#((//basically a very tired potato here.))
brokenpieces-72 · 6 months
Stray Fluff
This is part 2. Part 1 is here. If you have any ideas or want to be included in the Taglist, leave a comment or send me a request. In this fic you are a dog, 100% canine, not a human. Enjoy.
“Pffah!” Johnny spat as he fruitlessly held out his arms for cover, and turned his head away while you shook your fur once again. The soap went everywhere including Johnny’s face, getting a bit in his mouth. Kyle shielded himself as well, as you wagged your tail unaware of their displeasure.
“Maybe we should call you trouble.” Kyle suggested, looking right at you. You just panted happily. Kyle couldn't stay mad at that face.
“Don’t name it Gaz ya’ll just get attached.” Johnny said, grumpily.
“The dog isn’t going much of anywhere mate. They’re staying here until we get a transfer sorted for them.” Gaz reminded him.
“Alright get over here mutt.” Soap commands. You obey, but not how he wanted. You walked over to him for another round of shampoo, and jumped up to lick his face, getting him even more soaked and drenched than before. Kyle was sympathetic enough to pull you off of Johnny who was getting fed up with your antics.
Price was still on video call with Laswell trying to figure out what can be done about the poor dog. Meanwhile Laswell was still trying to figure out how to deal with a dog and getting it safely off the base.
“And it stole a ration?” She asked.
“A potato yes. Soap was very adamant.” Price said, with a hint of sarcasm behind his statement.
“Hmm…” Laswell said before starting to mutter over the video call.
“You’re breaking up watcher.” Price commented.
"The dog is from an animal testing facility. Beauty products most likely." Kate exclaimed.
"Dog doesn't show any signs of testing, at least none that I've noticed." Price pointed out.
“There’s a stamp on the collar with a few numbers and a small logo but I can't make out what the logo is. This is very strange, John."
“Tell that to my sergeants currently giving the mutt a flea bath." Price commented. There was a small chuckle from Laswell.
“You’ll be the first to know if anything else comes up. Call it a fixation, but I'm going to do more digging, for now the dog will have to stay with on base.” Laswell said.
"Ghost is already out getting some extra supplies." Price said, guessing this would happen.
"I'll let you know what I find. Watcher out." Laswell said before signing off. Price sat back in his seat sighing. The Dog would stay until they figured out where it came from or a shelter could take it.
Price stood up and headed outside. As soon as he opened the door though, you slipped in, covered in shampoo and water. Price got out of the just in time to keep Johnny and Kyle from running into him. You’re around the corner of the hall in mere seconds with the two sergeants hot on your tail. Price just stood there and shaking his head in disbelief. Simon was standing next to him in a couple of minutes seeing the captain’s wet leg from you rubbing against him, and the remaining trail of puddles. He looked at his captain.
“What do we do with the dog?” He asked. Price looked back at his lieutenant and down the hall again, with neither you nor the sergeants in sight.
Each of the 141 came up with their own ideas. Or sometimes you were the one who came up with the idea.
Kyle would use his off time to give you attention. Didn't take long for it to become a bit of a routine and one you picked up on, finding him somewhere on base just finishing up, poking your head in and wagging your tail. It became a highlight of his day, and yours, as you got plenty of scratches and even belly rubs. Kyle enjoyed it for the chance to be active in a more positive sense. Work could be tiring for him, and he wouldn’t always go outside and throw something for you, but he welcomed snuggles on his bunk. Sometimes you would help with his work, actually listening to his instructions when you're ordered to drop it.
At one point Kyle decided to teach you some basic commands and even had a K9 unit and trainer join to help you learn as well. Yeah uh... you kept getting him tangled in the leash, and more than once you fell off whatever makeshift ramps and platforms they made. You did learn how to sit, stay, and go with leash tugs and spoken word. The K9 trainer would look after you whenever Kyle and the rest of the 141 had to leave to go on missions. You would often spend your days waiting on Kyle's bed for him to return. Anytime you overheard a chopper or jeep you would spring off the bed, barking excitedly until you got outside, standing and waiting to see if they had returned safely.
For the most part, you followed Johnny around while he was working out or doing other stuff on base. He found you a bit of a nuisance. If he didn't give you attention even when you were being so well-behaved, you would nip at his hand or leg. This led to him giving you attention, but it was usually just to chase you off. At one point though while he was working out he started doing sit-ups. You went over to him and sat at his feet before putting your paws on his knees. Your happy face stopped him before he got his first sit making him chuckle. After you helped him with sit-ups you made his push-ups more of a challenge, laying on his back. Johnny was able to distract you with a ball, but you two become more comfortable with each other. Eventually, he’s taking you with him to go running, using a leash to keep you from running too far ahead. You’re still a kind-hearted menace though, taking any food he leaves in reach of your mouth.
Simon found you very helpful. You’re a dog, and he could talk to you when he needed it. On occasion, he finds you sleeping in his bed, sometimes on his chest. You are not unwelcomed. Often you are discovered after he wakes up, sometimes from nightmares. You wake with him, and with you on top of him, you ground him.
“Good dog.” He muttered one night in a cold sweat. You stared at him in the dark and then felt his rough calloused hands massaging your ears. He found you soothing, even when you’re just hiding under the table waiting for something to drop. Simon doesn’t bother sneaking food, he straight up slips it to under the table.
Price didn't know what to make of you for the first week or so. You’re not like most stray dogs that tend to be frightened of humans. You’re curious and you openly show that curiosity. Price is often writing reports and doing paperwork so you’ll try to distract him, by getting a ball or stick. You get a ball and start begging for him to play with you. He has to focus on his work and he expresses this to you multiple times. Then you would see if you could get him to see the toy. He would scold you, and wrestle with you to get off his lap or desk.
Price sighed as one such wrestle led to the ball falling and bouncing away for you to chase. Then he noticed the time. Thinking for a moment he did need to take a break.
“Outside?” He asked you. You looked at him with the ball in your mouth, tilting your head. He asked again. “Outside?”
You wagged your tail as he got up, stretching and feeling his back crack before he took you outside. He was able to track down a large pillow, which was left by his desk for you to relax on so you could nap while you waited for him to finish. After that, if he ever has to step out of his office for drills or anything you’re walking right next to him, toy in mouth. You sit anytime he addresses the soldiers, at attention with the toy still in your mouth. If you couldn't be found on Kyle's bunk when the 141 were away, you could be found waiting on the pillow.
One day Laswell and Nikolai come by. Laswell was there to talk to Price and go over some intel, Nikolai came along as her ride (and to meet you). Kyle had you on a leash and you sat patiently. Laswell was somewhat impressed, seeing as your first story involved you getting into trouble.
“Captain.” Laswell said, shaking the captain’s hand, and then Kyle’s. “Sergeant.”
You gave a soft and polite woof, shifting your two front paws. Laswell couldn’t help but offer a hand for you to sniff. You sniffed it and then offered your own paw to shake which she accepts. None of them had seen you do that before. Nikolai is chuckling.
“Good dog. Knows manners better than most.” Nikolai commented.
“Take it no one has any ideas where the dog came from?” Kyle asked. Laswell shook her head. They all walked bavk inside and you retrived a ball as soon as Kyle got you off the leash. Johnny was close by, along with Simon intent to listen to Laswell’s intel. You took your toy to Laswell and basically sat on her feet staring up with puppy dog eyes. Johnny is snickering while Nikolai is laughing. Laswell looked back down at you while you wait for her to take the toy.
“John could you call them off?” Laswell asked the captain. Then she saw the grin on his face.
“‘fraid there’s only one way for that Laswell.” Johnny exclaimed. Laswell gave him a look that had him avoiding eye contact. You continued wagging your tail waiting for her to accept your gift. Laswell gave in and took the toy. She held it up for you to see before tossing it. You sprung after it quickly and picked it up again, this time bringing it to Nikolai. Nik wasted no time, playing with you, and even doing fake throws. Every time you returned it to him, he gave you plenty of praise and pets. This goes on for a short bit before Laswell can convince the rest of the team to go into a room to start the briefing. You follow the team inside where you're kept occupied by Nikolai.
