#(along with the vampire & dragon parts)
vixlenxe · 3 months
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"... What everyone talking abo-"
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"NO." Mal taking his child back inside.
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aardvark-123 · 7 months
~Bad Ideas for Skyrim Mods~
Stylish Lore-Friendly Vampire Lady Attire 4K CBBE 3BBA BHUNP HDT-FMSP SSE AE WACCF OWL CACO ACE: Puts Serana in a stylish tuxedo and top hat.
Immersive Mud: Replaces the mud in Morthal and along the coastline with a deformable mesh into which actors and objects can sink. Characters with legs have a chance of getting stuck in the mud, increasing with the mud's depth and their armour's weight. You can escape from the mud by jumping repeatedly or using Whirlwind Sprint, but any boots you have equipped will stay buried, and must be dug out with a spade.
Realistic Lore-Friendly Fishing Rods: Adds three thousand, seven hundred and twelve new variants of fishing rod, each with different chances of fishing up various types of treasure, rubbish and water-dwelling fauna.
Organised Bears in Skyrim: Adds stronger tiers of bears to bear levelled lists, from Dire Bears at level 32 all the way to Evolved Ancient Frozen Panda Deathlords at level 78. Diversifies bear spawns with exciting new bear archetypes, including slow and tanky armoured bears, powerful bear warlocks, deadly bear crossbowmen, and even bear necromancers who can conjure fearsome bear draugr.
Silent Hill in Whiterun: Puts a small hill on the Whiterun tundra which makes no sounds whatsoever. Maybe it could go in that empty part east of Rorikstead.
Very Realistic Horses: 2023 Edition: Speeds up horses. They now canter as fast as a human can sprint, and gallop faster still. Horses need to eat and drink at least once per day, and will feed automatically on nearby water and grass while not being ridden. When stabled, they'll pretty much take care of themselves; otherwise, they should be left near some grass and a river or lake. If you don't feed or water your horse for one day, it will refuse to run. If you don't feed or water your horse for three days, it will die. If you don't clean up your horse's manure, which it deposits by the side of the road every three hours, you will be fined 100 septims or arrested.
Immersive Dragon Bridge Bridge Dragon Overhaul: Replaces the dragon-themed bridge outside Dragon Bridge with an actual dragon. Instead of walking across her, for a small fee she'll lift you up ever so carefully in her jaws and deposit you on the far side of the gorge.
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huramuna · 6 months
stoatfaced, dragonhearted - oneshot.
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dark, mean prince regent aemond x wife reader
for my 200 followers poll, i've actually had this one cooking for a while so i'm happy this option won! this is absolutely filthy, i'm sorry in advance.
word count: 2.4k
i don't do taglists any more unfortunately, its mostly because i never remember and then feel bad about it so i've made a second blog just for reblogging my fics! @huramuna-fics -- follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings!
content: slight dub-con, smut (specifics below cut), angst, mean aemond, toxic relationship, like in no way is this healthy, good god, smut with little plot, reader is described being from riverlands w/ auburn hair and brown eyes, no use of y/n, not beta read, i literally went into a haze writing this there are probably mistakes
tonight you belong to me - patience & prudence • vampire - olivia rodrigo
warnings: p in v, choking, breath play, dom/sub, degradation, creampie, cockwarming, orgasm denial, breeding, aemond is so mean here thats its own damn warning
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Aemond knew what he wanted and the sacrifices that needed to be made to get such things. He wanted a dragon, it took an eye to get it. He wanted the Conqueror’s crown, it took his brother being burnt to get it. He wanted a legacy that would surpass his lifetime, etched into the very being of Westeros itself. The sacrifice needed for this would be to chain himself to a woman he likely wouldn’t be interested in.
That is where you came in. 
You were sweet, he supposed. Sweet in a way that made his teeth ache. Sweet in a way akin to a mouse and how it looked up at the cat just before his jaws snapped around the mouse’s head. 
He didn’t need to like you. Many marriages were forged in dislike or just plain indifference, set to a mutual goal. He supposed your mutual goal was children. All he needed was to use you as a vessel, a womb for his seed to take hold. 
You poor thing, you didn’t really understand that he didn’t truly care for you. You were nice enough looking, of course– hair that reminded him of autumn leaves, always styled in some intricate style with half a hundred braids, dozens of pins and decorative pearls. You reminded Aemond of a stoat, dark eyes against muted auburn fur, lips always pursed, sniffing the air in search for hounds on your tail. You certainly were a skittish, jittery little thing.
The marriage was a quick affair, done at the Sept two days after Aemond wore the Conqueror’s crown for the first time. You weren't a part of some major house, all of the major houses were too close, too greedy, their breaths hot against his neck as they shoved their wedable daughters at him. The last thing he wished for was to be indebted to some trivial lord who thought his name elevated him to the same stratosphere as Aemond– a paltry lady of some low house bred in the Riverlands would do just fine, he expected his Valyrian seed to dominate any of their week genes anyhow.
He had met you once before, many years ago before he lost his eye. When he was forced to tag along on some meager diplomacy meeting with his grandsire– he remembers it as being forced, but in reality, he wished to attend. What else was a second son with no dragon to do? – and you had been there, hiding behind your father’s trousers. You had been wearing a blue dress, he remembered this distinctly, as it stood out against the ruby red of the apple you had offered him. 
Aemond had tried to speak with you, but you only communicated in nods and soft noises– something you only partially grew out of. He never understood why he remembered this girl, as you were insignificant in the seas of faces he’s met over his life. Mayhaps it was your quiet nature that he remembered, something that, now at his age and state of mind, struck him as malleable, easy to mold into what he needed you to be. 
And so it shall be. 
It was about two and a half moons after your marriage, he returned from a late council meeting. Rubbing his eye, feeling the familiar thrum of pain right behind the socket, he was already in a particularly sour mood. The council meeting had gone south, ending in most of the lords bickering over one another like children. 
It irritated Aemond to no end, the strain of an oncoming headache ever looming. He still struggled with intense pain from his eye, or rather, his socket and severed nerves. The pain was debilitating at times and if anyone dared to test his patience when it was particularly bad, he would snap at them like a cornered animal, no matter who it was. 
Raising his head, he noticed the hearth was still going strong, multiple candles still lit in the solar, despite it being late at night. The now familiar crop of auburn hair was peeking from behind the couch— his wife was usually never up this late. 
“Why are you still awake, wife?” he asked as he took off his gloves, clenching and unclenching his fists. 
“… reading. I was waiting for you.” you murmured in your usual hushed tone, the sound of your book closing was louder than your voice. 
“I told you not to do that. It’s unnecessary.” he grunted in response, undoing the latches of his leather doublet. 
“I-I don’t mind it… I just sleep a bit easier…” you continued, no doubt twiddling the end of your braid between your fingers— an anxious habit.
“You need proper rest. I won’t have my wife looking like a sleepless, sloven mess,” Aemond chastised, discarding his shirt. “Now, what are you reading?” he was becoming increasingly irritated with you, feeling as if he had to force you to take care of yourself and unlatch you like a leech from him. When you looked upon him with your wide eyes filled with uncertainty and fear, he felt the overwhelming urge to wrap his fingers around your throat and squeeze until you passed out or mayhaps went limp, like a doll.
“Oh,” you slid the book towards him on the side table, it was a book on the history of Old Valyria and its language, usually used for children to begin speaking it. “Nyke j-jaelagon… naejot ēdrugon… va ao.” I wish to sleep next to you. 
Aemond’s brow furrowed. “What use do you have to learn High Valyrian, wife? Issa dōna ābrazȳrys mijegon nykeā notion isse zȳhon bartos, wanting naejot gūrēñagon mirros ziry daor.” My sweet wife without a thought in her head, wanting to learn something she cannot. 
You reached for the book, your comprehension not skilled enough yet to pull what Aemond was saying to you. Before you could grab it, he slammed his hand down on the book, effectively snatching it from your grasp. You pouted her bottom lip. “I want to learn… mayhaps it might bring us closer together.” 
Aemond scoffed, the sound sending a sting of pain right into the core of your chest. “We are as close as we need to be, little one. We are married in the eyes of Gods and men and we fulfill our marital duty by trying to produce heirs, hm?” He placed the book back on the shelf. “This nonsense of wanting to be closer is moot. I won’t hear of it anymore.” 
A glaze of sorrow flashed through your eyes before you got up from the couch, tightening the housecoat around your shoulders. 
“Come to bed,” he said, moreso as a command than a suggestion. “I know you are cold, ābrazȳrys.” Wife. 
You made a small noise of discernment, crawling into bed after him. 
He looped his arms around you, pressing you to his bare chest. He radiated heat like a furnace and was quick to warm you up– you were always so cold, he noted. He surely hoped that your children together would inherit his fiery blood and not the weak-willed, uninsulated Andal blood you possessed.
Aemond bounced from being indifferent to you, paying you no more mind than a maid or a whore, to needing you, every part of you. He didn’t see you as a person, moreso an extension of himself, latched onto his body until he consumed you entirely, your bones fusing together as one. To him, you were a doll or plaything to entertain him, testing the mettle of your will, to see if you were of poor craftsmanship and would break. He had always broken his toys as a child.
You could tell by the rhythm of his breathing, he wasn’t going to sleep just yet– you’d become very attuned to his moods, his small intakes of air against your neck causing your skin to prickle into goosebumps. His lips ghosted over your throat, one of his arms coming up to wrap near the base of your windpipe, not yet applying pressure, but the threat was there. 
No, it wasn’t so much as a threat than it was a promise– he quite liked applying pressure to your airways when you coupled, his lone violet eye centered intently on yours as they went from wide to half-lidded, soft whimpers of pleading to stop, sometimes for more, more. He relished in holding your very life in his hands and you let him. 
“Mayhaps I should get you a collar, wife,” he hummed, his voice husky and deep, reverberating deep within your chest as your heart pounded. “But I think you like my hands much better, don’t you?” 
“Y-yes,” you breathed, the small swallowing bob of your throat felt against the palm of his hand, causing him to grin. “... I fancy them– on my tender neck… between my legs…” you responded, feeling slightly bold at the notion you put forth. The heat of his body permeated your skin, warming your core into an ever familiar feeling.
Aemond all but growled at your comment, positioning the both of you to where you were laying with your back upon him, as if you were lazing upon him like a chair. “Feeling courageous tonight, are we? No matter, my dear, you will break all the same,” his mouth pressed to the shell of your ear, teeth nipping at your lobe. “Like every night before, and every night to come– your life is in my hands,” he enunciated this with a squeeze to your neck, eliciting a small mewl from you. “Is it not? Say it.”
“M-my life– belongs to you, husband,” you managed to squeak out.
“Not husband, not now. You know the rules.”
“M-my king, your grace,” you rephrased quickly.
He clicked his tongue in slight admonishment. “A bit slow on the take tonight, little one,” Aemond muttered, slotting his leg between yours and kicking your thighs apart. “Keep them open.” his voice was dripping with something between venom and sticky sweet honey. He felt akin to a God every time he was in the sky, every time he sat the throne with the crown on his head, and every time he rested his hand on your pretty little throat as he sheathed himself to the hilt inside of you so easily, so free of resistance. “So slick for me, just from the smallest of chokes– fucking whore.” he hissed, starting a slow, deliberate pace as his hips met against your bottom. The pair of you were like two threads, intertwined with his legs pretzeling around yours, keeping you spread open. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he continued to bully that sensitive, spongy spot within you– but you craved so much more, feeling waves of heat emanate from your sensitive bud as it screamed at your brain, begging to be touched. You made the critical error, thinking your husband was too focused on his own pleasure to notice you going for your own, as your hand slowly descended between your legs, rubbing small circles upon your pearl.
How wrong you were.
His arm came up further, his bicep pressing to the bottom of your chin, his free palm slapping your hand away from yourself. “Are you truly fucking stupid tonight, wife?” he spat, stilling his thrusts. “When did I say you could touch yourself? Have I fucked you stupid already?” Aemond huffed in frustration. “My poor, dumb wife– you cannot do anything right, can you?” he slid you off of him, then flipped over to loom atop you, taking both of your hands within one of his, his large hand encapsulating your wrists with ease, trapping them above your head. 
