#// sams family has team rocket connections :)
oathofoaksart · 4 years
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bio under the cut!
Name: Taylor Martinez 
A.K.A: Yellow Jacket; Munch, Munchie, Jacket, YJ
Age: 16 [S2], 18 [S3]
Gender: Transgender Male 
Orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual
 Race: Metahuman 
Ethnicity: Afro-Latinx, Black-Colombian
Location: Dakota City, Michigan
Hometown: Dakota City, Michigan 
 Skin: Dark Tan, warm undertones 
Hair: Black 
Eyes: Dark brown; glow fully yellow while actively using metagene 
Height: 5’10
Build: Lean with sinewy muscles
Distinctions: Has a large collection of hoodies and jackets, specifically of shonen anime merch. 
Parents: Gloria Martinez and Jamal Winston, Danielle Seymore [step-mother] 
Siblings: Tori Winston [younger half-sister] 
Friends: Virgil “Static” Hawkins, Jacklyn “Ferro” Ericson @generalfandomsofthefreak, Raquel “Rocket” Irving, Eduardo “El Dorado” Dorado Jr., Jaime “Blue Beetle III” Reyes, Karen “Bumblebee” Beecher, Malcolm “Guardian III” Duncan, Asami “Sam” Koizumi, Tye Longshadow, Roy “Arsenal” Harper, Tatsuo “Irezumi” Sumioka [@Triskata], Bart “Kid Flash II” Allen, Gi “Riot/Geode” Flores [OC], Shizuka “Oni” Amachi [OC], Tim “Robin III” Drake, Forager “Fred Bugg”, Violet “Halo” Harper, Brion “Geoforce” Markov
Partner/s: Richie “Gear” Foley [ev.]
Misc.: Augustus “Icon” Freeman, Jefferson “Black Lightning” Pierce, Ivan “Ebon” Evans, See-More, the HIVE 5, the Meta-Breed gang, the Blood Syndicate
Affiliations: The Team, Taos Metateen Youth Center, The Titans [ev.], S.T.A.R Labs [formally] 
Personality Type: ESTP-A [Assertive Entrepreneur] 
Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine 
Alignment: Chaotic Good 
Passionate | Social | Upfront | Risk-prone | Defiant 
 Smart-mouthed, openly opinionated, and with an apparent lack of volume, Munch quickly cements himself as the class clown in any group. He enjoys living in the moment, a truly free spirit with an infectious energy. He is the textbook extrovert, finding himself to be bored out of his mind if not sharing with others, leading him to have quite the large group of friends and acquaintances. He’s notorious for poking fun at anything and anyone, but has no problem sincerely apologizing once he realizes he might have taken something too far. 
As a hero, Munch takes after his namesake, the Yellow Jacket wasp. Quick, nimble, and particularly aggressive, Jacket revels in the comic book hero lifestyle of kicking butts and taking names. His energy blasts aren’t his only weapons, he has as much fun slinging insults and burns as he does physically taking someone down. He certainly enjoys the attention of being a hero in a celebrity sense, but Jacket sees his role as a chance to inspire others to fight the good fight in any capacity. 
Hot-blooded as he is, Munch struggles with controlling his emotions. He can be easily frustrated, especially when things aren’t as straight-foward as he is, and blisteringly fierce when angered. It takes an ungodly amount of coaxing to get him to let go of past grudges due to his tendency of being bullheaded. 
Metahuman Biology: Metahumans by standard are more durable than humans. While not by much, Jacket exhibits increased strength, speed, reflexes and resilience. 
Plasma Manipulation: Jacket’s metagene allows him to create, shape, and otherwise manipulate plasma matter
Plasma “Stingers”: By shooting short blasts of plasma energy, Yellow Jacket creates his signature “stingers,” the potency of said stingers can vary from shocks to explosions. 
Variants include plasma beams and large spheres, but they currently require more concentration and stamina to use
He can also use his stingers to push him off surfaces as a kind of super-jump and can sustain limited flight mobility
Plasma Shields: Jacket can create small shields, enough to deflect low to medium powered attacks. Large shields require significant effort to shape and contain, once he’s made one, he’s stuck sustaining it. 
Flight Belt: Jacket can fly thanks to the inertia belt made by his mentor Icon, based off Rocket’s Inertia belt. Since it was not made of the same material as the original belt, it allows only for flight and a decent powered body aura. 
Goggles: Jacket’s goggles feature different kinds of vision including: Telescopic, Microscopic, Infrared, and X-Ray
 Weaknesses and Limitations
Energy Stamina: Jacket stands the risk of overexerting himself if he pushes his plasma control too far. The reason why he tends to stick with short blasts is because they take much less energy to conjure. Attacks such as beams, energy spheres, and large defensive shields can potentially wear him down to unconsciousness if the strain is too much.  
High Metabolism: Similar to that of a speedster; Jacket’s plasma energy tears through his calorie reservoir. He needs a rather high end amount of food to sustain himself properly or else his energy suffers. 
16-year-old Jamal Winston and Gloria Martinez figured trying to force their relationship made having to take care of their newborn far more painful than it had to be and called it quits. They continued co-parenting with both opting to drop-out of high school, Gloria a fulltime mother and Jamal picking up a fulltime job. Eventually the two managed to assuage any resentment towards each other and made steps toward genuine friendship, both turning out to be equally dedicated and loving parents. 
Taylor, named Clara at the time, enjoyed school. Not so much the actual studying as the playtime and socializing, but he was a bright student. In middle school he discovered a love for track and kept at it when he entered high school. Taylor was doing well, but struggled with his self-esteem in connection with fitting in with girls. He’d always been masculine and known a tomboy for nearly all of his childhood. His parents never had a problem with that, but he was picked at by other family members. It wasn’t until high school where Taylor discovered himself as trans, which both gave him answers he’d been looking for and terrified him as he had no idea how to go about this with his family. 
The topic of LGBTQ+ matters rarely passed through his household with his mother or with his father and step-mother. None of them openly expressed homo or transphobia, but Taylor had met enough extended family anti-LGBTQ+ and that stopped him from broaching the subject. Still he began looking into subtle ways to get a "head-start" on transitioning, including buying a binder and teaching himself natural voice changes. 
But Taylor was publicly outed during a family get-together, when a few of his younger cousins rifled through his belongings and brought with them the attention of Taylor’s uncle. When the situation turned into an all out yelling match and nearly physical, Taylor ran off. It would be the last anyone would see him for the months to come. 
While wandering around Dakota City, Taylor was abducted by the Reach and experimented on, the stress and torture he endured all the while activated his dormant metagene. He was eventually rescued by a team of young heroes while deep in the Western Pacific Reach mobile base, recognizing a past classmate, Virgil Hawkins. The two stuck close out of familiarity as they were eventually shifted over to S.T.A.R. Labs in Taos. 
They spent a month or so under the eye of Dr. David Wilcox, building resentment over being treated as lab rats alongside Tye Longshadow, Eduardo Dorado Jr., Asami Koizumi, and Nathaniel Tyron. It was during this time that Taylor’s commonly used nickname of ‘Munch’ came about because of his extreme appetite due to his metagene and at that point Taylor hadn’t chosen his name yet. The group, sans Nathaniel, then came to agree their stay at S.T.A.R was over and escaped. 
Their party was joined in by Jacklyn Ericson, unknown to them a hero known as Ferro and Team member, and were soon approached by Lex Luthor who offered them security in exchange for favors against the Reach. Little under two weeks later, the gang were fighting their way through the heart of the Warworld to rescue the captured heroes caught in stasis. Munch was on board with Nightwing’s invitation onto the Team, he’d always looked up to the Justice League and heroics called to him, but left with the others at seeing Arsenal’s dismissal despite him leading the rescue. 
Munch wouldn’t involve himself with heroes until their group until the League reached out to Jacklyn; they needed as many hands on deck. The Reach had activated field disruptors around the world which would eventually tear Earth to shreds if not shut down; Munch was paired off with Rocket to shut down the disruptor in Chile. Munch couldn’t hide his joy at being paired with Rocket, he’d been a fan of hers ever since she started off in Dakota City as Icon’s protégé. The two got on well and Rocket extended another invitation onto the Team stating their hometown could do with another hero, this time Munch accepted. 
He would take on the mantle Yellow Jacket and when Rocket’s former mentor Icon returned to Earth, was taken under his wing as a mentee. He and Virgil, who had also accepted the invitation onto the Team as Static, became the new generation of heroes in Dakota City. 
Just in time too, as from the shadows rise a threat spreading across the city’s metayouth, the Metabreed. 
Munch does eventually make it back to his parents, who have been been running themselves ragged organizing search parties for him. 
Because of his color scheme and insect motif, Jacket tends to be confused as Bumblebee’s protégé instead of Icon’s. Not that it’s cause for insult, but Karen and Munch note they wouldn’t make good partners. 
Munch comes to find out of another super in the family, although not of the heroic kind. His step-cousin is member of the H.I.V.E 5, See-More. 
He enjoys various shonen anime, occasionally reading the manga if he likes the anime enough, his favorite being the Dragon Ball franchise. He makes a nod towards this during the escape at S.T.A.R when Virgil asked him if he could blast open the door. When Munch’s first few blasts don’t cut it, he tries a larger beam in the only way he knows how, via Kamehameha.
Yellow Jacket has become very active on social media and has a notable following, much to Icon’s annoyance. 
Munch has recently taken up being a peer counselor at S.T.A.R Taos alongside Ed Jr.
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tack-tick · 3 years
Dream SMP Pokémon Take Two!
Basically, a while back I made a list of matching pokemon to SMP members and I decided to redo it! No real lore in this, this is just a list matching pokemon to SMP members and notes on each of them. Nobody shares lives or anything, just ignore the stuff from my previous post. Also no images this time. Also it is very long.
Primeape- Chosen because it’s the pokemon that gets so pissed that it dies, which I think fits perfectly. His main pokemon. Nicknamed Clementine. Was imprisoned by Dream from Tommy’s exile until Dream was sent to prison. Has as hot of a temper as it’s trainer.
Miltank- You know, cows. The first Pokemon Tommy got on the SMP. Might be dead but got brought back to life. Didn’t die again because fuck that. Nicknamed Henry.
Linoone- Was hiding out in Techno’s basement when Tommy found it as a Zigzaggon. Was Tommy’s only pokemon for a while because Clementine got taken by Dream when he was exiled. Evolved during the final fight with Dream. Got called Thief by Techno and it responds to that as it’s nickname
Timburr- Saw Tommy building his hotel and wanted to help. His youngest pokemon. Nicknamed Ellie.
They all temporarily stay with Tubbo and Ranboo while Tommy is dead in the prison
Vesiqueen- His main. A strict but reasonable commander to the rest of the team. Raised with Beedrill. Nicknamed Spins
Beedrill- Got caught as a weedle shortly after L’Manberg was founded. Nicknamed Spunz. Tubbo found a mega stone for it and they’re training with Puffy in order to master mega evolution. Serves as co commander along with Spins. More carefree
Alolan Vulpix- Tubbo found it alone in it’s nest shortly after he moved to Snowchester. It didn’t have an family around so Tubbo kept it. Nicknamed Snowball
Koffing- Tubbo found it after he launched his first nuke at the test site. It was eating the radiation and decided to stick with Tubbo in order to get more. Has a tendency to explode at bad times. Nicknamed Nuke.
Chatot- His main Pokémon. Nicknamed Chatterbox. Helps Ranboo remember things by squawking words to him like a parrot. Thought bitch was a common greeting to people at the beginning due to hanging out with Tommy. This resulted in poor Ranboo who was already nervous about meeting Techno and Philza. Then, Chatterbox just flew up, looked them in the eyes, and said “Hello, bitches!” To the embarrassment of Ranboo. Sassy and mouthy, especially to Dream.
Glaceon- Came to Ranboo as an Eevee becasue it noticed that Ranboo had an ice stone in its house it needed to evolve. It got along with Chatterbox so Ranboo took it in. Nicknamed Jonald. One of the calmer pokemon on the server and likes to meditate in the snow
Torchic- His only pokemon right now. Nicknamed Torchy by Michael. Tubbo and Ranboo’s pokemon are very protective of it. The youngest pokemon to be owned on the server.
Drampa- Philza’s main Pokémon. Nicknamed Gramps. About as old as Philza is but still plenty strong. You don’t mess with Special attack of 135. Acts as a father figure to pokemon it is friends with.
Honchcrow- Nicknamed Kristin. Philza claims it is named after a person he knows. No one knows who that is though. Has bossy tendencies and loves to be praised
Rookidee- Saw Kristin flying and admired it. Followed it home and came into Philza’s house. Philza thought it had a good amount of determination and decided to train it. Not nicknamed yet because it’s new.
A murder of Murkorws- A horde of Murkrows who follow Kristin’s and Philza’s command. Philza calls them Chat. They come and go. They like to bring shiny things to Philza’s house.
Emboar- Nicknamed Floof, in his offense he was like five when came up with that nickname. His main. Raised it from a Tepig. Calls it Emboar during more serious situations. Very close to Gramps. Just as cocky as Techno is but is also one of the strongest pokemon on the server.
Mudsdale- Nicknamed Carl. Got him as a mudbray soon after he came to the SMP. Evolved right before The Red Festival. Would like to retire but is still willing to fight. Loves to take Techno on fast rides on the snowy plains.
Cubchoo- Got it after he left to the snow biome. It just showed up at his door every day. and wouldn’t leave. So, Techno named it Steve and trained it. Steve got taken hostage by The Butcher Army. Is having trouble evolving but still tries to threaten pokemon that are way bigger/stronger than it is.
Braviary- Nicknamed Hamilton. Wilbur’s main and only pokemon. Technically belonged to Phil after Wilbur died but it disappeared until Doomsday. Came back at Doomsday to defend L’Manberg. Stayed with Ghostbur and then Wilbur again when he came back to life
Mareep- Nicknamed Friend. Ghostbur’s only pokemon. Belongs to Wilbur since Ghostbur is gone.
Ditto- Nicknamed Spirit. Dream’s only pokemon becasue he didn’t want too many attachments. Dream wasn’t treating it well after he sent Tommy to exile. It ran away after Dream was sent to prison. The poor thing was found in the woods by Puffy and is staying with her.
Aegislash- Nicknamed Lancelot. Eret’s main. Has the attitude of a knight. If it could talk, would have a French accent
Serperior- Nicknamed Jade. Heard of this king as a servine and wanted to be a royal. Quickly learned that it wasn’t all glamour. Haughty but has a good heart. Evolved right before Doomsday.
Fomantis- A former friend of Jade who wants do evolve. Eret named it Ruby and took it in. Shy and prefers the quiet. Gets easily startled.
Houndoom- Nicknamed Rat. Bad’s main Pokémon. A softy and a bit of a scaredy-cat despite its appearance. Is acting more aggressive than normal after getting possessed by The Egg. Doesn’t have the training to mega evolve.
Exeggcute- Bad saw if after getting possessed by The Egg and immediately took it in because eggs. It doesn’t really care what Bad does as long as it is cared for. Nicknamed Sunny. Not possessed but doesn’t give a crap
Yveltal- Might have a vague connection with Bad? If anything’s gonna be in The Egg it’s this thing. It’s inside The Egg and ready to hatch out.
Sableye- Skeppy’s main. Nicknamed Fluffy. Best friends with Bad’s Rat. Used to be energetic and mischievous with a love of pranks. Got possessed and now is much more mellow and apathetic. Doesn’t have the training to mega evolve
Carbink- Skeppy saved it when he found it lost in the mines. Thinks of itself as Skeppy’s butler to some extent. Used to be a voice of reason to Fluffy and Skeppy. Nicknamed Alfred. Has become apathetic like Fluffy and Skeppy after getting possessed.
Galarian Rapidash- Karl’s main Pokémon. Nicknamed Socks. It’s mane sometimes turns white due to traveling with Karl. While Karl has tried to leave it behind before it always comes with him. Has a love of exploring. Optimistic.
Xatu- A Pokémon that came to Karl after he started time traveling. Nicknamed Rutabaga. Generally friendly but acts aloof and strange at times. Seems to not like The In Between that much.
Celebi- Only appears to Karl in the In Between and wherever he time travels to. Serves as a kind of guide to him and helps defend him, such as at The Masquerade. Has never appeared to him in the main SMP.
Slaking- George’s main. Nicknamed Beckerson. Could be one of the most powerful Pokémon on the server if it bothered to train. Very protective of Glow and Spirit.
Morelull- Gifted to George by DreamXD. Nicknamed Glow. Sleepy and absent minded.
Rotom- Sam’s main. Nicknamed Pandora. Has the prison named after it. Loves zipping through red stone wires. Can serves as emergency control of The Prison if needed. Sam fears Pandora will get hurt if he tries this so he hasn’t let Pandora do much with the prison’s red stone. Pandora is very disappointed by this.