While Laswell went over the meeting Johnny noticed you out of the corner of your eye and bites his tongue. To his surprise, you sat politely and listened to Laswell as she went over the intel she had brought with her.
Then Laswell brought you up in her intel, making you tilt your head. “Your canine may not be a simple stray.”
Laswell tapped the tablet and the view of the map moved and highlighted a specific location. A factory of some kind. “As suspected they were being used for animal testing. What they were testing was a serum. One that has yet to work without killing the subject.”
“They want to use this on humans?” Simon questioned, thinking this was starting to sound like a plot to a cheesy action movie. If Laswell brought up “super soldiers” he would’ve walked out or called bluff.
“No.” Laswell said. “They’re using it on animals.”
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444
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There was a post going around for a while about how kana means chicken in Finnish, making Kanafinwe = chicken Finwe. The thing is, a lot of Quenya names have te reo Māori meanings or can have funny meanings when transliterated into te reo. I've made a little list.
The most important thing to know is that 'wh' is pronounced 'f' in most dialects. Also, I took several liberties with the transliterations - when there were multiple options, I picked the one whose meaning I liked the best.
Maitimo: Māītimo means sour gardening tool. (Māī = sour, timo = a tool used to dig up sweet potatoes.) But if you're willing to mess around with the vowel sounds a little ... Māī-iti-mau [my-ee-tee-mo]* = to be a little sour to be captured.
*'au' is usually pronounced like the o in no.
Kanafinwe: Kana = wild stare / to stare wildly, making him Wild Stare Finwe.
Kano: either 1) colour or 2) bean.
Turukano: tūru means chair, so Tūrukano means chair bean
Ingo means desire, yearning, wanting. (Ingoldo becomes Ingoroto, a desire/yearning within.)
Amarie: Amārie = of peace, tranquility.
Arafinwe: ara means the waters breaking in childbirth. It also means path, but the first option is funnier.
Arakano: path bean
Angamaite: anga = to face, māī = sour, and tē = fart.
Curufinwe: Kuru has a lot of meanings including to hit/punch, to be tired, a piece of greenstone jewelry, or a mallet. So I guess that makes his name Tired Finwe, Ornamental Finwe, Mallet Finwe, or Punch Finwe. The last one would be in the imperative, making it a command.
Moringotto: we have to take out one of the t's to make this Mōringoto. It means either 1) intense unimportant person or 2) unimportant person to penetrate.
Feanaro: The best transliteration would be Wheanaro, which is pronounced the same as in Quenya. But my favourite interpretation is Whaea-ngaro; mother lost/missing.
(Edited to add that 'ng' is a soft sound pronounced like in sing. I'm cheating a bit here, because it's actually the equivalent of the Quenya ñ, not n like in Feanaro.)
Nelyo: We don't typically have l or y sounds. My preferred option for this would be Ngērō, meaning to scream inside.
Nelyafinwe -> Neriawhine or Nerawhine. Nera can mean nail (as in a metal nail) or to nail. Whine [fee-neh] isn't a word in most dialects, but in some very small areas it's the word for woman/women.* (In most areas the word is wahine.) So uhhhhh interpret that as you will, but this may be the single most ironic name on the list.
*Another possible transliteration of Finwe would be Whinewē, meaning woman liquid. This is physically painful to me so I'm sticking with Whine.
Findekano: In the same vein, Whinekano means bean woman or woman bean. If you prefer Whine-te-kano or Whine-tē-kano, the former means Woman The Beans and the latter means women fart beans.
Turko is Tūrukau: chair cow / nothing but a chair.
Makalaure could become Makarōre. Maka = to throw/fling and rōre = lord, making the full name Yeet Lord. A prophetic mother name.
Tyelkormo would become Terekomo. Tere= swift/fast. Komo... um. This is mostly used to describe putting on clothes. But it can also mean to thrust or insert. So basically the same as the Quenya
Moryo = Mōriau, a firm unimportant person / a howling unimportant person.
Curvo: if written as Kuruwau, in certain dialects it would mean hit me.
Pityo would be Pitiau: defeated smoke/mist.
Findarato: rātō means western, so Whinerātō = western woman.
There are also names that are pronounced the same in te reo Māori as they are in Quenya but have no Māori meaning, e.g. Anaire or Curumo.
Take this whole thing with a pinch of salt, because obviously we don't usually make word-for-word translations of transliterated names. Like I said, I've also taken some liberties with the transliterations. But to the best of my knowledge, all of these are accurate translations.
It's the House of Finwe uwu smol beans
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42spideys · 1 year
i love love love your chubby!male reader fic. would u mind writing a fic where chubby!reader is recovering from an ed and tries to eat a full meal one day and feels nauseous and calls 42!miles and is like can u come sit w me bc they feel like they are regressing?
just rlly soft and tender.
it’s okay if not !!! love u !! x
REGRESSION — e-42! miles morales x chubby!reader
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warnings: gn!reader, eating disorders, self hatred, fluff, comfort, google translated spanish (i’m srry), miles being the best boyfriend ever :((
note: i love u to!! this was such a cute request thank u anon 😭
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this was so stupid, you were stupid, and the food was stupid. you were trying your absolute best to sit there and eat, you had gotten more than half way done before you felt that familiar burning, disgusting, buildup in your chest. you let out a pained grunt before shoving a spoonful of mashed potatoes in your mouth, you felt yourself slipping. you were almost done, why were you chickening out? your hands shook as you picked up your phone to text miles, he was the only one in your mind that could help you right now.
geek 👾
‘miles are you busy rn?’
‘nah wsp’
‘this is so stupid but i need you over here rn, i’m dead abt to throw up this food i’m not joking’
read 12:19
read 12:20
you groaned in annoyance before laying your head in your arms, your food was pushed over to the left of you, it almost looked sad. after two minutes of you telling yourself how stupid you were for thinking you could ever do something so simple as eat food, you heard your door open. you glanced behind you to see miles panting, he was still in his pajamas, you felt like shit for making him run here. you looked away from him pathetically, small sniffles coming from you made miles tense in frustration. never at you of course, at your stupid brain and body for making you feel like this, for making you struggle with basic things like eating.
miles slowly walked over to the table where you were seated and picked up your plate, he dipped his pinky in the food and cringed when he felt nothing but cold. he made his way to your microwave, placing the food gently inside and starting it, the low hum of the microwave would’ve been calming if you weren’t on the verge of throwing up your organs. after two minutes he took the plate out the microwave and placed it in front of you, he kneeled next to you, placing a careful hand on your back.
“you’re gonna be okay, aight? sólo un poco más.” he whispered in your ear, you picked your head up with a pout, he gave a soft smile while watching you eat. anytime you tried to retreat from the table he kept you there, giving you words of praise, giving you hugs, giving you kisses, holding your hand through everything.
you felt like you were there for hours, it was agonizingly slow for you, but your thought were interrupted when a very smiley miles started clapping. “look, you finished all your food, i knew you could do it.” he ruffled your hair, earning a small giggle from you. he picked your plate up and went to the sink to wash it, you were trailing behind him like a small puppy, clinging onto the bottom of his shirt with your pinkie.
after he was done he scooped you up, much to your dismay. “quit doing that! what if you pull something?” he snorted while walking to your room, “i’m not going to die jus because i picked you up, you’re so dramatic.” he gently kicked your door open and threw you on the bed. “that’s still a possibility, miles.” you whined only to be met with a pair of lip on yours, he pulled away before you could register the kiss in your mind. “you can lecture me all you want in the morning, mi amor, but i’m tired and i know for sure yo ass tired to.”
you weren’t even going to try to argue with miles, you just wrapped yourself around his slender frame, he was always warm and smelled good.
“thank you, i really don’t think i would’ve been able to do that without you.” you say softly, already feeling yourself slipping into slumber. “you help me all the time, this was the most i could do.” he said with a small sigh while playing with your hair, “love you miles.” you mumbled sleepily making miles chuckle.
