#52-week writing challenge
fanboy-sloth · 2 years
Chapter 4 is here!!! (And a day early too, hot damn)
Thank you to everyone who’s been reading and responding to my fics thus far, I’m so happy with how this challenge is turning out and am excited to be making writing a more frequent habit.
If you have any Injury/whump prompts or characters you’d like me to write for, please let me know.
See you next Wednesday for some spidey action 👀
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mcytblraufest · 4 months
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Hey mcytblr writers, are you in the mood for a challenge? Looking for something to inspire your creativity? Do you want to make something absolutely kickass? Simply love looking at cool art? What if I told you there was a way you could hit any and or all of those objectives by participating in a mcytblr event?
Well, let me introduce you to the Aufest Reverse Big Bang, currently during Artist Creation period! Artists have a month to make an au mcyt art piece ready to inspire writers, and then writers will have two months to write something 5k or longer, inspired by the art! We currently have over 160 artists in the discord working on their creative pieces, and the sneak previews the mod team have seen has been incredible.
But— we are halfway through the artist's creation period, and we currently have more artists than writers. We don't want any artists to run the risk of going without a writer, so we are looking for more writers! Does writing something inspired by an art piece sound like a challenge you're up for? We're not in the writing phase yet, but we are getting ready for it to start in the beginning of June. Join our discord today, and join all the other writers waiting anxiously for the art to be released next month! We are all sitting around vibrating with excitement while the artists work! It's fun!
We did a poll in the discord today, and we currently have:
62 Hermitcraft pieces being worked on!
52 Traffic series pieces in the works
38 DSMP pieces being created
11 QSMP pieces being made
10 Empires SMP pieces being worked on
1 Origins SMP piece in the works
8 Lifesteal pieces our artists are making
1 SOS SMP piece being worked on
3 Pirates SMP pieces being created
1 MCSR piece being worked on
4 SMPEarth pieces being created
2 SMPLive pieces in the works
1 Vault Hunters piece being made
1 Witchcraft SMP piece being created
2 Sleep Deprived SMP pieces an artist is making
3 Yogscast pieces being created
1 Scenario SMP piece being made
1 Slimecicle Cinematic Universe piece in the works!
And more in the works!
One of these could be your next big project! Come on down to the discord and hang out with us!
And hey, if you're an artist who's just seeing this and you can make an au in two weeks? We're still open to more artists joining too! Everyone is welcome!
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academicazura · 4 months
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Weekly Review
Week: 1/35 Dates: May 27 - June 2
i updated my 2024 reading plan. i recognize i have quite ambitious reading goals and not that much time, but i'm willing to try.
i made both my bedroom and balcony slightly cozier with small changes and planting new plants. my sweet peas are already sprouting!
finished 1 book
i wanted to procrastinate on emailing my guidance counsellor, because i felt like i didn't have a clear plan on my studies, but i overcame it and sent a pretty good email imo
i struggled with planning my studies, i forgot one course and then had to add it, had to do a lot of adapting but eventually got it to a good start
couldn't focus on reading, which is unfortunate, because i really want to!
Current projects
to be healthier: went for five 1-hour walks this week and want to do the same next week. i'm trying to wake up earlier to do so. also ate healthy this week and started taking a multivitamin again cause immediately after i stopped my acne flared up.
walk 1000 km this year: currently on track with 428,8 km.
studies: this month i need to turn in 2 courses. 1) Introduction to Philosophy (86%) 2) Introduction to Civics (10%)
reading challenge: finished 1 book this week and hoping to finish 2 books next week. 52 books in 2024 progress: 25%
Next Week on Project Azura
Philosophy studies: 3 pondering exercises, update 2 study log entries and write first drafts for 2 essays
Civics studies: finish theory from chapters 2-4, 3 exercises on chapter 2, 3 exercises on chapter 3 and 2 study log entries
doctor's appointment on Wednesday
keep up good habits, and a healthy lifestyle. next week i'll try to get a good productive headstart on the courses, and hopefully achieve even more than i have planned
Thanks for reading! Here's a playlist for you:
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necrotic-nephilim · 22 days
what are your favourite batcest ships and why?
AAA i love this question so much. i'm going to limit myself to a top five, because otherwise, i'd just end up listing all of them. the true joy of batcest is they're all so good for such different reasons and there are so many unique dynamics you can explore.
JayTim - it's funny bc, before i started this blog, i don't know if i would've put these two losers as my number one. but because i've done so much deep diving into their dynamic and i write them the most, i think it'd be a disservice for them to be anything *but* number one. their canon dynamic is just. so fun to play with. i truly love all of their interactions, particularly pre-Flashpoint. the concepts of Tim holding such contempt for Jason while Jason is weirdly obsessed with Tim. i'm a fan of Hannibal and Killing Eve and well. if this isn't a Hannigram-coded ship idk *what* is. i like ships where love and hate co-exist and there's no real "happily ever after", just fucked up co-existing, where they crawl back to each other like a bad habit and really, this ship is that so perfectly. the themes of jealousy in the Robin mantle. Tim wearing Jason's Red Robin suit to punish himself. i will likely never shut up about them. even in the New-52, there's such a substance to them, though the dynamic is wildly different. they will always be so weirdly dependent on each other's existence. i love them.
