#@@ kathryn you inspired me to make this<3
wineonmytshirt · 1 year
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writer in the dark
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ddwcaph-game · 4 months
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This is the stats screen for Kathryn “Katie” Emmerson, my MC for the story. She is the oldest twin, but she is more soft-spoken. Her younger twin brother Landon was always one to wear his emotions directly on his sleeve and take charge of the situation, while she is one to observe before acting. She is a lefty and loves to write, and tends to get lost in her thoughts and daydream often. She is a bookworm and introverted, while her brother is more athletic and social. *Very* much opposites. Katie struggles with her self-image a lot, doubts herself and her abilities. She is one of the top students in the class, but she believe it to be because she works hard, not because of any real talent or intelligence.
While Landon is irresponsible and carefree, she studies and keeps herself on the straight and narrow. After all, *someone* had to fill in the shoes Maggie left unfilled, and their father Arthur… well, who knows where he is? So she kind of had to grow up a bit faster as a result.
I have the headcanon that Katie’s *not* close to her mother Maggie while her twin is, hence him throwing away the locket picture. It hurt Landon more, hence not wanting to keep it. She has lost hope of her mother returning, but she tries to give her brother hope by trying to be more optimistic in front of him about it. Now if Landon can sense that… no idea :O
Rosie, her best friend, does make life a bit more gentle, though– when Katie has a bad day, she knows just who to go to for a hug. Always more willing to listen than to speak, the two tend to balance each other well, with Katie being the more quiet one and Rosie being more outgoing.
In terms of confrontation, Katie acts with words/smarts. So when confronted with B, she cut straight to the point on the matter. She loves learning new things, but in a more innocent way than Lily, I suppose– not as intense of an investigator, but curious of the world just to learn everything about it. (If this is too much, let me know! I got a bit inspired xD)
Hello, thank you for consulting Roselyna’s Matchmaking Service! Rosie had to finish her homework first, so sorry for the late response!
And nope, I don’t think it’s too much. But anyway, here are our Top 3 picks!
1. Well, I can’t *not* choose Roselyna as the top candidate now, can I? 😛 It’s true that Rosie’s more outgoing, but she’s also a great listener for when Katie has to vent, and they’d be able to relate/help with each other’s insecurities. Rosie also admires the much smarter students since she wants to be a teacher, so with Katie believing it’s a result of her hardwork, I think they’d be a good influence for each other. Bonus points too for also being a Daddy’s girl, hehe.
2. Wayne’s probably the second best candidate. Not just by virtue of being Rosie’s bestfriend, but also because Wayne also had a lot of experience with Rosie, back when she was much more reserved. She might not be fond of his troublemaker nature, but she’d probably appreciate his natural curiosity. And he’d know just the thing to cheer Katie up (and uplift her insecurities) with his playful teasing. Would she follow Wayne when he runs away in the Chapter 6 preview? Because I can see that being the scene where they can truly open up to each other.
3. We didn’t have a clear choice for number three, but we’ll go with JM. Being one of the top students means she’ll naturally be interacting with JM quite a bit, so I can see that being the starting spark of their relationship, especially with JM always looking out for her. JM would never make the first move (especially with school being his top priority), but he’d always be there if she needs someone to talk to, and I can see them having a late night conversation where everything just clicks with neither of them realizing it.
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margaetyrell · 1 year
dancing with our hands tied and hits different are indeed fragments of the same story. but so are wonderland and cowboy like me. and here comes the part where i confess that dwoht (for me!) can be both a love song and a sad/breakup song, just like clm. but hold on, before anyone kills me... let me try to explain (i’ll separate each song by colours to make the parallels more clear).
here’s how dwoht also works as a breakup song. first of all: I COULD’VE spent forever with your hands in my pockets. You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it, I had a bad feeling → And you asked me to dance but I said, “Dancing is a dangerous game”. Oh, I thought this is gonna be one of those things → They say that if it’s right, you know. Nothing has ever felt so wrong → We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it. And we pretended it could last forever. like when you had a bad feeling something was going to happen and “you should’ve seen it coming” (I should’ve slept with one eye open at night) but you kept dancing and refused to see it. hoping it’d work out eventually. AND THEN comes the bridge. which in dwoht it’s like, i would do ALL these things and get burnt in my own house even if it catches us inside. i would stick with you and hug you no matter what IF! i could just dance with you again. it doesn’t say “if that means we can keep dancing” or something like that. it’s a could that almost sounds like a shouting prayer. but if that still feels unclear, go back to the start where the lyrics literally say “could have”.
dwoht is about the fear of something ruining the love you have (or had), which are common fears that appear in the beginning of a relationship, but they also do at the end of it. therebefore, it’s still a song about the fear of this love being ruined by x or not being strong enough to face the mess around it (which was the mess that you wanted! → you made a mess of me) and so that motivates them to keep trying, keep dancing. because they just can’t help falling in love with each other. like gravity keeping you with me. but what happens when they no longer want that mess...? only time can confirm or deny these fears, that are seen quite a lot thoughout her most vulnerable songs. in these 4, they are also very loud. until they conclude with: In the good in the world, you once believed in me. And I felt you and I held you for a while → Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon → You held on tight to me ‘cause nothing’s as it seems → Oh, and you held me close. How was I to know that? → Is that your key in the door? Is it okay? Is it you? Why the wound is still bleedin'? You were the one that I loved → I reached for you, but you were gone. I knew I had to go back home → With your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con. And I’m never gonna love again → I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us and I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. I’d hold you as the water rushes in... If I could dance with you again.
*this is completely inspired by kathryn’s analysis which fucked me up and it took me forever because i’m not very good at it. so if you’ve read all of this, thank you. if it still doesn’t make any sense though, please be nice to me. i tried <3
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powderblueblood · 4 days
Hello Powder!
