#zeus: get outta here idiot
godsofhumanity · 2 years
Hades, entering the room: Poseidon, I need to talk Zeus privately. Poseidon: Oh. Poseidon: what about?
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Hi there! i read your percy one and it was sooo so good, i was wondering if you could do “I didn’t know where else to go” with a percy x reader. and it could be like some sort of an enemies or rivals to lovers, i’m also a huge angst girlie and idk why.
thx so much hope you’re doing so well and have the best day!!🥰🥰❤️❤️💙💙
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I'm a total angst girlie too, make me an emotional mess please and thank you-
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Summary: Percy Jackson shows up at your front door bruised and battered, god this boy was going to scare you to death..
Warnings: Angst; mentions of injury (not very descriptive); Hurt/comfort; No mentioned godly parents for reader.
Requested: Yea
GN Reader!
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The last thing you ever expected to see at your door was your very own son of Posiden on the verge of unconciousness.
"Percy?! What the hell happened?" You let out a low grunt when he practcally collapses into your arms.
"I didn't know where else to go." He whispers, shuddering.
You huffed, hauling him into your apartment. Luckily your parent was at work, so you didn't have to worry about explaining anything.
You moved him to the couch as gently as you could, finally taking in the full stretch of his injuries.
"Oh for the love of Zeus, Jackson." You mutter, your heart racing, "Just- sit still. I think I have some ambrosia squares in my room."
"'Kay..." Percy mumbles, his hand pressed tightly to his side while his face was twisted into a grimace.
You rushed to your bedroom, digging around in your bags and drawers until you found the little tupperware container that held your emergency ambrosia.
You then moved to the apartments small bathroom and grabbed as many medical supplies as you could carry.
With your arms full, you ran back to the couch, nearly tripping over the rug in your hurry. You haphazardly drop the bandages and other stuff onto the coffee table, handing Percy afew of the ambrosia squares.
You decided to speed up the process by getting Percy a glass of water, but with the state he was in, he'd still need patched up.
"Were you followed by anything?" You asks quietly, lifting his shirt to clean one of the larger cuts the ambrosia couldn't deal with.
"No, I wouldn't have showed up here if I was." Percy says, setting the now empty glass on the table, "Thanks. For helping me."
"Well I'm not just gonna let you bleed out on my foorstep." You grumble, wrapping his chest, "You're an idiot. Ya know that? What were you thinking? You know what, nevermind. You weren't thinking."
"Aw, are you worried?" Percy asks, seemingly amused at how upset you were.
"Of course I'm worried!" You snap, glaring up at him, watching the amusement fade away. God he was so insufferable. Stupid Percy Jackson and his dumb pretty face.
"You could have died, Percy." You say angrily, pushing alittle harder than you mean to on one of his bruises, "But everythings just so funny! Haha I'm Percy Jackson and I don't care if I get eaten by a friggin' monster! Everything's just dandy!" you rant through gritted teeth, stomping over to the trash can to toss out the bloodied cloth you'd used to clean his wounds.
Percy stares at you for a second, before guiltily looking down at his shoes, "Sorry..." He mutters, "I uh.. didn't mean to freak you out."
"Well mission failed, Percy." You say, before taking a deep breath and sitting next to him on your couch, "I just... dammit- your really important to me, okay? If something happened to you-" You cut off your own sentence, crossing your arms.
"You scared the shit outta me.." You whisper, wiping away the building tears with the sleeve of your sweater.
Percy sits silently for a second, then he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer so your pressed flush against his chest.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, his head tucked away in your shoulder, "I'll... be more careful.. just please don't cry..."
You sniffle, wrapping your arms tightly around him, careful not to irritate any bruises that still remain after the ambrosia. You press your face into his hair, the few tears that escape your eyes getting caught in his black curls.
The two of you sit there like that for gods know how long, just seeking the familiar comfort of each others touch...
This one took me a minute, but I think it turned out well. Lyn Lapid is the best writing partner ever, her music helps me focus SO MUCH-
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 44
Warnings: same as the other chapters 
Rating: SFW
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Sora piloted the Gummi Ship through the Phantom Storm to a dark underworld, were above in the Olympus Coliseum, Hercules had just defeated the Rock Titan.
“Huh?” Sora asked. 
“Are ya sure this is the coliseum?” Goofy asked. 
“It's that way!” Donald said as he pointed to a set of stairs leading upward.
“Oh... Guess we were a little off,” Sora said. They heard a scream and saw a woman running from a bunch of Rabid Dog Heartless. The woman fell and the Heartless were upon her.
“Heartless!” Sora said. Sora and the others ran over, scaring the Heartless away. Sora offered to help her up.
“Thanks, but...I'm fine,” she said as she stood up.
“And you're supposed to be?” She asked.
“I'm Sora, he's Donald, and that's Goofy. We came to see how Hercules is doing,” Sora said. The woman looked at each of them in turn.
“You know Wonderboy?” she asked.
“Yeah, 'cause we're heroes, too!” Donald said.
“Ya mean, junior heroes, Donald,” Goofy said.
“Looks like we have a friend in common. Name's Megara. My friends call me Meg.”
“So how's Herc?” Sora asked.
“Wonderboy? Well, he's duking it out at the Coliseum every day. You know, ‘a hero's work is never done’ and all that. He's ready to drop, but he keeps on fighting. Even Wonderboy has his limits, though. These opponents are bad news---special deliveries from Hades himself...” Meg said.
“Hades!?” Donald asked. 
“Right. Lord of the Underworld. I was on my way to see him. Maybe I can get Hades to give Wonderboy a breather. If anything happens to that kid...”
“Gawrsh... Sounds like you're more than just friends!” Goofy said.
“Oh...uh, I mean...”
“We'll go have a little talk with Hades. I'd hate for anything to happen to you on your way to see him,” Sora said.
“You really want to do that? Well, it looks like you know what you're doing. I guess I'll take you up on that offer. But...let's keep this whole chat-with-Hades thing our little secret, okay?”
“Our lips are sealed!” Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Cave of the Dead. They saw a cloaked man running through the cave.
“The Organization!” Donald said.
“Yeah. Maybe he knows where (Y/N) is,” Sora said. They continued through the passage into the Inner Chamber to find the cloaked man still running.
“Run! Run away!” he said (he’s too precious for this world!). He eventually faded away.
“Okay...?” Sora asked. Meanwhile, Hades was speaking with Pete in Hades's Chamber.
“Where do they dig these freaks up? Geez, Louise,” Hades said.
“Oh, they're nuttin' but trouble, the whole lot of 'em. So, uh...what're you gonna do about Hercules? He's made mince meat outta every fighter you sent at him. Pretty soon the Underworld's gonna be standing room only. Say, why don't you just pick somebody already dead and save him the trouble?” Pete said. Hades got annoyed at Pete and slammed his fists on the edges of his chair. Pete covered his head, while Pain and Panic hid behind him. Hades thought for a second.
“Dead... Dead is good! And I know just the warrior,” Hades said.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Valley of the Dead. Donald shivered in fear.
“I'm scared too, Donald,” Goofy said.
“Hades, come out!” Sora said. They walked across the bridge and up the stairs. Pete, Hades, Pain, and Panic were looking into Hades's giant swirling vortex
“By the by, uh... What's down there?” Pete asked.
“Just the Underworld's deepest dungeon. This time I'm bringing out the mother of all bad guys,” Hades said. Pete started to back away from Hades. Pain and Panic had already hidden behind a stone pillar.
“You don't say. Well... Maybe I should go,” Pete said. Hades formed a ball of fire in each hand and tossed them into the abyss. There was a large explosion, causing a pillar of smoke to rise out of the hole. Lightning coursed through the red smoke as a figure emerged. Hades started to laugh.
“Let's cut to the chase. Here's the deal I'm gonna offer you. I let you out of the slammer---no strings---you'll be free as a bird,” Hades said. Auron listened as he looked over to Pete, who was against the wall near Pain and Panic. Pete, still afraid and not knowing what else to do, simply waved at Auron.
“And all for one little job. Fight Hercules, in the Coliseum...to the death!” Hades said. 
“This is my story. And you're not part of it,” Auron said as he raised his sword.
“Did you forget who you're talking to? I am the Lord of the Dead!”
“No wonder no one wants to die.” (oooohhhh! burn!)
“You are FIRED!” Hades turned red in a blaze and charged toward Auron, who blocked with his sword. Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran in.
“Hades!” Goofy said. Hades got distracted and his fire turned blue again.
“You again?” he asked. Suddenly, Auron knocked him back.
“Fight!” he said. Auron struck Hades, who stopped the sword with his hand and threw Auron back. Hades punched Auron to the ground. He conjured two fireballs aiming at the fallen Auron. Sora ran between them and they dissipated.
“Get up!” he said. The trio tried to fight Hades.
“Something's wrong!” Donald said. 
“I feel kinda funny...” Sora said. 
“That's right! See, that's the thing. In the Underworld, heroes are zeroes---comes with the territory,” Hades said. The two fireballs appeared again and Hades charged the group. Auron sliced down with his sword, but Hades teleported in a puff of smoke.
“Go now!” Auron said. 
“But I've gotta talk to Hades!” Sora said.
“What was that?” Hades asked, having his fingers in his ears. Sora tried to charge, but Auron stopped him. Hades made fireballs again as Donald and Goofy ran out of the room.
“We can't fight him here! We have to go---now!” Auron said. He pulled Sora, who didn’t budge. Auron left Sora, who eventually ran as Hades threw the fireballs at them. They left the chamber and ran down the stairs. Sora and Goofy closed the gates and tried to catch their breath.
“Is he gone?” Donald asked. 
“Don't count on it,” Auron said.
“Huh?” Sora asked. Hades appeared on their side of the door next to Sora.
“Leaving so soon?” he asked. They hurried to the exit, evading Hades and the Heartless he conjured. When they reached the Inner Chamber of the Cave of the Dead, they caught their breath.
“You're really good. Are you some kind of hero?” Sora said. Auron shook his head.
“No, I'm no hero...I'm just an...” he said.
“Huh?” Sora asked. 
“Auron.” Sora and Goofy looked at each other.
“My name,” Auron said.
“I’m Sora.” Donald jumped onto Sora's shoulders.
“Donald,” he said. Goofy also jumped onto Sora's shoulders.
“Goofy!” he said. Sora couldn't hold them up, so they fell in a pile.
“It seems we were fated to meet. Maybe you need a guardian,” Auron said. Sora pushed Donald and Goofy off him.
“Guardian? Thanks, but no thanks,” he said. Sora started to walk to the passageway. Auron slightly chuckled. Meanwhile, Pete met with Hades.
“I got Heartless all over the Underworld now. So you can leave those pipsqueaks to me. Look, pal, you just keep working on turning Hercules into a Heartless. Then he'll be all mine,” Pete said. Hades stopped and turned around angrily, turning red.