You sniffed, tears welling at your lash line, threatening to spill– not just from his downright mean admonishments, but from your stolen gluttony, your pleasure stolen so close to the precipice. “‘M sorry, your grace,” you cried, “Forgive me.”
“You’re lucky you have such a sweet cunt,” Aemond mused, his immodest and downright sinful language going straight to your core as he nestled inside of you once more, menacing atop you like a darkening cloud. “I forgive you– and will even pleasure you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To come?”
You nodded fervently, your lamenting tears spilling over and running down your cheeks.
“I’m feeling quite generous, then– I’ll let you. If you beg me.”
“P-please–” you blubbered, “Please let me come, my king.”
A sickly smirk came over his face once more as he pushed forward again, not bothering with the slow and meticulous pace he had before. His hips slammed into yours as he surged into you, as if you were nothing more than a cocksleeve for his pleasure. And yet, and yet– his hand didn’t move to the apex of your legs, chasing his own high before he would give into yours.
“Aemond, please, please– please touch me, f-fuck, your grace– my k-king, please!” you were all but wailing now, half in ecstasy and half in pure beseechment, pleading for just some semblance of the lecherous, stimulating and lewd sensation that only he could give you.
He took mercy on you, the pad of his thumb zeroing in on your leaking folds, giving your clit a cheeky pinch. It was a delightful pain– that was what being with Aemond was, what it came down to. Every waking moment with him was thrilling, sublime, agonizing, unending torture– and you fucking loved it. 
Your mouth hung open, you were sobbing freely now, your lips quirked into a euphoric and maddened smile. “Thank you, tha-nk you, t-thank you, I love you, I love you,” you gasped, your lungs ballooning with air as you begged him further, “P-please, around my neck–” 
Something animalistic came out of Aemond at your request, his hand draping around your throat like a necklace. “My sweet, dumb wife– you don’t know what to do unless I tell you, unless I let you, unless I guide you to your release, hm?” he prostrated each word with a deep thrust. The combination of his ministrations on your bundle of nerves, the head of his cock callously beating into your sweet spot, and the squeeze of his hand around your neck– it was enough. 
With a garbled string of words, prayers, denotes of love, pronouncements of his prowess, his titles, his name– the coil inside of you snapped, lighting every nerve you had in your body on fire. You saw stars as your climax wracked through you like a tempest, the absolute vice grip of your core sending Aemond into his own completion, his seed painting your walls and then some.
In your fucked-out delirium, you thought you might’ve heard him say something– you didn’t decipher it until later when you were half asleep, his softened member still lodged inside of you somehow as he curled you into his chest.
“My love, my wife– I love you.”
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thechaoticdruid · 4 months
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Congratulations your children are spending an afternoon at boot camp!
You can rest assured they will be treated fairly at least.
No favoritism going on here.
Anyone who misbehaves shall be sent to solidarity confinement and left there until....Idk
If they want a snack they WILL have to fight one another in a duel to the death.
Or at least until one of them falls down and cries.
To the winner go the cookies.
Or more accurately maybe some giant space hamster jerky.
This is assuming her engine has been fixed, naturally.
The kids absolutely love Auntie K.
Legit can carry them all on her shoulders at once.
She gives the best hugs too and is always so nice and warm.
She is up to play any games with them! Especially ones where she pretends to be a monster and chases them around.
Very protective of the little ones.
Brings them new stuffies each time she visits.
You MUST remind her constantly to watch her language around the little ones!
Arrives via magic portal.
Brings Tara to help him.
Takes it very personally if one of the children don't like him.
Tries to impress them via magic and creates a magical illusion to entertain the kiddos.
Attempts to teach them everything he knows about the weave.
Takes it very hard if the children fall asleep during his lecture.
Must be consoled by Tara.
If any take an interest in the weave they immediately become his favorite.
You'll probably end up coming home to your home appliances floating or having some kind of enchantment on them.
Yes he turns into a bear and lets them ride on his back.
Most time is spent outside enjoying nature and all of its beauty.
Will carry the littlest one on his shoulders at all times.
Always brings healthy snacks, mostly fruit like apple slices.
Proceeds to take them to a nearby pond to feed the ducks.
Widdles them little animal figures to play with.
No TV or video games. The thought of technology taking over their lives makes him sick.
We play outside or we don't play at all.
Doesn't mind them grabbing at his ears, if they can even reach them that is!
He has to remind one of them multiple times that he unfortunately cannot turn into a dragon.
Sad sad truth.
Makes cute little flower crowns with them.
Helps the little ones feel better if any of them are afraid of the dark.
Is very good at comforting them.
Possibly might be one of the older one's first goth girl crush.
Badmouths Lae'zel in front of them shamelessly.
Always puts on a tim Burton movie or something for them to watch.
Definitely the reason for any of their emo phases.
They think she's really cool though.
Always the first to volunteer to babysit.
Man has the patience of a saint and can handle even the most unruly of children.
Always talks them up and is very careful to never put them down.
Tells them all kinds of exciting stories of his time as the Blade.
Makes sure to adjust them to be suitable for the kiddos.
Leaves out the scary parts.
If any of them are mean to one another and can't get along he's the type to make them each say something nice about the other as a punishment.
Let's them play with toy swords and teaches them a thing or two about using them.
Never raises his voice at them. Is super calm and collected.
Loves them all to pieces!
Also may or may not take them out to get ice cream if they're good.
Assuming this is Spawnstarion we're talking about because the vampire Ascendant would just laugh in your face if you asked him then slam the door on you.
Our sweet little spawn will also likely laugh and think you're joking at first.
"You seriously want a vampire to watch over your children?"
Assuming you pay him and be sure to give him big sweet puppy dog eyes he may consider it.
This man is a very not my child not my problem kind of guy.
Gets annoyed with all the children asking tedious vampire questions and responds with very sarcastic answers.
Does not approve of them wanting to touch his ears.
Agrees to let them see his fangs in hopes to scare them (the mischievous little shit).
The children instead think they're cool, which confuses him. He really isn't sure how to feel about it.
Threatens to eat them if they get on his nerves.
Spends most of the time on the sofa, boredly reading a magazine or watching television.
Miraculously takes a shine to one of the younger girls who call him pretty and compliments his clothes and hair.
This is also given the girl is a little mischief gremlin who pulls pranks on her older siblings.
He lets her paint his nails purple or red while she gossips about her mother/father's new partner or her siblings.
Unapologetically shows her favoritism and lets her sit on his lap and watch TV with him.
Will not bat an eye if the other children run a muck and destroy shit.
Legit just keeps watching TV. Probably some drama filled 'reality' show.
He actually finds the chaos caused by the children quite amusing.
One of the children somehow ends up on the roof.
Once the parents are home and it's time to leave. The youngest girl gives him a hug.
His eyes get all big and round and almost threaten to tear up.
Astarion is not asked to babysit again.
Sorry some of them are so short, I mostly write for Astarion so I'm not very confident at doing the other characters.
Hope you like it though!
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rnakamura22 · 6 months
When they heard that you found your way home
Random Characters
Prefect is female! Yandere vibes! Her name is Yu!
Malleus Dragonia
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Oh, Don't mind the sky getting pitch-black and thunder striking down rapidly! What? Flying classes got canceled? You saw Jack and Epel were totally soaked? Where are you even looking? Another man? That’s unacceptable!
You’re his first friend and crush! To him, you are like the first sunshine of spring! A beautiful blue butterfly in the meadow flying above the flowers! A gem more precious than any treasure he has! And now you’re just dumping him? Nuh-uh. Ain’t gonna happen! He’s one of the most powerful magicians in the world, so it takes no more than a flip of his hand to crush any form of way back home. He could lock you up in his room, mess with your body, destroy any form of mirror, etc. Hey, this was gonna happen one way or another since he already decided for the future Queen of the valley long ago(AKA when he met you).While he locks you up in his Diasomnia room, he could happily come and discuss the wedding plans. He already decided on the crown by the way, but he made a promise to discuss the dress colors with you since taking your opinion into account is necessary. Lila would be teary eyed of Malleus’s growth. You have no choice to accept your fate since even if you escape, he will come searching for you. After all, can a mere human win against a loving dragon?
Lilia Vanrouge
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This 700 year old vampire fairy has more knowledge and experience than any of the villains. He thought his love ended with Malleus’s mom. But then, you came along. A cute little innocent human who only lived about a little percentage of his life! You are like a baby! You’re too young to survive out there! What if your way back home never worked! What if some thing got messed up? No, you need to be in the world safe and sound! He will protect you! He still has feelings about the age gap though. I mean, what happens in family day at school with your future children? Well, not to worry! As for making you stay, just break a few mirrors or take out any bad memories! He needs to look out for his juniors after all! He won’t break you, but he will punish you if you disobey. Fairies are possessive. Blame your own luck for shooting the heart of the vampire fairy.
Rook Hunt
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At first, he seems happy for you! A lost deer should run back to her herd as quick as possible. But you forgot he’s a hunter. And a skilled hunter like him NEVER fails.
He casts his unique magic on you as you are about to leave. A part of him wishes for your happiness, but he couldn’t help it. A large part of him couldn’t forgive you. The most valuable prey were about to outrun him. He could never accept that. His magic will find you. Wherever you go, however you try to escape, the chase continues. Until you give up your world and return with him, they would be absolutely no peace.
Epel Felmier
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(Anyone else love peel’s smug VILLAN faces from the ghost bride?)
Epel acts happy but inside, he’s devastated. He wanted to visit his home village again just the two of you. He knows he’s got competition when it came to you, and it was all for nothing. Well, he ain’t admitting that, that’s for sure.
From that day on, with the help of Vill and Rook, he creates a special gift for you. An apple red as the roses. A glittering poison apple just like the Beautiful Queen of his dorm created. To trap you, his one and only Snow White. He still wants to have fun with you and the first years. He wants to graduate with you. You gave him courage, and made him happy. He wants to return you with his own thankful emotions. #Yeah, Right.
On the day you were going to leave, he comes up to you and thanks you, than he says the magic words.
“Prefect…I want to give you something. Please have a bite. It’s a special apple I picked. It’s the most delicious apple I harvested and the most beautiful one! I cared for it so much!”
Epel now understands what Vil said for so long. His cuteness can become a weapon. Look at your eyes! You melt for his cuteness, and bites the apple without thinking twice, I mean, who can resist his cuteness. Instantly, you fall unconscious.
“Whoah!? That was close… but now you can be with us forever Yu! Snow White won’t hold a candle to you…. Let’s graduate together Ok? And we can be together forever…”
He’s a poisoned apple, what would you except? As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Ah, he says like 90% of the time about how fairies are better than humans, but for you, it’s an exception. He might not show it, but he cares a lot about you. He’s a tsundere after all.(No, you cannnot tell me otherwise) But he blames you for dumping him and making him feel bad.(AKA you two are not dating)
“This is your own fault human, you made me fall to your schemes and now you’re throwing it all away? Unacceptable!”
He may not show it, but he enjoyed school life with you and the other humans of his grade. He wants to live with you at the valley of Thorns. But your comment of going back to your world snaps something.
Better run away because lightning bolts are coming down in 10 seconds to smash that mirror. He will not let you go. And is you disobey…say goodbye to your eardrums and your freedom.
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(Anyone else love this Silver’s face? I believe Silver can be a villain too, you won’t change my mind)
He is SHOCKED with a capital S. He’s a human, but raised by Lilia and fairies so he has fairy values and they may be SLIGHTLY different from humans especially about love.
He wants to be with you after graduation. He already planned a few preparations so you won’t be getting away.
Before you go, he casts his unique magic on you to appear in your dreams as a dashing prince. Saving you, chasing you, maybe choking you a little bit. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Convincing that your world is horrible and terrible, and you should come back to Twisted Wonderland and live with him. Silver is a prince, and you are his princess. To him, the bad witch is your world. After all, he needs to defeat the bad witch to save his one and only princess. Than he can live happily ever after.
