#// *you dont mind if i do this w/ sage?
oldmanontumbler · 1 year
Important Announcement
A few hours after I posted this, a woman named Avery (I don't remember her blog) reblogged it, talking about how this wasn't a good idea. I reached out to her, and she said that, in her experience, this sort of thing does not work and will result in TERF/radfem posts being shown to Tumblr followers if those tags are used.
I really, really hate that there isn't a direct way of getting rid of the massive TERF problem on this site, and that staff don't respond to transphobic posts being reported for harassment. So far, at best, it seems to come back to blocking transphobes and filtering out their tags - or, as Avery put it, "lack of engagement is poison in [modern Internet]" (or something like that).
I am going to save this version of the post, and tag everyone who was going to do the tag flood, to alert them not to do this. And to all of the people in the reblogs who said that this was a bad idea, thank you for cutting it down before anything happened.
Reblogs will be turned off tomorrow, so that people have a chance to delete their posts or to see this update if they need to. I am NOT going to delete this post, so that no one repeats this mistake. The original post will be under the cut.
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Reblog to spread the word!
Image description in alt text. Feel free to screenshot and repost this image in case it gets taken down ;)
EDIT: The image says September. That is not correct. The right date is August.
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you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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billluver0124 · 4 months
"Even My Bones"
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synopsis: bill falls inlove with y/n after meeting her at a gas station, a month later; after a moment of passion something is revealed about her.
WARNINGS: cannibalism, blood, makeout scene
authors note: this story is inspired by the movie 'bones and all', i immediately thought of a plot after watching the movie. but this story does get gorey, so please scroll of you are uncomfortable reading. thank you to @rottinglilys for helping me with this story<3 enjoy my lovies, mwah!
BILLS POV: it was like yesterday when i met her. i was at a gas station, my brother tom waiting in the car as i bought myself a pack of skittles and a pack of cigarettes. then there she was, the love of my life; i didnt know it then but i know it so much now. she looked different then other girls, her eyes were as big and doey as a deer, her smile was as bright as the sun. there was something unique about her, she was almost inhuman-like, but so beautiful. i caught myself watching her every move as she walked around the station..
i walked into the gas station, using the amount of money i had left to get myself some snacks and water for the journey that was to come. "that'll be 13.74 please" the cashier told me, i gave him fifteen bucks and he gave me the remaining change, and the stuff i bought of course. i thanked him, before catching a glimpse at the boy who was staring at me the entire time; and leaving to continue my walk. (the rest of the story is now in third person !)
bill mentally slapped himself for not talking to her at the gas station, but he shook it off as he walked back to the car, continuing his drive with tom back home. "why do you look so gloomy?" tom asked, with small concern. "nothing, im just tired" bill replied, giving tom a small smile as he continued to drive him and tom.
after bill dropped tom off at his house, he now drove the route to his house. when he saw her again, walking on the road all by herself, with nothing but a backpack. "hey!" he shouted, catching her attention. "are you okay miss?" "uhh yea, im okay" she replied, not very sure about her answer "well, why are you walking alone? its late and its not safe at this hour" bill asked, concerned for her well being. y/n looked around the area, the boy was right, it did look pretty dangerous out here in the dark "w-well, d-do you think you could gimme a ride?" y/n asked, slightly nervous about her surroundings. "yea, come in" bill opened the passenger side door for her, allowing her to come in. she puts on her seat belt as they continued the drive. "you live around here?" bill asked, y/n looking at him for a small moment before answering "actually i dont, im not from here" "where were you gonna stay?" bill asked, curiousity filled his senses. "i was just gonna sleep at a bus stop" she said nonchalantly, bill turned to look at her once again, wide eyed "are you crazy? nonsense, you can stay with me at my place!" "n-no, you dont have to-" "i insist, no pretty girl like you should stay alone like that" bill immediately blushed after he realized what he called her, y/n blushing to herself as she took the compliment. after a small moment she spoke..
"im y/n" she looked to him as she spoke, bill replying soon after "im bill, its a pleasure to meet you" y/n softly smiled. sitting in a soft and peaceful silence the rest of the drive home. they finally reached his house, bill leads her inside, helping her take off her beat up sage green converse and hanging her backpack on a hanger. "you can sleep in my room if youd like, i dont mind sleeping on the couch" "no, its your house, ill sleep on the couch" y/n insisted, not willing to negotiate anything else. and thats what happened, y/n slept on the couch...for most of the night. bill wakes up to the sound of y/n panicking, he rushes out of the room and holds her in his arms "you're okay, everything's okay" he soothes her as she cried in his arms, after she calms down a bit she speaks "i-i had a nightmare.." bill softly smiled at her, even in such a panicked state; she was still so beautiful to him "do you wanna come sleep with me in my room?" "i-is that okay with you?" she asked, bill smiled even more "its more than okay with me" bill takes her to his bed, holding her in his arms as they both slept. he knows he shouldnt move this fast with her, he didn't even know her for gods sake! but something about her was so, addicting. A month goes by, bill and y/n began to know more about each other, both sharing their feelings in the process, sharing a few intimate nights with each other too. bill knew she was the one, the missing puzzle piece in his life, the filling of the void he had for so long. bill knew it was always her. and y/n felt the exact same. they loved each other.
bill held her waist as he kissed her neck, hearing her sweet moans for him. he smirks, going back up to her lips; their tongues dancing with each other in one anothers mouths. y/n had her hands in dreads, melting in his addicting touch. "god i love you so much" bill groaned, "i love you too" y/n moans back.
then all of a sudden, y/n had this violent urge of hunger, her skin began to crawl as she drooled for bill. she needed to feed. she goes down to his neck, mumbling an 'im so sorry' before sinking her teeth in bills neck. bill yells in pain as a response.
BILLS POV: "liebe! stop, i-its me!" i cried, trying to push her off but she was too strong. i felt another wave of pure agony as i watched her dig her nails into the flesh on my chest, feeding it into her mouth, another scream of pain as my response. but after a moment, something made me accept this. it was her beauty, she was literally ripping me apart and eating me. but even with my blood all over her...still, she looked so beautiful. "i love you y/n" those were my last words, the last things i needed to say as i watched her, tear me apart piece by piece. consuming my existence, eating my entire body... even my bones. Y/NS POV: after i ate him, i snapped out of my trance and realized what i just did. i just killed...and ate the love of my life. he was my everything, my soulmate. and i just ripped him apart and consumed him so selfishly. what is wrong with me?, there was nothing but a pool of blood and his hair, his beautiful black hair with white dreads, that was the only thing i had for memory of him. i got up to go to the bathroom, catching my reflection in the mirror. i looked so disgusting, his blood was all over me, there were pieces of him stuck in my teeth. all i could do now, was cry. i felt myself falling to my knees, screaming out all my regret in cries, why did i have to be like this? and out of all people... why did it have to be bill?
