itstivan · 5 months
wish ashlyn’s ballet and love for dance was mentioned more in sbg (it’s been brought up at the LEAST 3-4 times)
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herman-draws · 1 month
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kitkats-and-kittens · 2 months
I know Dc has always proclaimed Tim Drake as the best detective and the smartest Robin and he is. By conventional measurements he is the best detective and he’s very smart but I wish they would acknowledge that each Robin is incredibly smart in their own way.
Dick Grayson is a master manipulator. He’s a genius when it comes to reading people and honestly whenever I need to write young him in fanfiction I literally just do Missy for Sheldon.
He’s smart. Book smart, but also people smart and people need to acknowledge this more it pains me to see DC forget this in exchange for a far more fannon. Far less complex version of him. He’s smart! Let him be smart.
Jason Todd is also book smart, though less mathematics and science and more classical literature. That man knows his way around the collections of Fyodor Dostoyevsky and that’s not even mentioning his street smarts.
He may not be the best conventional detective but he knows how to distinguish different gangs and their territories. He knows where dealers like to run their shops and he knows when a crime is too messy to have been caused by any of the rogues in the area.
Stephanie of course is a mix of the two. She’s good with people and she’s good on the streets but she’s also for very obvious reasons amazing at puzzles. Any tricky, seemingly impossible sort of quiz she’s got it, which is especially useful when the criminals of Gotham enjoy sending their hero’s on a wild goose chase.
She’s incredibly good at seeing through riddles and word vomit and she’s an amazing detective in her own right which should be used more.
Cass has been proven to be a great detective on so many occasions and of course do we even have to mention how adept she is at reading body language?
Her knowledge of combat is obviously unmatched and I’d love to see comics take this and apply it to her detective skills. How cool would it be for her to analyse a corpse and tell the fighting style of the assailant just by noting where on the body the strikes landed?
Realistic? No, but this is comics. Let me have my fun.
Damian was obviously trained in a dozen forms of martial arts, but he’s obviously knowledgeable about other things. The LoA are eco terrorists. You’re telling me that kid doesn’t know plants?
And that’s not even mentioning his knowledge of weapons and how he knows the ins and outs of organised crimes after living surrounded by it for a decade.
Plus his undercover skills.
Duke is new to me so I don’t know as much about him, but like Jason and Steph he grew up in the narrows and was part of gang, plus he apparently survived the riddler at like age 7 (pls don’t quote me on this I know practically nothing about zero year). So I can assume he’s incredibly intelligent. Street smarts! Also his powers let him look into the past which as evidenced in WFA can be used to help solve crimes.
Like I don’t want them to be conventional detectives. Let Tim be the Sherlock Holmes of the family. He’s already shown to be very observant.
I want to see more of the batfam using their own unique skill sets to solve crimes. They’re all good detectives they just have different ways of solving crimes.
Pls Dc, they would look so cool. If WFA can do it so can you! 😭😭
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cherrio-krispz · 2 months
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why is the ouran fandom so dead. if I don’t find people to talk to about how in love kyoya and tamaki are this instant I will simply implode I think
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henrysglock · 1 year
Wonderful! A group of rich people died! Let’s dance on graves; I’ll get my good shoes.
But first, tell me:
Did the accident redistribute their wealth to the masses?
Did those deaths take out a harmful corporation in a way that makes life markedly better for those it was harming?
Did it enact any kind of helpful policy, regulatory, or socioeconomic change?
Are they just going to replace that CEO?
Is that wealth just going to get passed to their next of kin, remaining withheld from the masses who both need and deserve it?
Is this whole thing going to be forgotten by the next news cycle?
Is our collective glee just ‘bread and circuses’ type behavior that gloats over useless and frankly stupid deaths without any actual impact being made?
“People are justified in their lack of pro-social response to this event because of the socioeconomic state of the world.”
Okay, so show me where any of this changes the socioeconomic structure of the world. Show me where there’s anything worthy of “I hope they all die a slow, agonizing death for,” [checks notes], “hubris, a typical characteristic in most humans at some point in their lives.”
Was it all incredibly stupid? Absolutely. Did most of the dead have it coming? Absolutely. The tragedy in it is that there were no regulations in place to say “Uh…no?” when that voyage was in its planning stages.
And the worst part is? Nothing. Changes. So far, these are meaningless deaths.
Imagine we’re in ancient Rome. The CEO of Oceangate has convinced a group of his buddies (and the kid they dragged along) that “Hey, y’know what would be really fun? If we all dressed up as gladiators and paid to tussle with the lion. No, no, yeah there’s a chance you could die, but trust me, it’s gonna be so cool.” And then we all fucking ate it up, half of us cheering on the lion while the other half wept for those poor, poor rich people (yeah I know, I’m rolling my eyes too)…all under the watchful eye of our royal highnesses who put on the show: The Corporate System and The News Cycle, who both stood to profit whether the group of idiots lived or died.
