#[oc] damian jackson
sunlitgotham · 10 months
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Spartan's Uniform, and some random doodles from Sunlit Gotham
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random-sparks-98 · 1 year
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Art dump for the outfits everyone will wear to the Gala in chapter 7 of ‘Sunlit Gotham’
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zomaribon · 6 months
Big ass doodle dump part 13
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sh4ggyshoes · 2 months
i just looked at the evolution of my pjo oc damian and it made me laugh a bit
bc its placed in the timing of the show, so in s1 he was just this annoying ass angsty 13 y/o with a tragic backstory but when he hits puberty he looks really cool (to me at least)
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(dont mind my old art style) but like the evolution is crazy to me
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Bullet Club Reunion - Emery x BC/Elite
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Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
This... didn't go as I originally planned it would. Takes place somewhere around the 2021 area, summertime. Estimated.
This does kinda show where she met Damian and ELP though, which later leads to other chapters of theirs, Love Language (damian) and Comfortable Silence (ELP -- he does have more, just check the masterlist).
Summary: Emery attends meet-and-greet convention that is hosting all the companies; New Japan, WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, and Indies. There, she gets to meet with fans and old friends-- and make new ones. But what happens when the bratty Dark Angel starts to slip out? Well, someone's gotta put her back in her place, of course.
Word Count: 3,249
Tag List: @summertimefun1982 @katries @blxxckheart @pleasantpastels @moxxieswitchblade
(switchie, I'm tagging you because of the antics near the end of this >>; )
Warnings: dom-sub vibes, other languages spoke (with translations provided by google), jealousy
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Emery loved events like this. It allowed her the opportunity to connect with the fans, much like she was able to when she was sixteen. Her brown eyes would scan over each person she saw, keeping an eye peeled for anyone that could need a friend—like she had needed Kofi. Even though she hadn’t known she did, fate had decided for her and threw him into her life. For that, Emery was eternally grateful.
She was also grateful for the air-conditioned building the convention was being held in, as the hot, humid South Carolina summer sun was making it almost unbearable outside.
Emery had been to many different conventions and meet-and-greets, but this was the first she remembered being a part of that had people from all the wrestling companies. There were representatives from New Japan, Ring of Honor, Impact, All Elite, WWE, and multiple independents. It was nice, she had to admit, that they could all mingle and talk with one another—instead of some invisible barrier seemingly keeping them apart.
“Ready for a break?” Kenny asked her, looking to his right. They were sharing a table for the event, with Matt and Nick at a table beside them on Emery’s side. Brandon was roaming around the convention, sticking mostly with the Bucks to film bits for Being the Elite.
“Yeah, that’d be fine,” Emery nodded, looking over at the brothers, “You guys taking a break?”
“Might as well. My wrist is getting a little sore anyway,” Matt frowned, rolling the wrist in question in an attempt to soothe the bones and muscles. He had recently landed on it wrong during a match, resulting in a minor tear. It wasn’t enough to need surgery or a brace, but the doctor did tell him no wrestling for at least two weeks to ensure it healed properly.
Kenny and Nick put up the ‘Back Soon’ signs on their respective tables before they all got up and started walking around the large room, seeing who was there. Unfortunately, some of the wrestlers couldn’t make it to the event, so some spots were empty- but there were still a decent number of names there. Colt Cabana and Mark Sterling were among the AEW roster that couldn’t make their appearances, as well as Ring of Honor’s Dalton Castle and Impact’s Chelsea Green, Emery noticed as they passed by the ROH and Impact sections set up. Reaching the start of the WWE tables, she noticed a few empty spots but also saw several people she’d love to talk to.
The unfortunate part? She was way too shy to approach them.
Namely—Finn Balor. Emery was well aware he had created Bullet Club. Without him, there would BE no Bullet Club. She had also used inspiration from him for her Dark Angel persona, carefully watching all his matches where he would bring out the Demon.
Beside him sat Damian Priest, his fellow Judgement Day stable mate.
“Very attractive stable mate—" Emery blushed at the thought that crossed her mind, quickly looking away before he could see her ogling him.
“Haro, Finn,” Kenny greeted in Japanese as they passed by, giving him a respectful nod. (T: "Hello, Finn.")
“Hajimemashite, Kenny,” Finn smiled, “Dangan club wa atode 4ji koro ni issho ni atsumari masu.” (T: "Nice to see you, Kenny." "Bullet Club is meeting together later on, around four.")
“Karera wa? Tanoshi sou desu ne. Kaigi wa doko ni ari masu ka.” (T: "Are they? Sounds fun. Where is the meeting?")
The Bucks nudged one another as they watched Emery’s face drop into a frown as she tried translating the words. Japanese never was easy for her to learn, so for most of her time spent in New Japan, she heavily relied on Kenny to translate. They also knew, as did Kenny—and anyone who knew her, really—that Kenny’s voice, especially when he spoke Japanese, made her weak in the knees. If she were animated, she would have hearts in her eyes as she listened to him speak the language.
“Hol no tan ni aru saigo heya, executive no heya.” (T: "Last room at the end hall, the executive one.")
“Ii desu ne, sokode o ai shi masho u,” Kenny nodded as a fan approached Finn’s table. (T: "Sounds good, we will see you there.")
Emery stood there beside him, a pout on her face as she listened to the two talked, the Japanese rolling off their tongue flawlessly. Kenny laughed when he saw the look on her face, deciding to toy with her some more—knowing how she felt when he spoke the language.
