#-and will they actually massage our shoulders for long enough for it to have any effect?''
chalk-homunculus · 1 year
My shoulders have been incredibly sore today, bad enough that I'm in pain when I move my neck. I would do almost anything for someone to actually properly massage our shoulders/neck/upper back for as long as it takes to fully work out every knot.
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izzystizzys · 29 days
The war doesn’t end with a bang, strictly speaking. It doesn’t even end with a political forum, or peace talks, or a slow, wheezing death of the Banking Clan’s pockets running dry, even though all of those are valid possibilities. Some more than others, Cody has to admit.
No, the war ends with an article in the Galaxy’s least reputable news source, Coruscant Rotational. Splashed on the front page for all to see is Cody’s little brother, next to the Chancellor.
“What”, says Obi-Wan, eye twitching, fingers massaging over the bridge of his nose at double their usual speed, a real sign of an impending nervous breakdown if Cody’s ever seen one, “the kriff does that even mean?!”
Rex shrugs helplessly with one shoulder, other arm raised aimlessly. “No idea, General. I only understand about half those words. Maybe we’re all having a collective stroke? Maybe Fox is having a stroke? Whatever he’s doing with his jaw in that picture can’t be healthy.”
“Well, not for the late Chancellor, anyways”, says Cody flatly, in the long-suffering tone of one who’s seen too much Jedi banthashit in too little time. He screws his eyes tightly shut, scrubbing the backs of his knuckles in hard enough to see galaxies explode. Nope, still the same words on that datapad.
“It can’t be true”, says Skywalker, who’d gone white as a shitty military-issue sheet and has been steadily pacing the room ever since the equivalent of a sonic bomb hit the room. “I mean - think about it, this could just as well be a Separatist ploy, it would play right into their hands, and Coruscant Rotational isn’t exactly the most reputable source -“
“True enough”, says Obi-Wan, thoughtfully. “They do like getting their facts mixed up. In fact, I’ve seen about six articles just this month proclaiming our dear friend Senator Amidala’s super secret pregnancy. They even falsified hospital records, can you imagine?!”
Somehow, Skywalker loses another shade of colour, gulping soundlessly, and resumes his pacing more frenetically than before. Weird guy, that.
It’s Rex who breaks the awkward stillness of the room, perking up suddenly. “Oh, I know! Why don’t we call in Commander Tano?! She’s about the right age to understand some of this dribble, right?”
“I was going to suggest calling Corrie HQ, but sure, let’s ask the teenage soldier from the space monk order who spends all her spare time hunting your legion for sport”, says Cody, dryly. Rex deflates, and Thorn’s tinny voice sounds through Cody’s comm before he can make his reply. “Marshall Commander, I assume this is about the News.” Ominous capitalisation, ooooh, mouths Rex, and receives the nearest datapad Cody can reach to the face for his troubles with a squawk. The fact that he can read that sentence off his lips means their legions have spent far too much time together, and also that Cody’s grown soft in his old age.
“Good to hear you too, Thorn, and yes, we do have some questions concerning why the kriff my vod’ika is accused of murdering the chancellor through what I can only assume is some secret Sith magic?!”
“Oh, you mean when he defeated the actual Sith on the Senate through the power of his superior mog and made the kriffer explode in a thousand wrinkly pieces? You’re welcome, by the way”, says Thorn, instead of literally anything sane.
“Commander”, begs Cody’s General, with something glistening that might actually be tears in his eyes. “Commander, please. I do not understand any of those words. I am begging you to put me out of my misery.”
PALPATINE??? SITH?????!!!, screams Skywalker in battlesign, somehow spelling out each individual question and exclamation mark.
“It’s a game we’ve started playing in the Guard, sir, to pass time on patrol”, says Thorn, sheepishly, cowed by nearly driving the High General Kenobi to tears. “We’d do stupid faces we found the holonet, and, uh - well Fox is so high on black-market morphine most of the time cause we don’t get bacta that he sleepwalks on assignment sometimes, and, uh, he started making them at the Chancellor during a holocall meeting with Count Dooku and then the Chancellor tried to electrocute him again but accidentally blew himself up-“
“Breathe, Commander”, says Obi-Wan, and then - “That is SO much information I don’t know what to do with, Force preserve me. Why is Commander Fox on black-market morphine, or sleepwalking, or making faces at-“
“He signs reports in his sleep too, sometimes”, Thorn interrupts the General. “It’s actually kind of impressive if, y’know, it didn’t make Stabby bust another capillary in pure rage.”
“Who’s Stabby?”, asks Obi-Wan, confused.
“Meeting with Count Dooku?!”, bursts out Skywalker.
“Congratulations on Amidala’s pregnancy, General Skywalker”, says Thorn, like a man who wants to see the world burn.
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exhaslo · 8 months
Corruption Ch5
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
Warning: Minors DNI, smut, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship?
Four months, eight days until D-Day
Your body was sore and exhausted. The amount of second guessing you had towards this Super Hero gig was high. This was not something you were used too. What were you thinking when you decided to fight straight up crooks on the street?
You barely survived a roach crawling in front of you. All of this crime fighting was taking a toll on your physical and mental health. You were so tired that you were worried someone would catch on. This secret life of yours needed to be worked on better.
What's worse? Actually villains are starting to pop up! Who the hell would have thought that there was a Vulture in this day and age. Nothing like the one from the great hero age, but goddamn, enough to make you want to cry.
"You look like shit," Miguel grunted as he entered your office. You replied with a whimper as you rubbed your eyes, "This is exactly why my experiments will-"
"Better humanity," You whispered, finishing his sentence. Miguel just gave you a quiet glare before taking a seat on your couch,
"You know what to do. I got knots from dealing with the idiots down in lab two."
"When am I ever going to get repaid this wonderful favor?" You asked with a tease, approaching him from behind.
"When you do as much work as me," Miguel scoffed in response.
You just chuckled weakly towards him as you massaged his shoulders. Thanks to your night life, you were too tired to argue or complain with Miguel during the day. You weren't sure if Miguel liked that or not yet.
Dozing off as you pinched Miguel's shoulders, you tried to focus on your main task. You needed to find a good time to approach Miguel as Spider Woman. You needed him to listen to you. To answer your questions.
Miguel had closed his eyes for a moment as you relaxed his tense muscles. It wasn't long for him to feel your touch soften that he regained his senses. Right as he went to complain, Miguel felt your head rest against his neck.
Confused, he glanced towards you, finding you asleep. Your breathing was soft as your hands still rested against his back. This would drive any man crazy, but not Miguel. Getting up, Miguel was careful to lay you against the couch.
"What's got her this tired?" He muttered under his breathe, "Lyla-"
"Let's see. (Y/N) recently signed up gym membership, telling her friends that she feels like she's too fat. Oh, she's also being flirted with by the new IT guy. Let's seeeee-"
"I didn't ask for all that," Miguel rolled his eyes before glancing back down at you, "If she had Spider Woman's strength, she wouldn't be this tired...but I wouldn't know that until I get a blood sample from that hero."
"Don't say that too loud or poor (Y/N) might cry in her sleep," Lyla teased as Miguel started to leave the office.
With a quick lock behind him, Miguel ignored his AI-whom was having fun with the situation. In order to stop hearing his AI, Miguel requested Lyla to set an alarm for you. Today was the day that the last prisoner was going to be tested.
Miguel needed you there.
"Oh, and Lyla, have that new IT guy join us for our experiment today. We could always use more...witnesses."
You gasped and shot up from your slumber to the sound of a roaring alarm. Attempting to calm your racing heart, you spotted Lyla in the corner of your eyes. She gave you a simple wave and informed you of Miguel's experiment that was starting soon. Your fave turned a million shades of red once you recalled what happened before you slept.
"Lyla! Is Miguel angry with me?!" You panicked, trying to fix yourself up. Lyla smiled as she appeared before you,
"Miguel can never be angry at you!"
"Trust me!"
As much as you wanted to doubt Lyla's words, you knew that Miguel has done worse for smaller things. Perks of being his only friend here...if that was even safe to call yourselves. It were moments like these that really made you wonder what Miguel was thinking.
If he didn't like you, then what were you to him? The thoughts sometimes made you go insane. Most of the time it just led you to crying when you were alone, wishing that Miguel would just show you some affection.
Hurrying to the lab, you grabbed your tablet and readied for the notes. You could still feel your heart aching as you wondered the look Miguel was going to give you. As you arrived, you noticed a few different and new faces.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" The new IT guy waved to you.
"Oh...Hey, Aaron. Um, what are you doing here?" You asked.
"Mr. O'Hara said something about wanting to have someone ready to fix the machine if it broke down."
Ohhhhh, Miguel had something up his leave. You just gave Aaron and innocent smile since you didn't have the heart to tell him that he is being played. Though, you never took Miguel as one to hate any of the IT people. He let them work since they were the only ones aside from him who could fix his stuff.
"So, (Y/N), if it isn't too much trouble, I was wondering if I could take you out-"
"(Y/N), did you get enough rest?" Miguel hummed lowly as he approached you from behind.
You could feel your body warm up as Miguel pressed his weight against your back. This was the closest Miguel had ever been to you! Hesitating, you turned to face him, almost feeling hazy from the direct contact.
"S-Sorry, Miguel. I...I didn't mean to fall asleep," You apologized. Your breathing hitched as Miguel placed his hand against your cheek,
"It's fine. I've been working you too hard," His voice was low and sweet, turning you into putty.
Miguel hid his smirk as he watched poor little Aaron shake in anger. Oh, the joy in taking away one's love interest. It was Aaron's fault. How dare he have eyes on you. Didn't he know better? You belonged to Miguel.
Miguel was a selfish man. While he may never make a move on you, it was still fun to show off that you belonged to him. Even now, just a few sweet words of concern and a small touch of affection nearly brought you to your knees. Now, Miguel couldn't lie, that look you were giving him was tempting.
"Let's start the experiment. (Y/N), watch closely."
"Yes, Miguel," You cooed, running off to your usual spot.
Miguel chuckled darkly before he turned to face Aaron. The poor man was holding back so much.
"Aaron, thanks for coming. Do make yourself useful."
"Yes, sir."
The anger in his voice was hilarious to Miguel. Before Miguel started, he reviewed everything once more. This was the last prisoner. This one had to succeed. It just had too! Miguel was going to resort to desperate measures if nothing came out of this.
Growling in anger at the thought, Miguel told everyone to start the experiment.
If it were possible, hearts would be floating above your head. You couldn't hide your smile as you started to take notes. Perhaps Miguel did have a heart inside him! His touch was so gentle and warm. You had wanted to melt right into his palm.
Gasping lowly, you came back to your senses as the poor prisoner screamed in agony. This was cruel. Glancing at Miguel, you saw his face twist with pleasure. How could someone be so heartless? No, you had to see the light in him.
Miguel can still be saved!
"I'LL KILL YOU!" The prisoner screamed.
You shivered as you felt your spider senses go haywire. Something was wrong, but you couldn't act. Not here. After another moment, the prisoner broke free from the chains-his body now morphed into a half spider.
Eyes widening in horror, you watched as the scientists tried to restrain the prisoner. Miguel, on the other hand, was laughing. Finally, he had a success. Although, this was still far from what he was looking for. This was still far from him cloning you.
Once again, your spider senses went crazy. You returned your attention to the prisoner and gasped as he charged towards you. You needed to move, but like how you used too. You couldn't move like you do now.
This was great. Perfect even. Finally, Miguel had something successful! Although, this wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, but anything at this point is a win. Miguel could just keep testing on the prisoner to see what helped make this time different.
Hearing the pathetic attempts of his coworkers to subdue the prisoner, Miguel hissed as he had Lyla get security. Why was it so hard to find good help?
Miguel let out, yet another, sigh as he turned his attention to the feral prisoner. His brows furrowed since the idiot was charging straight towards you.
You, frozen like a deer in headlights. Miguel wasn't sure what this feeling was inside his chest, but he dashed towards you. Lord, you were dumb, but move!
"(Y/N)!" Miguel roared out.
Why wasn't he fast enough? Miguel cussed as you screamed, rolling onto the floor as the prisoner dashed into the bench you were sitting. Finally reaching you, Miguel picked you up and hurried out of the lab. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you started to sob.
"Get back here!!!" The prisoner screamed.
"Tch, worked better than I expected." Miguel hissed before coming to a halt.
His wonderful test subject had crawled on the ceiling and landed right in front of the exit. Your grip tighten around Miguel as the two of you stared at the fearsome beast before you. Unable to hide his displeasure, Miguel scoffed,
"Killing me is too dull, why don't you have some more fun with it?" He spoke to the beast.
"Oh? I'd have you strapped on that table, screaming and dying like all the others." The prisoner hissed as acid dropped from him mouth. You tugged against Miguel's lab coat,
"M-Miguel, what are-"
"Fine, but let this little lamb leave. You can kill the lot of us after," Miguel offered, placing you on your feet.
"Miguel, no-"
"Deal, but only to give her a running start. I'll devour her after I'm done with you all."
Miguel chuckled lowly before turning towards you. You trembled slightly, not wanting to let go, but Miguel gave you a push towards the door.
You nearly held you breathe as you stepped out of the lab. Once the door shut, you dashed towards the closest closet with no camera. Miguel was trusting you to get Spider Woman, that or he actually had a death wish.
Either way, he saved you....so now you were going to do the same.
"I'm coming, Miguel."
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @chaoticlovingdreamer @sukioyakio @killjoy-nightshadow @heyohalie @the-pan-liquid @bokutosprettylittlebimbo @kpopscoups17130000 @pochapo @killerwendigo @barbiecrocs @miss-galaxy-turtle @oscarissac2099 @lazy-idate @lauraolar14 @migueloharacumslut @straw-berry-ghoul @daisy-artfield @sukunash0e @undf-stuff @iamperson12280 @nightingale1011
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duskier · 10 months
This one is for my wife Mhairi @auspicioustidings <33
Fuck the rain. Fuck this whole day. And while we are at it, fuck the rain again for good measure.
You were shivering like a wet kitten right before the door, having rung the bell twice on accident from how hard you were shaking. When the door finally swung open after seconds which felt like minutes, you were greeted by the beautiful face of Laswell. She looked younger than she does at work, bundled in soft and expensive looking pajamas with her hair loose around her shoulders.
She barely looked at you for a second before she yelled behind her, "John, get the kettle on!" Turning back to you, her voice as warm and sweet as honey, "What happened to you sweetheart?"
Ushering you inside, she didn't listen to a tiny bit of your protests as she locked the door behind you and started pulling your meager layers off. Your thin jacket, your pathetic excuse of a scarf, even your top shirt as it had absolutely soaked through were tugged off and tossed to the side to dry. Next it was as if she had miracled up a towel just for you, wrapping it around your shoulders and taking the excess length of towel to shake your hair out. Her hands were gentle but sure, familiar with your every curve.
"I got your peppermint Kate, assuming that- oh, love, when did you get in? You look a mess."
Laswell turned her head to Price and shot him a glare, the look alone righting the captain's posture.
"Sorry, not what I meant to say my love! What's going on then?"
Price took up one side of you, the two working together using the towel to dab the last of the rain water soaking you away. You tried to find words, but the first few times you tried you choked on your own pitiful sadness, the emotion fighting its way up and out of you.
"Shh, you don't have to tell us now sweetheart. Let's focus on getting you warm okay? John, you have extra sweats, don't you? Run and get them."
"Yours would fit her better, Kate."
With an eyeroll, Kate gave you one last squeeze on your shoulder before she made her way upstairs. You all but fell directly into Price's arms, and he cooed at you gently as your sobs finally broke out, shaking your whole body with the force of them.
"There we go love, just let it all out. You are doing a great job." If he could feel any lingering wetness soaking into his shirt, he made no move to point it out. Only rubbed his large hands soothingly up and down your back. Price was just so big and strong, you felt yourself flagging against him.
"Kate and I are going to take care of you, okay love? You came to the absolutely right place. You don't have to tell us anything, just let us take care of our precious girl."
You jerked for a moment in surprise at feeling the warmth of Laswell at your back, her arms wrapping around to squeeze you tighter between herself and Price.
"He's right sweetheart. We are here for you." You could feel her press a kiss into your hair.
Then the tickle of Price's moustache against your forehead as he also gave you a kiss. They only let you go long enough to meekly change into the sweats Laswell gave you, and then pulled you back into a similarly warm hug. The two of them shuffled you into their living room and plopped down alongside you onto the giant couch. Price reached behind him to drape a blanket over the three of you as you threw your legs over his lap. Laswell let you rest your head back against her shoulder, her cheek soft and warm against your forehead. Everything was becoming warmer, and you felt your muscles relaxing one by one as your brain caught up with how much nicer this was than your entire day- actually, your whole week- had been.
The last little cries were slowing down and dying out in your chest, Price's strong hands giving a soft squeezing massage to your calves while Laswell ran her fingernails gently through your scalp. The repetitive, soothing massages were careening you straight from your mental breakdown to falling asleep quickly.
You tried to protest, work yourself back up to a fully seated position and head home, but neither of them would hear it and instead encouraged you to sink lower. As the world, and your shitty night, faded away from your mind you could hear Laswell and Price talking softly around you.
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Dating the main Baki cast HCs
Continuing on with these because... idk, I can't find many that I really like.
You two would probably get together sometime after Kozue has had enough with his constant putting his life on the line and in danger.
He's not a good boyfriend, but he's not a bad one either. He's really only had experience with Kozue, and even then, they weren't really together for a really long time.
He's either very present or very absent, there is no in-between. Be prepared to be put on a back burner if he wants to train to defeat a strong opponent or just because he yes he absolutely needed to spend an entire month training up in the middle of nowhere.
He does try and be present for you though, he likes to show his partner that he cares and appreciates them. A lot of making food and cuddling whenever he's not obsessively training or getting ready for a fight.
Introduce this man to ASMR and he will absolutely melt tbh, he's already super chill, ASMR would just amplify that level of chill. Once you introduce the concept of a self-care night, he'll be fully on-board.
"Hey baby, are you ready for our quiet night in? The blankets are fresh out of the dryer, they'll be nice and warm."
You two would probably get together a while after she dumps Baki because that boy gives her too much stress to date, but she can indeed keep him as a friend. Let me tell you that the relief of having someone less likely to get themselves killed by being an idiot from planet strong does wonders for this girl.
A lot of average and basic dates, but that's okay, she doesn't need anything fancy as long as you have a good time. It's about the quality with her, and some good quality time is all she needs.
Self care is really important to her, considering she spends a lot of time studying and doing extra-curricular activities (as well as worrying about Baki's dumbass), so playing with her hair during down time or even a little shoulder massage while she's studying goes a long way with her.