“love you too, siempre y para siempre.”
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Some Dick Grayson headcanon
I did some headcanon based in canon stuff and also random things, this is more around the batkids and Dick . Please respect
All batkids lie to Batman, ALL.OF.THEM and Dick is the one who lie to Batman and the others Robins (he is the oldest child guys, he will use his power for evil for fun)
He worries about Jason a lot and Dick will be happy in listen if Jason needs to talk
He also worries about Damian but for a different reason, and he still has Damian's adoption papers stored in his house (he mentions about wanting to adopt Damian in Nightwing 11)
Dick bond with Tim is pretty strong
He's Clark's favorite Robin and he knows it (Clark can deny it all he wants, but everyone knows it's Dick)
He accepted very well the fact that Damian changed the color of his uniform and turned the R into Redemption (he forgot to tell the boy what Robin was, but now Dick doesn't think it's right for a grown man to throw his moral responsibility onto a child then he is pretty ok with it )
Dick hates very single Bruce's former romantic partners, especially Khoa (Ghostmaker)
When Dick is tired of his siblings shit, he just needs to shout out "Superman" and less than 20min one of them will show up and pick up his brothers
Is Tim doing something potentially dangerous to himself? Here comes Kon carrying Tim like a sack of potatoes in one arm and Bart in another. Is Steph doing something also potentially dangerous to herself? Kara is on her way. Is Damian missing (again)? just one yell is enough and Jon will be landing on the ground while carrying Damian in his arms like a bride
There is this time that Dick ask Krypto (yep, the dog) to pick up the Robin, Dick's smile got bigger and bigger as the dog approached carrying Robin the mouth as if the boy were a puppy. After that, Damian never went two months without giving news about himself to Dick
Dick and Alfred always get the best gifts in the whole house
Dick is the best at reading people, this is not just a matter of body language, but actually understanding the situation and the person themselves. The more time this boy spends with someone, the better he will be able to understand them to the point of seeing transparency even in Bruce's actions
When he was little, during his circus days, he dreamed of being the ringmaster. Nowadays he is so good at reading the room and pulling strings for his own gain that he basically has made his dreams come true
He taught each of his brothers a different circus trick
Everyone blames Bruce for Damian's addiction to adopting pets, the truth is that Bruce just gave the dog, Dick allow Damian keep the cow and Dick encourages the adoption of his little brother's animals just to annoy Bruce and for everyone to blame Bruce even more
If you ask Batman who is the wost Robin, Bruce will say without hesitation that it's Dick and no one will believe in Bruce
Robin!Dick was a very energetic child, he made a lot of jokes and came from the circus and Bruce was a first-time father, so Dick was able to escape from Bruce and the mansion easily
Nowadays the only Robin who can escape Bruce's obsessive surveillance is Damian (who is a fucking ninja)
"You like the boy as if he were your son because he is a menace like you" - Jason Todd
No one believes in Bruce and Jason when they talk how difficult Dick was in the past (Babs, Kor'i, Wally and Roy can proof but they're in Dick side)
Dick knows many languages, but he really dedicated himself to learning Chinese after Cass was added to the family
The same applies for Arabic
He is actually pretty ok in hide on body if one of his siblings ask
knowing many languages can sometimes become a problem, he may forget a word in English and only remember it in a second or third language
"What is the name of that white liquid that can be ingested?"
and some hours later "MILK! The word was MILK!!!"
Dick always tries to spend quality time with all his siblings and checks in on them regularly (Cass and Damian are the most difficult since they don't use social media much)
Dick and Babs currently knows about Jason fanfiction account, they also reads the fics and leaves comments (Jason will never know it)
He also knows about Damian's fanart account, but will never tell the boy that (if you think Bruce and Tim are terrible you've definitely never read anything about Dick Grayson and its show)
His relationship with Bruce is complicated, to the point that they only interact after Damian's arrival. Dick still tries to understand Bruce, but he keeps the bar low
Never touch him without permission
He became a police officer to try to combat corruption, he gave up the profession due to corruptio, and as being Nightwing allows him to attack the corrupt he will be the hero to keep punch corrupt in their face (I really don't get why in hell he becomes a cop)
Jim Gordon hates him
Dick might get exhausted from all the work, vigilantism, his siblings, and Bruce's weekly batshit, and when that happens he just lays on the floor while Haley the dog plays around him (and sometimes one of his siblings join them, usually Cass or Damian)
"Richard what do you want for Christmas?" - Damian asked one time and Dick in full low maintenance mood "A break"
that Christmas Damian gave Dick a brick, apparently the boy confused the words and didn't understand why Dick started laughing when he received the gift, but Damian was very happy to know that his older brother loved the gift to the point of laughing until his belly hurt
and now every time Dick get exhausted he just sit with Haley the Dog and look at the brick and start laugh (yep, he keeps the brick)
Some batkid headcanon: Damian || Duke || Cassandra || Stephanie || Tim || Jason || Dick
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Old Man Things
Basically, all the old man things that make Daddy Whiskey, an old man.
SFW and NSFW below the cut. 18+ only (minors DNI)
A/N: I can't tell you how much I enjoyed writing this. That's my daddy🥰
Agent Daddy Whiskey Masterlist
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Every single time you text him, he finds a way to send a thumbs up emoji. “How are you, babe?” 👍🏻 “How’s work going today?” 👍🏻 “Wanna go out tonight?”👍🏻 “Did you buy toilet paper?”  👍🏻
Still reads the actual newspaper, and will do it at the breakfast table and while on the toilet. 
Has to wear reading glasses, likes to wear them while going to bed with a good book in his hand.
Grunts every time he gets up and every time he sits down. Every. Damn. Time. 
His back kills him, especially after missions. He’ll groan when he walks in, groan when he undresses, which will lead to you following him into the bathroom and showering together. You have him sit on the stone seat’s edge, rubbing his back beneath the warm water while bathing him, just letting him relax in your company. And he especially enjoys when you wash his hair. "Babycakes, you have such a sweet touch."
Texts using just his pointer finger. 
Still says “howdy” when he answers the phone. 
Has those grandpa potato house shoes and will not be giving them up anytime soon.
Likes to protect you and keep you as innocent as possible. You’re a grown woman but he doesn’t want the world to taint you. Because of this, he won’t tell you the details of his job, his missions, etc. 
Very old school with dating. Was a gentleman from the start. Opens all the doors for you, even inside your home. He makes dates a special occasion, not a ‘hangout’, and constantly buys flowers for you.
Absolutely has bad back days, and will beg you to ride him. “Sugar, I can’t, not today. Please get up here, c’mon, climb on top of me. I know you love riding your daddy.”
Will smoke a cigar while you ride him.
Likes to watch you drink his whiskey he’s even spit it into your mouth before
Has the most guttural southern voice you’ve ever heard, and it makes you weak in the knees damn near every time he speaks. Let alone when he uses his bedroom voice. The difference between, “Hey honey,” and “C’mere, babycakes” couldn’t be more extreme. 
Jack being older than you meant he had more life experience. He was already established, already had money and skill, and was cocky about it. Truly, nothing turns you on more than seeing Jack’s confidence shine through. It reminded you just how easily he’s able to order you around, manhandle and control you. 
Whenever he sits down in his comfy chair, his hips shift forward with his legs parting wide, fully manspreading. And every time you walk in on him sitting like this, it makes you want to sink down to your knees and gag on him, remind him that you’re the best decision he’s ever made. You just want to give him everything you know he deserves. 
Can’t always last for a second round, or even last too long the first round. And gets crazy embarrassed about it. But you always do your best to reassure him, “It’s okay, daddy. It’s okay, don’t you know how much I love it? Every second that I have you? I know your beautiful body gets tired, baby… I love every second I can get”. Rubbing your hands over him, whispering sweet praise that makes him grin. 
Obviously loves being called daddy. Daddy. He wants to be in charge of you, in charge of your happiness and pleasure and general well-being. You’re his, in every sense of the word. His beautiful girl, his responsibility. 
