#you're such a cool person and I will make you some hot chocolate because you're epic!!
cerise-on-top · 18 days
I'm curious, do you have any specific projects that you really want to work on? I'd love to hear what you want to write/what ideas you have, if you're willing to share 🫶
SPOOKIE! YOU'RE TO SWEET THANK YOU!!! There are a few things I've been meaning to write, among them a small fic series! These are the things on my to-write list:
TF141 with a Dragon-Prince!Reader (I actually have the prologue written already, it's completely finished, I just have no idea where to go with it! I'm gonna brainstorm a few ideas for it so I can make this my fic series! I'm really excited to continue writing on this haha!)
Singing Price a Lullaby (I'm such a sucker for putting someone's head in my lap and singing them a lullaby! I can actually sing myself sleepy whenever I sing to myself! So I like to imagine that I could make other characters feel at ease with my voice as well!)
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O (Listen, I'm a trans man and barely any character has ever brought me as much comfort as Ghost, therefore I'm gonna write this! It was just a matter of time until I'd write this!)
Celebrating König's Birthday (My birthday is still far off, but I'm gonna write this anyway because I couldn't really celebrate my birthday last year! If I can't be happy then I will project onto König and make him happy!!)
König Teasing His S/O in His Dialect (I headcanon König to speak the same dialect as me, therefore he'll speak his dialect to his S/O if he wants to tease them! Not every German can understand my dialect either! So naturally, König would tease you about it, especially if you do know German!)
Reader Finds out Cast is Ticklish (Listen, at the risk of sounding stupid, I just wanna be an idiot with those guys and gals! Sometimes all you need is to be an idiot and goof around with your favorite characters! Plus you can get them to laugh a bit, and the Gods know someone like Ghost could need it! Plus I wanna write about getting back at Soap! Also, it has been a while since I got to write about Alex, so there's that too!)
These are the things that I've been meaning to write for a while now! I'm sure there will be more things that I'll be writing! But that's all I've written down on my list! Thank you for asking, it makes me really happy that you care :D I hope you have a lovely day! May work become a bit less draining for you and that you may take a good nap at home afterwards!!
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astralnymphh · 10 days
- 🩵
a/n + cw; OMGG AN EMOJI ANON i haven't seen you guys in a hot minute, but YESSS BLOCKBUSTER ELLIE!! specifically x customer reader. it's a cute duo! and let me relay why from my very scrambled 3 am jot-down. was going to make this a blurb, but it better translates through something more structured. ++ SFW! kinda mean!reader tbh (but ellie likes that), very fluffy you might squeet, quickly written, awkwardness, ellie being a nerd. [first pic from amoaeIIie on pinterest]
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Imagine Ellie, in her blockbuster getup, leaning her butt into the edge of the register counter, jamming to whatever is playing on her hand-me-down walkman; earsbuds in, eyes downcast, head bopping slowing - soundly unaware of you awaiting service on your over-due rental. "Hello?" your volume divides the soft ambiance of the store, but it isn't enough to rope Ellie's mindspace from the clouds. Calling out again, "Hell-looh?" you extend beyond the cash register and wave your hand - nothing, nada.
How the hell has this girl not gotten her ass fired yet?
After numerous roadblocks, a brazen last resort comes into play. You cut around the counter briefly to take things into your own hands (literally) because you have not the time, nor the patience, for her slacking off.
Beryl eyes drop sharply to the walkman in her pants pocket when a single earbud is spooled from her ear, assuming it fell - but to her surprise, it hung low from your finger, and a glance above that finger was your face. Risen of one brow, flat-lined of your lips; impatient.
And her entire focus blanks out when you begin to speak, curtly and satirically, "Hey, I know busting out your Dad's old walkman in public makes you feel cool and whatnot, but you're on the clock." handing the slim cord back over to a stunned girl, flushed behind the pop of her freckles. Maybe your tone of voice sent her higher into the clouds, past a coven of angels, because her lips part narrowly and remain still for a single second - save two or three. Or maybe it's 'cause you specified it as her 'Dad's' which was.. spot on.
And whatever excuse she had quickly cherry-picked for you, hesitated audibly in her throat before it split from it, "O-Oh, right, shit sorry - was about to end my shift n' thought the store was empty. My bad." scrambling to stuff the other earplug in her pocket and avert all attention to you. Very eagerly.
"Looks like you've got a late fee on this one.." her pitch pummeled deeper, and coarser as she concentrates on the clunky screen she hunches slightly to use. Scrunching the freckles of her face together, hogging the blue-lit screen. Poor girl probably forgot her glasses at home. "Annnd are you looking to rent the sequel?" she peeks her auburn head from the screen and holds up the cased movie, tracing her index over the plastic cleft, tapping twice. "To this - it has a second part."
There's no denying it: she is cute - and guilt rolls your guts around for being so snippy and sullen to her earlier. But based on her demeanor growing enthused the second she saw what movie you had in hand - she doesn't seem to care a hoot.
"Out of stock," replied you, indifferent-sounding - and strking; crossed arms, bent knee, stiffly-standing. Comparable to a millpond. "Guess I won't be the only person with late fees." you take a breath to jest, shaking loose strands of hair from your eyes.
"Haha," you're no world-class comedian; that joke wasn't all that funny, but the need to hurl any affirming noise at you, was necessary. Relenting to reflex. What can she say? Love at first sight! "Yeah, that seems like the agenda these days," Ellie sighs out, molding the plump of her lip under her teeth and reshapes it into a dorky smirk. Isn't she just a sweet chocolate-box of adorability?
"Hmm, bummer."
That hum and word trips into her ears, knocking some brain-cog, and an idea limns her features; they glow wide. "Actually - um, I've got a copy of the sequel at my place. Technically it's my Dad's, but.." her pitch fluctuates, mindlessly thumbing the case between two fiddly hands. "Maybe you can - if you want, not pressuring you or anything - come over?" she throws a pointed thumb backwards, motioning a potential future. "Watch it? If you weren't planning on watching it with somebody else."
Slick trick to seeing if you're single; of course you'd watch movies with your boyfriend - or girlfriend.
"Hmmm.." you hummed longer this time, and this time it admitted the mushrooming of an almost aggravating anticipation in her belly. Like you meant to torture her with 'hmms' and nothing but 'hmms' as your answer hung high in cloudy abeyance, until, "What's the name on your tag - ah, Ellie."
"Ellie," you confirm her name twice, and speak it to enthrall her full-scale attention. Made it sound fucking sugary sweet, through a swirly whisper and a twist of your head. "If you can give me a discount, or a full wipe on that late fee, then yes. It's a date."
Light panic ensues. "Date?" she croaks and laughs it off, "I mean - pshh, guess that's one way to put it." backtracking to her hunched, elbows-on-the-counter pose.
"You put it that way."
"Yeah, I just.. didn't wanna admit that." immediately, she uncurls her spine again, relaxing her muscles to somewhat peer at you. "Sure. No more fees." Rounded eyes lost - adamant on indirectly staring at you and the space below you, because Goddess forbid a stroke of idiocy flickers through her while gawking at you.
The store runs dead-quiet in the background of your conversation, leading you to one golden question. "Your shift over after this?"
Oh damn, her cheeks are pink. "Uh-huh," bet she's oblivious to that red-hot beam nearly bursting the seams to her face, too. Nasal lines fold as a severe smile tugs, shadowed by her bent thumb poking at it. "Takin' my car?"
And that's how you pick up girls at a video store in the 90s - the Ellie Williams way.
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this isn't even the full idea
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Ik you're probably busy rn and you don't have to write this ir you don't wanna-
So remus with. Sensitive reader? Like i, personally, get teary any time someone yells at me or is angry ot condescending and i feel like even though Remus is th sweetest person ever when it comes to scolding, being reprimanded by my favourite person would so make me cry.
And we all know that Remus can get abit hot headed around the full moon so maybe smth along hurt/comfort w that ❤️
Thank you for requesting lovely <3
cw: weed, mention of vomit (no description of any kind, just a brief reference)
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 755 words
You steal the blunt from between Remus’ lips, holding out your bag of crisps as a trade. 
He accepts, side-eyeing you in a way you choose to interpret as playful. Although you know the days leading up to the full moon are hell for Remus, neither of you mind this part so much. You’d prepared last weekend, stocking your shared flat with lavish quantities of chocolate and weed which you allow yourself to sample as payment for your efforts and general good-girlfriend standing. You think you’ve done a decent job; your boyfriend is lax on the couch next to you, the space between his brows wonderfully smooth and free of the wrinkles that accrue there when he’s having one of his migraines. 
“Alright, you’re done after that,” he says as you inhale.
“What?” You let your mouth drop open in faux indignation, a giggle building in your chest. “No fair.” 
“Mhm.” He crunches noisily on a crisp, mindless of your pouting. “You’ve had enough, dove.” 
He leans forward for the blunt and you hold it for him as wraps his lips around it, exhaling the smoke with an insouciant expertise. He reaches forward to take it from between your fingers, but you move quickly, leaning away from his reach to take a swift hit. You imagine the smoke curling and winding in your lungs as you suck in a great breath. You blow it out the corner of your mouth, your lips twisting into a grin. 
Remus isn’t smiling. 
“Are you serious?”
His tone is incredulous, and your giggly high fades as you realize he’s not joking. 
“I just said you’ve had enough,” he fumes, snatching the blunt from you and squashing it into the ashtray on the coffee table. “Are you trying to green out? Because I’m not in the mood to clean up your vomit.”
Your mouth has gone dry. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. 
Remus huffs, closing his eyes and tilting his head towards the ceiling. Your face burns. He’s exhausted with you.
“Why would you do that?” he asks, and though his tone has cooled slightly, the exasperation is almost worse.
“I don’t know,” you say. Your voice comes out squeaky and wrong. “I’m really sorry.” 
He looks over at you, some of the storminess clearing from his expression. 