Midday Lycanrock- Nicknamed Fran. An old stray that Sam found. Can’t fight very well but is very good with emotional support.
Magearna- Built by Sam to protect Tommy and his Pokémon. Nicknamed Nook by Tommy. Naturally protects and supports Tommy. Helps to build the hotel. Is a strong fighter but would much rather talk things out. Motherly to Tommy’s Pokémon.
Pyroar- Sapnap’s main. Nicknamed Mars. Will intimidate other Pokémon by swallowing Magicarp live and in one gulp in front of them. Still sits in Sapnap’s lap sometimes like it’s a Litleo and crushes him every time.
Pangoro- Gained as a Pancham when Sapnap first came to the SMP. Nicknamed Sketchers. Loves to spar with Sapnap and Mars.
They’re both protective of Spirit after it was abandoned
Alcremie- Niki’s main Pokémon. Ruby swirl with strawberry sweet. Nicknamed Fungi. A sweetheart but can still fight very well. Especially if you’re a dragon type
Floette- Was gifted to Niki by Puffy as an egg. Nicknamed Niki Jr. Delicate and has a love of growing flowers and edible plants. Provides fruits and vegetables for Niki to cook with. Vaguely remembers Puffy but it misses her
Meowth- Nicknamed Shy. Contrary to the name, it’s very energetic and has a love of gold. Stole a ton of golden apples from Techno one time during a syndicate meeting.
Jack Manifold
Magnezone- Jack’s main Pokémon. Nicknamed Godzilla. Tough and helps Jack try to strike Tommy with lighting. Almost always misses. Temporarily stayed with Ant until Jack came back. Hah rhyming!
Golett- Started hanging around Jack after he was revived and Jack caught it because why not? Nicknamed Robo. A bit creepy.
Wobbuffet- Nicknamed Rocket. Found alongside Niki’s Shy. The two of them are very close. A bit unintelligent but it is loyal to it’s friends.
Empolean- Quackity’s main. Nicknamed Ossium. Generally fun loving but can show a serious side. Froze Schaltt’s feet to the ground once and still has no regrets. Holds a grudge against Karl for forgetting Quackity.
Ducklett- Was owned by Quackity before he came to the SMP. Nicknamed Chip. Refuses to evolve. Serves as a mascot of sorts for The Casino. Doesn’t get into many fights but is good for scouting.
Sandile- Saw a poster asking for tough bodyguards for the casino and showed up at Quackity’s house. Quackity hopes to evolve it to an insanely tough Krookodile. Nicknamed it Wild Card. Very tough and always looking for a fight.
Ossium and Chip used to be close with Karl and Sapnap’s pokemon but they’ve drifted apart due to circumstances
None of them helped Quackity torture Dream because Quackity didn’t want them to get involved in case it got dangerous
Delfox- Fundy’s main. Nicknamed Sally after his mom. Was given to him as a Fennekin by his mom. Tends to have nightmares like Fundy does. Used to look up to Hamilton before it left. Holds a grudge against Wilbur. Loves to do magic tricks with fire.
Munna- Fundy woke up to it floating beside his bed. After freaking out for a little bit, he realized it liked to eat his dreams because of their flavor. Decided to catch it. Nicknamed Leonard or Leo for short. Likes to sleep and sometimes gets blown by the wind too hard and floats away. Helps Fundy sleep.
Nickit- Got caught stealing from Fundy one too many times. Eventually, Fundy noticed it was sick and took care of it. They got along and Fundy decided to take it in. Nicknamed Apples. Still likes to steal just not from Fundy. Thinks of itself as a master thief.
Sharpedo- Foolish’s main. Nicknamed King Toad. Very old but still very strong. One of the few Pokémon on the server capable of fully utilizing Mega Evolution.
Cofagrigus- Been with Foolish for as long as King Toad has been. Nicknamed Cleopatra. Married to King Toad. They’re good at battling together.
Tirtouga- A fossil that Foolish revived. Nicknamed Foolish Jr. Still learning how to battle from King Toad and Cleopatra. Feels guilt for being unable to protect Foolish at The Red Banquet.
Kyogre- Foolish also owns The Blue Orb which allows him to have a partnership of sorts with Kyogre. He can use it to attempt to summon it from the seas. Wether Kyogre decides to come or not is basically random.
Audino- Puffy’s main. Nicknamed Cottonball. The closest thing to a therapist this server’s gonna get. Can effectively use Mega Evolution and did it at The Red Banquet.
Swirlix- Gifted to Puffy as an egg by Niki. Nicknamed Bubbles. Loves to eat. Misses Niki’s treats
Dhelmise- A Pokémon that mysteriously showed up at Puffy’s house one day. It led her to her old ship. Appears to know more about Puffy’s past than it lets on. Nicknamed Blitz.
Currently has ownership of Spirit after Dream was put in prison.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
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let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Black Widow Timeline Explained
This article contains Black Widow spoilers. Read our spoiler-free review here.
Who is Natasha Romanoff? It’s a question Marvel Studios coyly teased for years and then… failed to answer as a full decade and the entire “Infinity Saga” passed us by. Yes, the long overdue Black Widow movie is finally reaching theaters this weekend, but Nat was killed off years ago in the sacred timeline of Marvel Cinematic Universe canon.
Nevertheless, we are happy that the character and Scarlett Johansson received some much deserved closure, and in a film which fills in many of the blindspots in the Black Widow mythos, not least of which includes what she got up to between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.
With her narrative being seemingly closed for good, it’s time to unpack the oft-obscured life story of Natasha and consider whether she at last balanced out all that red in her ledger.
The child who would become Natasha Romanoff is born in Stalingrad to a mother who is forced to give her over to the Soviet government. Despite the mother’s best efforts, she is unable to free Nat from the system. (Fury’s Big Week, Black Widow)
After years of indoctrination and training in the Widow program, which is run out of Soviet Col. Dreykov’s Red Room, eight-year-old Natasha is selected alongside three-year-old Yelena to be part of KGB agents Alexi Shostakov and Melina Vostokoff’s cover story. The quartet of sleeper agents move to Ohio, posing as an all-American family while gathering American state secrets. (Black Widow)
Alexi and Melina succeed in obtaining critical information and escape U.S. soil. Eleven-year-old Natasha and six-year-old Yelena, who’ve become increasingly Americanized and attached to the family identities they assumed, are traumatized. (Black Widow)
Natasha completes her Widow training and graduates from the Red Room, which includes a “ceremony” where she is asked to execute a man bound to a chair. She is then sterilized on an operating table. Dreykov believes robbing “widows” of the chance to have children makes them more ruthless killers. (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
2002 – 2007
Natasha is involved in multiple mysterious and apparently bloody Widow operations, which include incidents of murder in São Paulo and a separate “hospital fire” atrocity she is still haunted by. (The Avengers)
2007 – 2008
Clint Barton recruits Natasha into the West’s international SHIELD organization. Part of her defection comes at the price of assassinating Dreykov in Budapest. However, it is merely Dreykov’s young daughter Antonia who feels the fire of Nat’s explosives. (The Avengers, Black Widow)
Natasha has her first run in with the Winter Soldier when she attempts to extract a defecting nuclear engineer out of Iran. A brainwashed Bucky Barnes steals her prize by running her car off a cliff in Ukraine and then shooting a bullet through Nat’s stomach and into her asset—killing him instantly. (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Around this time, Natasha becomes an unofficial member of Clint Barton’s secret family, who live on an idyllic farmhouse. She’s known there as Auntie Nat. (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Natasha infiltrates Stark Industries under the alias of Natalie Rushman, working as a legal assistant who moonlights as a model in order to catch Tony Stark’s lascivious eye. (Iron Man 2)
Natalie becomes Tony’s assistant but is actually spying on him for SHIELD, which has come to realize Tony’s arc reactor—which saved his life in Afghanistan—is now poisoning him. Nat eventually reveals she’s a SHIELD agent and helps prevent an assassination attempt on Stark’s life by rival forces. (Iron Man 2)
Read more
The Black Widow Movie You Never Saw
By Don Kaye
Florence Pugh’s Best Roles: What to Watch After Black Widow
By Kayti Burt
Nat abandons her infiltration of the Russian underworld to recruit Bruce Banner to SHIELD after Loki arrives on Earth, brainwashing Clint Barton and planning world domination. She later successfully interrogates and manipulates the supposed God of Mischief. (The Avengers)
Natasha becomes one of the founding members of the Avengers after saving the world from an alien invasion alongside Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk in the Battle of New York. (The Avengers)
Still working for SHIELD, Natasha infiltrates a pirate-commandeered SHIELD vessel to protect/steal precious SHIELD secrets while Captain America naively thinks they’re there to save hostages. (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Black Widow goes rogue alongside Cap after an assassination attempt on her mentor, Col. Nick Fury. Fury of course survived and forms an underground operation with Nat and Rogers to root out HYDRA sleeper cells who’ve slowly taken over SHIELD leadership during the past 70 years. (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
After saving the world from HYDRA’s latest attempt at world domination, Natasha publicly reprimands the American government at a baffling Capitol Hill hearing where she is being questioned by Pentagon brass. (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
… MEANWHILE the Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton from circa 2023—nearly a decade older and sadder—time travel to 2014 in order to undo the damage Thanos caused when he snapped half of life in the universe out of existence with the Infinity Stones. They journey to the planet Vormir where they’re told one will have to die in order to obtain the Soul Stone. Black Widow and Hawkeye fight over who will have the right to sacrifice themselves for the other—Natasha wins and falls to her death, thus ending her tragic timeline in the past. (Avengers: Endgame)
Black Widow becomes a full-time Avenger, joining the team as they dismantle the last HYDRA base in Sokovia. They regain Loki’s powerful scepter with an infinity stone inside. (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Black Widow strikes up an intimate and unrequited connection with Bruce Banner. She is the only Avenger able to talk the Hulk down from his rages. The pair consider running off together, but their burgeoning romance is thwarted by the arrival of Ultron—an artificial intelligence that wants to… destroy the world. (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Nat and the Avengers prevent Ultron from killing all organic life on Earth—which involved lifting Sokovia’s capital city into the sky and then dropping it like an asteroid—but in the carnage, Banner/Hulk chooses not to pursue a relationship with Nat, disappearing to parts unknown as she accepts her role as a leader of the growing Avengers roster. (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Black Widow is part of an Avengers operation in Lagos, Nigeria, which goes horribly wrong when in an attempt to stop terrorist Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon, an entire office floor of civilians is killed. (Captain America: Civil War)
Shortly after the Lagos incident, the Sokovia Accords are signed by the UN, requiring Avengers and other superpowered individuals to register themselves under the jurisdiction of the UN Security Council. Natasha at first accepts this as a reasonable path forward. She changes her mind when pro-Accords Avenger Tony Stark comes to blows with the resident skeptic, Steve Rogers, in Berlin. Romanoff helps Rogers escape and then also goes to ground. (Captain America: Civil War)
As a rogue agent, Natasha is invited back to Budapest and reunites with her faux-little sister Yelena, who reveals Dreykov is still alive and now is literally controlling the minds of the other young women he’s trained to be widows via mind-altering drugs. (Black Widow)
Nat and Yelena decide to track Dreykov down and kill him for real, and do so by freeing their “father” Alexi from Siberia and reconnecting with their “mother” Melina, who is still loyal to the Widow program. Melina nonetheless takes her girls to the Red Room, the hidden air fortress where they were trained as children. Yelena kills Dreykov and Natasha frees all the women under Dreykov’s control, including his daughter who did not actually die in Budapest. (Black Widow)
Natasha reconnects with Steve Rogers and helps him free Wanda Maximoff, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, and Clint Barton from the government’s “the Raft” prison vessel. (Captain America: Civil War, Black Widow)
As Thanos’ alien forces invade Earth, Rogers, Romanoff, and other renegade Avengers come out of hiding to save the universe. Natasha is reunited with Banner, and all of them converge in an epic battle against the armies of Thanos in Wakanda. (Avengers: Infinity War)
After the Avengers fail to stop Thanos from collecting all the Infinity Stones, Nat watches many of her friends turn to dust, along with half the living creatures in existence. (Avengers: Infinity War)
Black Widow and the Avengers track Thanos down to an uninhabited planet, only to discover he’s destroyed the Infinity Stones they planned to use to resurrect the universe. Thor decapitates Thanos in a pyrrhic attempt at revenge. (Avengers: Endgame)
Natasha has become the top leader of the Avengers, organizing their superheroism throughout the cosmos via intergalactic Zoom sessions with Captain Marvel, Rocket, and others. Yet she and Rogers quietly cling to the hope of reversing Thanos’ victory. (Avengers: Endgame)
When Scott Lang returns from the Quantum Realm, revealing he’s inadvertently discovered time travel, Nat and Steve get the original Avengers lineup back together to travel into the past in order to steal the Infinity Stones. Return to the 2014 section to find out how that ended for Black Widow… (Avengers: Endgame)
After Natasha traveled to her destiny in the past, Yelena visits her grave in Ohio… and is recruited for a new kind of team. (Black Widow)
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch51: Captain America -Homecoming
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Intro: The team at the compound begin their experiment with the Quantum Tunnel, but it doesn’t all go according to plan. But just as everything seems lost, Tony appears having rethought his initial stance, with a little surprise for Steve.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
(Special thanks to @the-omni-princess​ for fact checking my limited knowledge of the US education system!)
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Bruce needed a day to calibrate the computer and systems to the right configuration to use with Scott’s Quantum Tunnel (which was, amusingly yet completely unsurprisingly in the back of his ugly brown van). Katie took the chance to head into the office to catch up and then inform Soraya she didn’t know how much she would be available in person over the coming week. It wasn’t an issue, the department was well structured and pretty much ran itself, plus she was capable of working from anywhere given the level of connectivity she had but still, she felt like she was abandoning her post. It was silly really, after Jamie she had been away for almost a year but this felt different.
They had another day before they were due to collect Emmy from the train station, her five day trip to Philly was drawing to a close and when they had spoken to her last night she had been equal parts excited to come home and fed up that it was ending. But she would be back at school soon, and she had an important few weeks coming up as she was studying for her end of year exams. Katie and Steve had agonised over whether her going to Philadelphia was such a good idea so close to her tests, but when they had seen her stressing out over revision Katie had told Steve how crappy she had found it, so they had agreed that a break would do her good. Plus, Emmy had said she had found the trip useful in that she had found out a lot more facts she would be able to use for her history paper. That, and she was a complete brainbox. Although she was only a freshman, she was taking APs in Human Geography and Psychology (having told her parents she wanted to be a Therapist) and was already being touted by her tutors as Harvard potential. But she was expressing an interest in going to the UK like Katie had done, which scared the shit out of Steve, his daughter being the other side of the Atlantic. But he knew he had to let her make her own decision. And they’d cross that bridge when they got there.
For the time being, the only bridge Steve wanted to cross was the one he and Natasha were currently planning on making to reach out to the remaining original Avengers, Thor and Clint.
“Thor should be easy, surely?” Nat asked, swinging her feet up onto the table as she sat back in her seat. She looked to Steve for confirmation, but instead he sighed and shook his head.
“Has Katie not told you?”
“Told me what?”
Steve scratched at his chin “He had a row with one of the Elders about 6 months back. From what Valkyrie told Katie, there was a bit of a disagreement over the rebuilding of their army and the elder took a shot at Thor, saying he wasn’t fit to lead any kind of battalion as he had failed to keep them safe from Thanos.”
“That’s harsh.” Nat frowned.
“Yeah, I know.” Steve said “I think it was more anger speaking than the guy actually thinking that, but it sent Thor into another downwards spiral and he’s ignored Katie’s attempts to reach out to him again so she’s given in.” “Ok, so, a little harder than we anticipated…” “Least we know where he is.” Steve sighed “Any luck on Barton?”
“Rhodey thinks he’s targeting a gang in Hong Kong.” Nat sighed, “But I won’t know for sure until he arrives.”
Steve, nodded “Ok, well when we find out where he is we can scramble a jet and…” “No.” Nat shook her head “Not we, me. I’ll go alone.” “Nat.” Steve frowned “Clint, he’s been leaving a trail of utter carnage behind him, I don’t think you-“
“He wouldn’t hurt me.” She shook her head.
“It’s not him I’m concerned about, more the people he’s taking on.” “I can handle myself” she said firmly, looking at him. Her eyes were sparkling with that Black Widow venom Steve had to admit he had missed over the past few years. He took a deep breath and against his better judgement conceded.
“Alright. We’ll do it your way.”
Natasha frowned, and smirked “really? That’s it, no argument?”
Steve raised an eyebrow “You want an argument?” “Not really” she shook her head, smiling.
He gave a chuckle and then they were cut off by an incoming call springing up in front of Natasha. She swiped to her right and the hologram form of Rocket appeared on the desk.
“Hey Nat.” he nodded, turning “Cap.” They both greeted him.