“Dou shi ta no, watashi no tenshi? Anata wa iwa re ta koto wa kanzen ni rikai suru koto ga deki mase nichi ka? Aa, demo, watashi gak ono you ni hanasu toki, anata ga watashi no koe wa kiku no ga dorehodo suki ka shitsu te iya masu. Tanoshin de iya masu ne?” (T: "What’s the matter, my angel? Are you not able to fully understand what was said? Ah, but I know how much you like listening to my voice when I talk like this. You enjoy it, don’t you?")
“Zonzai,” Emery huffed, using one of the few words she did know in Japanese, causing all three to chuckle at her. (T: "Rude.")
 In a rare public display of affection, Kenny leaned close and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before they continued on. Soon after, they came across a rather… interesting setup.
“Okay, Creed, how much did you pay to rig THIS up?” Emery laughed, seeing that his table was right next to a table that sat Claudio and Adam Cole. To the other side of Creed was another table with Tyler Breeze and NWA’s Dirty Dango.
“I beg your pardon,” Creed recoiled defensively, “I would never do such a thing.”
“Right, sure,” Emery nodded, narrowing her eyes playfully. She saw the spot beside him was empty and looked at the banner behind Creed, her heart dropping in dismay. “Kofi couldn’t make it?”
“Nah,” Creed shook his head, frowning, “One of his kids got sick the other day. One of those contagious bugs. I can video him if you want to talk?” He pulled his phone out of his pocket, pointing to it as Emery’s eyes brightened up. Quickly, Nick and Matt jumped in, shaking their hands.
“Nah, nah, nah—you call him, she will take your phone for the next five to seven hours,” Nick warned, Emery frowning at him as Creed slowly slid his phone back into his pocket.
“Zonzai,” Emery glared at the Bucks, crossing her arms in front of her. (T: "Rude.")
“Nice going, Ken. You and Finn started her on her Japanese trend. Now she’ll keep on for the next, oh… three days?” Matt sighed as Kenny shrugged.
“Maybe I’ll teach her more, just to expand her vocabulary, and she can annoy you more,” Kenny threatened playfully as the Bucks rolled their eyes.
“Exactly what we need.”
“Do I get a hug, or am I still dead?” Adam asked, giving his best puppy dog eyes to Emery.
She smiled over at him, taking a step forward before pausing.
“Hmm… I should check with Kye first. Something seems… off.”
“Oh, come on!” Adam laughed, deflating at the accusation, “You should know him and me by now. We team up and then fight, team up and then fight. It’s our cycle, it’s what we do.”
“So, like a rotating boyfriend. On again, off again,” Nick smirked.
“Sure,” Adam shrugged, “I bet within the next year or so, he and I will be back together.”
“…. Okay, fine I guess you can have a hug then.”
“Sweet,” Adam smiled, hopping up off his chair and around the table. His arms snaked around Emery’s body, giving her a warm hug, smiling to himself as Emery returned the hug.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Emery murmured against his chest, barely loud enough for him to hear.
“Yeah, same. It’s been a while,” Adam whispered back, placing a kiss on the top of her head as he let go.
“What, no hug for me?” Creed questioned, unamused.
“I dunno depends.”
“On what?” he deadpanned, not liking where this was going.
“Give me a rematch.”
“Then no hug.”
“Fine. I don’t need one anyway,” Creed frowned, waving her off.
“ZONZAI!” (T: "RUDE!")
“This is Swiss, by the way,” Adam said, introducing Claudio as he gave a wave from his seat. Emery turned her glare away from Creed to smile at Claudio, giving him a friendly wave.
“You hear about the thing later on?” Kenny asked Adam, who gave a nod.
“What thing?”
“Yeah, Finn told me. You guys gonna be there?”
“Be where?”
“Might consider it,” Matt shrugged.
“Consider what?”
“It’ll be nice hanging out together.”
“Guys,” Emery cried, pouting, “Stop ignoring meeeee.”
Everyone, including Swiss, Creed, and Breeze (who had walked over closer), laughed as she crossed her arms in front of her.
“Are they bullying you again, Darlin’?” Hangman questioned, walking up behind her.
“Yes!” Emery frowned, spinning around and throwing herself against his frame, her arms wrapping around Hangman and holding tight. He sighed, a small smile crossing his face as he wrapped his own arms around her and rubbed her back comfortingly.
“Hmm?” He looked down at her as she tilted her head up.
“Do you know what nice thing is going on later that people might be going to?”
Hangman swallowed thickly as he stared into her eyes; accompanying her pout were the patented puppy dog eyes that worked on just about everyone she met. He stayed silent, unable to look away, but when her chin started to wobble, and tears began to build at the edges of her eyes, he panicked.
“It’s a surprise,” Hangman quickly said, his blue eyes wide as he finally was able to blink.
“A surprise?”
“Yeah—you don’t want to ruin the surprise, right?” he asked her as she slowly shook her head. The puppy dog waterworks that threatened to spill were gone, her chin no longer wobbling.
“All right then,” Hangman smiled, giving her forehead a quick kiss. As she let go of him and turned back around to the others, Hangman gave a silent but very visible sigh of relief, closing his eyes briefly as he shook his head.
“I told you not to teach her the puppy dog eyes,” Nick frowned, lightly smacking Matt on his shoulder.
“Ow, hey!”
“You guys are way too much,” Creed shook his head in disbelief.
“Perhaps, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world,” Emery smiled. She loved her dysfunctional friends and makeshift family unit.
“You guys been over there yet?” Adam asked, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. They all looked and saw the all too familiar black and white symbols on several tables, as well as the distinguishable ‘NJPW’ letters nearby.
“Not yet. Who’s here, do you know?” Matt asked him.
“Not too many, I think only six or seven actually showed. David Finlay and O’spreay are no-shows.”