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ryescapades · 1 year
— some valorant gamer bf!rin headcanons bcs college is kicking my ass and im so grumpy everyday that i couldnt get to play my fav game 😞
btw gn!reader also plays valorant in this hc (definitely not projecting here haha)
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gamer!rin as your valorant duo
i can see rin as the type who’d main the initiator agents for some reason (ok but he radiates the kayo/skye main vibes idk why lol). not exactly one who does lineups (according to him that’s so lukewarm and cringe. just get headshots, idiot.) and maybe some duelists here and there???? specifically jett and yoru
loves Loves LOVES tricking the enemy team when he’s using yoru’s ult iykwim. get in their heads, does the most insane moves ever, popping blinds and teleports here and there 🤯
an absolute monster in bed with the sheriff and operator wbk
to hell with sage and jett duo, yall are the constantly top fragging reyna-jett duo yessir
if rin is already so protective as a boyfriend, you bet yo ass he’d defend you in game as well whenever some jerks decide to flame you for not doing well in the game or something.
itoshi “hey. mute him and me as well. at least until i say i’m done.” rin who then proceeds to brutally shit on those bastards while top fragging the whole match 😳
smokes you off when you’re planting/defusing the spike when he’s playing as jett <3
pls do put your whole trust on him to protect you while you’re planting/defusing bcs he will do so, flawlessly at that .would genuinely get offended if u dont 😭😭 (some of my friends are like this too lol)
rin rarely plays competitive (i hc him as a plat or maybe diamond player) bcs he doesnt want to make the lobby too hard for you. unless you’re also on par with him, then omg yall are the finest duo ever wtf me when :(
rin and you play unrated games together as a date, and mans lowkey gonna get so annoyed if bachira (or any one of his friends tbh) suddenly pops up on his discord notification saying him and isagi are joining yall LMFAO
he drops skins for you and vice versa, yall even have matching knife skins too hwhsjshdjsjs
prolly an enthusiast for the ruination, reaver, origin and sovereign bundle (debatable tho)
rin rly doesn’t like being told what to do so naturally he hates being backseated/backsitting people. however if you tell him to do so to you, he doesn’t mind doing it but not too much
he also wouldn’t mind explaining or teaching you some tricks or anything really, regarding the game so he’d be so patient w you and stuff (unless you purposely keep saying you don’t understand, then he will bitch abt it 😹)
you and him sync so well in game ykyk the amount of trust you put on each other and understanding the other’s gameplay in whatever situation aaaaaa i want a duo like that too 😞
rin malds (if u dont know, its basically mad+balding /gets hella angry) quite a lot whenever he’s playing w shidou or bachira his friends/solo queuing but not when he’s w you 😽 that doesn’t stop him from (affectionately) dissing you whenever you whiff your shots tho LMFAO
also the type who’d just chill before the round starts (unlike some people cough cough me who likes to run around knifing at the wall or some shit)
he’s always available to play the game with you all night if you just so much as ask for it. he’d be down in a heartbeat no questions asked 🤞
also secretly loves whenever you’re not playing, you decide to just chill/take a nap on his lap while he plays the game. it’s one way of having some physical touch + spending quality time w you while doing the thing he enjoys 🥹🫶
praises you whenever you get a kill or clutch the round albeit a little curtly, but u can’t rly complain bcs his voice ..mmm chefs kiss id melt into a measly puddle at that spot ong (praise him too pls he’d get so motivated to get more kills but ofc he’d never let you know that hehe)
WOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOU IF YOU GET AN ACE but he’d hide it kwhshshdkwhsjs mans doesn’t wanna boost your ego cuz he knows you’re gonna be a menace abt it 😈
all in all, gamer bf!rin is an 11/10 i love him sm why is he not real i hate it here
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zhongliologist · 2 years
Not a Fairytale | Alhaitham
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Pairing: Alhaitham x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.1k
A/N: I just had a sudden idea and went with it. Unfortunately, I dont think I can write any longer than this for now. I'm still deciding if I should just let this be a drabble or if I'll turn it into a series, but yeah here you go.
At first, you thought it was simply a figment of your imagination.
Who wouldn’t? You can’t even remember when was the last time you had a proper rest. In fact, you were practically living in the Akademiya’s library because you just can’t be separated from your work. You don’t have much time to waste—there were exams to study for, theses to complete, and references to pour into. Much like every scholar of the Akademiya, who can blame you?
So when you saw the scroll you were studying glow golden; the specks of light floating in the air until they merged to form a silhouette of a man, you just sat there on your seat thinking that you had finally lost it.
“What are you gawking at?”
The being from the scroll asked, his peridot eyes scrutinizing you as if you were some insect on display.
“Oh!” You shifted positions on your chair, totally unbothered. “You can talk.”
“Huh. What do you think?”
The man was tall and fit with good features, while his ash colored hair was parted by large headphones over his ears. It seemed like he was some sort of Akademiya scholar as well, but it was weird that he came from inside the scroll. You had no explanation for that except that you were possibly hallucinating.
You hummed at him, eyes heavy and deflated. You didn’t have the energy to reprimand the mysterious entity for being rude, instead you just watched him taking the nearest seat and opening some book to read.
“How peculiar,” you remarked, head leaned on the side to study him. “I’m not sure if you really came from the scroll or if you’re just part of my imagination.”
The man arched a brow at you. “Oh? What if I really did come from the scroll. What then?”
You shrugged, as if this was some commonplace conversation. “I guess I have no choice but ask how that’s possible. Besides, you haven’t even told me who you are.”
“I could say the same to you.”
You exhaled. Immediately, you knew the man was a handful, and you don’t need a handful—not on top of all the work you had to do.
“I’m Y/N. I’m a scholar in the Akademiya and I’m working on a research project which involves the scroll you came from. Your turn.” You replied curtly, and straight to the point; leaving no room for snarky remarks.
