#'from the way that we said goodbye. i knew i'd never see you again'
strawbie-doodle · 1 year
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Still there's something 'bout men that I don't understand They're always leaving wherever they've been Brush it off with a shrug, I don't know much about love Still I give it a try now and then Saddle up and ride on down Maybe when the tide comes out Come and find me Waiting on the street where we met Haven't found the time to forget Funny what we lose, yeah when we bet
★Blush-Orville Peck★
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roosterforme · 6 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: After Bradley finally breaks things off with his girlfriend just days before the start of a deployment, he expects a few lonely months of nobody writing to him or waiting for his return. But the fateful arrival of a package from a class of fourth graders learning about aviation changes everything.
Warnings: Fluff, language, breakup angst
Length: 2200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley had his duffle bag open on his bed, tidy stacks of his uniform components, flight suits, and underwear lined up next to it. He had his checklist in front of him. He liked to be as organized as possible.
"Are you even listening to me? I thought we were going out to dinner."
He looked up from his partially packed toiletry bag into the annoyed eyes of Vanessa where she stood on the other side of the bed. He was seven months into this relationship, and sometimes he wondered why either of them still bothered. She knew his routine by now. She knew what his deployments were like, but she had absolutely no patience for any of it.
"Ness, I'm leaving in four days. I just need to focus on this for a few minutes so I know what I need to buy before Wednesday, and then we can go out and eat."
"It's already seven o'clock. I thought you'd have finished packing by now," she replied with a pout and a glare. "Every nice restaurant is going to have a long wait now, because I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you didn't make a reservation anywhere."
He took a deep breath and let it out before pressing his lips together. What he really wanted was to order something for delivery, cuddle on the couch, watch a movie and have the first round of hot, goodbye sex. But she'd never go for it now. Apparently he'd already fucked up for the night. 
"No, I didn't make a reservation," he said calmly, and she rolled her eyes and reached for her phone. "I really don't even feel like going out. I'll be gone for months, stuck in a tiny bunk or a loud mess hall. I'd like to stay in tonight where it's quiet. Just me and you."
But she wasn't listening at all. "Let me see if Woodmere has any tables left," she muttered. "If not there, then I can try The Landmark." She looked as beautiful as she always did, but he couldn't even stand the sight of her right now.
"Ness. I want to stay in."
She groaned and looked him in the eye. "Of course you do. You always want to stay in. You always want to decompress or read a book. That's not healthy, you know that, right? I shouldn't have to force you out of your comfort zone all the time."
"Fuck," he grunted, running his fingers through his hair. His job was demanding, both mentally and physically. He usually preferred quiet over loud, because his own thoughts started to buzz when she dragged him out all over the place. And now she was glaring at him again. "Are you even going to miss me?" he asked softly, afraid of the answer. "You haven't said so one time since I told you about this deployment."
She heaved a deep and annoyed sigh. "You're deployed so frequently, Bradley, it's like you're the government's bitch. And if the Navy is going to insist upon eating up taxpayer money, the least they could do is pay you more."
His skin started to crawl as she went off about his career like always, but he'd honestly had enough. He raised his voice louder and asked once again, "Are you even going to miss me?"
Vanessa scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Of course I'm going to miss you. What kind of question is that? I'll be bored every weekend, waiting for you to get back, like usual. I almost never go out when you're deployed."
Bradley's heart started to pound in a way that made his palms sweat and his stomach turn. "Jesus, Vanessa. I asked if you're going to miss me. Not miss going out every weekend."
When she hesitated for a beat, he reached out to brace his hand on his headboard. "Yes, Bradley. I am going to miss you. Okay? Happy?"
"Fuck, no. I'm not happy Vanessa." And that was the bottom line right there. The absolute truth. And it didn't hurt to say it, rather he immediately felt better. He knew he would miss the sporadic emails and the phone calls and the dirty pictures and the reunion sex. The upcoming weeks would be harder without those things to look forward to, but at least he'd come home to his own place where he could do what he wanted instead of what he was told. He wouldn't have to listen to her negativity. "I think we need to break up."
Her eyes went wide with shock. "Excuse me?"
Bradley let go of the bed and ran his hand over his face. "You heard me, Ness. This isn't working. For either of us."
"Don't call me Ness," she snapped, immediately turning toward his bedroom door. "You're not my boyfriend anymore." She paused briefly, just long enough to say, "Fuck you," and then she was gone. 
He sat on the edge of his bed for a couple minutes, but it didn't take long to sort through his feelings. The immediate sense of calm that he felt had him convinced he'd done the right thing. There was no shared living space. There was no ring. There was no real commitment. Maybe he'd always known why that was the case. 
So he packed up his bag and made a shopping list, and when his stomach started to growl, he ordered dinner for himself from his favorite restaurant. He didn't cry, and he didn't worry about having to do anything he didn't want to do.
The first few weeks of his deployment were great. He spent a lot of time in the air, and he flirted a bit with some of the women who approached him in the gym on the aircraft carrier. He jerked off while he thought about whomever he fucking wanted to. He didn't spend very much time reflecting on his relationship with Vanessa other than to acknowledge that it wasn't much of a relationship at all. In the moments where he thought maybe he missed her, he realized he just missed the idea of having someone who cared about him.
He was about a month in when he realized the attractive woman who always touched his arm in the gym was actually married, and he was not all about that. He was also maybe kind of getting tired of masturbating which was a depressing thought. He was bored, and he was lonely, and other than randomly hooking up with someone, he figured his best bet was finding a book or something to read. 
When he made his way to dinner, he heard everyone talking about the helicopter that had landed on deck less than an hour ago stacked full of containers of mail. There was a line of officers trailing down the hallway adjacent to the mess hall, everyone waiting patiently to pick up parcels from their loved ones. Since Bradley had basically nobody who would think to write to him, he made his way toward the food instead. 
His tray was piled high with everything he could get his hands on, and when he looked for somewhere to sit, he had to deftly avoid that stacked lieutenant who had a husband at home. He found a table off in the corner and devoured his dinner alone. When he stood to drop off his empty dishes and tray, some petty officers entered the cavernous room to drop off unclaimed mail. 
"Harper, Jonathan! Pauley, Vincent! Dixon, Jennifer! Sutter, Wesley! Bradshaw, Bradley!"
He was more than a little intrigued as he made his way up along with a handful of others, and then a white envelope and a small cardboard box were thrust into his hands. The envelope was addressed to him by name in familiar chicken scratch that made him smile. He shouldn't have counted Natasha out, especially when his birthday was in a few days. 
He tore into the envelope as he made his way back to his bunk. It contained a very short letter along with a coupon for buy one get one free steak dinners at her favorite restaurant with a post-it stuck to the back. 
This is your birthday present. Now when you take me out for my birthday when you get home, you only have to pay half as much. You're welcome.
He snorted as he unlocked his bunk door and tossed everything from Nat onto the small nightstand. And then he examined the box. It wasn't addressed to him. Not really. It was addressed to 'A Deployed US Naval Aviator' in tidy handwriting. Then he noticed the return address was from an elementary school in Mira Mesa, and his curiosity got the best of him.
Bradley sat on the edge of his bed and tore gently into the packaging to find the box was jam packed with items and overflowing with envelopes. He tipped the box, and everything went cascading out onto his narrow bed. There were a lot of snacks, and a pack of trail mix caught his eye, making his stomach growl.
"I just fed you," he muttered but ripped into the snack anyway, dumping half of it into his mouth in one go. He was eyeing the envelopes carefully, each one distinctly unique. Some had names written on them, and some had little doodles or pictures, but they definitely seemed to be from a class of kids who went to the school. He sifted through them until he found a slightly larger, more official looking envelope which once again said To: A Deployed US Naval Aviator.
He finished his snack, silently thanking the class of kids and their teacher, and then he opened the big envelope. He pulled out a typed up letter which was folded around a few photos that slid onto his lap. Then he started to read.
Dear United States Naval Aviator,
First of all, thank you for your service. Second, let us introduce ourselves. We are one of the fourth grade classes from Mira Mesa Elementary School, and we have been learning all about aviation for the last month or so. We have combined our science, math and social studies classes into one unit all about flying, and we have learned so much. We really wanted to share some of what we learned with you in the hopes that you might be able to help us learn even more!
Each student in the class has included a letter filled with information and some questions. If you have some free time and are inclined to do so, we would love to hear back from you. (No pressure!) There are plenty of thoughtful questions that my students would appreciate more information about. (Once again, only if you want to!) And I for one would love to give them the chance to show off what they learned to a professional. (I'm just a proud teacher!)
Thank you very much for indulging our curiosity thus far, and we hope to hear back from you. I'll include my email address just in case you have any questions or would prefer to reply that way. Otherwise you can send mail directly to the address for the school along with my name, and it will get to us. We hope we are about to dazzle you with our letters, and we wish you well on your deployment.
The best fourth graders you will ever meet along with their teacher
Bradley was chuckling as he finished reading. Of course he would take the time to look at all of the notes from the kids and send back a response. It wasn't like he'd be tied up talking to Vanessa. This little project would keep him busy when he had nothing else to do, and besides, this was the kind of shit he would have thought was outlandishly cool when he was a fourth grader himself. 
He read and reread the name and accompanying email address at the bottom of the page. This teacher sounded charming, and he'd only read three paragraphs from her. He flipped the page over to double check that she hadn't written anything more, already wishing she had. Then he picked up the photos that had landed on his thigh and started to flip through them.
First he saw a group of kids outside in the bright San Diego sunlight, lined up and throwing paper airplanes. Then he flipped to one where some of the kids were sitting at their desks building more elaborate planes out of pieces of foam. There was another photo of the class on some sort of field trip, but it was the last photo in the stack that had him sitting up a little taller and taking a closer look.
The kids were all lined up once again, wearing a rainbow of colors, some making silly faces. But his eyes caught on their teacher. On you. Smiling back at him from the photo like you had an amusing secret. Like you wanted to share it with him.
"Fucking gorgeous."
And, we're off. Oh, he thinks we are cute. Oh, he is about to be charmed even more. Thanks for pushing me out of my comfort zone a little bit with this one, and thank you @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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latenightreadingpdf · 6 months
Familiar Faces - Spencer Reid
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Summary: Doctor Spencer Reid reunites with childhood friend Y/N, only to discover she's being stalked. As the BAU investigates, old feelings resurface between them.
The bright fluorescent lights of the FBI building cast a glow over the corridor. Doctor Spencer Reid adjusted his satchel on his shoulder, his mind racing with the details of the latest case file that had just landed on his desk. He was lost in thought when he bumped into someone, nearly dropping the stack of papers he was holding.
"I'm so sorry," a familiar voice said.
Spencer looked up, his eyes widening in disbelief. Standing in front of him was Y/N, his childhood friend from high school. Memories flooded back as he took in her familiar face, though older and more mature than he remembered.
"Y/N?" Spencer stammered, his voice laced with shock.
"Is that really you?" he continued, his eyes scanning her face for confirmation.
She smiled, her eyes shining with recognition and surprise. "Wow, Spencer Reid. I never thought I'd see you here in Quantico."
"It's been years," Spencer replied, a hint of a smile forming on his lips.