BruDick - you can't outdo the doer, i fear. i think i like BruDick mostly for the history of it, yk. there's genuinely *so much* queer history seeped into the homoeroticism of Batman and Robin, these two have been a symbol for queer people for decades. but the ship itself has so many dynamics i love. problematic age gap, "are we family or lovers", "i can't be in a room alone with you without getting into a screaming match but if you called i drop everything for you". all of it. i especially favor 80s/90s BruDick when they were in their divorce era just because it's so messy. Dick has canonically said he would die for Bruce, even during their arguments. no matter what, these two will always be single-mindedly devoted to each other. there will be other Robins, but none of them will compare to Dick Grayson, for Bruce. it's a unique and complicated bond that has endless layers to peel back. they always crawl back to each other bc no one else will match their level of intensity.
DamiTim - years and years ago, when i was a teen trying to people-please with how i existed in fandom, i used to insist i didn't like batcest and found it icky and gross. but there was one DamiTim fic that was my exception. that fic was my fucking roman empire. i reread it like once a year even though it's not completed and likely never will be i do not care. so now that i've killed the morality police in my head and i let myself ship what i actually want to ship, this ship holds a top place in my heart just bc of that fic alone. but in general i do fucking love their dynamic. similar to JayTim there's just so much mutual hatred in these two that has endless potential. Damian's insistence to not see Tim as a Wayne and as a legitimate brother/heir to Bruce is something you can play a lot if you give Damian an angry, fucked up crush on Tim he doesn't want to admit to. they have so many reasons to dislike each other, so to try to get them to slowly fall in love is a fun challenge. they either have a long complicated forgiveness arc and end up a happy married couple or they are the couple that tries to kill each other once a week. no in-between.
JeanTim - there's like. one person here on tumblr who goes as hard for this ship as i do and truly god bless them bc they feed me. Jean-Paul is too underrated in the batcest scene. once i reread Knightfall, i will have to help popular this tag on ao3. i enjoy both a very fucked up version of this ship during the peak of the Knightfall arc, where Jean-Paul is deep in his murder Batman era and Tim is trying to stop him to no real avail, but i *also* think there's so much you can do with the ship afterwards, where Jean-Paul is trying to make up for what he's done and be a better person and better hero. they're the peak Batman/Robin ship, to me. they truly care about each other, but have a very complicated/bloody history and i just. man i love it so dearly. i've been meaning to write a fic where Jean-Paul goes to Tim post the Sword of Azrael (2022) arc to properly discuss and apologize for all his actions in Knightfall for his personal healing and they end up fucking. it could be sweet and cute or kinky fun bc what is the joy of a character with that much Catholic guilt if you don't give them a weird religious kink.
BruCarrie - The Dark Knight Returns got me into comics and i will defend it till the day i die. Carrie Kelley can be pried from my cold dead hands. i just really love these two? Carrie took one look at that cranky old bastard and decided she was his problem. and Bruce is at a stage where he should be very averse to the idea of having a Robin, he knows it's a bad idea. but he just. accepts her anyway. idk how to explain their dynamic other than she plunks herself in his lap and stitches up his wounds while telling him he's an idiot and he lets her even if he's grumbling about it. they have the biggest age gap of any Batman/Robin ship and for that, they should get like. a dead dove gold star no matter how rare the pair is.
also honorable mention goes to BruTim, because *god* do i love the concept of Tim offering himself up to Bruce as Robin in every way, knowing that there are likely sexual/romantic implications to being Robin. it's one of my favorite flavors of batcest to exist. i don't view them as a "happily ever after" ship, because Bruce will always go back home to Dick, but it's a fun lil dead dove moment.
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mega-aulover · 2 years
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We are starting a club- for all of us writers who have WIP's that haven't been completed. It's a year-long challenge to write at least 250 words a week. If you do 250(a week) X 52 (weeks in a year) = 13,000 -that's an entire fic.
Here are the rules
You have to write a minimum of 250 words a week -yes you can write more! If you did less than 250 words still reblog it's okay you wrote something and that's the most important thing.
Anyone can join in
The image above will be posted on Saturday morning and reblog with your progress. If you can't make it a week or two or three it's no problem, just reblog when you can.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at @mega-aulover
Let's stay motivated!
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novasintheroom · 7 months
150 Bullets masterlist
The first new "story" I've written in a while. Welcome!
As the author who inspired this work says in their first chapter:
This, is the list.
It was first put together by a user named Nemure from the now-defunct Lunaescence. I am inspired to try out this challenge for myself. The goal I'm setting is to write anywhere between 100-1000 words per prompt, twice a week until completed, telling the long story of yours and Vash the Stampede's relationship as it grows, wanes, forms, shifts, etc. This will hopefully help me get into a regular writing habit.
Stars by the prompt indicate a chapter already in the works. Check marks indicate completion. Feel free to suggest a scenario, prompt, etc. in the comments. If taken and used, I will put your username in the notes of the chapter!