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iloveyouinred · 7 months
Looks Like A Vampire: Danfeng x Reader
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𓇬♡ | Warning: NSFW, noncon, blood, vampire concept, dumbification, bitting, masochist, cold dragon young(I'm not sry), etc.
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You know The High Elder of the Luofu Vidyadhara is one you should not mess with. You always thought his lifeless eyes and pale skin remind you so much of a dead person. But one night, when the moon is up, he shows his fang before your terrified eyes.
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You inhale sharply when he sinks his fangs into your shoulder. Licking the blood that comes dripping down your skin, while fucking himself deep inside of you. Tears welling up your eyes from the sudden pain mixed with pleasure. Panting heavily on top of him. Your seated body squirm away, but his hold is firm. When the pain slowly overcome with the sweet taste of his cock pounding your inside, your sinful moans filled up his hearing.
You caught a glimpse of his smile from the corner of your teary eyes. His fair lips smeared with dark red blood, one that still seeping out your skin. That sends chills down your back. As he continues to thrust his length up your gummy walls, you see stars while his cold eyes trained on your expression. Sweats addorn your skin like pearls under the moonlight, your pretty eyes closed with a frown. Face distorted with pain and pleasure, while your mind focused on both of your body movements that is connected through his relentless thrusts. You were sure his fangs grazed your skin a few times before they sank into you once more. If you did not die by his quick pace of thrust, you would have died by blood loss from how many times he bites and consumes your blood. Like a vampire.
Though he will certainly keep you alive, healing your wounds every once in a while. His power is flowing through your body like cold waves. Easily reviving any part of you that is almost dead. But could you deny death if it's given to you with these sweet almost heavenly feelings? You choked on his fingers when he thrust up harshly, hitting your deepest spot. You felt his hand on the back of your neck slowly clasping on it. Forcing your limp body to stay seated on his lap as he moves in and out of your sloppy cunt. Your body pressed on his board chest, while you whined out, babbling incoherent words. He simply smiles, placing chaste kisses along the line of your jaw. Soon you come all over him, melting around his length like a warm candle.
"Good girl." He purrs softly beside your ear. You are trying to deny whatever he claims you as, but all you can do is sob and whine. He places his hand on your waist, caressing your sides softly as you feel his thrust slowing down yet still steadily pounding the inside of your gummy walls. Giving you time to come down from your high. You clung on him with hand around his neck, face pressed down on his shoulder.
"Don't fall asleep. We are not over yet." His breath is warm against your skin, yet his tone holds no expression, as if giving you a warning by the ice cold tone. You shake your head weakly as if trying to refuse. But his grip on your hips tightens. As he thrust up your cunt, your body arch. His palm supports the middle of your back. The tip of his cock continuously hits your sweet spots, you feel your eyes roll back. In the midst of it, you mind wonders, eyes pestered at the sight on top of you. The moon is serene. Shining gently in the pitch black sky, outlined both of your body's curves. Its calm nature reminds you of Danfeng's beautiful eyes. Though you found him to be distant and unapproachable.
He grabs your jaws. Forcing you to look at him when his cold eyes staring you down, searching for thoughts behind the glassy eyes. Which he might not find at the moment. Still thrusting deep inside of you, he kisses you. Gently. You didn't dare to kiss back. This time you felt his cold fang graze your lips. You flinch. Not ready for another of his painfull bites.
But he didn't bite you. Instead you feel his warm tongue licks your lower lips gently. Slipping in through your half opened mouth. Tears dripped down your cheek and you wondered if it's because of his warm kiss after all the biting or was it because of the way he rolled his hips against your own. You will never know. And couldn't think more when he pulled up your thighs, grabbing the back of it to push himself deeper. Your back lay flat against the table's cold marble surface. Cunt greedily sucking in his length. You feel his breath against your chest, licking the tender flesh and swirling around the bud. Drools cover the shiny skin of your hills, no bite mark this time. Danfeng will hate to see blood flowing out of your pretty breasts. Buds perked up nicely after he licked them wholeheartedly. Teasing both tops with the end of his split tongue.
Your senses overwhelmed with all the teasing, half of him being gentle with you while the other half ramming your insides in a way that is numbing your mind. You moaned out his name in the middle of your orgasm and the man shivered. He grunts when you pull his hair, hands on his head that was on top of your chest. His pace quickening, your half lidded eyes glassy from the tears. And when he snaps his hips a little bit deeper than last, you were already anticipating his incoming climax. Your body trembled when waves of pleasure washed over you again, before you collapsed.
Body lay limp against his hold. You watch as your cum mixed with his own dripping down, pooling under the table foot. Moon reflected on the mirror in front of you. And you feel ashamed from how messy you have become. The Elder of the Luofu Vidyadhara, what has he done, defiling one of Luofu citizens? You might wish for him to be gone now. Leaving you drowning in your own shame. But dragons mate for life. That one, you didn't know.
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End of 2023 Spooktober Series.
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lucozadehulahoop · 7 months
A Question of Time (Astarion x f!reader/tav) part 2/?
Chapter Summary: Astarion gets caught by Cazador in his daughter's room. Tav attempts to get him out of the situation.
Read part 1 here! part 3 part 4
tags and TW: pre-bg3! Astarion, slave!Astarion, mentions of torture and abuse, demi-goddess!tav, Cazador being all sorts of creepy, eventual NSFW (minors stay away kindly, thank you darlings)
tag list for those who asked for part 2 (if you want to be added to the tag list, just let me know!): @d0nutkaky0in @i-just-want-to-sleep-97 @omggiannarosa @dead-giirl-walking @warbwarts @mrsfullbuster500 @uwomina @iyaesakura @cheeslyy @dragon-kazansky @bambamwolf87 @chibi-chi @orsomethingelseentirely @davenswitcher @adequate-superstar
Astarion dropped to his knees and bowed his head the second Cazador stepped into the room. He couldn't even look at his Master, choosing to stare at the ground, fixating on the space between the Vampire Lord's heavy boots to anticipate the blows that were no doubt coming to him.
It was over. Whatever hell awaited Astarion next, it was going to make the past two centuries seem like a dream in comparison. That much he was certain of.
He could feel Cazador's ice-cold stare on him, yet it was his daughter he spoke to. "Step aside, my dear. I have made the terrible mistake of being too gracious with this... servant. I will personally make sure he never strays again..."
Astarion began to shake violently. For all he knew, Cazador was already making a promise to break his legs.
What he did not expect was what happened next. The young woman stepped in front of him, putting herself between him and Cazador. "Father, there has been a misunderstanding... I sneaked out and met... Astarion in a local tavern." She faked an attempt at trying to remember his name correctly. "I believe he was deeply charmed by me and offered we spend the evening together. When he brought me back here, I had to confess who I truly was and immediately realized his mistake. He acted like a true gentleman and returned me to my chambers."
Astarion didn't move a muscle. He could not have come up with a better lie himself, considering that little story painted him as a dutiful spawn who'd merely been out seeking prey for his Master. But he doubted Cazador cared. A line had been crossed, and Cazador rarely needed an excuse to torture anyone, least of all Astarion.
"Is that so, dearest?" Cazador's tone turned sickly sweet, yet he was not fooled by the shared. He'd taken a good look at the dagger on the floor and the open window. He'd already come to his own conclusions. "In that case, such a valiant display of chivalry deserves a reward, wouldn't you say? Come along, Astarion, I wish to give you the recognition you deserve..."
Astarion had lost all feeling in his limbs, but he knew it wouldn't matter because Cazador's words would have been enough to make him stand and walk like his own personal puppet. Except... they weren't.
Cazador had given him a direct order yet he hadn't budged.
The Vampire Lord seemed to notice this too, his eyes widening at the realization his influence seemed to have no hold on Astarion's mind at that moment. Astarion looked back at his Master and it was all Cazador needed to make a stride toward them, no doubt intent on dragging his slave out of the room by force when his luck struck out for a second time.
"No!" His valiant protector protested in the face of Cazador's increasingly obvious rage. Her little outburst was followed by a loud crash as a heavy bookcase fell in the middle of the room, nearly missing Cazador by an inch.
And that was when Astarion realized why Cazador kept this girl pampered and at a considerable distance from him. He was afraid of her. Of his own daughter. Terror was all that was left on his Master's face now, and Astarion had never witnessed something so satisfying ever since he'd crawled out of his own grave on that faithful night.
"I mean..." She backtracked, looking quite abashed at the mess she'd just made, more so than the thought of having nearly buried her father underneath a small library. "I would like to request Astarion stay in this wing of the castle from now on. I... have no servants, and I never see anyone all day. I believe Astarion has proven himself to be an honorable man, and I trust him. That way... I won't be tempted to run away again, and you can trust him to keep an eye on me and...report back to you in case I get into trouble again." She reasoned in a sweet voice, almost as if she were asking Cazador for a new pony.
"The reasonings you make are quite sound, my dear. But-"
"Oh, wonderful!" She cheered and looked back at Astarion. "Only if that would be an agreeable arrangement for you, Astarion. It's your choice, of course..."
Astarion stared up at her blankly. His... choice?
The spawn hadn't made a decision for himself in two hundred years. Obviously going back to Cazador meant there was a world of pain to pay for the innumerable transgressions that he'd perpetrated that night. But what about this girl? She was clearly a force to be reckoned with, and he was more than familiar with the old saying: better the devil you know...
"Tav, dearest." Cazador attempted to interject. "It is unbecoming for a noble lady such as yourself to have such a bleeding heart for the lower class. Astarion knows his place, he does not need to be asked for permission..."
Tav. Astarion knew that word well from the scriptures he'd studied for so many nights on his path to becoming a magistrate all those centuries ago. The name meant 'sign' or 'omen', the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion.
Maybe he could let himself hope one last time.
"My lady, I accept your gracious request..." And put myself in your debt.
Cazador gave him an amused look, almost as if he knew whatever freedom Astarion thought he'd just obtained was going to be extremely short-lived. After all, Tav, as far as either of them was concerned, did not know about the true nature of any of the inhabitants of the castle. Her father had more means than necessary to hide his appetites and odd schedules, but Astarion? He'd soon have to make the choice between staying up in the tower and starving or crawling back to Cazador to beg for a measly rat to feed on.
Tav smiled at Astarion's decision and helped him up to his feet.
"Well, my dear. It seems as if I can't do anything but warn you... this one barely does anything during the day and I personally wouldn't let him near any one of your dear pets... When you tire of his incompetence, be sure to return him back to me."
Astarion was shown to a private guest room and he had an inkling of what was to come next, now that Tav had finally got him alone. If there was one thing he'd learned in all of those years was that the only thing about him that was worth anything was his body.
Now that he could think things through with a clear head, there was no doubt in his mind that Tav had 'saved' him solely because she, like many others, had come to be infatuated with him. And as much as it pained him to acknowledge he'd merely swapped an old owner for a new one, he wasn't going to look this gift horse in the mouth. He needed her protection and the fact she was already harboring affection for him would only work in his favor in the future. Maybe, just maybe, he could convince her to let him escape someday, once he was sure the bond between him and Cazador had truly been severed. he had no way of knowing if it had been Tav's presence in the room that had counteracted Cazador's powers, nor could he be sure how long that blessing was going to last.
The first step for now would be seducing her, and at least that part he was an expert in. Another blessing he could count on was that she was gorgeous, and if he truly had met her in some tavern, she'd been right in thinking she would have been one of his marks.
"I'll be leaving you now..." Tav announced, snapping Astarion out of his reverie. He looked back at her as she returned his dagger and his climbing tools to him. The weight of the gear seemed heavier than, before and he heard the distinct sound of a heavy pouch of coins in the mix. "There is a small boat that leaves the harbor in a few hours. By dawn, you should be well away from the Sword Coast... although where you'll end up I don't know."
Being out at sea at the break of day was not a realistic option for Astarion unless he wanted to burn alive with nowhere to hide. But that certainly wasn't what he took away from her words. Tav was giving him a way out, just like that. Her plan could not work for him, but she couldn't have known.
