#‘that movie’ being chicken little haha
turtleblogatlast · 1 year
I’m gonna cause many people some psychic damage by saying that the beginning song of Chicken Little, called One Little Slip, is an entirely accurate representation of the Rise movie.
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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Etho doodles in which I let my inner dinosaur nerd take over 😔 and also have no idea how to shade
Get it cause he's old and washed up haha... ok but actual raptor Etho hybrid justification below cut
To be honest the main reason was because I really wanted a hybrid in the mix who wasn't some furry creature and a reptile or amphibian or smth instead. Etho still ended up feathered but whatever it's close enough! But for ACTUAL reasoning:
He does feel damn ancient, like an old deity of the mcyt space that no one can dislike. Dinosaurs are the same!! They're old but still thought of with great fascination and fondness, everyone loves dinosaurs...
Dinosaurs are ever so mysterious, as many advancements as we make there's still so much we don't know. Just as we know jackshit about mister Kakashi skin man. Also, there are so many incomplete skeletons out there. I didn't have a particular species in mind for Etho, because where's the mystery in that? He can be one of those 5% skeleton 95% speculation dinosaurs like this guy!! Missing jaw and all
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"I'm a runner, not a protector" - so, a raptor, or more specifically the Dromaeosauridae family, which literally has "running/runner" in its name
But! I'm always a fan of stuff going against its nature, especially in this case! Etho states he's not a runner yet protects his allies rather fiercely even in total silence. Eg refusing to kill Cleo in SL or to give away Tango's location during the LimL manhunt, same for Grian in SL. He was a bit flaky in 3L I think? And he only started to have genuine care for allies in LL with Bdubs? Though he is still very much a runner in many cases like during the LL Wither fight. Research also strongly suggests that most if not all raptors were solitary hunters, and the way I see Etho (through my shamefully limited watchtime of his POVs...) he feels a lot like someone who ultimately only trusts himself at the start even if he's pleasant and allying with others, and doesn't seem to think he can carry his weight in groups though he doesn't voice this a lot. That's just how Etho is, very composed, but it feels like there's an insecurity there, showcased especially in SL but again I haven't seen almost any of his POVs in full so maybe I'm talking out of my ass!! Sorry ethogirls I'm only a sidegig ethogirl myself... But yeah tldr to me he gives off the vibe of an otherwise solitary animal struggling to find 100% sure footing in a pack. In whichever ways he does go against his nature, its not usually made a show of
At the mention of a raptor, a lot of people will probably think of the glamourized Jurassic Park Velociraptors. But those awesome guys from the movies are actually the size of chickens. In general though, dinosaurs tend to be a bit.. exaggerated in media, despite how inherently fascinating they already are. And I think it fits Etho because we all know how the Lifers seem to fear and mancrush on him when he's just some dork with perfect capability to become pathetic at a moment's notice. Still, he's a clearly skilled player and still respected without question Etho's not some killer machine like some people make dinosaurs out to be. He's just a fellow creature fulfilling his role in the ecosystem 👍
dinosaurs are cool
The hook-like sickle claws on the feet... something something fishing rod
I swear I'm not turning all my Lifers into hybrids I'm not!! Still plenty normal humans in the mix I swear....... But Etho is such a radical dude, I really wanted to do something more for him. The whole Kitsune thing that I often see associated with him is really cool. I don't actually know the reasoning for it but I assume something something naruto, but also, him being this ancient mythical cryptid who people know so little about, you know? It makes SO much sense. So anyway I turned him into a dinosaur instead rawr
As a herbivore advocate I also considered stuff like the triceratops (known for how they protect themselves and their own) but nah the raptor symbolism...
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sserajeans · 1 year
i'm a chef
kang haerin x fem! reader
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synopsis: minji left haerin and y/n (mostly y/n) in charge of food for the group's mini new year celebration, and y/n just wanted to give her girlfriend a chance to redeem herself.
others + genre: fluff, established relationship that the members know about, 6th member reader, y/n kinda the designated chef of newji, like shes so good she puts hanni to shame
notes: requested!, kinda proof read, hope this was what you had in mind!!
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"and don't burn the dorm down!"
you sighed. you liked the idea of being alone with haerin for a while. she was always more open that way, but having to cook a meal for all 6 of you alone while she sits and looks pretty for your moral support? the rest of the members went out for last minute shopping and cake-buying, leaving you and haerin to prepare dinner.
despite being together for almost a year now (yes you got together predebut), you've never found yourself in a cooking situation with haerin. you preferred working with hanni, not that your girlfriend minded anyways, she avoided kitchen duty with her life.
but haerin's cooking can't be that bad.... right?
"unnie said you can fry eggs at best." haerin shot a glare your way while rinsing the vegetables you picked out from the dorm's fridge.
"okay sorry! you can't blame me though... you don't help me out when i cook." you held your hands up in the air as you kneeled to pick out the raw chicken from the freezer.
"you make me sound like a bad girlfriend..." the cat-eyed girl muttered, turning the sink's faucet off once the bowl of vegetables was full of water.
you chuckled and crept up behind her, whispering "well you're helping me now, aren't you?" as you reached for the kitchen knife in the drawer beside her. a light blush grew on her face from the proximity as well.
"besides, you always seem to have bathroom troubles whenever i ask for help."
the side comment sent haerin and you bursting into laughter. she left the bowl of dry and now-rinsed vegetables beside you as instructed. you refused to let her help with the chopping in fear she'd get hurt, especially since she wasn't used to preparing the dish you were making.
"anything else you need me to do?"
"can you preheat the oven? there should be instructions on my phone."
she nodded and skipped to the living room where you left your phone charging by the tv set. after spending a solid minute staring at your lockscreen (a photo of her that you took from a night walk when you guys were filming in spain), she typed in your password and briefly read the instructions before placing it back down.
after turning knobs on the oven that haerin hoped were the right ones, she sat on one of the countertop's chairs and pulled out her phone, taking what seemed like a million candid photos of you chopping vegetables.
"hey i didn't know paparazzi made it in the dorms!" you looked up with a wide smile after chopping the the last potato. you playfully reached over to cover her camera, by which she fought back by leaning over side to side as quick as she could.
the little chasing game had the couple giggling endlessly before you got tired and gave up, muttering a "you win". you walked around the counter and leaned on haerin's back, head on her right shoulder and arms loosely wrapped around her waist.
you watched intently as your girlfriend opened twitter with the group account.
"yah don't post the video....." haerin began giggling again, pretending to not have heard you as she began composing a caption on the tweet.
"baby please omg..." you faced her side profile as she still seemed like she wasn't going to budge. "please i can't have tokkis thinking i'm a loser.."
your plead turned only into a caption idea as she began typing "BREAKING NEWS: our cool y/n is a loser" on the tweet.
"baby that's so funny.... haha you know what else is funny? you picking the films.... for our movie nights next month haha.... ha.." your arms' grip around her waist grew tighter as you began showering her whole head, and i mean, whole head with kisses in between your sentences.
haerin was now laughing uncontrollably, typing the "#해린 #YN #뉴진스" tags on the tweet and attaching the video she just took. in between laughter, she managed to let out a "sorry pretty... it was too funny not to share."
you stumbled over to the couch and threw yourself on it face first, mumbling about how your cool girl image was over and that you'll never be the same again. this went on for a solid minute before you stood up and walked back to the kitchen, remembering the task your leader left you with in the first place.
"you were able to preheat the oven a while ago right?"
"yeah. the knobs dont go all the way to 600 though so i just left it at the highest possible."
"like the instructions?"
well fuck.
you ran back to your now fully charged phone, unlocking it quickly and reading through the instructions. after confirming the information, you ran back to the oven and twisted the knob to 250, like how it should've been.
a sigh of relief escaped your lips as you slowly walked back to your confused girlfriend. "rinnie... it didn't even say 600 it said 60."
haerin looked at you with a mix of amusement, remorse, and shock. "oh...."
you rolled your eyes playfully before leaning over and kissing her cheek. "yeah. oh."
the two of you shared another couple of minutes laughing at what just happened, and how you both almost actually burned the dorm down. she leaned her head on your shoulder as you fiddled with the ends of her hair, slowly dropping another kiss on her forehead.
"you're never going near the stove and oven again."
"i'm not saying i'm not complaining, but... yeah i'm not complaining."
later that night hyein bursted through the dorms asking why "haeyn" was trending all over twitter. haerin giggled while you read through tweets under the tag, coming across the follow up tweet you didn't see haerin post as well.
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patrollingboston · 7 months
Hi egghead!
I've been a fan of you since I was 68! Could you please write a fic about Captain Price nursing reader back to health whilst they're ill? I've been DREAMING of the day someone writes this!
Cheers big ears!
Hi egghead? I don’t know what this means haha. Here is the fic, hope you enjoy!
