ozzybutweirdthistime · 8 months
me, a fool: wow i’m really liking how my minecraft build is coming out
etho, making the most comfortable looking house to ever exist:
me: what the hell
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022
Day 8 - Out for Christmas
The full prompt from AO3 User RedErin1996 will be posted at the end of the story.
Beca and Chloe were having coffee at their favorite coffee spot when Chloe suddenly started crying. Beca was at a loss; she never could handle comforting anyone crying, but she was way out of her element in having to comfort a crying Chloe Beale.
"What's wrong?" Beca asked.
"I called my parents last night," Chloe said. "And they said they didn't want me to come home for Christmas. It would reflect poorly on them to have their gay daughter staying under their roof."
"Seriously?" Beca asked, dumbfounded.
"Seriously," Chloe said, sniffling. "I should never have come out to them at Thanksgiving. I would have been better off staying in the closet."
Beca sat across from Chloe, rapidly blinking as she tried to process what Chloe just told her.
"Um," Beca said, trying to find words of comfort for Chloe.
"It's okay, Beca," Chloe said, wiping her eyes. "You don't have to say anything. I'm fine with it."
"But how?" Beca asked. "How are you fine with your folks telling you they don't want you to come home for Christmas because you're gay?"
"The fact that you just found out I was gay doesn't bother you?" Chloe asked.
"Why would it?" Beca asked. "You're still Chloe, and that's all I care about."
"Thank you," Chloe said, smiling. "Too bad my parents don't see it that way."
"So, what are you going to do about Christmas?" Beca asked after a moment.
"I'll just stay here in the Bellas' house," Chloe said. "I really don't have anywhere else to go."
"You can come with me to my mom's," Beca said. "I'm not going to lie, she's homophobic, but she doesn't have to know that you're gay."
"I don't think that's a good idea," Chloe said. "I'm out now. I'm done with being ashamed of who I am, and I'm not going to lie about it anymore."
"I get it," Beca said. "And for the record, I think it was very brave of you to come out like you did."
"Thanks," Chloe said. "That means a lot to me.."
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
Later that day, Beca was in her dorm room, going over her conversation with Chloe. She wasn't lying when she told Chloe how brave she thought Chloe was for coming out.
"I wish I was brave enough to come out like Chloe did," Beca murmured. "I already know my mom will disown me; my dad will probably join her, and then where will I be?"
Beca turned over to lie on her stomach.
"I could just stay here for Christmas," Beca thought. "Celebrate with Chloe. Maybe even come out to her and tell her how I feel about her."
Beca lay still for a few minutes, contemplating the idea.
"Nope," Beca mumbled into her pillow. "Just because Chloe's gay doesn't mean she likes me that way. What if I tell her I'm gay and my father finds out? I may not want to be here, but he could railroad my being able to stay. As much as I hate to admit it, I've made new friends being in the Bellas. And they've become like family to me; I can't risk losing that."
Beca flopped back over and was now laying on her back.
"Arrgh," Beca cried out. "Why did I have to be born this way?"
Beca heard keys in the door and turned her head to see her roommate, Kimmy Jin, coming in with two of her friends. Kimmy glared at her, and Beca sat up. Beca knew they were going to play video games and didn't feel like sticking around for that, so she grabbed her laptop bag and moved to the door.
"Excuse me," she said as she pushed past Kimmy and the others.
Once outside her room, Beca secured her laptop bag on her shoulder..
"I might as well get some studying done," Beca mumbled as she made her way out of the building and headed to the library.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
Two weeks before Christmas, Beca received a call from her mother.
"Hey, mom," Beca answered. "What's up?"
"You tell me," Karen Mitchell said.
"What do you mean?"
"I got a call from your father," Karen said. "He told me about your friend Chloe."
The way her mother said Chloe's name threw red flags up.
"What did he tell you about Chloe?"
"That she's gay," Karen said. "I don't want you hanging around people like her."
"People like her?" Beca repeated. "She's my best friend, and you can't tell me who I can or cannot be friends with."
"I'm your mother," Karen said, an edge to her tone. "I am only looking out for you. I don't want her putting ideas into your head that her. . .lifestyle choices are okay."
"Being gay is not contagious, mother," Beca said, gritting her teeth. "It's not something you catch. It's who you're born as; it just sometimes takes time for some people to realize it and come to terms with it."
"Are you saying you approve of her being gay?" Karen asked.
"It has nothing to do with whether I approve or not," Beca said. "I support her because she's my best friend and hasn't done anything for me to strip her of that title."
Karen doesn't say anything, and Beca pushed on.
"I'm not dumping her as my friend," Beca said. "And if it bothers you that much that I have a gay friend, then maybe I should stay here and not come home for Christmas."
"I don't want to fight with you over this," Karen said. "But, you're right. It might be best if you didn't come home."
"Fine," Beca said. "I won't."
"Good," Karen said. "Maybe you can take the time to think about who you associate with."
"I don't have to think-" Beca started and stopped. "You know what? I'm done with this conversation. Bye, mother."
Beca ended the call and threw her phone on her bed.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
The next day, Beca and Chloe were having coffee together.
"So, um, if I didn't go home for Christmas," Beca said. "Would I be able to say in the Bellas house with you?"
"You're not going home for Christmas?" Chloe asked. "Why not?"
"It's a long story," Beca said. "And I'm not sure I should tell you."
Chloe placed her hand on Beca's. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"I know," Beca said, sighing as she ran her free hand through her hair. "It's just that it's kind of because of you that I'm not going home."
"Me?" Chloe said. "What did I do?"
"You came out," Beca said.
At Chloe's questioning look, Beca continued.
"I guess because you're out and proud now, my dad found out and called my mom to tell her about the company I was keeping, so my mother called me to tell me to stay away from you."
"Wow," Chloe said. "And I thought my folks were bad. I'm sorry, Beca. I know how much you were looking forward to going home."
"It's not your fault," Beca said. "This is all my mother's doing. I'm not going to let her or my father tell me who I can be friends with. You're my best friend, Chloe, and I will always have your back, no matter what. I promise."
"Thank you for that," Chloe said. "And, as far as I know, there's nothing that says you can't stay in the Bellas house over the Christmas break. So, let's talk about what we're going to do to celebrate Christmas together."
Beca smiled at Chloe's sudden excitement as she started rattling off ideas on things they could do.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
Chloe talked Aubrey into helping her decorate a house since Beca was spending Christmas with her. They had just put the finishing touches on the tree and sat on the sofa to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to let Beca stay here over Christmas?" Aubrey asked.
"Why wouldn't it be?" Chloe asked. "It makes sense for her to say here since neither of us is welcomed at home."
"I know," Aubrey said. "But, didn't you say that the reason you came out to your parents was because of the feelings you have for Beca?"
"Yes," Chloe said. "I talked about her so much during Thanksgiving that my mom started asking me a lot of questions. I got sick of what the questions were leading to, so I finally blurted out that I liked Beca because I was gay. And, now, they don't want me home for Christmas."
"I'm sorry, Chloe," Aubrey said.
Chloe shrugged. "It is what it is."
"Maybe you should tell Beca how you feel," Aubrey said.
"I'd like to, but I don't want to lose her friendship," Chloe said. "I know she gets on your nerves, but she's been nothing but kind and supportive of me. Which, now that I think about it, is both a good and bad thing."
"Why is it a bad thing?" Aubrey asked.
"Because it makes me think that maybe she likes me, too," Chloe said sadly. "And that maybe I have a shot with her. But she's straight, and I don't want to make her regret taking my side and missing out on Christmas with her mom by telling her how I feel."
"I understand where you're coming from," Aubrey said. "But I still think you should tell her. If she's the friend you think she is, and she doesn't return your feelings, I'm sure she'll still be your friend at the end of the day."
"I'll think about it," Chloe said.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
Two days before Christmas, everyone who was going home was leaving. Beca grabbed her laptop bag, suitcase, and gift for Chloe and left her dorm room. She arrived at the Bella house a short time later, and Chloe answered the door.
"Welcome," Chloe said, pulling Beca into a hug. "Come on in."
"Thanks," Beca said, following Chloe inside. "Wow! The place looks festive."
"Thanks," Chloe said. "I had Brey help with decorating the place."
"Well, you both did a great job," Beca said as she left the bag of gifts by the tree. "So, um, where should I put my stuff?"
"Just leave it by the stairs for now," Chloe said. "We can take it upstairs after we've had lunch."
"Okay," Beca said as she placed her suitcase and laptop bag near the stairs.
"Come to the kitchen," Chloe said, leading the way.
Chloe entered the kitchen and told Beca to sit anywhere. Beca took a stool at the counter as Chloe went to the refrigerator.
"Can I help you with anything?" Beca asked.
"No thanks," Chloe said. "I just made us a salad because I have plans for us for dinner."
"Oh," Beca said. "Does this dinner have anything to do with the delicious aroma I'm smelling?"
"Mmmaybe," Chloe teased, giggling. "I have a pot roast in the slow cooker. I'm also going to add some potatoes and carrots later."
"I love pot roast," Beca said.
"I know," Chloe said. "You told me it was one of your favorite meals."
"I can't believe you remember that," Beca said.
Chloe placed the salad on the counter and told Beca to help herself. As Beca started placing some salad on her plate, Chloe said, "You'd be surprised at what I remember about you, Beca Mitchell."
Chloe laughed at the deer-in-the-headlights look that came to Beca's face.
"Don't worry," Chloe said, winking at Beca. "Some of the things you told me will be forever locked away in the secrets of my best friend vault and will never see the light of day."
"Thank you," Beca said, looking relieved.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
Several hours later, Beca and Chloe were lying on Chloe's bed with Chloe's laptop sitting on the bed between them as they watched Noelle. The movie was almost over, and Beca looked at Chloe. Chloe looked over at her and smiled.
"Um, can we talk?" Beca asked, looking nervously at Chloe. "I want to tell you something.
Chloe paused the movie and sat up.
"Is something wrong?" Chloe asked.
"No, nothing's wrong," Beca said. "I was just wondering what made you decide to come out to your folks? And how did you do it? I mean, did you plan how to tell them? Or did you just blurt it out without meaning to?"
"A little bit of both, I guess," Chloe said. "I had wanted to tell them for a while but always chickened out. When I was home for Thanksgiving, I was talking about, um, this girl I know, and my mother suspected I wanted her to be more than a friend, She started asking all kinds of questions. I knew where she was going with the questions and just finally blurted out that I liked her and that I was gay. And you know how the rest turned out."
Beca sat back, thinking.
"I have something to confess," Beca said, taking a deep breath. "I'm gay," Beca said and let out a breathy chuckle. "Wow! That's the first time I've said it out loud to anyone."
"How are you feeling about it?"
"I feel free," Beca said. "Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
Chloe hugged Beca. "Thank you for telling me."
"Thank you for letting me," Beca said. "I know it won't be this easy to tell my folks, but if I tell enough of my friends, it will get easier to accept myself."
"I'm here for you," Chloe said.
"I know," Beca said. "And I appreciate that."
"Do you want to finish watching the movie?"
"I think I`d like to go to bed now if that's okay?"
"That's okay," Chloe said and put her laptop away.
Beca moved to the other bed, and Chloe clicked off the light.
"Goodnight," Chloe said.
"Sleep well, Chloe."
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
The next morning, Chloe woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon. She got up and used the bathroom before going downstairs. She walked into the kitchen to see Beca putting pancakes and bacon on plates.
"You're up early," Chloe said as she sat at the counter.
"I wanted to make you breakfast," Beca said as she set a plate in front of Chloe and one at her seat. "Sort of a thank you for last night."
"You don't have to thank me, Beca."
"No?" Beca said, reaching for Chloe's plate. "So, I guess you don't want this?"
Beca held the plate out and away from Chloe. Chloe grabbed Beca around her waist and pulled her toward her until Beca's body was flush against her side. Chloe turned her head with a smirk. Beca swallowed and looked down at Chloe's lips.
"Ha!" Chloe said, grabbing the plate and setting it back down in front of her. "You're so easy, Mitchell."
Beca cleared her throat and smiled as Chloe began eating.
"You're lucky I'm in such a good mood, Beale."
"Are you excited about going to the Christmas Fair?"
"No," Beca said. "But I am excited about going to the Christmas Fair. . .with you."
"Careful there, Mitchell," Chloe said. "Talk like that might make me think you like me or something."
"Or something."
Beca smiled and started eating. Chloe sipped her coffee while looking at Beca over the rim of her cup.
"Is she flirting with me?" Chloe thought.
"Um, so what are the plans for today besides going to the Christmas Fair?" Beca asked.
Chloe shrugged. "I don't know. It was a tradition for my family and me to spend all day Christmas Eve watching holiday movies."
"Nope," Beca said, shaking her head. "We need to start new traditions. Why don't we come back here after the fair and watch a holiday movie or two, and then go out to grab a quick dinner, probably at a Chinese place, and then drive around and look at the Christmas lights? That can be our tradition."
"Okay," Chloe said, smiling at Beca. "Let's do that."
"It's a date!" Beca said.
"I can't wait," Chloe said.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
It was late when Beca and Chloe returned to the house.
"The best lights were at the house we saw just outside campus," Beca said as they entered the house.
"I agree," Chloe said. "Would you like some cocoa?"
"Yes, please," Beca said, taking Chloe's arm. "But, first, I have something to ask you."
"Come into the kitchen," Chloe said. "We can talk while I make the cocoa."
"Okay," Beca said and followed Chloe.
Beca sat at the counter and started playing with her fingers.
"So, what did you want to ask me?" Chloe asked as she gathered the ingredients for the cocoa.
"I was, um, wondering if you, um, are going to ask that girl you like out?" Beca asked, staring down at the counter.
"The girl I like?"
"You know, the one that made you come out to your mom," Beca said. "The one you couldn't stop talking about."
"I'm still thinking about it," Chloe said.
"Oh," Beca said. "That's what I thought. I hope it works out for you."
"Actually, I think I'm done thinking about it," Chloe said as she stopped what she was doing and stared at Beca. Beca could feel her staring and looked up.
"Beca, would you like to go out with me sometime?" Chloe asked, walking over to stand next to the younger girl.
Beca stared at Chloe, unblinking as her mind tried to catch up with what was happening; to fully comprehend what Chloe was asking.
"Me?" Beca finally squeaked out. "I'm the girl you like? And you want to date me?"
"Yeah," Chloe said. "I mean, if that's something you want as well."
"Hell, yeah!" Beca exclaimed, jumping up and pulling Chloe to her. She pulled back and looked at Chloe's lips. "Can I kiss you?"
"That's rather bold of you, Miss Mitchell," Chloe teased.
"Oh, I'm sorry-" Beca wasn't able to finish her apology as Chloe smashed their lips together.
Beca moaned and wrapped her arms around Chloe's waist. Chloe pulled back, only far enough to turn her head and catch Beca's lips again.
The kiss ended, and Beca whispered, "Wow! If I knew kissing girls was like this, I would have done it a lot sooner."
"I'm the first girl you've kissed?" Chloe asked, surprised.
"Yep," Beca said, tightening her hold on Chloe. "And if I play my cards right, I hope that you are my first for some other stuff."
Chloe laughed when Beca waggled her eyebrows.
"I am unsurprisingly okay with that," Chloe said as she leaned in for another kiss.
Beca ended the kiss and touched her forehead to Chloe's.
"As much as I'd love to continue this," Beca said. "And I would, but why don't we make that cocoa and cuddle together while watching another holiday classic?"
"Just so you know," Chloe said. "There will be more kissing while we cuddle."
"Just so you know," Beca said. "I am unsurprisingly okay with that."
Chloe smiled when she heard nearby church bells ring out.
"It's Midnight," Chloe said. "Merry Christmas, Beca."
"Merry Christmas, Chloe," Beca said, leaning in for another kiss.
Full prompt from AO3 User RedErin1996: One of them isn't going home for Xmas due to the whole coming out thing and family not approving. The other isn't out either but cares so much that she stays back. Softness ensues, feelings are shared, and they both spend their first Out Christmas together. Angst and fluff together.
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miss-ing-diary · 2 months
Diary Entry #24
July 29, 2024
Okay, it's me again, Miss Ing. This is just little update about my life. t's been a while since I posted an update here, so I hope you all are doing fine.
It's Monday today, and it's supposed to be the first day of the school year 2024-2025. Everything seems fine since BRIGADA ESKWELA. My classroom had a makeover, so I'm really grateful and thankful to the parents who helped me fix my room. I'm sure this will be a challenging year for me since I'll be handling the pilot section. To be honest, I can already feel the tiredness of being a key teacher, even though the academic school year hasn't even started.
Back to the present, it was a rainy Monday, and there was no announcement about whether classes would be canceled or not. I decided to walk from my house to the school, even though the street was already flooded. Unfortunately, my foot slipped, and I fell to the ground. The first thing I worried about was my laptop because I had put some of my weight on it.
Then when I arrived at school …then an announcement was made that classes were suspended. I went to my classroom and check my laptop; thank goodness it didn't broke.
Even though there is a suspension of class, the teachers have a meeting at 8 am so I just stayed at my classroom.
Flash forward—after the meeting, I went to the principal to submit our classroom and teacher's program. There was still a drizzle of rain when I saw him heading in the same direction I was going (I'm referring to the same guy from diary entry #23). He was holding an umbrella and shared it with me, saying, "Getting sick is not allowed."
Of course, feeling awkward, I told him that I would just run towards the Grade 6 building. I ran, but he chased me with the umbrella. He said something, but I didn't hear it clearly — something like "may payong na nga."
I can't suppress my smile after that. Arrgh!!! even though I don't have a crush on him anymore.
0 notes
jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
hey! if you don't mind i want to request for something like parent!jaehyun and reader, they are married for so long and their children is a teen. with little smut maybe 🥺🥺🥺
Pairing: husband!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise kink
Word count: 1k
A/N: lemme just say for the record that if i was married to this man he would never have a moment's peace. thanks for the request!
“No way I’m going in there, that place is a biohazard.”
“Oh come on! I went in last time!”
“Fine, rock paper scissors then, and whoever loses goes in.”
You threw paper, knowing Jaehyun always threw rock whenever you played this game, and you whooped in triumph when you won. After sixteen years of marriage, you knew him too well.
“Godammit,” he swore under his breath, trudging up the stairs to your teenage son’s room. You made yourself comfortable on the couch, wondering how long Jaehyun would be up there, when you heard footsteps on the stairs.