"What is your angle?" Astarion snapped, baffled beyond reason. He could not wrap his head around what she was or what she wanted with him and it was driving him insane.
"My.. my angle? Forgive me, I don't-" Tav wrought her hands together nervously, fearing she'd somehow misunderstood. All this time, she'd been certain Astarion had been crying out for help, for someone to rescue him.
"You can cut the crap now, sweetheart. I'm not as easily spooked by a falling armoire as your dear old dad is..." Astarion grinned, a slight glint in his eyes as he spoke. "That little naive act of yours though... that's the real thing about you that's terrifying. And let me the first to say, it was quite something watching you put on that show. I'm not that easily impressed."
Tav looked completely lost at his words, and Astarion admired how good she was at keeping up the act. But he was tired of it now.
"So, what does it feel like to have me all to yourself now, hmm?" Astarion inquired, his voice turning sultry as he carelessly chucked the objects she'd handed him on the bed and took a step towards her. "Is it everything you dreamed of, precious? All couped up in here by yourself, day after day..." He stroked Tav's cheek with the back of his hand gently, and Astarion would have been lying to himself if he didn't recognize the warmth ghosting over his fingers from that brief touch.
"You-you misunderstand, I don't have you. I... I heard you calling-" Tav tried to explain, but it was difficult. Would Astarion have believed her if she told him who she truly was? All that mattered now was that he could leave, so why didn't he? She must have done something wrong. It was hard putting the right words together when Astarion was so close. Her mind was completely scrambled and her face felt like it was burning up.
Astarion smirked. Finally, he was getting somewhere with trying to understand what Tav wanted with him, and he'd been right. Watching her blood rise to her cheeks, however, almost made his mind go blank for a few seconds.
What on earth was he doing? Standing there trying to figure out the impossible woman in front of him, when he should have been getting out of dodge and putting as much ground between himself and Cazador as possible?
A faint voice inside him wondered what the consequences on Tav would be if he ended up going missing, and he hated himself right after for even having such a thought.
The way out was right in front of him, and he could still count on a few more hours of darkness to make his way underground.
All he had to do was turn and run.
AN: aaah thank you so much for the love! Comments are appreciated and keep me writing. I'm planning on adding more chapters soon!
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pumpkinspice-prouvaire's required les mis fic reading list
enough of u supported me in my half asleep post asking about fic recs the other day so I am providing. If you want a deep look into my inner psyche this is also the list for that hehe. I tried to be strict about only including my absolute MUST READ fics that I adore and have read and reread and reread again multiple times. Also these will be mostly ExR, to no one's surprise. But there might be a few other ships and gen fics in there too. It's under the read more because this bitch is gonna get long
Auto-read authors:
I didn't wanna rec the same authors too many times in my list proper so these are the authors whose works I have read all (or nearly all) of multiple times. The authors whose tax returns I would read if they posted them on ao3. I will be featuring my favourite fics by them in the list
loverism (all of their fics are currently in a privated bookmark but I have faith that they will someday return. loverism if u see this I miss u)
Multi-Chapter fics/Series/WIPs:
Under My Wings You Will Find Refuge- Fiver: (WIP) This is the most required reading of my required reading list. I can quote passages of this fic by heart. It's my roman empire. PLEASE check this one out if you haven't it is the best ExR fic in existence, it will change ur life I promise
Beneath a Dragon Moon- The Librarina: GOT AU, no GOT knowledge required. Lots of dramatic moments interspaced with some lovely tender ExR
Guided by a Beating Heart -torakowalski: my absolute FAVOURITE Enjolras centric angst fic. Lots of emotion, lots of friendship, will make you ugly sob
you and i walk a fragile line (is this the time it finally breaks)?- UnforgettableJoMarch: (WIP) I am so enjoying following along with this one. Heartbreaking plot with sublime execution and some brilliant lines, so looking forward to seeing this one develop
The Future's Owned By You and Me- quillsand: ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY WHAT MORE CAN I SAY. Absolutely fantastic rarer pair fic with as much (and maybe more) importance devoted to the activism as to the ship
Getting Fucked in Lingerie- downtheroadandupthehill: PWP. ahem. anyways.
(With a Jubilant Shout) They Will Come One and All- zade: PWP. AHEM. ANYWAYS.
True Blood AU-kjack89: Exactly what it sounds like. Vampire Grantaire and Human Enjolras shenanigans
words can be unwritten- defractum: my favourite soulmate au which makes me melt every time <3
Armillaria- RevocablePeril: THE MOST COURFIUS FIC OF ALL TIME. Lots of excellent Les Amis content in general. SUCH a good, massively underrated fic. 121 kudos??????????? You're all insane.
In An Age Without Heroes- ShitpostingfromtheBarricade: Gloryhole soulmates, the prison industrial complex, Oprah.
walls come tumbling down-reptilianraven: They're cute your honor. One of the only high school AUs I will abide by tbqh hehe
What's a Bed Between Friends?- dannyPURO: if there's one thing you should know about me it's that I ADORE the there was only one bed trope
epiphany- Abidatchery: screaming crying throwing up that this isn't the fandom's most kudos'ed fic. Every word is expertly crafted and absolutely stunning
Vienna Roast- revolutionbarbie: cosy coffee shop au with a version of Enjolras we don't get to see but that I really enjoy
A Little More Lois Lane- stellatundra: Just a really funny and silly AU in which Grantaire is Superman
Love in a Coffee Shop-tellthemstories: an absolute fandom classic and rightly so. I've read this one so many times and every time there'll still be something that makes me laugh out loud
My anaconda don't want none (at all)-vamillepudding: v funny and sweet ace enj fic with hilarious triumvirate and exr dynamics
The Waiting is the Hardest Part-samyazaz: In this house, we absolutely love a sexy bet
Between Meetings and Midnight- PieceofCait: Enjolras cries after sex send tweet
A Bad Penny- PBJellie: Gay cowboys and sickfics are the ultimate combo for SURE
Leaves in the Void- myrmidryad: lots of emotion lots of friendship this one is so heavy but SO good you guys. It's also a Space AU I know we all love that <3
my heart's been borrowed (yours has been blue)-Petr1chor: P-tri is so good at writing fics where Enjolras is a complete dumbass and he wrote this one especially for me <3 <3 <3
fire in my hands- geode: This is my go to fic if I want a laugh. "Do you like parsnips?" "Yes they're my second favourite vegetable" iconic exchange god bless
I Would Do Anything For Love- Need_to_Comment_Rising: one of my fave ace Enjolras fics with lovely tender ExR. No I'm not biased because I worked on this series, don't be silly
Like Comfort, Like Solace, Like Relief- areyoumiserableyet: The sensation of coming home to the people you love after a long day <3
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood- sonhoedesrazao: There should be more fics with oblivious to his own emotions Grantaire that's all I'm saying
Trying to Leave the Ground-barricadeur: rly comfy cosy smut fic
YAY ENJOY I'm gonna go lie down now god I hope I haven't forgotten anything lmfao
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 8 months
Repost bc I misspelled my boy’s name in both the text and the tags oop—
I need an angsty found family AU where Olrox, instead of killing Richter’s mother as revenge for taking his lover instead goes “you took someone I loved, so I’ll take someone you cherish” and up and kidnaps little Richter. One second the boy is there and the next, shadows descend onto the empty street, and the moment after — he’s just gone.
THE DRAMA of Olrox traveling the world and keeping the kid at first purely to spite and worry his mother, or as part of some evil plan to lure her to her death, but quickly grows attached to him and they become this duo of vamp dad and his (not) son. The angst of Richter hating his abductor and crying and kicking him and telling him that he hates his guts, but when night falls and nightmares force little Belmont to turn and toss in his sleep, it’s Olrox’s lullabies that keep him calm, sung in a language he doesn’t know but with a gentleness only a parent could provide.
And as Olrox puts a hand on Richter’s head, carding his hair he realises, terror-struck, that he doesn’t want to let the kid go. He comes to a horrific conclusion that this is his baby now, whether the kid likes it or not, and it sends the old man’s mind into a spin.
Richter is unlike anything Olrox ever had. He’s never been a father, and doesn’t know how express love and care he’s so desperate to provide. He thinks of turning his newfound son more than once, but settles on waiting as for a little vampire hunter, an event like that would be far too traumatic.
And let’s talk about Richie himself for a second. This poor baby was about to travel to his aunt’s place one night and then got express-adopted by an immortal who is surprisingly gentle with him, yet doesn’t plan on letting him go. As result, baby Belmont throws tantrums every chance he gets, tries using fire-magic against the man (to no avail) and attempts to escape at every turn. At first, he’s in fight or flight mode almost constantly because he knows that the dragon vampire has to be using him for some evil ploy…but then weeks pass, a month, and there doesn’t seem to be much of an evil ploy happening. The two of them simply travel from place to place, where Richter has to awkwardly stand while his…kidnapper? Temporary guardian? Is running errands and talks to other gross, smelly vampires.
He hates Olrox, he’s confused, he feels a strange warmth in his chest when the vampire picks him up and carries him around when he’s too tired to walk, or checks up on him to make sure he’s warm and well-fed.
Just imagine the bittersweetness of Richie developing a bond with his captor in these horrible circumstances, and they start to get along. He feels all kinds of guilt and self-hate for it, every time he fails to stifle a giggle at Olrox’s jokes or can’t help but lean in when he offers comfort.
It’s just such a messy, tragic dynamic, don’t you think? Should I write anything on it? Idk, my ask box is open in any case 🤷
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staytinyville · 5 months
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Stay Alive (38)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. EXCUSE FOR THE NOT UPDATING. Holiday Season is over though so that very short hiatus is over! We will (Hopefully) get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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There was something about going through a magical portal that would take you to another part of the country that really did not sit right with your stomach. It passed over time. It was a lot like going on a plane for the first time and feeling sick. The more you did it the more it would go away. At least that’s what Hobi told you. 
Yoongi and Teahyung had taken you to their hometown in Daegu. Yoongi was the one to win the paper, rock, scissors which meant you would be visiting his family first. 
It was a bit of a hard thing to explain to you. He loved his family, but he said there were just things they didn’t agree with him on. It wasn’t like they didn’t miss him when he disappeared–any family would. It more so had to do with the fact that Yoongi wanted to do other things that weren’t in their ideals. 
But you had told him no matter what, they were still going to be his family. And you were sure they missed him just as much as he missed them. 
“It looks just like Daegu back home.” You said, looking at all the buildings that resembled your own home. 
You realized the boys were in fact right when it came to modernization of their world. With the past two days having been spent inside mountains, you did forget for a moment what their world was like. It wasn’t primal like you would assume. In fact it was much more advanced. 
“You've been?” Yoongi asked you, leading you towards where you assumed his home was. 
“I've traveled a good amount around Korea.” You answered. 
“Come on, my palace is this way.” Yoongi told you, pointing up some stairs. 
“Palace?” You paused for a moment, eyes going wide. 
At this point you had realized the boys never really spoke about their home lives before being kidnapped. Well, at least the older boys didn’t. The younger ones didn’t hesitate to answer your questions when you had them back at the facility. 
A great example was finding out that Jin was actually a prince. You honestly figure it was something very important to tell someone. With Yoongi telling you he lived in a palace you assumed he too was going to come out as some kind of prince but he was quick to catch your facial expression. 
“Yes.” Yoongi hummed, grabbing your hand to intertwine with his. “When you live as long as I have you tend to get your own homes made huge.” He explained, climbing up the steps. 
“Are you older than Jin?” You asked. 
“No, he's older than me but only a year.” Yoongi answered. “Namjoon is also older than the others due to dragon life spans.”
You figured Yoongi must have been one of the older boys along with Jin. Everyone knew vampires were immortal and lived long lives. There might have been different versions of each vampire but seeing as Yoongi drank blood only, he must have been the more common version. The ones who hated the sun and slept during the day. 
You purse your lips in a mocking way. “You know, you have always complained about the light but yet here we are outside in the sun. Seems to me like you just wanted to make complaints.” You giggled, swinging Yoongi’s arm lightly as you finally came up on the end of the stairs. 