“Good,” Emery deadpanned. There was no love lost for O’Spreay and something about Finlay she just didn’t like too much.
“But I have noticed Robinson, Ishimori, ELP, and Switchblade.”
“Jay’s here?” Emery brightened up.
“Yeah, he’s down there. Have you met the others yet?” Adam asked her.
“I think I remember Juice a little… but not the other two. Kenny, can we—”
“Our break’s almost up, Angelface. Maybe if we have time later,” Kenny told her as he began steering her away from the black and white.
“Fine,” Emery pouted, “Bye guys, we’ll see you!” As Emery, Kenny, and Hangman walked away, Matt, Nick, and Adam shared a look of amusement.
“It’s funny how much she’s opened up since the end of 2013,” Adam smiled, “Heck, even since I left in 2017. She was still a little shy back then, only being herself around certain people. Now? Even Swiss gets a warm welcome.”
“Right? I think it’s Kenny’s weirdness that’s rubbing off on her,” Nick joked.
“Very likely,” Matt agreed, “Anyway, we gotta get back too. See ya later at the reunion.”
“All right, guys, I’ll see ya.”
----A Few Hours Later---
“But I’m hungry,” Emery frowned as Matt and Nick carefully led her through the hall. Kenny was walking along behind her, his hands covering her eyes in an effort to keep the ‘surprise’ going.
“We know you are Ree, but you can eat at the surprise,” Nick told her.
“There will be food there?”
“Should be—if someone thought about getting some…” Matt frowned as they stopped right outside the closed door. They had led her around the hallways for a solid ten minutes or so, tricking her into thinking they had gone farther away than they actually had.
“All right, ready?” Nick asked her as she excitedly nodded her head.
“Are you gonna tell her, or are we?”
“We should let Hangman—he’s the one that said it.”
“Said what?” Emery frowned; her eyes were still covered by Kenny’s hands. He dropped his hands, letting her see the closed door before she turned around, confused. The Bucks stood beside Kenny, looking at her apologetically.
“It’s…. not really a surprise, kitten,” Kenny admitted, an apologetic smile on his face.
“Yeah, Hangman came up with something on the fly to keep you from crying.”
“Ihr idioten!” Emery growled, crossing her arms in front of her as Claudio was walking by on his way out of the venue. He stopped short and looked over at her, a brief look of amusement on his face before he switched it to shock. (T: "You jerks!") ((german))
Behind her, the door opened, and voices flowed from inside the room; shortly after, it clicked shut softly. Whoever had exited the room stood behind her in silence, watching and waiting.
“Language, little lady.”
“Verpiss dich, Schweizer,” she grumbled, not even looking at him as she pouted. (T: "Piss off, Swiss.")
“Rude,” Claudio frowned, causing Kenny to look at Emery in surprise before sighing in disappointment.
“She really being cruel?” Nick asked Claudio, who nodded in return.
“I’m slightly insulted and impressed at the same time.”
“Niemand--!” Swiss held up his hands in surrender before exiting through the door, leaving them to their own devices. (T: "Nobody--!")
Kenny frowned at her, cutting her off as he said, “Sate, juubun nani chiisana onnanoko. Anata ga furumawa nai nara—” (T: "Okay, enough little girl. If you don’t behave--")
“Shove it,” Emery huffed, turning her head to look away from all of them.
From behind her, a strong hand wove into her hair before gripping and yanking her head back slightly. The sudden action caught Emery by surprise, a gasp escaping her throat as her hands reached back to grab at the hand behind her.
“Is my princess being a little brat?” A familiar voice growled in her ear, his head resting against hers. Kenny, Nick, and Matt stood there silently, not doing anything to help her—not even when her eyes darted to them from her current stance, wordlessly pleading with them.
“Sorry, Ree, you brought it upon yourself,” Matt shrugged.
“Besides, you were so excited earlier to see him,” Kenny told her, his eyes narrowing in slight jealousy.
“Here I was hoping we could have a fun time. Hadn’t seen you in some years now… but no,” the voice sighed in disappointment, tugging back a little rougher, “No, you had to go and cop an attitude for no reason.”
“I’m—I’m sorry, Jay.”
“Not me you should be apologizing to, Princess.”
“I’m sorry, Kenny.”
“H-he’s gone—”
“Say it,” Jay growled, his grip tightening in a warning.
“Sorry, Claudio.”
“Good girl,” Jay commended, his grip loosening slightly, “Now, are we going to behave, or do I have to show the rest of Bullet Club how to keep you in line?”
“I’ll behave.”
“Good choice, princess,” Jay told her, kissing the side of her head as he let her go, smirking at Kenny, “That’s how you deal with that. I thought Dark Angel was your territory, Omega. Didn’t seem to be able to handle her that time.”
“I would have gotten there, but you had to butt in, White,” Kenny glared at him.
“Wait—did you say ‘rest of bullet club’ ?” Emery questioned, turning around to face Jay with wide eyes.
“That’s right, princess. Did these idiots not tell you?”
She shook her head no, holding her breath as she waited in anticipation.
“Of course, they didn’t,” Jay rolled his eyes before pointing over his shoulder, “Finn realized that a good chunk of Bullet Club past and present was going to be at this event, so he decided to hold a mini-reunion.”
“Really. Shall we?” Jay extended a hand towards her, which she giddily took, missing the dark look across Kenny’s face as she followed Jay into the room. He threw a wink over his shoulder before the door shut behind him, leaving the Bucks and Kenny outside in the hall.
“Well, that didn’t take long, did it, Matt?”
“Nope, and I think that’s a new record.”
“Record for what?” Kenny snapped, looking at the brothers.
