about the owner being sentimental? felt like he was sharing a private joke with himself
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oreosmama · 4 years
When He’s Your Fellow Actor (BNHA Headcanons)
*GIFs not mine*
Haikyuu!! Version
A/N: I swear to God, I just write stories with bullet points🤦‍♀️. It’s an addiction I only give into at 2 am tho, I promise…. Maybe 3. Or maybe 6 am when my family wakes up to go to work, idk!! I'M WORKING ON IT. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy these headcanons/mini reminder that I write for bnha cuz it’s been a fucking minute!
Word count: 1781
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
The “Hero-Villain on the show but everyone ships them in real life” trope.
Bakugou’s the hero, but you’re the villain😯
In all honesty, you ship your characters together too, but Bakugou doesn’t get it. 
In an interview he did with you, he got so confused when the interviewer asked you both how you felt about it. 
“People are doing what?!”
He got a lil pissy about it. 
“You guys are calling that scene when she tried to throw me in a vat of acid our ‘first date’?!” 
While Bakugou just sits next to you in utter bewilderment, the attention shifts to you and you’re just like, “Yeah, I think they’re cute.” *shrugs*
Why the fuck were you shrugging?! THIS WAS FUCKING INSANE!!
Bakugou is all angsty for the rest of the interview, and afterwards you two go to lunch (for the convenience of course).
He’s still watching you order with utter amazement and eventually you catch his drift. 
*sigh* “What’s wrong, Katsuki?” 
His lips twitch at the sound of his name, then he reels himself in. 
“Don’t *sigh* at me! What the fuck was that back there?”
You’re just sitting there like “TF??”
He rolls his eyes. “YN, you actually…” he locks his gaze on the floor. “You actually… like that stuff?”
You giggle and it pisses him off even more. “WHAT?!”
“Oh c’mon, Katsuki, you don’t think the two characters would even be a little cute together?”
“Fuck no.”
“Just think about it for a second.” 
He reluctantly does as you ask while you order for the two of you. (You always knew what he liked to eat.)
Bakugou stays unsettlingly silent for the rest of the lunch, tearing away bites of his burger with angry chomps.
It’s peaceful, much like it always is around you. Sometimes he likes that about y-
Bakugou almost flips out on the fans and their comments, so you quickly autograph whatever they threw on the table before ushering them away. 
You paid the bill and snatched up Bakugou’s hand, dragging him out of the restaurant before he could yeet a table or two. 
Days pass after you and Bakugou’s “date.” The pictures of you two at the restaurant spread like wildfire, but that’s not what peeved off Bakugou. 
No, it wasn’t that. 
It was the fanfiction he had found. 
People had not only written highly sensual acts between the two of your characters, but also between you two as real people. 
It was like people had no sense of privacy!
He almost couldn’t face you the next day after reading all of that. 
Oh yeah, he umm… he kinda read it. ONLY TO SEE HOW FUCKED UP PEOPLE WERE THOUGH!
You saw right through him. He had dodged your every move until finally it was time to film a scene together. 
You didn’t hesitate to grab his face and force it to look at you. 
“Katsuki. What’s wrong?” 
“... I read the stuff.”
You shake your head. “I told you not to read that shit. It’ll just flip you out even more.”
“I know but,” he glances around before pulling you to a more secluded area of the set, “how did they know about us?” 
You giggle and cup his cheek. “They don’t. That’s just what people do.” 
He doesn’t exactly buy it, but he accepts your kiss anyway. “So,” he pulls away, leaning his forehead against yours, “we’re still on at my place tonight, right?”
(No one could know you two were together yet. He just wasn’t ready to see more “shipping” shit than he had already seen. You knew that. But that didn’t stop you from writing the fanfictions.)
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Todoroki Shouto:
The “they’re brother and sister on the show but fans are perverts” trope. 
Honestly, you were both disgusted at the idea. 
You hung out all the time with the other cast members and only heard of it when someone brought it up.
Yeah, you were human, and you both thought it was a little nasty. 
“Yeah,” Kaminari nods with a grimace, “apparently it’s only because you two look nothing alike though.” 
“Still,” your nose wrinkles, “that’s just wrong.” Todoroki nods beside you. 
“Well, people are weird. I don’t know what to tell you.”
You two were both frazzled by the news, barely able to look at each other without even thinking about it. 
The next day, you two had a scene where you had to hug and kiss each other’s cheeks. Not an unusual act between your two characters, but now it was fucking awkward. 
“What the hell is wrong with you two?” Bakugou glared after the director finally said “Cut!” after enough failed scenes. 
“We just found out our characters are being shipped.” 
It wasn’t really what you said that made Bakugou cackle like an evil witch, it was the way you both said it. 
Your eyes were both wide with horror and you couldn’t even stand to make any contact with each other. 
“You two are fucking idiots!” Bakugou screeched, wiping a tear from his eye. “Get over it! Our fans are fucking crazy, and I’m suprised you haven’t noticed that after one too many hotel room break-ins.”
The blond’s words took a while to sink in, and it wasn’t until you were both sitting next to each other on the backstage couch that you finally glanced at each other. 
Ugh, you couldn’t stand it anymore!
“Shouto, are things gonna be weird between us now?”
The thought almost hurt. 
Todoroki’s eyes widened as your own darted over his scarred face frantically. 
“No!” He grabs your hands and holds them in his. “... Well… maybe. I don’t know.”
You two had always liked each other. Perhaps a little more than friends. But playing brother and sister while having a relationship was never a good idea. 
A few days passed and you two decided to take a little break from each other. (You had hoped to get over your feelings so you could go back to acting like brother and sister like normal.)
Then you got the scripts for next week’s episode. 
“I’m adopted?” 
The next day, you and Todoroki could finally stand to be in each other’s presence. 
Oh fuck- AGAIN?!
Nope. You weren’t gonna let that happen. 
You threw your hands around his neck and shoved him towards you, pressing his lips against yours. 
Todoroki instantly threw his arms around your back, pressing you closer as he smiled into the passionate kiss.
Kaminari sighed in relief before slipping back behind the wall as you two pulled away from each other. 
“They’re good.”
The rest of the cast let out relaxed breaths while Bakugou rolled his eyes. 
“Why the fuck did you tell them that, dumbass?”
“I don’t know, I thought it would be funny!” 
“Well then I guess you’re just a SHIT COMEDIAN!”
Yeah, it was just one fanfiction about you two as siblings. 
TO BE FAIR… Kaminari only wrote it because he was shitfaced.
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Kirishima Eijirou:
The “she was just supposed to be a side character but the fans fell in love with her and started shipping them” trope.
Yeah, you weren’t supposed to last long. 
Kirishima was the main character, a hero, and you were just supposed to be a temporary damsel in distress.
Evidently they made your character a little too cute, a little too funny, a little to perfect. 
You were in for about half a season, and in that time, everybody loved you and Kirishima together.
You two had great chemistry on and off the screen. 
Nothing beats that. 
Except for when the writers killed off your character. 
While it ended with a kiss, you apparently died saving Kirishima’s life as one final thanks for him saving yours in your debut. 
The kiss opened both of your eyes and you knew you couldn’t lose contact with each other. 
Initially, his show only lost a few viewers after you were cut. 
But then it dropped by the thousands when fans spotted you two on a date, smiling happily like no one was around. 
Ahh, the power of persuasion.
People were boycotting his show left and right, claiming that they “split you two up wrongfully.” 
Shit went awry.
Everyone panicked. 
Apparently one major funder had a daughter who had a cousin who had a friend who had a dog that loved you two or something.
Either way, the writers and directors whipped up some magical mumbo jumbo to revive your character, and the response was instant. 
After some half-assed funeral scene, they had you dig yourself out of the ground like some zombie, claiming that you were of the same superpowered race as Kirishima. 
The ship lived on, and your characters survived multiple seasons enough to make little superpowered babies.
“Man, I can’t believe the fans went so nuts like that. Who knew a little side character death would cause such an uproar.”
Kirishima nodded along with you, allowing a soft smile to grow on his face as he pounced, licking some stray ice cream off your lips before capturing them in a kiss. 
“Mmm,” his hand reached up to hold you in place against him. He only pulled away to press his forehead against yours with a toothy grin. “I have a little secret to confess.”
“Like what?” Your eyes were still closed in bliss as you licked your lips, reveling in the taste of him. 
He turned your head to the side and cupped a hand around your ear, whispering his pretty little secret. Your eyes flashed open in surprise and you pushed away from him to see his face.
You needed to know if he was serious. 
Kirishima nods shyly, holding and squeezing your hand in his lap. 
“I just couldn’t let you go. I wanted to keep seeing you.”
God, he was such a babe.
“Fuck Eijirou,” a grin grows on your face and you brush your lips against his, letting out a giggle. “I love you so much.”
You feel his smile grow into a proud beam against your lips. “I love you too.”
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kicktwine · 3 years
Any au brain worms?
pick your poison anon I have brainworms aplenty SLAPS DOWN NOTES DOC
- after I write the rest of this chapter for sprawl I am going to BLAST through ch4 I’m so excited I get to write such violence. idk if you know I really love to write fight scenes especially if there’s some weird mind stuff going on in them like yes yes yes chomping and biting kill!!!!!!!! 
- I AM THINKING. ABOUT WEREWOLVES. I’m thinking about them. I am having trouble grounding it because a lot of the au is very real (lawyers) and a lot of it is. So not (dark magic). I don’t think they ever really needed to get ven or roxy or xion to an actual hospital bc of that plot hole cement and nice werewolf healing perks (and Ven just really needed time to heal himself, but in hindsight, they Should have taken him to at LEAST a vet however embarrassing that would be later) but they definitely had to for vani. kid was living alone in the woods in the middle of a heat wave for at least a week. and it took a while for that information to set in, that he actually needs to go get help, now, and that’s about the point at which he stops being actively antagonistic bc aqua has a picture of the two boys snuggled up to each other in a hospital bed. Also I think that Xigbar being a good guy in this is very funny and he has a weird amount of money for a very specialized lawyer. He’s a really good lawyer and he manages to get through the whole trial without badly triggering anyone or slipping up but like why’s he gotta act like a surfer dude like that
Also I figured out what’s wrong with Sora’s lycanthropy, yknow how there are “witches” in this world too? Magic users, yea? Naminé is one, aqua’s one, young xehanort is one, idk what to call terranort (not that) but he’s actually not one. So is Sora! A really powerful one actually, though he doesn’t know it. And the two don’t mix all that well. Turns out he’s been causing problems for himself, because his body just kicks into ultimate overdrive when he tries to change, and then just sucks in all the energy it can, resulting in a big monster Sora and not a regular dog. He has to train himself to Not do that, and it’s hard just because it’s a reflex, not on purpose. The first time he turned he had no idea what was happening to him. It stuck :/
Also also I haven’t given enough love to roxas and Xion in that au lately and I think they deserve some messy body horror too it’s only fair. It’s only fair! I know they’re, in all technicality, the “same person” - bc, you know, unethical science, but Roxas was like wait I’m a person xion was like wait a minute I’m a DIFFERENT person. Wait hang on, tangential note. put a pin in that body horror note for a sec. there’s no way xion has a birth certificate. she was made. I bet xigbar can make a real good fake tho tbh
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mythykl · 4 years
UNSPOKEN,, *todoroki x (f) reader
Genre : fanfic, smut *aged up* (shoto is imagined to be 21yo or something,, and reader as 19yo)
rating : explicit, NSFW, 17+
Warning : fingering, oral?? todo is pretty horny overall. starts w a pretty intense bg story, so you gotta read through all that to get to the good stuff. cool.
words?? idk, it’s pretty lengthy tho.
our todoboi is a pretty lovin’ bf in here.
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“I’m really sorry for yesterday, Y/N. I-I did’n-”
You clench your fists as you sit on the couch beside him, and interrupt, “Whatever it is- save it, I don’t blame you to begin with. I-I’m just mad. I’d spent almost a week for that chapter, to give justice and bring perfection in what I wanted to put across to the readers. Well- its not even about the time; I had thought through it so much, and atlas thought of typing it out yesterday- I mean- whatever crap that I had even written, I was proud of that- until,, your ignorant ass decided to show up in the room and fuckin’ switched off the computer assuming it’s already logged off, o-or whatever. You could’ve at-at least- fuck-” yup ya ass is livin’ in the worst nightmare of a writer, stay steady
You of course cried, and even threw a tantrum for an hour or so once you realized what had happened. But primarily, you were just mad- mad at yourself for not saving that damn file, and even at him cuz ofc. 
Todoroki certainly didn’t take it well, since he is sad at present, and can’t even look in your eyes. He apologized multiple times since last night and had even prepared a breakfast for you before leaving for work; on the other hand, you haven’t even answered to his appeals yet with clarity.
Out of the blue you just cup his cheeks, making him instantly look up- at you, and then get up with an audible sigh, “Go get ready, I’ll prepare our dinner by then.” That gesture somehow took him aback. 
He gets up instantly and blurts out in confusion, “I d-didn’t expect you to prepare a dinner for me, and on top of it- wait for me so we can have it together. You should’ve ate already, it’s almost midnight.”
You turn back to him, walking towards him to hold his hands, "I honestly don’t know what to reply. My heart- just thought it is the right thing to do that; one mistake isn’t enough to just hate you all of a sudden, Shoto. Moreover we are talking about this, it’s not like you’re being arrogant or things are left unsaid- and you’re genuinely sorry. I can see that in your eyes. I’m just- I don’t know. I’m depressed a bit- yes, but it can’t be helped now. I need some time to think, maybe.” 
