#( now i can NOT write on two blogs ♥️ )
dovesdreaming · 1 month
Hi dove! Recently followed u so hihi. I saw u wanted more Deadpool requests so here is one: enemies to lovers with Deadpool. Maybe like they bicker a lot but actually care for one another. 🖤♥️
Love and bullets
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Hi!! Welcome to my blog- I loved this request!!! It was so fun to write I hope you enjoy it <3
Warnings: mentions of guns/bullets
You always knew when Deadpool was about to make an entrance. It wasn’t just the sound of gunfire or the occasional explosion- it was the running commentary that accompanied it, full of sarcasm and innuendo, loud enough to hear over anything. That, and the trail of destruction he usually left in his wake. “Hey, sweetheart! Miss me?” His voice rang out, filled with that trademark mix of cockiness and glee that never failed to get under your skin. You rolled your eyes, barely pausing as you took down another thug in the dark, grimy alley. “Not even a little, wade”. Deadpool landed beside you with a flourish, his red and black suit practically gleaming despite the darkness. “Ouch, right in the heart. Lucky for me, I have regeneration powers”. “Yeah, lucky you” you muttered, sheathing your weapon and surveying the area. The mission was almost done, all that was left was cleaning up the stragglers.
“You know” he continued, leaning casually against a dumpster, “you really need to work on your gratitude. I just saved your pretty little butt back there”. You turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “You mean the guy I was about to take down before you swooped in and stole my kill?”. “Tomato, tomahto” He waved his hand dismissively. “Besides, we make a good team. You with your ‘I’m so serious and focused’ routine, and me with my devilish charm and razor-sharp wit. We’re like peanut butter and jam”. “I hate peanut butter” you deadpanned.
“Lies!” he gasped, clutching his chest in mock horror. “How could you say such a thing? Peanut butter is a gift from the snack gods!”. You couldn’t help but crack a smile, even though you tried to hide it. Being around Wade was like this—infuriating, exhausting, and yet somehow, undeniably entertaining. As much as he drove you crazy, you couldn’t deny that you looked forward to these moments, the banter, the back-and-forth that seemed to come so naturally between you.
“Come on” you said, trying to get back on track. “We’ve got one more target to take out before we can call it a night”. Deadpool’s eyes sparkled mischievously behind his mask. “Is it a makeout session? Because I’ve been dying to know what you look like under that stoic exterior. I bet you’re a real softie deep down”. You shot him a withering glare. “In your dreams, Wilson”. “Every single night, babe” he quipped with a wink.
Shaking your head, you turned to leave, but Wade fell into step beside you. The night was quiet now, the earlier chaos fading into the background as you moved through the city, side by side. Despite the constant bickering, there was a strange sort of comfort in Wade’s presence. As much as you hated to admit it, he had saved your life more times than you could count, and you’d done the same for him. There was an unspoken trust between you, forged in the heat of battle, even if you didn’t always see eye to eye.
“So, where’s this last target of ours?” Wade asked, twirling a knife between his fingers as if it were a toy. “Up ahead” you replied, nodding toward an abandoned warehouse at the end of the street. “Intel says he’s holed up inside. Shouldn’t be too hard to take him out”. Wade grinned. “Sounds like my kind of party”. As you approached the warehouse, the tension between you shifted. The banter fell away, replaced by a shared focus on the task at hand. This was another thing you appreciated about Wade, when it came down to it, he knew how to get the job done, and he was damn good at it.
You moved through the building like shadows, your movements silent and precise. The target was exactly where you expected him to be, surrounded by a few lackeys who were no match for the two of you. Within minutes, the job was done, the target neutralized. As the last body hit the floor, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. “That’s it. Mission accomplished”. “Piece of cake” Wade said, wiping the blood from his blade before sheathing it. “You know, we really should do this more often. It’s like couple’s therapy, but with more explosions”.
You rolled your eyes again but couldn’t stop the smile tugging at your lips. “You’re impossible”. “And you love it” he shot back, that playful grin never leaving his face. You were about to respond when you felt a sharp sting in your side. Looking down, you saw blood beginning to soak through your suit. One of the lackeys must have gotten a lucky shot in before going down. “Shit” you muttered, pressing a hand to the wound. Wade’s demeanor changed in an instant. He was at your side before you could blink, his usual flippant attitude replaced with something much more serious. “Hey, hey, hold on there. Let me see”. “It’s just a scratch” you tried to say, but the pain was real, and you were starting to feel lightheaded. “Just a scratch, my ass” Wade grumbled, carefully inspecting the wound. “You need to patch this up, now”.
He helped you over to a relatively clean spot on the floor, his touch surprisingly gentle as he supported you. For all his jokes and bravado, there was a tenderness in his actions that took you by surprise. “You’re going to be fine” he said, more to himself than to you as he reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out a first-aid kit. “You’re not dying on me, not today”. You watched him work, his focus entirely on you as he cleaned and dressed the wound with practiced efficiency. It wasn’t the first time he’d patched you up, but there was something different about this moment. The way he was so quiet, so careful it made your heart do an unexpected flip. “Wade…” you began, not really sure what you wanted to say.
He looked up, his eyes meeting yours, and for once, there was no trace of humor in them. “Yeah?”. “Why do you always act like you don’t care?” The words slipped out before you could stop them, surprising even yourself. Wade paused, his hands stilling as he considered your question. For a moment, you thought he might deflect, make a joke to avoid answering, but then he sighed, his shoulders slumping just a bit. “Because it’s easier” he admitted quietly. “It’s easier to be the funny guy, the one who doesn’t take anything seriously. That way, no one expects anything from me. No one gets too close”. You frowned, trying to understand. “But… I thought you liked it when people got close”. He gave a small, almost sad smile. “Depends on the person”.
There was a beat of silence, and in that moment, everything seemed to shift between you. The constant bickering, the teasing, the way you always seemed to get under each other’s skin, it was all starting to make sense now. There was something deeper there, something you had both been avoiding for a long time. “You’re not going to lose me wade” you said softly, reaching out to touch his hand. “I’m not going anywhere”.
He looked at you, his eyes searching yours, and for once, you saw the vulnerability that he usually kept hidden behind his mask of humor and bravado. “You say that now, but… I don’t know if I can trust it. Trust us”.“You can” you insisted, squeezing his hand. “We’ve been through too much together for this to be nothing”.
Wade’s eyes softened, and for the first time, you saw the walls he’d built around himself start to crumble. “I care about you, Y/N. More than I probably should”. The admission hung in the air between you, heavy and raw. You felt your heart skip a beat, a warmth spreading through you that had nothing to do with the blood loss. “I care about you too” you whispered, barely able to believe you were saying the words out loud. Wade’s expression softened further, and he leaned in closer, his hand cupping your cheek as he searched your eyes for any hint of doubt. Finding none, he closed the distance between you, his lips brushing against yours in a kiss that was surprisingly tender for someone as chaotic as Deadpool.
The kiss was slow, sweet, and when you finally pulled away, you were both breathless, your foreheads resting together as you caught your breath. “So” Wade said after a moment, his voice a little shaky but still holding that familiar teasing edge, “does this mean we’re officially a thing? Because I’ve got a lot of bad habits you’re going to have to put up with”. You laughed softly, leaning into him. “Yeah, I think we are. And trust me, I’m more than up for the challenge”. He grinned, that mischievous glint returning to his eyes. “Good, because I’m a lot of work, babe. But I think you might be worth it”.
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literatureloverx · 24 days
Hi hru ? Just wanted to share with u my random thoughts because i actually saw two white swans and it just reminded me of ur writing and sjbdbxjdjxjxnx ur blog is just Amazing ✨
Tbh i check it almost everyday when i used to not log into Tumblr for WEEKS 🤭. Tho i hope u take care of urself and don't feel obligated to put out content when u don't feel like even if poeple (like me) enjoy ur blog 🙏
With love ♥️
Ahhh, Mel!!! I love you so much! ♥️
I’ve been doing just fine—how about you? It makes me so happy that you're associating swans with my work because I truly love them so much.
Here’s a small gift for you:
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BSD Men with a Darling Who Writes NSFW Content
Alternative title: BSD MEN on crack.
Very short (like Chuuya).
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
Would either lose interest in you or punish you for being such a "sinful babygirl"—you need to remember your place.
“My dear, such depravity in your words... Shall I show you the true price of your indulgence?”
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Dazai Osamu
Would eagerly try to reenact your scenes, but with his own twist—expect things to get even more outrageous.
"Oh? What a deliciously wicked mind you have, bella.~ I think I can make this even more interesting. Let's see if reality can surpass fiction, shall we?"
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Nakahara Chuuya
Would blush furiously and try to forget what he just read, but would fail epically.
"Damn it! Why can't I stop thinking about this?!"
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Nikolai Gogol
Would meticulously recreate your writing, down to the last detail, because this man is all about living life for the plot.
"Ah, such a vivid imagination! Now, I have a quiz for you! What am I going to doooo?~ Yes indeedy! You guessed correctly! Let’s bring every tantalizing detail to life—after all, the story isn’t complete until it’s lived! Am I not right, dove?"
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forgeofthenine · 9 months
Hi, I love your blog ♥️
I was hoping to get some headcanons for Zevlor and the others, for when their non-tiefling partner tells them that it's not that difficult to read tail language because they've had cats for most of their lives and tieflings are similar enough.