“You’re done already?” you asked in amazement, as Jaehyun came to join you on the couch, a smug smile on his face.
“Yup,” he said proudly, puffing up his chest, “it’s not hard at all talking to a teenage boy, I don’t know what you’re so scared of.”
“Did you tell him to clean his room? Do his chores? Finish his homework?” you asked, hand on your hip.
“Yes, yes, and yes.”
“He said he’d do all of it.”
“Arrgh! Jaehyun! Of course he’s going to say that he’ll do it!” you pulled at your hair in frustration, “you just got played by a fifteen year old!”
Jaehyun just laughed. “Oh come on, he said he’ll do it and I believe him. Now get over here,” he reached towards you, slipping his hand around your waist and pulling you closer to him, “daddy needs some cuddle time now.”
“Oh gross.”
You heard your son’s voice behind you as he walked towards the front door, car keys in hand. “Uh, Jisung, where are you going?”
“Dad said I could go out. See you later.”
He was out the door before you could say anything, and you turned to Jaehyun, who regarded you with a wide grin. “How could you let him go out when he hasn’t done any of the things we asked him to do?”
“Honestly, I just wanted him out of the house so I could fuck my wife.”
“Jaehyun! For crying out loud!” You wanted to be upset, you wanted to reprimand your husband, it was the right thing to do, except he was looking at you with that look, the one that made you weak in the knees and wet between your legs.
“I can’t help it if I still find you really, really sexy,” he pulled you down so that you were underneath him, spreading your legs apart with his knee so he could settle in there.
“Jaehyun, not on the couch,” you breathed, trying to remain coherent as he started to kiss a line down your neck.
“Where do you want to do it then? On the floor? On the kitchen counter? I’m up for anything,” he emphasized the last statement by pressing his hardened bulge against your crotch.
“Mm,” you pressed your lips together, arousal burning inside of you and rendering all of your attempts at propriety useless. “Oh fuck it, who cares,” you mumbled, finally giving in and wrapping your arms around him. You figured If you stained the couch you could just cover it up with some throw pillows.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmured, hands on your hips, tugging your sweats and panties down, “you’re gonna take my cock in that pretty pussy of yours.”
Your breath caught in your throat when you felt him, the smooth tip of his cock sliding easily into your wet folds. After so many years together he still took your breath away, with his dirty talk in that deep tone of voice, and with the way he fucked you every time like it was the first time.
“Jaehyun! Oh my god!” your back arched off the couch cushions as he slid into you so deep and filled you so full that every nerve ending in your body exploded with uncontained pleasure.
“So good for me,” he cooed, hands roaming up and down your back, caressing your ass and squeezing as he pumped into you. “So fucking good.”
You could feel your orgasm building, your limbs tingling as pleasure coursed through them, when he lifted up your shirt and sucked your nipple into his mouth. You cried out, glad that your son wasn’t home because there was no way you could keep quiet with the way Jaehyun was pleasuring you.
“Baby, you’re gonna make me come!” you screamed, because your orgasm hit you just then, Jaehyun pounding you even harder as your body shuddered, pussy clenching around his cock. He kept going, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he railed you, and you clung tight to his shoulders as another orgasm hit you.
“So sexy,” he grunted, “I could fuck you all night.”
You believed him, his stamina hadn’t abated even after so many years of being together. He still fucked you like you were newlyweds, and that was something you knew you would never tire of.
“Oh Jae, oh my god, oh fuck,” you were losing yourself to him, to the feeling of his strong arms holding you down, the slapping sound of skin on skin echoing in the room.
“Come for me again, baby,” he groaned, “then I wanna fill you up with my cum.”
He reached between you and started rubbing your clit with the pad of his thumb, in slow circles just how you liked it, kissing you hard to swallow your cries as you came again. He let go then too, groaning into your mouth as he spilled into you, fingers squeezing your ass against him as he thrust one last time before stilling.
Breathing heavily, your hair sticking to the damp skin of your face, you hugged him tightly to you, as you felt him kissing along the exposed skin of your collarbone.
“I love you, Jaehyun,” you breathed against him, fingers threading through his damp hair. You felt him smile against you.
“I love you too, babe,” he said between kisses, but you could already feel him getting hard again inside you, “do you think we can do it again before Jisung gets home?”
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animensfw-smut · 4 years
Dom! Monoma x Succubus! Reader
Tumblr media
Gif doesn’t belong to me~~
WARNINGS: NSFW, 18+, Dubcon
So, my definition of succubus is probably different from yours...
*(y/n)'s pov*
I'm a student in Class 1-A. Unfortunately, i encountered someone who had a quirk that can change females into a succubus and males into an incubus for 24 hours. The reason why i was changed into a succubus was because i was at the wrong place at the wrong time. When the person changes you into a succubus or incubus, you are physically weakened. I had to stay in my room for the rest of the day because the student lost control of their quirk randomly.
So right now here i was, in bed, clutching my stomach because natural HUMAN BEING food didn't satisfy ME, a HUMAN.
"Uuuughhhh..." I groaned as i rolled over on the bed to check the time. It was time for school to end and i whined,
"I can't even go near my friends!"  
Meanwhile at UA~
"Hey Monoma, i heard that (y/n) got hit by a quirk." spoke Tetstetsu.
"What's that got to do with me?" Monoma asked with an annoyed glare.
"Oh, you know, not that she's your crush or anything and she's practically the only person from Class 1-A who you talk to~"
Monoma hesitated with a blush on his face before replying,
"You can go back to the dorms without me." With that, he headed to the 1-A dorms as Tetsutetsu smirked.
He didn't tell Monoma exactly what quirk (y/n) was hit by...
Back to (y/n)~
My stomach growled loudly as i threw my head back into the pillow with a sigh. This wasn't helping, in fact, nothing was helping. The quirk that i was hit with, made me a succubus on the inside, but on the outside, my appearance hasn't changed.  
A knock sounded at my door and i gulped as i smelt the faint scent of sweat. I debated with myself whether to open the door or not, and i decided on the former. Quickly, i opened the door to be met face to face with Monoma.
"Monoma???" He was blushing and averting his gaze,
"Hey, i er just wanted to check on you..."
I beamed with a bright smile and pulled him into my room, making him sit on my bed after locking the door. He was confused, but then slowly became flustered as i straddled his lap and started licking his neck.  
"(y-y/n)?! Wh-what are y-you doing??!!"
I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to slowly move my hips against his, rubbing my burning core to his semi-hard dick. My lips traveled to his ear where i whispered,
"I'm hungry, Monoma~~ Feed me~"
He grabbed a hold of my shoulders and gently pulled me away from his ear to come face to face with him. He was as red as Kiri's hair right now. I didn't slow down the grinding as i looked at him with an innocent look, my head tilted.
"Arrgh, (y/n) you're impossible!"
He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in to devour my lips. His tongue rubbed against mine and readjusted myself to rub against him more and gain more friction for my aching core. Monoma started bucking his hips and i whined at the thin pieces of fabric separating him from penetrating me.
Monoma broke from the kiss and asked,
"(y/n), tell me.. ugh.. what  q-quirk you were hit with..."
I started sucking on his neck and palming his member through his pants as i answered,
"Mmmm~ A succubus quirk~"
He chuckled slightly,
"N-No wonder you say y-you're hungry."
He removed me from him and took on a serious facade,
"Strip. Now." I pouted at the loss of friction, but removed all my clothing anyway, as he did the same.
Monoma laid on the bed and looked at me with a cocky smirk,
"Sit that sweet pussy of yours on my face~" My thighs clenched together at the words as i obliged. I slowly lowered myself onto his face as i crawled down to his throbbing cock.  
"Suck, baby girl." I lightly licked the bulging tip and earned a smack on my ass. Did he just spank me?
"Listen to what your master orders you to do, babe. Or you'll get a punishment instead~"
I shuddered at his demanding tone and sucked his dick. I used my hands to rub wherever i can't reach. Suddenly, something plunged into my core and i gasped at the unfamiliar feeling. He grasped my ass and brought me right up against his face as his tongue went in and out of me. My hands went to grasp my breasts as i brought them towards his member. He groaned at the extra pleasure as i rubbed my boobs against his dick. The vibrations of his groan made me craving for more. He spanked me again and lifted me slightly off his face,
"Ride my mouth, baby~ I wanna see your face when you cum with how good I'm tongue fucking you." I blushed and turned around sitting on his mouth.
I gripped his hair as i bounced up and down on his tongue, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.  
He suddenly stopped what he was doing and i whined,
"What did i say for you to call me?"
I looked at him with half-lidded eyes and pouted,
"I-I'm sorry, master... Please let me cum..."
"There's a good girl~"
Neito continued to lick at my dripping pussy, adding in three fingers to thrust up into my core.
"More, master, more!!!" I moaned out as i pulled lightly on his blonde hair. He smirked and stopped me from cumming, removing his mouth from me.
"Wouldn't you much rather have my cum deep inside you?" I drooled at the thought.
"Hands and knees, babe."
I got on my hands and knees, my front half pressed to the pillows as my ass stuck up in the air.
"Please fill me up with your big cock, master~"
He grinned pervertedly and wasted no time in slamming into me. I moaned at the pleasure coursing through me. His thrusts were inhumane, hitting my g-spot every time.
"M-Master~ C-Can i cum?"
"Hold on, baby girl, I'm nearly there~"
Grunts were heard in my room followed by the sound of his dick slamming into my pussy. His hands grasped my (h/l), (h/c) hair and he pulled on it, making me arch my back. His hands came to wrap around my torso and bring my back to his chest as he kissed my neck. Neito found my sweet spot as i moaned, and he sucked on it whilst biting it, marking me. His right hand came to cup my breast, his fingers pinching and twisting my hardened nipples. My head was thrown back against his shoulders, my face against his neck. I didn't think he could go any deeper, but he lifted up my left leg and hit at a new angle.
"Nnnghhh~ Master!!! I-I n-need to cum!!"
"Awwwwww does my baby need to cum?"
I looked at him with a puppy look, tears in my eyes from the pleasure. His eyes widened and he smirked, bringing my lips to his. I whimpered as he bit my bottom lip and his tongue explored my mouth. Groaning, he left my lips and peppered kisses along my shoulder and back.  
"God, you're so sexy (y/n)~ You can cum~"
The knot building up in my stomach was released as i let loose and came. He thrusted a few more times and came inside me, burying himself right inside. Slowly, he pulled out and hugged me towards him,
"Satisfied with your meal, babe?"
Exhausted, I nodded and lay against him,
"Let's take you to the bathroom, and clean you up?"
I reached up and pecked him on the lips as he carried me bridal style to my bathroom in my dorm,
"Mmm, love you, Neito."
He hesitated, blushing, and continued to walk whilst mumbling,
"Love you too (y/n)."
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nancypullen · 3 years
You guys, we're just a short walk to the "ber" months! If this month zips by like the last couple, we'll be smack dab in September before we know it! I love that. I 'm not wishing my life away, but I sure am wishing this summer away. With Tennessee still at a 30-something percent vaccination rate, we haven't really gone anywhere or done anything. No baseball games, no festivals, no fun. Sure, we're vaccinated but that shot is meant to keep us from severe COVID, hospitalization, and death. I don't want it at all. I've got friends who had it, never ended up in the hospital, but months later are still battling symptoms. No thanks. Soooo, on Saturday night we got real fancy and picked up a sack of Taco Bell and went to the drive-in to see Jungle Cruise. The movie was bad, but the company was excellent and the nachos were delicious. No regrets.
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What can I say? I'm a cheap date. Before I forget- I've had some questions about the refrigerator pickles. Yes, they were a success. When the first jar was ready for the frig I had the mister taste one and critique the flavor. He said there wasn't enough of a vinegar bite. I added an extra tablespoon of vinegar to each jar and after that he deemed them perfect. In fact, he's enjoyed them so much that he's mowed through the whole batch (4 jars). Today I'll be picking and pickling some more. After that I may pull up the cucumber plants. They're starting to look like they've lived a good life. Besides, IT'S AUGUST. We're nearly finished with summer! Can I get an amen? The bell peppers still have plenty of production time, I've had a pretty good crop and there are still lots of baby peppers on the plants. I'll give them a stay of execution for now. I've been at my desk making cards again. No special occasions, just nonsense.
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Today I plan to make one for someone special who is battling health issues and maybe a couple of back-to-school cards for teacher friends. It would be kinder just to send them haz-mat suits. That's it, you're all caught up on the fast-paced life we're living - drive-ins, pickles, and paper crafts. In about three weeks we'll mask up and FLY to Baltimore. This will be the first time I've been on a plane since February of 2020. Holy cow! Eighteen months feels like a lifetime. Anyway, we've got a meeting with a builder, we plan to visit a couple more towns that we missed the first time we went exploring, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY make a final decision of some sort - even if it's just agreeing on a spot. We've had zoom meetings with the builder and have been going over floorplans and options - I'm still not convinced it's our wisest choice. I'd love a sparkling new home with hand-picked finishes, but there are a lot of hidden costs. We built this house in 1999 and it was all pretty straight forward and we knew exactly what we were getting for our sale price. This time around everything is an "option". Oh, you want a light above the kitchen island? That's another $800. What's that, you want steps to the front porch? We can do that for $1800. Every extra window is $500 or more, and (surprise!) most rooms only have one. The optional stone fireplace is $7,000. They don't sound like much one at a time, but added together it's a bundle. Buying finishes through the builder is very convenient, but far more costly. The same granite or quartz kitchen counters the builder will install are a thousand dollars more than Lowe's or Home Depot - the very same granite! And you know darn well that the builder is buying them at a contractor's price. The catch is that you must have a countertop in order to close. So if you have them install a basic laminate and choose to replace it with granite of your choosing, then you're paying the new installers extra to remove and haul away the laminate that you didn't want in the first place. Ugh. We've also remembered that we are not HOA people. The neighborhood we are considering is really lovely - it sits on a golf course (we don't golf) and has a community pool, fitness center, etc. Of course, there's a fee for all of that. That fee also includes trash pickup and lawn maintenance. Mickey would never mow again! He likes that. BUT, and for me this is a big but, they control every shrub or tree you might want to plant. No trees with a trunk diameter over 12 inches. They also hit you for $650 every January for maintenance of water and sewer. They're on public sewer and water, so I'm not sure what that covers. Of course, we can always purchase a lot elsewhere and build on that, but odds are that would entail having a well and septic put in and I am not a fan of that at all. The allure of building is that we could control the timeline (pretty much). If we broke ground in September or October could list our house in the spring and make our move. That gives us time to book a moving company and have a schedule that doesn't create panic. Our other options are to keep scouring real estate and jump on a house that meets our needs, list our house, close on our house and the new house in a timely manner, cross our fingers we can hire a reputable moving company on short notice, and drive to Maryland with two cats...or...list our house, close, hire a moving company, drive to Maryland with two cats, put everything in storage, rent a place until we find what we love, then hire movers again to get everything from storage to the new place. I'll be honest, the worst part of both scenarios is the idea of driving with two cats. They may have to be drugged. I'm currently liking this house in Ocean Pines. It's a little wonky-looking, but the interior and the lot are appealing (that dappled shade is perfect for hydrangeas!). I'm crazy about that screened room. https://www.homesnap.com/homes/for_sale/MD/Ocean-Pines/p_(21,21266)/c_38.381705,-75.146285/z_12/m_7,107492455 I've
already decorated it in my mind. It's 5 miles from the beach, the community has 5 pools ( 1 indoor), tennis courts, pickleball courts, walking trails, playgrounds, etc. No hidden fees. Every Saturday there's a farmer's market, and everything we'd need from a good hospital to Home Goods is nearby. The biggest drawback is that it's two hours from the grandgirl. Two hours is much better than our current eleven hours but that's definitely not the easy drop-in we'd hoped for. Arrgh! They'll just have to move. Ha! Alright, I've dumped my brain out on here and I'll leave you to pick through the mess and make sense of it. I have to run out to mail a box, then I'll feed the mister, fold some laundry, and make a couple cards. That's kind of a terrific Tuesday. No complaints from me. Besides, we're now just 89 days from Halloween! The stores have had fake pumpkins out since mid-July, they know the way to my heart. One more reason not to buy a lot outside of a neighborhood- no trick-or-treaters! Can you imagine if this was to be my last official Halloween? Tragedy! Gotta' run. Stay safe. stay well, and be kind to each other. XOXO, Nancy
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Whumptober Day 5
Failed Escape | Rescue
Warnings: nothing that's not tagged. Canon typical violence.
Dick didn't know how or when he first realized something was wrong with Bruce. Only that one night they were alone together in the cave, having sent Damian upstairs for rest and everyone else out doing their own things at their own places. He didn't know if it was the way Bruce's shoulders would tense whenever Dick came near, or if it was how clipped and angry his voice was on the comms during the rare—even for him—times he talked.
Maybe it was just a third sense located somewhere in Dick's mind, set to scream whenever his gut instinct decided that something was off. Not right.
"Bruce?" He asked, taking a cautious step forward even though he couldn't think of any reasons why he should be so cautious. Bruce tensed the moment Dick came too close, his muscles bunching like a viper, ready to strike the second it was able to. Dick realized too late that the thing he was preparing to strike at would be… Dick himself.
Dick took another naive step forward, unaware just how much danger he was in until Bruce turned from the computer and in a blink of an eye, he grabbed Dick by the hair and slammed his face on the keyboard of the batcomputer.
Immediately, blood erupted from his sinuses following the sound of a sickening snap. Tears filled his eyes because of the pain, and it was all he could do to throw his body away from the monitor to avoid getting his skull caved in by a heartless fist.
Lettered keys went flinging as Dick went rolling on the hard floor of the cave. His ears rung as bats screeched from above like some sort of audience. Excited to see who would win.
A kick came for Dick's stomach, which he was just barely able to scramble out of the way of. His heart pounded in his chest like a startled cartoon character as he forced himself to his feet, blood dripping over his mouth and off his chin. He didn't need to touch his nose to know it was definitely broken. He could feel it clear as day--the pain like two knives shoved up his nostrils.
Now that Dick was on his feet, he immediately got into a defensive posture, latching onto the first sight of Bruce through his teary vision. His heart skipped a beat at the sight before him; Bruce clutching to the back of the computer chair, his mask pulled off his face to show that the whites of his eyes were now red, pupils blown wide and mouth turned down into a snarl.