Chicken Soup // Price x Reader fluff
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You groaned as you rolled over, it was still pitch black outside making it even harder to force yourself up. It was a cold winter november morning and there was a nasty virus floating round base. Unfortunately for you you had caught it but it's not like you could take the day off sick. You had to train all day today as a big mission was coming up that would require everyone in peak condition. Great.
You slumped up in your bed wiping the messy hair out your face. Your nose was completely blocked and your head was throbbing meaning, you had exactly 0 hours of sleep.
After getting ready and taking way too much cold medicine you strapped your boots on and headed out your room towards the first training hall. Your head was throbbing with every step but you didn't want anyone to seem less of you for taking a sick day for a 'simple cold.'
You walked in pushing open the large blue double doors the fluorescent light attacking your senses, your nose red and stuffy, greeted by Ghost, Gaz, Soap and Price stood round in a circle.
"Y/n get over here."
Price beckoned towards you. You placed your water bottle down before jogging over trying not to wince at the pain your headache was causing you. A few scattered Hi's and Hello's from the rest of the team as you joined the circle.
"Quite simple stuff today, lift the jerrycans and do 5 laps one in each hand. Working on endurance.”
Okay, easy enough, you can manage that surely.
You and the rest of the team walked towards the cans, the team picked them up with ease and began to jog round the sports hall. You bent down to pick up a can and groaned, your body was achy all over yet you pushed through and began your first lap.
Your head snapped towards price. He was stood with his arms folded, you could hardly see his eyes due to his boonie hat always hanging low over them, stupid hat.
You gently placed the jerrycan down, your arms visibly shaking despite your efforts to make them stop.
"Your forms off what's going on?"
He glanced down his eyes peeking from his hat.
"I'm just not feeling the best, I think I have that cold going round it's no biggie really-"
As if on cue you felt a cough tickle in your throat. You began to violently cough stood in front of Price whilst he just stared at you like you were crazy. You felt a little self conscious, the rest of the team began to slow their laps to look at you out of concern.
"Go back to the Barracks go on, I'll check in later."
Price sighed, picking up your jerrycans and pointing towards the exit. He seemed disappointed, it made your stomach flip a little, already nauseous from being ill.
"No really I don't want to miss out on training Cap."
"No offense Sunshine but you look like hell, get going."
You simply nodded and walked out towards your barracks.
A few hours later, you layed rotting in bed watching some random movie you'd found on tv. You were just dozing off as you heard a knock at the door and you jumped awake.
As you stood up to answer the knock, Captain Price gently pushed your door open, poking his head inside. He wasn't wearing his boonie now but a dark beanie in its place.
"Hey, you okay? I'm just checking in."
"A little rough but yeah, I'm going to get some food in a bit."
He stepped inside revealing a tupperware in his hand. His body language was almost anxious.
"No need. You like chicken soup?"
"I do? is that what's in there?"
He lets out a small chuckle and fully enters your room closing the door behind him. You were slightly embarrassed at the state of your room, your duvet was crumpled from laying in it all day and there was various pieces of rubbish laying around your room from being too lazy to tidy up. You noticed his gaze linger on the framed photos of you with your friends and family.
“Sorry about the mess.”
“Ah please, I’ve shared a room with Gaz it cannot be worse than that.”
He handed you the pot, it was warm and it smelt amazing even through a blocked nose. You could tell a lot of care had been put into making it and it made your heart feel warm.
"It's a family recipe, supposedly cures all."
You smile, you had never seen this side of Price. Usually he was stern and quite cold, you had had the odd chat but nothing too personal. You liked this side of him.
"Getting soft on us Captain?"
"Psh, don't get used to it."
The crow lines on his face accentuated as his smile rose on his face.
You both took a seat at your desk and began to chat, eating the homemade soup together and he was right, you got better in no time.
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franki-lew-yo · 9 months
Chicken Run 2 things I did really like:
It's a fun and small nod to irl chicken farming, but I like that the pen the chickens are kept in in Funtime Farms is an indoor pen. That's how modern poultry gets by on the "free range" excuse.
Genuinely appreciate how much and how well this movie states Ginger's awesomeness through Rocky or other people. It's not too distracting and it's earned. She is the iron chicken and it's a good way to hype up the character without telling you rather than showing you. God. I love Ginger.
Nick and Fetcher needed more scenes with Molly because them being attached and joining in just to save their "niece" is adorable and a great expanse on their characters. Good.
Rocky was a great dad and way better written than the original but still very much Rocky. That's how you do a 'wrote a potentially problematic love interest 20 years ago now here's them updated for modern ''wokeness' standards,' PIXAR. I liked him being both a hinderence and an accessory to Ginger. Shows why and what I like about them as a couple. I especially like how, without even showing you, that Rocky was the one to tell Molly what she needed to know but did not expand on just how traumatized Ginger really is from her ordeal. That's both in character and a believable thing a parent would do when their kid is simply prodding about their past, rather than directly asking their parent. Also, given it's Rocky and he already didn't have a perfect sitch going on as a circus animal, he probably didn't hype it up as perfect but more or less leaned into how adventurous he and Ginger were.
Ginger and Molly and their whole plot of not understanding each other was fine. Ginger being an overprotective parent who never wants to leave the island now and is enforcing her flock never to leave works better here than in contrived direct to video movies like Lion King 2 or Little Mermaid 2. The annoying thing about these kinds of stories is, simply put, the audience is screaming at the parent to just better communicate with their kids, especially when it's not like Ginger is too haunted to talk about the farm to other characters. What was needed, I think, was real establishment that Molly knows her mom escaped from a farm but doesn't truly know what a farm is and what would happen to her on one. Maybe also have it clear that Ginger is so set on being a "free chicken" she refuses to even talk about her past with Molly- somehow thinking that her old life before was beneath what she is now, even though she was the one who escaped from it and was always worth the lifestyle she deserves. Would be a great call forward to Ginger's slight (understandable) apathy for chickens outside her flock that would come full circle to her being the character she always is and is best at. Over all I liked her, Rocky and Molly a lot. I just wished I could have heard Julia Sawahla instead.
Pacing actually moved decently for once for a modern animated kids film. That's impressive, especially for a sequel.
Mrs. Tweedy saying she "gave Ginger everything a hen could ask for" was really illuminating for her character. Really, much as I wish this wasn't the same character, I love Mrs. Tweedy wanting revenge on Ginger. On a chicken. Her dialogue revealing that she thought the life she gave the chickens on her old farm was "good" for them tells you so much about her and how she sees herself as a good farmer only if she's a successful farmer.
Haha the ending shot is perfect.
Okay one thing about this movie- this may be actually be a bad thing depending on your diet choices -this movie makes me actually really hungry for chicken and chicken nuggets. This whole franchise isn't inherently vegetarian or trying to be anti meat, granted, but that is the take away from the character's perspective given that they are the chickens. To put this a different way: the first movie makes eating chicken really unappetizing from the beginning with the "roll call" scene and the pies the chickens would potentially turn into, over the top as it is, also unpleasant. You definitely don't get anything close to the "roll call" scene in this film. A chicken does die but it's all so offscreen it has no impact, so when she's cartoonishly instantly turned into nuggets that Mrs. Tweedy eats, you don't feel anything...you kind of wanna eat the nuggets. Apologies to any chickens reading that. Here, have some happy chickens to counteract the pain:
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intricatechaosofyou · 10 months
I have a request for you
TW: mentions of being sick (like a cold)
Hey I'm feeling a bit sick so I was wondering if you could write how Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia,Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Robert "Bob" Floyd and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw would do that or something?
You don't have to I was just wondering
Sick Days
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Pairing: x gn!reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Summary: You’re not feeling well. Luckily the Navy’s best is a pretty good nurse. Just some headcanons about how our favorite flyboys react to you being sick :)
Request: yes
Warnings: being sick (symptoms similar to a head cold), medicine
Author’s note: this is my first request???? Wtf?? And I hope you feel better hun!! <3 this is actually a little late cause I got sick too so perfect timing haha. Also first time writing for most of these characters! I hope you enjoy!!
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Robert “Bob” Floyd:
My guy gets so worried
Does a quick little Google search to make sure he’s giving you the best medicine for your symptoms
He will make sure you’re so comfy in bed
You’re surrounded on all side by pillows and blankets and tissues
It’s a glorious nest
He’ll make you tea with honey to soothe your throat and help you drink it
Constantly checks in on you to make sure you’re still doing okay
Barely leaves your side
When he does, he’s texting you constantly
Like seriously, he’ll be in the kitchen and text you
[are you feeling alright?]
