penningthoughts · 11 hours
Persistence means finding a better path to your goals. Review your strategies and tactics to pivot as needed to achieve your goals.
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penningthoughts · 10 days
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This insight into what toxic people think of your boundaries is helpful.
Questions to ponder :
- how does this insight help me act towards them in future?
- does this insight into their state of mind help me feel better about dealing with them? Or worse? Why?
- Will you hold yourself accountable to break ties with them in future till there's a change in them and not try to do people-pleasing and pretend you are fine with them by faking your feelings when you meet them again?
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penningthoughts · 11 days
Wisdom for choosing a wife!
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penningthoughts · 1 month
Palm Sunday 2024 Sermon Key Points:
Approach the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem as if reading it for the first time even if you are fully familiar with the story
Embrace humility, peace and love
Lay down your own cloaks to welcome Jesus the King into your lives.
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penningthoughts · 1 month
The healthy oral care routine
Hoss recommended the following steps:
Start your morning oral care routine before breakfast, not after, because whenever you eat, the mouth becomes acidic and you can damage your enamel if you brush right away — “the biggest mistake I see is people brush their teeth after breakfast or after meals,” he notes. This is when the enamel is most vulnerable to damage so you need to wait at least 30 to 60 minutes after meals and drinks before brushing, he says.
After waking up, use an alkaline mouthwash to restore the pH of the mouth, and loosen any plaque and particles that built up overnight. Rinsing this way reaches areas of the mouth that the toothbrush can’t.
Floss to remove plaque between your teeth. Any floss is better than no floss, but regular string floss is the best because you use a clean surface every time, Hoss said. Flossers with a handle would be his second choice, followed by water flossers.
Clean your tongue with a scraper or brush “because that’s another area that people ignore and it’s a big source of a bacteria that cause bad breath,” Hoss said.
Brush with a safe and effective toothpaste using a toothbrush with soft bristles.
Repeat this routine before bedtime, but reverse the order, so that the last oral care product you use before bed is the alkaline mouthwash, Hoss recommended.
In the 16 hours between morning and evening, he was a fan of using mouth spray with xylitol or chewing xylitol gum to balance the acidity of the mouth throughout the day.
“It’s not really complicated: Brush and floss routinely using the right oral care products. Visit your dentist regularly,” Hoss said. “Your oral health impacts every part of your life.”
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penningthoughts · 1 month
Thoughts on tumblr
I gotta say it seems surprisingly refreshing to realize that nobody reads my tumblr blog much anymore compared to long time ago.
Part of me does wish for the social acknowledgment but this is certainly freeing in how I can write out actual personal thoughts without any worries of public perception. :D
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penningthoughts · 1 month
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Create evidence bank as proof for self
Prove to your inner perfectionist that you don't suck
Remember: you really are not as bad as you thought you were at that skill or hobby or work or subject
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penningthoughts · 1 month
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Rule of 3 for better communication:
Make no more than 3 points
Explain difficult ideas in 3 different ways
Make important points 3 times
I hope to remember this and put this in daily practice better. Perhaps do this rather than or in addition to mini-essays for better learning.
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Difference among fulfillment, success, intention, objective and fantasy
Every task doesn't need to be fulfilled but it should still be done successfully.
It takes wisdom to know which ones can just stay as dreams and which ones need to succeed and which ones really give fulfillment.
Let's pray for that wisdom!
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Unlocking Creativity: Using the Archipelago of Ideas Process for Sermon Message Writing
In the realm of sermon preparation, the goal is to craft messages that not only resonate with the congregation but also leave a lasting impact. It requires a delicate balance of spiritual insight, storytelling prowess, and creativity. One method that has gained traction among preachers and ministers is the Archipelago of Ideas process.
Originating from the field of creative writing, the Archipelago of Ideas is a brainstorming technique that encourages nonlinear thinking and exploration of various concepts and themes. By applying this process to sermon message writing, ministers can unlock fresh perspectives, weave compelling narratives, and deliver powerful messages that engage their audience on a deeper level.
Understanding the Archipelago of Ideas Process
At its core, the Archipelago of Ideas process is about cultivating a diverse array of interconnected thoughts and concepts, much like islands in an archipelago. Instead of following a linear approach, where ideas are developed sequentially, this method encourages exploration in multiple directions simultaneously.
Here's a simplified breakdown of how the process works:
Anchor Idea: Begin with a central theme or scripture passage that serves as the anchor for your sermon message. This idea will guide your exploration throughout the process.
Brainstorming Islands: Generate a list of related topics, stories, metaphors, or scriptures that resonate with the anchor idea. Each of these elements represents an "island" in your archipelago of ideas.
Interconnected Bridges: Identify connections and associations between the islands. How do these different elements relate to each other? Are there overarching themes or motifs that emerge?
Exploratory Diving: Dive deeper into each island, exploring its nuances, complexities, and potential applications to your sermon message. This is where you uncover the richness and depth of each concept.
Synthesis and Integration: Bring together the insights and discoveries from your explorations to create a cohesive and impactful sermon message. This involves weaving together various elements into a narrative that resonates with your audience.
Applying the Archipelago of Ideas to Sermon Writing
Now that we understand the basic framework of the Archipelago of Ideas process, let's explore how it can be specifically applied to sermon message writing:
Anchor in Scripture: Start with a foundational scripture passage or biblical theme that serves as the focal point of your sermon. This scripture will anchor your message and provide a solid foundation for your exploration.
Diversify Perspectives: Generate a diverse range of ideas, stories, and metaphors related to the scripture passage. Don't be afraid to explore different perspectives and interpretations, allowing for a more holistic understanding of the text.
Make Connections: Look for connections between the various elements you've brainstormed. How do they complement each other? Do they shed new light on the scripture passage? Identifying these connections will help you create a cohesive and integrated message.
