#your first course of action should always be to prank your man with it
meanbossart · 4 months
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A reasonable one
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annabtg · 1 year
Headcanon post: the Sirius & James friendship
It is a well-known and irrefutable fact that James was Sirius's favourite person in the world. However, this sometimes leads people to think that Sirius treated James the way he later treats his new favourite person in the world, Harry - which I completely disagree with.
Sirius is very protective towards Harry, of course he is. Harry is a child, an orphan who was/should have been placed in his care. And at that point in his life, Sirius is a broken and disillusioned man with no other purpose than to care for the person dearest in his heart and at the same time atone for his best friend's death, which he still feels responsible for. Of course he drops everything, fights everyone, risks his life and freedom for Harry. But his relationship with James wasn't - can't have been like that.
Sirius and James are equals. Sirius sees James as a partner in crime, he appreciates his mind and skills; and James sees Sirius the exact same way. They've got each other's back; it's not one protecting the other at all costs. They both have lives at that point, even if one has a family and the other doesn't. (Single people are just as worthy of life as people with families! Follow me for more tips.)
I've said before that I see Sirius and James having an older brother/younger brother dynamic. Sirius has power over James that no one else does, as we see in SWM ("put that away, will you" - "if it bothers you"). He will die for him, but he *will* give him shit before he does. Oldest siblings will know what I'm talking about: you can make your sibling suffer if you feel like it, but Merlin help anyone else who think they can touch them.
Meanwhile, James adores Sirius and looks up to him. He is spoiled and attention-seeking, like a little brother would be, full of himself and stubborn. He won't admit to his faults or ask for help; and Sirius, who grew up under constant pressure and hated every minute of it, would never step up on his own "because he knows better". He is smart enough to know better, but he will never step in front of someone and tell them they're being an idiot. He is the type to let people suffer the consequences of their own actions (see: The Prank).
I think it's telling that, when the Potters are in hiding, it's Lily who asks Sirius to visit James. Sirius shouldn't need to be told to visit James; nobody doubts that Sirius loved James, that he was very concerned about the Potters' situation and he had them in his mind constantly. Yet he steps back and stays away - possibly on Dumbledore's orders (too many visits might draw attention) - while at the same time, James refuses to admit he can't deal with it. Sirius hadn't guessed James would suffer in lockdown? He's known him for ten years at this point, I'm pretty sure he did. And I'm pretty sure they talk often and exchange letters. This, imo, shows that Sirius, where James is concerned (or at this point in his life) is more logical than sentimental. He puts safety and the Order first, and James's feelings (and probably his own too) second.
Tl;dr: while Sirius was utterly devoted to James, I don't agree with the view that his actions always put James's wishes first and foremost. However, he'd do anything to keep him safe; which is why he was so devastated when James died, why he took it personally, and why he took such pains to take care of Harry and keep him safe afterwards.
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
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Tw: Referenced Child Death, Blood, Drowning, Mentions of Bullying, Swearing (pretty much everything you expect from the Friday the 13th franchise) Religious Themes
So… This is a bit of a weird introduction for these two but the idea just stuck in my mind and refused to leave. I’m not sure when I will write a followup yet, but I just had to get this out.
Summary: Jude remembers a person from her past as it comes back to haunt her, as it always does. However, nothing can prepare her for the task she is about to undertake…
Dividers by delishlydelightfuldividers
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‘Camp Crystal Lake’ was aptly named, for during the Summer the pure, clear waters glittered brilliantly under the bright midday sun.
She stood at the base of the pier and watched as he was pushed in. Good Christian boys and girls had seen fit to cast stones and jeer cruelly at the poor outcasted creature. Jason Voorhees was tormented daily by the same children whom Mrs Voorhees kept fed and cared for. The very woman he cried out for as he helplessly drowned.
She stood at the base of the pier and watched, as his large, bulbous head, streaked with blood, was swallowed by deep, endless blue. For a while he desperately splashed around in an effort to fight the undertow, but Jason couldn’t swim. He had never been taught. Eventually he disappeared completely.
She stood idly by the pier, and did nothing.
(I could swim. I could’ve saved him.)
Jude had always tried to push the blame on someone else. It was always the easy way out; as humans loathe to be at fault for their actions. If she admitted responsibility, she might be as guilty as his judges and executioners.
She had always thought herself better than that; above them somehow. Though she knew deep down she was not. She still turned the away other cheek.
(Why did no one come to save him? Where were the adults? Where were they?)
Ever since the ringleader, Evan, had snuck a snake under her pillow, terrifying her to panicked tears, Jude had been wary of drawing his ire. Her fear of the slithering reptiles, to this day, can still be traced back to that prank. Going against him wasn’t worth it.
So was that not enough of a reason? Why should she suffer for his sake? Why should she care at all about that ‘little freak’ Jason Voorhees?
(Did his life have so little meaning?)
It occurred to her only years after the fact that it had been the first time she had watched someone die.
It would not be the last time, of course. Her fate was as intertwined with tragedy as her cousin’s was. It took a lifetime to understand that the inevitable had been set in motion long before she was born, by her mother and her mother’s mother. Their trauma had echoed into her blood; bled into her very soul.
Then, Jude momentarily held the power in her hands to change his fate, but squandered it. She did not send him a passing glance, nor offer a kind word, or even reassure him that she did not find him repulsive; as all the others claimed he was. Because the truth of the matter was that she did. She did.
Her mother instilled within her the holy values of Christ, but she failed to act as he surely would have. Though she dutifully obeyed and assimilated as one with the faithful flock, as meek as the lamb, in her lion’s heart she was a coward.
The hypocrisy is all too real. If only she could atone for those sins, to be forged in fire; if she only could become a woman worthy to wield the sword of God.
But your failures can stay with you for a long time.
Camp Crystal Lake was closed the following day.
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“…Y’know, we really do pick the days with the absolute worst fuckin’ mojo to go and risk our lives.”
Zach cast Jude a sly glance from behind the wheel. A stubby cigarette hung lazily from his lips as he puffed fumes of white smoke out the open window.
“I mean, on the 13th? I dunno, Judie…”
She snorted, gladly taking the bait.
“You’re so superstitious.”
Although she knew her partner was only having a bit of a laugh, she would be damned if she didn’t take the opportunity to make fun of him.
“Me? Superstitious?” Zach laughed heartily.
“You’re the one who thinks a bunch of rocks can create force fields, and that being an ‘Aries’ or whatever makes me all hot-headed and impulsive.”
“But you are impulsive!” She argued back, grinning wildly.
“All I’m saying is no amount of, of…” He gesticulated vaguely with his free hand. “… Troglodytes or whatever are gonna save you from getting possessed, get off it!”
She scoffed indignantly, acting mortally offended.
“First of all, they’re called Turquoises and they absolutely do give you great spiritual protection and they ward off negative energy!” Jude scolded him. “And besides, with what we’ve seen in our lifetimes, is it really so hard to believe?”
Zach began to amusedly shake his head.
“You read too many funky internet articles.” He turned the curve on the road, forcing Jude to lean to the right. “They’re gonna rot your brain.”
Jude flipped her hair nonchalantly.
“That’s a pity, yours is already gone.”
“Ha, ha,” Zach deadpanned, rolling his one remaining eye playfully.
“If only your pretty crystals were able stop a rampaging werewolf, huh? I mean, I could certainly do without all these ugly scars.” He rubbed his chin, thumbing the bumpy mark by his lip. He glanced subtly at the rear view mirror, and something dimmed in his expression.
For a moment she was at a loss for words.
“They’re not ugly, Z…” It was all she could think to reassure him, softening her gaze considerably.
He chuckled. “Thanks, but I can still see, y’know?”
Jude watched sombrely as he traced the dark leather of his eyepatch. She wondered if it got any easier to be missing a part of you, or more depressing.
“Anyway!” Zach cleared his throat, putting an end to that little conversation. “You’ve got the map. Are we on the right path or what?”
Sensing an urge to ignore the previous topic, Jude unfolded the laminated material and observed a criss-cross of beige and blue lines and dashes illustrating the New Jersey roads and highways. It was disturbingly familiar, and somehow it was only then that she was reminded where they both were headed, and the significance of that place to her.
“Yeah, we are…” She murmured.
Zach tapped some stray ashes out the window. She felt a sort of regretful prick at the back of her neck; sharp and insidious.
He pondered out loud, none the wiser: “A whole bunch of kids turning up missing, and all they’ve got in common is sex, drugs and Camp Crystal Lake…”
She almost flinched at hearing that name again.
“Makes you wonder why they’re stupid enough to keep going back…” He shook his head in disbelief.
“It’s definitely the work of a malevolent spirit… a vengeful type, probably, I mean,” Jude hastily cut in, fumbling with the map.
“Why, what makes you so sure?” Zach turned to stare at her inquisitively, furrowing his brows.
She swallowed thickly, enduring the telltale drop in her gut that always accompanied confessions like this; it seemed Zach was always receiving them.
“…I think I knew him when he was alive.” Was all she could manage.
“…Ah.” A grimace of sympathy dawned on his face. The mood abruptly soured into grim silence. The car rattled as it hit a bump in the road.
Zach sucked in a breath. “…You wanna talk about it?”
Jude felt something inside her steadily deflate.
“No, not really…” She admitted, tossing the map haphazardly onto the dashboard where it shined in the afternoon sun.
He nodded, seemingly having expected this reply. Jude focused numbly on the sizzle of his cigarette as blew smoke rather forcefully out of his mouth.
“Well, Ollie’s more or less just kickin’ down the road next to us. Give or take a couple hundred miles…” He sent her a cheeky grin that she knew, even without looking, was masking his genuine concern. “We could always just pawn it off on them, you know.”
She scrunched her face up in distaste at the idea. Zach was not the kind of man to push responsibility on others, so the fact he was actually willing to do so for her sake was embarrassing. She didn’t like the thought of being so sensitive that she couldn’t deal with her past; it made her feel like she was just being a liability.
“…No. I need to do this.” She insisted with finality.
Jude had begun to realise she’d never properly confronted her guilt about what had happened to Jason Voorhees. She liked to believe that she’d changed; that she wasn’t the same weak-willed, easily swayed lamb from her childhood, or the same confused adolescent. That maybe she could make up for all the years that she had been.
But it felt like a piece of her had died five years ago, and with that her cowardly heart. If only that meant she could be strong and resolute now.
“It just feels like…” Jude stared at her pale, shaking hands as she tried to crystallise her emotions in words. “…I can never escape this feeling. Like, like all this stuff just follows me everywhere and I can’t ever do anything about it.”
“…Yeah, I get it.” He squashed his cigarette in the holder before continuing: “I guess some people are just bound by destiny…”
Jude knit her brows in thought for a moment before sending him an incredulous look: “Bound by destiny? And you tell me not to read ‘funky internet articles’”
“Hey now, that was from my favourite book series as a kid!” Zach raised a hand in mock defence. “If you’re gonna accuse me of plagiarism, at least get your sources right.”
“Honestly, that sounds like a pretty lame book series to me, and I used to be a sucker for that YA craze.”
“Oh really?”
His distracting banter lightened the atmosphere considerably, and by the time Jude saw the bright and familiar ‘Camp Crystal Lake’ painted on a welcome sign, she no longer felt that strange, heavy pressure weighing on her chest.
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Zach whistled as he took in the dilapidated cabins. They had certainly seen better days; though this was made somewhat more palatable by the bountiful Summer vegetation and good weather. The titular lake lay beyond the woodland, and shone pure and bright just as it did all those years ago.
“Wow… Empty. Nice view, though.” He lightly pushed the car door shut, his signature trench coat hoisted over his shoulder.
“…Yeah, it’s always been great here.” Jude said airily, pointing toward the flash of blue obscured by trees. “See the lake? We used to go swimming in the mornings, it was that temperate.”
Zach’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “And it didn’t freeze your bones the second you jumped in?”
“No, actually, but it was always really refreshing! Woke you up straight away.”
“Damn! I bet it did.”
Her smile faltered as that happy memory was soured by another, more arresting one.
“For those of us who c-could swim, at least…”
Zach had fortunately fixed his attention on their trunk, so he did not see her grimace. He licked his lips as his calloused hands found the cold, humming surface of his prize. Jude turned back around only to click her tongue at the sight.
“Really? You’re gonna take the whole damn cooler of whiskey in there with you?”
“Hey, I don’t wanna be thirsty!”
“Or sober.” She finished for him, shaking her head disapprovingly. Zach gave a flippant shrug and lifted the icebox into his arms. He returned afterward for his razor and toothbrush, which he had apparently deemed as comparatively less important.
To be entirely honest, Jude wasn’t too worried. If there was one special skill Zach could brag about, it was the ability to still manage to hit perfect bullseyes while completely sloshed; not to mention his obvious lack of depth perception. She noticed, too, that he was wearing all his fighting equipment today. Only a fool would think him unprepared.
None of the cabins left behind by the mass exodus had been particularly appealing, but they chose the biggest one that had all the different bedrooms - albeit they were in various stages of disrepair - because it was both the most defensible and most protected from the outside elements. It may have been Summer, but that wasn’t accounting for the late night chill.
Jude felt a pang of recognition hit her as she entered, realising far too late that this had been where the old staff members would usually stay. Her focus was drawn irresistibly to a picture frame resting crookedly on a wall, some kind of relic of the distant past. Behind the ever-so-slightly cracked glass were the previous camp councillors, their joyful faces forever frozen in time.
She tried to look elsewhere, but all of it turned up a new, fresher scar in the landscape. The entire house reeked sickeningly of death, something she’d become far too accustomed to. She already regretted coming here at all, even though she was the one who’d convinced her partner to do so.
“Looks like this is about the only place I’d feel good about staying in.” Zach huffed as he tossed his coat onto a dusty hanger. “I’m sure you feel the same.”
“Now, we’re both gonna have to do a bit of investigating, it seems. I don’t think this is gonna be an Albuquerque situation on our hands here.”
Jude watched him light up another cigarette, floorboards creaking as she approached. “I don’t think so either, but I don’t think we should get too comfortable here too quickly…”
His cheek twitched, thin grey smoke curling out of his nose.
“It’s only temporary until we take out the target.”
“I know, but… I mean, look at this place.”
“Well, it’s the best we got, Judie.” He retorted. “I get you might not wanna linger too long in a place that reminds you-“ He wisely stopped that sentence before it continued, busying himself with unpacking instead. Jude found herself inexplicably fascinated with the frayed rug on the floor.
I need to get away. It’s too stifling in here…
“How about…” She started, letting a bag of spare clothes drop onto the floor. “You go chum it up with the locals, and I go inspect the camp grounds?”
Zach, who had been in the middle of extracting several pairs of black socks from his suitcase, studied her carefully for a moment. She caught a momentary flash of concern in his eye, a sight not so rare.
“…You sure?” He questioned her gently.
“Mhm.” Jude nodded. She briskly zipped open a duffle bag and began to empty out the contents onto the sofa. It contained all of her usual ghost-hunting equipment, medical supplies and ammunition, spilling out in a sort of jumbled mess.
“Well… Alright.” He said finally, with a hint of reluctance, gesturing to her weapons pack. “Go prepared, though.”
She bit back a sigh, unable to help feeling agitated at his cautious tone. “I’ll just secure the perimeter, there’ll be no need to drag around a big heavy axe…”
“But you’ll be sure to take your dagger with you, yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah… I’ll be fine. I’m not a newbie anymore, remember?” Jude reassured him, sending him a chastising glare. “You worry too much.”
At this Zach backed off, holding his hands up in defeat. Between his fraternal ribbing and casual teaching style, he often felt like more of an older brother to her than a mentor, but she still was distantly aware of his seniority and felt a tinge if remorse for her short responses…
“See, I know your aim is shit…” He teased her with a rising smirk, single brown eye gleaming with mirth.
“Oh, shut up!”
An hour later, Jude found herself standing once again at the wooden pier leading out to the lake. The crystal clear waters lay still and serene, almost mirror-like in form. She saw herself reflected back in those glassy depths; once a girl, now a woman.
It’s been 12 full years since Jason Voorhees died, she thought. 12 years since I've been here… Standing in this exact spot.
At first she wondered if it would feel different now that she was older and had time to reflect on the past, but nothing had prepared her for such a disturbingly familiar sight. Now it seemed her guilt gnawed at her anew; though she knew she had no right to feel sorry for herself in the wake of that poor boy’s death.
Still, Jude watched herself frown, It’s quite haunting.
It had been strange for her to come back and walk the same paths she had so often tread as a child. The camp might’ve undergone a brief revival once or twice, but now it was neglected and overgrown, and she passed by many an abandoned communal building and overturned canoe on her way here. That had instilled a sort of nostalgic sorrow in her heart, despite it all. Her Summers here were typically enjoyable and fun, particularly Mrs Voorhees’ wonderful cooking…
The smile that tugged at her lips was bittersweet. In her childhood memories, Camp Crystal Lake had been filled with smiling, laughing children and friendly camp counsellors who all wore happy faces and played guitar. Seeing it so deserted now was strikingly eerie. There was something so intrinsically wrong about the barren silence, only punctuated by chirping birdsong and warm, gentle breeze rustling the leaves.
Unexpectedly, a shocking pinprick on the back raised her finer hairs and made her shiver despite the heat. Jude whirled around, startling a flock of nearby birds. She backed away slowly from the pier - mindful that the ghost of a boy who had drowned would most likely reside there - and scanned the forest treeline with a steadily rising heart rate.
Zach? No, he can’t have come back so quickly… And he wouldn’t scare me like that, not in this place.
Suspecting the other possiblity, Jude clicked through various frequencies on the spirit box that had been clipped onto her belt. In her experience it was rare to actually hear any tangible voices through it, but with enough practice radio static and spikes of activity had become a sort of code to be cracked and translated into human tongue.
Nothing. Nothing at all. Not even a hint of a ghost.
Jude kept a ready hand at her gun holster as she hiked up the somewhat overgrown brush, searching further for any signs of supernatural activity on the box. Still, after half an hour of blindly searching, no signals. She actually doubted if there was any Wi-Fi or radio waves that could reach this far away into the wilderness since the area wasn’t exactly very populated, but it was still discouraging nevertheless.
And creepy, she noted. Jude was consequently no longer in the sightseeing mood, and began to wearily trudge her way back to the cabins. It seemed her gun burnt a hole through her jeans as she walked, just like she itched from nervous tension.
It would be too easy to write that off, but she wasn’t stupid. Her sharp instincts had been honed by years of hunting and being hunted by monsters.
Someone, or something, had been watching her from behind in those supposedly uninhabited woods, and she had just felt it.
Jude bit her lip anxiously. She was absolutely certain the revenant they were searching for was Jason. It almost felt like all this investigation was pointless, she now realised was most likely the very entity that had been lurking by the lake.
And maybe, she thought, he recognises me…
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Her uneasy mood stayed with her as she watched the skies and the sun begin to sink below the horizon, coating the world in blazing orange hues. Jude watched from the cabin window as their shared car pulled up again in the mounting darkness, left headlight still busted from their last battle.