✓ 1. Trust ✓ 2. Reluctance ✓ 3. Important ✓ 4. Sympathy ✓ 5. Simplicity ✓ 6. Appearance 7. Telephone 8. Kindness 9. Hatred ✓ 10. Jealousy ✓ 11. Quiver ✓ 12. Communicate ✓ 13. Recommendation 14. Tear ✓ 15. Black & White 16. Spill 17. Flesh ✓ 18. Race ✓ 19. Suffocate ✓ 20. Mentality 21. Sinister 22. Inception 23. Ignition ✓ 24. Found ✓ 25. Irresistible 26. Weight ✓ 27. Serious 28. Record ✓ 29. Justify 30. Snowflake 31. Volcano ✓ 32. Limb ✓ 33. Trampoline 34. Realize 35. Shatter 36. Heart Break ✓ 37. Waning ✓ 38. Temperature 39. Tale 40. Impediment 41. Parry 42. Topple 43. Cover 44. Duty 45. Beg 46. Success 47. Sky ✓ 48. Sunset 49. Cry 50. Impress 51. Laugh 52. Imprison ✓ 53. Emporium 54. Intelligence 55. History ✓ 56. Turn 57. Failure -fail to keep my secrets 58. Seduce 59. Time 60. Miracle 61. Test 62. Truth ✓ 63. Destitute ✓ 64. Tingle ✓ 65. Responsible ✓ 66. Irritate 67. Told You 68. Lie 69. Remember ✓ 70. Bird 71. Lolwut? 72. Doubt 73. Die 74. Resurrect 75. Irregular 76. Protect 77. Unreasonable 78. To Be Like Her/Him 79. Dream 80. How Come 81. Loved ✓ 82. Warmth ✓ 83. Blind 84. Fire 85. Waste 86. Opportunity 87. Anemone 88. Pink Carnation 89. Heather 90. Hyacinth 91. Yellow Tulip 92. Passion 93. Luck ✓ 94. Caring 95. Night View 96. Tar ✓ 97. Sinking 98. Trap ✓ 99. Kiss ✓ 100. Embrace ✓ 101. Smile ✓ 102. Hands 103. Intertwine 104. Cut 105. Nothing 106. False ✓ 107. Sigh 108. Gentle 109. Serene ✓ 110. Sunrise ✓ 111. Fondness ✓ 112. Meeting 113. Heart 114. Decision 115. Loss 116. Happiness ✓ 117. Never Let You Go 118. Temptation 119. Glibness ✓ 120. Climb 121. Persist 122. Tell Me ✓ 123. Desire ✓ 124. Bite 125. Scar ✓ 126. Enjoy 127. Home 128. Reunion 129. Pale 130. Hope 131. Shrug ✓ 132. Blush 133. Fun 134. Sealed 135. Never Again 136. Sleep ✓ 137. Bomb 138. Shadow ✓ 139. Bullet ✓ 140. Target 141. Bright 142. Affection 143. Avoid ✓ 144. Nervous 145. Heaven 146. Table 147. Deep 148. Outlook 149. Piece 150. Key
Deep breath. Let's do this.
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heatherhpogson · 7 months
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10 years ago, I drew Alan Wake! I have grown so much as an artist, and if I had one thing to say to the aspiring artist, it is this, keep going. You're GOING to have bad days, but you will also have days where you are so proud of your work. Ignore social media. It's just a distraction that sometimes boosts the ego. I'm NOT saying, don't post! When it comes to posting on social media, I post so that one day, I can see my progress.
I went from an inexperienced artist to somewhat professional in 10 years. I'm still working on growing, hence the reason why I'm doing 52 weeks of Good Omens fan art. Choose something you love and challenge yourself frequently. That's how you grow as an artist.
I'm self-taught. I started learning art late in life, and since then, I've been trying to find my groove. Two kiddos later, I realized that the message I want to pass on to them is that you're never too old to chase your dream. I'm still trying to figure my dream out. Where do I go after 10 years of learning?
Well, I hope to write my own stories and illustrate them. As a volunteer librarian, I see so many books with beautiful art. I think my future lies somewhere in that direction. Maybe I'll create cover art. Maybe I'll create a graphic novel, or maybe I'll try storyboarding for TV shows and movies. I have so many avenues of life to explore. I'm excited and scared at the same time, but if your dream doesn't scare you, then is it worth it to pursue?
Anyway, I'm starting to ramble on. Don't give up because you didn't do well today. Keep going because tomorrow you might impress yourself. 😉
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writingdotcoffee · 10 months
AltNaNo 2023 — Thank You
AltNaNo was a challenge that I did here on the blog last month. The idea was to create a writing challenge on the opposite end of the spectrum from NaNoWriMo. Instead of writing as much as you can, trying to hit 50k, the goal was to write for 15 minutes per day and see how much progress you can make that way.
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I want to thank everyone who joined — I hope the challenge helped to get you closer to your goal. I certainly had a great time doing the challenge myself.
Over the 30 days, we spent 52 hours writing and produced 61,466 words together, which is pretty cool!
If you'd like to challenge yourself beyond AltNaNo, I run two daily challenges in Writing Analytics:
The Daily 500 — write 500 words during the course of a day
The Daily 10 — write for 10 minutes or more in a day
These are drop-in. You don't have to join every day. Just show up and write!