“This is my underworld, you idiot!” he said. Pete jumped back in fear.
“I'll handle this MYSELF!” Hades said. Hades slightly cooled down and snapped his fingers. Hades's giant three-headed dog showed up in the window.
“Cerberus, go!” he said. The dog left in a hurry. Meanwhile, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Auron ran to the entrance of the Cave of the Dead.
“What? It's closed!” Donald said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy tried to push apart the doors.
“Come on, open!” Sora said. Donald looked up and saw a keyhole chained to the door. The Keyblade appeared in Sora's hand.
“Will that open it?” Auron asked. 
“Yeah. I think so,” Sora said. Sora started to point the Keyblade at the lock when they heard a roar and looked behind them.
“Hurry!” Auron said as he readied his sword. Cerberus jumped into the entranceway. Sora unlocked the door and the keyhole and chains vanished. Donald and Goofy opened the doors as Cerberus ran up to them. Auron stopped them by shoving his sword between one of the dog's teeth. He held them there, pulling the sword out and knocking them away. Sora ran to the door, but turned around and saw Auron fighting alone.
“Uh...” Donald said. Sora ran back into the fray.
“Sora wait!” Donald said. The dogs roared and Sora and Auron fought them. Cerberus, nearly beaten, struggled to stand.
“Come on!” Donald said. Sora and Auron ran through the gates, which started to close. Sora, Donald, and Goofy made faces at Cerberus, as it ran to the closing doors. Meanwhile, Meg spoke to Hercules in the Coliseum Foyer.
“Come on, Wonderboy, play hooky for a day. For old time's sake?” Meg said.
“They came to see me. They came to see a hero. I can't let them down,” Herc said. Meg sighed, seeing his tired condition.
“Don't worry, Meg. I'll be fine. What does a hero need rest for, huh?” Herc said. He flexed his biceps and waved goodbye to Meg.
“See ya!” he said. He left into the Coliseum to cheering crowds.
“Sora, don't let me down,” Meg said.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy stood in the Underworld Entrance.
“Whew...” Sora said. 
“Huh?” Donald asked. 
“What happened to Auron?” Goofy asked.
“He can take care of himself. Let's go find Meg. Then we can try this again,” Sora said. Donald and Goofy nodded. Meanwhile, Hades sat in his Chamber with Pete, Pain, and Panic watching anxiously.
“Let me see if I got this right... That brat's Keyblade works on any lock?” Hades said.
“That's right,” Pete said. 
“Have I ever told you about the killer coliseum we have right here in the Underworld? It makes the one upstairs look like an Olympic kiddie pool.”
“Then that's the place we're gonna put an end to Herc the Jerk's winnin' streak.” Pete pounded his fist on the table making Pain and Panic jump.
“Problem. Zeus locked it tight,” Hades said. Pete looked annoyed. Hades chuckled, and Pete understood.
“Bingo... All we gotta do is swipe that key...and then reopen the Underdrome!” Hades said.
“Hate to tell ya, but that key is kinda particular. It won't work for just anybody. And that kid ain't no pushover,” Pete said. Hades tapped a finger on the arm of his chair.
“I think this calls for a woman's touch,” he said. He snapped his fingers, and with a puff of smoke, a doll version of Meg appeared in his hand. In the Foyer, Meg felt like she's being watched. Meanwhile, Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked into the Coliseum Gates.
“Gawrsh, this sure does bring back memories!” Goofy said. They walked to the Lobby doors and saw a tired Hercules walkout.
“Sora! Donald! Goofy! When'd you get here?” Herc said. 
“Hey, Herc!” Sora said. 
“Hi!” Donald waved.
“Howdy there!” Goofy said.
“Where’s (Y/N)? I thought that she would be with you three.”
“She was kidnapped by two girls who have similar powers as her,” Sora said. 
“Oh no! That’s terrible! Well, I know that she’s strong. I bet she can handle herself.” Hercules walked down the steps closer to them. Meg appeared in the doorway.
“You on another adventure?” Herc asked. 
“Yeah, trackin' down some friends, wipin' out some Heartless,” Sora said. 
“Junior heroes, always busy!” Sora and Hercules locked hands.
“You know it!” Sora said. They entered the Coliseum Foyer.
“So, did you and (Y/N) find those friends of yours?” Herc asked.
“Still working on it. When we got here, we ran into Meg---meg-mega trouble, I mean! So we had to help somebody out. We tried to go teach Hades a thing or two...but the Underworld drains away all our strength. Don't suppose you have any ideas?” Sora said. 
“Well, there is a stone that guards against the Underworld's curse. The gods on Mount Olympus use it whenever they have to go down there.”
“Think we could use it?”
“Sure, why not! I'll go get it for you.”
“Thanks!” Donald said. 
“Real nice of you!” Goofy said. 
“But Hades is no pushover, even if you've got the Olympus Stone. And I have a match today, so I can't go with you... Know what you need? Training! Why don't you go talk to Phil?” Herc said. 
“Hey, good idea!” Sora said. They entered the Coliseum and saw Phil, who's not looking in their direction.
“Hey champ, how ya feeling? Better rest up for tomorrow's match. Nobody's gonna pay to see a worn-out hero...capiche? Remember what I told you. Victory in the games comes down to two simple words: Eat, bathe, sleep!” Phil said. Goofy was counting the words on his fingers. The three looked at each other and laughed. Phil jumped around, and realized who's laughing, and ran over to them.
“Hey, if it ain't the junior heroes!” he said.
“Lookin’ good, Phil,” Sora said. 
“Never better! How you guys been? Have you earned your ‘true hero’ wings yet?” They thought about it for a second.
“Nope, you ain’t got what it takes,” Phil said. They were surprised at this. Sora scratched his head.
“So, what’s up?” Phil asked. They told him their current situation.
“Ha ha ha! You three are gonna take on Hades?” Phil laughed. 
“What’s so funny?!” Donald asked.
“You got nerve. I like that. Hey, you never know---stranger things have happened, right? Better get cracking, boys! So you want to train, eh? All right, I’m gonna work you hard!” Sora smashed pots and collected the orbs that came out of them.
“How was THAT?” Sora asked.
“It ain’t over yet, kid! There’s more on the menu. You can relax once you’ve finished ALL the training,” Phil said.
“No problem!”
“Now get ready for the real thing. If a big one appears, don’t let it get away.” Sora smashed more pots and collected the orbs. Herc entered the Coliseum.
“Listen, I gotta take off for a bit,” Phil said.
“Where to?” Sora asked. 
“None of your business.” With that, Phil left.
“Sorry guys...The Olympus Stone has been stolen,” Herc said. 
“What?!” Sora and Donald asked. 
“By who?” Goofy asked. 
“We don’t know who did it yet. All we’re sure of it is that it was a guy in a ba black-hooded cloak. And he had accomplices---a bunch of creatures in white and two girls.” Donald looked at Goofy, who nodded.
“Someone you know?” Herc asked. 
“Yeah. Those two girls were the ones who kidnapped (Y/N). Hey, if we can get the Olympus Stone back, can we borrow it for a while?” Sora said. 
“Sure. By the way, you haven’t seen Meg around, have you?” The trio shook their heads.
“Oh, okay...” Herc sighed.
“What’s wrong, your hero-ness? Feeling under the weather?” Hades asked. He appeared and placed a hand on Herc’s shoulder. He ducked away from Hades.
“You know, I thought staying in perfect shape was part of the hero job description...you know what I’m saying?” Hades said.
“Oh, right...Hades, we gotta talk!” Sora said. Hades flicked Sora to the ground.
“I came here to share a bit of mildly-interesting news:” Hades said. Herc sneaked behind Hades for a punch.
“Seems your dear, sweet little Nutmeg...” Hades said as he telporte behind Herc. 
“...Went and got herself lost in the underworld,” he said.
“You mean you kidnapped her!” Herc exclaimed.
“Well, maybe...But why get caught up in the details?” Herc whistled and a brilliant winged horse flew over the Coliseum walls, landing next to Herc.
“Uh-uh-uh! You can’t leave now, okay?” Hades said. Herc was stopped from getting on Pegasus.
“You’ve got a very important match today, um...the bloodthirsty Hydra! I mean, if you don’t stick around, who knows what kind of ‘accidents’ might happen,” Hades said.
“Yeah, accidents you caused,” Sora said. 
“Like I said: details, who needs ‘em?”
“You're just a coward,” Herc said. Herc and Pegasus looked angry. The horse flapped its wings and shook its head.
“Ah well. Can't all be heroes,” Hades said. Hades vanished in a puff of smoke.
~Le Timeskip b/c I Wanna See Ma Boi Demyx~
After fighting a few Heartless, the trio entered The Lost Road. Sora worked out the kink in his shoulder.
“Man... This Underworld curse is really getting to me,” he said. 
“We've got to get that Olympus Stone back fast!” Goofy said. They continued into the Atrium, where the found the hooded man, who turned around to face them.
“Huh? Ah! You!” he said and took off his hood.
“Wait a sec... Roxas?” he asked.
“Excuse me?” Sora asked. 
“Wow, you really are that stupid,” someone said. 
“Hey! You can’t talk about your Uncle Demyx that way!” Suddenly, Roxy appeared next to Demyx.
“Actually, I can,” she said. 
“Roxy! Where’s (Y/N)?!” Sora said. 
“I ain’t telling you that. It’ll ruin the fun.” 
“Huh? What’s going on? What are you talking about?” Demyx pulled out a note and began to read it.
“Let's see, here... ‘If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition’... Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one...” he said. 
“For the love of...you actually have a note? This is why you have me to take care of things,” Roxy said. 
“You're bizarre...” Sora said. 
“Who the hell are you calling bizarre?!” Roxy shrieked. Demyx took out the Olympus Stone from his pocket.
“He's gotta be the thief!” Goofy said. 
“Now that's just plain rude!” Demyx said. He held the stone up and glowed with light. He took out his sitar and began playing it.
“I’m leaving this up to you. Don’t mess it up,” Roxy said and disappeared. 
“Dance, water! Dance!” Demyx said. He conjured water creatures and Sora defeated them all.
“Not bad, Roxas!” Demyx said. He held his shoulder in pain. 
“Roxas, come back to us!” he said and vanished. 
“Guy's a broken record,” Sora said. 
“Hey, look!” Donald said. He picked up the Olympus Stone that Demyx had dropped. He gave it to Sora, who held it up. They glowed with light and felt their power return.
~Another Time Skip b/c I’m Lazy~
“Oh, well, take care you guys! Stay a little longer next time. We got some serious training to catch up on,” Phil said.
“Well, time to go. Oh, I almost forgot. The Olympus Stone,” Sora said. He took out the stone and Hercules weakly stood up. Before Hercules touched the stone, it glowed brightly. Sora opens another gateway. After saying goodbye, they boarded the GummiShip and headed to the next world.