High-key needs someone who can reassure her that she's doing the right thing or validate her worries and not make her feel like she's crazy or over reacting about something that stresses her out.
Pamper the hell out of her, this girl deserves it. Get her some cozy pajamas and a nice fluffy blanket, drag her into bed and watch a movie or her favourite idols performing live before bed, help this girlie pop relax after a stressful week.
"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have crammed that project, I mean, it's not due for another while. Thanks for the help!"
He met you at a bar, and the man absolutely did not waste any time expressing that he was interested. Unfortunately for him, he's basically physically unable of being suave or subtle, so he absolutely fumbled the bag in the beginning.
Don't expect him to have any idea what he's doing in the beginning, he'll be awkward and confused about what he's doing with you, a lot of just straight up staring at you and than saying something that is (probably) really weird or rude. It takes a while for things to click with him, but once they do and he figures out what sort of things you like, he's actually a pretty good partner.
He's actually really sweet once he figures out what you like. Do you like quality time? Yeah, he can do quality time once in a while, just don't expect him to appreciate it if you ask him to snuggle while he's in front of his underlings. He has a reputation to uphold you know.
He absolutely loves showing off how strong he is for you. Need that jar opened? No problem, he's got it. Just make sure you have a spare container handy for whatever is inside. You want him to help you reach something? Yeah, he can do that, up you go. Anyone bugging you? Not anymore. As a matter of fact, they're never seen again, and if they are, it's definitely in worse shape then they were last.
He's theoretically a great listener, but whether or not he's actually listening to you is a 50/50, because he might just be lost in his own head. He doesn't talk a lot, but when he does speak his mind, you should probably listen, because he doesn't really confide in a lot of people.
He'll absolutely spoil you to show off, but then sometimes he'll get you small, really thoughtful gifts that he knows you'll like. Did your favourite necklace go missing? Don't worry, he's gotten it cleaned, fixed and polished, he's got it in his back pocket in a box so he can give it to you later.
"Hey, I've got somethin' for ya. Turn around and close your eyes, trust me, you'll like this one."
Honestly, you either met him while just out and about and saw him with the Shinshinkai karate boys, or you met him while you were just out and about. Either way, it's one of those situations where you wind up having no clue how you bagged this one.
He's absolutely the kind of guy to be able to charm your socks (and pants) off but he does it with pure intentions. He just wants to make sure that you know he has eyes only for you.
He absolutely uses his parent's relationship to judge if he's doing things right. Do you look at him the same way his mom looks at his dad? No? Well, looks like he needs to work harder then, because that's absolutely how he wants his pookie to look at him.
You know those giant plush teddy bears? Yeah, so does he. He would absolutely get you one. He would also crawl inside said teddy bear and surprise you, especially if you've had a rough day. So if he asks you to go grab something from the store, then be very suspicious.
Absolutely the kind of guy to cuddle you while you both sleep. He'll wake up a few minutes early just so he can spend some time cuddling you before he gets up to work out. Lots of sleepy kisses and little mumbled I love you's while he rubs your back or plays with your hair.
"Hey precious, good morning. Did you sleep okay? The sun's not up yet, we can stay in bed a little bit longer."
Honestly, you likely met him while he was out and about, likely at a restaurant or while he was at the gym, and he probably ignored you the entire time, the man is incredibly used to having to ignore people staring at him, but he's not very used to those stares being literal heart eyes.
He's oddly enough a more competent partner than Baki, but not by a lot. He'll give you attention, sure, but you aren't really a priority in his eyes, just a nice bonus that makes life more enjoyable for him. He'll at least pause his training and workouts to give you a small kiss on the forehead or to look at you while you're talking to him.
Definitely not perfect, he's a stubborn man, and while he'll usually give in to some requests of yours. He's not going to ease up on his training, and he's not going to stop taking steroids, but he will at least refrain from taking them in front of you, and he'll at least bring water with him while he trains.
Katsumi has lazy mornings, but Jack has lazy nights. After his night-time run, supper and a shower, he's perfectly happy to curl up and laze around with you until one or both of you falls asleep.
His voice gets really rumbly when he's tired or right after he's woken up, so talking to him when he's right on the cusp of sleep winds up in him mumbling back to you, not even bothering to open his eyes unless it's just stupid enough.
He's more used to violence, so gentle touches absolutely make him shiver. If you gently scratch the back of his man's neck right at the base of his skull you can knock him out in under five minutes. He can't even complain, it probably helps with his back pain, and he's not above returning the favour.
This man radiates heat too, so a movie night in bed while it's chilly out is just pure bliss with him, because he'd absolutely start tracing little shapes on your back and thighs.
"Hey darlin', c'mere, you're gonna get cold all the way over there. The bed's warm and it's gettin' kinda late."
You probably saw him doing something dumb and dangerous (cough cough standing in front of a charging bull cough cough) and he somehow managed to not die??? And you also managed to not die??? Impressive.
He's not a distant partner, but he's not very close either. He doesn't want you to be seen as a potential weakness for him, but he also wants to brag about you because you're just so gorgeous and precious, and he's absolutely head over heels.
If you like taking care of your hands, that's something he'll have in common with you. His hands and feet are some of his greatest weapons, his fingers and nails especially. Give him a manicure and he will both kill and die for you.
Treating his greatest weapons with such care and gentleness is a surefire way to show that you care about him and his training. Show this man some love, he deserves it.
Playfully bullying each-other is a very large aspect of the relationship most likely, he is a younger sibling, he's gotta get that younger sibling energy out somehow, but he won't cross the line, he's not trying to be mean.
"Yeah yeah, and you're the president of the United States. Should I follow you around everywhere you go like a lovesick puppy to make sure you don't get kidnapped?"
You most likely met him at work, in school, or at the gym. And like most other people, you probably thought that he was really charming and well-spoken. Until you got to know him a little bit better and realized that he's just a straight up bitch.
Unlike Kosho, who playfully teases you, Kureha will sometimes actively be mean to you. If you can roll with the punches though, you'll be surprised to find that he'll start showing you that he doesn't actually mean anything by his snarky comments.
No, he will not let you play with his hair, absolutely not, that is his and his alone. You can look at it though. And don't use his shampoo either. Sure it smells good, of course it does. It's his.
I hope you don't mind messes either, because this man is either one of the neatest people alive, or one of the messiest. I'm talking just walking away from whatever he's doing for hours on end because he got called away to do something, or got the sudden urge to go workout again.
He's also a wild sleeper, so for the first little bit you'll get some good sleep, but once he gets into a deeper sleep you're probably going to get kicked or rolled around.
If you somehow manage to sleep through that, then his fifteen billion alarms are probably going to wake you up. You will not be in a normal sleeping position, because he'll have moved you around in his sleep.
He doesn't really cuddle, but he will let you curl up to him. He likes feeling how much more delicate you are than he is. He's also the kind of guy to just grab your hand and look at it for a little while, doing all sorts of random stuff like posing your fingers or bending your wrist.
"You do know that you've got some of the worst circulation that I've ever seen, right? Your fingers are always so cold, go stick them under some hot water before you give me hypothermia."
It's a case of right place right time with this one, because as far as you were concerned, you were just going to go get some groceries, and now there is a wall of man asking you if you know where they moved the seasoning to.
Very much an old man when it comes to love. He'll take you out on several dates before he actually asks you to be his partner. Not like, six or seven dates, nono, enough dates to just assume that you were already official.
Even when you are dating, this man is going to be working hard to properly court you. Do you want a quiet night in? He'll clean the place up, cook some dinner and set up some nice music so you can have a relaxing atmosphere.
He's also the kind of person to just spontaneously go on a walk. Sitting inside all day when there's good weather is such a waste of a good day, why not go walk through the park to go see the ducks or watch other people having a good time?
A few months into actually dating, he'll just sorta start reading you poetry. Really beautiful poetry too. The man has such a relaxing voice that he could probably soothe you to sleep. Ask him to read you a story during a rainy day and you'll be snoring before he finishes the first chapter.
"Did you want some more tea before I begin? How about a blanket? Alright, let's see what we have here."
Honestly, the only way I can see Doppo getting into a relationship with someone is if Natsue passes away, and even then, he probably wouldn't, but HYPOTHETICALLY, if he did, it would be with someone closer to his own age, he wouldn't want to feel like a cradle-snatcher.
We all know how devoted he is to Natsue, if he falls for you he'll fall HARD, anything you want, you can get it, just say the words. Hell, you don't even have to say the words, if he catches you looking at something for a while with that look of want in your eyes, expect it to be placed into your hands on your next date night.
Speaking of date nights, those happen frequently. He wants to make sure you know just how loved and valued you are, so he's taking you out every weekend for a nice quiet dinner somewhere cozy and pretty.
Expect for him to teach you a thing or two about self-defense. He may be your Superman, but he's not always right by your side, and he wants to know that you're safe.
Katsumi is pretty chill, so he wouldn't exactly mind another parental figure in his life either. Which is good, because Doppo does care about his son, and if Katsumi is against you being with him, he'll be stuck between a rock and a hard place.
He holds your hands a lot. When you're walking, sitting together, laying down to go to sleep, he just likes holding your hands and calling you pretty.
He's a suave mf, he knows how to compliment someone to get their heart fluttering. He'll look you dead in the eyes and give you the most thoughtful, love-filled compliment anyone has ever given you, and he won't stop until you make him shut up.
"Honey, you are the most stunning person I know. I'm lucky that you chose me, because your love is like standing in sunshine, like walking on a cloud."
I just can't see him getting involved with someone much younger than him honestly. Just imagining him with a sweet older partner that he can just sit and exist with and talk about life is just such pleasant imagery for me.
Someone who understands all his old aches and pains, and is there to support him through it. He's not decrepit, mind you, he's still pretty spry for a man in his mid seventies, so if anything, he's the one taking care of you.
He loves his early mornings, drinking tea and watching the sun rise, listening to the birds and the sounds of nature before the city comes to life, probably sitting out on a patio, just the two of you.
A lot of mischief. He's a mischievous old man, and you'd probably have to reign him in, he's not as spry as the youngsters he pranks after all, and sometimes someone needs to remind him to slow down a little sometimes.
He probably has a collection of all of his glass eyes, divided between old broken ones and new unused ones, all the way from his first one to the newest ones that he's had made. It pays to have spares.
You know the old people who pop out their dentures to scare kids? Yeah he does that with his eye, and you'd be left either trying to comfort this poor traumatized child or scold him so the parents don't get too upset. You can laugh about it later, don't worry, he certainly will be.
"Oh nonsense! That little brat needed to have a good scare, did you see the way he was treating his parents? It's just a glass eye, give him a few years and that'll be one of the coolest things he's ever seen!"
131 notes · View notes
theitgirlnetwork · 7 months
Ch. 14: Happy Birthday Charlotte Pt. 1
Lip's Supportive Husband Outfit
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Charlotte's Bday Fit
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Hm...wonder what this is...
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Note: Hiii, as I said I didn't take as long as last time; next post should be this week because this is a two-parter. For that same reason she's a lil short. I am so thankful for all of the love, interaction and the warm welcome back. I am very grateful and I appreciate you all so much. I hope you enjoy this chapter of watching our babies work their way back, celebrate a big day, and grow as a couple. A big change is coming. Also there's sexual content in this one so feel free to skip that portion and ask me any questions about what nonsexual information happened during it for clarification. This symbol: * indicates the beginning and end of that section. Thank you so much again, and feel free to interact, I love hearing thoughts from you guys! (Constructively, pls I'm sensitive lol) :)
Warnings: Explicit Content (MDNI FR I'm not playing), sexual content, strong language, anxiety
“So what’re you gonna say?” 
Lip shrugs lightly as his blue eyes follow his thumb’s travels along Charlotte’s neck, lips parting with wonder as he drinks in the glow on her skin from the morning light seeping in, big brown eyes offering him warmth and adoration that he can’t get from anywhere else. “That I uh…won’t actually knock his head off.”
Charlotte purses her lips in thought, resting her hand over his, leaning into him. “Okay, that’s good-”
“As long as he stays the fuck away from my wife.” he finishes, reaching under the blankets and dragging her leg over his body. “That’s you by the way.”
“Is it?” she hums, climbing over him fully before nudging his nose with her own. “We sure?” 
“Yeah,” he sighs against her lips before finally closing the space between them. “‘M pretty fuckin’ sure.” 
The last few days have been rough. Threats of breaking up left some lingering weariness and anger between the couple. Lip was apologetic but still prideful, Charlotte was forgiving but still withholding. They were nursing wounds together. And it’s working. Their joint solution was simple. They need to be together. Everything else was secondary. Whatever they needed to do to make this work, it’s exactly what they’re going to do. So stay in the room together, deal with family later. They’d basically ghosted her parents. Call out of work for a couple days. Focus on being Phillip and Charlotte. Together. 
Lip was tiptoeing. Scared to bring anything up that could dismantle what they were managing to rebuild. But her dad’s words, lingering thoughts of sickness plague him as he holds her in his arms at night. Suddenly, every shiver, every sniffle, every groan as she rolls over in the middle of night makes his heart fall to his ass. But he can’t rock the boat. Not yet. He just needs to…work for it. Get to a point where she trusts him enough to tell him. He can wait. 
Charlotte gasps into the air as Lip rolls her underneath him, pressing open-mouthed kisses along the column of her neck. Her fingers dig into his golden curls, her legs closing around his waist as she pushes up to be pressed against him. “Phillip, you’re gonna be late-”
“‘M’not, don’t worry about it.”
The woman whimpers as large hands slip down her hips, fingers hooking into her underwear, yelping a little when she’s yanked upward roughly so the fabric can be tugged down her legs. “It’s…already 8:10…it’s-”
“Hey,” Lip calls sternly, one hand going back to her face, grabbing her jaw tightly enough to force her eyes to his, the other continuing its journey between her legs. “You want me to make you feel good, Bunny?”
“Yes, Phillip, I want you to make me feel good.”
“Know you do,” he hums, patronizingly pushing his thumb into the dimple on her cheek. “So lay back, and let me.” Lip finishes with a searing kiss on her lips before dragging his way down her body, pushing one hand underneath her shirt, massaging her breast as he uses his shoulders to nudge her legs completely apart. 
As Charlotte feels his mouth against her she panics, the cry she lets out is muffled by her hand flailing out, grabbing a pillow and putting it over her face. 
Lip licks a solid strip up her slit before pressing several kisses against her clit, slowing when his ears aren’t picking up the cries he lives for, confused considering he could feel her legs shaking by his head. His eyes trail up to find Charlotte smothering herself in effort to stifle her sounds and he’s immediately annoyed, hand coming down to slap her thigh. “Hey. Uh uh, fix that.”
A whine fills the air and he chuckles as he feels the soft pillow come down on his head before falling to the floor. “Don’t wanna be loud-”
“You know better.” he laughs, tugging her further down the bed and bringing her closer to his mouth, moaning himself at her sweet taste. 
Charlotte’s fingers flex as she grips at nothing, whimpering as he doubles his administrations, the pressure building even more now that piercing blue eyes are trained on her. “Fu-fuckin’ help me.” 
Lip’s eyes roll before he reaches up, grabbing her wrist and guiding her hands down to his hair, encouraging her to tug at it and groaning against her when she does. “Taste so fuckin’ good. Fuckin’ perfect. You’re just fuckin’ perfect aren’t you?”
“Oh, fuck, Phillip-” 
“Watch your mouth.” he grunts, slapping her thigh again. “You’re perfect. Say it, baby.”
“M’not perfect. I love you-”
“S’not what I told you to say-” he growls, pulling away and fixing her with a warning look, lips and chin glistening. Charlotte huffs, tugging his hair again, moaning louder as her toes flex.
“‘M’gonna cum, I want you to fuck me-”
“Say you’re perfect and I will.” Lip pulls away from her fully, untwining her fingers from his hair and watching her grow more frustrated, reaching for him to no avail. He climbs over her then, hovering over her as he runs his thumb over her bottom lip, guiding her mouth open, dipping his finger in before gathering some spit into his mouth and spitting it into hers, groaning when she swallows it obediently. “Charlotte.”
“I’m perfect. I love you. Please fuck me.”
Lip settles then, leaning his weight down onto her, groaning as he pushes into her, letting his head fall next to hers, pressing his mouth close to her ear. “You’re perfect, baby. My fuckin’...I fuckin’ live for you. I love you…happy birthday.”
The couple sets a steady rhythm then, one that they’ve grown used to over their time together but something about this time was different. The touches felt more desperate and needy. They both noticed it, but didn’t want to break the bubble they created by addressing it. But they could tell. Charlotte wraps her arms around him that much tighter, hand cupping the back of his head, legs locked around his waist in a vice, she arches to make sure she’s pressed against him as much as their movements will allow. 
Lip is the same, one arm around her waist to hold her close, switching between being in her ear, groaning every bit of filth, every promise, every praise he can think of, and resting his forehead against hers, demanding she look at him, maintaining eye contact to remind himself its her. She’s here, and he’s with her again.
“Go ahead, baby. Cum for me, Bunny. Cum on my dick, baby.”
Charlotte bites down on his shoulder as she cums, curling into him and crying out. Lip moans as she contracts around him, keeping his thrusts steady until he feels two wet drops on his skin. He nudges her back onto the pillows to look at her face, slowing to a stop when he finds her with large, watery eyes. “I’m…I love you, Bubba.”
That’s all he can think. That’s all he feels. For multiple reasons. The first is the embarrassing fact that he somehow got impossibly harder from the knowledge that the woman underneath him just came around him, crying from how much she loves him. The second the humiliating fact that he was blinking back the moisture from his own eyes because even though he’s never been the religious type, he’s finding himself thanking whoever is running shit upstairs for making sure 20 years ago today, Victor and Cynthia Fisher fucked and made this fucking angel for him. And the third being the realization that Ian was right. He didn’t doubt him, but  with everything that happened, it was clear. He’ll never be in love with anyone else. If he doesn’t keep Charlotte, he’ll never have another chance. She’s it. 
He’s shaken from his thoughts with a soft hand on his cheek. “I’m okay, baby. Keep going. I’m okay.”
Lip nods absently, brows softened, jaw clenched as he tries to keep the flood of emotions in. Resting his forehead against hers as he thrusts into her deeply, moaning softly. 
“C’mon, Phillip, I love you, I want you to feel good too. I want you to cum too.” Charlotte whispers, running her fingers through his hair, tightening her legs around him, rolling up to meet him. “I want you to cum in me…I want you to give me your baby.”
That’s…a new development.
And fuck everything else Lip was embarrassed to admit to himself before. 
Nothing can top how absolutely ashamed he is at how hard he came to that statement. 
Who the fuck is he?
