#AND. okay good evening (and maybe even gn in advance!!) i will likely be off tumblr the rest of the night ... but also idk :O
anantaru · 2 years
— rejecting his cuddles
rejecting his cuddles feat. al-haitham, cyno, diluc, scaramouche x gn! reader
a/n: i spontaneously wrote this after coming home from a night out while craving fluff and cute things
genre: fluff, we're a lil bad for messing with them but who cares, right
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— al-haitham
"no thanks!"
you couldn't possibly reject his attempt to cuddle you right now, or could you?
at first, al-haitham‘s smile will slowly drop, not at the reason you might think because he actually is sure this has a deeper meaning, right?
jokes aside, actually he had you figured out from the start but wanted to see how far you would go, putting on the best fake facade one could pull off, it's almost as if he was a natural at deceiving people.
"no.. thanks?" al-haitham was quite impressed on how you managed to reject him this smoothly, it even hurt a little if he was being honest.
He wasn't stupid though, he was aware you were clearly messing with him, his little angel could be a little brat sometimes, that's what he cherished and loved about you as well.
maybe.. he should just try again, right?
with that in mind, al-haitham opened his arms again to advance towards your body to close the distance only for you to wiggle yourself away before he could catch up to you.
"no thanks, i‘m good!"
okay, maybe you were quite cruel today, you honestly didn‘t think much of it and wanted to tease your boyfriend, it was mostly him who would triumph over you so it was natural for some payback here and there.
curiosity got the best of you and that‘s why you were pushing your little scheme a bit further than you actually anticipated to do in the first place, seeking a reaction from your boyfriend.
the second rejection was a literal whiplash right into his face, but then it went clear as day to him, the solution to all of this warmly greeting him.
if you could play such game, he surely could do so as well, he deducted that if he was to ignore you now, your fake facade would fall within seconds.
how else were you supposed to keep playing this with him not giving you any attention anymore?
al-haitham was about to get up from his seat as you quickly grabbed his wrist, holding him down.
"okay i was joking don‘t go!"
the slight worry on your face was hilarious to him, how he knew you like the back of his hand was almost scary. In his eyes there wasn‘t anything easier than figuring you out.
"you should stop messing with me before i‘m thinking of a way to get back at you."
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— cyno
the general mahamatra had a busy life, cyno was on duty every day and once he got home after a long night, the least you could do is hug him!
today you felt like you should play a little trick on him, just for a quick giggle in your relationship. Contrary to popular belief, cyno was actually an overly humorous person, even though his jokes mostly didn‘t land as he intended them to.
with that you heard the front door open with cyno following suit. You decided to greet him as always and walked towards your boyfriend as he tiredly smiled into your direction, already opening his arms.
"how was your day?"
normally you would‘ve hugged him first and then ask him a question, but today you stood right in front of him without drawing yourself into his embrace.
"it was good, come here." once cyno noticed you weren‘t moving an inch, he thought he should be the one to just hug you instead, yet after attempting to do just that …
"no thanks."
there was an awkward silence followed by cyno looking at you in slight disbelief and irritation. His eyes were low lidded and his expression tired, he really just wanted a hug!
"okay, i understand and respect it, but i don't agree with it."
typical cyno, now that you think back at it you don't really know how you expected him to respond to you. He was a gentleman at heart and immensely respected you.
yet though he didn‘t let it on, this was truly the worst thing that happened to him, yet he obviously doesn‘t want to force you either.
with a flash of guilt throwing itself at you like a fierce force, you quickly stopped him with a big hug from behind, resting your head on his back with your arms tightly shut around him.
"i‘m just messing with you, i‘m sorry."
ending your little sentence with a tiny giggle to soothe the mood, cyno turned around to face you at last, looping his arms around your body in return.
"hah, funny."
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— diluc
in any other case diluc wouldn't think too much of it, but the way you were denying his physical affection did throw him off in an unnatural amount.
"no thank you, i'm satiated."
"satiated?" the word blurted out of his mouth in an irritated way, he became confused and unable to recall what the most alarming aspect of this situation was right now.
the fact you didn't want his cuddles, which you once stated were the absolute best, or the fact that you stated you were quote on quote, satiated.
satiated by who?
the urge to throw himself into your embrace was always there, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Diluc was patient with you and so were you with him.
yet he would lie if he didn't feel worried about this, the poor guy having not a single chance of noticing that you were clearly messing with him out of sheer boredom.
as a matter of fact, you didn't intend to go this far, nor did you think diluc would grow this anxious now, making up your mind you decided to end your little play after all as he spoke again.
"is something wrong? if i did something you must speak to me."
noticing how he shifted his eyes around the room, the guilt consumed you from within with your hands quickly grabbing his waist to draw him towards your warm body.
"I'm so sorry, i was trying to mess with you don't worry please."
with a momentary silence and his body frozen, he sighed in relief upon snuggling close to you, feeling the fastened beat of his heart, or was it yours?
"hmpf, maybe i shouldn't hug you for a while."
your eyes widened at his overly cheeky, teasing wording, your lips carved into a pout as you searched for his face, placing your hands on his shoulders.
"it was kaeya's idea, not mine!"
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— scaramouche
it wasn't often for scaramouche to search for a hug, not that he didn't want to hug you but he still wasn't completely accustomed to it, to trust a person again and simply relax under their touch.
one might say you were cruel for even thinking of pranking him, because who knows how he would react?
you, will now, know, this sliding second, when he suddenly came back from a long boring day, wiggling himself out of his shoes before he came walking towards you.
it became a slight habit of yours to hug whenever one of you would meet the other so scaramouche didn't think too much of it, he was actually looking quite forward to cuddle with you, so when he finally reached his desired destination, you backed away.
"lets not."
his brow raised almost immediately with his eyes lightly scrunched together in irritation, "lets not .. what?"
his voice had an annoying edge, the one you knew far too well. Sometimes scaramouche involuntarily spoke like that, he didn't even mean to come off as rude but it was a natural thing laced in his tone.
"i don't want a hug, thank you for the kind offer though."
the dazed look of bewilderment on his face was adorable, you felt bad for even finding it cute in the first place as scaramouche continued to tilt his head to the side, rambling in a low murmur.
"i don't buy it, you're the one who can't get enough of my hugs so what are you planning this time?"
his arms crossed around his body, a smirk of his brought out a sense of mischief he was way too good at, a fleeting thought of innocent fun.
in that moment he closed the distance to you almost completely, his eyes piercing daggers into your soul when he spoke once again.
"can you hug me now or what, i don't have all day for this."
the click of his tongue was all it took you to understand that he had figured you out yet again. in all honesty, you didn't know what you expected in the first place.
with a giggle announcing itself out of your throat, you quickly gathered him in your arms, nuzzling him into your warm chest.
scaramouche returned your call and embraced you back with his arms tightly clamped around your body, the pressure applied behind it made it difficult for you to breathe, he was practically clamping onto you.
in that moment you noticed how his breathing was erratic and uneven as well, as if for one tiny second, he really did think he had done something to pain you, something to lose you.
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©2022 anantaru do not share, copy, translate
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yjhariani · 5 months
A brief scenario of Simon teaching gn!reader how to drive a motorcycle.
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“Are you sure you’re not supposed to be on the back seat?” you asked as you balanced yourself on the motorbike.
You put both hands on the handle, holding the brakes while Simon flipped up the kickstand with one hand holding the back handle.
The two of you now were idle in the edge of an empty field near where you live. The area was fairly empty and Simon picked this place specifically for convenience of teaching you how to drive a motorcycle. 
One day, you brought it up to him that you wanted to learn how to and Simon was on board immediately, without doubt. He did not even have to know if the reason was practical or because you wanted to do something that was of his interest. He did not care other than that you wanted to learn something from him.
“I could, but it’s going to be heavier for you,” Simon explained.
“Then, what if I fall? Or crash?” you questioned.
“Believe it or not, love, I might sound cruel, but it’s part of the process. You’ll fall or crash at some point, but my job here to make sure that it’s not going to be too bad of an accident,” Simon explained.
Looking at him disappointedly, Simon translated your face as concerned.
“I’ll be right next to you, I will catch up if you go too fast,” Simon promised. “Just remember to not panic.”
“You’re saying it like it’s easy,” you said.
“I believe in you,” Simon assured. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if at the end of the day you’d be the one driving us home.”
Those first four words alone injected you with a sheer of confidence. It could be his tone, it could be his voice, or whatever. Maybe it was Simon all the way since he had always had that effect on you.
“Okay,” you nodded. “What do I do from here?”
“Turn the key,” Simon instructed, followed by you doing as he said. “Hold the break and press the started.”
The bike started humming into life.
“Then?” you asked.
“You loose the brake and… slowly accelerate,” Simon said. “Slowly. You’ll know when to take your foot off the ground.”
So, as he said, you slowly and carefully twisted the accelerator, feeling the bike vibrating more the more you cranked it up. The digital rev counter started to raise from 0 to around 10 and you eventually started to feel the bike moving forwards.
“Yeah, keep going,” Simon encouraged.
At some point, you lifted your foot off the ground and actually started going forwards as the counter keep rising.
“Doing good, love,” Simon commented, now lightly jogging next to you. “Don’t go too fast yet.”
For some reason, you kept looking at the counter that now had reached the number 20 and hearing Simon telling you not to go too fast caught you a little bit off guard. In result, you accidentally cranked the accelerator, but also immediately following it by gripping both brakes at the same time.
Before you knew it, you advanced past Simon and your balance was off.. Not even on the next second, you ended up on the ground with one of your foot trapped under the bike.
As any other time you messed up and ended up on the ground, the pain was nothing compared to the embarrassment. So, you started off with a little chuckle as you, with Simon’s help, pulled the bike up.
“Are you alright?” Simon asked, flipping down the kickstand with his foot and twisted the key to turn the bike off.
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Did I startle you? I’m so sorry, love,” Simon said.
“No, I’m just… well, I mean, a little, but that shouldn’t have stopped me,” you said.
“Well, now we both know something we shouldn’t do,” Simon said. “Now, let me have a look at your foot.”
“It doesn’t feel so bad,” you admitted, looking at your own foot, twisting it around so you both could see all sides of it. “The shoes softened the impact.”
“Just a bit of scratch. Let me know if it’s hurting, yeah?” Simon replied.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Alright. You ready to get back on?” Simon asked.
“Sure,” you nodded.
Whilst getting back on the driving position, you tried to remember the feeling of driving the bike right before you fell.
“Now that I think about it, I do feel that I was gripping the handles really tightly,” you said holding your upper arm before continuing, “It’s a bit tight here.”
“Yeah?  Just remember to relax a little this time,” Simon said. 
“Alright,” you nodded.
“Ready?” Simon asked.
You nodded.
From there, you redid the start up. This time, you did better than the previous one. Simon was smoothly jogging along next to you and letting out some encouragements every now and again. When it came to it, he instructed you on how to take a turn and how to eventually stop when you reached the full lap.
You did another lap with Simon simply jogging next to you. Eventually, his pace got faster and faster, following your own on the bike.
Stopping at the end of the lap again, you and Simon took a moment to rest. You sat next to the bike, drinking your water. Simon, right away, started to gently massaged your arm where you very earlier on said that you felt a little bit of stiffness on.
After some time, you decided to continue.
“Now, how ‘bout you get on the backseat?” you asked once you turned the bike on and was ready to move.
“Are you sure?” Simon asked.
“Yeah. Unless you don’t want to in case I fall again,” you answered.
“Won’t happen,” Simon assured. “Now, hold on tight and make sure you balanced the bike. There’s going to be a little bit of a shift when I get on.”
You gripped the brakes and propped both feet on the ground. Simon carefully got on the bike. As he said, there was a shift, but once he was settled, his balance supported yours in a way.
“Ready?” you asked.
“Ready,” Simon answered.
With that, you started the drive again. There was a difference on the drive now you had someone on the backseat. As Simon said, it was quite heavier on the accelerator, but otherwise it all felt almost the same.
Having an additional weight did caught you a little bit off guard during the turn and, in a state of panic, you gripped both brakes and ended up with the two of you being thrown forwards.
Luckily, Simon managed to keep the bike upwards with the only casualty being him pressing you against the handles.
“Are you hurt?” Simon immediately asked, his arms now holding the handles, entraping you, but not squeezing.
Again, it was probably the adrenaline, but the embarrassment somehow felt more painful than the little bit of pain you felt.
“No, just surprised,” you chuckled.
“Are you sure?” Simon continued.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Let me continue.”
“Alright,” Simon replied.
However, you both only stayed there for a moment.
“You can let go, boo,” you said.
“Right, yeah,” Simon said, realising that he still had his arms around you.
One more time, you did the start up and did a couple of laps.
When the two of you decided to go home, you volunteered to drive and, as he said earlier, Simon was not surprised.
Did the journey home went smoothly? Not as much as when Simon was driving. Did you both get home uninjured? Not entirely per the previous incidents. However, Simon was glad that he got to spend the day out with you. Surely today would be something that he thought about for quite a few months in the future.
Simon was just proud that you wanted to learn something, actually learned it, and got him involved.
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cherryredstars · 9 months
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Mike Schmidt, Hobie Brown, Miles-42 x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive Content with Miguel, A Little Bit of Angst with Miles
Summary: How would the boys treat you on your birthday?
A/N: In honor of my birthday (WOO)!
Word Count: 1.7K (Unedited)
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Miguel O'Hara
You hang out with him in his office at HQ all day. He has your favorite food delivered to base, and you spend the whole day talking his ear off as he works. Today is the only day he doesn't mind people coming in and out of his office, as long as they do so to wish you a happy birthday.
He has LYLA keep you company, finding her only a tad bit less annoying, even as she randomly breaks out into happy birthday and makes birthday memes pop up on his screen like a virus. He only wants to strangle her when she keeps making birthday sex jokes and hinting a little too much at the gifts waiting for you at home.
When the two of you do make it home, you're excited to see the pile of gifts overflowing in the living room. Some of them are from the spiders in HQ, but more than one is from Miguel. You guys get take out, and spend the rest of the night opening gifts. You guys laugh at the ones from the younger spider-people, and try not to cringe at the more questionable ones (a difference in universe maybe?).
When the two of you finish going through the gifts and ate all the food, Miguel pulls you up off the floor. He gives you a cheeky smile, leading you towards the bedroom for one last birthday present. Huh, I guess LYLA was right about the birthday sex.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
As much as he wants to, he can't ask to go on leave in advance. Even if he did send in the request, it would be hastily denied. Going on leave because of a singular day and for a non-emergency cause? The higher ups would laugh in his face. So, his only hope is to not be deployed during that time.
If he is deployed during that time, he'll keep his eye on the clock, counting down the seconds until it hits midnight in your timezone. Then, at exactly zero hundred hours, your phone will light up with a message from Simon. It's a simple "Happy birthday. Miss you." text, but it makes you smile nonetheless. If you're lucky, you might get a voice message from all of 141 wishing you a happy birthday, horrible, off-key singing from Soap included! And if you're really lucky, you might even get a call if Simon's in a good, secure location where he knows his cellular usage can't be tracked or intercepted.
He already got a gift for you in advance. He'll tell you where he hid it, or tell you to keep an ear out for the doorbell. If he hid it, you rush over to the hiding spot, setting your phone up to record a video for him. You make a big show of it to keep him entertained, and at the end of the video you thank him repeatedly for the gift, adding in that you miss him and you'll see him when he comes back home. When he gets gifts delivered to you, it's usually flowers and maybe something extra like an Amazon package. You put your new flowers in the nicest vase you have, sending Simon a picture and heart emojis.
If-by the grace of god- he's home on your birthday, you get spoiled silly. Today is all about you and what you want to do. Breakfast in bed? Okay, waffles or pancakes? Movie night? Okay, it's your pick. Drinks at the pub? Let's stop to get a pack first. Simon does prefer to stay in with you on your birthday, but again, if you want to have a night out on the town, he's happy to follow along. Though, if you do stay home, don't look in the fridge! You don't want to risk taking a peak at the cake he bought, do you?
