#[ ft. clove ]
ozcarr-remade · 1 year
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Girl best friends guy best friends
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lovedazai · 5 months
GINGERBREAD LOVER . . . nanami helps you bake christmas cookies.
ft. nanami + f!reader, domestic fluff, christmas time, i miss him so bad i just want him back
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it isn’t the absence of his suit or the knowledge his phone is silenced that helps nanami relax; it’s you, messing about in his kitchen as if it were your own.
a comfortable silence falls over his apartment, interrupted only by the soft crinkle of the newspaper between his fingers and the sound of you humming from the other room. the flurries that he woke up to have quickly grown into a snowstorm, and he’s grateful you spent the previous night with him. the warmth of the fireplace blocks out the chill creeping in, soothing his recovering body from the mission he was assigned the day before, but nothing soothed him more than your presence, like a balm to his being.
that’s why it doesn’t take long before he seeks you out, grabbing his apron from its hook on the wall as he joins you in the kitchen. you’re already wearing your own, hair pushed back, giving him a full view of your pretty face when you smile up at him.
“what do you need me to do?” he ties the cotton straps into a bow around his waist. your smile falls into a pout.
“nothing, kento. you’re supposed to be relaxing today.”
“this is me relaxing,” he kisses the crease between your eyebrows away. “i’d like to spend time with you, if you’ll let me.”
you’re already halfway to his lips, a mumbled “i love you, y’know?” against his mouth as your fingers brush his unstyled bangs out of his eyes. “can you start on the dry ingredients? the recipe is on my phone.”
it’s resting on the edge of the counter, christmas music softly playing from your speaker. you’ve already lined up all of the ingredients, and he’s careful not to get anything on your screen as he scrolls through the instructions.
he measures each ingredient precisely to the gram against the background of the mixer’s hums as you cream the butter and brown sugar together. the sweet scent of cinnamon and cloves wafts through the air as he whisks the flour and the spices together.
his hands settle against your hips as he passes behind you to get to the fridge. he takes the opportunity to lean down and kiss the junction of your neck, hands lingering on you until you’re out of his reach.
you have a peaceful smile on your face as you crack the egg he grabbed into the mixing bowl, and it’s hard to keep his eyes off you when you look so relaxed. he hates that it’s a rare sight for him lately; something deep inside his chest aches imagining all of the soft moments he must’ve missed.
the groans of the mixer die down as he adds the dry ingredients slowly, beige clouds puffing above the bowl in protest. he watches out of the corner of his eye as you look over his shoulder to peek at the dough, scooping some onto your finger, eyes glistening as you taste it. “this is so good!”
“don’t eat too much of that,” he says flatly. the look he gives you is unamused. “you’ll get sick.”
“maybe,” he feels you drop from your tippy toes to rest your forehead against his back, kissing the space between his shoulder blades and sliding your arms around his waist. “but you’ll take care of me, right?”
“always,” he says without hesitation. he dusts his hands with flour, scooping the dough out of the bowl.
he rolls it out with ease, only pausing to let you swipe a stray streak of flour off his cheek. he watches fondly as you stamp out shapes with some cutters you found in the back of one of his cabinets. you smile up at him proudly as soon as you finish arranging all of the cookies on the baking sheet, safely placing them behind the closed door of the oven.
the music still plays softly from your phone. it’s an old song now, one he’s heard almost every winter he can recall, but he still can’t resist pulling you towards his chest. your hands are warm when they wrap around his shoulders, thumbs rubbing the lines of muscle along his back. his hands fit perfectly in the dip of your waist, and he sways you gently.
“are you okay, kento?” you tilt your head, stroking along the edge of his undercut. “you’re so lovey today.”
“i know,” he rests his forehead against yours. “i’m making up for lost time.”
he feels your smile against his lips as you kiss him, one hand curled around the back of his neck, the other cradling his face, the soft pads of your thumbs tracing his cheekbones. you pull away and rest your head against his shoulder and he swears the rest of the world melts away; it always seems to when you’re around. it’s just you, smiling against his collarbone, and him, rubbing little circles against your lower back. you’re only interrupted by the shrill beep of the oven timer, and with one last lingering kiss, you pull away.
he leans against the counter, simply watching you. there’s something so endearing about you with oven mitts on, peaking through the cracked oven door, dressed in your comfiest clothes. he hopes he gets to see you like this for the rest of his life, intertwined in his daily routine. the smell of cinnamon and brown sugar mingled with the heat from the oven only further warms his heart.
the cookies are perfect, all smooth, crisp edges and soft, puffy centers. you bump your head against his bicep.
“you’re so good at everything. it’s unfair,” your voice muffled in his shirt. “will you help me decorate them too?”
“of course,” he kisses the crown of your head, stroking down your hair with the palm of his hand.
the plastic bags dribble beads of icing onto the table. you bump your feet gently against his from where you sit across from him, the fluffy fabric of your socks rubbing against his leg from where his pants don’t quite reach his ankle.
you smile when you hold up your decorated gingerbread man. it has two large dots for eyes, a straight line for a mouth, and a tie sloppily piped onto its chest. there’s a crack down the right side of its little body.
“it’s you!” you beam, trying to peek at his. “if i was a cookie, would you eat me?”
“yes,” he hums. “you’d be too sweet to resist.”
he holds yours up to you, complete with iced fuzzy socks, little pajama shorts, rosy cheeks, and a cute smile. his lines are all perfect, hands steady and precise. your smile is contagious, and you put cookie-nanami next to you, touching their little gingerbread hands together.
you give him a look he knows not to argue with when he tries to help you clean up. he watches the snow continue to fall outside with his arms crossed against his chest, eyes landing on the gingerbread house the students built earlier that week. itadori had proudly presented it to him, uneven slanted walls and all. it rests on the table near his windowsill, a snowy tokyo in the background.
he carries the cookies gently in the palm of his hand. he places them together, right in front of the frosted door. it looks absolutely perfect, and he smiles, imagining the day the real version of him will stand there with you, in front of a house of your very own, with the rest of the world melting away.