Did the rich folks have it coming? Absolutely. Is it still horrific that it was allowed to happen at all? Yes.
This is why they don’t broadcast the other tragedies. It’s not good for them as a partnership. Those gut wrenching tragedies, the ones with true injustice? They don’t placate us, they upset us and turn us against those in power.
But dumb rich folks dying? On my TV? Oh goody, my fave show is on. Let’s see if it’s started another useless internet war, creating low-level enemies for us inside our screens so we forget about the real enemies for a while longer.
Not only that, but killing a CEO won’t change anything. That’s a replaceable employee, and the corporation as a unit cares about that person about as much as it cares about the rest of us (which is to say: not at all). That CEO’s wealth will just be given out to their relatives, and the money will stay contained within that family unit. The CEO will be forgotten in the next news cycle, when their death is no longer profitable for the news industry and the internet has moved onto its next useless spiral.
Guillotines in France worked because they dismantled the government, which also happened to consist of all the rich folks, to enact socioeconomic change. Thus: people celebrated the deaths of the rich, and rightfully so.
That’s not what this is. This isn’t “eating the rich”. This just the joy of entertainment, a good show.
Nothing ever changes. We stay entertained, temporarily placated by the deaths of a couple rich people.
Bread and fucking circuses.
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thetismcave · 6 months
An unlikely crossover I think would be extremely entertaining
Batman: has a ‘no metas in Gotham’ rule and an incredibly strict code against killing
Me, rubbing my hands together, about to drop mono (a twelve year old killer with fuck off strong superpowers) into his area: >:)))
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t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
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"He may be a nuisance, but he isn't my enemy."
+ kouta in a tree
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meat-wentz · 1 year
How do you think your thing for cannibalism started?
oh!! fun story time!! so i grew up with two really specific movies that started it: jennifer’s body which i saw opening day in theaters and i had a super gay hidden part of my room where i had all these magazine pages of megan fox spreads all taped up at an angle where i could see them but my parents couldn’t, anyways i was sixteen and had literally just friend broke up with my fuckedupgirlbestie which was a relationship i would describe as so intense and emotionally cannibalistic that jennifer’s body had just come out at like such a specific correct time for me that i just hold it so dear to myself. and the other movie is ginger snaps, which was very similarly about inseparable girls and the violence of becoming your own person and the terrible terrible ache of growing up and i was just obsessed!!! anyways ive spent most of my life holding cannibal girl movies near and dear and used my time in film school to write about them quite extensively, particularly about the subversion of female autonomy displayed in films like raw, teeth, daisies, pink flamingos, trouble everyday, we are what we are etc. for instance the common gender theory we can apply to weapons in horror films is that the weapon is a stand in for the phallus which is 1) not able to be controlled and 2) not physically a part of the body (think leatherface’s chainsaw, ghostface’s knife, jason’s machete, even freddy’s glove but i would pose it has a more complex reading which i would love to go into at some point). they’re weapons of sexual aggression and power. what i love about girl cannibals is that they negate the horror male weapon by using the opposite, rather than wield an external weapon, they use their mouths, the horror of their victims is all about the internal. it’s about what goes on inside, about the horror of the body that no one else sees, it’s a weapon that’s completely a part of their bodies and that they have complete control over. where the machete indicates a something independent from the aggressor, the mouth as weapon is completely dependent on its host. it becomes less about the fragility of aggression and more about the self empowerment of aggression, to take something in, to make it part of you, to establish your autonomy by feeding oneself, to devour everything in your path!!!! now this is just one way to look at it but it’s my usual cannibal spiel that i go on. i also have to give a big old shout out to hannibal and yellowjackets.
i think there’s also just this metaphor that ive always loved of wanting to be one with someone, to mesh yourselves together in a horrible twisted way, to never want to be apart, to do it until you disintegrate into the other, to acknowledge the horror of loving someone so deeply that you would make them yours forever forever.
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sunmontuewrites · 1 month
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My dad just gave these to me. Apropos of nothing. Just said I might find them interesting.
Okay then.
He also said that he's been rewatching Heartbeat, and it's good because he's old and he's forgotten most of so it's like watching it for the first time. Then he complained that clearly the writers don't know northern Yorkshire in winter because no woman would be getting out of bed nude because it would be too damned cold. She should be wearing winceyette (flannelette) pyjamas like a sensible person. 🤣🤣🤣
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neolxzr · 1 year
next mika center event has valkyrie both covered in blood a la living doll and their outfits are embroidered/beaded/whatever in the midsection so it looks like they got stabbed/gutted whatever and they have a romeo and juliet moment at the end of the mv where they both die and then the camera falls to the ground and the glass cracks and then it cuts out
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tooteadoo · 1 month
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 months
person: hey listen up. what if Sherlock Holmes were, you know, queer--
me: *sitting forward* I'm listening (actually I was on the same page years ago)
person: right! SO what if Sherlock and Watson were gay--
me: ...you've lost me.