“‘Okay, bye, baby.” Lip pats Charlotte’s ass as he kisses her before slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Uh, be ready when I get home, alright? Happy birthday, princess.”
“‘Kay.” Charlotte chirps, bouncing on the balls of her feet, offering him a bright smile as he heads out. The wooden door slides shut and immediately she’s screaming, running over to the couch and tossing herself onto it. “I want to have your baby?! What the fuck? Charlotte you’re so fuckin’ stupid!” she whines. 
In her anxiety induced wailing, she doesn’t hear V and Fiona coming in the back door, cases of beer and boxed wine tucked under their arms. The two older women exchange concerned looks before slowly approaching the thrashing girl. “It’s like this every other day, hey! What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I ruined my life!” Charlotte screams, kicking one of the pillows off of the couch. 
“Okay…” Fiona sighs, grabbing a beer for herself and V, passing it over Charlotte’s head. “Scoot. What happened?”
Charlotte looks up at Fiona and then over to V and shakes her head. “Can’t tell you. You’ll…like…throw up or something and she’s gonna hit me.”
“I’m not gonna throw up and I doubt V will hit you-”
“Might.” the older cousin shrugs, lifting her little cousin’s legs and plopping them onto her lap as she sits on the couch. Fiona fixes her with wide eyes and V huffs. “I won’t hit you. Probably.”
Charlotte narrows her eyes skeptically, but sits up nonetheless. It’s not like she would be any less embarrassed telling anyone else. “Well, this morning, Phillip and I were…uh…”
“Oh, god.” Fiona flinches, shaking her head in disgust. 
“It’s my birthday!”
“Oh yuck-”
“So what?” V asks, pushing the girl’s hair out of her face. “Was it bad?”
“No.” Charlotte murmurs, wrapping her arms around herself, pouting a little. “It was…good. But, I got caught up in the moment and…said something.”
“Something? If you were screwing, I’m pretty sure my brother would like whatever you said as long as it wasn’t another man’s name. And even then he might tolerate it.” 
“Is that what you did?” V says around her beer bottle, taking a swig. “Call him some guys name? Daddy? Bitch? Slu-”
“I told him I wanted him to give me his baby.” Charlotte blurts, dropping her face to her knees in embarrassment. 
Both older women immediately panic, Fiona tossing question after question at Charlotte. All of which were some variation of ‘are you pregnant’ and ‘are you using protection’. V takes the initiative of shooting off of the couch and flinging open the door to Charlotte and Lips’ room, yanking open the doors until she finds Charlotte’s birth control pills and starts counting, sighing in relief when she sees the girl is on track.  “I’m not actually trying to get pregnant, I…just said it, it was a spur of the moment type of thing, it just slipped out!”
“Girl, it better be.” V breathes heavily. “You just turned 20 today, you still don’t eat the crust on sandwiches, do not get pregnant, understand?”
“I understand.” 
“Good.” V sighs, running a hand over her face and watching Fiona flop back against the couch. “Now that that’s over…let’s go to breakfast for your birthday.”
“Fuckin’ shit.” 
Lip’s pissed. Like more than usual. He huffs to himself as he flicks his half smoked cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. Part of being with Charlotte meant trying to quit smoking, so he was trying to work on it. Apparently, part of being with her also meant being a dad?
He hadn’t even thought of that. Like…in theory, he fuckin’ loved the idea. He married her because he loves her and he wanted them to be a family. That included his siblings. They were kind’ve his kids and by association, hers. Does it make him happy to watch her play with Debbie? Help Carl with his homework? Bounce Liam on her hip? Abso-fuckin-lutely, she’s fuckin’ precious, he loves that shit. 
Would it be fuckin’ sexy to see her have physical evidence that she belonged to him? Watching her waddle around with his kid, carrying something that;s exactly half him half her? Hot as hell. 
But right now? They’re fuckin’ barely not absolutely broke right now. He’s been saving up for somethin’ big. A baby would throw all of that off. And he’s going to beg to keep his job. How can they raise a kid in these conditions? He’s still fuckin’ raising Frank and Monica’s. She hasn’t even told him about her having health conditions. Would that affect her getting pregnant? Would it affect a potential baby? He hopes she can wait. She has to. She will, right? Fuck.
He also is literally haunted by the last time he’d thought he was a dad. That was…fucking cruel to be honest. And Charlotte is definitely no Karen, but Lip doesn’t know if he’s ready for that. She’ll…she’ll wait. She loves him. She’ll wait.
The man straightens, pushing open the doors to the large office building, nodding to the security guard before getting in the elevator, taking it to his floor. Gritting his teeth he prepares to see that fuckin’ prick again. Eric, the punk bitch who’s been sniffin’ behind Charlotte since he saw her picture. Peppy ass daddy’s boy who signs his paychecks. Jesus, he needed to get these thoughts out of his system before he reached his office.
Fuckin’ bitch. Pussy. 
Lip sighs, shaking out his shoulders as he rounds the corner to Eric’s office. Alright, I’m done.
Limp dick, pussy chasin’, no life motherfucker. 
Now. Now, I’m done.
Lip’s jaw muscle jumps as he pushes Eric’s office door open, trying to make this as quick and painless as he can for himself. “Hey man, I…uh, know things were tense the other night, but uh, I’m…not really gonna knock your head off.” He goes to turn out of the room and can’t help himself, peeking his head back in, addressing the desk chair facing away from him, “Unless you keep trying to hit on my wife. Back off. Uh, okay, gonna go back to work-”
“Mr. Gallagher.” a voice calls to him before he can leave the room. It’s deep, and sounds like it came from an older man. Lip stops in his tracks, brows furrowing as he re enters the room.
The man turns in his chair, dramatically in a way that has Lip fighting not to roll his eyes and reveals himself to in fact be a sharply dressed, gray haired version of Eric.
“Eric Preston-Scottlyn. So you’re the intern who threatened my son?” the older man asks, pushing out of the seat and leaning against Eric’s desk, nodding toward another chair for Lip to take a seat. The blond quietly moves to the chair, staring up at the older man cautiously. 
“Yeah. That was me.”
“I see.” the older man reaches back into the desk, grabbing a cigar and looking at Lip expectantly. 
“Oh, fuck, sure.” Lip digs in his pocket, pulling out his lighter and offering it to the man. “Look, I uh, need this job. I just got married and I’ve got like, a hundred siblings I take care of. That shit with Eric was…it won’t happen again.”
“So long as my son doesn’t speak to your wife again.” the older man chuckles, blowing his smoke carelessly, ignoring Lip’s light cough. “Well, that shouldn’t be a problem for Junior. Considering I’m promoting him.”
Lip swallows back his scoff as he rolls his tongue in his cheek. Nodding, he bites his tongue. Of course the spoiled little rich boy is getting promoted for the work Lip has been doing for him. “Fuckin’ good for Eric.”
“You’re happy for him?” the man asks in disbelief.
The older man chuckles, blowing out more smoke. “Makes sense. You must be proud of where your work has gotten him.” he leans back, putting out the cigar in the ashtray and crossing his legs as he faces Lip again. Lip’s eyes widen slightly as he schools the rest of his expression, “Mr. Gallagher, I am not an idiot. I know my son’s capabilities. And I’ve noticed they miraculously increased the moment you were hired. My son needs to actually learn how to do something now, develop at least a few skills he can do without someone bolstering him. So he’ll need to learn under my close supervision.”
“Fuckin’ bullshit.” Lip blurts.
“Excuse me?”
Lip tries not to say it, he does, but his impulse control has always been some shit. “It’s fuckin’ bullshit, that Eric doesn’t know how to do shit and you fuckin’ know that I’ve been doing his goddamn work and he’s the one getting fuckin’ promoted-”
“So are you.”
Fuckin’- “What?”
Mr. Scottlyn claps his hands together. “You’re right. I know you’ve been doing his work. You’re capable, Mr. Gallagher. You’re quick and intelligent. Dedicated. So, I’m giving you Eric’s position, if you want it. Which I assume you do, considering your…socioeconomic position.”
Fuck you. But he’s right. This is amazing. “Okay…okay, cool. I’m-thanks.”
“You’re quite welcome. I have big expectations for you, Mr. Gallagher. You remind me of me when I was your age. Minus the obvious anger issues and baggage.”
“Uh…thanks again?”
“You’ll start tomorrow. Bright and early.” the older man grabs his cellphone off of his desk and pulls his suit jacket on. “Don’t embarrass me, Gallagher.”
And with that he leaves Lip alone…in his new office. Holy shit. Did something good just fuckin’ happen? He gets to keep his job…fuck that, he got promoted.
This new information makes a dangerous image flash into Lip’s mind, and he quickly shakes it away. 
Huh. Today is full of new things.
Lip rolls his eyes as he jogs his way up the walkway of his house, seeing Frank approaching out of the corner of his eye. “Get the fuck away from me, Frank.” 
“Is that any way to greet your father? We used to be so close, you and I, what has poisoned you, the fruit of my womb, against me?” his dad slurs, stumbling behind his eldest son, eyeing the bag in his hand.
“Fuckin’ christ.” Lip hisses, pushing the door open and trying to slam it behind him, only for Frank to slither his way in. “Don’t have time for your shit today.”
“I get it, I get it. You are a man now, you have responsibilities. Helping lead the house. Going to work. Making love to that delicious-”
“I’m serious, Frank, I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” 
“Why are we killin’ Frank?” Ian asks as he makes his way into the room, taking a swig of a soda before flopping onto the couch. “Wifey’s across the street waitin’ on you. Don’t forget, tomorrow she’s with me.”
Frank’s brows furrow as he looks between his two sons. “No, I was pretty sure you were the gay one. Or is that Carl…?”
“Fuck off, Frank.”
“No respect.” 
Lip tugs his work shirt off and starts shuffling through the pile of laundry Fiona had done to find something to change into. “I want her home in one piece, Ian, I’m fuckin’ serious. No drugs. Three drinks total. And no lettin’ Mickey pimp her out for free shit.”
“Okay, okay. Being married’s made you so fuckin’ serious.”
Lip just points his finger at his brother again before pulling on the shirt and sweater Charlotte had snuck and bought him for Christmas and pulling on a pair of jeans. The front door swings open and the sweet smell that follows his wife everywhere fills the room, so Lip immediately kicks the bag to the side behind the couch before taking in how she looks. “Baby, fuckin’ gorgeous. C’mere.”
Charlotte beams, her dress flouncing around her legs as she bounces her way into Lip’s open arms, meeting him in a deep kiss, humming when he pats her ass. “You look pretty too~” she sings.
“Ah, I know.” he scoffs, jokingly pushing her face from his as she squeezes his cheek. “Havin’ a good birthday? Yeah? Where the fuck is your jacket?”
“Don’t need one.” 
“Fuck, you don’t,” he frowns, snatching his jacket from the pile of laundry and pushing her arms through the sleeves.
“Excuse me, kiddo, I know you’re a little distracted what with your wife’s womanly wiles, a struggle to which I deeply relate-”
“Ew.” Charlotte mumbles, pulling her jacket tighter over herself.
“However, you all asked me to warn you next time CPS would be stopping by and I might have been indisposed recently because a brief stint because of a possession case, however, while I have been released, I believe there will be a surprise…visit…inspection for the welfare of the children, soon. And your welcome for warning you.”
Charlotte immediately whips her head to look at Lip, eyes wide with concern, she clutches the sleeves of his jacket. “Don’t worry, Bubba, we’ll fix it. I can start cleaning and you and Ian can start fixing stuff around the house, we’ll dip into some of the money and get extra groceries, and get the kids ready when they get home. I can text Fiona-”
“But…it’s your birthday.”
He doesn’t know if his heart swells or cracks when his wife shrugs. “Doesn’t matter, we have to take care of your family.” 
You’re going to have to choose. I chose Cynthia. You can still choose your family.
Victor’s words flood Lip’s head as his eyes flick between Charlotte, the bag of stuff he got for her birthday on the floor and the mess of a house he and his siblings inhabit. He loves her so much. He wishes he wasn’t about to make her spend her 20th birthday preparing for a Child Protective Services visit. He wishes this wasn’t about to be her norm. He’s never not chosen them.
But Ian makes the choice for him.
“Nah, we got it.” the redhead shrugs, finishing the soda and pulling out his phone. “You guys go ahead, you can help later if there’s anything left for you to do. I’m gonna let everyone else know about Frank’s fuck up, and we’ll get this shit together. It’s not like they’re gonna come today. Wouldn’t be very random, then.”
Lip opens and closes his mouth, preparing to…thank him? Argue? He doesn’t know. But Ian doesn’t give him time. He picks up Lip’s bag and shoves it into his hands and starts pushing the couple toward the door. 
Charlotte watches her husband out of the corner of her eye the entire bus ride. She was anxious to say the least. There are millions of thoughts flying around in her head, and she doesn’t know what to do with them. From her sex induced plea for a baby, to Lip’s meeting with his boss or his siblings possibly getting taken by CPS…again, she was a nervous wreck. And…also it's her birthday. And she keeps forgetting.
Breakfast with Fiona and V was great and she loved it. But she’d spent it in her head, wallowing about her slip of the tongue. After, she had something to look forward to, spending time with Lip when he got off work, he’d apparently planned a surprise for her. He wanted to be in charge of everything, down to her outfit. Last night he stood in front of her wardrobe looking clueless, grumbling to himself as he demanded that she stay in bed and ‘not look’ while he picks, finally settling on a dress that he’d given to V to tell her to wear later. But then she could only focus on how devastated he would be if he did lose his job. Or the hit his self-esteem would take if he had to beg Eric.
She hadn’t even realized how well he could read her face.
“Stop.” he says softly, smoothing his thumb over the line forming between her furrowed brows. “Stressin’ that pretty little head out. We’ll handle it.”
“Tell me somethin’ good.” 
Lip nods, pushing her hair away from her neck, placing a kiss there before murmuring against her ear. “You look really beautiful, birthday girl.”
“Thank you. Somethin’ else?”
“Love you.” he says, placing another kiss before looking up to watch the stop they’re on.
“Love you more.” she hums.
“Bullshit.” he scoffs. “C’mon, this one’s us.” Lip helps her up, guiding her to walk in front of him, absently tugging her dress down over her ass a little to counter it riding up as she walks. The blond walks with his wife, their fingers intertwined, her spare hand busy picking at itself, her fingernails poking at her skin incessantly, nervously. As they walk down the block, Lip grows more frustrated, noticing that she’s so distracted she’s not even noticing where they are. “Okay. Stop. Let’s talk.”
Charlotte lets him pull her to a stop, standing before him. “Okay, lets.”
“What’s the problem?” 
“I’m worried about your siblings.” she whines.
Lip runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. “CPS comes like 3 times a year, we deal with it. They take ‘em or they don’t. They do? We go to court, get them back, a week, tops. They don’t, we move on until next time.”
“That’s awful.” 
“The system sucks, princess, ‘m’glad you know nothin’ about it. But we know how to do this. It’ll be okay. And it's easier now that Ian and I are grown too. It’s gonna be okay.” Lip eyes her, bringing one hand to his lips and kissing it before prompting her to continue. “Next.”
“You’re job?”
“Was gonna save this for not your birthday, because it’s supposed to be about you, but I don’t want you to pick all of the skin off your fingers so…” he tugs her forward, digging his hand into the pocket of his jacket she’s wearing, producing a badge. “New badge.”
Charlotte squints at the title printed on the badge and her eyes widen. “Project manager? You got promoted?” A wide smile makes its way onto Charlotte’s face, and Lip matches it with his own smirk, gladly accepting the onslaught of kisses he receives all over his face as she squeals. “I’m so happy for you, bubba!” 
“Thank you, bunny.” he smiles, kissing her lips twice before setting her back onto her own feet. “Last thing?”
Charlotte immediately looks away from him, rocking nervously on her heels. “I…this morning…I-”
“Words, baby.”
“I…said something, we’ve never really talked about before.” Lip’s eyes widen in acknowledgement and suddenly the words are falling out of her mouth like vomit. “I didn’t mean it! Not…ugh, I mean not now. I love you and it felt good, and I got caught up in the moment. I didn’t mean to scare you, or rush you and I know we’re not even…we don’t even have the space for that. It’s not…not time, but I just said that and I meant it but I didn’t mean it.” 
She’s never wanted to punch him more than when he snickers.
“What? What? Phillip!”
Lip wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. “Stop whinin’. It fuckin’ scared me shitless, okay? But,” he tugs her back again when she squirms against him, making an embarrassed groan. “I think about it too. Love you too. It felt good, hearin’ you say that. Obviously. So, now we know we both like that shit. Hell, for me it's probably genetic. And y’know, eventually, we’ll get there. Could be sooner. Could be later. Nothin’ to freak out about.” he nudges her chin with his knuckle. “‘Kay?”
“Good.” he sighs. “All done?” she nods, and he nods with her looking around. “Fuckin’ awesome, can we celebrate your birthday now?”
“Yeah? Good, look around, baby, where are we?”
Charlotte looks at their surroundings for the first time since getting off of the bus, eyes widening as she views the pretty townhouses, uniform and lined up. Just behind them is the neighborhood that Lip had taken her to see the lights all of that time ago. “These townhouses are so cute.” she chirps, whipping her head around. 
Lip slips behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his head on her shoulder. “Show me which one’s your favorite.” 
The woman’s big brown eyes slip over to a sage green townhouse, it nearly looks exactly like the shade she’d always wanted. The one she’d told Lip she’d want her house to be like two months ago…and the paint looked pretty fresh. “That one.” she breathes.
“Yeah? Should we go eat inside? Or we could check out the backyard.” he hums against her cheek. Charlotte slips her hand up into his hair, still staring at the house.
“I dunno. What if the people who live here come home early…I don’t wanna get in trouble.”
Lip shrugs, digging in the bag and producing something from it to dangle in front of Charlotte’s face.
“I spoke to the husband and he was fuckin’ cool with it, even said he thinks we should christen the place. But I guess I should ask the wife too.” 
Silver keys come into the focus of Charlotte’s vision and she uses Lip’s solid chest to support her weight.
 “Well, Bunny? What do you say?”
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peanutpinet · 6 months
Girl i need more of Johnny ans flower that was soooooo goood. If i understood correctly that requests are open could you do like a scenario where flower and medical girl are somehow together in thr nct tower building and ot goes on lockdown due to an attack pn it so jphnny and taeyong havw to save them together!?
Ours - Mafia Leader! Taeyong x Medic Girl & Mafia! Johnny Suh x Flower
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Official TY’s girl name: Kim Eunji
Official Johnny’s girl name: Chrissanna Lee
A/N: hi anon! I’m glad you enjoyed reading my recent Johnny mafia fic and even read some of my old fics, literally the first NCT fic I’ve ever made. So sorry that it took me so long to write this for you since I was travelling and have been caught up with some freelance work and also recently started a new job which tbh I don't like :') but I hope that you enjoy the story and I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations >.<!