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p.s.! ₊˚. tagging mrs nanami ofc !! @kentopedia
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dumplingsfordays · 7 months
Reading 30 Strales and omg Blade smelling like citrus sounds amazing. I've been playing for about 3 weeks and after fulling catching up on the trailblazer quests I was like dang blade kills people a lot right, he probably smells like blood 24/7 that's so gross. All this to say... reject logic, I agree that blade smells like citrus. Do you have thoughts on what any of the others would smell like?
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what the hsr men smell like
ft. blade, gepard, jing yuan, dan heng, luocha, and welt
cw!: mentions of blood, no pronouns for reader mentioned, implied relationship, cuddling, swearing, super fluffy :)
note - thank you so much for reaching out to me omg 🥺 i reject logic too so that's how the whole citrus thing came to be ajsjdk. also i know absolutely nothing about colognes/fragrances so i'm sorry if i mess some of these up ;-; hope you're having a great day/night though pookie <3
and as always, thank you for reading :)
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~ as mentioned above, def smells like citrus and bergamot.
~ sometimes you can catch a little metallic-y whiff of (cough cough) def not blood (cough cough), but it never lasts for long - when he hugs you, the smell of oranges invades your senses like a light summer breeze~
~ and don't get me started on how obsessed he is w this scent. if he stays somewhere for even 1-2 days, you know he's bringing along his 3 freakin citrus-scented candles!!
~ please run your fingers thru his hair when you're hanging out or cuddling. please. he will melt from headpats and your fingers will smell like his shampoo for the rest of the day, and since you love the scent of gentle lime, why not?
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~ omg this man!! he's totally giving cashmere + hot cocoa for some reason??? he doesn't really use cologne/fragrances and prefers his natural scent, but does use cashmere and vanilla body wash + shampoo.
~ like sure, after a busy day at work or training he'll kinda smell like sweat but will immediately take a shower when he gets home. he hates being sweaty and thinks it's icky if he does for too long-
~ and when you snuggle up to him for cuddle time on a day off, you just wanna stay there forever bc his scent envelops you like a blanket on freezing winter nights <3
~ overall very comforting and warm, just like Gepard himself!! (cries in human heater vibes)
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jing yuan
~ musk + cinnamon + a little bit of spice, and def uses cologne.
~ actually wants to smell nice and puts in the effort!! changes his sheets, washes his clothes, showers every day (but washes his hair every 3 days or so bc haircare)
~ speaking of haircare, this man's big on it. most of his haircare products smell like the aforementioned musk and cinnamon, but he uses this one cream that smells like cloves and you freakin adore it. sometimes you borrow it so that whenever you're going out and he's busy with his big boy general duties, it feels like he's with u <3
~ and ughhhh his bedroom smells like him so whenever you guys have le cuddle time you fall asleep almost immediately. ofc he eventually does too (bc he loves how u smell too pookie, don't tell him i said that though he would kill me aksjskd) and you're so warm and soft and how could he not fall asleep??
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dan heng
~ very ocean-y (salty?), small hints of eucalyptus and cypress as well. when he uses cologne he uses very, very little, but he actually has 2 separate colognes, one for the ocean-y cypress, and the other for the eucalyptus
~ i feel like this is kinda a bold statement but he uses bath bombs. like he gets a bath bomb that smells like mint, gets in the bathtub w it, and glides his thumbs over its surface bc he likes the texture-
~ he might not be the cleanest man in the universe, but he sure does smell like it!! something about eucalyptus and cypress and mint and a hint of ocean breeze is chillingly refreshing and tbh you kinda dig it :D
~ mornings w dan heng. omfg they are ethereal bc he literally smells angelic??? like a gentle freshness yk and the pillows smell like him too so lazy mornings are def a thing that you guys love sharing <3
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~ oooo he's kinda a wild card imo, but personally, i think that he smells like jasmine + honey (not just bc of his idle + technique!! pinky promise)
~ he lowkey smells a little like freshly-cut grass, very light n refreshing. however, jasmine takes center stage, and if you really bury your face in his long-ass hair, you can catch a whiff of chamomile :))
~ super big on herbal teas and honey as well - i hc that he brings a water bottle w him that's just green tea n honey so when you're close to his face (cuddling, hugging, etc) the honey adds this sweetness that blends super well w the aforementioned chamomile + jasmine <3
~ like jing yuan, super involved in haircare!! he does use less products, but you still freakin adore this chamomile shampoo that he uses. avid believer in aromatherapy, prob uses essential oils (not for curing cancer ofc)
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~ coffee and amberwood!! both are deep and rich scents and he probably uses cologne in very small amounts aksjdks
~ coffee addict and the scent faintly lingers, so the amberwood is really more prominent, but overall i promise he doesn't smell like dust or smth, he's not that old he takes good care of himself :))
~ burns incense in his room bc it helps him relax and concentrate on his drawings, so he does have a little resin smell to him, but you don't mind bc it's actually quite comforting. he once almost caused a fire bc he dropped a lit match onto the carpet but we don't talk about that-
~ loves to hug you so whenever he does, you always feel so cozy and loved and aaaaa ya'll are so cute i can't <3 and since he's pretty tall he sometimes rests his head on top of yours and hugs you from behind like that and you melt immediately bc it's like a blanket!! but smells super nice!!
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dabblingreturns · 2 months
Based on this post by @derinthescarletpescatarian I have compiled a 1 to 10 score of how anoying I think the bad kids could be in school.
