#‘my best guess is that they were once people but something moved in and kinda repurposed them’
oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
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hughes86-43 · 4 months
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prompt - “If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle”
note- idk what this is, I kinda just started writing it out.
warnings - none? some grammar mistakes.
For several years now, it has been known that you and Jack did not get along. Honestly, you’re not really sure when it all started that you two just did not like each other. You just know that both of you haven’t let up with the comebacks you both throw toward each other, and people and friends know how aggressive you both get towards each other, nothing bad but it can get heated. Despite how good of a friend you are to Luke, you just cannot get past arguing with Jack, and he wastes no time doing the same to you.
Summer was right around the corner, and to celebrate the end of the hockey season and to bring everyone together, it was decided that a vacation was the best option for everybody. You were excited as you haven’t seen everyone in forever, but that would mean that you would have to see Jack, and he was the last person you wanted to be around.
Everyone decided that the perfect vacation spot was to a beach house in Tampa, Florida. Quinn, Trevor, Luke, Jack, Cole, Alex, and some other girls and guys that are friends of them arrived earlier than you. Once you made it, Luke picked you up from the airport. After hugging you he wasted no time to tell you to be on your best behavior around Jack. Throwing an arm around your shoulder, Luke says, “Now I know how you and Jack can get around each other, and me and the others are just begging that you keep the arguing on the down low.”
Smirking at him, you say, “And did you tell this to Jack as well? It’s as much him, as it is me, ya know?”
Luke throws his head back laughing, because he expected you to say something like that. “Yes, we all told Jack the same thing. Now let’s go, everybody has been waiting on you!”
Finally arriving to the beach house, Luke grabbed your bags and helped you inside. As soon as you were inside, everyone came and welcomed you as they were so excited to finally see you. However, that happiness died a bit for you when you saw Jack.
After hugging Cole last, you see Jack out of the corner of your eye leaning against the wall. He speaks up when he notices you looking at him, “Glad to see someone finally made it, ya know this whole thing started hours ago?”
As soon as he started speaking, you wanted to pull his hair out, one by one. However, Luke told you to behave so you would do just that. Repeating in your head, be nice be nice be nice.
Breathing out, you say with the biggest smile, “Glad to see you too, you ass.” Technically, you were still being nice, you smiled and greeted him. Everyone just stood there glancing between the both of you, waiting to see if this exchange would turn into a full on battle.
“Nice to see you haven’t changed, now have you heard the news?” Jack says with a smirk.
Giving him a glare, you ask, “What news? Oh my gosh, are you leaving?!”
“No,” Jack replies with a glare, “Since Lukey here didn’t tell you, I guess I will, we are going to have to share a room.”
As soon as he said it, you start busting out laughing, “You’re joking, aren’t you? You and me share a room? That’s crazy!” You look around to everyone but nobody is laughing along, mostly just taking in this whole scene.
Slowly Luke and Quinn move forward, wincing Luke says, “It’s not a joke, you two are going to have to share a room. I should’ve said that, but we’re down on rooms compared to people, and Jack drew your name in the “roommate” draw for this weekend.”
Quinn reaches out to put a hand on your shoulder, “Sorry, my advice is just to not kill him, but I know he can be a bit too much sometimes.”
“Hey!” You hear Jack yell out.
Speaking up, “Okay, it’s okay! It will be fine! I won’t kill him, as long as he doesn’t do anything that would require me to do so.”
Jack walks forward toward you, “Well don’t make it difficult, and I won’t do anything!”
“Me make it difficult? Have you met you? You make everything difficult!” You point a finger into his chest.
Quinn quickly goes between the two of you before this argument gets blown out of proportion. “Okay! That’s enough, you two can argue all night long! For right now, it’s late and tomorrow is a big day of adventures, now go to bed!”
Feeling like you were scolded by your dad, you follow through with what he said. “Okay, you’re right. Let’s head to bed,” you grab your suitcase, turning back to Jack, “Cmon roomie! Let’s go check out our room!”
Jack grumbles, but leads the way to your shared room.
Faintly behind you down the hall, Quinn says to the others, “You think they know there is only one bed in there?” The others just laugh. Five seconds later, they soon figured out the answer, and then start making there way to their rooms so they can’t deal with the aftermath.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” You yell.
“One bed! You’re joking!” Jack yells.
“You!,” you turn towards Jack, “you did this, didn’t you! You knew there was only one bed, so I could get the floor!”
Jack spins around, “Me? I had no idea there would only be one bed! I just drew the stick!”
Sighing, you bring your hand to your throbbing head. You walk towards the bed and sit down, trying to think this through. “Okay, I’ll be the bigger person, I’ll sleep on the floor and you can take the bed.”
Jack immediately shakes his head, “No, you can get the bed, and I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“Jack, you were here first, you can get the bed. It’s just a couple nights, I can sleep on the floor.” To prove your point, you grab your pillow and blanket and make a spot on the floor. Once the spot is laid out, you lay down and act all bundled up, despite the fact it’s the floor and it’s hard as a rock.
You close your eyes, but you immediately hear Jack laughing. Opening one eye, you glare at him. “What? I’m trying to sleep?”
“Y/N, take the damn bed, we both know the floor isn’t comfortable.” He extends his hand towards you to help you up. You think for a few moments on the idea, and then take his hand.
Once you’re up, you put your pillow and blanket back on the bed. You can feel Jack staring at you behind you. You know you’ll regret the words that are going to come out of your mouth but you say them anyway. “You know, we would just both sleep in the bed?”
“And share the same bed as you?” Jack says, but he immediately regrets it. “Wait, I didn’t mean it so badly.”
“Wow, if you’re going to be all rude again, just go sleep in the bathtub,” you sigh.
Thinking about it, the bed is not really that big so it would mean you both would be super close to each other. However, you didn’t want to sleep on the floor and he didn’t want to sleep on the floor, so it made since to share the bed.
“Ugh, fine, we can share the bed,” Jack says, immediately bringing his pillow to the other side of the bed. “Just don’t steal my covers!”
“Mhmm,” you agree.
Going back over to your suitcase, you pull out some pajamas. “I’m going to change real quick, I’ll be back.” You thought you would be sleeping in a room by yourself, so you brought your tiny shorts and tiny tank top to wear, and now you’re regretting that decision. Making your way to the hall bathroom, you notice someone is already in there, sighing you turn back around to go back to the bedroom.
“Welp, someone is in there, so I’m just going to change in here, you don’t have to leave, but do you care to just turn around?” You ask Jack, as he is laying down scrolling through his phone.
He nods and flips over onto his side that isn’t facing you. You hurry and change into your pajamas. Clearing your throat, you say, “Okay, you can look now.”
Jack flips back around, and immediately notices your tiny pajamas and takes in the sight. He notices how much bare skin is showing between the bottom and top of the tank top and shorts. Swallowing, he says, “Cute pajamas.”
Turning around from grabbing your charger, you look at him. “Thanks, I guess,” you reply, “Um, I thought I would be in a room by myself, so I didn’t think these pajamas would matter that much but I’m not by myself.” You shiver under the intense glare that he is giving you.
“Nah, they’re cute. Now, I’m tired, let’s head to bed,” he says from his spot still laying on the bed.
You grudgingly make your way to the bed and plug your phone up before getting under the covers. You slowly realize this bed isn’t big enough for the two of you. You’re practically smushed into his side, and he has a leg already over yours. Not knowing where to put your arm, you just decide to awkwardly put it above your head.
You’re still moving around ten minutes after Jack turned off the lights. Sighing, he flips over to look at you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to get comfortable, what are you doing?” You say back to him.
“I’m trying to sleep is what I’m doing, but I can’t when someone keeps moving!”
“Well, I can’t help it when this bed was only made for one person!” You throw your hands up, frustrated once again by this situation.
“If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle, ya know?” You hear him say next to you.
Slowly moving your head, you glare at him again. “Cuddle, with you? I’d rather just sleep uncomfortable.”
He just gives you a smirk back before saying, “You know what, we’re going to cuddle. Because I know if you don’t get good enough sleep, you’re going to be in an even more grouchy mood tomorrow! So come here!”
You just stay right in your spot, not moving. That is until you feel arms move around you. “What are you doing!”
“We’re going to have to cuddle to fit, I just said that so that is what I’m doing!” He moves you closer to him so that your head is on his chest and his arm is wrapped around your shoulder. He has one leg over yours.
Not wanting to admit it, but he is right that this was the better option. You slowly relax into his embrace.
He must’ve noticed, because you can hear the smirk in his voice when he says, “See, I told you it was the better option.”
“Yeah, yeah, go to sleep,” you say with a small laugh.
The next morning, you wake up still in his embrace. He has the softest look on his face while his hand is covering your arm and leg stilled wrapped around you. For some reason, you realize that there is not any where else you would rather be, and you’re finding comfort from the one guy that has been anything but to you. So you just continue laying there in his arms until the alarm goes off with the biggest smile on your face.
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emphistic · 1 month
Teenage Dream
<- series m.list
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“I honestly do not get why you’re so worked up on this. What’s so wrong about dating someone who does not like macaroni and cheese?” asked Sukuna, raising a brow as he popped a potato chip into his mouth.
“It’s not that. I just—I want to have a successful relationship with someone who likes mac and cheese as much as I do. Conflict of interests, I guess, but is that really so ridiculous?”
“Conflict of interests is more reasonable, now that you put it that way, but over macaroni and cheese? Seriously?”
Sukuna wasn’t wrong, you couldn’t deny that. It’s, without a doubt, a conclusion beyond silly. But, after so many hardships, you’ve finally come to realize that you’ll probably never be able to date a guy who likes macaroni and cheese. Every relationship you’ve had has always been with someone that either hated macaroni and cheese, or was lactose intolerant; no in between. 
At first, it was just a mere coincidence. But after so many instances, you end up thinking you’re cursed, and find yourself consulting with your childhood best friend, Sukuna Ryomen.
You frowned, lowering your gaze. “My parents taught me how to make homemade macaroni and cheese, you should already know that. We always made it together at least once a year, and it’s one of my favorite memories. But, after moving out, I don’t have time to visit them anymore. I remember seeing how happy both my mom and dad were whenever they cooked together. So, my dream has always been to make macaroni and cheese with someone I love, as well. It’s all I’ve ever wanted in life.”
You fully expected Sukuna to laugh in your face, but he didn’t. When you looked up, you could even see a faint smile on his lips, before he turned his head to the side, avoiding your gaze.
“That’s kinda deep coming from you.”
“Is that really all you have to say? I just dumped out a part of my life that I’ve never told anyone else and you decide to—”
“Then again, you do realize Yuuji likes macaroni and cheese, right? Why don’t you just date him? I mean, we all grew up together, and you two are pretty close in age.” Sukuna shrugged, picking up his glass of water to take a sip.
You snorted, waving a hand to dismiss the impossible idea. “He’s like a brother to me. But . . . now that you mention it. . . What do you think about macaroni and cheese?”
Sukuna—understanding the second meaning of your question—spit out his drink, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before turning to you. You didn’t miss the faint blush on his cheeks. “I didn’t hear that last part,” he cleared his throat, “what did you say?”
“Do you like macaroni and cheese?” You repeated yourself.
“It’s okay—” said Sukuna, but you didn’t hear it.
“‘Cause if you did, I think I know a way to get rid of my curse! We can start dating, and after having a pretty successful relationship, we can go back to what we are now, and then, boom!—my curse is lifted, and I can finally date other people who like macaroni and cheese.”
With every sentence that you spoke, Sukuna’s jaw seemed to drop lower and lower. “How did you even think of that?”
“COVID-19, of course!” you said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Natural immunity or something like that. Your immune system produces antibodies to fight off a germ, and if you’re exposed to that germ again in the future, your body’s defenses will be able to recognize it and fight it off with antibodies, making you less likely to get infected again.”
“And this correlates to your situation because?”
You paused, before looking back at Sukuna. “Not important, but anyway, do you like macaroni and cheese? Yes or no?”
Sukuna blinked, before looking as if he was considering the pros and cons of replying. As if he had anything to lose, you thought.
“Yeah. I love macaroni and cheese, actually. I used to have it all the time back then.”
Your eyes widened, and your smile grew. “That’s—that’s great! So, uhm,” you paused, “do you want to do this?”
“Do I want to date—I mean, get into a fake relationship with you? Let me think.” Sukuna put a pointer finger and thumb on his chin, pretending to weigh his options. “What’s in it for me?”
Now this is what had you stumped. You hadn’t thought of that yet; throughout your whole thought process, you were only thinking of yourself. And, there really was nothing about this arrangement that could benefit Sukuna. The relationship was for your sake, not his. But maybe. . .
“You’ll have a girlfriend?” you proposed. “I can, like, cheer for you at your basketball games, and stuff.”
“We go to the same school; you already do that.”
“Right. . . Oh! I can make you mac and cheese whenever you want?”
You chewed your lip trying to come up with a good enough reason. “. . .I always have the best hors d’oeuvres?”
“Not important.”
“Err, you can just do this for me out of the kindness of your heart?”
“Kindness of my heart? I wouldn’t put it that way, but go on.”
“I mean, we’re friends and all, right? You can think of this as a mere favor; and I’ll repay you by inviting you to my wedding when I finally marry someone who loves macaroni and cheese.”
Sukuna furrowed his brows, looking conflicted at hearing that last part, before finally agreeing to your proposition. “Okay, this is just a favor. Sure, I’ll do it.”
It took you a second to fully register what Sukuna said, but when you did, you set your iced tea down on the table beside you, and, nearly jumping out of your seat, threw your arms around Sukuna, trapping him in the tightest hug you had ever given to anyone. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best!”
His voice came soon after, muffled, but you could still tell Sukuna said something along the lines of “you’re welcome” and “you’re crushing me, brat”. But you completely dismissed that last part.
You laughed at Sukuna as he continued to grumble unintelligible complaints about how he heard his bones crack under your embrace. “So grumpy. This is totally a time to celebrate.”
“It’s really not.”
“Don’t be silly. I mean, I’m gonna be able to finally date someone who likes macaroni and cheese. We should totally go out for drinks tonight!”
Sukuna shrugged, giving in. “Only if you’re paying.”
“I would agree, but is that really something a good boyfriend would say to his girlfriend? Making her pay?”
You could practically hear Sukuna’s eye roll from behind you as you turned around to grab your phone from your bag.
“What’re you doing now? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for our date?” Sukuna said the word with unfamiliarity. Yeah, you had a long way to go before you would get used to the fact that you were in a relationship with the man currently sitting in your apartment.
“In a sec. I’m just making sure I don’t lose my Duolingo streak.”
“Right now? Fuckin’ weirdo,” said Sukuna, as he sat up from his spot on the sofa. “Tell me when you’re ready; I’m gonna take a shit.”
Nodding, you said, “Roger that.”
“. . .Do not ever say that cringey shit to me ever again, or I’ll break up with you.”
You laughed at that last part. The threat seemed more humorous than it should’ve; perhaps it was the unconventional spirit of your relationship.
When you two were kids, you and Sukuna would frequently hang out at each other’s houses and play-fight until the sun would go down, and his grandpa would scold you both for making a mess of the house. It was a bright and colorful time of Sukuna’s life. And, after having known you since childhood, Sukuna grew pretty familiar with your outgoing personality and general craziness.
But, with that being said, Sukuna was beyond taken aback when you brought up the idea of being cursed. You? Cursed? In this decade? This was real life, not some dystopian book. Sukuna thought you were bordering the line between sane and insane when you further explained your current predicament to him.
