#“that one hero with DID” if people didn’t just settle for “oh yeah that one lunatic”
fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
some CHB headcanons
every cabin has LEDs around the inside, but there’s a constant battle over what color they are
Percy has his rippling back and forth from teal to blue and it looks like light dancing through water all over his walls and floor
the Apollo cabin can usually settle for orange and yellow as a common ground
the Aphrodite kids have a different color for each time of day and sleep with pink on the lowest brightness setting
the Hermes cabin has like ten different strips and they’re all constantly shifting
Demeter cabin’s shifts with the seasons
they have movie nights, which I will talk about in a different post
before everybody goes back to school, the Aphrodite and Hecate cabins have a massive salon at the end of the summer with new haircuts and magic hair dye and outfit recommendations and fake but enchanted sturdy nails and a whole bunch of other stuff and basically it’s a week straight of spilling hot tea between everyone in camp
if someone asks where a camper got their hair done when they get back to school they just go “oh, um… summer camp.” and their friends will snort and be like bro isn’t summer camp the opposite of a makeover?? but they get no argument, just a shrug and a half smile
when I tell you pride month over there is a fucking riot
because Mr. D is in on it, right?? because he’s the god of gender?? and Chiron is aroace and has been raising dumbass gay heroes for literal centuries?? PLUS the sheer fucking amount of queer peeps up in there?? dude yeah
cabins competing for who shows the most pride
Demeter’s roof is covered in rainbow flowers
Hecate’s is enchanted to emit actual light in whatever flag colors of whoever uses the front door, even when they’re straight (it’s just a rainbow)
Percy collects a bunch of shed scales from the hippocampi at the bottom of the lake and then puts them all over his cabin
I could make a whole post about CHB pride but
every single Apollo kid is also a theater kid fight me
Rachel Elizabeth Dare painted a skateboard for Percy’s birthday and he brings it everywhere now, it even sits in his backpack at school
Leo, Annabeth, Percy, and Piper fucking love horror movies. Frank, Hazel, and Jason fucking hate them. They watch through their fingers, if at all
Piper loves the band Surfaces with all her heart, but she also is a die hard Green Day and P!ATD fan
Jake Mason is covered in burn scars up to his neck, just like Deadpool, just not bald lol
Hephaestus and Apollo kids faintly radiate warmth (like more so than a normal person)
the Stolls sometimes stay at camp year-round because their mom is off on international missions that are too high-risk for them to help with
the seven are AVID Smash Bros players
really everyone but
not as many people go to the Athena campers for help with homework as you might think, but whenever anyone does, they’re happy to help
the sun chariot blasts music at a frequency only the Apollo kids can hear, so their life kind of has a shitty soundtrack that consists of a mix of Broadway, Queen, modern stuff, and random bits of Beethoven every now and then
the Romans swear on few occasions
the Greeks know when to swear and when to be polite
the Valhalla peeps swear unbridled and all the time
the Egyptians never swear (in English)
for the longest time, Will Solace thinks the only gift from his dad is his healing prowess— which is obviously great, but he expresses being upset over the fact that he’s not very good at archery
well, considering this is the dumbass who didn’t bring a weapon to actual fucking Tartarus, Nico drags him to the weapon shack thing immediately afterwards and made him pick something out
he's immediately drawn to the Celestial Bronze shotgun.
Nico’s just like “what in the redneck shit did you just pick up” and Will jokingly aims it at his chest and grins and says “you know I’m from Texas, right?”
that’s how they find out Will is one of the damn best marksmen in Greek demigod history
some of the Disney nerds in the Apollo cabin sing What Once Was Mine to the little ones who need bandaids for knee scrapes and give them lollipops afterwards
Percy Jackson absolutely used to make poverty and struggle meal jokes all the time, but he got weird and concerned looks for it at CHB, so he kind of just stopped. But one day, aboard the Argo II, the PERFECT opportunity came up and he just HAD TO and as per usual— everyone else looked at him like he’s crazy— but Leo laughed so hard chocolate milk came out of his nose and that’s the story of how the two of them became Best Friends
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 12
WC:1376, Masterpost
“Danny, come on,” Wally said, laughter clear in his voice. “There will be time to stare at the stars after.”
“But Flash, space,” Danny said with what he would readily admit as a whine as he motioned to the expansive view of space with earth floating in the bottom of the window. Danny didn’t know if the Zeta tube had been exactly worth the trip (he had nearly had a panic attack), but the view made a pretty compelling argument. The urge to go intangible and phase through the acrylic to be in space was so strong that Danny didn't even dare touch the window.
“But your meeting, Danny. Flash is going to be waiting for you, and you how how us Flashes get.”
Danny sighed but turned away from the window with one lingering look.
“Go and be great. After we can stare at space some and, maybe… if you’re up to it, meet some of my friends?”
“Like the infamous Nightwing?”
“Shush,” Wally said, placing a finger to his lips. “He’s like Beetlejuice, you might summon him just by saying his name.”
“Pretty sure you need to do that three times,” Danny pointed out, following Wally to the door.
“Oh yeah? You up on ghost lore?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m an expert,” Danny said dryly. If only Wally knew.
(Well, then Danny would be dead.)
“We can watch it next date night. Right now, you go be awesome, hero.”
“Flash, you really cannot call me a hero when we’re in the Justice League base.”
“Can and will, now go, hero,” Wally said, shooing Danny down the hall to where Barry was waiting.
“Gonna give me any hints about what’s going on?” Danny asked the older Flash once they had started walking.
“Just to be yourself,” Barry said. “You’re a good person and you know what you’re doing out there in the field. I wouldn’t’ve recommended you for this otherwise. And I meant what I said, your ability to take no crap is part of why I did. You don’t have to take any crap from anyone in there either, no matter who they are.”
Who they were turned out to be many of the founding members: Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and of course Flash… Flash who really thought too highly of him. (What was with the Flashes doing that?)
There were also three other people not dressed in supersuits, who Danny figured were there for the same reason he was. Whatever that was.
“Flash,” Superman said with a nod to the hero and then a smile to Danny. “And you must be Mr. Fenton.”
“Just Danny is fine, thank you for the invitation,” Danny said, shaking Superman’s hand, continually reminding himself not to use any of his strength all the while.
“Of course, have a seat. We’re just waiting on… well, never mind,” Superman said cheerfully as the Martian Manhunter swept into the room. (Danny help back the excite squeak he wanted to make.) “J’onn.”
“Superman. Am I late?”
“Just on time. We can go ahead and get started.”
Everyone settled around the table, the normal people waiting for the heroes to take their preferred seats before settling together on the other side over the oval table.
“Thank you all for coming here today,” Wonder Woman said with a warm smile. “As you know, we’ve asked you here today based on your capabilities. Specifically, to help us build an emergency response team that can act in aid of crises the Justice League responds to.”
“We’ve already been doing this in some places at the city level,” Barry said, leaning forward. His hands were clasped on the table. Danny knew from experience that it was just so that he didn’t fidget from having to sit still. “Central City has been operating with our own set up for two years now and we’ve seen huge success in both lives saved, but also a bigger level of overall personal safety during attacks. People are getting out of the way faster, safer, and more often than before.”
“So we’re looking to do the same thing on a bigger level and we’d like your advice,” Superman said. “Right now, you’re here as consultants and will be paid for your time. Assuming we all work well together, you’ll have a chance to sign on once things are officially underway.”
Danny raised his hand.
“You can just talk, Danny, this isn’t school,” Flash said.
Danny felt a blush crawl up his cheeks and sat up straighter, stylus tapping nervously against his tablet. “I know this is putting the cart before the horse, but you can’t need us all the time. If we choose to sign up, will we still be able to work our current jobs? I don’t want to abandon Central. I mean, not that they can’t do without me, I have great coworkers, but it’s… you know, home.”
“A noble want,” Wonder Woman said. “The reality of it would depend on the level of administration work you are in charge of, but no. You should be able to continue working in Central and be on call for other emergencies, or that is our assumption. You all are the experts, though, which is why you are here. Perhaps introductions are in order?”
“Brent Green,” the one furthest from Danny cut in without hesitation. He was the most formally dressed of all of them, suit jacket and all, and had that air of superiority that made Danny want to bristle. “Director of Star City’s emergency response team.”
“Debra Day,” the woman next to Danny said next. There was a southern twang to her words. “Thirty years of search and rescue experience, ex Coast Guard, currently focused on instruction.”
“Leo Klein, they/them,” the last said. “Emergency management and prevention training.”
“Danny Fenton.” He felt out of place compared to all the other skill sets. “Team lead and field medic in Central City.”
“And I’m sure you know us,” Superman said with a chuckle. “Now, what are your thoughts.”
“First we have to establish a system of hierarchy and devision of labor,” Brent said, once again jumping in before anyone else. “It is important to know who has right away in the field.”
Danny resisted the urge to raise his hand again and took the chance of Brent pausing to speak. “Those are all good thoughts, but you’re getting ahead of things. Cities and countries will already have established teams, even if it’s just police and fire fighters. Are you all wanting us to come in and work with them? Ahead of them? Under their leadership? When we started in Central there were a lot of accidental hurts because the two sides didn’t sit down and talk enough at first, and this is on an even bigger scale.”
“He’s right,” Debra said. “The National Guard could be a good model both for the US, but also for any other nations you might want to explore into to see how things are handled there.”
“And you’ll need to get started on PR right away no matter the choice,” Leo said, leaning forward ad engaging now. “Like Danny said, it’s easy to step on toes and we don’t want to do any of that.”
Brent was frowning, slightly, then sighed and nodded. His shoulders relaxed a little. “No, good points. PR for the citizens too, to know to look out for us. We could get feed back on what worked in the cities with teams set up.”
“And places that have seen attacks outside of there. It’s easy to focus on big cities, but smaller towns and rural areas still can see attacks and have different needs,” Danny added to considering nods.
Now that they were all working together, Danny felt himself relaxing too. There were a lot of nerves for most people to get over working with heroes, Danny guess. Even he wasn’t immune to caliber of people that they were in the room with and he ate dinner with the one at least once a month.
Also Batman seemed to be watching him.
Well, whatever, talk was flowing easily now. They’d get their feet under them. They’d have to if they wanted this to work.
AN: And some food for all of you here too! Danny learns why he's at the Watchtower! And manages to not be too distracted by space- a true accomplishment.
Sorry if there are more issues than normal, my letter swapping/word salad has been a bit bad lately. And I've really messed up my one finger ;-;
But anyways! Slower part but next chapter.... nightwing. Dundundun Stay delightful, darlings!
I no longer tag, but you can subscribe to the master post!
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puppetwoman17 · 7 months
A Happy House: Part 1
Headcanon that when there are any quarrels or fights between league members, they cool down at Billy’s apartment.
I see this happening in the future when Billy’s like, early to mid 20s. He’s finally settled to the point where he doesn’t always worry about becoming a homeless kid again. People in the League know him as understanding to a fault, and always willing to listen to both sides of the story. His apartment is homey, and there are always magical creatures or family walking around, like his sister, best friend, or uncle Dudley. Maybe a celestial or a god is visiting. Maybe the universe’s higher ups are having a meeting in his dining room. Whatever is happening, it calms everyone down.
Sometimes it’s Connor, coming in from another fight with Clark. Sometimes it’s a fellow Magic user who feels ostrisized because of their power. Other times, it’s a Batfamily member who wants Bruce off their tail, and Billy will gladly use a shield spell to give them privacy from Batman’s detective skills. Other times it’s members of the Team after arguing with the JL. Or the JL sorting out a quarrel amongst themselves with Billy’s careful judgement.
Billy doesn’t know why he’s such a calming presence to them. He’s known them since he was a child, yes, a kid who hadn’t even hit the double digits. But he tends to be blunt. Straight to the point. He makes sure to show he cares, but the feeling can feel foreign at times when the world keeps biting you in the ass. And he can get mad when people are so obliviously stupid it hurts. He’s seen and heard more than enough arguments between adults to know when they’re pulling bullshit or saying something that shouldn’t be said. It’s an art at this point.
But he’s mostly quiet when someone comes over, and when the other person is permitted to enter, he lets them hash the argument out themselves, offering nothing but privacy and a smile when they leave.
…So yeah, he’s confused. But he’s just happy to help.
And the JL, Team and Titans are grateful too. He’s their relationship wingman! The guy who you know to go to when things get heated. His home is an oasis of calm and care.
They can watch as the Batson siblings banter in the kitchen. They can watch Billy bring John Constantine in by the ear and rip him a new one. They can smile in amusement as Billy puts one over on his fellow higher ups in the magic community on a freakin ZOOM call!
He’s easy to be around. There’s no pressure from him, no questions needing answers. He’s also not biased(unless it’s more than obvious who’s in the wrong).
So yeah, the heroes love their not-so-little-anymore magic man.
They love him so much that they immediately clock onto when things go horribly, horribly wrong.
See, Billy doesn’t like to get angry. When he’s Cap, he’s afraid of the power he possesses. He gets nauseous when someone bows to him like he’s their boss or something(which you are Billy bean, you gotta deal with it). Even when he’s in his mortal form, he doesn’t go beyond a flood of curse words or a couple jabs built off stress.
But there are a few people who know what buttons to push, and they push them. A lot. So much so that he tends to get a little…loud.
Oh and did I mention he didn’t exactly TELL his coworkers that he had an uncle? Hell, that he did have a family, they just didn’t care enough to be with him?
Yeah, that’s not gonna lead to anything, I’m sure.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Ranking: Jason Todd x fem!reader
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graphic by @huedmmi (amazing job with that, thank you!!)
Summary: heroes couples ranking? Might seem like a good idea, but not every pair can make the top......
This is placed in the Ego!verse, cause been a while since I wrote for that. You can find other stories of this verse in my masterlist.
„What are you doing?”
“What are you reading?”
Jason sneaked behind her back, trying to sneak a peek of the article on the Internet Y/N was reading. However, all the time she spend being in the relationship with him and her vigilante instincts combined made her act quick enough to shut the laptop before he could see as much as one letter.
Jason smirked
“Oh, you’re hiding something.”
“What?” she scoffed “I’m not hiding anything.”
“You can’t lie to me, you know it.” He teased leaning forward, their faces inches away from one another
“Are you trying to intimidate me?” she moved even closer “Sorry not sorry, but it’s not working.”