Adaine Abernant: pros: Quiet, hardworking, keeps her messy personal life mostly off school grounds. Has a very cute orb based farmiliar that she will.let others hold when having panic attacks. Neutral: has a posh accent. Older sister is bitch. Relitive disinterest in social scene. Cons: wore another school's uniform on the first day of school. Also came with a 2 ft diameter focus. Killed the lunch lady with a laddle on the first day of school so is probably violent. Family was rich. Not clear if she is rich....but if you hate rich people she seams like fair game. If you get in her face and anoy her she will tell you exactly what she thinks which can be mean. Also she's the elven oracle. But that seams to be anoying her more than anyone else. Since most of her anoying traits seamnto be anoying her rather more than anyone else ingive her a 4/10 +/- 2 for anoying.
Kristen applebees. Pros: no longer trying to convert people to her God. A boon for people watchers everywhere. Easy to avoide. Fun to watch. Not intentionally crule. Cons: messy personal life. Messy liturgical life. Awkward. Makes inappropriate jokes. 5/10+/- .5
Fig Faeth pros: Easy to avoid. (Just go to bard class) pretty cool about being famous. Seams Generally nice. Con: turns into other people to probe for information. So you think your talking to your best friend but its actually fig. Smells like clove cigarettes so bad for people with sensitive noses. Loud music may also disterb other students with sensitive ears. Generally seams to be fucking around at school while still multiple teachers favorite. 5/10 +/-4.5 if she's directly harmed you you probably hate her....but otherwise she's great.
Riz Gukgak. Pros: quiet, hardworking, relitivly reserved. Cons: awkward, high-strung, questionable fashion choices. Tried to eat the corpse of vice principal Goldenhorde. Moms a cop. 3/10 +/-1
Fabian Aramais Seacaster. Pros: generous and welcoming host. Opened his home up as a study/hang out space for everyone even freshmen. Fun to watch. Cons: rich trustfund baby who's dad's pirating may have lead o the financial ruin of your loved ones. Swings wildly between toxic masculinity as a highschool jock and the most flamboyant dude you ever met. Once shit himself in class. Drive a presumably loud motorcycle.If you have issues with money, privilege, and showboating this dude will push all your buttons. 7/10 +/-3
Gorgug Thistlespring. Pros. Soft-spoken, sweet, donated all his money to a forest reclamation project. Had a long term girlfriend and cause no drama when they broke up. Cons: awkward. Spent freshman year asking everyone if they were his dad. Keeps butting heads with barbarian teacher which is painfully to watch. Also plays really loud music on headphones. And once turned the artifice class into a jam session so loud that other teachers had to get involved. Also has a shitty bird construct name cloaca. Really unclear weather this kid us a genius, and idiot, or both. Going though his mean girl phase.....but still pretty nice. Also his parents may have sold your parents a sex lawn mower. 4/10 +/-2
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colormepurplex2 · 1 year
Flowers of Fate | MYG JJK KNJ PJM
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▻ Flowers of Fate ↳ UnseeliePrince!Yoongi x Human!f.Reader (ft. x UnseelieGuard!Jungkook x SeeliePrince!Jimin x WoodNymph!Namjoon) ⤜ Fae/Magick ⤜ Strangers to Bonded Mates ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 56,072 ⤜ Summary: You grew up hearing whimsical tales and ballads of magic and the hauntingly beautiful fae from your late grandpa. In an effort to feel closer to him and experience the joy he so often spoke of, you take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Scotland to partake in Beltane— a festival that took center stage in many of his stories. But, in a shower of yellow flower petals, you find yourself getting far closer to your grandpa's stories than you ever thought possible.
⚠️ Adult humor, crass language, talk of adult activities, drinking, mild angst/talk of the loss of a loved one, kidnapping, talk of murdered loved ones, angst, hurt feelings, vaginal sex, cum eating, body exploration, awkward yet endearingly cute sexual moments, jealousy, blood, stab wounds, violence, torture/being held captive, minor character deaths, first-time vaginal sex, not-so-first-time vaginal sex, nipple play, marking/biting, mfmm scene, kissing, guys kissing, blow job, cum swallowing, creampies, things get emotional Each chapter will have specific warnings listed.
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Chapter 1: Honey Bells & Rosemary
Chapter 2: Lavender & Thyme
Chapter 3: Cedar & Clove
Epilogue: A Story Written In The Stars
Story is complete.
A/N: I have a lot of plans to revisit this world, often and a lot. There are drabbles, spin offs, and lots of fun things planned.
Part of the BTS Fantasy and Fangs Server A Spring Offering Collaboration.
A special thank you to @downbad4yoongi @moonleeai and @hisunshiine for beta'ing through this chaos so far and supporting me 💜
Can also be found on: Ao3 | Wattpad
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◅ Back to Main Master List  ©️ 2023-05 ColorMePurplex2
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comiclysmic · 1 year
⚠️ Rhythm of War Spoilers!
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The Architect ft. Navani Kholin from The Stormlight Archive
Another Cosmere-tober thing I never got to until now. 🦀
✒️Made in ClipStudio Paint
[edit] added image description in the alt-text and below the cut! [/edit]
An illustration featuring Navani standing on the Shattered Plains with the Fourth Bridge floating behind her in the distance.
Navani has tan skin, a round face with a defined jaw line, pale violet eyes with thick black lashes. Her hair black and streaked with grey, pulled up into a messy bun, pinned with two golden hair picks with rubies on their tips. She wears a matching pair of gold and ruby earrings, one catching the light enough to give off an array of little rainbow sparkles. Her havah is light red with gold inner cloth and trim, and a swirly waving pattern stitched along the sleeve opening.  Wrapped around her hips is a deep red piece of cloth, which is then covered in an array of leather belts that have a selection of satchels and pockets for holding things she might need. She wears bracers on both wrists – the right hand one made of dark brown leather with gold trim, a strap running up between her thumb and forefinger. There are gold and ruby rings on her thumb and middle finger. The left wrist bracer is solid gold and is strapped around her forearm over top the glove for her safehand. Both bracers have a little round glass window to house whatever fabrial she’s using today.
