#(merry daze day everybody)
sekaiijijou · 1 year
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pseudowho · 9 months
Post-ShibuyaAU! Grey Nanami Kento...
🎄Christmas Headcanons
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
As an accompaniment to my story, Grey (link here); an AU where Nanami survives Shibuya exploration because I'm never going to be over his loss.
Merry Christmas, from Haitch, @silkspunweb and Greynami
Part 1 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Part 2 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Warnings: Severe injury (burns, eye loss), PTSD, alcohol use, depression, light smut, angst, AU headcanons
Before he met you:
AU!Nanami Kento who is barely holding himself together on the first Christmas after the Shibuya Incident, healed but not.
AU!Nanami Kento who spends most of his December evenings drinking himself to sleep, in a sleepy haze on the sofa while Christmas specials run quietly in the background.
AU!Nanami Kento who starts hunting Curses of his own jurisdiction, losing track of the days as he sweeps from case to case, kill to kill, nobody's servant.
AU!Nanami Kento who finds a family home and all of its corpses while he's on the hunt for a Curse; stepping over the bloodied threshold, shoes crunching on stained broken glass, he only realises it's Christmas Eve by the stockings hung out and the little broken bodies of their owners beneath them.
AU!Nanami Kento who cries himself to sleep.
AU!Nanami Kento who works through Christmas despite being ill, trying to numb his fear and loneliness, isolated but unable to ask for help.
AU!Nanami Kento who ends up in Shoko's care again; not taking care of himself, not sleeping, and not eating, so a cold grows into an infection and he welcomes in the New Year in a feverish daze in a Jujutsu High hospital bed.
AU!Nanami Kento who declines all visitors, the curtains pulled round his bed.
AU!Itadori Yuuji, Ino Takuma and Gojo Satoru, who leave Kento's gifts by the door for Shoko to collect.
After he meets you:
AU!Nanami Kento who would have planned to keep his head down and keep working, ignoring the Christmas lights and music...if not for you, so excited as the holiday approaches, making his heart swell.
AU!Nanami Kento who grasps your joy with both hands, clinging desperately to the hope for a happier life.
AU!Nanami Kento who lets you know he's ready to partake, by quietly sending his Christmas playlist to you. You never mention it, but begin a silent exchange of each adding new songs to the playlist. Kento hears you giggling in the kitchen as he adds a new one while brushing his teeth.
AU!Nanami Kento who looks at Jujutsu High, and all of its orphaned, abandoned or lonely children.
AU!Nanami Kento who kisses you back into the sofa cushions when you give him an unequivocal yes to his cautious Christmas Day Grand Plan proposal, with you, laughing and squeaking as he nuzzles with glee into your pyjama collar.
AU!Jujutsu High Staff and Kids, who begin to receive lovingly handwritten Christmas Day invitations from Kento and you.
AU!Nanami Kento who brushes off any offers of compensation from those who accept his invitation- and everybody accepts. Just bring yourself, he insists.
AU!Nanami Kento who doesn't take a mission for weeks; he's far too busy making lists, ensuring everyone attending has gifts to open, making recipe and aesthetic Pinterest boards and sharing them with you. Your evenings are spent toe-to-toe on the sofa, feet affectionately rubbing against each other's, discussing recipes and decorations.
AU!Nanami Kento whose love for you only grows when you throw yourself wholeheartedly into making preparations with him. You take up crochet; Kento becomes a plant dad, keen for his home to look more homely.
AU!Nanami Kento who sets his alarm early on Christmas morning, only to find you've beaten him to it and are already in the kitchen. He can't resist sneaking up on you, and you shriek in a puff of flour when he picks you up from behind, spinning you and popping you up onto the counter, scarred face blowing raspberries into your chest as you hit at him with a wooden spoon.
AU!Nanami Kento who starts the Christmas playlist, spinning you round the living room for just one song; there's just so much to do.
AU!Nanami Kento who bakes the gingerbread and pastries while you prepare the dinner, flicking flour and potato peelings at each other as you sing along (badly) to Christmas music.
AU!Nanami Kento who has a momentary pang of anxiety about his scars and eye patch, before you hand him the ugliest Christmas jumper he's ever seen in his life. He looks at you in disgust, but his face breaks into a smile as you step out in your matching jumper.
AU!Nanami Kento who struggles weakly as you pin him against the wall, pulling his cardigan off him and replacing it with the jumper. He struggles a little harder when you replace his eyepatch with a Christmassy one.
AU!Nanami Kento who can barely reach the Christmas tree light switch, for all the presents stacked around it.
AU!Nanami Kento who is overjoyed when people begin pouring through the door, shedding coats and scarves, bearing gifts of food, drinks, and board games, with Inumaki bringing his whole carefully packed games console.
AU!Nanami Kento whose home is suddenly, overwhelmingly full of love, laughter and merriment, watching you ensure everyone has drinks and snacks while he finishes dinner. Being in the kitchen makes it easier to hide that he's tearing up a bit.
AU!Nanami Kento whose dining table ends up too small to hold all of the people, so it holds the food instead, and the people find perches on chairs, the floor, footstools, in a giant Christmas picnic.
AU!Nanami Kento who is too full-up to move...but never too full to thrash Inumaki and Yuuji at Mario Kart.
AU!Nanami Kento who gives Maki some more burn ointment and a short one-armed squeeze, while she and Yuuta warm up the mulled wine in the kitchen.
AU!Nanami Kento who is just so bad at charades.
AU!Nanami Kento who almost weeps with laughter watching you, Nobara and Megumi play Twister after too much to drink.
AU!Nanami Kento who has left mistletoe above an unreasonable amount of doorways, starting a drunken cheek-kissing competition between the party attendees. Takuma Ino is winning, ambushing all passers-by in the bathroom doorway, male or female.
AU!Nanami Kento who was, of course, happy for Yoshino Junpei to bring his mother too; she spends the evening smoking and laughing by a garden firepit with Shoko, while Junpei, Yuuji and the others begin an irresponsible arm wrestling competition.
AU!Maki who wipes the floor with everyone.
AU!Nanami Kento who spirits you away to a dark, quiet nook, peeking round the corner before pulling the cupboard door closed, kissing you deeply and sinking his fingers into your hair to the distant sounds of revelry, which might as well be a hundred miles away.
AU!Nanami Kento who, to his surprise, welcomes Satoru as a late attendee. There is a quiet exchange at the door, before Kento allows Satoru to pull him in for a hug. Just one. It's Christmas after all.
AU!Nanami Kento who must accept many more hugs before the night is over, everyone overjoyed by their gifts.
AU!Nanami Kento who chokes up a little bit when he opens his first present from you; a tie, identical to his leopard print one lost at Shibuya. Found it on eBay, you insist as he pulls it on over his Christmas jumper to applause.
AU!Nanami Kento who waves everyone home with you, snuggled beside him under one arm, until the house is finally quiet and still, the love still remaining in every nook, every cobweb, every scrap of wrapping paper.
AU!Nanami Kento who curls up on the sofa with you, warm and whole under a blanket, until the kisses get deeper and hands start wandering-- let's get to bed, he insists, discarding your Christmas jumpers on the floor.
AU!Nanami Kento who has finished off Christmas in the very best way (in his humble opinion); in between your legs, gazing at you in unadulterated adoration as you whisper your love to him in the lamplight.
AU!Nanami Kento who reaches over you into his bedside drawer, just before sleep washes over you; just one more gift, he hushes behind your ear, and your heart leaps into your throat as his fingers unfold in front of you, to reveal a single tiny square box.
Merry Christmas, you beautiful little sausages.
-- Haitch xxx
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7s3ven · 9 months
BUY ME PRESENTS. harry potter
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N’s situationship, Matteo Riddle, isn’t the best boyfriend material and when he forgets to buy her a Christmas present, she finally breaks it off. Luckily, she knows someone who’ll do everything Matteo didn’t.
“Some guys get the girl everybody wants and forget she’s still the girl everybody wants.”
Warning: Matteo and Y/N kinda swear a lot, oh well
“It's a packed holiday and I got options, babe. If you don't wanna buy me presents. Drink me like a warm glass of milk
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If you're not gonna race here from the North Pole to Beverly Hills. Just to keep my stocking filled. Well, I know somebody who will.”
Christmas and winter was a big deal at Hogwarts. Long strings of tinsel littered the stone hallways and shiny, delicate ornaments were hung up everywhere.
A H/C-haired girl rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited outside the Slytherin common room. She sighed, clicking her tongue. “What’s taking him so long?” She whispered under her breath.
Matteo was usually one to be late, but not on important days. Today was Christmas for goodness sake, Y/N’s favorite holiday.
Finally, the door to the common room slid open and Matteo walked out. His white shirt was messily tucked into his pants and the top few buttons were undone, irking Y/N who always looked perfect.
“Yo, Clarisse said you wanted to talk to me. Shoot.” Matteo shoved his hands into his pockets while Y/N lightly scoffed.
“Did you forget what day it is?” She questioned, arching an eyebrow. If the present in her hand didn’t give it away then she didn’t know what else would.
“It’s Christmas, Matteo.” Y/N uttered, “Does that jog your memory?”
“Oh, yeah. I just woke up so I’m still dazed.”
Y/N could smell the cigarette smoke in his breath. “Or stoned. Why are you still smoking? You know how I hate it.”
Matteo carelessly shrugged. “It relieves stress, babe. I am quitting. Just give me like, two more months and I’ll be done.”
Y/N bit back a snarky retort. He always said he was quitting but he never actually did. “Well, anyway, I got you a gift. Merry Christmas, Matt.” She held the box up, smiling.
Matteo slowly took it. He opened the lid, his eyebrows raising at what was inside. “You got me… something from Vivienne Westwood?” It was clear that Matteo wasn’t as rich as his Slytherin friends were. With no parents or caretaker, all he could do was leech off people.
“It’s a lighter. You never light the candles in your room, which is… weird because that’s what they’re for. But, I guess you can use it to light cigars too. I also overheard Draco complaining about how he doesn’t have that but wants it. You can fit in with your friends with it.” Y/N shrugged.
“Jeez. This must’ve cost a lot.” Matteo held the lighter in his hand, whistling at how it shined. “Fucking hell.”
“Hey, Matty, we’re gonna open presents. You joining us?” A slim blond girl peeked her head out of the common room, grinning. “I got you a real good present this time.”
“You’re too sweet, Lina. I’ll be in a minute. I think you’ll like your present too.” Matteo chuckled before he glanced back at Y/N. “What are you still doing here?”
“What? No present for me?” Y/N said it in a joking manner to hide the pit she felt in her stomach.
“Why would I get you something?”
Y/N lightly scoffed. “I don’t know, Matteo. Maybe because we’ve been seeing each other for the past year?”
“Hey. We haven’t been seeing each other. I just find you when I want a good fuck. Know your place, Y/N. It’s not like we’re dating.”
Y/N sharply clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Right.” She sarcastically smiled, “What was I thinking? My place is obviously to be at your beck and call. My apologies for the mixup. Have a good day, Matteo.”
Y/N spun around, walking away. She heard Matteo laugh in disbelief and one part of her wished he would run after her and hand her a gift. He didn’t. He strutted back into the Slytherin chamber and back to those insufferable girls.
Y/N sat on the stairs amongst the green, red, and white decorations, staring at the ground. She was clad in a short black and white fur blazer and a skirt. Fleece leggings lined her legs, keeping her warm, and she had her Ravenclaw scarf wrapped around her neck.
She lightly sniffled, playing with a silver bracelet her friend had given to her as an early present. She wasn’t too sure what she was upset about right now.
Perhaps it was because she was lonely in the Ravenclaw common room. Everybody was gone, not even her study partner had stayed behind this year. Or maybe it was because of a certain brown-haired boy who was as heartless and oblivious as always.
It was most likely the latter.
Y/N wanted to feel happy, especially since today was Christmas, a holiday she enjoyed a little too much. But with no friends to laugh with, no family to return to, and not even a boy to sit next to the fire with, she felt sad.
“Are you actually crying?”
Y/N hadn’t even noticed Matteo approach her until it was too late. At least he had thought twice before leaving her alone.
He stood in front of her, fiddling with the multiple rings that adorned his long fingers. “Seriously, Y/N? Just because I didn’t get you a Christmas gift?”
Y/N glared up at him. “Can you try being nice for one second? Who knows, you might like it.” Throughout the whole year, Matteo and Y/N had something going on. They were never in a confirmed relationship but they weren’t merely friends either.
Though, in the past few months, the two couldn’t seem to stop bantering.
“Look, I’ll get you a gift tomorrow. Happy?”
Y/N quietly scoffed as she stood up. “No. You always forget things like these, Matteo. It’s getting annoying.” Y/N turned around to walk up the stairs but she barely took two steps before Matteo grabbed her wrist.
“Where are you going? I thought we were going to spend Christmas together.”
Y/N tauntingly raised an eyebrow at Matteo. “You were giving me the silent treatment up until now. I had to bribe that girl, Clair or whatever her name was, to let me see you.”
“Her name is Clarisse.” Matteo corrected her.
Y/N stared at him, wondering how he thought it was a good time to correct her. “What? I’m trying to make a point here and you’re concerned about her name? Unbelievable. Maybe I should find some people who actually enjoy my presence.”
Matteo sneered. “So, what? You just gonna go back to that Potter boy? You’re leading him on, Y/N. We both know your heart belongs to me.”
“Belonged.” Y/N corrected him, “Past tense. This thing we have between us is done. I’m not going to be a stupid late night call for you anymore.” She forced Matteo to let go of her and walked away, ignoring his shouts that echoed around the corridors.
“I taught you everything! I taught you how to stand up for yourself! I made you popular! I practically created you from nothing!” Matteo angrily exclaimed at the bottom of the steps. “You can’t leave me!”
Y/N glanced over her shoulder at the enraged brunette. She smiled. “Watch me.”
The last thing Y/N heard Matteo say was when he furiously shouted her name, his booming voice showcasing his fiery rage.
