artemis-moon23 · 23 days
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He just like me fr
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shootwithheart · 6 months
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Today im making little goldfish pins.
Will be sending some to my patrons.
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rikaspotting · 6 months
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Yes I think I'm hilarious. Thank.
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obsessedwithstarwars · 8 months
Danny: sticking snacks in the wall
Jazz: “Nuh-uh. You are not putting that in the wall.”
Danny: What?
Jazz: Your snack. Eat it now or seal it up and decontaminate it.
Danny: I want to save it for later. It’ll be a midnight snack.
Jazz: That’s fine. Just not in the wall, and it needs to be decontaminated first.
Danny: Why?
Jazz: Out of sight out of mind. Do you remember what happened the last time you put one of those in the wall?
Danny: What? Pssh. N-no. No I don’t remember anything. Nothing happened a-and I got to eat yummy snacks.
Jazz: Oh really? You don’t remember? Let me refresh it for you. Your snack became sentient, tore a hole through the drywall, and started attacking us. At 2am. We lost our security deposit.
Danny: The landlord couldn’t prove anything! They didn’t even show up on the security cameras!
Jazz: pointed look
Danny: sigh Fine. I’m hungry now anyway.
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cephalotyrant · 4 months
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people really liked the mermaids... so I'm working on some sort of fish au ig? I forgot Riddle's ribbon but that will be brought up later... enjoy second year's as fish
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entomolog-t · 10 months
Bite Me - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is here!! Slight deviations from the OG lil comic, but that just means I will have to redraw it. Aedes is having a pretty rough night.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien
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Previous Chapter: Chapter 1
Next Chapter: Chapter 3
Word count: 1686
CW: Mentions of blood, Adult language
June Murphy sits bolt upright, awaking to a sharp pain on her neck. A small but significant weight falls onto her lap as her mind blinks away the remnants of a dream. Confused, she looks down, squinting in the dark of her room. There was something on her lap- 
It moved.
The sudden movement catches June off guard- a startled yelp escaping her lips. Something was in her bed. Something alive. Was there a mouse in her bed?? A rat?? The… thing takes off, scrambling in a way that causes her unease to rise. It didn't move right- It's limbs too long for a rodent, it's body far too thin. What could it- before she could finish her thought, it stood. 
She didn’t scream - she couldn’t. Fear seemed to constrict her voice into some strained combination between a gasp and a yell. 
What the fuck was in her bed!?
This felt like it should be a dream... but everything, despite the absurdity, felt very, very real. Yet, as if under the influence of some bizarre feral instinct, she feels like a bystander as she watches her hand shoot out, catching the figure in a tight fist. As soon as her fingers clasp around it she feels it squirm and thrash within her grasp, weird not-rodent legs kicking wildly. She shudders. It… it was snarling… was it feral? She feels as it claws into the flesh of her palm and a sense of dread wells up along with the pain; What if this thing was rabid?  
In the dark of her room, June struggled to make out details, but whatever it was it did not like being caught. Steeling her nerves, she hesitantly brings it closer to her face. Her movement seems to only result in more frenzied struggles from the…the… What the Hell was that??
She blinks. 
The scene before her is beyond surreal. A man- a very tiny man- thrashed about wildly in her grasp. As her eyes adjust to the dark, they meet with its- his own; wide with horror. 
Her gaze falls to his lips- smeared red with blood. It gives a terrified little cry, sounding all too human in its fear.
All at once, June was wide awake.
It… it really was a man. A very tiny and very terrified man in her hand… A million questions seem to sound off at once in her mind. Was it really a man?? Maybe he was some sort of …creature?? Could he speak? Why was he in her house? Her last question fills her with a growing sense of horror at the snarling being in her hand…Why… Why was he in her bed?
The creature snarls, and before June has time to react- the creature bites, her hand releasing reflexively. She watches in horrified fascination as the thing jumps, diving off the side of her bed, its desperation all too clear in the way it scrambles to its feet.