You don't have to write a novel in a month. Even writing for just 10 minutes per day regularly makes a huge difference. You probably won't publish 500 books like Isaac Asimov that way, but you can finish a novel every few years. Or a short story every month. Or an article every week.
Unlike brain surgeons, writers can get started without having everything figured out. Start before you're ready.
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diapergoonerii · 6 months
Diaper Gooner Edging Challenge
Long time Tumblr lurker, first time trying one of these! I’ve got about 12 hours on Sunday, April 7th, from when I’ve got my house to myself to when I really would need to try to go to bed for work (irl some important stuff is going down, so I do eventually need to clear my head). This post will stay active all the way until 12:00 AM, April 8th. I really want to be my best gooner self to celebrate the week off of work I’m finishing!
I’ve always liked diapers, since my childhood. I’ve had a tumblr since 2013 and lately I’ve really been exploring all sorts of kinks through my blogs! I really want to be reduced to a desperate, caged, gagged, and plugged diaper slut! Please help me live out my most embarrassing fantasies!
For every like, reblog, and comment on this post, I’ll become a bigger diaper gooner! I’ll add diapers, boosters, pacifiers, embarassing clothes, chastity, gags, toys, etc and so forth! Help determine how I’ll be having cummies at the end! I’ll share more content as this gets more traction too!
Please share this, I’m sure it can only go wrong for me!
5 Likes = 1 Edge
1 Reblog = 1 Edge
2 Comments = 1 Edge (no spamming)
Edge Count and Tasks
✅ 1) Drink 12 oz of water per hour for the rest of the day! No holding my pee unless instructed!
✅ 2) Spank each ass cheek 5 times before I edge
✅ 3) Suck on my paci for this edge
✅ 4) No more pants! No diaper coverings that go past my knees!
✅ 5) Insert my small plug before this edge for 5 edges
☑️ 6) Add a booster
☑️ 7) Hold my pee for 15 minutes
☑️ 8) Suck on my paci for this edge
☑️ 9) Spank each ass cheek 5 times before I edge
☑️ 10) Wear my chasitiy cage for the next 2 hours
☑️ 11) Only watch cartoons or porn the rest of the day
☑️ 12) No full sized hoodies! Cropped ones are ok!
☑️ 13) Go outside in whatever clothes I’m wearing and share a picture
☑️ 14) Wear my chastity cage for the next hour
☑️ 15) Post a picture of myself every ten edges from now on, wherever I am!
☑️ 16) Cut holes, add a thin diaper
☑️ 17) Stop, Drop, and Potty - no matter where/what I’m doing when I see this! Share a pic
☑️ 18) Pull down my diaper and spank my balls 5 times
☑️ 19) Suck on my paci for this edge
☑️ 20) Put on tall sockies for the rest of the day
☑️ 21) Give myself an enema, hold as long as I can!
☑️ 22) Share most recent porn link
☑️ 23) Listen to gooner hypno for 5 edges
☑️ 24) Tug my nipples 5 times before I edge
☑️ 25) I’m a dumb baby who shouldn’t get to talk any more! Suck my paci for the rest of the day!
☑️ 26) Share an audio of myself edging
☑️ 27) Suck on my ball gag for 1 edge
☑️ 28) Double my water intake for 1 hour
☑️ 29) Take a picture of myself outside
☑️ 30) No boys’ shorts anymore
☑️ 31) Suck my big paci for the next 2 edges!
☑️ 32) Stop, Drop, and Edge - +1 edge, to be completed ASAP! no matter where/what I’m doing when I see this!
☑️ 33) Spank each ass cheek 5 times before I edge
☑️ 34) Suck on my big paci for the next 3 edges
☑️ 35) Tug my nipples 5 times before I edge
☑️ 36) Add 2 boosters
☑️ 37) Wear my ball gag for the next edge
☑️ 38) Only crop tops or onesies from here on out
☑️ 39) Listen to gooner hypno for 10 edges
☑️ 40) Wear my chastity cage for the next 4 hours
☑️ 41) Pull down my diaper and spank my balls 5 times
☑️ 42) Stop, Drop, and Potty - no matter where/what I’m doing when I see this! Share a video!
☑️ 43) Hold my pee for 30 minutes
☑️ 44) Add 2 boosters
☑️ 45) Share a video of this edge
☑️ 46) Pull on my nipples 10 times, hard
☑️ 47) Share most recent porn link
☑️ 48) Write a page of lines saying “I’m a porn addict, bully me!” and share it
☑️ 49) No more shorts, my diapies will be exposed from here on out!
☑️ 50) Quadruple my water intake for an hour
☑️ 51) Edge to a mean mistress joi video and share the link
☑️ 52) Be a bigger baby! Suck my big paci for the rest of the day!
☑️ 53) Cut holes, add a thick, boosted diaper
☑️ 54) Write naughty things about myself all over my diapers
☑️ 55) Put on my tutu for the rest of the day!
☑️ 56) Share a video of myself singing my ABC’s while edging
☑️ 57) Hold my pee for 30 minutes
☑️ 58) Change as many inner diapers as are wet, add a boosted thin and double boosted thick diaper! Share before, during, and after pics of my diaper change!