Y/N knocked against the Gryffindor painting, sighing. The Fat Lady seemed to notice her mood.
“What happened this time?” She asked. Matteo and Y/N were no secret; they were the talk of the school with Matteo being Voldemort’s son and Y/N’s cousin being a death-eater. A year ago, it was even rumoured she was one herself.
Y/N stared up at the Fat Lady with teary eyes. “Matteo. I… broke it off with me.”
“Oh, honey, I know it may not seem like it now, but it was the right decision.”
Y/N softly smiled. “I know… I know.”
“Are you here to see the Potter boy?”
“Yes. Is he here?” Y/N wasn’t even sure if Harry was at Hogwarts. During second year, he had gone to stay with Ron.
“Of course. And the Weasley boy and the Granger girl. They’re all here.” The Fat Lady swung backwards, smiling, “Go on, dear.”
Y/N stepped into the Gryffindor common room, looking around. “Harry? Hello? Anybody here?” The room was empty. Y/N glanced over at the crackling fire and went to sit beside it, warning her cold hands.
She quietly clicked her tongue, staring at the blazing flames.
“Y/N?” Hermione questioned, walking up behind the H/C-nette, “What’s wrong?” Y/N quickly stood up, embracing her brown-haired friend into a tight hug.
“I did it.” She whispered, “I ended things with Matt- I mean, Riddle.”
“Oh… Are you feeling okay?” Hermione gently sat Y/N down on the couch, rubbing comforting circles into her back. “Do you want anything? Any water or food?”
Y/N stared at her hands. “Is… Harry here?”
“Yeah. I’ll get him.” Hermione stood up and went to fetch the boy. “She and Matteo broke things off.” She whispered in Harry’s ear, which sent a rush of excitement through the brunette. He never did like Matteo after all. He was a playboy to put it simply. Not only that, but for the longest time Harry had liked Y/N.
Matteo didn’t appreciate her but Harry did. He could treat her better than Matteo ever could.
“Hermione told me what happened. Are you okay?” Harry sat down beside Y/N, holding a neatly wrapped present. He heard Y/N heave a sigh.
“I think… I mean, obviously I’m a little sad but it feels good knowing I won’t have to deal with his annoying ass again.” Y/N uttered, eliciting a small amused chuckle out of Harry.
“Yeah… I got you something, by the way.” Harry handed the gift over to Y/N with shaking hands.
“Oh… that’s sweet. You didn’t have to.” She smiled, carefully unwrapping the present.
“I wanted to… you said that was your favorite book so I bought you the limited edition cover one… with a bit more.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in confusion as Harry. She slowly opened the novel to a page tabbed with a (favorite color) sticker note.
Merry Christmas, Y/N. Thank you for being such a loyal fan throughout my career.
- Your favorite author
Underneath the short message was the writer’s signature as well as a polaroid picture of Harry and the author.
“Oh my gosh… how did you… what…” Y/N was at a loss for words as she turned to Harry and tightly hugged him. “I don’t have a present for you… I’m sorry.”
Harry smiled as Y/N pulled away. “It’s fine. Having you here makes up for it.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N furrowed her brows, “I can buy you something tomorrow. Or I’m sure I have a have a golden snitch lying around here somewhere.” Y/N pulled a snitch from out of her pocket, “Remember this, Harry? You almost choked to death on it in your first game.”
“What the… how did you…” Harry was as flabbergasted as Y/N now. She laughed, handing it over to him.
“Well, after you almost swallowed it, nobody really wanted to play with it anymore. So I asked Wood to get it for me. We spent a good time cleaning it.”
Harry chuckled, staring at the small golden ball in awe. “That’s… amazing. Jeez. Riddle really doesn’t deserve you.”
Y/N’s shoulders visibly shrunk at the mentioning of the brunette’s name.
“Oh…” Harry instantly noticed, “Sorry, too soon?”
Y/N silently shook her head. “No… I’m fine…” She turned her head, beaming at Harry with a smile that made him melt. “You’re right, he didn’t deserve me. Thank you for the book, Harry. It’s wonderful.”
She embraced him once again and Harry could feel his cheeks heat up at the contact. There was a small jingle and as Y/N lifted her head, she couldn’t help but laugh.
Mistletoe floated above the pair, jingling as if to remind the two it was there. Harry gazed over Y/N’s shoulder at Ron, who held his wand in one hand and was giving Harry a thumbs up with the other.
“It’d be rude to defy the rules of Christmas, especially with how much you love it.” Harry uttered.
Y/N laughed again. “I suppose so.”
“You don’t have to kiss me for real. You can kiss me on the cheek or something or”- Harry was cut off when Y/N grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward and kissing him.
Harry was the complete opposite of Matteo. The Slytherin boy was rough and uncaring while Harry was soft and gentle. The brunette with glasses carefully grasped Y/N’s hands, squeezing them tightly.
“I don’t know if this is too soon, Y/N.” Harry said as he pulled away slightly. “But, I like you. I’ve liked you for ages. Ever since first year. And the only reason I didn’t like Riddle was because I hated how he had managed to attract your attention. I think you’re wonderful and you shouldn’t be stuck with someone like Riddle. You don’t have to give me your answer now… but just consider it.”
Y/N gazed at Harry, her heart doing flips in her chest. This was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time. She shyly adverted her eyes. “I… I don’t know what to say Harry. I think I like you too… but I feel like it’s too soon.”
“I don’t mind waiting. I just need you to know that I’m willing to race here from the North Pole to Beverly Hills. Just to keep your stocking filled.”
Y/N giggled. “That’s cute, Harry.” She leaned forward, pressing another chaste kiss to his lips. “Merry Christmas, Harry.”
“What the fuck, asshole?!” Matteo’s loud shout caused the Great Hall to fall into silence. They all watched as he stormed towards the Gryffindor table, slamming his hands in front of Harry. “You kissed my girl!” He exclaimed.
Y/N turned her head, staring at Matteo with furrowed eyebrows.
“What’s going on?” Her friend tugged on her sleeve.
“I’m… not sure.” Y/N replied, craning to get a better look.
“What are you talking about, Riddle?” Harry asked, confused.
“You know who the fuck I’m talking about! Y/N fucking L/N! You kissed her!” Matteo was getting angrier by the second.
“Hey, dude, relax.” Lorenzo grabbed Matteo by the shoulders, forcing him out of the Great Hall. The rest of his friend group followed.
Y/N sighed, standing up. “I’m going to talk to Matteo.” She announced.
“What? Are you crazy?” Her friend tried to get Y/N to sit back down again.
“He deserves an explanation… and I also want to make it clear that we’re no longer a thing.” Y/N followed after the Slytherin gang and jogged to walk beside Pansy, who was lagging behind.
“What’s gotten into him?” Y/N questioned Pansy, who seemed to like her the best out of all the girls Matteo hooked up with.
“I don’t know.” Pansy sighed, “He just started acting mental after he found out you and Potter were going out. But, he doesn’t really deserve to be mad when it’s his fault.”
“Matt, dude, what’s gotten into you?” Theodore asked as Matteo silently seethed.
“I fucking hate Potter.” He uttered through gritted teeth. He looked up, spotting Y/N. Instantly, the fire in his eyes disappeared.
“Riddle.” Y/N greeted him calmly, nodding her head in acknowledgment. “There seems to be a misunderstanding.”
“Why did you kiss Potter?” Matteo demanded, clenching his hands into fists.
“Why can’t I? I’m free to do whatever I want. After all, it’s not like we’re dating, right? You said it yourself.”
Matteo angrily exhaled.
“Besides, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me, Matteo?” Y/N taunted. “Like you said last year because you didn’t want to commit to someone? Instead of committing to a girl, you would rather kill her?”
“It was a joke!”
“Jokes are supposed to be funny! Fuck you, Matteo! You piece of shit!”
Matteo, in a surge of rage, grabbed Y/N by the collar. Lorenzo stepped forward to interrupt the situation, but Harry beat him to it.
“Don’t touch her.” Harry glowered at Matteo as he pulled Y/N away from his grasp. “You made your choice. Deal with it because it’s your fault you lost Y/N in the first place.”
Y/N sighed, brushing the wrinkles out of her blouse. “I hope we can talk again under better circumstances, Riddle. Good day.”
Y/N walked off and Harry followed close behind.
“How good did that feel?” He questioned, grinning.
“It felt amazing!” Y/N grinned, “I can’t believe I just sweared at the Matteo Riddle and got away with it.”
“So, what do you say we have some fruitcakes and figgy pudding to celebrate?” Harry slung an arm around Y/N’s shoulder while she playfully scoffed.
“It’s January, Harry.”
“Yeah? So? It’s never too early to celebrate Christmas.”
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heromonty · 9 months
Merry Christmas (and Happy Holidays if you don’t celebrate Christmas) everybody 🎄
Coming on here to say I know I just came back from a little break but I’ll be going on another one - explanation of why under the read more. Wishing everyone a Happy New Years in advance as I don’t think I’ll be on much in the next few weeks or so.
We put our dog, Bailey, to sleep early this morning, at around 1:00-1:30 AM and I’m just not…feeling much of anything right now besides extreme sadness. It was all very sudden, he was feeling fine all day yesterday until about 6:30-7:00 PM where we started stumbling, having accidents in the house, throwing up, looking dazed - it got to the point where we couldn’t keep himself up on his legs. We’re 99% sure he had a stroke - we took him to the emergency hospital where we were given three options of what we could do. We went with the third option: humane euthanasia. We didn’t want him to be in pain anymore - he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure at the beginning of the year which we had been managing with medicine and we didn’t want to add more on top of that for him for whatever was happening neurologically.
We got to say goodbye to him and got to be in the room with him as the euthanasia was administered. I’m extremely thankful that he went quickly and there was no reaction. But the memory of him just ceasing all signs of life makes me feel physically ill.
I don’t really feel like doing much of anything - just trying to process what happened. I’m hoping it gets a bit easier within the next few weeks - at the very least, to the point where I don’t burst into tears whenever I think of him or see anything that reminds me of him. But I don’t know, we’ll see.
Rest in peace sweet angel ❤️
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March 23, 2011 - December 25, 2023
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
adore you--harry styles
a/n: erm yeah, so this is something I wrote literally a year ago. It’s an open ended ending (I have no idea where I wanted to go with it but assuming by the title...) anywho. First time posting Harry as standalone, I’ve used him as an outside antagonist in other pieces but yeah. Let me know what you think!?
word count: just shy of 2.8k
warnings: slight jealousy? it is an OC but no definitive characteristics are described
**I used my taglist from 5sos but if you don’t want to be tagged for future (maybe?) harry writings, please let me know!
Harry and Selah were writing buddies. He’d found her poetry on Instagram and had been hooked by her words ever since. He’d messaged her asking if she’d like to collaborate sometime and after a day of screeching about the direct message from none other than Harry Styles himself, she responded.
 I’d love to! But I don’t live anywhere near London or LA
 Not a problem. I’ll fly you out. H
 You aren’t serious
 I am 🙂 what do you say?
 And then she was on a plane out to LA to write a song or two with Harry Styles. She was a big ball of chaotic and anxious energy. She was excited but nervous and didn’t know what in the world to expect. She’d been a fan of One Direction when they started.
She’d even seen them perform live and it was so surreal she couldn’t believe she saw them in person. And now she’s actually going to meet 1/5 of one of her favorite boybands. If she’s dreaming she didn’t want to wake up.
Once her bags were claimed she noticed a tall woman with a blond bob and a tailored suit, she was holding up a small sign that read ‘Selah Grace Clark’ with the acronym of ‘TPWK’ underneath. This must be her ride.
“Um, I’m Selah Clark,” she says shyly approaching the woman.
“Oh! Hello! I’m Maeve, Harry’s driver but now yours while you’re here,” Maeve smiles extending her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Maeve,” Selah smiles shaking her hand.
“Is this all your luggage?” Maeve indicates to the three large suitcases next to Selah.
“Yeah . . . is it too much? I’ve never been to LA and I don’t know how long I’m staying for—“
“It’s absolutely fine! Don’t worry! Let’s just get a cart so you don’t have to lug it around to the car.”
 Selah was taken to a hotel and into the nicest room she’s ever been in.
“Harry wanted you to feel comfortable in your own suite, room service accessible and I’ll be back in a few hours to pick you up and meet him.”
“Where will I be meeting him?” Selah tries to keep her voice at a normal pitch.
“At his house. He’s doing some meetings today but insisted on having you for dinner. I’ll be round by six o’clock Miss Clark.”
“Please, call me Selah or Sel, not Miss Clark,” Selah winces at the formality.
“Absolutely Selah. I’ll see you around,” Maeve winks then exits the suite.
Selah takes a look around then squeals running to the bedroom and flops onto the bed. Is this real life?
 Selah opted for a casual outfit for meeting Harry and her nerves were a terrible bundle the closer she got to his house. What if she’s a blubbering, stuttering mess and he regrets bringing her out here? She’s never met anyone famous before and now she’s meeting (and going to be writing with) one of the most famous singers in the country.
“Here we are,” Maeve announces pulling through the iron gates and into the circle around driveway.
There’s a fountain in the middle of it and unlike her prediction, his house looked very homey and inviting.
“I know you’re nervous, Selah but really, Harry’s just like a regular guy,” Maeve tries to comfort her.
Selah peruses the photographs adorned on his walls while she waits for him. They’re snapshots of his whole career, faces she recognizes of celebrities and faces she doesn’t. In each one Harry is the enigma, his charisma exudes through the photographs.
“Sorry for keeping you,” a droll voice thick as honey says from behind her.
Selah whips around and her breath is stuck in her throat. Harry Styles is walking towards her wearing tan trousers and a band tee, his hair is styled in the perfect mess. His green eyes are excited and paired with a smile she’s only familiar with in pictures.
“Hello, I’m Harry,” he holds out his ring covered hand. “And you’re Selah Grace Clark.”