The tiny frame of the… the what? The creature? The word felt wrong in her mind. That was no creature. That… that was a man. She watched as the tiny frame of the something darted around the corner of her desk. June felt like her brain was on autopilot. In a flash she was out of bed and dropping to her hands and knees, sliding herself in place between the door and the…. The… being. 
“No, no, no, no-” A flurry of desperate words came from the creature. June drew in a sharp breath at the sound… It could speak. For a second, the thought sent a shiver down her spine. What the Hell had she found? As her eyes strained to adjust in the dark, she began to make out more details in its form. It moved erratically; head on a swivel- until its gaze settled on her… She felt uneasy. It looked intelligent… It looked like a man.
He was long limbed and lean, with a mess of black hair cut short at the sides. Her eyes were drawn to his ears, long and pointed and certainly not human. Was he an… elf ? A fairy? Despite him being directly in front of her, her mind dismissed the thought. That was ridiculous… Though, this whole situation was ridiculous, wasn’t it? 
His chest heaved he backed himself into the corner of where her desk met the wall. It… he stared up at her, his large ears pinned back. She thought she might have glimpsed tears glittering in those tiny eyes… but more unnervingly, she could very easily see the blood on his lips. As he catches her eyes on his face, he frantically wipes the blood away- his movements unnaturally quick. 
"Please." His voice, far deeper than she would have expected, cracked as he spoke. The sound made June wince, "Don't…" He stared up at her, eyes wide as he choked out his words "-hurt me."
His words caught her off guard- why would she… she wouldn’t-  oh.  June sees the way the little man holds his side. Had she hurt him when she grabbed him? She hadn’t meant to but… she certainly hadn’t been gentle in her panic either. 
"Oh… no-I …I would never…." June struggled to find the words. She was still battling with the absurdity of the situation and his near palpable fear seemed to catch her off guard. For a moment, a fraction of the tension leaves the little man's frame. Almost as if acting on its own, June’s hand slowly reaches forward, wanting to comfort the pitiful sight. 
The movement, however subtle, did not go over well. The man fell back, his back pressed firmly in the corner of her desk and the wall. Had there been even the slightest gap between the two June had no doubt he would have shoved himself between the two to avoid her touch. His face twists to a look of complete terror- eyes desperate and pleading.
“No! No, please!”  She froze. Never in her life had she heard a voice so filled with fear, “Stay away from me!” June immediately withdrew her hand. His chest rose and fell with such speed it made her sick to her stomach. She felt her throat tighten… the thought of causing someone so much distress was overwhelming to the point of suffocating. She racked her brain for something-anything to say, but his shakey words interrupted her frenzied thoughts. 
"Are you trying to catch or-" his voice faltered, "-kill me?"
She grimaced. June didn't like that question… mainly because she was all too aware of her answer. 
"If I'm being honest," she began, the words feeling like sandpaper on her tongue, "I do want to …um, catch you." She cringed. The word itself seemed to catch on her tongue..it felt dirty. You didn't catch a … a person. Was that what he was? But people… well people certainly weren't this small- And he was in her house! At the very least she deserved some answers... But even as those thoughts rose in her mind she knew all too well that they were just justification for a much greater force at play; curiosity. For a brief moment, the little man's breathing stops, his jaw agape, frozen from her admission. June watches as he looks quickly to her side, clearly looking to make a dash, then thinking better of it. As his eyes square back to her there seems to be a shift in his demeanor. She fumbles with her words, trying to elaborate in a way that doesn’t sound so blatantly awful, “I mean- It.. its not-”
“-And what if I don’t want to be caught?” There's venom in his words. His voice is angry… accusatory, but most potent of all, his voice is racked with fear. The raw emotion distills an unease June, as if the potency is just too much to take in. There was no lying to herself, no pretending she was unaware. Even in the dark corner of her room his fear was clear as day, and she knew without a doubt she was the source. Yet, his fear of her wasn't quite the source of her unease. No… it was that she knew she had all the power to stop it. She could just let him leave, whatever he was… but she wanted- no, she needed answers. She refused to outright think it, but the concept was still there in her mind, abstract and untouched; Until she got answers, his feelings came second to her own. 
