#‘I don’t hate them I hate the religion’ it’s giving ‘I don’t hate gays I hate the lifestyle’
i don’t wish i was catholic but i wish i knew more about catholicism/christianity for the sole purpose of being slightly more insane about lapsed-catholic gallaghers
#truly an untapped treasure trove of Thoughts that i unfortunately cannot comprehend as a cultural hindu/theologic atheist#thankfully i have catholic friends whose knowledge i can mine >:)#and friends of other denominations shout out to my methodist buddy i love u my methodist buddy#faery-berry-blast my beloved <3#anyways i think fiona and lip are both atheists#lip is annoying about it though. aka he is the kind of atheist who make fun of theists for their beliefs#fiona does not give a fuck#she just doesn’t believe in a higher power#ian is religious (ik the gay jesus storyline was a manic ep but i do think it stems from genuine belief)#he is specifically catholic#debbie is vaguely christian but not really#as in she doesn’t like how going to church makes her feel but she’s dabbled in a bunch of other religions#and christianity feels right#i can also see her just being generally spiritual w/o a specific religion#carl and liam are both agnostic#they don’t rly know what’s going on up there [gestures vaguely to the sky] but they think there might be a higher power#who knows. to them god is like aliens: probably out there! we just don’t know what they’re like#humanoid or bacteria??? not sure. do they exist? yes#idc about frank all he ever did was look for different ways to be forgiven thru religion i hate him#monica and her fam were probably catholic though#this has gotten out of hand sorry#anyways. religion#i’m a staunch atheist but i love love love thinking about religion#i treat every religious text like a work of literature i’m tasked with writing english essays about and it’s so fun#shameless#shameless meta#gallagher siblings#fiona and her kids#sorry for these fuckass tags
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bisexualseraphim · 1 year
Has anyone told the internet atheists that you’re allowed to not believe in God without being antisemitic or Islamophobic or like… just generally not a dick
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(TW: Religion)
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
When we think about reconciling Christianity and our identity, then we are often automatically jumping to „re-interpreting Bible verses that are used to justify homophobia/transphobia“ or to „looking for Bible verses that can be interpreted in a lgbt-supportive way“. 
Both of that is valid and definitely has its place. And if you are someone who (or trying to discuss with someone who) believes everything in the Bible is true and to be taken literal, then looking for the most accurate interpretation of each passage is also pretty much the only thing you can do.
In that case, take comfort in knowing that there is often historical, cultural etc. context missing from conservative interpretations and learning about that context lets us see seemingly hateful verses in a much more inclusive light! 
That Bible verse that seems to be against gay sex may very well be against rape, that Bible verse that seems to be against trans people dressing the way they want to may very well be condemning old rituals that have nothing to do with modern life. I don’t think looking for these alternative (or maybe *better*) explanations is heathenish at all. God wants you to think critically, that’s why he gave you the ability to. If he gave you a book to live your life according to, then it stands to reason that he’d want you to find the most accurate meaning of his words, and that means looking past the most superficial interpretation.
But if you are (or the person you’re talking to is) open to the idea that maybe the Bible isn’t meant to be taken literal in its entirety - then it can feel tedious to dissect singular verses. 
In that case, you probably don’t feel the need to dissect other parts either and you just disregard them. For example you look at certain verses containing rules on hygiene or health, and you disregard them because you figure those were written in, and for, wildly different times and they just do not apply to modern life anymore, and you believe that one can be a good Christian while also disregarding those specific verses. 
If that’s you, then an approach that might fit you better would be to look at the bigger picture instead. Treat the Bible like you would any self-help book - look at the overall messages but don’t assume that every single line is applicable to your life or even holds meaning. 
This may seem counterintuitive or even like a “bad” thing to do, especially if you grew up in a taking-the-Bible-literal household, so I’ll give you some potential questions that may help you get into the mindset: 
Which messages are repeated often throughout the Bible? Which messages are repeated in most big religions you know? Which messages would come to your mind first if you were to teach a child about God? Which values or attributes describe God best? 
For me, and for many people, the biggest ones would be “God loves you unconditionally” and “God wants you to love others”. Another important one might be “God created you, and everyone else, because he wanted you to exist”. 
When you identified some big picture core messages, and are open to the idea that the Bible may not be meant to be taken literal in its entirety (for example because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit but written by humans and humans can make mistakes or add their own personal agenda, or also simply because it’s so old and over time some of its original teachings got mistranslated or lost), then you may be able to look at these seemingly hateful verses with new eyes - not seeking to find a more accurate explanation, but rather being able to compare them to those core messages and being able to say “this fits in with the core message” or “this doesn’t fit in with the core message”. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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nyiibat2 · 3 months
Opinions /Hot takes I have as someone who’s been a part of the LGBTQ community for seven years (since I was 11/12)
There is certain events that go on at pride that children SHOULD NOT be at. There’s pride days that are family friendly!! I’m sick of seeing children at very clearly adult spaces.
It’s okay to change your mind on your sexuality and to change your label or not use a label at all.
If you are trans and you’re not yet passable please don’t try to use the opposite restroom or get into women/men’s spaces yet. You WILL get there I promise, just give it some time.
Just because you are one of the letters, if you’re white you still have your white privilege. You will never EVER be as oppressed as us POC letters.
Just because a bigot hiding behind a religion was a dick to you, doesn’t mean you get to be a dick to every religious person that you see. We are NOT all the same. Religion is about peace not violence.
Just because you’re a gay women doesn’t give you the right to rub up on or feel up other women especially POC women. This is sexual harassment! (Yes this has happened)
Children under the age of fifteen can NOT fully understand the concept of transitioning. Children identify as carrots some days. If your child says they identify as boy/girl that day, great encourage them. Don’t plant the seeds of being trans in their heads. If your kid is trans they WILL tell you when they’re a teenager. No medical transitions should happen till they’re adults. Puberty blockers can do severe damage to the body and should ONLY be given in extreme cases of dysmorphia under the supervision of trans mental and physical health professionals. Hate to Burst your bubble your body NEEDS to go through puberty to be healthy. Girls especially going through puberty have higher rates of thinking they’re trans because of the flush of new hormones, this is not always the case and they don’t have these feelings when their hormones have balanced, don’t do anything medical for your child unless it’s literally life or death.