“H-hi,” Selah chokes out taking his hand in hers. It’s warm and soft and strong and she can’t breathe. “And just . . . just Selah.”
“Well, ‘just Selah,’” he mocks giving her hand one final shake before releasing. “Would you like to help me with dinner? I hope you like pasta.”
“I . . .” Selah takes a deep breath and exhales her nervousness. “I love pasta.”
One year later, Selah and Harry have become closer than close and she’s become one of his confidante’s and most valued co-writer. She’s been through the thick of things with him and the first time he tried recreational drugs. Her heart still flutters when she remembers what he said to her while he was high.
They were at Mitch’s place working on a song Harry had no name for and only a quarter of the lyrics, when he came and sat down heavily next to her on the couch. His green eyes were dazed but not confused as he focused on her, his long arm falling onto her shoulders.
“Y’know somethin’?” he drags out.
“What?” she humors him with a laugh.
“Your eyes right now are like the ocean with stars in them,” he lifts his left hand to her face. His fingers ghost over her eyelashes then pokes her nose gently. His own brows furrow as he concentrates on her eyes.
She’s stood from the sidelines watching him fall into his despair after what Camille did to him. It made her own heart break but she knew he had to come to terms with it on his own, she knew he could do it and he did.
Little did Harry know that her friendship ran a little deeper, had a little more love in it then she intended it to. How was she supposed to know she’d fall for him?
And now, it’s the day after Christmas and she’s pulling up to his place. He decided to have a little get together for everyone that helped with the album. She opted for a red dress, fish net tights and heeled boots.
When she opened the door his house was already filled with laughter and cheer, Christmas music playing throughout.
“There she is! And looking hotter than ever, damn girl!” Mitch exclaims coming from the kitchen with a small crystal glass that looks like it’s filled with eggnog.
“Oh stop it,” Selah blushes setting her keys on the main table where everybody else’s were.
“C’mere, you,” he grins some more pulling her in for a hug. “C’mon, everyone’s in the living room.”
He keeps his arm around her shoulders leading her into the living room where Harry’s large tree was decorated and standing perfectly in the corner. Everyone you knew were sat around on couches and chairs, even Gemma was kneeling on the floor next to Michal who was sitting on the couch.
“Look who’s arrived!” Mitch shouts.
“Mitch!” she hisses feeling embarrassed as everyone turns their heads in unison to look at her.
Gemma is the first to run up and hug you, touching your hair delicately praising how much she likes it.
“Want a drink?” Mitch asks.
“Please. You know what I like?”
“’Course I do,” he shrugs kissing her temple then retreats back into the kitchen.
“You look amazing!” Gemma gushes eying up her dress.
“Thank you, I love your dress,” Selah responds with a smile. She spots Harry behind her, he’s wearing a deep green jumper with faded jeans, his stubble visible even from this distance. He sends a wink her way before continuing his conversation.
Selah tries to ignore the fact he didn’t come say hi but he was talking with someone else and Harry was anything but rude. Selah let Gemma grab her hand leading her to where Michal was. Mitch joined back quickly with her drink and wouldn’t keep his hands off her.
He’s usually pretty lovey dovey with everyone once he’s gotten a little bit to drink but this was a bit more outlandish for him. Selah played along with it and she thought she saw Harry give them a look but someone walked in front of him and he wasn’t looking at her anymore.
Selah is at the food table making a plate of cheese and crackers with some fruit and mini meatballs when she smells an all too familiar cologne and an all too familiar touch on her back.
“Before you dig in, I have something to give you,” Harry says lowly in her ear.
Selah turns her head sharply then gasps when she sees how close Harry’s face is to hers. She gulps then nods. Keeping his eyes strained on her, with one hand he puts her plate down and with the other takes her hand.
He leads her through the kitchen out into the small garden joined to his house. It’s decorated with fairy lights and it smells of fresh pine, which is odd because that doesn’t grow in LA.
“It’s out here?” she scrunches her nose.
“It’s quieter, don’t you think?” he grins back at her then stops her right in the middle of the small area.
“I guess,” she sighs. “I didn’t get you anything, Harry, I’ve been so busy flying home and getting presents for everyone else I just—“
“You don’t have to get me anything, love,” he shakes his head then picks up a pretty flat wrapped gift from a bench. He places it in her hands delicately. “Merry Christmas, Sel.”
“Merry Christmas, Harry,” she smiles then rips into the gift. She gasps, her eyes darting up to Harry when she sees what the thin box consists of. It’s the newest Macbook. “Harry this is—“
“It’s not too much, it’s just enough. You deserve a good writing tool, especially with your book coming along,” his green eyes twinkle.
“I’ll pay you back, I promise!”
“You don’t payback for a gift,” he chortles. “It’s yours. Merry Christmas.”
Selah sets the gift gently down on the bench behind her then throws her arms around Harry’s neck. Her toes rise off the ground as he hugs her back, his arms tight around her waist.
“I love it, thank you so much,” she says into the collar of his sweater.
“You’re welcome.”
They release their hold slowly, his eyes flicker down while hers flicker up. The air between them fills with static, something electric hangs in the air.
“Mistletoe,” he grunts tightening his hands on her waist.
“I don’t—wait what?” she asks puzzled.
“We’re under mistletoe, love,” he hums.
“Oh?” she squeaks. “Who put that there?”
Harry smiles at her petulance reaching his hand up to cup her chin with his thumb, he rubs her chin gently stroking up her cheek.
“I think the man of the house had an agenda.”
“That’s the narcissist in him,” she hums as he leans in closer, a chuckle escaping his lips.
She closes her eyes smelling the cinnamon and eggnog on his breath. Her heart is pounding loudly in her ears as she becomes hyperaware to everything he does. His nose bumps hers then his lips are soon to follow.
There’s a small pause as he waits for her to pull away but Selah is frozen. So Harry continues connecting their lips in the softest kiss she’s ever experienced, his lips mold hers into what he wants and she’s pliant under him. Where he leads she’ll surely follow.
At the touch of his tongue slipping over hers she lets out a quiet moan and kisses him deeper. Her fingers curl into his soft brown locks like many times before when he’d be lying on her lap complaining about a migraine. This is so much better.
Harry gets more excited as the kiss continues, he parts his mouth open welcoming her soft tongue and pushes her against the edge of the doorway to the gazebo garden. Selah grunts at the impact and he mumbles out a ‘sorry’ connecting their lips again. His hands travel lower on her waist until he feels the hem of her dress and the fishnet tights.
He squeezes her thighs hoisting her in the air and her legs wrap around his waist so she doesn’t fall on her butt. A surprised squeak at the sudden movement escapes her lips and Harry smiles at her cuteness.
“I’ve got you, love,” he grins and gives her thighs a squeeze for good measure. Her legs clench around him and Harry desperately wants to take her upstairs to his bedroom and have his way with her until New Year’s Day.
“We’re not under the mistletoe anymore,” she sighs stroking his stubbled cheek and the birthmark.
“You want me to stop kissing you?” he huffs cocking his head to the side. His green eyes seem dark in the lowlight but she knows him well enough that he’s anything but dark.
“No,” she murmurs through a smile.
“All right then,” his eyes dance mirthlessly as he presses his lips to hers again.
Selah’s heart is soaring, her fingers are tingling and her lips are zinging from kissing Harry like this. It’s everything she’s wanted and more. She never wants to stop.
Until they do when there’s a loud pop of champagne from the kitchen and they break apart in shock. Selah knocks her head on the windowpane and squeezes around Harry who grunts at the impact.
“Ow,” she whispers.
“Are you okay?” he asks setting her back on her feet carefully. He cradles her head delicately, the cool of his rings feel nice on her temples as he inspects her.
“Yeah, I’m good,” she nods then giggles at him.
“What’sso funny?” he smirks.
She continues to snicker and rubs at the top of his lip. “My lipstick is all over you, H.”
He rolls his eyes. “Not my color, eh?”
“Not like this,” she snickers trying to rub it off. “You’ll have to use soap.”
“Where’d Harry and Sel run off to?” Mitch shouts.
“Your boyfriend’s gonna be mad if he finds us,” Harry grumbles tucking her hair behind her ears.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He’s been over you all night, hasn’t he?” his dark brows furrow into an angry line.
“It’s nothing, Harry,” Selah rolls her eyes. “You know how he gets when he’s drunk.”
“He wasn’t drunk when you got here,” he shakes his head.
“O . . . kay? What are you saying? You brought me out here to kiss me and stake your claim because some other guy was showing me attention?” Selah pushes him away from her angrily.
“N-no! That’s not what I—“ he closes his eyes and exhales deeply through his nose. It’s his calming mechanism.
“That’s low, Harry, even for you,” she scoffs and tries to sidle past him to leave.
“Selah Grace, listen to me,” he uses her full name grabbing hold of her wrist spinning her around. She smacks into him and tries to push away from him with her small hand on her chest.
“Let me go!”
He grabs her other wrist pinning her fighting arms against her body. He ducks his head so his eyes are level with hers.
“That was a dumb thing of me to say,” he confesses. “You aren’t something to ‘stake a claim’ on, Selah. I just . . .” he closes his eyes then opens them again with a big breath, “I did have this planned. The gift, the mistletoe, it was all a plan to try and kiss you if you’d let me. Hearing him just made me think of how he has been all over you.”
She’s fuming silently, her lips in a scowl and her eyes hard. If he didn’t know she was mad at him he’d tell her she’s adorable as fuck when she’s mad but he’ll tell her that some other time.
“And that bothered you?” she asks quietly.
He licks his lips and nods. He slowly releases her wrists bringing them up to his mouth, he kisses the soft skin inside each wrist. His green eyes pleading her forgiveness.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles on her skin.
“You’re lucky you look like a dork with that lipstick on or I wouldn’t forgive you,” she says icily. He continues to kiss up her wrist and into her palm, his eyes on her.
“And because you fancy me,” he smirks now kissing her fingertips lightly.
“Shut up,” she scoffs rolling her eyes. “Go wash your mouth, Styles.”
“Can you help me?” he grins mischievously.
She leans up kissing him quickly, his lips chase hers as she answers with a simple, ‘nope.’ With a grin she skips behind him and picks up her laptop holding it to her chest.
“Better hurry before my boyfriend sees,” she smirks then leaves him standing there in disbelief.
Taglist: @calpalirwin​​  @thecurlsofgod​​ @myloverboyash​​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​  @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @lukeisbaby @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks @haveufoundwhaturlooking4 @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @stardust-galaxies​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @lovelybonesetc​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @superbloomed-c​ @ophelia-enthusiast​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​ @flaneurcth​ @dariangarcia
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leechtwinsfling · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland @ DISNEYLAND  [ Chapter 3 ]
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✨ Twisted Wonderland FanFiction ❤
[ Disneyland Date Series - HEARTSLABYUL ]
We are lead another portion of the garden as I find decorated tables inside the tall wall rose bushes. A few people are already seated as a server dressed similar to a butler heads our way before bowing.
“Welcome, for two?” 
“Ah, no, we actually have five more coming. So it’ll be a total of seven.” I answer getting the butler to nod before leading us to an empty table of eight. 
The table has a black tablecloth with three rounded plants in a row on the middle of the table. Each golden seat has a red ribbon wrap around with roses behind. There are three sets of different size plates, and neatly organized cutlery along with tea cups.  
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Since the size of the table is similar to the seating back at the Heartslabyul’s Unbirthday Parties, I take my seat at the middle of one side as Riddle takes the head. We wait patiently for the others to come as I find small snacks already on the table.
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Trying not to drool at the appetizing food, I hear familiar voices nearby getting me to look over to the entrance to find Cater and Trey. Smiling, I wave them for their attention as they are looking around. Seeing us, they inform one of the butlers who was welcoming them before heading over. 
“Hey guys.” I greet.
“Hey, the Queen of Hearts mentioned you two.” Trey informs with a chuckle, “Said that it’s a shame Riddle doesn’t have a lover.”
I laugh hearing this as Riddle sighs, “If I have a relationship, I don’t want it to affect my learning.”
“What, is there a rule that doesn’t allow you to date?” I ask.
“Actually -” 
“WOW! THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!” a distinct voice shouts getting all of us to instantly know who it is. 
Looking over to the entrance again, we find the three stooges grabbing everyone’s attention. I couldn’t help stifle a laugh watching them running everywhere as the butlers try to calm them down. Seeing Riddle getting annoyed, it seems like the three could feel his glare as they stop and look over to us. They halt their crazy running before heading over to us quietly. With how they act reminds me of children who know they’re in deep trouble from their parents. 
“There are other people here, don’t bother them.” Riddle lectures them for minutes as I find Cater sitting between Riddle and I. 
Trey sits across from him having an amused smile on his face watching the three as usual getting a scolding. When the second year finally finishes with a huff, the three take their seats. Grimm sits beside me as the other two sit across, all with guilty glum faces.
“So where did you go?” I ask Grimm wondering where he went when we were at the theater. 
“I smelled tuna, but in the end it turned out to be tuna scented eraser.” the cat sighs as I react with a horrified face.
Tuna what eraser?!
Just when I am about to comment about such an absurd product, trumpet horns ring as I realize that every table is now full of people. A red carpet rolls down the entrance as the mascots that we saw minutes ago walk down towards the larger table at the end. It’s design is near the same replica as all the other tables except for the parts where it’s bigger for the mascots’ hands and size.
“Presenting! Queen of Hearts!” a soldier-like dressed staff shouts as the Queen is the last one to walk down the red carpet.
When everyone is seated, the Queen stands up, “I welcome you all to my Unbirthday Party. Please enjoy yourself!”
With that, people dig into the tea and food offered getting me to wonder how do we pay for all this.
“I’m pretty sure all this is not free, so where do we pay?” I ask Cater who’s munching on a bite-size sandwich.
“Oh, we paid it beforehand. Trey reserved it once we were told we’re coming to Disneyland for a field trip.” he answers.
Okay, not a shock.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Ace asks staring at the Queen like a love-struck boy.
“Ace... you do know she ain’t real, right?” I ask concern for his well-being.
