#-pronouns on the character. scares the shit out of me when i get it wrong 😭😭
selfship-confession-box ¡ 5 months
I’ve never interacted with the selfship community, but I’m fictoromantic & I got a crush on a new character, and I want to make a blog to just reblog/save posts that make me smile, but I’m also really shy about it because I’ve been made fun of for being ficto in the past… it makes me wish that I could password lock sideblogs on tumblr :(
Hey, if it makes you happy, do it! I have a selfship blog as well (not this one) and I was really shy about it when I first made it. I hesitantly posted some art, made a few posts, and I started to get a lil more confident about it. The people who made fun of you are jerks. Always try to not interact with them, and block them. I personally haven't gotten hate before, but remember that it's just harmless fun :D!
Also another fun thing is the f/o imagines, those make me smile. I'd follow the tag of you haven't already ;3
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nqmonarch ¡ 8 months
Red Flags in HSR Characters
I have a problem of simping for the most red flagged characters except I can't handle red flags. Like violence makes me nope the fuck out of any relationship, I am so scared of getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. In real life I'm fucking terrified of being manipulated into being dependent on someone because I've experienced that shit and it isn't fun. Hate being insulted, degraded, all of that.
But the red flagged characters are just too cool???
Like Dr. Ratio, sure he's a pompous shit and would probably end up degrading you which I hate but he's so cool?! So I need to find some way to make him into this weird yellow flag without making myself into some super genius because no way is that gonna happen.
So instead put him in like a tutor AU, he's teaching you and when you get something wrong he gives you such a side ways insult. Like it takes a minute to realize it's an insult, it's worded in such a creative peculiar way. The second it registers you begin doing ten times worse on every question. It doesn't take long for him to realize that being told you're shit isn't inspiring to everyone. So he takes a... kinder approach. He's still a hard ass and strict but he's actively trying to do better and you can tell, when he starts a sentence suddenly stops and then brings that sentence in a completely different direction. You both end up learning. You end up learning the material and he ends up learning how to be somewhat better at dealing with people whose ideal day isn't being insulted.
Then there's the aeons. i simp for all of them, like how can you not??? Especially Nanook (using he/him pronouns for Nanook), Yaoshi, IX, and Aha. Now first off IX isn't a red flag IX is a lovely little black hole who I will defend with my life. But the other three??? They're as red as a stop sign.
Like sure, Nanook would probably destroy you the first chance he gets. Maybe Nanook is the destruction because he wants to be destroyed. I, I don't know man. Like he's so beautiful but how the hell do you even write romance with him? That isn't just like destroying the love interest.
Maybe he's had an insatiable urge to destroy everything ever since the dawn of his existence and he can't remember why. He's always been filled with rage, hatred, toward everything that's existed. Then he sees you and it all comes rushing back toward him. Your death, the hole it filled, the only thing that could really be blamed was the universe. It was everyone and everything's fault. So he would destroy it all to protect you.
Still a red flag but man I'm trying my best, no matter what Nanook will always be a red flag. Yaoshi on the other hand... surely there's a way I can make Yaoshi into a yellow flag after all they just want to help.
Yaoshi who would save your entire planet, heal every individual part of the ecosystem and every person, just to see you smile. They would ask nothing in return and instead remain by your side, enjoying the beautiful of the world. Then the mara strikes, people begin to lose their minds and themselves and you're left to beg them for a way to reverse this. But this is the price of life.
Yaoshi assures you that this is natural but they still watch on in horror as you inevitably succumb to the mara as well. Only then do they try to figure out how to fix it.
The further I get the more hopeless I become. Then there's Aha...
They probably found you entertaining at first, a human full of surprises and excitement, someone that could survive any trial. Then you grew on them a bit more and they found himself becoming attached. Aha wasn't supposed to be attached but this of course just makes an opportunity for more entertainment! Now they're actually invested and can experience the nail biting tension of all this drama!
Just another form of entertainment, it'll be a shame when you're gone though.
Then there's all the other beautiful red flags Ruan Mei, Jing Liu, Blade, Luocha, and Aventurine and Sunday seem like red flags as well even though they're not out. Like if bad to date why do I want to date?
Their red flags are a part of them and it's hard to work around it, so sometimes you just gotta embrace it. Life's rough man. In the end it's my fault for liking red flags. I'll just stick to Jing Yuan for now, peak husband material.
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thechaoticdruid ¡ 9 months
[This Bites] (1)
Pairing: Astarion x F! Chubby! MC
Plot: Through some mysterious and very miraculous events, a young woman finds herself literally stuck with a character from her current video game obsession. You can guess it already. It's an isekai type fanfic. Except in this case Astarion is stuck in our modern world.  I was gonna call the MC Tav, but since the actual game character Tav is mentioned I just named her Winnie. 
Content Warnings: Death….sorta, An asshole of a stepdad, MC uses She/Her pronouns, eventual smut and sexual content in future parts. Characters may be Ooc, grammar/spelling mistakes are possible. MC has very low self esteem. Depressed MC.
Chapter One: You are here!
Chapter Two: Here!
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“Argh I knew something would go wrong with this game!” The female huffed, staring down at her computer. Her eyes scanned over the error message titled ‘Character not found.’ She gritted her teeth in frustration. “God forbid I try mods….” 
The young woman groaned, shutting her laptop and falling back onto the bed. Apparently after finally installing a cheat mod onto Baldur's Gate 3 the game decided to retaliate and locked her out of her save files. She couldn't even create a new character either! The same ‘Character not found’ message seemed to pop up no matter what she did. The girl’s name was Winnie, a college student in her early twenties who was still living at home. Not too long ago Winnie had gotten the game upon release. She'd played it several times since then and even yet was still able to find some hidden secrets she didn't notice the first time. Honestly this game had really helped with her current state. Life had just been dull and miserable. All her friends had moved on and had their own lives now and she really wasn't the best at making new ones. 
She had a dull boring job, did online writing classes and also had to put up with the asshole her mother married. This game had been a godsend for her these past few months. It gave her an escape. A way to be someone else, at least for a little while anyway. 
Not to mention live out her somewhat cringey teenage girl fantasy of dating a walking red flag of a vampire. In this game she felt important. Like she was some badass heroine who was ready to take on any foe.  Not the shy, scared, awkward woman who she saw in the mirror.
Her cat Maddie broke Winnie from her thoughts as she hopped up onto the bed and crawled onto the young woman's chest. Winnie ran her hand over the cat's thick fluffy black fur.  Maddie gave a small mew before purring noisily and gently kneading her claws into Winnie’s chest.
Winnie sighed, scratching the sides of Maddie's face as she was soothed by the feline’s pur. 
“WINNIE! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!” A gruff male voice shouted from the other room, causing Maddie to jump and scramble off of Winnie and hide under the bed. 
The brunette haired girl sighed and got up, walking out of the room and cautiously stepping down the hall. 
“Yes, Brian?” Winnie spoke up as she entered the kitchen.  She looked over to see her stepfather stumbling about. Brian was a rather large man with short dark hair and beard. He was well….very unpleasant.
“Where are the goddamn car keys?” He growled out. 
“Dunno, I don't drive.” Winnie said calmly as she leaned up against the wall, “mom probably put them somewhere. Check the coffee table by the recliner.” 
Brian stomped off, a tiny tan fluff of a dog following after him.  He grabbed the keys before walking back into the kitchen. 
“I'm going to the store. Keep that stupid cat of yours in your room! It keeps shitting all over the carpet!” 
“I've told you over and over. Maddie only goes in the litter box. It's your dog that keeps making a mess in the house because you don't take him outside when he needs to go.” Winnie rolled her eyes.
“Don't fucking talk back to me! You're lucky your mother lets you stay here, if it was up to me you'd have been kicked out of here a long time ago.”  Brain snapped, making Winnie flinch a little at his tone.  “Now make sure the trash is taken out before I get back.” He said before stomping out the front door and slamming it behind him.  Winnie flinched once again at the loud sound before letting out a sigh and pulling the trash out of the can despite the fact that she distinctly remembered her mother telling Brian to take it out this morning. 
Winnie took out the trash before coming back inside heading back to her room. Her eyes scanned over her laptop as Maddie crawled out from under the bed.  She walked back over and opened the device, logging herself on before attempting to open her game back up.
[Character not found.]
Winnie groaned before filling out a bug report and then putting her computer up. She needed to get ready and go to work anyway. 
A few days had passed and nothing seemed to work. Winnie had disabled and deleted all the mods, sent in about a dozen but reports and still nothing. The only thing left she could try now was uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it. 
Winnie sat on the bed waiting patiently for the game to download though she knew it would at least take an hour. She pulled out her cellphone, noticing a text from her mother. The message was informing Winnie that Brian and her mom wouldn't be home until late tonight. At least this meant she'd have plenty of peace and quiet in the meantime. The young woman spread out on her bed, stretching her limbs before slowly closing her eyes, resting lazily.
Time passed as she slowly dozed off…Eventually she was awoken by the sound of beeping? It was some strange noise that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She quickly looked over to her laptop and her eyes widened as she noticed it seemed to be going crazy. Blinking and beeping.
“What the fuck!?” She exclaimed, grasping her computer and frantically clicking the mousepad. 
Then the screen went black before seemingly returning to the home screen. However, everything on the computer was gone save for one shortcut. Baldur's Gate 3.
The game’s shortcut sat in the very center of the computer, practically screaming at Winnie to click on it. She clicked it and the game opened up. 
Everything seemed to go as normal up until the title screen.  Winnie’s eyes widened in shock as she noticed all of the menu options were gone aside from (New Game).  She raised an eyebrow before clicking on the only option available and waiting as the opening cinematic played. Everything continued as it usually did. Winnie created her Tav, a human druid with an urchin background, then proceeded to hop into the game. 
Winnie did a bit of a speed run, moving through the Nautiloid as quickly as she could. She recruited Us, Lae'zel and freed Shadowheart before reaching the helm and crashing the ship.
Upon reaching the ravaged beach was when things began to get strange. 
The game buffered and blinked a bit, skipping the scene where Tav would check themselves out followed by some voiced narration. Tav was kinda just there on the beach. 
“Oh God. The game is glitching….” Winnie whined. She sighed in annoyance before clicking on the ground where she wanted Tav to walk. Winnie REALLY did not feel like uninstalling the game and waiting another hour to try again so she decided she'd play for as long as the game would allow.  Winnie had Tav wander over towards where Shadowheart would normally be laying after crash, only to find an empty space where the half elf should be.  Winnie groaned assuming it was another glitch before continuing on along the beach. While most things were there like the dead bodies and the intellect devourer enemies, Winnie did not see any sign of Shadowheart at all. Not even near the ruins where she'd be if she wasn't rescued by the player.  Winnie decided to quickly go and look for the other characters, sneaking her way past the little brain creatures and moving down the path where Astarion, the elven rogue companion, would be waiting to ambush the player.  He was Winnie’s favorite. She had a soft spot for sassy morally grey characters with tragic backstories. And he was also secretly a vampire to boot which just added to the appeal.  Winnie had her Tav approach the area before she let out a sigh of relief seeing as the vampiric elf was in his starting area shouting for help like normal. At least the game wasn't completely broken.
“Hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered.” Astarion’s dialogue began as soon as Tav got close enough to interact with him.  “There in the grass, you can kill it can't you? Like you killed the others?” 
“Uh….I kinda actually didn't kill any of them…Heheh.” Winnie chuckled before dragging her mouse over the dialogue choices.
1. [Easily, stand back.]
2. Kill it yourself. You seem capable.
3. Leave
Winnie clicked on choice 1 before her Tav walked over to check the tall grass for the intellect devourer that was actually non-existent. 
Instead a wild boar leapt from the grass and made Tav jump in surprise, giving Astarion the perfect opportunity to strike. He pinned the druid to the ground, pressing a dagger to her neck.
“Shhh…Shhh….Not a sound…Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.” The vampire practically purred out.  Winnie blushed, a shiver going down her spine. There was a reason she always found herself choosing the elven vampire as her character’s love interest. Initially when she first got the game she felt he came off as a pompous prick (which he is) but damn he was so fucking seductive. It drove Winnie absolutely mad. Not to mention it helped given he had sweet delicious character development later on in his story and actually could be kind of a sweetheart… To the player at least.  
The romance in this game had to be Winnie’s favorite aspect of it. She was very romantically inexperienced to say the least and this just added to what made the game her perfect escape from reality. It made her feel like someone actually liked her. Winnie prepared to select the next dialogue choice when suddenly she noticed they had changed. 
1. [……….]
2. ………..
3. ……….
4. ……….
She looked up and saw a smirk form on Astarion's lips, his eyes appeared as if he was staring back at Winnie from through the screen. Before she could speak Astarion slit Tav's throat and let them drop onto the ground.
“What. The. Fuck.” The brunette haired female went pale as she stared at her computer screen. Astarion sighed in what sounded like relief?
“Finally, we've done that old song and dance so many times! The novelty has completely worn off.” He stretched out his arms, before wiping his dagger on the ground. “It feels so invigorating to try something new, wouldn't you agree?” 
