#‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 'Done done done!' - Finished Request
sillykittyco · 2 years
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Unicornkin stimboard for 🍀🌈☀️ with themes of unicorns, pink, red, white, and some masculinity!
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alastorss · 4 months
I really enjoyed the "touching Alastor's antlers" fic! Good stuff! I was wondering if I could request reader playing with his hair and braiding it maybe? Thanks for being great! Drink water and eat a snack :p
a/n: hello!! thank you for your kind words ^ ^ i hope you enjoy this fluff!
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Alastor can't pinpoint when exactly you developed such a strange habit of playing with his hair.
He first noticed it when Angel started giving him funny looks, pointing out the braids in his hair and that they were rather charming. Of course, the Radio Demon was quick to dismiss the star's claims that they suited him.
After that, he began finding little braids in his hair with or without others seeing them first. Like, for example, he would see them when he was dressing in the morning and peering into a mirror. Or other times he would see his reflection in his deep mug of coffee. They were less of a nuisance and more of a mystery than anything.
It had to be your work, surely. No one else would ever think to do something so pointless to him. And if this were some weak attempt to humiliate him in front of his peers, anyone else wouldn't have dared.
However, he never had any real evidence that it was you messing with him.
He should probably do something about it. It would be bad for his reputation if word got out that he kind of liked the delicate work of your fingers.
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Once he's had enough of the mystery, Alastor decides to catch you in the act.
He turns his back to you on purpose, hogging the blankets as he always does, and pretends to be asleep. And just as he expected, your hands are in his hair less than ten minutes later.
Glaring at the wall, he lets you finish whatever it is you've done to his locks before he suddenly spins around in the bed to face you.
Satisfaction fills him as you yelp, scooting back in the sheets and sitting upright fast as lightning.
"You were awake?!"
Alastor just stares at you with narrow, unamused eyes.
"So it is you!"
You swallow loudly, nervously fidgeting with the blanket as the demon sits up in bed beside you. He scrutinizes your reaction, how shy you look, and his smile softens.
"It helps me sleep," you admit awkwardly. He watches as you fiddle with your fingers, unable to meet his eyes.
Alastor sighs with an exasperated shake of the head. "You simply could have told me, darling. No need to keep such a silly little thing a secret."
You perk up at his words. "You don't mind?"
He minds less than he'd like to admit, really. It also explains why he's been the little spoon so often lately.
"Not at all."
You breathe a slow sigh of relief before you're dragged into his arms. He lets you mess around with his hair that night, too. And he stays up a bit longer until your hands fall limp against the pillow beside his head.
The next day, Angel is surprised to see that the oh-so-feared Overlord has quite a few braids left in his hair.
He decides they suit him after all.
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling (send an ask to be added!)
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only you | y.j.i
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-> the first i love you m.list
pairing... bf!jeongin x gn!reader tags... fluff, established relationship, soft pda, skz teasing their maknae 😖
jeongin doesn’t like affection. except when it comes from you, and only you.
wc... 933 words a/n... inspired by this request! this took much longer to write than i would've liked hahaha,, but here it is! it's a bit different that the others but i really did enjoy making it so i hope you all enjoy <3 let me know what you think!!!
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“This can't actually be my mission, it's impossible!” Jisung exclaimed in disbelief. He showed the camera his paper which read ‘Hug I.N for 5 seconds.’
Everyone knew that the youngest of the group valued his personal space, which posed a huge challenge for Jisung. It didn’t help that Jisung was terribly obvious about his mission, making his target even harder to catch. He spent the whole day chasing Jeongin around the venue of their shoot trying to wrap his arms around the boy. But, it was all to no avail, and he had failed his mission—which surprised no one.
Although the shoot was finished and the missions were over, Jisung was still trying to succeed, even getting the other members to help him.
“Yah, get away from me!” Jeongin laughed as he moved to shield himself behind the black couch by the dressing room's wall, crouching down in an attempt to protect himself. “Why are you all chasing me? I've done nothing wrong!”
“You know, all you’ve done is corner yourself. Now Jisung is guaranteed to get you.” Seungmin remarked unhelpfully from the corner of the room, where he watched the whole scene with an amused smile on his face.
Jeongin’s jaw dropped as Jisung moved forward to grab him, but the younger boy quickly escaped. However, Jisung managed to capture his arm, keeping him from leaving successfully.
“I got you, Innie-ah! Now you have to accept my hug!” Jisung taunted in a singsong voice, as Jeongin wriggled his arm.
“I don't want your hugs. I don’t want your affection, shoo! Leave me and my personal space alone,” he cried, trying to pull away from his captor.
Minho scoffed at the youngest as he continued to struggle in Jisung's grasp. “Don't lie, you loooove affection. We see you with Y/n all the time, you stick to them like a puppy to its mother!”
As if on cue, the door to the dressing room creaked open, drawing the eight boys’ attention to the person walking through.
“Y/n!” Jeongin came running to you, finally breaking free from Jisung's hold. He hid behind your back, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “Save me, please. They’re trying to attack me, or something.”
Taken aback, you laughed as you watched Minho point at Jeongin and shout, “See, you just proved my point!”
Jeongin tucked his head into your neck, shielding himself from his older members’ teases. You greeted the other members with a shy smile, dragging yourself and your koala of a boyfriend to sit on the couch.
“What did you guys do to him?” After a failed attempt to pry Jeongin off of your body, you gave up and leaned back on the couch as the other boys continued to tease him.
“We didn’t do anything! He won’t let us do anything.” Jisung crossed his arms and playfully pouted.
“Alright, alright,” Chan lightly tugged Jisung towards the door. “Let's let the love birds have some alone time.”
Jeongin scrunched his nose at the title, making some of the guys snicker.
“We'll be back in ten minutes, don't do anything dumb!” With that, the seven boys left you and Jeongin alone to lounge on the dressing room couch.
Though he was still sprawled atop your body, Jeongin seemed to relax at the absence of his members and melt further in your arms, making you smile at the boy.
“So, what was all that about?” You tangled your fingers in Jeongin’s curls, twirling the soft strands.
“Jisung had a dumb mission for our video and they all ganged up on me.” He looked up at you with a pout situated on his face. “They’re bullies, I’m telling you.”
Jeongin buried his face in your neck, rubbing his face against the soft fabric of your turtleneck. You gently massaged the base of his nape, humming as you urged him to continue his story.
“I was running away from them all day, mostly to make Jisung fail his mission,” he let out a chuckle. “But I also didn't feel up for any of their affection. I don't like when people get all up in my personal space.”
“What? But you love when I'm all affectionate with you,” you teased, poking at your boyfriend's cheek.
“Yeah, I’m only like that with you! You make me feel giddy and happy and sweet when I’m around you.” Jeongin mumbled into your shirt. “But that's probably because I love you.”
Your eyes widened at his confession and you nervously let out a breathy laugh. “What did you just say?”
“I love you?” Jeongin tilted his head up at you, confusion clouding his eyes. “Have I not told you that before?”
“No, no you have not,” you laughed softly as you gently moved him off your chest and guided his head so that you were eye-to-eye. “You really mean it?”
Jeongin flashed a gentle smile, showing off his adorable dimples, and brought his hand to the side of your face. His thumb brushed the apple of your cheek as he replied, “Of course I mean it. I love you, and only you”
You placed your hand over his and guided it back to place it on your neck. You pulled him into a hug, your arms tightened around his middle, and you whispered into his ear, “I love you, too, Innie.”
Behind the door, you could vaguely hear Jisung whining about failing his mission, but you paid him no mind. You were already set on soaking up the rest of your ten minutes of peace with your one and only sweet, cuddly, and affectionate boyfriend in your arms.
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taglist: @kflixnet @jinnixxn @elllisaaa @captainchrisstan @laylasbunbunny @starsandrqindrops @fiqire
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! © like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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jasmines-library · 3 months
Hey! i just wanted to say that your work is phenomenal! You got me sobbing in bed at 3 in the morning. I was wondering if I could request a Batfam x child!Wayne!Reader (maybe 4/5 years old) and what they’re all like (individually) when picking her up from school? In her class, they were learning about the great Batman, and all the hard work he does for the city, keeping everybody safe and whatnot. And obviously, she’s too small to know Bruce is Batman.. how would they all react to little baby Wayne rambling about cool Batman who has his own car and sidekick? I’d imagine she’s a very talkative kid, very sweet and friendly, and a very big-Daddy’s girl, but it’s completely up to you.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.. and keep up your awesome work!
Baby Wayne
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Note: This is one of the most adorable requests ever anon! Thank you for requesting and thank you for your kind words. I hope I’ve done your request justice.
He could see the smile on your face from the doorway. Bright and beaming as you sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning forward to listen to your teacher. The second you saw him lingering in the doorframe however, the smile grew and you were up on your feet in seconds and tottering over to him.
Wrapping your arms around his legs you hugged him tightly and looked up at him with big eyes. Picking you up and resting you on his hip, Bruce pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Hey sweetheart. Good day?”
You nodded excitedly, clinging to your dad. “We learnt about Batman today!” You exclaimed.
Bruce couldn’t help the small smirk that crept onto his face. You were still too young to know about his identity and he did well to keep it from you. You were always exploring and wondering off in the manor. He was sure you would make a fine vigilante one day, but for now he was keep to keep you sheltered.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow.
“Yep!” You said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s awesome! He has a cool car and side kicks! And he keeps the city safe! He’s super cool.”
Bruce bounced you up in his arms, savouring the joy in your voice. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded. “When I grow up I wanna be just like him Daddy!”
“I’m sure you will be kiddo.” Bruce smiled. “I’m sure you will.”
He was waiting by the school gates, leaning up against the metal framing when your class came piling out of the doors. Bruce was out on a meeting, so he was tasked with collecting you from school, which of course he had no problem doing.
When you saw him, he made his way over slowly, watching as your face lit up at the sight of him and you came running over him with your bag hanging halfway off one shoulder.
“Dick look!” You beamed crashing into him as you ran a little too fast. Moving away you pointed to the yellow and black sticker you had plastered to the hem of the coat.
Dick crouched down to your height. “What you got there, squirt?”
“It’s the bat signal.” You announced proudly. “We learnt about it in class today.”
“You learnt about Batman?” Dick asked. He had wondered how long it would be until you began to learn about what they did.
“Yes we learnt about all of the heroes. But Batman is my favourite because he saves the city and he has a sidekick!” You grinned “Robin! I like him too.”
Dick hid his little grin by tussling your hair. He couldn’t wait for you to learn more.
Seeing Jason picking you up was a nice surprise for you when you finished class. You were ecstatic to see him and ran up to him squealing.
“Jay!” You giggled and he picked up and spun you around in the air. “I missed you.”
He had been away on business. You had constantly been asking Bruce about when you would see him again. You had began to miss his face at home.
“Guess what we’ve been learning about!?”
“Hmm.” Jason bit his lip pretending to think “pirate ballerinas”
You placed a playful hit to his chest with a laugh. “No silly. Batman!”
A-ha. Jason thought. this would be interesting. He wondered how much you had been told, though he doubted no matter how much you had learnt, that you had managed to piece things together.
“Was it good?” He asked you.
“It was great! He saves all of the people and is a real hero!” You said waving your arms animatedly. “He’s so brave!”
“He is.” Jason agreed. “Just like you little Wayne”
Tim found you doodling at one of the tables in the library. You had an array of colours sprawled out in front of you as you scribbled on the pieces of paper infront of you.
He peered over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of your drawing. You had draw stick figures, which made it hard to go by but even with your messy doodles he could make out the distinctive domino masks of the Robin and the black of Batman’s suit and cowl. He knew them like the back of his hand, so it was no surprise.
“What you drawing, kiddo?” He asked you.
You gripped the drawing with your hands and held it up proudly to him. “Batman and Robin. We learnt about them in class so I wanted to draw them.”
“It’s very good kid.” Tim told you, handing you back the drawing of the lopsided people only for you to hand it back to him.
“Can we put it on the fridge?” You asked curiously “I want to show it to Dad. I bet he thinks Batman is awesome too!” You blabbed “do you think he will like it, Timmy?”
“I’m sure he will.”
Dami was reading in the library when you plonked yourself beside him. Well…kind of. You struggled up onto the couch first.
“What are you doing?” You frowned, trying to read see over his shoulder.
He was reading up on one of Gotham’s villains that was causing havoc in the city. His first instinct was to shut it so you couldn’t read any of it…but then he remembered that you were still only learning to read.
“I’m reading a book on Batman.” He half-lied, setting the book to one side so you could clamber into his lap.
“Ooh I like Batman too.” You nodded.
Damian frowned. You weren’t supposed to know about that yet. “Where did you learn about him?”
“At school.”
Damian relaxed a little.
“He has a super cool cape! And a big car that he drives really fast around the city to stop the bad guys!”
“Sounds dangerous.” Damian smirked.
“Yes…” you trailed off. “But he is allowed to do it because he is Batman.” You decided.
“Is that right? He teased.
I hope that was okay! I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little at the end: I didn’t want it to get too repetitive.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao
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notyashiro128 · 4 months
☾︎ daily life w Satoru ♡︎
Husband Gojo satoru 五条 悟 x wife reader
Small+quick oneshot<𝟑
Fluff fluff fluff fluff Gojo satoru being a gentle men talking care of his lovely wife
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In the morning, Satoru woke up to find you curled up next to him, your head nestled on his chest. He smiled fondly and gently caressed your hair. "Morning, love," he murmured, his voice still rough from sleep.