“For someone making you jealous,” Nick laughed, “C’mon, let’s get in there before the current Bullet Club steals her away from us. You know she’s a fan of ELP.”
Kenny quickly pushed past them and stalked into the room, trying to keep his composure. He noticed that Phantasmo, Ishimori, and Juice had already swarmed Jay and Emery, and it took everything in him not to walk over there and lead her away. Soon, even Chris Bey and Ace Austin joined them, talking to Emery and making her laugh.
“He’s jealous, ain’t he?” Anderson questioned, coming to stand beside Matt.
“Record time, too,” Matt told him, causing Anderson to let out a low whistle.
“Wow. Jay really knows how to push those buttons, doesn’t he?”
“Yepp,” Nick nodded, chuckling slightly as he noticed a frown appear on Jay’s face. El Phantasmo had whisked Emery away towards the food table, seemingly stealing her from his friend.
“Looks like Jay has some competition himself,” Matt noticed, grinning.
“Not jus’ him,” Finn said, walking over to them, “Damian’s been talking my ear off all evening abou’ her.” The Irishman nodded his head in Emery’s direction, and they watched as the tall Puerto Rican walked up to her and El Phantasmo. He said something to her, causing her to laugh—and immediately, Phantasmo’s face seemed to fall a bit.
“This is going to get really, really interesting,” Nick realized.
“Just wait till Hangman finds out,” Matt chuckled.
“She’s gonna have to have a battle royal or a tournament—something—to crown a winner,” Gallows said as he joined the group, watching across the room.
“My bets on Kenny,” Nick shrugged.
“Why Kenny?” Anderson asked.
“The eyes, gaming, dorkiness, and the Japanese.”
“Jays got an accent, pretty eyes, very toned and muscular, and isn’t afraid to put her in her place when the Dark Angel comes out.”
“Fair point. But Damian’s tall and has all those muscles, plus speaks another language.”
“So? Hangman’s a cowboy. All chicks love cowboys. He’s got an accent of sorts-- and blue eyes.”
“Riley’s tall, toned, and has a blue-green looking eye color. Loves music too. An equal mix of good guy and bad boy.”
“Something tells me this isn’t going to be over any time soon,” Nick smirked, watching as Emery was surrounded by almost everyone, a smile on her face as she listened to each one. This was definitely going to get interesting.
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sleepybite · 2 years
𖤐⋆。 ゚lore and facts archive: damian jackson
WARNINGS: manipulation, violence/death, religious themes
NOTES: damian is my second oldest oc and has had the most name changes LMAO—pronouns are he/him, it/it’s and they/them! takes place in same universe as michael’s.
𖤐⋆ to begin, damian was never human to begin with. they were never born a human and turned into a demon as he was born from pure ill intentions.
𖤐⋆ he was aware of this, and wasn’t ashamed. it was aware of how the world worked and how demons like them were viewed. damian knew what he was made for, and knew he had no other purpose. he loved what he did not because he was causing harm but because he was serving a greater purpose.
𖤐⋆ the job he was assigned was to lesser the angels advances as a possible war was on the horizon. he could do it however he saw fit, just don’t cause a scene and if he could make another demon do so. bring others falling with him.
𖤐⋆ and so with a human disguise and a few deaths, damian has a way into seeing angels without them knowing. of course there was a few he had to kill but eventually he found the perfect target who was near his age. not the easiest pick to follow as he was already near ascension, but a good one under stress and pressure. damian set the plan in action as they slowly got the subject to talk to them more and more, warming up to him.
𖤐⋆ the subject’s name was michael deonn. it was a bit too late to stop the child years of training, but it wasn’t too late to delay the process. the few years he spent gaining his trust and slowly withering at his soul without his knowledge. they were aware of how michael felt about him after a while, that he genuinely loved damian. and after awhile damian found itself falling for michael, but as much as he loved michael, he didn’t love him more than his mission. his purpose for being born.
𖤐⋆ it has been manipulating his mind and soul since he was young, as it is all they were made for. it has been slowly eating michael up mentally as he has watched. eventually, in the upcoming days, he completely takes hold of his mind. both figuratively and literally in the sense. he in a way hypnotizes michael and puts him in a haze, no longer letting him control his own body and making him see what damian wants him to.
𖤐⋆ his job was done, the soul was corrupted. the sin of murder was enough but the fact that it was people he cherished was an added factor. it almost hurt to see michael so distraught and empty but such as what the job entailed. however even though he was a demon he wasn’t a heartless monster. he let michael cry on his shoulder and gave him a place to grieve. while the mission was key it did still care for him a sick way.
𖤐⋆ damian wasn’t sure why it told michael. it didn’t have to of course he would most likely never find out, at least not for a long while. he supposed he felt he owed it to him in a way, for everything he’s done. knowing doesn’t change what had happened. it didn’t know that would place his death in stone.
𖤐⋆ what he told him speeded the transformation up by weeks. he knew his job was well and done and left back to the demon realm to report. he wasn’t expecting michael to follow months later. it had never seen michael like the way he was that day in any of his years.
𖤐⋆ naturally after what damian had done there was no restoring what he’d put michael through. michael wanted to know why, and he told him that it was just what he had to do. the two were aware of how each felt, or did feel before this but that didn’t matter now. it knew why he was here.
𖤐⋆ when the two fought it was a spectacle. the forms of the demon and a corrupted angel giving it their all to end each other. even on his side, he’s unsure if michaels win was because he loved him or he was stronger than it knew.
𖤐⋆ it was silly to them. even after all the pain they caused michael he sat with them until his soul was dead forever, talked to him about how he wished he would have chose him over what was picked. damian wished too, they had met in a different time, in another life.