“It’s Jason, I…” She began as he wedged the door open, stopping at his flabbergasted look.
“I… Got takeout.” He presented a plastic bag wafting aromatic spices from across the room.
“Oh. Right.” She uncrossed her arms, and it was as if the smell of food reminded her stomach it had been empty almost the whole day.
Oh my god, It’s McDonalds… Did he just drive like five miles for that? You know what, who cares…
“By all means, continue.” He offered, striding over to the couch to unwrap the steaming package. Jude felt all will to do anything but eat completely leave her body as she impatiently took her share from him.
“No, actually…” She reconsidered it. Would she really even be telling him something he didn’t already know? “You go first.”
“Well…” He began, the old leather couch sagging under him as he sat down. “I’ll tell you this: just about everybody I spoke to told me this was a bad idea.”
She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at this, munching on some chunky chips.
“I mean, it really seems like the locals believe this place is under a curse… Pretty standard, but I’ve rarely seen people as spooked as this.”
He shook his head at the memory.
“But that’s good, right? Means the locals at least aren’t foolish enough to poke the bear.” Jude offered, licking her greasy fingers.
He paused to eat, first digging heartily into his burger. Their lack of electricity meant they were forced to use an emergency supply of candles and lanterns to provide light, casting an eerie glow over Zach’s face as his expression grew more grim.
“…It would be, except for the fact this place’s reputation has somehow made it into a weirdly popular tourist trap.” He shook his head, pursing his lips. “Must be the danger of it. I could think of a more obvious reason why they might be lured here though…”
“I don’t think that’s the case.” Jude cut in.
“See, what I was about to tell you was… It’s Jason. I’m absolutely certain it’s him. I was at the lake earlier, and… He was definitely watching me.”
It all sort of spilled out in a hurry, and she gave a nervous little laugh, skin prickling in discomfort.
“But how can you be sure?” Zach, ever the contrarian, set down his half-eaten burger. “You’re not just basing this off ‘vibes,’ right?”
“No, no.” She reassured him.
The sinking feeling in her gut started again.
“It’s just… What happened with Jason, well…”
Jude suddenly felt as if something was caught in her throat, and took a sip of her soda.
“…Jason drowned.”
In an instant Zach had his revolver in hands, aiming it directly at the source of the mysterious noise. Jude’s heart jumped right out of her chest as she drew her own pistol, following his lead. He abandoned his food, cautiously moving over to peer out the dusted cabin window…
Outside, their car’s hood had been caved in.
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(Taglist: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, @soupbabe, @bluecoolr, @flower-crowned-lady, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @solmints-messyocdiary)
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
@walriding continued from here to make it a beta post
Sure enough, just a second ago, he's told this guy to leave, but he hadn't meant it the way it might've come across. He'd been aiming for the protective route, god damn it. Telling him to leave so he could buy him some more time, keep them occupied while Upshur runs away. But of course. 'they' have never been there in the first place.
Just it, blowing things right out of proportion as always, just on the off chance that he might put himself in danger for someone it couldn't care less about. It does its usual, using his body, his fucking mouth to talk to the other, telling him to get out. And just for a moment, for what might be the very first time, here Lance actually is, thinking that maybe it should be the one to get out instead.
Because this guy is pretty much the only person who might know what it's actually like. Having gone through whatever fucked up horrors they both have gone through. Having something else inside your head besides your own thoughts and actions. And he sure as hell doesn't want to lose that kind of connection to a fucking prank.
When Miles bumps his shoulder into his on his way out, the mild shock wave that ripples right through his body is enough to momentarily distract Aza/thoth. It's entirely focused on the other man now, eager to react to the 'attack', do something about it, say something. So it is not at all prepared for when Lance wrestles control right back from it, manages to reach out, hold on to Miles' wrist to stop him from leaving.
It takes a moment to actually keep control of his body, and the way the other's skin sends a buzzing sensation through his whole figure doesn't exactly make things easier. But he's determined, stubborn as hell in fact, so soon enough, he's right back. Speaking through gritted teeth, but he's there.
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"Wait" he demands, closing his eyes just for a second and taking a deep breath to really keep things steady now. When he opens them back up again they're back to their usual color - hazel, expressive, with not a hint of weird and impossible color shifts in sight.
"Stay here. Don't get me wrong. I know you'd rather get the hell away from this thing right now. But think about it. If this is what it's doing to get rid of you, imagine what it'll do to your friends if they actually show up here. Maybe we can use it."
To be fair, a part of him still wants Upshur to leave. To stay save and the hell away from this Murkoff deal. Then again though. He feels bad about what just happened. Doesn't want to lose an ally. And maybe, a part of him also wants to know what it would do if it came to it, what it's capable of.
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reginaaxxwrites · 2 years
Surprises (Fred Weasley)
Hi guys, did you miss me? Anyway here's my new one-shot. Lovelots!
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
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Today's my birthday and nobody knows it. I never really liked the day I was born. Hell, I'd wish I wasn't born in the first place.
Mum died the day I was born and at the same time, dad left me after mum died. For me, my birthday was cursed. I loathe it. I was orphaned. My parents had no relatives which left me to be raised in the orphanage.
Everything changed when an old man with a weird long beard told me I was a witch. I didn't believe him at first, of course. I thought he must've hit himself. But he gave me a letter which led me here today at Hogwarts. 
Hogwarts was my home. I made friends but I'm still cautious around them. I hang out with them but sometimes I feel like I'm not part of them nor belong to any of them. They never understood me and often to be left out. But I didn't mind.
My peace was interrupted when a tall red-haired guy sat in front of me. He placed his forearms at the wooden table and grinned at me.
"Morning, love." He greeted. I rolled my eyes at him.
Fred Weasley. We didn't talk much until the fifth year when Professor McGonagall asked me to teach him and his twin, George Weasley for our O.W.Ls. It was a nightmare for me. I had to keep up with these troublemakers for a year just to help them revise all the lessons we took.
"I told you to stop calling me that." I should've gotten somewhere quiet.
"You know, I won't." He said whilst his brother sat beside me.
"Oh. Perhaps I should go and fetch Angelina. I don't want to interrupt anything." George winked at us before he went looking for his girlfriend.
Fred and I were left alone sitting at the Library. I don't know why he would always come here and wait for me to finish what I am reading. He could've gone somewhere. Like, pranking Snape or annoying the hell out of Filch. But instead, he's here with me.
I was busying myself reading a book when I could feel his eyes staring at me. I tried to ignore it but it bothered me so I looked back only to stare at his beautiful brown eyes. Wait, did I just—
My eyes widen but he just continued to stare at me. I heard him chuckled when I immediately broke our eyes away.
"Have you finished reading?" He asked me. I just nodded at him as I fixed the books that were placed at the table. Fred helped me to get the books back on their shelves.
"No problem, love." He puts the last book at the top of the shelf which I couldn't reach. "Anything you want to do today?"
"No. You can go and look for Lee and George." I was about to go when he held my wrist and gently pinned me into one of the shelves.
Fortunately, the Library was less crowded today as the students prefer to enjoy their weekend at the Hogsmeade or in their common rooms.
His actions took me by surprise. His left hand was still on my wrist whilst his other hand was placed at the side of my head.
"Get the box inside my pocket using your right hand." He commanded. I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Sorry. What?" I heavily breathed. He could see that I was nervous. So, he softened his gaze and repeated his words for me.
"The box, Y/N. Inside my pocket." I nodded at him and moved my right hand. He didn't move away, still staying in his position. I took the box out of his pocket. It was a small blue box with a little ribbon on it.
He finally let go of my wrist but his other hand was still placed on the side of my head.
"What's this?" I asked as I examined the tiny box.
"Open it." And I did. The tiny box contained a beautiful hairpin. It was the most beautiful one as it changes colors from blue to violet.
"Happy Birthday, love." He greeted me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"How did you—"
"I asked the woman who raised you at the orphanage. Now, I know you'll be mad. But, I wanted to know everything about you. Well, I could've asked you myself. Then again, I know you wouldn't tell me because you're stubborn—" He didn't finish his words when I pulled him into a hug.
"Fred... Thank you." Happy tears fell into my cheeks. He slowly pulled away and wiped my tears for me. He took the hairpin out of the box and placed it at the side of my hair.
"I don't know why you hate your birthday when I am happy that your mother gave birth to you." He placed his both hands on the side of my cheeks and softly kissed my nose. "I'm going to make you love your birthday 'till we take our last breath. That is if you are willing to."
Fred Weasley. He's full of surprises. He really did pull two birds with one stone. First, he knew my birthday by giving me a beautiful present despite no one knowing it from the day I stepped into this school. And second, he confessed to me as if he's proposing to me already.
"I don't know what to say..." I whispered. His face was getting closer to mine. I placed my left hand at his hand where he continues to cup my face.
"Then don't say anything." He whispered back. His lips got closer to mine. One push and our lips can already fit together.
"Godric, my name sounded good when you say it." Our lips finally crashed together. His hands left at my cheeks and made their way to my waist. My arms curled around his shoulders as I ran my fingers to his soft red hair. I felt him smile between our kisses when I did that.
We finally stopped kissing when I pulled away because I realized that we were still at the Library. We might get to detention if Madam Pinch caught us and with Umbridge as our acting Headmistress. Detention is more severe than before.
"As much as I love this. We must stop before anyone can catch us." I tried fixing my school robes. He grinned at me while fixing his hair.
A bright red immediately flushed into my cheeks when I remembered that I was the one who made his hair a mess. So, I tiptoed and helped him fix his hair. Only to have him steal a quick kiss from me.
"I love it when you run your little fingers into my hair." He chuckled as I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"Calm down, Weasley."
Whoa, that was...spicy. D'you, guys liked it? Now, I'm sorry if it takes too long to post another story. It's because I get writer's block and I'm busy because our school year is almost coming to an end. It's finally our vacation!
Also, I am thinking to create fanfiction about Snape's daughter and Harry Potter. I have it already in my drafts, waiting for it to publish. Let me know what you guys think.
Love, reginaaxxwrites 
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semmie · 3 years
𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬
𖤐 — wiping Ace, Leona and Malleus’ kiss away as a prank.
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credits. Inspired by this post of the sweetest @hettyoon !! <3
reader. Gender-neutral
banner filter used. Milky Way by thorucodes on Polarr!
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Ace Trappola
“Bye babe! Gotta run.”
“Mhm, have fun with basketball.”
After giving a dismissive wave to your boyfriend, the back of your hand wiped against your cheek— wiping the kiss Ace pressed away.
Crap, you got too excited to fool around that you forgot he was heading to a club activity, and that you doing this would definitely cause him to be late.
You quickly turned around to explain that it was nothing but a prank, however, Ace was already in your face.
The well-known annoyed pout sits on his lips with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. His gym bag was set down onto a nearby class desk, a little harsher than needed.
“I saw that.”
“Ace– I’ll explain later. You’ll be late for club!”
Ace ignores your words and grabbed a chair, easily turning it backwards with one hand so that he’s straddling the seat and arms resting on the backrest.
After betting that Floyd is probably late again today, he ends the club activities conversation there and starts interrogating you regarding your action earlier before suddenly remembering something.
“Ah- ahh, I know! It’s the uhhh, that one prank, right?”
Now, Ace is fairly active on social medias and knows his trending stuff. He was the one who joined Cater’s conversations most when it comes to the internet, too.
Huffing, the boy speaks of how he didn’t expect you of all people to join in on such a prank. Jokingly saying that he thought you two were heading for a breakup.
Who knows maybe Ace himself has thought about doing it too but you got to it first
After that, he’d press even more kisses to your face before finally leaving, making you giggle and make attempts to swat him away.
“Don’t wipe them off now, okay! Or I’ll only give you more.”
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Leona Kingscholar
You actually had a debate with yourself about whether you should commit to this or not, because Leona Kingscholar isn’t one to smother you with kisses everyday.
He’ll do it at least twice a day though, but they aren’t easy-going kisses such as on your forehead when you two meet for the first time in the day or a quick one on the cheek before letting you head into class.
Pecks from Leona usually happens when you both are relaxed, cuddling, and most definitely away from a third pair of eyes.
In conclusion, quick kisses from Leona are rare and you’re not sure if this silly little prank would stop his supplies of kisses for you (of course he wouldn’t stop it forever, it’d be hard on him too. But perhaps for a few days to teach his herbivore a lesson).
Nonetheless, when you’re safe and content in his arms, on his bed, receiving a soft kiss on your cheek— you wiped it away.
You could feel his body tense, stunned by your action. You always grin sheepishly whenever he kisses you, what the hell is this?
Would question himself if he did something wrong
You tried playing it off by snuggling deeper into his chest, pretending to be asleep— but he knows you’re not, so he calls out while avoiding your snuggles, moving to sit up.
“Oi. Up.”
Cracking one eye open, his expression was a mixture of annoyance and very well concealed hurt. This quickly made you sit up as well and apologize, explaining to your lover that it was nothing but a small prank. You’re sorry, you won’t do it again.
After convinced, Leona let out a heavy sigh—although clearly relieved—before trapping you in his arms and pulls you down with him onto the bed.
“You better.”
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Malleus Draconia
Mans is stunned. Shocked. Confused. Flabbergasted.
Would try to think of a reason for you to act this way but would also definitely feel hurt the instant you wiped his kiss away.
Malleus think back to every recent event he had with you (he remembers them very clearly) and tries to find if there were any loopholes.
Having found none, the most logical way is to ask.
“Child of Man, have I upset you in some way?”
How you wish to break character right there and then and give him back lots of kisses to make up for your mean prank, but you’re a little mischievous.
“Hm? Nothing. Why?”
You don’t look mad…you don’t look annoyed…your face was painted with (feigned) curiosity, so this shouldn’t be a trick question.
“You…wiped away my kiss just now.”
The crowned prince was too cute for you to keep going on. You broke out a small laugh before scooting closer to the fae, holding his face in your hands before smiling up and give him a kiss on the lips.
Malleus, although confused, very much welcomed your kiss and returned the sweet action, stroking your cheek and holding your nape.
Tried explaining the prank to him after but he still couldn’t wrap his head around it, so you left it at that— giggling and patting his shoulder, telling him he shouldn’t mind it and continue on with your gargoyle-sighting date.
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
Break up prank on the sk8 boys
➯ Characters: Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Cherry, Joe, Miya and Shadow x gn reader
➯ Warnings: none, just some angst to fluff. Enjoy!
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He thought it was a joke at first
Like you, he watched his fair share of videos, and had seen the trend going around already
But you weren’t discouraged, you were going to try and make him believe it no matter what
He laughed it off the first time, but after you simply gave him a puzzled look and a “huh?”, he felt his heart pick up significantly. Maybe you weren’t joking??
Instantly he was running back in his mind where he could’ve possibly gone wrong, where he could’ve messed up so badly that you felt the need to leave?
After his nervous laugh died down, he went deadly silent
“You’re serious?”
You were starting to feel awful, like maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all, but you decided to persist
When you nodded your head slowly, you could’ve died when you saw how quickly his face dropped
Even though he had a small smile on his face, you could see the tears pooling at the corners of his eyes. He was running a shaky hand through his hair, and when you were ready to take him into your arms, to tell him you were only kidding, he wouldn’t let you get a word in edgeways
A flood of questions was suddenly leaving his moth, all his unvoiced questions coming out in one go. He was holding your hand now in an almost death grip, asking you why you were unhappy, why you wanted to leave
Why he wasn’t good enough for you
That’s all you needed before you were pulling him into your arms, sobbing yourself. This shut him up, he was completely speechless as your tears pooled on his shoulder, telling him you were so sorry, that you were only joking. You just wanted to see him get a little panicky, you never expected the outcome to look like this
As soon as the words left your mouth you saw his shoulders visibly drop, pulling you impossibly closer as he let the last of his tears out. He chuckled shakily, running a hand up your back.
“I thought I lost you for a second there”
That was when you pulled your head out of his shoulder, grabbing his face between your hands and pulling him closer to you. Eyes wide, he simply watched as you declared he could never lose you, that you weren’t going anywhere. You were stuck to him like glue, whether he likes it or not
He gave you one last relieved smile, before he was pulling you close again for a desperate kiss. He kissed you like it was the last time he ever would, because now that he’d thought he lost you, he was never going to take anything about you for granted again
Was fully convinced you were serious right off the bat
Right as the words “I think we should break up” were leaving your lips, his brain was doing overtime trying to figure put how he hadn’t realised how unhappy you were. Sure, he was kind of bad at reading emotions, but surely he wasn’t so terrible he couldn’t figure out how his own s/o was feeling?
Was he really as bad at communication as people told him he was?
You instantly regretted your decision as you watched his mouth hang open, saw his eyes scrunch slightly as he wrung his hands quietly at his sides
He nodded, and you couldn’t seem to swallow the lump in your throat as your eyes locked on the small tear rolling down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away with a small smile
“If thats what will make you happy”
You couldn’t seem to collect your thoughts as you watched him step closer to you, dropping his head to your level as he grabbed your hand. It was soft, as if he didn’t want to hurt you any more than he thought he had. He stumbled over his words, trying to find the right ones to say. Eventually he just took a deep breath, and looked into your eyes
“Were you really that unhappy?” Your heart broke when you heard the crack in his voice towards the end. “How did I not notice how sad you were?” Tears were falling down his face again and he didn’t even bother wiping them away this time. Suddenly you were shooting forward, grabbing his shoulders as you began to cry
“You’ve never made me unhappy Langa, not once.” You saw his wide eyes stare at you, not even attempting to reply as he watched you continue. “It was a joke, Langa. I wanted to see how you’d react, I didn’t think you’d take it this seriously. Did you really think you made me unhappy? Ive never been happier than when I’m with you-“ you barely got to finish before he was wrapping you in his arms, his grip vicelike. His face was digging into your shoulder, clinging to you as if you’d disappear any second.
His breath was ragged and shaky as he pulled you even closer, making sure there was absolutely no room for you to escape. You ran your hand through his hair in an attempt to calm him down as he slowly emerged from your shoulder
With a small chuckle, he rubbed the side of your face with his hand, letting his head drop slightly as he let out a sigh of relief
“I really thought I was ignoring my own s/o’s feelings.” You laughed, pulling him into another hug
“If I’m ever upset, I’ll let you know. Just know it wont be for quite a while” you grinned, grabbing his collar to pull him into a kiss. It was sweet, and gentle, and you felt all your previous problems melt away as Langa pulled you closer, smiling into the kiss
You and Kaoru rarely fought, and when you did it was over minor things that were reconciled within a day. So when you were sitting him down, asking if he’d be okay with breaking up, the only thing he could feel was complete confusion.
What happened? You’d always been so happy, never expressing much discontent. And besides, whenever you did it was resolved as soon as possible. What was so different today?
What was making you so unhappy that you felt the relationship was beyond saving?
Or worse, what outside your relationship was making you happier than him?
He kept these thoughts to himself, coughing quietly to try and open up his throat that seemed to be impossibly tight at that moment. He held your hand, stroking it softly and nodding before looking up at you
“Why the sudden change of heart, hm?”