"mmm, more 5 minutes~" You turn to the other side. You were lazy to get up plus it was cold
Satoru chuckled softly and shifted to give you more space. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Five more minutes, or you are just too lazy to get up" he giggled his voice husky with sleep
"Maybe both" you said sleeply
"Then I'll get up and make breakfast."
As promised, Satoru got up after five more minutes and began to prepare breakfast. He hummed softly as he cooked, his movements fluid and practiced from years of experience. The aroma of food filled the room.
Finally, the food was ready. Satoru carried it to the table on a tray and set it down before you with a flourish. He had made his specialty crepes filled with fresh berries and whipped cream. (I'm eating that while writing this)
he found you on your phone in bed, covered with a blanket Your eyes met his eyes to find your lover bringing you breakfast
"aw babe you didn't need to do all that for me i thought you going to call me when the breakfast is ready," you said happily
You adjusted your position so that you were now sitting on your bed as he walked towards you
Satoru chuckled and reached across the table to take your hand in his. "I wanted to," he said simply, his gaze locked on yours. "You're deserve it."
He squeezed your hand gently before letting go and returning to his food. The two of you ate in companionable silence, enjoying each other's company more than the delicious food in front of you.
As you ate, Satoru watched you intently, his eyes filled with love and admiration. He couldn't help but feel grateful for having found someone like you—someone who brought out the best in him.
You both ate in companionable silence, savoring the taste of the sweet crepes. When you were finished, Satoru took care of the dishes while you stretched out on the couch to read.
"Satoru you are the best man in the world you are the best thank you"
"oh am I?~" he teased , he's still washing dishes Satoru grinned and came back to sit next to you, pulling you close. "Anytime," he murmured,
Together, you spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch, watching movies and occasionally sharing bites of your snacks. As night fell once again, he carried you upstairs to bed, tucking you in as if you were still a small child.
So yeahhhh done any requests
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Made with love (Alastor x Baker! reader)
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Description: Y/N invite their boyfriend Alastor to bake, of course he’s takes his own twist
This is inspired of a TikTok by @matineaux
Thank you thank you thank you @witchywriter18 for the idea!!
Warning: tooth rot fluff, established relationship, Alastor being Alastor, mentions of murder and cannibalism, polar opposite pairing
⛧☾w༺♰༻☽⛧ ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧
No ones POV
Y/N and alastor had been going out for a little over a year. Y/N met Alastor after Charlie employed you as head chef claiming “the best way to the heart is through the stomach.”, even though their personal talent was baking she happily took the job. Cooking and baking food for their good exercises along with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of the food request were normal…expect one.
Alastor was a cannibal, so they couldn’t blame him, they tired to do what they to make him his meals…but he seemed to always be appreciative of their efforts. Cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner, Y/N was nearly always in the kitchen, after a few weeks of getting to know Alastor, he seemed to always appear in the kitchen, starting conversations which Y/N happily did even sometimes helping them prepare food, everyone knew he had a soft spot for them, after the extermination and Alastors brush with dead, made them not realize they liked each other. They were complete polar opposite pairing but they loved each other’s.
Both had their own responsibilities to attend to put always made time for eachother, if it be Y/N sitting in this little radio tour while he on air or having a conversation while you cooked. But Y/N’s favorite was their baking sessions. Alastor knew they loved to bake so he happily help them. Today was one of those days.
Y/N invited Alastor to bake with them after his daily broadcast, they had to prepare vegetables for tonight dinner during his broadcast, so they sadly couldn’t join him, while Y/N was preparing the baking tools and the ingredients, they felt a new familiar presence in the room, they smile and turn to see Alastor nearly looming over then due to his sheer height. “Hello my dear!” Alastor said happily to them as he kissed the top of their head.
Y/N smile at the show of affection, which in private was more than around the others. Alastor lend down to Y/N’s eyes level and cocked his head to look at the tools and ingredients. “Now what are we making today?” He asked curiously.
Y/N smiled putting on an apron, “Nifty asked for “cute cookies”, so we’re making heart shaped cookies for her.” Alastor somehow was able to smile wider at your words, Nifty was an important person to Alastor. “Sounds delightful? Where do we start?” He asked happily. Y/N knew he knows, the helped them bake cookies before.
Alastor love to help with the little things, if it be mixing cookie batter. Today since the cookies were heart shaped, Alastor was of course helped were is was needed. Once the two big pieces of dough was flat. Y/N open their knife drawer handing this a small knife, “you can cut a heart shape right Alastor?” Y/N asked jokingly taking another identical knife for themselves. “Of course my dear, I am a cannibal after all!” Y/N laughed at this word as they started to cut out little hearts.
After a bit Y/N was finally done, they slowly pealed off the dough around the heart revealing about a dozen of cookie hearts. “Done!” Y/N said as they threw away the extra dough. “How’s its coming love?” Y/N asked Alastor as they walked over to him. “Just finished.” Alastor said without batting an eye as he removed the extra dough. As Y/N peaked over his arm to see…hearts, but not normal hearts, they were human hearts.
Y/N batted their eyes at it for a moment before looking and seeing Alastors eyes. “Thoughts?” Alastor asked smiling wide. Y/N looked at him for a moment before smiling warmly. “They’re perfect..they remind me of you.” They said with a small laugh as they moved the cookies onto a pan and into the oven.
After they were done and cooled down. Y/N walked out of the kitchen with a tray of cookies, Alastor following close behind. “Ohh niftyyy~” Y/N Sang out. Soon Nifty was rounding the corner fast. “AHH, YOU MADE THEM!” Nifty screaming as she ran up jumping for the tray. Y/N laughed as they got on one knee showing her the tray of cookies, they were a mix of normal hearts and human hearts shapes. Nifty looked at them for a moment blanco faced before giving me a sinister smile. “THERE PREFECT!!” She screamed as she snatched the stray running away.
Y/N stood to their feet watching her scurry away quick before turning to face him, “she seems to like them huh Al?” Y/N said with a smile. “Of course she does!,” Alastor said with a smile as he took their hand, giving in a small squeeze. “You made them with love..”
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@reverse-soe @kazurami14 @netheris @musicb33nsstuff @rainycloud858 @yaimlight @erissco @pooplyface1423
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lunarw0rks · 10 months
which one of the boys fits this scenario?
play fighting but things get kinda heated so now they’re fucking you from behind while having you in a headlock 😭🥹
a/n: hm... my mind immediately went to gaz ;) anon u have a big brain, this awakened something... though I only see this happening if you two were in some kind of relationship other than platonic.
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☾𓂃❛🍰❜┊ training in progress
warning(s): explicit content (18+), established relationship, p^rn w/ little plot, p in v sex, primal play??, size kink if you squint, breath play, degradation + praise, unsafe sex, fem!reader, no use of y/n
word count: 900 ♡ masterlist // requests // ask box
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bf!gaz who always took his time with you, but wasn't afraid to give newer, more rash things a try. he thought about it before, though it seemed he was waiting for you to pitch the idea first. or more so... an opportunity.
bf!gaz who for once, wasn't thinking of those desires tonight. the two of you were "sparring" on the living room floor. well, more like; kyle pinning you with ease, taunting you, and then giving you seconds to flee.
bf!gaz who gave you a few seconds to crawl away and attempt to restrict his arms in any way. you kicked your legs into his toned abdomen, earning merely a grunt that only plunged him closer. ❝no, you don't!❞ gaz grunted, giving your legs a whack while twisting your torso; forcing you onto your stomach.
bf!gaz who snaked an arm around you, your neck pinned by the strength of his arm; a successful headlock. he had just now figured out he had his golden opportunity. what could you do, besides voice an actual refusal? which of course, hadn't happened yet. kyle grimaced to himself, other hand slithering down your stomach, soon finding the inside of your panties.
bf!gaz who both degraded and praised you for being aroused, ❝so fuckin' wet for me, good girl.❞ all he had done was wrestle with you and you had soaked your panties. perhaps it was all the grunting, the taunting, or how your legs found their way around his waist after each relentless pin he had you in. in other words, twenty minutes of pent-up sexual tension, disguised by a playful sparring session.
bf!gaz who wasted no time practically yanking your bottoms off you, all while your back has been against his chest, a helpless squirm to get out of the hold — yet no refusing the idea of him fucking you like this. his clothed erection, pressing against your rear, it only remained clothed for seconds, before kyle sprung it from his boxers.
bf!gaz who gave you no time to adjust to him, because he knew you would be good for him. his cock, dripping with pre-cum — guided with force into you slick core, before he began to thrust like it was the last time he'd ever be inside you. ❝such a slag, i bet you're enjoyin' this, aren't you?❞
bf!gaz who couldn't accept moans or whines as an answer. at least not tonight. the headlock you were in tightened, until you could barely suck in oxygen, ❝asked you a question.❞ he hissed into your ear, thrusting even rougher, as if to enhance his taunts.
bf!gaz who loosened his grip once he heard your attempt at a formal answer, smirking at every stammer in your sentence. though, despite you doing so well, this headlock was too enhancing to remove you from. kyle's full length, bottomed out inside you with each rut into your cunt, rasps growing in frequency and volume.
bf!gaz who was using his strength to his advantage, using you as if you were his own personal toy tonight — to be manipulated into whatever position he desired until he finished. ❝don't whine, you asked for this. christ... can't believe this is all mine.❞ his forearm dug into your neck again, like a python had slithered around your throat. he was close, seconds from spilling his seed inside you.
bf!gaz whose groans were insignificant compared to the sounds of skin slapping echoing through the living room, combined with your incoherent babbling and gasps for air.
bf!gaz who knew he would cum in seconds, using his pressing weight to pin you against the floor, head raised from the hold. ❝gonna cum inside this cunt, make it mine, hm?❞ you were seeing ebony spots, but so deep in pleasure that it didn't matter. if anything, the constriction was only tightening the sensation of his pounding thrusts.
bf!gaz who came so hard he had to slow down, muscles tensing to the max — probably the last squeeze you could handle without passing out. his thrusts halted as he spurted his seed deep inside you, draining every last drop, a drawn-out curse right into your ear as his climax concluded.
bf!gaz who pulled out of you to watch the semen drip out of your cunt, down your legs, and some on the hardwood. you were out of the headlock, catching the breath you had lost while on your hands and knees. the act dropped when he asked if you were alright, earning a nod of approval from your fucked-out self — all you could muster. unlike earlier, a silent answer was more than acceptable.
... bf!gaz who wasn't done yet. he stroked himself for a few moments, then guided his cock into you again, re-inserting all the evidence of his last climax right back into you. it was near overstimulation, being rutted into all over again.
bf!gaz who went gradually this time; moderately paced thrusts into your cunt during the second round, holding your waist tenderly. this time no restriction on your airflow or your replies to his traunts and praises.
bf!gaz who kissed your clothed shoulder blades, sinking into the fabric of your shirt to hold his pace accountable. kyle felt the pool of wetness forming around his length — some slick from before, some from now, and some lubricant being his own seed. each agonizing thrust met with a wettened squelch from your soaked and core.
bf!gaz who knew you must be filled to the brim by now, literally and figuratively, but needed to cum again. this time, with less brute force. ❝so fuckin' good, sweetheart,❞ his methodical rutting continued, enough to make your eyes half-lidded. kyle's rhetocial question, answered by himself, and only himself; ❝should i make you cum this time? i think you've earned it.❞
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
Hi! Can you do a Mary earps and reader fic where the reader is England medic or coach and all the team love her and Mary is soooo proud and in love but also wants all the attention from her girl plwaseeee
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Mary Earps x reader request
-> Reader is the Lionesses medic, and also Mary's wife
-> Talk of Alex Greenwood's recent injury
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Mary loved National Camp – all her friends playing together, representing their country. But her favorite thing about it? Being with you 24/7.
As one of the teams’ medics and physios, you accompanied them to every training and game, wearing your wife’s jersey beneath the team jacket. And it was not one of the shirts that you can buy, but one of Mary’s personal ones, one from the euros. So not only were you a good-luck charm but you were also wearing one.
Mornings at Saint George’s Park were your second favorite, right behind breakfast in bed with Mary. While you definitely were not a morning person, your wife was and the early training start didn’t help you either, so at eight in the morning, you were sat at a table in the dining hall – a steamy cup of coffee in front of you, just as you liked it. Mary had given it to you when you returned from your shared room, having to go back because you had forgotten your bag.
The brunette was currently getting food for the both of you, while you tried to wake up with the coffee. “Doc!” You were in fact not a doctor of any kind, but Lucy didn’t care either way and just threw herself down in one of the chairs next to you. The defender handed you a small chap-stick-like tube. “It’s a wake-up-stick. Thought ya could need it.” You smiled at her gratefully, thanking her with a quick squeeze of her hand. After applying the stick, you waited, and while you didn’t notice an immediate difference it smelled nice.