“I thought we were playing, I—I wasn’t trying to—“ You take a shuddering breath, trying to keep the wetness in your eyes from escaping. “I won’t throw up, I promise.” 
“Hey.” He sounds almost confused, but it morphs quickly into alarm when you blink and a tear skids down your face. “Hey, don’t cry.” 
“I’m sorry.” You push your fingertips into your eyes as if you can forcibly dam the flow. Your skin is hot to the touch. “I’m not trying to.” 
“Dove, come on.” Remus’ hands encircle your wrists. He pulls them towards him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so harsh.” 
“No, you’re right.” Your voice quavers. “I wasn’t taking you seriously.” 
“I didn’t need to be stern with you,” he says, tone firm but soft as he raises your hands to his lips, brushing a kiss across your knuckles. “It was a misunderstanding. I shouldn’t have gone off on you like that.” 
You press your lips together, unsure how to respond but resolute on stopping your tears. 
Remus frowns. He sets your hands down carefully, using his thumbs to chase soothe over the hot tracks on your cheeks. 
“Sirius always says I get bitchy this time of the month,” he murmurs. A little laugh startles out of you, and he grins. You get the sense that was his aim. “Thank you for dealing with me when I get like this.” He kisses the tip of your nose. “I know you don’t have to, and I appreciate it. I’ll try to keep a better leash on my temper.” 
“I always want to deal with you,” you laugh, following it with a sniffle. “I think I need to keep a better leash on my delicate sensibilities.” 
“I love your sensibilities,” Remus argues. He mushes your face affectionately between his hands. “I’m sorry for scolding you, sweetheart. Do you feel sick?” 
You take hasty stock of yourself. You’ve definitely reached the point just past too much, but you’ll be okay. “Nope,” you report back happily. “But I do feel like I’d like some snacks, please.” 
Remus passes you the bag of crisps, then some chocolates, then a tin of biscuits. And you feast on kisses for the rest of the night.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Sorry to bother ya again, but my brain is literally on overdrive with this show and this clown who hws beckme my first kin and lives in my head rent free as she quietly sits there with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm blanket like she deserves, buuut
What if the gang found out the reader could abstract at will, including restricting it to certain parts of their body, ooor what if they found out you were a shapeshifter when you accidentally sneeze and turn into Wario or something
TADC cast x reader who can shapeshift!
i have returned from eating my silly dinner (sweet n sour chicken with rice!) it was very scrumptious i went ahead and did the shapeshifter idea since i feel that would be more fun to write (we can pretend they can still shift to mimic an abstracted body shhh) these ones are a little short i hope thats okay!
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its not totally unheard of people getting unique abilities when they enter the digital world, its just not very common (this is a hc!), so when caine found out you could manipulate your appearance he wasn't all that surprised! i think he was more intrigued more than anything, because its not everyday you see something like that! he would be absolutely thrilled if you shifted into him; both from being amused of it and this man probably loves himself as much as someone can
will try to pop you if you mimic bubble, kind of feels bad for a second but your disguise was just so so convincing! say, were you by any chance an actor in your past life in the real world? you totally had him fooled!
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pomni would be a little freaked out, especially if you just. suddenly sneezed and OH! now it looks like you're abstracting in front of everyone! first response is to run away before the transformation is complete, but when she notices no one else is freaking out (ragatha even blesses you!) shes more than a little confused
you offer to demonstrate your abilities to her, but she probably politely turns you down; she understands... for the most part... really its mostly just her trying to become used to the digital world as a whole
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ragatha makes sure that you know that she thinks its cool; and as long as you're not morphing into a giant bug shes encouraging you to hone in on that cool power of yours! compliments whatever form you choose for the day
oh? you changed your hair color! she likes it, the new look is amazing on you! oh? you made yourself a little taller and gave yourself some new characteristics! points out nearly every detail shes noticed, no matter how small. ragatha pays attention, ragatha cares
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tries to drag you off to the dark side (ie being a menace to the others), whether or not you agree to be his partner in crime and 'use your power for evil' is fully up to you!
makes random requests to see just how far you can take your shapeshifting, usually listing off things at lightning speed to see if you can catch up.. if your shapeshifting takes a toll on you (like lets say it takes energy out of you) he might let up when he realizes how tired and pale you look all of a sudden.. at least for now
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speedrunning to kinger for a moment before i forget this idea but imagine shapeshifting into him and hes just totally confused. leads to him making weird movements and you copying him (he thinks caine added a new mirror in the middle of the room for a solid minute before you break the illusion)
unless you have a set 'base form' hes going to keep thinking youre a new person if you drastically alter your appearance.. which, fair, since i think if you made yourself look unrecognizable, people would think youre a new person entirely. has probably introduced himself to you multiple times before realizing it was you
kinger gets a technical third bullet point but its not fluff. i just remembered the scene from steven universe where amethyst shapeshifts into rose in front of greg. but instead its kinger and instead of rose is queener/queenie. i hurt my own feelings. im gonna stew over this now
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honestly if you look just a mixmatched as them they would be into it and say you look cool. i had an idea that zooble has spare pieces and sometimes switches out their pieces for a new look, so imagine the two of you make matching looks or something, i think that would be cool
otherwise i dont think zooble would treat you any differently than if you were friends and couldnt shapeshift... though... i will admit, they think its funny when jax annoys you and change yourself in order to get him to back off. serves him right!
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imagine she asks you to be a model for her art.. asking you to do different poses as well as different figures so she can better her craft. i absolutely love the idea of gangle being really into art, and this idea is just so cute to me
you have probably shapeshifted into her and pretended to be her when she needed someone to stand up for her... imagine how jarring it would be to see 'gangle' snap back at jax after he does something particularly mean
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queenie-avenue · 2 months
How do yanderes react to receiving a scarf knitted by a reader?
Knitted with love.
—> your gifts are only for them.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, typical yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour, soft yandere, mentions of kidnapping (mafia boss), mentions of stealing (the baseball player)
note: i was too lazy to link all of the yanderes, especially since i have so many now, so i will just link my archives when i do joint posts.
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— He would absolutely be ecstatic but also torn about it. He wants to keep the sweater all to himself, but he also wants to show it off to the world and demand that the scarf be mass-produced and sold in stores. It's a very challenging decision to make, but he eventually decides to keep the scarf all to himself. He is — as he calls himself — a selfish bastard, after all.
— However, despite his internal struggle, he would keep a cool expression and thank you sincerely and compliment your hard work.
— Would gift something as a thank you, probably something designer. Or would just look at the shopping history on your laptop and buy something from there. Or buy all, black cards exist for a reason!
— Would gush about it loudly about the fact you were so sweet to present them with a gift! Aw, sweet little you! Katie would hug, kiss and gab all over your form.
— Extremely territorial over the scarf, will not let anyone touch it.
— Sets a trend in the University you're at, where partners gift each other scarves.
— Oddly enough, he would sniff it first. Then he would utterly melt into it, thanking you profusely by holding you so tight it felt like he might choke you to death.
— Will wear it regardless of the weather. Even if it's sweltering hot and he is sweating bullets. You'll probably have to make something more summer-themed to get him to take off the bloody thing.
— Will beg for more handmade goods from you and will “borrow” the things you made for other people.
— Will not accept it at first. Will try to accuse you of trying to get close to him because of his family and wealth. If you persist, he will throw it into the bin in front of everyone just to humiliate you further.
— While patrolling the rounds of the school, he will go back to where he threw it and dumpster dive just to get it back. Look at how obsessed you made him, you have to take responsibility for that.
— The next day, an anonymous person has given you expensive chocolates. You realise that Min-Jun is carefully staring to see your reaction to it.
— Is shocked when you do so but immediately accepts and tells you you shouldn't work so hard next time.
— Offers you a cup of coffee as a thank you.
— Very reserved about it but from that moment on, he's always wearing the scarf. But not in ways you would expect. Sometimes it's hooked onto his waist, somethings around his neck — like how it's supposed to be worn — and sometimes just displayed in the coffee shop like some kind of trophy.
— Would convince you into only giving these sort of gifts to him.
— Your habit of knitting started when you were bored and Valerio gave you something to play with. A knitting set, fitting for someone like you. He made sure to give you those blunt materials though, wouldn't want you escaping!
— Was shocked when you gave it to him. Probably sent it to get it checked for poison.
— Even after making sure it's not poisonous, he doesn't wear it. He simply leaves it with you.
— He isn't exactly obsessed (in this part yet), but he certainly is intrigued by you, would wear the scarf just to see your reaction.
— Utterly ecstatic at the prospect of you doing such a thing for her. It means you're slowly forgiving her, right?
— Will keep the scarf and use it as inspiration for her next collection of dresses, all using yarn. Will make a special dress just for you to wear out of yarn, just like you've done for her.
— You'll probably get more time without your restraints after this, she trusts you a bit more now and will give you a bit more freedom.
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A Very Ask A Manager Thanksgiving
So I love advice blogs (I maintain that comment sections on advice blogs are the best free tool for writers to explore different viewpoints, which really enriches your characterization), and for a few years now, I have had this idea that I want to do a do an Ask A Manager themed dinner, purely to delight myself. Meant to do it as a cookout this summer, but timing never worked out, so I broached the idea of doing it for Thanksgiving. My partner, who is also a nerd and therefore very supportive of my advice blog love even though it is not one of their interests, was down, with their only condition being that I should still make my cider bread with maple butter.
The menu:
Chips with:
Guacamole in honor of Guacamole Bob, of "ordering extra guacamole is wasteful of member dues” fame. (This being on the menu may also have been a factor in Partner being willing to have our holiday take on an Ask A Manager theme, as I once took a community education course on grilling that taught me nothing about its ostensible subject matter but did teach me to make a bomb-ass guacamole. The secret is that your first step should be to pulverize an entire head of garlic into a paste in your mocajete.)
