#you know the anime most well known for its chairs.
sailormoonsub · 1 year
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drops-of-moonlights submitted to sailormoonsub:
I was deleting stuff from my switch and I found this and I thought of you for obvious reasons
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icarusredwings · 13 days
Be warned. I wrote this at midnight. I have no clue what im talking about. Do you get it?
"Why doesn't this wolverine teach history? Other wolverine did"
Well, because THAT Wolverine had a Charles. Let me remind you just how fragile Logan's mental state is and just how quickly his brain can throw him into a temporary amnesia due to shock and / or panic that is triggered by his CPTSD.
The thing is, this Wolverine has a Wade. Not a Charles. Sure, Jean could probably do something to him if things got too crazy but you know just how dangerous of territory that would be. Yes, Charles doesn't have a healing factor but it was his confidence and perfect reassuring words that helped him, plus If something did happen Im pretty sure he wouldn't blame him much anyway. He knows what hes dealing with. This isnt to say that jean doesn't but I can see her panicking too much and Logan would feed off of that fear and panic and become worse.
Wade, on the other hand, is neither calm nor says the right things, BUT he can't die :D Which is a massive YES when it comes to dealing with a panicking 3+ time war veteran with knife hands. And is known to attack first ask later.
Trying to teach the kids about 'Nam, a thing sets him off. He stares off into space for a bit, Backs up and his breath gets heavy. The hairs on his arms are raised up and his pupils dilate, they widden and its as if he doesn't even remember he's a teacher.
When he starts the whole "Who are you? Where am I!?" Thing, a student (probably the oldest or one that's been dubbed most responsible) slowly just gets up and leaves to tell a trusted adult.
"Mrs. Munroe?"
"Mr. Howlett is acting funny again."
"Okay darling. Go fetch Mr. Wilson for me? There's a dear."
She, calm as ever walks into the class room, standing away from the door so not to make him feel trapped, and very clearly shows her hands as she gestures the kids to leave.
Backing himself into a corner, he watches them one by one leave, Gripping at the chalk boards ledge and the windowsil, trying to balance and ground himself.
"Come now children. Quietly and slowly please. Good job. Go next door to Mrs. Summers please." Sending them to the next class room so to leave this one empty.
She stands off to the side of the room. Hands in front of her, smiling softly. "Hello Logan."
"What? Who are you?" He almost hisses but can't help but to feel not so threatened. He always did have a sweet spot for women. Maybe its their scent difference, but like most reactive animals, he's a little calmer for women. A little more trusting.
"Im a dear friend of yours. My name is Ororo. You are in no danger here." She states this practiced sentence with the same whisper of a voice.
"Where the fuck am I. How did I get here!? Did you bring me here!?" At this point he's growling.
"Logan, I assure you that no one forced you here. This is a school. You're a teacher."
"A teacher..?" Just a tad he softens, as if you had just told someone who wanted to be a vet when they grew up that they actually would become a very good vet, except the look in his eyes was as if questioning why they would ever him do that. Be a teacher I mean.
"Yes. If you would like to leave that is okay." She slowly sits in a spare chair, her leg crossing, not knowing how long she will need to play baby sitter but she hoped someone soon would alert the other staff of this. It IS a safety risk after all and Ororo knew that if he hurt anyone at all he'd immediately regret it terribly so when he woke.
"You.. you told her to go get someone. Why? Who are you getting? For what!?" Another snap, as if he thought she was trying to trick him into letting his gaurd down.
She smiles. "Your husband."
"What the fuck do you mean my 'husband'!? What are you sayin' lady!?" The venom in the way he says this makes her giggle a bit. Oh, goodness. He really did lose all of his memories, didn't he? How was the same man who once was so dastardly in love with scott to the point of shredding his heart into a gazillion pieces and is married to the silliest man alive, so internally homophobic? The irony of the thought made her laugh.
"And that kids is how you slice someone into sushi. Rice not included-" His weapons tatics and saftey class is interrupted.
"Mr. Wilson?"
"Oh hey, squirt! You wanna learn how to disconnect someone's joints without even leaving a puncture wound?"
"Maybe later.. uhm...Mr. Howlett's scared again..."
You just see Wade running out on these kids like "I'M COMING WOLVIE!"
"What, you think it's funny!? I ain't got a husband lady! Now, Im leaving! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" He goes to walk out the door only to run into said husband, who immediately hugs him.
"Babe!! Hi! They told me- OUCH- okay yeah I deserved that- no tocuhy I forgot."
And is stabbed.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Get off me! Freak!"
"D'aawww!! Did you see that? He called me a freak! I hate to tell ya cupcake, but you're married to this freak. Now, what's wrOOW- Mad kitty are we? Woah there tiger! Easy boy!"
Logan looks at him, confused, stabs him again, and is trying to figure out why Wade's not dying. He goes to slash him in the head and wades like "WAITWAITWAIT NOT INFRONT OF THE KIDS-"
Mrs. Munroe, by now, has gotten up and left, closing the door and letting out a big sigh, wondering what shade of red they were going to paint the room this time.
She does a little clicky on her walkie and infroms all the staff about the situation and so for the next half hour or so, Logan's kids get to skip class and said classroom now needs a deep scrub.
And this ladies and gentlemen is why this Logan doesn't teach history anymore.
P.E. is SOOOO much easier on his mental status, and sometimes Wade joins, and he puts the whole class against him to make them work on their team building skills. Plus- it's funny to watch your husband get slapped in the head with 20 dodgeballs.
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angelofsmalldeaath · 2 months
unknown / nth — a.h.b.
cw: this is more author's note but this is sort of an au to what i usually write, an au in which reader and andrew have been divorced for a year but still live in the same town
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“is this seat taken?” a familiar voice takes me out of my spiral of thoughts. i look up at him—a face i haven’t seen in close to a year. he smiles, toying a little with the ring on his little finger. 
a small curl escapes his bun. he looks like he’s just stepped out—grey jumper, black jeans, black converse. i stare for longer than i should, a little taken aback. 
“you still come here,” the surprise in my voice is clear, palpable. 
he smiles, eyes crinkling in a way that reminds me of all the times i’d traced my fingers over it. “whenever i’m back home, yes.”
home. yes. it saddens me a little that it’s a luxury for him most days. 
“you never answered my question, darling,” he lingers near my table, hip bumping into the chair opposite mine. 
“you still call me that,” i smile like it’s a secret between us. 
he returns my smile, and when i don’t object to it, settles into the chair opposite mine. 
“what are you having?”
“mocha with enough caramel in it to make you shudder.” i give my drink another swirl, subtly inhaling the scent of caramel wafting from it. “too sweet for you.”
he simply stares at the drink first, then at me, playing with the ring on his finger again. 
he shrugs, turning around to signal for a barista. “‘s nice being known is all.”
i take a sip of my coffee, the sweetness melting over my tongue while he places his order. (coffee. black.) 
“why are you here?” the question is a little blunt. inwardly, i wince. perhaps i shouldn’t come across so hostile outright. 
“saw you from that window, thought i’d come in and say hi.”
i scrutinise him a little. he’s older now, a little tired with crow’s feet around his eyes. the lines on his face look deeper than the last time i’d seen him. his eyes look a little flat too, although i decide to chalk that up to post-tour exhaustion. 
“that’s all?”
he nods, “that’s all.”
in spite of myself, there’s a small pang in my chest. 
“you’ve been…well?” i cringe a little the moment it leaves my mouth. the question sounds so formal and and painfully awkward—like talking to a skittish animal. 
“sure,” he nods, turning to thank the barista who arrives with his coffee just then. steam wafts from the dark liquid. i already know just how bitter it will taste compared to my sweet drink. and still i smile when he takes a sip and sighs. “i’ve travelled the world and—”
“—haven’t found coffee as good as this,” i finish his sentence, smiling, cheesing at his dramatics. “you always say that. it’s just black coffee. not the hardest thing in the world to make.”
he brightens a little, shaking his head at me in mock disapproval. the silence that settles over us after is much kinder, friendlier. he sips on his drink and i take the time to watch him—a strand or two of grey in his hair now, his beard’s a bit longer too. it suits him better like this, so much so that i almost reach out and touch, thinking better of it at the last moment. 
something else catches my eye then, the ring on his little finger, closer to me now. glinting in the sunlight. 
“you’re wearing my ring,” i point out. he looks down at his hand and then back up at me. the smile on his face turns crooked. 
“you left it on my dining table, so that makes it mine now. besides,” he points a finger at me, eyes softening a little, “you’re wearing my jumper.”
i gasp, look down at myself. “i hadn’t…i’m so…”
“‘s alright,” he takes another sip of his coffee, “i bought it so you could steal it anyway.”
a strange sort of warmth settles into my bones. when i pick up my mug again, it’s empty, its contents already consumed. his smile turns a little sad. 
“do you need to go?” the plea in his voice squeezes like a fist around my heart. but my phone blinks at me, a messenger of father time. 
“i do, i…” i swallow, gathering my bag in my arms, “it was lovely seeing you, angel.”
his eyes twinkle, much like mine had before. “you still call me that too…”
“old habits,” i shrug. then i stand, lifting my hand up into an awkward wave. 
but i linger. unable to simply just… go. 
