#?i sadly have yet to see content of this ship
rennalaqotfm · 10 days
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Pairing: Prince Jacaerys Velaryon x Martell Princess! Reader
Synopsys: Upon discovering Aemond Targaryen's alliance with the Triarchy, the Blacks are pushed to the point of desperation. With the war looming over the horizon, they have no choice but to turn to an unlikely ally: House Martell.
Content Warning: Sexual content (but MDNI 18+ just to be safe), dry humping (-ish?), violence, alcohol consumption, toxic dynamics, swearing, themes of prejudice and misogynism, and a lot of 'fucking politicking,' as King Viserys said, (not proofread).
WC: 5.6k
Series Masterlist
(A/N and taglist at the end of the chapter)
As the winds guided Ser Tyland's ship to the Free Cities, the excitement regarding the wedding of the future Princess of Dorne and the Crown Prince buzzed in the air. No ravens had to be sent, for the whispers began within the palace walls, spread through the bustling streets of Sunspear, and were carried by the desert winds across the dunes, reaching the furthest Dornish houses.
Princess Y/n sat before her mirror, watching her handmaiden, Melynda, fasten the back of her dress. A sweet girl of one-and-twenty, Melynda had been brought from Pentos on a cramped boat, a former slave traded by her master for coin. Ever since she had served the Princess with quiet devotion, her nimble fingers always making a masterpiece out of her.
Despite being draped in the finest fabrics of deep sapphire, adorned with intricate golden swirls and beads of amber, Y/n stared blankly at her reflection. The celebrations leading to the wedding were set to last a fortnight, a long stretch filled with feasts, ceremonies, and endless politicking. In mere hours, she would be facing the guests, forced to smile and charm as she and the Velaryon boy persuaded them to align with Rhaenyra's cause. She didn't even know where to begin looking for the strength and willpower she had to gather to convince those lords to join a war she herself didn't fully believe in.
“Is it too tight, Princess?” Melynda asked meekly, noting how Y/n had remained quiet the whole time she had been preparing her. "Princess?"
Suddenly, Y/n's bottom lip began to quiver as she felt a knot forming in her throat. 
“Gods be damned…” she muttered, feeling her tears pooling in her eyes. “How did it all come to this?” 
“If it's too tight, mayhaps I could—”
“Of course, it’s bloody tight! It’s damn near crushing my guts!” the Princess burst out, causing her handmaiden to stumble backward, her hands trembling. “I apologise, Melynda,” she sniffed, feeling the guilt pool in her chest. It wasn’t the first time she had taken her anger and frustration out on the younger girl. Of all the people in the palace, she was the least deserving of such crude treatment. “It’s just—”
“I understand, Princess,” Melynda smiled sadly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Y/n held her hand softly, holding back her cries. “To be betrothed to someone who you don't truly love must be a punishment for the soul.”
“I’ve been trying to avoid this all these years. Gods forbid a woman who wants to live a life free from all this nonsense," she muttered bitterly.
“You are to be the Princess of Dorne. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“But not with a Targaryen… someone who sees us as nothing more than goatfuckers.”
“Once you get to acquainted with one another, I’m certain he’ll see past the veil of prejudice that blinds the rest of Westeros.”
“Oh, we’re well past the point of acquaintances, and I’m certain we’ve both made it clear that we’d rather kill each other than push forward with this betrothal.”
“And yet, you've hardly spent a moment alone together, away from prying eyes. Forgive me if I'm wrong, my Princess, but this hostility you feel towards one another... it feels more like the weight of your houses than your own. He’s not truly wronged you, nor have you wronged him... well, apart from the few wounds you’ve exchanged.”
“I wish it were as simple as you say, but the hatred between our houses runs deeper than that trial. We’re talking about years of bloodshed, of lives torn apart by their desire to conquer what was never theirs. How can we ever forget that? If anything, those Targaryens are only reaping what they've sown.”
“I understand, Princess, but is it truly fair to place the sins of the forefathers upon their children? Yes, the Targaryens once sought to conquer Dorne, but they failed. And since then, they’ve left us to rule our lands. Why should Prince Jacaerys suffer for the wrongdoings of his ancestors when he himself hasn't harmed you?”
“You speak the truth, Melynda. But do you truly think the rest of the Dorne will see it that way?” She stared at her handmaiden's reflection. “The pain the Targaryens have caused... it’s not just written in our histories, it’s engraved into the souls of our people.”
“I’m not saying that your betrothal to Prince Jacaerys will reconcile your houses overnight, Princess. In fact, it may take generations to heal these wounds. However, if Queen Rhaenyra proves to be the rightful and just ruler she claims to be, and honours your demands... and you and Prince Jacaerys unite the Seven Kingdoms as promised, then mayhaps it could be the beginning of something.” 
Suddenly, both women were startled by a knock on the door.
“Yes?” Y/n cleared her throat.
“My Princess,” Ser Domeric's said from the other side. “The guests have begun to arrive, and your presence is expected shortly.”
Princess Y/n quickly composed herself, ensuring that any trace of sorrow had vanished from her face, and replaced her semblance with a mask of indifference.
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The late afternoon breeze crept through the palace windows, stirring the heavy air in the Hall but doing little to lift the mood. Spirits were low and the lingering music was drowned out by the quiet murmurs of the guests. Lords and ladies from House Yronwood to House Qorgyle had traversed across the arid deserts to Sunspear, not out of enthusiasm, but out of duty, their gazes shifting warily as they gathered to pay tribute to the Princess. Even Y/n herself, appeared as though she wished to be anywhere else.
At the high table, the Martells sat alongside the Targaryens, not able to look one another eye to eye. They faced the great houses, whose semblance didn’t hide their disdain for the dragonriders. They showed no efforts for forced pleasantries, bracing themselves for the next chapter of conflict rather than celebrating a wedding that would unite the Seven Kingdoms.
Before anything, Prince Qoren stood up, ready to speak before his people.
“It is truly an honour to welcome you all this evening, and I thank each and every one of you for making the long journey to Sunspear. Tonight, we gather not only to celebrate the betrothal of my beloved daughter, Princess Y/n Martell, to the Crown Prince Jacaerys Velaryon... but also, the union between House Martell and House Targaryen,” he spoke, the enthusiasm fading in his voice. 
The crowd fell into an immediate hush, the lords and ladies exchanging uncertain glances, some full of resentment, and some full of disgust. Y/n felt each pressing gaze suffocating her and tried to hide her discomfort behind the rim of her cup, already expecting those pessimistic reactions. After all, who in their right mind would willingly wed a Targaryen?
“Out of all of the suitors that have lost their lives willing to serve you and our realm, you chose to spare the one whose ancestors sought to conquer our lands?” Lady Liara from House Briar’s voice trembled, barely able to hold back her anger. “Could you not have shown mercy to my sweet boy Eldritch instead?”
The Princess had always been taught to hold back in such moments, especially in front of such a large audience, but before she could stop herself, the words were already spilling out of her mouth.
“My Lady,” Y/n began, trying to push down the feeling of irritation rising up her chest. “Remind me… who sent your son, alone, to seek my hand? As far as I know, someone that young shouldn’t be burdened with ‘providing me a strong heir’ or ‘making Dorne more prosperous than it already is.’ Those aren’t words a boy of three-and-ten should be speaking.” 
Lady Liara sank back to her seat with a scowl. The Princess’ gaze swept across the Hall, their faces etched with grief and bitterness, never forgetting the lives lost in pursuit of her hand. 
Whilst the guests sat in silence, waiting for either Prince Qoren or Princess Y/n to justify such a decision, Rhaenyra seized the moment to capture the crowd’s attention. She cleared her throat and rose slowly, her lilac eyes lingering on each guest, meeting the same eyes that had carried pent-up hatred for generations.
“By coming here, we are not denying the sins of House Targaryen,” she paused, allowing her words to settle, her gaze never leaving the crowd.  “I understand that to many of you, we are still the enemy. I am aware of the blood that was spilled and the pain that has lingered for generations. But the true enemies now are the Greens, who have usurped the Throne and seek to bring all of Westeros to its knees. And I know Dorne will not bend without a fight. Join us, and we will stand together. We can prevent the war that the Greens will bring to your lands.”
Despite Rhaenyra's words, the guests still mumbled with one another and her plea fell on indifferent ears. She clasped her hands together, holding her composure.
“So, the Greens are the enemies now, eh?" A voice echoing across the hall finally broke through the whispers. “To them, you are the usurper. And as far as we are concerned, they have yet to come to our lands to pester us with this petty war of yours.”
“Do not mistake their silence for mercy, my Lord. When they come, they will not ask. They will take. And by then, it may be too late to decide where your loyalties lie,” Daemon retorted.
“They have left us with no other choice,” Lord Lysander Dayne scowled. “Is this why you brought these beasts? So they can burn us if we refuse to join?”
Upon the mere mention of the dragons, the fear of the crowd became palpable. Prince Qoren’s face was flushed with anger, seeing that the celebration had somehow turned into a council meeting.
“Enough of this nonsense!” Prince Qoren bellowed, rising to his feet and jabbing his fist to the table. "We are here to celebrate the upcoming wedding of my daughter, not to squabble over this bloody war! If I hear more of it tonight, I’ll throw you in a pit of scorpions myself," his voice cut through the crowd, making the lords shrink back into their seats as he glared at Rhaenyra.
The music, which had momentarily ceased, began to play again. Princess Y/n exhaled deeply, gripping her cup as she swirled the crimson liquid. If she was going to endure the remainder of this night and persuade those thick-skulled lords to support Rhaenyra, she would need wine. A lot of it. She downed the first cup, the sweet taste lingering on her palate as her gaze shifted across the room, spotting the lords she had to sway.
Lord Lysander of House Dayne sat with his lady wife, his stern face etched with displeasure. He had made it clear where he stood, opposing any involvement in the war. Yet, he was infamously known for his ambition; he was the sort of man who would bend the knee for the right price, advancing his own house in exchange for his formidable army. Then there was Lord Thaddeus of House Yronwood, head of the second-most powerful house in Dorne, capable of providing enough supplies to sustain the armies at sea; a practical man, loyal to tradition, but always open to negotiation. On the other side of the Hall, she spotted Lord Ander of House Jordayne, who owned the largest fleet in Dorne.
Ser Domeric, being part of House Uller and their loyal informant, would provide whatever support was asked. And lastly, House Santagar, though not enthusiastic, had always been fiercely loyal to the Martells and would stand by their house regardless.
Despite the collective disappointment lingering in the air, as the feast came to an end, the guests stood up to salvage what remained of the evening. Jacaerys’ eyes followed Y/n as she rose from her seat, weaving through the multitude and making her way to Lord Lysander. The man bowed his head and extended his hand, offering the Princess a dance which she accepted with a smile that seemed far too charming than she would normally allow herself to be. Jacaerys couldn’t tear his gaze from Y/n, watching how she leaned towards Lord Lysander, her lips closely brushing his ear, as he nodded eagerly so as not to disappoint her.
“A celebration of our upcoming betrothal?” Jacaerys scoffed, already feeling his blood boil at the sight of the Princess with another man. Had they been at the Red Keep, the whispers would have already circled around, rumours of the Princess enjoying the company of other men, even while bound by a betrothal to him, that would call into question not only her honour but the legitimacy of their future children. He could already hear the council’s scandalous whispers behind closed doors–whispers that had been haunting him all his life.
“She’s quite gifted, isn’t she, my dear sister?” Elyas remarked, turning to Jacaerys. “She has a way of making men dance in the palm of her hand.”
“Only if one is foolish enough to fall for whatever games she is playing,” Jacaerys muttered.
Jacaerys and Elyas watched how Lord Lysander placed a kiss on top of her hand. With one final whisper, she slipped away from his arms and disappeared into the crowd, only to be seen again; that time with Lord Ander, who offered the Princess his hand without hesitation. 
“There are a couple of things you should know about her,” Elyas said with a sneer, glancing at the Princess. “One of them is… you’ll never be her only one.”
“You need not tell me what I can already see. It seems your sister is not familiar with the notion of faithfulness.”
“Faithfulness? As far as I’m aware, neither of you are bound by vows just yet,”  Elyas grinned, noting how Jacaerys clearly wasn’t enjoying the conversation. "But listen, this celebration isn’t meant for you to sulk in a corner, watching my sister dance with every lord in Dorne. It's for indulging. There’s a place not too far from the palace, where we know how to truly celebrate. Who knows? You might not even survive this war you’re throwing yourself into. You may as well enjoy the finest pleasures our land has to offer before it’s too late," Jacaerys’s knuckles whitened around his cup, his repulsion palpable, but Elyas only leaned in closer. 
As much as Jacaerys despised watching Princess Y/n flit from lord to lord, he wasn’t about to lower himself to her games. What was she trying to prove? Was she testing him, daring him to show any signs of jealousy or anger? Or mayhaps she was simply making it clear, once again, how much she misliked him?
Jacaerys refused to give Elyas the satisfaction of a response and merely shook his head. Elyas smirked, amused by Jacaerys' restraint, and stood up, ensuring he ruined the evening even more before leaving.
“Oh, and just so you know… whatever illusions you have about loyalty and honour, you'd best cast them aside. If you think my sister will suddenly change her ways after this betrothal of yours, then you’re completely wrong. I’m telling you now, she won’t. She’s as Dornish as they come… untamable and always chasing trouble. The more you tighten the leash, the more she’ll struggle to break free. And she’ll keep playing her games, whether you like them or not... so you better learn how to play them if you don't wish to end up as another one of her playthings,” Elyas said, slapping Jacaerys’ shoulder playfully before walking away.
Jacaerys hadn’t even realised how tightly he was clenching his jaw until the sound of Elyas and his sworn protector’s fading footsteps pulled him back to reality. He let out a breath, trying to shake off the bitterness away, and downed a gulp of wine.