Mike Schmidt
Called out of work the day before. He wakes up super early, slipping out of bed to wake up Abby. She complains a little, and you have to pretend you weren't awake the second Mike got out of bed and you have to stifle your laughter at her grumbling out in the hall. The smell of breakfast is strong, and you wait a good 11 minutes (it would be too perfect if it was an even number), before slipping out of bed. You act all surprised when you walk into the kitchen, catching them making you breakfast. They instantly drag you into a chair, making you sit as they plate your food and slide over your coffee. You have to fight your tears when Abby gives you a hand drawn birthday card. Just for that, she can steal a bit of your bacon.
The three of you just spend the day at home. You draw with Abby, thanking her for all the birthday drawings. The three of you make a mess in the kitchen as you make the birthday cake, and somehow frosting gets stuck in all of your hair. You sing happy birthday after dinner, which of course is your favorite meal, and the three of you settle onto the couch to watch TV. You allow Abby to stay up until she falls asleep on the sofa.
Once she's gone to bed, Mike pulls you close to his side, pressing a kiss to your lips and muttering another happy birthday. You smile at him, and it grows wider when he pulls your gift from his pocket. The two of you are silent as you open it, and you gasp when you see what's inside. You thank him with a million smooches on his face, that makes him chuckle. Then, when it gets too late and the both of you remember he has work tomorrow, you retreat back to the bedroom for some much needed rest. Clean up is for another day.
Hobie Brown
Is it really a surprise that he forgets it's your birthday? Hey, in his defense, time and dates are just a social construct made to control the natural world!
He only remembers when one of his (current) band mates or a Spider in the society ask him what he has planned for your birthday. He knows he's fucked the second they ask him. He has nothing planned, he has yet to say happy birthday to you despite talking to you just this morning, and to top it all off, he has only just realized you were hinting about it throughout your morning conversation. And do you want to know what he said in response to your, Hobie, baby, do you think something important is happening today? Trust me, you don't because his answer may or may not have been, Unless 10 Downing is fist bumping a wrecking ball today, then no. Yeah, did he mention he was fucked?
So, in true Hobie fashion, he's gonna think quick and get himself out of trouble. What could he use as the perfect excuse for completely forgetting your birthday? Make it seem intentional! And how do you make it seem intentional? Throwing a totally killer surprise party that would give the PM a heart attack! He recruits the help of his band mates and Gwen, setting up your favorite venue that the band played in for a previous gig. He gets you a cake, a funny card, and some random trinkets he sees along the way. He'll have the band play anything you request or the night. Oh, don't forget your own friends! He'll let them know before he picks you up.
He's totally casual when he returns to the flat, all nonchalant as he tells you to get dressed up. When you ask why, he just shrugs and says riot. You stare at him like you expect him to say something extra, but you sigh when he doesn't. With your back turned to him, he allows himself to briefly flicker red. When he gets you to the venue, you're happily surprised, bumping into him and teasing that you thought he forgot. He chuckles nervously in response, finally wishing you a happy birthday. At the end of the night, after you got the celebration you deserved and the two of you lay at home in a half-awake state, he admits the truth to you when you're too sleepy to get mad at him. Hey, real men admit to their mistakes and fear the wrath of their partners.
Miles 42
He does the thing. You know, the obnoxious thing where you show up to school, and then suddenly you have a brightly colored birthday stash over your shoulder and a gift bag attached to 50 different HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloons? Yeah, he does that shit, and he does it with PRIDE. He will be damned if you aren't walking the halls and a stranger randomly yells out a birthday greeting to you in passing. You better hope you don't have any classes with him, because every class you guys share, he's making them sing happy birthday. Even if you get embarrassed and melt into your chair. At lunch, he's already got a birthday cupcake waiting for you and he did, in fact, skip the last period just so he could go get your favorite takeout to make sure it's still hot.
Rio definitely invited you over for dinner, and he spends the whole meal telling his Ma all about the things he did for you today. It makes her laugh, and she playfully swats the back of his head when you whine about how embarrassed you were all day.
When dinner is done, Miles drags you out of his house and walks you down to the familiar streets to the car lot. He helps you in, and you gasp when you see the inside of the car. He has candles placed carefully around, and a cake sits in the back seat with plastic forks and more gifts. Your smile is goofy as he quietly sings happy birthday to you, and you blow out the candle as he whoops and hollers playfully. The two of you dig into the cake, having quiet conversation until you feel like you'll throw up from all the sugar.
But as you're about to open the last of your gifts, his phone begins to ring. Looks like your birthday wish didn’t come true after all.
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xocoluvr · 8 months
I know that in your masterlist it is written that you write in MK1, but can you pls use MK11? I beg you, I beg you!😣🙏🙏🥺 I really like the way you write!<3<3<3 You will make me a happy person ! If you can't do it on MK11, I understand. I respect your choice. <3
I really want to go with daddy young Johnny! I want to get a sexual overdose 🥵 and embarrassment! ////// (Okay, stop asking! Sorry if it's too much)
ʚThe theme for the fanfic is this: F!Reader makes hints that she is not indifferent to him. He looks at him for a long time, makes dirty jokes, looks for an opportunity and a reason to touch him, but respects his personal space. And when they are alone, she is wildly embarrassed by him, although she is a pervert.ɞ
Thank you in advance! You are just lovely 🥰 I'll be looking forward to it.
| MK11 Young!Johnny Cage x flirty gn!reader
Word count: 2.2k
CW: 18+, smut, praise, penetrashunnn, thigh riding, dry humping, brief mention of fingering, no use of y/n, dirty talk.
a/n: THNX ILYSM !!!!! I should've been clearer on mk1/mk11 SRY. BUT YES MY GAWD \(`Д`)/ young mk11 johnny is so bbygirl the most bbygirlest eyes ever planted on a fictional man i swear (ง ื▿ ื)ว
edit: i did go back and change some stuff so this would be gn, just cuz :3)
sum: Seeing a younger version of your Johnny awoke something in you.
reblogging is very much appreciated! ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
/ᐠ。 。ᐟ\
Even after it was thoroughly explained to you, you couldn't get it through your head that there had been a weird 'glitch in the matrix' from some guy Raiden, making it so the younger version of your boss was now in your present timeline. Yeah, you found your present Johnny attractive but god was his younger self something else, his demeanor, his personality, you wondered how this Johnny turned out to be so mature.
Over time you got to know more about younger Johnny, he was always so friendly with the others you felt left out seeing him laugh it up with his older self. You wondered if you and Johnny could ever be like that together, he never sought out to have a friendship or showed any obvious interest in you. After a speech to yourself in the mirror, you decided to suck it up and walk up beside him as he sat on a chair with his legs wide open, lord the intrusive thoughts were really beginning to get to you.
As you sat down with a smile, you introduced yourself formally and finally started a small conversation about what younger Johnny thought about himself in the future. "I seriously can't believe I turned out so... Boring. It's like I lost all my 'Johnny'." He says looking over at himself, who is doing regular work and clicking away at a computer. You chuckled, suddenly everything Johnny said was so hilarious? Not thinking about what you were doing, your hand flew right above his knee. Too distracted with laughing away at Johnny's joke, his eyes almost immediately fell to your hand, he had gone silent as he felt blood rush to his already forming erection. Finally hearing the sudden silence, you stopped and cleared your throat, quickly removing your hand seeing Johnny's pupils were blown out gazing at you. Choosing to ignore something that had clearly happened, you and Johnny continued on with your conversation.
A couple hours had gone by since your super awkward and gut-wrenching encounter with Johnny, and you couldn't stop thinking about how he had quickly gotten up after cutting your conversation short to rush to the bathroom. Maybe he was just so turned off by your comfort around him that he didn't want to be near you, you had to stop overthinking about every little tiny detail. Turning away from the work you weren't doing, you turned to see if Johnny was still around. He was standing by the table with his arms crossed, analyzing a map, 'God his arms look so good' you thought, your eyes were definitely lingering in areas they shouldn't. You were getting lost in him as you wondered what his arms would look like wrapped around you, maybe in a hug, perhaps wrapped around your neck as he went at you from behind... You were caught off guard when you heard Johnny call out your name, not only sending shivers down your spine but making you worried he had caught you in your perverted thoughts.
"Would you mind helping me over here? I need a second opinion on this." You almost jumped out of your seat hearing he wanted your opinion. You walked over to Johnny trying to act as nonchalant as possible, your hand rested on the table as you leaned on it with him towering over you. "What's up? Have your eyes finally started to fail you?" You joked, as you said it you saw older Johnny glare at you, reminding you that he was still there. Younger Johnny smiled and chuckled, you were so close you could almost feel the bass in his chest when he laughed. "Hah, no I actually just needed your opinion on this plan I made, apparently Johnny over there doesn't know how to attack in style." He stepped back a little to give you room to look over his plan on the table, he kept a close distance as he observed your facial expressions and reactions to his ideas. As you took up the space where he was, you couldn't get rid of the overwhelming feeling of his eyes on you. Knowing he was behind you, you repositioned yourself with your hands holding you up on the table. You just so happened to accidentally rub up against Johnny's crotch, causing his breath to hitch and raising his body temperature in milliseconds. Of course, you had to take the opportunity to be this intimate with him so you kept your hips where they were for just a good amount of time before deciding it was time to realize your mistake by standing up straight.
Turning around acting completely oblivious to the fact that you just made him so incredibly hard, you smiled and said “Yep, looks good.”. His lips were ever so slightly parted as he felt the life flush out of him at how much control you had over him. In this moment Johnny knew exactly what he had in mind for you, he had gotten the hint immediately and was already planning in his head the rest of the day. Johny stayed next to his older self for the entire workday, using himself as a prop to stay near you. As the day went on and more and more people were beginning to clock out and go home, the more you eventually forgot about what happened. All you thought about was how long it was gonna take for you to finish up reviewing a couple more documents, the part you dreaded the most was going to check the inventory of weaponry for the future mission older Johnny was putting together. You assumed everyone had already headed home since it was so quiet and dark. Making your way to the large building where everything was kept you held your clipboard ready to just skim over everything, you couldn’t help but think about how younger Johnny made you feel earlier in the day, butterflies were fluttering around your stomach as you daydreamt.
Unbeknownst to you, Johnny was just on the other side of the door, sitting on a crate waiting for you, was it crazy that Johnny asked his older self for your entire routine? Possibly, but it was going to be worth it. He waited for you to open the door and be greeted with him sitting on a crate in a poorly lit cold room. Your heart sank, seeing Johnny after work hours was definitely different than seeing him around other people, other people to be more extroverted with.
"Oh! Johnny? What are you doing?" You had a look of genuine concern on your face, your brows were furrowed while his were relaxed, it's like he didn't see the total confusion and awkwardness in the situation. He stood from his carefree position and made his way to you. "You thought I wouldn't notice?" His voice sounded a bit more serious than normal, he sounded like his more mature self which got you a bit nervous. Your palms were moistening up the closer he approached. You took a half step back as he got closer.
He had a smirk plastered on his face. Your steps were soon stopped after you felt the back of your knees hit a crate, allowing Johnny to get close enough to feel your uneven breath on his cheek. "What?" You replied in a soft whisper, you were pressed up so close to him. You could feel his hands make their way to your waist, trapping you to him. Your face started feeling hot as you began to think back to your thoughts earlier in the day, thinking about this exact situation versus living it at the moment felt strange. "The way you look at me.." As you turned your face to the side to conceal your embarrassment, he inhaled sharply into your neck, basking in your scent that sent a bolt of arousal to his growing erection. He pressed his chest against yours and snaked his hand up to your face from your waist to cup your cheek, bringing your attention back to him. "Don't get all shy now, you wanted this, didn't you? I could tell..." Through your shame, you couldn't help but get wet hearing his words. You clenched your thighs together hoping he wouldn't notice how turned on you were from this.
To your dismay, Johnny did notice and smirked looking down at your eagerness, he couldn't help but tease you by using his knee to spread apart your legs, stopping you from getting any kind of relief. You whimpered quietly at the loss. Hearing you solicited him to capture your lips in his, his lips felt so soft against yours, it's as if they were made to be connected to yours. He slipped his tongue into your mouth searching for more sounds while his hand on your waist crept up under your shirt to cup your breast, occasionally teasing your nipple. You mewled weakly into his mouth while clenching your thighs around his knee, you pulled away from the kiss to tilt your head back in pure bliss from the stimulation. He grinned and pushed his knee further into your core letting you get off on it. You soon came on his thigh with a whiny moan, and your hand reached out to grasp his wrist.
"I know baby, I know.." He muttered quietly, he gently pulled your hand away from his wrist and hooked his fingers on the bottom hem of your shirt, slipping it off smoothly. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip as he observed your breasts carefully like he was trying to engrave the image into his memory. You felt a little self-conscious from his gaze, so you covered your chest with your hand. Seeing your facial expression turn a little uncomfortable, he took your hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it softly before bringing your face closer, and giving your lips the same treatment.
Your tongue slipped into his mouth once more, forgetting why you were even feeling self-conscious. As both your tongues danced together in sync, you could feel his hands slowly make their way to the button of your jeans, undoing it and pulling them down and off. He was getting so turned on by the sight of your panties that he couldn't resist but pull you closer by the hips to rub himself on you. A guttural groan squeezed out of his throat as he felt himself get harder through his pants which he was aching to get out of. By the time you were about to protest that you needed more pleasure, he had already pulled his boxers off along with his pants. He smirked at the way your eyebrows raised a bit looking at his pre-cum leaking cock.
You reached down and gave him a few pumps before lining him up with your entrance, you whimpered quietly as you rubbed his tip on your sensitive bundle of nerves, while collecting your wetness and putting him back at your entrance. Johnny kept you from falling back by putting his right hand on the small of your back, and slowly pulling himself into you. You clenched your jaw as he inched himself further in, the stretch his cock gave you was filled with pleasure and good pain, "Oh Fuck- You're so- Mmh." He struggled to continue, needing to stop and hold before he came too early. Your walls squeezed him in more, causing him to groan again, you could feel his cock twitch and throb in you which only made you squeeze him even more.
"I need you to- Mmh- To relax-." He used his left hand to rub your thigh attempting to soothe you a bit. You let out a satisfied sigh when you finally felt him roll his hips out at a slow pace, still adjusting. As he got used to your tightness, he went at a swift pace. The sounds of skin slapping and the crate bumping against the wall filled the room. Johnny couldn't hold back the quiet grunts that slipped from his mouth every time he thrust in you. You felt so at ease with him in you, that your head lolled back, allowing him to plant his lips on your neck and leave deep-tinted hickeys that would undoubtedly be questioned the next day. He got put in such a trance that he was starting to feel numb, his mind going into such a haze that he without warning, grabbed you by the hips and flipped you so you'd be bent over the crate.
"Fuck- Sorry-" he murmured before plunging back into your dripping hole. Although his roughness was a bit new to you, you weren't complaining. His hand found a place on your lower back again to hold you in place, his brutal pace was surely going to leave you sore. You felt yourself reaching your second orgasm while Johnny continued slamming into you over and over again, he felt you squeeze him tighter giving him the sense that you were close. He reached for your sensitive bundle of nerves and rubbed at a fast pace, matching his thrusts. The added stimulation was only making you scream-moan louder, you could feel tears threatening to fall from the corners of your eyes. Your moans were cut to a gasp as you came, He followed soon after as the rhythmic squeezes you were giving his cock made him moan and slightly whine. You felt the ropes of his cum painting your walls, and slowly start to drip out when he pulled out with a pleased sigh. He plunged his fingers into you once more making sure to not waste any of his seed, the unexpected feeling leaving you to whimper quietly. "Next time, don't tease me like that."
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Hi! can i request nikolai, dazai and tecchou when their s/o trips infront of them?