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Three store bought salsas, where the trick is to "fold" the salsa to get the best flavor
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A bottle of hot sauce so we can get fired after a coworker steals our spicy food
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Main Course
"Duck club" sandwiches in honor of the secret office sex club where you get points for sex in different locations, and quacking is involved. (These were very decadent and if anyone's interested in a great duck recipe, I used the Duck with Lemon recipe from A Feast of Ice and Fire.)
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Cheap-ass rolls that I definitely deliberately brought to upstage you, yes you, the person who signed up to bring Hawaiian rolls! It's definitely not an overreaction on your part to declare that "they can all take Santa and stick it up their ass!" You're definitely not getting fired for being wildly hostile! (These are actually homemade rolls, but I weighed "buy actually cheap rolls and be done" or "spend a couple hours adapting a corgi butt roll recipe to a human butt roll," and chose in favor of the pun.)
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Bribery cupcakes, from that time a letter writer brought some cupcakes over to chat with her neighbor, the son of the Chief of Police, about a disruptive noise issue in her workplace and some commenters decided this constituted bribing a public servant. (The recipe is in the comments on that link; I made the carrot cake version. However, I realized halfway through that I was somehow low on vanilla despite obsessively buying fancy vanilla extract every time I am in a spice shop, along with a bunch of other things I don't need because buying cool spices makes me feel like a wizard. Anyway, half of these had vanilla in the filling/icing, and the other half had cardamom extract.)
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A birthday cake that somehow crosses boundaries by...being too fancy? Being paid for a staff person? Not involving the wife in the planning? Anyway, the real answer to the letter writer's question is, "Eh, I don't think it's a big deal" because different offices have different norms around birthdays and it's whatever, but sometimes a low-stakes office norms question hits just right and you get 630 comments of people debating The One True Way to Do Office Birthdays, and whether or not buying a cake means you're angling for an affair. (Okay, not all the comments are about that particular letter. Anyway, I picked up this fancy-ass cake at Marc Heu Patisserie, and appropriately enough, the guy ahead of me in line was picking up a cake for his boss.)
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And of course, what Ask A Manager column would be complete without chocolate teapots?
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Mudslides, because "girls love chocolate." And magic tricks. And being played "You're So Vain" on the piano with a mournful stare. Partner and I are both notorious lightweights but I had been snacking all day as I cooked so I was mostly immune. Partner took one sip of this drink and immediately began loudly telling me how their one colleague doesn't sing enough to his Pre-K students, and "this classroom will do anything if you sing to them!" After dinner, they lay down on the floor and sang the Slippery Fish song.
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The full spread:
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forcheol · 4 months
reader being quiet cos they had a bad day and coups trying to cheer them up 🥺
this man would turn into the biggest clown to make you laugh fr 💯
warnings: hyperventilating due to crying (idk if this is a warning but put it down just in case)
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"honey, i'm home!" seungcheol sings as he enters the house, keys jangling as they spin around his pointer finger. he slips off his shoes, hangs his coat up and walks to the living room only to find you snuggled up in a layer of blanket, blank eyes boring into the tv screen.
"hey, doll," he whispers as he saunters over to the couch you're on. a large hand goes to stroke your hair, he's towering over you and you instantly move into every pass of his hand that smoothens your hair.
when you push his hand away, he's confused. did he do something wrong? did he miss something important? he never misses anything due to the events he has recorded on his calendar, though.
he watches curiously as you sit up, pulling the blanket along with you as you wiggle into the corner of the couch. and as you stare at him, he knows what you need. you just need him. the glossy eyes of yours give it away, even though you tried so hard not to show any negative emotions.
tossing his keys and phone on the coffee table, he doesn't hesitate to quickly but carefully place himself next to you. as soon as his hand tugs you onto his chest, into his arms, the tears in your eyes fall. thick, hot tears rush down your cheek and linger at your chin, some soaking the material of his blazer and white shirt. he didn't care if you cried into his suits, never did and never will. if he could be the one for you to lean on and let out your tears, he would do anything.
"i'm here. let it all out, doll."
that's all he whispers as he rubs your back and runs a warm hand over your hair, just sweet words to comfort you. through tears, you explain to him yet his heart squeezes everytime you take a big gasp of air or when another fat tear escapes your eye, he wipes every single tear and whispers 'breathe, sweetheart, i got you' when you begin to hyperventilate.
once you're done explaining, you can't help but let out a huge shuddering breath. at this, seungcheol presses you into his chest further, heart almost breaking at the sound.
"i'll get you some water, hm?" he tries to slip out of your arms but you tighten your hold in protest, "you need to hydrate after crying all those tears, silly."
well, you were a little thirsty after all that so you allow him to grab you a glass of cool water which you drink up surprisingly fast. seungcheol takes the glass from you and swaps it for his phone, tapping around, "let me show you something."
you track his thumb as it swipes through his phone before it settles on a picture of soonyoung looking into the camera lens, he held a croissant in one hand with chocolate smeared around his lips, "he said he misses you."
it makes you giggle and you don't see it but seungcheol is smiling so fondly at you. but your smile fades a while later, remembering the events of your horrible day.
it doesn't go unnoticed by seungcheol at all. being an attentive person, he notices many things about you. he notices the way the tears reform in your eyes, the way you yank lightly on his blazer sleeve and bury yourself back into his broad chest.
"oh, my baby."
gently, he takes your face in his hands and brings you close to his own to stamp a kiss on your cheek, then the other, your nose, your forehead. he doesn't stop until he pulls the sound of laughter out of you. he doesn't stop even when you scrunch your face and sniffle a little after your tears had stopped.
"i'll get that horrible guy for you, i'll teach him a lesson so he doesn't ever mess with my sweet girl again."
"you wouldn't hurt a fly, cherry," you laugh a little because you know seungcheol isn't the violent type.
"hey, i'd do anything for my silly girl."
"silly girl? you're my silly guy then."
and all he can do is chuckle at your words, squeezing his arms around you.
he wouldn't hurt a fly, yes, but he'd go to the ends of the earth for you.
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here's the soonyoung pic i was talking about hehe (i know he isn't holding the croissant, just go with it >_<). hope you enjoyed this and if you did, please consider reblogging/commenting and liking <3
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Heya! I hope you're doing well 🫶🏻🫶🏻 may I request some hcs about how would tf141, könig and alejandro react their s/o is single mom? Also I thought it'd be funny like they swear and their s/o just says "tsk, don't use that word again"
Of course I can do this for you! :)
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At first he’s hesitant not to be in a relationship with you
But rather to meet your kid/s he thinks they aren’t going to like him or find him scary
But you reassured him and told him you have mentioned what he looks like
As soon as he felt confident enough the kid/s met him
They loved him completely they found him cool as of what he does and that he does the same thing as their mom
He shows them cools things like in the garden and teaches them to use stuff to make hits or whatever
They love him and he loves them
Not just he teaches them stuff but they teach him stuff
Like their favourite games, play football or even play on the x box
And once he found out there are army games he was happy to play on the x box with the kids
Instantly in love with the fact you have kids
Definitely buys them things before they meet him
And when you mention what they like he keeps a note on it
So if they liked drawing like him he’d buy something related or if your read or play games he’ll buy something like that
When he meets them they enjoyed how entertaining he is and how energetic he can be
He was particularly one with the kids
Like if they want to play a prank on you he’s definitely a part of it and helps them
If they want a bed time story he’ll read to them and let you have a rest as he knows it can be hard as a single parent
Sometimes if the kid/s have worn him out he’ll read the book and fall asleep laying next to them
He’ll make pancakes and help you with cooking, sometimes even get the kids to help
Definitely first saw them on FaceTime first before in person
And they lived chatting with him so much they got his number so they can FaceTime together
If they are almost a teen they definitely send him funny TikTok’s
When he meets them in person it’s like they already knew him
They have so much fun together it honestly warms your heart
If they are young and heard him swear or you and they say it in front of him he’ll say something like ‘oi, that’s my word I coined it’ kinda like Tony from avengers endgame with his daughter Morgan
Definitely let’s then lay on him if they are little so they can watch Netflix on his phone while you cuddle to Gaz’s side
Let’s you do whatever as he like Soap can guess that being a single mom is hard so he’ll look after then while you do your daily routine especially in the morning
The kids love when he takes them to school they like to show their friends that he’s their ‘step dad’ and he feels proud when they call him that
You allow the kid/s to call him ‘step dad’ and only because Gaz is comfortable about it
Your kid/s are somewhat shy so when he got to their level he spoke ‘don’t worry I won’t bite. Besides I have a gift for you’
Buys them something like a small toy or sweets to win them over
After a hour they came round and loved him cause like who doesn’t? He is such a father figure that Gaz isn’t just his ‘child’ but your kid/s are now his kid/s
He makes them breakfast and lunch if you are busy to go to your other job or if you were packing their pe kits
Definitely tells them things and tells them to tell you. Like he’ll say ‘go tell mom she’s pretty’ and then the kid/s will run to wherever you are and tell you
Tells them cool stories of his past or ‘war’ stories. You make the kid/s hot chocolate so they can have it while listening cause you know the stories are somewhat long
Watches movies every Friday night as it’s a new tradition in the household
Can’t say no if your kids give the puppy dog eyes. He caves every time sometimes he comes home with them after a day out and they have ice cream over their faces and a toy in hand
Loves when it’s like a presentation thing or a school play as he loves seeing the kids faces light up when they see you two sat in the audience
He’s also there for them no matter what. If they need to vent he’ll go to the living room or somewhere private so your kid can tell him everything and he’ll comfort them and then help find a solution
They didn’t know he was Mexican but once they found out they found it quite interesting and fascinating
As every kid would do they’d ask him to say somethings in Spanish and they’d find it so cool and he loved that
They’d most likely ask to teach them
He’d definitely get them to try new food that he would make and somehow managed to get your kid (if they are picky) to eat any type of food
Definitely loves taking them to the beach if it’s close by. Definitely helps make sand castles while you sun bathe and then will grab some water in the bucket and him and the kids would tip it over you for a laugh
Tries to help you and the kids as much as possible. If your getting ready still he’ll take the kid/s to school. He’ll help them get changed or make their lunch
Definitely like Gaz when it comes to trouble making. And obviously he will get away with it just by giving you a quick kiss and saying ‘only doing it cause the kid/s wanted me to’
Takes them to play places with you. You two will have a chat and a drink while they ran around and get all their energy out
Definitely fun and the kids are obsessed with him
Definitely in love with you even more and loves the kid/s
Honestly he’s more shy than the kids and nervous cause of his height he thought he’d scare the kids away
When he first met them your kid/s went up to him and introduced themselves
He found that they were quite polite and friendly so he became more comfortable
If they are a girl he’ll go into the garden and make daisy chains or plant flowers
and if it’s a boy he’ll play games or take them out of a bike whatever they want to do he’s fully up for it not matter the gender or interest
He wants to try his best as he has never been a ‘father figure’ before so he was nervous but he tries his best and you can see that
Loves taking them to ice cream shops or parlours anything sweet related he’s up for it as he has just as big of a sweet tooth as your kid/a do
Loves cuddling up and watching movies together. You on one side and the kid/a on the other
Definitely likes to watch animal documentaries with them especially Sir David Attenborough. For some reason since he’s been with you and you were to watch it he was fascinated by the show and Sir David’s voice
Overall, he is a brilliant father figure to the kids and loves them with all his heart he is glad they like him and want him around
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Hope you like it!