“Well then maybe I just have to keep convincing you…..?”
“I’m the one playing with minds, not you, remember?”
“Come on princess….. just tell me what you’re hiding…..”
“Don’t be a tease.”
“Have you met me?” she smirked “Tease is practically my middle name.”
“No.” she cut him off “now stop whining, get up and let’s go.”
“Where exactly?”
“Batcave, duh! Did you think I was asking you for a date, or something?” she raised an eyebrow, looking at him teasingly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it……”
He didn’t like the idea of going to the manor for the debriefing, but….. there might be someone who could help him digging some information out.
“Drake. I need to talk to you.”
“Mhm….” Tim muttered not really paying attention, his head elsewhere “How about we reschedule that for next month? I’m busy…..” he tried to take a sip of coffee, but before the god’s drink found a way to his mouth, Jason snatched it out of his hands.
“Give me back my coffee, Todd……”
“Not before you help me.”
“And why should I do that?”
Jason sighed in frustration. On one hand he could just tell Tim was this was about. On the other that would mean showing his vulnerable side and that was a no go. So he just settled on standing in Tim’s room, holding his mug of out his reach, considering pros and cons of each option.
“It’s about Y/N.” Jason finally said, relenting “I’m worried about her.”
“About Y/N? Why? She’s a tough one. I mean, she;s in a relationship with you, I don’t think much can break her.”
“I’m serious, Tim. You may not notice this, but lately she’s been acting… closed off. She’s…. sad.”
“Sad? Cracking jokes left and right? Two days ago she almost made Dick fall off the rooftop telling one of her funny stories.”
“Please tell me it was not a story about me…..?”
“Nope. Those are not funny anymore and she found a lot funnier subjects. Nevermind… Tim shook his head. The point is, she’s acting normal. Why would you be concerned? Wait. Why would you be concerned?
“Cause she’s my girlfriend!”
“Oh…. You do care….” Tim smiles
“Shut up!”
“You want my help or not?”
“If you helping me require me admitting I care about her…….” Jason sighed “Fine, I do. I do care about her. Please, help me?”
“Of course, I’ll help you Jason.” Tim grinned knowing well enough he just got Jason right where he wanted him “and just so you know, it’s not a secret you love her.”
“Shut up…..”
“Fine! Fine!” Tim laughed at Jason’s flustered face “What’s the deal?”
“Y/N…..” Jason said her name with the mix of affection and worry “she’s been spending a lot of time in front of her computer, lately. She claims she’s reading. And I believe her. But whatever article it is, she’s been spending her time on, makes her distracted. It’s almost like she’s been avoiding me for some reason I cannot fucking understand. She’s lost in her head!”
“The girl is a mind reader, Jason. She can hear people’s thoughts. Is this really so surprising that she’s had enough?”
“Yeah, she had those…. Phases. But it’s not like that. She;s only like that because of what she found on the net.”
“Ok… Let’s assume I believe you. But what do I have to do with it?”
Jason muttered something incoherently.
“Sorry, what was that?” Tim chuckled
“I want you to break into her computer……”
“You what now?!”
“I need you to…..”
“Oh no, I heard you. You want me to hack your girlfriend’s computer. It’s just I can’t comprehend what got into your head.”
“I’m kind of desperate…..And you’re the expert on tech…..”
“I’m not buying into this…….” Tim laughs
“Come on, Drake!”
“Not a chance, Jason. Again. Y/N is a mind reader. She’ll find out what we did in a heartbeat. And I don’t want to have my brain grilled. I saw her in action, I know what it means to make her angry. “
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of Y/N…..” Jason mocks
“You are terrified of making her angry yourself…..”
“Ok, fine! She can be scary…… Fuck! You’re no use, Drake!” Jason jumped to his feet, rushing out of Tim’s room, fists clenched, muttering something under his nose.
“It was nice to see you too, Todd!” Tim laughed. He always found it funny how Jason acted under the influence of emotions.
“Jaybird!” Dick grinned at Jason, the second the latter came through the door to the kitchen “came for some brothers’ bonding?”
“more like binding” Jason rolled his eyes “unless you’ll help me.”
“You must be truly desperate to come to me for help…..”
“Oh, God… have you been watching Thor again?”
“I had a whole marathon. But sure, I’ll give you a hand with whatever you need. What is this about?”
“Y/N? What about her?”
“Oh, fuck, not you too. Am I really the only person who noticed she’s been acting off lately? Are you fucking serious?!”
“Um…..relax Jace?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to relax seeing my girlfriend hurting?!”
“And it’s my fault?!” Dick exclaimed with shock in his voice.
“NO! Yes! Wait, is it?” Jason took a step towards Dick “what did you do to her Dickhead!?”
“Nothing! I swear!”
“You’re lying!”
“I’m not lying!”
“Then why won’t she talk to me?!”
“I don’t know! Come on Jace! Don’t get crazy again.”
“Talk to her.” Jason said, calming down. As much as it hurt him to admit it, he was acting erratic and he didn’t want to be aggressive. Not again. Those days were behind him. “Please, just talk to her.”
“Why me?”
“Cause you’re the only person I can trust to do this without making her suspicious. And because she won’t talk to me.”
“Jason…. She’s a mind reader….”
“You’re not the first person to tell me that today. Thank you.” Jason mocks “I kind of remember!”
“Wait…..” dick eyes grow wide…. “I might……”
“You might what, Grayson?!”
“I might know what this is about…..” Dick muttered slowly, but seeing Jason furious expression, with his eyes burning he picked up the talking pace at once “ok, so there’s this little site with superheroes couples ranking…..”
“I mean, not that I read it…..”
“Sure you’re not Dickhead…..”
“But Barbara…. She’s actually a fan. And so it Lois …..”
“Lois? As in Lois Lane?”
“Yeah….. it’s actually pretty popular amongst the girls… I mean, it’s not any ambitious writing on anything like that but when you need something to relax and unwind after a hard day…..Steph and Cass read it too and we spend last evening going thought it and gossiping and……” Dick started rambling “sorry. Not the point.”
“Make the point then….” Jason had to fight the urge to punch his adoptive brother in the face.
“Um…. Me and Babs….. I mean, Nightwing and Batgirl  might have scored first last week……  And I might have slipped a word about it to Y/N…..”
“You scored first?”
“Yeah…..” Dick smiled wildly “I mean we are a really, really good couple but I never thought we could beat Clark and Lois to the first position. Sure, I also might have did some things to catch press attention, but still I ……”
“Grayson, I am warning you…..”Jason hissed
“Sorry. Long story short…. The news got to Y/N. and you know her. She’s the investigator. She started digging and found the site and now she’s been kind of addicted to it, checking it out every week hoping Red Hood and Ego will make it to the list, but…..”
“But what?” Jason asked but he already sensed the answer.
“You did not…..”
“So what you are telling me, is that you scored first, and I didn’t even make the first …. Ten?”
“I didn’t make the top 50?!!”
“I’m not the one making those rankings! Stop yelling at me!”
“That’s why she’s been so sad? Was she disappointed? let down?” Jason asked. What he did not form out loud was the question whether she felt unloved? Because of some crazy internet ranking. “I gotta go talk to her…..”
“Yeah…. You should….That might clear the air. You know, honesty is really important. And honest is, I scored FIRST!”
“We’ll talk about that later, Dickhead. I got more important things to do now.”
“Oh, hey, Jace. What’s up?”
“I know what you’ve been reading.”
“You know what?”
“Stop it”
“Ok, fine.” She sighed “I’m going to kill Grayson for spilling the bean. “
“Sorry princess, but he’s mine. But now… about this … stupid ranking thing… is that really making you this sad? Are you…. Unsatisfied with our relationship?” he asked, all his insecurity and vulnerability coming out in waves. He doubted him his entire life. He always thought that Y/N was too good for him and one day she would just …. leave. And now, it was practically coming true……”
“what?” judging by the tone she became terrified of what he was asking her. “Jace….baby….” she dived into his arms, hugging him tight. What got into your stupid pretty head, you dummy? I love you… I love being with you. If I got discouraged by something someone writes on the Internet that would be …. Childish… immature… stupid.”
“No buts, Jace…..” she pulled back, grabbing his face with both her hands, looking deep into her eyes “I love you, you idiot.”
“I love you too, sweetpea…..”
“Now that is a new nickname……”
“Do you like it?” he smirks “tell me what does it do to you.”
“You’ll have to call me that a few more times just so I can figure out exactly what it does to me.” She smiles pulling him down to kiss.
Next morning Y/N standardly checked out the weekly ranking. Just for fun… After that little making up and clearing the air she had with Jason all night, she couldn’t care less about what vigilante couples made the top 10 and who did not. She was happy with her boyfriend. And that was what counted.
There was something so surprising that he just screamed Jason’s name the moment she opened the page.
“Y/N!!??” Jason rushed into her room, shirtless, his face confused. “Are you in danger?! What happened?!”
“THANK YOU!!” she yelled again jumping into his arms. Obviously he immediately pulled her into his chest, enjoying her warmth and hugs and kissed she started planting all over his face , but was still unsure of what was happening.
“Y/N? Not that I’m complaining, but what is this about?”
“We made the first place!! I mean, Ego and Red Hood did! Look, look….” She grabs his hand and lead him to the computer, pointing at the page, almost jumping in excitement. “do you see that?!”
“Yeah, princess I see it….” he smiles, full of smugness.
“Thank you!”
“I didn’t do a single thing…..”
“So, Red hood spotted making some sort of floral carpet for Ego was purely accidental?” she smirked, but her eyes were glistening with pure love and admiration. “You didn’t have to, you know?” she stood up, locking arms on his neck, his founding a way to her waist and pulling her close. “I told you I didn’t give a damn about those rankings and you must have been working at it for hours….”
“It was worth it, baby. Seeing that smile and those pretty eyes shining….. And maybe I deserved a little kiss?”
“Oh, you deserved so…. much…. more….” She brushed her lips over his, making that little kiss a promise of something more to come. “And…” Y/N pulled back “as a bonus, you probably pissed off Dick.”
“Oh, yeah… That was definitely my biggest motivation….” His grip on her waist tightened suggestively.
“Really?” she mutters leaning forward “maybe I can convince you otherwise? Show you what should have been your biggest motivation from the beginning?”
“You know I can’t say no to you, baby……”
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hey can I request a fic with Jenna or Tara up to you but it’s like reader is not used to people listening and liking her rambling about something she’s passionate about like super hero’s and comics for example and then Jenna or Tara actually do listen without stopping her and saying she’s annoying and then reader gets all giddy and happy
Own world
Popular!Tara Carpenter x reader
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“Did you see the Marvel movie I recommended? It’s really great, the way-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before your roommate turned away to talk to someone else which made your shoulder sink. This was quite common, your friends never really listened to you, no matter how important the topic was to you. You loved films, it was just a passion of yours as it gave you some sense of comfort in a shitty household. It was also something to do when everybody else was out but you stayed in due to anxiety. You never guessed today would be different.
“Which one? The new guardian of the galaxy?” A small brunette asked, you didn’t even notice her sit down. She must have sat down while you were quiet for a second after you were interrupted. “N-no, the black widow one” you mumbled out carefully, deciding to keep your sentences short, it minimized the risk of getting cut off. “That’s a great one, the Dynamic between Natasha and Yelena is awesome” she smiled at you. You took a second to look at the girl, she was familiar somehow, you believed that she was in your calculus lecture. “Yeah, it’s nice” you mumbled as you played with your water bottle, you guys had a break but you didn’t like eating in front of people. “And she has never watched it?” The girl asked causing you to shake your head, “well which other marvel movie would you recommend and why?” Your face lit up immediately, hers did too. “Oh, the new Thor movie is quite nice, it has a lot of comedy to it but still maintains a balance between jokes and actual storyline. But if you like leading female roles you should watch the new black panther…” you were, again, interrupted by your roommate who now just noticed the brunette in front of you.
“Omg Tara, when did you sit down? I didn’t even notice you, or I would have rescued you earlier” the side eye that was thrown your way was pretty hard but what was even harder was how the brunette, Tara it seems, laughed. You thought she was dearly interested but you were wrong. With disappointment settled into your chest you stood up and walked away, deciding to go back to your dorm room to read some comics you just got. You didn’t notice the way Tara watched you walk away.
The next time you saw her was the next day in your calculus lecture, she sat a row in front of you with two other girls and two guys, while you sat alone. You knew one of the girls that sat next to her, Mindy, she was in your lecture about film and you worked some project together. The short haired girl turned around and waved at you which made you smile as you waved back.
During the lecture you glanced at the group every now and then to notice the following things: 1. One of the guys was watching football while the other one was weirdly starring at Tara, 2. Mindy was asleep by now and her girlfriend was doing some work for another lecture and 3. Tara was clearly not getting shit down there and she was the next person that had to pretend, which made her panic.
“Psst, Tara” you mumbled lightly kicking her chair which made her turn, “come up here and I’ll explain it and give you my work” you told her looking straight ahead so the prof wouldn’t notice. In a matter of seconds the girl climbed over the table and sat next to you, “you’re my savior” she mumbled out as she scribbled your answers down while you explained why you did what. “Miss Carpenter, it’s your turn presenting” the prof called out causing her to stand up, she gave you one last look. You nodded at her as a signal of support.
“Wow, I gotta say I’m impressed. This is the best you’ve been the whole year, seems like you improved. Well, lecture is over” you quickly packed your bag and walked out before the brunette came back up but she seemed to be quick enough to still catch up outside. She stood next to you and grabbed your arm to bring you to a hold, “thanks, you really saved me there. Let me take you out for coffee as a thank you” she smiled at you as you two stood in the middle of the hall, people watching you. It was uncommon, someone as popular as Tara with someone as shy as you.
“You don’t have to, but thank you. I just saw you struggle so I thought I could help, and I’m happy I could, you really don’t though. Mr. Bakers exercises are pretty hard most of the time so I totally get why you struggled” Tara watched you ramble with a small smile, she liked when you rambled. She had been watching you for a couple of weeks now, in the lecture and out on campus, or when you were with Mindy. “As much as I like your rambling, I’m taking you out for coffee. You still gotta tell me a bit” she grabbed your wrist again and pulled you into a caffe on the other side of the street.