“We’re wrapping things up on that latest lead, then we have to nip to Contraxia as I need a few things…” he said, looking the red head “Should be with you day after tomorrow lunchtime, ish” “Rocket, you were close to Thor right?” Steve said, an idea coming to him.
“Kinda.” the animal spun to face him “why?” “We need him.” Steve said “He knows about the stones, but convincing him could be a bit of a task. So I was thinking maybe you could help and go with Katie to New Asgard.” The animal pondered for a while before he shrugged “I can try.”
“That’s all any of us can do.” Steve nodded.
The raccoon nodded again “Alright.” He turned to Nat. “We’ll see you soon.” and with that he disappeared.
Steve stayed at the compound until late afternoon, popping in to see how Bruce and Scott were getting on, before he made his way home. Katie and Jamie were already back and he could hear the two of them in the living room.
“Who’s that?” Jamie asked as he pointed to the photo in the album that his Mom had open on her lap.
“That’s your Uncle Sam…” she smiled at the photo of Steve and his best man at the reception of their wedding “You know you get your name from him, well one of them…”
“Where is he now?” Jamie asked.
“He err…he went away” Katie said, trying to figure out how to explain this “You know how daddy has told you about his friend, Uncle Bucky?” “Yeah.” “Well, a few years ago, before you were born, The Avengers, well they had a fight, with a nasty man, and your Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam, and one of our other friends, a lady called Wanda…they had to go away afterwards.”
“Was Uncle Tony in the fight?”
“Yeah, he was.” Katie nodded
“And Auntie Nat-Nat?”
“Yeah. And Thor. There was a lot of people involved?”
“Did you and daddy fight with the Avengers?” Jamie asked, his eyes wide.
At that point Katie looked up and saw Steve hovering in the door way. He swallowed and walked into the room.
“A long time ago buddy, yeah.” he said.
“Did you know Captain America?”
“I did yeah.” Steve nodded, kneeling down in front of his son “But he gave up fighting.” Jamie pondered something as Katie looked at her husband. “Not for much longer though…” she said, locking eyes with him.
Steve took a deep breath and swallowed once more. He wasn’t sure he’d ever hold that shield again.
“Maybe.” he said, shrugging, before he stood up and settled on the couch at the other side of his son.
Jamie made to turn the page in the album and the next photo was one of Steve’s favourites and one they had a large framed version of on the mantle piece. It showed him and Katie at their first dance, heads pressed together, huge smiles on their faces as he held her close.
“Momma you look pretty!” Jamie smiled and Katie dropped a kiss to his head.
“Thanks Baby.” “Your momma always looks pretty.” Steve smiled “She’s the most beautiful girl on the planet.” “Charmer.” Katie looked at him as he stretched his arm over the back of his son and pulled her in closer.
“Only for you.” he winked, dropping a kiss to her cheek.
****** Tony stood at the sink, rinsing down the dishes from dinner whilst Pepper settled Morgan down for the night. He’d spoken to Kiddo earlier, she’d told him they were running the first Time Travel trial the day after. He’d managed to push it out of his mind for most of the afternoon but now, as he stood alone, he kept thinking about it over and over again. He knew Bruce was clever, but this really wasn’t his area… but that wasn’t his concern.
What if something went wrong? Not his problem.
His grip on the attachment to the tap slipped and it jerked out of his hand, spraying water all over the place. With a sigh he turned it off and grabbed the tea towel, mopping up the water from around the sink and then the shelf which it had squirted all over. He glanced at the photos, and paused for a moment at the frame that was placed just to the right of the one which held a picture of his dad. He took a deep breath as he wiped the water off the faces- him and Peter Parker holding the fake Stark Internship Certificate upside down, each one pulling peace signs behind the other’s back. He swallowed.
“We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back.” Natasha said.
Tony looked around his kitchen, his stomach turning slightly. Yes, he had something to fight for, something personal, the kid. They all had something personal right? Natasha had Clint’s family, Rogers and Kiddo had Barnes, Wilson and Wanda… Scott had his girlfriend, or whatever. But he couldn’t risk it. He shouldn’t risk it….
“Or screw it up worse than he already has”
“I don’t think we would.” Steve shook his head.
But they were going to risk it. He knew that. And they could, probably would, fuck it up without him.
“Damned it Rogers.” he mumbled, placing the photo down and heading into the dining room.
Two hours later Pepper was out in the greenhouse as she often was later at night and Tony was talking to FRIDAY, with whom he had been brainstorming a number of ideas for the past hour and a half. He looked the holographic model in front of him and tapped at the pad on the table.
“Look at a mod inspiration, let’s see if it checks out.”  He said, watching as the image changed in front of his eyes. “So…” he pressed a few keys again “run one last sim before we pack it in for the night.” he clapped his hands together and paced round the side of the table “this time, in the shape of a mobius strip, inverted, please.”
“Processing. “ FRIDAY replied as Tony crossed his arms and watched.
“Give me that Eigen value” he reached out to spin the image with his hand “That, particle factoring, and a spectral decomp,” he grabbed the bottle on the side of the table to take a drink of the smoothie he had made, “that will take a second.”
“Just a moment.”
“And don’t worry if it doesn’t pan out,” he replaced the top on his drink and grabbing a blueberry from the packet he had been eating, “I’m just kinda…” he trailed off chewing the fruit, as he watched FRIDAY do her business.
“Model rendered.”
The red words “Model Successful…” with a rating of “99.987%” flashed in front of his eyes and Tony felt his mouth drop open, utterly bewildered by his discover. He fell back into his chair, looking up at it and his mouth flew to his hand. He’d figure it out. He, Tony Stark, had figured out how to do exactly what Lang had proposed. He’d sussed out how to safely travel time.
Despite himself, he felt a certain level of pride and smugness, and he threw his arms out to his side, “Shit!” he almost laughed out.
“Shit.” a voice spoke from behind him, followed by a giggle. He paused, and turned to see his daughter was sat on the bottom stair, grinning at him.
He held his finger to his lips and shook his head “What are you doing up, little miss?”
“Shit.” she repeated again.
“No, we don’t say that. Only Mommy says that word.”  She coined it, it belongs to her.”
“Why you up?”
“Cause I got some important shit going on here,” Tony jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the hologram “What do you think?”
Morgan shot him a frown and he took a deep breath, when she pulled that face she looked ridiculously like her Auntie. ”No, I got something on my mind. I got..I got something on my mind.” he explained in a softer tone.
“Was it Juice Pops?” Morgan asked, hopefully.
“Sure was.” Tony said, looking at the other side of the room before he turned back to his daughter “That’s extortion. That’s a word. “ He stood up, “What kind you want?” he said, taking her hand and she stood up. “Great minds think alike. Juice Pops, exactly was on-” he looked back to the model then turned towards the kitchen “-my mind.”
A little while and a juice pop later Morgan was back in bed, demanding a story.
“Once upon a time, Morgoona went to bed. The end.” Tony grinned.
“That is a horrible story.” Morgan looked at him with a glare.
“Come on, that’s your favorite story. I love you tons.” he said, making it clear that was the end of the conversation. He kissed her on the forehead.
“I love you 3000.”
“Wow.” he said, quietly as he smiled at her. His daughter had an ability, very like Kiddo, to say things that sideswiped him, and made his chest burst with love, and this was one of those moments. He contemplated that for a moment before he stood up and turned off her lamp “Three thousand, that’s crazy.”
He walked to the door, and closing it behind him, still grinning he told her “Go to bed, or I’ll sell all your toys, night night.”
By the time he reached the living room Pepper was back inside, sat on the couch reading a book.
“Not that it’s a competition-” Pepper looked up at him “-but she loves me three thousand.”
“Oh does she now?” Pepper smiled.
“You were somewhere on the low 6 to 900 range.” Pepper laughed and turned back to her book. Tony, still chewing on the juice pop stick looked back to where the model was still projecting over his table.
“What you reading…” he asked, although he wasn’t particularly interested. His mind was racing once more.
“Oh, it’s just a book on composting”.
“What’s new with composting?” his eyes were still on the image. “Interesting science…” she began, but he cut her off.
“I figured it out, by the way.” he looked back at her, removing the juice pop stick from his mouth.”
“And, you know, just so we’re talking about the same thing –“ Pepper looked up at him.
“Time travel.” he whispered.
“What?” she asked as Tony glanced back at the hologram, arms folded. “ Wow…” her gaze dropped down slightly “That’s amazing, and… terrifying.”
“That’s right.” he dropped down besides her, his left arm hanging over the back of the sofa.
“We got really lucky” Pepper said, stroking his arm.
“Yeah, I know.”
“A lot of people didn’t.” 
“No, but I can’t help everybody.”
“Well, it sort a seems like you can” she pressed again.
“Not if I stop.” he shrugged, and Pepper gave a small huff of a laugh “I can put a pin in it right now, and stop.”
“Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life.”
Tony gave a soft laugh and his right arm gently rubbed the hand that was laid over his left arm.
“Something tells me I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of the lake, go to bed.”
There was a pause, before Pepper looked at him again, her eyes soft and her face rearranged into a knowing expression.
“But would you be able to rest?”
He didn’t reply, he didn’t need to. They both knew the answer was no. *******
“Alright, Emmy, remember what I said?” Katie looked at her daughter who was sat on the couch in the living room of their old quarters.
“Yeah, I can’t leave here until someone comes to get us.” Emmy nodded
“No matter what…”
“Yeah mom, I got it. We’ll be fine, wont we Jamie?”
He nodded, grinning up at his mother “Yeah, fine.”
“Ok, love you both.“
With one last glance back at her kids, Katie made her way back to the hanger.
"Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby.” She heard Steve call out as he strode back towards the computer. Katie couldn’t help but admire his ass, he looked pretty good in a pair of black denims, light blue shirt as always tucked into his pants, belt circling his toned waist. He looked at her, raising an eyebrow with a smug smirk as he caught the expression on her face and she shrugged.
“Good, coz if we blow the grid, I don’t wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950s,” Bruce said through gritted teeth, jerking his thumb at Scott, only his comment wasn’t quite as quiet as he thought. Scott, who was stood in his suit, fiddling with something on his helmet heard perfectly.
“Excuse me?” Scott glared at Banner as Katie and Steve exchanged a glance. .
“He’s kidding!” Natasha said in an play-full voice, shaking her head as she tapped on the tablet she was holding which would be used to track Scott. She looked up with a smile, which Katie knew perfectly to be false and laughed “You can’t say things like that.” she said to Bruce.
“Yeah, sorry, it was…just a bad joke.” Bruce smiled as he looked at Scott. Scott nodded once as he walked back to the van.
“You were kidding right?” Katie looked at Bruce.
“I have no idea!” Bruce hissed. “We’re talking about time travel here, either it’s all a joke or none of it is!”  He looked away from Katie and flashed Scott the thumbs up “We’re good.”
Steve crossed his arms and let out a breath as Scott pulled his helmet on. He gave Bruce a double thumbs up and Katie smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring way.
“Alright Scott, we’re gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in ten seconds. Make sense?” Bruce asked as he tapped at the keys on his desk with a pencil
“Perfectly not confusing.” Scott shrugged.
Ok so now Steve was nervous. He took a deep breath and looked at the man stood by the back of the van, his hands dropping to his hips.
“Good luck Scott. You’ve got this.” He refrained from adding I hope…
“You’re right. I do Captain America.” Scott said, proudly, as Bruce hit a button, sucking him into the tunnel.
“On the count of three-“ Bruce called, and Steve dropped his hands, his fists clenching, mouth open slightly as he watched . At the other side of Bruce, Katie and Nat shared a nervous glance “Three… two…one…” Steve breathed a sigh of relief as someone appeared but it was short lived as he realised the person in front of them could be no older than Emmy. Katie frowned as did Natasha, confusion etched across her face and next to them, Bruce adjusted his glasses.
"Guys, something doesn’t feel right.” The boy informed them nervously.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked, as Bruce set about pressing a load more buttons. “Hang on…”
“Is that Scott?” Katie’s eyes grew wide as she looked at Bruce, who ducked down to hit something on the console, her eyes locking with Steve who looked as utterly perplexed as she felt.
“Yes, it’s Scott!” the boy exclaimed.
Teenage Scott was sucked back into the tunnel, Natasha watching Bruce as he straightened up and the four of them looked back to the tunnel to see another person thrown out, this time an elderly man.
“Ow, my back!”
“What is this?” Steve asked
“Can I…I need a little space!” Bruce said, moving to his right.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Steve hastily moved out of the way and going to stand in between his wife and Natasha. “Can you bring him back?“
“I’m working on it…” Bruce hit one of the screens. Katie, Steve and Nat shared another panicked look as Old Scott was yanked back in only to this time reappear as…
"That’s a baby.” Steve deadpanned.
“It’s Scott!” Bruce defended.
“As a baby!” Katie snapped as the infant looked up at them wide eyed.
“He’ll grow!” Bruce said, attempting a joke.
“Bring Scott back!” Steve instructed sharply.
“Nat, when I say kill the power, kill the power!” Bruce called and Natasha ran off to the breaker at the side of the hanger.
Katie and Steve watched as Bruce jabbed more buttons, before he yelled out “Kill it!”
Natasha pulled the lever down and Bruce slapped a large red button. This time Scott Lang returned exactly as he had been before he left.
“Somebody peed my pants.” he said loudly, standing stiffly still “I don’t know if it was baby me,.or old me. Or, just… me-me.”
“Time travel!” Bruce beamed excitedly, throwing his hands out to the side as Katie, Steve and Natasha looked at him. “What? I, I see this as an absolute win.”
Steve simply stared at Bruce in silence for a moment, before he shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. He looked down at the floor before he walked off, Katie watching him as he left the hangar and stepped outside.
“I think we should take a break.” Katie took a deep breath. “Nat can you check the kids, I’m gonna…” she jerked her thumb after Steve and Nat nodded.
Steve stood outside by the large metal pillar at the side of the building, hands still on his hips as he stared at the floor. What was the point of being able to time travel if you couldn’t control it? The worse thing being that he wasn’t even sure if they would be able to perfect it with practice, and was he willing to keep risking Scott to do that? They had been so close, but Tony was right, it had clearly been a pipe dream.
“Hey.” Katie said, her hand gently falling to his elbow. “Honey, we knew it was a long shot…” “I know.” he sighed, looking at her “But I thought it might have worked, you know. That we might have had a chance to…”
He was cut off as a deafening noise rose in the distance. They both looked out over the compound to see a familiar Audi R8 speeding down the drive towards the hangar. Katie and Steve exchanged a glance as the car pulled up to where they were stood, but overshot their position slightly. Steve followed the car with his eyes as it backed up and Tony rolled down the window and looked at them both. Steve raised his eyebrows, looking away.
“Why the long face?” Tony asked, directing his question to Steve “Let me guess: He turned into a baby”
“Among other things, yeah.” Steve said, an edge of frustration in his voice as he looked back at Tony “What are you doing here?”
Tony opened the car door and climbed out, walking to the back, completely ignoring Steve’s question as he spoke.
“That’s the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might’ve wound up pushing time through Lang.” Tony looked at Steve “It’s tricky. Dangerous. Somebody shoulda cautioned you against it.”
“You did.” Steve deadpanned, not in the mood for a lecture.
“Oh, did I?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow and Katie felt a grin cross her face at her brother’s sarcasm “Thank God I’m here. Regardless, I fixed it” Steve raised his eyebrows as he glanced at his brother in law who held up his right hand which bore what looked like a watch of some description.
“A fully functioning Time-Space GPS.
At this Steve let out a genuine smile as he realised Tony was here to help. Tony returned it with one of his own
“I just want peace.” he made the sign with his fingers “Turns out, being angry and bitter is corrosive, and I hate it.
“Me too.” Steve nodded softly, recognizing this for what it was. An apology for the other day, and he was happy to provide his own.
“Guys, we got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities.” Tony urged softly, looking from Steve to Katie and back again “Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what I got? I have to, at all costs”.
“So do we Tony.”  Katie implored “Our kids…”
“Nothing we do can jeopardise them” Steve dropped his left arm round Katie “Any of them.”
“Yeah, and maybe not die trying will be nice.” Tony shrugged.
Steve smiled and held out his right hand “Sounds like a deal.”
Tony shook it, before he smiled cheekily and headed to the trunk. Steve looked at his wife and she shrugged, before the two of them followed him, Steve watching curiously. He lifted something out, turned it upside down to dislodge the teddy bear sat on it and Katie’s hand flew to her mouth as she saw it was Steve’s shield. Steve hesitated, taking a deep breath.
“Tony… I don’t know..” he swallowed, the nerve twitching in his jaw. He wasn’t worthy of that shield, not anymore.