“Wait, so let me get this straight. You’re trying to stop your dad from forming Kingdom Hearts?” you said. 
“That’s exactly what we said, dumbass,” Roxy said.  
“Roxy!” Yui scolded. Roxy groaned and slouched. 
“But...what do I have to do with any of this?” you asked. 
“You’re here to teach us the true meaning of a Spirit, are you not?” Yui said. 
“I am.” 
“Then, you have the power to stop our father.” 
“Shouldn’t you be able to do that?” 
“No. Only you can do it. Afterall, you are Xehanort’s daughter.”
“Huh? How did you know that?”
“Our dad is his nobody,” Roxy said. 
“And you want me to convince him not to summon Kingdom Hearts and work for my father.” 
“Now you’re getting it! You were right, Yui. She ain’t that dumb.”
“But the thing is, he’s not my real dad.”
“Huh?” the twins asked. 
“Back at Castle Oblivion, my brother, Vanitas, showed me who my real parents were,” you said as you took out your dagger. 
“If only I knew how my mother died,” you said. 
“We know how ours died,” Yui said. 
“How did she die? I-if you don’t mind me asking.” 
“No, no. It’s fine. We’ll tell you. When we were little, our mom took us to a park.” 
“We had a lot of fun there. Soon it was time to head back,” Roxy said.
“As we were approaching the castle, a Heartless showed up and killed our mother.” 
“That’s horrible!” you said. 
“It was. Our dad hasn’t been the same since,” Roxy said. You looked down for a minute but then looked at the twins with a serious face.
“Tell me what I have to do,” you said. The twins smiled and stood up. 
“Then let’s get started,” Yui said.
To be continued...
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themuffinbee · 4 years
Lore Olympus Novelized, Chapter 1
Hey all! I’ve moved my non-official fan adaption of Lore Olympus from Ao3 to Tumblr for anybody that might wish to read it. Hope you guys enjoy!
The plot and dialogue belong to the incredible Rachel Smythe.
Raindrops pelted the windshield as the slick streets of the Underworld glowed with fluorescent blue and electrified neon. A beautiful sight if anyone cared to notice, though few ever did.
Hades didn’t, not anymore. He hadn't for a very long time. 
At the present moment, like most moments, he had other things on his mind much more important than kaleidoscopic puddles of dirty city water. Important things like how it was only 9:15 and the night was already turning to shit.
Said shit-turning was mostly due to the absence of a particular river nymph, whose sultry silhouette should be right there, waiting under the awning of her apartment building. That was what she had agreed to with a little wink and a smirk only six hours ago, anyway. There was no way she had forgotten about it either. Not after the way she had gleefully crowed about receiving one of Hera’s coveted invitations to the night’s festivities. She had the damned thing pinned to her refrigerator, for crying out loud.
That left only one real question: what had he done to piss her off this time? He hadn’t even seen her since before the end of the workday. Then again, that had never managed to stave off her ire before. 
Eyes scanning for a streak of blood-red among all of the mirrored blue, Hades drove yet another circuit around the building, tapped out yet another text message, made yet another call. The phone rang once, twice, three times—
“Hey!” Minthe answered, voice low and relaxed. Carefree.
“You’re late, where are you?” Hades tried his best to keep any impatience out of his tone. Minthe didn't like it when he got impatient. 
He heard the sound of sloshing water in the background as she asked, “Did you get me that purse I wanted?”
“Um, yeah…” he began, “I did, but—”
“Oh, great!”
Another splash sent his heart sinking in his chest. Surely she wasn’t in the bathtub. She knew he had all but begged Hera for that damn invitation, there was no way she was taking a bath right now. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. “You’re coming to the Panathenaea with me, right?”
The other end of the line went silent, and he found himself holding his breath despite knowing her answer.
“Hmm…” She drew out her simpering hum long enough to sound playful. At least, it would have, if he hadn't known better. “...I don’t think so.”
Hades bit inside of his cheek and counted backward from ten in his mind. “What do you mean?”
“What I mean is that I don’t particularly feel like being seen in public with you today.”
Oh, screw this. 
"Real classy, Minthe," he said, anger finally leaking into his voice. He glanced at the clock again and felt some of that anger turn into nervousness.
There was a large difference between late, fashionably late, and late. Hera, of course, had worked out how to tell which was which down to an exacting science. He really didn't feel like getting pinned under that calculating gaze or chastened by that arched I told you so eyebrow. Or, even worse, being the beneficiary of her well-meaning but oh-so-condescending pity. 
"Come on, stop messing around," he said, sounding pathetic to his own ears. "I can't go to my brother's party by myself."
Not again. 
Minthe sighed, then explained as though she were speaking to a particularly dense toddler, "I don't feel like being seen with you in general."
It wasn't the first time she'd said something like this, but the words still hit him like a slap in the face. Normally, there would at least be a reason for her to say these things. Maybe one of their infamous knock-down, drag-out fights, or even a careless word on his part. Something. But this...this was completely unprovoked. Things had been...good...between them recently. No fights in almost a month, she seemed happy most of the time, and the two of them had settled into a comfortable routine between work and after work. It had been nice. Normal. Or, at least, as normal as the two of them were capable of being.
He opened his mouth to ask what the hell had gotten into her, what he had done to make her so angry, but Minthe’s voice halted the words in his throat 
"Hades…" she said, tone as languid as a string of cigarette smoke, "all the fine suits in the world won't change the fact that you stink of death."
That...that was a new one.
His teeth ground against one another as he tried to think of some kind of coherent response, willing himself not to give in to the outrage and panic that threatened to fill his mouth with poison. When no ingenious plan or even the will to salvage this whole mess appeared, Hades did the most sensible thing he could: he ended the call.
His limbs and head felt heavy as he sank his forehead onto the steering wheel, but not nearly as heavy as the weight that felt like it could tear a hole in his jacket pocket.
Ha. He had really thought she would consider...
Gods, what an idiot he was.
Even two blocks away from the party, Hades could tell the night’s festivities would very much resemble his youngest brother himself: loud, flashy, and obnoxious. Thunderous bass beats reverberated his car windows in place and splashes of light reflected off of the clouds like multi-colored lightning. The music only grew louder as he entered the building, now joined by the sounds of drunken party-goers.
As if he didn’t have enough of a headache already.
If all went well, he could make a few strategic appearances here and there, suffer through a five-minute conversation with his brothers, and be home with a bottle of his favorite scotch in under an hour. Most important of all, he needed to avoid—
“Hey! Hey! HEY!”
He turned around to see the golden Queen of the Gods, dripping with jewels and looking as resplendent as ever. Also, drunk. From the gentle sway of her walk and tilt of her stance, she had to be at least on her third drink of the night.
“Where is your date, Blue Boy?” She cocked her head with a grin.
“Gone,” he answered, unable to keep from averting his eyes. There wasn’t much point in trying to lie to her, there never was. Being married to a pathological philanderer for two thousand years had given her the ability to smell bullshit a mile away. “I need a drink.”
She studied him for only a moment before her face melted from a cheerful smile to tired annoyance. “Well, I, for one, am grateful! I don’t have to spend the evening with that nymph trash.” 
Ah. So she was drunk enough to be honest. Fourth drink, then.
...Nymph trash, huh? It wasn’t that all nymphs were trash. After all, Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea and bride of his least annoying brother, was technically a nymph herself. Hera wouldn’t ever speak of any of the Nereids like that, not if she didn’t want saltwater running through her taps for a month. No, his nymph was the one who was trash.
Hades began twisting a scrap of paper from his pocket between his fingers at the thought of his sister-in-law. “Did Poseidon bring his wife?”
Hera glanced down at his restless hands, then back up to his face, wearing that dreaded look of pity as she answered, “...Yes.”
Anger and anxiety had been battling it out in his brain the whole night through, and anger finally seemed to gain the upper hand.
“Great!” He threw his arm out to the side. “So I’m the only one alone?”
With her most self-assured smile, the kind that could convince almost anyone to throw themselves off of a cliff, Hera said, “Relax, no one will notice.”
Hades glared at her out of the corner of his eye. “You did.”
“Hera!” An unfortunately familiar voice boomed across the hall as the host of the night’s event, the purple pain in the ass, strode into view. Zeus, looking every bit the smug asshole he was with his white suit and diamond laurel, grabbed his wife about the waist and spun her around. “Hera, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! You look beautiful tonight!”
“Oh stop! You’re embarrassing me!” she cooed.
Zeus leaned in close, their noses almost touching as he whispered, “How ‘bout we get outta here?” 
Oh Gaia, he wasn’t about to start making out with her, was he?
Hera wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck, words covered in honey. “You big silly! You can’t leave your own party!”
Zeus began nibbling on his wife’s ear and she giggled like a teenager with her first boyfriend.
Hades sighed. Yes. Yes, they were about to start making out in the middle of the hall. Now that he thought about it, he had walked in on the two of them making rather inventive use of one of their couches a few years back at a party much like this one. That was more of his brother than he had ever wanted to see.
Hades tugged at his cuff links and cleared his throat.
Zeus looked up with an empty smile as he finally met eyes with his brother. “Ooooh! Hello, Hades. I didn’t see you there.” 
Sure you didn’t.
Then the King of the Gods and idiot extraordinaire glanced around. “Hey, where’s your date?”
Hera groaned, “Zeus, I wish you knew when to shut up.”
This was going to be a long night.
“Hey, Artemis! What do you think?”
Persephone stuck her hands out to the sides and tilted her hips, hoping that if she struck a pose like she had seen on the cover of one of her cousin’s magazines she might look a little more...mature? Stylish? Less like a bumpkin straight from the country that had only spent a total of forty-eight hours on Mount Olympus?
Something like that.
Artemis looked her up and down with her dark eyes, then frowned. “Persephone...you can’t wear that. You look like a relic.”
Darn it. She had been afraid of that. The fashions on Mount Olympus were so different from those in the Mortal Realm. Like, way different. Her gauzy, loose tunics and chitons and shifts weren’t going to cut it up here, especially not at one of Zeus’ swanky parties. At least Artemis wasn’t the type to soften her opinion and hem and haw, dancing around the problem without actually saying there was a problem. Persephone rather liked that about her.
But that still meant there was a problem. A big one. Persephone’s pose wilted, hands coming up to her cheeks as if she could hide her embarrassment behind them. “But this is the only dress I have right now…”
“I’ve got something you can borrow!” Artemis smiled, still a little pitying, but Persephone had already accepted that she would be encountering a lot of that in the next few weeks. It was inevitable, really.
Either way, her cousin’s words brought a flood of relief. Persephone bounced on the balls of her feet and clapped her hands together. “Thanks! You’re a real lifesaver!”
Artemis may have been one of the three sacred virgins, but that didn’t mean she didn’t know how to turn a head. The Moon Goddess’ dress sparkled with sequins like stars in the sky and paired perfectly with her indigo skin, which was very visible with those high slits up the side of her thighs. Oh yes, Persephone would be in good hands on the fashion front. 