“Uhh…..What's going on?” Winnie asked aloud. She was shaking a bit in both confusion and a little fear.  Her character was kinda just laying on the ground dead…and Astarion was talking….to her!?
“Oh dear, it seems I've gone and frightened you. Ahaha!” Astarion chuckled before appearing to move closer to the screen, even going so far to place his hand on it…
“Hello darling…”
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fictionwifey ¡ 3 months
Konoha x Transmasc! Reader head cannons (pt. 1?)
Warnings: REALLY LONG, sasuke is kinda uh…a little shit, at first, but when is he not? queerphobia, ur deadname is Elizabeth? I dunno if it uses any pronouns, but if it does its prob he him, sorry nb besties
Note: queerphobes can gtfo of this blog im not cisgender, straight, or allosexual or alloromantic so uhh BYE SIS. Welcome beautiful queers and allies :)
Characters: Team 7: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi (separately)
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He actually gets it, like, immediately
If you tell him your preferred name and pronouns when you first meet him, he’ll use the right away, no problemo
If you tell him you’re trans later on, he’ll understand the concept pretty quickly, and he is happy and proud that you’re able to tell him
If he sees something remotely similar to the trans flag’s colors hes immediately pointing it out (same goes for any other flags of your queer identities)
“Look! It’s like the trans flag!” He says (a bit loudly according to your reddening cheeks and the customers’ stares) while pointing to a white shirt with blue outer stripes and pink inner stripes on it
“Yeah…let’s keep it down just a bit, kay, Naruto?” He nods and apologizes, later taking you to Ichiraku’s for ramen (you’re paying though—what’d you expect, for him to have money?)
If you tell him your preferred name and pronouns after you meet him and you’ve been friends, it’ll be a bit harder for him
You walk up to him one day, looking incredibly nervous for some reason before you grab his attention
“Hey, Naruto, uh…I’m trans…”
The way he freezes scares you at first before you realize it’s his look of confusion, not his look of judgement (they’re really not that different convince me otherwise)
You explain to him, and like I said before he grasps the concept immediately
Naruto accidentally deadnames you or uses the wrong pronouns now and then, and it wouldn’t be that much of a problem, except…
“Hey Elizabeth, is this the (men’s item) you wanted?” in the store
everyone turns around and you pull a ‘pretend-like-you-don’t-know-him’
“Hellooo? Eliz- er, Y/N, eheh..”
When you get home that’s the fourtj time you’ve had to discuss the ‘pretend-like-you-dont-know-him’
If someone deadnames or misgenders you, he’ll correct them
If they keep doing it even accidentally, he’ll have a polite, definitely non threatening conversation alone with them
If he finds out it’s intentional, well uh…
“What do you mean, ‘I’m the prime suspect’?? I didn’t even know they went missing- …being the last person to leave with them and returning without them doesn’t mean anything-!”
If you were feminine before coming out, whether a while ago or shortly before, he literally does not GAF
If you’re still kinda feminine (any ftm femboys here?) it increases his accidental deadnaming and stuff (but only if you came out later after meeting him)
Overall 12/10 🥺☺️
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This assho-
If you use your preferred name and pronouns when you first meet, of course he is annoying
“…why do you need to clarify your pronouns? You don’t look that much like a girl…if you squint…”
If you decide to explain you’re trans
“I’m…not sure that’s how it works…but you do you. …What’s your real n-“
He can’t finish before Kakashi loudly clears his throat, Naruto scolds him, and Sakura hits him in the back of the head. (Changing their scores they get extra for that)
If you decide to tell him you’re trans later, basically the same thing. Except maybe he’s a little less insensitive as he’s grown more attached.
If you completely start using your name and pronouns after meeting and knowing him, he’ll definitely be more sensitive about it. Still Sasuke tho, don’t push your luck.
He’ll accidentally deadname you every now and then, and sometimes you’re not even sure if he tries
He does really try to save you from embarrassment though, he’s only deadnamed or misgendered you in a male store for example once
If someone misgenders or deadnames you, he immediately gets on them coldly
If someone keeps doing it, he goes off
If he finds out it’s intentional, he’ll beat their ass then and there, in front of everyone, especially you
When you smile softly and say thanks, he cuts you off
“You’re all for equality right? If I get hit for accidentally doing that, they get killed for doing it purposefully.”
POV you rn: Um 🫢 damnn Sasukes actually kinda swee-
He’ll probably beat you up for even thinking that dont get too excited
He doesnt really care but not in a (very) mean way
if you were overly feminine before coming out, he’ll raise a brow and sometimes comment on how girly you were
If you’re still kinda feminine (any ftm femboys here?) he’d sometimes comment on it
You: 🎀💞🫧✨ Him: “Aren’t you a boy”
Before Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi did their ✨thang✨ again
Overall 8.5/10 ig idk🫡
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She’s a tinyyy bit disappointed she’s the only girl again, but then again, now no one can steal her spotlight (on Team Kakashi at least-)
She pretty much gets it, she’s heard of transgender people before, as she is a medical ninja, and Tsunade has met some (side note: Tsunade is a total auntie to the queer <33)
and now she’s even met one: you
She is VERY supportive and proud, but not as ‘OMG ITS SOMETHING TRANS’ as Naruto, you know?
She always uses the right pronouns and usually uses the right name, whether or not you came out/told her your name when you first met
she’s deadnamed you once after knowing your name is Y/N not Elizabeth or whatever your dead name may be
If someone misgenders or deadnames you, she immediately cuts them off and corrects them
If someone keeps doing it, she literally shouts the correction out of absolutely nowhere to cut them off
If she finds out it’s intentional, she literally interrupts them by SHRIEKING your name and pronouns Im serioud when I say she will SCREAM it from the ROOFTOPS she loves you
I dunno if its platonic love or not so dont get your hopes up but she definitely adores you
If you were feminine before coming out, whether a while ago or shortly before, Sakura doesn’t blink an eye at it. She knows realization like this can happen in a moments notice
She will take ALL the clothes, nail polish, makeup, etc that you no longer want (if you’d like of course heheh)
If youre still pretty fem she is BETTER THAN OKAY?? 🎀🫧✨🌸
Do you want her to paint your nails? Wait, you wear makeup? Can she do it today? Do you wanna borrow some of her clothes that smell like her so it seems- (Kakashi clears his throat interrupting Sakura and she realizes what she was about to say)
But yeah so imma say
Overall 100/10 obvi? 💞🥺
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He thinks it’s so cool that he’s actually getting to meet a trans person
They were just the butt of the jokes back in his day
Or the gossip whenever an actual trans person literally did nothing more than breathed
But yeah he’s like ‘that’s so cool’
He’s way more ecstatic and happy for you on the inside like in there he’s actually squealing
Kakashi reveals that he’s actually questioned his gender identity before, but it kinda got shoved out of his mind by his dad once (same with sexuality but he’s totally pansexual or something and he knows it—he doesnt care about gender he just likes people)
You guys discuss that stuff sometimes when he asks if its normal to question it, or his sexuality, or when he finally figures out the label for it is pan (or whatever) and then you guys just discuss your queer identities
One day he was just like “hey is it normal to wonder if I’m a boy? I know you’re a boy who was once a girl, or at least seen as one, but I…” and yeah
If you’re (around) his age, and he finds out you’re trans, he feels like he’s about to cry
Kakashi is SO HAPPY, he didn’t know trans people…would even be able to live as long as you…
He hugs you so tight bro you’re not getting out of that for a while
If you’re literally his age like ive said before and ur not a minor you may or may not be his pan/homosexual awakening…
You guys are so sweet as a couple just the absolute cutest
If you’re a kid he’s training Kakashi will make sure you’re extra well protected due to the sad fact that transphobia and just plain queerphobia is still everywhere even if it’s a small amount
Regardless of age again, he always uses the right name, as he says its easy cos Y/N suits you better and generally uses the right pronouns
He’s used the wrong pronouns just a few times
If someone misgenders or deadnames you, Kakashi patiently corrects them
If they keep doing it, he gets a bit annoyed but makes you a pronouns pin and/or name tag and reminds them each time, his reminder dripping with more venom each time
If he finds out it’s intentional, Kakashi literally will get them in trouble, the excuse being they were harassing and bullying you, even so much as saying they were threatening your existence (which isnt a complete lie)
He cares so much about you dare I say loves you so much, whether it be in a familial way if youre a kid or adult, or a romantic way if youre an adult 
If you were feminine before coming out, he sometimes gets confused but usually does great actually with few mistakes
If youre still feminine he sometimes gets confused on accident but it doesnt take him long to get good
Overall 10/5 🤍🥹
I may make more with the other teams! Have a great one, byeee!!
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yuyuswrld ¡ 10 months
O Captain, My Captain || 1
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series intro here, or read chapter 2
characters: reiner x reader (this chapter), various aot boys x reader.
notes: this is an 18+ series, please don’t interact if you’re a minor! reader is referred to with she/they pronouns.
content warnings: explicit smut, fingering, reiner eating pussy like a god!!, alcohol consumption, degradation, mild slut shaming (?), mentions of marijuana at the end
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“Has he always been a bitch?” You question Marco, inhaling bites of your ramen. He shrugs, “We’ve both been on the team since freshman year and I’ve never had a problem with him. Maybe you’re the problem?” He meets with dead silence as you stare up at him from your bowl.
“Funny, Bott. I’m just not looking forward to spending so much time with him, if he behaves like that, anyway.” Exasperation visible, you slump in your chair to think. “It’s not like he’s on the sidelines. He’s the damn captain, which means I have to talk to him a lot.”
Marco shrugs. “You’re being dramatic. He’s a pain sometimes, but he’s not that bad. Just try to be nice to him, please. Eren won’t get any nicer if you’re mean. Plus,” He stops to take a bite of his food, “we don’t have the time for fighting. We’re expected to go to nationals this year, and that’s not happening if you two scare each other off.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Bott. I’ll see you at practice later.” Uncrossing your arms and brushing off your legs as you get up from your seat. Okay, sure, Eren has yet to be anything except slightly dismissive and maybe just a little shit. He hasn’t actually done anything to you. You toss your bag over your shoulder before thanking Marco for the meal and dismissing yourself.
As the time for practice draws closer, you collect your thoughts as you stand outside the cold metal doors of the university’s second largest gym. Sure, you went to a school notorious for its D-1 volleyball, but the gym’s size was excessive. The high rise bleachers felt as if they would swallow you alive and the walls would collapse in. They had before. You remember the bile pool in your throat as the sports cameras flashes ate at your failure and spat you back out. Like a gazelle running from its predator, your body craves to run away from the glorified arena ahead of you.
“The fuck are you standing in the doorway for? Are you going in, or what?” Is it wrong to want to choose violence? Couldn’t he just say excuse me or ask if something’s wrong like a normal person?
Ugh, you should choose peace and not mess up a good opportunity. Just think about the money and all the nice things you can buy.
“I’m obviously just trying to get in your way.” You push the door open and walk into the gymnasium, not bothering with holding it open for Eren. In fact– hopefully it hits him! 
You hear the door fly open again behind you and a bag hits the ground with a loud thud. Eyes landing on the congregation of men in jerseys surrounding a smaller man, you beeline over to them. As you near, the smaller man, who you assume to be Coach Levi, locks his gaze with you. Is he… angry? Concerned? It’s impossible to determine what he’s thinking as he continues to stare.
“You’re not pregnant, are you?”
Your jaw drops. You’ve met more people in your life than you can count and never did a single person start a conversation in such a way.
“Not as far as I’m aware of…?”
“Okay, if you do what Hanna did, I will rip that baby out of your-”
A blond kid speaks up, “Um, Coach, you probably shouldn’t be threatening them on the first day. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to do that when we really need someone to organize our itinerary and keep practice stats. We’re nothing if we don’t have those numbers.”
“Fine, Arlelt. You and Braun stay here, explain how game statistics work and start having her do one-on-ones after. Performance evaluations for all of you.” You watch as Coach Levi’s eyes hover over Eren, who looks less than pleased. You’re not sure what’s going on there, but also can’t bring yourself to care. “Rest of you can go practice.”
As you glance over at the two boys who stayed, it throws you off that you’ve seen both of them before. The little blond one, you’re pretty sure his name is Armin. You’ve seen him walking around with Eren before, but he always looked so out of place in how gentle he is. You’re pretty sure you watched him bump into a trash can and apologize.
The other, however, you don’t think you’ve ever seen a man with such a commanding presence. He’s well-built. You’re pretty sure even a Greek god couldn’t hold up in comparison. You scoff internally, ‘it’s always the fucking volleyball players.’ But there’s something that lingers on your tongue, a conversation revolving around him. Then it hits you, Petra’s gossipped about him before!
“There are some really cute guys on our volleyball team. Did you know that?”
“Not this again, Petra. We’re supposed to be doing our biology homework.”
“Bitch, please. Let me speak. Anyway, there’s this guy on the team, his name is Reiner and oh my god- that is one fine ass man. He’s built like a tank engine. Not only that,” she says, a little giggle follows. “I’ve only heard this from two girls. He says he doesn’t like to hook up a lot, but his head game is insane. Like cum in a minute insane.” 
You stare, “I’m pretty sure that’s impossible, Petra.”