Little did you know that your kind words pricked him like thousands of tiny needles against his skin. He loves you, and however seemingly ‘small’ mistake this might be, he hates himself for hurting you- the person he loves so dearly. He thinks of his mother, his complicated family life- which had made him seemingly unemotional. You were one of the people to break through that forged cold wall. He had finally accepted you as his reality than his mere escapism and live with you, but here he is- bringing tears and fueling anger in you, like a good for nothing- just like his father.
After a slight pause, he just busts his arms open and pull you close to him, in his warm embrace, “What did I possibly do to deserve such an angel?” He almost whispers in his beautiful voice.
An angel? 
“So talented, pretty, wonderful, real and warm. Remember. I love you. No matter what. I always will. And I respect you- your passion, interests, talent, likes and dislikes, freedom, strengths-weakness, your work, happiness- everything. Throw all the tantrums you want and cry all you want- more than just agreeing and being there for you- I’ll always make sure I understand you first. I’m sorry for being so ignorant lately.”
It may seem as if he’s crying, but he’s not. He said all that with a tough stance and gratefulness in his tone, a faint disbelief of having you as his significant other. While you just stood there, in surprise. You aren’t oblivious to his past and his journey through it. Is he blaming himself? or Is he again thinking that he doesn’t deserve happiness?- you’re at the loss of words and a mind fumbling all over the place. You simply subside the chaos, and hug him back. 
“We’re definitely working, Todoroki. Understanding each other more than just being in love- something that many fail to do. Isn’t this great?” You at last blurt out.
“Yes. I guess,” he says as he detaches himself from you, “I’ll be right back- until then, read what I’ll send you as you have dinner. Gonna sound stupid of me- but I already had dinner at office. I assumed that you’d not prepare a meal for me and- would be asleep by now as well.”
“Wow icyhot, I’m mad at you even more now,” you say playfully as you walk towards the kitchen.
“Save it. You would be saying that for the millionth time now,” you chuckle as you grab your phone, lying on the dinner table.
Before serving your food, you decide to see the text, only to find an attachment with a rather strange message- ‘Hey, here’s an headcanon for chapter 37, that I wrote. Enjoy.’
Wait did he- read your wattpad book? And moreover, came up with a theory to what might happen in the ne- next chapter.
Nice. jk. Ofc you lost your shit
For the sake of getting back to senses, you legit do the deep breathing shit- which your therapist always recommended you to do.
Now what?
You serve yourself some noodles instantly, since you don’t feel hungry anymore, rush to the dining table and start chomping on the cold noodles as you open the attachment.
What made you almost throw up was that the mention of word counts. Which is 3k by the way, though no where near how much you usually write.
Shoto is definitely not the kinda guy to have read any wattpad books, or more specifically even have come across the word 'headcanon’.
He probably noticed how you mention it as well at the end, but decided to put it in the beginning,, for god knows what reason?? Or, he did decide to go through the fanons- which your readers’ posts on tumblr. This eases your nervousness, you clearly urge for more.
You swipe down, reading furiously fast, yet scanning every word and sentence- atleast twice. The chapter, honestly, was mediocre. He had ideas but couldn’t put them across- with excessive repetition of words, but he is almost close to-
“Honey, are you done?” Todoroki’s voice almost scares you. You look at your bowl ready to grab another bite- but you had already finished the meal.
“Earth to Y/N. Don’t tell me my words were that mesmerizing,” he says with a smile as he rubs his hair with a towel.
“Let’s be honest, though you don’t have the talent of a writer, your idea was- kinda similar to mine. What I’m sayin is that you almost. GOT. IT. RIGHT. Well, kuro did spy on KAORI’S house that unfaithful night, and he didn’t have any sources as such, which does mean that he is hiding his real quirk- but, no- I’m not telling you more than that.”
“Since you already know that I read all your chapters, and did like the book- I certainly can’t wait to understand why KURO would possibly do that.”
You just smirk off his curiosity; “You gotta wait boy,” you say as you as you walk back to kitchen counter with your bowl. Todoroki marches behind you to grab the cleaning cloth to clean the table, as you do the dishes.
“Put that towel in the washing machine, please.”
“Yup,” you almost feel an ounce of happiness in his reply. After he closes the machine’s door, you at last ask, "So what are your thoughts?“ It has never been one of you expectations for the people to you read your books or even, praise you for writing, but a review wouldn’t hurt, would it?
"Uhh- well, I love how everything is now just coming together, as one can foreshadow that the book’s gonna end. The use of words was elegant, and the plot is bewitching. Has been a while since I even read anything in thriller, that too- this good. Fuck. Reading kaori’s point of view just the day before the murder was- unbelievable. And characters, they all are just great.”
That is indeed a Todoroki kinda explanation. 
“Wow you did read all of tha-” but before you could complete your statement, shoto just grabbed your hips and stood tall behind you, now speaking in an extremely low tone, “And not to mention- the first sex between Kaori and Braun, it literally was like the depiction of ours. Except, they were awkward and slow, we weren’t.”
You pause. what took over him all of a sudden?
He continues, “That gave me a whole another perspective to what sex really means, and moreover what intimacy mean to you. It was.. surreal. Reading it, was as if- I’m living through that afternoon again, but with more emotions, and a bit more of you.”
“It’s not like I’ve explored much to actually wri-”
 “Oh, is that so?”
“I’m not complaining, of course, but these are the moments I believe must be left to cherish and our intimate times just feel more- sacred to me like this??” Sigh, “Ugh. Now, how do I explain?” Well, that is true, even though Todo and you’ve dated for almost two years now, it was just four months ago that you lost your virginity with him, on your nineteenth birthday. 
He had already lost his with the previous girl he was with. Though he never implied, it felt as if you were obliged to do it for him, due to your own insecurities. Once he got to know that, his reaction was nothing as what you had thought. He said that he loved you, and such things are nothing related to love; that sex is overrated, and continued on saying dorky yet adorable stuff like- cuddling was much better and what not. Since then, you had sex with him just thrice. None of you were really against this unspoken agreement, to not have-
Wait, an unspoken agreement?
You instantly feel like an hypocrite, since you had just claimed to have nothing unspoken between you both.
Sudden a sharp pain in the skin of your neck brings you back to reality. Shoto is sucking on your skin, kissing ever so lightly. As if marking you.
An audible morn escape your parted lips as the bowl just falls on the kitchen sink. Todoroki leans forward and simply closes the tap and whispers, “So you do like to be 'submissive’, don’t you? Had this discovery while reading one of your books, 'Starless nights’.”
The exact book for which you had to watch vintage porn to make the chapters with intercourses more sensual and intresting.
Again, taking you by surprise, he simply turns you around as you continue stare at the ground with your hands wet, in front of you like dog’s pow.
“So I assume you liked my headcanon.”
“Yup; was much better than the crap I write, let’s go to-” but you’re interrupted-
“Now baby, we both know you’re the better writer, and that you just lied.”
“That was sarcas-” but he just pulls you closer and spanks you hard. You hiss as the pain spreads all over your butt cheeks.
“Never interfere, Y/N.” Wait wut-
Your immediate reaction was biting your lips- is he saying the words from the book? Not exactly inacting them but attempting to set a similar atmosphere, which you lowkey craved for in your wildest dreams.
“Since I’ve anyways taken this unspoken, unofficial oath of keeping you happy and stuff, now why not help you with some satisfaction- with all those juices flowing down your-”
You suddenly push him back and blurt while blushing hard, “Stop with this teasing and aw- awkward co- conversations todoroki! Fuckin’ juices, seriously? I’m not co- comfortable with-”
But then, you notice his right hand in your shorts. Or more like the sheer coldness against you clit, almost like there’s ice against it. When did his hand go in there? You end up clenching his T-shirt, as you jolt up on your toes.
“You. Clearly. Want. This. Don’t. You.” Suddenly, he pulls his hand out as he grabs your ass tight as he pulls you even further. Then, he brings his hand up to the height of you face and simply starts stares at the dampness on his fingers, “Wetter than I suspected." 
Now behold the unbelievable.
He keeps staring at his fingers, opens his mouth as he places his fingers into them and suck it as you watch this piece of art in awe.
"Can’t believe that I had you like- just thrice before this. You do live up to what I usually call you, honey.” He continues, “I hope you’ve noticed my creativity as well, as i used my coldness to.. nudge it.”
“You’re being quite quirky today, aren’t you?” This statement just makes him go still, and the next second he’s found laughing. His deep voice, almost reverberating in the silent room. He steps back, brings one hand to his face as he looks down and continues to laugh. The mere sight of him in this way gives you so much warmth, this is the moment you realize that this is the true home. With him.
When he finally looks up, the mere sight of you blushing so hard makes him lose his composure again, but this time it’s a nervous laugh. 
Approaching closer, you set your hands on his torso and continue, “That was quite execrable pun to chortle at, we were doing excellent just now-” but in reply, he simply cups his hand around your cheeks and say, “Shit y/n. You’re going to be the death to me,” and continues grinning like an airhead.
Why is he being annoying now? After so much sexual tension, how can he stop? In midst of you cursing yourself in your head, he leans at your height and kisses you.
Finally being out of patience, you look at the ground and stutter, “Ca-can we do i-it al-alrea-”
“Quite frankly, I’d like if you stay quiet, you shall take what I’ll give you, right?”
You look up immediately into his beautiful heterochromic eyes and say without any further doubts with a smirk, “Go ahead, Shoto, who am I to deny?”
“Sedective. umm, I like that.” he smirks too.
“Know that I love you,” and that’s it. Within one second, his hands are in your hair and his face is buried in your neck, digging deeper into you, as if uprooting releasing your soul from your body.
Skin glistening on your collar bone now and colours warming up on your cheeks, you whimper under his dominance, as he squeezes your waist and lightly nips against your shoulder. You shiver, with pretty evident  goosebumps, in spite of the heat you both bear at this point. 
Your breath gets hitched in your throat as he moves inwards below your collarbones. while his hands rest on your waist. You involuntarily climb a bit on him, intending to close the gap, but more to feel his manhood against you. Your hands firmly on his shoulders, almost pushing him back- maybe because it’s too much pleasure to feel at once. 
At another rise of your hips, Todoroki places his hand on your waist and pushes you back down, “Easy, easy princess,” he mummers before getting back to fiercely kissing me. You run your fingers through his hair, as you body slowly commences to accept an indeed new experience bombarded at you. 
Suddenly, you remember something. In heist, you shove him back and say, “Wait! We need to wash our hands- I- I mean we have just did chores. Well, at least partially and I need to wash myself- I mean I’m clean,” but then you stop to look at him just to find him in utter shock. 
“Shoto! I mean I want this but hygiene is impor- fuck. I’m. Such. A. Boner. Killer. Ain’t I?”
“Point made.” Todoroki picks you up in bridal style and rushes towards the bathroom.  for some reason i thought of adding this,, lmao
“Wait what-?”
“No time to waste.”
This makes you giggle a bit. You wash yourself while he as well washes his hands, and you practically pull him out of the bathroom, grab him by his collar and kiss him deeply as his hands slowly move up and down, feeling your torso- flesh untouched due to s mere knit. 
His hand unapologetically moves to the hem of your sweater, and further inside; but within one move of his, you stood there shivering, exposed. 
Immediately, you move forward in order to close the distance between you and shoto out of nervousness. His eyes drop down to your heaving chest and you’re painfully aware of that.
“Don’t. Don’t hide,” he mutters, grabbing a hold of your hands and locking them behind with one of his own for you to stay still; as he slides his other in your shorts. You feel his gentle hand running down the slit.
“Honey you’re dripping wet, what have i done to this innocence?” It seems that he expected a reply, but you didn’t. You just couldn’t. He then pulls the other hand to you face, diving in for yet another passionate kiss- accompanied by a battle of tongues this time. You are going breathless, but he refuses to move away.
The creasing in your folds level up to three fingers now,. He isn’t generous anymore, with aggressive circles in there, he finally commands, “Say my name.” 
“Sho-shoto.” Your moans only fuel in his lust and desires, his want, an indeed selfish want to have you all for himself, to offer the utmost satisfaction.
He pushes a finger into you as you instinctively let out a small breath hold his busy arm with both of your hands. This makes him push you against the wall with his free hand.
“M-my legs, it’s going numb,” on hearing this, he removes his own shirt and slightly repositions himself, with one hand now on the waist and the other back in there. He kisses your forehead as you look down, unable to keep up with his pace.
That’s when the coldness returns.
 “I- ah- can we ge-get to the bed first?” Your stuttered words only results in a widened smile from him. He is enjoying the sight, clearly in love with the effect he has on you. His head shakes, further sliding another finger inside you, “You can do it baby. You’re taking it all in without questioning.”
You nod quickly, as you start climb up a bit again. In return, he slowly curls his fingers- more and more with each passing second making you almost cry out this time, “Please n-no, this is too intense for me.”
“Yet my princess didn’t make Braun stop after that, I read in somewhere that Kaori secretly wished for him to not stop even if she said so. Just go on.”
You didn’t know how to come back at it, because it is true. You want your Shoto to push those limits you’ve set for himself, and you’d as well be fine if he simply throws off you cliff at this point. 
“Now now, spread your legs y/n.” 
Did he say something? You couldn’t listen. With eyes rolled back, you can’t comprehend anything to begin with.
