#... at least i believe that's finley?
nightingale-prompts · 14 days
Babying Batboy
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"He's all yours Kori!" Dick said holding up the Batboy burrito.
Danny chirped in distress as Starfire picked him up and swung him around in her arms. "You are much smaller than I thought. So little and cute!"
"Let me see, I wanna see his wings!" Beastboy said rushing over to get a look.
"Nightwing, what's that bag for?" Raven asked Dick joining in.
"It's Batboy's diaper bag." As he said this Danny's eyes snapped in his direction with murder in them, daring Dick to even try putting a diaper on him.
"Æah!" Danny babbled angrily.
"Don't worry he is housebroken." He laughed. "I put his supplies inside. His blanket, his bottles, chew toys, and this set of superhero themed pacifiers. You should give him one now. He gets fussy."
Danny turned red with embarrassment. Toddler-sized or not he was not going to be treated like a baby, at least not in front of the Titans.
"Aww, these are so cute. I've never really understood the use of these things since they weren't needed on my plant but i heart human babies need these." Kori laughed picking out the purple and black Raven themed pacifier and pushing it right into Danny's face.
Danny turned his head to avoid it.
"Looks like the little man doesn't want that one." Cyborg laughed picking up the green and purple Beastboy pacifier instead.
Danny turned his head the other way only to have the red and green Robin pacifier lodged in him mouth.
"I was right, he wanted one that matches his dad." Raven said.
"It's still hard to believe you had a kid," Cyborg said to Nightwing.
"I know, I thought my figure would never recover." Nightwing joked.
The group settled in the living room. Danny was still trapped in Starfire's lap, angrily chewing holes in the pacifier. If Dick pulled out baby food Danny would bite him.
"You know he has deformed wings, right?" Gar tried to sound tactful as he pulled one of Danny's wings to full splay. "His wings are only connected to his back muscles and not his chest. They would need more muscle, bone and wing span to fly. Not to mention the base sits so weirdly at his spine. Poor kid."
Danny hiccuped and tears welled up in his eyes.
One of the drawbacks of shifting is that it requires a shift in your mental state. Cravings, behaviors, and emotions change to match. Currently, the bat and toddler parts are overwriting his sensible older brain.
Right now his feelings were hurt because he worked so hard to make his wing and trained so hard to fly.
"Wehh," Danny whined.
"Gar! You know he might understand you!" Kori scolded him as he hugged Danny close to her chest and patted his back.
"Let me get him." Dick said leaning over to take Danny from Starfire only to have Danny smack his hand because this was all his fault this happened.
Danny pouted leaning into Kori.
"Guys Hex High is one!" Cyborg said calling everyone to the TV.
The other Titans scrambled to get a good seat to watch their favorite show.
Danny immediately perked up to watch.
This episode was a rerun. Nicky the android was debating who to ask to the dance. Rosetta Ferns the bush nymph or Alaska North the Yeti. Nicky doesn't know that Alaska was already going with her ex-boyfriend Finley Reef to see if they can make up and get back together.
"Alaska is too good for either of them and Rosetta deserves better than to be a second choice." Gar sneered.
"Finley was always taking advantage of Alaska's sheltered past to get her to do what he wanted. Remember when he told her that no one would eat the Gundruk she made for the potluck because he thought it was gross." Starfire chipped in.
Danny nodded along he fully agreed. Alaska was his favorite.
Dick hadn't actually watched the show but now he was stuck in the middle of the marathon and he finally understood why everyone loved this show.
Raven was actually the biggest fan and loved Whitney Wisteria the Witch.
Danny had successfully chewed through the pacifier only to get a bottle of juice instead because Kori thought he was hungry.
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finleyforevermore · 5 months
Side note: I cast based on if the character reminds me of the moot, or if I can see the moot playing the character! If you get cast as a bad guy, of course I don't think of you that way! The reason I casted you is the second reason, I can just see you in that role! Cool? Cool! Now grab your razors, and let's get to cutting!
For those who paid attention to my blog, you all saw this first one coming 😅:
Finley as Sweeney Todd and Zeep (@ziipzeepzop-eez) as Mrs. Lovett
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Josh Groban and Annaleigh Ashford as Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for...me!: Sweeney is an actual dream role of mine! Not to mention it'd be a blast to get to play a not nice guy for 2 hours >:)
Reasons for Zeep: I wholeheartedly believe Zee has the comedic chops to play Lovett, and would absolutely sell the serious moments as well. In Zee we trust 😌
Mari (@heylittlestellbird) as Johanna
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Maria Bilbao as Johanna in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Stella: Johanna is associated with birds. Who's got "bird" in their username? Mari! I rest my case! XD /silly
Atlas (@literatureisdying) as Anthony Hope
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Jordan Fisher as Anthony in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Atlas: Anthony's number one character trait is yearning for Johanna. Atlas' number one trait is yearning for Auden. Simple! /silly
Mikey (@mushroom-hoodie) as The Beggar Woman
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Ruthie Ann Miles as The Beggar Woman in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Mikey: Admittedly at first I had casted you as the Beggar Woman, because one, I just couldn't turn down your offer to be included, and two, I was struggling to think of skmeone else to cast you as but the more I thought about it the more I genuinely liked it! I think you'd do a really good job in this role! ^^
Frog (@ofthefrogs) as Tobias "Toby" Ragg
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Joe Locke as Toby in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Froggy: I mean....just look at you and then look at Toby and tell me you don't look alike.
But also! Toby is a sweetheart! Froggy is also a sweetheart! I rest my case.
Ender (@ender-outlaw) as Adolfo Pirelli
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Nicholas Christopher as Pirelli in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Ender: While you and Pirelli really couldn't be any more different, you're already a very charming person (Pirelli is in fact not that XD) and I think you'd have a great time playing him! Also, this is Tumblr! Who gives a hoot about gender? We can have a female Pirelli if we want!! >:D
Greaseball (@gb-diesellok) as Judge Turpin
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Jamie Jackson as Turpin in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Greaseball: Just like Ender and Pirelli, you and Turpin really couldn't be any more different XD but your voice definitely fits comfortably into all of Turpin's vocal parts! ^^
Rook (@rook-specter) as Beadle Bamford
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John Rapson as Bamford in the picture. (2023 Broadway)
Reasons for Crepuscule: Just like Ender and Pirelli AND Geebs and Turpin, you and Bamford aren't very much alike either! Who woulda guessed? XD
But I think your portrayal would be absolutely delightful and very funny (very much like his portrayal in the 2023 Broadway revival funnily enough)
And last, but most certainly not least..
What's a musical without it's Ensemble? :D
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From left to right, we have:
@sandsmand, Troy (@the-fag-with-the-swag), Ash (@ripash), Wolf (@electricfied-wolf), Razzle (@whistlingstarlight), Ash (@idk-what-to-make-user), Charlie (@gently-decaying-flowers), Cal (@treasure-goblin), Amor (@nuncscioquidsitamor-14), Gabi (@splendidred05), Finn (@lordcatwich), & Eli (@theelispace)!
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readypanda · 4 months
Indigo Park Spoilers (and very long post) ahead
Since Indigo Park is the newest fandom I've been dipping into, I figured I might as well make my own analysis for the game. The question I'll be discussing today is,
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(sry for bad picture quality lol)
The thing I find interesting about these mascots (Molly, Lloyd, and what we've seen of Finley) that kind of sets them apart from other monsters in the mascot horror genre is...they almost seem like they're just animals. (I'll go over evidence for this in this post)
Think about it. In other mascot horror games, we've gotten:
animatronics possessed by dead children
employees/kids surgically(?) turned into toys
people mutated by a giant ink machine
animals/people who have had their DNA spliced with a mutagenic chemical
A little girl somehow turned into a monster (I think??)(really sorry Amanda I don't know what you are)
(I'm not up to date on all these properties and I know there's many more, so forgive me if my lore understanding is less than adequate. you know how it is with indie horror)
The important note about all these is that for the most part, these mascots are intelligent, or at least have the capability of intelligence. Almost everything on this list was at one point human, in fact.
