#AO3 game
juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 6 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks for tagging me @entwinedloop <3333
1 - Remember You
Beth was naturally curious, but ever since she'd met Rio, the most mysterious and cryptic man she'd ever known, her curiosity had increased tenfold, at least about him.
2 - Time Is Running Out
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." Beth lifted Rio's head, pinched his nose, leaned forward and put her open mouth over his. She blew to breathe air into him. When she saw no result, she stood up and started CPR again. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight."
3 - My independence would be liberation for me
Rio was just putting his black T-shirt back on when Beth came out of the bathroom, her damp, wavy hair hanging over her shoulders. She was wearing a royal blue kimono bathrobe, partially adorned with small pink and red flowers.
4 - I Dream Of Her Again (I Also Dream)
Hands, small golden-skinned hands, held a large hen's butt, half-filled with water. The child holding the container took a few steps forward and placed it on a gray and white marble counter.
5 - Love is more important than reputation
Namra was used to thinking fast, she had been educated and trained to do so, from a very young age. Her mother's goal was that she should be the best in class or even in extracurricular activities.
6 - The Bosses of Detroit
Beth was giving herself a makeover in front of the small rectangular mirror on the wall between the dining room and the living room.
7 - Beanie Or Not Beanie
The first time, Beth didn't notice anything. After all, they were outside, and it was a cold winter. That hadn't stopped them from fucking in a dark alley, against a frozen brick wall. Rio's head buried in her neck, his cap tickling her skin, as she clung to him like a buoy, while he hammered away at her, like a jackhammer.
8 - A Bad For A Good
Beth held out a paper bag that contained her older child, Kenny's, breakfast. "I love you." She ruffled his hair and did the same with her other three children.
9 - Teach-A, Teach-A, Teach Me
"Are you going to kill me?"
10 - Rio and the Boland kids
As Elizabeth finished preparing the meal, Rio set the table and when he finished, he placed a kiss on her temple and walked up the stairs to join Kenny in his room. The door was open, and the 14 year old was quietly doing his homework.
Pattern : Hm... 99% of the time I start my fic by a description or a reflection about my pov character. and for brio one, I think they are 99%^^ in Beth Pov (third pov)
Everyone was already tag so...anyone who want to do it!!! It was fun!!!!
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thehylianidiot · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by both @kiliinstinct and @grayseyebrowscar
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
As of 10/28/2023, I have 4 works posted.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
96,862. This close to 6 digits.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Fairy Tail. Maybe Zelda in the future.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rewrite - 133
The Other Four Idiots, Plus a Cat - 50
To Slay a Demon - 29
First of Many - 13
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. It thrills my day, and I want to show that.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
First of Many, hands down. Like, the whole point is the reader knows how that villain origin story goes.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Feel like I don't have any fics yet that have gotten to the "and everyone was happy and well and it all went fine". Someday, but its gonna take some work to get there. I guess the closest is Rewrite because it's the only other one that as of now actually has an ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, and I hope to keep it that way.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, but I do have a few ideas so I think its only a matter of time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I certainly hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Alas, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Alas, no. But that would be cool!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Super Smash Bros Announcer Voice: No contest.
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15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Other Four Idiots, Plus A Cat. Simply because I know 5+ years is a huge commitment for a fic.
(but I would like to see how far I get, and maybe even prove myself wrong)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Humor I think. When I do silly, I believe I can be pretty silly (although this is an entirely subjective measurement).
When it's no silly, I guess character analysis when I'm in the more angstier mood cause I like picking blorbos apart.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Especially for a whole paragraph.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I personally don't mind. It sounds pretty cool.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Let's ignore the unpublished public school stuff and just say I started when I posted Fairy Tail fics.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Four Idiots is my pride and joy and I've gotten way too attached to it.
I guess I'm tagging @genavere ? Feel free to ignore me!
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ethereal-night-fairy · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @ghouljams.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I have six works on there.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Call of Duty.
4. top five fics by kudos
Silver Tongues, Like Bullets
A Lick and a Promise
Broken Vows and Promises
Heavenly Saviour
To the Edge of Chaos
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes. Usually within a day.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Non of my fics have ended yet. But Forgotten Sorrows and Scorched Earth are most likely going to have very angsty endings. Broken Vows and Promises might also have a angsty ending but that's undecided at the moment.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Lick and a Promise and To the Edge of Chaos have happy endings planned for them. Silver Tongues, Like Bullets is in uncertain territory at the moment.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I'm relatively new to writing so thankfully I haven't experienced any so far....that might change later on though.
9. do you write smut?