OHMYGOD MY FAV BOYS AHAHAHAHAHH SURE!! (and thank you for the request!!! I truly deeply madly appreciate it! ♡)
Tripping in front of them - headcanons
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pairings... gn!reader x Dazai, Nikolai, Tetchou
fluff! - short scenarios
I apologize for any mistakes in advance - english is not my first language!
Hope you enjoy! xx
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Dazai Osamu
Dazai would take every chance to flirt with you. Even when you scratch your limbs on the concrete. Not-so-secretly he finds it very cute when you're clumsy around him.
It was a long day at the ADA; you had to stay overtime in the office until late at night. Dazai accompanied you until you finished all the paperwork and insisted on walking you home. 
“But I live near the office, it’s gonna be fine on my own, Dazai!” You mentioned when he accompanied you in the opposite direction where he lived. 
“I can’t let a pretty lad’ walk alone at night!” he laughed your independence off. “And even though Yokohama is really pretty at night, it is also very dangerous. So! It’s my pleasure to walk my precious colleague home under the moonlight.”
You sighed, but a warm smile appeared in the corner of your mouth. You were walking in peaceful silence next to each other. The moon was so bright, you couldn’t help but stare at it. A few meters later, you stepped on your own shoelace, and in the blink of an eye, you faced the ground very closely. 
“Y/N!” After you heard Dazai loudly say your name, you felt your knees and elbows burning from pain. 
“Ouch, ouch, ouch.” you hissed. Dazai was on his knees beside you, helping you sit up. 
“Oh my, belladonna! I know I’m handsome, but you shouldn’t take falling for me so literally.” He leaned in close to get a good, clear look at your scars. “And also inviting me over this way, very cunning…” 
“What are you talking about?” Suddenly, he lifted you up bridal-style in his arms and continued walking to your home.
Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai is really careful around you - especially when you're not sober. Of course, he jokes around a lot and all, but he won't risk hurting you. Not on purpose at least. Mostly he tries to keep you safe when you're around him.
“I can walk on my own, Kolya! I only drank two beers!” You tried to avoid the fact that you hadn’t eaten all day - so alcohol was like the hammer to the head of a nail. “Okay, then what about a quiz?” his hands were under his cloak, and suddenly a gentle hand tugged your hair behind your ear. You tried to keep it cool and rolled your eyes, but your face couldn't lie - it turned a light shade of pink from the gentle movement. 
“Mhmm, mmhmm, lemme hear it.” You mumbled while concentrating hard on your footsteps.
“That’s the spirit, dove! Okay, so tell me, what is something that always runs but never stops?” he eagerly looked at you; his shoulders almost touching yours. 
You were thinking hard, humming to yourself. “The train? Mmm, no-no, it stops at the stations.. hmm… hmm… the rain? No, no, it usually stops sooner or later…” 
He giggled while looking at your thoughtful face; Nikolai found it pretty attractive how seriously you took his question. You were so deep in your thoughts that you accidentally tripped on an outstanding cobblestone. The next moment you opened your eyes, strong arms were wrapped around your whole body, and your face was buried in Nikolai’s chest. 
His heartbeat was loud and fast. “Heart.” You mumbled into his chest. 
“Huh?” Nikolai loosened his arms a bit to look at your face. 
“Heart. I said, the answer is heart.” You felt your face heat up from this unexpected intimacy. The confusion and worry disappeared from Nikolai’s face and were replaced with a tender smile.
“Correct, doll, correct.” 
Tetchou Suehiro
Tetchou is as clumsy as you. But hey, at least he tried! From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to protect you from falling, at least. Maybe he was just too hungry to think properly.
“I can’t believe we’ve gotten lost…” You let out a long sigh and tip-toed to the sky, trying to get signal to check your GPS. “Furthermore, we’re in the middle of nowhere...” 
“I told you I could cut those trees—” Tecchou placed his hand on his sword, hoping you changed your mind. 
“No! No damage to the forest!” You shook your head in disbelief; even the thought of doing something so brutal to these trees made you pissed. 
“Okay, okay, just an idea if you’ll get bored or hungry or both.” The very same moment he finished the sentence, his stomach growled loudly.
You suddenly turned in his direction and wanted to scold him, but your feet got stuck in something and you tripped. You already saw your destiny in your mind: landing among the leaves and twigs on the ground. Instead of this unpleasant scenario, when you opened your eyes, your face was lying on a muscular chest. You glanced up and saw Tetchou looking at you, worried as hell. His uniform hat was somewhere beside your body. 
“Huh?” Suddenly, you realized what position you are in with him right now. A rosy blush spread along your cheeks. 
“Sorry, I… I wanted to catch you, but… my feet got stuck in something…” He scratched his head in embarrassment. You both lay there for a few more moments before he helped you stand up. 
A yellow leaf was hanging from Tetchou’s messed up hair. “Hey.” You placed his hat back on his head and took the leaf out at the same time. “Thank you.” 
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Aaaah it was so fun to write! Thanks a lot again for this request! ♡
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mockerycrow · 1 year
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Undercover IV (Soap x GN!Reader)
undercover series masterlist — previous | next
Summary: You have a rocky introduction with John Price and you continue your interview, despite a certain someone’s hesitant protests. You finally have your dreaded psych evaluation while your stress reaches it’s peak.
A/N: considering this is a reboot timeline + Makarov is only vaguely mentioned in mw2, i’m taking inspo from og mw and adding my own spices. and holy shit why was this so difficult to complete??? i also apologize for this taking so long, i live where the smoke from the canadian fires dragged across and my chest hurts. update: russian was corrected!
[WARNINGS: flashbacks, Price is a bit of an ass but trust me, vague descriptions of torture and murder, angst.]
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“I learned from him that often contradiction is the clearest way to truth.” -Patti Smith.
“We need to get your head on straight.”
That’s what Price said, and I don’t know what about how he said it made me mad, but oh boy, did it fucking piss me off. “What?”
“We need to get your head on straight,” He repeats, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He’s wearing his tactical vest, dawning a U.K. badge. I eye his gear before making eye contact with him again and he continues. “We can’t afford to sit around, we need that intel. We have reasonable suspicion Makarov will move on with his plans quicker than we anticipated.” My nose scrunches up a little bit as he’s basically avoiding saying it without saying that he’s avoiding it. “You want me to continue with the interview.” I say it like a statement and not a question because all three of us know it’s not a question.
“Price, that isn’t a good idea,” Soap says, his voice considerably alarmed. He grinds his teeth together because he knows my reaction to just fucking closing my eyes while talking about it was extremely concerning. “I know it isn’t, but we don’t have a choice,” Price mutters before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing. He looks at me with a pointed look, eyes flickering over my body in confliction.
I mimic his look because as much as I would love time to calm down, I know what he’s saying is true. If they truly have reasonable suspicion that Makarov is going to advance in his plans early, they need what I learned.
Fuck, man..
“Okay.” I move the pillow around on my lap. “Let’s do it?”
Soap’s head snaps towards me, eyebrows furrowed. “What? You’re agreein’ to it??” I look back at him with a frustrated look and I can feel myself wanting to explode. “What choice do I have? Not say anything and risk peoples lives, or have a little freak out and no one dies—except maybe for him?”
The room goes silent except for the beeping of the machines and Soap sighs, taking the recorder out of his front pocket. Price remains on his side of the bed but this time finds a chair, pulls it around and sits down. His hands stay on the armrests. I glance at Soap who presses a button and holds it a bit away from himself. “This is Sergeant John MacTavish, Callsign Soap, this is day two interviewing Sergeant [Name] [Last Name] of the Eclipse Task Force.” Soap hesitates to say the next part, his eyes tracing him face as he mutters. “Last subject was Makarov’s ‘entry tests’ and ‘loyalty tests’.”
I feel my stomach collapse in on itself, tightening into a painful knot. I know this was coming eventually, even if I didn’t want it to. “Yeah, uh..” I trail off, averting my eyes to stare at something, anything but the two men looking to me for answers. “After two months of living in Russia, I got into contact with Makarov. It was completely by accident too, I was just trying to collect information about him, seem like I was interested and then I was.. picked up.“ I pause for a moment before continuing. “I had to build up a reputation, something that made it look like I didn’t pop up in this city out of the blue, y’know?”
“Мы не используем здесь его имя.” We do not use his name here. “Секретность должна быть сохранена, не так ли?” Secrecy must be kept, right?
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There’s a hood over my head and my heart is pounding inside of my chest—I could die, right here and right now and nobody would know. I could fail this entire mission right at this moment and that’s fucking terrifying. I twist my wrists ever so slightly, not in an attempt to get away, but I can’t help but check out tight the rope is. I’m surprised they didn’t use handcuffs. I blink rapidly as my eyes burn a bit, trying to properly adjust to the bright light above me.
I look around and I’m in a warehouse with two men—neither of them being the man I want, but one of them is Sergei Orlov, one of the men I had been tracking since I’ve gotten here.
The intel suggests he has close connects to Makarov, indicating that he may be in a right-hand man type of situation. That’s the position I’m trying to bury my way into. Sergei’s eyes are sharp and intimidating, the color being a deep, cerulean blue with dashes of green near his pupils.
There is absolutely no light in them, no positive emotion—I didn’t expect to see any, but it makes me wonder if Makarov’s eyes are the same? Will I be able to get close enough to see?
“Мы наблюдаем за тобой уже несколько недель. Ты пытаешься предать свою страну и начать войну. Почему?” We have been watching you for several weeks now. You are trying to betray your country and start a war. Why?
My fingers twitch as I offer a scoff, a snarl curling at my lips, like I’m snapping at another dog. Of course, I show no disrespect. I need this to be perfect. “Вы не представляете, что этот мир сделал со мной, люди, которые в нем живут, сделали со мной.” You have no idea what this world has done to me, the people who live in it have done to me.
Sergei has his hands behind his back as he slowly walks around me, circling me. I keep my eyes on him as much as possible, I’m radiating distrust—trying to keep up the character I’m playing.
“Это правда, я не знаю. Но я точно знаю, что такие, как ты, просто так не появляются.” It's true, I don't know. But I know for sure that people like you don't just appear. I feel my heart drop into my stomach because fuck, man—I thought everything was good?? My backstory, my profile, I didn’t think I had any holes—
“К счастью для тебя, у нас есть сложная викторина для людей, которые, казалось бы, появились из ниоткуда. Чтобы предотвратить явку шпионов, м?” Lucky for you, we have a challenging quiz for people who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. To prevent spies, yes?
I immediately nod in response, brows furrowed, eyes filled with determination. Sergei’s lips curl into a dreadful smile—one that screams “get away from me or else”.
“Хороший.” Good. He unties my bindings, allowing me to rub my wrists. I don’t have a good feeling at all. Sergei grabs my upper arm and has me stand up, and him and the other man lead me out of the warehouse, going to a truck. “Куда мы идем?” Where are we going?
He doesn’t bother to answer me besides motioning me to sit in the back of the car. I hesitate for a moment out of weariness, but I comply. I open the door to the truck and climb into the back and Sergei slides into the back with me. The other man climbs into the driver’s seat. “привод.” Drive.
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I can feel myself begin to space out with every word and I can vaguely feel my fingers tightening into a fist. I pause my retelling of events as my train of thought breaks apart, the crawling feeling on my back intensifying. “Hey,” Price’s voice is low. “You with us?” It takes everything inside of my goddamn soul to nod, but God, I wish I wasn’t. I know we’re getting close to the part of my.. atrocities.
My heart jumps inside of my chest and my monitor beeps loudly for a moment. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes—“Hey!”
My eyes snap to Price who has a furrowed brow, annoyance lacing his features. I notice my chest is moving up and down with every harsh breath coming out through my nose. “Focus.” I grit my teeth, my fingernails digging into the palm of my hand. “I’m trying.” I retaliate with a tight voice. I understand they need this information, but they have to understand how hard it is to recount literally every single life taken, innocent ones??
“Clearly you aren’t,” Price scoffs, his lip curling in anger. “You’ve barely started the bloody report, what’s the issue?”
I laugh humorlessly, my eyes going wide. “What—Did you actually just fucking say that?” Soap stands up, putting his hand out towards his captain. “Price, I—“
“Stay out of this, Soap. That’s an order.”
I can feel my bones ache under my harsh clenching of my hand, an angry smile coming to my lips. I feel this weird smoldering feeling in my gut that’s spreading heat across my body and into my limbs. I hear my heart monitor picking up speed. “You have absolutely no fucking idea what I’ve been through—what I’ve had to do!” I’m aware I’m raising my voice, but I honestly cannot bother to give a fuck by now.
Price crosses his arms, glaring down at me. His eyes are scrutinizing and it makes me want to punch the fuckin’ daylights out of him. “You’re right,” He begins. “I have not the foggiest idea because you’ve not said anything of actual value thus far!”
Oh, he wants me to fucking punch him. This man is so fucking asking for me to knock his teeth out. I open my mouth to speak but Price swiftly interrupts me. “What did you have to do, [Name]? Kill a few innocent people? Children, maybe? Did you have to torture them?”
I can feel that hot feeling turn to ice cold in a split second, a ripple of sweat dripping down my temple. “..What?”
Price waves his hand around as a general statement. “So what, you had to gut a few children? That’s nothing. Oh, did you have to keep them alive? Did they force ya to hear their screams, [Name]? Or did you have’to—“
It’s like I don’t have control of myself when I reach forward and snatch the front of Price’s shirt and pulling him near myself, my voice loud and booming, nearly cracking. “YES, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR? DID YOU WANT TO HEAR THE SICK DETAILS OF WHAT I DID?” I take a deep breath, continuing. This fucking rage is flowing through my bones and I just cannot shut myself up—“DID YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW I BROKE BONES, INFLICTED WOUNDS AND LEFT PEOPLE TO ROT?”
The room goes silent, aside from my harsh breathing and the beeping from my heart monitor. I lower my voice, but i don’t stop the absolute anger dripping from every word as I speak through clenched teeth. “Every dirty fuckin’ detail is a weight on my goddamn conscience and you don’t seem to understand that, Price.”
The room is eerily silent again and I fucking hate it. I look down at the pillow on my torso as I feel their beady little eyes peering into my soul, judging my every sin. I hear Soap turn the recorder off and I feel hot from embarrassment for a moment because I just realized.. he was recording all of that. Of fucking course.
Before anyone else can say anything, the door to my room opens. I pick my head up and see a woman in business casual clothing with a notebook, pen, and a clipboard. “Hi, my name is Doctor Elaine Stewart, I’ll be conducting this comprehensive psychological and psychiatric evaluation on you today.” Her voice is soft and light like how her hair looks—dark curls that seem to bounce right above her shoulders, her skin is a darker tan too. Her eyes are big, round, and soft. She’s British—I can’t place what region she grew up in, though.
They probably picked her because she would feel less like a threat towards me.
Dr. Stewart turns to the two men, glancing between them. “I’m going to have to ask you two to leave for patient doctor confidentiality purposes.”
Price goes to speak up, but she puts her hand up to stop him. “I’ll call if I need anything, but I’m sure we’ll be just fine.”
I hear Price sigh, but I refuse to look at him. Instead, I look to Soap, who’s peering down at me with concerned eyes. I still don’t get why he’s so concerned.. Or why he’s so quiet, because he really doesn’t seem to be a quiet person. Soap takes his notebook sketchbook thing, murmuring a “see you later” and takes his leave next to his Captain.
Once the door closes, Dr. Stewart smiles at me and walks over to my bed, heels clicking, and then takes a seat. “You know how this goes, yeah? You’ve been in the military for quite some time now.” I nod in response, taking a deep breath. My back is beginning to ache from not getting up or moving.
“Yeah, I know.” I say anyway. I put my hands on the bed and go to use my strength to sit myself up, but immediate tight and bursting pain bubbles where my stitches are. One of my hands fly to my stomach—which is covered by the pillow, followed by a loud curse. Dr. Stewart quickly sits up, alarmed. “Are you alright??”