She smiled. Maybe the night wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
Chapter 2
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
                                                 That Time That 
                                                     The Great 
                                                 Justice League 
                                                 Council Meeting 
                                                      Team Up 
                                            Went To Fuckin’ Shit
*Numerous superheros from several sovereign locals seated at a large round table/having been called together by Superman for a Paramount Assignment/still waiting on others to arrive*
Superman : *quietly to Batman* I am quite pleased at your arrival
Batman : And why wouldn’t I come to such a severally roundabout meeting that you called with such extreme urgency, especially when it was intuitive that it involve so many others ? *stiffly* if anything I should have been signed in the planning process as well
Superman : *charming smile* Now don’t get all grouchy on me. We do all so love the Dark Bat routine, but come now....
Batman : *growling* Don’t you dare talk down to me; I won’t have it ! I am just as much a part of the head of the Justice League as you you are. If a Paramount Assignment such as this needs to be set up, then I must be in the know next time
Superman : Yes. Next time
Wonder Woman : And I as well
Batman and Superman : *startled*
Wonder Woman : *leaning down over the back of Clark’s chair/Laso of Hestia glowing threateningly close by* I am a steel bullet in this League, I shoot fast, I prove fatal, I hone a strength in imperative demand. I hone a seat at the head of this League as well and I do not wish to feel the lesser. Now, you would not wish to upset me Superman...or you would, you say ?
Superman : No. Of course not at all. No body. I only thought it to be wiser and quicker if I were to just counsel this Council of War myself. I will be sure to inform you both of the matter fully ahead of time if it should arise
Wonder Woman : total attitude shift/cherry grin* Good ! Exactly as I thought! *pats Batman on the back a little too hard...or, hell, hard enough to pop his shoulder damn near outta place that’s for fuckin’ sure* Nice to see you in such daylight as always Batman !
Batman : *cracking shoulder back into socket* You as well Wonder Woman, and in such high spirits
Wonder woman : What can I say ? I am as bracing as it’s clear risen shine !
Aquaman : *looking up from texting* Hmpph...looks like the last to arrive are finally here....*side eye’s Batman* ...hehehe...
*arguing ensuing from outside the hallway/glass structure breaking/ unmistakable whining complaints*
*alert and terrified eyes at the table of gathered superheros*
Red Hood : *literally kicking the Council  Room doors open to shove an armful of ‘Bat Brats’ in to and on to the floor/grins over at Bruce* Aye Batman !! Found ya some little birdies ! I know how ya like’em when they’re fiesty !
Robin : *snaps at Jason’s hand*
Red Hood : Whoooaaaa, easy there buddy, easy, we’re all friends here ! Hey, how ‘bout later, if you’re a good boy, I get ya some high quality bird seed ? Hm ? A little snacky snacky for a good little birdy birdy ?? Tweet tweet ??
Robin : *grabbing sword*
Nightwing : *scrambling off the floor* NooOOOOoooo!! Be civil ! This is an important meeting !
Robin : I AM BEYOND TO BE IMPLIED AS SOMEBODY’S FUCKING PET, LET ALONE A GOD DAMNED BIRD !! *slicing through the air/nicking the edge of Red Hood’s jacket*
Red Hood : oh you mother fu– YOU’RE GONNA PAY ! 
Robin : COME AT ME FUCKER ! *slashes sword too close to Red Robin*
Spoiler : Hell no ! *picks Red Robin up/slings him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes* NO ONE fuckin’ touches Red Robin ! You slice one piece of baby soft flesh on this body molded by Zeus himself, then honey, we finna throw hands 
Red Robin : *arms and feet dangling, head upside down* um...thank you for your concern, Spoiler. I appreciate this act of chivlary
Spoiler : *walking with him to their designated seats* no prob babe. Just doin’ what any woman would do for their man 
Dick : *manages to pry sword from Robin* YOU, mister, are on NO sword punishment ! 
Robin : Then how am I supposed to fight you idiot ?!
Dick : That is exactly what I am saying, you are not. March your little butt out of those doors, right this second
Robin : *looks to Bruce*
Batman : *having seen all of this far too many times, had lost interest, looks up* ..... ....Yes. Robin. I am relieving you of duty during this Mission. We have quite the brigade of superheros, and seeing as you are behaving in a way that reveals you are unable to control yourself around Red Hood, whom will be helping us in this undertaking, I uge you into heading back to the Batcave. I will be in communication with you shortly
Robin : *aghast* WHAT ?! How DARE you ?! He called me a fucking BIRD ! He was going to feed me BIRD SEED !
Aquaman : Well I mean *huffs a laugh* aren’t ya kinda a bird ??? Robin ??
Robin : *about to square up to Aquaman*
Superman : *puts a hand to Robin’s chest* Don’t try. You won’t win this one. 
Robin : *takes a deep breath/fakes a smile* Okay. I will do as you command, Batman. Good luck during this Critical assignment of yours
Batman : Now do you see ? That is exactly as you should behave when it comes to all situations regarding things not going as you expect. I’m proud of you for this—
Robin : *walking backwards out of the Council Room holding both middle fingers up in the air* FUCK ALL YA’LL
Superman : *to Batman* ...you were saying ?
Batman : shut up
Arsenal : *makes kissy face at Red Hood*
Red Hood : *makes heart hands at Arsenal*
Arsenal : *blows a kiss at Red Hood*
Red Hood : *catches kiss gently/devours it in an intense fake make out session/moaning loudly* yeah babby fuck yeah mmm
Arsenal : *smug* yeah you know how I like it R
Nightwing : *uncomfortably turned on*
Green Arrow : *looking from Batman to Red Hood to Arsenal then back to Batman again* 
Red Hood : *blows kiss at Arsenal*
Arsenal : *making out with imaginary kiss*
Batman and Green Arrow : *covering their faces in shame*
  *several hours later*
Superman : *standing from his chair* The beginning of this Gathering was quite sketchy there for a while, but as further along we progressed, things have gone so according to plan and for this I would like to applaud
*eruption of appluss*
Red Hood : *applauding by kicking Red Robin under the table by rythem of applause*
Red Robin : *pinches his thigh*
Red Hood : *whispering* Hey, just a little heads up; you might think that hurts and annoys me, but in reality, it’s kinky as fuck and turns me on
Red Robin : *snatches hand away/blushing down to his neck*
Nightwing : You okay there Red Robin?
Red Robin: No. Tell your salacious booty call to stop being a pervert
Spoiler : *’I’m watching you’ hand motion to Red Hood*
Red Hood : *’blow job’ hand motion to Spoiler*
Nightwing : *slapping the back of Red Hood’s head*
Red Hood : I’m telling you guys, you think you’re teaching me a lesson, but in reality, for me? This is one hell of a game of foreplay
Superman : *still addressing all superheros* —I need the lot of you to take this seemingly insurmountable load I have given you off of your backs, if only for a short while, it is well deserved. For come a few days time, we are to dive into launching this aforementioned operation, something that we all know, will to prove to be the challenge in which I have attested it to be. There is no denying it. No sugarcoating it, as you say, no dressing it up to be something enjoyable. It will be hard, grueling, and many of you may just meet your match. But let us have tonight. I am having drinks now served to the table as well as commencing the signing of our Alliance. During which is wrapped up, we shall all then take our congregation out into the common room if that at all pleases you 
*Everyone giving their praise*
Red Hood : I think it sounds like a drag
Nightwing : I think you should shut up
Red Robin : I think it sounds nice
Spoiler : I think I just wanna get drunk ‘cause girls just wanna have fun bitches
Red Robin : Kay I take mine back. I choose that one.
*silent Council Room/documented Alliance being passed around to be signed*
*waiters arrive/champagne flutes bearing pink liquor are sat astride everyone who gives thanks before drinking*
Spoiler : Yum. This tastes exotic, bet it costs more then Nightwing’s ass
Red Hood : I was wrong about not wanting to come. I’m glad I came, yanno, for the liquor
Nightwing : *way too fuckin’ loudly after taking a gulp and giggling*
Tumblr media
*big eyes all around*
Batman : *at a loss*
Wonder Woman : *greedily eyeing the impending drama*
Aquaman : Well then shit, come sit in my lap and have my glass too baby, I’ll take care of ya after the meeting 
Nightwing : *light weight ass is already tipsy* Kaay
Red Hood : *pulling Nightwing onto his lap* no ! I said NO ! no one is allowed to touch, smell, or even LOOK at Nightwing when he gets drunk and slutty; somebody has already been hired for that specific job position and you’re already lookin’ at the son of a bitch !!
*everyone confused as fuck*
Red Hood : It’s me, you idiots, I’M the son of a bitch 
Superman : *looking at Nightwing*
Red Hood : *withdraws pistol/points it at Superman* I SAID NO LOOKING SUPERSHIT !
Starfire : *comes through the doors* I do apologize am I late ?
Superman : *hands still up in surrender to Red Hood* Oh ! Well, this meeting is all done and set. I was ready to ask of your team up for this Assignment but was well informed that you were on your own secret Mission
Starfire : Nonshell !
Aquaman : *grumbling* nonsense
Beast Boy : *nudging Aquaman* Yo, don’t disrespect the princess Aquadude
Aquaman : It’s nonsense, not nonshell
Barry : But you would think it would be totally nonshell where you come from
Beast Boy : He’s got a point
Cyborg : *jumping on the the Council Table/gulps down a glass full of champagne/tosses glass over shoulder/distant shatter of glass followed by a pissed as fuck Hal Jordan* HEY! If all ya’ll folks wanna chill the fuck out ! *picks up Starfire and Beast Boy in one arm/picks up Raven and a tipsy as fuck Nightwing in the other* I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE ! *internal audio radio system on* 🎶 Back Streets Back, ALRIGHT! 🎶
Beast Boy : Awe yeah man, turn it up !
Starfire : Oh ! hehe I do so love the love, as they say !
Nightwing : Jaaaybaaaeeeee loookie, I hav friendzzzzzzz
Red Hood : Give me back my half dressed and inebriated boyfriend right fuckin’ now !!
Raven : ...ugh...kill me….
                                                The End 
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
Ares and Athena through the years - Ch. 07
(A/N: trigger warning for mention of extreme torture and gore, plus mention of rape and child rape. Don't read further, if this is too much for you. Oh, and excessive use of the f-word. Also, Eris speaking with a weird accent, because she does what she wants.)
Chapter Seven: Captured and broken
Ares had gone missing.
At first no one had really minded, it had been wonderfully quiet without that noisy maniac.
In fact, had it not been for the circumstances, they would have used this opportunity to relax, but there was no reason for relaxation.
Olympos was besieged by two adolescent Gigantes, the Aloiadai. They were attempting to pile up a mountain, so they could take over the home of the gods. They threatened the Olympians and on top of that were harassing Hera and Artemis.