The small smile on Kaoru’s face that was slowly diminishing by the second made you want to melt into the ground. Even when you were asking him to leave, he was still so caring, still so loving. You could only watch, feeling your heart break as he looked at you, his eyes glassy as he quickly plastered the fakest smile you’ve ever seen onto his face
“Well, if you’re unhappy when you’re with me, surely we shouldn’t be together.” He let out a small, breathy laugh that was almost missed by you, if you hadn’t been watching him with such avid horror. “I dont know why you feel you aren’t happy anymore, sweetheart, but I’m glad you realised what you want.” You watched him stand without a word, as you slowly realised that this is real.
He thinks this is real
That was all you needed before you were leaping off the couch, practically turning it over with the force you’d pushed off it. You were shouting his name, grabbing him by the arm and absolutely dragging him to face you. With the sudden turn and shock, you both ended up on the floor as you began to babble, words pouring out of your mouth and tears streaming from your eyes
“Kaoru, of course I’m not unhappy, you always know just how to make me happy, I could never leave you!” You were jumping on top of him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he sat up, a hand on your back and the other pulling your hair back from your face, trying to find any trace of a lie on your face
“Are you serous? It was all...” he was speechless. He didn’t realise you would even pull something like that, much less go so far with it
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” you sobbed. “I never meant for it to go this far. I just wanted to see you get a little worked up, pull a funny prank, nothing else, i prom-“ you were cut off when Kaoru pushed his lips onto yours, breath shaky as he ran his hand through your hair, as if you were going to disappear any second and he was making sure you were still there
When you finally pulled away, he pressed his forehead to yours, letting out a small laugh
“Don’t ever pull that shit again”
When you first brought it up with him, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Surely you weren’t serious, right?
He kept a smile quirked on his lips, a questioning look in his eyes. Still, you kept a face of steel, as if challenging him to ask if you were joking
As worried as he was, he wasn’t sure you were being serious. Something about it wasn’t..genuine? You looked too straight-faced, your expression staying neutral the whole time as if to not give something away. He was certain he hadn’t done enough to make you this delighted about breaking up, so why were you so unaffected?
The cogs were turning in his brain, all arrows pointing towards one of two directions: either he was a massive dick, or it was a prank
Oh. A prank
Of course, he wasn’t certain, but it would certainly explain quite a bit
So he decided on a plan. It wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to do, but if it was a prank, it was a nice way for him to get you back for the little skit you pulled. And if it wasn’t a prank, well, maybe it’ll take the sting away a little
His mouth quickly dropped to a frown, ready to put his plan into action. “Oh yeah? Well, thats a bit of a relief.” He had to try hard to hide his grin when he saw your eyebrows furrow, saw the frown begin to spread across your face. So maybe it was a prank. You could only watch as he continued his speech
“You see, I’ve been thinking about ending things for a while now. There was a girl at S I met a few weeks back, and man, you should’ve seen the eyes she’s been giving me. Anyways, I’ve taken a real liking to her, and Ive been thinking about giving things with her a shot. Of course, now it shouldn’t be a bother, right?”
When he saw your face contort from confusion to anger, he knew he’d fucked up severely. Suddenly you were getting up close to his face, prank forgotten, poking him in the chest as you began to shout
“Are you serious!? After all we’ve been through together, you’re just gonna leave me for some bitch you met a few weeks ago??” You were fuming at this point, while Joe watched you with with a look of mock confusion
“What’s your problem? You were the one who wanted to “break up”, right?” Something about the way he said ‘break up’ made you freeze, looking up at him as you watched a grin begin to form on Joe’s face. That bastard
“You...you asshole!” You were lost for words. He knew this whole time? And instead of enlightening you, he decided to play along? You watched with a blank expression as Joe laughed, pulling you into a hug
“I knew it” he let out a loud laugh, but it almost seemed forced. You pulled away, and when you tried to look at him his eyes seemed to be everywhere but you. You grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look at you
“You didn’t think id actually want to break up, did you?” When he simply frowned, pulling his eyes away again you cooed, pulling him into your chest as you stroked his hair, feeling his arms slowly wrap around your waist and hold you close
It’s safe to say the two of you stayed like that for quite a while
When you asked him to break up as a joke, you simply wanted to see if you could piss him off. Hiromi was prone to getting mad at the smallest things, cursing up a storm when he did something as small as mess up his makeup
So when you saw his face break, felt him shrink in on himself as he asked you why, what had he done that made you want to leave, your face was frozen with shock
Now this was completely new. Of course, you knew Hiromi wasn’t just some big angry man, but you didn’t think he’d get this worked up
Brows furrowed, he brought a hand to his forehead as he let out a long breath
“What happened?” Those two words held so much emotion it almost made you break. You didn’t realise how much this would affect him, just how upset it would make him. But here he was, an emotional wreck as he wiped an almost-tear away from the edge of his eye
But soon after, he was stepping close to you, grabbing your hand and looking at you with all the sincerity in the world
“Please, give me another chance. I dont know what I did, but I do know we can fix it. I know we can, please y/n. I cant lose you”
His heartfelt speech was all you needed for the tears to slowly fall from your eyes, Hiromi looking at you with a look of concern, and confusion. You were stepping into his arms, crying silently as he hesitantly put his arms around you, not quite sure what to do. So was that a yes?
You picked your head off his shoulder, not moving from his arms
“Oh, Hiromi” he looked down at you, concern washing over his face once more. “It was only a prank, I’m so sorry.”
Now he wasn’t just upset, but relieved. A bit of anger was in there somewhere, but that could be overlooked for now. He let out a loud laugh, hugging you so tightly you could’ve sworn you felt at least 3 of your ribs break
“And what made you think that was a funny thing to do?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, not letting you out of his death grip. You simply shrugged, burying yourself deeper into his chest. He smiled, his knees practically buckling after the whole ordeal
He held you at arms length, a frown on his face. You felt a twinge of panic, maybe he wouldn’t forgive you?
This thought was quickly forgotten when he barked out a loud laugh. He dropped his face to your level, putting his hands on your shoulders
“Pull something like that again, and I swear you’ll give me a heart attack”
Miya has never been one for properly expressing his emotions, so when you walked up to him one day and asked him to break up, he simply frowned. He didn’t let it on, but his world was very quickly caving in around him
Keeping a neutral expression, he sighed and nodded his head. He didn’t trust himself to speak right now
When you gave him a confused look from his lack of a verbal response, he really had to try to not walk out of that room there and then. You break up with him, and then expect him to just take it and walk away with a smile??
When you continued to look at him expectantly, he just let out a breath, turning away from you. “Fine. Whatever. If thats really what you want then so be it” he was kicking himself for being so blunt, but what other choice did he have? He couldn’t think, his lungs felt too small, too cramped
And now you were going to leave just like everyone else had
You tried to put your hand on his shoulder, calling his name quietly. He simply shrugged you off, dipping his head so you wouldn’t see the tears that were quickly collecting in his eyes. You’d just dumped him, the last thing he needed was you seeing him cry. You didn’t give up, asking him why he wouldn’t just look at you. Still not facing you, he attempted to talk again
“What more is there to discuss? You want to leave, so go. I’m not going to stop you if its what you want.” The crack in his voice at the end of his sentence broke your heart, and you were quickly turning him around, with more force this time, so he was forced to look you in the eyes
“Do you really think I’d leave that easily? It was a prank, you dumbass.” His head was buzzing with thoughts, why the hell would you do that? So you dont actually want to leave? You’re still gonna stay with him? You-
His thoughts were interrupted by you flicking his forehead. His hands flew to his head, letting out a cry. First you pretend to dump him, and now you have the audacity to flick him?
However, it did serve its purpose of pulling him out of his thoughts, and you were quickly pulling him into a hug while you stroked his hair. Before long you felt your shoulder grow wet with tears, the occasional sniffle leaving him. You laughed, holding him close as you tilted his chin to look at you
“I’m not going anywhere, as much as you might like me to. You’re stuck with me for a while longer, Miya Chinen.” He looked away from you, clicking his teeth
“Shut up..” he was mumbling, but there was so mistaking how hard he was gripping your clothes, as if you might try to leave again. But like you said, you weren’t going anywhere for quite some time
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bestofbucky · 4 years
The Man With A Plan. (Stucky x reader)
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Pairings: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Steve x reader x Bucky.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY, smut, threesome, swearing, little bit of sub/dom, praise kink, captain/sergeant kink, some fluffiness at the end.
A/N: This is my first time writing smut so pls be nice! Obviously I had to start with Stucky :) where else would I start? Didn’t expect it to be this long but oh well!
THANK YOU SO MUCH @buckyownsmylife I wouldn’t be posting this without your help! You are incredible and everyone reading this should read her stuff after :)
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You and Bucky have a prank war that’s been going on pretty much ever since the two of you became friends. They were completely harmless pranks, he put flour in your hairdryer, you filled the floor of his room with cups of water, the usual stuff.
Right now, you’re on holiday with all the Avengers and of course, partners and kids, at Tony’s beach mansion in Italy. You had been here for 5 days now and every night Bucky goes for a late night swim, which you only just found out he does naked. He leaves his clothes and a towel on a sunlounger on the shore.
So of course, when you found out, you decided you would steal his stuff when he was in the water so he would have to walk naked through the house. All the adults were in the lounge, after all the kids had gone to bed. You had already stolen Bucky’s stuff and put it in his room so it was just a waiting game until he walked in.
Right on time, the door bursts open and an angry faced Bucky storms into the room, he is using both hands to conceal himself and shuffling sideways like a crab with his backside to the wall. Everyone is in fits of laughter, especially when he reaches the door which is closed and he has to remove one hand in order to open it.
You are chuckling to yourself but struggling to laugh any more than that. The sight of Bucky’s still wet body was stealing all your focus. You watched intently as a droplet rolled down the middle of his chest, over his abs then disappeared behind his hand. You clenched your thighs, shifting in your seat hoping it covered up your movements.
Bucky finally managed to exit the room and everyone was chuckling among themselves. You couldn’t stop thinking about how incredible Bucky had looked. You tried to push the thoughts of him out of your mind, especially because your boyfriend was sitting right next to you.
“I think we should go to bed.” Speak of the devil. Steve had leaned closer to you, his mouth hovering over your ear.
Fuck, you think. He probably saw how you were looking at Bucky and is now really angry with you. To make sure you don’t make him any angrier, you agree. Saying goodnight to everyone you both head up to your room.
Steve immediately heads into the bathroom without saying a word. You start getting changed thinking of how you could make it up to him but your thoughts are soon interrupted by Steve’s voice.
“I think that was your best one so far.” He chuckles and you join, still nervous he might be upset.
“Yeah, the look on his face was definitely worth it.” You joke back as you get into bed. Steve, now just in his boxers, comes and joins you, pulling you onto his lap so you are straddling him.
“I wasn’t looking at his face,” he whispers, making goosebumps rise across your skin. “And I know for a fact, you weren’t either.” His lips attach to your neck causing you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
He pulls away. “Do you ever think about Bucky fucking you?” He asks as his hands make their way underneath your shirt.
“No, of course not. I’m with you.” You say as he starts massaging your boobs.
“I have.” There isn’t a trace of embarrassment in his voice.
“You’ve thought about Bucky fucking me or you?” You tilt your head back as he starts to play with your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
“Both. I know what it’s like to be with Buck. I want to know what it’s like to be with you both together.” The thought of Steve and Bucky together makes you grind your hips down onto Steve and you feel him grow hard underneath you.
“You like the thought of me and Bucky?” Steve teases as he nibbles at your neck. “Or was it the thought of all three of us?”
You start to imagine what it would be like with them both. Would Bucky want you to call him Sergeant like Steve has you call him Captain? Who would take the lead, or would it be both of them? You think about being sandwiched between them, their skin rubbing against yours as they take you however they want, using your body for their pleasure.
Suddenly Steve stops everything, his hands come out from underneath your shirt and rest on your hips and he leans back against the headboard, no longer kissing your neck. You frown at him and he simply smirks.
You rock your hips to try to get the friction you need but he holds you still.
“Steve please” You say breathlessly.
“Not tonight, angel. Take it as your punishment for practically drooling over Buck.” He lifts you off him.
“But you just-”
You immediately stop talking when you see his eyes. When he looks at you like that you wouldn’t dare disobey him. So instead, you curl yourself into his side and try hard to get the thoughts of Bucky out of your mind so you can drift off to sleep.
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Bucky had a plan to get you back and in his mind it was a good one. Everyone had left for the day to explore Italy but you and Steve told everyone you weren’t feeling up to it and were going to stay at the house. Perfect. Bucky also told everyone he was going to stay behind so now the three of you were lounging around the pool together.
You had started to mumble your words and Bucky could tell you were getting tired. He made sure to stay quiet enough for you to drift off to sleep which you soon did. When you’re breathing evened out he sprung into action.
He went into the kitchen, grabbed a pair of scissors and came back out, he walked over to where you were laying and just as he was about to start cutting he was interrupted by Steve’s voice.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Although he was trying to be intimidating, he was still whispering so he wouldn’t wake you.
“Getting even.” Bucky stated simply and Steve just shrugged allowing him to continue with whatever it is he wanted to do.
Leaning back over your sleeping body Bucky gently cut the two top straps and the middle strap of your triangle bikini, but didn’t move it. He then went to put the scissors back and grabbed a jug, filling it with ice cold water. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he knew he was going to get you back so good.
He made his way back outside, Steve sat up on his chair and watched eager to see what was about to happen. Bucky pulls his arm back and aims the water at your face and chest.
A surge of cold suddenly hits your body and you gasp as you instinctively stand up. It takes a few moments for you to come to and understand where you are and what just happened. You finally open your eyes and you see Bucky standing in front of you, an empty jug in his hand and a mischievous smirk on his face. The bastard. He must have thrown the ice cold water on you.
You scowl at him, but his smirk quickly fades as his eyes trail down to your chest. Then you notice that you can feel the breeze on your skin and you look down only to discover you are no longer covered by your bikini top. It is in pieces on the floor in front of you.
Before you can act, Steve is behind you, he places a hand on each boob. You don’t know if he is trying to protect you from Bucky’s eyes, hold you back from lunging at him or just using it as an excuse to feel you up. Probably the third one.
“These are for my eyes only.” Steve growls but your mind goes back to the conversation you had with him last night. Bucky just continues laughing, finding the situation hilarious. You smirk at the idea that comes into your head.
“If you wanted to see what's underneath my top, all you had to do was ask.” You place your hands on top of Steve’s and pull them off your body, exposing yourself to Bucky.
His laughter comes to a halt and he bites his lip as his eyes fixate on your chest. He glances behind you at Steve for confirmation which you assume he got because he starts walking towards you.
He stops right in front of you and lifts his hand up, his eyes never leaving yours. His fingers lightly graze over your nipple and you lean forward into his touch but he pulls his hand away and turns his head to Steve before eventually looking back to you.
“Can I see what’s underneath these?” His fingers fiddle with the ties on either side of your bikini bottoms. You nod, allowing him to continue and he pulls at them, still holding eye contact. It comes undone and he lets it fall to the floor.
He places his hands on your hips and guides you backwards until the back of your legs hit a sunlounger, and then gently pushes you down, spreading your legs apart to dangle on either side. His eyes finally leave yours as they trail down your body, sucking in a breath when he sees your pussy.
He looks over at Steve again and you do too. He is sat to the side watching you both as he palms himself through his swim shorts. The sight turns you on even more. You feel Bucky shift so you return your gaze to him. He starts to place wet kisses up your inner thighs, stopping before he gets to the place you want him most.
“Always wanted to taste you.” He looks up at you as he licks up your slit before swirling his tongue around your clit. He presses a cold metal finger into and you gasp, arching your back off the lounger. He sucks on your clit as he pumps in and out of you, adding another finger and curling them just right, to hit your sweet spot. You moan loudly as the pleasure ripples through your body.
“Fuck, doll. Let me hear all those noises you make.” He continues at a steady pace as you start to feel the coil tighten inside you. Your hands find their way into his hair as he sends you over the edge. You cry out, your thighs squeezing his head as he continues through your orgasm.
He finally pulls away as you start to come down. He smiles at you, lips glistening.
“Steve,” Bucky summons Steve over. He kneels next to you and Bucky brings his fingers up to his lips. Steve happily accepts, opening his mouth and sucking your juices off Bucky’s fingers. The sight alone is almost enough to make you orgasm again, especially when you notice both men straining against their swim shorts.
You reach your hand out and slip it into Steve’s shorts, wrapping it around his length, his moan muffled by Bucky’s fingers. You look at Bucky who is already staring at you, he wraps his spare hand around the back off your neck as he pulls you into a heated kiss.
He is more dominating than Steve is but you enjoy the way he takes control. You continue to move your hand up and down Steve’s length and your other hand palms Bucky through his shorts. He sighs into your mouth and you love the feeling of pleasing both men.
All too soon, Bucky is pulling away and releasing his fingers from Steve’s mouth. He walks over to another sunlounger and takes the cushion off, placing it on the floor next to Steve.
“Can I fuck your mouth?” His tone makes you want to do anything he says, so you quickly nod.
“Lie down,” he commands. You lie on the cushion on your back and he kneels over your face. You go to wrap your hand around him but he catches your wrist, stopping you.
He guides himself to your mouth, tapping gently on your lips. You open wide and he pushes in. He is not as thick as Steve but he is longer and you can feel him deeper in your throat.
“Fuck doll. Your mouth feels so good around me,” he moans when he hits the back of your throat.
“Come here Steve.” He holds his cock down your throat and you remind yourself to breathe through your nose. Steve stands in front of Bucky, his legs either side of your head.
You watch as Steve’s cock disappears down Bucky’s throat and you hum, finding it incredibly hot. Bucky starts gently thrusting into your mouth and Steve does the same for Bucky. You don't know what to focus on: your boyfriend’s delicious noises as he moves in and out of his best friend’s mouth, the sight of Bucky’s lips wrapped around Steve’s cock, or the feeling of Bucky’s cock moving in and out of your mouth.
Your moans send vibrations down Bucky’s cock and you feel him twitch slightly as he starts to increase in speed. The noises coming from both you and Bucky are making Steve weak at the knees.
“You’re taking his cock so well angel.” Steve tells you and you clench around nothing at his praise.“Look so good with your lips around his cock.”
It’s not long before Bucky’s thrusts lose their rhythm and he is releasing down your throat. Steve follows shortly after. You and Bucky make sure to swallow everything you have been given.
You know from experience that super soldiers don't need much time before they can go again, but it still surprises you how quickly they can recover.
You are still lying on your back, a little bit of Bucky’s cum dribbles out your mouth and down your cheek.
“You look so pretty with my cum dripping down your face,” Bucky tells you and again the words go straight to your core. The smirk on his face tells you he knows how you feel about praise. You use your finger to wipe the cum off and then suck it as you hold eye contact with Bucky.
“Such a good girl.” he murmurs.