[Robby, you saw me thirty second ago]
[just checking]
Not to mention he cannot say no to you while you’re sick
You wanna watch that horror movie he despises? Anything for you
You wanted to know if he’d make his mama’s famous biscuits? Say no more
Literally pampers you
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw:
Mama Carol taught this boy the ✨best✨ soup recipe
Like it cures all
The second you sniffle or cough, he’s racing to the store to get the ingredients
Rooster is such an acts of service person, so he’d totally make this soup to show his love
He’ll do everything within his power to make you better: soup, make sure you get plenty of sleep, get your medicine, and if you claim a kiss will make you better? How can he resist
Definitely goes a little bit overboard in his caring
The softest, sweetest voice while he’s talking to you
“Hey, chicken. You gotta eat. I made my mom’s famous soup”
Will rub your back as he sings you to sleep
While you sleep, he gets the soup put away and makes dinner
Except to pampered, you will not be lifting a finger
No cooking, no cleaning for like a month after you get sick
Rooster’s taking care of it all (and if he misses his training, he’ll get Mav to understand)
Jake “Hangman” Seresin:
He’s a complicated man
You mention you’re sick and his immediate response is “don’t get me sick”
You cough or sneeze and he’s out of bed in an instant
And it’s hurts, like does he really prioritize not getting over your well being
You wallow in self pity for ten minutes until he comes back in with a box of tissues, cough medicine, some water, and a large glass of orange juice
“You were out of orange juice so I went to get some, babe”
He left to get you some “sick supplies” to get you better faster
Cause he’s a sweetheart when he wants to be, and he’s gotta make sure his sweetheart is good to go
He makes you stick to Navy routine:
Medicine every few hours, drinking a glass of water every hour, taking your temperature intermittently
It’s funny honestly, cause he’s never cared for the rules but the second you’re sick he’s the biggest stickler for the rules ever
“No, baby, you gotta take the medicine. It’ll help you feel better”
“Jakey, I don’t want to”
“C’mon, sooner you’re better, sooner I can kiss you”
You think over his words for a second before holding out your hand and letting him hand you the pills
He’s gonna get you better as soon as possible (he really misses your kisses)
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia:
He’s the type to try to distract you
You aren’t feeling well? Time to break out the jokes
Dances like an idiot when he delivers you soup or juice or anything like that
And don’t get me started on how intuitive he is (that’s what he gets from being a backseater)
You want soup? Stove’s already on
Need some water? Full glass is already ok the nightstand
Out of tissues? Where’d that new box come from?
Literally anticipates your every need
And if you just want cuddles? This is your man
He will cuddle your sickness away
“Babe, I don’t think that’s how it works” “shhhhhh”
He will let you lay your head on his chest as your watch dorky shows and he really earns his call sign as “Fanboy”
Definitely the one to subtly try and slip you medicine so you don’t notice and won’t taste it
One of the bestest boys to have with you while you’re sick 10/10
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darkbluekies · 2 years
☁️ hi im back LOL hope im not being too much of a bother or something. can we have random dr kry headcanons... it can literally be anything like what he eats at lunch or maybe what he does when his darling's asleep!
[Haha, of course you're not!! I haven't done a headcanon before, but I've been looking around for inspiration so I hope this is good <3]
Dr Kry headcanon: normal day
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yandere!doctor x reader
Warnings: mentions of drugs
Dr Kry doesn't sleep much because he needs to keep an eye on you 24/7.
He most likely definitely has a caffeine addiction to make up for his lack of sleep.
Dr Kry lives in the hospital's dormitory to stay close to you, just in case something would happen for you to need him.
When he gets himself ready for work at 4am in his dimly lit room, his thoughts consist of you.
He gets himself a black coffee and makes his way up to your room.
He reaches your room at 4:25am and unlocks your door quietly.
Dr Kry takes his daily look at your air purifier to make sure it's not generating too much and has bought a little stick that shows him how toxic your air really is — he can't let your air kill you.
You usually wake up at 5am thanks to how badly you are feeling.
Dr Kry is right by your side when you wake up, sitting on the side of your bed with his coffee in his hands.
He leaves you for ten minutes to get you some breakfast from the cafeteria.
Whatever you don't eat, he takes — not because he's hungry (the coffee has ruined his appetite by now) but because your saliva is on the food.
He sits with you until lunch time, passing time by playing games, reading, watching movies and taking some tests on your vitals.
The times he has to look after other patients make him pissed, but he can't say anything about it in case he wants to keep his job.
Around 12pm, he brings you and himself some food — you get tomato soup and bread and he gets himself a chicken salad.
You take a nap after lunch and he takes the chance to go to the hospital's gym.
Dr Kry is a pretty buff guy although he doesn't eat much, he makes up for it with protein bars and shakes.
When the sweat is dripping down into his eyes, he stops and goes to take a shower.
Usually, he takes care of another patient before you wake up.
But when you do wake up, you better be ready for his undivided attention.
At 6pm, he brings you both dinner — you get the same thing: some kind of meat (or subsitute if you're vegetarian/vegan) and potatoes with vegetables.
Whatever you don't eat, he does.
You usually go to bed early since your body is weak and everything in your body hurts — usually between 8pm and 10pm.
When you've fallen asleep, Dr Kry leaves your room again to check up on some work that he misses out on by babysitting you.
When the clock strikes midnight, he walks up to you to check on his wonderful darling one last time before making his way down to the dormitory again.
He can't wait until he gets to see you again in a few hours.
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vorish-wonderland · 4 months
I saw your rook story and loved it! How about vil giving a punishment to mc and Epel for them messing with his make up?
Includes: soft/safe vore, teasing (I think?), unwilling prey
★✦Special Punishment...✦★
"Epel... do we really have to do this??" You asked, not wanting to go along with whatever this is.
"What, are you chicken or something? Come on, it won't even take that long!"
So. Turns out that wasn't a good idea.
You had done it earlier today, just a quick little joke, one he probably wouldn't even notice!
...that's what you thought, at least.
You and Epel were playing war in your shared room, when suddenly, a loud yell rang out across the dorm.
"...oh no." You squeaked, assuming that was about what you and Epel had done.
"Stop being so jumpy, he could've just chipped a nail or something, heh." Epel smirked.
The door was suddenly kicked open, and Vil was standing in the doorway, absolutely furious.
"Heyyyyy Vil...!" You nervously say. "We, uh... we were just talking about you...! All good things, all good things-"
"Were you perhaps talking about what you did?" He's still speaking politely, but it looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel.
"Ohhhh... haha... you... you saw that...?"
"It's not that bad, Vil! I mean, you're okay with movie critics and acting critics and haters and stalkers and all that all day long, I think you can handle a little prank." Epel says, still trying to go ahead with your card game.
Vil suddenly grabs Epel by the wrist and drags him out of the room.
Alright, you have three options.
Stay here in the room (bad idea)
Flee, by running out of the room while Vil is busy with Epel (also bad idea)
Go out the window (worst idea)
What will you choose, what will you choose??
Sorry you took too long.
"GET OVER HERE." Vil angrily says through gritted teeth, grabbing you by the wrist as he did Epel and he drags you out of the room.
"H-hey-! Hey, listen, Vil, a-all of this was Epel! I was against this from the start, Housewa-"
"You were still complicit." Vil nearly hisses at you. "Do you have any idea how expensive that set is?!"
"...nooooo...???" You nervously smile, hoping to look somewhat confident. It doesn't work.
"Oh really? The price tag that was still on it due to me not having opened, or even unpacked it yet didn't give it away? Gehirnverweigerer."
"What did you call me-?"
He does not elaborate. He just keeps dragging you along with him, to wherever he's leading you.
Ah, that weird secret lab Pomefiore has. Why does the dorm have it? Something about the legend of The Fairest Queen or whatever...
"Vil, can't we just talk this out? Like I said, I didn't do anything here! It was just Epel! It was all him!!"
"As I said, you were still complicit." He glares at you. "You just stood there and let Epel eat my new palette!!"
"...aha... yeah... uh... sorry."
Vil splashed a potion on you.
You started shrinking rapidly. Much faster than you'd expected.
...hey, where's Epel?
Where's Epel, and why did Vil make you shrink with a potion?
Vil grabs you off the floor, his hand like a claw machine... you, the helpless toy being grabbed.
You're about the size of a handheld pencil sharpener. Vil lifts you up all the way to his face, glaring at you the whole time.
"Can we please just talk about this-?"
Well, it was worth a shot.
Vil drops you in his mouth, but he doesn't swallow you down immediately. No, of course not.
No no no, he's mad at you. He wants you to be uncomfortable.
Vil rolled you around in his mouth, making sure not a single part of you wasn't absolutely drenched in his saliva... your dorm uniform is so long and flowy that it uncomfortably sticks to you because of how wet it is.
This goes on for a full five minutes.
By the end you were honestly just so exhausted that you just let him swallow you... mostly because you knew that the more you struggle, the more uncomfortable he'd purposely make you.
This sucks. It's like a waterslide, but also one of those weighted blankets, and also a finger trap that goes around your whole body...
Vil probably won't kill you, it'd be very bad for his publicity if he did. So at least there's that.
Well, now you and Epel are in Vil's stomach. You don't know how long you'll be in here.
"...I wish we still had our playing cards, then we'd at least have something to do." Epel groans.
"You say that as if this isn't entirely your fault." You retort as you roll your eyes.