Also, also!! Let me introduce you guys the official names for Taeyong’s medic girl: Kim Eunji and Johnny’s flower: Chrissanna Lee. Lil easter eggs of previous mafia fics
It was a rare peaceful day in NCT. Mainly because all the tasks that Taeyong had to take care of was actually done and he was just going looking over at his members’ businesses when his girlfriend and nurse, Eunji came by to his office, bringing him his lunch.
“Hey. I hope that I’m not interrupting anything boss” Eunji asked as she went into Taeyong’s office where Taeyong was with Doyoung and Johnny
“You would never interrupt anything” Taeyong smiled, standing up to greet his girlfriend with open arms and kissed the side of Eunji’s head
“Stop that. Your members are here. Hi Doyoung, Hi Johnny” Eunji greeted the other members
“Hey. It’s been a while Eunji. Sorry to ask you this but how’s Chris? Is she doing better?” Johnny asked, still worried about his girlfriend despite it being a few months since he got rid of the people who made them have PTSD
“Hey. She’s doing much better. She’s opening up more and we’re actually going to hang out together tomorrow” Eunji mentioned, grabbing both Taeyong and Johnny’s attention
“Tomorrow? Is that one of the reasons you wanted to come here and see me?” Taeyong sulked, making Doyoung fake vomit as Eunji kissed his cheek
“No. But I might as well say it whilst on the topic” Eunji replied whilst also handing over some paperwork from the lab
“And this is why I don’t want you coming when there are other members around. We don’t get any alone time and I barely get to see you” Taeyong sighed but Eunji just kissed his cheek, massaging his shoulders
“Well, Mr Leader, we just came back from a one-week trip together. Don’t you think that that’s enough for now? You know that it takes time to train the new recruits” Eunji mentioned
“Eunji is right, hyung, the new batch of recruits takes a lot of time to train because of how incompetent most of them are. The girls especially try to flirt with the dream members but you know how annoyed the boys with girlfriends are” Doyoung mentioned
“You should see Jeno almost wanting to strangle a girl because she was bad-mouthing his girlfriend when she managed to find her socials” Eunji added on, making Taeyong rise his eyebrow
“Jeno took care of it. He had Haechan broadcast a whole Twitter thread that that girl made” Eunji chuckled, remembering that time
“That’s Haechan. You can try to tease him but when it passes a line, he’ll make sure you’ll regret it” Taeyong mentioned, knowing his younger member’s habit of ruining someone’s life through hacking
“So, Eunji. You and Chris? You guys going tomorrow?” Johnny asked again
“Yeap. We’re not going anywhere crazy, trust me. We’re just going into town for a bit and we’ll come back to the NCT HQ. Is it alright to show her around the HQ?” Eunji asked
“I think that’s best. We’re actually going out on a mission tomorrow so if you can make it back before it gets dark, it would be better” Johnny mentioned, making Eunji look at Taeyong
“I too was going to tell you that I’m going to be out tomorrow but you came here first so, here we are” Taeyong shrugged, earning a light smack from Eunji
“How many of you guys are going to be out? What’s the mission this time? I can postpone my outing with Chris if you need me” Eunji asked but Taeyong stopped her by turning to hold her hands in his and kissed them
“No need for that. It’s just some light fieldwork. It won’t take that long anyway. We’ll be back by sundown. That is if Johnny doesn’t mind leaving his girlfriend for one day that is” Taeyong teased but Johnny just eyed him
“I’m not possessive. I just prefer if I was there with her but since Eunji will be with her, I’m completely fine. Chris has always wanted a girls day out” Johnny mentioned. “Thank you for looking after her, Eunji. I really appreciate it”
“Of course, John. It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve all done for me” Eunji mentioned
“Ehem, we should get going. Jaehyun told me that the others are already waiting for us” Doyoung mentioned, interrupting the conversation, making Eunji giggle
“You take care, love. Use my card. If I find you not using it, I’m gonna block yours. Don’t think you can fool me about that” Taeyong mentioned, wrapping his arm around Eunji’s waist as he, Eunji, Johnny and Doyoung left Taeyong’s office together
“I will. You guys take care of yourselves” Eunji mentioned, kissing Taeyong’s cheek
“We will. Call me if anything happens” Taeyong replied as Eunji nodded before Taeyong kissed the side of Eunji’s head one last time before she left the elevator first
The Next Day
Just as Eunji told Taeyong and Johnny the other day, she and Chris would be going out on a girls day together. Eunji and Chris went to the NCT HQ first and met up with their respective boyfriends who gave them each their own credit cards and made each girl promise to use the given cards instead of their own.
After spending almost all morning at the HQ, Eunji finally finished her paperwork and handed back to Xiaojun before bidding her boyfriend goodbye to spend the day with Chris.
“You tell me if anything happens, alright? We might be back by night but if anything should happen…” Taeyong rambled but Eunji shut him up by pecking his lips
“We’ll be alright, Tyong. We’re just going to have some lunch and then shop around town for a moment. We’ll meet you guys back at the HQ. I promise I’ll call if anything happens” Eunji replied, Taeyong still holding onto her hand
Sighing, Taeyong stood up and cupped Eunji’s face, his face softened. “Alright. I’m not going to hold you back any longer. Johnny just texted me that he’s waiting downstairs to send you both off. I’ll see you tonight then” Taeyong kissed Eunji’s cheek and let her off
After bidding Johnny goodbye as well, Eunji and Chriss went into town and headed to a local’s favourite brunch spot and after they’ve seated and ordered their food and drinks, they finally get to have some girl time.
“Do you work at the HQ every day or do you get to go on field missions?” Chris asked, making Eunji look at her
“Mainly in the lab. Ever since the incident, Taeyong hasn’t really let me go on a field mission on my own. I would always have to go with at least 2 of his members or with him. Otherwise, I won’t be allowed on the field” Eunji replied
“You went through a traumatic experience too?” Chriss asked and Eunji smiled back at her
“It wasn’t as bad as yours. Mine happened at the HQ and during one of the fieldwork. Both were because someone from within the recruits was a mole. It wasn’t as bad, trust me. I’m alright now. I was lucky honestly. I did have a trauma with guns since I was little and Taeyong helped me with it. I’ve gotten better” Eunji told Chriss who gave her a sad smile
“I guess we were both lucky to have met such amazing men and people to help us. I was completely alone for years and I didn’t think that Johnny would be the type of person that he is today. Or even when that night that I almost tried to leave but he stopped me” Chriss mentioned
“I know that it’s still hard for you to open up but trust me, you’re safe when you’re in the main circle. No one is judging you. Every other member in the main circle have their own traumas and difficulties. Even Taeyong who’s the leader and is supposed to be the strongest and toughest member. We all have our nightmares and different ways to cope them” Eunji mentioned
“How do you handle being part of this whole thing? I heard that you were one of their recruits back then” Chriss asked as Eunji sipped her coffee
“Well. That’s a long story. But to cut it short, I didn’t have such a happy childhood like yours. My parents were killed in front of me. By the time the police and the government found me, I was so weak and bloody. They took me in but trained me to be part of the NCT recruit system. Eventually, I joined the recruits and rose in the ranks. I partially think it was because since a young age I had to learn everything on my own. I also had to survive on my own. But despite being able to excel in just about anything. I couldn’t overcome my trauma with shotguns. Not necessary that I was afraid of shotguns but I just couldn’t shoot anyone in their vital parts. Especially when someone is holding a gun within an arms range towards me. I would be petrified. It happened once and I fainted on the spot. That’s why since then Taeyong won’t really let me go on field missions without any NCT members” Eunji replied
“Is it scary? To fight and see all the gruesome scenes?” Chriss
“It was in the beginning. But as time went on, the more I trained, the more used to it I was. Well, except for my trauma. But one thing that you should believe me is that the neos will try their best to keep their woman out of anything that relates to the mafia. Even if how they met their woman was through some traumatic experience like you” Eunji tried to reassure Chriss
“Now that last part I believe because Johnny has not told me anything about the mafia. He would tell me a bit of the entertainment agency he runs but aside from that, nothing” Chriss chuckled
The two girls talked and went around town, buying some things for themselves and their boyfriends until they saw that the sun was about to set. Realising that it was going to get dark soon, the two girls took the car back to the NCT HQ and told their boyfriends along the way who were still out with the majority of the NCT team on a field mission.
Arriving back at the HQ, the two girls went up to the top where Taeyong’s office was because aside from the NCT members, Eunji too had access to Taeyong’s office.
Feeling bored waiting for their boyfriends, Eunji invited Chriss to go on a little NCT HQ tour which she was more than happy to go because despite being in the building, Chriss has never actually explored the building because whenever she was with Johnny, he would just bring her to his office or the other NCT members’ office.
The two girls then headed through each floor with Eunji being the tour guide and explaining most of the rooms in the building. Because most of the people in the building knows Eunji, she would often stop by and greet them. Sometimes she would even check in on some of the new recruits.
In the midst of their tour around the building, suddenly, the building went on lockdown due to a breach in the system. Yangyang who was still in the HQ announced to the entire building to stay calm but Eunji grabbed Chriss and headed to where Yangyang was.
“Yangyang!” Eunji exclaimed, grabbing the young member’s attention
“Eunji! What are you doing here and is that…” Yangyang uttered
“It’s Chriss, Johnny’s girlfriend. What happened?” Eunji asked, striding to Yangyang who was overviewing the control room
“Someone tried hacking into the system. Haechan and Jungwoo are working on it. I’m helping them however I can from over here. Winwin, Hendery, and Chenle are searching around the building. Taeil, Doyoung, and Renjun are checking on the recruits and everyone to make sure that everyone is alright” Yangyang informed Eunji
Looking at each of the security screens, Eunji noticed that not all parts of the building were monitored. “Yangyang, what about the floor between 1 and 2” Eunji whispered
“Eun, I doubt anyone besides our internal members knows about that floor. No one should even have the access key to that floor because it’s DNA and facial recognition security” Yangyang replied back
“But you never know. I’ll go then” Eunji uttered
“Eun. Taeyong-hyung is not going to allow that. We’re in complete lockdown. Several of our members are already going around and the others are on their way back from the mission which they succeed by the way. You and Chriss should stay here and that’s final” Yangyang stated
“You’re forgetting something” Eunji stated, walking towards the door, grabbing Chriss with her
Yangyang who realised what Eunji was going to do tried to rush to her but she immediately disappeared behind the door along with Chriss.
“Hyung. I think we need to change our plans” Yangyang stated in his intercom
On the Secret Floor
“Was this place always here?” Chriss asked as both she and Eunji went into the elevator and Eunji pressed both the first and second floor while scanning her ID card
“Since the building was built. This floor is sacred and only the main NCT members and certain staffs…”
“Like you?”
“Like me. Gets their ID card with a specific chip for this. It’s sacred because, on this floor, we keep our top weapons that are still under development. Some of them can be deadly because they’re still unstable. Even if an intruder comes here and steals the weapon, it’s fine because it has a self-destruct system if an unknown person touches it. But the blueprint on the other hand, that’s what I worry about the most. No one should be able to get their hands on it” Eunji mentioned
As the door opened, Eunji instructed Chriss to stay nearby as they made their way through the floor and headed to where the weapon design room was. Going into the room, Eunji went through every single desk to make sure that all the blueprints were there but in the midst of going through the blueprints, Eunji felt something was off and immediately grabbed a backup weapon and turned around to point it only to meet the intruder who held Chriss as their hostage.
“I think it would be best if you put your weapon down and hand over all the blueprints” the intruder spoke, the knife he held almost pierced through Chriss’ skin until I let down my weapon
“You really think this is smart? I think it would be best that you let her go and turn yourself in before you regret it” Eunji tried to sound tough even though deep down she was shaking from the fear of what the intruder had up their sleeve
Within seconds, there were multiple footsteps that came but knowing NCT, those weren’t the typical footstep sounds that they would make and Eunji was right because there were some other intruders who turned out to be pretending to be some of the cleaning staff in the NCT building.
Both Eunji and Chriss were then captured by the intruders and used as hostages to get out of the building. The intruders took the majority of the blueprints that were in the room and were about to head out from the floor when the lights were suddenly off and gunshots filled the hallways along with loud combat boots sounds.
When the light came back on, the majority of the NCT members came, cornering the intruders who were on the floor, bleeding out as the members shot them but not at their vital organs. At one corner, Taeyong came forward while on the other corner was Johnny who did the same thing. Both men looked at the intruder who looked like he was going to pee in his pants but instead of shooting them or doing anything violent, both men moved forward and softly took their girlfriends away from the scene as the other members took care of the intruders.
NCT Penthouse - Taeyong’s penthouse
Back at Taeyong’s penthouse, both Taeyong and Johnny immediately got their girlfriends treated by Kun and XIaojun. After they were treated, Taeyong softly asked Eunji what exactly happened because Yangyang only told them that there was an intruder in the building and that both Eunji and Chriss were heading to the secret floor.
Once Eunji told them everything, both Taeyong and Johnny looked at each other and though the two of them want nothing more to torment the intruders, they knew that taking care of their girlfriends came first.
Taeyong decided to cook for the four of them while Johnny prepared some movie night to calm both girls’ nerves even if he and Taeyong were still angered at what happened.
“I’m sorry” Eunji spoke, grabbing Taeyong’s attention who was softly playing with her hair as she was laying on his chest while Johnny and Chriss were back at Johnny’s penthouse
“What are you sorry for? If anything I’m sorry for always getting you stuck in these kind of situations” Taeyong replied
“It wasn’t your fault, bubu. Plus, I was a recruit before I was your girlfriend. It’s still my duty to deal with these things” Eunji mentioned
“I know. I know you’re still apart of all of this and as much as I want to offer you a normal life, I know that I can’t just yet. But I’m grateful how understanding you are with all of this and how patient you have been with the situations. I just wish that you wouldn’t be so stubborn and go out of your way to deal with this on your own. At least ask a member to come with you” Taeyong lectured while Eunji just draw circles on his chest
“Lil rose…” Taeyong called out, making Eunji stared at him but decided to tease him by softly kissing his jawline, making the mafia leader groan in frustration before turning their positions around and pining the girl underneath him
“Don’t tempt me, babe, I’m already frustrated and annoyed about the intruders” Taeyong warned but Eunji wrapped her arms around her boyfriend
“I’m not. Plus, you’re not the only one that’s frustrated” Eunji smirked before squealing as Taeyong suddenly lifted her up
“Well then, let’s both relieve that frustration, shall we?” Taeyong smirked, softly pecking Eunji’s lips before carrying her to his room
Johnny’s Penthouse - Johnny’s POV
After we’ve had dinner and watch a movie at Taeyong’s penthouse, Chriss looked tired so I decided to let Taeyong know that we would be heading back to my penthouse first before anything else we have to do.
Back at my penthouse, Chriss and I were chilling on the bed while we watch through her favorite show, Avatar the Last Airbender. In the midst of the show, I noticed that Chriss fell asleep and smiled to myself knowing that she was able to rest despite what she had to go through today.
But right when I tucked her in, I noticed that her breathing was out of control and she started to stir around in her sleep. Worried, I immediately sat next to her and gently shook her until she woke up.
When Chriss woke up, I handed her some water before getting under the covers next to her, wrapping my arm around her small body. “It must’ve been scary”
But as I expected, Chriss just cuddled closer and grabbed my shirt, nodding her head. “I know that Eunji is one of your friends here but why did you take the risk and followed her when you know it could be dangerous?”
“B-because, I want to help her. I want to help you” Chriss let out, looking at me with her doe eyes which makes me want to just squeeze her tightly and never let go
“Flower. You’re too sweet but it makes me worry you know. I’m worried that something worse could’ve happened even if it didn’t. I know you’re bored staying here on your own and just going to college but I’m still worried about you. If you wanted to train some self-defense then I can help with that but other than that, I wouldn’t want you to be involved in anything dangerous, okay?” I rambled on which made Chriss chuckle
“What’s so funny? I’m being serious here. I’m worried you know that” I groaned but Chriss hugged me tighter
“I know. But you look funny when you ramble like that. You like more approachable this way” Chriss chuckled, making me smile bigger
“Only for you that is” I smiled, bringing Chriss closer and kissed the top of her head, being with her until she fell asleep
NCT HQ - 1:27 am (3rd POV)
After both their respective girlfriends finally went into their slumber, both Taeyong and Johnny headed back to the NCT HQ together and once arrived, they immediately headed to where they would always keep their captives.
Reaching one of the rooms, the two met up with Jaehyun along with Yuta who were both waiting for them. “Apparently they’re all just some kids. Well, they’re practically in their late teens, early twenties but kids nonetheless” Yuta stated
“I doubt they’re kids if they’re as old as some of our younger members. They’re old enough to take responsibility for their actions” Johnny scoffed but Taeyong made no comment
Instead, Taeyong made his way into the room and unlike previous rooms, this one actually looked like a classroom with the teacher’s desk in the far front and there were around 20 desks and chairs in the room. Only instead of students, the room was filled with the intruders who tried to steal from them and were tied down to their chairs.
“Were you really going to hurt them?” was all Taeyong asked to the intruders, specifically targeting towards the leader amongst them
When he didn’t hear any answer Taeyong sighed and went up towards them and in a blink of an eye, Taeyong managed to scare everyone by pointing one of his knives by the leader’s throat, making them swallow their saliva.
“Yuta was right. You all should be grateful that you’re just a bunch of kids. Granted that you’re as old as some of our youngest members. But that doesn’t mean we won’t discipline you. Isn’t that right, Johnny?” Taeyong stated, looking at his fellow 95 line mate who looked at the intruders with a smirk
“Of course. What kind of leaders are we if we don’t discipline troublemakers” Johnny smirked as the two most feared men in NCT tormented their intruders
A/n: I'm so sorry I've been MIA for 2 months but life has been busy. I travelled for 2 weeks, was sick for 2 weeks and now just started a new job, somehow have a lot of freelance to do and yea, life is pretty hectic. But I hope that everyone's 2024 has been good, if not, we're on the same page then.
Also, am so sad that TY is finally going to enlist but I shall wait patiently for his return :') also", does anyone play nct zone? If you do, please message me so we can be mutuals in the game. Kay. I have one more request for the NCT mafia fic. If anyone wants to request anything, even just a simple one-shot, just hit me up. I shall now go back to suffer this office job that I haven't even worked for 1 week yet :))
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theostrophywife · 2 years
bath water.