“Why? He made it for you.” Tony held his gaze “Plus, honestly I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding” Steve looked at Katie, who was fighting back her tears and she gave him an encouraging nod. He lifted his arm and Tony slid the shield straps over his shirt and Steve looked down at it, taking a shaky breath. It felt like slipping into a familiar pair of sneakers. Tony looked at Katie who was wiping her eyes, and he gave her a smile which she returned.
“Thank you, Tony.” Steve looked up at his brother-in-law, his voice choked.
“Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn’t bring one for the whole team.”  Tony hesitated for a moment “We are getting the whole team, yeah?
“We’re working on that right now.” Katie nodded, before she heard a yell behind her.
“Uncle Nee!” Jamie shot by her and launched at his uncle.
“Hey sport!” Tony grinned, picking him up “What you been up to?” “Me and Emmy were colouring and making dinosaur models.” “Wow!” Tony said, turning to Emmy who was walking towards them.
“Mom?” She said, her voice a whisper as she spotted what Steve was holding. “Dad’s…” “Yeah.” Katie smiled at her, dropping an arm round the teenager’s shoulders as she glanced at his shield. Never one to miss anything Jamie glanced at his Sister, then his dad and his eyes widened. 
“Why you have shield like Captain America?” Jamie frowned as Steve ran his fingers over the edge of the Vibranium before looking at his son as Tony placed him on the floor, struggling to find the words to explain.
Tony clapped Steve on the shoulder “Alright, I’ll leave that one with you…time to go see what a mess of my compound Brucie has made.”
He walked passed Emmy, dropping an arm round her shoulders “Walk with me kid, tell me about Philly…” he shot a glance at Katie who smiled as he steered the teenager back to the compound whilst she began excitedly telling him about her trip. Steve turned to look Katie, his eyes glistening with emotion.
“Still suits you.” she smiled to him and he gave a little chuckle.
“Daddy!” Jamie insisted, tugging on his trousers, annoyed at his question being ignored.
“Sorry pal,” Steve crouched down, shield still on his arm. “I have a shield like Cap because I was Cap.”
Jamie frowned before his eyes grew wide. An older kid might have laughed and told his dad to stop being silly, but Steve had never lied to Jamie before and it would never have occurred to the 3 year old to ever think he would.
“You were Captain America?” Jamie frowned. “When you fighted with the Avengers?”
“Yeah” he sighed, running his hand through Jamie’s golden hair “I was.”
“Are you now?”
“I dunno.” Steve glanced back at his shield.
“I think you are” Jamie cocked his head to one side as his hand reached out to touch the shield. “Because Cap’s a hero and you’re my hero”
Katie saw Steve’s eyes water instantly as he pulled Jamie closer to him, dropping a kiss to the side of his head as the boy’s arms wound around his dad’s neck. He glanced up at Katie and she swallowed, leaning against the column to her left, wiping her eyes. It had been a long time since anyone had called any of the Avengers that, and to hear it from his son meant more to Steve than anything.
“Daddy?” Jamie mumbled against his dad’s shoulder, where his head lay.
“You got a helmet too?” Jamie pulled back to study his father’s face as Steve gave out a soft laugh
“Yeah buddy. I do.”
“And a uniform?”
“I have a few…”
“Can I see?”
Steve looked up at Katie and she smiled, nodding.
“Sure… come on.” Steve stood up, Jamie easily lifted in his free arm.
“You coming?” he stopped at his wife’s side as she reached up a hand to smooth down Jamie’s jumper which had ridden up slightly.
“I think this is a hero to son moment, don’t you?” she smiled, standing on her toes so she could give his lips a peck. “Besides, someone’s gotta stop Tony creating havoc in there.” “Good luck with that” he muttered, giving her another kiss before he carried Jamie into the compound, striding through the hangar doors and across to the corridor. Katie waited for a moment, composing herself before she headed back inside.
**** True to their word, Nebula and Rocket arrived the following lunch and it wasn’t long after that Katie and Rocket headed off to New Asgard, along with Banner. They knew Banner and Thor had shared a lot during the events leading up to Thanos attacking the Asgardian ship and Katie was hoping that together they stood a better chance of convincing the God to help. Katie sat in the passenger seat of the truck belonging to one of the Asgardians who had come to greet them. She couldn’t help but smile as they rolled past the sign at the side of the road WELCOME TO NEW ASGARD, PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY. They stopped at the small port, and Katie hopped out of the truck, thanking the man, whilst Bruce and Rocket climbed out of the back.
“Kind of a step down from a golden palace for an Avenger highness and whatnot.” Rocket mused, looking around.
“Hey, have a little compassion, pal.” Bruce said “First they’ve lost Asgard, then half the people. They’re probably just happy to have a home.”
Katie spotted Valkyrie who smiled at her, and then her face rearranged into surprise as she saw Bruce.
“You shouldn’t have come!” She warned as they approached her.
“Ah, Valkyrie! Great to see you, Angry Girl.” Bruce smiled.
“I think I liked you better either of the other ways.” she almost chuckled, taking in his appearance.
“This is Rocket.” Katie gestured to the raccoon.
“How you doin’?” He greeted her.
Valkyrie nodded at him before she turned to Katie “He won’t see you.
“Still that bad, huh?” Katie folded her arms.
“We only see him once a month, when he comes for... “ she looked over to the pile of kegs on the side of the port “… supplies.
“It’s that bad.” Bruce mumbled.
“We have to try.” Katie bit her lip, looking round before she turned to Bruce and Rocket, “Come on.” She led them down the side of the harbour and they walked up the small, cobbled street towards the fishing hut Thor was living in. She paused, and tried the handle. It opened and Rocket stepped in first. Instantly Katie was hit with a smell that made her nose wrinkle. It was a combination of dirty clothes, stale beer and old take-outs.
“What the… Woo!” Rocket grimaced “Something died in here.”
“Hello? Thor?” Bruce called.
Thor’s voice rumbled through to them from another room. “Are you here about the cable?”
They made their way into the main room and Thor, who was shirtless, having definitely put on more than a couple of pounds since Katie had last seen him, was walking across the room gesturing to the TV.
“The Cinemax ran out about two weeks ago, and the sports are all kind of fuzzy.” he grabbed a beer from the ice bucket and Katie looked at Bruce who was frowning. She gave him a sad nod.
“Thor?” He asked, his voice disbelieving.
Thor turned and took a moment to look at the three of them, before his face cracked into a smile
“Boys!” He laughed out “Little Stark! Oh my God! It’s so good to see you!”
He crossed towards Rocket, trying to hug him, his knuckles rubbing the raccoons head “Come here, you little rascal!”
“No, I’m good. I’m good. That’s not necessary.” Rocket groaned, wriggling away.
“Hulk, Little Stark, you know my friends, Miek, Korg, right?”
Miek and Korg were sat on a couch, the Rock creature in a Hawaiian shirt, play station controller in his hand playing what looked to Katie like Fortnite- one of Emmy’s favourites.
“Hey guys!” Korg raised his hand in greeting.
“Hey!” Bruce smiled. “Long time no see.”
“Beers in the bucket. Feel free to log on to the Wi-Fi. No password, obviously.” Korg said cheerfully as he turned back to his game, growing suddenly serious. “Thor, he’s back. The kid on the TV that called me a dickhead again.”
“Noobmaster.” Thor growled out as he spun round. Miek threw a piece of pizza towards the TV in disgust, giving a little click.
“Yeah, Noobmaster69. Called me a dickhead.”
Thor stomped over to Korg, took his headphones and spoke loudly into the mic.
“Noobmaster? Yeah, it’s Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy. If you don’t log off this game immediately, I am gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you’re hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that’s right. Yes, go cry to your father, you little weasel!”
Katie and Rocket exchanged a look as Thor returned Korg’s head set, before she glanced up at Banner who was watching, a look of disbelief on his face and Katie couldn’t help but echo his feelings. Seeing their friend, their once mighty Avenger partner in such a state made her beyond sad.
“So you guys want a drink? What are you drinking? We have beer, tequila, all sorts of things.” Thor asked, using Stormbreaker to open a bottle of beer. Bruce walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Buddy, you all right?”
“​​​​​​Yes, I’m fine! Why, don’t I look all right?” Thor frowned.
“You look like melted ice cream.” Rocket crossed his arms, but despite his joke Katie could tell he was concerned.
Thor simply laughed and looked at them all. “So, what’s up?
“We need your help” Katie said gently “There might be a chance we could fix everything.”
“What, like the cable?” Thor burped “Cause that’s been driving me bananas for weeks.”
“Like Thanos.” Bruce spoke and Katie saw Thor’s smile slowly disappear. He put a shaky hand on Bruce’s shoulder and pointed at him.
“Don’t you say that name.”
Behind Thor Korg stood up, taking off his headphones. “Um, yeah. We don’t actually say that name in here.”
“Please take your hand off me” Bruce’s tone was quiet as he brushed away Thor’s grip on his shoulder. “Now, I know that… guy might scare you…”
“Why would, why would I be scared of that guy?” Thor scoffed, turning away. “I’m the one who killed that guy, remember? Anyone else here killed that guy? Nope. Didn’t think so. Korg, why don’t you, tell everybody who chopped Thanos’ big head off.”
“Umm… Stormbreaker?” Korg offered.
“No, who was swinging Stormbreaker?” Thor shot back.
“Thor.” Katie started gently “I get it, we all get it. You’re in a rough spot right now-”
“I’ve been there myself.” Bruce picked up from her “You wanna know who helped me out of it?”
“I don’t know…Natasha?” Thor snorted and Katie rolled her eyes.
“It was you. You helped me”.
Thor walked back over to Bruce and pointed out of the window with the hand holding his beer. “Why don’t you ask the Asgardians down there, how much my help was worth?” he dropped onto the chair “The ones that are left, anyway.”
“We think we can bring them back.” Katie looked at him.
“Little Stark, please stop. Stop, okay?” He pleaded, opening a packet of M&Ms. “I know you think I’m down here wallowing in my own self-pity, waiting to be rescued and saved. But I’m fine, okay? We’re fine, aren’t we?”
He looked at Korg and Miek eating pizza and playing once more on the Playstation.
“Nah, all good here, mate!” Korg nodded.
Katie looked back at Thor as he stared up at her. “So, whatever it is that you’re offering, we’re not into it, don’t care, couldn’t care less. Goodbye.”
“We need you Thunder God.” she said gently. ”Please.”
Thor shook his head and ignored her.
“There’s beer on the ship.” Rocket said, crossing his arms.
Thor paused, and without looking up he spoke again, this time his words softer “What kind?”
@the-omni-princess ​ @momobaby227​ @geekofmanythings16​  @angelofhell-666​  @thewackywriter​ @marvelfansworld​  @cobalt-gear​  @asgardlover75​ @jennmurawski13​  @jtargaryen18​ @saiyanprincessswanie​  @navispalace​ @patzammit​  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​  @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @djeniiscorner​  @ayamenimthiriel​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe​  @disneylovingal​
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shaylybaby2032 · 4 years
Snippet time!
You and I Collide
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Mick Davies/OFC
Rating: Explicit (snippet only has mild language)
Warnings: None for snippet
A/N: Thank you to @datajana for being my beta.
Tagging: @archangelgabriellives
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"Alright, man," Sam Winchester said into his cell phone while walking into the corridor from the bunker's garage with his older brother following behind him. "See ya soon."
Sam disconnected the call and stuck the device into his back pocket as Dean closed the door.
"Mick and Ketch are a few minutes out," Sam stated, now walking side by side with his brother down the hallway. "You hear back from Cas?"
Both brothers carried duffle bags of clothes and weapons in their hands, headed for the bunker's armory. They had just returned from a rugaru hunt in Atlanta and they were both exhausted after driving all night.
"Yeah," Dean replied. "Him and Jack are almost here, too. They took out the witch pretty quickly. How did Mick and Ketch do with the siren?"
"Mick said it went smoothly."
"Awesome," Dean said genuinely, a smile creeping on his lips. "Sounds like a pizza, poker, and beer kinda night then. I gotta get Ketch back for nearly wiping me out last time."
Sam couldn't stop the grin on his face. Oh how things had changed between the Winchester brothers and the former British Men of Letters! Just a few years prior, the two Brits were blindly loyal to a twisted organization that, in the long run, had tried to exterminate the American hunters. Luckily, Mick saw the error of his ways and the evil nature of the British Men of Letters when he did. He joined the Winchesters, giving the brothers and their friends an upper hand in taking down the foreign threat. Ketch took a little longer, but now the four men—along with Castiel and Jack—had become quite the hunting team and their own version of a family.
"I think you both need to watch out for Jack," Sam said with a chuckle. "Mick has been teaching him and he's getting really good."
"Yeah, we'll see." Dean couldn't hold back his own soft laughter while he pushed the door to the armory open.
The brothers walked into the room together, freezing in their tracks almost instantly. The safe on the other side of the room was slightly ajar. Sam met Dean's suddenly intense stare. Both simultaneously and quietly setting down their duffles and pulling their guns from where they were kept tucked in the back waistbands of their jeans.
Dean was the first to step forward, just barely clearing the door when a black leather boot kicked in his wrist. The gun went flying through the air just as a fist connected with the elder brother's cheekbone. It happened so fast that Sam was barely able to process what was going on until Dean was kicked in the stomach and crumpling to the ground.
The younger Winchester was just able to register the woman wearing all black with long raven hair pulled back into a high ponytail before her attack turned to him. The smokey makeup around her eyes made the deep ocean blue color of her irises pop against her porcelain skin. A thought that seemed pretty ridiculous and out of place to Sam as he dodged a boot to the face.
"Who the hell are you?!" Sam demanded, ducking out of the way of a right hook, just to have his gun hand grabbed and twisted painfully around.
How was this woman so fast?! 
Her agile body had twisted around Sam's lumbering frame, using his own weight against him as she turned her back into him and used her feet to knock his out from under him. Sam hit the ground hard, his gun clattering to the ground and his head banging against the cement. 
He was dazed for only a moment, but in that time she had gotten his gun. Fortunately, Dean had managed to recover his weapon as well.
"Freeze, bitch!" Dean shouted, back on his feet with his gun aimed at the woman. "Drop the gun or I will shoot you!"
She grinned, slowly standing with Sam's gun dangling from her index finger. The woman opened her mouth to respond. However, before she could, the sound of the iron door in the war room closing followed by Mick's voice cut her off.
"Hey, lads! We're back!"
Sam rolled his head in the mystery woman's direction just in time to see her grin falter; a look that appeared to be mixed with not only fear, but a pain that ran so deep it even twisted his stomach. However, he still took advantage of her standing still to search for any identifying marks and spotted a tattoo on the underside of her wrist: The Eye of Horus.
"Get your asses in the armory!!! Now!!!" Dean shouted.
The elder Winchester's words seemed to snap the woman out of her momentary lapse. She was spinning Sam's gun in her hand and aiming at Dean before either brother could react.
"Sorry, lads," she said, a faint British accent coloring her words. "That's my cue to exit stage left."
The aim of the gun in her hand shifted ever so slightly and she pulled the trigger. The bullet exploded from the barrel, rocketing forward and slamming into the side of Dean's weapon. The casing ricocheted off the metal and buried itself into the concrete wall, the force of the shot knocking Dean's weapon from his hand once more.
The hurried footfalls of Mick and Ketch running through the bunker grew louder as she sprinted towards the door.
"I promise, I'll bring it back," she said to Sam, placing his gun on the floor beside him before running into the hallway.
Sam watched her, his face twisting in confusion when she disappeared in the direction of the bedrooms and lavatories instead of heading towards an exit. Dean was pulling him to his feet and Mick and Ketch were skidding to a stop next to them before he could fully process why she had made such a poor decision.
"What the bloody hell happened to you two?!" Ketch demanded.
"She went towards the bedrooms!" Sam hastily informed the other men, stooping to grab his gun and quickly leading the way after the female intruder.
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brolinjosh · 5 years
endgame review
i’ve waited 24 hours for my endgame feels to sink in. spoilers and strong opinions are under the cut.
first i need to start with the parts that i loved and that made the movie stand out and be memorable and parts that i immensely enjoyed:
- tony and nebula’s friendship and nebula’s arc later. she finally stopped being self destructive, lost the desire to please thanos and stood up for herself. she made a strong bond with gamora and even in the past, that bond stood out and it was beautiful. she got more screen time and stopped being just a weapon. got to play games, got to be appreciated for more than a good warrior. joked with people and made good friendships.
- tony telling steve off. tony stan here, but unbiased opinion is that him and steve had a falling out. steve stayed on earth and tony ended up stranded on an alien planet and nearly died. he is a non powered man and only had his armor and got stabbed by thanos and he has never felt more alone than when oxygen was slowly running out on him and nebula. he should have argued and called him out on them sticking together, and he had every right to do so.
- whole time travel thing. it was nostalgic, i am really glad they connected this, as last movie, to the previous ones. thor getting his moment with frigga, tony commenting on shape of steve’s ass, loki disappearing with tesseract, little things like that. they gave movie depth and not just thanos aftermath. 