Steve comes over to you with a glass of water which you happily accept, you take small sips until you have had enough and you pass it back to Steve. He takes a couple of gulps before handing it to Bucky who finishes it off.
“Are you ready for another round, angel?” Steve asks as he gently brushes some hair out of your face. You nod eagerly, excited for what will happen next.
“Yes, Captain.” You correct yourself, knowing Steve likes it when you use your words.
“Fuck.” You expect the expletive to come from Steve as a response to you calling him captain but you are surprised to find out it came from Bucky. You smile knowing exactly what he wants you to call him.
“How do you want me, Sergeant?” It’s like the words flipped a switch in his mind.
“Hands and knees princess,” he tells you and you obey. Bucky takes his place behind you while Steve sits down in front of you, placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
Bucky’s hand comes down on your ass and you gasp in shock. “No kissing unless I tell you to.” You know from this moment on Bucky is in charge and you need to do everything he says and nothing more. The whole situation makes you so wet you can feel it starting to drip down your thigh.
Bucky slides his cold metal fingers through your slick. “Fuck, you’re dripping princess.” His fingers glide over your clit, and you jerk, still a little sensitive. “You like being told what to do? Being used for our pleasure?” He asks as continues to toy with your clit. You nod, too consumed by pleasure to say anything. Bucky’s movements halt and he brings his hand down on your cheek again. You whimper at the contact.
“Use your words.” He growls.
“Yes sergeant.” You see Steve smile at your obedience the same way he always would when training you and your chest swells slightly knowing he is proud of you.
“Good girl.” You feel Bucky guide his tip to your entrance, only pushing himself slightly in, causing your frustrations to grow.
“Please, Sergeant. I need your cock. Please fuck me.” You beg, hoping he will give you the satisfaction you need.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He hisses as he slowly presses all the way in, determined to savour the feeling.
“How does she feel Buck?” Steve asks like you aren’t even there.
“So good, Steve. So hot and wet,” he mumbles and the praise makes you involuntarily clench around him.
“Can I suck your cock, Captain? Please.” You ask and he looks up to Bucky for permission. Seeing Steve second in command is something you never thought you would witness but you are so glad you are.
He rises onto his knees and guides himself into your mouth. The feeling is indescribable, and you become impatient, pushing yourself backwards into Bucky, who simply chuckles. It seems to work though, as they both start to gently thrust in and out, working in tandem with each other.
“Gripping me so tight, doll.”
“Fuck, angel”
“Feel so good”
“Doing so well.”
Their voices start to merge into each other as your body is taken over by pleasure. Their thrusts start to become sloppy and uneven as they each use your body to chase their release. You can feel the pressure building in your stomach as Bucky snakes his hand around and circles your clit with his fingers.
It’s not long till Steve is thrusting one last time deep into your throat, grunting as he releases into your mouth. The noises that fall from his lips send you over the edge and you clench down hard around Bucky as you cum on his cock. Bucky is quick to follow as your pussy milks his cock and soon you feel his release coating your walls.
They both ease out of you and you let your body collapse onto the cushion. You try to catch your breath, your mind still dizzy with arousal.
Steve’s fingers make their way into your hair as he gently massages your scalp while Bucky places kisses, starting on your lower back and traveling up your spine to your shoulder.
“You did so well, doll.” Bucky says.
“I’m so proud of you, angel.” Steve tells you as he shuffles around you. A small smile makes its way onto your lips at their praise.
You feel arms wrap around you and you are lifted into the air, you snuggle your head into their neck and breathe in. You can tell it’s Steve from his scent.
“Where are we going?” You mumble.
“We need to get you cleaned up.” He explains and you open your eyes to see Steve is carrying you towards your room.
“Is Bucky coming too?” You ask softly which warms both Steve and Bucky’s hearts.
“Yeah doll. I’m here.” You hear his voice from behind you and sigh happily as your mind replays what just happened. You know from this moment on it’s no longer just you and Steve, it’s all three of you, together.
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Permanent Taglist: @vampirewithbedsidemanners @townwitchbitch @velvetcardiganbucky @courtneychicken @band--psycho @tuiccim @lunarmoon8
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Not the Only One
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 synopsis ; Despite being at CHB for quite a few years, you haven’t connected with your siblings like you have with Will. When your frustrations arise with being one of the only Apollo kids interested in medicine, Will comes in with a few comforting words.
 pairings ; will solace x sibling! reader
 genre ; fluff
~ day
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Your pencil scratched the paper roughly, pressing the lead into the notebook unnecessarily hard. Austin was practicing his Saxophone on his bunk bed, swearing when he’d miss a note or muddle an expression. Kayla wasn’t far behind him, working on her hymns and lyrics for a song she and Austin were working on together. 
“So loud for no reason,” you thought.
You heard Austin make a squawking noise with his sax, followed by laughter from both of your half-siblings. You sighed and threw your head back in annoyance, glancing over at them, “Can you guys please quiet down? I’m trying to study over here.”
Austin quirked a brow, shifting his eyes from Kayla to you, “Well, playing forte quietly kinda defeats the purpose, don’t you think?”
You scowled, “I don’t know why not.”
Austin laughed and teased, “Aren’t you a child of Apollo? You don’t know what forte means?”
Kayla smiled a little at her half-brothers' joke, not seeing the daggers you glared into both of them from your desk.
You huffed and gathered your things, “Not all Apollo kids are musicians, Austin.” 
“...Obviously, it was just a joke.” Austin watched as you stormed out of the cabin, slamming the door behind you. He turned to Kayla, looking for reassurance that it didn’t come across as rude, but was met with a shrug.
You didn’t know where you would go to study in peace. Camp Half-Blood could be pretty loud during the day, with clashing swords and cheering for the people at the lava wall, and sometimes there was a rare occurrence where a demigod managed to pull off a massive prank. Yeah, where would you go?
You stood still in the middle of the field between the Arena and the Big House, tongue in your cheek as you thought of the possibilities. The porch of the Big House should be quiet enough for you to finish studying in peace. There are a few tables and chairs from when Mr. D would play cards with his sons or Chiron now and then. Maybe one of them is free? 
Upon your luck, you came across one near the door; the occasional grunts did leak out from the infirmary on the first floor, but not enough to distract you. You could finally look over your books and take notes without interruption, flying through the pages with ease. These topics always did fascinate you, learning about the human body and how it works just amazed you, not to mention how easily you picked things up. You had yet to put any of your knowledge in the infirmary or on quests, but man, you couldn’t wait. Not that you wished anyone to be severely injured or anything that is.
It was odd that there weren’t more Apollo kids interested in medicine. It seemed like every sibling you had only enjoyed music or archery. Will was the exception to this, though, he was the head counselor of cabin seven and the best healer in camp! Will was most definitely someone you looked up to. He’d already had so much experience under his belt and knew much about acting under stress; he was a phenomenal doctor.
Of course, being the best meant that Will was very busy and was rarely around. He was either in a meeting, in the infirmary, or with Nico, who missed him equally, if not more than you did. It was discouraging, feeling overlooked and alone in your interests and talents within camp. Nico was always very friendly and reassured you that Will was proud of you and missed you very much, but Will’s actions never lined up with those statements.
Whether or not Will was proud of you, you didn’t know. He was so busy that when you tried to show him what you learned, he’d smile and nod before heading to bed, or maybe a thumbs up and a simple “good job.” However, you weren’t sure if he missed you like Nico said he did. Will was never really close to you in the first place. You just sort of followed him around when you could. He probably stayed busy just to get away from you.
After a few hours, you were starting to get a little hungry. You figured maybe dinner was being offered and now would probably be a good time to take a break from the big words and symptoms. Folding up your things and organizing them neatly, you felt a presence directly behind you.
Will had come out of the Big House and noticed you  hunched over your book and notepad, scribbling tiredly until you had decided to stop. He smiled, knowing how dedicated you were to heping others. 
“So tell me, what illnesses did you learn about today?”
You stood quickly, turning around with a smile and hugging him tightly, much to his surprise, “Will! Are you headed to dinner?” 
He hummed in response, pulling you away so he could gather up your things and hand them to you, “Wanna head over together?”
After a response from both you and your stomach, the two of you made your way over to mess hall where you sat with your other siblings after making an offering. It was a little awkward considering there was a misunderstanding between you, Kayla, and Austin. The three of you didn’t make eye contact, something that Will caught on to.
“What’s the matter with you, huh?” He questioned Kayla.
She looked up in surprise, “Ah nothing really.”
His brows furrowed at her lackluster response. Kayla was a very sweet girl who never really held issues with anyone. It was odd to see her so downcast and quiet, especially at meals.
“So what’d you guys do today?”
Again, the three in question didn’t respond in a typical manner. Austin and Kayla were pretty close, it isn’t likely that those two did anything to upset the other. However, Y/n frequently got into spats with the others, they tend to clash more than was normal for siblings.
After dinner, Will made sure to ask Y/n to hang back for a bit. It wasn’t hard, he was well aware of how much they looked up to him, so this had to be handled with care.
You resumed your place at the bench, looking curiously at Will who had been pursing his lips and staring at you with calculating eyes. It was a little nervewrecking, it felt like you were about to be scolded. What had you done to deserve a scolding?
He must’ve picked up on your worries because he sent a small smile your way, “Calm down, I’m not gonna bite your head off--” he bit his lip before resuming, “I just wanna ask what happened with Austin and Kayla.”
Your breath hitched, a little nervous to tell Will that you caused more unnecessary conflict within the cabin. After the last time, you weren’t sure if Will would give you anymore chances to stay in the cabin. Because last time you had turned most of your siblings against you. 
You had lashed out about the noise multiple times to Yan, Gracie, Austin, Kayla, and Jerry. You had also picked a fight with Victoria by calling her Ares fan club stupid. She held her own without Will’s input though. That was one hell of a swirlie. 
“Well uh…” You started, heaving a big sigh and averting your eyes, “It just feels like no one really understands me, no one knows how it feels to be the only one interested in medicine when everyone else is into music!”
Will blinked, “Alright you’re spending too much time with Nico, you’re starting to sound extremely emo.”
When he saw your deadpanned expression he chuckled, “I’m joking. A little.”
You slumped down into the table, head buried in your arms.
“Y/n, you’re forgetting that you’re not the only one interested in medicine,” he sighed, “Obviously I’m into medicine, but so is Yan, Gracie just recently asked about helping out in the infirmary too. You have to remove the mindset that you’re the only one. You’re just isolating yourself.”
Your heart sunk a little at his words. Were you just being over-dramatic?
“I’m not mad at you, but picking fights with the others just because they aren’t into the same things is just not the way to go about things.”
You huffed, tears brimming your eyes, “but Austin was teasing me because I didn’t know what forkie meant earlier, that if I were really an Apollo kid then I’d know.”
He quirked a brow, “Forkie?” He thought for a moment, “Oh, forte.”
You slumped back into the table, “See? I’m just not an Apollo kid I suppose, maybe he made a mistake in claiming me.”
Will clicked his tongue in disagreement, “You’re being a little much right now, you being claimed was not a mistake. You forget our dad is literally god of so many things, how could you possibly excel in all of them?”
He continued, “While I agree that Austin shouldn’t have said that-- and I’m assuming Kayla weighed in unknowingly, that’s no reason to lash out and act as if you’re better.”
You opened your mouth to protest but he held up a hand.
“I know you don’t mean to, but you have got to stop thinking you’re on your own in the medical field. And you have to stop belittling your siblings' talents as well, we can and have coexisted without this much conflict before. Will you promise to try and compromise with them?”
You nodded, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off as entitled or anything. I just felt a little left out.”
He smiled and moved to pull you into a side hug, “I know, but I hope you know that you’re not alone in preferring medicine.”
Nodding once more, you looked up at him, heaving a shaky breath, “Have I been that much of a pain in the ass?”
“Psh, all of you are, but that’s one of them many reasons I love you guys so much.”
With a small laugh, you pulled away, picking up your books and staring off at the cabins in the distance, knowing what you had to do next. This was gonna suck, you never enjoyed apologizing much, but Will knows best so… Well most of the time.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The MC Accidentally Kisses the Brothers
Due to incredibly popular demand (and because it’s a cute prompt).
It was just a childish prank, but pretty much all of Satan’s pranks were childish at their core (even the more homicidal ones).
This one wasn’t even that bad in the grand scheme of things. The angry boi was just trying to see if he could get Lucifer to fall down the stairs...
...admittedly, saying it out loud makes it sound much more cruel than intended. But this is Lucifer we’re talking about. A tumble down a flight or two wouldn’t leave him too injured… Unfortunately for Satan, he wasn’t the only one who took a tumbling.
The plan was pretty simple, put an enchantment on the stairs to the Conference Hall, lay in wait, and trigger it right as Lucifer was leaving a meeting. He’s always the last to go, so it should have been foolproof.
But the MC hung back to leave with Lucifer that day and just so happened to jump forward right as Satan was timing his step… getting themselves thrown down along with him.
Fortunately for them both, the firstborn’s reflexes were astounding. He was already holding the MC in his demon form and cushioning their fall before they could even hit the first stair. And it was quite a long way down…
By the time they hit the bottom, Lucifer had them fully wrapped up in his wings and Satan couldn’t what had happened until they unfolded… whereupon he saw the MC laying on top of Lucifer with their lips far FAR too close together for his liking…
Yeah, that backfired pretty hard and Satan was left fuming over it for days… Not that Lucifer minded in the slightest.
Sometimes when Mammon does his photoshoots he brings the MC along as one part cheerleader, one part pit crew. It’ll be their job to hold onto his stuff, make sure he has enough to drink, and generally stand there and be impressed by his awesomeness until they leave.
Well that day things had been going well… until a particularly nosy worker started hovering around the MC too much for Mammon’s liking.
He tried to put it past him, since he had a shoot to do and all, but he snapped about halfway through when the guy kept trying to force a conversation with the very not interested MC.
Oh, he was ready to tell him off. He made the photographer stop mid-shoot just so he could march over there himself and give that asshole a piece of his mind! He was going to absolutely tear him to shreds and then-!!
Okay, that didn’t exactly happen because right as he got up to the MC, ready to start shouting, our lovable moron tripped… again…
But unlike the first time, where he more or less face-planted the floor, this time he smacked lips first into a surprised MC in front of the jerk he was trying to scare off.
… Yeah. He meant to do that.
And that’s exactly how he played it off, keeping his lips right where they were and flipping the other guy off so he’d leave them alone (which, thankfully, he did).
Totally what he intended to do and he'll swear so to this day.
… how in the world do you mess up the Kabedon?
Levi had seen the move done hundreds of times before in anime. It’s a very simple concept: put someone up against a wall, put one of your hands by their head, and just lean. That’s it. Not rocket science.
Levi had been mentally preparing himself for this moment for days… He may or may not have even practiced this (very simple) move in his room countless times. He genuinely thought he was ready to try it on the MC.
So, on one of those rare days he went to RAD, he gave it a shot. He waited until he and the MC were walking alone together, got them up against the wall, annnnd…
...rather than touching the wall next to them, his hand completely missed any sort of hard surface because in his panic he stopped them right next to a blind corner…
Naturally, his body fell forward some but since there wasn’t that much space between them by that point he uh… he… well he now knows their preferred Chapstick.
No matter what the MC’s reaction ultimately was, he leapt away from them like he just licked an electric fence and bolted.
His embarrassment genuinely cannot be overstated... He practically broke a window in his attempt to get the hell out of there and back to his room, where he didn’t leave for three days straight… Poor Levi...
It started out as easily one of the best days of his life. 
The MC, the exchange students, and the Royal Court had all decided to surprise him on his birthday with a Devildom-style cat cafe… Kitties were on practically every surface around him! 
Admittedly, Satan had been pretty distracted throughout most of his time there. There were just so many kitties for him to see that he sort of forgot about the MC in the process…
So in order to get his attention a little, the MC thought it would be cute to pick up one of the furry bundles and hold it in front of their face, doing that little thing where you pretended to “talk” for the cat and even waved one of its little paws at him.
They hadn’t predicted that Satan would find the display utterly, heart-meltingly adorable...
He attempted to plant a kiss on top of the furry critter’s head at the exact time that the MC brought the cat down their face entirely.
It took Satan a second or two to register that his lips were not, in fact, on a cat. And when he pulled back to see the MC’s shocked expression, the full gravity of his actions smacked him in the face like a falling log…
Cue a flustered rush to apologize while the MC hid their face back behind the confused kitty… Getting an accidental kiss in front of the prince of Hell and literal angels was pretty dang embarrassing...
At least the incident was taken in good spirits by most of the people in attendance (minus Luke, who was desperately trying to give MC his bottle of holy water like it was pepper spray by that point). 
Though after that point, Satan noticed that his “guests” kept passive-aggressively giving him cats until he was literally so buried in fluff he could barely move… probably not related, though. Probably.
It was another party night with Asmo and the MC at the Fall having a good time.
Now, Asmo was no stranger to Demonus and other assorted demonic beverages. You could say his tolerance is decent enough, but get a few too many in him and he does start to get a little off…
And a drunk Asmo is a very troublesome Asmo. 
The MC, bless their heart, was pretty much playing the sober babysitter to their demon friend when Asmo decided that he HAD to leave the club and get cupcakes right then. Being the good person they were, MC agreed to go with him, as long as he promised to stay with them and not wander off…
But they somehow managed to lose him within three blocks from the club. All they did was check their phone for directions and the guy bailed!!
Little did the MC know, while they were frantically searching for him Asmo hadn’t run away completely… He had just decided it was a great idea to play hide-and-seek at 2am and hid behind a nearby building.
It was his drunken giggling that eventually gave away his position, but he jumped out from behind the corner right as the MC was rounding it. Naturally, they both to collided. If hugging hadn’t been an instinctual action to Asmo by they point, they would have fallen down…
All they did ended up doing instead was getting caught in lip-lock due to Asmo’s sudden vice-grip.
Apparently he laughed and laughed all the way back to the House but his memory of it is pretty hazy… He’ll just have to get the MC to reenact it with him a few dozen times, that ought to jog his memory!
The MC was helping Beel out with his workout yet again and things had been going well.
Since Beel is pretty much a one-man army, his weights and routine are usually waaay too advanced for any human to be able to handle. So the MC is less his spotter and more a casual supporter/motivator than anything else.
And motivation was just what they were trying to provide with a fun little experiment of theirs… 
Ever heard of the “carrot-on-the-stick”? Well they decided to try something like that… literally. Just replace the carrot with a roast ham!
They put ham on a fishing pole, set Beel up on a treadmill, and dangled it closer or farther away based on his speed. In theory, it wasn’t the worst idea in the world... but in practice…? 
Well. Someone should have told them not to stand in front of him during this little trial...
Their motivation experiment did work for a few minutes… But soon enough Beel’s stomach got the better of his (marginal) self-control. They just weren’t expecting him to leap over the top of the treadmill...!
The smart thing to do would have been to drop the fishing pole or to just keep it still so Beel could grab the meat, but the MC reflexively drew the pole back behind them… thus putting them right in Beel’s path instead.