Bruce's eyes darted up from wherever he had been looking towards to stare right at Dick, but he didn't make any moves to attack. Confusion, hurt, anger, and betrayal swirled in Dick's gut like a specialty drink at a bar.
"What the hell is-" Dick started, but Bruce's stare turned intense, causing Dick to subconsciously stop mid sentence.
"Dick," Bruce grunted, his voice sounded like he'd just been strangled by a python for a few hours. Filled with gravel and sandpaper. It sounded painful. Physically… and perhaps emotionally too. Dick's rather good at reading Bruce, even though everything he was seeing right now was so… so wrong .
Then Bruce continued, gurgling out a single word that activated every single flight or fight response in Dick's body.
Dick took a moment to catch his breath, watching helplessly as Bruce moaned painfully--clutching the chair even harder than before, as if it was no longer a way to keep his balance, but a way to keep him from going anywhere. Something very, very wrong was going on. Well, that much was obvious. Bruce didn't… he didn't hit Dick. Anymore at least. Not since Spyral... and It wasn't like anything verbal was said between the two since then. A sorry for every time Dick found himself at the punching end of a fist normally directed to the worst of the worst in the city of Gotham. But Dick could tell. Bruce regretted it. Dick had forgiven him. So there had to be… a reason for this. A reason that wasn't Bruce falling into old habits and mistaking Dick for a punching bag.
So what was it? Brainwashing? Drugs?
Dick knew Bruce told him to run, but he… he couldn’t just leave Bruce there while he was clearly fighting against something.
Slowly, he moved a foot forward, the soles of his suit’s shoes scraped against the rocky ground. He lifted his arms, hoping to look pacifying and non-threatening. He didn't know what set Bruce off, but he'd like to at least take basic soothing motions to avoid another face-to-keyboard event.
"Bruce?" Dick asked, his voice sounded way stronger than what he felt, even with the change in tone thanks to the broken and bleeding nose. He lifted his arm to his nose and used the sleeve of his suit to wipe away some of the blood. "B? What's going on?"
" Run ," Bruce snapped, causing Dick to stop in his tracks and stare wide-eyed. "I can't- it's strong- I'm fighting it but-" Bruce gasped a deep breath, his face scrunched up in what looked like physical pain. "Dick RUN . Lock me in here- I don't- arrgh- !"
And that was the only warning Dick had before Bruce was barreling forward once again, an emptiness in his red eyes that wasn't there a moment before. Thoroughly freaked out now, Dick took Bruce's advice to heart and turned tail, already mentally mapping his route to the grandfather clock and the emergency lock down on the other side. It was not the first time something sinister had crawled it's way into the cave, and it certainly won't be the last.
All Dick needed to do was make it up the stairs before Bruce caught up.
Which, like most things, was easier said than done.
He was just barely up several stairs towards the exit when a hand suddenly wrapped around his ankle. For a moment, genuine fear spiked through his chest as the hand yanked on his leg, causing Dick to lose balance and fall forward. He brought his hands down in front of him, using them to catch his fall, but the sudden velocity and movement caused his nose to pulse angrily like it had an upset heartbeat of its own, which in turn caused his head to go light-headed for a moment. A moment too long.
He twisted onto his side, kicking out with his free leg right where Bruce's hand still wrapped around Dick's ankle. Bruce growled when Dick's heel met flesh, but barely even flinched. Just yanked Dick downward, the edges of the stairs hitting his spine whith every foot dragged away from escape.
As Dick kicked again--this time at Bruce's face--he thought about his options. He could escape this grasp on him, easy, but Bruce was fast. Faster than most people, especially considering his well muscled build and weight. Dick was lighter, shorter, and quicker on his feet, but Bruce knew how to chase people that were faster than him. Bruce was always like a predator of endurance whenever he and Dick sparred, using Dick's quick movements against him until Dick was forced to take a breath. They say you can walk a runaway cat to exhaustion. It was much the same way with Bruce.
Whatever was going on, Bruce knew how to fight, even with his potentially brainwashed or controlled mind. If Dick ran back up the stairs when he got free of the grinding grasp on his ankle, there was a pretty high chance that Bruce would make it there anyways and stop Dick before Dick could lock him in.
If that happened, then Bruce wouldn't have any reason to stick around in the cave after fighting and potentially beating Dick. He'd move around the manor, looking for more fights, or for whatever this new version of Bruce wanted to look for if not just a fight, and eventually he'd run into Alfred.
And Damian.
Dick's known Alfred long enough to know the man had no issue with fighting back dirty. But Damian… Damian refused to fight Bruce under most circumstances. After that whole Joker fiasco where they were all abducted and mentally tortured by the Joker and forced to believe the skins of their own faces had been peeled off, Dick had overheard Bruce lecturing Damian on the importance of fighting back, even if the person you're fighting back against was your own family.
Dick didn't know what exactly went down that resulted in the capture of Damian by the Joker's hand, but it must have involved a Jokerized Bruce and a Damian who didn't fight as hard as he should have because he was too afraid to hurt his father.
If Bruce escaped to the manor now, like this, brainwashed or mind controlled as he is, Damian won't fight back like he should.
Dick could not let Bruce into the manor, not under any circumstances should he leave Alfred and Damian to fend for themselves against a Batman who wasn't in his right mind.
With his mind made up, he kicked one more time at Bruce, using as much force as he could within the tight range of motion he had on the stairway. His heel whacked against Bruce's jaw, forcing the man's face backwards with a snap. The grasp on his ankle loosened ever so slightly, allowing Dick to tug himself out of the hold and grab into the railing of the stairs above him. In one fluid motion, Dick was one his feet, watching as Bruce recovered quickly from the blow.
With a split second to execute his decision, he didn't even look where he was going. He just grabbed the railings and swung under the bars as Bruce's hand shot out and just barely missed gripping and tearing out a chunk of his hair. The fall to the floor of the cave wasn't long, and he was able to easily lessen the strain of the landing by rolling onto his back and jumping upright onto his feet, leaving him able to immediately begin sprinting away from Bruce. He could hear heavy footsteps pounding after him, and while that made his heart clench in a very agonizingly painful way, it also filled him with just the right amount of adrenalin to ignore how light-headed he was from the broken nose. He could barely taste the blood on his lips, his tears were beginning to dry.
Or he was just getting used to blinking them out of his eyes the more they formed. He hoped he didn't have tear streaks on his cheeks, mixing with the blood and dripping down onto the ground as he ran like he was in some sort of gore film.
He came to a skidding halt right beside the batcomputer. He didn't need to waste any time searching for the button he needed to press, it wasn't the first time they've had to lock down the cave from the inside. He smashed the emergency button just as a fist grabbed onto the back collar of his suit, dragging him back in a choking tug as the soft yellow and white lights above the cave shut down with a whirl, the color being replaced quickly by harsh and flashing eye drilling red.
A piercing alarm screamed out as a heavy arm wrapped over Dick's throat. Dick felt crushing pressure immediately begin to press on his windpipe, and with a choked cry, Dick grabbed onto the arm and bent forward with all his strength, hitting his elbows into Bruce's gut. He flipped Bruce over his back. The sound of Bruce in all his heavy armor hitting the cave ground as bats screeched and alarms blared was almost comical, but Dick didn't stick around long enough to figure out how funny Bruce thought it was.
He would be stuck down here for the next who knew how long. No way out, no way in, not until the right codes, used by the right people were used. And in this case, because Dick activated the alarm with Bruce in the cave, two codes used by any other member of the family will have to be used as a precaution. Because Damian was still young, he didn't have the clearance for that. It would have to be Alfred who put his codes in from the outside as well as somebody else.
The closest bat with shut down codes would be Tim who was currently on the other side of Gotham, probably asleep in the penthouse. Jason would probably be closer, but honestly Dick wasn't sure if Bruce gave Jason access to that level of security in the cave yet.
Hopefully the emergency texts sent out like they're supposed to. Every bat within the borders of the United States should already have their messages. In twelve hours, if the issue wasn’t resolved within the cave, bats outside the country will get a text. Twelve hours after that, the Justice League would be notified.
Dick hoped it didn't get to that point.
Tim. It would have to be Tim.
Dick ran as fast as his legs could carry him toward a particular hiding spot in the cave he'd known the existence of since he was a kid. It was just large enough for Dick to crawl through when he was still sporting pixy boots and a cape. Now it would be a tight squeeze, with Dick having grown over the years, but thankfully his body type remained small and lean so with enough wriggling he should be able to get in.
Bruce was on his tail, panting like a bloodhound on the trail of a startled rabbit. Dick didn't dare waste time and look behind him as he retreated. Bruce would only catch up faster that way. So Dick ran past the most used parts of the cave down towards where the stone became uneven and filled with puddles, stalagmites jutted upwards and the ceiling and walls became less wide.
He jumped over a small underground stream, then latched his hands around a formation of rocks that were slick with water. He then proceeded to use those rocks as hand and footholds to climb up the low hanging ceiling towards a small hole carved into the rock thanks to the centuries and centuries of running water. He dragged himself upward into the hole, wincing at how the rocks clawed into his sides and stomach, but thankfully he was able to quickly slip in before he heard the stomps of Bruce's footsteps approach ever closer.
Dick had never been more thankful for night vision than what he was just now. It made it possible for them to not waste power by supplying light only to the most used parts of the cave, which, in turn, caused dark shadows to form where Dick hid. He squeezed himself back as far as he could into the pocket of space that was chiseled into the ceiling, then watched with wide eyes as Bruce finally came into view.
He looked like a demon. A hulking, beast of man with teeth bared and fingers splayed like claws. Bruce growled and looked around the surrounding cave, making increasingly frustrated grunts the more time that passed with Dick not being found.
After a few minutes, Bruce seemed to get a mixture of too-frustrated-to-care and bored, so with a final growl, he turned cape and stalked back towards the main sections of the cave.
Dick released his breath about a minute after. His heart pounded so loudly that he was sure for a minute there that Bruce would find him by the noise alone. But for now, it looked like he was safe.
He let himself relax ever so slightly, letting the adrenalin drain to the point he could actually feel how messed up his nose was.
He lifted a hand to his nose and tapped lightly on the tender skin and bone. He winced, knowing even without a mirror or a doctor's opinion that this wasn't the kind of break you could just snap right into place. Dick was lucky Bruce hadn't slammed him down harder. The shards could have gone to his brain.
With that morbid thought, he pushed the pain aside when his communicator began to beep urgently in his ear. He poked his head out of the hole to see Bruce pacing the middle of the cave, his hands in his hair and his footsteps rushed and unsteady. Dick slowly brought his bloodied fingertips to his comm and took a deep, low breath.
"Nightwing," he muttered in answer to the beeping. He winced at his own voice. Barbara used to make fun of him saying the reason stakeouts and covert missions always went wrong whenever he was a part of them was because boys didn't know how to whisper.
Static flickered in the earpiece, the lock down of the cave causing the signals to be bounced and absorbed in the walls. He frowned and tapped the wiring, fighting a flinch as Bruce yelled angrily in his section of the cave, causing something heavy and glass to shatter on the floor.
" -ser Dick, what- --"
It was Alfred's voice. But Dick could barely make it out. No doubt Alfred and Damian were in a frantic panic upstairs, confused and worried about what could have caused the cave to go under lockdown. While Bruce restarted his pacing, Dick spoke as quietly as he could into the comm.
"I don't know if you can hear me, but Bruce has been compromised. Something is… warping his mind to be violent. Don't open the cave until you're sure whoever is on the other side can take him down. N out."
More static vibrated in his eardrums, cut off voices of Alfred and maybe Damian demanding he elaborated, but Brice was deathly still now. He stood in the middle of the main section of the cave, unmoving as a statue. Immediately, Dick felt his adrenaline begin to rise again.
That couldn't be good.
He reached up as slowly as he dared to take his static filled communicator out from his ear—which was probably something he'd regret later, but for now the noise was distracting him—and watched as Bruce's arms slowly began to move in slow, jerky movements that could only be explained by Bruce probably not knowing if they belonged to him.
Bruce flexed his fingers. Looked around the empty cave, then immediately began to remove his utility belt. Dick watched in a cocktail of confusion and curiosity as Bruce held the belt in his hands for a moment before hurling the accessory away from him toward one of the drop offs that lead to the underground rivers below.
What the hell?
Those rivers didn’t lead anywhere. There were a million different channels with hundreds of twists and turns, spelunking these caves would be like signing a death warrant. There wasn’t any telling where the belt would end up. Why did Bruce…?
And then Bruce grunted and grabbed at his hair, shaking his head, lips moving in some sort of silent fight with himself.
Whatever was controlling Bruce: Bruce was pushing back against it. Bruce lost the belt so he could insure he wouldn't use it against Dick or anyone else who eventually entered the cave.
Then, Bruce turned and stalked towards the lab tables, grunting and snarling at himself as he stuck a needle in his arm and drew blood.
Bruce was back. He was doing blood work on himself to cure whatever was going on.
Excitement and relief flooded Dick's veins, and he nearly began to exit his hidey-hole, but then Bruce proved himself to be ever vigilant and paranoid. "It's not done, Dick. Don't come out."
Dick froze at the tone. It was still glutal. But there was something laced in there that almost sounded worried and afraid.
"I don't know where you are. Keep where you are, stay silent, stay safe."
Dick longed to ask what was going on. Why Bruce was like this. Dick wasn't ever very good with being kept in the shadows, he liked his colorful suits for a reason after all. He wanted to go out and help while Bruce was in this odd period of lucidity, but for all he knew, the distance between the two could be what was helping Bruce stay sane at the moment. Perhaps the violent tendencies were activated by close proximity.
Dick was definitely not about to test that theory.
He swallowed and settled back, listening to Bruce work on his own blood, trying to figure out whatever had made him act this way and cure it.
A few minutes passed, minutes filled with Dick feeling more anxious than an opossum faced by a group of angry humans. His heart refused to stop thudding against his ribcage as he listened to the tinkling of glass and mixing liquids.
Maybe this could all be over soon. Maybe this will be just a normal Wednesday night and they'll all soon be back in bed and laughing about this.
When Bruce spoke up again, Dick knew the night could only get worse.
"Chum?" Bruce asked, and that was how Dick knew it was really Bruce talking. No evil villain or brainwashing drug had ever managed to make Bruce say that word with that much meaning. "Don't answer, but the solution will need time to become active. The… urge to become violent is becoming stronger. Like it can sense I'm trying to stop it. To avoid… destroying the antidote, I am going to try and…" a grunt escaped Bruce's throat. A deep breath. Dick wrapped his fingers around his opposite wrist. "-and sedate myself before that happens. I need you to get me to the med bay and restrain me until the antidote is completed."
Dick almost wanted to laugh out a joke. Something with a " awe, sleeping on the job while I do all the work ?" or " Gosh, B, this is the fourth time you've been hit with a mind altering drug this year !" but he choked down those words and swallowed them. He remained silent, like Bruce told him to bee, and slowly began to squeeze out from his hiding spot. As he did so, he watched with critical eyes as Bruce turned from the lab tables towards the med bay, a purpose in his step even though there was a slight lethargic drag to his bending knees. It was almost like Dick was watching a robot, one that didn't know it's own body yet and had to intently focus on each body part before it moved. When Bruce entered the med bay, Dick lost sight of him. The medical area of the cave was in its own separate room, carved into the cave and lined with layers of cement and insulation to keep it the perfect temperature for whoever was injured inside. Bruce left the door open though, so once Dick was on the ground of the cave, he was able to sneak over to the foot of the dinosaur and see just barely inside the medbay.
His heart sank at what he saw. Of course it couldn't be easy. Of course Bruce couldn't have lasted a little longer to get the sedative into his own arm.
He was just standing there, the sedative in his hands, glaring at it with an angry downturn to his brow.
Dick took a silent breath and weighed his options once again. He could go in there and try to sedate Bruce himself, or he could go back to his hiding spot and wait this out.
Bruce suddenly turned his head and Dick just managed to squish himself further behind the dinosaur to keep himself hidden. Dick couldn't see anymore, but he could hear. And what he heard was a few terrifying heartbeats of silence before footsteps began to echo around the cave walls.
Did… did Bruce know Dick was here? A pool of unease swirled in his gut; feeling something like a swarm of moths. He couldn’t honestly predict if he'd be able to fight Bruce and take him down on his own. Not with how little was known about this entire situation. He'd fight if he had to, but how bloodied and bruised he'll be after it was in the air.
Right when the sound of Bruce's booted feet slamming against the cold, stone floor became almost unbearable, Dick finally realized that those aforementioned footsteps were actually walking away from the T-rex.
With a spoonful of bravery that he dug up somewhere from his gut, he poked his head around the leg of the dinosaur.
And Dick realized that moment that he didn't have any choice anymore. Bruce was walking towards the lab with clenched fists.
The antidote.
Dick was generally known as an impulsive person. Most people, when they thought of the phrase "leaping without looking" they would oftentimes link Dick to those words.
Dick liked to think that he planned ahead more often than not. That he didn't always make split second decisions based off from adrenalin and the heat of the moment, but right now, he barely even knew that he was running until his arms wrapped around Bruce's throat—his chest going flat against the older man's caped back—and he was tugging back with all his might. Bruce's fingers which had been previously reaching for the in-process antidote hung mid air for a moment, but that moment did hardly nothing for Dick to prepare for just how quickly Bruce moved while being mind controlled.
One moment he was struggling to drag Bruce back, and the next he was in the air as Bruce used the very same move Dick had executed earlier to get out of a similar chokehold.
All the breath in Dick's lungs left in an aching whoosh as his back hit the ground. His vision swam and his nose pulsed with a newfound revenge. With lightning quick reflexes he'd been honing ever since he was a kid, he turned to his side to avoid a heel on it’s way towards meeting his jugular. No thank you, he really didn't want a crushed windpipe or broken neck today.
He sucked in a lungful of air and pushed what will definitely be a giant bruise on his back to a corner of his mind that he'll deal with later. He kicked out at Bruce, hitting the man in the shins, before he scrambled to his feet and grabbed his escrima sticks from his back. He really didn't want to use these, but with how violent Bruce was, he really didn't have a choice.
"Okay," Dick said, hyping himself up by bouncing on the balls of his feet. Bruce stood stiffly before him, eyes narrowed and blank, like the lights were on but no one was home. His body moving for him, calculating the next best step for him. "Okay. Bruce, I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."
Bruce growled, and not for the first time Dick was reminded of a wild, feral animal.