Since we're already likening Zevlor to a wet cat, might as well go all the way. Tell him to his face that he's just a grown up catboy >:3
I honestly cackled at the last line of this ask, this entire thing was a pleasure to write and I hope you enjoy!
The bachelors when you compare them to cats
You'd known Dammon for a while now, learning the blacksmiths little quirks and attributes
One think you'd picked up on a while ago was the way his tail moves
Your eyes were often drawn to the way it would wag and curl in your presence, how it never quite seemed to stay still
It was only when you'd been giving a stray cat hanging around Dammons forge a scratch that you'd connected the dots
The blacksmith definitely wasn't expecting you to understand what his tail language means the next time he sees you
Having your partner matter of factly point out your excited tail wags is enough to fluster even the most self assured tiefling
When you compare him to a cat he gets even more flustered, letting out a light laugh as he asks you to be a bit more specific
Honestly, Dammon kind of likes the comparison despite being more of a dog person
He'll join in on making jokes about Tieflings being half cat, or saying that he's secretly a cat in a tiefling suit
Dammon is very chill about the whole thing and definitely appreciates having a non tiefling partner that can read his body language
Zevlor has a habit of dragging his tail when he's tired or upset while in the privacy of your shared home
He gives big sad cat energy a lot when he's recovering from his time on the road
It definitely helps you to know when he needs a bit of extra care and affection, being able to read his mood through his tail
Seeing the way it sways slowly when he sees you despite how it was layed on the ground originally
After some time, Zevlor starts to wonder how you always seem to know when he's in a bad mood
Sometimes you know even before he does
When he asks, the last thing he expected you to say was that he acts like a sad cat whenever he's upset
Zevlor is quite literally speechless at that, you can even see the cogs turning in his brain
He'll be confused by the idea but it doesn't change how he moves his tail is when you're around
Every time you liken him to a wet cat it's like trying to explain an internet phenomenon to your out of touch grandad
The way Zevlor is always so adorably confused and accepting of it as a compliment is definitely a sight to see
This ever proud wizard is definitely an easy one to read, even if you aren't used to cats
His tail lashes behind him when he's annoyed, it curls in on itself when you praise him for his magical ability, it sways lightly when you enter the room
Bringing up his similarities to cats is something that just happens naturally
The two of you are reading in his study when he drops something and lashes his tail in annoyance
When you mention his annoyed tail language he assumes it's his siblings who explained it to you
He's halfway through cursing Cal and Lia under his breath when you say he's actually acting like a cat
It's enough to completely stop him in his tracks, furrowed brow as he considers your words
Rolans much too proud to let himself be compared to a cat without complaint, and bringing it up is an easy way to get under the wizards skin
His tail flicks around behind him and his face glows an even brighter red
Even better, get Cal and Lia in on the joke!
Make Rolan regret ever introducing you to his siblings, trust me, it'll be really funny
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justrainandcoffee · 7 months
Alfieversary, year 2 🎉
I'm celebrating my second year as member of the Peaky Family this month 😭😭♥️. I always say the same, but writing for Alfie it was the best decision I could have made. I met the best fandom ever. You make my life better and it's not a joke.
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Last year, first anniversary of my first Alfie fic ever, he was able to answer your questions in the little interview he did on my blog. But now it's impossible. Probably you know that he met certain woman named Rose and they adopted Allie. So, he's a father now and has no time for you because he's playing with her. From being a princess to help her to draw butterflies and flowers.
But, he wonders if you want to join him in this celebration writing something about Peaky dads and their kids.
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• It can be canon!kids or OC!kids. It doesn't matter. Same as their partners: Peaky dad x Reader, x oc (or single dad.)
• Preferably Fluff. But it's up to you.
• Moodboards are more than welcome!
• It's not necessary to mention that incest it's forbidden, right? Ok.
That's it. There's no timeline! After all my first fic was posted at the end of the month. I'm giving you time to write ♥️♥️.
And thanks for putting up with me for two years 🫣♥️.
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Astor’s Intro
✦ Christian
✦ 17
✦ She/he/they
✦ This is my writing and character art blog!
✦ @encre-sanguine is my main blog :3
✦ I change my name a lot, but I’ll always keep the and-the-endless-ink part so yk who I am XP
Works In Progress
🪽💫 The Gift and the Ghostspeaker 🌙🤍
-> Masterpost Link Here <-
On the planet of Zephan, three teenagers live their lives the way they always have.
Rhys Lucen—the son of the world’s ruler, the Ghostspeaker—lives in luxury with his family, including his secret and possibly cursed half-sister, Brynn. But when word gets out that three-year-old Brynn is alive, people start to panic and riot, and Rhys has to run for his and Brynn’s lives, aided by the same Ghosts that his father has the Gift of speaking to…
Sterling Pierce and his sister, Sage, struggle to survive their abusive Mage father’s magic addiction—which he feeds using them as an endless supply. But Sterling has the Gift of using magic as well, so when his father threatens to murder the siblings in a fit of rage, Sterling uses his power to fight back—killing his father, and nearly killing Sage by mistake. Now she needs a magic transfusion bigger than what any hospital on Zephan can provide, and there's only one way to gather more…
Kairo Rayos is descended from a long line of Ghostspeakers—one that ended with his infamous immortal father, Lev, who started the Lunari Alliance to fight the Ghosts’ rebellion against the Creator God, Solaios. Now Lev has been banished to the abandoned Blanklands surrounding Zephan City, and Kairo, thanks to a deal his father struck with the Ghostspeaker, is safe inside—but most Zephnic people don’t take kindly to followers of Solaios, especially immortal ones, and all Kai wants is peace. This kind of peace, however, can only come through the afterlife, and as his family and therapist are always quick to tell him, immortals can’t die. But when proof appears that they can—and have, as an immortal’s dead body was found in the Blanklands, seemingly murdered—Kai sets out to find the killer, and through them, eternal peace…
As Rhys finds himself assigned a seemingly impossible task from the Ghosts—killing every living immortal—and Sterling teams up with him to collect the immortals’ magic for Sage, they discover that things are not what they seem on Zephan, and that they're included in a prophecy called The End of Immortality. The question is whether or not the prophecy is true, let alone morally right—and will they find the supposed ‘chosen one’, who happens to be trying to get himself killed?
💚🗡 This Blood Will Remember ✒️🩷
Okay so it’s basically just vibes rn but I love it, stay tuned?
♠️♥️ Unsuited ♦️♣️
The Game for the Unsuited has officially reopened - and Alana Hargreaves, a girl with no proficiency in any of the four Suits of magic, is the first of the chosen Pawns.
She has a plan to win the Game without playing by the rules; anyone who had ever won before had gotten in, gone a bit insane thanks to the Game's mysterious challenges, developed Sanity magic, and gotten out. But if everything goes according to plan, Alana - and her best friend, Penn, who was chosen for the Game the year before - will learn a different Suit of magic and, once no longer Unsuited, be allowed to go back home.
But as Alana realizes upon entering the Game's giant forcefield, there are two problems with her plan:
One, Unsuited Pawns aren't the only ones playing - in fact, the Game is practically ruled by a Queen of Hearts Mage, and she doesn't want any of her victims to leave.
Two, Penn has almost lost her mind already, but Sanity wouldn't be her first Suit of magic; she now wields the legendary, reality-altering Suit of Creativity.
As Alana investigates Penn's strange new abilities and befriends other residents of the Game - including the Queen of Hearts' messenger brother, Ace, and Charlie, the Game's built-in AI assistant whose origins are somewhat murky - she discovers that the reason for the Game is darker than anyone would have guessed, and that to make it out alive she'll need more than her sanity...but will she fight her way out, or give in and give up her mind in the process?
🩸👻 Destined for Death 🕳️✉️
Nicholas Acker is a ghost—and a special one, because not every ghost can say they were killed by their best friend…who also happens to be a half-vampire-half-bloodwielder.
Jameson, said best friend, feels terrible for accidentally killing Nick—especially considering that he just got engaged.
So Jamie does what any decent gentleman would do: set out to kill Nick’s fiancee so they can be together in the afterlife.
But when Jamie’s undercover-vampire-hunter twin shows up at Nick’s funeral, bringing with him a whole new set of complications, and Nick runs into a teenage ghost with dreams of curing vampirism, they all have to team up to save themselves—and all vampires with hope of becoming human again.
💎⏳ The Soulrobbers 🗡🪨
It’s been a long time and I don't have a synopsis and I’m too lazy to write one, basically it’s about rocks with your souls in them and fighting over them like kindergarteners XD
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blakbonnet · 3 months
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[graphic by @ofmdlovelyletters]
AUTHOR OF THE WEEK: @monksofthescrew
Our final feature of this week's AOTW is the lovely and always kind Hugo ♥️ Getting to know her these past few weeks has been such a joy and it's so not a surprise that they're such an earnest and fluffy writer, with oodles of love for their friends and the show. Please read on to find out about Hugo's secret sorrow (the word she thinks she uses a lot):
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
I generally start with the beginning and write forward, but then I like to outline retroactively and see if there are any chunks that would be better suited elsewhere in the story. I sometimes have to scribble down an idea for a later scene when it comes to me, but then I sometimes forget to return to it, or figure out that it doesn't fit after all. And sometimes it's not so much a scene as it is a *vibe*, and sometimes it's just, like, a mini-revelation about the emotional arc, or some other little tidbit. I'm definitely still trying to find the right process, though, because mine is absolutely unreliable and I haven't finished anything at all or even really managed to work meaningfully on anything in an age and a half.
