#6 hours isn’t TOO far to drive surely
delucadarling · 7 months
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multifandomfanficss · 17 days
Don’t Stop My Heart
Tyler Owens x Reader
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Prompt: You and Tyler take a road trip up to Iowa to catch some of the last tornadoes of the season, but he takes the teasing a little too far.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of car crashes, swerving, shitty ex boyfriends. No use of Y/N.
A/N: Hello! I didn’t proofread this one as many times as I usually do. I’m coming off a 4 and a half month writers block so I really just wanted to write and post while I was excited to do it. My job has been draining me as of late, so I’m trying to write when I get the impulse. I have so many Tyler ideas and no time to write them. Crossposted on my AO3 adriansglasses.
It was still fairly early, the sun was still rising. Last night you’d planned an impromptu trip up north to Iowa. It was about a 7 hour trip from Oklahoma, so you were on the road before 6. You were hoping to get there around noon. You didn’t love getting up that early, but Tyler promised he’d drive you and you could sleep in the truck. Tornado season was pretty much over aside from an isolated storm or two, but Iowa had been having very unusual storm activity all week. Tyler couldn’t resist hitting a couple more tornadoes in late August when the season was supposed to be pretty much over with.
You stayed awake for a little bit. You wanted to watch as you crossed into Missouri.
“Missouri welcomes you.” Tyler reads out loud.
“Yes! Finally!” You giggle.
“I didn’t realize you were such a big fan of Missouri.” Tyler comments.
“Oh, I’m not.” You pause, looking out your window.
“First you’re hypin’ her up, now you’re gonna disappoint her.” He jokes.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure Missouri’s fine, but I’m more excited about that.” You point to a Hardee’s down the street.
“Really? We’re crossin’ state lines and you’re gonna make me take you to Hardee’s? You can get Carl’s Jr. anytime you want back home. That’s basically the same thing.” He argues.
“Take that back! You’re just saying that because you’re a Texas boy! You’ve never had the luxury of Hardee’s.” You joke.
“If Carl’s Jr. is better, I’m not letting you pick where we eat for the rest of the trip.” Tyler puts on his turn signal and sighs.
“How is that fair? I’ve never eaten at this location. What if it sucks?” You laugh.
“You picked your Hardee’s hill and now you’re gonna die on it. Now keep your trap closed and tell me what’s good on the menu.” Tyler makes a pretend threatening face towards you as he pulls into the drive thru.
“How am I supposed to not talk and at the same time tell you what’s good?” You tease back.
“Hi welcome to Hardee’s, may I take your order?” The drive thru speaker cuts you off. Tyler shushes you and you giggle.
After getting your food you start unwrapping the straws and putting them in both drinks.
“Whatever score we give this we need to give it extra points to account for how good the curly fries would be if they were serving lunch.” You try to bargain, taking a bite.
“No, you can’t just change the rules after we already got our food, that’s cheating. Just because you’re from the north, doesn’t mean you can cheat me.” He argues. He continues driving, leaving behind the paved roads of the small town.
“You’re acting like I’m Canadian!” You giggle.
“Well, Upper Midwest is basically Canada. There’s literally a town in Iowa called Toronto!” He smirks, taking the last bite of his food, continuing to drive through the middle of nowhere Missouri, back onto the gravel roads through the soybean fields.
“Shut up!” You playfully hit his arm. He jokingly swerves and your stomach flips. You gasp air. “Tyler, knock it off.”
“You’re the one who hit me.” He pleas innocent.
“I didn’t hit you that hard.” You defend.
“I thought you were gonna sleep on the drive.” He says, smirking.
“I might later, I’m not tired.” You answer, falling for his bit. He does a big fake yawn.
“Well if you’re not tired, I might take a little nap.” He lightly swerves again.
“Tyler, this isn’t funny!” You plead.
“What? Oh. Do you mind watching the road? We woke up so early and I’m pretty tired.” He jokes before swerving again. He’s taking the joke way too far. Once was one thing, twice was too much. You start hyperventilating.
“Tyler, STOP!” You yell, tears starting to come to your eyes.
“Woah woah woah, sweetheart, it’s okay. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.” He has a concerned look on his face. He knew he had taken it too far.
“It’s not funny.” You cry.
“You’re right, it’s not funny. I would never-a done it if I’d known it would make you feel unsafe. I do it all the time on chases and that don’t seem to bother you. I didn’t realize-“
“That’s different! The roads and the fields when there’s no storms are different! We’re on an actual road! What- what if there were other people?! What if you hit somebody?! What if a sherif saw?!” You say, obviously still panicking. Tyler decides to pull over.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I was way outta line, but we’re in the middle of nowhere. There’s no cars or tractors around. We’re safe.” His voice is soft. “Just breathe, Darlin’. Just you and me.” He takes your hand, rubbing small circles in it. “I feel bad. I wanted a reaction outta you, but not like this. I never want you to feel unsafe with me.”
“I know.” You were still struggling to breathe. Tyler places your hand on his chest to feel the rise and fall of his breathing. He hopes you can sync yours with his own.
“Take it easy, sweetheart. You’re okay. Feel me breathing? We’re both okay.” He places a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m sorry… it’s not you. When I was in high school I had a crazy ex boyfriend who used to swerve in town just to scare me because he knew I was afraid of car crashes. He almost killed us a couple times, I think. I guess no matter how much time’s passed, dumb high school bullshit still affects me into my adult years.”
“Hey, that’s not okay. It’s not dumb bullshit. It’s trauma.” You lean over the console to be closer to him and he wraps his arms around you. “I would never put you in danger like that for the sake of a joke.” You could tell his blood was boiling on the inside, but he was trying to keep himself calm. He didn’t want to upset you more. He knew this was about you feeling better, not him.
“We gotta get going if we wanna try to make it by 1.” You wipe your tears.
“I don’t care how long we’re pulled over. Hell, we can even turn around if you’re not up to anymore. I don’t care about the chase. I care about you.” He moves your hair out of your face. “I can call the rest of the team and tell them to turn around right now or go without us.”
“What happened to Mr. If You Feel It, Chase It?” You joke, trying to lighten the mood. He looks into your eyes. You don’t know if you’ve ever seen him so serious.
“The only feeling that matters is the one I get when I’m with you.“
Tears start creeping up again. These tears aren’t bad, though.
“Tyler, I’m in love with you.” It just slips out, like the easiest confession you’ve ever made in your life. You both knew there was something there, but neither one of you were willing to say it. It had always been heavy flirting, awkward mornings after cuddling in the only bed left at the motel, a drunk kiss or two.
After a moment of staring in silence Tyler kisses you. Everything happened in slow motion, but in truth it was probably just the adrenaline slowing everything down. Tyler wasted no time in kissing you. It was the quickest decision he’s ever made. You don’t know how long the kiss was. Whatever it was, it wasn’t enough. Nothing would ever be enough. You’d swear off oxygen for the rest of your life if it meant this moment never had to end. You’d been pinning after your best friend for so long and finally the moment was here.
“I’m so glad you said something because you’re one of the best navigators I know and I really didn’t wanna risk losing you from the team by telling you I was in love with you.” Tyler laughs.
“Is that the only reason you didn’t tell me?” You ask.
“No, I was scared. Losing you from the team would be a bummer, but I couldn’t lose you from my life. We see a lot of loss in this business. Whenever I thought about it, the thing I couldn’t stand to lose most was you.” He runs his fingers through your hair, moving to cup your cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
It was nice to finally say it. You’d waited a long time to tell him.
“Let’s get back on the road. This time just don’t stop my heart.” You give a small laugh.
“You’re safe with me.”
“I know. You’re not like those other guys, Ty.”
You hold hands and rest on his other arm as he drives. He’s lucky he’s good at driving with one hand because he’s happy to see about 30 minutes later you’ve finally fallen asleep. Today was going to be a long day, but Tyler knew forcing the team to wake up so early was worth it. He may have had to bribe Boone 20 bucks to drive the other car up with Lily, but at least he didn’t have a third wheel sitting in the back seat. Tyler didn’t get a lot of alone time with you. Now he had 7 hours of it. It was worth it.
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patrollingboston · 6 months
141 Beach Episode // Cod x Reader
You know how in every good show there's a beach episode? Yeah this is theirs.
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The 5 of you were sat in a truck with the aircon blasting. Price was dramatically fanning himself with his boonie hat. With one hand placed on the steering wheel. You had just finished a week-long mission and it left you all somewhere on the east coast with the sun beating down with no mercy. You were so uncomfortable, dressed head to toe in full gear practically sweltering in it.
“Not used to this bloody heat.”
  Soap sighed placing a hand to his forehead to relieve his brow of sweat.
“I’ve got the aircon.”
 Gaz smirked, of course he was fine he was sat in the front seat with cold air blasting directly onto him. You were squished between Ghost and Soap, plus he always wore a sunhat and sunglasses even in the rain.
“How ghost isn’t a puddle yet I have no clue.”
You stated, glancing over at ghost who was dressed in all black with his mask still pinned down onto his face yet he didn’t show a single sign of discomfort.
“Can you even breathe? Isn’t it like being trapped under a blanket?”
“I can breathe fine.”
He grunted not sounding amused by your questions.
“Look at tha’ ain’t it a pretty view.”
Soap said tapping on the truck window, everyone’s eyes glanced to meet where he was pointing. You were greeted with the sight of a gorgeous white sandy beach with the clearest sea water you had ever seen with families playing in the sand and surfers utilizing the waves.
“The things I would give to dive in those waves.”
 You said groaning, resting your head back in the seat knowing you had a hot and uncomfortable 6+ flight ahead of you to get back to base in England not to mention the drive to even get to the airport.
“Can’t we stop for a bit? The missions all done and dusted, surely, they don’t need us back that hastily.”
Gaz asked turning to face the captain with a cheesy grin plastered across his face.
“I could use a pint. I’m sweating like a fucking pig. We only have a few hours but I think we could all use a break.”
“Make that two.”
 Ghost’s gruff voice chimed in his mood perking up at the promise of a cold beer.
“I think everyone here wants a bloody pint.”
A few moments later the 5 of you were all stood on the beach boardwalk, you removed your boots and placed them by the railing before stepping onto the soft, warm sand.
“I have never ever stepped on sand so soft oh my-“
You wondered how long it had been before you stood barefoot on a beach. Probably not since you were a child on a day trip with your family.
“Shit the sands a bit hot ain’t it?”
Soap said as she stepped onto the sand beside you, shifting from foot to foot as he complained about the temperature once again.
“I’ll go grab us some drinks, find a spot I’ll come find you all.”
 Price said before stepping up the stairs and walking towards the crowded beach bar on the boardwalk.
Ghost, who was still dressed fully in his gear stomped behind you scouting the beach for a place to sit like it was the toughest decision he ever had to make.
He said pointing to a peaceful square of the beach, not too far from the shore.
You all placed your backpacks down and set a towel down for yourself. Ghost was wrestling with the beach umbrella to get it stood up.
“Whose going for a swim?”
Soap said with a huge smile on his face as he stripped off his t shirt leaving him in his cargo shorts.
“You go first mate, tell us how cold it is eh?”
Gaz joked, pushing soap slightly closer the seafront.
“Don’t be a pussy.”
“I’ll go!”
 You said, removing your jacket and vest leaving you in a tank top and some old cargo shorts dumping by your backpack them away from the shore so the waves didn’t steal them.
You jogged down to the water front stood beside Soap and Gaz.
“Whose going to make the first move then?”
You all stood in a line, hands on hips inspecting the water as it broke in front of you. As you spoke Soap dived headfirst into a wave like a goofy dolphin. He stuck his head up like an seal, running his hands through his mohawk and wiping the salty water off his face.
“Is it cold?”
 You shouted through the crashing waves.
“Nah, its refreshing.”
He shouted back before running through the water back onto the shore to stand beside the two of you.
“I don’t know if I’m that hot anymore you know-“
You said backing off after feeling the  ‘refreshing’ water splash over your feet and ankles sending little shockwaves through you.
With that statement Soap placed two hands on your waist and lifted you up into the air before placing you over his shoulder like a fireman would carrying someone out a burning building.
You screamed thumping his back in fear as he stepped into the freezing ocean once again. Gaz stood on the shore filming the entire situation laughing at your misfortune. Ghost sat watching from afar under a big shady umbrella pint in hand with Price sat beside him reading something, smoking one of his cigars as per usual.
Soap teased as he began to hoist you up even further before throwing you into the sea with a huge splash. The cold water shocked you at first but after a few seconds, soap was right. It was kind of refreshing. You popped your head up out the water with a frown.
“I hate you asshole.”
“You weren’t going to get in I had no choice-“
You pushed a big wave of water his way aiming for his face secretly hoping the salt would burn his eyes.
Gaz stepped into the water with haste joining you and soap.
“We going play mermaids or what?”
You asked with a chuckle as the 3 of you treaded water in a circle.
“I would prefer to drown Soap.”
Gaz said before dunking soaps head back under the water.
About an hour later you sat on the beach wrapped in your towel, drying off in the sun.
“Been a while since I’ve been able to relax on a beach.”
Price spoke, he was leant back on a sun lounger his hat placed over his face shielding his eyes from the setting sun.
“Thought you were asleep old man.”
Ghost chuckled.
“Can we take a photo?”
You asked bringing out your super old digital camera you dragged around on every single mission.
The 5 of you gathered in closer. Gaz throwing up a peace sign. Soaps arm slung around ghost and a beer held loosely in the other. Captain Price sat up placing his hands on your shoulders. Your smiles were all wide (you would like to believe ghost’s was too) as the light of the setting sun glowed on your faces.
That day was a good day.
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mattscoquette · 6 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉..a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
cursing, very very slight mentions of a panic attack, mentions of kissing, mentions of drinking
3.2k words
introduction 1 2 3 4 6 7
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addilyn richardson,
had been absolutely grinding out this science project. she and matt had been working together a little more than a week, and were currently five days away from its due date. not only did they have to create the marble run, but they had to also complete a five page packet along with it, and present their project together in front of the class. addilyn was sitting across from matt, hunched over her worksheet as matt glued pieces of the project together.
“it’s getting kind of late, addy, why don’t we pick up tomorrow?” matt suggested to her. she looked up at him with tired eyes. since that one weird night the previous week, matt had starting acting nicer. at first it started with matt inviting addilyn out to lunch after the hockey game. then he started saying hi to her in science. the absolute cherry on top was when he offered her a ride yesterday morning.
addilyn walked outside, instantly being met with the brisk morning air. boston winters were hardcore, and the heavy wind was only making it worse. wrapping her coat around her frame tighter, addilyn braced herself for the walk up the block to wait for the bus. she walked down the driveway, stopping when she heard her name being called. she looked up as matt walked over to her. he was bundled up in a north face jacket, a pink tint across his cheeks and nose as he shivered.
“it’s too cold for you to walk addy, let me give you a ride.” that was the first time he called her addy. at first, he wouldn’t even call her by her name, only saying things like “tell her to do this” to his brothers if they were around. if they weren’t, then he’d call her addilyn, saying it always with an annoyed tone. but today he called her by her nickname, and it made her heart skip a beat. he offered her a soft smile and she returned it, nodding quickly. she climbed into the back seat next to nick, chatting with him the whole way to school.
she looked over at the clock the sat above the stove. it was 9:45, but she was determined to get more of this assignment done. she only lived next door, after all, and she needed to make sure they got a perfect score on their project. “i’m okay matt, i think i just need a quick break.”
he nodded, offering her a water, and let her excuse herself to go into nick’s room. nick was sat atop his bed, scrolling on his phone when she walked in.
“hey girl,” he smiled at her, “how’s it going out there?”
“okay, i think.” she yawned, stretching her arms and legs out. they’d been working since they got home from school, only taking a short break a few hours ago when chris came barging into the kitchen, asking matt to drive him to get food. “i’m a little tired, though.”
“yeah it’s late, you leaving soon?” nick asked.
addilyn shrugged. “we still have more we need to do. i’m okay going home a little late. the walk isn’t far.”
nick laughed. “why don’t you come sit? we can take a break and watch a quick episode of rupaul or something.”
the tired girl nodded, sitting down next to nick. he got up momentarily to switch off his overhead lights, turning on the soft fairy lights above his bed instead. he climbed back into his bed next to addilyn, turning on the t.v. at a low volume. the change in ambiance of nick’s bedroom made addilyn all-the-more tired, and she rested his head onto his shoulder.
resting my eyes for five minutes won’t hurt, right? she thought as she closed her eyes.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
both addilyn and nick jolted awake about an hour later to the sound of matt pounding on the door. he’d gone on his phone when addilyn was in nick’s room, not noticing how much time had gone by until chris came down to say goodnight.
addilyn sat up, shaking nick to also get up, and walked over to the door to let matt in. she took in the sight in front of her. his hair was messy, as per usual, and he’d switched out his pair of blue jeans from earlier to a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants. he wore a grey hoodie with his school’s logo on the front, a number 4 on the side of his sleeve underneath his last name. he looked good. “sorry,” he apologized quickly, realizing how loud his knocking was.
“what time is it?” they both heard nick call out from the bed, sitting up to turn off the show they fell asleep watching.
“almost 11:30,” matt replied, looking at nick. he turned back to addilyn “i packed all your stuff up, i didn’t think you’d wanna get back to work.”
she smiled, thanking him for the gesture, as she felt a knot in her stomach. she’d been feeling that a lot around matt lately and she didn’t know why. maybe it was because he was acting nice. or maybe it’s because in the week she’s spent with him, she’d realized she was maybe starting to catch feelings.
it was a monday night, and addilyn was over at matt’s to work on the project. he was wearing a navy blue hoodie that made his eyes look even more blue, and he was currently laughing at an anecdote addilyn was telling him. she smiled brightly at him, laughing along with the boy.
he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, immediately breaking out into laughter again as he looked up and met her eyes.
his laugh is so cute, she thought. she looked down at her lap away from matt, trying to push her thoughts into the back of her head.
“you’re really funny, addilyn,” matt told her softly, wiping tears from his eyes. she looked over to him to find him already staring at her.
she looked at his face, trying to read it. she wasn’t the type to normally confuse niceness with having a crush on someone, but something with matt felt different. when nick or chris talked to her, she didn’t get dizzy when they would smile at her, or accidentally brush hands. but she felt it all with matt.
“what are you looking at?” he smiled, leaning forward across the table slightly as his eyes flicked between both of hers. she could’ve sworn he glanced at her lips.
addilyn was feeling bold. “you.” she replied.
he shook his head, smiling softly, and then leaning back against his chair. “we should get back to work.”
“addy,” nick said from his bed, breaking addilyn away from her thoughts. she blinked up at matt as he smiled down at her.
there’s that feeling again.
“do you wanna spend the night? i know you only live next door but i feel bad making you walk back over so late.” nick asked her, walking over to where she was.
“are you sure?” she breathed, “i feel bad.”
“don’t,” nick replied, “i have pajama bottoms and a hoodie you can wear. it’s no problem really.” he smiled kindly at her. she broke her gaze away from matt, looking to nick.
“okay,” she nodded, “i’ll let my mom know.”
addilyn turned back to look at matt. “i’ll go get you your backpack and stuff,” he told her softly, “wait here.”
“i got it, don’t worry.” she told him, brushing past him in the door way as he looked at her go. she heard footsteps trailing behind her. she turned around to find matt following her into the kitchen.
“i need to get my stuff too.” he told her. she nodded softly, trying to keep her cool and act normal.
they made their way to the table, matt collecting all of his belonging he left out on the table. addilyn’s notes and books were all packed away neatly in her bag, which matt had left on the chair for her. she offered to help matt clean, but he just smiled at her.
“i can do it, you go to bed, you worked too hard today.” he laughed, handing her bag to her. his fingers brushed against hers, lingering there for just a second. she felt her cheeks heat up as she took the bag. she looked down at her feet, knowing for sure her face was a bright crimson color. suddenly the room in the air felt thick, and she became hyper aware of matt’s presence in front of her. was he standing this close the entire time? she looked up at him, to find him already looking at her.
“goodnight matt.” she whispered, afraid if she spoke any louder it would break the atmosphere around them. he was standing so close to her, she wondered if he was able to hear her heart beating out of her chest. a smile ghosted across his face, and for half of a second addilyn thought he would lean down and kiss her.
he didn’t, though, only softly replying “goodnight addy.”
she turned on her heel, making her way back into nicks room quickly. she found a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms and a large hoodie folded neatly on nick’s bed, where he was sat. “you can go change in the bathroom, i left a spare toothbrush in there for you too.”
she thanked him, collecting the clothes and walking into the bathroom. she changed quickly, then paused to look at herself in the mirror as she began brushing her teeth. did matt even like her, or was he only acting this way because she was friends with his brothers? that had to have been the reason. there was no way he felt the same about her. but she couldn't help but think about the way he was looking at her in the kitchen, and how his hand lingered over hers. she sighed, turning off the water and going back into nick’s room. he was already under the blankets, lights off, and scrolling on his phone. he turned it off, turning to face her as addilyn got into the bed.