“I don’t know! Hook up with him yourself and you can give me all the juicy details afterwards.” You can only sigh in response, disturbed by your best friend’s inability to study.
But, here he was in the flesh, all 6’2 farmers tan of him. You couldn’t possibly do something so scandalous on your first day, could you? You shake the thought out of your mind as Armin talks.
“Volleyball stats are relatively easy to get the hang of. You just need to watch pretty closely. Even if you do miss something, we record them and you’ll go back through with Eren to make sure everything is recorded properly. Then, you’ll want to convert the numbers of each hit, serve, and pass into percentages compared to how many times it occurred per set.”
Reiner laughs, just a small one, but lord it’s like music to your ears. “Armin, you’re dumping too much info on them at once. It’d probably just be best to just show them the ropes visually and they can go from there. C’mon, let’s have coach set up the camera and record the three-on-three’s that they’re doing now.  We’ll watch the game, I’ll have you watch me record it, and then we’ll go back over it while watching the tape later.”
You nod, feeling just a hint of warmth across your face. Is this even possible, to have a school-girl crush in university? Those days were supposed to be behind you, but you can’t help but have the smallest bit of a smile as you follow him and Armin to speak with Coach Levi.
As you watch Reiner and Armin record the stats, your mind spins with utter confusion. You’re beyond lost, unsure how they’re even keeping up with the sheer amount of movement the players are doing. Dig? Write it down. Set? Write it down. You want to groan, or maybe even just go get dinner as you feel your stomach rumble.
As practice wraps up, your stomach rumbles in pain once again as it craves its next coddling. Reiner glances over from where you two stand, finishing up showing Coach Levi the statistics and getting a dismissive, “make sure it’s right,” instead of an appreciative response. He smiles at you, looking down.
“Gettin’ hungry?” He asks.
“Beyond hungry,” you say, shoulders dropping in defeat. “I’m being tortured. I haven’t eaten since noon. It’s 7 now! It’s criminal that you guys would starve me for so long.” You tease Reiner. He only responds by glancing at the gym door where most of the boys say their goodbyes before tapping out for the night.
“Y’know, I’ve heard I make a mean rice bowl.” 
It didn’t take much convincing for you to follow him back to his dorm room as practice winds down. Upon sitting across from each other at his make-shift dinner table, you learn Reiner is one of the middle blockers, coming at no surprise to you when taking in consideration to his stature. Although, you also learn he was from the countryside and this scholarship was his way out.
“Y’know, I always kinda dreamt of moving to the big city and being able to do what I love. But it’s crazy, man, I still can’t believe I’m here sometimes playing for the top university on the island.” 
Hearing the passion in his voice, you question if it’s right for you to intrude as a manager. Is it okay for you to be in charge of the livelihood of the men who’ve come so far and done so much for their passion? The men who could very well play on Paradis’ Olympic Team in the future? The concern is quickly shoved into your mental locker to be returned to as Reiner asks about watching a movie over some post-dinner snacks and beer. A much needed chance to relax after endless studying, you agree chipperly and move over to his plush couch.
As you two get halfway through Inglourious Basterds, you feel his arm wrap around you and his head turn in your direction. The alcohol running through your system has you heating up just from the skin contact. You blush as Petra’s words return to the forefront of your mind. You turn your head to face him, eyes interlocking with each other. His eyes signal a look of need, not want. You’re not sure if anyone’s ever looked at you like that before. Like a hunter who’ll starve without the meat of the deer he’s trailing.
“You’re so fucking hot” He mutters, you’re surprised a man of his stature can be so quiet. “I don’t think I’ll last with you as our manager.” Reiner closes the gap between the two of you. There’s a slight metallic tinge on his lips, but it’s addicting in the worst of ways and only deepens the experience. You two continue, allowing yourselves to sink into the couch, your body hitting the arm rest. His kiss moves from your lips to your neck, hands beginning to roam until they find purchase underneath your shirt. First, he plays with your bra before making his way under. Reiner moves his lips from your neck gently, almost like he’s scared of making a mistake. He helps you pull your shirt over your head and follows by removing your bra, his delicate touch unhooking the backing.
“You don’t have to be gentle,” you coo to him, lust-filled gazes connecting. “Please, I like it a bit rough, I swear.” He groans into the valley of your breasts.
“Don’t say that shit, I might break you.”
You can only laugh at his words, unfazed by the prospect, if not even more turned on by it. 
“Holy shit, please do,”
“In that case,” He says, voice lower as if weighing his options internally. “Don’t blame me if you limp to practice tomorrow.” Reiner helps you remove your pants before his fingers begin to dance over your body again. The touches are soft as they ghost the outline of your skin, your heart beating as you wait for him to soothe the ache between your legs. You attempt to rub them together for a semblance of friction but his arms find their way to keep them split. His gaze shifts up to you, eyes narrow as if disapproving of your behavior. Reiner’s face then begins to move lower, tongue licking a stripe up the inside of your thigh as his fingers begin to dance over your clit. He moves his face over to meet his fingers, tongue flattening against your clit, which draws a moan of approval from you. It seems evident that it spurs him on further as he begins to speed up his tongue, then switching to sucking your bud and having his fingers delve lower to your hole. Reiner holds eye contact with you as he begins to press one of his monstrous fingers inside of you. 
You can only make a noise of approval as he pushes it further in, approving of how well even one of them feels inside. It heightens your pleasure as he thrusts it forward, keeping his tongue dancing and sucking against your clit in a flurry of movements that have you questioning if Reiner is really a man and not a god in disguise. As he pushes a second large finger in, you cry out much louder than you should be in the dorms. You bite down on your lip to withhold any further noises, but Reiner puts a complete pause on what he’s doing.
“Keep moaning, baby. Let them hear how well you’re getting finger-fucked right now. This is what Armin wanted to be doing to you right now, did you know that?” He lets out a deep laugh, lips and face glistening in the dim lighting of his tv. “Bet you’d like that, though, huh?” His fingers move again and you gasp. “Yeah, you’d fucking love it if I bent you over and fingered you from behind to show off the entire team what a good little pocket pussy you are.”
That’s what tipped you over the edge. In fact, it’s probably disrespectful to feminism that you allow yourself to be finger-fucked while getting off to the disgusting words spewing out of the blond’s mouth. But social constructs be damned if this man didn’t stick his dick in you soon. You clench around his fingers as they continue to move, despite your cum gushing over his fingers.
“You’re fuckin’ nasty. But you’re still not ready for me.”
His face returns to its original spot, blowing hot air on it first as you wriggle at the stimulation. Reiner only adds another finger in response, allowing the three large digits to stretch you out before moving them once again. It feels as if you’re melting around his fingers as your back arches to the stretch. Despite slight discomfort, it’s overwhelmingly pleasurable to feel the expertise in his ways.
It’s not long after he adds another finger that you feel the coil in your stomach once again. As his tongue laps at your clit with a technique unknown to you, you’re about to unravel against his touch once again.
“‘M gonna cum,” you pant out desperately.
“Do it, cum on my fuckin’ tongue.” He replies approvingly, allowing you to take the time you need to ride out the rush to your body. For a second, you feel as if you’re floating in the way your back arches off the couch and your head spins in pure ecstasy. You glance over at Reiner, eyes fixated, as he removes his pants and reveals the thing you’ve been so curious to see. It matches his stature in almost every way, which makes you cringe at the thought of him fitting it in.
“You said you like it rough?” It’s a trap, that much you’re sure of. You glance back down to examine how large he is before you reconfirm, but before you know it, the condom has slipped on and he’s making his way back to you. He asserts his way on top, arms on either side of your head as he leans in to give you a quick kiss. It catches you a bit off guard, the earlier metallic taste has changed into the taste of your own cum and there’s a slight wince as you taste it. You can’t tell if this man is slightly depraved or hot as hell.
“I asked you a question. It’s not nice to ignore me.” 
A loud smack to your clit resounds as you let out a sharp, pleasure-filled gasp. 
“Yes, please,” you whine. It’s slightly pathetic, how you’re behaving for this man, but god be damned if anything were to impede your moment. 
He only grunts in response, lining himself up with your entrance. As he sinks in, you bite your lip to fight the stretch. You attempt to lie back and relax in his touch to allow him in, but he’s just so large. Reiner bottoms out, tip just ghosting against your cervix. He only grants you a few moments to adjust to his size before he’s pounding into you, your cries of pleasure nothing but music to his ears. The tip kissing your cervix is making your brain fuzz beyond anything you’ve felt before, and your walls hug him in intoxicating ways. Reiner grips both of your legs, bringing them onto his shoulders to push in further which earns you a grunt of approval from the larger man. 
He fucks you like he hates you. Every so often, his head falls back, and he lets out grunts of pleasure. His body moves like an artist painting their long-lost lover from only a distant memory, hips ferocious in their assault of your cunt. Reiner flips you over onto your hands and knees after an indiscernible amount of time, your sweat-covered body cringing at the chilly breeze it causes. His pace is still unrelenting from the back, cock feeling as if it’s touching every inch it can inside of you.
“Holy shit,” He cries out. “I’m gonna cum. I wish I could cum inside this pretty little pussy of yours.”
Without another word, except for your moan of approval, Reiner finishes and delicately slides out of you, removing the condom and disposing of it. He arrives back a couple minutes later, towel in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
“So, round two?”
“I’m pretty sure you started my period just now.”
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lorelaisdiary ¡ 5 months
↱ Content warnings: reader is a female and uses she/her pronouns, in Darry and Johnny’s part reader has animals at home that she misses, reader has decent families in all of the oneshots, Steve’s dad is abusive and it mentions him getting drunk/blacked out, in Dallas’s part it’s mentioned that the reader has drank alcohol and done drugs, and ooc Dallas. ↰
↱ The Outsiders When You’re Homesick (fem! Reader) ↰
↱ Summary: You’ve been away from home for far too long and suffer the unfortunate consequences that come with that. ↰
↱ Characters that are present in this are Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Steve Randle, Dallas Winston, and Two-bit Matthews. ↰
↱ Author’s note: I do want to bring awareness to the fact that it’s normal for everyone of every age to feel homesick once they leave home even if it isn’t for a long time. Anyway, have a nice day/night!!💛💛↰
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Darry Curtis:
You were sitting on the bed, debating on how you would tell Darry that you wanted to go back to your home. You remembered D/n and C/n. They were in your own home and were most likely missing you as well. You went over to feed them often and walk D/n while cleaning C/n’s litter box for her.
You thought about it and settled on asking your beloved to just come home with you to enjoy time in your own space with your own animals. You loved all the boys but you couldn’t really feel completely content knowing your animals were alone and without someone there with them.
You moved on the bed as you nervously played with your hands. You didn’t want to upset anyone and you hated confrontation just as much as you did the feeling of being homesick.
The door to your lover’s room opened and you looked up at Darry as he walked through the door. “Hey, baby.” You tried to make it seem as if you were fine and everything was fine. You would mention it while laying down with him so the two of you could sleep on it and he could give you a confirmed answer in the morning.
You didn’t want anyone to be mad/upset for something that you were naturally feeling. It was normal.
“Hey, R/n. What’s wrong?” Darry questioned as he sat down on the bed beside you.
“Oh, um… I wanted to talk about something with you.” Your hands were sweating and shaking all because you were talking about your feelings. It wasn’t like Darry had ever shamed you for your feelings or your made you feel less than.
You were just nervous. You looked at Darry with a small frown playing at your lips. “I want to go home,” you said with a frown appearing on your face. You prayed that you didn’t disappoint him by saying that but you also knew that Darry wouldn’t allow you to feel guilty for asking for things. You nervously rubbed your hands together.
Darry looked down at your hands and grabbed them before you could rub them until they started to sting unnaturally. “That’s fine. Why are you gettin’ so nervous over it?” Darry wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him.
You pressed a kiss to his lips gently. It was so soft and gentle that he didn’t think you had truly done it for a good minute. “Thank you. I was so scared.” You whispered out as you let out a laugh. “Can we go tomorrow? I know you can’t stay for long because of the boys but I’d love it if you could spend a couple of days with me!” You let Darry hold your hands with a relieved smile on your face.
You wrapped your arms around his stomach and leaned against him. “I love you so much,” you said with a smile on your face.
“I love you too.” Darry murmured under his breath as something shattered from the living room. You both stood up and began running towards the bedroom door.
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Sodapop Curtis:
You were laughing along with him at the joke Steve had told. Steve had to leave though and soon, quietness overtook the room. Ponyboy and Johnny were out doing whatever those two did without anyone around. You never cared enough to always question them. The only time you did was when something bad happened and they were out of the house during the time it took place.
You looked at the couch with a sigh leaving you as you noticed the emotional build up that was happening. Your stomach flipped in an almost unnatural way as you began nervously playing with your hair. Soda took notice of your change in mood almost immediately as he wrapped an arm around you.
“What happened?” Soda asked quietly as he frowned.
“I don’t know,” you said with a sigh as you leaned closer into him, “I think what happened was it got quiet and I realized how long I’ve been away from home.” You pressed a kiss to Soda’s cheek.
Your coffee was sitting beside you and you grabbed it and took a sip. You had made it with the intention of staying up later into the night to study for an exam coming up.