The shattered plains sprawl behind her, flat and craggy, the crem all golden yellows and browns. There are a scattering of boulders and rock formations behind Navani and the plateaus beyond, little garlic clove-like rock buds tucked in and around.
Hovering in the distance is the Fourth Bridge, a massive wooden brick floating in the sky. A handful of people, barely distinguishable, are waving from the varied levels of the bridge decks.
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vxiphoid · 1 year
✑ twst boys with an s/o who enjoys cooking and what dishes they’d make! ft. heartslabyul
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your dish is…
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- riddle doesn’t know what he’s doing to an extant. if your offering to feed him a strawberry while you work, he wouldn’t mind :D<3 ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - he’s definitely watched over treys shoulder while he made tarts so he knows how to do some things. he sticks to and follows your every word so he doesn’t mess up this delicious delicacy. ⠀⠀ - it definitely gets messy but hey, its the thought that counts. plus, he has such a determined twinkle in his eye as he mixes the ingredients together :(⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - this is a recipe that requires vanilla wafers and y’all definitely feed each other one before crushing the rest up with lovestruck smiles on your faces. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - he makes them on his own to bring to the heartslabyul tea parties and they get better every time, he’s the sweetest
“do i add the strawberries on top of the cake like, this?”
“yeah! and if you reposition them, they’re little bunnies :)”
“gods, i love you😭”
your dish is…
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♫ ウマーベラス - MONKEY MAJIK
- for ace, you have to get him a second bowl of cherries so he doesn’t eat the ones for the recipe… but to make up for that, listens to the playlist you’ve made together while you make your treats ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - he knows a couple things about cooking because he cooks with his brother once and a while. like to enhance the taste of tart cherries, add honey, cinnamon, or cloves, maybe all three if you really want it that way! shows off his amazing cooking magic tricks with you too ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - no doubt engulfs you in a hug from behind with his chin resting on your shoulder while you mix the glaze and adds some vanilla extract when you need it. ace lets you pin his hair up so it doesn’t get in his face as he focuses on drawing cute faces on the turnovers with the freshly made glaze. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - smooch the powdered sugar from his face please‼️
“how many cherries do you think i can fit in my mouth?”
“you’re not getting any more cherries >:[“
your dish is…
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♫ 就寝御礼 - PSYQUI
- deuce has quite a lot of cooking experience since he helps his mom around the house. he likes to keep his food simple and within his range so you helping him means a lot no matter the simplicity ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - 99% of the time he’s kissing you in a way of saying thanks when you do something for him. you get the ingredients out? kith. you preheat the oven? mwah. cooking with you is one of his favorite things now, he must say thank you, its only polite. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - he’s so neat when he cooks! if he were to spill something, he would pause to clean it up, got that from his momma. deuce dances with you as the brûlée bakes and watches movies with you while it cools down to pass the two hours. almost always has something smeared on his face. ⠀⠀⠀ - literally loves adding the sugar his brûlée with various things and addicted to making hearts on yours or, like, putting yours in a heart shaped bowl. and it would turn out SO GOOD, he likes to say that its because of all the kisses he gives you.
“here’s your brûlée by the way, i made sure i warmed it up so it might be hot”
“oh, thank you, bubba. but you didnt have to bring it to me, i would’ve came to get it..”
“you looked too comfortable :(“
your dish is…
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- cater isn’t a fan of anything sweet but he doesn’t mind putting some sugar in yours in case you don’t like it. cooking with him really is aesthetically pleasing, music in the background, perfect lighting, and sweetness! he doesn’t have much experience in cooking so its up to you to lead him. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - he’s so energetic that it’s contagious, you both are bouncing balls of energy. also goes live from time to time while you cook together and his fans are living off of it. smears chocolate on your nose so he can kiss it off. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ - you both take so many selfies, his favorite one is the both of you touching noses with unsweetened whipped cream on them, its now his lock screen. surprisingly the most messiest in the kitchen but has a great sense of balance when it comes to ingredients. cater also finds his cooking time with you down time, a little space away from social media some days. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - the spicy dessert looks really pretty on a serving plate so getting pictures are a must. by far his favorite thing he’s made with you, its such a comfort food for him.
“#ihavethebestsignificantother.. #iliveformyloverscooking…”
“dont actually put those as your hashtags cater😭😭”
your dish is…
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- tray is the most skilled in cooking and is known to make desserts for his younger siblings and his dorm. adores cooking with someone because he loves quality time with you even if its as simple as baking cupcakes, his favorite no less ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - he saves some extra candied violets for decoration and also just to eat in general. he’s the type to have matching aprons and tie yours for you :) he has one of those “kiss the chef” aprons in which you do give him little kisses. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ - stands behind you and cups your hands in his as your mixing the batter or frosting, he’s a little romantic☺️. tray tells you about his day in immense detail which leads to talking for hours. (since he’s usually quiet in class and focuses on his studies without getting involved in anything, he always has the juiciest drama) ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ - to get free kisses, you put frosting on your lips >:). tray also plays little jokes on you while you’re mixing the ingredients together because your reactions are the highlight of his day
“wait, don’t add the egg batter in yet, we gotta add oyster sauce.”
“we gotta add what?😃”
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technoturian · 2 years
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RING OF BRASS // RING OF ASH - an eXu calamity playlist
[ Spotify ]
01. Zayde Wølf - Golden Age Don't you know that we / We're living in a golden age / Don't you know that we / We're living in a golden age
02. Imagine Dragons - Warriors Here we are, don't turn away now / We are the warriors that built this town
03. [Nydus] Ellie Goulding - Burn We, we don't have to worry about nothing / 'Cause we got the fire, and we're burning one hell of a something / They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space / Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race, human race
04. K/DA - The Baddest Way that I look should be breaking the law / If I don't got it, I take what I want / My circle small like a round of applause / You know that I love the sound of applause / You know I mean everything that I say / When you see me coming get out of the way / I came to slay, I came to slay / Back and I'm better and ready to stay
05. aeseaes - Plenty Everyone will know our name / Did you know that no two missteps are the same?