“will you at least text me when you get home safely?” he asks, voice a little hoarse then, and fidgets with his ring again, something i’ve now realised is an anxious habit. i stare at his hands a little longer than necessary—beautiful, familiar hands, hands that held mine and traced shapes on my body and showed me stars. 
home, i think to myself, some cold, expensive flat in the complete opposite side of town. white and beige, full of flat, steely surfaces and perfectly made beds. just one toothbrush in the bathroom, though, just one towel. 
“i’ll text you when i get back home,” i nod. it’s not illegal for exes to care about each other’s basic safety, is it? 
“and will you?” he raises an eyebrow, “go home?”
so this is what it has come to… thinly veiled questions that mean something else entirely, and none of us can bring ourselves to say what we really want to. 
“i will,” i smile at him one last time, finally taking a step towards the door, “i’ll find my way home eventually. someday.”
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weepingchronicles · 6 months
platonic yandere strade headcanons tw/cw: strade being a whole warning himself, yandere behavior, manipulation, kidnapping, drugging, torture, slight gore, dead, reader is fucked up too!! animal death mention, cussing a/n: this may be ooc since i dont even know if it would be possible for strade to feel love at all especially platonic but lolz
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Okay so I wanted to make this sort of believable for Strade which is hard since he never shows remorse or care for anything. Treating Ren as a pet is the closet we ever seen him care for someone other than himself. From what I know is that he's always been like this since he was born. It didn't stem from trauma or anything like that.. so I got the idea, what if its genetic?
I don't think Strade kills everyone he fucks, definitely hurts them but maybe a long time ago he was drunk and had a one night stand and accidentally let the girl get away.
Then years later, imagine Strade finding out he actually has a kid? To be honest, he probably wouldn't even care, maybe a little curious but wants nothing more to do with you besides knowing your name.
But when he finds out you're just like him? Dude is ecstatic!
You're definitely not as sadistic as him and have higher empathy but I imagine you learned you liked the feeling of hurting people from an early age.. liking the feeling of control. You started small, killing random rodents or prodding at dead animals you came across with morbid curiosity.
Your mother was actually good and sent you to the psychologist which helped diagnosed you. You learned that your behavior was not regular and learned methods to deal with your urges.
You don't hurt people, you might have a tiny criminal record from the time you got into a bar fight or stole a couple things but that's it.
For Strade, it doesn't matter. He gets the closest thing to familial love when it comes to you. To know that his own blood is like him creates an urge to hone that desire within you.
He quickly "reunites" with your mother and uses her to help track you down.
You had just finished your late night shift at your workplace when you notice a man smoking a cigar staring at you, leaning against his car.
You pay no mind, heading to your car. This has happened before and it always ended with them regretting walking up to you.
Right as you open the car door it is slammed shut again, this time the man smoking is right in front of you.
He has an over-charismatic smirk that you know too well, because you have it as well.
He ends up drugging and taking you back to his place, with his victims he didn't care if they got hurt, but he doesn't get that urge with you.
You wake up tied to a chair in a basement littered with utility tools, you were groggy but overall fine. What most stood out to you wasn't the coppery smell in the air or the fact you just got kidnapped but there was a girl very close to you tied up to a pole.
She is bloody and bruised, you notice an overwhelming amount of blood staining her thigh. Shame floods your mind, guilty because her blood excited you.
"Pretty sight, eh?"
You were too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the man that had kidnapped you appeared right beside you, a wide smirk on his face as he peered down at the girl.
Although he enjoyed the frightened expression and confusion on your face, he explained to you that he was your father. It made sense, you had never known your father since you were born and your mother refused to talk about him, you never knew why. Your dad being a sadistic killer seems like a pretty good reason in hindsight.
What made you angry was the fact that Strade insisted that you were the same as him. The same? You're no killer and definitely don't kidnap people just to torture them. You've learned your problems and worked through it.
That's what you tell him but Strade chuckles, petting his unconscious victims hair as he talks with you. This guy is fucking weird.
"That's what you think, but I know you and I are the same. It's a shame, you never got to experience your true desires.. until now."
You perked up at what he meant but as he untied you, you understood.
He places a knife in your hand and wakes up his victim whose already half-dead by kicking her wound.
The girl wakes up, disoriented and in pain. But now there's two people in front of her, her kidnapper and someone with a knife.
You could end this all now, stab your father bloody and get out of here- go back to your ordinary life.
"Go on, sweetheart. I know you want to hurt them as badly as I, hear them scream."
You tug the knife harder, your face riddled with concentration and debate. The girl's pleas fall deaf on your ears, the feeling of Strade comfortingly rubbing your shoulder is what makes you take the first step, then the first stab.
You blink and suddenly return to a gory mess. Whatever happened, whatever you did, it went by like a dazy dream. You return to your senses, Strade is laughing maniacally behind you and you drop the knife. You still hear the girl's last wheezes before her heart finally stops beating. You killed her, you try to justify it. Maybe it was good, you ended her pain but you could have turned the knife onto Strade yet you didn't.
Your breathing is heavy and your heart thumps for the wrong reasons- excitement.
You almost forgot Strade is still there until he comes near you and ruffles your hair- like he was congratulating his kid on their first victory score.
"'Knew you had it in you, you're going to be the perfect protégé for me."
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almondmilktargaryen · 2 months
The Girl Who's Got Agoraphobia (Part Three)
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*pictures not mine. layout made via canva
Summary: You're the girl with agoraphobia Michael told Oliver about. You're known for not leaving your room much (obviously). But that doesn't stop Michael from checking on you.
Couple: Fem!Reader/Michael Gavey
Category: Flangst, friends to lovers
Word count: 1.7k
Also on my Ao3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
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N.F.I., Me and You
There was a college Christmas party tonight. You and Michael heard about it. No one told you, of course. You just overheard it from people who didn’t know you were listening. They didn’t invite you. That was a given. When you asked Michael if he was upset about not getting an invitation, he responded (oh-so maturely) by blowing raspberries. Not in your face, though. He’s not an animal.
You quickly learned that not being invited to a college party (of any kind, because you weren’t invited to any of them) had a bright side - the library was all for you. Completely vacant. Quiet and vacant. Your go-to spots are in the back, where shelves wall you in and gawkers can’t peer in through the windows and interrupt your flow. No one does that, but it can feel that way. There was no need to look over your shoulder here. There was no open space for a person to exist. Only books and just enough room to scoot out of your chair. The air smelled faintly of dust and old paper, a comforting scent that always made you feel at ease. The yellow lights in the ceiling cast a soft, steady hum, adding to the peaceful silence.
Most people who show up to the library treat the place like it’s social hour, gathering around tables to chat shit, drown in coffee (that they weren’t supposed to have inside), and not touch a single book. Which is another reason you choose this location every time; no one finds this area entertaining for long. You wouldn’t be surprised if only a few people knew about its existence.
And speaking of only a few people, Michael emerged between the bookshelves, peeking from the side like he was going to scare you.
Well, he did scare you. Startle is a better word for it. You jerked in your seat at the sight of him in your peripheral. The look of instant regret played on his face; wide eyes and a gaped mouth. He apologized with a frantic, “Sorry, sorry!”
You laughed in spite of it. “If you wanted to kill me, then just say it, Michael.”
He snickered at you. “I knew you’d be here. And I wanted to see you.”
Then you looked down at what he was holding. Not books, as expected.
Michael’s eyes darted from the table to you. “Here, I brought you something.” He set the mugs down (a decaf Americano for him, a white macchiato for you). The thud of ceramic against lacquered wood echoed in the quiet, similar to the thud of your heart against your ribs, only on repeat. The rich aroma of coffee wafted up, mingling with the scent of the old books, creating an oddly comforting blend.
You were stunned by it. Not just because of the gesture (it was such a sweet gesture), but because of the obvious. “Michael,” you said to him, “you know the rules.”
“I do.” He smirked, then took the seat across from you, adjusting his glasses.
“Then why’d you bring open drinks from the shop?”
“Because no one stopped me.”
“If we get caught, then we’ll get in trouble.” The anxiety alone of getting into trouble was enough to make your leg bounce. Yet you tried to swallow down the fear. Your throat was already so dry from the winter weather, and you could already feel a sweat percolating under your collar.
“No. They like you too much. Because you don’t do anything.”
That was true, at least. You didn’t know if they necessarily liked you, but for someone who doesn’t leave the dorms much, you’re at least recognizable considering that they smile when you visit.
Michael pushed your macchiato toward you, and you worried it would spill. You pondered, looking at the coffee, then back up to Michael as if he were making you choose between the red or blue pill. The macchiato beckoned you in anyway, so you lifted it to your lips like there was no turning back. It soothed your throat from the winter air. “Thank you.” You pulled a napkin from your blazer pocket to wipe the froth off your mouth. Michael didn’t pick up on how deep your breaths were (because he wasn’t looking at you. He was poking around in his satchel). It was difficult to capture a good amount of air to fill your lungs and rid them of the lingering anxiety. The sip of caffeine you just took was definitely not going to help, but at least it was delicious.
“Also, I wanted to give this back to you.” He held up a collection of Kate Chopin’s short stories. He extended his arm across the table for you to take it.
You did and quickly flipped through the book before putting it in your bag. He completed reading The Awakening a week after he began and was delayed in cracking open her short stories. “So, what did you think?”