He dramatically gasps at me, “Don’t say that! What if the children hear you? It’s like saying Santa is not real!”
Turns out, someone must have heard him as a nearby table a child begins crying saying that Ace said Santa isn’t real. The parents look over to our table before giving a disapproving glare.
“Good job, Ace. You ruined a kid’s childhood.” I shake my head disappointingly at him.
“Hey! You’re the one who started it!” Ace blames.
“Quiet, let’s all just enjoy the tea please?” Riddle sighs already used to our bickering during times like this. 
With us enjoying some small talk about our experiences so far, along with the tea and snacks, I hear Cater soon humming along with the music which I recognize is the ‘Unbirthday Song’. Couldn’t help myself, I decide to hum along getting his attention. He breaks into a smile before singing along with the music and raising his tea cup to me. Laughing, I clink my tea cup with his as we both begin singing the song.
“A very merry Unbirthday to me !” he begins singing loudly that other people look over to us.
“To who?” I sing back deciding that it’ll seem fun despite being embarrassing. 
“To me!” 
“Oh you!” I point to him looking shocked.
“A very merry Unbirthday to you!” he offers me a hand which I take after putting my tea down.
“Who me?” I question.
“Yes, you!” he quickly touches my nose.
“Oh, me!” I gasp in surprise.
“Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea! A very merry Unbirthday to you!” he cheers as people begin applauding and cheering.
Laughing at how he amazingly hit that high note, he then pulls me off from the table as he continues singing. Instead of being a small show to each other, it then becomes a huge performance for the whole party.
“Now, statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday.” I speak looking over to a group of children enjoying the unplanned performance.
“Imagine, just one birthday every year!” Cater adds.
“Ah, but there are three hundred and sixty four Unbirthdays!” I cheer.
“Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer!”
“It’s also my Unbirthday!” a child from the crowd raises his hang getting Cater and I to look over at each other before smiling and heading over to the small boy.
“It is?” Cater asks picking the child.
“What a wonderful world this is!” I pat the boy’s head.
“In that case!” Cater puts down the boy.
He puts the boy’s hand with mine before grasping the other boy’s hand and mine. We begin dancing in a circle as we continue to sing.
“A very merry Unbirthday!” we sing as children become rushing over to join the circle.
“To me?” the small boy asks.
“To you!” I smile finding the circle growing big as adults are cheering from the sidelines.
“A very merry Unbirthday!” the audience then begins singing.
“For me?” the children asks.
“For you!” we all shout.
“Now blow the candle out my dear and make your wish come true! A merry merry Unbirthday to you!” we all sing together.
Once the music ends, I can’t help but laugh as the children demand another performance from Cater and I.
“One more time! Can we please?” a child begs pulling down my shirt.
“Please!” other children chorus.
“Okay! Okay!” Cater agrees, “Everybody get ready!”
Everyone heads back into a circle as another child grabs my hand. I smile at the small girl who smiles widely back at me.
“You have a nice boyfriend, Big Brother/Sister.” she speaks.
Okay, stop right there. How many times has it been that people mistaken me to be with these boys.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I laugh.
“Eh? But you’re holding hands with him!”
“Yes, and everyone else is holding hands with others too, right?”
“Ah!” she realizes, “Yeah!” 
After many repeats of singing and dancing, the parents decide to help us as they see the exhaustion on Cater and I. Giving a relief sigh, I feel Cater lean on top of me with his chin on my head.
“Ah~ I didn’t expect to be so tired this early in the morning.” he  hugs me, “[N/A]~ Carry me~!”
“You think I can carry your heavy-butt?” I ask feeling tired on my own.
“So mean~”
“Can’t help but tell the truth.” I laugh before feeling him actually put all his weight on me, “Ugh, oh my god, what did you eat?”
“Trey~! [N/A] called me fat!” Cater tattles as I’m trying to support us from not falling face down on the ground. 
“I didn’t! How do you expect me to carry a grown man?! I’m still growing!” I argue dragging us towards our table.
“I’m still growing!” Cater gasps.
“Ha, not with your age.” I laugh obviously fooling around.
“I’m only two years older than you!” 
“Two years! You’ve eaten more than 2190 meals than me!” 
“How did you get that number?” 
“Well, there’s 365 days, and the average amount of meal is three. So 365 times three is 1095. Then multiply with two since it’s two years, and that’ll be 2190.” I easily explain.
The boys can only stare at me as the first years look at me like I’m talking gibberish as the older two didn’t expect this from me.  “Okay, I might be not that smart at school but that’s only because everything I’m learning is entirely new to me! Remember, I’m from a different world than you guys.” I remind getting them to snap out of their daze.
“Awe, our little transfer student continues to surprise us all still.” Cater hugs me tighter. 
I let out a choking sound, “Can’t breath. Can’t breath!”
He releases me allowing me to gasp for air before relaxing, “I thought I was gonna die just then.” “Am I that strong~?” “With the addition of your body weight, then sure~” I continue to tease getting him to gasp and sulk before slapping me playfully.  Laughing, I sit back onto my seat as he does the same. The party continues as the mascots visit each table to talk with the children. I, personally, am stuffing myself with this delicious food in front of me.
“Y/N~! Try this!” Cater offers a bite of his small chocolate cake on his fork. 
Without hesitation, I take a bite and can’t help but moan from the richness it melts on my tongue.  “Right~! It’s so good! Here, have another bite.” he offers another spoonful which I once again eat from.
“This scene reminds me of a mother feeding her baby.” Grimm comments.
“Don’t be jealous that Mother loves me more than a stray cat.” I stick my tongue out at Grimm playfully. 
“Ah! There’s chocolate on your cheek.” Cater takes a napkin and gets ready to wipe it but stops.
Instead he smirks and leans in before licking the chocolate off my cheek. My eyes widen as I can’t help but blush like a tomato. The others saw this and are frozen into place as they can’t believe what happened. “There~” Cater smiles acting like nothing happened but knows what chaos he just started.  And the party ends with a food fight started by the first years. 
[ to be continued ] 
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whumphoarder · 5 years
You Still Got Us
Summary: Peter is having an off-day, which unfortunately coincides with an Avengers’ level mission. After watching the kid take a number of close calls, Tony has no choice but to bench Peter mid-fight.
Word count: 2,461
Genre: angst, emotional hurt/comfort
Link to read on Ao3
A/N: Written as part of @irondadsecretsanta 2019! Merry Christmas @garbotuesday! Hope you enjoy :D
Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and @sallyidss for beta reading and to @awesomesockes for the idea
It was pretty clear that Peter was having an off-day.
Tony first noticed the signs during Steve’s pre-mission briefing that morning when the kid repeatedly kept sneaking glances at his phone. That seemed a bit out of character given Peter’s usual reverence toward the captain, but Tony excused it on the basis that a) it was a pretty straightforward mission, b) they’d been over the exact specifications of the building they were going to be infiltrating four times already, and c) Cap could be boring as hell.
Peter seemed a bit preoccupied during their flight to the rural New Mexican town, but nothing too out of the ordinary. He nodded along to all of the team’s tactical discussions and appeared to understand his role in the plan. Later, when the kid tripped over his own feet while exiting the quinjet, Tony chalked it up to nerves.
But the final straw was when Peter misread Steve’s hand signal to hold his position as an order to strike. That mistake is what caused the kid to charge directly into a room full of six heavily-armed guards, completely by himself.
Cursing, Tony quickly scrambles out from behind the crate that’s been shielding him from view. The rest of the team is already mobilizing, thankfully used to improvisation. Natasha takes out one of the men with a roundhouse kick to the jaw while Steve and Clint converge on two more, quickly disarming them.
Another guard hurls a heavy metal table in Tony’s direction and takes off running toward the backdoor. Tony’s just started after him when he hears Sam’s urgent warning over the comms.
“Heads up, Spidey!”
Tony whirls around. Peter—who is staring down at his own wrist, frantically tapping the side of his webshooter mechanism—barely has time to look up before the fifth guard aims his gun directly at the kid’s head.
Instantly, Tony raises his hand and blasts the weapon right out of the guard's grip. The man gives a strangled cry of pain as he clutches his now burned hand to his chest. Taking advantage of that momentary distraction, Tony switches his repulsor setting to stun and fires again. This time he blows the guard clear across the room. Under his faceplate, Tony grins.
(It’s the little things.)
Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to bask in the satisfaction for long. A split-second later, a burst of energy slams into Tony’s chest plate. The force sends him hurtling backwards into the wall. Tony grunts sharply as pain explodes in his ribcage.
Peter races over to him. “Oh god, Mr. Stark, are you okay?” he blurts out, his tone borderline hysterical. “I’m so sorry! My webshooter jammed and I—”
“Get down!” Clint shouts.
Tony swears sharply, yanking Peter down with him just as another photon blast shoots over their heads. This time it’s so close that Tony swears he can see smoke wafting up from the top of Peter’s mask.
“Shit, kid…” Tony gasps out, his chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath. “You alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Peter assures him, gulping hard. He’s sitting on the ground now, looking more dazed than anything else. “I just, uh, didn’t see him there.”
Over the comms, Tony hears Steve report that the two remaining guards have just escaped through the southwest exit. Sam and Natasha immediately take off after them. Peter starts scrambling to his feet like he intends to follow, but Tony grabs his wrist.
“Oh hell no. Don’t even think about it,” he snaps. “You’re staying right here.”
“What? No!” Peter protests, trying fruitlessly to twist his arm out of his mentor’s iron grip. “I’m fine—I’m not even hurt!”
“No, but you will be if you can’t get your head in the game,” Tony retorts, his gaze traveling around the room. Out of the team, Barton seems to be the only one left. The archer has an arrow trained threateningly at the pile of groaning men on the ground.
“Yo, Legolas!” Tony hollers, causing the man to glance back at him. “You got this?”
Clint smirks. “Absolutely. These guys aren’t going anywhere,” he says, nodding his head toward the incapacitated guards. “Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”
Tony rolls his eyes at the archer. "Yeah, well let me know if it gets to be difficult, difficult, lemon difficult..." he mutters. Still holding Peter’s wrist, he pulls the kid with him behind a stack of crates in the back corner of the warehouse. He retracts his helmet to look directly at Peter. “Alright, start talking,” he orders. “What is going on with you today?”
“Nothing,” Peter says tightly. Even in the mask, he won’t meet Tony’s gaze. “’m fine.”
“No, you’re not fine—you’re unfocused. You’re sloppy,” Tony argues. “Sloppy doesn’t fly in the big leagues, kid. Sloppy’s liable to get you killed.”
”Right, no, I know that. My webshooter is just clogged, but I can fix it!" Peter babbles. He resumes smacking the side of the mechanism. "I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I just—” With a final smack, the blockage is released and a string of web shoots out of the device, adhering Peter’s foot to the ground. He groans. “Aw, c’mon...”
Tony heaves out an exasperated sigh as the kid proceeds to clumsily spray his foot with web solvent. “Alright, that’s it, I’m benching you,” he declares. “Go back to the quinjet and wait for us to finish up.”
“Wh-What?” Peter stammers. He shakes his head frantically. “No, no I’m fine, Mr. Stark! I’ll focus! It was just—”
“Nope,” Tony cuts him off. “If you can’t take this mission seriously, then you shouldn’t be on it.” He’s starting to get heated now. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you constantly on your phone this morning. I don’t know what you think is so important on there, but you can crush candy and fire angry birds at green pigs another time.”
“I-I wasn’t,” Peter mumbles, still looking down.
"Then what were you doing?" Tony demands.
Peter bites his lower lip. His voice is very small when he answers, “Waiting for a text.”
“A text?” Tony balks. He’s in genuine disbelief. “You’ve been begging me and Cap to let you come along on the real missions for months now, and when we finally do, rather than following orders and keeping up, you spend your time, what? Texting your girlfriend?”
Peter’s hugging his arms around his middle now. He shakes his head slightly, his words coming out in barely a whisper. “No. May.”
Tony frowns in confusion. “Your aunt?”
Peter nods, his lower lip starting to quiver. “She… um, she found a lump a couple days ago? On her, uh…” He gestures vaguely in front of his chest.
Tony’s heart sinks with the realization. He exhales slowly. “Oh bud…”
Inhaling shakily, Peter starts to ramble. “Like, it might be nothing and I know I shouldn’t jump to conclusions or anything before the tests come back because who knows if it’s cancer or just like, fatty tissue or something? She said it could be that and it might be no big deal so I shouldn’t get worried yet, but… but like...” He draws in another shuddery inhale. “May’s mom died of breast cancer when she was only like, forty. And I know that doesn’t mean that May has it or anything but it can run in families and so"—he sucks in a sharp breath—"I just, I mean...she’s all I have left, a-and…”
Peter breaks off into a choked sob, and Tony sets a hand heavily on his shoulder.
“I just… I ca-can’t lose her too, Mr. Stark!” he cries.
“It’s okay,” Tony whispers, rubbing his hand up and down over Peter’s arm. “It’s alright, kid…”
Through his earpiece, he hears Nat report that she’s just taken down the final guard. Sam cracks a quick joke about Black Widow’s head-locking skills before Steve reports that he’s discovered the weapons distribution area. It all sounds pretty well under control.
Lowering his hand, Tony steps backwards and taps his earpiece with two fingers. “Hey, I need to take the kid back to the jet,” he says quietly. “I’ll be back in ten or so to finish up.”
“Roger that,” Steve replies. “Is he injured?”
Tony hesitates. Peter has tugged his mask halfway up over his face now and is scrubbing at his cheeks roughly with the back of his hand. “Not physically," he replies after a pause. "But he’s… he’s done for today.”
The walk back to the quinjet is brief and silent, the only sounds being Peter’s occasional sniffs. He’s clearly trying his best to pull it together, so Tony just lets him be.
Once back onboard, Peter immediately sinks down into his seat, removing the mask entirely. Tony grabs a bottle of water and a protein bar from their supplies and holds them out to him, but the kid just shakes his head.