“Aye Miss Earps! How have ya been?” It was Ella’s loud voice that eventually pulled you out of your sleep-induced trance. The younger girl sat down next to you – in Mary’s chair - as she excitedly told you a story of something Alessia had done, who sat on her other side, followed by Garce. Eventually, Esme, Hempo, and Maya joined in as well. The table had become too small after Grace sat down, but no one cared. The footballer just pulled in more tables and chairs, making the circle bigger and bigger until Mary finally came back. “Oi, what’s this then?”
The entire Lionesses squad had squished around a couple of tables, exited chatter filling the room, with you somewhere in between. “Up ya get Tooney.” The brunette could whine and pout as much as she liked but Mary was ruthless, wanting to sit next to her wife. You thanked her with a quick kiss, rolling your eyes as you heard Rachel yell “There’s children here – perverts!” Your favorite goalkeeper was quick to yell “And you’re one of them!” back at the blonde as the table started laughing.
You loved this. While you were not a part of the team that was on the pitch, the girls loved you. For you, and not for being Mary’s wife.
After eating you had to leave earlier, needing to set up the treatment room, checking if everything was where it was supposed to be. Georgia was the first to come in, wanting some numbing cream on her ankle as she had an incredibly sore bruise there. Next was Ellie, who got her neck taped as she had some tension there. After all the smaller complaints had been dealt with, your very favorite patient entered the room, hugging you from behind to announce her arrival.
“My turn, Lovie.” It was a nice little ritual you had built up over time – Mary would sit down and apply ice spray to her hands before you started taping her left one, laying a kiss on top when finished, before repeating the same thing for her second hand. Then came your favorite part – taping her shoulders. After making sure that no one else was in the room and that there were no cameras your wife would take off her shirt, pulling the straps of her sports bra to the sides as well as she could.
This was also the brunette’s favorite part, as you massaged her tense shoulders, layering them in soft kisses – marveling at her muscles as you started taping them. “Like what you see, my love?” She would always ask, a teasing smirk on her face before she would pull you into a passionate kiss – the last one both of you would get before the end of training.
It was the last day before the England-Belgium game and the small training session had gone by without any problems, sending the players to recovery.
But it was the next day, matchday, that you and your abilities would be tested.
In the seventh minute, the game was interrupted with a call of ‘handball into the area by Chloe Kelly’ which meant that there would be a freekick for Belgium in an incredibly dangerous position. Mary had set the girls up to her liking but the ball was struck with perfection, curling nicely, and finding the back of the net – leaving your wife to catch the rebound ball as she laid on the ground. It was devastating, knowing that she would blame herself for it. But it was only the seventh minute, leaving the whole game up for grabs.
And then it happened.
In the Eighteenth minute, a long ball from the Belgian goalkeeper found its way to the other side of the pitch, leaving Alex Greenwood and Jassina Blom to collide with their head against each other. Directly in front of the England bench.
Before the blonde even hit the ground, you had started running with your colleague grabbing the bag.
Alex was lying head-down on the pitch as the stadium got silent in shock. You kneeled by her head, getting as close to her as you managed. “Can you hear me, Alex?” But you quickly noticed that she couldn’t answer you, she was in too much pain. “Tap your finger once for yes, twice for no. Can you hear me?” One tap.
She was still conscious.
“Have you had more than one concussion before?” One tap.
Knowing the risks of multiple head injuries, it was important to react in a proper manner. Most of the players were standing at Sarina’s side as she gave instructions, but you could feel their scared stares finding you again and again as you tried to hide Alex from the world. Mary didn’t stand too far away from you, terrified that you were on the pitch. As much as she loved you, when you were on the pitch something bad had happened.
You were checking the injured player’s pulse and her pupils, as everything showed signs of a terrible concussion – but with previous injuries, this was a ticking time bomb. Just a minute later the field doctors entered the pitch, stretcher in hand as they walked towards you.
The Belgian player sat up again, a bandage on her head, but it was too risky to sit Alex up. Any sudden movement could send her into a seizure and the aftereffects could be immense. With all of the doctors at your side now, you carefully turned the player on her back, after getting confirmation from a professional you had placed a wet rag over her eyes, trying to shield them from the harsh lights.
Mary was standing behind you, offering her legs as something to lean against, which you gladly accepted as her teammate was heaved onto the stretcher as carefully as possible. In the 31st minute, Alex was finally stretchered off by the medical professionals as you sat back down in your seat – heart pumping incredibly fast.
The game was lost, Belgium winning 3-2 the shock of Alex’s injury still sitting deep.
Back in the team hotel, it was quiet, they had not only lost an important game, but Alex their friend and teammate was in the hospital.
Mary sat next to you on one of the big couches as some of the younger ones looked for comfort in the two of you. It was Chloe who just blatantly sat down in your lap, cuddling into your wife and yourself looking for warmth and shelter. And it did not take too much longer until you were covered in players as they flocked towards you like a herd of lost sheep that were looking for comfort.
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minniesmutt · 27 days
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐝𝐨𝐠
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: SEUNGMIN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: BRAT!READER, SPANKING, THIGH SLAP, BONDAGE, ORGASM DENIAL, COLLARS, SEX TOYS, TIP FUCKING, PET PLAY, HARD DOM!SEUNGMIN, BONDAGE TAPE, MASTURBATION, BREATH PLAY, DEGRADTION/ PRAISE, JEALOUS SEX (?), AFTERCARE ☾ ━━━ WC: 2.2K ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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Seungmin said threats as a joke. Sometimes they turned serious, especially towards his girlfriend and their sex life.
As the dom, he had set rules— with her input of course. And he expected those rules to be followed.
One of his main rules being no toys without permission. Why would she even think of using them when he'd drop everything to satisfy her himself? The only exception was him being on tour— only asking that she ask permission and send him photos and videos. But, he did get a kick out of her disobeying that rule.
He stared at the last messages they’d exchanged. Watching her messages pop up on his screen
pup🐶💜: im gonna buy you a fucking kennel
bubs💖: do it
make it pretty at least ☺️
pup🐶💜: brat
Seungmin swiped out of the messaging app and started looking. Now he was dead set on getting her a kennel. And making it “pretty” per her request.
Getting back to work after hitting buy on everything. A nice surprise for her that he felt like he was already going to enjoy too. Working through the next two hours before he was heading home. Taking his sweet time to get to their apartment and walking in the door.
“Min!” He heard her call as he set his things down.
“Yeah,” He called back before going to find her
He smiled as he saw her in one of his shirts in their bathroom. Obviously, she just got out of the shower. He walked into the steam-filled room and slapped her ass, “Clean yourself up for me?”
Seungmin wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck. “Says who?” she teased
“Bratty mood today?” Seungmin asked
“Little bit,” Y/n smiled at him in the mirror
Seungmin watched her finish up her skincare as he continued kissing her neck. His hands moved down to her hips and gripped them tighter.
“Done yet pup?” he asked
“Mhm,” Y/n nodded.
“Bend over.”
He watched her smile in the mirror— not following the instructions—before he took the matter into his own hands. Grabbing the back of her neck and bending her over their bathroom counter. He pushed her t-shirt up and smiled at her lack of underwear. He took a step back before his hand came down on her ass. Y/n moaned before he pulled her up against him and wrapped her hand around her neck. “One or two, pup?”
“Two,” Y/n said
Seungmin shifted her towards their bedroom. “Shirt off and bend over the bed.”
Y/n walked out of their bathroom followed by her boyfriend. She pulled his shirt off over her head and threw it on the end of their bed. She propped herself up on her elbows on their bed.
Seungmin knocked her flat onto their bed and put her arms behind her back. Y/n whined as she could feel him pressed up against her. His hands left hers for a moment before she felt something wrapping around her wrists. Y/n bit her lip as she felt the cuffs close. She felt weights on the bed and tried to look at what he was doing but he kept her head down and away from the area.
She could feel her spread her folds before two of his fingers were pushing inside her. Rubbing her walls before pulling them out of her. Y/n whined before he slipped a collar around her neck. Tightening it around her neck just right before he turned her over onto her back.
Y/n watched him tie her calves to her thighs before grabbing something from the side and pressing it to her clit. Y/n looked down before the vibrator kicked on. Y/n moaned as he slipped a leash on her collar and tugged her head up.
“Like playing around when I’m at work? Just because you didn’t get your way?” He asked
“Yes,” Y/n smiled at him as he upped the vibration.
“Sucks for you then pup.” Seungmin chuckled.
Y/n moaned as he pulled himself from the jeans he had on. Teasing her folds with his tip. Y/n whined as she clenched around nothing. Seungmin smiled as he turned the toy off. Y/n whined at him as he pushed his tip into her.
“Min,” Y/n whined then screamed as he slapped her thigh.
“Just wanna make it worse on yourself don’t you?” he asked
“‘M sorry sir,” Y/n whined
“Good girl,” Seungmin smiled as he grabbed another item then set it down when he got another idea. Pulling his tip out of her and then replacing it with a dildo.
Y/n moaned as the toy slid right inside her. Seungmin moved around the room a bit before coming back to her.
Seungmin grabbed one of their bullet vibrators and a bit of bondage tape, attaching the toy to her clit and tapping the remote to her thigh. Then doing the same to her nipples. Watching her chest rise and fall with anticipation.
“What happens when we don’t follow the rules, pup?” Seungmin asked
“No cumming…” Y/n whined, realizing it now
“Hm. You can remember them,” he asked, grabbing her face.
Seungmin smiled and let go of her face. He turned on all three of the toys and watched her bite her lip. He pulled the toy out of her. Y/n barely noticed it leaving her with the vibrations running.
Seungmin stood back and watched her for a moment. Watching her hole clench around nothing before he slipped his tip back into her. Wrapping his hand around his length and slowly jerking himself off as his tip sat inside her.
“Sir, please! Y/n whined, “‘m sorry. Won’t do it again!”
“You don’t mean that pup. Think you like being punished.”
Y/n whined as he turned the vibrators up a bit. Loving how quickly she folds when he tells her she can’t cum. Doing every she could to change his mind all while he continued to pump himself while his tip sat heavy inside her.
“Please sir,” Y/n whined
“My needy puppy,” Seungmin groaned, picking up his pace with his hand.
He could feel her squeeze around his tip and tugged the leash up more. Watching her struggle to keep her head up to look at him. He practically pulled her to sit up and looked down at him jerking off with his tip inside her. Laughing as she looked up at him, giving him the puppy dog eyes before he let her fall back on the bed.
Pumping himself till he came inside her. Cum shooting out of his tip into her, head tilting back as he rode the high before pulling out and watching his cum leak from her as she tried to keep it in.
“Close sir,” Y/n whined
“Hm,” Seungmin hummed and changed the vibration pattern. Y/n whined as she tried to push against the restraints “gonna be a long night for you pup.”
“Thank you,” Seungmin heard from the kitchen, he popped his head up as their front door closed.
“What did you order, Min?” Y/n asked as she walked into the kitchen
“Remember when I said I was gonna buy you a kennel?” Seungmin answered
“Kim Seungmin,” Y/n sighed, she knew better than to joke with him about bedroom stuff too.
“I’ll return them if you want me to,” Seungmin told her as he pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her
“Them?” Y/n asked
“You told me to make it pretty.”
“So you do listen to me?”
“You’re the one who breaks the rules pup. I have to train you,” Seungmin teased as he leaned in and kissed her lips.
Y/n pulled back after a moment and looked at him, “Where were you planning on putting it?”
“I didn’t think that far.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him but he just kissed the worry away, “No return?” He asked
“We’ll try adding it in,” Y/n agreed
Seungmin pecked her lips, “The rest of it should be here by the end of the week, I’ll set it up on my next day off.”
“Alright. I’ll think of a way to piss you off by then,” Y/n joked.
“I’m sure you will,” Seungmin laughed and kissed her lips again.
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“She’s upstairs taking a nap. She took a week off of work just to recharge and she’s a bit hung over from us going out last night,” Seungmin let his friends know when they questioned where his girlfriend was
“She been busy?” Lee Know asked
“Yeah. She just finished a project before she left so it took up a lot of time,” Seungmin continued his half-lie. He knew she wasn’t napping.
The group continued their conversation. Chatting about the comeback and a few other things till Seungmin announced he was gonna go check on his girlfriend. Walking up to their room and knocking before opening the door. Y/n peered at him through the cage as he walked in and closed the door behind him. Walking over to his girlfriend in the dog kennel.
“Good girl,” Seungmin smiled as he looked at her. Curled up in the kennel in nothing but a collar, dog ears, and a tail.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened something. Y/n waited for a moment before the vibrations kicked on. She had almost forgotten about the vibe inside her. Whining, trying to keep her voice down, knowing their friends were downstairs.
Y/n watched him as he stood back up and then walked out the door. It was probably another twenty minutes before she heard the front door close, and then her boyfriend came back into the room. The bedroom door closed behind him as he walked over to the cage and unlatched it. Y/n looked up at him, waiting for his next instruction as he opened the gate. He grabbed her by the collar and pulled her out of the cage.
Y/n whined as he did so, laying her on the ground on all fours, “Did my dumb girl cum?” He asked as lifted her ass.
“No. Was good girl,” Y/n moaned as he moved around out of her sight.
Seungmin put a pillow under her knees before he turned the toy off and slowly pulled it out of her. Humming as he spread her hole open. “No? You’re soaked though pup.”
“All for you…” Y/n whined as two of his fingers entered her.
“Just for me?”
“Yes sir.”