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
RANBOO ; youre too pretty to cry
summary ; getting comfort from a stranger in walmart
warnings ; language, guardian being an ass, slightly crying in a public setting, set around senior year ranboo
genre ; kinda angst kinda fluff
word count ; 652
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The comments your guardian made about college and your grades were starting to get to your head. You couldn't even go shopping with them without being harassed by "You need to get your grades up" and "You need to get college plans in order"
You didn't want to start a fight in public, so you stay silent, ignoring their words.
"Go back to the freezers and get me some pierogis please, I forgot to get them while we were back there"
You nod, turning around to walk back to the freezer aisles in search of a blue bag of the potato and cheese filled dumplings. The usual facade of niceness your guardian put on after basically yelling at you was usual and tiring. You didn't even understand why you had to be here with them. You just wanted to lie down and cry.
You're able to locate the familiar, large bag after a solid 3 minutes, the store having relocated some items since your last visit. You didn't know which size your guardian wanted, and you were already stressed and overstimulated. You feel your eyes well with tears as you do your best to logically think and hold them back, but you fail.
Silent droplets of tears fall from your eyes, which you quickly wipe away. You stand in front of the freezers, feeling more lost than you ever have, somehow.
Your hands tremble as you shove them in your pockets, pulling your phone out to text your guardian, informing them you were running to the bathroom quickly and would find them back at the bakery section. You shove your hands and phone back in your pockets, walking back to the bathroom at the back of the store, your head hung low.
You quickly speed-walk to the back, face flushed as you hold back your tears. You feel weak, but you feel overstimulated, some sort of justification for your actions. You almost run into someone as you turn down the video game aisle, stopping dead in your tracks to let them pass as you mumble a sorry.
The person looks down at you, they stand a solid six feet tall, wear a plain black shirt covered by a jacket, colored medium grey with red sleeves and a red and white striped collar, paired with some black cargo pants and sneakers. They have short, brown hair, which looks halfway fried from thermal tools. They also wear a black cloth mask, hiding half of their face. They were probably about your age, just very tall.
"Are you okay?" They ask, pointing out your watery eyes and nervous stature like you were about to explode.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good" You nod, looking away, "Sorry for getting in your way"
Wow, that's awkward.
"It's fine. Uh, are you sure?" He asks, "You look like you need a hug." He looks at you with a calm look, eyebrows slouched as he looks with a little bit of worry before he realizes how it sounds. "I swear I'm not a creep, just an empath or something"
You lightly chuckle, "Can't believe I'm about to accept a hug from a stranger in the Walmart video game aisle."
He opens his arms up, inviting you into the warmth. "My name's Ranboo"
You slightly smile, wrapping your arms around their torso. "Y/n. Thanks, Ranboo"
You barely cry, but your stress is relieved, at least.
"You're too pretty to cry, okay? You're strong and awesome, and I don't even know you" They speak, rubbing your back a bit.
You smile, "Thanks"
After some small talk, you thank the boy, and share information to maybe stay in touch, which you'd definitely use to apologize profusely for this whole situation when you properly recovered from the embarrassment. You walk back to the freezer aisles after waving goodbye, leaving him to walk towards the arts and crafts aisles.
Maybe some strangers aren't so scary.
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leidensygdom · 5 months
OKay! So, our campaign ended! Yesterday was the 81 session, and last one of it- Our DM did a wonderful job at running it. We basically got to ask them for the scenes we'd like to see, and the session was built around that. It's been three years, so it was wild to see it come to an end! Here's a recap tho (a lil bit more focused on my blorbos since they're the ones you know)
The epilogue happened two years after the campaign's end, with a couple of flashbacks going some time back
First scene was welcoming Blasma (one of the party members), who had been on a trip all this time to heal her soul at her grandpa's dubious laboratory. She's pretty okay currently- if we ignore soul healing is something theoretically impossible. Probably many questionable things happened there. Osten traveled with her to make sure she was doing okay
Next scene was her welcoming party. A bunch of shenanigans happened. Yxala tried so play cool aunt, got her a motorbike. They ended in somewhat odd terms and my girl was trying so bad to get her trust again
Pulsar and Tephra- each polycule's kids- appeared to be overall terribly adorable. Yxala talked a lot about her Sweet Potato. Tephra is Yxala and Relé's biological kiddo (as evidenced by the branched horns), 6 months old, and just one of these big hefty babies who is starting to munch on everything (here's a token of baby her, and what she's like grown up!)
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we also got to see the closure of Mythannae, Yden and Jorven's polycule! Myth and Yden recovered their enchanted clothing business. They specialize in magical clothing adapted to specific needs- Like fireproof clothing for fire genasi, helmets with bag-of-holding like pockets so you can put them on with horns, that stuff. Jorven has now been working on music again. (For context, Myth was my previous character before I switched for Yxala!)
Blasma's player also had an epilogue for his previous character- she's a tired old lady, who is now joining another tired old lady to get in politics. An improvement, given they were cops before that
Centi got to resurrect the weird celestial wife of an old teacher of hers- Who had been snatched up by Sol Ascensus and transformed into a monster. I can't wait to show Niereva to y'all tho, she's a bit of a weird aminal (a mantis/naga-like aasimar)
She may have done a fucked up pact with a psychopomp tho-
We had Yxala's, Relent's and Uri's wedding, we knew that was coming! It took Urion a long while to recover from after the Deep Lab, and they still struggle a lot with that they did as The Onirist
We had a scene of Urion's recovery. Initially they didn't even want to come to terms with being Urion- They were The Onirist. Relé had a hard time forgiving them too, bc they DID hurt Relent a lot. Yxala was a bit more fine about it, even after having her heart carved out by them.
they're all going to therapy lol
There's actually a cult to The Onirist/Ataraxia now though! Some people loved the idea of a godly machine that could solve everyone's hurts and ailments, and they're asking for them to come back and fix the world. maybe the mind control microchips were fine, y'know
(uri isn't doing great about this)
We had the ceremony- Money and seeds are given to the partners as a sign of prosperity and life. They're gonna have a great garden.
The polycule drank (alcohol-free) wine imbued with each other's blood too bc ceremonies there go hard- (this one is seen as a bit more archaic)
And a major exchange between marrying partners is expected. They exchanged basses- They had them custom made many decades ago, with Urion's being based on clouds (after Relé), Relé's being based on fire (after Yxala), and Yxala's being based on bismuth crystals (after Uri's). Now Uri has the fiery bass, Relé has the bismuth one, and Yxala has the cloudy bass
Urion was the bassist for Demonwire, a group they were a part of with some other anarchist friends. This bass has a very long history and it's very significative. Yxala was a bit shocked.
After that, the wedding after-party took place. Blasma set a date with Osten- They didn't actually get romantically involved up until now (and it's probably gonna be very slow still gfhudhdgf)
I forgot to mention this but Urion and Relent are now involved with an organization to help the people who were affected by the Deep Lab and The Onirist's actions. Uri had a very awkward interview about it.
We had few other closure scenes here and there. Finding out two other npcs are marrying, the fact the weird undead guy somehow has a new kid, that stuff- and then we went onto the final one
Which was a concert by Demonwire. Urion played with them for the first time in 12 years, and gave an awkward speech, and it was super sweet and just a great point to end the campaign in!
With that, we're now set to go play the next campaign- Which will happen 8 years after this epilogue (ten years after the end of the major campaign events). I'm going to be playing Siegmund, one of Yxala's kids, and I'm very excited for that.
Yxala won't be doing any major stuff- She's gonna still go fight corpos in the streets and she's going back to the Mecha Derby (did y'all know she was a mecha pilot in a sports competition lmao. I'm working on her pilot fit, it's cool!). Urion is going to be back on Demonwire, mostly to raise funds for those hurt by The Onirist and Ataraxia, and will have a bigger role coming up- Specially given Siegmund's (and Vyxander, his twin) have a lot to do with that. Relent will also be doing some major stuff, but it will remain spoilery for a time. He's got some big things to handle!