Sorry it took so long I haven’t had as much time or motivation but it’s finally here. Also I am open to requests again and just to know that it won’t be out exactly the next day but it would be out soon.
Have a good day/night!
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bluecollarmcandtf · 7 months
Like His Costume?
This is my kid, Tommy, and he's so excited to be Trick-or-Treating. He might seem a bit old, but that's just because he's wearing the city's Fire Chief as his costume. He's always dreamed of being a firefighter when he grows up. Just look how happy he is in that body!
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I discovered my son's powers for astral projection a few months ago, and he's been jumping from body to body ever since. I tried to restrict when and who he's allowed to jump into, but it's not easy raising a little superhero.
"Mom!" Tommy whines with the fireman's surprisingly gravelly voice, "Hurry up and get the picture! I want to keep Trick-or-treating!"
I shake my head and snap the picture quickly before my baby gallops away to the nearest house. He nearly trips over the firefighter's heavy feet as he races up the steps. Tommy's been wearing that man all day and he still hasn't gotten used to the body or the clunky uniform. It's adorable.
"Trick-or-Treat!" he grins eagerly.
The couple behind the door recoil from the grown man holding out his bag of candy, but they ultimately relent and drop some chocolate in. Tommy licks his lips and runs off to the next house.
"Tommy! Don't go so fast," I call, "And say thank you next time!"
He runs the fireman's body from house to house to collect candy as fast as possible. It's a good thing my kid has so much energy because I don't know how those guys are supposed to run around in those heavy suits all day long.
"Mom, I'm hot," he complains, shuffling back in my direction.
"Better get used to it if you want to be a firefighter, young man," I chuckle back.
"I don't think I want to, anymore," he pouts.
Before I can add anything else, Tommy's eyes light up. I can practically see the lightbulb appear over his head. I turn towards what's caught his eye and see a police officer directing the traffic at the intersection.
"Tommy, don't!" I stiffly demand.
...but Tommy's already gone. The firefighter's mind is free once again, leaving the man looking confused and rubbing his forehead. He groans something to me about not knowing where he is, but I snatch my son's candy bag from his hands and stomp away.
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"Thanks for grabbing my candy, mom," Tommy squeals cheerfully inside the cop.
"Tommy, you know you're not supposed to jump bodies without telling me!"
The officer's childish grin falters, and his eyes roll in annoyance. Tommy's already getting so rebellious!
"Did you just roll your eyes at me, mister!" I raise my voice.
"No," the officer's broad shoulders curl up defensively.
I let Tommy visit a few more houses wearing the police officer. Everyone who comes to the door is more than a little confused by the grown cop begging for candy on their doorstep, but they give him candy without hesitation. I suppose they aren't willing to question the authority of the uniform.
"Alright, buddy," I call, "Time to go home."
"One more house?" he whines, stomping the officer's shiny boot on the sidewalk.
I insist and grab his hand, leading him back home. He pouts the whole way back, but his face lights up when he sees his father's car pulling in the driveway.
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When, my husband steps out, I notice his exhausted face from a long day at the office. He locks eyes with me and is about to say hello when his expression warps into one of juvenile delight.
"Daddy's home!" my husband suddenly sings, dropping his briefcase to clap his hands.
"Tommy!" I scold, "You know your father's body is off limits! How many times to I have to tell you?"
I grab the bag of candy from the stunned policeman and drag my husband's body all the way into the house. This is the fifth time this week he's been possessed by Tommy. I hate seeing my man acting like a child, but he's always been Tommy's favorite person to jump into.
I thought letting the kid stretch his legs in a couple other bodies would make him cool down but I guess not. I slump onto the couch for a moment to think, catching a glimpse of Tommy already stuffing his father's mouth with all the Halloween candy he'd gotten.
"Tommy stop! You're going to give your dad a tummy ache!"
Tommy rolls his eyes and leaves his dad's body. My husband gasps as he regains control over himself. His tired expression returns as he looks up from the candy, chocolate smeared across his cheeks. He stands and let's out a long sigh. I can tell he's getting tired of this happening over and over again.
If raising Tommy is their hard now, how difficult it will be when he gets older?
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ruershrimo · 27 days
k. nobara x fem!reader | two pretty best friends??
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synopsis: nobara is nothing short of drop-dead gorgeous. you're really gay and super in love even though you think her affection toward you is merely platonic. but then an encounter during the sister school goodwill event makes you discover that you're also super oblivious.
seriously, how do you simultaneously keep those two up?!
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word count: ~2.7k, tws: not really anything besides (noritoshi) kamo trying to hit on you??? it makes sense when you read it lol ('tw kamo' LMAO), reader throws shade (?) on mai and noritoshi, reader is called a ‘little mouse’ but more because of demeanour rather than,,, her figure,,,
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you meet kugisaki nobara for the first time in the concrete jungle of tokyo. there, she looks like magic in a person, pure magazine model material: dyed brown hair cut girlishly short, wild and frayed at its ends like a paintbrush that had accompanied its owner for years; eyes the hue of a saccharine sweet milk chocolate bar; her back straight and confident, bold and all in place, as if she is where she should be and she knows this. the pinnacle of beauty, this girl is, perfect picture on the cover of vogue. 
she’s got skin that looks milky, silky; loved and kissed with her own tender, painstaking care, it seems. there’s a little bump on it— a blemish that goes unnoticed by the boys, covered by concealer, but it just makes her all the more beautiful. 
you’re barely able to talk to her. your brain goes blank as if it’s short-circuited, stricken and frozen in place. she opens her mouth and a melody sings mellifluously like a restaurant cabaret from an old record in your grandparents’ house. 
she’s magic. 
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the second time you meet her, she drags you out shopping and you follow her like a magnet, not even bothering to make a begrudging reply. you’re hauled along by the collar, almost, and you let her. 
“I’m so glad that I’m not the only girl, honestly,” she states as the two of you walk along the pavement, “I can’t imagine having to handle those two all on my own, they must’ve been insufferable! actually, how did you deal with those idiots?” 
you have no idea how, actually. but the boys, savants in some ways yet complete imbeciles in others (oh they really could be bumbling idiots sometimes)— would never understand or comprehend this, any of this. no being of the male species would; they wouldn’t notice the way her eyes catch the light, her irises bursting into a kaleidoscope of colour, or the way she sits so confident of herself, position relaxed and powerful and self-assured. they wouldn’t have the mind to see these things, all right in front of them, and appreciate these traits, admire them. 
your words are almost caught in your throat; your reply comes out mangled and weak like asphyxiated fish from an iron net. “I– I don’t know, honestly,” you stutter, “I just, um, avoided them… but I guess it seems that they’re really close to each other already.” 
“...hey, you okay?” she asks, grabbing hold of your hand. your heart stops and nearly flatlines, heat pooling up in your cheeks. the summer air feels hot. yet it swelters you even more as she inches closer to you, her breath— mint mouthwash and grape-flavoured, mouth-cooling gum— nearly burning literal assaults on your skin. “no need to be shy. I mean, the two of us have got to stick together, you know!” 
“I’m– I’m okay, thanks. sorry.” 
she pulls herself away, and the little circle you have around you misses her in her absence, almost whining as you remind yourself that if she were to get any closer to you in proximity, you could possibly faint, or things could get much worse. 
“but seriously, if you’re a shy person, don’t let people pick on you or intimidate you!” she rolls up her sleeves, an impish yet valiant smile on her face, “I’ll beat them up if they do!” 
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the third time you meet her, she’s teaching you a better way to do your makeup. something simpler, she says, a trick she learned online, something meant to mimic the stuff of movie stars and their picture-perfect, freshly-kissed lips. 
you don’t know how it’s gotten to this, though: your knees bent on the sofa as her legs are split on your lap (it looks less erotic than it sounds, you’re sure, but it still makes your brain feel like it’s being waved and wrung all over like a raggedy piece of cloth). she straddles your sides this way, snug between your lap and your stomach. 
“then you’re supposed to just dab it all around like this,” she continues, the blistering heat in your head spreading through your body pervasively as she presses her thumb to your lips, catching your breath in your throat. she places her hand on the side of your face, her fingers caressing your jawline and her thumb resting on your cheek, so close to your eyes that you can see it in your peripheral vision as you stare up at her, rendered a complete and utter mess. 
“come on, don’t be shy. stay still!” 