- steve had some show stopping scenes. telling himself he could do this all day and being tired of himself bc he knows how big of a pain in the ass he can be in the battle?? hell yes thank you. steve wielding mjolnir?? legit had me cheering, wig snatched. 
- i genuinely liked thor’s arc. he lost everyone he had ever cared about, it was normal for him to be depressed and angry and that he had given up. i am glad rocket snapped him out of it because it gave rocket depth and we saw how deeply he connected to all of them and decided not to be an asshole and be kinder to people that surround him. it showed another part of them being a family and how even characters we never thought would love each other this way, ended up with an unbreakable bond that is more than just a team work.
- more screen time for underappreciated amazing characters, james rhodes, scott lang, clint barton. more of their interactions and showing how funny and smart they are??? they had my heart.
- i LOVED professor hulk. mark ruffalo finally got more screen time and it showed how smart bruce really is and that he is not just some likable guy who is intelligent, but not as much as other scientists (like scenes with shuri in infinity war that i loved because of shuri, but in past movies they downplayed his intellect a bit). i loved how he was more confident and at peace with himself.
- thanos!!! thanos remained a formidable villain and his arc was still the best villain arc in mcu. he is not easy to take on , he is a threat and he gave movie and everything that happened a meaning.
- best mcu scene to this day - strange opening portals and people passing through, ready to slay enemies. all united, all fighting together, all boosting and helping each other out in this final battle that we waited for 10 years??? literally killed every other movie battle ever. they have outdone themselves.
- peter seeing tony and talking about soul stone world, not realizing that everything was done for him and out of love for this amazing boy?? beautiful.
- TONY FUCKING STARK WIELDING INFINITY GAUNTLET. YES. had me yell at the screen, it was showstopping. my favorite scene ever in movie history. mere mortal taking on the fate of the world and killing every bad creature and smiting thanos himself. CONTENT I LIVE FOR.
- valkyrie a king??? hell yes, she deserved it. no one more than her. 
now, things that ruined the movie for me and that i do not think i will easily accept or forgive:
- i understand that in the end, since natasha and clint went to vormir, in the end had me desiring that she would be the one to give up, since he has a family. but it’s not supposed to be that way. natasha seemed out of character the whole time. she was way more emotional, i partially understand because she lost everything and it has affected her more than anything ever. but it was bad writing. woman dying for shock value and to effect men??? why. she just started expressing herself and letting know people she loves them and really connected and bonded with them and have her go like that? as a sacrifice? uncalled for.
- pepper’s arc bugged me the whole time. woman who was there from the beginning to call tony out on his shit, also was a woman who stopped him from doing reckless things. she was always the one who kept arguing with him, literally in every movie, over his desire to save the world and to protect them. he told her he found a way to bring everyone back, but one word from her (something she was terrific at), and he would ditch it and stay with their family. and this is the first time she encouraged him to do something so reckless and it was poor overshadowing of his death and insanely out of character for her. she knew how it would end and she kept saving him from himself, because he was always terrified of losing her and in a way that stopped him from doing what he did years ago. they had a family and in the end . her showing up in an armor had me in tears, because that’s my gal, but also that is incredibly reckless and like she didn’t think things through in 2-3 scenes she had in the movie?? 
- i’m in it for tony. naturally i am upset. but not because he died, but because of HOW he died. naturally gauntlet took a toil on him. his body was combusting. it was devastating. what killed me was that pepper, love of his life, approached him and seemed like she had kind of a bad day. asked for his vitals and when told he is dying, she shed a tear and told him that he could rest. it blew my mind that she did not crumble in front of him, no “ i love you” nothing that would be her last words to him that showed him that he meant the world. he knew that, but would have been nice to have something like that. ALSO, him not being able to speak??? BEYOND OUTRAGED. no actual goodbyes, no him saying anything to the avengers, just lying like he had a stroke. the best character with the most complicated arc in the entire marvel universe and did something unimaginable and to have him just fall and not say goodbye or how he feels, or is he afraid of dying or what is happening to him??? “ i am iron man” is a great line for taking on thanos, but as last words while he is alive, unsatisfying and writing for shock value. peter crying, hugging him, apologizing , that was beautiful. everyone who he had just given his life for just standing aside, looking at him, shedding one tear???? steve? STEVE ROGERS???? JAMES RHODES??? no goodbyes between best friends, no them being wrecked and having breakdowns??? really?
- steve’s ending. it was the most out of character thing russos have ever done. they became famous for taking on characters in their own ways, but steve, person who had such strong relationships with tony, bucky and sam, leaving bucky and sam for a selfish cause of going back in time to a woman who already had a fulfilling life and found a way to live without him?? who had a husband and family? who was accomplished and her heartbreak over losing steve gave her depth and she got out stronger than ever. and he just went back and her whole history and family was erased for it, because he loved her and they shared one kiss a lifetime ago? steve going back to do this and not free bucky from hydra or help his best friend out, a man who he started civil war over and fought government for, steve leaving bucky and sam, people who have been with him through thick and thin, going back to indulge himself, thinking he cannot be happy in present, not thinking about two people who have to now live on without him? bucky who never got a decent time with him after ca:tfa, who’s life has been nothing but a shitstorm, now having to live without his best friend and only person that felt like a home? insanity. steve rogers, the most self-sacrificial, stubborn little shit, who gave enemies hell for people he cared about, leaving people behind? never. 
in conclusion, for me movie did nothing but upset me, because i have invested 10 years into this, countless hours of writing meta and giffing scenes that went unnoticed, loving these characters, pouring my heart and soul and time into this, and for them to kill off people for shock value, natasha and tony, to have them fuck up steve’s arc beyond words, to end relationships or to make them meaningless.... they did pay an omage to previous movies, but not characters  and how they were previously portrayed. tony, man who started mcu, should not die for us to be miserable bastards after spending so much time in this universe, he should have gotten to live a happy life with the family he had just started. 
in the end, if anyone had to die, for me it was supposed to be both steve and tony, in a battle, bloody with glorious goodbyes, their last battle, showing each other how they would lay their lives so the other one lives, sacrificing for each other, but have both biggest characters die gloriously, not one like he had a stroke and second one grow old and selfish, abandoning his friends and family.
in the end, i did not like the movie. first marvel movie to this day that i didn’t like, because it was first that erased so many good things. 
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flayjunior19 · 5 years
Love Natasha Romanoff, but I hated what they did in Endgame
(In advance, I apologize for any lack of spelling, since English is not the first language, and I am hardly learning.)I like Natasha Romanoff, and it bothers me what happened to her in Endgame, I do not have to say that since many, from magazines, Web sites, etc. They have talked about the subject. But it is disgusting the double standards of some Natasha Stan, when they try to justify all the bad decisions of people like Russos and M & M. implying that one is not a Stan or a Black Widow fan, if he does not like what they did to her in Endgame (I mean being the only woman on the team to have to die for Manpain, an old sexist troop that I see many suffer from selective memory) Natasha did not die for her "five big boys", as those Russos bastards or fake Natasha Stan suggest, she died because according to them a woman from the FX team, she wanted Natasha to be the one to commit suicide in Vormir, instead of Clint, why? Who knows, I do not even know if that story is true or is an excuse for the Russos / M & M to escape criticism, if one woman asked for the death of another. Less true sexist? How the death of Gamora, the first and only one female character of the guardian team of the galaxy (outside Mantis) and who apparently like Natasha, few in their group care. Natasha never received a proper funeral or farewell, being she one of the most public Avengers as shown in TWS or CW, the excuse that she is a spy incognita does not work. Only less than two minutes from the group of his "five boys" gathered around the lake and after that, outside Clint and Bruce, only total forgetfulness gets her. De Gamora is worse, is replaced by a younger version of the year 2014, which Peter Quill wants to find, forgetting about his dead girlfriend, nobody of the other guardians seem to care, and Rocket did not even mention Gamora as his family to Thor, when they traveled to the past in Asgard. So no, Natasha did not deserve that sexist decision, just because Marvel and Disney did not know what to do with the character. And it is denoted from Age of Ultron this type of decisions around the character. Her solo movie may be a prequel, a kind of late "compensation" after killing the character, then getting rid of it, and quite possibly BW will never return to the MCU. One of the decisions that would be used in the draft of Endgame around her, is that she would direct an orphanage of the children who lost their family members after the Snap, and who would have shown more growth and maturity of the character, making denoting (and not only to direct what remains of the Avengers and Guardians of the galaxy in five years) that she is worthy, and that only because two things obscure it. One is her dark past of which we know nothing, those who read the comics could get an idea, but the Natasha of the comics is different from the Natasha of the MCU, and the latter we know from little to nothing. As far as our eyes and the casual public, it should have been she and not Clint who survived Vormir, because Clint spent five years killing people like a butcher (no one knows if he kill innocents as well, witnesses at the wrong time) more of them were Mexicans and Asians, in a clear xenophobic reference. Therefore, in the eyes of the casual public it should be Clint who should have sacrificed himself to redeem himself and not Natasha, whose sins we know little or nothing about, and with whom many have built a connection with her, since she has had more development and character growth that Hawkeye.
But we all know that the real covert reason was because she could not have a normal family, get married and have children, because she is sterile. And that bad thing written by Joss Whedom in Age of Ultron attacks again, albeit in a more subtle way. It is rather misogynistic that after being the only woman on the team to sacrifice herself, her decision is that as Clint has family, wife and children, his life is worth more than hers. When in our eyes she has done more than Clint in five years and much more before, she has a stronger emotional connection with the audience than Clint, and hearing that and seeing her depart for that decision is a clear sign of irresponsibility and misogyny. It is as if after a clear 'political' agenda is denoted in the film, in which families made up of men and women were worth more than another kind of family or family love, as a clear example that Steve mentions Peggy and never Sam or Bucky throughout the film (and in the end give up his present family to form another in the past with a woman) that Tony left the world to play the father with Morgan for five years (then die for according to directors "he can rest in peace "in death" which is horrible, but necessary if they want Captain Marvel to be the next leader of the Avenger as Feige says). As in a 'subtle' way, they imply that without a nuclear family, Natasha's life is not worth it, and without having an appropriate funeral, and practically forgotten without one or two mentions, unlike Iron Man, the bad treatment is shown. He has given the character. It is only expected that next year, the Black Widow film, even if late, show how and do honor and justice to the Natasha Romanoff we love, before she leaves the MCU, maybe forever, as Iron Man or Captain America (and these last two are doubtful, before someone else takes the mantle and their name) and that the real fanatics, the Natasha Stan and BW Stan (and those atrophied who suffer from cognitive dissonance to defend the interests and agendas of a corporation multimillionaire, who are worth less if you defend them as zombies, when they do not do anything for you) can enjoy one last time with her.
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ussthunderquack · 6 years
Relationships for Bucky that would actually be interesting
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Note: I do NOT necessarly mean “romantic” relationships. Though this could certainly help give a fanfic writer ideas.
Also, I’m going to copy-paste a few things from the Wanda and Tony entries, as well as the Winter-ships one. 
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The guy whose parents he was forced to murder
I love Shuri, I worship Shuri, but Tony should have been the one to replace that arm, and you know why. What that would have done for their story arc. How much more powerful it would be than, rather than just “Oh BTW here’s an new arm yo.”
I’ll also drop here that Bucky knew Howard; Tony knows about torture and mental instability; both are psychotically protective of people they care about, both have colossal guilt complexes.
Tony supposedly has a conflicted friendship with Steve. Bucky supposedly is super protective of Steve. …………Fine. I’ll buy it. I can’t, actually, but I can pretend to. But Tony has far more reason to have a conflicted relationship with Bucky, and Bucky has ample reason to be protective of Tony. Basically, both’s supposed relationship with Steve would be far better used with each other. I think this is the basis of Winteriron, to be honest.
Basically you have these two goldmines of angst, played by brilliant actors, who have been given the angstiest possible connection to each other….. but there’s this red, white and blue wall of cardboard standing between them.
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The other Hydra Guinea pig 
Again, I worship Shuri, but having her fix Buck’s brain and provide the new arm was such a cop-out. Tony should’ve made the new arm, for obvious reasons, and Wanda should’ve cured Bucky’s Hydra programing, or at least helped with it. (Maybe a combination of her mind-powers and Tony’s BARF tech) That is of course, after having to earn his trust. Bucky, if/when he learned her history, would likely despise her for a while, since she “volunteered” for the Hydra labs, and specialized in mind-control. In fact, did Bucky and Wanda perhaps already meet, back at Hydra? Was Wanda, or previous agents given similar powers, used in Bucky’s Winer Soldier programing?
On the other hand.... 
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The Person who DID (for better or worse) fix his mind-control and give him his new arm 
Salty as I am about Shuri snagging the arm-replacement from Tony and the mind-fixing from Wanda and Mantis, I do still worship the ground she snarks on. Bucky already has a relationship of some degree with her, in canon. And I would like very much to see more of it. He needs some other friends besides Steve. 
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The Guy Whose Story He’s Joined 
White Wolf is a “Black Panther” character in previous media, so God willing we’ll see Bucky became a vastly superior designated “chivalrous team leader who wants to help Bucky”  another hero’s sidekick. 
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The other assassin for a sketchy organization 
Supposedly Ava Starr worked for Shield, but Nick Fury didn’t use her for the Avengers. Fans suspect it was Hyrda pulling her strings, as they were secretly running Shield all along. So Bucky and Ava might already have a history together, as partners on missions or as enemies. 
If you don’t ship it due to the age difference/shipping Bucky with someone else, there’s always the big-brother little-sister option. 
Also, both Ava and Bucky were known as “ghosts.” 
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The Other Other Assassin From A Sketchy Organization
They dated in the comics. They fought in the past, in the movies. Nat already helped a friend with Mind Control issues. I never personally shipped it but I’d be a lot more invested in Bucky interacting with Nat than you-know-who. 
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The Guy Who Leads a PTSD Group
...but the movies treat him like the Doubting Thomas sidekick to the “pure” and “noble”.... sorry getting offtrack. Anyway, I wasn’t into WinterFalcon, until remembering that Sam specializes in PTSD. I’m still personally not into WinterFalcon, but would love to see Sam help Bucky (and other Avengers) with PTSD. Also, they can bond over being Steve’s sane friends sick of his rash stupidity, and growing frustrated with his godlike reputation, being two of the only people who know what’s really going on behind the curtain. (Whether that’s a suffering Steve who needs their love or an asshole or both, I don’t care, because we’re not talking about Steve.)
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Aside from the arm connection, Bucky also seems to be an animal guy. He takes care of goats to help recover from his trauma; he takes the name White Wolf, and was saved by a guy named Black Panther, and is maybe friends with another guy named Falcon. And then the above scene happens. 
Also, “We didn’t ask to be made!” 
And Rocket’s not the only Guardian Bucky should hang out with,. 
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The Other Assassin Cyborg 
Captured, turned into science projects; given cyborg limbs--specifically, a robotic left arm!; trained to be assassins for one of the most evil institutions in their societies; have one adopted/surrogate sibling they rely on (Gamora, Steve); have both met the raccoon.
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The Other Unwitting Pawn Who Helped a Villain Commit His Murders and who could help Buck with his mind-control issue 
Basically same relationship he’d have with Wanda, but with less trust issues, as Mantis was never with Hydra and was raised by Ego from a larva. (Though Wanda wasn’t exactly a grown-up either when she “volunteered” for Hydra, but I digress). 
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The Other Cinnamon Roll With A Violent Alter Ego 
This would be so cute and painful we would all explode 
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The Other Mind-Control Victim 
Hey Marvel, if you’re looking for something to do with Hawkeye, maybe have him help the other mind-control victim (though Hawkeye’s was microscopic compared to Bucky’s but still). Maybe the Bartons put Bucky up for a while as he gets re-integrated into American society (if he is pardoned, and doesn’t choose to stay in Wakanda) 
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The Fellow Military Background Superhero Who’s Gonna Get Him Out Of The Soul Stone 
Both signed up for the U.S. military, “died,” was re-made into a super-human and trained in a new army that the old one knew nothing about, has amnesia, has a past with Nick Fury and (probably) Tony Stark, one is dusted/in the Soul Stone and the other is the key to saving everyone in the Soul Stone  
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 The Other Former Villain Who Lives In His Heroic Adopted Brother’s Shadow   
The more I think of it, the more this seems like stretch outside of shipping. Still, imagine Loki piercing Bucky’s “armor” so to speak. (Not like that. I mean, unless it’s slash you’re writing. Then go ahead.) 
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The Guy He Tried To Assassinate 
“Join the Avengers Initiative Take 2, and all is forgiven Barnes.” 
And finally.....
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Yes, it’s been 70 years. But Bucky was the oldest of four. All three of his siblings could easily be alive, maybe even one of his parents. At least cousins and nieces and nephews. Old friends from his life. 