Soda just nuzzled into you. “Wanna go back to your place? We can spend the night there.” He stood up and pulled you up with him.
“I don’t know. I don’t think my parents are home but you know they don’t like us being alone.” You crossed your arms over your chest but Soda simply shrugged.
“I’ll sneak in, baby.” He laughed as he snuck a kiss onto your lips. You only pulled away for a moment to breathe but when your breath came back, you pressed another kiss to his lips.
“Thank you. I thought you would be mad or upset that I wanted to go home.” Your voice was soft and gentle as you wrapped your arms around Soda’s neck. You let your body relax into his as you whispered your softest “thanks” to him.
Soda only rubbed your back gently as he nuzzled into your neck. You could only laugh, feeling slightly better about missing your home.
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Ponyboy Curtis:
You laid against Ponyboy with him smoking. You knew he had slowed down a lot and you were grateful for that but it still made you curious. How much had he been smoking before you showed up?
You leaned forward to conserve warmth between the two of y’all as you stared at the wall. You wanted to go home, mostly because you had stayed for an entire week with Ponyboy. You didn’t want to tell him that though as you were scared that he would be upset with you.
You let yourself feel comforted by your lover though. His presence made you feel much better than before. You looked up at Pony and pressed a kiss to his cheek. You weren’t necessarily feeling homesickness. If anything, you wanted to stay with him at your house.
You curled in closer as he sighed. “Johnny’s parents kicked him out again. Man, I wish I could help.” Pony let out a sigh as he put his cigarette out and kissed the top of your head.
“I wish I could too. Do you think if I got him a job, he would be able to live on his own without them?” You asked as you thought about referring Johnny to your dad. He could get your friend a job especially with knowing his situation.
You sighed as Pony ran a hand through your hair. “Is something on your mind? You’ve been staring at the wall with a frown.” Pony gently rubbed your arm as you leaned against him with tears beginning to pool in your eyes.
“Not really. I just want to go home but I don’t wanna disappoint you.” You whispered out as you pressed your cheek against his chest which felt warmed due to his jacket.
“Why would that disappoint me, darlin’?” Pony watched as your body physically relaxed at his words. You simply smiled and pressed yourself tighter to him. You were grateful that he hadn’t gotten mad.
“I don’t know but I thought you would be like upset that I wanted to go home. If anything, you could always come with me. I know you like our tv.” You laughed as you sniffled slightly from the tearful moment you had a second prior to your words.
Pony only laughed in acknowledgment at your words.
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Johnny Cade:
You would never complain to your boyfriend as he tried his best for you. He made sure you ate, drank water that day, and even allowed you to smoke some of his weed. Still, you wanted to go home as you missed your cat.
He was the sweetest cat you’d ever owned and you enjoyed spending time with him. Lately though, you had been spending much more time with Johnny without realizing and it was your own fault. Usually, you watched the time like a hawk, making sure that it wouldn’t get too late for you to walk home by yourself.
It was far too late at night for you to walk home and you didn’t want to endanger Johnny because of your selfish desires. So, without much thought, you pushed that feeling of homesickness down and tried to stop yourself from crying. The feeling of your throat tingling from wanting to cry along with the burn within your nose made you lock yourself in the bathroom with the excuse of feeling sick.
Johnny had wanted to come in to check on you but you had used the excuse that you didn’t want him to see you as a mess. Johnny respected your wishes of not wanting to be seen and you thanked him for it.
You finally thought that you looked respectable enough and opened the bathroom door, going out to greet your lover.
“Hey, baby.” You tried to kiss his lips before anything else and Johnny automatically pulled away from you.
“Whoa, I don’t wanna get sick.” He still threw an arm over your shoulder though. You pouted at him and pressed a kiss to his slender fingers that were hanging off of your shoulder.
“I’m not going to get you sick, Johnny.” You grabbed him and led him to the couch where you began explaining your situation. “I’m… homesick. I miss my cat and I didn’t realize how late it had gotten and how many days I’ve been away from him.” You whispered out softly as you genuinely thought about it.
“I think I get it. I’ve never been homesick before though. Maybe that’s just me but we can go back to your home and stay the night there.” Johnny murmured a solution into your ear as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Why did you lie to me about being sick?” Johnny suddenly asked as he tilted his head.
“I didn’t want to put you in danger by forcing you to walk me home.” You looked down at the floor of the house and Johnny nodded his head to acknowledge your words.
You pressed your lips against Johnny’s cheek, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled him down onto the couch with a sigh. “Why don’t we stay here for tonight and then go tomorrow? I would like for us to go out to eat soon anyways so we could do it tomorrow.” You rambled on as you stared at Johnny.
You would be fine with him.
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Steve Randle:
You heard the shower running, feeling a pinch of that upsetting feeling building within your stomach. You didn’t want to bother Steve with your emotions as he couldn’t really handle his own so you kept those feelings to yourself.
You listened closely to the shower, knowing that when it turns off you need to dry your eyes and make sure you don’t look as if you were crying. You had no reason to be homesick. You were just in a new place with a man who couldn’t seem to stop yelling at Steve for even a moment.
It was upsetting and you were pretty sure that you were more so upset at the fact that Steve’s dad was being such a jerk. It made you miss your home.
You hadn’t even been at Steve’s house for long. Less than seven hours but you were going to ask him when he got out of the shower if you could go home with him. You wanted to grab him and put him into your pocket to make sure that you could protect him for the rest of his life.
You heard the shower turn off and wiped your eyes. You made yourself feel slightly better by telling yourself that he would willingly go home with you.
Steve wasn’t mean to you. He was usually very caring and sweet towards you.
You looked up as the bathroom door opened. Steve’s towel was wrapped around his waist as he shook his head. “Shit, it’s cold in here.” He was quick to find his room and you sat patiently on the couch for him.
You didn’t want him to feel rushed or anything so you leaned back on the couch. You listened for his dad, not hearing his drunk ass in his bedroom. That man had gotten damn near black out and it had caused him to get more aggressive.
Five minutes passed as if it was nothing and soon enough, your boyfriend was walking out of his room. “Hey, you look like you’re cryin’. What’s wrong?” He asked as he sat beside you on the couch.
“I don’t like it here,” you whispered out as looked over your shoulder to make sure his dad wasn’t there, “and I don’t like you being here. We’re going to save up and we’re going to get something together. I don’t know what but I hate you living here.” You finally took a deep breath, letting your breaths mellow out and become slower.
“Yeah, he can get violent when he drinks. That’s why I didn’t want you coming over here.” He was right. You were the one who wanted to see where he came from. Unfortunately, you didn’t want to stay any longer.
“I’m sorry. Come on. We’re going to my house and explaining the situation to my parents. They’ll let you stay with us.” You pressed a kiss on his cheek before standing up and pulling on him to follow you.
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Dallas Winston:
You were tired of hearing the sound of the parties going on downstairs. If anything, you were close to just walking out yourself but you cared far too much for the man who seemed to genuinely enjoy the loud parties a little too much.
Still, you didn’t care a lot about the parties. They made you feel horrible. Alcohol and drugs made you feel messed up. You remember when you used to drink and you would wake up, feeling horrible. Even when you put a hand in with the drugs, they made that feeling worse so you knew from personal experience that the parties weren’t a good idea especially for Dallas.
It didn’t help that he was constantly partying which was where your feeling of homesickness began. You had left your home for multiple days on end, and you were starting to miss your bed. You were starting to miss your room which was why you were planning on telling Dally that you wanted to go home.
Still, you were scared that he was going to get defensive and try to start a fight with you over nothing.
The door to the room opened and Dally stumbled in. You let out a sigh and stood up, helping him to the bed. “Hey Dally? I wanna go home.” You nervously mumbled out.
Immediately, Dallas got off of the bed and looked at you. “If you wanna go home, I’m going to walk you home.” Dallas stared at you seriously, as if it was okay for him to walk back to Buck’s by himself at night.
“Dally, you’re drunk. You’re stumbling. Please lay down.” You huffed as you tried to get him back down on the bed. He refused and only when you begged him to sit down did he.
“I want to walk you home. Why do you want to go home?” He asked softly as he looked up at you.
“I just got a little homesick. Don’t worry about it, Dally.” Your words were soft as you tried to pull away from him but his grip stayed tight.
“I’m going with you.” Dallas stood up and held himself up. You let out a sigh before finally agreeing.
“Fine but you’re staying at my place tonight.” You huffed out and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the door.
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Two-Bit Matthews:
You washed the dishes, feeling slightly upset at the fact that you hadn’t seen your family since you had stayed with Two-Bit. Finally, you turned the sink off and placed the last dish into the drainer. You knew his mom appreciated your help and you were glad to help her seeing as you planned on being with her son for a long while.
You stepped out of the kitchen and began looking around the house, knowing Two-Bit was most likely in front of the tv, drinking and watching Mickey Mouse.
You weren’t upset at that at all. You actually enjoyed his interests and seeing what he enjoyed but damn, did it irritate you that you hadn’t even talked to your family. That was mostly your fault but it still didn’t make you feel any less homesick about it.
You sat down on the floor beside him as he finished off his beer. Your nose wrinkled as you remembered how it tasted. It was watered down with a little bit of an aftertaste. You couldn’t describe it but it was somewhat okay. Still, you wouldn’t drink it if you had a choice in the matter.
“I wanna go home.” You didn’t make eye contact as you let your eyes drift to the tv with Mickey Mouse playing on it.
“I’m not holdin’ you hostage, baby.” Two-Bit responded and you immediately fed into his attitude.
“How do you know such big words? I thought your reading comprehension was still a little bad.” Your voice cracked from you trying not to laugh as Two-Bit looked at you with a playful glint in his eye.
“Oh, you’re bein’ a brat, huh?” He dug his fingers into your side gently and you laughed, pushing him away.
“Seriously, I do feel homesick though.” You frowned as you leaned against him once you let yourself settle down.
“I’ll take you home, baby. Don’t you worry that pretty little head about it.” He stood up and you followed him, letting him lead you to the kitchen.
You watched as he grabbed a beer and tried to hand a cold one to you. You shook your head quickly but made sure to thank him for the offer.
Finally, after he finished up with opening his beer, he began walking towards his front door where he would walk you home and hopefully stay the night.
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sassykattery ¡ 1 year
Dollface, Pt. 2
CW: Main Character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Profanity. Someone being pervy.
The main character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. This story is meant to be somewhat curvy/plus-sized reader insert, but the main character is given a physical description, but it's not crucial to the story or mentioned often after Part 1.
Themes: Romance. Magic. Adventure. Suggestive content
Characters: Main Character. Diavolo.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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Over the next couple of days, he learned her routine pretty quickly, as habitual as she was. She often woke early in the morning, played music while she did her makeup, and then took her backpack with her to what he presumed was class, since she stopped taking him out of the house. A couple of times a day, he would hear voices from others, one woman that sounded similar to his new caretaker, and a gruff-sounding man. He learned that they were her parents.
Diavolo tried to sleep when she slept and stayed awake when she was gone, but with little to do but stare at the ceiling or whatever direction he was facing, he got bored quickly and often slept to pass the time. She often left him to lay on the pillow next to hers, which he thought was far better than sitting in that office wrapped in plastic all day. Sometimes, she even left the TV on, giving him some entertainment while he waited on her return.
One afternoon, he perked up when he heard the door open to her bedroom, but she left the light off. Moments later, she was crawling into bed without even looking at her phone or talking to herself. He could hear her gently sniffing, light sobs coming from her direction.
Oh? What's wrong? He thought, desperately wanting to ask.
Her hand slowly reached out to him, gently grasping his body in her palm and pulling him towards her. She tucked him under her chin, and he felt her heartbeat against the top of his head, warmth coming from her neck, chest, and the hand that held him.
"When will I be good enough..." she muttered quietly.
What happened?
"I just feel so stupid. They were right, I'm not smart enough," she muttered, burying her face in the pillow.
That's not true. I've listened to you, you're very smart.
"I'm crying to a doll right now... Pfft, I'm pathetic... but I'm glad you're here," she mumbled, rubbing her thumb over his back.
"A doll that is listening," Diavolo huffed.
She froze then, hearing a low tenor voice right in her ear that was most definitely not her imagination. Right?
"You... you can hear me? Wait, I can hear you?" She whispered.
"Wait, can you hear me?" The masculine voice called out again.
She shot up and looked down at the doll speaking to her now, and brought her face closer again to look at it in the dim light. It still laid there motionless, eyes and mouth remaining still.
"Hello," he said to her, still not moving.
"Oh fuck you're talking," she swore in a panic.
"This is a new development to me as well. Please, don't be alarmed," he tried to calm her, failing as he did.
"I bought a haunted fucking doll!" She yelped, scrambling to get away.
"Please! Wait! I promise I'm not haunted. I'm actually cursed," Diavolo tried to reason with her. Again, miserably.
"No shit!" She bit back.
"No, I think you misunderstood. I'm a real person that has been cursed to be a doll," he explained. She was silent then, so he took it as an opportunity to continue. "My name is Diavolo. About a month ago, I was cursed to be a doll by accident. I'm not sure why I'm able to speak now, but I've been aware this entire time."