“Huh. So that explains it.” The man closed his book and turned his head towards you, though he still looked unimpressed. “I’m Alhaitham. I’m the Akademiya’s Grand Scribe, that is until that scroll absorbed me.”
For the first time in forever, you were at a loss for words. “The—the scroll absorbed you?”
“In my own research, this scroll is a malicious object from the era of the first sages. Perhaps a lesson for the overzealous scholar, who much like I did, spent too much time studying it until I was seeped into the pages.”
You hummed. “Interesting.”
It would be great to learn how to imbue an object with leyline energy; enough that it can trap souls in it. But just like what Alhaitham had said, that could be quite hazardous.
“So, what are you going to do now? How can you get out of there?”
“Currently, I see no way out, except…”
Alhaitham’s words trailed off as he glanced over at the mountains of books and papers strewn around you both.
“Except what?” you asked, curious.
Unbeknownst to you, a thought was running inside Alhaitham’s mind. It could work, but he was not a hundred percent confident that things would fall into place. But if he was right…then…
“Say…YN,” the man turned to you. “You said you’re currently in the middle of a project, is that correct?”
You leaned your head to the side, wondering why the topic was suddenly changed. “Huh…well, yes. I’m struggling though.”
“I can help you with it.”
The suddenness of his suggestion made you pause and consider what he was saying. There was an incredulous look on your face which Alhaitham thought was amusing. Standing up, he strolled closer to where you were sitting.
“…in exchange for what…?” you asked, sure that no offer was with no catch.
“I think I know how to get out of the scroll but I need your help.”
 Considering it for a few moments, you felt that there was no harm in helping the poor guy. He was probably trapped there for a long time now, who knows. And besides, he did claim to be a grand scribe, which meant he had enough brain power to help you in all the research you need. It was tempting.
“Oh fine. As long as it doesn’t involve killing, sacrificing or any untoward harm to me or anyone, I guess I can help you.”
Alhaitham made a small smile, which seemed more like a smirk to you. “Excellent. Then we have an agreement.”
He held out his hand at you for a shake, which you took.
However, instead of letting you go, Alhaitham leaned forward and pulled you towards him. Perhaps you were just exhausted but the speed of what happened prevented your brain from processing everything. With hand now holding you firmly behind your back and another one cupping your cheek, you saw peridot eyes right before you.
“What are you—mmph!!”
In a split second, you felt his soft lips on yours, melding together seamlessly. Every nerve in your body sent waves of electricity down your spine; waking you up from your fatigue. You were confused, and tried to push him away yet his body was as hard as rock and his grip was tight and firm that there was nothing you could do.
You felt him waver for a moment, lifting his lips from yours, yet suddenly, Alhaitham dove right back in, kissing you more deeply and roughly than before. He bit and nibbled at your lips, his tongue prying your mouth open. Feeling lightheaded, you never had a chance. The man easily slipped his tongue right in, finding yours and playing it until he was satisfied.
As it happened, your shock turned into confusion, which turned into giddiness. The kiss may be sudden but it was good, and you probably needed it for some time. You reveled in the feeling of sexual pleasure and ecstasy until it was taken from you as fast as it came.
When Alhaitham pulled back, he gazed into your eyes, still dazed and breathless.
“Perhaps my theory was wrong then.”
Your brows knitted together in bewilderment. “W-What…?”
Alhaitham grinned at you. “The only way to get out of the scroll is through a ‘true love’s kiss’.”
You grimaced.
“Are…are you fucking serious…?”
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lvxybby · 1 year
Music Ties (kurt cobain x fem! reader) (pt5) WARNING: talk of sex, talk of drugs,
the door to the apartment opened to reveal kurt. he was wearing his sonic youth shirt and some torn pants. i wore a sweater with some sage green cargo pants. my makeup was done nicely but not my best. just some eye shadow, eyeliner, foundation and concealer, and a hint of bright red lipstick. "sorry im not looking the best right now" kurt spoke rubbing his neck. "its ok, i know you have a lot of things on your hands anyways" i reassured him. he coughed a bit before moving out of the door frame and letting me in. his apartment was nicely clean and smelled fresh. like a spring morning. "hello" i heard dave's soft voice say. "good afternoon dave" i said waving and smiling. kurt shut the door and walked over to me. "uh ok...fuck what do we do first..." he said avoiding eye contact. "um...i dont know...get to learn more about each other maybe..." i said admiring the room. some of his guitars were on stands or on the wall. it was a very clean apartment. but i couldn't stop thinking of kurt. i couldn't stop thinking of his hands wrapped around my waist and pulling me into a deep kiss. but this was serious. it was work. i had to stay focused even if it seemed impossible. "ok that sounds good..." kurt said giving me a small smile. it was perfect. so pretty. i wanted to kiss him so bad. but i couldn't....i knew i couldn't...were just band mates and friends...nothing more....dave went to the kitchen and made him some lunch before going outside. we were alone. anything could happen. absolutely anything. me and kurt just stared at each other before kurt spoke. "uhm...tell me something about you i guess" the situation couldn't be any more awkward. "ok...i smoke weed..." i spoke fidgeting with my hands. "oh thats cool...may i ask why?" kurt spoke lifting his eyebrows. "well i have really bad anxiety and i overthink a lot of situations...or when i cant get something off of my mind...." i said putting my hands in my pockets. kurt may be a nice, calm, understanding guy but i still wanna look my best as if it was a job interview for a huge million dollar company. i want to seem presentable to him even though hes a laid back guy that doesnt give two shits what you do as long as your ok and not in trouble. i want him to notice me and run his hands up and down my body. i want him to strip me nude and fuck me until i pass out. i want him so so bad. but its not a want. its a need. i need him so bad. i need him to touch me. i snapped out of my short trance when he spoke again. "...same..." he said nodding his head to my statement. "i started when i was 13 or 14..." he continued. "15...." i said looking at him. "feeling a bit better after last night?" i asked "hm? oh yeah....thanks you helped out a lot even if it was just fetching my meds...it hurts so bad....and my back is so much worse...im constantly in pain. and my guitar doesn't help...it weighs so much and when i perform for hours my shoulder hurts and i get really sore...like now...." he said rubbing his shoulder. "awe im sorry..." is said looking at his blue eyes. "scoliosis sucks....i would do anything to have good health....absolutely anything" he said putting his arm by his side again. we talked a bit more and what my position was going to be in the band. soon it started to pour down rain and it was really bad. it was extremely loud, dark, and the roads were super slick. i couldn't drive in it at all if i wanted to. it was late at night. around 10:00. it was pitch black. you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face. "holy shit...thats some bad rain..." kurt said as he looked out his window. "i...i cant drive in that...i'll crash..." i said looking at kurt. "you can stay here for the night...i don't want you driving in that either...too dangerous" he said coming back over to me. i sat on the couch in between dave and kurt, they weren't gonna do anything. they're feminist. "well....wanna watch a movie?" dave asked flipping his long brown hair out of his face. "sure" kurt said before looking at me. i nodded my head in agreement. "sounds good"
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oathofkaslana · 7 months
hi!!!! since you are the number one-est collie fan I have ever met,,
at what point (if they even do do.) in the story do you think they’ll end up roping her back in?? since she (and A TON of other characters. like cyno. to be fair) has a ton of un-expanded lore that is very, very end game reminiscent ,?