“SPREAD YOU LEGS or else I won’t play nicely.” You’re eyes shoot up, and find his already searching for yours; before leaning in and gently kissing you. Your legs not being shut anymore, todo takes the opportunity, making his finger get stuffed deeper. His two digits start moving faster and harder, pounding against your walls- all while he feels you squirm to slow down.
“You can take it hun’,” he definitely knows what he’s doing, and you’re totally in for it. “Y-yes,” you moan softly. This is when he slides in a third finger, now really making you scream.
You attempt to gasp and struggle to stand, but then he says,”Stay,” as you unknowingly slide down the wall. Your nails dig in the skin of his back as you try to stable your stance on your tip toes yet eventually, your legs give out on you.
Suddenly, you feel him hit a spot which just pulls something inside your stomach. Todoroki on the other hand, notices your unusual hitched breath and starts hitting the SAME. EXACT. SPOT.
His free hand goes to the back and around your waist, holding you evermore tightly so that you won’t hurt yourself.
“I feel- like that- again-,” you manage to blurt.
“Like what?”
“Like pe-peeing, b-but different. Just like th-the last time we-”
He simply smirks, “We what?” He sighs and growls in your ear, “Is princess gonna squirt for me?”
Your body shudders against him as you moan his name, again and again, “Shoto, I-I-”
“That’s it. Squirt for me y/n,” with that he removes his hand entirely for one second, only to push two digits inside again, now thirsting harder and curling tighter; with his thumb against you slit. His hand grows even more colder, almost stinging down there, making you restless. 
He watches you open your mouth and moan loudly, as his hand only gets wetter, feeling you squirt against his hand. You shake hard in his hold. He doesn’t let you go. A tear escapes you eyes, but simply doesn’t seem to care,”Shoto, for some reason I-I feel s-so great wi-with yo-,” but you are interrupted as he shoves you further against the wall , sliding down your shorts and undergarment, again with three fingers in.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises you while curling those fingers inside and then removing them together. He further continues, “seems like you’re ready,“ as he rubs the wetness inside the slit, giving special attention to your clit.
Saying that, he kneels down, now facing lower abdomen and plants a kiss over there. You simply look down at him, still struggling to balance, searching for even a slightest hint to know what is there to come.
Maybe he’ll stand up an carry you to the bed? or How about making him feel better this time?
But then, his face smashes his face on your dampness; almost attempting to bury in it as he holds you up and pushes. your legs apart. You clearly know where this is going, todoroki will be showing no mercy whatsoever.
"That wasn’t even the start honey,” he confesses in midst of you moans and begs for him to go slow. It doesn’t hurt anymore as much as it gives an unbearable form of pleasure.
You moan and whimper, yet he continues to suck in your clit. You can feel a finger inside, or maybe two, as they go in and out. Practically shattering you all at once while fusing you once for all.
Your hand travel its way to his hair. Ruffled enough to make the red and the white parts almost indistinguishable.
Oh dear.
Though your eyes are close, hands are fumbling around for support and legs are strictly held in place by Shoto, yet you can feel his tongue moving. As if in patterns, not that you could figure out. It either went in for an eight or just licked off entirely as one does while eating an icecream. You moan his name again and again, the same sensation building up block by block as he paves deeper and denser.
“I can’t take this anymor-”
“What makes you think that’s gonna stop me from eating this pussy.”
Little do you know that shoto can’t hold back anymore, it’s not just that he is in control but he has lost control. At the sight of your dark flushed red cheeks, delicacy and vulnerability, he only gets faster and tougher on you. His other fingers reach around and grips your ass, with his fingers slightly grazing across your unused hole.
That’s it, that was enough for you to go stagnant again, in your mind atleast. Your legs start shaking, with your mouth parted yet again. Shoto quickly stands up, with fingers still inside, to help you stay stood up. You feel yourself about to pass out, but in actuality are fully awake and aware. He kisses you, now moaning with you as well, as he fingers you until you cum.
His teeth take in your lower lip as your eyes flicker up at his unmatched ones.
Shoto, with one hand against the wall, halts for a minute. He stands tall in front of you, while holding you as you struggle to stand.
In midst of huffed breaths, you manage to say, “I- I, I mean- can I make you feel good as well?” On listening thise words, he goes still, “Baby, you can barely stand.”
“Still-” but again, before you could say anything, he picks you up in bridal style and dropping you on the bed; letting you lay back while he removed his left over garments.
This is when his erect manhood is finally exposed, refilling your memories of your first time when you had simply wondered how would you take all of that in. You did, though it was painful. But this time you refuse to be scared by the length, you know this is going to feel the best and you’re willing to take him in, deep inside you.
Shoto sighs and walks to the bed, “No-”
“Tonight is about you. Let ME explore you.”
“I wa-wanna hug you,” you blurt out.
He giggles, “sure, all that my y/n wants shall come true.”
But when you attempt to get up, your legs just fail to response. Even the slightest movement feels like a bolt of electricity run through you. At the sight of you falling back on the bed, Shoto simply smirks and says, “By the looks of it, I think I did a pretty good job at pushing your limits.”
“Don’t- I can’t even walk.”
“Wait,” he climbs on the bed beside you, sitting with back against the headboard while you lie against him, still breathless, still attempting to move.
“Don’t move princess,” saying this, he carefully pulls you up, with your head on his thigh. He helps you sit up slowly, while embracing your body against him, and finally hugs you, like a child clenching onto his teddy favourite bear.
“You are so beautiful,” he says as he gets up, while eyes glued on you. He moves to the end of the bed and pulls you towards him as he climbs in again. His two digits reenter your dampness, almost making you hiss at first but it’s soon replaced with moans.
Your back arcs as you mumble, “Sho-shoto, I’m very sensitive ri-right n-now. ah-”
While on his part, he receives it as a signal to level up to the next stage. He slowly penetrates in, soon pacing up. Warmth filled in your hearts and sweat glinting the lustre. He repostions you both a couple of times, giving you different forms of pleasures with each go. 
You as well witness his fire quirk leaking out at times. He kisses you deeply and claims you as his own as he repeats the words, “I’ll never let you go.”
Now it’s past 3am, as your exhausted bodies lay next to each other; that’s when he whispers, “I love you.” Maybe he thinks you are already asleep, but you are not. He clearly can’t leave anything unspoken.
i hope this has left you baffled 
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death-himself · 3 years
Saw your monsyer au on ao3
Great work
Anyway, probably an angsty prompt but I was wondering if you think that any of our monster bois have had nightmares where they go on a hunt and then accidental chomp Virgil. Bonus points if in the moment they actually enjoy his flavor
I feel like the left brain boys (Janus and Logan) would be the most likely to have a nightmare scenario like that, especially Logan since he DID almost munch Virgil, and they'd also be the most likely to pretend everything's fine the next morning even tho they're absolutely miserable and terrified of taking a crunch munch out of their human bf in real life
Great work, don't know if o said that already
Happy holidays Nico
It’s been over a month since you sent this so sorry about that .-. Anyway here’s the fic, some good ol’ hurt/comfort with Loceit and Logicality because Logan deserves it
Warnings: Death (in a dream sequence), cannibalism, nightmares, blood
Logan went down his usual route to hunt. He and his other nonhuman boyfriends often hunted at the same time, spread all across the city and countryside to make their home less easy for the police to find. He found a good place on the rooftop to sit as he watched the humans pass by, waiting patiently for his prey.
One with dark purple hair walked down the alleyway. A pleased smile pulled at Logan’s lips. He dropped down silently in front of them, and before they could even scream he had them pinned to the ground, a hand over their mouth as he sunk his teeth into their arm.
The taste was heavenly. He ripped away at the tender flesh, sweet as candy and melting in his mouth. He ignored the human’s cries as he savored his meal, biting away until rose red pooled around them both. It was the most beautiful shade of blood he had ever seen. Logan felt bile hit his hand as the human attempted to vomit, before all the muscles beneath him loosened, and he heard their heart slow into silence.
Finally Logan pulled away with a sigh, having eaten his fill. He normally refrained from looking at his victims, in fear that he would feel guilty for killing them, but for whatever reason his eyes drifted over, looking over the dead man’s face. Purple hair, blank, empty black eyes, black eyeshadow.
Logan’s eyes snapped open, his body drenched in sweat. He looked to his side, relieved to see Virgil alive and well, sleeping as peacefully as ever. He listened closely to his boyfriend’s steady heartbeat, staring up at the ceiling as he waited for his own heart to come closer to matching.
He hated thinking about how he and Virgil met. He hated what had been going through his mind while he attacked him. He hated the fact that Virgil was the most delicious human he had ever tasted.
It had been something that had always been at the back of his mind, something he refused to acknowledge. Virgil tasted fucking incredible and there was nothing any of them could do about it. If Patton hadn’t been there to stop him, what had happened in his dream would have been reality.
He looked over Virgil at Patton, hugging the end of Janus’s tail like a teddy bear. He was the only one out of the four of them that hadn’t actually tried to kill Virgil, wasn’t he? No, he had saved Virgil from Logan’s own bloodlust. Wow, what a great boyfriend he was.
He sighed, turning over to stare at the clock. It was three AM, that was only three hours earlier than he would usually wake up. Might as well get up then.
Virgil had gone off to work and Roman had decided to visit his brother. The moment both of them left, Janus pulled Logan aside, wrapping his tail around him and almost pulling him close enough to touch noses. “Is something bothering you, love?” Janus spoke softly.
“Of course not.” Even Logan could tell he responded too quickly. Janus smiled.
“Well there has to be a reason why you kept staring at Virgil this morning. I know he’s absolutely gorgeous but there has to be a reason other than that.” Logan sighed. He knew how Janus was; he refused to give up until whoever he was talking to admitted what they were struggling with. It was something he both hated and loved about him.
“...You came close to killing him too, didn’t you?” The question threw off the naga for a moment, yellow and brown eyes widening. Janus hummed, nodding.
“So that’s the issue.” He sighed. “Well yes, I did. If I had held him for maybe five more seconds he would’ve passed out, and if I didn’t notice by then I likely would’ve eaten him alive. It’s in the past though, all is forgiven.”
“What if we realized afterward that he was our soulmate? What if you had looked at your tail and seen that Virgil’s mark was gone after he was dead and eaten?” Janus looked him up and down, concern flooding his eyes.
“Did you have a nightmare like that, darling?” Logan nodded hesitantly. Janus paused, arms hooked around Logan’s neck, his hand drifting up to run his fingers through Logan’s hair.
“I’ve gotten those, too. They’re tough to see, aren’t they?” Logan closed his eyes, allowing himself to go limp in Janus’s arms and coils as the naga pulled him even closer, holding him with all the care in the world.
“We’ve been around him long enough to not harm him. I know with how annoying he can be at times it’s hard to restrain yourself, but it seems like we still manage.” He chuckled. “And our first meetings are in the past now. They were awful first impressions, sure, and we’ll always remember what it was like to nearly kill him, but we know that they won’t happen again.”
Logan hummed, nose nuzzled into Janus’s shoulder. Janus killed through suffocation, though. Logan was the one who actually bit him and tasted his blood. And the taste and scent of that blood was what constantly hung in his mind, something he would always crave but could never get. At least not without consequences.
Janus unwrapped himself a bit, delivering a soft kiss on Logan’s lips and looking him over to make sure he was alright. Logan heard humming from the doorway, smelling Patton waiting just outside. Knowing him he had probably walked in and saw what was going on, opting to wait until they were done rather than joining in.
The vampire peeked his head in to check, before deeming them done and smiling happily. “You two having a cuddle party without me?” He gave Logan a kiss on the cheek before moving over to do the same to Janus.
“We were simply talking about an issue Logan had.” Patton immediately turned back to Logan, eyes full of concern, and Logan wished Janus had just spun one of his lies to get him out of this.
“It was nothing serious, I’m fine.”
“You sure, Logi Bear?” Logan hesitated. Patton was a vampire, he would understand something like this better than Janus or Roman would. But how the hell was he supposed to word it?
“...Virgil tastes incredible.”
“He does!” Patton giggled, a wide smile on his lips. “He let me drink his blood once, it was so good! I was scared I would kill him though, so I didn’t get much of it.”
“It’s very sweet, isn’t it?”
“Like candy!” Patton agreed. Janus looked between the two, accepting in his mind that this was really where the conversation was turning.
“Is there a way that you, ah...” Logan cleared his throat, “a way that you’ve learned to cope with that?” Patton’s brows scrunched in confusion, and he quickly rushed to explain. “Being around him all the time must be rather difficult, as he always...smells like our form of candy, I suppose you could word it.”
“Oh!” Patton’s eyes widened, before his cheeks went red. “Yeah, sometimes I just really wanna bite him. It’s an annoying thing to deal with, huh?” Logan nodded silently. “But like I overheard Jan tell you, we’ve been around him too long to actually hurt him. And I know you especially have a lot of self-control when it matters, so...try not to worry too much about it. You’re probably the least likely out of all of us to hurt him.”
“You were the one that stopped me when we first met him.” Logan spoke quietly. Patton shrugged, floating a few inches above the ground as he thought.
“But you were the one who got to him first. If I was the one that had tackled him, you probably would’ve had to pull me off! You have enough self-control to stop yourself with just a bit of help from us.” Patton took Logan’s hand, running his thumb across his knuckles. “I think that kinda proves that you won’t lose control and hurt him.”
Janus sighed, itching at an old bit of shed snakeskin. “We’ve all worried about what would happen if we lost control. And the truth is that it’s possible, probably more than likely, that we’ll end up hurting him at some point.”