06. [Laerryn] Tribe Society - Kings I always wondered how far we could go / If we could break through the ceiling above us / There'd be no point of us looking below / We could be free / We could be free / Finally / We could be free
07. [Loquatius] Vance Joy - Like Gold Gold, when you see me / Hi, if you need me / Babe, that's the way it was / That's the history / Blue, how we used to roar / Like an open fire / That's the way it was / But that's history 
08. [Patia] Claire Wyndham - Kingdom Fall Underneath a spotlight / And all the splintered wood / Nothing here is shining / Shining like it should
09. Fall Out Boy - Centuries And just one mistake / Is all it will take / We'll go down in history / Remember me for centuries
10. Sleeping At Last - Earth Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house / But I put it out of my mind / Long enough to call it courage
11. Bastille - Pompeii Oh, where do we begin? / The rubble or our sins?
12. Mumford & Sons - Broken Crown But oh, my heart was flawed / I knew my weakness / So hold my hand / Consign me not to darkness
13. [Zerxus] Black Math - Flesh and Bone Break the truth inside of me / Climbed down to hell on the devil's tree / I clutched a branch of soot and flame / The thought that rose, to scorch my feet / I walk alone/ Beside myself / Nowhere to go / Ahh, this bleeding heart / That's in my hands / I fell apart
14. The Lumineers - Nightshade We were surrounded and the ending was near / All of the sudden, a ranger arrived, a savior appeared / Made it to safety, but the devil was here, oh no
15. [Cerrit] X Ambassadors - Eye of the Storm I believe in you / I believe in you / It's not over / I will stand in the eye of the storm
16. [Loquatius & Laerryn] Lily Kershaw ft. Goody Grace - Now & Then Remember the rooftop parties / Remember the friends / Remember the way I love you now / And the way I that loved you then
17. Lee DeWyze - Blackbird Song Pack your things / leave somehow / Blackbird song is over now
18. Phlotilla - Don't Fear The Reaper All our times have come / Here but now they're gone / Seasons don't fear the reaper / Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain / We can be like they are
19. CLOVES - Don't Forget About Me I just need to know / That you won't forget about me
20. Ingrid Michaelson - Men of Snow Oh one day you will go / Away from this / Oh one day you will know / We're men of snow / We melt one day
21. Zack Hemsey - End Of An Era (Instrumental)
BONUS 22. [Bolo] Queen - Killer Queen She's a Killer Queen / Gunpowder, gelatine / Dynamite with a laser beam / Guaranteed to blow your mind / Anytime
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Garlic
Garlic (Allium sativum)
*Kitchen Herb *Medical Herb *Feminine
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Folks Names: Ajo, Poor Man’s Treacle, Stinkweed, Stinking Rose
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire, Earth
Deities: Hecate
Abilities: Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft, Aphrodisiac, Banishment, Purification, Clarity
Characteristics: A bulbous perennial plant that can grow to from 1- 3 ft tall. Has pale pink or green white flowers. Is part of the lily family and native from Central Asia. It is grown by dividing the bulbs and is harvested during the late summer.
History: It was first noted by Confucius in the Book of Odes. However, the lore refers garlic back to the beginning of time. It is said that when the devil’s left foot touched soil outside the Garden of Eden, garlic sprung up and his right foot produced onions. This caused it to be first associated with the Devil himself but the Greeks considered it a protector herb later on. Greek midwives would make sure that at the birth of a child, the whole room smelled of the cloves to protect the newborns from Lilith, the mother of all demons. If the cloves were not placed around the neck of the babies, it was believed that Lilith would strange the babies and frighten the mothers into madness. It was also a great remedy herb as every part of it was used in over 125 different treatments.
How to Grow Garlic
Easy to Grow: Yes
Rating : Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: Yes but growing from bulbs is easier
How to Grow Garlic
Video Guide
Magical Properties:
Was worn to guard against the plague
Sailors carried some on board to protect from wreckage
Soldiers wore garlic as a defense and ate it for courage
Worm to guard off foul weather and monsters
Bite into garlic to send away evil spirits or sprinkle garlic powder on the floor
Garlic was eaten on festival days to Hecate and was left at crossroads as a sacrifice to her
Brides carried garlic in their pockets for good luck
Rubbed onto pots and cooking pans, can remove negative vibrations
Can induce lust and attract lovers
Burned in an incense can be used to exorcise evil spirits from one’s home
Can strengthen energy fields and break curses
Medical Usage:
Can combat high cholesterol and hypertension
Was believed to ward off cancer and hepatitis
Can boost your immune system and is a powerful antibiotic for any sickness
Helps to keep blood thin and protect against blood clots and raised blood-sugar levels
Was used to dress wounds in WW1
A remedy for chest infections, digestive infections, and prevent circulatory problems
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limerental · 6 months
ficletvember 2023 - day 26
twn jaskier pov of lotl ft. yennskier
After everything, Jaskier knows there are some stories that evade being written into song.
content warning for lotl spoilers so. mcd.
The ethereal fog hushed the sound of his footfalls. Distantly, he recalled admiring how the heels of his new boots had clacked on the uneven cobbles as he strode into town, but now, Jaskier heard nothing. Not even the wind.
When he bent, the creak of his knees surely echoed in the silence, but the little crowd huddled on the street did not seem to hear. 
He was getting old. He'd had a lot of time lately to be glad for that and a similar measure of guilt that so many had died so young. The recent war's list of the dead went on for pages and pages of yellowed parchment and those names were only the conscripted soldiers, not the slaughtered peasant men or farmer's wives or scores of non-humans in towns like this one. 
Or the small number dead in a battle whose outcome had had no consequence in a fortress that no longer existed, forgotten.