hi >p< i tooootally didnt forget about this...........
anyways. hmm... w the role she's currently playing i dont think they'll necessarily pull her in for teyvat lore as a whole. if anything i could see them pulling her back for sumeru and dottore lore since that's where her lore connections intentionally shine! i'd like to see her in mondstadt more but i really dont think her role there should be related to mond lore. various list below:
cyno -> obviously her being a narrative parallel of cyno (literally acknowledged in the game btw..) i could see the archon residue somehow working w temple of silence and hermanubis lore.
nahida and wanderer -> this is less likely and i dont even know the ideal way they could add it in now since my ideal for them requires a rewrite of sumeru..... but these three make me sick in the head w the way theyre narratively linked and missed opportunity, especially since collei's religious trauma could've made sumeru and its introduction of the samsara cycle a lot more powerful since itd be another strong way of connecting the religious tension in sumeru to khaenri'ah
and. reading that back thats a bit difficult to follow but i cant phrase it very coherently but my thought process there is like:
devotees -> nilou, dunyarzad (kusanali); the people of the rain forest (rukkhadevata); the people of the desert (al-ahmar); fatui? (tsaritsa)
atheist/treats godhood differently -> collei (antagonistic towards the gods because of teh fatui, hesitantly cautious now); dottore (literally aiming to to ascend a mortal to divinity); khaenri'ah (dislikes the gods at the most and completely neutral to them at the least. keep in mind khaenri'ah's entrance is below sumeru); abyss sibling
oh yk.. -> wanderer (sees godhood as a role he needs to play and becomes an artificial god); the sages (literally kept nahida locked up and tried replacing her with another god); traveler (general neutrality on the archons?)
anyways. all that to say i think in a religious commentary, collei's character would've helped examine the religious tensions in sumeru AND dottore. <- literally a big part of my non-existent sumeru rewrite btw kbsdknj. like. lore-wise it'll be important yes but mostly because it's important to sumeru.
archon biology ig -> i could also seeing them use her to teach us about archon residue kinda like the baizhu story quest.
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aroacesigma · 9 months
For the ask game- B L N W X
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
well that one is obvious . thank you sage for getting me onto the fyozai train 🙏🙏
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
oooh ok . uhh i really like tecchou's design (he's so fun to draw actually) the hair style is a little strange like most bsd characters honestly but its actually really cool on him and the little tattoos under his eye are cool
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
we need more fucked up fanart please 🙏 i mean we got plenty but lets bring back some of that energy after the episode where nikolai was holding fyodors arm that was GREAT (i would do my share more but alas i cant do anatomy). and not to be a heavily biased idiot but the fact that trans male sigma isnt a tag on ao3 yet is an actual CRIME thank you very much . uhhh i dont really have a third thing actually . might come back to that
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
super close best friends whos whole thing is being such lovely close friends to lovers is the worst thing in the world for me i hate it . i can count exactly one time i enjoyed it (fitzsimmons . my beloveds <3)
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
any sort of angsty trope you'd find in a whumptober selection really . i love angst
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lunar-lair · 9 months
bustles around the metaphorical room that is my blog, carefully stacks random shit on top of other shit on the table that is this post to clear out a spot, and sets something down. alright yall get fuckin ready its 5 am and its time for my jason pet headcanons. ...underneath a cut. because i had a lot more to say than i expected to.
first of all. his murder of crows. ofc. nobody talks abt gothams crows and ravens and pidgeons enough imo. he comes back to gotham like ah yes, i totally wont amass a large following of ravens and crows this time, and then he feeds seeds to one or two because they happen to stop by his windowsill and its all downhill from there
theres a base headcanon for jasons ability to commune w animals that i came up w like. two months ago. basically i think hes an animal whisperer completely on accident. hes very very chill about animals. will give them the space they need when theyre scared, but he sort of treats them like theyre just other people in the room. smth smth wounded dog metaphors i guess. but for real, it just fits jason to me. stray cats he feeds wind around his feet and he doesnt even glance at them, ravens perch on his shoulder and he just turns his head to nod at them sagely. it doesnt work to my brain the way it used to but i still believe it i think. not an animal person in that he likes them but an animal person in that they like him because hes chill. damian is very jealous for a while. but he starts to understand that jason just respects animals in a simple kind of way and starts being less jealous and more impressed. he goes to jason when he cant figure out how to deal with a kind of animal because jason knows jack shit about most but they all like him regardless because hes just got good instincts in regards to them
then, of course, my babies and jasons. his dog charcoal and his cat clarisse. i was thinking about giving him pets one night and thought to myself, i should give him both a cat and a dog, and then the names just kind of. happened, as did their personalities, though i added traits over time.
clarisse is a street kitten he found and nursed back to health, shes very small but will fuck you up if you scare her. shes standoffish and will very rarely sit in even jasons lap, but she likes standing on his shoulders and will sit with him when he feels bad or hes been gone for a while. shes majority white with spots of black here and there, like an inverse of jasons hair. long hair cat, pretty fluffy. green eyes, the piercing kind. she looks like she would kill you if you touched her. she loves jason, and tolerates tim, hates duke, doesnt mind a lot of the others, thinks bruce is way too fucking huge. she likes damian though. him and cass are the only two other people shell jump on the shoulders of. everyone else moves too much. sometimes she loafs on one of jasons shoulders, when hes cooking and not walking around the apartment. generally she just hangs out on windowsills and on jasons bed, but she follows jason around sometimes, and has been known to curl up on his chest when hes sleeping on occasion.