Favourite Ed or Stede characteristic or mannerism that are dear to you (Ed liking marmalade, Stede and burying his feelings, etc)?
Yes, Ed's sweet tooth is important to me. Yes, Stede saying one single, heavily veiled thing once and being like, "I have now bared my entire soul to you, right?" is important to me. Ed's brilliance is non-negotiable. Their mutual softness is very important to me. Yeah, their shitty fucking dads are really important to me. Both their childlike qualities and their age. Shearwater pointed out that Stede has so much love to give that he's never been allowed to give before and Ed needs so much love and never having had anyone to give it to him, and I can't stop seeing that now. The way they instantly know one another on a level neither of them has ever experienced before.
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
HEEDLESS for fucks' sake. Also STEEL as a verb. Is it the double Es? Why am I like this?
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
YES. I have been swapping betas with @xoxoemynn for, oh my god, two years this August (happy almost-anniversary, darling) and not only has Marianne made my writing better (it was at her prompting that I ended up writing some of my very favorite paragraphs I have ever written) but beta-reading *her* writing has made me a better writer, and also a better thinker. Marianne is absurdly generous with the sandbox that is her brilliant mind and her open heart, and thinking and talking through ideas and theories with her has taught me so much about storytelling.
I think the characters, both as written and acted, have so much complexity and nuance, and there's so much room for interpretation, which makes this such a fun sandbox to play in. The canon can support practically any reading. Also, this fandom boasts a really mind-boggling amount of talent, and some of the absolutely loveliest people I've ever had the good fortune to meet.
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters and send your love for Hugo and all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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vidavalor · 10 months
Hello! I trully love your metas ♥️
And I want to believe… but how do you match the fact that they have kissed (even fucked) for so many time with the only kiss we have seen which is so clumsly, so fist-time-type, and so turbovirgin?
Thank you!
Hi @margotmignard-blog Thank you and nice to meet you. :) Ok, this is for you and the few Anons who have sent me more or less the same Ask in the last 2 weeks or so as some of my posts have circulated a bit more so yeah, alright, I'll take it on. All of you please help yourself to hot chocolate and holiday M&Ms, even if you are making me think about Every again to write this lol.
Why do I think Crowley & Aziraphale are long-time lovers when Every is an awkward kiss? Because you know what looks just like clumsy, first-time kisses?
Old-married argument kisses of desperation when all other communication is failing that then wind up failing, too, that's what.
Two people kissing in distress is clumsy and messy no matter what stage of their relationship they're in and if they're upset and think the other is about to walk out the door and conflicted about opening up to the kiss because of the argument then all of that makes for a truly gut-wrenchingly awkward kiss. It didn't read as a first time kiss to me at all but I can understand how it might to someone.
I actually think that's the insanely evil genius of it lol. This show is such a bastard worth knowing, I tell ya. :) Right now, they have everyone being all "they need to have a better second kiss!" and just well... if you were them, wouldn't you want that? Would seem a good way to bury the surprise of an older kiss, wouldn't it? Would be a good way to sleight of hand some doubt into *checks notes* apparently everybody but me and a handful of others lol and so help to have everyone flailing again but for a better reason when they throw in an older, better kiss.
It's also a bolder move, both story-wise and performance-wise. Sadly, it's still a big deal that they've even kissed at all and it shouldn't be but, thankfully, it's becoming more common. In a way, though, that makes the fact that they made the first kiss you saw less than ideal a better choice and a better story.
Some more thoughts on this under the cut below that is beneath some gifs of these two who haven't apparently ever kissed before moments away from sex in the wall slam scene in S1... which is Every's parallel scene. By design. To illustrate a contrast. The first kiss we saw is a mirror of oh, just the start of some casual public sex that got interrupted by SatanicNun!Nina. Haven't we all had that relationship where we let someone throw us against a wall before we ever kissed? I mean...
Look at Aziraphale and his little 'getting up to some sexy trouble' smile here... does he not look like he knows *exactly* what he's asking for here and does Crowley not know what the request is and give it to him in a way that screams that this is not the first time? The tone here is a bit... You know, Crowley, I've always said I wanted to fuck in an empty broom closet in a former satanic nunnery and luck of the devil, you just kicked in a door and found one so you are sooooo nice throw me against the wall baby let's go... oh terrific of course this is exactly when the damn nun shows up oh well at least I can enjoy you slurring your S's in sexual frustration for now...
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Good Omens throws something down and then gives you context for it later on that causes you to revisit what you thought when you initially watched it, right? They do this all the time. The scenes themselves always work fine on first viewing but they change and morph into a different scene when viewed with the added context the show gives you later. If you're writing a show in that way, you absolutely would make Every the first kiss you showed the audience... *especially* if it was in a cliffhanger-y season finale. Your Ask is exactly the reason why. You and I and a bonkers number of others are engaging with one another on the topic and we're engaging with the show as a result. Some of us are apparently willing to fight to the death insisting that Every is their first kiss. Some of us are like how you appear to be from your Ask, where you're willing to keep an open mind but you're leaning towards it was the first kiss. Some of us are like me and are feeling that, when all is said and done, they are building a relationship that is millennia old and that the show will wind up illustrating an entire history of it by its end and the idea that we have scenes out there already like Rome and The Globe Theatre and 1941 and Tadfield Manor but people think that they just kissed for the first time in 2023 is kind of head-scratching to me.
I've had people ask me how an ancient times vavoom would advance the story and I've answered in other meta how I think it would but I have an ask back for you all: how, honestly, would 2.06 being their first kiss advance the story? They've written characters who have had a relationship of some form with one another since before the Garden of Eden and have shown us that story throughout different points in time. S3 is going to be, at best, set a couple of years out from S2 and is probably set a lot sooner than that, so we're going to end their story sometime before 2026 on their timeline, probably... and the first kiss was in 2023? When you have the opportunity to write an entire millennia-old romantic relationship with all of its highs and lows and show it in the flashbacks and how they inform the relationship in the present? Because that story is already there. That's the story I see watching this and have since the first time I watched it. I'm frankly kinda floored by the number of people who insist that it's their first kiss, especially two seasons into the show. The same show that gave you this before it gave you The Blitz, Part 2?
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I got accidentally spoiled for Every like a lot of people and when I saw Crowley's glasses on, I had the feeling that it was probably going to be a terrible kiss. I was hoping that it wasn't the only kiss in the season but when 2.05 finished without it showing up yet, it became obvious that it was going to be a big thing in the finale (hahaha oh God, remember when we didn't know? simpler times lol) and that meant that it was likely the only kiss in the season and while it ripped my heart out like it did everyone else, I never saw it as a first kiss for a second.
If you've been with somebody for a long time and, like everyone else, you have your disagreements and your things to work through but you tend to be the kind of couple where you can always or almost always rely on a baseline of physical communication that helps you express what you feel for one another-- which is a wordy way of saying 'when you've been with someone forever and the sex is amazing' lol-- maybe the worst thing that can happen between you is if that feels like it's falling apart, too. That's what I see in that kiss and, in particular, Aziraphale's reaction to it.
It's not 'turbo-virgin', in an unfamiliar with kissing way, imo-- it's a situation causing conflict for Aziraphale over whether or not he wants to give into the kiss. We've all seen it from every damn angle by now lol. We see him unable to not give in, just a little. He kisses Crowley back a bit. He touches his shoulder and his side. He doesn't pull away because he just can't, really, because he never really wants to not be kissing Crowley, but he also can't just give in because that's the situation that Crowley's set up by kissing him the way he did. Crowley wants him to run away with him and that's not a solution to any of this, either, and everything is a total mess and if Aziraphale just gives in and opens up more and really kisses Crowley, he's saying yes to just running off with him and they can't. There's really nowhere to go.
Even with all of that, he still can't resist kissing Crowley a bit and touching him because Crowley and because what he really wants is for them to be literally anywhere else, somewhere safe away from all of it, without having to worry about Heaven & Hell, but they aren't and he can't pretend that they are. That'd be even crueler, really, to really kiss Crowley and then still go to Heaven, right?
It's not a first kiss and at a bad time panic-- it's oh God, I think we broke it. It's the heartbreak of suddenly being in this place together where they aren't communicating well on any level and that going past having a verbal disagreement and into the pain of having an absolutely brutally bad kiss with someone with whom you've had countless passionate ones and the terror that it might be the last one and you're never going to feel any of that again.
That's happened to them before.
It's the brutal 1862 scene. Aziraphale in 1862's comment about The Agreement is the most embittered you won't touch me anymore thing ever. They've gone from The Arrangement in their looser, flirtier Globe Theatre era to now what Aziraphale calls The Agreement in 1862. The difference between an arrangement and an agreement is basically where the future is concerned. An agreement is, well, an agreement lol but it tends to be more formal, more restrained, while an arrangement is an agreement that contains more of a view to the future. It's a plan. You agree to meet up but you arrange how, basically. They don't have The Arrangement in 1862 anymore, they have The Agreement and it sounds like the exact fucking opposite of The Arrangement. The Agreement is "stay out of each other's way. Lend a hand, as needed," according to Aziraphale.