Before he could say anything more, Y/N stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. Spencer hesitated for a moment, his touch aversion making him uncomfortable, but he found himself wrapping his arms around her in return.
The team, who had been watching the interaction from a distance, exchanged confused glances. They had no idea that Spencer and Y/N knew each other.
"Is everything okay here?" Hotch, the BAU's unit chief, asked, stepping forward with a stern expression.
"Yeah, we're just... catching up," Spencer explained, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
As they pulled apart, Y/N's smile faded, her expression turning serious. "Spencer, someone's been following me. I think I'm being stalked."
Spencer's eyes widened in concern. "We'll handle it," he assured her, his voice firm.
The team gathered in the briefing room, reviewing the details of Y/N's case. The stalker had been sending her anonymous gifts and messages and had even been spotted near her home.
"We need to catch this guy before he escalates," Morgan said, his voice filled with determination.
"I agree," Hotch replied. "Reid, you'll stay with Y/N to ensure her safety."
Spencer nodded, his mind already racing with the details of the case. As he and Y/N left the BAU office, he couldn't help but feel nervous and flustered around her, his usual calm and composed demeanor faltering.
Over the next few days, Spencer and Y/N spent a lot of time together, trying to piece together clues about the stalker. Despite the seriousness of the situation, they found moments of comfort and familiarity in each other's company, reminiscing about their high school days and catching up on lost time.
One evening, as they were going over the case files in Y/N's house, Spencer found himself lost in thought, staring at Y/N's face as she concentrated on the documents spread out before them.
"Y/N, I..." Spencer started, his voice faltering.
She looked up, her eyes meeting his. "What is it, Spencer?"
"I just... I never thought I'd see you again, let alone like this," he admitted, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.
Y/N smiled, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on his arm. "Life has a funny way of bringing people back together," she said softly.
As they continued to work on the case, Spencer realized that his feelings for Y/N had never truly faded; they had simply been buried beneath years of separation and missed opportunities. He found himself hoping that once the stalker was caught and the case was closed, they would have a chance to explore the connection that had unexpectedly rekindled between them.
The days turned into weeks, and with the combined efforts of the BAU and local law enforcement, the stalker was finally apprehended. As Spencer and Y/N said their goodbyes, both promising to keep in touch, he knew that this was just the beginning of their story.
Standing in the hallway of the Quantico FBI building, Spencer took Y/N's hand, pulling her into a gentle embrace. This time, there was no hesitation, no discomfort—just the undeniable realization that sometimes, life gives you a second chance to reconnect with the people who matter most.
And as they parted ways, both Spencer and Y/N knew that they were embarking on a new chapter of their lives—one filled with hope, promise, and the possibility of a love that had been a long time coming.
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
So Large Bastard went into the hospital for transplant evaluation on February 13th 2021 and that was one of the major peaks of covid and basically we dropped him off at the hospital and that was it; nobody was allowed to visit him or see him and they pretty much immediately implanted a pump in his shoulder that made it painful and difficult for him to use the phone. At that point the message we were getting was "either he'll qualify for a transplant and you'll see him again when he is released after the transplant (and the waitlist, and the surgery, and the recovery) or we'll allow you to visit him when he's dying OR he won't qualify for transplant and we'll provide his end of life care and we'll allow you to visit him when he's dying" and on like February 16th, before we knew if he'd qualify for a transplant, I got a call from the hospital saying they were putting him on a heart/lung bypass machine because the pump they'd implanted in his shoulder and the pump they'd implanted in his heart weren't doing enough (both are designed to pump blood through about six feet of human, not through about seven feet of human, so they needed a much larger external pump). They asked me if I approved this procedure because he was kind of out of it, and held the phone up to him so I could ask him if he wanted this and say goodbye - I didn't know if that was goodbye until he got woken up by the doctors after stabilizing, or goodbye until he got approved for a transplant, or goodbye until he didn't get approved for a transplant and they'd take him off the machine to say goodbye for real if they couldn't keep him alive any longer.
And then they hung up the phone and I sat at my desk and stared at my computer and went back to work because literally what the hell else could I do? I couldn't drive to the hospital, I couldn't anxiously wait to see if the doctor would come out and tell me the machine had stabilized him. They said they'd call me in three hours with an update. So I took some orders and placed some calls and responded very politely to emails until I got off the clock at 5:30.
I had texted one of Large Bastard's friends who I'd been calling a lot and asked if we could meet up so I could explain what was going on so he could pass that info on to their radio nerd club. We were meeting up in the parking lot of an ihop because it was an easy outdoor location to describe to him when I wasn't actually capable of processing things like "addresses" or "street names" and I drove over to the ihop and at the red light for the left turn to go into the parking lot I fucking lost it. Like. I don't do the "hysterical crying" thing often but when I do, boy do I. I was in my truck with the windows rolled up and music on and I was sobbing so hard that it shook the truck and the crying was audible from outside the car.
I know it was audible from outside the car because a homeless man came up to my window and knocked and when I rolled the window down he told me "you're okay girl, you got this, it's gonna be alright" and I kind of nodded at him and sobbed at him and waved at him as he kept crossing the street and my light changed and I turned into the parking lot.
By the time my friend got there I had calmed down and stopped crying and through the entire rest of the process I never lost it in quite the same way; they took Large Bastard off the lung bypass part of the machine a day later and he was awake when they approved him for the transplant list, and a few days after that they started allowing a single, masked, socially distanced family member to start visiting patients in the transplant ICU for two hours a day, so I was able to come see him and he immediately said "look I have abs" and pulled his gown aside to show me that he'd lost so much weight as his body tried to eat itself to stay alive that he did, in fact, have an eight pack. And we laughed about it. It was uphill from there. It was never as hard for me as it was in the few hours after that phone call.
And in those few hours there was one dude who happened to be walking by who was kind enough to try to offer comfort to a complete stranger and I think about him all the time.
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unreliablesnake · 11 months
König couldn't help but smile while he watched you standing in the middle of the square, looking back and forth between the screen of your phone and the nearby streets with a confused look on your gorgeous face. You were lost, he could easily see that.
It was one of those rare occasions when he was off-duty, visiting his family in Austria without having to protect his identity with the usual veil. Yes, he felt naked, almost anxious again, but he reminded himself that everything was okay. He was alone. No one was following him. No one recognized him. It was all good.
So he laughed to himself quietly before walking over to you. "Excuse me," he began, already raising his hands in defense since he knew you would freak out because of his size alone. When you gulped and locked the screen of your phone, he went on. "You seem to be lost. Can I help?"
You hesitated, but your eyes never left his face. Were you just cautious and kept an eye on him to make sure he behaved? Or was there another reason? Maybe something was on his face? When he cocked an eyebrow at you, you cleared your throat and kicked the cobblestone sidewalk.
"I have the goddamn GPS in my phone and I'm still lost," you murmured angrily with an adorable nose scrunch. "I'm looking for this address," you told him once you found the email it was in.
He took a good look at the screen, and he couldn't help but smile. "I'm going right across the street, I can show you the way if you'd like," he offered.
Nodding, you put the device back to your pocket. "That would be great, thank you."
The two of you walked in silence for a while. König had a series of questions on his mind, starting with one about your name and one about whether or not you were a local. Even he got lost sometimes after being away for too long, so he wouldn't be that surprised to find out you were living in this city.
But he remained silent, and instead of opening his mouth, he silently observed your features, taking in the details as if he was trying to remember his girlfriend's looks. But you weren't his girlfriend, although a part of him desperately wanted to ask you out before you parted at your destination.
The great Colonel König was back to his anxious self because of you. His mind was in overdrive, one moment he was just about to open his mouth, the next he wanted to run away and hide from you. It was a terrible feeling, one he didn't have to face on the battlefield. Oh, how he wished he was back there.
"You're tall. And big," you suddenly mused as you turned to him with a smile. "I'm sure a lot of people tell you that, sorry."
He couldn't help but laugh at this. "Yeah, I get that a lot. And you're cute," he added without even thinking.
You came to a sudden halt and turned to him with your hands folded behind your back. "You think I'm cute?"
Damn it. Where the hell did that filter between his mouth and brain go? "I–I... It's not... Yes," he eventually admitted guiltily.
With a laugh, you moved closer to him and playfully nudged his arm with your shoulder. "You don't look bad either. Maybe we could meet later."
"As in going on a date?" You nodded with a smile. "I'd love that."
König knew you were close to your destination, so he pulled out his phone and gave it to you. "Can I get your number to discuss the details?" he asked.
Without answering, you took the device and typed your number along with your name before giving it back to him. "Give me a call or send me a text."
He looked at the new contact and couldn't hold back a smile. "I like your name."
"Speaking of names, you never told me yours," you noted with a pout.
"It's König."
"That's all? Hmm... mysterious. I like it."
The rest of the trip passed in silence, mostly because you wanted to avoid spoilers. We'll have time to talk on our date, you said. He was okay with that. But when he stopped in front of the building where you were heading, his heart sank. He didn't want to say goodbye yet, but there was nothing he could do.
Before he could register what was happening, you stood on your toes and gently pulled down his head to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for showing me the way," you whispered to him.
"Anytime," König told you.
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pixiedust0604 · 9 months
Miss You Already-
Clarisse x fem!reader
Info: Reader is in Aphrodite Cabin. Set in The Sea of Monsters. This is my first fanfic on here, so some constructive criticism would be very appreciated!
Context: Clarisse is about to go into the Sea of Monsters to get the Golden Fleece, but something (or someone) gets in her way
Reader's POV
Warnings: Angst but is resolved in the end
Word Count: 1381 words
Clarisse was livid.
Not that this should be a surprise. Clarisse was known for her temper in Camp, so it was of no big shock that she was upset. 'Probably the nerves of going on a quest for the first time' her siblings thought.
They were very wrong.
You see, Clarisse had a lucky shirt and bandana she wore when she did things like this. Any competition she went to, any test she did she always wore her lucky CHB shirt and bright red bandana.
She set them out that night, before she went to bed. She knows she did. But when she went to get dressed this morning, they were gone.
Now she's in a worse mood that usual, and I was terrified.
I could here the noise she was making from the dining pavilion.
I took the shirt and bandana last night, but I didn't know that they were her lucky ones. I just wanted something to remind me of her while she went away. It's not like I knew how important they were.
Okay, I didn't know the bandana was important, but in my defence, it's scary thinking about the fact that my girlfriend might not come home after this quest. I know I'll miss her, so I wanted to wear both the t-shirt and the bandana while she was gone, so it felt like she was right there next to me, and that the luck would bring her home to me safely.
I was just about to sneak back off to my cabin after breakfast so Clarisse wouldn't catch me, when I bumped into her immediately.
*Great, I'm dead aren't I* I think to myself as I see her almost glaring at me.
"Hi Y/N, you haven't seen my lucky bandana and camp t-shirt, have you?" She said, even though we both knew that I have them both.
"No, can't say I have honey, good luck on your quest though! Goodbye, love you!" I say, before quickly trying to running off.
Keyword, trying to. Unfortunately, Clarisse caught me by the arm before I could run off.
"Not so fast, love. You need to help me find them. Do you mind me looking in your cabin first?" She asked, grinning at me.
"I mean, I'd love to help, but I'm very busy right now." I say quickly, hoping that it'll work and she'll let me go.