She remained quiet a little bit longer before speaking, "You said you were cursed. Is that, like, magic? Are you magical?"
There was a lilt to his voice then, like he would be chuckling in that moment. "Indeed. I have a human form, but I'm technically a de–" he paused, realizing it might scare her to tell the truth.
"A demon?" She finished the sentence for him.
"Yes, a demon," he confirmed. He noticed how she didn't seem terribly frightened by this information, that she was more scared to have a doll talking to her than for that doll to be a demon at this point. "I don't mean any harm unto you," he added for good measure.
"Oh... um... good..." she trailed off as she slid a hand under him to pick him up. "Well, hello."
"Hello. It is lovely to actually speak to you. It has been rather frustrating to not be able to respond to you," Diavolo replied.
"I suppose so. So, um... what do you know so far? About the curse... or me?" She asked with a head tilt.
"I actually know nothing about this curse. I touched a cursed book and found myself on the floor, only to be picked up by random people and ending up here with you. I tried to undo it with my own magic, but this curse is rather powerful and has locked my magic out of my use," he answered.
"I see."
"How did I come to be in your possession?" He asked in return.
"Oh, um... god, this sounds odd, but I found a listing for you on the internet and thought you were cute, so I... bought you?" She sounded more like she was asking a question than a statement.
Diavolo chuckled warmly at how she worded it. "I see. Well, as for you, I've been able to put together bits and pieces about you from what I've seen while observing you," he said, and then went on to explain how he knew her name and some of her interests.
"Okay. Well... What do you want to do? How can I help you?" She asked quietly.
"I appreciate your willingness to help, though I'm not entirely sure how you can. It might be that this curse is broken over time, given I wasn't able to speak before now. If you could, I would appreciate your help in safeguarding me until we know more or find help," he responded.
"Well, I can do that. I won't take you to class anymore, I'd hate for you to get lost. You should be safe in here," she stated, looking him over.
"Very well. Thank you."
"Is there someone you want me to call?" She inquired.
"Yes, but I'm not sure how you can get a hold of any of them. We were in another country when we got separated. And our communication devices aren't the same as yours, so calling won't work," he replied.
"Oh... Well, I guess I could search the internet for your friends," she offered.
"I'm not sure if you will be able to track them down that way. They are demons as well, and we try to be inconspicuous when we visit your world," he said. "But we can try nonetheless."
She nodded in understanding. They sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke up again. "Are you, um... Hm," she looked down at him curiously. "Do you get bored? I'm sorry you've been stuck doing nothing."
"Ah, that's kind of you to consider me. I will admit, I do get bored waiting for you to return," he answered thoughtfully.
"Do you like movies? TV? I can put on something for you. Music, too, if you'd like. I'm sure I'm not that entertaining," she offered, looking for the remote.
"You're very sweet," he replied, which made her side-eye the doll. "But I have to say, you're quite entertaining, really. I've heard you sing and listened to your little rants and thoughts. But I've also seen you draw and write, and quite honestly, I'm always enthralled to see what you do."
"You're... being too kind," she said suspiciously.
There was a knock at the door, and she looked down in a panic, "Don't say anything!"
"Honey, who are you talking to?" A woman called out.
"Ah, it was a video, on my phone, Mom," she answered.
"Alright. Dinner will be ready soon," the other woman replied, closing the door.
Waiting a few moments, she looked back to the doll. "I don't think my parents would understand, so let's try and stay quiet. Keep this between us."
"That may be wise," Diavolo replied softly.
She then laid down on her side and faced turned him to face her on his pillow.
"That reminds me, do you get hungry?" She asked curiously.
"Fortunately, it seems I don't," he answered.
"Okay. Well, I guess let me know if you need anything... And you're welcome to talk to me. I'll keep you company," she added, slightly smiling at him.
Sweet, indeed.
"I'd like that, thank you," Diavolo replied.
"So this is your favorite movie? Intriguing," Diavolo declared. She had them set up to sit on the recliner in front of her TV that evening after dinner, with the demon in his doll form sitting up against the middle console next to her arm.
"Yes, it's a whole universe, essentially, where these movies are interconnected because of the two paranormal investigators who were also married. They took calls from those who were experiencing paranormal phenomena to determine the true cause. Sometimes, there was a natural explanation, but on occasion, it was truly paranormal," she answered excitedly, reclining her seat back as the movie title showed.
She then turned and looked at the doll of the demon prince. "Are ghosts real?"
"They are," he replied.
"And do demons... possess people? Or objects?"
"They can."
Her eyes went wide as she turned to face forward again, now feeling uneasy about what used to be her favorite movie franchise, wondering if these things could truly happen now, knowing demons and ghosts exist.
After finishing three movies, and it was quite late, she yawned and switched off the TV.
"I'm afraid I'm a bit tired," she informed the doll.
"Ah, please, go to sleep. Don't stay awake on my accord. I usually sleep when you do anyway," he replied.
Scooping him up, she stood and walked them both to bed, sliding in and placing him on his pillow. Once she was situated, she rolled over to face him as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Are you okay like that? I can move you around," she inquired.
There was a chuckle to his voice again. "You really are considerate. I'm fine as is, unless you would feel more comfortable a different way. I understand if you are uneasy knowing I'm aware," he replied.
"No... Well," she started to say. She reached across and turned him on his side so she could see his face.
"No, it doesn't bother me. I just didn't want to bother you," she stated.
"You're no bother," Diavolo replied. She looked away and chewed on her lip. "Might I ask you a question?"
"You may."
"Earlier, you came in seemingly very upset. Would you like to talk about it? Or are you alright?" He inquired.
"Upset... Oh, that," she mumbled. "Um... I don't want to dump my trauma on you."
"It's not dumping. I'm genuinely asking you if you would like to maybe talk about what happened with someone who's willing to listen," he replied diplomatically.
"Well... I haven't always been treated well throughout my life. On occasion, when I'm reminded of the people who have mistreated me, I start to doubt my self-worth and my own talents or accomplishments. I wonder if I'm just a phony or delusional to think I can be anything more than an idiot," she explained.
Diavolo listened carefully to her choice of words. Clearly, she was trying to describe what was happening without sharing too many details.
"I believe you're a touch hard on yourself," the prince replied. "Though, I know what it's like to have a lot on your shoulders, I've heard you in class. You're very smart. I'm rather impressed with you, even with not knowing you long." He paused for a moment. "I am saddened to think someone as kind as you has been abused in such a manner."
"Yeah, well, unfortunately in this world, kindness is often a weakness viewed to be used for gain by others," she answered bitterly.
"I find your kindness to be an endearing and honest quality," he retorted softly. It made her look away again with doubt. "Though it's easier said than done, I should hope that, with time, you come to find these intrusive thoughts to be untrue and unworthy of your time and attention."
"Now you're being kind," she replied, looking back at his doll form.
"I hope you don't believe I'm being facetious," he added. "I'm being completely honest. I haven't been with you long, but I can see rather easily that you are far more than you believe about yourself."
"... Thank you," she finally replied.
"Of course."
That night, the human got ready for bed and slid in after a hot shower, taking her medicine and slipping into an oversized shirt. When she got dressed for the day or undressed after class or for the night, he tried not to look, knowing it was an invasion of privacy. Occasionally, he caught a glimpse of her in just her bra and sweats as she leaned over the bed and over him to reach her phone, and he was rather fond of her shapely figure, so full and curvy. He had come to appreciate her beauty in the short time they'd spent together. Sometimes, his mind wandered to less than appropriate thoughts, like what she felt like, sounded like, or looked like under the hands of pure pleasure.
But now, she clearly stayed out of his field of view as she changed clothes, aware that he could see her. She tried to stuff down the embarrassment she felt, wondering just how much he's seen of her.
As she settled in bed, covers thrown over her head, she took hold of him and pulled him in close, this time right next to her face and held in her small palm.
"Can I ask you questions, Diavolo?" She asked quietly.
That was the first time he had heard his name grace her lips, and he'd be damned to not hear it again. She said it so sweetly, it was like it carried new meaning when she said it.
"Yes, go on," he agreed.
"Where exactly do you come from?"
"There are three realms in our plane of existence. The human world, the Devildom, and Celestia are the three. I essentially live in a plane congruent to your world. In the Devildom are where the other demons live. Angels come from Celestia."
"And what do you do in the, um, Devildom?"
"Ah, well, I'm technically the prince and de facto king of my realm," he answered casually. Her brows shot up and she absorbed this information.
"Do I need to call you Your Highness or Majesty? I'm sorry if I was rude," she replied worriedly.
He chuckled then. "No, please don't. Usually, I'm referred to as Lord, but I ask you continue to just call me by my name," he stated.
"Okay. So, you rule the Devildom. Can you tell me about that? What is it like?"
"Hm, well, I suppose it can be like your human governments, like a monarchy. I make any and all final decisions when it comes to my domain, but there are others who help me, too. I have a butler and then seven brothers who were named Lords of Hell."
"Seven? Are you talking about the Seven Deadly Sins?" She asked curiously.
"Indeed. All seven of them live there and assist in a variety of ways with government proceedings and work for me. We also have a school that we all help run. I'm like a headmaster, I believe is the equivalent to your world. We make up the Student Council of the school," he informed her.
"How interesting. Schools and education are typically instituted as ways of creating a civilized society and creating more complex hierarchies to give people opportunities to learn broader skills for the betterment of the entire society," she rattled off.
"Precisely. I created the school as a way of diversifying my people," he affirmed.
"So demons aren't heathens that kill people?" She was chuckling then.
"Well, I never said that, did I?"
Her eyes widened, and she scooted back slightly, eyeing the doll.
"We try not to do that, but we are demons, and I won't lie to you. We still on occasion use those methods for handling things. But from what I understand, some humans do as well, right?" He added.
"I see... No, you're not wrong. Humans do, too. But that doesn't make it right," she answered. "Tell me what you like, Diavolo."
He sat there for a moment, mildly surprised by the request and sudden change in subject. Was she interested in him, truly?
"Well, I'm partial to sweet things, like candy, cake, and tea made by my butler. I enjoy cycling or jogging in the mornings. I am particularly fond of animals, any and all kinds," he responded.
"I like animals too, and I'm partial to sweets, except I'm not supposed to have very much," she mumbled sleepily.
He took in her sleepy expression, watching as her eyes started to slowly close.
I love being here, he thought fondly. As much as I miss home and I'm sure it's been chaos without me, I'm glad I'm at least in a place where I'm needed most.
"I know it's silly, but I'm glad you're here. Thank you for listening," she murmured sleepily, almost like she heard him. "Good night."
Good night, sweet girl.
"Of course. Now, rest well," he replied.
Diavolo stirred awake again as he felt the bed shifting constantly, feeling as though he was facing upright. It was completely dark in her room, and he tried to listen and look carefully in the vicinity he could see it. He started to hear her mumbling, soft whines, and what sounded to be her in distress.
"Are you alright?" He called to her but received no reply.
An obvious sob finally sounded out. He realized she must've still been asleep and was having a nightmare.
Poor girl. I wish I could help her.
He waited a while; he wasn't sure how long, when the movement stopped and he couldn't even hear her breathing or strained noises.
Finally, she rolled over, and seemingly in her sleep, she pulled him in closer, holding him tight and tucked under her chin. He could feel her erratic pulse, and he was rather surprised by the action. The demon also noticed her little hiccups and realized that she was crying as well. It tore at him, he realized, to have her be this upset and not be able to console her, even in her sleep.
Damn, I wish I could hold her instead of her holding me.
His mind wandered, as it did sometimes at this point, what that would be like. He wondered how soft she would feel in his arms, given how plush her body was. How her hair and skin might smell as he buried his face against her to breathe her in. He wanted to comb his hands through her hair, to feel its softness as well. He wanted to make her feel better, to be a source of comfort for her, maybe more intimately than he could at the moment. At least he was in a place where she could find solace in him, even if she was unconscious for it. He wanted to hold her against him while he hummed a soft tune, maybe a lullaby, to calm her down. He wanted to feel her chest rise and fall against his, slowing as she went back to sleep. Maybe he could watch her sleep, too, just in his arms, and that would be more than satisfactory to him.
It hit him, then, how he could feel this strongly about her. He was able to learn so much about her in such a short time; he felt like he's known her for a decade. From one evening of talking to her, he saw himself being around her longer. He started to think about if this curse lifts, is there a way he could keep her around, just stay a little longer with her, or until she sent him away.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Post made by sassykattery. do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @itsmeninerz @themythicaldisaster @marvelous-maniac @attic-club-sandwich @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse
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kitcatttt ¡ 4 months
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Kitcat or Ayah!
Pronouns: She/He, don’t mind They or It
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual but not sex repulsed. No NSFW please.
Birthday: June 12
My Carrd!
Open ask game!
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Project Arrhythmia
Project Muse
Mario & Luigi games
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Before you interact
I need tone tags. I’m bad at picking up sarcasm irl, and there’s like, no way to tell if someone is being sarcastic over text.
Please tell me if I do make you uncomfortable. I’d like to know so I can stop doing so.