“I see why you like ‘A Story of an Hour’ so much. Very much your style of humor.”
At least this time at the end, the woman dying had a funny layer to it; seeing her husband actually not dead from a reported accident made her “die of joy” when she, once again, was happy to not be married anymore.
He picked up his Americano. “I definitely see the pattern you’re talking about. With the marriage part. But it makes sense why it would be so consistent. Given the time and all.”
“Yeah.” You nodded as you said it. Despite your hesitation, you still reached out to take another drink. You could already feel the caffeine coursing. As you tried to steady your breath, you scanned your notes again. You could feel Michael’s eyes on you, and you were afraid he was noticing. “How’s Oliver?”
Michael sighed. “Dunno. I’ve seen him staring a lot at Felix Catton and his group of fucking losers. He’s been acting differently.”
“Really? You think they’re friends?”
“Michael shrugged, his arms still flat on the table. “Not sure. I’ve never seen them together. He still doesn’t talk much, so not the same on the charisma scale.”
Maybe he has a crush on him. Has he talked about him?” You asked slowly, as you swallowed.
“Not around me. He didn’t know about the party either.”
“Hm,” you simply said. Your fingers twitched as the energy reached the ends of your feet. You swore you heard footsteps somewhere between the shelves where Michael came in. You were almost convinced that someone would catch you, clenching your teeth as you prepared for inevitable embarrassment.
Michael leaned back in his chair, looking down the aisle. “No one’s there.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I think someone was just walking by. No big deal.”
“Okay.” Your exhale was slow before picking your pen back up. You lost track of where you were in your rewrites. People like Felix and Venitia Catton and their peers may be more popular, drunk, and social than you’ll ever be, but their grades matter by the end of the semester. At least one of them always needs notes for classes they didn’t attend, especially if they need to retake the class. They’re just as vain, so aesthetically pleasing notes will sell more. You searched through, trying to find where you left off. But your leg bounced once more, the small heel of your shoe growing obnoxious.
“Still nervous?”
You nodded as you searched, finding where you left off and trying to concentrate on your handwriting; being slow and methodical to keep it as neat as a font.
“You can dare to take risks now and then, you know. It’s not always going to turn out as bad as you think.” His tone was earnest as he leaned forward slightly.
But you gripped your pen to instinct, pausing as your stare turned hard, finding Michael in your crosshairs.
He rested his head on the table. His lips disappeared into his mouth briefly as he started to put together that he may have fucked up. “What?”
Okay, maybe not.
“You know it’s not that simple for me. You, of all people, should know that it’s not that simple, Michael.”
“Phobias are irrational. They feed on an extreme lack of logic.” He said it with a mix of defense in his argument. It was as if this was something up for debate.
“I understand how phobias work, Michael. Like you, I am a student at Oxford University. I may not be a genius like you, but I understand my phobia from years of my research and experience.”
Michael picked his head back up. Perhaps the growing heat from your anger started brushing against him. “I just…” his back hit the chair and his posture sank. “I’d rather not see you miss out on four years of Oxford University.”
“My time at Oxford University is for education. Just like yours.”
“You know what I mean.” He blinks as his glasses slide down his nose.
“Do I?”
“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He leaned forward, reaching a hand out. He was literally trying to bridge the gap. Any other time, you would’ve taken it.
“You can’t control that.”
“But you can control cows?” The hand was gone, and his tone turned sharp as his words sliced through the library's quiet. “You deserve a break from the academic side of all this. Like everyone else.”
“You think the outside world is a break for me?”
“Well, not exactly but—”
You snapped your notebooks closed and stood to put on your overcoat. “I need to go.” You struggled to keep your voice steady, mapping out the typical path from the library to your dorm.
“Wait, don’t.” He reached out, but you gave him nothing.
You didn’t respond or even look at him. The Christmas party was likely still happening, given it was only seven in the evening. You hoped Michael wouldn’t get up. You hoped he’d let you leave. He knew you didn’t like feeling trapped, but he didn’t seem to know (or care) as much as you thought he did.
You were mindful as you walked between the shelves, conscious of the bookbag you held against your hip and making sure it didn’t knock any books to the floor. The trickle of tears lined your eyes and burned as you tried to hold them back. The library's warmth, once comforting, now felt suffocating, and you longed for the crisp air outside.
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Taglist: @anukulee
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Can i request fluff alphabet with graves? I dont mind what letters you do x
Hey! I did the first eight letters of the alphabet!
Fluff Alphabet for Graves
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
If it was up to him, then he’d go grilling with you every day. Loves teaching you how to barbecue, telling you about how hot the grill should be, what its components are, how long the meat and sausages should be on the iron, that sort of stuff. Graves also loves inviting his Shadows to a barbecue as well. That way he gets to unwind with you and them and you get to know the people he works with. Those are the small celebrations he looks forward to the most.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
On the one hand, he loves the fact that you’re independent and can go a long time without him. It’s necessary since he’s away a lot of the time. On the other hand, he does love how dependent you can be on him. Even just the small stuff gets to him, such as you having forgotten your wallet and wanting some ice cream, or you leaning into him for comfort when you’re watching a scary movie together. Yes, he loves you, but he also loves it when you need him. You’re his world, and he’s yours. He’s the big, strong man in your relationship and he’ll protect you from everything there may be.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I feel as though he’d try to give you some unsolicited advice. You’re more than welcome to tell him to shut up, though. But other than that, he’ll try to crack some jokes here and there to get you to smile again. Also not above cuddling you and holding you close to make you feel protected and loved. Your panic attack wouldn’t be the first one he’s experienced, in all honesty. Sometimes, he helps with calming down his Shadows. Will calmly talk to you, play some games to help you get your mind off things as well. Will breathe with you too, if you’re okay with that.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If it was up to him, then you’d be living on a ranch together. He grew up on one in Texas and sometimes wants to go back to that life. Just you being surrounded by cattle, sheep, horses and other kinds of animals. You’d have a nice German shepherd together and would tend to the animals together. Of course, he wouldn’t give up his PMC either, but he can dream about that sort of future. He doesn’t think it would ever become reality anyway. However, as long as he gets to spend his future with you, he’s happy.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He leans more towards being the dominant person in your relationship, but he can be passive at times as well. Usually has his hand on you somewhere as well as an act of dominance. Loves having you sit on his lap too, sometimes even in public when there are no chairs. People should know that you’re together and that he’s the one protecting you. He’s more than happy to consider your suggestions, but it’s usually him who decides where you end up going. Especially if you’re indecisive.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He’d be somewhat petty and resentful, but he wouldn’t let it out on you. He wouldn’t really let it out on anyone, he’s far too mature for that. However, you’d have to apologize to him for him to forgive you. As long as you’re being nice about it, he will. It’s rare for him to apologize unless he’s truly hurt you. When he was in the wrong about some fact he’ll usually ignore it. When he fights he gets a bit louder, his accent becomes a bit stronger, but that’s it. He won’t call you anything mean, but it will be known that he’s upset with you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s pretty grateful. Not as much as other people, though. He doesn’t always consider everything you’re doing for him. Not that he takes it for granted either, far from it, but he just doesn’t always think when he doesn’t need to. However, generally speaking, he is grateful for what you do for him. Will show it by either taking you on a nice date to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, or by taking care of your home in your stead for a while. You, too, deserve to have a day off from it all, after all.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There are plenty of things he doesn’t tell you. Sure, it may seem like he’s very open about his job, but you’ll always get the feeling he’s not being entirely honest with you. However, aside from job related things, he’s a very honest man. While he may sugarcoat some things for you sometimes, he will tell you pretty much everything. You can ask him about any personal detail and there’s a good chance he’ll tell you about it. In fact, I encourage you to do so, Graves enjoys talking about himself to you. Ask him about his plans for you and him and he’ll get quite sappy too and won’t stop talking for an hour.
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anonymousbardd · 4 months
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Made For Each Other
↳ Makoto Hanamiya x FReader
"Mako-san! Ohayo!" The young bubbly girl greeted, and she made her way to her lover, Hanamiya Makoto, who was currently taking a break from practice. Her raven-haired lover smiled and gave her a pat on the head, "Good morning, how's your classes?" He asked, the young girl smiled and showed Hanamiya five test papers with high marks. The young man chuckled and ruffled (F/n)'s hair, "Nice work sweetie," he said with a smirk. Hara popped his gum and loudly complained, "Oi, stop flirting in front of me!" He shouts.
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Hanamiya Makoto is a well-known man on the basketball court, he's considered an "Uncrowned King". Those who play very skillfully but don't get as much recognition as the GoM (Generation OF Miracles).
The Kirisaki Daiichi basketball team is known for its dirty playstyle, they don't play by the rules, and that's how they strive to the top. In a field filled with different animals, they are the predators that hunt those who're weaker than them.
Hanamiya Makoto, the captain and coach of the Kirisaki Daiichi basketball team, is known to be the most sadistic and selfish person. He's a man that steals people's dreams and crushes them.
A disgusting man who doesn't care about anything else but be number one. A lot of girls had confessed their feelings for him, but they were all brutally turned down.
Because those girls want nothing more than to irritate their parents, they're going through their rebellious phase and have a weird attraction for the "bad boy" type.
Due to the countless rejections that Hanamiya gave, everyone thought that he just wasn't interested in love at all, they all painted him as a man without a heart.