The thought made them all go silent as it weighed down on their psyches. Hurting each other, especially their weaker human boyfriend, was the last thing they wanted to do, and they were all sure they would rather die than harm any of the others.
“But, it hasn’t happened yet, and we’re doing all we can right now to make sure it’s as least likely as possible.” Janus curled his tail around his boyfriends’ legs, snapping them out of the worried, distant blurriness in their eyes. “Let’s not worry too much about a future we can’t see yet, okay?”
They nodded, a weight feeling as though it had been lifted off Logan’s chest, as he for once didn’t plan out the rest of his day, instead opting to join Janus and Patton in what the two had dubbed self-care time, lying on the couch watching cartoons as the future grew blurry and distant.
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Atsumu version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
you know you hated your housecat the second you laid eyes on it when your mum took it home one day from the shelter, saying it was an abandoned cat
abandoned cat your ass 
that cat stole your body and turned you into a cat
she stole your human identity 
like, girl, wha- the auDACITY for her to have you wake up on her stinky litterbox while she’s havin the time of her life talking to your parents as if you were in that body the entire time
and the audacity of her to go to school and attend your classes, talk to your friends while you’re over there lurking in the shadows, glaring lasers at her from a tree branch
and the absolute audacityyy of her to obviously ogle over a guy from your class when you weren’t even interested in him to begin with
why him when he has so many fans and the fact that he’s perpetually ANNOYED by his fans like c’mon????????????????????
now you’re just extra helpless bc there’s nothing you can do, you have no idea when you’ll get back to your original body, or if you’re able to get back to your original body at all :O
you also dunno who she made a deal with to get to this point in your lives
all you know is that you had a bad dream that morning, and saw a strange cat sayin you had one day
like what the hell is that supposed to mean
“hey what’re ya doin there?”
o wouldya look at that, a wild Miya twins appeared
you didnt notice that you were taking your sweet time contemplating abt life on that tree that three periods have passed and its now lunch break
the twins happened to see you while they were hanging out outside
so you was just staring at them,,, you had no idea what to do while they were there,,,, but it seemed like they were thinkin of saving you even though you’re not in trouble :v
so you was just starin at them
and they were starin back at you
then they left
you were gonna brush this lil interaction off until you arrived,,, i mean your body,,,, i mean your housecat in your body 
then you got incredibly annoyed cause she was doin so hard so hard to get their attention when she ady got it, and Atsumu was as annoyed as you are sksskkd Osamu didn’t care at all so moving on
and now you got even mroe annoyed cause she was ruining your image in front of your classmates like srsly
so you dipped and decided this is all a fever dream and everything will get better tomorrow with you back in your body and with a good reputation in school as if nothing horrible happened, yes? yes :)
“there ya are”
until Atsumu picked you up from the ground while you were stealthily making your great escape,, then he started acting like he was lookin for you outta nowhere
and Osamu was lookin at him like he was insane sjksd but he figured this is a plan of Atsumu’s so he decided to play along and told your housecat (that was the host of your body) to excuse them bc they had a cat to take care of and that its vvvv urgent 
now kitty you is officially adopted by the Miya twins <3
and you didn’t like it one bit HAHAJSJ
you figure this wasnt such a bad thing and you werent allergic to these boys nyway so you let things happen, and let Atsumu scratch the top of your head while they were discussing things about you
they werent talking mad things abt u nonono, they were talkin abt how strange you were acting when you’re literally one of the chill students in school,,, it was as if you were under a spell and suddenly you were in love with them lmao
Osamu proceeds to add the suspicion with the fact that he saw “you” staring at Atsumu during class like someone so lovestruck 
both you and Atsumu got goosebumps couple of the year amirite
so Osamu told him that this could just be a one-time thing (like strange conclusion but go off) and/or that you might’ve just confused him as your first crush lmao Osamu was just confusing himself but he was tryin his best to come up with explanations to ur behavior
so classes begin again,,, now Atsumu still dunno what to do with u ogling at him WHILE THE REAL YOU WAS A CAT WATCHING EVERYTHING FROM A TREE 
you was def ready to throw hands,, but thats a cat and ur against animal cruelty,,,,,,, tho its ur body anyway so whats the diff
meanwhile u coming up with a plan to end your housecat, Atsumu found you sitting on a tree and he was so shocked for his life bc last time he check he put you in a box with kitty snax, inside the gyms storage room, how in the world did you manage to get out from there??
the fake you sees you again while Atsumu was lookin at you from the window, and was enraged bc you’re taking the attention from her... hm
so you decided to face your stupid housecat head-on and get to the bottom of this bs and be grownups tgt bc no way are you just gonna donate your human life to an ungrateful animal
you look for the fake you at the back of the school, and now the Giorno theme is playing in the background sksk
“give me my body back”
“o pls can’t you just give me a one day chance?“
the audacity
“you ady stole it from me and you say this now?”
your housecat was smug enuff to tell you that she had the honors of asking a favor from a spirit cat who was the reason of all this,,, and who has also taken a liking to your human soul
your housecat just sold your human soul to a spirit cat 
so you just flew in the air to scratch your human face, you didn’t care anymore, its your body, whatever, the one experiencing the pain aint u anyway but your bitchy housecat that your mum seemed to have a deeper connection with than her own child
nyway that didn’t last long cause fake you was screaming help, other students found you two, and they got a hold of you while you were in your feral state and now you were terrified of possibly getting into the animal shelter fr,,,, fake you smirked at this possibility
until sum of ur school’s vball bois saw the commotion too and what do u know, Atsumu says that the cat is his and that he apologizes to the ruckus that the cat has done 
then it was your turn to smirk at fake you
so u spend time with Atsumu again for some odd reason that keeps the two of you tgt sweat drops looks away,,, you wonder why your mum’s cat is so attached and/or attracted to Atsumu like this???
you never remember them interacting at all since the very time you see them in the same scene is when you went to have your mum’s cat checked up in the vet and Atsumu was there with their dog too
whats happening
fast forward to dismissal, you’re quite thankful you werent in trouble, same as Atsumu since he managed to tell the other students to not tell anything to the teacher that he has a cat in school kdjsk sum rotten power he holds
but you decided to ditch him again and look for fake you
you found her talking to the spirit cat that she said,, so naturally you demanded said spirit cat to give your body back to you
the spirit cat smiled wider and says that, you haven’t finished your task yet if you want to get back to your original body, you have to wait till midnight
like what in the hell was that supposed to mean, you understood nOTHING
then your housecat goes and says “maybe i should extend my stay in this body, what do you think?”
SIS YOU WENT FERAL there is no way she’s staying in your body while you are sufferin like this, in which you do not deserve. watching your housecat ruin your life like its normal like cmon
“then if you’re gonna stay in my damn body then do it properly! don’t make me look like im a flirt!”
“i was never flirting with anyone!” 
“wdym?! you were staring at my classmate the entire time!”
“what was i supposed to do when its what your body felt like doing?!?!?”
w hAt
“what’cha screamin at the cat for, y/n?”
“i’m not y/n”
“i’m y/n’s pet cat, that cat is y/n we switched bodies bc y/n has been neglected by her parents ever since i was taken for adoption... y/n has a crush on you so i just reacted the way her body wanted to react around you so i’m sorry i made you uncomfortable”
you couldn’t take the embarrassment anymore and jumped from Tsumu’s hands and ran your way to your house as fast as you can
you thought abt how stupid that was and how stupid you looked in front of him,, like pointing at a cat saying that thats the real you like who in the heaven’s name would believe bs like that
you were beyond embarrassed that you just want to sink into the ground and just disappear from life rn and never see Atsumu again,,, anyone is fine but Atsumu pls for the love of god
“well ofc its a narrower place”
didn’t you say anyone but Atsumu is fine pls for the love of god
“get outta there, i got yer mask”
he placed a mask beside you, so you chomped on that mask and pulled it out of the bush with you,, you see him there crouching down to your smol height, watching you in concern
you try to take off your mask yourself but it isnt working, you try to push your head to make your actual mask stick to your head but it isn’t working. nothing is working so you started crying in meow
now tsumu is just confused there and asked if he can comfort you,,, you glared at him like he was stupid 
“yer still a girl yknow, i gotta ask for consent”
how sweet 🥺
he started talking abt how he and ur housecat tried to talk it out with the creepy cat to get ur normal life back bc apparently you never wished for a deal with him even tho u desperately hated ur life at home, all in all spirit cat is a big ass scam, while he was unknowingly scratching the top of your head again but moving on
also that your housecat wanted to apologize to you bc she didnt want to take your life away from u, and that she never meant to hurt your feelings while running his hand down to your back and forgetting that you aren’t a real cat but again moving on
“is, is it true tho?”
“ya like me?”
dumass rly asked that while ur a cat lol 
“it’s a meow for me”
smoke escaped your nostrils like a bull, the stupid spirit cat was playin games withcha since he ady got exposed for his scams >:O
“ya just spoke”
you left Atsumu there with the mask between your teeths, dragging yourself back home, expecting to probably go back to normal once you wake up,,, but you have your mask back now hm
“don’tcha want sum help?”
k ykno he’s annoying when he wants to be but he literally had no reason to be annoying know i mean pls
“sure i like u it doesn’t m-”
you’re back to normal
but wearing what you wore when you went to bed last night, in pajamas with no footwear, on the cold asphalt ground, blushing like a fool out of even more embarrassment, cursing at the spirit cat sum more from the back of your mind
that cat had no right to play match-maker after all that, even if he knew that Atsumu will naturally bring you hope since its night and give you a piggy-back ride since you had no slip-ons, asking for consent as well mind you
no right at all
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stay tuned for more!
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sadviper · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Succumbing to peer pressure, haha, thank you @rain-hat, @smylealong, @ibelongtomousse, @macgyver-sheriff, @avauntus for tagging me~
It seems the common refrain is that this was the year everyone exploded into massive creative productivity after years of nothing, which is the exact same story for myself. I had read all the strategies of course: write 5 min a day, 1 sketch a day, don’t think about quality, do *something* just to keep the spark alive, etc etc, but it just got worse and worse. Honestly, I had been feeling so dire about it that I had made up my mind to stop trying anymore, because it was so depressing to try and fail so many times that it was much better to not hope at all.
Buuuuut.....then quarantine and telework happened, and woooah, guess what, all I needed was LOTS of time and space to myself where I’m not wasting it in an office checking emails and doing random training to fill all the downtime!!!
Much thanks to the serendipity that had me stumbling into @rain-hat , reading her early JY/KSR fics, and her encouraging me to go ahead and write that office yearly budget oneshot for TKEM (who writes BUDGET fics?? Who reads them???? lol). That’s not in my list here because it was very new and awkward, it was definitely the ball that got everything rolling.
Cut for super long-winded rambling:
1) Before There Was Zero (TKEM)
This was my first big fanfic in my life, and my most popular, and it absolutely gushed out of me in this massive torrent of *I MUST WRITE* where I would walk around at lunchtime giggling to myself, and type on my phone as I went, or wake up at 1am to scrawl something in a notebook in the dark because I couldn’t stop the words from coming. (How I miss that feeling now! ;__;) Actually, it also is the 2nd fully complete long-form story I had ever completed as well, so...lots of milestones here.
Looking back, it clearly was the product of my years of bottled up silence, where I stewed and dragged myself to the office every day wondering if I was going to calcify in a bureaucracy for the rest of my life (yes). But even as an office drone, I learned a lot of valuable lessons in how to manage, what leadership actually is at the worker bee level, the types of games white-collar workers play, and how to be a decent co-worker (and by extension, a decent human being--I don’t believe it’s possible to separate work life and private life. All your personas are you). It wasn’t all a waste after all!
Somehow I connected my day-to-day to the faceless, long-suffering Royal guardsmen in TKEM, headed by the utterly gorgeous, devastating, thoroughly underutilized, comedic prop military action star Jo Yeong, and thought--yeah! :D
2) Nil Desperandum (TKEM)
My biggest fic by far, full novel length at this point, massive in scope, I don’t even know how I came up with it based on the 10 collective seconds of screen time that Jeong Tae-ra and tyrant Jin got as a joke, but I was clearly still on that dam-gushing-pent-up-creative-high because this idea was fighting me when I was in the middle of writing “Before There Was Zero”.
I actually figured out the title while watching “Call the Midwives” where one of the peppy, indefatigable British nurses said to never despair, and I thought, yes, that’s it. All the horrible things I put my tyrantverse characters through, it was only so that when I save them at the end, it will be completely worth it. It’s a bit more violent (nothing beyond My Country levels tho) and quite emotionally dark, but I also tried to inject a lot of friendship, humor, and love into it as well, because there must always be hope.
For My Country fandom friends who didn’t realize, the tyrant!Yeong in this fic is essentially modernAU!Seon-ho, and I lifted Sung-rok entirely from My Country to be tyrant!Yeong’s second-in-command and loyal-superstar-extraordinaire. Writing them in this modern AU, and seeing the positive reception to Sung-rok’s grouchy, dogged devotion was the start of my love spiral for Sung-rok. <3 <3
3) The Veritable Records of King Taejo (My Country)
Going to cheat and lump 3 fics (soon to be 4) into one link. I rested a little bit after “Nil Desperandum” because I had completely emptied myself out at that point, just a husk of an author shell. Then I started poking out oneshots! Each one got progressively harder to write, lol, the creative gas tank was running out of juice, so I had to really start figuring out new strategies as a writer to keep going. One magic tool was coercing recruiting @rain-hat to beta for me, and WOW, THE BEST???? Who would’ve thought it’d be FUN to be edited!!! <3 Due to her efforts, I could avoid the “no beta we die like Liaodong” tag, hahaha.