“sorry, kugisaki…” 
“hey,” she stops, her eyes boring into yours, unassuming and free of any sort of malintent, “don’t be so polite. you prostrate yourself too much, especially around me. seriously, don’t say sorry for everything, and just call me nobara, okay? we’ve got to help each other out— we’re both the girls of the group, the better half and all that. and we’re most of the only girls in this school. the ratio is crazy. so we’ve got to stick together and stuff, be comfortable with each other. no more apologies or self-doubts!” 
every bit of contact her skin has with yours lays a blooming garden of goosebumps on your skin, from your cheek, sliding all the way down to your shoulder. 
how could you act normal about this?
“see?” she asks, holding a mirror up to your face when she’s completed it. “you look beautiful! woah, I’m so good at this, honestly. it makes you feel pretty, right?” 
you’d never be as beautiful as her. for a long time, you’d thought you’d never be beautiful at all. 
but for once, you do. even if you won’t ever compare to her— and you guess nobody else ever could as well— it’s the way she says it, that gleam in her eye as she flashes you a grin while you marvel at how your face looks when it’s ‘dolled up’. you feel like you’re in a painting. like you’d been loved enough to be put in one. 
so you smile back at her, your teeth bare after years of covering your face in pictures and dreading when you couldn’t. she makes you believe that you could be beautiful. maybe that’s what real beauty is. that’s why she herself is beauty beyond compare. “yeah.” if you think about it and believe it enough, then you could embody it. like this, people would want you because you think they would. like this, you could be knockout because you think you could. you’d always known that her confidence factored into her beauty. 
“if you want, I could teach you how to put more makeup. it’s not that you need it to look ‘pretty’, but it would help you show others how you want to feel pretty. the reason why this looks good on you is because I did it to make your features stand out a little: see? you’ve got these gorgeous lips, so I made them look like that,” she highlights, “oh, yeah— want me to take a picture?” 
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“you like kugisaki?” fushiguro asks. 
you remain silent. 
he rubs at his temples. “oh my goodness, you do. you’re in love with her.” 
“…not like you would understand,” you retort under your breath. he hears you anyway. 
“she’s so beautiful,” you start, sighing, “and so kind and confident. like she can walk into something and know exactly what she needs. she’s put together like that. and she does things with purpose. she doesn’t wander aimlessly or fight without a goal. she’s so good at makeup and fashion and resourceful when it comes to playing by her skills on the field, and she’s so outgoing and welcoming with people who she can get along well with, and she’s so warm—
“oh, I can’t stress it enough, fushiguro. I— she’s literally perfect. I like her so much, I-I feel like I’m on a cloud or something. every day feels like that.” 
“you’re down bad.” 
“I know,” you choke out pathetically. 
“but I’m pretty sure she already thinks the two of you are dating.” 
“…wait, what?!”
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this happens, well— around the fiftieth time you meet her: 
sports festival preparations have been as lively as bubbles in soda pop lately, and you’re sitting down next to her, knees bent on the pavement, mourning a classmate you barely knew and the fact that he could have been a lifelong friend had he not been snuffed out prematurely. as you take another swig of your drink— green tea in the can so that she can have it too if the coca cola’s making her teeth have that weird, fuzzy, plaque formation-indicating feeling like always— she places her hand on yours. 
the heat on your cheeks, the barely formed but nearly forming sweat on your body. that stuff isn’t going to go away, ever. you’re pretty sure of that. even with a thousand indirect kisses from sharing food and even warming up to having her lying back flushed to your lap, it’s never going to go away. each time she looks at you, your gaze is transfixed on hers, your voice nearly comes out mangled, and you feel heat blossoming on the back of your balmy neck. 
“yeah?” you ask. 
“you know, [name], I love you. a lot. like, you’re really special to me,” she smiles warmly, a faint hint of red on her cheeks, just like the rose in her name— though that could just be your imagination. 
“...I love you too.” 
“heh,” she giggles, an impish, graceful, secure sound, like a kiss to your ears, your favourite song playing on the car radio in a memory from several years ago, “I’m glad!” 
it’s wonderful. 
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your worst fears are never confirmed, but there are definitely things that give way to them. 
you’re quite sure that nobara herself isn’t like that— she does talk about having a boyfriend, but she doesn’t actually want to date a boy, you’re sure. the closest thing to a crush that you’ve ever seen her having is her admiration for maki— and you understand that. 
you respect maki: she’s impeccably smart, strong, and everything in between. yet her existence begets a small worry. if nobara crushes on maki and they end up together, what would be of you? 
the only thing you’d be certain of was that you’d keep loving nobara. you’d just want her to be happy, after all— all your tears and mourning for time spent on purposeless yearning, just to see that grin on your face. that would be worth it, a fair trade. 
but this is how you’re proven wrong, and you fall deeper in love with nobara after that. 
before the sister school goodwill event starts, the six of you (plus yuuji— you’d hate to admit it but seeing him again nearly made you break down in tears) have been given the opportunity to meet the kyoto students and welcome them. it goes about as well as you’d expected it to be— at least the physical portion of the fights and conflicts hadn’t already begun there. 
after having met them, you’re sure that half of them are out for blood here. they’re an eccentric crowd, but not just eccentric, per se— borderline terrifying. you’ll be sure to avoid them throughout and just focus on the plan. 
which is why you nearly sprint in the other direction like a deer from wolves when you see kamo noritoshi and zenin mai approaching you. 
and zenin mai has a stunning face. even if it can’t compare to nobara or her sister’s, she’s got a charm to her, a glint in her eye that you’re sure somebody else will appreciate someday. (just not you.) kamo is just there, his eyes closed for some reason even though you’re sure he must be fully capable of keeping them wide open, and his hair in an awful haircut that you fail to understand the appeal of. probably something traditional that his clan wanted. 
“oh?” mai says, a lilt in her tone. you’re going to get bullied, right? your stomach lurches forward and you nearly keel over, fainting— an all too familiar feeling. the popular people in school used to do that, especially the rude athletic boys. she would probably be popular among them, had she been born into a normal life. “what a little mouse. she seems like a doormat.” 
“zenin, teasing our competitors is unbecoming of members from our lineages,” he admonishes before mai groans. “shouldn’t you be with the other tokyo students?” kamo asks. 
why couldn’t you have just had to meet todo? he’d say that you had wonderful taste in women, you’re sure. why the girl with family issues and the guy with family issues and an atrocious haircut? 
“I, um— I got lost. but I don’t know if they’re going to have me anyway, I mean yuuji’s stronger than me so now I’m just going to be the weakest member there. anyway, um, nice chat, I’ve got to go, bye-bye—”  
“no,” kamo denies, “itadori yuuji besmirches the title of ‘jujutsu sorcerer’.” 
“and the title of weakling goes to maki, not you, I’m pretty sure,” mai says, “but you’re an adorable little thing. what’s your name— something-something, [name], am I correct?” 
what were they doing, completing their sentences like that?  did they practise their lines in the morning, staring in the mirror and repeating them over and over? they sound like people who’d be mentioned in the local family restaurant comedian’s shows— no, not even their shows, they’re not entertaining enough to be in their shows. they’d just barely be mentioned in passing in the bits so that five audience members could get an extra laugh they’d eventually forget about. 
“maki’s really strong, though,” you refute, trying to keep your mind calm “and yuuji, too. it’s hard fighting with them because nobody can ever beat them down, really.” 
“durability does not equate to power,” kamo claims. well, and then there’s someone like him, with neither. “and be confident of your own abilities. I can sense your cursed energy from here. it’s impressive,” he remarks. 
“...I appreciate the thought, but really, I have to go now—” 
“oh, stay for a while, won’t you?” mai asks, inching closer to you like a large ant from the corner of a room. how were insects always so good at slipping into houses and mentally impaired when it came to exiting them? 
kamo joins her, gripping your wrist. you’ll have to sanitise your hand and double-wash your sleeve now, especially after what you said (you’d be fine if mai was doing it, but why kamo? kamo of all people?) 
“ah, and this may seem rather spontaneous, but you’re rather beautiful.” really, it only sounds as good as it usually does if nobara is the one saying it. it feels like his words are assaulting your ears. “good luck.” 
“come on, don’t let her go yet—” 
“[name]! you okay?” 
it’s nobara. thank goodness, it’s nobara. 
“what the hell do you two think you’re doing to my girlfriend?!” 
“oh, nothing,” mai goes, “just playing with her a little. she’s a doll. you picked well!” 
the only thing she can play with is her fucking audacity. 
“ugh— let’s go, [name]! don’t care about these people!” she pulls you along by the wrist. 
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“I should’ve made sure you were okay,” she says as the two of you walk to the tokyo students’ gathering point. “I was worried! you’ve got to stick to us next time.” 
“sorry… but they really didn’t do anything. but, um… I think kamo tried to hit on me…?” 
“ew— with that haircut? hate it when twos go looking for tens.” 
“but um…” you hesitate, “about what you said, am I really… your girlfriend?” 
“huh?” she pulls back, “I thought we’d been dating for almost a month!” 
“wait, what—?!” 
“I even told you I loved you! we literally sleep on each others’ laps!” 
“I couldn’t tell if that was platonic or romantic or not! I mean, I don’t mean that I don’t want to date you, I just meant that I didn’t know—” 
“okay,” she exhales, “since we both need things to be clear. want to be my girlfriend?” 
“like, a girlfriend-girlfriend? like, going out on dates and stuff and um…” 
“yeah, a girlfriend-girlfriend. we can go out on dates and do even more than that, maybe,” she greens cheekily. 
“woah… I mean— it’s a dream, I—” 
“so it’s a yes?” 
she kisses you and it effectively shuts you up. her lips taste like a latte from the fancy coffee shop the two of you had visited two days before. to think that she’d seen it as a date, while you’d thought the whole thing was just another outing between ‘friends’... 
it’s the best feeling ever. 