I may have cried a bit at the end because it's been so long. I'm glad the characters won't be fully gone. Next campaign will have a lot more lore stuff to gush about- We're going to adventure outside the city, and meet people from all over the world. There's a country that uses souls in place of nuclear fission. It's gonna be wild! (And thank you for reading-)
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hell-drabbles · 4 months
Ra-on 3
Summary: You and Ra-on do your morning routine of having breakfast together. The topic, for whatever reason, lands on the topic of Satan.
(This Ra-on is in that part of character development where he's starting to get better and his kindness is no longer focused on people he's found hot. This is also a few or so days right before the Embittered Companion goes missing, because I'm cruel and I want everyone to suffer and get worse before getting better.)
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There’s this routine you and Ra-on have that has far went unbroken. Early in the morning, when the demons are still sleeping away and the battles have lulled to a manageable low, you and Ra-on would drift into the kitchen to either cook or just make a nice morning drink.
You can’t really pinpoint why you do any of this. Perhaps it’s just something you both find comfort in, in doing a rather mundane routine to offset the lunacy that comes with adjusting to Hell? Or perhaps you’re both missing the cool mornings were your bodies were barely shifting out of dreaming mode, where you’d both shuffle into the kitchen and hear the sound of oil on a hot pan, where you’d both settle down and be greeted by the freshly dressed and smiling Minhyeok right before he goes on his jog.
Well, whatever the reason, this was something you take enjoyment in for the fact that the devils weren’t here. Your blood pressure can be normal, for just a little bit. You can joke around and be a little mean without a devil coming right over and egging you into a fight or an argument, hoping to distract you long enough to whisk Ra-on away.
“Is that what you’re judging me for?” Ra-on looked exasperated, frowning as he lifted his mug to his lips, “For… messing around?”
Ha. Messing around. He likes being called a dirty whore and yet can’t say the word ‘fuck.’
“Nah, I’m judging you for the fact that you’re fucking someone that looks like the janitor from our high school.” You’re not going to stop him, honestly. If he’s having fun and his partners are having fun, then that’s fine. You just can’t help but point out this… pattern in his tastes.
Ra-on spat out his coffee, dribbling over his chin and absolutely soaking his shirt. He cough and sputtered.
“He–” Ra-on coughs again, “He does not!”
“Yeah you’re right,” you leaned back, grinning, “that janitor was hotter. ‘There’s something nice about a body that’s been built from years of hard labor rather than just for the sake of it,’ was what you said, right?”
“Stop!” Ra-on slammed his head on the table. You can practically see steam rising from his ears, “That was ages ago! Just let me live!”
You’re lying, you actually don’t remember what that janitor man looked like beyond the white hair, but you remember very distinctly that Ra-on had a huge crush on him way up until the last year of high school. By then he moved on and was hungry for a teacher that you also don’t remember. And then you all went to university and it was basically a game of hot potato with Ra-on. New crush, new wet dreams, new feelings all the time.
It was fun and funny. It was also tiring.
You will never let Ra-on live any of this down, not while you still had blood pumping into your veins. He makes this way too fun.
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Can you do more relationship fluff HCs with blackwatch and fem s/o? I love your other blackwatch work! Thanks!!
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Genji loves to go out, but in his Blackwatch era the days of arcade games and goofing off are at an all-time low
However, he loves to hike.
He feels in his time of getting used to a cybernetic body, he has lost touch with himself.
Being out in nature helps him find peace whereas being in Moira's lab cannot
He doesn't really camp and spend the night too often though with you he'll pack a couple hammocks and find a nice campground
He'll pull you in with him a set you in his lap and pull out a book all while having his arms around you
Occasionally if you're cuddled against his chest, he'll pull you up to kiss you, and he'll have his body cybernetics heat up to keep you warm if the day grows cold
Genji doesn't necessarily eat, but Angela made it so he's able to enjoy small amounts of food
This means S'mores!
He enjoys them, but he likes feeding you them and laughing at the chocolate and marshmallow mess on your face
you did the same to him and it was one of the first times you've heard him laugh whole heartedly and man was that a majestic feeling
On the side, another hobby he's picked up is wood carving
Genji loves to make little statues for you, whether it's of dragons or foxes and if you're lucky he'll make a little inscription
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Doesn't really have technology, but he does own a Wii?
Wii sports date night with the cowboy who's weirdly good at Wii bowling
Cassidy jokingly calls himself a gamer, but even a junker with -1 braincell could see he's not
The moment you buy Mario kart Wii and beat him over and over he's on his KNEES begging to play something else
Like I said in other post, while He can't barbeque his specialty lies in making comfort foods like corn bread, BBQ beans, mashed potatoes, and a basic pan seared steak.
On days your sick he'll whip up a hot tomato bisque with some bread on the side
Cassidy would love if you'd join him in the kitchen, meal preparation is always a pain in the ass
Going out, another thing he likes to do is go to carnivals, though he hates rollercoasters of any kind
He just likes showing you all the cheats to the unwinnable games
Not because he's scared, he just gets sick on them very easy
ok fine he's scared, I tried to cover for him but no he's a scaredy cat
If the day is free and slow, he's totally ok with chilling at home and holding you on the couch
Beware his beard tickles you during most kisses
Likes to wrap his poncho around you and put his cowboy hat on you
Definitely can't resist to kiss you when he sees you in his clothes
matching western outfits YES!
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Such a weeb, and you'll know it after many nights in her lab
Watches anime while doing trivial experiments or documenting her results and she'll have you right there with her
When she goes home, she takes you with her and in all honesty she way too tired to cook so expect some take-out and a bottle of wine
Dinner is usually pretty animated; home is a place where she feels open to talk to you about her frustrations and excitements and she knows you'll listen and take to heart what she says
Make-out sessions with wine-stained lips, moira's pretty saucy milf don't sass me anon
Her corrupted hand pains her though she doesn't show it in front of others
Having you near her helps distract her form the pain ahd you and turn just puts some heat packs in the microwave and hold them against her arm
Occasional affection, but not much and that mostly stems from her fear of hurting you
Won't hesitate to kiss you though
absolutely no PDA
Long chess matches, she likes to play wits against wits
insert another wine-stained make out session here after you lose a match
her haughtiness after a winning makes her this way
She loves to style hair; it helps her unwind and she's rather good at it
same goes for nails, honestly, I can't paint nails for shit, but know that moira can and she will do yours in a heartbeat
I have this image of moira with a cucumber mask and i can't get it out of my head god damnit
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Big man. big arms. big cuddles
Sparring matches at HQ! Helps burn off energy and Afterwords he likes to head home with you
karaoke night, he probably finds some songs to sing in Spanish to woo you
Definitely a dancer, and won't take no for answer if he drags you out onto the floor
His thighs save lives
pulls you into his arms and sways to the beat
Twirls then dips you (the crowd gasps)
type of guy to have a rose in his mouth tbh
On the drive back he' gets drive thru and you two are laughing your asses of on the standup comedy radio
Gabriel occasionally takes you to this seaside cliff where he goes to contemplate and reflect on his decisions.
It's late at night and with the bags of fast food in his hand and a flashlight in the other he takes you to the top.
Once Gabe finds the spot, he finds the remnants of an old campfire and starts a fire and a couple worn plastic chairs are already set around the fire
You two are chowing down on fast food burgers and fries, and he reaches over with one arms and pulls you to his side
After finishing he puts out the fire and the stars become clearer than ever and looking over the cliff, the waves glow blue with bioluminescence
Gabriel smiles warmly at you and wraps an arm around your waist and brings his lips to yours
His kisses warm you up as the ocean breeze blows past the two of you
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A/N: Not as much as the last one, but I pulled what I could from my brain to write more for the Blackwatch crew
Have a request? Put it in the Request box and don't forget to check the rules!