I nod as I hiss in pain, clenching my jaw in an attempt to distract myself from the pain. “Didn’t realize it would’ve hurt so bad..”
Dr. Stewart nods, leaning over and click a button a few times which raises the back of the bed to a proper sitting up position. I feel my face heat up from embarrassment again. Fuck.
Dr. Stewart holds her clipboard and looks at me. “Have you experienced moments where you felt like you were not in your body?”
I take a moment to think about that. “Yes, but only when I was actively tortured or, er.. uh… did the torturing.” I look away from her and back at my lap, a weird feeling bubbling in my stomach. She takes a moment to write down my answer. “Have you ever felt out of control of yourself?”
I shake my head no—and then I pause. Have I? I shake my head no a second time after thinking.
“Within the last 6 months, have you heard disembodied voices or noises no one else around you could hear?”
“Have you ever found yourself back in an event that already happened? Maybe you’re just sitting down and for a moment, you’re back in that warehouse?”
I look at her with a furrowed brow, and I immediately want to deny it, but I can’t. “I mean..” I trail off for a moment. “I don’t.. I don’t hallucinate that I’m back with Makarov’s group, if that’s what you mean.”
Dr. Stewart leans forward a bit, her perfectly painted nails tapping against the clipboard. “Then what do you mean, [Name]?” I swallow the spit in my mouth before speaking, yet it feels like my mouth has gone dry. “I don’t know, all I’m saying is that I don’t experience that.”
She looks at me—why is she staring??—and then she writes something down. “What have you done to them, [Name]?”
My heart skips a beat. “What?”
“I said, what have you experienced? I’m talking about anxiety, maybe dread, everything you’ve felt within the last day.”
Did I.. did I mishear her? She definitely said ‘what did you to them’, right?
I blink rapidly and look at her. “Sorry. What?”
Dr. Stewart bites her lower lip for a moment, watching me with worried eyes. “I think it’s best to conclude this evaluation for now. It looks like you’re having a hard time adjusting, so I will check back in with you in a few days.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” My voice is teetering on the edge of anger and I know I shouldn’t be mean, but I feel like my skeleton is trying to shed my skin from how jumpy I feel. “That means I don’t think you’re coherent enough for your interview, nor your evaluation; the one that’ll tell your superiors that you can return, anyway.” She picks her pen up and she begins to write something down—seemingly a longer paragraph. “So.. that means you have a temporary conclusion? Of my psyche?” I ask slowly, and I know that isn’t the right wording, but I’m not sure how else to do it.
Dr. Stewart stands up and begins to collect her things. She sighs and looks at me with.. sympathy?? Pity? I can’t tell. “You just went through something extremely traumatic, [Name]. You’re still in fight or flight. I can’t conduct a proper assessment like this.”
I hold my tongue from barking at her that I’m fine, from telling her to get the fuck out or me making some obscene threat.
I feel my heart sink in my chest because I feel like she’s vaguely suggesting something I cannot handle right now.
🏷️: @hardnutpost @glitterypirateduck @elowynnlane @boycigs @wolfyland07 @escapefromrealitysm @tapioca-marzipan
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talkbycolor · 10 months
let me hold your hand forever.
A/N; i almost threw up writing this because its not the usual "omg i love this cute yandere boy, so silly!" shit i do
Pairing; "Rendacted" x GN!reader
CW; Ren/[REDACTED] having unhealthy, obsessive and possesive behavior, wow, who would have told / TW; mutilations, romanticizing mutilation by Ren side but MC is really terrified / this is an AU where MC rejected Ren's advances and he lost his infinite patience / character with extremely questionable ethics / wow another nsfw in this blog? / you’re lucky this isn’t visual / i know in canon Rendacted would never hurt MC BUT HEY god gave me the ability to write and im making that everyone else's problem / surreal strength for the sake of the plot, IMPORTANT POINT
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It was quite comfortable, having a friend like Ren could even be strange, he looked like cotton candy and it was very nice to spend time together. But then again, you were just friends, it was a little strange that he mentioned being in a relationship with you.
But things have taken a bit of a drastic turn, Ren has spent his days trying to hang out with you, having lunch together, spending nights watching anime and horror movies, that would be nice if it didn't feel so overwhelming.
So it's time to confront him.
"Ren, hey, I know you like me a lot but we can't go out every day, I'm not always up for that so… I'll let you know when we can go out, okay?"
And there was only silence from the pink-haired boy, he seemed to be trying to smile unsuccessfully, just looking at you.
"Of course, angel, don't forget to call me!" He spoke nervously trying to hold back the storm in his throat.
Just when you were about to leave a hand grabbed your forearm, Ren was still looking at you with a smile, a sad smile.
"You're going to call me, right?" He asks, his eyes widening in desperation, Ren didn't want to lose you, he couldn't stand it, not again, what if you're thinking about slowly walking away?
"Sure, later" was the only thing you mentioned before pulling your arm to leave, it's not like you had an avoidant attachment pfff!
The days passed and life could be considered calm, you went out with your friends, you greeted your strange neighbor who loved to walk to her floors, work was not unpleasant and you even bought yourself a small dessert for dinner tonight.
You and Moth talked late into the night about the new episodes and since Haruko was so adorable, life felt peaceful once again. It's not that Ren was a problem, he was attractive and if you had enough self-esteem you would think you had a chance with him but…
I suppose not.
Speaking of Ren, what is he doing now? Visiting him would be a good idea, it's been days since they last spoke.
Once morning arrived you headed towards his large apartment and knocked on the door, not long after it was opened by Ren, who looked just like an abandoned puppy, you could almost see his eyes shine and his breath was lost just by seeing you in front of him. him.
"Angel, you're here! oh god, I-I'm so sorry for the mess, I didn't expect you to come… to my apartment…" It sounded a little strange, but it was just Ren being shy.
"Yeah uh… I'm sorry, are you busy? I can go, yes, maybe I should have let you know I was coming."
"No! NO! it's okay, you just surprised me, do you want a drink? I have your fav-… many options! I have many drink options" He corrected himself immediately with a smile, his face was almost the color of his hair and I was dying to say that I miss you so much.
"Or we can go out, do you want to visit the new cafe? Maybe we can-…"
“No” You interrupted, it sounded a little rude so you cleared your throat. "Now I'm not sure, I was just passing by to say hello, plus I don't have money to buy something…"
"I can buy it for you," he said almost immediately, his eyes fixed on you, almost sweating from having you close.
"That's very generous, Ren, but…"
"Please! It's your day off, right? We could go out and…"
"Ren, I'm not-…"
"Please, angel!" He begged, his hand had climbed to your arm and you didn't even notice, he was now gently squeezing your shoulder, wanting closeness, wanting to date, wanting you and you kept pushing him away.
The atmosphere was a little awkward now, you didn't know whether to be flattered that he thought you were interesting enough for Ren to want to spend time with you or scared by how desperate he looked about it.
"No thanks, I think I better go back to my apartment" You mentioned as you pushed his hand from your arm, you didn't even have time to turn to the door when Ren grabbed your arm tightly, a painful grip.
"Can we be together, please? I-I'll make you feel special, I want you to be okay and I want you to…" his expression seemed so… surprised, to see you, embarrassed to act like that? scared of being abandoned? overstimulated? "all I want is to be with you!"
He almost roared out, his grip on your arm becoming more and more painful, he was pulling you away from the exit door.
"Ren, that hurts! REN! REN!"
"JUST LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND FOREVER!" He begged between screams, only a beeping sound existed in his head as he watched you fall to the ground in a pool of blood.
Now you were on the ground, screaming and crying out loud, it was agony, Ren had hurt you.
For fuck's sake, not only did he hurt you, he tore your fucking arm off and now you were writhing in your blood as you slowly lost consciousness.
Wake up.
Your body was still shaking, you were still terrified, and you had to escape, where was your arm? As soon as you woke up you found a sweaty Ren who was looking at you with a desperate and nervous smile.
It was a deranged look, almost immediately you started crying out of panic, your arm was gone, your arm, he tore it off, you were hyperventilating as you watched his left arm missing.
"REN! REN!!" You were sobbing in despair, the pool of blood was still on the floor, how long were you unconscious? not much because apparently Ren had tried to stop the bleeding and close the wound, seeing bandages full of blood made you vomit immediately, but that didn't stop you from crying in agony.
"Angel, please! s-stop crying, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me! FORGIVE ME, I DIDN'T WANT TO! IT WAS NOT MY INTENTION!" He begged you as he sobbed himself, he had hurt you and that was something he never thought of doing, that he never wanted to do. "l-look, now we are equal, can you forgive me?"
What did he say ..?
Your throat had closed and the screams stopped, that guy was fucking deranged.
He ripped his left arm off of him.
For you.
He came up to hug you, wanting to be comforting, to make you feel accompanied in this, to give you love in such a dark time.
No no no no.
"NO! NO! NOOO! PLEASE, NO!" You screamed in panic as the tears came out, that couldn't be happening, disgust and terror filled your poor mind as you were caressed with so much love, Ren was going to take care of you and promised to never hurt you again.
"We'll be fine angel, just trust me, I'll take care of you." He spoke so lovingly, smiling as he held you, genuinely happy to be so close, to be able to touch you. "Now we match, right?"
He was joking at a moment like that, as if it were nothing, the sobs no longer came out, you could barely breathe while the tears didn't stop and he lulled you into your chest with the help of his only arm.
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caramel-maveeato · 11 months
𝟥:𝟥𝟥 ♡˚₊。。。
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❧❤ SYNOPSIS: three among all the times you revived butterflies in his garden...  ♡ Pairings/Love interest: So Mun x GN!reader ♡ Genre: fluff ♡ TW: suggestive, detailed descriptions of kissing in part 3, slight cursing, sexual tension but no doing the deed, basically just 3 short fics in the form of 1 long fic because why not ♡ word count: 3.8k
Note: All characters originated from “The Uncanny Counter/Amazing Rumor” except for Y/n.  (I love this theme so much wtf why he so pretty)
English is not my first language!!! Sorry in advance if I make any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
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So Mun was one to be driven by love. Whether it’s platonic or romantic, both are irreplaceable in his life. 
He didn’t understand why some people dated just to waste their time. Witnessing how strong of a bond his parents shared ever since he was a kid, he believed the wondrous word "lovers" could never be used halfheartedly. That being said, ever since a relationship with you has flowered, merely your existence was already plentiful enough to bring him to his knees. 
Once he fell, So Mun unconsciously became a hopeless romantic, hands down. 
Every day with you resembled a spring rain, gleaming drops of the sky mizzling outside the closed window; bracingly excited, nonetheless pleasant. Liveliness erupted through every one of his veins when the first thing he saw after a long rest was your sleeping face, savoring in tranquility next to him.
He skimmed his hand—which was lazing around on your hip—over to fix any part of the blanket that had slided off your body. Warm fingers sailed their way down your back and danced along the divine curve. Each stroke was careful enough not to disturb your sleep as the small distance between you two was diminished through his gentle pull. 
Laid between the entangled fingers was a vague squeeze. A smile instantly pervaded his face just from the sight of your eyelids slowly fluttering open, his own image mirroring in those crystalline pupils: “Good morning, baby.”
“Morning…” There it was, your raspy morning voice that he looked forward to every day: “What time is it?”
He glanced at the clock, his digits soothing your upper back and shoulder blazes: “It’s still early; you can go back to sleep.” 
Your habit of always waking up beside each other had almost been set in stone—whether in the back seat of the car, the dinner table, or even in the middle of the boxing ring—to the point that all of your accustomed actions had become so predictable for So Mun that he could correctly guess what gestures you’d impulsively do every time morning knocked on your door.
Drowsiness straggled on your eyelids as you let darkness cloak your vision. You drew a tiny hum, your body moved on its own from the guidance of the familiar warmth and soon enough, you were secured inside his embrace again: “Just… ten more minutes.”
Habit or not, he didn’t mind how effortlessly you could accelerate the rhythm of his heart: “Sure.”
“Actually…” The elation on So Mun’s face dilated through the tenderness of your hair scratching on his skin, tiny nuzzles of your nose followed by faint inhales and exhales on his neck. His heart swelled when kisses like a touch of a delicate wing brushing against his Adam’s apple: “Maybe more than ten.”
He laughed, habitually running a hand through your hair: “How about twenty minutes?”
“As long as possible. I want to stay like this for a while longer.” Your arm returned to its home around him, fingers enveloped in an instinctive grasp to anchor yourself to a sense of amenity you could only find around So Mun. His morning routine would never be fulfilled without you clinging onto him for at least a lasting moment: “Is that okay?”
You were too dozy to catch onto how his chest faintly vibrated with a chuckle, how a lovely softness perched on the top of your head, nor how a flurry of tiny feathers had taken flight inside him—like songbirds broke free from a hidden cage, euphonious symphony merging into the sky through chaotic felicity. It was haywire, but he loved it: 
“Of course, sleepyhead.”
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Cooking is a boyfriend’s duty, so unless it was your own wish, he never let you work a single muscle while in the kitchen. 
It was one of the rare occasions that his grandparents were out of town to visit a relative. And so he anticipated such a perfect opportunity for an indoor date, wasted no time welcoming you into the house. 
A variety of home-made snacks and bags of chips hung around on top of the cabinet. Comfortable silence accompanied him as he stood pouring your favorite soda into an iced cup, completely oblivious to you—whom he supposed was still sitting on the couch scrolling through a long list of movies—already sneaking up to him from behind, footsteps soundless.
With a quiet and almost imperceptible approach, you closed your arms around his waist, physically declaring your profound adoration for your boyfriend: “Hi!”
“Hi, baby.” Your sudden display of affection momentarily startled him, and So Mun laughed at himself just as quickly for flinching. Or maybe he wasn’t flinching. After all, you could never scare him. 
Perhaps his heart jumped from a swarm of fireflies that burst out; something inside him fluttered like leaves in the chilly breeze, carrying him away by a whirlwind of emotion when your chin rested on his shoulder, face nesting in the nape of his neck. 
He giggled, placing the empty can of soda down and wrapping his hand around yours: “What are you doing?”
Despite not facing you, he knew a cheeky grin had already plastered across your face: “What do you think I’m doing?”
So Mun tilted his head back to rest against your own, his words coming out a bit cheesier than he intended. Not that you’d mind it: “It’s not fair, I can’t hug you back like this.” 
“How about you endure it for a bit more? Because I’m, in fact…” 
Your digits traced the fabric of his shirt, one hand of yours retreated from his waist and slided up along his shoulder, quietly brushing the disheveled curls aside. Giving no warning, you closed the final gap between your lips and his exposed flesh, dipping a secretive kiss into the warmth of your whispering voice: “...enjoying this way too much.”
He tensed up. A shiver of delight cascaded down his spine, like a field of wildflowers had sprung to life in every corner of his being. The more your lips dragged along the back of his neck, the more he felt his ears burn up under the temptation of your peppering kisses: 
“That’s cheating.”
“Cheating?” The remaining embrace on his torso gently tightened, another peck spraying on his skin to fill in the pause between your responses: “Am I not even allowed to kiss my boyfriend?”
A hint of embarrassment can be heard in his voice, but he made no effort to squirm off your grasp: “You know very well what you’re doing, Y/n…” 
Every little peck left a tingling sensation in its wake. Open-mouthed kisses you showered him with conveyed gentle provocation. Your fingers fluently grazed through his mullet, making more space for a series of affectionate assaults to scatter along his delicate neck: “I can’t help it, it’s a tradition that neck kisses take place wherever back hugs are.”
So Mun’s heartbeat thundered loudly in his ears, and his upper body would intermittently twitch when some of your kisses were so tender that they turned ticklish. He sighed, his little act of bashfulness was quick to be betrayed by his own chuckle before it could even emerge: “Just so you know, you’re going to pay for this.”
“If you want to threaten me, you should do better.” You evilly blew a hot bit of air into his nape and the ticklishness instantly pulled a reaction out of him: “Because when you make it sound like that, you know I only look forward to it.”