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this is going to flop too lmao but back at it w the low-quality posts but
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
hello! what are your thoughts on sevika with a reader who has crippling anxiety? like most days in bed because she cannot leave. of course you don’t have to and remember to take care of yourself🩵
i've been there it's so fucking horrible, i hope this eases some of that pain for you baby. <3
men and minors dni
she has a whole system in place for when her baby's having bad days.
all you need to do is tell her that you're feeling anxious and she's on it.
she never forces you to do something you don't want to, and she tries her very best not to overwhelm you. she just gently sits on the side of your bed, rubbing your back beneath the blankets as she quietly asks you what she can do for you.
sometimes the answer is nothing. when this is the case, sevika will leave you to sleep for a while as she goes to the kitchen to cook up your absolute favorite foods. it doesn't matter how indulgent or unhealthy they are, she just wants to get something in your stomach. she'll come back a few hours later, help you sit up in bed, and present a plate loaded with food to you.
she's never had to yet, but she'd even be willing to feed you if you asked her to.
she's certain to keep your water filled and by your bed. even if you don't drink it, she comes in once every few hours to put fresh ice in it, just so when you find the motivation to grab it it'll be nice and cool for you.
if you want to be alone, she'll leave you alone. she'll set you up with your phone or laptop and charger, pulling up your comfort show and putting all your social medias on mute-- hoping that you won't start doom scrolling.
she still checks in on you once or twice an hour, just poking her head in to make sure you're okay, pressing a kiss to your head before leaving you alone again.
but if you don't want to be alone, sevika's all over you.
she'll curl up around you, one hand on your heart and one on your stomach, gently drawing circles into your skin as she deeply breathes in your ear so you subconscious can match it.
if you want it quiet, she'll stay quiet. if you want to watch your comfort show, she'll watch it with you. but if you want to hear her voice, sevika will talk herself hoarse to bring you some comfort. anything from the weather to her earliest memories as a child-- she'll tell it all to you just to distract you from your brain.
if you start feeling restless and jittery, sevika's happy to flop on top of you and act as your personalized weighted blanket.
it doesn't matter how long it takes-- sevika will wait by your side (or in the next room) with you until your anxiety lessens enough that you feel like you can get up.
and when you finally do, she'll help you to the shower, stripping you down and turning the water on to the perfect temperature before guiding you under the stream.
she lets you stand like that for a few minutes while she puts fresh pj's on the counter and fresh sheets on the bed. then, she strips down and comes in with you, helping you wash-- knowing how overwhelming even that can be for you.
and when you're done, if you're up for it, sevika will dress you up and take you on a very very quick walk around the block.
i'm talking short. like up the street and back. she knows that being away from home makes you anxious-- the last thing she wants to do is make it worse. she just wants you to get some fresh air because she knows it helps. and usually, by the time you guys are back in front of your house, it has helped, and you tug on her hand and ask if she'd like to go around the whole block with you.
she always says yes. always.
when you get back home, no matter how late (or early) it is, sevika will make you a cup of sleepytime tea or a glass of warm milk or hot chocolate, along with a few melatonin capsules.
she'll guide you back to bed and lay with you until you start snoring. it's only then that she'll rise and change herself into sleeping clothes, gathering the plates that have accumulated by your bed and taking them to the sink, but leaving them for the morning. after all-- she's got you all cozy in her bed. she's not gonna leave you alone for a moment longer than she needs.
it doesn't matter how often it happens. it doesn't matter how long it will take. sevika's going to be by your side though thick and thin, and it'll take a whole lot more than bad anxiety to scare her away.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
Jonathan & El cw: implied past child abuse
The first time he hears her call herself bad it strikes him so hard in his sternum that he can't buck up and do something about it.
Jonathan looks at this girl, his sister, who has saved the world time and again, who had saved his brother from a slow death in a terrible place, and she lays claim to a badness that makes him feel kind of sick, actually.
It's the same feeling he got when Will started calling himself a freak, the same feeling he got when Jonathan himself first started learning to play music loud enough he couldn't hear his parents fighting in the other room, even years before he taught that trick to Will.
It's a feeling, ultimately, that swallows stability whole and leaves you to stumble across uneven ground until you find your footing again.
Jonathan just has to-- find his footing again. And that means someone needs to talk to El.
"Because I am," she says when he asks why she calls herself that, sitting at the kitchen table with two mugs of her latest culinary obsession between them-- hot chocolate.
"But what makes you think you're bad?" Jonathan asks, genuinely curious, genuinely getting thrown to the ground by the shake in the earth. "I don't think you're bad."
El presses her lips together, eyebrows low over her downturned gaze as she looks intensely at the little marshmallows sitting on top of her drink like she's trying to solve the puzzle of the world.
Jonathan supposes she kind of is, in a way, contemplating human nature after spending so many years being told what to be, how to fit within a certain set of parameters, how to behave the way Papa wanted her to.
That's another thing that gives him big feelings. Those feelings could probably be solved by caving Brenner's face in, though.
"I have hurt people," is what she lands on, still not looking up but the scowl line between her brows deepening.
And there's no denying it, she has hurt people; she's killed people, as a matter of fact, and she's watched them die, so there's no point in dodging the reality of that here, in trying to say you didn't mean to when he knows she did.
Jonathan opens his mouth and then shuts it again, though, catches himself in the act of trying to tell her that the good she's done outweighs the bad because, for one, he doesn't know if that's true, and for two, maybe it doesn't matter.
"You know," he clears his throat, elbows digging into the table and shoulders hunching up around his ears, "stories-- like Will's books and Hop's TV?-- have really obvious villains most of the time. Bad guys, right?"
El looks up at him, thinks about it, nods.
"Okay," Jonathan keeps going, "well, that's because people have always been trying to find-- easy answers for hard things. Things like good and bad. So they created monsters who only ever hurt and heroes who only ever help.
"But, just because it helps us understand why people do bad things, it doesn't mean that-- none of it is really that-- black and white?"
"Black and white?" El questions, but she's not pushing back against him so Jonathan has hope that this is working in some way or another.
"Like, clear and obvious. Like everything has just one answer, but that's not really the case, is it?"
"No," she says with zero hesitation. "Some things are-- confusing."
"Yeah, they are. People are," he pulls his mug closer to himself and taps his fingers along the ceramic.
"So there aren't... bad people?" she looks confused, like she doesn't believe it, like she's actively losing faith in his judgement, so Jonathan shakes his head quickly.
"It's-- It's more like there are just people," he flounders. "And I really-- I don't think I've ever met a person that's only ever been good or only ever been bad."
El looks down at her hot chocolate. Grabs the can of whipped cream and sprays more on top of her cooling drink.
Doesn't take a sip.
"You've only ever been good," she says it slowly, obvious confusion still touching her tone in ways that don't even overpower the rush of emotion Jonathan gets and knowing she really feels that way about him of all people.
He breathes sharply through his nose, opens his mouth and shuts it twice before he manages to say, "I've hurt people too, El."
It's not going to be an easy thing, Jonathan thinks, making sure she understands that people are largely just the choices they make and that people are allowed to choose to change, to get better, and that the people who hurt her, the people she hurt in return, won't be missed by anyone who loves El but might be missed by someone and that no matter how complicated it is and no matter how messy and no matter how surface level wrong it may be she is still not bad.
It's not going to be an easy thing, made clear by the way she looks at him now and visibly tries to make sense of the fact that someone she had deemed as good could possibly have ever done wrong, because those people in that fucking lab drilled absolutism into her head from birth, but fuck. Fuck.
"You're just a person, is all I'm saying," he implores, because it's going to take longer than one conversation over hot chocolate to make any of it make a modicum of sense, even to him. "You're a person and we love you."
Something shakes loose in her gaze at that, a tension releasing from her shoulders, because if there's one thing Hopper and Joyce and those damn kids have done right it's making this make sense to her.
"I love you too," she tells him, and Jonathan has the self control of a saint to not start crying.
When she adds more whipped cream to her drink, he just follows her lead.
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nattysstargirl · 8 months
The Beast of my Dreams
Chapter 2.
Word count:2460
TW: not much this chapter, some harassment, Fluff towards the end
A/N: Next chapter it gets a little...spicy ☺️
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Y/N texts Peter about her dream, since he's the only one she's told. Of course, she doesn't give him all the details of that last dream... 
Y/N: I think I was lucid dreaming or something. 
Pete🧝🏻: No shit? That's pretty cool. What'd you do? 
Y/N: Walked around. Stuck my hand in the hole, but nothing really happened. It smelled my hand like a dog, and I pet it. Head's huge lmao 
Pete🧝🏻: wow, that's crazy 
Y/N sighs. She knows she's being annoying. But she doesn't know who else to talk to about it. 
Pete🧝🏻: you know, I have a friend who does tarot reading
and dream interpretation, stuff like that. want their number? He sends the number without waiting for a response, and Y/N texts it immediately. 
Y/N: Hey! Name's Y/N. My friend Peter said you're the person to talk to about weird dreams? I'd love to grab a cup of coffee. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sure, meet at May's in five. 
"Oh, shit," Y/N mutters. She hurries out of her duvet cocoon and yanks on a pair of jeans and a red flannel shirt. She throws a hoodie over it, because it's been getting chillier every night, then she leaves the door unlocked because Peggy still hasn't returned from her shower. There's a long mirror in the hall before the elevator, so Y/N checks herself while she waits for it to reach her floor. 
Dark, straight hair looking as flat as usual. She wipes sleep from her hooded eyes and blinks. There's definitely an amount of what Peter would call "thin privilege" that makes her look presentable. Sloppy, baggy clothes are socially acceptable if you're under a hundred and thirty-or-so pounds, which she is. Plus, she's got her mother's smooth, olive skin tone. And she's 5'7", so the way she dresses just looks artsy and relaxed instead of like she just rolled out of bed, which she nearly always has. 
Maybe Peggy's right. A little more effort could go a long way. The elevator dings, and she hurries inside, then across campus to May's. May's is the campus coffee shop, nestled between the library and student union building. The exterior is ugly gray siding, and it'd be easy to mistake it for a storage building if not for the constant drip of students rushing through the doors past other students pushing outside with their hands wrapped around warm to-go mugs of fresh coffee and pastries. 