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theseagullking · 11 months
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Doodles 2023 10 25
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jayybugg · 8 months
jayybugg's masterlist
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Hi! I'm Jay (She/Her), I'm a 23-year-old writer from DC.
I've realized that I have not really introduced myself to you all so here I am! I'm a part of a lot of fandoms like Harry Potter, DC, Marvel, Teen Wolf, Percy Jackson, and Call of Duty.
I'm currently in college for film, I want to write scripts and direct movies. I'm a June baby and a Gemini (yes, I love astrology/zodiacs). I'm also very active in roleplaying and have a few OCs.
I'm very active on Discord, too! So never hesitate to reach out to talk to me on there. DMs on Tumblr are also good, too!
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Author's Note:
This is my master list for all my completed and works in progress. As of right now, I only write for Harry Potter. Further down the line, I will post more work based on other fandoms.
Please, I work hard on my fics. Don't steal them or post them as your own.
My blog is 18+. If you are a minor, please do not interact. Any character or fandom that I write for are/or will be aged up to 18+. I don't write for or about children unless specifically stated otherwise in that particular fic. For example, I will write about Damian Wayne (Bruce Wayne’s son) as a child but it will strictly be fluff.
Right now I am not taking requests. I have a lot of fics that I want to get out first and I am in school. Once I've gotten to a good point where I can handle requests, I'll open them.
You can, however, leave me asks for headcannons or just to talk to me! I love to do headcannons and I love talking to other mutuals!
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I will not interact with any blogs that don't clarify their age in their bio. This is very important to me, please do not try to lie to me or sway my stance. It will result in you getting blocked.
When sending a request, please do not spam my asks. One message is enough, I will see it. There is no guarantee that I will complete your request immediately, I'm in school and I work so they will take time but if I don't feel comfortable doing the request then I will not do it. There will be no negotiations about it.
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*Note: Fics are only for the characters I write for. So the Slytherin Boys and Simon “Ghost” Riley.*
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*Note: Headcannons are only for the characters I write for. So the Slytherin Boys and Simon “Ghost” Riley.*
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*Note: Blurbs are only for the characters I write for. So the Slytherin Boys and Simon “Ghost” Riley.*
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🐍Mattheo Riddle
🌷 dreams come true*
🌷 wasted love
🐍Theodore Nott
🌷 poison*
🌷 study session*
💐 subby theo*
🌹 summer of strawberries
🐍Draco Malfoy
🌷locker room activities*
🐍Lorenzo Berkshire
🌷 church*
🐍Sebastian Sallow
Simon "Ghost" Riley
🌷 nurse*
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“jayybugg talks” - me just posting my thoughts or random shit
“jayybugg answers” - responds to any asks/requests i get
“jayybugg loves-” - me loving on my friends/mutuals
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Right now, I only have works for the Slytherin Boys and Simon “Ghost” Riley. I'm exploring other fandoms right now.
Please note that this list will get updated and changed frequently as I plan to post frequently. Thank you.
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Hey! Here's some things about my blog and oc now that this is a RP blog.
Main oc:
Nickname: liz, lizzy, lizabeth, child of thy sea God, percy jackson but with both mommy and daddy issues, the 'goth one'(that one is still on debate)
Name: Elizabeth
Age: 16
How old was she when she came to camp: 5
Year rounder or no?: year rounder
Age when claimed: 15. Right after battle of Manhattan.
Joined Kronos army or no: almost. And then she became bisexual. Nvm she joined the new one
Friends with rp account: @thementallyunwellapollochild
Mentally stable?: ...
Favorite sibling?: Tyson. Duh.
Any alive family members?: not that she knows of.
Weapon of choice: DAGGA
Other godly relatives?: Her great ×idek grandparent is a child of hades and she can see ghosts. Am I saying this cause of Sam and Colby? Yes. Yes I am.
Making it so she can see ghost.
If she wasn't truamatized by her mother, meaning she would not be missing, she WOULD be a ghost hunter like Sam and Colby with her friends (and in the pjo universe with nico)
Other oc's without accounts:
Olivia (hunter of artemis)
Damian (Olivia's dead twin)
Casey (his account is on my computer anyway)
Veener (same as casey)
Purple: children of dionysus
Orange: children of apollo (marcie) and vulcan (veener)
Pink: aphrodite
Green: hermes (carter) and demeter (velvet)
Red: ares
Blue: unclaimed
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I see each roleplay account/group as different universes!!! So if my oc is seeing one account and seeing another account it is a different universe!!!
On break on dc account ‼️‼️
My other roleplay accounts:
I'll edit more when I've figured out more to add 👍
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xo-xojj · 5 months
Smut = *
Fluff= ~
Angst = +
Percy Jackson and the olympians
Percy Jackson
Thinkin bout you~
Luke Castellan
The Sweetest Thing~
Nico di angelo
Will solace
Jeremiah fisher
Conrad fisher
Steven Conklin
American housewife
Oliver Otto
Hold Me Close~+
These Walls~+
Test Drive/Adore*~
Just like that*
Cooper Bradford
Sturniolo triplets
Nick Sturniolo
Matt sturniolo
Chris Sturniolo
JJ Maybank
Pope Heyward
John b
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
Jason Todd
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Damian Wayne
CHUCKY(tv series)
Jake Wheeler
Juinor Wheeler
Devon Evans
Grant Collins
Walker Scobell
Charlie Bushnell
Mason Thames
Tom holland
Chris Evans
Jeremy Sumpter(js him alone❤️)
Eternal Sunshine(Gavin Gore)~
Heaven Can Wait(Gavin Gore)*
Gossip Girl S1 (Ghostin)
The Wild Brunch(02)
Poison Ivy(03)
Bad News Blair(04)
Dare Devil(05)
The Hands maids Tale(06)
Seventeen Candles(08)
Blair Waldorf Must Pie(09)
Hi, Society(010)
Roman Holiday(011)
School Lies(012)
A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate(013)
The Blair Bitch Project(014)
Desperately Seeking Serena(015)
All About My Brother(016)
Woman On The Verge(017)
Much ‘I Do’ About Nothing(018)
Random Oneshots
Phineas Smith x Male!oc/reader
More coming soon
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loganspuppyboy · 9 months
my f/o list :D
ok so bolded means i’m uncomfortable sharing them but it is (probably) ok if we are mutuals/friends and if you have them as a platonic/familial f/o!!!