He turned to you, leaning to place his forehead against yours and bump his nose along your own. You giggled, scrunching up your nose as Yoongi gave your lips a quick peck. “I just like the dark more.” He told you. 
You began to blush as he pulled away and his gummy smile was on full display. You skipped behind him, waiting patiently as he knocked on a door with long walls on either side that stretched like a covering for the inside of the building. The door wasn’t as large or grand as Jin’s palace but it was still clear that this was a mansion meant for the wealthy or royalty. 
The door took a moment to open, the little woman who was trying her hardest to shove the large wood open grunted as it finally swung open. When she finished wiping her hands along her apron, her eyes went wide as she took in the two of you standing on the other side of the door. 
She squeaked, gasping as she suddenly stood up straighter. “Master Yoongi!” She cried out. 
“He's returned, everyone!” She screamed, turning around to face the other staff members of the household walking around the yard. 
The three or so workers who were outside stopped what they were doing, some even dropping the things they were holding to stare with wide eyes at you and Yoongi walking through the gate. All of them got up and began to clap, one of them had begun to cry as they crowded around Yoongi. You watched as he laughed with them, a smile spreading on your face from how happy he looked to be at home.  
“Oh we are so blessed to have you home, sir.” An older woman gushed, pulling Yoongi in for a hug. “We have prayed and prayed for your safe return.” She squished his cheeks together, softly cooing at him like a grandma would her grandchildren. 
“It's good to be back.” Yoongi told the woman. 
Your eyebrows perked up when you notice him looking in your direction catching everyone else’s attention. 
“Master Yoongi has a mate!” The girl who opened the door gushed. 
You laughed a little as the staff members turned to you and began to ask Yoongi about your relationship. The girl who had opened the door for you was a young elf judging by the sharply pointed ears she had. Yoongi told you she was considered one of the young ones and hadn’t been working with his family for long. The older woman was apparently his nanny when he was a child. She was a dragon so she had been within the family for a long while. 
“Min Yoongi!” Someone shouted from the steps of the palace. “I knew it was you the moment you returned to Daegu!” A joyful man grinned brightly, holding his arms out as he stepped down to get to where you both were. 
“Sunbaenim.” Yoongi smiled, bowing his head slightly which prompted you to do the same. 
When Yoongi leaned back up, the older man brought him in a hug, patting him on the back before looking over at you.
“Who is this lovely lady?” He asked, surprising you by giving you a hug as well. “You smell divine.” He joked, taking in a deep breath. 
“This is (Y/N).” Yoongi answered. “My mate.”
“Oh how wonderful it it's to hear you've settled down!” The man gushed. “I am Park Jae-Sang. Pleasure.” He bowed his head in greeting. “Come, come! Your family has set up a wonderful dinner for all of us. Your closest friends have attended as well.” 
Jae-Sang led the both of you up the steps and into the palace, a beautiful structure that just called your attention in every detail. He led you towards what you assumed was the dining room from the table and people seated or standing around. They were talking to one another before turning when they heard you all step in. 
“Yoongi.” You heard someone say breathlessly. 
“Eomma.” Yoongi said quietly, eyes wide as he looked at the woman. 
“We’re sorry.” She sobbed out, rushing forward into Yoongi. “We’re so sorry. We didn’t–We didn’t want bad things to happen to you and look where it led you.” She shook her head against Yoongi’s chest, her fingers tightening against the back of his shirt. 
You took a step back for a moment, allowing Yoongi’s family to hug him as you watched. You took in a shaky breath, a small smile forming on your face as you took in their interactions. You could never understand what it must be like for the boys' mothers to have their son’s taken from them. You weren’t a mother to get that feeling just yet. 
But you were a daughter. And you knew that even if you and your parents don’t see eye to eye on certain things, no matter what they still took care of you and raised you to be the person you are. They were the people who watched you take your first breath and hoped to never see you take your last. Each one of the boys had left to start their own lives and you could only imagine what it was like for their parents to get a call that they had been kidnapped.
“We’re sorry we weren’t there.” She sniffled. 
“It’s okay, Eomma.” Yoongi sniffled, kissing the top of his mother’s head. “I’m back home now. That’s all that matters.”
You blinked away the tears, sniffling a bit causing Yoongi’s mom to turn and look at you. She gasped quietly, giggling to herself as she noticed you there. 
“And you have a mate.” Yoongi’s mother wiped at her tears, trying to clean her nose. “After so long! I’m not getting any younger, sir!” She laughed, coming to hold your hands in hers. 
“Oh dear, it’s going to be hard to not eat you up.” She joked, pinching your cheeks. 
“Eomma.” Yoongi warned, causing the others to laugh. 
“I’m just kidding.” The woman shook her head playfully. “You already have enough problems with the other 6 boys, I’m sure.”
You laughed, nodding your head in agreement. With that, all of the other guests gathered around to greet both you and Yoongi. 
After they had all eaten–and Yoongi’s mother made one of the servants go fetch you some food–Yoongi took to showing you around his home. It wasn’t an extravagant palace like the one’s royalty used. But it was large enough to house a very important person. He explained to you the history behind the home, telling you it belonged to his father when he had been on the council. You almost scoffed when you remembered that Yoongi was a vampire. 
You took notice of how different the material was in the building and things weren’t as unstable compared to back home. While you knew the government tended to preserve most of the palaces, Yoongi told you that his home hadn’t been changed since it was built. 
“This is so much different from the palaces back home.” You hummed, looking at one of the columns that was made out of some kind of jade. 
“Yes, they have to accommodate a lot of our magical needs.” Yoongi told you, watching you with a small smile. 
You turned around to face him, catching his soft look. “You must be so happy to be home.” You told him, walking closer. 
Yoongi hummed, taking your hand before placing a kiss on your wrist. “I'm sure all of us are.” He told you, thumb brushing against your pulse. “Especially with you here.”
You watched as he continued his affections on your vein, tilting your head. “You always find my pulse points. Is it a vampire thing?” You giggled. 
“It is.” He mocked. “Blood is what keeps us alive. It’s what keeps me alive.” He pulled you closer to him, looking down at your turned wrist. “If I so wanted to, I could easily suck you dry and kill you in a few seconds.” 
You raised your eyebrows in a challenge, watching as he looked up at you. A large grin spread across his face as his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“I love you, (Y/N).” He whispered against your lips.
“I love you too, Yoongi.” You smiled, pressing your lips against his.
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Series Masterlist
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terapsina · 9 months
#2 for the book worm ask game!
(ask game)
2. Favorite fantasy book(s).
(Eeeeexcellent, I do love fantasy books. Though how I'm gonna narrow it to only a few I've got no idea. Okay. I'm going to remove the very obvious choices like Lord of the Rings (though it is one of my faves)).
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Monstrous Regiment. I love the entire Discworld series (especially The Witches) but I've also got a huge soft spot in my heart for Terry Pratchett's take on 'a girl dresses like a boy to go to war' (and thinks of everything except some spare socks in- erm... the right place). Along with Polly, the squad consists of a vampire, a troll, an Igor, a religious fanatic and two very, very close "friends" (and yes, the official summary put the friends in quotes too). And everyone has their own secret.
I love basically everything about this book and I can't tell you guys any of it because it would spoil all the fun.
The Goblin Emperor. This one's a story filled with light. Maia the half goblin son of the elven Emperor was never supposed to take the throne (or to ever even be at court. because racism). And then everyone ahead of him dies in a single "accident" and suddenly he's the new Emperor. Maia is a good person, and a kind one, and despite everything that gets thrown at him he keeps hold of that understanding of right and wrong and refuses to bend.
(I have to mention that the language of the writing is kinda hard to get into in the beginning, and the characters's have very complicated and long names, but once you get into it it really did enhance the story for me).
Good Omens. An Angel and a Demon try to stop the apocalypse and instead lose the Antichrist. I've loved that book for like a decade now and if I don't put it on a list of my faves that list would be a lie.
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The King of Attolia. Third in The Queen's Thief series and my favorite one out of all of them. I've always enjoyed Outsider POV in fics. And here is a book that just... proves why. We've got Eugenides and Irene, the Thief and the Queen, and we know them from the two previous books. And adore them. But the story isn't from their POV, it's from the POV of Costis, a Queen's guard who's suddenly gotten assigned to the King. The useless, weak, undeserving king that as far as Costis is concerned doesn't deserve to even kiss the Queen's boots. And it's hilarious to read the story from the eyes of someone who knows so much less than us. And so satisfying, as he begins to understand.
(I recommend the whole series and am personally glad to have read them in the published order but Megan Whalen Turner has stated that she wrote them in a way that allows you to jump in at any point you want).
The Raven Tower. The story is from the viewpoint of a sentient, omniscient rock whose name is Strength and Patience of the Hill and it is the GREATEST THING EVER. The gods are real and must be very careful with their words, because if they speak a lie the reality will alter to make that lie the truth but if the lie is bigger than the power of the god... well. Inspired by Hamlet.
(the book also has a trans man as the main character; the other main character? The sentient rock is the narrator but the largest part of the story focuses on Eolo).
A Natural History of Dragons. The first book from The Memoirs of Lady Trent (and honestly it would probably be more honest to say that every single book from this series fits the category of fave but I'm putting up the first here because this isn't a series where you should skip ahead). The book focuses on the life of Isabella as narrated by her older self. This is the story how a Scirland lady bucked all tradition and became a world renowned expert on the Natural History of Dragons.
(this series has a piece of my heart and always will).
(and finally, here's some more of my favorite fantasy books that I also adore and would totally ramble about but I got tired of typing).
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howlingday · 5 months
Jaune go's to a monster school au. He is a Human aloud to go because his family His ability and his abundance of Mana. He was never that how to use it the So, despite getting similar results to other students, he uses absurd amounts of manna on stuff that really should abuse that much. Weiss is a vampier, rwby werewolf, yang a dragon, penny a golem, Blake is a werecat, Ren a ghost, Nora a Valkyrie, pariah is a demigod daughter of Aries.
Jaune: Hi, I'm Jaune. Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls of the tongue. The ladies love it~.
Jaune: ...Okay, maybe they don't now, but they will! Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. See, I kind of need to vent, and this is the only way I really can.
Jaune: But what do I have to vent about? I have a great family, a lot of great friends, and a bright future ahead of me! I just... have to survive until I reach it.
Jaune: ...Let me start over. My name is Jaune Arc, the only son born to the Arc family, who are one of the few families on Remnant with access to mana, or magic. I'm not very good at it, but I'm good enough to not be allowed to go to normal, regular people school.
Jaune: So that's why I'm attending Beacon's Light Academy of Magic, which was explained to me at one of the four "Great Mage" academies in Remnant, along with Atlas's Might, Haven's Garden, and Vacuo's End. It's not so bad so far, since I'm learning a lot at Beacon with my best friend, Ruby Rose.
Jaune: What's for lunch, Ruby?
Ruby: (Sniffs) Mm... Beef...
Jaune: What else?
Ruby: Uh... I don't know. Why? The only thing you need to eat is beef, pork, and chicken, right?
Jaune: Uh...
Jaune: See, Ruby is a werewolf. Yeah. You heard me. Half-human, half-wolf. I don't really know what the story is, since I don't really pry into her business, but Ruby basically has what's called "primal mana," which is magic based on tapping into your most base instincts and emotions, like fear, anger, and hunger. She's usually cool, except on the days that have full moons later that night, then she gets super irritable. She can still go to day classes, but she has to go to the safety bunker before... Well, based on the claw marks I see getting fixed the next morning, it's something super bad. Like, so bad, Weiss can't go to her night classes.
Jaune: Oh, speaking of Weiss, she's also my friend, and I kinda have crush on her. ...Okay, she's not really my friend yet. More of a friend of a friend. But I'm getting there, I think. But it might be best for me to keep my distance from her because the reason I can only see her so few times is because...
Jaune: Oh, uh, h-hey, Weiss!
Weiss: For the love of... Good morning, Jaune.