"What that have to do with us having nothing to do in here-?" He shakes his head. "Uh, regardless, you were involved in it too! It's just as much your fault as it is mine!"
"I'm not the one who ate Vil's brand new eyeshadow palette!!"
"But you didn't stop me!"
"Whatever, no need to play the blame game. Let's just admit this was both our faults and... I don't know, just sit in here I guess." Epel sighs.
As much as you wish he'd admit he's the one that caused this, he's right. This "experience" will just feel even longer if you two argue the whole time.
So... time to just sit in here for the foreseeable future, I guess.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
hii! Is it alright that write all DSMP x reader but the DSMP (either cc or c) turns into their opposite gender? And they all like being confuse about their new shape of body and voice?? If you are okay with this one :D
Hallo, thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy <3
Reader discovers Genderbend!DSMP
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Ps. Everyone is CC! Other then C!Phil and C!Techno. And I didn't include Eret, cause I feel like they're pretty genderfluid in their style already, so nothing would change
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❝ Dream ❞
He's smug about it
Like "Oh wow, I have boobs, lemme check" kind of smug
Idk why but I can see him being so proud of being a women and looking attractive
To the point where he uses it against you and makes you question your sexuality lol
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
George would be too embarrassed to show himself
He doesn't hate how he looks, he's just shy about showing you specifically
You have to reassure him many many times that it's ok and that you'll love him no matter what
And when he comes out you just can't help but shower him in compliments
❝ Sapnap ❞
I can see him wanting to try womens clothes, to feel just how they are
He chickens out a little, cause he has to see boobs to change, but after he's just showing off his new fits and acting like he's in one of those "make over scenes" in the movies
Like, yeah, he could have done it before in his man body, but it's a different experience in a womans body
Not a fan of heels and he feels bad for you if you wear them
❝ Badboyhalo + Skeppy ❞
Bad's completely flustered and all over the place, it takes him a while to get used to bring in a woman's body
Skeppy is absolutely loving it and planning the amout of youtube videos he can make out of this situation haha
I imagine you three making many make up and outfit videos, just for pure entertainment
Just leaving the fans confused to wth happened
❝ Quackity ❞
Is all he has to say
He wears the same thing, hoodies and a beanie, and just moves on with his life
But he does freak out when going to the bathroom, cause yk
Makes many jokes about you liking him more cause he has boobs now haha
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
Especially stuff he couldn't wear before, for fear of backlash
Karl definetly starts trying all different types of styles and clothings
I can see him liking very flowy skirts and puffy ones too; he finds them very comfy and adorable to wear
You definetly make him wear the strawberry dress, you literally have been waiting for an opportunity to do so-
And make up, lots of make up!
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
"My eyes are up here buddy"
He tells you when you first found him in this new form
Honestly nothing much changes, other then the fact that he's more flirty and confident lol
Also imagine him in cute light academia outfits!!!
❝ C!Philza & C!Technoblade❞
You had to stifle a laugh when you first saw them
The two just contacted you with an "s.o.s" and a "come here asap", so you thought the worst
But instead you found two women in the place of the two men you knew
Phil actually looked a lot like Mumza with his long curly hair
Nothing much changed for Techno, other then the fact that he would absolutely not get out of his cloak because his "body felt too revealing"
Poor Techno :'D
❝ Nihachu ❞
She's a pretty boy
One of those boys that are born with pretty privileged, like George
[Not that she doesn't already have it-]
She honestly likes the change and is still comfortable wearing "femminine" clothes
You can't help but be mesmerized by how adorable she looks, even as a male
❝ Punz ❞
"Who wears the pants in the relationship now?!" you happily bragged as you saw Punz
Man wouldn't move from the bed, he was in shock at the discovery of his new body
A little interested, but mostly shocked
Jokes aside, you stayed by his side and reassured him that he looked absolutely beautiful no matter what
And with a bit of buttering up, he got comfortable enough to show off his new body
He looked like a babe, obviously
❝ FoolishGamers ❞
Man's still beafy, muscle and all
We love big strong beafy women!!
He feels a bit weird, but mostly doesn't see must change
He also tried wearing heels for fun, bad idea
For some reason I imagine you and Tina making him give you two a bit of a fashion show
Maybe inviting female Karl too haha
Imagine the stream y'all would have!!
❝ Awesamdude ❞
Sam is confident
Like yes, I am the most beautiful women you have ever seen
Bow down to such beauty u.u
Nothing much changes with him either, he feels great in how he looks and loves every second if it
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valeriianz · 4 months
Would you ever write a.....Fairytale adventure type AU (ノ*・ω・)ノ? (idk how to explain it ajbdkjvakdv)
(Kinda like...maybe Ghibli movie vibes....ABDHBAHCBKAC)
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ahhhh always a privilege to see you in my inbox, Mere 😻
(this post gets long, pls bear with me lol)
fairy tail itself, no. im really not into fantasy or fairy tails, sadly (which sucks cos like, that's half of dreamling AUs right there lol).
but ooh i do love some adventure! especially Ghibli-style! i know that's kinda fantastical but i'd be very into it.
my mind immediately went to a Princess Mononoke AU, a film i havent seen in ages, but Hob and Dream in that scene??
Dream: "I'll cut your throat! That'll shut you up!" Hob: "You're beautiful."
or, OR! have you seen that Castle in the Sky AU??
so, in short... yeah, probably haha.
OH SNAP! i just remembered i have a Little Red Riding Hood au that i had been attempting like, in early 2023 after THAT fanart but i could not figure out how to write it, and i got so frustrated with it that i just gave up. below the cut is what i'd written so far, starting with some ramblings to myself before some "proper" writing... i'll never finish it ;_; sorry.
Hob is still a Red Riding Hood/Hunter type character and he is the only one "brave" enough to visit the witch in the woods, aka Johanna when his village requires medicine/care. The whole village is deeply superstitious and so Johanna stays out of the village for her own safety and it's taken a lot of convincing from Hob (who is one of the only capable hunters so he is Important) that she is fine and won't curse the whole village. The only time Johanna forbids Hob from coming to see her is on the night of the full moon.
But then EMERGENCY happens and Hob sets out for Johanna's on a full moon and runs into Dream. Cue fanart scene. Hob fights Dream and somehow manages to hold his own. Maybe they bang here, maybe Dream gets Hob to open up about why he's out during the full moon and then lets him go. Because Hob has zero survival instincts he goes out again on a full moon just to see Dream. Johanna thinks he's an idiot.
There is a witch in the woods; the villagers know this and remain wary of her provocation. She is all powerful but she is also a hermit– quiet and bloodless, when ignored. Many elders in the village have spun up stories, history between them and her. Though it seems all unfounded, Hob had never been anything but curious, growing up with these tales of offering sacrificial goats in place of the children they believed her to steal, before moving on to setting up traps on the edge of the woods where their small hamlet lay.
Hob had also heard stories, though not many, of how she’d been run out, that there may be more of her kind hiding in secret within the community. This too, Hob doesn’t allow to bother him. He is surrounded by superstition and pays no mind to any of it.
Which is all to say, he’s encountered the witch on several occasions. 
And whatever tales Hob had grown up hearing of her comes to a screeching halt the day he first met her.
“What the ever loving fuck are you doing out here?”
Snapping up to attention, Hob had regarded the woman. He’d been a boy of 15 the first time they’d met, and had the notion of fright abandon him by watching his mother die in childbirth to what was supposed to be his little brother, as well as his father being robbed and beaten to death by bandits while he cowed away behind a tree. 
Hob would never be that cowardly again. And he made up for it by going out into the woods nearly every night, despite the warnings from his neighbors. His friends would egg him on but then chicken out the closer they got to the edge of the clearing, lined by dense forest and rustling leaves.
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pepperonidk · 2 years
vii. a dream within a dream || all my love
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream ." - A Dream Within a Dream; Edgar Allan Poe
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoox f!Reader Summary:  jeon wonwoo ocassionally lives out his dream of being a hallmark holiday movie protagonist. only on weekends. Warnings: food mentions Word Count: 2.8k A/N: sometimes i think about the original plans i had for this story and i realize just how far i am from that original plan... haha this was gonna be a bucky barnes fanfic... imagine... if you ask me about my original plans i will think you're 1000% cool. ALSO I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE LATE POST. I'M BACK BABEY.
take a look at my pinned post to see how to join the aml taglist!
previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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“Wonwoo,” Mingyu sighed in frustration. “You’ve missed the freaking turn three times already. We’ve been circling this block for twenty minutes.”
“Mingyu, with all due respect, please shut up so I can see better.”
“I’ll shut up when you finally make the –” Mingyu was cut off by Wonwoo making a sharp left turn and he grabbed the handle above his window. “Oh my god, this isn’t Mario Kart, use your brakes.” 
“Well I made the turn didn’t I?” Wonwoo huffed at Mingyu as he readjusted his wheel. Thankfully, the streets weren’t too busy at this time of night. Wonwoo glanced over at Mingyu who let out a chortle of disbelief.