Jaskier had not yet written that story into song and may never. He would hate to hear his own verse warbled by some drunk in a tavern who could never know the little details that evaded preservation. Milva's wheezing laugh. Cahir's snoring at night. The clove scent of the vampire. The girl's colorful curse words. 
He hated his part in that story. That his being alive to tell the tale meant his cowardice had prevailed, and he had let them go on without him. 
Jaskier knew he would not write the story of what had happened here for a very long time. 
For a moment, he crouched on the quiet street and reached to brush the fall of dark hair out of the pale face. He tried hard not to look at the blood-stained cobbles. He almost wept then, once would have been a weepy, useless mess from the start, but there would be time for weeping later. 
He could do this now at least. This small thing. He stooped further to crook his arms under legs and shoulders, lifting past the strain of his back.
He was getting old. 
Jaskier had foolishly feared that those he loved would outlive him. That he would retire as an aging poet to the coast somewhere, and the little family would visit from time to time and reminisce together. 
And maybe that they would be there when he finally croaked, his weathered hands cupping their soft faces. Older, yes, not immortal, but long-lived enough to have a lifetime without him. Maybe to think of him fondly in quiet moments and remember those nights fumbling together and visit to lay flowers on his grave.
She felt small in his arms. Impossibly light. It seemed terribly wrong, that weightlessness. 
To him, the very thought of her was the heaviest thing in the world.
He lay his lips against her brow and held there. He whispered the things he had never told her. How those few nights they had spent lying in one another's arms, even knowing that neither was destined wholly for the other, had meant more than he could ever shape into poetry. 
If all of those details vanished into forgotten history, unsung, then so be it. Only he would remember the fond derision of her affectionate mockery, the softness of her wild hair, his thrill when her voice whispered low to speak with hushed sincerity against his skin. 
Even when this song was sung, he would let who they were together be lost to history. 
His role in the story had only ever been outside of it. 
Drawing a shuddering breath that was loud in the quiet, Jaskier hitched the body higher in his arms and carried Yennefer to the water.
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dutifullylazybread · 2 months
Thank you so much for the tag @darkurgetrash. This was so much fun!
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(Tav, during the events of BG3 (minus the armor)
NAME: Tav of the Dock Ward
NICKNAME: Soldier (Karlach), Love (Gale), Cub (Jaheira), Dear (Rolan)
GENDER: Cis!female (she/her)
STAR SIGN: I am trying to remember the birthday I gave Tav! I either wrote that she was born on the winter or the summer solstice. I'm also having a hard time finding D&D zodiacs. So probably a Cancer?
HEIGHT: Hmm... I always want to make my characters my height, but I don't think Tav is as short as I am. Hrm. 5 ft (she's an inch taller! :D)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Illuskan Human from Faerûn
FAVOURITE FRUIT: strawberries
FAVOURITE SCENT/S: Rosemary, lavender, cypress, cloves, old paper, river water
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea all the way. She definitely took advantage of Waterdeep's trade connections and tried teas from all over
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Prior to game events, if she was deep in a commission, she might get anywhere from 4-6 hours a night. During the events of BG3, she likely got about four hours a night. After the events, she starts by getting about 4 hours and gradually worked her way to 8.
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs. Scratch was her baby. And then the Owlbear Cub (who she named Widdershins) made her realize how much she loved owlbears. Though she would have adopted Myshka in a heartbeat (and, like, there might be a fluff one-shot where she does, because why not?).
DREAM TRIP: She'd love to visit the Sea of Fallen Stars (both the one aboveground and in the Underdark). There is something very appealing about it being where The Pirate Wars took place.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: How many can she reasonably fit on the bed? Add ten.
RANDOM FACT/S: She worked as a glassblower and a stained glass-artist for the artisans' guild in Baldur's Gate, and while she worked there, she wanted to expand the guild's focus out to enchanting/artificing items. She had no luck in this pursuit.
@drizztdohurtin, @voloslobotomyservice
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reveseke · 1 year
How's it hanging there?
PT. How's it hanging there? PT end
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Image ID. A medium sized banner made of a picture featuring 5 arcade game machines colored mainly in purple in a tilted position lined up against a wall, there is a small glimpse of mat in the far right corner of a simple 90s star arcade design with varying colors. The first machine has visible text that reads "gauntlet legends", no other text is visible. Image ID end.
-Request? No
-Criminal minds; Spiderverse au
Masc! Reader, Noel, Aaron Hotchner
Key info : Takes place after the getting caught by dad & the humans who have powers are a minority in the world, tech enchanted powers are a thing and sought after as well.
Heed the warnings : he him used, Stuck by the ankle, wire wrapped around ankle, mentions of blood & injury, possible descriptions of near fainting, tangling over 430~ ft in the air, Noel's hinted to be in deep shit & dragged R into it, Noel abandons R briefly but comes back.
Other info : R can produce minimal webbing over few weeks, but usually rubs it into the wires he actually uses to assist himself so they stick better to surfaces. Oh yeah inaccurate description of pain; the reader is hinted to be a little dazed and not focused on it so minimal description and most likely a bit inaccurate. Hotch has knowledge of what R's actually doing and doesn't discourse him from doing it bc Aaron knows R will do it either way but they share bits of " inside " information from both sides so they know pretty much what the other is doing and what the deeper focus of it may be lmao. [ No actual scenes with Aaron, he's only written in the calls bc my motivation is a bit shit rn with this lol ]
Prompt/idea: Imagine getting stuck in your own webs while chasing a bad guy down as you have to answer a call from your father?
This... Wasn't supposed to happen.
Huffing as his back bumped into the window wall behind rather heavily, a thud that travaled through the glass shaking it lightly. Cringing slightly from the pain that swelled from his ankle, how it felt like it had sprained. In reality it was just the wire rope digging into his skin, building pressure as it tightened by the boy's weight.