Your little victory didn’t last long as So Mun broke the hug, turning around to meet his eyes with yours. Once your gazes collided, you were too busy drinking in his handsome features to notice a firm grip had already settled under your thighs. And just in a blink of an eye, the solidity of the floor under your feet completely evaporated. 
His movement was so nimble that it sent you dumbfounded for a second. Both of your hands quickly clutched on him for security. But as soon as he lowered you on a hardened surface, heat began to smear through your face as you stared at him in astonishment, eyes widened and lips parted like that one surprised Pikachu meme. 
So Mun stood between your legs, leaning slightly closer to you and the dining table he placed you on, his voice softened as the air hung heavy with anticipation: “I can tell you do look forward to this, love.”
The look of awe in your eyes prompted a satisfied smirk from him. He was proud to have successfully flustered you and he didn't even try to hide it: “Did I surprise you?”
“Would be lying if I said you didn’t. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You blinked a few times, a supposed reply gave up for a shy giggle. Your smile stretched goofily when he pinched on one of your cheeks that had been painted pink:
"Yeah, you're having a good time on this table, aren't you?"
You drew your hands up on his shoulders, subtly pulling him closer, your legs lingering on both sides of his hips: “So, what do you plan on doing to me now?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” He tilted his head and smiled—one that never failed to sweep you off your feet. He knew he was fine, and you agreed to that statement with your whole being. 
“It is obvious, but I’d prefer you say it out loud.”
“C’mon, say it.”
“I’m going to finish up what you’ve started.” His warm fingers spoke of unvoiced desire and reluctant constraint, hovering just above your waist while he gazed into your eyes for permission: “Can I?””
“Nothing is stopping you, my dear.” Asking for consent before initiating is always so goddamn attractive of him, and who are you to reject such a sweet offer: “Go for it however you want.”
He wasted no time attaching his lips to yours as a silent thank you. His pace was slow but packed with profuse excitement, plump lips soon marching down the underside of your jaw to your neck. 
The first kiss he planted was almost too light to savor, meant to make sure there wouldn’t be any last second change of heart from you although he knew you were no less than him aching for this—judging from how your head voluntarily threw backwards and your arms clasped around him in an effort to banish the space between you two. 
With an exchange of kisses and cheerful smiles, the kitchen abruptly became more than just a place for cooking. You closed your eyes and granted him full-right over the adventure on your skin, but the buttery scent of freshly popped popcorn instantaneously snapped you out of your daze: “Mun, what about the movie?”
A nonchalant hum echoed against your skin, remaining hidden behind a loving kiss: “That can wait.”
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Before switching to the new hideout, the basement of Eonnie’s Noodle was unofficially considered your ideal dating place due to how much So Mun works out. 
Since the boxing ring was too publicly arranged, there was no other choice for you but to find a more secluded spot for any possible funny business.
A single window permitted trickles of sunlight into the basement, which was dimly illuminated in the serene solitude of the afternoon. You were sitting on the couch scrolling through social media while your boyfriend was productively doing his daily routine, though you honestly didn’t even pay attention to your phone that much. At the end of the day, he was a much, much better sight to admire. 
Steadily, So Mun lifted his upper body off the mat, his back curving as he went, then lowered himself back down for another repetition. The rhythmic cadence of his breath infiltrated the atmosphere, mixing with the soft rustling of the exercise mat beneath him. 
Time had dashed notably since he started the series of sit-ups, beads of sweat had already glinted on his brow. At one point, the fatigue was gradually waning his strength by the minute, the sounds of his breath came in heavier as evidence of the enlarging weariness.
Moving off the couch, you walked over and knelt down. His eyes thoroughly followed you with a gleam of curiosity as you pressed your palms on top of his feet, keeping them firmly in place: “Need a hand?”
“Yes… thank you.” The anchor he needed was perfectly provided by your supportive hold. So Mun breathed out, just that bit of exhaustion didn’t stop him from smiling brightly at you. 
“Glad to be of service.”
You returned the smile with one of your own, watching as he concentrated on finishing the workout set. Unbeknownst to So Mun, helping him stabilize wasn’t the only purpose you had in mind. Your boyfriend had been working hard all day every day, you wouldn’t want to miss this perfect chance of affectionately messing with him. 
Quiet counting of each sit-up quickly came to a pause when he saw your body reach forward, confidence resurfacing on the corners of your mouth as you placed your chin on his bent knees with playful flirtatiousness. 
The blatant hint quickened his preexistent racing heartbeat, making So Mun swallow thickly: “Is that an invitation?”
You raised your eyebrows, no shame in confirming his suspicion: “Yes, an invitation and a motivation.”
A tint of pink further permeated his already flushed cheeks, whether formed from exercising or the effect you had on him. Either way, you were absolutely loving it. 
Chin still rested between his attached knees while you stayed in the same position. Your head tilted slightly to the side, wordlessly emphasizing your offer. This little push certainly did marvels as you caught his dark brown irises darting down to your lips. For a second, you could almost feel the burn his fervent stare left on you. 
“How thoughtful of you.” He whispered. There was no sarcasm, just reciprocated playfulness. The exertion resumed and he dropped back to the mat again before ascending upward to you who was also reaching for him, slowly but surely bending forward until your faces were pressed together, his soft lips mingling on yours tentatively. 
Your kiss was a touch of a butterfly, but the swirling emotion it brought rushed over to him like a summer rain. He felt you smile against his lips, a tremendously infectious one that caused a smile of his own to bloom as well. 
The “motivation” giveaway progressed for a while before So Mun eventually stopped for a breather, propping his hands on his sides for stability. His voice was breathier than normal, unavoidable from the long session of workout he’d strained himself through, yet strangely hushed in a way that things started stirring up inside your chest: “If your primary intention was to distract me, it is working well above and beyond.” 
“Oh no, is that a complaint that I hear?” You joked. Both of you knew damn well he was just as excited because another peck waited no time to land on your lips right after the question.
“I didn’t say that.” His gaze escorted you as your hands were now withdrawn from his shoes. He relaxed one leg, straightening it against the black mat: “I mean, you should consider ‘distracting’ me more often.”
You laughed: “Straight to the point, huh?”
“I was only being honest! It’s kinda lonely training by myself sometimes, I’d be happy to have a companion stay with me here and there.” So Mun vaguely gave you a shrug, although the way he never vacated your eyes implied that he wasn’t exactly as nonchalant as he tried to present: “Plus, you don’t seem to mind helping me with the sit-ups.”
His excuse was cut in half as you mercilessly exposed him with a proud wink: “I think you just want to see me.”
Hesitation gained no room in your answer and So Mun found himself pouting at that: “Yeah, that’s also one of the reasons.” 
Bashfulness clouded inside his throat, if you didn’t happen to be right in front of him, maybe his reply would’ve sounded like an indistinct murmur. You bit the inside of your cheek to not burst out laughing: “Aww, really?”
“You just can’t take me seriously, can you?” He rolled his eyes, letting loose a chuckle to melt into the atmosphere: “Yes, baby. I always want to see you. What’s so wrong about it?” 
His thumb sweetly stroked your cheek. The delight in his eyes glistened when you spontaneously angled your face to search for more contact. You didn’t realize how this seemingly innocent gesture could ignite so great of a mental fire, perhaps So Mun had mastered the art of captivating you whenever he’d like: “Us spending time together in everything else is not enough. Even during training, I still want to see you.”
You could feel heat radiating off his skin, and it took all of your sanity to stop your smile from widening. Suddenly, the veil of tension drooped between you was no longer thin, marking the tinge of color on your cheeks even more evident: “Tch, you just had to make everything sound so sweet.”
“Is that so?” He grinned, gliding up along your arm before his fingers encircled it. Then, he slightly bent forward—a tenuous suggestion that you caught on to right away: “Was it too sweet for your liking?”
At this point, you were programmed to be intuitively drawn into him like a moth flitted into flame. Your self-restraint had left the room yet you couldn’t care less: “It was sugary as hell, but accepted and appreciated.”
“I’m glad you approved.” So Mun chuckled through a half-whisper. The next thing you knew, your lips had connected with his again. 
The sensation was perfectly blended like two puzzle pieces completing each other. Taking advantage of your current position you pushed your palm against his bent knee and knocked his legs apart, climbing over on top of him. Your other hand rested on his shoulder as an affirmation of dominance as you pressed him flat down on the exercise mat, your lips still joined like an unbreakable knot.
A dull, nearly inaudible thud echoed throughout the basement as he fell backward. However, the sound of hurried gasping was close to completely concealing it. So Mun’s adoration for each time you took the lead was impractical to convert into words. Especially when it’s not an everyday matter that he’d be locked underneath you like this, your lips crushing and caressing him with breathtaking friction, drowning him in the ocean of butterflies he created himself. 
With every passing second, the butterflies appeared increasingly vibrant, their presence peculiarly resembling a secret uttered as a reminder that he was alive. So Mun’s lips moved in tandem with your own, eyes shut tight to intensify the passion to the utmost. The kiss itself remained just as sweet as how you taste, bearing unspoken fervor in each dance and he couldn’t help but yearn for more. 
Your fingertips were occupied on his cheek and the underside of his jaw, forcing his face up for easier access. Yet, every time your tongue swiped over his bottom lip, feeding his expectation for a deeper kiss, you always managed to retreat too fast for his craving. The soft groan of need earned himself a snicker from your side, certifying that your moment of affection had somehow progressed into a battle of teasing and hunting. 
This was where you knew whatever you plotted just came out successful. So Mun chased you up despite already being helpless beneath you, trying to fill the gap between your parted lips with his tongue which you happily fought back with the same tactic, off and on nibbling on his lower lip. But what you didn’t foresee was a flip in position when he suddenly rolled you over, effortlessly overthrowing the control you held within a heartbeat. 
As soon as your whimper of surprise was heard, So Mun ducked down and overpowered you by molding his mouth against yours, finally taking what he had longed for. Your fingers dug into his curls uncaring about the slight wetness grazing your hand as the result of his previous training, tugging a low grunt out of the back of his throat. Intoxication detonated where your lips were encountered. The contact was identical to walking on air, a feather-light buoyancy elevating spirits. 
He broke apart, giving the two of you a breather. His round eyes stuck on your face while you tried to regulate your breath, not looking any better than him with your swollen lips moistened by his saliva, or maybe your own? The answer wouldn’t matter anyway. 
“One more?” A certain hunger exuded from him in a way that was remarkably thrilling. Rosiness engulfed his face and his lips pinkened from making out—a side of him only you were allowed to see. And once he recognized pure desperation in your half-lidded eyes, he smiled, his voice soft but hoarse under the influence of his feverish need:  “One more.”
You’d be a liar if you said this wasn’t the hottest fucking thing you’ve witnessed in your life. 
Time stopped and flied every time your mouths glued together and pulled apart. You were kissed into losing all perceptions by now, capable of doing nothing but huffing and puffing underneath his body. 
“What got you so riled up?” You asked between the shallow breaths, sounding so innocently as if it was him who turned out to be the rise of his own eagerness. 
“Are you seriously asking that question?” He jerked up one of his brows, moving a strand of hair off your forehead: “It was you who started the whole thing.”
Your hand gently squeezed his where they were still intertwined: “Guilty and proud of it.”
“Of course you’d say that.” His minty breath strenuously washed over your face. You inhaled deeply to seek out the familiar scent he carried; for some reason it smelled even more addictive due to a hint of sweat and a flow of devotion. Combined with desire as well, that’s for sure. 
Those couple of inches between your mouths were awfully tempting. So Mun dipped his face, aiming straight at your lips but he abruptly stopped before another kiss could take place, mumbling softly against your mouth as he grinned: “You’re going to get us in trouble someday, you know that?” 
Your free hand was clasped on the crook of his neck, bracing yourself for what your boyfriend had planned out for you. With obviously messy hair and reddened lips, you’d pray for your teammates to not accidentally walk in or take notice of your aftermath appearance when you exited the basement. But eventually that thought was the least important to you right now: 
“I think it’s supposed to be you who is going to get us in trouble someday, So Mun-ah.”
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[Tag List] ✿⌦ @slytherinshua (feel free to notify me if you want to be on the tag list)
I could've finished this fic last week but my procrastination fucked me up so... Sorry for taking too long i hope this is worth the wait
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winterwhisperz-blog · 6 months
Hey i just read your touchstarved headcanons and I LOVE IT!!!
And Here’s my request is that can you do a scenario of TS boys with MC who can speak different languages??? (like Italian or French)
Don’t worry i am a patient person and I won’t rush you. And i hope you’ll make more scenarios of the TS boys in be future.
YES HI HELLO !! I am, SO SO SORRY for taking two thousand centuries to respond to this—I’ve been pretty stressed over work so I haven’t been able to write headcanons as much— BUT TYSM FOR THE ASK !! IM SO HAPPY YOUVE ENJOYED MY HEADCANONS !
I do want to apologize in advance that these are going to be shorter and less one-shot like, than my others. These will be more like my Kuras Headcanons I made awhile ago—(Life has been kicking my butt lately so my motivation has been LOW)
But I hope you still enjoy them !!
Also huuuuge thanks to @danyvhell-writes
For helping me with these ideas !! You’re a saint 🙏
Note: gn reader! Fluff
So, one of my besties would do this A LOT where she would just switch into Spanish and I’d just be there like ???
So I thought it would be funny if you did that with Ais here
Imagine you’re in some kind of argument, a stupid, light one you know— and to annoy him
He’s completely stunned, red eyes wide as you just start rambling, (very passionately) in a language he doesn’t understand
As you go on though, he just becomes utterly impressed, watching your mouth as he studies the words coming out of it (and just because he’s flirty LMAOOOO)
After you’ve had your fun, he comments something like “Impressive, Sparrow.” And then asks you, ofc, if you can teach him what you said
To tease him a bit more, you don’t tell him for a bit until he BRINGS OUT THESE GIANT PUPPY EYES
So you do start teaching him, just long evenings hunched over books or a paper as you teach him different phrases and words, the candle light dancing on his focused gaze.
And one day, out of the blue, he starts calling you Sparrow in the language you were speaking(and you also hear him practice words while talking with Princess—AND ITS SO ADORABLE)
After he’s becoming pretty good at it, you then proceed to tease other people(Leander) by randomly switching mid-conversation into a different language <33
NOW WITH THIS ONE, it reminded me of this really cool video of a guy switching between loads of languages in one song
IMAGINE showing this off to Leander one rowdy night at the Wet Wick
Maybe it’s even one of his favorite songs ??? And hearing you sing it in so many languages would absolutely knock him off his feet.
Another thing I think he’d go CRAZY FOR
Pet names, in whatever language.
Like ?? You call him something like “Mi amor…” for Spanish, or “Tesoruccio.” For Italian ??
He’s done for. Doomed. Dead. Will beg you to repeat it over and over while he showers your hands or arms with kisses.
He’s also one that would definitely be okay with you calling these pet names in public—he wants to be all smug that HES the one called yours.
He probably also learns whatever language you speak as well, might already know it because bro probably had tutors that taught him so many languages man.
In return for the pet names, he probably calls you something like “λατρεία μου” or “latria mu” (My adored !!! 🥹 in greek)
I’m guessing since Kuras is an Angel, he knows like ??? Every language?
So when he finds out you speak others, he’s instantly curious, impressed, and now it’s quiz time.
You pass by a certain object, plant, anything, and he asks you how to say it in your language(s). Even if he may already know, he likes to hear it coming from you, enjoying the glint in your eyes as you explain things.
Another thing he’ll do, is when you’re having a library date, he’ll hand you a book and request you translate it. Either from your language to—whatever language people speak in Eridia ?? Or from that language to yours.
These will turn into nightly strolls with you translating a poem or book as he strides beside you, golden eyes locked on every word.
In return, he’ll translate whatever text into a language you don’t know. (I wonder if angels have a specific language??)