“our first sleepover,” nick sang, “this is so fun!”
addilyn laughed, making herself comfortable. she loved being friends with nick. they’d only been hanging out for less than two weeks, but they both connected so easily with one another. they both understood one another, and enjoyed the company of each other. nick loved having someone other than his brothers or his teammates to talk to, and addilyn just loved having someone to talk to. “i know.”
despite how tired the girl was when she entered the room, the two teenagers were suddenly wide awake, talking about anything and everything with one another.
“if you had to fight any animal with your bare hands, what would you fight?” nick asked, staring at the ceiling.
“what?” addilyn laughed, looking over at him.
the later and later it got, the more and more they opened up. it was currently 1:30 in the morning, and they were both deep in conversation about nick’s coming out.
“i can’t believe i thought i liked my friend when it was really her boyfriend i liked.” nick told her.
addilyn shook her head. “yeah, that’s kinda crazy.”
“have you ever liked one of your friends?” nick asked, sitting up slightly. she looked up at him, thinking.
she hadn’t had many friends her whole life. she had a couple close people that she’d talk to in class, but never close enough to ever hang out with or talk to outside of school. the only people she talked to outside of school were nick and chris. her mind suddenly went to matt. “i don’t think i have.”
“really?” nick asked her in disbelief. “you’ve never thought someone you hung out with was cute or anything?”
“addy, come on, there’s no way.” nick sighed, laying back down.
“well, maybe.” she felt her voice trail off. she couldn’t tell nick. she wasn’t even sure for herself if she liked matt or if she was just confused. he and chris were the closest thing addilyn had to real friends, and she didn’t want to throw it all away by telling nick she caught feelings for his brother.
“oh my god, tell me!” nick whisper-shouted in excitement, sitting back up again. addilyn laughed and shook her head.
“okay, okay, let me guess.” nick offered, thinking about the boys in the classes they shared together. “david, from art?” addilyn shook her had no.
“liam?” he tried again. she shook her head once more. nick named just about every boy in their class, even began to name random people addilyn didn’t even know that well.
“do i know him?” nick asked.
“yeah,” she breathed quietly.
nick looked at her inquisitively. “it’s not chris, is it?”
“no, no way.” addilyn shook her head. “he’s just my friend, i promise.”
nick looked at her once more, as if he looked hard enough he'd be able to read her mind. he paused, silence falling over the both of them.
his eyes went wide. “matt?”
addilyn stayed quiet. she opened her mouth, then closed it. she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.
“addy,” nick said, “do you like matt?”
“i don’t know.” she whispered, turning away from him. he sat up to meet her eyes. “maybe.” he gave her a look once more. “yes.”
she braced herself for the anger. the disappointment. something. but nick just smiled at her. “that’s so exciting!”
she looked at him dumbfounded. “what?”
“i’m serious,” nick started, “you’re so fun to be around, there’s no way he doesn’t like you back. i’ve noticed he’s been acting nicer to you.”
addilyn continued looking at nick like he was crazy. “there’s no way.” she laughed, pulling the covers over herself. “i’m tired, nick, i’m going to bed.”
he laughed, wishing her a goodnight, assuring her once again he didn’t care if she liked his brother, and that he was happy for her. soon after, she heard his soft snores, singling he was asleep. addilyn, however, continued to lay awake, thinking about what she told nick. she couldn’t believe herself, normally she would keep her feelings in, but something in her was off. she wasn’t even sure why she liked matt so much. she barely even knew him, and he didn’t start acting nice to her until a week into their project. it was a small crush, it meant nothing. it wasn’t worth risking her friendship for. she suddenly felt her chest tighten and the instant feeling like she couldn’t breathe. she closed her eyes as the air around her grew thick.
you’re fine. she told herself. nick isn’t mad. you can tell him tomorrow you were kidding. everything will be normal again after the project is done.
she glanced over at nick, making sure he was asleep before she slipped out of bed. she couldn’t lay in her friend's room any longer knowing matt was only down the hall. she softly tore a piece of paper, writing nick a quick note, praying he wouldn’t wake in the middle of the night, and would only see it when he woke up in the morning.
went home to shower and change before school, see you in art!
<3 addy
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
matthew sturniolo,
slept for maybe three hours that night. he couldn’t sleep in his room knowing addilyn was only down the hall. he kept replaying the way their hands brushed as he gave her the backpack earlier.
he felt his fingers lightly graze hers as he passed her the bag. he let them linger for a moment, hoping she wouldn’t notice. she looked down at her feet quickly, taking the bag from matt. their bodies were nearly pressed up against one another. all he wanted was for her to look at him. as if she read his mind, she looked up with a shy smile across her crimson red face. he so badly wanted to close the small gap between them and smash his lips against hers. he didn’t though, only whispering a soft goodnight as he watch her go into nicks room.
he hadn’t stopped thinking of her since his dream. he was obsessed with everything she did. the way she’d twirl her pencil between her pointer and thumb, or the way her brows furrowed as she read. he kept trying to distract himself as he thought about her.
matt had known who she was for a long time, despite addilyn being an “always in the background” kind of person. but the second she stepped foot in his kitchen that day she came over for dinner with her family, he knew it was over.
matt was in the kitchen with chris and nick, arguing about something dumb when she got there. he opened his mouth to say something back to chris, when nick nudged him altering him they had company. matt looked up at addilyn as she stood shyly in the kitchen. chris walked over to introduce himself as matt just started at her. she wore a white cotton dress that hugged her in all the right places, and beat up white chuck taylor’s. matt knew exactly who she was, but he didn’t remember her always looking this pretty.
“i’m chris,” his brother said, sticking out his hand.
she replied to him so softly matt barely heard her. “addilyn.” her voice sounded like honey. matt just looked at her again, before deciding to open his mouth and say “i can’t hear her.”
as matt laid in bed, he stared out his window into her empty bedroom thinking about why he was so mean to her. maybe it was because he liked her the whole time and didn’t want to admit it. sure, she was beautiful, but she wasn’t the kind of girl matt would typically go for. that’s why he was so attracted to her. she was so unlike anyone he’d been with. any girl he’s ever met at a party had been the same. they all seemed to have had the same lives, matt would listen to them talk, then he would tell about himself. that he’s a triplet and he plays hockey and lacrosse with his brothers. that he’s lived in boston his whole life and he loved the outdoors. and that’s how it went every time.
addilyn was different. she didn’t care he was popular, or that he played sports. she was just her normal, quiet, typical self. she wasn’t throwing herself at him, and matt saw her as somewhat unattainable. matt often mistook his attraction to her for a disliking. he felt so guilty about it, but he thought if he was mean, she’d leave him alone and wouldn’t try to get with him. he mentally cursed himself for acting the way he does. if she was already out of his reach, why would he try to drive her even further away?
but that dream he had fucked him up bad. every night since then, he’s thought about it. how soft her hands felt in his, how delicate her voice spoke. how good she kissed him. he wondered if she’d ever kissed a boy before. he secretly hoped she hadn’t, he wanted to be her first. he’d be gentle with her, not rushing her into anything. he’s kissed girls before, but it was always drunk at some party. he never actually liked the girls he kissed, he just wanted them in the moment. and when the moment was over, he went back to his friends and did whatever he was doing before. but addilyn was different, he wanted to kiss her anywhere he could, not just while he was drinking at some random's party.
the light in addilyn’s room turned on, snapping matt out of his daydream. he saw her walk into her room wearing nicks pajamas, walking over to her blinds to close them. he was confused why she walked home, but let it slip his mind. although he knew she couldn’t see him that well, he pretended to sleep anyway knowing she would look into his room. had he not closed his eyes, he would’ve seen the lingering look addilyn gave into his room before she closed her blinds.
© mattscoquette
𝐚/𝐧: thank u so so much for 170 followers <333 the fact u guys r liking this series warms my heart so much bc i was SO nervous to post. this story only has two parts left after this :( that being said, my reqs are open if anyone wants to leave anything b/c i'm not planning on writing anymore stories atm so i have more time to write little oneshots or hcs or whatever, just lmk! as always if anyone wants to join my taglist pls lmk and i hope u all enjoy:)
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vettelsdarling · 9 months
Hey Lissie! Another Hamilton 5+1 for you because I love the format, hehe. Straight to the point, here it is:
5 times Y/N woke up without Lewis and one time they woke up together.
I can definitely see a potential for angst and a bit of misunderstanding or yearning?! Lewis can either be a f1 driver or have it as an AU with another job! The prompt needs a good reason of “why” for the absence and I am more than certain your mind will come up with a brilliant answer. I am thrilled and again, have fun!
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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Lissie note… I love this prompt so much ugh!!! I changed it a slight bit to falling asleep rather than waking up (just for dramatic effect). Thank you for the prompt, love<3
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Things to note
Reader is a paralegal
Lewis is frequently gone for races
They’ve been dating for 4~5 years and live together
There is a tiny age gap but it isn’t that bad
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x gf!reader
Warnings: Slight angst???
Word Count: 5.3k+
Playlist recommendations: 𝐋𝐇𝟒𝟒, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭💔, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟💗
Taglist: @allwaysalleyway, @drugged-kitkat, @darleneslane, @littlesatanicassholebitch
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His arms were warm. They were comforting to lie in and snuggle into. He trailed his fingers gently through your hair, as you slowly dozed off.
That was a dream.
The cruel reality of the real world, in the form of an obnoxious iPhone alarm, woke you up. It was already 6 AM, and your routine consisted of a hefty amount of self-care. This meant that you had about 10 minutes for a shower, 50 for hair care, and 30 for skin and makeup. Breakfast was out of the question. So much for self-care.
Before you left, you made sure to feed Roscoe and give him his well-deserved cuddles. Things had been hard ever since Coco passed, but Roscoe was still a happy spirit.
You went to the garage, noticing your boyfriend’s all too famous purple Mercedes. Your heart stung for a second, but you brushed it off. It was important to support his endeavours, instead of sulking about him.
You decided to go with your vintage beetle. Driving around in it was what kept you grounded. You’d gotten it for your 18th birthday from your parents. Not from your lover.
The fact that you didn’t quit your 9-5 paralegal job was also rationalizing, you didn’t stay home and leech off of your rich man. He was more than just a wallet. He was your partner. Besides, the media had already started to suspect that he wasn’t single anymore. Though he hadn’t been for years. The two of you had met coincidentally over a cup of tea with your boss. Lewis was his client and you were the first to oversee the situation before handing him off. That was about 6 years ago. For four, the two of you had been together. You had only given him your number regarding his case, but he’d taken the opportunity to ask you out.
Now, the two of you lived together in a mansion overseeing a large forest. It was quite far from your workplace, but you didn’t really mind. Having to wake up early was a small price to pay for the tranquillity of the surroundings. Although it would’ve been more tranquil, had you had more time with your lover.
Alas, there was nothing you could do about it.
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1 |  Shades Of Cool
You sat there on your dreary chair in your dreary office. The white walls hypnotized you into thinking time was going much slower than it actually was. You stared away at it for a while, before someone knocked on your door.
“Hey, can you please do these briefs? I need to clock out for a dentist’s appointment in a few minutes. I promise I’ll owe you.” You accepted the pile and started going at it. Work usually made you forget the empty feeling of not seeing him often. Sometimes you even thought of staying all night. However, for Roscoe’s sake, you never stayed past dinner time. He couldn’t be alone for too long. It wasn’t fair to the poor boy.
It took hours and hours to get through the pile. You clocked out well past midnight and stopped by a pub to pick up some food before driving home. You knew a huge “sorry” was in order for your dog. He hadn’t seen you for several hours, definitely missing you.
You had 12 missed calls from him. Even though he was on an entirely different continent, he somehow found the time to call you. 12 times no less. You decided to call him back after finishing your dinner and making yourself comfortable next to Roscoe on your sofa.
“Hello, love.” You heard from the other end of the line, as he turned his camera on. There he was. His exhausted, but beautiful face. His hair wasn’t tied up. It was relaxed and so was he.
“Hey, Lewis,” you said and turned on your camera, showing yourself next to his beloved dog,
“Roscoe’s here too.” He let out a huff, which stirred a chuckle out of your boyfriend.
“How’s work? How are you doing?” He asked, knowing that you dreaded most of your coworkers if not all. Additionally, he knew that every day was the same at the office. You handled briefs and got files in piles by your superiors. It sucked.
“It’s okay… same old same old. How’s Spain?” You were so used to staying in the UK, you’d forgotten what it was like to travel. As a paralegal, you didn’t have the luxury to do so that often.
“It’s great. Did you see the videos I sent you? This car is incredible, darling.” You hadn’t seen them for one very specific reason; your heart would clench. It would simply give out at the sight of your boyfriend. Missing him was always a big problem, but with races being back-to-back… it hurt that much more.
“I haven’t had the chance to yet, no, but I’ll check them out later.” The hesitation in your voice must’ve been apparent, as he decided to ask into it,
“Something wrong?” You didn’t want to worry him, so you told a little white lie. You were simply just tired. That was it. That was all. Knowing him, he’d worry too much to focus on driving, which was the exact opposite of what you wanted for him. Besides, it’d be selfish of you to make his work all about yourself. Gosh, you really couldn’t stand your obsessive thoughts.
“Well, I promised Valterri I’d meet him at the gym. Sleep well, darling.” You blew him a kiss goodbye before shutting off the feed and turning over. Roscoe huffed and curled up beside you. It was dead silent except for the few wind rustles you heard from the open window next to the TV. It didn’t feel tranquil. No, you were lamenting the thought of being alone for so long. You hated it. It wasn’t an issue during the day. You had chores and you had work to do, but in the evenings when everything always gets quieter— your mind gets louder.
Roscoe was sleeping soundly next to you. Your hand stroked him gently whilst you scrolled through your Instagram feed. Naturally, you ended up on Lewis’ page. He was highly selective of who he was following. You, however, were amongst the few that he did. A smile spread across your face like room-temperature butter would be spread on a piece of bread. You didn’t appear much on his feed, as you liked being private. Though the posts you did appear in, all had captions with romantic undertones. You really were in love with that man.
I can’t break through your world, ‘cause you live in shades of cool…
2 | Sad Girl
The sun had already come to greet you. It was an early Saturday morning, which would’ve been peaceful— had you not forgotten about the LSATs. You woke up on the sofa that you’d passed out on the night before. Dried drool decorated the corner of your lip. What time was it? You checked your phone, only to realize that your battery was low and the test was in an hour. The sudden sound of your phone ringing sent you scrambling to answer it.
“Hey, are you on your way? I studied all night… Hopefully, we can do this.” Your friend, who usually sat in the cubicle opposite you, whined. She wasn’t a strong test taker, based on the fact that it was her 5th time taking the LSATs. 7 and she’d be all done. No more chances. In comparison to her, you were going in for the first time. You’d studied, but you had no idea how the whole thing would turn out. The tests only got harder and harder every year.
“I am, I am. The traffic is just insane at the moment. I’ll see you there.” You hung up and swiftly ran around the house to get ready. Roscoe was reasonably confused at the rush you were in. You kissed his wrinkly forehead before shutting the door behind you.
For nostalgic reasons, you decided to take Lewis’ purple Mercedes. It was the only one of its kind, so it’d make sense if some people recognized it. You didn’t care. It felt like Lewis was still with you, even if he was in an entirely different country. Speak of the devil, your phone buzzed. One message from him… “Good luck with the LSATs, darling”. Your heart clenched. You missed him so.
Traffic turned out to be light and breezy. Luckily, you made it in time for the test. Being a paralegal had its benefits, but it was and would always be a step below the real deal. You weren’t a real lawyer until you took the LSATs. Then, there was the deal with the bar exam as well. That was another story.
“Did you do good? I croaked. I’m toast. I’ll have to take it again…” said your defeated friend and munched down on her lunch that she brought.
“I don’t know. Maybe? I don’t really care at this point…” Of course, you did, but your mind was too occupied by the absence of your lover to hold an actual conversation. He expected you to tune in on his races whenever you had time to do so, but the fact of the matter was— you never could. It made your heart ache with longing. A painful longing for him to come back home. Especially on weeks when the race weekends were happening back-to-back. 
“I guess you don’t need to worry. You’ve got your boyfriend’s money to take care of you.” Although you barely listen to all of her blabbering about the test, that particular thing got through to you.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah. You’re literally dating a celebrity. You’re set,” she chuckled.
“Do you actually think you’re being funny right now?” She likely didn’t mean any harm, but with your pent-up agony and rage, it was hard not to let loose on her.
“Calm down, I was only kidding…” You’d made a scene. You were uncomfortable, things were awkward, and the only place your mind wandered to was Lewis.
“You know what, I’m sorry. I’m just really tired after the test. How about we catch up soon? I need to head home.” Your heart was pounding rapidly in your chest as you put the keys in the ignition. It almost felt as if you were an irrational teenager again. His absence did a number on you. It wasn’t always like that though. Throughout the previous season, he would always do whatever he could to see you in person. Whether it was bringing you with him, or flying back home. As the following season started, the two of you realized how unethical and harmful the solutions were to the environment. Coupled with the fact that you were trying to become a lawyer, there was no way to see him. No way to be held by him. No way to fall asleep in his arms.
That night, you stared into the ceiling for what felt like hours. The spot next to you was empty. Completely untouched. The sound of the gentle wind rustling the trees outside helped your brain work its wild imagination. Vivid pictures of Lewis played over and over and you couldn’t help but feel as though the two of you weren’t meant to be. You had conflicting schedules and you couldn’t just take a weekend off every week to go with him to his races. He couldn’t stay for your sake either. He had a job to do. A job that millions of people depended on for their entertainment. Were you an obstacle? All these thoughts drove into your heart like a stake. You wept. It was inevitable. You’d tried to not do so because you knew he wouldn’t want that… but it was hard. Too hard. Your vision was blurry and the sounds of the nature surrounding you were dimming slowly. You were falling asleep.
You haven’t seen my man…
3 | Off To The Races
Sunday morning was brutal. You woke up with a pounding headache due to having cried yourself to sleep. The sun made your situation much worse, blinding you as you tried to get out of bed. Upon checking your phone, you saw a slew of unread messages from your beau. All of them were minutes apart, making it clear that he’d been trying to reach you throughout the evening.
21:30- Hey, you’re not answering your phone, so I just wanted to text you instead. How are you?
21:55- Are you there? You’re usually not asleep at this hour…
22:45- I suppose you may be busy or asleep. In that case, sleep well baby❤️
22:46- Call me whenever you wake up
“Fuck,” you sighed and went to the bathroom. The reflection in the mirror seemed unfamiliar. You didn’t look like yourself at all. No, that wasn’t you. The face looking back at you had swollen eyes and redness coating the corners. Its mascara had been running and dried, giving the face a crustier look. It felt as if you were some little kid who couldn’t stand to be alone for the day, whilst their mother went out to buy groceries. It was embarrassing.
After feeding yourself and Roscoe, cleaning yourself up, and doing chores around the house— you decided that you’d turn on the TV to watch your boyfriend. You were too late for lights out, as they were on their 10th already. It didn’t matter though, for Lewis was in the lead. He had mentioned how good his car was, but you didn’t imagine a 20-second gap. It was pure insanity. 
Finishing on top, he ran to embrace the team with a smile. The cameraman followed his every move, and as he did so; Lewis came up to him and stared directly into the lens.
“I love you,” he said. Your heart keeled over and you felt your tear ducts get to work again. It was impossible to watch the rest of the celebration. You shut it off and went to calm yourself down. Breathing heavily in front of the bathroom mirror made you feel like a fool. Love made you weak, but it was a good kind of weak whenever your darling was around.
After a hearty nap, you woke up to your phone buzzing itself off your nightstand.
“Hello?” Your voice was jagged and rough from just having woken up.
“Are you okay? You’re not sick, are you?” His voice was breathy and exhausted. Physically, he was obviously worse off than you.
“Hey, no-yeah, I’m okay. I saw you out there today. You did so great, Lew.” His nickname was one that he adored. The way it rolled off your tongue made his heart flutter with joy.
“I’m glad you saw it. Did you… see the celebration?” He was obviously referring to the message he left for the camera. Your heart pumped faster and faster with adrenaline.
“I-uh… I did…”
“I love you too. You know I do.” So much so that it hurt that he wasn’t next to you with his arm around your neck. You wanted to lean against his shoulder as he read you stories that his mother used to read to him. Fuck, it hurt.
“When are you coming back?”
“We still have a few things to do here. Thursday? I’ll be home for two weekends after that.” It was better than nothing, though hearing him say it felt like a long time. 
“I understand… I just hope you maybe miss me as much as I miss you?” Yeah, you stooped to that level. Your desperation was starting to reveal itself. Layer by layer.
“Are you insane? Not a second goes by without my thoughts being consumed by you. All I’ve ever thought of this weekend has been you. Staying safe for you, training hard for you, winning… for you.” For a moment, he almost sounded frustrated. But it was just a mask for how deeply he felt for you. The two of you sat in the same boat, rocking through the crashing tides of longing together. Each move was careful to not let the other drown.
“Are you crying?” He asked, careful not to step on any thorns.
“No…” you replied with a slight sniffle, signalling that you obviously were.
“It’s okay, I’m right here. I’ll be back home before you know it.” You wanted to hug him. You needed it so badly.