So why do I think Indigo Park is any different? What leads me to believe they aren't intelligent? (at least, the animal versions of the characters that we run from in the game. Whether they are separate from the versions of the characters Rambley interacts with is something I'll touch on later)
I think the most obvious piece of evidence in regards to Molly and Lloyd (again, not much info on Finley yet) is how Lloyd acts. He doesn't talk at all, he just stalks the main character and attacks like an animal might (with the exception of a couple times he stands on two legs or props himself up here and there).
As for Molly, I hear you saying, "But she talks! We hear her speak!" And yes, dear reader, you are right. Molly does speak. This would disprove my argument of the mascots being purely animalistic, if it weren't for this kill screen.
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Now, do we ever actually hear Molly say something that isn't a repetition or couldn't reasonably be a repetition? Has she said anything to prove her intelligence at all? (genuine question here because I haven't examined every one of her voice lines lol. If I'm wrong about this then whoopsie!)
Despite the past 250 words of speculation, though, whether they act just like animals isn't actually that important. We'll see more of them in later chapters anyway (or Lloyd and Finley at least) so that will likely prove or disprove this point with time.
The more interesting question is, what are they? Like, physically?
When Molly dies, we clearly see blood around her decapitated head. At the very least that rules out animatronics or something mechanical. In addition, in the audio of the hidden tape you get when you show Rambley one of the collectables, you can hear two staff members complaining about being replaced by "new mascots" right after they "got a new raccoon costume." This could mean a few different things, but it seems to imply that the mascots we see in this chapter are meant to be replacements for actors in suits (for meet and greets, promotion, shows, etc) and/or replacements for limited, expensive, and cumbersome animatronics. If this is true, we can also probably rule out them being human. Unless Indigo Park also had a secret human experimentation lab, which I wouldn't put past them.
I think it's too early to definitively state what these mascots are, but based on the evidence of above, I have a theory.
My personal theory is that these mascots are just animals who have been changed or mutated in some way to allow the park to have more "realistic" representations of the characters (also probably to cut down on the costs of paying a human employee). That would explain why they act the way they do and why they are so violent. They literally are just wild animals who have been warped to represent these cartoon characters.
Another important caveat to this theory is that, if this is true, then the mascots who attack us in the game are most likely NOT Rambley's "friends" as he knows them. That would explain why he doesn't call attention to Molly chasing us or Molly's dead body (with the exception of one very small reaction when he talks about the mascots). You would expect him to seem a little more upset if he thought that was his friend, but maybe on some level he knows it's not really her, just a representation of her.
That brings up another question, which is a can of worms I won't fully open here: Do Molly, Lloyd, and Finley have sentient "AI" equivalents like Rambley? If not, does Rambley know his friends aren't real? I'll let you decide.
Anyway, that just about closes my thoughts on this silly raccoon game. Thanks for letting me ramble on about it, and thanks for making it to the end of the post!
Lemme know about your own theories in regards to what these things are, or if there's any key evidence I missed. Kinda threw this together lol. Most of it will likely get disproven by future chapters but hey, thus is the price of theorizing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Who would each Yellowjackets character be in The L Word Universe?
Nat - Shane
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We all saw this one coming. Nat would definitely be the ambiguously gendered noncommittal heartbreaker of The L Word sphere. Like Shane, she is kind and looks out for those she cares about but her troubled childhood has made her put her guard up. Shane and Nat both push people away because they don’t believe they are worthy of love and have never had a healthy example of a relationship so they hop from girl to girl before things can get serious. Not to mention the bounty of self-destructive tendencies these girlies both have. And with Nat’s cool mullet she would definitely kill it as a hair stylist.
Taissa - Bette
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Bette and Taissa are both the powersuit-rocking politicians of our dreams (with matching crumbling marriages.) Tai is known for taking her ambitions a bit too far, and, like Bette, her work consumes her personal life until it falls apart. Neither of these girlies know when to stop, even if it alienates them from the ones they love.
Lottie - Marina
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I think Lottie would definitely be the mysterious sexy bar owner that speaks mainly in poetry snd gives supposed straight girls sexuality crises (all while having a secret wife). Like Marina, Lottie has an aura of ethereal mystery around her and can be a little off-putting in how calm and collected she is even in situations that call for a little more freaking the fuck out. Lottie would definitely find some straight girl deeply in denial and send her into a sexuality crisis spiral while acting completely innocent about it.
Shauna - Jenny
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Okay don’t be mad at me, it’s at least a little true. Shauna and Jenny are both a little too obsessive, impulsive, and emotional (and they’re both deeply struggling with compulsory heterosexuality). At any given moment you will find them in a corner furiously journaling their dark feelings instead of communicating them. Shauna would definitely be the one to go a little crazy after falling in love with a woman for the first time. And both Jenny and Shauna have their emotional support himbos that they use to deny their homosexuality: Tim and Jeff.
Jackie - Dana
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Jackie would definitely be the closeted sports lesbian that is terrified of the public (and mostly her rich, uptight parents) finding out about her queerness. Like Dana, Jackie is under a lot of pressure to be "perfect" and comes from a wealthy, preppy background with rich parents who have high expectations. I also definitely think Jackie would be a tennis girlie. Jackie and Dana are the baby gays who are constantly checking out women but don't know how to express their queerness yet. And they both have a complicated homoerotic relationships with their best friend (Dana/Alice and Jackie/Shauna). Jackie and Dana are both very supportive and fun-loving, they just need to get out of the closet.
Van - Finley
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Butch kings! Van and Finley are both little goofsters that fill my heart with joy. In The L Word universe, Van would definitely be the that friend that is there to make all of the gays smile but is hiding a lot of pain and trauma behind a comedic mask. Van and Finley have a serious problem with joking instead of confronting serious feelings but we still love them.
Misty - That girl that's obsessed with Shane in the Pilot episode
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Okay so I don't think Misty really fits anyone in The L Word so I'm giving her Lacey, that girl that is concerningly obsessed with Shane (Nat) in the first episode. This girl hooks up with Shane once and then she's tracking her down at parties and finding all of her hangout spots to harass her and get her attention. And I think in an L Word AU, Misty would definitely hook up with Nat, Nat would ghost her, and Misty would go insane like that.
*Anyways should I write a Yellowjackets The L Word AU fic? Because honestly I've been thinking about it a little bit too much.*
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Augusnippets Day 5: Drunk Caretaking
cw: alcohol, blood
for the @augusnippets challenge // word count: 632
“That all you got?” Joy slammed her empty shotglass onto the bartop, sliding it back and signalling to the bartender for another. The poor guy seemed more than a little concerned as he obliged, probably for the integrity of his establishment. Joy couldn't blame him. This was a tiny spot in a tiny town; more of a hipster bar than a roadhouse, unprepared for any shenanigans she and Finley may rain down.
“I can do this all night,” Finley said with a grin, leaning forward in her seat. She rapped on the bar with her knuckles. “Make it a double.”
The bartender let out a woeful sigh, but poured it anyway.
They'd run into each other by pure coincidence; both of them running a quick mission in the same small town. Finley'd looked a little beat up when they’d all-but crashed into each other, but she’d cracked the usual smile through the blood and invited her for drinks. Joy couldn't resist.
She raised her glass. “It's only a matter of time before you're on the ground. Might as well give up now.”
“Is that a promise, Cavan?”
Joy fought the urge to look away, gulping down her shot hastily as the blonde woman laughed.
“We both know you can't keep up.”
“Wanna bet?” Joy slid the glass back. “Another bubble— double.” Okay, so maybe it was going to her head a little bit, but Finley was looking a little dazed herself, eyelids drooping, smile turning loopy. Cute.
Nope. Not cute. An opponent Joy would definitely triumph over in this drinking contest.
Amd then they could go for drinks.
You're already going for drinks, dipshit.
Trying to breathe through her nose and not make it obvious she was blushing, Joy reached for her refilled glass. 
She froze when she heard something shatter.
It was Finley's glass, slipping from her hand as the woman suddenly slumped forward. Joy leapt up to catch her, nearly falling over with the sudden rush of dizziness that came with standing.
“Finley? Hey!” Unable to keep her balance, Joy dropped to a kneel, careful to keep her companion from hitting the ground too hard. Finley's eyelids fluttered.
“Hey hon,” she slurred. “Come here often?”
Shit, why had that hit her so suddenly? Why—? Her breath caught at the blooming red on Finley’s shirt.
What the fuck?