A name for him, I think it’d be cute if you called him 아름다운 천사 (Beautiful Angel in Korean !!)
Whether this is after or before you know he’s an Angel, he finds it both amusing and endearing. (Or painfully ironic if his life as an Angel is a tough subject)
OKAY SOSOSOSOSO !! Mhin evidently thirsts for knowledge, they’re a lil nerd and they’re rlly bad at hiding it (A mood really. one of the reasons I love them <3) and my friend mentioned they’re more of a listener? So like I can see them just—paying very close attention to every word you say
At times they may not seem to be listening to you as you ramble, or catch a few words of slang from your language(s). But they’re actually secretly a sponge and soak up every little detail.
And now this may be just me but Mhin gives off such I must impress you with all my random facts vibes.
They ask questions about the languages you speak, the slang, the meanings, how to pronounce things correctly, everything
And then they do their own research, soaking up all they can before appearing to you one day and just starting the conversation in your language(s)
When you show any sign of being impressed, they will look away blushing and try to act cool but nahhh buddy you aren’t fooling anyone we know you spent forever working on that
Similar to Ais, lots of late night lessons where you get to teach Mhin about your language(s)! Just you two looming over an open book, Mhin scribbling down notes, looking so concentrated and you even spot a smile starting to form as they start getting better and better. (I love themmmmm 😭)
Mhin asks you to quiz them a lot, and looks so !! !! Just proud of themself when they pass. (Before realizing it and their self loathing kicks in and they revert back to >:( ) You want to tell them that they don’t need to be quizzed but look at their face !! Let them impress you okay !! They’re top 1 student !!
If you want you can joke about them having to call you Professor(Mc) or something but ur just gonna get a deep frown and glare like 😒 nuh uh AHAHSHS
Ohhh vere my nemesis. (He’s the toughest for me to write i have to like mentally and physically ambush him in a fast food parking lot before I can get anything outta him)
(I love him so much though so here we go !! Thanks to my friend for giving me a lot of help in this one because otherwise I’d be a doomed woman)
My friend brought up since he’s a fox, he’s very sensitive to sound !! So when you’re speaking in your mother language, he notices how your tone might change, watches as your tongue moves against your teeth or the top of your mouth, idk but he makes it a sensual thing somehow 😭
Definitely flirts with you in your language(s), says the most outrageous thing and watches as you get stunned or flustered by it, absolutely delighted that no one but you (or anyone who’s unfortunately being nosy and can understand) knows what he’s saying.
Okay this may be dumb but it’s so funny to me imagine Vere like putting on his most smooth, seductive tone, convincing the people around that he’s gonna say like the most erotic thing but he ends up just saying something like 💀 “Avocados” in your language(s) or like “Leander looks like a chicken breast” he does it to see you laugh but also because Leander overhears and could tell his name was said and thinks Vere is like— finally coming around but only you two rlly know Vere is just sexily roasting him.
Due to recent lore being dropped, and in his lil character sheet, it says Vere has a huge love for the arts. I think it’d be really neat if you introduced him to things specifically written in your language(s) !! Like books that originated from your country, plays that are only acted in that language(s), just a tour of the language! And if he doesn’t know your languages(s) then teaching him is gonna be like 💀 somehow so flirty
Will definitely call you Professor(Mc) but he makes it sound absolutely horrendous and cringey and you will regret it you probably should turn back
Jokingly will ask if you’ll give him a golden sticker if he behaves—do it, just to humble him.
OKAY WE’VE REACHED THE END WOOOT WOOT !!!! I DIDNT THINK I’D MAKE IT !!! Been stuck in this endless void for ages !!
Hem hem, thanks so much for the ask !!! I’m so so sorry it took forever 😭 writer’s block nearly had my head this time uh oh
Thank you again to my bestie for helping me out !!
Now I hope you see the most beautiful sunset, eat your favorite dessert, learn something new, and have a happy spring !! 🫶🩷✨
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
hii how are you doing? i'm so happy to see your requests open! can i request angst 13 + fluff 32 with jeonghan please? thank you in advance and love your blog <3
thank you, i hope you're having a good time here! ♡
Jeonghan (Seventeen) | Nightmares & "It's okay. I'm here." comfort | 0.8k | gn!reader
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The air is thick with tension. It's silent, dead of night, a time that is supposed to be peaceful.
You're supposed to be asleep, and you are - barely - Jeonghan, who is very much awake, notes. Your brow is furrowed, face twitching as if in pain. Should he wake you up? Perhaps. But you need to sleep. Then again, you’re obviously not getting any rest. So after a bit of hesitation he shakes your shoulder, calling your name softly. Your entire body jolts and you wake up with a start. You’re breathing heavily, eyes staring off into space.
“y/n?” he asks quietly. You don’t respond right away, you only stare at the ceiling. It worries him. He’s never seen you like this before. What could you have dreamt about? 
“Give me a second,” is all you say and as impatient he is, he waits. Even if it feels like he’s gonna lose his mind. You let out a deep breath. Then you close your eyes for a moment. It feels like eternity before you open them again. 
“I had a nightmare,” you say, and he doesn't say that he guessed as much, “I died there.”
Before he can coo at you and provide comfort, you continue.
“I mean you did too,” you chuckle, and look at him, laughing some more at his confused face, “Wait a minute.” 
So he waits some more, unsure whether to be amused or concerned. Frankly, he's both. You’re adorable when you’re a little unnerving in the middle of the night. The cutest, but… why does his chest feel so tight suddenly?
“Look, we were in an elevator, and then it sort of jumped and started falling. We were free falling and all I could think of was - ah, finally,” you smile again and on instinct he smiles too. Like he isn’t worried about the love of his life greeting death with open arms it seems. Why are you so happy?
“But then I saw you,” and as you say this you frown, “And I got so sad. It felt so wrong - like, you don't deserve that. And I panicked and I started telling you how much I love you and I didn't stop until the elevator crashed and... yeah.”
This time he laughs freely. The nerves make him do it. It should be illegal to make him feel both this loved and this… anxious? Afraid? 
“Cute,” he comments, pulling you closer to him, because it was your nightmare and you should be comforted, “But I’m here. It’s okay. And I hope I told you love you too.” 
“You did,” you hum, happily snuggling into the warmth of his chest, “The other people in the elevator gave us super mean stares.” 
He tsks, helping you up so he could tuck your head under his chin. Why does nothing feel like you’re close enough? 
“They can't understand our love,” he sighs and revels in the sound of your laughter. You seem relaxed. It doesn't seem like the nightmares affected you at all. Maybe he’s the one overthinking this. 
“Are you sure you're okay?" he ask his voice dropping into a soft whisper “Wanna talk about anything?” 
“Just stressed from work,” you sigh, “Nothing to worry about.”
“But if you ever need to-”
“I can talk to you,” you roll your eyes fondly, “I know, Hannie.”
He nods, pulling you even closer with a kiss to the top of your head. 
“That's right,” he says proudly, “I’m always here for you.” 
“I’m sorry I didn't think to tell you that I love you first,” you murmur, the words muffled by his shirt. He laughs, but the sound is a little hollow. Why is he so affected by this? It wasn’t even his dream.
“Just never leave me, okay?” he feels embarrassed as soon as he says it, hiding his face into your hair. Totally only to hide and not to reassure himself that you’re right there. He should be comforting you. He’s never failed you like this so why…? 
“Hey,” you say, breaking free from his hold to make him look at you, “Never. What’s wrong?”
He laughs at himself a little. 
“I don't know,” he admits. Seriously, what’s wrong with him? “Could I hold you for a while?”
Instead of an answer, you push yourself a little higher on the bed and wrap your arms around him. His head rests on your chest, and once he hears your heartbeat, he relaxes.
“I’m alright, Hannie," you repeat, fingers threading through his hair, “I’m safe, and when you wake up, I’ll still be right here.” 
He nods, squeezing you one in a silent thanks. You fall asleep soon after, missing how he holds onto you like his life depends on it. Because maybe it does more than you realize - more than he realized. He ponders the nightmare and his suffocating emotions until he falls asleep. 
Come morning, he hasn’t figured out anything new but he holds you a little tighter and lets you go with a bit more reluctance.
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mathitas · 2 months
hiya! hope your having a good day, I saw that requests were open, I figured I’d send one in!
Leo Valdez x gn reader hanging around camp after curfew. Like just hanging out around camp after curfew and stuffs and it’s nice and fluffy. No pressure of course, but thank you in advance if you do decide to do it!
Thanks for the suggestion, I actually think about this all the time!
Leo Valdez x Gn!Reader
If spending time with your boyfriend after curfew meant getting eaten by harpies, cleaning the bathrooms, or (even worse) dealing with Mr. D's wrath, you'd think it still would have been worth it.
Why? Easy! ' Cause your boyfriend was Leo Valdez.
This week was probably one of the busiest weeks you've had at camp; not only that, but next week was going to be even worse.
It would have been okay if you didn't miss him so much. He missed you just as much, if not more.
That's why, in the few minutes where you were able to talk to each other, you decided to meet each other past curfew, behind your cabin. (That's what Leo insisted on; he said he would rather be at higher risk than you.)
And now that you were waiting for him at the decided place, he was nowhere to be seen. You were worried sick.
You pleaded him to let you be the one to come to his cabin, but he was more worried about your safety than his. You sighed. Now you were the one who was worried.
Then a running figure came towards you. No, it wasn't a harpie.
So now you were smiling hard as your boyfriend ran to you and hugged you tightly.
"Leo, I was so worried!" you whispered, planting a soft kiss on his neck.
He blushed slightly, and you noticed he was panting and a bit sweaty; his hair was a mess, and his face looked pale.
"What happened?" He took a big breath. "I thought the harpies were gonna eat me, but I'm here, safe and sound, in the end," he chuckles and shakes his head, trying to compose himself.
"I'm ok now," he says, looking at you with a small smile. Then his eyebrows furrowed, and he quickly embraced you again. You stroked his hair as he whispered:"I missed you so much."
"I missed you so much too." You cradled the boy's face into your hands, kissing his lips softly.
"Well, we got some time before they catch us." You took Leo's hand and said, "Let's go on a walk." So you did; you updated each other on what happened these last days as you were holding hands, which Leo kissed from time to time.
Even though, as you were walking, Leo couldn't be much more cuddly, you could see by the way he looked at you that he was so smitten and wanted to hold you, kiss you, and cuddle you non-stop.
He looked like a puppy who hasn't seen his owner in years and is waiting to jump on them and make up for the lost time.
So you two walked behind the bathrooms and reached the canoe lake. Even though you were just passing by, you decided to reach your destination using a canoe too.
As you got onto it, you almost fell.
Luckily, this place wasn't a common place for the harpies or Mr. D to check.
The lake was shining with the moonlight, and as you looked at each other and talked, you couldn't help but kiss. It felt so simple, yet so special.
You and Leo weren't always like this; mostly, you liked to have fun together rather than be romantic. But you missed each other, and you loved each other. So that was all that mattered. Maybe that was what made that moment so special.
As you were done canoeing, you walked still until you finally reached your final destination. The beach.
You spent a lot of time here together. It was a quiet place at camp, and you and Leo were always able to have fun in here.
But now, you were sitting on a rock, holding each other, as Leo played with the sand with one hand.
"Hey" "Yes?" Leo stood up, removing his shoes, and got into the water. You copied him.
"We have to go back soon; we can't stay much--" Your words were cut off by a splash of water.
You gave Leo a death stare before getting revenge.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Leo laughed, and when he accidentally fell into the water, you were now laughing too.
Eventually, you decided to help him stand up, but that ungrateful boyfriend of yours pulled you into the water with him.
So, now, your sibling were wondering why the hell were you soaking wet at 2 a.m.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
For kinktober, maybe Leviathan and dacryphilia? I want to make that boy SOB-
So excited for this! I always love your work
Hello, anon! And thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying my writing! <3
Okay, hopefully I didn't go overboard with how much Levi is crying, but you said you want to make him sob, so here we are lol. I very much believe that it's praise that will make Levi cry every time. Is that based on personal experience? No absolutely not. I just want to praise him until the end of time, that's all.
Anyway, I'm hoping this turned out okay!
Thanks for submitting a prompt!
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: dacryphilia, penetration (reader receiving), pet name (for Levi, also I almost never include pet names but it just felt right this time lol I'm sorry in advance)
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It was a quiet day at the House of Lamentation. For once, you were almost alone in the house. Most of the brothers were out somewhere else. Lucifer was in his office working and Leviathan was with you, but otherwise the place was empty.
You had convinced Levi to leave his room long enough to come to your room because you wanted to watch anime with him while sitting comfortably on your bed. Levi was a blushing mess as you settled in beside him. It was clear he was trying not to react to the way you rested your head on his shoulder.
About halfway through the episode, you noticed that Levi was squirming quite a bit beside you. It wasn't like him to get distracted while watching anime, so you turned your head to look at his face.
You weren't surprised to see his blush, but he also wasn't even looking at the screen. You felt around for the remote, finding it under your fingers before pausing the show.
Levi blinked. "Huh? Why did you pause it?"
"You aren't even watching," you said, sitting up to look at him more directly.
Levi rubbed at the back of his head, his eyes on the ceiling. "Of course I was! The librarian was about to take off her glasses and reveal her beauty!"
This was proof of nothing because it was obvious that was about to happen next. Any otaku worth his salt would've been able to tell you that, even if he hadn't been paying attention. You squinted at Levi, trying to figure out what was really going on.
Your eyes traveled down from his face and that was when you finally figured it out. The bulge in Levi's pants was so obvious, you weren't sure how you didn't notice it earlier. You smirked.
"Oh," you said. "I see what the problem is."
"Y-you do?" Levi practically squeaked, still unable to look at you.
You leaned forward and put a hand on his bulge. "Why don't we take care of this so that you can focus on the show, hmm?"
Levi whimpered. "I'm so sorry, MC!" he burst out. "I'm just a gross otaku and I'm not even good at that! How could I lose focus like this during such an important episode! You don't have to do anything. Just let me go back to my own room in shame."
He was about to scramble off your bed, but you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back down. You straddled his hips before he could try to get away again.
"Absolutely not," you said, looking down at him. You put your fingertips on his lips. "You aren't gross, Levi. Right now? All I want to do is ride you."
Levi stared at you, seemingly at a loss for words. "Y-you want to…?"
You brushed some of his hair back and out of his eyes. "Don't you get it? I think you're beautiful. You're perfect."
The tears that filled Levi's eyes surprised you. He took in a shaky breath and closed them, causing the tears to spill over and run down his cheeks.
"No, no, baby," you said, leaning down to kiss the tears off his skin. "If you're going to cry it's because I'm making you feel good, got it?"
Levi couldn't even formulate a response. You had to take control, moving enough to pull down his pants and freeing his cock. It was still hard, even leaking, and you pumped it a few times with your hand. You were rewarded with a throaty moan, slightly tinged with the thickness of Levi's tears.
You moved enough of your own clothing to allow you to position yourself to take him in.
You paused, hands on Levi's shoulders, and looked into his eyes. They were still wet and he looked up at you as though he couldn't believe you were even real. You smiled and maintained eye contact with him while you lowered yourself down on his cock.
You weren't able to keep your eyes on him for long because they rolled back as you went all the way down, feeling the tip hit that perfect spot inside you. You moaned and Levi whimpered.
Levi's hands went to your hips, resting there almost hesitantly. You began to move and you weren't gentle. You already couldn't get enough of his cock, bouncing quickly in his lap. Levi's hands gripped harder as you did this, like he couldn't help it.
"MC, MC," he moaned out your name. When you looked at him again, you saw the tears had returned. They were trailing down his cheeks.
You put your hands on either side of his face. "These better be tears of pleasure," you said between your heavy breaths.
Levi only nodded, unable to speak. His eyes were closed now, tears continuing to seep out of them, running into your fingers.