And that’s how they ended up caged under lord knows how many pounds of Beelzebub, thankfully kissing their lips rather than trying to chew them off…
Needless to say, Beel climbed off of them, red as a cherry, and the MC let him have that ham before the two agreed to never try this again. Whoopsie!
Belphie likes sleep. 
Belphie likes cuddles. 
Belphie likes cuddling in his sleep.
Really this was bound to happen eventually…
The MC and Belphie were having a nice nap together in the attic and there wasn’t anything nefarious about it. Just two people snuggled up together in the same bed.
...snuggled up very close together in the same bed.
So close, in fact, that when the MC finally woke up and rolled over some to reposition themselves, they felt the soft lips of their companion brush up against their own.
They, of course, had the appropriate reaction of shock and embarrassment to this… but this cheeky fucker just smirked at them and let one eye slip open.
“What…? Is that it? It’ll take more than that to wake me up…”
Never mind the fact he was awake the whole time...
He really should have expected that pillow to the head, but after they struck the first blow, it was on now.
Don't worry. As it would turn out, an impromptu pillow fight also wakes him up just fine. Who'd have guessed?
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Lock and Key | Bakugou K.
Summary: It all started out as a harmless prank - Denki’s idea, to get the two of you to talk. It was no secret that you had feelings for Bakugou Katsuki, at least, not amongst your friends. Denki had meant well, sure, when he’d handcuffed the two of you together, but when the key goes missing... well, let’s just say, it’s gonna be a long 24 hours.
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warning(s): Swearing, that should be it
Notes: Reminder that my requests are open! Let me know what you’d like to see on my page! Hope you enjoy this cute little fic for Bakugou :) I just wanted to write something soft and lighthearted, and cute, so this is that.
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You were going to kill Denki. That is, if Bakugou didn’t get to him first.
“Calm down, Bakubro! Murdering one of our classmates would not be very manly of you!”
And if it wasn’t for Kirishima, holding Bakugou back with all of his strength and giving you a sympathetic look as you were dragged along, Denki would’ve been toast. Literally. 
“Look, man, I’m sorry!” Denki was saying, hiding behind Mina and Sero, “It’s just a prank, dude, a joke! Don’t kill me!” 
“I’m gonna end you, spark plug!” Bakugou growled, “Get over here and get this shit off of me!”
Sero, barely holding back his laughter, said, “Aw, come on, Bakugou, I wouldn’t call y/n ‘shit’!”
For a moment, Bakugou blinks like he’s stunned, but then his murderous glare returns ten fold. “That’s... That’s not even what I meant, dunce face! I meant the handcuffs! Get. Them. OFF!”
You know, from the look Mina is sending you, that you’re blushing. 
“Okay!” Kaminari scrambles out from behind the two, smiling sheepishly as he searches all his pockets, “No worries, man, let me just... let me... get the... key...”
Bakugou finally settles down, and you breathe a sigh of relief as he drops his hand, yours falling with it. You rub at your wrist lightly, eyebrows drawn together. You’d been handcuffed to Bakugou for almost ten minutes now, and your wrist was already sore from being yanked around so much. 
“What’s taking so long, dunce face?” Bakugou grumbles.
“Well, you see, uhm... okay, listen, don’t be... don’t be mad, bro, just...” Kaminari laughs, eyes wide in fear, voice dropping so low you could hardly hear him, “I can’t exactly find it.”
You yelp in surprise as Bakugou activates his quirk, feeling the heat against the back of your hand. 
“What did you say?!” 
Everyone winces as he yells, face almost as red as Kirishima’s hair. 
“Careful, dude, don’t burn her!” Kirishima says, hand on Bakugou’s shoulder. 
Bakugou shoves him off, but listens to him nonetheless, and the heat subsides. 
“It’s okay, Kiri, I’m fine.” You tell him quietly. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Denki says, guiltily. 
“Yeah, you’re about to be real sorry.” Bakugou says, “If you don’t get these off in the next five seconds!”
“Look, let’s just calm down for a minute, okay?” You say, stepping between the two. You feel Bakugou’s arm tug back against yours, as you move farther away from him, and your blush deepens. “Sorry. Anyway... why don’t we just see if Momo can make an extra key? Right?"
“That’s a good idea!” Kirishima says, optimistically. “See? Everything’s fine.”
“Yeah, why didn’t I think of that?” Kaminari scratches his head.
“Because you’re an idiot.” Bakugou mutters darkly.
Mina purses her lips, shifting back and forth on the balls of her feet. “Yeah, that would be great... Except Momo is visiting her parents, and won’t be back till later tonight.”
And just like that, Bakugou explodes again. “WHAT?!”
After a stressful call with Momo, involving Bakugou taking the phone from Mina not once, but twice, and telling her to ‘get her and her stupid ass ponytail back to UA NOW!’, it’s finally decided that you’ll just have to wait it out. Even Bakugou can’t say he’d rather go to Aizawa, because explaining this meant explaining the handprint shaped burns in Denki’s door.
Of course, Momo promises to help as soon as she’s back, but that’s still hours and hours away. 
Bakugou, who still practically had steam coming out of his ears, sat beside you on the couch silently. Across from you, the rest of the group watched in sympathy (and fear). No one dared to break the silence, in fear he’d blow up on them again. You couldn’t say you blamed them. 
“Come on.” Bakugou’s sudden command startles you.
“What? Where are we going?” You ask, following his lead and standing up (you were getting dragged along, either way). 
He rolls his eyes, sighing, “I don’t know, but I’m not just gonna sit around like an idiot all day.”
He doesn’t wait for your response, marching out of the room. You look over your shoulder on your way out, a silent cry for help, and Denki has the audacity to give you a thumbs up and wink. You glare at him, sending your friends into a laughing fit.
“What are they laughing at?” Bakugou mutters, brow raised.
You flush in embarrassment, shrugging. “Dunno.”
The two of you eventually end up in the kitchen. You knew Bakugou could cook, everyone did because he regularly kicked everyone out of the kitchen so he could, but you’d never actually seen him in action. He was much calmer now that the two of you were alone, but the scowl never left his face. 
After a few minutes of awkwardly trailing behind him as he gathered ingredients, you mustered up the courage to ask, “Can I help?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, and you begin to think he’ll just ignore you, before he’s handing you a spoon. “You stir while I chop vegetables. I don’t trust you with a knife.”
Ignoring the backhanded comment, you take the spoon from him, happy he’s letting you help. You stir with one hand, resting the other on the counter beside him, so he can use both hands to chop the vegetables. It’s not easy, trying to cook while handcuffed to the angry blonde, but the two of you eventually find a rhythm. 
“So what are you making?” You ask, turning to look at him. His focus is all on what he’s doing, and he looks so serious you try your best not to giggle. Does Bakugou ever just... relax? Still, the way his lower lip just barely juts out and his brow furrows, when he concentrates hard, is really cute.
“We’re making zosui.” 
You’re heart does a little flip as he says ‘we’. He doesn’t mean anything by it, you know that, but you still have to turn away in an attempt to hide your smile. As mad as you were at Denki, you had to admit that being able to actually spend time with Bakugou doing something so... normal, domestic? It was nice. You’d spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about a moment like this (except, in your daydreams, you weren’t handcuffed, and maybe there was kissing involved), but you’d never thought it would actually happen. The only time you got to spend time with him outside of class, normally, was if you asked for help with the homework or agreed to spar. But that was rare, these days. Bakugou normally sparred with Kirishima, anyway, and you always felt like a bother when you asked for help. 
Sneaking another look at Bakugou, you find he’s already looking at you. He takes the spoon from you, gently bumping his hip into yours to move you out of the way, and you watch as he adds the veggies to the soup. As he stirs them in, he asks you to hand him the spices he’d set out beforehand. 
“What, have you never seen someone cook before?” He asks.
You laugh sheepishly, “I ate a lot of microwave dinners growing up.”
The look he gives you is incredulous, borderline angry, and he scoffs. “You’re kidding. That shits terrible for you!” 
You laugh, wrinkling your nose. 
He meets your eyes for a moment, lips parted slightly, and you raise a brow at him. Before you can ask, his attentions is back on the soup, and he’s quiet again.
It doesn’t take long for the soup to be done, then, after he adds the rice. And you have to admit, even though you hadn’t helped much, you do feel a sense of accomplishment when you sit down to eat a meal that you made yourself. 
The two of you sit down beside each other, forced to scoot your chairs so close that your thighs are almost touching. Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain.
“Thank you,” You say quietly, before digging in. “Wow! This is delicious!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” He rolls his eyes, but you recognize the slightly smug look on his face. “You helped.”
You giggle, bumping shoulders with him. “Sure, but you’re the chef, here!”
He hid it behind another bite of food, but you could have sworn you saw him smile, too. 
The two of you finish your meal in silence, Bakugou waiting with surprising patience for you to finish eating, before putting the bowls in the sink. 
He gives you a look, “For what?”
For being so nice.
“For teaching me how to cook!” 
He shrugs, muttering out ‘whatever’ in reply. 
“So... what do you want to do know?” You ask, hoping his tolerance for your company would last. 
You end up back in his dorm, awkwardly huddled together at the head of his bed. He was reading, as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. The silence wasn’t awkward, like you’d thought it would be. It was comfortable, almost calming. You found yourself getting tired, the more you sat there. 
Eventually growing bored of your phone, you turned to see what Bakugou was reading, and started reading the pages yourself. You didn’t think he’d noticed, until he slipped his finger behind the next page to turn it, and paused. 
“You done?” He said, quiet and soft, his cheeks tinted the slightest pink. 
Your eyes widened, blushing, “Uh, yeah. S-Sorry.”
He turned the page without another word, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You tried to ignore him, pretending to read, before he sighed. 
And then, Bakugou began to read to you. 
“W-What are you doing?”
He stopped, narrowing his eyes. “Reading, dumbass.” He snapped. “You read slower than me, it’s annoying.”
Despite the backhanded remark, you grinned. “Oh. Okay.” 
He started again, sounding significantly less irritated, and you tried to slow the beating of your heart. In all the times you’d imagined hanging out with Bakugou, you had never thought of something this sweet. You especially hadn’t anticipated his voice ever being this soft, and calming. 
As he read to you, you shifted closer, eventually resting your head on his shoulder. He faltered for a minute, hiding his fumble with a cough, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge it. It wasn’t until he reached the end of the next chapter that he realized you’d fallen asleep. 
And he definitely wasn’t blushing, no, not Bakugou.
Hours later, when Momo and all your friends piled into his room, he whispered harshly, “Wake her up, and I’ll kill you!”
Maybe Denki’s plan had worked out, after all. 
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wonlouvre · 3 years
hello! i see your requests are open again 😌 can i request jeonghan x reader, enemies to lovers kinda thing maybe where they have the same friends but jeonghan & reader always clash etc etc fluff at the end idk
i know you’ll come up with something amazing as always, do what you want with it 😘🥰💗
balance | y. jh. 
pairing: jeonghan x reader genre: enemies to lovers (kind of), fluff warnings: heights, ski mountain mechanical malfunctions (you know, dangling in the air kind of thing)  word count: 1.5k (i got carried away, im sorry)
💌: thank you so much for requesting!!! this was honestly fun to write although there was little to none banter, i’m so sorry :’( thank you for trusting me! i hope you like it <3 i will try to post at least two drabbles/requests per week :)
To you, Yoon Jeonghan was the type of person that looked like he would trample all over your principles in life. It’s a little dramatic of you but he can’t blame you for thinking so. He’s cocky, annoying and full of shit. The two of you stepped off on the wrong foot when he thought it was funny to pour sparkling water on your instant noodles as a prank during one of the traditional ski trips your group of friends always hold.
Soonyoung introduced him on what was supposed to be the best trip of your life only to get ruined when he made fun of you. Although technically speaking, your cup wasn’t the only victim of his shenanigan because the rest of your friends complained and threw it at the perpetrator before they could even finish eating. But you were hungry and stubborn, so you didn’t let it go. 
Ever since then, despite not confronting him, Jeonghan’s energy and wholebeing never clicked with yours. You barely speak a word to him and you rarely hang out with him, unlike with every single one of your friends. He hasn’t noticed and even if he did, you’re sure he could care less. Which is fine by you. The instant noodle prank is history and now that this year’s ski trip will be your third with him, you have just gotten used to ignoring his existence. 
“Jeonghan’s staring at you,” Seungcheol says, startling you. 
Your eyes throw daggers at him, not because he startled you, but because of what he said. 
The tall man nudges your shoulder with his. “I’m not lying. Give him a glance and then you’ll see.”
To set the record straight, you don’t have a grudge on Jeonghan for who he is. It’s more of what he does that gives a bad impression on you. Aside from the noodle incident, you noticed how much he takes pride in teasing and playing with the gullible younger ones and you hate him for that. It’s a good laugh every once in a while but it can hurt feelings at times and you don’t want that. He also likes to disagree and debate with everyone (you’re just glad you haven’t been a victim yet). When everyone else says yes, he’ll boldly say no. That’s how moronic he is to be friends with. 
Of course you acknowledge his good deeds. Whether you like to admit it or not, Jeonghan is a great friend. He is a beacon of strength among you knowing that he’s one of the oldest in the group. He knows where and when to have fun. He knows when to be there for anyone who needs him. He’s supportive. He’s loving. He’s more than okay. 
You’re just turning a blind eye because you’re still petty. 
It has come to your attention that apparently, Jeonghan has been harboring a crush on you. It’s a stupid rumor and you choose to ignore it because why. Why would he have a crush on you? You try confirming if it’s true by looking at him and observing his actions whenever he’s not paying attention. But to no avail, nothing special stood out.
In fact, it seems like all the staring and observation made you develop a crush on him. Now that’s even more annoying. 
You roll your eyes at Seungcheol’s nonsense and walk away from him to go to Jeongyeon who’s currently checking in everyone to the hotel. You might as well help her register everyone to all the activities you will be participating in. 
“Collect their IDs,” she orders without looking up from the form she’s writing on. “And tell them to fall in line so they can sign the consent form.”
“Told you we should have filled out the online form before getting here,” your complaint doesn’t go unheard by your friend who only glares at you, scaring you to immediately obey her instructions.
“IDs please,” you ask with your hand out and your friends happily complied as they chatted through the waiting time. You walk around to make sure you have everyone’s and as you double check, one last ID was missing. 
“You didn’t forget about me, did you?”
The devil himself, Yoon Jeonghan.
You take a deep deep breath before turning around and face the handsome face you’ve been sick of. Wait, did you just call him handsome?! 
Jeonghan flashes his signature smirk while pulling his wallet out from his pocket, picking one of the many cards inside it to hand to you. His gloveless fingers grazes yours and it concerns you why it made your heart skip a beat. You avoid his gaze and everything else about him and run back to Jeongyeon who’s the one asking for these in the first place. 
You heard his low chuckle and you wish you could wipe off his annoying grin with your fist. 
Moving on from what happened in the early afternoon, the rest of the day was pleasant enough for you and your friends to continue. Everyone had lunch at the local restaurant first before doing the group activities. It’s a good thing none of you are afraid of heights (except for Dokyeom, but he manages). Soonyoung leading everyone to hike the safe side of the snow covered mountain wasn’t a problem for him. 
After the quick mountain hike, you all scattered to have fun and decided to meet up for dinner in the evening. You, Jeongyeon, Dokyeom and much to your dismay, Jeonghan all went up to snowboard. 
The lift was supposed to carry the four of you up to the starting point before your adrenaline descend, but Dokyeom suddenly felt a wave of fear of heights and needed to calm down for a few minutes. He tells you to go on ahead and you did. You just didn’t expect Jeonghan to be accompanying you instead of Jeongyeon. 
You hide your disappointment and bewilderment as you make yourself comfortable. It’s awkward but it doesn’t matter. You’re just going to keep quiet and avoid looking Jeonghan’s way. This ride will probably not be a good ten minutes, right?
Jeonghan holds onto his snowboard while you place yours on the floor. A barrier of some sort to distance yourself from him. Your eyes are glued to your feet, watching them move from side to side. You also distract yourself from admiring the view outside the window, but it’s hard when you can feel his eyes burning holes on the back of your head. 
You hate it. You hate it. You hate it. 
Why does your name sound so melodic coming from his mouth?
You turn your head and raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. 
But the lift doesn’t let him because it suddenly stops mid-air, echoes of metals clanking and brakes screeching following suit. The abrupt stop causes the lift to shake a little, making you hold onto the metal bars out of fear. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a mechanical malfunction of the lifts and our engineers are repairing it now at this moment. We apologize for the inconvenience and fear that this has caused. We request everyone to remain calm and seated…”
The announcement falls deaf to your ears because all you hear is ringing. You’re not afraid of heights at all. But you have never experienced an incident like this before. You’ve heard and read about it and not all of them ended well. 
“Hey,” Jeonghan’s voice snaps you out of your dilemma. 
You blink away your tears and clutch your chest to calm your heart that’s beating faster and faster. 
“Y/N?” Jeonghan calls for you again, but this time he’s reaching his hand out. “You’ll be fine. Here, take my hand.”
Jeonghan probably noticed the panic in your eyes. So, after throwing away your doubts outside the window, you carefully move a little closer to him but not beside him as you don’t want to ruin the balance of the lift. You unclench your fist and finally take hold of his waiting hand. 
Jeonghan’s warm palm and genuine smile calms you down. Your heartbeat slows down and your breathing goes back to normal. Your eyebrows furrow in both fear and embarrassment. You question the universe how and why did this have to happen. 
“Hey, don’t cry.”
“I’m not!” 
Jeonghan giggles at your outburst and you don’t know if that’s music to your ears or if it just makes you want to punch his handsome face more. 
“I like you Y/N,” he suddenly confesses and you grimace. 
“I like you too,” you confess back, tightly gripping his hand. “But now is not the time, Yoon Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan bites back a smile that says he’s in love and just gently caresses your hand. It’s unbelievable how the opportunity arose itself right at this moment, but it was now or never for him. He’d explain how much he likes you in detail later. For now, he’s okay with this. 
“But, later though?”
“Yes, now shut up before I throw you out first.”
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
my sirius
summary: sirius loses his memories due to a potion mishap and james fails to tell him that he’s been dating remus for two years 
Sirius had never really been good at potions. 
He wasn’t one to follow the directions, and that reflected in his potion-making skills. He liked to make changes to the recipe, despite his lack of skills to make executive decisions like that. 
So when he had been brewing a particularly tricky potion with James - one that renders the drinker void of any memories for an hour, he probably shouldn’t have tweaked the recipe. 
But as Sirius stared down at the murky green goop, he wished for some pizazz. So he took matters into his own hands. A funky potion like this should look a lot cooler, he decided. Granted, it probably wasn’t a good decision to add that mystery white powder in the back of the cupboard. 
The second it touched the surface of his potion, it erupted out and onto Sirius. What happened next, was utter chaos. 
Slughorn was screaming at James to scourgify the cauldron, which he did with a shaky wave of his wand. Remus and Peter were on the floor in a fit of laughter, much like the rest of the class - even Snape was smiling. And Sirius, well poor Sirius wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. Or who he was. 