I grew up watching cop shows, lawyer shows, monster-of-the-day shows, endless procedurals-- so I was super miffed that the drama would imply that Seon-ho spent YEARS just single-mindedly chasing private armies??! No! I want more family and friends development for this sad, dramatic whump child! I want him to be smarter than the show, inherently brilliant despite the stupid he descends into, and be recognized as such by the people who do recognize his value! And I want them all to be happy with no pointless death!
Also, the 4th WIP is now a Sung-rok lovefest written as an ode to his awesomeness, has stretched to 47K+ words, and is being an absolute royal pain to finish. ;__; All the ease and creative fervor from earlier? GONE. I’m a lone salmon flopping upstream on a ladder. I might get eaten before I finish laying my eggs. Any one have tips to get over this?
4) First Translation of Woo Do Hwan Japanese Interviews
More firsts! So much thanks to @ibelongtomousse to inspiring and encouraging me to do some real translating after talking to her about her sublime TKEM fics and translations thereof, and @staidwaters from emerging from the Internet depths to boost/correct my neophyte efforts! I’m now chomping at the bit to do more, even though I may ultimately discover that these interviews have absolutely nothing interesting to say, lol. But my first priority is simply to get better at the language, and 2nd priority is to soak in the words (and photos) of Woo Do Hwan, hahahah. Also, as far as I can tell, no one is filling this niche, so I guess I’ll keep going??
5) Fanart!
I started drawing again! As a procrastination tactic from writing oneshots, but it still was really nice to see that I hadn’t lost the touch entirely. I feel like I’ve mentioned this here and there, but writing wasn’t my first interest--drawing was. Animals first, then people once I discovered anime/manga. I went all into drawing comics, only to face the hard reality that I didn’t know how to tell a story end-to-end. Hence how I started trying to write. Along the way, things happened--I got RSI and had to stop drawing/writing for awhile. I discovered that pictures are NOT worth a thousand words, esp when it comes to long-form comics; my preferred tools of trade (dip pens) ended up exacerbating my RSI problems; then once I got a handle on my RSI, I found I could type faster than I can ever draw, and so here I am. I saw what @convenientalias was doing with their My Country werewolf fic though, so I am excited to try that for my Sung-rok WIP? :D
I think I’m the last hold out among artist/writer friends in answering this wrap-up, hope you enjoyed reading!
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sirius · 4 years
Could I get an imagine where the reader is a muggle American and she’s on vacation in London with her family and she somehow lost her family and she’s like freaking out and then she runs into Sirius on the streets and he like helps calm her down and helps her find her family? Sorry if this is a weird request
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans (mentioned) 
Warnings: Swearing, stranger danger too, I guess. 
A/N: so sorry this took so long! I loved the idea and I hope I did it justice. I might add to it later on or revamp it bc I love the idea but it’s a big maybe at the moment bc I’m so busy with uni and work and also my other wips. I hope you enjoy this though. Also I changed the request quite a bit bc I forgot what you originally wanted! So sorry!! 
just want to add that I did something o probably shouldn’t and included my real life friends! With their permission, ofc. I also made a modern reference even tho it’s supposed to be the seventies but I liked it too much so I left it in ha ha. Also…pls don’t talk to strangers. This is fanfiction people not an advice column. 
It’s another uncharacteristically warm day in London.
The sun showers blankets of warm golden light over the city, guilding skyscrapers and warming the sweet, honeyed breeze. Sparrows are chirping sweet, morning songs, dancing in the air with surprising grace. Squirrels scamper across lush green grounds in a park nearby, happily bidding you a good morning.
And not one of these motherfuckers are going to help you find your friends.
You wander aimlessly past the same park monument you saw just half an hour ago. Your legs are already aching, your feet are forming blisters that hurt the more you think about them, and the sun is slowly drilling into your soul.
You think you might die of thirst before you find your friends.
In retrospect, it wasn’t entirely Sophie’s fault. While it was her dumb shit idea to tag along with the sexy British tour guide, you, Matt, Aaron, Riley and Reuben had been far more interested in touring the British Museum. So it wasn’t at all surprising when Sophie rushed off with knockoff Colin Firth to have a jolly high tea or whatever it is British people do on dates. Still, it gave you an opportunity to visit the museum.
You hadn’t even walked through the front gates when Matt, Aaron and Riley wandered off to have a deep and meaningful (you had warned Riley that coming on the trip with Aaron would cause some tension between your group. Thing between you and Aaron were a lot more complicated than the five-night-stand you’d shared last year). Reuben, being his usual womanising self, started flirting with the hot receptionist and not wanting any part of that (last time you wing-womaned for Reuben, the chick thought you were seeking a third), you stepped out for some air.
Now, you’re trying to navigate through the urban maze that is London by yourself, struggling to find your friends who are scattered all over the city.
Slumping against a park chair, you take a deep breath and study your map again. A part of you is screaming at you to swallow your pride and ask for directions but you’re a stubborn New Yorker and if you can effortlessly find your way through the Big Apple, you can tackle London.
“You’re not from around here…” says a masculine voice behind you. You sit up straight, whipping around in the direction of the voice.
Holy fucking cucumber sandwich.
The most handsome man you’ve ever laid your eyes on leans against the trunk of an old oak tree, observing you with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. He looks like he chomps down magical donuts that grant him sexy powers. You stare.
A cigarette hangs from his kissable, smirking lips. His hair falls gracefully around his face, framing glinting gray-blue eyes, high cheekbones and a strong jaw. He’s wearing a leather jacket and exudes all types mysterious-sexy-bad boy vibes. You’d bet a hundred bucks that he rides a motorcycle too.
Boys with motorcycles are usually trouble.
Your mouth goes a little bit dry.
“Please don’t be a serial killer,” you mutter and the stranger cocks a perfect eyebrow.
“What was that?”
You shake your head, “I mean — Is it that obvious?”
Sexy bad boy stranger shrugs, “I know a lost tourist when I see one.”
“Is this what you do, then? Lurk around parks waiting for lost tourists?”
Bad boy chuckles — a deep growling sound that rumbles at the back of his throat, “Maybe. Maybe I was just walking past and thought I’d help out a pretty girl in need.”
It takes all of your willpower not to blush now.
“So you’re just a Good Samaritan, then.”
“I’m whatever you want me to be.”
“What if I want you to go away?”
The handsome, young motorbike guy takes a deliberate step forward, “I think we both know that’s not true.”
You swallow. He’s good at this game. Something tells you that you’re not the first victim of his play-boy charms.
Desperately trying to reclaim your composure, you fold your arms across your chest and glare at him.
“What makes you think I need your help?”
British James Dean thinks for one attractive moment, “Well, you don’t have to accept my help but something tells me that if you don’t ask for directions soon, you’re going to end up wandering around London forever.”
He makes a good point.
You stand up from your seat, arms still folded across your chest, “Hypothetically speaking, If I were to accept your help, how would I know that you’re not a perverted serial killer who wants to collect my spleen and leave me in a ditch or something?”
Sexy stranger takes another step forward, “That’d be a shame. You’re too beautiful to kill, and I’m just beginning to like you.”
“That’s exactly what a perverted serial killer would say.”
“Touché. Alright, how about this: I drop you off at your hotel straight away, no detours and no taxi fees that you have to fork out to greedy muggl— erm, I mean, drivers.”
You consider this. He certainly doesn’t seem like a serial killer. Still, it’s hard to trust a charming stranger, especially one as handsome as he is. Then again, if he’s smart — which he definitely is — he’d never kill you in broad daylight in the middle of London.
You uncross your arms and hold one out for him to shake, “Alright, deal.”
Sexy stranger takes your hand and shakes it. His hand is strong and firm and electricity sparks in the warm space where your hands are clasped together.
You blink at him, “Is that some kind of fungal STI that I need to be aware of?”
Sexy stranger chuckles again, “My name is Sirius.”
Sirius? Who the fuck calls their kid Sirius? You have to admit that the name suits him, and the way he says it — in a husky, velvety murmur — gives the name an alluring sex appeal, which sums him up completely.
You consider giving him a fake name but ultimately decide against it. That’s just weird and you can’t lie for shit.
“I’m (Y/N).”
Sirius repeats your name, tasting it on his lips. A more carnal part of you wishes he’d say it in a completely different context.
“Alright, (Y/N),” Sirius smiles, and he practically glows with charisma, “Lets get you home.”
You were right, of course. About the motorcycle.
Sirius’ carefully-polished motorbike is almost as sexy as it’s owner; gleaming in the sunlight and flaunting a sleek black paint job with plush leather seats. Several passerby’s stop to admire it (or Sirius, you can’t exactly tell), though Sirius doesn’t pay them any mind. One dudebro with a repugnantly bright tank top gawks at the motorbike while his girlfriend stares hungrily at Sirius.
“I’ve…never ridden a motorcycle before,” you bleat nervously.
Sirius hands you a helmet and smiles.
“Just hold onto me and you’ll be fine.”
Sirius mounts his motorbike and you awkwardly slide in behind him. You’re not sure where to put your hands so you place them on his shoulders. You think you hear Sirius laugh behind his helmet.
Sirius turns the ignition, revs the engine, and kicks the bike into gear.
“You alright back there?” He calls over the roar of the bike.
“Hold onto my waist,” he orders, “You’ll be more secure.”
You’re about to protest but then Sirius takes off and you find your arms flying to his waist, gripping on tightly.
It’s exhilarating. Liberating. Intoxicating.
As Sirius weaves between London traffic, you feel a rush of adrenaline pulse through your veins. The air whips past, fluttering around the ruffled trim of your dress. Your hands soak in the warmth of Sirius’ body, his muscles firm beneath your touch.
You pass familiar landmarks and stores you passed when you and your friends took the double-decker bus from your hotel room. You recognise the buildings around you and realise the hotel is just a few kilometres down the street, on the right.
Suddenly, Sirius veers off to the left and zooms down a street you don’t recognise.
“What are you doing? The hotel is up that way!”
“I just have to make a quick stop,” he shouts over his shoulder.
“That wasn’t part of the deal!”
“Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”
You clutch onto him, apprehension beginning to claw away at your lower belly. Where is he taking you? How could you have been so stupid to trust an extremely attractive stranger to follow through with a deal?
Sirius slows the bike down until it rolls to a stop and flicks the engine off, climbing off sexily. He helps you clamber awkwardly off the bike and you tear your helmet off, taking in your surroundings for the first time.
You’re next to a footpath with a view of the The Thames, lined with large ornamental pear trees. Its quite a romantic spot with a view of the entire city sitting pretty behind the flowing River Thames.
Sirius tells you to wait by the motorbike and stalks away, rushing toward a boy who looks about your age. He’s tall, has messy black hair, and half-frame glasses. He looks like a sexy professor with the body of an Olympic swimmer that all the girls have crushes on.
Why are all the men here so insanely attractive?
You’re just about to sink into a delightful fantasy of sexy Professor feeding you grapes when Sirius comes up behind you.
“Ready to go?”
You ignore his question, “Who was the god — I mean — guy that you saw?”
Sirius arches an eyebrow. You notice for the first time that there is a scar knitted into it, “That’s James. He’s a total prat, by the way.”
“Sounds like you two have that in common,” you quip and Sirius mocks offence.
“Anyone tell you that you’re cruel?”
“Everyday of my life.”
“Here I was thinking you were just another hot little American bird.”
For one half of a millisecond, your brain snags on the word ‘hot.’ Did he just call you hot? You heard that right? You recover with grace, grinning wickedly.
“You’ll get over it.”
A teasing smirk flirts around the corners of Sirius’ lips, a little crookedly, slanting lazily in a way that makes your cheeks warm. He looks amused by this verbal tug-of-war but also a little turned on.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way.
“You ever walk along the River Thames?” Sirius asks, sliding his strong, sexy hands into the pocket of his sexy leather jacket. He begins to follow the footpath, leading you past the knots of pigeons and moonstruck lovers.
“No,” you sigh, “Admittedly, I just came along for the underage drinking and the hot British guys.”
Sirius laughs, “How’s that working out for you?”
You shrug, teasing him with a flirtatious smile, “I’m still working on it.”
“If you want,” Sirius begins, clawing at the nape of his neck, “I can help you out with that.”
You quirk a carefully-manicured brow, “What, you know any hot guys like your buddy James?”
Sirius snorts, “I wouldn’t go saying that around his girlfriend.”
“Why, is she the jealous type?”
“No, she’s the ‘try-not-to-make-his-fat-Head-even-fatter’ type.”
You chuckle, intrigue plucking at your mind, “She’s my type of girl.”
“Lily is everyone’s type of girl.”
“Well now I just have to meet her.”
Sirius raises his brows, a spark of hope in his eyes, “Is that your way of telling me that you’re taking me up on the offer for free beer?”
“You never said it was free before.”
“I’m feeling generous.”
“Aw, and they say chivalry is dead.”
Sirius laughs easily in a way that is completely carefree, as though laughter bubbles just beneath his skin, itching to pour out. It’s mesmerising how he doesn’t seem to take life too seriously.
“You are something else,” he says, letting his eyes catch and linger on yours for a quiet, suspended moment.
A gust of warm, summer wind brings peach blossoms raining down. The gentle coo of a skylark echoes in the distance. Time slows to a stop to stare at the two of you.
He steps forward, like he’s about to kiss you.
You let him.