“I’m good,” he whispers.
“Doubtful,” Tony replies. He sets the items down on Peter’s lap anyway.
Peter bends down to reach into his backpack, which is stowed under the seat, and fishes his phone out with trembling fingers. He scrolls through to check his notifications, and then sighs.
“Anything?” Tony asks.
Peter shakes his head. “Not yet.” He lowers the phone back down and looks up at his mentor. “I’m really sorry about the mission,” he says quietly. “I shouldn’t have come today. That was really stupid and I just put everybody in danger. I was just so worried and I thought it might take my mind off it, but...” A stray tear runs down from the corner of his eye.
With a sigh, Tony presses the button to fully retract his armor. He then plops down on the closest seat, wincing as pain shoots through his now unsupported ribs. “Look. I’m not going to say what you did was okay, because it really wasn't"—Peter bites his lip and gives a solemn nod—“But at the same time, I'd be lying if I told you I’ve never done anything similar.” Tony pauses for a beat. “Emotions suck.”
At that, Peter huffs out a short, empty laugh. “Yeah. Agreed.”
They sit there for a moment, before Peter asks hesitantly, “Uh, are you going to head back now?”
Originally, Tony was only intending to stay until the kid was situated and then get back to the warehouse to help confiscate the weapons, but the quiver in Peter’s lip is giving him pause. The team probably doesn’t need him, per se—the hard part is basically over.
Tony shrugs. “I think Cap’s got it handled. Plus”—he presses his hand gingerly to the bruise on his ribcage—“this could probably do with some ice. Do you think you could…?” He flaps his hand in the direction of the ship’s medical supplies.
Peter’s eyes widen. “Oh! Yeah, of course.” He hops up from his seat and retrieves the first aid kit. He locates a single-use ice pack which he snaps and shakes to activate the chemicals.
“Here,” Peter says, handing it over. “Uh, how bad is it?” he asks nervously. “Do you want some painkillers or anything?”
Tony takes the ice pack with a nod of thanks. He’s had enough broken ribs in his life to know that these are likely just bruised—at worst, cracked. The injury is only ranking about a three or four on the pain scale, which is far below his usual threshold for sitting things out. But if the kid needs something else to focus on, he figures a break won’t kill him.
“Sure, if you’ve got any,” Tony says, keeping his tone casual.
Peter locates and doses out three Tylenol for Tony, shaking them into his mentor’s palm before grabbing him a fresh bottle of water.
“Thanks,” Tony says. He swallows them down and then adjusts his position in his seat, considering for a moment the best way to keep Peter's mind occupied while they wait. “Hey," he begins, "have I ever told you about the time Clint tried to free climb the outside surface of a three-story building?”
Peter shakes his head.
“Oh, it’s a doozy,” Tony remarks with a chuckle, settling deeper into his chair. “Alright, so it was Valentine’s day, which I only happen to remember because Cap insisted on making these heart-shaped pancakes for everyone, which set off the fire alarm...”
Over the next ten minutes, Tony recounts the story with as much embellishment and vivid imagery as he can muster. Peter gives the occasional single breathy laugh or nod as appropriate, which satisfies his mentor that his less-than-subtle distraction tactics are at least partially working.
“...luckily, Thor caught him before he hit the ground,” Tony concludes. “You know those viral videos where the firefighter catches the baby being dropped out of an apartment window? Same concept, except the firefighter was an alien god and the baby was a grown man in cargo shorts. Still screamed about the same amount though.”
With a short laugh, Peter checks his phone once more. He then sighs and shakes his head slightly before setting the device back facedown on his thigh.
Tony takes that as his cue to continue. “...Speaking of screaming, have you heard the one about how he once posed as a camel trainer in Australia, and led a group of—”
Just then, Peter’s phone buzzes.
Eyes going wide, his hand shoots out for the device so fast that his fumbling fingers send it clattering to the floor. He drops to his knees and picks it up, quickly turning it over to see the text.
For a few seconds, Peter just stares at the message, unblinking, and Tony waits for a response with bated breath.
Then suddenly, Tony’s watching tears well up in the kid’s eyes. His own heart drops to his stomach and all at once it's 1991 again and Jarvis is knocking on his bedroom door, informing him that a state trooper is here, that something terrible has occurred, that his parents are—
A choked sob from Peter knocks Tony back to the present. The kid is still knelt on the floor, pressing a fist to his lips, shoulders shaking from the effort of keeping quiet.
“N-Negative,” Peter manages to say through the tears. “The bi-biopsy was... it was negative. No cancer.”
Ignoring the protests from his ribs, Tony slides out of his own seat to join him on the floor. He pulls the boy in to his chest for a tight hug. “It’s okay, Pete,” he says quietly. “It’s okay. I got you.”
Peter’s sobs are wracking his entire frame, but Tony only holds him tighter as he cries.
“It’s alright, kid,” Tony breathes, rubbing one hand up and down Peter’s back. “You still got her. You still got us.”
Link to all my fics!
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Three Quarters
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A/N: This was so good to write to be honest. It’s mushy and romantic and all but I like it. 
REQUEST: Hi love, how are you feeling today? If you ever need someone to just complain about life I'm here 💕 On other note, last night I was listening to What You Won't Do For Love by Bobby Cladwell, and oh my god, it screams Remus to me. What do you think? (andifyouwanttowritesomethingiwouldntmind)
The book was hiding him. He was laying on the wooden chair and the only thing you could see of him was his forehead, sprawled with strands of brown hair. You continued peeking over your own book, trying to catch his eyes.
He slowly pulled down his book, smiling his eyes at you as he caught you already staring. He saw you press your book on your nose and he did the same. You glanced at the door and he did the same. He then glanced at the group of boys next to him.
You rolled your eyes.
He squinted his.
You pleaded with yours.
He glanced at the group.
You persisted.
He doubted.
You got up and gathered your things. It was time you left the library after not getting any work done due to the distraction a few seats away from you.
He tensed up at his seat and kept switching sights from his friends and to you. “Fuck.” he heard himself mumble and fortunately nobody heard him. You disappeared behind the closed door and he was already on his feet as well, gathering his things.
“Where you off to, Moony?” asked James as he looked up from his Charms book. Sirius and Peter turned their attention on the same boy and furrowed their eyebrows.
“What’s the rush?” Sirius asked but Remus was already running to the door. He was running towards you.
He bolted out of the library, stopping when he was faced with three corridors. One right ahead, one left and the other right. Three possible ways you could have gone yet he didn’t realize until you put your hands over his eyes, that you stayed where you are.
“Paranoid?” you asked before he felt himself relax and put his hands on yours, removed them and turn around.
“Only when it comes to seeing you go.” he charmed and you felt yourself feel dazed for a moment. He had a wonderful touch. As if it was the softest- like flower petals instead of his fingertips. His eyes were greener than you have ever seen. Greener as the soaked grass on a sunny day. They were the most vibrant, contrast to his skin which was light and his gentle hair colour. He had an effect on you that could only make you fall for him. Fall for the fool in front of you.
Without any other words, he leaned down to kiss you. Gentle as he was known for. His kisses were deep always feeling like they were going to be last. Sometimes that scared you, other times it terrified you.
It was Saturday since the three Marauders saw his fourth. Today was Sunday and it was evening already. They haven’t seen him but they worried. There was a possibility he went to go find himself again before the full moon closes in yet they didn’t have a feeling. Not after they saw his best friend fleed from the library.
But there he was. At the door with that goofy grin of his and dreamy eyes. The other three kept watching him with mighty confusion but all he did was walked- floated towards his bed.
“Good evening.” he said in a cheery voice.
The other three exchanged looks. “You sound cheery.” James said first and Sirius followed.
“Too cheery if you ask me.” he grinned as he had a faint idea why his best friend was acting so pleased with himself. “Who’s the girl?” he asked and Remus only placed a foolish smile.
“Her name is (y/n).” he smiled, finally deciding to look at them.
“(y/n)?” Sirius repeated. “And what house does this (y/n) belong to?”
“I’m not telling you.” Remus grabbed the fresh pair of clothes and started walking towards the door.
“Why not?”
“You really think it’s a good idea, Moony?” Peter cut in the conversation and everybody turned to him.
“What do you mean?” Remus asked.
“I mean you- you like her don’t you?” Peter felt himself get nervous due to full attention on his.
James realized what he tried to say so he continued. “What Wormy is trying to say is that if you really want for the two of you to work, you’ll have to tell her because each time after full moon you look like hell- no offense- and what will she think?”
Remus was now glaring at them. For the first time, he was angry at his friends but he couldn’t say anything back because, on the logical side, they were right. What would happen if the two of you would happen and he had to hide this big part of himself?
It’s been two days since you saw Remus. Two days and three-quarters to be exact but who’s counting, right? You. You’ve been counting and it was almost nerve-wracking to not hear from him in all that time.
But there he was; when you were leaving the Astronomy Tower, he was there. He was leaning against the wall with one foot on it and a book in his hand. His black robes were hanging down his body that you had the pleasure of examining a few days ago. His hair was covering most of his face but his nose, chin, and red-gold tie were still visible.
You let yourself believe he couldn’t have noticed you staring but he did. He felt your energy as soon as you walked closer and his vibrant green eyes finally looked up from the book. He closed it with one hand, his hair fell back where they belong and a smile, charming and merry, appeared on his lips.
Alas as much as you wanted to be happy to see him, you decided to keep back. You decided not to forgive him for leaving you in the empty for the last two days and three quarters.
“I guess you’ve wondered where I’ve been?”
“Only for the last three days.” you replied.
“Two days and a half but who’s counting.”
Again. You. You were counting and it wasn’t two days and a half. It was two days and three quarters.
“There was something on my mind for a long time and I couldn’t figure it out. Something that I really hate about myself- so you could say I’ve been searching to find the love within.” he charmed, winking and causing you to smile.
“What could you hate about yourself?”
“I’ll tell you... one day. But it was what it was at the lake as I kept wondering that I shouldn’t put you through all that. I thought I should let you go but there was a feeling inside of me that just told me not to do that. To come back to let you know I have a thing for you and I won’t let it go.” he smiled and again you did the same, only more extent. “When I came back to my dorm after that day, my friends wondered what is wrong with me- it was quite funny actually.” he continued. “Well, I am in a daze from your love, you see.”
Your arms were now around his neck all of a sudden and he felt himself chuckle. “And there is this thing about you. You’re never giving up and I love that about you. That was the thought that kept me going to come here. You wouldn’t give up on me so why should I? Because in my world only you make me do for love what I would not do.” he admitted and you let out a giggle yourself.
“Are you saying I tend to bring out the bad boy out of you, Remus Lupin?”
“Believe me. A Prefect like me wouldn’t be doing things you make me do.” he grinned and kissed you a gentle kiss, the one you missed the most. Those kisses that always felt like they were going to be the last. Passionate yet gentle.
“Three quarters.” you mumbled and he smiled.
“It was two days and three quarters.”
“So you were counting.”
“For you? Every second.”
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
Royai Scene 78
Hey everyone. Remember that cute Royai Chrstmas idea I came up with? You know the one I’m talking about; the one involving their son and Riza coming home late for Christmas. Well, I always like to do at least one Royai Scene for Christmas, and I quite like the concept myself. So I decided to do it for this series.
I’ve got one more in the pipes for the holidays, but for now enjoy this cute little scene!
Mi: Daddy?
(Roy stirs awake, still in a bit of a daze. He rubs his eye and wonders if he was simply hearing things.)
Mi: Daddy?
M: Huh?
(Roy turns his head and sees the image of his son, Micheal standing next to him. Teddy bear wrapped in one arms, with his other fist concealing his worried looking face.)
M: What’s wrong, Micheal?
Mi: Can I sleep with you? I had a bad dream.
(Roy is a bit surprised, but smiles kindly at his son, nonetheless.)
M: Of course you can.
(He sits himself up on the bed and scoops his son up into his arms.)
M: What were you dreaming about, little guy?
(Micheal hangs his head in shame.)
Mi: Well, I dreamt that Mommy had to leave for Christmas Eve to do something, but she said she’d be home just in time for Santa to arrive with present for me. But then it was Christmas morning, and Mommy never came back. 
(Roy stares sadly at his son, empathizing with him. What the kid didn’t know, though is that his father has been worrying about the same thing.)
(Riza left earlier in the day to complete a small task in Liore, figuring Roy could use the extra rest. Roy complied, agreeing with his wife that he could use the half day off for the holidays to rest and spend time with their son. So they went their separate ways at noon, with her promising him she’d be home in time for Christmas morning. But it didn’t stop Roy from worrying.)
(He knew his wife was more than capable of taking care of herself and loved her for it, but there was still a part of him that, however small, worried for her safety. Or that the day would come where, heaven forbid, he really wouldn’t come home with her.)
(But right now, he’s calm enough to recognize that this isn’t about his anxieties, it’s about easing Micheal’s. So, he puts on a brave smile, cups his son’s chin and pulls it up so he can meet his worried little amber eyes that remind him so much of his mother’s.)
M: Don’t worry, Mommy’ll be home in time for Christmas. You’ll see.
(Micheal sniffles, on the verge of tears.)
Mi: Are you sure?
(Roy smiles. He picks up a klenix and begins to wipe his son’s face clean of any tears or snot that may have escaped.)
M: Yes. I’m sure. I’ve known you’re mother for a very long time, Micheal. She’ll do everything in her power to make sure she gets home in time for Christmas.
Mi: Really? Does that mean if she was stuck on a train with bad guys, she’d just shoot them until they gave up?
(Roy chuckled, unable to get the image of Riza unleashing her mother’s wrath on a bunch of terrorists out of his head now.)
M: Yes. Even then.
Mi: That’s good.
(Roy smiles. He wipes away one last tear and puts the klenix on the nightstand. Only to notice something; Micheal still looks a bit uneasy.)
M: Still worried.
Mi: Yeah.
(Roy smirks.)
M: Tell you what; why don’t we wait up for Mommy? That way you can see for yourself you had nothing to worry about.