He turned to the tan boy next to him, who’s dark eyes were locked on his, worry evident in them. He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Sirius?” 
“What?” Was the only reply he could muster. What was happening? What was serious? Who was this boy, and why did he look so concerned? 
“Did you, y’know, get any in your mouth?” The boy questioned, tilting his head a bit. His glasses reflected a bit when he did so, no longer allowed him to see his eyes. 
“Who are you?”
James deflated, turning to the man who was quivering in the corner. “Professor?” 
“It’s all fine,” The supposed Professor announced, holding his hands up. “I have  a couple counteractive potions. James, son, what did he put in there?” 
“Er, I’m not sure, I didn’t see.” The boy, James, turns back to their cauldron before reaching for a small bottle of white powder. “I think it was this.” 
The Professor squints at the bottle before sighing. “I’m not entirely sure what that was. We could try all three of the counter acting potions? They don’t mess with one another, and I’m sure one of them will work. Alright, I think we’ve had enough of this, class dismissed early, James stay here with Sirius. Please clean up properly!” 
The class began to put their materials away, whispering different cleaning spells as to not disturb the silence that had descended upon the class. Sirius assumed his name must be Sirius and James must not have been speaking of the emotion earlier. He stood at the small table with the dark cauldron, awkwardly shifting his weight as the Professor sifted through his drawers. 
In the end, he pulled out three small vials and handed them to James who brought them to Sirius. He flashed him a bright grin. “Drink up!” 
Sirius didn’t ask very many questions, though he felt as if he was bursting with them. He simply tilted his head back to swallow the liquids back, one after the other, cringing at the taste of the last one. 
James and the Professor continued to stare at him and Sirius stared back.
“What’s my name?” The Professor questioned after a moment of silence. 
“I don’t- I don’t know, sorry,” Sirius apologized, his ears burning as he shrunk under their inquisitive gazes. 
James sighed but the Professor didn’t seem to put off. “No worries, Black. I’ll take a look at that powder and I should have an antidote whipped up soon enough. Besides, if too much didn’t go wrong with your potion, you should get your memories back within the hour. James, why don’t you take him down to the medical wing to wait?” 
He must’ve messed up the potion because an hour later, he was still unknowing to who he was. 
James had filled him in on where he was - Hogwarts - and who he was - Sirius Black - but hadn’t given him too much information. He had assured that he’d get his memories back soon enough so there was no point. But the outcome was starting to look pretty bleak and soon enough, the nice nurse lady was sending Sirius away with James seeing as nothing could be done. 
“It’ll be fine, Sirius, Slughorn will get you back to normal soon enough. I reckon you’ll remember everything by tomorrow, no worries. And Remus and Peter will love this!” James seemed extremely enthusiastic, despite the fact that his best friend had no memories. 
“Does this sort of thing happen often?” Sirius was barely keeping up with James’ quick pace as he tried to absorb the castle he seemed to be in. 
“Losing your memories? Not to any of us, but I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. We’re always getting into trouble. We’re kinda known for our pranks.” 
James seemed pretty proud and Sirius smiled at the thought of pranks. 
“Anyway, we’re in Gryffindor. There’s four houses, but I don’t think you need to know the others, right now. The password is Ficklepuffs, don’t forget that or else you can’t get in.” 
Sirius nodded, mouthing the word and hoping he’ll be able to remember it. 
“Okay, let’s not stay in the common room too long. Better if you don’t have to deal with all the questions. Let’s go to our dorm room. We share it with Remus and Peter.” 
Sirius followed him up the stairs wordlessly, ignoring the stares from the others in the common room. James pushed a door open and Sirius stepped into the warm room, his eyes flitting around before finding a boy sitting on one of the four beds
The blonde one looked up at him before directing his gaze towards James. “Is he all fixed up yet?” 
James grimaced a bit, “No, we’re waiting for Slughorn to make an antidote. Poppy told us to bring him up here and make him comfortable until the potions wears off or whenever Slughorn makes the antidote. Whichever happens first.” 
Sirius just stood in the center of the room, unsure what exactly he was supposed to do. All four of the beds looked exactly the same, and though James had taken the bed next to the blonde boy’s bed, the other two seemed too similar. James must’ve noticed his discomfort because he nodded his head towards one of the beds before speaking to the other boy in hushed tones. 
The bed was large with thick curtains around it, probably for privacy. The bed was made neatly and Sirius felt bad as he settled on top, wrinkling the sheets. On the bedside table was a book or two that seemed pretty untouched, and a dog toy? 
“Hey, Sirius!” The blonde boy waved to get his attention. “I’m Peter.” 
“Hi Peter.” Sirius waved back only for the other boys’ jaw to drop open as he shot James a look. 
“He can talk?”
“Of course he can talk, you dolt. He lost his memories not his knowledge. I bet he can still do maths and stuff. He just doesn’t know how he learned it, I think.” James turned to Sirius with a thoughtful look. “What’s four plus four?” 
“Eight,” Sirius replied immediately, much to his surprise. 
“See! You know how you learned that? Who taught you?” 
Sirius shifted uncomfortably. “No, not really.” 
James gave Peter a knowing look. “See. James is always right, that’s why we don’t question James.” 
“Oh quit it with the third person.” Peter rolled his eyes though his lips were quirked up a bit in a smile. 
James continued to speak in third person and Sirius watched the banter with a small smile. Eventually Peter shoved James away, speaking of some essay he needed to finish, so James came over to bother him. 
“I know you don’t really remember me, but we’ve been best mates since first year. That’s when we were elven.” James fills him in, perching on the edge of his bed. 
“And now we’re...?” 
“Seventeen. Er, well you are. Your birthday was about a month ago, November third. Remus and I are still sixteen.”
Sirius nods, soaking in this information. “And we’ve been dorm mates since then?” 
“Yep! Actually, you live with me now. But don’t worry about that, you’ll get your memories back soon enough,” James reassured though Sirius didn’t fully believe him. 
His thoughts were broken by the door slamming open as another boy stalked in. He was muttering angrily and when he saw the Peter, he turned toward him. “My blasted book was on the other side of the school! This is what I get for trying to study for Charms!” 
Sirius just watched, mouth agape, because he had never seen someone this attractive. He knew he hasn’t seen very many people in the past hour, his only memories, but he’s sure no one else could compare. Though his side profile is all Sirius can see at the moment, he still marvels at his golden brown hair and the flutter of freckles splattering his face. His cheeks are flushed pink, probably from his journey to the other side of the school, and matched his lips that were moving rapidly as he complains. 
And then he seems to realize that Sirius is there because he turns to him, and Sirius squirmed under the intensity of his amber eyes. “Did Slughorn’s antidote work?” 
Sirius can barely manage a shake of his head. 
This seems to upset the boy further because he groans and falls back onto his bed, hands dragging down his face. Sirius can’t help but follow his actions as his jumper hitches up to reveal a patch of pale skin. A jagged scar peaks out from under it, and though it’s faded to a silvery white, Sirius internally flinches at the thought of how it felt. 
Though James was still on his bed, he couldn’t help but continue to sneak glances at Remus. Something about him, and his presence, seemed comforting. But he seemed in distress and Sirius wanted to offer that same comfort he found.
“If he’s Peter, you’re Remus, right?” Sirius can tell Remus is upset and maybe he just wanted to talk to his friend? While Sirius isn’t really Sirius, he can try. And then he stupidly introduces himself, “I’m Sirius.” 
“I know,” Remus replies flatly, still stretched out on his bed. “And you’re the biggest idiot I know.” 
Sirius cringes back, regretting the choice to open his mouth. He glances at James who just waves it off. 
“He’s not mad, it’s just Remus.” James leans back as he stretches his leg out to prod Remus with a toe, then squealing when Remus grabbed said toe and yanked him so he almost slid off the bed. “Oi!” 
Sirius waited for him to get situated again before leaning in to hiss, “You didn’t tell me I was gay! Or that Remus is so attractive! What the fuck, mate?” 
To his surprise James just laughs, “Oh, right. Sorry, it’s not something I thought I would have to tell you, I dunno, I didn’t think about it. And what? I was supposed to introduce Remus as the hot one?” 
“Yes,” Sirius replied, genuinely. “This is important information!” 
“Right, sorry. But you don’t have to whisper, it’s not really a secret.” 
Sirius narrows his eyes, “Being gay or thinking Remus is attractive?” 
“Both. They go hand in hand, really, if you think about it.” James nods thoughtfully before smiling again reassuringly. “You’ll remember soon enough.” 
“Right. So he knows I think he’s hot?” 
“I would hope so.” 
Sirius frowns at this, “You hope so? What, does everyone know?” 
“Oh, yes.” 
“Wait a minute, what exactly are we?” This time the question is directed to Remus who has been lying on his bed, quiet but no doubt listening in on their conversation. 
Remus turns his head over to look at Sirius, his eyes flickering over his face before a smile is pulling at his lips as he says, “Friends. Since first year.” 
“Yeah, yeah, everything since first year.” Sirius visibly deflates at this information. What was Sirius With Memories doing? How could he bear to be just friends with someone like that? And now he had gone asking dumb questions, no doubt a problem that will soon arise. 
It took a mere couple of seconds before the problem rose. 
James stood up, dusting off his pants in a big show before turning to Peter. “Let’s head down to dinner, yeah? I think it’s better if we leave Sirius back here, Remus, you’ll stay?” 
Remus hummed a reply, now turning to lie on his stomach, burrowing his head into his arms. He looked so cuddly Sirius itched to wiggle into his embrace. 
“Wait! I want to come, I want dinner, I’m hungry.” Sirius stood too but James waved him off. 
“Nah, too many questions. We’ll bring you back some food, Remus too. And Poppy said to make him comfortable so Remus, I dunno, tuck him into bed or something.” James didn’t leave much time to argue, slipping out of the dorm door with Peter close behind him. 
Sirius just stood there, awkwardly, now unsure what to do. He glanced at Remus who still had his head burrowed in his arms, and then at the door, considering just running after James and Peter. Why did he have to say something about Remus being attractive? Even if James was right and Remus already knew, it was so awkward!
“Are you going to change?” Remus asked, pulling Sirius out of his thoughts. His eyes flickered over Sirius’ figure before glancing back at him with a small smile. “You’re covered in that goop. I can clean off your bed, go get changed.” 
Sirius assumed the trunk at the foot of his bed must have his clothes, and much to his luck, he was right. He just reached for some random pants and a shirt before spotting a fuzzy jumper in the corner. He grabbed it too. 
Remus was muttering some sort of spell on the bed and the green patches were slowly disappearing. Throwing him one last glance, Sirius entered the bathroom and quickly changed out of his soiled clothes. Once he was clean, he grimaced at the state of his hair. Thankfully, it had been spared from the potion, for the most part, but was a tangly mess, no doubt from his nervous fiddling. He tried to rake his fingers through it but it didn’t do much so he just returned to the room. 
Remus had cleaned his bed and was on his own now, fidgeting with a comb. When he spotted Sirius his eyes brightened and his smile grew a bit as he waved him over. “C’mere, I’ll fix your hair.” 
Sirius ducked his head bashfully as he approached Remus’ bed before gingerly crawling onto it, sitting down in front of him. He was acutely aware of how close Remus was too him and butterflies erupted in his stomach. Sirius forced himself to sit perfectly still as nimble fingers began carding through his hair, working through the knots. 
“Oh, Sirius, how did this even happen?” Remus murmured, his voice quiet enough that it made Sirius blush. This whole thing felt so intimate and it didn’t help that Remus kept brushing against his back as he fixed his hair. 
“I dunno,” Sirius whispered back.
“S’okay, love, I think I can get the knots out.”
The nickname slipped out so naturally it sounded as if he said it every day, but it didn’t stop Sirius from freezing, his leg pausing in it’s bouncing. Remus must’ve noticed too because his fingers stilled in Sirius’ hair. 
“Shit, I couldn’t even go fifteen minutes, could I?” He tutted, before continuing to work through his hair. “Sorry, Sirius. Your face when I walked in was too priceless, I couldn’t not have some fun with it. I loved your reaction to me saying we’re just friends.” 
Sirius wasn’t completely sure what was happening, but he found his voice. “So we’re not friends?” 
Remus snorted at this, “No. We’ve been dating since fourth year. Almost two years, now, I think.” 
Sirius’ head was whirling. He was dating Remus? And the others really didn’t bother saying anything about it? Again, this seemed like important information! Your name is Sirius Black, you’re gay, you have a hot boyfriend...the basics! 
Remus laughed again and ran his comb through Sirius’ now tangle-free hair. “All done.” 
Sirius turned around so he could face Remus who was now settled back down and was leaning against his headboard. “Thank you.” 
“Look at you, so polite. If only Sirius could be like this every day.” Remus shook his head but his words held no venom. “Do you want me to braid it so it doesn’t get tangled again?” 
Sirius didn’t really know what to say to him, seeing as they were boyfriends though he had no memory of this. So he just nodded mutely, turning back around so Remus could braid his hair. He worked in silence and Sirius greatly appreciated it. 
When he was finished he patted Sirius’ shoulder and he turned around again. Remus was watching him with a warm smile and it encouraged him to voice his thoughts, “Do you think Slughorn will we be able to make an antidote?” 
“For you memories? I’m sure he will. He’s pretty talented,” Remus assured, his hands reaching out to brush a couple loose strands out of Sirius’ face. “Don’t worry too much. We’ll work it out tomorrow.” 
Sirius nods but he doesn’t feel very confident in the Professor’s abilities. “This is scary. I don’t know anything or anyone. It’s weird, though, I kind of still have emotions associated with people? So I feel things but I don’t know why.” 
“I’m sure it’s terrifying. But you’re safe with us, I promise you trust us when you’re normal. And for the emotions? It’s probably like muscle memory but with feelings? Can you describe it? Like me for example?” 
Heat crawls onto Sirius’ face and he dropped his gaze to his lap. “You’re warm. Like, my chest feels all warm on the inside. But also kind of swirly, I don’t know. It’s positive, I know that. I cared about you a lot, I think.”
“You did. I care about you a load too.” Remus reaches out to gently link their fingers together. “I was kind of scared about you never remembering me again, but I don’t think Dumbledore would let that happen. He’s the headmaster here.” 
“I wish I could remember you. You seem worth remembering.” 
Remus’ mouth fell open a bit at his words and then he was pulling Sirius into a tight hug, holding him against his chest. “That’s so cheesy but so sweet, oh my god, Sirius.” 
Sirius laughed at this, but wrapped his own arms around Remus, laying his head onto Remus’ chest. The embrace felt so natural he couldn’t help but melt into it, sighing softly. 
And that’s exactly when James and Peter burst through the door, holding plates of food. When James caught sight of them he exclaimed, “Remus! Get away from him! He doesn’t remember anything, poor Sirius! You’re a stranger! He’s a stranger!” 
“He’s not a stranger,” Remus protested, continuing to hold Sirius, chin tucked over the top of his head. “He’s my Sirius.” 
Sirius smiled into his sweater at his words. He quite liked the sound of that - my Sirius. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
genderbent wens, like the siblings and the head family?
“- and in one generation, they were all women, every single one of them!” Lao Nie laughed so hard he was very nearly hiccupping, but Lan Qiren supposed that was understandable on account of the other sect leader having consumed a truly unbearable amount of wine. Some of which was on his behalf – Lao Nie had been in a strange mood during the conference, especially excited, and had boisterously interjected himself into Jin Guangshan’s regular attempts to get Lan Qiren drunk by volunteering to take all his toasts for him – so Lan Qiren felt obligated to stay and keep him from making a nuisance of himself. “So be careful what you wish for, Jin-xiong!”
“Let go of me!” Jin Guangshan yelped, and really, getting squashed like that by Lao Nie tipping over onto him was exactly what he deserved. Only Jiang Fengmian was nice enough to try to help him, and all that accomplished was to get him pulled, laughing, into the drinking as well.
Possibly that had been his goal.
“That seems remarkably unlikely,” Wen Ruohan remarked. He, at least, was sitting properly, and had for once restrained himself during the festivities – he was friends of a sort with Jin Guangshan, which never seemed to go well for anyone else, but Lao Nie’s rowdiness had apparently severed that for the night. He looked sidelong at Lan Qiren. “Don’t you think, Sect Leader Lan?”
Lan Qiren could never figure out if Wen Ruohan meant for that term of address to be an insult or a compliment, and he was tired of trying.
“What is so unlikely?” he asked, having been paying more attention to Lao Nie’s stability than his words.
“An entire generation born as women,” Wen Ruohan said. He was playing with the cup of wine in his hands rather than drinking it. “Statistically possible, but highly improbable, given the size of the Nie sect.”
“Well, I assume he’s accounting for the misaligned,” Lan Qiren said, because Wen Ruohan wasn’t wrong – the Nie sect might be smaller than others, but it was still a Great Sect; it was very far from being small. “That would affect the numbers.”
“Misaligned?” Wen Ruohan echoed.
“A tradition among the Nie,” Lan Qiren explained, because it wasrather unusual. “They believe that the reincarnation cycle occasionally errs, with the soul of a woman ending up in a male body or a man in a woman – or I suppose neither and both, I’m not entirely certain about that one. At any rate, it’s not terribly common, but neither is it especially uncommon, so I suppose it’s possible –”
“Isn’t it a punishment?” Wen Ruohan interrupted.
Lan Qiren blinked at him, not understanding.
Wen Ruohan was looking down at his cup, which he had started to hold rather tightly – his knuckles were white, and it was only his especially good control over his cultivation that was keeping the cup from shattering. “The misalignment,” he clarified. “It’s said that those who commit sins in one life will be condemned in their next: reborn as an ant, or a chicken raised for slaughter. To be reborn into a body that does not fit you would surely seem to be along the same lines.”
“I suppose I see the argument,” Lan Qiren said, relieved that for once Wen Ruohan was in the mood for a theoretical discussion rather than causing trouble just to show that he had the power to do so without consequence. “I believe the Nie would argue in turn that being born as a thinking being capable of expressing oneself is sufficient basis to assume error rather than retribution – we’re all cultivators fighting the dictates of fate, after all. If one can seek immortality against all heavenly restrictions, then seeking to be recognized in the manner of your soul rather than your body would appear to be a much smaller issue.”
He shrugged and took a sip of his tea, rolling it in his mouth first to confirm it hadn’t been spiked with anything alcoholic.
“My assumption entirely,” he added. “I’m not actually that familiar with the Nie sect doctrine on this matter. Lao Nie is not the most academic, and if anything seems more bemused by our lack of understanding on the matter.”
Wen Ruohan was frowning into his cup, but at least he wasn’t gripping it so tightly.
“Fighting the dictates of fate,” he murmured. “Yes, I can see that. If you decide you are something, who dares say that you cannot be that, even the Heavens themselves?”
Such a Wen sect way of thinking, Lan Qiren thought to himself, shaking his head. Arrogant, defiant and proud – always raising their heads up high. Admirable in small doses, irritating in large!