Joy swallowed down her panic, feeling more sober by the second. Had she been shot? How had neither of them noticed?
“What happened?” She tore open Finley's button down, revealing a thick layer of bandages wrapping around her waist.
“Shiiit, at least buy me dinner first.”
“Finley.” Blood was seeping through the white gauze on her torso. Joy pulled it away, revealing a hastily stapled gash across her stomach, oozing a steady stream of red.
“What the fuck? Did you seriously ask me out right after getting stabbed?”
“Sounded fun.”
“For drinks?”
“R’lax. Used a coagulant.”
The bartender was palefaced, leaning over the bartop with wide eyes. “Should I call an ambulance?”
“No,” they both snapped, and he retreated. Joy folded the gauze over, making a thicker pad and pressing it into the wound. Something in her heart twisted at Finley’s little cry of pain, but she pushed it back.
“Hold pressure on it,” she ordered, guiding her hands over the gauze.
“I know,” Finley muttered.
“Do you?” With a hand under her shoulders and another gripping the bar, Joy managed to get them both up. Her car was nearby. She had a med kit there, good enough to stabilize her until they made it back to the compound.
“Can't believe you’re dumb enough to go drinking after a stab wound,” she muttered.
“Can you blame me?” The dizzy grin was back. “How else would I get you to come home with me?”
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starastarship · 4 months
Thoughts on Indigo park chapter 1
Spoiler warning under the cut!
Alright guys so today I played Indigo park chapter 1 with my friend @theroseofazrael. And I wanted to give my thoughts on it along the way basically! Warning again spoilers for chapter 1!
Right of the bat I wanna say that this is coming from somone who watched it first and someone who played it after. So you could say I have at least 2 things to go off by
Putting this in multiple parts
Part 1: entrance
So the beginning. first of all intro cutscene was really well made and amazing to look at! Getting right put into the game, meeting Rambly for the first time was nice! (Also fun fact I did the math around the 2920 days guest absents and it's 8 years!) I liked him alot! He is cute and sweet! Love his animations and I hope he doesn't turn out evil (or at least not the AI) So we open the door with a simple puzzle and I am glad it is really just like a kind of walking simulator! Going in we are getting our critter cuff, and I was so sure in the playthrough I watched that there was one of the mascots inside the shop!
with the critter cuff around our wrist we now walk into the park and when I first saw the statue I immediatly thought "Is this a disney reference"! I liked it! going throught the tunnel and it collapses behind us. I would say I actually kinda liked that! I find it sometimes a bit more realistic if something old collapses right behind someone than it already having collapsed! Also the tunnel kinda reminded me a bit of a tunnel from my favorite theme park which I found funny!
also on a side note: I love how Rambly still tries to make this abandoned theme park sound more like that it is under construction. Deniel is a river in egypt!
part 2: The train ride
While it still plays a bit in the tunnel I put it with the train ride! Walking through the que line really helps the feeling of This was really a theme park! And while I didn't see it on my playthrough (at least I think I missed it) on SHB I saw like the tail feathers of Mollie already giving an uneasy feeling but was also a bit foreshadowing in a sense. Anyways when I was in the call with my friend, Rambly told me I would be too old for this ride and I literally said "well fuck you then". This was also still at the time where I did not realize Azra was not watching my stream, because my game crashed at the beginning and I booted it up again but forgot to stream it at the time (I honestly believe it has nothing to do with the game and more about me having too much stuff open at the time!)
Anyways we load up onto the train and off we go on our first ride! This was a very sweet introduction to the cast, and felt natural for a theme park! Meeting Mollie first I loved that introduction. I like her opimistic character as they talked (which I found also really cool that Rambly interacted with the cast during the ride!) What I didn't noticed until a bit later, down there was a door where you could see Mollie "spying" on us! I just saw how the door closed but it gave me the impression that she stalked us during the entire ride or she was like "looking around" and basically found out there is someone!
Then we get to Finleys underwater space and the entire time I was looking around if I could find Mollie somewhere again (I unfortunatley didn't see her anywhere). But then Finley say "you know me for 100 years" and Imma get this right off the bat, Mollie later on says this! I go deeper in this later on!
Then we get to a really destroyed place which thinking about it is weird! Every other place was ok looking, almost in tip top shape but this one was quiet literally ruined! It is open for alot of theories I believe, since this one was probably Salems place! it is up to you guys what this was! So off we go to repair the electricity finding a Mollie animatronic! It says one last thing about Rambly hurt Llloyd! Now this one gives me the impression that Rambly is more evil but also later on with Lloyd there is a scene that plays out. And I believe that there is more to the cuff/ the system in the park than we thought
Anyways we boot up the train again and carrie on! Next and last one is Lloyd. Here we see the first time the total distaste for Lloyd from our Raccoon! now considering how Rambly and Lloyd interact, this might be just his AI programm but throught the game, expecially the collectables, it is more to believe that this dislike isn't really programmed! So maybe that part, wasn't meant to be in a annoyed way? only time will tell! But also I knew this one from tik tok but at the end of this interaction, looking to the left shows Mollie like literally by our side coming from the courtains! I will talk about a thought when we get there!
Going out we are at the gift shop of the ride. And here I noticed that in one of the cameras we can see Molluie running after the train! We see multiple empty trains in those photos and then one in the middle with Mollie running! I believe that would have been our photo! considering all other photos are empty seats, it makes the most sense. And with mollie always popping up during the ride now and then! Now this one is more a theorie but I imagine that this photo was taken during Salems part! Maybe Mollie was chasing us, the train was just faster, and when it broke down and we went out to fix it, maybe she caught up! Then she saw we weren't there and maybe thought we ran ahead? this is really just what I have thought about this than really being a theory! Anyways i was pointing the picture out to Azra and here I noticed how stupid I was
I noticed after they told me, there was no stream, that I forgot to stream it! These entire first minutes, they did not see what I saw while I stupidly pointed out things you can only see! oTL anyways moving on to part 3!
part 3: the central area and Lloyds theater
Putting these 2 together cause I find them rather short in a way! First of going down the stairs and seeing the entire area + working and I believe opperating ferris wheel! I told to Azra that as a kid or even now that I would have gone there! I just hope they also have rollercoaster tbh! I like the adrenalin! I found the fountain actually really funny, being able to rotate like this while spitting water! Noone was save against the water! we also get to the information kiosk and to the collectables! I found it nice that we got more info about them through Rambley and expecially through our protagonist which there is one thing!
At the beginning Rambly tells us that we are a new comer/ are not in the guest data base, but looking at the descriptions it is made very clear we were in this park multiple times! I believe either, children weren't like allowed to be in the guest data base because well they were children! or because we aged and with age faces change, the face recognition didn't pick up on us!
And another thing. As I said before Rambly seems to really dislike Lloyd and with the plushies, expecially the last one we get (and old cartoon version of Lloyd) it says that Lloyd was the most popular one apperantly! or at least the company was more focused on the Lion than the Raccoon! So I believe the resentment shows that Rambly is a bit more sentient than it looks like!
Moving on, Rambly wants to bring us to the Jetstream junction but unfortunatly we need a key! And that key was in Lloyds theater. getting acess to it, we go inside! seeing the theater was really pretty! and on stage we see a sleeping Lloyd who wakes up and running away. now I wanna adress that because I feel like that they aren't really out to hurt us! after the key and getting through the section (where even if I know nothing would happen, I still anticipated it) only then when we tried to go, did he really came close enough to grab us! and that one time in the middle where he was squished under a box! And honestly i think it was also because he was like put into a croner and didn't see another way!
Here is also a funny thing because technically speaking you can get this anytime when you turn around away from the backstage area we see again Mollie! Some had it at the beginning I had it after the area and honestly I feel like it is more impactful when it is after the area!Anyways we got the key and off to Mollies place!
part 4: Jetstream junction
Now this place was really fun! We go up to rooftop racing adn are greeted with rumble having fallen onto the ride destroying it! Now I felt it was unfair we only get to ride one thing so far in the entire park! Anyways we go downstairs again and to the landing pad! or rather we should go there but off to the side is a little drinking area with an arcade machine! We can play it and it is a typical oldschool platformer! This is also where we meet Salem for the first time basically! Many also belive that this has more story relevence than it looks like. Also we get like a pixalated Ramblyberry but I think that is more an easter egg than it being exactly "canon".