It didn't work. Of course it didn't.
"Please, love? It'll only take 2 minutes." She said, feigning being upset.
I sighed, and said, "Fine, but you'll have to be quick, I don't think you have that much time, Clary." I was worried that she was going to see them both straight away. "Do you mind if I clean up a bit before you look? My part of the cabin is pretty messy."
"No, I'd prefer if I could look right now, lovely. I want to get going as soon as possible, okay?" She answers, looking at me again with that smirk of hers.
"Okay, come on then." I say, turning around terrified. I lead her to the Aphrodite Cabin, practically shaking the entire time.
I open the door, letting her in. "Here you go, just don't go through people's stuff too much, alright?" I close the door behind us, grateful that no-one else is there.
She starts rifling through everyone's wardrobe, checking the tags for her name, and searching through each person's accessories for her bandana. Until she got to mine.
This is where I start panicking, because I hid it in the most obvious place I could think of. Underneath my pillow.
She looks in my wardrobe, obviously to find nothing, then she gets to the bed.
She throws everything off the bed, and there lies the bandana, and the shirt where my pillow should be, crumpled up into a ball.
Clarisse, the girl I've been dating for almost 9 months now, turns to look at me with a look I've never seen aimed at me before.
A look I've only seen her give Percy Jackson, and any monster who dare to make her angry. A look of unbridled rage.
"Babe, why is my lucky bandana and shirt in your bed?" She asked, glaring at me with that look.
"Uh... I- I don't know, could have been one of the Hermes kids? But I don't know how it got there my love," I shakily replied, trying my best to get to the exit, bumping into things on the way.
"Then why are you leaving? Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to see me off to the border?" She said, frowning at me. She stepped closer.
"Did I? I don't remember that..." I say, trailing off as my hand grasps the door handle.
"Just tell me why you took it, love" Clarisse says, that terrifying look fading and her voice growing softer as she saw how frightened I was.
She steps closer, her face relaxing as she stepped closer. Her hands were spread out wide, showing me I had nothing to fear. That she wouldn't hurt me. I know she never would, I was the only person in the entire camp she wasn't willing to spar with. The only times we ever did spar together, she always held back.
"I wanted something to remember you by, that's all. I'm so scared you won't make it- home, and I want something to have that- that's yours, so it feels like you're here with me. I'm so sorry Clarisse, I'm so so sorry I took them. I won't take anything from you again, I promise. But please, promise me you'll make it home safe, because I can't lose you." I say between sobs, tears flowing down my face and onto the hardwood floor.
I'm quickly enveloped into her arms, and my head is tucked under her chin.
"I'm sorry that you felt that way, Y/N. But maybe next time, ask for something from me. I have a ton of camp shirts and bandanas for you to have that I'd be happy to give you. You just have to a ask." She tells me, stroking my hair.
After a silence, I say, "I will, I'm sorry. Can I still walk you to the border?"
"Of course you can. In fact, why don't you pick out a bandana before I go? You can wear it while I'm gone." She says, letting me go, and leading me out of my cabin, to hers.
"Really?" I ask, my voice wobbling as tears fill my eyes once again.
"Yeah, of course love. You said you wanted something to remind you of me while I'm gone, so you can pick something out of mine." She says walking into her cabin, her hand still holding mine even as her siblings stare.
I ended up choosing a blue bandana and one of her camp shirts.
I felt all eyes on me and Clarisse as she held my hand and walked out with me. "Do you want anyone to come with us to the border?" She asks, rubbing my knuckles.
"No, I think I'll be okay" I reply, clutching the blue cloth in my left hand.
"Alright then my love." She said, and pulled me along gently to the border. There stood Argus, with his van.
"You ready to go?" He asks Clarisse, opening the van door for her.
"Yeah, just one sec" Clarisse answers.
Argus nods his head, his multiple eyes blinking at the same time.
"I'll see you later, Y/N. And don't you dare say I might not be, because I know I'll always come back to you." She says playfully.
"I swear to the gods, if you die on this quest, I'll kill you Clarisse." I joke, giggling as tears fill my eyes again.
She then kisses me, and her hands snaked around my waist. I quickly grab her face, kissing her back. I can feel her chapped lips as they move against mine. Her rough hands pull me closer, so I can feel her body .
Unfortunately, Argus interrupted saying "Clarisse, we have to get going."
She slowly pulls back and lets go of my waist. As I feel her body leave mine, Clarisse possibly for the last time, kisses me on the cheek, and moves away from me to go on her quest.
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celestie0 · 7 months
nanami kento x reader | drabble
coney island. where did my lover go?
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"𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲."
ᰔ pairing. husband nanami x wife reader (f)
ᰔ summary. you're sitting on a bench in coney island, the place you and nanami met all those years ago, to talk about where your relationship went wrong. heavily inspired by the song "coney island" by taylor swift from her album 'evermore'
ᰔ warnings/tags. some pretty heavy angst. mention of blood/wounds.
ᰔ word count. 1.3k
a/n. hellooo i just had an itching to write something angsty, and i came up with something while listening to music. hope you enjoy :')
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you're sitting on a bench in coney island, wondering why nanami hasn't arrived by your side yet.
pulling back the sleeve of your blouse, you glance at your watch. the evening has settled in, and it was well past the time the two of you had agreed to meet. here, where everything began all those years ago. this place, where your soul has been left to bleed dry.
it was nanami who told you not to feed the ducks any bread. before you knew him, that was all you would do. white milk bread, torn apart into pieces, tossed into the pond in front of this bench for the quacking ducks to feed on with delight. but nanami told you that's not right. he told you that the ducks cannot digest the bread the same way that you and him do. you can relate to the ducks today, unable to absorb and understand the pain within you, and in a blink of an eye, that pain takes a seat next to you.
"hello, sweetheart," nanami says, voice soft as it always is. his familiar stature is beside you in your periphery.
your eyes flicker to your watch once more. "you're late, ken."
"i know," is all he says. "forgive me?"
you do.
"i thought you were lost somewhere," you tell him, the thought sending a shiver through you. or perhaps it was the cold.
"i wasn't lost. i could never be lost, coming to this place," he assures. you glance at the skin on his hands. he looks pale, like he hasn't seen the sun in days.
you still wonder if he's lost. you wonder if that man you loved was still out there somewhere, simply wandering, trying to find his way back to you. but the disappointment is palpable, and when you close your eyes tight, the chill of the air once again bites through your bones to silence all your hope.
"i looked for you everywhere. do you know that?" you say to him. "at the park entry, across the field. by the church. i even walked by the merry-go. and i cried when i couldn't see you standing there to watch me on the blue pegasus."
from the corner of your eye, you see him turn his head to glance at you. you can see he's wearing a grey suit, the same one he wore exactly one year ago today. the one you said goodbye to him in. "it's been a long time, love. i'd wish you would let those memories go."
"we were supposed to be married forever," you barely whisper, glancing down at your ring still adorning your left hand. your eyes flicker to his hand, and the absence of the silver promise on his finger makes your soul sulk. "you've moved on from me, haven't you?"
nanami rubs his left finger with his thumb, like the sensation of the ring was a phantom limb. "i have. and i want you to move on from me as well. one day, you'll be too old to care. so don't spend another moment of your youth thinking about me."
your youth was him, from the day you met him on this bench. sprawled across it on a warm summer tuesday, reading your paperback of les misérables that had a worn out spine, gust of wind peeling a sticky note away from the page and delivering it to the front of this tall, handsome man that was walking by. he had bent down to pick it up for you, and curiously chose to read it first before handing it back. 'to love or have loved, that is enough' it said, one of your favorite quotes from the book. you didn't know what it meant at the time, but you knew what it meant now.
"were we just fools, ken?" you ask him out of nowhere. "if i had tried harder, could we have still been together? if i had let you know what it takes to be by my side, would you have still chosen to fall in love with me in the first place? how can i shake the thought that this was all a mistake?"
he shifts in his seat beside you. you still can't brave yourself to look at him. you haven't looked him in the eyes once this entire time. and you register that there's no heat from his body, leaving you feeling barren and cold.
"i would've loved you in any lifetime. there is nothing you could have done that would've kept me away," he tells you.
"so then you'll haunt me in every lifetime, too?" you ask. "a universe away from here, i'll still see your face everywhere i go?"
"no. i agreed to meet you here today to tell you that it's finally time for you to forget. those dreams of ours, of suburban holidays and tiny fingers, they can belong to someone else," he says to you, "they should belong to someone else."
you shake your head, feeling tears prickle in your eyes. christmas, winter snow, the oaky warmth of the fireplace. fresh spring air, wildflower blossoms, trees turned lush and new. salty air, summer breeze, mist of sprinklers over brown grass and skin. but by the time autumn came, there was nothing left but heartache.
"what if i asked for your forgiveness?" you say. your hands play with the bag of white bread in your lap. you thought he would scold you for it, for not remembering the wellbeing of the ducks, but truthfully you had simply forgotten. because it was like you were the version of yourself before meeting him, and you needed him to save you again.
"there's nothing to forgive," he replies. his voice is hoarse, like he's running out of air to breathe as the sun begins to set over the horizon. like this time spent together was something bought, not gifted.
"i'm sorry," you say, because you felt like you needed to say those words. "i'm sorry for how mean i was to you the last time we spoke. i don't know what got over me, but i really wish you had just stayed." your eyes prick with tears as you stare down at your lap. "i wish you weren't so quick to leave my side, even though i told you to go."
nanami places a hand over yours. you finally notice the scars and open cuts, fresh with blood. "i know, darling. as much as it troubled me to leave, i didn't want to stay and hurt you anymore."
you felt suffocated. "if i could turn back time, i would. i would go back to that moment, last week. and i would tell you to stay, so that i could've had you for the rest of a lifetime."
his thumb runs circles over the skin of your hand, but the movement is rigid and stiff. "was it last week?"
"it was." you're not mistaken, but he will try to convince you otherwise.
"i don't think so, darling."
"it was last week."
"it's been much longer than that. fifty-two fold longer."
yes. today was the anniversary. of when you buried him in the grey suit that he wears right now.
"you see my face wherever you go, hm?" nanami says to you as the tears begin to freely flow down your face. "well, when i got into the accident, the last sight that flashed before me was your face. i'm happy. i'm so happy that the last person i thought of was you."
blinking, wet drops falling onto his pale hand in your lap. "you should've stayed," you whisper. "that night, you should've just stayed with me. i would've said sorry, and i would've loved you forever."
you're sitting on a bench in coney island, wondering where your lover went. because when the sun dips underneath the horizon, his hand disappears from your lap, and you finally turn your head to look at him. but he's gone.
and when you blink the blur of salty tears from your eyes, you realize you were never sitting on that bench, waiting for him. you were standing in front of his gravestone, hoping that he'll talk to you again someday.
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a/n. gege would love this one
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lucy90712 · 5 months
reader x pedri where pedri gets taken care of/sleepy and tired
Today has been a long day my boyfriend Pedri had to leave the house quite early this morning as he had an away game this evening so I had to wake up and say goodbye and wish him good luck. The team played really well and they got a good win which I wish I could've been there to see but I can never really go to away games as I have other things to do at home. The one thing I try and always do is stay up to greet Pedri when he comes home even if it's late I like to see him to either congratulate or console him based on the result. Every time he tells me not to stay up but I know he likes it when I'm there to greet him at the door. 