I have been a long time follower of Hellfire and Ice. I seen you reblog a couple post with camila mendes and a couple characters she plays and say it was lacey coded soooo i recently finished derry girls and watched Do Revenge recently and wanted to know if you also grabbed inspiration from camila mendes character in that movie for lacey because it really reminds me of her lol or who else inspires you for character building love your writing :) <3
GOOD MORNING MY FRIEND well if it isn’t my favorite subject to talk about :)
do revenge was 100% a seed for HAI I feel. like even prior to developing Lacy into an OC that was definitely one of the inciting pieces of media that made me interested in this story because I love when girls just do be fucking losing it.
but Lacy sure does have a deep well of bitches that I draw inspiration from including but not limited to Becky Sharp, Shiv Roy (oh BROTHER the father wound), Laura Palmer, Blair Waldorf, Cordelia Chase, Kathryn Merteuil, India Stoker, Franny Glass, Boyd Crowder, Alice Morgan from Luther and a more recent addition in Tashi Duncan from Challengers especially when it comes to being fatally knocked out of the game you’ve been so good at playing. the music of Fiona Apple also plays a HUGE part in her characterisation bc she’s so fuckin still waters run deep lmao
I also look at films like Black Swan and The Red Shoes a lot as a study on perfection via performance and how that can be fatal to especially a young woman, I also think a lot about big fish/small pond syndrome bc ultimately Lacy is from a small town that she believes she’s outgrown since birth but realistically she will leave Hawkins for a Real City and run headfirst into a brick wall and get herself into some trouble because she falls crack over ass for the first (and worst) person to make her feel special again
I love her so much she is my precious baby princess but she is also the devil incarnate and the shrewdest little career criminal in the making she needs to be imprisoned she needs to win a Pulitzer but also she maybe just needs a chai latte x
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serinmatheson1 · 6 months
Twin Stars of My Heart Part 5
That's right, I'm back and so are the twins. I just read "Burmiating in a Winter Wonderland" by @elephant-in-the-pride-parade (go read it's really good) and it inspired me to writ about the twins agani.
Earth is super weird to the twins
Weather is confusing to them. WHat do you mean there's no computers to make the temperature more comfortable?
They like being on Earth for like 3 days and then start asking when they can go back on the ship. They are shocked when they are told this is home now.
It takes them a long time to warm up to Earth
There's way more people than on the ship and things aren't as tightly run. People just do things when they want and don't always respect schedules or duty rosters
Kids are adaptable and they do adapt but it takes time
Castor acts out the worst. He throws fits when he has to visit Mark or go to school. Kathryn spends extra time with him in order to help him transition
They both find they enjoy meeting new species and once he opens up Castor finds he's really good with people
They get upset when they can't jsut visit the crew when they want like they coudl on ship. Especially when they can't see Seven all the time
Kathryn can't blame them because she misses her crew too
Suprisingly when Voyager A launches, they are hesitant to go with their mom. But they learn there's schools and more people and they join pretty quick.
Castor decides his first day on the ship that he wants to be out in space for as long as possible and he's going to be just like his mom
Pollux follows him because of course he does. What else was he going to do?
Join us next time for...I don't know. We'll see what I think up
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lodessa · 1 year
✨ 2022 Writing Year In Review ✨
Thanks to @feeisamarshmallow​ for tagging me! Sorry it took me a while to get to it!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 10
2. Word count posted for the year: 37,228
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Stranger Things, Star Trek: Voyager ( and a hint of Prodigy), Revolution, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica.
4. Pairings: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson, Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay Charlie Matheson/Miles Matheson, Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace"
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Five Times No One Saw Eddie and Chrissy Together (No Make That Four) 303 Kudos on my entry into a new fandom.
Bookmarks: (See most kudos above) 47 Bookmarks
Comments: (Same) 20 Comment Threads.
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
"Don't Leave Me Dry" I think. There's something about writing a fic you know is going "bomb" but you just want to write it so much you do it anyway. I knew going into it that once again I was writing a problematic ship in a dead fandom, that would probably be commented on by @romeorevoarchive and one other person, but I was struck with one little moment, that kind of inspiration that usually gets trapped in the shower or car, and I went for it anyway and do you know what: I love the immediacy, the way I ended up using music to frame it, the characterization, the physicality, the rawness and tenderness that feels so quintessentially Miles and Charlie.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):. . .
This is maybe going to sound weird (or entitled and bratty) and also sound contradictory to what I said in the prior response, but. . . 23K of the 37k words I wrote were my three part More Normal Things series and part of me wishes I had just left that whole thing with the first part. While the hit count didn't drop that much between them, every other metric (kudos, comments, bookmarks) took a nose and it just makes me feel like I should have quit while I was ahead. Maybe I should have written the more flashy concept Hellcheer AUs I had instead of continuing to just explore their dynamic. Maybe I should have just been pleased with the amazing welcome to the fandom I got on that first fic and moved on after that positive little moment. There are things I really liked about those second two parts, but it is obvious that readers felt diminishing returns, and that makes me wish I had updated any of my other series or WIPs instead.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
Is it cheating to choose a whole series of comments I received / comment conversation I had in response to Salvation and Rapture For the Lonely? They started with this gem
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and only got better from there. When I finally posted my Martha/Nine epic in 2018, I knew that it was ten years late and a super niche pairing to begin with, but it was my hope that at least one person out there would stumble upon it and be really excited for the same reasons that most people would not be interested at all, and in the last four years that is exactly what has happened a handful of times. This wonderful human left effusive, detailed, comments on every chapter and then responded to my rambling replies in a way that gave me that high of finding someone who just GETS IT.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Most of the year, honestly. I really struggled to write anything most of the time (pretty much the only time writing was really flowing was August).
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
I definitely didn't see Hellcheer as a ship (or writing anything for Stranger Things) coming. If you had told me that my new ship in 2022 would be some freshly introduced high school kids from a single episode of the show, I would have been skeptical.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
From "Whispered" :
“Going to take more than that to get rid of me, Summers.” Faith feels herself smile, mostly because it hurts to move her face that much.
“Good,” Buffy smiles back, doing that lip biting thing that is a suggestion and a protestation of innocence at the same time. Perfect. Humanizing. Prudish. Primal. The reluctant hero. The girl who knows or doesn’t know she’s hot. “We still have a First Evil to defeat.”
We. When was the last time either of them actually believed that even existed? Had Buffy ever? Or was it only Faith who even wanted that to be true? No. Buffy just wanted everyone to play by her rules, not the other way around. Sometimes, Faith even wished she could do that, be relegated to a sidekick instead of a problem. If there’s one constant in the world it is me being a disruption, a wrinkle in someone’s perfect life… No. She reminds herself. I don’t have to be. I can be different.