☑️ 59) Add a cloth diaper
☑️ 60) I don’t deserve erections, wear my chastity cage the rest of the day!
☑️ 61) Pull down my diaper and spank my balls 5 times
☑️ 62) Spank each ass cheek 5 times before I edge
☑️ 63) Pull down my diaper and spank my balls 5 times
☑️ 64) Draw a picture of a mommy domme pegging me as stick figures and share it
☑️ 65) Add another cloth diaper with a cloth boosters
☑️ 66) Use a wand for the next 5 edges
☑️ 67) Stop, Drop, and Edge - +1 edge, to be completed ASAP! no matter where/what I’m doing when I see this! Doesn’t count towards previous edging tasks.
☑️ 68) Hold my pee for 1 hour
☑️ 69) Pull down my diapers and spank myself until my ass and upper thighs are red! Share pictures before I get to do this edge!
☑️ 70) Fuck my dildo for 1 edge
☑️ 71) Stop, Drop, and Potty - no matter where/what I’m doing when I see this! Share a pic
☑️ 72) Share audio of me singing along to “Barbie Girl” while edging
☑️ 73) I’m too much of a pissy diaper slut, I need to wear all 4 of my cloth diapers and use all my cloth boosters for the rest of the day!
☑️ 74) Tug nipples 20 times before this edge
☑️ 75) Set up a half tent in my backyard and spend 1 hour gooning
☑️ 76) Insert my large plug for 10 edges
☑️ 77) Record myself reading one of my favorite tumblr captions and share it
☑️ 78) Share most recent porn link
☑️ 79) Write two pages of lines saying “I’m a diaper slut, will you please fuck my ass?” and share them
☑️ 80) Hold my pee for 1 hour
☑️ 81) Pull down my diaper and spank my balls 10 times
☑️ 82) Fuck my dildo for 2 edges
☑️ 83) Edge to denial joi porn and share the link
☑️ 84) Stop, Drop, and Edge - +1 edge, to be completed ASAP! no matter where/what I’m doing when I see this!
☑️ 85) Post a video of myself edging outside
☑️ 86) Fuck my dildo for 2 edges
☑️ 87) Quadruple my water intake for 1 hour
☑️ 88) Suck on my paci gag for 5 edges
☑️ 89) Fuck my dildo for 1 edge
☑️ 90) Fuck me, leave the big plug in and when I make cummies at the end of the day, I have to be fucking my dildo!
☑️ 91) Tug on my nipples while watching 5+ minutes of diaper porn
☑️ 92) Record and share an audio of myself begging you to fuck me and let me make cummies
☑️ 93) Gag on my dildo for 10 minutes
☑️ 94) Hump on my concrete carport and share a picture
☑️ 95) Hold my pee until I can’t anymore! Film a video of myself doing a potty dance and losing control when it happens
☑️ 96) Share an audio of me edging, thanking everyone for bullying me!
☑️ 97) Pull my diapers down and spank my ass until I cry!
☑️ 98) Pull my diapers down and spank my balls until I cry more!
☑️ 99) Suck on my ball gag for the rest of the day!
☑️ 100) Edge to some chastity porn and share the link
☑️ 101) I get to make cummies! I’ll film the whole thing!
If I don’t/can’t complete all 100 edges on account of accidentally cumming, I’ll spank myself before bed for each edge I did or didn’t complete, which ever number is higher! I’ll put myself in huge diapers, chastity, gagged, and plugged until morning!
If I don’t/can’t complete all 100 edges because I run out of time, I have to sleep in whatever level of clothes and tasks I run out of time in! I’ll film myself apologizing for being a dumb lazy gooner baby who deserves to stay in diapers!
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rpgsandbox · 2 years
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So this appeared on twitter the other day, a challenge for 2023.
A blog post fleshed out the idea a bit more:
A dungeon room a day for all of 2023.
The other day I posted on twitter about a cool little project I’m working on for 2023. Essentially, I’m doing a dungeon room a day, every day, and keeping track of it in a little weekly calendar.
Well, I love dungeons and megadungeon play, but writing a megadungeon is difficult! It takes a lot of energy and it’s hard to know when to work on it and for how long. This simplifies things.
A dungeon room a day, every day, for 2023. That’s 365 rooms. I’ll do a level a month, so 12 levels. Every week is a little area of 7 rooms, so I can keep my focus small.
I’m using the amazing Hobonichi Weeks which if you don’t know is a great little notebook designed by the writer of the Earthbound/Mother game series. It’s got great paper, and the Weeks version is the smaller more portable notebook. Essentially on a single spread you’ve got seven days on the left and then an open piece of graph paper on the right. That’s perfect for a key of seven rooms and a map. Here’s another one that ship’s from the US. Got a worldbuilder’s notebook you’ve been dying to use? Now’s the time.
You don’t have to use this notebook, don’t get hung up on the details here. Any old notebook will do. I just happen to have an addiction to Japanese stationery and no real need to journal, so this is what I’m doing, dungeon as journal.