The quote blue haired millennial liberals ruined the lgbtq community imo. They’re so quote progressive they’re actually conservatives. They are the reason a lot of bad/disgusting people feel comfortable in our spaces.
Gold star status is disgusting. Bisexual women and men don’t need to justify to your insecure gay or lesbian self why they’ve been with the opposite gender. If you’re that insecure seek therapy not a relationship.
Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you’re quote automatically one of the girls and quote you’re still a man, no im not showing you my hair or changing in the same room as you. Same goes for being the only female friend in a group of men, there’s boundaries guys! Don’t be fucking creepy.
Put some respect on the names of black and brown trans people and LGBTQ members that came before you to give your white privileged ass a space to be yourself to begin with.
We’ve gone too far with pronouns. They/them grammatically makes sense as it refers to someone not of binary gender. Y’all just had to take it too far with things like Zir/Zim Xer/xim, y’all even let people identify as Cats literally cats and use litter boxes.
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solarbird · 2 months
I’m going to say one final thing about the Trump shooting, then turn the rest of this into a resource post, highlighting some useful information about Project 2025, JD Vance, and the two together, since there is some involvement.
I argued in the past that it doesn’t matter whether Trump’s ear was hit by a bullet or shrapnel, because it fucking doesn’t, it was still an assassination attempt. I’ve argued about how Democratic conspiracy theories give us more MAGA and give them something to counterbalance against January 6th.
But most importantly, going off about which happened gives Donald Trump more attention for something he wants attention about.
For a blessed few days, nobody was talking about the stinking orange buffoon, not really, and given that literally nothing changes about the story he wants to talk about if it’s shrapnel or if it’s a bullet, that was a really good thing. It was “fuckity-bye, ear” in the news and I was delighted for it.
Even talking about him overhyping the damage or whatever just gives it all more air.
Don’t give it – or him – any air. Don’t let him get up. Until and unless something actually major actually happens – not hypotheses or speculation, actually something major – keep it quiet, because it helps shift the focus back on him.
Keep the focus on Harris and on Vance. That’s what’s good for us. Not speculating about trivia nobody outside the obsessed cares about: himself, as victim.
Make sense? Good. I’m shutting up about it until and unless there’s some actual hard news, and I recommend you do too.
Have some more resources on Project 2025 and JD Vance; use them as appropriate when talking to your friends and family about the election, particularly the Trumpy ones:
This is a two-fer: Trump again denies Project 2025 — despite Vance writing foreword for chief architect’s book. This is the same book that calls progressives “unhumans” and praises the January 6th insurrectionists. So that’s fun.
You’ve heard the “childless cat ladies” with “no stake in America” quote, of course. Push comes to shove, he really doesn’t think women – certainly not childless women – should be able to vote. He doesn’t just come out and say it like the GOP candidate for governor in Nroth Carolina did, but it’s in there.
There are so many levels of Christofascism in the Project, here’s yet another one: A Jewish couple were rejected as foster parents because of their religion. This is the future Project 2025 envisions
FBI director issues warning on ‘frightening’ Project 2025, specifically its plans to make the FBI directly responsible not to the constitution but to one man, Donald Trump.
How J.D. Vance Went From Green Tech Investor to Climate Change Doubter – it’s about money and power, naturally.
JD Vance roadblocked dozens of US diplomats while he obsessed over their views on gay rights, because he really, really hates the queers.
Anybody remember the Spoils System in the Federal government? I kind of doubt it, because nobody – I mean, literally I’ve seen nobody – talks about it in relation to J.D. Vance’s radical plan to build a government of Trump loyalists based on Project 2025. Not only was it massively corrupt from top to bottom – absolute looting for the winning political party – but it even triggered the assassination of President James Garfield.
Enjoy this big collection of JD Vance being absolutely evil. He really hates women without children – no, he really hates women in general, and hating women who don’t have (white) children is only the start.
Here Vance supporting police tracking women’s periods for evidence of abortion.
There’s more, but this is getting pretty long. I’ll leave you with this last little nugget:
The AP had to take down their fact check about JD Vance never having sex with with a couch. This is because while he didn’t actually tell such a story in Hillbilly Elegy, they can’t prove a negative, so couch time is back on.
And with that, enjoy the weekend.
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faceless-es · 11 months
Thoughts On Milgram Characters
(This is pretty lighthearted and doesn’t go too deep into them as characters, just silly thoughts that pop into my head)
Haruka - I kin this man. Ever since I saw Weakness and was hit by a fucking bus of relating to later being hit by a fucking train from All-Knowing and All-Agony. (If you all are curious I wrote an entire note on all the lyrics and how I relate when I first watched it and basically trauma dumping, may show it if demanded) Besides kinning him I feel a lot of empathy and attachment for him. Do I condone his actions? Hell nah, but I just want him to have therapy and love. I rest my case.
Es - I love them. (I don’t know if I kin them or if they’ve just taken over my very being but-) There’s never been a snarky 15 year old in fiction I have adored more. I love their personality. The sudden changes in their personality with the bell and such leads me to be very curious about them, and also deeply concerned. Their lack of memory does the same. I worry for their future. I worry for them. The theories don’t help. Don’t hurt them, please. I want to take them and carry them away. Also, they are very much gender. Their voice is also very gender.
Fuuta — Our silly little gamer boy. I love him. He’s cocky, but he also is remorseful. He’s reflective and realizes his actions were not just. He’s smart. He calls shit out. He has good intentions. He’s snarky, fiery, but kind and passionate and willing to learn. He’s very reasonable, like if I were a prisoner in MILGRAM I wish I would be like him. His actions make so much sense and I applaud him for it. He doesn’t deserve this shit. He’s been wronged. I love him, a lot. Everything about him. I want him to have happiness. I also love his voice.