also it is a long ass list😭 i have a lot of love to give. alssooo group tag for all my kids is kiddos <3 bc im lazy and some f/os i feel rlly strong about and some are just for fun yk!!!
-lloyd garmadon from ninjago (it’s complicated but i love him dearly)
-michael afton from fnaf (romantic) tag: terchael <3
-henry emily from fnaf (parental figure/dad)
-espresso cookie from crk/cookie run (romantic) tag: esence <3
-jeremy fitzgerald from blueycapsules/fnaf (romantic) tag: jerence <3
-thoma from genshin impact (romantic) tag: teroma <3
-aether from genshin impact (romantic) tag: terraether <3
-sammy from my mind/oc (kid/familial) 
-gregory from fnaf (kid/familial)
-charlie/charlotte emily from fnaf (sister/familial)
-maven calore from the red queen series (romantic)
-alex from stardew valley (romantic)
-christopher lightwood from the shadowhunter chronicles (platonic)
-princess peach from nintendo (platonic)
-peggy carter from marvel (romantic) tag: every girl has her rose <3
-daniel sousa from marvel’s agent carter (queerplatonic)
-logan howlett from marvel (romantic) tag: logence <3
-natasha romanoff from marvel (platonic)
-diana prince from dc (platonic, maybe romantic??)
-pepper potts from marvel (platonic)
-sam wilson from marvel (romantic) tag: tersam <3
-steve rogers from marvel (romantic) tag: red white and irish blue <3
-magnus bane from the shadowhunter chronicles (platonic)
-apple white from ever after high (queerplatonic) tag: whipped apples <3
-bruce wayne from dc (romantic) tag: batarangs pierced my heart <3
-clark kent from dc (queerplatonic) tag: 💙❤️
-simon lewis/lovelace from the shadowhunter chronicles (queerplatonic i think)
-sharon carter from marvel (platonic/shes my niece technically)
-damian wayne from dc (familial/kid)
-jason todd from dc (familial/kid)
-dick grayson from dc (familial/kid)
-cass(andra) cain from dc (familial/kid)
-barbara gordon from dc (familial/kid)
-steph(anie) brown from dc (familial/kid)
-tim drake from dc (familial/kid)
-duke thomas from dc (familial/kid)
-laura kinney from marvel (familial/kid)
-sue richards/storm from marvel (platonic)
-alfred pennyworth from dc (platonic)
-selina kyle from dc (platonic)
-gabrielle kinney from marvel (grandkid💔)
-patrick bateman from american psycho (romantic) tag: 🎧♥️
-terry mcginnis from batman beyond (familial/kid)
-harper row from dc (familial/kid)
-johnny cade from the outsiders (hes my nephew<3)
-darry curtis from the outsiders (romantic) (fine with sharing but not like. in canon ships yk)
-t’challa from marvel (platonic)
-sodapop curtis from the outsiders (basically my kid/familial)
-ponyboy curtis from the outsiders (basically kid/familial)
-coriolanus snow from the hunger games (romantic) tag: 🖤❄️
-luke fox from dc (platonic)
-lucius fox from dc (platonic)
-mar'i grayson/nightstar from dc/titans (MY GRANDKID!!!!!!!)
-conner kent from dc (nephew)
-jon kent from dc (nephew)
-cassie from fnaf (niece)
-fred from the muppets christmas carol (nephew)
-herb cookie from cookie run (nephew)
-willy wonka from wonka 2023 (nephew)
-cullen row from dc (kid)
-daken akihiro from marvel (kid)
-dex poindexter from daredevil/marvel (romantic) tag: terdex <3
-abdonis from ringfit adventure (romantic)
-hank hall from titans/dc (platonic)
-dawn granger from titans/dc (platonic)
-karen page from daredevil/marvel (romantic) tag: 🤍📰
-amora (the enchantress) from marvel (romantic) tag: enchant me with your love <3
-sally jackson from percy jackson (romantic) tag: 💙✏️
-devon cassidy from i met a girl (platonic)
-dinah madani from the punisher/marvel (romantic) tag: terah <3
-amy bendix from marvel/the punisher (kid)
-the uno wild card/+4 uno wild card from uno (romantic)
-ryder page from roblox piggy (romantic)
-zizzy from roblox piggy (queerplatonic)
-pony from roblox piggy (queerplatonic)
-the warden from minecraft (romantic)
-the queen from a deck of cards (romantic)
-odysseus from the odyssey and any other media with him in it ig (romantic)
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random-sparks-98 · 1 year
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Excerpt from chapter 1 of ‘Sunlit Gotham’ by Sparky441 on Ao3
Arriving at the media room Bobby and Skylar pause, taking in the scene in front of them:
Jason, Cass, and Stephanie are in the process of trapping a struggling Dick in a blanket burrito. Conner is restraining Tim in a hug as he tries to lunge for Damian. Jon is pulling back Damian to stop him from stabbing Tim with a katana. And Duke is standing on a chair, trying to tie a blanket up to the ceiling.