You increased the pace, chasing that high you could feel yourself so close to. The build up and the tension filling you, as you felt Levi begin to thrust up into you, his cock hitting you so perfectly, his tears damp against your skin.
Levi cried out as he came, voice still thick with tears, and the sound of it pushed you over the edge. You clamped down on his shoulders as you felt your mingled liquids dripping down your legs.
You rested your forehead against his, gently wiping away all of his tears. "Hush now," you said. "You were amazing, Levi."
Later you would be able to finish watching the episode you had paused. But Levi insisted on keeping his head in your lap the whole time, seemingly unable to look at you. He was embarrassed about crying so much, no matter how you reassured him. You made a mental note that complimenting Levi a lot was the way to turn on the waterworks.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Best support friend; Rocket raccoon x gn reader
*Author’s note*
A double update? No get out of town! Truthfully I was gonna save posting this fic up once I got a Jack Kline request that has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for almost a year or however long ago it was but I decided idk when I’ll post it up so I decided to just go ahead and post this fic up and hopefully I’ll do the Jack Kline one in the next week or so (it’s like 75% done).
So @itsscromp​ here is your new Rocket raccoon request.
Warnings: abuse, fluff, panic attacks, angst, protective Rocket, swearing, clueless ravagers. 
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“Well excuse me for not letting the man with the robotic eyes take the wheel.” Another voice snarked sarcastically.  I was passing through Knowhere trying to organize some supplies when I heard the sound of arguing.  I followed the voices and there were Ezekiel and Torath.
“Oh no what now?” I muttered as I walked towards them.  The two of them continued to argue as I spoke up. “Hey guys.”
“You have any idea what that shrimp Quill is gonna do to us the minute we tell you lost the cargo?” Torath said.
“I lost the cargo? Need I remind you that it was because of your glitchy eyes that you hit the ejector button sending the cargo out into the depths of space!” Ezekiel snapped again at Torath.
“And need I remind you that you are literally the worst pilot in the entire galaxy! I’ve seen beasts with half a brain fly advance ships better than you!”
“Okay guys can we please just….” I tried to cease the argument but the two stubborn, pig-headed men got into a squabble.  Fists were flying and swears were spat out.  “hey! Hey! Hey! Hey guys stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” suddenly I caught an elbow to the nose which not only sent me to the ground but also in a flashback.
I fell to the ground as a punch came across my face and I whimpered as I spat out blood.
“Quit being weak Terran! How will you ever grow a backbone if you keep behaving like a sniveling coward!”
“But sir it—” I was kicked in the stomach this time and I let out a soft but painful grunt.
“You tell me it hurts and I swear I will make your next test more painful than the last!” I whimpered and gave him a nod as he forced me to stand back up and told me to stand my ground as he kept punching and kicking me.
~End of flashback~
My chest tightened and my heart pounded against my ears.  No I-I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there anymore! I-I have to get out of here! I stood up and took off running as fast as I could. Even when I had ran into someone I didn’t stop, all I knew was that I had to get out of there.
*Rocket’s POV*
I felt someone shove pass me but just before I could snap at them telling them to watch where they were going, I saw the familiar shape of (Y/n).  Normally they don’t just run like that unless there’s something wrong or their in a hurry. And they’re usually not in a hurry.
That’s when I heard the sound of Torath and Ezekiel screaming and rolling all over each other in a brawl.  I went over to them and called out to them.
“OI SHITS FOR BRAINS!!” but not even my voice could deter them from arguing.  I nodded nonchalantly as I took out my electro-shocker gun and activated it.  I first aimed it at Ezekiel and fired one shot before firing at Torath.  And just like when Groot, (Y/n) and I first hunted down Quill, they both exclaimed as the electro-shock balls stuck to them and they were given a good shock.  “Have I got your attention now shitbags?”
“What was that for rodent?” snapped Ezekiel.
“First of all don’t call me a rodent, not when I can give you a second dosage of shocks. Maybe this time I’ll crank it up a notch.” That got him to shut up.  “Second of all, why was (Y/n) racing out from your general direction looking upset?”
“(Y/n) was here?” Torath asked as his robotic eyes moved around.
“Yeah she was now answer my question nimrods! What happened?!”
“I didn’t even know that she had even came here.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“How do you not notice them? They’re the only Terran besides Quill!”
“Wait, is that why my elbow hurts so much?” asked Ezekiel. My ears twitched and I slowly turned towards him, my tail twitching in anger.
“What. Was that. You said?!” I sneered lowly.
“In our squabble, I—I felt my elbow hit something but I—” I didn’t even let him finish as I launched at him and proceeded to beat the shit out of him.  Blinded by pure rage.
How dare this son of a bitch hit (Y/n)! She had to live her entire life abused and tortured just to prove that she could enhance her skin into a hard-carbon shield.  Had it not been for Groot and I, she would’ve had to spend the rest of her miserable life with that sick, cowardly bastard.
I was deep in my rage that I hadn’t even felt myself being pulled forced away from Ezekiel and Quill’s voice exclaimed.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Rocket cool it man! Now I don’t know what the hell brought this on but you need to chill out right now!”
“This spineless rat hurt (Y/n)!” I yelled.
“I didn’t know they were even here! We didn’t know they were there!” Ezekiel tried to reason as Torath helped him up.
“With the way you two were bitching at each other you couldn’t see your own noses at the end of your faces!” I managed to wriggle my way out of Quill’s hold and without another word raced off to find (Y/n).
Being reminded of any form of abuse whether it’s done to themselves or they see if, they get triggered by it and let me tell you it gets bad.  So bad that they sometimes forget where they are or whose friend of foe.  All they see is that damned doctor.
I was asking around hoping that anyone had seen them but they all proved to be a bunch of negligent losers.  That was until Mantis had said that she felt their emotions coming from my ship.  I raced back to the Milano and soon enough in the main cockpit I found them huddled up, their chest rising up and down at an erratic pace.
I could also hear just how bad their heart was racing and could smell the panicked sweat from not only their brow but also their clammy hands. I walked towards them but didn’t speak, at this point they wouldn’t be able to hear me.  But there was one way to pull them out of this…..and Quill or Drax better not be spying on me otherwise I’ll blast them halfway across the quadrant.
I sat as close as I could beside them and first gave their bicep a gentle and affectionate nuzzle.  I then placed my paw onto their forearm and using my claws I very gently stroked down the skin of their forearm.  Then going back up to the same place where I started before going back down again.
“C’mon (N/n). Come back to me. You can do this.” I muttered before their breathing slowed and they seemed to be coming back down to reality.
*My POV*
It had been forever since I had a panic attack.  If I didn’t know what they were, I swear I thought I was dying.  My vision was so blurry, I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face.  There was this high-pitch ringing that was constantly piercing my ears and my body felt paralyzed after I had collapsed into god knows where.
That’s when I felt something furry against my arm.  I also felt sharp nails (or claws) gently stroke down my arm.  They didn’t hurt but they did send tingles up from my arm to my spine.  Slowly the claws kept stroking down my forearm until I lifted it up and found my hand being placed on something soft.
I opened my eyes and after blinking away some of the tears as well as the haze that my vision was making, it began to focus and there I saw Rocket sitting right beside me.  His ears slightly bent backward as his eyes were looking at me assuringly and I also saw that my hand was now resting just on top of his head.
He gave me a soft nod and allowed me to stroke through his fur (knowing that it helped calm me down in the past).  After petting his head for a few minutes, I was able to unfold my legs from my chest so that they now were fully extended in front of me and I felt the tingling sensation of them falling asleep.
Rocket then rested his upperbody on top of my right thigh and allowed me to continue stroking his fur until I felt a vibration on my thigh. I looked down and as I stroked down Rocket’s neck, I could feel him purring, like actually purring.  I didn’t even know he could purr (kinda made me think back to the cats back on Earth).
“I….didn’t know you could purr like a cat.”
“This is a once in a lifetime thing. You speak of this to anyone, especially that stupid mutt Cosmo, I’ll rip your head off.”
“Thank you Rocket. This……means a lot.”
“Been a long time since you had one, figured you’d need something to help calm you down.” Rocket can be gruff and hard on the outside but when he wants to, if you look deep, deep, deep, deep down inside, you’ll find that he’s just a sweet, caring, intuitive creature who will do anything to help you out.
Even if it’s purring like a cat and having someone pet you constantly until they feel centered again.  But I wouldn’t have my best friend any other way.
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heartririmuarchive · 2 years
pet names, gn afab reader. tw: blood mention & slightly suggestive content (shu and vox)
a/n: i just.. think they’re neat. this got super long bro LMAOOO. anyways periods suck ass hope y’all r well ily
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— surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) very attentive and knowledgeable on what to do when your time of the month hits
— pads? tampons? he’d gotten those stocked up in bulk weeks in advance, don’t even worry babe. they come in all types of brands and even for specific needs (heavier flow, specific ones for overnight use, etc)
— he’s sending your favorite snacks and plushies of your favorite characters in a care package to your house in under an hour
— luca’s a good boy. he doesn’t get too upset if you need your space to deal with your pain, but he’s also one who wants to stay near you the entire time (something something overprotective puppy boy something something)
— also he’s got towels and such to put on the bed if you just wanna lay there and fight through your cramps that way
— heating pads? he’s got em. a warm water bottle? he’s also got that too! another way to warm up though is to just let him rest his hands against your tummy and hips, luca naturally runs very warm and it’s pretty soothing for your cramps
— stays with you as long as you need him to. he’ll be there to hold your hand and whisper comforting words as long as you need, mafia duties be damned because for the foreseeable week, luca is all yours
— “eh? work? don’t worry ‘bout that, i took the day off.. and maybe the rest of the week. you’re more important right now, alright? just relax, babe.”
— he orders all the stuff you need via online, because he’d be too flustered to go out and buy them in person
— mysta knows what a period is and he understands the basics of it, however he does not like that it occurs monthly and he feels really bad that you have to experience it :(
— “seems kind of shit that your body wants you to have kids when you don’t want that. fuck periods, dude.”
— he cannot handle blood at all, he’d get so dizzy if he caught sight of it. if your relationship is still relatively new and you bleed onto the bed, you’re on your own for cleanup i’m sorry 😭
— he’s a sweet boy, really! it’s just he’s never really had to deal with that sort of thing before you?? it’s a new experience and it scares him sometimes
— if you want cuddles, then mysta is down 100%! anything you need to feel comfy and ease your pain he’ll do
— he runs naturally colder than others do, so if you need a heating pad he’ll get you a hot water bottle and other things like that instead.. but if you don’t mind his coolness then he’s all over you for some comforting snuggles
— when your cramps get so bad you cry he’s there to wipe your tears and hold you against him til they subside enough for you to move properly again
— ABSOLUTE KING! he takes care of everything like you legit do not even have to get up for most of the day bc he’s got you
— he brings any hygiene items you need to you directly, and he makes you food + warm drinks to soothe your cramps
— ike gets insanely flustered when buying pads or tampons for you, but he would do so anyways because he wants things to be as easy as possible for you
— HE READS TO YOU OMG!! he’d read some classic poetry or old children’s books.. something simple and soft toned that can put you to sleep
— he 110% refuses to let you do any work whilst you’re on your period. the pain is unbearable he’s sure, so you should rest instead of stressing yourself out with work!
— legit he does your work for you if it’s extremely pressing, ike would never allow you to work if you felt physically incapable
— “dearest, please. is it really that important for you to finish this document today? .. okay. let me see, i’ll finish it for you. go on and get some sleep, alright?”
— he makes sure to have an abundance of your favorite snacks and foods available for you whenever you want
— strokes your legs/hips to comfort you. he’s a touchy boy, but he doesn’t want to be overly affectionate just in case you don’t feel comfortable with being smothered
— also if you have mood swings or cry easily during your period, he’s the most equipped to deal w/ it
— like you start sobbing/tearing up, and ike is at your side IMMEDIATELY, cupping your face in his hands and wiping at your tears with his thumbs whilst cooing sweet words and shushing you
— “it’s alright, dearest. i know it’s uncomfortable, i’m sorry, i’ve got you. do you need anything? painkillers? on it.. you’ll have to let me go so i can grab them, though—”
— ough talk about being in good hands
— mans been alive for, well… forever? he knows a thing or two abt periods
— vox has stocked up on months worth of pads and tampons etc, all for your comfort
— he’s not super physical when you’re on your period unless you ask him to be? it’s not that he doesn’t want to touch you, it’s just that vox worries about causing you more pain somehow
— ^ illogical self deprecating thoughts about how he’s a demon and a monster, but he really can’t help it lol.. please reassure him that you want him to be near you :(
— he reads or sings to you if you’d like, his voice is such a big comfort ❤️ he could put you to sleep with it though so make sure you’re good to go for a small nap
— vox makes you anything you want to eat when you’re on your period btw, he likes spoiling you
— also like,, just a thought? imagine if he could smell your blood, so he realizes maybe a day or two before you actually start your period that it’s coming up
— (also you didn’t hear this from me but he gets kinda weirdly possessive of you when he smells your blood haha)
— he buys like an entirely new collection of plushies/pillows/soft things to sleep on? his mind basically goes “oh? body hurts? NESTING TIME”
— he somehow knows the schedule of your period better than you do? he tells you it’s because of “sorcerer magics” but you don’t know if you believe that
— he’s simultaneously insanely well prepared and completely caught off guard when it does happen though 💀
— pads? check. tampons? check. chocolate, your fave foods, comfort items? check check check
— however when you do start, shu’s calm and collected demeanor just shatters
— panic mode! baby boy is running around the flat, making sure everything is in order and that you’re as comfy cozy as physically possible!
— he’s not exactly experienced w periods? yk? so he’s nervy
— still, he’s super attentive like fuck 😭 he’s so sweet and gentle w/ you when you’re on your period that it’s kinda hot lmao
— shu’s naturally rather warm, his palms specifically are like heating pads
— imagine one of his hands just pressed firmly against your lower belly tho 😭 rubbing loving circles into your skin, being careful of his nails (fucking claws tbh). he’s not even meaning for it to be as suggestive of a gesture as it is,,,
— he gets flustered if you bring that to his attention.. he sorta laughs it off, even though his face is blazing and he’s avoiding eye contact
— “what?? nah, i’m just trying to help you with your cramps, i didn’t mean to make you feel like that or anything— but, if you uh.. need some help, then…?”
— just saying shu’s down to comfort you in any way that you want him to ;)
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analogwriting · 9 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 11: Zinc
Killer x gn!reader word count: 2.7k a/n: ngl, i rewrote this like three times lmfao next
“You know, when I invited you to stay for dinner, that doesn’t meant you had to make it,” Myra said with a small laugh as she sat at the table with you and her daughter. You were currently serving up some food. “What are these called, y/n?”
“They’re cabbage rolls.” Tell someone you’re missing your brother without telling them that you’re missing your brother.
“They look so good!” Lily was grinning ear to ear. “Let them cool off a little first, then start eating them.” The girl nodded excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat.
“Do you have children of your own?” You looked at Myra, shaking your head. “No, I have a little brother. I raised him and his friends were always around too. It was like I was a mother of three from my teens.” You never really considered Killer as one of the ones you raised. If anything, he helped you wrangle them in. 
“Sounds like quite the handful you grew up with.” There was a fond smile on Myra’s face. You laughed, shaking your head. “You have no idea.” You finished serving everyone, sitting down at the table.
You make idle chit chat with the both of them, feeling the best you’ve felt in a while. You didn’t realize how much you craved human interaction until now. You’d been holing up for so long, you were going somewhat insane. 
Myra asked a lot about you and you asked about them. Turns out this was an island of scientists. They had the most advanced medicines and groundbreaking search. They even had a training facility. With an island with as much knowledge as they had, they had to be able to defend themselves. 
“Can I visit the lab?” you asked.
Myra laughed and nodded. “Absolutely. We can go in the morning. Do you need a place to stay for the night?”
“Oo! Can y/n sleep with me! I wanna have a sleepover!” 