Kazui — Our dearest gay(?) man. I love him. (I say that a lot, don’t I?) I want him to take me under his wing. I love him. He’s so fatherly. He’s so fucked up. He’s the dearest. I’d love to talk to him and help him accept himself. I’d also recommend therapy. Our dear man, he’s so attractive too. But that’s besides the point, he’s also just so goofy. I love him. He deserves to live a good life and be loved for who he is.
Shidou — Our lovely doctor. I feel like he’s very misunderstood in the community, so many people say he’s an organ harvester, when he would just ask families to pull the plug and donate organs to other patients. He’s often painted out to be some crazy mastermind, I may just be dumb but I don’t see that to be the case at all. I think he’s lovely. He may be a bit of a mystery but I still love him. He doesn’t seem to be an ill-intentioned person at all. He also deserves therapy. I’d love to help him. Poor guy.
Yuno — I love her a lot. I love her personality, no matter if it’s “cold” or not. I completely stand by her. She deserves the world. I feel she needs therapy. She’s amazing and I love her sassiness and bluntness. The way she calls shit out as it is. She’s great.
Mikoto — Oh, dearest! This man, I love him. I love him more and more each day. Every theory I read about him leads me to have more and more empathy for him. God, I worry a lot for him. I hate how much he’s sexualized. I hate how he can be misunderstood or demonized. He doesn’t deserve any of it. I want to take him far, far away from it all. He needs therapy. I want him to be okay. I fear for him. I want to give him a big hug, and tell him it’s okay. God, I love him and his complexities as a character.
Mahiru — Oh, dearest. She had such hopes and happiness all shatter. Poor girl. She needs therapy, for sure. I feel bad for her. She clearly didn’t know what she was doing was wrong. I really hope she will be okay. She doesn’t deserve such pain.
Amane — She may be a bit of a brat, but I’ve grown to care for her more the more I learn. Poor girl has been traumatized so badly, I feel so bad for her. I do not agree with the way she uses her religion, but what can you expect? She was raised in a cult, it’s all she’s known. This poor girl, I want to hold her close. She needs therapy. She’s 12 for gods sake. I wish she didn’t have to go through all this. I hope she will break free from the cult. I still am angered by how low her vote has been, seems many people dislike her. I get that her personality is not great, but you have to take into account her circumstances.
Muu — Ah, our manipulative rich girl. I can’t say I like her, since that’d be a lie, although her songs are absolute bops. Yet, I don’t despise her, I just very much dislike her personality. She’s manipulative and self centered, perhaps partly due to her upbringing. She was likely a bully herself too. Not good vibes from her. Does she deserve to be thrown into some torture chamber prison for that? No, of course not. Also, Muu, stay away from Haruka. I’m warning you.
Kotoko — Ah, the savior complex vigilante. If you couldn’t tell by that, I don’t like her much. In fact, her self righteousness gets on my nerves a tad. She judges anyone and everyone freely based solely on her beliefs, yet she always is in the right somehow? Don’t like it. Although, the way she is a parallel to us the audience is genius. Really makes you think, huh? I’ll give her that, she makes me think. I wish she’d get off of her high horse though. I can sense there’s some deep insecurity in her, perhaps that’s why she does this. She is interesting, and could become a better person with work perhaps.
I hope no one is offended by this, these are just some thoughts that popped into my head when thinking of them. It’s pretty lighthearted. I mean no disrespect, all the characters are morally grey! I just have my own biases and therefor like some more than others. Thanks for reading it you did!
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odinsblog · 6 months
Jesus God Lordt please give me skrenth 🙏🏿
I am trying sO damn hard rn not to fucking explode on my great aunt but she is insistent on carrying on a “religious” conversation that I’ve told her that I don’t wanna discuss any further. That’s YOUR fucking hang up, not mine. I left her house, she calls me. I ended the phone conversation, and now she’s texting me
I try to always respect my elders, but …… whew boy do y’all make it hard af sometimes
We very literally have an extended family member who did hard time in prison for hiring a hit man to murder someone, and everyone still invites them to family gatherings because all is forgiven, God’s graces and all that fucking kumbaya bullshit—but another family member who is (gasp!) gay got y’all permanently bent outta shape????
Mind you, the person who hired the hit man was never contrite, never repented, never apologized, never even said, “My bad. I’m sorry, that was wrong of me,” and everyone just regurgitates some bullshit about “don’t judge” or “God forgives” ….. but a lesbian—a blood relative—who has lived an EXTREMELY fucking exemplary life is beyond forgiveness, is shunned, not talked about and isn’t invited to any family functions???
This right here is why people learn to hate or reject religion completely. The rank hypocrisy
And this is coming from me, someone who had two grandmothers who were both preachers; and a mother who is a preacher; and from someone who was raised in the Pentecostal church, and as a kid, who had to go to church every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and twice on Sundays until sports gave me an excuse to not go
JFC I am sO fucking heated rn
I refuse to knock religion writ large because I am aware that not all religious people have these homophobic + transphobic beliefs. I know this because I have personally met them, and they are more than a few. And that’s without even getting into other non-American religions. And I’ve also met plenty of deeply racist, misogynistic, homophobic atheists in my brief 39yrs
And note to white people: you don’t need to be religious for that fuckery. White supremacy doesn’t need a church structure to make it happen. Just look at Wall Street and Silicon Valley if you doubt me. They’re hardly dens of religion or Christianity
And Black evangelicals don’t got nothing on their white evangelical counterparts. I just personally hate it that sO many Black people—my people—get suckered into respectability politics via religion. It’s got some of my elders stuck somewhere between subservient Chicken George and Uncle Ruckus mentalities
And they can’t even see it
That’s the sad, frustrannoying part
Anyway, maybe I’m just being a little weird, but I will gladly take an LGBTQ person over someone who attempted to have someone murdered in cold blood
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
I don't want this to come off as rude but why do you view religion as a tool? It's just not for most people. Religion is how people live and breathe and impacts literally everything about people. It's so much more than a tool to get what you want. And I know people have used it as a tool in the past but that doesn't make them right either. So many people (plurals included) have devoted their lives to religion because it impacts them on a much deeper level than that of just a tool to be used. It has quite literally saved so many lives I just don't quite understand why you see it so shallowly. /gen
And just because people have used religion for ultimately heinous purposes doesn't mean any given person is. Most people who follow religion just resonate with it and might spread it to those who want to know about it but they don't intentionally make anyone angry with it ( I know there are some but most just don't). And I was raised christian so I very much understand having qualms and disagreements with the church I just don't quite understand why you see their beliefs so much lighter than they do?