So what a surprise when they find out that he got together with the most kind and selfless person in their whole school, (F/n) (L/n).
No one has expected such a dynamic, especially for someone like Hanamiya.
"Ne... (L/n)-san, is it okay if I ask you something?" A young girl from asked approached, (F/n) smiled and stopped what she was doing to face her friend, "Sure, you can ask me anything!"
"Well... I know this is kind of inappropriate, but why did you choose to date Hanamiya-san?" The girl asked, (F/n) looked a little surprised, she then giggled and tilted her head, "Why not? He's such a sweetie!"
A lot of people heard, and they all turned their heads to her, in their minds, they were thinking, "What the hell does she mean by that?"
(F/n) sighed sat down on her chair and looked out the window, "He's really sweet and passionate about the things he's interested in, he always checks up on me and helps me with a lot of things."
As the young girl kept doting on her boyfriend, Hanamiya walked into the classroom which instantly filled the room with thick tension, his menacing demeanor had made everybody turn their heads away.
"Oi, move out of my way..," He said, looking down at a poor classmate.
"Mako-chan!" (F/n) called out in excitement, she ran towards him and jumped in his arms, she giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek, "We're in front of the whole class..." Hanamiya muttered, (F/n) rolled her eyes and smiled, "So? I don't care," she said.
Hanamiya noticed the lingering eyes and got frustrated, "What the hell are you idiots looking at?!" He said frowning, (F/n) lightly punched Hanamiya, "Hey! Don't say those things! They're your classmates!"
He groaned and rolled his eyes, the two of them then walked out of the classroom to get lunch together.
"I wonder what (L/n)-San sees in him..." A young girl muttered as she watched the two couple walk out of the classroom.
A boy hummed and thought for a moment before suddenly getting an idea, "It's because they balance each other out, one's the sun and the other is a moon, though they're the opposite, it sits in just right. Like salt and pepper!"
The same girl hummed and nodded, "You're right... I guess it's just the fact that those two are made for each other."
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A/N: I know Hanamiya Makoto may not be everybody's cup of tea, but he's just my favorite character from KnB. I have a thing for sadists please don't judge me :'0.
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dei2dei · 1 year
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Look at all the stuff in that mansion. It's full, in that carefully-organized-by-a-designer way, and it's fantastic--and it's also utterly, horribly terrifying and makes me sad on behalf of MK1 Johnny Cage, what little I can see. Because as much money has been splashed around, as glorious and gorgeous as that Cage’s Mansion stage is… that's a showpiece, not a home.
Johnny has Sento, a true Japanese katana with a history--and it's famous enough, presumably, he'd know its name. It's on display in a really nice setup with all its elements neatly aligned and included so you can see every bit of it.  
He has a very fancy glass chandelier, and what looks like a bust of Nefertiti. Open windows and he keeps the temp at 72F. Lots of white furniture, the random vases full of sticks (aromatherapy diffusers?), a variety of bar carts. Abstract art and sculpture, and what may be a bra abandoned by the one chair and ottoman by the fireplace. One chair and ottoman. Not two, where you'd expect to cuddle up with family if you had one, or a partner. Just one.
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This place can seat dozens. There are at least four discrete seating areas (maybe five?) on the bottom floor, plus the infinity pool, and an outdoor porch/patio. Then there's the second floor and all its seating that we can glimpse. It’s made for filling with people, and not in a lived-in dinner parties and kids running around kind of way.  This is a place you fill with people for parties. It's a place you expect to need dozens of chairs and bottles and bottles of liquor for your get-together. But there's very little Johnny on display. 
It's all about external appearances- the bust of Nefertiti is a well-known piece of art, and historically she was considered an icon of feminine beauty. He's got one of the world's most beautiful women to look at, a fancy Japanese katana, and yet all of it smacks to me of a man who is desperate to find pleasure, to chase the high in acquisitions and throwing big parties and having lots of people, to drown and forget the emptiness inside.
We don't see pictures of people here. No photos of family, of a girlfriend, or even of himself (no posters or award photos on the wall). Johnny is a man on his own, and anyone who comes to his place is an ephemeral guest, leaving very little of themselves behind. What there is of him is hidden away from public view, where perhaps only a few guests would get to see--and if we're stripping down to bras in the main space and then heading to skinny dipping in the pool, it'll be a wonder if they make it to a bedroom. There's no dining room here, or kitchen (that we see)--all those private areas are hidden. All public-facing here, all carefully cultivated and maintained for appearances.
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I think this new Johnny, the little bit we've seen, is hungry for something. He wants something and he doesn't know what it is. Acting lets him chase that; maybe he'll find what he's missing in a role, in a mindset, in a co-star. Maybe he's tried to buy things and see if one of them will fill the hole in him, but nothing takes. Maybe if he surrounds himself with enough people, he'll meet The One (or two, if it's a poly situation). But right now... he's flying solo. This isn’t a place you raise a kid in, curl up with your significant other on a couch in front of the fire and laugh or watch TV (is there even one?).
It's an ostentatious display of wealth and a desire to be a party animal, to be the one people come to hang out with, the social butterfly that has alcohol and plenty of space. I think Tony Stark would absolutely be comfortable in a place like this (in fact, that's what my first thought was - MK/MCU mashup when?), but what we're missing is the equivalent to Tony's lab and bedroom. There's no passion here on display, nothing that makes this an individual, unique home that says "Johnny Cage" on it. He's presenting a face to the world, and hiding the rest away where he has to be a real person who eats and sleeps. There’s a scene in the MKX comics where Sonya is gearing up for an op in their kitchen, and the incongruity is great, Johnny stumbling out in fuzzy slippers and bathrobe and her checking her gun with the fruit bowl on the counter. That wouldn’t happen here; that’s too human, too vulnerable, for this Johnny.
Until - I hope - he meets The One, and realizes that he can stop chasing after external happiness because he’s got somebody who makes all those paintings and awards pale in comparison. Someone who's worth putting another chair next to the fireplace for, maybe making that pristine mansion a little messy for. Someone who's going to shake him down to his well-heeled shoes and upend his world. And if MK1 isn't going to give him someone, well. That's what fanfic is for.
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farolero-posting · 10 months
Spring Cleaning
Hey! Happy 7th anniversary to OneShot!
I wanted to make something special for this day, and I would say this is... a little messy, but I think it is fitting for this day. OneShot is a really cool game, and most importantly, a unique experience, and I wanted to capture a little of that.
Without further delay, enjoy!
Summary: Niko does some chores and gets distracted.
Words: 1,674
(Click below to see the full fic)
Today was seasonal cleaning day, and Niko… was getting a little exhausted by now.
The teenager picked up the folder with yellowed paper sticking out of it, located at the bottom of the messy pile in the room’s top shelf, huffing from the effort to get it out of the shelf. The folder was a bright orange color, and had a sticker of an owl on the cover, their favorite animal. The art had smooth round shapes, giving the animal a cartoony look. There was a messier version of the same drawing, made with black pencil, where some of the lines were drawn several times to ensure the graphite would stick, making small dents on the plastic.
Recognition flashed on the teen’s eyes. They had not looked at this folder for… quite some time, actually. There was a period where they had looked at its contents as many times as they could, using the contents to evoke the memories of that journey.
They opened the folder, and giggled at the first doodle that greeted them.
Why was a ram with “baa” in scary letters the one they put on top? Heheh, maybe their past self wanted to play a prank on them. The drawing had a date on it, like most others.
Exactly seven years ago, to be precise.
Niko’s eyes were wide open, and they had to resist the urge to jump out of their position, standing on their desk’s chair. They closed the folder, pressing it against their body, and crouched down at a slow but shaky pace, before sitting on the chair, with one leg pressed against their body, and the other stretched, reaching for the floor.
“I didn’t know this was all the way up there… It’s been so long!” was all they could mutter.
It felt like a lifetime ago… though, while that is true, they still have a long life ahead, don’t they? Seven years was indeed almost half of their life, but seven years is nothing compared to what they have ahead of them.
It was weird to think of it that way now.  Many things change over the years.
The first month, they had taken days to make a drawing for everything that was in their mind, scared of losing the memory. 
When they turned nine, they started telling their dreams to their mama, so they could both remember.
When they were ten they even wrote a little about their journey for a school project… trying not to mention the fact it was all based on a real story.
They were around twelve when they first felt… an empty dread, looking at these drawings. 
There was one page, at the bottom of the pile, that caught their attention. It was a drawing of the top room of the tower; it wasn’t lit up yet, however. They had gone out of their way to paint the borders in purple pencil, the page curling around the corners. 
At the time, they hadn’t known what to do. They were at the peak of the world, and yet they felt they were at the bottom, holding it all together.
And you were… well.
When they were young, you were everything. You were Niko’s one company through it all. They barely knew you, but they trusted you fully. 
The last time Niko looked at this particular drawing, a few years ago, their thoughts had been bitter. 
Maybe that’s why it had been so long since they looked at the folder.
You… They knew you were their guide, but you also made choices that felt unfair. 
Why did you present the choice? 
Why did you wait so long for that? 
What secrets did you keep from them? 
And why go through all of it, only to discover that you could undo it, later on?
Niko was grateful to be home, but… they didn’t understand you.