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Saw a post earlier on basically saying that Donna was better than Clara (and therefore RTD better than Moffat) because she just instantly accepted the new Doctor whereas Clara didn't and it annoyed me such much because the situation are not comparable, and because I am just so sick and tired of people judging Clara for having a very real, very emotional, very flawed and human reaction to regeneration.
Clara knew about regeneration and had even met some past Doctors, but they were all nice, friendly, and praised her, and Clara loves to be praised (one of the many ways she's like that the Doctor), but her Doctor was always still there. He never went away. The he regenerated and quick as a sneeze he was gone and there was this stranger standing there, but he wasn't like the other Doctors she'd met, he was harsh, rude, angry, aggressively Scottish, criticised her (a big Clara no-no), and confused her with a potato. He was not in any way the Doctor she was used to, and she took that badly and had a very human reaction where she wished things could go back to the way they were before, that she could have her Doctor back. Like many going through a difficult time she longed to go back to when things were easy.
Now, to say this situation is like for like with what Donna experienced in The Giggle is just absurd. Donna didn't lose her Doctor, he was still there, he never went away, and the new Doctor was all charm, confidence, smiles and great legs. He wasn't being rude and confusing her with Mel because they're both ginger. So yeah, Donna was okay with all this because she didn't lose her Doctor and get and less friendly one in exchange.
The change from Eleven to Twelve was difficult for Clara, it wasn't meant to be a good experience, it was intentionally meant to show of regeneration isn't a pleasant experience for the Doctor or companion. Clara didn't react with calm rationality just because she knew regeneration was a thing, she reacted like a regular person would if they suddenly lost a dear friend and then had to share a flat with an prickly Glaswegian. And let's be real here, if Donna had been in 'Deep Breath' we would've been on Thirteen by the end of the episode.
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mooneltwo · 11 months
I am filled with the NEED to hear about the Luffy and Ace breaking time I need to know about their madness
ok so after the bad ending, when Salbo just exists to rule after time to its own pleasure, what they did was split small parts of themselves and scattered it through time!
If you recall, ever since becoming a time keepers, all other versions of themselves were erased.. So Salbo just makes new ones to throw around.
Eventually though, one instance of the trio manages to wander into the Time rift, making Salbo grant them the previous abilities they all had in the first timeline.
But the difference is that the mental instability carried over to one of them and is bound to start breaking time when the event where people discover Time travel.. Basically hot potato on who gets the insanity ;P
Luffy who takes the role of Sabo in one instance is very sad, always crying because as the Time Keeper of the Present, he doesn’t have a Past (Ace) or a Future (Sabo) to look to, so he’s grieving and crying like a lost child, carelessly and desperately clawing through the multiple timelines to find Ace or Sabo (He stuffed his handclock into his head‼️)
Ace on the other hand, when he takes Sabo’s role, he has entirely given up. He is the Time Keeper of the Past, and he doesn’t even have any sort of future to look forward too. So he’s chillaxed and tired in a way where he doesn’t care what destruction and genocide he might carelessly impact.
Though out of the three instances of them Breaking time, Ace may be the more confident one that believes his brothers are alive because without him, they would be gone, and he’s still there isn’t he?
Anyways here’s the order of how their roles swap.. After this order is finished, it’s all randomized from there on
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luimagines · 1 year
Sequel to There’s Only One Bed Part 3
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You can read the first half right here!
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 will include the same boys as before which are Hyrule, Four and Sky!
Content under the cut!
Hyrule actually fell asleep much faster than he anticipated that he would.
Between the soft rhythm of your breathing and the warm of two living bodies next to each other, Hyrule has never felt as secure as he did in that moment. There was never a time where he could pin point feeling safe and loved enough where his eyes hit the pillow and he was out cold.
It was as if someone hit the light switch and he was unconscious.
Not to mention he hadn’t even woke up once the entire night. He closed his eyes in the dark of the room and when he opened them again it was daytime.
And you were gone.
Seeing as Hyrule isn’t used to sleeping as deeply as he had, it takes him a while to come back to speed.
Something is telling him that there’s something wrong. Something is missing. But he can’t figure it out.
He came in the night prior. Tired and he fell asleep in the bed. Was there someone else there? Was it you? Or did he dream you up? It was very likely that he dreamed you up. Why would you want to sleep next to him?
It hurts his heart a little bit that he fooled himself that way, but it was a very nice dream.
“Are you awake yet, sleepy head?” He hears you knock gently on the door as you open it.
He sits up and ruffles his hair for no good reason. It is to make it look better? Get rid of the bed head? Make it seem neat? It accomplishes none of those things. He slaps himself wake up a bit more and shakes his head. “I’m up.”
You see the last bit of his drama and snort. “I brought you breakfast!”
Hyrule smiles. “Thank you.”
He throws his legs over the bed and pulls at his shirt nervous, hoping that it only looks that he’s adjusting it. “I could have gotten it myself. You didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”
“If I didn’t then no one would have saved you anything. Twilight and Wind are eating their weight in pancakes and Wild only just sat down to eat his own food so he’s no longer cooking anything.” You say kindly and sit n the bed next to him. “Here.”
You hold out the plate to him and Hyrule can’t help the blush that spread across his cheeks. It’s a small tower of four pancakes with scrambled eggs, some potato patty and a few pieces of bacon. There’s a little bit of butter on the side with syrup that was once poured into the relative shape of a smiley face on top. 
It’s cute.
Hyrule smiles back and begins to cut into the food. It’s soft and fluffy and perfect. If only every morning could be like this, Hyrule would begin to understand what Time meant by basic happiness.
“You talk in your sleep.”
Hyrule almost chokes on his food. His head snaps to you with lightning speed. It’s a similar scene to the night before but Hyrule can’t bring himself to fully remember the experience.
You smile shyly and pump your legs as they hang off of the bed. “Nothing to bad. It was funny.”
Hyrule bits his lip and can feel the shame creep up his back. “Oh on courage what did I say?”
You giggle enough to snort. You cover your mouth with your hand, clearly delighted by whatever he had said in his sleep.
He gets no answer.
Four woke up peacefully.
It wasn’t necessarily out of normality for him but it also wasn’t common place. He likes it and snuggles back into the pillow by his face.
It takes him a while to be aware of his surroundings once more. His brain is defrosting at a slower rate than usual. Four notes that it must be a very uneventful morning for no one to want his attention just yet.
The bed shifts closer than he anticipates and he blinks his eyes wearily to the sleeping form next to him
Oh. It’s just you... Four closes his eyes again, willing for more time to pass so that he can wake up more. That’s right, he thinks. You spent the night in the same room. There’s only one bed. You were tired and sleepy and still sleeping.
Good. It’s good that you both get to sleep in today. Four thinks that it’s a start of a good day then
He yawns and stretches, letting his eyes blink open. Four lets his body be laid out flat and tries his best to not touch you, just in case it might wake you up in the process. Four stretches his arms over his head as well, letting his palms touch the head board and feels a few joints on his back pop when he takes a deep breath.
It feels good.
He rolls over slightly, not wiling to disturb you in the slightest.
Four is still tired himself and is unwilling to get out of the bed just yet. So he tries to memorize this moment the best he can.
You’re just as cute asleep as you are awake. Four smiles, reaching over to poke your cheek gently before running the same hand over your hair, moving it aside before it can get in your face. Your hair is also softer than he realized. He’s taken aback by the feel of it.
He pinches it softly, letting it run through his finger tips as he pulls back.
He breathes. If only all his mornings could be like this. No places to be first thing. No one ushering to move faster. You still sleeping peacefully next to him. Neither of you have a care in the world and there’s no threat to it either.
It’d be a quiet life if Four got it is way, but he finds that the thought doesn’t bother him as he thinks someone of the other boys would think. 
You make a small noise in your sleep and Four has to bite his lip to keep from grinning to widely. He doesn’t want to laugh, even if you won’t know it. Feels wrong. Although it was very sweet.
You also take a deep breath and Four shuts his eyes just in time to miss yours blink open.
Four pretends to be asleep a little while longer and even adjusts his position a bit so that he can be more comfortable. 