This is all meant under good faith and I don't mean it if this came off rude and if it did I apologize. Have a lovely day/night and more power to you in your fight for acceptance :)
It's a good question. I understand how it can come off as insulting. I don’t want it to be but there isn't a better way to put it.
And I realize most people don't see it that way. I wanted to reply that the people who don't see religion as a tool are those who aren't wielding it but I imagine people who do wield it as a tool don't see it that way either. But the fact still remains.
You go to church and a preacher steps out to deliver their sermon. This preacher is a normal person given a platform by their faith and people's trust in their religion.
At some point, this preacher is going to use their platform to push some type of agenda.
A conservative preacher might give a sermon about how God hates gay people. That you need to defend the sanctity of marriage because it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
A liberal one might come out saying that God loves gay people. That people are born that way and that God would never make an imperfect creation. That love is love, and it needs to be defended at all costs.
Both of these people are wielding religion and their platform to accomplish their goals.
And it's not something that has happened before in the distant past. It's something happening all across the world right now.
And it's not just politics either.
There are some people out there who are going to wield this tool to enrich themselves, gaining huge profits from the Church out of their own greed.
Then there are altruistic people who will wield the faith of their congregation to fund a new children's hospital or homeless shelter and help people.
And while I talk about the preachers as they have the largest platform, plenty of other respected people in a church can wield its influence to a lesser extent.
I don't think this is a bad thing. I just think this is the way it is.
And frankly, I think liberals are too hesitant to use this tool. Many think it's manipulative and feel guilty about it. But in my opinion, good people leaving a tool like that on the table just makes it that much easier for bad people to use against them.
And I'm not saying religion is ONLY a tool either. Just that it is one.
The larger point though is that the religion itself isn't good or evil. The morality of a faith is dictated by its weilders and how they use it. And I believe that even religions which have historically caused great harm can be forces for good with good people at the helm.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Getting into the well known ones that I just wanna know what you think about them
I did les earlier so I feel like it’s fitting to end today with davey
david jacobs. what an enigma. the middle child of esther and mayer jacobs, brother to sarah and leshem jacobs. he’s a hot mess and a half shoved into someone who looks like they have their shit together, and his anxiety has anxiety. he isn’t the mom friend, but he is the friend who will come to bail you out of jail at 3AM.
he was named after david, who is an important religious figure in all abrahamic religions (sarah’s named after a spiritual woman also named sarah. les’ name isn’t found in the torah, but it means precious gem in hebrew).
when he first realized he was gay, he had the biggest religious crisis. by the time he met jack, he had already swung back and forth from devout religious to atheist TWICE. (he did eventually settle on believing that there was a god, and praying a little bit, but not to the point that he had been previously)
one time, a girl at synagogue told him that he looked nice when he wore blue. it didn’t really occur to him that she was probably trying to flirt with him, but he did learn to wear blue whenever he was trying to impress someone (hint. entire second act of livesies. one francis sullivan never looking away from him.)
he and kath pretend to be in a relationship sometimes. it’s kind of shocking at how well they make it work.
he skipped a grade in school, and so he’s directly behind sarah’s class when they’re both in school. she hates it and pretends she doesn’t know him in the most older sister-ly way possible (anyone else talks any crap about her brother, may the lord have mercy on their souls, because no one’s finding their body).
race gave him a very animated shovel talk when he and jack got together. spot turned right around and gave jack one, because “you’re the goddamn reason brooklyn and ‘hattan ain’t soakin’ each otha right now. ‘course imma make sure kelly don’t mess it up”
davey’s really good at impressions. like, ridiculously good. he can mimic ANYONE. when jack and race find this out, all hell breaks loose. (his pulitzer? spot on)
he gives race his old math work so he can study it.
he would either be a poli sci major (because he feels pressure to have a “real” career) or he would become a high school english teacher. no in betweens.
even if he’s not inherently religious, he still keeps kosher.
he hates planes. hates the altitude, hates the pressure, hates having to go through the security. sir is having NONE of it, thanks. he’ll drive.
sarah forced him to be the one to explain to les how babies were made. he has many regrets about that speech (it was the most medical, scientifically accurate thing ever), and they’re both still traumatized.
he doesn’t like getting drunk or high because he doesn’t like the feeling of not being in total control of himself.
(he is definitely a little bit of a control and clean freak, and I love him for it.)
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diabolicalcunt · 5 months
I feel the need to pin this cause I’ve always been notorious for people loving me when they first meet me, and then finding out that my political views are not extremely liberal. So here’s all the reasons you will hate me once you get to know me. Or not. I honestly don’t care I’m just sick of the ‘You aren’t who I made you out be in my head!’ conversations.
So my unpopular opinions in no order-
1. They/them is something that’s being encouraged by big brother to see yourself as non or less human.
2. DID isn’t real and you just disassociate a specific way. I look like I’ve been drugged cause I fall down ‘inside’ myself like a well and have no reaction time and can barely speak. I’m like a sloth. You pretend to be a anime character. It’s just coping.
3. The concept of trans genocide is fear mongering by big brother and means to keep boundaries between social groups.
4. To build off 3, the push to medically transition underage children is a move by big pharmaceutical companies to create a permanent customer. Because whether you decide to stay transitioned or de transition, you’re going to be on medication for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. There’s also the whole issue with child exploitation. You’ll be judgmental against Dance Moms, but you won’t say anything about a mom who transitioned her child when they were two years old and made them a social media star.