So, just because you couldn’t find a suitable lover who liked macaroni and cheese, you thought you were doomed for life? Sukuna almost laughed out loud when you expressed how serious you were.
“It’s not funny!” you told him, but he couldn’t have thought you were being more ridiculous.
And when you brought up your idea on how to get rid of your “curse”, Sukuna was planning on telling you how silly you were being, but all thought of that immediately died down in his throat when you mentioned a possible relationship with him. 
What do you mean Sukuna had an opportunity to get into a relationship with you? As in, he could be your boyfriend? It was like the gates of Heaven had opened up right before him, and were offering eternal paradise to him.
Then again, it was only an act. A fake relationship. But, nevertheless, Sukuna would take all that was given to him; he always did.
“You know, Sukuna, I’m really grateful for you for doing this. I mean, it might be a little weird to act like we’re dating and all, but it can’t be that bad, right? We’re already friends; dating couldn’t possibly be so different?” you suggested.
Sukuna took a sip of his drink, “Dunno. I’m not usually friends with my girlfriends.”
“Really?” you leaned in closer to the conversation. “So you mean you don’t, like. . . Never mind. How do you even get girlfriends, then? I usually meet people through a mutual friend, and then we get to know each other, become friends ourselves, and—”
Sukuna cut you off, “I don’t think you really get what I’m saying here. Besides, I’m not here for advice on how to meet potential girlfriends. I think I’m pretty experienced in that department.”
You laughed, “But, really, thanks for doing this for me.” 
Smiling, you placed a hand over Sukuna’s, which was resting on the table. He looked a bit tense at the action, but he didn’t push you away.
“It’s what friends do, right?
You hummed, averting your gaze elsewhere. “Anyways, I’m pretty sure this counts as our first date.”
“Huh,” Sukuna agreed. “Kind of boring, I gotta say. I mean, going out for drinks at a bar? Not a very romantic scenario.”
“Still, isn’t this exciting either way—?”
“I think I know a way to make this evening more exciting,” a cool voice cut you off midway. “Mind if we join you?”
You knew that voice. When you turned around, you were met with the face of. . .
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emmafrostdefender · 1 month
crush | logan howlett x female reader
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hi everyone! i wrote this for fun. it'll probably turn into a series of small chapters while i write my more hefty logan fic. i hope you guys enjoy!
warnings: reader's kinda horny i guess, sexy man, based on crush by ethel cain, 1.5k words (i wrote this in like an hour)
You’d seen him around town. 
At the laundromat with the blinking fluorescent lights. At the dingy bar around the corner from the laundromat. At the gas station, filling up the tank of his red truck.
You never thought to say hi, never to engage with him in any way. 
He created such a stir when he first arrived. No one moved to your town unless something was truly wrong with them. Most of the men had leering gazes and dangerous intentions, but not him. Never him. You were in his vicinity frequently, but never once did he attempt what many others had. All failures, of course.
You lived contently in your grandmother’s old home, moving there after her cancer took a turn for the worst a few months ago. When she passed away quickly after that, she left the house to you and you decided to keep it. It still smelled like cigarettes, the stench burned into the walls and carpet, but the smell reminded you of childhood trips to Kansas. Those trips were scorched to the back of your eyelids, forever being replayed. Everything was the same as when you were a child; the small Mexican restaurant, the old movie theater, the arcade that closed seven years ago.
 Now, you sat behind the counter at the small antique shop you spent most of your days in. It was quaint, filled to the brim with every kind of knick-knack you could think of. There were crates filled with records and CDs, most scratched or completely unplayable. There were pieces of furniture, dusty mirrors, moth-eaten upholstery, chipped paint jobs, and broken hinges. The bookshelves that lined the walls of the store were stacked with books. You’d taken a few home in the past, knowing that they wouldn’t be missed.
And the clothes. There were racks on racks of vintage clothes. Most were out of fashion (even for the time they were made) or damaged. Still, you liked to play dress-up every so often. 
The job was boring and mundane, but it paid the bills. The family who owned the store didn’t seem to have time to keep up with the place, so you managed the inner-workings of it.
Today, you watched cars go by, wondering when would be the best time to cut your losses and close for the day. Some days you managed to get more than a few browsers, but today was not one of those days. You had one person come in around lunch, but they looked for about five minutes before heading out.
Your mind wandered as you watched people walk by the storefront.
You thought of him. The man you saw everywhere. The man who never spoke to you, not even to say, “Excuse me.”
The man that just walked through the front door.
Eyes widening, you sat up straighter and calmed your heartbeat that suddenly thundered in your ears. “Welcome in! Everything with a blue tag is sixty percent off today,” you said with a bright smile.
He simply looked over at you and then continued his perusal. 
You deflated. Harsh.
As he walked around the store, you felt like a live-wire. Every creak of the floorboards sent your heart spinning in your chest. You hadn’t felt like this about a man since you still called men boys. Being in your late twenties, that meant a very long time.
You grabbed a box of donations from the back room and moved to the floor to start stocking items on the shelves. You rationalized your decision to suddenly start restocking items after having a full day to do so by telling yourself that if you looked busy, he might feel inclined to buy something. You could nearly feel your nose growing by the second at that thought.
Moving through the rows of shelves and assorted items was second nature to you at this point, knowing where everything went in this mess of a store. You conveniently moved to the side of a shelf that viewed his aisle through gaps in the many items strung about. As you placed a silver mirror on the shelf, your gaze moved to watch his face on the other side of the rack. He was stunning.
You hadn’t had much time to analyze him; it was only small glances here and there in the time he’d been around. Now, you took your time. He was looking at an old book, bound in red fabric. It looked as if it had seen the bottom of a sewer. Luckily, he seemed to be making a careful inspection of the text, giving you enough time to look him over.
He was beautiful in a rugged kind of way. He looked like he worked with his hands; they were large and rough, with calluses around the fingers. His knuckles were prominent with sharp edges. You wondered what he did for a living. Did he move here to get away from city life? Was he a runaway circus performer? You internally smacked yourself in the head for the stupid thought. 
He’d probably make the circus look sexy, though.
He had a large figure hidden by a flannel and white t-shirt. His attire pointed to him being a worker of the land. A farmer, maybe. That would check out with the truck you'd seen him driving around in. Always covered in mud with logs of wood piled high in the back. 
His hair was a rich brown and you wanted to dig your fingers into it. You wanted to feel his beard against your skin.
What the hell is wrong with me?
You don’t have sex for so long that your brain goes fuzzy at the idea of a stranger’s beard scratching your neck. God. Get a grip.
You straighten your back and continue restocking things. Play it cool.
Soon, you fell into the rhythm of it, nearly forgetting the other person in the room. You moved to the bookshelves, loading more books onto the already strained wood. People really needed to stop donating things to you and start actually buying things. You’d be out of business by next summer. 
As soon as you realized you needed to go back to the stock room to grab another box, you heard a grunt behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin. You dropped the box you were holding and faced the man. Your mystery man.
He was so close, you could smell him. He smelled like smoke and sweat. You felt yourself salivate.
You looked him in the eyes for the first time. “Do you need help?” You asked quietly, scared that he’d run off if you spoke too loud, like a wounded animal. 
“How much for this?” He asked, keeping your gaze. His voice was smooth.
You looked down to his hands, which were holding the book he had been examining earlier. “It doesn’t have a price tag?”
He shook his head. 
Now you felt like you were being held under a microscope. The way his eyes ran over your face made you go red; you hadn’t felt this flustered because of a man in a long time. 
“Okay, I can check at the front,” you said, keeping your quiet tone.
He just grunted again and followed as you led him to the register. You had a book of all the prices for things so that you could properly mark them. If you didn’t have the vague feeling that you were going to explode at any moment, you’d know off the top of your head the price of that tiny book. It was about the size of his hand, making you bite the inside of your cheek. 
You opened the book and searched for the page with book prices. When you found the page, you ran your finger down the list.
Small = $1.99
When you looked up at him, you jumped a little. He was looking at you with such intensity, you’d thought he was going to have an aneurysm. It made your cheeks flush again, but you cleared your throat and said, “It’s $1.99. With tax, it’ll be $2.30.”
He nodded, putting the book down on the counter as he reached for his wallet. You read the book title: Frankenstein. “I love Mary Shelley,” you said as you reached for a brown paper bag. 
He looked at you, his expression not revealing anything.
For some reason, you decided to keep talking. “It’s such a perfect analysis of ‘how far is too far’ in science and experimentation. I loved reading it in high school, I think you’ll really enjoy it,” you said, not particularly needing a response. 
He placed the exact change due on the counter and looked you in the eyes as he said, “Thank you.”
Your heart fluttered. “You’re welcome…” You trailed off, hoping to God that he’d tell you his name.
He thought about it for a moment. “It’s Logan.”
You smiled. “I’m glad you stopped by, Logan.” You introduced yourself. It would be nice to have another person to say ‘hi’ to on the street. And you imagined he was thinking the same thing.
His face didn’t jump into a smile, but it didn’t look as harsh as it did when he first walked in. 
And so began your crush on the stoic man who moved to town.
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Lilia: Seeing all these paintings on display, unchanging from when they were painted hundreds of years ago… it sure does bring me joy.
Lilia: Ooh, that painting over there is of the Thorn Fairy's men!
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???: The Thorn Fairy's men, huh… Were they really that strong?
Lilia: Epel, so you were checking out this painting too. Are you curious about them?
Epel: Ah, yes! I was thinking they're rather head-empty lookin'… I mean, they look real sweet!
Lilia: Mhm, they are adorable. And despite that, they would always be carrying their weapons so as to respond to the Thorn Fairy's whims immediately.
Lilia: That means they must have been wonderfully loyal and brave soldiers.
Epel: I see… They don't really look like it, but when you put it that way, I can kinda see how cool they are, I guess?
Lilia: Right, right? And it just goes to show how great the Thorn Fairy was to be able to command such men.
Epel: Aren't they just following her because they've pledged loyalty to her?
Lilia: You should take a good look at this picture. See how they're all just filled with character?
Lilia: It's actually extremely difficult to folks like them in line. Isn't it the same with the students in our school?
Lilia: Everyone's so self-confident, they just do as they please. Those that actually listen to others, or follow orders are actually in the minority.
Epel: Ahaha… I'm getting what you're saying, I think.
Epel: Now I wonder how the Thorn Fairy was able to keep her men in line, then.
Lilia: Kufufu… You're a student of Night Raven College, you should already understand.
Lilia: You get them to understand just who is in charge by a show of force! It's the simplest method.
Epel: True… So that basically means that her men followed her because she was super strong.
Lilia: Mhm. But even so, a show of force won't be able to garner true loyalty.
Lilia: The most important thing when leading a legion is to build a trusting relationship with your men.
Lilia: Trust can't just be achieved overnight. I'm sure the Thorn Fairy put in a lot of effort to get to this point, too.
Epel: "Build a trusting relationship," huh… How would you do it if it was you, Lilia-san?
Lilia: I've actually served meals to the other Diasomnia students, hand-made by me.
Lilia: Everyone was so moved that they were utterly speechless. They couldn't even bring themselves to touch it.
Lilia: When they finally ate it, there was a whole range of reactions, including some who laid themselves out on the dining table, or those who covered their face with their hands. There were some who even burst into tears.
Epel: Wow, your cooking must be amazing!
Lilia: Mhm! Once I set my hand to it, I can make any petulant kid fall in line.
Lilia: Ever since then, I've tried to make more home-cooked meals to try to deepen the relationship between our dormmates…
Lilia: But they would all band together, saying they don't want to trouble me. They're all such humble boys.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Lilia: This is a painting of the Sorcerer of the Sand's companion. His red and blue feathers are bright and vibrant.
Epel: Kinda unusual to have a parrot as a sidekick, huh.
Lilia: Mhm. However, this parrot is said to be able to perfectly imitate human voices and speech.
Lilia: I'm sure that alone was something of use to the Sorcerer of the Sands.
Lilia: Ahh~ how envious. I wish I had a special ability to do something like that.
Epel: Would there even be something worth changing voices for?
Lilia: There's a lot to choose from. The best way to use it would be…
Epel: A virtual avatar stream…? What is that?
Lilia: Oh what, you don't know? Basically, people create avatars that represents them on the internet…
Lilia: And they use those avatars to promote their content of food reviews and let's plays of video games.
Lilia: I didn't know myself, until one of my online gaming buddies recommended it to me…
Lilia: But I think it would be cool to use an avatar to become a different person and chat away with my viewers.
Lilia: Don't you think it would be fun to see my cute little self stream videos in an avatar of a big, strong, burly man?
Epel: Does that mean… I could be strong and burly on the internet, too!?
Lilia: Oh, are you interested too, Epel? Then we should collaborate and both become buff streamers!
Epel: That could be fun! Oh, so this is what you were talking about when you said you wanted to change your voice to become another person?
Lilia: That's right. Normally, you'd need a voice changer to change your voice.
Lilia: But that is just a whole different hassle to deal with. Sounds like there's no end to the amount of equipment you might end up needing for it
Lilia: I keep thinking I'll ask my online gaming buddies who might know more about it, but I get so absorbed by our quest that I keep forgetting.
Lilia: I'd sure love it if I got super popular and was drowning in likes, subscribes, and superchats.
Epel: I don't really get it, but… I think it's fun to think about becoming someone you really want to be!
Lilia: Right? Although, I do have a wonderful voice, you know… It could be a terrible shame to hide it with a voice changer.
Lilia: And if I'm going to use my velvet voice, I guess my avatar should be good-looking to fit…
Lilia: But if I do that, then it wouldn't be much different than my real self… Hrrrm, what to do?
Lilia: Ah…! Does that mean streaming with my real face would be on the table too…!?
Lilia: If I did that, I wouldn't need a voice changer, or the ability to imitate voices. That might be the quick and easy way to solve it.
Epel: Eh, what happened to collaborating with each other using buff avatars!?
Lilia: Oh, right! Ah, I'm getting forgetful in my old age.
Lilia: Maybe I could have two different avatars? Kufufu, this is starting to tickle my want for a new kind of challenge again.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Lilia: This old woman… This is the Fairest Queen in disguise. This painting depicts the scene where she is handing an apple to a princess.
Lilia: Maybe you're more familiar with this painting than I, since you're a student in Pomefiore?
Epel: In the Shaftlands, there is a well-known story about how the Fairest Queen donned a disguise in order to hide her identity.
Epel: I think Vil-san was saying that there's actually a lot of different interpretations for why, but…
Epel: I wonder why the Fairest Queen chose to disguise herself as an old woman?
Epel: If she was just trying to hide her identity, she could have also just chosen a cool and ripped figure…
Lilia: Perhaps she didn't want to frighten the princess. A muscular physique can be overpowering sometimes…
Lilia: And if she is too beautiful, she would also be difficult to approach. So, maybe that's why she thought an old woman would be a good choice?
Epel: Hmmm. I never even thought about how it'd be hard to approach someone because they're "too beautiful."
Lilia: Well, that makes sense for you. Nevertheless, human thought process is both inconsistent and interesting.
Lilia: To tell you the truth, even I had a time in my life where which people would only stare from a safe distance…
Lilia: But then during my travels, sometimes I would get random freebies at markets by people who thought me just a "cute little boy."
Lilia: That's when I realized for the first time, that I AM SUPER CUTE!!
Lilia: Ever since then, I've made it a point to share my cute charm with everyone as much as possible.
