yxablue · 8 months
Ace: I found Prefect's tiktok. *wheezes*
Epel: I already know this is going to be funny.
Deuce: Show us.
Ace: Wait. I've saved them all on my phone. I can't share them in the gc because they're going to kill me if they find out.
Ace: *shows the first one*
MC: What's my specialty?
MC: *to Azul* Technically speaking, how many d*cks do you have?
Azul: What the fuck?
Ace, Epel, and Deuce: *laughing*
Jack: *sees them laughing and decides to approach them*
Jack: What are you three laughing about?
Ace: I found Prefect's tiktok.
Deuce: *still wheezing*
Epel: Do you want to watch them with us, Jack?
Jack: ...
Jack: I'm not busy. So okay.
Ace: *opens the second one*
MC: *whispering* I've got a secret.
MC: Don't tell anyone.
MC: And replace them with PANTIESSSS.
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: ...
Crowley: *happens to pass by*
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: *stops themselves from bursting into laughter*
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yxablue · 8 months
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Today Lilia gave him pants. He doesn’t know what pants is and his butt’s kind of itchy, but papa’s laughing really really loud so he thinks pants is probably a good thing. He hopes papa visits with pants tomorrow too. Maybe he’ll give papa pants too when he finds out where it lives and asks it to come with him.
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yxablue · 8 months
*In the NRC Groupchat*
Malleus: @Everyone
Malleus: @MC
*Everyone is online.*
Jade: Oya?
Kalim: Hello guys!
Jamil: Hello.
Riddle: What's going on, Malleus-senpai?
Azul: It seems we are here to witness something.
Everyone (except Malleus): ^
Sebek: @MC Waka-sama has separately mentioned you! Where are you?!
Ace: They'll be here in a moment. They need to finish Professor Trein's project. It's due today.
Deuce: Yeah.
Sebek: Hmph! Is that project more important than Waka-sama?!
Lilia: Sebek.
Ace: MC wanted to say that of course not, but they need to submit this because they don't want to be held back.
Riddle: I agree. Education is important.
Vil: Anyway...
Vil: Is there something you need to tell them, Malleus?
Malleus: Yes.
Malleus: I can start now.
Malleus: They can read this later.
Malleus: @MC
Malleus: In this vast universe
Malleus: Among the many stars
Malleus: In a single vast blue planet
Leona: I'm starting to feel the cringe.
Idia: Fr fr
Ortho: Brother...
Lilia: Can you not interrupt Malleus? :)
Cater: XD
Ruggie: Shishishi XD Leona is just bitter.
Leona: What did you say?
Ruggie: Wrong sent.
Vil: Malleus, you should continue.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: My small feelings of love would reach
Malleus: to that tiny island where you are
Ace: Damn
Ace: @MC He's criticizing the dorm you're in
Riddle: Off with your head, Ace!
Ace: Wh-What? I'm not doing anything!
Floyd: Crabby~
Ace: Okay! Okay! I'll shut up!
Deuce: Suits you well.
Ace: Shut up!
Malleus: Time had passed since I met you
Malleus: And the letters adorning our feelings are also increasing
Everyone: !!!
Lilia: *happy emoji*
Silver: Ah. That's why I've been seeing you writing letters every week.
Leona: I knew it. Cringe.
Rook: Non! That is such a sweet gesture!
Idia: Yeah. For you. Because you're a romantic.
Azul: This is interesting. Don't you think, @Jade ?
Jade: Yes. ^^
Floyd: But why though~?
Jamil: Maybe both of them are trying to keep it a secret.
Ace: It's not effective then.
Ace: Especially when MC gets a hickey after leaving Diasomnia.
Riddle: ACE!
Ace: What is it this time?!
Trey: Ace, I would appreciate it, really, if you would keep quiet for a while.
*Ortho muted Ace.*
Ruggie: Lol.
Ortho: Please continue, Malleus Draconia.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Someday, they will echo unnoticed in our hearts
Malleus: At times violently, at times sorrowfully
Malleus: They will echo faraway, into the far-off distance
Malleus: This tender song will change world
Malleus: Look now
Malleus: the person who you cherish
Malleus: Is right beside you
Leona: 😒
*Ortho muted Leona*
Lilia: Thank you, Ortho! ^^
Ortho: You're welcome! ^^
Malleus: I wish for this to reach just you
Malleus: Resonate, my song of love
MC: ...
MC: @Malleus stop
Malleus: ...
Everyone: ...
Malleus: Why?
Silver: Sebek.
*MC has started a group video call.*
*Everyone has joined the group video call.*
*MC smiles at the camera*
MC: You beat me to it, Malleus.
MC: *continues the song Malleus shared in the chat*
Look now...
Resound, my song of love
You come to realise,
that even when the two of us should walk a dark road
The moon would illuminate our days
Never letting go of your hand I've clasped
Our feelings are strong
and we vow it's for all eternity
In the depths of eternity
I will surely say the exact same words
with my feelings still the same
But those words will never cease
they will turn into tears
Then to joy
Unable to speak
I'll just embrace you
Look now
the person who you cherish
Is right beside you
I wish
for this to reach just you
Resonate, my song of love
Look now...
Resound, my song of love
If it's a dream don't wake me up
If it's a dream don't wake me up
the time I've spent with you
Shall become a star
shining eternally
Look now
The person who you cherish
is right beside you
I wish
for this to reach just you
Oh resound, my song of love
Look now
the person who you cherish
Is right beside you
I wish
for this to reach just you
Resonate, my song of love
Look now...