charcoal is a wolfdog breed, but its very mixed and muddled, more like 1/8th wolf. (dont take my word on this one i know nothing about dogs. i just know i like this silly dog thats also jasons little guy.) jason found charcoal...i dunno, actually. i think i went with 'on the streets' for him again, but. sure, sure. well do that. he was already a decent size when jason found him, about 3/4th of the way up to his knees. he was probably pretty young, because he grows up to be as tall as jasons hips on all four paws. its my favorite thing abt these two, clarisse is half the size of jasons arm and charcoal is HUGE. as he grew, he started being more careful of sitting on jason, but jason is jason. charcoal is a lap dog only because, again, jason is jason.
the only people charcoal tackles when he gets excited besides jason are dick and bruce, because bruces build and dicks height look like they can take it. bruce can, dick cant. most of the time hes pretty quiet and stoic, and hes an excellent guard dog when he needs to be (sitting in front of the couch when jason is curled up on the couch, clarisse purring softly on his chest), but jason knows how to get him excited and have a little fun. damian does too, but charcoals careful around him because. gestures at damian. clarisse stays at jasons apartment 24/7, but charcoal comes with him to the manor sometimes, and because jason is a busy, busy vigilante, charcoals walks are usually jasons errand runs. hes not certified or anything, but hes a good set of eyes and ears. hes pretty good at making sure jason doesnt have a breakdown/meltdown in public. (yes im giving my little guy autism are you really surprised.)
hes also really good at making sure jason doesnt go anywhere when hes injured, because jason can pick charcoal up, but he cant push his way around a 120 pound (? dont take my word on this one either idk how heavy dogs usually are) dog half his height with a broken rib. ...well, no, he could. maybe not with a healing stab wound, though. speaking of which, yeah. he can pick coal up. because hes jason. theres this image in my head of jason laughing big and wide holding a huge fucking dog thats the size of his abdomen and more in my brain and it means. so fucking much to me . somewhat related, this time, sometimes charcoal lays on top of jason when hes going to bed/falling asleep on the couch. jason could move him but. he couldnt, actually. its the same reason for why he doesnt take claire off his shoulder even when shes digging her nails into his shoulder, he doesnt have the heart to move them anywhere they dont go themselves even if they wouldnt be scared of him doing so anymore. (heart too big for his chest, i swear to god.) he sics charcoal on tim and dick when theyre overworking, because they literally cant move coal. damian lets charocal lay on him willingly. he likes weighed blankets.
i, sadly, have no fucking clue what charcoal looks like. hes just this giant brown shaggy dog to me. coarse fur, kinda? i know nothing about dogs. sorry charcie :(
charcoal and clarisse arent like. besties or anything. but they curl up under sunspots together, sometimes, and they dont mind each others presence or anything. jason got charcoal first and introduced the two of them slowly, but they got used to each other pretty quickly. sometimes charcoal will gently pick clarisse up in his mouth to move her, but he only really does that when shes bothering jason, or he wants to go curl up w her, or jason is acting off. sometimes claire will curl up on coals back, too, but thats a little rare.
circling back around to his crows. he hasnt named many of them, but there are a few that frequent his apartment every other day or every day in the afternoon that he has names for. midnight, poe. i have no other ideas the point is he isnt good at names. sometimes crows will show up with a bloody wing, and hell know he hasnt seen this crow before, but another will land after it and follow it into the window he cracked open. if crows do that kind of shit, i also know nothing about crows. he has about ten ravens he knows, too, two couples and six others, all part of the same small group. they stop by when they see him, sometimes, and there are some that hang out in a local park he goes to with damian sometimes (usually also with charcie and titus, of course) that he considers part of his collection of corvids. itd be funny if he had some jaybirds. damian is working on befriending gothams crows and ravens, too, but half of his flock is part of jasons because jason introduced parts of his flock to damian, which was part of what got him interested.
i also like to think that all of the other bats' pets love jason nearly as much as they do their respective owners, but those are details for the reblog. until then, i think ive sketched out like, most of the details for jasons main little guys, if his giant flock of crows count as some of his little guys. i wrote most of this at 5 am and then added bits and pieces the next day at 4 pm so hopefully its coherent. ok thats all from me see ya o7
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thepladinsheart · 1 year
Introduction! (take 2)
hello! I noticed that I'm getting alot of new followers and the introduction i did was awful.
so here's a new one!
my name is Sage, but you can call me Sagey! I'm 15, my pronouns are she/they and i identify as a demigirl! (someone who was assing afab but dosen't fully i dont fully indentify w being a woman) I like talking about whatever comes to mind! Like the ship I like, Stranger things, writing, music, or any movies or tv shows i like.
heres a picrew of me!
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I love to write! I have 3 fics im currently working on. All about Byler but i am working on a Reddie story but it is VERY bare bones at the moment. I'm also looking into doing an Elmax story!
(i love all my mutuals but these are the ones i interact with the most!)
@elsbianism (i talk to them at least once day)
Will Byers (I'm so him. y'all don't understand)
Mike Wheeler
Richie Tozier
Beverly Marsh
Ron Weasly
Harry Potter
Hermoine Granger
Max Mayfield
Lucas Sinclair
Luna Lovegood
Remus Lupin
And SO many more
Byler (Stranger Things)
Reddie (IT)
Elmax (Stranger Things)
Lumax (Stranger Things)
Ronance (Stranger Things)
Pansmione (Harry Potter)
Wolfstar (Marauders)
Boreo (The Goldfinch)
(I love music more than life it's self.)