Would Bucky WANT to face them? Obviously not. Which is exactly why I want to see it. 
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quxntumvandyne · 5 years
MCU characters as high schoolers
this is a long one my friends but worth itttt
tony stark: the awkward smart kid who’s parents are rich but refuses to look rich (initially), SUPER cocky, president of the computer science club, loves nothing more than to make witty jokes and piss of teachers, neighbors (maybe more) with pepper potts, friends w/ clint, rhodey and bruce
steve rogers: classic American boy, best freshman to senior year change, understands no pop culture references ever, acts way older than he is and captain of the baseball team, best friends with bucky, sam, thor and t’challa
thor odinson: MOST SPIRITED, aggravating twin brother, LGBT icon, anyone in their right mind is attracted to him, has this strange obsession with rabbits, puts everyone before himself, single as a pringle, friends w/ rocket, groot, steve, strange, quill and drax (popular man)
bruce banner: the nerdiest nerd their ever was, hot in the dad way, shorty, has serious anger issues, talks to his inventions/computers more than people, quiet but super loud and full of fun ideas around close friends, friends w/ tony, clint and vision (sorta dating natasha; it’s complicated)
clint barton: nobody knows much about him, keeps to himself, always has his headphones in everywhere he goes, way too good at archery and golf, was in the same foster home growing up as natasha, doesn't own any other color than black, friends w/ tony, bruce, natasha, vision and t’challa
natasha romanoff: lesbian icon, everyone assumes she’s “one of the guys” but really holds her own in a special way, basically clint’s sister from another mister, has a complicated relationship with bruce banner, everyone is terrified of her but she’s really just a cinnamon roll at heart, besties with wanda, okoye, & steve, sam and shuri
james “rhodey” rhodes: track and field KING, a true cinnamon roll, wants to go into the military, loves nothing more than to do stupid shit with and make fun of tony “stank”, goody two shoes at school, friends w/ tony (obvi), sam, and pepper, and nebula
james “bucky” barnes: GAY ICON, been friends with steve rogers since birth but they’re together as fuck, an expert in history and math, lost his left arm in a car accident as a young boy, is closed off unless he’s with friends which are sam, rocket & t’challa and shuri
sam wilson: steve’s right-hand man, puts his whole heart into anything and everything, always has his friends backs, can be found with his friends or at home with his mama and younger siblings and friends with bucky, steve & natasha
loki odinson:  troublemaker (but not in a funny way), loves to make a scene with everyone watching, basically needs all attention at all times. total asexual, the oddball of the odinson family, and secretly an amazing piano player; frienemies with strange and scott lang
stephen strange: cocky smart boy who recently was in a bad accident, which put his life on the line; he came back still cocky, but more grateful for life, dreams of being a doctor, not much of a flirter but wouldn’t mind being in a relationship, “friends” with loki, tony and thor
peter quill: the boy who dresses like he lives in the ’80s, lives with his crazy uncle, acts tough but cares a lot about others, plays football and baseball and favorite subject is lunch, friends with drax, rocket, groot, thor and m’baku
gamora: the mysterious bad girl of the class, just transferred to shield high with her stepsister nebula, nobody messes with her, has good instincts and amazing at a plethora of sports, friends with nat, okoye, wanda and nebula
drax: the innocent big teddy bear how can’t always control what comes out of his mouth but usually means well, is kinda like a puppy and friends with quill, rocket, groot, and thor
nebula: the freakishly intense smartmouth who always sits at the back of the classroom and has a fake eye (nobody knows why) doesn't have many friends other than rhodey, rocket and kinda gamora? they’re working on it
rocket: really short guy (kinda hairy but won’t talk about it) who’s friends with an enormous basketball player, always tinkering in class and makes gadgets that he calls bombs but nobody knows if he is serious, friends with quill, drax, groot, nebula and thor
groot: a monumental dork of a human, everyone loves him, super sweet and always willing to help people but can be vicious when it comes to sports or anything competitive, will always stand up for the little guy and is friends with rocket, thor, quill, and drax
t’challa: school president of shield high and captain of the debate team, very serious guy but can get down at parties, grew up with okoye, has a younger sister who is a freshman genius, plays on the football team and his father is mayor of the city, friends with okoye, m’baku, steve and clint
okoye: best friends with t’challa, is very big into sports and wants to go to the olympics, loves coffee, can be very serious but loves to make fun of t’challa every chance she gets and is friends with t’challa, shuri, m’baku, wanda, natasha and gamora
shuri: genius kid!!! and the queen of meme referencing, she is quite the goofball and loves to mess with her big brother, has recently become close with bucky and loves children, is friends with bucky, okoye, m’baku, wanda and natasha
m’baku: grew up not getting along with t’challa but became best friends through okoye, is the life of the party and is a vegetarian, loves to honor his ancestors and feels very close with his family, friends with okoye, t’challa, shuri and quill
wanda maximoff: new girl from a small country in europe who’s twin brother died in an accident, quiet but fiesty and has quite the sense of humor, very passionate about women’s rights and equality and besties with wanda, natasha, shuri, okoye, gamora and vision
vision: british boy who is always the voice of reason in the group and can make a mean paprikash, just generally liked by everyone and is very innocent but very knowledgable, friends with wanda and clint barton
scott lang: a huge dork who always gets himself into trouble whether he’s trying or not, his best friend luis and him are always attached at the hip and finds himself connecting with wildlife and nature more than with people sometimes but is always the life of the party
pepper potts: sweet little angel who really keeps to herself but finds herself falling for the big hotshot of the school and he falls for her right back, she’s secretly a force to be reckoned with and is really allergic to strawberries
carol danvers: can come off as really serious but can also be a goofball, wants to go into the air force after high school and loves 90′s clothes and music, her best friend monica and her do everything together and has a huge crush on valkyrie 
(and i didn’t include peter parker because he’s already in high school? and the rest are adults? don’t come for me) btw somebody draw this for me i would cryyyy and i’ve been working on this for months in my drafts because i keeping forgetting its here but i finished!!!!!!!!!!
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orionsangel86 · 6 years
"Canon Destiel wouldn't change the genre and structure of the show", they said. So what kind of romantic fairy-tale lunacy is this??? "I'll come to collect your life when you're at your happiest", that means either true love or first-born child. And Cas already has a son.
I actually have no idea if you are anti-destiel or just being sarcastic and funny but this ask made me laugh.
Lets get one thing clear for anyone actually thinking along these lines. Supernatural has always been first and foremost about boy melodrama. It has ALWAYS been a drama show. Even at the start when it was *scary* it still owes its success to the brothers relationship, and then once Cas joined the team, the show’s success sky rocketed as seasons 4 and 5 are still considered the best seasons of all to watch.
Consider the X-Files. This is the classic MOTW structure. Consider also something like CSI. These types of shows focus heavily on the weekly mystery/monster/murder etc. The personal lives of the characters are never ever given the spot light. Personal stories and character development are only very briefly hinted upon along the way because character drama isn’t actually what makes those shows work. The weekly mystery is the reason the audience tunes in. This is why in the X-Files it actually took the show ages to admit that actually yes at some point in the past season Mulder and Scully hooked up. Surprise! She’s now preggers!
If the X-Files had been a character focused drama, we would have SEEN that hook up scene, as well as probably explored Scully’s emotions far more thoroughly around her changing relationship with Mulder and realising she was carrying his child. But the show never focused on that. It kept the audience glued on each weeks new mystery monster plot line. 
Supernatural has never been the X-Files. EVER. Since Day ONE. People may tune in because they hear its about 2 brothers investigating paranormal mysteries, but that is NEVER the reason they stay. People watch this show for the characters, their relationships with each other, and the emotional connection we have with them as an audience, watching their struggles and desperation to stay together throughout all the pain and horror that comes with one apocalypse after another. Supernatural has ALWAYS followed the Buffy story structure. 
It is about found family fighting off fantastical and horrific situations.
With that story structure, comes character exploration, development, and relationship building alongside all the supernatural stuff. 
Supernatural has always contained fairy-tale elements as well. From right at the start, brothers fighting to save each others lives, heroes saving the damsels in distress, angels rescuing people from hell... The power of love saving the day (Swan Song was exactly that). The only thing Supernatural hasn’t done is True Loves Kiss - but it has certainly flirted with the idea and mentioned it in canon. 
So when people bitch about Destiel changing Supernatural into some sort of romantic soap opera, I have to laugh, because Supernatural has ALWAYS been a bit of a soap opera, and love has always been a core theme of the show. Adding a touch of romance on the side isn’t going to change it’s format and besides, romance has been built into the story many times before. Dean x Lisa, Sam x Amelia - hell, the first season was all about Sam grieving over losing Jess (classic soap opera story if you ask me).
People are only bitching about it NOW because they don’t like that Destiel is becoming more present in the story with every episode, because they are the same people that hate Destiel - whether because they are homophobic or because it takes away from their incest ship - I don’t care to speculate on peoples dumb reasons to hate.
Though I do have to agree with you nonny, this “I’ll come when you are at your happiest” deal is extremely romantically coded and is indeed straight out of a fairy-tale. But it’s also not really any different to any other threat or story Supernatural has done before, OTHER than the Destiel subtext involved. So any accusation that this particular narrative is “changing the genre” or “making it a soap opera” is bullshit. Supernatural has always been a soap opera exploring fairy-tale themes, and that is one of the many reasons I adore this show. 
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ekkorn · 5 years
hi there, just saw in the tags that you didn‘t like endgame. would you like to expand on that? i am curious to know other people‘s perspective. personally, i liked it. it has flaws, yes, but to me it was enjoyable. if you don‘t feel like answering, that is fine :) have a great day!
oh wow. you really wanna know? okay, but on your own head be it. :o
i’m just joking, i’ll go easy, or at least give you the digest (a vicious lie) version. if you want to see the full extent of my derision and vitriol, you can go to @lowkeysebastianstan, which is the blog where i’ve tried to limit this too. but to give you the not at all short and not so sweet of it, here goes. (endgame spoilers obviously).
the first thing that really set me off was the ending, more precisely, what steve did. it made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and hit me closer to home than most of my followers here since bucky and steve are my fave characters, and the only ship i really have. now, i never thought stucky would become canon, not even a little, i didn’t even hope for it. sure, the representation would’ve been awesome, but there’s no way marvel could’ve done it justice, so it was just as well it was never gonna happen. what i hadn’t prepared for was to what extreme extent they were terrified of the ship and the effect it would have if they were to let it be even a hint that could be interpreted as some emotional connection between them, for 3 films they’re built bucky up as the most important character in steve’s life, he’s risked his own life to save him, he basically eradicated hydra during wwii fueled by grief for him, he was prepared to die for him in tws, he fought his friends and gave up everything for him in cacw, and then he just? leaves? to be with a woman who died of old age and natural causes after a long fulfilling life with another man and family of her own. who specifically told him to fucking move on in tws? yeah, sure. and do not get me wrong, i adore sam wilson, after bucky, and the real steve rogers, he is by far my fave in the cap verse (saving a few spots for my bp and cm peeps in the mcu, but we’ll get to them), and he is the superior choice to pick up the mantle, no doubt about it. (okay, a little doubt, they teased sebastian with that shield for 8 years, they based bucky on the brubaker storyline where he becomes cap, and so i do feel a little torn bc no matter how happy he must be for his friend, and him and mackie are good friends, he must be a little disappointed? but who knows, maybe they’ll do something with that in the series, which would be stupid af bc that would negate the positive leap in representation, and mackie deserves it too, so who the fuck knows, i’ll probably not be around to keep track anyways, and can you tell im rambling), but for steve’s last words to be to sam? while bucky stands and watch in the background? like??? i could go on in (more excruciating) detail, but that was why i linked the blog, there might be a point or two about this on there.
but that was just the start. all through the movie i felt disconnected and uneasy, they made some really weird choices, but i don’t think it was until nat took the plunge that i knew i had an absolute dud on my hands. 
the mcu has done a lot of things right, but their treatment of women is NOT one of them. and oh boy did they go out with a bang. first is the obvious implication, he got to live bc he had “more to live for”, and she didn’t have a family, and ye gods we know she can’t have kids, so why should she live? 
(see, if the bw movie wasn’t in the books, i’d completely get it, if it was to give scarjo her life back, and she wanted nat to be good and dead, sure. actually, when i first watched it, that’s what i thought tbh, that the bw movie was cancelled, so. but it’s not, so she will return. and since that the case it’s just fucked up that they yeeted her off the roster. and sure, some of the bw movie was always gonna be set in the past, but tbh? i don’t see much point in prequels for dead characters, you know that whatever happens won’t affect the outcome for the character at all, and i usually find them completely void of meaning. that might just be me though). and of course the fact that she died the same way gamora went didn’t help. (gamora’s death was maybe the single worst thing in aiw, she was fridged, not for the advancement of one man, but for two (thanos and quill) and it.just.shouldn’t.have.worked.thanos.cannot.love! again, mcu and women? not a good match.) 
then of course, it comes back to steve and how much he doesn’t give a crap about the people close to him in the present, we never see him care or grieve for anyone but peggy, and he could barely spare two tears for nat before it was all business again. and the rest of the team? i think clint cared a little, and banner threw a chair, but that was it. no memorial, not burial, no nothing, it was like she never existed, and she died saving the world just as much as tony, he couldn’t have done jack shit without the soul stone. 
and speaking of women, shuri and okoye? before the trailer dropped i was sure shuri was in this, that we’d get to see her lead in her brother’s stead. i actually did a short lament on this already, here.
carol was terribly underused, after all the oompf about her being there she was barely a blip. but the haircut was fantastic, and the best part of the movie was when she returned at the end.
then there’s nebula and gamora (again). at first i was actually quite pleased that they sort of found a loophole to bring gamora back, but then i thought about it (yes, sometimes i get seduced by the flashy colours too) and yeah. sure. a gamora is there, but she’s void of all the things that makes her interesting and all her development is just gone, everything “our” gamora achieved and experienced is gone, three films worth of arc is worthless. so what then is the point of getting “her” back? i don’t care about this person, i don’t know her. are we gonna see quill just harass her the next film, bc you know, she’s been with him, so why shouldn’t he expect her to just do that now? tbh i wouldn’t be surprised, but now that gunn is back maybe he can save it? not that i’ll be around to keep track though.
then nebula. nvm that time paradox, that’s a whole other fuckfest i’ll get back to, but we had to get to see her get killed too, didn’t we. by her sister, the only person in the world she loves. fucking fantastic, i cannot control my enthusiasm. 
and no, cool as it was, the a-force surrounding parker is not enough to bring this home. it was a cool sight though. (see? i can see the good.)
then of course it’s peggy. a woman he knew for a few months back during the war. (sure they knew each other longer, but i’d say, even if you’re very generous, they can’t have spent more than a couple of months in each other’s company, and they kissed once). who they stripped of all character development and autonomy so that steve could go back and get his “damce”. everything she achieved, every good thing that happened to her, her husband, her family, her advancement in shield, all gone. bc steve must have his happy ending, no matter that she told him to move the fuck on in tws, who cares. 
and then there’s sharon. yeah, they forgot about her, didn’t they. i mean, i was never really on board with that, the whole aunt/niece thing was a bit too weird for me, and this was way before i shipped stucky, but that doesn’t matter. bc they did that, they had them kiss within days after peggy’s death (oooh, look how he cared for peggy), making it clear that this was the beginning of something. (also marvel and several of the actors treated emily like crap, oh yeah, i remember, doesn’t help either.) 
(gods i said this would be short, didn’t i? imagine if i could’ve spent all the words i’ve spent ranting about endgame on my latest chapter? good grief.)
then there’s their so called lgbt representation. 30 seconds of a character that had a total of 60 sconds of screentime in tws lamenting his dead lover? well. i. they wanted credit for that. i just.
then there’s thor. they negated every ounce of development he had in ragnarok, this also goes for aiw, wasn’t happy about that, and made him completely ooc, he just spends his time drinking ab\nd playing fortnite of all things? bold of them to assume that will still be a thing in 5 years, but also? thor? THOR? neglecting his people? his friends? the world? thor? then they of course made him fat, haha, so they could add fat-shaming to the list while they make light and fun of his drinking problems, his grief and his ptsd. awesome. the funniest. 
then there’s clint. that they just randomly made a killer? just, like a straight up murderer? okay then. and still nat deserved to die. excellent.
then there’s banner. okay, i don’t think they fucked him up as bad as the others, but it’s still strange he would risk his intelligence to become hulk full time, but you do you.  
rocket and rhodey were the best things about this damn disaster, just putting it out there.
then there’s tony. i mean, we knew he was the main protagonist, and im not objecting that, (even if i think it’s really strange he’d be born in 1970) but idk. that was strange’s plan? all that for that? and pepper just went, eh what the hell, just die, i can raise this kid you wanted. (i know, i know, she’s her mom, she cares), but it was just so flat. and idk. i mean, rdj wanted his life back, just as evans, but i’d want to see that switched, that tony get to retire and steve sacrifice himself to save the world. tony could still be the deciding factor in strange’s plan even if steve delivered the coup de grace. at least he cared enough to show an emotion™when peter came back, which was more than steve bothered with. jfc they fucked up steve.
then there’s the time travel. okay, a few things about the 2012 thing. they put him in the elevator, and then, instead of having him just kick the crap out of the agents, they reference hydra!cap? the biggest shitstorm in the comics in the last two decades? like what the actual fuck? then of course there’s the americas ass thing, which, again, that’s steve, cares about his ass but not his friends! (but at least 2012 steve cares about bucky, maybe he’ll save him a couple of years early, back to the future steve will just live out his life knowing bucky is getting tortured somewhere in siberia, good times.) oh! and i guess they have their loophole to get loki back too, great, they’ll probably just forget that he’s not in the main timeline, bc who cares. 
and the fun just keeps coming with the time travel. oh they tried with some crap explanation that no one can make sense of, but here’s the kicker. they can’t either, they don’t even want to try, they don’t even agree with each other. 