Mi: Really?
M: Yup. Besides, I’m sure she won’t mind coming home to some happy faces.
Mi: Okay! Thanks, Daddy!
M: No problem.
(5 AM)
(Riza finally enters the small townhouse, looking exhausted and glad to be home.)
(She kicks off her boots and walks over to the little Christmas tree. She places a small gift underneath the tree marked “From Santa” (really her) next to the little present marked “From Mommy and Daddy” (Roy).)
(Once that’s done, she makes her way upstairs and into Micheal’s room. When she sees he’s not there, she realizes he must be in with Roy and heads for her bedroom...only to be overcome by the sight in front of her.)
(Roy and Micheal are fast asleep, snoring away like they hadn’t a care in the world. Micheals is lying on his back, while Roy was on his side, his arms wrapped loosely around their son.)
(Riza giggled and walked over towards them. She gently places a blanket across them and gives each of them a peck on the cheek. First to Micheal, then to Roy.)
(She smiles.)
H: Merry Christmas.
(She walks over to her side of the bed and lays down, not even bothering to remove her long coat, or unclip her hair. She’s so tired, she just throws the blanket over herself and curls up next to her family, ready to join them in a peaceful, Christmas slumber.
Happy belated Holidays, everybody!
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candysams · 6 years
Merry Christmas, I Love You
I’m one day late but back to finish 12 Days of Banana Fish-mas with Day 12: Merry Christmas! Have some everybody lives, domestic asheiji featuring the best bf/hubby Ash Lynx.
Don’t forget to check out @/softaslans and her prompts on twitter!
It was rare for Ash to wake up first.
Usually, when Eiji reached over to the other side of the bed in a half-asleep daze, he would meet Ash’s warmth on the other side, ready and waiting to be pulled into Eiji’s arms because Ash had always been the little spoon and Eiji was all too happy to oblige. On the rare days when Ash was missing from their bed, Eiji could still find traces of his warmth in their sheets, a sign he had just gone to the bathroom or to turn the thermostat down a notch and would be back soon. It was never a permanent loss, and Eiji fell right back asleep once Ash was safe and sound in his arms.
Today, the bed was cold.
Eiji ran his hand along the empty indent where Ash usually resided, but the exposed sheets felt cool against his skin. It gave him goosebumps, partly because Ash was noticeably missing from their bed and partly because he could feel a winter draft coming in from the window. He would have to get Ash to fix that later.
It felt weird, waking up without Ash. It was colder than usual, and the king-sized bed suddenly felt very, very big to Eiji, threatening to swallow him whole. Ash had never been a morning person, and he rarely woke up before Eiji. Even if he got up to watch the morning dawn, Eiji was always by his side.
Eiji stewed in his thoughts, sprawling across the center of the bed like a starfish. Even though the light streaming through the curtains was enough to tell him it was an acceptable time to be awake, it was still a weird time for Ash. Eiji couldn’t help but worry about him, pressing his teeth into his lower lip as he contemplated what he should do. There was still a chance Ash was planning on coming back, distracted by a scene outside their bathroom window or the grumble of his stomach. If Eiji got up to look, he might just find Ash eating a bowl of cereal and watching the news, the time escaping him. Or he could find a note in Ash’s place, detailing his whereabouts because he thought Eiji had looked too cute in his sleep and refused to wake him up. Ash was found of leaving cheesy notes around the apartment for Eiji, although they rarely announced his absence and usually made Eiji blush furiously before saving it in a notebook.
The second Eiji threw open the door, having made the decision to look for any traces of Ash, he was hit by the smell of Japan. His eyes grew wide, nose finding the scent and following it to the kitchen. He could hear muffled whispers behind the door but didn’t allow himself to eavesdrop, choosing instead to push open the door and find answers.
His nose was in charge, so his gaze landed on food first. Fish was grilling on the stove, the rice cooker popped with a ding, something hummed in the microwave. Then it landed on the people.
“Ohayo, Eiji!” Ibe greeted him cheerfully, as if he lived down the block and came over every morning instead of residing in Japan and only seeing them over Skype and holidays. Shorter, who was standing behind Ibe, did live down the block and tended to let himself in whenever he wanted, but he was a late sleeper. Just like Ash, who looked horrified at the sight of Eiji.
Shorter moved second, ducking down and lifting Eiji onto his shoulder like he was a sack of flour, removing the kitchen from Eiji’s view and replacing it with his ass. His red pajama pants had a cartoon Santa face on each cheek. Eiji slapped one reflexively, although he could tell from Shorter’s laugh that it wasn’t enough to make him drop Eiji.
“Good to see you too, Eiji. Frisky as always.” Shorter plopped Eiji down onto the couch with a playful wink, settling beside him.
“What’s going on? Why is Ibe-san here?” Eiji was pretty sure Ibe had turned down Christmas with them in favor of Christmas with Max and Jessica in sunny California, claiming he wanted a break from all the snow and ice.
“Just relax, Eiji.” Shorter slung his arm around Eiji’s shoulders, more to keep him in place than to reassure him. “Ash will be out in a second, we were almost done before you barged in.”
True to his word, Ash emerged from the kitchen a couple seconds later with a frustrated look on his face. Shorter took his leave, giving Ash a quick pat on the shoulder for encouragement before he joined Ibe in the clinking of dishes in the kitchen.
“Ash?” Eiji reached for Ash’s hands to pull him onto the couch, surprised to find small raised patches of skin covering both, glowing red and hot to the touch. He gave Ash a worried look, but Ash only sighed.
“I burnt myself a couple times.” Ash’s cheeks grew red with embarrassment, and he tried to pull his hands away. Eiji wouldn’t let him, finding each burn and pressing a gentle kiss to it, trying to remember if they had anything in the first aid kit that might help.
“I got worried when you weren’t there when I woke up.” Eiji admitted, lacing his fingers between Ash’s, avoiding touching the burns as best as he could.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take so long.” The frustration dropped from Ash’s face, replaced with a soft and understanding look. “I wanted to surprise you with a traditional Japanese breakfast with Ibe. And Shorter, but I’m not really sure how he got here.” Eiji laughed, relieved that Ash wasn’t too upset to make jokes about the situation.
“If it helps, I am very surprised.” Eiji honestly said. “I never thought you would willingly make Natto.” He teased, letting go of one of Ash’s hands to gently poke Ash in the stomach.
“Oh, the things I do for love.” Ash dramatically said, collapsing against the back of the couch.
“Yeah, the things you do for me.” Eiji pressed a gentle kiss to Ash’s mouth, reveling in the warmth he had sought out finally being in his reach. “I love you, Ash.”
“I love you to, even if you spoil my surprises.” Ash kissed Eiji’s cheek before pushing himself off the couch, easily tugging Eiji up with him. He turned, wrapping his arms around Eiji’s shoulders and pulling him close to his chest. “We should go before Shorter gets too impatient and eats everything.”
“You know we can still hear you!” Shorter called from the kitchen. Eiji giggled, feeling the low rumble of laughter blossoming in Ash’s chest.
“Merry Christmas, Ash.” Eiji quietly said, resting his cheek against Ash’s chest. He could hear his heartbeat, the heart Ash said beat only for him.
“Merry Christmas, Eiji.”
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libidomechanica · 2 years
A moment
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0 notes
The Christmas Song by Ella Fitzgerald
A/N: Yaaayy!  The start of my writing spree and the Christmas season!  I’m so excited!  I doubt all of the fics will be this long or include the entire song, but, I might as well start off strong.
Steve Rogers x reader
Word count: 785
Summary: Christmas time is one of the warmest and happy times in the Rogers household.
Warnings: none
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Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos…
Brooklyn, New York was often freezing cold during the winter.  But that ever mattered, mainly because you had a cuddly Super Soldier who was basically like a walking furnace.  And that’s where you currently were, cuddled up on the couch with Steve.  You were both wrapped up in blankets on the couch in front of the fire, watching the heavy snow fall outside.  
On the fire was a tin pan full of popping popcorn seeds.  You had found this fun popcorn-pan thing at the convenient store earlier that day and wanted to try it out.  Steve decided some hot coffee was in order since it was only twenty degrees above zero.
Everybody knows
A turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
Tiny tots, with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight.
Christmas was one of Steve’s favorite times of the year.  I mean, who didn’t like Christmas at least a little?  You’d think that a kid raised by a single mom during the Great Depression would have a bitterness towards the holidays.  But not Steve.  Then again, Steve was not typically one to latch onto bitterness, especially not when Christmas harbored some of his most cherished memories from childhood.
Steve would often tell you about how Buck and his mom, Winifred, would come over with a tree for them to decorate together in the Rogers’ small apartment.  He told you how the tree would take up a fourth of the living room and it was always kept by the fireplace.
A lot of times, Sarah, Steve’s mom, would be invited to the Barnes residence for a nice dinner.  Mrs. Barnes thought that no one should have go without a warm, home-cooked meal on Christmas, especially not their friends.  The generous invitation was always accepted.  Steve knew, even back then, that his mom had a special friendship with Mrs. Barnes, just like he did with Bucky.
They know that Santa’s on his way
He’s loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
And every mother’s child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really know how to fly
Steve also told you about how, as a little kid, he believed in Santa wholeheartedly!  It was cute to think about a little Stevie, no older than five, with his two front teeth missing, setting out cookies and milk for Santa Claus.  You remember Steve’s story about how he found out Santa wasn’t real…
As kids, Bucky would often sleep over at the Rogers’ on Christmas Eve, so Steve had a companion his age on the holiday.  Steve had set up the cookies by the tree for Santa and was cuddled up in a bunch of blankets on the floor with Bucky.
But, a few hours later, in the wee hours of the morning, Steve woke up to the sound of loud crunching.  He opened his eyes to see Bucky eating the cookies.  Bucky tried to explain himself, but Steve wasn’t mad. Instead, Steve sat down and ate the cookies with Bucky, staying up way past their bedtime.
And so I’m offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although it’s been said many times many ways
Merry Christmas to you
Even though Steve was a grown-ass man, he still left cookies and milk out, just so you and him, and sometimes Bucky could eat them at midnight when no one came.  And because Steve was a grown-ass man with his own job and his own house, he always invited his neighbors over for Christmas Eve dinner, because he wanted them to have a warm, home cooked meal too.
“Everyone deserves a good meal,” he would always say, as he made monstrous amounts of food in the Stark Tower kitchen with Wanda and Bruce.  “Especially on Christmas,” he said as he handed containers of hot meals and fresh water to the homeless people on the street.
It was always so heartwarming to see what charitable work he decided to do on Christmas.  Sometimes he would visit children in the hospital, sometimes he would send hundreds of care packages to soldiers serving overseas, and other times he would buy, what seemed like an entire toy store, to donate to toy drives.
 You were brought out of your whimsical daze as you heard your phone buzz for an alarm.  You checked the clock to see it was midnight.  “Stevie, it’s midnight!  Time to eat the cookies!”.
@paranoid-borderline-insane @buckyshattergirl @bitchy-tacos @httpmcrvel
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sapphire-scorpion · 7 years
A Noble Steed || a seungcheol x joshua fanfic
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Merry Christmas @cheolshu from your secret santa!! Here’s some cheolsoo as your Christmas gift and I really hope that you like it!! :") 
here’s the song I quoted in the fic
“Well, I guess we’re stuck together for the time being,” Joshua chuckled.
Seungcheol grimaced. Lifting his gaze to the waiting line, their group of monkey friends wouldn’t be out until at least 2 hours later. Honestly, however, he’d rather spend 2 hours outside staring at the passers-by than puking his insides out. He didn’t regret his decision. “High speed turbulent roller coasters that include sudden and dramatic acceleration, climbing, lifting and dropping”? Seungcheol shuddered. No thank you. Hel tugged one hand out of his pocket to lightly wave at his friends inside.  
“Stay safe,” he shouted, then watched as his friends bounce to join the crawl.
Seungcheol pursed his lips and scuffled his sneakers against the pavewalk. So, it was now just him and Joshua…
He still remembers their first meeting – Seungcheol a freshman, shy yet eager and wandering through the humongous doors of his college. Joshua had been the resident “kind senior” then, and he always had flocks of girls surrounding him wherever he went. It had always baffled Seungcheol, his popularity, given that Joshua hadn’t been the student council president or some jock who spent his life in the court and all, so Seungcheol had only kept this distance to watch him from afar - that was until their social circles merged just recently.
Thinking about it, however, Joshua was undeniably attractive. He had soft wisps of caramel hair that swept past his ear and caressed his jaw, crystal clear eyes that were brown yet tinged with a gentle shade of gold, and chubby cheeks already carving itself into the sharp edges that made him so graceful, so ethereal.  Seungcheol remembered looking down at himself and sighing. Lanky build, eyes too puffy for his own good, and hair that was too frizzy especially obvious with that blonde bowl cut he was sporting. Glad that all those were history now that puberty kicked in. Despite that, as he glanced nervously towards Joshua’s direction again, Seungcheol still scowled. How was he going to spend two hours with the Untouchable God Joshua in a theme park alone - nevertheless even with Christmas lights twinkling in the fiery red skies of dusk, couples canoodling on the streets, and jingle bells jingling throughout the park alongside the chime of the children’s laughter? Seungcheol sighed. He hadn’t prepared himself for this.  
On the other hand, Joshua curled his lips into a smile.
“So,” Joshua started, “Seungcheol?”  
Seungcheol whipped his head up. Joshua chuckled again.
“You wanna just go to the meet-up place early?” he asked, and Seungcheol couldn’t help but to stare on with wide eyes as Joshua tugged the ends of his lips into that goddamn charming smile again. He sighed. This was going to be a long 2 hours.
Shrugging, Seungcheol let out a few nervous laughs and rubbed his nape. “Yeah, I think that’s cool!” Joshua hummed. Gaze flitting, Seungcheol then gestured towards the exit albeit a little wildly, grinning to mask his bewilderment. Again, Joshua merely nodded in acknowledgment, then moved to walk beside Seungcheol with a gentle smile.  