so anyway. anyone with aroace Sherlock and/or queerplatonic Sherlock & Watson takes, hmu, everyone else go home. you're valid and ily, you're great, but also: idc
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sysig · 5 months
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Bad time of it, all things considered (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Blood#Just a bit but y'know - Enough#It honestly made me So sad that it took until his canonmates saw it happen that someone /finally/ acknowledged his spontaneous cuts D:#Like I get it it's dark and it's hard to see but his skin just opened up and he made a noise about it! The possible danger!!#And then by that point he's just so used to everyone ignoring it that their concern for him is barely even a factor weh ZEX ;;#Plus it's just a cool effect haha - sudden blood from nothing! Very rich mental movement#At least Max had someone concerned for him about it <3 Not that he could do anything about it but even just the validation of seeing it!#He has enough cuts on him :( Poor tenderized flesh#He gets all crabby from being sore from healing constantly haha :'D Of course he would!#One thing I found very interesting was the scar sidedness :0 Most of the examples in the gallery have his scar and missing eye opposite#But that's not necessarily the case! I actually scoured mid-read and there /are/ a couple instances of matching side!#They're very tiny so I overlooked them upon first viewing hehe ♪ But they're there! It's very interesting to me!#I like the aesthetics of the opposite - probably because I'm more used to it lol - but I can see the appeal and reasoning for the other way#I do honestly enjoy how much is open to interpretation and allowance uwu♪ And what's consistent! Like how it's always his right eye :D#That tracks hehe ♫#Haha his meeting with his delightfully inept counselor - I'm pretty sure I was actually more angry about his supposed injury than he was#He chilled out pretty quickly while I was just - A Scratched Cornea??? The disrespect!!#So happy with his eyebrow expression on that one as well ah <3#It really does make me curious for how the staff is kept there - they don't /seem/ malicious during the day! But they're also unaware#It's interesting where the lines of reality are between everyone :D Very interesting ♪#Capping off with another song my playlist is looking quite healthy now hehe#Flagpole Sitta is one of those songs that only comes up for me every half dozen years or so but when it Does - phewph#It is /such/ a ZEX song to me now hehe <3 The flirtiness and exasperation - the defeatism even! So many killer lines#I think my favourite is ''I'm not sick but I'm not well'' ask me to read into that I will I'm gonna I'll do it even if you don't ask me lol#So fun to draw those lapses in control the poor dear ♥#The digital reconstruction there was a lot of fun as well actually :D I think I nailed it :3 Pulled around from all over the page! Pleased ♪
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aroaceleovaldez · 10 months
Dude I don’t know where you’re getting this information that 13-14 guys can’t be tall at all. Literally every guy in my freshman high school grade (13-15 year olds) were all 5’6-6’0 at the beginning of the school year and they were all actively growing taller as the year went by. Letting people think Nico is average height or tall is not hurting nobody and you are still entitled to your opinion that Nico can be short. I believe all of Nico’s of various heights can coexist peacefully.
I did say "average" height and was only referring to the fact that Nico's canon height is never explicitly stated. Anyways allow me to rephrase:
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my grievances only lie with the wiki for being baselessly wrong. tall nico headcanoners i have no beef with you understand i am simply being silly goofy on my blog mwah mwah
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dawdlecentric · 6 months
Man, this doujin isn't fucking around
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Meanwhile, Seikuri in the background...
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Doujin: Flashbackers by Totobe
#my ramblings#bocchi the rock#no fr tho. please read flashbackers!! it's so good!#it's a ryokita doujin made by one of my fave artist and everything about it is just...so great. I can't express it enough#whether you ship ryokita or not it's still a good read! like really it's well articulated and goes in depth about ryo & kita's relationship#and acknowledges how unhealthy it is but the realization of this makes the both of them understand each other more clearly without-#-seeing through rose colored glasses. I just- ughhh! I'm not good with words and I can't stress it enough so once again please read this!#you can really tell how much this artist is passionate and dedicated about the ship#not only that but how they color the cover page (and their art in general) is JUST SO CATCHING! LITERAL EYE CANDY!#and the pacing and panelling of the story is well thought out plus the equal balance of humor and angst is so entertaining & heart wrenchin#and their art style... fricking adorable and expressive and striking!! Just grrr!! I LOVE THIS ARTIST'S WORK SO MUCH!!!#I'm not that particularly crazy about ryokita but they are very interesting to explore and could have some potential if they worked out-#-their own flaws. I've been meaning to draw them sometime (if only I could start posting decent bnj art-#-tfw hyper fixation so strong it overwhelms you and in turn can't make fanart of it even if you most definitely WANT TO)#ehem. anyways I think it's quite criminal that ryokita was one of the least popular btr ships#in other story. I was woken up by my cat way to early today so I ended up reading this in a half awake state XD#I just found out last night that this doujin was already translated so what better time to read this other than first thing in the morning-#-running on three hours of sleep 😃👍
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