5. Trans men and women who have been charged with a crime belong in LGBT prison wings. Because we have created a culture where male rapists can put on its dress and be rewarded with a permanent stay in the hen house where they can victimize more women and the system will just cry transphobia and call the victims liars. You got a problem with that? I have never seen a trans man pushing to get put in men’s prison. I wonder why… 😐
6. Blair White is queen.
7. I will fight Henry Cavill on sight. I don’t give a shit how bad you want motorboat him. He’s a fucking pedophile.
8. Same goes for David Bowie. When I get to the afterlife I’m gonna make him wish he could die again. Ask me if you want my full on sight list. 😂
9. I stand with Palestine. Yes I think Islam is a horrible religion that is anti woman. I still don’t think kids should die for the grievances of adults and I think it’s fucked up Israel is doing the same shit Nazis did to them and expect us to nod and smile!
10. Qu**r is just as much of a slur as f*g*t or n*gg*r. I don’t use it and if you do I will block you no questions asked. Say gay! Say lesbian! Say…bisexual! 😱
11. Butch women are valid as fuck and I adore y’all . They aren’t trans men, fuck your lesbian phobia.
12. To build off 11, the new LGBT movement has been infected by woke homophobia and the new trans movement is nothing but conversion therapy in a mask.
13 . Radical feminists are women’s last hope.
14. Marvel movies always sucked, we were just kids and ate up the pretty colors.
15. Dune is a white male savior story.
16. Your fave is not autistic, trans, gay or whatever. You just need validation cause you have no confidence.
17. The Boys should have never cast Jensen Ackles and the Supernatural fandom needs psychological help.
18. Too many of y’all try to primp and posture as the gods of your fandom and yes I say that as someone who did the same and stepped away when I realized how cringe I was. Lording over autistic adults and actual children is pathetic. Get therapy and a real hobby.
19. While gender neutral fanfiction has its place. The trend that all fanfiction needs to be gender neutral is literally killing the creativity and frankly the spice to fanfiction. I hate this trend where piece of media needs to be sterilized so it can be consumed by anyone, even people just passing by. It goes against the concept of creating at its core. Sometimes things are made for specific groups. Sometimes it’s made just for you. The things you create do not need to be sanitized to the point there’s no substance, just a hollow consumption. Think of it this way. Would you rather have a hot pizza of your preference or would you prefer to just drink a bowl of water because someone on the other side of the world might not like pizza?
20. The WWE Divas belt was iconic. I get the whole take women wrestlers seriously movement and I agree! But god damn it, it’s a Bratz belt!!! Gimme!!!!!
21. I fucking HATE koalas. They literally only exist because humans have dumped millions of dollars and keeping them alive. If natural selection were allowed to take his course, they would’ve died off 100 years ago. The food they consume has so little nutrition that they have evolved to have the smallest brain to cranium capacity of any animal to create a built in helmet!! Why? Cause they are so stupid they literally fall out of trees and drop their infants!!! They shit on their young and have permanent diarrhea due to the 0 nutrition thing. They carry chlamydia. They’re so fucking stupid they can’t fuck and have to be artificially inseminated to continue the population. If I couldn’t get laid on my own, the government would not drop millions of dollars into making sure I do!! So why did koalas get it? Literally a waste of resources that could be going to feed thousands of hungry children and instead we’re keeping a fucking retarded (I’m on the spectrum fuck you) animal alive who should have gone extinct hundreds of years ago cause it’s supposedly ‘cute’!! God! I hate koalas!
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jjmaybankssurfergf · 6 days
If y’all want to be fucking political and be a prude and not talk to people who had different views that’s fucking wrong, and if you do that unfollow me now, I don’t give a fuck alright but seriously that’s not how you treat a person and that’s not how you make friends or meet new people. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion as you and that’s ok, it’s our right to have a different opinion and choice, and it’s our amendment so if you tell someone their opinion or belief is wrong, your being a complete jerk because an opinion can be right or wrong doesn’t matter cause it’s your opinion so if you plan if the future to be rude and disrespectful to people who have different opinions please shut your mouth and leave, it’s 2024 guys get over yourselves 🩵
UPDATE cause I’m still pissed😁: Now in life you are going to come across a variety of different people, WHO aren’t going to agree with all your opinions. That’s ok you don’t have to agree with everyone on their political, beliefs, religion, or opinions. That’s perfectly fine nothing wrong with that. But what is wrong is ignoring someones asks or messages or better yet blocking them because of their different opinions and beliefs, that’s the shit that irritates me the most, and then they act like a fucking victim saying sorry I’m not comfortable talking to you cause you support this person or you don’t like trans people, or you have so many hateful thoughts. Now I’m am 19 years old and there are people older than me on here that are fucking soooo immature specifically with this shit, and it annoys me cause there are great amazing people who get treated like this all because of politics. Now I don’t care who you are everyone is allowed to talk to me doesn’t matter if you Gay, Trans, black, Asian, white, lesbian, Queer, Hispanic, or any type of race or religion or identification, I don’t care I am an open minded person I am comfortable talking with anyone, but I will not tolerate the bullshit over politics and treating other people disrespectfully because of there religion of political opinion. I’ve been treated unfairly, disrespected, and ignored because of people that hate others because they have different opinions and they don’t like yours, what if your boss voted for Trump and you were voting for Kamala, would you quit and get another job probably not but if so that pretty pathetic, and what if your bestfriend didn’t agree with you on politics would you just ignore them and start talking crap about them, hopefully not. So if you plan on this in the future don’t talk to me don’t interact with me cause I’m not gonna tolerate the disrespect to me or others on her, grow a pair and grow up stop being immature by doing this shit
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lawlightautismtruther · 7 months
All I ever hear when talking with the girls (am I 100% girl? No, and that might be why I feel the disconnect here) is the following
- he’s so tall and big and muscular and deep voiced and UHHHH I WANT HIM TO RAIL MEEEEE
And I’m just like “good for you. Where’s my 5’5” 110 angel of a male, whom I want to carry around princess style to our king sized bed” and they all just look at me like
Like are yall not aware that not EVERYONE is like you??!!!