Read that again: "Stay out of each other's way. Lend a hand, as needed." See a problem here? If we're just talking about helping each other out with work assignments then this literally just doesn't make any sense at all as how can you both stay out of each other's way but lend a hand as needed? It's one or the other. It can't be both. It's "stay out of each other's way" when it comes to work assignments. It's "lend a hand, as needed" in their love life and Aziraphale is bitter as all holy fuck about it. They're barely having sex anymore.
That scene in 1862 actually also parallels part of the scene that contains Every. Funny how alike "we have a lot in common, you and me" sounds to what Crowley says in 2.06, isn't it? Dude has got to stop asking for holy water or to run away when they're both a mess-- it not working lol.
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The point is that they've been together a long time and they've also both experienced a lot of trauma. They've have times where miscommunications snowballed and it felt broken beyond repair but it's not and it's not because they love each other and they eventually figure it out. That's part of the pain of Every, though, because what happened after Crowley came back from Hell in 1827 was bad and it took a long time to get to a better place with it but they did and better than before and then this kiss that they think could wind up being their last is a complete disaster straight out of the mid-1800s on top of the fact that they're in what feels like in the moment irreversible disagreement.
It's a painful kiss. It hurts to watch. It's supposed to. Not because they've never kissed before but because they've kissed a trillion times and this is by far the worst of the lot.
And these bastards decided it was the first one we should see lol. It's okay, though. These are coming soon, in the past and present:
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vero-niche · 3 months
so, due to recent staff activity a few days ago i have made these two anti terf trigun posts.
originally i only planned on making the elendira one as it is mainly transfems being targeted by nuking, but in the end i made a vash/transmasc version too. this has turned into an accidental experiment of sorts that further confirms what everybody already knows: that transfem content and people are clearly discriminated against.
despite the difference in notes (mere 129 notes as of writing this on the elendira one while vash's version has 251) only the transfem one got two terf replies (which i deleted and blocked the blogs) and now it has been flagged as well:
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the transmasc/vash version - even though it is linked in the caption - received neither of these things. incheresting!
anyway fuck terfs forever and if im nuked (even though im a cis woman btw) you can find me on cohost with this same username. ♥️ & ✌️
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mendesblurb · 2 years
Blurb / Imagine request : Shawn’s favourite thing is when reader koala hugs him and clings into him with no intention of letting go 🐨♥️
Koala Hugs
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Word Count: ~302
Warning ⚠️: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
A/N: Surprise… here’s a little something I wrote, before going to bed 😜, anyway..happy Reading, guys ♥️
Shawn sighs and stretches, tilting the chair back as far as it can go without sending him flying backward. Today was extra busy at the studio trying to record and edit the new track for the Lyle Lyle, Crocodiles movie.
But now, when everyone else was out for a coffee break, here you were, moving a leg over his lap to make the transition more accessible, and you lifted his arm up just enough to slide into his lap comfortably, “I missed you.”
“I’ve been by your side all day.”
“I know, but you’ve been doing recording, writing, and editing the soundtracks all day, not being close to me like this.”
Seeing your childish act, your boyfriend only chuckled and pulled you closer, smiling widely,” I missed my baby too.”
The two of you stay like that for a while.
Both enjoyed the comfortable silence in the atmosphere as your hand moved to play with his hair. It was soft yet, and it was messy. You played with out-of-place strands absent-mindedly. Meanwhile, he rubs your back a bit, calloused hands gentle as they run up and down your back,” For tonight, can we curl up in bed, watch some Netflix, order some of our favourite take-out, and have more cuddles?”
“That sounds perfect,” He smiled, kissing the top of your head before holding you closer.
Few more minutes passed by, and he knew he should stood up straight, slowly start letting go of your legs to help you get down, but instead, he only made your thighs tightened more around his hips, “I don’t want to carry you back to the couch.”
“I don’t wanna let go of you just yet.”
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy​ @chocochipcookie305 @socio-kai-path1972 @mendesficsxbombay @mendesmylove
Story Code: 10102238
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depressedbagpipe · 1 year
Ka-Chaow (Charles Leclerc x female!reader)
Chapter two
Words: 3902 Warnings: google-translated italian, more mentions of alcohol, poor writing, me not knowing how the ferrari factory works A/N: alright so this has been long overdue so i apologize for that. also, i haven't been to maranello so everything i mention is basically from google maps. everything about the publishing industry i got from a random blog so just to be safe, don't trust anything i say about it ♥️ A/N (II): italics are phone calls, bold and italics are messages, just bold is the location, and (parenthesis) the translation for the Italian ;) Taglist: @heavengirls111, @roseamongthorns13, @mishaandthebrits, @charlesswife, @silscintilla
Series Masterlist Previous chapter <> Next chapter
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Chapter two
Maranello, December 2nd, 2022
‘Wait, wait, wait, so then you’re attending the races?’
‘And you’re getting double passes if you ask for them?’
‘And you know you’re my favorite daughter?’
‘I’m your only daughter.’
‘I’ll take you to Monaco.’
‘Dio, ti amo.’ (God, I love you)
‘Of course, you do,’ I giggled at my dad.
‘And how’s the trip so far?’
‘It’s… fine, I guess,’ I cringed, looking out the window.
The only sight I could catch from my balcony was the Ferrari factory in the distance, and the hotel’s parking lot on the other side. The views I had caught from the car ride from Bologna’s airport had been beautiful, but we hadn’t had any time to stop to look around.
‘Just fine?’ my dad wondered.
‘It’s not a holiday, papà, I’m technically working,’ I said with a sigh. 
I walked back and dropped on my bed, staring at the fancy ceiling of my hotel room. Although the flight to Bologna had been short, the lunch with Maurizio Arrivabene had been exhausting. Too many bottles of wine and too little discussion about the job, besides the promise of all the paddock access we wanted, as well as the finest wine bottles per Mr. Williamson’s request.
‘Still, you’re going to the track tomorrow, right?’ my dad asked again.
I moved my phone to my other ear, gently rubbing the sore nub after almost an hour of my dad’s nonstop gushing.
‘What time?’
‘We get there at 11 am, I think. I don’t know if the tour will be before or after the meeting with the execs, though,’ I bit my lip, checking the time on my wristwatch.
‘Mio dio, everything is so early here compared to home,’ my dad groaned, and I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. (My God)
‘Well, not my fault you moved to London for love,’ I answered back.
‘Now you have to move to Italy in return so that we can complete the circle.’
‘Dad!’ I laughed loudly, despite my hand covering my mouth. It was a bit early in the evening, but I knew several guests at the hotel would not appreciate my yelling. ‘Alright, I’ll take you up on that.’
‘You better, chicken pie.’
‘Anyways, I think I’m gonna go. I’m actually exhausted.’
‘Too many emotions today?’
‘Yeah, and I gotta be up early for tomorrow.’
‘Wasn’t the meeting at 11 am?’
I frowned. ‘Yeah. But I still need to finish editing a couple of manuscripts. Do you happen to know anything about the types and uses of the cross symbol in Ethiopian religion?’
My dad took a couple of seconds to answer. ‘... No?’
‘Yeah, me either. Gotta learn a bunch of stuff for tomorrow.’
‘Well, call me when you know something.’
‘Will do,’ I laughed softly. ‘Buona notte, papà. Ti amo.’ (Goodnight, Dad, I love you.)
‘Ti amo di più, Principessa,’ with that, our conversation ended. (I love you more, princess.)
I stayed sprawled on my bed after throwing my phone on the comforter, closing my eyes for a few seconds. I knew I still had to unpack some clothes for tomorrow, recharge my laptop and work on the manuscripts, order dinner, make sure Mr. Williamson got the entire schedule right for the rest of the trip, eat dinner, and get a decent amount of sleep for the following day’s events. Despite my nerves, exhaustion was getting the best of me, and as soon as I felt myself drifting off, I willed my eyelids to open and my legs to move, standing up with a groan at my tired muscles. 
A couple of hours later I was already in bed, my fingers expertly typing away while my eyes begged me to finally close them and sleep. My laptop felt hot on my legs even over the sheets, but I couldn’t stop. Deadlines were approaching, and even though I willingly signed up for the trip, I still found the huge workload that still needed to be done frankly overwhelming, especially since I was working double during Mr. Williamson’s secret and unauthorized gap year. With a sigh, I kept typing until my eyes closed on their own accord. 
I didn’t even know at what time I fell asleep. It only felt like a few minutes until my phone was blasting the alarm as loud as possible. I carelessly reached for it with my eyes closed, hoping my fingers would find it early enough to turn the horrible sound off, but I only managed to slightly push the laptop away. Opening my eyes in a panic, I sighed in relief when I found no crack on the screen, the object still on my bed and not broken on the floor, but the alarm kept going, and not only that, but the hotel phone on my bedside table was also now ringing loudly.
Despite feeling like crying at that very moment, for not only was I not a morning person, but the extreme trauma of waking up mixed with the incessant noise coming from both sides of my bed was enough to almost send me into cardiac arrest. Grabbing my phone and quickly pressing the orange alert, I answered the call.
‘Hello?’ I asked, a yawn escaping my lips as I waited for the answer.