folklore by Taylor Swift
Pure Heroine by Lorde
Melodrama by Lorde
Born to die by Lana Del Ray
Harry's House by Harry Styles
Speak Now (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift
Red (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift
1989 (soon to be Taylor's Version)
anyway thank you for reading! that's enough rambling for now! bye! i love you!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
its DUNGEON TIME!!! finally. i didnt do this yesterday bc i was wiped and i didnt wanna teleport away with poor riju...i have no idea if she'll leave or get stuck there or what
this one looks really complicated...but i'm gonna see how far i can get w/o a guide
omg when you go up on your glider riju is like...i'll leave that area to you link! she can't fly 😭
i see mirrors up here but no light source.......MAN the nostalgia im having rn. this is so much like oot
omg wait this construct fused a mirror to its shield...mirror shield...WAHHH
oh that took me STUPIDLY long to figure out but i love that i didn't have to look it up (stopping the wheel with the stake)
apparently i can ascend into the final floor but i really don't wanna do that by myself lol
omg lol there was a hive in this room that also had constructs...they fought each other!! i kept waiting for the read to like Jump the construct but it just swung at it. do they truly not do that in this game.........
oops i accidentally warped outside of the temple with ascension...i gotta be more careful lol. quick warp back but the enemies respawned, no blood moon needed
also the puzzle reset itself :/
got the last one! i only wound up looking at a guide for one, but i accidentally read how to do another first, and then the one i was looking for i also discovered how to do while i was doing that one. so all in all a success
eugh i'm scaaared i dont wanna fight a giant BUG!!!
for once im low on food too. im gonna get my ass beat lol
NOOOOO the first half was fine but now shes SUMMONING REDEADS.....................
im not gonna get jumped im not gonna get jumped im NOT gonna get jumped!!!!!!!!!!!
elated. wow. that was so close. im never leaving this little column of light again
rip i have to. but. don't wanna.
GOT all the hives without getting jumped
GOT HER ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you CANNOT fuck me i am UNFUCKABLE im not getting jumped today tomorrow next year FUCK off
sorry to riju but her ancestor is HOT. ok im taking this seriously
wait. i just realized these expository cutscenes use the sacred realm melody from oot for just a few notes. AAAAAAAAAAAAA that makes me INSAAAAAANE
"he was our chief before he became obsessed with power and changed" HAUGH........good guy ganondorf....................im making him real in my mind palace
wait sorry hold on. im pausing this cutscene again. i was spoiled that the fifth sage was a construct. which i thot was lame cuz it shoulda been a sheikah. but im looking at this image of them - four sages with helmets, one each for rito zora goron and gerudo - then a hylian, zelda - and then a ZONAI, mineru......that makes six! just like oot! and rauru as the leader/seventh sage, like zelda in oot...two hylians in oot and two zonai in totk...THERE ARE SEVEN OF THEM. what if MINERU gets put inside the construct!!! because didn't zelda put her soul in that purah pad or whatever!!!!!! oh my god.........if this turns out to be the case i think i've earned that bingo square. it wouldn't be true to the letter but true in spirit. i've earned that!!!
damn...they way both this ancestor and urbosa feel it's Personal w ganondorf bc he is also gerudo...he's literally staining their good name...
WAAHHHH riju going "my responsibilities as a leader, as a sage, AND fighting alongside you............sounds like fun >:)" she is TOO YOUNG...so much responsibility...wah
omg you can just walk around here now? without crossdressing? did they chicken out of a crossdressing plot in this game...............smh nintendo. i know it wasn't perfectly executed in the first game but they could have just tried again
FINALLY here is mattison...idk why i couldn't find her before the shroud lifted!!!
ok, i gotta take a break and do Chores, i'll figure out what i'm doing next later!!!
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deathlonging · 2 years
cactus, sage & jasmine!!
cactus: what is something you're currently learning (about)?
running low on forces over at the new skills acquisition department due 2 i have been treating these last 3 weeks as spring break but figured out some graphic design out of necessity fjsjkdks. i do have a list of things i want to start scheduling into my day though lmao in the interest of not perennially doing fuck all w my days <3
sage: what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
i adore this question ! though tv shows w fictional characters hit me hard incredibly easily i think the art that ends up leaving a long term impact consistently is fiction in the written form ie novels . idk when i commit to a novel im putting a piece of myself into interacting with it in way that i dont necessarily with other forms of art, and the experience of reading a book for me--as hard as it is w my attention span and the need for more stimulation--usually ends up being more rewarding . idk im babbling but i really enjoy how reading can strip you down and force you into actionable critical processing and self reflection--at least thats what its always done for me . i love how intensely isolating the physical process of reading can be it allows for a deeper connection with and recognition of what i read . theres also a smaller degree of separation/removal from the scene when i read, in that i feel everything more viscerally than i would watching tv or studying a painting . i dont really have a concrete reason for why this medium hits so hard above all others but yeah
jasmine: do you have a movie or book you loved but will never read again?
ooh i dont really watch movies so im going to have to go with a tv show--bojack horseman. watched it over several depressive episodes and fell in love but i think i inadvertently pavlov'd myself into associating it with the state of mind in which i watched it the first time rip. the incredibly dark tone ofc also adds to that
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ddeonudepressions · 2 years
get to know me game!
tagged by: @dearhee 🙏 💕
no pressure tags!! @redm4ri @haknom @blossomnct @sunoksunny @delcakoo @taejays @hannikz @mazeinthemiroh @soov and anyone else who wants ofc!!
birthday: oct 3rd skz chan is my bday twin and loml 🙏 (fr i miss him sm 🙁)
favourite colour: sage green but i really like all colors if they don't blind me 💀
do you have pets? no 💔 i used to have a parrot but we gave him away 😭😭
how tall are you? um i will get bullied but im 5'4 last time i checked 💀
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
like....4-5?? idk i haven't bought any in a while
favourite song: ditto, devil by the window, mixed up, attention please, opening sequence, muddy water, all in, beside you, and many more just stalk my Spotify to know 💔
favourite movie: train to busan 😭😭
who would be your ideal partner?
hmm.... idk tbh but probably someone who's like me but no yk? i really like the familiarity but ik i wouldn't handle another me💀 maybe someone like beomgyu yk or junhan or jay or hongjoong or hyunjin or seungmin. i think me and hongjoong r soulmates fr we would be are happily married ❤️.
do you want children? tbh yes? kinda? i think it would be nice but idk i dont mind it.
