#10 ingredients meal prep
foodshowxyz · 6 months
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Creamy roasted garlic tomato soup
Yields: 4-6 servings Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45-50 minutes
Roasted Veggies:
3 pounds ripe tomatoes (Roma or on-the-vine work well)
1 head garlic (top sliced off)
1 medium onion, quartered
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Soup Base:
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon dried thyme (or 2 sprigs fresh)
1/2 cup heavy cream
4 cups vegetable broth (low-sodium is best)
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves (optional, for garnish)
Baking sheet
Large pot or Dutch oven
Immersion blender (or regular blender)
Roast the Vegetables:
Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
Cut tomatoes in half lengthwise. Drizzle tomatoes, onion, and the garlic head with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place them on a baking sheet, cut-side down.
Roast for 35-40 minutes, or until tomatoes are blistered and softened.
Start the Soup Base:
While the veggies roast, melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the thyme and cook for 30 seconds, stirring constantly.
Blend the Soup:
Carefully squeeze the roasted garlic cloves out of their skins and into the pot with the melted butter. Add the roasted tomatoes and onions (including any juices).
Pour in the vegetable broth. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes.
Use an immersion blender (or carefully transfer to a regular blender in batches) to puree until very smooth.
Finish and Season:
Stir in the heavy cream. Taste and adjust salt and pepper as needed.
Ladle into bowls and garnish with fresh basil if desired. Enjoy with crusty bread, grilled cheese, or a simple salad for a delicious meal!
Tips & Variations:
Spice it up: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes with the thyme for a little kick.
Vegan: Swap the butter for olive oil and use a plant-based cream alternative.
Extra Flavor: Add a tablespoon of tomato paste while cooking the thyme for deeper tomato flavor.
Storage: This soup keeps well in the refrigerator for 3-4 days and freezes beautifully.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Dream has a favorite restaurant. That's not because the food is sooo good, Dream has food issues and prefers restaurants (one restaurant) that has a static menu, where he's assured that things will taste as he expects.
His sisters (& and even Desire) forced him to find a place where he could get at least 2 meals a week, that he didn’t have to cook for himself,,,,, since he can't cook and they were all worried he would die of malnutrition! 😝 They went around to all the eateries in his neighborhood and found this small diner that had the most things on their menu Dream could eat.
Dream didn’t know his diner hired a new chef. The only way he learned of it was that his standing Tuesday order, tasted different?!? The texture was the same, so Dream could still eat it, but the flavor in his first bite was different, unexpected, good enough to try a 2nd bite..... Dream has never eaten a meal as quickly, chasing the new flavor. It was really good. Dream had never.......it had to be a fluke. The same thing happened with his standing Thursday order and when he ordered something on Saturday. It was the most extraordinary thing. "Flavor," interesting, delicious, flavor had never been something Dream thought he would get to have. The new chef is amazing.
Hob loves his new job! He's finally cooking for a restaurant, not just prepping pieces; it's a small diner, but Hob gets to cook and zhuzh up some of the plainer offerings -- not too much, because he knows that diners have regulars who like what they like,,,,but he's gotten some good feedback on the spicing up of things.
And one of the other best things about the job is the tall, goth, eye candy that seems to frequent the diner every few days. Hob isn't sure what exactly he orders (and Hob hopes he likes Hob's cooking) but lately he seems to be coming in more ?!? ☺️ He's soo pretty Hob wants to offer to cook for him forever!
Cute cute cute!!!!
Hob takes great joy in cooking for everyone, but there's something rather special about Dream. Perhaps it's the fact that he always looks at the food in a critical, suspicious sort of way before he eats. Its incredibly endearing and Hob loves watching him through the glass door of the kitchen. Dream does seem to enjoy the food, but he never quite trusts it. Hob respects that about him. Especially when the recipe is one of Hob’s jazzed up classics.
They happen to meet while Hob is taking a delivery of local fruits and veggies. Dream summons up the courage to approach and talk to him about some of the ingredients - they spend about 10 minutes chatting while Hob enthuses about asparagus and Dream nods along, smiling the whole time. Dream reveals that he is a completely incompetent cook and that he's basically living off Hob’s food at this point, both at the diner and the leftovers that he brings home. Hob is thrilled - although slightly panicked because what if he can't come into work and Dream starves?!
Obviously he needs to drag Dream into the kitchen after hours, and at LEAST show him how to boil an egg. He's convinced that Dream is going to look adorable in an apron... maybe also covered in ingredients... that Hob can lick off him 👀
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nenelonomh · 3 months
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weekend reset
what to do on the weekend to ensure a productive week
i'm sure by now that you've definitely seen videos of girls and their aesthetic 'sunday resets'. they encapsulate self-care, productivity, and well-being and do so in such a stylish way.
a weekend reset is a to-do list that follows you every weekend to set yourself up for a good week. it's holistic, covering various aspects of your life.
some benefits of a weekend reset include adding structure to the weekend, decreasing procrastination, helping you start the week feeling accomplished, and supporting overall wellbeing.
'sunday night stress' refers to feelings of intense anxiety and dread that routinely occur every sunday. they often start in the late afternoon and continue into the evening. these emotions can snowball into physical manifestations such as a racing heartbeat, and trouble sleeping. the trigger? anticipating the return to school/work or upcoming responsibilities for the week ahead.
to combat this, consider changing your mindset and creating a weekend reset routine.
even if you don't struggle with sunday night stress, creating a weekend routine can help you (in the simplest form) make the most of your time while balancing relaxation and productivity.
but how do you create a weekend routine?
during the week, write down tasks that need attention over the weekend. include household chores, grocery shopping, and anything to prepare for the upcoming week.
note any plans, events, or commitments for the weekend. this helps you plan around them effectively.
add activities you'd enjoy alongside necessary tasks - like family movie nights, exercise classes, or nature walks. prioritize self-care and relaxation.
make sure to avoid over-scheduling, by balancing activities and rest. overloading your weekend can lead to burnout. aim for a mix of productivity and leisure.
set a regular wake-up time. consistency helps regulate your body clock. wake up at the same time daily for better sleep and energy.
implement screen-free time. dedicate moments without screens - read a book, take a walk, or engage in other offline hobbies. make sure to get outdoors over the weekend. breathe fresh air and recharge. nature has a calming effect.
consider meal-prepping for the week ahead. personally, i find meal prepping very helpful since it helps eliminate decision fatigue during the week. additionally, it can save time on busy weekdays. some popular methods of meal-prepping include make-ahead meals, batch cooking, individually portioned meals, and ready-to-cook ingredients. the easiest way to employ meal-prepping is to build a combination of easy, healthy pre-made meals and prepped ingredients.
remember - your weekend routine should be a blend of productivity and relaxation, tailored to your needs and preferences.
for further reading, check out these links: Sunday Scaries: Who Gets Them and How To Deal - Supportiv How (and Why) To Create a Weekend Routine - Almost The Weekend How to Create a Weekend Routine (and Why You Need One) (merakilane.com) How To Build The Best Sunday Reset Routine | Notes by Thalia How to Meal Prep — A Beginner's Guide (healthline.com) 10 Productive things to do on weekend - For Busy Bee's (forbusybees.com) Have Better and More Productive Weekends | The Muse
hope this was helpful! ❤️ nene
image source: pinterest
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da-shrimping-station · 7 months
Cooking for the House of Lamentation
Let me start this post by saying that over the years I've had plenty of experience cooking for a lot of people. I'm no expert cook whatsoever, just a helping hand in the kitchen during festivals and occasions (which happens multiple times in a year). If you have more experience and insights, please feel free to share!