Like I have no problem with how other people experience sexual attraction, obviously I don’t. That would be hypocritical as hell because people tend to have a problem with how I experience it (note I live in the evangelical American south and the internet is the only place that gets me) but I wish (and I’m the 10000000th person to express this, which goes to show how behind we still are) that women/women-adjacent people were ALLOWED to be masculine and be attracted to femininity without being ostracized and made to feel embarrassed. Especially for lesbians, but also for people like me. I feel like people around here can actually conceptualize a sapphic relationship better than the type of relationship I seek (but they accept neither, unfortunately).
I fear what would happen if they learned I was bi 😩
I’m not emotionally attracted to women (it’s a sexual thing), so I’d end up with a man anyway, but the JUDGEMENT I would still receive from these prehistoric brained people is CRAZY. I feel especially for lesbians and gay people because I know it’s 1000000x harder on them, even if people can conceptualize them better, they hate them even more.
Like, I constantly receive the “well if you’re so attracted to “sissy-boys” why aren’t you just a lesbian?” Which is SO stupid because it implies two really fucking idiotic ideas
1. Sexuality is a choice (specifically, gay people choose to be gay)
2. Being attracted exclusively to femininity = (or at least should equal) being attracted exclusively to women (and the inverse, which is often used to invalidate masc attracted lesbians as jaded straight women or something stupid like that)
I know a lot of it is the Bible and Christian culture (which is barely even in the Bible at all), but they break the rules and conventions of it EVERYDAY and find a way to justify it. Yet they can never justify people like me who aren’t harming ANYBODY
Which is proof it’s not 100% about religion, even if they’re consciously convinced it is. It’s about prejudice and ignorance.
what I’ll never understand is the motivation a lot of these people give me for being so obsessed with gender essentialism and policing others “the death of masculinity and femininity in men and women respectively will lead to the downfall of society”
And for the love of God, don’t say the Bible. I’m a Christian myself, actually. But I am fully aware that the Bible was never supposed to be a source for ANYTHING. It’s simply a collection of relevant  documents to the history of our faith. That’s it.
GIVE ME A SCIENTIFIC STUDY AND MAYBE I’LL TAKE YOU A LITTLE MORE SERIOUSLY FOR ONCE (but that will never happen, so by default I will never take these people seriously. Also because if gender variance were an issue, God wouldn’t have made me (and millions of others) the way I am. There are actual problems in this world to worry about, so stop trying to convince me that by “acting like a man” and preferring men who “act like women” I’m contributing to the destruction of society. To be honest, I hope I’m contributing to the downfall of society, because this one stinks). Instead, target the rapists, the murderers, the pedos, the human traffickers, the child exploiters, the money hoarding ultra-rich, the fascists, the racists, the sexists, the homophobes, the supremacists, the nazis, the liars, the cheaters, and the media that promotes them. But most of these people are too far gone to see what’s wrong with the above. So I’m ranting about it all here in this echo chamber. I have no choice.
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seulszn · 7 months
When people write/read smut about a church, most of the time (not all, most) it is done by people who have been directly hurt because of that religion (i.e. religious trauma).
I certainly hope someone is not writing it about a religion they have no experience with, out of respect, obviously.
But, it seems that this is a kind of rebellion/stick it to the man (purity culture, etc) that people need in order to work through what a certain religion has done to them. They have a need to rebel against and heal from something that has repeatedly disrespected them.
I think in this case, it would be a “if it’s not something you want to read, scroll” situation
Also, for the most part, the church hates/hated us because we’re gay. It’s just upsetting to them that we, in general, are taking our power back. If this is a way someone chooses to do it, I don’t exactly see the problem in letting them express themselves and their frustration.
So from what I’m hearing is since Christian hate us cause we are gay that gives us the reason to disrespect them? That is such a ignorant thing to say just because those groups of people don’t like you don’t mean you disrespect them it’s the same way with race Black people are the most hated group in the world but we don’t ever disrespect any of group of people. (Some of them do but that’s besides the point)
This is how wars and conflicts happen because people think “oh well they don’t like me for being me so imma disrespect them or kill them because I feel like I can” like just because you have trauma doesn’t mean you can just write whatever you want and not get backlash for it I have trauma with churches as well but you don’t see me writing about that in a sexual way. Their are so much more shit you can do other than disrespect a religion. And I hate it when people say “oh well so and so has trauma so it’s justified” NIGGA HUH? That’s like me saying “oh well her parents got murdered so it’s all justified for her to kill people” like you see how absolutely dumb that sounds? And majority of the people who write that stuff aren’t writing about it because they have trauma anyways.
Maturing is realizing that not everyone is going to like you but that doesn’t give you the rights to disrespect them all because they don’t like you
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ordonianhero · 1 year
Story time
Cw: mention of harassment
When I was in high school around early 2000s I joined “gay straight alliance”. During that time I studied the numbers of those apart of the lgbtq+ were discriminated against in schools when identifying as lgbtq+ and how schools felt with that. It grabbed the attention to our local news paper asking me to make a commentary piece in it. Mind you I was a junior in high school.
I wrote the piece with facts and proof how it was still on going. How schools need to change their policy on “S.H.” To included those apart of the lgbtq+ community. We brought a visual with desks that showed what daily life was like for those who are lgbtq and stories of people murdered based on their sexual and gender identity.
That summer school changed their policy, adding sexuality and identity of lgbtq+ being included based on things I said and did. In my senior year. I was saved by said policy. And here is how. I was in a class where I helped with disabled teens (since I couldn’t do p.e. For my health) there was a student who I friended and who begin reporting false reports I was making advanced on her. This was only when she found out I was a trans. Every day I was pulled out of class for false reports.
On Halloween i was nearly kicked from school till my parents slept in and explained what was going on since apparently nobody else would listen to me. I was was having panic attacks over this. Like imagine this. You’re in a class and being pulled out of it by a police officer to tell you to quit making advances on someone who you weren’t making advances towards. Yeah. That!