There’s some great things you can do here too: instead of room numbers, you can number them with the date. This makes rooms pretty easy to find and reference within your notebook. Don’t need a megadungeon? Try twelve small dungeons! The point is to do a little bit of writing a day. Some tips:
Don’t overthink it. Don’t make a grand plan, just sit down each day and focus on writing a good dungeon room.
Generators are your friend. The point isn’t to get stuck writing the perfect room, the point is to write a room. Randomize the monster, treasure, whatever items you need. Use “Tricks, Traps, and Empty Rooms,” by Courtney Campbell. There’s a billion d100 lists on Elfmaids & Octopi. Take rooms from dungeons you love. Just get the rooms down on paper.
If you can’t think of what to write that day just write “Empty Room,” see how easy that is?
365 rooms written like “3 orcs, 25 gold pieces.” is better than 5 rooms written like “In this beautiful hand carved obsidian room sit 3 orcs arguing over a dice game. 25gp sit on the table, each of them…” See what I’m getting at? The goal is the finish line. Just get to the finish line. Trust me.
If you want to keep up with my progress on Twitter, mastodon, or cohost, use the hashtag #dungeon23. Post your results too! Post a room a day on twitter so other people can steal it and put it in their journals! Become a collector of rooms, you don’t have to be the well.
The greatest creative advice I ever got was “have something to show for your time.” I’ve found a lot of success on always shipping projects every year. This is one of those projects, once you realize you can create a dungeon of this magnitude, your whole world opens up with what you can do. And it’s insanely fun too!
#dungeon23, I’ll see you on the other side.
Need a weekly prompt to carry you through? Here’s 52 prompts to keep you motivated:
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windvexer · 2 years
do you think its good to try doing one spell a week or once every two weeks? as a way to force yourself to practice. what spells would you recommend for that? im so passive i have a hard time thinking what i could do with spells.
Thoughts, in no particular order:
I suspect readers are going to take issue with your use of the word "force," but I empathize with wanting to develop a regular practice and needing a kick in the pants to engage. If you'll give me the time to drone on about what constitutes useful practice, I may have some actually helpful suggestions at the end.
If you're talking about witchcraft as a whole, there is a ton of stuff to do in order to practice and improve skills in sorcery which is not actual spellwork.
Practicing divination, psychism, energy work, and spirit communication (if you believe in spirits) are all useful to learn. They will also help you improve your spellwork (for example, by being able to use divination to clearly understand the outcome of a potential spell; or from being able to use energy work and psychism to "see" a spell as you are casting it).
But for many people, practicing those things often - including casting spells often - can be very draining. So it may be worthwhile to explore other things you can practice, which can still directly improve spellwork: practical crafts (as about any handy skill can be applied to further your magical craft), learning to write and format rituals and spells, studying magical texts, and so on.
Learning your local area and making friends with the land is yet another thing which can vastly improve spellwork, but which in and of itself isn't a spell.
Furthermore, many people may not really consider it to be "spellwork," but working on various magical skills - like crafting tools, amulets, and talismans; developing ritual formats to petition spirits; gaining and working with familiar or helper spirits, and so on, also help improve spellwork.
Consider the utility of learning the land, making friends with a river spirit, ritually collecting a stone from that river, hand-crafting the stone into a piece of jewelry, and finally magically consecrating the jewelry into a powerfully protective amulet. This requires many skills, only one of which is casting an actual spell.
You may also want to consider that if you end up working with a lot of long-term magic, like enchanted amulets and container spells, maintaining those spells is also going to take time and energy - not to mention a place to store them.
Trying to cast two or three spells a month may also cause you to run into issues of verifiability. Was your promotion because of your prosperity spell, your bad-boss-begone spell, or your good luck spell? What about the protection against malice ward, or the road-opener? Good results are good, but it's also good to be able to actually know what is working for you and what isn't. So I think that's something to consider.
If you do not have much experience with spell work, you may not know that spellcasting skills are not automatically interchangeable across types of magic. If you spend a year focusing on quick results spells for small changes in your life, you may get really good at that - but not necessarily good at other more long term forms of magic. It's not a bad thing, but it's good to be aware that you should practice the kind of magic you want to get good at, and not assume those skills will translate to all types of magic.
Then of course there are types of spells meant to be cast over a long period of time. Consider a planetary spell meant to be worked over the same day of the week, for multiple weeks. Would you count that as one spell, or one spell a week?
Well, anyway. All that being said, I do not think it is a bad idea to do a sort of 52 spells a year challenge. I can see a lot of pitfalls, but what's that thing people are always saying? Fuck around and find out? Find out about this, why not.
Now here is my actual answer to your question:
In regards to your passive mindset, try reframing your experiences from "it is what it is" to "I can change that." Start carrying around a notepad and make notes of things in your life that may irritate you, but that you've always just brushed over.
Make a list of all the tools and items you want for your magical practice. If there is something on the list you do not have, you can cast a spell to conjure it into your life.
If there is something on the list you already have, you can cast a spell to magically upgrade or improve it.
You can get practice by enchanting spell vessels without actually activating them. A simple example is a prosperity candle - you can enchant it and store it for later use. (This also gives experience with learning how to store magical items). Consider the utility of enchanting planetary candles under the correct day and hour, and storing them for when you need them.