And you couldn’t answer them, either.
Because you’re not a god. 
And you’re not there anymore.
Back then, both you and Niko were told you had one chance on your mission. And so Niko had taken care of the lightbulb that represented the sun of this world, following your words. It was a long journey, but you listened to them, and kept them safe. However… even with their best efforts, there was no choice at the end that would save both Niko, and that decaying land.. 
So Niko placed that choice on you. If Niko had been older, maybe they would have questioned this more. They would have more ways to look at the situation, to weigh down their options, and maybe take longer to finally make a decision. Instead, in both more and less time than they expected, but certainly a wrong amount of time, you told them what path they had to take. And Niko, respecting the wishes of the world’s god, had done it.
Except you weren’t god. You were someone looking at them through a window, generating the world that had imprisoned them, but not belonging to it. When Niko was twelve, they had realized that whatever the first choice was, the impact on you would not have been as big as it was for them. 
They were angry back then… But now… 
Now they couldn’t hold it against you. They knew better… and funnily enough, they remember their youngest self knowing better, too.
Niko placed the drawing aside, and as they did that, another one slipped out of the folder. This one was a drawing of pancakes with syrup. They weren’t the hazelnut ones their mama made (and now Niko makes them for her, too!), but they remember they were delicious, with a hint of a flavor they couldn’t quite name. The teen wondered if it was a product of that world that only existed there. Now, their older self with a hobby for baking, wished they could know what it was.
They remembered going there, right before the tower. Niko had asked you if it was okay to make a stop for some food, and you had taken them to the cafe, where they had gotten those pancakes. They knew you listened to them, and not only that, that you wanted to comfort them too, in any limited way you could. 
The next drawing they got from the pile showed a view from the top of the Refuge, taken from one of the tallest buildings. Niko’s town was close to a river too, but it wasn’t as close as the ones flowing around the Refuge. It wasn’t glowing pink, either. Niko had been to a big city now too, but it wasn’t anything like the one in that world. The Refuge was a unique city, among thousands of them. 
They remember you said you lived in a city, and they could only imagine it was like the Refuge, for years. Now they recognized there were many more options for what a city or a town could look like.
The next drawings were of the friends Niko met. Though they wish their artistic skills did them more justice, they couldn’t help but look at them fondly for what they represented. What would be of those people now? Do Calamus and Alula still live in the ruins? Is the robot lady —the drawing says her name is Silver— still in the Barrens? Did the Mr. Lamplighter get to sleep more with the Sun back? They smiled, thinking of the possibilities. 
Niko stumbled upon a drawing of the computers that made up the World Machine, and took it out to hold it closer, the glow in their eyes slightly reflecting on the paper. They remember drawing the screens with a ruler, to make sure it looked as good as a blueprint (but they know now that blueprints are more complicated than that). They also drew the Author’s children and themself on that page, holding the sun. It was them who reminded Niko what all the effort not to forget was for. 
And Niko would not have known of them without your help. Because you…, though you weren’t a god, you wanted to do something to save both Niko and everyone else. You cared enough to try to be more than just a guide, but someone who believed in a second chance as well. Someone convinced they were all worth it.
The last drawing on the pile was a journal with a yellow clover on the cover, along with the amber necklace, a glowing feather, and a six sided die. Niko never met the creator of that world in person. They simply had his letters, words of others and objects to remember him by. 
They understood why their mama gave them a hat passed down by her parents. They understood why she kept all their silly drawings.
And why hazelnut pancakes would be their favorite food forever, over any other kind of pancake.
They breathed in when they felt themself run out of air, and the shivering of their body almost made them burst into tears. You were a guide, a ghost and… a friend. And all they had of you was the memories of your voice.
Niko wondered if you missed them, if you would be happy to see them today. Niko didn’t narrate their thoughts aloud anymore, their life was also more hectic and complicated. They sometimes thought their younger self was a little silly. They were far from the child you knew.
But it was good to be there. To look at those old drawings, and get that same joy out of them. To enjoy the chances that were given to them, and know that, in some distant place, you are still with them, getting your own chances. 
Niko took a blank page from a stack on their desk and a pencil from their first drawer, and put something on it that reminded them of you, placing it on the top of the ram doodle. 
They hoped it would be the first thing they saw the next time they opened the folder. 
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
8 Characters who should appear in Young Justice Season 5
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Hoping and praying for another season of Young Justice is something I'm very used to.
After its initial cancelation way back in 2013, Young Justice was revived for a third season on DC Universe, DC's attempt at a streaming service, and lived past that to get a fourth season on HBO Max.
It is now under hiatus with no current plans at a fifth season.
I however will continue to remain hopeful for another season. Young Justice (with the exception of the Harley Quinn animated universe) is my favorite version of the DC Universe. With an exceptional voice cast, a focus on younger more relatable heroes, and a realistic political element to a superhero world, Young Justice cements itself not only as one of the best DC animated shows, but one of the best pieces of superhero media.
So while I have nothing but time until Warner Bros sees the gem that they have and give us a fifth season, I thought I'd pitch the characters I'd most like to see in the next season.
Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti, if you're reading this, know if you don't put these in, I trust the season will be great anyway.
But you know, consider it!
*Spoiler Warning for Every Season of Young Justice*
The Bad Boys of the Bat Family
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Let's start with the obvious!
Jason Todd AKA The Red Hood has been teased ever since Season 2, and while has made a few appearances, we have yet to see the menace he can be to both Bruce and The Bat Family.
I particularly want his story to tie in with Tim, who has only been seen to be the loyal soldier to Bruce. This can be an opportunity to reflect upon the life, and how Bruce's trauma trickles down.
Another Bat pairing I'm itching to see is Damian Wayne and Nightwing. The blood son and the favorite son can lead to some fun comedic beats and a lot of tension for the team.
Whatever team they decide to position Damian on, it could lead to disaster. Damians presence can also lead to less trust amongst superheroes, as he is a known killer, and Robin is a pretty public title in the Young Justice universe.
The Forgotten Sidekick
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Sometimes even sidekicks need sidekicks!
For those not in the know, Gear was an original character for the DCAU show Static Shock, Virgil's best friend Richie.
Using technology, including a robotic backpack and flying boots, he was simultaneously Virgil's guy in the chair and right hand man in the field.
Static has been on the show for multiple seasons, but really hasn't had much to do since season 2. Giving him a protege of his own while paying homage to what came before.
Speaking of what came before...
The Final Titans
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Who doesn't want a Titans reunion?
In Season 3, Cyborg was introduced into the fold and Beast Boy was given a much more expanded role. Ever since, I've been waiting for the Daughter of Trigon and the Tamaranean Princess to arrive.
An episode where the 5 Titans meet for an impromptu mission would be a lot of fun, perhaps battling one of their classic villains like Brother Blood or Deathstoke!
In the long run, both characters fit very well into the already established universe.
Raven would make an interesting member of Zatanna's Sentinels of Magic, and Starfire would be right at home with Forager and Miss Martian as aliens on Earth.
Would it be fan wish fulfillment? Absolutely, but Young Justice has done it before. In Season 4, Razer of Green Lantern Animated Series was given one of the best episodes, continuing his arc to find Aya.
I'm not sure how you could get all these characters and one of the Robins together for a mission, but I'll leaving the writing up to the experts.
The Incompetent Time Traveler
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We've had the Legion, we've had Bart, but we have yet to have a time traveler who has no idea what he's doing.
Enter: Booster Gold.
Booster Gold is a fan favorite character across comics and animated media. He is a failed football athlete in the 25th Century, who steals tech in the future to pretend to be a hero in our time.
The character is soon to enter James Gunn's DCU, and recently made his Arrowverse debut in Legends of Tomorrow, played by Donald Faison, right before the show got cancelled (I bring this up mainly because he deserved a shot at voicing him and it could be a fun nod).
Boosters interference with the timeline could lead him to the worlds only time traveling expert, Bart Allen, effectively making him the Outsiders responsibility.
The character also leaves the door open to potentially a big bad, and maybe even thee big bad of the season....
The Professor
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Much like General Zod and the Kryptonians became an overarching threat for Season 4, making it a Superboy/Superman focused season, I think it's high time the Speedsters of the team have a new threat.
Professor Zoom or the Reverse Flash is Barry Allen's greatest enemy. Another future man of the 25th Century, Eobard Thawne was a brilliant scientist, so opposed with The Flash, he decided to become his greatest enemy to become part of the story.
Reverse Flash has quite a few similarities with Bart actually. Future speedster hoping to be a part of the story and change the timeline for "the better". It would be an interesting rivalry between them.
While I would like him as the big bad of the season, I understand we JUST did a time traveling menace
My potential pitch would be Reverse Flash needs access to our time now for a power source, something to bring his power to the next level. Something or someone with Speed Force to spare, making him a battery for Eobard. So I believe Reverse Flash has returned to the past to get...
The Prodigal Son
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Did I write this piece just to pitch a Wally West return season?
Yes. Yes I did.
Young Justice has left just enough wiggle room for Wally to return. We never hear about his soul, we never found a body, and Wally has been trapped in the Speed Force in the comics before.
Most notably, The Speed Force has not been mentioned yet. Currently, I don't believe any speedsters actually know it exists.