Seungmin hummed behind her and pulled his fingers out of her. Replacing them a moment later with his dick. Y/n moaned as he pulled her up against him, “Not for the man last night?”
“W-who,” Y/n asked
“Hm, seems like I fucked the thought out of you last night,” Seungmin smiled
His hips pulled back and thrusted back into her. Smiling to himself as he kissed her neck. Leaving his mark on her neck as he fucked his girlfriend. Listening to her moans
“Can I cum… sir, please,” Y/n begged
“You think you deserve it now, pup? Deserve to come on my cock?”
“Mhm,” Y/n moaned as he bent her over, holding the back of her neck. “Yes sir! Been a good pup!”
“Yeah? Who do you belong to then? Tell me pup.”
“You sir! Pup belongs to you.”
“Good girl,” Seungmin smiled. “Go ahead pup. Cum on sir's cock.”
Y/n moaned as he kept up his pace. She clamped down around him as her orgasm washed over her. Squirming under him as he gripped her hips. Fucking her through her high before she went almost limp under him. Seungmin held her up as he rutted into her before white was painting her walls. His thrusting came to a halt slowly, burying himself deep inside her.
“Fuck,” Seungmin groaned as he leaned over her a bit. Trying to catch his breath before sitting back up.
“Gonna pull out bub,” Seungmin warned her
Y/n made a small noise before he pulled out of her. Gently picking her up and moving her to their bathroom. Sitting her on the toilet and taking off her collar and ears. “Bath?” he asked
“Yea,” Y/n sleepily agreed
Seungmin kissed her cheek before starting a bath for them. He let the water heat up while he grabbed clothes for the both of them. Placing them on the counter when he came back.
“Let’s get the tail out, baby.”
Seungmin helped her stand up a bit and pulled out the tail from her ass before sitting her back down and checking the water. Seungmin filled up their tub and put her in the warm water before getting in behind her, wrapping his arms around her.
“Thoughts on the cage or do you wanna talk about it after a nap?” He asked
“Nap,” Y/n sighed as she leaned into him
“Alright. Clean up then nap.”
Seungmin cleaned both of them, being gentle with his girlfriend. Helping her out of the tub and drying her off. Putting the clothes on her and getting her in their bed.
“I’m gonna go get some water real quick,” Seungmin told her and kissed her forehead. Quickly filling up two water bottles and going to join his girlfriend for a nap. Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek, “You did good.”
Y/n sleepily hummed in response as she cuddled into her boyfriend.
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orchidniins · 2 months
Forehead Kisses | Arthur Frederick
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Summary: Arthur being the biggest green flag and taking care of his sick partner. Pairing: Arthur TV x gn!Reader Warnings: Fluff Word count: 1.3k+ A/N: Short one to start the week. I have a ton of requests that I'm currently working on at the moment (honestly I'm a lot slower at writing than I thought) and I'm hoping to get out 2 longer fics next week (if work doesn't keep me busy that is) 🤞 Thanks anon for the request! Hope you enjoy!
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As you step into your apartment, the door creaks softly behind you. You clutch your forehead, rubbing your temples in an attempt to ease your pounding migraine. Each step you take only worsens your body pains, leaving you feeling as though you've been hit by a truck. You shed your jacket and kick off your shoes, your body craves rest, wanting nothing more than to just curl up in bed. However, thoughts of the work you still have to complete nag at you, not wanting anything to pile up for the rest of the week.
Tossing your keys onto the table, the loud clatter disrupts the quietness of the room and you mentally curse yourself. You try to move as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Arthur, who had mentioned his plans to live stream for a few hours today. And despite your best efforts, an uncontrollable fit of coughing wracks your body, sending a sharp pain shooting up to your head again. You groan out in pain, unable to ignore the discomfort.  
Arthur was in his office in the midst of a live stream, chatting away with his viewers when he heard you from the living room. Pausing the game he was playing, he swiftly excuses himself from the stream, taking off his headset and exits the room.
You glance towards his office, the soft click of his door catching your attention. Upon spotting your red nose and sunken eyes, he doesn't hesitate for a moment, swiftly hurrying to your side. "Hey, darling, are you okay?" His voice is laced with genuine concern as he assesses your condition.
"I just had a bit of a headache, so my boss sent me home early," you shrug as you explain, trying to downplay the situation. "It's probably nothing, maybe just because it's cold and windy outside—" Your sentence is cut short by cough, prompting Arthur's concerned gaze. "Why didn't you tell me before you left for work?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "How long have you been feeling like this?", his hands come to rest on your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly.
"You see, this is why," you remark, sounding slightly exasperated. "Weren’t you going to stream today?" Arthur immediately responds, "Don't worry about that, darling," he assures you, still just as worried.
"I'm fine, babe," you quickly reassure him, not wanting to worry him any further, knowing he'll drop everything to take care of you. "I'm feeling better now that I'm home. I'm actually gonna get some work done." But before you can continue, Arthur shakes his head adamantly. "No work, absolutely not. You need to rest," he insists firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument as he gently guides you towards the bedroom.
“But…I don’t want stuff to pile up”, you attempt to protest. But Arthur remains resolute, his gaze soft as he looks at you caringly. "There are others who can handle your work for now," he insists gently. "Right now, you need rest, medicine, and some tea." 
You look back at him with a small pout, hoping to sway him, "Off to bed you go," he says, as you two step into the bedroom.
"But Arthur," you begin, whining, but he cuts you off with a pointed look. "No, Y/N," he says, giving you a pointed look.
Finally, you concede, a sigh escaping your lips. "Fine, I'll sleep for an hour, but promise me you'll wake me up so I can finish up work." Arthur simply nods, accepting the small victory.
After changing out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable, you sit down on the bed "Just stay put, I'll get you the medicine," he says, but you attempt to get up from bed, insisting, "No, no, it's fine, Arthur, I'll get it myself." However, he gently pushes you back down. "No, I've got it,"
"But what about your stream?" you worry, but Arthur dismisses your concern with a laugh. "Just sleep, darling," he urges before leaving momentarily to fetch the medicine. Returning with water and the medicine, he hands them to you. "Here, take it," he instructs, watching as you comply before he helps you settle into bed.
"Do you need more pillows or a blanket?" Arthur asks, but you quickly decline, insisting that you're fine. "You just get back to your stream. Don't leave your viewers staring at an empty chair," you joke weakly. Arthur chuckles, "You just worry about getting better," before you interject, "It’s literally nothing, Arthur. I’ll be fine after a small nap. Just make sure you wake me up in an hour okay?" He responds with a sarcastic chuckle, “Yeah sure darling”, and you soon start to feel yourself getting drowsy. He brushes the hair out of your face, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before quietly leaving the room.
Ignoring your request, Arthur allows you to sleep for as long as you need to, making sure to check up on you every 15 minutes or so. If he hears even a peep from the bedroom, he excuses himself from his stream to ensure you're okay or to make sure you've taken your medicine, sitting beside you until you drift back to sleep.
After another 30 minutes or so, Arthur decides to end his stream early, apologizing to his viewers before quietly slipping back into the bedroom to check on you. He walks up to you and sits beside your sleeping form, noticing a thin sheen of sweat on your forehead. Gently grabbing a towel, he wipes it, causing you to slowly wake up. "Sorry, sorry, go back to sleep," he quickly apologizes, feeling slightly guilty for waking you. However, you decide to sit up in bed, “No it’s fine,” you say, giving him a small smile.
He smiles softly and leans in to kiss you on the forehead, gently rubbing the sleep marks on your face. "How are you feeling?" he asks.
"Better," you reply with a slight smile. "My head doesn’t hurt as much." Leaning to grab a tissue, you blow your nose before asking, "What time is it?"
"It's around 7 pm," Arthur responds gently. "You've been asleep for about 3 hours."
"You told me you’d wake me up," you start to say, your tone slightly whining.
"Yeah, but you are really sick," Arthur interjects gently. "You don't need more work, you need to rest."
"But—", you begin to speak, but then you cough, a sharp pain shooting to your head. You look at him sheepishly as you groan, finally accepting, "Yeah, fine. I’m sick."
Arthur nods understandingly as he laughs at your admission. "I'll be right back, let me get you some tea," he says, getting up before quietly leaving the room.
He comes back after a few minutes, finding you sitting with your eyes closed, leaning against the headboard. As he walks in with the tea and more medicine, setting them down on the nightstand, he sits on the bed next to you, causing the mattress to dip slightly and the movement wakes you up.
"Hey, I’ve got your tea," he says softly, offering you the cup. "It'll help with your throat."
You pick it up and take a sip, feeling the warmth trickle down your throat, soothing the ache.
You look at him with a small smile, "Thank you, baby."
Arthur smiles warmly, replying, "Anything for you, love. You know I always wanna take care of you."
"I love you," you say softly, placing your palm on his hand that was resting on the mattress.
"I love you too, more than anything," Arthur responds, his eyes filled with affection.
His hand comes up to gently rub your cheek. As he leans in for a kiss on the lips, your hand comes up to cover his mouth, saying, "No, you'll get sick too. And then I’ll have to take care of you, and you’re the clingy type when you’re sick."
He feigns hurt for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Okay, okay, forehead kisses only," he agrees, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, eliciting a smile from you as he leans and places a kiss on your forehead.
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Requests are open..or just drop in for a chat 😊
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strawhatkia · 11 months
lip gloss, lil mama.
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INCLUDES ! sero hanta, katsuki bakugo, mirio togata, hitoshi shinsou and hawks x black!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! only after you apply lip gloss, do they wanna kiss from you or, the boys actively mess up your lip gloss !
WARNINGS ! before the war arc, highschoolers are still in highschool, cursing, def self-indulgent on shinsou's part, lemme know if i missed anything!
WORD COUNT ! 1.4k+
A/N ! this is an old request from my deleted account but it's a favorite of mine 🤍 original request look like this -> ”head cannons of Y/N applying a coat of lip gloss on in her room or with her friends and suddenly Bakugo, Shinsou, Hawks, Sero, and Mirio barging in like “My lip gloss senses are tingling” and Y/N’s like “Aht Aht! I just put this coat on, stay back!” She’s just struggling to keep these fools from kissing her and ruining her lip gloss. It don’t matter if she running, struggling, or dodging they kisses (they ruin it with kisses anyways smh)”
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved !!
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🕸✧ SERO HANTA !
this mofo is the most annoying lil tease ever
the minute you pull out your lip gloss, all of sudden you have his undivided attention
let’s say you were at your desk and he was on the bed on his phone, not paying you any mind
you check to see if he is watching you and luckily he isn’t so you proceed to put it on
and if I know black women as well as I think I do, considering I am one you put a good amount of that bitch; lips all shiny and shit dripping diamonds 
but halfway through, you look up and this motherfucker is staring right back at you
he done sat all the way up, resting on his knees and waiting on you to finish 
he has the audacity to smile when you make eye contact annoying lil shit, even to start giggle when you glare back at him 
he’s the type to let you finish, put the cap on, put the lip gloss away and then swoop in and fuck it all up 
i can not tell you how angry i am right now
“what? got something to say, baby?” “nigga, fuck you.” 
It’s war that you never win unless you know for sure that he is unaware
newsflash: that shit never happens either
you don't even have the option of running unless you ready to be taped to the floor
all he gotta do is whip some out and boom! ya ass is grass!
as soon as you put the lip gloss down, he casually walks over, grabs your cheeks and smashes his lips straight into yours before calmly going to sit back down
lil fucker doesn’t even bother wiping it off for a while either
“thanks for sharing, my love.” fuck this nigga bro
but it’s not like you can argue as much, his kisses are so sweet and if you ever wanted a kiss, just put on some lip gloss; win-win when intentional
plus, all the shawties want this man (can't blame them) so lowkey the lip gloss smears let them bitches know he not single !