She ordered and after a small argument also payed your food. “So, are you at the frat parts tonight?” She asked as you walked over the campus with coffee in hand, “no” you mumbled as you played with the cup in your hand. “Why not? I bet it’s gonna be fun” she smiled at you, she liked your shyness. “I don’t really like big parties especially if I barely know anyone, too many people and I still have stuff do to for the classes” you explained, “you would know me and Mindy and your roommate is gonna be there too right?” You only shrugged which caused her to drop the conversation.
“Tara, nice to see you” one girl you didn’t know called out which caused the two of you to stop. “Hey, how are you?” Tara asked the girl as she gave her a quick hug, you zoned out while they talked not noticing that they walked away, but it seems like they also didn’t notice that you didn’t walk with them. When you zoned back again they were kinda gone already, so you decided to turn around and head to the dorms throwing your coffee into the trash.
It was 10:30 pm when you sat in your dorm watching the Hawkeye series again until there was a knock on the door which confused you, your roommate only left 20 minutes ago there was no way she would be back already. So you finally stood up and opened the door to see Tara in a short dress with makeup on. She looked ready to go, so why would she be here? “Hi” she only said as she looked up at you, “what can I do for you?” You asked her as you looked over her shoulder. “You disappeared today, I wanted to check on you” you breathed out a laugh at her words, “you left with somebody else. I though you wanted to go to the party” she sighed as she looked into the dorm. “I did but I think I’d rather stay with you” your face bushed so hard that you tried to cover your face as best as possible. Nonetheless you took a step to the side to let the girl enter your dorm where she was quick to look around your side.
There were posters from the marvel movies and some pictures on the wall, the shelf’s were filled with comics and some books. “So what are we watching? She asked as she sat on your bed, making herself at home, “I was watching the Hawkeye series but we can watch whatever” you mumbled as you sat next to her. “Is that with the guy who shoots arrows?” You laughed a bit as you sat down next to her, “yeah, Hawkeye or Clint Barton but it isn’t just about him”
Five minutes later you were rambling about what kind of impact someone like Kate bishop had on the whole phase and what could possibly happen between Yelena and her. You were talking on and on without any pause, a smile on your face and your hands wildly gesticulating. “I mean it’s just something different you know? And the way they keep on putting more women into the leading roles just gives us as women a totally new opportunity” and again you just kept on talking until you suddenly stopped and just looked at the brunette in front of you. “What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?” She asked as she scanned your face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to talk the whole time and annoy you” you said as you tuned away from her a bit. “What? Why’d you say that? I was very interested, come on keep talking” she encouraged you with a hand on your leg. “Really?” The shock on your face made her laugh a bit, “yeah”
So you kept talking, you were all giddy, smiling and laughing as you explained why you were so invested and she listened, sometimes asking questions but all with a smile on her face. “Do you maybe wanna, you know, stay and watch it with me? I could lend you something to wear if you want” she smiled brightly as she nodded.
Ten minutes later you two laid in bed in joggers and hoodies, her makeup was washed off showing her natural beauty. The Hawkeye series was playing in the background, “thank you” your voice was small and she wouldn’t have heard you if you weren’t laying so close. “Why?” She asked as she looked at you instead of you laptop, “because you listened to me, people barely do” you explained which made her sigh. The younger carpenter wasn’t sure what to say so instead she just shuffled closer and cuddled up to you.
Somewhere between the episode the two of you fell asleep, cuddled up with the series playing quietly. You woke up the next morning with a sticky note next to your pillow, it was from Tara.
“I had to go back before my sister kills me. Lunch at 2pm? If not call me
You smiled at the note as you got ready.
After some torturing lectures it was finally 2 pm. You went outside to find Tara and her group sitting at a table, she immediately waved you over. “Y/n, good that you’re here. Marvel or DC?” Mindy asked as Tara pulled you to sit next to her. “Marvel all the way” you answered causing Mindy and the younger carpenter to high-five. “No, so not true. DC has way better storylines” Chad said, his twin immediately booing him. “Y/n, tell him how he is wrong” the girl next to you said, but you were to self conscious about your rambling. “It’s fine, trust me” she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around your waist which gave you the comfort to start talking.
This was the first time in years that you finally had someone who wanted to listen to you. You discussed the topics with the others while Tara gazed up at you like you hung the stars.
Again you mumbled a “thank you” to her which made her kiss your cheek. You blushing again
She couldn’t wait to take you on a date.
You were scared of the way people were going to react.
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the-broken-pen · 5 months
Hiii, I love your writing! It's so great that you're back! Could you write something like two actors are playing hero/villain in a movie or theater, but both of them sometimes just gets too in character/or just gets too stuck in character, so for like moments they actually forget that they are just acting?
“You didn’t think I’d let you die by anyone else’s hand but mine, did you?” The villain cocked their head to the side, grinning.
Distantly, the hero registered the whispering of stage commands, but tuned it out.
“You can’t just kill anyone who threatens me,” they argued back. They watched as the villain’s grin sharpened.
“Watch me,” the villain whispered, stepping closer. Fake blood was drying on the side of the hero’s head, and it itched more than usual. Must be a new brand from costuming.
“I could arrest you,” they offered, but they let the hesitation show on their face. Visible enough for the camera to catch their unwillingness, no matter how fake it was. Good enough nobody could tell the difference between real and not.
“You won’t.”
The hero tipped one head to the side
“And why’s that?”
The hero shifted, leaning in towards the villain.
“Because you’re mine,” the villain whispered, tone playful as their eyes seared into the hero’s.
The hero’s mouth went dry. It wasn’t on purpose.
Something kindled in their chest.
“Oh yeah?”
The villain shrugged one shoulder in perfect time to the script, and the hero pulled the next line to the tip of their tongue—
“Prove it.”
That was not the next line.
That wasn’t a line at all.
The villain blinked just once, the only sign of surprise they would allow, before their grin widened. Their shoulders loosened into something feral, something that delighted in this change.
Something that belonged off-stage.
“I’m covered in the blood of the people who hurt you,” the villain’s voice was smooth sliding down the hero’s spine. They shivered. “What more proof do you want, love.”
They blushed furiously at the nickname, even underneath the stage makeup, and at the pleased look on the villain’s face, it was visible.
What was the line what was the line what—
Their hands fisted into the front of the villain’s costume, dragging them closer. The villain let them, hand settling on the hero’s waist in a movement far too smooth.
“I don’t know,” the hero murmured, and they were just as surprised as the villain when their lips hovered just over the other’s ear. “Why don’t you stop trying to kill me, for starters.”
The villain tugged them closer, and the hero’s eyes went to their lips.
The villain looked at the hero like they wanted to devour them.
Fuck, what had been the line—
“Oh, but you’re so pretty covered in blood, Hero,” the villain crooned, and the hero opened their mouth to say something, their tongue a separate entity from their brain at this point—
“Hold!” Someone off-stage called, and they both froze. A second later, they were halfway across the stage from one another. Slipping out of being the hero and back into being themself felt like hitting a brick wall.
If the way the villain shuddered was any indication, they had forgotten they were playing a character too.
The hero turned away to face the tech crew, hand settling over their face to hide their blush.
The villain’s gaze was molten and heavy on their shoulders, even from as far away as they were.
“I don’t think that’s in the blocking,” the stage manager frowned, flipping through the script.
None of that was the blocking. No matter how much the stage manager searched those pages they would never find those lines.
“Improv,” the hero choked out, flushing. “It was, uh. A creative choice—“
From behind one of the curtains, they heard a crew member snort, muttering something about teenage actors and horniness—
The villain was smirking, a wicked thing.
“Right,” the stage manager said slowly, brow furrowed from where they sat. They murmured something into their headset, eyes shifting up between the villain and the hero, before they slid a screen in front of themself.
Just barely, the hero could make out the shape of the scene they had just filmed.
The screen went black, the room silent for a moment, before the stage manager let out a long suffering sigh.
“We’re changing the blocking.”
“What?” The hero yelped.
The villain settled their hands into their pockets, unbothered and grinning.
“We’re keeping the scene,” the stage manager nodded towards their tablet, and the hero almost passed out on the spot. They watched the stage manager eye the pleased and possessive look on the villain’s face. “For now, though, let’s call it a wrap for the day.”
Shuffling began, lights flickering off, and the hero escaped to their own dressing room, panting slightly.
Dear god, they were so fucked. They had forgotten they were acting, again—
“Improv, hm?” The villain grinned, lock sliding into place. The hero hadn’t even heard them come in.
The hero groaned. “I don’t know what happened—“
“Yeah,” the villain nodded, and they were closer than they had been a moment ago.
The hero swallowed.
“I’m sorry.”
The villain raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
The hero waved one hand between them. “For, you know—“
The villain was still smiling.
It was then they remembered who had fought so hard in the writers’ room for the villain and the hero to end up together.
‘Enemies to lovers,’ the villain had said, eyes dark. ‘The fans will love it. There’s been sub plot for the last two seasons.’
The directors had pushed back, but now—
Oh. The villain wasn’t mad.
They were pleased.
The hero choked.
“You,” the hero tried.
“Me,” the villain agreed, and then they were kissing, all-consuming and desperate.
They made a noise in the back of their throat, the villain twining their hand into the hero’s hair.
“You forgot you were acting,” the villain murmured against their lips, and kissed them again before the hero could defend themself. “That I’m not really your villain and you aren’t my hero.”
The villain settled the hero onto the counter, coming to stand between their legs, one hand on their hip.
“Fuck,” they gasped, and they could feel the villain’s grin against their skin.
Somehow, the hero’s arms had ended up looped over the villain’s shoulders.
“Maybe stop killing people, and I’ll consider it,” they said between breaths.
“What?” The villain pulled back slightly.
“The line I forgot,” the hero said. They could drown in the villain’s eyes, they were sure of it. “Maybe stop killing people—“
“Don’t care,” the villain bit out, and then their mouth was on the hero’s again and nothing else mattered.
Maybe they weren’t truly hero and villain—but god were they good at pretending.
Three months later, the internet couldn’t decide what was better—that finally, after years, the hero and villain had ended up together on screen; or that off stage, their actors were desperately, hopelessly in love too.
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bokettochild · 7 months
if i may ask, for febuwump if u don’t mind, day 15 twilight asking “who did this to you” to a whumped legend? and then protective big brother mode activate
Oh boy, I had SO many ideas for this one! Apologies for it being (checks wrist only to realize I'm not wearing a watch) late? By....time? Anyways, here's some brotherly bonding! (And copious amounts of Twilight having friends because I can!)
Rating: Teen
Wordcount: 5,792
Summary: Being a big brotehr is stressful, and sometimes, Twilight just needs a break to go and be a person. When one of his brothers needs him most though, he's willing to drop everything. Although, in the end, it's not all bad.
(Warnings: References to alcohol and social drinking)
As a rule, Twilight loves his little brothers. 
No matter who it is or what they’ve done, or even how much they might drive him up the wall on any given day, he loves them all the same and will always be there for them. Still, he’s only a man. Sometimes, as much as he loves those who he’s found as family, he also wants to get away for a bit and be not just a big brother, but more. 
At Telma’s, he’s the hero, but he’s also the country boy who doesn’t know the city well yet. He’s the daredevil, because they've never met Wild or Warriors and they don’t know how much worse it really could be. To his friends, he’s the wild one, and for once, he’s not responsible for watching out for any of them. In fact, if he didn’t know any better, he’d guess they all feel the need to keep an eye on him. Ashei definitely does, all things considered, and Auru likely does as well. Considering he’s the youngest of the group though, son to one and young enough to be the child or grandchild of two others, it makes sense. 
So, naturally, after a long day on the road with the other heroes, one where Wild has been not quite a pain in his ass but definitely a challenge, no one can blame him from wanting to get away from the champion a bit. 
“It’s not that I don’t love the kid,” he tells the others, “But Ordonia’s Horns, does he try my patience some days.” 
“What did he do?” Ashei’s dark stare flicks over him, lips twitching in what, for her, is a greatly amused smile. “Climb up a freezing mountain without proper gear and nearly get killed?” 
His tankard hits the table harder than is really necessary, and he’s definitely not pouting as he stares back at her. “You’re never gonna let that go, are you?” 
She just blinks at him, face unchanging. 
Twilight sighs, running his free hand over his face and shaking his head at the same time. “No. He’s a smart kid, amazing at survival an’ he’d never make that kind of mistake. Well, not now.” Brows raise, but he quickly explains. “I’m sure near the start of his adventure he had to learn somehow, but as young as he is, he’s pretty exceptional in all things survival.” 
The familiar clucking of Shad’s tongue announces the arrival of the scholar, who drops without a care into the free seat beside him, smile loose and, to anyone else, haughty. Twilight knows that smile though, knows it means mischief, and he’s not wrong. “And yet we got stuck with you, when we could have had someone so capable!” 
Maybe, in the earlier days, he would have smacked the other for those words. In the early days he certainly would have wanted to, and he would have meant it too. Now, the urge to jostle him like he does with Warriors when the other teases him is still very much there, but he resists it. Shad may be close in height to the captain, but he’s not accustomed to taking blows, and a smack from the ranch hand may or may not actually leave him still sitting in his chair.  
Instead, he settles for knocking his boot against the man’s ankles, staring at him pointedly. “Yeah, I’d love to see him launch yer skinny ass up to the sky islands. Don’t know if you’d survive the trip though.” 
“But he’s a hero, saved a princess didn’t he? You expect me to believe he doesn’t know how to handle other living people?” 
He snorts. His understanding of the younger hero is filtered through uncanny dreams that, apparently, show him things that actually happen between them in the future, in the cub’s era, but even if he doesn’t hold them as memories of his own (not quite yet) he does know how Wild treats his princess. “I once saw him push his princess down a mountain, so...” 
“What?” Auru stares at him, and Twilight is abruptly reminded that their present company is not just people his own age who the shock factor works on, but also elders who might actually experience heart failure at some of the stories he could tell about his cub. “She was standin’ on a shield an’ they were doin’ this thing called shield surfin’. Worst she got was a face fulla snow when she skidded into a bank.” Somehow that doesn’t assure the elder very much. “She was laughin’ when we got her out, and she pushed herself down the next time.” He adds, watching Auru relax at least slightly at the words. 