But what he hadn’t noticed was a pair of dark wide eyes watching him from the other end of the table. It was Farien, whose gaze had been flickering between him and Elyas the whole time. When Jacaerys caught the boy's gaze, his expression softened. He set down his cup, watching how the little boy stood up and made his way over to him.
“If you marry my sister, does that mean you’ll become my brother?” Farien asked. 
“I suppose,” he forced a smile, though he wasn’t sure if the little boy was particularly glad about that.
Farien climbed on to the empty seat beside Jacaerys, glancing around the nearly deserted table and making sure none of his family members were nearby. All of the Martells were tending their own business, leaving the Targaryens seated in silence. The boy leaned in close, cupping his small hands around Jacaerys’s ear, scared that someone might hear what he had to say.
“So, does that mean I get to ride your dragon?” He whispered. 
Jacaerys looked at him, his eyes widening in surprise. 
“If your father allows you, then I suppose you could… but are you not afraid?” He asked.
“I’m really, really scared. But I wonder what it must feel like to see the world from up above. The closest I’ve ever gotten to flying is in my dreams, you know? It feels like I’m one of Father’s falcons, soaring high in the skies. Father says I have the gift to turn into one of them at night and watch over the desert,” he glanced up, his eyes gleaming in wonder.
Jacaerys looked at the boy and allowed himself to smile, as Farien somehow reminded him of his younger brother, Joffrey, whom he hadn't seen in a long time.
“Anyway,” Farien continued, “I think we could be brothers, you and I. We even look alike, see?” He pointed at Jacaerys’ curls. “It would be nice to have another brother... because, well, Elyas... he’s nice, sometimes. But not always.”
Jacaerys held back a scoff, figuring as much. 
“And what about your sister?” 
“We like sneaking sweets from the kitchens and feeding them to the horses,” Farien’s eyes suddenly lit up. “And she loves fighting, too. But not the angry, shouting kind, no. She says that sometimes, fighting feels like dancing, and that’s why she enjoys it. She’s really good at it. And I think you are too. But my sister is better.”
Just as he was about to ask Farien what other things his sister enjoyed, one of the little boy’s servants approached them. 
“My Prince, your father has sent me to take you back to your chambers to rest,” she smiled at the little boy, who had no choice but to accept dejectedly.
As the servant took him in her arms, Farien waved at Jacaerys with a small smile. He nodded at the little boy, unable to stop himself from smiling back.
“At least the little one is not as irritating as the rest of his family,” Rhaenyra said as her gaze softened, noticing how the little boy never tore his eyes from them as he got further and further.
“Give him a couple of years. He will turn out exactly like his older brother,” Daemon muttered. 
Then, Jacaerys' gaze trailed back to the Princess once again, who was still locked in a dance with Lord Ander. The exchange of whispers seemed to grow more intense, as his lips lingered on the shell of her ear, making her nod as her smile never left her lips.
“Jacaerys,” Daemon’s sharp voice cut through his thoughts. “Do you not have a duty to fulfil?”
“I have been fulfilling them since the moment we arrived,” he muttered, his voice laced with irritation. As Jacaerys had been doing everything he could to uphold his duties, Daemon merely sat back, watching the spectacle he had set in motion unravel before him. 
“You have, but sitting and watching the Princess be courted by every lord in Dorne is not one of them. Listen to me, these men are doing everything in their power to pull her away from our alliance since they can see she does not favour you,” he paused leaning in closer. “You are no stranger to this. If you two are to rule the Seven Kingdoms, she needs to be seen by your side.”
Jacaerys rose from his seat as he exhaled, growing frustrated by the second. It was all in the name of duty, after all. He headed towards the Princess with steady steps, disappearing into the crowd and dodging every drunken lord and lady that stood in his way. Lord Ander, who seemed to have more intentions than just dancing with the Princess, held her close, too close, his hands lingering on her waist. 
“My Lord,” Jacaerys cleared his throat, barely containing himself. Lord Ander snapped his head towards his direction. “I would hate to interrupt your conversation, but the hour is quite late, and Princess Y/n needs to rest.”
“Is that so?” He pulled Y/n even closer to him, making Jacaerys’ blood boil. “How come the Princess seems to be enjoying herself?”
Jacaerys’ eyes flicked to the cup in her hand, the liquid threatening to spill from the rim. He wasn’t a stranger to that dazed look and that loose smirk playing on her lips. 
“The Princess seems to have indulged in one too many cups. You may continue whatever… conversation you were having on the morrow, my Lord,” Jacaerys forced his words through his teeth. 
“Is that an order from the Crown Prince? Or from a boy who is still learning how to hold a woman’s interest?” Lord Ander raised a brow, sliding his hand even lower on her waist. 
The Princess’ gaze flicked between the two men, unaware of the escalating tension. She took another sip from her cup, her eyes landing on Jacaerys, finally acknowledging how dashing he looked in a Dornish ensemble of deep blues and golds.
“Gods, spare me,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “You two sound like you’re ready to start another war.”
“If it means winning your favour, Princess,” Lord Ander said with a grin.
“Mayhaps that's a battle for another day. Besides, the Prince is right, the hour is quite late,” she said softly, growing tired at the show of bravado between the two men. She moved away from Lord Ander and took a step towards Jacaerys.
Jacerys, whose heart was pounding with both anger and relief, offered her his arm. Y/n would’ve hesitated at first, but under the effects of wine, any qualms were long gone. She noted how he tensed his arm uncomfortably, unaware that she was putting pressure on the wound she had given him not too long ago. 
Casymir leaned against one of the pillars with a hint of amusement on his face, watching the whole scene unfold before his eyes. Once Jacaerys and Y/n were away from the crowd, he finally pushed himself off the pillar, approaching Jacaerys, who was struggling to keep her in place.
“Allow me, my Prince. The Princess is in good hands with me,” he said, extending his arm. 
Jacaerys glared at Casymir as he adjusted her weight in his arm, wondering what he was smiling for.
“You are the Princess’ sworn protector, are you not?” He raised his brow. 
“Yes, my Prince,” he smiled proudly.
“Yet all you did was stand and watch how the Princess wandered into the clutches of men with less than noble intentions,” Jacaerys tried to keep his composure, though his anger simmered beneath the surface.
“Do you question my service to the Princess, my Prince?” He chuckled, brushing the Prince’s concerns aside. “The Princess was in no immediate danger. And as far as I’m aware, a dance with a lord hardly constitutes a threat.”
“If you think a man whose ulterior motives are clearly written in his face not to be dangerous, then mayhaps we have very different understandings of the word danger,” Jacaerys said. 
“You greatly misunderstand the Princess. Lord Ander was eager, but he knew better than to cross the line. And besides, she would’ve ended his attempts long before you stepped in. As you might have already… experienced, the Princess knows how to handle herself and hardly needs to be coddled,” his blue eyes trailed at the way their arms were intertwined. “Though, it seems she doesn’t mind letting you try.”
“So, what are you here for, then? Just for decoration?”  
“Is picking fights with other men a favourite pastime of yours, my Prince?” The Princess laughed, poking fun at Jacaerys as she unconsciously tightened her grip around his injured arm. “You do seem to have a talent for making enemies wherever you go.”
Jacaerys hesitated, unsure if replying to the Princess was even worth the efforts given her current state, so he merely scoffed, shaking his head in defeat. However, one thing he couldn’t ignore was the feeling of having her so close as she mindlessly ran her hand up and down the length of his arm. He tried to calm his heart, but he couldn’t keep his composure with each stroke of her fingers that made him lean into her touch ever so slightly.   
Once they reached the Princess’ chambers, Casymir leaned on the door, his arms crossed with an infuriatingly calm expression on his face. 
“If you wish to be escorted back to your chambers, my Prince, I can call for a servant,” Casymir offered, implying that Jacaerys had overstayed his welcome.
“No. I wish to stay. The Princess and I have a few words to exchange,” he said.
“I’ll be fine, Cas,” the Princess slurred, assuring her sworn protector with a slow nod.
“As you wish, my Princess. I'll be just outside, should you require any assistance.”
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Jacaerys stood by the door, unsure of what to do now that he was inside the Princess’ chambers. It wasn’t improper of him, as her soon-to-be husband, to be seen there, so he found himself leaning against the wall, trying to regain the composure that he had repeatedly lost throughout the night. His eyes trailed around the intricately carved golden statues that adorned the corners and the colourful tapestries that swayed slightly, catching the faint breeze that slipped through the windows and bringing with it the distant murmurs of the ongoing celebration. 
Only when he heard a soft clink and the steady stream of wine being poured into a cup, he snapped out of his thoughts. Before he could even think, he turned to Y/n, walking towards her and snatching the cup and jug from her hands, causing her mouth to hang open in disbelief and indignation. 
“You will not drink any more tonight,” he ordered, pouring the liquid out of the window and slamming the cup aside.  
“Well, isn’t this absolutely perfect?” She spat, throwing her arms in the air in defeat. “Not only will you take away my freedom, but now you wish to take away one of the few things that bring me joy?”
“You must live a very miserable life, Princess, if wine and men are the few things in life that bring you joy,” Jacaerys burst out, no longer able to contain the pent-up anger that had been brewing all night.
“Oh, believe me, I’ll have a miserable life once I marry you.”
“And what makes you think I want to marry you? That behaviour of yours… is unacceptable,” he wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I do not wish to marry someone who is a slave to their desires.”
“A slave to my desires? Is that what you think of me?” Y/n shouted, unable to control the fury taking over her voice.
“What else am I supposed to think when you go from lord to lord like a marionette whose strings had been cut?” He paused, taking in her dishevelled appearance. “I was not aware how these Dornishmen could name someone so ruthless and so debauched as their Princess.” 
“And I didn’t know you Targaryens go around crowning bastards just to keep your house on the Throne,” she spat, making sure to rest her gaze on his dark eyes and on his brown locks long enough.
“You whore–!”
Before Jacaerys could finish his sentence, Y/n's palm collided with his cheek in a stinging slap, his head snapping to the side. His eyes widened, more in shock than pain, as his hand instinctively rose to the reddening mark on his face.
“A whore? A savage? A goatfucker?” Y/n's voice trembled with fury. “Is that all you see me as?” She shoved him hard, sending him stumbling backward until his back hit the wall. Her finger jabbed into his chest with every word. “You,” she spat, “should be thanking me for getting my hands dirty, persuading those lords to join your petty war!”
Jacaerys was stunned into silence momentarily, feeling every ounce of her rage bleeding through her words.
“And who told you to do that on your own?” Jacaerys shot back. “You could have asked me, we could have gone together and spoken to them like it is expected of us!”
“You overestimate yourself,” she scoffed, narrowing her eyes at him. “Do you even know what those lords think of you? Of your family? If it weren’t for our betrothal, they would have driven a spear through your chests without a second thought. Because to them, you Targaryens are nothing but bloodthirsty murderers who’ve come to take our lands all over again.”
“Enough!” Jacaerys grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her, slamming her against the wall. “You think I do not know that? You think I do not feel it every time I step into a room? The way they look at me? At my family? You think I enjoy being the enemy?” He seethed, feeling his throat grow raw with each word. “Gods, you are infuriating,” he grunted, realising how close their faces were to one another. 
The Princess’ lips curled into a smirk, a flicker of satisfaction lingering in her eyes. She had struck a nerve, realising how Jacaerys was always quick to react to whatever blasphemous speech she had to say about his family, and once again, she had managed to unleash the dormant wrath that blinded his actions. 
As the Princess found herself cornered between his arms and the wall, she crouched low, slipping beneath his arms in a fluid motion and spinning around to pin Jacaerys against the wall, pressing her chest to his back. Jacaerys reacted instinctively, kicking off the wall to shove her back. The sudden force sent her stumbling as she crashed on the ground, and he followed, landing on top of her in a tangle of limbs.
Just as he was about to stand up, Y/n yanked him back down and rolled on top of him, keeping him in place by locking her thighs around his waist and pinning his arms on the floor with one swift movement. Truth be told, Jacaerys could have easily pushed her away as her usual strength was halved by the wine; yet he remained still, feeling the warmth of Y/n’s body pressed into his, and how their faces were inches apart yet again, her breath hot on his skin.
Once again, he found himself under her mercy.
She stared down at him with half-lidded eyes and lips slightly open as she breathed lightly, taking in the sight of Jacaerys’ flushed face and his gaze clouded by desire. Jacerys looked up at her and gulped, feeling his erection stirring uncomfortably beneath his breeches.
His eyes locked onto her plump lips and trailed towards to the hollow of her neck, down to her chest. He stared hungrily as she leaned towards him, his fingertips itching to explore the skin hidden beneath the fabric of her dress. As she got closer and closer to his face, Jacaerys’ breath hitched, and without realising it, his lips parted slightly as his eyes fluttered shut in anticipation. His pulse quickened, waiting for the warmth of her lips pressing against his.
But instead of the kiss he craved, he felt the hot caress of her breath graze the shell of his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. Her voice, low and smooth, held him captive with each honeyed word.
“If you want to win this little war of yours, you better start by respecting me,” she whispered as she let go of one of his wrists and began tracing delicate patterns with her finger. “Just because I’ve chosen you as my betrothed doesn’t mean I won’t change my mind,” she bucked her hips against his hardened cock, causing Jacaerys to groan at the sudden spark of pleasure coursing in his veins. 
In that very moment, Y/n had uncovered yet another emotion—the primal desire that, despite her infuriating attitude, she had managed to set ablaze. If Jacaerys had to ask himself how it happened, he wouldn’t know where to begin answering. Had it all started when they first met, when she held little regard for him? Was it in the arena, when she brazenly humiliated him in front of everyone? Or was it the fact that they always seemed to find themselves pointing a blade at each other’s throats? Behind all that anger and hatred, and the prejudice that blinded him from seeing the Princess as she truly was, lay a spark of curiosity. Something he knew that once he began to explore, that spark would turn into wildfire.
With each passing second, he fought against the temptation to place his hands on the curve of her hips and make her grind herself against his cock.