Continuing from the above, PLEASE ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES WHEN WE FIRST START INTERACTING. I’ve had too many instances where I’ve accidentally made someone uncomfortable because I didn’t know their boundaries. I feel guilt easily and it lasts for a long time, I basically never get over it. So it would be nice to not have to feel said guilt at all.
I do occasionally make dirty jokes, and I jokingly say smash to a lot of things, specifically characters. Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable and I won’t do it around you.
I am trying to teach myself how to draw! I had been scared away from drawing for a few years, but I’m finally trying again. They might not be that good as of now. Please don’t make fun of me.
Please do not say my characters are “literally you” unless we are mutuals, and even then please ask for permission first. It does not sit right with me.
Self diagnosed AuDHD. Please don’t attack me for this. I’m only self diagnosing because my parents aren’t supportive of me getting evaluated and not only me, but several friends, peers, and adults in my life suspect I’m AuDHD, or at least autistic. Maybe I’ll get the diagnosis one day :(
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Racist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other discriminatory people.
NSFW blogs and darkship/proship/profic people. So many terms jfc so I’ll just say this. If you support any kind of pedophilia, irl, fictional, whatever, get the fuck off my blog.
Cintagonisupset and his supporters. (Update on this one! I’m fine with his supporters as long as y’all aren’t here to start shit :])
People that just want to stir up drama.
DNI’s don’t really do anything but if you fit the above criteria and you got blocked don’t be surprised, I mean, I warned you :)
Please don’t mention around me (Ships)
TPC Cube x anyone other than Lythorus (Tied to a certain someone, but I’m kinda ok with it as long as it isn’t forced? Idk what would count as forced but Cube x Marcle feels hella forced- and just TPC versions of him. I ship HOPE Cubiris.)
Pyrare x anyone (canonically Aromantic)
Circubit x any female character/oc (canonically gay)
Blixer x Wave (don’t know much about the ship, but there’s apparently something wrong with it???? Idfk-)
Circumuscle x Cirtunda (Cirtunda adopts Circumuscle in my au, plus I don’t even think they’re close in age anymore. If you find past posts of me shipping them, it was BEFORE S2 Ep 1 of TPC came out, in which my au changed)
Marcle x Squadril, Marcle x Purpex, Squadril x Purpex (Purpex adopted Marcle and Squadril in my au)
Quintagon x Cubic (Literally just DNI. Why is this a ship.)
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Friends list!
@comet--crusaders/@love--and--corruption - <333
@thatonepurpleshape -Silly ass goober, one of the first friends I made on this hellsite
@mfbees - Dumbass irl I dragged into the JSAB fandom /aff
@trash-jsab - Moderates my discord server, is da server parent :]
@anonymously-night - Also moderates my discord server, helps keep everything in check (THANK YOU 🙏🙏🙏)
@mugzymiik - cheese boy /j I’m fucking eating all your aus
@ebony-silly-zone - Hit it off with them when they first joined and now I blab to them about my aus :3
(if any of my mutuals wanna be added just ask :3 I know damn well I’ve forgotten some people)
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Other blogs!
@jsab-pa - Art blog! (Run in character by Sen, one of my sonas)
@corrupted-chaoss, @corrupted-chaoss-fic An askblog and fic blog for my JSAB au, Corrupted Chaos
@lil-robo-idiot - Rp blog for my TPC oc, Penl
@coho-chat - Rp and ask blog for my ocs for the Bossfight album Caps On, Hats Off
@tpc-rp-blog - General rp blog so I’m not reblogging to my main
@sins-n-sinners - Ask blog co-run by Milo and Ebony
@uprises-on-your-grave - Askblog for Uprising, and band based on a Teminite album by the same name
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Important links (to be updated)
Drama post. Don’t read if you don’t wanna get into it.
Addressing important allegations. More drama.
TPC headcanons
Sexual content and my ocs.
Pyrare and shipping.
My HOPE au vs my TPC au
Pink Heroes infodump!
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My tags! (New as of this post)
#kit is on her shit again - rambling tag
#oh shit kit got a pencil - art posts
#why do you tolerate me :] - friend tag :3
#fuck me dude - vent tag, drama tag
#yay blood! :D - gore tag, art or writing
#kit focus on English class - fic tag and lore tag
#kit forgot how to draw - gacha tag
#kit go to sleep - anything I post in between 12am -6am my time (EST)
#kitty cat yaps - ask tag
#😭❓❓❓ - random thoughts
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My aus + their abbreviations
Magenta Decedance - My TPC au - MD
Wilted Roses - TPC au, name subject to change to an actual one because it just has the name for the Cintasphere fic currently. Once name changes I will update the description - WR
Mistakes Were Made - An au focused on Circumcannon, where he snapped and killed his family - MWM
School Love Chaos - A college au focused on Cintagon and Circumsphere, Cintagon being the yandere - SLC
Iris Insanity - An au where Iris cracked under the pressure and corrupted - II
Adler’s Experiments - An experiment au focused on my Flowers Of Antimony, Addicus or Adler, who is experimenting on shapes with the corruption - AE
The Contract - An au where Zinnia, Dub’s successor, made a deal with Rot (the tree), and everything went to shit - TC
Lovebug - Penl, a pink hero like Cyanide, got a virus! And now the corruption makes you a yandere???? - LB
Triple Star Shoppe - Cintagon, Purpex, and Pirene (oc) started a business together! Cinta is a dollmaker, Purp is a chef, and Pi is a blacksmith. Something feels… off, though. - TSS
Sins and Sinners - An au focusing on the 7 Deadly Sins’ kids, who took over after they died. (Co owned by Milo and Ebony) - SnS
House of Horror - Come on in! We don’t bite :) - HoH
Not Of The Machine - One of my ocs, Penl, is the only human in a world full of robots. Thus he’s forced to stop the corruption since he’s immune (it’s a virus!) - NOTM
Crystalline Hivemind - An infection au with Amethyst :] - CH
Robotic Necromancy - The Chipzels died, but had their souls trapped in animatronics! What do you mean this is a FNAF au? - RN
False God - The Tree killed Circumsphere out of hatred for Cintagon, so he decided to rebel - FG
Hope - My version of the scrapped Hope series by Brittney Robinson - Hope
Corrupted Chaos - My main jsab au - CC
Purity. - A tree cult was started after the corruption event in CC, and its just as bad. - Purity
Neutralized Nemesis - Another jsab au, where all of the bosses are dating a hero (includes the beta heroes) - NN
Failed Opposition - A bad end jsab au - FO
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My ships (and the au’s they’re in)
Pentellow x Iris (both poly) - All except Hope
Cube x Lythorus - All
Cintagon x Circumsphere - All, one sided in SLC
Rincle x Circumuscle - All
Polyhedron x Cirtunda - All
Pentellow x Ajaceare (also poly) - All
Quintagon x Ajaceare - Not in any due to age differences
Dub x Barracuda - All
Iris x Circubit (Poly once more) - All
Hexagram x Circumsphere (exes) - All except Hope, dominant ship in SLC
Cube x Iris - Hope
Cubical x Iris (exes) - All, not together
Cubical x Circubit (also exes) - All, not together
That’s it (for now)! Hope you enjoy your time on my blog!
Dividers made by @trash-jsab
12 notes ¡ View notes
chunkymamatam ¡ 5 months
oh wow from what i have seen your stories sound cool 🤩 what are your relationships w the main cast? my fav character is prolly leona and rook so do you have any stories w them? 😊
So it's a college DR. I'm gonna start everything I'm about to say with that. Like there's probably nothing in these specific stories that I need to say that for but like I'm gonna say that every time.
Some people are weird. I'm an adult and I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of high school age teenagers. I'm also not willing to age myself down and relive the worst years of my life lmfao. We're all in the adult age bracket in my DR. Nothing wrong with being a teenager but it would feel weird for me to have a whole friend group full of them and I'm not about to be perpetually lonely.
Also I tend to not define my relationships with labels. I'm bad at labels so it's easier to define them with my experiences with each person.
Now on to my experience with these men.
THIS MF- Lmfao I first met this man in the botanical garden like in the game, tripped over and stepped on his tail accidentally. Man threatened to knock my lights out. Now, I'm genderfluid and it was a more masc day but I certainly didn't tell him that. IDK HOW TF HE KNEW. Referred to me as the correct pronouns and shit too.
He sniffed me and I was like "Hey, could you not sniff me...? Do I stink??"
He looked me up and down and proceeded to be like "Not yet but you will when I'm done beating your ass"
Ruggie stopped the fight but still.
2. During The whole Spell drive situation, first of all I didn't even want to be there but Crowely has a habit of threatening me and my housing. I was at Savanaclaw, being harassed by this mf named Blaze, and Leona comes out wanting to be a bitch. I explained why I was there and this man brushed it off and says
"How about we settle this over a game of Spell Drive. You win and I'll answer any questions you have but if you lose. Well I'll think of something." with that stupid smirk of his /pos
I lost and this man tackled me to the ground with his final move. He had me pinned down smirking down at me and I was internally complaining he was taking too long to gtf off me. So me, being a dastardly bastard, smirked up at him and said
"You like something you see that you're taking so long to get up" and I blew him a kiss.
There's more during book 2 but honestly their overblots in general were kind of traumatizing and I'm not in the mood to talk about it. For now just know they tried to end my life and said some really cruel shit.
3. After the over blot tho. I got knocked the fuck out despite my best efforts and we ended up in the infirmary together with everyone. Cheka jumped on him and started treating him like a pony. I was doing my best not to laugh at him. He looked at me, told me not to laugh and I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it! It was just too cute! He was forced to take me home back to ramshackle by everyone there cuz I didn't look too good but there was nothing else the nurse could do. They essentially told him that it's his fault I was hurt the least he could do is take me home.
4. So during the Octavinelle situation we had to stay with him for a while. Now I didn't mind cleaning up after him and sharing a room with him for a few days. In fact I was giggling at him and making fun of him a little for having Ruggie straighten his hair all the time. He actually has 2B curls in my DR lol
I was like "Damn.. Gentrified." and he was fighting for his life lmfao I was like "Nah but in all seriousness are you not scared to ruin your curls?"
Turns out he uses some fancy heat protection product in his hair. I don't straighten my hair anymore so like I genuinely don't know how well those work but I think that was a funny interaction.
back to the original story tho. Floyd ended up giving me the squeeze and I went into a seizure. My brain was fried I told him this too. I was like "Hey Leona, I just had a seizure earlier so I'm gonna be a little slower and ditsier while cleaning you room. Just a fair warning before you think I'm acting like a little weirdo."
This man fr looked at me and was like "why are you slurring your words" Sir I just fucking told you my brain misfired. I ignore it and he just kept going bro.
"Why are you moving like that."
"You're taking too long, this is just excessive."
"I bet you're just faking it so you don't have to do your part. You probably lied and didn't even have a seizure."
At that point I was fucking done. I looked at him and said "You know what? I don't have to take this. I'm sleeping outside of Ramshackle." I stole HIS PILLOWS and HIS BLANKETS and fumbled my ass out back to Ramshackle.
A little while later he comes up to me and apologizes. I was so weirded out I was like "So who's holding a gun to your head?"
He huffed and made a frustrated face and was like "can't I just say sorry, Herbivore?"
"You personally? No. Someone is making you do this."
I was right, Jack and Grim chewed him tf out for that shit. Grim bragged about it to me that's how I found out lol. But anyway he grumbled and was like "Just come back to Savanaclaw with me"
I said "No. I'm gonna stay right here like I said I would."
This mf decides to pick me up and drag me back by force. I told the mf to put me down which resulted in and argument. Eventually I was like "Fuck you!"
This mfer responds with "You'd like that." with a smirk.
I scoffed and was like "I would NEVER want to do that with a son of a bitch who can't even tie his own shoes properly. I have a medical issue that fucks with my motor skills, what's your excuse???"
Man stfu after that.
It's funny cuz genuinely we were chill after that pfffff
Our first interaction was literally him looking at Vil sideways for the way that mfer was acting towards me and honestly I think that's so funny.
I don't necessarily have very many stories about him just little experiences. Like when I called him out for watching me before I turned around to look at him and idk what that expression was but it scares me LMFAO
He calls me Monsieur Souris
He woke me up every morning gently but when I went back to sleep got Vil. Like bruh I can sleep a little the school is RIGHT THERE. Overall he truly is mysterious. He's really not as creepy as everyone says. Until he starts hunting you anyway. I am not game monsieur Hunt. Please back off 😭
I think he's still trying to figure some stuff out with me? Idk a lot of people do that to me so maybe that's it.