“Well then, it’s clear they were doing it in good fun,” Shad answers. “He doesn’t sound so bad.” 
“Are you a princess?” He teases back. “Gee, Shad, I must have missed the tiara! Where you been keepin’ it?” 
Unlike himself, Shad takes no issue with smacking him for his jesting. Unfortunately for the scholar though, he can take a hit, and at worst it just feels like a slight stinging from the impact. Shad, on the other hand, cradles his hand like it’s been broken. 
Ashei shakes her head at the man, sipping from her tankard with a sigh. “You really should know better by now.” 
“I forget!” 
“You forget he’s a wall of muscle when you’re looking right at him?” Telma teases, waltzing over with a drink for Shad and offering a warm smile to all of them. 
Twilight takes the opportunity to flip the glasses of his friend’s nose. “You need a better pair of these if you’re that blind.” 
Shad squawks, fumbling for the fallen spectacles. It takes a moment, and his flailing almost ends up with them falling in his drink, but Ashei catches them neatly and offers them back. It's only when they're on the scholar’s face again that he turns to Twilight, huffing. “Why must you do that?” 
“Because I can.” 
And this is just what he means. He’s not the elder sibling here, he’s not in charge, he’s not the reliable one. To these people, he’s the young pup who beat Ganon, the country bumpkin up from Ordon who sees the city as a wonder and a giant. He’s just Link. 
Not that he resents his brothers for needing him. No, he’s glad to have a place and to know what’s expected of him, to be able to do something for them. Still, sometimes he doesn’t want to be the level-headed, well-behaved example for the younger ones to emulate. Sometimes, he wants to be as crazy as his protege. The problem is, he can’t do that with them watching, he can’t when doing so jeopardizes the trust Time has in him to help keep the younger ones in line and out of danger from their own crazy exploits. 
Here, he can be a bit crazy. Here, he can let loose. Here, no one can see him being a wild young man in his twenties. So, he enjoys it. He laughs and he teases and he and Shad go back and forth for the next hour or so with jabs and jests that have the others all rolling their eyes or sighing at them, stares heavy but not nearly as cold as they might appear to a onlooker. 
It’s a good night all told. By the time they’re all getting up to leave, Auru’s already gone home, and Telma’s getting a start on cleaning up the bar for closing. Shad’s had a bit too much, although not enough to leave him a babbling mess, just a tired one, and Twilight and Ashei are left to shoulder the scholar and haul him back to his own home. 
“I could haul him myself.”  
“I don’t doubt it,” Ashei hums from where she has Shad’s other arm around her shoulders, “but we’d never hear the end of it if he found out you princess carried him down the street like a maiden.” 
He sniffs. “If his pride’s that sens’tive, that’s his fault.” 
Her lips twitch into a little half smile. For Ashei, that’s the equivalent of a cackle. “It’s bad enough being seen with a country boy who could crush him, being treated like a woman as well hardly helps his masculinity.” 
“Again,” he chuckles, maybe slightly tipsy himself, “ain’t my fault he’s fragile.” 
Dark eyes slide to stare at him, but his friend says nothing ore on the matter. There's not much more time to say anything either, since Shad lives relatively close to the bar anyways, so getting him home is hardly a lengthily journey. Getting into his place to drop him off is a bit of a mess, as Twilight does have to support the scholar long enough for Ashei to pat him down for his keys, but once she’s got them and unlocked the door, he does take the chance to sweep the smaller man up in his rms and carry him through the door, even as the swordswoman watches while shaking her head.  
Once Shad’s laid in his bed, shoes off and tie loosened only because Ashei is a dear and not because of any kindness on Twilight’s part, they step back out into teh street together, pulling the once more locked door closed after them. 
“He’s going to be pissed.” 
He chuckles. “He can live with it.” 
A gauntleted arm nudges against his, protected against impact unlike the scholar’s hand, and much stronger too. “You say that because you’ll be gone by morning and don’t have to deal with it.” 
“You could be too,” he reminds her, “he’d never dare follow you up into the mountains.” 
This time, the rough nudge actually makes him stumble. Maybe he is tipsy. He’s about to protest at teh rough treatment, or tease, he’s not sure exactly what it is that’s on his lips because it slips away in an instant when a soft noise, a familiar sound that is his utter weakness, sounds on the flagstones of the alley not far from him.  
Ashei must see his ears prick up, face turning towards the sound, and she already knows, because one perfect brow raises with all the grace and authority of the captain. “Cat?” 
His moving feet are his only answer. 
She sighs. “Do you have to pet every one of those things that you see?” 
Despite her protests, she trails after him, watching as he peers around the alley, crouching low to find the fluffy creature. “I don’t understand why you like them so much. Aren’t you a wolf? Shouldn’t you prefer a dog’s company?” 
“I can enjoy both!” 
Ashei sniffs. “Dogs are better.”  
He turns to her, affronted and maybe, slightly offended. “They are not!” 
“You turn into a dog,” the words are flat, “shouldn’t you take that as a compliment?” 
“I’m not a dog,” he sniffs, “I turn into a wolf, and I’m still me under the fur, so it’s different anyways. Most dogs don’t act like that.” 
“You chase your tail.” 
“I had to learn to blend in so people wouldn’t suspect anything!” 
He doesn’t deign to meet the look that’s fixed on him, but he knows precisely what it is: brows raised, chin lowered, eyes flat and simply waiting for him to cave and admit she’s right. Uli pulls the same face on Rusl when he says something dumb, and he’s seen Telma do it too. He’d say it’s a woman thing, but he’s pretty sure he’s seen Warriors do it too, and Four as well, so saying that would be a very good way to get his ass kicked. Shad might be unable to do much damage, but Warriors can and has thrown his ass across the camp, and could probably do it again. 
Instead of saying anything, he keeps his eyes open, ears flickering about to catch any further hint of where the critter in the alley is hiding he thinks it’s a cat, but it was a muffled and very brief sound to begin with, so all he knows for sure is that it’s something small with paws. Crouching low and clucking his tongue softly usually draws them out, but this time there are no such results. He’s almost about to give up and accept that the sweet little thing had maybe slipped away already when Ashei’s hand catches his shoulder suddenly, grip firm. 
“Look,” her other hand points down at the flagstones underfoot, “blood.” 
Playfulness and excitement bleed away to a firmness he usually only takes on in battle, and he turns his attention to the spattering on the stone rather than the slight shuffling he’d thought before, although he doesn’t dismiss the noise either. “Fresh too.” 
Dark eyes meet his own, a silent question. 
Usually, he’s against using his crystal in public spaces, but it’s late eough at night, and in a seedy enough part of town that he doubts anyone’s lingering around the area to see, and if they are, they’re no good anyways. He shifts, fur and claws taking over in a now familiar twisting and aching. It doesn;t hurt anymore, no more than like stretching an unused muscle, and it only takes a moment to settle into the wolf’s body that’s as much his by this point as the hylian one he prefers. 
“I’ll follow you.” Ashei tells him, hand drifting to her hip and the sword hanging there.  
She’s ready for trouble, and he is too as he sets his nose to the ground and tries to follow the trail that is invisible to human eyes, but clear as day to him as it winds and twists around the small space they linger in. Whatever left the trail isn’t human, he knows that quickly. The scent trail springs off of walls and rubble in the streets in ways only the most skilled of fighters could achieve, and even then, likely not when injured. It’s fresh still though, like he said, so it’s not as though it fades out quickly, and it’s only a few minutes before he finds it’s end amidst some fallen crates around the corner. 
Something from within the pile of discarded containers shuffles, the same slipping of paws against stone, and rapid little breathes that sound in time with a pitter pattering heart. 
He shifts back. Wolf form is easier to use to track things, especially when his head is slightly fuzzy from alcohol, but for small animals, it’s not always the most welcome sight. A hylian with kind hands and gentle eyes is easier to accept in his experience. 
“Here?” Ashei asks, brows raised. 
He nods. “Not human.” 
She relaxes. He doesn’t. Animal death isn’t anything she worries about; she’s a warrior, a fighter, if the animals die, then they do. People are her priority. He, on the other hand, would prefer to avoid any unnecessary death if he can help it. Maybe it’s because he knows what it’s like to be on both sides of the matter, but unless strictly necessary, he doesn’t care to be a witness to or cause of death.  
Her hand slips from her sword and she stays back as he crouches low again, carefully shifting the crates and clucking softy. “Hey there, little ‘un. You okay?” 
The air seems to go still for a moment, and somehow, he knows his voice has made the creature freeze, but a moment later, as he shifts the boxes, wary lest they suddenly shift and crush the little injured thing, it seems to settle again, and the softest little questioning ‘mrrrp?’ sounds from within. 
“It’s okay,” he soothes, voice lowering, a soft rumble that rolls gently off his tongue and through his throat. Usually, it works on most animals, unless they have bad experiences with men specifically. Here, it seems to have the preferred result, and the softest brush of paws on stone touches his ears as he moves another crate. 
As the wood lifts away, he nearly drops it again at the sight that lies before him. 
“What’s wrong?” Ashei’s hand is moving to her sword again, likely as a result of the tension that’s jumped back into his shoulders, the way his ears have flicked back to press against his skull in horror. 
He doesn't answer her. Instead he’s all but throwing the crate away and reaching into the space between splintered wood. The motions are maybe too sudden, he reminds himself belatedly, for handling an injured creature, and the flinch away from his touch drives the point home. His heart wrenches somewhat at the way long ears press back and little paws stutter against stone, violet eyes squeezing shut in a wince. 
Two thoughts flicker in his head. How is Legend a rabbit, and what is he doing looking bleeding out in an alleyway as a rabbit? 
“Shhhh,” he tries to soothe, “it’s jist me, jist me, okay?” His eyes flicker over bloody pink fur to dark eyes that stare up at him, shining with a fear he’s never seen from the other before as a fluffy little chest rises and falls with breathes that would be dangerously fast for a hylian, but even for a small rodent are concerning. 
There’s a lot of blood, and he means a lot. 
“Who did this to you?” He can’t help the soft sigh in teh words, the almost coo. Small animals are most definitely his weakness, and small injured animals, even if they’re actually grouchy teenage boys, are definitely worse. His brother just looks so breakable and delicate, and the crimson matting fur together and staining the stone is just making his heart clench up even more as he reaches out. 
From behind, Ashei’s feet pad softly over, wary, but knowing her, she’d know he wouldn’t address anything threatening in that sort of voice. Still, she does recoil slightly, shock briefly flashing across her face as he manages to get a hold on his brother’s changed form, carefully lifting Legend up into his arms. “Is that a pink rabbit?” Her voice catches slightly, which is frankly impressive; she’s usually never so expressive. 
He nods, and while last time Legend had protested loudly at being picked up and handled like an actual rabbit, this time the animal form of his brotehr nestles down into his arms with a soft shudder, head resting on the crook of his arm even as wary eyes lift to stare at the swordswoman who’s likewise fixed on him.  
“What in Hylia’s-” 
“He’s hurt bad.” 
“It’s a rabbit in Castletown, are you shocked?” Reason seems to be slipping over to cover shock as she turns her eyes, flat once more, up to stare at him instead of the critter in his arms. “There’s dozens of dogs in this neighborhood, and while most have probably ever seen a rabbit before, they’re still hunters by nature.” 
The words twist in his gut. Not because he hadn’t realized; he’s changes into a wolf, he knows what sorts of urges come with the canine form, and while he might laugh it off, there’s still a part of him that, when in that form, lunges at the chance to chase small things, to get his teeth into them and shake them. He’s more man than beast of course, so he doesn’t really give into it unless he’s starving for food and a hunt is truly needed, but even then, there’s still part of him that recoils at his own actions. He’s been the one hunted before though, chased and tracked and lunged for by those who’d rather use his pelt to warm their families then let him so much as walk past them in the street. 
Still, as a wolf, he’s got teeth and claws to fight back, if he wanted to. The creature in his arms, his brother, doesn’t have that option. Legend's teeth and claws can barely draw blood, and by the time he’d gotten close enough to even try, a dog’s teeth would already be snapping around him before he could do anything. 
His arms tighten around the shivering form in his arms. In the back of his head, he can almost hear Uli, back when he was a kid still new to Ordon, still new to trees and animals and anything that wasn’t sand and swords. He shouldn't scare little things, ever, she’d told him. She’d been holding a rabbit in her arms, one she’d somehow managed to catch while they were out having a picnic in the fields with him. He’d been in wonder of the glossy fur and tiny paws, but moving too fast, too harsh, and it was hiding it’s head in her arms to avoid him. ‘They’re not made to handle scary things,” she’d murmured to himself and an equally awed Colin, who was only three at the time. ‘their little hearts might explode if you scare them too much.’ 
It’s slightly an irrational fear, considering Legend isn’t actually a rabbit, just transformed into one, but the words still ring in his head as he cradles the broken little body in his hold. 
Ashei’s stare is blank as it turns back to his little charge, lips twitching downwards briefly. “You’d be better off putting it out of its misery, Link. It can’t survive here, and you can’t take it with you.” 
The very idea makes his stomach, heart skipping up into his throat as he recoils from his friend, body shifting by instinct alone to shield his little brother from her cold stare and colder words. “No!” 
“He’s not just a rabbit!” 
“How much were you drinking?” 
The implication hurts a bit. He can hold his alcohol better than that, and he hadn’t had very much at all. He knows better! He knows Sky would have words for him if he came back drunk, especially after the trouble they’ve been having with keeping certain heroes sober. “No, I’m serious! He's....” the words slip outr of his head for a moment as he turns his gaze down to dark eyes that are squeezed closed in pain. “He’s...” 
“I’m not a rabbit.” 
He’s never seen Ashei’s eyes widen that much in his life, nor her move so quickly, sword half drawn and feet scrabbling back in shock at the fact that rabbit in his arms just spoke. 
“He’s like me,” he tries, soothing one hand down blood matted fur, and realizing at the same time that he should probably do something about the damage done to the vet.  
“A shifter?” 
“A hero,” he corrects, attention now on finding the source of the blood. “And yes, he transforms when exposed to dark magic.” 
“Can he turn back on his own?” She moves closer, apparently assured by his words, even though her eyes are still fixed on the pink rabbit that can talk, likely wondering how much more insane her night is going to get. 