To his fortune there was no-one inside the apartment or rather the room the window belonged to.
" ( naaaammeeee ) — where did you go? " A bored whine left Noel as they looked over her shoulder while slowing down to a stop as she couldn't hear him behind anymore, realising that R was not actually with them at all anymore. Looking back against the bad guy just booking it over the rooftops it was a moment of split thinking if she would need to go back for the boy or not. But the bad guy had stolen tech with him.. oh they would absolutely kill her if she let the bad guy go. A.. he can manage. If he hasn't fallen off that is.
The sound of feet tapping against the rooftops was getting father away as R brought himself up a little tangling from the wire that was practically wrapped around his ankle. The pressure made itself known as the wire started to pierce the skin lightly, even more pressure and it absolutely would go in. Letting his body droop a little feeling a light tug on the wire which he could only assume not go be Noel, the numbness spreading along as he called out. Or rather yelled.
Not exactly knowing that the said person had already caught up with the tech thief and clocked him into the head. The question was is she coming back?
The air was pure to breath though, it didn't smell like the road or the gasses from the passing cars. The darkness of the night wrapped around his body as a rather strong breeze which absolutely would have been something lighter were he by the ground swept by R. Wrapping clove clad hands around his upper torso, feeling the skin tight wooly turtleneck underneath be a little help to keep him warm.
This wasn't how he wanted to spent his night.
Tangling over a busy traffic— which by the hour was still something to be amazed of, huh a city that never sleeps, eh? –on a Sunday night.. wait it's monday by now, it has to be? Checking his watch briefly he realised it was over past one at this point.
R would not have been so calm on the situation if it hadn't happened twice before already. He knew what to do and it was rather simple, but he did come loose on the main part of the plan of getting out of his situation. As much as the glass was there behind him, his spines didn't exactly stick on glass. It sounds rather stupid, jumping spiders were delicate enough spiders to climb glass after all! But R has yet to master the art of climbing especially in a situation where he sweats from being stressed out. It's just so much more difficult to do so with clammed up hands, he wouldn:t get a good grip and risk falling to his death!
To be honest It felt nice actually, just looking at the numerous dots of lights and how lively the new York was. Truly amaizing.
Mm.. mm.. mm.. mm.. mm.. mm..
Not a good time R groaned as he shuffled around a little teeth grinding at the feeling of the wire slowly, feeling the soreness of his legs and the numbness spreading in his ankle, the pricks and needles intensifying as he tried to find a around a way to get his phone from the closed back pocket. Warmth swept over his shoulders, a nice wave as he finally caught the phone fearing it would drop.
Dad.. he read the contact name and debated.
" hey, dad.. " sounding a little unsure as he answered, the phone pressed to his ear as he spoke.
" hey (name).. i just got home, where are you? " The voice over the other side sounded as stiff and monotonous as ever. It rarely sounded anything other.
Finding it hard to find words he hummed lightly as he looked around. Realising that the blood rushing to his head was what made the warmth spread in waves around him. " Uh.. I'm.. with Noel. We were studying for a test and i needed her help to understand a ... "
He was a bad liar oh he knew it and he knew he was going to have big problem at hand when going home. Lightly biting his tongue as he heard a heavy sigh from the other side of the phone before being able to finish his sentence.
" (name) if this is about the powered tech that was reporter missing, you don't need to lie to me. "
" you know about that? " He kinda deadpanned at that, still the voice grew lighter as he ended up gritting his teeth and pulling himself upwards by the wire. He observed the wound seeing the red angry lines and the blood that had stained his pants. How did he manage to get caught by the start of his ankle just by the pant of the leg anyways?
" yes. We were informed of it. " It wasn't probably accepted to slip information out to the public since the tech thief had never gone public, at least not yet. But even Aaron knew that he could speak of some government concerns to R, especially concerning powered people since the boy was practically running after these same kind of people. The man had no true fear over his son, having seen him in many feats against powered people and letting the police handle the non-powered. He knew the boy could handle himself and if needed would come seeking help and advice. " Are you with Noel ? "
" i was.. until she kinda ran off on me. I hope they're coming back anytime soon, I'm loosing any kind of sense in my foot. "
" ... What? "
" oh yeah, i got caught in my own wires. " Slipping the phone against his cheek and shoulder as he finally took a moment to think if he could pull himself up. " To say that it isn't the most comfortablest position by far I'dn't even be exacerbating ! This shit hurts. "
" you don't sound that hurt, (name) where are you at the moment? " The phone almost slipping past him the boy barely catching it as he heard rapid echoing steps coming towards him.
" Ah there they are! " Finding it all quite amusing R started to ramble to his father as Noel poked their head over the ledge with what looked like a shit eating grin to him. " Also yeah no, i .. i mean it stings but it doesn't really hurt y'know? I have no feeling in my foot right now, everything's just prick and needles. "
" there you are! " She chimed down, a grin on their face as she looked down upon his friend. " How's it hanging there? Fun? "
" Not by the slightest, help me up dumbass ! " The boy coughted as he held a hand towards the ledge. To their fortune the wire only went about 3 feet down and he could drag himself up for her to take his hand and pull.
" (nam– " " I'll be home in about two hours dad, don't worry ! " Literally hanging up on the man as he almost managed to let the phone slip while putting it back to his back pocket.
" oofs ? " Noel laughed at that, as they watched R struggle to lift himself up by the wire so she could reach him. Finally pulling him up she nooted him a little. " You should have called me, i didn't know you were literally hanging around here. But oh well–" she shrugged as R landed with a little hiss on the roof of the skyscraper, lightly nodding towards the two quite heavy looking bags, "—i caught up with the thief and got the tech back !"
" great, nice job. What happened to the thief ? " R questioned lowering himself down as he untangled and freed his ankle from its brief restraint. Hissing lightly as he straightened the bended leg and watched the blood seep through and paint the spot underneath.