“Remember, my Prince,” she purred in his ear, bucking her hips once again. “The wedding has not taken place yet, and anything could happen.” 
A/N: For some reason, i keep beating my wordcount record. istg my fanfic wc is way bigger than all of my uni papers combined, and bare in mind i was a humanities student lmfaooo.
anyway, i feel like this chapter was a mess. jace's patience continuously getting tested by everyone, and our reader making things even harder for him. i actually feel sorry for those two but the way they are handling things is not very demure, mindful or cutesy. we got the exact opposite.
Taglist: @happinessinthebeing @deltamoon666 @dark1paradise @elz-zalarrr @v0dka4a (continued in comments)
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morose-melodies · 1 month
how to say goodbye | yandere! genshin impact
ft. capitano, dottore, pantalone, and childe
summary: yandere harbingers writing letters to you after you ran away.
content warning: implied abuse, kidnapping, and just them mistreating you
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I don't think you understand how happy I was to find out that you were still in snezhnaya.
you're not even that far away from where I am.
don't worry, I won't come visit you or anything!
well, maybe I will. I haven't made up my mind yet. my mind is in shambles right now because I'm pretty excited.
I know you ran away because you hate me. I get that, I'd hate me too if I were you.
so, on that note, I want to apologize. I made a mistake that night, it wasn't nice of me.
I was scared of losing you but now that I have, I feel different, or something like that.
I've come to my senses, I guess...
I hope I didn't leave any scars on you, I'd never forgive myself if I did.
and I don't expect you to forgive me.
so, no hard feelings if you toss this in the garbage after getting it.
so, I guess I won't be coming to see you anytime soon. it would probably scare you really bad, huh?
I'm trying to be better, (y/n). I want to be someone good for you. I want you to think of me and smile, let me prove that I can change because I swear I can.
I'm not asking for another chance or anything. I just want you to know that I'm trying to change for you.
so, if you ever run into me in town, you don't have to be scared of me dragging you away again, I won't.
I won't even look at you if you don't want me too.
that's all for now.
- ajax
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I caught a glance of you today.
I would have never guessed you'd end up in sumeru. if not for the trista sending for me, I would have pursued you, but sadly, I could not.
my work comes before all.
I'm writing to you on a ship, I'll be back in snezhnaya by the time this reaches you, however, it might reach you.
I'm not sure what made me write this letter. this is not an apology by any means, I do not want you to take it as one.
that is, because, I am not sorry.
I haven't changed in any way that you would have liked me to. in truth, my resolve to have you back has only gotten stronger.
does that frighten you?
I would have dragged you onto the ship with me given the chance; sadly, things cannot always go my way.
I've learned to deal with rejection and such. it does not phase me anymore.
but, I'm getting off topic.
I admit, I miss you (y/n), and if I happen to ever see you again, you'll be coming home with me.
perhaps I'll let you sleep in my bed this time around as opposed to the basement floor.
- dottore
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does it frighten you to know that I've been watching you?
I hope not. I've been worrying for you nonstop, I couldn't bring myself to let you leave so easily.
until that ship comes and takes you to mondstat, I will be watching you. I cannot stop myself, it's a compulsion, it seems.
I'm afraid the moment I look away, harm might come to you.
this is not a plea for forgiveness, not at all.
you seem afraid.
I'm sure of what I saw three nights ago, you caught a glimpse of me in the woods, was that it?
I'm sure you are afraid I've come to take you back, but, it's nothing of the sort.
you should continue to go about your day without a care for I won't allow anything to happen to you.
don't lock yourself away in your home, living in such fear isn't good for you, (y/n).
even as I write this, I understand that you will most likely be more afraid than before and I apologize.
but, I will not stop.
I cannot stop.
for I have sworn to protect you.
- capitano
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it has come to my knowledge that you're selling the jewelry I bought for you.
is that not rude? it's a slap in the face to me.
you little thief, first you ran off wearing one of my finest coats, along with the jewelry I bought you, and now you sell it all?
I had half a mind to come down to your store today to take all the stolen items back, but I took a deep breath while writing this and realized you could do as you, please.
you are (y/n), after all.
come back and take more jewelry for all I care. i wouldn't stop you.
I had a long-running fantasy of the two of us ruling the world financially together - you adorn in the most beautiful jewels and me by your side.
when you ran off that night, I caught a glimpse of you. it was just as I saw you in my fantasy. if only you had stayed, (y/n), day by day, I got closer to my goal.
I will let you run free for now.
when I financially rule over the people, and when their every belongs to me, as will you.
you will be mine once more, (y/n).
- pantalone
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grandline-fics · 4 months
A Moment On The Lips
DESCRIPTION: Their favourite moments to kiss you
WARNINGS: just fluff
WORDS: 696
A/N: Haven't posted in a week and sadly my energy has been super low. I didn't want to post a request and be unhappy or feel like I was forcing something out so here's something quick and hopefully you all like it.
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One of his favourite kisses with you requires his least favourite circumstances in order to get it; a separation. As independent as you both are, neither of you can deny how much you love and savour the time you spend together. So whether you have your own work to do or he finds himself away on a mission, the long drawn out wait of returning home is made worthwhile in that reunion kiss you share. This time Mihawk has been gone for a month so when he finally sees the outline of  Kuraigana coming into view, his hands twitch in the anticipation he knows all too well and doubts he will ever tire of. 
Entering the castle he shares with you and calls home, he walks the same steps he could take blindfolded until he’s outside the living room he knows you’ll be in. Mihawk pushes the door open and strides inside, a small smile tugging at his lips to see you lounging comfortably on the sofa, the vision of contentment and beauty. You aren’t surprised to see he’s returned but your eyes still light up with joy. You have no need for pretence and don’t hide your happiness as you get up from your relaxed position and approach, always meeting your lover halfway. 
When his hands slip around your waist and yours cup his face, you both melt into the feeling of being in each other’s presence once again. This is what keeps you both going on your time apart and you both know how to savour every second. Mihawk pulls you close and you smile up at him, lowering one hand to curl your fingers around the golden cross on his chest, never moving your gaze from his even brighter eyes. It isn’t until his lips claim yours that you let your eyes slide closed and you respond in a slow deepening of the kiss, letting it build as all the silent ‘welcome home’, ’I missed you’s, and ‘I love you’s come pouring out in the embrace.
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Kid’s larger than life presence and spontaneity branches across all aspects of his life, including his romantic relationship with you. He can’t find anything better than the moments he shares with you. To him, you’re everything that matters and the key thing that brings him both excitement and stability. He never wants to just become a predictable partner for you so he loves to catch you off guard when it comes to his affection. So now it’s become a challenge for himself. Every morning when he wakes, he picks a number and that’s how many surprise kisses he has to give you before you both turn in for the night. 
On this particular morning he wakes to see that you’re still sleeping soundly beside him and a wicked grin stretches across his lips. Today the number is one. It’s perfect because you’ll be expecting a number larger than that and you’ll never see this coming. Just as he predicted, you don’t see this coming. You wake with a slow stretch and blink in confusion to find your Captain has already risen for the day and your lips slip into a pout. Normally he gets the first kiss out of the way immediately. You smirk and shrug to yourself, enjoying the mix up. 
By late afternoon however you’re staring at the red haired man suspiciously from across the ship. Still nothing and you know he’s in a good mood so you aren’t worried that you or anyone in the crew had done something to sour his mood. Still you had no idea what he was up to and you sure as hell weren’t going to confront him and demand a kiss, well at least not yet. You had a stronger will than that. 
When you were heading to the dining room for dinner Kid finally launched himself at you. His arm caught you swiftly and spun you around to face him and kissed you hungrily. Nothing truly compared to the way your eyes always shone in the surprise of being pulled towards him before softening and melting entirely into the feeling of his lips against yours. 
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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signfromeywa · 22 days
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Chapter 04: Conversation with Turner
Anastasia Novak is a behavioural scientist tasked with socializing a captive Na'vi on behalf of the RDA. The longer she works with the Na'vi and the closer she gets to him, the more she has to rethink everything she thought she knew and redefine her morals and values. Can she just carry on like this, or will she follow her heart?
Content: Rating +18, Avatar fanfiction, human x Na'vi ship, Na'vi captured
Characters: Human OCs: Anastasia Novak, Steven Turner, Patra// Na'vi OCs: Ean'tu,
Word Count: 3914
❗️English is not my native language! I apologize very much if it reads a bit bumpy here and there.
I'm a German author and this is the first time I've tried to translate a story I'm working on into English and upload it. I still hope you enjoy it.❗
Ana cautiously approached the Na'vi. The hand with which she held the leather leash tensed. She pressed her lips together guiltily, but knew that it was necessary. But would Ean'tu understand? She didn't want to lead him on a leash like an animal, she already realized that he wasn't an animal, but all this was necessary to lead him to the sanatorium. The warm red eyes looked at her. He seemed to be waiting. Ana had to somehow explain to him what she was going to do, despite the language barrier.She lifted her right hand, with which she was holding the collar, and held it out to Ean'tu.
"I have to put it on you." she said softly and in a warm tone of voice.The Na'vi looked at her and then pointed to the electric collar he was wearing."Yes, exactly," Ana nodded in agreement. "Just like your other collar."
For a brief moment, Ean'tu did nothing, but then his look became sad and his attitude more defensive again. He didn't want to wear the collar. He probably didn't even want to wear the collar he was currently wearing. It symbolized his captivity and caused him pain whenever he didn't do what the humans wanted him to do.Ana looked at him sadly. He was so cornered, he seemed scared and broken. She didn't want to be a part of his pain, but rather a friend who was there for him. Ana had no ill intentions. To prove this to him, she held the collar to her own neck to show him once again what she was up to and that it didn't hurt. But even after that, he seemed defensively passive. He wouldn't put the collar on and, to be honest, Ana didn't want to force him.
"Rutxe rä'ä" said Ean'tu very quietly. Ana had the feeling it was almost a plea. No further words were needed. She could sense that the Na'vi was uncomfortable, the reluctance and the tension he felt.Slowly, she placed the leash, like collar, on the small side table, still looking into his eyes. She could immediately see that his gaze softened and he took a deep breath. He obviously seemed relieved. Ana had solved that problem, but faced a new one. She had proved to Ean'tu that he could trust her, but how would she explain it to Turner? Her colleague was standing outside and would have no understanding for the situation and especially Ean'tu's feelings.She would have to deal with that in a moment. Because it was time for them to go into the sanatorium. The corridors had been sealed off and evacuated. Everything had to happen quickly now so that everyone could go about their business again soon. But as long as everything was sealed off, that wasn't possible. And nothing would open as soon as Ean'tu didn't go over there.
She cautiously approached the Na'vi again, without a leash, and this time he was very calm and allowed her to get close. Ana carefully took Ean'tu's hand and stroked it with her thumb. His hand was heavy and so much bigger.
"You have to come with me. Trust me... I'll take you to a place where you can rest." Once again, Ana spoke to Ean'tu slowly and clearly. She felt so connected to him that she sometimes forgot that he didn't speak a word of English. He didn't understand anything she said and yet she always felt the need to talk to him.In response, Ean'tu clasped her hand and smiled weakly at her. He certainly didn't seem to understand what exactly she was up to, but he was familiar with the concept of holding hands.Ana looked to her right at the window behind which Turner was standing, visibly confused. He pointed to the collar again and then to his own neck, as if he were putting it on imaginatively to make her understand that she should put it on Ean'tu.
But to be honest, she was glad that Ean'tu refused the leash, so Ana didn't really have to walk through the complex with him like that. That was too degrading for Ean'tu. She hadn't really wanted that, but she hadn't dared to refuse Turner's measures just a moment ago. Now, however, she had a good reason not to use it, the Na'vi would not allow it.She gently pulled on Ean'tu's hand to pull him to his feet. He understood the gesture and stood up. "Come with me." Ana smiled at him, then led the way. Ean'tu actually followed her, luckily for her.In front of the glass, she could see Turner gesticulating strongly, waving his arms, his expression confused. His mouth formed a 'What are you doing?With Ean'tu by the hand, which she squeezed tensely, she walked through the airlock and removed the mask. The Na'vi tensed, squeezed her hand tighter and began to back away, almost as if he wanted to hide behind Ana, from Turner. He was obviously afraid of Turner. Ana stroked the big blue hand to calm him down.
"What are you doing?" Turner backed away as well. "You can't seriously be planning to lead him by the hand through the base!"
"But that's exactly what I'm planning," said Ana firmly. "It really makes no difference whether I have him on a lead or by hand. The leash certainly wouldn't have stopped him any more than me holding him by the hand."
"You do realize that if we give him an electric shock, you'll get it too? I thought you would have learned something from the last incident Novak!"
"What am I supposed to do? He doesn't want to put the leash on and I don't want to make him angry now. Because then we can forget our plan."
"I shouldn't have agreed to your plan in the first place, how insane." Turner rubbed his nose with his index finger and thumb.
"It's too late now anyway, let's go through with it, see." She pointed at Ean'tu, who was standing behind Ana, his tail whipping back and forth. "Right now he doesn't seem aggressive and I even get to hold his hand, so let's use it and bring him over."
Mr. Turner hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "You're crazy lady." "I get that a lot."
"Come on, let's go." He radioed that they were on their way now. Ana turned to Ean'tu one last time. "Relax, I'm with you." She gave him another smile and tried to reassure him. Then she started walking.
The heavy door of the isolation ward opened and gave way to the long corridors that somehow connected all the wards. As they walked off together, the Na'vi always walked very close to Ana. She had to keep her arm raised to reach his hand. It looked as if Ean'tu had a small child on his hand, at least that's what the difference in size made it seem like. As she walked, Ana could feel him getting closer and closer to her, the steel walls and floors seemed uncomfortable and intimidating. His footsteps sounded heavy on the iron floor. Ean'tu made no move to break free or react aggressively. He was far too frightened for that.