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masterlist (eris x reader) author's note: just a soft fic for my eris girlies. also the pic above (if you know, you know) warning: fluffy smut. summary: after a long day of presiding over the autumn court, all the high lord really wants is a bath with his mate.
Eris loved it when you played with his hair. 
Whether it was during the day while lounging in the garden with a book in one hand with your fingers raking through your mate’s hair in the other or at night in the privacy of your bedchambers when you were pulling at his russett locks as he brought you to the edge over and over again, Eris couldn’t get enough. 
He’d always been precarious about his hair and never let anyone touch it, opting to learn how to braid it himself rather than letting strangers come near his sleek locks. Until you came along. 
The first time you twirled a fiery red strand between your fingers, Eris actually blushed. It was in the initial stages of your relationship when you were still sneaking around to hide the mating bond from his ruthless father. Eris was lying in your bed with his head propped up on your lap as you arranged his long hair into a braid. 
“You’re just so pretty, babe,” you murmured as you kissed the tip of his nose.
Ever since then, Eris jumped at any opportunity to have your fingers in his hair. His absolute favorite was when you shampooed his scalp in the bath, just as you were doing now. Your mate, the High Lord of the Autumn Court, was nothing but putty in your hands as he leaned back against you, his toned body light and relaxed while you worked your magic. 
As soon as Eris walked into your shared bedchambers, it took one look to discern that your mate desperately needed a relaxing bath to wash away the stress of the day. You took great care in making sure the water was the perfect temperature and took it upon yourself to pick out a mixture of soaps and herbs that tinted the bath a pretty pink hue. It had taken Eris all but a brief glance at your naked form waiting for him in the large marble tub before he was undressing and crawling into the steaming water. 
“Did you have a long day, my love?” 
Eris groans as warm water swirls around his tense shoulders. “That might be the understatement of the night," he sighs as you massage the knots forming on his shoulders. "With our new initiative to pay our farmer’s fair wages, I have been bombarded with complaint after complaint from the nobility.” He rolls his eyes in annoyance. “As if raising their taxes to pay for what they’ve swindled under my father’s rule is the most abhorrent thing out of this whole ordeal.” 
You hum in disapproval, massaging the concoction of herbs onto your mate’s scalp. His eyes flutter close, those long lashes of his kissing the tops of his freckled cheeks. “They will cease their incessant whining once we unveil our plan to open trade between our court and the Continent.”
Your mate stirs underneath you, leaning further into your touch while you lather up his russett locks. “The meeting with the ambassadors went well, then?” You nod as Eris beams proudly. “I can’t say I’m surprised. If anyone could convince those uppity bastards to agree to our terms, it would be you. Have I ever told you how charming and irresistible you are, my love?” 
You chuckle in response. “Not nearly enough, but I’m sure that you’ll more than make up for it once we deliver our good news to the nobles no later than the end of this week.” 
Eris smirks. “I can think of a few ways to show my appreciation, little fox.” You flick his nose and your mate chuckles, pressing a teasing kiss on your collarbone. “I assume my brothers were on their best behavior while you sealed the deal?” 
“They were. Though I may have prefaced the meeting with a promise to turn them into frogs should they choose to embarrass me in front of our guests.” 
The chuckle that slipped from those full, pouty lips awakened goosebumps over your flesh. “Is it wrong that I find it incredibly sexy when you threaten my kin?” 
“Absolutely not,” you reply with a smirk. Pulling the leash taut on his brothers was a necessary part of the political game. You understood that even before you became their sister-in-law, so you used your reputation for dabbling in the dark arts to your advantage. It didn’t matter that you wouldn’t bother wasting your powers for the transfiguration of such miserable males, but it was still fun to watch them cower at the prospect of being turned into helpless creatures based on whatever whim you were feeling that day. “Besides, I never threatened your brothers. I merely gave them a choice.” 
“My benevolent High Lady,” Eris purrs. You loved the way the title rolls off his tongue almost as much as you loved your mate. 
“My spoiled High Lord,” you tease in response while rinsing the shampoo out of his hair. 
Eris lets out a pleased sigh. “You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this all day,” he rests his head against your chest, hooking an arm around your knee as he lazily traces patterns through the bubbles clinging onto your soft skin. “The promise of your hands in my hair might have been my only motivation for not throttling our lovely council members.”
“I see, so my mate only seeks me out for my scalp massages.” 
“Amongst other things,” Eris responds huskily. He turns around, causing the water to spill over the sides of the tub. 
You giggle as he saunters up to you, placing soft kisses all over your face while pressing his body flush against yours. Eris is warm underneath your touch and growing hotter still as his lips finally hit their mark. You’ve been mated and married to this male for nearly a decade, but your heart still races every time he kisses you. There’s something sweet and warm in his kisses, tasting of honey and cinnamon as he prods his wicked tongue into your mouth. 
A sigh of satisfaction leaves your lips as his hands snake up your spine, bringing you closer while your fingers tangle in his hair. Despite the fact that you’ve been sitting in the bath for nearly half an hour, it never grows cold thanks to the fire coursing through your mate’s veins. Eris groans in pleasure as you straddle his lap, clambering to feel more of him, taste more of him, take as much of him as he’s willing to give. 
The fiery thread of your bond snaps tight and you feel the desire scorch through the connection like wildfire. It makes every fiber of your being come alive to hold Eris like this. His hand palms your exposed breasts, cupping them gently before teasing the sensitive peaks of your nipples. You moan into his neck as your mate takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling and sucking with wicked intent. 
Eris loves making his High Lady needy and desperate, teasing you with his mouth and fingers, coaxing every moan and whimper out of you with a satisfied smirk. 
“Come here, little fox. I want to show you just how much I missed you,” he murmurs against your neck. 
The pads of his fingers trace a path of heat down the valley of your breasts, dipping lower past your belly button until he reaches the place where you want him most. Eris drags his pointer and middle finger through your flaps, his erection pressing against your thigh when he feels how wet you are for him. 
“Is this all for me, my love?” Eris asks with a smirk. “This pretty little cunt of yours is just begging to be stuffed with my fingers.”
“Baby, please,” you plead huskily. “I’ve been waiting all day.”
Your mate doesn’t need to be told twice. Eris would burn the whole world down just to keep you warm. With a wicked grin, he pumps his fingers into your sopping wet cunt, curving them inside your walls as heat sweeps through your soft skin. It's euphoric, feeling Eris deep within your pussy, untangling every knot of stress from your body while he works you with those skilled fingers. 
Eris knew every curve and crevice of his mate’s body, but yet he couldn't help but examine the arch of your back, the parting of your lips, and the drooping of your heavy lids, committing all of it to memory while he continues to pleasure you. His thumb flicks over your clit and his touch is absolutely divine, nearly sending you into overdrive as he rubs the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
You were close, so close, but you didn’t want to cum without feeling all of Eris. The tug of lust and desire you sent down the bond communicates how badly you ache to have your mate inside your walls. The High Lord growls, obliging the silent request as he positions you over his lap, pumping himself twice before letting you take all of him. 
As you sink lower and lower onto his length, Eris groans into your neck, dragging his teeth over the hollow of your throat as he fully sheathes himself inside your pussy. 
“Gods, I fucking love you,” Eris groans, tilting your chin so he can devour you whole. His teeth clash against your bottom lip as he kisses you deeply, prodding his tongue past your parted lips to claim you. This possessive side of him was absolutely thrilling and you loved when he marked you as wholly his. 
“I love you too, baby.” 
Eris responds by bucking his hips, driving his cock deeper into you as you groan with pleasure. You dip your forehead down to his, slowly rocking your hips back and forth, riding him with a slow, steady rhythm that has both of you sighing with gratification. His hands snake up your spine, leaving a fiery path in their wake as he clings onto you. 
As much as you enjoyed a proper fucking, the intimacy of making love was undefeated. The act was deeply romantic and felt special when shared by two souls who knew each other better than they knew themselves. 
With every sway of your hips, you could feel the bond glow between you. Brushing back the fiery strands from your mate’s face, you gaze into those loving eyes and voice the desire that’s been growing within you since his succession. 
“Eris,” you whisper softly, gaining his attention. 
He dips his forehead to yours, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. “Yes, my love?” 
“I’ve been thinking. With the success of this new trade and the official establishment of our rule, things have been going well in the Autumn Court, has it not?” 
Eris smirks. “We’re in the middle of having sex and you wish to speak of political matters? I don’t know if I’m turned on or offended.”
You chuckle, pecking him on the lips. “I have a point, I promise.” 
“Yes my love, all is well in the fox’s den. Thanks to our joint effort. We make a rather splendid team, if I do say so myself.” 
You bite your lip, considering your next words carefully. “What do you think about adding to our team?” you ask earnestly as you twirl a russet strand between your fingers. “Because I’d really like to give you an heir, Eris.”
During the past few months, the thought of bearing his children has grown in your heart - a secret desire that you were glad to finally voice. For as long as you could remember, you’ve always wanted to be a mother. Despite your difficult upbringing in the court of foxes, you dreamed that one day your home would become a suitable place to raise children of your own. As you and Eris strive to make the Autumn Court a better place, the opportunity seemed more and more plausible than it ever has. These lands were prospering and peace had finally settled over Prythian for the first time in gods knew how long. It seemed like the perfect time to start looking towards the future.
As you did so, all you saw was Eris. This beautiful male you called your mate deserved every bit of happiness that this realm could offer. Despite the sly and cunning facade he’d been forced to don over the years, you knew that deep down, all Eris ever really wanted was to take care of his family. As complicated as the Vanserras were, the blood of the fox ran thick. In their own way, they were beginning to heal from the damage that Beron had inflicted and the same could be said about the Autumn Court as a whole. The familial relationships and political chessboard were slowly but surely starting to mend itself and the conditions were ripe to start thinking about adding to the brood.
“Do you truly mean it?” Eris asks softly.
The way he holds his breath as he cradles your face in his hands makes you grin. A spark awakens in his warm amber eyes, appearing like molten gold as the moonlight filters through the glass panes of the bathing room. 
Eris was no stranger to family dysfunction. His father had been a monster, his mother a prisoner, and his brothers, with the exception of Lucien, were a product of hate and cruelty, always scheming to claw their way to the top. But now that Eris was High Lord, it gave him a chance to heal from the generational trauma passed down within the blood of the fox. He’d never thought about having children before, never had much time to consider the thought what with his navigating through the constantly changing political backdrop of the Autumn Court and his own volatile familial relations, but that was before he met you. 
With his ascension to the throne, the doubt and worries of siring his own brood faded away. Eris vowed to himself that he’d never be like his father. He’d love and protect his own children, just as he loved and protected you. All his immortal life, Eris was determined to be the father and husband that Beron could never be and now you were presenting him the chance to be a better male. To build a world where children weren’t viewed as pawns or bargaining chips, but as a reminder of the love that two people shared. The High Lord realizes in that moment that he wants nothing more than to start a family with you. 
“I want to start a family,” you whisper. “I know that neither one of us come from a particularly positive upbringing, but I think you would make a great father. You have taken care of this house, this court, for centuries and I know that you’d do the same for our future children.”
Silver lines your mate’s eyes. Eris could see it now - you full and pregnant with his child, as radiant and glowing as you always were, but with a life growing inside of you that he helped create. He’d teach his son or daughter to ride through the jewel toned forests, train them to wield the fire in their veins, tuck them in bed every night, chase after them with your hounds, protect them from every harm and spoil them rotten with love and affection. For the first time in a long time, Eris allowed himself to dream because he knew that you’d be there to see it through.
A love like yours deserved to be immortalized.
“It would be an honor and a pleasure to start a family with you, my love. You are my entire heart. Any children you bear me will be a living, breathing testament of our love. I wish to make my High Lady a mother more than anything else in this realm.”
You beam, kissing your mate in response. “Then put a baby in me, Eris.” 
Eris kisses you deeply, snaking his arms around your waist as he guides your hips over his lap.
“As my High Lady wishes.”
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errythinisblue · 2 years
Please can I request a rúben dias blurb?? Reader has a tough day and comes home upset, Ruben looks after her🥲
Aw this is so sweet! I’m literally in the mood to write something like that! Thank you 🤍
Other situations.
Rúben Dias x Y/N
Summary: Rúben knows what to do to take care of you, when you have a bad day at work.
Warnings: none really, just some sexual innuendos.
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gif credits to @rubenfinity
You were sure you’d find him in there, in the gym, his natural habitat.
As soon as you opened the door, careful not to make a sound, your eyes landed on his body: he was busy doing pull ups; his upper body was covered by a green tank and he had some black shorts on, his arms were glistening with sweat and on his face you could read the usual look of determination that always painted his features.
When he noticed you, his eyes quickly moved from his reflection in the mirror to yours. He could see the pout on your face from a mile, as it was so pronounced that it was hard to miss.
Rúben made quick work of finishing the set, and only when he was done he let his feet touch the ground. But before he could even turn around, your arms were wrapped around his waist: you leaned your cheek on his broad back, closing your eyes at the contact and relaxing into him.
“Bad day?” Rúben asked, as if he could read your mind.
“The worst day ever…” you grumbled, frowning behind his back and hugging him tighter.
“Babe I’m covered in sweat,” Rúben chuckled at your clingyness, his long fingers caressed your soft skin gently while he thought about what could have happened for you to be in such a mood, “why don’t we go and take a shower? You can talk to me about your awful day once we’re all cleaned up and in our pjs…”
“You know I don’t care about it…” your voice came out as a whine, “I actually love it when you’re all sweaty…”
“I know you do,” he giggled amused and entranced by how endearing you were, “just, maybe in other “situations”… not when I’ve been training for the past two hours!”
“I’d like for you to explain those “other situations” better…” you mused, watching as your boyfriend turned around in your embrace, standing face to face with you now.
“Maybe I will…” his voice was low in your ear, causing a shiver to roll up your spine from the anticipation, “Come with me now, let me take care of you.”
And you did. You followed him into your bedroom, and into the ensuite bathroom. You let Rúben take care of you; he guided you into the shower, the warm water was cascading on the both of you making him look good enough to eat; you sighed contentedly while his hands, so big yet so delicate, massaged every single inch of your skin: starting from your scalp, working on the knots in your shoulders then down your spine; you felt like you were in heaven, his loving touch was really working wonders on your mood, and you could sense that this was Rúben’s intention all along: to make you feel better, more relaxed and above all happier.
“Are you feeling any better?” Rúben asked you while he towel-dried your hair, paying attention not to cause you any discomfort.
“Mh hm…” was your only response, as you couldn’t really bring yourself to speak while you were enjoying being pampered by your man.
“Do you want me to blow dry them too?” he proposed, standing behind you while you stood in front of the bathroom’s mirror.
The way you leaned your head back, letting it rest into his palms even more, was enough of an answer for Rúben. He applied each and every product he saw you use on your hair, and you were happily surprised when you saw he not only paid attention to what you put on it, but he even remembered the right order of application!
“How could you possibly remember??” you asked, dumbfounded.
“The things I do to my hair…”
“Oh… it’s just a little thing, like you know…” he stopped mid sentence, thinking about every little detail he knew about you, “Like the fact that you love a warm cup of coffee in the morning, without sugar when you’ve got a headache, or the way you subconsciously pout when something went wrong at work, even if you don’t want to let the others worry…”
You listened to him, entranced by all the small things he noticed about you.
“I love you.” you blurted out while Rúben was going on with his rambling.
“I love you too…” he smiled softly, while he finished blow drying your hair, “Should we order some pizza for dinner?”
“But you can’t eat pizza babe…” you pouted at him through the mirror.
“I’m gonna make an exception for tonight,” he winked, “my girl needs pizza, since pizza is her favourite food…” he added before he pressed a kiss on the top of your head, “So pizza is it!”
“I love you so so much Rúben…” you gently smiled at him, turning around and going on your tiptoes to peck his lips, “thank you for taking care of me…”
“I love you too,” he said, bumping his nose against yours, “and I love taking care of you even more… now come on, let’s go and order that pizza.”
“Please, I’m starving!”
“I know amor, I know…”
“Do you reckon you could explain those “other situations” to me once we had our dinner?” you mused, spurred by his portuguese words, your greatest weakness.
“I suppose so…” he whispered while he tucked your hair behind your ear, “But I will explain them to you once we’ll be done with your skincare okay?”
“I think we can skip my skincare for tonight…” you looked at him with your best doe eyes, biting the corner of your lower lip, “We could probably skip dinner too as far as I’m concerned…”
“Don’t tempt me… we have to eat.”
“We could order dinner once we… you know…” you proposed while your hands slipped under his white t-shirt.
“Well those “other situations” are pretty urgent indeed…” he countered, “I think the sooner I show them to you, the better it is…”
“I couldn’t agree more…” you whispered against his lips, before he took you in his arms and closed the bedroom door.
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seetangus · 2 years
"My Princess" - Azula x reader
Azula x gn reader, oneshot, no warnings
876 words, please let me know if there are any mistakes, have fun :)
"Why are we moving so slow? I could w a l k faster than this ship is driving." For the fifth time today, you assured Princess Azula that the ship was at maximum speed and it was one of the fastest ones in the entire fire navy. If it was someone else than her, you would have been annoyed a long time ago and told her to be quiet, but in this situation you were happy that she didn't unleash her discontent in a different way than complaining. You had never met her before, but you had heard stories about those who didn't live up to her expectations, and you did not want to experience those things yourself, to say the least.
Although you couldn't see her, as you were bowing when talking to her, you could feel her gaze rest upon you, when she began to talk again: "That 'discovery' I was sent to investigate better be worth my precious time." She sat down in the chair that was delivered from the palace solely so that she could sit comfortably on this ship.
While inspecting her nails she began talking again: "What was it again, that they have found?" You had also read the letter, so you knew what was waiting for you at the southern air temple: "They call it a balloon - a ship that can drive through the sky, my princess."
"Well, hopefully that balloon is faster than this slug.", she said, pointing approximately in the direction of the engines of the ship. "I am terribly sorry that you are dissatisfied with the speed of our ship, but I assure you that the crew is doing the best they can. Is there any way in which I could calm your indignation, my princess?" You at least wanted to try to calm her, as you didn't want her to get angry at the crew.
You had expected her to command you to threaten the workers responsible for the engines or to simply dismiss you, but she really seemed to consider your offer, as it took a while until she answered.
"You may stand now.", she said. You stood straight again. She looked at you for an unusual amount of time, making you nervous. You watched her eyes roaming all around your body until hers finally met yours, making you blush and look at the floor, hoping she hadn't noticed.
Finally, she answered, a smug smile creeping on her face: "Give me a massage."