Ares had had enough of their nonsense and had gone to face them – despite having a bad cough, that idiot. But he still hadn't returned.
Which was bad, because now they had a gap in their defence, should the twins succeed in reaching up to the heavens.
And it was slowly, but surely getting too quiet.
Hermes and Apollon had admitted to missing their older half-brother's constant teasing.
Athena was growing more and more tense. She could have kicked herself for not knowing how badly she needed the annoying idiot. She missed the constant fighting. With Ares things never got boring, he was her adversary, someone to let steam off with. The blue-eyed goddess was getting seriously bored, restless and (not that she would ever admit it) worried for her half-brother.
Where was he?
Hephaistos suggested that something must have happened to him, because why would he go off, fight two Gigantes and then stay away for a year, not letting his family hear anything from him?
Aphrodite had turned into a nervous wreck and was constantly fearing the worst, which made her spiral into panic attacks every thirty minutes.
Eileithyia and Hebe were concerned too.
Even Zeus and Hera seemed to be worried.
The King of the Gods was constantly wandering to and fro in his office and the Queen was ruffling her hair in stress.
Since she and Artemis both were being harassed by those overgrown brats, they even had put aside their quarrels and could sometimes be seen sitting together at Hestia's hearth, talking and bonding over the ridiculousness of the entire situation.
To everyone's surprise Hera also turned out to be a stress baker.
So it came, that one evening the Olympians sat together in the assembly hall in a low mood, munching cake.
Finally Dionysos spoke up: “Who wants to get shitfaced?”
But before anyone could take the invitation, Zeus shook his head. “This is no time to get drunk”, he chided the youngest god and poor Dionysos lowered his head in shame. “If my son returns home in good health, that will be a reason to celebrate.”
Athena really didn't like the way her father specified “if he returns in good health”.
Zeus knew the future; Apollon had got that from him.
And whatever Zeus was seeing, it had to be bad.
Even though he appeared calm on the outside, the weather gave away, that he wasn't; his anxiety had manifested in a never-ending rainstorm, that had flooded all the lower areas of Olympos (the gods couldn't leave their palaces to walk on the pavements, without being knee-deep in the water).
After Zeus' statement, no one spoke another word.
Aside from the heavy rain and howling wind, there was just icy silence.
Finally, it was Apollon, who couldn't take it anymore.
“Father, how much longer do you want us to sit here?!”, he snapped, “It's been more than a year already and he's still missing! We have to do something! Ares may be a stupid jerk, but he is still one of us! They must have captured and imprisoned him somewhere, that's the only logical explanation for why he is still gone! What if those gigantic brats overwhelmed him and are torturing him in their evil lair?! What if they chained him up and are now doing unspeakable-”
“SHUT UP!!!”, Aphrodite shrieked all of the sudden and burst into distressed sobbing.
Hera went to pat her shoulder comfortingly and then proceeded to glare at her step-son.
“Way to elevate everyone's morals, Latôios¹! If you were as tactful as-”
“Enough!”, Zeus barked and everyone fell silent. “We will find him and until then-”
Right in that moment Iris burst in and announced a visitor.
Athena blinked in confusion.
Who could possibly have shown up here, on Olympos, in this weather?!
Eriboia was at loss as to what the Erebos that abnormally large bronze jar was doing in their cellar, why her step-sons wouldn't let her near it and what the heck they were doing in the cellar so often to begin with, when they weren't piling mountains on top of each other.
The overgrown youths were constantly bugged with these questions: “What is that ugly, huge bronze jar doing downstairs?”, “Why won't you let me go near that thing?” and “What the Hades are you two doing so much down there?”
After months of prying, it was Ephialtes who finally caved: “Alright, alright, shut up, I'll tell you! We caught the son of Zeus!”
“Which one?”, Eriboia deadpanned, “Zeus must have fathered at least ten percent of the population of Hellas. Be more specific.”
“Well, Ares! The god of war! You know, the only legitimate son?”
Oh no.
“Anyway, we caught him and wanted to use him as hostage, but Zeus hasn't reacted so far, and now that damn war god won't stop struggling, screaming and trying to free himself. But he can scream and struggle all he wants, because we bound him with extra strong chains! They're magical, you see, they grow tighter every time the captive moves. If we keep that loser down there long enough, they'll crush him! And until then he's a fun toy to play with, when we're frustrated or bored!”
Holy goat!
“Ha! It's like he wanted to be played with! He seriously took on us both and thought he could beat us all on his own! Now no one can bring us down! Soon we will conquer Olympos and all the gods and then-”
A piercing scream came from the cellar, cutting Ephialtes' boasting off.
As they looked into the room, they could see the ugly giant jar was quaking.
Eriboia was just a normal human – maybe that was why she felt the uncanny vibes coming from the jar so intensely. And it would have put her off, but the screams of agony appealed to her conscience way too much.
The teenage giant only smirked, before turning back to his step-mother. “Right then, we're off. Gotta pile up more mountains, so we can reach Olympos! Don't let him out, mother!”
With that he was gone.
Now Eriboia was entirely different in character from her step-sons, nor did she share their way of thinking. She had nothing against the gods and definitely didn't condone hubris – that and the way Ephialtes had just called the god of war a toy was beyond creepy.
Gingerly she approached the jar and pressed her ear against the bronze.
Now that she was close enough, she could hear the war god's faint voice whimper in agony.
“Help …”, it rasped, “Help … please … let me out … let me out …”
Her heart twisted painfully and she really wanted to help. But she wasn't strong enough to topple over that huge metal jar and maybe it would have hurt the captive too. So she knocked against the jar to show him, that she had heard.
“Hey”, she spoke, “Don't worry, I don't want to hurt you. I'm a mortal human, who wants to help. I'm not strong enough to get you out of there, but I will get help as soon as I can, okay?”
For a moment, there was silence.
Then a strained voice answered: “Thank you … please hurry … please.”
She frowned; it sounded so fragile, broken and weak.
Can the Deathless Ones die after all?, she wondered.
There was no time for long pondering, though.
She disguised herself and took off to Olympos to tell Zeus, where his son was.
Alone, there was a problem: how would she, a mortal, ever reach the Heavens?
Ares had never been so glad to hear a mortal's voice.
That woman – he just assumed it was one, judging by the voice – was his only hope.
The chains were cutting deep into his flesh and many of his bones had already broken under the pressure. He sank onto the side. The movement caused the chains to tighten even more, which caused him to cry out in mortal agony.
Ares was dying and he knew it; not only was he being crushed, he was also starving, dehydrating … and the Aloiadai had inflicted the worst kinds of torture upon him. He couldn't breathe. If someone didn't get him out of here soon, he would perish.
As much as he had always wanted to believe, that his immortality was absolute and that nothing could truly destroy him, he knew that Ephialtes was right. It would happen, if-
The oh-so-familiar voice of the Messenger of the Gods nearly made him cry, but he had no tears left.
“Ares! Ares, where are you? Answer!”
He could only cough weakly.
Looking up, he saw Hermes' face come into view and peek into the jar.
“Oh, finally, I found y-HOLY FUCKING SHIT, IS THAT YOU???”
Ares let out a laboured chuckle: “Took you long enough, squirt.”
“Holy shit, what the Tartaros, what the fuck-”
“Just get me outta here!”, the war god croaked, “But careful, these chains are-”
The rest of the sentence died in the coughing of Ikhor.
Hermes shook his head and pulled his half-brother out of the accursed jar as carefully as possible. Then he picked him up bridal style and carried him back to Olympos as fast as his winged sandals could carry him.
He was flying at the speed of the wind, but the flight still seemed endless. Especially when the Messenger noticed, that Ares was starting to pass out.
If he passes out, he might never wake up!
“Ares, you have to stay awake! Do you hear me?!”
“Dunn' think I can – ngh!”
The war god grunted in pain and spewed more Ikhor, as his chains grew even tighter.
Hermes felt sick at the sight, but he had to keep him awake.
“You can do it, man! We're almost there! Here, we just passed through the gates!”
“… What's with the weather?”
The messenger cringed. “It's been shitty ever since you disappeared. Dad has anxiety.”
Ares grinned weakly. “Hey, the wind 'n' rain … feel good … nice 'n' cool …”
Oh no, he's falling asleep!
“Hey, Ares, look! There's Hephaistos' forge! Remember the incident?”
The response was a weak glare.
“Okay, sorry, sorry! Remember the Gigantomakhia? We all kicked arse and you killed Ekhidnades and Mimas?”
“And how father clapped your shoulder and said 'Well done, son'?”
A rattling laugh: “How could I … forget? Best day of … my shitty life …”
The older god's ribs and sternum broke with a nasty crack and he spat more Ikhor.
Hermes cringed at the sight more disturbing than anything he had ever encountered in Hades' domain.
“Okay, Ares, hang in there! There is Athena's olive garden! And there are Hera's apple trees and pomegranates!”
It didn't help; the other's red eyes were closing.
“Hey, Ares, don't pass out! You've gotta stay awake! Think of your family! Your kids!”
Ares smiled faintly. “My kids …”
“Yes, yes! They need you!”
“M-hm. Hey … how long was I …?”
“Thirteen months. Today it's the 3rd day of the Gamelion²”, Hermes supplied.
Ares groaned in despair: “I missed everyone's birthdays!”
Hermes was surprised, but also felt compelled to make the older feel better.
“When I visited Harmonia in Elysion last year, I wished her a happy birthday from you.”
“Good. Can you do it … tomorrow night too? Today … it's her birthday. And … bring her roses … I promised her … flowers from here …”
Hermes smiled: “Doing it still today.”
Ares forced a smile. “Thank you …” And promptly passed out in his half-brother's arms.
The chains were even darker than the gods had feared at first.
They couldn't even be removed normally, someone needed to neutralise the dark magic. Only one goddess was capable of this and thus Zeus sent for Night-Wandering Hekatê. And indeed, with powerful ancient spells the ever-shifting Titanis made the chains release their hold on their captive.
Now the healing deities could finally take the war god to the sickbay, where he was laid into the Pool of Paiôn³. Apollon himself, Asklepios and his wife and daughters had all come together and poured their entire healing powers into the water non-stop for three days.
But his injuries (both external and internal) were so grave, that he would be in the Healing Coma for at least another year.
Later that night, the Olympians held council and listened to the reports of the divine doctors and of Hekatê.
“The number and kinds of injuries we found on him is truly disturbing”, Asklepios stated, “His inner organs all crushed, not a single bone unbroken and … and …”
He hesitated.
“Go on”, Zeus urged.
Only, the son of Apollon was obviously unsure of how to put into words, what he really wanted to say – it took him a while to find a way to put it into words.
“Well, my wise king, it seems like the Aloiadai … uhm, used him to elevate their boredom.”
Zeus tensed up and the air suddenly became extremely heavy and charged.