Anyways we now enter the landing pad which is like a really REALLY big playground area! and we got a interesting puzzle here! simple to understand. We have blocks and need to figure out the the right combination! Easy to understand thanks to the purple block and the purple star besides it! So power goes out and we walk through the entire playground, finding all shapes and the colors to it! And guess what Mollie is with us! She is often very cose to us but never really attacks us! until after we solved the puzzle! We get our first chase in the game and the only one in chapter 1!
I died only 2 times! first time I was not expecting her to come from the front and second time I didn't knew where to jump! but overall I liked the chase! it was easy to follow and had only one moment that I thought "ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! an it is the collectable during the chase! it's not hard to see but dang I held to step back one time to get it and my adrenaline was so high holy shit!
And the ending was wow. So like I felt like with the head off it felt different than I saw on SHB. Maybe it was becuase of the pure adrenaline but I felt like they fixed the timing of when it happens! Cause with Mike I felt like the timing of the head or the distance of the jump too was weird! but maybe it was always like this. And during all of this me and Azra just went "damn she is bleeding alot" not exactly listening to Rambly saying anything about the park and stuff! But it does make me wonder what happened to the staff and expecially WHY WAS THERE FRESH LOOKING BLOOD ON BOTH MOLLIE AND LLOYD?!
Anyways we leave and soon make our way to Ocean Odyssey and I notice that is Nordic themed ! (loves it!) and after seeing a big Finley coming out there ends chapter 1!
Finally thoughts
I really enjoyed it! I don't play often horror games... actually rewrite that I never played horror games and this was my first time! gameplay wise, there were a few nitpicky things but that was their first game and for that alone this deserves a major Star because it is really good! and story wise, it got me hooked! we got enough information for anticipation withouthaving all to much said, only leaving us wondering!
Anyways can't wait for chapter 2 and see ya!
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fearsodyssey · 6 months
Alastair is pan (TRUST THE PROCESS: he realizes he doesn’t have a preference after Gavin and him get together)
Gavin has the LONGEST eyelashes you have ever seen. You feel gusts of wind whenever he blinks. He has floated away on multiple occasions.
Isobel is Demi (REASONINGG:developed a crush on both Alastair and Reid after spending time/getting to know them better.)
Gender-fluid Hendry (no thought process behind this your just going to have to trust me 🙏🙏)
Finley’s the type of guy to ask “would you still love me if I was a worm?” And get mad at your answer
Carbry would collect literally anything. He just had shelves lined with little trinkets.
Briony is the second tallest of all the champions (“but finley-“ NO.)
UNO is banned in the Blair household.
Gavin and Alastair adopted a cat that Gavin named Alice so whenever he called the cat or Alastair the both looked up (the cat has its own designated seat at the dinner table)
When Elinor was younger she wanted to be a witch so she practiced her fortune telling skills on Carbry and he couldn’t sleep for DAYS.
I fully believe Briony could beat (OR AT LEAST COME EXTREMELY CLOSE TO BEATING) Gavin in arm wrestling.
After the tournament Reid has and EXTREME amount of piercings (trust me)
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the80srewinders · 8 months
Inside The Mind of a Sysmed: An Experienced Guide
by Finley, host
Sysmeds are system exclusionists- they think you need trauma to be plural. They often push that DID/OSDD only develops from trauma and, although that might be true, I've found evidence it might not be always the case (way after we made this blog.) They use the basic well known facts about DID/OSDD to pull you in, because its how they build trust. Then they tell you the misinformation about systems of all types.
Why do they do this?
I used to be a sysmed when I found out about DID- because I fit a lot of the symptoms, and was in denial I had trauma, and felt like I needed trauma or I'd be broken, I closed my mind off from any possibility endogenic systems, much less DID without trauma, was possible. If I believed that, I'd start thinking I was endogenic, and I'd feel like I was broken and an insult to real trauma survivors- I already felt like that. People who were traumatized as children don't remember all of their trauma and there's a select group that remember very little or none. Society pushes the "trauma is something you remember that shatters and severely hurts you mentally that you always remember and want to forget" narrative alongside people who claim they remember their trauma and are "proud survivors. " I grew up believing that and as a result, I thought the only trauma I had was bullying and sexual assault/rape in public school, and my cousin sexually abusing me. Remembering very little details of all those traumatic events and having mostly depersonalized memories of those events, I didn't see where it could be bad enough to cause DID. I also thought I never dissociated until I found out I could have DID but I later found out the things I called weird about myself were actually dissociation- the sysmed view just didn't make it seem that way. I had to go through six months of research to find out dissociation was experienced differently by person. I was on r/DID a lot when I was in the diagnostic process (which took months) and learned so much misinformation about plurality I was suffering with denial severely. I thought I didn't have DID and I was just born broken, I was nothing like these people. Switching all the time, being in distress because of dramatic disorienting dissociation, having vivid flashbacks to trauma all the time. I was none of that. The denial of my trauma ate me up and left me with a hole of invalidity to fill with validity. So I would hold sysmed views to make myself feel valid and say those online when I needed to boost my sense of validity. But the more research I did, the more I found that endogenic systems were valid and often do have trauma- its just not what made them plural. And that everything I experienced was in fact in favor of DID- amnesia of trauma, depersonalized memories, not noticing switches, randomly hearing alters thoughts intruding into my consciousness instead of full on conversations with them thinking theyre "imaginary friends", unstable identity, and after I found out I had DID, headaches when trying to communicate internally with alters.
Basically, sysmeds are sysmeds because they are in denial of their trauma, and the society stereotype on trauma doesn't make them feel any more valid. Mix this in with the singlet created stereotype on DID in media, and how psychology often falsely validated these presentations until 1994 with the DSM-4 which renamed the disorder accurately, and sysmeds don't feel valid at all. They feel inherently broken and like they're nothing without trauma (or at least trauma they can remember.) Their denial of trauma eats them up and makes them miserable, and in an attempt to feel valid, they are filled with hate toward anyone who would make them feel like they're not valid by just existing. Sysmeds let their trauma or denial thereof turn them into miserable exclusionists who knowingly spread misinformation and bait an entire community into being seen as bullies. All because instead of therapy, they chose to go with what feels good in the moment out of anguish.
So yes we are pro-endogenic. Because when we had enough of the pain caused by denial and the "denial-be a sysmed to cure it" cycle, we chose to do research. All it takes is researching trusted websites about plurality, including medical websites that have validated endogenic systems. Sysmeds love trusted sources especially government medical websites, don't they?
And you'll find that there's really no need to be a sysmed at all.
Edit: Sysmeds have different reasons for being sysmeds. Just because these are the sysmeds we encountered and why I became one, doesnt mean its why every sysmed is a sysmed. It could be because they just don't see how endogenic plurality can exist, they strictly believe in the theory of dissociation, or they were exposed to sysmedicalist content like r/DID or r/systemscringe. (We're not against the theory of structural dissociation, we just think that applies to posttraumatic/dissociative disorders only but there's other ways systems develop.) Those are their reasons for hating each other as well. Our experience isn't universal and we realize that.
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cheffe-cool · 5 months
Does anyone ever think about Elinors last day alive?
After the fight for the mirror, she would know by the sky that some champion had died, but only after meeting up with Finley would she find out it was Carbrey.
Their relationship is so interesting, (at least on Elinors part) because she knows he must die, but is protective of him in a way that is more than just allies, as being cousins she’d have known him since he was a baby. I wonder if she wanted it to be him and her in the end so that she could kill him herslef, and try to make it as painless as possible, or if she was hoping Finley would do it for her.
Regardless, she would no doubt be enraged upon finding out that not only was he dead but that it was BRIONY who had slain him.
Whom Elinor personally disliked, and who had CLAIMED she wanted all of the champions to live, only to go on to kill the 15 year old herself. No doubt Elinor would realize as well, that his death was largely her own fault, for lying to the boys to pit them on Bri.
In the second book, it is mentioned, while coming to pair the Hammer with the Monastery that a table had been flung into a wall. Finley was certainly angry too, as he believed Briony to have betrayed them, but he hardly seems the type to throw a table in anger. Elinor seems the obvious candidate.