You yawn just over his head and shake his shoulder. “...Link... Wake up. Time to eat.”
Four mimics your breath and blinks up at you. “Yeah?”
You smile. “Mhm... Come on.” You yawn again. “Breakfast time.”
Four nod and pushes himself up, trying to aim his legs to where he dropped his shoes the night before. “Alright. Time for food.”
It seems that you also need a moment to defrost before going anywhere. Four looks over his shoulder, hoping to keep the look of adoration on his face to a minimal. You’re so cute.
Four coughs a bit, standing up. It seems that you need a little more time to get ready to head to the lounge. That’s ok. Four can wait. Then you can have breakfast together too.
Sky wakes up unceremonially. Something had hit him on the head.
He blinks his eyes open and takes in a deep breath. There’s no reason to be in any hurry after all.
“Link- for all that is good and holy- get off of me please.” You grit out from underneath him.
Sky frowns and looks down to you. Your hands are on his shoulders, trying to push him off with as much might as you can in the morning. He tilts his head, effortlessly lifting himself off of the bed and consequently off of you. His brain takes a little more time to catch up though.
“Good morning.” He yawns away from you to save you from his morning breath. He closes his eyes again to scratch his head and mess up his hair a bit more. Knowing that you want him to move, he rolls over.
Right onto the floor.
That wakes him up and leave shim looking around once more.
That’s right. He was tired yesterday and so were you. You pulled him into the room and made the two of your share the bed. Sky rubs his eyes this time, taking in his surroundings for the first time since you both arrived here.
“I’m sorry to hit you but you didn’t want to let go.” You say, getting off of the bed as quick as you can. You fall over in the process but stand up quickly. “Ignoring how my legs are asleep- I really need to pee. Good morning by the way!”
You run out of the room.
Sky is still trying to catch up. He doesn’t even register just how much of his body weight you were subjected to. He yawns again and stretches his hands over his head.
Well, it’s not the worst way to wake up, he supposes. Zelda certainly had to take drastic measure to make sure he would wake up on time. Sky can’t even find it in himself to be mad.
He stands up finally and moves to the bed. He’s still tired. How much sleep did he actually get last night? He doesn’t remember waking up at all so he can assume he slept the whole night through but he’s still tired.
He flops back onto the bed, making sure to hit the pillow with his face while he’s at it.
He spent the night with you, Sky realizes belatedly. And he didn’t even give the mercy of not being crushed. He knows he’s not exactly the lightest guy of the group and he knows he can throw his weight around.
And he was all dead weight.
Part of him wants to feel bad about it but he’s too busy falling asleep again now that he’s back on the bed.
“Skkkyyy!” You groan after opening the door again. “When the others said you would be hard to wake up, I knew they weren’t joking but this is ridiculous!”
Sky only hums in response, too lazy and too tired to lift his head and respond to you properly.
He can hear you huff and puff, no doubt trying to think of something to get him to move and be a functional human for the day. You come over and shake his shoulder roughly. It does the trick to wake Sky up a bit more but now he’s going to be stubborn.
“SKKYY!!” You groan louder.
Sky only hums back in response again.
“Wake uuppp!!” You audibly pout. “Don’t you want to go get breakfast.”
“With me?”
Sky sighs and finally pushes himself off of the bed. He points a finger in your face, just shy of missing your nose. “Only because you asked nicely.”
At least you seem happy that he’s not spending the day in the bed- no matter much he wants to.
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thefoodballoon · 14 days
What would be an ideal feast/stuffing for you?
OoooOOoohh such a good question!!
So, let's get this out of the way first. There are certain qualities to an ideal eating experience for me:
1. I need some level of variety of different kinds of foods and tastes as I can get tired of certain flavors sometimes and need a new one to keep going
2. I'm very plain when it comes to foods. I love sauces and seasonings, but I'm not usually a fan of mixing foods past something like a starch and a meat in the same bite. I always clean my plate. I just eat everything separately, so any dish that lets me do that is preferred
3. It needs to be possible to make a large quantity of it with bonus points if it expands in your stomach like rice (shocker, I know lmao).
With that in mind I think my ideal feast (and I'm gonna go into detail here) would be a huge multi-course meal a bunch of meats, veggies, and carbs.
Course 1: Salad and bread 🥗🥖🫃
The bread just regular baked bread you'd get at a restaurant. The salad huge with a mix of spinach and arugula topped with carrots, cucumbers, croutons, and a *ton* of ranch and cheddar cheese
Course 2: Pasta Dish 🍝🍗🥦🫃
I regularly make this dish for Lee and I because I grew up with it, and we both love it! What I do is boil some pasta (usually angel hair, spaghetti, or egg noodles), dice up a container of chicken and sauté that as well as some broccoli with lemon juice, garlic, this Garlic Herb and Wine seasoning from Mccormick, and just a bit of salt and then I mix the sautéed meat and veggies with the noodles to get the seasoning all over the pasta as well. It's absolutely to die for, and I could eat it forever, so it has to be a part of my ideal feast.
Course 3: Steak Dinner 🍖🫃
This is probably a basic American thought process, but whenever I think about getting to eat anything I want with no consequence, a big steak is always what comes to mind. Any kind is fine for me, so let's just say a medium rare sirloin that is at an absolute minimum 16oz. Then I'd have grilled/seasoned asparagus and a bowl of mashed potatoes on the side. It's simple but very tasty.
Final Course: Dessert 🎂🫃
This is the most free form part of the feast. Unlike Lee, I absolutely *love* sweets and can absolutely destroy huge amounts of sweet stuff. It could be a big ice cream sundae, a birthday cake, brownies, cookies, banana bread, pumpkin pie, anything. If it's sweet and baked, I won't be able to resist it. Call me Ego from Ratatouille cause my answer is: Surprise me!
By the end of this meal I'm sure I won't be able to move for at least a day, so please make sure rub and take care of my poor overworked tummy once it's all slowly turning into fat inside me...🫃🐷💕
Thank you for letting me indulge in this fantasy, and thank you so much for the ask!!💜❤️
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lucy-dulap · 4 months
The downed human
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"Good morning, child of Solomon." The blue haired doctor(?) greated Gamigin with a soft voice that hid excitment. He looked overjoyed to see Lucy waking up, but he still made sure that they wouldn't get hurt.
"Hey, hey, don't get up! You're in Paradise Lost, the country ruled by my big brother, his majesty Lucifer. Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Gamigin." He spoke swiftly like he was trying to get Lucy caught up on the basics so he could get to the good part.
The excitment on display repeled Lucy. Who was this? Why were they still alive? They were supposed to be dead from 3 causes at this point. This Gamigin fella was too loud and the intensity of his voice was making them uncomfortable. Gamigin didn't seem to notice this and just stared at Lucy with a grin.
"What's a child of Solomon? No judging or anything. Nobody in Paradise Lost is trully a devil. I'm a dragon, his majesty Lucifer was an angel, Morax is... actually, I'm not sure what he is. The point still stands. I don't know what what that is and I'm so curious."
Lucy just stared back at him puzzled. "I'm... a human." Was all they could say before Gamigin gasped and squeeled so loudly that the sound of the bells of his staff were overided by them. Gamigin was jumping around the room before he tackled hug Lucy. "A HUMAN?! IN THE FLESH?! HERE?! I MUST TELL THE OTHERS!" But before he could rush out the door, Lucy grabbed him by the shirt to try and stop him. The last thing they needed was more Gamigins screaming in their ear.
"W-wait! I want to... um... tell the others myself." It was a dump argument, Lucy wanted to die not to have to introduce themselves to these peoples. Especially if their reactions ranged from sexual assault to yelling.
"I'll just bring them here and you can tell them you're a human." Gamigin might have been oblivious to Lucy's distress, but he wasn't as dump as they expected.
"No! Please just... don't. I don't want to." Lucy was too tired to try and argue or lie like they used to in the human world. Whenever people older than them would drag them to places they didn't want to be in or demanded they do or say something. Maybe if they just asked, they could make the devil understand.