He tastes like liquor and rebellion, a little wild in a way you’ve never realised you’ve wanted, you’ve needed. His hands are strong as they wrap around you, pulling you flush against his chest. Your fingers roam through his hair, tangling, tugging, earning a low groan from the back of his throat. You feel drunk on him, your head spinning and your heart thumping, as though it’s trying to tear through your chest and leap into his strong, capable hands. Suddenly, you realise how weird this is. He’s a stranger you’ve known for an hour or so yet now you’re kissing him. It’s as though you’re somehow drawn to him, to his energy, to the way he seems to know you intimately, in ways you hardly know about yourself. You break away, taking a step away from him. Sirius looks like he’s five again and has just had his favourite toy ripped away from him. 
““Are you—?”
Before you even realise what you’re doing, you’re slapping him across the cheek, not hard but he feels it. You kissed a stranger. That is a thing you did. You also slapped said stranger, partly because of impulse and partly because you’re terrified of how quickly your feelings are beginning to stir for someone you hardly know. Sirius is stunned, silent, staring at you with shock and hurt that stings you more than it should. You stare back, drawn in by every fleck of colour in his eyes, suddenly aware that, sure, he may be a stranger but that doesn’t mean he has to stay one. Obviously, you have a connection.
 You crash your lips against his again, throwing your arms around his neck. 
Your friends can wait. You’ve found yourself a new tour guide. 
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
okay another tgcf lb i powered through and finished book 1 this is kinda long its chapters 43-57
first off i love a lil spy mission. these things never go smooth
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naughty unlucky trespassers get banished to the giant leech chamber
dont know that i care for the inclusion of “scary savage redskinned cannibal tribe” i mean i guess i dont know maybe its got a different cultural context but i just have a hard time with that one hmmmm at least its over quickly
this really seems to be a book of everyone already knows everyone but that makes sense considering how fucking old everyone is
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dope. this whole little armory stand off was fun but also oh no!!! fire in ghost city!!!
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awww i love him. king of not wanting anyone to die :’( also hey he did something cool!!! very competent!!! although it looks like he did get hurt from it god his bad luck never ends
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yeah exactly!!!!! sword in one hand flower in the other!!! thats what its all about!!!!
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mmmmmmm. MMMMMMMMMM. rich fuckers. but also feng xin was the first to show up either way.... im still care him. followed by mu qing who is talking trash but still here as well
also i might back what i said about lang qianqiu im not sure if he knows anything i think he is just like that. although theres still room for him to be involved something. im switching most of my suspicions to wind master qingxuan now because he is popular and rich
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okay if im reading this right this seems pretty in character for lang qianqiu. “i dont like that your family is in power.” “haha what a silly guy :) i have no concerns about you”
but xie lian is admitting to this??? :O curious to find out more about if he did indeed do some slaughter or if he’s protecting someone else. if he is protecting someone i think it could be lang qianqiu himself in some way. genuinely unsure tho he may very well have just done this idk who am i to deny him complexity
theres that interesting little note that most officials have also committed similar crimes but never have to face it bc mortals just die
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pei ming you’re half right but shut the fuck up no one asked you. i feel strong dislike towards him sorry to any potential pei ming stans reading this. maybe im sorry maybe not im not sure yet i feel strongly about this
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i see this happen on cdramas all the time i love it. i point at you in lieu of words
i do think all the politics and gossip and the way that officials will change sides to gain favor/not lose it depending on which way the wind is blowing is pretty interesting i like that its in here
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i love that xie lian is making sure that someone takes care of the people hes taken in and also i love everything about this sentence although i feel like we’re not going to see much of banyue which is a shame bc i liked her
oh is it flashback time? this is fun
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hmm!!! interesting!!! i like this response!! i have nothing funny or smart to say about it i just like it
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this is an understanding that only comes after living through great pain and/or loss. hmm.
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hmmm!!!!!!!! questions!!! presumably thematic ones!!!
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please let us dig into whatever is going on in this little trio. actions speak louder than words mu qing
okay here we go feng xin is here and im not going to screencap the whole thiing but wow these two see each other and half a page later start swinging okay
oh my god hua cheng giving us a jailbreak arc? instant chaos. amazing
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scream everything about this is funny. maximum cunt behavior. everyones reaction fadsjflksdjlk;afsl
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mxtx: all characters other than hualian are straight mxtx: the thing feng xin is most afraid of is a women’s bath also women in general he is afraid of them fajkdjskfslda i mean there could be other reasons for this but its very funny in that context
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stop theyre too much faslfkjasdf im so glad we’re getting this
im not 100% sure how i feel about these swords that. moan? hmm.
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xie lian king of speaking out against stan culture. for real tho i feel like this makes sense with how young he was when he ascended and how much favor he gained only to be banished, as well as with how gods have to be what the people say that they are. this is made interesting bc xie lian is quite literally a god but this is still an issue!!
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this is more less what im currently envisioning on our little side trek except qi rong's vibes are so rancid im retching from behind the screen and im not getting to watch any little creatures dance so its objectively a worse time but at least xie lian is there
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reading this book full of immortals beat the shit out of each other is like watching looney toons
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hua cheng is relentless. also THE DRAMA. lang qianqiu youre back on the list!!! although i doubt any of this will be straightforward also i feel like im playing among us rn im dizzy
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hes awful and probably irredeemably so but hes also funny. imagine being qi rong youre just vibing rancidly in your cave and some fucker shows up using the name of a prince from 800 years ago and turns out its hua cheng and he slams your head into the floor over and dribbles it like a basketball until you lay the blame for said princes death and turns out that fucker youre blaming is also here and just as youre getting into it with him this other fucker says that youre lying and turns out its your cousin. wyd
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bruh they melted qi rong
oh its a clone. okay. aww kind of sad that he once looked up to xie lian. maybe some sympathy for going mad. oh wait actually he was a spoiled and pampered prince? sympathy depleted again. tis a waste but. alas
wind master just told xie lian that he was lucky to have befriended hua cheng... and xie lian agreed.... interesting interesting
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noting that those two are notorious for clashing and yet jun wun is making them work together
i actually got teary at xie lian talking to his parents coffins and wondering for a second if he heard his mom. god. 800 years... :(
QI RONG IM GOING TO FIND YOUR ASHES MYSELF WTF this whole situation with the child sucks :/
oh my god thats where it ends??? wowie. okay damn i was going to take a break after i finished book one but god thats tempting
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Outside chapter 3: Food?
Third chapter is out! Not much to say about this one, expect that we finish up the day with some delicious Chinese takeout! Nothing heavy going on in here! Nope! Not at all!
When Stacy felt Scout was sufficiently distracted, she pulled her laptop out of her bag. 'Let's see, what was the group that guy was a part of? Vox I think...' She searched the group on Google, and found them almost immediately. She clicked the link to their website, and was struck by how professional it looked.
'So these guys are paranormal investigators...' From what the site said, they were a professional team that specialized in locating and researching. Specifically, they went after the newer, modern activity, like the Waygetter toys, or cursed animatronics.
'Where were you guys when I was a kid?' She shook her head. 'Focus, Stacy! Forget the past, focus on the present! You have a different problem to solve...<' She scrolled down and clicked on the contact button, which gave her an email address. She clicked over to her own email and typed in the address, but paused before writing anything.
'What do I even say to them? They didn't believe that Anthony guy, and he was one of them. Maybe if I send them proof...' Her eyes drifted to Scout, who was staring at the TV. Her attention was completely taken by the show, and she seemed oblivious to what Stacy was doing and thinking. 'A picture might not be enough, but maybe a video? But would she even agree to it? And could I even do that to her?'
Stacy shook her head, closing the laptop with a small sigh. 'I can't. Not right now. Maybe once things are settled...' She moved the computer to the side and stood up, stretching as much as she could. She then went into the kitchen and started digging through Sammy's fridge.
'Ugh, he's such a bachelor. There's nothing in here but some old lettuce and leftover soup. He'd better be buying groceries on his way back from work, or I'm telling Aunt Hannah he has no food again.' She closed the door, and then grabbed some bread and peanut-butter from the cupboard, and the last clean knife from one of the drawers. She quickly made herself a simple sandwich, cut it in half, then went back to the couch.
"Where'd you go?" Scout asked when she'd sat back down. She flopped over onto her lap, making Stacy jerk her plate up to keep it from getting hit. "You're missing the show!"
"I've seen it before, don't worry." Stacy assured her as she bit into the sandwich. "I'm not missing anything important."
"Hey, what's that?" She climbed into her lap and peered onto the plate, reminding Stacy of a cat. "Is that Host Food?"
"Yeah, it's a peanut-butter sandwich. I got hungry, and it was all Sammy had to eat, other than gross leftovers." She took another bite of sandwich, not really paying attention as Scout pulled the plate down a little. She watched the Puppet grab the other half of the sandwich 'Gross.', and examine it closely. Then, without warning, she tore a bite off and started chewing.
Stacy froze mid-chew, unsure of how to react. While she knew Scout had to have organs, she hadn't thought she actually could eat anything. It was quite surreal, watching a thing made of cloth chew and swallow real, human food.
"Hmm, not bad. Kind of sticky, though." She smacked her lips, then tore off another bite and turned back around to keep watching the show, leaving Stacy feeling like she'd smoked some of her cousin's weed. She shook the feeling off, though, deciding to come back to it at a later time. Like maybe when she'd actually had some weed.
Instead she finished her half of the sandwich(since she apparently only got to have half, now), and then pulled back out her laptop. She opened up a new doc, and started drafting up some plans.
'One way or another, I'm gonna figure this out.'
Several hours later, and Stacy had not figured it out. She had maybe one and a half pages of notes on the Puppets, most of which was on just Scout, and three different plans.
1. Go to the police.
-Too Risky for Scout
-Can lie about what's going on if needed
2. Ask Vox for help.
-Way too risky for Scout and me
-Can't lie to these guys about it
-They would know what they're doing tho
3. Arson.
-Has potential
-Can have a bon fire and roast marshmallows while we do it
-Could get arrested but might be worth it if we can get all the Puppets
-Might also be worth it just to see Scout try and eat a melty marshmallow
So far, plan number three was looking like the best one. It still wasn't the absolute best plan, but it was all they had at the moment. She'd have to talk to Will and see if he still had those gas cans in his garage.
"Hey, are you guys still here?" Stacy started at the sudden entrance of Sammy, surprised at how late it had gotten. She shut her laptop and put it to the side for now, standing up.
"No, we left and stole all of your soup." She told him. What you're seeing now is a hunger induced hallucination."
Sammy paused, the held up a plastic bag with a panda on it. "So you don't want the takeout I got?"
"Oooh, gimme!" Stacy rushed to snatch the bag from her cousin. She brought it over to the table, pausing briefly to pick Scout up from the couch. She started to set the food out while the Puppet settled over her shoulder, watching what she did. While she worked, she also pointed out what each different food was.
"So, all of this stuff is rice. We don't normally eat it, but they include it anyways with some of the meals. This is teriyaki chicken, and this is-"
"Stacy, really? Why would it even need to know what that stuff is?" Sammy tsked as he sat at the table and grabbed some noodle dish. "It's stuffed, and can't eat."
Stacy just stuck her tongue out at him and sat down. She picked up a pair of chopsticks and set about showing Scout how to hold and use them properly.
For awhile, they ate silently as Scout watched them, which Stacy personally thought was a little odd but didn't want to say anything. If the Puppet wanted to be weird, then she wasn't going to stop her. Sammy, on the other hand, soon fixed her with a hard stare and cleared his throat.
"So." Stacy looked up at him mid-chew, cheeks bulging. "What are you going to do when you get back to your apartment?"
She swallowed hard, putting on a more thoughtful expression. "Go back to class, tell Carol I can't do the article and why, maybe go tell the police about the psychopaths in the warehouse." She shrugged, digging out another bite of chicken from one of the boxes. "Y'know, stuff."
"And what about...?" He gestured to Scout with his chopsticks, and the Puppet glared back at him. Stacy, in a stroke of seldom seen genius, offered the Puppet her chicken before she could say anything.
"She's coming with me, of course. I live alone, so there shouldn't be a problem." Scout chomped down on the chicken, to Stacy's mild surprise. She quickly picked up some more food for herself. "Besides, Will is gonna love her. They're so much alike."
"Okay, ignoring the fact that you just fed that thing," Scout made an offended noise. "that sounds like a shit plan. There's no way in hell the police will believe you without proof."
"Fine, you're right. I have a back-up plan in the works, too." She thought back to her arson idea as she offered another bite to Scout. "But it needs work, so I can't put it in action yet." ‘And gasoline. Lots and lots of gasoline.’
"... Where's that food even going, anyways?" Both Sammy and Stacy turned to stare at Scout, who didn't even pause in her chewing to send them both a glare. Obviously, she wasn't going to be explaining anything, so Stacy turned back to her cousin.
"I have no idea. Don't think too hard on it."
'Don't think about why you're feeding her, either.' She ignored her own thoughts to shove some more food in her mouth. That was something to think about later. Or, perhaps, never. Never seemed like a much better time.
They finished their food, with Stacy giving Scout a few more bites, then boxed up the leftovers and put them in the fridge. Stacy then made Sammy get them a blanket because "It was too cold last night I almost froze to death!"
"It wasn't that bad, Stace." He told her, but fished out some spare bedding anyways. "It was near sixty."
"And yet, you had the air on or something. I swear it was colder than that in here." She insisted. She almost shivered just thinking about it. "You need to turn the AC off."