Let’s start this off by having some sort of baseline so we’re all on the same page.
MC /OC/you/us/we (and what have you) can:
follow a recipe well enough
be in the kitchen and not have it burn down
cook an edible meal at the end of it all
A fairly average cook if you will.
Now, time for chaos.
Cooking for a lot of people is…a lot. A feast for upwards of 10 people can take the whole day. Not to mention buying ingredients beforehand. How many dishes are you gonna cook? Do they go well/compliment each other? What’s the serving size? Are you gonna have desserts too? Do you have the right equipment? Are the ingredients available/accessible? Is there anyone who has a food-specific condition to look out for and make alternatives for? Are there ingredients that need to be marinated/prepped in advanced? Is everything within budget? (These are some questions at the top of my head)
Now the main concern here is volume/quantity. Beelzebub. Need I say more?
Actually, YES. It’s a house full of men. Men eat a lot. Oh, and they’re also demons. So let’s assume they eat/consume significantly more than humans. (You can pitch in your HCs for each brother regarding how much they eat) But let’s say the food has to be for 10-15 people at the very least.
There’s a whole ass booklet for the groceries, with each brother having their own page/section. Let’s assume there’s no budget constraints (Lucifer can bitch about the cost and budgeting but his brothers need to be fed). Groceries are bought in bulk. Multiple times a week. Emergency trips in the middle of the night or else they starve for breakfast. 
At some point they get their groceries delivered every 3 days or so. The runs are now for necessity/emergency.
But if a brother requests a certain dish, then it’s time to go to the market. Prepare your haggling skills.
Based off of the game (and referencing the floor plan from Wanderer’s Whereabouts), the kitchen is actually pretty spacious. Good. We need all the space we can get for this. I’d like to think Barbatos personally made sure the kitchen is fully kitted out with all the equipment and utensils one needs. (Thanks, Barbs. You’re the best!) No worries on that end.
I headcanon that the kitchen is split into 2 parts: the side where the stoves and appliances are and the side where the dirty kitchen is. That way you have access to stoves/ovens and the fancy appliances as well as being able to cook with coal or in a spit. Increases the capacity for cooking multiple dishes at once. (Please share your HCs for the kitchen!)
Prepare your hands and arms. Washing, peeling, chopping, dicing, slicing, marinating. Any and every sort of ingredient prep. How many ingredients does this dish have? Are you gonna prep one dish only? Are you gonna prep for two in advance? Mis en place (or whatever the term is im no culinary shrimp)
Also think about the sheer amount of ingredients.
Say, according to the cookbook, this dish serves 5 people and it needs 1 whole onion. Pretty straight forward right? But you’re cooking for 7 demon brothers and one being the Avatar of Gluttony. Let’s go back to the 10-15 people approximation. That means you have to increase the amount (in this case that’ll be 2 or 3 whole onions). That goes for every fucking dish. 3 onions for dish #1. What about dish #2 and #3 and so on? (Honestly, your hands must be well marinated by the time you’re done with all the prep)
Measuring the ingredients too. 1 cup of this, a tablespoon of that, a pinch of this. Please please please let there be enough soy sauce for tonight’s cooking.
Another thing: you’re probably dealing with local Devildom ingredients (which you did not even know existed until then)
Veggies? Sliced
Meats? Washed and cut.
Condiments and seasonings? All measured.
Are we ready to cook? NO.
Please clean up the peels, excesses, undesirables, and packaging.
Finally! The actual cooking part! Take a deep breath and put that pot on the stove. Good luck cuz you’re gonna be juggling between multiple dishes just to be able to get ready for dinnertime.
One dish is boiling so the meat softens? Time to fry. Oh and have you checked the one you were marinating? Please add that to the veggies in dish #2. Don’t overcook the pasta for dish #1! Please adjust the heat, that pot is boiling over. Taste test for dish #3. Hhm needs more salt. Is the meat soft enough? Good, let's season it. Please mind the fire! You’re gonna char the one you’re frying. This one has marinated long enough, we can add it to dish #2. Take dish #1 off the heat. I think it’s done. Do you think this is fried well enough?
It’s hectic. It’s a mess and a half. You make sure nothing is overcooked or undercooked. Taste test to make sure everything tastes fine. (are the dishes safe for human consumption tho)
You wish! Now you have to deal with the clean up!
Wash everything you used for cooking. Pots, pans, knives, measuring cups and spoons, plates and bowls you put the ingredients in, the tasting spoons you used, the ladles and spatulas, etc
Please clean the stoves, sinks, countertops/tabletops too.
Oh yea, put away the excess ingredients and return the condiments and seasonings.
You still there? Still got energy to study and do homework later?
Personally, i clean as i go whenever i have the time in between tending to the dishes. I hate hate hate a messy/dirty kitchen while i cook it makes me wanna rage
These fuckers better sit down and eat what you cooked. No. Who the fuck cares if someone is being rowdy or moody or being dramatic. NO ONE wastes your efforts in preparing the food. Sit down and EAT.
I mean alright, maybe you can tag team dinner prep but it’s still a lot in terms of quantity and sheer volume. Will that brother be of actual help in the kitchen?
To sum it all up,
May the Universe have mercy on MC when they’re on cooking duty.
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Bunker Babe: The First Fourteen Days
I'm combining Weeks One & Two since Week Two was all about giving the GREMLINS trait to the lot for the HANDINESS grind, and days blended together verrrrry easily. But Lilac survived. Ish.
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On Day One, our plucky heroine started with a CHAIR, a TRASH CAN and a TOILET - and some fruitcake that she'd snatched from Leslie Holland and the rest of the 'welcoming' committee.
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Turns out that fruitcake is a 'like,' which is fortunate as guess what we'll be eating exclusively for the next four days? Looks like three things have the capacity to survive MOTHER: cockroaches, Lilac... and fruitcake.
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Many terrible selfies later, Lilac was able to afford a KNITTING BASKET. While wearable items can only be sold over Plopsy, the animal clothing (some of which you can start crafting right from Level 1) can be sold directly from your inventory. And Lilac needed those simoleons - stat.
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Level Three KNITTING and ART LOVER self-discovery? Acquired. Considering how she'll be making most of her simoleons, that's one of the more useful traits she could have.
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Oh, and one of MOTHER'S children said hello.
By Day Two Lilac's hygiene needs were already in the amber, but the Watcher thought that loneliness could eventually get her first. So the new objects acquired? A BED aaand a MINI-GOAT.
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We named her Gouda Girl.
On the third day in hiding the Watcher gave to me... one MINI FRIDGE and a Vladdy visit for freeeee...
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(Actually the Watcher had nothing to do with Vlad.)
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While Lilac was asleep, I got his usual creepwalk message but thought nothing more of it - at least until the fastforward sleep speed slowed back down to regular time and I heard the usual sounds of sizzling and screaming.
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S'up Grim.