So she returns to The Monastery, after learning the girl she hates has killed her young cousin, probably spends much of the night seething and unable to sleep. In the morning, Finley is led away by the compass rose. We don’t know if he told Elinor if he was leaving or not. If he DID Elinor would probably have demanded to come along to enact her revenge, but he makes her stay.
So she wait in the monastery probably checking on all the champions through the mirror- when she would at some point, likely see a band of three champions coming to kill her. Maybe she would check Finleys location only to see that he’s joined with Briony and has left her alone in the landmark. What can she do besides try to wait them out? Besides change the wards of course, as she knows Gavin can break the old ones.
So she waits, alone and angry in a huge empty monastery, until Isobel lights it up. She’s fumigated out (after a long time, the book notes) to where she will not an hour later- die one of the most brutal deaths in the series.
I don’t really have that much to say about the whole ordeal other than that every character in this duology is horribly sad. Like bro.
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captainshurley · 6 months
Baby I'm not alright, but I'm okay (Part 4)
Cash Wheeler x f reader
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Previous chapter
It had been a hard week at work. Every now and then, the bosses found reasons and excuses to send y/n on a long duty where nothing was happening and literally had to stand in one place. Perhaps some of Y/n's coworkers would have been happy with such work tasks. Just standing and observing is not a difficult thing to do. But Y/n preferred to be really useful on duty and help people with actions. If it weren't for her partner, she would have thought about changing jobs or at least transferring to another station long ago. To tell the truth, Y/n even found out about vacancies for transfer, but, unfortunately, they were only on the other side of the country, and she was definitely not ready to move and make new connections now.
It was finally the weekend. There is time to relax and take time for herself.
In y/n's house, as usual on those rare days when they were home, music was playing at full volume. Y/n liked to turn up the music and sing along to her favorite song. Lately, her playlist had been filled with lyrical songs about complicated love relationships. Despite all the seeming depression it helped her relax and even feel better for a while.
A few days ago, y/n and Maria had agreed that they would meet at 5 p.m., which meant there was plenty of time to take a relaxing bath, do a face mask, and get ready for the meeting.
y/n filled the bathtub, added bath salts with lavender oil and peppermint notes. The pleasant scent was relaxing and moody. She lay in the water started singing along to songs from her playlist again and after a couple minutes singing at the top of her lungs. It really did make her feel a lot better.
Half an hour later, she finished her treatments and started getting ready to go out.
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Maria was getting everything ready for the upcoming dinner. David told her about what had happened between y/n and Daniel. The whole time her husband was telling Maria what had happened her eyes widened more and more. She couldn't believe that her husband's best friend, who she had known for several years and had gotten to know him quite well, would behave like that with her best friend. Maria knew Daniel was a good man. He was there for David when Maria couldn't help him no matter how much she wanted to. He was great with Finley and was a great uncle to her. But the trauma and then the breakup literally made Daniel a different person. He changed in front of his eyes. He started joking around, flirting and talking to a lot of girls. Despite this, Maria had never seen him with any of them more than twice. Each time Maria wanted to ask Daniel or at least David what she could do to help, but David assured her that they would figure it out in time. Time passed, but nothing changed.
After listening carefully to her husband, Maria decided that she could do nothing in this situation. Today was the day she would definitely talk to Daniel.
While Maria was finishing up with her preparations, the doorbell of their house rang.
"I'll get it," came Finley's ringing baby voice from the living room.
The girl happily ran to the door and opened it.
Standing on the threshold was y/n. Upon seeing Finley her lips stretched in a smile.
"Hello, princess. It's been a while. I've missed you!" y/n took a step and enclosed the girl in a hug. Finley hugged her back.
"I missed you too Aunt y/n." The girl got out of the hug "Why have you been so long since you stopped by?" Finley made a hurt look and folded her arms across her chest.
"I'm sorry, princess. I promise I'll visit you more often. By the way, I brought you something."
Y/n picked up the bag she had left nearby earlier to hug the girl and pulled out a small, soft hedgehog that held a heart in its little paws.
"Here. I had one of these years ago. I was at the store recently and saw a cute pair of these and decided to buy one. If you miss me again, just click right here" she lightly pressed the hedgehog's belly and the heart light lit up. "Mine will have a light too. Let you have one and I'll have the other, okay?"
Finley hugged her hedgehog "I'll name him Bradley. Thanks y/n!"
The girl gave y/n another hug and happily ran to her daddy to show off her new pet.
The y/n smiled at how little it takes for a child to be happy, walked into the house and closed the door behind her.
"Maria, where are you?" she said so she could definitely be heard.
"In the kitchen" came Maria's reply and y/n headed there.
Entering the kitchen y/n greeted her friend warmly "Sorry I got here early. I was a little out of time on the drive" y/n had anxiety when she was late, so she often arrived early. "I hope I'm not intruding."
"No, of course not, what are you saying that for! I'm always happy to see you. Can you help me out a little?"
As they finished preparing for dinner, Maria decided it was a good time for a heart-to-heart talk.
"y/n, David told me a little bit about what Daniel did. I'm really sorry about what happened. Don't think he's a bad person. He's just confused and doesn't know how to make things right for now. If you get to know him better, you'll see that he's a nice and caring friend."
"Maria, come on. I've already talked to David about this. It's okay. Everyone has bad times. I'll give him a second chance if that's what you want" y/n smiled at Maria. She wasn't doing her friends any favors. If they both thought she should hang out with Daniel, maybe it really was worth it.
The doorbell rang again. This time y/n went to open the door.
Daniel was standing on the doorstep of the Harwoods' house. He was a little nervous. He wanted to do the right thing this time.
When the door opened, there was y/n standing on the doorstep. Wheeler literally lost his ability to speak and was only able to stare at the girl in fascination. At her beautiful eyes, her soft smile.
"hey! Are you okay?" interrupted the silence y/n. "Come on in" she stepped aside, letting the man into the house.
"yeah, yeah, I'm okay. You look beautiful." A blush of embarrassment appeared on the girl's face. Daniel found the strength to finally take a step into the house. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, but I really do."
"Thank you" replied y/n timidly and walked with Wheeler to the Harwoods.
Finley, seeing Uncle Dan, ran up to give him a hug. Daniel picked the girl up, lifted her into his arms and hugged her.
"Hey, little one! How you doin'?"
The girl showed pouted her lips as if offended, but a breakable smile was breaking her image
"I'm not little! I'm doing great."
"Oh, I'm sorry. You are the big one." Daniel said with a warm smile and set the girl on her feet "So big I can't hold you in my arms anymore"
"And Aunt y/n got me a hedgehog" said Finley showing her new toy to Uncle Dan.
"Oh, he's really cute. Almost as cute as..." Wheeler didn't have time to finish his sentence because he was interrupted by Maria's voice
"Fin, take the hedgehog to your room and it's time for dinner."
Maria stepped a little closer to her friends and looking rule at Wheeler said "Dan, can you help me get something from the basement? I'd ask David, but he insists that no one can even go near his signature dessert!"
Of course, she could handle getting a bottle from her husband's bar herself, but she desperately needed an excuse to talk to Wheeler one-on-one.
"I'll go make sure everything is ready then" smiled y/n to her friend and left.
When Maria and Daniel were alone she punched him in the shoulder
"How could you do that!" the woman sounded very annoyed.
"Ow, what have I done already? It's not my fault!" Wheeler didn't realize what was going on or what he had already done.
"So you didn't write nasty things to my best friend? What is wrong with you Dan! I can certainly see that there's been a change with you lately and I really don't like it, but I was hoping it was just a rough patch and that my husband's best friend I met years ago would be back soon"
Damn. Maria knows everything. Wheeler absolutely recognized that he was at fault and that he had indeed changed, but what to do about everything genuinely didn't know.
"I know I'm wrong. I'll make it right. I promise. And David's best friend is still here. Just can't find his way."
"I really hope so, Daniel Marshall Wheeler!" the woman sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose "I really hope you find your way very soon... Now go to the basement and pick out some alcohol to your liking so you don't come empty handed."
Wheeler nodded in response to the instructions and went downstairs.
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Dinner went as well as it couldn't have gone better. Communication between Daniel and y/n with a fair amount of effort but managed to get established. Much of this was facilitated, albeit unintentionally, by little Finley. Dan was unexpectedly very attentive to y/n and gentle in his interactions with the girl. When y/n looked at them a smile never left her lips.