— ☾⋆⁺₊🌟🫨✧ MIRIO TOGATA !
as soon as he knows that your about to put some on- he’s there, boi can sense it through the walls and shit
he just knows and now that he does, he will stop at nothing to get to you 
even if you successfully get far away to put it on and have it on for a couple of minutes, the second you are in his line of sight it’s over 
running away is like an unfair game of tag, that bitch cheats
his quirk makes it so easy to get to you and the lil gremlin is so fucking fast (although class 1-a praises your ability to get as far as you did) 
“sunshine~ !” “aht, go play with tamaki or some shit! i just put this on!” “no can do, sunshine!” 
once he’s got you in a pretty tight hold, he grabs your face and messily kisses you and wipes the extra lip gloss off
He then nuzzles into your neck and places kisses there, asking for forgiveness 
“Aww come on, sunshine! You know I can’t resist and plus you can just put more on later!” mirio, lemme go before i slap up upside the head. i can't stand you.” “that’s why you’re sitting in my lap!” “LET ME GO-”
he’s a big ole ball of happiness and just laughs at your frustration, knowing that you can’t stay mad forever (brat knows you love him too much)  
— ☾⋆⁺₊🪶🪽✧ KEIGO TAMAKI / HAWKS !
he comes out of no where and he knows what you doing, shawty
and when he does, one by one, little feathers start filtering into the room, circling around you 
little by little, you start to see the feathers around the vanity you're sitting at
one look in the mirror and you see him standing by the doorway with that sly as smirk ouu i could smack him
“…keigo tamaki.” “yes, dove?” “ you betta get yo feathers outta here, boy” “aw but i think they like you~”
cornball ass nigga 
ofc he doesn't move from his position and neither do his feathers- and don't bother trying to drag it out either, he's been a hero for too long to not know the waiting game
once you’re finished, the feathers stop circling around and just stop in the air, waiting for yo ass to move.
you can try to look for a way out but you not succeeding, them feathers are acting like a barrier, moving when you move and the one controlling them is cheesing like an idiot 
“keigo, baby, come on. i just put this on.” “yeah well, you can just put more on later- i'll even buy you more.” “...bird brain.” “i love you too~”
fortunately, he’s much more neater than the others but that just means he’s taking everything with him when he moves away
and ofc you can't move until all the feathers back off, one wrong move and they will swarm you honey (im telling you the one controlling them don't know how to fucking act)
when the feathers are gone, is when you finally get some hits in
“GOD DAMN IT, KEIGO! THAT’S THE FOURTH TIME TODAY, NIGGA!!” “aww come on, dove! it’s fun to tease you like this!”
he’s laughing so loudly and having such a good time that you pipe down and admit defeat for the fourth time that day (he's beautiful when he's happy so just let it go stink) 
— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
it’s absolutely futile to run from him, he’ll get way too excited and start chasing you down like some animal
“whatcha got there, huh?” “AHT! go on somewhere, bakugo! go mind yo business!” 
he just loves fucking with you and making you angry, it's his favorite past time
it's just you two running all through the dorms, jumping over tables and couches, ducking between people, screaming at the top of your lungs, causing chaos and giving iida a heart attack
once Bakugo has caught you because he will and throws you over his shoulder like a bag of fucking potatoes wit his rude ass, he treks all the back to his dorm and proceeds to literally smash his lips into yours 
after he's done with his short tyranny, he just play-fights you as you try to hit him, smiling like he won the lottery  
after a while he kinda forces cuddles upon you until you not angry anymore and it's hard to be when he starts rubbing ya back and sides, pulling you into his chest
do not get it twisted. he does it on purpose b/c he knows that it's real soothing- damn near his tactic every time he does this doesn't stop it from feeling good tho
eventually and as planned, it ends in y'all taking a nap after running around the dorm god knows how many times
“bakugo, i’m still upset witchu nigga.” “no you’re not, now go to sleep”
— ☾⋆⁺₊🐈‍⬛🌀✧ HITOSHI SHINSOU !
ouuuu new contender !
he is the most excited you have ever seen him
the moment you even pull out the lil clear tube of gloss, he's right behind you waiting with a small smile
anyone looking from afar would think it's just a bf looking at his gf reapplying her lip gloss vv lovingly...little do they know
that man is waiting behind you with a damn vengeance and best believe you not even getting far this is time i remind you who his teacher is: AIZAWA !!
"toshi?" "...yes, pretty?" "i swear if you mess up my gloss, we gon have some problems." "what are you talking about? i would never do such a thing." liar.
the moment your compact mirror closes shut is the exact same moment he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close
and he does the whole works: arm around your waist, that hand rubbing your lower back, one hand holding your face as his thumb rubs against the top of your cheekbone while gently getting you to look up at him you guys im being very self indulgent with this
he's just so soft and so so so cute when his lil smirk that when he does kiss you, he doesn't take all of it off, just a lil bit !
he chuckles when he backs away, using his thumb to wipe away any that might have smeared
"...i hope aizawa whoop yo ass during training today." "ouch, that hurts pretty. it's too bad i'd do it again as long as i get to kiss you." fuck this nigga bro
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
taglist : @mypimpademia @sevvnt
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sillykittyco · 2 years
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Self indulgent stimboard about some of my interests! I’ve really been getting into Roblox lately, so here's a stimboard with gifs I made myself! The games are [Early Access] Wings Of Fire,  🤖GALTEKRON! Creatures of Sonaria, and  Feather Family [Jehol ornis]. Maybe I’ll see some of you in one of these :)
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blissfullyapillow · 1 year
“Okokok” or “Lalala”
My interpretation of various genshin men being “Okokok” or “Lalala” 
notes: Trying a new format, ngl guys I’ve been going through it lately (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭, mainly fluff but Tartaglia’s part is mildly spicy 
wc: 5,365~
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Baizhu, Diluc, Dottore, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Xiao
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Baizhu ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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♡ Surprisingly a tease.
♡ He’s pretty and he knows it. He’s not afraid to use his looks as a means of persuasion.
“I promise I’ll rest soon. I’m almost done.” His soft voice betrays just how tired he is, yet the deep stare he gives you as his lashes flutter have the words “Okay, five more minutes” leaving your lips faster than you’d like.
As he finishes his work for the day you undo his braid. He makes a startled sound of surprise as he continues to work. He knows he won’t be able to extend his time any longer after successfully doing so twice already.
Your hands begin to braid his hair. He involuntarily shivers at the pleasant feeling of your fingers in his hair.
He manages to finish his work just as you're at the end of his braid. You help him clean up and close Bubu Pharmacy for the day, and as you’re walking home you ask if the two of you can take a detour tonight.
He’s tired, and he almost asks if you can go on this detour another night, but the stars in your eyes and the way you’re holding onto his arm causes him to say “Okay, but only for a short while.”
Looks like he’s not the only one who knows how to use his stunning looks to his advantage.
He follows you to a secluded area on a hill, and he looks to the sky in awe alongside you.
It’s a full moon, and the stars are clearly visible tonight without a single cloud in the sky.
As you continue to look at the stars he subtly shifts his gaze to your face. As your eyes glimmer with profound emotion, the truth reveals itself to Baizhu. 
He realizes he can see the stars anytime he wants.
“It’s getting late, it’s time we rest. Sleep is vital to your health, you know.” Baizhu ushers you away from gazing at the beautiful sky with a teasing lit to his voice.
“But I remember when you told me that you’re usually too tired to come here and see the stars at night. You said the other night when you had enough energy to come here it was raining, so you just went home…” He glances at you as he intertwines your arms together once more, and he chuckles at the adorable pout on your lips.
“Yes, I did say that. However, I recently came to the realization that I could see the stars whenever I wish since you’re always by my side.” He enjoys the way your eyes widen in surprise as you quickly decipher the meaning of his words.
Just in case you don’t come to the correct conclusion, Baizhu clues you in. He leans forward to press a kiss against your now closed eyelids.
Before you can open your mouth to speak Baizhu announces your shared arrival home. 
“Oh, would you look at that. We’re home.” You can only chuckle as he opens the door for you, and you follow him into the comfort of your shared abode.
Diluc ☆.。.:*ヽ
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
♡ This man is definitely “okokok”
♡Anytime it rains, he always has an umbrella for you to use. He doesn’t need one, but he always has one on him in case you need it.
♡ Whenever he makes a new drink he’ll have you taste it before he releases it to the public. If you don’t like alcohol he’ll make a virgin version for you to try if you still want to taste it.
“Diluc, rest your head here.”  He’s silent for a moment, openly contemplating whether he wants to do what you asked of him.
It isn’t long before he comes to a decision. He moves to stand in front of you, and you motion for him to sit in front of you.
His expression is absolutely adorable as he fulfills your request with a sigh of false exasperation.
“Honestly..” He begins to say, but he’s silent once your hands are in his hair. He visibly shudders as your fingers comb through his thick red strands. You get to work on your usual self care night time routine with Diluc. 
First, you comb through the tangled strands of his hair. You know he enjoys this part the most, but he refuses to acknowledge it whenever you ask him. Once you’ve combed out all the tangles, you usher him up to follow you to the bathroom.
“Do we really have to do this every night?” He asks this as he leans his face closer to you, allowing you to place the face mask on him. 
“Yup. Stop complaining when we both know you enjoy this. Now, come cuddle with me.” Diluc is happy you put the face mask on him already so you can’t see how flustered your words make him. He dutifully follows you to the area of your choice, which is the couch tonight, and he doesn’t voice a single complaint as you pull his body towards you.
He sighs in content as he rests his head on your shoulder, careful not to smudge the face mask. You’ve scolded him countless times for resting his head there with a face mask on, but somehow he always manages not to smudge it so you let it slide.
As you two sit in silence, enjoying the warmth your bodies provide, Diluc quietly begins to tell you about his day. You comment when he pauses to hear your thoughts, and you pride yourself on getting a chuckle out of him when you tell him a joke. 
It feels like hours pass before the timer goes off. When you tell Diluc to get up, he groans as he begrudgingly follows your command. “Can we go to bed after this?” Diluc’s voice is unusually soft as you lead him to the bathroom. You giggle at how cute he sounds.
He’s perfectly still for you as you follow the instructions for removing the face mask. As Diluc washes his face you return to your shared bedroom to hand his clothes to Adelinde to be washed for tomorrow. 
When he returns from the bathroom he looks refreshed and ready for bed; his eyes are noticeably droopy, and he yawns into his hand. 
Diluc joins you in bed, and he wastes no time in cuddling up to you as he places his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Goodnight, love.” His whisper, combined with his lips pressed against the skin of your neck, causes a shiver to go down your spine. You run your fingers through his hair as you reply, “Goodnight, my love. Sleep well.” He’s asleep moments after you wish him goodnight, and it isn’t long before you follow suit.
You’re both asleep in each other’s arms soon after.
Dottore * ੈ♡‧₊˚
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♡ How did you get this man to be in a relationship with you? Are you sure it’s him and not one of his clones?
♡ Well if you weren’t sure before, you are now. After all, he wouldn't stop grumbling over the inconvenience of losing his clones due to ‘a fair trade with the dendro archon’ for weeks. 
Will gives you crumbs of kindness to keep you hooked.
That is, until he finds himself buying your favorite treat for you at the nearest grocery store. You ran into his arms crying after a bad day, and he has to do something to cheer you up. He was disgusted by the tears streaming down your cheeks, and aggravated that the source of your angst was another human being. 
As he quickly makes his way back to you, your favorite treat in hand, he suddenly stops walking as his anxious thoughts of you come to a halt. He’s come to the unfortunate realization that you’re not the only one in love. 
He’s a busy man with things to do and places to be, yet he finds himself content holding you in his arms as your tears slowly subside upon his return. 
He hates the way his cheeks warm when you finally smile as you eat the treat he most definitely did not go out of his way to retrieve for you. 
He silently contemplates if he ever felt this way for another person before as you make yourself comfortable in his arms.
He decides it doesn’t matter as he sneaks a picture of your sleepy face, with your cheeks squished against his chest and droopy eyes struggling to stay open.
Maybe he enjoys your company more than he lets on.
♡ He will begrudgingly happily go along with whatever you ask of him. His annoyance and snarky comments are only for show.
“Dottore, hold my hand.” “And why should I waste my precious time heeding your childish request? I have research subjects I need to test on, and I need both of my hands available to do so.” You roll your eyes as he slips his hand into yours, even as he continues to complain and ridicule your request. 
Good thing a kiss never fails to shut him up.
You relish the rare flustered look he gives you when you pull away, and you internally swoon when he chases after your lips.
Speaking of expressions, has he ever shown his face to others beside you?
Zhongli * ੈ♡‧₊˚
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺
♡ You’re still struggling to solve the mystery of where this man gets all his money from.
♡ There’s no way Zhongli has the funds to be buying you all the extravagant gifts that he does, but somehow your room is full of gifts. All of the finest quality.
He’s a calming presence beside you wherever you two go, and you love to close your eyes as he tells you facts about something that has caught your interest.
You may or may not go out of your way to think of things to ask him, things that you know only he’ll know being the Geo Archon. 
Just so you can hear his voice.
As you two are walking side by side around Liyue Harbor, you decide to ask him something so you can listen to him talk. You slip up and ask him something that’s virtually common knowledge to the people of Teyvat. His eyebrows rise in question. You anxiously hope he doesn’t catch on as he remains silent.
It takes a moment before his facial expression changes, almost like something registered for him. You realize he’s finally caught on to the truth behind your endless slew of questions. You can only hope he isn’t offended by your actions. 
Zhongli starts chuckling, and soon he’s hunched over and slapping his knee in amusement.  
You start laughing at the sight of Zhongli bent over and slapping his knee like an old man, but you don’t tell him that.
Zhongli literally has tears in his eyes as his laughter continues. Since he’s bent down, you move closer to him before you press a kiss to the unshed tears on his pretty lashes.
He awkwardly coughs as he suddenly stops laughing; your actions clearly fluster him. His face is as red as a Jueyun chili, and you adore the sight of him in this state. Oh, the tips of his ears are red too. Wait, is he.. shuffling his feet?
His hand searches for yours, so you waste no time in fitting your hand in his. He squeezes your hand as he straightens himself. 
You squeeze his hand back as he begins to tell you everything he knows about your very obvious topic of conversation.
You take note of the way his eyes soften as he looks at you, and a warm smile presents itself on your lips. His eyes follow the curve of your lips with a gentle smile of his own. 
Oh, he loves you more than you’ll ever know.
Tartaglia ✧˖°.
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⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
♡ Surprisingly really serious??
♡ Once he’s closer to you he drops his whole ‘happy go lucky’ act since he feels he can be himself around you without judgment.
♡ He’s still friendly and silly at times, but it’s significantly less than the front he puts on for others.