“I guess that’s true,” he admitted.
“So why was everyone being so weird earlier?” Wonwoo asked, referring to the weird shift in events that occurred when he stopped at Joshua’s house.
The question seemed to catch Mingyu off guard as he let out a surprised cough. “Weird? What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about why Seungkwan seemed to be hauling your ass to the front door, and how Seokmin suddenly got food poisoning less than half an hour after I called him,” Wonwoo said flatly, glancing over at Mingyu, who was staring outside of the window, pretending to be interested in the empty and clear night sky.
“Oh that? You know Seokmin has IBS, he’s really sensitive about it,” Mingyu replied a little too quickly.
“Okay…” Wonwoo dragged out. He very well knew that Seokmin did not have irritable bowel syndrome, having eaten many meals with him. 
Mingyu turned back around to face him. “Why did you only ask Seungkwan and Seokmin to go with you?” he asked in return.
Now it was Wonwoo who was caught off guard. “Well, they’re uh… they’re the most entertaining people to roadtrip with.” The words left his mouth a little too quickly and Mingyu responded with an unconvinced nod.
“Oh, I’m sure Soonyoung would be happy to hear that,” Mingyu teased. Wonwoo rolled his eyes with a huff. 
“What are you doing right now?” Wonwoo asked as he noticed Mingyu rummaging through the glove compartment of his car.
“Looking for snacks,” Mingyu replied, as if it was obvious. “I didn’t get a chance to eat dinner.” As if on cue, Wonwoo’s own stomach began to rumble. He hadn’t really had the chance to eat all day, choosing to spend all of his time planning this surprise rather than making meals. He was slightly annoyed, but saw that they managed to make up for some time and had a bit of lee-way before they needed to be at the airport.
Without looking down, he reached down and handed his phone to Mingyu. “Look for a fast-food place and we can grab something to eat.” Mingyu hummed in response, unlocking Wonwoo’s phone.
“Uh, Wonwoo,,” Mingyu announced, looking up from the phone with a hint of panic. “You have a lot of missed messages and calls from your roomie.”
“Shit,” Wonwoo cursed under his breath. At the next stoplight, he grabbed his phone back to check the messages, and sure enough, there was a slew of notifications all from you. 
neighbor 💩 (8:10 p.m.): wonu where r u rn
neighbor💩  (8:10 p.m.): if you’re out can u pick up mcdonald’s pls, i’m craving chicken nuggets
neighbor💩  (8:13 p.m.): nvm, i think i actually want taco bell
neighbor💩  (8:15 p.m.): OR ACTUALLY, isn’t it guy’s night? Can u bring home some of the soup jun makes? it’s the only thing keeping me sane rn
neighbor💩  (8:35 p.m.): Why is my dad calling and asking me where you are
neighbor💩  (8:37 p.m.): Why is Seokmin saying you’re not at Joshua’s house and that you and Mingyu are taking a roadtrip together
neighbor💩  (8:39 p.m.): if you are with Mingyu tell him to answer his phone before I find him and leave him stranded in the woods myself
(3) Missed calls from neighbor💩 8:40 p.m.
Neighbor 💩  (8:50 p.m.): wonwoo i swear to god… i can’t believe you didn’t tell me my dad’s coming in!!
Neighbor 💩  (8:51 p.m.): u better be driving safe… that’s precious cargo
Neighbor 💩  (8:52 p.m.): anyway i haven’t decided if i’m mad or happy that you planned this whole thing without telling me… find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z
“By any chance,” Mingyu started sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his own phone. “Is this supposed to be a surprise?”
“That’s correct,” Wonwoo confessed, setting his phone down as the light turned green once again. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“Well, not anymore,” Mingyu said sheepishly. 
Wonwoo looked at him, eyes wide with panic. “You told her?” He asked loudly.
Mingyu raised his hands in defense. “I didn’t know! You know I’m terrible with secrets,” he pouted. 
Wonwoo took a deep breath, calming himself down. “It’s fine,” he said. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s fine. It’s fine right?” 
Mingyu nodded back. “It’ll be fine,” he echoed. “At least we’re almost there.”
After a half an hour, the boys finally arrived at the airport.
They were greeted by the familiar figure waiting at the curb with an excited smile and a friendly wave. As Wonwoo pulled the car into a stop, he took a deep breath before getting out of the car to help his guest load into the car.
“Wonwoo!” your dad exclaimed as he pulled him into a warm hug that Wonwoo wasn’t really expecting. “Nice to see you.” He peeked over Wonwoo’s shoulder to see Mingyu waving to him from the passenger’s seat.
“Mingyu, is that you?” He asked with a cheerful smile as Mingyu nodded sheepishly. He too received a hug through the window, before entering the car himself.
As they headed home, the three boys in the car found themselves in pleasant conversation as they caught up on life.
“How’s your application going, Mingyu?” Your father asked from the back seat.
Mingyu hesitated, looking out the window as he finally answered. “I uh, I sent it in last month. Just waiting to hear back from them.”
As if noticing a shift in Mingyu’s demeanor, he switched his focus to the boy in the driver’s seat. “What about you, Wonwoo? What are your plans for next year?”
Just like Mingyu, Wonwoo hesitated before answering. “I think I’m going into education,” he exclaimed, as if the words surprised him as well.
“Oh education?” Your dad hummed thoughtfully. “Your dad always thought you would go into engineering or something science-y. What made you decide on education?” 
Wonwoo smiled as he replied. “A good talk with a good friend.” He didn’t miss the way Mingyu looked at him with an eyebrow raised, but decided not to mention it.
An hour later, Wonwoo pulled into the driveway and put his car in park. He hadn’t even opened his door before the back seat passenger door was being swung open and he heard your voice ring in his ear.
“Dad!” you called, pulling him out of the car and into a warm embrace. As Mingyu and Wonwoo got out of the car you immediately latched on to both of them as well, surprising Wonwoo. Maybe hugging runs in the family? He thought.
“Wonwoo,” you said firmly, now pulling away from him. Your eyebrows were furrowed together and your eyes looked glassy and— were you mad?
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, I’m— I thought it would be a cool surprise and I—” 
“Why are you apologizing?” You asked incredulously. “This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Now you had wrapped him into another hug, but Wonwoo let himself relax, relieved that you weren’t pissed off at him.
Before he could say anything else, you had already moved on to Mingyu, joking with him about how he sucks at keeping a secret, and inviting him to stay just a little bit longer before heading home. Mingyu nodded sheepishly, even after seeing the 11:57 p.m. blare at him from his phone screen as he checked the time. 
Wonwoo bit the inside of his cheek, thinking to himself that it was weird for him to find your mix of emotions and giddy excitement so endearing. However, he found himself still leaning against the car, in awe that he managed to pull this surprise off. Part of him felt like the protagonist of a Hallmark Christmas movie, moving heaven and earth for the girl he lo– 
Wonwoo let out a cough, not letting himself finish the thought.
As he watched you drag Mingyu into the house, Wonwoo found himself alone with your dad who was still gathering the last of his things from the trunk.
“Oh, let me get that for you,” Wonwoo insisted as he grabbed one of the bags. 
Your dad thanked him as he shut the trunk, turning to face Wonwoo but making no effort to move toward the door of the house.
“Wonwoo,” he called, his voice much softer than it was at the airport. “I’m guessing she’s the ‘good friend?’” he pat Wonwoo on the shoulder as he nodded sheepishly, looking down at the ground.
“Let me give you some advice, kiddo. Don’t think too much, life is so much better when you don’t.” With that, he also made his way inside, leaving Wonwoo alone in the icy chill of the night. 
What did he mean by that? Wonwoo thought. I think a healthy amount, no more and no less, in fact, if I wanted to stop thinking right now I could. See? I did it. For a whole 5 seconds I stopped thinking. Or maybe he—
“Penny for your thoughts?” Wonwoo’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice. You walked over to where he was leaning against the hood of the car, looking into the night sky. 
“I’m not really thinking about anything,” Wonwoo shook his head. “At least, nothing important.”
He looked down as you handed him a blanket. 
“Well if you’re gonna sit here and think about nothing important, you should at least stay warm,” He unraveled the blanket, placing one side around his shoulders and extending his arm as an invitation.
“Join me for a bit?” Wonwoo surprised himself as he asked the question, and had to resist the urge to tense up when you shifted closer and allowed him to wrap the other side of the blanket around your shoulder. 
Thankfully, the silence that followed was peaceful, and when you broke it with a quiet voice, he found himself leaning closer to hear you.
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“For what?” He asked, giving you a gentle nudge, inviting you to speak up.
“For everything,” you answered. “For every late night study session, for bringing me back tea and croissants when you go to the cafe, for bringing my dad here. I feel like you’ve done so much for me, and I’ve just been kind of… a parasite since the beginning.”