Buffy is looking at her, really looking at her, and Faith wonders what she sees. She must look like shit. Feeling superior as usual, B? she thinks, but that’s not really what she sees in her expression. If I’m vulnerable, so are you. That it? She’s not sure that’s quite right either, but no more comforting thought is coming to mind, so she looks away.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: 
Honestly 2022 was pretty much a fallow year for me as a writer. I suspect I won't see what changed in my writing until I am looking back on it from the perspective of what I write in 2023.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I would really like to get better at being able to push through and get words typed more consistently even when they are not flowing.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
@romeorevoarchive who held my hand through everything I wrote or didn't write this year and even read some fic for a fandom she doesn't care about. Also special shout out to @anverli for the visual inspiration for (Don't Leave Me Dry) and many people but especially @phoenixwrites for the enthusiastic welcome to Hellcheer.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Probably the most personal work I wrote this year was Exhausted Midas. I've been feeling really overwhelmed and burnt out, both like I need and want to do more and like I need to cut back on my commitments. I've been dropping a lot of balls. It is hard not to feel like this is who I am now, and I feel like that's a lot of what I was exploring with this character study of Janeway, pre-Prodigy.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
This isn't new but here are a few reminders for myself and others:
Just because you are struggling to write right now doesn't mean you will never write again. Try to relax. Read. Trust that inspiration and focus will come together again someday.
Learn to scale down the scope of a writing project, just because "what happens" is big, doesn't mean you need to show it all: skip to the most interesting part, do abrupt transitions if you need to, add flashbacks if you need context instead of writing thousands of words to get to that critical detail
Find a buddy you can talk through the process with while writing, someone who you can send snippets to, someone you can bounce ideas off of, someone to make you feel less alone and in your own head.
Sit down and do flash fiction based on any prompt. There's something about just finding a way to make some constraint work and typing out whatever you can in what sitting before setting it loose on the world.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Last week, I came across a list from two years ago with 20 things on it. I had actually written and posted 1, which means who knows what will happen but right now:
I would really like to update (and possibly even finish) one of my major partly posted WIPS: k'war'ma'khon (my Georgiou!lives Discovery AU) and Dragon Marked (my soulmarks, reincarnation, modern with some magic Dany/Jorah epic).
I would like to complete my long planned sequels for The Smallest Twine (my Janeway and Chakotay meet before the end of the Cardassian War and that changes EVERYTHING AU . . . though it makes me sad to think about how Laura inspired it all and she's not here to enjoy the rest of it now) and the next installment of Balancing Act (my Logan/Veronica/Weevil threesome + series)
I would like to finally finish and post some of the in progress fics that have been languishing in my Google Drive for years, including but not limited to: the Veronica Mars Season 3 AU I started in 2014, the Greek Myth AU Janeway/Chakotay fic, my Jaime/Brienne, Sansa/Aegon, Davos/Jon Connington ASOIAF solution.
Some fic ideas I have not actually written, including but not limited to: Miles gets swapped with an alternate timeline version of himself Revo fic, Hellcheer Room With a View AU, that BtVS/Punisher crossover fic with Faith/Billy Russo (okay that pairing actually the whole idea), my inevitable Elendil/Mirael fic.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
Let's go with: @clarasimone, @liminal-zone, @janiedean, and @lilalbatross but anyone who wants to do this, should
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yourbraidlikeapattern · 11 months
hi. i still can’t believe that i went to Era’s Tour back in May so i wanna talk about it! :))
so a little background on me is that Debut was the very first CD i owned and i dressed up as Taylor for Halloween in 2010, Taylor Swift has always meant SO much to me, but i could never afford/was able to see her UNTIL this year for Eras tour, when my sister MIRACULOUSLY got floor tickets!
the day of Eras was one of the most fun, exhilarating days of my life, so here’s some highlights!
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so first off, for my fit i went with one of my all time FAVORITE photos of taylor! and then obviously the obligatory stadium photo! Metlife N1 begins!!
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we found our way to the floor after doing all of the fun opportunities (like the elevator which i can’t seem to find :( ) and two other really sweet swifties took a picture for us!!
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the openers section was CRAZY because my sister and i had seen Gayle before and FELL IN LOVE WITH HER so it was so exciting to get to see her on the Eras stage. AND during her performance we were screaming and singing and dancing as much as we could, and her manager brought us bracelets that Gayle herself made for fans!! After Gayle, i noticed Kathryn Gallagher sitting behind me and i knew i had to tell her how much i admired her and she gave me a KARMA bracelet (v important considering how much Karma we got that night!) Next up was Phoebe and i’ll spare you the photos and videos of me sobbing seeing this beautiful woman. (also still not over hearing Emily I’m Sorry live.)
so then, the time FINALLY came to see Taylor. after 16 years of being a fan, getting to see her walk on stage with my own eyes literally felt like i was witnessing the coming of christ. how is she real?!?
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i was at Metlife N1, so you know that the second half of that night was one of the most Unhinged nights of this tour, and i only have evidence of 1. so let me just share my thoughts.
1. Getting the Karma MV was SO ridiculously fun but what was even more fun was sneaking glances at Taylor and her dancers watching. they looked SO proud and SO excited. it was radiating off of them!!!
2. JACK MF ANTONOFF ON STAGE FOR GETAWAY CAR. I actually fell to the ground when she announced Jack bc i was OVERJOYED by that news. and it was everything i could have ever wanted AND then some.
3. Maroon was…unreal. immaculate. tears STREAMING down my face. this was my sister’s most wanted surprise song, so it was a big treat for us!!
4. and finally, her bringing Ice Spice on stage to perform Karma at the end was CRAZY fun and a perfect way to tie up a Karma heavy evening.
at the end of the show, we headed back to home and thought about all the fun we just had, all the memories we just made, and the bracelets still clung to our wrists.
the Eras Tour was easily the best concert of my life and i still feel as lucky at 22 as i did when i was 6, discovering Taylor wandering a CD aisle. she is an extremely devoted, talented, hardworking, and ambitious artist that inspires me in my art and life. i hope that i can make it to whatever tours come next for her, but if i can’t and this was my one time seeing her, it was a really damn good time.
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
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I posted 931 times in 2022
That's 324 more posts than 2021!
247 posts created (27%)
684 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 720 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#hphm - 265 posts
#hogwarts mystery - 218 posts
#hphl - 131 posts
#hpma - 128 posts
#magic awakened - 99 posts
#lineage challenge - 93 posts
#hogwarts legacy - 86 posts
#dafne arcano - 67 posts
#kaari arcano - 66 posts
#the phoenix resistance - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#would be funny if the ironhearts at some point intersected with one of the gifted 3 families 👀
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Part 2: Coloring
My beloved 💕💕 I might also do a part 3 with a background and lighting? Also I forgot to color some lines so I might fix that.
29 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
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Oops,,, New Fantastic Beasts OC?? What if there was a ship that was magically enchanted to sail the skies and there was an adventuring crew?