I’m your little scarlet, starlet, singin’ in the garden. Kiss me on my open mouth…
4 | Video Games
It was Monday, which meant that you could be distracted by your otherwise unforgiving job. Being a paralegal, your duties often consisted of briefs upon briefs which took up most of your 8 hours. You were crammed into a small cubicle with little to no space for any of your personal possessions. You’d hung a few pictures of Lewis and yourself and that was about it.
You stared into the dull computer screen, feeling the existential dread looming over you for every number you typed in. Your eyes were basically goo and the bags dragging them down were more apparent than ever. It would’ve been a pitiful sight for your coworkers if you weren’t surrounded by walls. 
“Hey you, wanna grab lunch together? Same place as always. It’s on me this time… since I owe you.” Even an invite to free food wasn’t enough to fully pull you out of your trance. You slowly forced your sluggish head to turn and meet your friend’s. The look of horror etched onto her face was enough to let you know you needed to get outside. 
“Sure… I guess.” You dragged your feet along the floor as you followed her to the elevator and outside.
“Is it Lewis again or shitty briefs?” She put in her sunglasses and led the way, locking her arm with yours to not look like she was dragging you against your will.
“Honestly? Both. I don’t get why I keep missing him this much, and I don’t get why some briefs suck that bad.” Lewis was one thing and briefs were more of a frustration. Nothing to cry over, really. You generally enjoyed what you did, so there was rarely anything to complain about. The job was cushy and allowed a lot of free time after hours. Team building exercises were scarce, but not to the point where conflicts arose every day. It was fine.
“We’ll have our usuals,” she said to the waitress.
“Look, you can’t control every aspect of your life. It’s meant to be unpredictable. Briefs suck sometimes, you’re going to feel bad about your boyfriend being gone— c’est la vie.” You knew she pulled that straight out of a podcast. At least the general gist of it.
“Whatever. I guess you’re right, that’s life.” You were just about to jump into a different topic when you heard Lewis’ ringtone from your purse.
“Sorry, I have to take this. I’ll be right back.” You scurried off to the restroom to take the call.
“Lewis? Why are you calling?” A bit harsh with his lack of context.
“Am I not allowed to call my girlfriend who, by the way, is very missed?” Just hearing his voice brought back the life that all those briefs drained you of.
“Of course you are… I’m just out for lunch right now.” You felt like a schoolgirl sneaking off to the bathroom to call your beau.
“Sorry, I forgot you usually do that. I was just checking in to say hi before I go in for a meeting.” His voice was so happy-go-lucky, it made you wonder if he missed you as much as you did him.
“… when are you coming back?” You heard a sigh on the other end,
“They’re keeping me here until Wednesday. I’m really sorry, babe.”  Of course. It was as if they didn’t want him to go home. Whilst you supported his job and did whatever you could do to show it— you wanted nothing more than for him to stop everything and be with you.
“It’s okay, we can wait. You should focus on your stuff, okay? Good luck with the meeting, Lew.” Luckily, he wasn’t able to see your face. It didn’t match your uppity voice.
“Thanks. See you soon.”
You left the bathroom and went back to the table where your friend had begun eating. You followed suit and got back to the office after you finished.
After hours, you stopped by a deli to grab a sandwich to eat for dinner. Roscoe greeted you at the door with a huff and followed you to the dining room. The entire house felt empty without your other part to fill it with joy.
That night was another filled with tears and running mascara.
Pull up in your fast car. Whistling my name…
5 | Go Go Dancer
Your depressive slump had faded after the realization that you only had to survive one more night without him. You decided to call in sick and cash in on a few hours for yourself. It was going to be a personal day. You needed to pamper yourself. 
Your eyes were still bloodshot from all the crying, but your soul was cleansed of any negativity. Your favorite playlist was on and you began your day of treating yourself like royalty. All of your skincare was out on your vanity and Roscoe sat in the bed behind you. A warm bath was the first thing you did. Whilst flicking on a rom-com, you sat and soaked in the lavender-infused water. Thereafter, you retreated back to your bedroom. Your hair was up in rollers and your bathrobe clung tightly to your damp body.
Today was a day with no briefs, no worries, no salty bosses or annoying clients. You had all the time in the world for yourself. You ordered brunch and whilst you were waiting for it to arrive, you finished your skincare and makeup. After finding something to wear, you picked up the food from the awestruck delivery guy. He complimented your garden and your house. If there was one thing you enjoyed, it was gardening with Lewis. The two of you had worked tirelessly to make the front yard look perfect.
You ate quickly, drying your hair and styling it afterwards. Roscoe was fed and you were already through most of the day. 
You pulled out your nail kit from your stash of beauty products and laid out a protective layer on your bed. The playlist kept shuffling through some of your favourites. A gorgeous purple colour appeared before you under the tons of polishes you had. It was perfect and you knew Lewis would love it too. Not that you did it for him. You brushed layer after layer until you were satisfied with the result. It was glossy and simple. Just purple. Sophisticated, but not boring. The process was repeated on your toes as well.
After that, you decided it was time for some movies and popcorn. Lewis never really enjoyed things like popcorn, only ever allowing himself some dark chocolate with his espresso out on the veranda. So, you had to go out to get some. Since you lived quite remotely, you had to drive for a bit before the nearest store appeared. It was worth it though because you spent most of that night with comfortable blankets, popcorn, and bad rom-coms.
Roscoe was beside you all throughout the night, keeping you company with his huffs here and there. Pure tranquillity was what it was, and you couldn’t wait to do the same with Lewis the next evening.
The current movie had to be paused though, as you heard your phone ringing. It was your coworker.
“Hey? What’s up?” You asked, trying to sound hoarse.
“I just wanted to know if you were okay. Heard you were sick.” It sounded like she wasn’t fully sober and on public transport as well.
“Are you drunk?”
“No- yes- you tell me. We just went out for a drink after work today.” She was very clearly slurring her words beyond sensibility.
“We have work tomorrow, why would you ever do that?” Nobody had the guts to do something like that when your job consisted of aiding clients in stressful financial or legal situations.
“We don’t, actually. All of us were just fired on the spot today. He fired us all,” she chuckled and let out a hiccup.
“What?! What’s that supposed to mean?” Your heart sank. Your job… it was just gone.
“Yeah… I don’t know. I think he was in debt or something. Couldn’t keep it going so he decided to sink us all down with him.” You always pictured the CEO as someone with gravitas and money, but apparently, it was all a front.
“What do we do? Can’t we report it to HR somehow? Sue him for wrongful termination?” Admittedly, as calm and collected you usually kept yourself with work-related issues— you were panicking.
“There’s nothing we can do at this point. The entire company has gone to shit. Wouldn’t want to go back there if I was given a raise.” It sounded like she got off the bus, as you heard the doors open.
“You’re lucky you have Lewis. He can take care of you, right?” There was that dreaded guilt of leeching off of your boyfriend. It was a fear that kept gnawing at your ankles, eventually making it to your throat, knowing you had just lost your job.
“I… I don’t know what to say right now. I’ll call you later when I’ve thought about all of this. See you.” There was nothing more to say. It stung that you were in a position where Lewis had to take you under his wing. It felt wrong. It felt criminal.
You really couldn’t catch a break no matter how hard you tried. Something always prevented you from enjoying life as it came.
… and that night you didn’t sleep at all. You stayed up all night contemplating what to do, whether to sue, whether to leave Lewis and tell him to live a good life?! You were going insane. Embarrassment consumed every fibre of your being. The thought that you would depend on him for your survival…
I'm the girl next door, let me come in. I know I go-go dance but I do it for kicks. I never have to work ‘cause my daddy is rich…
+1 | Once Upon a Dream
You’d fallen asleep in the late afternoon after working on a lawsuit against your former boss. It didn’t matter if you’d get it thrown out of court. You just wanted to fight as much as you could. Your great lawyer friend agreed to help you out, representing both himself and you in the case.
Lewis tried to call you several times with no answer. He wasn’t one to worry about you, since he trusted you and knew you wouldn’t do anything stupid. He disregarded it and tried to enjoy his flight home. He was exhausted and just wanted to come home to his little family.
You usually called him before he’d take off, assuring him that you’d be waiting for him at the airport. However, this time was different. You didn’t call and you didn’t answer. His options were limited, forcing him to take public transport. He didn’t want to call a taxi, as they’d be able to note his address and could potentially put you in danger.
People took pictures and some asked him for signs. He didn’t mind it, though he was falling in and out of sleep. When he got off his stop, he decided to walk the rest of the way. The weather was fair and didn’t look like it would change for a while.
On his way, he stopped by a florist to buy you a bouquet of your favourite flowers. He knew you loved having them on the dining table to show any guests.
He wasn’t far away and could see the garden of your house from afar. Meanwhile, you were still buried under your blankets with the lawsuit on your laptop on the coffee table in front of you.
The sound of the front door clicking and closing could be heard, but you were too far gone in your sleep to notice. He called out your name with no response. You weren’t in the bedroom. You weren’t in the kitchen. No, there you were. Your face was buried in the arm on the sofa and the TV was still playing a movie he remembered watching with you some time ago. He saw your laptop, reading some of the contents that were visible on the screen. It didn’t quite make too much sense, but he didn’t want to pry in case it was private.
“Hey… I’m home.” He shook you gently and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Being something of a light sleeper, it woke you up almost instantly.
“Lewis?” Your eyes fluttered open, as you had to adjust to the light. You saw the face of your lover and embraced him in an instant,
“Oh, I missed you!”
“I missed you too, darling.” He stroked the back of your head as it rested on his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t come get you, I was caught up with work and I fell asleep.” It wasn’t a lie per se. It worked… sort of.
“It’s fine. It’s completely fine. You seem distressed, are you alright?” There was nothing you could hide from him. One way or another he’d find out anyway.
“I lost my job. We were all fired.” He was almost as shocked as you were the night before,
“Are you serious? Why?”
“My best guess? The company was sinking.” You sighed and picked up your laptop. The document already contained 3 sections and 15 pages. You were, however, far from done.
“My friend and I are trying to sue. I’m not sure if it’ll hold up in court though.” Your face looked droopy and sad, something Lewis hated.
“You know what? It’s going to be okay. I know it seems rough, and it is. But look on the bright side. We can find you a better job. Better pay, better equity. Plus, for the time being— you could come along to my races. We wouldn’t need to be separated all the time.” He was right. Your job was cushy, but it had its faults regarding exactly the issues he pointed out. The feeling of missing him constantly didn’t bode well with you either. It was a win-win, really. You weren’t actually depending on him, because it didn’t hurt to ask for help every now and then. Especially when the two of you were so in love.
“Yeah… that’d be nice, actually. I do need to file this lawsuit though. I need it.” Lewis nodded in agreement and smiled,
“Of course, love. You do what you need to do. I’ll be here to help.” You closed the laptop and smiled back at him,
“I think we should cook some dinner. What do you have in mind?”
“Anything. It tastes amazing as long as you make it anyway.” The flattery never stopped. As cheesy as it was— you loved the sentiment.
“Right. I’ll see if we have some rotten eggs and spoiled milk in the fridge,” you joked and he chuckled,
“I love you, darling.”
“I love you too, Lew.”
That night, you fell asleep with his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest. You could hear how his heartbeat synced with yours. This was complete tranquillity, and you couldn’t believe that this would be your reality for a long time now.
I know what you’ll do. You’ll love me at once. The way you did once upon a dream…
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻…
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩! (𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙣, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨, 𝙙𝙢𝙨, 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙨: 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧(𝙨) 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚(𝙨) 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣.) (Please note that just liking the taglist will not put you on it!)
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[6] You Get A Visitor in the ER
Summary: You're working overtime when you get a visit from an unexpected someone who makes your shift just a bit less excruciating.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!single mom!reader.
A/N (26/7/2024): this is edited but still kinda short so I may come back to it at some point and add some things ... second to last chapter yay!
Previous Part: James Takes Liam to School Next Part: Kindergarten Graduation Series Masterlist here
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About two weeks ago, you woke up in the middle of the night to a hard thump from Liam’s room
You were in his doorway in a flash, of course, because what if he’s dying
And tbh you were kinda close
Turns out he fell out of his bed and the lower right side of his abdomen was hurting really bad
You figured out pretty quick that he probably had appendicitis, which is definitely not ideal
So one rather tense ambulance ride and night in the ER and OR later, you wheeled Liam out of the hospital in a wheelchair so he wouldn't mess up his stitches too much after literally getting an organ removed
You texted James to let him know what happened and that Liam would be staying hope from school for a week to recover
(James had managed to give you his number under the guise of offering to drive Liam to and from school in the future and although you haven't had to ask or even use his number at all, he still has you as one of his pinned contacts)
(Sirius and Remus make fun of him for it)
(Your contact photo is actually a photo of Liam where he's smiling really big while mixing cookie dough for your birthday, which was about three months ago)
As always, James was totally sympathetic and understanding and even dropped by your apartment after school with work for Laim so he wouldn't fall too far behind
You took the week off from work to watch Liam, of course
But you're paying for it now bc your CNO super sucks and isn't understanding at all when it comes to your kid
So now he has you working a fucking double to make up for your missed days
Two 12-hour shifts in a row, 6AM to 6AM
Not fucking fun, dude
(Your CNO is the absolute worst—this is the one that James is pretty sure violates labor laws pretty consistently)
He actually wanted you to do three doubles over the next two weeks but Poppy (not the CNO, but she’s been a nurse at this hospital for time immemorial) told him off, so you only have to do the one today
And at the very least, it’s in the ER
Which isn’t terrible
Definitely not as bad as med-surg
I mean yeah, it can be stressful but it’s nowhere near as bad as medical dramas make it out to be, and it’s pretty rewarding most of the time
It’s a Friday, so Tonks watched Liam in the morning and took him to school, where Ms. Hope picked him up and held onto him for a couple hours until it was time for Ron's sleepover, which she then dropped him off at
So he’s safe and taken care of
And it’s been a pretty quiet night tbh
There was a big car crash during rush hour in the morning but beyond that, nothing super crazy or out of the ordinary
So now you’re on triage duty with Poppy (which just means you and her are hanging out and talking while waiting for something—anything—to happen)
Lily, one of the administrative aides that checks people into the ER, finally pokes her head into the ER at half past ten at night, and it’s rather urgent
Apparently someone’s cut their had pretty badly
You lose a rapid-fire game of rock paper scissors against Poppy, so it’s you that goes to evaluate the patient
But when you enter the ER fast track, you’re really quite surprised
To be fair, James is also quite surprised to see you, it's just that he's more smiley and pleased than distressed
He’s hovering near one of the beds and has what seems to be a kitchen towel wrapped around his palm, which you now see has been bleeding quite profusely
You’re at his side embarrassingly quickly and asking him standard questions as he stares at you with a rather glassy look on his face
What happened? Cut my hand while cooking. Can you feel your hand? Um, yeah, it … it hurts pretty bad. Can you tell if it’s still bleeding? I can’t really, no. Do you feel lightheaded at all? Mm, yeah, just … just a bit. Did someone drive you here? Yeah, um, Sirius did … they told him to wait in the lobby.
James is in shock, that much is clear
You ease him to take a seat on the bed and quickly grab a couple forms, which you fill out as you continue asking him questions
Poor boy gets really concerned when you make for the door to the ER proper but ofc you reassure him you’ll be back in a second
You ask Poppy to get Dr. Longbottom before quickly returning to James
And James—Sweet Summer Child James—he's just asking you what you’re doing here so late, if Liam is at Ms. Hope’s, just random questions that aren’t super related to one another
He’s super out of it but you entertain his thoughts and answer whatever questions come to his mind as you ensure that his kitchen towel is applying a decent enough amount of pressure
Alice shows up pretty quickly with a suture tray and asks you to clean James’ cut as she gets ready, which you readily do
You also let her know that James isn’t exactly all there, to which she smiles amusedly and says she can see that lmao
James is kinda confused at first when Alice tries to take away the towel around his hand, but you gently explain what's happening and he understands pretty quick
He looks down at his hand when you finally uncover the cut (it’s long but clean—easy to stitch right up) and poor boy gets a little too light headed at the sight of all the blood that’s covering his hands and the kitchen towel and your latex-gloved hands
James just about falls over onto your shoulder lmaooooo
He doesn’t quite pass out, just like a severe wave of lightheadedness
You quickly encourage him off of your shoulder and you and Alice manage to lay him down on the hospital bed just so he won’t fall off of it and hurt himself if he does decide to pass out
The cut is easy to clean despite how bloody it is, and you round the bed to James’ opposite side as Alice prepares to administer the anesthetic and sew James’ hand up
This entire time, James has just been following your around with his eyes
He’s never gotten to see you work before and it’s really quite interesting to him
And he loves that you’re taking care of him (Such Gentle! Yay!)
Alice asks you to keep James talking and distracted while she sews him up and you happily obliged
It’s kinda hard to keep James talking though because he just keeps asking you questions
By the time Alice is finished with James’ hand, you’ve told him about Liam’s recovery, your shift so far, and how shitty your CNO is for making you work a double
James is much more lucid by the time his stitches are finished which is great because he was sort of starting to worry you
But he’s pretty much all there now :)
He’s also disclosed to you that he cut his hand while trying to take the pit out of an avocado, which you find absolutely hilarious even though you couldn’t really laugh at your own patient
Alice leaves you to wrap James’ hand in protective gauze and give him post-op care instructions
And James is honestly thrilled that your shift has been a quiet one
Because he’s sure that if anyone beyond you two were in the fast track, they would have seen clear as day how he looked at you while you wrapped some soft gauze firmly around his palm
He’s lucky though because you’re tired after working for about sixteen hours with eight still to go, so you don’t really notice the look in his eyes
You give him the normal spiel—wash around the area of the stitches with soap and water not hydrogen peroxide, put vaseline over it, wrap in a non-stick bandage, the works
By the time you’re done, James is just kinda staring at you
You tack on at the end that he can always text you or drop by your apartment to make sure he’s taking care of them correctly
Sirius leaps up from his chair in the lobby when he sees James finally come out of the ER
He was lowkey super worried bc he knows James is the slightest bit squeamish around blood
But now he’s also like super confused bc James is looking at his newly bandaged hand like it had the best compliment ever written on the palm
It’s only on the car ride home that Sirius finally weasels it out of James
Apparently Liam’s mom was working in the ER and she was the one who bandaged up his hand for him after he got stitched up
And apparently, when James was complaining lightly that his palm still hurt right as he was about to leave, she brushed a light kiss against his palm and whispered something to him about how kisses make everything better
Sirius practically has to pick his jaw up off the floor as he and James walked into the latter’s apartment, where Remus had apparently finished their rather bloody attempt at guacamole
And then of course he made James explain what happened to Remus, who just laughs and shakes his head
James’ only regret is that he was too stunned to do anything except wave goodbye as you left
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Next Part: Kindergarten Graduation
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idkwhatever580 · 5 months
Her pt. 2
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: after y/n gets rescued what is in store in the next chapter of her life with Natasha?
Warnings: cursing
Pronouns: she/her
A/N: I’m super excited about this one. Make sure you read chapter one first so you have some insight on how nat and y/n met!!! I hope y’all like it :)))
Here’s part one :))) I’m working on a master list I swear -> https://www.tumblr.com/idkwhatever580/749750524015984640/her-pt-1
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Y/n’s pov
I cannot believe it’s been a whole year since I met Natasha.
She and the avengers immediately took me in and I found myself going over to the compound much more than I expected.
I still have my house in Long Island. But I never stay there really anymore. Ever since Natasha and I started dating I haven’t spent too much time there.
It only took three months for me to virtually move in with her. Although I do wish she’d come with me sometimes.
But I don’t really worry about that since one of the floors in the tower is my new soup kitchen. It’s open twenty four hours a day and there are at least 2-6 people working there at all times.
As promised Tony Stark and SHEILD helped me get my business up and running.
I make homes for the homeless. Sometimes they are bigger more communal homes and sometimes they are tiny one or two person homes.
My first two homes are side by side. They were for gran and pops. They were always my biggest supporters and still are.
My program has changed so many lives. There are so many people out there who just need a little bit of love.
Sometimes the homeless people will use the homes as a forever home but most often they get jobs. Become more financially stable and independent and then they will move out. It’s really great. Because I see so many people I’ve helped become something. Someone.
There are so many who have told me they thought they would never amount to anything. And a few of them have become very successful even as far as becoming a CEO.
I am incredibly proud of my work.
And honestly it’s so exciting to see what changes I can make every single day.
For example. Today is the release date of my nationwide program.
All over the country a program is being launched where homeless people can find shelter, rehabilitation centers, and other necessities for free so they can have a second chance at life. I am doing some interviews today.
Unfortunately Natasha isn’t here. She has a mission. I’m a little sad that she won’t be with me tonight as the program launches but the show must go on.
I check my watch and see it is time to leave for the opening ceremony and I go downstairs to find Happy.
I smile and say
“What’s up Happy! Are you ready?”
He smiles sadly and says
“Yes I am ready. But I must inform you that I am only your chauffeur tonight. Unfortunately I cannot be your plus one.”
I frown when he says this because he was supposed to fill in for Natasha and now I have nobody.
“Oh. Well. That’s okay!”
I smile and cover up my disappointment. He drives me to the red carpet and helps me out. I kiss his cheek accidentally leaving a lipstick stain and I say
“Thank you. Have a good night Happy.”