By the end of dinner it was getting dark. y/n helped Maria clean up after dinner and got ready to go home.
Daniel ventured over to the girl, but this time was more careful with what he said.
"The weather's nice. Why don't we go for a walk? I'll walk you home. I promise I won't be a nuisance. At least I'll try really hard" a smile confirming the purity of his intentions stretched across Wheeler's face. He held out his hand to the girl, inviting her to take a walk.
"Okay. Why not?" the girl replied and accepted the offered hand.
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Next chapter
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
“Isobel, your aunts and uncles probably didn’t even know how to spell your name until last year.” — wow none of these family members are pulling any punches here are they?
Briony and Isobel…my autocorrect hates spelling both of them…they are not having a good time right now…hmm
‘even in unflattering light, even scowling, Alistair Low was extremely good looking. Not that it mattered’ —Gavin to the best of your knowledge he’s going to try and murder you. If you asked him, I’m sure he’d have a long list of ways he’d like to do it. And you use this descriptor anyway—
Briony’s different kind of exes—Isobel and Finley—are now also both champions. And she isn’t. Ouch, that’s got to sting (and wow I can’t even believe I’m writing that. She’s sad she doesn’t get into the murder tournament with her former best friend(?) and former boyfriend(?))
They started ‘training’ Alistair when he was seven?!? Like that?!?! Alistair and Hendry’s interactions are adorable (in the terms of the violence of this book let’s say that word fits, okay? For now, at least)
Fuck oh fuck right after I said that please tell me I’m wrong. No no no oh fuck you Lowe family I’m not sad you’re sad (why?!?!??)
Oh a vessel this is not going to end well
Part 2 (50-100ish) done. (Thanks for letting me do this by the way <3 I’m probably going to head to sleep right now but I’m enjoying it so far thank you!! And also just saying this again because yeah but if you want me to shut up please tell me I promise you it won’t bother me).
Hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night/evening (idk time zones are weird) 💖💖💖
I know! Isn't that so sad that they didn't care about her at all until she was useful to them! :((( Super sad. Also yeah Briony and Isobel (actually all of them) are just Going Through It for like 800 pages. :')
GAVIN IS THE BISEXUAL KING OF THE WORLD. I love him. :') He's a loser, he's supposed to die first. He's a kicked dog who wants to bite! He's, sigh, he's Jean-coded to me. Okay. He's... He's just very special to me. TWT I can't call him a meow meow, because I feel that Alistair moreso gets that title, but Gavin is THE Character.
I know!!! Poor Briony. :')) Something she wanted for so long and she doesn't even get it. Because of the fucking government?! Like hello. What the fuck?! Also yeah, like I would be relieved but go crazy girl? :')
And that is why he's so fucked up. They've been training him to be a monster his entire life. Also I know! I love them. They're so sweet to each other. They're all each other has-
GOD. I KNOW. IT HURTS DOESN'T IT? I saw it coming but had to suffer through several pages of Alistair figuring it out. TWT Poor codependent boys. :( It's so fucking tragic. It broke my heart man. :(
Gavin just 'Yeah I'll let this insane guy fuck with my ability to use magic and also my life force :) sounds good'. IDIOT (said with love)
You're totally welcome babe! I am very excited for you to read more! <3 Also, really, I promise I swear you can't annoy me.
Also! It was night when I got this. But it's 4:15pm now. : ) I live in the eastern time zone btw!
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skayafair · 2 months
Episode 44
In short, I am unwell 🥴 spoilers below.
First thought while listening: Omfg is this Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles all over again with "the price" of granting a wish resulting into "the wisher has to never stay in the same place and always continue the journey across the worlds"? WHO on the team is a CLAMP fan? I don't want Silas and Cass to be doomed by the narrative :')
But THEN congratulations, TSP team, you made a BIG fan of specifically clones, doubles and shapeshifters reeeeeally uncomfortable with them for the first time ever :D even DW's Flesh episodes failed to freak me out this much - I mean yeah the long neck Japanese horror inspired Jennifer was terrifying but part of me was still very sad for her.
These guys though... my mind is rooting for them because they are trying to do a good thing (by their words, anyway), but I can't trust them? It's just another group of people who are convinced the aim justifies any means, which I believe has already lead them into a bit of a wrong direction at the very least. And I didn't feel much for them before because we don't know enough to compile an image? Ok Finley is extra charming, but that's beside the point. But now I'm terrified of them and the idea of "oh gods, you can't trust anyone now".
This is a very interesting effect. It's not like I've never seen this trope playing out. It still didn't affect me - at most it made me more intrigued, never so unsettled. I was really rooting for the doppelgangers in The Flesh, clones were one of my favourite characters in Tsubasa and Tales of Abyss (and I like the question their nature raised there), I support the Echo's rights but more importantly the Echo's wrongs (despite her/them? being an antagonist) in The Sheridan Tapes, same as Ned's from the same podcast, and a shifter is basically what I'd like to be if I could be anything but a human. Oh, and I LOVE the Stranger in TMA.
But here? Ohhh boy. They are very likable characters on their own, but this demonstration of power was INTENSE. Podcasts have an interesting effect with horror on me: I'm not scared at all or at least not as much as I would of any movie because there are no visuals. But having only an audio as a source also amplifies the emotional effect if the acting is right, I suppose. I think Silas is just a very good choice for a viewpoint character. Any listener who's got to this point has to sympathize with him by now, so the listener feels the impact from his emotions. But there has to be another component, too.
Because the uneasiness is not about WHAT they are or their abilities, but the way they choose to use those. Say, in The Flesh the characters have just found out they are/have doppelgangers, so for one team the drastic measures were a matter of survival while for another it was fear of the unknown, and both teams acted on emotions because they didn't have much time to calm down and process everything properly. Extreme situations make people do things they wouldn't do in their sane mind, so there's no evil there. In ToA the clones were treated basically as expendable slaves or objects and suffered a lot, so while they participated in organized violent action, it was still easy enough to understand and sympathize with them. For Echo from TST it was a question of survival, too, and while I was uneasy at times about what she could do, most of her "crimes" stayed off the screen and we the listeners don't even know much about them. Were there any?.. Anyway, I couldn't bring myself not to have sympathy for her and was VERY pleased with her ending. And so on.
But Nico and the others had a looot of time to prepare for whatever. They don't tell what the danger is, exactly, which doesn't help trusting them at all. They act in cold blood. They attacked the base while getting the info about Alpha - could they just talk to Silas and co?The team could very well listen. Instead a lot of lives were lost, and they went specifically after Silas who wasn't even THAT thrilled with going down the Breaches in the first place and was already having second thoughts about this whole thing. So they seem very "rational" and bold but this, again, doesn't help their case.
So they hurt people who don't actually have to be hurt despite the fact that they have all the time to prepare. They don't care - or it seems so. And, again, they don't tell what exactly the danger of the final world is, so it's hard to judge if their actions are justified.
And the way they lead the demonstration. There wasn't even mocking, I think? Some sarcasm, sure, but it didn't feel like mocking. No one was supposed to laugh. It was a very casual and that's why all the more horrifying show of what they are not only capable of but actually do and will do. J was a low blow, but impersonating Silas to the point of "I become Silas Caldwell"? And Cass as the final and the most painful nail in the coffin? This isn't driving the point home, it's intentionally hurting another person for nothing. And part of why I felt so unsettled is because of how good they are at this. And how they just mercilessly shoved that into Silas' face. Like... The Echo in TST did that too, and it did feel a bit unsettling, but it was very different in every regard.
So doppelgangers/shifters? Great! Merciless other species who plan ahead and really just don't care who they hurt and use their abilities to a full potential? Honestly terrifying.
The remaining team Alpha seems to be in a very unfavorable position between three forces which don't see them as people, only the pawns.
I mean. Maybe Nico and co are going to be not only reluctant allies but actually value the team's lives and sanity. They seem to get along in present timeline, after all. I just don't see the point of psychologically torturing a person who has been complying with every word so far and showed to be nothing but willing to help, not faltering even when being held at the gunpoint. It seems to go overboard for just Nico freaking out because Cass made another deal.