Dick's body went on autopilot immediately after that. Everything became a blur of dodging and dealing blows. Bruce surprised Dick at first, but now Dick was ready. He knew what to expect. He's fought Bruce in similar situations to this before, all he needed to do was treat Bruce like he would treat any other dangerous villain. Punch until concussion. Deal blows until they're down. And don't you dare fall down first.
For a while, they're pretty even. Bruce was missing as many blows as Dick was, but when Bruce hit, he hit hard . And he played dirty. Grabbing at Dick's hair, going for his groin, looking for those tiny millimeters of a window to throw his fist through. After a particularly forceful blow to his stomach, Dick just barely managed to avoid a knee aiming for his already shattered nose by forcing himself to fall back instead of forward like his knocked out air desperately wanted to.
Dick though, he went for the legs. Most people when they fight Bruce think all they need to be is quicker and stronger than him—or have the bigger weapons. But Dick knew that Bruce had more muscle on his upper body than lower. Bruce trained his legs to carry him across the city and do amazing feats of parkour, but you're more likely to get a fist than a foot heading your way while fighting him. If Dick managed to get him down onto the ground, he had a split second chance to get him restrained and knock him out.
It was a plan more easily said than done. This… warped and controlled version of Bruce had no restraint. He didn't pull his punches, he didn't take things slow for the sake of his own body, multiple times Dick caught his fingers twitching to where the batarangs would be inside his utility belt just to remember with a snarl that he had gotten rid of the whole accessory.
However, Dick could feel the close quarter battle beginning to wear him down. Throwing punches and taking hits were exhausting. Dick was confident that by the end of this, he'll have bruises to match his suit, maybe even a few broken bones if things went downhill.
Well... more downhill.
Dick slammed his escrima into Bruce's jaw, finally landing a blow hard enough for Bruce to stumble. Not wasting the opportunity presented to him, he dove under Bruce's arms and turned the electricity of his escrima on. He was just about to slam the lightning tipped ends of his weapons down into Bruce's thighs when all of a sudden, Bruce recovered quicker than what should have been possible. Dick only had enough time to think oh no before Bruce swirled out of the way with a flick of his cape. Instead of meeting a fleshy body in his attack, he ran into the darkness of the cape, the weight and firmness of the material forced him to drop his escrima unless he wanted to shock himself. He tried to back out of the way, but then Bruce used that to his advantage. He wrapped the cape around Dick's upper body then punched violently into Dick's gut.
Immediately, all the air was knocked out of his body and his eyes widened like a bug as he started into the dark kevlar, brain struggling to come up with a plan b.
There was no Plan B. It was get Plan A right from the get go. Plan B was figuring out just how far Bruce would go. If Bruce would kill him.
The cape unraveled from his body, and Dick soon found himself being shoved blindly forward. His eyes took in information rather quickly though, and it took every hairsbreadth reflex he had to not completely hurtle himself off the main platform of the cave and down below into the white waters to follow Bruce's abandoned utility belt.
He threw his arms back and desperately dug his heels into the ground, but the world began to spin when Bruce shoved him one last time.
Somehow, within the chaos of being shoved down into the cave waters and the pain his bruised body was in, Dick managed to grab onto the ledge in just the knick of time. His legs swung below him as the strain on his fingers and biceps immediately began to burn. He hung there for an agonizingly long moment, trying to make heads and tails of the new situation he now found himself in, before a dark figure above him came into view.
Dick's never seen that angle of Batman before. All anger. Violent. Below a lifted boot. Dick winced as the sole of Bruce's shoe stepped slowly onto his right hand.
He was officially, royally screwed.
And with that thought, a million more flooded into his brain like a damn burst. He was going to die here. Bruce would kick him into the waters and Dick will never be found again. Or, when he is found again, his body will be bloated and long without a soul to occupy it.
He supposed it could be worse. Bruce could have beaten him to a bloodied pulp and left his corpse on display for whoever came into the cave next. This way, at least, no one would have to see the light gone from his eyes, like he had seen all too often in his own sibling's faces. He'll be dead, gone, untraceable. His only hope was that Damian wasn't the first one down here. The first to realize Dick was dead.
For good this time.
And that was when the complete panic set in. The thought of dying again . He knew what death felt like. He had felt it happen. He remembered exactly what it was like to take his last breath. His last blink. His last struggling move. Sometimes, he'd wake up in the dead of night, hyperventilating and in a cold sweat, wiping at his mouth desperately because he could still feel Lex Luthor there, holding his hand over his mouth and nose, forcing an acidic tasting pill between his lips.
How long would it take this time? Was the drop long enough for the water to feel like cement when he eventually hit it? Would the jagged rocks knock him out before he could really taste death again? Against his better judgement—the better judgement screaming that there was no point delaying the inevitable—he reached with his free hand to grab Bruce's ankle. He didn't want to drag Bruce down with him, but he was scared , and he didn't want to die feeling alone .
Once his left hand was crushed, he would let go.
The pressure continued to come down onto his fingers, Dick grimaced and ground his teeth. This was it, huh? These were his last moments alive?
Right when he felt something on his hand give away with a snap and he was sure that it was time to end, Batman all of a sudden jerked back, small arms wrapping around his throat in a blur of red.
Dick scrambled to keep his grasp on the ledge as Bruce stumbled backwards out of sight; he definitely had a broken finger and his biceps burned with the need to let go. His ears were ringing now, pulsing to the tempo of his heart, but somewhere above him he could hear yelling and the exchanging of blows. Fists hitting flesh. There were multiple voices as well, all yelling above each other, tones mixing with tones. He couldn't tell who was here. All he wanted to do was push past the weariness settling in his bones and heft himself up to help fight. Bruce wasn't someone you could just… fight on your own.
Dick needed to help.
He bent his arms, sweat dripping down the back of his neck, but his strength suddenly left against his will, mocking his title as an acrobat, sending him jerking down and losing the grasp he had with his right hand.
He was hanging on with one hand now, swinging dangerously, just a brush away from falling and getting lost in the underground ocean forever.
He didn't want to die. Not like this. He never expected to live past thirty, but // still . He was twenty-seven, hanging by the tips of his fingers, about to fall.
He was twenty-seven . Younger than what his parents were.
There won't be a body to bury.
He was going to die.
His five fingers trembled under the weight, no amount of adrenalin or hope could get him to climb up on his own power. He hoped Bruce and whoever he was fighting up there won't feel too bad about not getting to him in time.
He finally lost his meager grip, and for a moment he was weightless. Hanging mid air. Eyes wide behind his mask as he stared past his empty hand reaching towards the roof of the cave.
Then, everything jolted. A pair of strong hands wrapped around his wrist, bringing everything to a halting stop. He gasped, cherishing the rush of air that ran past his throat into his lungs, and looked up with wide eyes as none other than Damian hung over the lip of the drop, the edge digging into his armpits, his face turning red as he struggled to hold onto over a hundred and fifty pounds. Damian could hold Dick for a little while, but eventually he'll either fall with Dick or let go.
"Dami-" Dick gasped, his heart twisting like an abused foam ball between the hands of an anxious teen. "Dami no-"
"I won't let go," Damian spat with a fire in his eyes. "I won't."
Dick wanted to yell at him to let go and turn away. Don't watch. The last thing Dick wanted was for Damian to watch.
"Damian!" A new voice shouted, and Dick almost did a double-take at it. Jason?
"I have him!" Damian shouted, tiny, thirteen year old fingers so tight around Dick's wrist that it was almost bruising. "Hurry!"
Jason didn't answer. Or maybe he did, and it was just drowned out by the sound of battle. Perhaps pushed aside as a new hope soured in Dick's gut.
The minutes ticked, and eventually Dick managed to get his hand sporting a broken finger up to clutch Damian's little hands. He couldn't do anything other than that to help Damian hold on. There was nothing else to grab onto.
And that was the point of Robin, wasn't it? To catch Batman if he should fall?
Or maybe that was just Dick's legacy, and it dripped like ink into the ideologies of the suit until it stained the fabric red.
He didn't get much time to think about it more, because a second pair of arms suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed onto Dick's wrists. Dick looked up into Tim's masked eyes as the two boys began to work together to drag him up. It was painful and time consuming. Hard work between two brothers. But soon enough, Dick found himself hooking his elbows over the lip of the drop-off, his brain struggling to take in the entirety of the scene before him.
Jason was kneeling over Bruce, his knee to his back as he locked cuffs over the definitely unconscious man's wrists. Duke stood a little while off, watching Bruce as if he was afraid Bruce would stand up with blood in his eyes any moment now. Steph stood behind Tim, hands outstretched to help grab onto Dick's waist and drag him the rest of the way up. Dick almost questioned how they all managed to take Bruce down so quickly, but then Cass ran up to help Dick get settled in a sitting position so her delicate fingers can brush over his swelling nose, concern pulled between her brow.
They called in the calvary.
He turned his face from where the majority of his siblings were—sitting next to him and worrying about him, asking him questions about what hurt and what happened—and he watched Alfred step up to Jason and place a hand on his shoulder before the both bent down to get Bruce on a gurney to transfer to the med bay.
And the waterworks, right in front of his family, turned on right then and there.
He felt Damian crawl into his lap and wrap his bare arms around Dick's torso. Dick hadn't even noticed Damian wasn't even dressed. He came down here in a white tee shirt and fuzzy Batman pj bottoms to help out. Through teary eyes, he could see that everyone else was in various states of dress, capes gone forgotten, masks not bothered to be put on, only the most important bits of armor applied. Dick had no idea how they all came together like this to fight Bruce and rescue Dick, but he won't question it for now.
He just sat there, trying and failing to hold back choked sobs, clutching Damian as close as he could as warm bodies settled around him.
He sat like that, in bittersweet bliss, until the wrinkled hand of Alfred settled into his shoulder.
"Let's get you looked at," he said, his face pinched in parental worry and relief. Dick sobbed out a laugh and allowed the others to get him to his shaky feet. They led him to the med bay and sat him down in a cot next to the unconscious, bruised, and restrained Bruce. A stab of worry settled in his gut, but it was quickly squashed when Alfred sat in front of him, hands with years of experience hovering above his nose with a what will we do with you now, Master Dick glint in his eyes. Dick flickered his eyes towards the open medbay doors where the others were all either hovering or assessing the damage done in the cave.
"Now don't you worry," Alfred said, bringing Dick's attention back to him. He helped Dick lay back into the cot and inserted an IV into the crook of his elbow without a second thought. He must've put the good stuff in that bag hanging above Dick's head, he immediately felt sleepy beyond belief. "Everything will be fine when you wake up again, Master Dick."
And Dick breathed a sigh—a breath that he had previously thought he would never be able to take—and let the tension in his body fall away.
Dick believed Alfred, because Alfred was always right. And the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner he’d wake up and find the world back on the correct axis again. Bruce would explain what went wrong and why he went crazy, and the others would all dramatically regale their part in the whole thing.
He let his eyes fall closed, safety and sleep working together to lull him to a comforting sheet of darkness.
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shekissesturians · 4 years
~Sun Showers~ Mirio x Fem!Reader/Oc (Chapter 2)
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~ Yeeeeeee Chapter Twoooooo!!! <3 In which Mirio and Yua have a tiny adventure. ~
Chapter 2 - 4,964 word count - Ao3
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
                ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~  ❀  ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~  ❀  ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Today felt like a good day.
As the world flickered by through the car window, Yua couldn’t help but take notice of the excitement that was beginning to bundle up within her chest. Her thoughts were traveling to a certain blond man she was about to meet up with for their second painting session.
She truly couldn’t have asked for a better person to work with.
A small smile twitched at the corners of her lips as she remembered Mirio stuffing his face with more sushi than she thought was humanly possible. It was like she had been watching a black hole engulf worlds, one after another… after another… after another! He certainly was getting his money's worth out of her- but she did tell him he could order whatever he wanted.
A small giggle rose up in her throat, she definitely needed to remember to rein him in this evening. Yua knew it would be hard though, Mirio was so nice and kind. He had looked so happy eating!
… She really wanted to see him looking so pleased again.
“We’re here miss.”
Yua blinked, snapping out of her thoughts at the sound of her driver’s voice. They indeed were parked in front of her high school. A few students walking by stared curiously at the parked vehicle, leading Yua to believe they must have been parked there for a few minutes before she was even aware they had stopped.
“O-Oh! Thank you Sato!” She stuttered out, realizing how strange she must’ve looked staring into space.
“No problem miss.” The older man chuckled as Yua fumbled her two bags of belongings into her arms. They were both backpacks, so he wasn’t sure why she wasn’t just wearing one over her shoulders... but it wasn’t his place to question,
“Shall I pick you up at the school same as last night?”
“Yes please.” Yua nodded graciously as she finally managed her way out of the vehicle with all her belongings in her arms, “ Thank you!”
She pushed the car door shut with her hip, sending Sato a farewell smile before he drove off.
Now that the mysterious black car was no longer a mystery, most of the students around her didn’t care to observe the scene any longer. Yua tilted her head down into the bulk of bags she was carrying as she turned and walked into the campus. The few students that lingered watched her closely. All of them flashing faces of confusion at her presence, mumbling between one another at who she could be and why she was wearing the same uniform as them.
Yua couldn't blame their curiosity, but it didn't make her feel any less uncomfortable with being stared at. Their gazes and mutters made her want to shink into a ball and roll away. It was upsetting to her how few students at school she actually knew. Yua had wanted to attend normal class hours like everyone else, but it just wasn’t possible with her quirk. As her parents and the school put it, she was too “unstable”.
That word made her want to vomit.
Quickly, Yua tried to distract her mind away from the negative emotions she could feel bubbling up. She needed to shift her thoughts to something more pleasant- ... like dinner!
Where could she take Mirio tonight!?
She wanted it to be someplace different… someplace with bigger portions.
A smile tugged at her lips as she walked up to classroom B32a.
... As soon as she opened the door it faded.
Three faces of fellow female students looked over to her, faces she did know. Faces that were currently surrounding her painting area.
“Well, hey there stranger.” One of the three girls, the one Yua knew as Chiho, greeted. The girl's hands sat on her hips, flexing with tension. Chiho was smiling, but there was nothing friendly in her gesture.
Yua tucked her head down further into the bags she was carrying so her bangs would cover her eyes. The less emotion they could see on her face the better.
“Hello.” She greeted, debating for a moment on where to set her things since the three of them hovered around her art station much like a pack of lions near a kill.
Yua settled on a vacant nearby table a reasonable distance away.
“Oi, Yua.” Sabina, the red-haired of the three, called out- “ I know you weren’t here when the assignment was announced, but we are supposed to use models.” Her arms crossed over her chest as she waited for Yua to respond.
Yua furrowed her brow in confusion, “I do have a model.” She finally answered after a beat of thought.
Her painting wasn’t near finished, but they should be able to clearly see the figure painted on the canvas.
Sabina let out a scoff as the other two girls giggled, “A live model.” She held up her finger in correction.
“I do have a live model.” Yua retorted softly.
Both Chiho and their third companion, Ayo, silenced their giggling. They glance to one another in confusion before looking over to Sabina.
“Why are you lying Yua?” Sabina's eyes narrowed.
“I’m not lying...” Yua’s own jaw stiffened. She could barely believe what she was being accused of!
“So… you are going to look me in the eyes and tell me that this-” Sabina turned and roughly pointed towards Yua’s painting, “- guy came into this room and modeled for you?”
“… Yes.” Yua spoke carefully, trying to keep her emotions under control. She was becoming upset. The last thing she wanted to do was to lose control of her quirk in front of the three of them.
Sabina paused for a beat, “Then you won’t mind if we wait and see? You did come in to paint some more… correct?”
“That’s fine…. Can I start setting up?” Yua turned to her bags. She scooped them up, hiding her face back into their bundle.
“Oh, of course.”
Sabina, Chiho, and Ayo walked away from the station finally granting Yua access to her space.
“Please understand,” Ayo spoke from where she had taken a seat on a nearby stool, “It just wouldn’t be fair if you weren’t following the same guidelines.” Her hands fiddled with her long black hair, twisting it into braids while she waited.
Yua remained quiet as she set her bags down in front of her easel. As long as she didn’t respond then maybe things would be fine. Emotions were building in her throat, Yua was sure if she spoke it would be like breaking a damn.
She wasn’t sure if the other girls had felt it yet, but the air was becoming moist with a slight drop in temperature. If she could keep things that way then maybe they would be none the wiser.
“You already get so many privileges.” Ayo continued.
“- Like being able to study from home, and only coming in a few hours a week.” Chiho finished her friend’s thought. She had pulled up a stool as well, leaving Sabina to be the only one left standing. Her arms were still crossed as she stared down the classroom door.
“This is a final.” Sabina spoke up, “If you get leniency on this then we should too. It’s hard enough to find a model as it is, let alone get their schedule to line up with yours.”
Yua turned her back to them as she squatted down and began unzipping her bags. She didn’t want to look at them. She already could feel their eyes boring into her back. A quick glance at the clock showed that Mirio was late arriving to the time they had agreed on last night.
Knots were beginning to form in her stomach.
Where was he?!?
“Especially if Yua is over here making up fantasy men!” Chiho laughed, “ Ugh, I got stuck with such a ragged wench.”
“You mean that regular model for the illustration class?” Ayo chimed in, still braiding away at her hair.
“Yeah, I’m trying to make her look less frumpy but it’s hard. I just have to focus on my handle of lights and darks at this point.”
“I thought it looked good though!” Ayo playfully swatted at her companion, “The baroque style lighting really helps.”
Their conversation continued to bounce back and forth as the time slowly ticked by. Yua was beginning to feel sick. Mirio couldn’t have bailed on her could he? Suddenly her thoughts turned more towards fear- what if something had happened to him? He did say he would be coming from his internship.
“Well!?” Sabina’s voice captured the attention of the entire room.
Yua jumped at the sudden shrill. She finally mustered up the courage to turned around only to see Sabina glaring at her with a venomous gaze.
“Where is he, Yua?” The sharp tone of her voice spit, “I knew you were a lier. Just a spoiled little b-”
“It’s okay!” The door to the classroom was suddenly thrown open, “ I am here!!” Mirio stumbled in out of breath, “…now!” He painted, holding a smile on his face while his chest heaved.