“If you didn’t want to be caught by me, then just what were you doing in my house?” 
All at once he goes rigid. Petrified.
June swallows her frustration, immediately back peddling. 
“Look, you’re not- I don’t have to ca-” June sighs, rubbing her temples. There really was no good way to word this. "You don't have to be… caught…”  The word still sticks in her throat, “I.. I just need some answers.”
She swallowed. Both literally as well as the guilt that gnawed at the edges of her mind. He looked horrified. 
“I.. I really don't want to scare you... I just… don't want you to leave…Not before I get some answers.” June grits her teeth. Each of her responses left a foul taste in her mouth. She knows what her words truly mean;  you’re my hostage until I get what I want. She pushes that thought deep down, wanting to forget her disgust.
“I don't have to be caught as long as I don't leave??” His fear seemed to evaporate for a split second as fury bled into its place, “Being caught and not leaving are the same damn if the premise is I don't want to be here!!” Just as fast as the rage had filled him it left… deflating him. His expression turned desperate, "And what happens if I try to leave, huh?" June sees tears welling up in his eyes. "Would you just catch me then?"
“I-” June’s voice falters. She knows her answer instantly, worse yet, she knows the shame on her face makes it clear.
" … I'm sorry."
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mxthtea · 5 months
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this is huge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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somboreking770 · 11 days
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These sketches are from today and I was in a mood when I was doing math work.
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green-tea-lemonade · 10 months
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the rules are different if it's the last piece you dummy everybody knows that
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sashimiyas · 3 months
i know this may just be my indulgence. but i do think osamu and iwaizumi would get along so well
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lunarharp · 1 year
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day 3 - exchanging “love letters” and some greying hair
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something something something GOLDFISH.
(i haven’t had goldfish in years)
🎶the snack that smiles back🎶
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digitalstowaway · 3 months
I think Lan Xichen wasn't held much in his childhood and I also think Nie Mingjue can rip a tree stump apart with his hands
So logically I conclude that whenever Lan Xichen is feeling down, Nie Mingjue gives him piggy back rides
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Natasha gets hurt on a mission, you wait with the Avengers to see her fate
Note: Stick with me until the end of this one! I promise the title will make sense lol. It’s soft Nat, as always. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
It’s the phone call you never wanted to get. She was hurt and you were given no other details. You speed down the road and park in front of the compound. Running to the medical bay, you ignore anyone who asks you where you are going.
Finally, you approach the other Avengers who are waiting by the doors.
“I need to see her,” you say.
“She’s in surgery, y/n. No one can see her right now,” Tony answers you.
Wanda notices the panic in your eyes, and she moves to your side. Her hand intertwines with yours.
“I can still feel her. She’s alive,” Wanda assures you. It does little to make you feel better.
“I just need to see her, please.”
Wanda pulls you into a hug, and you cry in her arms. It’s not the first time Nat has gotten hurt on a mission, but it’s the first time you’ve ever seen her teammates looking so distraught about her state. Steve and Clint are silently sitting by themselves. No doubt they were both near her or working with her directly during the mission. Thor looks angry. Tony is clearly calculating a way to help in his brain. And Sam is waiting anxiously by the doors.
Soon, a doctor arrives and updates you on Natasha’s condition.
“The next few hours are critical,” she explains. “We’ve removed the bullets, but she has lost a lot of blood.”
“I can get whatever resources you need,” Tony says. His expression is serious, and you realize how much he cares for Nat.
“We have everything but time, Mr. Stark. So, I better go back inside. I’ll update you again when I can.”
“Thank you, doctor,” you muster up enough energy to say.
Wanda stays by your side as you sit and wait for more news.
“I’m going to get everyone some snacks,” Sam announces. “Any requests?”
“Goldfish,” Clint speaks for the first time since you arrived. “Nat’s favorite.”
You think back on when you first learned that Nat loved the snack.
“Babe, can we get some of those fish snacks from the store?” Natasha peeks into your office and asks.