He usually goes home and I have a different driver drive me home.
I walk to the red carpet by myself and put on my best smile. I make it about halfway through the carpet and an arm snakes around me and this mystery person says
“Am I late?”
I jump and put my hand to my chest and I look at my beautiful girlfriend with a huge smile on my face and I say
“Jesus! You scared me!”
My brain doesn’t even register that she’s back since I’m in the zone and then I do a double take and say
“Wait! What!?”
She giggles when I realize and I slap her chest and say
“I thought you were at a mission?!”
She chuckles and says.
“I got off early enough to make it. That’s why Happy isn’t here with you. I tried my best. But I couldn’t get the best suit”
She looks down at her suit and I look her up and down and say
“You look amazing baby. Perfect right here with me.”
I smile and give her a kiss. We always wear matching lipstick colors so that we can kiss and not get it messed up.
Then I put my hand on her chest and we keep taking pictures.
The rest of the night goes smoothly and I give a speech. I talk to a few people who have helped my journey and then we head home.
I get changed and wait in bed for Natasha. She takes a while so I complain
She comes out of the bathroom and smiles and says
“Yes baby?”
I hold my arms out for her and pout
“I missed you”
She gets into bed with me and says
“I missed you too.”
Once we’re comfy she looks me in the eyes and says
“Goodnight my love. You have done such amazing things for so many people and I am so lucky to be yours.”
I smile and say
“I love you baby. Goodnight”
We kiss and drift off into a nice comfortable sleep.
A/N: guys this is so bad. It feels rushed and blah. Idk how I feel about it. I became so unmotivated and just wanted to move on to the next thing but I didn’t want to just leave it. 😭🔫
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i-magines · 2 years
Wildest Dreams: Chapter 3
Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader
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synopsis: You’re an assistant director in an indie movie set and fate makes sure you keep crossing paths with a certain Chilean actor.  
disclaimer: This is my first Pedro Pascal’s fictional work + the first fanfic I write in English, as it isn’t my first language. Unfortunately, I do not own Pedro and this is all a product of my imagination.
rating: M (keep scrolling if your under 18 please)
warnings: age gap, mature content, fem!reader, eventual drinking and drugs, a little smut but nothing crazy (yet), a bit slow burn but not really.  
word count: 1,509
Over the first month, your friendship with Pedro only grew stronger. You were afraid once the production set was moved to the country, he was going to just disappear, as you were no longer roommates. You’d be lying to yourself if you said he didn’t make you feel anything, especially with how charming and flirting he was. You both had shared a lot of personal stuff over smoking joints and you were already used to hanging out together after a day of filming. But today things were going to be different, because the producers had organized a little happy hour for the crew.
Speaking of them, you had asked Pedro to keep your friendship on the low, at least during the job. You knew what everyone would say and think, mostly about you alone, so you were looking after yourself. He understood that and apparently didn’t care to be sneaking out like a teenager to spend some time with you.
“There you are”, Pedro happily greeted you on the corner of the happy hour room, about two hours into the event. “I almost didn’t get the chance to see you today. How’s everything going?”
At this point, you were certain the director hated you, but thank God he was the only one. Everyone else seemed to really like you and your work, which helped a lot with your anxiety.
“He spent the day trying to drive me crazy… Again”, you told Pedro. “You?”
“I would definitely rather be directed by you, if I’m being honest” he said in sympathy. “But yeah, it won’t take long for me to tell him to fuck off. Super nicely, of course.”
You both laughed. You could see he had been drinking and so did everybody in the room. Somebody turned up the music and Pedro dragged you to the improvised dance floor. You danced for about half an hour, until you saw him going to talk to Donna, one of the producers. They seemed friendly— too friendly, if somebody asked your opinion. You noticed it before, how close they acted sometimes, but at the end of the day, it was none of your business. Flo, the make-up artist that got you the job, got your attention and you walked to her.
“What’s up with that face?” She shot you the question. Flo was in her mid 40s and you got to know her in your first gig, since then she was always trying to connect you with people. You really liked her and, most importantly, trusted her. “You looked like you were about to commit murder on the dance floor. I know Dave is giving you a hard time, but honestly he is doing this to every single soul.”
“I was just wondering, is Donna taken?”, you asked as if you had no intention behind it.
“Yeah, I think so”, she told you. “Why? You gay too?”
“Someti— wait, what?” You stared at each other for a few seconds. “Is she?”
“As far as I know”, she said simply. “And by that I mean I’ve known her for about 10 years now. Sorry to disappoint you.”
“No, you didn’t. I mean, good for her, right.”
You decided you need to put your shit together now on. You excused yourself and went to get another drink — you can be a new woman tomorrow. You took some shots and got a drink to hold while you watched everyone dancing and having a good time. You tried to force yourself to stop thinking about your crush on Pedro.
“I need professional help”, you whispered to yourself.
“And why is that?”
“Shit, Pedro!” You jumped, realizing he was right by your side. “You scared the shit out of me, you shithead.”
“Wow, language, sweetheart”, he laughed at your reaction, putting his arm over your shoulder. “What are you up to?”
“Not much, just enjoying the free drinks”, you replied, also enjoying the proximity of his body. “I can see you’re enjoying them yourself.”
“Nah, I’m thinking about getting out of here, people are starting to get too drunk and God forbid I witness anything I can’t unsee”, he was being playful and seemed happy when he got a smile out of you. “Care to join me? Or you already have plans for tonight?”
“Yeah, you know me, Miss Popularity herself”, you both laughed. “Seriously, though. I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Is it okay if we leave together? Considering your privacy policy”, he whispered in your ear. Only if he knew how weak that makes you. You just nodded. “After you, mi princesa.”
Fuck you, Pedro Pascal, you thought as you made the effort to move your shaking legs. Two options: first, he had no idea of his effects on you, or second, he did know that and he just liked to torture you. However it is, you were not willing to make a move to figure it out. 
The location of the shooting was a huge farm, so you walked together through the open field, towards his cabin. You got inside and took your shoes off.
“Hey, mister ��I’m just a common worker as everybody else’, tell me again why exactly you are the only one with a private hot tube”, you teased him. He laughed. “Is it because you’re such good friends with Donna?”.
“So that’s what it was about back in the happy hour?” Pedro looked deeply into your eyes. “Such a jealous little girl, uh?”
You looked away, embarrassed. You can’t deny your brain formulated that sentence, but the alcohol spilled it out your mouth.
“Answering your question, I’m not really friends with Donna, but her partner is one of my closest colleagues in the industry”, he said in a patient tone. “And you’re welcome to use the hot tube whenever you feel like it.”
You could feel your cheeks burning. Fuck.
“I didn’t mean to— to be honest, I don’t even know what I meant, so don’t mind drunk Y/N”, you breathed out strongly.
“Why don’t we forget about it and instead go chill in the hot tube?” He offered you a smile. Pedro was so easy to deal with, always trying to make you comfortable. “I have more of that nice whisky you like.”
You quickly put on your bikini in your room and head back to Pedro’s cabin. You could hear the happy hour turning into a party on the back, as you joined him inside the tub. You did your best to not stare at his toned, tanned body. He was smoking a cigar and handed you a glass.
“You know what’s funny”, he started, you already knew you wouldn’t find it funny at all. “This is the second time I see you in a tub.”
“Well, fuck you very much sir”, you held a serious face before letting a smile scape. “That was traumatic.”
“Why is that? I would say you made quite an impression”, he laughed, something different sparkling in his eyes. “Would it bother you if I said I still think about it?”
You felt your body hot, as if the water was on boiling point.
“God”, you whispered. He never took his eyes off yours. “I don’t know what to say, Pedro.”
“It’s a simple question, sweetheart”, he replied, coming a little closer. You got chills all over your body. “Honestly, I don’t know if you only see me as this friendly, older, disgusting man—”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” you cut him before he could finish. “Feel free to think about whatever you like.”
“Good”, he said quietly, his body even closer, but still not touching yours. “Tell me what you were doing on the tub that day, sweetheart.”
“I-I was, uh,” you felt like you were about to explode, your brain trying to process if this was really happening. “I was touching myself.”
“Finally, princesa”, he let out a deep breath against your neck. “You don’t know how many times I wanted to hear you say this, to be sure my memory wasn’t fucking with me.”
He touched your waist with his hand, putting the cigar away with the other one. You felt delirious.
“What are you going to do now that you know?” The question popped out of your mouth.
He grabbed your arm to move your body, making you sit on his lap. Face to face. He was hard as fuck.
“I will take you back to your cabin, give you a goodnight kiss…” He made a pause. His stare was deep down your soul. “Come back to mine and think ‘bout you while I mind my own business.”
He was dead serious.
“I’m too horny to go to sleep”, you cried to him, all your blood concentrated between your legs. You moved on his lap, rubbing against his cook.
“Trust me”, he said as his hands firmly held your hips down, making you stop and yet feel him ever harder. “I feel the same way.”
He gave you a little forehead kiss.
“C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
TAGLIST: @kyuupidwrites @omg-its-typical-aesthetics-fan @vivibabiez @ivyohmy @sebastianstansimp @tubble-wubble @28cnn @3zae-zae3 @technicallysassyfox @bellatrixyoass @mandolover86​ (edit: i’m not sure why i wasn’t able to tag everybody i’m trying my best here)
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
random bleach time travel inccorect quotes from an AU I will probably never write (Ichigo becomes soul king post tybw cause yhwach body doesn’t hold up and then time travels to the Turn back the pendulm era for reasons I’m too lazy to explain)
Ichigo joined Squad 6 under Ginrei Kuchiki in this AU
Ichigo: *likes sitting in the sun, hates the rain, touch starved but still prickly enough to pretend he doesn’t like it ‘cause he was soul king for three years and barely had any proper human contact for all that time, has weird eyes and other weird traits from his hollow*
Hiyori + Kaien: *spying on him*
Ichigo: *straight hissed at someone who got to close when he was injured*
Hiyori: *ticks something else off on the list of reasons why Ichigo might be a cat in human form*
Yoruichi, the real cat shapeshifter:
Love: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Ichigo: Plane tickets?
Shinji: Concert tickets?
Lisa: Prostitution?
Love, holding holding his broken sunglasses: Glasses.
Hollowified!Shinji: *Screams*
Hollowified!Hiyori: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Kisuke, concerned: Should we do something?!
Ichigo, observing: *thinking back to his hollow training and how much the Visored fucked with him for fun*
Ichigo: Nah, I want to see who wins this.
Kensei: Dammit, Mashiro!
Mashiro: What?! It wasn’t me!
Kensei: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Shinji!
Shinji: Not me either.
Kensei: Oh...Then who destroyed the entire training ground?
Ichigo + Kaien who thought it would be fun to spar but went a little too far: 
Ichigo: *Gently taps table*
Kaien: *Taps back*
Hiyori: What are they doing?
Kisuke: Morse code.
Ichigo: *Aggressively taps table*
Kaien: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
*Lieutenants on a mission*
Kaien: I think we're missing something.
Lisa: Teamwork?
Hiyori: Cohesion?
Ichigo: A general sense of what the fuck we’re doing?
Kaien: ... Where’s Mashiro?
Mashiro: *fighting a bear in a forest three districts away*
Ichigo: ... Fuck
Kensei: *in Squad 9 barracks* I  S E N S E  A  D I S T U R B A N C E
Shinji: Tonight, one of you has betrayed us.
Kisuke: Is it me?
Shinji: No, it’s not you.
Tessai: Is it me?
Shinji: It’s not you either.
Aizen: Is it me, Captain?
Shinji, dying because of Hollowification:
Shinji, mockingly: Is IT mE CaPTaIN?
Kyouraku: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Kisuke: I’ve been dissociating for the past two and a half hours.
Ukitake: I got distracted about halfway through.
Lisa: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Ichigo: Can I be frank with you guys?
Kaien: *confused* Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Mashiro: Can I still be Mashiro?
Shinji: Shh, let Frank speak.
Ichigo: *lunges at Shinji*
Ichigo: *trying not to laugh* Tell Kensei about the birds and the bees.
Mashiro: *serious* They're disappearing at an alarming rate
Yoruichi: Soifon, keep an eye on Kisuke today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Soifon: Sure, I’d love to see Urahara get punched.
Yoruichi: Try again.
Soifon, sighing: I will stop Urahara from getting punched
*The Visored+ Hollowified!Kaien is getting into a car*
Ichigo: *the only one who know how to drive* I’m driving
Mashiro, out of view: Shotgun!
Kaien, turning to face Mashiro: Aww! But you had it on the way here-
Everyone except Mashiro: WOAH-
Mashiro, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
Lisa: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Hiyori: *turning to Shinji* How tall are you?
Kaien: In my defense--
Ichigo: You have no defense you let Byakuya meet Gin
Kaien: but--
Ichigo: Byakuya. The same cocky shit that tries to fight anything that moves fast enough. And Gin. The creepy shit that thought it was a good idea to work with megalomaniac rather than talk to people
Kaien: You don’t have any room to talk about bad communication but in hindsight it wasn’t my greatest idea--
Ichigo: understatement of the century
Kaien: But I was bored and you have to admit it was a little funny
Ichigo: *covering his face because the sight of baby Byakuya getting punted into the Kuchiki Koi pond by baby Gin was actually hilarious but he refuses to admit it* I hate you
Kensei: I sometimes drink milk straight out of the container
Mashiro: the COW?
Kisuke: You have to apologize to Shinji
Hiyori: Fine.
Hiyori: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Kaien: I told Ichigo his ears turn red when he lies
Mashiro: Why?
Kaien: So I can do this
Kaien: Hey, Ichigo! Do you love us?
Ichigo, covering his ears: No.
Mashiro: Aw, Berry-tan
Ichigo: Shut up, seaweed brain!
*Shinji and Kisuke sitting in jail together*
Shinji: So who should we call?
Kisuke: I’d call Hiyori, but I feel safer in jail
Shinji: Hey, how old are you?
Ichigo: Twenty-four--
Ichigo *remembers that the soul society doesn’t have the same age system*
Ichigo: two hundered
Shinji, concerned: did you just say--
Ichigo, nervously: TWO HUNDRED
Shinji: What do you think Ichigo will do for a distraction?
Kaien: He’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*several building explode due to Getsuga Tensho*
Kaien: ... or he could do that.
Kisuke: I know you’re a time traveler, Kurosaki-san
Ichigo: (Play dumb!)
Ichigo: Who's Kurosaki?
Ichigo: (NOT THAT DUMB!!!)
Love: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Kensei: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Mashiro: Smad
Kaien: Ichigo
Shinji: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Kensei: You’re a hazard to society
Hiyori: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Ichigo, babysitting: Violence isn't the answer.
Byakuya: You’re right.
Ichigo: *sighs in relief*
Byakuya, reaching for a brick: Violence is the question.
Ichigo: What?
Byakuya, running to hit Gin on the head with a brick: And the answer is yes.
Ichigo, running after him: NO-
Ginrei, watching the chaos while drinking tea: ... Today’s a beautiful day
Kisuke: *Accidentally hits Hiyori in the face*
Kisuke: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'*
Hiyori, confused: What’s wrong with you?!
Shinji: *wheezing in the background*
Ichigo: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Mashiro: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Kaien: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Mashiro: They do.
Ichigo: ... Why did you say that with such certainty?
Shinji: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Kisuke: I’d like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Kaien: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Ichigo: Killed without hesitation.
Kaien: No.
Kisuke: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Ichigo: What did you do?
Kisuke: Nobody died.
Kaien, euphoric from his date with Miyako: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
Kukaku: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
Aizen, trying to be friends with Ichigo b4 he died: I made tea.
Ichigo: I don’t want tea.
Aizen: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Ichigo: Then why are you telling me?
Aizen: It is a conversation starter.
Ichigo: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Aizen: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Ichigo: *two seconds away from a homicide
Mashiro: what is it called when you kill your friend
Ichigo: Amicicide
Kensei: Murder
Mashiro: Homiecide
Ichigo: *looks like Kaien and Isshin*
Kaien: *suspicious but has no proof*
Ichigo, lying becuase he doesn’t want to deal with the emotions that come with seeing Isshin again: I’m not a Shiba
Ichigo: *uses Getsuga Tensho*
Kaien, throwing a table: oKAY, I CALL BULLSHIT
Ichigo: *having a chill day in Rukongai by himslef
baby Rukia, Renji, and their gang: *chased by a merchant they stole from*
Ichigo: *adopts them*
Okay, that’s more than enough for one post
Yes, Kaien is hollowfied here because I want him to be, yes, I really like adding animalistic traits to characters I love don’t ask me why
This is so much longer than I planned but it was too fun to stop
216 notes · View notes
lavenderchqn · 1 month
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𝐶𝛨𝛢𝑃𝑇𝛦𝑅 𝟎𝟏𝟎 — SNAPSHOT (1,9K WORDS) 𝑅𝐸𝐷 𝐿𝐼𝑁𝐸𝑆 — lyney x f!reader smau
Second year of university should've been everything you thought of it - more studying with human interaction sprinkled throught... What it definitely wasn't supposed to be was an investigation saga where one of your friends goes missing out of nowhere
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It wasn't long before Lyney messaged again, stating he was ready to drive to campus and pick the girl up whenever she was ready. Luckily for him, [Y/N] had gotten almost all her equipment ready, leaving some last lens cleaning. They agreed to meet near the main campus twenty minutes from those texts. 
In her getting ready, it seems that [Y/N] was making far too much noise for the comfort of Charlotte, who just opened the bedroom door… looking less than awake. 
Her roommate had been napping until now, sleeping off an all-nighter she had the day prior. She had been gathering information for the investigation board. From [Y/N]’s perspective, all she’s been doing was stalking social media in hopes of getting new links. At least there hadn’t been any information about another person going missing.
“Do you know no god, [Y/N]?” Charlotte asks, barely awake at the door of their bedroom. “What on earth is happening for you to be up at such an hour… on a bloody Saturday.” 
“It’s almost 11 AM.” She answers, cleaning the camera’s lens. “I get that you’re passionate about the investigation, but camping your phone till 6 AM isn’t a good idea long-term.” 
Charlotte sighs, trying to gather her thoughts and ground herself. 
“That doesn’t answer my question, [Y/N]” She gets shushed, with a mug of coffee made minutes prior. Almost as if [Y/N] was fully aware her preparations would wake her roommate up. 
With a cup in hand, the pink-haired journalism major is more aware and ready to tackle her friend’s unusual behaviour.
“So…” She looks at [Y/N] with expectance in her eyes. “What's happening for you to be getting your equipment ready on a Saturday of all days?” 
“Lyney asked me to help him with some pictures.” [Y/N] is now back to gathering her things and checking out her outfit. Although she’s simply going out with a friend, making sure she’s comfortable is quite important. 
“Oh, cool!” Charlotte looks a little more awake now. “Just, make sure to be safe alright?” 
Ever since the revelation of people going missing, alongside the Troupe connection, it was obvious that they have both been on edge. Although not directly connected to the organisation, being journalism majors had put a target on their backs as potential victims. After all, nobody would like to have a wannabe detective with social media skills on the trail of figuring shit out. 
“I’ll make sure to text you occasionally. How about that?”
“Fine by me, hope you have fun!” 
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By the time you get to the main entrance, Lyney is already there. He’s sitting on a bench nearby, earphones in and glasses on. 
[Y/N] quickly jogs over, checking the time to try and gauge how late she is. She’s actually right on time, meaning he had to get here much earlier.
“Hii!” She waves, getting his attention. “Hope you didn’t wait long.” 
“Just got here, no need to worry.” He mutes the music and gathers his bag, before going in the direction of his car.
Now that Lyney is walking in front of her, she gets a good look at what he’s wearing. Compared to his twitter selfies, he’s dressed a lot more casually. Now that she thinks about it, during their board game night last month, his outfit was quite elegant. 
Soon enough they make it to the vehicle, Lyney opening the trunk. 
“Do you need any means of protecting the camera stuff?” He asks, holding out his hand to take your bag.
“Made sure to secure them on the inside, thanks a bunch though.” You give it to him, noticing the delicacy he places it with. Not to mention, that he secures it anyway. 
“Oh please, I should be the one thanking you.” He opens the door to the passenger’s seat, before getting to his own. “Don’t know a singular person who would willingly give up their Saturday like that.”
“You call it giving up my Saturday, I call it spending time with a friend.” You laugh, getting comfortable in your seat. 
Looking back, the car ride definitely takes more than 20 minutes. Luckily, Lyney’s doing everything in his power to make sure the time isn’t getting to [Y/N]. 
After graciously getting your agreement to pick the music, the ride was spent in the accompaniment of Stardew Valley’s soundtrack. Say what you wanna say, but the Dance of Moonlight Jellies never gets old.
They spend the ride talking about random stuff, from video game content to university assignments.
“Like, I’m telling you.” Lyney rolls his eyes mentally. “The second we finish that play, I do not want to hear the term practical project.” 
“Honestly, so fucking same.” She replies. “You’d think it’s just a little course to get your grade up but naaaah… has to hit you with the most obnoxious shit ever.” 
“I’m counting on passing that next week, at least I’ll be able to celebrate without a care in the world until finals’ results are out.” 