Y/N holds the door open for a professor, then ducks into the warmth of the coffee shop. She breathes deep, enjoying the rich smell of roasting coffee beans. She hates the taste. The shop has a line at the register, seven or eight students deep, and the twelve tables lining the walls are all occupied. After a quick glance around, Y/N realizes she has no idea what this person looks like. She doesn't even know their name. That quickly becomes a nonissue as she locks eyes with a person sitting at a two-chair table in the corner on their own. They're watching her with a significant look on their face. And all the information Y/N has on this person—that they interpret dreams, read tarot, and are friends with Peter—reflects in their appearance. Long dark hair with streaks of blue hair mixed in, lines of piercings, a septum ring, a tattoo that looks like a bird reaching up their neck from the collar of a graphic band t-shirt.
 Y/N offers a small wave and walks over. "Hi," she says. "Are you...Pete's friend?" The person nods once. 
"And you're Y/N." 
"Yes!" She smiles emphatically, despite the awkward blanket over the exchange. She points a finger toward the empty chair as if to ask permission, then slips into it. 
"My name is MJ," they say. 
"Nice to meet you, MJ." 
MJ pushes a steaming mug toward Y/N, holding their own in the other hand. "Oh, I don't drink coffee," Y/N says before politely lying occurs to her. 
"I know," MJ says. "It's hot chocolate." She loves hot chocolate. 
"Oh, thank you! How'd you know?" MJ just watches her. 
Y/N shifts in her chair and sips her hot chocolate, hoping MJ will speak before she has to. MJ does not. "So!" she says brightly. "What's your major?" 
"Aren't you here for dream interpretation?" MJ doesn't smile. 
She coughs lightly on a gulp of hot chocolate. "I am, yes, but—okay, right to it!" Y/N summarizes the dreams, leaving out the details of the last one. "In my last dream, I became more lucid. I was able to stand up and move around." 
"You need to get laid," MJ says simply. 
Y/N pauses, then giggles because she doesn't know how else to respond. MJ isn't wrong, but being horny has never given her incredibly realistic recurring dreams about sexy creatures before. 
"Would you like me to get into the details of that interpretation?" MJ's voice remains monotone. "I'd be happy to do a reading, too." They pull a deck of tarot cards from their jacket pocket and leave it on the table. 
"That's okay," Y/N says. "I just... Are you sure?" 
"One hundred percent. From the yonic tree—" 
Y/N snorts. "Yonic?" 
"Yes. I assume you have that preference?" 
"Maybe," Y/N says. She's never sworn off of men or penises, but they just have never presented themselves in a way that Y/N found difficult to resist. 
"And forests hold an undeniably strong amount of feminine energy," MJ continues. "The monster inside—" 
"I didn't say it was a monster." 
"Oh, what do you call it?" 
"A creature?" she offers. "I don't know. I don't feel threatened by it, exactly. It's more exciting than scary, knowing that it might..." 
"Kill you," MJ finishes. 
Y/N shrugs a shoulder. 
MJ sits back in their chair and folds their hands on the table. "That's my read on it. Take it or leave it, but I've never been wrong." 
Y/N nods slowly. "I appreciate your insight, definitely. I'll think about that." 
"There's more..." MJ says. 
"I believe there is a danger in your dreams. If you don't see to it, and soon, it could mean destruction." 
"See to it? Are you saying if I don't get laid, I'll be, what? Cursed?" Y/N's chuckling, but MJ is not. MJ doesn't respond. 
Y/N's eyes narrow. "How'd you know I don't drink coffee?" She's not even sure Peter knows that. She keeps it to herself because people are usually really annoying about it. 
"I know enough," MJ says. Then they stand abruptly, sweeping their deck of cards from the table and a backpack from the chair. "Good luck, Y/N." 
Y/N stares after them as they go. "What the fuck was that?" she mutters. But she pulls her phone out and downloads every dating app she can find. 
Y/N takes her time finishing her hot chocolate, enjoying the warmth of May's before she has to hike back across campus. She matches with the max amount of women the "good" apps allows, then she wrinkles her nose and switches to the annoying app to right swipe until her wrist hurts. She doesn't even glance at profiles. Her own profile is a single mirror selfie in her underwear with her face cropped out, and her bio reads: "polite, tested, looking for hookups." She also set her location to the smallest distance. The sooner she gets this curse and recurring dream taken care of, the sooner she can focus her energy on not flunking the semester. Her mom pays her tuition, under the condition that Y/N keeps a GPA over 3.0 and doesn't reach out too often. 
"Closing soon, honey," a barista calls to her from behind the counter. He's wiping down the espresso machine. Y/N realizes she's the only customer left. 
"Sorry," she says. "I'm leaving." 
"Be safe out there. Do you need me to walk you home? I'll be done here in fifteen," he says. 
"Thanks, but I'm good." She smiles, crossing to leave her empty mug with him. The sun set an hour ago, and she's cold to her bones as soon as she steps outside. She thinks of the buddy system rule, but a part of her is deeply confident she could outrun a wild animal if it came down to it. She shivers. The campus is virtually empty with the animal threat and chilly air, and she watches the stars instead of her feet. A loud, barking laugh from her left makes her jump. Four frat boys stumble out of a dorm building to get away from a stern-faced RA with his arms crossed over a broad chest. 
"Get home before I report you." The RA's growl is low but loud enough for Y/N to hear clearly across the quad. He slams the door, and the gaggle of boys scan their surroundings like they're looking for their next victim. 
Y/N pulls her hoodie strings tighter around her face and walks faster, but she's not out of sight before they see her. She becomes hyper-aware that she's wearing jeans a size too small, and her hoodie is short. 
"Hey, friend!" a boy calls. The three others' heads snap toward her, and they move forward in unison. Great. She keeps her head down and walks as fast as she can without actually sprinting away from them. 
Just pretend you can't hear them. 
"Hey, wait up!" 
"Where ya hurrying off to?" 
"We just want to talk!" 
Y/N's heart speeds up, too. She's sure they can hear her heavy breathing. Her eyes scan for somewhere she can duck into and hide, or someone to help. She pulls out her phone and calls Peggy, but there's no answer. 
"Hey, Peggy!" she says loudly to her voicemail inbox. "I'll be home in two minutes! Yep... Tell the boys that we can—" She loses the sentence as one of the frats catch up with her and grabs her elbow. Her phone skitters across the pavement. 
"I'll scream," she threatens. The boy laughs. He's white with blond hair and an insufferable smirk. 
"Why? We just wanted to talk. You look so cold." The other three have reached them and form a semi-circle in front of her. 
"She does look cold," one says, stepping behind her and pulling her into a backwards hug. Another joins the embrace, wrapping his arms around them both. 
"My friend is waiting for me." Y/N's voice is shaking as she tilts her chin up to breathe over their tightly gripped arms. 
This campus has a particularly significant reputation around their fraternities. And this isn't her first run-in. She went to a lot of parties freshman year that she was way too young and stupid to be at. She doesn't recognize their faces, but she knows the letters on the twin jackets two of them wear. Her hands are shaking from more than the cold now, but she can't push the boys off, so she tries to stay calm and wait them out. They'll get bored. One keeps his arms around her waist and rests a chin on her shoulder. His pelvis is pressed firmly against her back. She flutters her eyes closed and breathes deeply through her nose. 
"Where ya heading?" the blonde leader asks. He moves closer to her, wrapping a strand of her hair around his finger. 
"We're gonna go find somewhere to chill. You should come." 
"Aww," a voice says in the dark behind her. "You have to kidnap girls because no one wants to be around you of their own volition?" 
The boys turn to see who spoke, and the weird girl from stats class is walking toward them. She's not as tall as the shortest guy, but she walks like she's the biggest one there. She jerks her head to toss her hair from her face, tilting her chin up at them like a challenge. Her hands are tucked into her red leather bomber jacket, but her eyes carry a distinct and clear threat. The boy who was holding Y/N drops his arms to puff his chest at the girl like a cartoon bully. Y/N would laugh at him if she weren't scared silent. 
"You volunteering?" Blonde Boy sneers. She stops a few steps away from them, looking each boy up and down before she finally speaks. 
"Why don't y'all scurry back to your rat nest and sleep off all those Capri-Sun-Everclear cocktails?" One boy has kept the biggest distance from Y/N and seems the most in charge of his faculties puts a hand on Blonde Boys shoulder. 
"Come on, guys. Not worth it." 
The drunkest one stumbles toward her with an extended finger. "You've got a little attitude, huh?" 
She doesn't take her hands from her jacket pockets as he gets close enough for her to slam her knee into his crotch. He groans, but it's closer to a squeak, which makes her rat comment funnier. Y/N giggles at that, either from the situation or from her own nervousness. 
"That's assault!" Blonde Boy snaps. "We'll get you kicked out, bitch!" She crosses to him in two strides to stand nose-to-nose with him and says nothing. 
The sober one roughly grabs the other two by their shoulders. "Come on, guys. We gotta stay in the clear for a while. You heard dean Fury." Reluctantly, they follow him. The one the girl kicked spits on the ground and sniffs loudly as he leaves. The girl watches until they turn a corner and disappear out of sight. 
"Assholes," she mutters. Then she turns to Y/N. "You okay?" Her voice is quieter now. It's a very sweet tone despite the low gravel. Y/N thought she was putting on a voice to scare the boys, but apparently that's just how she speaks. 
"I'm fine," Y/N says quickly. She crosses her arms to hide her trembling hands. "They're just...being jerks. It's fine." The girl evaluates her. 
"I'm Natasha." 
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Can I walk you home?"
Y/N nods. "If you're not busy, that would be nice."
Natasha clears her throat and puts a hesitant hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You sure you're okay?"
Y/N feels her chin quiver as the adrenaline works its way out of her body. She steps into Natasha and drops her face onto her shoulder. Natasha's arms are quick to wrap her in a hug. 
"It's okay," she mutters into her hair. "They're gone. Come on, where's your dorm?"