Lilia: I'd get things like free carriage rides, or steep discounts while shopping… You do it too, don't you, Epel?
Epel: I don't!! Although, yeah, I have gotten free snacks while running errands before, sure, but…
Lilia: So you're able to reap the benefits without actually showing off…! Mhm, I still have much to learn.
Lilia: But don't count me out yet. Like, even after enrolling at Night Raven College…
Lilia: I'd have classmates who'd save me a seat in the cafeteria, or carry heavy luggage for me…
Lilia: Everyone was just fawning over me ☆
Epel: That's… Aren't they just mocking you, though!? It's like they're looking down on you, I'd never let that pass.
Lilia: Kufufu, you still have a lot to learn, too. There's no harm in using what's available to you.
Lilia: But that is all old news, anyway. The longer I've spent time on campus, the more people have learned the extent of my abilities.
Lilia: There were times that I've completely shut down students from other dorms who lazily tried to pick fights with me, too…
Lilia: By the next semester, everyone was treating me completely different.
Lilia: Now, I'm stuck as "Reliable Lilia-san." And I really just wanted to settle into the role as the "Cute Little Brother."
Epel: That means they all recognized you for your abilities, right? Lilia-san, you're so cool!
Lilia: Kufufu, my cuteness is supposed to be my selling point, but I guess it's not bad to be called cool, neither.
Epel: No way, being cool is much better! It's great to hear a story like that of what could be.
Epel: …Ah, it's gotten pretty late. I'm going to start checking out other exhibits.
Lilia: Mhm, see you. Okay, since Epel has wandered off, I think I'll just meander a bit… Hm?
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Lilia: Oh this… This is a painting of fairies gifting blessing to a princess. Heh. I can't help but chuckle every time I see this painting.
Lilia: If they were to gift her blessings of happiness, then they should have gifted her the strength to break her own curse. And yet…
Lilia: They chose to give her beautiful looks, and a beautiful singing voice. What fools
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Requested by Anonymous.
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pretty-blkgirl · 18 days
Soul’s Desire [Ch. 9]
“Han, it’s been 30 minutes”
Changbin lets out an irritated sigh as Han checks his phone for the 5th time. You were late, embarrassingly late, and hadn’t even let Han know beforehand.
Chan was a little upset but chalked up your tardiness to preparing for your debut.
“She’s about to debut, Bin, we gotta give her some grace”
“It’s not that she’s late, Hyung, it’s that she didn’t check in first.”
Just as a back-and-forth was about to ensue, a wild knock on the door interrupted the boys.
Chan jumped up to open the door, letting you in. Han was immediately eased by your presence, missing the way his other two soulmates looked at you with a little hesitation.
“Hi guys, so sorry! I was with my members and we lost track of time“ You smile
Chan smiles back at you politely, but Changbin doesn’t. He was still a little bothered by how you failed to let Han know you’d be late, but he tried shaking that feeling off.
“No problem, it’s nice to meet you,” Chan says, “I’m Chris”
You bow politely while giving him a firm handshake
“I’m Changbin” Maybe it’s because you two are bonded by now, but you can feel how he’s already a little suspicious of you.
He’s very polite, shaking your hand and offering you his chair, but you suddenly don’t think the guys like you as much as Han said they did.
You four settle into some slight banter. You and Han joke around while Chan and Changbin watch, adding little comments here and there.
After a while, you realize you haven’t talked to your other soulmates, so you face Chan and put on your best smile.
“Chris, Hannie told me that you’re getting into fashion nowadays. Have you figured out your style yet?”
Chan gives you a grin, “I’m not so sure. I kinda like street clothing, tighter-fitting shirts, baggy pants, beanies, and stuff like that. I’m taking advice from Innie”
You nod, “I follow you on Instagram and honestly, your whole aesthetic is so cool”
You and Chan’s conversation flows naturally after that, with you complimenting him and him blushing while shaking his head.
After a few short minutes, you move on to Changbin.
“I know this is random but I always wanted to ask you, do you have a favorite verse of yours?”
He quickly shakes his head, “No, that’s like asking me to choose between the members. I can’t have a favorite”
Changbin had a certain aura about him. You knew he was one of the sweetest, gentlest souls ever, but you could tell he was the type to be polite, yet cold with new people.
He still took care of you, offering to get you drinks and snacks when you mentioned you hadn’t eaten yet and offered to give you his jacket when you shivered, but he couldn’t be bothered to send the smallest of smiles your way.
It scared you, and you wondered what you did to deserve the stoic expression.
“Y/n, tell us about you” Chan says, almost as if he can sense the tension
“Okay! Well, I joined JYP around a year ago now, I was a trainee for six months. My favorite color is gray, my favorite food is fried shrimp, I have three cats and two dogs back home, I’m an only child, and I’m the Maknae of my group”
Han smirks once he realizes he already learned all this information about you, the other two members nod at your words.
“I have a dog too, her name is-”
“Berry�� You finish, smiling, “Did Han mention I’m a STAY?”
Chan laughs, a blush on the tip of his ears, “He said something about it, among other things”
“He said that you said you always felt connected to us” Changbin starts suddenly, “Can you explain that?”
You nod with a genuine smile, “Yep! I guess, as a fan, I always felt a little…closer to you guys. I chalked it up to me being delusional but after I auditioned for JYP, and moved here and everything, my palm started to itch like crazy”
“That’s interesting” Changbin mumbles, “Our palms kinda tingled I guess?”
“Silly enough, you know how our symbols are kinda shaped like an infinity symbol?” Han asked, pointing at your hand.
You neglected to wear symbol blurring ointment, only because your members demanded to see what it looked like. You just wore an oversized hoodie and hid your hands in the sleeves.
“Yeah” You affirm, “It’s so cute”
“It didn’t always look like that” Changbin confessed, “For the longest time, it was….incomplete?”
“Then you got your symbol, and BOOM” Han narrated with a loud clap of his hands. Chan and Changbin jumped in surprise while you let out a startled laugh
He grabbed your arm and lifted your sleeve just enough to show your hand, “now all of ours look like this” he cheeses
The food came after a few more minutes of conversation. Changbin warmed up to you after you asked him about his workout regimen, finally letting his goofy and flirty nature show.
Chan led most of the conversations, and that didn’t surprise you since you knew how extroverted he was.
Han was joking or laughing about something the entire time, while you sat there and thoroughly enjoyed your time with the group.
By the end of the dinner, Changbin decided to be the one to walk you to the cab he had ordered for you.
You two were in the back of the building to avoid any fans seeing you.
“Sorry for being so cold earlier,” He said as you two walked (rather slowly) to the car.
“Oh, um, that’s okay!”
He sighs, “I was just a little upset you didn’t check in with Han to tell him you were gonna be late. I have a thing about knowing where my members are and wanting them to be safe and whatnot so checking in with one another is a big deal to me”
You hum, understanding his point of view. Honestly, you like that he’s that way, your members are usually like that as well but you guys having each other’s location eliminates having to ask where you are.
You made a mental note to make it a habit to check in with your soulmates, especially Changbin.
“I understand that, and I’ll be more mindful in the future”
You make it to the car and he opens the back door for you to get in before reaching into his pocket and pulling out money.
“You’re not paying for the cab Bin,” You say, crossing your arms
“I called the cab, you’re my soulmate, I pay”
“Well you’re my soulmate and I don’t want you paying for me”
“Too bad, that’s something you’re gonna have to get used to.”
Before you could protest some more, he threw the bills in your lap before blowing you an exaggerated kiss and closing the door.
You rolled your eyes but smiled all the way home
Taglist: @chuuyaobsessed @h0rnyp0t @prttyxbby @yukichan67 @hanniemylovelyquokka @xxeiraxx @loveforlee444 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor
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roryculkinsgf · 9 months
million dollar man // coriolanus snow
Description: Christmast Eve with breadwinner Coriolanus Snow, taking care of his future wife
TW: smut, dom!coryo, housewife!reader, controlling over the reader, praise kink
Word count: 1.5k
(English isn't my first language, and I do not own the characters)
One for the money,
two for the show, 
I love you, honey,
I'm ready to go...
Round Christmas time everything seems  a bit too busy, crowded streets and malls. People on every corner, not single free space to live. The world just turns that way as soon as November comes around. There's no exception for the chaos, not even in Capitol. City created and ruled by the cruel men who swore to be good, failing audibly after their proud hearts wished for power over ordinary human beings. Many rebels wished to tear this fucked up system down, district citizens buried themselves in fear and your boyfriend wasnt making it any better. A boy who once promised to destroy the bad, turned himself right into the dead void. Heart beating, blood pumping, but oh kindness faded by those who dared to doubt. He became a living corpse, only one who bring warmth into his existence was you. Each time you wanted to leave for better, you came running back. Something very wrong seemed like a drug in him, but before you could realize, your addiction became deadly. Merry Christmas, I guess?
"Morning, sweetheart," he splashed a kiss into your cheek. His hands grabbed you by your waist in a dominant manner. He kinda liked to show off his control, except not just kinda and mostly over you. "Morning, Coriolanus." Soft moan spilled into his mouth when he squeezed your little butt. You could hear as he kissed your neck, muffled words of "all mine". Normally you'd probably let him go on and bend you over the kitchen desk, but it was Christmas Eve today, and he simply has to wait. 
"Not now, Coryo..s-stop..." you whimpered at the feeling of him taking the best of you. His hand was moving lower by the slowest pace posssible. His fingers slipped into your underwer, you closed your eyes. One single slick by your soft spot and suddenly he wasn't touching you at all. 
When you opened your eyes, he was holding a cup and sipping the bitter-sweet liquid from it. Nothing about his expression mentioned the fact that you two almost did it. "What are you staring at, m'lady? It's you who told me to stop, remember? And you've got work to do anyway. Get into it, for me." He ordered with a smug grin not long before he walked to his office, ready to let you prepare for this whole day all by yourself. You were the housemaker afterall, not him. And you have to make sure your man is  pleased, it's your job.
"God Lord, Y/n...I've never eaten such a food in my life. That ham, and the mashed potatoes. Don't even get me started on the casserole, somehow you made me love green beans, princess. You're one hell of a cook, know I'm keeping you forever." There was simply no way to stop his praises. Damn well you knew you deserved them, you worked you ass off. The dishes you prepared were strange to you, yet familiar after each smile he gave you when he took the first bite. Seeing him fulfilled was all you needed.
"Thank you so much, Coryo. I made sure to prepare the best dinner I could manage, and as I see it payed off quite well, didn't it?" A warm smile filled your cheeks. He coudln't resist to reach his hand to your face, fingers delicately stroking your flushed skin. "Are you so red just for me, princess? You're such a pretty little sweet thing." 
Kisses splanded all over your lips, washing you over with passion. His brain got foggy just from the pureness of you, the redness of your skin each second. Because as they passed, he kept pulling you closer and closer, until no forces could ever possibly seperate you. His arms held you, shield from blood and flesh, the good feeling of being protected and elogiezed by a man. You gave in. No one could ever have you as much as he did, you sure know that.
Rough lips bruised your neck, leaving tumescent spots for you to admire tomorrow. Long way along your collarbone, shoulders. You were becoming his each moment, the world belonged to you two and he rulled every way that Earth dared to orbit for you. 
Part of the sky crashed when he rougly pushed you against the kitchen table. Your chin met a set of ceramic bowls fillled with food. Few glasses, wine and regular ones slipped when you pulled at the fancy cloth, what was shiny got poured over with all sorts of things. The great scent of food turned into a gross mess when a pot ringed as it hit the floor. Soup was flooding all over the dining room and you wanted to cry. No, you wanted to grab your shit-ass boyfriend by his shirt and choke him to death for daring to ruin hours of your hard work.
The sound of him rolling his eyes filled the room. "You're gonna clean that later, now be pretty and good for me. You know you can, darling." He massaged your ass under that mini skirt he made you wear. Big manly hand squeezed you until you felt incredibly helpless and small. He enjoyed he could boss you around, do anything to your tired body, play with you however he wanted to. And so he did. 
"Let me get you dolled up." From his pocket he pulled a thin fabric, wasting no time he began twisting it around your thighs, legs, butt even. It was a red ribbon, you didn't even process when he layed it over your wet pussy. 
"W-what's that for?" You couldn't understand. "Just...preparing a gift for myself, so fucking soft and all mine." He dropped right to his knees, as he pushed his face in between your butt cheeks. digging deep in he made a way across your pussy with his tongue. Somehow he was on you, in you. Digging into you, and you could feel heat all over yourself. His nails kept you in your place as he ate you out. Seeming like a starved man, he couldn't just get enough of his future wife. You were even more pressed against the table than before, nothing to muffle your moans against. Whispers echoed throughout the whole room, his pride and ego expanding with each sound.
"C-coryo..." You whimpered audibly. Closing your eyes so hard, shutting them in pleasure thinking they might not even ever open again. You couldn't stop grasping at the cloth, not until his face switched to two long fingers. He stood up and with one arm pinned you against himself, with other he got lost inside of you deep. "Shhh... princess, my pretty girl. You better get that pussy stretched out good, before I fuck you hm? Be good and let me  prepare you for me, mkay?" Despite your body shaking you nodded to his words. You could hear him purr. "That's my girl."
More minutes passed, you felt already fucked out. Brain soggy and legs trembling, all wet from how much he overstimulated you. When he pulled out, he braught his hand to your face. "Taste yourself, love. Go on." With your tongue you licked all the silky substance off. Each lick drawn made his pants tighten even more. His dick was begging to be touched, to be taken care of. 
Even if it embarassed you all too well, his will to be in charge and the bigger one just took over you. "Master, please... I... need you. S-so bad..." you whispered. Hot breath brushed around your neck. "Oh, I know you do, my princess." He unziped his pants. "You're always such a fuck-doll for me, sweetie." His dick slid out is boxers, standing in pride and arousal. "Want your master to fuck you pretty now?" He already teased your clit by fucking into the space between your thighs and pussy. "Mhm.." You whimpered. "Oh, but honey you know I need words. Tell me what you want and consider it done. Hm?" You sighed and breathed out all your self-respect into the heavy air with the  words: "Yes, please fuck me, master. Deep and hard, I can take it all for you."
"Such a good girl," He whispered as his cock slipped right into you. Precum softened the first thrust, but the ones following braught your face to red. He couldn't help but smack at your bare flesh, like fucking you wide opened wasn't enough. Like he needed to feel you all around, in his hands, in his whole power. And fuck it, let's be honest, you liked that. Each firm thrust that just felt like a crack into your body, every hit, every moan that vocalized from his mouth, his thumb massaging your tiny clit. Surrounded by torturing pleasure, you let him make this the most unforgettable Christmas of all your lives.
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sopiao · 1 year
Hiyyyyyaa, how would the 141+könig react to military y/n being a goth girl? But they didn't know because she doesn't wear her piercings or makeup due to stranded military rule regulations, until they all meet up at the pug. Please and thank you. Take your time.
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i tried my best 😭
Being apart of the task force was probably the best decision you made, you like the people, you have fun, and it pays good. Only downside of having to take off each of your piercings each time, especially if their fresh or barely healed, which could be dangerous (don’t do that kids) but rules are rules.
You never really told them about your style or anything since you didn’t really think it would be important, or if it would even matter.
When Soap reaches out to everyone and suggests to all meet up at a pub, you were more than willing to come. You had more than a handful of missions together and spent quite some time with them, but have never seen your teammates out of work before.