“What?”, he asked slowly.
Asklepios swallowed, before he continued: “Apart from the wounds and bruises inflicted by the chains, we also found scratch marks and hand imprints all over his body and … injuries between the thighs.”
The meaning of that was obvious.
For a moment everything was quiet … too quiet.
Then, all at once, the wrath of Zeus was unleashed in a thunderstorm of mythological proportions.
Deep down in the underworld, a loud rumble was heard and the inhabitants trembled in fear.
Persephone looked up from her work. “What the here is going on up there?”
Hades shrugged: “Probably your father throwing a hissy fit or something.”
Finally Zeus calmed down enough to dial it back with the lightning and thunder and cleared his throat: “Ahem. My apologies. What were you saying?”
Poor Asklepios (who wasn't remotely as used to Zeus' temper tantrums as everyone else) stuttered the rest of his report: “Uh-uhm … h-his injuries a-are nothing my ch-children and I c-can't fix, b-b-but his soul … he-he'll be traumatised.”
Zeus took a deep breath, before he could unleash another European hurricane, and nodded. “Thank you, grandson. You may go.”
Asklepios left the hall as quickly as was appropriate, obviously relieved to no longer have to be in the enraged sky god's presence.
Zeus sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
Then he turned to Hekatê and asked for her report (ignoring the eyes floating in the air around her head and upper body as far as possible).
“I have wandered the earth ever since I could walk”, she lisped. “But never have I seen anything so sinister. More so I'm puzzled, that the Aloiadai even got their hands on these. If you would come closer, so I can show you what I mean?”
The Olympians all came closer and surrounded Zeus and Hekatê.
She placed her hands onto the metal and eldritch symbols began to show.
“As you can see, ancient and powerful magic has been woven into them. This”, she pointed at a certain line of symbols, “Is a tightening spell. It detects the slightest movement and causes the chains to constrict in response. Of course Ares would have tried to free himself and inadvertently made it worse.”
She pointed at another row of symbols.
“This is the curse of mortality. Every divine being's essence is encompassed by a thick shell and that's our divinity. But these chains infiltrate the protective shell and pump the impurity of mortality into your very essence.”
Hera gasped: “Does that mean my son is now a mortal?”
“No. Fortunately, Hermes found him just in time. But one more day and it would have been too late. You have seen how faint his divine aura was.”
The Titanis sighed and went on: “This spell here is the worst. It drains the life out of the victim and transfers its life force onto the person holding power over the chains. In other words, while Ares was their prisoner, the Aloiadai grew stronger at his expense. They fed off his very life force, like parasites. Although I don't think they were aware of it, considering their age.”
Now it was Athena, who cried out: “So, even if he hadn't succumbed to his physical injuries, he would have wasted away, until finally all of him was drained, leaving him a lifeless husk?!”
“But this is awful! This is evil! How- they're only Kouroi⁴!
“Indeed”, the Titanis agreed. “But watch, it gets worse – step back, everyone!”
They did and Hekatê sang another ancient incantation. The eerie glow of the shackles intensified, grew darker and darker. Then Hekatê suddenly leapt back and not a moment too soon; a substance began to ooze out of the metal like wafts of black mist.
There was a collective gasp and several of the attenders fainted.
Poseidon's and Zeus' faces turned ashen and their black eyes widened with horror.
“No!”, Zeus whispered, “It can't be … this is impossible!”
“But … but how???”, Poseidon screamed, “We sealed them away, they shouldn't have-”
“Father, uncle”, Athena spoke up, “I beg you, do not withhold this from us – what is this?”
Zeus squeezed his eyes shut and took a breath to compose himself.
Finally, he revealed, that those were the chains that once bound the Elder Kyklopes and the Hekatonkheires⁵, who were first imprisoned by their father Ouranos and then by Kronos.
“They were forged from the pure darkness of Erebos and the baleful essence of Tartaros. For the Titanes, we used different bonds, as we didn't want to use the terrible old ones. My siblings and I collectively decided, that something so appalling must never be used again. So we hid the chains, where no one would ever find them – or so we thought.”
He turned back to Hekatê. To his dismay, she was weeping from her floating eyes.
“Do forgive me”, she apologised. “The horror of this whole situation just breaks my heart.”
Zeus nodded. As king he couldn't weep, but the awful weather on Olympos spoke volumes.
“We all feel the same way. Anyhow, now that this has been done to my son and heir, I decree, that we must make sure something like this can never happen again. Sealing these chains away obviously wasn't enough. Hekatê, can you destroy them?”
“No, I'm afraid that's not within my power. I could break them, but destroying them completely would require the power of one of the Protogenoi.”
The Olympians exchanged uncomfortable glances.
The Protogenoi. The Firstborn Ones.
Which of them could they summon?
Athena addressed the problem: “We have to make a choice. On one hand it would be wise to call upon Nyx, Erebos and/or Tartaros, as their essence is the main component of these chains. On the other, it would make sense to summon the Protogenos, who made them.”
“That was my father.”
Everyone stared at Aphrodite, who had just woken up and was standing up.
“I was born from the essence – hold your tongue, Poseidon – of Ouranos, the Sky. He is the one who made them, as Zeus already said.”
“Can you summon him?”, Athena enquired.
“I can try”, Aphrodite replied, “I can speak to him, but I'm not sure, if he will actually help us.”
“Do try”, Zeus requested. “You are the most beautiful of his children. If anyone can convince him to destroy these disgusting things, it's you.”
Aphrodite consented, but declared crossly: “Mind you, everyone: I'm only doing this for Ares! This is my father's fucking fault! These fucking chains did this to my love and I will not fucking rest, before they've been fucking obliterated!!!”
Then she stomped out into the rain.
It seemed like an eternity, until Athena noticed, that her father was growing uneasy.
“He's coming”, he informed everyone. “I can sense a supernatural shift in the atmosphere.”
And sure enough, Aphrodite returned with a majestic looking man of lofty stature, clad in a long robe covering his entire body.
His skin was the night sky, his hair and coat resembled the thunderclouds outside (in fact, his hair seemed to be composed of the clouds outside). He radiated the sheer primordial power and very essence of the holy heavens.
So this is Ouranos?
There was something about him, that made Athena's very flesh crawl. His face was void of all emotion, his silvery eyes were cold.
Psychopath, was the first word that came to her mind.
“Welcome to my home, venerated forefather”, Zeus greeted the old god with ostensible calm.
“Thank you”, the Sky replied coolly. “Now, why have you dared to summon me? My daughter here told me, that it is important, otherwise I would not have come.”
“Yes, indeed it is. I reckon you remember these?”
He pointed at the broken shackles, still lying on the floor and oozing darkness and bale.
The Sky stepped closer to examine them. “Ah, yes. It was I who made them.”
“We know that. Now, if you could-”
“Why did you free the Kyklopes and the Hekatonkheires?”, Ouranos demanded to know. “I sent them to Tartaros for a reason.”
Suddenly Athena felt a surge of rage. And she wasn't the only one.
Zeus' coal black eyes grew hard. “You imprisoned your children, because they weren't graceful and fair-faced, like the Titanes. My siblings and I liberated our uncles, because they were talented and useful and never hurt anyone, unless we asked them to.”
His passive-aggressive outrage caused more lightning and thunder outside the hall and in Ouranos' cloudy hair. As response it waved in what was probably irritation.
“You're the son of Kronos and Rheia indeed”, Ouranos remarked scathingly.
Athena intervened: “Do forgive us, Dome of Heaven. Surely you must know, what these chains have done to a god, who despite all differences is one of us. So you need to understand, that we're quite … on edge.”
Understatement of the millennium, but whatever.
Ouranos turned and looked the bright-eyed goddess up and down.
“You're the granddaughter of Okeanos, the only honourable one of my sons. Yes, I see him and your mother in you. Well then, for your sake and that of my daughter Aphrodite, I will forget this argument ever happened.”
“Thank you, honoured forefather”, Athena said politely. “Anyway, us gods are in agreement, that such dangerous means of confinement should never be used again. We couldn't possibly imagine anyone more capable of preventing another such tragedy, than you.”
“I understand”, the Sky nodded, “You want them to be destroyed completely. Hmm …”
He picked the adamantine chains of darkness up effortlessly, but frowned, before continuing: “Something has been done to them, that wasn't my work. I remember each component that I used to create these. The parasite spell and the mortality spell were not among them. These two must have been added by the Titanes, I can't think of another explanation. The only other Primordials, who could have done this, wouldn't have.”
Ouranos grimaced. “I agree with you, these things are really disgusting. Something so hideous must not be allowed to exist.”
His hands began to glow as bright as the sun, countering the dark essence of the chains … until eventually the chains just faded into thin air. He informed the gods, that whatever of this evil had remained would be erased by the holy essence of Great Khaos itself, then proceeded to strut out of the palace to become one with the Dome Above again.
A few moments later Zeus groaned: “Oh thank the Moirai, he and the grisly chains are finally gone!”
Upon hearing this, the other gods returned to their seats and allowed themselves a moment to let the tension seep out of them.
For the first time that night the (still heavy) rain and howling wind actually felt … relaxing.
After an uncertain amount of time, Hekatê asked: “May I go home?”
Her vibrant violet hair had greyed and she had rapidly aged throughout the night; she had arrived a little girl and was now a crone. A sign, that it was almost dawn.
Zeus allowed her to go and thanked her.
She smiled: “Don't mention it. I like to help.”
With that, Hekatê took her twin torches back from Hestia, said goodbye and vanished into the dead of night.
Once she was gone, Apollon sighed and rubbed his temples. “Shit … is it really morning already? Man, I haven't slept in days, putting my healing energy into the Akesian Sleep⁶ has completely drained me and there is still so much to do! This will be a long day …”
“Don't worry”, Hera muttered, “I'll make a few calls for today, so you should have less duties to attend to. Consider this a sign of gratitude for helping my eldest son.”
“Much appreciated”, the younger god thanked her. “And you're welcome.”
Zeus stood up. “I think we all need sleep. It will do no good to any of us to have no rest.”
“Wait, father! We're not done yet!”, Athena claimed and everyone sunk back into their seats with a groan.
The King of the Gods frowned. “What's the matter, my daughter? What did we forget?”
“Getting rid of the chains was only one part of the problem”, she pointed out, “We still need to take care of the other part: the Aloiadai, who did this to Ares.”
“Yes, but what shall we do? What if another of us goes to face them and is captured as well? You've seen, what they've done to Ares. What if they have more of those chains?”, Hephaistos worried.
“I don't think they do”, Athena replied, “I don't think they even knew what the chains were. Anyway, we need to dispose of them, before they can kill us all and force Hera and Artemis to-”
“I say we vaporise them!”, Aphrodite hissed, “Reduce them to ashes, like my father did with the chains!”
“And how exactly do you plan to do that?”, Athena questioned. “Remember how Ares' immense power didn't impress them at all? We need to-”
“Ahem … excuse me, ladies?”