Turner walked ahead and behind them two soldiers, heavily armed, walked after them. Alert, ready to defend themselves immediately against Ean'tu. Ana was very uncomfortable knowing that there were armed people following her.
After what felt like a very unpleasant, tense eternity, they finally arrived at the sanatorium. Behind the windows, along the corridor, onlookers were pressing their noses flat. Ana was just glad to have it all behind her. It wasn't just bad for her, it was even worse for Ean'tu. At least he would soon have the chance to rest after everything that had happened.The large heavy doors to the sanatorium opened and let them into the ward. Turner immediately received a radio message and as they entered the station, the station door sealed itself. Ean'tu turned around, startled by the sound, and then looked almost desperately at Ana. There was so much she would have liked to say to Ean'tu right now, but this was not the right time. Instead, she stroked his hand lovingly. That would have to do for now and she hoped the trust the Na'vi seemed to have in her would be enough.
Turner ended the conversation over the radio. "Come on Novak, this way."
He went ahead and she followed him with Ean'tu. The station had a distinctly scientific feel to it. To the right and left, Ana saw terrariums with plants and animals. Lots of technical equipment and panels, scientists' workstations. Ean'tu also looked around uncertainly. He would certainly recognize many of the animals and plants. They entered a sealed-off area, which had to be unlocked especially for them so that they could enter through the large gates. Behind it was a large, sterile-looking white room, in front of which was a pane of glass. As before, there was an airlock to enter the room. Next to it was another room that you could look into through a pane of glass. Between the two rooms was a corridor that led somewhere. But it was too dark to see anything. On the wall opposite the rooms were desks, computers, control panels and screens displaying all kinds of information.
"That's the one from Sky." Turner pointed to the room on the left.When she got closer, Ana thought it looked like a huge terrarium. But the contents surprised her. It looked like a very simple hospital room. There was a bed in it, with what she recognized as a beanbag in the corner. "Is that a bed?" she asked in astonishment, as it was exactly the right size for Ean'tu.
"Yes." he replied curtly. "We'll set up the enclosure as quickly as possible so that he can return to his enclosure soon. Until then, this will have to do. He can recover from his injuries here."
Ana was still staring at the room in disbelief when a mask was pressed into her hand. "You still have to bring him in."
That brought her out of her thoughts. "Yes, of course."
She quickly put on the mask and walked through the airlock into the room with Ean'tu by her hand. The bright white light, like in the isolation ward, blinded them both for a brief moment. It didn't help that the floor and walls were also white. Ana blinked a few times until her eyes finally adjusted to the light.
"We made it." she then said and turned to Ean'tu with a smile. But her smile faded when she saw the sad look on his face. True, there was no reason to be happy. They had only made it from one prison to the next. "I'm sorry." she apologized quietly.
Ana knew that she wasn't personally responsible for his suffering, she hadn't captured him and she wasn't the one who had locked him up again. He and she were both trapped in a large corporation, each in their own way.Ean'tu just stood in the room and didn't move. Ana couldn't stand by and watch this, she had to do something. So she touched him gently so that he looked at her and pointed to the bed. When he still didn't really respond to her, she went to the bed and sat down on it. It wasn't the softest thing she had ever sat on, but it was fine. "Don't you want to take a look?"
The Na'vi hesitated for a moment, but then he came over to her and carefully touched the mattress. He gave it a little squeeze. Surprised by it's softness, he looked at Ana. As if he almost wanted to say, 'did you see that?'
Ana smiled. "Come, sit down." She patted the bed next to her and gestured for him to sit next to her. He still didn't understand a word, but he seemed to understand the gesture. Carefully, he sat down next to her.
"Hewne..." he said quietly. She would have loved to know what he had said, which finally made her want to teach him at least some English. She wasn't a linguist and it wasn't her area of expertise at all, but Ana was by no means a dummy. She would look up some information on the methodology and then just do her best. Once Ean'tu and she understood each other and could talk to each other, it would be easier for them to trust each other. That was her new plan. The next step.For now, she had to leave Ean'tu alone, even if she wouldn't be far. Ana had no intention of leaving him here unsupervised, he needed a person to care for him and she wanted to make sure that everything was in order here. There was something wrong with this sanatorium, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
"I have to go now." She looked at Ean'tu and he returned her gaze. Then she stood up and he seemed to sense that she wanted to leave, his breathing became more unsteady and his tail began to twitch nervously again. "I'm not far, right here in front of the glass. I'll stay at the station."Ana pointed into the room, behind the glass, where her colleague stood and two soldiers. Ean'tu pressed his lips together, but didn't seem to say or do anything else.
After a brief last hesitation, she detached herself from the Na'vi and took the path through the airlock to leave the separated area of Ean'tu. He looked after her through the glass.
Ana had only just passed through the airlock when Turner approached her, she could see in his gaze that he seemed to have many questions. "You have some explaining to do Novak."
"Yes, I think it's time that we talk." Ana took off her mask. "When we're between us, I'll share the results of my observations with you." "All right, let's do that. I'm going to get us some coffee first, we've got a lot of paperwork to do." Turner went to the guards, exchanged a few words with them and left the station.
"Ma'am, we'd leave you alone now. You have an emergency button back here." The soldier pointed to a square glass device with a button behind it. "If you press it, a unit will move in and help you if there's a dangerous situation." Then both soldiers left, leaving Ana alone in the room, except for Ean'tu, who was sitting behind the glass in the isolated room.
Tired, she stroked her face and walked towards the desks with the many screens. A lot of technical information was gathered on the displays and digital documents about the Na'vi who had been transferred here. She leaned on the desk and clicked through the information, much of it password protected and she hoped Turner had access.Her gaze glanced at Ean'tu, who was still sitting lethargically on the bed, not moving. The sight made her stomach tighten. Everything about this seemed completely twisted. The room, the ward, the way he was being treated. Suddenly Ana no longer felt like a behavioral scientist, an animal whisperer, as they liked to call her, but like a creepy alien scientist who was experimenting on the life forms living on a foreign planet. But that was not what she wanted, but what the place and the circumstances made of her. Inwardly, she promised herself that she would make it up to him. She would fight to make his circumstances better.
On the desk were a pair of formal applications and completed information sheets. Ana dropped onto the desk chair and began to read through the documents, recognizing Turner's handwriting. It was quiet for a while and only the quiet whirring of the ventilation systems, which were necessary due to the lack of windows, filled the room, then she heard the large door of the station opening and looked up from the paper. It was Turner with two coffee cups.
"My goodness, it's hard to get coffee in this ward. I think I'll take my coffee machine to our ward so we can make our own." He came over to her and put a cup on Ana's desk.
"Thank you. Are we allowed to do that?" Ana took the cup and warmed her hands on it.
"There's no request to make first, anyway." Turner grinned and took a sip. "So Miss Novak, let's talk. I've been watching you and this Na'vi for a while now. I know you're clearly hiding something from me." Turner pulled a desk chair over to Ana and sat down next to her.
"I'll be happy to tell you everything, but for now you have to make sure it stays between us."
"I promise you, if you haven't broken any internal company rules, it will remain our secret." he assured.
"All right, I could really use your help, to be honest." Ana cleared her throat and took a small sip of coffee, it only tasted of water. "I have reason to believe that Sky is conscious and has humanoid intelligence. To be clear, I don't think he's an animal, but rather has human intelligence."
Turner was just about to take a sip of coffee when he faltered with his mouth open and took a while to find the right words. "What makes you think that?"
"Well, that's a bit more complex, but as a behavioral scientist, I can see the difference, of course. In addition, Sky is perfectly capable of learning language and speaks its own language. I assume a language that the species speaks among themselves," she explained. "He talked to you?"
"Not only that, but although I had to admit I didn't understand the language, he even told me his name."
Completely overwhelmed, Turner put his cup down on the desk. The information was working inside him."And what is Sky's name, so what name did he tell you?"
"Ean'tu." Ana reported. "You know, there's so much more I need to find out, so I want to teach Ean'tu our language. If he understands English, it will be much easier to connect with him. I just need an ally I can rely on while I'm with Ean'tu." Ana didn't dare tell Turner that she knew a lot more because she had this secret contact, but in her eyes it wasn't important for their cooperation.Turner seemed to be sorting out what Ana had said in his head.
Then he thought about it and touched his chin thoughtfully. "Do you think that's what our boss intended?"
"I have a hunch... to be honest, I think the others are fully aware that the Na'vi are an intelligent people..." Ana admitted and watched how Turner reacted. Hopefully he wouldn't think she was a conspiracy theorist.
"So you think it's common knowledge in research and that only our base doesn't know about it?"
"Well, I can't say who knows about it or not, but you and I aren't really researchers, more zookeepers. So we just don't get the information. But think about it. All the rooms where the Na'vi were treated had technology and equipment appropriate to their size. Not for humans in any case. I don't know what that means, but that's not my point. I just want to make it easier to work with Ean'tu, which is why I'm here. He will certainly be more peaceful if you approach him with humanity and perhaps, when I know more, we will have to take care of his circumstances so that we can improve them." Ana had spoken without taking a breath and Turner had listened attentively.
"You really are crazy, I've known it since the first day you started with us." Turner grinned. "You really do turn everything upside down." "I hear that a lot." she grinned back. "Can I count on you?" To her relief, he nodded. "Yes, I have to admit, I have a lot of respect for... Ean'tu? But I've never seen his humanoid side, I've only ever seen him as a dangerous beast... But when you're with him, he even holds hands with you. If there really is something to it, you should definitely get to the bottom of it."
"Thank you very much, but let's keep calling Ean'tu Sky in the projects and documents for the time being. It's better that no one knows what we know for now."
"I can pronounce and remember Sky better anyway." he laughed tiredly and leaned back in his chair. "I think I'm getting too old for this."
Ana smirked at Turner's comment, but then looked over to the window behind which Ean'tu was still sitting motionless on the bed with the all-white bedding. The room was so empty, there was nothing there for the Na'vi to occupy himself with. Tomorrow she would get him something he could weave again, ropes, maybe even beads. Let's see, she thought. Maybe a little paint and fabric, too. Ean'tu seemed to enjoy that sort of thing.
"Well, enough chatter, I have to make a plan to teach the Na'vi English and the paperwork waiting for us isn't going to get any less on its own." Ana stretched and tied her hair up with a scrunchie she had been wearing around her wrist.Turner sighed loudly.
"You're right, I'll take care of all the applications and reports. Go ahead and work on your teaching plan." Turner took the paperwork and sat down at the desk next to her. Ana went to the computer and started her research, after which she wanted to draw up the teaching plan.  She paused for a moment and looked over at Turner. "Thank you," she said with a smile.
"You're welcome," he replied curtly but no less warmly, and then they both immersed themselves in their work.
Tag Liste sign of Eywa:. @twisteduniverse5 @yukilaaw @mooniequeen
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chubs-deuce · 7 months
Hello!!! Love love LOVE your Charlastor and Hazbin artwork; your art is amazing!!
I have a feww questions if you’re comfortable with answering them (no worries if not) :D
I love hearing people’s music recommendations, so I was wondering if you listen to music whilst you draw and if there’s any songs in particular that make you think of the characters and/or the ship?
Also, I get a bit nervous posting about Charlastor because of some of the hate it gets in the fandom and because some of my irl classmates who follow me don’t like the ship (and don’t know I like it), so I was wondering what your general mindset is when you post your art online, but also what your mindset is like when posting Charlastor art, knowing what the fandom can be like?
Finallyy, I wanted to ask if you’ve read Under My Skin by whamagram on AO3 and if you have, what are your thoughts on it? It’s a mature slowburn Radiobelle fic and only has a few chapters out so far, but it’s updated pretty regularly and has become my new favourite at the moment! I highly highly recommend it because it’s super well-written, really witty, and really understands the characters. It’s all about Charlie nursing Alastor back to health after the final battle in season 1 and it’s just so well done!!
Again, just want to say that I really really love your work and thank you for sharing it! I especially love how you draw expressions and the way you draw characters and their emotions feels so real. Seeing your illustrations inspires me to keep practicing with my own art!
Omg thank you so much for this lovely ask?!!
I'd be more than happy to answer all of these actually! :D
I am, in fact, the kind of person who looooves finding songs that fit certain characters or ships and make whole playlists over time if I find enough of them, so here's some that made me think of Charlastor (links are all spotify):
- Glass Piano, by Kathleen
- Daisy Bell, and specifically this scuffed computer sung version bc it hits better
- bored like me, by dodie
- Ended with the Night, by Caravan Palace
- I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire, by The Ink Spots
- I Can't Decide, by Scissor Sisters
I have yet to really find more songs specific to the characters as individuals tho lol
As for your next question...
This isn't my first rodeo in the unpopular non-canon het presenting ship club, so there's a few things I like to remind myself of when I feel that people pleaser anxiety sneaking up on me:
if people truly wanted to avoid content of the ship, they'd block the tags. Maybe kindly ask your friend to block the charlastor and radiobelle tags bc you want to post about them? This way they're not forced to see what they dislike and you get to have your harmless fun. If they're opposed to this, question why. It's not your job to curate *their* online experience, they do have all the necessary tools at their disposal.
I consider the source material like a toy box. You can play with the dolls in it like the packaging intended for you to, but there's no rules dictating that you can't play *your* way if that's more fun to you.
Canon is in my eyes the preferred suggestion, but not the law - don't we all just smush the heads of dolls together making kissy noises in our minds at the end of the day?
A lot of people sadly treat shipping like it's a battle for author validation, when in reality it was always just a way to playing with hypotheticals and exploring the world and characters canon offered us in new and interesting ways... I hate the attitude some people have about canonicity. Imo, as long as you're not acting like your non-canon ship should be canon and shit on other ships in the process, you're not doing any harm.
Now... Canon sexualities and having contrary headcanons are a tricky road to travel because there's so much emotional investment in the canon representation of often overlooked or mishandled minority groups, and this is the biggest anti argument I've seen get thrown around, since Charlastor as a ship not only splits up the canon lesbian pairing, but also alters Alastor's canon sexuality to make the ship work.