“What would you do?” Wen Ruohan asked him, and Lan Qiren looked at him, surprised. “If there was – something like that, but in your sect? The Lan is the most orthodox of the sects; you do not even permit intermingling between men and women.”
“We don’t – men and women live separately; it’s not the same thing as not permitting intermingling,” Lan Qiren protested, but he supposed he could see the value in the question. “If one of my sect disciples informed me that they believed themselves to be a misalignment, I would – accept it, I suppose. Perhaps after a period of supervision, to ensure that they were serious and understood the consequences of their actions, that they would live and be perceived socially in the manner their soul for the rest of their lives; that would help ensure no one would engage in such a thing lightly or as a prank.”
He thought about it a little more.
“Yes, I think that’s right,” he concluded. “There are many rules that touch on the subject of being true to oneself, and none requiring adherence to the gender of one’s body; therefore, it is more in accordance to the rules to permit it. In such an event, I might also send them to the Unclean Realm for a time to further their understanding of the concept, to allow them time to reflect on the proposed change and to ensure they have access to a place where they can feel safe in exploring –”
“What if it were you yourself? Given your position?”
“Me?” Lan Qiren blinked. “I’ve always been comfortable being a man, so it isn’t an issue. But if it was, I would imagine that the same would apply to me as to anyone else in my sect. After all, we have precedent of a woman taking the role of Sect Leader, so that isn’t a consideration.”
“I suppose you do,” Wen Ruohan said. He seemed thoughtful. “What do you think the other sects would think of it?”
“Well, I can hardly say. Of the Great Sects? The Jiang sect would probably approve of it; their sect motto is ‘attempt the impossible’, and their emphasis has always been on freedom and finding your own way – I can’t imagine them objecting in a way that wouldn’t make them come across as complete hypocrites. The Nie would of course accept it. The Jin…”
The Jin sect, under Jin Guangshan, would reject it utterly. Perhaps it might be different under a different sect leader, but Jin Guangshan was even more wedded to the idea of people being in what he considered their ‘proper’ place than most. He hated the newly rich, the self-made upstart, even the poor young men who fought their way up from nothing – in his view, immortality was best reached by nothing ever changing. It was, perhaps, an understandable viewpoint from a man who felt as though he already had everything, but still rather disgusting given how despite all of that Jin Guangshan still grappled and sought after even more power and wealth than he already had – as if he were the only one allowed to rise, and everyone else had to stay where they were so he could more easily step on them on his way up.
“Oh, the Jin. Leave Jin Guangshan to me,” Wen Ruohan said with that dangerous smile of his, the one that promised blood on the ground.
Lan Qiren nodded agreeably, then frowned. Since when had they been discussing how to convince Jin Guangshan to be more open to an admittedly idiosyncratic Nie sect custom?
He was about to ask, but then Lao Nie started singing – with Jiang Fengmian providing the harmony, insofar as ‘harmony’ could be used to describe something that sounded not unlike a duet for elephants in heat or possibly someone using a brick to bludgeon people mid-opera – and they all got distracted in the unified effort of trying to get them to stop.
Lan Qiren then forgot about the entire conversation for approximately two months, and abruptly recalled it when Wen Ruohan issued an announcement that the Wen sect now permitted female sect leaders, that, furthermore, shewas the first one, and, finally, that if anyone objected on any basis whatsoever they were welcome to fight her personally.
Which –
Well, in all, Lan Qiren wished his fellow sect leader the best and started resigning himself to having to suffer from even more of Lao Nie’s flirting at the next discussion conference. That man had never yet met a man or woman who could kill him that he wouldn’t try to sleep with, and he generally preferred women…
“It’s nice to have the company of another girl,” Jiang Yanli said with a smile.
Wen Xu snorted. “I agree, even if I wish it were under different circumstances.”
Jiang Yanli managed to maintain her expression of peace and tranquility for exactly four breaths before she burst out into giggles, an incredibly infectious sound that finally made Wen Xu start laughing as well.
“It’s mean,” Jiang Yanli said, only laughing harder. “I should – I’m glad they’re happy! Really!”
“We can be glad that they’re happy and also think that our parents are insane,” Wen Xu said. “I can’t believe – your parents are already married! To each other!”
“They weren’t very happy, though,” Jiang Yanli said. “I honestly think Sect Leader Wen has been very good for them. Even if I don’t want to think too hard about it.”
Wen Xu nodded. They were both twelve, which was exactly the age at which you tried very hard not to think things like I’m pretty sure my mom’s railing your dad while your mom provides commentary with his face in her lap right this very instant and yet you did think it because the adults were very not subtle sometimes and then at that point there was nothing to do but laugh.
“I heard that lots of people thought she was going to get together with Sect Leader Nie at first,” Jiang Yanli said. “You know, because they flirt so much?”
“My mom says that Sect Leader Nie flirts with anyone who can kill him,” Wen Xu said, and still marveled a little at being able to say things or think things like mom. Before, she’d only ever been allowed to refer to his father through the most formal terms, with any attempt to use a more intimate sobriquet being viciously punished – she’d often thought that her father would rather she called him Sect Leader Wen instead, and maybe she’d been right.
Her mother was a lot more easy-going about that sort of thing now, though. Wen Xu still wasn’t sure whether it was because she preferred ‘a-niang’ over ‘a-die’ or if it was just that, having blown up the entire cultivation world through her gender choices, her mother felt a lot freer in ignoring the rest of the expectations that had burdened her, too.
“So he’s not serious about her?”
“I mean, maybe he is, I don’t know,” Wen Xu said. “But apparently the whole thing with my mom deciding to announce that she was a woman happened right around the time he was getting back together with his second wife so I guess he was taken?”
“Wait, he got back together with – wasn’t she dead?”
“Apparently not? I really don’t know what happens in the Unclean Realm.”
“Probably for the best,” Jiang Yanli said. “I mean – I don’t – uh, that is –”
“If you’re talking about the fact that my mom still wants to take over the entire cultivation world and declare herself an immortal Empress, trust me, I know.”
“Oh, good,” Jiang Yanli said. “I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”
Wen Xu shrugged. She mostly just hoped that her mom’s current relationship with the other sect leaders was such that she didn’t actually murder them all in her inevitable effort to take over – it had always been something of a concern, and greater now that she actually knew Jiang Yanli was pretty cool.
“I also thought…” Jiang Yanli hesitated. “You yourself…?”
“Oh, no, I’m different. My birth mother made me pretend to be a boy,” Wen Xu said. “So that I could be the heir and she could keep her place as my father’s main wife, though of course in the end it didn’t really work out that well for her…I think A-Chao’s like mom, though. She wants to be a princess.”
“So she’s like your mom in the – ambitious sense?”
Wen Xu snickered. “Yes, that too. Actually, it’s a little funny. The whole thing started because my mom overheard Lao Nie talking about how a whole generation of Nie sect got cursed to be girls one time, and now I think mysect’s current generation is all girls.”
“Oh! Are they really?”
“Well, not really, but almost?” Wen Xu said. “There’s really just my mom, A-Chao, and me in the main branch, though we have some cousins that got sort of pulled into the main branch after their parents died – A-Qing and A-Ning. They were both born as girls, but recently A-Qing’s been saying that he thinks he might be happier as a man…it’s interesting. He’s not unhappybeing a woman the way I’m pretty sure my mom hated being a man, but he really likesbeing a man, and according to the Nie sect that’s the same thing, just a different expression of it? I don’t know.”
“How old are they?” Jiang Yanli asked.
“A-Qing’s about our age, and A-Ning is your brothers’ ages. You can meet them the next time there’s a conference in Qishan…”
“Can I bring Jiaojiao?” Wen Chao asked, and quailed under Wen Qing’s glare.
Wen Ning was just happy to remain underfoot and out of attention range. Her brother had a wicked way with needles when he wanted, and she wanted no part in any of that.
“Are you serious right now?” Wen Qing demanded. “You want to take your whore with you when we run away from home?”
“I’m not leaving Jiaojiao behind!” Wen Chao insisted. “And she’s not a whore! She doesn’t sleep with anyone but me.”
Hasn’t doesn’t mean wouldn’t, Wen Ning thought, then promptly felt bad for thinking it. It was a very catty thought and she was ashamed of it, even if Wang Lingjiao did strike her as rather…mercenary.
“Also I don’t understand why we have to run away anyway,” Wen Chao said, pouting. “So what if Mom started a war? We’re going to win, and then I’ll be a princess.”
“You’re an idiot,” Wen Qing said. “We’re not going to win.”
“But we control half the cultivation world!”
“Yes, and maybe if your mom was as ruthless as she used to be, she would’ve done the things necessary to win the war,” Wen Qing said. “Like take out Lao Nie early on, maybe. Now that the Nie sect’s got both him andNie Mingjue, any of our cultivators that go to the Unclean Realm are going to be slaughtered.”
Wen Chao winced, acknowledging the point.
“And ever since Lao Nie and Lan Qiren started their thing, it’s not like the Nie sect won’t also go defend the Lan sect, right?”
“And of course there’s the Jiang sect, which we probably couldraze to the ground if we really wanted to. But we’re not going to, and you know why?”
“Because Mom is fucking their sect leaders.”
“Because your mom is fucking their sect leaders,” Wen Qing agreed. “And that is why we declared war first on the Jin sect, because no one likes them.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“The problem is that the Jin sect makes no sense at all as a target! If we take over the entire stretch of territory between Lanling and Qishan, Qinghe gets completely cut off from Gusu and Yunmeng and there’s no way they’re going to let that happen, which means that they’re going to declare war on us. And that is why we are running away from home, because we do not want to be here when the Nie sect shows up.”
Wen Ning’s brother was awesome and everyone should listen to him.
“Maybe your mom will rethink her actions once she’s seen that we’ve run away,” Wen Ning told Wen Chao in a low voice, since she was still scowling. “And I think it’s fine if you bring Jiaojiao. She’s your girlfriend, right?”
Wen Chao frowned. “I mean…she’s someone I’m sleeping with. For now. That’s all – she’s just a maid.”
Wen Ning would normally refrain from commenting, but… “If she’s just a maid, then why do you care about her potentially dying when the Nie sect invades?”
Wen Chao’s face did something. “I – maybe I just want to have her around to keep sleeping with her!”
Wen Qing looked on the verge of saying something, but Wen Ning stepped on her foot.
“Maybe you should think about it,” she said. “I don’t think we can let a servant to come with us – same reason we can’t take Wen Zhuilu, since he’d just report the whole thing to your mom – but if she was your girlfriend and you trusted her…”
She trailed off and shrugged.
Wen Chao’s face was doing weird colors.
“A-Ning, stop trying to teach A-Chao to have mature emotional reactions, it’s a hopeless case,” Wen Qing said. “Keep packing instead. If I was smart, I’d let A-Chao stay here with her Jiaojiao and her dreams of being a princess.”
“No!” Wen Chao exclaimed, then flushed red.
“No? Then pack.”
“How about we just assume girl until otherwise proven?” Wen Xu suggested, patting the baby’s back to try to keep calm. Whether the person to be calmed was the baby or Wen Xu herself was unknown. “She doesn’t need to have gender imposed so early.”
“Deciding that she’s a girl is imposing a gender,” Wen Chao said. Her head was in Wang Lingjiao’s lap, and she was pouting. “I can’t believe we have to take care of a baby.”
“She’s family,” Wen Qing said.
“Her parents aren’t!”
“Mom’s rules are that anyone who has the Wen surname and blood who doesn’t have parents gets adopted into the main family.”
“Do Sect Leader Wen’s rules even matter any more?” Wen Ning asked, wringing her hands. “With her being under house arrest…”
“It’s temporary. Once she vows not to wage offensive war without approval of the other Great Sect leaders, she’ll be released and things will go back to normal. Mostly. Possibly with slightly less war?”
“Yes, but in the meantime, why do we have to be in charge?”
“Uh, because you’re the heirs?”
“I’m not the heir,” Wen Chao sniffed. “A-Xu is.”
“This is so stupid,” Wen Xu said. “I can’t believe our mother’s military campaign and inevitable tragic defeat was derailed by the giant man-eating tortoise A-Chao found.”
“Anyone could’ve stumbled over that cave!”
“We weren’t even supposed to be heading in that direction! If you hadn’t stolen the map and insisted on being the navigator –”
“It all turned out for the best,” Wen Qing interrupted. “No blood feuds – or at least, not any we can’t afford to pay off – and that awful Jin Guangshan isn’t around anymore, which the other sect leaders are pretending to mind but really don’t. Mom will be back in charge of the sect soon enough, and with luck will forget all about trying to take over the world and will instead go back to fucking her two lovers that swooped in and saved her life instead defeating her because she’s incredibly touched by that even if she’s pretending she’s not. It’s like a scene out of a bad play.”
“Can we get back to the bit where we got a baby?” Wen Xu said. “I don’t want to deal with a baby.”
“I already explained –”
“I’ll take A-Yuan,” Wen Ning volunteered. “She seems sweet.”
“Girls usually are.”
“We are not saying everyone is a girl until otherwise determined!”
“Why not?” Wen Xu wanted to know. “Worked out pretty good so far.”
“I – that is – I mean…” Wen Qing floundered, then scowled. “Okay, listen. Not even the Nie sect does that, and I refuse for the Wen sect to be weirder than the Nie. All right?”
Everyone considered that, and agreed.
They might be weird – but they weren’t that weird.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 8: Dad’s Home! (Oneshot)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon Bros x gn!Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Could you do a one-shot where Lucifer arrives home after a looong day and walks in on his brothers laughing up a storm because teen MC accidentally exclaimed "Dad's home!" when they saw him?
A/N: Anon, I am SO sorry for taking so long! >< I like to write one-shot in one go, and recently I’ve been very busy. I hope you like it! 
Word Count: 2,287
Everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. First, Lucifer stayed up all night to finish a report for the RAD council. Then in the morning, his brothers ended up arguing and got into a food fight, so he had to forgo breakfast. When he got to RAD, he learned that Diavolo ran away to escape his responsibilities, leaving Lucifer a tall stack of papers to read and sign. On top of that, since the butler was out searching for the prince, the Avatar of Pride had to take care of Barbatos's student council work as well. For this reason, he had to ignore his rumbling stomach and skip lunch.
Just when Lucifer thought he could rest, a fight broke out between two lesser demons. Then he got caught in the middle of a prank and got doused in water, followed by pink glitter. There went his new clothes. After he left RAD, the raven-haired man stopped to get a snack but got attacked by hungry Devildom birds and had to give up his food. When he decided to head home, Diavolo showed up and asked Lucifer to save him from Barbatos; instead of helping the prince, the Avatar of Pride gave him a lecture which drained the remaining energy from his exhausted body. So, by the time Lucifer reach the House of Lamentation, he had no strength left.
All he wanted to do was eat, go straight to his room, and drink wine while listening to his favorite CD. The demon expected all his brothers to be busy with school work, but instead, he found them in the living room in a rather chaotic state. Mammon was rolling on the ground, holding his stomach and laughing up a storm; Levi sat on one of the sofas with both hands over his mouth, trying to suppress his chuckles; Satan leaned against Asmo's shoulder, laughing and wiping his tears, while Asmo pressed the tips of his fingers to his lips and giggled; Beel held onto his stomach and repeatedly hit one of his large hands on the center table, laughing heartily; the youngest brother was curled up on the couch beside his twin, chuckling. You stood near the fireplace, biting down on your lower lip, but as soon as you saw Lucifer, you covered your mouth quickly, hoping he didn't hear your words. 
Seeing the state of his family, Lucifer felt like hitting his head on a wall. All eyes turned to him, expecting him to question them or cross his arms and frown at their behavior, but the eldest brother chose to turn on his heels and dragged his feet towards his bedroom.
Asmo and Satan stopped laughing and exchanged glances as soon as they saw him exit the room. Belphie saw his older brothers' reactions and wondered what happened. He tugged on Beel's shirt to get him to stop laughing. Levi blinked in confusion, questioning why his tyrant brother walked away without saying a word. Mammon didn't get the message and continued laughing until Satan threw a pillow at him.
"Hey, whatcha do that for?" The Avatar of Greed asked as he sat up and smoothed out his disheveled hair.
"Is Luci okay?" You questioned, not expecting him to give such an unusual reaction, "Should...we go check on him?"
Before anyone could reply to your question, a familiar voice interrupted, "Pardon my intrusion, but would Lucifer happen to be here?"
"He just came home," you replied, "hey, Barbatos, did something happen to Lucifer? He...didn't seem like himself."
"I thought that may be the case," the butler touched his chin and sighed before explaining the events that took place throughout Lucifer's day.
"You know, Luci always does so much for us," you mumbled and glanced at the ground, "we always cause trouble for him, but he still takes care of us. I think this time, we should do something for him!"
Your lips tugged into a smile as you held up your curled hands close to your face, "Let's turn his bad day into a good day."
The brothers pondered for a second, and Asmo was the first to speak, "I agree. Whenever I have fashion emergencies, I can always count on Lucifer to help me."
Beel nodded in agreement, "Whenever I ask him for his food, he gives it to me. Also...he took care of Lilith a lot."
Belphie's muscles momentarily stiffened at hearing his sister's name, but he regained his composure. "He locked me in the attic to protect me...even though I caused him trouble."
Levi twirled the cable of his headphone around his index finger while mumbling, "He always makes sure my bank account is full, so I can buy all the games I want."
"He takes Goldie away from me," Mammon sighed and averted his eyes, "but to keep me from running into debt."
All eyes turned to Satan, waiting for him to add his point to the conversation. The Avatar of Wrath crossed his arms as the corners of his lips turned down, "What? You really want me to say something nice about Lucifer?"
"Come on, Satan," you pouted, "you know he has done nice things for you. Admit it! It's not like Lucifer is around to hear you praising him."
After a moment of silence, the blond man shook his head and admitted defeat. "Fine, even though I always hated him, Lucifer still looked out for me."
"See, that wasn't hard, was it?" You chuckled, earning a deeper frown from him.
"Seems like all of you have the situation under control," Barbatos smiled, "Then I shall take my leave. If you require my aid, then do let me know. Please excuse me."
Asmo opened the door to his elder brother's room and peeked inside. "Luci? Sorry, to disturb you."
The Avatar of Pride sat on the chair next to the fireplace with his arms crossed over his chest and head thrown back. He didn't open his eyes but motioned his brother to come inside.
"What's wrong?" Luci asked in a sapped voice, slightly opening his eyes.
"I need you to come with me." Asmo took hold of his brother's hand and helped him to his feet before Lucifer could protest in any way.
"Can this wait?"
"No, sorry!" Asmo forced a small smile as he studied his sibling's lifeless face.
Upon reaching his room, the Avatar of Lust asked his sibling to lie on his bed faced down. At first, the elder brother looked at Asmo with a raised eyebrow, but lacking the strength to protest, he gave in. While the other brothers fulfilled their duties, Asmo kept Lucifer busy with a body and face massage.
"Asmo, what is going on?" The raven-haired man asked in a muffled voice.