‘Good morning, Miss, this is Francesco speaking, from the front desk. Yesterday you asked us to please wake you up at 7 am,’ the worker spoke in perfect English.
I frowned, not remembering at all having done that, but then again, I didn’t remember most of the evening once I tried to recall how I fell asleep.
‘Oh, grazie, Francesco,’ I replied with another yawn. (Thank you.)
‘Would you like to have your complimentary breakfast sent to your room?’
I paused, enjoying the sound of that. ‘Sure, why not. What were the options, then?’
And that’s how I found myself having breakfast on the balcony, overlooking the blue horizon thanks to the lack of tall buildings around the hotel. I certainly missed the sky back in my London apartment, and it almost felt weird to have the sun shining so brightly on me so late in the year, but nonetheless, it brought some color to my cheeks as I feasted on the delicious biscuits I was offered. I allowed myself to calm down and enjoy the food, forgetting about my job and the likely still sleeping Mr. Williamson on the other side of the wall. As I waited for the breakfast to be brought, I had already taken a shower and gotten ready for the day and was simply enjoying the rather quiet life that the hotel’s location could offer. I did miss the people and the nightlife, but I already got a lot of it in London. 
Taking slow sips of my coffee, I finally got my phone out. I took a couple of pictures to send my mom, knowing she would be calling me in no time to check up on me and make sure I hadn’t caught a bug while I slept. Switching to Instagram, Alec’s face was the first thing that showed up. He had posted a video singing a new song, but I couldn’t will myself to listen to it just yet. His music was what brought us together in the first place, and for weeks I hadn’t been able to listen to his voice again. It was just too painful. 
‘Did you listen to his new song?’ I quickly texted Angela.
‘You won’t like it, though,’ she quickly responded.
I bit my lip. ‘Is it about me?’
‘Is it bad?’ my fingers trembled slightly as I typed, suddenly feeling nervous.
‘I mean, it’s not good.’
‘You’re so helpful,’ I groaned, shivering slightly all of a sudden. 
A cloud had passed directly over the sun, taking the warmth with it. I stood up and walked back inside.
‘Text me when you listen to it. But wait until you’re back in London.’
‘Don’t let it ruin your trip.’
‘Alright,’ I sighed and ended the conversation.
I shook my arms slightly, trying to find some physical way to let go of those thoughts, and swiftly got my laptop and sat down on the small desk by the window, and typed away my anxiety. 
I wasn’t a big fan of editing manuscripts, especially those about subjects I completely abhorred, but in the grand scheme of things, it somehow helped to leave my mind completely blank, making the time pass by even faster.
Before I knew it, it was 9:45 am. Another alarm went off, and with a final sigh, I saved my progress, put on some shoes, and left my room, only to go to the next door and promptly open the door with Mr. Williamson’s extra card. 
The sight did not surprise me in the slightest. He was still fast asleep on his bed, with the covers half-dangling from the sides and the mini bar half-empty. The room was completely dark save for the light coming from the open door.
I had to take a big deep breath before closing the door behind me and walking decisively towards the blinds, opening them wide, as well as his own balcony’s door, not even caring that the cold and wind could potentially make him sick. I was beyond the point of caring about his health when he clearly didn’t care about his.
‘Rise and shine, Stephen,’ I clapped loudly.
Mr. Williamson woke up with a start, groaning loudly.
‘It’s too early,’ he mumbled, flipping on the bed and pulling the covers over his head.
‘Hell, no,’ I said, grabbing the sheets and pulling them off from his body completely. ‘You’ve got an hour before the car arrives, so chop chop!’ I said as I opened his suitcase and started taking his belongings out, looking for some decent clothes. 
The night before coming to Italy, I had forced him to send me a picture of his luggage, knowing that, if it were up to him, he would show up in Crocs and Bermudas. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had a meeting with him dressed like that.
Thankfully, Mr. Williamson listened to me and sat down in bed, still half-asleep, but at least I could work with that. I threw him his toilet bag.
‘Take a shower, God, you stink,’ I complained, grabbing him from one of his arms and pulling him up. 
I slightly pushed him in the direction of the bathroom, and he followed without another word. 
‘If you don’t come out in ten minutes, I’m getting in. And I’ll bring my phone!’ I warned him, hoping the warning would be enough for me not to see him naked. 
‘Jesus, you sound like my wife,’ he mumbled just before closing the door behind him. 
I looked around his room, and opted for taking the remaining alcohol from the mini bar with me, just to be safe. Even though the bottles were tiny, I didn’t trust my boss to somehow get wasted. I wasn’t about to risk my job and my career, especially in a foreign country. Out of habit, I checked my emails again, hoping to see Rosanna’s name somewhere with a publishing vacancy, but as usual, no new emails had been sent since that morning. 
My feet moved by themselves across Mr. Williamson’s room, putting his clothes on the bed, and even going as far as to call some room service for him. I was hoping the sleep and the shower would sober him up because I was anxious as hell about the meeting.
Not only was I a huge sports car fan, but the fact that we had been invited by Piero Ferrari himself to visit the factory, which I could now see from my room, and talk to all those developers who worked there with the same passion my father and I had, was completely mind-blowing. And I didn’t want anything to screw it up.
‘So that’s our proposal. Ink’n’Paper and Scuderia Ferrari, together, writing about the history and fame of our car. And we want you, Stephen, to write it,’ Benedetto Vigna finished his speech with a looming voice, staring directly at my boss with a light smirk.
Ferrari’s own CEO had welcomed us into the factory, walking us through the many impressive facilities, and showing us every detail of the place. To say I was awestruck would be an understatement. The museum was absolutely incredible, and the curators had even allowed me to take dozens of videos to send to my dad, which I knew was probably screaming and crying at the sight of them. 
The meeting had started an hour later under the pretext of getting down to business as soon as possible and with the promise of trying the Driving Simulator after lunch.
‘Well, certainly, I can’t say that I didn’t see this coming,’ Mr. Williamson replied, taking his glasses off. ‘And how were you thinking about doing this, Benedetto?’
‘We had a couple of ideas in mind, but I think it’ll be easier right now if you stay in Monaco with the team.’
‘Monaco?’ I blurted. ‘Sorry,’ I apologized in embarrassment, but thankfully Mr. Vigna didn’t seem to care.
‘It’s alright. No, we’re opening a new office in Monaco for the new season, and given that it’s certainly closer to Maranello than London, we think that the writing would be faster.’
‘What deadlines are we talking about here, then?’ Mr. Williamson asked.
Not an ounce of alcohol was in his system, at least that I knew of, and he was magically back to being the professional editor I had known him to be what felt like an eternity ago.
Mr. Vigna looked at his colleagues, all of them nodding amongst themselves. ‘Hopefully, we could have it by the winter break. You know, from a marketing point of view, every Ferrari fan out there would be definitely getting it for Christmas.’
Mr. Williamson took a sip of his espresso, carefully considering his options. Then, he looked at me. ‘What do you think?’
I widened my eyes. ‘Me?’
He nodded. ‘Yeah, you. You also work here, I want to know what you think.’
Any thought left my mind as soon as he said those words. Despite being used to taking over his meetings due to his many inebriated states, I was feeling rather intimidated by the situation. And, unlike Mr. Williamson, I had never published anything before.
‘Well, uh, technically December is a bit of a dead zone in the publishing industry.’
I spoke with a low voice, feeling anxious about debunking Mr. Vigna’s theory.
‘Is that so?’ he asked, but his tone was more curious than annoyed. 
That only encouraged me further. ‘Yeah. It’s usually September when we get all the workload. December kinds of get those less-interesting manuscripts from the bottom of the submissions box, and many workers just leave on vacation. We usually just… publish more volumes of the already best-selling ones, because those are the ones that get sold. The marketing would have to be insane if we want this book to make figures on Christmas.’
My comment was met with utter silence. I stared at all the people in the room, silently hoping for someone to talk because the embarrassment was already too high.
Mr. Williamson gratefully came to my aid, as weird as it sounded.
‘She’s right,’ he said, taking one final sip. ‘Either we push the deadline forward to September, or we spend a couple of millions on the marketing.’
Mr. Vigna seemed to consider our words after that. ‘Right, I certainly didn’t know that. Won’t September be too much of a short time for you?’ he looked back at Mr. Williamson, who quickly shook his head.
‘I don’t see why it’d be a problem. As long as we start as early as possible and are provided with all the materials we need…’ he looked up in deep thought.
‘And what do you need?’ one of the women at the other end of the desk spoke, pen already in hand, waiting to write anything down.
‘Certainly, we need access to any source of information about Ferrari. Whether is it the cars, the history, even the drivers, literally anything with the word “Ferrari” in it,’ he spoke. ‘Now, I got a tight schedule when writing biographies, and I need at least two months just to do the research. After that, the writing comes smoothly.’
‘Don’t forget the editing…’ I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
He waved me off. ‘It will take some time, though. You know I’m not that much of a Formula 1 enthusiast. I much rather prefer cricket,’ he said, standing up from his chair and buttoning his shirt.
With his clean suit and combed hair, he looked unrecognizable from the man I had found in his bed that morning. He looked put-together for the first time in months, and it brought me back to the first meetings of my internship, where everything he did was graceful and calculated. I felt oddly safe for the first time in months, knowing that, no matter how the meeting went, I had Mr. Williamson to guide us through the rubble and exit the building with an even straighter back and untouched dignity. I so wished every day at work felt the same.