He froze when he noticed three other girls in addition to Yua staring at him with wide eyes. Mirio looked between Yua and the other girls as he gave himself a moment to catch his breath,
“Oh Ueno, are these your friends?” He straightened his posture, “Hi, I’m Toogata Mirio.” He waved only to see the red head’s face twist into an expression of disgust.
“Arrgh!!” Sabina snapped. A loud crash echoed through the room as she kicked over a stool, sending it crashing into a nearby easel.
Mirio, whose hand was still frozen in mid-wave, quickly sidestepped out of the girl's way as she stomped past him.
“I hope you brought an umbrella.” She addressed him under her breath.
“Wait, Sabina!” Chiho jumped up along with Ayo. The two girls ran after their friend nearly running over Mirio in the process. The door slammed behind them as they exited the room.
Yua stood frozen at the scene that had just played out in front of her. She quickly bit down on both of her lips, clenching her hands into fists as she dug her fingernails into her palms. The emotions were bubbling at her throat, she couldn't let them bubble. She had to stay in control.
For a brief moment, Mirio narrowed his eyes. Upon his entrance, he hadn’t been oblivious to the grey clouds floating around the ceiling of the classroom. He had felt the humidity thicken when he entered as well… now he knew why.
“Well!” He turned towards Yua with a new smile plastered onto his face, “They’re not very pleasant are they?”
From the look of intense concentration on Yua’s face, Mirio could clearly tell she was fighting a wave of emotions.
“What a shame, and it’s such a nice day out!” He exclaimed walking over to her. His expression truly brightened when he came into view of her painting, “Wow!” He stopped next to her, “There is more detail on here than the last time I saw it!”
Yua swallowed as Mirio leaned in front of her, taking in every brushstroke.
“Yes,” She breathed deeply, easing herself back into speaking, “... I’ve been working on the background.”
What used to be just a dark space behind his figure was now meticulously painted to look like brick coming out from the shadows.
Mirio couldn’t get over how real it looked.
“Okay so… you’re going to make me look as awesome as this brick wall right?” He looked over to her, “Cus I am feeling a bit upstaged here.”
Yua's whole body seemed to relax as a gentle smile touched her lips, “ Don’t worry,” She breathed, “you won’t be upstaged.”
Mirio straightened his postured to look down at her with a grin, “Phew!” He dramatically wiped his brow with the back of his hand,
“Sorry I’m late, I got tied up… not literally,” Mirio quickly clarified, “cus you know…” He verbally made a * whoop * sound effect as he phased his hand through the painting, “But I ran all the way here! No stopping!”
Yua giggle softly just before his grin fell,
“Well, there was this one moment…” He rubbed the back of his head coyly as he remembered a missing detail, “… but it was just because I hadn’t been able to eat any lunch, so it was just a brief TINY second- but then it was a full sprint all the way here!” His smile returned, “I promise!”
“You’re fine.” Yua smiled up at him with great appreciation for all his efforts, “I’m glad you are okay.”
Mirio paused at her words, “You were worried about me?”
“Of course.” Yua shifted to holding her hands behind her back, “Aren’t you fighting bad guys and such?”
Mirio had to blink away from her gaze and turn his attention back to the painting. All of a sudden it felt as though they were standing much too close. He took a giant step to the side before walking over to the pedestal where he knew she wanted him,
“Ah yeah… I mean sometimes-" He began," but it’s nothing serious!… I mean sometimes it’s serious- but not all the time! You don’t need to worry though! - I mean, of course I appreciate it but-”
Yua watched Mirio ramble on with a soft smile on her lips.
There was absolutely no way he couldn't have noticed the dark clouds looming near the ceiling when he entered the classroom. But he didn’t say a word about them. Not even a facial expression of surprise or acknowledgment. Yua couldn’t help but appreciate him for that.
Toogata Mirio made her feel… normal.
 “So same position as before right?” Mirio permeated out of his clothes with a step, allowing them to fall into a pile behind him.
This time Yua wasn’t phased by his permeation antics at all.
“Mmhmm.” She nodded, walking over to the light switch to turn off the main lights, and activate her staged lighting.
 The next few hours went by rather quickly. They chatted here and there, but for the most part, Yua was intently focused on getting the next layer of oil paint she needed down. She only had Mirio for one more session before the project’s due date, so it was important she worked as quickly and efficiently as possible.
There were so many contours to his figure, Yua had to admit that he was awfully fun to paint. The way the light coming from the right shown onto his lats and triceps were really going to help make the painting pop! When he wasn’t there she could add in other colors to heighten the mood of the piece, but for now, she was focused on making sure she accurately captured the highlights and shadows of his skin.
“How is your knee feeling?” Yua spoke out to Mirio while she finished applying a stoke of paint to his quad.
“Eh, it’s getting sore…” He wiggled it around a bit as though to truly assess his condition.
“We can finish here then.” Yua took a step back from the canvas, making sure she didn’t need to add anything else tonight.
“Are you sure? I’m sure I’d be fine a bit longer.” Mirio straightened his back from his hunched over position.
“No, no, I’m at a great stopping place.” Yua leaned over to where he could see her and flashed him a smile.
Mirio nodded, taking a deep stretch as he stood. Truth be told his legs were beginning to cramp a bit so he was thankful she got everything she needed.
He stepped off of the pedestal and over to his clothes while he watched Yua fiddle more with the painting. After he finished putting his clothes back on, he studied her for a bit longer before walking over.
Though her eyes weren’t any vibrant color like green or blue, he still found himself drawn to them. The grey hue of her irises reminded him of a storm- but not a destructive storm. They were a calm storm, the kind of rainstorm that would lull you to sleep at night. Those, he decided, were Yua’s eyes.
They were fervid but peaceful.
Yua didn’t even shift at his presence as he peeked around the canvas to see how things had progressed. Her entire focus was solely on the painting.
Mirio let out an admiring whistle toward the art piece, finally managing capturing her attention much to his pleasure,
“This looks amazing…” He mused, there was a lot more detail on his figure now. His painted skin no longer looked rough and blocked out as it had before. Now the skin was smooth and blended, even looking soft to the touch, “That really can’t be me can it? You’ve embellished!”
Yua’s jaw dropped at his playful accusation, “I didn’t embellish, Toogata!” She lightheartedly placed her hands on her hips, “ You just need to stand in good lighting more often.”
“Apparently!” Mirio laughed. He left her side to walk across the room to turn the main light back on while she began to clean up her work area, “Can I help you with anything?”
“Ah…” Yua paused for a moment, “Could you pack the paint up for me, into the purple bag?”
“Sure can do!” Mirio threw her thumbs up. He squatted down next to where she stood and unzipped the lavender bag. Paint tubes were dropped haphazardly on the floor around her feet, seemly scattered without rhyme or reason. The task of putting them away was going to be more involved than he thought. He carefully picked up the tubes and lids around her trying to match them to their rightful mate before setting them into the bag.
“So what are you in the mood for tonight?” Yua looked down at him as she began to dry her brushes off on rag.
“That is a good question…” Mirio hummed to himself, “Oh! How about barbecue!? I passed by a really nice smelling place on my patrol! Seriously, the smells were wafting.”
“Ooo, wafting barbecue sounds good.” Yua smiled as she crouched down next to him to place her handful of brushes into her other light blue backpack.
“Right? Aaand… are you ready for the best part!?” He waited until he had Yua’s full attention, “It’s all you can eat!”
“Are you sure that’s going to be enough?” Yua responded with a half quirked smile.
“Wha- hey!” Mirio laughed, taken aback by her sudden sassiness, “I am a growing boy I’ll have you know!”
“Whatever you say, Toogata.” Yua stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder with a grin.
Mirio followed her up with a smile, “Hey... I can carry that for you if you want. If it’s anything like this one,” He slipped the other bag over his shoulder, “I’m sure it’s heavy.”
“Are you sure?” Yua tilted her head to the side in question.
“Absoposilutely!” Mirio held out his hand, “Plus the restaurant is a bit of a walk from here.”
“Okay, thank you.” Yua handed over the backpack.
As soon as she released it into Mirio’s hand he practically fell over, straining to lift it as though it was the heaviest thing in the world.
“Oh god, Ueno, do you have a city in this thing!?” He continued to pretend to be overpowered by her backpack,
“It’s not that heavy!” She laughed while he continued to milk the joke for all its worth, “ Come on, let’s go.”
Mirio was so engulfed in the theatrics of his own antics he didn’t even realize she had left his side till he heard the classroom door open.
“Toogata…” Yua called back, holding the door open for him. She sighed with a lopsided grin, watching him still pretend he couldn’t lift the bag off the floor.
At her voice Mirio quickly flung the backpack over his shoulder and ran after her, “C-Coming!” He called running straight through the door in an attempt to make up for the time he had just spend goofing off.
Yua flashed him a smile as she followed him out, “What is the barbecue place called?”
“Oh!” Mirio flexed his right arm before punching forward into the air, the motion giving Yua enough time to catch up to him, “Subarashii Bābekyū! So you know it’s gotta be legit.” He grinned.
“I would hope so.” Yua mused as they continued, walking side by side through the schools’ courtyard and towards the street.
There were a few other students still on campus, most having stayed after to finish working on art projects. None of them were any that Yua knew.
Her attention trailed over to an area designated for the sculpture students. It was a covered area in the courtyard that held a kiln along with an area for metalworking. The ground around it was covered in ash and plaster from some recent project.
“- Well," Mirio continued on, " I heard pro-hero Fatgum frequents there, so you know it must live up to its namesake!” Oh he couldn’t wait. The place had smelled like heaven when he had passed it earlier. His stomach was already grumbling at the thought of it- that was until he realized he was still walking on ahead with Yua no longer present at his side.
Quickly, he looked around himself, “Ueno?” He turned around finally spotting her kneeling over by a pile of plaster covered bricks under the nearby wooden pavilion he had just passed.
Had something happened?
Did she trip?
Mirio scolded himself for not paying better attention as he jogged back over to her side, “Ueno, is everything okay?”
She was looking down at something.
Mirio knelt next to her to try and get a better view of what she was staring at.
“It’s a bee.” Yua softly answered as though her voice would blow it away.
Sure enough, lying on the ground covered in a dust of plaster, was a small honey bee.
“Is it alive?” Mirio mimicked her hushed tone. He instantly fell into studying the insect as intently as her. Truthfully, he wasn’t even sure how she had seen it!
Apparently, Yua was much more observant than him...
Just then the bee wobbled on the ground, failing to move under the weight of the white plaster stuck onto its exoskeleton.
“It is!” Yua gasped. She looked around for a moment searching for a way to pick it up before she decided on gently scooping it up into the palm of her hand.
“Won’t it sting you!?” Mirio watched with fascination as the bee was carefully ushered onto her palm.
“Not if it doesn’t feel threatened…” Yua released a sigh of relief as she successfully picked the small creature up, “ It’s covered in plaster dust.” Her voice rang heavy with concern, “It’s trying to fly but it can’t.”
The bee’s little wings were vibrating as best they could but it’s failed efforts were beginning to slow.
Mirio looked around them for a moment trying to think of something that could help. His sights landed on the patch of grass that lined the center of the school’s courtyard. In an instant, he was back from picking a few blades of grass.
“Maybe you can help brush her off with this?” He held out the grass blades to Yua.
With her free hand, she carefully took a single piece of grass from Mirio and began to lightly brush the honey bee. It jiggled a bit under the touch, but soon no longer making an effort to move.
“It’s not working…” Yua’s voice cracked. She could see the bee was beginning to no longer even try and clean itself, “I think she’s exhausted…”
Mirio scrunched his face in contemplation, there had to be some way they could help... he had to think... “ Oh!" His face brightened, "Maybe food would help! It always helps me!”
“Yes!” Yua turned to him with a hopeful smile, “We need flowers!”
They both looked around briefly at the courtyard for flowers.
There was none.
Mirio thought for a moment before jumping back up to his feet, “The park just down the road has flowers. I remember seeing them on my way here!”
“Really?” Yua’s eyes lit up as she stood. Her palms carefully cupped themselves around the bee, making sure it didn’t crawl away or fall out as she began to follow after Mirio.
“ Yeah, yeah!” He waited for her to catch up, “They are not too far into the park either, we will bee there in no time!”
Mirio glanced over his shoulder to see if Yua had caught his pun. She had and was now shaking her head while she worked to keep up with his quickened pace.
“I promise I’m not pollen your leg.” He couldn’t resist continuing as they hurried across the street. Luckily they reached the intersection just as the crosswalk turned green.
“I don’t want to laugh!” She scolded him sweetly trying to bite back her grin, “I might drop her!”
“Oh, oh! Sorry, sorry!” Mirio quickly waved his hands in apology as they finished crossing the street. Now they had a straight shot to the park.
“It’s alright…” She followed close to his side as they hit a pocket of pedestrian traffic, “... You were really winging those puns weren’t you?”
Laughter spit from Mirio's lips causing him to trip and nearly faceplant on the sidewalk. Yua jogged passed him grinning, breaking free from the crowd while he tried to recover from her underhanded pun,
“I thought we agreed on no more jokes!” He wheezed after her. That pun was the last thing he had expected to hear from her, this newfound sassiness was a very pleasant surprise.
Mirio caught back up to Yua just as she entered the park. Just as he remembered, to the right of the park's entrance there was a small hill dashed with tiny white flowers.
“Over here!” Mirio pointed ahead in case she didn’t see it.
The two hurried over together, Yua dropped to her knees as soon she reached the grass. Removing her cupped hand from over the bee, she picked a few flowers and brought to the weak insect.
“Come on, you can do it…” She mumbled as Mirio joined her side in the grass.
“Is she eating??” He leaned over with equally invested concern.
Yua bit her bottom lip as she focused on trying to get the honey bee to realize what she was presenting it.
After a few failed attempts it finally took.
“Yes!” She cheered as the bee stretched out its proboscis, drinking in the sweet nectar.
“I will go get more flowers!” Mirio jumped up with newly invigorated enthusiasm.
The more the bee drank the more its energy started to return. They both watched as the bee finally stopped eating and began to vibrate its wings while it rubbed its legs around its body. Little by little the plaster dust was beginning to dislodge from the honey bees exoskeleton.
“She’s getting it off!” Mirio beamed as he watched the small bee finally regain its strength. The small insect rubbed its body on the ridges of Yua's palm, further removing more and more dust.
“It tickles.” Yua smiled before turning to him, “Here, hold out your palm.”
Mirio did as she asked and Yua gently coaxed the bee onto his palm.
“I’ve never held a bee before.” He whispered with amusement. Watching the honey bee slowly return to life held an almost magical element to it.
They sat together in silence on the small hill of grass, watching the bee finally remove the last pieces of plaster dust from its body.
Mirio glanced over to Yua who was sitting mere inches away. Her legs crossed while she silently cheered on the insect with all of her attention. Nothing else mattered to her at that moment but the bee... and it made him smile. He had been correct in his first assumptions of her kindness.
The honey bee's life was nothing like a human's. It was fleeting, temporary, and often unseen. It was a life he would have never noticed. He would have gone on his way and enjoyed barbeque without a care in the world, without ever knowing such a small existence was in peril.
Yua caught it though, in the midst of a large courtyard she had not only seen it but acted, as though it was any other life in danger. It made Mirio curious about how else she saw the world... it made him want to know her more.
The soft sound of the honey bee's wings brought Mirio's attention back into his hand. The small insect crawled up to the tip of his finger before flying off into the park.
“There she goes!” He grinned, watching the little bee disappear off into the distance. A raindrop landing on his nose caused Mirio to cross his eyes.
He looked up into the sky just as more began to fall as it picked up into a gentle shower. The occurrence was surprising. There was not a dark cloud in the sky, even the sun was still out and only now beginning its slow ascent.... a sun shower?
Mirio was about to comment on the strange occurrence to Yua, but when he looked over he paused. From the corners of her eyes, small tears were trailing down her cheeks.
The sun shower was coming from her.
“Hey," Mirio softly smiled, capturing her attention, "It’s okay.”
He pulled his jacket sleeve over his hand, lifting it up to dab the tears off of her face, “She’s going back to her family now.”
Yua nodded, trying to hold back a small sob, “ I know...I’m just really happy. If I hadn't been looking at the ground I would have never seen her... and maybe no one would have... and then she would still be there exhausted and stuck and….” She began to furiously wipe the tears from her eyes as the light shower of rain continues to fall on them.
From the corner of his eye, Mirio could see those on the pathway near them begin to curiously look around. They were commenting on the shower to themselves, trying to figure out where it has come from and why it only seemed to be in one small part of the park. Some people walking up even paused, stepping in and out of the rain line, completely and utterly confused.
“I’m so sorry," Yua covered her face with her hands, "I didn’t mean to make it rain, I just… you can go if you want-”
“I like it.” Mirio watched Yua looked up at him with surprise, “ It feels nice, a happy shower.” He grinned, “Now even more flowers are going to blossom for even more bees! No bees shall hunger in this park!”
Yua laughed softly at his words as her tears and rain continued to fall.
He smiled. At that moment, sitting in the grass with the rain dripping off the ends of her hair... Yua looked beautiful. While she smiled rain drops blended in with her tears, dancing across her cheeks in a duet of patterns. Mirio was sure he looked like a fool, sitting there, staring at her with a lopsided grin, but she didn't seem to mind in the least, and that was all who mattered.
He just couldn't pull himself to stop watching her, that was until he was hit with an idea.
“Hey, I will be right back.” Mirio shifted up onto his feet, “Don’t go anywhere!” he waved his arms frantically before running off.
Yua nodded watching as he headed off down the park path. She had no idea where he was going but she felt so happy to be there with him. Mirio didn’t mind her tears or the rain. It was refreshing. For the first time, she didn't feel self-conscious or troublesome. Even the grass around her looked perkier under the drizzle of her rain, as though it had been waiting for a refreshing drink.
Little by little Yua’s sun shower lifted, and just as it did Mirio was plopping back down into the grass next to her.
“Look what I found!” He grinned holding out his hands which were occupied with two large containers of yakisoba.
"Where did you get that?" Yua breathed in, it smelled delicious.
"There is a stand in the park." He handed her a container, "I remembered passing by it earlier, it's smells were also wafting."
“It looks so yummy,” Yua happily received her container. She sat it in her lap before breaking apart the chopsticks that came with it, “but didn’t you want barbecue?”
“I think this is better.” He watched her scoop up a large serving of noodles into her mouth, “besides… I don’t really wanna leave the park just yet… how bout you?”