" oh.. you don't need to worry about him. We already have what we came for after all. I'll help you get home, does it hurt? " A grin spread on Noel's face even if they had covered the lower part of her face to conceal it. They always had expressive eyes after all.
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cliso · 2 months
I am here to present to you:
Fake Dating AU ft: Iso who just wants his family to get the fucking signal he doesnt want to marry in life and Clove who is the perfect embodienct of everything his family doesnt WANT for him to date
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rqs-arcade · 24 days
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🕹️ ⸻ grian name suggestion
ft; masculine or neutral names starting with G, C, or S
camden carlin corwin cyrus clove catcher cliff cicada canary chirp circe caliber
gabriel gannon garner gali gerogie griffin gentry
samuel sawyer saylor soren sal sparrow sky
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nitewrighter · 1 year
niche questionnaire ft. Moira
a song that reminds me of them: Oh! You Pretty Things by David Bowie
what they smell like: Iron and antiseptic--there's a natural 'off' smell on the nanite based characters, but her smell isn't as necrotic as Reapers--it does get stronger after she fades though. She covers up the worst of the nanite-metal smell with an anise/clove/peppercorn/ambergris perfume.
an otp: I like her character a lot but not really in terms of 'ships.'
a notp: M*icy. The first ship material I saw for it was dubcon so that kind of ended up flavoring my whole perspective of it. Also shippers basically slapping all the tropes on it that they would retch at and decry as abusive if it was m/f like.. it’s not it, bruv.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: I've actually really loved her rapport with Reyes, especially what we saw in Retribution but the more recent writing just kind of wiped it all away. So I'm willing to pick fanon over canon, there. I'm also fascinated by her fucked up dynamic with Widowmaker.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: The "Mercy's Ex" headcanon just immediately pigeonholed her character. She's so interesting on her own but people are constantly making her obsessed with Mercy--like yeah, they're foils, but she's obsessed with her own work and herself, like come on.
the position they sleep in: On her back, her withered arm up over her head, good arm over her stomach, legs sprawled out, one leg bent. Kind of casual, a little butch, manages to take up an impressive amount of space despite how thin she is.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: I'm a little sad she didn't get any appearance in the StarWatch skins! It would have been interesting to put her on the protagonist/space bounty hunter side while Mercy's with the Infinite Empire. Also I hope they add more fairytale themed skins in the future because her Wicked skin is SO GOOD and I'd love to see them work with that theme more.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: I'm a glam skin Moira all the way.
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robbybirdy · 1 year
60. Baking therapy on a budget Ft. Genshin Characters: Candace - Oatmeal Pumpkin Cookies
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Hey, birdies! Today we are going to be making some of my favorite types of cookies. Oatmeal Pumpkin Cookies.  
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But first we have to talk about the character in question. Candance is the guardian of Aaru Village and she helps the traveler. She doesn’t technically have a favorite food. She likes the quantity of food more than the taste and the appearance. Hoyoverse is making this easy for me with these Sumeruan Charaters. She likes quantity, Al-hathim likes the taste of things, Layla likes warm milk. These characters are easy to figure out what to bake. Or maybe I am more the mindset of think about what make. 
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Today’s the recipe comes from one of my new favorite cookbook’s in my collection: “A Taste Of Hope.” A local cookbook. These Cookies are perfect to make the day before and have them for breakfast. 
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The recipe and measurements will be down below. Feel free to check it out for yourself. 
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The ingredients you are going to need for this recipe are;
Shortening or butter
Baking soda
Sifted flour
Sour milk
Rolled oats
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The first thing that you want to do is preheat the oven to 375. And grease your cookies sheets. 
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You are going to cream together your shortening and sugar. Until light and fluffy. This takes about 2-5 minutes. It all depends on the temperature in your kitchen. If it is warmer, then it is going to take less time, if it is colder - it will take a bit more time. 
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Add in your eggs one at a time. Once I am able to get the things that I need to make the post, I will be posting about egg substitutes.
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In a separate bowl you are going to add in your dry ingreidnts. This includes: flour, I added a bit of almond flour to it, baking soda, salt, and your pumpkin pie spices. 
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Now you are going to add in the remaining ingredients alternatively. What I mean by this is you are going to start and end with your dry ingredients. Just because that way it mixes together well. 
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Add in your dry ingredients, then your milk, and then your pumpkin. And keep doing this until you don't have any left. 
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Fold in your oats and if you want chocolate chips. 
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Drop them on a greased cookie sheet. If you don’t have a cookie scoop, two teaspoons work perfectly fine. And they give you the right shape and amount that you will need. 
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Bake these cookies until the bottoms are browned. My oven is a bit old and is different from other ovens. So my timing is going to be different. The recipe says to bake them for 12-15 minutes. I bake these cookies for about 10-12 minutes, and they came out really well. 
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Let the cookies cool on a wire rack. And enjoy. 
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I hope that you liked this recipe. Feel free to check it out for yourself. See you in the next post. Thank you. 
Pinterest: Here
Oatmeal Drop Cookies 
¾ cups shortening (soft) or butter 
1 cup sugar 
2 eggs
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt 
2 cups sifted flour
½ teaspoon cinnamon 
¼ teaspoon cloves
½ teaspoon ginger
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon all spice
⅔ - ¾ cups sour milk 
2 cups rolled oats
½ cup chocolate chips (optional)
Pumpkin (I did not measure how much I used, I had fresh pumpkin in the freezer and I used it.)
Cream shortening/sugar. Add eggs and continue beating. Add dry ingredients alternatively with sour milk. Add oats and chocolate chips (or raisins.) Drop on greased cooking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes in a 375-degree F Oven.  Note: you can make regular milk sour by adding 1 Tablespoon of lemon or vinegar and letting it sit for a couple minutes. You can add coconut, wheat germ, graham flour, nuts, etc. to change the recipe's taste.
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