He almost hates the way his heart lurches as you finish getting a bath ready for him.
He’s silent as he obeys your command. He sits on the edge of the tub as you do your usual scan of his body for any new cuts, bruises or scars.
“Has this one always been here?” You suspiciously eye a cut that, yes, has been there for two days now. He recalls you scolding him when you initially discovered it.
“Actually, it has-“ The rest of his sentence gets caught in his throat when he feels the press of your lips against his skin. You mindlessly trace the scar with your finger as your beautiful orbs stare into his.
“Are you okay, Ajax? You seem a bit.. out of it tonight.”
A lump forms in his throat at your question. His emotions threaten to spill over as he gives a shaky exhale. He’s not sure how you can tell he’s had a rough day today, but he’s thankful for your keen eyes.
“Join me tonight?” It’s almost as if your clothes magically come off as you usher him into the welcoming bath. 
He steps in first, and you’re right behind him. Your arms wrap around him as your fingers locate the scar they were previously tracing.
“Want me to wash your hair?” You reach over to grab the shampoo bottle, already knowing what his answer will be.
As you gently rub the shampoo into his hair he closes his eyes in bliss.
He always appreciates your doting.
So it’s no surprise that once you two exit the bath, you open your shared bedroom to an overflowing pile of expensive gifts ranging from clothes to a physical copy of the newest video game, if that’s something you’re into.
“Ajax.” Your stern tone only causes his grin to grow larger. “I have to show my appreciation for you in some way.” His playful tone is quite adorable, but you push that thought to the side. 
“Ajax-“ He stops your scolding with a passionate kiss to your lips as he wraps his arms around you to bring you closer. 
“Well, there is another way.”
He loves the knowing look you give him. “Oh really? You might have to show me, I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”
He loves the way you shiver as he presses a kiss below your ear. “Gladly.”
Xiao ༺♡༻
Reader is implied to be afraid of heights. If you aren’t afraid of heights, imagine it’s high enough to make you feel a bit nervous. 
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♡ Bro’s touch starved.
♡ King of hand holding and innocent touches.
♡ He loves to caress your thigh as he rests his head on your shoulder, watching on with whatever you’re doing.
If you happen to be on your phone and you scroll past a cute couple video, he tells you to scroll back to it so you two can watch it together.
Will shyly suggest you two do whatever couple trend is going on, but make it seem like you were the one who asked.
“I know humans love their silly trends. You don’t have to look at me like that, we can do it. I’m only doing this for you, you know.” He even sighs as he says it, making it seem like you’re really forcing his hand when he’s the one taking the initiative.
You honestly don’t mind and find it adorable.
Although some trends he’ll hesitate to do, especially if they’re a bit more hands on.
“Do I really have to guess what flavor this is?” He’s asking this as he leans in to kiss you, his cheeks blossoming into a hue that’s as red as a rose.
Despite his obvious hesitance, he enjoys any and all “incomprehensible” fun human past times you two do together.
Cue going to an amusement park as Xiao somehow wins all the rigged games and all the oversized stuffed animals you could ever ask for.
When he rides roller coasters with you his face becomes more expressive the more intense the roller coaster is. You love the subtle wide eyes he’ll make or the clench of his jaw as you two go barreling down the coasters’ track with the other riders.
Your favorite part of the whole day is when you two go on the ferris wheel.
I know, cliche, but it’s the feels good warm butterflies in your chest cliche.
When you two reach the top it stops, and as much as you’d love to enjoy the beautiful orange and purple hues of the sky your heart is pounding in your chest.
You look anywhere but down, eyes darting left and right.
Xiao huffs in annoyance, and when you turn to look at him he’s walking over to you from across the small pod.
“How could I forget? Humans and their weak minded fear of heights.” Before you can retort his comment with a snarky reply, he’s beside you and pulling you into his arms.
You muffle a weak “sorry” against his chest, and his response is a heartfelt sigh. 
When he presses a sweet kiss against your hair, your heart pounds for a different reason. 
“Be quiet. I like holding you like this. I don’t need the sunset with you here in my arms.” Although he probably wasn’t intending to be romantic, your cheeks warm and a giddy giggle escapes you.
Que the adorable sight of two idiots holding each other as the ferris wheel makes its slow descent down, the orange hues of the sky faded long ago, as the stars glimmer and wink in the romantic night sky.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Alhaitham, Kaveh, Ayato, Wanderer, Albedo
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Alhaitham ✧˖°.
Listen, I know Alhaitham would be an “okokok” person in a relationship. Just let me indulge in my delusions for a moment, okay?
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♡ Alhaitham has never been in a relationship before; he’s a busy and productive man who has things to do. He goes home early to be alone and read in relative peace.
♡That is, until he got to know you.
Alhaitham doesn’t see himself as the romantic type, yet he finds himself doing simple acts of service for you without a second thought.
Do you wake up completely exhausted after studying all night? A steaming cup of coffee is gently placed into your tired hands as soon as you greet Alhaitham. You don’t like coffee? Alhaitham substitutes it for something that’s more your taste.
You’ll find fluffy blankets draped over your previously slumped figure on cold nights, your papers neatly organized after a quick bathroom break, and even little note cards placed on your belongings with encouraging words.
It took you multiple instances of these caring acts of kindness before you realized Alhaitham was the one behind them.
The notecards are what gave him away.
You thought you were being delusional as usual when you recognized Alhaitham’s handwriting on one of the note cards, despite sparsely seeing it. You confront him about the little note cards you've been seeing despite your apprehension of him behind the person behind these kind acts. 
Lo and behold, a few conversations and a study date later, Alhaitham is your dedicated boyfriend. Although he’s different than you thought he’d be in a relationship. 
In a good way, of course!
During a late night stroll in Sumeru, Alhaitham gently intertwines his hand with yours. When you look at him in surprise, he looks away with an obvious redness to his cheeks.
In another instance, Alhaitham walked in on you dozing off over your study notes. “I thought you said you were going to study all night, no interruptions?” Alhaitham’s teasing voice against your ear catches you off guard, but what really surprises you is the lingering kiss he presses underneath your ear.
With your study partner Kaveh gawking at him from the other side of the table.
This time around, Alhaitham’s head is resting on your chest as his tall figure is basically sprawled across your lap. It’s honestly adorable, but if anyone were to see this scene with their own eyes they’d probably think they’re hallucinating. Surely there’s no way the Akademiya’s scribe would behave this way, right?
Well they’d be proven wrong, and quite quickly.
Alhaitham reads his book without a care in the world as his head rests on your chest, flipping a page to continue reading out loud to you. “Honestly Alhaitham, I didn’t expect you to be so… openly affectionate like this in a relationship.” You hope your words don’t come across as offensive, but this is Alhaitham you’re talking to; You're not worried.
Alhaitham’s silent for a moment before he looks into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat at the swirling emotions you see in them, a rare sight for a man like Alhaitham.
“I feel at ease when you’re around, and I love many aspects about you, including your flaws. Why should I be bothered to conceal these feelings? Doing that won’t get me anywhere. Only a fool would hesitate to show how much they love and care about their partner.” Alhaitham’s words are concise and brutally honest, yet it’s as if he’s serenading you with a romantic ballad.
In a trance, you hardly register the way he presses a sweet kiss to your lips before he continues to read out loud to you, distracting you from your many assignments as he originally intended.
“Okay.” Is the only breathy response you’re capable of. 
You don’t miss the smirk on his lips when he hears your response.
This time, you’re the one who kisses him.
Kaveh ♡˗ˏ✎*. ˚
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♡ Putting Kaveh anywhere other than lalala wouldn’t feel right.
♡ Kaveh, the hopeless romantic who smothers you with affection like it’s his job.
♡ Kaveh, who’s somehow always up before you to make you breakfast and ensure you have everything you need for the day.
♡ Kaveh, who pepper's your face with sweet kisses before you walk out the door in the morning and when you return home for the evening.
♡ He was a blushing mess when he asked you out, and his face was an adorable display of elation when you happily agreed to be his partner.
Now, Kaveh rests his head on your shoulders as he peers at the video you’re watching on your phone. “Honestly if that were me I would have broken up with him by now. Did you see the way he rolled his eyes as he let go of their hand? How disgraceful.” Kaveh clicks his tongue as he criticizes the male lead. 
You burst into a fit of laughter when Kaveh begins to cheer the male’s partner on for dumping a glass of wine over his head.
“He doesn’t understand how lucky he is to have someone care for him so deeply and intimately.” Your words strike a chord in Kaveh, and he reaches over you to pause the video.
“Wait, what do you mean by that?” Kaveh’s worried tone reaches your ears. You’re quick to turn around and press a loving kiss to his lips to dispel his worries.
“What I mean is, I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re a ray of sunshine on my sunniest and darkest of days. I can only hope I make you feel as loved and cherished as you make me feel Kaveh. I’m the luckiest person in the whole of Teyvat to be able to wake up to your pretty snores.” Kaveh blushes as he scoffs in indignation. “Snores? I do not snore. Even if I did, you're wise to realize they’d be the prettiest snores you’ve ever heard. They wouldn’t be as obnoxiously infuriating as, say Alhaitham’s, would sound.” 
You chuckle at Kaveh’s indignation, before your chuckles quickly morph into uncontrollable giggles as Alhaitham chooses that moment to return home.
Unfortunately for Kaveh, Alhaitham heard his name being said. As Alhaitham questions Kaveh on your topic of conversation, Kaveh's fingers trace imaginary hearts on the back of your hand.
You enjoy the sound of surprise Kaveh makes when you grasp his hand to place a kiss against each of his fingertips.
Thankfully Alhaitham takes the hint to leave the two of you alone, and you two spend the rest of the day in each other’s arms, enjoying the irreplaceable warmth your bodies provide each other. 
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
♡ To be the partner of Kamisato Ayato is a blessing in and of itself.
♡ Waking up to his pretty face resting beside you is now your favorite way to start your day.
♡ You love the way he’s always one step ahead of you. When you suddenly remember you forgot to bring an important item, Ayato’s calming you down with hushed whispers of love as he hands you the item in question.
You groan in annoyance as you put the paper in your hand down. You’ve been craving your favorite snack since this morning, and it’s getting harder and harder to resist the craving. You come to the conclusion that it’s worth putting your work down to get it, and at that moment Ayato enters the room.
It’s almost creepy how Ayato walks into your shared room with said food item you are currently craving.
You love how Ayato’s not afraid to kiss you in front of his retainers, and how he often brags about your achievements to others in front of you.
“Thank you for your hard work. Oh, speaking of hard work, my partner successfully completed that assignment I told you they were so worried about. Haha I know, they were worried over nothing. I’m quite proud of how far they’ve come. They even- my, what’s got you so riled up?” Ayato knowingly teases you when you approach him with a flustered expression, dismissing the retainer's soft chuckles and fond expression as they watch the two of you.
Ayato’s not one to shy away from cuddles and spending time together. No matter how busy his schedule is, he always makes time each and every day to spend with you.
 Whenever you’re together Ayato always has some part of him touching you. Whether that be his hand against the small of your back, his chin on your shoulder, or even his hands tangled in your hair, he’s always touching you.
When asked about this habit of his, he’ll simply respond, “It brings me a sense of comfort.”
Whenever Ayato’s seen with you, he’s the physical embodiment of  “…and all of the stars and infinite galaxies could be found in the vast beauty of their eyes. All it takes is one look at their partner, and their eyes shine like the sun's first rays of dawn.”
Wanderer *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ─── ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
♡ You fell first but he fell harder… and when he did fall, oh boy.
♡ He’s severely touch starved.
He’ll make any excuse to cuddle and be physically close to you. “This pillow isn’t fluffy enough and it’s hurting my neck. Move closer so I rest my head on your chest.” “But my chest isn’t fluffy???”
“I’ve never been in a romantic relationship before, and I need practice.” “Practice holding hands? That seems pretty straightforward to me-” “Silence.” You only watch in amusement as he averts his gaze, shyly holding your hand.
He looks so cute like this, you know you have to take a picture. As he’s preoccupied with avoiding your gaze, you deftly maneuver your phone in one hand and open the camera app. You snap an adorable photo of him.
Unfortunately for you, your phone flash was on.
You talk your way out of deleting the picture by agreeing to take a selfie with him.
When the alarm on his phone wakes you up the next morning you tap his phone to turn it off. You stare at his phone in shock as it lights up. His lock-screen is the selfie you two took together a few hours ago.
♡ Will literally do the sweetest and most heartfelt gestures without being asked, and then get defensive about it when it clearly makes you happy.
You wake up to a bouquet of flowers and breakfast in bed. Wanderer’s silence as you stare at him says all the tender words he struggles to voice.
When your eyes water and a wobbly smile presents itself on your lips, he clenches his jaw and rolls his eyes.
“I returned home late last night and missed the opportunity to fall asleep beside you. I figured you’d appreciate this sweet gesture, but clearly your mind is too addled with sleep to properly thank me. ..Wipe those tears away, they’re unsightly.”
He’s the one who gently wipes your tears away without complaint. 
As he presses a chaste kiss against your lips, you tell yourself you chose the right man to be your partner.