If you just want to work magic and have no particular need, you can plan ahead and capitalize on opportune timings. Consider spending a month crafting a ward vessel, then waiting to enchant it on a very good astrological appointment.
If you've got local friends who are spiritually inclined, you can also prepare spell vessels for them. If you are considering a future in being the "village witch," this is very good practice for learning how to instruct others how to care for and use spell vessels that someone else has prepared.
You can cast the same spell over and over, including on the same spell vessel. So maybe you cast a prosperity spell candle and it doesn't seem to work. You can recast the identical spell over and over again as many times as you want. A good spell is like a good recipe - you can make it as many times as you please, and the more you work with it, the better you get at casting it. So you don't need to find 52 unique spells - and you might be better off sticking with a few you want to learn to work well.
If you've enchanted an amulet or talisman or container, you can also re-cast the same spell on it over and over again.
Other magical activities, like learning auric shielding and energy glamours, are very good for practice. These types of magic tend to fade quickly (often, within a day) and are a very fun way to experiment with magic.
Witches often enjoy little "tricks" to make their life easier, such as ensuring a parking spot is held free at a busy lot. These tricks are rarely cast with a candle and incantations, but rather are worked up in the moment, even in public spaces. Learning to develop a few tricks for yourself is fun, and very practical.
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charmsandtealeaves · 4 months
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Genuinely don’t know where this week went.
Read this week:
Choose your own (sexy) adventure by @ghostofbambifanfiction (Ch.52-53)
WIP, choose your own adventure Jily, Rated E
Too many cooks can occasionally write a story
if anyone were to kiss me, i'd want that person to be you by @jamesunderwater
Complete (629w), Hogwarts Jily, Trans James, Rated G
James lives with the unspoken wondering: if he'd just been born a boy, would they have had a chance?
Love for the Summer by @missgryffin (Ch.13)
WIP, Summer romance Jily, Rated E
It's the summer after sixth year, Lily Evans is realizing she fancies James Potter, and James has Sirius Black's motorbike to thank for getting Lily out of the friend zone.
The Favour by @petals2fish
Complete (825), Hogwarts Jily, rated T
Lily asks James to get detention for her, but James just loves her even more for asking.
Guilty as Sin? by Petals2fish
Complete (300), Jily smutty Saturday, Rated M
Without touching his skin, how can she be guilty as sin? JPxLE Smut for April's Tortured Poet's Challenge, and @jilymicrofic with a nod as a Smutty Saturday Entry
Bets off by petals2fish
Complete (744), Hogwarts Jily, rated T
Sirius and Lily have a bet that if Lily goes out with James, she'll owe Sirius twenty galleons, but James is making it harder and harder for her to not give in.
Quest for Camelot by Petals2fish (Ch.23)
WIP, quest for Camelot Jily, rated T
After the legendary Excalibur sword is stolen, Lily and James embark on a quest to retrieve the lost weapon. Lily searches for the sword to prove she is capable of being a knight despite being a girl. James searches because his falcon, Marlene, is desperate to find it for her master, Merlin. Along the way, they attempt to outwit the sinister Ruber, navigate through magical obstacles, decode puzzling prophecies, and uncover surprising similarities between themselves. As their journey progresses, they both cannot deny the feelings growing between them with each passing day. Will they make it out of the quest alive, or will one of them perish in the ever-growing darkness that threatens to swallow the entire realm if Ruber gets his hands on the sword? Based on the 1998 movie Quest for Camelot, but with more plot and less singing
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voxofthevoid · 4 months
Hi! I just had the pleasure of discovering your work this week and felt compelled to reach out and express my admiration. I’m beyond impressed by the depth and realism of your characters. It’s rare to see characters so vividly written that they linger in the mind long after the story is over. The Kenjaku/Itadori story was (amongst others) a masterpiece of suspense and emotion. With that being said, what would you do with 11 or 52?
I'm extremely flattered, anon, and it's especially gratifying to hear that the characterization has struck a chord. It's the highest praise you could give me. Thank you so much 💙🥰
And I'm glad you enjoyed the kenita in particular! That's a dynamic that's fairly new to me, and it was a fun but taxing challenge.
The two sex curse ones, huh? Good choices! 11 is a fairly straightforward sex pollen story—not much angst or emotional complexity, just very charged sex—so let's go with 52:
52. i'm a waking hell, and the gods grow tired
A special-grade sex curse’s domain forces Gojou and Yuuji to fuck, and they get out of it physically unscathed, the curse vaporized, but neither of them takes powerlessness well, and the aftermath is ugly.
This was also hashed out in the DMs with @nearalways; I believe we kind of took the concept and each tackled it from our favored angles. Mine is, predictably, psychological fuckery galore, this time flavored with mutual noncon:
Ancient special-grade sex curse. The kind of domain expansion where the sure hit locks you into a contract. That way, it's not just a matter of overriding it with another domain. And the price of the domain being essentially unassailable could be that the curse can't attack the victims unless they either break the contract or finish it. It's just there watching, waiting for the victims to be exhausted.
The domain sex: Gojou laying Yuuji out and barely letting him speak while riding him, bent over his torso to hide Yuuji from the curse's view as much as possible.