You’re the last to arrive since your time management is shit, you were stressing and messing up your makeup, but hey, at least you came. Parking your motorcycle and kicking the stand, leaving your helmet on the handle. At this point you realize that none of your comrades has never seen you in your attire, with all of your piercings in.
Entering the warmly lit and semi-busy, you saw them at a wooden table off to the side, laughing and talking about whatever has been going on in their lives, you see six drinks assuming they bought one for you. You decide to fuck with them since this’ll be the first time they see you in the full get-up.
“Boo!” At first their startled, then confused. Soap interested, he’s never been with a goth girl before, he’ll try anything— or anyone— once. Gaz is the first to realize who you are
“[NAME]?!!” Gaz shouts, making everyone look at him then to you, all making the same conclusion at the same time, Soap a little slower, but that’s normal. You chuckle, smiling as Price scoots to the side to make room for you, pulling out the chair next to him. It’s regular for him to want to sit next to you, he even had his jacket draped over the back rest to save it for you.
“You look sick” Gaz smiles, it soothed you. At first, you were worried how they’d think of you looking like this, but seeing his genuine expression eases you a little more. They wanted to say something, a comment or compliment, but they didn’t know how to say it properly without making it sound weird, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“Oh! We got you a drink” Soap slides over your drink, a fruity strawberry Cosmopolitan. It was all new to them but familiar at the same time. They always kinda pictured this look on you but never thought they’d actually see it. In a way it kinda reflected how you are in the field.
“Did it hurt?” Ghost speaks up from beside you. Of course it hurt. But you were glad that he was interested, especially because he is almost never interested in anything.
“Some more than others” You shrug, hands resting in the pockets of your DIO sweater. Ghost leans forward, arms crossed and resting on the wooden table, slight nod of the head signaling for you to continue.
“Top 5?” Price asks, his arm wrapped behind you to rest on the backrest of your chair. You’re surprised that they’re even this interested, you kinda expected them to just accept it and move back into the conversation.
“Uhh.. I guess the first would be these. Took a while to stretch these out” Turning your head to show the others, poking the tip of your finger through the hole of your gauges. Chuckling awkwardly until you heard oohs and aahhs from them.
“Industrial is second, couldn’t sleep on my side for a couple months” Turning your head to the other side to show the metal bar coming between the shell of your ear.
“But this put me through hell, couldn’t talk or eat for a while. Lived off of smoothies for like forever” Sticking your tongue out to show the small metal star on the center of your tongue. Ghost’s eyes slightly widened, he had one too (i luv referencing my other stuff) but didn’t wanna mention anything yet.
“This hurt, but after a week I didn’t even feel it” Twisting the metal bar of your bridge, careful not to smudge your makeup.
“Didn’t even feel this, my lip was a little swollen for a while though” You pull your lip down to show off your snake bites. You didn’t really notice this until now, they were intently listening, not just hearing you but actually listening. Not expecting them to be this interested since people either were a little weirded out or just a dick about it.
“Wow… And I’m too scared to even get my ears pierced” König chuckled nervously, hand unconsciously coming up to lightly pinch his smooth and un-poked ear lobe.
“It was nice seeing you guys again” Grinning warmly as you all stood outside of the pub. The snow made you wanna leave already, but the company of your friends made it bearable.
You give Gaz a kiss on the cheek. A simple and platonic act of affection. Forgetting you had black lipstick on, seeing the black mark on his cheek made you embarrassed. Especially with Soap’s teasing.
“Hey, give me one, too” He bent down and tapped his cheek, with a cheeky grin. Laughing it off as you planted one on his cheek. Price leaned in too, wordlessly asking for one.
König was still not ready to lift his mask up that high yet, but he still wanted a kiss. So you just settled a smooch on the back of his hand like and prince would do to his fair lady. After you left a kiss mark on each of them they all looked at Ghost, waiting for him to lift his mask up for one.
He looked around with a shrug, then shaking his head with a sigh, as he uncrossed his arms and lifted the side of his mask only up to his nose. Making sure to press with a little more pressure with him since there was less lipstick on your lips since it was faded.
Omg. Imagine like showing off cool but weird tricks. Taking off one of your lip piercings and showing off how you can squirt out water from the opening. Soap wondering if you could slurp spaghetti through it.
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yonaioana · 3 months
Okay first of all! I loved that request where is God reader from ennead! So!
What IS relationship with Egypt Gods with reader? The God of festivals and happiness but real role is the God of freedom? So as I read that request it says that he DID have good relationship with them(I think) because he was in Egypt but not anymore? And they never talk anymore as he moved from Egypt where all god mostly where, why did he move away from them? Did he knew what will happend?
So my request is about male reader God of festivals and happyness/ God of freedom.
How would they react to seeing reader once more? But there is plot twist! The reader is not kinda happy about seeing them.( I love angst, dont mind me)
That all!
Heeey im back, im sorry I was gone all this time I moved, finished highschool and now im struggling to finish my first year of college but im back and im trying to get through my entire inbox and write for everything I missed, I will also update the masterlist with a few new fandoms. This is a short one i still had in my drafts. Kisses!!!
I guess that as the god of freedom and happiness ennead is not the best place to live. Since all the gods have to obey Ra and her kinda liking the suffering of everyone else cause she sees it as entertainment would not sit well with a god who's entire concept is boring to her.
I dont think that you would have beef with any of them other than Ra and maybe Osiris if you try to call out his bluff of being the victim and all that. You could have some trouble with Seth if you tried to opose him in his early years when he ruled Egipt but i dont think he is the kind to try and hurt other gods. Cause he tried to hurt Isis and Horus only because of some prophecy not because he really hated them. So my guess is that you either tried to vouch for someone who was in trouble or did something to upset Ra but she just pushed you aside and continued as if you were not there. Or you found out about some of the things Osiris did to Seth and you tried to tell everyone but because nobody really liked Seth they only listened to what Osiris said and called you a liar, ultimately pushing you aside. So you got sick and tired of them and left.
Anyway back to the present Horus and Anubis actually like you cause they're not as old as the other gods so either they were not born when you left or they were too young to remember. If we take the first route Ra will not be verry pleased to see you but if we take the second one Isis and Osiris are the ones in a sour mood.
Lets say that after you left you found yourself a village on the other side of Egipt where it was like a port so there was a big mix of cultures and instead of asserting dominance as a god you just lived among them helping out and being nice to everyone. Of course horus while searching for Seth could happen to accidentally find your little comunity and asks Isis about it wich leads to the others finding you and dragging you back to explain yourself and interogate you on the "where is seth" matter. While at first you were happy thinking they came to visit it was auickly shut down when chains apeared around your neck, wrists and ankles and you were being dragged away from your home and people back to ennead. If you knew about what happened to seth osiris will try to keep you quiet one way or another, gods forbid you helped him escape or helped him while he was on the run with resources and hiding from the others, in the I feel like horus will try to take you with him against his mom's dissaproval to help him heal seth emotionally with your powers
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pinejayy · 1 year
Doll (Wally Darling x Reader)
part 1??? i’m not sure if y’all want a part 2 uwu
warnings: nothing really besides wally being kinda creepy.
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It was a nice and lovely day at the Neighborhood, the birds were singing and the sun rays where hitting your skin and it felt nice. You enjoyed this place and the people, everyone was so friendly towards you. Well there was one person who stood out. Yep you guessed it right Wally....Wally Darling. You didn’t know why but something about the yellow puppet was off putting, and everyone in the neighborhood seemed to act differently around him, as they were scared of him. But you really didn’t think too much about it. As you walked around, you were going to have a small picnic by the butterfly field alone.
 As you walked around, you smiled and waved at you friends. And you walked by everyone, and you also walked by Wally’s house trying to ignore the fact that his house had eyes. That was also really odd. But I guess it’s not hurting anyone right? As you walked past his house you didn’t notice a pair of eyes following your every move. Wally was staring at you through a window, he made sure he stayed hidden, his eyes following your movements. 
After awhile you got to your to the field. It’s so pretty! As you set up everything and once that was done you sat down and looked at butterflies. “Wow you sure are pretty.” You said to yourself. Looking at them fly around you, hm no wonder why Frank likes watching them.
From a distance Wally was watching you. He knew this was wrong but something about you made him go crazy. The way you laugh and the way you smile. You were so beautiful, he thought that you looked so soft. He wanted to break you. Make you his, he needed you. He wanted you.
As you enjoyed yourself, you took a deep breath. Not knowing you had a pair eyes on you.
“Hello neighbor! What are you doing here alone?”
You jumped as you thought you were alone. You looked at the voice, and saw Wally. “Oh my god Wally! You scared me!” You say and look at him, wondering why was he here you didn’t tell him or anyone that you were going to be here.
“I’m deeply sorry Neighbor, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said, and sat by your side. “I was just walking around and I guess I saw you and wanted to join you.” His voice was so smooth. But he stared at you, his pupils widen a bit. He needed you. 
You smile at him and nodded. How odd? How did he know you were here at this very moment. You Shook it off and smile at him. You dig through your basket you had and pulled out an apple. They were his favorite. Wally’s eyes grew with happiness he loved apples. He took the apple and thanked you. “Thank you Y/N your very sweet!” He told you, words seemed so soft and relaxing. 
“Of course Wally!” You say, and smile at him. As you just relax. “So Wally how was your day? Did you have a good morning?” 
Wally looked at you and nodded, as he looked at the apple. It looked so good but he couldn’t eat it front of you. Well unless he wanted to scare you off and he doesn’t want that. “My morning was pretty good, and my day is even better now that I got a lovely gift from my best friend!” He said with happiness. “This apple is prefect...just like you.” 
You blushed at his comment and giggled slightly. “Oh you’re so sweet Mr. Darling! Is that why your last name is Darling?” You say and smile even more. Looking at him and into his eyes. “Because you’re such a Darling!” Wait were you two flirting? No right...you guys are just being friendly. You just saw him as a friend. A best friend. (Damn he’s in the friend zone)
Wally’s eyes glimmered. Your comment made him feel warm, his eyes filled with happiness. As he looked at you, he couldn’t help but sit closer to you. “Why yes Y/N, that’s why they call me Darling.” He purred at you. 
As a few hours passed by and both Wally and you were having a nice day, you guys talked alot. And as you talked to him he seemed like a really nice guy, Maybe wasn’t so off putting as you thought. Soon you were getting ready to leave, but Wally seemed upset that the day was ending with you. He didn’t want to leave your side, but he did help you pack your things. “Aw I was having having a great time with you.” He whimpered to you. “Maybe we can hang out again? I can make us dinner and I can invite you to my place?” 
You looked at him, and thought about it. He did seem really nice in his own way, but you still had an uneasy feeling about his house. But since you didn’t want to be rude you gladly accepted his offer. “That would be nice, I would love that Wally.” 
“GREAT!” Wally said, getting excited. “If you want to you can come over at my place tomorrow at 3pm? How does that sound?” He looked at you, wanting to hold you and take you away. But he had to control himself, he can’t scare you away. 
“That sounds great Wally. Then that settles it, I’ll see you tomorrow at 3 o’clock! Make sure to make me something yummy and don’t forget the apples Mr. Darling!” You giggle, and winked at him. It made his heart skip a beat. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow. 
“But I’ll see you tomorrow Wally. You have a lovely day. And make sure you rest for tomorrow.” You say as you place a small kiss on his check. Saying your goodbyes to the yellow puppet and after that you left him alone. He was left alone with his thoughts. 
Wally was standing alone in the field. He couldn’t help but giggle to himself. A date with you! Finally you’re going to be his and his only...forever. He is going to make his.. and he’s going to love you. Now he was laughing at himself. “You’re going to be my DOLL!” He said to himself smiling. “Forever..”
// So what did you guys think? A part 2 or nah??
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oh-goddess-of-chaos · 2 years
⠀ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑 – 𝐣. 𝐝. 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✧‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (navi. & masterlist. & tag. )
「 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 」 yandere!jason dean 𝒙 female!reader
「 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 」 being the new girl at a school can be difficult, especially during the middle of the year and in a place with a rigid social structure such as westerburg high, but things can only seem to worsen when you start feeling as though you're being watched.
「 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 」 general themes from heathers the movie such as bullying, mentions of suicide, murder (c'mon, it's a heathers fic, what did u expect?), usage of guns, kissing, stalking, attempted rape (kurt n' ram), swearing , usage of drugs such as cigarettes, unconsensual kissing (doesn't get further than that in this), very slight insinuations to sex (spoken), the whole shebang.
「 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 」 4.5k
「 𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 .⁺ ˖ ⌒ (slight spoilers) i wanted to make the reader decently perceptive and sarcastic this one, but nearing the end i definitely made her rationality kinda disappear since that's what fear can do to a person. jd is more based off movie jd, and so is veronica.
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Joining a new school midway through the school year was, to say the least, unideal.
You and your parents had just gotten the wonderful opportunity to move to the quaint town of Sherwood, Ohio, somewhere you all were essentially forced to go since your father had been promoted by his job and your family was strapped for cash. And, sure, your house was bigger and nicer than your last, but you'd had to leave all your friends you'd been with since your childhood, which was difficult.
To add to all of that, the people were unfriendly and rude, and the weather was tolerable at best. Though your old home wasn't perfect by any means, it was most certainly better than where you were living now.
And now, here you were, standing before your new high school, knowing perfectly nothing about it or what to expect yet still expecting it to be one of the worst schools you've gone to. The odd stares your fellow students were shooting you seemed to be indicative of that.
Oh, good grief.
You sighed as you entered, only to immediately crinkle your nose in disgust as you were hit with the pleasant aroma of sweaty jocks and what you could only guess were something akin to rotting bodies. Speak of the devil, you thought to yourself as you were almost hit by what you guessed were two football players dashing down the hallways.
This was going to be a long rest of the year.
You were quick to shove past the students to get to the front office, keen on getting your class schedule and getting to your class as early as you could. You'd only just gotten here and yet already you wanted to go home, though you supposed that that was how high school normally operated. It was never something anyone particularly enjoyed. Most people just managed to tolerate it enough to attend the next day.
"Hello, I'm looking to get my schedule?" You said once you'd reached your destination, crossing your arms as you stared at the woman at the front desk. Focused upon her own work, she offered you no response. You pursed your lips.
"Excuse me?" You spoke, louder this time, a hint of annoyance in your voice.
Apparently you weren't the only one unhappy to be at Westerburg high today, as the woman, seemingly irked, slowly craned her head to face you. "Yes?"
She seemed an unpleasant sort of woman, a frown etched permanently upon her wrinkled face. You wondered what the other teachers must look like, and if they resembled her by any means.
"This is my first day here. I need my class schedule."
"Y/n L/n."
The woman nodded and typed something into her computer. She then pointed to the printer. "Wait over there. Your class schedule is printing right now. Once it's finished, just go to your first class. The class numbers are listed on the right side."
"Well, is anyone going the help me find my way around?"
Your question was only met with silence. "Fine, I'll find it on my own. After all, why would I ever need the help of a teacher, anyway? It's not like I'm new to this school or anything." You grumbled before grabbing your schedule and exiting.
Luckily, navigating the school was a relatively simple task. The numbers on every door and the maps plastered on the walls definitely helped, and you were able to find your history class before the bell rang.
"Here's your textbook, Ms. L/n." The teacher said to you the moment you told her your name. Silently, you nodded, deciding to take a seat somewhere in the middle of the classroom as you waited for class to begin.