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
warm you up ㅡ park gunwook (requested)
park gunwook x gn!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : none !! i'm sorry i took so long with your ask dear anon :(( hope you'll like it
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gunwook was close to cry when he saw you this morning in your big puffer. you looked so cute, trying to disappear in it to protect yourself from the cold.
but as much as he find it endearing, he could see you were really, really cold.
you hated winter. well, no, you loved looking at the snow by the window, being wrapped up in a plaid with a hot chocolate and a christmas movie for background noise. but as soon as you stepped outside, you just wished you were back to the warmer days.
school was hell. you were pretty sure the whole academic system was made to cause your downfall, because why the fuck would they send you on a school trip during winter? and it wasn't some school trips where you could spend the day indoors, no, they sent guys to the fucking mountains to go hiking.
if you hated winter (the season ‼️😟), gunwook will hate it as well. even as a friend, he's kind of a protective person and he likes to help his dear ones in whatever situation. now you were feeling cold, and it was not just because you were overly sensitive to this weather, it was in fact VERY cold. oh, how he wished he could just take you somewhere and hug you to warm you up. but he couldn't just leave the rest of the class with you to take you somewhere hot. plus, he was way too shy to hold you in his arms.
throughout the day, gunwook tried to warm you up subtly. it was just small little things, and you didn't even realize his attentions earlier. at first, he was clumsy as he didn't know what to do. he stole your phone to make you run and feel warmer... yeah, you weren't very happy about it. then, he made sure when you walked that you were always on a spot where the sunlight was hitting, so you could be where it's hotter. but gunwook figured out it wasn't enough at all.
"y/n, what do you think about my gloves?"
"hum... they look good?"
you were taken aback by the sudden and weird question, but you answered anyways. gunwook stretched his arms to you his gloves better.
"you want to try them on?''
"why would i want to try them on-"
"okay, i'm letting you try them only because it's you."
you accepted with frowned eyebrows, confused about his actions, but you let it be only because you had no gloves and you would love to warm up your hands even for seconds. he took off his gloves and insisted on putting them for you, which you let him do. while you were looking at your hands now covered with his black woolen gloves, gunwook also took off his scarf to wrap it around your neck and your head to cover your ears. you looked at him, even more confused.
you didn't have to ask him anything, because he talked before you could.
"i was thinking they would suit you better than me."
"aren't you cold?" you asked a bit worried.
"don't worry, i can handle this kind of weather", he responded, trying to look cool.
"tch, you're bragging" you scoffed.
you looked at his hands that were already getting red from the cold. you sighed : he didn't have to endure the cold for you... you looked back up to him with a smile.
"thank you, gunwook."
and now, the redness of his hands went to his cheeks, because you took his hand in your and put it in your pocket.
"let's go, we have to catch up with the rest of the class."
gunwook let you drag him happily towards the rest of the group, and despite the freezing weather, he couldn't help but feel warm thanks to your hand.
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Heyo! Love your work btw *chef kiss* I'm obsessed with your poly turtles stuff. Could you maybe do some Christmas poly headcannons? Seasonal Activities they do with their s/o, possible gifts they receive, fav cookies/treats, fav Xmas music. Idk just some festive stuff? If you're busy that's cool 😎 your poly turt stuff has me needing more haha. Thanks!
Ok, I'm pretty sure I got this before Christmas and it's now May. I'm so sorry. I won't go into all the reasons I haven't really been writing because it's a lot but I want to get back into it so here goes with this very unseasonal post lmao
and thank you everyone for you patience as I get back into the swong of writing for my blog
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This big hunk of red and green first
He's very seasonal if you think about it
He's also super (secretly) into the holidays
catch him doing his rendition of rockin' around the Christmas tree very loudly when he's off his tits on eggnog
((side note I think he would hate eggnog but would drink it solely because it's festive))
He's secretly super sentimental and he knows you love this time of year so he really puts his back into it
I'm talking it's the 1st of December and he wakes you up in a full Santa outfit and white beard (that he knitted himself) yelling "Ho Ho Ho!" and asking if you've been naughty or nice
it's like 6am so you, naturally, tell him to piss off
to which he makes a big show of trying to shove you into his Santa sack because "Someone needs a trip to the North Pole to learn the Christmas spirit"
He's also pretty good with crafts
obvs you guys can't go outside and be seen so he creates a whole winter wonderland in the lair (without telling the others, Mikey was the only one who appreciated it tbh)
also he's a great cook so you spend evening after evening baking sugar cookies and decorating them, sipping hot chocolate with a candy cane in it and whipped cream on top, making warming winter soups.
In terms of gifts, he gets you anything and everything he even thinks you might like
real big spender this one
handmade too items like a scarf he knitted for you because your old one was a bit worn, handmade card, he even did a little snow globe that he made with figures of you and him inside of it
he'll say "I know it's lame" or "It's not the best but I tried" but it means the world to you
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Big boy blue up next
I see him loving a very traditional, old fashioned, classic Xmas.
His big thing is that he loves to decorate the tree with you
but you would always bicker about how it should look
"No, I think a gold and red theme would look better!"
"But, Leo, we have all of these cute glass candy canes I wanna hang!"
"But I have a vision!!"
so this year he decides to buy like 6 trees (and by buy I mean forage, steal or cut down)
so you can both have your own trees and decorate them however you want
this, obviously, becomes a Christmas competition
your very unwilling judges are Leo's brothers and even Splinter
they have never looked more uncomfortable than when you and Leo are very passionately stating your case for why your tree is better than the other's and it ends in you both throwing baubles at each other
about half an hour and a lot of tinsel lying everywhere later you decide that maybe you're both a little too competitive
but Leo reassures that "That's why I love you"
He's so big on quality time with you
lot's of sitting by a crackling fire, sipping coco and letting soft Christmas songs play
he's made a playlist of v gentle ones like Eartha Kitt's Santa baby, Conventry carol and god rest ye merry gentlemen.
it's all about the mood w/ Leo
as far as gifts, it's has to be something personal and sweet
a pressed flower in resin from the first day you both met, a silver heart shaped locket with a pic of you both in it, some sort of talisman that's supposed to keep you safe in ninja superstition
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Time for chaotic good to come to play
Mikey just manages to capture that almost childlike enthusiasm and wonder for the season
He has a funny habit of wrapping your gifts to look like something else
last year you were certain he'd gotten you a rocking horse but it turned out to be a new phone and headphones
"How long did it take you to wrap it like that?"
"Don't ask questions you don't wanna know.....3 hours to make the horse part look right"
normally he gets you silly but sweet gifts
lots of sticking filler things
oh and he gets you an actual stocking too, but like a comically oversized one to fit all the gifts
stuff he's made too
one year he made you 50 hand cut paper snowflakes with 50 reasons he loves you written and drawn on them
also stuff you guys can do together
video games he knows you'll find fun, stupid interactive games that you can play, that kinda stuff
he does a special Xmas scavenger hunt for you each year that the others pretend is stupid but it keeps getting more elaborate as time goes on and even they are started to get invested in the ending
there's a theme and everything ranging from polar express to murder at the Christmas party to Santa's grotto....
he also never fails to dress up as Mrs Clause every year (because Raph insists on being Santa and at first Mikey just wanted everyone to laugh, but now it's kinda a tradition)
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oh my sweet gadget boy
he's super big into cocktails, the sweeter the better
and you always get to name them together but you both have a warped sense of humour so the names are getting out of hand
you pick a fave each year as well
last year was "The abominable snowman's frozen left nut" and the year before was "Mrs Clause putting glass shavings in Santa's food because he came back with the clap"
I told you they were bizarre....
his gifts are always thoughtful and so romantic
I HC Donnie as being a super romantic guy
whether it be a painting he made of the constellations and planets in correct placement on the night the two of you first kissed
or a wreath of dried flowers and plants to hang on the door that came from the field behind your childhood house
but this year it's a scrapbook filled to the brim with every detail of the two of you, all dated and with a little annotation telling a story as to why it's in there. photos, cards, handwritten letters, magazine cut outs, diary entries.... it's all in there and it's enough to make you cry.
He also sneaks you out on Christmas eve every year without the others knowing (they'd flip if they came to know that he was stealing you away at that time)
but he takes you up to the rooftops to sit on blankets and drink hot chocolate (spiked with a little rum, it's Donnie after all...) and look at the lights and snowflakes and people bustling home to their families and you sit and feel at peace and laugh as you make up backstories to each individual you see scurrying home
you lean against his shoulder and every year that he does this it feels more magical than the last
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littencloud9 · 28 days
hii kuniran and something about them having ice cream maybe? :-)
kuniran!! transfem kunikida for you because you are in fact the transfem kunikida mutual. to me
Kunikida watches as Ranpo eats another spoonful of that... colourful confection, wondering how they aren't throwing up. He's eating a mix of cotton candy ice-cream and chocolate ice-cream, topped with tons of sprinkles and tiny marshmallows. Ranpo hums to himself, legs swinging aimlessly from the bench they are sitting on together. "Do you want some?" Kunikida considers if it's worth it. It's been getting hot recently—she had opted for a tank top and short skirt today, not what she usually wears, but Ranpo had complimented her immensely—and a bite of ice-cream would be nice. Still, she can't imagine stomaching all that sugar. Ranpo tilts their head to the side, waiting patiently. After a few seconds, Kunikida gives in. "Sure." With a smile, Ranpo scoops some of the ice-cream, feeding it to her. She grimaces a little because it, as she suspected, is terribly sweet, but the refreshing coolness on her tongue makes it bearable. Ranpo laughs at her expression. "You're cute." "I don't know how you eat that," she replies, ignoring the blush steadily crawling up her cheeks. "It's way too sweet." Ranpo smirks. "Wanna know what else is sweeter?" Kunikida doesn't get a chance to reply before Ranpo is kissing her gently. Their lips taste like a sugary explosion. Mixed with the person kissing her, Kunikida can definitely attest: this is way sweeter.
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