“Might as well make it a group celebration. At least someone will be able to hold your hair when you drink too much again.”
“I have a high fucking alcohol tolerance, I’ll have you know!” 
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Soon enough you find yourself at the entry point to Mary-Ann National Park. [Y/N] heard of its existence before, and yet never had the chance to go here.
“So, what makes this national park a place you want to get a photo of?” She asks, gathering her bag from the trunk of the car. 
Lyney sighs, before getting his own equipment. 
“It’s a good place to think,” He locks the doors and starts leading up the hills. “I like coming here whenever I’m getting overwhelmed with them. 
It’s weird to even picture Lyney as an overthinker. From his social media presence and people’s statements, it would be hard to predict that. Given a longer thought, it makes sense. [Y/N] might not be a psychology expert, but she’s gotten to know that some people put on masks. 
The silence falls in between them. 
“Did I make it uncomfortable?” Lyney stops abruptly, turning to face his companion. “I’m sorry— forget what I just said…” 
“Oh shush, you didn’t.” She playfully rolls her eyes at him. “It’s good to have a place just to focus on your brain. Good for mental health.” 
Her answer seems to bring Lyney some solace. Even though they could be considered simple acquaintances, it’s good to get validation from other people. 
“Let’s get moving then, we’re almost there.” 
The sight at the top of the hill is breathtaking. Overlooking you can see some ruins of the abandoned buildings of Fontaine’s Research Institute… the mountains and the water surrounding add a calming aura. No wonder this is Lyney’s place of choice.
“Holy shit.” [Y/N] stands, looking at their surroundings in awe. “This place is beautiful.” 
“What can I say,” Lyney’s tone signals he’s feeling less melancholic. “I have the eye for it.” He says, flipping his hair dramatically. 
Behind her back, he’s getting stuff out for a picnic. A blanket is already laid on the grass, and soon some drinks follow. By the time she’s ready to turn around everything is set.
“Oh wow…” [Y/N] laughs, taking a plastic cup that he’s holding out to her. “Whoever becomes your partner will be the luckiest one on this planet.” 
He lets out a tiny laugh, tilting his head slightly. “I guess they’d have to get through Furu and Wriothesley first, don’t know many people who’d survive that.”
“Please… Furina is one of the nicer people I know.” She frowns. “How would she feel knowing you’re talking about her like that.”
He starts to ponder. “She’s so nice that she’d let it go immediately. Would probably stay up all night overthinking and trying to gauge if what I’m saying is true.”
He gets a flick on the forehead for a comment like that. “That’s exactly why you shouldn’t talk about her like that.”   
All of a sudden, [Y/N] remembers the promise she’d made to Charlotte earlier today. She sends a quick message, followed by a pic of the landscape. All that’s left is for it to go through. 
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Multiple hours pass, Lyney and [Y/N] spending them reminiscing as well as some random blabbering. The sun is starting to set slowly, a yellowish hue overtaking the sky.
“Thanks so much, [Y/N]” He says, laying on the blanket. He gets answered with a confused hum. 
“What for?” She takes a look at him, trying to guess based on his expression. “I haven’t taken your pictures yet.” 
“Existing, I guess?” 
Now she’s confused. This entire trip feels like a date, despite not a single mention of it being that from Lyney. 
Speaking of Lyney, he picks up on the silence his friend is giving him.
“For being Lynette’s friend.” He sits up, his eyes turned to the sky. “This entire thing was orchestrated to thank you.” 
“That’s a lot of planning to just say thanks.” She chuckles. 
He now has put himself into a position, where explanations are in order. 
“When we both got into uni, I was worried that Lynnette would eventually be left alone,” Lyney starts speaking out loud. “Ever since birth, we’ve been attached at the hip… I was worried how this change would make her feel.” 
[Y/N] hums, letting him know that she’s listening. 
“I— I just feel so relieved, that she has other people that enjoy her company.” His voice trembles a little, if you pay attention, he’s doing his best not to start sobbing right this second.
“Holy, don’t cry!” She wants to put her arm around him to offer some comfort. That, however, requires his verbal confirmation. [Y/N] settles for a gentle push, so that his body is leaning against her’s. 
“I’m so glad, that Lynette showed up that day at the club. Hell, I’m happy that I got convinced by Charlotte to go” 
“I don’t even know why I’m crying…!” His emotions are all over the place. “I think those are happy tears?” 
Soon enough, with some deep breaths, Lyney manages to settle down. His eyes are as red, as his sleeves are wet. Whatever [Y/N] babbled about worked well enough to calm him down. 
“By the way… Do you still want the picture?” She asks, looking at her bag with camera equipment. “Since we’re already here, might as well take one?”
“You’re so right!” 
The sunset’s pinky hue is perfect. No matter how many times Lyney had come here to just chill out, this place still retained its beauty. With immaculate placement, the photo comes out even better than imaginable. 
“What do you think?” She shows Lyney her creation. When he hears a gasp, she knows, she did a damn good job. 
“Couldn’t have taken a better one myself!” 
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“By the way Lyney… Why settle for this method of saying thanks.” [Y/N] asks on the way back. 
“Well, Wriothesley was no help… and Neuvillette didn’t even understand what the whole ordeal was for. Don’t worry, if we’re gonna hold a party to celebrate once finals are over you’re gonna meet both of their insufferable selves.” 
“So… That leaves Furina?” It's the only possible choice, via a process of elimination. “Explains the dramatics.” 
“The only soldier that was willing to help me out…” Lyney sulks, getting into the car. “Truly my ride or die in this mess.” 
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@state-of-grac3 @santaluna @meigalaxy @romyoia
@meurtreofcrows @charles-braindump @floweringanna @moonjellyfishie @vavrin
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date of posting — august 17th 2024
24 notes · View notes
winniemaywebber · 4 months
Honeysuckle Rose • Part 6
part one part two part three part four part five
masterlist olive's playlist
taglist: @sagesolsticewrites @ginabaker1666 @hephaestn @manonsmanicmind @derry-rain @bobparkhurst @bloodynereid @archival-hogwash
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Departing the club into the cool night air, Olive sees Val smoking outside. 
“You ready for bed, doll?” She asks, handing her the cigarette.
“Not yet, Val,” she sighs, taking a puff. “Tonight was kind of overwhelming. Need to take a walk.”
“Sure thing, Ol. See you in there, okay? Be careful.”
“I’m always careful,” she replies, kissing her friend gently on the cheek. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she says, stubbing the cigarette against the wall of the club. “I had a good talk with Ev and I feel much better.” She crosses her arms in order to shield herself from the cold British air she still wasn’t quite used to. “It bites a lot more than a Brooklyn breeze,” she had told her new friend the night prior. “Bites you right on the ass, and for what?”
“This isn’t going to get easier, is it?” Olive asks, looking out into the night sky. “The worrying, the constant knot in my stomach every time I see that damn red light.” 
“No,” she says pointedly, that furrow forming. “It doesn’t. But then you see him again and the relief - God, there’s nothing like it. Someone could bottle that feeling, sell it and be a millionaire, Olive.” 
“I didn’t plan on feeling like this…for anyone. Here or–” She stops herself before going too far.
“That’s what this war does, doll. Messes up every plan.” She picks her body up from the wall and starts to walk towards their hut. “That’s a story for another night, though. You still taking that walk?” Olive nods, knowing she has to go home at some point to check on Pearl, despite the thought tearing her apart. What if every time she leaves is a potential goodbye? The idea of that is like a punch to the gut, sending her head spinning. 
“I’ll leave water on your table. Prevent the hangover.”
“Thanks, Val. Wait, where’s Helen?”
“Curt offered to walk her home,” she says, rolling her eyes. 
“Oop,” Olive giggles. “Curt suddenly keen on our girl?”
“Yes, but she’s not keen on him like that. She’s smart, and wholesome. A respectable young lady. Far too sweet for that pain in the ass. Besides,” she pauses. “She’d never live it down with us if she got the clap from him.”
Walking as quickly as possible to the hardstand, Olive breathlessly makes it to Just A-Snappin. Taking one last glance around to make sure nobody is looking, she opens the door as silently as possible.
“Hey, Ol,” Kenny says, startling her. “Whatcha doin’ all the way out here? It’s late. Don’t ya have an early start?”
“I–I do, uhm–” Her heart beating in her chest at a million miles an hour, willing him to turn around and get back to whatever he was working on. “Kenny, I need to get home,” she says simply. Kenny shakes his head in confusion, pointing towards the Red Cross hut.
“Thatta way, friend. You okay? I can walk ya.”
“N-no, Kenny,” she points into the aircraft, knowing she’s been caught out. “This is my way home.”
“I’m not followin’,” he responds, astounded. “Ya live here, with all of us. Where are ya–”
“80 years away.”
“How much did you drink?” He asks, his tone suddenly stern and serious. “Olive, you’re scarin’ me, girl.”
“Not that much, Ken. Remember what Tat said the other day, how I just seemingly appeared out of thin air?”
“Well…she was correct. I opened a door in my time and, when it opened, I fell here.”
“What in the–”
“You don’t have to believe me, Ken. I know it all sounds absolutely insane, and honestly, I’m having a hard time grasping it, too. But when I’m here, I feel like I belong and it’s as if all the pieces of my life suddenly fit together. But, I have to go home and check on my grandma. You’ll open that door in two minutes and I’ll be gone. Do you understand?”
“Olive, this is crazy talk. Let me drive you to the infirmary. I think someone’s slipped ya somethin’, y’know, in your drink.”
“Kenny…I promise, I’m telling you the truth. What’s gonna make you believe me?”
“I dunno, Ol, I’m just so–” he sighs. “Bring something back with ya, something from wherever it is you’re from. A gadget of some kind, anything.” 
“I got it. Don’t tell anyone else, okay? I’m not ready for people to know yet.”
“Cross ma heart. You strange Brit.” He pauses, deep in thought. “Don’t suppose you can tell me who wins the World Series in ten years?”
“Kenny, I believe that’s not allowed. Not really clear on the rules of time travel but I think that’s the type of stuff that gets the privilege taken from you.”
“Well, darn.”
“I thought you’d be more interested in knowing who wins all this.”
“Nah, I want that to be a surprise. Want a boost?”
“Are you humoring me, Ken Lemmons?”
“Yes, I am. Cos this is insane.”
“Oh, I know. Go on then, give me a hand. My abdomen is shot from clambering up by myself.”
“So, see you–when?”
“Well, later, I guess. Haven’t quite worked out the maths yet.”
“Why the hell do y’all add the S?”
“Goodnight, Ken!” The door slams, and the last sound she hears as it’s shut is the sound of Kenny’s laughter. 
The second Joan hears the gate click outside of Pearl’s house, she’s out the door like a shot.
“Joan?” Olive says, confused at the rush. “Everything okay?”
“She’s in a foul mood today, Olive. Tread carefully.”
“For fuck sake,” she says, under her breath. Entering the house, she can feel the tension from the hallway.
“Grandma?” She calls, placing her patent shoes by the door. Just this moment realizing she’s still in her Red Cross gear, she works on formulating an explanation.
“And where have you been, missy?”
“Don’t get smart with me, young lady. You’re not old enough to have a job. And where is that mother of yours? She was meant to take me shopping today.”
“Oh, shit. Grandma, sit down.” She guides her to her armchair, sitting in front of her as quickly as she can. “Grandma, look at me. Mum isn’t here, remember? She–” Olive feels the words stuck in her throat, this being the first time in a long, long time that Pearl has had a moment like this. “She and Ian moved to South Africa. For his job, do you remember? Then I left London to come be with you.”
“In London? Alone? Why would they let you do that, chicken? You’re only fourteen.”
“Pearl, I’m twenty-five now. Remember, you sent me a card? It had butterflies on it, pink butterflies and flowers.”
“No, Olive. No, no, no,” she yells, swiping everything off her side table in a rage. Grabbing her arm as gently as possible, Olive tries to get Pearl to calm down.
“Grandma, please! Getting this het up won’t help things. Please, Pearl.” Her eyes suddenly glaze over, a deep breath leaving her chest, her free hand suddenly clung to Olive.
“Hello, chicken. When did you come home?”
“J-just a minute ago,” Olive stutters, trying to bring her nerves back to their regular setting. “Joan went home, said you were in quite the mood today.”
“Well, what about?”
“M-maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” she winces, teeth gritted almost comically. 
“Oh, bloody hell,” she droops, chin on her chest. “Did it happen again?”
“Yeah, girly. It did.”
“Was it a bad one?”
“Eh, not the worst I’ve seen. Joan may have over exaggerated a little as she ran down the lane all jangly.”
“That explains why she stopped bringing me biscuits with my tea.”
“You want another? I’m sure we’ve got some Jammie Dodgers snaffled away somewhere.”
“You’re a good girl, Olive. My Ollie Pop.” She strokes her granddaughter’s hand, wiping a tear away with her free one. “I friggin’ hate this. This getting old nonsense.”
“I know, Pearly.”
“This costume is different. They change your job?”
“Oh!” Olive says, looking down at herself. “Turns out I’m much more suited to serving coffee and donuts than raking hay. I prefer it, too.”
“Then I shall live vicariously through you, my girl.” She pauses for a second. “You know, looking like you do right now, it’s like you just jumped here from the war.”
“Pearly, you don’t know the half of it.”
“Goodnight, Grandma,” she murmurs, stroking Pearl’s head as she drifts off to sleep, the same way she’d soothe Olive after a nightmare years ago. She pulls the blankets over her swollen legs, the veins more obvious than ever before. Her hands, beginning to droop with arthritis are clasped together under her face, her face a picture of total contentment. 
Olive smiles at the sight, willing her to be able to somehow live forever. As she exits the bedroom, she hears the front door open with a soft click. 
“Jesus, Kyle!” She gasps, shocked to the bone for the second time that day. “Fucking knock next time.”
“Thought I’d surprise you.”
“And what if I wasn’t here, dickhead? You’d have given a poor old woman a heart attack.”
“Well, if my grandma’s home then I’m going to assume you’re here, so…fuck sake, Olive, I just wanted to show up and maybe–”
“Maybe what?”
“Talk? I’ve been so lonely without you and–”
“Oh, don’t bloody start all that. It’s late and I need to sleep.”
“It’s only seven. Look, I brought your favorite,” he holds out a bottle of rose wine, the logo all too familiar to Olive.
“Haven’t drank that in years. Not since–” she stops herself, not wanting to relive the memory of the bile crawling up her throat when she’d drunkenly found Kyle and her best friend in bed together. “Gives me heartburn.”
“Please, let me explain.”
“It’s been five years, Kyle. I can promise you, I’m over it. I haven’t given it a second thought up until I saw you on the train. Not seeing you helped me forget.”
“I just want you to forgive me,” he whimpers, his face crumpling. 
“Would that make you go home?” He steps towards her, now holding her against the wall as he places the bottle on the side table of the hallway. His arms cage her in, his nose coming to touch hers. “Yes. That, and some alone time with you.” Feeling her whole body cringe at the thought of someone else that close to her that isn’t the man she desires, she feels her body seize up before fight or flight kicks in. 
“Fuck off, Kyle,” she yells, pushing him away with such force that it winds him. “Now get out.”
“Fine,” he yells, but relenting. “Bitch.”
“Oh, no, how ever will I live with that on my shoulders,” she says, slamming the door behind him. Covering her face with her hands, she weeps, wishing the night away so she can rush back to where she belongs. Home, with her friends.
“Teach your grandson to knock before he enters people’s houses, please, Joan,” Olive says flatly as she enters for the day. She stares back, blinking wildly, utterly flabbergasted.
“He didn’t, did he? He said he’d phone you first.”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t invite people over without us talking about it first. I received no such phone call, no notice whatsoever. If he pulls this again, I’ll be calling the police.”
“I-I understand. But, Olive, if you’d just hear him out.”
“No, thank you,” she says, putting her shoes on and tucking her phone into her pocket. “Pearl is still sleeping. Yesterday was rough for her so she may sleep in a little. Let her. Do not tell her about last night. I don’t want to worry her.”
“Yes, of course. Bye, Olive,” she tries to say as cheerfully as possible, a smile plastered on her face. Olive closes the door behind her with a slam, just ready for a new day with the people she was growing to care about most, besides Pearl. Practically running down the lane, Thorpe Abbotts in her line of sight, she hopes she is early enough to not see anyone else. Exactly as she expected, she sees a side gate open with no human presence. Creeping in so as to not attract attention, she sees the aircraft door open already. Scolding herself for leaving it like that, she hoists herself in and slams it shut. Clamping her eyes shut and taking that big deep breath, she feels the scenery change, the sun only just beginning to rise. 
Jumping from the plane, she sees Kenny stood, waiting. 
“How did I do?”
“I lost track of time. What d’ya got?” 
Olive buries her hand in her pocket and pulls out her phone. “This is a phone, Ken.”
“No, it ain’t. It ain’t got all them wires and cords and no way to hold it.” Olive unlocks it in Ken’s hand, him almost dropping it in surprise.
“Christ, Lemmons, be careful. This thing cost me an arm and a leg.”
“I’ll bet. Wait, what’s this button do?”
“That, is a camera.”
“Get outta here, Olive.”
“Seriously. Look.” She opens the app, tapping the arrow to put it into selfie mode. “Look, there’s you.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he says, admiring himself in it. “I look good this mornin’. I know my sweetheart would eat it up.”
“I’m sure she would, Ken,” she says, as he hands the phone back to her and clasps the heart shaped locket that dangles around his neck. “So, you comfortable with being the secret keeper?”
“Sure, I ain’t gonna tell nobody. A cold beer brought out here every now and then buys my silence.”
“You’re on.”
Creeping into the hut carefully, she luckily finds her two friends in a deep slumber. Helen, snoring softly in one bed and Val twitching a little as she dreams in another. “Hmm…” she purrs as she turns over. “That's nice, Ev.” Olive stifles a giggle as she sits on her bed, pulling The Tempest from the shelf behind her. Gulping the water Val had left out for her and smoking her first cigarette of the day, she begins to read her favorite passage. 
“...As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff 
As dreams are made on: and our little life 
Is rounded with a sleep.”
Olive sees the boys strolling past the Clubmobile on their way to the morning briefing, as she and the girls set up for the day, filling carafes of coffee, setting donuts out on their tray with napkins sitting pretty next to them. Val was busy arranging the candy bars, them stacked upon each other in piles of threes so they didn’t topple over. Helen was counting paper cups, ensuring there would be enough for the first round of airmen to visit them. 
“Ol,” Val calls, her head buried in the newest issue of Screen Romances, momentarily pausing to alert her friend of the pilot and his dog coming towards the truck. “Benny.” She nods, wiping her hands upon her jumpsuit to clear them of any sugary dust or coffee grounds.
“Morning, Benny! Morning, goodest boy! How are we today?”
“Good, thanks, Ol. You?”
“Wonderful as always. D’you need me to watch the fella?”
“It’s what I was coming over to ask. That, and a sneaky early cup of coffee.”
“You’ll get yours at the same time as everyone else, DeMarco. Can’t have people accusing me of playing favorites; you might get me in trouble,” she replies with a wink.
“Wouldn’t want that now, would I?” He replies with a smile, handing the leash over to Olive. “Be good now, yeah? No tearing up boxes, no biting Ms Tattie’s ankles.” He strokes the dog, making a kissy face at him as the dog licks his face just once. “That goes for you, as well, Miss Olive.” 
“Me?” She replies, her hand on her chest in pretend shock. “I am always a delight, thank you very much!”
“That you are. See you after.”
Olive loosely ties Meatball’s leash around a pole that sits next to the Clubmobile, him panting excitedly as she does so, followed by a look of disappointment on his sweet face when he realizes he's not here for playtime. 
“Oh, don't give me that, poppet. We'll go find Kenny and Winks later, yeah? Maybe we'll play here a little while your guy is occupied, ‘kay?”
With a pat on his soft body, she starts to make her way back up the steps of the truck when she feels two hands tickle her waist, making her jump.
“James Douglass!” she squeals, turning around and pretending to clout him as he laughs loudly. “I almost jumped out of my damn skin!” Her eyebrows begin to furrow, her mouth beginning to form into a small pout.
“Hmm, me too,” he replies, his voice soft and his breath closer to her cheek. “How is it you look this good every morning?”
“Hey, now. I’m sorry. I was just messin’. I’m sorry, honey,” he pouts right back, kissing her cheek. “How’s my girl this morning?”
“Good. Better for seeing you,” she says, looking up at him a little seductively. 
“Magic,” she replies, winking. “It's called mascara and rouge. I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards when I first wake up - not a pretty sight.”
“I'd love to be the judge of that,” he replies, blushing just a little at the thought of them spending a morning together. “I gotta go. Don’t wanna be late.”
“Yes, go,” she urges, her hand on his face. She stares at him intently, her attention turning to his best features. “You have such pretty eyes, James,” she breathes, her thumb caressing his cheek. 
“Not as pretty as yours,” he winks, two fingers under her chin. Pressing a kiss to her palm as he takes it from his face, he begins to walk away. “I’ll be back for my coffee, pretty thing.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Meatball starts to get antsy the same minute the briefing starts in the opposing building, his lead clanging on the pole it is tied to as he tries to escape, huffing at every unsuccessful attempt to break free.