"The Ac's not on." He frowned at her, head tilted like he was studying one of his patients. "Maybe you're getting sick? You did spend God knows how long running around an abandoned warehouse with open wounds. I wouldn't be surprised if you caught something."
"God I hope not." She muttered, helping him spread the blanket out on the couch. "I gotta drive back to my apartment tomorrow. I don't wanna be sick while doing that."
"Well, if you do come down with something, promise me you'll go straight to the walk-in clinic or ER." Sammy told her seriously. "It could be something worse than a cold, like an infection from the stitches."
"Promises are curses." Stacy responded automatically. "But if something comes up, I will go to the walk-in. I don't wanna die after going through all of that bullshit."
"Wow, you're swearing. Must have been some pretty bad bullshit." He joked as he handed her a pillow. She resisted the urge to hit him with it.
"It was the second worst thing I've ever been through. It was horrible, and I hated it, but now it's over forever." Her eye twitched slightly as she placed the pillow on the couch, and saw Scout watching them from the side table. She was overcome with a childish urge to knock Scout over onto the pillow, which she quickly did.
"Wha-? Hey!" She pulled the blanket up over the Puppet, and heard a soft snort of amusement from Sammy.
"Are you ever going to grow up." He shook his head with a sigh as they watched the blanket covered lump move around.
"Nope!" She told him cheerfully. "I'mma be a kid forever!" She noticed the lump had stopped moving and leaned down, reaching for the blanket. "Uh, Scout? You oka-"
"DEATH FROM ABOVE!" Scout hit the back Stacy's head with far more force than necessary, knocking her onto the couch. She then bit onto the top of her head, though that didn't do much.
"AAUGH! How'd you even get up there?!?" She became aware of laughter and turned a death glare on her cousin. "Stop laughing! It's not funny Samuel!" She threw the pillow at him, but that didn't stop the almost hysterical laughter coming from him.
"Oh my God!" He gasped out, collapsing against the couch. "She just came out of nowhere! Holy shit!" He fell onto the floor while Stacy wrestled the apparently feral Puppet off of her head. She held her at arm's length, trying to simultaneously give her a disapproving look and check her over for injuries. It was hard to do, however, as she kept trying to bite her hand.
"Dude, seriously? That's not even gonna do anything to me..." She watched Scout thrash for a moment, actually struggling to hold onto her. "Okay, seriously, stop it right now, or you're going back under the blanket and I'm gonna sit on you." That got her to stop, but she kept up the death glare.
"Geez..." She looked over at Sammy, who was coughing on the floor, finally finished laughing. "It wasn't that funny..."
"It was fucking hilarious." He retorted between coughs. "Instant karma." He took a deep breath and started to pull himself up from the floor. "I like that Puppet." Stacy just sighed. "Whatever dude. Glad to know my pain is what made you like her." Unconsciously, she hugged Scout close and sat on the couch. She grabbed up the remote to turn Netflix back on, wanting a distraction from her humiliation. She let Scout drop onto her lap, and resisted the urge to drop her head into her hands.
'Defeated by a hand puppet. I'm never living this down.'
Sammy climbed up onto the couch seconds later, still wheezing. He went to speak, but another death glare shut him up before he could start. So he just shot her a smug look instead, holding out a hand for Scout to fist bump. "That was a pretty great move." He told the Puppet. Stacy ignored him, but heard a quiet "Hell yeah!" from Scout. "You should do it again the next time she does that."
"Do you want to die?" Stacy deadpanned, but Sammy just shrugged as he finally settled in to watch the show with them.
"Hey, it's just a suggestion." He couldn't keep that grin off of his face, and it was starting to annoy her.
"Whatever." She resolved to just ignore everything for now and watch the show. Sammy attempted a few more times to draw her into conversation, but quickly gave up when she didn't answer him and started watching too.
A few episodes later, however, and Sammy stood up and stretched. "Well, I need to get to bed, I have work tomorrow." He started towards his room. "I'll be gone by the time you two leave, so make sure you lock up tomorrow, okay?" "Kay. G'night Sammy." Stacy gave a halfhearted wave as he left, leaving Host and Puppet alone for the night.
"Leave?" Scout asked after they heard his door close. Stacy glanced down to see the Puppet staring up at her, a worried look on her face.
"Yeah. We gotta go home tomorrow." Stacy told her. "I gotta tell Carol about what happened at the HQ and find out what she wants me to do about that article. And then classes start back up soon, so I've gotta be back by then." "... I thought we were staying here." Scout said quietly, and Stacy felt a pang of... something. She wasn't sure what, but it made her feel bad and she decided right then that she hated it.
"Eh, it was more of a stopping point, really. Some place to get my mouth cut open and you off my hand." She shrugged, feeling uncomfortable. "And as much as I would love to hide here until I die, we can't actually stay on Sammy's couch forever. He doesn't have any food, and would expect me to clean."
"..." Scout was silent, and no longer paying attention to the show, instead staring down at her hands as she played with the hem of Stacy's shirt. The Human felt like she should say something, but didn't know what. Instead she stopped the show and turned off the TV, dropping the Puppet to the side and standing up.
"I'm gonna get ready and go to bed myself. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and I want to make sure I'm ready for it." She started towards the bathroom, almost missing the quiet "Okay." in reply. She hesitated at the doorway, but forced herself through anyways.
Scout would figure out it was better this way. Her apartment was even further from the HQ than Sammy's was, and thus safer than Sammy's. Plus, it would be better if it was just the two of them alone, and they could figure things out.
Things would get better, starting tomorrow.
They had to.
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pocket-infinity · 5 years
Here we go again...
Pardon me what whilst I indulge my complete fanaticism for a minute and make a bulleted list about why I’m entirely addicted to reading through this every other second.
Mandatory link (go read it). Mandatory @corruptapostasy.
Chapter 1 •Establishes a status quo in 2 seconds flat •Quickly and efficiently introduces the conflict (even though we all already know who it’s gonna be) •Lurien and Monomon banter (it’s a blessing, trust me), which efficiently lays down a groundwork of character for each without muddling either
Chapter 2 •Radiance time baby!!! seriously though she’s introduced well and I love the gravity she has the moment she appears •PK is, like, strong as all hell, but it’s left unknown exactly how strong he is •The White Lady, my girl, the best tree wife! I’m. She’s so good I can’t even. She’s… so amazing I love her. •Holy shit, Grimm too, oh my god Grimm, Mr. I-know-way-too-much-about-void. Love him and his demeanor and he’s just SO damn GOOD. •PK glowey boi (but really tho he GLOWS) •Looking back this is like Gods: The Chapter and I love it
Chapter 3 •Okay PK and Grimm working together just makes me so happy, alright? •PK just casually tossing corpses out of windows, that’s just… comedic to me, somehow. •Bat Grimm asks to hide in PK’s robes and that’s a little too funny to me •Soul -Soother- -Master- Bastard has an amazing introduction to establish the kind of person he is •But really Soul Bastard what the fuck •Brumm my guy (specifically when he calls Divine a miserable cretin) •The Grimmchild! Adorable baby (and of course Grimm is an amazing dad).
Chapter 4 •Ogrim is such a goof •Hegemol actually has good jokes (really, though, the comedy, when it’s gone for, is very well done). •Dryya cannot take a joke and is 100% serious all the time, and any/everyone mocking her for it is amazing, especially for her fear of ghosts. •Isma is high key what’s holding them all together •Ze’mer is just calm and composed the whole time and I just really like that. •More White Lady more White Lady more White Lady (can you tell I like her yet?) •Pale King mourning his citizens is written really well, specifically the part where he ruins one of the Delicate Flowers (don’t we all know that pain, buddy) •But really, though, you can feel how much PK cares about all these people. There was a sense of distance before, but this part just makes it all feel so much more real. •Let’s turn it all around with the SEER OH MY GOD she’s amazing •The White Lady picking PK up is just the most adorable and amazing thing. It deserves like 3 bullet points of importance just because I love it so much; oh my god the two of them are adorable. •Oop there’s some Grimm/Nightmare King foreshadowing here •Again, the entirety of the city grounds everything in reality. •Not to mention when literally one infected tries to snap at the Pale King, it becomes abundantly clear how poorly the guards are handling the situation •The White Lady just knows how to handle shit? Like so well? Oh my god she’s so amazing I just really love the tree lady y’all •But really, though, this would be worth reading even if the White Lady was the only good, well-written character, which she is definitively NOT. •She’s such a good person, and oh my god every time she interacts with PK is just. Adorable 101: an introduction to a loving relationship. •Xero time baby! Holy shit the whole fight is an amazing, well choreographed, well written scene. *Chef’s kiss* Magnificent! •Soul Bastard is really a bastard •Xero’s last thoughts before the infection gets him are just so good. For the short amount of time he’s in the story, he feels like he has a character; that is to say, he’s not just scooby doo villain man
Chapter 5 •Oh boy oh boy this one’s a wild ride •Void Grimmchild oh god oh fuck jesus christ what the hell •Grimm has never been angry before and it’s positively terrifying! •E N K A Y •But really though I just… love Enkay here. The entire scene is so soft and good, and even though we don’t get a particular amount of concrete events that happened between PK and Enkay, there’s just such obvious chemistry between the two. They’re just really adorable and I like seeing adorable things, so just let me have this, alright? •The Archives are now a hospital and dear god is it sad •Honestly a lot of this is sad but it’s really well written so you’ve gotta love it •Lurien calls out the fact that it’s Radi and oh dear gods it hurts to watch the trauma give him a personalized hell experience •Aaaaand he also sees the Troupe. •Lurien and Monomon talking about The Pale King is just so good •Honestly every time Lurien is sad I’m sad- •Oh god an earthquake and everything has gone horribly wrong •Watching The Pale King jump between incredibly pissed and just crying on the floor because of how much stress he’s under just hurts like hell. •Honestly any time Grimm and PK fight just hurts me because I love them both so much •Grimm yoinks some Enkay memories and the fact that PK likes brewing tea is,,, adorable •Pale King is too curious for his own good like 200% of the time •Quirrel!!! He’s so good why does everything try to kill him •Herrah oh my god she’s amazing •Jesus there are so many things I love about Herrah, mostly her casually insulting everyone else and not being able to walk down stairs but just… ughhh she’s so good and also helps Quirrel so that’s, like, an instant +10 points •Quirrel wears a bandana!! adorable •Lurien’s constitution is a -12 •Uh-fucking-oh the Shade Lord’s here
Chapter 6 •More Quirrel more Herrah! •Literally everyone has to tell Herrah to stop cursing around Quirrel •I’d like to correct myself: Lurien’s constitution is -15 or more •Monomon being a mom is just :) •Oh dear god The Shade Lord has the complete eldritch god vibe •Pale King is completely and utterly helpless! Fun times for everyone! •Really though the Shade Lord is terrifying the entire time oh my gods •To be specific, the way the Shade Lord communicates is just… so different, and it only serves to strengthen the unknowable eldritch monster vibe •Pale King can’t keep his legs on the ground •Hell even Grimm’s afraid of the Shade Lord •Making contracts bound in blood with an eldritch god? Lovely, what could be a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon •Pale King and Grimm just, like, cannot get along on the smaller level and it’s amazing •M O R E White Lady. Tree goddess being happy for even a moment is amazing and oh my god she’s just- so good. •And Herrah’s here now too! Dear god I love the way she interacts with everybody •Quirrel just cannot stop being adorable. He’s too good for this world •He’s so excited to see the King do stuff I love him oh my goooooood •Quirrel almost got adopted by the Pale King? And the White Lady? Love it. Also Quirrel is a child and he’s adorable •I’ll never not call Quirrel adorable •Pale King feeling the pressure and fear to hurry up with the cure •Ogrim and Hegemol with Quirrel, even for the 2 seconds we see it, is amazing •L O R E •So much LORE I love it •Gods splitting (“Split Theory”?) is really creative and I love it •Literally none of them thought of replacing the nightmares with dreams… Pale King you’re smart as all hell but also a complete idiot •The White Lady picking the Pale King up by his crown is so fucking amazing oh my god •Oh boy another ancient god! Nightmare King! Yaaaaaaaay! •Pale King’s crown as toothpicks I’m just- •Gods: The Chapter Volume 2: electric boogaloo