What's important here is that you handle it respectfully - i.e. don't be a dick and go around acting like your preferred ideas are better and should be canon or whatever. Attitude is important, respect canon for what it is and embrace the fact that your ship is not. It's not a detriment! It just means we have to make all of our own content lol.
I personally headcanon Alastor as demisexual/demiromantic not only because it still fits under the aspec umbrella, but also because I myself am both of those things and enjoy messing with the characters and narrative using a dynamic I have a lot of personal experience with! It's fun to hit someone as haughty and stubbornly emotionally detached as Alastor with a flurry of unexpected, unwanted feelings and struggling to navigate them.
Do I want that to be canon? Absolutely not! I'm just having fun with my imaginative toys in my own corner of the internet lol.
Also for the record, I think Chaggie is cute and they should absolutely stay together, I just don't find them interesting enough to explore further in the realm of fanfiction and art :'D
Ultimately I'm a strong believer of "I can post whatever I want forever", if anyone has an issue with it and the given tools at their disposal aren't enough to deal with it, they're free to unfollow and/or block me! I don't need anyone's approval to have harmless fun with my artistic and writing skills where I don't bother anyone, and that's imo always what should be at the core of creating just about anything.
I try my best to leave comments under it wherever I can too bc it genuinely scratches like every itch I have about this ship so well-
The comedy is on point, the dialogue feels so solidly in-character and the pacing and the overall concept just work perfectly!!
10/10 concur as a great recommendation lol
QWQ again, thank you so much for taking the time to type out this lovely ask, I really do appreciate it and the compliments also absolutely made my day!!
I hope you keep having as much fun with this ship as I am, take care!! <3
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yellowistheraddest · 2 years
LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT, i present to you 9 drawing requests with accompanying commentary...
request one:
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honestly its not a crime but they are criminally curious to learn the rich history of Dallas in 1963! i mean arent you curious, you should google what happened there on november 22nd!!!
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request number 2:
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OH BABY you know i love making people feel :( my most popular post is characters crying so i was supposed to have fun with it but 3 people hugging - dude, i was no the verge of insanity and in the end pearl just kinda got swallowed up and disappeared.
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request tres:
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coming from the last drawing i was still on the 'lmao get sad' bandwagon, and simon and athena they have lived through somethings so once again i drew people crying :D so heres a drawing of little athena and her goth uncle having a nice little hug and nothing ever went wrong
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request četiri:
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by now everyone should know that my favourite AU is these two bastards meeting before phoenix became a lawyer; ya know so he doesnt need to break his back trying to learn law as an art student - not that he learns much as he doesnt know what a cross examination is in his first case,,
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request pénte:
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this request marked the second day of drawing.
now,, i might have not read the request before i drew sooo i kinda just drew them taking a selfies at a steel samurai con so i kindly edited the second drawing to contain a peace sign. [the plush is the hellish creature named the iron infant [from AAI i think] and i bet its like the worst character in the franchise and these two will definitely burn it when they get home]
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request numero sześć:
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now i swore to never post kissing on here so i spare myself of the cringw when i look back later, so just dont read the first half and enjoy the way i found out you cant really draw flicking without making a comic. like the motion is so small yet so powerful how do you draw that?!?!?!?!?!? this looked miles better in my brain...
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request shtatë:
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you know what else is like rocks? big frozen chunks of ice, like the one here :D
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request huit:
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ah the t4t to end all t4ts. ron is definitely a guy to fall at first sight and bro desiree is the definition of girlboss
also people forget that larry was rons coworker and i need more content of those two because they are just wildly opposite
[edit: ''sir are good'' HUH??? brother i need to go to sleep and just not draw for the next millenia]
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now we have arrived at the end of our trip...
you may be thinking "yellow, you said that there were 9 drawings!"
YES, but no.. theres probably a reason behind this but when i opened my inbox and saw this was like a game character who was stun locked. i mean look at this, aka request number NINE:
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love ya to death, babes, but please get some rest because i think you forgot to write in the characters you wanted to see. despite that i decided to draw what you requested:
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now just imagine whichever characters you waant in those places! wait was your request an investment so you can have an infinite amount of ships inserted into this pose???
anywho, ummmmm.. yeah Now we have reached the end - but do not fear, im not dying or going away. im still going to be here on my ace attorney bullshit as long as my brain can stand.
sadly i have to say GOODNIGHT, LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT. may we meet once again when the planets align and it rains in the greatest depths of the ocean o7
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waywardstation · 1 month
One last store update! After this I will begin sending emails to a subscriber list.
You can input your email of choice for my shop newsletter into this google form here.
A quick summary of some things:
I was unable to finish orders by printing their shipping labels by today, despite what I said last week, because of health issues that had to be addressed instead.
More of my product order was messed up, had enough items to fulfill every order but I’ve been left with ZERO extra stock on a couple items to put into my shop after.
I got enough interest in the Halloween keychains and stickers so I will be making them.
Full explanations below ^^
I have now packed every single order and reviewed all of their contents. However I was unable to send them out today as at some point last week I became very unwell. I’ve been going downhill for a while but it has never gotten to this degree this fast before. I still don’t really know what caused it and so I had been unable to pack over the weekend and couldn’t get all the shipping labels printed for them today.
I will be printing these labels out and taking chunks of the orders to the post office over the next few days.
But the more I’d packed the more I’d realized more of my product order had been messed up. I had ordered extras of everything and yet some of the products that I ordered just BARELY fulfilled every order — I had to use some of the initial samples to fulfill every order but rest assured they are the exact same as the products in size and quality. I have exactly ZERO of some products left over for shop stock when I’d ordered 10-15 extra of every item (as well as TOO MANY of some less popular products that didn’t need all these extras) which sadly means a few items will not be in stock when I open the store back up. I may put discounts on the unwanted extras I received because of this.
While I would expect by default to receive the products in the quantity that I ordered, I also understand that I ordered hundreds of products all in one order, and that is only one order that is being fulfilled out of the many other orders they get daily. I myself did not count out every single product to check because of the sheer amount of everything that was ordered — I had ordered over 500 keychains alone to fulfill the preorders and the entire order has taken up a full room when all spread out. But I still did not count beforehand and would only find out once I’d run out of a certain product, so I accept this is partly my responsibility too. This should not happen again as I never expect to make an order this big again, I had only done this for shop startup, and I will be making another order to restock these products. But it’s still sad it happened.
I apologize for this and I appreciate all of your patience once again. I am explaining all of this as I believe you are owed information about what is going on seeing as you’ve put money into this, and I myself said they would all be sent out by Monday. I just want to be transparent ^^
And one last thing — many of you wanted Halloween merchandise, so I will be moving forward with that! (I’ve decided they will not be glow in the dark though, as I’d have to make every vibrant color instead transparent for the glow to come through, and I believe the designs would suffer too much without these colors)
I have ordered from this manufacturer multiple times before over the years and they’ve always gotten it right with more reasonably-sized orders, so I am confident these will not have the same problems as this preorders period has.
Thank you again very much for your support and understanding up to this point!! <3
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outrunningthedark · 3 months
I find it interesting when ppl go on about bucktommy fans reading into things to much etc but are out here believing bt won't be endgame and oliver doesn't like lou bc he doesn't follow him on instagram or whatever like make it make sense
I honestly think it comes down to people having spent SO many hours talking about the fanon ship, creating/sharing content, and (sadly) "gaining a following" because of what they believe that they aren't ready to find a new fandom just yet, if at all.
Buddie stans will say we're watching a "six year slow burn" or "build up", but that's not what this is; not unless everyone with a vote decides to vote the same way when opportunity knocks. (And as of right now? They're still not.) The stans have chosen to wait six years, chosen to stick around and see what happens (while complaining when things unsurprisingly don't go the way they want), chosen to give a fictional show and a fictional story their spare time and attention. It's reached the point where six years of "loyalty" and "support" (and this season it will be seven...and then...and then...) has become something to be compensated for. They feel they are owed Queer Eddie and Canon Buddie because they never gave up hope. [And because you all know how I feel about the hypocrites!] I don't remember anybody who didn't already hate Ryan for what happened during the hiatus in 2020 saying Ryan and Oliver weren't besties anymore because they unfollowed each other and stopped interacting on social media. The fact that those same people (we see 'em, we know who they are) feel the need to use social media to say Oliver likes Ryan better is funny because...if you believe in your heart that they're BFFs, that no one else can compete...why would you need a social media post to prove it? Lou (and Tommy) is that much of a threat to the fate of a fictional ship, huh? 🤨😏 (They tell on themselves every time.)
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 3 months
My OFFICIAL intro post, since I never actually made one!
Hi!! I’m yourlocalbadgerscales ^^ My name is a reference to me being a Slytherpuff 💚💛
Yes, I’m a diehard Harry Potter fan and a Slytherpuff for life!
A little something about me then. I go by she/her pronouns and I am currently questioning my sexuality, but I’m pretty sure I am at least panromantic. And I feel like that’s all you need to know about my sexuality to know that this profile is a safe place for all you fellow queers (:
I feel like it’s also important to know that I am a teenager and therefore a minor, so any predators, please leave my profile immediately (I have already encountered one, sadly, and I’m new here! I made an account on Tumblr last week or so)!
But I do not mind making friends or just chatting with adults ^^
My interests:
• Music! I love singing and I want to learn playing the piano. I also love listening to music and I do it 24/7. My favourite artists right now are Conan Gray and Taylor Swift, but I also love a little bit of Eminem ^^ • Books! I read a lot, lately I have mostly read fanfiction but I want to change that, hehe. I also enjoy writing books myself (and fanfics).
• Harry Potter! I read the books when I was just a little kid, but I never really discovered the charm of Potterverse until last summer (when I btw realised that I was queer). I have strong opinions on many things in Harry Potter but there’s room for discussion! Feel free to comment on my posts and reblog, or just write to me privately so we can discuss!
• Marauders Era! I love the Marauders so much guys you don’t understand 😭 My favourite ships are Jegulus and Wolfstar! My favourite marauders era characters are James and Regulus!
These are topics I will post a lot of stuff about on here!
Things I don’t like and won’t accept on my profile:
• Homophobes, transphobes etc.
• Racists
• People against feminism
• Bullies
• Snape apologists (unless you just want to have a polite, nice chat about your reasons and opinions, I love learning new things and trying to see stuff from a different POV!)
• Predators, pedophiles
• Trump supporters
• No picking sides between Israel and Hamas on here ‼️‼️‼️
• Nazis
• People who deny climate change
• People why deny that kids can have depression, anxiety etc.
• People who look down on other people with disorders or diagnoses
• Genuinely just people who look down on other, hate people for things they can’t control or are bullies. Yeah, you get it.
Other things to know about me:
• Don’t assume stuff about me
• I’m from Europe. Wtf is 5’6 and all that shi /j
• I don’t plan on showing my face on here. Ever. But I might reconsider.
• If you want to follow me elsewhere I am also on Pinterest and Spotify. Write to me and I’ll give you the links :)
• I am not diagnosed yet, however I am pretty damn sure I’m autistic and have ADD (ADHD), based on a lot of research and what professionals have said about me. So I am not self-diagnosed :)
• No slander of any kind on here. If you disagree with me or others here, be polite about it. I am kind of sensitive when it comes to destructive critism… learnt that the hard way.
• UNLESS I accidentally say something really hurtful! Don’t be scared to point that out! I can assure you I never meant to hurt anyone, if that’s the case.
Now you know a little more about me! I may have forgotten something so I might add stuff later!
I often follow back, BUT I would love if all my followers are just people who genuinely enjoy my content and not following me only to get more followers themselves.
Have a nice day and drink some water! ;) Your favourite badger xx ❤️
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marihem · 5 months
Let me be the one to ask. How did you come up with this Queerplatonic Frans concept? What drew you into making this?
Aww thank you for asking such a delicious question, pal! Hope you're ready to listen to my 1 am rambles XD
Alright so, to be completely honest...I actually don't truly know how Romance works to execute it myself 😬
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Haha yup, sadly, the concept of Romance and Romantic Attraction didn't naturally come to me my whole life and I had a hard time understanding them. (Skill issue, amiright?) So I learned about them through fiction. And even then, my understanding of Romance was a little bit different from what it's usually is (spoiler: it wasn't actually Romance, the word I needed was "Queerplatonic").
I've drawn ship arts before I started drawing Frans and let me tell you, almost all of them were 2 characters just standing next to each other, no hugs, no kisses. Maybe they'll look at each other with fondness. And I was like "hell yeah, I've achieved Romance 😌" pfft.
My 2020 Frans works were where my ship art skills got improved. But you can still see that they aren't explicitly romantic (like, the first time I drew a Frans forehead kiss was for a request). Whatever, I was drawing stuffs about my fav lil guys and I was happy... and yet a tiny part of me wasn't feeling it, like it felt...odd to call them romantic. All these shippy art and I still felt uncomfortable to draw something extremely Romantic. (...this kinda sounds similar to a comphet kind of situation, you get what I'm saying?)
2 years later, I learned about the term "queerplatonic" and just like that, everything made sense =o Now THAT'S the kind of relationship I've been thinking about all these years and it felt magical. Suddenly, with this new knowledge, drawing shippy art felt more comfortable for me, cozy even. Cuz now, the "romance" I'm making is like something a little special for me.
And then I thought "what if I...👀" I grabbed Frisk and Sans like figurines and used them to make my own little ideas of a queerplatonic relationship as they were the perfect materials to work with for me.
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I've actually been busying myself with thinking up ideas for them a year before I revealed it to my mutuals, even long before I revealed it publicly 😅
Still, my Roommate Banter AU Frans is still classic romantic. I've only been making funny lil contents of them but I swear! They're secretly crushing on each other, there's romance underneath! I just suck at Romance 😭
So yeah, TL:DR, I don't completely understand romance so I did what I felt comfortable and did actually get the most, approach a ship with a queerplatonic lens.