Bonus: If you ask for him to pray with you to whichever deity you follow, including the archons, he will. Despite believing in no deity or higher being, he’ll happily pray with you since he knows it’s an important aspect of your life. He’ll respect that and pray with you. It’s no big deal; he enjoys the thankful expression you have anyway. Don’t worry, he knows he doesn’t have to, but he chooses to do so with you because he wants to. Plus, he gets a free favor out of it every time. What he uses that favor on differs each time, but it’s always a good result for the both of you. 
Albedo 。・
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♡ Albedo is known to not be the most.. expressive individual, yet he has no trouble expressing his love for you, consistently and with the same amount of fervor every time.
♡ Overall he’s the best partner you could ask for. He's your safe space, and you’re his.
♡ Albedo’s experiments are of utmost importance to him, so when an emergency arises that you need assistance with, it warms your heart when he stops his experiment mid way through to help you.
“I’m sorry I asked for your help while you were in the middle of an experiment. I couldn’t reach anyone else, and-” Albedo stops your hysterics with a tight hug and a kiss against the crown of your hair.
“You’re just as, if not more important to me than any of my experiments. Please, don’t hesitate to contact me at any given time, even if it’s not an emergency. I’ll always welcome the opportunity to hear your lovely voice, although I’d prefer if you didn’t sound so distressed.”
“Hey, ‘bedo, you’re zoning out again.” “Oh, my apologies. Here, I’ve completed it.” He hands you yet another sketch of yourself. Your features are beautifully depicted to be looking off into the distance, with dragonspine serving as a mystical background.
“You could sell these you know. You’d make a lot of Mora.” Albedo looks at you with clear offense in his eyes. “The day I sell my drawings of you is the day I stop loving you, and that’s a day that will never come to pass. Come, the temperatures are dropping and I’ve gathered enough starsilver for my next experiment.”
Your heart skips a beat as your hands effortlessly find each other’s. Albedo’s flushed cheeks are prominent as he presses a kiss against the back of your hand.
“Oh, there you are. I made you hot chocolate, the temperatures are lower than normal… Do you want to cuddle?” When your response is an immediate “yes” Albedo wastes no time in guiding you to a comfortable area and tangling your limbs together.
Don’t worry, you’re still able to drink the hot chocolate. 
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
hi there! I love ur works so so much 🤍 everything by u is so sweet! can I request leon meeting a florist reader because he has to get flowers for something and when he sees her he’s already in love cause he thinks she’s really pretty 🥹 and they just have a really lovely encounter and he comes by the shop a lot and eventually he asks her out
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The pretty florist
{Leon falls in love with the pretty florist}
So so cute!! Hope you enjoy lovely! 💕
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Leon can’t remember much of his childhood and recently he found himself forgetting a lot more than just the past, for better or for worse, probably for the better he reckons. Still, today was special, the 24th of May, his grandmother's eightieth birthday, the strongest woman he knows.
He wants to give her something at least, no matter how many times she tells him ‘not to worry’ The least he can do is pick her up some flowers, and he finds himself drawn to the cute little flower shop, it seemed so out of place buried within the busy city.
He opens the door carefully, surprised at the little jingle of the bell and he’s hit with the strong aroma of flowers, it’s oddly pleasant, in a refreshing spring way.
“Oh! Good afternoon, looking for anything in particular?” you smile, popping your head around the corner as you walk behind the cash register, and Leon does nothing but stand there completely awestruck. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone so pretty, so angelic.
He clears his throat as he wrings his fingers with sudden nervousness, “H-hi- erm, yes” he stutters squeezing his eyes shut as he winces at how awful that sounded.
“I’ve umm, I’ve never done this, brought flowers I mean- well no I have- brought flowers- I just get them already arranged” he rambles, and he feels like an idiot.
But then you giggle, and it’s the most heartwarming sound that he’s ever heard and it somehow makes him feel a lot better, “Oh, It’s alright, let’s just start on why you’re buying them, and then we’ll go from there, okay?” You tell him with such a soft tone, he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
His heart shouldn’t be beating this fast, he’s only literally just met you, so why does he feel like his heart is going to explode?
“So what's the special occasion?” You ask.
“It’s erm, it’s my grandmother's birthday today- I wanted to get her something” he smiles as you nod, and he’s taken back at the way your eyes seem to glisten under the afternoon sun, such pretty eyes, he thinks.
You’re saying something and he knows he should be listening, but god, he’s so distracted by your beauty and the kindness that bleeds into your tone.
“-I’ll be one second alright?” You smile and before he could even begin to string a sentence together you’ve already disappeared behind the curtains and into the back room.
You return after just a minute, a beautiful bouquet in hand different variations of yellows and blues, with specks of white dotted around the bundle of beautiful flowers, and Leon finds a new appreciation for greenery.
“They— they’re beautiful thank you, she’s going to love them” he smiles, pleased with the arrangement and he watches carefully as you wrap them up finishing them off with a little white bow.
You look up at him as pulls out his wallet handing you the money, “You’re welcome, I’m glad you like them” You giggle, a prideful feeling settling in your chest.
You pick up the bouquet handing them to him and your skin warms up as his fingers brush against yours ever so slightly, you can’t stop the huge smile that adorns your face as you watch him leave. You can only hope you’ll see him again.
Your wishes were granted, Leon Kennedy, you learned his name became quite a regular sometimes he’d just visit to drop you off lunch, and you couldn’t lie it was nice having someone around. He was sweet.
Like every other day, Leon would pop over to your little flower shop, a coffee in hand and a sandwich of your choice with a huge smile stretched across his face.
“Ah! Leon, you’re my hero- thank you” you tell him as he places the bag on the countertop, chuckling at the way you rummage through the bag.
He watches as you take a bite of the sandwich with love in his eyes, and he can't help but wonder if you look at him with love-filled eyes when he looks away.
“So what’s brought you here today Lee?” You ask, wiping the corners of your mouth as he runs a nervous hand through his hair, a habit of his you picked up on. His heart flutters at the nickname that falls from your lips.
He clears his throat, “Well I- I wanted to ask you something” he stumbles, his hands wringing together with sudden nervousness.
“Yeah go ahead” you smile, urging him to continue.
Leon thinks he might pass out, or worse his heart might stop altogether, the past month he’s been working himself up to do this and now that he’s finally about to do it he can’t stop the tremor in his hands.
“I was- I was wondering if maybe- if you might want to go out some time together, dinner maybe?- like a date if you wanted to” his eyes study the floor beneath him, not daring to look up at you scared of any rejection that might stain your eyes.
But then you reach for his hand and his skin goes all staticky, and when he finally looks at that beautiful smile of yours his heart seems to find a calm rhythm.
his question sends you reeling with excitement and you go giddy at how he looks at you, awaiting your answer with a hopeful gleam in his blue eyes, “I- I would love to Leon” you giggle, noticing the redness that tints his cheeks.
“Is- is Friday good?” He wonders, trying to ignore how soft your hand feels against his.
“Yeah, Friday works,” you tell him excitement bursts through your chest as his thumb grazes ever so slightly over your knuckles.
Leon hasn’t felt like this in a very very long time, the way his heart practically skips beats, how his skin heats up and the butterflies that flutter around in his stomach, he can’t stop the bashful smile that stretches over his face.
“I’ll erm pick you up at seven,” he says as he grabs his car keys, “I- I gotta go- work- before I’m late- see you Friday” he smiles stumbling over himself as he waves goodbye before walking out the quaint little shop.
You giggle to yourself as you busy yourself with work, thinking about Friday and it couldn’t come sooner.
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811 notes · View notes
pahtoosh · 1 year
Imagine daddy Bucky got home from an exhausting mission in the middle of the night and finding Steve (who took care of you) all cuddled up with you in their bed.
Because he didn’t want to wake any of you he decided to sleep on the couch and fell asleep before he could even get out of his work clothes.
When you wake up in the morning and realize your other daddy is back but looking so exhausted in his sleep you carefully put your favorite blanky over him and lay your best stuffy next to him to protect your daddy in his sleep.
Whit a gentle kiss on his cheek you wish him alllll the good dreams 🥺
missing Baba
wc: 1170 words
warnings: fluff. baby is whiny because they miss baba so much. written on my phone
a/n: WAAAAA MY FIRST REQUEST😭🫶💥🥰💫❤️🥹 i really hope you like this🫂
pairing: stucky x gn!little!reader (Dada = Steve, Baba = Bucky, Daddies = both Steve and Bucky)
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“Honey, I need both of my hands to cut the strawberries,” Steve sighed.
You whined and pouted some more before realizing that you weren’t going to get your way this time: your dada is one of the most stubborn men on the planet. You let out a huff and dropped Steve’s hand before walking behind him and smooshing your face to his back and clinging onto his shirt.
Steve continued his fruit preparation with his sniffling baby hanging onto him like a barnacle. Normally he’d scold you for being whiny, but you’d been having a difficult week. Bucky had to leave for a last minute mission. It was so last minute that you didn’t know about it until he was gone. You fell onto the floor in a heap of tears when you woke up and found out. Steve said Bucky gave you a kiss goodbye while you were sleeping, but that only made you cry harder. Why didn’t they wake you up? Now, your Baba was gone for an indefinite period of time and you couldn’t even call him.
Steve finished chopping and placing the last of his fruits into containers for the fridge. He might have a clingy baby on his hands, but he’s still doing his meal prep. He shuffled over to wash the dishes with you hanging onto him. When that was done, he let you hold his hand again and help him put the fruit into the fridge.
“How about we call it an early night? You wanna sleep in Dada and Baba’s bed again?”
You nodded and followed Steve to the bathroom to change into pajamas and brush your teeth.
Your dada helped you get comfortable under the covers before sliding into the other side himself. “Do you want a bedtime story, sweetness?”
You shook your head and buried yourself into his shirt like before.
“Honey, I know you miss Baba but he’ll be back. He always comes back. Pouting and whining won’t make him come home sooner. And if you think about something other than how much you miss your Baba, the time will fly by and before you know it he’ll be home again.”
This was more or less the same spiel he’d given you a few times this week. It didn’t resonate with you then, but you were willing to give it a chance now. You were tired of being sad. You released your iron grip and looked at Steve.
“Can we read if you gibe a mouse a cookie? Please?”
Steve smiled and kissed your forehead. “Of course.”
Two books later, you and Dada conked out. You both slept so deeply that you missed the text notifications from Bucky on Steve’s phone. He had finished the mission and was on the way home.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Bucky sprinted off the quinjet. He put off doing his debrief for another day because he missed you and Steve so much. This mission was the longest one he’d been on since your little family got together, and not getting to say a proper goodbye to you made his heart ache so much more.
He finally made it to the apartment and placed his duffel bag on the floor. It was only 10pm but your home was silent. While it was past your bedtime, he could usually hear Steve either doing chores, flipping through a book, or drawing in his sketchbook. Quietly, Bucky made his way through the apartment to find his husband and baby.
After seeing your empty room, he went next door to his and Steve’s room. His heart caught in his chest at the sight he was greeted with. Steve was laying on his back, one arm flung out and the other curled around your back. You were sleeping with half your body on Steve’s and one of your hands gripped onto his shirt, no doubt leaving a pattern of wrinkles. A couple of books were placed haphazardly on the bed as if you fell asleep halfway through reading and kicked the books away in your sleep.
Bucky chuckled at the sight and snuck a photo. He didn’t want to wake either of you, so he tiptoed out of the room and shut the door. The exhaustion from this mission was catching up to him, so he flopped onto the couch and fell asleep, tac gear and all.
When morning came, you were the first to wake up. You rubbed your eyes, frustrated at the sun for shining in the most inconvenient spot. Eventually, you got up and padded to the kitchen for a snack before breakfast. Still rubbing your eyes, you almost missed the figure on your couch. You gasped and then covered your mouth, waking Baba was like poking a sleeping bear sometimes.
The couch didn’t look very comfortable to sleep on, especially the way Bucky was doing it with all those straps and belts digging into him. You went to your bedroom and grabbed your softest blankie and Ellie the elephant. You tiptoed back to Bucky and placed Ellie in his arms and the blankie over both of them, holding your breath the whole time. You tried using all the sneaky strategies auntie Nat taught you. She didn’t tell you to leave a kiss on your target’s cheek, but it felt right.
With phase one of welcoming Baba home completed, you moved into phase two: making him a welcome home drawing.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Steve woke up with a big yawn and a stretch. He was surprised that you weren’t in bed, but not worried. He was happy to see some of your independence coming back. He quickly got ready for the day and picked up his phone to check his emails. He practically sprinted through the hallway when he saw his texts.
“Bucky? Buck, are you home?”
Bucky groaned before half-heartedly sticking a hand in the air. “On the couch.” He wasn’t quite ready to get up so he snuggled into his oddly shaped pillow.
Steve laughed when he finally saw his partner. “So I assume the position for your cuddle buddy is already taken?”
“Huh?” Bucky blearily looked up at Steve and then down at the plastic eyes gazing into his soul.
Steve leaned down to kiss Bucky, interrupting the staring contest. “Glad to have you back, Sergeant.”
Bucky gave a crooked smile. “Glad to be back. Although it looks like one of you is more considerate of my need for sleep.”
Steve opened his mouth to tease back but was cut off by a shout and the sound of running on the hardwood floor.
“Baba! You awake!” You ran to give Bucky a hug.
“Hi, little baby. Thanks for sharing Ellie and your blankie.”