You said nothing, as you weren't sure if you had understood her right. "Won't you come and massage the shoulders of your princess, y/n?" You had, in fact, understood her correctly, she had even said your name, so it was clear that she wanted you to give her a massage, but still you needed a moment to mentally process that request.
You had to answer quickly to not let Azula wait, so you answered with a simple "Of course, my princess." and walked behind her chair. Now the difficult part began, as you were not very experienced with giving massages. You hoped your modest skill was enough to satisfy her.
But before you could start, a small chuckle escaped her throat: "You may want to remove my armour before beginning, y/n."
Only now did you realise that giving her shoulders a massage while she still wore her shoulder plates would have been a difficult task, to say the least. You were embarrassed you hadn't noticed earlier. Taking her shoulder plates off was quite easy, as you knew how to handle armor, wearing some yourself.
After you had laid them down, you finally started massaging her shoulders. At the start you were rather careful, because you did not under any circumstance want to hurt those precious, royal shoulders of hers. But over time you got used to the shape of them, you almost didn't feel the fabric of her uniform that was dividing your hands from her skin anymore. Although it was exhausting, massaging her actually felt quite nice.
Also, you finally got to think for a bit, as there were a few things needing to be sorted in your mind. For example, why did she know your name? She was Azula, princess of the fire nation; remembering the names of her subjects was not worth her time or effort. Also, you hadn't even been introduced in the first place; to her you were simply an officer in her escort. But you were happy she knew your name; it felt special to hear it from her sublime lips.
"That will be enough for now.", she said, making you immediately remove your hands from her shoulders, "You will be free to go after you put my armour back on."
You attached her shoulder plates to her armour again, bowed, and were about to go away when she stopped you to ask you something: "Also, y/n, why do you call me 'my princess'?" You didn't know what to say. You had assumed that calling her by her title was the correct thing to do; you hadn't expected to break some formal code. She grinned at your sudden consternation.
"Don't stop doing it, y/n, I like it. You may go now."
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cybertron-after-dark · 10 months
ok so could i request. tfp decepticons and the onboard human pet / liaison / autobot bait / whatever. where the human is a masseuse and gives the command little messages to help with tension and stress, just to be nice... i love the tfp decepticon cast i love how much screentime they got and how the show actually FOCUSED on them sometimes so id love to see our cons get to chill out for once. how'd they react to receiving the gentleness and care from such a tiny creature? maybe we spark some empathy. ayooo (feel free to ignore ask if too complicated i love how you write the characters and look forward to seeing more of ur work!!!!)
Kissing you softly on the forehead for this ask anon, there is So Much to Work With
-Megatron is having none of this. He allows you to remain on board so the troops have something to keep them entertained and help them destress other than killing each other. Just because they're foolish enough to allow your grubby little human hands between their plating doesn't mean he'll make the same error. The day he trusts a human so close to his major fuel lines is the day Unicron devours himself.
-Starscream finds the whole affair a bit gross at first. He's expected to let this flesh creature... Touch him? Ew, no. A gross, squishy critter rubbing their greasy paws all over him sounds like the opposite of relaxing. Especially somewhere as sensitive as his shoulder seams, or, primus forbid, his wings. But... Eventually seeing everyone else get pampered except him has him feeling a bit indignant. No, this simply won't do. He deserves to be relaxed and calm way more than any of these cretins! However... The first few attempts at giving him a massage fail horribly because you can't touch him without the guy jumping and screaming like a spider just crawled across him. But, after about the second or third try, he'll start to brace himself. He is DETERMINED to have a relaxing time, dammit! And by that point, he'll actually stand still and chill out long enough for you to do your work.
-Knockout is having the time of his life. Sure it's weird having a fleshy feeling him up, but as long as he slips the massages into his routine before buffing himself, whatever freaky oils they leave behind on his plating won't matter. Knockout actually does massages himself, on occasion, and his status as a medic makes him intimately acquainted with the ins and outs of cybertronian physiology (wink wink), and he's more than happy to teach you how to best relieve the tension in a wound up frame. Especially if you apply those techniques to him.
-Breakdown loves having you around. Knockout already pampers him to no end, and then along comes this sweet little earth critter with itty bitty hands that reach all the places knockout can't. He has never been more relaxed in his life, especially if the both of you team up to spoil him. He'll be wondering how he ever got so lucky.
-Soundwave will be hesitant. He's known you're not a threat for a long time, you don't seem to be plotting anything, and by all means, your weak, stubby little flesh-hands have very little chance of dealing any real damage to his systems even if you DO get up close and personal, but... Well that's a lot more intimate contact that he's used to with anyone, except maybe Laserbeak. He wouldn't really say he's disgusted by humans, but he's pretty sure this whole affair will feel really weird. But, eventually, the stress he's under will outweigh the assumed strangeness of the touch. It ends up helping him unwind quite a bit, despite all the mental roadblocks he's built up, and he'll even start requesting them later when hes had a particularly rough day keeping the nemesis from falling apart. He'd really appreciate it if you helped straighten out the kinks in his cables, too.
-Shockwave is surprisingly okay with the offer. Lab work takes it's toll on his frame after enough time, and having someone else relieve the tension is not only enjoyable, but practical. If he takes time to relax when he's nearing his limit, the work will get done more efficiently. It's simply common sense. It also helps that you're human, honestly. Were he to ask another decepticon, he'd risk things getting... Personal. No risk of such frivolous bonds (unless... Nahhh... UNLESS 🥺😳)
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fox-sama97 · 2 years
Ignore at Your Own Risk Chapter 2 is out!
Here's a snippet!
The Justice League was silent after the boy left. Tense seconds passed as they cycled through powers and technology to scan for an intruder. 
They found nothing. No sign that he was there, no sign that he'd ever been there. No sign how he'd got there.
He'd breached a space station, defended by magical wards, technological scanners, and the most powerful people on the planet, and they had no idea how he'd done it. It was unacceptable.
It was terrifying.
Zatanna, the tail coats of her stage magician outfit swaying, carefully walked over to Constantine. Wary, and with a spell on her tongue, she examined him.
The man was still slumped over, barely staying in his seat, trench coat nearly falling off his shoulders. His eyes, while more alert than before, were still unfocused. His aura was constrained. 
Normally a vibrant gold roiling around him, tinged in red as it reached out towards the demons who held parts of his soul. But now, it was pressed against his skin so tightly she could barely see where his flesh ended and his aura began, toxic green chains criss crossing his body from the bright red handprint on his face.
The red mark was shifting. Skin twisting and writhing, lines rising and carving themselves into his flesh as the Soul Contract wrote itself onto his being, displaying who owned him for all as the chains sprouted more chains in an infinite fractal pattern, digging deeper and deeper, binding him ever more.
Zatanna hovered her hand over it, not daring to actually touch it, "Mih laeh," she muttered, trying to heal him. It was the most she could do right now. If they were to have any hope of breaking the contract, her and the rest of Justice League Dark would have to examine it in more detail later.
But the moment her magic reached out, the mark flared a darker red, Constantine letting out a brief cry of pain, before Zatanna felt her magic backfire, a sting of pain running up her fingers and making them go numb. She quickly snatched her hand back, eyes wide as the chains writhed like serpents.
"This will be even harder than I thought," she breathed, slowly massaging the feeling back into her fingers as she watched the mark lighten and continue its stomach turning work.
"Will it be possible to break it," she heard, nearly jumping as she turned around. She hadn't heard Batman approaching, Superman right behind him.
They both looked tense, more tense than the rest of the Justice League. Though the rest hadn't had their secrets identities so blatantly called out for everyone to hear.
"Doubtful, especially with the protections already in place. Soul contracts, Soul Magic in general, are a tricky subject, more Constantine's specialty than mine. He might have been able to weasel someone out of one, but, we all see how well that worked out for him," she paused, the three of them looking back towards him, the writhing of the mark seeming to move faster, almost overlapping itself in reality, like five separate images, all different but distinct in ways their mind desperately struggled to understand. They quickly turned away, unable to watch for long.
"Maybe, once it's settled, and with the entire Justice League Dark working on it, we could figure out enough of the contract to find a loophole for him to squeeze through. It would probably take weeks though, and I can't make any guarantees how much of him will be left in the end," Zatanna said, seeing the impotent anger building in Batman and Superman. Neither of them were magically inclined, so she could empathize with how useless much of the League probably felt now. 
"But," she paused, hating suggesting it with how strong she'd felt, she'd seen, the boy was, but needing to anyway, "there is another way. We can bargain with the contract holder. I doubt they'll want to, but defeating them might work. It's how they said they earned at least some of Constatine's contracts, so it's possible we could win it off him."
The entire Justice League went into an uproar, shouting and talking over each other, many clamoring to fight the boy who'd so easily breached their headquarters and hurt one of their own.
A single, incredibly loud clap rang out, silencing everyone as Superman slowly lowered his hands. 
"Do you think we can win?" He asked calmly, belying the fire she could see in his eyes and the downturn of his mouth. 
She hesitated. This wasn't her specialty, but any information that they might be able to get out of Constantine right now would be worse than useless, actively harmful even. 
"We have to try."
"We can," Batman said, determination clear in his voice and the hard line of his mouth. "The…boy came when the two strongest members of the Justice League Dark weren't here. Wonder Woman is in Themyscira and Captain Marvel is currently dealing with a villain in Fawcett City. With how easily he was able to enter, and his display of power claiming Constantine during a meeting, I don't imagine that was a coincidence."
Zatanna could see hope and determination burning through everyone's auras, catching like fire as it leaped between them. 
"We will need to update them on the situation as soon as possible. In the meantime, I'll start searching for any information there is about him. If he's made an appearance before, I'll find him." Batman said, turning to exit the room, cloak flaring behind him, as Superman brought up his League Communicator.
The Justice League had a plan, they had hope, and that's all they needed. They'd saved the world under worse circumstances, they could save a teammate in these.
Zatanna wasn't so sure. Most of them weren't magical like her, they couldn't feel his power or see his aura like her.
She'd seen him appear, the same as everyone else, but unlike them she'd been nearly blinded by the flash of power. 
When her senses had recovered she'd seen the boy there, snuffing out the magic in Constantine like a candle. His aura had looked like magic in its rawest, purest form but contained somehow. Tightly leashed in a way that she wasn't sure she'd ever have the willpower for. She wasn't sure anyone could. It was like looking through a blizzard to see him, white aura given depth with the occasional flashes of more colors than she had a name for. It felt like the bone shaking vibration of standing beside a calving glacier.
It felt inevitable.
And for a brief moment, as he'd made the mark on Constantine's face, she'd seen his aura look back at her, thorns of green branching out over his head, eyes forming like the void between stars, mouth a hungry abyss ready to swallow her whole.
She didn't think the Justice League could win this. But she would try, it's what they always did. Right?
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jihyocentric · 1 year
i missed them! honestly this is just fluff no plot no nothing... just our cute baby jisoo and nahyo :)
“you’re tense.”
nayeon’s attention is absorbed on cutting the meat into tiny pieces for jisoo, their baby playing with the cat in the living room. jihyo had been keeping an eye on jisoo, but as nayeon was too quiet, clearly lost in her thoughts, she joined her in the kitchen, wanting to check on her.
“i’m not.” nayeon finishes plating jisoo’s lunch and moves away from the table to get her special fork. jisoo would refuse to eat if she didn’t have her fork with a kitten pattern stamped on it — she had affectionately named it ‘the bbuyo fork’.
“don’t start,” jihyo replies, glancing at jisoo every now and then to make sure she’s alright. she helps nayeon setting the table for them to eat in the meanwhile. “did something happen?”
nayeon sighs, knowing she’d have to tell jihyo soon. she wasn’t actively trying to hide it from her. she couldn’t lie to jihyo at all, incapable of hiding any information from jihyo, but she figured she should make the decision first and only then talk to her.
“there’s this business trip…” nayeon bites her lip, placing the last plate on the table. jihyo makes a quick work of getting their glasses and jisoo’s special plastic cup while nayeon tries to explain the reason why she’s been anxious lately. “i don’t want to go, but i have to.”
“that’s why you’re this tense?” jihyo laughs softly, getting closer to nayeon, massaging her taut shoulders. “we’ve already talked about this. jisoo is old enough now and you’re coming back soon, right?”
nayeon looks at jisoo in the living room, her heart aching at the thought of being away from her baby. while jihyo has been in work trips after they had her, nayeon was the one who would always refuse to stay away from her family, especially because jisoo has never been without her for longer than a day.
nayeon would send other people in her behalf whenever there was a work trip to attend. she wasn’t always required to actually be there, and her workmates could replace her. this time, that wasn’t doable, her presence was mandatory and it wasn’t essentially a short trip.
“it’s an entire week,” nayeon groans, turning around so she could hold jihyo’s waist with both hands, looking at her in the eye. “don’t even tell me you’re going to be fine and that jisoo can wait for me. i won’t be fine! i’ll miss you two like crazy if i go.”
a smile forms on jihyo’s face, the corners of her lips lifting just slightly, and then nayeon can see her teeth.
jihyo is rather amused, truly. she knew nayeon was a big softie, but whenever nayeon reminded her about it, it would never fail to make her feel deeply touched. nayeon loved her and jisoo more than anything, and being away from them was close to cruel.
“but you have to go,” jihyo reminds her of it. nayeon couldn’t escape this time. “we’ll miss you too. and i wasn’t going to say that jisoo can wait because we don’t know that for sure,” jihyo sighs, aware of the fact that her daughter has never been without nayeon before, and a week could be too much. “but we’ll be okay, and you will too.”
“can’t go that long without you,” nayeon whines, her head falling to jihyo’s shoulder. “and what about your work? you’ll have to pick soo up at school every day, what about…”
“nayeon, i’m her mom too. all i have to do is leave work earlier, that’s all. relax, baby,” jihyo kisses nayeon’s cheek, comforting her. “when are you leaving?”
“monday,” nayeon mumbles, her voice muffled on jihyo’s shoulder.
“oh,” jihyo lets out, surprised. “i thought it would take longer… but the sooner you leave, the sooner i’ll have you back.”
nayeon hugs jihyo tighter, already thinking that she’s going to miss being in jihyo's arms while she’s away. perhaps she’s being dramatic, but jihyo doesn’t say it and nayeon knows she won't, but she nearly cries when she thinks about being far from her girls.
there was a small tent in jisoo’s room where she hid candy, her toys and, sometimes, bbuyo — but that’s only when jihyo wanted to give him a bath and he’d run away there, looking to be helped by his little accomplice.
nayeon barely fit there, she had to shrink and hug herself, and be careful not to sit on a toy that could release sound. she’d join jisoo there whenever they had to talk.
jihyo was jealous at times, because they wouldn’t invite her. but it was nayeon and jisoo’s special place, and she understood that they needed their own place for when they wanted to talk about their secrets.
“can i come in?” nayeon asks, outside the tent. jisoo had heard something about nayeon being away and she was silent the entire day.
nayeon gets no response, not even a small hum or a direct ‘no’, but she doesn’t leave, knowing jisoo was there. “i brought gummy bears.”
the bargain is difficult to refuse. jisoo pouts, opening the tent although nayeon could have if she wanted — she didn’t because she’d always respect her baby’s privacy, and if jisoo didn’t want her in, she’d stay outside and wait.
“does mommy know?” it’s the first thing jisoo asks when nayeon comes in and finds a seat for herself, whispering, as if she’s afraid to get caught.
“she gave it to us,” nayeon whispers back. jisoo waits patiently for nayeon to open the package, turning her face away when nayeon tries to give her one of the green ones. “oh, only the red ones, that’s right. i’m sorry, baby,” nayeon laughs softly.
she ends up eating the one she tried to give jisoo. the green ones were truly the worst, but they were still edible. while jisoo eats it slowly, nayeon devours half of the package, leaving the red ones for jisoo.
they don’t talk until they’re done eating. jihyo had purposefully bought a small package, knowing that nayeon would’ve eaten the entire package even if it was one of the big ones, along with jisoo. once jisoo is chewing the last red gummy bear, nayeon starts to talk.
“you heard i‘m going to be away for a while, didn’t you?” nayeon asks, looking at her baby sitting next to her.
nayeon finds it unfair that bbuyo got a third of the tent’s space for himself, but she wouldn’t tell jisoo to move him away, even if her back was starting to hurt from the position she was seated.
jisoo hums quietly. she feels betrayed because her mom hadn’t tell her earlier, but also sad because nayeon would leave her soon. she didn’t know how long it would take, but in her little head it would be years of waiting.
“mama is coming back to you soon,” nayeon promises, caressing jisoo’s head tenderly. “and mommy will be here for you. i’ll call you every day.”
“but i’ll miss you too much.” jisoo pouts, looking up at nayeon with her eyes filled with tears.
as if her entire appearance resembling jihyo’s younger self wasn’t enough, despite her teeth and the freckles that she’d gotten from nayeon, jisoo had also taken jihyo’s unique characteristic of crying too easily.
it’s adorable, and as much as nayeon’s heart aches when she thinks about the reason why jisoo was crying, she can’t help but smile, using her thumbs to move the tears away from her baby’s soft cheeks.
“i wish i didn’t have to go,” nayeon sighs, stretching herself to kiss jisoo’s forehead. her back cracks, the sound of the bone getting stretched making her groan, but it was worth it. “i have a present for you, baby,” nayeon opens the tent just enough to reach outside and grab the plushie she’d left there.
the moment jisoo sees it, she’s suddenly curious, the sad semblance leaving right away. nayeon offers it to her — a baby blue bunny, small enough for jisoo to hug while she sleeps.
“bun!” jisoo grabs the plushie tightly, taking it away from nayeon’s hands. she had a lot of toys already, most of them stuffed animals just like that one, but the bunny became her favorite immediately.
nayeon laughs. “do you like it, baby?”
“it’s like us.” jisoo points at its teeth. she giggles as she crawls out of the tent, leaving nayeon and bbuyo inside. “wanna show it to mommy!”
nayeon thought it would take longer to put a smile back on jisoo’s face — her baby had another personality trait she’d gotten from jihyo, and that was being permanently grumpy.
but she’s more than happy to know jisoo was going to be fine, getting out of that tent as soon as she can, whining in pain when she finally gets up and stretches her legs.
“don’t forget to send me pictures, okay? and i’ll always call before dinner.” nayeon says it for the nth time, on the night before she has to go. “don’t let sana get near you, and…”
jihyo shuts her up with a kiss, lying on top of nayeon on their bed, perched on her lap beautifully.
“i know, nayeon, i know,” jihyo grumbles against nayeon’s lips. “don’t worry about us.”
“how can i not?!” nayeon whines and jihyo pulls away from her lap. she lies down next to her, head tucked into nayeon’s neck. “if anything happens to you when i’m away…”
jihyo huffs. “nothing will happen. besides, it’s not like anything bad would not happen just because you’re here.”