Wonwoo felt his heart lurch at your words. A parasite? How could you think of yourself that way?
Your father’s words echoed in his head once again. Stop thinking so much, he told himself.
So he turned to you, and told you exactly how he felt. “You’re not a parasite, you’re a catalyst.”
You scoffed out a laugh, playfully punching him on the shoulder. “What does that mean?”
Wonwoo rubbed his arm, pretending to be in pain as you rolled your eyes at him. “It means,” he began. “That the moment you walked through that door, everything changed.”
“For the better, I hope,” you added.
“Well, for reference, I was finally invited to one of Seungkwan’s exclusive karaoke parties. He said I’m a lot more fun these days. I even sang a song.”
You raised your eyebrow at him in curiosity. “Oh? What song?”
He shook his head, refusing to tell you, until you poked his side and he all but fell. “I am the Best by 2NE1,” he admitted in embarrassment. “Don’t laugh.”
“I’m not laughing, I didn’t laugh,” you said with your lips pursed tightly together, trying hard to fight a chuckle. “What did you score?”
“No way.” 
Wonwoo nodded sheepishly as you finally let out your laughter.
“Okay, okay, I believe you,” you relented. “The Wonwoo I met in August would have vomited at the thought. I guess I may have rubbed off on you a little.”
“See? This is a symbiotic relationship.” Wonwoo chuckled.
“Alright, alright,” you relented, pulling the blanket off yourself and turning to extend your hand to Wonwoo. “Now let’s head inside so we don’t freeze.”
A cozy meal and a few board games later, the clock read 4 a.m. and everyone was starting to lose it. Your dad had turned in two hours ago, after the first round of Monopoly ended with you claiming total domination and Mingyu and Wonwoo going bankrupt. After you begged your father to stay up, he promised he would only take a nap and that he’d be up by seven a.m. to get breakfast with you.
Still full of energy from the day’s excitement, you forced Mingyu and Wonwoo to stay up with you to play a round of Catan, only for you to be falling asleep halfway through it. 
“Mingyu,” Wonwoo groaned sleepily as he lazily dropped the dice out of his hands. “Make us more coffee–”
He was cut off by Mingyu slapping his hand over his mouth. “Shhh.” Wonwoo sat up and slapped his hand away. “She’s finally knocked out.”
Sure enough, your soft snores were coming from the couch as you lay there peacefully, giving Wonwoo and Mingyu time to finally escape. Mingyu got up first, trying his best to move silently.
“I’m gonna make a cup of coffee before I head out,” Mingyu whispered to Wonwoo who nodded.
As Mingyu headed to the kitchen, Wonwoo tried to stand up carefully from his spot on the floor in front of the couch you were on. He didn’t make it very far before he heard you.
“Stay?” your voice came out with the softest puff of air, and he wondered if he imagined it.
If Wonwoo had any more self control, he would have walked away.
But when you reached your hand out in search of his, how could he bring himself to leave?
So instead he knelt back down beside you and decided that once again, he would stop thinking and let himself be in the moment. And in that moment, he was well aware of how his heart hammered against his chest and how his lips were quirked into a smile. Have you always been cute, or was the lack of sleep finally getting to him? Chalking it up to his sleepy deliriousness, he allowed himself to be just a little reckless. 
He looked down at where your hand was still in his, and with his free hand reached up to brush a hair out of your face, his hand freezing when he felt your hand twitch in his. Your face grimaced just a little bit at the disturbance and he finally let out a breath when it settled back into a look of peace. 
“Sleep well,” he whispered out before giving your hand one final squeeze as he pulled away, taking note of how cold his hands suddenly felt. He balled his hand into a fist and quickly opened it again, aware of all the blood rushing back into his fingertips. 
As he stood to drape a blanket over your sleeping figure, he noticed Mingyu had returned from the kitchen.
“She’s out,” Wonwoo informed Mingyu who nodded back absent-mindedly, not quite looking at him. “Do you want a ride back to Joshua’s?” 
“Hmm?” Mingyu hummed before finally turning to Wonwoo. “Oh, no it’s fine, it’s a short walk and the weather is nice tonight.”
“You sure?” Wonwoo asked with his hands in his pockets, stifling a yawn.
“Yeah,” Mingyu nodded back with a small smile. “The coffee woke me up.” 
Wonwoo relented and walked Mingyu to the door before finally making his way into his own bed. Against his better judgment, he found himself replaying the few minutes you sat outside with him, looking at the stars. 
He let out a sigh, reaching for the book that rested on his side table, Pride and Prejudice, untouched since the day he read it at the cafe. However, he did not grab the book itself, but rather the bookmark that kept his page – a pink envelope still sealed, addressed to him. 
Maybe one day I’ll open it, he thought to himself. But not today. 
And with that, Wonwoo slipped into a deep slumber. 
Maybe I’ll dream of you.
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taglist: @mariechan123 @jwwonu @spidersohn @nvmbheart @yksthings @sdoulc @starryjww @sherizaraiyah @comerollwithme @pastel-andme @mingyublues @leahel @nichoswag @freakyfriedrice @pusangmamon @dekusgirl @hokuuu @xxluckydreamsxx @noraehey @dreams-in-different-colours @bunniparadise @dazedhxze @thedeeppoet @wonuziex @inlovewith-yeosang @tfmingyu @hanniesrock @ilymarkchan @royal9 @may1996s @hqstimpy @dnylwoo @dobbyflwr @awyunh @calvinkleinhoon @kei-is-simping @travelleratheart101
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 10 months
My thoughts on Trolls 3 & that Adam Sandler Lizard movie Leo (and also my thoughts on Wish)
So there's a lot to unpack here; let's start with the most basic, Trolls 3! It's adorable, nothing bad to say about it, good movie to watch with your family! For once I don't have a lot to say about a DreamWorks film, other than it was so cute and funny. I still prefer the first two but this was great and I loved the songs. I thought the 2D scene was a little bit weird my uncle thought the same. Didn't care for the villains' design but Velvet and Veneer were funny! I like how they had colorful lipsticks tho haha XD anyway, I recommend Trolls 3, see it in theaters if you still have time.
As for that Adam Sandler Lizard movie, it was great! It's called "Leo" and it's on Netflix. It kind of gets heavy when Leo finds out that he one year left to live and when he talks to the kids, it's amazing. I love how they tried to show different types of kids and different struggles they had. One girl talked to much, the other girl whose parents were going through a divorce, there was also a boy who was insecure about his voice and another one who was insecure about body hair, and I even liked how they didn't make the rich blonde popular girl be mean, they even showed her struggle too! There was also this one boy whose mom didn't allow him to play outside and be a kid and he had this drone follow him around all the time, and she even made him wear a hazmat suit inside his house which to me, was the most depressing. The part with the teacher, was on and off. I hated her for most of the movie but she even had redemption. The teacher at the beginning was really nice but it was the old lady teacher, idk man I didn't like her for most of the movie but at the end she's okay. I still think characters get redemption way too easily sometimes. Just my opinion... btw the humor was really good! It had that 90's Nickelodeon type of humor (like from CatDog or Rocko's modern life or Angry Beavers). Like, there were a few dirty jokes and just a few fourth wall breaks. Also, the movie had a good message. I wasn't expecting it to be a musical but it was. Let's just say that the songs weren't as good as Under the Boardwalk, but they weren't bad songs. Honestly, I even think the songs in Wish were better but Leo is over all a better movie and has a way better message.
About my opinion on Wish now, I don't recommend you watch it in theaters, unless you're a really wealthy person who can afford to see movies all the time. I mean, in my opinion it's a waste of time and money. It's better to watch it in the comfort of your own home on a free website, don't even watch it on Disney plus. There's a few reasons why but here's one of them https://www.instagram.com/reel/ but the other reason is because I don't think Disney deserves to make a lot of money form this. Part of me feels bad because I LOVE the character design, and the diversity. I feel bad for black girls, they can't get at least one modern Disney princess who from a good movie. Tiana's movie is old and she ends up marrying the dumb hunk prince when she just wanted to be a restaurant owner, Ariel is racebent but she's pretty cool even tho there's a war over her being black, and Asha's a sweet character but her movie doesn't make sense. Like, Wish's plot was all over the place; at first you were kind of on the king's side but they did make him out to be evil enough that you were on Asha's side. The hardest thing for me to understand was that at first she wanted the king to grant everyone's Wish because she wanted her grandpa to be happy since he was 100 years old, then she wanted to get her grandpa and mom's wishes back from the king, and then she wanted everyone to be happy but I was so lost... the only time I laughed was that one song and it showed the bear and the deer, and they called the deer "Bambi" as a joke, but really, it looked like Boog and Elliot from the Open Season franchise. The dancing chickens was pretty funny too, it reminded me of the Flip flop and fly scene in Chicken Run. Honestly, Wish isn't the worst Disney movie ever, but it's not that good. If you're planning on seeing it, know what you're in for. The story was incredibly boring as well, and the background characters barely had any personality or lines but were still cute (I like Asha's friends, especially the plus size girl in the red and also the girl with the yellow dress and blue thing in her hair). And like, the best thing about this movie had to be the character designs. Not only did it show race and skin color diversity, but it showed body type diversity as well! Some shows and movies just show skin color diversity and make the plus size characters the joke (like **cough cough** Total Drama show) but this movie actually have TRUE diversity! It's a shame that the story's a disaster because the designs were a 10/10... as for the story, it's a 4.5/10.