Jaune: So, uh, how... How were your classes?
Weiss: Fine, Jaune.
Jaune: Cool, cool... So, uh... Do you... wanna get some... blood?
Weiss: (Puts her book down)
Weiss: (Slowly turns to look at him, Bewildered)
Jaune: ...Is that a no?
Jaune: Look, if someone as flat and uninteresting as romance novel teens can get vampires, why shouldn't I try my luck? You know, besides the fact that I'm Type-O and probably a better meal than a friend to her. Nevertheless, I will keep trying... until she tells me she wants nothing to do with me. Which she hasn't. Yet. But she won't! Maybe.
Jaune: Anyway, being a vampire is kind of a double-edged lottery sword. It's part of something called "genesis mana," or "Blood Magic". Only people of a certain bloodline can access this, but it also curses your family to become some kind of monster, like a vampire, a wendigo, or even a werewolf. And that's why the Schnee family is so picky about who hangs out with who. My dad used to tell me that some families turn away suitors because "certain blood dulls the mana". He also tells me it's stupid, but also stupid to try my luck. Thankfully, he's not here to judge me, and I have friends who're willing to support me, like Ruby and...
Penny: Sal-u-tations~!
Jaune: Oh, hey, Penny. What's going on?
Penny: I have heard about your recent failures with friend Weiss and have been instructed by friend Ruby to cheer you up!
Ruby: W-What?! N-No, I didn't!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Writes on a napkin) Ruby, I have a command written on this napkin. The command is, "Show me every command Ruby gave." You either tell me the truth, or I ask Penny to eat this.
Ruby: She can say no, though, so there!
Jaune: Penny, would you like to eat this napkin with a command written on it?
Penny: Yes, I would!
Jaune: She's also a really great lie detector. I mean, except for when telling her own lies. That's just how golems are, I guess. Penny is kind of a... experiment Atlas is testing out at Beacon. She's going to be attending here as a way to test if golems are sentient and capable of safely interacting with other people. Why a school full of young adults would be considered safe, I have no idea, but I'm glad to have a friend like Penny around. And as far as I can tell, whether you were born or crafted together with "creati mana," you're still human to me!
Jaune: Uh, I mean people! You're still people to me! Hah... Sorry... Last time I said "human," I got on the bad side of...
Blake: You were late to class.
Jaune: Sorry, sorry!
Blake: Being sorry doesn't excuse you showing up late.
Jaune: Right, sorry. I was up late last night, reading a really good issue of X-Ray and Vav.
Blake: ...You stayed up late. For a comic book.
Jaune: A really good one! You like reading, don't you?
Blake: ...
Blake: (Digs claws into the table)
Jaune: Yeah, Ruby isn't the only one who can access "primal mana". In fact, it's a lot more common for faunus to access it than humans, for obvious reasons. But unlike Ruby, Blake seems irritated all the time when it comes to hanging out with me. Honestly, she feels more like a friend of a friend than Weiss does with me. Almost every word that I say seems to piss her off, and I don't know why.
Jaune: Hah... Guess I'm just unlucky with girls as friends, since I get along really well with...
Jaune: Yo, Ren!
Ren: Good morning, Jaune.
Jaune: Any luck last night?
Ren: Not yet. But I did rearrange the recipe in the cafeteria for a healthier meal this afternoon.
Jaune: Oh... Uh...
Jaune: Ren is a ghost, and he's been haunting this school for the past... I don't really know. But what I do know is how Ren got to where he is now. See, he was human, like me, and before he died in school, he cast a spell that bound his soul to the school.
Ren: Wrong.
Jaune: AGH!
Ren: I was attuned with "psyki mana" and could manifest my soul so I could find my best friend after I died. We were supposed to graduate, but when I finally came to life, she'd already left without me.
Jaune: Wait, you didn't cast a spell or anything?
Ren: In order for me to cast, I would require access to my aura, which was lost in my final moments. But my soul is still present, though it requires time and effort to manifest.
Jaune: ...
Ren: You can just say you don't know.
Jaune: I don't know. But, uh, were you able to get into the office?
Ren: No. Access to the office is protected from every mana variant known to Remnant. Nothing magical in nature, including a ghost, can enter.
Jaune: Geez, that's rough. You know who might be able to help?
Nora: Alright, alright, what's going on now?
Jaune: Uh, well, I was just making my way to class when suddenly-
Nora: Were you attacking this poor girl?!
Jaune: What?! No! It's the other way around!
Nora: HA! Yeah, right! Look at you! You're twice her size and SHE attacked you?
Ruby: You stole my comic book!
Jaune: I did not!
Nora: Oh, really? Hand it over, kid.
Jaune: But-
Jaune: ...On second thought, nevermind. Valkyries aren't really that helpful, are they?
Ren: It depends on what the situation is. If it's in response to a violent crime, they are merciless and will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent in the magic realm.
Jaune: But if it's a petty crime?
Ren: They... can be a bit biased in who they assist. Unless their opponent is a hostile monster with a weapon, they're not good with delegation and diplomacy. But they do care.
Jaune: Well, you could always ask one, right?
Ren: Unfortunately, no. Valkyries are protected by a specialized armor that prevents the effects of mana. A ghost like me can't even be seen by them, let alone get near one.
Jaune: Dang... Well, best of luck to you.
Ren: Thank you. Also, before I leave, I was asked to find you.
Jaune: Really? By who?
Jaune: Uh, h-hi...
Pyrrha: H-Hi...
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: So, uh-
Pyrrha: DADDY, NO!
Jaune: Wha-?
Jaune: (Sees giant boar barreling at him)
Jaune: Ugh... Great... You ever heard of helicopter parents? Well, with someone like Pyrrha, her helicopter dad comes equipped with a rocket launcher and twin machine guns. And a hatred for any boy that gets close to his daughter. Kind of expected since her dad is the God of War. And when I say god, I mean ALL the gods of war to have ever existed. It's part of her "deity mana," where a very lucky few are literal descendants of the divine. And hers happens to be the embodiment of war, violence, and combat. So not only can her dad kick my ass, but SHE can kick my ass!
Jaune: I don't know how I'm going to survive this school, but hey, here's hoping I can at least make it to graduation!
Jaune: ...Er, no offense, Ren.
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emilykaldwen · 11 months
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THE MAIDEN AND THE DROWNING BOY is a House of the Dragon canon divergent fix-it trilogy with a HEA. Meshing both show and book canon, the story asks the question: How do you stop the cycles of abuse and generational trauma? In this universe, Aegon marries the youngest daughter of Lyonel Strong, the Lady Abrogail, who has grown up alongside him and his siblings. The story begins with the run up to their marriage in 125 AC, and follows Aegon and Abrogail as they figure out who they are and who they are together in the Riverlands, along with Aemond and Helaena in King's Landing, and to the dawn of the Dance of Dragons. Except the ending of the song is different this time.
pairings: aegon ii targaryen x oc, eventual jacaerys x helaena, other canon ships mentioned, other pairings to be announced warnings: child physical abuse, religious trauma, sexual shame and purity pushing, canon typical violence, canon typical attitudes, unpacking of previously stated sexual shame/purity for both male and female characters
This is not an anti/pro team black or green fic. I continue to do my best to approach all sides with nuance. There will be no bashing, nor will I accept any in the comments.
[this fic series will have three separate parts and maintains an 'at least once a month' posting schedule (due to life reasons)]
No Tag List. Follow @emkald-fic and turn on post notifications or subscribe on AO3.
Tumblr: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty | Chapter Twenty-One | Chapter Twenty-Two | Chapter Twenty-Three
AO3: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty | Chapter Twenty-One | Chapter Twenty-Two | Chapter Twenty-Three
Wattpad (for those who prefer to read there. Updates are not matched to AO3)
Fic Tag
Ship Tag
Abrogail Tag
Abrogail Epithet Gif Set
Arc One Promo Set
Aegon and Abby - A Soft Evening Commission by @winterofherdiscontent
Abrogail Commission by @astarionbae
Fanart/Content by others - If you made something for this fic, please @ me and tag #useremka
Abrogail Fanart by @selfproclaimedunicorn
Abrogail Fanart by @murmel-malt
Sunlight Gif Set by @dragonsbone
Vampire!Abby x Aegon fanart by @murmel-malt
Transformative Works Policy below the cut
Transformative Works Policy: I do not give my permission to have this work put into generative AI or cross-posted somewhere else under your name. If you are looking to translate my work, please contact me first. Translations are ONLY allowed on AO3 following their translation policy, or Ficbook. Podfic is also allowed as long as I am contacted first to discuss.
As of right now, @vampire-exgirlfriend and @selfproclaimedunicorn only have permission to utilize Abrogail Strong in their works. If you want to write something inspired by or utilize my OCs in any way, please reach out to me first.
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thechaoticdruid · 8 days
[This Bites] 7
Astarion x F! Chubby MC
Plot: Winnie and Astarion attend the carnival in hopes to get information on a certain mysterious modder.
Content/Warnings: Violence, touching without consent, clowns, a special guest, death threats, near death experience, choking.
Chapter 6: Here
Chapter 8: I don't fucking know man...
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The screams of people riding the roller coaster filled the air. Winnie held Astarion’s hand as the group walked across the carnival grounds. Astarion who'd been rather enthusiastic about going, now seemed rather unsure. Winnie assumed he was more excited about going on a date than the date itself.  Astarion’s hand tightened around Winnie’s as they passed a rather eerily looking clown who was putting on a show for some children, juggling sparklers. His eyes looked over to them for a split second. Winnie shook her head and decided to ignore the strange person and focus on what she came for. 
“So erm…. Anthony I was really wondering if you could maybe help me. Becca said you're a modder and you might know  the person who made this BG3 cheat engine.” Winnie took out her phone and showed him a screenshot of the cheat engine file she took with her laptop. 
“Hm ... .Oh yeah I chatted with him before over discord.” Anthony replied, not looking back at the short female, too distracted by all the sights and sounds.
 “Babe, look! A haunted house, let's go!” Becca exclaimed as she took hold of her boyfriend’s arm.
“Oh alright I'll come with so you don't get scared” Anthony winked at Becca before taking her arm.
“I don't know what you're talking about, you're the one always getting scared.” Becca teased back before looking at Winnie. “Come on Wyn! Let's go!” 
“Yeah okay.” Winnie replied.
“So we're going to hunt for spirits?”Astarion hummed.
“No. It's not real. Just people in costumes jumping out from behind the corner to scare people.” Winnie explained.
“Oh? Well that's considerably more boring.” Astarion huffed. 
“Hey, don't hate on our fun! We don't have magic and dragons like you do back home.” Winnie playfully punched him in the shoulder. 
“Very well let's go then.” Astarion smirked and followed Winnie towards the ‘haunted house’ ride.  The attraction was set up to where you'd get  and ride through a fake haunted house. Winnie and Astarion sat behind Anthony and Becca as the car slowly moved along. For the most part the vampire was unimpressed. Being much too perceptive he could always tell when someone was about to jump out.  
“Hmm…That's a poor hiding spot.” Astarion mused as he noticed a man in a bloody pig costume hiding in the shadows.  The man jumped up causing Anthony and Becca to scream. Astarion stared boredly, an arm wrapped around Winnie’s waist as she tensed up, startled.  The vampire caressed his beloved's back comfortingly. He honestly relished the thought of taking a protective role. It made him feel strong, valued, like he had a purpose. 
“Oh now he's just lying on the floor, tut tut tut. You can do better than that.” Astarion tsked before a man in bloody clothes leapt up and screamed at the cart.  The vampire rolled his eyes before looking back at Winnie. She didn't scream at the attempts to scare them like Becca and Anthony did, but she would tense up or flinch.   Astarion leaned in and whispered in Winnie’s ear, “There’s another idiot hiding behind that door over there.” 
Suddenly a man in caked in white costume makeup with fangs and fake blood all over his face jumped out from behind the door hissing and getting way too close to Winnie’s face for the pale elf's liking. Astarion’s eyes narrowed a bit before he punched the ‘vampire’ in the jaw.  