“Oh, I’m sure they want to have their own space to sleep, but I’m sure they’d love to read you a bedtime story.” Myra looked up at you, winking. You caught on.
“Absolutely. Whatever you want me to read, just let me know.” You smiled. Lily seemed bummed about not sharing a bed, but she was content with being able to have a story read to her by you. 
After dinner, you went to go tuck in Lily, reading her a book. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep and you headed back downstairs. “She asleep?” Myra came out of the kitchen drying her hands from the dishes. You had tried to do them, but she had shooed you away. “You cooked, so I’ll clean,” she had said.
“”Yeah. Out like a light.” You let out a small chuckle. “I remember when my brother was that little. We didn’t really have story books though, so I just came up with whatever.”
“Sounds like you raised him the best you could.” 
“I tried…” You shook your head, trying not to dwell on things.
“Anyway. Thanks for letting me stick around. I can get out of your hair-”
“You’re staying, remember?”
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“I’m well aware. But you’re coming to the lab in the morning anyway, so this’ll be the easiest way.” She shrugged, smiling at you. You squirm a little and nod. “O-Okay. Thanks.”
“Would you like some tea? I want to poke your brain a little more. You said some interesting things at dinner that I’d like to know about.”
You blinked, nodding. “Uh, sure. Yeah. Whatever you wanna know.”
Myra and you talked well into the night. You told her some of the things you made and she seemed absolutely interested in everything you had to say. She asked questions when she had them and even seemed impressed with some of the things you accomplished. You were flustered to say the least.
Who knows, maybe if tomorrow went well, you could stay.
“Doctor Ziegler! Welcome back!” There was a chorus of greetings as you walked into the lab with Myra the next morning. Turns out Myra was pretty much the head of the whole island. She was the top dog. Talk about insane coincidence. That had to be a sign that you were meant to be here.
Myra showed you around and you were in awe. There were machines that you were seeing that you had never even thought could exist. There was so much you could learn here and from what Myra said, so much you could teach them as well. 
They all had been raised around science while you had to pretty much teach it to yourself. You had more practical methods for some things. You held a new perspective that they were looking for. 
At the end of the day, Myra had a proposition for you.
“What if you stayed here? You could stay at my place.”
You just stared at her in disbelief. You still couldn’t believe this was happening. You were seeing so many amazing things and now this amazing woman was asking you to stay. To help provide them with new insights. 
“I-” You took a deep breath, trying to process it.
A laugh came from Myra. “I know it’s a lot to take in. Don’t feel like you need to answer immediately. You can take some time if you need. I know you’re a pirate n’ all, but I feel like you’d be an excellent addition to our team.” She smiled warmly at you.
“Ah, yeah…let me think about it. I’ll get back to you in the morning.” 
With that, you left. You needed to talk to your brother first and foremost. While you walked back to the ship, you were mulling over your options. Honestly, they were all pointing to staying. You were looking for an excuse to leave the crew at this point. Plus, if you stayed and furthered your own knowledge, perhaps you could finally be of use to your brother. You could make better medicines. Hell, you might even be able to get your arm back. 
For the first time in a long time, you felt hopeful.
“Absolutely not.” Eustass wouldn’t even entertain the idea of you staying, but you weren’t going to let him squash your dreams.
“Bold of you to assume I’m asking.” You glared at him with your hands on your hips. He dropped the box he had with a groan, turning on you. “Bigs, I’m not letting you stay at some random island just cause you want to.”
He glared at you. “You fucking disappear for two days and now you just wanna fuckin’ stay? Leave us? Like hell I’m letting you do that.”
You just stared at him. The audacity of this kid sometimes. “Listen. I’m staying and that’s final. There’s a lot of shit I can learn here. And you guys have things you need to do.”
“I’m not touching this one, captain. This is all you.”
Eustass cursed at Killer who didn’t even respond, letting him say what he wanted. You sighed. “I know you’re worried. But, I’ll come find you, okay? I’ll only stay maybe a year or two. There’s a lot I can learn from here. I’ll come back with more ways to help out the crew.” 
He looked at you for a long moment. “Whatever. Do whatever the fuck you want.” Then he turns on his heels and stomps on the ship. You run a hand through your hair. You weren’t expecting it to end up that badly. You thought that after your last fight he’d be willing to just let you leave.
“Y/N!” You turn around to see Dive, like her namesake, diving off the ship and towards you. You don’t have time to move as she collides into you, but you braced for impact just enough to catch her. “For fuck’s sake, Dive!” 
She just cackled as she hung off of you as if she was some small child. Well, she was shaped like one. She looked up at you, jumping off. “I heard you talking when I was passing.” She frowned deeply. “Are you really leaving?”
You nodded, sighing as you sat down on a box. “Yes. But it’s just for a little bit, I swear.” You smiled at her. She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t lie to me I literally heard you tell the captain a year or two. That isn’t a little bit at all.”
“Well, in the grand scheme of things - that’s not very long.”
“That’s years, y/n! That’s such a long time,” she groaned, flopping onto your lap. “What am I supposed to do without you?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure out something to do. Just…don’t chew on the ship.”
She looked at you, a devious glint in her eye. “If you leave, there’s no stopping me from chewing on the ship.” Your face turned into a deadpan. “I will leave you with nothing to strengthen your teeth if you act like that.”
Her eyes widened and she pursed her lips. “Mmm, fine. I’ll behave.” She folded her arms and pouted. “Fuckin’ dumb,” she grumbled. “Why do you have to go?” she whined.
You sighed, leaning back on your hands. “Because…” A certain face popped into your mind, immediately souring your mood. “I could learn a lot here. Then when I come back I’ll have even cooler shit for you guys.”
Dive seemed to mull it over. “I still think you’re just fine.” Honestly, you were a little shocked right now. You weren’t expecting Dive to try to get you to stay. Or anyone really. Not from what Kese had said. Maybe he had been lying? Or maybe this was some elaborate plan to keep you on the ship so that Eustass didn’t have to worry.
But you didn’t want him to feel obligated to watch over you anymore. Besides, you had already dug your grave and made your decision. You were staying.
After a few more minutes of shooting the shit with Dive, you headed to your lab to start gathering your things.
While you were packing up your things, members of the crew came to say goodbye. You still weren’t sure how the hell to feel about everything. Was this your brother’s ploy to make you feel bad and stay? You appreciated the sentiment, but you weren’t going to stay. You knew you’d only hold him back. 
Later that night, you’re packing up your things in the lab. You hear a knock on your doorframe. You look to see Eustass, Killer, Heat, and Wire standing there. You fully turn towards them. “Hello?” You’re confused, but not exactly unhappy to see them.
Heat walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you in a firm hug as he lifts you off the floor. You sputtered in confusion for a moment, blinking rapidly as you were processing what was going on. “We’re gonna miss you.” Then he set you down and you looked up at him. You offered a small smile. “I’m gonna miss you too. 
“Be safe, y/n.” Wire was speaking this time in his usual cool tone. You look at him and nod. “Always.” There was a somber mood and this was the calmest you had seen some of them, but you supposed this was also the first time you weren’t going to see them for an extended amount of time in…almost a decade? And you’ve been at your brother’s side since he was born.
“We did make something for you,” Eustass said with a bit of a grimace on his face. It seemed like he was accepting he couldn’t stop you, but he was still clearly not happy about it. At least he was respecting your wishes.
Killer stepped forward, presenting a sheathed knife to you. You looked at the four of them before taking it gently in your hands. “We wanted you to have something to defend yourself on the new island,” Killer said. “Can’t have you dying on us,” Wire chimed in. You laughed gently, a fond expression forming on your face.
“We were gonna wait for your birthday, but…” Eustass dropped off his sentence, folding his arms and looking away. “Someone wants to fuckin’ leave.” He was straight up pouting and it was honestly very amusing.
You took the knife out, wrapping your hand around the grip. It was absolutely stunning. The metal was different colors depending on the lighting and it seemed to have a slight curve to it. Much akin to the scythes you had made for Killer all those years ago. You saw your brother’s jolly roger in the hilt and etched into the base of the blade itself. 
You felt your face soften and tears start forming in your eyes. “You guys are so fuckin’ sweet,” you grumbled, sniffling. You wiped your tears away, putting the blade up and quickly attaching it to your belt.
“We’re gonna miss you,” Killer said. You nodded, looking at all of them. “And I’m gonna miss you all too.” Your brother walked up to you, easily towering you,  and you looked up at him. There was a mixture of emotions on his face, but it seemed he finally gave in. He hugged you tightly - you holding him in turn. 
“I’m so proud of you, Tungsten. Remember that, alright?” You felt him tense for a moment before hugging you a little tighter. You just smiled fondly. Honestly, you were worried what would happen if you weren’t around, but you knew they’d hold their own. After all, how the hell would you protect them anyway? You needed this. All you had done your entire life was take care of them and it was time for you to figure out your own thing.
At least for a little while. 
“Don’t die on us, Bigs,” Eustass mumbled, clearing his throat. You let out a small laugh, pulling away from him and taking his face in your hands. You grinned widely. “You should know it takes a lot to kill a roach like me.” He stared for a moment before letting out his own large grin. “Fuck yeah. That’s right.”
“Just make sure none of you die on me, okay?” you said, stepping back and looking at the four of them. You placed your hands on your hips. “I swear to fuck that if any of you die - I will personally bring you back and end your lives myself, got it?” You narrowed your eyes at them. They all just laughed at you, your own smile spreading across your face.
You felt…at peace right now. You weren’t thinking of Kese or the things he said. You were starting to think he was wrong but…this was something that needed to happen. Your brother needed to be able to grow without you. They all did. And you needed to be able to do your own thing.
One by one, they filed out until Killer was the only one left. “It’s nice to see that spark of life in your eye again. I just wish you weren’t leaving for us to have seen it again.” You blinked, feeling your face warm up. You didn’t even realize how much you had changed yourself.
 “Listen…” You looked up at him as he spoke, tilting your head to the side. “Hm?” 
“I…” He paused, rubbing the back of his neck. “Be careful, yeah?”
You blinked. It seemed like he had wanted to say something else, but you were letting it go. You smiled at him. “Yeah. Don’t worry. I’ll come back to you guys in one piece, alright?” He nodded, quickly leaving after that.
That was weird.
After saying their goodbyes to you, they all bid you farewell. As the ship sailed off, everyone was waving and yelling their sentiments to you. Eustass was standing with his usual three people. “So…did you tell ‘em?”
Killer tensed but deflated, earning sighs from the others. Heat and Wire walked off, throwing their hands in the air.
“Fucking hopeless,” Eustass said with a shake of his head.
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I was hoping i could make a urgent request for something? :)
TW - Self harm
I’ve been clean from sh for a few weeks now but I recently lost count of how long It’s been, and for some weird way that just makes me want to relapse even more. My head is just too loud lately and I’m still dealing with a loss of a friend so everything is just really hard lately. It makes me feel weak and even more undeserving of every good thing I have in my life. As if I don’t deserve to be sad about anything just because I have all the necessitates to survive.
If I could, I was hoping to make an urgent request with Rengoku? With what he would do to comfort gn reader after he finds out that they self harm. A small scenario I had in mind is if he like, accidentally nudges reader’s arm, hitting one of their still-healing sh wounds. And Rengoku, being the sweet guy he is, gets curious and gets reader to tell him about it so he can comfort them
Of course, if you for any reason don’t want to write it, feel free to ignore this, but if you do decide on writing it, take your time and thank you so much in advance :)
Rengoku Comforting Reader with Self-Harm
Pairing: Rengoku x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mention of self-harm, wounds, scars, feeling down
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 910
Summary: In which Rengoku finds out that you've self-harmed and gives you his support in response
[A/N: Hey! I'm sorry you lost a friend! That's never easy, but it does get better as the days pass so hang in there. I promise it gets better. Thank you for trusting me with your urgent request! I've decided to write all my urgent requests as headcanons because it helps me write them a little fast for you guys, so I hope that's okay! I do hope that this provides you with some comfort through the tough time you're having right now. I'm here if you ever need anything <3. Enjoy!]
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As we all know, Rengoku is the sweetest man out there–he’s literally perfect
So essentially, he’d have a perfect reaction to this of course
You were outside with him, doing some sparring with a few swords he had hanging around; it’s something the two of you did together for fun whenever he wasn’t actively on duty as a Hashira
It gave him the chance to train you so you could defend yourself a little if a demon were to approach you while he wasn’t around, but you found yourself enjoying the quality time together, doing something he has dedicated his life to
Though as he steps behind you to correct your stance, grabbing your wrist to fix the way your arms are positioned, you wince back in pain
Self-harm was a way you dealt with the pain in your life–it had become something you’d relied on in your loneliest, darkest moments
Specifically moments when Rengoku wasn’t around, like that night when he had to rush off to fight a demon in a neighboring village
Things had been hard aside from always having to be away from him, so this was your way out
Rengoku releases you immediately, and apologizes for hurting you
He initially thinks he accidentally grabbed your wrist too hard, but the guilty look on your face proves otherwise
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes anyways with sincerity. He had been the cause of your pain, whether it was because he held you too tightly or not, he wanted to apologize…and maybe his apology ran even deeper than that
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong! I’m sorry for being over dramatic like that,” you don’t want him to feel bad for something that you did on your own
Your fresh wounds were still throbbing from the sudden contact, but you tried to hold in the pain
Rengoku doesn’t respond, but gently, he holds out a hand, signaling for you to pass him your arm
“May I?” He asks, wanting to see the wound for himself
You hesitate, you trusted this man with your life, so why were you questioning whether this was okay or not?
You knew he’d never treat you differently or make you feel bad about doing what you did to yourself–if anything maybe he could offer a solution…
You decide to allow him to see your arm quickly before you changed your mind and chickened out
He lifts your sleeve slowly and beholds the jagged lines on your arms–proof of the turmoil that’s been clouding your mind over the past few months–evidence that you had been fighting a battle within yourself
Rengoku’s face stays the same, a small smile graces his lips as he looks at you, not an ounce of judgment within them, just love, like usual
“I see you’ve been fighting some pretty hefty battles on your own. A warrior just like me…though it seems your fight has been much more difficult than mine. Please allow me to treat your wounds from battle just like you’ve done for me so many times.”
You agree wordlessly, allowing him to softly wrap your wounds and treat them so they stop throbbing
A comfortable, yet heavy silence falls between you both
“I’m sorry…” you apologize once again, scared of what was going through his head, but Rengoku was honest and sincere as he looked at you with a smile like he always did–nothing had changed
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. I am the one who’s sorry–for having you fight this battle on your own. If you allow it, I’d like to know why.” He was genuinely curious, not meaning to sound nosey or judgemental at all
So you do
You open up to him about everything that has been eating away at you for a while now; from the smallest of things to the overwhelming things–you said it all
And he listened to every word silently, nodding along and humming in acknowledgment, wanting you to know that he was following what you were telling him
“I suppose life can be overwhelming, sometimes it throws everything on us all at once. I’ve been in your shoes before. Feeling like everything was against me and feeling utterly alone in my household until I eventually found my place with the Hashira, but things at home were always cold. I know this is just one chapter in your life that will move on. And as any chapter goes, this is something that will become your strength in the future. Something you’ll learn from as you  grow into an amazing person. I know it. Just know that I’m here and you’ll never be alone. No matter who leaves, I’ll always stay.”
They were words you really needed to hear. Knowing that he wasn’t upset about what you did and was still willing to give you his support meant the world to you
“Thank you…I’m still working on it. I keep falling back into these old habits, no matter how much I don’t want to do it and end up regretting it afterwards,” you explain
“No need to be so hard on yourself,” he ruffles your hair and leaves a comforting hand on your shoulder, “These things take time. Healing internally is a huge battle, but I won’t let you go through it alone. You’ll get through this.”
No matter how hard the days ahead of you got, it was comforting knowing that at least you weren’t going through it alone
Rengoku would always have your back
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Posted: 6/8/2023
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