All this is not a critique, by the way. I'm very impressed! It's so interesting!
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cryingwclves · 7 months
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⟨ bill hader. demi-man. he/they. forty-five. ⟩  We just saw finley ‘finn’ blythe entering the broadcasting house. I heard through the grapevine that they are radio show host. Although they are [ with the media ], they can sometimes be hostile,stubborn, or even aloof but I’ve also heard some people say that they were curious, firm in their beliefs and quite perceptive.
full name:  finley blyth enickname(s):  finn, finny ( thanks to his brother ), blythe name meaning:  finley: fair-haired hero, courageous one. blythe: cheerful age:  fourty-five date of birth:  september 9th star sign:  virgo place of birth: doolin, ireland current location: london gender:  demi-man pronouns:  he/they sexual orientation:  homosexual religion:  agnostic occupation: radio show host, conspiracist, writer family:  riordan blythe ( father ), talulla cagney-blythe ( mother ), devlin blythe ( brother ), maeve blythe ( daughter ) education level: you would not believe this, but he does have a journalism degree, english literature degree living arrangements:  small flat with his daughter financial status:  could be better spoken languages:  english, some irish ( re: his mother )
talulla kept the family together when her husband was away at his cabin, being ‘away’ meant he was on the line for writing the next great novel. he was famous amongst fellow conspiracist about aliens, the government, and every odditie in between. his words were spoken with passion and wit and it was hard to be close to him if you didn’t understand. on the outside it shouldn’t have worked, talulla and riordan, but they loved each other deeply even if one parent had their head in the clouds and the other had both feet planted on the ground. 
they used to say that finley was the cost of having a second child, devlin was the older brother and was the golden boy, or so they used to say. he did everything right and was going to be a doctor someday. he wanted to go into the medical field like his mother who was a nurse, he believed in science and factual proof. sometimes that would lead to the kind of arguments with his father where no one spoke to each other for a couple of days. 
but where they grew up everyone knew everyone – people loved tallula but could never quite stomach riordan who was english, riordan who corrupted tallula, riordan who often embarrassed his entire family with his questions, his theories. 
by the time that finn could speak he was already a little pariah. someone had to stick up for those that weren’t brave enough to. finn used to be loud enough to get in trouble, but at least he stood up for something. often times, it was because he was defending his father. he wondered why that was so hard for devlin to do. 
being gay was a fucking walk in the park in comparison to who his dad was and the kind of books he wrote about. he wouldn’t begin to understand his father’s loneliness until much later. 
he’s in his second year of university when his father dies. ,
after his dad dies, he sits in the shadows and eventually gets his degrees, he writes for the media but it’s all bullshit. but things change after his mother decides to finally move house into something smaller, his dad used to keep clips of things he was passionate about, it’s then that fin hears about the secret underbelly of london. and then, he finally has a purpose again. 
he knows that his father wasn’t the crazy old man that people called him, in the same way that they say that finley is crazy. they know that they’re not – if only people would listen. 
when he’s thirty-five him and his best friend hook up, on a whim, finley thought that he was past his identity crisis but that night solidifies what he already knew. the kicker with consequences is that it eventually bites them in the ass, and he ends up having a daughter with his best friend. it worked out for them, both gay, but wanting children. he swore when she was born that she would be raised differently than how he grew up. bullies will always be bullies but finley would always protect his child in the way that his parents didn’t. 
bonus stuff: 
his brother did end up becoming a doctor, even becoming maeve’s doctor. they’re very cordial with each other and maeve is very protective of her dad so there’s always a going to be a bit of a riff between the family. they keep it together for their mother’s sake. 
finley has a ‘small’ radio show that people can tune into about what he thinks is going on with their government etc etc etc, he does have a loyal following, but it also gets brought up a lot when it’s turn to get ridiculed again asodkfjaos hes simply tired !!! 
believes in aliens but hopes that the aliens believe in themselves <3 ( maeve cosigns this message as well ) 
been writing a book for a while now, it’s his second baby, but whomst knows if it will ever see the light of day 
he’s always fair game but if you talk about his kid… well i pity the person !!
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Okay now I have to ask, from that list I made or absolutely any other ideas, so you have any thoughts on crossovers between our ocs? 🥺
Omg! Hold onto your hat! This is gonna get weird!
Roni Tanner
Mia Queen- I feel like they could develop like kind of a sister-y relationship when the Gambit goes down since Oliver is kind of the brother Roni never had and she feels a duty to look out for his kid sisters.
Rose Smythe
Annika Webster- I see potential for superhero girl shenanigans! And also meddling and matchmaking attempts!
Kelsey Doyle- they seem to have similar vibes and I feel like they would be wonderfully chaotic together!
Kris Smythe
Sadie Maddox- I think these two could get along and maybe cause a little trouble together
Carli Tanner
Ophelia Wayne- she seems like exactly the kind of boss bitch Carli would love to have in her corner
Ruby Fitzherbert
Finley Rider- I feel like we could play up the angst with this. Sisters separated by circumstance and whatnot
Piper Pan
Finley Rider- I also see a lot of potential for mischief and shenanigans here
Winnie Pan- another possible awesome sister duo! I see a lot of adventure potential with these two
Regina Grimhilde
Violet Kingsleigh- I feel like these two could have similar paths of being sent to Auradon with ulterior motives then (presumably) realizing things aren't what they've always thought
Bobbi LaCosta
Jane Forester- I see a whole"best friend's brother" situation developing with them and Dean
Charlotte Howard-Danes- I'm seeing bonding over dancing and flighty absent moms!
Sam Gleason- with the way Miss Patty kind of mothers Kirk, I assume she does something similar with Sam. I see that leading to a sister/bestie bond
Lila Lupin
Gemini Black- I think these two could have a very interesting friendship. Their personalities seem like they would compliment each other will
Athena Prewett
Bobbie Fortescue- This could be an interesting pair. Both war orphans (well half orphan on Athena's side), both cousins of people directly In The Drama, both separated from their families by their sorting. I see kindred spirits here
Phoenix Dumbledore- I just wanna see what these two would get up to since the Beauxbatons stayed with the ravenclaws.
Venus Malfoy- Athena would be the friend supporting her to rebel against her parents.
Stella Knight
Atalanta Jackson- As the two girls closest to Jason I feel they're constantly tag teaming to keep him alive 🤣
Cassandra Aelius- People think Stella's kind of crazy for trying to tell the future using the stars so I feel like she would at least listen to her prophecies even if she doesn't always believe them
Alexa Cantwood
Crystal Solace- I feel like we've discussed these two before and I still want them to be besties
Elyana Chase- we're always here for half sister adventures!
Stella Beauregard- I think that these two would be friends. I also think Stella would see Alexa and Lucian and be like "Ugh you guys are disgusting" because that's how cute they are
Victoria Blofis- She seems so chill and I think that could have that kind of friendship you can only have with people you've known through all your awkward phases.
Gwen Macintosh
Brandy Hayes- I'm seeing these two being like parallel "one girl field agent" type of friends who can bond by laughing at/bitching about their teams together
Xenia Hart- I'm guessing she's Harry's daughter so I see them being best friends since babyhood and the ultimate agent team when their grown up. We'd either have to give one of them a new codename or we could play with the hilarity of two Guinevere's on top of the two galahads
Rikki Lane
Chloe Grace Routledge- I see these two acting as literally ALL of John B's impulse control.
Cody Maybank- These two and Kie would be terrifying together. I can already tell. I don't know why though.
Jo Clark- Rikki would totally be sympathetic to Jo running to the Cut to get away from her problems. They would bond over being kook defectors and Rikki would offer to let Jo stay with her or borrow clothes or anything
Sharon Henderson
Beth Munson (Thompson?)- I feel like Sharon would be like the Dustin to Nancy, Beth, and Barb's Mike Lucas and Will. The one who joined the squad late (sixth grade) but blended in flawlessly
Cara Henderson- can you say ultimate big sister duo? From what I can tell, Cara would be the athletic sister to Sharon's need sister and I love that!
Samantha Mayfield- They would totally team up to kick monster ass.
Sidney Hopper- These two and Jonathan would have totally been like the three musketeers growing up so I could see a besties turned worst enemies and back progression with them.