Tonight's game was a champions league game so the team have a bit of a longer flight but I got a text around 20 minutes ago from Pedri telling me he's on his way home. That means he should be home any minute now at nearly 3am and hopefully we can both go to bed because I'm exhausted so I can't imagine how tired Pedri is. I heard a car pulling into the driveway and our security cameras confirmed that it was Pedri which I knew it would be but I always have to check. It took a few minutes but eventually I heard the front door opening so I got myself up to greet Pedri, as soon as I saw him I could tell he was exhausted and a lot more than usual. His eyes looked really tired and he didn't seem to have any energy left as he dropped his bag on the floor and nearly fell over taking his shoes off. 
"Hey love congratulations you did so well out there" I said 
"Thanks it was good to play again" Pedri said coming over and putting his arms around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck 
"You should've gone to bed it's late and you have work in the morning" Pedri said still attached to me
"You know I like to wait for you to come home plus I can't sleep knowing you are on your way home how about we go to bed now though I can tell you are really tired" I said 
Instead of letting go of me so we could go to bed he only held onto me tighter. Pedri can be clingy sometimes but I've never seen him this clingy usually he just wants my attention for a bit so we will cuddle but right now it seems as though he won't survive if he's isn't attached to me. I know it's because he's tried and in the morning since he's had some sleep he won't be this clingy but I kind of love it. We don't often get much time together sometimes so it's moments like this that I love to just soak up but we can't stand here all night because Pedri's right I do have work in the morning and he clearly needs sleep too. 
I felt awful trying to escape his arms but I knew he understood because he didn't put up a fight instead he just grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs together. I got ready for bed hours ago but Pedri still needed to brush his teeth and get changed so I left him to do that while I sorted his stuff out for him. Usually when he gets home after an away game he leaves his bag by the door and deals with it in the morning but tonight I decided I'd just do it for him. All I had to do was put some things in the wash and put away everything else which didn't take me too long. While putting things away I noticed that Pedri had one of the matching bracelets we got when we first started dating from a tourist shop as a joke. Of course I still have mine too but I didn't realise that he took his with him to games and that just melted my heart as he's secretly such a sentimental person and no one else gets to really see that side of him. 
By the time I had sorted everything out and went back to the bedroom Pedri was already in bed but he had sorted out the pillows on my side of the bed and had the covers prepared for me to just get in. I crawled in and straight away Pedri put his arms around my waist and cuddled into my side moving around until he was comfortable. Most nights he likes me to sleep nearly on top of him but sometimes he's a bit more cuddly like tonight and I love that. Pedri is always taking care of me just in general but especially when I've had a long day and I'm tired so getting to do the same for him feels really good and I feel like I'm finally getting to give back a fraction of what he does for me. 
As much as he’s tired he won’t go to sleep until he knows I’m settled and ok so to get him to go to sleep I started running my hands through his hair. He loves when I play with his hair and scratch his scalp it nearly always sends him to sleep. As soon as my hands touched his hair he tucked his head further into my neck and I could hear his breathing slow down as he finally let himself relax. Pedri was right on the verge of falling asleep but I still felt him gently kiss my neck as he realised he hadn’t kissed me goodnight which he does every night. 
“Goodnight love you” Pedri whispered 
“Love you too now get some sleep” I whispered back kissing his head 
Within minutes he was lightly snoring but I stayed up for a bit longer making sure he was sleep before I too went to sleep to get a few hours sleep before I have to get up for work. 
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starlightsuffered · 3 months
I Miss You
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Info - shy reader, praise, oral (male receiving), a bit of face fucking, masturbating while giving oral, cupping pussy, cum swallowing
"I miss you," I whined. I wasn't usually this way, but I did. I decided to bare my feelings and tell him how I was feeling.
"Well finally," Timothée chuckled.
"What?" I asked.
"You're so, I don't even know the word for it. Perhaps polite would be the right one?"
"Still don't know what you mean," | said slowly. He had a smile in his voice which quieted my anxiety.
"Well, you're always so benevolent, and sweet. You don't whine because you think it would make me think negatively. Hearing you miss me is..... nice. Am I making sense?"
"I think so," I said with a small grin.
"Like, you're selfless, you always want to focus on me. I like you being needy and desperate-"
"I'm always desperate for you," | interrupted him.
"You know what I mean y/n," he said smugly.
"Yeah I do. I just can't help it! It's only been a couple weeks but fuck I miss your touch and your body and laugh and personality and... was that too much," I ended nervously.
"Not at all. You know I love when you get like that, all rambly and sweet," Timothée swooned.
"Well, I'm glad you like it," I said shyly.
"You really miss me?" Timothée asked quietly after a silence.
"So much," I whispered.
"I miss you too, I'll be back before you know it. Maybe next time I'll take you," he said.
"Maybe," I said gently. He knew so much attention and people would be hard for me. However, being without him was also hard for me.
"I have to go my princess," Timmy said lightly. He didn't know how hard that hit, romantically and sexually.
"Okay baby, please be gentle with yourself and sleep well."
"Yeah," Timothée said. I didn't know if I quite believed him, but I was so tired
"Alright my love," | said. We said our goodbyes and I fell into a restless sleep. I missed his warmth next to me. I wanted to feel his body.
I was awoken by large soft hands. My eyes opened groggily. I didn't believe what I was seeing. I'd never been one for sleep paralysis, but it couldn't be.
"Hello darling," Timothée said with cheer.
"Baby?" | asked with teary eyes.
"My girl finally said he missed me, I had to come home for my weekend," Timothée said and nuzzled his mouth against my neck.
"Ohhhh," I gasped.
"Let me take care of you," he offered.
"No!" I said immediately. I sat up and we almost knocked heads.
"What angel?" He asked. I melted.
"My little princess. My girl, my sweetheart," he swooned.
"I want to take care of you. You've been working so hard," I frowned.
"Well so have you, plus-"
"Please, I need to," | pleaded.
"Okay," Timothée nodded.
I shakily tried to undo the button on his pants. I couldn't believe I was nervous. He was my boyfriend, and yet I was.
"It's okay, I can-"
"N-no," I responded. I wanted my beautiful boyfriend to do nothing. I wanted him to be completely and totally serviced.
I pulled down his pants finally. I slid them down his legs. I was breathing hard. I couldn't believe I got to touch him again.
"Your cock is so beautiful," I said, looking up at him adoringly. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I did so longingly.
"You're so beautiful."
"I try to be," I half laughed.
I took his glorious cock in my mouth. The soft velvet covering the ram rod hardness was perfect. I let my tongue flatten as my lips suctioned him. He was moaning.
His long fingers threaded through my hair. He ran them throughout my locks. He finally gripped. I bobbed my head. I was trained by now not to gag on his thick length.
"Good girl," Timothée sighed.
I sucked and sucked desperately. I wanted him to collapse afterward, fully satisfied and ready to cuddle me back to a blissful sleep.
"Oh y/n, oh fuck!" Timothée moaned. He was started to force his dick a little deeper now. I whined around him.
He was used to face fucking me usually, but right now I wanted love and pleasure and romance.
"Sorry," he said. "You're just so good."
I had to stop myself from smiling around him. I moved closer. I was soaked in my panties. I rubbed my clit slightly as I serviced him.
"Oh you're so beautiful, you're so fucking pretty it drives me wild," Timothée said as he watched me.
"Mm, mm, mmm," I gasped around his dick. I couldn't keep quiet with his cock in my mouth.
"You do this so well. You're the best l've ever had. Suck that cock baby," he urged me.
"Mmmmmm," | groaned.
"You're a fucking great dick sucker," Timothée said. I let my hands fondle his ass. I rubbed all over it. He let one of his hands run down and feel my body as well. He finally, cupped my jaw and aided me in suckling.
"Good girl, perfect girl, you're the best girlfriend in the world," he cooed. He was tracing my features and I nearly teared up.
I sucked harder now. I was giving it my all. I smacked and licked and swirled my tongue. I was completely in love.
"Oh, oh, I think I'm going to cum y/n, fuck you're amazing!" He cried. He shoved his dick deeper and his hot semen spurted down my throat. He poured his gift down. I swallowed over and over again. I wanted it all in my stomach.
"Goooood," moaned Timothée. His balls rested on my chest as I gulped all he had.
"You do that like a fucking porn star," Timothée sighed as he pulled his cock out of my needy mouth.
"Because I love you," | replied.
"And I love you," he answered.
He dropped down. He held me close and rubbed my cum filled tummy. He was so possessive when it came to me swallowing his load, he kissed my neck. I felt his softening cock between my cheeks. I was still slick and wet.
As though he read my mind, he stuffed his hand down my underwear and cupped my pussy. His warm hand kept me secure. I could deal with being wet as long as he held my cunt. I fell asleep peacefully. I was so happy.
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huntiesworld · 5 months
Don’t Delete The Kisses | Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: Y/n who was a shy girl, learned how much a man can make her feel. 
Warning: Angst? Fluff, 
Requested?: Nope! 
Author's note: That is my work, Please DON’T COPY MY WORK! ( SO PLEASE DON'T HATE!!) 
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Y/n’s alarm clock blared loudly, jolting her awake at 4 a.m. She grounded, rubbing her eyes as she tried to wake up from her deep slumber. Despite the early hour, Y/n knew she had a busy day ahead and wanted to get a head start. 
In the quiet darkness of the early morning, Y/n stood in front of her bathroom mirror, the soft light casting a gentle glow on her delicate features. She was a shy and soft-spoken girl, her petite frame adorned in coquette clothes that reflected her feminine style.
I see the signs of a lifetime, you 'til I die
And I'm swiftly out, Irish goodbye
What if it's not meant for me?
What if it's not meant for me?
As the warm water from the shower cascaded over her skin, Y/n took the time to carefully shave every inch of her body, a ritual that made her feel both clean and confident. After crying off, she moved to her skincare routine, applying serums and creams with precision as she admired her reflection in the mirror.
Y/n was wondering why she started doing this, then she remembered that it was all to impress the popular boy in her school.
-Flash back-
One day, Y/n overheard some of the girls in her class talking about Cassie Howard’s $ a.m. morning routine. They all gushed about how amazing Cassie looked every day and how she always seemed to capture everyone’s attention. Y/n decided to give it a try, waking up at 4 a.m. the next morning to start her own beauty routine. 
By the time she finished her morning routine, the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow through her bedroom window. Y/n felt ready to face whatever the day had in store, her self-care rituals serving as a foundation for the confidence and grace she would carry with her throughout the day. 
I'd like to get to know you
I'd like to take you out
We'd go to The Hail Mary
And afterwards make out
Instead, I'm typing you a message
That I know I'll never send
Rewriting old excuses
Delete the kisses at the end
Y/n walked through the hallways of her high school. Feeling invisible as usual. She was used to blending into the background, never drawing attention to herself. But little did she know, someone had been watching her from afar. 
Chris, the popular boy in school, had always noticed Y/n. He admired her quiet confidence and unique style from a distance. He didn't want to make a big show of his interest, so he found subtle ways to catch her eye. 