I don’t have a name for him but I love him. Hufflepuff maybe? Probably an astronomer and/or cartographer and/or explorer 😌 he could use a crew👀
37 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Inspired by @immagrosscandy here are some of my Firsts compared to my Most Recents. I just did the OCs who I’ve drawn recently. I haven’t drawn most of them in a long time ooof.
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Kathryn: October 2018 - July 2021
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Devon: December 2019 - January 2022
See the full post
42 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
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Day 1 - Sea Shells
Summer Break Challenge by @usernoneexistent! Idk if I’ll do every day but I’ll try if I get an idea. For this one, Nessi saw a shell she wanted and just dove right in.
48 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The Lineage Challenge - August 3rd to 8th
I was gonna create some content for my Arcano family but I remembered lots of other people have their own large family trees so I decided to make this a challenge! From August 3rd to 8th I’ll be doing these challenges, feel free to join me! I’ll be tagging it with #lineage challenge.
Day 1 (August 3rd): Family Crest
Draw or edit your family's crest. You can even explain the meaning behind what symbols or colors you used.
Day 2 (August 4th): Family Tree
Use websites like Familyecho or draw/edit your own to show off your entire family tree!
Day 3 (August 5th): Playlist
Create a small playlist with songs that help define the family or specific members within it. Feel free to describe why you picked each song.
Day 4 (August 6th): Character Spotlight
Create any content you wish to show off a member of the family who is overlooked, needs more development, or is the newest addition!
Day 5 (August 7th): One Shot
Write a small one shot story about any member(s) of your family or any lore the family has. If you’ve already written one in the past, feel free to reblog it.
Day 6 (August 8th): Ask Game
Answer a list of questions about your family and lore. Other people are welcome to send you some Asks to answer even more questions.
Canon or Fiction? If your family is a Canon one you made your own: What drew you to that specific family? Did you make any changes to Canon, and if so, why? If your family is completely original: Where did the Family name come from? What was your inspiration and who was the first OC you created for it?
Family Ties: What other families are related/connected to this one? Are they Canon families or creator made families? (Tag them!)
Foundations: What year and which OC was the founder of the family line? If the family goes back hundreds of years and you don’t know the first member, tell us about the oldest OC in the family you have created.
Fun Facts: Do you have any misc lore you have that you haven’t had a chance to post about? Talk about anything you like!
Free Space: Feel free to ask any creator a question not listed here and maybe you will get one in return!
50 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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superblysubpar · 3 months
🛼 🌻 🪐 🥐 🌵 for the ask game please!
Thank you so much for asking, these were so fun 💛
🛼 - describe your latest wip with five emojis
(I have a couple, so here's ANOTHER I'm really excited for 💛)
🌻 - tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a daily basis
I feel like it's most people here sadly! I appreciate the community, and I admire a lot of people - inspired and motivated by them, encouraged by them. I just don't talk to most people! I have pretty awful anxiety that convinces me I'm just being annoying, or everyone hates me, so I don't reach out - I reblog and go unhinged that way, and Ive sort accepted that as my fate here haha. But I appreciate many, many people here I don't talk to daily, if at all 💛
🪐 - name three good things going on in your life right now
1. I'm writing whole ass movies - I wrote a whole ass movie. And maybe a book. Like my life is not at all where I thought I'd be at this age, or ever, and I'm really really proud of myself for taking the leap and excited for what's to come.
2. ^ I got feedback from two different contests and hearing about what real industry professionals had to say about my story, and my characters specifically, has been the most rewarding and motivating thing ever. I want to write and learn and keep going 💛
3. I've been doing a lot of house projects and I just finished re-doing a lot of things, but I think my favorite are the colors I'm switching my bedroom & bathroom to as well as my new vinyl set up 🥹 idk, my house is just feeling clean and inspiring and lovely lately.
🥐 - name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Okay I have no idea...like a meme? What does this mean. I'm old?
I'm a sucker for vines. Quote an iconic vine at the opportune time and I am giggling no matter what. I also really love that video of the (Scottish I think? But I could be embarrassingly wrong, so correct me if I am) of the mom yelling at her kids about not flushing the toilet and saying "THAT IS DIS-GUST-ING." And my husband and I quote it daily 🤷‍♀️
🌵 - share the link to a playlist you love
Oh my gosh SO many to choose from. I think this is one of my favs. Can confirm I have bangs, I'm hot, and I listen to Kathryn Gallagher. I don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️
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celtfather · 4 months
Celtic Women #650
We’re highlighting some of the amazing women in Celtic music on this Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #650.
Eimear Arkins, Mary - Kate Spring Lee, Sassenach, Bonhomme Setter, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Mary Beth Carty, Matt & Shannon Heaton, Rover's Way, Hanneke Cassel, Celtic Woman, Katherine Nagy, Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening, Derina Harvey Band, Mànran
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos
0:02 - Intro: Debby Regan
0:18 - Eimear Arkins "She's At It Again / Tune For Tom (Jigs)" from Here & There Eimear Arkins: fiddle
4:00 - WELCOME
6:15 - Mary - Kate Spring Lee "Kusnacht/St.Brigid's Day" from Tunes in the Morning Mary - Kate Spring Lee: harp
12:18 - Sassenach "Siúbhán Ní Dhuibhir" from Passages Jane Critchlow: lead and harmony vocals, bodhrán, percussion Susan Palmer: harp, harmony vocals Laurence Beaudry: violin, viola, harmony vocals Marie - Claude Simard: cello, harmony vocals
15:29 - Bonhomme Setter "Slide From Grace" from Colors of Time SYLVAIN LABEGE | flute . whistle MARIE - NOËLLE HARVEY | violin . viola
20:08 - Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer "John Lover" from Twelve Months & A Day Vicki Swan: nyckelharpa, background vocals
24:37 - FEEDBACK
27:43 - Mary Beth Carty "Voilà le printemps" from Crossing the Causeway Mary Beth Carty: accordion, guitar, bass, jaw harp, bones, triangle, shakers, tambourine, cow - bells, and washboard, vocals
31:36 - Matt & Shannon Heaton "Last Days of Fourth Grade/Against the Grain/Jig for Tim (waltz and jigs)" from Whirring Wings Shannon Heaton: flute
36:45 - Rover's Way "The Journey" from The Journey Keira Young: Penny whistle, bodhran, vocals
39:19 - Hanneke Cassel "Religulous / Patience" from Dot the Dragon's Eyes Hanneke Cassel: fiddle
44:08 - Olivia Bradley “Molly Malone” from Misty Morning Shore
46:44 - THANKS
50:15 - Celtic Woman "A Stór Mo Chroí" from 20th Anniversary Tara McNeil: violin, harp, vocals Mairéad Carlin: vocals Muirgen O’Mahony: vocals Emma Warren: vocals
55:12 - Katherine Nagy "Jimmy's Dance" from Single Katherine Nagy: guitar, vocals
58:45 - Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening "Just Stop & Eat The Roses" from Cloud Horizons Kathryn Tickell (Northumbrian smallpipes, fiddle, vocals) Amy Thatcher (accordion, synth, clogs, vocals), Josie Duncan from the Isle of Lewis (vocals, clarsach).