“but if i’m here i can protect both of you.” nayeon pouts, keeping a protective hand around jihyo’s waist. “if you need anything, promise me you’ll call momo and jeongyeon.”
“i promise,” jihyo lets out a heavy sigh, whining and pressing herself against nayeon. “are we done? i just want cuddles!”
nayeon mumbles a small ‘yes’, and before they realize, there’s a knock on the door. jisoo comes in along with bbuyo, and as much as jihyo wants to send her cat away, knowing that she would be sneezing all night long if he stayed in their bedroom, she can’t when jisoo is shyly asking them to sleep there for the night.
bbuyo was her sleeping buddy, he wouldn’t leave jisoo’s side, and jihyo would have to deal with it. the cat was hers anyway, so if her eyes are going to be watery and she’ll sneeze throughout the entire night, it’s all on her.
“want the middle.” jisoo babbles sleepily, making her way between them. she hugs jihyo and demands nayeon to hug her, bbuyo settling next to nayeon’s feet, as if he would miss her too.
“are you crying?” jihyo lets out a chuckle, looking at nayeon in disbelief. “baby, don’t cry.”
“i’m the one who tells you that,” nayeon sniffles, a permanent pout on her lips.
“wanna sleep!” jisoo whines, disturbed in her sleep.
the both of them laugh, all but squeezing jisoo between their bodies. jihyo makes sure to kiss both nayeon and jisoo’s cheeks before she falls asleep — deep inside her heart, she’d miss nayeon way more than she would let nayeon know.
“is it that bad?” jihyo asks, apprehensive. jisoo was too used to nayeon’s food, and now that she had to taste from jihyo’s not-that-great cuisine, she opted to eat the bland vegetables, because that was the only thing jihyo hadn’t overly salted.
“not… good.” jisoo grimaces. jihyo takes a regular fork, tasting the food she’d worked on diligently, and coughs as she swallows it down.
“oh, i’m sorry, baby. this is terrible,” jihyo takes her and jisoo’s plates and throws it into the sink. it’s too late for her to call nayeon and ask her what to cook, and she knows jisoo is hungry. jihyo was a good mom, but cooking truly wasn’t her forte. “how about pizza?”
to that, the answer was more than obvious. (but she calls jeongyeon on the next day and makes her cook the week’s lunch and dinner for jisoo. there was no way jihyo would let her baby eat pizza for seven days straight, and jeongyeon was glad to help.)
“where’s soo?” nayeon asks once jihyo picks up the phone. it was already night and jisoo was sleeping next to jihyo ­— she has been sleeping in their room all nights after nayeon left, and jihyo didn’t have the heart to take her to her own bedroom.
“she was tired,” jihyo tells her, pointing the camera at the sleeping baby. jisoo held the bunny nayeon gave her tightly, never letting go of the plushie. “she fell asleep while i was giving her a shower. we went out with jeong, momo and the twins today.”
nayeon looks tired, and from what it looks she’s still working, despite the late hour.
“and how are you?” nayeon asks, with no makeup on and her glasses adorning her face. all jihyo wanted was to kiss every freckle on her face, but nayeon was too far away for that, so she sighs, disappointed.
“i’m okay,” jihyo replies automatically. “no, actually, i’m pissed. earlier when we were at the park, jisoo was running and a kid bumped into her. the boy was taller and he could’ve looked before walking into her, but he fell, and his mom kept glaring at me and jisoo as if we were in the wrong! jisoo even apologized by herself, i didn’t have to intervene! that’s how polite my baby is, unlike that kid.”
nayeon tries not to laugh as jihyo explains about the incident, with a frown on her face. jihyo tries to keep it low, not wanting to wake jisoo up, but she can’t help but huff and curse the kid’s mom for causing them trouble. if nayeon was there, she’d definitely kiss her pout away.
“but did jisoo get hurt? she’s a small kid,” nayeon yawns after finishing her question.
“she didn’t. she did fall later on, when she was playing with the twins, but it was nothing that a kiss and a cute band aid couldn’t solve.” jihyo sighs, finding a better position on the bed.
nayeon smiles when jihyo closes her eyes, evidently tired.
“tell her i called,” nayeon reminds her, and all jihyo can do is hum. “i love you.”
jihyo opens her eyes briefly, wanting to look at nayeon one more time before drifting to sleep. “i love you too.”
nayeon works extra hours so she could finish her project and return home sooner.
it’s supposed to be a surprise for jihyo and jisoo, but when she gets home, she doesn’t find them immediately. there’s music coming from outside, and a particular sound that nayeon could recognize from afar. jisoo’s laugh was quite distinguishable.
the first thing she sees isn’t jisoo but jihyo, looking beautiful in her swimsuit. she had been keeping an eye on the kids — the twins were her responsibility for the day, it’s what jihyo had agreed to pay in exchange for jeongyeon cooking jisoo’s meals for the week.
“mama!” jisoo squeals, swimming next to the pool’s border. she could’ve stood and walked, because where she had been was shallow enough, made specially for kids, but she’s too desperate trying to reach nayeon to think about a better way to get out of the pool.
jihyo quickly gets up from her seat and helps her baby get out, the twins following suit. nayeon soon finds herself engulfed in their hug, her clothes getting wet with pool water, and she complains but they don’t let her go.
“you didn’t tell me you were coming,” jihyo scolds her, her heart racing after days without seeing nayeon. “i would’ve picked you up at the airport!”
“i wanted to make a surprise,” nayeon grins, taking jisoo in her arms and patting the twins’ heads. “hey there, bunbun.”
jisoo giggles when nayeon kisses her face repeatedly, jihyo looking at them fondly. all she wanted was to kiss nayeon and show her how much she’s missed her, but that would have to wait until jeongyeon and momo took the twins back and jisoo fell asleep.
“join us in the pool, mama.” jisoo asks, blinking her eyes cutely, a technique she’s learned with nayeon herself. “mommy won’t join us.”
“i did my hair yesterday!” jihyo justifies herself, her bottom lip sticking out slightly and forming a pout. she didn’t join them, but she was watching.
“i’ll go get changed and i’ll be back.” nayeon promises, placing jisoo back on the ground. once the kids go back to the pool, she inches close to jihyo, pressing her lips against hers tenderly. “you look like a trophy wife.”
jihyo laughs, shaking her head. “that’s the least romantic thing you could’ve said.”
“no, it’s not! it’s literally the most romantic thing i’ve told you in a while. you’re my most prized possession.” nayeon keeps going, and jihyo’s eyes widen, not sure if nayeon is joking or not.
“and it keeps getting worse!” she pushes nayeon away, pretending as if her heart isn’t jumping inside her chest. “go change your clothes, your daughter misses you.”
“i will!” nayeon steps back. “but that was romantic!”
jihyo huffs, and when she replies, nayeon is already too far. “it was not!”
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Stepping Stones: Chapter 6
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” 
Raine gasps out the words between strides, careening through the snapdragons and flinging themself down beside Eda on the crest of their hill. They scan her face for any sign of irritation, but all they find is fond amusement.
“Meeting ran long?” she asks, pulling open the basket beside her and handing them a sandwich. Part of them wonders when she became someone who makes sandwiches, but the rest of them is far too ravenous to care, barely tasting the food as they cram it into their mouth and spray crumbs all over their shirt. It’s lucky, they reflect, that Eda is probably cares the least about manners out of everyone they know. 
“You could say that,” they sigh when the sandwich is demolished and the burning in their stomach is satiated. “Terra barged in after fifteen minutes.”
Eda groans. “Again?”
A sharp ache pounds at Raine’s temples, and they massage them, nodding. Back during their days as a coven head, Darius used to bug them constantly about how far they leaned into headaches as a symptom of the memory-altering potion Terra had been feeding them. Raine had always told him the same thing— headaches were the one symptom of altered memories they didn’t have to fake, because just the thought of Terra was enough to start one. 
Eda gently pulls Raine downwards, situating their head on her lap, and tenderly rubs their temples. “What did she want that made you—” she glances at her watch— “two hours late to our weekly dinner?”
Raine moans. They suspected it had to be a couple of hours, but it deeply irritates them to have it confirmed. “I’m so sorry, Eda. You must have been worried.”
“Rainestorm. It’s fine. What happened.”
“Oh, she tried to poison everyone.”
Eda snorts. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. Can’t we just lock her away already?”
“We don’t have the authority. No one on the Isles does, until—”
“—We hold an election,” Eda finishes, understanding dawning in her tone.
“Exactly. Once we got Terra subdued, that was the rest of the meeting. I really wanted to let you know I’d be late, but everyone just kept talking, there wasn’t even enough of a break to send a message.”
“I figured it was something like that. Did you finally figure out the details, at least?”
Raine nods. “Most of them. We want there to be five councillors, one for each region of the Isles: arms, legs, torso. The hope is that eventually we’ll have one councilor for each region, like Luz talks about, but right now…”
“…There are few enough qualified people that we need to take what we can get?”
“Uh-huh. Anyone who wants to can submit themselves as a candidate this week, and we’re thinking we’ll do a sort of rehearsal election that the end of the month where everyone votes on fifteen people to make it to actual candidacy. Then we’re thinking about four months of campaigning before the real deal.”
“That sounds well-thought-out,” Eda says. “I’m assuming Terra intends to apply?”
“Of course. But Darius does, too, so at least there’s that. Lilith tried to talk Steve into it, but he says once things are settled, he wants to ‘take some time to chill and figure out what Steve wants to do’.”
“A man after my own heart,” Eda says approvingly.
“What about you? Would you consider applying?”
Eda laughs so hard she knocks Raine off her lap. “Oh, that’s a good one,” she cackles, wiping her eyes as they sit up. “What about me makes you think I’m an authority figure in the making?”
“You have a good head on your shoulders, Eda. Better than most witches.”
Eda rips her head off and raises it above her shoulders. Raine sticks their tongue out at her. 
“I’m serious! Everyone on our committee joined a coven, let themselves become complacent with what Belos was doing at some point in their lives. You never once bought into it. You understand better than almost anyone what magic is supposed to be.”
Eda smiles, a little sadly. “Thanks, Rainestorm. But making up rules and telling people to follow them isn’t me, whether I believe in them or not. I have different ideas for how to leave my mark.”
There’s a note in her tone that makes Raine think that’s not just a throwaway line; she has a plan. They open their mouth to ask about it, but Eda cuts them off.
“You want to apply, though.”
Raine chokes, heat flooding their face as they fix their eyes on the flowers. “Wh-what?”
“Oh, come on. I know you. You have a million ideas for how to fix this place up. That’s all you’ve been talking about for two months.”
“Having ideas isn’t the same as being able to implement them.”
“And what would stop you from doing that?”
“Being a leader isn’t just about making laws, it’s about—“ Raine runs a hand through their hair— “it’s about making speeches and connecting with people and getting them to like you.”
“Name one person who doesn’t like you.”
“Someone with a soul, Raine.”
“Okay. I’m good at talking to people I know. This is crowds of strangers, all the time. Strangers are scary, Eda!”
Eda smiles a little. “A very wise witch once said you can’t run from your fears forever. That’s why you have to get the jump on them, and—”
“—Punch them in the face. A wise witch who doesn’t think anyone they don’t know is scouring them for flaws every time they open their mouth.”
“Well, an even wiser witch, who does project their insecurities into the thoughts of people they don’t know but is good with people anyway, said not to give up so easily.” Eda reaches for Raine’s hands, weaving her fingers through theirs without breaking eye contact. “They probably need you more than you realize.”
Raine lets out a breath, their eyes falling shut.
The thing is: they want to believe her. They have three notebooks and counting crammed with ideas for how to improve the Isles, everything from education to justice to media. They’ve seen what it’s like from the bottom to the top, all the gold and all the rust, and they’ve spent their whole life trying to improve it. They don’t want to stop now. 
But after years of lying to the most ruthless witch in the realm to his face, days of holding that witch in their body, months of leading a rebellion and risking their life, watching people they love risk theirs— they still break out into a sweat at the idea of all those eyes on them. All those people scrutinizing their every choice, their every move. All those people they want to make everything right for, who they could never fail more badly. And beyond that…
“Do you think anyone would even take me seriously?”
Raine opens their eyes to find Eda’s face creasing in confusion. “What do you mean? You were the head of a coven—“
“The bard coven. You saw how many people dismissed that magic at Hexside, and I can tell you plenty of them did in the covens. What if people just see me as a performer? Someone who makes music, not laws?”
“Well, then this is the perfect opportunity to change their minds. To show them the leader of the Covens Against the Throne, the witch who held Belos in their body and forced him out, the witch who stomped Evil Emperor Jerk-Face into the ground.”
A smile tugs at Raine’s lips despite their best efforts. “Eda—“
“Raine. Do you want to run or not?”
“I don’t know.”
“I think you do. Take yourself out of other people’s heads for a second. Stop wondering if other people think you’re capable, or ready, or likable, or anything else. They’ll decide that during the election. You are the only person who can decide if you want to give them that chance. Do you?”
Raine closes their eyes and tries to find the place inside themself they went during their speeches on the streets of Bonesbourough, their strategy sessions with the CATTs, their final race to the emperor’s throne room. To find the witch they want to be, rather than the one they try to pull together for other people.
The word is so quiet they barely even hear it, so quiet they’re not even sure it’s true. 
And then the palisman staff they took with them to the meeting and up the hill, the palisman staff that for the last month has sat wooden and unmoving no matter how many wishes they’ve spoken to it, shrinks and bends until it’s not a staff at all but a soft, beautiful fox, who runs up their arm and wraps around their neck. Raine lets out a delighted laugh as its tail tickles their nose, blinking back tears as they relax into a warmth they haven’t felt in decades.
“Hello, Fiddlesticks,” they whisper. “It’s nice to meet you.”
They look up to see Eda grinning, her expression conveying all the things she doesn’t have to say. 
When they get home a few hours later, it’s to find Eber already asleep and Darius and Hunter in their pajamas, bent over a sweater patterned with pink, purple, and blue stripes. “I think I sewed the right sleeve higher than the left,” Hunter is saying. 
Darius raises a finger, beginning to draw a glowing ring in the air. “That’s an easy fix—“
“No, wait! I want to show you how Camila does it. She has this thing called a seam ripper.” Hunter pulls a tiny but unnervingly sharp-looking hook from his pocket.
Raine smiles to themself. This is Hunter’s fourth night back on the Isles, and he’s been doing better each time. The first night, he didn’t sleep a wink, and Raine had to stay up with him teaching him how to play every instrument they had on hand to keep him from frantically pacing the house. The second night, they were able to get him to go to bed, and the third night, he actually slept all the way through. Looking at him now, he seems almost at ease. 
Almost being the key word. He still jumps when he hears Raine’s footsteps, but immediately relaxes when he sees that it’s them. Then his eyes land on Fiddlesticks, and he jumps up, knocking the sweater to the floor.
“Your palisman! They’re awake!”
Raine grins. “Their name is Fiddlesticks.” They scratch underneath Fiddlestick’s chin, and the palisman nuzzles their finger before racing down their arm to curl around Hunter’s leg.
Hunter bends down to pet them, his smile equal parts delighted and sad. When he looks up at Raine, they open their arms and cock their head, a silent question. Hunter nods and steps into the embrace, hugging Raine tightly. Darius pats him awkwardly on the back.
After a few seconds, Hunter steps back. “Thanks,” he mutters, then clears his throat. “I’m glad they’re up and around. And it looks like the lopsided legs aren’t giving them too much trouble.”
“None at all,” Raine promises as Fiddlesticks runs back to them and returns to staff form. 
“So I guess you finally figured out your wish.” Darius eyes Raine shrewdly. “It wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with all the talking we did about the election?”
“You already knew I wanted to run,” Raine realizes.
“I don’t know why you’re so surprised,” Darius groans. “Remember when you were so painfully and obviously in love with Eda, and she was so painfully and obviously in love with you, and you were the only person at Hexside who didn’t realize it? This is like that.”
Raine glances down to hide their blush. “Well, do you think it’s a good idea?”
“Don’t tell anyone I said this, but you are the only person considering candidacy who I could tolerate as a coworker. If you didn’t run, I would forge your paperwork and put it in for you.”
“That’s not… really the example we want to be setting.”
“Well, it’s not like anyone would ever know.”
Raine opens their mouth, debates the worthiness of replying, and turns to Hunter instead. “What about you? What do you think?”
They find themself tensing preemptively and realize that inexplicably, Hunter’s opinion might be the one that matters the most. 
Hunter takes a long moment to consider, then says, “as long as you don’t break up with Eda.”
Darius snorts and Raine chokes, putting a fist to their mouth in an attempt to cover their coughing fit. “Okay?”
“I mean—“ Hunter runs his hands along his face and through his hair. “Like, if the relationship isn’t working, that’s fine, but… okay. I think you’d make a great leader. You have great ideas, and it’s clear you really care about making people’s lives better. But you can also be a little intense about it. You’re willing to sacrifice a lot if you believe it’s justified. And that’s not bad right away, but it can… become bad. Eventually.”
As usual, the thought of Belos seems to drop the temperature in the room.
“But I don’t think that will be a problem if you have someone you love to keep you in check. It seems like Eda might be good at that.”
Eda, who refused to give up on Raine no matter how many times they pushed her away. Eda, who was willing to turn herself in to the Emperor’s Coven if it would keep her kids safe. Eda, who doesn’t want to be a leader, because she’s better at the small picture. Better at protecting the people she knows, the people she loves. Like Raine. 
They find themself smiling. “I don’t see myself ending things with her again any time soon.”
“And even if you do, you just have to keep letting people get close to you. It helps,” Hunter says, ducking his head.
Raine smiles at him. “You’re a wiser witch than any of us were at your age.”
“Thanks. It’s the trauma.”
“Hunter, I’m so sorry—“
“I know. We’ve been over this. Let’s just get you closer to making sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Raine turns to find Darius returning from a shelf by the door with a stack of papers as tall as his torso. “I brought them home just in case,” he explains. “Have at it.”
He drops them onto the table with a resounding stack, and now the papers are taller than Raine.
It’s going to be a long night.
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Detectives and Demons
Do I have many pieces I am needing to continue? Yes. Am I posting a brand new thing instead? Yes. 
I will try working on some current things soon, I’ve just finished moving house among other stressful things and this is the first thing I’ve written in months.
Detective and Partner need to investigate an attempted demon summoning, but their usual informant is out on other business. However, Informant recommends them an expert. 
CW; Death, blood, cults, the occult, trauma
Detective stared at the pentagram, the makeshift alter in the centre, the blood staining the sides. It was hard to breath, like the air was somehow thinner in here and no matter how tightly they clenched their fists they couldn’t stop the shaking.