“Come on, fella,” Olive laughs, untying him once her morning tasks are complete. “Wanna throw a ball?” He pants in response, practically about to stand on his hind paws as he sees the ball emerge from Olive’s pocket. She throws it gently, floppy at the wrist so it stays within range and Meatball can't suddenly dart away. 
“Why don't you go over to the hardstand?” Val calls from the window of the Clubmobile, waiting for the fresh coffee to brew in time for the boys leaving their briefing. 
“I don’t wanna have to traipse all the way there to then come all the way back in ten minutes. I wanna see them before they go.”
“Anyone in particular you wanna see?”
“Hush it up, DiRosano,” she winks, handing her the ball as she joins them.
“At least he’s behaving today,” Val says as she takes the ball from Olive. She throws it a little harder than she means to, the ball not hitting the ground until it flies through the door of the briefing room. Meatball goes after it like a shot out of a cannon, not listening to the girls’ pleas to come back and stop. “Shit!” Val says, trying not to panic. 
“Fuck sake, Spud Chandler!” Olive sighs, hand clapping over her eyes.
They come to a halt as they enter, Val slamming into the back of Olive as she spots Meatball right outside the door to the briefing room, sat and waiting patiently for his next command. “Stay right there, buddy,” Olive pleads, hands up and walking towards him. He begins sniffing the air, somehow pinpointing the smell of his owner among the other hundred or so men, and takes off like a shot. 
“Meatball!” Olive says, her voice low and stern as she tries to creep into the room.
Val sighs, her shoulders sagging, rubbing the space between her eyebrows where her famous frown usually sits. “We should be alright, you know. It’s nothing I wouldn’t tell you in a few weeks anyway, when I’m typing the report for this. We get the dog, apologize, and get the hell outta there, got it?”
“Olive, fuck sake, girlie. Don’t go in there!”
“But the dog! And the ball!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Show me your prettiest smile.” She does as she's told, her cheeks growing pink with the effort and confusion. 
“Gorgeous, doll.”
“What’s it for?” Olive asks, relaxing her face and massaging her cheeks for a second.
“Oh, that’s for when Chicky tells us off and we need to sweeten him up when he catches us in the next few minutes.” 
“U-Boat pens in Trondheim, Norway!” Chick announces, standing upon a makeshift stage as the men in front of him cheer and whoop. Blakely and his crew are announced to be leading the squadron, Val’s cheeks turning pink and beaming with pride. “That’s my guy!” She whispers, her hands clasped together. A silence falls in the room, Chicky’s eyes squinting as he lights a cigar.
“Now, what in the hell is that dog doin’ in here?”
“Shit,” Olive and Val murmur in unison. “Might need that smile sooner than we thought, doll.”
“Fuck sake, Valencia,” Olive replies, shaking her head.
“Don’t blame me!” She chuckles. “Blame that darn dog.”
“Oh, I am, believe me.”
“I don’t care,” he says, his voice slightly raised and causing the crowd to look in their direction. “Get outta here.”
“Girls!” Chick scolds, walking up to them. “You shouldn’t be in here.”
“We’re sorry, Colonel,” Olive says, putting her nice British manners to good use. “The dog…”
“Yes, sir,” she replies, her lip almost quivering as her body tenses up at the confrontation.
“Chicky,” Val pleads, seeing Olive’s eyes glaze over slightly at his tone. “I threw the ball too hard, the dog ran after it, we came to find it and ended up in here. You know we wouldn’t have come in if it wasn’t urgent.” She’s really buttering him up, tucking her hair behind her ear and blinking her lovely long lashes at him. Olive smiles keenly by her side, trying to contain the fit of giggles that’s dying to burst out of her after she's blinked the tears away.
“Alright, girls,” he softens, pointing his cigar in their direction as Red describes something beaming out of the projector to get the attention of the men back where it needs to be. “I’ll let y’all off, just this once. But don’t let me catch you in here again.”
“You got it, Chicky.”
“And stop calling me Chicky.”
“Nope! Come on, Meatball!” Val says, pushing Olive out of the room in a hurry as she begins to collapse in a heap of laughter, Meatball following along behind and barking at the girls’ giggles.
Everett Blakely stands at the door of the Clubmobile, hands on his hips, looking extremely pissed off. “Val? You got a sec?”
“Yes, honey,” she says sweetly, rolling her eyes at Olive as she passes her. “I’m in trouble.”
“You look far too excited at that prospect, Val.”
“Never know what the consequences will be,” she winks as she reaches the bottom step. Olive and Helen giggle cheekily at her comment, Olive breathing deeply as she sees no sign of James or Benny, telling herself she's off the hook for her second scolding of the day. The relief washes away instantly as she sees James in the same position as Ev was a second ago, his expression more anxious and upset than annoyed.
“C’mere,” he beckons with his head. She obliges, descending the three steps of the truck. “What were you doing in there?”
“Oh, the dog ran in there after Val, baseball superstar here, threw the ball a little too hard,” she says airily, a comedic tone to her voice.
“No, doll. We’d have kept the dog until it was all done.”
“This isn’t the time for jokes, Olive. You shouldn’t have been in there.”
“Are you mad at me or something?” She narrows her eyes at him, trying to gauge his expression. “I just thought it was the right thing to do. I didn’t mean to cause a disturbance, I just wanted to–”
“How was I supposed to know that?”
“Don’t care, Ol. I wanna protect you, okay?”
“If it ever happens again, you grab the dog, you get out, or we watch the dog and bring him back. I don’t want you hearing all of that.” His hand goes into her hair, his fingers raking through it as he sighs. “I don’t want you hearing things and getting upset, okay?” he breaks eye contact, his eyes now on the ground. “I hate the thought of makin’ you sad, Ol. Breaks my heart.”
“Hey,” she soothes, getting him to look up at her again by lifting his chin. “I’m a tough girl,” she shrugs, their eyes finally meeting. 
“Mhm,” she nods in reply, her stomach full of butterflies with the softness and sweetness of it all. “You want a coffee?”
“Bubbles!” They hear, their heads turning towards Val. “You can't fly!”
“Yes, please, beautiful. Don’t need sugar.”
“Sweet enough on you,” they say together.
Olive peeks around the corner to see Joseph Payne, huddled under a blanket and shaking, sweating a fever out. 
“She's right,” Olive gasps after seeing his damp face. “You cannot fly in this state.”
“I'll be fine, I promise!” 
Olive shakes her head in protest, shuffling around in her full pockets before pulling out a stick of gum. 
“I know you don't want anything right now, but this,” she opens the foil, handing him the green colored gum, “is peppermint. It'll help with the nausea.”
“Never heard'a that,” he says weakly, a hand out of the makeshift blanket hood. He takes the gum and bites off a little, chewing slowly. “Thank ya, ma'am.”
“No trouble, Bubbles!”
Tedious hours pass after hearing the rumble of the aircraft as they ascend into the expansive blue sky. It was a cloudless day, the sun beaming down on the base, Olive breathing in the scent of the warm countryside. She holds two donuts in one hand, Meatball’s leash in the other, holding the donuts meant for Kenny and Winks as far as she can out of Meatball's greedy little grasp.
“It smells different here,” she thinks out loud, while removing the leash from the dog as he walks slowly. “Nothing specific, just different.” Meatball stops and stares back at her, his eyes shining in the bright sun as if he is listening to her intently as they begin walking together again. 
“Still wondering why you brought me here, fella.” His head turns to the side, his tongue wagging. Olive isn't sure if it's a trick of the light, but she is almost certain he winks at her. “What are you not telling me? It was all meant to be, wasn't it? Destiny.” She smiles as they approach the crew chiefs, Winks waving as he sees them a small distance away.
“Hey, buddy!” Ken yells as he sees Meatball, placing his tools down quickly. 
“Hey,” Olive says, handing him his donut. 
“For me? You're a gem.”
“Of course. Bribing you into silence is kind of fun, really.” She gestures to Winks who, instead of eating the donut, breaks it into pieces for the dog.
“Why don't ya just tell em? They're your friends,” Kenny says, turning back to Olive, his mouth speckled with sugar.
“What if they don't believe me?” She sighs, pulling the baseball from her pocket. 
“They might.”
“Or,” she pauses, eyebrows raised. “They won't, and I lose the only people that make life make sense.”
“You told me!”
“You caught me and I can't lie that fast.” 
He laughs, wiping his mouth before quickly licking the remaining sugar from his lips. “You need me to watch the fella?”
“Please. He's being pretty good today, but you know how nervous us girls get on a mission day.”
“I hear ya. I'll give him to Demarco after interrogation.”
“Or just have him run back to me when you're had enough. Either way,” she shrugs, petting Meatball before she intends to depart. 
“Got it. Here, thanks for the donut.”
“You're welcome, Ken.”
“Oh, and tell em. Tell the girls. They'll believe you.” 
“Valencia,” Olive urges, a plume of smoke falling from her mouth as she speaks, watching her friend scrub the same counter for the third time in ten minutes. “You’ve already done that one.”
“R-right,” she stutters, wiping her wet hands on her jumpsuit. Olive stubs out the cigarette and starts carrying donuts into the interrogation room, Val darting toward her to grab them. 
“I got it, Val,” she coos, holding the tray to her body. “Just get the door for me.”
“Got it,” she replies, her voice a couple of octaves higher than what Olive is used to hearing.
“You okay, chicken?”
“Yeah. Just anxious.”
“I know. But they'll be okay. They'll be back before you know it.” Olive enters the room and sets down the donuts on their table, Tattie wandering in after them.
“Oh, thanks, Ol,” she says, patting her on the shoulder. “Val, mind setting out the whiskey?”
“Sure, I'm on it,” she replies, the words rushing out of her mouth, her body tight with the same anxiety they all see in Harry Crosby on the daily. 
“Need a hand?” Helen strolls in, setting cream and sugar next to the coffee she had put out earlier. 
“Nope, I've got it.” As Val picks up a glass to quickly wipe it clean of a smear that was missed, a familiar, loud rumble sounds overhead. Olive steps outside momentarily, hearing Doc shout. “I see em!” he yells, his hand shielding his eyes from the sun.
“Val, they're here,” Olive urges, walking towards her. Val stops suddenly, the glass slipping from her hands and smashing into pieces on the floor.
“Ah, fuck,” she groans, bending down to begin picking up the shards.
“Leave it, doll,” Olive soothes. “I'll get that.” Taking the cloth from Val’s hand, she grips her arm for a moment. 
“Go,” she murmurs. “Go see him.”
“Thanks, Ol,” she breathes out, her whole chest falling as she does so. 
“Helen, go with her, please. Just in case.” 
“Sure. What about you?”
“I'm fine here,” she reassures her, her eyes definitely telling a different story. Not wanting to press, Helen nods, threading her arm through Val’s. 
“We'll be right back, okay?”
“Welcome back, boys,” Doc Stover says in his deep, almost hoarse voice, the words mostly getting caught behind the pipe that's in his mouth. “C'mere, let me see that,” he says, taking a look at a gunner's hand that's cut deeply, the gash covered and the blood staunched by a rushed wrapped bandage. “Not too bad. Go to the infirmary after interrogation.”
“Yes, sir,” the man quietly replies, looking toward Olive. 
“Coffee? Something stronger?” He nods, grabbing one of glasses of whiskey from the adjacent table, nodding at her in thanks. 
“Olive,” she hears as her back is turned, exchanging pleasantries with Gale Cleven. He's in the middle of shaking his head at the whiskey table as he picks up a coffee mug, gesturing behind her as he takes a sip. She turns, eyes sparkling with her winning smile on her face. 
“Benny,” she grins, handing him both a coffee and a whiskey. “Glad to have you back.”
“Same. Where's the boy?”
“Oh, he's with Kenny and Winks. Dropped him off a while ago. We had so much to do here and he needed the exercise.”
“Hey, it's fine. I trust you all to take care of my dog, no matter where I end up.” He takes the whiskey in one gulp, chasing it with the coffee Olive prepared for him. “I swear you've got the magic touch. It's perfect every time.” She giggles, a little bashfully as he makes his way into the interrogation room. Breath caught in her throat, she stares at the door, longing for Dougie to appear. Instead, it's Ev and Val, hand in hand, Val’s face a little pale and her eyes without their usual keen sparkle. 
“Val?” Olive begins, making her way around the table to take her from Blakely. He breathes out in some kind of relief, grabbing two whiskies from the table and handing one to Val. “Valencia, what is it?”
“Curt's fort got hit with a shitload of flack,” Ev speaks, taking the shot of whiskey before resuming to talk. “Engines failing, pulling to the right, few fires. Cleven wanted us to stay with him. Egan and I had Croz navigate us somewhere safe, in case Biddick had to land.”
“In case?”
“We think he made a crash landing in Scotland.” 
Val's eyes begin to fill with tears as she whimpers softly, clutching the whiskey glass so tightly that it could shatter into splinters within seconds. Olive gently takes it from her hand, her arm now around her shoulders as Ev is ushered into the interrogation room by Chick. “I've got her,” Olive says as he walks backwards, making sure his girl is taken care of. 
“Dougie’s coming,” Ev says before walking into the room. Olive feels a giant breath fall out of her, her chest almost crumbling with the weight of it. She walks Val outside, lighting her a cigarette as they reach the truck.
Holding Val’s head to her shoulder, Olive soothes her as she softly weeps in worry. “Nobody's heard anything,” she sniffs, taking the glass of whiskey from Olive and knocking it back, wincing at the burning alcohol coursing through her body, taking two large drags of the smoke before offering it to Olive who shakes her head in refusal.
“It'll be okay, chicken. You know Ev would've kept him safe, would've had Croz make sure he was safe. He wouldn't pretend to make himself look valiant.”
“I know. They just didn't see him land,” she says, weeping fresh tears. Olive shushes her softly, hand in her hair in comfort.
She sees a figure walking by, head down and shoulders sagging slightly, until they make eye contact. James makes a beeline for Olive, rushing toward her. He kisses her on the cheek, his hand going through her hair quickly. His other hand is on Val's back, his voice etched with concern. 
“You okay?” 
Val shakes her head, wrapping herself around Olive as she finally weeps.
“She'll get there,” Olive softly replies. “I think once she's heard he's safe, she'll be alright. I've got her.”
“That's good, doll. I’d better–”
“Yeah, you're already straggling behind.”
“Wanted to see you,” he winks, planting a clumsy kiss on her forehead and placing his half smoked cigarette in her mouth. “See ya later.” 
“Cleven! Phone!” Red calls from across the crowded club, the girls sat around their table, comforting Valencia the best they could - she's on her fifth French 75, Ev bringing a new one every time he spots an empty glass in front of her. He's at the bar when he rushes back empty handed, patting his lady on the shoulder.
“Curt!” Cleven booms, Bucky Egan eavesdropping by his side. “Where are ya?” Val stands up at the mention of his name, the chair falling and clattering behind her as she begins to rush over. Blakely grabs her hand and leads her to where the pair are frantically yelling down the phone with huge grins on their faces. 
“Gonna be cold tonight, Curt!” Egan yells as he spots Everett, gesturing for Buck to hand the phone to Val, stopping his friend from slamming the receiver down.
A huge smile appears on her face, one that has her eyes crinkling in glee, her features softening in an instant as she relaxes at the sound of her best friend's  voice. Olive smiles just as big at the sight of it, Ev planting a kiss on her temple before she places the phone into its cradle, quickly hugging the two Bucks. 
“Well?!” Helen asks, her eyes wide as the couple venture back to the table.
“He's in Scotland,” Val laughs, her arm thrown around Ev’s shoulders. “Says the people are looking after them real well. Anyway, let's celebrate!” She picks up her empty glass and raises it. “Here's to another day of Curt Biddick bein’ a pain in my ass!” She cackles, everyone else raising their glass along with her. 
“The pain in your ass!”
“Bike race in the Mess Hall! Who's in?!”
“I'm in…me!...me, too!” A crowd of voices call as all the men within the club descend from the bar to the adjoining mess hall, Val dragging Helen and Olive with each hand. The girls, a giggling heap run hand in hand through the building to find a good viewing spot, their faces hot and red from the celebratory alcohol consumption, the running and continuous laughter. Val hadn't seemed to feel the effects of all the booze until she'd heard Curt was safe, slowly relaxing as the night went on; five French 75's had become seven, Blakely looking on with a smile as she smothered him in kisses. 
Olive, a few cocktails past her usual limit, leans against a wall and starts to light a cigarette. Her hand is moved for her, a zippo flame in her face. James lights it for her with a wink, which she cheekily reciprocates as he clambers back to the crowd.
“Hey, Demarco!” Dougie yells from a few rows behind, straddling the bike. “Whoever wins walks the pretty girl home,” he says, pointing at Olive who feels her face flush red in embarrassment. 
“Jesus Christ,” she shakes her head, handing her lighter to Tattie.
“Oh, you're on, Douglass.”
“Croz!” Dougie shouts as the men begin playfully shoving at one another, Croz struggling to get his feet on the pedals and stumbling slightly. “Give me a push so I can get ahead of Benny!”
“I'm not doin’ that, Doug,” he laughs, feet finally finding balance. “Besides, she's a nice girl. I may want to walk her home myself.”
“You're married!”
“A married guy can't have friends? She has better conversation skills than you mutts!” 
“Rank has its privileges, boys!” says Cleven as he pushes through the crowd to the front, taking a position next to Brady. Hot on his tail, is of course, Egan, the two rarely ever separate. 
“I see money changing hands,” he points into the sidelines. “That better be going on me!”
“Alright! Y'all ready?!” A cheer erupts from the crowd as Graham gives the men their route, holding a pistol in the air. He shoots it once, followed by a “yeehaw!” The girls cheer so enthusiastically that they feel their vocal chords strain and their throats begin to scratch, but they simply don't care. Fists pumping, jumping up and down like crazy and yelling “Go on! Get em!” Even Tattie joins in, glugging a beer and cheering along with her girls, finally comfortable to be herself in front of Olive.
“Come on, Egan, ya lard ass!”
 Cleven is in the lead, Egan not far behind him when the boys start to make their second lap, Cleven toppling off his bike, followed by Egan, starting a hilarious domino effect as all the men dive into the ever-growing pile of cycles when a shrill noise echoes through the building. Kidd, peeling himself off the wall, begins to yell. “Stop!” He shouts, waiting for the noise to cease. It doesn't, his body on high alert, that sour face back once again after its momentary reprieve. Remembering Val’s words at the sight of him, Olive giggles. 
“Fella looks like he's  got a bug permanently up his ass.”
“Get to the shelters!”
Helen gestures for Olive to grab her drink and holds out her hand. She takes it and they begin to run to the nearest air raid shelter as they see Val and Ev running in an opposite direction, giggling in glee.
“Who got further then, Ol?” Helen titters, head on Olive's shoulder as she drains the final sip of her rum and coke as they both see the sky above them light up every few seconds. 
“Benny,” she says, almost sighing.
“Are you disappointed?”
“No! Not disappointed,” she says, rolling her eyes at Helen.
“Olive,” she says a little sternly, eyes narrowing, slightly bloodshot from the rum. “I think you know what you want now.”
“But is it because I'm shit faced?” Olive laughs, feeling Helen's arm wrapping around her waist. 
“I think you'd give me the same answer if you were sober, doll. You've gotta tell him. Tell him tonight.”
“I will.”
“Pinky swear?” She holds her pinky finger out, and Olive hooks hers on to it immediately. 
“Where did the lovers get to?” Helen asks as they break away from one another.
“I saw them running back toward the mess hall, so God knows.”
“God knows, we know, Tattie can absolutely not know.” They both giggle, hands covering their mouths to try to stifle it, not wanting to disturb the silence in the shelter. 
“We'll cover for her!” Olive says, wiping tears from her eyes from the effort of trying to keep the giggles in. “That's what we're here for isn't it?” 
“It sure is, Ol.”
Exiting the shelter and patting Cleven on the back as he catches sight of Olive, Benny makes his way over to her, guiding Meatball without a lead.
“Ready, Ol?”
“Sure am. The booze wore off after the first hour sat in there and it’s made me extremely sleepy.”
“Meatball seems to be ready to get outside, too. Didn’t expect to be in there so long and he was getting restless.”
“I can imagine. Ten minutes tied to that pole outside of our little Clubmobile and he’s going crazy.” They begin to walk, Benny offering Olive his arm.
“Taking the dog to do his business while taking the lady home, Benny?” Dougie says, cheeky smile on his face. “Very romantic.”
“Shut it, Douglass,” he bites back, winking to show him he’s joking.
“I’m just being a sore loser, I guess,” he replies, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “My turn tomorrow though, alright?”
“Deal,” she swoons, trying her best to hide the heart eyes she’s giving him.
The pair converse casually as they walk arm in arm, Meatball a few paces in front of them, stopping to sniff at whatever catches his fancy every few steps. It makes for a slow walk from the club to the hut, but Olive doesn’t mind. It’s a nice evening, the cold air less biting than the previous night - instead, a warmer breeze sweeps through the base, bringing up the smell of the honeysuckle that grows in the village gardens. 