1:02:34 - Derina Harvey Band "Stopped or Gone" from Waves of Home Derina Harvey: guitar, vocals Jess Blenis (violin)
1:05:33 - CLOSING
1:07:50 - Mànran "Briogais" from Ùrar Kim Carnie: vocals
1:10:39 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is here to build a diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Musicians depend on your generosity to keep making music. So please find a way to support them. Buy a CD, Album Pin, Shirt, Digital Download, or join their communities on Patreon.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in music or an EPK. You will get a free eBook called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music and learn how to follow the podcast. It’s 100% free. Just email Email follow@bestcelticmusic and of course, listeners can learn how to subscribe to the podcast and get a free music - only episode.
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, stand - alone stories, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our new and continued Celtic Legends: Bill Mandeville, Marti Meyers, Brenda, Karen DM Harris, Emma Bartholomew, Dan mcDade, Carol Baril, Miranda Nelson, Nancie Barnett, Kevin Long, Gary R Hook, Lynda MacNeil, Kelly Garrod, Annie Lorkowski, Shawn Cali
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $25. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/ #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
Email me at follow@bestcelticmusic.
Dan Vaughn emailed some photos: "Hello! My name is Dan Vaughn, I am 1 of 3 members of the band Sorcha and I'm reaching out to you to try to make an appearance on your podcast! We are about to launch our new EP next week titled Stomp the Floor and we're very very excited about it. I'm going to attach the tracks to this email along with some pictures. Hope to hear from you soon!"
Steve Bradley emailed a photo: "Hi Marc, Greetings from Atlanta!  Love the podcast, and like to listen while walking my dog, Augie.  Here's a pic of him today as we were listening to episode #648!  My favorite artist is of course my daughter, Olivia Bradley, and we're heading up to Calhoun tonight to hear her perform with Celtic Angels at the GEM Theatre.  Thanks for all you do in highlighting great music each week and supporting the artists who produce it!"
Check out this episode!
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inquiringquilter · 2 years
Around the Block Sew Much Fun Tour - Block 52
Welcome to the Sew Much Fun Tour!
Every Sunday on the tour, a top quilt designer has shared a free block pattern inspired by their love of sewing and quilting. Hopefully you’ve followed along and collected the whole set! Each block finishes at 6”.
If you have not collected all the block patterns, you have until the end of the month to do so. I link to all the patterns at the bottom of this post.
Note: Be sure to read to the end of this post for a must-have sewing tool. I presented a new tool or tip each week of the tour to add to your sewing enjoyment.
Let me introduce you to Kathryn @ Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio who is sharing her block today! Click the link to read her post and download the pattern.
Her block features a pair of butterfly embroidery scissors!
Kathryn’s block uses fusible applique in its construction. Click here for my photo tutorial on fusible applique if you need help.
This concludes our block journey. I hope you’ve enjoyed this focus on sewing and the things about it that make us happy. Along the way there were free block patterns, sewing tips and tools from me, and giveaways!
You can still grab the free patterns which will remain free until the end of the month. View the blocks and the links to each pattern here.
Speaking of giveaways, here's a Rafflecopter to enter. Hurry! You don’t want to miss the prize. Each time you visit a designer's Facebook page you earn 3 points!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Participating Designers - Sew Much Fun Block Tour
Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio
Faith and Fabric
Slice of Pi Quilts
Orange Blossom Quilt Design Studio LLC
Your Sewing Friend
Limeleaves Designs
Appliqués Quilts and More
Blue Bear Quilts
Patchwork Breeze
Carolina Moore
Penny Spool Quilts
Craftapalooza Designs
Cayenne Ridge Quilts
Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting
Ladybug's Cabin
Inquiring Quilter
True Blue Quilts
Rona the Ribbiter
Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts
Nestlings by Robin
Prairie Sewn Studios
Pretty Piney Quilts
Our Crafty Life
Sew Joy Creations
The Quilting Room with Mel
My Tip or Tool for This Week
Each week on the tour, I feature a little sewing tool I like. I hope you enjoy them!
This week’s tool is a Grippy Non-slip Coating by Odif. Spray this coating on the back of your rulers and they will become super non-slip! The coating dries clear and does not affect how your rulers look after it dries.
With non-slip rulers you’ll cut more accurately and safely. Try Grippy today!
Up Next….
Be sure to hurry to each designer’s website and grab your pattern while they are still free! Patterns will remain free through the end of the hop, which is Week 52. The link to all the designers is below.
We visit Kathyrn next! Be sure to stop by for the last week of the hop to see the design by the Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio. If you missed any of the previous designers, click here.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back next week for a direct link to the free block patterns for the next sewing block. Be sure to follow me for updates and reminders. You’ll find ways to follow at the top of my sidebar or you can sign up for my newsletter here.
Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Clicking on links to Amazon from my site provides a bit of income for me at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog!
Shop now for the best in sewing products on Amazon
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Tell me…have you ever used ruler tape?
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reputayswift · 2 years
will you make a wuthering heights edit? asking for a friend!
also, who would you cast if you could make a new wuthering heights movie adaptation? 😻
Hello! I’ve started collecting clips I’ll see what I can do ;)
And this was SUCH a fun exercise so thank you!! First of all, I’d probably have it be a miniseries bc I don’t think you can do justice to the story in ~3 hours. And also would maybe split the generations up into 2 seasons? I would 1000% include the second gen I really don’t think you can get the full depth of Catherine’s Haunting without it. Don’t take any of these choices TOO seriously in reality I think unknowns would make for the most immersive story :*
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OKAY FIRST UP: Heathcliff. Dev Patel would be my first choice bc I think he can play both boyish and solemn and he fits the book description pretty well. He’s done period pieces before and I also just love him :) The 2011 casting was already really good so I’d totally be down for James Howson Heathcliff 2. And if we wanted to stress the OMG These Are Literal Kids Getting Married & Dying aspect, I could see Amir Wilson for young Heathcliff (obviously older Heathcliff would have to be cast accordingly).