Tho I'm still learning about Romance cuz there're other ships I'd love to draw shippy art for XD
Anyways, yeah thank you to anyone who read all of this and thank you dear anon for indulging me with your ask <3 Have a lovely day/night ^^
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (050) I’m alright, I promise
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WARNINGS. none just fluff, a lot skinship tho!
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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And in San and Mingi’s cases, apparently, affection too. They immediately throw their arms around you the moment they see you, showering you in praises and compliments while the leader tries to get them off you in a protective fashion.
“Please let her breath!” Hongjoong yells, holding both of the men by their collars. Chuckles echo trough the large space. San looks embarrassed while Mingi looks mildly displeased, at most. It never fails to surprise you that someone of Hongjoong's stature could control the seven individuals just like that. It’s honestly impressive.
He walks up to you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s nice to see you again Yn.” He nods with a polite smile.
Rolling your eyes, you push his hand off your shoulder, only to engulf him in a tight hug. He groans like it’s a chore but he returns it almost right away.
“Why do you sound so formal, Joong? Are we strangers?”
“So much attitude. I feel Seulgi’s pain.” Hongjoong moves away from you and flicks your forehead.
You stick your tongue out at the older boy, rubbing your forehead as you turn to the others.
Jongho is the first to come into sight, and you greet him.
“Took you long enough!” He replies, not meeting your eyes.
You completely ignore the youngest's words, only focusing on their underlying meaning.
“I was right you are pretty cute!” You laugh, ruffling his hair. He begrudgingly accepts, much to the others shock (and maybe a little bit of envy).
“Our Maknae is adorable, isn’t he?”
You hadn’t even noticed Wooyoung creeping up next to you. His voice gets louder as his head moves to rest on your shoulder, startling you.
“He never lets us do that though.”
Yunho joins your other side. “This feels like favoritism.”
You look up to him. While he’s about the same height as Mingi, he has a more innocent face. Which definitely doesn’t translate to his body.
The two of you share a quick side hug before you go over to meet the reserved boy who hasn't said much, thus far.
He’s a lot more timid in person compared to over text. You offer your hand to him which he gladly shakes as you two exchange pleasantries.
“Did you find any blackmail content yet?”
A unique giggle erupts from Yeosang's lips as he shakes his head.
“Nah, you deleted all the good stuff.”
His deep voice compared to that angelic face surprises you, but at the same time, it also makes a lot of sense.
Not even a minute later, you walk with determination to the eldest. He kept his distance the most, mainly just watching you interact with his younger brothers. The first thing that you note is that his hair grew quite a bit. You had your suspicions during the call a month ago, but it was more noticeable now.
“Your hair never fails to take my breath away.” You said, still eyeing the hair. Pink truly suits him.
His brown eyes met your own, a glimmer in them as you connected your hands in excitement.
“Only my hair?” He jokes shyly, making you laugh.
“I lied! All of you does actually!”
He wants to laugh at your comment but his breath gets stuck in his throat the moment he realized the close proximity you two were in. If only you knew what you did to him. While you were busy giving him the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, he worried his heart was going to beat out of his chest.
Sadly, he didn’t have enough time to respond in a cool way like he wanted to as Mingi interrupted.
Mingi is someone with a lot of natural confidence. Not in a cocky way, but rather in a way that he radiates it to those around him.
That same confidence seems to disappear the moment you turn to him.
“Hi.” Is all he could muster, the wide smile on his face growing even wider as you cup his cheeks with adoration.
“Did you forget about me?” The voice behind you that you recognize as San asks. You turn to him to meet his pouting face.
“Of course, I didn’t, Sannie!” He nearly tackles you with the hug when he hears his nickname leave your lips.
His cheeks turn a warm color when you whisper some encouragement about his crush in his ear before he can even respond. The guilt of lying to you hits him but he also knows that now isn’t the time to come clean. Instead of saying anything, San opts to hide his face in the crook of your neck, leaving you to stroke his hair as you laugh.
You aren’t laughing at him, the opposite actually. The fact that you feel so carefree with these guys makes you laugh. Suddenly, happiness doesn’t feel that far away anymore.
As you part, you shoot a smile at everyone. “So, you guys wanted to show me something?”
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And they did. You reminisce about the intricate dance moves and impressive facial expressions they just showed you as you’re sandwiched in between Mingi and Seonghwa in the booth everyone has settled down in.
You expected them to be good but not to this extent, you bet that they would make it big if they chose the idol career instead of the dance crew route.
You let the phone fall on the table after watching the dance video for the nth time with a loud sigh in admiration causing you to get some weird stares from the patrons of HanuelSan on accident.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you guys are this good!” You whine, looking at Hongjoong specifically.
Yunho, Yeosang, and Jongho, who sit in front of you chuckle at your enthusiasm. Seonghwa and Mingi exchange a look that you can’t really decipher.
“Did you ever ask?” Hongjoong says simply as he reaches over the table to retrieve his phone.
An offend look replaces the previous emotions on your facial features.
“I did! Many times! You just refused to show me anything!” You quip back.
You let your head fall on Mingi’s shoulder dramatically as you slump back in your seat. You feel his shoulder tense up at your action. Just as you’re about to lift your head back up his hand pushes you gently back to your previous place.
Your pouting doesn’t last long when San returns from behind the counter with your drinks. 'Thank you's are thrown to the dark-haired man in response.
A silence falls over the group as everyone enjoys their drinks without a word, clearly tired from the dancing. It’s not awkward though, not at all! It’s strangely comforting. Just as you push your mask down and lean forward to sip at your own drink, a familiar voice reaches your ears.
Only it’s not actually speaking to you, instead Taegyu’s warm voice fills the cafe. The group exchange worried glances as you search for the speaker that the song is coming from.
“I’m so sorry, my sister must’ve added this song to the automated playlist.” San stands up quickly, apologies spilling from his mouth. “I’ll change the song, don’t worry, Yn!”
You reach for his hand, making him stop in his tracks.
“No, let it play please! It’s alright.” You insist, your other hand also wrapping around his as reassurance.
San still looks unsure, regardless of your words. Judging by the looks he shares with the others, they seem to share the sentiment.
Seonghwa places a consoling hand on your shoulder lightly. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
You nod. For the first time since you’ve met Taegyu, your heartbeat doesn’t speed up when you hear his voice. The idea of him doesn’t make you want to throw up with sadness. And when you picture him, you feel positive feelings but none of them heartbreaking or romantic in any way.
You’re finally over Park Taegyu.
“I’m alright, I promise.” You smile.
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NOTES. i’m a terrible writer and writing this was really fucking draining but im glad i did! 10 more chapters hehe
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @rieuvie @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @legohwas @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @sunshine1438 @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot @tubatu-wari-wari @not2daym8 @jaehunnyy @brrrkdslek @whippedforbeomgyu @amara-mars @crvzy-fujoshi @hyuk4ngel @atinyinateezverse @nickiminajleftasscheek
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cod-dump · 1 year
HEY!!! So, I just want to you are an inspiration to writing everywhere and I love your stuff? And if it isn't too much I would like to know, can you rank all the best 141 Ships in one massive list? Personally SoapGhost at top, but I want to see what you think
Ranking the ships? Oh boy--
This is a good opportunity for me to show how I feel about some ships.
Keep in mind I ranked them by how I feel about them personally (also I put down as many as I could think of and if I missed one then I'll happily add on)
Has been edited, ships added
Soap/Ghost: Good ship, absolutely love it. Height diverse, canon banter that I can go over all day and not get bored, angst potential-- Have written so much for this ship and I'm not tired of it yet. Good ship, 10/10.
Alejandro/Rudy: Fucking LOVE this. They give off 'married for ten plus years and happily in love'. I want to write more for them because I fucking love them so much. 10/10, good ass ship.
Konig/Horangi: I admit I don't look into this ship as much but I do like what I see people write for them. I like them, good potential for fics, would like to write for at some point. 8/10.
Price/Nik: Yes, married for several years, knows each other better than themselves. I want/need to write more for them because I do like this ship. 10/10.
Price/Graves: Yes, fucking love it. So much potential of what you can do with it. I have written somethings for it and definitely plan on writing so much more. 10/10, fuck yes.
Price/Ghost: Not my favorite. 4/10
Price/Gaz: Not my favorite but I don’t have any problems with it. 5/10
Price/Soap: Not bad but I don’t have any ideas for it. 5/10.
Soap/Konig: Oh yes, I like this. 'Enemies to lovers'. I have so many ideas for this ship but I haven't written any fics on them yet. Definitely on my to do list. 10/10.
Ghost/Konig: Yes, big boy on big boy violence affection. 'Enemies to lovers'. Have a lot of ideas for them but I haven't written anything down yet. 8/10.
Farah/Alex: I like them, I think they're cute. I also think Alex is whipped and does whatever Farah wants to make her happy. Awesome malewife/girlboss relationship. 10/10.
Valeria/Graves: You know she tops. God, I can imagine them being the bitchiest couple on the face of the planet. They're so toxic yet it works for them. Would write for, have some ideas for them. 6/10.
Valeria/Alejandro: I mean, I love scornful ex-lovers just like anybody else. Maybe they were once pretty healthy in the past but they're definitely pretty toxic, too. Would write for if given a prompt (or if I get inspired all the sudden). 7/10.
Valeria/Rudy: GOD-- so many ideas involving past lovers, Valeria aiming to use Rudy to hurt Alejandro, just plan toxic ideas. Would write if requested or if I get randomly inspired. 8/10
Ghost/Rudy: Have written this before, I think it's cute. I haven't seen much for them, sadly. Might write this again (on my own or prompted). 8/10
Soap/Alejandro: Like the ship above, I think it's cute. I would write stuff for it. Bromance turned romance. 8/10
Price/Graves/Nik: FUCK YES. God, the brainrot is strong with this one. Love them so much, have so many ideas for them. Probably will never tire of them, OT3. 10/10.
Nik/Graves: God I have ideas for this one. Fuck yea new ideas to plague me in the middle of the night. 10/10.
Soap/Gaz: Yes, gimme. 'Friends to Lovers', good shit. Lots of fluff, silly shenanigans, all the good stuff. 10/10.
Gaz/Alex: Yes, love this. Cute as fuck. I can see a adorable slow burn romance, bromance to romance, didn't know they were dating-- I got ideas for it. Would love to write for it. 10/10.
Ghost/Gaz: Yes, I actually really like this one. Again, I see no content for it and it makes me sad. Love to write for it and put this ship out there. Some good, angsty slow burn. 10/10.
Farah/Gaz/Alex: I find adorable. I love this so much. Would write for happily. I haven't seen much content for them sadly (maybe it's because I don't look hard enough). Good ship, 10/10.
Alejandro/Valeria/Rudy: Got some pretty good ship ideas for this. Good ass angst with some fluff. The good stuff right here. Definitely could see this being a past relationship that ended badly, leaving two of them (or maybe all three) heartbroken. 8/10
Soap/Gaz/Ghost: Absol-fucking-lutely. Love this shit right here so much. I need to write more for it because it's a shame there's not more content for it. 10/10.
Price/Gaz/Soap/Ghost: I do like this oddly enough. I like them all together for some reason. 7/10
Ghost/Roach: Yes, I love this shit. Good angst potential, good past lovers potential. 'Lovers to friends to lovers' shit right here. 10/10
Soap/Roach: The chaos, the trouble they could get into-- Yes, absolutely. Good shit right there. Love to see it and would definitely write for it. 10/10.
Soap/Roach/Ghost: Yes, god yes. So many ways do make this happen. Angst, fluff, smut-- all that you possibly need in a ship. Fucking beautiful, love to see it, definitely would love to write it at some point. 10/10,
Soap/Gaz/Roach: Yes, yes, and yes. Good shit right here, cute and fluffy (though I could make it angsty if I tried). Silly shenanigans, chaos, all the good stuff. 10/10.
Soap/Gaz/Roach/Ghost: I haven't seen anything for this but I think it's cute and works. 8/10.
Soap/Graves: Good angst potential here, 'friends to lovers to enemies'. Would write for, been thinking of writing for it. 7/10.
Ghost/Graves: Much like the one above, very good. Angst is perfect, many ideas for this ship. Would love to write more for it. 7/10.
Soap/Ghost/Konig: Yes, I like this. Have several spicy ideas for it, a lot of drama. Haven't written anything for it yet but I would like to. 9/10.
Farah/Valeria: Toxic lesbian enemy to lovers? Mhmm yes. 7/10
Makarov/Yuri: Toxic ex lovers. Bad, manipulative situation that Yuri could fall back into because Makarov can read him like an open book. 6/10
Shepherd/Death: 10/10, OTP.
Used 10/10 rating because I couldn't even think of how I would rank them. If I missed any you would like to see tell me and I'll rate them.
(no particular order because I rated them as I thought of them)
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thiefbird · 14 days
prompt: stephen, jack, and beethoven? (brought to you by: i NEED them to play beethoven even though POB didn't. why not POB? is it just style? is stephen bitter about the whole eroica thing?)
finally getting around to my prompts! This one suited my needs perfectly for an interlude in my transmasc Stephen Maturin series, So Long Lives This, so I cheated a lil maybe <3
True concord of well-tuned souls [on ao3]
Music to hear, why hear’st thou music sadly? Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy. Why lovest thou that which thou receives not gladly, Or else receives with pleasure thine annoy? If the true concord of well-tuned sounds, By unions married, do offend thine ear, They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear. Mark how one string, sweet husband to another, Strikes each in each by mutual ordering, Resembling sire and child and happy mother Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing: Whose speechless song, being many, seeming one, Sings this to thee: ‘thou single wilt prove none.
Life at Ashgrove Cottage had finally settled into a routine, and in the absence of the hectic pace of the early days of marriage, Jack began to notice an odd sort of loneliness of an evening. He was happy - more than happy - and content all day, and slept warm and settled beside his dearest Sophie at night, but in those hours between the set of the sun and bed, he missed Stephen with a vehemence that surprised him.