Something seemed off, though, as the lecture began and you jotted down nearly everything you heard. You could sense eyes boring into the back of your skull, like daggers piercing through your mind, and it inhibited your focus. You could hardly pay any attention to the teacher as she went on and on about some war you didn't even know the name of. And so, discreetly enough, you 'grabbed' something from you bag, staring over your shoulder briefly in an attempt to see if anyone really was watching you.
And, as it seemed, someone was. You managed to spot them - or him, to be more specific. Uncannily dark eyes stared back at you, blank and hollow. It made your stomach sink. Quickly, then, you retrieved an object from your school bag and continued with your notes to the best of your abilities. Unfortunately, though, you couldn't get that kid's sharp gaze out of your mind. Something about it - something about him - was off, though you couldn't quite place what it was. And, sure, from what you could see he dressed somewhat oddly - a dark trench coat adorning his shoulders, covering his already black pants and shirt - but it was more than just the way he was dressed. You knew it.
You gave up on the matter minutes after you were done with US History. As much as you were curious at the time, you could care less if some creep was watching you. It wasn't like you didn't have your fair share of those back at your old school - you just supposed that they didn't seem so outward about it. After all, you'd stared at that kid - caught him right in the act, but he didn't look away, didn't flinch, just kept staring. Looking back on it, you were convinced that you'd caught the glimpse of some sort of smile. But, as you'd mentioned, what was done was done. You'd only have to deal with him for 45 minutes every day for the rest for the year, at worst.
Sighing, you dropped your bag beside you as you sat down on one of the sticky cafeteria benches, secluded from everyone else. Although you knew you could've tried to make friends during your classes, you were aware of the truth about social politics in high school: halfway through the year, friendships were already sealed airtight and people were much less open to saying 'hi' to a new face, so you didn't even bother. And, sure, the seating was horrible, but you weren't about to make a fool of yourself, especially on your first day.
The food at Westerburg High was - albeit surprisingly - quite alright, and you found yourself somewhat enjoying it. Disregarding the horrible smell and the violently loud chatter, you supposed the cafeteria and lunch as a whole was okay.
That was, at least, until you caught sight of that kid who'd been staring at you in history. You hadn't even noticed he was there at first, but there he was, halfway across the cafeteria, staring blatantly right at you. This time, though, he was just smiling - smirking, even, and it unnerved you.
What is wrong with this guy?
The rest of the week went by like this. On your way to class, you'd always see him in the halls, eyes locking with yours as you passed him. Or getting your books from your locker - he'd always be there, eyes glued to your form. He wasn't even doing anything, was simply fixated on you. It made you shiver, the looks he gave you at first.
Now, however, it was almost expected. You'd anticipate dark eyes boring into your skull and the fumes of cigars to follow you in class, or truly just anywhere around school, just as you would expect your shadow to follow you in the sunlight. And, as annoying as it was the every first day, now it was eerie. You didn't have to look over your shoulder to know you were being watched, but when you did, you'd surely freeze out of both paranoia and fear. While, yes, you'd expected this year of high school to be your worst yet, never had you expected for it to be to such an extent.
Your fear later festered when he pulled a blank on two jocks in the cafeteria. Although you knew blanks couldn't truly hurt them, you shuddered to think what he'd do if he really wanted to cause some damage.
Things got worse still when the kid started dating the infamous Veronica Sawyer, not quite a Heather but not quite anything else either. Gossip around the school grew mad about the unconventional couple, and you soon learned the name of the kid who never did seem to leave you alone: Jason Dean, or 'J. D.' as everyone knew him.
Now, whenever you'd see J. D., he'd always be accompanied by his girlfriend, Veronica. He never did stop staring, though, resulting in numerous glares coming from Veronica's way.
So much for being tolerated by the popular crowd.
School had then became a living hell for you, because if one Heather didn't like you, none of them did, making life going unnoticed near impossible. Now, no matter where you were, someone was either glaring or gazing at you, their intentions vague and unclear.
Things then got particularly bad when Heather Chandler became a sort of enemy of yours. You weren't sure what you did to irk specifically her, but, whatever it was that you did, she most certainly hated you, more so than Veronica, even. Not a day went by without a rude confrontation by her, and you could name several instances when she'd embarrassed you in front of the school.
But then, one day, she was gone.
Suicide. At least, that's what they said it was, but you knew too many people hated that bitch for it to be so. All it would take was a teenager driven insane enough by her to be driven to such a point, and considering the state of Westerburg high, you didn't doubt for a moment that the queen bee of the school essentially prompted her own death.
So, yeah. You knew her suicide was faked. Not that you were going to report it to the cops - you weren't planning on stirring up more drama - but you weren't stupid enough to be fooled by such a thing. And, besides, though you'd never admit it aloud, you were glad she was dead, in an odd way. Now you had at least one less person to make your life at this sorry school miserable.
So, life was okay for a while. People got too busy about mourning Heather's death to notice a nobody like you. Other than that creep J. D. and his jealous girlfriend stalking the halls, life was tolerable.
But when you're at the top, the only way you can go is down. And that's where you went. Down. All the way to rock bottom.
You didn't know how to put it in lighter terms, so here it was: You were almost raped. By Kurt and Ram, to be more exact.
Apparently, J. D. wasn't the only one who had an eye on you, and with all your attention focused on him (since you were so damn paranoid) you'd failed to notice the two jocks that also seemed to have been interested by you.
It was late at night. You were walking home from some house you'd babysat at as a favor, and two guys started following you. You didn't think much of it at first - just tried to forget about it and cool your nerves, but then they started to get faster, and faster, and you did too, until suddenly you were running, and then, almost abruptly, the two jocks had grabbed your arms and startled forcing you elsewhere. You screamed and fought, but no one was around to hear you.
You could only imagine the other 'nobodies' they must have done this to.
You remembered vividly your horror as the two piled themselves on top of you, eager to rip your clothes off. But, just as they were about to do so, a gun shot rang out, and then another. Frozen in terror, you didn't even move as you felt the boys' bodies go limp over you. You were only able to move when you felt a hand grab onto your own and force you up and get you back on your feet.
"Thank you," you barely managed to sputter out once the initial shock wore off.
"Go," is all the figure replied. A man, you presumed. You couldn't see his face, though, covered by the dark lighting. And so, dazed and confused, you obliged, not thinking twice about the words spoken to you.
The next day, though, was when things truly got out of hand.
Kurt and Ram, supposedly, had died in some gay love pact, wherein they killed each other. Hearing the news over the TV your parents played, you felt sick to your stomach. But, there they lied on the screen, a bag of supposed 'homosexual artifacts' and a suicide note to tie it all together.
And the whole town ate the story up.
You didn't go to school for about the next week or so. You told your parents that you were sick, and even though they knew you weren't, they still called in sick for you, able to detect that you weren't exactly feeling well mentally.
The week of repose was good, too. You were able to gather yourself up, not to the point where you didn't fear what could have happen had your savior not came to the rescue, but to the point where you could suppose that you were grateful that you wouldn't have to answer any questions from the police.
But now, at least for now, you knew you'd be safe.
* * *
You let out a soft sigh as you landed on your bed, curling into your warm sheets as a way of seeking comfort. At least you were safe and secure at home, you supposed, your parents only a relatively quiet yell away and your windows locked for good measure. If school was your hell, then you would consider home your heaven, away from the Heathers, away from J. D., away from everyone.
Turning off your light, you sank into your pillow in a desperate sort of way, clinging to it as if it were your lifeline. You'd hardly been getting sufficient sleep within the past weeks, so it didn't take long for you to fall into oblivion, the abyss of sleep consuming you whole in minutes.
So deeply unaware of your surrounding now, you didn't even hear quiet footsteps entering your bedroom.
J. D. was, to say the least, unsure what made him drawn to you in the first place. Maybe it was your calm and uncaring demeanor, or maybe it was the way you seemed to pick up on things through simple observation so easily, similarly to him. Whatever it was, he most certainly found you interesting. And, somehow, he could simply tell that there was something different about you - something like him that he saw in you, and it intrigued him to no end.
No matter how paranoid you were, you were never completely aware of J. D.'s reach in your life. When he'd watch you when you were at home, he'd remain particularly clever, knowing that if he was caught there was a high chance that he'd get into some really deep shit. Staring at a girl in school every day was one thing, but following her home? That was much more serious, and required a much less conspicuous plan.
But, alas, his plan paid off, and J. D. smiled knowingly as he stared at your vulnerable figure, taken over by a much needed sleep. You simply looked so perfectly innocent like that, something he couldn't wait to ruin once he had the chance.
J. D. laughed euphorically as he continued to just stare at you, unsure if he still had his wits about him but uncaring at the very same time. Perhaps all the cigars he had been smoking really were getting to him. But he knew what he needed to do before he brought you with him. So, quietly, resisting the urge to kiss your pristine lips, J. D. raced out of your bedroom, your door that was previously shut left open behind him.
Unfortunately for him, however, he'd forgotten that you were often a light sleeper that woke up at different intervals in the night, so when a particularly cool gust of wind came in through your open window, you were startled awake.
"What the fuck?" You muttered under your breath as you drowsily peeled your eyes open, squinting them as you stood up to close the window, before pausing and wondering how on earth your window had opened. After all, your parents never came into your room late at night as far as you were concerned, and you had locked your window when you'd fallen asleep, so how could it have opened?
It was at that very moment, too, that the faint smell of smoke wafted through the room, and you froze.
Sure, you knew you were paranoid, and that maybe fear had gotten the better of you, but you also knew that a potentially dangerous kid had been staring at you ever since you got to school and that it would be idiotic for you to assume that he had no malicious intentions.
Your stomach then tightened up once you noticed your open bedroom door. So, yes. It was possible that maybe your assumptions were idiotic, but you'd be a fool to not go with your gut when the most it'd cost you was some short-lived embarrassment, especially considering what could have happened with Kurt and Ram. So, quietly, you exited your bedroom, looking down the hallways of the upstairs floor as to reassure that the coast was clear.
It was.
More silently than you've ever done so before, then, you tip-toed to your parents bedroom, hoping to either alert them of an intruder or ask them what the were doing. But, just as you were about to open their door, footsteps were heard on the other side - not your mother's quiet, considerate ones, nor your father's loud, heavy ones, but a different kind.
As fast as you could, you dashed into the nearest room, leaving the door only just barely open as to not allow it to make any sound. From your parent's room exited a dark silhouette, wearing what you guessed was a trench coat and with only the burning edge of a cigarette as a light source plucked between two fingers.
You were right. You were fucking right. No other than Jason Dean was in your house, and right now, he was heading right for your bedroom, most likely intending to kill.
You needed to think fast.
My parents - right, my parents. They keep a gun in their bedroom.
You were shaking. Yes, your parents showed you were they kept the gun in the case of an emergency, but you'd never been taught how to use it.
As quietly as you could, you dashed over to your parents bedroom, closing the door behind you. And, even though you knew you didn't have the time, you took a moment to catch your breath. God, you couldn't breathe. And neither could your parents, as it seemed, when you looked over at their limp corpses sprawled in the bed. Slowly, you retracted the covers from their bodies, only to find a wet pool of blood that lay beneath them and their slit throats.
They were dead. J. D. had fucking killed your parents. You felt your knees buckle underneath you as you caressed your mother's lifeless face, her eyes never to once again open.
"Mom..." You whimpered, not caring if her blood stained your fingers. But then, you paused, realizing that, if you didn't speed up, you could be next.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! I really need to find a weapon or a way out of here. I only have so much time before he finds me.
You suppressed a scream as you then scoured their bedroom in search of the gun safe, not keen on wasting any more time, but to your dismay, you couldn't find it.
They must have moved it from last year - fuck! - what else could they have?
Your eyes then landed on your father's esteemed baseball bat. You'd remember him talking about it, the pride radiating from him as he explained how it was the first bat he used to hit a home run with in high school.
Well, sorry dad.
Picking up what was now a weapon and placing it in such a way that would allow you to swing at a moment's notice, you slowly sauntered out of your parent's bedroom and into the hallway.
Your blood ran colder and colder as you approached your bedroom door, until, finally, you did, and raised the baseball bat even higher as to deliver the hardest blow on the boy that stood before you.
"You know, it would have probably been better if you'd stayed hiding," you then heard J. D. speak, turning around and raising an eyebrow at the bat in you hands. "You know, that isn't going to do much against a gun."
Time seemed to stop, and all you could stare at was the gun that sat loosely in J. D.'s hand. He was going to fucking kill you.
"Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to use it on you," he then reassured coyly, as if reading your mind. "It's just a necessary... precaution. Now, why don't place the bat down so we can talk."
"I could scream."
J. D. seemed to smile at this and clicked his tongue, as if scolding you. "Now, would you really like to have someone else's blood on your hands like that? Just because I'm not going to shoot you doesn't mean I won't shoot anyone else. It'd be a shame if anyone had to die because of you."
"Good, now... place the bat down."
Nodding, you complied, slowly placing your only means of defence on the ground.
"Okay, okay," you mumbled, trying to calm your racing heart down. Though you doubted it, you supposed that there was a chance that, if you could calm down enough, you could convince J. D. to leave you alive.
J. D. grinned. "Now, darling, why don't you come right here."
If you could've moved, you most certainly would've. After all, you'd seen that gun in J. D.'s hand. You knew what it could do. But you were frozen by fear, and no amount of rationality was going to move you.
"Now, this would all be, uh, a lot easier if you'd just come with me, because I'd hate to have to man-handle - " J. D.'s words cut short as he watched you, nearly stunned, as you bolted past him and towards the window. But he was quick to recoup his bearings, cocking the gun (for good measure) and grab onto your leg, successfully dragging you towards the ground. You grunted in pain upon your head slamming against the hardwood floor, the beginnings of a bruise already starting to appear.
Now only partially unconscious, it took you a long while to notice the tongue now prying apart your mouth and the chapped lips pressed against your own. You'd only really noticed when you realized that you couldn't breathe, and you let out a strangled groan as you tried to detach yourself from the figure above you, but to no avail. J. D. merely slid his tongue deeper down your throat, inhibiting you from screaming or making any other noise as he kissed you roughly.
You thrashed and flailed under his touch, but nothing was enough to free yourself from him. He was faster, stronger, and had the firearm in this situation. You stood no chance. So, with a heavy heart, you moved pliantly underneath J. D.'s touch, hoping he'd at least go a little easier on you at the very least.
And then, with bated breath, you observed as he stopped, and, hovering above you, took something out of his pocket. At first, fearing it was a gun, you began to once again fight against him, but then paused upon not recognizing the silhouette of the object in his hand.
"You know, as much as I'd like to continue this, I did come here for a reason." J. D. stared at you, no ounce of sympathy as he spoke his next words. "You know, it'd have been a hell of a lot easier if you'd just fucking stayed asleep."
Without so much as a moment to respond, a wet rag was forced upon your face. Confused at first, you lied still, before realizing what it must have been drenched it. You were now even more urgent in your fighting of J. D. (if that was even possible), punching and kicking him wherever you could. But he didn't budge, simply kept a firm grip on the rag.
"Shhh, it's fine, I won't hurt ya," he reassured, "Not unless I need to, of course."
But you didn't hear him, your consciousness already slipping as you'd only been half conscious before. You were trying to kick free, but already you were so exhausted, your adrenaline already beginning to ware off. Worse still, J. D.'s words of reassurance that you'd be fine and that everything will be alright were starting to mess with you.
You could hear him talking, but the words were muffled and blurred, and your body seemed to take everything in as if it were truth, because it was already relaxing under his cool touch. And it seemed that, the more fearful your mind grew, the more numb your body became, until, finally, you gave up your thrashing and your fighting, and sunk into J. D. harsh embrace willingly.