Explore Depth: Dive deeper into each idea, exploring its implications, relevance to your audience, and potential applications to their lives. This is where you unearth the richness and depth of the scripture passage, making it come alive for your congregation.
Craft the Message: Finally, synthesize your insights into a compelling sermon message. Weave together the various elements you've explored, incorporating stories, metaphors, and practical applications to engage your audience and inspire them to action.
Benefits of the Archipelago of Ideas Process
Creativity: The non-linear nature of the Archipelago of Ideas process encourages creative thinking and exploration of diverse concepts and perspectives.
Depth: By diving deeper into each idea and exploring its implications, ministers can uncover deeper insights and relevance to the scripture passage.
Engagement: Crafting sermons using this process results in messages that are engaging, dynamic, and resonate with the congregation on a deeper level.
Versatility: The Archipelago of Ideas process can be adapted to suit different preaching styles, denominations, and theological perspectives, making it a versatile tool for ministers.
In conclusion, the Archipelago of Ideas process offers a refreshing approach to sermon message writing, empowering ministers to unlock creativity, depth, and engagement in their preaching. By embracing nonlinear thinking and exploration, ministers can craft messages that inspire, challenge, and transform their congregation's spiritual journey.
Credits to Building a Second Brain Book for introducing this Archipelago idea process to me.
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Summary: Mini Essays: The Ultimate Learning Tool
AI summary of the video for notetaking:
The video talks about a notetaking method called mini essays. It argues that writing mini essays is a powerful tool for improving your reading and writing.
Mini essays are short pieces of writing that focus on a single idea or topic derived from something you learned, like a book, article, or video.
They are not long essays you wrote in school. Ideally, they should be around 100 to 300 words.
Tips for writing mini essays:
Choose a single concept or idea to focus on.
Keep it short and concise, ideally fitting on one page.
Structure your mini essays in a way that works for you, but aim to keep it informative, entertaining, and actionable.
Use a note-taking app that allows you to connect ideas and work offline, such as Obsidian.
Overall, mini essays are a great way to actively engage with the material you are learning and improve your reading and writing skills at the same time.
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Summary of key points
Mini essays are powerful tools for learning and improving writing skills by focusing on single ideas or topics extracted from various sources like books, articles, or videos.
Writing mini essays helps in memory retention, understanding, and application of learned concepts through the Feynman technique of teaching what you've learned to others.
Mini essays aid in building writing skills by providing volume, novelty, and a bank of ideas, enabling consistent practice and improvement over time.
Additional Insights and Observations:
"Teaching what you learn is powerful for your own learning, as it forces ideas to stick and helps identify gaps in understanding." The Feynman technique, named after physicist Richard Feynman, is a valuable tool for learning and retention.
Obsidian, a note-taking app, is recommended for writing mini essays due to its offline usability and organizational features.
Concluding Remarks:
Mini essays offer a structured approach to learning and writing, enhancing comprehension, retention, and skill development. By incorporating the Feynman technique and utilizing tools like Obsidian, individuals can effectively engage with content, improve writing abilities, and build a strong foundation for continuous learning and growth.
Generated using TalkBud
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Overcoming Procrastination: A Relationship with Your Future Self
In this video, we delve into the intricacies of procrastination and how to break free from its grip once and for all. The speaker emphasizes that understanding procrastination requires a deeper examination of our relationship with our future selves. Here are the key takeaways and action items:
1. Recognize Fear-Based Procrastination:
Procrastination often stems from fear, particularly the fear of failing to follow through on important tasks or goals.
Identify your biggest fear related to procrastination. It could be the fear of failure, not being successful, or not achieving your goals.
2. Cultivate a Relationship with Your Future Self:
View your present self and your future self as partners in a relationship.
Understand that your future self relies on your present decisions and actions.
3. Increase Self-Awareness:
Become aware of the anxiety that builds up as the deadline for a task approaches.
Recognize the tendency to rationalize procrastination as the deadline draws near.
4. Commit to Keeping Promises to Yourself:
Treat promises to yourself with the same level of commitment as promises to others.
Refrain from making promises that you are not certain you will keep.
5. Implement Consequences for Procrastination:
If you fail to follow through on a commitment, impose consequences.
For example, if you procrastinate on starting a task at the designated time, refrain from engaging in related activities for the rest of the day.
6. Practice Self-Respect and Self-Trust:
Build trust with yourself by consistently honoring your commitments.
Recognize that self-respect and self-trust are essential for overcoming procrastination.
7. Start Small and Be Patient:
Begin by implementing these strategies in one aspect of your life where procrastination is prevalent.
Understand that healing from procrastination is a process that requires patience and persistence.
8. Seek Support if Needed:
Consider seeking guidance or support from a mentor, coach, or counselor if procrastination significantly impacts your life.
Action Items:
Reflect on your biggest fear related to procrastination. Write it down and acknowledge its influence on your behavior.
Identify one area of your life where procrastination is hindering your progress. Commit to implementing the strategies discussed in the video in that specific area.
Create a plan to hold yourself accountable for honoring commitments to your future self. Implement consequences for procrastination and track your progress over time.
Remember, overcoming procrastination is a journey that requires self-awareness, commitment, and patience. By nurturing a positive relationship with your future self and prioritizing self-respect and self-trust, you can break free from the cycle of procrastination and achieve your goals with confidence.
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Watch "What Complaining TRULY Reveals #shorts #thoughts #life #relationships #marriageadvice #christian" on YouTube
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Watch "The HIDDEN CROSS symbols in the Bible! 🤯🤯🤯" on YouTube
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Amazingly explained!
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penningthoughts · 2 months
Depressed or just shitty life?
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