Twilight shakes his head. “Not without a source of light magic.” 
“But you-” 
“I have control over the crystal, and practice. He’s...different.” 
There, he’s found it, the source of the blood. His heart twists up more, somehow, when he identifies the familiar marks left by sharp teeth. It could be his own work if it was a size or two bigger, and that particular thought has his stomach lurching yet again. There’s more bites than one too, and one paw seems to have been crushed, hanging oddly and when he jostles it there’s a bitten off cry of pain from his brother’s altered form. 
“He doesn’t look good.” Ashei states grimly, ow crouched at his side and staring intently at the injuries and violet eyes that squeeze closed as rapid little breathes shake the tiny body in his hold. 
She’s right. “Is there some sorta animal doc ‘round here?” 
Raised brows. “We aren’t a country town, Link.” 
“But even city folk have horses and shit, right?” 
Ashei frowns, gaze slipping free of his own. “Horses, yes, but smaller creatures-” 
“What about Agitha?” 
A flat look. “She’s a child, and her interest is insects.” 
“Small beings that she believes are magic,” he corrects, already shifting to his feet, cradling the fluffy form in his arms with all the care he’d use with Uli’s littlest. Legend doesn’t protest the movements either, although that might just be because he’s in too much pain to do so. “A talking pink rabbit is going to make her night.” 
Following his lead, the swordswoman stands, dusting herself off with a little sigh. “It’s worth a shot, I suppose.” 
The path to the self-proclaimed princess’s house is a short one, which is the main cause of his choice to see her, that and, like he said, her love of small magical beings. A rabbit and a butterfly are very, very different, but he’s counting on the quirky nature of the girl to overrule that logic like it does with most things. Sure, putting his hopes on a twelve-year-old with questionable logic isn’t maybe the best choice he’s made in his life, but considering he took the advice of a warrior killed in battle on how to beat Gannon, no one can exactly argue that his logic is sound either. 
If anything, Agitha is awake, and when Ashei knocks at the door, it swings open quickly, revealing swinging pigtails and a bright smile that’s just slightly off-putting. “Ah, brave knight! You’ve returned!” 
The look Ashei levels him with could probably kill a lesser man. 
The bug princess swings the door open wide, smile even wider as she cocks her head on one side. “Welcome! The Princess of Bigs is happy to let you enter her kingdom!” 
“Thank you,” he bows his head slightly. The best course of action here is to play along. He’s not sure why Agitha is like this, but going along with her game doesn't hurt anyone, even if it used to drive Midna crazy. Still, she’s a kid, and he’s used to kids, good with them too. “I come seeking the princess’s help.” 
“A knight needing help from a princess? How queer!” She giggles into her hand, but then stops. It’s like her whole person stalls for a moment, eyes falling on the bundle of pink in his arms. “Oh my, what’s this you’ve brought here?” 
He exchanges a look with Ashei, and in return, she just stares. 
“This is an enchanted warrior,” he tells the girl, “he’s been cursed into this form, and injured badly. We thought, since you are princess of the creatures of the small kingdoms, that maybe you might be able to aid him, even if he isn’t one of your subjects.” 
He can feel the groan building up from his companion, but she doesn’t release it, thankfully. Agitha probably wouldn’t notice if she had though, gliding forwards slowly with features pinched up into an honestly adorable pout. “Oh, the poor, poor little warrior!” She coos. “Yes, I am not princess of the mammal world, but I do not have a heart of stone. Here,” her arms are thrust out, open and waiting, “allow the Princess to help him!” 
He’s more hesitant than he’d like when handing over the vet’s beaten form, but Agitha handles him with surprising care, shushing and cooing as she strokes back long ears, whisking around to head off deeper into the room. Twilight trails after, leaving Ashei at the door, as the woman does not appear to be at all interested in plunging further into the insect castle. He’s cautious with where he puts his feet and keeps his distance, also wary of his surroundings. Meanwhile, Agitha lays the vet’s rabbit form on a tabletop and, with quick kiss to the brow that would be very ill advised considering the blood there, she darts off to grab something from one of the many nooks and crannies about the room. 
It’s honestly impressive, considering her age and the general doubts he has for her sanity, how efficient the insect princess handles the injuries presented to her. She shows little worry for the blood that gets on her dress and many accessories, humming softly to herself as she set bones with ease that’s almost scary and binds up wounds with care that he’d almost mistake for the skill of an actual healer. Once she’s done though, she’s scooping up Legend’s little body and settling him back in Twilight’s arms, a smile on her face as she winks up at him, one finger pressed to her cheek with a coy little smile 
 “Lucky for you, Mister Captain Hero taught me a thing or two on treating wounds! He’s all fixed now! Make sure to let him rest and give him lots too eat, okay? And lots of pets!” She claps her now blood stained hands, smile still shining. “He’s such a darling thing! He deserves all the pets in the world! Oh, I wish you could pet bugs, but there’s so little of them to pet, and butterflies die if you pet them...” 
His smile is stilted, but he manages to bob his head in thanks all the same. “Thank you, princess.” 
“Of course, brave knight,” he’s answered with a charming smile and a little curtsy, one that leaves bloody fingerprints on pink skirts. “If ever you find another such wounded warrior of the magical world, do bring them here. Princess Agitha will take care of them!” 
Ashei hurries them out the door before ‘Princess Agitha’ can say much more than that. Honestly, he’s thankful. She’s not a bd kid, but she’s kind of off-putting if he’s being honest. Legend’s face buried in his arms indicates that he too finds the girl somewhat off-putting, even if he hadn’t spoken at all since they alley. 
“That child is insane.” Ashei pronounces once they’re safely away again. 
It’s strained, but he finds himself laughing slightly, hand dragging over long ears as he walks and resisting, strongly, the urge to rub his face into long fur. “Yeah, prob’bly.” 
A side glance is fixed on him, feet not stopping on the well known path back past the bar. “Will you be going back to your inn now?” 
He nods, glancing down to find Legend is staring up at him as well, gaze hazy from either pain or exhaustion, he’s not sure. “Yeah. It’s pretty late, an’ i still need to get him changed back before the others realize he’s missin’.” And then, as an after thought, he adds, “I know the way back.” 
“You had a bit to drink.” 
“Ashei,” he laughs, strained, “no one’s gonna try anything on swordsman wearing wolf’s pelt, not if they have an ounce of sense! ‘Sides, it’s not far off.” 
Her stare is heavy. 
“I’m fine. If anythin’ as the man here, I ought to be offerin’ to walk you home!” 
Weight is nothing in comparison to the sharpness in those eyes. “Watch it, Ordon.” 
“Yes, miss.” 
She shakes her head, dark hair somehow not so much as swishing with the motion. “Have a good night.” And then she’s heading off, not even bothering to wait around for his echo of her farewell and instead disappearing around a corner up ahead, pace faster than his own as he tries to keep steady and not jostle the brother in his hold. With her gone though, it’s just Legend and himself, violet eyes truned up to stare blearily up at him. 
“We are gonn talk about this later,” he warns, even as he sets off towards the inn again. 
Legend shifts, ears flicking slightly in answer, but he doesn’t talk. If anything, the rabbit in his arms curls in tighter, defensive.  
“I’m not mad,” he’s quick to assure, foddling long ears gently, “but you scared me there, vet.” 
Still no answer. He resigns himself to silence as his feet carry the two of them down the mostly quiet streets of Castletown and back to the inn, one hand still running through silky fur, careful not to catch on where it’s still matted with blood.  
“Here’s hoping Sky doesn’t have our heads for wakin’ him.” He sighs as they come to the door, and he has to stop his petting of pink fur to push it open. “Hopefully the rest are also asleep, cuz I ain’t got an answer for any of this.” 
The rabbit in his arms snorts, but th head that’s been lolling into the crook of his arm raises to butt against him gently. It startles him. 
So many years ago, Uli said that was how rabbits indicate affection, or ask for more pets. Good grief, how out of it is Legend: Mister-Don't-Touch-Me-I-Will-Bite-You? There’s no way to know though, but he doesn't look a gift bunny in the mouth, and he’s only too happy to continue his petting as he takes the stairs up to their room, nodding briefly to the wide eyed inn-keeper as he goes. 
Tomorrow, he will have to ask Legend what happened. Tomorrow, he will have to adopt being a good, responsile big brotehr who gets to the bottom of things, but for tonight, he’s simply content to try and turn his brother back to a hylian, get a potion down his throat, and head to bed, leaving the adult stuff to future Twilight. That’s easy enough too. Sky has questions, but is too tired to slur through them, and while feeding the vet a potion is hard with the other slumping against him so heavily, but they manage. They manage and then he’s slumping himself back into the bed left open for him. He sort of expects Legend to slip away after, but belatedly, he realizes that’s just impossible. Maybe it was the petting, since he’s been there and he gets how much it turns his muscles into jelly, but pink hair hits his chest the moment his back has settled into the mattress, and the hand that catches in the front of his tunic further cements that Legend isn’t going anywhere. 
Ah well, if Legend’s going to take up space in his bed, he reserves the right to keep running his hands through fluffy pink. If Legend doesn’t tell him to stop, he won’t. The vet doesn’t eitehr, just hums softly, curling in on himself and nestling into his side with a soft sigh that would almost, almost fool him into thinking his brother was still in his beast form. 
Tomorrow will be interesting. Explaining the blood on their clothes, where they’d been, and all else won’t be fun. But for tonight they can have a little more peace. The scare is over, and Twilight’s free for just a little bit more. And hey, the brief panic was worth it, especially considering he’s getting cuddles out of the deal! 
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grapementos · 1 year
tipsy in love
aged up todoroki x reader
cw: alcohol, descriptions of a drunken state
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despite how well todoroki had filled out from rigorous hero training following high school, his mass and lean build of muscle did nothing to help his alcohol tolerance. not only that, but he seldom drank and usually wound up behind the wheel following any gathering or night out.
basically, he got really, really drunk after the smallest amount of alcohol. he was your friend, so naturally you kept an eye on him but also recorded the dumb stuff he did.
you’d usually be the one to make sure he got home safe, cleaned up, and tucked into bed at an hour that wouldn’t have him completely incapacitated the next day.
you usually didn’t attend parties unless todoroki was there. sure, you had other friends from ua, but the vibe just wasn’t the same when you didn’t have todoroki to lounge with, pointing out and laughing about all the dumb things people did when they were totally wasted.
tonight, you were again seated next to todoroki, giggling together at kirishimas attempt at a one-handed handstand.
“he’s gonna bust his face, i bet,” you snorted, leaning your head back against the cushion of the couch.
you looked over at him, quirking a brow at his fourth drink, “one of those nights, huh?”
luckily, you were sober and perfectly able to drive him home when this night ended the way you knew it would.
“yeah,” a smile snuck onto his lips as he took another sip, “g’na take care of me?”
you chuckled, dropping your head onto his shoulder, “i always do.”
his breath stuttered and you almost questioned it until kirishima lost his balance and fell to the floor, his foot catching the corner of the coffee table.
the two of you broke into a fit of laughter, stomachs aching and a small bit of beer spilling onto todoroki’s lap.
“oh, shit,” you sucked in a breath, wiping away a tear, “i know that hurt.”
kirishima’s groans of pain supported your statement, the rest of the partygoers nearly choking on their drinks from laughter.
“man, i spilled my drink,” he slurred out, looking down at the wet spot on his jeans.
“well, at least it was on your thigh. doesn’t look like pee.” you teased.
“m’gonna go get another.”
you checked the time—1:30 in the morning, aka way too late.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea. we should get you home,” you insisted, taking the empty bottle from his hand.
“noo..” he reached for the drink, “it’s still early.”
you walked away to toss the drink into the nearest trash can and then back to todoroki, “let’s go.”
he groaned, reluctantly stumbling to his feet. once he was up, he leaned into your side, nearly knocking you over.
with a bit of effort, the two of you were out the door and into the car, making the familiar journey to todoroki’s house.
“god, you gotta help me here, sho.” you grunted, helping him into a new pair of clothes.
he sat there lifelessly, eyes glaring yet unseeing into the ground.
you sighed, finally managing to get his clothes on, “alright, lay down.” you walked around the side of the bed, pulling out the duvet.
he scooted up and under the blanket, mumbling quietly as he settled.
“alright, i already have your advil and water on the nightstand. i’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?”
“no..” he whined, reaching out to you.
“what? what’s wrong?”
“stay..” he drawled out, gripping onto your forearm, “sleep.”
you glanced to the side, unsure of how to handle the situation, “uh, i gotta get home, sho.”
“lay w’me..” he frowned, brows drawing right in frustration, “please.”
“okay, okay.” you gave in, flipping the light switch off before you joined him in bed, “better?”
he grinned dopily, throwing an arm around you, “mm.”
your entire face was aflame. never before had you ever cuddled todoroki, your best friend, the guy you told all your secrets to.
eventually, after you stayed completely still, his breathing evened out and you were quite sure he was asleep.
with a determined grunt, you slowly and carefully started to slip out of his grasp.
“y/n,” he pulled you in tighter, eyes blinking open to reveal that he was not, in fact, asleep, “don’t go.”
you sighed, dropping back down beside him, “okay, okay. i’m sorry.”
“want you to stay w’me.” he mumbled out, “forever.”
your heart was slamming in your chest, for you were impossibly close to him, completely able to smell the alcohol on his breath.
“i’m right here.”
“no, want you with me.” his eyes were more focused now, staring straight into yours, “mine.”
“i am, i’m your best friend.” you insisted, offering a small smile.
“i wanna love you.”
“i do love you, we’re always together.”
“i wanna kiss love you, cuddle love you. i wanna love you, love you.” he seemed a little more frustrated, as if he couldn’t say what he wanted to say, not properly at least.
“sho, you’re drunk.” you stammered out, doing your best to not make eye contact with him.
“maybe,” he breathed, eyes shining like you’d never seen before, “but i’d love you drunk, sober, asleep, awake, dead or alive. i’d love you no matter what.”
you gaped, matching his unwavering gaze. your entire body was aflame with emotion, all the way down to the tips of your toes. it was only then that you realized that you couldn’t see yourself with anyone else. you loved todoroki—even though you’d initially considered him a friend. you loved him more.