Upon your figure going limp, a devilish grin spread across J. D.'s face. Though he knew this was not how things were meant to occur, he was simply so happy - for he finally had you in his arms, where you belonged. And then, unable to help himself, he pressed a hungry kiss on your mouth, pleased to hear a muffled moan escape it as your tongue moved submissively under his own.
This was it! Finally - finally, after waiting for so long, you belonged to him. No more were the days when he'd have to watch you through your bedroom window, or the days where all he'd see of you were your paranoid eyes in the hallways, because, finally, here you were, in his arms, where you belonged!
Here you were at last, finally.
Finally, you were his and only his.
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© do not translate, steal, or repost any of my works elsewhere without consulting me and gaining my consent.
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iamqueenpotato · 2 years
Hurts Like Hell Final Part
Azriel x Reader
A/N- This constant support that you all have given me is something I will always be thankful for, seeing you guys enjoy my writing has been the best thing ❤️ This is the last part! Took me a bit longer to make sure I ended it correctly, kinda had a little burnout this past week 🙃 so hopefully, you guys are satisfied with the ending! Enjoy!
⚠️: None!
Word Count: 4.3k
Part One Part Two
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Healing wasn’t easy, it took a lot of willpower on your end. But the more you tried, the better you began to feel. Lucien started giving you more tasks, and more errands to run. Forcing you to get out of the house, interact with new people, and enjoy the sunlight on the walks the two of you took. You never once held in your feelings, never let them have the chance to take control. Though there were days you wanted to do nothing but lie in bed, especially when certain memories would resurface, ones of a certain Illyrian. And there were times you wanted to beg Lucien to leave you be, to let you spend your days trapped in your room, away from it all but you would remind yourself of the why of it, remembering that going back down that road of despair would cause more damage than good.
Lucien admired the perseverance you showed. He reminded you daily of how proud he was of you, continuing to be the supportive friend you needed. It would be a lie if you said you haven't cried in these past couple of months, there were plenty of tears shed during the late nights, during any time of the day, but you truly were feeling that your heart was finally healing, all of the fears and doubts that sat so deep within you were slowly becoming a distant memory. In the process, you learned to do something you thought you never could do. You finally learned how to love yourself. Mistakes and all.
Learning how to love yourself was difficult, it took many tries to believe that you were capable of it but you discovered you were worthy of love, even the parts that you had despised for years, the pieces of you that you had long deemed unlovable. It was a time you spent truly discovering who you were, and who you could become, with and without your mate. Though heartbreak and immense pain caused you to arrive at this moment. To this point of healing. It had benefited you more than you would ever have realized. The best part of it all was you were never alone, you had Lucien, and when they could, your friends from the inner circle would come and visit you, and spend a day or two catching up. And when they left to go back home, there was a large part of you that wanted to follow.
Then after a few months had passed, you decided it was time to go home. You were ready, to be back in Velaris. To see Azriel. And have that conversation that the both of you had put off for far too long. There was once anger and heartache within you, the two things that you had thought would occupy you for years, but when you began to change, and you learned to accept them, they had begun to dim. Though your heart still ached for your mate, and the pain that he had put himself and you through had dampened a bit your spirit, you were prepared to talk to him, to hear him out. To see if that bond between you two was still worth repairing.
It was late into the night when you decided to tell Lucien of your plans, as you walked down the steps of the cabin, you found him lounging on the sitting room couch, various papers in his hands. When he spotted you he placed them down, moving over so you could sit next to him. “It’s late, what are you still doing up?” He asked.
“I am ready to go back.” Your words came out quick, like a breath you had been holding in for too long.
Lucien sat up straight, his eyes studying your face, trying to find any sort of second-guessing from you. But this was a decision you thought about for a while and you were certain this is what your next step was going to be. When Lucien realized there was no doubt in your choice he smiled, pulling you into a tight embrace. “I am so proud of you.” He pulled away, cupping your hands within his. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Lucien there are no words that can express how grateful I am for your support, I will never forget what you have done for me.” You choked out, not expecting to cry saying goodbye. Though it wasn’t truly goodbye, Lucien became your best friend through this, and going forward he would always be a part of your life. But the time you spent with him, the healing that so greatly involved him, it would be hard to leave this place behind. He brought his hand to your cheek, wiping away the tears. You looked up at him, seeing the freshly fallen tears down his own cheeks. “You have been by my side this entire time, even when I thought I didn’t deserve anything, so thank you, Lucien. For being my friend.” You smiled, letting out a breathy laugh, and he smiled right back.
“I am going to miss having you around here Y/N.” Lucien spoke quietly, as if he were trying to dim the emotion within him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him with all the strength you had.
“You have to come to visit, you don’t have a choice.” You spoke, burying your head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist, you could feel his tears as they fell onto your shirt.
“Yes ma’am” He choked out as he pulled away, smiling so brightly at you. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, wiping your tears away, both of your noses sniffling. Then the two of you broke out into a fit of laughter, that was soon followed by more tears. And more hugging.
The next morning you awoke on the couch, not having ever gone back up to your room, the two of you spent the rest of the night talking, about anything, the night was filled with many moments of tears but there wasn’t sadness in any of it, Lucien made sure to tell you over and over how proud he was of you and admiring the strength you had built over these months, which only seemed to make you cry more.
Lucien’s figure was spread across the carpet by the fire, still sound asleep as you sat up. You grabbed the pillow behind you, softly throwing it towards Lucien, aiming for his chest but instead landing directly on his face with a loud smack. A little bubble of laughter escaped your throat as he rolled over, groaning, pulling the pillow away from his face. “Maybe I won’t miss you.” He joked, giving you a small smirk, his eyes still closed. You gasped, grabbing another pillow, this time throwing it with a little more force. Laughing loudly you stood up, making your way toward the bathroom to shower. It was time to get ready for your trip back home.
You had written a letter to Cassian the night before, telling him of your plans, though you got no response, the sudden knock at the cabin door could only be one person. You placed the last bit of your clothes in your bag before rushing over to the door, opening it up with eagerness. Cassian smiled widely at you, he stretched his arms wide, inviting you to embrace him, which you did without hesitation. He hugged you so tight it felt like you would crack in half, but you smiled through it, holding him with equal ferocity.
“I had to stop myself from flying over here last night, Nesta actually had to hold me back.” Cassian laughed as he placed you back down on the ground.
You shared his laughter, your smile growing wider each second until your cheeks hurt. “Who else knows?”
“Just Nesta, for now, I assume she told Feyre, but I made sure they said nothing to Az, my lips are sealed this time.” You felt Lucien appear behind you, Cassian reached behind you to give him a firm handshake, while his other hand rested on Lucien’s shoulder. “Thank you for taking care of her, she’s family, and I wouldn’t have anyone else by her side during this,” Cassian added, the sentiment was almost enough to make you cry. Cas smiled at you, motioning to move past you into the cabin. “I’ll grab your bag Y/N, let you say goodbye.”
You turned towards Lucien, your chin trembled as you gave him one last hug. “Thank you again, Lucien, I will see you sometime soon.” You pulled away.
He smiled at you, a strong hold on your hand. “Remember you are strong, you are worthy of love Y/N. Don’t accept anything less than what you deserve.”
“I promise. You do the same.” You spoke as you turned to Cassian, who was walking back down the stairs, your bag in hand. Lucien let go of your hand, standing in the doorway as Cassian lifted you in his arms. “Goodbye Lucien.”
“Goodbye Y/N.” And with that you were in the air, the cabin just a small spec across the land, but always would remain a large piece within your heart.
Velaris was as beautiful as you remembered, you stared down at the city below, admiring all that you had missed so dearly.
The two of you landed in front of your townhome, you took a moment to steady yourself, one breath in, one breath out. Cassian held your hand, smiling down at you. “I need you to close your eyes for me kiddo.”
You looked at him with skepticism in your eyes. “Why?” You asked.
“Do you trust me?”
“Usually, but at this particular moment, I’m not so sure.” You laughed as Cassian gave you a playful nudge. He moved behind you, placing one large hand over your eyes. He walked slowly, guiding you to what you figured was the front door. “Cassian what is going on?” You questioned, hoping he wasn’t tricking you in some way. You heard the door unlock, a quiet array of whispers. Anticipation ate at your gut as Cassian slowly moved his hand away, and when you opened your eyes, you found all your friends standing in your living room. All of them yelled an array of “Welcome home!” Mor was the first one to hug you, then Nesta and Feyre, then finally Rhys. Amren gave you a small smile from behind her glass. You spotted Elain sitting quietly in the corner, who offered you a small wave, and you politely returned the gesture. You turned back towards Cassian, placing your hands on your hips. “You couldn’t keep it a secret huh?” Though your tone was filled with sarcasm, you had a giant smile across your face.
“I couldn’t ruin the surprise. What can I say? Everyone was super excited to hear you were coming back.” Cassian smiled, shrugging his shoulders. But there was one person still missing. You did not see him when you walked in, and as your eyes scanned the room he was nowhere to be found. Rhys came up behind you, his hand resting on your shoulder as he leaned down to speak quietly in your ear. “He has been on a mission for the past couple of days. He will be back tonight. I did not tell him you were coming.” As you looked towards the Highlord you mentally slammed your walls back up, but you nodded in acknowledgment.
The rest of the day you spent drinking and catching up with everyone. It felt so good to be back home with the family you thought you never would have, and when you looked around the room you mentally noted that if things worked out between you and your mate, you would buy more furniture, with Cassian sitting on the ground, Amren’s short stature taking the entire couch, Rhys and Feyre cuddled up on the chair, while Nesta on the other, you didn’t have the seating to entertain. But the thought made you smile, who would’ve known of the many problems you would have faced in your life, not having the space to entertain your friends would be one of them. And when it was time to play cards, everyone found a spot on the floor.
“I think I am going to head out.” A small voice spoke up above the rest. You looked over to Elain, who hadn’t said a single word the entire time, stand up and swiftly move towards the exit, you and your friends watched as she closed the door behind her.
You placed down your cards. “No cheating.” You spoke before standing up and following Elain out the door.
“Elain!” You called out. She stopped moving, turning to face you. “Are you okay?” She kept her head low as you approached her, her hands folded in front of her.
“Y/N why are you so nice to me?” She choked out. “I played a part in the fallout between you and Azriel.”
“Did you do it on purpose?” You asked.
Her head shot upward, Elain’s eyes were wide as she stared at you. “No-no of course not, I would never.”
You placed a hand on her arm, smiling shyly at her. “Then I have no reason to be anything but nice to you. Elain I never had anything against you, I think you are a wonderful woman. Things got complicated between Azriel and me and somehow you ended up in the center of it, but if you didn’t do it on purpose, then why should I be mad?”
Elain smiled at you, and a single tear fell down her cheek as she moved to hug you. “Thank you.” She whispered. You would have never thought that Elain would have become this troubled over the situation, but maybe she truly saw it as her fault, and you were glad that you were the person to tell her otherwise.
She pulled away, waving goodbye as she walked down the street. When you walked back into your home, your friends gazes followed your movements as you found your seat back in the circle. “What?” You asked.
“Oh, nothing,” Nesta spoke up. “It’s good to have you back, Y/N.” She smiled, softly nudging you with her shoulder. You all went back to playing your game and you couldn’t tell if it was just in your head but it felt as though more pieces of your soul healed. And you could thank your found family for it.
Once the sun set, your friends decided it was time to leave, after a long goodbye you were left standing in the middle of your living room. Being alone in your townhome again brought back so many emotions, both good and bad. But it felt right. It no longer was a place that you associated with your pain. You knew Azriel wouldn’t be home for some time. But waiting made a small bundle of nerves grow in your stomach, you rubbed at your chest as if that would help the growing nerves.
But that also meant you had time to truly prepare yourself for this conversation. As you walked around your home, you didn’t realize how much you missed this place, the shared library, your kitchen, and all the memories it holds. The photos that lined the hallway walls of you and your mate, the family you shared. Though you were gone for months nothing had changed, it was as if you were never gone in the first place.
You walked into your bedroom, the last place you truly talked to Azriel. His leathers were tossed all around his side of the room, though your side of the room was clean. Except for the fact that your side of the bed had been slept in, while Azriels was still made. Confused by it all you left the room, opting to wait in front of the fire until he came home. You picked at the edge of the chair, second-guessing yourself if this was the right decision. The doubtful thoughts filling your head, what if he didn’t forgive you? What if he finally decided to move on? But remembering how far you came, how much you needed to do this, you stuck through it and continued to wait.
It was nearly midnight when you heard the lock on the door turn. You stood quickly, watching the door as it slowly opened. Azriel stepped in, throwing his things to the side, he was dressed in his leathers, slowly removing the top layer, being in his presence felt different, but better. Gods you missed him, though you couldn't let yourself run back to him, not until you heard what he had to say.
He didn’t notice you at first, his gaze solely focused on the floor, his hair was a mess, and if you looked closely enough you could see the dark circles underneath his eyes. His shadows darted towards you, alerting him of your presence. His head whipped around to look at you, his movements frozen as his eyes widened though it was as if he didn’t believe you were here, standing in front of him. “Hi, Az.” You whispered.
Your voice seemed to shake whatever trance he was in. He moved to you faster than you could react, rushing over to you but quickly stopped in his tracks as if he wasn’t sure if you wanted him near you. But when you didn’t step back, instead moving closer he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, running his hands along your back. You didn’t pull away, not startled by his sudden movements, you prepared yourself for this, you had missed the warmth that he gave you. You slowly wrapped your arms around him, returning the embrace. “You came home.” He spoke, his voice cracking.
You pulled away and you could have sworn you heard a small sound of protest come from Azriel as you moved the two of you to the couch. “I thought it was time we talked about everything.”
As the two of you sat down, Azriel held on to your hand, you watched his chin tremble as he looked towards you. “I am so sorry Y/N.”
“I am too.” You responded.
Azriel shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for, this is my fault alone.”
“But what I said-”
Azriel gripped your hand tighter, rubbing his thumb across your palm. “I deserved it, I hurt you Y/N and I am sorry. For what I put you through. There is no excuse for my behavior, I don’t deserve you and the love you give. I never meant to hurt you, I didn’t realize what I was doing until you left Rita’s that night. Seeing you cry, made my entire world crash down. I-” Azriel paused, looking down at his hands that were now interlaced within yours, trying to center himself. “I am not good with emotions, I know I love you, gods I love you so much. But I think pushing people aside and those emotions are how I think I am protecting them. But in reality, I hurt the person I care for the most.”
“What were you trying to protect me from?” You asked.
“Myself, my job. After everything that happened with Rhys and Feyre, I was scared. Each time I went on missions, I kept that love for you a secret because I was so afraid that something would happen to me, if I were ever to get caught. They would find out about you. They would use you to get to me. And I would never forgive myself if I put you in harm's way. But in the process when I pushed it so far down, I made it worse. ” He choked out, you could only stare at him, unsure of what your next words would be.
Azriel took a deep breath as he continued. “I got so engrossed in my work, that I neglected the one good thing in my life. When Feyre asked if I could keep an eye on Elain, it became another job. I said she needed me because I thought that is what I needed to do for Feyre and for her, to follow orders. She was never anything else to me. I am so sorry you thought that something was going on, that I made it seem like there was. You are all I have ever needed and I was an idiot to mess it up. These mistakes are mine to bear, not yours. Y/N you remind me where I belong, you have shown me love that I never thought I would be capable of knowing. I should have been a better mate, you deserve so much more than I am. I hate that I couldn’t see you struggling, I hate that I wasn’t there for you. I hate myself. For all of it.” Azriel let his head drop as his body shook with sobs, it hurt you to see him like this, but after hearing his words, seeing what this had done to him, what the two of you had been through, and although there was still more to work on between you two, you knew you wouldn’t want to live in a world without him by your side.