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
no I am a good child come on now
what colour socks are you wearing? blue and black
favourite type of music: all of it i will listen amd vibe to everything fr. i wouldn't say i hate a song yk id say i wouldn't look it up but if it was playing ill do a lil dancey dance
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 and 2 tiny plushies and 1 decorative one
what position do you sleep in? idk what it's called but i basically become a tiny ball of sleep and drown in the covers 💀
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: probably when someone wakes me up when i just started to drift off. like?!??? helour leave me alone??!?? and probably when my feet r too cold the rest of my body.
what do you have for breakfast: depends sometimes a savor yomy sandwich sometimes a sweet yomy cereal. sometimes black coffee sometimes a latte sometimes a cup of tea of u will.
have you ever tried archery? once at gym hurt myself bad didn't like it 👎👎
favourite fruit: strawberries apples and oranges (i miss eating oranges 💔)
are you a good liar? not to self diagnose but i might be a psychological lair 😂😂🤥
what’s your personality type? it was enfp i think but ill have to redo the test soon lol.
innie or outie? im gonna say this is about being introverted or extroverted 💀💀 I am a bit of both tbh.
left handed or right handed? a leftiee
favourite food: pasta or fries 🙏
favourite foreign food: kushary idk if anyone knows it but it's Egyptian and its just 💔💔
am i clean or messy? id say clean i try to keep my surroundings tidy as i can yk
most used phrase: (all memes from Walmart enha) hello?? ayo?? huh?? oh. slayyy - fr - ong- 🙏- naurrr - NO. - die. - el oh el - kys. - el em ay oh - (person) (last negative thing they did) era - LMAO. - ok.
how long does it take for you to get ready: usually like 15-25 minutes including makeup outfit hijab and packing my handbag / bag yk
do you talk to yourself? all the time!
do you sing to yourself? if im not singing sleeping it's all i do. no family member has complained about my signing so I think it's a sign to start my career 😂😂🤘🤘
are you a good singer? i hope i am 😕 i think i have a decent voice i quite like any runs i do when signing sum LMAO 💀
biggest fear? cockroaches, confrontations and god 🙏
are you a gossip? i am THE gossip
do you like long or short hair? short hair. my hair is medium length rn but i like short hair more long hair has bad memories.
favourite school subject: I've always liked science general but idk anymore grade 9 wss brutal 💀💀
extrovert or introvert: id say both (again) cuz I enjoy talking and going out but also staying in w someone sounds so comforting
what makes you nervous: everything. my teachers. people staring too long at me. people laughing at me. (i cant tell if it's w me or at me most of the time :/)
who was your first real crush? grade 2 his name was assi i think that's how u spell it. he was also Syrian had blonde hair blue eyes and had my heart fr 💔
how many piercings? 2 one in each ear
how many tattoos? 0 (i am a minor and haram bro)
how fast can you run? i think i could run a good distance ye im not the athletic type but it's fun sometimes
what colour is your hair? chocolate brown with blonde streaks. very new look my hair was always been dark brown 💀
what colour are your eyes? brown 💔
what makes you angry: many many things having anger issues every little thing annoys me. im just gonna say top 5 lol
1.people who don't listen
2.people who look down on others
3. people who r literally nothing being jealous of others and making their lives hell( who wants a story time 😂😂)
4. getting blamed for something i had nothing to do with
5. having to be the mom of the house when i am a literal child.
do you like your name? ye I've learned to accept it 💪
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
idm tbh but let just say if i have kids they both will be a mommy's girl/boy. cuz ye
what are your strengths? hm... im gonna say im honest ill tell people shit to their face no hesitation sometimes 💀. im strong?? idk. ima good manipulator 😂😂. id say im pretty understanding and comforting (at least i hope so) ig das it? idk not used to thinking about myself positively yk
what are your weaknesses? probably myself? like i do one small tiny mistake and suddenly i have no self worth, i deserve death, i mean nothing to anybody, everyone hates me snd is using me and i deserve it. and etc etc yk.
what is the colour of your bedspread? yellow 😕
colour of your room: yellow 😐 i need my own room fr
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lesbianwilby · 2 years
howdy wil! Answer any or all of these if you want :D
violet— do you like to cook or bake? if so, what is it that you like to make?
azalea— what is the most recent song you listened to? how do you feel about it?
lotus— what is your favorite color and in what shade? e.g. sage green, navy blue, ect. dahlia— do you like to follow current fashion trends or do you have a particular style that you prefer to stick to?
HELLOOOOOOO thank u for adding the questions w ur ask i an in the middle of watching youtube videos n i dont have the brainpower to copy/paste these LMAO (so sory i didn't for u i do not think very well)
violet: i do sometimes!! theres not a lot of food or ingredients n shit in my house n cant rly buy like .any n also massive lack of energy so i cant a lot but i love cooking n baking even if its usually just helping my mom 🫶 im very fond of making things w chicken massive safe food 4 me in many ways
azalea: salamander by deco*27‼️ i adore this song SO much i just have to ignore that its about cup noodles and im good .most recent english song tho would be electioneering by radiohead which!! is actually my current favorite song off of ok computer :3
lotus: this is such a hard question for me to answer bc im so odd w colors 😭 i think?????? probly like a dark brick red.. overall i tend to stick more to color schemes vs specific colors n .all my color schemes tend to center around either red or neutrals so
dahlia: RAHHHHHH FASHION QUESTION so. for me its kinda a mix of both? it REALLY depends on the trend n who i see in it n how accessible it is to me n if i actually LIKE it.. like im not going to sit here n deny that my style has never been influenced by or even changed by trends bc thatd be a goddamn lie but also its not been like. a permanent change ig???? leme like share examples to fully explain
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so heres two outfits i wore in 2021, first was sometime in summer second was during october or september probs?? now obviously these aren't like the same exact style but like in my brain n for how i dress they come close enough (also yes i had my hair dyed red two times in a row .no they were not the same shade or anything. btw think in second picture i already had my mullet why didnt i wear my hair up wth was up w that)
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these r some more recent outfits!! first one is actually the most recent picture i have of any of my outfits i wore it to a job interview :3 and yes the three others have the same exact top and yes i am wearing the same two pairs of pants in these and yes i did wear both my necklace and pocket watch with them all and yes i did carry the same bag .my style has been toned down a LOT recently tbh n im ngl its def been at least partly influenced by trends.. i dont mind it tho its comfy n cute n i dont have to think much
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however sometimes i do still go back to my "old" style that never rly left tbh (in the og pics the only thing i dont have anymore is the skirt n thats bc i dont wear those colors rly anymore).. first one was sometime this summer? second time i think was last month actually!!