When I see you, the whole world reduces
To just that room
And then I remember and I'm shy
That gossip's eye will look too soon
And then I'm trapped, overthinking
And yeah, probably self-doubt
You tell me to get over it
And to take you out
One day, Chris purposely dropped his books near Y/n’s locker, giving him the perfect excuse to strike up a conversation. Y/n was taken off guard by his sudden attention, but she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her chest.
Y/n looks up from her locker. “Oh, how clumsy?” she said with an annoyed tone. Chris smirks and leaned up against the next locker that was next to Y/n’s. “Just wanted to get your attention.” the young boy said with a small smile.Y/n rolls her eyes and sighs heavily. “Well, you got it. What do you want?” the petite girl said. “How about we go out on a date this weekend?” trying to convince the young girl. Y/n crosses her arms. “I don’t know…I’m pretty bust.” she sighs once again. 
“Come one, it'll be fun! You can't resist my charm forever.” he said while smiling even bigger. The well dressed girl laughs and shakes her head. “You think you're charming?” she says, chuckling
Chris playfully pouts. “Fine, be that way. But I'll keep trying until you say yes.” he says walking away towards class. “We’ll see about that!” Y/n said while looking at him with a smile. 
-Cliff Hanger!!
Comment for part 2!!
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jessource · 5 months
prompts: ttpd, the anthology by taylor swift.
your location, you forgot to turn it off.
the only thing that's left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores
could it be enough to just float in your orbit?
quick, quick, tell me something awful, like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy.
i just don't understand how you don't miss me.
now and then she rereads the manuscriptof the entire torrid affair.
if you wanna tear my world apart, just say you've always wondered.
if comfort is a construct, i don't believe in good luck.
i move through the world with a broken heart.
they killed cassandra first, 'cause she feared the worst.
don't want money, just someone who wants my company.
say it once again with feeling.
even statues crumble if they're made to wait.
we here-by conduct the post portem.
what doesn't kill you makes you awake.
they tried to warn you about me.
i'm not a doner, but i'd give you my heart if you wanted.
i got cursed like eve got bitten.
i hate it here so i will go to secret gardens in my mind.
i feel so high school every time i look at you.
I look in people's windows like i'm some deranged weirdo.
there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you.
she wrotе headlines in the local paper, laughing at each baby step i'd take.
one bad seed kills the garden.
when the truth comes out, it's quiet.
you see, i was a debutante in another life.
you have a favorite spot on the swing set.
the empathetic hunger descends.
i'm addicted to the 'if only'.
he said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was, soon they'd be pushin' strollers. soon it was over.
oh, we must stop meeting like this.
way to go, tiger.
i built a legacy that you can't undo.
you said some things that i can't unabsorb, you turned me into an idea of sorts.
i may never open up the way i did for you.
he was a cad, wanted her bad just like any good trophy hunter.
tell me about the first time you saw me.
they knew, they knew, they knew the whole time.
i don't think you've changed much.
you have no room in your dreams for regrets.
they set my life in flames.
i thought it was just goodbye for now.
i loved you the way that you were.
you're a just ruler covered in mud, you look ridiculous.
i'm there most of the year, 'cause i hate it here.
you saw my bones out with somebody new who seemed like he would've bullied you in school.
how did it end? i can't pretend like i understand.
this place made me feel worthless.
i wanna find you in a crowd, just to hide from you.
quick, quick. tell me something awful.
i won't confess that i waited, but i let the lamp burn.
i can't forgive the way you made me feel.
Buried down deep
out of your reach the secret we all vowed to keep it from you in sweetness.
splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless.
old habits die screaming.
i'm lonely, but i'm good.
in my fantasies, i rise about it.
forgive me, [name], please know that i tried.
if i sell my apartment and you have some kids with an internet starlet. will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon?
behind her back, her best mates laughed.
you needed me, but you needed drugs more, and i can't watch it happen.
she's the albatross, she is here to destroy you.
i'll tell you one thing, honey. i can tell when somebody still wants me.
were you makin' fun of me?
nostalgia is a mind's trick.
i read about it in a book when I was a precocious child.
does it feel alright to now know me?
excellent fun 'til you get to know her.
life was always easier on you.
tell me all your secrets, all you'll ever be.
it wasn't a fair fight.
if i die screaming, i hope you hear it.
i can confirm she made a curious child, ever reviled by everyone except her own father.
are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me?
i'm bitter, but i swear i'm fine.
all that time you were throwin' punches, i was buildin' somethin'.
one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen.
i'm hearing voices like a madman.
you said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me.
but i can't forget the way you made me heal.
they nicknamed her 'the bolter'.
wise men once said 'wild winds are death to the candle'.
now i wanna sell my house and set fire to all my clothes.
i'm gonna get you back.
push the reset button, we're becomin' something new.
i'm watchin' american pie with you on a saturday night.
i'm an aston martin that you steered straight into the ditch.
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runningpsychic · 6 months
Why Goodbye Volcano High resonates with me as...
...a musician
As a musician, it's hard not to immediately identify with Fang. What musician doesn't want their music to be heard, to play at music festivals, and have music as their career. I can wax poetic about how music is about self expression and it doesn't matter if I have an audience, but in the end, I still want my music to be heard, and enjoyed. And Fang is on track to making this their entire career.
Making music has been a minor hobby for me. Even as a kid, I knew there's almost no chance I can make it as a musician, so I went down the route of being a software engineer instead. It's such a minor part of my life that I don't even bother identifying as a musician, I just fool around with instruments. But something about GVH ignited that passion in me, and during my first playthrough, I wrote six songs inspired by themes in the game. Even if I'll stay an amateur, I want to make the most from life, and not let the fire die. (See last section)
All that said, I felt very bad for Fang throughout the game. I know how tough the life of a full time musician is. The industry is just completely screwed. And unlike me, Fang doesn't have another option other than music. The game also drives it in that Fang's friends all have viable career paths, while Fang doesn't. But then, the meteor throws an interesting wrench into this, as now Fang is the only one who achieved their dreams. I'm not sure what the point of this paragraph is besides fuck capitalism, give musicians a living wage.
...an enby
Fang really made me more comfortable about being non-binary. It's amazing seeing enby representation that doesn't feel shoehorned in, or merely an afterthought. It's actually integral to the story. Both Fang and Sage struggle having their parents take their identities seriously, and that mirrors my own fears of not being taken seriously as an enby myself, which leads me to only come out as non-binary to my closest friends, and just remain a binary trans woman to everyone else.
It's honestly amazing to see everyone in Caldera Bay being accepting of the queer cast, like being queer isn't a big deal at all. And that's how it should be. Everyone just calls Fang by their name and pronouns (except their parents of course), and no one seems to mind that Reed brought Alvin to prom. This really makes me feel more comfortable about my identity, and I feel proud to be queer. We don't owe them normal.
...an immigrant
It's so rare to see stories about the intersection of being trans and being an immigrant, so when I read Rosa's story, I felt it must've been written by someone who also has first hand experience. There's a distinct feel from my family that me being trans is a "western" thing, not something they could ever understand. Or worse, that I'm being corrupted by "the west" in some way by moving there. There's so much extended family I can never see again because I'm now an abomination of the family tree.
I find it really difficult to talk about this as I fear I'd be misread as being racist for suggesting that my home country is more queerphobic or something, but that isn't my point. I just want to tell my story, and my experience of being alienated for both culture and gender, in both my origin and destination countries, is one that most folks can't emphasize with. (Venba also does do a good job with the culture part, so you should check that out too)
There's a separate rant about how this brand of queerphobia was actually planted by Christian missionaries and not at all "traditional culture", but that's for another time.
...someone struggling with mental health
I've been obsessed with the game for months since I played it. I went through what everyone calls "Dino depression", but I think it really helped me, and it was the game I needed to play at this moment in my life. I struggle with depression and burnout. At times it can be hard to know what the point is, or feel that any of this is worth it. The first few weeks after the game, I actually felt more depressed, as I thought about what the point of life is if it all is temporary anyway, and what I would do if a meteor were to hit in 8 months. And I was scared, because I felt like my life wasn't under my control. Over time, I've learned to think about it more positively. If life is temporary, then it's up to me to make the most of it. If life has no meaning, it's up to me to make my own meaning. I have amazing friends around me, and I still have tons of music to make.
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soobibabe · 4 months
only you chapter one
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series masterlist / next chapter →
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pairings: chairman's grandson Taehyun, ceo!reader trope/genres: enemies/academic rivals to lovers, fake dating, forced proximity (?), not arranged marriage but something close enough perhaps? warnings: none for this chapter wink wink
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"Whichever one of you gets married first, gets the company" Never in Taehyun's 23 years of living had he ever heard something more ridiculous. "What do you mean marriage? You said I was the heir no questions asked the last time we spoke." he tried to keep his tone calm, but every fiber of his being was engulfed by utter betrayal. Marriage? First of all, he's only 23. Secondly, he had never openly been in a serious relationship before. All his life he put every effort into work and what he deemed beneficial for his career growth, his grandfather knew this didn't he? It's been established that Taehyun was a workaholic since he could speak. "Well, my boy, I'm 76 now. I won't be getting any younger any time soon and neither will you. Before I come to the culmination of my life, I'd like to send lineage off well. My daughters all have their own... pursuits. I'd like to see my grand follow an ever better path. For the four of you, I'd like to see you succeed beyond just work life."
Taehyun already knew all of this, his grandfather saw his kids' love lives crumble beyond his comprehension. Too caught up in work and greed that they neglected their partners. Yura (the eldest of the three) failed at three marriages altogether, Yuna (his mother, the middle child) was too busy with her corporations to tend to her husband or son, and Yejin (the youngest) was unsure if she was even attracted to many anymore after her ex-husband. What Taehyun didn't expect, or better yet underestimated, was his grandfather's determination to get him to open his heart to someone. It'd been written in stone that Taehyun would inherit the company, so is this some sort of bluff? Taehyun is the eldest grandchild, the smartest academically, most responsible, and more importantly, the chairman's favorite. "Whatever" Taehyun begins to walk off "We shall discuss this further at the next meeti-" his grandfather is cut off by a harsh slam of the door.
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[one week later]
"You've sure got some sense of humor, Chairman Kang, but I'm afraid I'm lost. Why are we talking about this? I thought you came regarding last week's trade affairs?" he's not being serious, is he..? Oh but he is, Chairman Kang and my father have been business partners for as long as I've been conscious. However, right now, the man sounds absolutely unhinged. What does he mean by MARRY Kang Taehyun? As in my primary school, high school, and even university academic rival? I thought I was free of him since graduation. Like all enemies do, we promised to never willingly cross paths again outside of reunions, possible business endeavors, or events. Of course, to my father like many other things, this was a business opportunity. His daughter + possible heir of one of South Korea's biggest car companies = dollar signs beyond his imagination. Before I could say anything further, I was dismissed? ME? FROM MY OWN MEETING? Defeated, I make my way outside with my head facing the floor when the unthinkable happens. I bump head-first into the infamous Kang Taehyun. If that wasn't humiliating enough, he scoffs, pays me no mind, and walks off as though I wasn't there from the start. "fuck you too" I mumble to myself. "I'm sorry, can you repeat I didn't quite catch that" he's behind me. not just behind but pressed against me, my back to his chest. "Now you know how to say 'sorry' ?" "Yeah, your turn." "What?" "You heard me, say it." "Say what? sorry? why would I?" is he insane... "For one, you bumped into me. Two, you swore at me. and three, I'd say that was a pretty rude first impression after not seeing each other for so long, Ms. L/N" he hasn't changed one bit. "Goodbye, Kang Taehyun." I turn around, flipping him off in response, taking my leave. "I'll see you soon, y/n" huh? he'll see me soon? he's out of his mind.