"Ok. If you're not comfortable with it I won't make you. You look tired anyways, I must have exhausted you... sorry. You should try to go back to sleep. When I got you here you were dehydrated, malnurished, you had a fever of 39 and of course, you were unconcious." Gamigin puts a hand over their forhead. "Your temperature seems to have evened out, I'll go bring your evening meal. Be right back!"
What was this guy? Lucy had to pintch themselves to make sure that they weren't dreaming. Was he just... overexcited? A little quirky even during the day? He was just so... strange. Lucy couldn't help but be intrigued. Even their previous thoughts of death seemed to have died down, eclipsed by the sheer fascination for this strange dragon.
Gamigin breaks into the cafeteria and rushes to grab a platter. Even when he was running into people or stepping on their feet he would apologise and continue running around. The young dragon was known for being ditzy, but this rushing was strange for him. His brothers looked at him with worry, anxious that he might have substituted his tea with coffee again.
The three of them blocked his way and started questioning him. "What did you drink this morning?" "Why are you in such a hurry?" "How many patience do you have right now?" Gamigin who was practicly up and down unable to tell his brothers about his excitment. He just giggles and beats around the bush until he's able to move past them and hurry back upstairs.
"Brought you food! I don't know what humans eat so I got you a little bit of everything. I got you some smashed potatos, salad, tiny tomatoes, I think this is some sort of jelly. I'm not sure it's edible though... I don't get a lot of patients since I tend to get very attached to them and Lucifer doesn't want my reviving powers to get leaked to the other nations." As Gamigin was speaking he got a spoonfull of smashed potato and tasted it before extanding it to Lucy's mouth.
"My smashed potato racipe is much better, but I guess this one can work for now as well. I promise you that from tomorrow onward I'll feed you the way I feed all my patients! I'll probably ask Furfur to watch over you at night, though I won't tell him your secret! I'll go home and prepare some amazing food for tomorrow."
Lucy didn't even like smashed potatos that much, the food was cold and tasteless, but Gamigin had a way of making them lower their defences almost instantly. It was like watching a really good video while eating. He kept going on and on about this and that and they just listened with interest.
After they ate Gamigin left and told them they had to relax and he'd come over again for a night check-up. As he was about to leave the hospital to rush home, he got stopped by an intimidating figure.
"Gamigin, we have to talk." His voice was silky, beautiful but tired, like a man that's seen the world burn and now he was just going through the motions. Gamigin followed his friend happilly in his office.
"Brother Lucifer, you won't believe it, but the child of Solomon is a human! Can you believe that?! A human! In hell!" The dragon squeeled and the bells of his staff made his laughter more melodic than it already was.
"I know... that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Lucifer walked closer to Gamigin and protectively put his hands on Gamigin's sholders. "Be careful. Humans are... a distinct bunch. We cannot know what they're like until we get to know them better. Protect them, take care of them, but do not trust them blindly."
"Yes, sir!" Gamigin laughed and hugged Lucifer. "I will be the best healer ever."
"You already are." Lucifer whispered and stroked Gamigin's hair. With an affectionate kiss on the forhead, Gamigin was left to go outside and retrieve everything needed for the best dinner ever.
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I don't have any guinea pig photos to send you, but please tell me some of your favorite things about guinea pigs! What is the main draw to guinea pigs as opposed to other animals like bunnies or hamsters?
my favorite thing about guinea pigs is basically everything they do! they are creatures made up with a combination of the most ridiculous traits possible and it makes them so so adorable. just imagine hearing about an animal shaped like a potato with a ravenous appetite that squeaks like an alarm everytime they want food. im genuinely convinced these things know how funny they are and they play it up for laughs and treats.
there isn't anything about piggies I dont like except that they can get sick pretty easily, which while isnt always fatal is at least a pain to deal with. getting a tiny flailing rodent to take its meds takes patience and love. anyway here is a list of some of my fave things piggies do!
their ears flap when they're eating
their bellies move if they wheek loud enough
they chutter and squeak when they explore new areas
popcorning! esp when older pigs do a couple just to show that even though they have old pig bones they're just so happy
they walk really funny its so bouncy and goofy looking
when they're so hungry the food goes everywhere but their mouth
watching them interact with other piggies is hilarious they will definitely start shit just for fun
watching them play with things is adorable they absolutely love tossing stuff around
when they're so so tired and chunky that they become liquid and melt into the nearest surfaces
they are very very good communicators and very social animals! they make so many sounds and move their potato bodies in so many ways
anyway I dont have a specific reason I love guinea pigs more than bunnies or hamsters besides autism. there is nothing allistic going on here trust me. bunnies are actually very similar to piggies personality wise and I dont have enough experience with hamsters to know what they're like. I do know a lot of hams are solitary so they'd probably be much different to keep than guinea pigs. half of the fun of piggies is watching them mess around with each other and seeing their herd dynamics at work. bunnies are pretty social and friendly just like piggies so I also love them just not as much as little wheekers. I am a lover of all small pets guinea pigs have simply captured my heart like no other. if you ever can see if you can volunteer with guinea pigs and you'll probably get it too!
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viperwhispered · 5 months
I don't know about you but I'm a huge fan of the "mage x tank" dynamic. Why? Because it can be combined with this!
Which is why I am here to declare that Jamil should have a buff s/o. And when I say buff, I mean strong enough to princess carry him and break the spine of anyone who dares harm him.
Picture Jamil, exhausted and overworked, being picked up like a potato sack and carried off the bed.
Of course this can't be a dumb himbo situation. Jamil aint really the type for airheads, not after years of trauma from Kalim. I mean someone who's crafty enough to keep Jamil on his toes and also strong enough to break bones. Best part being that the s/o is genuinely good person who prefers to talk things over only to go absolutely berserk when things involve Jamil.
The best part of this dynamic would be people assuming the s/o is more of a "pet" to Jamil than an equal. After all, they're calm, crafty, and tend to serve more as his conscience rather than go in guns blazing. That is until anyone dares become a legitimate threat to him. Then heads start rolling.
Oh imagine those poor innocent fools daring to insult the s/o, not realizing that Jamil is just as devoted and will pay them back 100 times. Either by poisoning, cursing, or manipulating them into ruining their lives.
GOD! Just this dynamic of both being extremely dangerous in very different ways but still equally as obsessed with each other is just *screams into pillow*
Brings me back to my OB!Jamil being a total malewife hot take. Picture this badass evil power couple being so mutually obsessed and in love with each other that they would bring an end to the world for one another.
Also the power trip Jamil gets cause this s/o could easily crush his head between their thighs and yet they still prefer bottoming.
Hasdfgh I first saw this just before going to bed and it gave me immediate brainworms (in a good way).
There's just so many juicy bits here. 
That post you linked? Yes, I've seen that before, and the way you describe this situation I could see it being applied both ways between these two (and both of them getting just as huffy about their partner being referred in such a manner while also yes absolutely ready to wreck havoc for each other)
Exhausted Jamil being picked up like a potato sack… Oh what an image. I love it. (Also the thought of him letting s/o do that without protest, either because he's too tired to even keep up appearances, or is willing to let them do that for him and be vulnerable himself…)
One of my “maybe I'll write this one day” fic thoughts involves a generally kind/patient reader getting all protectively angry over what Jamil's been gone through (it might or might not be a thinly veiled self-insert in disguise) and your ideas of the s/o losing their mind over threats to Jamil definitely resonate (am I the sort who always tries to see the best in people but is ready to fight anyone who hurts someone close to me? absolutely)
Evil power couple yes yes yes gimme (the corruption arc fully realized perhaps? Or just Jamil finding out just how far s/o is willing to for someone they care about (which probably would be a different kind of power trip for him - figuring out just what sort of lengths his s/o is willing to go to for him. He just might ascend being someone’s number one priority like that))
And that last line… Oh boy. There's so much to think about there and it's definitely not making me think of Jamil's head between my thighs not at all.
So basically yes to all this. Mind if I borrow that pillow for a moment?
Truly your mind with all these scenarios.
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