“Please don’t hate yourself.” You spoke quietly, watching him as he slowly pulled away from you.
Azriel didn’t look your way as he spoke, his voice hoarse. “It is what I deserve. I deserve worse than hate. What I did to you-” He paused wiping his face with the back of his hands. “I can never forgive myself, I swore I would protect you, I promised myself I would never make you cry, never cause you pain. But I couldn’t keep that promise.”
Bringing your hand along his jaw, you raised his head gently, making him look at you. Rubbing soothing circles across his cheeks. “I will not lie and say that I wasn’t hurt by this, gods Azriel it broke me. I never thought I would have gotten myself out of that hole. But this bond, this light between us, it is something to be treasured, to be loved. It gave me the strength to heal, to be better so we can be better. But for that to work, I need honesty, and clarity. I need you to be the male I know you are. The one who is fearless, who cares so much for his family, the one that I fell in love with all those years ago, the one that still has my heart.” You paused, holding back those tears that so desperately wanted to fall. “Don’t block me out. I am your mate, for the good and the bad. I understand the need to protect me, but I need to protect you too. We are equals after all, and we have to look out for each other.”
Azriel leaned into your touch as more tears fell down his cheeks. “How can you forgive me? I failed you.”
You moved one of his hands, placing it above your heart. You opened that bond that had been closed off for what felt like an eternity. Letting that warmth from you flow towards him, to show him that you had always held on to hope, even when it felt out of reach. “There is no way to learn things in life without failing, the thought of losing you scared me, so much that I became paranoid and assumed things that were not there, I should’ve talked to you instead of thinking everything would go back to normal on its own. A relationship takes work, and even when it gets hard, I don’t ever want to know who we are without each other. You are a piece of me that will be with me forever. I can’t help but love you.” You pulled on the bond once more, and finally, Azriel opened his side. The sudden rush of fear and guilt that came from him made your breath hitch, but you did not pull away, instead, you pushed more love toward him, in return he leaned his forehead against yours, sending a wave of love down the bond. The tears finally fell as you closed your eyes, cherishing Azriel and everything he was. Faults and all.
“I love you Y/N, nothing and no one could change the way I feel about you. You are light in this dark world of mine, a blooming rose in a garden of thorns. I promise to be the male you deserve. If you’ll have me.” He wiped away your tears, his hands remaining on your cheeks. You nodded, interlacing your fingers with his. Azriel let out a sigh of relief before softly placing his lips on yours. The bond bloomed with so much love between you and him. And as his lips lingered on yours, you finally felt that you were back where you belonged, the hope within you became a blazing fire and not the dim flame it once was. The connection you two shared was never something wild to tame, but something to run with, it was meant to make mistakes, and you two would learn to fix them together.
“I love you Azriel.” You whispered as you pulled away, your hands still tightly gripped onto his.
He smiled back at you, the smile that warmed your heart, the one that sent butterflies throughout your body. “I love you Y/N, with all that I am.”
And when he kissed you again, it was a promise. One that meant change, for a better future. For the both of you.
Taglist: @honestlywtfisgoingon @fanfictioniseverything @marina468 @positivewitch @maviee @blurredlamplight @bookslut420 @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @elle10 @dragonstoneprincess
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lucyandherlunacy · 21 days
before i start episode 5 of minecraft story mode i thought i'd put my serious first impressions of the "wither storm arc" here
first the positives: surprisingly, i find it really entertaining how everyone talks. the little pg curse words forced into every conversation, like 'crap' and 'hell' etc.? absolute time capsule. it works for me because i can 100% believe that these are people who live in a minecraft server in the 2010s. the wither storm was an excellent threat for the first 4 episodes. genuinely one of the best monster-villains i've seen in a video game. the conflict surrounding its creation and how it spiralled out of hand mean that it can motivate meaningful character tension despite being a monster, and the way it works is honestly really cool. a regenerating, nigh-unkillable mass of destruction that drags everything around it to its death and only multiplies once it's seemingly dead for good? plus the wither sickness and amnesia it spreads and the fate of the people who get absorbed into it? love it. genuinely threatening and spooky the arc had me invested to the point that i wasn't willing to really make any kind of 'evil/mean for the hell of it' decisions in my playthrough. it felt really nice playing jesse as someone who is just earnestly a nice and caring person who tries her best and keeps her gang together. it helps that the voice actress playing femjesse sounds absolutely heavenly she killed it in this role honestly i liked jesse's character a lot more than i expected too! their inexperienced and kinda bumbling yet optimistic outlook compared to say, the kind of stoic hardened adventurer you see in petra was really fun. combined with me missing a qte or two on occasion i definitely bought into jesse as this unlikely hero that came from nothing soren, ivor, lukas and olivia were the standout characters to me in that order. idk what else to really say they're great. i liked the rest of the cast well enough even if i thought some of them were slightly underdeveloped or just didn't appeal to me personally, the former of which i'll get into in the next section. reuben the pig i can't really speak on since i have a personal bad experience with his name that made me wince every time it was said. he was cute i guess ----------------------------------------------------------------- a few criticisms: i did redstonia, and idk if this an issue unique to that area but i found it to be too short. i just kept thinking there would be more to this society or at least more buildup to meeting ellegaard. most of what you see is just people's attempts to win her favor. i especially would've liked to see more of it since it ends up getting destroyed there was only really one time that the character drama felt forced to me, and that was the start of episode 3 where lukas tries to pull the amulet off you and petra scolds you for not saving axel and reuben. it was all uphill from there but that was the only moment i really was like "yeah this is shoehorned lol" mobs are handled kind of weirdly in this game. it's a nitpick at best and not something super serious but i guess it's weird to see zombies and skeletons just kind of being treated as a given in a populous world of various humans. i dunno, i just felt that not taking advantage of the fact that half the generic monsters are the undead or even really mentioning it was a weird move i kind of wish we just had one more episode in this arc. certain moments like ellegaard's death didn't hit as hard as they should have just because i hadn't spent enough time with her to get attached. and generally i think characters like axel and petra could've done with just a little more time in the spotlight for their characters to grow. i think they needed the kind of treatment olivia got in her moment with jesse in the farlands. even having done redstonia over axel's path it really wasn't long enough to add to her character the way that moment did for me ------------------------------------------------------------------ regardless, i genuinely really liked my experience with this game despite all the silly moments. if anything they enhance the experience for me and i can't wait to play more :)
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chaussetteblanche · 2 years
the view
pairing : miles morales x gn!reader
word count : 1k
summary : spider-man joins you when pondering life one evening at the top of a building
warnings : swearing
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Your feet dangled above the bustling city of New York. You leaned back on your palms, staring up at the sky and wishing you could see stars instead of the orange glow. You chest felt tight and your eyes were runny. You felt like you needed a breath of fresh air, but even one of the highest buildings in the capital of the state wasn't enough.
"Hey, uh, you okay ?" A voice came from behind you, startling you slightly. You sighed and looked down at your swinging feet, the soles of your shoes reflecting the lights below.
"I'm not going to jump, if that's what you're worried about."
The person behind you moved forward and you heard the faint rustling of fabric as they sat down next to you. You were surprised to find none other than Spiderman sitting bent forward, elbows leaning on his knees at your side. His suit was dirty, gray covering black and red.
"Tough night ?" you asked, noticing the way his eyes dropped and his back hunched.
"You could say that," he spoke softly and paused, as if debating whether to tell you something or not, "three different people tried to kill me in the span of a few hours." You let out a small sigh, not so sure of what to say. No one had ever tried to kill you.
"That sucks,"
"Yeah," he chuckled wetly, "yeah, it really does." You heard his sniff once, white eyes scanning the city below. You wondered what was going through his mind.
You leaned back and laid down, crossing your arms behind your head. Your gaze fixed steadily on the unnatural colour of the sky, making out a few sparse stars. You felt very small. And your problems very big.
"Do you ever feel like it all gets too much ? Kinda like you can't breathe ?" you asked. He laid down next to you, one arm behind his head.
"Like you're never gonna get out of it ? That it's never going to end ?" he paused, "yeah, sometimes."
"How can you feel so small when everything else feels so- huge ? And destructive and consuming ? It doesn't make any sense."
"What's up with you ?" he asked, turning his head to the side. You looked into his white eyes briefly before turning back to the sky.
"Family, money... Life, I guess," you chuckled humourlessly. "My parents have been separated for years now and they're finally getting a divorce. But... I still feel like I'm taking sides or betraying one of them whenever I do something. I hate it. And I just want to protect my brother from all of it. But I also want to move out. Just get the fuck away from all of it, you know ? But I can't bear the thought of leaving him alone." Confessing to him felt strangely freeing.
"That sucks," he repeated your words from earlier.
"Yeah," you let out a small laugh, wiping your eyes, "it does suck,"
"Someone once told me that you have to live your life for you, you can't live it for anyone else. Even for your brother. People... they'll try to fit you into these boxes and tell you what to do, what's expected of you depending on this and that, but fuck that. Fuck it all. You have to do what's best for you, you know ? To hell with the rest of it. You're the only person who's always gonna be by your side, you gotta look out for you, you know what I mean ? Don't mind the rest. Move out if that's what best for you,"
You turned to look at him, eyebrows raised. A tear rolled down your cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb.
"And moving out doesn't mean that you'll never see your brother again, will it ?" he added. You inhaled shakily.
"Yeah, you're right." You wiped your eyes and chuckled. "That was some deep shit, man," He laughed and watched you as you sat up.
"We've all got our demons to slay."
"I'm Y/N, by the way," you extended your hand to him.
"Mi- Spiderman." He shook your hand and grinned at you, thankful you couldn't see his red cheeks at the slip-up.
"What did you come up here for, anyway ?" you asked, genuinely curious.
"Just- came to think. I like to get above it all. It's quiet up here. Like-"
"A breath of fresh air," you spoke. Your eyes locked and he smiled softly.
"Yeah, exactly."
"What do you see when you look up at the sky ?" you asked after a few minutes of silence. You heard him inhale slowly before answering.
"People I've loved. People I've lost. Battles I've lost. Battles I've won. Opportunities I took and ones I didn't."
"I wish you could see the stars," you both spoke simultaneously, before gasping and chuckling.
"And what about when you look down at the city ?"
"Pressure," he answered immediately, "I see people. People that need my help, my saving. People that need me. Some that I won't be able to save,"
"What about the ones you've saved ? Who are thankful for you ? Who owe their lives to you ?" you asked, frowning slightly. Spiderman was quiet for a moment before humming.
"Yeah, you're right,"
"What do you see ?" he asked after a while, the buzzing of the city below filling the comfortable silence.
"I feel incredibly small when I look up at the sky. Like a speck of dust, really. But I like it, it brings me back to reality. And the reality of my life. Despite everything, I'm still privileged, I've got a family who loves me, no serious money problems and good grades at school." He nodded. "When I look down at the city, I realize everyone has problems. Even Spiderman ! It makes me realize I'm not alone, I guess."
He smiled at your answer. "I like that view."
"So do I, I think."
He stood up and brushed himself off. "Well, if you ever wanna share your view again, I'll be here," he assured.
You smiled and nodded. "You got it, Spiderman,"
Little did you know that that was the blossoming of a beautiful friendship.
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𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹!𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺𝘀
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Meeting her
You and Ellie meet through Jesse. You and Jesse dated for about a month three years before. He made you realize you were a lesbian.
He invited you to a study group that included; him, Dina, and Ellie.
In the school library, the four sat around the circular table in the center of the room. Jesse being Jesse fucked around the whole session causing the group to get annoyed stares. Dina decided that they should leave.
When you suggested that you guys just reschedule.
Dina told you and Ellie to stay.
“No, no. You guys stay I've got to get this idiot out of here.” Dina glanced at you guys, sensing some sort of awkwardness. “If it's okay with you guys.”
“Um, yeah, if it's fine with you.” Ellie shrugged as she stared at you.
“Oh. Yeah I don't have a problem.”
Of course, It was awkward between you guys at first but after a while things went smoother. The studying was soon forgotten about once she let it slip that she likes comic books.
Becoming best friends
After the failed study session, you start to hang out with the group more. Always Jesse doing something stupid and you, Dina, and Ellie talk shit about him. You've finally found your people.
Sneaking out to go on late-night drives and you being the only one who doesn't know how to drive. You will get bullied for it believe me.
“Imagine failing Spanish.”
“Imagine not knowing how to drive.” - Jesse
You were tired of the constant abuse from mostly Jesse, so you asked Ellie to teach you how to drive. She agrees.
“You forgot to put on your seat best.”
“Oh - shit, slow down a little.”
“Fuck you ran a red light... it's okay, you’re okay. Everybody makes mistakes. ”
“Maybe drive the speed limit. No... it's alright just try not to go 25 miles over next time.”
“You can go a little faster.”
“You’re doing great, babe”
Babe was something she called you a lot but only when you were alone, which you guys were a lot as you got more comfortable with each other. Not needing Dina or Jesse to make things less awkward anymore.
Going to the library to read comic books for hours.
Taking unexpected pictures of each other.
Having your first sleepover at her house. Dina being jealous that she didn't get an invite.
Ellie complaining about her job being ass, wishing you were with her.
You getting hired at her job a month and a half later.
You guys making everything a two-person job.
Sending songs that remind you of each other.
your song that reminded you of her
“Why does this song remind you of me?”
“Idk...this song kinda reminds me of hope and then I think about...you...i guess.”
Dating her
Everyone at school already thought you guys were dating, since Ellie isn't nice to anyone. Not even her own friends sometimes.
how she asked you out:
Ellie was a sweaty mess. She was currently in her room, pacing from one side to the other, as Dina and Jesse watched from her bed.
“Oh my god! What if she says no? I'll fucking die of embarrassment .” She tugged the sides of her hair.
“Ellie calm down.” Dina moves from the bed to her friend. She pushes Ellie’s hands away from her hair, fixing the few strands that were out of place. “She’s gonna say yes. She’s basically in love with you. You're gonna be fine.”
“Yeah, you're all she talks about. Seriously I'm sick of it.” Jesse groaned recalling all the times you would bring up Ellie in a conversation. Her doing the same.
This made Ellie feel a little better.
They heard a knock before the door opened revealing yourself. “Hey, guys! I brought cookies for movie night.” You raised the plastic bag in your hands giving Ellie a big grin.
“Actually, I think I'm coming down with something.” She let out a fake cough and grabbed Jesse’s hand. “Jesse is just gonna take me home.”
“But what about movie night? I bought cookies.” You gave a pout, holding up the bag again.
“Next time I promised.” She and Jesse left.
“Well, I guess it's just us.” You smiled at Ellie. “Yeah, just us.” She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants.
“I - um” Ellie cleared her throat. “I got you something.”
Ellie took a deep breath before going behind her bed to fetch the gift. You let out a gasp as you saw the big bucket of lego flowers, a couple definitely from different lego sets. “I made these for you.”
“Ellie they’re beautiful.” You came closer to her picking a few flowers out of the bucket. “How long did this take?” You placed the flowers back, taking the whole pail from the girl. “About 15 hours. It took me all day.” She said like it was no big deal. “What the hell! Are you not exhausted?”