Eobard showing them the speed force and releasing Wally to drain his power, only to be foiled by the team, would not only bring back Wally, it could make him the Fastest Man Alive.
Wally becoming the Flash could be his arc of the season, which I argue would’ve been his destiny if Bart didn’t save Barry’s life.
Giving us a Wally with a power boost, lost time and lost love could lead to a lot of drama and potential for storytelling.
And of course, an Artemis/Wally reunion is well in order.
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Again, if none of these characters make an appearance in the next season, I’d still just be happy there’s a season at all.
But time will tell if I’m right.
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 2 months
Fic Update: The Roles We Play (Ch 9) Borrowed Time
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Sarah struggles with an unexpected complication while time is running out. Meanwhile at the palace, Geralt comes face to face with the emperor of Nilfgaard and learns the true nature of his contract.
“You had your men parade me on the streets on my way here” he growled. There was a silent “why” added to that statement.
Emhyr did not smile, but was nevertheless pleased. The witcher did not waste time pondering why the emperor went back on his desire not to see him, ever again. He’d hate repeating what he instructed Voorhis to say to him.
“I see the wines in Toussaint has not dulled your perception” Emhyr leaned back on his seat, familiar imperial frown on his powerful feature. “The appearance of this basilisk, this descendant of the Great White Terror, has taken residence in one of the lesser traveled but safe trade routes, rending it no longer safe, and attacked a well-known merchant along with his retinue of guards. Past experience in White Orchard taught my men that even the strongest armor is no match for draconids. Better hire a professional. A witcher. Not just any witcher, but the famous White Wolf who is, fortunately, given residence in Toussaint.”
A corner of the emperor’s lips spasmed.
Geralt crossed his arms. His reputation, fame and infamy, as always gets ahead of him. The entire time he had to listen to the crowd whisper his name, in Common and Nilfgaardian, as the soldiers flanking him on all sides cleared the way. Roach, normally skittish and wary, enjoyed the adoration and was enthusiastically prancing every now and then.
“Oooohh vatt’ghern!”
“Nein! A vedymin est Butcher aep Blaviken!”
“Geralt aep Rivia! Gwynbleidd!”
“Hael vatt’ghern Geralt!”
Geralt felt more like an exotic Zerrikanian animal displayed for the masses to gawk and admire in equal measure.
Geralt twisted his lips. “Wise. Hiring a known witcher makes for excellent PR to please the Guild of Merchants, prioritizing the safety of your subject especially those that pays the most taxes.”
Emhyr scoffed. “You surmised correctly, but not all.”
“Hiring me to kill the monster rendering the route safe for passage on the surface, but you really wanted something more that its head hanging on my saddle.”
“Excellent deduction.” Emhyr replied with a thinly veiled sarcasm. “The caravan is on a covert mission, if successful, will bring about economic changes that will blunt the influence of the Guild on the empire, which in turn, benefits all down to the least fortunate of my subjects and vassals. No one knows this except Vattier, Mererid, myself and the recently slain merchant Franz of Gemmera and his entourage.”
“Sound like the basilisk did the work for you. With them dead, they take their secret dealings to their graves and you can deny any involvement given the lack of proof.”
Emhyr’s grip on his chair tightened and Geralt realized he unexpectedly struck a sensitive nerve.
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silent-dragon · 6 months
TWST Student OC Profile ~ Guan Zǐ-Xīn
"In an endless night, there is nothing closer than the bright moon, always hanging in the sky." - Jing Yuan
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Personal Info
Name - Guan Zǐ-Xīn (pronounced “Zu-Shin”)
Physical Age - 19
Birthday - October 6
Zodiac - Libra
Gender - Male
Species - Fae
Height - 215cm/7ft
Eye Color - Golden Amber
Hair Color - White Silver
Orientation - Pansexual
Homeland - ??
Twist of Jing Yuan from Honkai Star Rail
College Info
School - Night Ravens College
Dorm - Celestellaron (@geminiiviolets)
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - All
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Occupation - Ex-Royal Guard of Thorns,Martial Arts Tutor
Favorite Food - Boba Milk Tea
Likes - Feline Animals,Sleeping,Swords,Neat and Clean Places,Suen Wěi & Sun Jian,Comfortable Chairs,Cool Days,Tea,Elaborate Decor,Long Train Rides,Fluffy Pillows
Dislikes - Disorder,Dirty Places/People,Feline Dislikers,Disturbing His Sleep/Nap
Talents - Swordsmanship,Martial Art Master,Organization,Noticing Every Little Detail of Something/Someone,Napping Anywhere
Unique Ability - Shocking Friends - Zǐ-Xīn can summon unique familiars that all have lightning based looks to them but look like ordinary animals at first. Usually will be a cat or other felines as his favorite but can be other animals…if he ever thought about other ones.
Personality - Comes off as very taciturn as hardly speaks but always observing. Usually will talk if there's a cat nearby but only to the cat,sees a flaw that bothers him,or sees friends. He is super friendly and makes an effort to check up on those he calls friends. Other side of him is well…sleepy. He has a common problem with falling asleep anywhere but in class during teaching time. Nothing is wrong with him,he just says he is so tired. Has an angry sleepy mode if get on his bad side,most say he goes into a commander type vibe…it's scary but exciting to some. His sleepy expression has him always looking at you with bedroom-like eyes but he is just sleepy…most of the time.
Bio - A sleepy man of kinda unknown origin. Often seen talking to Diasomnia students so friends with a lot of them. His fuzzy poof of hair is signature to knowing who he is if stumble upon him. Usually a random cat or two will be snuggled on his lap. It's common to find him asleep somewhere just like a certain feline man that has a colorful relationship with him. He is like a different person in class when lessons going on as active,attentive,and answering all the questions right. Super good standing student overall,can't seem to find any faults in this man but maybe there's something hidden underneath the poof? Who knows…
Other Facts
Just note I am spelling his name in the way chinese names usually are so Guan is not his first or surname its his last/family name. Zǐ-Xīn is his first name and I added the pronunciation for it above the best I think it's said but I may be wrong I did research but may not been enough I try.
Zǐ-Xīn's normal familiar is his pet lion,Kei who he obtained from being scammed but she was a little cub and he couldn't ignore how cute she was so kept her. She is now fully grown and has a family of her own in the wild so he goes to visit her but never summons her away from them.
Only when his hair gets wet from rain or maybe sweat from him working out that you may get a rare glimpse at his ears which are pointy indicating he is of fae relation.
He has a small cute little mole under his left eye but usually can't see it as hair covers his left eye often.
Calls Lilia chief,commander,and other titles that mean someone of high rank…but says it's just for fun.
Talks about Sun Jian as if they have been long time friends but only known him for a little while and sometimes corrects himself as he forgets to say he is talking about another who he won't say name of but is similar to him so is why he likes being near him.
Has an interesting relationship with the Savanaclaw dorm leader as is quite fond of him and had the bravery to pet his head which caused a mess of problems but he still can't hate him and actually adores still.
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emeritus-fuckers · 10 months
For the role event!
1. probably a sibling on sin, i’m not musically inclined besides for choir singing so i don’t think i’d work well as a ghoul
2. probably Primo or Terzo. i think Primo and i would hound over our plants/gardens and i can be very laid back/slow paced. i think Terzo and i both have a flair for the dramatic and would understand each others wants/struggles
3. i’m an introvert when meeting new people but once we know each other i can be a bit wild. i’m known to not have a filter or volume control so i can be a bit much sometimes
4. probably anything to do with gardening or books. i love plants and have my own garden so i already know a thing or two. i also love literature and would love to just organize/go through books. i also love small repetitive tasks as they keep my mind occupied
5. i prefer to stay at home unless it’s traveling for an event. going out and about too much drains me mentally and i love being a cozy home body
6. i love naps and stuffed animals. i’ve always grown up with animals and currently have a cat. my current favorite hobby is annotating books. i love horror and gore, october is my favorite month and my birthday. i go bird watching despite most birders being older folk
This post is part of the 1000 followers Role in ministry event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your role in the ministry is... Keeper of the Garden Library
You work under for Primo. The garden library is cosy and small, its located in the Ministry itself. The door to it is small and barely noticed but the doorframe itself is painted with flowers and vines.
While in the library you spend the day re-ordering the books, making sure the ones on loan are returned and loaning out any books people want to borrow. It's a beattiful room with views onto the garden.
Primo will drop in often, mostly to have a chat with you and drink tea. Also sometimes as he needs to check a book for information. He is impressed that you know the place so well. He only has to state his gardening issue and within seconds you places the correct book in his hands.
Or you just tell him the answer as you often spend time reading the books. There is a cozy reading nook at the far side of the libary. There is a log fire and a comfy chair (with cushions and blankets) surrounded by book shelves.
You also help out in the garden a few days a week. Primo is always apprecaitive of your help as you have a lot of knowledge already and he enjoys talking to you.
Terzo also likes to drop in, mainly to have a long chat with you. He'll use the excuse of needing advice on his house plants whenever Primo catches him (not that Primo minds.)
When Terzo joins you, the libary is filled with dramatic gasps and discussions over your daily struggles and wishes. You get on really well together and often hang out outside of work too.