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how did they know to meet up in wakanda or wherever, the dustees? did strange send a memo? not just the ppl in the soul realm or wherever they were, but all the others too, like valkyrie and hope. time and place just magically popped into their heads? and what happened when they all came back? or some came back, bc obviously a shit ton of ppl died at the dusting, like the pilot of a 747 gone? plane goes down and such, ppl really dead. and where do they reappear? where they disappeared? aka those passengers that got dusted comes back mid flight? fun! and what about the ones that moved on in their absence? what happens to the ones that come back when their wives and husbands are remarried, when there’s no place for them in their old lives. did all of peter’s classmates get dusted, or did the rest of the class graduate without him, i must assume that all of those in s:ffh did, otherwise some would be in college by now, yeah?
and that’s another reason their watertight time travel is leaky af, there’s no way to get the logistics to work. the only option as such would have been to go back to 2018 and fix it, to reset time, bc otherwise there are just too many holes, it’s just not possible. but they can’t do that bc then they’ll undo all the things that happen in the future that the characters don’t want to lose, like tony’s kid. 
oh, i know, it’s a superhero movie, but im strange like that, i expect a modicum of internal logic in all my movies, the bitch that i am. 
okay, im gonna leave it there, ive run out of steam, and i want to gif a set. there’s a few things more, but i think you’ve gotten the gist, that i’m not a fan of this movie and a short (lol, so sorry, nothing is ever digest with me, i should’ve warned you) list of reasons why. honestly this is the first time i’ve really don’t a more general account, ive pretty much stuck to steve and that crapshute, there’s a lot of other blogs that concentrate on the other characters, i’d list a few, but i don’t have it in me rn, pop me a msg if you’re interested, also if you’re interested in some real meta, this rambling rant isn’t something that people should be exposed to honestly. 
avengers: endgame was a shit movie and no amount of “he’s worthy” and “avengers assemble” is going to fix that, BUT if you enjoyed it, i don’t think less of you, obviously everyone is different, and i envy the hell out of you, i sorely wish i could’ve liked it too. the russos directed what is by far the best movie in the mcu imo, tws, and they had us all fooled, even if we probably should’ve seen it coming after iron man 4: civil war.
hope you’re having a spectacular day, sorry you had to read this if you did, and and thank you for making mine better, i really had a rant in me needing out. (you’d think i’d run out of hate for this by now, but nah.)
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thank you for the ask :) 
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the-insomniac-cat · 5 years
Complete synopsis of the entire film below the cut.
If you want spoilers but not the whole shebang, scroll down to my other Spoiler post.
Why post this? Because some people want to know, either before they go, or instead of going, or to decide whether to or not.
Look, if you don’t want to know, then use the tag filter. In case you didn’t set it up, then I’ve put in the ‘keep reading’ cut. So you should be covered. So please, no more anon hate! (Haters are so brave when they go anon!)
People who HAVE seen the film have been adding comments to this post on Reddit, saying it is ‘correct’, or ‘basically correct’.
CREDIT:  Reddit Posted byu/Wico90
12% credit to Brontcrab24 and others
First Scene is actually Hawkeye losing his family to the snap. He doesn’t actually see it happen as he is facing the other direction. We then get the Tony/Nebula sequence (paper football, etc). Tony records his message to Pepper. When he falls asleep, Nebula takes him to the front of the ship and sits him in the pilots seat. He wakes up and sees something glowing outside the window. Captain Marvel helps them return to Earth. Pepper, Rocket, Steve and Rhodey all come out to greet him. Tony is very shaken, particularly about losing Peter.
Movie starts with the Avengers trying to find Thanos. Steve wasn’t to know where Thanos is and asks Tony, but Tony says he doesn’t know, They argue. Nebula knows of Thanos’ garden he said he would once go to when he completed his goal. They found him because of the energy he released using the gauntlet. Thanos is alone, and tells them he used the gauntlet to destroy the gems. He is weak and Thor, angry, decapitates him.
Title Card and five years later.
Natasha is now basically in charge of what's left of the Avengers is talking to them via holograms. Basically the world is in ruins and they're trying to salvage it. Carol is there via hologram with a new haircut and uniform and tells them that she's covering thousands of planets and won't be able to come back to Earth for a "long time".
Steve and Nat talk about how the Avengers are family. Inside a storage shed is Luis’s van. A rat is crawling over the Quantum controls and activated the switch which brings Scott out. He’s now locked inside the cage but starts waving at the security cameras. A guard lets him out and he is walking the streets confused as to why everything is so overgrown and run down. He finds a memorial which lists the names of the ‘missing’ on large stones. He starts reading them panicking that Cassie might be listed on them. But she isn’t. He sees her at home, as an older version of herself. Scott drives to the Avengers facility and Nat and Steve let him in and he tells them about the Quantum realm and how they might be able to build a time machine to go back to the past before everything happened. They visit Tony, but he doesn’t want to help. He’s happy with the way that his life is, with Pepper and his daughter Morgan. They leave and to visit Bruce who is now Professor Hulk.
The plan becomes to start looking for the gems in the past. Initially Banner builds quantum time machine and sends Scott back to test but it is faulty, Tony refuses to help at this point, however, he returns Caps shield and they make up. He tweaks Banners Quantum Machine, The catch is that they need quantum particles for it to work.
Natasha goes to Japan to get Clint. He is mourning his family and is not certain of the plan. Rocket and Hulk go to get Thor who is drinking and playing video games with Korg and Meik. (Funny joke involving an online video game troll)
Finally the team then all suit up and discuss their plans to get the stones. They make it clear that they can not mess up because there is only enough Quantum particles for one trip for each of them.
Tony, Scott, Steve and Bruce go to the Battle of New York. Hulk meets the Ancient One at Dr Stranger's future home. Ancient One refuses to give the Time Stone to Bruce but relents when Bruce tells her that Dr Strange will give the stone to Thanos.
Cap, Iron Man and Scott tries to retrieve the Tessaract after Loki surrenders. SHIELD/Hydra agents Crossbones and that bald guy with glasses in Winter Soldier retrieve the brief case containing the Tessaract. Past Hulk funnily has to walk down lots of flights of stairs as he can't go on lift due to maximum capacity. Cap meets with Crossbones with the briefcase in elevator along with other Hydra agents. He convinces them to give him the briefcase containing the staff when he utters two words: Hail Hydra. Cap gets the briefcase. Tony in disguise as a SWAT soldier tells Scott to disable his past self's chest reactor to give him a minor seizure while his past self meets up with Alexander Pierce who demands the Mind Stone and Loki. Present Tony retrieves the briefcase but past Hulk accidentally knocks out Tony and Loki uses the confusion to teleport out with the Tessaract. Present Cap accidentally meets with his 2012 self, and 2012 self thinks he's Loki in disguise. They fought and 2012 has present self in chokehold when he tells his past self that Bucky is alive. He then taps his past self with staff to knock him out.
In Asgard, fat Thor and Rocket plans to retrieve the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Thor's mother meets his 'son' and know he's from the future. Rocket retrieves the aether out of Jane by prodding her off screen and gets chased by guards. Before Thor leaves, he retrieves Mjolnir!
On Morag, War Machine and Nebula stays on Morag while Clint and Nat goes to Voromir via a ship that Rocket miniatures for Clint. Unknown to Nebula, her past self's nervous system and databanks are connected to each other and Thanos finds out where the stones are and how he meets his fate.
Cap and Tony transport back to 1970 at the SHIELD training site seen in Winter Soldier and goes underground to retrieve that era's Tessaract. Tony retrieves the Tesseract while meeting his dad. He calls himself Howard Potts. Cap makes a prank call to young Hank Pym and sneaks into his office to steal 4 vials of Pym Particles. Cap also sees Peggy. Cap and Tony teleport back to present.
WM and Nebula knocks out Quill during his dance in intro of GOTG. They got the stone and WM and Nebula was meant to teleport together but WM only succeeded. Present Nebula and past Nebula meets and fights and past Nebula takes her place to go back to present.
On Voromir, Clint and May meets the Red Skull as seen in Infinity War and is told how to retrieve the stone. Clint and Nat fought each other. Clint jumped off cliff but Nat catches him and held on by grappling rope. She falls off and dies like Gamora. Clint now has the Stone.
All members went back to present and everyone is devastated by Nat's death. Tony and Bruce constructs the Infinity Gauntlet and Thor wants to wield it but Hulk goes instead as he's the strongest one and the stones emit gamma radiation according to him. He wields it and snaps his fingers restoring all life lost. Clint's wife calls him on mobile. Hulk suffers extreme pain in his right arm due to IG. Past Nebula activates the Quantum teleporter and summons Thanos' warship and blasts the Avengers HQ to ruins with missiles.
Hulk lifting up rubble similar to Secret Wars cover where he lifts up a whole mountain except this is less in film lol.
Clint finds the gauntlet and is being chased by Outriders creatures in last film. He kills them and is met by past Nebula. Gamora and present Nebula meets up and Nebula kills her past self.
Cap, Tony and Thor teams up against Thanos. Thor is losing against Thanos even though he has Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. Thanos is about to kill Thor with SB when:
Cap lifts up Mjolnir and beats Thanos with hammer and shield.
Thanos uses his double blade weapon to break Cap's shield in half.
Thanos summons his whole army including the Black Order and some new creatures. Cap is all by himself against a whole army.
He hears Sam's voice and he turns around and see EVERYONE who has vanished PLUS huge armies of Wakandans, sorcerers and Asgardians (no signs of Warrior Three). Wong, Valkyrie, Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue turns up as well. Ant Man becomes Giant Man.
Clint plays American Football with IG and passes it to Black Panther then Spidey. Quill meets past Gamora and gets hit in the balls, not believing he is the one she loves lol. Scarlet Witch overpowers Thanos but Thanos orders missiles to hit everyone including his forces. Captain Marvel shows up to destroy Thanos' flagship and gets the IG and dashes towards the goal. There is a bit where Hope and Scott goes to the van with the Quantum teleporter in the middle of battlefield. Was lost in the moment so forgot why they doing that, sorry.
All female Marvel characters fight Thanos. Spidey's armoured suit goes autokill mode with the extra arms.
Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.
Thanos retrieves the gauntlet away from Stark and he snaps his fingers. Nothing happened. The stones went to Stark and before he snaps his fingers, he says 'I'm Iron Man'.
White flash of light.
All of Thanos' forces turn to dust including Thanos himself.
Tony dies from using the gauntlet. Everyone mourns.
The battle is won but at a cost.
Holographic Tony gives a message to everyone present including his daughter.
A wreath with Tony's chest reactor is laid to rest at the lake near Tony's hut.
Everyone is present including GOTG, Peter, Maria, Ross, Nick and Hank and Janet.
Thor, still fat designates Valkyrie as Queen of New Asgard in Tonnsberg. Thor is now travelling with GOTG to find Gamora and maybe more Asgardians. Quill and Thor are about to fight for leadership lol.
Scott, Cassie and Hope are together again. Wakanda is back with his King.
Cap goes on a mission to put back the stones and Mjolnir to their proper places. Hulk says to Sam and Buck that he should be back in 5 secs. He didn't. Sam sees a old man at a bench and it's Old Man Steve (who looks like Clint Eastwood now but less wrinkles and bit younger than he is lol). Steve has wedding ring and passes his shield to Sam. Sam is honoured.
Ending shows young Cap dancing with Peggy at their house. That's it.
Credits music is set to 1930s music then shows all cast members. The main cast is shown with their signatures on it.
There is NO post credit scenes which is a first for a MCU.
Stan Lee cameo is set in 1970s where he is shown in his 70s younger self driving a car with a woman, driving past a army base where Cap and Tony retrieves the Tesseract there.
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arcadianambivalence · 5 years
Avengers Endgame
Things I liked
I never thought I’d see Thanos decapitated.  That was different.
A storyline that finally made good use of Clint!  I thought having Clint go after criminals who survived the snap (why are people who do bad things allowed to live when people who do good things aren’t?) was an interesting choice.  I hope a lot of fanfic for this character comes out from this choice.  It’s full of potential for a full story!
Carol’s new haircut (comic book reference!) and how the survivors are displayed like the leaders of SHIELD in The Avengers.
The scene of Scott frantically searching through the list of The Vanished for his daughter was such a gut-punch because we rarely see Scott like this in his other appearances.  I also liked how it didn’t drop Scott’s connections to his friends and family the moment he falls in with the Avengers.  He mentions Hope, the importance of the Pym particle, and the quantum-mobile is from Luis.
Banner and Rocket riding the truck to New Asgard was easily one of my favorite images of the movie (can’t say the same for everything that happened after they arrived there, though)
The conversation about time travel.  “Back to the Future lied?!”
The Quantum Realm uniforms look like Ant-Man and The Wasp costumes (but ugly)
All the million callbacks to the moments we loved in previous movies, especially in the action scenes
Jane cameo!
Thor getting closure with his mother (in a way he couldn’t with Odin, Loki, Sif, the Warriors Three, Jane, etc.).  It almost fixed The Dark World.
Freya grew up with witches! And with one line, I immediately know more about her character than I ever did in the other movies.  Amazing what  dialogue can do!
Young Hank(’s hair) and the old Ant-Man helmet were a wonderful surprise
The scene of Quill dancing was so funny the first time, they brought it back
The immediate aftermath of the Battle of New York
Hulk hates stairs
Loki grabs the tesseract and peaces out of this movie
That Nat (who has grown to love her life and the person she has become) chose to sacrifice herself instead of letting Clint die was easily the most touching moment in the entire movie, and a reminder that heroes don’t sacrifice other people.
Wow, going back to 2014 Thanos really takes the punch out of him, doesn’t it?  He must have taken Philosophy and Economics 101 in 2015, because he says nothing about fairness and balance in these flashbacks.
That Gamora and Nebula’s arcs converge protecting each other instead of killing Thanos (because the desire to take out Thanos was out of a desire to protect, not kill or avenge)
Hope looking around like “Who are these people?”
All the battle pairs get their moments
The most epic relay race of all time
When all the female avengers swarm together
Strange turning to Tony and saying a million words with one look
Tony wielding the gauntlet, at the cost of his life (that kind of power should destroy its user. It’s a good wrap-up for his character arc)
Proof that Tony Stark has a heart: the Avengers/Guardians curtain call at the end
Sam as the new Captain America (and Bucky’s nod of approval)
The Pym family’s back together!
The Barton and his (too old to be adopted) daughter Wanda moment
Things I didn’t like
I’m not such a fan of the way the half Banner/half Hulk thing.  It felt too easy after all of his previous appearances very clearly make his situation a constant struggle.
How they portrayed Thor’s downward spiral.  He lost his entire family.  Why is the audience expected to laugh at him?
Not a word on Sharon Carter.  They really didn’t know what to do with her in any of the Marvel movies, did they?  Why couldn’t they have made her part of Agents of SHIELD?  It’s where she belongs!
I think we were supposed to feel for Howard in his scene, but…I didn’t really.  It made Tony look more like a mature adult (and so much of Tony’s arc has elements of 30-to-40-something-year-old-remembers-to-grow-the-hell-up to it, so…character development!)
Valkyrie switches places with Thor in Ragnarak.  Now she’s the one ready to preserve the Asgardian population and keep the kingdom together.  So I can see why it ended on Thor passing the “king”-ship to her, but…his entire arc (like T’Challa’s) is about becoming a good king.  Giving it up to go on sequel-baiting adventures is a massive step back.
Also, that was the perfect moment for a surprise Loki, and they missed it!
They really laid the Peggy/Steve on thick, despite ignoring Steve’s love of Peggy after the first half of The Winter Soldier.  The couple’s cute.  The chemistry’s great.  I love them!  Still doesn’t change the fact that this movie came from the same team that killed off Peggy for maximum angst and then in the same movie had Steve be attracted to her relative.  (Pick a side and stick to it, Marvel!)