The school then finally recognized I was the true victim. Sadly their way of dealing with it was locking me in a class room for my safety I stead of dealing with the student making the false reports. My friends (bless them) took me side and went after the person and called them out on their behavior once they knew what happened.
The person left our school. This person used their religious belief to S.H. Me and make false reports because they thought they could get away with it. So…….
With all that going on in the Linked universe with this server. And then publicly posting (we got recites idiots) of their true behavior and such. Reminds me of this all over again. So no! I Will not let this happen again. NO WHERE IN YOUR RELIGION GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TARGET US IN THIS FANDOM. YOUR VIEW IS FAKE NEWS! (Also don’t quote the Bible, cause Bible was written like a fanfiction by people who had no connection to god/goddesses.)
So this my personal experience on this issue. Do I hate religion. No. I think religion is good in helping people better themselves in a spiritual side. However nowhere does religion excuse the amount of judgment a person makes. God/Goddesses love you no matter who you are. If your lgbtq+ they love you. If you believe differently (region wise) they love you. Racially different, you were loved.
Along the line of schools showing porn to children, people who have been found to be false. In elementary all we learned in separate gender classes about what to expect from our body changes. Middle school to high school was about being smart and using protection and about sexual transmitted disease. Nothing bout sexuality. Which was hardly touched on. Nothing pornagraphic! Doubt they are doing that even now! Your proof and reports are in fake reports. So hi. We are calling you out because you’re the reason majority of those who identify as lgbtq+ and such are the target of misinformation and people with dangerous ideology. Ones where many may ender their life due to your comments. To lot worst. So don’t “@“ me. I won’t respond, but will expose you, so people know who not to trust.
I am here to protect my fellow people. You didn’t need to say what you said, because now we all know in a app and fandom surrounded by people of all walks of life. Who we know not to trust. Don’t want to make it politics, well fuck. That was on you when you publicly announced the server. “Don’t like pride on a political commercial” guess what. Many died to make pride to happen. That ain’t political or commercial. That was wanting equality rights. To be allowed to love who they love and not be thrown in jail over it. Gay marriage, I can’t tell you how sad it is that people are so stuck thinking gay marriage ruins those who are straight. It harms no one. You’re the one worrying how it impacts you.
Gender affirming surgery is necessary. I know each state delt with that differently and yes a small percentage detransition. However Majora is medically necessary. Many doctors refuse to do surgery on those who are of teenage, unless parental okay and a clinical counselor signs off it is needed so this person gets ontop of hormone therapy. You facts are incorrect and done by people who have been found incredible.
So go on, play like we don’t know or seen your true shit. Your facts are false. Your language is harmful and we ain’t throwing an tantrum. We are calling you out. Your views are false views based of fake documents. And if your religion truely telling you to discriminated a whole community of folks based of how they are. That ain’t a religion.
Any ways. Enjoy your life. Must be hard to spend so much you life hating people based on fake shit.
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pokeheros-drama · 8 months
Bretty... Shut up.
For fucks sake... Freedom of Speech means you can speak freely... But that means others can hate you for what you've said and they can speak freely too. You can have the opinions all you want, you just need to shut up and keep them to yourself if you don't want to be a target. Just because you start something with "No one take offense to this" and then continue to blurb out something offensive doesn't give you a free pass.
Pokeheroes, thankfully, is a friendly, gay-supporting website. If you cannot accept every letter in "LGBTQIA2S", you need to leave or shut the fuck up. (I'm sorry if I got that acronym wrong)
Religion does NOT give you a reason to behave the way you have been. It does not give you the right to treat someone so poorly or hate on them for what THEY believe in themselves. You're being "harassed" because you caused it, and sitting there going "I'm being bullied for my religion" is pulling a victim card.  Sitting there going "LOL" to everyone talking about your ugly side in a blog and pretending not to be hurt by it is absolutely childish.  You are not a child, so stop acting like one. You're only a few years away from being considered an adult and I really hate to think that you'll have rights soon, because I'm worried about what you would do to someone when you think you have freedom to just do and say as you please, as you've been doing lately.
If you do not want to be bullied, then just keep quiet. If you do not want to be "harassed", then keep your opinions to yourself. If you want to speak your mind and state your beliefs... Well, you do you. But just know that actions have consequences. Something I hope you learned from at this point from your previous mistakes...
From: Someone who supports the people they care about regardless of what their sexuality is 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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florelia12 · 4 months
well flora is the magix version of latina, so saying she might not be is a bit inaccurate. especially because she was based on someone with latin ethnicity.
and the design choices are interesting to me because it's clear that planets in magix don't follow a certain pattern. in melody musa is based on a chinese actress and so is her family, but the princess of melody looks german. same with flora and her lynphean people or stella compared to chimera.
but for helia, I don't believe you should get that defensive. I think the specialists are up for interpretation. helia isn't based on anyone in particular and I also read on his page that he was supposed to be a female character too. with the way he was designed, that's pretty much obvious.
it's like when people hc him as gay or transgender based on his looks, but that does not mean asian people look that way or are like that. it's just that he's a fun character to play with that isn't suited to a single stereotype.
helia is very much bishounen or androgynous, whatever you wanna call it. I notice his design is similar to female characters from winx rather than looking like brandon, sky or timmy. same goes with riven's eyes for example.
I'd say riven is the equivalent of a korean man, especially with the colored hair.
going back to the differences between the winx and people from their planets, I think the winx and specialist designs were just made exclusively to be immersive and present different cultures. it's also why I hate that they killed nabu when he was representing indian and south asians very well, then aisha had to choose between two white guys. they're white right?
so if I had to describe helia according to irl traits, he looks half caucasian half asian (like japanese) to me, especially because saladin is a white old man. although at first I didn't even think he was more asian until people mentioned it, then I changed my perspective. the drawing style is also a bit inconsistent with the body built and height, but helia looks like he could be very tall.
I agree with you that he could be the tallest because he just gives the vibe. around 1.84 and 1.85 suits him a lot.
but still, helia is the specialist people have the most fun with, just because he's not just supposed to fit one appearance.