Written by Nyx
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nitazenes · 2 months
even if things “aren’t as they seem”
they should be treated with the same level of seriousness
and how is he supposed to be the one to judge when he doesn’t want to get to know how your system functions?
when we told our therapist we have DID the first thing she’s done was get to learn about us and how we function
how can he help when he’s so disinterested? it’s so strange and honestly a bit creepy
well like (tw ramcoa and programming mentions below, also brief animal death mention)
you in no way have to read everything ive said below bc i really went on a rant here but tl;dr you're totally right. Even if it was something else, it still clearly effects me and i need treatment for it. Honestly youre not the first one to call him a creep --- rant starts here --- Not to expose too much but I have spoken to a fellow RAMCOA survivor and i dont really know anything re: programming and the point of it or how it even works
But i sat down and verbatim, almost word for word recited two different things that had happened to us that were *textbook* RAMCOA. The fact I parroted what happened to me without even knowing programming terms and definitions just, takes away all skepticism i have. And the fact that a survivor and I experienced ALMOST the exact same programming, literally just going back and forth about what happened. There's no fucking WAY i just made that up.
I avoid reading stuff about programming bc my own targets therapeutic language, if I start reading about it, very quickly we begin to spin, get motion sick, scatter, or rapid switch.
And true. even if it wasnt what it seemed (which it def was RAMCOA) but lets just say its not what it seemed, it still seems very real to me, and effects me severely. That means it's still a problem that should be addressed the same way you would address any RAMCOA survivor.
The fact he wont listen means he's not going to catch on if i start recycling or having a coded trigger be set off. I even had a programmed response to him once already where a program triggered from some hand gesture he made and I was completely out-- but it had me on my knees in front of my therapist trying to get his belt off. Thankfully in that situation he actually responded appropriately and backed up, helped me up and walked me back to my chair and said "You dont have to do that for me to help you" thats the ONE TIME ive gotten the care I want out of him. that was 8 years ago. i have displayed my programming directly in his face. Many times at this point. and at the time i didnt even know why i did that and i was so ashamed and embarrassed and crying and he was just like. "it's ok"
he shows no interest in learning who my alters are, what they do, what jobs they perform, my system map (very complex and layered with different subsystems) this dude has to know i am programmed like i said in some post somewhere, i killed a rattle snake BY MYSELF at 8 years old bc it was threatening our chickens, in fact i was so confident that i didnt even have snake boots on (boots that snake bites cannot penetrate) we lived in rattle snake central and yet as an 8 year old i drove a shovel into that snake and killed it.
i dont think people realize how young that is to be killing an animal, for ANY reason. had my parents any care for me, they would have made sure I had my boots on, and they would have monitored me while in the backyard, i killed the snake and had to go get my dad on the other side of the house that a snake was going after the chickens but i dealt with it and the most he said was "good job, wear your boots next time"
like ik rn im trauma dumping on this post but even if things weren't what they seemed, why do i have a scar with two dots visible from having a stun gun jammed into my ribs as a kid, That scar didnt come from nowhere. I might not have known what it was but i took my own stun gun (it was similar to the one id been attacked with) and the prongs line up exactly with the dots. At this point, esp given that i remembered the institution i went to, i just want someone to wholly believe me.
If i said one day
"it was all a lie. i made it up. im not mentally ill, ive just lived the life of someone with a disorder i dont have"
my family would take that as gospel. they would much rather believe that i lied my whole fucking life, than me calling out the fact that I was surrounded by evangelicals and fundamentalist christians most of my childhood who were weird and malicious towards me.
i finally opened up to my therapist about my fear of surveillance last week, that these days, anytime youre outside youre on some camera. and im afraid of audio bugs. So much that i carry a device that causes horrid feedback to whoever is listening on the other end of a radio, its like a signal jammer. he goes "What makes you think youre so unique that the government or whomever is watching you"
and i finally just shut off and said "i cant tell you" its more damaging for me to go into these therapy sessions feeling like i need to convince my therapist that this was real.
He may have shown interest in my system rediscovery for about the first year i saw him. after that he doesnt even ask how my alters are doing, always expects it to be me (Rey) at the front at all times and he doesnt even know how my system functions, i dont even think he knows theres a hierarchy in my system-- so how can he help me if he doesnt care or know what i am truly dealing with.
His mind is still in the 70's when MPD was a thing.
I can't even talk to him about my sexuality or gender
ive never had someone to talk to about how I feel gender-wise (i used to identify as male, but now identify as Agender bc really, i dont fit in with most binary terms) he calls me she/her and i can forgive an old man for not using they/them/xe/xem pronouns for us but like. I also used to define myself as asexual but realized im more bi/pan than i thought and im not repulsed anymore. Mostly. but the most he said was "how does it feel to admit youre not asexual" i explained how it was new to me. that was the end of the subject.
What about the fact that i have cis, trans, and intersex alters all over the board? how do i help them with their dysphoria? I dunno!!
my aunt has been paying out of pocket for the past 8 years for his treatment where i feel like after 3 years, he'd gotten tired of me. Lost interest. most of his clients are older than me and they seem to have great relationships with him. I guess old people just get along with fellow old people.
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eahtheramblings · 3 months
An unedited chapter from the fic i keep procrastinating
Dorms, Besties, and Destiny's Oh My!
The first day that students spend at Ever After High is dedicated to getting rooms set up, clubs started, and schedules handed out. There are three main areas that are crowded during this time. The first is the dorm halls. These usually get the busiest during the early afternoon while families help students set up their dorm rooms. The next is the Grimmnasium, which is where clubs will set up tables and attempt to get new members, usually with candy and posters made by their most artistic members. This will be full during the later afternoon, as students finish their dorm decorating and their lunches will head to check out the latest clubs and see friends. Finally, the last crowded area is the Castleteria. This is where both dorm keys and schedules are handed out, and is busy during the entirety of the day, as it will often be open for its above purposes in the morning, change into an eating area for lunch, turn back to a welcoming area in the afternoon for late comers and those whose kingdoms are far, and then back to its intended use for dinner. It is this crowded room that Apple found herself in. 
At the very front of the Castleteria was a table sitting the four advisors. Madam Baba Yaga who advises the villains, Mrs. Her Majesty, The White Queen, who advised the damsels, Dr. King Charming, who advised future heroes, and Coach Gingerbreadman, who advised practically everyone else. On the right of the table the royal advisors sat, while the other two sat on the left. Four lines lead to the table because of this. In the very middle of the group was the Headmaster, Milton Grimm. Headmaster Grimm looked like an aging man, although it was a well known fact that he was possibly the oldest person alive in ever after. He took turns welcoming students from all lines and helping answer questions from students and parents. Apple thought it was royally fairest that the Headmaster took the time to introduce himself to all the students despite his busy schedule. On Apple's list of rulers to look to for inspiration, Headmaster Grimm tied for first place with her parents. 
“Oh dear, and here I meant to come early to miss the line!” a clear voice spoke behind Apple. She turned around to see another friend of hers Ashlynn Ella, the daughter of Cinderella. Ashlynn was a tan girl, with strawberry blond hair and a smattering of freckles. 
“Ashe!” Apple exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. “How was your woodland conservation camp? It was so hard not being able to text you all summer, but I know you were really excited to go help with the animals in the enchanted forest.” 
“It was wonderful, we planted so many new trees and cleaned up forest paths, I even got to help a baby unicorn find its mother after they were separated! But it is good to be back at school with you guys.” Ashlynn answered, pulling up photos on her phone to show Apple while they waited in line. They discussed their summers until a high pitched voice carried across the room. 
“Hello Ever After High, and welcome back to the first episode of Just Right! For the school year. I’m your host Blondie Lockes and today we’re going to get the scoop on the second year students hexcitement for legacy year! Why don’t we start over here with you, Sparrow Hood?” 
Blondie bounced up to the line for Coach gingerbread, floating like a bubble of golden curls and periwinkle fabric. Sparrow and his merry men were lazily waiting in line, leaning on tables, chairs, and each other while they waited for their schedules. Blondie's question seemed to peak their interest. 
One of the members named Tucker, the son of friar tuck, leaned into the microphone, “Well of course we’re hexcited for legacy year, it’s the first step towards the future, and also-” 
“It's the first time the merry men are performing for the after partay! Get our album on Spellify now because you will want to know all the lyrics to sing along!” Sparrow finished, accentuating his speech with loud strums of his guitar. 
Blondie covered one ear with a finger, her right eye squinting. “Well that was one answer to the question. Let's keep moving shall we? Oo! How about we hear from two of the most anticipated Princesses this year! Apple White, Ashlynn Ella! How are you two feeling about Legacy year?” 
Ashlynn stared at the microphone in front of her with what seemed to be slight anxiety. “I am … very happy that it’s finally Legacy year. This year is a time for us to grow, as… people.”
Apple watched as Ashlynn trailed off. Poor Ashe! Apple knew she could get nervous when put on the spot like this, especially when so many people were around. She had once told Apple that she spends so much time in the woods that animals can be easier to talk to than people. Apple straightened her back and swooped in to help her friend. “It’s also a time for us to prove our dedication to our families, stories, and future kingdoms. The more effort we put into our studies and practices this year the better our futures and the future of Ever After will be! As royal student council body president I call on everyone to join me in doing our best to make this Legacy year Spelltacular!” Apple cheered, her infectious joy and brilliant smile causing the surrounding students and parents to get riled up with uplifting pride. Blondie agreed with Apple before moving to interview some of the other students when the line moved forward. As Apple and Ashlynn turned back around to move with the line, Apple saw that the Headmaster had been smiling joyfully at her while she was being interviewed. She smiled back. 