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Loved Kaya Scodelario for Catherine (Sr.), I think you’d have to cast someone with very intense/memorable eyes and a bit of wickedness to her and she’s GOT IT. I could also see an Anya Taylor-Joy type if we wanted to go w the 1992 one-actress-for-both-Cathys route, she’s played cold and haughty and mischievous and innocent and she’s fairly close to how I pictured Cathy (Jr.). If we go age-accurate, we already know Dafne Keen and Amir Wilson play really well off each other and no one plays Scary Youth better than her.
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Really love Mackenzie Foy for Cathy Linton, I think she could pass as Kaya Scodelario’s daughter and admittedly this was a little inspired by the (misguided) Twilight parallels.
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The Lintons! I completely blanked on blondish male actors that aren’t completely jacked so apologies for that ( @julesblackthorns and I had fun imagining like. Tom Hopper Linton, fully muscled up for Umbrella Academy.) Timothée Chalamet as Linton Heathcliff started as a joke but like. Let’s be honest, he was born for the role. Kathryn Newton played Amy in the Little Women miniseries and I think she could capture Isabella Linton’s hopeless romanticism. And Edgar was SUCH a difficult choice for me, I have him down as Aaron Taylor-Johnson currently but I think Aaron might be a better fit for Lockwood. I’d want someone more bookish I think. Not sure why I didn’t once consider Joe Alwyn but honestly I could kind of see Joe Alwyn.
COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME cast Hareton. Which is a shame because he’s my favorite character :(
And then some miscellaneous/not-so-serious castings: Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Earnshaw because he’s already played Hareton Earnshaw and that was. A choice. Or Andrew “Hot Priest” Scott as Mr. Earnshaw bc if it’s a British production he Will Be There. I threw Noah Centineo Hareton out there and was told my “mind [was] so twisted.” And Josh O’Connor as Lockwood because hearing him fight w ghost Catherine would be really funny.
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negans-lucille-tblr · 3 years
Bee’s 7Ks of the Week Writing Challenge
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I’m so overwhelmed that I’ve hit 7000 followers 🥺 I don’t even have words, thank you so much. I never dreamed of having this many followers. Thank you, I love you all 🥺🥰
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You know I like to create a challenge inspired by the number of followers for the milestone, so I’ve come up with one centred around the 7 days of the week! 
How to Play:
Below you’ll find a list of ten prompts for every day of the week. Each day has a different theme. 
To build your fic you can only pick ONE prompt from each day - (with the exception of Monday and Wednesday because I’m a slut and I wanna read all the gang bangs and orgies you can think of ;) )
You don’t have to pick a prompt from every single day, but you must pick from a minimum of THREE days. 
Once you’ve “built” your fic, drop me an ask and let me know you’ll be participating. You don’t have to give me every prompt you’ve chosen if you don’t want to, but if you could let me know the Character(s) you’ve selected that would be cool!
To make sure I have time to read every entry, I’m capping this challenge at 30 spaces. 
More below the cut...
Other Rules:
As this is a followers celebration it would be nice if you were following me :)
You can write for SPN, TWD, Walker or Marvel, or a crossover if you so wish.
You can write for any of the characters/actors listed in Monday and Wednesday
Threesomes/Moresomes are welcome and can include m/m and/or f/f (this girl is Polyamorous and bisexual, so go wild)
Your fic can be reader insert (Female or Male) or a ship of your choosing - Preferably in 2nd or 3rd Person narrative. The exception to this rule being Destiel and Sabriel as I don’t read for these pairings.
Your fic can be any genre or mix of - Dark is A-Okay (and even encouraged) as long as you tag/warn accordingly. Write whatever your heart desires - but please no toilet stuff or underage/ageplay as I don’t read those.
There is no minimum word count but the maximum is 3K, and please use a keep reading tab if it is over 500 words or I won’t reblog it!
Tag me in your work and use the hashtag #bees7ksoftheweekchallenge in the first 5 tags.
If I’ve not read and reblogged your entry within 3 days please message me the link as dumblr sucks at telling me things :)
I will be posting the masterlist for this challenge on the 1st June 2021 so please have posted by then if you want to be added to it :) 
Most importantly…have fun!
MONDAY - Man Crush Monday 
Dean Winchester / Jensen Ackles 
Sam Winchester / Cordell Walker ( / Duke)  / Jared Padalecki 
John Winchester / Negan / Jeffrey Dean Morgan 
Benny Laffitte / Ty Olsen 
Alex Calvert (but not Jack) 
Damon Salvatore / Ian Somerholder 
Bucky Barnes / Sebastian Stan
Steve Rogers / Ransom / Chris Evans 
Thor / Chris Hemsworth 
Tom Holland (but not Peter Parker) 
TUESDAY - Two for Tuesdays
Fluff & Angst (Flangst) 
Smut and Angst (Smangst) 
Smut and Fluff 
Enemies to Lovers 
Best Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Friends 
Lovers to Enemies
Lovers to Friends
Hurt and Comfort
Fuck or Die
WEDNESDAY - Woman Crush Wednesday 
Charlie Bradbury / Felicia Day
Jo Harvelle / Alona Tal 
Ruby (1 or 2) / Katie Cassidy / Gen Padalecki 
Anael / Danneel Ackles
Donna Hascombe / Brianna Buckmaster 
Claire Novak / Kathryn Newton 
Micki Ramirez / Lindsey Morgan
Wanda Maximoff / Elizabeth Olsen
Carol Denver / Brie Larson 
Natasha Romanoff / Scarlet Johansson 
THURSDAY - Throwback Thursday 
FRIDAY - Thank God it's Friday 
Girls Night In 
Going out to a bar
Going on a date 
Movie night 
Going on Vacation 
Game night 
House party
Work Function
Karaoke bar
Drive-In Movies 
SATURDAY - Saturday Night at the Movies 
There's only one bed  
Body Swap (eg Freaky Friday) 
Grand declaration of love 
The makeover 
The Dating bet 
Love Triangle 
Unlikely romance 
"I almost lost you" 
The Hero gets the girl
The Best Friend gets the girl 
SUNDAY - Sinful Sunday 
Size Kink
Degradation / Humiliation
Praise Kink
Cock warming
Daddy Kink
Public Sex
Group Sex
Bisexual Male
Sloppy Seconds
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dreamonminecraft · 4 years
hi! i’m really new to like this side of fandoms, i’ve watched mark for a few months and then found unus annus and now am a big fan of ethan, but I just wanted to ask, can you explain the whole backflip boy thing? like, i know that ethan did a backflip at a panel I think and that’s how they met, but is there any more? what’s the general history between mark and ethan?
also, do you have any recommendations of their content to watch? whether with both mark and ethan or just one of them?
sorry for asking so many questions!!!! i’m really excited to find someone/something new, and i’m glad i stumbled upon ur blog to help introduce me a little :) thanks <3
I'd be honored!