Since Lilac had no interaction with him at all and didn't even register his demise (maybe he can't find your Sim if they're in the basement), there were no sad moodlets and she simply continued knitting and keeping up her social bar with Gouda Girl.
Gouda Girl can also be milked for 45 simoleons each day, and thus will pay for herself in no time. Beyond her companionship, which of course is priceless.
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Day Four and this was around the time where the Watcher discovered that Lilac's energy bar was refilling way too slowly. Yes, her mattress was cheap but she was sleeping for 10 hours at a time and still only recovering about a third of her bar. The Watcher sold the old bed, cheated her a better one - and yet the problem persisted.
It could be the LAZY trait, but I've never had that issue with other LAZY Sims before - or Lilac other times that I've played her.
Since bunker life is already boring enough without watching a Sim sleep for 20 hours, I simply resolved to use the 'make happy' cheat every other day until her HANDINESS would be at a high enough level to upgrade the mattress (thus Week Two Gremlins).
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And it was on this day that Lilac consumed the last of the fruitcake.
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By then she was getting major moodlets for too many fast meals, but Gouda Girl made everything better.
The two big gets of the day were a ROCKING CHAIR and a KITCHEN BENCH, so Lilac was finally able to prep some proper food. Ish.
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Ah, the bliss of low poly salad...
Oh, and on Day Three I think Lilac acquired a SINK. No shower yet, but queuing the 'wash hands' interaction did restore a lot of her hygiene bar.
Day Five and well - what a great whim for this challenge.
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She's like 'yes, see this here? I'm the smartest Sim you ever had...'
More knitting, while Mei Prescott kindly came by to mourn Vlad, much to the delight of the garden gnomes.
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The bat came back, the very next day...
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He came, he haunted his own urn, he cried. Lilac kept on knitting and skill grinding.
Since Lilac was getting major embarrassed moodlets from purchasing all of her low poly salad ingredients due to the FREEGAN trait, the Watcher bought two of those VERTICAL PLANTERS from Eco Lifestyle. Sure, the regular pots would have been cheaper, but soon we will be crunched for space.
Oh, and on Day Seven we acquired a WORKBENCH.
Skills: Week One
LEVEL 8: Knitting LEVEL 3: Programming (acquired from the Watcher needing to unless MOTHER) LEVEL 2: Photography, Handiness, Cooking LEVEL 1: Gardening, Logic (likewise acquired for MOTHER)
Items Acquired
Week Two was the exciting addition of a SHOWER - less so once Lilac realised that the Watcher had likely purchased it just to give her more things to repair once the witching hour struck.
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I couldn't spare Lilac or myself from the grind, but I may as well spare you. Let's get on with it, then.
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Because Lilac's energy bar was refilling so slowly, in spite of my use of cheats this week was just a vicious cycle of sleep, repair, repeat. Even with a decent mattress that was fully upgraded, it was taking her eight hours to refill her energy bar from halfway - in comparison to the three hours that Andie Mae and Paolo Rocca in another save need for a cheaper upgraded mattress.
Skills: Week Two
LEVEL 9: Knitting LEVEL 8: Handiness LEVEL 4: Gardening LEVEL 3: Cooking, Programming LEVEL 2: Photography, Singing LEVEL 1: Logic, Fitness
Items Acquired
With this being the only save that's currently playable, I'm running through Week Three fairly quickly, so see you soon.
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recipeshub24 · 2 months
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𝗩𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗼 𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗮
16 oz fettuccine pasta 1 smoked beef sausage, sliced into rounds 1 cup Alfredo sauce 1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon white pepper 3/4 teaspoon black pepper 3/4 teaspoon thyme 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1 cup chopped fresh parsley (for garnish) Optional: Cremini mushrooms, red onions, sweet gypsy peppers, sun-dried tomatoes
Cook Pasta: Cook the fettuccine pasta according to the package instructions until al dente. Drain and set aside. Prepare Sausage: While the pasta is cooking, slice the smoked beef sausage into rounds. Sprinkle with blackening seasoning (a mix of paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, white pepper, black pepper, thyme, and oregano) for added flavor. Sear Sausage: Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sliced sausage and cook until browned on both sides. Create Sauce: In the same skillet with the cooked sausage, add the Alfredo sauce and Tabasco sauce. Stir to combine and heat through. Add Seasonings: Sprinkle in the paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, white pepper, black pepper, thyme, and oregano. Adjust the seasoning to your taste. Combine Pasta and Sauce: Once the sauce is well-seasoned, pour it over the cooked fettuccine noodles. Toss until the pasta is thoroughly coated. Serve: Transfer the Voodoo Pasta to serving plates and garnish with chopped fresh parsley. Serve hot, optionally alongside garlic bread and a crisp salad for a complete meal.
Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 20 minutes | Total Time: 30 minutes Servings: 4
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The Arcana Recipes: Asra’s Cardamom Rice Pudding
Yes, I found more!! This one was posted in 2020 on the official TikTok account!
I’m linking the TikTok video here, and I’ll write out the recipe from the video underneath ^.^
And yes, I did make it myself. Pics and process below the cut with the written out recipe!
Recipe first, written out from the video:
Peel of 1 large orange
Ground seeds of 5-7 cardamom pods (or about 1/2 tsp)
3 cups water
1 cup rice
2 cinnamon sticks (or 1 tsp ground cinnamon)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp butter
3 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup piloncillo/panela
1/4 cup brown sugar
Prep orange peel and ground cardamom. Bring water to a boil, then add rice, orange peel, cardamom, cinnamon, salt, and butter. Stir and simmer until thick.
Add milk, piloncillo, and brown sugar. Bring to a boil again, then simmer for 45 minutes while stirring occasionally or until the pudding reaches your desired consistency.
And of course, here are the pictures from my own attempt! (Please ignore the meal prep happening in the background)
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I ended up doing a double recipe so I could keep eating this for breakfast! I did add a little more ground cardamom than what is visible here, but this is how much I got from 10 pods.
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This was the difference between right after adding the butter, and when it seemed thick enough to continue to the milk and sugar stage!
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The piloncillo/panela came in a cake that I had to cut slivers from to put in the measuring cup. This is what it looked like before I brought it back to a boil -
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And this is what the finished product looks like (I already wanted it thick, and then it got even thicker when it cooled down - a good thing for me to remember when I make this again!)
I’ll be honest, I’m definitely going to be adding considerably more flavor next time with the cardamom, cinnamon, and salt, but all in all this is a delightful breakfast or dessert dish. It’s very creamy, not overly sweet, and has enough complexity in the flavor from the cardamom/orange peel/piloncillo combo to keep it far away from bland territory. 9/10, super comforting on a rough night and I will definitely be making it again!
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Hetalia Food Headcanons
Am I channelling myself in those posts?
Yes, I am.
Am I ashamed of it?
Not in the slightest. 
Germany: Ludwig, in my mind, is trying to do right by the environment, so he is as less waste as possible, all seasonal food, tap water kind of guy. He is also trying to eat less meat—not fully vegetarian, but maybe one day. His kitchen is pristinely clean and always well stocked; he does groceries with a list. Lutz cooks, sometimes nothing elaborate, just simple dishes, lots of Italian food. (I am repeating myself, but I think Feliciano does impact Ludwig's life immensely in those tiny, little things, like fresh basil on the parapet.). He has a sweet tooth and bakes all those things from the internet, like sweet potato brownies. A long time ago, Roderich taught him the joy of baking, and it stayed with him. The beverages of choice are coffee, milk, and suger (Prussia and Austria are judging) and Kölsch, a type of beer from Cologne, Germany; he grew to like it when his capital was in Bonn, which is not so far away from Cologne.