They watch as Jason and Steph give another shove to Dick - who trips as he is trapped in a blanket burrito - and rolls into the chair that Duke is on. Duke falls with a shriek, landing on top of Conner who drops Tim in an attempt to catch Duke. Tim lunges for Damian, grabbing the katana while his younger brother is still restrained by Jon, and turns to sprint out of the room. Damian licks Jon, who releases him on instinct to wipe the sensation away, and gives chase once he’s free. Upon seeing the Richardsons in the doorway Tim attempts to stop, eyes wide, but skids on a spare blanket and Damian takes the opening to tackle him. The katana goes flying as the brothers go down and Cass gracefully grabs it out of the air.
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imaginaryskeleton · 4 days
Me, having the knowledge of some fanfics and the WFA comics about the BatFam: ooh what if I write a fanfic of a demigod in Gotham?
Because ofc most of the demigods in PJO are orphans. And what Bruce likes the most? Exactly, homeless orphans that are in imminent danger.
But I don't want to make a Percy Jackson in Gotham fic, naaaah, I want some self insert here tho, Imma do an OC who is a demigod and get adopted by Bruce Wayne - because when she was unconscious at the hospital, Hestia went to Bruce with the adoption papers saying that "that's the best for her".
Bonus points if the oc is a kid of one of the big three (Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades) bcause it would be hella more funny to explain to the BatFam about her powers without them thinking she's a meta. Just imagine Tim seeing her water/shadow bending and thinking "Okay, I really need some sleep now".
Hold on, just imagine her taking a pegasus to the barn where Damian keeps the Batcow and Goliath. Ofc Damian has cameras around there, it's his pets, he needs to make sure they're safe. And then suddenly there is a horse over there. How there is a horse there? Most of the BatFam gets confused, but Damian, Tim and Jason can see that no- that's not a horse, it's clearly a pegasus. And then everyone starts debating about it.
What if the oc is a Poseidon kid? She can totally feel that there's something from the sea around the manor. She finds out about Jarro, without the BatFam knowing. She wants desperately to talk with the starfish, it's been so long since she talked to a fish; and Jarro wants to meet her so bad. The BatFam gets astonished when they see in the cameras that she is talking alone at the pond in the garden - Jarro managed to get there w Alfred help and they are just chit-chatting about the terrible water treatment in Gotham.
Poseidon kid in Gotham would be funny to see considering the water pollution levels. You know that one chapter of WFA where Aquaman jumps in the harbour and comes out yelling "what have you done to that water!?" Yeah that. There could be a fight with Poison Ivy and the two just end up ranting to each other about the pollution of their respective elements (also Demeter kid Ivy?)
Hades kid would make the most sense logically to fit in with the general vibes of the city I think but where's the fun in logic? Might be fun to explore a Hades kid in tandem with Bruce's no killing rule or immediately latching onto Jason though
Air pollution would get at a Zeus kid but I think a Zeus kid would have more potential in a Captain Marvel and/or Wonder Woman story
I'm any case I think they should definitely be besties with Duke he'd be really excited to have another person with powers in the family
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prpfz · 1 month
I(20s) am looking for a partner (18+) for an mpreg Rp. Since it's mpreg, this will be pregnancy kink/belly kink. I'm an erotica writer for my job, but for this, I'd prefer something with plot and direction. If you want to include more erotic material, just ask.
Current primary interest is for a OC x OC RP. Something light medieval fantasy or similar to a dungeon crawl. I have two character types at the ready. A hard headed blacksmith whose favorite past time is shoulder checking the city gaurd who terrorize the slums. He's bright but illiterate and prone to frustration, especially now that his condition restricts his favorite pastime.
Second is a boyish looking ginger at 5'4''. Raised alone in the forest by his father he's a bit of a wild child lacking manners but with a good heart. Loves exploring old ruins and finding secrets to record and share. His ernest kindness and love for animals makes him a poor hunter(by choice) but an great ranger. He probably shouldn't climb trees while pregnant, but he's not fond of being idle
I do like monsters and monster fucking so inhuman Ocs and ferals are on the table. Not keen on things like scat or piss, emetophillia.
I will accept Rps for the following fandoms and characters if the above doesn't vibe with you.
DC: jason todd, Damian Wayne
God of War: kratos, atreus
Horizon(zero dawn, forbidden west): kotallo, nil, Erend
Percy Jackson and the olympians: Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank
Like this post if you want to discuss more.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
The Dark Knight and the Azure Rook
by Azur3Rook In this reimagined world where comic lore intertwines with reality, the story of Amilia—rescued from darkness and nurtured into her own form of strength—opens a chapter full of potential. As she keeps seeking a return to her reality, the question remains: will she choose to go back or continue her journey as a hero in the DC Universe? The tale spins on, with heroism born from hope, resilience, and the unbreakable bond forged between a girl and a legend. (I had writers block on this sooo bad. So the summary is AI generated, but worked well as a writing prompt ) Words: 2486, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DC Extended Universe, DCU, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Arrowverse CW, Aquaman (Schnider), Green Lantern - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake (DCU), Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Casey Kelly, J'onn J'onzz, Megan Morrz, Connor Kent, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Wally West, Artemis, Clark Kent, Selena Kyle Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Daughter!OC, Batfamily Members & Alfred Pennyworth via https://ift.tt/BeQbou6
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any chance of an updated list?
Of course!!