They had written, of course - or more accurately, Jack had written, Stephen being rather unreliable a correspondent; Jack had received precisely two responses to his weekly letters, one a rather short and scattered response to several letters at once, and the other an apparently wholly disconnected treatise on the India elephant. Jack did not take this to heart, of course; that Stephen had written at all was a rarity. But his long-established habit of conjuring Stephen's presence in his mind, while sufficient for periods of a week or two, was proving tedious and lifeless now after three months apart.
And so he had kissed Sophie goodbye before dawn that morning before walking into town to catch the post up to London, on the excuse of having business at the Admiralty. Sophie had protested lightly the night before, he remembered with a smile as he settled himself more comfortably into the corner of the cramped carriage, violin case on his knee; she had expected him to stay ashore longer, she said, would she not get to keep her husband even six months before he was pining for the sea? He had kissed her cheek, pressed her hand, and assured her he was not chasing after a ship just yet, merely paying his due respects, as was right.
Jack's traveling companions were a rather random assortment: a well dressed and therefore presumably miserly merchantman, in the corner furthest from Jack, reading a newspaper; a fat and happy couple gossiping; a pair of rather silly young girls and their matronly, discontented chaperone, giggling and glancing at Jack in his fine gold-laced uniform. He felt rather a great deal older than them now, being made post and married - the very model of a great man - and he ignored their coy looks with a sense of kindly complacency. 
The coach arrived in London as the sun was beginning to touch the horizon, and Jack sprung eagerly from the coach. He quickly engaged a pair of boys to bring his luggage to the Liberties, and with his violin safely over his shoulder, he walked the well-remembered route to a favoured music store. He had taken in a recital in Portsmouth with Sophie a few weeks ago, a piece by Beethoven on German flute and pianoforte, and he had thought immediately to make an attempt upon it with Stephen; he meant to purchase the score as well as staved paper for their attempts at arrangement.
Jack arrived at the Grapes in good humour, full of an eager anticipation of seeing Stephen - his very dear Stephen - for the first time in many months; his dunnage had arrived much before he, and so Mrs Broad was well warned of his imposition upon herself and "the gentleman doctor". 
"Oh, Captain, it has been an age since we have seen you!" that lady cried as he strode through the door of the inn, and then, more quietly, with a tone of confidentiality: "Your bags are already up, though Doctor Maturin is not in yet, sir - an engagement with the Society, I believe - but I am certain he shall be glad to see you; he has not been entirely in spirits, I am afraid."
This, of all things, was surprising in the extreme to Jack. In the past, a poorly Stephen had been marked by a rather markedly dutiful correspondence, whereas Stephen in a better mood or health was remiss and forgetful of his absent friends, and he had heard so little from his particular friend as to be convinced that whatever sort of blue devils he had been most understandably beset with after Ms Villiers' cold and heartless treatment of him - Jack's face formed a momentary, involuntary grimace at the remembrance of her callous jilting by letter - had wholly passed by in the months apart. 
"He has said nothing to me; I am sure it is nothing," he reassured Mrs Broad; she had always been prone to fussing over Stephen, he knew, and moreso since the incident in Mahón that nearly permanently crippled his hands. It would all be just her overly solicitous concern for Stephen, he could be certain. "When is he due in?"
"Not until late - he ordered no dinner, no supper, and he will always ask me for one or the other if he will not be gone til all hours of the morning." This was accompanied by a terse look, and in this Jack Aubrey and Stephen's landlady were wholly in agreement: the doctor did not eat nearly well enough were he not carefully watched.
"Well then, dear lady, whatever you might have in the way of a cold collation will suit us perfectly, no need for any fuss. And perhaps a pot of coffee against the falling damps."
With a tray laden with coffee and cream - still a luxury even after so long ashore - and the promise of bread and meat and cheese sent up shortly, then, Jack took Mrs Broad's spare key and ascended the stairs to Stephen's apartments.
They were comfortably appointed rooms, to be sure, if a little worn, and kept tolerably clean by shore standards by Mrs Broad and her rotating selection of nieces and foundlings, despite Stephen's terrible tendency towards slovenly sluttishness. Still, with little to engage his mind once he had started a fire in the hearth and tuned his fiddle, he set himself to the familiar and comfortable task of tidying after Stephen: dusting the various jars, skins, and skulls littering the sitting room and collecting the neckcloths and stockings strewn between the chairs and tables. 
When the small parlour was as well as he could make it in an evening - it could use a fresh coat of paint, he noted, and the fixings could use a buffing with a handful of Killick's brick dust, but those would have to wait - he risked a look into the bedchambers, a blush newly on his face; he had slept in this room times beyond count - in the bed, even - but never had he been admitted to Stephen's own bed, as opposed to a borrowed one, since the change in their relations. 
This room, too, was not as bad as it might have been without Mrs Broad's delicate attentions, and he busied himself with folding Stephen's linens and tucking the least egregious of the lot back into the press; the ones with stiff and rusted stains on the cuffs he placed into a basket for laundering with a shudder. The bed linens he smoothed and tucked away before retreating back to the living room, adjusting himself in his trousers in a shamefaced manner. He was a married man, now, and ought to have greater control of himself, by rights. Except-
It was not Sophie's fault, sweet girl, that she had been brought up to fear the marriage-act. Jack blamed Mrs Williams, her mother, for that: there was a wincing, disagreeable prudishness to her, almost childlike despite her careful conniving of all financial matters in arranging the marriage contract. Jack did not blame her for her distress, not at all - but it had still been a rum thing to have a girl, his own new little wife, crying in his arms if he did more than kiss her a little.
Things were better since those first weeks - she did not cry now even when they were in bed together - but he felt properly strange still; he did not want her scared. So he had done his best to be gentle and sweet with her, and take care of himself as needed - it was nothing he was not accustomed to at sea. Still, the idea of surprising Stephen in London had been made all the sweeter by not just the promise of music and companionship, but also of renewing their affections.
It was not quite right, Jack knew, to be so discontent so soon after marriage - not quite the done thing to leave his wife to sneak away to his lover in London. But Sophie had all but pushed him out the door with a basket she'd made up for Stephen - new-knit stockings in wool and silk, lampreys and jars of jam, and a pair of mittens against the still-chilly early April damps - and he had happily taken the excuse as justification for his ardent wish to be in Stephen's company and in Stephen's bed.
Shaking himself from his thoughts as he knelt to encourage the fire higher - Stephen still took cold all too easily - Jack heard Stephen's distinctive tread on the stairs, the result of the disreputable lead-soled half-boots he insisted on wearing if not bullied into more Christian footwear, and hastily rose, dusting off the knees of his breeches.
"Should not have thought it were so- Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!"
"There you are, Stephen!" Jack felt his cheeks stretching in a broad smile at the look of shock on Stephen's usually inscrutable face. "Come now, be a good fellow; sit by the fire and have some coffee. Mrs Broad will bring us our supper soon, now you are home."
"And what, pray, are you doing skulking about my private apartment, Jack Aubrey?" Stephen demanded as Jack took him by the elbow and steered him into a chair. "Have you no respect for the laws of society? Have never you learned to write in advance of a visit? I might have been in Ireland, for all love, or Spain, and then where should you have been?"
Despite the sharp words, Stephen's tone was warm and fond, and Jack's smile softened into tenderness as he poured their coffee. "There's always Blacks, you know, if your Mrs Broad could not be convinced to let me in; never you fret. Ain't it a surprise, though? Ain't you pleased to see me, Stephen?" 
This last part was accompanied by his hand landing on Stephen's knee in what could have almost been a brotherly gesture, had Jack restrained himself from stroking the inseam of Stephen's breeches with his thumb. Stephen's eyes went nearly wider than when he had noticed Jack in his sitting room at the gentle touch, and Jack was obliged to move his hand away and steady the mug in Stephen's grip to avoid the coffee being wasted on the rug.
"I am glad, sure; I did not think you should drag yourself from your love in a cottage another three months yet. A pleasant surprise, so." And yet Stephen's hand trembled so in Jack's, till despite Jack's efforts coffee sloshed hot across their fingers and Jack stole the mug from his grasp.
"Did I frighten you so much, Stephen? You are trembling like that dreadful mop of a sloth did in the cold. Are you cold, soul, shall I warm you proper?" he added with a playful leer that did not quite have its intended effect; Stephen froze for a long moment before narrowing his eyes into a haughty glare and stealing his hand away.
"Do not poke fun, Jack. I am perfectly warm, besides; in my line of work, an uninvited guest in one's private rooms is rarely a safe happenstance."
'You are laid by the lee, Jack, do be careful; he has more pride than Lucifer,' Jack said privately as he set Stephen's coffee on the table and picked up his own. Truly, Stephen seemed unsettled as he ran his fingers over a rend in his cuff - Jack, long accustomed to darning Stephen's linens from their poorer days immediately prior to and after the Peace, itched to pick up needle and thread and set it to rights. "You will accept my apologies, Stephen, will you not? I did not mean to scare-"
"You will hold your tongue, Jack Aubrey, I insist you hold your tongue! I am not some ninnyheaded tit, to be frightened by an old friend in my rooms - no, no. I am well, Jack, there is no need to fuss." 
Certainly the strength of Stephen's glare was in no way affected by whatever was the cause of the trembling of his limbs, and Jack resolved to change to subject. He had never known forcing a topic to work on Stephen, and had learned years before that Stephen would more likely come around if left alone.
"Then, when we have had our coffee, I thought we might play a tune," he said as he leaned back into the worn and familiar armchair and sipped his coffee, now perfectly warm instead of the scalding temperature it had been when Stephen had spilt it over their hands. His free hand waved idly towards the desk where he had left the fresh manuscript and his fiddle atop a box that had, upon investigation, revealed some truly distasteful viscera - his fault for looking in; he had known Stephen intimately, had lived on top of him, for six years now. "What do you say, Stephen? I heard this lovely tune in Portsmouth last month at the recital, for the German flute and piano, and thought I might attempt an arrangement. Shall we give it a run?"
Jack felt himself relax in tandem with Stephen, the strange and unpleasant tension between them dissolving like sugar. "I should like that of all things, Jack." Stephen's habitual glower cleared, and he rose to ponder the score.
Stephen, considered objectively, was not a particularly excellent specimen of humanity in aesthetic terms - scrawny as he was, and with his tendency towards an unhealthy yellow pallor; still, Jack enjoyed looking at him the way he enjoyed looking at Sophie. There was something not quite beautiful or handsome, but certainly compelling about his form, and after such a long period of separation - the longest since their affair began, and the longest but one in their entire friendship - it felt like a homecoming to be able to rest his eyes on the familiar sight of Stephen cradling Jack's fiddle as he leaned over a desk.
"Really, my dear?" Stephen said, a note of not unkind derision on his tongue as he flipped through the pages. "I should have thought you, of all people, might disdain Beethoven."
Jack had never considered himself a sodomite or paederast, had never been drawn to the coltish, beautiful midshipmen or young lieutenants the way some officers were, nor to the powerfully built hands he kept company with when turned before the mast. 
But Stephen was unquestionably no sort of woman, in looks or mannerisms, and the fact of his sex seldom occured to Jack even on the previous occasions they had been in bed together, let alone outside of it. Certainly his knowledge of the fact of it had precipitated his awareness to his love - his romantic love, for he had believed himself to love Stephen as a friend since nearly the day after their meeting in Mahón - but it was in no way the cause of it; it had merely come up upon him so slow and subtle that he had been wholly immersed for months or years before coming to. No, he loved Stephen as he was, as a man. 
"Beethoven ain't a Papist, is he? No, no, ignore me; you should not seem so put out by his appearing on your desk if it were that, soul."
He was still not entirely certain what it was so intriguing to that sort of fellow: some liked boys so pretty they scarcely counted, mincing mollies with rogue on their cheeks or the half-grown and soft second sons foisted on the Navy to have them out of the family's hair; Jack didn't see the point, unless one were so hard up he felt like fooling himself he had a girl under him, as opposed to a true desire for other men. His own hand had done service well enough when he had been too young or too poor for doxies - or too far from shore - and he had never felt the need to risk his neck for an awkward, fumbling pull from another's.
He could not name a particular thing about Stephen he liked; rather, it was the whole of him that had Jack leering at his turned back. Some unnameable, immutable element that made his chest feel light and his breath speed in his chest as he was reminded of its existence after their long separation.
Stephen turned to look at him, then, the expression of consternation on his face fading into that earlier unnamed look as he caught some note of Jack's thoughts written on his face. "I- No, no, that is not it, though he is Catholic at least in name, I believe. No, he is a Jacobin, joy, and a supporter of Buonaparte - or perhaps a supporter no longer, though he certainly admired the scoundrel at one point or another, sure." There was a strange pinkness in Stephen's cheeks now, and he spoke somewhat at random, snapping his mouth shut and returning his gaze to the music to hum a line.
"What things you tell me, Stephen. A Jacobin? And yet it is lovely, ain't it? I should never have guessed a Jacobin might write so well." Jack sat up in his chair and reached an arm out to Stephen. "Shall we make a first go of it, before your Mrs Broad brings us our well-earned supper?"
Stephen absently lifted the fiddle from its case and passed first it and then its bow to Jack, still intent on the melodic line of the piano that he sang sotto voce. "By all means, my dear, nothing should give me- ahem, I should like nothing more in life."
The wind shook from his sails by Stephen's rephrase, Jack began tuning, wincing at the sour note. "I tuned this A last night, you know. I ought get a fiddle that can hold a pitch from one noon to the next now I'm ashore a time, don't you think, Stephen?"
"I have told you so once or twice, so. A good violin should set you up nicely, Jack. You play well enough, sure, it is that thing's tone that holds you back, my dear; you might play rings around me if you had an instrument to suit."