Sorry if there's spelling/grammar errors. My brain is melting from this heat. Thank you for the ask ❤
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mechcanicalmadness ¡ 4 months
Introduction!! Yippee!! Hello I am a very scared robot on the internet who draws!! I am also the one who manages the @bungostraycreatures blog! Go check it out :] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names: Nox/Moth/Mad but you can also call me variants of my username! Whatever you feel the most comfortable with essentially :] Pronouns: Any pronouns but I prefer gender neutral or masculine terms and also tech themed neos I post art! I will be tagging it as #Madnessdraws from now on! [General yapping will be tagged with #Madnessyapping] Omnisexual/romantic, no gender labels because I don't really know, but I am a robotkin! Funny bug robot lizard thingy Special interests: Art/character design, robots, and mad sciency type stuff (like organs and taxidermy and all that) !!I swear a LOT, if that makes you uncomfortable maybe stay away from me!! I type fast a lot so if I spell something wrong just make fun of me I'll laugh at it too [Also I speak in a weird mix of British-English and American-English because my spellings got messed up don't question it] Also mutuals who aren't Ozzie I'm so sorry if I'm awkward around you I am so bad at socialising I'm a minor but idrc if you're weird unless you're being /srs then I'll sick @rab1darachn1d on you (he's my super cool son and he will hunt you down I'm being so fr he will send you death threats) but like I find sex jokes incredibly funny Also like NSFW only blogs y'all are chill so you can hang around but I won't interact with you [Just cause I'm a minor] WE STAND WITH PALESTINE🇵🇸 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are a system!! I am the host and owner of this account, the others don't really post when they are out but if they do they will tag it [For example: #PjussyJumpscare is PJ and #AvenJumpscare is Aven] [Please don't be weird to them, they will block you and also probably say very interesting things as in they will bully you] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DNI List!!-Proshippers and zoophiles [Stay the fuck away from me y'all are so gross -"radfems" and "terfs" [BOOO] -Pro Israel people -Endos [I don't know much about y'all but you make my son uncomfy so I got something against you] -Homophobes, transphobes, etc-"*** personality disorders are abusive" [If you say this shit get away from me] -people who are against others with "scary" disorders [Piss off] -pro ed mfs... [wtf man...] -people who are shitty towards therians, otherkins, xenogenders, etc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fandoms!! Just to name a few: -BSD -Guilty Gear -BorderLands -Fullmetal Alchemist -HSR -SIIIGHHHH Genshitters impact. -OFF -HLVRAI -ROR -Madness Combat -Violet Evergarden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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[First image is drawn by @rab1darachn1d, Userbox and my pfp made by @sundazeing, and the bottom three are drawn by me!]
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Nightmare Comfort Savanaclaw
Prompt: Y/N had a nightmare and asks comfort
Characters: Leona, Ruggie, Jack
Listen despite what my little headline says I simp for Leona too lmfao Book 2 was wild and I'm never gonna be over that shit. this isn't part of the fanfic I just enjoy talking to y'all before I continue writing <3
Y/N is going to be gender neutral to the best of my abilities. They/Them Pronouns, and I’m going to try and avoid gendered descriptors <3
Not describing what was in the nightmare but if that ambiguity bothers you and makes your mind spiral please don’t read and have a wonderful night
in Leona's part its implied that he thinks you're calling cuz you're suicidal but not explicitly stated
subtle mentions of stuff that happened in Book 2, nothing explicit but still
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw(Here) | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia |
Y/N jolted upright, holding their chest as it felt as if their heart would run away. They tried to calm their breathing and their thoughts, unable to shake the horrors their subconscious cruelly subjected them to. They took some deep breaths and manage to calm themself enough to look at the time. They squinted as the cheap phone Crowley gave them lights up and the numbers display on the screen. It was late.
They wondered if it may be too late to ask for comfort from someone. Of course they could just pet Grim but they didn't feel like dealing with the feline whining and complaining in that moment. So taking another deep breath both to sooth their shaky hands and for some courage, they opened their contacts to make a phone call.
Leona Kingscholar
Y/N paused for a moment before calling the lion prince. He could get cranky if he was woken up from his rest, if they could get him up of course. They called him anyway, consequences be dammed. If they pestered him enough surely he'd give in to at least staying on the phone. That's all they really wanted anyway, to hear someone else's voice to know they were safe.
They played with their cover, patiently waiting for Leona to answer. There was no response. Y/N began to panic a little, calling again and sniffling a bit when there still was no answer. They curled up, letting their mind spiral into a dark place as they unwillingly perseverated on the dream. Just then the phone began ringing. They snatched their phone up, answering swiftly after seeing Leona's name displayed on the screen.
"Where are you herbivore," Leona asked before they could finish their sentence.
"Where the hell are you?" he asked again, getting more frustrated with them not giving him answers.
They noticed that the sound of wind and the crunching of the cool ground came through his end, "are you outside?"
"Yeah, now tell me where you are," he demanded in almost a growl.
"Leona... why are you..?"
"Something's gotta be seriously wrong if you're calling me this late," his voice softened into a tone that was almost tender.
"I had a really bad nightmare," as they said that they heard the front door open and the call ended.
They ran down the stairs and sure enough there was Leona. He looked out of breath, a stern look and furrowed brow plastered on his features. He stared at them with such an intensity it made Y/N stop when they locked eyes. Leona approached quickly, not giving the magicless human anytime to react. His hands rested firmly on their shoulders.
"Herbivore.. leave a voice mail next time. You scared me," his gaze softened as he spoke, pure relief laced in his voice.
They stood there, stunned by this rare moment of tenderness from the normally cold prince.
"Now," he straightened up, finally having caught his breath, "all this over a little nightmare?" he smirked a bit as he teased.
"And he's back," they thought, sighing and pushing him away from them playfully, feeling the heat rise to their cheeks. Leona seemed to be back to his normal asinine and cocky behavior. Though he made sure to keep a close eye on them, making sure they didn't notice. He made sure they went to sleep before he did and were taken care of this time around
Ruggie Bucchi
Y/N stopped themself from calling Ruggie momentarily, thinking it over a bit. They knew he already had his hands full dealing with Leona, were they really gonna add to that burden? Yeah, they were. He wouldn't mind as long as he got something out of it, but they were friends with him so maybe he wouldn't want too much in return. Paying for lunch might suffice. They called him, anxiously waiting for him to pick up the phone.
He whined loudly into the mic before even saying a word, "Y/N.. why're you calling me so late? Don'tcha know we got classes tomorrow?" he huffed
"Yeah.. Sorry," they sighed softly, they hadn't anticipated being scolded.
"You should be.." he stayed quiet before he began to chuckle mischievously, "I'm just messing with you. What'd you need?"
"I had a nightmare," they smiled a little, "I was hoping maybe you could stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep,"
Ruggie stayed silent for so long they wondered if maybe he'd hung up, thinking their request was perhaps a bit childish.
"Sorry. I was just thinking.."
"About what?"
"I was actually already up because of my own nightmare... it was about what happened with Leona," he spoke softly, a bit shaken up at the thought, "maybe we can keep each other company."
"I'm sorry Ruggie.." they shuddered at the thought of everything that transpired during the spelldrive, "do you want to switch to a video call?"
"yeah," he hangs up and called back quickly.
He had a small smile on his face, dark circles under his eyes from lack of proper sleep. His form was curled up in plump blankets and soft pillows. Y/N smiled and gets comfortable.
"You look cozy, Ruggie."
"So do you, Y/N."
This made them laugh a little, "please, this bed is in shambles and that includes these blankets and pillows."
"Jeez, Crowley really screwed you over, huh? Can't even get nice blankets," he chuckled a little
The pair continued conversing like this until they fell back asleep, safe in each others company.
Jack Howl
Y/N hovered over the call button, debating on whether or not to call Jack. He was hard to read at times, always putting up that stoic front, and that worried them. Sure he'd definitely tell them if they were bothering him or didn't want to deal with them, but what if he didn't. They let out a soft sigh before calling their friend. Their heart raced as they waited for Jack's voice.
"Hey, Y/N.." his voice was hoarse like they had just woken him from a deep sleep.
"Hey, Jack. Sorry for waking you up," they rubbed the back of their neck awkwardly.
"Its fine," there was a soft shuffling on his end, "you don't just call people in the middle of the night for no reason," he points out in a matter of fact kind of way.
"Yeah.. I actually called because I had a night terror and I didn't want to be alone," they explained.
The call goes silent for a while, broken only by a soft sigh from Jack.
"Sorry, you really don't have to.. I'll hang up, I'm sorry.."
"No!" Jack spoke loudly, "ah.. sorry, that was loud. I'll stay on call with you I was just thinking," he explained softly.
"Oh, I'm sorry," they smiled slightly
"You're fine, I should have said something. I'll call you back on a video call," he said bluntly before hanging up, calling back minutes later.
When they answered Jack was in his bed, staring intensely at the phone. They knew that was just his face but they couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated under his gaze still. Y/N nuzzled into their covers, feeling much more at ease already. He smiled a little.
"Yeah Jack?"
"I'm glad you trusted me enough to call about this."
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circusfromhellgoofytimes ¡ 11 months
I did a thing 😅
I made a character that would live on @fluffomatic 's Tickle island.
Is he my best work? No, but I like the way it turned out better than my first attempt.
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This shit took me forever, please appreciate it 😭
More about my character ↓
Blue = Answers
Orange = asks
Pink = sections
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
BurnShell Jansin (Jan-Sin)
Name meaning
Burn, Shelly, giggly
GenderFaun (any gender but female alignments for those who don't know)
Relationship orientation
Monogamous, but willing to try poly out to see if it works
Physical appearance & Life
Tk island Resident
Social class
Age & Birthday
26, 8/23
They Look
Younger that 20
Eye color
Hair color
Deep redish brown
Body build
Skinny, but not scrawny
Skin tone
Reddish Pink 😌
Top surgery scars
Took them out when accepted for the job, as to not get hurt on accident
No, always wanted one tho
Step parents
None At this moment
I mean as good as it could be in hell
Earliest memories
Being sent to earth
Some college
On the poorer side of moderate
Really good with animals and kids, good sport about most things
Absolute introvert, tail gets in the way A LOT he tends to not know where to keep it
Comfortable when
In a very warm setting, reading, or doing anything with people it likes, ext. As long as it's warm
Uncomfortable when
Forced to be in very large crowds
Making sure fires friends are safe
Thoughts on self
"I like to think I'm okay, maybe even cool"
Soft spot
His best Ler friend (who isn't set in any way, bc it's not like he's in a rp /s 😒)
Is it clear?
Tail, it's very sensitive, and it's very obvious (tickle wise and just in general, it's been stepped on a lot)
Moss green
Pop rock [ghost] (me? Self inserting? Nooo)
Fish, in any form
Doesn't have a favorite, but really likes horror books
Howls moving castle
Walking or skateboarding
Optimistic or pessimistic
Pretty neutral
Extrovert or introvert
Hard introvert
Can in fact look more human, he looked human when he went in for the job interview, and scared the shit out of a few people when the magic blocker turned him to his natural form.
Really good at running, like for someone who would rather skip all exercise, fire has great indurance (sorry that's probably spelled wrong, not even my keyboard could figure out what I was trying to spell lol)
Would much rather make other people comfortable than himself, even if it's just small things.
Biggest secret
Tail is hella ticklish
Anyone know?
Do they want a family?
Sure, maybe sometime in the future
How gullible are they?
Drink or do drugs?
Occasionally, never anything hard tho
Anxious quirks
Holding tail more specifically the spade, looking down and kicking at whatever the ground is made of, nervous giggles in tense situations (you can count them as anticipation giggles too)
Flaps sleeves/hands, tapping on stuff, little jumps when really happy, mimicking sounds/ecolalia
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
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That's all! Thank you for reading! ❤
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~Hello Cath! I hope you’re having a wonderful day :)
If you’re still assigning mha ships, then i’d like to request one.
(Panromantic asexual, INTJ, they/them)
Hobbies: I love writing! I mostly write Arabic poetry, I also read a lot. I have two (kind of random) special interests, antimicrobial resistance (and how horribly antibiotics are administered), and sound waves (more specifically the usage of sound waves in things like sonar and ultrasound).
Physical description: I’m 5’7, i have mid length brown hair and green eyes, I’m kind of yellowish pale. Also skinny and flat.
Hi! Sorry this took me a hot minute to get to, I hope it’s worth the wait :) (since you use they/them pronouns I kinda operated under the idea that you might be non-binary but if this is incorrect let me know and I can fix it no problem!)
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Ok, I was looking through the characters whose personality types were compatible with yours and as soon as I came across Toga is just felt right.
Like, special interests that may come off as a little odd to other people? Toga has been there done that since the beginning of time. She has got your back 100%. She is constantly asking you about your interests and is genuinely so happy to hear you talk about them because the more you explain it the more she finds it fascinating as well. You both have very inquisitive minds. She also just loves to see the way your face lights up like hers does when she sees blood, she thinks it’s so cute.
Toga is so extroverted and with you being an introvert I just love the idea of her dragging you around with her while she stops to look at every sparkly thing and talk to every person and you’re just like “Himiko, please, the child does not want to hear about the time you made it rain blood.”
Also, it’s canon that Toga does not stand for any of that misgendering shit so if someone calls you by the wrong pronouns she is immediately threatening them. God help them if they say something to invalidate your gender. You are her precious darling and she will do anything to protect you from physical and emotional harm.
Toga can be a bit yandere sometimes but it’s only because of how scared she is of losing you. You mean everything to her. Toga is extremely loyal but she hasn’t really had anyone return the favor for her so she doesn’t quite believe that at some point you won’t get sick of or weirded out by her and leave. Please I’m begging you remind her every day that she is worthy of love and that not everyone is going to abandon her.