Prussia: Gilbert is rather helpless in the kitchen; he used to always have someone to cook for him; only when he became Eastern Germany he was forced to prepare food for himself. He basically could live on sandwitches, but nowadays he actually tries with those meal prep kits. He is not yet a master, but he is getting there. Gilbert is also very tidy; dishes are always washed, but he does groceries when he does groceries (which means when the fridge is practically empty, there are just a few bottles of beer still in it), and mostly he orders on the internet. He likes the German kitchen but is also quite adventurous and will try almost everything. His weaknesses are all kinds of Haribo, even liquorice. Prussia also enjoys Ludwig's cooking and Roderich's baking. He won't contribute if he doesn't have to. He eats out a lot.
Austria: He is the messy one. Roderich, similar to Gilbert, used to have cooks and maids. A long time ago, when he started baking, it was on a whim, just a little hobby with tasty results. He was forced to take care of himself after the Great War. It wasn't easy, but he managed. He likes complicated recipes involving many ingredients. He is easily distracted, which is not helping with 10 dirty pots. And he does not follow whatever is written; he sort of plays around with the recipe with sometimes strange results. He is also the one with an irregular meal-eating schedule. Germany and Prussia are rather predictable; you know, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a few snacks. Rod? Sometimes it is five meals per day, sometimes it is coffee, and when Gilbert arrives, he forces Roderich to eat because he simply forgot. Also, Gilbert would do the dishes, as the kitchen usually looks worse than a battlefield, especially if Roderich stress-bakes. And he does a lot, which results in copious amounts of delicious cakes and muffins. Austria likes grocery shopping; nope, he is not following the list. He makes it and then does whatever he wants. 
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604to647 · 7 months
The Mando Roll
(A Safest with You Valentine’s Day Special)
1.6K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: You and Din have a low-key Valentine’s Day.
Warning: None! Mainly fluffy although things get suggestive, lingerie, impractical boxing attire, new/established relationship, pet names as usual (Pretty bird, baby, etc.), description of and made up boxing moves by a person that knows nothing about boxing (me)
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! (If you celebrate that is, otherwise Happy Wednesday!) Can be set anytime after Ch. 10 "The Afterglow", or in any future year of the relationship. Don't worry if you don’t read Safest with You - you can read this on its own, just know that Din used to be a boxer when he was younger and now he’s a retired mob enforcer that owns a boxing gym 🥊Kisses to you all! 😘
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Series Masterlist
Reaching into the oven with both mitts, you pull out the pie and inspect it before setting it on the cooling rack.  Once you’ve satisfied yourself with the golden-brown colour of the crust and confirmed your heart shaped cutouts on the top crust have maintained their shape, you take off your apron to get ready to go.
With this year’s Valentine’s Day falling in the middle of the week, you and Din agreed not to do anything extravagant as you both needed to work most of the day.  Committing to celebrating in a lowkey manner, you also agreed that no money would be spend on gifts, but you were each allowed to ask the other person for one present.
Din had asked for a cherry pie.  You love that Din has a sweet tooth and try to indulge it as often as you can; while prepping the dough and organizing the ingredients for the pie filling the previous evening, you had baked some extra strawberry strudels to bring to him today as well.  You figured if you said they were for the gym and he would have to share them, it wouldn’t technically break the one gift rule.
After you and Din had enjoyed a quick but delicious meal that you picked up on your way over after work, he headed back downstairs to the gym for the closing shift, and you had begun your work on his pie.  You’re fairly pleased that the baking of the pie has been perfectly timed to the closing of the gym, so you don’t have to wait any longer before meeting Din and collecting your present.
Dressed in your own custom set of Mando’s warm up gear, you head downstairs.  The grey zip up jacket and tear away pants with ‘Mando’s Gym’ emblazoned on the back are the same as the ones the boxers from the gym wear, save for the embroidery on the front that reads “Alfredo’s Mom”; Din had given it to you earlier in the week, saying it was technically part of the one gift you asked for so it didn’t break any rules.  You had decided to let it slide since you already knew you were baking the extra strudels, but you had a sneaking suspicion that Din wasn’t going to stick with the one present/no money rule, and you had been right.  Working on your laptop, chipping away at your inbox, you were delighted when a gorgeous bouquet of peonies had arrived at your office; a breathtaking arrangement made up of three different shades of pink that put the flowers you had received from the girls earlier in the day to shame.  The card simply said, “To my pretty bird” but you knew who it was from.  You love flowers, and Din knows this, so you weren’t upset with the extra gift, but you knew you had to even it up with a sneaky present of your own.
Din is waiting for you in the empty gym, sitting on the edge of the boxing ring, flashing you his devilishly handsome smile, “Are you ready, pretty bird?”  Nodding, you jog over to him and mime a few punches, making him laugh.  When Din had asked you what you wanted for Valentine’s Day, without missing a beat you had said, “Teach me the Mando Roll.”  Multiple people have mentioned it to you as the boxing move that Din had made famous during his career, and even though you’re still a novice when it comes to all things boxing, you’ve had a deep longing to know this particular move better; to intimate yourself with this thing that’s so closely associated with Din. 
Din gently and lovingly wraps your hands and helps you put your gloves on; it takes longer than you think it should because he keeps stopping to kiss your hands, “Is this how you wrap all of your boxers’ hands?” you tease. 
“Maybe,” Din shoots back with a grin.
“Making me jealous.  Remind me to have little chat with Jimmy,” you counter right back, grinning big.
Helping you up into the ring, Din starts you off with a few light drills to get you used to him calling out the punches.  Right hook, jab, jab, jab, cross punch, left hook, upper cut, upper cut, jab, left hook, right hook, cross punch.  Every time your gloves make contact with the pads he’s holding up, he praises you, encourages you to hit harder and when you do, he calls out “Good girl!”  Your heart explodes with affection and you get warm all over.  After the punches, he teaches you the basic defense moves: slipping, bobbing and weaving.  When he accidentally makes contact with your head with the side of his pad when you don’t duck fast enough, your training session is temporarily put on pause for him to lovingly dispense hugs and kisses to your head.
“You do this to your other boxer too, coach?” you joke.
“Maybe,” Din smiles wide, glad you’re not hurt.
“Ok, I’m poisoning their muffins next week,” you scrunch up your face in mock fury.  Adorable, thinks Din.
Finally, it’s time for the Mando Roll.  The Mando Roll was a move Din would use to tire out his opponent while simultaneously disorienting them into not knowing if they were on the offensive or defensive.  He would deploy it when the opposing boxer was on the offensive; Din would bob and weave, alternating outside and inside bobs, evading his attacker’s punches, and once his opponent thought he could predict where Din would emerge, Din would punctuate that weave with a powerful punch.  Any punch would do but Din tended to favour a hard cross punch.  You practice this sequence slowed down: you bobbing and weaving under Din’s outstretched arm, then at a time of your choosing, adding in a hit when you pop up.  On your fourth go around, you clip Din in the chin with an uppercut and he deems you ready to try it in real time, a devilish glint in his eye.  You decide this is a good time to even the odds and give Din his secret present all at once. 