n like even still w my toned-back style n shit i still make 3d kandi cuffs n i still listen to music that someone who would see me in passing wouldn't expect n even if these outfits r "tame" bc im way too lazy to go n find pictures from high school (my kandi cuffs used to get worn almost daily + my beloved reflective galaxy platforms have gotten so scuffed from the steps to the front 🫶) they're still pretty different in my mind i think to what i wear now so like .yeah what i wear out has been influenced by whatever trend i see on tiktok however its never been fully based on that 4 many reasons n the old parts of my style never rly "leave" they just get pushed back until a later time
#out there#i still have all of my bows n hair clips that overflow my accessory drawers n my tutus n my t-shirts from hot topic#bc even if its not me rn it was at one point n probs will be again#ngl. i very easily could've explained this both better + w/o these pictures LMAO#i just love showing off my outfits even old ones even tho these r TERRIBLE examples#unfortunately i don't have a lot of older examples bc i used to be rly insecure so i never took pictures EVER#so a lot of those outfits rly got lost to time#do have quite a few more recent outfits tho#including several where i wear my bralettes as tops .man those r cute outfits i love every single one#anyways .rly did use this as an excuse to share some of my (not greatest unfortunately) outfits oops !#ty for asking that question at least tho 🫡#ive always been a bit w fashion but it got a lot more extreme during my senior year#cuz yk .2020 tiktok had an impact on me n my style LMFAO#n that slowly ran out probs towards very end of 2021 where i never rly went out anywhere n if i did it was usually a basic outfit#n then .now again kinda following trends ig at least in what i see but to me its just like#ive always thought these styles were cute n now this gives me the push i needed to start wearing them#yk?#i think im rly just saying shit my brain is mush#ive had todays alpharad gold upload just paused on my tv while typing all this LMAK#pls dont judge my outfits too hard 🙏#ik theyre all kinda copy/paste esp w the items i wear#n to most people on here u wouldn't call any of these n tbh i wouldn't either#but in my defense i have always struggled with very low energy levels SO#done rambling if i forgot something ill edit idfk#ty for the ask again btw :3#ask#sparksnevadas#also fun fact! on tumblr mobile when answering asks u cant see ur whole tags w/o posting or saving to drafts#so if this seems very incoherent its bc i literally forgot what i just said n had no way to check n tried not to repeat things
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voyeuristicvixen · 2 years
Captains Log No. 37_February;It came & went *whoosh*
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Wow, wild quick photo dump because my Aquarius Square Taurus needs to do things in order and I cant post anything else until I do something with all these pics and post this lmao.
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Gigii is my soul mate 5eva! I am so grateful because we get to connect and just vibe out being mystical dreamy souls everyday. ~ Blessed
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Been leveling up the mystoryyyyy! Proud of the growth every second more people creating a business and thriving and look how good this shi looks! Lucas lameth mystory foodssss. I’m obsessed.
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Valentine’s day w my boo. I was so surprised when he had me pull up because he has been spendin more time on Fivem working on his server and things. Im like woaaah when did you even have time because im always tryna get you online. I was tearin up yall. He had my name up in balloons, special trees on the property, lights and gifts, he got me some boots and set up a date doing the most Sag ass thing lmaoo base jumping and skydiving.
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Sexy ass... :P
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Here we are on this high ass mountain in the brick ass cold about to jump lmao. I was like only this man could get me to do this. XD
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Then we played w guns :)
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These pictures are not synchonized in time so yea for a brief moment in time my girl Videl (Now Valentine) was living across the street from me, It was a fun cute day we had before she had to go live with her new Soro sisters to pledge but maan it was so fun! She def deserves all the space much bigger than what she had so I dont blame her for moving AT ALL. I cant wait to see her new spot though im sad we not neighbors anymore. :(
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Us and our lil ones enjoying lunch and icecreaamss XD
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I do enjoy riding around the mystory south sim. So chill for me when im seshing.
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Wav’s rez day was such a great time, it was all our newly made friends and we got to see who’s really down with us. Blessed & grateful!
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We recorded a whole episode of meta love talks and never put it out, we had this whole idea of an event that we wanted to do that we plugged and prepared application forms for and did not go through with it. . . not yet at least! That pic is from the unaired ep. XD
Lol it be like that.
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Me and mini me taking produc pictures for the new cakepops for starseeds botanica! now available on marketplace:
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Super proud of being able to call this gentleman my pops, and to have spent Feb hearing some important history and lessons that are going to be ingrained in my mind and spirit forever! Carter G Woodson thank you for creating black history month for us! Bless!
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PANDA PANDA! Great poet, loved hearing them spit bars on the last poetry night event. New people came up that were so good and inspiring forreal!
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BHM events were amazing, tap into Meroe facebook for all the pics and updates about thaaat. Wav and my dad Ras went off and it was so heartwarming to see them working and collabing together. So much more I can say about it but words aren’t enough. Grateful, grateful. Ase.
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Chillen on the farm, abundance is our birthright!
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Now my life is filled with ritual iw and rl, I love starseeds botanica products. I am proud of myself for creating them. Better than I imagined and just the beginning! I got so much more to create! Inshallah
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One of the most synchronistic things that happened last month, I ran into the Oatsmill sisters. I was just telling Wav days before about how I saw one of Sage’s sister’s mystory shops being advertised, I didnt realize she had sisters before then. I told him how important legacy names are in that regard, because I respect Sage as an artist, creator and businesswoman I trust her family automatically. So after having this convo I am at my favorite spot in the sandbox. I literally have this particular spot saved in my favorites... and I come back from being afk and there are the Oatsmill sisters working on things nearby me.. just randomly we were all there at the same time. I had never met them inworld until that moment. It was super magickal and we connected instantly. I got to see some cool stufss and eat chicken you know Sage can COOOK! I LOVE THEM!
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Salsa nights at Teranga Absinthe lounge is a vibeee, I am super happy to have connected with these beautiful black women , feb felt like faith being restored day by day. Loved it.
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monmuses · 6 years
@stcrmclcud received a starter from: Metztli!
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“Hm?” Metztli felt a little nudge at her side, turning slightly to see who had poked her. To her, being considered a giant to most people, a bump was barely anything. But her kind nature cancelled out most of those assumptions.
“Oh dear... I didn’t hurt you, did I?” She asked ever so softly, trying to maneuver her body from hitting anyone around her.
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