Yua shook her head while she tried to swallow, she had overestimated how much she could fit in her mouth. It had smelled so good though, and she hadn't realized until he handed it to her, but she was so hungry!
Mirio chuckled at Yua's puffed-out cheeks as she tried to finish her overly large bite.
"It's so good!" She finally swallowed, "Dinner was supposed to be on me though..."
"Next time! You're the hero tonight after all!" He grinned before taking a bite of yakisoba himself... it really was good. Mirio quickly scooped an even bigger serving into his mouth after his initial taste. Now he was the one with full cheeks.
"Alright." Yua laughed, watching him happily slurp up noodles, "Next time..."
Next- Chapter 3
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cherryhanji · 4 years
another day
oneshot. han x reader
genre: drama, super duper angsty, a little fluff at the end
words: 1.9k
warning(s): slight mentions of depressing thoughts, lonely reader (yeah, another day by jisung is quite a sad song for me, anyways, stream their latest album, go live!) (i really felt sad when writing this. But I hope u like it!)
Another day full of dejection. You got home early from your work after being scolded by your manager because of messing up in the cashier a while ago. You haven't started anything for your thesis. You just can't find the courage to do it.
Lots of problems keep on rushing to you. There's your landlady who keeps on knocking at your door asking for your two-month payment for your rent. The payment for the next semester. Money isn't only your enemy. But yourself too. You wanted to do a lot of things. But it feels like there's something that's keeping you away from doing it. It got slumped the most when the person you trust the most, left you in the middle of the battle. No words, just left you on the way. Jisung was your savior, your knight in shining armor, the man that keeps you from standing and fighting all the struggles that you face every day. Ever since you two split up, you feel like there's no reason for fighting anymore. There's a time that you just want to end it all. All of the pain, the loneliness that you feel. It almost got the best of you. Pressure from college, expectation from your parents whom you have to prove that you can be independent. Jisung leaving you. Luckily, your friends are still there. But they are also busy since all of you will graduate this year. You can't risk bothering them just to rant about your sulky and shitty day in school and work.
You opened your second hand refrigerator only to find out that you didn't have stocks anymore. Only bottles of water and a pack of instant ramen. You sighed and grabbed your only food for tonight. You decided to open your Spotify playlist to soothe your sullen feelings and to calm your mind.
You silently eat your ramen while scrolling through your phone. You got a notification from your online bank noting that you already received your salary for the past two months. Your face brightened at the thought. The salary is good enough(?) you think about your daily needs and for the rent. It just got delayed for two months because of the cafe's renovation. Lucky you, your salary for tutoring a kid from your neighborhood helped you for the past two months just to buy your food and stocks and some expenses on school.
After eating, you decided to give yourself a warm bath after work. You still don't have classes tomorrow and it's also your rest day from your work. However, after taking a shower, the doorbell rang stopping you from drying your hair. You checked the time, it's almost 10:30 in the evening. Just who the hell will visit you at this hour?
"Wait a minute!" You shouted from your bedroom and went to the door almost stumbling while wearing your slippers.
"Who is I-- Alexa? It's 10:30 already?" Alexa, your cousin, also your childhood friend visited.
"Oh hello to you too, dear. " she jokingly rolled her eyes at you and showed you the paper bags she brought.
"Anyways, I brought you some food and stuff cause I know how broke you are." She chirped showing you some of your favorite foods. You welcomed her inside and closed the door.
"How's my beautiful cousin? Is auntie still not talking to you?" She asked as she slumped on the sofa.
You sighed at her question. "Nothing changed, Lexie, she's still upset at me. And I got scolded by my manager earlier. Argh, it's my fault at all. I'm not with myself, It feels like my soul and sanity left me awhile ago. But something good happened, anyways. I got my salary for the last two months! I'm not broke as fuck. But I have to pay my rent. The noisy landlady keeps on bothering me. Arrgh" you said and drank some yogurt. It's been a while ever since you got to drink this yogurt again.
"Are you okay?" You looked at Alexa shocked with the sudden seriousness. You kept silent for a while before answering.
"To be honest, I'm not. It feels like the whole world already turned its back on me. I really want to do things. But I feel like there's no enough energy and motivation for me to do it."
"Is it because of Jisung?" You froze at the mention of his name. Yes, it is. You still can't move on. It's because you really don't know what happened why he suddenly left you. You should hate him for it. but you just couldn't. You slowly nod at your cousin. You heard your cousin sigh.
"Did you talk to him? You're attending the same university with him, right? Don't tell me he's avoiding you?"
"Yes, we attend the same university. But he's majoring in music, remember? I'm majoring in Psychology. So it means, we are not in the same building. And I bet he's doing all his might to avoid me." You blurted out.
"You're a hopeless case, dear," Alexa said
"I know.." you whispered.
"But, this is just an advice. If you have the courage, try to talk it out with him. You guys don't have the closure you need. Did you block each other's contact?" You shook your head.
"I didn't block his contact. And luckily, he didn't block mine too. It's just that he doesn't answer my calls. Maybe I need to talk to him in person. I just need to wait for the right time." You're determined. You just want to talk to him. Four months? Four months of not talking to him. Maybe you just need to wait a little time to talk to him.
"Yes, that's the spirit. Just remember dear, if you need something, you know you can call your gorgeous cousin." She said and winked at you. You just chuckled at her childishness.
You missed him, a lot. His smiles, his sweet voice, you missed everything about him. Up until now, you still don't know what happened to your relationship.
You wake up with a feeling of calmness after the talk you had with your cousin last night. With nothing left to do today, you decided to buy some groceries.
A calm and delightful night, Jisung playing his guitar and singing for you while you happily listen to his sweet and calm voice. You just love how he sings his heart out, you can feel the emotions as he sings.
Jisung put his guitar at the side and held your hand.
"I love you, y/n. to the moon and back. No one can replace you. We'll never let go of each other, okay? Whatever happens, we'll never leave each other." He said and kissed your hand.
"Thank you for being with me, Sungie. Even though I'm a problematic shit. You're always there for me. And I promise I'll never leave you too. I love you." You said and hugged him. He kissed the top of your head and swayed you as he hums a song.
You grab a cup of coffee at the cafe near the supermarket. You take a look at the people passing by the cafe. Why does it look like they're so happy with their life? Do they have any problems at all? It seems like you're the only one who has a lot of problems. Or maybe you still don't know how to sort it all out?
While still being entertained by the walking people outside, someone cleared their throat. You suddenly turn your head to the person. You're shocked to see the person in front of you. There it goes again, the fast heartbeat, the erratic breathing as if he took your breath away. The feeling of hoping he'll stay with you again.
"J-jisung..." You called the person in front of you, almost a whisper.
"Y/N... It's.. It's good to see you here.. Can I occupy the seat?" You just nod at him. You still can't find the right words on how to answer him.
"Uhm, I shouldn't be asking this, but How are you? " he said and scratched the back of his neck. This is it. It's the right time to talk to him. Fate does its way to help you. But you can't still form any words to say to him.
"Uh, I see. Look, I'm... I'm really sorry. I mean it. I know I deserve all the hate you have for me. But can you let me explain, please.?" You just nod at him. Maybe it's good if you hear his side first.
"First of all, I'm really, really sorry for leaving you without any word. You know I love you. But you know what's my dream right? I really love to sing. So there's this agency that casted me and offered me training to debut as an artist. But the contract says there is a dating ban. I- I don't know what will I do. At first, I'm contemplating. It's hard. I love you, but I also have a dream. But I need to let go of the other to achieve one. And I'm really sorry that I sacrificed you over my dream. I'm really sorry, y/n. you can hate me. You can slap me, anything you want. I know I deserve it for leaving you." He grabbed your hand and lowered his head. You got shocked at his explanation. You're well aware of his dream of being a singer and an artist. He told you ever since he was a child, he dreams of being one. You clearly see his passion for music. That's why you understand his reason.
"But... but why didn't you talk about it with me?" You asked him.
"I'm scared. I don't know why. Maybe the thought of letting you go hurts me. I thought that not letting you know can help me. But it did nothing. I have trouble sleeping at night, knowing that you're hurting, too. I promised you I'll never let you go, but here I am, leaving you clueless as to why I left." You can feel the sadness and hurt in his voice. You really loved this man. You can't find any reason to hate him, to get mad at him. You reached out to him and caressed his fluffy cheeks.
"I understand now, Sungie." He raised his head at the nickname, that nickname you used to call him. Hearing it again makes him giddy.
"I know it's your dream. Your dream came first before me, and I don't have any right to stop you from achieving it. I'm just hurt because you left me with no word. But don't worry, I'll be okay. I love you, you know that. And I'll support you always. Be good. So that you can debut soon. And if that happens, I'll be your number one gorgeous fan." You smiled at him and held his hand. He squeezed it and smiled at you.
"Thank you, for being strong. Y/N. we can still be friends if that's okay with you. You can still love me, And I will love you. " he said. You nod at him. Hearing all the closure you two needed, a big weight just got lifted off your shoulder. Being friends with your ex doesn't hurt, right? You just need to be mature with each other. You just need to accept your fate with him.
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dramallamadingdang · 5 years
Oooooh, watch iCad...rant? Well, not really. More like watch iCad be an old, Scrooge-y, child-hating curmudgeon. 
....So, like, what else is new, I guess? I will hopefully have something Sim-related soon, but for now...
I confess: I'm a Grinch. I really don't like Christmas. Really don't. Too much consumerism. Too many over-excited children. Too many obligations I can't avoid. Too many freakin' awful Christmas songs -- particularly the insipid secular ones, ARRGH! -- that start being played waaaaaay too early. (If I hear that Mariah Carey song one more time...) Too many stressed-out people. Too many overly-cheerful “Christmas people” in my face. Too much...everything. Do not want. All of it. I'm done. 
Early yesterday morning, I put my son and his family (with three under-5 children) on a plane back to Georgia (the US state, not the country :) ), so at least one huge stressor is gone now. I would have loved to have my son and his wife around longer. I don't get to see them much between living so far away and him being deployed often, and them having kids. The kids, on the other hand? I had all of them that I could take. I know that sounds terrible. It probably is terrible that I have no tolerance for or patience with children under 10 or so anymore. People, especially women, are “supposed” to be goo-goo ga-ga over their grandchildren, but I'm just...not. I'm like, "Kid, talk to me when your age has two digits. Go away now." No, of course I don't say that to them; I just want to say it. I'm a good actress, so I can pretend to enjoy being around them so that they are none the wiser. But I have my limits, and I know exactly where they are. 
But kids are like cats: They have a sixth sense for the person who doesn’t really want to be around them, and they are all over them. Which...yeah, it's a good thing that my husband loves kids who aren't his own. He ran interference and picked up my slack because there were times this past week where, in order to avoid completely losing my shit, I just had to go away. Like, get on my horse, point him in a direction, give him his head, and just let him run, run, run -- which he’ll do forever; he’s a thoroughbred -- out into BLM land, where there are no people anywhere, particularly not small ones. I'd rather socialize with mountain lions.
Yep, I've become a child-hater. But at least I own it and at least I don't take it out on the kids themselves. I know they can't help being kids and doing what kids do. But still. Honestly, I don’t know how I survived my kids being kids as a single parent. I really, truly don’t. I’m just grateful that I didn’t fuck them up too much.
I guess as I get older I'm reverting more to the introvert I was when I was a kid. Being in the profession that I am/was in and especially during my first marriage and the company we kept and whatnot, I kind of had to put that aside, learn to not allow people to suck the energy out of me and all that. But now that I'm older, keep entirely different company, and am 95% retired, I guess it's a skill I'm losing, and kids, especially, really drain my energy. I enjoy being out and about among adults when it's my choice to be and/or when I'm around people who have energy that's compatible with mine. But otherwise? I go all Greta Garbo and "vant to be alone." Holiday obligations definitely bring out my inner Greta. I'd rather see family at other times of the year -- like, say, mid-March -- when there's no societal obligation to be with family. It's the obligation that gets to me the most, I guess.
ANYWAY, I don't know why I'm whining about this. I'm just glad that things will settle down now. We're planning to do blissfully nothing for New Year's except maybe watch movies or something. We thought about going to Vegas or maybe just up to Denver, but...nope, decided to stay home and hibernate. No parties, no company, just us and jammies and junkier food than normal and movies and cartoons and stuff. Spongebob marathon, woo!
And, I really, really want to work on building Mustang Valley. I haven't really touched a Sims game in, like...two weeks? Three weeks? Something like that. So, hopefully I'll actually have something to post on this blog -- like WIP pics, at least -- soon. :)
All that said, I hope everyone who decided to read this whining is having an enjoyable holiday time, however you do (or don't) celebrate things. I’ll be enjoying it now that it’s mostly over. :)
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keepin-it-crispy · 5 years
Daylight December day 5: Wingmen
First day of summer school. Toby had known he would end up here, yet it still seemed like a bad stroke of luck. While everyone else got to sit around and play video games, he had to make up for time lost while trollhunting. It didn’t seem fair, to save the world and still get stuck with summer school.
ARRRGH!!! nudged Toby gently through the school door. At least ARRRGH!!! was there with him, covered in layers upon layers of blankets to protect him from the sun.
“Get over with.” ARRGH!!! advised, squeezing himself into the building and shaking off his blanket layer.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with.” Toby agreed. “But it’s still not fair that I’ve got to go to summer school while Jim and Claire get to travel the US!”
“Luck of the draw.” ARRRGH!!! shrugged. They made their way across the school to the designated classroom, having to take a few detours to avoid the rays of sun that occasionally split the halls.
“What is that thing doing here?” A voice called from behind them. Toby and ARRRGH!!! turned to see Seamus walking towards them.
“ARRRGH!!! is not a thing.” Toby growled. “He’s a troll, and he has permission to attend summer school, so beat it.”
Seamus laughed, towering over Toby. “Trolls don’t exist. That thing is a mutant monster.”
Toby grit his teeth, hands clenched into fists. He pulled his arm back, ready to sock Seamus in the face. ARRRGH!!! put a hand on Toby’s shoulder, turning him away and ushering him away from Seamus.
“Not worth it.” ARRRGH!!! rumbled. “Trouble.”
“No. Not worth it.”
Toby sighed. “Fine.”
“Hey Domzalski.” Seamus’s shouted. Toby whirled around. Seamus was standing right behind him, arm drawn back, hand forming a fist. Before Toby even had time to react, ARRRGH!!! had pulled him behind his arm, blocking Seamus’s punch.
ARRRGH!!! pushed Seamus away, throwing him to the floor. “Leave!” ARRRGH!!! bellowed, his carvings lighting up. “Now!”
Seamus got to his feet and ran off down the hallway, shooting terrified glances over his shoulder.
“Toby okay?” ARRRGH!!! asked.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks Wingman.”
ARRRGH!!! was quiet for a minute. “Am I a monster?” He asked. “Boy was scared of me.”
“No! Of course not! That guy was just a jerk, he had it coming. You’re not a monster. You’re my Wingman.”
ARRRGH!!! smiled. “Wingman.” He held out a fist. Toby knocked it with his own.
“Come on, let’s get to class. We don’t want to be late on the first day!”
Toby climbed into ARRRGH!!!’s back and they took off down the hall, heading for the classroom.
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gibmb · 5 years
ch 8 flowers and thunderstorms
Perfuma was walking through her kingdom with Ahriman in hand, Glimmer walked on the other side of the young heir, still bothered by his existence, while Scorpia followed close behind the three. Both Scorpia and Perfuma were lost within their conversation while Glimmer was lost in her own mind, arguing with herself on what creeped her out more, the little monster she was walking besides, the dolls it was carrying, or the fact that it was Scorpia that made the dolls. Ahriman was holding two stuffed dolls, one looking like Scorpia and the other, oddly enough, looking like Glimmer. Glimmer couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease she felt walking next to the prince as the only thing she could think of was that she was walking next to a mini Hordak holding a doll that resembles her and was about to use the doll for nefarious purposes. On the other hand, she was bewildered, slightly impressed, but mostly creeped out by the intricate detail, stitching and overall high quality of the dolls that Scorpia had made, considering she doesn’t have fingers. Though her thoughts were interrupted when the young prince looked up at her, their eyes meeting as he gave her a wide smile showing his red fangs. It caused Glimmer  to jump a little and Ahriman did the same mimicking her surprised jump. Glimmer frowned a little thinking he was mocking her, when the sound of giggling caught her attention. Glimmer looked up to see Perfuma and Scorpia watch with smiles on their faces, “What!?” Glimmer asked putting her hand on her hips, Ahriman doing the same, which only made her frown even more. With Ahriman mimicking her every move Scorpia and Perfuma desperately try to hold back their laughter.
“Sorry Glimmer, but it’s just too adorable seeing him mimic you.” Perfuma gave her an apologetic smile, “Plus, seeing your reaction is really funny!” Perfuma laughed a little seeing Ahriman’s perfect copy of Glimmer’s frown, “I mean, it's just cute!” Glimmer thought otherwise, believing it was the farthest thing from being “cute”; she began walking faster to make distance between her and Ahriman. Ahriman stopped mimicking her looking confused, so he glanced over to Perfuma and Scopria.
“Don't worry little guy.” Scorpia said walking over and picking him up, “Glimmer is just a bit bad with trusting people, but don't you worry I’m betting when she gets to know you and see how…” she hugs him close, “...adorable and soft you are, she will just love you!” Ahriman giggled after hearing this, his body letting off a little electricity causing both his and Scorpia’s hair to puff up. Perfuma laughed until Scorpia poked her, causing her hair to puff up as well, “There! Now we’re all puffed up.” Pefuma gave a devious smile
“Not all of us.” Perfuma said smiling. Glimmer quickly realized what was about to happen, her initial expression of shock turned into a wide grin, “Don’t even try it,” she proclaimed. Before the puff trio could touch Glimmer she teleported away from them leaving only sparkles where she once stood. The trio were excited with the challenge that laid before them, catch Glimmer and puff up her hair! Scorpia coiled her tail and used it to carry Ahriman, giving him a better angle to watch, while Perfuma used her magic to summon vines that would try to slow Glimmer down. Glimmer dodged, weaved and teleported her way out of Perfuma’s plants and Scorpia’s arms, especially Scorpia’s arms. She never realized it, but Scorpia was quick and agile despite her appearance and the fact that she’s carrying a baby with her tail. They continued their game of cat and mouse throughout the kingdom until Glimmer heard her communicator pad go off. She gestured to Perfuma and Scorpia to stop and pulled out the communicator to answer. On the other end of the transmission was Bow, Adora and Mermista. 