“i love you too.”
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featheredenby · 3 months
Bewitched And Befuddled
“It takes Grian a second to put together the pieces but then he realises that the person who he’s been casually talking to all night is someone who he almost killed.”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 2,672
Part Seven of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series
Grian had been able to tell that something was wrong and a check with his new incorporeal eyes, he only learned that he had them after the incident, proved it, the dogwarts duo and the red witch have broken into the cafe. As he had watched he had seen The Red Witch fuse a guest’s lips together to stop them from talking. It was at this point that Grian had stopped watching only to hide in a stall and desperately started wishing that he had his vigilante outfit with him. Out of pure impulse he started speaking in a language that he didn’t quite recognise, “╎'ᒲ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ∷ᒷᔑꖎꖎ|| ᓭ⚍∷ᒷ ⍑𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ∴𝙹∷ꖌᓭ ʖ⚍ℸ ̣  i ꖌ╎リ↸ᔑ リᒷᒷ↸ ᔑ ↸╎ᓭ⊣⚍╎ᓭᒷ ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣  リ𝙹∴.”
A purple light blasts from his hand and next thing he knows Grian is wearing his Poultry Man costume. It’s then that he hears Thyme’s confused voice from outside,“Hello?!? Who’s there?” 
“What?” Grian exclaims,”Thyme?”
Grian unlocks the door of the stall and steps out only to see a very confused Thyme staring at him. It makes sense as Grian’s the only one to call him that and Grian is also now in a chicken mask, feathered cloak, baggy pants with patches, a red sweater, and he has his talons showing.
“What the-Ariana?!?”
“Shh- be quiet there’s shit happening out there.”
“Yeah I know,” he lowers his voice to a whisper, “I had to sneak in here as quietly as possible.”
“Okay then! I’m gonna go beat those three up.”
“Wait! Just a sec,” Thyme says,”So you’re Poultry Man?”
“Uhm, Yep. Now I’m gonna go punch someone, so unless you can help…”
“Oh! Well I would be able to help if I had my leg braces or my bow and arrows.”
It takes Grian a second to put together the pieces but then he realises that the person who he’s been casually talking to all night is someone who he almost killed. He also realises that Hotguy, the most famous hero in Hermitopia is disabled just like Scar. Clearly Grian’s body language alone gives his realization away as Thyme- no Hotguy gives him a laugh.
“Why do you look so surprised? It’s not like you almost killed me or something.” Hotguy jokes.
“That’s not funny!” Grian snaps at him.
“Woah! Are you okay? I didn’t think it was that bad of a joke.”
“I just had an experience related to near death… it was a few months ago but I would prefer not to mention it.” Grian fibs.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Off topic but you don’t happen to have any projectile weapons do you?”
“Why?” Grian asks sternly.
“I’m better with ranged weapons but if you don’t I’ll just break a chair or something.”
“Hotguy how the frick do you expect to fight when you can’t move quickly and your hands are taken up?”
“Okay, you got me. I hadn’t thought of that.”
“This is exactly my point,” Grian mumbles,”So. You’re gonna stay here and I’m going to go kick some ass.”
“But if you give me a long range weapon I can still shoot from the second floor.” Hotguy argues.
“Fine,” Grian says while checking his belt on it there’s his slingshot, some grenades, and hidden from the others view his Cuteguy gun. Grian sighs, none of these are very good options to give him. But Grian settles on his gun. It wouldn't be a first choice but he doesn’t have any other options. “Uhm… do you know how to shoot a gun?”
“Yeah but-“ Hotguy gets startled as Grian hands him the gun.
“Use this.” Grian says blankly.
“Sure but where did you get it?”
“I found it- on the ground,” Grian lies,”Now are we gonna save the rest of the people here or not?”
The fight is brutal and bloody, Scar and Poultry Man had snuck out of a bathroom window and he had stationed himself on the second floor where he had shot at the villains from. They had observed the scene from up there, they had seen a woman with a gear and pipe decorated mask join the red ones on stage and revealed herself as the Faker. This enraged seemingly Poultry Man so much that despite Scar protesting he dived down and clawed at The Faker’s face. This had of course resulted in the red witch starting to mind control anyone that she could, the only person who had not been overcome being a cat mutant who had pulled off her mask to show that she was the mayor.
The Mayor had then tried to mind control the animal hybrids in the room but was able to only get a blue haired stag hybrid to get back to his senses. The Stag hybrid had then conjured an illusion of Cromia’s outfit. That’s how Scar had ended up in this situation with him being unable to move from where he’s lying on the ground after seeing Poultry man get a wing broken, trying to get down the stairs, falling, and having the red hand kick away his crutches. So Scar lays there as he watches The Mayor and Cromia get backed into a corner and Poultry Man trying desperately to fight for Scar’s crutches back. 
There’s one thing that Scar can still do and that’s try and get his arm, the one that he’s holding the gun with, out from under him. So Scar utilizes all of his strength to shoot the hand in his foot and right after Poultry Man knocks the hand out. At the moment that he does this The Mayor manages to get another person who Scar recognizes as Canary Call. Canary Call then screams, sending out a shock wave that knocks out half of the people surrounding them.
“Thank aeor!” Cromia exclaims, before kicking a llama hybrid’s legs out from under him.
“Li-Mayor what did I say about mind controlling me?!?” Canary Call yells as he punches a zombie mutant in the face.
“Sorry J-Seabling,” she says while running over to the red king,”but I think it’s better than you trying to kill us!”
As The Mayor reaches the red king she leaps and touches his head causing his eyes to go blank before he passes out, there’s only one person left to take care of as earlier The Faker ran off. Unluckily The Red Witch happens to be the most powerful villain in the city and is currently mind controlling two people. These two people happen to be The Huntress, one of the best heroes in the GFHA and a fire mutant with blue flames for hair. 
There’s no way that any of them can beat the huntress in hand to hand combat so the only choice is for someone to get to the red witch, luckily Lizzie has that covered. She grabs one of Hotguy’s crutches off of the ground and hits it into the back of The Red Witches knees (if you don’t understand why, doing that will make any person's legs buckle). The Red Witch falls to the ground losing control of the two people that she was still mind controlling, “Oh you little- ||𝙹⚍ ↸╎ᓭᓭᒷ∷⍊ᒷ ⎓∷𝙹ᓭℸ ̣  ʖ╎ℸ ̣ ᒷ!”
The moment that she says this Lizzie feels her whole body go cold as a chill racks her spine. Lizzie collapses onto the floor and starts shivering, it feels like her entire body is burning up as she forces her eyes to stay open. Out of the corner of her eye Lizzie sees Jimmy run at the witch who's slowly standing up before he whistles a tune and a sound wave hits her in the chest pushing her backwards. Jimmy sends out wave after wave of sound slowly pushing her into a corner, sadly still all Lizzie can do is watch helplessly as chills continue to rack her body.
Ren wakes up from the slumber that the stupid cat put him in and looks around before locating Martyn. He crawls over to him so as to not alert the fighting people around him that he’s awake. When he reaches Martyn he’s now at the front door of the cafe, and Martyn’s knocked out on the floor bleeding heavily from a bullet hole in his foot. Ren removes his cape and wraps it around Martyns foot before checking on the scene around them. The Mayor is shivering on the ground, half of the people in the room have passed out, a guy in a fish mask is fighting Pearl, and Cromia is patching up injured people. Now is a perfect time to run, as quickly and quietly as he can Ren picks up Martyn and exits the building before running into an alleyway behind it. They can’t stay here but it’s not like they have a car to leave in and Ren doesn’t have a way to wake Martyn up.
After sitting for a minute Ren sees Martyn come to, “Oh thank god, you had me worried dude.”
“What the- Ren!”
“Quiet, we’re in the alley behind the cafe. Probably shouldn’t use real names.” Ren warns him.
“Okay but where is your cape?” Martyn says right before looking at his foot,”oh… right. So should we wait for The Witch or?”
“I think that she’ll be fine, we should probably head home though.”
“Can you stand?” Ren asks him.
“I think so…” Martyn tries to stand up but his foot can’t take it and his leg buckles.
“Ow!” He winces,”I don’t think I can do it actually.”
“I can carry you if you want,” Ren offers him,”I think that I’m strong enough to do it.”
“Sure,  just be careful.”
It turns out that one of the people at the party is a witch similar to The Red Witch, it also turns out that they’re the same witch who healed Scar a few months ago. It also turns out that the witch can temporarily give Scar the ability to walk again, this of course Scar learns when they shout at him to run before casting a spell. Which of course only happens because The Red Witch creates a wave of powdered snow for everyone else to desperately try and avoid or counter. Scar bursts out of the front door of the cafe and hurdles around the corner where he sees someone carrying another. And of course because things are refusing to go his way tonight these people happen to be The Red King and The Red Hand, and even more unluckily The Hand who’s being carried sees him. Scar sees The Hand whisper something to The Red King and soon after a ball of fire comes flying at him causing Scar to get a nasty burn along his left side. He dives behind a dumpster before the next one comes flying.
Scar cocks the gun in his hand and peers out from behind the dumpster to see The Red Hand spreading his bat like wings. So Scar shoots him in one of the wings and in response to this The Red King sends yet another fire ball at him. Scar tries to shoot at one of them but he’s out of ammo and resigns himself to continuing to sit behind the dumpster as the spell has worn off.
“Ha!” The Red Witch spits,”Do you really think that you can stop me? I have three times the amount of power as you!”
“Sure,” Shelby says before throwing a blindness potion at her,”Have a fun time casting without vision.”
“What the- how did you do that!?!” She scream,”I won’t be defeated like th-”
Grian hits her in the face with a wing knocking her out, why is the solution that they use always to knock people out? 
“Okay. That about clears things up,”he says,”Can you take her to the police station while I go grab Hotguy?”
“Yep!” Cromia says,”And this time we’ll get better guards.”
“Sure.” The Mayor agrees.
Grian exits the front door of the cafe into the cool night and takes his first decent breath of air since the fight started. He grips Hotguy’s crutches in one hand and uses the other to shine a light onto the street,”Hotguy?” he calls.
“Over here.” Says a voice around the corner.
Grian turns around the corner where he sees Hotguy sitting by a dumpster and clutching his hand to his side. 
“Oh my- Hotguy are you okay?” Grian asks while running up to him.
“Yeah, I just got a nasty burn from one of The Red King’s fireballs.”
“Well you should probably put water on that,” He says while helping Hotguy to his feet,”Is there anywhere you can get patched up?”
“I’ll just get it treated when I go to the GFHA headquarters tomorrow.”
“Nope! That’s really not safe, I know someone who can help you. I just have to send them over. Stay here.”
“Okay then.”
Scar waits for about twenty minutes before the person that Poultry Man went to get arrives and to his surprise it’s a person who he recognises. The person who walks up to Scar is Grian.
“Hey there, I’m Grian uhm I have basic medical training.” he introduces himself.
“Okay then uhm should we go somewhere or?” 
“Right,” Grian says, “I have the supplies back at my apartment. If you get in my car we can be there in about ten minutes.”
Scar already knows this of course he is grian’s roommate after all, but Hotguy isn’t. “That sounds good to me, Grian.”
If there’s one kind of wound that Grian especially hates to treat it’s without a doubt burns. They’re just so gross, the shrunken skin, the blisters, the red look, and not to mention the fact that the smell of charred skin is absolutely repulsive. It’s all he can do not to gag as he cleans off Hotguy’s side in his kitchen. There’s also the fact that what Grian is doing is incredibly risky as he has to be ever so careful especially as of the fact that he hasn’t taken his wings in and they are resting ever so lightly under his sweater.
“So,”Grian asks,”I wasn’t given the details, how exactly did this burn happen?”
“Okay so you know that Red King guy?” Hotguy says,”he hit me with a fireball after I shot his right hand man twice, with a gun.”
“Why does that sound like something my roommate would say?” Grian mumbles.
“Oh! You have a roommate?” Hotguy asks.
“I do, his name’s Scar,” Grian admits,”That cat that you’ve been petting is his, she's named Jellie. I have a cat to, named Moui”
“Aw sounds cute. Thanks for patching me up. I wish I had a way to pay you for it.”
“You don’t have to, really it’s no problem.”
“Okay then, see you around.”
“Bye Hotguy.”
Grian gets up and walks into his room where he sighs, that was risky bringing Hotguy into his apartment and with his costume hidden just around the corner. I did manage to help him though, Grian thinks while collapsing onto his bed. Now all Grian needs to do is put his own wing in a cast but that’s easier said than done as he gets up to grab bandages his phone buzzes. The text on it is from Scar “Hey G I forgot my keys again can you let me in?” Frick. Now Grian either has to make Scar wait or hope that he doesn’t notice his wings, maybe he can just wrap himself in a blanket. So Grian grabs a blanket before going to let Scar in.
“Hi Scar.”
“Hey G thanks for letting me in.”
“No problem, I’m gonna go to bed. G’night.”
“Okay, night Grian.”
He can’t believe that worked, so Grian gets to work on setting and wrapping his wing. It’s difficult of course but that’s never stopped him before. When he finishes Grian changes into his pajamas before collapsing and falling to sleep.
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epiclamer · 2 years
Villain stumbles home after a rough fight with Hero and bumps into their new neighbor, who looks oddly familiar?
I have so many exams
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Oddly Familiar
Villain had only seen them once before; when the moving truck had arrived and they stared in horror at a broken vase in the back. From then on, if they were ever mentioned throughout the crescent, Villain referred to them as “vase neighbour”.
They had never talked once and there was no need to. Some people just never talked. Busy schedules, meetings unaligned, sick days and impromptu vacations. It wasn’t anything personal.
But still, now that they were really looking at them, Villain couldn’t shake the feeling that they had met before.
“Ouch, took a rough tumble, huh?” Neighbour called, seated on a patio chair out front of their house. Sipping from a cloudy glass as their eyes flashed over the villain’s state.
Collecting themselves as best as they could, Villain cleared their throat. “You win some you lose some.” They tried for a nonchalant kind of shrug, but the wince they sported along with a nasty limp didn’t prove so.