“I am but it was worth it for the girl I like.”
“The girl you like?”
“Yeah.” She fiddled with her fingers, staring at her socks.
“So is this movie night...like a date?”
“...if you want it to be.”
Since Ellie didn't have a tv in her room, she used her computer. You both snuggled close, Ellie letting you pick the movie.
Pitch Perfect is what you decided on. Ellie complains, not wanting to watch this movie for the hundredth time.
Ellie watched with amazement as you quoted almost every line.
“Ellie watch the movie.”
You don't know when you fell asleep but you woke up to multiple text messages and missed calls from your mother.
“OH SHIT, ELLIE.” You screamed gripping your phone to see that it was 2 am. “WHAT!WHAT!” She scrambled from the bed, you doing the same. “I have to get home!” You slipped on your shoes before grabbing your bucket of flowers.
“Okay. I'll take you home.” She attempted to rub the sleepiness from her face. She tripped a bit trying to put on longer pants and put on her shoes.
All of a sudden Ellie’s door blasted open to reveal Joel....with a bat? “Why does he have a bat?”
“I don't know.”
After a little communication, Joel decided to take you home. Ellie road in the back of Joel’s truck not wanting you to be alone. You guys held hands ── just because it was cold of course ── trying to stay awake.
“I'll walk you inside.” Ellie told you as she grabbed the bucket of flowers. “Ok.” You said your goodbyes to Joel and got out of the truck and onto your front porch.
“Thank you for the flowers and the movie night.” You beamed as you stared into her tired eyes. “I had fun.”
“I'm glad.” She eagerly nodded, not knowing what to do next.
There was 30 seconds of awkwardness, neither of them how to take the first move.
“Fuck it.” You mumbled under your breath. You gently placed your hands on Ellie’s cold face but was quickly heating up from her blushing. You both closed your eyes and leaned in until your lips are locked. Ellie’s grip on the bucket loosens almost causing her to drop it as the kiss quickens in pace.
The two were startled and pulled away from each other by Joel honking his horn. Ellie turned to the truck to give Joel a fast glare before turning back around to you.
“I gotta go sorry.” She gave an apologetic gaze. She handed you the bucket.
“It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow.” You kissed her on the cheek. “Good Night.”
“Good night.” She hesitantly walked back to Joel’s truck.
Two weeks later she asked you to be her girlfriend.
you guys as girlfriends
Her always bringing you snacks for lunch because you refuse to eat that despicable school lunch.
“You got her those dry-ass sugar cookies.” Jesse groaned watching you eat your cookies. Ellie, who had her arm wrapped around your shoulder, rolled her eyes at his statement. She also hated the dry cookie with, in her opinion, too much frosting. But her girlfriend loves them so, of course, she’ll get them for you. “Shut the fuck up. You're just jealous that you have to eat the gross school food.”
You and Ellie have one class together. The entire period consists of you not doing your assignment, but instead watching trashy reality tv shows, and Ellie having to keep you on track, failing most of the time.
Sometimes she just ends up taking your test for you. The teacher never walks around during testing so who cares?
You have to force Ellie to eat. Before you guys meet she would forget to eat all day and wonder why she felt so bad the next day.
“El, do you wanna get some food?”
“No thanks, I just eat.”
“What’d you eat?”
“A bagel.”
“Ellie that was this morning. And we shared half of it.”
a little argument you guys got into:
“El, my love, do you wanna go get ice cream?”
“I'm not really in the mood for it but I can still take you, babe.”
“I don't want ice cream if you're not gonna get ice. I’d feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad I just don’t want any. I can still get you some.”
“No, I don't want ice cream anymore.”
“Babe let's not do this. I'll just have some of your ice cream.”
“No, I want my own ice cream.”
“I thought you didn't want ice cream.”
“Not if you don't want any.”
“Oh, my god.”
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hey could I request a klaus x reader where the reader is around his age and works for VFD (as a singer for her cover but is actually someone who charms people for information yk) but is like super lonely because all their attention isnt really/longterm but klaus and the reader fall in love anyway ( also if you could add him confessing at like a masquerade ball but the reader almost gets killed by count olaf kinda like the lemony and Beatrice flashback ) sorry for the long and specific request
The Siren and The Bookworm (Klaus Baudelaire X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: As a siren, all the attention you received was fake or short lived. But your new partner proves to be an outlier.
A/N: Klaus and reader have been working for the VFD for a few years, so they’re in their early twenties. Count Olaf didn’t die at the end of the series. Klaus confesses after the ball instead of during it. Also based off of the ball scene from Cruella. One more also, this is my last ASOUE fic!!! So I hope you enjoy
It felt simple, almost fun working for the VFD. Given your unique ability, you did much of your work and investigation at parties. You were a singer, but you had a certain charisma that made you able to get anyone to tell you anything. You loved it; the attention, the trust. 
But it never lasted. It was always temporary. When you were done getting the information you needed, you’d move on, and the person you had talked to would forget all about you and your conversations. But at least you always had the stage to return to, your one constant.
Although it felt easy, VFD work was sometimes dangerous. So, after a few minor incidents of being followed or getting found out, the VFD assigned you a partner to accompany you on missions and such. His name was Klaus Baudelaire, the son of the late VFD alumni Bertrand and Beatrice Baudelaire. A lot of the time, when you were undercover, he acted as your bodyguard. This amused you because he was better at reading about defensive strategy than practicing it. But it was still nice to have his company. 
You were first assigned to each other a few months ago. It was strange to form an actual relationship with someone. But after some time, you two became best friends despite your differences. The characters you portrayed accurately depicted your true selves in a way. You were known as The Siren, where being charming and open was just as important as your voice when you were put in front of the microphone. And when Klaus joined the VFD, he was lovingly nicknamed The Bookworm, for his mind was like an endless library that constantly desired to be filled.
You knew you shouldn’t get close. Eventually, he’d be like everyone else, a distant memory. But knowing that didn’t stop you from falling.
You were getting ready in your hotel room when Klaus came in. He was practically itching to leave, because this mission was especially important to him. The VFD had heard whispers of someone who was finally seen after years of hiding. And after years of attempts, he was seen in the limelight. Klaus knew this man all too well, and because of his stories, it felt like you knew him just as personally.
Count Olaf was now known as a talented and famous theater actor, instead of a murderer, kidnapper, and child endangerer. You don’t know how he did it. From Klaus’ stories, Count Olaf seemed to completely lack any sort of talent beyond fooling foolish adults with disguises. You and Klaus couldn’t understand why people were so favorable to him now, but you guessed that it had something to do with the fame and people having their opinion of someone so easily swayed.
The VFD wanted Count Olaf put away once and for all, which was why you were getting ready to go to a press event in his honor and why Klaus was practically about to push you out of your chair and into the car.
“Y/n, please hurry. The car’s here.” You couldn’t blame Klaus for his excitement. He had been wanting revenge on Count Olaf since he was first placed in his care. And although Klaus wasn’t a violent person, he was itching for justice to be served in any sense possible.
“I’m almost done, Klaus, I promise.” You sighed, applying a final touch of lipstick before standing from your chair. As you moved, you felt your dress was looser than it should’ve been and realized it wasn’t zipped. “Klaus, can you zip me up?”
“Uh, yeah.” If you were paying closer attention, you would’ve seen that he had a harsh blush on his cheeks and was about to choke on his spit when he answered you. But you were too focused on the tasks ahead of you. He zipped your dress up, being gentle in a way like he was almost scared to touch you. But you didn’t comment on it. “Ready?” You turned to see an outstretched hand. You took it, and the two of you made your way down to the car provided by the VFD.
“You remember the plan?” You asked as the driver took you to your destination. You fiddled with the ring on your pinky as you thought about it. This was probably the most risky mission you had participated in in all your years working for the VFD.
“Yes.” Of course, Klaus remembered the plan; he remembered everything. “And you’ll be okay.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly to emphasize what he had said. It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. A fact. Even though what’s supposed to happen hasn’t happened yet, Klaus believed that everything would work out perfectly. Despite the series of unfortunate events that he had to endure in his child, he was such an optimist at times. 
“I’ll be okay.” You repeated after him. If you said it enough times, it was sure to be true.
Count Olaf resided in a mansion on a cliff. The drive to the estate was long, and the view was incredible from any part of the property you stood on. Clearly, he was doing well for himself.
When the driver stopped in front of the mansion, littered with guests coming in and hanging around the entrance, Klaus stepped out first before reaching for your hand to help you out of the car. Immediately there were murmurs and gasps as the lights touched your face. It was funny how your undercover persona was more known than the person you actually were. It seemed very counterintuitive. Count Olaf’s doorman greeted you and Klaus when you reached the doors.
“Ms. Hent, it’s such an honor. The Count will be most pleased by your arrival.” He smiled at you and then glanced at your partner. “And this is?”
“This is my bodyguard, and plus one. I don’t go anywhere without him.” You grinned, signaling for Klaus to introduce himself.
“Hembro Kotow, how do you do?” It was Klaus’ idea to use anagrams to form your identities. And it was your idea to use your nicknames for each other to turn into anagrams because if someone could unscramble your fake names, they still wouldn’t know your real ones. So you, The Siren, were also Ires Hent. And Klaus the Bookworm was Hembro Kotow. Klaus felt somewhat ashamed about the idea because he had gotten it from Count Olaf and his antics from when he’d chase him and his siblings around for their fortune. He hated that he had learned something actually useful from the crazed lunatic.
Before you knew it, you were on the stage in the main room, because of course Count Olaf would have a stage in his house. As you sang, you scanned the crowd to find your host. Everyone was masked because Count Olaf seemed to love secret identities. You and Klaus didn’t participate in the masquerade part of the ball, because the vital part of your undercover work was to be seen.
After a few songs, you found him chatting it up with a guest by the doors that lead to the back courtyard. As you sang the final note, the crowd turned their attention to you and started to applaud, Count Olaf being one of them. He smirked, and although you were disgusted, this was part of the plan. You nodded to Klaus, and he accompanied you on your journey through the sea of people.
“I’ll give you five minutes with him before I send everyone out,” Klaus whispered, hand pressed to the small of your back to guide you. “And I’m being very gracious by giving you that much time.”
“Five minutes is all I need.” You whispered back. “And stop worrying; I’ll be okay.”
“You’ll be okay.” He repeated softly.
“Count Olaf, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.” You gave a sweet smile to the man when you finally reached him. He immediately brushed off whoever he previously talked to and focused on you. He grabbed your hand, and you pretended to be delighted when he kissed the back of it.
“Believe me, Ires Hent, the pleasure is all mine.”
“This is such a beautiful home. Absolutely magnificent.” 
“Perhaps you’d like to see more of it?”
“I’d love to.” You linked your arm with his and gave Klaus a nod that said, ‘I’ll be right back, don’t follow me,’ and although this was all part of the plan, he wished he didn’t have to leave you alone with Count Olaf. “Could we see the ocean first?”
“Of course.” Count Olaf led you out of the mansion, and the two of you walked through the courtyard to get to the edge of the cliff that was fenced off by cobblestone structures. “Who was that man you’re with? He seemed familiar.”
You tried not to panic. After all, Count Olaf hadn’t seen Klaus in years, and he had grown up and matured a lot since their last meeting. Or at least you hoped. 
“Oh, just my bodyguard, Hembro. He came from Canada a few months ago.”
“So why isn’t he here now, guarding you?”
“I don’t necessarily think you’re someone I should be guarded from.” There was a flirtatious tone in your voice, even though you wished nothing more than to be away from this man. Count Olaf smirked, and soon, you two were looking out at the sea. “This view is absolutely marvelous.”
“It really is.” Count Olaf sighed, glancing at you. You caught it and had to play along. 
“Very handsome.” You said, turning to lean against the fencing while facing him. You played with the lapel of his suit jacket, wishing it was someone else’s. It was bad enough that he was so much older than you, but the fact that you knew of all the things he had done, especially towards someone you care so deeply about? It made you sick to your stomach. You hated having to act so pleasantly toward a monster. But it would all be over soon. He gripped your hips to pull you closer. “You wanna know a secret?”
“Oh, how I love secrets.” You leaned forward to put your mouth to his ear. In the distance, you saw Klaus talking to different groups of people inside, gesturing to the courtyard. Slowly but surely, they started gathering outside.
“Well, this is a good one.” You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable. “The VFD found you, and they’re ready to put you away for everything that everyone else had forgotten about.”
“What?” He hissed, squeezing you tighter. You tried not to grimace from the slight pain. You had to stay strong and confident. “Who the hell are you, and what do you know about the VFD?” You decided to not answer that question.
“I guess it was a mistake to chase the spotlight, Count Olaf. Now the only light you’ll be seeing is from a jail cell.” He turned you around quickly, pushing your body against the stone barrier. 
“I don’t think so, Darling.” He said with a sick grin. You gulped. “I think it’s time for you to see what you wanted to see.”
“Which is?” You asked, trying to wiggle your way out of his grip.
“The ocean.” His grip was soon off your body, and you were free-falling off the side of the cliff. The last thing you heard was gasps of horror before your plummet took you too far down to see or hear anything else.
Count Olaf turned around, shocked for once that he had an audience. His guests looked at their host in horror, murmuring about how they just watched the Count push the famous Siren off his cliff.
“What?” He glanced back, realizing what they had seen. “She jumped. Everyone, I know how distressing this must seem. But Ms. Hent was deranged, threatening to take me with her.” He was putting on the performance of a lifetime, but it wasn’t to convince the audience this time. “She jumped.”
But they didn’t believe him. Soon, the police (who were secretly VFD agents) came and arrested Count Olaf for the murder of Ires Hent. He screamed as he was being dragged off, talking about how it wasn’t what it looked like and how he was innocent.
Klaus sighed as he walked to the car that had returned to pick him up. He prayed you were okay, even though he knew you were. After all, this was all part of the plan.
Knowing the layout of Count Olaf’s party and his murderous tendencies, the VFD had fashioned you a gown that was both expensive looking and practical for getting thrown at sea to your death in. The skirt’s volume hid the fact that it could also be used as a parachute. You were able to guide yourself into the water, close enough to the shore that you wouldn’t risk getting pulled back into the sea. You insisted to the VFD (more Klaus than anyone else) that you could make your way back to the hotel on your own, and to not send a car for you to avoid the risk of drawing attention. Using VFD tunnels beneath the city, you secretly made it to the hotel. When you opened the door to your room, you were squeezed and lifted in the air.
“Oh, thank God.” Klaus sighed, keeping you close to him as he rested his head against yours. “I knew you’d be okay, but then the minutes kept passing, and I kept thinking the worst.”
“I’m okay.” You combed your fingers through his hair which seemed to help calm him. You pulled him away from nuzzling further into you to press your forehead to his. “We’re both okay.”
“We’re okay.” He repeated, still refusing to let you go. He needed the comfort of knowing you were still alive, and you’d be a fool to deny both him and yourself that. He put a hand on the side of your face, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. He pulled away just enough to look at you. It was like he wanted to say something, ask you something. But he didn’t know how.
Even though he was the Bookworm, you knew how to read him. “Please.” The simple word drove him forward, pressing his lips to yours and pulling you as close to his body as physically possible. The kiss had so many unsaid words: ‘Thank God you didn’t die,’ ‘I’ve been in love with you for quite some time,’ ‘Never do something so crazy and risky like that again because I can’t lose you.’ Yet none of the words had to be said. Deep down, you had both known for a while. It just needed almost dying to confirm it all.
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