Also, this is the NEW and FUCKING IMPROVED LIST, I alphabetized it so it’s even better than before >:3
Currently, we have 340 unique characters (if I counted right) and 487 total submissions. The top three most submitted fandoms are Homestuck, Danganronpa, and One Piece, excluding submissions that were spelt wrong or spelt differently. The top three submitted characters are Haiji Towa, Vriska Serket, and Stella Goeta (stella has so many submissions it’s funny)!
Finally, this is the raw, unedited list of characters submitted so far. Just because they are here doesn’t mean they’ll be in the tournament; it just means they’ve been submitted, regardless of media or what character they are!
as always, list under the cut!
This first list is for characters with two or more submissions. Characters who have three or more submissions will get first dibs in the tournament!
Akechi Goro
Akio Ohtori / Himemiya
Anakin Skywalker
Ansem the Wise
April O’Neil (2012)
Ardyn Izunia
Bill Cipher
Buzz McCallister
Cullen Rutherford
Dazai Osamu
Dio (Zero Escape)
Donald Trump
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Eichi Tenshouin
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Eridan Ampora
Evan Hansen
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Glenn Quagmire
George Wickham
Greg Heffley
Haiji Towa
Her Imperious Condescension
Higashikata Josuke
Huey Emmerich
Ibara Saegusa
Izzy Hands
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Jin Guangyao
John Gaius
Julia Mazzone
Junko Enoshima
Jurgen Leitner
Katsuki Bakugo
Kokichi Ouma
Kristoph Gavin
Kusaka Masato
Kylo Ren
Lance Dubois
Live Action Buggy
Marvin Falsettos
Meenah Peixes
Micah Bell
Minoru Mineta
Mr. Bungee
Pierce Hawthorne
Princess Daisy
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Regal Farseer
Rose Quartz
Santa Claus
Sasuke Uchiha
Scrappy Doo
Sentinel Prime
Shou Tucker
Simon Laurent
Sosuke Aizen
Stella Goetia
Teddy / Kuma
The Maverick
The Metatron 
The Once-Ler
Tony Stark
Tsumugi Aoba
Ty Betteridge
Val Velocity
Vriska Serkat
William Afton
Ōchi Fukuchi
The next list is for characters only submitted once. If you want these characters to have a higher chance of being added to the tournament, feel free to submit more propaganda for them!
Abyss Sibling
Akito Shinonome
Akito Sohma
Alexander Hamilton
Ali Lectric
All For One
Aloise Trancy
Anatole Kuragin
Angel Dust
Anne Hathaway
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Aranea Serkat
Bella Swan
Ben Jackson Walker
Betsy Wolfe
Billy Hargrove
Black Pete
Blitzo Buckzo
Buck Cluck
Buzz (cheerios)
Byakuya Togami
Caesar Clown
Caliborn / Lord English
Captain Kuro
Cersei Iannister
Chloe Bourgeois
Chris McClain
Chrollo Lucifer
Clara Oswald
Cozy Glow
Damian Wayne
Dan Moroboshi
Dean Venture
Dean Winchester
Detective Saracusa
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Disembodied Voice
Don Flamenco
Dr. Henry Miller
Elias Ainsworth
Elias Ainsworth
Elon Musk
Equius Zahhak
Eric Cartman
Erlina and Brugaves
Eugene Coli
Every Single Country In 1993
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Feferi Peixes
Five Pebbles
Foreman Oyun
France (Hetalia)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Gamzee Makara
Georg Weissmann
Goeffry St. John
Gordon Blackwall
Graham Spector
Gra’ha Tia
Haiji Senri
Heath cliff
Henry Miller (OC)
Henry the Eighth
Himiko Toga
Hiyoko Saionji
Holly Blue Agate
Huey Laforet
Ianthe Tridentarius
Il Dottore
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Itsuki Shu
Izumi Sena
Jacopo Bearzatti
James T. Kirk
Jayne Cobb
Joe Destefano
Jonah Magnus
Jonathan Groff 
Judith Ford / Natalie Cook
Kusunoki Muu
Kyouichi Saionji
Ladd Russo
Lady Catherine de Bourgh 
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque
Light Yagami
Mahiru Koizumi
Makoto Itou
Mary Keay
Master Crown
Matou Shinji
Medusa Gorgon
Meredith Rodney McKay
Michael Scott
Miguel O’Hara
Millions Knives
Moeka Kiryuu
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Mori Ougai
Mr. Collins
Ms. Valentine
Muu Kusunoki
Muzan Kibutsuji
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Nagito Komaeda
Nanami Kiryuu
Natsumi Sakasaki
Nefera DeNile
Nikola Tesla
Noor Pradesh
Ogai Mori
Otto Apocalypse
Paul Von Oberstein
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Prince Louis
Queen Scarlet
Quill Kipps
Rafal (FEE)
Rafal (SGE)
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Rebecca Costwolds
Redd White
Riley Finn
Rohan Kishibe
Ruruka Ando
Sakazuki Akainu
Sebastian Mechaelis
Sheldon Cooper
Shen Jiu
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Shinonomes (both)
Sigma Klim
Silver Spoon
Solf J. Kimblee
So Sejima
Stark Sands
Steven Universe
Subara Akehoshi
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Teruhashi Makoto
The Eleventh Doctor
The Entirety Of Homestuck
The Groke
The Little Palace Mistress
The Mage
The New Ninja
The Old Palace Master
The Operator
The Pale King
Tim Drake
Tom Wambsgans
Tomaru Sawagoe
Touichiro Suzuki
Tumblr Staff
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
Victor Frankenstein
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Wen Chao
Whiteout, Clearsight, and Benjamin
Will Shuester
Willy Stampler
Woodes Rogers
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Yu Ziyuan
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Yuri Briar
Zeke Jaeger
Zenos Galvus
Zhou Zishu
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