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It seems as though I am the only sane one here. And by here I mean in my Chairman Kangs house. In his living room. With papers held in front of me which read "marriage certificate", Kang Taehyuns signature at the very bottom. Allow me to elaborate, I was summoned here for another "meeting". This time I expected something out of the ordinary again, BUT NOT TO THIS EXTENT? Did I mention that Taehyun is here too? That's what the sly son of a bi- No. I should maintain my composure. "I'm sorry but isn't this a bit too soon chairman" I mutter through my teeth with the most unsettling smile I can muster.
"Your father and i have talked about it extensively, I assume he hasn't communicated it to you? the subject of the matter remains that Taehyun and you also uphold well-respected public images. The media would go feral if they found out there was something between you two and coincidentally, our companies launched a collaboration. What better PR than marriage?" he's got a good point, i guess. still, this is kang taehyun. i can't do that to myself? he's beautiful, sure but he's also insufferable. once was the bane of my existence. "y/n shall we continue this conversation privately?" there's a wide fake grin plastered across his face. "if we must, Mr. Kang" The chairman leaves, smirking to himself.
"You're actually following through with this Kang Taehyun?" this has to be another of his twisted games. "I don't doubt you've picked up on it already, yeah? My grandfather wants me married before he writes off his will. You're a smart girl, you understand how far I'll go for my work, right?" he's being... serious. "Still, what does that have to do with me?" "As far as my grandfather knows, you are the woman I've known more than half my life and happen to be one of his dear colleagues' only daughter. As ironic as the situation is to you and I, it makes total sense to him," Why does he always have to be so calculating "The marriage would benefit both parties and the people involved. Since we already established our relationship and views of each other, I don't have to pretend I love you to make this work and vice versa. So. what do you say?" "I say that you're an idiot. Unfortunately, my father is quite adamant about this and I'd have to put much more effort into changing his mind than what it would take to comply. Hence, I choose the latter." "That's all it took? i thought you'd put up more of a fight like the old days" "Some of us have matured, Kang Taehyun." "Anyhow, when's the wedding, Mrs. Kang" "Don't call me that. Furthermore, we have to discuss conditions first before any wedding discussion."
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[2 weeks later] Kang Taehyun: We're going out tonight. You: that's how you ask a woman out? no wonder you're 23 and never had a girlfriend Kang Taehyun: How can we convince anyone that we're in love enough to get married if we've never once been spotted together? You: whatever. when and where? please say somewhere nearby I'm not interested in driving anywhere beyond the city. Kang Taehyun: Be ready by 7. Dont worry too much about the details, what kind of man would I be if I didn't pick my lady up? outgoing phone call... "7 pm Kang? Isn't that during your product launch event?" "My smart Fiancee's caught on," although his tone's condescending, the fiancee sounded almost endearing "You're my date. Wear something navy blue." he's never brought a date to any party, let alone a large event like this one. That's a lot of pressure to put on a woman.
"I'm gonna hold your hand on the entrance carpet where the photographers will be. Don't look too startled" Gee thanks for the heads up. what makes him think holding hands would make me falter? what am I, 13?
[the next day] timeline 432 new messages... 24 missed calls 1 new message from Kang Taehyun- Kang Taehyun: success ;)
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A/N: I kid you not, this was only supposed to be pwp but then I got carried away and now I'm making a series... I'll be doing drabbles/requests for this story so feel free to send in ideas, I'll respond to ask many as I can!
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© all rights reserved soobibabe on tumblr. do not cross-post, copy or translate etc.
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kbagraces · 7 months
Curious Time - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Singer!reader
Multiple part series where their friendship was easy, their feelings were confusing and the distance was the hardest <3
(3rd person perspective)
PART 3 -
"It's sad because it just hurts. I'd do anything for you."
The week drawing to a close, a sad vibe lingered between the two of them. They cherished the moments they spent together, but with the final day approaching they both struggled to keep spirits high.
With both of their career paths, it was hard to fit into each other lives, but Lando's summer break ending and you preparing for the release for her next single, she knew contact would fall back to a minimum. They were both the most important people in one another's lives, even if they didn't speak for a year that would remain true, but bitter sweet.
The staycations would become day visits, turning to missed calls and sparse texts until their schedules aligned once more. She hated saying goodbye, she hated leaving him. She wished either of the jobs was less demanding but neither would ever give it up despite the toll it took on the two of them.
The final day was here. They agreed on day in bed as her flight was late and she couldn't be tired and miss it. The day was filled with hugs and sweet nothings, days like today is the only time she blurred the friendship line, when sober that is. Nothing too intimate, they'd never take it that far but her fingers would find their way into his curls as he's lying on her lap. Massaging any stress he has away, knowing it'll come flooding back as soon as she leaves.
"I wish you didn't have to go. Everything is easier with you here." He sighs. His head lifting up, sitting beside her so he can look in her eyes.
"You'll be fine in a week and you know it. Back to normal, you'll busy yourself with work and soon enough you'll be racing, you won't have time to give me a second thought." She smiles, she knows the first week is the hardest, but they're both cut from the same loaf, distract yourself with work and it soon enough goes. Until a hard day hits and all she needs is him.
"You're never a second thought and you know it. You're first in my life, always."
She could cry, she would never not in-front of him that's not fair on either of them. But God does she adore him. She couldn't live without him. "You're my favourite. I wish I could stay."
Silence takes over once more, nothing more needs to be said. An hour more of cuddling this way the sun has set the room dimly lit by the street lamps and the glow of the city.
"I need to make sure I've got all my stuff." She sighs shifting his head off her lap. Slithering out of bed, dragging herself to the room, her bags mainly packed but she likes to check then check again. She drags each bag to the front door, another quick glance over the now empty room making sure she hasn't forgotten anything.
Lando's now stood in the doorway once more, "I'll miss having your mess everywhere."
"It wasn't mess! It was so I was able to see what I brought with me!" She fires back, knowing he was only joking.
She falls into his arms, she has to leave now. He can't take her to the airport it's far too busy for the two of them to both arrive there. A mob at an airport is one way to piss the staff off before a flight.
She breathes in her scent once more, he kisses the top of her heard. "Don't go." He mumbled into her hair.
"That's not fair Lan, and you know it.", she looks up at him with sad eyes, their faces inches apart. His eyes dart between hers, he's leaning in.
He kisses her, she doesn't even comprehend before returning the kiss. Just like them laying together they fit. It's right. This feels right. So why is she pulling away, why is she pushing him away.
"We can't Lando, we can't do that. Please don't do that." Oh but I want to do that again, her heart says but her head is stronger.
He looks hurt and confused, "Why? y/n/n I know you feel it. Everyone says it. Come on." He grabs her hands pulling her close, not to kiss her again but to lessen the distance. He doesn't like how far she pulled away, he needs her close. Always.
"I can't do this Lando. Not now. Not when I'm leaving. I know what'll happen you'll promise me stuff and I'll promise you stuff. But we can't maintain it, not with the distance. And I'll lose you, one of us will get hurt and I'll lose you. I can't lose you." Tears appear in the corner of her eyes but she wipes them away before they can exit. Don't cry, dammit, she thinks.
Lando let's go of her hands now, running his own through his hair in frustration and upset. "You won't try? You won't even try? You'll never lose me no matter what. This could be good, so good and you won't try?" He's aware he sounds desperate, apart of him is. Having her here for almost a month has made him more aware of his feelings than even.
"We've never even discussed this Lando! You can't say all this as I'm about to leave!"
"I don't need to say it! I know you feel the same. It's us, I know how you feel. 'He's not you' that's what you said."
"I'd love it work Lan. I'd love nothing more. We can't even keep our friendship going for months, let alone a relationship. Please don't be angry at me. I need to in my life I don't want to risk losing you in case it doesn't work."
Lando knows in his soul it would work. There's nothing in the world he wouldn't do to make it work. He can't force her mind to change however.
"I disagree. But I can't force you. Im always yours. I'll always be yours, y/n/n. It's you." He pulls her in for a hug, her phone ringing in the background. The Uber having just arrived at the worst time.
He clears his throat, weak from holding back tears and frustration, "I'll bring ur bags down, I'll meet you down there, tell him to wait 5."
Y/n runs ahead, speaking to the Uber driver in her limited French as Lando loads up the boot. The driver gets in, sensing the goodbye should be private.
"Lan, I'm yours but it just won't work."
What does that mean? He wants to scream. He knows she wants him. That's why she rejects every man who's not him. She's shown no romantic interest in anyone else since they met, she hides behind the work excuse, because she wants him, she just won't give herself to him.
"I'll wait." He promises.
"You don't have to."
"Then how come I do?"
They hug for a little too long, the driver visibly getting impatient. They don't care. She kisses him, on the cheek this time, like she always does. He makes her promise to call him when she lands, she does but she knows he'll be asleep, and the drifting apart will begin again. It's only a matter of time.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
Te Quiero Mi Amor (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Part 2 to Adios Amor. I hope you guys like it!
You hadn't seen Alexia since the day you said goodbye in her apartment. Months had past yet you couldn't remember a day when you didn't talk to her. It’s safe to say modern technology played a huge part in the reconciliation of your friendship. Your days would start and end with face time calls, you would never tire of seeing her face and with each day that passed you both got closer to healing in more ways than one. 
It took a while for you and Alexia to trust each other again on an intimate level and it lead to Alexia confessing that she wanted more than a friendship. It wasn't that you didn't want Alexia but things went from good to bad very quickly last time and you were scared that it would happen again. At first it was easy to turn her down, you told her that you both needed to focus on your rehab and returning to the field. 
Soon enough you could no longer hide behind that excuse. You made your highly anticipated return in December whilst Alexia's comeback took place in the champions league quarter final against Chelsea. You watched the second leg in anticipation, the former winners had to beat Chelsea at Stamford bridge in order to go through to the Semi-final, a game which would be bring them to Lyon. 
It was a rematch of 2 finals and whilst Barcelona was chasing their first win against Lyon, you wanted to reach the final and would do everything in your power to make that happen. Alexia is very important to you and whilst you hated to see her lose you were loyal to the badge on your shirt not the woman that owned the thing underneath it. 
When the game ends, the score is 3-1 to Lyon, you may have won but you still had to go to Camp Nou and defeat Barcelona who are yet to be beaten at home in any competition. You knew it would be tough and you wanted to begin preparing for that match but you also wanted to see Alexia before she left France. 
"Y/N Y/L/N is coming over. Are you going to walk away like last time?" Mapi teases her captain. 
Alexia couldn't tell if the defender was being serious or if she just wanted to get a rise out of her. She bites though and turns around to see that Mapi was in fact telling the truth. 