“Why the hell did you do that for?” Winnie asked, looking at Astarion in confusion.
“He was getting on my nerves and he got far too close for my liking.” Astarion huffed.
“You can't just punch people because you want to! You're going to get us in trouble.” Winnie said with a look of worry. 
“Don’t fret love, I’ll handle any ire that comes our way.” Astarion replied.
“That's what worries me.” Winnie rolled her eyes. 
“Sweetheart, everything worries you.” Astarion sassed. Winnie pouted as the carts came to a stop outside the haunted house. They got out and Winnie silently thanked God that somehow miraculously Becca and Anthony missed Astarion's little outburst.
 The group walked away from the attraction as Astarion glanced over to see that creepy clown from before. He began clinging on to Winnie as he glared at painted face fool.
“It's just a guy in make-up Star.” Winnie said, running a hand over his back comfortingly. Astarion huffed a bit as they kept walking, the clown disappearing amongst the crowd of people.
“It's hideous.” Astarion murmured quietly.
“So Winnie I have a question, how did you and Star meet?” Becca turned to Winnie with a curious look. 
“Oh you know…We…um…” Winnie tried to think up something quickly.
“My darling and I met at the beach. I needed some assistance fending off this disgusting beast.” 
“It…was a really big crab.” Winnie added, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. 
“It was monstrous, but Winnie smashed the little wretch with a boulder, my sweet little hero.” Astarion hummed before looking at Winnie fondly. 
“It was a very small boulder.” 
“Well that's…..interesting.” Anthony hummed as he and Becca stared at them awkwardly, clearly thinking their story was ridiculous. 
“AH LOOK BUMPER CARS!!!” Winnie said, trying to change the subject as she pointed at the ride. 
“Ooh that actually looks fun.” Astarion said as his red eyes trailed over the scene of people smashing into each other. 
“How about we have a little playful competition against the ladies?” Anthony suggested as he looked over at Astarion. 
“Oh, you two are on!” Becca exclaimed and grabbed Winnie’s arm, “come on Wyn let's go kick some ass!”  Becca dragged Winnie off before she could  comment and Astarion rolled his eyes and followed after Anthony.
Eventually the two pairs got separated in the line with at least ten people between them. Winnie looked back, worried about Astarion doing something chaotic while she wasn't within range to intervene.
Astarion glanced back in her direction, he wasn't exactly torn up about their separation, but he would have much preferred trying this activity with Winnie instead of Anthony whom he knew nothing about.  Anthony looked Astarion over for a moment before he spoke. 
“So…Winnie seems nice.” He hummed aloud. 
“She is absolutely wonderful, my Winnie.” Astarion hummed with a content smile. 
“Okay…I mean she's not around bro. You don't have to go all out.” Anthony chuckled.
“All out? I mean every word.” Astarion huffed, “don’t you feel the same about your Becca? She seems very taken with you.”
“She's aight. Pretty hot and good in bed.” Anthony said nonchalantly.
“Oh, well lucky you then.” Astarion rolled his eyes. Meanwhile Winnie was standing with Becca, looking back at the others with a nervous gaze. 
“Maybe we should see if we can squeeze into line with the boys…So we don't get separated?”
“Nah it's fine, there should be enough bumper cars for them to join us.” Becca stated, her eyes looking over Winnie curiously observing her gaze. 
“You're staring at him.~” The redhead said in a sing-songy tone.
“He has a tendency to get into trouble.” Winnie said honestly. 
“You sure you're not just disappointed he's not glued to your side like normal?” She teased. 
“You act like he's hanging on me 24/7.” Winnie chuckled.
“Isn't he? Whenever I've seen you two he follows you around like a lost puppy.”
“You've seen us together like twice before today.”
“And I have amazing intuition. So…Have you two….you know…?” Becca smirked.
“I'm not having this conversation.” Winnie rolled her eyes.
“Whaaat? I was just gonna ask if you two had kissed! Don't be weird about it!” The redhead teased making Winnie turn bright red.
After a few minutes they climbed into the cars. The bumper cars were brightly colored and had both a driver and passenger seat in each of them.
Becca and Winnie got into one, Becca in the driver's side and Winnie in the passenger seat. However before they could even get buckled up, they were slammed into by Anthony and Astarion.  Astarion smirked mischievously as his fingers curled around the steering wheel.
“Star!? What the hell?” Winnie hissed.
“Sorry darling, I've never controlled one of these things before aha!” Astarion giggled with a mischievous grin.
“Oh it's on! Let's get him back!” Becca exclaimed, steering the bumper right into the guys. The group giggled and teased each other as their cars would collide. Despite the fun eventually Winnie had to usher their little group away when her vampiric partner began to slam the car into some obnoxious children. (One whom so rudely exclaimed “out of the way old lady!”) 
Once the four had left the ride Astarion slipped back beside Winnie. Anthony seemed to follow after Astarion however. 
“So…Make a new friend?” Winnie asked glancing over at Astarion and Anthony. 
Astarion wrapped an arm around Winnie and pulled her off away from Anthony until the two of them were out of earshot.
“Friend isn't quite the right word I believe, but nevermind that while I was alone with him in line he mentioned that the creator of your modification lived nearby in some city called Varamont.” 
“Varamont? That's like a five hour drive from here.” Winnie rubbed her temples. “I'm not sure I could stand riding for that long on my bike.” Winnie said with a sigh.
“Come on Winnie we're going into the mirror maze!” Becca called as she and Anthony caught up with the two. 
“I think I'll sit this one out actually.” Astarion spoke up. 
“Ah yeah…He gets a bit claustrophobic!” Winnie added. 
“You ladies go on in then. I wanted to get some food anyway.” Anthony piped up. 
“Okay….” Winnie said as Becca dragged her off into the mirror maze. Winnie followed after her reluctantly as her friend continued to talk her ears off about mundane things. They had a lead on where ShadowMommy69 was. Things were going well. So why did Winnie have this gnawing feeling something bad was going to happen? 
She sighed as her and Becca walked through the maze occasionally bumping into a mirror once and a while.  “Becca…Is everything okay with Anthony? I mean he is your boyfriend but it seems…like he's avoiding you.” 
“Anthony can be a bit reserved, but he's really a sweetheart.” Becca replied. Winnie frowned, Anthony didn't seem to have any problem hanging out with Astarion. She wasn't quite sure he was a good match for Becca. As much as she admired her friend, Becca had a bad track record when it came to dating. Winnie could recall that the redhead's last girlfriend apparently maxed her credit card and her parents had to help her with the debt. She really didn't have the best judge of character when it came to romantic partners. Not that Winnie could really talk considering her first boyfriend was a bloodthirsty undead creature of the night, but at least Astarion payed attention to her. A little too much sometimes. That wasn't his fault though. The man barely had anything to do while he was cooped up all day to avoid the sun's rays. 
As Winnie and Becca continued walking through the mirror maze the two ended up taking different paths. Winnie being distracted by her thoughts and Becca distracted by chattering about her own boyfriend. Eventually the girls were separated in two totally different parts of the maze. Winnie was even pulled out of her head by her nose bumping against the cold glass of a mirror.
“Shit…Where'd she go? Becca!?” She called, looking around as she got no answer. The lights that illuminated the maze from above flickered a bit. And Winnie felt a chill go down her spine. 
It's okay. Everything is alright. We’ll just find our way out. 
Winnie could feel her heart speeding up as she carefully maneuvered through the maze. However each turn and path seemed to go on forever. Winnie couldn't even tell how long she'd been in here! She quickly took out her phone as she began to get nervous only to find that the battery was dead. 
Okay…Maybe this isn't so great…
Suddenly she noticed a shadow move across one of the mirrors. Winnie nearly jumped at the sight of it, backing up fearfully. Then suddenly there was a voice.
“Ah, we finally meet in the flesh.” A familiar looking brunette haired man suddenly appeared in front of one of the mirrors, his reflection appearing in all the surrounding ones. It took a moment for Winnie to process who this was.
“Raphael?! What the hell are you doing here!? I'm pretty sure I killed you!” Winnie gasped in complete and utter shock.
“And yet here we are face to face.” The devil chuckled as Winnie began to back up. “I should actually thank you, you know. If you hadn't pulled Astarion out of our dreadfully repetitive world I would never have been able to find a way out.”
“Shit. I knew something bad was going to happen. You…You better not s-start any trouble!” Winnie said, trying to act intimidating though deep down inside she was terrified. 
“What trouble? I'm simply here to explore this new realm much like your toothsome companion. Besides, you have other things to worry about.”
“What do you mean?” Winnie asked with worry. 
“Astarion and I are not the only ones who've found a way to enter your domain. The person who caused this opened far more doors into your world than he intended.” Raphael spoke in a calm tone. A smile etching its way onto his face.  
“Why are you telling me this?” Winnie raised an eyebrow with suspicion.  
“Because you are of interest to me and without this knowledge you'll likely meet a very early demise.”
“If you're planning to use me to do your dirty work you must be desperate. You realize I'm no fighter. Hell I'm not even an advent-” Before Winnie could finish her sentence the devil disappeared without a trance. “Oh you Asshat! I was talking to you!”  Winnie huffed, looking around for the devil, but he was gone. Raphael showing up was bad enough but the thought of others coming into this world was horrifying. Dragons, mind Flayers and God knows what else could appear and there was nothing Winnie could do about it. She was literally just a retail employee! 
“I need to find Astarion.” Winnie murmured to herself.
Astarion had been waiting outside, trying to keep to himself as best as he could. The carnival goers were all looking more delectable by the minute. He could feel the ravenous maw inside begging, no, demanding to be sated. 
“Hey Star.” Anthony called as he returned from getting some food. “Damn, the girls sure are taking their time aren't they?” The dark haired male hummed. Astarion looked up, red eyes immediately noticing the pulsing vein on the human man’s neck. He gulped nervously, doing his damnedest to ignore the urge to tear into Anthony's throat. 
“Oh…I-I'm sure they'll be back soon.” Astarion said with a huff, his eyes looking away from the other male. 
“Hey, you alright?” Anthony asked.
“I'm fine. Just a bit cold.” Astarion lied and looked back towards the mirror maze. The vampire tried to keep his mind focused on Winnie, knowing well that she'd allow him to feed once they arrived home. But then he suddenly felt an arm wrap around his waist. He looked back and noticed the other male was getting far too close for comfort.
“Hey why don't we ditch the girls? I think the two of us have more in common anyway.~” Anthony said with a smirk before suddenly Astarion shoved him off. 
“Touch me again and I'll choke you with your own innards.” He hissed. 
“Whoa hey! Calm down! There's no need to pretend here. I know you're just pity-dating that girl, it's kind of obvious.” Anthony exclaimed, causing the vampire to narrow his eyes at him.
“Pity-dating? Ha! Darling, if I was going to court anyone out of pity it'd be you. Now stay the hells away from me before I rip out your throat.” Astarion snarled, his eyes were beginning to glow red, as he bared his fangs. This set off alarm bells in the human man’s head. 
“J-Jesus Christ!” He cursed and backed away. The vampire pushed back the urge to drain the male dry as he stepped away, beginning to retreat to a less populated space. His eyes then suddenly perked up at the sight of caged pigs off inside some tent. 
After stumbling through the mirror maze Winnie bumped into Becca once again. 
“There you are, Wyn! God, I thought You left for a moment!” Becca exclaimed. 
“Becca! I need to get out of here and talk to Star! It's important!” Winnie said. 
“Shit. Did something happen? Are you okay?” Becca asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I'm fine…I just need to talk to him about something personal, okay.” Winnie stated. Becca nodded in understanding.
“Okay. Let's go, I think I found the way out.” Becca grabbed hold of Winnie’s hand so the two of them wouldn't get separated again before she led her he down another path. Winnie could spot scratches and smudges on the mirrors, as if someone had already left a trial to help guide them out. Eventually they reached the end of the maze and stepped out. Not a moment sooner chaos broke loose as pigs began to charge across the fields in front of them.
“Fuck sake!” One of the carnival workers yelled.