Seungcheol was not prepared for this.
Repeat, he was not prepared for this.
To have just the both of them strolling on the now deserted streets at almost sundown? Nope. To have his phone run out of credit so he had no social media to distract him from this awkwardness? Double nope. For both of them to be such awkward conversationalists? Triple nope. Seungcheol was keeping track – as of now, the only lines that have been exchanged between them ranged between “Sure is a nice day for a hanging out”, “Would you like some candy”, and “Do you think aliens are real”. He shook his head in despair. Mumbling under his breath, Seungcheol threw his head back desperately as he sped up his footsteps. The faster he exited the theme park, the faster he’ll get to the coffee shop and get free Wi-Fi, and the faster he’ll be able to use that as a distraction from this sticky situation and Joshua’s pretty face.
The one thing Seungcheol was prepared for, then, was the sudden rain. It was the dry season – if it was going to rain this late into the day, furthermore, this rain was going to come fast. Hard. Already sticking a hand deep into his backpack at the first droplet of rain on his arm, he fumbled around for an umbrella as he chanced a glance at Joshua.  
“Joshua?” Seungcheol waved a hand in front of Joshua’s dazed face. “Are you okay?” he asked, then finally yanking his umbrella out of his backpack with a huge satisfied grin and a loud “ah-ha!”.
Joshua snapped out his daze. “I, uh,” he stammered, looking around helplessly, “I realised that I left my umbrella at home.”
Seungcheol paused.  “Do you–” he gestured wildly– “are you–” he continued, pursing his lips as he frantically searched Joshua’s eyes– “perhaps you could share my umbrella…?” he trailed off, raising the umbrella in suggestion and flashing a weak smile.
Joshua stared at him. “Can I?”
“Of course you can!” Seungcheol replied, his face splitting into a grin. He then hurried to open the umbrella to shield them both, though the mini portable umbrella could barely shield them both from the increasingly intense rainfall.
Under the small, grey umbrella, Joshua and Seungcheol were huddled close together in the streets, listening on silently as “Jingle Bells” repeatedly chimed through the theme park. Under the small, grey umbrella, Seungcheol stared on as raindrops clung onto Joshua’s eyelashes. Under the small, grey umbrella, Joshua stared on as Seungcheol’s lashes fluttered in the light of the Christmas street lights overhead, casting a shadow down onto his dimpled cheek and light smile.  
If the quiet walk down the streets at sundown earlier was “weirdly pink and intimate”, this silent walk punctuated by the heavy downpour would be a burst of violent colours on the previously blank canvas of their blooming relationship.  
But the rain was getting progressively harder, and soon Seungcheol suggested that they made a run for the exit.
“3, 2, 1 – go!” he shouted, throwing a hand over Joshua’s shoulder to pull him in closer under the umbrella as they took off. The winds were howling, trees rustling violently, and Joshua would be shy about Seungcheol action if their umbrella didn’t give up on them in that instant and flipped inside out.
Seungcheol gasped as he lifted his head. “Oh, shucks!”
“Here!” Joshua yelled, yanking Seungcheol into the nearest indoor attraction. Rain-ridden, hair ruffled and hopelessly flustered – in what seemed like a theatre about to host a live show.
After a while, the thick red velvet curtains soon drew back to reveal a screen. The many questions they both had were soon answered.
“Now, would you all just put your hands together-” the entering host squealed, “for our resident stallion- “cue the crowd hollering- “Shrek’s noble steed, one so honoured to be gracing our Knight Club tonight, Donkey!”  
The crowd went wild, and the theatre was soon plunged into darkness.
Seungcheol and Joshua shared an amused glance. Shrek?  
Wo! I feel good!
Joshua smirked, then started bobbing his head to the funky beat.
I knew that I would now
Closing his eyes, Seungcheol snapped his fingers along.
I feel good
They looked over at each other.
I knew that I would now
They both shared a knowing glance.
“So good,” Seungcheol grinned cheesily.
“So good,” Joshua shot finger guns at Seungcheol.
“I got you,” chorused them both with the saxophone riff.
Wo! I feel nice, like sugar and spice I feel nice, like sugar and spice
Seungcheol stole a glance in Joshua’s direction. He raised an eyebrow in amusement. Joshua was clearly feeling the beat, closing his eyes to groove along.  
When I hold you in my arms I know that I can do no wrong And when I hold you in my arms My love won’t do you no harm
They were both enjoying themselves.
So nice, so nice, I got you
“Come on everybody stand up!” squealed the host.  Joshua bobbed his head along to the beat, getting onto his feet.
“This saxophone solo is sick, yo,” he grinned, mirroring Seungcheol’s expression. Mischief glinting in his eyes, the edges of his mouth upturned, Joshua was clapping along enthusiastically, infecting Seungcheol with his groove.  
When I hold you in my arms I know that I can do no wrong And when I hold you in my arms My love won’t do you no harm
“And I feel nice!” Seungcheol screeched along, bending over.
like sugar and spice
“Like sugar and spice!” He echoed.
I feel nice, like sugar and spice So nice, so nice, I got you
Dash. In a flash, Seungcheol leapt out of his seat past Joshua into the spotlight. 
When I hold you in my arms I know that I can’t do no wrong And when I hold you in my arms My love can’t do me no harm
Joshua’s jaw fell at how Seungcheol took over the attention seamlessly.  
“Shake shake, shake, shake your hips,” he hollered, “flail your arms, yeah!”
Wo! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
“Disco dance!” Joshua yelled.
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!”
“So nice, so nice, I got you~” The whole crowd sang along.
“Yeah!” the whole crowd cheered as the song came to an end.  
Seungcheol’s cheeks coloured a deep red once he came back to his senses. Embarrassed, the blush crept until his neck, and Joshua laughed at the cute sight. Grinning widely, Seungcheol covered his face with both his hands and wobbled his way back to Joshua, stepping out of the spotlight.
Not that Donkey let him.
“Why, young man, what’s your name?” Donkey smirked, the host ushering Seungcheol back into the spotlight.
“Seungcheol,” he mumbled, shyly fumbling with the microphone.
“Seungcheol, huh,” Donkey chuckled, “Nice moves. Curious though, who’s that gentleman right beside you?”
Seungcheol stole a glance in Joshua’s direction. “His name is Joshua,” he answered, his lips involuntarily tugging into a smile.
“He seemed to be enjoying himself an awful much during your performance!” Donkey commented. Seungcheol rubbed his nape shyly.
“And your relationship with him?” Donkey wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Boyfriends? Husbands?”
“No! No, no, we’re just friends,” Seungcheol blurted out, crinkling his eyes as his cheeky grin grew further, and felt the red on his cheeks darkening.
“Just boyfriends? Not husbands?” Donkey gasped. “Unbelievable! Why, then,” Donkey smirked.
“I’m going to marry you in front of the whole crowd tonight!”
Seungcheol gaped in disbelief. Marry? Joshua? His eyes widened comically. Shocked, he then chanced a glance at Joshua, who was also stunned wide-eyed. His eyes fluttered around the room nervously, his Adam apple bobbing up and down, and he darted out his tongue a few times to wet his suddenly chapped lips.  
Donkey interrupted all possible trains of thought. “Now, now, Kosh? Josh? Whatever. The gentleman over there with the sleek cross piercing on his helix that I can’t stop staring at, get down on one knee!”
Seungcheol was so sure Joshua was going to just laugh it off. Wasn’t that supposed to be the normal reaction? For people put in this situation to just continue refusing and laughing until the host couldn’t push them to do it anymore?  
Then can someone explain why Joshua was getting down on one knee in front of him right now?  
Seungcheol’s eyes couldn’t possibly widen any further. His heart was hammering in his chest, his long eyelashes fluttering rapidly, and he couldn’t stop the wide grin splitting across his face. Joshua, however, suddenly looked calm – nonchalant even – as compared to his previous apprehension. Seungcheol couldn’t comprehend neither this unexpected situation, nor what he was feeling.
“Now, let’s start with Joshua,” Donkey coughed.
“Joshua,” Donkey started, as the whole crowd held their breaths, “do you take Seungcheol here,” Donkey cleared his throat, “as your husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse-” Donkey paused, thinking- “as long as he stops bringing you to embarrassing shows like this one?”
The crowd burst out into laughter. However, as Seungcheol looked down at the kneeling Joshua with an amused expression, Joshua stared right into Seungcheol’s eyes with fervour.
“I do,” Joshua said, his voice as firm as ever.
The crowd gasped. Donkey smirked triumphantly.  
“Seungcheol,” he then turned towards him, “do you take Joshua here as your husband, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for richer, for poorer, as long as he gives you full control over his finances?”
The crowd giggled at this again. This time around, Joshua’s intense gaze was in turn laced with one of mild amusement, and proceeded to whip out a 10-dollar bill to offer it to Seungcheol. Pleasantly entertained, Seungcheol giggled a little at Joshua’s sense of humour, covering his mouth with his fist shyly.
“Maybe?” Seungcheol answered, then took a breath to calm his overjoyed self just to end up bursting into giggles again.
The crowd whooped in excitement. Seungcheol’s eyes crinkled into a puffy slit, Joshua’s creased into crescents, and their laughter joined those of the crowd cheering them on, congratulating them. Bashful, the both of them then sported matching blushes as they soon sat back down and continued watching as Donkey teased another child. Occasionally, Seungcheol caught Joshua stealing glances in his direction, and Joshua felt an intense gaze boring into the left side of his face at times. On the outside, they both looked fairly relaxed, looking as if they put that proposal behind them already, but only they themselves knew that that was going to be a memory that would cross their minds ever so often.
It was never spoken of ever again, however. Not even to their friends, as soon as they got out of the roller coaster and started gushing over the adrenaline rush they felt and how much Joshua and Seungcheol missed just by opting out of the ride.  
And although they didn’t look at each other in that moment, they simultaneously shared a smile and didn’t comment on that statement. From then on, they were both closer friends, but it was really as if that proposal hadn’t happened and that they just had perfectly normal bonding time during the two hours they were left alone together.
Until a few years later.
“Hey, since you’re technically my husband now, wanna actually go on a date?”
They were in the train commuting back home, and Joshua was staring at the Christmas lights zooming past the train window when lolled his head to the side to look at Seungcheol.  
Lazily curling his lips up into a smile, Joshua chuckled. “Hey, doesn’t this remind you of that time I proposed to you in the theme park?”
Seungcheol grinned cheekily. “What, these lights?” he asked, turning his head around to stare at the street decorations outside. He nodded, agreeing. “It does, actually,” Seungcheol said, turning back around to cast a fond gaze at Joshua. “And to think that the both of us got this far along still amazes me,” Seungcheol laughed.
“Still can’t believe you actually whipped out 10 dollars in front of everyone though,” he added. Joshua burst into a fit of hearty laughter.
“Well,” Joshua wiggled his eyebrows playfully, “at least we followed that 10-dollar bill up with this,” he beamed, flashing the engagement ring in the train’s compartment light as the both of them shared a knowing look. Unconsciously, the both of them then crinkled their eyes in joy as they stared down at their occupied fingers. Damn.
The train whirred past sceneries. Eyes sparkling, Seungcheol then nudged Joshua gently.
“Come here,” he purred, spreading his arms out as wide as he could in the jam-packed train. Joshua hummed. Spreading his arms open too, Joshua then wound his arms around Seungcheol tightly, burying his face into Seungcheol’s neck and inhaling his scent of pine wood and maple leaves. He sighed contently.
“I guess you could say that I scored myself a noble steed then,” Seungcheol murmured, nuzzling his face into Joshua’s soft chestnut hair. 10 years have passed, but he’s still the same Joshua as before. Exactly this hair colour, this laugh, this smile, this pair of eyes. Seungcheol pulled back a little, grinning at Joshua. Holding each other’s gazes, they were oblivious to anything and everything around them, and that was the most beautiful thing in the world – having each other as the only apple of their eyes and nothing else.
When I hold you in my arms I know that I can’t do no wrong And when I hold you in my arms My love can’t do me no harm
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surfingthesealand · 7 years
Vancouver & Victoria’s Christmas Date: Chapter 3
Vancouver and Victoria stepped inside a warm and comfy log cabin out of the biting winter cold, doubling up as a hot dog shack. They made their space in a corner decked with plump ruby red-leather sofas and armchairs, and embellished with fluffy down cushions of various shades of red from dark to light.
“Hot dog, Van?” Victoria asked her peckish boyfriend.
“Yeah.” Vancouver nodded, breathing hot air into the palms of his gloves.
Victoria approached the queue, but quickly turned back to him. “What sauce do you want?”
“Alright, two hot dogs coming up.”
Vancouver stuffed a cushion under the seat of his insulated trousers and behind his back for extra comfort. He slipped off his gloves, fetched his phone from his jean pocket and began tapping away at the screen, checking up on his social profiles.
“Could I have two hot dogs, please? And put tomato sauce on my boyfriend’s. He’s over there.”
“Right on.”
The cook squirted a thin, wavy bright red squiggle of ketchup onto Vancouver’s hot dog. Victoria shovelled the dogs off the counter in the cups of her gloves and lay them down on the table.
“My favourite.” Vancouver stowed his phone away and hastily snapped up his saucy dog. “But it needs a bit more ketchup.”
He grabbed the bottle of ketchup from the centre of the table, squeezing it just a little too much. A jet of ketchup splattered against the front of his shirt, and he gasped with shock.
“Oops.” Vancouver flushed almost the same shade of scarlet as the ketchup on his shirt. Victoria tut-tutted and handed him a tissue.
“Eh, it’s red. It won’t show up on my shirt, honest.” Vancouver grinned awkwardly, scrubbing the stray ketchup off.
“Vancouver, don’t rush things so much,” Victoria admonished him, then she smiled. “Alright, time to get eating.”