A hand slid onto their shoulder.
“Take a deep breath,” A voice whispered in their ear, smooth and sweet. A second hand took their other shoulder and began massaging it. “You aren’t there.”
“Don’t touch me,” Detective snapped.
The hands vanished and a face appeared in front of them, red brown eyes staring into theirs.
“Come on, don’t tell me it isn’t helping. I irritate you too much not to distract you.”
Detective glared, taking in a deep breath, but not because they were told to.
Partner smiled, “there you go. Do that compartmentalising or whatever it is you humans do. Focus on the job.”
Partner stepped to the side and Detective wished they hadn’t as the scene laid itself out before them again. The body sprawled out across the alter, eyes wide, face in terror.
“Was it a successful summoning?” Detective asked, moving their eyes back to Partner.
Partner raised their brows. “You think I can tell just from looking at it. My, I didn’t realise you had such a high opinion of me.”
“Can you, or can’t you?”
Partner smirked, “of course I can. And yes, it was proper but unsuccessful.”
Detective frowned, “how so?”
“Well, whoever chopped up this young man definitely opened the invitation, but he was not nearly inviting enough for anyone to accept.”
“If you don’t start giving me actual answers I’ll-”
Partner appeared in front of them again, eyes a little bright, entirely too close. If Detective couldn’t breath before they definitely couldn’t now.
“You’ll what? Spank me? Sweetie, I thought we talked about threats, you can’t do it, and honestly its no longer fun to watch you try.”
Detective grit their teeth, heart in their throat until Partner finally stepped back. They breathed. Partner paced about in front of them.  
“If you want to know why an invitation can go unanswered,” their hands moved as they spoke, “there are a few reasons actually. My people are quite fussy folks despite popular belief. We don’t just gobble up any souls thrown at our feet, we aren’t bottom feeders like the lower-level creatures. If the right sacrifice isn’t provided or the right deal offered, then we decline. It could be simply that they weren’t interesting enough of a person for a demon to want to bother with.”  
Detective dragged their gaze back to the scene.
“And can you tell why this one was declined?”
“Hmm.. not really, that boy’s soul has long left his body so there is nothing left for me to appraise. But interestingly enough the room wreaks frankincense.”
“Frankincense?” Detective frowned.
“Yes, which leads to some fascinating assumptions. Most demons won’t accept invitations from holy folks because 9 times out of 10 it’s a trap, however it’s a good way to lure in more powerful demons who can afford to fuck around and find out.”
Detective looked about the room.
“If this was a trap you wouldn’t be able to be here right now,” Detective said.
“Hmm, this is true.”  Partner said turning around to look at Detective, “that is, unless the trap has left the room.”
Detective stared at the alter, felt the blood dripping down their body.
“How common is this knowledge,” Detective asked.
“Not as common as one would think,” Partner said, reaching out and turning Detective’s gaze back to them. “You have an informant that might be able to help you narrow it down, maybe we should go talk to them. We have gathered everything we can from here now.”
Detective’s eyes darted back to the scene but before they could focus on it again Partner grabbed their hand and turned them away.
“Come on, I haven’t seen informant in forever.”
Detective felt far away, but Partner’s hand was warm against their skin, and as they stepped outside the sun beamed down on them, soaking in.
“That’s because all you two do is flirt with each other,” Detective finally said.  
Partner grinned, “oh the good memories.”
Informant’s place was usually vibrant and active, however as Detective and Partner approached it was silent. No music, no voices, not even a light on. On the door hung a note, Detective plucked it off.
“I heard down the grape vine you may need me, however other matters have grabbed my attention. Go to the bookshop across from a bell tower and seek the person inside, they may not be as good looking as me, but they will be as helpful, if not more. Give my love to Partner,” Detective read. They started at the note, re-red it. “A bookshop across from a bell tower, are you kidding me? That’s not a direction.”
Partner flittered around Detective, “Maybe they just want to test that big, beautiful brain of yours.”
“Well, I don’t have time for this bullshit, there is an occultist murderer on the loose and in case you haven’t noticed there is a church right behind us and literally a dozen other-”
A bell rang, big and heavy and old. The sound reverberated in Detective’s head, vibrated through their body. Detective stood on a narrow street, grass and greenery to their right, small buildings to their left. A church was perched out on the grass, a cemetery stretching out from its side, old headstones barely held together. And there a bell hung at the top of a small tower, old and rusted and silent. Across from it, a quaint little bookshop, windows peering into shelves inside. Detective passed through it, stood in front of a desk where a person sat, working away on something.
Detective looked up at the grey sky, over at Partner standing beside them with a bemused grin.
“You couldn’t even stop me from falling?” Detective said, picking themself up off the ground.
“If I help you every time, how will you learn to not fall when it happens? You’ll just learn to rely on me, and we can’t have that.”
Detective just rolled their eyes and brushed themself off.
“So, do you know where you are going?”
Detective wanted nothing more then to punch out that smug face.
“Yes,” they said and started walking.
“You know, if you practiced and didn’t deny your gifts you could do that on will.”
“I’m not in the mood for this,” Detective snapped.
“And since when has that stopped me before?”
Detective said nothing and walked back to the car.
The bookshop across from the fucking bell tower turned out to be a twenty-minute drive away and Partner spent the entire twenty minutes yabbering on about bullshit. Halfway through Detective spaced out, at first a welcome reprieve until the body floated into their mind, the alter, the blood. Their blood.
Partner touched Detective’s arm, “and you know what happened when he didn’t listen to me?”
Detective blinked into focus.
“I don’t know, he died?”
“He died,” Partner nodded.
“And how many people died because they did listen to you?” Detective asked, glancing over.
Partner waved them off. “That doesn’t matter, I don’t want you dead so its irrelevant to the conversation.”
Detective pulled into a park a little bit down the road from the bookshop, though there were plenty of parks out front of it. The street was dead, not a soul in sight or a sound to be heard, the city a far-off rumble. The bookshop looked unassuming, like just any other bookshop, but Detective could feel a warmth emitting from it, like a heated bubble around it protecting from the bite of the air outside. It felt relaxing, inviting which only made Detective square their shoulders, hold a hand to their pocket.
Detective entered first, a small bell ringing above them as they opened the door. They held the door open for Partner as they stepped inside.
The moment Partner did they faltered, holding on to the door frame as a pulse of energy startled them. Their skin felt hot, some of the fire inside of them rising to the surface.
“Partner,” Detective said, “you’re eyes.”
Detective stared as Partner’s eyes glowed, pupils slitted, blood red iris swirling.
“Well shit,” Partner said, blinking, “I can’t turn it off.”
Detective grabbed Partner’s arm, ready to drag them out and leave.
“It’s been a while since I’ve had a demon in my store,” A voice said.
Both heads snapped over to a person standing at the end of a bookshelf. They were dressed like they were either in the wrong era or at the wrong event. Well fitted dress pants, polished black shoes and a waist coat with the most elegant embroidery Detective had ever seen.
“And it’s been a while since I’ve met someone who knows how to ward so well,” Partner said, looking about the room, then back to them. “Who taught you?”
The Stranger shrugged, “would you believe me if I said I was self taught?”
Partner laughed, “not for a second. No human could figure this out on their own.”
The stranger just shrugged again, then reached up to one of the shelves and drew a circle with their finger. Partner’s eyes returned to normal.
“Why don’t we talk in my office?”
Without waiting for a reply, The Stranger turned and disappeared into the aisle. Detective and Partner followed quickly. Detective felt uncomfortable as they walked through, like they were too hot and too cold at the same time. The room itself was perfectly warm, like being wrapped in a comfy blanket, it made Detective want to relax into on of he couches or armchairs speckled about, just take a moment to collect themself. But that sensation panicked them, they rebelled against it, tightened their fists in an attempt to not relax.
They walked what seemed like forever, but in reality, was only a few metres to the back of the shop, to a door held wide open. The Stranger was already at their desk, leant against the front of it, waiting for them.
Partner went to walk in first. Stopped, looked around the door frame.
“I can’t get in,” they said, impressed.
“Well,” The Stranger said, “you could if you tried hard enough but by the time that happens, I would be long gone.” They looked to Detective. “You should be fine to step through though.”
Detective hesitated. They weren’t afraid to be without Partner, they couldn’t care less about their presence… most of the time, however this felt dangerous, felt out of Detectives usual bounds of experience.
None the less, Detective stepped inside.
“I suppose I should introduce myself,” The Stranger said. “I am Civilian, this is my bookshop, but I am assuming you aren’t here for books, or at the very least the books I have out there.” They gestured out the door.
“No,” Detective, “we were told you’d have information for us.”
“Told by whom?”
Detective felt regret the moment the word finished leaving their mouth. The welcoming warmth turned cold and Civilian’s jaw set.
“You work with Informant?” They said.
“Occasionally,” Detective said, “you know them.”
Civilian scoffed, “that’s putting it kindly. At least the asshat didn’t try to convince you they know everything. They couldn’t differentiate a sigil if you gave them a legend along with it.”
“Sounds like you don’t like them,” Partner said, grinning.
“If this wasn’t about the summoning I would refuse you just for affiliating with them,” they snapped, but reeled themself back, took a breath. “But you are here about that, and so I need to get over myself.”
“How brave of you,” Partner mocked.
“You know about the summoning,” Detective said before Civilian retaliated. Their gaze shifted to him.
“Yes, word spreads quickly in this world,” they looked back to Partner who was now on their phone. “Was it successful?”
“I’m really curious now how you know Informant. A business deal gone wrong? Ooh maybe ex lovers? That would be spicy.”
Civilian glared.
“Partner,” Detective snapped, “enough.”
Partner rolled their eyes, “you’re no fun. No, the summoning wasn’t successful, the place wreaked of Frankincense, so it was probably a trap.”
Civilian frowned, walked around their desk and sat down. They pulled the drawer beside them open and flicked through it, muttering something to themself. Detective stepped forward, peered over the desk but as they did the drawer slammed shut and Civilian had a folder.
“What are you thinking?”
“A lot of occult groups come to me for information and most of the time I give them wrong information,” Civilian said.
“You what?” Partner burst out, utterly amused.
“Most groups know jack shit to begin with and are just radicalised folks trying to have a higher purpose. These are the kind of people who either a, would just get killed by a demon if they did manage to summon it, or b, would use a demon to cause mass death or destruction. So, I feed them the wrong information, like for example that Frankincense is the key ingredient to a summoning.”
“So, they burn a bunch of it and instead end up deterring most demons,” Partner said, “I like that. You’re clever.”
Civilian shrugged.
“Do you have any pictures of the scene?” They asked.
“Yes,” Partner said.
Detective looked to them.
“What? Just because you weren’t working doesn’t mean I wasn’t.” They said, fishing their phone out of their pocket. Detective went and reached over the line, flicking through the photos before turning and bringing it back.
“Just don’t scroll too far or you might find something you won’t like,” Partner grinned. “Or maybe you will.”
Civilian did not entertain the comment and took the phone, looking down at the photos, squinting, zooming in on parts.
“Damn,’ they muttered, putting the file down and opening the drawer again, flicking through.
“Is that a good damn or a bad one?” Partner asked.
“Bad,” Civilian said. “Did you see the trail?”
Partner eyed them, “yes, how did you?”
Civilian looked to Detective. “A trail is something left by certain creatures and spectres, most commonly spirits or ghosts who died tragically. This kid wasn’t just killed, his soul was suspended, trapped there, which is not a common thing to be able to do.”
“What does it mean?”
“It means this was more then just a summoning, and these people are after more then just a demon. If it wasn’t for the frankincense, they would have attracted much more then that, much worse.”
“Worse?” Detective echoed.
“Less willing to talk it out,” Partner said. “Remember those lower levels I was telling you about?”
“Among other things,” Civilian said.
“So do you know who it was?” Detective asked.
“I’ll have to get back to you on it, I have a hunch but need to confirm.”
Civilian picked up multiple files and opened them across their desk, scanning them.
“That’s it?” Partner said, “I thought you’d be more impressive then that.”
“Why don’t you come in here and say that?” Civilian said looking up at them.
Detective stepped between them.
“I am sure you appreciate this is a time sensitive matter, I can only give you 24 hours to get the answers you need.”
“You’ll have it before then,” Civilian said, “If we don’t figure this out by tonight, they are going to try again and this time they might not use the frankincense.”
Detective eyed them as they looked back down at their work, focussed. They nodded, turned to partner.
“Let’s go.”
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junestily · 1 year
task force 141 + backrooms au.
In which they fall into the backrooms, knowing they won’t be able to get out. I’ve done only Ghost, Soap, Gaz and Price seeing as im not comfortable with writing others just yet, maybe the others will appear in the future (so sorry) not proofread n quite short actually.
mdni, tw horror, gore implied, mentions of starving+thirst, trapped, swearing, etc..
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It all started like any other day, with everyone getting ready, doing their morning routines. The 141 had been assigned with a new mission, a special request for their team to investigate about disappearances in what everyone believes to be-an enemy hideout. Located in one of the empty warehouses on enemy grounds, stood a four story building where reports say multiple members went missing past entering the half exploded place. Driving there was easy, even in enemy grounds they all knew this part rarely had any living person around, they soon hope to know why. The doors of the truck smacked closed, the 141 leaving with their bags on their back and weapons all ready in hands. They approached the building with careful steps, the entryway huge enough as it had been exploded during previous battles. A rock flies inside past the door, the Captain Price kicking it as he steps inside. The gaze of the man scanning the whole area.
“Everyone on their guards, we don’t know whats in here.” He warned, fixing the hat on top of his head correctly.
They all started checking the whole building, everyone coming to the conclusion that it is indeed, empty and without threat. They all join together on the last floor, reuniting in a circle mindless Gaz, the fella walking up to one of the blown windows to stare outside at the distant forest.
“We can’t go back empty, we will stay few days, in hope to catch or at least find out who has been capturing our fellow camarades.” Price was beyond displeased, already going on inside his head about how many days they could stay with what they had packed in their bags. As he brings a hand to massage his temples, a yelp is heard coming from the windows. Everyone quickly looking towards where Gaz was a second ago.
“Sergeant Gaz !” A quite deep voice echoes, Soap marching with heavy steps towards the window, holding on the side of it as he looks outside, checking if he hadn’t fell. As he rises back up correctly and turns to look at his members, Soap goes wide eyed, seemingly getting pulled by his feet down and its now his turn to yelp. Ghost and Price look at each other, cold sweat running down their foreheads while Soap finds himself in another place, butt down on the floor as he tried to regain his senses.
“Soap !” Gaz cried out, quickly kneeling down next to the scot. “Fuck- thought i had lost you all!” He breathed out shakily, placing his hand on the shoulder of Soap and helping him back up. He stood up, trembling and looked around before looking at Gaz.
“What happened? Where are- are you alright?” The man was getting quite overwhelmed, trying to understand the situation only made it worse. Gaz looked around too, trying to find the correct words but.. were there any ? He didn’t have time to get his own answers as a loud thud could be heard, following by a second one.
“Bloody hell-!” Ghost spat, quickly rising to his feet and aiming his gun front, only to be met with his two friends. He quickly lowered his gun and let out a long sigh as Price walked to Gaz and Soap.
“Sergeants, how copy?” Price looked them up and down, checking for injuries before he took a step past them to look at the surroundings.
“The backrooms.” Soap simply stated, quickly coming to this answer after a quick look around. They just got- teleported here and its just, endless yellow walls.
“Say what again, Johnny ?” Ghost inquired, raising an eyebrow under his usual mask. Price kept looking around, his steps thumping on the carpet.
“Backrooms, a place where… you can’t get out..” Soap’s voice came almost as a whisper, he gulped down, eyes now fixated on the floor as his words started sinking in the others head.
“What kind’o bullshit is that ?!” Ghost was pissed, his mind trying to find some logic into this- but there was none. He’d stumbled upon those ‘backrooms’ stuff, thinking about it as nothing more than a simple internet thing. What do you mean he’s locked in here !
“I-I don’t understand…”
Kyle’s voice was shaky, taking a step back he bumped into Soap who took hold of his shoulders.
“Hey mate.. It’s Alright. We’re together huh ? And we’ve got food we- we’re gonna find a way out.”
Soap spoke confidently, although he knew.. he knew there was no way out. Or at least- not yet. That’s what put some hope in him. He placed his bag correctly on his shoulders and started walking forwards, even walking past Price. The other three watched him slowly walking away, but they all soon hurried behind him.
“Okay, okay.” Price sighed, closing his eyes for some seconds before looking ahead again. “This is just.. another mission guys.” They all nodded, marching together in sync now. “We stay together, we do everything together. Copy that ?”
“Yes Captain !” They chanted together, Price hummed. “Check the comms.” He looked at Soap who pressed his device to talk into it. “One, two, I repeat. One, two.” Soap’s voice echoed into the others comms and they nodded. “At least this works..” Price seemed relieved, they started taking more and more turns along the yellow walls. Yellow walls, again.. and again. Soap used this time to explain further about the backrooms to his team, he’d read about it in his spare time and knew at least more than them. This only made them more anxious than they were before. Endless floors, even some creatures ? Oh god.
“Halt.” Price raised his hand, making everyone stop in their tracks. A metallic door stood at the end of the hallway they were in. A lift ? They looked at each other and walked to it, pressing the up button- the only button available. The doors opened with a ding- they soon got to the second floor. It opened on what seemed like endless maintenance hallways, the walls now a dark grey, filled with pipes, it reeked, a very bad smell. They stepped inside, resuming to walking again aimlessly. The smell got worse- and worse.
“I think i’m gonna be sick-“ Gaz sighed, wiping his forehead off the sweat it had. “Reminds me of that body we found three months ago-“ He immediately stopped talking, realizing what was happening. Soap looked at him in a knowing silence.
“Gun steady, we dont know whats been killed, nor by what. On the lookout.” Ghost was as focused as ever, now taking the lead in front of Price as he aimed his gun front. After some minutes of walking, and after the smell got stronger and stronger, they took a turn and here it was. Sitting down against the floor, half rotten-half bones and flesh hanging on the sides. Gaz immediately turned around, trying not to puke at the mix of the smell and the vision itself.
“Looks like we’ve found one of ours..” Price commented, kneeling down to place a hand on the shoulder of the body. “We’ve got you, rest in peace now.” He sighed as he stood back up. “No signs of an injury, must’ve let himself die- or just succumbed of starvation.” He sighed again, it seemed to be his new habit and they started walking again, leaving behind a note on the body in case anyone were to end up here after looking after them. But for now;
They were together, they were trained soldiers, they believed they could survive anything. alas so far, its gonna be endless hours of walking.. floor.. after floor.
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