Ethan's been a big fan of Mark since he started his channel. In the beginning Mark was one of a couple people that inspired him to really start making content.
In 2014, Ethan went to PAX East, where he met Mark outside. He filmed the whole thing in a vlog, but it seems to be lost to the times (I wouldn't be surprised if he privated it)
He met Mark, said hi, they took a selfie (it's so awkward) and then Ethan asked to do a backflip for him. Mark was all "Oh cool, yeah, but please God be careful" so Ethan backed up and did a backflip in a crowd of people
And then he went back over to Mark, asked him for a hug, started saying how he's one of his biggest inspirations and all that sappy shit (he starts crying)
Anyway so then the next year, Ethan goes back to PAX and actually goes to Mark's panel. They're taking questions so Ethan flags Bob down, tells him that he wants to do a backflip for Mark (in Ethan's recollection "Bob, Bob, I have to do a backflip for Mark" ) and so he runs up to the front of the room (here's the link)
After hugging "Jack", he tries to hug Mark and he jokes about calling security because he hugged Jack and doesn't get to hug him. Anyway so Ethan backs down off stage, Mark asks him what he wants but Ethan's too starstruck to tell him, so Mark says "you're backflip dude right?" And Ethan giggles.
Mark turns towards the audience and says "he did a backflip for me last year" and then they blab for another couple seconds before Ethan does the backflip while the whole audience is chanting "backflip" and Mark is yelling "don't kill yourself" so yeah...
Then they hung out together at Indy Pop Con and Dave and Buster's for Mark's birthday just a few months later (crazy how things work)
Yeah so at that point Ethan was 18 and had just graduated high school. In early October of 2016, Mark calls Ethan and asks him if he wants to move to LA to make videos. Ethan, obviously, quits his job as a manager at a BBQ restaurant and says yes. (Video link)
And then in November, he moves to LA, gets an apartment, and starts recording videos with Mark, Tyler, Amy, Kathryn, etc.
Obviously you can probably figure out where it goes from here. They film together, they do charity streams, they do A Date With Markiplier, go on tour, Who Killed Markiplier, etc. And then Ethan quits as Mark's editor at the end of 2018. (The tour lasted almost 2 years for the record) He's actually making things for his channel and his channel alone.
They've talked about it before, but at that point, both Mark and Ethan were excited to see what he would do with his channel. Mark said he was disappointed, Ethan said he felt stuck. They recorded Markiplier Makes throughout the entire time and Ethan's mental health was very clearly not great.
In the first 7 months of 2019, they record together 4 times. (One is for Heist, 2 are Markiplier Makes, one is on the 3 peens podcast). In September, Ethan's recording a video where he eats not-peanut peanut butter but doesn't have anything to compare it to, so he texts Mark. Mark comes over and they film the video.
In October, Mark is busy promoting Heist. Ethan's back to making things on his own, but said at this point, he and Mark had been reminded how much fun they have recording videos together. On the 30th, Heist comes out, and Mark's eyes are set on the next project.
They're at Buffalo Wild Wings. Ethan told Mark he wants to make a second channel for non-gaming videos. Mark says he has an idea for a self-distructing channel. They meet up to discuss.
They laugh about the name and get planning and filming. They film two weeks worth of content before getting too excited and starting the channel publicly.
And then the rest is pretty much up to now. Crazy how their story worked out, but I'm glad it did.
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curator-on-ao3 · 3 years
21 answers for a fanfic 2021
1. fandoms you wrote for this year
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Picard
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Ted Lasso
2. favorite fic you wrote this year
I’m really proud of The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy. I’ve always wanted to write a character backstory, and am grateful to have had the opportunity.
3. favorite fic you read this year
I fangirled — hard — for Who Shot AR’s Everything Will Come Right (If You Only Believe), a Julius Eaton/Kay Eaton origin story from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s “Far Beyond the Stars” universe. I misted up for parts of @marymoss1971’s The Inspiration, in which newly minted Captain Kathryn Janeway visits a mentor, Captain Benjamin Maxwell, who is in prison due to the events of TNG’s “The Wounded.” I, of course, delighted in @ussjellyfish bringing Kirsten and Matthew Clancy into her Star Trek: Janeways universe with her delightfully naughty Unscheduled Time and sweet what we can. Oh, and the Michael Burnham & Paul Stamets conversation in SiderumInCaelo’s i don’t forgive you (but please don’t hold me to it) was exactly the between-the-seasons discussion I needed for those two characters.
4. favorite opening line/scene you wrote this year
I’m pleased with both opening scenes of Fly Me to the Moon, a non-linear Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris story that examines four universes of their relationship — three canon and one AU.
5. favorite ending line/scene you wrote this year
Again, I’m pleased with both endings to Fly Me to the Moon. I love the feeling of tying up a story with a little bow, and I think I did it well on that one.
6. a trope you wrote this year
I actually kicked off the year with a Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris four times, one time: Console Me (Four Times Paris and Janeway Almost Had Sex and One Time They Did).
7. pairings you wrote this year
Just looking at main pairings, not sub-pairings, I wrote:
Jet Manhaver & Tom Paris
Kirsten Clancy/Original Character (Matthew Clancy)
Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine
Kirsten Clancy & Jean-Luc Picard
Kirsten Clancy & Sonya Gomez
Kirsten Clancy & Edward Jellico
Kirsten Clancy & Simon Tarses
(untagged, but I’m proud of it) Kirsten Clancy & Tom Paris
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris
Kathryn Janeway & Tom Paris
Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway
Tom Paris/B’Elanna Torres
Kathryn Janeway/B’Elanna Torres
Kathryn Janeway/Kes
Kathryn Janeway/Harry Kim
The Doctor (Star Trek)/Kathryn Janeway
Keeley Jones/Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
8. a fic regret from this year
I don’t know.