We've come to a conclusion. Watch Leo on Netflix and if you don't have Netflix, you can use kisscartoon, actvid, or whatever other free movie website you have. If you want to watch Wish I don't recommend seeing it in theaters but I'm not stopping you. (Please click the link to the video I sent). Also, Wish is better than most of the old Disney movies, don't go comparing it to peter pan or something, we know that movie's outdated and way worse than Wish. If you're a Trolls fan or just have any interest in seeing Trolls 3, GO SEE TROLLS 3 in theaters! I recommend it! And also, if you have any thoughts, whether you agree or not, just let me know. Even if you have different opinions than me, just let me know!
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
can you do fowler headcanons please
hmm...I'll try! He's not a character I've given much thought to tbh.
-Back in his RAF days, he had a fling with a young, beautiful hen named Lottie. He was really in love with her and was going to propose but things just didn't work out between them due to the war going on at the time/Fowler being too unavailable when he joined the RAF (Right person, wrong time sort of situation) This caused Fowler a lot of emotional pain, and it hardened him quite a lot.
-Fowler had a drinking problem at some point but he worked really hard to quit and become sober. (And yes, Fowler being an alcoholic was legitimately going to be in the first Chicken Run movie, but it got cut from the film believe it or not) I feel his drinking issues would mainly stem from Lottie leaving him, but also feeling useless once he got sent to Tweedy's farm.
-At some point in the first movie, when Ginger has motivated Fowler to fly their make-shift airplane, he gets up and states "Wing commander, T.I Fowler, reporting for duty!" well... I've always wondered if T.I stood for some kind of position in the airforce( Most likely Traning instructor from what i looked up)
.....(this is less likely) or were they his initials (Fowler is his last name, perhaps?) Well, I remember coming up with the name Timothy Irving! Timothy Irving Fowler! (well obviously, Fowler preferred to go by his last name as he felt it more professional and didn't like his first name, something like that) meh
-Fowler gifted Molly a airplane miniature when she was born. (I like to think a lot of Ginger's closest friends gave Molly gifts when she hatched)
-This idea is not too specific, but i like to think Fowler had all kinds of misadventures/punishments that happened to him during his time in the bootcamps that were prepping him for the RAF. I'm imagining this HUGE drill sergeant rooster character that made the lives of all the roosters there a living hell. (Why, i think there are some hints of this in the Pies for Soul book!) I'm mainly inspired by these really funny bootcamp stories i found off Reddit. I want to take inspiration from some of the funniest ones i find (giving credit of course)
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here's an example of one in particular i can imagine happening amongst a bunch of roosters.
-When Fowler first saw Rocky, he did a double-take. Rocky, looked an awful lot like "Jocko", one of Fowler's good friends while at bootcamp/the RAF. Sadly, Jocko had a very bad faith and perished in a crash. :c
-Fowler can be very sweet deep-down. If he knows one of the hens is sad, despite his rough exterior, he still can say a few words of encouragement and give said-hen a little peck-talk (pep-talk, sorry for the pun haha)
That's what i have for now! Hopefully you think they are at least decent, i wrote these while very tired and kinda out of it hehehe
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quantum27 · 2 months
get to know me better tag
tagged by @fulcrvm. Finally doing this.
Favorite Color: this is a coincidence but all the bi flag colors haha.
Last Song: probably something off the road 96 ost
Currently Reading: oh boy can I say school reading ?? mostly that. Aside from school latest research topic is once again my own medical problems. Dw I'm fine; just chronically ill lol.
Currently Watching: just watched the fnaf movie the other night. That was fun. contemplating the courage to finally watch the original all quiet on the western front.
Currently Craving: Chicken. or steak. or. meat. I guess. I need protein.
Coffee or Tea: I live on raspberry tea. Prior to that it was (good old southern style) sweet tea for years but now that's more of a treat. Raspberry has a more low flavor that kind of settles on your tongue without being over powering. And it's still sweet.
Spicy Savory or Sweet?: probably sweet. I've got a killer sweet tooth. Considering my other food choices are Bland. thanks ARFID. But also I love mustard. So???
Relationship Status: Single. •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
Current Obsession: sonic has been at the forefront of my mind lately due to playing frontiers for the first time. Star Trek is there as usual. BG3 is taking a little bit of a break but it'll probably come back with a vengeance. Also artfight is taking a lot of my thoughts hehe.
No pressure tags :3
@peppermint-jade @cannimochi @owlpower669 @mbirnsings-71
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corneliathegreat · 11 months
Stomach's n life presents: 🍭Halloween candy overload!🍬
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• °H&M°
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• "We got a pretty good haul this year."
• Hayden chortled, while turning the doorknob. His bucket is heavy with candy. His best girl, Marie, gave a sleepy grunt of acknowledgement. The blonde snickered. If they were teens, he would've been dragging her to a Halloween party. They are SO old now. (He's 24, she's 22.)
• "I'm gonna take a shower, babe."
• Marie yawned. She couldn't wait to get this costume. Her old baseball uniform was squeezing her all night! Hayden grabbed onto her arm.
• "Wait, wait,"
• He whipped out his phone.
• "Lemme take a picture!"
• Before she knew it, she was laid down on the couch. Her cheeks burned like crazy. What the-
• "Now hold still..."
• Her boyfriend snickered, holding up the camera. Hold still!? She sat back up.
• "What do you wanna picture for?"
• He blinked.
• "To remember how sexy you looked tonight."
• And just like that, she was back on the couch. Posing, this time. What could she do, he's the master at charming her. After a few more pictures, Marie finally was able to go to the shower. Meanwhile, Hayden looked over their loot. And strangely, most of his girlfriend's was gone!
• "Did she get started before the trade!?"
• Sure enough, she did. Everytime they stopped somewhere, the brunette had some type of candy in her mouth. He sighed. Darn, that crazy girl. How is supposed to get in on her spoils if she already ate them? But, it is Marie's candy. She can eat whenever she wants to.
• Hayden chuckled to himself and undid his tie. Being the groom of a star baseball player was fun tonight. Hopefully next time, Seal won't ditch him for some halloween party.
• Marie emerged from the steaming bathroom. Now in a long gray shirt with pajama pants.
• "You set the movie up, Hayday?"
• She called from the hallway. He has, but he also hooked it up with a little something extra. Pumpkin candles and caramel popcorn!
• (Learned the recipe from his mom.)
• Along with their favorite cuddly blanket too. Haha, the place is perfectly cozy now.
• "Movies all set, Maritime!"
• Hayden hopped on the couch. He's giddy waiting to see her reaction. Slowly, his beloved enters the livingroom. Her mouth immediately falls open. Her blondie scooped her up in the blanket.
• "Like it?"
• She snickered and tried not to laugh.
• "Yeah, it's perfect."
• Tonight's movies were Tom burton's. All three! And the couple's currently watching Frankenweiner dog. Hayden, who's a bit of a chicken, was cuddled in Marie's chest. Only wanting to listen to the film.
• (It's totally not because Marie's heartbeat is soothing and she's his rock.)
• Marie's brave as hell.
• He thought himself. He couldn't believe this was a kid's movie! But... with his girlfriend tangling her fingers in his hair and silently watching, he can get through this.
• Maybe even fall asleep...
• Grrrgg...
• Hayden's eyes snapped open. Was that his gut? ...Is the popcorn sitting right!? A stomach ache would totally ruin the moment-
• Rrrrrrrlll...Grrg...!
• Wait a minute. He looked up at Marie. She seemed like her normal hot and cold self but...Aha! Her eyebrows are slightly scrunched! Although... why's her stomach tripping out? He ducked back down when she started to look over. She can't knows he awake yet! Blissfully unaware of his consciousness, she turns back to the movie. Not too happy, though.
• Rrrrmbbb...rrrgglll
• The brunette sighed, feeling frustrated.
• "What was I thinking earlier?"
• Hayden listened in closely. And tried not to laugh at the rumbling stomach under his chest. (It kinda tickles.)
• "I'm not six anymore, I shouldn't be getting stomach aches from too much candy."
• So that's the problem. She adorably ate too much candy...that sounds like something he would do. Her stomach continued to complain. Almost like it was asking her, what was she thinking. Hehe, that's hella cute.
• GrrRRRgg...!
• The grumbles are starting to sound aggressive. What's stopping her from getting some Pepto? Wait, it's because he's laying on her! If showing that he was never asleep helps his girlfriend, he'll gladly take the fall!