“Hang on, it’s hot,” you breathe and start unzipping your Mando’s jacket.  When you take it off, Din’s jaw goes slack – no t-shirt underneath, you wearing only a pink and peach satin and lace bralette, perfectly molded to your tits while showing off your soft curves.  In the front, there’s a big pink bow in the centre, completing the picture of you wrapped up like a present, ready to be gifted.  You smirk at him and his drooling as you slowly tear away the Mando’s gym pants, revealing a matching pair of lace trimmed shorts.
“There,” you exhale in a dramatic manner, “much cooler.”
“Doesn’t feel cooler,” mutters Din.
You tap your gloves together, bouncing on the balls of your feet, “Okay, let’s go.” Din has to bite down on his lip to keep his tongue from rolling out of his mouth as he stares at your jiggling breasts.
Boxing is fun, you giggle as you watch Din try to keep it together.
Swing.  Duck.  “You’re not fighting fair, pretty bird.”
Inside bob. “You’re a nine-time weight division champion.  I have to use what assets I have to even the playing field.”
Jab.  Duck.  Outside bob.  “Your assets are distracting.  They’re playing dirty.”
To this, you shift your weight from one foot to the other, side to side, making sure your tits and ass sway along with your body.   Din audibly groans, “Keep you hands up, baby.”
You put your gloves up as you and Din circle each other, dancing, “I thought you might consider this a gift.”
Cross punch.  Duck.  Inside bob.  “You’re only allowed one gift, baby, and you baked me a pie.”
You duck Din’s lightening fast jab and when you bob to the outside you attempt an uppercut that Din slips easily, “You sent me flowers!”
Swing.  Duck.  Inside bob. “You brought those strawberry strudels, sweetheart.  You broke the rules, too.”
Jab.  Duck.  Outside bob. “You broke them first when you gave me the personalized warm up suit.”  Cross punch.  Duck.  “Which I love, by the way.  Thank you, Din.”
Inside bob. “My pleasure, pretty bird.  You look good in Mando’s gear.”   
Jab. “Don’t I look good out of Mando’s gear, too?”
Duck. “You know you do, baby.”
When you go to bob to the outside again, one of the straps of your bralette starts to slip down your arm, pulling the flimsy triangle cup along with it.  Din, captivated by the downwards journey of the fabric and what it’s revealing of your breast, doesn’t notice that you pair this last weave with a cross punch and it stuns him when your glove lands right on his jaw.
“Din!!!” you cry as he staggers back, scrambling over to him and throwing your gloved hands around his head to look at where you hit him, “I’m so sorry, baby!  Are you okay?”
To your relief, Din is beaming, “You did so good, pretty bird.  A perfect Mando roll.”
You swell with pride at his praise, and lift up onto your tip toes to kiss his lips and then his jaw tenderly, “I have the best teacher.”
Din wraps his arms around you and reaches down to palm your ass over the soft satin, “Happy Valentine’s Day, pretty bird,” done with all the teasing, he descends on your mouth, immediately parting your lips and slipping in to stroke your tongue with his.
Letting out a soft moan, you deepen the kiss by licking hungrily into Din’s mouth, pulling away only when he starts to walk you backwards towards the ropes, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Din.  Are you ready to go upstairs and have some pie?”
“Dessert first, then pie,” grins Din, giving you a spank on your rear.
You squeal, happy, “You got it, coach.”
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boyslugs · 6 months
that post about senshi inhabiting your brain once you read or watch dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon is so real. i had to go grocery shopping today and my first list was like. cream, milk, and the microwave pizza bites i lived off all through high school/uni. and then the senshi in my brain went "you need to FUEL your BODY you need a WELL BALANCED DIET" so i made a grocery list based on meals that use the same core ingredients (roughly), did my big shop (grocery prices are insane but thankfully i had cash from catsitting) and did an hours worth of meal prepping and honestly? knowing that i have all the ingredients for like 10 different healthy meals in my fridge, AND pre-chopped veggies for snacking?? i feel great. thank you senshi. everyone should read or watch dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon.
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eddieintheocean · 5 months
the first of my cooking posts!
Lemon and parsely orzo
this is something i make all the time, along with variations on it. it's fairly easy to just swap certain ingredients while keeping the method the same so you can get some different meals while basically being the same stuff.
Orzo is essentially if rice was pasta. i know that not everyone likes the texture but i find it really tastie. also there are probably more traditional ways of cooking orzo but this is just how i like it.
Prep time is minimal if you're not cutting any vegetables/using preprepared veg, probably no longer than 10 minutes (for me at least, I know some people will have different timings)
Cook time is roughly 30-40 minutes, this is something i make for dinner and not when I'm in a rush to get to lectures
Price wise, this is specific to my area really, and also i shop at lidl so things might be cheaper (the orzo was from sainsburys but i didnt pay for that so)
Orzo from sainsburys (500g bag) - £2 ,
lidl prices - cream 99p , chicken stock 65p , cream cheese 85p, butter £1.69 , frozen peas 99p , red leicester cheese £2.49, carrots (1kg bag) 65p
i can't find the prices for parsley, garlic powder or lemon juice but those are things that i have in my store cupboard type ingredients.
one singular frying pan, something to stir with, a measuring jug/literally any container that can hold liquid, cheese grater (or your hands if you like maiming the cheese)
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75g (ish) of Orzo
a couple chunks of butter
chicken stock in some boiled water (this is something you can swap, vegetable stock etc)
vegetables of your choosing (i used a carrot and some frozen peas)
garlic (i used garlic powder), salt and pepper
parsely and lemon juice (this is the main combo for this, but you can change this out if youre using vegetable stock. When i use other stock i use mixed herbs instead of parsely and lemon)
cream cheese , regular cheese (doesnt matter what type)
heat the butter in the frying pan on a medium heat, and add the orzo when its melted. let the orzo absorb some of the butter
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add the stock and water, along with the carrots if you're using those. (if youre using something like mushrooms, fry those first before adding the orzo until they've shrunken down and nice and brown)
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add some garlic powder, salt and pepper (check before adding the salt, the stock will probably be salty enough)
let the liquid boil and then turn down the heat to low/medium and just let it bubble away. the packages usually say it takes 10 minutes but they're lying and itll probably take 30 minutes (it does for me anyways)
when the orzo is nearly ready (when its ready itll be all soft), add the peas or whatever veg youre using. green beans could probably be another good sub.
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the water will absorb into the orzo, so if the liquid starts getting low and its still crunchy then add some more water.
add the lemon juice and parsely
leave it for a couple minutes to absorb some more.
grate some cheese in
this is optional but you can stop here if you want, but i like to add some cream cheese and some cream just to make it nice and slop.
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Yummy :)
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recipeshub24 · 3 months
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Garlic Chicken with Broccoli and Spinach
2 cups chicken breast, cubed
1 cup broccoli florets
1 cup spinach leaves
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp garlic, minced
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
Heat Olive Oil:
Heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat.
Cook Chicken:
Add cubed chicken breast and cook until browned.
Add Garlic:
Stir in minced garlic and cook for 1 minute.