The other raised a brow from their dimly lit porch, standing up and placing their drink down on a side table. “Oh, yeah?” It only took them a few steps to close the distance between the two of them. Offering an arm to the villain who took it hesitantly, letting themselves be wrapped in and supported by a nearly stranger. “What, or better yet, who did you lose to?”
The villain could hardly think, the smell of the other so close was suffocating. They knew this person. But from where?
Forcing a chuckle from their croaking throat, they began the short distance to their front door. “Would you believe a flight of stairs could do me in this good?”
Neighbour laughed, a little too loud, a little too forced. For a second, Villain was afraid they’d wake the whole complex, then the other settled down, lips much too close to the villain’s ear when they leaned in.
Villain could feel the grin that bared their teeth on the skin of their neck. “No. No I wouldn’t.”
They started laughing again, the same belly laugh from just before. Something terribly wrong with the way the whole innocent interaction played out. It tossed and turned in Villain’s stomach and out of pure fear they sped up—or at least tried to, their neighbour’s arm held them close and kept them slow.
When the laughing didn’t cease quite as quickly as it had the last time, Villain joined in, unsure of what else to do. They were so close, their front door was practically in reach, they could figure out who the hell this was once they were safely inside with all the doors locked.
In the silence that followed, Villain couldn’t help but feel eyes on them. Twisting their neck just enough to catch the other staring intensely at their bad foot. Seemingly trying to figure something out in their own head. Villain tucked their foot behind.
The neighbour drew their gaze back up, taking obvious mental note of every injury visible across the criminal’s body as they did. Eyes locking back onto the injured’s and they flashed their all too toothy smile. The look of it sent a wave of nausea through the villain, something much more unsettling than it had been before.
Villain almost slammed face first into their door, completely entranced by the other and their unease. Thankfully and almost predictably, their neighbour stopped them just in time, waiting until the last possible second before making their move.
The villain flinched when they expected to feel the solid plank against their face, but it never came. Pulling one eye open as they met with their neighbour’s gleam once more. Letting out a shaky breath to try and regain their composure.
They didn’t pull back when the villain fished for their keys, nor when they fumbled with the lock or rattled the door handle. Again, the neighbour waited much too long to act, releasing the villain in a quick-drop that stunned them when they did.
Villain didn’t hesitate to practically leap into their house, simply grateful to be free of the other. Shaky hands grasping the edge of the door and pushing it almost closed.
“You should wrap that ankle and stitch some of those cuts, the bruises will fade in a few days at most.” Neighbour narrowed their eyes slightly, attempting to keep their lightheartedness, but failing as their suspicion overtook. “Don’t be shy, call me if you need anything.”
In attempts to end the conversation Villain nodded, going to close the door entirely when the other’s hand caught it at a sliver.
“Oh, and you might want to get yourself checked for a concussion.” The neighbour, that Villain now recognized, stated. “I threw you off the bank roof, not down a flight of stairs.” And with that, Hero was gone.
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I love you by the way, I think your very talented and I really love your writting <3 <3 have wonderful day
“You know, when you survive the so-called end of the world three times, you lose a taste for the danger.”
The hero behaved differently today. They had mentioned apocalyptic scenarios three times in the last two hours. They looked distant.
What should’ve been a meeting to discuss negotiated settlements turned into a therapy session and the villain was absolutely the last person on earth who was fit for this job. But when they gazed over at their hero — who was barely paying attention on anything — they felt their heart sink into a depth they didn’t know existed.
The way their fist dug into their cheek, elbow balancing on the table and that slight frown on their face…they didn’t look quite like the hero, more like an aged-up and tired version of them.
“Makes you feel…yeah, makes you feel not much, I suppose,” the hero said. They bit their lip, as if not to cry but the villain only sat there and stared at their nemesis from across the table. Why were they having this conversation? Wasn’t there some friend? Some councillor? Someone else?
They blinked tears out of their eyes, long and thin eyelashes ghosting over their perfect skin until they caught themselves again. They probably had played the role of the happy saviour of the world for too long.
“I think what we’ve settled on is pretty good,” they said painfully forced. “But I cannot guarantee that there won’t be more demands in the future.”
“Uhhh…” Out of all the reactions the villain could’ve had uhhh was probably the worst. Meaningless and stupid. They just couldn’t think. Couldn’t think when the hero was like this. “Y’know…we are, I mean, no — once I… fuck…”
The hero looked at them, eyes sunken in and exhausted but they looked patient, calm. Weirdly out of place in such a brutalist room. Someone strong in a way too cruel world.
“…when Rome fell, the world didn’t end, you know?” the villain said. They felt how their cheeks turned into little ovens. “Society collapsed but…I mean, Rome, the city, still stands and the people…I…sorry, I don’t know what I wanted to say with that.”
The hero smiled softly at them.
“I suppose you’re right…the earth still spins. Isn’t that the only thing that really matters?”
“Not if you’re upset.”
“Just…if feels like nothing. You save the world and it feels like fucking nothing. It feels like you didn’t make any progress. Feels like you didn’t achieve anything. You’ve saved billions of people and you still feel empty. As if it was a coincidence. As if someone else did it. You save the fucking world and still feel like a failure,” the hero said. “It’s stupid, I know…”
The villain dug their teeth into their bottom lip, taking their time. Comforting people wasn’t something they were used to, wasn’t even something they attempted. Thank god, no one really wanted nor needed their help.
But Christ, seeing the hero like this was tearing them up.
“In thousands of years, they’ll talk about you,” the villain said slowly. “I know we tend to…I know people tend to think that we will be forgotten and that it doesn’t matter what we do. But when someone’s as extraordinary as you, they’ll talk about you. Not only because you saved the world. But also for the courage that you show every day.”
They squeezed their hands into fists, nervous but the hero’s facial features relaxed, bringing their old self back.
“We still talk about Rome. About Ancient Greece. They thought they’d last forever and…they do. We know them.” The villain looked up at them. “And they will know you. They’ll remember you forever. Not only as a hero but also as…the person you are. Because the admiration people have for you will always withstand time.”
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noomycatz · 1 month
hello I am ✨the government✨, and you are legally required to loredump about your fallout ocs now /j /silly /pos
(I love reading loredumps lol)
Ok my lawyer said i have to. :(
You already know Argo but i dont have much for him yet. He likes rubber ducks i bet
I have one tangentially related to fallout, but not really. His name is Vep!
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Yea uh. Dont ask. Also insultron ^^ he is veps securitron!! Vep repaired him to the best of abilities (HE DOESNT HAVE A BONER ARM PEOPLE KEPT TELLING ME HE DID DTOP STOP STOP) since Vep is a pacifist, he retired him to like, make fun of people instead of exploding them. I have a lot of troller ocs ngl.. (like 2. that’s not a lot noomy, shut the fuck u) please dont ask me why hes a deer/leopard just go with it
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This is my courier 6, aka courier pickle. They’re really fucked up in the head!! And also really gay for robots. I, i mean they, they have a problem. Yeah. Not me
They dont have anything up OR down there!
After getting shot in the head by Bitchass Benny, they ran straight to the strip, tortured him and then dragged him over to the legion to get him crucified where they promptly joined. They had fun times!
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Until they found yes man >:P
They betrayed caesar (oh no how could you! Die.) while preparing for the soon to be battle, they stumbled upon the think tanks satellite !
Everything went downhill for our so called hero there :3
(I havent played honest hearts or lonesome road yet and i really dont care for the,.m…. So they are not ap art of the lore. I said so. Joshua graham can lick my metaphysical balls)
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whered it go pickle! whered it go! haha! the think tank took it and replaced it with a bunch of mentat tins so now youre addicted sorry. and now they’re going to poke you and prod you and make you run tasks. they have your brain still. Mobius never had it, and you killed him anyway. How could you? How could you? Why did you do it? Why did you do it?
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They think radroaches are neat. Cute little buggers!
When they came back to the strip not one recognized them at first, and I wouldn’t blame them. They didn’t even act like themselves!
While yes man continued to bug them about the battle they just kept drowning themselves in chems and alcohol (robotic) prostitutes until they were sore and numb to this cruel world. The wasteland will eat you alive. From the outside and inside. Dust in your lungs sands engrained in the palms of your hands. Nobody is there for you. Nobody.
And then the battle came. They surrendered, wanting to make peace, wanting to exchange their life for whatever they still considered “friends.”
Lanius lied. Lanius took them prisoner and yet, still called for no mercy.
They took the dam. The securitron army was destroyed, the NCR drove out, Yes Man killed, and the Courier was due to be crucified.
But they ran. They ran and ran and ran
(and they ran… I ran so far away…)
They temporarily stayed at Big MT, for one making an attempt to revive yes man using the mark 5 securitrons, but it failed horribly!! And also they ate all the Mentats to the think tank kicked them out.
after a month of paranoid traveling they managed to reach boston! !! !
there they met the sole survivor ( @bl4z33467 ‘s oc!!!) and thyey settled down for no more trouble from the legion ever! definitely. ok i hope you enjoy reading. im not too good at writing stuff like this, give me an argumentative essay and a few weeks any day
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^^ video also by Blaze (although the last part was drawn by yours trulyyyy(
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serasarahhhh · 2 months
Author: Maxine Pairings: BakuDeku Rating: R Chapters: 15/? Notes: Accidental quirk shenanigans result in an unplanned pregnancy. Post-canon, no a/b/o dynamics. Summary: It's not that Katsuki didn't want kids. He figured he'd have them one day, probably. That he and Izuku would adopt or maybe figure something else out. This is NOT how it was supposed to go. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 15 “Holy shit,” Katsuki utters, walking right up to the bed and just staring. Izuku’s slack-jawed himself, but he makes sure he grips Kaminari in a tight hug before doing anything else. “Fuck, you really did it,” Kacchan continues in near-disbelief. “Yep,” Kyouka says, lips quirking. She brushes a gentle touch over her daughter’s chubby cheek. “Didn’t have much of a choice, really, once it started. She was ready.” Kaminari releases Izuku from his clutches and walks with him over to the baby. “Oh, wow,” Izuku murmurs. His eyes go wet – typical, honestly – but he beams through the tears. “Kyouka. She’s amazing.” “I know, right?” Kaminari says excitedly. “All ten fingers and toes.” He bends close to Kyouka so she can pass the baby over to him. “She’s pretty bald right now, but it looks like she’s gonna have Kyouka’s hair.” Carefully, he tugs her little beanie off so they can see the wispy purple strands covering her head. “Maybe not her Quirk, though.” True, it doesn’t seem like she has Kyouka’s earphone jacks. “Could mean she’ll have yours, though,” Izuku says, keeping his volume low as he leans in. Kanami is still sound asleep and has been since they got there, so Izuku sure doesn’t want to be the one who accidentally wakes her up. “Gosh, she looks just like you guys.” He doesn’t know how accurate that actually is right now, but he figures it’s the sort of thing people say. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches Katsuki wrinkling his nose up in a doubtful sort of way, but thank goodness he doesn’t actually voice his disagreement out loud. Instead, he says, “Not bad, Ears. Congrats.” Kyouka snorts. “Woo, I did it,” she cheers, flat but teasing. “Pushed a whole human out of my body.” “Yeah, thank fuck I don’t gotta do that.” Katsuki glances from baby Kanami to Kyouka and back again. “Like…she ain’t that big but still. How the hell.” “Oh, trust me,” Kyouka intones, barking out a quick laugh. “She FELT big.” “You want to hold her?” Kaminari asks, and whether that’s directed toward Izuku or Katsuki, he’s not sure, but Izuku instantly chirps out a, “YES!” and thrusts his arms out. Kaminari carefully hands her over, making sure Izuku’s supporting everything he’s supposed to and that his daughter is safe and secure before he backs off a tad. And that’s about when Izuku’s world finally tilts off its axis. She’s such a little thing. And she feels fragile. Not in an unusual way or anything, as far as he can tell, but just… Izuku’s so much bigger. And he’s clumsy sometimes, oh god. His hands are huge, his arms bulky with muscle, Kanami looks itty bitty nestled against him and it’s WILD. He’s suddenly so terrified something will happen to her because of him, even though there’s really not much that could happen. Because he’s being careful, SO careful, and he would never do anything stupid that would harm her, but it’s just this – this FEELING. It sweeps through him, protective and fierce and god, Kanami isn’t even his! Holy crap, what the heck. Some kind of sound escapes him – awed, scared, amazed, who knows. His voice is choked when he speaks. “Hi, Kana-chan,” he whispers. She lets out a little mewl, squirming for a few seconds in her blanket before she settles again, and Izuku melts. “Welcome to the world, baby girl.” Continue reading at AO3. Through chapter 15 now posted!
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Wtf is the deal with these bananas!
So having a banana shoved in his face was not what Legend  expected to start that day with, but that was what happened, and it pissed him off, I mean hell he thinks he has the very right to be pissed off he was littarly just sleeping, they all were also the last day just wasn’t good, getting shifted to a new Hyrule that looked like its been devoid of life for a century and all they’ve been doing is walking, just walking! So m getting woken up before the sun has even properly risen by a fucking dude with a banana isnt exactly on his list of fun things. 
What didn’t help was when everyone wad actually getting up the dude(who was crouching down like a fucking animal or something) jumped back and threw a banana and hit Legend Right. On. The. Fucking. Nose. And ran before Legend could get a good look at his banana assaulter. 
"you okay legend?"
Okay so what if there was a random group of 8 travelers who had seemed to be extremely prepared with weapons and armor, of course he has never seen any of there gear its fine. But they also seemed very unprepared asking for directions to Kakariko town? From random strangers like littarly just a random person not selling anything just standing there, like hello 99% chance that’s a yiga they may not be the hero of courage but yiga aint above attacking travelers. So yeah he was confused and worried. 
And sure he may have been following them all day after telling Zelda he was just going around towns getting supplies, but this was important, did Link mentioned he knew almost everyone in Hyrule, like EVERYONE. Yeah so having almost 10 strangers who don’t know how to get to Kakariko but are geared up definitely set of some alarms in his head. They finally settled down, the small multi colored one was cooking while Link was up in the tree, he was this close to shooting them all just to get them away from the pot out of disgust after seeing what he cooked, maybe after figuring out what there deal is He'd be able to make them a good meal because it looks like they haven't had a good one in a while. 
 after that disgusting dinner they finally fell asleep, armor off, except that one stupid familiar one, he had quite… interesting markings on his face, they kept calling him rancher and Twilight but he disregarded there names and called him face guy(even though he wasn’t the only one with face paint on) it seemed three separate people had watch and he waited till the third one was getting tired to sneak up to the one who had- questionable fashion choices and in true Link fashion crouched down, and shoved a fucking banana in his face, he also threw banana's at the others to wake them up and get there reactions threw another one at blue hat just for good measures and ran, climbed a tree and waited.  