• "Crap..."
• Grruuurgglll...!
• She mumbled. Her guts are in knots! Hayden raised up, definitely startling her. He smiled like the Cheshire cat.
• "Stomach ache, babe?"
• What? You didn't think he wouldn't poke a little fun, did you? She frowned.
• "I'm fine."
• Please. Her stomach hasn't stopped grumbling in a little minute. It's literally holding it's growly notes.
• Ruurrrr...!
• "Your stomach's playing a different tune, Babe."
• Literally. Marie groaned and covered her face. The blonde chuckled. She always gets shy when she needs help. He pulled her hands away.
• "How can I help?"
• He asked softly. You gotta be sweet to beautiful animals backed into a corner. Otherwise, they'll attack and run off. She puffs out her lip.
• "Can boil the mint tea?"
• She muttered. Mint tea? Oh yeah, the thing that saved him from his cake induced stomach ache! Hayden kissed her nose.
• "I'll done in a jiff."
• Grrrrurrgg~!
• "And maybe give you a belly rub."
• Marie's heart sped up. She did not want nor need a belly rub. She's not a baby. And It'd be way too embarrassing.
• "I'll pass on the rub, Hayden."
• "No you won't!"
• He called from the kitchen. Marie pouted. Dammit. He's right.
• The blonde sat back down on the couch, cackling. He draped their cuddly blanket on his lap. He opened his arms up wide.
• "Okay, I'm ready."
• He said with a huge smile. Marie looked down at her cup but still walked over. Slowly, Hayden picked her and placed her on his legs. She twitched. Darn it, why is she nervous? She's been his lap before. No, she's not nervous about the that, she's worried about his hands. Hayden snickered in her ear.
• "You're adorable like this."
• The brunette sighed, hoping to sound irritated. Can he just hurry and stop teasing her? Her stomach still hurts, y'know. But... She leaned back into him.
• "I love you, Hayday."
• Hayden was shocked. She's finally done fighting? She'll let him take care of her? He snickered and laid down, making his girlfriend drop her cup. (Luckily, she already finished her healing beverage.)
• "Yay!"
• He laughed. He kissed her black locks.
• "I love you too, Marie."
• She sighed, feeling content. It's good to have a boyfriend.
• Grrrrggglll~!
• "Hey, are you gonna rub my stomach or what?"
• Hayden jumped at her sudden outburst and got to work. And to think, she was just complaining about this. Marie leaned down and grabbed the remote.
• "Wanna watch the Corpse Groom?"
• "No way! Let's watch the Walnuts or Scarily."
• His girlfriend snorted. She forgot Hayden was a light weight when it came to scary movies. Although, she didn't know Tom burton films scared him too. But, she's nice. If he doesn't wanna be scared, that's fine. He is cuddling her, it's the least she can do.
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• First season fic completed🎃
• Did you catch all the references?
• Credit to @dearmouse, I love this divider!
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Hmm. I'm glad my Krampus experience was better than yours then then.
Oh yes, I'm sure I'd get along well with Husk and Angel Dust. I'll have to share photos of my little Christmas village during the holidays. Hah...I remember I had a dream once that Angel and I were just watching dumb tik toks and giggling like mad...and he kept calling me Shortcake. Now I want someone to call me that irl. 😅
I'm not typically one for parties. I either stick like glue to one or two people I know...or if there's any kind of pet, I will disappear to hang out with it. I found goats and chickens at a cousin's outdoor wedding once. After dinner, no one saw me again. 😂 That being said, Charlie's costume party actually sounds fun! Maybe I could crash it for a bit this year. Idk if you're aware, but Florida absolutely contains portals to hell, which is why I'm able to pop in from time to time. I suppose because I'm super *not* dead, I just sort of get...popped back home after a bit. Lol. I love dressing up. My last Halloween costume, I was Beetlejuice. Wore a black and white striped dress, my friend did my makeup and we spray painted my hair green. 😁
A lottery! Intriguing. Maybe a bit alarming for us over worlders. Hah. Though, things are pretty bad up here. We'd probably barely notice any chaos a demon visitor would cause! Hah!
I'm very curious, what do you think you would do up here if you won this lottery? 🤔
Oh bad Stanley! We need to have a chat. No eating pets. I support Angel Dust's chasing him off with a bat if he tries to eat Fat Nuggets again. Are you not feeding him enough pedophiles, Alastor??
We're opposite ends on The Shining. I've only watched the movie and not read the book. I know King is brilliant, but I think I got halfway through one his books once. Surprisingly not a huge fan of most horror. But it's only bc...none of it scares me, so I usually feel kind of disappointed? I'll like those kinds of movies if they're well written/have some humor/have a good aesthetic. The art school bitch in me is sated by beautiful camera work and colors. Haha. Oh, recommendation, watch Crimson Peak.
Hahah. Don't worry. I won't be calling you Big Al. Was only teasing. I don't like it either. Hah.
No offense taken at the drunk comments. I suppose it hasn't been a bad experience for me since I've never been so drunk I wasn't unaware of what I was doing. I used to go to bars a lot (had a lot of musician friends then...I've been to a frankly obscene number of open mics) so I feel you on being subjected to obnoxious inebriated people. I generally drank a coke...or if I was feeling particularly feisty...a Shirley Temple. 🤣 You'd be amazed the side eye and teasing I'd get for that order. Never cared, those things are tasty!
I promise to not call you the c word again. Though, if you piss me off, I will definitely call you the *other* c-word. Heh. Will just settle on calling you dapper, eh? It's an excellent and underused word in modern times.
Appreciate your discretion and care in the imaginary unwanted drunk cuddle scenario. Lol. That is, dare I say it, rather sweet. You are surprising!
I also quite enjoy our conversations, so thank you! 😊
Work was alright on Friday (I left early for another baseball game so that helped, lol). I was training a new hire all day. He's great; laughs at my jokes (v important), is COMPETENT. He gave me candy! PLEASE DON'T QUIT I scream internally.
Let's see...I have a sort of a joke for you. Hopefully you appreciate a nerdy joke like I do.
oh shit - i was time travelling and accidentally killed an ancient italian. doesn’t matter tho everyone was killing each other, when in Reme do as the Remans
And for today's photo I present this chaos table covered in several dozen Halloween decorations. They're here until I get them all set up nicely, hopefully this weekend.
I really need to think of a song rec again. I haven't seen any on your tumblr for a while...*sad face*
I'm off to pick up a werewolf! I will not be elaborating.
After while, crocodile 🐊
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I can imagine Angel Dust doing something of the like. At least he gave you a somehow respectful nickname: Shortcakes. Compared to Smiles.
Hah, well you and I are very different. I would rather spend time with people than pets. However I suppose to each their own. People entertain me far more, pets are simply loving. Oh well, I hope your cousin's did leave some tempting animals to play with. It was on them that you didn't return to dinner. Hah!
Yes, Charlie's costume parties are always fun. Oh well, I would love if you could pay the hotel a visit! Charlie would absolutely not mind if you showed up for a Halloween party! We've had an unfortunate amount of Floridians accidently end up in Hell and it usually ends badly for them. Hah, well, thank goodness you haven't run into our rather lively denizens! Beetlejuice? My, that's a rather fun outfit!
If I won the lottery? I'm sure I would wreck some havoc on New Orleans for the sake of it and take a canoe out on the Bayou. Terrify a few loitering teenagers. I'm not quite sure if I am being honest what I would do.
I am feeding Stanley plenty of pedophiles! It seems he has an insatiable appetite and he seems to crave beloved pets. KeeKee is far smarter than the pig to stay out of Stanley's way. I can arrange a chat between you and him if you so desire.
I am not a big fan of movies but sure, I'll give it a shot when I happen upon a chance. Hmm...none of it scares you? Interesting. I am personally not one to be scared of silly movies or books however I did find myself deeply invested in the fate of the characters. In the Shining book if I recall correctly, the father cared far more about his family in the book than in the movie where he was a raging horrible maniac. I could go on about it but I shall end it here.
Hmm...it wasn't a bad experience to be out of control of your own body? That is personally not something I would enjoy but to each their own, dear. I'm not one for Shirley Temples but I'm sure its tasty for you!
Yes, I would prefer to be called dapper. I've never been one to love cuss words but they surely have their place and time.
Why is it surprising? It's the only rightful thing to do. I know quite a quite a few people that would disgustingly take advantage of a situation like that, unfortunately. Common human decency is truly dead.
Yes, its always important to have a competent coworker. There's a surprising lack of that in the working world. He gave you candy? My, my. Yes, I do hope he doesn't quit either.
Hah! That's an absolutely delightful joke, dear!
Oh my, that is quite a lot of Halloween decorations! My mother would have a stroke if you saw it. Charlie I'm sure would be absolutely ecstatic! I wish you luck.
See you later, my dear, alligator!
PS: As much as I do enjoy our conversations, could you perhaps make your letters a bit shorter?
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