Add Broccoli:
Add broccoli florets and chicken broth. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add Spinach:
Add spinach leaves and cook until wilted.
Season and Serve:
Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, salt, and black pepper. Stir well.
Enjoy this delicious and nutritious garlic chicken with broccoli and spinach as a quick and healthy meal!
Nutritional Information:
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Calories: Approximately 350 kcal per serving
Servings: 2 servings
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ansbobcar · 2 months
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EP 3. Blackmail? I didn't do that to him!
Link to overview
_ _ _
Ask any girl regarding their confessions on their current prefect, and it is guaranteed that Rayne Ames will shut it down.
ANONYMOUS #1: I thought he had a soft side but there’s absolutely nothing in there! He literally ignored my invitations to hang out.
ANONYMOUS #2: He embodies the qualities of an Adler to a T. Maybe that’s the problem, he can’t see a girl or woman the same way he sees magic.
So why would it be any different with Darren Randel?
"I couldn't give a shit about you," he truthfully told her the morning after her slip up. "I'm just following the old geezer's words if that’s where the feelings came from."
‘How is he worse at being a jerk than me?’ His comment ruffled her as she let go of the shy buck, Bunnelton the XII, from suffering through her embarrassment.
“Look, I couldn’t give a shit about the old man’s orders!” She managed to string with no stutter but her face was losing it because of how his eyes simply assessed her like she was a poo pellet. “I wasn’t even trying to flirt with you yet!”
‘What is up with her?’ Every other girl would have just accepted and backed away. “What do you mean ‘yet’?” He scoffed incredulously. “What? You think enough effort will do anything?”
"I can cook!" she protested terribly. So did others, she wasn't special in this regard. “As I explained yesterday, it’ll be a win-win-win situation for all 3 parties right here!” 
“I barely even know you.”
“Then we can start out as friends!” She cut him off from replying.
"Let me try confessing 3 times, if you reject all 3 times I'll stop trying to bother you like this," she tried to plead. She needed time which wasn't likely if the Summer was coming up. She'd be busy with internships by then. There must be something he... a bulb lit up in her head as she gambled her chances on it.
"Agree or I'll tell the whole world you're secretly keeping 10 ra"—instantly he slapped his hand over her mouth—"bbits in the school's forest and I'll personally make coney dogs out of them," she mirrored his eyes which scrutinised her muffled words.
"Coney dog?"
"It's basically a hot dog," she dead-panned. "With extra stuff on top."
'She's... going to make them into sausages?' Scepticism slowly traced his face as each rabbit transformed into a large tube of reddish meat in his mind. 'Not Bunbun, Bunnifer, Bunaldo, Bunnelby, Bunnelton the XII, Buns, Bunster, Bunnykins and Bunno!’ His face paled to stone at the thought. He had to secretly ask permission from the principal to make it work since there were complaints in the dormitories smelling like shit a few months back.
The food offer was tempting since she could handle things while he was gone and Max could continue doing his own things too. It's been a while since he's had a fulfilling meal as well, glancing at the content figures of the bunnies hopping around.
"Fine. Only 3 times."
"Cool," she chirped, her shoulders slouched before she dropped herself back on the floor. “Another chance is nice…”
“But don’t butt into my business,” he added. “We aren’t friends yet.” 
"What do you want for dinner?"
"Something with vegetables."
The day continued as normal with the troublesome girl being busy with catch up classes to get asked out for duels and taking care of the rabbits again, so he knocked on the Adler Dorm’s Kitchen and saw her already prepping the ingredients. Chopping up the vegetables with ease. “Do you like tomatoes?”
“As long as they’re vegetables.”
“Alright,” continuing to cut through the ingredients as the water was simmering to a boil.
Although it might’ve not been as clear, there was a child-like wonder in his eyes as she gave him a sip of the soup to taste.
“How is it?”
“Like nothing.”
“Pass the salt and sugar, please.” He did as told as it was clearly labelled and she dumped what he could only assume to be an estimate as she picked up some more herbs, spices and… lemongrass(?) to chuck into the soup.
“Here,” she held up a small sauce tray to him. He took it.
“It’s more sour now… and spicier.”
“You want more or…”
“It’s fine.”
“Rice?” He nodded his head as she turned off the heat on the stovetop and removed her apron to wear her robe before taking out some bowls with pre-added rice and scooped up the still hot soup into it.
“I like seafood so I put some shrimp, cut up squid and such in there alongside the vegetables. Hope it’s nice. Also this isn’t how it’s usually eaten but it’s easier to eat this way,” she explained.
He took a sip and as if he was filled with deja-vu, he felt… like he could see her again. 
An unfamiliar yet strong aroma wafted through the air, causing him to reach the kitchen with a slight spark in his eyes. “What did you make today?” He asked, excited for her next attempt at a recipe as he climbed onto the chair with his small limbs.
“It’s a bit spicier than mummy intended,” she chuckled as she brought the pot to the table with her mittens. Their father slowly brought his slightly shrieky baby brother over to his raised chair as she collected everyone’s bowls and cutlery. “But that’s why I made sure to put water here!”
“Will Finn be able to try it?”
She smiled at his words. “It’s a lot of salt for him to eat fully, so we’ll only let him have a taste.”
“Alright, thank you for the meal,” before he scooped up a spoonful of the soup his mother had given him. “AH!” He burned his mouth as he swallowed it.
“Remember to let it cool down a bit!” The auburn haired girl reminded him, taking him back to the current moment.
To which he chuckled, hiding back a smile. How does a soup made by a random girl he wasn’t friends with made him be reminded of a peaceful time he hasn’t had in a while?
“It’s a lot less spicy than I remembered,” he reminisced, following her advice as he scooped up some rice with the soup and blew onto it before taking another gulp of it. ‘Yeah. She would’ve refined it if…’
She lit up at his words, “Oh! You’ve tried Tomyum before?” Completely superseding her shocked reaction. ‘Rayne can chuckle?’
“When my mother was still around…”
“I see,” and thus they ate in silence. To Rayne, the meal was rather hearty, finishing the entire pot through sheer nostalgia much to the girl’s confusion.
“H-how old are you again?” She asked, not wanting to immediately call him a child.
“I meant your birthday.”
“March 3rd.”
She paled. ‘A guy taller than me, younger than me?’ Her eyes widened like saucers. ‘And an orphan?’
“What about you?”
“February 18th.”
“... you’re older than me.”
She went to clean the dishes instead and he quietly helped out too. ‘He isn’t leaving me any time soon is he?’ Resigning herself to her fate. ‘I’m gonna die before I can properly ask this guy out aren’t I?’ As she handed over the last bowl for him to wipe clean followed by turning off the tap.
“I have a question,” he began slowly. “‘Impart Zero’, is that a dispelling type of spell?”
‘This is outta nowhere!’ She nodded as she quickly stashed away her items in her robe. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, usually someone chants a single word when casting their basic spell.” Atleast, that’s how he understood the concept of personal magic.
“There is no basic spell for Impart,” she sighed much to his puzzling look. “Because it’s meaningless on its own.”
While magic like Partisan functioned by summoning large blades at varying magnitudes of force and size through, something like her magic had no tangible form to counter the blades summoned. She pointed out.
“That’s true, you never summon something when you chant it.”