‘But my assistant over here is, in fact, a remarkable connoisseur of the sport. What did you call it? Tifosi?’ he quickly looked at me, looking for confirmation. ‘She’s half Italian, in fact. I might have to delegate some of the work to her.’
I widened my eyes even more, his words leaving a huge pit in my stomach. My head felt suddenly numb, and my pulse increased as I recited his intentions.
‘In that case, Stephen, if you trust her to do the job, so do we. Obviously, if she agrees.’
I felt more eyes on me, and I gulped. I nodded slowly. ‘Yeah, I do.’
Benedetto Vigna smiled and brought his palms together. ‘Great! I’m sure you’ll be fine in Monaco,’ he stood up from his chair, signaling everybody to do the same. 
Mr. Williamson offered me his arm, given I was still in shock at Mr. Vigna’s words. Everybody started filing out.
‘Wait, what?’ I asked no one in particular.
‘I guess you’re going to Monaco,’ Mr. Williamson said as he lightly pushed me out of the room, pretty much in the same way I had done that morning to get him in the shower.
‘But… what about work?’
He frowned at me. ‘This is work.’
I didn’t have time to reply, for Mr. Vigna’s loud voice reverberated around the hall.
‘Now, I believed I promised you lunch and a Fiorano tour. Oh, and the Driving Simulator, too.’
Despite being a huge Formula 1 fan, I had never been to a race track. The only person I really wanted to attend a race with was my dad, and he was always a bit too busy, and the tickets were always a bit too expensive. Not coming from a large income family had definitely shut a few dreams down, hence why I had immediately started crying at the sight of the Fiorano track, where Ferrari tested their cars. Even though it was empty, the sheer sight of the huge lane was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Thankfully, the sun was shining down on us, and my eyes were hidden by my sunglasses, but I knew my face would soon become a bit too red for other people to notice.
Lunch had been fine, yet I was still thinking about Mr. Vigna’s words. Not only was I part of the project, but I had also been tasked with recollecting all information about the red Scuderia and its cars and history, all of it while I lived by myself in Monaco. I was dreading the conversation with my parents, knowing my mom would definitely not approve, as well as the high chances of me getting homesick as soon as I arrived at the small principality. 
But then again, maybe getting some time away from my life in London would do me good. Away from work, and Mr. Williamson, and Alec. I didn’t want to be the type of person that fled the country when they broke up with their partner, but I also knew that distance was my biggest ally at the time. I wasn’t completely sure how Mr. Williamson was gonna manage on his own while I lived elsewhere, but the thought of a quiet life for a few months in the quaint country was becoming more appealing by the second. 
I completely tuned out Mr. Vigna’s speech about the dimensions and characteristics of the track (not that I needed them, my father had made sure from a young age that I knew my blood was Ferrari red and Tifosi my middle name, although it certainly never was and it got us a very weird meeting with my elementary school headmaster after having written Tifosi as my middle name on several exams). If I had been paying more attention, I certainly would’ve noticed two familiar figures dressed in red polos walking toward us.
‘Charles! Carlos! Che bello che sei venuto!’ Mr. Vigna signaled the two men forward, and they quickly introduced themselves. (How nice that you came!)
‘¡Hola! Sono Carlos,’ Carlos Sainz Jr. extended his hand towards Mr. Williamson. (Hi! I’m Carlos.)
‘Nice to meet you,’ replied my boss, shaking his hand.
‘Hi,’ I smiled at him, trying to contain the excitement.
‘Hello,’ he gave me two kisses on both cheeks, and I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips. 
‘Sorry, I’m a big fan,’ my face felt even warmer, but I still didn’t take my sunglasses off, the big black crystals at least hiding part of my cheeks.
Carlos laughed. ‘It’s alright, usually everyone that comes to Fiorano is,’ he winked, and moved aside.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t have favorites. I would also be lying if I said Charles Leclerc wasn’t one of them.
The slightly taller man stood right in front of me, smiling brightly. His head blocked the sun, allowing me to look at him in more detail as the rays fell around him, giving him an even bigger heavenly glow.
‘Ciao, I’m Charles,’ he too pressed two soft kisses on my cheeks, and I swear my heart stopped for a second when he came closer. (Hi.)
I took off my glasses and quickly introduced myself, hoping I didn’t sound like a lunatic gushing over her biggest celebrity crush standing right in front of her.
‘Ragazzi, l'intervistatore vi sta aspettando,’ a shorter woman came up behind the two drivers with a stressed look on her face. (Guys, the interviewer’s waiting for you.)
I frowned slightly, having the meeting cut short, but in hindsight, my heart was beating loudly in my ribcage out of nerves, and I didn’t want to make an even bigger fool of myself by standing there completely starstruck. 
They sadly left our group with a warm goodbye, and the rest of the day passed in a blur. 
Next thing I knew, I was on my bed, staring at the ceiling, failing to fall asleep due to the image of a pair of green eyes glistening in the sun embedded in my mind.
Next chapter
General taglist: @angiewhoohooo, @azaleaniath, @mishaandthebrits, @celestialcharles
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notquitejiraiya · 5 hours
9 Years
Well, here we are again. Back to spew some nonsense you could’ve done without about fic writing and otherwise. As a small introduction to myself, if you miraculously come across this before anything else I’ve done online: hiya, I’m Becks. When I was fifteen years old I decided that I was going to create a Naruto specific blog to post fanfiction on and 9 years later, I’m still here.
This is only my third reflection of those 9 years, the first and second of which you can find linked respectively, but it’s the 24th of September, and so here I am, ready to continue a tradition set by the wonderful @unioncolours of documenting her years in fandom. Sink your teeth in below the cut off if you so wish. If not, have a wonderful day ♥️
Before I talk about myself, a little thank you to her, to Bex. Two days ago, she posted what I consider to be her most powerful reflection yet, and I command the lot of you to read it, feel it, and walk away demanding you treat yourself and others kindly for this year and all those to come. Her heartfeltness and honesty is something all of us should learn from, and it is an honour to share my forename, space, fandom, world with her. Thank you, Bex, for all you do, here and away.
Now, the first thing I must address about this Rebecca here is “job no1”, as I called it in last year’s recap. “Job no1” was to become more concise.
It is safe to say that I did not get hired for “job no1.” Not yet, anyway. Perhaps on the future. Maybe. We’re still in the interview stages, and you know how many rounds these things take.
To set the tone of this past year, I will admit that it is the 24th of September, not just when I post this reflection, but as I write it. As mentioned, I have only written two recaps of this sort in my fandom career, both of which were written ahead of time and posted on the day with little stress. This one is being bashed out when the sun is already setting, and time is running out.
Time is something that has fascinated me for years; it’s something I’ve written scientifically on, written fiction about in short spells, and something I’ve come to respect a bit more over the last year, too. It’s something I’ve especially enjoyed playing with and writing about in the one fic that I’ve published/added to this year. In Grandmaster, one of my favourite passages from the fic and one of the bits I’m most proud of involves time. But I won’t dwell on that. Grandmaster — or GM, as I affectionately call it — will get its moment later on. For now, let us focus still on time.
I’ve had a strange amount of it this past year. I wouldn’t say I’ve had too much, nor particularly little, on average, but I certainly feel as though I have. Even if not, it’s slipped away from me, and this year that feels rather damning. You see, as you might know, I live in Finland at the moment. I say ‘at the moment’ because this time next year, when I’m writing my next recap, that will no longer be true. I already no longer live 40 minutes from the front door of my best friend — moving in the summer upped it to almost an hour — and by next year I won’t be able to jump up, hop on a train and see her when the mood (and life) suits. Many rather saddening things have hammered home time to me since last September, but even considering that one thought makes time seem rather fleeting. I need to treasure it until the summer, and so forgive me if my time at my laptop is a little less than it once was.
More relevant to you reading this, perhaps, is the amount of this year that I have been able to spend writing. Without examining the statistics, I feel like I’ve barely written this year. I know that that is ultimately not true; I have made good progress with GM, and have written snippets of works to come. But I still feel as though I haven’t had the time in year 9 that I would’ve liked, and even less than the small amount I dared to expect.
In the time I did spend writing, though, I largely spent it on GM, so it only feels right that I dedicate a sizable portion of this recap to that fic.
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that GM has consumed me. I view the world through a different lens having conceptualised, written, and frankly breathed the world in that story. I see situations in the real-life chess, and I imagine where that might happen in the GM-timeline, were it there. I see the people I envision when the scene play out like theatre performances in my head, and I think about GM, even when it’s totally irrelevant. Even just a face. I hear songs, and I think about GM. I watch movies, and I think about GM. I sit on the bus or god forbid the train, it rains or it shines, and I think about GM.
I have never, in my life, felt a story in my bones like this. When it ends, which this year it certainly must, I will cry. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t cry because it’s over — I will cry because I will remember all the countless hours that have gone into not just writing but thinking about this fic. It is a part of my daily life and has been for such a long time now. I don’t go an hour, let alone a day, without thinking about it. It has been in progress for over 2 years — during every every wrapup I have written, it has been in progress — and 2 nights ago, I finally posted a chapter, the heart of which I first sent to my friends almost as long ago.