“Made you a card too, Baba!” You ran back to your bedroom and your daddies heard the sound of something falling and a small oof.
Their eyes widened in panic.
“I’m okay!” you shouted.
“I’m gonna supervise,” Steve said, already making his way down the hall.
Bucky relaxed back into the couch. It was good to be home.
735 notes · View notes
crow-raven-crow · 8 months
I love everything you write feat Larissa Weems esp sub!Larissa, do you have plans to write more of that? If not I'd love to request some but everything is completely up to you, I just love the idea of her trusting someone enough to submit like that!
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
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Larissa Weems x Shapeshifter f!reader words: ~2.7k 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: texting, fluff, photos, voice messages, NSFW, sub!Larissa, dom!Reader, g!p Reader, shape shifted dick, oral sex, pinning, fingering, overstimulation, slight voyeurism, dumbification, marking, scratching, praise kink, slight degradation
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 see above
AO3 link in title ✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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a/n: i looooovvvee sub!Larissa and I think it's definately going to start showing more in some of the things I put out. i love the idea of her trusting someone like that. She's been through so much, so allowing herself to give her body to someone can mean more than what meets the eye.
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You had left your shared questers a bit earlier this morning, with the hope of getting some extra work done to share a better weekend with Larissa. You hadn't been gone for long, only about 10 minutes until your class was to start for the day, when you saw an abundance of messaged being sent to your phone. It wasn't often that you found your phone blowing up with messages from your lover, but when it did it was always full of a night of fun.
You had gotten a few messaged from her while you were grading your last paper, and decided to look at all of them when you were finished. The constant flashing of your phone screen and the small buzzing against the desk did a good job in distracting you, however, and ultimately left you with the assignment nearly finished.
You grabbed your phone, quickly typed in your password, and opened your messages as the first small group of students had walked into your class. You looked up and gave them a small 'good morning' before throwing your focus back to your woman.
When you had looked back at your phone, there were more messages being thrown your way, photos stacked together of her in the most delicious lingerie you had seen her in to date. The dark colors contrasted her pale skin in a way that made your mouth water. As you scrolled through all of them, the air from your lungs stilled and your heart rate quickened. When you scrolled back to the bottom, there was one message from 15 seconds ago.
Riss: Like what you see? I've heard I can be quite the distraction..
Y/N: If I knew you were sending me these, I would've opened my messages much sooner.. Such a beauty for me, aren't you?
Your face paired with a deep blush and a smirk had made a home on your lips. You scrolled back to the photos, lost in the traces she always managed to capture you in, before being shocked back to reality as the school bell rang through the room.
Riss: Better get to work - I'd hate to be the reason you couldn't focus
Y/N: You should do the same, hmm? Focus for me, love. You might get rewarded at the end of today, so behave
With that you let out a sign as you stood, clicking your phone off and placing it into a drawer for safe keeping. You looked around the room, seeing your students all ready to learn, and smiled.
Throughout your lessons, your mind had wandered back to the photos that plagued your mind. There were moments where you had your students doing independent work at the end of your classes and you had caught yourself simply staring at your computer screen as you imagined everything you could do to her..
The way the lingerie hugged her body was enchanting, the lace highlighting every curve and the sheer fabric leaving nothing to the imagination.. Her skin was the mere empty canvas that you were sure to fill up with your art when you were able to capture her in your arms, pulling the fabric off her body as your cold fingertips left goosebumps along her skin, grabbing onto her hips as she arched into you with every mark.
You were once again snapped away from your desires when there were questions about the assignment being thrown your way. You stood from your desk, feeling the warmth that had pooled between your thighs, and went over to answer any questions or clear up any comments they had.
This was going to be a long day..
Your lunch break had come at an agonizingly slow pace - looking at the clock multiple times over the hours that had passed didn't help either. You were lucky to have your classroom alone, ushering the last student out of the room, before shutting and locking the door.
You basically ran back to your seat. Hearing your phone buzz in your desk drawer only made you riled up, especially because you knew each message was from your good girl..
You threw all focus out the window as you leaned back against your office chair, phone in hand. Your breathing had already picked up significantly, and you were waiting for your brain to absolutely short circuit at anything else she managed to come up with.
You had to stop yourself from drooling as you opened the app, a segment of photos allowing her sliver of control to unfold. There were groups of photos, all seemingly going together as she slowly had less clothing on in each one. The first was her taking off her coat and settling herself on the bed, photos being taken from the reflection of one of the mirrors or with her front camera. The next was her slipping off her dress, the pale skin becoming exposed within the walls of your shared bedroom.
The last nearly had you calling out for the rest of the day. The first photo in the group was a body shot of her in the lingerie she showed you this morning, followed by one with her hand between her thighs, then her fingers moving the fabric away to show how incredibly drenched she was, then her fingers running through her folds, and the last one showing her fingers knuckle deep in her cunt.
The last segment was sent three minutes ago..
Y/N: What did I say about behaving?
Riss: I took it as a suggestion
Y/N: One you didn't follow
Riss: Correct - and one I won't follow today
The last text from her made you groan, and you knew she wouldn't let up. The fact was proven as your own message was cut off from another one sent from her - a beautiful voice message full of her moans..
The sound of her made your your body curl forward in heat, electricity course through you, and make your whole body tingle. The want that settled itself between your legs only grew, and you couldn't wait for this work day to be over.
Y/N: You better not cum. You'll edge yourself until it's my fingers, my cock that fills you. Understood?
Riss: Yes, Y/n
Y/N: Good girl..
You were practically running through the halls after you cleared out your classroom, after you gathered all your things and locked your door like a madman. She sent you updates, proving to you that she didn't cum, proving that she could be a good girl for you..
And it only made your body ache and burn with immense need..
You barged into her office, dropping your things by the door and locking it behind you, before stalking over to your shared quarters. You could hear her muffled moans through the wood, but nothing could've prepared you for the sight you were about to see.
She was sprawled out onto the bed, her lingerie still on as one hand pumped her fingers in and out of her core at a slow pace. Her head was thrown back in pleasure, and you could barely see the tears that were threatening to fall from the amount of times she almost reached her peak. Her face and chest were flushed, a sheen of sweat covering her pale skin as her body trembled.
Suddenly, you were eternally thankful that it was the weekend.
“Y/N, I-“ She was cut off by her own moans, her fingers working at a quicker pace as her eyes filled with desperation. “Plea- Please.. I need you-“
“You have no right to beg for me, my love.” Your voice boomed as you treaded over to her, taking your shirt off before placing your body above her own as you grabbed her hands, removing her fingers from her core and pinning them above her head. “Couldn’t wait for me, couldn’t behave.. It’s going to be so sweet destroying you…”
Your gaze filtered between both of her eyes, finding unquenchable need swirling in them. You took her hand and saw the slick that covered her fingers, before looking back at her and taking them into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut at the taste of her, your tongue swirling around her digits as her eyes burned into your every move.
You released them from your mouth slowly, loving the way her entire focus was on you alone, and pinned it back with her other hand. You moved your head low, down to her ear, and your voice rang out low, full of lust and the need to take her. “I wonder just how much you can take, just how many times I can make my goddess cum, hmm?”
You were met back with whimpers leaving her throat and her back arching into your touch. You kissed along her jawline, stopping just above her lips, and whispered against them. “Color?”
“Gre- Green.. please-“
Your lips crashed into hers, your own need driving your actions as you swiped your tongue along her bottom lip. She gladly let you in, your tongues dancing together and translating the growing flame that traveled throughout your beings.
You kissed down her neck, meeting her pulse point and leaving a deep mark there, licking up the porcelain column right after. You were torturing her already; you could tell by the way her hips bucked and how ragged her breathing had gotten. “Absolutely delicious..”
You placed featherlight kisses down her body, your hands releasing your grip around her wrists and traveling underneath her to unclasp her bra, tossing it somewhere in the room right after. Your fingers traced over her breasts, squeezing the soft skin in the palms of your hands, feeling her nipples harden under your touch.
You licked over her right bud and rolled the other between your fingers, the action causing loud whimpers to leave the sapphire beauty. Her back arched, pushing her breasts into your touch, as your other hand scratched lightly along her side. You gave her other bud the same attention, pulling back after and adoring the marks that were left along her skin, adoring just how much she wished that you would dive into her, give her what she wants, what she needs..
It only urged you forward, even if it was at a torturous pace..
You kissed down her body, marking up the canvas that she provided you, and had to stop due to the overwhelming desire that the smell of her arousal had filled you with. You moved your hand down to her hips and tore away that separated you from her core. She was drenched, her own arousal flooding out of her.
“All this for me?”
"Yes- Yes, Y/n please.. I need-"
You cut her off before she could finished her sentence, your tongue running through her folds at an excruciatingly slow pace, putting pressure against her clit before you pulled away completely. You were met with protests, whimpers and whines from the blonde, only to be cut off by her moans as you did the same thing.
You loved toying with her
But as her hands met your shoulders, digging her nails into your skin, as her moans got louder and less filtered, you lost the rest of your resolve.
Your tongue moved in and out of her core, fucking her and collecting everything she had to offer as your hands locked onto her hips, keeping her from moving as you made her see stars. Her first orgasm came fast, her thighs flexing and threatening to close around your head.
You moved your tongue to circle her clit to build her up for the next one, pushing two fingers into her core and moaning as her walls clenched around them. You felt her back arch underneath you, hearing her moans grow higher in pitch made your own arousal flood between your thighs. "F-Fuck! Pleas- Pleaseplease- so good"
Her moans slurred her words together, and you knew she was nearing her second orgasm soon. You applied more pressure to her clit, curling your fingers in a way that had her falling over the edge all over again. You built her back down from her high, taking a moment to take off the rest of your clothes before kissing back up her body.
She grabbed your jaw and pulled you in for a passionate and heated kiss. You shifted the lower part of your body as you kissed her, your length rubbing against her core and making her break the kiss. "Y/n.. can you- could- Gods, fuck me- please.."
"Anything for you, my darling.."
You kissed her once more, translating more softness in the touch, as you moved a hand down and lined up your member with her core. Her eyes widened slightly as you teased her entrance, always forgetting just how much of you there was.
“You can take it, sweet thing.. Gods, you feel amazing around me..” You pushed inside of her, the overwhelming pleasure making your head fall and your eyes flutter shut. Fucking Larissa was always a pleasure, both of you understanding just how delicious it was to fill the other and feel everything, but with how she was acting today, it made fucking her senseless all the more better.
"I can- I can, y/n.. I want all of you.." Her nails scratched into your back as you continued to push into her.
“That’s my girl..” Your hips met hers, and you took the time of her adjusting to your length to move down to her ear and whisper out to her. “You look divine beneath me, taking all of me like a good little slut, absolutely beautiful taking my cock like the whore you are, hmm?”
She gave you the signal to move, and the sensations that coursed through your body were divine enough to nearly make you double over. Your thrusts got rougher, faster in pace, and you moaned low above Larissa at the feeling of her around you.
"Such a good girl for me, hmm?" You moaned loudly as she clenched around you at the praise you threw at her.
"Yes- your good girl, so good-" Her head was thrown back in pleasure, her brows furrowed closely, and her eyes half lidded in lust. She was close, the way her nails dug into your back and the way she urged you to go faster made that apparent. You felt your own high coming, building behind your navel and tightening, ready to snap.
"I-I'm close.. let- let me cum- please-" You loved the way she begged, her pleas falling from her lips so easily for you.
"Cum for me, love.. Let go - I got you.." You whispered low into her ear, your words being the allowance to send her over the edge and you to follow right after her.
The room filled with your high pitched moans and heavy breaths, a layer of sweat resting along the skin of you both at the actions you'd both been through. You gently pulled out of her and shifted back to your normal form, only to be met with whimpers from your lover beneath you.
"I know, baby.. I know, I'm sorry.." You planted kissed all around her face and gently rubbed your hands along her sides, in acts of reassurance. "Let me clean you up, hmm?"
You were back just as quickly, a glass of water and a wet, warm rag in hang. You moved her to sit up against the pillows, holding the water to her lips and allowing her to drink as much as she wanted. You placed it on your bedside table, and moved to softly clean her up, tossing the rag aside when you were all done.
You moved the covers back, moving her body under them, and covering you both right after. Pulling her into your arms was the greatest reward - the way she nuzzled into your neck and placed soft kisses along it only making your heart soar.
"I wasn't too much, was I? You're okay?" Your fingers traced along her sides and rubbed warm circled on her back. It was always important to you to make sure she truly enjoyed herself and everything that had taken place.
"It was amazing.. You're perfect, my dear.." Her voice rang out against your skin, her accent filling your ears and easing all your worries. You pulled her impossibly closer, your legs tangling together as your breaths traveled along each others skin.
Your hearts were happy there, and it reminded you both how everything about you two was much better than the photos.
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐚/𝐧: i know i say this every time, but this one was so fun to write.
i've realized how much i adore sub!Larissa, and i've also seen shapshifter!Reader float around more recently
which made this absolute joy of a fic
i hope you enjoyed this, anon, because i definately enjoyed writing it
if you saw errors no you didnt &lt;3
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @s-c-rambledegggs @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lilfartbox1 @agathaandgwenslesbian @lvinhs @elvira-dear @kimiinou
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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