The furious goddesses blinked and turned to Zeus, who was looking slightly unsettled.
He sighed: “Calm down, both of you. You're scaring everyone.” And gestured towards the table with his thumb.
Athena and Aphrodite sweatdropped, as they spied the other Olympians hiding under it, huddling together, whimpering and shivering in fear. The two disputants stuttered an awkward apology and helped their fellow Olympians to come out.
Hera, first to recover, addressed Aphrodite: “Next time you get angry, please tone it down with the F-word. It's unbecoming for a member of the Dodekatheoi⁷.”
“I'm sorry for that”, the older goddess apologised, “I don't know what came over me.”
“Anyway”, Athena groaned, “We need a plan. Raw violence didn't help Ares and it won't help us. We have to be more cunning than this. Besides, his state is partly our fault, as we failed to rescue him for more than a year. We're all upset and out for blood, so does anyone beside myself have an idea how to get rid of them?”
Artemis raised her hand. “I do. And I'm confident, that it'll work. It involves you and me and the help of discord-sowing Eris.”
Ares remained in the Akesian Sleep for longer than Asklepios had predicted.
During that time, everyone who cared came to check on the unconscious god.
Athena was surprised by how many people that were, and even more surprised that she was among them.
One day she saw Hera crouched against the glass of the healing tank, weeping bitterly.
“My son, my little boy, my champion, my little whirlwind …”
It had been many thousand years, since Athena had last heard Hera use those nicknames for her son. It reminded her that, deep down under all her cold and queenly exterior, Hera loved her children, even though she had the worst ways of showing it sometimes.
Sometime later Athena saw her father Zeus and Hera stand in front of the healing tank together. He was holding her in his arms and she was crying into his chest. It was a rare moment of harmony between the two and Athena couldn't help, but smile.
Of course Aphrodite came a lot too. Day after day she lingered by the tank and prayed to Khaos, that Ares would get better and back to his old self. But other than that, she never wept. Like Hera, she stayed strong for her children, which was quite admirable in Athena's eyes.
Ares' children too came every day.
One evening, Athena found the twins Phobos and Deimos snoozing against the glass, apparently they had fallen asleep waiting for their father to get better. Instead of waking them up, she had just carefully scooped them up and carried them back to Aphrodite's house. Their mother had smiled at the sight of Athena carrying two pre-teenage boys in her arms, but had allowed the younger goddess to help her tuck them in.
Hephaistos too came to check on his older brother.
The sight was painful.
Ares was floating in the Pool of Paiôn unconsciously, just skin and bones, paler than Hades and covered in wounds that were healing way too slowly.
“Dammit, Ares”, he grumbled, “What were you thinking? Taking on two Gigantes by yourself! You fucking idiot.”
He pushed his wheelchair next to the glass.
“You know, if someone had told me fifty years ago, that one day I would be visiting you in sickbay, I would've called them mad. I'm just glad that you and I got to reconcile, before this shit happened. One regret less I would've had, if you had actually died.”
He couldn't help but wonder, if the Akesian Sleep was dreamless or not. He hoped it was, because if not, Ares would certainly be trapped in unending nightmares about what he had gone through.
“You probably can't hear me, but … we're missing you. Hard to believe, huh? But it feels kinda too quiet and empty without you. Maybe you won't believe it, but we care about you, deep down, even though you're a prick.”
He chuckled bitterly: “I know exactly, what you would say now: 'If you care, then why did it take you over a year to find me?' Well, and you're right. I guess it took this crap for us to realise. Don't get me wrong, we still don't like you. And as soon as you recover, you'll probably still be a huge prick, albeit one with major issues and traumata. So that'll be a thing.”
With a last sigh, he turned his wheelchair to leave.
“Get well soon, okay?”
In a rare fit of generosity Zeus even allowed Ares' best friend Eris to visit, on the condition that she and her kin wouldn't wreak havoc.
Eris was sour about the condition, but agreed.
So she, her children and the Keres were uncharacteristically quiet, as Asklepios allowed them in one by one.
Eris was the last in line, letting her children and sisters go first.
They left Olympos right after making their sickbed visits, knowing better than to overstay their welcome.
But Eris lingered. She couldn't just leave a postcard and go, not with Ares.
It was almost nightfall, when Athena found the Mother of Woes still stand in front of the healing tank.
The abhorred daughter of Nyx looked oddly subdued. Her mane of tousled black and white hair and her black wings were drooping.
As Athena was about to make herself known, Eris spoke: “He was me charge, back when he was a wee kid.”
“I know. Hera told me, that you were his nurse first and then his guardian”, Athena answered softly.
“Did she also tell ya, why I became his guardian later on?”
The younger goddess had to admit, that Hera had left that detail out.
“He an' the Horai were born still durin' the Titanomakhia. Everyone says it lasted ten years, but that's Olympian Years. An' despite all the commotion, Zeus still had time ta fall for and marry first yer mother, then Themis, then Hera, who is now his queen. Mortals an' younger gods think it 'appened later, but they're wrong.”
One Olympian Year was a mortal decade, Athena knew. So the war had actually lasted a hundred years? And why was Eris telling her this?
The personification of strife chuckled: “Neanderthals and mammoths an' such were still around. Ares loved playin' with 'em. Ye know, when I first met 'im, he was such a wee laddie, he didn't even reach up to me hip.”
That was hard to imagine; Ares was a quite tall man and had been lanky even when Athena had met him as a preteen. Eris was rather slight and dwarfish in comparison.
“He was, like, seven. I found it a bit weird, 'cuz I already had been his nurse before. Bu' when Hera told me the situation, of course I said aye.”
“Why did Hera make you his guardian?”, Athena finally asked.
The Daimona scowled: “She tol' me he'd been kidnapped by Kronos an' his cronies. They did sum' really sick shite ta him, if ye know what I mean.”
Suddenly the goddess of wisdom felt like she was going to puke.
Eris sighed: “'Course he was traumatised. An' ya know yer father's attitude about that shite.”
“Yes, I do”, Athena nodded soberly. Zeus was the biggest arsehole in that regard (and a lot of others, but that was irrelevant right now).
“Anyway, Hera could nae 'andle him, so she gave 'im back into me care. She knew he'd be safe wi' me. No one likes me, so they would nae come ta me lookin' fer him. Turned out he still remembered me; always had a really good memory, he had. Leapt right into me arms. I took care o' him fer three years, then Eileithyia was born an' he wanted to go back. I helped him cope wi' the trauma an' taught him how ta fly an' deal wi' the voice in his head.”
So she knows about it too.
Eris finally turned to face Athena.
Her ghostly white face was grim and her gleaming red eyes were hard. Her spidery claws balled into fists.
“Listen ta me, Daughter o' Metis. Ares is like a son ta me. When ye asked me help to put down the Aloiadai, I asked fer nothin' in return. Tartaros, if I was as strong as ye, I would've ripped them apart with me bare hands.”
Athena nodded, knowing what Eris was going to ask of her.
“Ye know exactly what I want from ye. Don't evah go easier on 'im than ye did before and don't evah mention, what I just told ye. But promise me this: whether ye hate him or nae, whether ye two are allies or adversaries, I wan' ye to prevent this from e'er happenin' again. Keep an eye on 'im, lassie, aye?”
Athena nodded solemnly.
“By the waters that drip from the river Styx, you have my word.”
1) Latôios: "Son of Leto", one of Apollon's epithets 2) Gamelion: the first winter month in the Attic calendar (Januar/February), dedicated to Hera. At the end of this month, the Hieros Gamos was celebrated, in honour of Zeus' and Hera's marriage. 3) Paiôn: "The Healer", an epithet of Apollon and Asklepios. 4) Kouros: an early to mid teenage boy. 5) Hekatonkheires: the "Hundred-Handed Ones", three giants with a hundred hands and fifty heads each. They were imprisoned in Tartaros by their father Ouranos after birth, much to the outrage of their mother Gaia. Kronos later freed them, but re-imprisoned them, after finding them no longer useful. Eventually they were freed permanently by Zeus and in return helped him defeat the Titanes. 6) The Akesian Sleep, or sleep of healing, is my invention. It's a reference to the Stygian Sleep, but a healing sleep instead of a sleep of death. 7) Dodekatheoi: Twelve Gods, another name for the twelve Olympians.
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Bond Between People & Pokemon The Finale
Upon arriving at the battlefield Ganon had ordered all his forces to attack Kirby at once no matter what the cost.
Ganondorf: You must kill Kirby!
Villains: Alright!
All the villains ran past the heroes, each just standing awaiting the carnage that would soon arrive.
Samus, waving: Good luck, idiots!
Ganondorf: It is he who will need luck for he can’t possibly take on millions of soldiers at on-
Dark Link, flew by through the air. Landing on top of him followed Nightmare.
Dark Link: Ouch! Get off me! (Pushes Nightmare away) Why are we even trying!? (Running away) See ya once this has all cooled down boss!
Ganondorf: What!? Get back here and fight cowards!
Sephiroth: Worry not Ganondorf, you shall be rid of this pest, as I don’t plan on being bested by a marshmallow. Unlike these worthless soldiers.
Chara: Yeah Uncle Sephiroth will show him what’s what.
Bonny, Dedede & Incineroar had just arrived to where the battle was taking place - an injured Incineroar atop Dedede’s back.
Doomguy: Is that? Bonny!? My sweet bonbon has come back and not a scratch on her.
Bonny Janet: But Incineroar…Not so much.
Doomguy: Oh no…Don’t worry good ol’ three fingers (Points at Mewtwo) will take him back to the mansion to Dr. Mario. We’’ll see what he can do. But in the meantime-
King Dedede: Kick their asses Kirby!
Sephiroth: Can it traitor! Your little “hero” dies here! No more shall you pests interfere with our plans!
Bonny Janet: Go ta hell! Yer half pint, wee willy, prissy haired sissy!
Sephiroth self-consciously ran his fingers through his hair, then thrust his sword towards Kirby. Kirby turned and stared Sephiroth dead in his eyes, before grabbing the sword an inch away from his face. He smiled at Sephiroth then threw him through the crowd of villains so fast he set on fire, crashing through a few boulders on the way.
Sephiroth: Argh! *cough cough* How…Is that possible. (Faints)
King Dedede: It’s called being god and tons of friendship b-
Meta Knight: BITCH!
King Dedede: …How dare you steal that from me…
The villains stood in silence for a while.
Random Enemy: … … …RETREAT!
Hades: Sorry bro, but we gotta get outta here. We can save your Ultimate Weapons or whatever for another time.
Ganondorf: You! You’re… … …No. No! NO! YOU’RE WRONG! I CAN BEAT HIM! YOU WORTHLESS PAWNS ARE JUST TOO WEAK! Sometimes you’ve just gotta do things yourself…
Ganondorf now fueled with hatred and malice transformed into his Demon King form, and stared Kirby down with his emerald, green eyes. Kirby in respondents stared back not flinching at all. Commence JoJo music.