“Impart Zero simply reduces the magnitude of what I find unfair to nothing. In magic contexts: Yes it’s like ‘Dispel’ just better and more effective,” she searched for her keys and rayne felt like he had hit a road block. “It’s the easiest spell for me to do because it doesn’t require me to think about anything except the target. Usually focusing on their magic is the easiest.”
‘Perhaps that’s how she caused trouble with a singular spell.’
It’s subjective but at the end of the day, a mindset of inferiority and entitlement stems from it.
“Have you ever explained it that way to anyone?”
“Nah. Why would I?” She grinned manically. “The thought of someone being able to dispel any magic thrown their way sounds more menacing right?” Her eyes then seemed to become more aloof in a heartbeat as she kicked a stray pebble up the stairs. “I’d rather be a no-name nobody than be saddled with so many burdens because I’m useful to others.”
With a less bright smile, she waved him off. “See you tomorrow then, I’ll make something light.”
“See you.”
_ _ _
"Morning Rayne," Max beamed as he scooted over for his roommate to sit down. He looked around to find no silhouette of the transfer student or her chipper steps. "She's not here?" Odd.
"She's not," he curtly replied, placing down a packed lunch wrapped in a bright orange cloth, which piqued his friend's interest.
"Did you make breakfast today?"
"No, she did."
"She must've left rather early then." He just hummed at his words, watching as the rabbit loving boy opened the lid. A beautifully presented slices of bread alongside cleanly cut avocado and an omelette. Alongside a note attached at the side.
"I've got something urgent to take care of, I'll be back soon," he read aloud. It had an exclamation mark too. How chipper. The teachers seemed aware of her absence when they took attendance. Classes seemed a little more like last year, quiet and possibly boring without the girl’s interjections.
Thankfully, he was called over by the vice principal for a quick meeting with the other prefects. There was a wolf roaming last night on the 2nd year floors and it hadn’t been found yet.
“So a lycanthrope?” Abel Walker, the Lang Prefect suggested. A logical conclusion. “There haven’t been many sightings on campus since a few years back. So it’s probably a curse.”
“What do you even want us to do?”
“If the wolf is in deed a lycanthrope,” the vice principal gestured; “Find the student, and make the necessary arrangements.”
‘How crass,’ Rayne told himself as the meeting ended.
_ _ _
It’s been 2 weeks since she transferred. 2 weeks didn’t mean her previous schedule, inner workings and attentiveness had disappeared and adapted. She never slept during lessons, was always up and done with a run by the time she met the rabbit caretaker, and paired with the additional classes she had for advanced magic spells class and their other assignments, it was unnerving that she was so sprightly. Radiating that perfect student energy (even though she was anything but a perfect student) without cracking under the pressure of being behind in at least 5 subjects.
Their arrival into the classroom was met with some odd glances and murmurs but nothing out of the ordinary since her arrival.
“For today’s lesson we will be joining Professor Lucci’s class and conducting an exercise together,” their teacher summarised today’s exercise as a door appeared to her left. She gestured to pass through it without any reluctance and setbacks her pupils. They were surrounded by gigantic hedges with roughly 40 students and 2 members of staff in the vicinity but the robe they were wearing was of a different colour. 
“Are they in the smarter class?”
“No. They’re just from the Lang dorm.”
“Today’s exercise is simple, the goal is to ‘Get out of the maze’,” the blonde man explained, showing an image of the exit. “Use what you have learned to escape and you may earn yourselves a silver coin or two.”
The others seemed to shift at this statement followed by a sense of belief. ‘That’s it?’ Something was amiss as they added on a few more details.
“Since you are in the advance class though, I’m sure 30 minutes is plenty of time to get out of the maze but you will have 40 minutes in total still, you may begin… now.”
Before she could even face her only friend, he surfed off and up with a single spell leaving her with the rest like sitting ducks.
The audacity that Rayne Ames had to abandon her in the centre of this goddamn corn maze! She looked around as students began to form small groups or walk straight ahead with their wands in hand. She didn’t even know any of these people! All of her assignments had either been alone or with that fucking half-piss hair, so she never fucking knew anyone as she watched her dorm’s students throw ideas and concerns at each other.
‘Focus!’ She tried to snap herself out of spiralling into a deepening loss of place. She had to complete the exercise. Technically, raising her palm at a hedge, she could bulldoze herself out with that lethal spell right away and dash straight out but the only issue would be the the blonde teacher’s statement which riled up everyone. 
‘You may earn yourselves a silver coin or two…’
To earn implies a challenge to be completed, she stretched herself first. Then the silver coins are rewards that people want? That would make the most sense from what she had gathered. 
“Venetris!” A student chanted to evaluate the terrain across the hedge directly. Nothing, it was pure grass and branches. “Let’s move, guys!”
It is a simple spell after all, allowing everyone to see through a certain portion of wherever it is aimed towards. The advanced version which has an effect on a much greater distance is Vitriniae at the expense of only being seen by the caster since it’s a self using spell.
“Repeat after me, Ms Randel,” her advanced spells teacher began once more, aiming her own wand towards the wooden box just days ago. “Vee-tree-nee-ae,” she uttered the syllables slowly before repeating it as a spell. “Vitriniae.”
“Vinitriae.” Unable to see through the box herself, she realised her mess up. “It was supposed to be Vitriniae!” The common problem with this spell amongst students in particular is the pronunciation since it’s similar to Venetris which requires less magic to use.
“From the top Miss Randel.”
She took a deep breath as she channelled her magic power towards her eyes. “Vin… Vitriniae,” she calmly uttered, now able to see through and evaluate the terrain for possible challenges. And unlike everyone else, who seemed adamant in avoiding these areas as possible traps and loss of time, the brunette crashed straight into one head on. Or rather three. One-time. Consecutive. Pressure Sensitive. Booby Trap. Spells.
‘Why does he get to fly?’ She huffed to herself, as she noticed a group of Adler students clumped together at a corner. With another spell, it revealed a magical creature, a Riddle Sphinx infront of a pale-haired student who seemed to be shaking in their shoes with each riddle answered correctly.
“30 white horses on a red hill,” it began its last riddle. “First, they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.” A sense of loss pervaded the air. He didn’t know what was supposed to be answered, maybe if they had Orca students it would’ve been easier. Was it asking him what that correlated to?
“5 more seconds.”
“A ranch?” The student stammered out.
Ready to take out his wand, he would try to pull off a smoke spell to let the others pass on without him. A Riddle Sphinx only focused on a singular riddle compared to its other counterparts. Aorio Morris was going to lose this test, he gulped as the golden sand being roared.
“Teeth.” another girl with reddish brown hair jumped in and slumbered the being with a simple yet forceful kick. “Move along now, people,” she ordered as the others continued their plan before she hopped off in another direction. 
“Perceptive,” the blonde professor murmured to himself through the magic mirror. “Has she earned any coins yet?” As a new transfer student, her magical progress since her initial arrival has been nothing short of exponential. 
“That’s surprising.” She’ll get them soon.
_ _ _
After defeating over 10 opponents, and only receiving about 4 silver coins from, she continued to search for more, finding the coins to be shaped oddly. Like a flattened cone. A bit of a coin… even though it was considered a coin? She’d have to ask later about it’s value.