"Shh, no talking allowed. Just relax." The Avatar of Lust cooed as he worked his fingers to break the pent-up tension in his brother's muscles. In the meantime, Belphie and Levi snuck into Luci's room to draw him a relaxing bath with candles and soothing music.
"D-Do you really think this will help?" Levi asked while lighting the silver-colored candles around the black bathtub.
"It will help. Besides, we need to give Asmo time to sneak out and buy Lucifer a new outfit. Levi, while I add the final touches, go tell Asmo we're done."
After Belphie added the remaining petals in the bathtub, he made his way to the kitchen to check on his twin and Mammon.
"Beel! Don't touch that," Mammon loudly said as he whacked the top of his younger brother's hand, "Remember, we are cookin' for Lucifer."
"Beel, are you hungry again?" Belphie chuckled, stepping into the kitchen to find his twin pouting. The Avatar of Gluttony touched his growling stomach and nodded once.
"How are ya still hungry? You ate everything we made just a few minutes ago," Mammon sighed and shook his head in disapproval, "Belphie, will ya make sure he doesn't eat any of Lucifer's food? We don't have enough ingredients to cook everything again."
"I p-promise I won't eat anything." The orange-haired demon lowered his head and looked at the older demon through his bangs.
"Don't gimme that look. We'll getcha somethin' to eat after, 'kay?"
Beel's eyes lit as he vigorously nodded, "Let me help you with the vegetables."
"So, how's everything goin' on your end?" Mammon asked as monitored the food on the stove.
"Lucifer got his massage and should be relaxing in the tub. Asmo will leave to buy his new outfit soon." Belphie leaned again the wall and watched Beel rhythmically chopping the red, green, and orange vegetables.
“What about Satan and (Y/N)? Did they message ya?” 
“Yeah, Satan said (Y/N) gave an earful to Diavolo for giving Lucifer and Barbatos a hard time,” Belphie smiled and rolled his long bang between his right thumb and index finger, “I wish I could’ve been there.” 
Meanwhile, you and Satan worked with the prince and his demon butler to finish some of Lucifer's student council work. 
"Prince Diavolo, I apologize for crossing my limits earlier, but you are the Ruler of Devildom. That means you have certain responsibilities to fulfill whether you like it or not," you huffed, "you can’t push those duties on others. Lucifer and Barbatos already do quite a lot for you, so please don't give them a difficult time. Promise me, you won't."
Satan pressed his lips into a firm line to hold back his laughter while Barbatos quietly chuckled to himself. Diavolo exhaled loudly and shook his head, feeling guilty for his actions. 
"I promise. Barbatos, deliver an apology gift basket to Lucifer on my behalf. Also, let him know that he has the day off tomorrow." 
"Of course, my lord." The green-haired butler glanced at you with a smile before exiting the room to purchase the present. 
An hour later, you and Satan return to the House of Lamentation to find Mammon and Beel heading to Lucifer's room with a tray in hand. As the four of you reached the Avatar of Pride's bedroom, you saw the remaining brothers waiting in front of the door.  
"Ah, seems like everyone is here," Asmo smiled and knocked on the door, "Lucifer, we are coming inside." 
The Avatar of Pride was stunned to see the group enter his room but stared wordlessly. He scanned all of your faces with unreadable eyes, waiting for one of you to speak. 
"Here," Mammon broke the silence as he set the food tray on the center table, followed by Beel. "We heard you haven't eaten today..." 
Lucifer lifted the silver cloches to find three meals, an appetizer, main course, and dessert, messily arranged on fine china plates with intricate gold patterns. He examined the dishes but stopped to stare at the cake with a missing piece. 
"B-Beel, you promised you wouldn't eat anything," Mammon rested his hands on his hips and shot a glare towards his younger brother. 
"S-Sorry...I couldn't wait to eat," The Avatar of Gluttony innocently replied. 
To everyone's surprise, Lucifer started chuckling, "Thank you, Mammon, Beel." 
"Luci, I got you a new replacement outfit," Asmo chimed, "Though I must say, you looked quite good covered in pink glitter." 
"Oh, I also have something I would like to tell you," you chirped and clapped your hand together, "you have the day off tomorrow!" 
The raven-haired glanced at you with wide eyes, but before he could ask you why a loud knock echoed through the bedroom. All heads turned to see Barbatos stepping in with a large gift basket. "Pardon me, but Lucifer, Lord Diavolo asked me to deliver this on his behalf. He also wishes to apologize to you for causing you trouble today." 
For a while, the Avatar of Pride grew quiet as he pieced the events of the day together. His lips curled up into a rather soft smile, "Thank you, everyone, for turning my day around, but I advise you not to get used to this kinder side of mine. I am curious about one thing though, what were all of you laughing at earlier today?"  
"Oh dear, look at the time," Asmo gasped as he covered his cheeks,  "I need to go moisturize my bedroom." 
Mammon watched Asmo skip out of the room and quickly added, "Uh, I think I left the stove on. Lemme go turn it off before the house burns down."
Levi looked around the room nervously as Mammon ran out of the room. "Um, I w-will go get g-gasoline to put out the fire..." The Avatar of Envy stiffly walked out the room, nearly tripping over his feet. 
"I need to finish a report and pull an all-nighter," Belphie mumbled before turning on his heels and quickly sliding his feet across the hardwood floor. 
"I need to go burn my book," Satan said and power walked out, mentally beating himself for making a senseless excuse.
Beel tilted his head to one side and blinked, "Why did everyone leave?" 
"I should return to the castle to babysi- I mean to attend to Lord Diavolo," Barbatos chuckled and excused himself. 
"Uh, I need to...go summon the devil. See ya!" You flashed a toothy grin and raced out of the room. Lucifer watched all of you with one eyebrow tugged up. 
"Beel," he shifted his attention to the only remaining brother, "tell me, why was everyone laughing earlier?" 
The tall demon chuckled, remembering your word, and blurted, "When (Y/N) saw you at the front door, they ran into the living room and said 'dad's home'." 
"Dad...," Lucifer slumped on the sofa and touched his forehead with his thumb and index finger, "is that what (Y/N) thinks of me as? I suddenly don't feel well." 
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
This Is New For Me
Loki x Reader
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Summary: Life on Asgard can be straining - especially if the God of Mischief has taken a liking to you.
Warnings: Loki being so terrible at flirting it physically hurts, bullying, this got way angstier than I initially intended
Words: ~2800
A/N: I’ve written this trying to distract myself from personal problems, but honestly I can’t think straight rn. Dunno I kinda hate how this turned out but here you go I guess...sorry.
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Loki Odinson must really despise you.
No matter how often Thor would stand up for his brother and try to justify his behavior, there was no other explanation for you other than that he must truly hate you with every essence of his being.
In the beginning, having been invited in the palace to train magic under the Allmother sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime chance - yet all that’s left from your initial excitement had been replaced by pure annoyance.
Lately, whenever you knew that you had to attend class with that certain raven-haired prince, your insides would churn before you even arrived.
Weeks have turned into months, never once ceasing his condescending remarks or childish pranks. Of course, he wasn’t called the God of Mischief for nothing.
All nine realms had tales to tell about his sheganinans - yet with you, he seemed especially invested. There was not one encounter where he could leave you at peace, always ending with you being victim to his wicked humor. 
The man did not seem to respect you at all - and it made you furious.
Today, you’d show him just what you were capable of!
“Greetings, great Allmother.” Polite as always, you bowed deeply in front of your queen, her magnificent presence still making you jittery beyond belief.
“No need for formalities, my lovely student” she responded heartily, only making you admire her even more - until a loud, exaggerated sigh cut through the calm atmosphere.
“Her again?” There he stood, maintaining his defensive pose as he rolled his eyes at you. “Mother, why would you keep on bringing a lowlife like her to defile this holy place?”
This was probably the millionth time that Frigga apologized deeply for her son’s behavior, and you were always amazed by her patience with him. How could a person so formidable end up raising such a troublemaker?
But then again...if she believes that there is good in the God of Mischief, then so would you.
“For today, I have prepared a spell that can only be cast by two mages at once”, Frigga explained, while Loki would still not bid you a single look. “So throughout this lesson, you will need to work together to succeed.”
Irritation was clearly visible on his face - and if you were perfectly honest, you weren’t really fond of that idea either. Yet if it was your scolar’s wish, none of you would protest.
“Spontaneous creation of complex concepts puts a huge stroll on one’s mind and body, so do not be frustrated if it doesn’t work within the first try.”
The idea was simple: Create a blooming meadow in midst of the palace floor, since creating life would be way too complex - only masters of the sorcery arts could take this spell to completion.
You and Loki were now sitting on the bare floor in front of each other and only now you realized how tense he had become, sweat dripping from his forehead and biting his bottom lip.
Was your presence really so terrible that he couldn’t bear with it?!
“Hey” you whispered, taking his hands to form a ring just as instructed “Don’t worry, we’re gonna get this!”
“I don’t need your encouragement...” he spat between gritted teeth, now that you noticed his palms were just as sweaty as his face seemed to be.
One second. Two, tree...fourty....a hundret and two...
“Relax” Loki repeated to himself as if it was his mantra - but now, with your fingers entangled in his? Sheer impossible.
Distraught, he shot his mother a desperate look, just for her to point  towards you, sitting cross-legged and seemingly completely relaxed.
Since your eyes were closed, Loki took this chance to observe every detail of your face, without having to fear that you’d notice his little infatuation.
By the norns - you were as fair and bewitching as always. So way, way out of his league. An unreachable, vigorous being. No angel, valkyrie or similar could ever reach up to you - at least in his eyes.
Was this what they called love at first sight? Loki only knew those sentiments from novels he always ridiculed before he got to know you.
Slowly and steadily, Loki aligned his breathing pattern with yours, picturing the cycle of energy the two of you formed. Carefully, he began infusing you with his magic, trying his best to allow yourself do the same to him.
Another minute passed by and you were finally able to let your magic flow through each other’s bodies entirely, like a serene stream.
With things being like this, he felt so different from the Loki you knew.
His magic was strong, indeed - but so gentle, warm and somehow comfortable to be coated with. You wondered-
As soon as Loki slapped your hand away, breaking the cycle, all of the flowers that had previously bloossomed through you would wither in an instant.
“What the hel do you think you’re doing, you mewling quim?!” Loki shoutet as loud as his lungs allowed him to, while his mother’s face distorted in second-hand-embarrasment at her son’s choice of words. “Who do you think you are?!”
“I-I’m sorry, I just-” You only wanted to scan his emotions through the magic bond you shared, just peek under the cover for a mere second - what was he so afraid of you to find?
“Know your place, woman!” The god pointed at you before he rushed up, ignoring the ache in his heart as he saw your face contort in sadness. “You are beneath me, never forget that!”
Why were you even surprised?
“You’re right” you sniveled quietly as you balled a fist in your dress, and Loki hated himself so much that he wished to just disappear. “My apologies. You don’t have to put up with me ever again.”
As always, instead of fighting, you made your leave without ever fighting back.
Frigga’s pleads for you to stay and talk this over were all for naught when you rushed away, muttering curses directed towards youself rather than anyone else.
Instead of scolding her son, she’d punish him through her silence, furiously shaking her head as she rushed away as well.
Why did he always have to ruin everything?!
The God of Mischief was very well aware that whenever you were close, his mind went completely blank - and that made him panic.
Never before he had felt so goddamn vulnerable in front of anything, terrifying him beyond belief.
And Loki loathed that feeling: Losing control over himself, being reminded once again how alone and  unloveable he is, facing a goddess as stunning as you are every single day.
So he concluded it to be best to cope like he did all those millenia: Cover up those insecurities, shove his anxieties in the back of his heart and protect his heart from anyone coming close.
Good thing you believed that presumptupus, disoblinging duplicity of his to be his true self.
That would make it easier for the both of you, having as much distance as humanly possible. Vicinity could become dangerous terrain.
Yes, he would only save you some time - it would be a waste if you would try to actually give him a chance, just to be let down by what kind of disappointment he truly was.
But it wouldn’t end here - since the only way Loki Odinson first and only communication was through causing mischief.
A scream of yours startled the servants early in the morning, with your personal maiden being the first to rush to your side.
“Milady, wha-” She stopped in her tracks as she saw you standing in front of the mirror, touching your scalp in disbelief, where everything had been cut short.
That was it. Enough of it!
Dismissing the servants, you took a scissor and tried to at least make an acceptable hairstyle out of the mess he had made, before you would leave to the royal garden.
“You!” Pointing towards Loki, innocently sitting on a bench to watch the sunrise, you screamed and let a strand of hair run from your fingers to the floor. “You did this!”
“Now relax, would you” he chuckled, wearing his smug grin like a trophy as he defendingly held his hands into the air. “You should be grateful, it looks much better like this.”
Next thing he knew was the feeling of your backhand, mercilessly crushing against his collarbone.
Usually, you’d be shocked at yourself, for you had never been a person to choose violence ever before - but right now, you were too full of anger and hurt to even realize.
“You conniving craven pathetic worm!” you exclaimed, breathing heavily as you swung yet another fist towards the prince - however, he grabbed your wrists, trapping you in his hold.
In his life full of wrongdoings, he had been called worse than that - yet still, hearing insults coming from you of all people shot arrows through his heart with every word escaping his lips. Not that he’d ever admit, though.
“It was just a little prank.” Loki would’ve never thought that his actions would affect you this much. “What are you so worked up about?”
“All this time I believed there could be a good person beneath all that...but now what?” The compassion you detected in his eyes were only upsetting you even more. “You are a selfish, cruel and terrible person, and I gave up on you.”
Loki let go off of you, staring at you in disbelief:
You actually believed in him, all this time?! That was impossible!
If anything, the Odinson had always believed you to ignore his existence completely, if he wouldn’t use such drastic measures to attract your attention.
“Wait a second, I-”
“I hope you know that you deserve to be alone...” you sniveled, turning around to face him one last time before you fled the scene. “And you always will be.”
Several minutes had passed until Loki had given up in silencing he voices inside his head that told him you were right: He was indeed a despicable being, tainting your pure goodwill - repelling anyone that would still be willing to give the God of Mischief a chance.
Out of a whim, he jumped up from his place, wanting to rush after you. He was very well aware that he was probably beyond forgiveness by now, yet he at least wanted to make things up to you - even though he had no clue where to start.
“Calm down, Lady Y/N.”
Thor’s voice drang to Loki’s ears just a mere second before he saw that particular heart-wrenching scene unfold in front of him:
You were lying in his brother’s arms, crying to your heart’s extend while soothed you, softly petting what remained from your hair.  Loki remained hidden in the shadows, even though his guts told him to stab his brother right here and now.
“My brother...you know-” The God of Thunder was trying to find the right words, even though poetic speeches were not really his forte. “It’s just his speecial, twisted way of interacting. Who knows where he got that from.”
“I rather wonder if he realized how his behavior truly makes me feel” you snapped back, unwilling to keep defending him. “Weak and worthless, that’s how I feell. And every time our ways cross, he’s making it worse!”
By the gods, Loki never wanted to make you feel that way, let alone think such ways about yourself! He of all people, who knew best what its like to feel unfit and nowhere near enough.
Loki grabbed the fabric of his shirt tight, feeling that his heart might burst if he didn’t. It took everything in him to not let out a loud sob and be caught - but then, his brother snapped him out of it with an impossible question:
“Do you still love him?”
“L-Love might not be the right word, I mean-” Lately, you had let Thor in on your secret admiration for his younger brother. “With the way he’s treating me, and all-”
You just couldn’t help being drawn to him against all reason. After everything you had endured, just to be close to him - and he never even acknowledged your feelings.
And still, here you were, crying over a man that didn’t want you.
“Lady Y/N?”
Loki’s voice made you panic, immediately wriggling out of Thor’s embrace. The Odinson understood immediately, nodding towards his brother before leaving the two of you alone.
“Since when have you been standing there?!” Panic dropped to your stomach, wondering just how much he had heared.
“From the very beginning.”
Before you could even think about what to do now, Loki summoned a dagger, cutting off his raven locks in one swift move. “Wha-”
“Please, accept this as means of apology.” The man now dropped to one knee, humbly facing the ground. “I have never intended to make you doubt your most perfect self.”
Frantic, you were scanning his voice, face, anything for the slightest hint of a lie - but nothing. Loki seemed determined and sincere when he looked up to you, hesistantly taking a hold of your hand.
“This is new for me...” he uttered under his breath as his lips graced your knuckles, and only now you realized that he was trembling ever so slightly. 
“I-Is that another trick?!”
“What kind of vicious being do you think I am?” Well, after everything he had commited it was only natural of you accusing him. “There are lines not even I do not cross.”
Only for a brief second your heart felt a little bit lighter, as his eyes were locked with yours, lost in this moment you have been waited for so long...
...a little too unexpected, right?
Suddenly, you tugged your hand away, and Loki could only sigh in frustration. Of course it won’t be that easy for him to gain your trust. “I don’t need your pity, Loki...”
No matter how he racked his brain around the matter, he had burdened your shared past probably beyond the point of repair.
That would be his last chance, maybe the last time he’d ever see you again. He was so desperate in his attempt, and yet - what else could he do?
So for the first time in millenias, the God of Mischief decided to speak from the heart for a change:
"Y/N, I-I...As I said, this is new for me, so...” he cleared his throat before continuing, stress literally dropping out of every pore. “From the first day we’ve met, you...I mean...you were the most magnificent being I ever laid eyes upon, and...when I think about it now, I-I may be enarmored with you.”
Your eyes widened at this wholeheartedly confession, a sincere smile playing on his lips in contrast of sole tears running down his face.
Never before you had seen him like that: Flustered, vulnerable, and honest...
“I thought to be unworthy of your affection, so I tried to belittle you, to...I don’t even know. I’ve been told many times I am quite assertive of anyone but myself. I-I mean, I am a mess...I don’t understand my own feelings and thus drive away any chance of happiness, and...how could you ever-?”
“Mhh...” you silenced the man as your lips crushed over his, falling straight into his arms. It took Loki quite a second to fully grasp the situation before deepening the kiss, his arms wrapping around you as if you’d disappear if he was to ever let go.
“Y/N...” the prince gasped when your lips parted from that breathtaking kiss - and this time it was you who wore that thug grin on your face.
"Apology accepted” you giggled, just to smother the face of this flabbergasted man in yet another thousand smaller kisses.
This had to be a dream, he thought...and immediately, a wave of guilt washed over him. He did not deserve this in the slightest.
“Now, don’t give me that look.” Cupping Loki’s face in your hands, you gifted him that heartwarming expression he had ignored for so many years, thinking it was not meant for him. “That kiss wiped my memory from everything you’ve done...by now.”
Out of sheer, genuine happiness, Loki leaped from the floor and excitedly swirled you around in his arms.
After another kiss that would kick the air right out of your lungs. the god would peck a more gentle one afterwards, as sweet and tender as no one ever thought he could be.
Even if it’s gonna be a long way, Loki would prove to be worthy of your love.
“Lady Y/N...if you are to believe in me, then I swear I will be on my best behavior from now on!”
"Let's see about that."
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