“The fish snacks?” you ask her. She comes into your office and stands between your legs, her hands on your shoulders.
“Yeah, you know the cheesy ones that are like crackers?” Nat tries to explain them.
“Oh, do you mean Goldfish?”
“Goldfish, yes! That’s what I’m talking about. I had some at Clint’s house, and now I can’t stop thinking about getting more of them.”
“You’re so cute,” you tell her before you lean up to kiss her.
Once you get off work, you and Natasha go to the store. She picks out every flavor of Goldfish, and you smile at her with every single choice she makes.
That night the two of you ate so many Goldfish that your bellies hurt, but she always said it was worth it. So, even now, as you worry about Natasha, you eat the Goldfish that Sam brings you. You save a bag for her.
It’s a few more hours before the doctor arrives again. This time she has a smile on her face.
“She’s in recovery now. Everything went well, considering the extent of her injuries. Would you like to see her?”
You follow the doctor to the room and take a deep breath as you step inside. Natasha has never looked so small to you as she does right now. As you approach her, you see the bandages over her body. Carefully, you kiss her forehead before taking her hand and sitting next to her.
It’s four hours later when you feel Natasha squeeze your hand. You had drifted off to sleep.
“Hey Natasha,” you give her your best smile as she opens her eyes.
“Hey detka.” She smirks at you despite the pain she’s feeling. You press the call button for the doctor. You help her drink a sip of water.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you tell her.
“I don’t even remember what happened,” Nat says. “But I’m glad I’m okay too.”
The doctor comes in and makes sure everything is okay. Natasha asks to see her teammates, and they trickle in a few at a time. You stay by her side the entire time.
“Oh, hey, did they give you my stuff?” Nat asks you once it’s just the two of you again.
“I think it’s over here.” You go to the bedside table and find the bag with her clothes in it. “Did you need something?”
“Look in the inside pocket of my suit,” she instructs you.
You reach inside and pull out a small velvet box. You hand it to her. She struggles to open it with the little strength she has, but then you realize why it is so important. Inside of the box is a beautiful golden ring that is accented with carvings in the shape of leaves and infinity symbols.
“I had this in my pocket because I was going to ask you as soon as I got home from the mission, but this is something I can’t wait any longer to ask you.”
“Yes,” you interrupt her.
“Wait, I haven’t asked yet, baby,” Natasha says with a smile.
“Sorry, go ahead,” you say, matching her grin.
“Y/n, will you please marry me?” Natasha asks.
“Yes!” you say, beaming with excitement as she slips the ring on your finger. It’s the perfect fit. “I love you, I love you. I love you.” You kiss her each time you say the phrase. You’re careful not to hurt her.
“I love you too,” comes her sweet reply.
“I wish I had a ring for you,” you say with a frown. She assures you it’s okay as you look around for something to give her. It’s then that you remember the Goldfish in your jacket pocket. You pull the package out, and Nat chuckles. You drop onto one knee and look up at her on the bed. “Natasha, will you please marry me?”
“Yes, I will,” she says as she takes the bag of Goldfish from your hand. You stand back up and share another kiss.
“I can’t wait to be your wife,” you tell her.
“And I can’t wait to be yours,” she replies.
She has a long road to recovery, but with you by her side, she knows she’s going to be alright.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @wandasbb @be-missed @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @readings-stuff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @ggrangerdanger @maia-lightwoood @xxromanoffxx @peanutbutterprincess @karmasgxrl @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @natashalovers @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @sayah13 @harleysincairo @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @huitzilinthebudgie3 @juicyy444 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @red1culous @lenam07 @randomwriter1021 @rightwereyouleftme @natismywife @dumb-fawkin-bitch @natashaswife4125 @karsonromanoff @bookfrog242 @theprinceofmarvel
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vellichorviolet · 1 year
This pride month I show off my pride by letting my hyperfixations control me as I listen to the grease rise of the pink ladies soundtrack in the background while I switch between reading a rosekiller fic and six of crows, a cup of goldfish in my hands
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