Vancouver carefully shot some more ketchup out onto his dog, and blissfully chomped down one tomato-flavoured and meaty bite at a time. Victoria kept it simple, eating her dog fresh and ungarnished from the fryer. Vancouver reached down to his lap and swept off some wandering breadcrumbs with the side of his glove.
“Vancouver, are you itching down there?” Victoria looked a little suspicious at her boyfriend.
“No.” Vancouver innocently tilted his head aside, blinking in a gaze.
“Vancouver…” Victoria turned to the other diners. “He’s crazy, my boyfriend is. You wouldn’t understand unless you get to know him.” She gave them a little wink.
Vancouver gobbled up the last morsel of dog, wiping the ketchup around his mouth with the dab of his tissue.
“Let’s go get a hot drink to warm our mouths and hearts,” Victoria suggested as she picked up the empty holders and tidied them away in the bin.
“Always love cocoa on a cold winter’s day – or night.” Vancouver noticed the aquamarine sky rippled with cloudy streaks of amethyst, cinnabar and amber, despite it being only one in the afternoon.
“I’d like marshmallows and whipped cream in mine.”
Vancouver cupped his deluxe hot cocoa in his gloves, the heat radiating through the wool insulating his hands. The barista sprinkled in some mini pink and white marshmallows, finishing off with a spray of whipped cream on top. Victoria took a small sip of her vanilla cocoa, linking her arm around her boyfriend’s as they strolled towards the market.
“Ooh, better lap up the cream quick, or it’s gonna melt.” Vancouver rather noisily licked the mountain of cream off the top of his cocoa, getting some of it on the tip of his nose and around the corners of his mouth.
“Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver.” Victoria had kept a spare tissue from the hot dog shack for times like this. She dabbed at Vancouver’s face to wipe the dashes of cream off. “This is a date, remember?”
“Well, it’s not really a formal date, is it? We’re just out here to enjoy the festivities.”
Vancouver sniffed out something roasted, meaty and gamey in the frosty air, distracting him. “Speaking of which…”
“Turkey tonight,” Victoria smiled.
She and Vancouver both sipped on their cups of cocoa, making the first step into the market. Ruby and emerald baubles decked every one of the many stalls, with aromatic wreaths of holly, rosemary and cinnamon gracing the roofs. The holiday scents of turkey, mulled wine, Christmas pudding, orange with cloves and mince pies all blended together into one conglomerated perfume of the festive season.
“Hello Victoria!” Kitchener’s delightful voice came from the turkey stall.
“Oh, hello Kitchener.” Vancouver stirred around, his cocoa almost spilling over the brim.
“These turkeys are freshly roasted, so it’ll save on all that hard work in the kitchen – and you’ll get to spend more of Christmas with your loved ones.”
Kitchener slipped on his heatproof gloves and slid a tanned turkey out of the oven, sprinkling some sprigs of rosemary over it. Vancouver came closer, the rosemary fragrance flowing over his scalp and relaxing him. He took a deep sniff.
“Man, I love herbs… Especially rosemary and mint.”
“Oh, the stuffing’s got a hint of mint in it, actually. Gives it a bit of flavour.”
Kitchener rolled some fresh mint leaves into some balls of onion and sage stuffing. He caught a slight whiff of tomato from Vancouver.
“But I didn’t add any tomatoes.”
Victoria also approached the counter. “My silly boyfriend splattered himself with ketchup. He cleaned it off, but now he’s going to smell of tomato for as long as he’s wearing that shirt,” she giggled.
“I told you, it’s red, so it doesn’t show up.” Vancouver tugged down the front of his shirt slightly in front of Kitchener, patting the back of his head sheepishly.
“Well, get yourself a freshly-roasted, lovely juicy turkey for tonight, and a stain on your Christmas sweater will be the only thing you’ll have to worry about,” encouraged Kitchener.
Victoria picked up the turkey which was bronzed the deepest shade of tan. “What will you take for this one?”
“Ten dollars. Great deal, isn’t it?”
Victoria handed him a note, and he ripped off a sheet of tinfoil just wide enough to wrap around the whole turkey. It felt pleasantly toasty in Victoria’s cupped hands, and she stuffed it into a weaved seagrass basket. Vancouver placed his cold face close to the turkey to warm his cheeks.
“Not too close, Van, you’ll burn your face.”
“Let him, he’s your boyfriend after all,” laughed Kitchener. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas to you too,” said Victoria, and she and Vancouver set off deeper into the market. They skimmed each one of the stalls, testing out the festive wares and eats with their gloved fingers. Vancouver stopped by a stall selling homemade mince pies by the masses, sniffing out the buttery shortbread pastry and orange-infused mincemeat mixture.
“Don’t get a whole dozen, Vancouver. There’s only two of us.”
“But we gotta keep some for Santa too, right?” Vancouver picked up a mince pie, trying to resist munching it down.
“And his reindeer.”
Victoria gave in to Vancouver’s insistence, buying a whole box of mince pies. He tried to tear the flaps open to pilfer one, but Victoria gave him a light slap on the hand, shaking her head jadedly.
A scent even stronger than the fruity mincemeat tickled Vancouver’s nose. He could catch faint notes of pine, cinnamon and apple, those classic Christmas fragrances. He jerked slightly onto Victoria’s scarf trail, dazed by the aroma.
Victoria felt herself being hauled along with her boyfriend.
“Don’t pull so hard, my scarf’s going to loosen itself.”
Vancouver slunk by the candle stall, his eyes gazing upon the stacks of candles in holly green, berry red and snowy white. The scents strengthened inside his nose, letting go of Victoria’s scarf as he inhaled a deep sniff.
“Candles? How romantic.”
Victoria picked up a few samples of each of the varieties of candle, glancing at the labels. Vancouver studied the candles more closely, sniffing each one. From the green, he picked up on the earthy yet lush hints of a fresh Christmas tree. The red emanated a delicious perfume of apple and cinnamon, while the white imparted a silky vanilla tone.
“Ooh, sniff these,” he told Victoria, and she also sniffed each of the candles.
“Don’t mind a couple to light up our Christmas dinner.”
Vancouver selected one out of both the apple and vanilla candles, which Victoria promptly purchased.
“This’ll be enough for today, okay? We’ve got everything else back home.”
He glimpsed up to the sky, which was now dimming to dark sapphire marbled with jasper. “We’ve got a little more time to enjoy the fairground rides before the early sunset.”
Vancouver and Victoria were secured into their seats on the spinning chairs. Vancouver, with his head down, rattled the chain and brushed his feet back and forth against the ground, as if in apprehension over how high they would be towed up.
“Vancouver, it’ll only go up a few inches. No need to worry about heights this time,” Victoria assured him.
“But I’ve just eaten, and I might get dizzy again.” Vancouver felt a little sweaty despite the December cold.
“Remember what I told you – don’t focus on the motion of the ride.”
A small metallic clunk and whirr sent the chairs onto their cycle of spins. Vancouver grasped onto the chains.
“Vancouver, your arm’s on my head!”
“Sorry, I just need to hold on to something.”
“Well, hold onto your chain and not mine.”
Victoria gently coaxed Vancouver’s hand off. With each revolution, the chairs lifted themselves slightly off the ground until everybody’s feet were airborne enough to wave around freely. Vancouver’s stomach dipped, and he could still taste the ketchup-flavoured pork sausage from his hot dog inside.
“I can feel my lunch coming up.”
“Close your eyes, Vancouver.”
Vancouver slowly closed his eyes and tried hard to hone his focus onto the blackness instead of the whirling of the chairs. He inhaled short but deep breaths to calm his racing heart, inclining his head up to the sky.
“Good boy.”
Vancouver’s mindfulness seemed to be doing the trick. His stomach eased, and the warm sweat on his bared flesh dried up. He blinked his eyes open for a short moment to see that they weren’t really that high above the ground, just a few centimetres above it.
“I think I feel better now,” Vancouver smiled to his girlfriend.
“See, it works when you stay calm,” Victoria smiled too.
“That went by quickly,” remarked Vancouver.
“You had your eyes closed pretty much the entire time,” giggled Victoria. “So I guess you’re a bit more confident with riding high now.”
“Emphasis on ‘a bit’…” Vancouver chuckled rather tensely. He glanced towards the sky, now midnight blue with an aura of azure. “I think we can do a couple more rides before it gets completely dark.”
“The city looks a whole lot more spectacular at night, doesn’t it?” Victoria commented on the thousands of emerald, amber and ruby lights of the blackened skyline while she and Vancouver waited their turn for the helter-skelter.
“Guess so.” Vancouver’s heart was tickling a little due to the height.
The attendant beckoned Victoria on, and she sat at the peak on top of a bristly mat. Vancouver stared down the length of the slide as his girlfriend rode downwards, spiralling around the centre pillar and cheering the whole way.
“I’m coming, Vic!” he called after her, swiping a mat and pushing himself down. He slid so fast that he bumped into her while she was still at the end.
“Vancouver, you should’ve waited your turn so I could get out of the way on time!” she reprimanded him.
“Well, sorry, I was thinking too fast…” Vancouver palmed the back of his head apologetically.
“Oh, you foolish boy. Let’s go down the slide again, and this time you wait.”
The couple retrieved both of their mats and re-ascended the steps, where they were quicker for their second descent. Victoria sat back down on the summit, holding a stretched-out palm to Vancouver to stop him rushing, and promptly glided down the helter-skelter without a hitch. Vancouver waited a moment for her to move out of the way, and he pushed himself again. Halfway down the slide, he came to a sudden stop.
“Oh, uh… I seem to have hit a sticky spot…” he giggled nervously, tossing back to the bemused riders back at the top. “Eh, don’t worry, I’ll just get myself going again.”
Vancouver budged himself from side to side to get himself unstuck, but he misjudged a tiny manoeuvre and ended up slipping down the slide headfirst, clutching onto tiny straws off his mat and hollering out. Victoria flipped around and gasped in shock as he shuttled down the rest of the slide and landed facedown in the crisp crystalline snow, shovelling it aside.
“Vancouver! Look at you, you’ve got snow on your scalp!” she exclaimed, lugging him up off the snow and dusting him off with the palm of her glove.
“Well, at least it’s not dandruff,” Vancouver tittered, shaking his whole body vigorously to get rid of the snow Victoria hadn’t brushed off.
Victoria mollified herself. “So since you were so calm on the spinning chairs, and the city’s much more beautiful at night, shall we ride the Ferris wheel again?”
Vancouver’s dark hazel irises dilated, but he remembered his relaxing technique. “Alright.”
Vancouver and Victoria clambered back into the carriage on the Ferris wheel they rode in the last time.
“So just keep calm this time and you’ll be okay,” Victoria reassured Vancouver. “And you’ll also get to see all the lights of the city.”
Vancouver restarted his sequence of inhaling and exhaling deep breaths while Victoria held tightly on to his hand. The wheel once again ground itself into action, and Vancouver’s breathing deepened. Even while trying to relax himself, his legs trembled on their own instinct.
“Keep still, Van.”
Vancouver fought against the tremors in his legs as he continued breathing in and out.
“Come on, look at the lights.”
The carriage swung across the peak, and Vancouver managed to keep his eyes open just in time to see the amazing display of rainbow lights amongst the midnight-blue winter sky and the white sprinkles of snowflakes.
“Isn’t it magical?” Victoria’s eyes widened in admiration at the scene.
Vancouver’s heart leapt, not out of anxiety, but out of awe. “It sure is.”
“Home now, Van? I don’t want this turkey to get cold.”
“Yeah. It’s cold, anyway. Our house is warm.”
Vancouver and Victoria, hand in hand, made their way out of the fair, being careful to not get swallowed up by the crowd. They returned to the spot where they’d arrived that morning, but switched to the opposite side so as to go home. As before, they huddled up to each other for extra body warmth. Vancouver tucked his head into Victoria’s chest to prevent another mildly embarrassing episode of snowflakes on his scalp being mistaken for dandruff.
The bus came quicker this time around, as if the driver was concerned about all the people waiting out in the bitter chill. Vancouver and Victoria were first on board, taking up a couple of seats at the very back for maximum heat and comfort.
Feeling a little heavy-eyed, Vancouver rested his head upon Victoria’s shoulder, his eyelids slowly shuttering. He slept deeply for the entire journey home, hazy apparitions of rainbow Christmas lights dancing in the darkness behind his closed eyes.
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aab0289 · 7 years
12 Days of RWBY. Part 3.
Ruby: On the twelfth day of Christmas my bestie gave to me,
Twelve Dust crates, (Roman & Neo smile with candy canes, though Neo holds a sign that reads: not stolen I swear, as she winks with fingers crossed.),
Eleven puns for smirking, (Yang is gaged by Blake as she’s trying to say another Hanukkah pun.),
Ten espresso shots, (Ren sighs as he helps up Nora who’s snoring.),
Nine Faunus’ leaping, (Velvet and Sun collide with their weapons and cause the Albain brothers, Tyrion, Ghira, Kali, Tukson & Neon to collapse.),
Eight shippings for Blake, (Yang, Weiss, Ruby, Sun, Ilia, Neptune & Jaune are running away from Adam with his sword.),
Seven superheroes saving, (Pyrrha saves Huntsman from falling, shes in a matching costume to Jaune.),
Six spectres spooking, (Floyd and the other Geist Grimm scream as Nora appears.),
Five Professors drinking, (Qrow collapses, sending his drink flying while Oobleck, Port, Ironwood & Goodwitch are all already passed out.),
Four feuding maidens, (Vernal & Cinder are the only two left standing, with Winter maiden & Summer maiden dazed from exhaustion.),
Three Schnee Siblings sneering, (Weiss: Hey!),
Two witches scheming, (Salem & Cinder are gasping for air from so much cackling.),
& a Zwei in a parcel for ME! (Ruby gives Zwei a cuddle.)
Ruby: (loud & merry) Thank you everyone! We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year from our families to yours. Goodnight everybody!
(Thank you for reading, I hoped you enjoyed this Rwby take on a holiday classic.)
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Merry Daze Day everybody, stay safe! (Post this on 8/15 if possible, please!) (#kageprokin)
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