9. a song that helped you write
Fly Me to the Moon (of course). That fic had an entire playlist. And I have, ahem, four Clancy playlists.
10. total number of fics you posted
I think 14 [edit: 15 — another little one happened]. (It’s a little hard to tell with so many crossovers within the Trekverse and one fic that carries over from last year.)
11. total number of words you posted
92,769 [edit: 92,960 — yes, the little addition was very little]
12. most popular fic written this year
By hits, kudos, subscriptions, bookmarks, and comment threads, Fly Me to the Moon was my most popular fic this year, which makes me happy because I am very proud of it. (Shout out to beta extraordinaire @caladeniablue! 🎉)
13. least popular fic written this year
It’s a little tougher to tell least popular, but I think In Bed has my lowest hit and kudos count. That’s okay. I knew my E-rated vignettes that dip into The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy universe through the perspective of Matthew Clancy wouldn’t get a lot of traffic. I’m pleased with the work, though, and that’s important.
14. longest completed fic you posted this year
That would be The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy, at 32,536 words.
15. shortest completed fic you posted this year
As a stand-alone story, the shortest is Starlight, a 154-word, G-rated, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway musing on the ways different people see and express love.
16. favorite character to write about this year
Kirsten Quayle Clancy
17. a fic you didn’t expect to write
All of them.
18. most memorable comment/review
So many! When Fly Me to the Moon comments became a forum for Tom Paris character analysis, I could feel my fandom soul begin to ascend. Also, every time someone commented some variation of, “How did you make me care about Kirsten Clancy?” or, “I don’t usually ship this, but …” or, “I’m so happy you wrote this friendship/scenario/pairing,” my writerly heart filled with joy. I don’t want to single anyone out, but comments wishing for an Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy book club, comments from regular commenters who said they tried something new because I wrote it, and comments from re-readers were all especially meaningful.
19. trends you noticed in your writing this year
I don’t know why but, across three stories, I wrote experiences during and immediately after Wolf 359 for Kathryn Janeway, Tom Paris, Raffi Musiker, and Kirsten Clancy, plus glimpses for Nick Locarno and Edward Jellico, the latter of whom was in two stories, so he got two experiences — and two characterizations.
20. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Real life has been demanding this year. I have a few fics I hope to finish next year.
21. something you want to write next year
I’d like to finish my post-Endgame Kathryn Janeway/Mark Johnson story. I also have a few other WIPs rattling around. But I just don’t know.
If anyone has questions on any of that, please ask. Also, if you write, I’d love to read your fanfic 2021 answers!
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thatwritergirlsblog · 5 years
Books You Should Read to Improve Your Writing - Non-Fiction Edition
I’ve done a few of these posts on books you should read to improve your writing. So, I thought that it was finally time to tackle non-fiction. Which books claiming to give writing advice are actually good to read?
1. Save the Cat by Blake Snyder
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Description:  This ultimate insider's guide reveals the secrets that none dare admit, told by a show biz veteran who's proven that you can sell your script if you can save the cat! (goodreads)
So, this is probably one of the most well-known books about writing. And there is a reason for that. This book provides some great, simple advice on how to create a well-structured plot and keep readers hooked throughout your story. It is aimed at screenwriting, but all the principles can be applied to writing a novel as well. Plus, there is a version called Save the Cat Writes a Novel if you want the advice to be more targeted. All in all, this is a great guide if you’re having trouble with structure or creating a main character readers actually care about.
Get it on amazon
2. Read This If You Want To Be A Great Writer by Ross Raisin
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Description: This book demystifies the writing process, empowering you to write your own novel or short story. The author explains expert technique in a clear and jargon-free way, with examples from the fifty greatest writers of our time. For aspiring writers of all ages and abilities, Read This If You Want to Be a Great Writer will motivate and strengthen your writing talent. (goodreads)   
This book is amazing. It sets out different techniques used for various aspects of novel-writing, explains each clearly and uses examples to illuminate the success of that technique. Rather than focusing on one right way, this book explains all the methods that have been used successfully so that you can understand them and implement the ones that work for you. Reading this one also inspired me so much. I would definitely recommend checking it out.
Get it on amazon
3. Closing the Deal on Your Terms: Agents, Contracts and Other Considerations by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
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Description:  Making the wrong decisions on the business side of publishing can destroy a writer’s career. Longtime writer, editor, and publisher Kristine Kathryn Rusch knows this better than anyone. So she decided to write a book on the dealbreakers in contracts, agency agreements, and other business things that will ruin a writer’s future. Little did she know that it would take her seven months, lots of hand-wringing, and a lot of help from the readers of her blog. The result, Closing the Deal…on Your Terms, shows how the tiniest of decisions—talking to a Hollywood producer on the phone, falling for a typical agent’s ruse of masking a contract for a letter—can have lifelong consequences. Written for every writer, whether self-published, traditionally published, or hybrid, Closing the Deal…on Your Terms takes writers on a journey that will help them understand what they’re selling and what they could accidentally give away. (goodreads)
This one relates more to the publishing side of writing rather than the craft itself. I’m not going to lie to you: reading this book can be demoralizing. The author is harsh and often patronising. But it’s worth it for the wealth of information you receive. If you plan on publishing your work, this book is a must-read. It could have been laid out better, but it’s the educational value that makes it great. Please, do yourself a favour and study this no-bullshit guide to literary agents and contracts.
Get it on amazon
4. 102 Ways to Write a Novel by Alex Quick
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Description: This step-by-step guide to the art -- and the craft -- of writing fiction is a refreshing blend of the practical (how to find an agent), with the more cerebral (how to handle point of view; the importance of rhythm). Throughout, Quick uses the hard-won experiences of his fellow novelists to give color and depth to his own advice. Did you know, for instance, that Road Dahl wrote in a shed? That Nabokov composed his masterpieces on index cards? Or -- alas -- that most writers get their best work done in the mornings? Full of wit and lightly-worn erudition, 102 Ways to Write a Novel is an elegant, useful and even inspiring vade mecum. It will become a classic of its kind – the book no writer of fiction should be without. (goodreads)
This was the first writing advice book I ever read and I will never forget how much it taught me. There are literally 102 chapters in this book, each illuminating a different way to approach creative writing. It ranges from writing habits to character creation to the non-novel. If you want to learn more about the writing craft, this is a must-read.
Get it on amazon
So, there ya go. My recommendations for non-fiction books on writing. I will be doing a video on this topic soon, in which I elaborate more on each title and go through some writing advice books that aren’t worth reading. So, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for that upload. 
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