“What’s up?” She asks, nervously, hoping Ken hasn’t ratted her out already. She feels sweat trickle down her back and tension rise up in her throat as Benny takes a deep breath.
“Thanks for walking me back, Benny,” she says as they reach the door of the hut. “I appreciate it, as always.”
“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” he says, taking the two paces that separate them.
“I know when to bow out.”
“I see how Douglass looks at you,” he begins, his shoulders rising and falling. “And I see how you look at him.”
“Benny,” she pleads, her brow furrowing in guilt. 
“Friends?” She asks, holding her hand out.
“I’m sorry,” she continues. “I didn’t intend for this to happen. Especially this. I really like you, Benny. You’re a sweet, wonderful guy and any woman would be lucky to have you. I’m not afraid to say that I don’t feel safe around many men - but with you? I feel very safe.”
“Thanks, Ol. That means a lot.”
“Best friends, Olive. Always.” He pulls her into a hug, the pair of them clinging to one another and smiling. 
“I meant what I said, doll,” she says into his shoulder. “Anyone will be lucky to have you. I hope I’m there to see it.” They break apart and smile at one another, both finally relaxed.
“Oh, you will be. We won’t be rid of each other that easily, girl. You, me and him,” he says, gesturing to Meatball who is sitting next to Olive’s feet, tail wagging in giddiness at seeing his people together. “We’re a team. And we take care of each other. I’ll always be around for you, y’know.”
A figure skulks a few paces behind Benny, coming into the light as he departs. Olive doesn’t see the dumbfounded look on his face as she spots him.
“Me, too.”
“Also, I’m glad you chose Dougie.”
“You’re beginning to feel more like a sister than a potential girlfriend, and I’d have been too nice to say no.”
“You cheeky fucker,” she teases, shoving him. She opens her arms to him again, kissing him on the cheek. “Goodnight, Benny.”
“Goodnight, Ol. See you in the morning.” He returns the kiss, winking at her as they break apart again. “C’mon, pal,” he says to Meatball. “Let’s get to bed.”
“Jesus, Olive. I thought you liked me. You made me believe you liked me.”
“Dougie!” She greets joyously, walking up to him, ready to throw her arms around him guilt free. “Hi, honey.”
“Don’t honey me,” he seethes, walking away the second she comes close to him. “I didn’t mean to disturb.”
“You didn’t disturb anything, my love,” she soothes, trying to grab his hand. 
“I do?!” she urges, her eyes narrowing at him in confusion. “Oh, that?” She says, realizing what he’s seen. “Dougie, we were talking and–”
“I don’t wanna fucking hear it, Olive. From now on, leave me the hell alone.”“If you’d just let me explain,” she pleads, her eyes filling with tears. He walks away, not once looking back. Olive feels her heart racing in a panic and feels her face crumple at the sight of him leaving. Her breath caught in her throat, tears spilling down her cheeks, she struggles to shout for him, the effort of it straining her body.
“Dougie! James, please don’t go! James!”
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charleslee-valentine · 9 months
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For the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanworks Event Day 6: Music is my Life
Ship(s): Radiohead/Vietnita/Brocktop (Chop Top x Stretch)
Word Count: ~1,800
Warnings: Alcohol use, hangovers, abuse mention, mild sexual content.
It wasn’t intentional.
Bobby was supposed to be out and back before anybody even noticed he was gone. To just grab a couple drinks and then get the hell out. Easy.
Now, nobody else knew that plan, so did it matter that much when two beers turned to three, then three to four? Probably not. He wasn’t far from home and hadn’t driven anyways. He could be there in time still.
Except he didn’t walk his goofy ass home. He woke up in a pretty girls bed.
She greeted him with a soft, close-lipped smile, “Morning. Didn’t think you’d be up before the afternoon.”
A groan slips past his lips. His head is fucked. Bobby tries to sit up and then lays right back down, rubbing at blurry eyes, “Time?”
“‘Leven thirty. You got somewhere to be, I’ll drive you.” She informs him, sitting on the side of the bed. Her bed.
Bobby should tell her he’s got to get home. But he’s barely awake, and barely able to remember what happened last night either. Speech isn’t coming to him.
He just shakes his head ‘no’.
“Your head still hurtin’ you?” The woman observes, when he nods again producing a little pain-pill bottle from somewhere, maybe the night stand, and giving it to him, “Here. Don’t leave it on an empty stomach. I can make you breakfast too.”
Really, he appreciates the offer. There’s no way in hell he’d lie and say he doesn’t like the attention from this gorgeous lady. But, one thought creeps up in his head and he has to ask, wondering if maybe she’s one of those women that take advantage that his big brother warned him about. After all, she doesn’t seem to be affected by last night in the least.
Maybe she was sober while he wasn’t.
“A-Aren’t you hungover t-too?”
“Sugar, I do that every night. If I still got as fucked up as you, I’d’ve been kicked out by now. My drunk lasts a lot less than yours.” She informs him, kind but a little humored.
That’s when Bobby remembers some. Pretty girl is the disc jockey from the bar. Stretch is her work name. Vanita is her real one. Even that part of her is beautiful.
Okay, so he might be a little pussy whooped, but he can’t help it. She played good music. Actual rock and not the radio approved shit. Alcohol in his system meant he was probably rambling about all the artists and such for hours last night, and she’d done nothing but listen contentedly. And then kiss him.
It was really pretty fun, dancing all night, sharing drinks and cool facts and kisses. Nothing like the other quick hookups he’d had in bathroom stalls and seedy motels. The kinds where they wouldn’t look him in the face or kiss him after they got their rocks off.
Those times had been better than being lonely, but not being hat he wanted. Nothing like miss Vanita.
Even now, she could kick him out. Instead of sitting here close and brushing stray hairs off his face, she could be dragging him out the door.
Not that he even should be still here. He’s a long several hours overdue to be back home. They’ll have noticed by now he ain’t there.
He looks her in her eyes, half squinting from the stubborn headache, “I-I kinda lied. M-My brothers’ll be look-lookin’ for me.”
Stretch seems understanding, putting her sweet hand in his hair like she’d done the night before and makin’ him blush like some kinda idiot, “I can take you home, hon. Promise it won’t bother me none to do it.”
“I-I don’ wanna.” Bobby doesn’t know why he’s honest. Like he’s her puppy or something.
“Mm. I hear ya.” Stretch can sense the sadness in him, the part of the truth that isn’t being told. She just misunderstands it’s meaning a little, “Bobby, are you sure you got somewhere to go? You can tell me the truth.”
“Huh? O-Oh yeah. M-My brother o-o-own’s a real big farm house. We all l-live there. All-“ He counts his siblings on his fingers, including his Sissy even though she doesn’t come home often, “Five of us.”
That doesn’t fully answer her question though. Stretch asks him slowly, “And you’re safe there?”
“S-Sure. Drayton says..says I-I’m in my r-rebellion phase.”
All he means by that is that he’s on a slightly longer leash than he used to be, not getting beat up the same as he used to either. Safe enough. He might get smacked around a little for coming home so late, but it’s nothing miss Stretch outta worry her little self about.
She sure looks like she’s worrying though, with her eyebrows all shot up high on her forehead, “Mister, you told me you were 30 something.”
“Yeh. I-I am.” Bobby tells her bluntly, even though his stutter makes him sound less sure.
“Alright then.” She relaxes quick, looking at him in this infatuated way, the kinda look nobody ever gave him before. A light laugh bounces her strong-frame shoulders, “You are a mystery, Robert Sawyer.”
It sounds nice, but he wants to be sure she isn’t trying to pull one over on him. “I-In a good way?”
“The best.” She promises.
“Cool. Gr-Groovy.” Without the whiskey and beer, he ain’t exactly some Romeo. He feels awkward and dumb, so he tries to make up for it, “Hey, c-can I kiss you?”
Stretch hums with tiniest play of a smirk on her face, “Honey, you done a lot more than that.”
Oh she knows just how to make him blush. It’s nice having someone who challenges him back.
He smiles really genuinely, even though he’s been told his overbite is gross looking, he hopes she won’t mind, “I-It’s polite to ask.”
She must like his smile.
“Then yes, baby. Anytime you like.”
Stretch even initiates the kiss, already holding him in her arms, only taking a little effort to lean in and connect their lips. Everything about her is gentle, but not her kisses. Those are hungry. Fierce.
Bobby makes some kind of a noise like a whimper and a mewl combined. It makes Stretch laugh softly.
Flushed as pink as a peach, he pulls away a little, for the sake of catching his breath as much as to get his bearings back, “Wh-What’s funny?”
Her soft hands never leave his face, “You just weren’t this shy last night, baby. Don’t worry though; I like my boys a little soft.”
Soft isn’t really a word he’s been called before. Or even been allowed to be. In his head, soft translates into pansy ass. To sorry excuse for a brother.
He knows his face must light up like a puppy dog when she says that. Every instinct in his body screams to kiss on her, so he does. Not that he’s usually one to deny things like that, but it seems especially right, being here with this special girl.
He lungs and kisses all over her face. Any inch of skin he can reach gets a smooch.
She’s howling with laughter by the time she gently pushes him off, “Calm down now, mister!”
But he doesn’t want to go far away from uer. The contact and the pressure and the warmth are too nice. He leans on her while his hands get tappy and a couple little noises squeak past his attempts to stop them. That happens when he gets happy. Stretch might have to get used to that.
She doesn’t seem off put at a glance. If anything, the look in her eyes is kinda fond. Loving.
Her fingers card through his long hair again, careful not to catch on any tangles, “You and me gonna party ‘gain soon, sweet thing?”
Bobby shrugs, “M-Maybe once I’m ungrounded. I-I’m gonna be in biiiiig trouble.”
“Even if I come back with ya and explain?” Stretch offers.
That makes him feel silly. People don’t really think it’s normal, him being old as he is and still being pushed around by his big brother. Living with him ‘stead of on his own.
They think that it makes him either some drooling idiot, or a spineless pushover. Like he’s just supposed to walk away from the man that raised him, and his other two brothers that need the extra help. The man feeds him for thirty years, takes care of his brothers and helps with his medicine, and that’s supposed to mean nothing?
Thankfully, Stretch ain’t most people though.
Bobby looks at her all wide eyed, “Y-You’d do that f-for me?”
She sounds real genuine as she explains her reasoning, knowing he needs to heard it to believe it, “Sure, hon. I get it, you been gone all night, but it’s better’n both of our drunk asses winding up in a ditch somewhere. They’ll understand that.”
He nods, and wraps his arms right around her, determined to look in her eyes while he declares, “I-I won’t let ‘em be mean t-to ya. Y-You’re my girl, miss Stretch.”
It was mostly a success. His eyes do that blinky twitchy thing they do, which has always annoyed him, but it doesn’t seem to bother her.
For once, she’s the one between them that blushes “Am I now?”
“Y-Yeah. My..My fave.” He promises, hoping she understands what a high compliment that truly is.
But then she says something that surprises him. “Ain’t always you get to meet the folks this early. That’s gotta be a new record.. Hope I’m not comin’ off too desperate on you.”
As if. Not when Bobby’s around, he thinks. His middle name might as well be desperate (He actually doesn’t officially have one on paper.) It’s awful weird having someone who doesn’t just automatically point out that he’s annoying or blame him for everything. Stretch really thinks she could be too much?
“N-No way. Y-You and me, we c-could be s-soulmates o-or somethin’.” To prove it to her, he belts a line from a Van Morrison song about love, “I'm run into to her like a river strong-“
Music gets to a girl like her. One who knows allll about it from her nights dj-ing at the club. She interrupts him with a kiss.
Strong as all the other ones with even more tongue. There’s intention behind it, a silent but perfectly clear question. An offer to do a repeat of last night, but sober. Bobby gives her some little sounds as confirmation. Moaning little whines.
All the confirmation she needs.
Stretch throws her leg around his waist, using the added leverage to pin Bobby to the mattress and straddle his waist.
Somehow they stayed connected through all that, but she breaks the kiss to ask him, panting, “How much longer b‘fore you hafta go?”
“A-A little while more w-wouldn’t hurt nobody…” He confirms.
It’s true enough. Might get him hurt, but he’s more’n used to that.
Something tells him he ain’t never gonna get used to the feeling of a pretty girl on top of him this way. So he’s sure as hell gonna revel in it.
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
Goes by she/they/he 
A “Queen” and Bee Gees fan. Often blasts their music when working on the Gups.
Knows everyone’s soft spot and weaknesses and yet would never use them against anyone nor tell anyone, even should her life be in danger. 
Makes sure to adjust the seat of whoever is sitting nexto her when she’s driving a Gup.
Has a typing quirk where she used different numbers instead of letters when writing digital notes or messages, for example 5 instead of S, 6 instead of B, 1 instead of I.. “1 5a1d to put 5o1l 1n th3 plants n0t 6oil them!”
Bops and shakes her head when listening to music.
Music basically constantly plays in her mind, of all sorts of genres and artists.
Secretly takes inspiration for some of her blueprints from sci-fi films and fantasy novels.
Is a sucker for a good book but prefers audiobooks so she can ‘read’ while she works on whatever has tickled her fancy.
She relaxes through work and tends to just change to a different project if they grows tired of one, basically sort of like “oh boy, I’m sure tired from spending 4 hours tending to this gup! Oh well, time to go relax. *begins to work on a different gup*”
Has fairy lights that he sometimes  hangs up around the launchbay for funsies.
Has enough strength to be able to pick up anyone of the crew and at times likes to randomly do so just to surprise them (other than barnacles, who first of all isn’t appreciative of such a gesture and secondly is far too heavy even for her).
Loves to feel the wind when riding a gup above water but has had too many incidences of fish and other critters accidentally falling inside the gup and so tends to keep the window closed.
Loves licorice.
P.S I won’t be making any age/sexuality/show related headcanons but rather stuff that fits their personality. ALSO THEY HAVE AUTISM. ALSO THEY HUM TUNES.
Source? I said so. I am litterally going off nothing from the show apart from the vibe :3
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daegudrama · 1 year
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Daegudrama’s Spicy Festa Special D-6
Title: Moon Over Flower
Pairing: Reader/Kim Seokjin
Summary: Reader finally decides to lose her virginity and hires someone from the internet. Said person, unbeknownst to her, happens to be her favorite regular at the coffee shop she works at and her favorite spicy content creator.
Word Count: 3973 words
Today you are very grateful that your manager and coworkers didn’t ask why you are taking the day off. The last thing you need is someone asking when you are a god awful liar. Anything you would’ve come up with on the fly would’ve been suspicious. But you can’t very well tell your coworkers you are taking the day off to lose your virginity.
Honestly, they would probably be relieved that you finally decided someone was worthy of your time. It has come up in conversation before. You’ve heard a few too many stories about your coworker’s questionable adventure. Baristas often talk about very inappropriate things when there’s a lull in business.
Many things led you to the point where you are paying someone to take your virginity. At some point, probably around 24 (nearly three years ago), you realized there was no one that you were interested in that way. No one lives up to your standards to the point where it’s been so long you just never thought it would happen. You didn’t want some scummy guy from Tinder to be the first person that sees you completely naked in an intimate setting.
In a drunken moment of desperation two weeks ago you searched the internet for someone to take your virginity. For what must've been at least two hours you searched through the listing trying to find something promising. A user who calls himself Namgyu had many positive comments that didn’t look like they were from spam accounts. When you woke up in the morning you had already paid the non-refundable deposit and decided you might as well go through with this. After all, this guy does this for a living. He must know what he’s doing on some level if he’s who he says he is.
Namgyu sent you an email last night with instructions on where to meet him. The hotel you are meeting him at is just a few blocks away from where you work. He told you to request a key card from the front desk and then let yourself in. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you speak to the well dressed man at the front desk. There are no issues and he just points you in the right direction.
The fabric of your skirt rides up as you walk and you tug it back down. You take a deep breath in front of the door and check your phone to make sure your best friend can see your location. Once you’ve confirmed that you swipe the keycard and your heart drops when it works. This is really happening. You are about to let a random man on the internet take your virginity.
The red light on the door turns green as you swipe the card. Your heart is sent pounding as you open the heavy door and step into the short hallway. A shuffling sound comes from further inside the room. You take a step forward, after removing your shoes, as his head peaks into view then halt while your heart drops to your stomach.
“Seokjin?” You question eyes widening as your jaw drops. “You told me you’re an accountant!”
Standing in front of you in just a pair of jeans slung low on his hips is your favorite regular. He is wearing a matching face of shock. You are trying not to stare at his pronounced abs but it’s so hard when you’ve fantasized about him far too many times on slow days. Have his shoulders always been so impossibly wide? Has his waist always been so delicately tiny? Usually he wears baggy sweaters when he’s getting his morning coffee.
“My eyes are up here, noona.” He steps closer, placing a gentle finger under your chin to guide it upwards. You swear your heart skips a beat. Everything in you wants to scream but you can’t do that. You have to remain cool and act like he isn’t driving you crazy already. “I could’ve been an accountant, but this is a lot more fun. Come on, let's talk for a minute.”
He removes his finger from your chin and walks into the room. The room is pretty spacious, there's even a couch. You can only imagine what someone on the couch has watched happen on the bed. Seokjin sits on the corner of the bed facing the couch. You take a seat on the couch crossing your ankles and sitting up straight. When you don’t say anything he speaks with a calm smile. He is reminding you of someone else but you can’t put your finger on it.
“If this is uncomfortable for you I’ll give you a full refund. I don’t normally do that but you are the only person that can make my coffee correctly and I really like the conversations we have.”
Seokjin has been coming to the coffee shop you work at for nearly two years. Your coworkers always encourage you to ask for his number but you’ve never worked up the courage. He seems so entirely out of your league. Everything about him is perfect even at seven in the morning before his morning coffee. His tousled hair and the cute pout that forms on his lips as he waits warms your heart.
“That wasn’t just in my head?” You mutter then slap your hand to your mouth when you realize you’ve said that out loud.
“You talk to me about genuinely interesting things instead of the weather or traffic.” he pauses and a smirk creeps onto his lips. “I suppose it doesn’t hurt that you’re incredibly beautiful.”
There is no way he just said that. You cover your face with your hands knowing it’s turning bright red from the flattery. Maybe your coworkers are right. A few of them struck out with him. You are the only person at your job he’s been even slightly receptive to. You can’t imagine why.
He takes people’s virginities for a living; his confidence must be through the roof. From the little you know of him you imagine he would be a sweet and caring lover. That’s probably really weird to be thinking of a customer, but right now you are his customer.
You keep your eyes off of his toned form while you try to form a coherent thought. On the bedside table you see a mask that reminds you of who else he is reminding you of. You gasp, eyes tearing back to study exposed chest. Your favorite regular is a porn star on magicshop.com. Seokjin has a series where he films himself taking people’s virginity while wearing masks to protect their anonymity. His content is exactly what you imagined he’d be like. You can’t believe you’ve been watching him for the last year without ever realizing who he was. There is something comforting yet hot about watching how gentle and caring this sexy man can be.
“Moonshine?!?” You blurt his screen name and follow it with something possibly desperate. But can anything truly be more desperate than paying him to take your virginity? “Okay, we are definitely doing this.”
Seokjin’s face splits into a grin and he can’t hold back his laughter. He falls back onto the bed continuing to chuckle for a moment before he sits up. Seokjin joins you on the couch sitting just a few inches away.
“You’re a fan of my work?” He reaches a hand out searching for yours. “Can I touch you?”
“Yes, to both.” You say softly wondering if he can hear the way your heart is hammering in your chest.
His long fingers thread between yours and he strokes your thumb with his own in a comforting gesture. He brushes your hair away from your neck with his other hand and considers something for a moment before he speaks.
“Part of me wants to ask my usual questions, but the other part of me wants to know what your favorite video is.”
The fact that you indeed have an answer to that question shows how deeply you are interested in his content. He makes a lot of videos but there is one person that you love seeing him with more than any of his other regulars.
“It feels embarrassing to say out loud.” You admit because no one else would ever speak to you about this. Well, maybe your secret twitter mutuals would.
“Noona, it’s okay.” He takes your face between his hands forcing you to look in his eyes. “There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I want to know what you think of my work. I want to know what excites you.”
He releases your face scooting closer to you until your thighs are flush. Seokjin resumes holding your hand playing with your fingers as he waits for you to respond.
“I like your videos with Cupid best.”
Cupid’s sunny and expressive personality shines, even through the screen of your laptop at two in morning. He doesn’t show his face on Seokjin’s channel but he does have his own channel. Sometimes he will speak before the video starts and the difference between his cheerful speaking and his sexy serious face never fails to shock you. It would be a horrible lie if you said you hadn’t thought of being eiffel towered by them.
“There’s a video with him coming out next week. We tried something different.” His smirks tells you he knows just how badly you are dying to know what it is. “Have you thought about being between us? All our attention, just for you.” he whispers in your ear and it sends a shiver of pleasure down your spine.
Only a mess of unintelligible words will come out if you speak so you nod your head. You can feel your pussy getting wet just from his words.
“Can I turn on the camera?” He squeezes your hand and trails the other one over the exposed skin of your thigh. “If you want to stop at any point that is okay. If you feel uncomfortable please let me know and we will stop and talk about it. We will only continue if you want.”