Yes....too much sometimes.
10. craziest crossover?
I haven't done a crossover as of yet.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of. I pray to god it doesn't happen.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Again I'm fairly new to writing.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes kinda. I've done ad-lips to blurbs from creators I love. It's mainly just me giving my two cents and the writers adding to it or just commenting on what I wrote. I've done drabbles for a Mafia Price fic with @groguspicklejar where we'd take turns adding to the story.
14. all time favorite ship?
Can I say Price and @ghouljams oc Witch? They've changed my brain chemistry.
I'm also quite partial to Farah and Alex. I absolutely love those two. Ghost and Soap is another great ship I support. But I also love Poly 141. Witch and Price are still my favourite though.
If I were to choose one of my own characters I have to say Princess and Gaz from my pirate fic.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started writing a original novel about a fantasy world with magical Fae when I was 16. It was a world completely cut off from humans though the fae knew of their existence.
The main character was a pegasus with wings made of Sunlight and Flames. Her name was Ifza. A name choosen by her parents in hopes she would become a protector for her people like her predecessors.
She was one of the many descendants of Haizum the Horse gifted to the Archangel Gabriel. A magical being known for being able to fly swiftly from one cosmic plane to another. Though those powers have lessened as the new generations were born.
From the same bloodline came a family of warriors sworn to protect the magical realm of Zuhur. The same family Ifza was born into. It was only a matter of time before humans exhausted the resources of their own world. It wouldn't be long before they set out to conquer another. It was just a waiting game at this point.
I know I'll probably never finished this idea mainly because when I first came up with it it was supposed to be a story based on me and my friend group but I've drifted away from them since I finished school and honestly my memories with some of the girls aren't the best so the characters I created based off them don't sit right with me anymore.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I'm not too sure. I have really got a grasp on my writing style yet. I like world/lore building. I can't say for sure if I'm good at it though.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Short fics. I'm not very good at pacing myself because I want to add so many elements to scenes but that just ends up making fics very long and sometimes a little redundant.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I haven't really had a reason to use it. But in Scorched Earth and To the Edge of Chaos I'm looking forward to using phrases in other languages.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Call of Duty
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'm rewriting it at the moment but I really like the general story I came up with for Forgotten Sorrows. And I really like Rún my oc. Though I'm not very nice to her most of the time.
No pressure tags: @groguspicklejar @peachesofteal @meadow-of-daisies-and-lavender
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pigeonsgobrrr · 1 year
I'd like to introduce you all to a fun game I've been playing recently which I've been calling 'strap in lads'
It's basically where you try and find the best ao3 tags when you don't have the motivation to actually read any fics:
First off, you want to find a fandom/ship/well used tag (preferably with over 10 pages)
Pick a random page (may involve some skipping forward and backward)
Scroll away
Be sure to look carefully because there could be gold that you miss due to careless scrolling
Screenshot any gems to look back on or throw on your nearest site like I will
Bonus: you can enlist a fellow reader and have a little competition on who finds the best/weirdest tag
Some tips:
If you have a particular aversion to certain tags, filter them out to avoid the risk of any related chaos tags.
Pick a fandom that is known for it's... interesting fan base if you want to play easy mode.
Don't send fandom specific tags to friends without the context of the fandom (I sent my friend Alex a taskmaster tag that's just 'Alex staring at people like a creep' and forgot to tell her it wasn't targeted at her)
Anyway, have fun peoples
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fiendishfyre · 9 months
Hello! 9 and 12 for the ao3 wrapped game please 😊
XP I am so bad at answering on time. Thanks for this! 9) Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Okay, only counting what was poosted on ao3, Deerhunter! Orion/James because it's such a rarepairt that is painful. I am gladfully awaiting some wonderful writers who have wips of it. My deerhunter fic for those who may be interested...or not. XD
12) How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Hahahaha, 9 fics! Not so bad, I think...know some who have more. But it definitely could be way less.....XD Several are prongsfoot that I can't seem to ever finish before starting another. ao3 wrapped game
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i-am-the-oyster · 1 year
Fic by numbers game!
give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Thanks for the ask nonny!
Most hits: Paul is Alive! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42908946/chapters/107800908
Second most kudos: At It Like Rabbits https://archiveofourown.org/works/41965335/chapters/105343410
Third most comments: At It Like Rabbits (again) Fourth most bookmarks: Loretta https://archiveofourown.org/works/41845788 Fifth most words: The First Perfect Number https://archiveofourown.org/works/46930612 Fewest words: Maybe you'd understand https://archiveofourown.org/works/42853272
If anyone can't read them because they're locked to account-holders only, hmu for an invitation to ao3.