Being fully aware of the cameras and eyes around, you shake Alexia's hand followed by a quick hug. 
"I told you that you'd come back stronger" you whisper in her ear. 
"Not strong enough to beat you" Alexia quickly responds, the disappointment in her tone is obvious. 
"You couldn't do that before the injury" 
Alexia pushes you away but grabs your hand to pull you back. 
"We are both back on the pitch and I'd say we are healed. I --" 
"Can we talk about this later?" You ask even though no part of you wanted to have this conversation, not right now. 
Alexia nods her head. She knows you well enough to know it wasn't a question. 
"Can we at least swap shirts? I know we lost but I am proud of this game" Alexia looks almost embarrassed to ask you. 
"For a fan like you I’ll even sign it" 
You see flashes go off as you pull you shirt over your head and swap it with Alexia. Both team's photographers come running over to capture the moment. Two Balon d'Or winners, who prior to this day, have never interacted on the pitch are suddenly friends. 
You might have been willing to swap shirts with Alexia but wearing her shirt when they are still the enemy, at least for one more game, is something you cannot bring yourself to do. Instead you tuck the gold shirt into the waistband of your shorts. 
Whilst talking with Lucy about how she is settling in at Barcelona you notice that Alexia is ogling your exposed torso. As Lucy speaks you glance back and forth between her and Alexia. You shake your head when you see Alexia biting her bottom lip, she may be quiet but her thoughts are very loud. 
You are rushed to say your goodbyes when a member of the media team calls you over. The Barcelona girls go to the away stand to thank the fans that travelled to support them, some of their families included. 
Luckily your pitch side interview lasts no longer than 5 minutes, but you weren't ready to leave just yet. You run back over to Alexia who is talking to Alba and her girlfriend. When you pinch her hips, a small shriek escapes her lips. Alba stifles back a laugh at the sound her sister has just made whilst Alexia's cheek redden. 
"Meet me outside the locker rooms and we can talk. Bye Alba and Alba's plus one" 
By the time Alexia turns around you are already halfway across the pitch. 
"Talk? Are you two finally going to get together?" Alba asks. 
"I have a feeling she is only having this talk because I suggested it, not because she wants to" Alexia could tell by your body language that the thought of finally having the conversation made you uncomfortable. 
“She, like you, just has a lot on her plate right now. Listen to what she has to say then you can make your judgements” Alba replies. Her sister’s happiness is her priority, but she has a soft spot for you and her heart is telling her to give you the benefit of the doubt. 
Deep down Alexia knows her sister is right and it is just her insecurities getting the better of her. She gets showered and finds you standing outside your locker room which is opposite the visitors. You stand there fresh faced, hair wet yet Alexia is in awe of your natural beauty. 
“Hi” Alexia says. 
“Hello you” you tip your head back in the direction of the locker room “I didn’t think you’d want to talk out in the open and our locker room is empty” 
Alexia follows you into the home team locker room where you absentmindedly began pacing the room.  
“You have just played 90 minutes in a champions league semi-final yet being in a room, alone, with me is making you nervous” Alexia jokes slightly at the difference in your on pitch and off pitch personalities. 
“You have always made me nervous Alexia. Now what did you want to talk about?” You ask even though deep down you already know the answer. 
“I want to talk about us. You said that we should focus on our recoveries but we have both made our comeback. I’m done waiting"  
Alexia was telling you everything you wanted to hear yet you still felt the need to hold her at arm’s length. The hesitation in your reply lead Alexia to fear the worst. 
“We don’t have to rush anything. I’m asking for one date” she adds. 
Say yes, it’s what you want. It is what you have wanted for years. 
“I need to focus on the champions league” You are aware how heartless you sound and whilst it is true you know you are only saying it to delay pursuing something real with Alexia. 
“So you won’t go on a date with me but if I asked you to come back to my hotel room, what would you say?” 
“I’d say yes” you answer honestly but the look in Alexia’s eyes tells you that you should have lied or at least avoided answering the question. 
“Why?” She asks. 
“Because going on a date with you is real and sex” as soon as the words leave you mouth you regret “wait no, that’s not what I — “ 
“Sex is what? Meaningless. Wow, you haven’t changed at all. How could I have been so stupid!!” Alexia storms out of the changing room but you follow after her. 
“Alexia! Wait!” You grab her wrist making her turn to face you “That’s not what I meant. You are putting words in my mouth” 
You recognise the look on her face. It takes you back the night she walked out of your apartment and you know you are about to lose her again, all because you are too scared of hurting her again, but what you fail to understand is that you are doing just that by trying to protect her. 
“You want us to focus on the champions league, your wish is my command. I’ll see you at Camp Nou where we will beat you and send you back to France knowing that you lost the game and you lost me” 
Watching Alexia walk away hurts more than before because this time she was yours to lose. You waited ten minutes before leaving yourself hoping not to run in any of the Barcelona players and lucky for you by the time you exit the stadium the Barcelona team bus has left. You are about to order an uber when you hear your captain shout of you. 
“I take it you let fear get in the way again” Wendie says. You have always been a private person but she is someone that you go to when you need advice. The trust with her coming after her been your captain at both club and country for years. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. Can you take me home?” You avoid eye contact so that she can’t see just how hurt you are by what had happened in the last half an hour. 
When the taller woman pulls you into her arms you protest for a moment before succumbing to her hold. She tells you to let it out and you don’t need to be told twice. You could be described as many things but emotional isn’t one of them and that’s the way you like but it this moment you have no control and you let yourself be vulnerable. You pull away, close your eyes and when you open them it is as if you feel nothing. 
“Don’t do that Y/N” Wendie pleads having seen this before. 
“Do what?”  
“Turn off your emotions”  
“I’ll be fine. I told Alexia we should focus on the champions league and that it what I’m planning on doing”  
The next week passes by in the blink of an eye. There has been no communication with Alexia although Lucy has texted you saying that something is off with her captain and ask if you knew why given the way you acted in Lyon. 
The atmosphere in the stadium was electric but in the tunnel, it was the opposite. The rivalry that had been built over the last couple of years seemed to create this pressure and it made the tension high between the two teams. Due to picking up a slight injury Wendie was in the stands and for some reason that you didn't quite understand, the team had voted you captain which meant you are at the front of the line and Alexia was to your left. 
You look over at her, waiting and hoping that she would return the gaze only she doesn't. You lead the team out to a sold-out Camp Nou, an experience that you never thought possible and you would remember the moment for the rest of your life. After the teams shake hands the captains get called over for the coin toss. Alexia has no option other than to face you and the sight that you are met with is not one you like. Her eyes are dark, almost as dark as the circles under her eyes, she hasn't been sleeping. 
"Amor" you whisper whilst posing for a photo with each team’s pendent. 
"Don't call me that" Alexia spits. 
Nothing else is said and Alexia leaves you standing in the middle of the pitch. You play it off by bending down to tie your laces even though they are already tied. 
The referee blows her whistle and you are focused on the game but every so often when play stops you glance over to Alexia. When half time comes the game is tied 1-1 but it still means Barcelona are losing on aggregate and in the second half they come out giving everything they have. It works because Geyse scores and not long after Pina scores from outside the box. The game is tied. 
You and Ada begin playing more in sync than ever before and it starts to frustrate Barcelona's backline. Both of you are taking shot and shot but somehow Sandra keeps saving them. When Frido goes down medics are called over to check her over. You take this time to make plan your next attack. 
Alexia watches you from a distance and she recognises the look on your face, she has seen it before. First in 2019 then last year, you were determined and when you are in this state no one can stop you, it's why you are considered the best forward in the world. 
"Lucy, watch Y/N. Mapi and Irene watch for Ada" Alexia may not know what you had planned but she knows how lethal you can be on the wing. 
"Stay alert and be prepared for the switch, it's what they're good at. Play strong because those two are sharks, when they smell blood they attack" Lucy informs her fellow defenders. 
Barcelona manage to get a freekick just outside of the box. Alexia steps up to take it, she sees you in the wall and it throws her off completely. She sends the ball full pelt in the wall and directly at your face. 
You fall to the floor and Selma is straight in Alexia's face. The young defender sees red and begins shouting at her in French. Your team mates surround you, each doing their own thing to make sure you are ok. 
"Del, go get her before she gets carded" you wave off the medics whilst arguing that you are fine. 
"Y/N, She--" you cut Delphine off. 
"She didn't do it on purpose. That freekick could have won them the game. Alexia wouldn't miss that just because she hates me" 
The medics help you to your feet. You hold on to them when you get a little light headed but that feeling soon fades when you see that Alexia is surrounded by Lyon players now that they know you're ok and whilst they want to protect you, Barcelona players soon step in so they can protect their captain. 
You hear the referee shouting your name but you ignore her. 
"Arreter. Eloignez-vous maintenant" your raised voice gains the attention of your team mates whilst the Spanish girls wonder what you said. 
It works though because the French team walk away, all but one player and she is the one that started the attack. 
"Selma, leave her" you pull her away and go back to your position but the referee still tells you to go the sidelines given that you took a hit to your head. 
The game continues but the incident has lit a fire in Lyon as they push forward time and time again. Aitana passes to Alexia but it is a little heavy. She attempts to control it but doesn't get the chance, you come out of nowhere and start running down the right-hand side, the unexpected interception annoys Alexia but she has no choice other than to regain possession. She sees you eyeing up Ada in the middle and Macario is running up on the left. Alexia slides in but you are too quick and instead of getting the ball, Alexia's foot connects with your ankle, the one she injured almost a year ago. 
You scream out in agony as you yet again fall to the floor. You instantly grab your ankle praying to any god that will listen asking for it not the be serious. Amandine calls for the medics before she even gets to you. Unlike last time Selma is by your side, the young defender was like your little sister so you wanted to make sure you were ok but that doesn’t mean Alexia is off the hook.
"What were you thinking!" Ada shouts as she gets in Alexia's face "It wasn't enough that you took away her Euros last year, now you want to take away her World Cup”
Alexia doesn't retaliate, she can't. Her focus in on you and how you are not moving. She didn't mean to do it but nobody would believe her. She sees the way her team mates are looking at her and she knows some of them are thinking it too. 
"I didn't mean to" tears begin to brim Alexia's eyes and it takes everything in her not to let them fall. 
"I know you're upset but she chose to protect you instead of being with you. She loves you and you do this. I don't understand you Alexia" Ada doesn't wait for a reply, she doesn't need to. 
Barcelona take this time to regroup and take a drinks break. Although Jona is talking them through tactics Alexia cannot focus on anything but you who is still getting treatment on the pitch but now only Ada and the medics are around you. The stadium applauds you as you stand to your feet and even though you try, you cannot put weight on the injured ankle. As you leave the pitch you can feel Alexia's eyes on you but you cannot bring yourself to look at her. Ada hands you off to Wendie who is now waiting in the tunnel for you. 
"Allez! We end this now" Ada shouts and the Lyon players head back out to the field and wait for the home side to join them. 
Barcelona don't stand a chance in the last 20 minutes. Lyon scored within 5 minutes of the game restarting and showed no sign of back down. It's attack after attack, Patri drops back to defend, Frido isn't getting the chance to push forward. Ada’s words ring true when the final whistle is blown. Lyon ended it, they ended Barcelona's hopes of reaching and possibly winning another final. 