I won’t spoil the contents, as I’m sure many of you may not have read it, but I’ll admit now that I cried as I went to sleep after posting it. It took me three months to be happy with that chapter. Three months. That long to accept a chapter that I knew I had the core, important part of set and the was happy with since almost two years ago. It felt and still feels ridiculous to me. Even three days ago I felt like, surely, I had forgotten how to write. Or maybe I just had never known how to write in the first place. I had lost my touch, at the very least, the very spark that made anyone read more than the first paragraph. How in the world could it be that I manage to write these core lines two years ago, when GMverse was Strangers and only Strangers, yet having honed the voice of this story for so long, I now couldn’t write a single good word?
I felt like such a failure. I felt like there was no way I was ever going to finish it, and if I did, I was sure I wouldn’t be happy with it. But I told myself that I was going to post the fic on Majsasaurus day and so I said, “Fuck it,” to my assignments and I finished it.
I was late hour, but I almost did it. When I read it back before posting, I cursed myself for all the clunky sentences and obnoxious descriptions — which may not even exist, I don’t know — but I still pressed post at the end, and I immediately felt proud of it.
It’s incredible when you realise you can do that. I think perhaps it’s a skill that doesn’t make sense to people when they first start writing. Not giving a fuck, that is. I know I was guilty of it for a very long time, but there’s no point in being a perfectionist, especially if you’re trying to write about realistic people. Real people are so far from perfect that you’re fucking kidding yourself if you waste your time on such things. Year 9 has been a lot about that: settling. Settling for grades in uni I once would’ve beaten myself up over. Settling for a sentence that I know could be worded better, in theory, but I’m not yet the writer who can word it that way. I’ll meet her one day, maybe. But before I get to, I have to mould her. I won’t do that without writing more and more.
In any case, in the words of Shikamaru in my own fic: “They’re just words. They don’t mean anything unless you let them.”
In line with that thought, I want to thank you all for your theories and thoughts and engagement with GM. The fact so many of you have managed to find some meaning or emotion in it that matters to you specifically, even if that differs between people, amazes me daily. It makes me emotional and humbles me and all manner of things I could write an entire reflection on.
It is on that note that, I would like to extend a particuar mention to @twnj who has brought to life so many scenes in GM with her beautiful artwork as well as created so many fun headcanons for outside of it. I am so lucky to have met and to know you, and it is a pleasure being rambly with you, my dear.
I also would like to shout out @backgroundcharacterno5 for creating one of most incredible things I have ever seen by way of this comic. You brought that scene to life more beautifully than I ever could’ve imagined even in my own head, and I cannot thank you enough for thinking of GM at all. Thank you.
And finally, the book club. Learning of your existence blew my fucking mind, and it continues to. I refer to you this way because I do not know exactly how many of you there are, but I bloody love you all, even those of you I have never spoken to. The comments I received from you and from every reader, even if I am shit at replying to them, move me and inspire me endlessly. Your analysis and theories and reactionary comments thrill me and make my heart sing. So thank you. So much.
With GM this past year, I feel I have reached a point as a writer that I never expected to, and am endlessly proud of. I never expected people to be so engaged with something I wrote — I thought I was a one- or maybe two-trick pony with song inspired banter-filled one shots and depressing britishisms. But this year showed me that that isn’t true. Do I have the widest range? No, and I’ve made peace with that. But does that devalue what I make? No. I love it. I have fun making it. And as an incredible, frankly unexpected cherry on top, so do some of you. So thank you for that. You’ve ticked so many of my author bucket list dreams in a single year.
As I have certainly mentioned in past ‘blog’-type posts, there are elements of GM which are personal to me, but in the coming year, I will introduce to you what I consider my most personal fic yet. While I may lend things I have overheard or observed, I rarely let myself into my own work too heavily. I value the power of looking over a shoulder, and do try my best to do that. But I rarely force my shoes on a character.
Piano Man (affectionately referred to by myself and those closest as GMJ) will not be like that either. Not on purpose. It will not be a 1-to-1 retelling of my life, the opinions and feelings and experiences within it will by no means be my own, but it will be an expression of things I love and know more directly than before.
GMJ will be set some 20+ years after Strangers, so I am still not escaping this universe I’ve built for myself (not that I want to escape it). It will follow one of my most beloved characters in Shikadai, and how he meets someone he really ought to have known his whole life, but by chance, has not: Inojin.
Any writing I have done that is not GM this year has been ShikaJIn. I know that many of you who follow me, do so for ShikaTema. I wonder if there are even so many of you now that joined for GM that ‘CHESS’ and ‘Cloud Nine’ are now irrelvant in my list of past fics. But regardless of what you’re here for, and whether you ship them now or not, I hope that you’ll stick around for GMJ. It is not a ship fic anymore than GM is, and I like to think that perhaps you trust me by now to tell you a story you might enjoy.
Besides GMJ I have dabbled in a couple of other potential AUs, the most promising of which is a wartime au, which came about after my dear friend Bex suggested that @clumsydragon28 and I read a book she was reading: In Memoriam. IM was one of the most fun reading experiences I have ever had, and I cannot reccomend reading with your friends enough. The joy is something I can’t quantify, and I will treasure that experience forever.
I myself have read more books this year than I have in years. I haven’t read so many fics, which saddens me, but I am so pleased that there is space in my life for fiction and stories again besides thsoe in my own head.
One of the books of this year will no doubt come when I return home to England for Christmas, because last year, darling Barb sent me (and Bex) a goodie box from across the Atlantic. In it, she placed the US edition of my favourite book: The Beach. It will get loved and cherished this year with its first physical read. I promise.
There are so many other things that I could say here, but ultimately, I don’t know that I have the time. All I can say is that I am so grateful for the people of this fandom space, old friends and new, and even those that have not shown me kindness this past year — you have hardened me to realise I am worth more than I thought.
The next recap I write will mark a decade of notquitejiraiya. That, in itself, seems absurd. But I am certain that I go into it lucky, and grateful, and really really fucking inspired.
Thank you, all, for another notquitejiraiya year. May the next be sweet and full of more frequent updates than the last! ♥️
(PS - I’ll try to be more consice next year, but I’m not making any promises)
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senualothbrok · 4 months
Thinking of you and sending happy, hopeful, bright vibes over to you💕 (you can always message me if you want to chat)
How did you get into writing? You have such a beautiful style, I love to hear author's 'origin stories'.
What are some of your favourite books?
Aaaand what's something about you we may not know? 🌻♥️✨
💜🫂 Thank you lovely. I appreciate that so much. I am sending you the same, and the same offer obviously.
As for your juicy questions...
How did I get into writing?
I'm so honoured that you like my style. That is such high praise coming from a poet like yourself! 🥹 When I was a kid I loved reading and words and stories. My first "career ambition" was expressed at 9, I wanted to be an author! And when I was a teenager, I occasionally wrote stories, and I wrote loads of fanfic from 15-17 (it was a lifeline for me at that time too!). But I had really low self esteem so it was a struggle to maintain creativity alongside the self doubt and perfectionism, and trying to be A High Achiever and all the rest of it. So I lost the habit of writing. I did write some poems when I was in my early twenties, and blogged a fair bit, but didn't have the presence of mind to write stories. Life got in the way. I forgot that I have a writer's soul.
And then in 2021 I did a creative writing course, and started writing a novel on and off. I then got BG3 brainrot last year, the novel fell to the wayside (lol) because of fanfic, and now I'm here!
My novel is 2/3 of the way through, and I hope to one day finish it and get it published! I would like to be a full time writer eventually 💜
What are some of your favourite books?
Oh boy I love this question so much!!! This is a curated list.
* Circe by Madeline Miller
* The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
She is my greatest influence. I hope to write like her one day! Every word she writes is poetry. So much wisdom and pain and beauty, so much economy in her writing. Her books have transformed me. I just love her work so much.
* The Greenlanders by Jane Smiley
I love the Icelandic sagas and this book basically reads like a real saga from the Viking age. It's incredible. Like something unearthed from the ancient depths.
*The Hours by Michael Cunningham
When I first read this book I felt like it illuminated a fundamental universal truth and cracked my soul open. I need to re-read it...
Some book series:
* A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
* The Witcher by Andrzei Sapowski
* The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer
All amazing, immersive, meticulous, expertly written. The first two are well known and beloved in fandom. The Southern Reach Trilogy is super weird and fucks with your head - Lovecraftian.
I am also a big fan of Sylvia Plath's poetry.
I'm sure there are more works I'm forgetting but I could go on and on!
Something about me you may not know
Umm I lose track of what I've shared online and what I haven't 🤣 um I guess I used to be an avid kickboxer/boxer! That's probably something semi exciting!
Thank you again my dear for letting me talk about myself and what I love. I feel more "real" and seen. 🫂💜 I'm so grateful.