“Hey guys! How’s the investigation coming along?” asked Glimmer. Looking to the screen seeing Bow scratching his head making a face she knows all too well, “It was a bust, wasn’t it? Nothing found? No information, not even a tidbit?” Glimmer sighed, annoyed after the meeting they had just as the twin monsters were born, Glimmer wanted to have the Horde remnants dealt with. It seemed whoever was leading proved to be far superior to Catra or any other in terms of tactics.
“Yeah no, sorry Glimmer we almost had them this time. Mermista wrecked the ship they were using, Adora and I boarded it alongside some of our troops to capture and interrogate them, but then we ended up fighting with them. There was even a sorta shark man that could control the sea life around us, he had a giant squid attack us and by the time we defeated the squid the remnants were gone, but…” he smiled widely, “...on the bright side! We kinda have an idea on why they’re raiding,” Bow turns his data pad to show what looked like half of a large metal boat washed up onto the shore, “They might be gathering up First Ones tech to try and build up there fighting force again.” Bow said a bit nervous at the thought of that, “But there’s one thing that bothers me, just before that shark guy escaped he yelled out ‘Skeletor shall rise once again!’; whoever this “Skeletor” is he's definitely not like Hordak or any other Horde commander we’ve ever faced off against.” Glimmer frowned hearing this.
“From one evil warlord to another,” she rubbed her face with her free hand before hearing a static noise and a yelp from behind her. Glimmer looked at scorpia, noticing that Ahriman had gone missing before feeling her communicator pad shake. Her gaze quickly returned to it shaking and shooting out small sparks of electricity as Ahriman appeared from it, landing on Glimmer. Surprised by his appearance she dropped the data pad while he was still emitting static causing her hair to puff up. Ahriman clapped his hands giggling and from what she could hear Adora and Mermista must have finally joined Bow, their laughter was easy to distinguish, all while spotting Scorpia and Perfuma’s faces both grinning like cats. Glimmer did not find this funny, with a free hand she picked the data pad off the ground looking at it, “We’ll discuss the Skeletor problem later, for now I have a demon to look after alongside...” Glimmer shot Perfuma and Scorpia a glare, “...two princesses.” She ended the video call with Bow and Adora sighing wondering why her mother even wanted her to bother helping Perfuma look after one of those little demons, “Now that you've gotten that out of your system can you come get this thing away from me.” Perfuma frowned at that comment,
“He's not a “thing” Glimmer,” Perfuma said walking over, “He’s a baby and heir to Dryl an-” before Perfuma could continue Glimmer cut in gesturing to Ahriman who seemed more innocent and confused than threatening,
“He’s also the heir and son of Hordak! Making him related to a monster that spent most of his time trying to conquer or kill us, so I don't care! My mom and dad may think that they’re harmless, but I-” Glimmer paused feeling a sharp pain in her hand. She looked down to see Ahriman holding her hand feeding from it, “Arrgh! And then there's this drinking blood thing he does, could you be any more evil!” Perfuma frowned at Glimmer and as she was about to scold her Scorpia interrupted her by tapping her shoulder,
“Sorry to interrupt, but didnt you have a meeting today Perfuma?” Scorpia asked trying to defuse the tension between the two princesses as well as make sure Ahriman doesn't shock anyone. Perfuma paused for a moment before exclaiming
“Oh my! Yes, you’re right Scorpia! I completely forgot about that. How about while I discuss my kingdoms issues with my advisors, you three can wait in a nearby hut? I could have tea sent so that you all may be refreshed and rejuvenated from all of the fun we’ve been having.” She smiles at Scorpia who takes Ahriman in her arms buzzing with joy while giving Glimmer a frustrated stare. They all make their way to the hut Perfuma had suggested and upon arrival, Perfuma has the servant inside the hut leave to gather fresh herbs for tea. “I’ll be heading to the meeting now, hopefully it won’t be too long before I can come back…” Perfuma focuses on Glimmer, “...and finish our discussion from earlier.” Before Glimmer could say anything Perfuma leaves the room in silence. Feeling intimidated by how different she acted Glimmer looked back at Scorpia who was playing with the little monster. She frowns at both of them, while Ahriman giggles and waves his doll of Glimmer.
“How can you be so nice to him Scorpia!? How can you even bear to be around him?” Glimmer asked a little more hostile than she wanted to. Scorpia looked over to her seeming in thought though still playing with Ahriman, Scorpia used her free claw to scratch her head a little bit.
“I don’t know. How can you not be nice to such an adorable little face?” Scorpia says while she uses her magic to create sparks of tiny lightning coming out of her claws. Ahriman gushes with laughter, his eyes reflecting the light of the lightning, he claps his hands for a moment before looking at them. His body is still, sparks begin to illuminate from all over his body; Ahriman, still looking at his hands, scrunches his brows and concentrates, all of the sparks on his body begin to travel to his hands. Scorpia felt a sudden chill running down from the top of her head all the way down to her tail, she quickly realized that there was a lot of electricity being channeled into Ahriman’s hands, “Oh. This can’t be good.” She rushes over to Glimmer, tackling her and pinning her against the wall of the cottage they were in, using her own body as a shield. In that moment Ahriman’s hands grew bright with light and suddenly, massive rods of lightning cracked and flickered out of the young heir’s hands. Lightning launched through the roof and into the sky, the clear clouds turned dark rumbling with thunder, the smaller bolts trailing away to create what looked like a tree made of lightning and storm clouds. Inside, the excess electricity crackling throughout the room, scorching everything in its path. Ahriman giggles and laughs until Scorpia comes rushing to him, picking him up into her arms. Suddenly, the bolts begin to rush to a single point, Scorpia. She calls out to the young prince, “Ahriman! You need to stop! You’ll end up hurting someone! Stop! Stop!” Ahriman looks into Scorpia’s eyes, he sees the fear and worried look she gives him and the light show emanating from his hands stops. He sniffled a little and his eyes water up a bit, he starts to give a worried moan. Scorpia quickly reassures him, “Oh, don’t cry. It’s ok! Look, everything’s ok, everything...is...OK.” Ahriman is still sniffling, on the verge of crying, but Scorpia cradled him as Glimmer got back up. Horror stricken, she began approaching them slowly, her eyes locked on the little monster. Scorpia noticed her and having a guilty look on her face, “Sorry, sometimes when he gets too excited he can lose control, but don't worry before we left with Perfuma I promised Entrapta that I’d help him learn to control his powers.” She had a serious expression, but before she could speak Glimmer cut in,
“Are you kidding me? He just called in a storm with lighting included! HE ALMOST FRIED US! FRIED US! EVEN AS AN INFANT, HE'S ALREADY MORE DANGEROUS THAN HIS FATHER! HE'S A MONSTER AND YOU WANNA TRAIN THAT THING TO WHAT!? KILL US BETTER!? KNOW HOW TO BEST COOK ME WITH LIGHTING!? GREAT JOB SCORPIA! REALLY, JUST GREAT!” Glimmer yelled panting, seeing Scorpia’s wide eyes and Ahriman looking terrified. She didn’t care, she was ready to continue, but scorpia spoke first.
“He is not a monster Glimmer. He’s a baby! Yes, he has dangerous powers, but so does Frosta, me, Mermista, Perfuma and all the other princesses and you think that as a baby they knew to control their powers?” Scorpia had a serious expression, “I doubt that. It took me months of training and even now I’m still learning how to do this whole magic thing, so if he’s a monster so are we.” She said as Ahriman whimpered a little, “You’re mother wanted you to join us because you hated them for their father's deeds, but they aren't him they’re babies, they’re still learning and all you can do is treat THEM like a monster when YOU yourself used your kingdom as bait for the Horde and was willing to try and use a super weapon to kill how many people?” Scorpia said with a cold tone making glimmer flinch a little from the reminder of her less than good time as a queen, “So, can you say that you’re not without a few bad deeds?” Scorpia saw Glimmer look down rubbing her arm. “Exactly!” She said trying to sound cheery. “Then, if your mother and father can look past what Ahriman’s father did, than you should be able to as well?” Before either one of them could speak again they noticed townsfolk and guards at the entrance of the hut looking at them both stunned and frightened, “Oh. Um, hi there; umm, there’s nothing the matter just a small hiccup on our end, the baby got a little too excited.” Scorpia said holding Ahriman still sniffling, one of the guards looked up at the hole in the roof of the hut, then back to the three of them. Scorpia smiled nervously, “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare hut we could use?” 
The trio followed one of the guards to a new hut, one that wasn’t catching fire, and were told to wait there for Perfuma to arrive. The room was silent, Ahriman held his doll of Glimmer tight to his chest, Scorpia set him down and sat with her legs crossed next to the prince, and Glimmer stood. She kept her distance from Scorpia, arms wrapped around herself, still feeling a piercing sting from the words that Scorpia had spoken to her before changing huts. The room felt small, the air cold, and bitter memories of the past surrounded them; not a single word was spoken between the two princesses. What was only a few minutes felt like an eternity of awkward silence when suddenly, someone entered the hut. It was the servant that was sent to gather herbs for tea, he was young, dark pink skin with snow white hair, his eyes full of sparkle with a small number of freckles lined from cheek to cheek. The boy was short and carrying a tray with a tea set, “Would you like some tea princesses?” the boy asked. Scorpia smiled kindly, 
“We would love some tea.” Scorpia looked to Glimmer, “Come on Glimmer come have a seat, it would do us both some good to enjoy something to drink and calm our nerves.” Scorpia patted an area next to her, Glimmer looking down but nodding, slowly walking over to sit across from  Scorpia, “Well that’s not where I patted but it’s something.” The boy smiled at the two princesses setting down two cups in front of both of them and pouring the herbal tea into both cups before stepping back  for them to enjoy the tea. Scorpia gently picked up her cup drinking it trying not to break the cup like a few times before, but also looking to Glimmer who still looked like a kicked puppy taking a small sip of her tea, “Listen Glimmer I didn’t mean to sound so harsh about what I said, it’s just...” Scorpia looked down at Ahriman he held his two dolls close smiling at them making Scorpia feel light as she smiled at him, “I don’t want them to be looked at like Hordak was when they’re older. People will treat them differently, like they’re monsters or worse and I don’t want them thinking that they are. I want them to feel safe around those that Entrapta trusts. Is it wrong to wanna give them something bright when we both know what others will say or try to do later in life?” Scorpia saw Glimmer look up at her, rubbing her shoulder with her free hand, then she looked to Ahriman who looked to her giving her a small goofy smile causing Glimmer to smile softly back before sighing,
“You’re right Scorpia, you, my mom, Perfuma, Catra and every other person that's given me crap for the way I've acted.” She rubbed her face groaning, “Why am I always like this?” Glimmer heard Scorpia chuckle a little oddly, “Yeah, yeah. It’s so funny that I can’t seem to ever make a decision that goes well” Scorpia’s claw still had her face covered before she heard glass break, a sudden thud and the table shake.
Before she knew it, Scorpia was on the ground. She could feel her body growing numb, at first it was down at her feet forcing her to collapse; her tail went limp and numb, she could feel whatever was paralyzing her travel through her body. Soon she couldn’t feel her chest, panic and fear started to kick in, she looked at Ahriman and tried lifting her arm towards him. A sudden shock pierced throughout her body, the tip of her claw felt as though it was being stabbed by thousands of daggers and that feeling traveled all through the rest of her body. Her shoulders grew heavy as she struggled to keep herself up, she tried to reach out to Ahriman and drag herself closer to him, but her arms grew too heavy and too weak to carry out her intent. Her head was buzzing, her vision blurring, Scorpia could smell the tea she had fully drank from her breathe. Something was off, there was a faint bitter aroma mixed in with the otherwise sweet and delicate one coming from her breathe. Just before everything went dark, Scorpia managed to say a few words before completely passing out, “Whatever you do...DON’T DRINK THE TEA…” Glimmer looked down at scorpia in shock before looking to the boy, 
“What did you do? What, what was in that tea!?” Glimmer asked still shocked and feeling a bit light headed as the boy approached looking stunned
“It was what I normally grab when I make herbal tea, she must be having a bad reaction to it. “ The boy said looking scared and terrified, “You should go get Perfuma while I stay here with them.” The boy said terror still on his face. Glimmer was heading to the door still feeling light before pausing, she had known this boy he had made tea for her before and never has this happened. She turned to see Ahriman looking scared of the boy and trying to nudge Scorpia, Glimmer’s shock turned to anger teleporting between the boy and the baby. She glared at him,
“Nice try, but I know the boy you're impersonating and so does Scorpia if it was really the brew he normally made then nothing would have happened!” Glimmer said trying to stand tall, though  faltering as she stumbled a little. The boys surprise turned into a cruel smile and his voice deepened,
“And here I thought you were the dumb one of the two, then again all three of you are pretty stupid.” The boy chuckled walking forward, his posture changing entirely from a kind of cautious and careful posture to one that said all too well what he enjoyed doing to those who kept him from his prizes, “I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I did attack him on his way back, so I didn't really have much to go on, I had to make up how he would act which worked out.” He smiled then frowned, “Until you actually used that tiny brain of yours, but oh well! The easy way didn't work, sooooo it's time for the fun way.” His cruel smile returned and Glimmer stepped back a little,
“What, what did you do to him?” The question came out a bit more scared and rattly then she'd have liked. His smile changed to a more caring one,
“Oh don't worry, once I got him to talk he didn't feel a thing. You have my word as a professional, one quick stab to the heart and he was gone before he could feel it. Truly a peaceful ending.” The care in those horrible words spoken to her sent chills coursing through her body and she felt sick after hearing them. Glimmer knew she was in deep trouble. “Though when I came in his place I thought I'd be killing Perfuma, but instead I end up with not one but THREE high value targets! Oh, what a wonderful surprise it was, so I used a little of my special paralyzing agent in the tea, well a little for you, a bit more for stinger over there, but it looks like I should have used a bit more for you”
The impersonator changed his voice back into the little boys’ and asked Glimmer, “You don’t mind if I change into something a little more...suitable?” Before she could answer, the boy’s eyes darkened into solid black, then began to bubble into a tar like substance. It dripped down the cheeks of the boy and more of it started coming out of his nose and ears. He let out a cynical laugh before his face began to melt, the black tar spreading to the rest of the body. Soon what was once a boy was nothing more than a standing silhouette of black tar, boiling and bursting, spilling onto the floor but returning to the figure that stood before Glimmer. It began to grow, as more tar burst onto the floor and returned to its host the figure grew and grew until it became just as tall as Scorpia was. Ahriman moaned in fear and wrapped himself around Glimmer’s leg. Glimmer placed her hand on the prince’s head, words could not begin to describe the dread she felt. Her stomach was a bottomless pit and her heart was heavy as all she could do was watch. The figure in front of her had gathered all of the spilt tar and it began to solidify, forming the silhouette of a person. Once solidified, the boy was no more; now, standing before Glimmer was a man dressed in full black armor. It was a kind of armor she had never seen before, it felt similar to the armor the Horde had worn, but the moldings of the boots, gauntlets, and chest were made to look like that of a skeleton. Even the helmet was similar, but with one distinct difference, the face was silver and was formed into the face of a skull. Day turned to dusk and the sun was almost set, the last of the sun’s light came into the room through an open window making the imposter’s armor shine with a warm glow, but before long, the night came and the warm shine that covered the imposter was gone leaving behind a cold and sinister evil standing before Glimmer. 
Using his natural voice he spoke, “There. Much. Better.” The imposter walked to a stand that was holding an unlit torch, “Don’t you think it’s getting a bit dark in here?” With a snap of his fingers the torch caught fire and the rest of the torches and candles within the hut came to life. “Now you’ll get to see what’s coming for you. It’ll be so much fun.” The imposter in his true form stared at her, his eyes shown through the skull mask eyeing her like prey as he drew a knife from its sheath on his waist, “But don’t worry I promise when they have your funeral they can have an open casket.” He said in a horribly soothing tone. Glimmer’s immediate reaction without thinking was to pick up Ahriman and try to teleport, but when she did she only felt sick to her stomach stumbling back. “Ohhh, did you really think that we haven’t planned for your powers? The agent I added, while paralyzing is one of its effects, can also be used to suppress certain talents. It makes sure that only those with skill are allowed to join.” He began his approach readying his knife, Glimmer looked around the hut for a weapon or anything she could use as she felt her body getting numb bit by bit until she sees one of the lit torches. She makes a dash for it while holding Ahriman, grabbing it and prying it off of what held it as she heard the imposter approaching, humming to himself, as he did she twirled and swung the torch at the imposter only for him to catch it with his free hand. His head tilted as if curious, “Oh how adorable! A princess that thinks she can fight a trained assassin.” The assassin’s tone was joyful as he rips the torch out of her hands and sheathed his knife. Using his now free hand he placed it onto the torch, smothering the flame and putting it out. He tossed it to the side before beginning his approach to her again. Glimmer holds tightly onto the young terrified heir,
“Its ok Ahriman,” Glimmer said trying to sound strong, “I’ll stop him.” No matter how strong Glimmer tried to sound it was no use, her body felt weaker and weaker as the assassin got close. She tried desperately to teleport, but it was no use, so she did the only thing she could, when he got close enough she rammed into him with her shoulder as hard as she could. Sadly an armored, healthy assassin wasn’t affected by a drugged princess. The assassin seemed to chuckle before grabbing Ahriman. She tried to hold on, but he punched her with his other hand seeming to take great joy in hurting others who resisted him rather then killing them quickly. He began to repeatedly strike at her, Glimmer noticed his hand and wrist were unarmored so she desperately bit the hand trying to take Ahriman as hard as she could causing the assassin to flinch in pain before growling and striking harder. By the tenth strike Glimmer was beaten and bruised releasing both her bite and her grip on Ahriman. The assassin held him in his bleeding hand looking down at Glimmer with malice in his eyes as he unsheathed his knife again raising it. Glimmer looked to Ahriman, his terrified expression looked back at her. Glimmer felt the abyss in her stomach deepen knowing she failed him.