Hidden with an invisibility spell in the distance was none other than the boy she had knocked out weeks ago. Gritting his teeth, he patiently watched for an opening. ‘I’ve done my research and practice into this spell.’ She was a one liner after all. There’s no way she could be stronger than him, watching as she walked herself into another obstacle. ‘I’ll utilise Burst in tandem with Nalcos to throw her off guard,’ readying his wand as a different creature towered over her. An iron golem. A man-made being created to help in magic training exercises. There were roughly 3 types of golems: heavy defence, speed, and magical power. The one with bulky arms screeched harshly towards them, cranking it’s arms as he glued her feet to the floor. ‘Focus on it and then you can admit your inferiority!’ However, these too would be quelled with her magic by thin air.
Wirth found her frustrating after destroying his worth and reputation. “You think I want to use my magic on you?” Evading his mud, she led his attacks towards the obstacle, each reaching a new level of power than the last and voila! Collapsing to bits, 2 silver coins spawned. Taking a huge side step, to pick them up, she walked over towards the vengeful student. “Here, you can have one. You guys seem particularly fond of these things. I’ll take the other one.”
‘What in the…’
“Why did you even transfer here?!” A sense of inferiority bubbled in him. “I don’t get it,” he clenched his fists. Why would she give it away so easily? Did she not want to become a Divine Visionary like Margaret Macaron from Orca?
“Partial credit is partial credit,” she hummed, ignoring his question. “If you want to do a duel or something again just find me around!” sprinting off into the distance, leaving him baffled by her existence once again.
_ _ _
Barely 5 minutes were left on the clock and she was still inside. The only one left inside. Was she trying to fail the exercise? For Rayne Ames who had already completed it with ease, earning himself an additional 2 coins, he couldn’t fathom her sluggish pace. Even the weakest students had passed the finish line. He walked towards the teachers who had a rafflesia mirror to see the progress within the maze.
She was against a different obstacle this time, one completely immune to magic spells. She should’ve spent her time to run for the exit instead of tying up the man-made ram. What a waste. ‘Neutralising a deadervant doesn’t produce coins, that’s a different exercise.’ Perhaps, Darren Randel’s weakness was her ambitious conviction in pursuit of challenge.
But her next actions felt… comical. After looking at each side, she held her palm wide open, pooling a large magnitude of magical energy. She chanted a lethal spell that would be taught the following year, “Eradica Maxima.” Bulldozing the garden the blonde professor had shaped. Rather overkill, as the gingerhead’s heels dug themselves to a halt from bumping into everyone at the finish line. instantly the buzzer went off. Her robe abandoned in the decimated grounds.
A short lived round of applause erupted for her performance. She bowed before pivoting into a sprint back to the maze remains and returned at a slightly slower pace than before. 
‘What did I just witness?’
The teachers then debriefed everyone regarding the class, showcasing a magical chalkboard of their times. Rayne Ames ranked first; Darren Randel ranked last.
“You know, you can collect a demerit if you continue to reach the time limit of the exercise,” another voice told her. It was Max Land.
“6 demerits means expulsion and we have our midterms coming up!”
_ _ _ _ _
I'm realising Darren's Explanation of her magic sounds like it's Billie's Unfair Negating Ability from Undead Unluck. Of course, keep in mind that it's Darren and Undead Unluck has some crazy power system that focuses on beliefs (manifestation shits). Sorry for the spoilsies randos who are getting into UU.
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ourrecipebook · 2 months
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Spring Vegetables and Meatball Bowls with Pesto
Serving: 4
2 cups small broccoli florets
2 cups thinly sliced carrots
2 cups sugar snap peas, cut in half
1 large red bell pepper, diced
2 teaspoons Earth Balance Buttery Spread, melted
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3/4 cup dried quinoa
2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs, I used parsley
1 bag Gardein’s Classic Meatless Meatballs (or whichever meatballs you prefer)
1 cup pesto sauce, store-bought or you can use the recipe below for my Spinach Mint Pesto
For the spinach mint pesto
2 1/2 cup baby spinach leaves
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
1/4 cup chopped walnuts, or your favorite nut
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
Juice of 1 lime
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup olive oil
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F.  Place all the diced veggies on a large baking sheet and toss with the melted Earth Balance, salt and pepper.  Roast veggies until fork tender, 30-40 minutes, flipping once.
Rinse quinoa and add it to a medium sized pot with 1 1/2 cups water.  Bring to a simmer and cook quinoa until tender, 10-12 minutes.  Let quinoa cool and then mix in chopped herbs.  You could also add some salt, to taste, if desired.
Heat a large pan over medium heat and spray with cooking spray, or use 1/2 teaspoon olive oil.  Add meatballs to the pan and cook until browned and warmed through, 7-10 minutes.
If using homemade pesto: add all pesto ingredients to a food processor, or blender, and blend until smooth.
Assemble bowls: to each bowl add, 1/2 cup quinoa, 1/4 of the roasted veggies, 3 meatballs and about 1/4 cup of pesto.  Sprinkle with fresh herbs, if desired.
Recipe makes 4 bowls.  This recipe is great for dinner or a meal prep lunch!  It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. (The roasted broccoli doesn’t do quite as well if left longer.)
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Here are three meal prep recipes that incorporate magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, healthy carbs, and healthy proteins:
1. Quinoa and Black Bean Stuffed Peppers:
- Ingredients:
- 4 bell peppers
- 1 cup quinoa, rinsed
- 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 red pepper, diced
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp chili powder
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup shredded cheese (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
2. Cut the tops off the bell peppers and remove the seeds. Place the peppers in a baking dish.
3. In a large skillet, sauté the onion and red pepper until softened. Add the quinoa, black beans, diced tomatoes, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes.
4. Fill the bell peppers with the quinoa and black bean mixture. Top with shredded cheese, if desired.
5. Cover the baking dish with foil and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the peppers are tender.
2. Lemon Herb Salmon with Roasted Vegetables:
- Ingredients:
- 4 salmon fillets
- 1 lemon, sliced
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 1 tsp dried rosemary
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 sweet potatoes, diced
- 1 broccoli crown, chopped
- 1 red onion, sliced
- 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Place the salmon fillets on a baking sheet and top with lemon slices. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with thyme, rosemary, salt, and pepper.
3. In a separate baking dish, toss the sweet potatoes, broccoli, and red onion with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper.
4. Roast both the salmon and vegetables in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked through and the vegetables are tender.
3. Chickpea and Spinach Curry:
- Ingredients:
- 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- 1 onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp curry powder
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 can coconut milk
- 2 cups spinach
- Cooked brown rice for serving
1. In a large skillet, sauté the onion and garlic until softened. Add the chickpeas, curry powder, and turmeric. Cook for 5 minutes.
2. Pour in the coconut milk and simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Stir in the spinach and cook until wilted.
4. Serve the chickpea curry over brown rice.
These meal prep recipes are packed with magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, healthy carbs, and healthy proteins to keep you nourished and satisfied throughout the week. Enjoy!
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foodffs · 2 years
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Get Recipe: Split Pea Soup
Step-by-Step: How to cook Split Pea Soup with 10 simple ingredients. Easy split pea and ham soup done in an hour. Hearty thick rich soup for budget-friendly healthy meal prep.
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