“Can I kiss you first?” You say softly not knowing where the sudden boldness came from.
“Of course. This is about you.”
Seokjin pulls you off the couch so you aren’t at an awkward angle. His plump lips are pulled into a small smile as he waits for you to make the first move. You take a deep breath and kiss silky lips. Kissing is something that you are quite familiar with thankfully.
He lightly grips your waist leaving a little room. You let your hands rest on his bare shoulders. Anxiety is buzzing in your stomach but you are trying to remind yourself that if he doesn’t like it he won’t do it.
You allow him to deepen the kiss with a mix of butterflies and nervousness churning in your stomach. His hand slides to your ass earning a small gasp from you. He pulls away making sure everything is okay. He waits a moment accessing your face. You don’t want to wait and pull him back to your lips by the back of his neck. He hums in surprise and squeezes your ass over your skirt.
Your hands trail lower tracing the dips of his toned stomach with your fingertips. From watching his content you know he loves delicate touches like this. He’s said it drives him crazy and leaves his skin feeling tingly.
Seokjin is by the far the most skilled person you’ve ever kissed. Your essence is soaking your panties from just his simple touches.
“You can turn the camera on.” You say looking into his deep brown eyes.
You take a seat on the bed watching as he pulls multiple tripods and cameras from the closet. He quickly sets them up and you feel a bit of pride when you notice a bulge in his pants. You grab the mask that covers the top half of your face and put it on. Seokjin also puts on his mask before hitting record. He doesn’t speak until he joins you on the bed.
“You’re a fan of my videos?” He asks again for the cameras sitting in front of you on the bed. He runs his hand up and down your bare thigh.
“Watching you helps me feel good.”
He smirks, pushing his hand under your shirt to touch the sensitive skin over your ribs. You take a deep breath trying to not show how much it’s affecting you. Of course, that’s pointless no one has ever touched you like this.
“Do you like hearing me say dirty girl? Do you imagine I’m saying it to you?” He moves his hand even further up touching the lacey bra you bought especially for this occasion.
A chill runs straight to your pussy at his words. You nod your head enthusiastically and help him remove your shirt. He stares at your cleavage with a thoughtful expression before leaning in to kiss your breasts. He sucks a mark onto your skin without asking like he knows you will say yes to whatever you want.
“You’re so hot.”
“Noona, I don’t think you realize the effect you have on people.” He kisses your shoulder while using his other hand to inch closer and closer to your cunt. He is centimeters from touching the matching lace panties you so carefully chose. “You radiate charm in a way that even captures the attention of strangers.”
You almost roll your eyes but are distracted when he grabs your hand and places it directly on his clothed cock. Instinctively you squeeze feeling the large girth of his cock in your hand. Your pussy tingles thinking of this being deep inside of you. If only he would move to touching you like that. But you suppose he knows how to not overwhelm you too quickly.
He gives you an encouraging hum before pulling you into his lap. He lifts you, putting himself into a better angle for the cameras. Seokjin positions you so his strong thigh is between your legs. You wonder if he can feel your wetness on his leg. Seokjin puts his hands on your hips gently guiding you to drag your cunt against his leg.
The friction gives you relief you’ve been desperately craving. His strong leg feels so different from the soft pillows you’ve grinded against before. It’s an entirely new sensation. Pleasure is blooming through your whole body. He takes one of your perky nipples into his mouth earning a gasp. His hot tongue flicks over the nub and a moan falls from your soft lips.
The feeling of Seokjin touching you is far more satisfying than anything you’ve done to yourself. He lets you grind on his leg for just a few minutes before he lifts you onto the bed. He removes your skirt and underwear leaving your underwear in frame but tossing the skirt away. You feel shy suddenly having Seokjin see you completely naked. He stands pulling off his pants and underwear in one fluid motion. Your favorite regular lies on his stomach between your legs and begins kissing the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. He barely gave you a chance to look at his cock, not that you haven’t seen it in his videos before. Seeing his girthy cock in person is completely different then seeing it on screen even if his cameras have insanely good quality.
“Do you want me to finger you like you do to yourself when you watch my videos?” His fingers trail towards your pussy but stop short, teasing. “I hope I can make you feel even better, Noona.”
A bolt of excitement shoots to your chest at his words. On more than one occasion you’ve fingered yourself while watching him take other people’s virginities. You never imagined you’d end up here minutes away from losing your own.
“Please, make me feel good.” You manage to whine and he drags his fingers over your slit.
You can’t hold in the gasp as he wets his finger in your juices. He traces around your hole with the tip of his finger while he kisses your thighs. You try to relax your tense muscles knowing everything will feel better if you are relaxed.
A low moan escapes your mouth when he gently pushes his index finger inside of you. He kisses your clit before sucking it into his mouth. That earns him an even louder moan and he uses the moment to slide his finger further inside. You like the sensation of his finger so much you wonder why you ever bothered doing it yourself. Could you have been experiencing this the whole time? Have you been missing out or is Seokjin an outlier?
Seokjin laps his tongue over your clit and you swear you see stars. You grab at the sheets beside you not knowing what to do with your hands. Your back arches off the bed when he decides to add a second finger and begins pushing them in and out of you at a leisurely pace.
“You’re so pretty.” He mumbles against your pussy. He drags his tongue through your slit with an s motion. A constant stream of moans is being recorded for all of your favorite regular’s fans to hear. “I love tasting you, noona.”
You look into the camera to your left before focusing on the man eating your pussy like it’s the only thing he ever wants to do. How lucky are you that the first tongue to ever touch you knows exactly how to make you tick? Your legs are shaking within minutes and you can feel Seokjin’s face pulling into a pleased smile.
“Moon, please fuck me.”
He locks eyes with you. His eyes are wide like he didn’t expect you to be so direct. Seokjin knows the effect he’s having on you but always wants to see how far he can push it before they start begging.
“Yes, Noona.” He says with a smile as he sits up and reaches for the top drawer of the nightstand. He quickly tears a condom off the row and unwraps it. You watch as he puts it on knowing he’ll cut this out of the video. Seokjin scoots closer to you as he finishes rolling the condom down his length. He slots himself between your legs and leans down to kiss your neck. “Are you ready?”
“I’m ready.” You whisper and he kisses you.
Seokjin’s soft lips kiss you as the tip of his cock pushes inside of your cunt. He is gentle knowing he can be a lot to take. Your hands grip his broad shoulders trying not to dig your nails into his skin. You aren’t sure that would be appreciated.
You pull away from the kiss cursing as he pushes slightly further in. He kisses your neck as you get used to the feeling of his cock inside of you. Your favorite regular inside of you fills you up better than any toy ever could. Heat pools in your stomach urging you to move yourself on his cock. Seokjin sits up watching the change in your expression.
As if he can read your mind he slowly pulls out nearly all the way and pushes himself back inside. You want more but he feels so good you lie there and let him do what he wants to you. His fingers are gripping your hips, guiding them onto his cock slowly. There are so many things you wish you could tell him to do but only a steady flow of moans leaves your mouth.
“You’re taking my cock so well, noona.” He grunts thrusting into you with more force this time. This time you are sure you see stars. How can one man make you feel like you are floating so easily? “So pretty letting me fuck into your tight pussy like its all mine.”
“More!” You plead, grabbing his face so he looks you in the eyes. “I can take it, Moon! Please.”
He takes your left hand off his face and kisses your knuckles. Seokjin leans down kissing your breasts as he pumps himself into you. He moves the kisses up your neck and thrusts faster hitting the perfect spot inside of you that has you digging your nails into his shoulders.
“Yes, noona!” He moans into your ear and you scratch down his back. His cock pulses inside you so you do it again. “Ahhh you feel so good.”
He thrusts deep into you pushing you closer and closer to your high with every movement. There is no room for insecurity when he is making you feel the most pleasure you’ve ever felt in your whole life. The sound of his cock sliding in and out of your wet cunt adds to experience. He made you the wettest you’ve ever been with just a few simple moves.
You aren’t able to warn him before you are cumming on his cock pussy squeezing him in. Your legs are shaking as Seokjin continues fucking into you searching for his own high. Seokjin watches you throw your head back against the pillows completely wrecked by his cock and it sends him over his own edge. He spills into the condom, riding it out inside of you before he pulls out.
He gets off the bed taking care of the condom and turning off the cameras before he lies beside you. Seokjin opens his arms inviting you to cuddle into his chest. Of course, you take the offer and listen to the rapid beat of his heart.
“How are you feeling?” He asks after a few minutes have passed. He’s stroking your hair as you draw patterns on his chest with your finger. “You are a natural. It seemed like you really enjoyed yourself.”
“You made me feel the best I’ve ever felt. I really did enjoy myself.”
You peek up at him and there’s a soft smile on his lips. Not a cocky smile, just a nice smile. A bead of sweat drips down his face. He really put in the work to make sure your first time was memorable.
“So I don’t have to find a new barista?”
This sends both of you into a fit of giggles. Seokjin hugs you closer to him and kisses the crown of your head. You end up lying there naked talking to your favorite regular for far longer than you thought you would. He tells you more about how he got into this business and why he stayed. At the end of the conversation you are thinking you might enjoy posting someone of your own spicy content.
It’s nearly two hours later by the time you get dressed and pay Seokjin. You are wondering if what you want to ask is appropriate given the circumstances, but you don’t think he treated you like a normal client.
“Can I have your number?” You decide to ask knowing you’ll regret it if you don’t ask now.
“Do you want to do this again?” He asks cheekily, handing you his cell phone from the bedside table.
How is he still sending flurries of butterflies to your chest? You enter your info into his phone before you answer. He is half dressed standing in front of you and you are proud when he turns around and you see the marks you left on his back.
“I didn’t get to suck your dick. I think you’d be a great teacher.” You flutter your lashes at him hoping that he’ll take the offer.
“I didn’t get to suck your dick. I think you’d be a great teacher.” You flutter your lashes at him hoping that he’ll take the offer.
“You’re going to be the end of me, noona.”
He pulls you in for one last kiss before you leave wondering if sex and life just gets better from here.
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jiliansky-blog · 1 year
The cat of dreams. Chapter 6
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader  
Rating: PG
Words: 2000
The next morning I should decide what to do next. There is still a chance that Corinthian can wait for me somewhere near my work. I would have shown him that Morpheus or simple black cat isn’t here anymore. But I would rather not invite the nightmare murderer to my house. I can take a day off from work, saying that I’m ill. Or even stay home till the end of the week. Or I can go to work today, reassure this nightmare, that I don’t have a cat anymore, if he believes me. And take a vacation for a week or two. And hope, that Morpheus will return during this time. Or maybe I should take work home. I also need to check that Corinthian won’t follow me home or anywhere else. So I had breakfast and went to work. I decided to work today and then take a vacation for a week or two. Fortunately, I didn’t see the nightmare nearby. And my boss noticed my tired statement and concern. “You looked exhausted”, she said with sympathy.
  “I didn’t sleep this night”, I sighed. “Family problems”. “Maybe, you should take the day off today then”, she suggested. “Actually I want to take a vacation”, I asked sheepishly. It was a good opportunity. “On a week or two maybe”. “Is everything so bad?” she asked. “Everything is complicated”, I sighed. “You know what, you can take a day off today and a two-week vocation”, she said suddenly. “When you were last time on vacation? A year ago?” “Are you sure?” I asked surprised. “Yes, why not”, she smiled. “In case I feel bored, I can work from home the next week”, I said. “As you wish”, Nora nodded. “You can go home now”. “Is there any chance you drive home now or a little bit later?” I asked. “I will go to the center in an hour”, she said. “Do you want me to drive you home?”
“You can drive me to the center”, I said. “And I can go home from there. Please, if it’s not too much. I just don’t want to go home alone, you know”. “Is everything alright, Olivia?” she looked at me. “Well”, I tried to figure out what to say. “My ex-boyfriend appeared again in my life. I met him twice already not far from here. I don’t want to meet him again”. “Did he do something to you?” she frowned.
“No, he didn’t”, I sighed. “I just don’t want to see him again, and he doesn’t understand it. I’m afraid he will appear again”. “I see”, she nodded. “Okay, you can go with me. I will tell you when I’m ready to leave”. I worked a few more hours till she took me to the center of the city. I feel relief. “Thank you very much”, I smiled. “You are so kind. How can I repay you?” “Just invite me to coffee when you came out of vacation”, she smiled. “And rest so you can be as talented as usual”. “Okay”, I smiled and got out of the car. “See you”.
She drove away. And I head back home in need to sleep. I guessed if I see Morpheus in my dreams. But something tells me that I won’t. It’s been less than a week, but I am used to his presence. And now all that he left for me is his nightmare. Fortunately, I didn’t see Corinthian around the house and could go to sleep after dinner. Perhaps, I was thinking about Morpheus and it explains why I ended up in some fantasy place. I saw a beautiful castle once, now almost ruined. It reminded me of something, but I couldn’t recall it. And I decided to take a closer look.
“Who are you?” suddenly I heard a female voice and saw a woman in a suit with dark skin and pointy ears. “I didn’t see dreamers here for a long time”. “Olivia”, I said. “I don’t know how I get here. Where am I?” “In the Dreaming”, she replied. “It’s the lord’s Morpheus castle. Wait, you are the mortal, who helped him after escape”. “That’s me, yes”, I smiled. “I didn’t know how I appeared here. Probably, I thought too much about it”. “Or you still have a connection with him”, said the woman. “I’m Lucienne, his librarian”.
  “Nice to meet you, Lucienne”, I said. “Is Morpheus here?” “No, he is no search of his belongings”, she sighed. “Oh, I see. At least it means that he is alright. Can you please tell him that probably will be in another place in the next two weeks, so Corinthian won’t be able to find me”. “Corinthian is after you?” she looked scared. “Yes, I met him two times after my work”, I said. “He thinks Morpheus is with me. Morpheus said, that I should avoid him at all costs”.
“It would be better, yes”, she nodded. “I will tell him, what you just said. I can’t invite you inside, because…well”. “I understand, the place is not rebuilt after Morpheus's disappearance”, I admitted. “Perhaps, I should leave or wake up then. “Thank you”, Lucienne said suddenly. “For taking care of Lord Morpheus. Not everyone would do the same”. “I was glad to help”, I smiled. “He suffered enough. And he is nice in his own manner. I hope to see him soon”. She looked at me and smiled like she understands something I didn’t know. “Perhaps, we will meet again”, she said. “Yes, see you later, Lucienne”, and I woke up.
  I couldn’t understand at first was it a morning or evening? Then I remember that I return home earlier from work. I started to think about where I can go for my vacation. Then I remembered one of my friends invited me to the cabin in the countryside. Perhaps, it would be the perfect solution to rest and avoid nightmares. And maybe there will be quiet enough to work a little. “Hello, Melody”, I called my friend. “How are you?” “Fine, and you?” she asked. “Is something happened?” “I’m fine, I just need a place for vacation”, I said. “Is your offer still valid?” “Of course”, she said. “When can you go?” “I can go tomorrow”, I replied. “Wow, you are fast”, she noticed. “Did something happen?”
“No, just want to clear my head in the new place outside the city”, I said. “You can’t lie, you know”, she admitted. “You have never tried to run away so fast. So are you going to tell me?” “There is…one man who scare the hell out of me”, I replied with a sigh. I didn’t even try to tell her about Morpheus. She won’t believe that part. “I met him twice outside my work. I have a feeling he is following me for some reason”. “Did you call the police?” she asked, concerned. “No, what am I going to say to them?” I asked. “That he seemed suspicions to me because he invited me for a coffee?”
“That he is a stalker”, she said. “No, they wouldn’t believe me”, I said. “Anyway, I’m going to your cabin”. “Alright”, she sighed. “I will call you in the morning and pick you up”. “You shouldn’t do it”, I smiled. “I won’t let you get there alone when some strange guy might follow you”, she said. “Wait for me at ten a.m.” “See you tomorrow then”, I replied and ended the conversation.
  It was evening. I didn’t want to go anywhere. No, when this Corinthian might be out there. So I decided to read, have dinner and then go to sleep. I still was tired. And I found myself missing Morpheus. Even though I knew him for a few days. When I fell asleep the next time I didn’t meet him in the dreams. And I didn’t appear in the Dreaming either. I felt disappointed. He could say something that he is alright. I woke up before Melody’s call. I was in the middle of the breakfast. She was going to drive to me in half an hour. So I still have time to finish my breakfast and dress up. “Are you ready?” asked Melody, when she came. “Yes”, I said. “I woke up earlier because I fell asleep earlier yesterday”. “Are you nervous?” she asked. “A little”, I said. “Let’s go”.
I caught myself worrying about that guy. But he was nowhere to be seen and I was relieved. I hope that Morpheus will find me there. “So are you alright?” she asked. “I need more sleep and rest”, I smiled. “But I’m alright. Thank you”. “Do you want me to stay there with you?” she asked. “I don’t know”, I replied. “You can stay for a night or two. I don’t want to steal you from your life entirely”. “I don’t see you often, so I won’t mind staying with you tonight”, she smiled. “Are you sure you’re alright?” “I feel tired”, I sighed. And I wanted to see Morpheus again. This god of dreams doesn’t even know that he doesn’t leave my mind. The cabin was nice. It was small but had two comfortable beds, a modern shower, and a kitchen. You can bring food here or you can go to the café nearby. It was surrounded by forest and lake. So peaceful.
“Wow, it’s so nice here”, I said. “Told you”, smiled Melody. “You can rest here”. “Thank you”, I smiled too. “I don’t know, how I can thank you”. “You don’t”, she smiled. “A bottle of wine is enough”. The day I spent in solitude because my friend should work. She works in a café, that is why she told me about this place. I can sleep a little, but I didn’t appear in the Dreaming again. Then Jodie woke me up with a call. “Where are you now?” she asked. “And how is your cat?” “Long story short, I found his owner and the cat was actually fine, just tired”, I said. “And I’m in the cabin now, not in the town. But please don’t tell anyone”. “Why?” she seemed surprised. “I just don’t want to talk or see anyone”, I said. “Oh, okay”, she said. “Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m just tired”, I said. “See you in two weeks”. In the evening Melody joined me and we drink wine, listen to music, and discus different topics. “You didn’t find a man”, she said. “Why?” “You made it sound so easy”, I smiled, but think about Morpheus. He was mysterious and handsome. And kind in his own manner. I hoped I will see him again. “I know this look”, she said.
“What look?” I asked confused. “You fell in love”, she said. “Who is he?” “Well…”, I smiled. “I can tell you, but you won’t believe me. So, I can say he is mysterious and handsome. And I helped him once”. “Wow”, she said. “Sounds like a novel. Is he a reason behind your escape?” “Partially”, I replied. “There was some other guy who looked for him. And he somehow suspected that I know him”. “Girl, what are you getting yourself into?” she asked. “Are they criminals or what? Because it would explain your fast escape”. “No, at least the man I liked is not a criminal, but he said that another man is dangerous”, I said.” That is why I escaped”. “Oh my god, how did you even can get in these troubles”, she said. “You know, I will stay with you while you’re here”.
“There is no need for that”, I said. “Then call to police”, she insisted. “We talked about this already”, I said. “When I see him again, I will call them”. “Alright”, she sighed. The next day she went to work and returned only in the evening. Meanwhile, I read, write novels, and went to the café. When I fell sleep, I didn’t see Morpheus or the Dreaming and it was a disappointment.
@shadowqueen1318  @mypsychoticlove  @justathirstyhoe​  @ladymoztaza 
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Your storytelling is simply amazing and your characterizations are always so spot on! ❤️ Reading your work always makes me smile!
What are your thoughts on the Pining Family in the Future? Like Teen Years or Going off to College (I imagine Anakin would be an open mess and Obi-Wan is suffering in silence) 😄
Thank you you’re so sweet 💕
Ok so I love this. And if you (or anyone) has advice on like, writing out of chronological order - please let me know. I would love to explore at other times in their life, but at the same time, I’m not sure my brain knows how to deal with say learning how to drive before having talked about the preteen years? Idk dude.
ANYWAYS here’s my off to college head cannon: Luke refuses to apply ANYWHERE within driving distance. He’s like, all 5-6 hour flights away. Anakin Can. Not. Deal. But Obi-Wan is like you absolutely 12000% can’t fight against this or he will resent you so much and omg Anakin don’t you want him to fly home, so they support each other on keeping the meltdowns private. Anakin goes too far and is like so annoyingly supportive Luke almost reconsiders. But by the second week there Luke calls Obi-Wan and admits he’s so lonely and doesn’t think he can do it. Obi-Wan runs down to the office to buy tickets and hotels and finds that Anakin already had everything booked for that weekend and they were going whether invited or not. They FaceTime every time Luke does his laundry. Which, Anakin style, isn’t very often but is basically an all day event. 🤣
Leia probably goes to Harvard law or something. She’s within driving distance and threatens them within an inch of their lives from showing up uninvited. She happens across Anakin and Obi-Wan in the city one weekend, sightseeing, because Obi-Wan managed to convince Anakin that no they can’t just show up on campus but ok fine, we can have a weekend away and be close by. Just in case. They set up a monthly dinner date to prevent future coincidental run ins. She gets arrested at a protest and they are so damn proud. Anakin frames her mug shot.
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