The French side thank their travelling fans and leave the pitch so that the Barcelona team can have it to themselves. The girls are obviously devastated at the loss and this is true for Alexia too, but she finds herself staring at the tunnel hoping that you would come back out. She overhead you and Lucy agreeing to swap shirts when the teams were doing their pitch inspections. Surely you would keep your word to your friend. 
"Let's go Capi" Patri pulls the Catalonian towards the tunnel and into the locker room. 
"Did you mean to?" Lucy asks when her captain sits opposite her. Alexia rapidly shakes her head "I didn't think so but—" 
"But I did before" Alexia slumps down in her locker. 
A few minutes later and there is a knock on the door. The brunette is quick to her feet hoping to see your face when the door opens only that isn't the case. 
"Lucy, Y/N asked me to give this you" Amandine passes the defender your game worn shirt. 
"Thank you. Will you give her this?" Lucy strips herself of her shirt and passes it to the French midfielder. 
"Sure" with that she leaves. 
"Wait! Can I see her?" Alexia stands to her feet and approached the Lyon player. 
"No" the response is short, but it cuts deep. 
After taking a shower and getting changed, Alexia lingers outside the visitors changing room. She knows they are in there because she can hear the music, they are still celebrating. 
"Knock, I'll be your back up in case they want to go for round two" Mapi says jokingly whilst also trying to reassure her friend. 
When the door opens, the sight of them celebrating is tough but Alexia remembers the reason for her being there. 
"Please can I see Y/N?" the majority of the team are confused by her request, them not knowing your history. She looks around the locker room for someone that might be able to help her then she realises some players are missing. Wendie and Ada aren't there. 
"I didn't say no because I didn't want you to see her Alexia. Ok, maybe part of me did but you really can't see her, she isn't here. Our medics did their checks but decided that the best option is for her to go to the hospital for some scans" 
Alexia is riddled with guilt as she begins second guessing her actions. Could she have subconsciously done it on purpose? 
Meanwhile at the hospital, Ada and Wendie try their best to distract you as you wait for the results of your scans but nothing they do seems to work. That is until they receive a message from Delphine. 
 "Alexia is asking about you" Wendie says. 
The mention of her name gets your attention. You can only imagine how much Alexia is beating herself up about the tackle and your possible injury. Your team mates who are still at the stadium most likely jumped at the chance to make her feel worse. 
"I can't believe she did it again. She is supposed to be a role model, a face of women’s football yet she purposely tries to end your career" Ada lets her frustrations out by making alexia her verbal punch bag. 
You want to tell the forward that she is being dramatic but this is the second time in the span of a year that you have injured this ankle. The thought of missing the world cup is enough to make you feel sick and whilst you want to be mad and scream at the top of your lungs you know it won't change anything and deep down you know Alexia didn't do it on purpose. 
The scans reveal that you have a minor sprain, a bruised bone and you have re damaged the muscle that was injured last year. It wasn't career threatening and the doctors are confident that you will play the world cup, the champions league final on the other hand is still under question. 
You are told to wear a boot for the next two weeks and to not put any weight on it for the next 48 hours. 
"Some of the girls are going out for a meal to celebrate. We are going to join them, can I tempt you with some Spanish food to ease the pain?" Wendie asks you. 
"There's somewhere I need to go but I'll check in with you later" 
"You going to see her, aren't you?" the look on your face gives Ada her answer "Why?" 
"Because I love her" 
You text Lucy and cash in every favour she owes you from her time in France. The defender picks you up from the hospital and takes you to Alexia's apartment only there is no answer. You call her but she doesn't answer so you call the woman who should know where she is. Alba lets you know that Alexia is at her apartment and texts you her address. 
"That looks bad" Alba says as she welcomes you into her home. 
"Thanks Alba, that's just what I wanted to hear" you hobble further into the apartment only Alexia is nowhere to be seen "Where is she?" 
"In my bedroom, second door on the left" she points to her room. 
"Y/N" you turn to face her "She didn't mean it" 
"I know" 
You knock on the door not wanting to invade Alexia's space. She mumbles something about wanting to be alone. 
"If anyone has the right to be in bed feeling sorry for themselves it's me" 
Alexia head wips around in your direction. She is quick to her feet when she sees you on crutches. She looks you up and down and not in the way you like, she has pity and guilt in her eyes and within a matter of seconds they well up like they did on the pitch. 
“Are you crying? Come here” you toss your crutches aside in favour of comforting Alexia, who when in you hold bursts into tears.  
It wasn’t the reaction you expected. Sure you knew she would blame herself and that would make her upset but this, you cannot help but feel this is about more than football.  
“Lo siento mucho” she buries her face in the crook of your neck and mumbles word in Spanish. Now it wasn’t that you didn’t understand the language but you could barely hear what she was saying.  
When she pulls away you are quick to wipe the tears from her face. Alexia waits for you to respond to what she had said only you can't. 
"Can you repeat that?" you ask nicely. 
A small chuckle escapes your lips when Alexia rolls her eyes and tips her head back dramatically. 
"You said you understood Spanish?" Alexia says almost like it's your fault that you couldn't hear her. 
"I do, very well might I add, but when you are talking into my neck it's kind of hard to hear what you are saying and on top of that you tend to speak very quickly when you are upset or mad" 
When Alexia doesn't respond you know she is thinking so you give her time. Then she begins busying herself instead of talking to you. First she closes the door and then she picks up your crutches but when she bends down she stares at your boot. 
"Does it hurt?" she looks up at you but doesn't stand. 
You didn't like this dynamic. You were literally looking down on her. 
"Yes it does now please stand up" 
When she is at your level, Alexia hands you the crutches and you use them to help you to the bed where upon sitting down you pat the place next to you. 
"Why aren't you mad at me?" Alexia asks. It's like she is waiting for you to snap, either that are you are trying to kill her with kindness. 
"I know you didn't do it on purpose. The ball to the face, that I'm not so sure about" you try to lighten the mood but it doesn't work. 
Alexia lays back onto the bed letting out a loud sigh as she does so. 
"Reina del drama" you playfully tap her thigh twice. 
"Am not" Alexia argues. 
"You are and you'll be happy to know I only have a slight headache" you try to reassure her. 
"Why do I keep hurting you?" Alexia says although she is unsure whether it is a question she is asking you or one she is asking herself. 
"Because I hurt you first" you lean back on your forearms so that you can look into her eyes "Are you ready for that talk you wanted?" Alexia nods "ok, heard goes nothing. I knew that you wanted more and it scared me. I'm not sure if I can be the person you deserve Alexia. I don't want you to get hurt again so I--" 
"You did the same thing you did years ago. You made my decision for me" you know what Alexia saying is true but you thought you were doing the right thing "We cannot change the past and you need to stop letting it affect the future" 
"But what if" you are letting your fears get the better of you. 
"No. Instead of thinking you know best why don't you ask me what I want" You wait for Alexia to tell you but then she raises her eyebrows, she wanted to you actually ask her. 
"What do you want?" you ask. 
You cannot help but smile at her confession. Never in your entire life has someone told you they want you, not in this way. 
"I know it can be scary but all good things in life come with a little risk. You told me that we have a chance, did you mean it?" 
"I did" for a few seconds you think about the possibility of being with Alexia "It won't be easy, you live here, and I live in France" 
"We made it work before only this time you will stay for breakfast and not sneak out" 
Your mind automatically goes back to the past, only now it is the good times you and Alexia shared. 
"But sneaking around was fun" your low tone matches the darkness that has flooded her eyes. 
"We can still have fun Y/N" Alexia raises your teasing. 
At this point you only want one thing and that’s Alexia. You shift your weight so that one of your hand sits on her chest. The smile that grows on her face tells you that she wants you just as much as you want her. You lean down slowly as if delaying the connection that little bit longer. When you are millimetres from Alexia face her patience runs out causing her to lift up to meet you. It might have been years since you shared this kind of intimacy but at the same time it's like no time has passed at all. Your lips move in sync as the desire you both share is proven in that moment. It doesn't take long for things to get heated but the moment is interrupted by a knock on the door, a reminder that you are not alone in the apartment. 
"Your sister has the worst timing" you groan in frustration. 
"We better go out there before she comes in here" Alexia helps you stand. 
Ever the gentlewoman she is, Alexia holds the door for you. 
"Y/N" Alexia says causing you to turn and face her "Je vous aime" 
 "Te quiero mi amor"
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marionluth · 1 month
Haven't done any dialogues in a while but I thought I'd post a snippet of my WIP flufftober fic. I feel a little silly posting this considering how small of a following I have, but hopefully some of you will like it and it just might make your lips twitch a bit. Can you guess who the new face is? 🤩
Damian didn't bother to hide the smile at the sound of Richard’s voice. Just like he didn’t stop Dick from pulling him into a tight hug or didn't reprimand him for calling him Dami. When his oldest brother tried to noogie him though, Damian immediately escaped the hold and landed a hearty punch on his shoulder. He had to draw the line somewhere.
Damian smirked at the pained utterance that escaped Richard. “Missed me, Grayson?”
“Of course I missed you, you little piece of Damian,” Grayson responded with a smirk. “It’s been more than a month.”
“And to think I’d actually pay for more than a month of not seeing him,” Jason’s voice rang in the room.
“You kidding? I’d pay for a single week,” Tim added, stepping in right behind Jason, and Damian rolled his eyes. Tim then threw Damian’s duffel bag on the floor, making sure it landed on his foot. “Next time carry your own bag, jerk!”
“But that’s a peasant’s job, Drake,” Damian said dryly. He considered informing them he’d gladly kill both of them so that they never had to see him again, period, but he knew Grayson wouldn’t approve. Nor would Father. Tt.
“No casualties on the road? I’m impressed.” Dick’s grin widened and he glanced at each of his brothers with that annoyingly fond expression that drove both Todd and Damian crazy.
“No casualties yet. We still have to drive back,” Todd pointed out, as he headed to the fridge. “I think I look forward to the little shit’s learner’s permit more than he does. Chauffeuring his ass around is way below my pay grade.”
“Kindly fuck yourself, Todd,” Damian snapped. “And don’t you all think it’s high time you quit the little shit jokes. I’m not ten anymore.”
Tim, who had followed Jason to the fridge, and snatched the last redbull before Todd could even reach for it, turned to shoot Damian a look, raising a single eyebrow.
“Are you still the youngest, D?”
“That is irrel–”
“Then you’re the little shit, little D,” Jason cut him off, a soda in hand and a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, though, Dami. It’s been a hot minute since the last kid Bruce abducted—I mean adopted. I’m sure you’ll have to bid your ‘little shit’ title goodbye sooner rather than later,” Dick added.
Damian turned to glare at him. “Et tu, Brute?”
“Nice Latin there!”
Damian turned to look who the new voice belonged to and found himself staring at a face he hadn’t seen before.
“Gratias tibi ago,” Damian mumbled. He mumbled. He mumbled? Since when did he mumble? Damian sometimes muttered, quite often hissed, snapped and intoned, he occasionally graveled, he predominantly stated and deadpanned, but he never —never— mumbled. And was he just now internally rambling? He never internally rambled. What sorcery was this?
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