Despite the diversity in the main characters, the show itself has its moments. It is not perfect and free of making mistakes such as the princess of the realms of Flora/Musa looking different. 
We have to take into account that these are entire planets they are talking about. We have the unique genetics and features we do because our bodies adapted to the regions they were inhabiting. So even these realms could have countries and colder or hotter regions. But of course, it’s mostly obvious when it is whitewashing that is happening and not world-building that is being done here.
I apologise if I came off as making it seem as though my statement was that Helia is Asian and every other perception of him is wrong. But I do think it is rather problematic when some refuse to see his Asian coding because most of the time, there is underlying prejudice or ignorance. I would have not snapped the way I did if I thought they were coming from a good place. I don’t believe they were.
To say that it is obvious Helia was meant to be a female character would be unfair imo. Also to say “when people hc him as gay or transgender based on his looks its not to say asian people look that way or are like that” is not entirely true. 
When it comes to assigning or discussing races, gender and sexualities or even religions of a character, there needs to be an understanding there there are intersections here. 
Firstly, when it comes to the opinion that Helia was meant to be a female character, there are quite a bit inconcistencies. To start with, I don’t see the point in them wanting to either introduce another female character (they did that with Aisha) or change the gender to “give Flora a boyfriend”. Helia was introduced to be Flora’s boyfriend, there is no doubt in that. So for that, considering this was early 90s and 2000s and a kids cartoon, it was always meant to be a guy they wanted to introduce in season 2. Changing the gender would imply that Helia as a character (regardless of his gender) was meant to serve a plot point or at least be relevant outside of being Flora’s partner before they decided to make him her partner. Did Helia have that? No. We saw next to nothing of his interactions with the other Specialists or Winx or any other character. Almost every time we see Helia, it was to further his development with Flora.
Secondly, it is the reasons why they say Helia was meant to be a female character that I wouldn’t entirely agree with either. For example, his hair. Avalon, Valtor, Tritannus, Nereus and a lot of extras have long hair too. It’s not something unique to their depictions of asian-coded characters or considered female characteristics in the Winx world. Another one would be his name, which has feminine and Greek origins. Maybe that could be a reason, but then there would be the meaning behind the name which is sun. Then following the Winx naming conventions (“Flora” for a flower fairy, “Musa” for a Music Fairy, Tecna and etc) it could imply that he was supposed to be a sun fairy or have sun magic. But then Helia as a character doesn’t really give me ‘sunny’ vibes. Funnily enough, I like to think of it as a contradiction to his character. 
Though one point I haven’t seen around is that Helia could have also been added for diversity. Aisha was admittedly added for diversity, but at least the main Winx already had 2 other poc characters. The Specialists had none that were explicitly said to be poc. So it makes more sense to me that they would add him as an Asian or poc character rather than change the gender of a character that doesn’t truly serve the plot. Then again, I don’t think they cared that much because even if it was to include diversity, they still fell into stereotypes about Asian men.
This brings us to his “androgynous” features and the intersectionality I was talking about earlier. Because it all comes back to stereotypes we have to be extremely mindful of when it comes to perceiving or interpreting characters.
Poc and specifically Asian men have a history of being stereotyped as “feminine” for their appearances and personality by white people. It could stem from wanting to put them down or to emasculate them and a sexist way to do that is compare them to the “weaker gender” aka females. Even the pacifist hcs can be harmful because “feminine men” are considered weak or emasculine for not being aggressive or wanting to fight. So it is not the same as changing up Sky’s gender or sexuality ( I say this as he is a character who with blonde hair and blue eyes that’s mostly associated with white people) because he has longer hair than what would normally be considered masculine. Outside of that, to immediately also go since Helia has long hair and “feminine” features he can’t be masculine or was meant to be a girl has its issues because you’re feeding into the stereotype that guys have to look a certain way to be accepted as a male. 
Helia is absolutely a fun character to work with but not because he is entirely a blank canvas. He has certain characteristics that when changed, twisted or ignored can cause more harm than good. Helia having close to no development or backstory are some of the things that make him the fun character to play with. 
In the end there is nothing inherently wrong in perceiving him as androgynous or ‘feminine’ but you always have to ask yourself why you see him that way and why not the other Specialists. Because if you want to go along with stereotypes, Timmy is almost always seen as white and with a leaner body type in his civilian clothes, is considered meek, and sometimes emasculine. But we avoid it because it is harmful to consider men who aren’t super macho or bulky as weak or feminine. Yet we don’t hold that same reservation with poc or poc-coded characters. 
But then to also make Helia make super violent without reason could be harmful because poc men are at more risk for being assumed to be dangerous.
So yes it is a grey area, but it’s also not too complicated once you ask yourself why. Just one small question can help you differentiate amongst the intentions behind wanting to assign certain races, genders or sexualities to specific characters. Once you do, you can always tell when it comes from a place of experience and knowledge (such as a trans person seeing Helia as trans compared to a cis or white person doing it) or ignorance. Because informed takes on Helia’s gender or expression or sexuality are often quite interesting. I love seeing non-binary Helia and I also see him as bi. 
At one point, I too explored Helia being half-white and half-asian. But, I also wouldn’t say Saladin is definitely an old white man. I think his design is also ambigious as there was one scene of him where they showed the company of light in their younger days and he looked very similar to Helia. 
I do see Riven as Asian too, I think there is a lot to explore with that. And, yes definitely killing off Nabu then attempting to replace him with supposedly white guys is harmful. Though Nex could be Latino if he’s from Linphea since he studied in Linphea College but Thoren from Eraklyon is also there so they both could come from other realms or Thoren could be mixed since he is Sky’s cousin. So yeah, there’s a lot to explore and everyone is free to do it. Just be mindful and don’t be careless with how you describe races, genders or sexualities.
I used to think about his body built too as he looks leaner in his normal clothes. But I would assume the Specialists uniform would have the necessary paddings in certain ares for protection that gives him the built he has when he is in uniform. 
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