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broken-everlark · 11 months
Fic Tag Game!
I was tagged by the lovely - @nouklea thank you for tagging me in this. I saw everyone else doing it and was excited when you tagged me🥺💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your AO3 word count?
93,466 -- holy shit.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for The Hunger Games and Wednesday. I have fnaf movie drafts. For, of course, Mikessa/Schelly.🥰
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Black Cat
Does to Me
Pretty Little Poison
High on Me
Doubt & Trust
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost always. Usually, delete or freeze the hateful ones.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You are Mine. -- I guess you can count this as angst? I wrote an everlark Halloween related fic, but that was back when I tried writing in first person, and it's not good😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Doubt & Trust. -- I guess. Since I haven't really posted or updated any of my longer fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. I used to get anons on here talking bad about my fics, I used to get a lot recently with my wyler fics, but I usually read and delete. Because if I don't delete or block, I usually will continuously read them and torture myself.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, I just recently started writing smut. It's not the greatest, but I used the entire Wyler Kinktober to try & get better. I write any kind I'm comfortable with or one such as Non/con where it's not too graphic, I usually don't write a lot of non/con
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Not really. I don't enjoy when characters meet other characters from other universes.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What WIP would you like to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably Captive in the Darkness. An everlark fic of mine and a few drafts of everlark that I have scrapped because I just lost motivation.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmm... that's really hard. I recently have absolutely love Petroclair & Wyler, schelly. Everlark will always be one of my first ships. I used to love stony & spiderwitch but sorta fell out of those. I guess Everlark can count as an all-time favorite.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly, I think I can write some good gore and horror it's just kinda hard to get the right words sometimes.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Foreplay & Kissing. It's so hard for me to try and write sexual tension. Honestly, writing sexual intercourse in general, I feel like I'm pretty bad at. Also, it doesn't help that I'm constantly doubting my writing.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I can try but definitely need to use a translate app or something.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
If you want to be technical, I guess IT (2017), but for Ao3, it was Everlark.
19. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
To the Ends of the Earth -- THG fic with httyd au. because I absolutely love httyd & I have so much going for this fic, I just need time to write.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Definitely Black Cat or Captive to the Darkness.
(Literally, the only reason why Black cat has so many kudos is because that's when the wyler fandom actually.. nvm.. & it was my first long wyler fic. Other than that, it wasn't great.)
Tagging (idk who has done this😅) --- @iamfandomcrazy @thee-antler-queen @mega-aulover @pookieh @mellarked-katnisseverdeen
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grayseyebrowscar · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
was tagged by @kiliinstinct thanks for the tag kili!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
had to go check lol but a whopping giant total of 9
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
14,788 this is what i get for writing a bunch of oneshots lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
just fairy tail atm but theres some furuba and other fandoms in the wips
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
glowstick mode, "yeah but the muppets are for kids", no more minecraft (for wendy that is), go levy!! go!!, and christmas time for da bois
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yeah i try to make sure to do so, sometimes i dont if i dont know how to respond to it
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a fanfic that i have deleted from the internet from middle school lol. i don't rlly write angst but soon the angst will be great bc of natsu old au lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably one of my tsg fics i always try to make sure they have the best
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i did at one point back on wattpad lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
you will have to contact my lawyer for this answer (i dont just thought that would be a silly answer)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i did in middle school - furuba x ouran crossover involving my oc who was kyo's twin who went to ouran and kyouya and shigure were related
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah back in my wattpad days
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! but if anyone ever wants to go ahead just make sure to like link back to the original or contact me so i can link it to the original :D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes,, back in my wattpad days
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
okay i am a multishipper so this question is hard. i mean like ive got 20 ships ill say are my favs but no matter what i will gobble whatever shit i see fanart wise for percabeth so ig that??
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
...gray's a ghost au. i just don't have any brainworms for it atm
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialouge!!! it is so easy to write sm easier than everything else
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description - can't do that shit at all sometimes i forget to do so
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i dont like reading it without a translation so like if its needed like how in a tv show its needed then yes but usually no
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
baja blast or bust - modern au where bix works at taco bell i wish i was high when i wrote that its so silly
tagging @creaticare @thehylianidiot @tokkias and whoever else wants to join in
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swampstew · 1 year
Fics Stats Tag Game
Thanks so much for the tag @goldenandhappy and happy to see you on my dash again. Babes where have you BEEN?? I have Trigun Stampede updates for youuuuu!
Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Most hits: One Piece Kinktober Compilation stories - (11,452 hits) yeah ok I get why this has the most hits, lots of character tags, lots of kinks.
Most kudos: Again, OP Kinktober Compilation stories - (274 kudos) the people love what they love.
Most comment threads: What's the Magic Word? - (34 threads) which tbh is mostly me and @yamat0 screaming back and forth at each other XD This is my passion project <3
Most bookmarks: Again, OP Kinktober Compilation stories - (62 bookmarks) reasonable and valid.
Most words: Turn Back Time - (146,656 words) Chaos. Love. Angst. Violence. Pushing on 12 hours total reading time and no I have no idea when I'm stopping. There are no rules, only flirting and smut!!!!!!
Least words: Comforting Burnt Out Reader - (768 words) part of a reader x canon character bedtime story request with Eustass Kid and Shanks. Kept out the Shanks text because I uploaded it to my Eustass Kid series on AO3. A sweet and spicy short story :)
Tagging (but no pressure): @quinloki @zoros-sheath @abysscronica @basilisa-scorpii @cebwrites @sanjis-all-blue @death-threats @igocrazywithoutyooou and anyone who wants to join!!
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bobsfic · 2 years
robyn!!! how about 6, 16, and 30 for ao3 wrapped?
Hi Annie!!! ❤️ thanks for playing my friend - these are good questions!
6. Favorite title you used
akdjakhaha I HATE coming up with titles. I honestly put very little thought into it when I was just kinda writing by myself and posting random one shots into a void earlier this year. Like I'd be in the ao3 window and would just come up with something off the top of my head lmao. Some more thought goes into it now but I still hate it. So. All this to say that my favourite title this year is probably 'leave the lights up 'til january' and I can't even take credit for that one because it was Diana's suggestion 😂
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Off the top of my head I'd guess "JJ has feelings for Kiara" and the converse "Kiara has feelings for JJ". I think I use those ones a lot. Y’know. Because it's true. And then probably angst, and either jiara week/jiara bingo bc most of my fics are based one prompts from one of those two things.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Hm... that I'm still doing it? And so often!! Writing has taken over my life a little bit (and I have to credit the motivation I've found mainly to joining the gc so thanks y'all). That’s been surprising because writing has been a hobby of mine since I was a little kid, and I've written for other fandoms over the years, but I've never been so immersed in a pairing or produced the amount of work that I am right now. Finding a community of people who are into the same things that I am and who are so supportive and encouraging has honestly made all the difference to me and I am SO grateful for that ❤️ I'm still relatively new around here and I can't thank you all enough for the warm welcome because without our little community there's no way I'd be working on my 11th and 12th jiara fics, and have 2 other wips on the go as well. I wouldn't have taken on a multi chapter fic in the first place either because they terrify me. And I definitely would have never attempted to write any kind of smut, especially not while on an airplane lmao (and maybe that's truly the most surprising thing I wrote this year because if you know me that was SO out of my comfort zone it's ridiculous, but I attempted it and while it wasn't amazing it also wasn't terrible lol). So anyways THANK YOU it's been an amazing year and I'm gonna stop now because I have rambled long enough and if you made it this far ily!
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rlbbackup · 2 years
20, 28, 29 please 🥰
Thank you Tare! <3
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
I think it's a tie between Just Another Day and Flowers and Thorns
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
AMNESIA! I loved writing that first chapter and I'm stoked to write the next parts! My second favorite is tied between All parts of my OYS verse (Just another day, Oh Your Smile, and Briar Rose)
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
In my last ask, I mentioned my all-time favorite from this year was from Breaking Free (isn't Free) chapter 36. But I'll give my second favorite passage here.
From Amnesia:
At that moment, Loid felt his heart clench so tightly within his chest that if it hadn’t been for the sound of the heart monitor, he would have thought it had stopped. Anya, his mind registered without prompting and his hands itched to yank the blanket from around his legs and go to her. While her voice was soft, he could faintly hear the worry within it and he couldn’t stop the rising self-loathing at himself for being the source of her anxiety. His little girl who tried her hardest at school even when she didn't want to study. His little girl who struggled to make friends. His little girl who adored her mother and was happy to go on ootings with the only family she had ever known.
Anya, his little girl, was calling for him and he couldn’t get to her.
"ChiChi?!" Anya cried, sounding more awake and drawing him from his internal storm of emotion. He looked up to see the girl scramble from her mother's arms and run for him. She was so small… but she ran across the distance as if her life depended on it and attempted to launch herself onto the cot.
But she was too small. She was always so small…
She huffed and turned towards Yor, raising her hands in a demand to be lifted. "Anya wants to sit with ChiChi."