Gojou would rip that curse apart, after. Gojou standing in the middle of the absolutely shredded curse, drenched in its fluids, and asking without looking at Yuuji if he's scared of him now. Yuuji mechanically answering he'd never be scared of Gojou-sensei.
Gojou being psychosexually obsessed with Yuuji after the event while feeling debilitating guilt and unhealthy possessiveness. Yuuji, meanwhile: Yes This Is My Normal Teacher Behaving Normally With Me. He Apologizes When I Fuck Him Sometimes.
Healing? No. Become dangerously codependent.
Man, I'd forgotten how much I want to write this...
Thanks for asking! I'll be rotating this AU in my head extra hard now.
Ask in response to the WIP Open Season
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safyresky · 5 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 16/52: what have you done this time, Jack.
ft @lmelodie's lil guy! because apparently this week's theme is OC FRIENDSHIP lol
I actually thought this was next week's doodle idea but then I checked my list on Monday and saw it was this week! SERENDIPITOUS INDEED!
lmels. Your lil guy. Your scrunkly. Was SO MUCH FUN to colour. EVEN WITH THE LIMITED PALETTE I HAVE! Trying to figure out how to make his jacket a lil grimey was fun! (I stared with PEELED EYES at SOO MANY KILLIANS while trying to do the beanie and the hair, I HOPE HE'S AT LE A S T RECOGNIZABLE!)
And yes I kNOW probably wine SHOULDN'T go into whatever warm chocolatey drink Jacqueline is having, but tbh, I was hella distracted by CR while colouring so it became wine instead of like, brandy or Bailey's or rum like I was ORIGINALLY intending. Although...I have seen rum similar to that reddish/amberish colour before so....maybe???
Anyway. Whatever's got them both feelin this kinda way is deffs directly Jack's fault. I'll leave that tidbit up to your imaginations 🤭🤭
Next week's scrimbly is a redraw! Then the week after is Into the Shadows spoilers! I've been working away at my second draft (which is notes tbh, really, really detailed notes) and I'm like 11 chapters in and so far, so good! It'll a bit of a CHALLENGE to write what with all the characters and the conflict of chaos versus order between the villains all while trying to make it a Charlie-centric story with a sorta uni au I guess, so basically the ride is going to be WILDIN >:)
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depressedhouseplant · 8 months
Just Fucking Write - Day 35
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Prompt: Omegaverse
Tags: Mpreg, mentions of vomit
A/N: Omegaverse is one of my favorite genres because Mpreg simultaneously pisses people off, fucks with AI, & I had the pregnancy from hell so I get to project that onto my characters. So, like, sorry not sorry for knocking up Wooyoung.
“I’ve been pregnant for a year, haven’t I? That calendar is wrong,” Wooyoung climbed into the nest San just finished making.
“I believe your appointment yesterday was 20 weeks and last I checked a year had 52 weeks,” his mate replied. Wooyoung picked his head up and glared at him. “Yes, you’ve absolutely been pregnant for a year.”
“I managed to keep one meal down today,” Wooyoung observed.
“That’s good,” San crawled in the nest next to Wooyoung and kissed his forehead. “You’re not as sweaty today.”
“Because I haven’t been puking my guts up all day. Minor miracle. Of course she’s parked herself on my sciatic nerves so walking isn’t in my repertoire right now,” Wooyoung sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret our decision to have a pup, but growing her is proving to be a little bit of a challenge.”
“If anyone can handle it, you can,” San started scenting his mate, releasing their mixed scents into the room.
“Thanks babe,” Wooyoung relaxed as the alpha rubbed all over his neck.
“Of course. Anything for my beautiful mate,” he replied.
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ltwharfy · 9 months
Happy 2024! What are you excited to create this year?
Happy New Year, Babs! It's funny, because if somebody had asked me this last year (well, it wouldn't have been on tumblr, since I wasn't here) I would've been super confused because I would've said I don't create things! Then, I wrote 16 "Bob's Burgers" fics last year! So, life is full of surprises!
In terms of fic stuff that I'm hoping on work this year, I would love to do more for the rare pairs I like, Arnold/Kaylee (reminds me of another ask I need to answer) and Henry/Susmita. And maybe get around to Trev/Mickey, too.
And I've got some non-romantic "rare pair" ideas, too-things like Mort teaching Rudy to meditate, or Arnold helping Rudy with his karate (inspired by Rudy's reference to his failed yellow belt test in "Better Off Sled").
And there'll probably be more Roudise. I know I'd like to finish the shirtless drumming WIP. And I may eventually try to write the James Bond-inspired idea I came up with for the Roudise Week roommates/alternate universe prompt. And I would bet other ideas about those kids will come to me!
Also, seeing all the great fanart on here has kind of given me the urge to draw for the first time since grade school. So, I'm hoping to try my hand at that, and if there is anything I like enough to share on here, I will.
Finally, my favorite creative outlet is photography, and I sort of stopped doing that as much last year for a variety of reasons, so my New Year's resolution is to do the weekly photography challenges at 52 frames. I mostly share my photography on other places under my real name, but if there's something I really love, I'll share it here, too!
Thanks so much for the ask!
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