“Thanks Apple, i’m … not fairy good at public speaking yet” Ashlynn sighed, rubbing her neck as she watched  Blondie interview one of the little pigs. Apple rubbed her arm soothingly. 
“It’s ok! I’m always happy to help you out, your one of my BFFA’s! Besides, we'll be practicing speeches in Princessology and Kingdom management so you have plenty of opportunities to grow your public speaking skills this year, like you said.” The blonde replied cheerily. Ashlynn seemed to relax a bit at that. Apple made a note to ask Blondie to do less spontaneous interviews with Ashlynn. Blondie was another close friend of both princesses so she knew she meant well, but sometimes her enthusiasm for reporting could get in the way of her social skills. 
The line eventually moved enough that Apple and Ashlynn were at the table. Mrs. Her Majesty The White Queen smiled when they approached and started searching through the files in front of her to find their dorm keys. “Sorry girls, I meant to have everything prepared this morning but how can one prepare when pears aren't premade? Give me a few ticks to find your keys” 
Apple and Ashlynn both smiled and nodded at this explanation. None of the princesses at ever after high quite understood what their advisor was saying all of the time but Apple was certain that the White Queen was a fairy wise ruler in wonderland logic. 
“Both of you had very moving things to say about Legacy year. I am glad to see that the next generation of rulers are taking their futures with such genuine commitment.” Headmaster Grimm turned to Apple and Ashlynn, his smile warm and eyes crinkled. 
Apple returned the smile “Of course! There's a lot of expectations to meet, so it’s important that we try our hardest to fulfill them.” 
“I am quite happy you believe so as well Ms. White.” The headmaster responded. 
“Aha! Keys of two have been supplied, but plans of boarding might subside! Here are your keys girls. Ashlynn you have the same key as Briar Beauty, she came earlier to set up her room. Apple I am not sure who your roommate is as no other princess or fruit have had the same dorm number.” The white queen said as she handed off their keys. 
“Oh dear, I know you and Briar were hoping to room together this year, do you want to switch dorms?” Ashlynn asked as they walked away, holding out her key to Apple. Apple gently pushed it back towards her, shaking her head slightly. 
“No, I was planning on it earlier in the summer but since then things have changed and I’ve been asked to room with another student that may need my help during the school year. Briar already knows, so you shouldn’t worry about it. Besides she’ll be hexcited to room with you, especially since you can help her pair her shoes with her outfits better than I can.” 
Ashlynn laughed at that “Well, that's good to know, I was worried for a second there. Do you know who you're rooming with then?” 
Apple nodded, but before she could explain to her friend why she gave up a room with her BFFA to room with her story book villain Briar Beauty bounced down the stairs on high stilettos towards them. 
“Apple, Ashlynn! Finally, I was getting so bored waiting for you two! Apple, your skirt is spelltacular, where did you get it? Have you two seen the new chairs put into the science and sorcery room? They are going to be so much more comfortable than the old ones. Oh I missed you guys!”
The two princesses giggled at their friends' rapid fire questions. Briar was known for talking fast sometimes when she got passionate about something, and she was most definitely passionate about her friendships, something Apple found most admirable. “I missed you too! We just got our dorm keys so we haven’t seen the new chairs. My skirts actually one of my mothers old skirts with some upgrades.” Apple responded, walking quicker to keep up with her tall friend. As they passed other students struggling with their trunks, Apple felt thankful that she was able to have her trunks taken upstairs ahead of her by some very friendly dwarves. It seemed Ashlynn had done something similar as once the three princesses opened the door to Ashlynn and Briars' dorm a flock of birds flew in from the window carrying her things. 
“Lucky! I had to get my little brothers to help me move in and they would not stop trying to steal my jewelry to play pirates” briar whined, moving further into the space. “We should get your side set up ASAP so you can help me get the book to school party together.”
“Well I'll let you two get settled in” Apple smiled, giving Briar one more hug before leaving the room. “Tell me if you need help with the party!”
“”We definitely will” Briar called back. “Good luck!”
Ashlynn watched as her friend walked away towards her own dorm further down the hall. It felt off to her that Apple would give up a guaranteed room with briar this year. She did tell Ashlynn that she was rooming with a student who might need her help this year, but Ashlynn was unsure of who it could be. Maybe a new princess who transferred in this year? It was rare but some students could spend their first year at a different school before Legacy year, so it was a likely explanation. But… 
“Hey Briar? Why did you tell Apple ‘good luck’?” 
Briar dropped a pair of Ashlynn's shoes she was holding and grabbed her by the shoulders. “She didn’t tell you? Grimms super worried about another Evil Queen scenario happening. She’s rooming with Raven Queen this year!”
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braingoboops · 5 months
The City of Stone
An elderly woman sits before a group of children, rocking back and fourth in her chair. Her skin is wrinkled and leathery from the years spent working outside, but the smile lines around her face mark a life well lived. She smiles towards the children, who have been pestering her for a story for a good while now. They were all orphans, their parents slaughtered by the Church's inquisition against other beliefs.
"Settle down, children. Settle down, and I will tell you a story." At that, the kids promptly plopped onto the group and looked to the elderly woman with attentive eyes. She smiled at the sight. "This is a story from a very, very long time ago. One that the Church wouldn't want me to tell you, for it reveals a flow in one of their precious deities."
The children leaned forward with interest. Many of them were of the monstrous races. Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Orcs, Goblin, and Yuan-Ti were common, but there were also Aarakocra, Satyrs, Tabaxis, and a Tortle child amongst them. There were a pair of Tiefling twins as well, their parents slain due to their fiendish nature. Needless to say, many of them were aware of the Church's crimes.
"This," she began, "is the story of the City of Stone, and the tragedy of the first Medusa. A long time ago, there was a thriving kingdom where all of the mortal races could be found mingling and intertwined with one another. It's name was lost to history, but we do know that it was rich in culture and diverse in beliefs, and the royal family was kind."
"One day, there was a girl born. Half human, half elf, she was raised to be kind. She was skilled in music and song, and a talented seamstress, and as she grew up, was soon recognized as one of the most beautiful creatures in the whole kingdom."
"The crown prince, known for his mischievousness and his distaste for staying cooped up in the palace, was often found amongst the city folk, and soon heard rumors of this woman. He decided he had to meet her, and sought her out. When he finally discovered her, is was love at first sight for the young prince. He spent many, many moons attempting to court the young woman, who was adamant in her belief that her husband wasn't to be an arrogant scoundrel, regardless of nobility, and was steadfast in her refusal. The prince, as the moons went by, soon found he had to change if he was to woo this girl."
"So he did. It was a long and arduous process, one fraught with many failures and embarrassments, but soon his mischievous and arrogant ways faded away to maturity, kindness, and a humble nature. It was only then, that the young woman accept his proposal for courtship. It was soon after, that the pair was wedded, and were one day the Kingdom's new King and Queen."
"The entire kingdom praised their relationship. She was a fair queen, while her king maintained his kind and mature nature. Eventually, the kingdom even began to worship them as gods, despite their protests. You see, they were well aware of the gods fallacies, and knew that being worshipped could only lead to trouble. They were correct."
"You see, the queen was revered as a Goddess of Beauty. Ikthos, the actual Goddess of Beauty, did not like what she had heard. Ikthos is famous for her vanity. In a fit of jealous rage, during an announcement to the kingdom of the pregnancy of the queen, Ikthos cursed the unborn child. When the princess was born, instead of hair sprouting from her scalp, there were tiny, baby snakes. When her eyes opened, they were blood red. Despite these deformities, however, the king and queen loved their baby girl."
"Ikthos, frustrated that her plan was unsuccessful, placed one more curse upon the princess upon her first bleeding. This curse was the Curse of Stone, which radiated from the princess. Overnight, the entire kingdom, all its people, its plants and its animals were petrified into stone, leaving the princess alone amongst her kingdom, her only company being the stone remains of her people and her family." "Ikthos, satisfied with her plan, finished her work by granting immortality to the princess. Thus, was the birth of the first Medusa, Queen of the Kingdom of Stone, a dead kingdom of solitude. All future Medusa's would come from the shedding of her hair, each snake growing into a weaker, more grotesque version of the first Medusa. Scales would coat their bodies, their legs may maintain the serpentine features of a snake instead of feet, and the curse that they would inherit would be significantly weaker. They're often unappealing in appearance, compared to the first Medusa, who inherited the unparalleled beauty of her mother." The elderly lady finished her story. The children were staring at her in various states of distress and sadness.
"That's so sad!" One of the tiefling children cried, tears leaking from her eyes. The old woman nodded.
"Indeed it is, child. But that is the nature of the Gods."
"What happened to her?"
"To the first Medusa? It's said her and her kingdom were enveloped by the Feywilds, as a way to prevent future tragedy and to grant the first Medusa a barrier against the influences of Ikthos."
"Why don't any of her children stay with her? The other Medusa's?"
"That's because they have to eat, and that not even they are fully immune to her Curse of Stone. If they reside in her kingdom for too long, they too will be petrified."
"That's horrible!"
"Yes... yes it is..."
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