Chapter 7 •The White Lady is so good and amazing she’s just aaaaaaaa- •She makes… a specific variety of implication and it had me cackling •Quirrel is too curious and 2fast4you •Quirrel hugging the Pale King!!! I love him •The Pale King cares about Grimm. Cute. •Drinking game: Take a shot every time the Pale King blushes; you’ll have alcohol poisoning before you know it! •Void is a mix of jello and play-doh •Oh, great, Soul Bastard is back! •Rain would rather die than get near Grimm •Dryya is scared of ghosts and everyone mocks her for it; it’s hilarious •Grimm asks if they’ve met a ghost and Dryya nearly has a heart attack •Pale King healing his people is just :) •Honestly every time the Pale King interacts with his people is great because it establishes the stakes more, but, then again, we already know how the story ends, so it’s just a bump up in the sad factor •All the worldbuilding and lore (Grimm healing [or at least helping] people via fire, nobody being able to look at the Pale King without a mask, etc). All of it is so good •Quirrel and Grimm! A winning combination •Podzol. Love Podzol. He good. •But really, though, it’s interesting to have a character (a mortal character) who is skeptical and questioning of gods, and he’s consistent and well-written (as usual for this fic). •One of Monomon’s scholars freaks out when he sees Grimm, which makes total sense and fleshes out the world a bit more. •Honestly it’s really nice that there are stakes existing “hey you know these characters and like them” •Also more worldbuilding is always amazing •Also Podzol just figures out that it’s another god on his own with literally no knowledge given to him, so well done my guy. Smart boi. (This may be my bias towards people solving mysteries on their own but shhhhhhhhh) •Okay I’m gonna cut it here at every scene with Podzol? He’s so good •Grimm and Monomon making puns at each other •The reason for Lurien’s magic sight (did not expect his face to be scarred to high hell but I love it) •Enkay trying to bench press a bookshelf oh my god he’s such an absolute fool I love him •”I read you like an open book!” “Yeah! A blank one!” I’m fucking wheezing out here •”Ms. My-Entire-Fucking-House-Is-Made-With-Acid-Pipes!” This is her new canon name •I think Dryya just really wants to duel Grimm (I’d watch that tbh) •The troupe!! Oh my gods, the troupe! •Divine and Brumm and some ghosts know people!! •Monomon just chomps a jellyfish •The White Lady holding the Pale King! I’ll never not smile at those two being adorable together •Talia the Flame Demon! Ms. I-Ate-A-Magic-Fire-For-Fun. Wh- How the hell?? •Grimmchild is so hyper I love them •Grimmchild is an adorable little baby!! The Pale King holding them is just aaaaaaaaaaa it’s so cute I’m gonna die •The Grimmchild just hopping into the Pale King’s crown. Adorable. •PK’s reaction to having something in his crown. Hilarious. •Ooh more Podzol debating against gods •Monomon making a specific type of implication about the Pale King and Enkay (best gay bat bf) •Oh god oh fuck wait holy shit what the fuck ghost Enkay oh god no that’s terrifying •Grimm is a mass murderer! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (oh god what the fuck) •The Fundament? The Void Heart? Can’t wait to learn more! •Grimm getting possessed and just the Nightmare King generally •Soul Bastard how DARE you hurt Wol you little fucker
Chapter 8 •Hi welcome to the all-good-things-get-slapped-in-the-face chapter •Except the Pale King and the White Lady’s relationship. That’s still amazing and good and nice and I swear if that ends rough I will cry •Monomon and Podzol have many questions •The White Lady shakes the ground by jumping down a 5 foot hole •OOPS THE TROUPE IS A DEATH CULT OKAY THEN I GUESS! THIS IS FINE I’M FINE EVERYTHING’S FINE! •Quirrel being adorable is so nice to see- oh wait the Soul Bastard’s here •OF FUCKING COURSE THE SOUL BASTARD IS HERE! He just had to go and traumatize little baby Quirrel huh? Had to do that? God damn it Quirrel is too good for this world •Oh and the Fundament hates Talia wonderful just wonderful this is such a lovely and positive chapter •Oh great now the Radiance is here to mock Lurien •She’s got gravitas but she fucking DARES TO HURT MY BOI •I will end her. I will stab her, don’t think I won’t, how DARE she bring up his scars •Lurien’s got magic, though, so that’s fun and nice •If the Radiance could stop talking and specifically not say that Lurien will always be a slave I’d appreciate that kthanksbye •My lovesick little fireflyyyyyyy I love him •Quirrel is damn good at improvising! Such a good kid •Lurien coming in and vibe checking the Soul Bastard with a one-liner in tow is the greatest experience of my life •Lurien is such a good person why do I have to know how this all ends damn it  :( •Grimm and Brumm don’t know how to react to the tram aww that’s adorable •Monomom and Quirrel reunion oh my gooooooood it’s so adorable I’m dying •The Seer is a blessing upon all of us •Oh great Grimm has a panic attack because of memories! What a fun time! •Oh and of course the Fundament is bullying Grimm. Hey sir could you kindly back the fuck off? •The Seer making jokes about the Pale King’s height I’m-pfffff I’m dying •The Pale King should 100% paint his nails •Oops the Pale King might have done some immoral stuff in the name of knowledge- •Okay now this is normally the part where I’d start going thing-by-thing with what I like about the conversation between the Pale King and the Fundament but uh… I tried that and I found myself just rewriting the whole scene so we’re REALLY chopping it down •But, seriously, read the scene slowly and thoroughly because it’s amazing •Oh great Grimm’s dying because he’s not accepting memories! Hurray! This is so fun can’t you tell that’s I’m having such a fun time •Ooh yay more lore on so many things. There are too many topics so I just don’t have time •Oh hey the Radiance used to be kinda nice and now she’s a psychopath. Lovely •”You didn’t have to let your children die” oh boy Pale King wait until you see what’s coming… •Wonderful! An argument! This is such a good vibe and I’m having the time of my life •Radiance, if you could just kindly fuck off and get out of the entire area of the Pale King’s head (and everyone else’s while you’re at it) that would be nice •Ah great good to know that Enkay made the Wyrm change into the Pale King as a way of trying to escape the Radiance this is lovely, please continue killing all the saints •Thank you Fundament for shoving her the hell out •Aww and the reconciliation (really tossing my heart around here, huh?) •Sleepy Grimm is adorable •The White Lady and the Pale King being a couple is so damn cute I love them •The White Lady is clearly the superior gardener •Fantastic now she’s crying why have you done this to meeeeeee •Oh not to mention that they have to sacrifice their kids to the void fantastic • :( •”fits” (you’ll know it when you get there) PFFFFFFT OH MY GOD I’M DYING •Oh so the Fundament knew the Wyrm? Well shit now I’m damn intruiged… •All of the incarnations feel like a ton of roommates and it’s a Good Vibe •Ah great now the Radiance is here again, just being a complete psycho towards Grimm this time! •Thank god for the Fundament coming in to vibe check the Radiance not once but twice •Also aww the Fundament cares about Grimm
Well, that covers about… half of it? A third? Somewhere around there, but I think I’d be here for a month trying to get all of it. So, yeah, I hope you all enjoyed my obsessed ranting again, and that’ll be it for this one.
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chickenfreeblog · 5 years
even tho i don't believe you will actually be able to answer anything i'll do what i did to daye and send you a random assortment of numbers: 1, 3, 13, 16, 24, 25, 35, 39, 49, 56, 59, 63, 69, 76, 87, 94, 100
1. What is your middle name?
already told this story, refuse to say more, bye!!!
3. When is your birthday?
it’s in june allegedly
13. What talents do you have?
uhhhhhh pretty good at using an overlocking machine
16. Favorite movie?
God’s Own Country or Lady Bird!
24. Baths or showers?
oh showers for sure, i haven’t taken a bath since i was like 10 tbh
25. What color socks are you wearing?
same as earlier but i’m wearing them on my ears this time
35. Have you ever tried archery?
yeah, when i was a kid!! i don’t think i was very good at it
39. Do you have any scars?
i don’t have a lot, weirdly!!! i have a lil one on my stomach from my dog scratching me when i was a kid and….. i think that’s it actually? i have more near death experiences than scars jgkfhgdhs
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
okay, seriously, real talk: is anyone an outie? am i an outie and don’t know? i’ve never seen a belly button and been like “oh that’s fucking weird” so i don’t understand what this means and i won’t until someone shows me a diagram. mine doesn’t stick out really but there’s a lil bump??? i don’t know
56. Most used word?
i reply “rad thanks” to literally every single thing anyone says to me at work. if i hate you: rad thanks. if you’re my best friend and you did me a solid: rad thanks. i don’t even know what it means at this point and i know it’s a phrase but i don’t care bc i say it like it’s one syllable
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
suck them for like 30 seconds and then get bored & cHoMP
63. Biggest Fear?
mmmmmm maybe dumb but having some genetic thing from my dad’s side that i just don’t know about because neither does he? idk, he was really sick for a while as a kid and i think most of his family died pretty young and i don’t know Why which wigs me out a lot. also just straight up failure, i guess? i had a really really really hard time with school as a kid and i think just…… kind of constantly have low-level fear that that’s going to come back as bad as it was or that i’m like, defective past the point of help gjfhkldsh. whatever!!! bye!!!
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
kind of in the middle? the last time i took mbti it was like………. chicken u have no clear personality traits. nothing. you’re like a blank slate of a person. this bitch empty. etc.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
oh god yeah actually. uhhhhh i’m an older sibling & was a camp counselor & coached a lil & was Team Lead (King Of The Emails) for like a year with one of the studio teams i worked for. the last one was just bc i sent so many emails to everyone on earth that my work partner was like I Literally Don’t Want To Compete, You Freaky Child, Have It
87. Do you keep a journal?
not in a book? idk, i kind of think of tumblr & twitter that way, honestly, but i haven’t had a written one since high school
94. What are your strengths?
mostly in my legs. gjhfdskfjdsh no fine!!! i’m telling you stuff today apparently. uh i’m still bad at a lot of shit but i think with the areas i work in now, i’m really good at balancing like……. a lot of research and technical factors and competing business needs against the human part? also i’m driven to the point of scaring people when i’m working on that stuff, which always surprises the shit out of me since that’s,,,,, not how i was perceived as a kid lmao
100. Color of your room?
it’s just white, idk
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rowingviolahere · 5 years
a wrap-up (ha!) of my new hockey experience
i’ve played (field) hockey for more than 10 years but i just started playing ice hockey and thought i’d write some of the stuff down. basically a group at my uni were looking for people interested and i joined up knowing NOTHING about ice hockey except Knife Shoes. but in summary: im now four different hockey players in a hoodie (indoor, field-field, field-goalie, ice ice baby)
(before anyone asks, yes, this was highly motivated by a recent reread of check please, but turns out ice hockey is heaps fun). rest under a cut to save your dashboards because i know that most people on my dash don’t care about (penumbra voice) spORTS! SPORTS! SPORTS!
the good:
you’re allowed to use backstick? WILD
also you’re allowed to stick check!! what the hell!!! one of the guys at off-ice grabbed the puck off me w what in field would be an ILLEGAL stick check and i was like “ok stop. hang on. i need some clarification. are you allowed to do [stick checks/obstruction/tackling from behind/swing tackles]” “yes” “there are no rules and i am UNSTOPPABLE” *immediately steals the puck back from him*
like two months of Actual Ice Hockey Training Weekly and starting from “can go forwards turn-ish and do hockey stops on one side sometimes” my skating skills are while not top noch, Muchly Improved. i can now do crossovers forwards and backwards in both directions, hockey stop both ways, and i know OF mohawks though they still elude me
having your own skates means edges actually..... exist. wild. i’d used hire skates all my life and got on the ice w my new ones and i was like. Oh. This Is It. Can Never Go Back Now.
wax for stick wrapping smells Good Actually. kind of want to. chomp it. (Forbidden.)
women are just. heaps allowed to play in the men’s league in my city w no issues so! if i end up medically transitioning i wouldn’t have to jump through hoops about it unlike field where i guess i’d have to start playing for the men’s club (which is a Separate Club to my current one and is from what i’ve seen super disorganised.)
was able to answer not one but TWO ice hockey-related questions at field trivia night. (admittedly one was a wild guess and resulted in me just going through all the NHL team names i knew until i went “i think that one sounds right”)
swapping which hand goes on top of the stick means that i can just do backstick stuff without my brain going “NO!!! THAT’S WRONG!!!!” which is a real good brainhack
i now exist in a weird position in the omgcp fandom where i have PLAYED and therefore have at least some experience to draw on wrt THAT but still very little idea of anything involving like actual NHL-related stuff (oh god does this make me bitty?)
the bad
oof ouch ow my LEGS
god that’s so much money. so fucking much money. i have a full kit of ice hockey stuff but god at what costs
(i know the costs. at least 900 plus travel expenses. cost of playing a comparatively niche sport that requires a lot of gear i guess)
so. much. cardio. why offside. there’s no offside in field. (don’t @ me i know why there’s offside in ice. i just hate it.)
im still not sure about whether “shoots right-handed” means you have a “right-handed stick” or if it’s like. the opposite. idk idc my left hand is on top bc otherwise i’ll start importing nonsense into my field game
[pokes bruises] how did THAT get there
no one told me how long shifts were meant to be in my first game so i was on the ice for like. a full five minutes. d e a d. (although my only point of reference was field hockey and again. that’s like. five-ten maybe fifteen before you get a sub.)
still don’t have a jersey because shipping to australia costs like. $50 extra? why this (still need to get one tho)
we’re probs not going to get any more games until next semester and tryouts for actual teams aren’t until like. october. h h h. gotta make do w pickup training till then
having a different hand on top of the stick means i have to relearn how to shoot. i want to be able to do these wrist shots people keep talking about. i can barely flick in outdoor anyway but. c’mon. wanna be able to pass strong.
the probably unnecessary but worth mentioning
i’ve been using my goalie smock as a jersey and look. it works. (bonus: it now smells kind of like the ice rather than just. goalie stank.)
have started wrapping bits of my field stick with hockey tape (and i hear you all booing but look. it’s an old stick i’ve had for about 7 years and it cost $40 bc i got it in the middle of the season and also it’s wood which i did not realise when i bought it but yeah the edges have started to shed a bit more than usual and while im not worried about it shattering like i was w my indoor stick because it’s wood it IS chipping at an increased rate and i literally just spent $30 on a new grip so i don’t want to get a new stick until next season at LEAST so. tape.)
most wild of the wild: my old indoor coach was at pickup training and i recognised her name bc it was kind of distinctive and she was like ‘how do you know that’ and i was like ‘i think you coached my indoor team when i was 12′
im trying to start fitness training for my field team and it is Not Working so far but i’m going to try.
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