Look now!
MC: *catches their breath then laughs*
Malleus: ...
*Malleus hung up*
Everyone: Where did he go?
Malleus: *then appearing with MC* *throwing himself to them*
MC: Oof!
Malleus: I love you.
Lilia: *sniffles* I'm so glad I get to see this.
Sebek: Waka-sama... I'm so happy for you... *holding back his tears*
Silver: Please excuse me for interrupting, but you might want to end the call first.
Floyd: Eh~ But we want to watch~
MC: Haha, you wouldn't "like" to watch us, Floyd.
Malleus: *looks at the camera and reaches to end the video call*
*Back in the groupchat*
Ruggie: I bet you 30 madols, they're being lovey-dovey right now.
Idia: You didn't have to bet for something like that.
Ortho: They're kissing on the grounds of Ramshackle dorm.
Everyone: 😶
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yxablue · 8 months
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You don’t need to spend your birthdays alone anymore, Malleus. 💚
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yxablue · 8 months
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book 2...
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yxablue · 8 months
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Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom! 🍄
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yxablue · 8 months
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ronda slater, what I need is: a contemplation of bisexuality, from bi any other name: bisexual people speak out, edited by Lorraine Hutchins and Lani Kaahumanu, 1991
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yxablue · 8 months
sea butterflies, Limacina helicina (Gastropoda: Limacinidae)
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yxablue · 8 months
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*sings chili’s birthday song*
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yxablue · 8 months
Malleus: *looking judgingly at MC with a hint of amusement*
MC: I know that look. No, no-
Malleus: Your type is mysterious men with dark hair and abandonment issues.
MC: Nooo! NO!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Pfft- Lilia? Where are you? I have to tell you something about the child of man.
MC: I'll buy you ice cream, just don't tell him!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Lilia has already bought me some. *smiles* *then leaves to look for him*
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yxablue · 8 months
how to describe despair in writing
Despair is a visceral and crushing emotion—one that echoes through the pages of a story, gripping readers with its raw intensity. It is more than just a feeling; it’s an abyss that characters fall into, a shadow that colours their every action and decision with hues of hopelessness and loss.
Neglecting personal care or obligations.
A lack of motivation or interest in activities they once enjoyed.
Withdrawing from social situations or avoiding company.
Engaging in self-destructive actions or habits.
Consistent signs of fatigue or lethargy.
Frequent emotional outbursts or mood swings.
An inability to concentrate or focus on tasks.
Indecisive, even on trivial matters.
Focusing on negative thoughts.
Displaying a loss of hope or a sense of defeat.
Avoiding physical or eye contact with others.
Short-tempered and easily irritated.tempered
Speaking in monosyllables or giving terse responses.
A sense of indifference or apathy toward others’ concerns.
Struggling to express themselves or to articulate their feelings.
Misinterpreting others’ intentions or words negatively.
Isolating themselves despite offers of help or companionship.
Being unresponsive to attempts at humour or light-heartedness.
Blaming others or external circumstances for their despair.
Seeking out enablers or situations that validate their mindset.
Body language
Slumped shoulders or a consistently bowed head.
Averted gaze or blank stares into the distance.
Fidgeting, such as wringing hands or picking at skin.
Slow, dragging movements or a lack of coordination.
Heavy sighing or audible breaths.
Neglecting personal space or boundaries.
Minimal gestures or lifeless posture.
Clenched fists or jaw during moments of heightened emotion.
Visible trembling or shaking due to emotional strain.
A general lack of energy or life in physical presence.
Pessimism towards the future.
Cynicism about intentions, whether their own or others’.
Resignation, believing that effort will not change their situation.
Indifference to opportunities or choices presented to them.
A sense of helplessness or powerlessness in all scenarios.
Self-deprecation and a tendency to dismiss their own value.
An overwhelming sense of guilt or responsibility for past events.
A fixation on the negative aspects of every situation.
An inability to accept comfort or positive feedback.
Believing they are a burden to others.
Positive Story Outcomes
An epiphany or realisation that sparks a desire for change.
A gesture of kindness from another character that provides a glimmer of hope.
The discovery of an inner strength or previously untapped resource.
A serendipitous event that offers a new perspective or opportunity.
The formation of a supportive relationship or friendship.
Minor victories or achievements that build self-confidence.
Learning a valuable lesson through hardship.
Developing empathy for others going through similar experiences.
Finding purpose in aiding others, easing their own despair.
An eventual embrace of vulnerability, leading to healing and growth.
Negative Story Outcomes
A surrender with long-lasting consequences.
The breakdown of important relationships.
A significant loss incurred because of inaction or apathy.
Descent into a more self-destructive or reckless lifestyle.
The solidification of a character’s role as an antagonist.
A missed opportunity for redemption or improvement.
A worsening of the character’s situation, potentially affecting others.
The development of a trait or flaw that hinders future happiness or success.
A downfall that provides a cautionary tale within the narrative.
A tragic ending that leaves a profound impact on the reader and other characters.
Helpful Vocabulary
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yxablue · 8 months
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quiet room
260 notes · View notes
yxablue · 8 months
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4K notes · View notes
yxablue · 8 months
Twst Memes
♡︎ I don't know if these have been done before
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681 notes · View notes
yxablue · 8 months
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no doubt an obvious and low hanging fruit joke to do, but, it wouldn’t leave me until it was visualized
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yxablue · 8 months
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202 notes · View notes
yxablue · 8 months
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DDLC x Omori (I am proud of this)
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