"Anya-san, your father is injured," Yor cautioned, looking torn. "You shouldn't -"
"It's alright, Yor," he cut her off, gently. "I…as long as you don't squirm too much, I would very much like to hug you, Anya."
Anya's green eyes turned to him, wide and shocked. It was almost like she was looking through him rather than at him, as if he had said something that didn't quite fit.
And never had he hated himself more than at that moment. He was her father, adopted yes, but he had never shown her the true affections of one. Head pats only counted for so much, holding her when needed only counted for so much, tucking her into bed, helping her with homework, playing Bondman with her on a whim…
The affection was there, but it wasn't true. It wasn't what it should be. It wasn't what Anya deserved.
And he'd be damned if he didn't at least try to be a better father to her. She had almost lost the only legal parent she had (something Loid would have to talk to Yor about when the time was right) without knowing that he loved her. She was his world. She had breathed meaning into his mediocre life of office work and patients with her bright smiles, quirks and all.
His eye stung as Yor carefully lifted the little girl and placed her in his arms. He pulled his daughter close and buried his nose in her hair, an intense storm of emotions - guilt, affection, love, sorrow, and determination - flooding his mind. His body slowly began to relax as he drew her closer and her arms curled around his neck, her pink hair tickling his nose, but he didn’t dare move her.
Especially when, after a few moments, he could hear quiet sobbing coming from his shoulder.
He had always hated the sound of kids crying, and this was no different. But he forced himself to not pull away, to not shush her, to refuse her this chance to cry. She was scared and kids cried when they are scared. It’s the nature of things.
Instead, he speaks.
"I'm so sorry, Anya," he whispered, hugging her tighter. "I'm here. I promise I'm here and I'll never leave you like that ever again."
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shannon-foraker · 2 years
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Hey, I've got a new game for people! It's called the Favorite Tag Game!
Post your favorite Ao3 tags (can be ones you've favved for the homepage, but they don't have to be), either in tags, text or photo form!
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thinkspam · 1 month
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Usually it’s video games instead of music but this is pretty much accurate hehe
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andrewminyardslawyer · 2 months
PSA for those writing coffee shop AUs, bakery AUs, etc.
I have worked in the food service industry for 20 years and I just wanted to make an informational list of common mistakes or misconceptions I see in writing about said industry. Not trying to be a jerk, just thought I would try to make a helpful list! I will add more if I think of any and please feel free to ask any questions you may have!
- it's cookie dough, not cookie batter. Doughs are for thicker stuff, typically something you can pick up in your hand (cookies, bread). Batters are more liquid and pourable (cakes, brownies, muffins)
- one person cannot make all the products from scratch and bake everything themselves unless they are a very slow business. Most of the time someone has a specific thing they do weather it's focused on specific products or split up like one person does the batters/doughs, one person preps and bakes, one person decorates. Sometimes one person does multiple things but generally not every single thing every day by themselves
- Front of House = people interacting with customers like barista, waiter, person at the register. Back of House = people making the food (line cook, baker, etc), dish washer (the worst job in the world, I salute all dishwashers everywhere)
- if they're doing stuff like bagels, doughnuts, breakfast pastries, cinnamon rolls, bread, etc they are there EARLY. Depending on the product some people start working at 2 in the morning. I saw a published book that had someone making dozens and dozens of cinnamon rolls from scratch in like one hour. Not possible even though I wish it was
- frosting, icing, and glaze are all different things. Frosting is the thicker stuff you see on cakes and cupcakes. Icing is typically for cookies, especially the decorated cut out sugar cookies. Glaze is thin, like what you get on doughnuts
- 99% of people who work in the food service industry will immediately go home and shower. I've seen lots stories where the character gets done at work and goes out. You are covered in various substances with powdered sugar in places you didn't know it could get, a shower before Literally Anything is a must
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fiendishfyre · 10 months
Hi! My asks are 3 and 18 for the AO3 wrapped game please 😊
Yee! Thanks for this! 3) What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? Hm, I am embarrassed by all my fics, so this is a hard one but perhaps it's my Severus/Regulus/Tom fic because I don't really write ot3's and I suck at smut and it has both. Also proud of the title: Lavender Haze. XD Fic link! 18) The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Writing Tom's perspective in my fic, Joke Was On Me, a Tom/Orion fic. I feel Tom|Voldy and Dumbledore are intelligent characters who are above my mental level. Most characters are. I love writing Sirius but I worry it's not good enough for him. Can find the ao3 wrapped game here, feel free to send me others!
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