And god was blue hat pissed, hes glad he did this early in the morning cas hes sure blue hat would have tan after him if he wasn't so out of it. Everyone was waking up though now, watch guy currently being the short one came rushing back as everyone inspects the bananas confused. "you okay legend?"
"oh yeah Sky im just peachy getting woken up at the crack of dawn by some stranger throwing fucking bananas at me! Feeling great!" oh god Link is really glad be didn’t do this any other time he would have gotten a good run in. the tall armor guy, one of the more intimidating ones spoke up, he seemed to be the leader. "Legend I know your upset but lets move on with it, we can atlest get on the road faster now, hopefully get yo Kakariko today or early tomorrow." Did they know anything? It would be a day and a half walk to dual peeks stable a day if they didn’t take any breaks and were quick on there feet, aswell as  another half a day to kakariko, and that’s if they arent stupid and take the wrong trail(he cut down the sign when he was starting his journey and no one bothered to put it back up) either way they were heading to the stable it seems like so link might wanna go ahead a bit and warn the stable staff.
He telaported to the stable trusting that everyone seems to wake up slowly and they'd be there for a bit. the stable staff were happy to see him, he knew them all and honestly hes 90% certain he alone is keeping all the stables in business. He walked up to the front desk. "Link! Welcome to dueling peeks stable how are you doin? Need a horse, want horsly, or Aurora" 
'not today sorry, I came to warn you about maybe 8 strangers' Links rapid signing and the word stranger emiditly set of the stable master. "have you tried bananas?" 
'threw them at them this morning, they just seemed
Confused and pissed off, no happiness or excitement definitely no eating of bananas' that was blue hat, he was pissed off. Honestly Links happy he did it to wake them up or else blur hat would have seen him and run after him he swears. 'they are suited up with weapons and armor, but they also don’t know shit for traveling, don't even know the way to kakariko' 
The stable master nodded along with him.
"those weirdos, we'll keep an eye out for them tha ks Link, you following them?" he quickly nods "ah Link just like you, thanks again for warning us" Link nods then teleports back to them, and they were still packing, almost done to be fair, bjt still packing just ad Link thought. 
It was a pretty uneventful day, no one caught him although blue hat was grumpy all day and surprisingly white cap dude, but still nothing happened, I mean they were intresting at the shrines and tower but didn’t really touch anything at the comand of the one they called captain.(even though he didn’t seem like he was the leader at all) They made it to the stable which none of them seemed to recognize it yet again setting alarms off in his brain and he notices everyone at the stable avoided them and the stable master was snappy with the leader who seemed to do all the talking. 
Link decided to teleport to just the other side of dueling peeks so he could walk in and  bring no extra attention to him, luckily the stable master seemed to get the drift, even asked the usual banana question he asked to everyone. although it seemed even the normal treatment he caught the attention of the 8 even though they tried there hardest to be desecrate they were horrible at it. It was most noticble though when he was cooking a whole bunch of food, he was low on supplies and holy shit did they stare. 
"I cant take It anymore, what are you making it smells really good!" surprisingly nicer then he originally  "Wind!" blue scarf grabbed the kid from the back of his shirt like a little puppy, harsh. "sorry bout my little brother, we've been traveling all day and haven't ate yet." and he has no idea what comes over him but for Hylia knows why he offers it up, his fucking food. 'do you guys want some' he was half suspecting them to not even know sign, even though it’s very common to speak or atlest understand it in Hyrule hes 80% certin there not from here.(god this is how everyone must have felt when he just kinda showed up randomly) they did infact know Hylian sign, which confirms they seem to all be Hylian.
Blue scarf looks over to the leader who has finished getting bed for all of them, god this is going to be an interesting night. He answers "Were all good thank yo-" with the protest of the smallest one, blue hat, and explorer guy(he wonders off a lot) the leader sighs. "actually if you wouldn’t mind, I know were a big group so if you don’t want to we really would be okay" 
"no we wouldn’t old man none of us know how to fucking cook" another inexperience point for them, who travels, and with how geared up they are it seems like they've been traveling for a while. Link decided to just get to cooking, he already probably has enough for everyone but that would end up making a dent in his supply so he just makes a quick soup instead, pumpkin soup because he bought, a fucking lot of pumpkins from kakariko last time he was there. 
who would've fucking known pumpkin soup was a favorite, or atlest he hoped that was what it was. They reacted like they’ve never had food ever in there life, but hell who is he to judge. All he wanted to do was figure out if there a threat or not. 
After they devoured the food(some had two rounds) they seemed to be getting ready to sleep, Link would have ignored it completely if he didn’t hear his very own name in the midst of there hushed conversation, at this point he was itching to just pull a sword out and demand they tell him who they are but they all seem to be seasoned fighters and as skilled as link is against a hord of monsters the only people he's ever fought are the yiga with at most 3 at a time, which are in no way equivalent to 8 mostly older looking skilled fighters.
 So he kept an eye on them, he "slept" outside so if they were to wake up he'd be able to still hear inside but also could follow them outside. Therfore another sleepless night full of cooking and organizing the slate passed by with no shenanigans. The odd group were getting ready to leave to kakariko asking the stable master directions, he could tell he was unhappy to point them to one of the few remaining towns but did it anyways as to not seem suspicious. Link decided It would be best to go teleport to kakariko and warn Impa instead of follow them for the short way up. So he payed the stable master handsomely thanking him for keeping his identity quite and teleported away befor he   refuse. 
And he was off.
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onstrangerthighs · 1 year
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I'll Find You (Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday)
For @billyhargrovebingo
TW: suicidal thoughts
--Chapter One: The Funeral--
He stares anywhere but at the framed picture of a clean-cut Billy Hargrove, dressed in a white button-up shirt, something Steve is sure he wouldn’t have been caught dead wearing. In the photo, Billy’s all teeth, his face pulled taut like a rubber band at its limit. A fake smile if Steve ever saw one.
Did he ever see Billy with a real smile?
Yes. Shirts vs. Skins, that day in gym class. He had worn a tired but cheeky grin, cerulean eyes locked on Steve; a famished lion hungry for a challenge, and then some.
He picks at a loose blue thread— the same shade as his eyes.
Steve’s parents had flown in two days earlier when word reached them about Starcourt. Nothing about what really happened, just the official cover story everyone agreed to tell. The last words Steve spoke before going completely mute were “Billy saved us.”
“That color suits you, son,” his mother said as she straightened his collar, something she hadn’t done since he was ten. They’d actually sat together as a family back then.
He’d looked in the mirror on his way out and couldn’t place why, but he’d gotten a little choked up. Yeah, blue looks good on me.
It looked better on Billy.
“Quite the turn out, huh?” Tommy’s voice is the quietest it’s ever been.
Steve scoffs. School had been canceled so everyone would be able to attend the service, so majority of “grievers” were just happy to get a day off.
“He-uh-liked you.”
The program scrunches up in his tightening grip.
“He asked a bunch of questions, wanted to know all about ‘King Steve’,” Tommy laughs hollowly. “He... really came alive around you.”
A lone tear rebels against Steve’s dry eyes and onto the paper.
“If Billy were here right now, ya know what he’d say?”
You only knew him for a few minutes. Then again, Billy did have this strange effect on people, himself included, where he made such an impression that it was like you’d known him forever. He left you breathless, always wanting more of him.
Tommy goes to hug Steve, but instead settles for a shoulder pat, leaving a space that doesn’t stay empty for long.
Was that what happened when people died? Did they just… get replaced?
As Nancy would say, bullshit. Some holes can never be filled by anyone*.* Billy was a tough act to follow. He wasn’t meant to be replaced. He wasn’t meant to die.
It’s far too sunny for a day like this.
“Max is trying to get her mother out of the bathroom,” El - oh, that’s who’s sitting next to him- says. She holds a tissue box close to her chest and squeezes his fist. “Billy was special to me, too. He was a hero, Steve.”
Look what that got him. He died for a town that didn’t give a shit about him when he was alive. He should be here.
“Sometimes I think he should’ve let the Mind Flayer take me. But that wasn’t who Billy was. He was the hero we all needed, and he never got saved. Mike says I’m one a lot… I don’t think any of us are.”
This girl really is much too wise for her age. If anyone knew the real Billy, it’d be El, who had started calling him her big brother.
“You met him. During basketball. You-” El pauses, looking at him sadly before continuing, “you were one of his happy memories. He didn’t have many.”
If he were alive, maybe I’d be brave enough to tell him he made me happy, too. At least I put a smile on his face, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. It was special to him. Was I-
No. No use in going down that road. If only… I’d known sooner how cruel summer could be to stars in Indiana.
“I’ve got you,” Max assures her wobbly mother as she half-drags her dead weight to their seats. When they pass by Steve, they don’t look at him. Susan smells like she drank an entire liquor store in preparation to face her dead stepson one last time, and when Jonathan leaves his own torn family to offer some help, Max hisses at him, “Help? A little late for that, don’t you think?”
Jonathan opens and closes his mouth, because he really can’t argue otherwise. Neither can Steve. Nancy watches the tense exchange from a distance with haunted eyes.
“We… we didn’t kill him, Steve.” She’d whispered over the phone two nights prior, sounding just as guilty as he felt all the same.
“Yeah? Well, we sure as hell didn’t try to help him, either.”
Before Billy’s coffin is lowered into the ground, everyone gets in line with flowers to lay on it… him. Max goes first, barely holding back tears as she sobs her goodbyes. El abandons Steve’s side to hug Joyce, which is understandable. He’s not exactly the warmest person.
“I can’t do this,” Susan cries loudly, dropping her flower.
“Mom! You promised! You said you would do this for him!” Max pleads, hiccupping.
“None of us should be here.”
“Mom, what are you-”
Susan pulls away from her and kneels down beside the coffin, trembling. “I failed him. He was so young! It’s all my fault! All this damned town’s fault! We killed Billy!”
We killed Billy.
As soon as they arrive home, Steve runs to the bathroom and vomits his breakfast. His parents don’t bother checking on him. They’re probably already gone. Now it’s just him and his guilt. He counts sheep until eventually falling asleep. Every few hours he wakes up screaming for Billy to run. To get back in his Camaro and keep driving.
At 12: 00 am, his own screams scare him awake, and his nailed bat isn’t by his bedside like it usually is.
2: 00 am… he pretty much gives up on getting in the mandatory 8 hours. He hasn’t slept since this whole mess with the Upside Down, when he learned that monsters were real. He stares holes through his ceiling. Billy died not even knowing what the fuck was going on. Why didn’t we tell him? So what if it was supposed to be a secret? He deserved to know.
And yet…
You punched him. Your last words to him were “get out.” You could’ve opened the fridge! You could’ve shown him the creepy ass demo-whatever. You never say the right thing, do you? You’ve wasted words and started fights. So many mistakes.
Oh, and you lied to him about his sister. He looked at you like you were a freak. Now you’re feeling sorry for yourself while he’s seven feet under? Typical.
If I could fix it, trust me, I would!
Gifts won’t bring me back, Harrington.
I know.
2: 45 am, and Steve finally dozes off, praying for the first time since his first communion… begging God to kill him.
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cranberrymoons · 8 months
Coffee Shop Au for WIP Weekend!
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@steventhusiast @shares-a-vest @sidekick-hero
this one started over the summer when I got a very aggressive brainworm about Eddie running a shop called Corroded Coffee and then at the end of august when ao3 was down for a few days, I posted the first chunk of it here on tumblr and then immediately ruined goldie's life by making them wait 6 months for an update 😭 but I've been working on it! it's still on the list! the whole thing is about 10k right now and I DO want to finish it and get it posted for real at some point SOON I PROMISE
anyway, here's a little snippet :)
“You’re very smooth,” Steve says. “Everything you do is like –” He laughs, shaking his head. “Like something out of an old movie or something.” Eddie makes a face. “Smooth makes it sound like it’s an act.” “Is it not?” He shrugs. “My uncle raised me right.” “You were raised by your uncle?” Eddie hums, nodding a little. They come to a stop as they wait for the light to change, and he squeezes Steve’s hand.  “My parents didn’t really stick around.” He takes a breath, staring across the street. “Dad was in and out of prison, until he was just… in. And my mom was all over the place, but Wayne was always there.” He shoots a look over at Steve. “No Hungarian nannies for me.” Steve laughs a little. “I regret telling you that, by the way.” “Was she like – a live-in nanny?” Eddie asks as they start walking again. “Did she carry a big handbag and fly with her umbrella and sing songs about spoonfuls of sugar?” “No,” Steve says, laughing harder. “She was just a lady. She took care of me after school when I was a kid. My parents weren’t around a lot either.” “Oh, so ‘nanny’ is just rich people speak for ‘babysitter’,” Eddie says. “Got it.” “Basically,” Steve says. He tucks his chin into his scarf to hide his smile and lets their hands swing between them as they walk. After a moment, he looks over at Eddie again. “You never answered me, by the way. Do you live around here too?” “Yeah, just –” Eddie points in the direction they’re walking. “A little ways up, on the right.” “Oh,” Steve says. He raises his eyebrows. “Okay.” And Eddie laughs, giving him a teasing, sideways glance. “Okay.” They walk for another moment, Steve swaying closer into his side until Eddie slows them to a stop as they reach the steps up to a brownstone, old and rich-looking with lights glowing in the upper story. “So,” Steve says, tilting his head to the side. “I guess this is you?” Eddie lets go of his hand to settle it on his waist instead, pulling him closer. Steve lets himself be pulled, feeling his heart kick, his breath catching a little as he stares at Eddie, head angled back. They’re almost the same height, but Steve is just an inch or two shorter, and up close like this it feels like Eddie towers over him.  “I’m going to kiss you now,” Eddie says. “Is that okay?”
(lol at my wip weekend literally extending INTO THE NEXT WEEKEND because I'm such a slow replier rip)
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