"We might look for one in the shops tomorrow, then; I trust you immensely on tone, I should not like to purchase without you hear it." Jack pushed the pin back in as far as he might, but held little hope it would stay even till the end of the piece. Laying the fiddle across his knees, he ran a finger down the hair of his bow. "Pass me the rosin, dear Stephen; I think I must have left mine in Hampshire. I seem to remember setting it on the mantle in my little office."
"Do you take me for a fool, Aubrey?" Stephen asked, the acerbity of his voice muted by the familiar gentle curl at the corner of his lips as he tried to hide a smile. "No, you shall give me your bow and I shall apply for you, or else I shall never see my rosin again; it shall disappear into your pocket as countless other have gone before it!"
"Do not accuse me of theft, Stephen; I am too tired to be shot at tonight." Jack relinquished his bow, resisting the lure of a bawdy joke half-formed in his head at the sight of Stephen industriously stroking the nub of rosin down the horsehair. Stephen's colour was still high, and he could not quite mask the fact his hands still trembled; he did not want to truly upset Stephen, and he had been so discomfited by his teasing offer of warmth. "Let us make an inroads, then, soul."
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
Hi hiii!! :DDD Doing this bad boy to see what happens. >:333
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Rule 34 and Dinner and Diatribes. I don't know. Something about the just barely masked tension in both those songs, the way they both fit so well with characters/ships/dynamics I adore, and their general energy and instrumentation SINGS to me. <3 <3 <3. I may not listen to them as often as others but they are my entire brain constantly. Favourite lines from both are: "You look so good There on your knees Such a good girl knows how to please Look at me look me in the eyes Forget yourself, surrender your mind" - Rule 34 (Mostly for the visuals and the change of voice) And "I knew it from the first look of The look of mischief in your eyes" - Dinner and Diatribes (This line sets the tone of the entire song so well, the visual is so interesting and the way it's sung is so intimate in a way I cannot describe. Literally so good.)
What is your Enneagram type? 4w5 :3.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? I fucking love them so bad <3. I think currently the Lightlark and Nightbane ones by KrimsonRogue are really good. Just... so much content, and also writing advice, and also dying inside listening to a review of a cringe book. Literally sustains my life.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. I didn't really have them in the traditional sense, but the closest things I had was imagining chatting with or interacting with characters I liked from shows, especially once I found visual novels XD. And that evolved into characters running around in my brain and now I am a writer. :P So. These bitches clawed their way into my head at age 10 and never left.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? Rain sounds. Storm sounds. Wind sounds. Especially if they just come from outside but I also do just put them on on my computer and turn off the screen often, letting them play on the stereo. :P
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) Names are fucking weird man. I am currently in the process of reconsidering mine, and I am starting to like the idea of something more wacky, and star themed, or snow themed. :P I don't know if I'd like it long term but Redacted and DnD have very much warmed me up to names like that lol.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Why must I chose one? You're so mean. Uuuuum... Deferred Judgment methinks. It shows a lot of Vega's softness and even some selflessness, while also a bit of the risk that his mission entails and MAN- THE EMOTIONAL IMPACT WHEN IT CAME OUT WAS SO MUCH. I hated it way back when but damn... it was really good. Still is. Cannot wait to see him again. Miss him real bad.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) Um... Guy, Ollie, NICK. OH GODS NOT NICK. And most of the fooliverse boys besides Milo. I am not exactly the type for sweet boys. I like some of them but their chaos or overt sweetness is... too much.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. Can't say I have gotten that obsessed with media like that sadly. I am more of a Podcast/ASMR/Audioplay/Music person buuuut... hm... I mean- does a book I'm writing count??? I have quite a bit of the words of that thing up in the noggin often. It's not done yet but :P.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Oh man. Damien. He is super similar to me in his passion and his love of learning and his general personality (minus the anger, that I am less prone to.) And the other boys up on top of my list I am more queerplatonic about so. :P
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) Oh no I will ramble about anything at any time. <3 <3 <3. I am not well ever <3.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. Spicy or Soup chips (Salt and Vineger, Chili/Cheese, etc), often Doritos or Cheetos (or Hickery Sticks if they have them), and either mineral water or an orange Soda/Slushy. And if it's cold I often go chips, sour candy and hot cocoa <3.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.  Hozier's Unheard and Wasteland Baby. Both have songs I utterly adore.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? None. I feel guilty about nothing that I consume <3 <3 <3.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! I am a lover of art and the arts, and am actually studying art currently for my major. I would consider myself very much Vampiric in some ways (My disconnect in the way I write/speak from a specific time period or place, humanity is familiar but also fucking weird, the sun burns, I'm dramatic and want the fashion to prove it, blood good (no I won't explain) etc.), and I am a weird philosophical bastard who likes to make characters out of vague concepts, and then explore them to their most painful depth. Also varied morality and/or moral quandaries are very important to me. Morality is a weird soup and I like to play with it. (Ironic since my own morals are so strict and fixed, and yet I love writing characters who have different ones.) Aka Evil Bitches Good. And also I am one of them (if only as a writer. Love writing cruel angst to hurt my friends and characters with <3 <3 <3.) Anyhow that's all for me for now. <3 <3 <3 (Hope this is not too obscenely long.)
Pssssst- .3. Hellooo- I submmited a matchup thing but I think I did an oopsie XD. I'm an Enneagram 5w4 but I think I flipped them. So- just saying that. If it changes anything lol- My baddd- I just noticed when thinking on it. :P
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Hmm, this enneagram type is characterized as creative, intelligent, and stubborn, with something to prove to the world- which tracks as you relate to Damien. With that in mind, who else could I pair you with but Huxley?
Huxley is a kind, patient, go with the flow kind of guy but not too silly which you said you don’t vibe with. You give me the impression of an insular, cerebral person, someone with a lot of ideas and thoughts that need to be finalized and put on paper, and Huxley seems like a good partner to help with that, to be your rock (ha) and help you keep those trains of thought on track while also being vocally supportive and hyping up your work the whole time. He’s sweet to you but not so sweet he doesn’t love you and your love of villains and their fucked-up deeds.
And it’s a wonderful love Huxley gives you every day, with the sturdy support and cool shade of a great tree. When you’re studying or doing schoolwork, he’s always there bringing you water or food, massaging your shoulders if you’ve been slouching. He listens to your rambles with rapt attention and affection, retaining every detail. He is your beta reader and biggest fan. He drives you to and from school with a thermos of homemade hot chocolate because his leagues is better than the store-bought stuff, and he won’t let you forget it.
And I remember being younger and my mother told me the truth/ Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you/ Take heed when things get hard and don't you ever turn around/ You'll find someone, someday, somewhere that grows you to the clouds
I feel like this song choice needs no explanation. One, the vibes are kind of just right if you’re a Hozier fan; the folk-y, country-like longing is just what the matchmaker prescribed (the matchmaker being me). Two, it’s delightfully charming and ironic given your dislike of the sun and the pet name of Sunflower I will soon have him give you.
Cam is a fun runner-up for you because I think he, as a therapist, would have a lot to contribute to your writing and dissection of villains along with the empathy to see the depth and dimension you want to give them. Lasko is another runner-up I like given how much you relate to Damien, because Damien/Lasko has always struck me as a darling pair, two sides of the same coin.
Bonus: (For you, my one hundredth match-up~)
“Fifteen more minutes, Hux; I’ve almost figured this out.”
“You said that forty-five minutes ago, baby,” Huxley says with a soft, warm laugh and big, warmer hands on your shoulders, gently turning your chair around. “It’s time for bed.”
“But my chapter-“ you say with a tone you won’t admit has a hint of a whine.
“Will be there tomorrow,” he interrupts, taking your hand and gently tugging you out of your chair against your weak protests. “And you’ll be able to write and edit it even better once you’ve slept.” You fall into the bed with a fwump, a deep sigh, and a muttered stream of thought falling out your lips like the air out of a balloon. The earth elemental can pick out odd, familiar words in the ramble like “heart”, “stars”, and “Vega” and chuckles as the stream peters off into slow breaths and soft snores. Huxley queues up a familiar YouTube video on the tv, a ten hour loop of light rain showers, and places a blanket over your sprawled, sleeping body.
“Good night, Sunflower,” he says softly, pressing a light kiss on the top of your head before climbing into bed beside you, turning off the light with a fond, content smile.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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yan-randomfandom · 1 month
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Hello! Call me Yan (any prns), and I'm honestly here to satisfy my cravings as a writer 😔
♪ REQUEST STATUS: OPEN—Although please understand if I was unable to answer yours, it might be for plenty of reasons.
x reader, my beloved
Yandere. There are times I won't write yandere, but it's my blog's main trait.
Please read at your own risk. There will be warnings at the start of the chap!
Headcanons, one shots, and drabbles
Mostly SFW — Sexual themes are mild at most. I do not write smut.
My account is multifandom. I am in multiple fandoms, so expect my content to be different every once in a while!
If you'd like to see more of your fandom, then feel free to ask!
Speaking of... keep reading for more details if you'd like to request!
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PART I: Masterlist
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I lurk in many fandoms. I don't want to list them all but here's what's kinda popular right now: Gravity Falls, FOP: A New Wish, TADC, ATLA, Hazbin Hotel, Cookie Run, Adventure Time, and so many more!
Please don't hesitate to ask from wherever fandom you are! There's no harm in trying! :) Except BNHA. Preferably, no anime.
Better yet, feel free to list down your fandoms in the comments! Anything that you would want to see yandere content in! Just so I can browse and maybe write for!!
No problematic shipping requests.
Unfortunately, I don't do OCs (':
If the character is 18-, they can be aged up if you'd like, but strictly no NSFW, or in certain circumstances, romance. They're gonna be platonic.
I don't do intense gore. While I do have yandere content, I'm on the sorta wholesome side? Define 'wholesome' ... Implied scenarios are more likely😩
Minors, please stay safe. Don't go meddling around with adult spaces!
I often write non-yandere stories too.
Sadly, I'm lacking in knowledge of other popular media, so if you happen to request one of those, I might not reply. Instead, I'll be keeping your ask until one day I check that media out.
Doesn't matter if the character is well known or not! Cuz I WILL attempt to learn about your request!
Part 2s are my weakness. I'm sorry.
If it's something I've never posted about yet, then it's either I'm not in the fandom, or I'm just clueless.
But other than that... sometimes I take days— weeks— months? to truly click with an idea.
I want to enjoy whatever I'm writing, so I take a break until an idea comes up.
And there's also the fact that I'm working on multiple things at once 😭😭 I tend to focus on easier ones first!!
Also I usually think of ideas at night c:
Worst case scenario: I truly have zero idea for your request, I'm so sorry 😔
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I do not, and won't ever, condone the behavior I will portray in my writing. Please don't misunderstand, don't romanticize. They are purely fiction and for entertainment.
I regularly change my theme (profile, colors, banner, etc.) just so you know.
This account is for everyone,, we're all just trying to find content of our favorite character fr— so please don't hesitate to request :)
As I close my eyes to sleep, that's when I start imagining scenarios for my writing!
erm skibid toilet
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13 notes · View notes
dino-fart · 2 years
I’m so happy to have won the chance to request a fic! Thank you! What about one where the reader has telepathy and maybe some siren-y powers and so he recruits her to help him with making sure Talokan stays secret/protecting it? And he’s like into her? Haha
Oooo me likey!!!
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Warnings: Mention of past abuse by family
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It was quite an arrangement you made with their king, you would steer anyone away from Talokan while he kept you safe from your kin. You weren’t like any sirens, you had telepathy and in the waters you were a siren with a white shimmering tail. But when you got to the shore, your tail changed into legs. Over time you had learned to control when this happened as well as stopping from over using your telepathic abilities. But it didn’t matter since you were born you were an outcast to your people. 
When Namor told you his story, you couldn’t help but feel...Jealous. His people embraced his differences and raised him to be a god and a king. But you...You were a demon, you were the runt, the disgraced siren. You had escaped your tribe a long time ago and simply wandered the sea which led you to meet Namor. 
You now sat on the rock in the middle of the ocean, combing your wet hair with your fingers. You had just finished leading a ship away from the border of Talokan. Tears formed in your eyes when you recalled how your mother tried to ‘force’ the evil out of you by methods of torment. You hugged your legs to your chest, that was covered with a white seashell armor top, and sighed sadly. You heard someone from behind you and your telepathic abilities alerted you that this was a visit from the king. “Good evening, your highness.” You said not turning around. 
“How have the borders been?” Namor asked, studying you. 
“All clear...Go back to your people.” You said coldly, not wanting to let him see you vulnerable. 
Namor didn’t answer, instead, he swam around to face you and what he saw hurt him. He saw the tears falling down your cheeks and your posture. “Ma'alobech? (Are you alright)” He said and climbed up on the rock and sat next to you. 
“Yes.” You lied and looked away from him. 
He nodded, deciding not to pry yet. He pulled out a few shells and showed them to you. “Tell me more about these shells.” 
You wiped your tears and looked over at them, “They’re just regular shells, your grace.” 
“On the contrary...These shells are the ones that are used in your armor, which makes them special.” Namor slowly raised his hand and stroked your cheek. You met his gaze finally and he leaned in to kiss your forehead gently. 
Know that you can confide in me, I will do whatever I can to keep you safe and happy. You read Namor’s mind. 
Why? I am not a Talokan. 
No...But you have been helping us and that means the world to me. 
Like you need any help, your grace. I’ve seen how you and your people fight. 
True, but it’s nice to have a...Quieter approach. 
Or maybe this was a scheme to hear me sing? You grinned. 
Looks like my plans have been foiled... Namor grinned. 
You closed your eyes when you felt both his hands cup your face. 
“Talokan is forever in your debt...I am in forever in your debt.” He whispered softly and leaned in to press his lips against yours. 
You let out a content sigh and kissed him back. Namor finally parted his lips from yours and stroked your wet hair back. “You will always belong here in Talokan, here with me.” Namor leaned in to kiss you again. 
For the first time in your life, you felt loved...
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Dividers By: @firefly-graphics
357 notes · View notes