So…no funeral for Nat?  They couldn’t send off two wreathes?
And are Loki and Vision really never coming back?  They had two of the most emotional deaths in the previous film, and they weren’t brought back?  Really?
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ellestra · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame Spoilers
Like many I’m upset about Natasha, too.  However I do understand as it does make sense in universe. Nat always saved Clint for his family. Back when Loki had him it was what drove her and she’s has been so close to his family always promising Laura she would make sure he’s safely back to them. It made sense she would do anything to make sure they will see him again. Yet, I still was angry she wasn’t there at the end. Especially, since when they come back from time travel the only two female members of the team are gone - Nat committed suicide and Nebula has been replaced by was replaced by her evil self so it’s just dudes there for the snap. They aren’t even surprised Nebula doesn’t come for Nat remembrance at the lake - they worked together for years after all. I’m so hoping this isn’t the end of Natasha’s story I don’t think that’s the end.
I was also annoyed at first at Nebula’s storyline as she’s basically is used again and betrays the team against her will - just like she betrayed her sister. She can’t even keep her memories as he mind keeps getting plundered. However, I loved that she got to be with Gamora again and pull her to the light side. They fought Thanos together. I hope they find each other again. Also the line about it being either Peter or the tree was glorious. Nebula’s humour is often under appreciated.
This is Nebula that had all those years they were sisters and all the years she learnt how to be friends and trust people - from playing paper football with Tony to her friendship with the Avengers (especially Rhodey - it must be the Tony connection). She and Rocket had been helping the universe after snap for longer than the Guardians have been together. I hope to see more how it changed Nebula in the next GotG film.
I loved Valkyrie on her flying horse. Just like the old times. And now she rules new Asgard somewhere in Norway.  I like that this kind of monarchy allows for the most qualified to take over and isn’t just governed by blood. But I can’t help notice that as always it’s woman doing the work of fixing society while the Dude goes to find himself wondering around with Assgaurdians of the Galaxy. And totally not arguing about who is the leader.
I know his look and how he was portrayed is controversial but I bet Chris Hemsworth loved that after being objectified through out all those previous movies (everyone mentions how hot Thor is -  everyone) he got to look like this - and wear all those comfortable clothes. I also think that it wasn’t really making fun of his physique - as storm gives him a makeover but doesn’t change his weight - but about his attitude - only Rocket commented on his looks but Rocket is a jerk and everyone else minded his behaviour. It also made sense because after everything that happened to Asgard he still believed this was all  a blip and he was going to win anyway (remember his speech to Rocket) but then he blows it and killing Thanos doesn’t make it any better. He could always hit his way out of any predicament but there is nothing left to hit (except maybe noobmaster69). So he drinks himself out of thinking about this failure and grief. Until he make peace through the person representing all that grief - his mother. And he becomes the hero again. And then he kicked ass.
I loved that both Thor and Tony got to make peace with their parents who they didn’t manage to before. And I loved that Tony used Pepper’s last name. But I suppose it was preparing us for the loss. Still, I’m also  happy that Tony and Pepper got to have their kid and be happy. And that those five years were not erased - not just for them but for everyone who got kids. Erasing them wouldn’t be much different than Thanos new plan to restart universe - genocide of the deleted.
I liked how Tony’s voiceover begins and ends the film. How he is such a dad during the whole thing. He teaches Nebula to win without violence and how he is with Morgan and when he gets Peter back. And he saves the world for all of them. So we can see all the families of the MCU reunited thanks to him in those final shots.
Steve picking up Mjolnir and calling  the lightning was what we all waited for - even Thor cheered. And of course he finally says the thing and everyone is an Avenger now. Him saying “Hail Hydra” in an elevator scene with HYDRA goons was so meta (both for comics and previous films) it killed. And Cap vs Cap fight was amazing and I loved older Steve only won because of spoilers (Bucky lives) - just like with HYDRA goons. The only thing better was Steve finally getting his dance with Peggy - and a whole life. And then passing the Shield to Sam was one of the most moving moments in the whole MCU.
But the best of of all was “I am Iron Man” and snap.
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Jealous Guy
pairing: peter quill x reader
word count: around 2.7k
summary: you and peter are practically enemies, but that all changes when a certain god of thunder inteferes
warnings: fluff, a little angst
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“Peter, will you turn your goddamn music off,” You threw a spoon at him, eyes remaining shut as you tried to nap in your chair. You heard the thud of the metal spoon against his arm and then it clatter to the floor.
“Ow,” Peter scoffed, “and no, drivers choice. Some of us actually pull their weight around here, miss I-don’t-do-anything-but-sleep-all-day.”
“Y/N is an indispensable member of this family, Quill. She has saved your ass on many occasions,” Drax defended and you opened your eyes to look up at him. He stood behind you, eating a bag of space nuts. You reached out and squeezed his arm.
“Thanks Drax,” you grinned, turning to glare at Quill. “Where are we even off to anyway.” You stood, trying to peer over Peter’s shoulder at his display but he wafted you away. You scrunched up your nose and peeked at Rocket’s screen instead.
“Titan? What’s on Titan? It’s a wasteland.”
Rocket just smiled as you finally made your way through the jump, stars warping before your eyes until finally you were across the universe, the reddish toned home of Thanos before your eyes and looming closer.
“An old friend.”
When you landed on Titan, there was already a ship there waiting. It was a poor excuse for a ship, small and stocky. It clearly wasn’t made of the best metal in the galaxy. Probably made by someone who hadn’t travelled the galaxy much, if at all. They tried aesthetically to make it look right, with sleek blue painted lines, but clearly the paint hadn’t held up in space and was pale and slightly cracked.
Rocket was eager to climb off the ship as soon as you landed, as were Groot, Mantis and Drax, but Peter hesitated. You stopped with him and raised an eyebrow. He was always sure to be first off, ensuring everyone knew that he was the captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
“What’s up?” You asked as he messed with some controls on the dashboard, stalling from disembarking the ship even more. He let out an infuriated breath at your voice and pinched the bridge of his nose, hand on hip.
“You piss these people off too, Quill? Don’t tell me. You slept with their sister. You stole their guns. You killed their best friend?” You followed him around the ship, pestering him until finally, he climbed off to escape you.
“None of that it’s just…” he trailed off as you both faced a group of people waiting for you on the ground. There was around ten of them, all stood with their arms crossed as they analysed your group. There was a hesitation from both of you, neither of you entirely trusting the other. They were all human looking, besides one of them, who was purple and seemingly robotic.
“They’re crazy attractive, damn. Look at that one.” You finished Peter’s previous statement, nodding to the man holding a giant axe and wearing a red cape.
“That is the pirate-angel baby,” Drax commented and your eyes widened.
“That’s Thor?” You glanced at Quill whose jaw tensed at his name. You let out a loud laugh and stepped forwards, playful smile on your face as you became the first to break ranks.
“Y/N, nice to meet you,” you held your hand out to Thor who raised an eyebrow. “Anyone who makes Quill as antsy as that is a friend of mine.” You gestured back to Peter who shuffled angrily in his spot, glaring daggers at both you and Thor in turn. Thor froze for a second before a large grin spread across his face. He took your hand and shook it.
“Well any friend of this Sweet Rabbit here is a friend of mine,” Thor gestured to Rocket who had moved now to your side. Rocket scoffed, rolling his eyes, but his lips were curved upwards.
“Alright, alright, lightning man, how’s that eye holding up?”
Thor grinned, rolling his right eye playfully, his left eye rooted to the spot, and both you and Rocket cringed.
“Gross,” but you were smiling, biting your lip when Thor met your eyes again. You felt a tension in the air that you decided to play with, opening your mouth to start a flirty exchange, only to be silenced when a hand was planted harshly on your shoulder, tugging you backwards slightly.
“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Peter had lowered his voice and your eyes widened, looking down at Rocket, then back at Drax before you all crippled over laughing.
“C’mon, guys,” Peter reverted back to his normal voice, pulling you by your arm to a clearing where you could all sit. You immediately broke off from him when you reached the area, taking a seat beside Thor with Mantis on your other side. Peter sighed, hands on hips, before he sat beside Mantis.
From there, things got more serious. You discussed the issue. Strange had heard of some alien force that was a potential threat to earth and this team of ‘Avengers’ wanted to defeat it before it made it to their planet.
“I thought that was our job anyway, but okay,” Quill muttered, rolling his eyes.
“Okay then space-boy, what’s your plan of attack,” Thor questioned, and Peter muttered something about overpreparation under his breath before Thor went into a very detailed plan about what was going to happen.
“Sounds good,” you clapped your hands together.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Peter stood too, hands outstretched to stop you from leaving. You glared at him. “We’re just gonna accept that?”
He glanced around at the entire group who seemed pretty settled on Thor’s plan. Tony shrugged at Peter and stood too.
“You got any adjustments, Quill?” Stark asked but there was only silence. You smirked, pushing past him as the rest of the team walked to the Avengers’ ship.
“Now if you’ll excuse me Quill, there is a perfectly chiselled god of thunder on this planet with us and I would like to take advantage of that.” You winked, trying to walk away only to feel a hand wrap around your wrist and tug you back. You were almost pressed against Quill’s chest, his eyes boring into yours.
“You can’t sleep with him,” Peter grunted through gritted teeth and you let out a scoff of surprise. You tugged lightly against his hold, but he held on tighter, pulling you even closer. You tried not to focus on your heart beating in your chest, the proximity and warmth of the man weakening your defences. You let out a steadying breath through your nose before speaking.
“And why not?” You decided to get even closer, leaning your face so there were mere inches between the two of you. The air between you was hot and thick and you felt trapped in this position like you were being set in honey. Peter’s eyes softened for a second before he seemed to snap out of it, stepping back and releasing you from his grasp. The air around you thinned out, and your muscles unclenched, only to feel slightly numb.
“You’ll get your heart broken,” he said, and you were almost reaching hope when… “and then I’ll automatically win, and that’s no fun.”
Peter smirked at you, although it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He pushed past you to follow the Avengers and the other Guardians onto the ship, leaving you stood in the dust.
Once aboard the Avengers ship, the teams seemed to relax a little. The plan was to attack in the morning. With the targets flight path, it would be easier and less time consuming to intercept them as they passed Titan, rather than flying now to where they were. It was almost silently agreed that you’d spend the night getting to know each other.
Everyone broke off into their own conversations. Tony, Rocket and Groot walked around the ship, Rocket kicking pieces of the machinery and telling Stark it sucked. Peter talked to Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff, occasionally fan-boying over the fact that Captain America was alive.
“And hot,” you’d added with a wink when you’d passed, earning a glare from Quill.
Drax was discussing something with Stephen Strange, T’Challa and Vision whilst Mantis talked with Banner and Wanda. You were left flirting with Thor, the quiet sound of Whitesnake’s Here I Go Again playing in the background from Tony’s self-installed speaker system.
When you’d joined the Guardians, they were all still mourning the death of Gamora. What Quill hadn’t needed was another member to join and replace her. He didn’t need a love interest to tell him it was okay and that he could move on. He needed someone to tell him he was an idiot when he messed up. To tell him his taste in music was depressing. To tell him that Footloose was the worst movie ever made. To bring some semblance of life back into him.
So, you’d pushed your feelings aside and became what he needed. An enemy amongst friends. Someone to push him back in order to pull him forward. Even if in doing so made him hate you.
But it had undoubtedly taken its toll on your love life and you sought desperately to find a connection to someone out there besides Quill. You flirted a lot. So Thor, in theory, should be no different. Peter always chastised you for a lack of professionalism when you did such a thing and you’d always roll your eyes. But in truth, they barely ever went further than flirtatious exchanges, and when they did, whatever it was wasn’t worth remembering in the morning.
There had been a slight connection with Thor. He was attractive, kind-hearted and a good laugh, and you were enjoying the flirtatious banter. But something was missing and you both felt it. It was never spoken about between the two of you, but you both felt a shift from a genuine romantic interest into two friends play-flirting.
Eventually, the group merged together, and you sat in your original circle. Thor on one side, Mantis the other, with Peter beside Mantis again.
“So, what do you do?” Steve turned to Mantis after listening to Thor translate Groot’s explanation of his species.
“I am an empath,” Mantis smiled, hands cupped delicately in her lap as her antenna twitched upwards at the attention being directed towards her. Mantis had rarely used her powers in front of you. Occasionally she would use it to put people to sleep. She’d use it on various missions as a battle advantage. But before you’d joined she’d been instructed never to use it to decipher or change the teams emotions.
“So, you can tell people’s feelings?” Sam pressed further, and Mantis nodded.
“Yes and alter their emotional state to some extent…” she trailed off glancing at the other Guardians. “Only, I don’t do it much unless needed in battle.”
“Why not do it now?” Steve smiled, and you gulped, glancing at Peter who instinctively leaned away from your antennaed friend. You felt your heart flutter at his obvious distrust and pursed your lips.
“Come on, tell us what Y/N is feeling,” Thor smiled, arm wrapped around you. You didn’t notice Peter tense at the god’s action. Before you could control what was happening, Mantis’ hand lay gently on your arm and her antenna lit up. She smiled, cocking her head slightly in pleasant surprise.
“She feels love for-“
“You finish that sentence and I’ll tie those antennae together so you look like a goddamn Christmas present,” you threatened, yanking your hand away. There was a silence before Thor laughed loudly, pulling you closer to his side. The rest of the group laughed too but you noticed Peter’s jaw clench and then he stood.
“Do Quill, Do Quill!” Drax chanted from across the room and Quill frantically turned to Mantis, locking eyes with you for only a second before the empath lay her hand on Quill’s chest.
“Quill is feeling jealousy… of Y/N and Thor.”
There was a silence as the group processed that information and you stared in awe up at Peter. Thor dropped his arm from around you. Quill fixed his eyes to you and you felt the vulnerability in them, mouth dropping open in slight shock at the revelation. Too stunned to realise, Peter didn’t even try to yank free from Mantis’ grasp and she continued to read him.
“Quill feels love, romantic, for-“
“Alright, Mantis,” Peter stumbled backwards into the centre of the group, pushing her hand from his chest. “God why the hell did we let you on this team.” He ran his hands over his face and turned away from you, pushing past the circle and off the ship. Everyone remained silent and you tried to process everything but it was a lot.
“You should really stop reading Quill, it never goes well,” Rocket commented, leaning back in his chair with a shake of his head.
“Quill loves…” Mantis turned to you and despite everything you’d just heard, you still let out a dry laugh of disbelief.
“No, Quill hates me.” You shook your head, but your voice was far from sure. There was a silence again and you felt everyone’s eyes on you. You shifted uncomfortably, trying to think of something to change the topic to. But nothing would come to your mind besides the affirmation that Peter loved you.
“Excuse me,” you stood and stalked off the ship, brushing past the team as you disembarked.
There was a clattering of metal coming from the hatch of your ship and you knew Peter was on board. You climbed the ladder carefully and silently, trying not to alert him of your presence. You watched for a while as he rummaged through a drawer, before finally you approached him cautiously, resting a gentle hand on his back.
“Peter?” Your voice was gentle, a tone you hadn’t used with him at all and Peter’s emotions betrayed him for a moment. His muscles relaxed beneath your touched and he even leaned back into it, shutting his eyes for a split second only to realise what he was doing. He tensed again and whirled around.
“I’m just… checking the bomb drawer. You know how Rocket gets, you never know which one is activated or not.” Peter stared down at the piece of metal in his hands, the slight tapping of his fingers examining the material the only sound for a little while until you spoke again.
“Mantis said… you were jealous? And you love-“
“I love Thor,” Peter laughed, diverting his eyes from you and stalking over to the cockpit, tossing what he was holding aside. “I mean who wouldn’t, look at that specimen. Like a pirate had an angel with a baby,” he muttered.
“Peter,” you tried to bring his attention back to you, but it was no use. The man paced around, fiddling with chairs and controls. Doing nothing in particular but everything to keep himself distracted from you.
“Did you think I love you, ahahaha. No. How could I love you?”
The words didn’t sting because for the first time, you realised he didn’t mean them and you smiled. You tried calling his name again, but he rambled on. So, you stepped closer and closer.
“All we do is fight all the time. God sometimes you’re worse than Rocket, do you know tha-“
You had him cornered now and you spun him to face you, looking into his eyes for less than a second before you cupped both of his cheeks and brought his lips to yours. Peter froze as you moved your lips softly against his. He watched your eyes flutter close and found his own closing too, hands magnetising to your waist and lips instinctively moving against yours too.
You felt yourself melt into him, arms wrapping around his neck as his held tightly to your waist to keep you upright. You smiled against his lips and Peter let out a breath. He pulled back only slightly to look you in the eyes and then he completely relaxed, pulling you into a tight hug with his head buried in your neck. You grinned, letting out a breath of relief.
“I love you too, Quill.”
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