Stacy Byers- Similar to Sidney, I'm seeing a "sisters in all but blood" situation
Roxy Winchester
Ainsley Winchester- Roxy always wanted a sister so I think she would love Ainsley. I can see them trying to be the peacekeepers of the family and rolling their eyes at the boys constantly.
Deborah Winchester- these two would have either been best friends or constantly at each other's throats after John found Roxy. Either way, I think they would have loved each other. I could see them being a formidable hunting team to rival their brothers.
Elle Winchester- the adopted sisters with the secret pasts? I love it!!! Potential for lots of drama and shocking reveals!
Esther Cott- I'm not sure exactly what these two would do together but I feel like they would make interesting friends
Drea Jones
Ana Andrews- Total parallels for their brothers. They have the brain cells. Do not get paid enough for this shit.
Charlotte Jones- The female role model Drea needs in her life. Sister Bonding (TM). Will fuck you up.
Delaney Carlyle- Chaos. All the chaos. I like it!
Fallon Parris Jones- You know that part in The Parent Trap between Annie and Hallie realizing they're twins and the end of camp? I feel like that's these two when Fallon comes back to Riverdale
Harper Harrison- These two would be great friends. Drea is totally the kind of friend to learn sign language along with Harper so they can talk shit about people without anybody knowing. Also was Riverdale High Drama Department's designated choreographer, she would talk about musicals all day with her
Kris Keller- As Kevin's best friend, I could see Drea becoming a regular fixture in the Keller household to the point where Tom will walk into one of the twins' rooms to find Drea sprawled on the floor with her sketchbook and just be like "yeah sure why not?"
Lyra Lovell- Creative dancer girls!!! Will spill blood for Jughead Jones. Exhausted by Gladys Jones.
Tanya Conway- As someone who loves a good mystery and, thanks to Archie, never really believed Svenson was the Black Hood, dress would totally help Tanya prove her dad's innocence.
Roni Stark
Alessia Stark- We could do some interesting things here with both of them having the serum used on them. Plus I've never considered Roni having a big sister. Could be fun!
Adelaide Stark- Roni would absolutely ADORE Adi! She'd be the cool aunt who took her on trips aunt bought her whatever she wanted. She'd also be the one to bake cookies and make pillow courts for movie marathons.
Aris Stark-- Much like with Adi, Roni would be Aris's ultimate supporter growing up. When the boys go to space and the girls are left behind, Roni tries to guide Aris through developing unexpected superpowers. She's been there herself so she should be able to handle it, right?
Athena Stark- Ultimate Aunt Roni would help her ambitious niece get anything her little heart desired
Ava Potts- Ava describing Roni "my aunt who's not really my aunt bursts into flames. Sure why not?"
Cora (& Orion) Royce- Roni would totally love this little girl and her determination to help protect her family. She'd do everything she could to help her
Zora Wright- I could see these two being great friends
Cora Hargreeves
Alice Hargreeves- Cora likes to think she was the empathetic sibling growing up. She tried to include Viktor as much as possible and would have treated Alice no different. When they grow up and find themselves the most stable of their family, they're have to be the brain cells to help keep everyone focused to stop the apocalypse
Andromeda Hargreeves- Cora would try to help Andromeda develop her powers by levitating small objects around her for her to try to catch. She doesn't blame her for leaving and welcomes her home
Audrey- They would totally bond over music and being the "artsy" siblings
Cassie Hargreeves- Oh this could be fun! Cora's psychic but she has a lot of trouble with that part of her powers do when cause around he uses Cora more for her telekinesis. Then when caddies gone he would push her more to have visions.
Cleo Sullivan- Anyone who can work with Diego on a regular basis and not kill him is immediately a friend of Cora's. She'd be glad to have another girl around who knows how to fight
Kamaria Hargreeves- We love a long lost sister in this house! I see a lot of room for shenanigans here
Max Carmichael- Cora would either love Max or she would annoy the hell out of her. I'm not sure which. Maybe both
Mira Hargreeves- "My thirteen year old brother and his eighteen year old daughter just fell through a time portal to stop the apocalypse. Sounds about right." -Cora Hargreeves
Mireille Labonair- Cora would probably be wary of anyone who agreed to work with her father but once she got past that, she'd love that Luther had someone who made him happy
Odessa Hargreeves- Cora would hate having her sister resent their family but she wouldn't her.
Poppy- Cora would love Poppy! She adores Grace so having a sister like her would be awesome. When they grow up she would love getting to finally show her the world!
Sierra Nearing- Cora actually works at Griddy's after leaving the Academy. Sierra would probably be her first real friends and I love that! Cora would show her all the sculptures she works on when she's not at the diner. Curiously, her shifts never line up with her siblings' visits so she still doesn't know Sierra knows them beyond what's she's told her. Even Diego and Klaus who she actually sees regularly.
Vienna Montgomery- As Diego's designated favorite sibling, Cora would have met Vienna and immediately love her. They would be great friends and cora would only be mildly surprised but not unhappy when Vienna shows up to the funeral.
Virginia West- Cora would absolutely love Ginny! Books are some of her favorite things and watching Ginny literally bring stories to life would be like magic to her.
Wilhelmina Hargreeves- Cora might resent Willa a little bit for leaving, but she still loves her and understands why she did it. When she comes back for the funeral, Cora is glad to see Willa just like all the others.
Mickey Daniels (& Melissa van Aren, Emily Kirkpatrick, and Amy Turner)
Alyssa Solomon- If there's one thing Mickey Daniels loves, it's a challenge. Befriending Alyssa Solomon has proven to be one of the bigger challenges Mickey's encountered. The girl has secrets on top of secrets. Lucky for Mickey, secrets are her chosen trade.
Annalise Goode- Mickey's part of the welcome committee for new students so she'd be totally excited to meet Annalise! I could see them being like workout partners and training together
Leia Gallagher- Mickey would think it's so coul that Latoya is a direct descendant of Gilly! They'd probably spend a lot of time talking about places they've travelled and having parental figures who are always away.
Sami Upton
Abbie Hudson- These two would totally have been best friends growing up! They would have spent all their time practicing gymnastics moves and driving Finn and Noah crazy. They probably would have decided to join Glee together just to try it and both fell in love with it.
Christina Hummel- Sami doesn't agree with the way the football team treats the Hummel twins. She also doesn't do much to interfere for fear of losing her own social standing. As an original Glee member, she's been friends with Kurt and at least frenemies with Christina since freshman year.
Joy Schuester- Sami would totally be the friend Joy would look at when Will does something crazy/stupid/embarrassing like "Do you see what I have to deal with???" Only for Sami to sheriff and start laughing like "I'm sorry I can't help you, but this is hilarious."
Kendall Pierce- Sami would love Kendall because she too would see no reason to choose between cheer and Glee. I could see them being kind of a mirror for Quinn and Britt
Ok finally done!!! Wow that was a lot.
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huntedvideo · 1 year
JANE SHEPARD: I APPRECIATE THE DETERMINATION TO PROVE ME WRONG. REALLY. one day. one day she'll look into the face of a real monster and realize everything she's learned is wrong. right now, the only monsters she believes in are people, and that much, at least, finley could understand. but finley is all too aware of the real dangers out there, the ones that live among, and look just like them. he's not frustrated by her skepticism as much as he is amused by it. he'd either convince her, or he wouldn't. only time would tell, but that doesn't mean he was going to give up. 'hey, i've got all th'time in th'world to make you believe in all this weird shit. and i'm pretty persuasive. now i'm just waitin' for something to happen that'll change your mind,' @solesoldier.
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balancingpieces · 2 years
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Adrian is obsessed with drawing right now. She will use whatever paper she can find no matter how big or small. Then of course she gives it to Kenny or myself and we have to keep it. I need to buy a tote specifically for her art. I love when little kids start to draw people. It’s my favorite. She apparently nagged Evelyn to draw her a heart because ‘circles are her favorite shape and she’s so good at them but hearts are no fun to draw so they are her least favorite’
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Jonathan also loves to draw. He said this is me and him (orange and green) and the other two are Finley and AJ. And he wants to make a heart table like that for real when we redo our kitchen because he loves eating at the table all together it’s his favorite. He is also refusing to believe Mommy ends in a Y because vowels say their names sometimes so Momme makes sense.
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