cat-cosplay · 1 year
Feed Browsing ⚠️ CHECKPOINT ⚠️
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inmyperfectworld · 6 months
To all of the healers, protectors, nurturers, and empaths:
It's NOT your duty to help, save, or heal everyone. Some people just simply can't be helped or saved. Also, remember some people are getting the things that they dished out to others, back to them, meaning they're receiving and facing their consequences. That's something that they have to deal with on their own. 🤍
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existennialmemes · 7 months
Emotional Regulation Requires Energy
When you're physically tired, emotional regulation is physiologically harder to achieve.
So if you've used all your physical spoons and you start crying because you dropped a pen, remember it's because your cells literally don't have enough ATP to coordinate the neurological processes that control your emotions. Give yourself grace and rest and probably a snack 💖
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cerseimikaelson · 2 months
Talking to someone about something you love and having to watch as their eyes glaze over and they hum noncommittally not even caring that your enthusiasm dwindles fucking hurts.
That's all.
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Whenever I'm about to post something I think to myself, 'is this weird? What if people take this the wrong way somehow? Will they see me differently?' And then I remember this is tumblr and I don't give a shit
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justplainwhump · 1 year
So, I just want to say that I'm not doing whumptober. I think it's a great and amazing event that spawns many amazing stories and connects writers and can kick start many projects and ideas, and if you do participate, know that I'm rooting for you and cheering you on!
This however is also and especially directed at those writers who will not do it - it's entirely valid to take a pass on it. Writing for an event like this a huge encounter and what can be an amazing challenge to some can feel like crushing pressure to others.
That's okay. Even if it seems like everyone does it, probably more people don't, they just don't talk about it.
You are a valid part of the whump community.
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jessiarts · 1 year
Oh hey, idk who needs this right now, but take a vacuum to the condenser coils on your fridge. They need cleaned at least once every year, or every 6 months if you have pets.
If they get clogged with too much dust it can burn up your compressor/other fridge components and then your fridge will stop fridge-ing.
They should be on the back near the bottom and you'll likely need a screwdriver to take the panel off to reach them but I swear it's so easy. If you need help with the with the wheres and hows of it, just google "How to clean refrigerator coils" and there's a ton of easy tutorials. It's super easy to do and takes five minutes so please vacuum your condenser coils so your fridge continues to work properly and doesn't decide to switch careers from cold box to massively oversized paperweight.
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You are what you love,
Not who loves you.
In a world full of the word 'yes'
I'm here to scream 'no'
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v3x-y0urs3lf · 8 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but..
Regardless of whoever you are, whatever state you are in, Wherever you are, Whenever you read this or even why you read this. You are a human being and you DO deserve to be loved. Either by yourself, by someone you know or just to be appreciated or even loved by a random stranger. I guarantee you, You do deserve to be seen.
You deserve to eat, no matter how unhealthy it is, No matter how much you weigh or what diet you are on, You deserve to eat food. No punishment should have you sacrifice something as important as food, water, basic hygiene or your safety.
Please do not let anyone tell you otherwise - even if someone tries, DO NOT listen to them. You are allowed to put yourself first, You are allowed to be selfish, make your own life choices, feel safe, eat at that unhealthy restaurant, splurge on that new shirt. If no one else is going to stand up for you then PLEASE, stand up for yourself.
In hundreds of different possibilities, something is not always solely someone else's fault. You are not to blame if someone is being a piece of absolute dog shit to you and not treating you as a human being. You deserve far better and I hope with all of my heart that you can see that and find a safe way out of that situation.
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artistheworld · 11 months
Hello! Here's your gentle reminder to take a little break and unwind. I know somethings may be tough sometimes, but remember to pace yourself. So take some time to rest, take a little walk, drink some water, eat something, and you'll feel a lot better later <3
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kiteinthesky · 8 months
You are not responsible for the way the abuse you suffered affected you, or your life.