“Someone let loose the pigs!” Winnie and Becca looked at one another in complete and utter bewilderment. As the carnival workers rushed to wrangle their swine, one began to slowly approach the two girls. It was the clown Winnie had seen earlier.  
“Ladies, may I speak with you for a moment?”
“Uhh…We're a bit busy at the moment! S-Sorry.” Winnie blurted out before suddenly the make-up caked stranger began to move in. 
“What's the hurry!? There's a show starting soon. Come and see!” The clown chuckled.
“She said we're busy.” Becca spoke louder and stood in front of Winnie.  The clown cracked his neck before suddenly grabbing a hold of both their arms.
“Hey get the fuck off us!” Becca shouted as both her and Winnie began to flail and attempt to pull away, but the clown was surprisingly strong. 
‘Let us go!” Winnie shouted, eyes scanning the area for passerbys but it seemed the whole pig fiasco had distracted anyone who could have helped.
Winnie suddenly kicked the clown in the shin, making him release them. The two of them bolted as the stranger began his pursuit.  
Fucking hell this is like something out of a horror movie!
Winnie panted and huffed as Becca moved ahead of her. The slender female was able to keep more distance between herself and the creep chasing them. Winnie could feel her ribs and legs burning. She didn't think she had enough stamina to keep going. The clown chased them back into an empty tent when suddenly Winnie tripped, falling onto her hands and knees. She winced, feeling blood dripping down a cut on her knee. Winnie scrambled to get back up as the clown lunged at her grabbing hold of her by the throat. Winnie gasped for air, gripping onto the clown's large hands 
“Winnie! Get off her you creep!” Becca shouted and ran back towards the clown. The red head leapt into his back and grabbed hold of his hair, yanking it hard and even tearing a chunk out, causing him to shout and let go of Winnie before moving to throw Becca off of him. Winnie fell to the ground holding her neck as the clown moved to strike at Becca. The redhead looked up with wide eyes before suddenly something sharp pierced through the clown's chest from behind, causing blood to pour down onto the ground as the carnie fell to the floor.  Astarion stood there clawed fingers dripping with blood as he quickly turned his attention to Winnie who was still rubbing her throat. 
“Winnie! Winnie my sweet, are you alright?” Astarion looked down at the human woman with fearful eyes as she rubbed her throat. She gave a small weak nod. 
“Y-You just shoved your fingers through that man h-how!?” Becca began to stutter out. Astarion ignored the redhead, his attention was on the marks on Winnie's throat. 
“Arghhhhh!” A loud snarl suddenly filled their ears. The clown corpse began to stand back and change, growing bigger and bigger. Suddenly a large blue skinned humanoid beast with long tusks and glowing eyes.
Shit. The devil was right.
Winnie mentally cursed as Astarion stood in front of her protectively. Blood was still dripping from the wound in the creature’s chest. The creature growled down at the trio. The silver haired vampire bared his fangs at the beast. He was unarmed but he'd be damned if he let some filthy creature hurt his beloved and get away with it. While the beast was slowed by its injury he took the opportunity to attack. 
“Ignis!” He launched a firebolt straight into the monster’s face. The beast roared in pain as its eyes were blazing. The stench of burning flesh filled the air.  The beast quickly turned tail and darted out the back of the tent, disappearing into the night.  Winnie got back to her feet, taking a few deep breaths. Astarion peeked out through the back of the tent to make sure it was go before returning to Winnie’s side.
“Magic…He just did magic!?” Becca sputtered out. Winnie sighed and rubbed her temples before looking over at Astarion.
“I'm going to assume that's not normal here.” Astarion spoke up. 
“No, definitely not. I was actually looking to warn you about this kind of thing earlier.” Winnie replied, her voice sounding a bit croaky from nearly getting choked out. “I ran into Raphael in the mirror maze…”
“The devil is here!?” Astarion asked aloud.
“Devil?!” Becca exclaimed.
“Yes. He said when you came here others did too, himself included. I imagine that monster was one of them.” Winnie said.
“Would someone please tell me what's going on here!?” Becca demanded.
“Ah….Right…This is all probably going to sound insane.” Winnie sighed.
“Everything that's happened today has been insane. We just got attacked by a god-damned clown monster-thing and your boyfriend chucked a fireball at it!”
“Yes ... .Um…How do I put this…..Hm…Becca this is Astarion…I uh…pulled him out of my computer about a month ago after downloading this messed up cheat mod.” 
“Ah…Hello.” Astarion gave her an awkward little wave. Becca just stayed silent for a moment, eye twitching at the insanity of it all. 
“This is a dream. I fell asleep while getting ready for the carnival and Anthony is going to wake me up any moment now.” Becca spoke to herself as she tried to rationalize the situation.
“Oh I doubt he'd stay long enough to realize you were asleep.” Astarion muttered under his breath. 
“I thought it was a dream at first too, but after a couple of weeks I didn't wake up.” Winnie said softly.
“How is this possible?” Becca asked.
“Honestly I have no clue. I've actually been trying to the bottom of this. This is why I need to find out who made that mod. I'm certain it's behind everything.” 
“I need to take some time to process this. I'm going out to my car…” Becca said before walking off, looking rather shaken up.  
Winnie stepped out of the tent with Astarion slowly following behind her.
“It looks like the number of people who know our secret seem to be growing.”
“I wouldn't worry too much about Becca. She knows how crazy this all sounds, she's not going to go tell someone. Shame all hell broke loose tonight.”
“Gods I'm glad I was able catch a whiff of your blood before it was too late. I….I should have been with you…. I'm sorry…” Astarion pulled Winnie into his embrace.
“It's alright Astarion, there's no way you could have known we were going to get attacked. I had no idea there was any danger until I met with Raphael.”
“What did the devil want?” Astarion asked.
“I'm not sure. He kind of just showed up to warn me. That in itself seems very suspicious.” 
“He wants likely wants something from you, no doubt.” Astarion furrowed his brows. 
“I can't imagine what. I'm not a fighter, I can't go and kill anyone for him. Could it be my soul he’s after?” 
“Maybe…But I have a feeling it's not as simple as that.” The pale elf huffed before looking at her neck once again, gently cupping her cheek.The marks were turning into bruises.
“You sure you're alright?” 
“I am, just…sore…Are you alright? You still need to feed?” Winnie asked before moving up the sleeve of her jacket to expose her arm. Astarion gently pushed it away declining.
“No. I took care of that, besides you've been hurt enough today.” 
“Astarion, I wish I could protect you instead, but I'm not an adventurer or a hero. Suppose I'm just going to end up being a burden.” Winnie sighed.
“Darling, you do enough for me already. You practically feed, clothe and put a roof over my head. Keeping you safe would never burden me my love.” Astarion slowly wrapped his arms around Winnie, pulling her into a hug. Winnie returned it nuzzling her face into his neck. 
“We should return home. Get something for your bruises.” Astarion pulled back. 
“Okay…..and thank you…For saving me Astarion…” Winnie wasn't exactly sure what came over her. She definitely wasn't one to initiate affection very often being as shy and timid as she was, but in that moment nothing else seemed to matter. Winnie leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a soft, chaste kiss upon his lips. Astarion was slightly taken back for moment but almost immediately returned the gesture leaning into it.
Winnie quickly pulled back as she realized what she'd done, her face flustered and full of embarrassment. What was she thinking!? She didn't even ask for fucks sake!
“I'm sorry! I should have asked if it was-” Astarion grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her back into a kiss. This one was more passionate, full of longing and need. It seemed Astarion wasn't satisfied with Winnie’s sweet little peck. The brunette was a little at a loss of what to do. She'd never been kissed before. Not in romantic sense anyway. She did her best to try to mirror his movements before he eventually pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.
“Took you long enough.~”
Apologies for the wait! I've been rather distracted since the last chapter, but here it is! The monster in the chapter was an oni btw. It's a shapeshifting monster in DnD.
@seradyn , @plimsim , @astarioffsimpmain , @marcynomercy , @iamsexytrash , @gaymistakeboi , @divineknightmare , @tinyfreakgirl , @misscrissfemmefatal, @gianchan-de @jaksfanficsaver , @the-disaster-in-waiting , @hp-art-studio , @im-just-a-simp-le-whore , @dajeong , @iamnotokei , @the-pale-elfs-love , @geminipridekitty
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littlejuicebox · 5 months
I’ve gotten two anonymous submissions (I’m betting from the same person) telling me that my fluff AstarionxReader version of Astarion isn’t realistic. Aaaaaaand here’s my mini-rant about it.
First of all, it’s a work of fiction. It’s fluff. It’s my own squishy headcanon. It doesn’t HAVE to be realistic because ASTARION ISN’T REAL. I know many of us wish he were. But the simple fact is… he’s not. So nothing related to him in any story has to be realistic. He’s literally an ELF VAMPIRE in a world full of MAGIC and DRAGONS. Like?
Second of all, while it doesn’t HAVE to be realistic, I disagree with the concept that it’s not. Those fluff pieces currently cover the span of a decade after the events of BG3. If you’ve read through a lot of them, you might notice the softness that begins to creep in over time and ultimately culminates in a pretty sappy Astarion. But you know why? ITS TEN YEARS OF TIME. People change A LOT in ten years. Are you the same person you were ten years ago?
GROWTH and CHANGE is part of life.
And take it from someone that writes their fluff Astarion arc as heavily influenced by her husband, who is quite strongly an ex-military, “black cat” of a human, and who she has known and loved in all his phases for over 10 years, PEOPLE CHANGE AND BECOME SOFTER WHEN THEY ARE LOVED WELL.
I’m sick and in no mood for people being crappy. My stuff isn’t for everyone. That’s okay. Simply scroll along.
End rant.
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slasher-male-wife · 7 months
Reading to the Lost Boys
I'm trying to work on requests still and I've been thinking about these goobers so I thought I might as well write a little something about them and Y/N who reads to them.
Warnings: Swearing, light teasing
He's probably the most educated out of all of them, at least from a literature standpoint so having you read to him is a fun experience. I feel like he's a busy man with shit to do so being able to listen to a book while working on something is great for him.
He's read all of the classics already, probably around the time they came out since I headcanon him to have turned in the 17 hundreds. So you can be an introduction to new types of genres to him if you read things outside of classics.
I feel like David would enjoy dark academia and fantasy novels a lot. I can see him getting really invested in the book drama of it all and having discussions with you about what you think is going to happen next in the book or what character will do what.
Despite being around the longest as a vampire I feel like he's not read that much, at least English book wise. Dwayne's actor, to my understanding is Native American so I feel like that plays a role in part of Dwayne's backstory. But to sum it up I feel like Dwayne speaks multiple languages fluently or semi fluently but he still doesn't read that much.
But he's always happy to sit down with you and listen to you read to him. He's partial to more 'serious' stories like classics or stuff like that. I can also see him being a fan of horror novels that aren't afraid to get really nasty with their content.
He can read pretty well on his own so he'll probably follow along with you as you read to him but he won't stop you from reading out loud to him. He'll honestly savor these moments with you and try to make it a regular, scheduled thing between the two of you.
Will (lovingly) call you names because you like to read. He'll say it's 'boring' or 'how can you even do something like that without falling asleep' but if you can draw him in with a good story he'll be hooked. I can see him having you finish a book in one sitting if it's really that good to him.
He'll prefer fantasy or sci-fi novels over other stuff. Classics probably put him to sleep and romance will just earn a bunch of comments made by him during the reading of it.
Will want to physically touch you while you're reading to him. Cuddling or just hand holding is mandatory during you reading to him and he claims he can't focus without you touching him in some kind of way.
Oh my god this man will call you so many names you'll think you're in elementary school again. 'Smartass' 'nerd' and 'point dexter' are probably his favorite names to call you. But if you can lure him in, then he'll behave himself.
He'll want fast paced, action type books to keep his attention. If it's not filled with a bunch of fighting and dragons and stuff he's probably not interested in it.
I can also see him secretly liking romance novels, but in a sort of guilty pleasure way. He'll never admit that he actually likes those novels, but you should keep reading them to him, just for yourself and totally not for him.
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