Ganondorf: Let’s see you best the hands of a god!
Heroes & Villains: … … …Does he think being a God can save him?
King Dedede: That’s funny Ganon, we’d love to see you deal with Dark Matter every single day!
Ganon began charging towards Kirby with malicous intent.
Kirby, stepping forward: Poyo. (“Aw shit, here we go again”).
Kirby & Ganon collided in the air, sparks literally flying. Kirby then moved to Ganon’s stomach and started pelting a load of punches at him, pushing him back a little.
Ganondorf then grabbed Kirby and dragged him around violently through the air, before hitting him away with his sword. Kirby recovering quickly then rushed over to Ganon pulled on his tounge and then slammed his own teeth on it cutting it off. Making Ganon completely speechless.
Samus & Link, leaning back: Damn!
Doomguy: Now I’ve done alot of gruesome things in my day…But that!…That was nasty.
A now immobilized Ganon fell to the floor to recollect himself. Kirby, however, had other plans. He made his way to Ganon’s tail. He picked him up by it and then began to swing him round in circles. (Keep in mind he’s 8 inches tall, and Ganon is now 23 inches tall.) He spun so fast it almost seemed like he wasn’t moving. After Kirby eventually released his grip Ganon was sent flying out of sight.
He then came flying back from around the entire world and crashed hard. Pretty much causing a tremor. He then turned back to his original form.
Ridley, watching from afar: Ooh. You hate to see that happen.
Bonny Janet: Tha’s right! None o’ ya got shit, compared ta Kirby!
Chara: Dad!
Hades: Crap, Crap, Crap!
Sephiroth, crawling to Ganon: I’m sorry Ganondorf…For I have failed. I was not strong enough.
Ganondorf: … … …
Sephiroth: We must retreat…For now but we will be back. Once we have replenished ourselves.
Ganondorf: *Nods*
Ridley, flying down with a still unconscious K.Rool: That’s our que to return I guess…God your heavy.
Hades creates a portal to somewhere. And all the villains step through it.
Dark Link: See ya later losers!
Samus: Hmf…Funny…Last I checked we won. But now in related news…WE WON!
Heroes: Heck yeah!
Doomguy: And I bagged us a few goodies to.
Samus: What?
Doomguy: A plant! (Holds up Pirahna Plant)
Link: That’s kinda less bewildering.
Doomguy: Oh and a dinosaur!
Link: A wha-
Riptor, who was held in Doomguy’s shackles, attempted to lunge at Link, causing him to piss his pants scared, Samus came over to comfort him.
Link: Dinosaur’s are just big chickens… …I hate chickens.
Samus: Yeah, it’s alright sweetie, you made it (Kisses him). Alright, listen up heroes. We did well out there today. Thanks to Sakurai & Kirby we were able to rescue Bonny, Incineroar & Dedede. But they always will attempt to fight us again so we must always be aware. DK I’m looking at you. Now come on let’s head back.
After the battle everyone headed back to the mansion Dedede was welcomed back and the second he got there, gave Rosalina & Lucas a hug, but then got to get something to eat he was being starved for days. Joker got to take care of the new obtained Pirahna Plant. He seemed to be doing a pretty good job, the plant didn’t exactly do much harm. Just a lot of smiling. Doomguy began training his new stolen pet Riptor. Though at times it was pretty…Difficult. When Chara found out her pet was stolen she was definitely not very happy. And now to Bonny Janet & Incineroar. He still lay in Dr. Mario’s infirmary recovering from his injuries. At a moment like this her past self would have attempted to catch him. But now she understands that to gain a pokémon as a partner you need to have strong bonds. So now she steps into the infirmary.
Bonny Janet: Hey, Incin. Still in tha’ coma o’ yours. They all know about wha’ yer did ta save me…Even if aye was human. They all understood tha’ yer actions were derived from the selfish desires o’ hatred for the ones tha’, yer know…But yer know wha’? (Puts her hand on his paw) Aye’ve learned something from this experience. No matter pokémon or trainer…Yer should never take one another for granted…All the pain & suffering you went through was to protect me. Even if yer still hated me…Yer still cared….I’m such a coward…I can’t even say this to you properly… … …Well…See ya.
Bonny gets up to leave only to be stopped by something that was pulling her back from her hand. Her eyes lit up, at what she saw. Incineroar was opening his eyes.
Bonny Janet: In…Incineroar?
Incineroar: Huh?…Bonny? What? Did I? I lived!?
Bonny Janet began to cry heavily and ran up to Incineroar and gave him the biggest hug she could offer.
Incineroar: Woah! Umm…
Bonny Janet: I’m sorry…sorry for all the stuff tha’ happened ta yer. It was all because o’ me. If it weren’t for me. Yer wouldn’t ‘ave got hurt.
Incineroar: No. You’re wrong. Kid…If it wasn’t for you, I would still be working for those braindead knuckle draggers. With you by my side. You showed me the true light that resides within, not just humans, but all living things alike. And I thank you for that.
Bonny Janet held Incineroar tighter now knowing the stress of the belief that her actions caused harm could now be lifted off her shoulders.
-One Week Later-
Bonny Janet: A'ight I’m about ta do it but I 'ave ta ask one more tame. Are yer sure?
Incineroar: Yes! How many times kid?
Bonny Janet: Aye just don’t know if aye should.
Incineroar: Kid, you’ve been trying to do this most of your time here. Now you’ve got the chance and your turning down the offer? Make up your mind. Besides I don’t exactly gotta stay in it.
Bonny Janet: (sigh) Ok fine. (Holds up a pokéball) Ready?
Incineroar: As I’ll ever be.
Bonny taps the pokéball against Incineroar’s fist. It wobbled around a few times before clicking in place showing Incineroar had been captured.
Bonny Janet: Yes! I did it!
Everyone who was apparently watching: YAY! After so long she did it!
Incineroar: Hey this place is pretty cosy. There’s a bed, not that I’ll sleep in here. A play area. A wrestling ring!? How are they fittin’ this stuff here!? THEY HAVE A JACUZZI!?
Bonny Janet, sending him out: A'ight that’s enough, Nirvana.
Incineroar: No my Nirvana. Dude that place was incredible I should’ve got caught ages ago.
Bonny Janet: Tha’s not what matters remember Incineroar? Hold up aye’ve gotta give yer a name…How about…Jasper, the rings roaring flame!
Incineroar: Jasper 'ey? That ain’t too shabby. And yeah I know all that mumbo jumbo. It ain’t about profit, power, or Nirvana. It’s about…
The Bond Between People & Pokemon
Incineroar: HEY TITLE! You stole my line!
Bonny Janet: Come on we’ll just boot their arse later.
Incineroar: Yeah, in the mean time let’s kick everyone eles ass!
The End. :3
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mcl-mia · 5 years
//this event has me,,,, soft,,,,, but we was ROBBED. YOU CANT KEEP NOT SHOWING US THE BOYS' SIBLINGS, SOLMARE.
anyways, here's a summary of zeus and hiro's stories (sorry for the wall of text, i can't do a read more on mobile):
zeus gets some letters from his family via familiar carrier crows (the gothness of it all...) bascially telling him to come to this fancy party
we learn that one of the familiars belongs to hiro's sister, kureha
kureha is really only mentioned and never shown, but she is mentioned to be very scary at times. i don't think it's actually stated, but judging by zeus' relationship with her, i think it's safe to say that she's the older sibling
the way kureha basically coerces zeus to go to the party is by bribing him with his sisters (lol)
zeus' sisters are only mentioned as well, but they didn't give them a description unlike kureha. we know that they're younger (probably around 10-13 judging by their wording in the letter and how they stayed home from the party because it was "getting late for them"), and that they're twins! their names are lulu and belle.
zeus and hiro dread the party because of some haughty douche that they hate is going to be there
then they force liz to come along, promising her a new dress as well as a lot of fancy food
zeus, hiro, and liz are out dress shopping, and the boys' tastes in dresses are VERY different (zeus really likes this frilly and bright yellow dress, hiro likes this sleek red dress that "is designed to show off a woman's curves" and dancing in the dark and the pale moonlight. it's kind of cute seeing how neither of these idiots know anything about women's fashion and yet they still put in their two cents)
zeus and hiro show off by catching two cutpurses. zeus binds them, and hiro knocks them tf out
suddenly BAM the perfect dress that both of the boys actually like wow
party time, here's where the routes split
in zeus' route, when mc gets dressed he makes a comment that even though he knows nothing about women's fashion, he'll just design a dress for liz for the next party.
there's a cute scene where zeus is like "oh shit old habits my bad" and slows down his pace so that way he can be a proper escort for liz.
as they wall through the corridors, zeus mentions that most of the paintings on the walls were donated by zeus' father, who adores art.
actual party time and guess who rolls up, it's the douche canoe who hiro and zeus hate
hiro nopes the fuck outta there
dicknips mcgee is revealed to be the marquess of sharon, who is a lying ass bitch. he starts going off with a bunch of lies, including one where he says that zeus' marriage has been set up for a long time and that he's been engaged for years
this sets zeus tf off
marquess of karen gets put in his place because dude what the fuck you dont joke about shit like that in front of a dude's s/o
night ends cutely, and zeus mentions that liz will get to meet his sisters tomorrow (BUT NOT IN THE GODDAMN EVENT APPARENTLY)
hiro's is slightly different. he mentions how zeus isn't just from a noble house, the dude's basically royalty. there's a painting to commemorate zeus' birth and everything.
something interesting to note is how when zeus runs into his parents in hiro's route, he says, "i ran into mother and father". but when hiro runs into them in zeus' route, hiro says "i ran into your mother and father". i may be reaching here but i think the lack of possession in zeus' word choice shows just how much he thinks of hiro as family. likewise, hiro's word choice shows that he's fully aware of his place as zeus' retainer and that the idea of not overstepping his boundaries is ingrained into him very deeply. i could go more into this, but that needs like a whole ass separate post entirely.
lo and behold marquess of ostia sharon shows up again and zeus is all "pls no"
all three of them form a plan to get zeus tf outta there (anyone else notice how much more ride or die hiro is in his own routes?). liz is eagle two.
during the distraction plan, marquess of shitstains decides to put his hand around liz's waist without warning
hiro is there in 0.0001 seconds
and is ready to kill but will never actually say that because ~*politics*~
blister fucker himself is like "oh shit my bad bro i didn't know she was your girlfriend bro haha anyways where's zeus lol haha"
hiro tells him zeus is in the back (fooled again)
night ends kinda similar to zeus', in which there's a cute scene where hiro shared his feelings and says that liz will get to meet kureha the next day. hiro thinks that they'll get along very well despite being total opposites.
overall, it's a very cute event. i just wish we could have actually met their siblings...
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