You are not doing anything wrong by displaying trauma symptoms. Your abusers are doing something wrong by telling you you are.
Nor are you responsible for those trauma symptoms. They are a result of the abuse others inflicted upon you; they are not a choice. No matter how hard your abusers try to convince you otherwise.
You're not responsible for not reaching life achievements as a result of your abuse. That doesn't mean you can never reach your dreams because of your abuse; it means your abusers stopped you and need to be held accountable for that.
You are not at fault for suffering others inflicted upon you.
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gallifreyriver · 2 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but if someone says they want to go to the bathroom, just let them go.
I know that sounds like it goes without saying but every time I hear someone try to make another person wait it's literally SO weird.
Like no one should have to justify their need/want to use the toilet. It's literally so weird to expect someone to. I don't care if it's coworker, employee, your student, your family/friend- every time it's genuinely so weird to make the person wait to use the toilet and we seriously need to move past it as a society. (baring actual life/death emergencies like the building is burning down or there's an active hoard of zombies coming after you)
Like, letting your student use the toilet isn't disrupting class, you telling them no or forcing them to justify "how bad they need it" is. (And yes, I've seen teachers do this- it's fucking weird)
Letting your coworker/employee step aside during a rush or step out of the meeting to use the toilet isn't going to dissolve the workspace into chaos or lose you money or whatever. It's never that serious. However, monitoring how much/long a person uses the toilet during work is super weird and you're weird if you do it.
If you're out with family or a friend making them wait to use the toilet for any reason (again baring actual life/death emergency) is super weird.
"Oh but it's inconvenient to stop!" "But we're running late!" "This [meeting/lesson] is important!" "Well they should have gone before!" "But they just went!" "If it's not an emergency they can wait!"
You're literally being so weird.
It's not that serious to just let someone use the toilet. It's weird to tell them no. I don't care if it's actually urgent or if they're just wanting to try to use the toilet so they won't need to later. They don't owe you the explanation of whether it's an emergency or not. Quit trying to make people explain themselves or prove they need it enough, it's weird. I can't stress that enough. You're being so fucking weird, you're embarrassing yourself by trying to have that power over another person's biological functions and everyone thinks you're weird. Fucking stop.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but it is 100% valid for tran people to commit massive tax fraud and arresting them is transphobic.
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coockie8 · 3 months
so is set like a pedo or something?
No, 'cause Nana is 38 years old :/
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quietmysleepymind · 4 months
You are enough.
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To all the kids that have laid in bed, clutching a stuffed animal so tight you were afraid you would hurt it; I hear you. People are loud but sometimes our own heads can be louder, I'm here to say that in my heart I know all stuffed animals are connected by the memories they hold, and if you really try hard enough you can feel the warmth I send, that they give you for me. I love you.
To all the other teenagers who wish they could run away from home, I feel you. You may find that one day those people who you so desperately want to escape were genuinely trying their best, but sometimes even people's best can be hard to see and appreciate when we can all see the world burning around us. And to those of you who need to run away for your own survival, I wish you well and I tell the universe every day to protect you, even if everything in my life is falling apart I hope you are thriving, wherever you are. I love you.
To all the adults who are stuck in a cycle, I see you. This world is amazing with all the things it holds, but we're killing it and bringing ourselves along, too. I love you.
Maybe we could all just stop and take a moment; turn to one another and recognize that; all of us have something, something that we struggle with. It may be something small, but something small over enough time can carve canyons through stone, something small over time can build onto itself until you can't move, stuck down in a hole hidden in your own mind that you can't get out of. Not alone. But this world we've created has made admiting your flaws, admitting that you hurt mean you're weak. You're not weak, I know how hard it can be to sit with something for just a few hours, let alone days, maybe years.
If you think you can make the jump, then turn around, fly into something soft and tell yourself that if you make that jump, you can make many others. You may need help getting there, but I know that I would rather see you living and trying, fighting, than as another tragedy. I love you.
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