Hope you're having a good day xxx
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hi hi hi I hope I am approachable. i am august, he/him, and I talk about things (in the tags, though there may be an original post here or there). insane about good omens, likes gravity falls a totally normal amount, definitely likes minecraft storymode normally, and if you made something and I liked it is 99.9% likely I’ve shoved it in my very cluttered queue or saved for my reblogging blog (top secret!). apparently an editor, artist, and poet as well a fic writer now?? but the fic writer is the day job. inbox is forever open, though DMs aren't (for the public—mutuals can 100% dm! i reserve the right to be awkward however) and tumblr is my dopamine machine. I really like writing, reading, reccing, and talking!
my ao3
fic masterlist
my one edit series
current wip count: 13 (3 bang fics, 4 public multi-chapters, 4 one-shots, 2 unpublished multi-chapters)
tagging system is under the cut!
tagging system
i tag the fandom and maybe the characters for my original posts, though I do go all out for the writing updates. but i also have some unique tags, for the interested...
be heard - personal posts
hath are perceived - answered asks
maniac writing - fic updates/posts + the occasional poem
maniac edits - one of my edits
maniac chicken scratch - my rare art 🔥
maniac art journey - attempt number 669 of learning how to draw, Properly This Time
the guys (with a z!) - talking with the mutuals and happy interactions i have with other people <3
tag game - speaks for itself
ask game - also speaks for itself
dumped on my porch - posts where I’m tagged in (not a tag game)
add it to the bible - resources im saving ✨️
you said queue me (and you did) - queue tag! (for the gravity falls people: s2ep04 of Good Omens, The Hitchhiker)
and if you want to track progress for public fics or just know if the post is about them, here they are:
good omens
stars in a jar au - a ‘crowley moves into the bookshop post-s1’ au, but with canon compliant misunderstandings and pain first. a dear of mine ♥️
in a west-end town - a ‘the 1941 bullet catch goes wrong’ fic, where shit happens.
1857 - a whump fic about crowley faking his death after returning from hell post-resurrectionists, and Failing. aziraphale takes care of him.
iceberg adventures - my titanic longfic fic turned bang fic, where they’re on the titanic.
the phoenix perched on the juniper tree - a bang fic about reincarnation and the concept ‘what if armageddon happened but aziraphale and crowley think they are human’. VERY dear to me!
gravity falls
dimension 18'\ - an au where ford is grievously injured during the fight with bill before ATOTS, and all the snowballing thereafter. currently on part two!
minecraft: story mode
obstacles au - a (future) fic about an au where the blaze rods join the jesse gang post order up!
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4, 10, 11, 27!! (took you this long to reblog the thing >:/ but hell yessss ♥️)
Yesss!! Thank you so much for invading my ask box, DT!!❣️
4.) How many different styles/mediums (e.g., digital art, traditional art, comics, sculptures, paper craft, etc.) did you try this year?
Actually, quite a bit!! At least, more than I initially thought I did. I, of course, did mostly digital art near the end of this year, and ended up producing a lot more pieces than I've done before!! It was honestly kind of crazy how much art I began producing at the end of this year. It was like I was a driver in a race, pffffffft. But, at the beginning of this year, I dabbled a lot in traditional art, because I enjoy the feeling of putting a pencil to paper, and whilst it takes more time, sometimes it can give you more freedom to experiment with designs or expressions. I also began making a long-form Bob's Burgers comic for the first time, which was inspired by @bluebirbbs and their long-form Bob's Burgers comic, which everyone should read if they haven't already. When I was younger and in art class, I actually used even more mediums for creating art, like sewing an actual Christmas ornament, and sketching stuff using a lightbox, which is super fun. But I haven't done those two things in years. I kind of want to try doing them again someday.
10.) What inspired/motivated you this year?
DT, you know I'm going to say you as my first (and biggest :3) inspiration. I mean, come on, you're the reason I have this blog in the first place. I know I've said it before, but seeing your amazing, lovely BB art inspired me to begin making my own and get back into drawing, and it caused me to create my blog and expand it into territories I didn't even think were possible. And now I'm running Geneuary, an event celebrating my favorite baby boy, and that would never have happened if it hadn't been for you, and that initial Boblin ask I somehow worked up the courage to give you (and am so glad I did)! It doesn't show it anymore, but do you remember how I didn't even have an image for my account?? 😆
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Yes, I'm getting super sappy, but all of this is true!! Now, of course, you weren't my only inspiration. There are too many blogs to name, but @br1ghtestlight has been super sweet and my Gene Belcher buddy!! He's the one person who loves the baby boy as much as I do. We may or may not do a collab for Geneuary based on an idea she had about Gene and Tina working on a lil' puzzle together, which is just too adorable 😭
I also must shout out @babsvibes too. She was also, in a way, the reason I even have this blog. I used to be content enjoying this silly Burger show on my own, watching the episodes and having fun, and reading the occasional fanfic (@thisaliennerd and their Boblin fanfic Falling For You is Easy [Like Sunday Morning]) was one of my first forays into the BB fanfic community, and it wonderful) when I suddenly stumbled upon this Tinimmy fic by Babs one fateful day called Honeycombed Hair, I believe: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44413795
This fic led me to you, DT, and your amazing art!! And I joined this incredible Muppet community, and nothing's been the same for me ever since. Now I don't have to enjoy this show alone!! Of course, I have my BF @cryptidchrome now, who watches the show, but I digress. Babs also invited me to the Louigan server, which has been an absolute blast. And she's just an excellent writer in general, which is very inspiring as someone who also writes.
I must also shoutout @theangrypomeranian for being so sweet and Commissioning me, and also being an excellent writer (she called me the #1 Gene person in this fandom and that made me so 🥺). And @devilh0rnsinc for having such lovely art that it makes me squee every time. And @jimmypesto for making the best Boblin fics and just being the ultimate Boblin connoisseur. Shoutout to her new nephew for being the most adorable bambino on the entire planet. Welcome to the world, lil' bean!! @jimmyjrsmusoems is another fantastic writer and is hilarious, and is the other Tinimmy connoisseur in this fandom, besides you, DT, of course. Also, @koko-raccoon has some of the cutest art ever and listened to me ramble about my OCs, which I definitely want to thank them for. Their art is very inspiring to me. But the person whose art is the most inspiring to me, besides yours, DT, is probably @dianadeadwing. Her art is wonderful, and I'll never get enough of it. I also get so excited whenever I see it.
Okay, now for more of a speed round so I can mention more people!! @ratguy-nico has adorable art as well, and I love his style so much. It's wonderful. And @ltwharfy is such a good writer and I didn't even know until I read his Roudise Week fic about Bob and Rudy getting Louise a new hat when she outgrows her bunny ears. @keepyourhornson-spyro is another fantastic writer and is the certified Tedmort Monarch. There are just so many more people I want to name, but I'll just mention one more person: @carnivaldemon, who gave me the most adorable art of Gene and my OC, Alexis. His art is truly inspiring to me.
11.) What pairing/character/subject did you create the most for this year?
You probably already know the answer to this ☠️
It's definitely a tie between Boblin and Gene/Alexis, which is definitely my newest ship and obsession. But I have to give Boblin a special shoutout because I began work on an entire Pre-Canon Boblin series (which I'm still working on to this day) and a "Linda is Deaf" AU, both of which are super close to my heart now. Thank you for giving me the push I needed to work on my "Linda is Deaf" AU when I sent that ask about it to you, pfffffft.
Gene is definitely the character I've created the most for in terms of just singular characters. I could talk about him all day. I love this lil' guy so much. Hopefully, y'all don't get bored of hearing me ramble about him, because I'll certainly never get bored of rambling about him.
27.) Biggest surprise while creating art this year?
Honestly, the biggest surprise was just how sweet, supportive, and welcoming the Bob's Burgers community ended up being. Y'all welcomed me with open arms and supported all of my creative endeavors (and long analyses about Gene) and for that, I'll always be grateful. This community really does feel like one big family, and it's so lovely to see. Everyone is just so nice to each other, it warms my heart 🥹 And one of my biggest surprises was learning about the Ship Weeks/Character Events, and how fun they are. They're truly a testament to how sweet and talented this community is. I'm definitely looking forward to them all next year if they happen again.
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zafirosreverie · 6 months
Hey there. Love your blog!!! I’m obsessed with Julieta too and share your love for her. Was just reading el Luger sin limites and am wondering what happened at the end or what you were planning on having happen. Tell me the wolves ate aurora. ill definitely be back! 🫓 ♥️
Aww thank you! I'm happy you like this corner!
ajsakjoi I LOVE that woman, like, you have no idea <3<3<3 as for the fic, I was planning on continue it, but I then started Cuando la veo and took some ideas I had for ELSL for it and decided to continue that one instead (apparently it was huge mistake since people don't seem to like CLV as much as I do), but I think they're just small details and the two stories are still different from each other. I'll think about it, right now I can only focus on one, given my small time to actually write. But if I decide not to finish ELSL, I promise I'll make a post about all the ideas I had for that fic and how it would go!
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Hi, I'm galaxy!
After this year, I'll be starting my VCE journey in my last two years of secondary school. I'm currently based in Melbourne, Australia, to which I have moved to quite recently amidst the New York summer of 2022.
While I want to keep myself accountable in my studies by blogging on Tumblr, I am more than a student. I want to learn more about languages, I like taking photographs on a film camera (although I haven't exactly been getting around to doing that recently!), I like to make graphics, and I write!
My first language is English and Chinese, but I’m currently learning Japanese at the advanced level. I’ve been thinking about learning more languages for a while now, so it would be awesome if we can do this together ♥️
Alright, I think that's a lot about myself for one day. More will be in the works!
About the Victorian Certificate of Education
2023 WDIDT Masterlist
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