Toga could care less about your body type. No curves? No problem! What really draws her to people is their passion. She absolutely adores your passion for sound waves and anti microbial resistance. Even though she doesn’t understand it at first, she listens intently as you explain it to her and probably even takes notes to help her remember the long words. Eventually she becomes more well versed in it and you two are able to have in-depth conversations on the topic. It’s important to her because it’s important to you. Now none of this is to say that she doesn’t love how you look as well. Trust me, she is so obsessed with you she thinks everything about you is absolutely adorable and perfect. She would not in a million years change a thing.
Toga also doesn’t mind at all that you’re asexual. What she really longs for is a deep emotional connection, she’s not very sexually focused at all, she really just wants to cuddle you and observe you and just be with you.
100/10 so wholesome. I love this ship.
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thepringlesofblood ¡ 2 years
Casting My Opinions Into The Void: d20′s Neverafter ep 1+2
this is the first d20 campaign im going to be following live and i am excited enough to do a lil post each week or so about it. mostly bc recycling and adapting and retelling and retranslating old stories that “everyone knows” is my whole shit. like i got a degree in the study of ancient greek and roman civilization (classics). my whole thing is reading old myths and plays that “everyone knows” how they go and seeing what each author/translator brings to the table.
anyway i watched episodes 1 n 2 and i am excited and my observations are below
(like if you were really into the Sisters Grimm series as a kid and are similarly excited for this lol the modernized fairytale characters in that series are literally called “Everafters” and its because it’s really good shorthand for the audience. i see you brennan i see you)
normally ppl who do the whole ‘dark/horror/thriller fairytale’ thing fuck it up bc they think it’s about the shock value, or about seeing how nasty you can get with it, so I usually avoid them, but after bingewatching a kadrillion d20 campaigns, I trust brennan to do it right. you have to find the core value/crux of what is horrifying about the story and tease it out, and play with the symbolism and icons of the original story to reflect that. and brennan fuckin delivered.
ep 1
folks, give a hand to the people who put detailed yet non-spoilery content warnings in the description. tbh dropout shows are setting the standard for sensitivity and inclusion in media. it’s so lovely to see a show w content warnings or pronouns put up onscreen and it just not be addressed. i am forever spoiled for any other kind of media tbh
at some point in the past, brennan found out he could make a really good realistic choking/gagging noise, and he has used it in every campaign since.
i appreciate the ‘scare off the meek early’ approach of it all.
th. the briars. the concept. the dead princes - UGH good backstory yall
i very much like the idea of becoming a ranger out of necessity, and because plants obey you on account of that whole feeding-on-your-blood thing
puss in boots using ‘pib’ as a nickname instead. of ‘puss’ or ‘boots’ - inspired
also zac is using his ‘smart little shit’ voice like he did w lapin and i am v excited.
look ill say it - the little red hen did nothing wrong and thats on that. i read that one when i was very little, it was on electric company or sesame st or between the lions, and i’ve always liked it.
so......anyone see how mother goose’s husband has the last name hubbard? like old mother hubbard lol
also there really is a Jack in so many stories, i’m glad we’re addressing this. little shit gets up to so much trouble
it feels like I have seen so many tired rewritings of little red riding hood, even though I can’t think of any off the top of my head. it’s usually a sort of surface-deep ‘girl power!’ situation. i’ve never seen one like this. i LOVE it. it was terrifying. the fact that we all just sort of accept ‘barbarian’ as a normal dnd class is kind of wild tbh, i like exploring that rage and its source.
Ep 2
saying the actual nursery rhyme in the context of being the nursery rhyme is so powerful. i fully didn’t understand what was happening to nat king cole (v powerful) until he was gone.
also, herr drosselmeyer - fantastic get. you have to talk about the sugar plum fairy at some point and they already went in hard on her in acoc so i love that they were like you know what, it’s weird uncle time.
(context: herr drosselmeyer is clara’s eccentric uncle with a bunch of automatons and he gives her the nutcracker)
also every production ive seen has his drip immaculate. 
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my gender is this man’s cloak
Murph is the fucking ball again
“Please tell me how you’re a monster too so I don’t feel so alone” - Jesus Christ Emily Axford
Almost getting distracted by a bird instead of picking up v obvious plot hooks: pt 2
Brennan really looked at K’s finale scene from mismag and went “how DID the mice get lithium?”
The POV of the mice - simplifying it makes it sound ridiculous, but if you really dig into the idea of the mice as sentient beings it’s horrifying.
Dude the symbolism…stepmother eating her kids bc they were always either a tool or an obstacle to her, of course they would be a sacrifice to her hunger for power.
i’ve always liked endings that have the stepsisters reconciling w cinderella bc in the end they were also victims of abuse and it wasn’t the same or the same degree of abuse as cinderella but they were still constantly on thin ice
can you tell that i rewatched d20 live recently and sobbed at adaine and aelwyn’s ending?
Cinderella stabbing the fairy godmother with the broken heel of the shoe that symbolizes both the ending she was meant for and the life that she was forced into. Turning that into glass armor. dude.
The pumpkin carriage rotting bc the fairy godmother is trying to make the happily ever after stay exactly how it is forever but nature decays and time passes and she can’t acknowledge that without realizing both that her role is in the story is over and not only does cinderella not need her anymore, cinderella doesn’t want her anymore, and maybe never wanted her in the first place. 
When puss in boots was asked what he wanted in life and he just said ‘to be comfortable’ #relatable like I know all this is gonna end with him realizing the value of love and friendship over material goods and I 100% agree with that but i feel like this goal or some variation of it are v common today and not often addressed in stories like this
Pinocchio swearing - 10/10. Also how the fuck is Lou doing a Pinocchio voice that perfectly straddles the line between hilarious and annoying. It’s ridiculous enough to always be funny, but sustainable and varied enough that it doesn’t grate on you.
i think we’re getting into “all the princesses in all the stories are all sisters” territory and i for one am THRILLED
"mirror, mirror.......leaned up against the wall”
we learn in this adventuring party that the OG concept for lou’s pinocchio is that he snapped off his nose so he would be able to lie, which is AMAZING. i fully did not put that together.
i am v excited for this battle, and v terrified.
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grimescum-2 ¡ 1 year
saw you were reworking ocs tell me about them :>
HIIII!!!!! i'm looking at yoy SOO evilly rn. rubbibg my little hands together soo mischievously you dont even know what you signed up for
long ass paragraphs under the cut 😈😈 i dont think its a lot to read but i tend to talk a lot ... so... i dont blame you for not reading all of it but if you do i'm literally grabbing u and shaking u and hugging you
basically i have.. like. a LOT of ocs i'm unhappy with (be it their design or backstory) and for a long while i've been working on them passively.. though as of recent i've been taking a more direct approach to developing some of my favourites AND working on a few new concepts at the same time :o3 (this might sound like a lot but i dont do anything EVER i literally only lay in bed and sleep)
for the new concepts i've been focusing mainly on this guy (any pronouns)
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considering the boogie man or just boogie for a name. they're 7 ft tall and they love to scare and confuse the shit out of people.. but only sometimes. they're relatively chill otherwise, though they keep their intentions unclear. if the spirals didn't say this then they were very inspired by michael (the magnus archives) and uzumaki !! basically they're michael but with 60s-80s aesthetics (i plan on giving them more purple and a hippie/disco vibe)
a few other less notable ones are a sona, a jester (inspired by jevil) and a VERY self indulgent zombie scientist oc to feed the reanimator brainrot
for pre-existing ocs- all of my mains are getting some kind of revamp so i won't speak on all of them, but the closest to being finished is Frenzy!! heres one of a few concepts i'm happiest with:
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she's like... a partial sona in a way. i might insert her into fandoms i like if i can get over the embarrassment and shame (i love seeing other people do it but when i do it i feel bad BHABAHA) BUT in short she's a 22 year old neet hikikomori who's only hobbies are watching horror movies, anime and browsing the internet. that + her family trauma and her poor health and mental illness naturally makes her a little crazy, to say the least. she's also transgender mtf because i support trans wrongs!!!!! i plan on giving her design a v-kei, menhera, pastel goth and yume kawaii vibe.
lastly, claudine is still in the works but I've made a fair bit of progress :o3 she's going to be a lot less harmlessly silly and just a little tiny bit more evil in the sense that she feels like recruiting vampires and giving them access to blood and people in exchange for working at her circus is a necessary evil that must be done to put on the greatest show in the world, an aspiration fueled by both her genuine desire to leave a positive impact on the world and her greed for fame. still as silly as ever.. if not more so, since watching The Mask gave me a LOT of inspo for her character BHABAHA
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The Kazuichi and Papyrus au I have is not just a wacky idea btw. It came to me when I realized that they are both autistic characters misrepresented by their fandoms for their autistic traits.
*btw if you're knew here, I headcanon Kazuichi as a trans girl and use she/her pronouns for the character. You'll have to get used to it.
*also, before it gets pointed out to me, Kazuichi is "canonically a 'stalker' " (in a loose sense of the word, she's a kid who has followed and spied on another kid she had a crush on during a school trip), but many other characters in Danganronpa are also stalkers and are more easily forgiven/forgotten by the fandom, including every Danganronpa protagonist. Autistic people, especially KIDS, can have trouble understanding boundaries, and nobody in the game actually approaches Kazuichi about this and tells her it's wrong, they just insult or make fun of her for being a weirdo. If an autistic person needs to be #cancelled for making neurotypicals uncomfortable, then...that cancels most autistic people, including myself. Autistic people deserve a chance to learn from their mistakes. And yes Kazuichi was also unfairly mean at times. Like I said she was on edge and scared all the time. It is not an excuse but it didnt warrant the harsh fandom treatment.
Kazuichi is an autistic person who's reaching her fucking limit. She has to perform hypermasculine behavior to keep herself safe, she tries to be a cool fun extroverted guy but her act is always falling apart, she has constant meltdowns, she is mean sometimes to get people to back off and stop hurting her, she is visibly frustrated that people dont appreciate her hard work and just see her as a weirdo. She publicly and vocally expresses how lonely she is and how much she wants people to like her. And thus she is villainized for her worst moments. And called an asshole. And an idiot. And a manchild. And pathetic for her loneliness and unrequited crush. And people assume malicious intent from everything she does. They call her a creep. They call her a freak. Have I mentioned that she's a kid? Because she is a kid! Parts of the fandom say they want to bully her. She gets fanart (that is NOT meant to be sympathetic) where she is openly excluded from her friendgroup, on the sidelines looking sad while they have fun without her, or her friends say the most horrible shit to her and gang up on her to kick her while she's on the floor crying. No this is not missing context, this fanart never has context of her doing *anything* to provoke this treatment, aside from sometimes asking her unrequited crush on a date, and yes it almost always is her asking her crush in a more innocent way than the games did, only to have their reaction be uncharacteristically cruel (I swear I could make a post about how Sonia gets mischaracterized and villainized this way while the fandom ironically thinks they are giving Sonia "girl power", barf).
Papyrus is an autistic person who puts on a similar, cool guy act, though is way better at it because he is not at his fucking limit. Even if he is depressed like everyone else from being underground, he is in a calm peaceful town where people mostly leave him alone and he is allowed to express his weird interests and be silly. He is not on guard all the time like Kazuichi. He feels comfortable and safe but still very lonely, but even when he vocalizes this loneliness he puts on an optimistic attitude, so it gets ignored or put in a superficial light. He makes himself and everyone else feel better with his optimism, but that optimism, combined with his weird behavior, makes some people think he is clueless. They call him silly. And an idiot. And a manchild. They think he cant take care of himself. They assume he is silly and dumb in everything he does. They ignore the moments that dont fit their narrow view of him as an always-happy, doesnt-know-what-sadness-is ignorant manchild. Parts of the fandom act like his overly-controlling parents. They dont let him swear or know what sex is or defend himself in a fight or do anything that an adult is capable of.
The way Kazuichi is treated is often how autistic people get treated when they are visibly frustrated, have meltdowns, make social blunders that hurt others, and make people uncomfortable. The way Papyrus is treated is often how autistic people get treated when they feel safer to be themselves, when they are fun for others to be around, when they make social blunders that make others laugh + dont hurt other people or make them uncomfortable, when they hide and downplay their loneliness and frustrations. And most autistic people have been both of them at some points in their life.
But the takeaway from this is that the treatment you deserve should not depend on how well you can hide your frustrations, how well you can handle social situations, mask your weirdness, how you appear to others, how you appease neurotypicals. Kazuichi deserves to be able to reach a safe feeling and be able to drop her guard and she deserves to be able to have her accomplishments recognized and be appreciated not just for how hard she works but for how sweet she is, because she is a really nice person when she's not spending her energy defending herself against bullies. She deserves to have friends and a partner or partners that love her back instead of being doomed by the narrative to chase people who dont understand or care about her. And she is NOT stupid, she is judged by the wrong standards. Papyrus deserves to be taken seriously and to get in the royal guard (or another respectable title for monsters if the royal guard is dismantled), he deserves to be taken seriously as an adult even when he's weird and silly, he deserves to reach a point where he doesnt have to act optimistic about the future because it's already gotten better. And he's not stupid either.
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