“Well it was fun dear princess, but it looks like Bright Moon is gonna be short a princess and two princes!” The assassin said with a cruel joyful tone raising the knife. Glimmer closed her eyes ready to accept death, but after a few moments nothing happened except for the faint smell of something burning. Glimmer opened one of her eyes to see the knife mere inches away from her face, the assassin shaking, seeming to be struggling and in pain. Smoke coming off of the assassin with sounds of crackling coming from him as well. When Glimmer looked to Ahriman she saw him biting where she had bitten him, his eyes glowing red like Hordaks’ electricity sparking off his body. He was biting as hard as he could, Glimmer then looked to the assassin’s eyes with horror. Behind the mask showed eyes that were burnt out, smoke leaving the sockets of the silver skull. Glimmer quickly rushed to Ahriman,
“That's enough Ahriman! Stop! He's gone, he won't hurt us anymore!” Ahriman’s eyes returned to normal, his jaw loosened letting go of the assassin’s hand. The sound of sizzling flesh was followed by a loud thud as the body inside the armor fell onto the ground with smoke continuing to come out of the mask. Ahriman jumped into Glimmer’s arms and buried his face in her chest crying. All Glimmer could do was hold him as tightly as she could both of them sitting on the floor. Within moments Perfuma rushed into the hut with a small number of guards in tow, not one of them could say a word. Perfuma came to Glimmer’s side and hugged her, tears flowing down her cheeks. The guards huddled over the smoldering body while some villagers gathered to Scorpia who was still unconscious. Then, a villager came into the hut with a body their arms and bitter sadness in their eyes. It was the body of the boy the assassin impersonated with a single stab wound to the chest where his heart would have been. Silence. The room was still and the first person to break that silence was a beaten and broken Glimmer, “He said that Bright Moon was going to lose a princess and two princes. There’s only one prince here.” Perfuma looked straight at one of her guards, “Send word to the Bright Moon Kingdom. Warn them, tell them what happened here.” She looked at the dead assassin, “Tell them to be ready.”
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Marvel Parody - Chapter 4
Pairing (in the futur) : Chris Evans x Plus Size!Reader
Warnings : Language ; spelling mistakes ; getting political 
Word Count : 1.265
Author’s Note : Some reactions of the cast (beginning of the chapter) were added after @prettybubblesintheair suggested it. :) 
NAME CHANGES -> Peter Quill = Petra Quill ; Tony Stark = Tonya Stark ; Peter Parker = Petra Parker ; Dr.Steven Strange = Doctress Stephanie Weird ; Thanos = Anus…Hope you like it xD
Prelude Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 
Change of scenery obliged, the show paused for 10min in order to put the landscape corresponding to the planet Titan. The small break allowed us to change into our next characters and the audience to relax a little. 
« Omg, this is sooo good. I wasn’t expecting this », said Letitia.
« Right, I mean that « ghost app » part had me wheezing. I can’t », exclaimed Tom Holland with a heavy British accent. 
« Why did they put me as a fucking stuffed eagle toy?! », said Mackie. Which led half of the cast to laugh loudly, especially Sebastian. « I mean, come on! », continued Mackie. « Ohh, don’t whine Choclatchino, you never looked better », voiced Sebastian. At that, Holland laughed and Mackie just gave him a stern look, which led the youngest of the cast to laugh even louder. 
« I’m really impressed by the scenery and their outfits. The details are really on point. And let’s not forget how beautiful those girls are », remarked Brie Larson. « Right, I was thinking the same », the other female co-stars agreed.
« What about you Evans, you haven’t said much? », Hemsworth asked. Everyone turned to their castmate. « Oh, I love it so far. I’m really looking forward for the rest », he said with a wild grin. 
« Is that so. Whyyy? Does it have to do with a certain Bucky impersonator??, implied RDJ. That comment got everyone to turn to the freshly 37-year old, smiling and hollering. « Ahh guys, stop. I’m enjoying it. It’s hilarious. The references are clever and whoever wrote this piece clearly knows what she’s talking about. And besides, that Captain girl really got my Cap mimics», affirmed Evans with a slightly nervous giggle. 
« Dude, admit it. That Y/N caught your eye. You can’t deny it, we saw you looking at her even if she wasn’t the one speaking » - Pratt. « Arrgh fine. I admit. I was intrigued the minute she stepped on stage an hour ago », Evans admitted.
« Oh my little boy growing up so fast », told RDJ.
« Why aren’t we talking about the fact that they renamed me Anus? », stated Josh Brolin playfully.
Everyone laughed at that. Clearly, everybody was enjoying their evening.
The lights were dimmed which indicated that the show was continuing. The stage arbored some wrecked car pieces that we painted in orange nuances to give that Titan planet vibe. For this part, the characters on stage were Sarah as Petra Quill , Kelly as Tonya Stark , Emily as Mantis , July as Drax (invisible) so she will play Anus , Jen as Petra Parker and you as Doctress Stephanie Weird.
Stark, Weird and our disguised Spider were ambushed by the Guardians.
« Who are you? Where is Gamora? », asked Petra Quill
« Ehm, I’ll do one better : Who is Gamora? » - Tonya
« No I’ll do one even better : HOW is Gamora? » - the voice of Drax resonated.
« Where does that voice come from », you asked confused.
« I’m the Destroyer Drax. Because I destroy things and then I tell them my name », the voice responded. « I’m also invisible, when I’m quiet ».
You were looking at your fellow earthlings for help and they seemed as lost as you.
« To whom you respond to?, asked Tonya
« Wakanda question is that? What am I supposed to say : Beyoncé? », Quill interjected.
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The audience was cracking up and that gave the team and especially you a relieving feeling. They were liking it. 
Mantis touched Parker and declared « Oh boy, you don’t feel so good ». « How do you know? »… « Well maybe if you haven’t drank all those juice boxes as I told you not to, you wouldn’t feel so bad », announced Tonya. « Sorry mom », answered Parker. 
Once they established that they all had the same goal - kill Anus, they assembled in order to make a plan. 
« That plan is terrible. Just like your make-up, you should check that », Quill said to Tonya, who gave him an annoying look in return. 
Meanwhile they were figuring out what to do, you were seated on a rock, legs crossed and playing with your enormous eye necklace. Putting in front of your face pretending to be Big Brother watching everyone and grinning. Until you were caught by the characters and tried to look elsewhere and pretend doing tricks with your hands. While doing so you managed to pull out some orange frisbees (p.s. it’s supposed to be the magic coming out of Strange hands).
« Yup, we’ve got some Georges Meliès tricks up in here », you declared. ( Meliès was one of the first french film directors. He discovered by stopping the camera, he could create illusions, he’s basically the first one to invent special effects). Behind those frisbees was a small word saying that the person who caught it, would have a free drink at the bar.
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« Can I throw them? », asked Parker.
« Sure, kid », you handed them over. 
Stark and Quill were finishing their argument when Mantis declared « Miss Stark, is your friend alright? ». They all turned to you, shaking.
« Hey, what’s going on? »
« I was seeing the futur in order to calculate our chances of victory «
« What did you see? », asked Stark
« I saw that we’ve got 99 problems and that bitch is one », you announced.
« Weird », commented Drax
« No, Jay-Z », you replied.
« Ok, you’ve gotta stop those references. No more cultural references for you », Stark said angrily.
You frowned at him « I can’t help it, I’ve got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA », you told him.
« Really, Lamar?! »
« What, I can’t just quote Jay-Z and ignore the master of poesy. That wouldn’t be fair », you replied.
« Touché », claimed Stark. « Fine, you may continue those puns ».
You gave him a smug smirk and winked.
Everyone got in position and you remained on stage with Tonya.
« Weird can I ask you something? - Tonya
« Yes », you replied.
« Well now that there’s only both of us, tell me why so many cinematic references? I mean there are a lot. You do are conscient that half of the audience don’t necessarily get them?», asked Tonya perplexed.
« You know, you can’t trick passion, you can’t fake it. That’s why I can’t hold back on them.
« What about all those puns? »
« What you Americans don’t like jokes? Odd, considering there’s one living in the White House right now », you exclaimed. You knew this part of the show could be tricky. Some ‘ooohs’ and ‘buurnnnn’ were heard in the audience along with hollering.
« You just went there. We don’t really do politics in this building », retorted Tonya.
« Don’t we? Are you sure? Because what we’re doing right now is Art. Those performances that we do is Art. Art is political !  Showing skin as a plus size female is political. Denouncing the inequalities in a dance is politic. It’s fighting the patriarchy. It’s fighting society standards about how as a female you should look like, how you should behave, how you should talk, how you should be sexually actif or not. And that’s what we do here. So yes, I think we do politics and we happen to use the strongest item as a tool : ART », you told.
During your speech, a few people stood up, clapped and cheered. Among them the female cast but also some of their male co-stars.
« Preach queen, preach », you heard Brie Larson yelling.
« I never saw it like that. But you’re right. » - Tonya
« Good talk Stark », you said smiling « And ohh… about the audience not understanding half the references, don’t underestimate them. (you looked at the public) They drink and then they know things ».
« Smooth Weird, smooth. I understood that reference »
At that double pun, you couldn’t help and grinned widely.
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*gifs not mine, credit to owners*
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My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s Chapter 227 (“It Was You”)
My thoughts after reading Chapter 227:
01. I’ve read the chapter, and I... oh... okay, okay... just... write down your feelings... and then...
02. First off, this chapter had very intimidating over art :O The four astronauts facing the brilliant green of the Medusa’s light... :O And that chapter title...!! :O
03. I didn’t think of sound not traveling in space, and how that would affect the Medusa! :O
04. Oh, Kohaku... XD Whhhhyyy??? XD That would have been... SO bad for humanity if you had finished what you were about to say... :O XD
05. I agree with Minami... you three really could have been just a BIT more enthralled about being on the MOON... :O
06. Hmm, so the moon has two bunnies making mocchi? Who knew? :O
07. The heart of darkness (nice reference!) is totally the right term for it! :O
08. Whyman’s close to that’s particular flag? Possibly because it’s a good landmark for luring moon explorers like these three... :O
09. Wow, this two-page panel of the moon’s surface, and the stars of the galaxy behind it... Boichi’s art is incredible! :O
10. Ohh, Kohaku, whyyy?? That voice said “please” and “indeed!” That’s not Senku!! :( That “please” already made you wonder! :O But... as horrible as it was that she was tricked... Kohaku’s from the stone world; she wouldn’t be used to electronic deception like this - and I’m not even sure she was there when Ukyo and the others heard Whyman use a synthesized version of Senku’s voice, so although she heard about the incident, she might not have heard that fake voice herself (not sure, though)... but still, Kohaku, whyyyyyy...??? :’( (I still love you, though! :) And I’m glad you were able to toss the Medusa away in time! :) )
11. Okay, Kohaku, presumably looking up after she landed back on the ground, is looking up. Senku was also looking up, at least in the first panel we saw of him after pointing at Whyman. And his eyes are shining... are those tears in his eyes? :O
12. Arrgh!!! The last four pages are building up so much... after Senku saw Whyman, he started talking about how it all coming together and that the perpetrator was closer than they knew... and then... AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDED!!!!!!!!!!! It just ended, just like that, which him smirking triumphantly at Whyman! Who??? WHO ARE YOU??????!!!!!!!!!!!
13. Ohhh, this has to be one of the top three most painful cliffhangers for this manga... :O I mean, nothing will ever beat Chapter 188 in terms of sheer heartbreak, but... oh, this... this just hurts for a different reason; because we’re SO CLOSE, oh, so close...
14. So, before I go to the next chapter, which will hopefully be a revelation and not a flashback with a bit of revelation in the end, I have to things to say: A prediction, and a declaration. The prediction is that Rei is Whyman. There is nobody else it can be that would be familiar to Senku like that and that would solve all the mysteries. I know that the petrification happened while Rei was under supervision, but I also do not care. It is Rei. Maybe she time traveled, maybe she has an evil twin... I don’t know, but Rei is Whyman, and I have to stand by that.
15. And now, the declaration. I know we saw what happened to Byakuya way back in the Treasure Island arc, but I need to state, for the record, that if Whyman turns out to be Byakuya, I will drop dead right here out of shock. I don’t want to; I don’t want to die; I have a cat and stories in progress and a future to live for, but if Whyman is revealed to be Byakuya, like his statue, or, like his essence, or something, or maybe just his normal living self, my heart might not be able to take it and I might just drop dead right here. (I might not die, though, if it’s Rei projecting a hologram of Byakuya. If that happens, I might start to die, but as the panels reveal wizard behind the curtain (i.e. Rei), I might stop dying and recover just enough to keep going to see what happens. So, yes, those are my prediction and my declaration, and I’m just going to go to the next chapter now and finally, finally learn the secret behind the biggest mystery in the series... I’m excited, and scared, and filled with fear... I don’t know what’s going to happen... what’s going to happen...? Deep breaths... deep breaths... now... go...!
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nos4ay2 · 6 years
Troll meet Pups
The first time Arrgh met the pups, Blinky was busy “borrowing” some books From the Arcadia Oaks Public Library. Arrgh had decided to wait for his partner in the woods on the edge of the clearing the library backed onto.
He’d most likely have to go a drag the other Troll out, knowing how Blinky was. But for now, he was happy to wait and possibly snag a snack from the rabbit warren that riddled the surrounding woods.
The first sign that he would have company was the quiet thumping of paws on the ground. He quickly hunkered down, in case it was a human on a run with one of their not-cats. He was surprised to see two not-cats chasing each other through the trees.
They looked young and from this size of their paws had quite a bit to grow. He watched as their play came to a halt at the edge of the clearing. With their noses to the ground, they started sniffing at the warren entrances til finally, they seemed to decide on what entrance they were going to hunt.
Arrgh watched the two as the started to dig away at the warren. He was surprised at their behaviour when a rabbit tried to get past them. The stockier of the two, with orange fur stayed at the entrance digging away while the leaner black one took off after the fleeing prey.
Arrgh was almost jealous. Rabbit was good. But what the Black pup did after catching it surprised him. Instead of eating the rabbit, it snapped its neck and brought it back to the other pup. Dropping the carcass a little aways from them, the Black pup started digging beside its friend.
Arrgh watched this repeat for the next few hours, it certainly helped pass the time at least. With the first lightening of the sky though, he knew he would have to move. The Pups also seemed to have the same idea, picking up their pile of rabbits and starting to trot into the trees. Just as the two were leaving, a breeze blew through the woods, carrying Arrghs sent to the not-cats.
The two stiffened and dropped their prey, as they cast around for whatever had been there watching them. Arrgh decided that it was better he move than wait for them to leave. H had to get Blinky and get back to Trollmarket anyway.
As he walked out from his hiding place the tow Pups gave surprised yips and retreated a few paces. A few seconds passed as the two parties looked at the other. Then the Orange one did something unexpected. It walked a few paces sniffing the air, then dropped down as if it wanted to play giving another more happy sounding yip.
The Black one didn't seem to happy with its packmates behaviour, tugging at its tail to get him to move. The two devolved into play-fighting til they came to a stop in front of Arrgh. The two pups stiffened and shrank down tails tucked and ears pressed flat to their heads. It was similar behaviour to Trolls that had heard of the General of Gunmar but hadn't met Arrgh.
With slow movement, Arrgh stretched out a hand for the Pups to sniff. Again it was the Orange one who was the first to sniff. The Black soon followed after. After Arrgh pulled his hand away, the two backed up and ran back to their Rabbits. Before they disappeared into the woods, the Orange dashed back dropping a Rabbit on the ground a little away from Him. And with that, the two melted into the woods.
Arrgh picked up the Rabbit, popping it into his mouth and walked to the Library. The Rabbit was as good as he had thought one would be. Not as good as Cat but close.
Arrgh met Blinky just as the other Troll exited the building, carrying a bag of books.
“Arrgh, My friend. I have found a delightful selection on the subject of human social interactions.”
With a smile, the larger troll took the bag from his friend.
“Sun. Trollmarket.”
“Ah, yes you're right my friend. It's best we get a move on. No need to worry Vendel or Kanjigar. I hope you weren't  too bored waiting for me?”
With a shake of his head, Arrgh started for the canal. “Not Bored. Watched not-cats hunting.”
Walking beside him, Blinky, “Not-cats you say. I believe the humans call them dogs, though then again I don't think dogs hunt. What were these not-cats  like?”
“One Black. One Orange. Pups but big. Smart. Hunt Rabbit. Orange Curious. Black Cautious. Orange gave Rabbit”
Pausing at the wall into Trollmarket, Blinky looked at his friend. “I will have to do some research, but from my understanding the Humans dogs aren't know to be smart. But that is a mystery for another time. For now let us go home… and avoid Vendel.”
The sun had just begun to rise, as two wolf pups came in through the backdoor of a blue house. With its nose, the Black pup lifted the lid of the chest freezer and held it open as the other dumped to rabbit carcasses into it. With that done, the lid slammed down.
The two pups touched noses, tails wagging and the Orange one turned and trotted out the door to go across the street to his house.
The black nudged the backdoor shut before entering the house. He crept upstairs, hoping his mother was either still on shift or sleeping.
As he passed her door, however, a voice rang out from inside the room.
“If that’s you Jim Lake Jr. you had better be in for a grounding of a lifetime!”
Jim dashed to his room, tail tucked firmly between his legs. Once reaching his room, he stretched until he had hands instead of paws. Knowing that he was in for a world of trouble no matter what now. He grabbed the walkie-talkie beside his bed.
“Heya Tobes, you there?”
“Oh my god Jimbo! What did we see tonight?”
“I don't know but I almost had a heart attack when you ran back to give up one of our rabbits. Not to mention you trying to play with it.”
“I was trying to see if it was friendly. It’d obviously been there for a while. I thought maybe it was hungry.”
“Yeah, well, please be careful Tobes. I don't think it’d be fright off by growling if it decided to eat us.”
“I guess you're right. I'll be more careful next time. Does Dr. Lake know we were out?”
“Yeah. Im def grounded and she probs gonna talk to your Gran.”
“Oh. Maybe the Rabbit stew will get us off the hook?”
“I don't think so. You know how she is with us running by ourselves.”
“I guess, but we’re 13 now. We’re not complete babies anymore.”
“I don’t think Mum’s gonna care about that.”
“Yeah. Im beat. See you later Jimbo.”
“Later, Tobes.”
Putting down the walkie-talkie, Jim dragged himself into the shower. After the blood and dirt was washed away he finally stumbled into bed as the sun rose over Arcadia Oaks.
I don't usually post fic on tumblr, but I want to see if there's more I want to write before putting on Ao3. Hope it was enjoyed. Feel free to ask me any questions.
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darkwatercomics · 3 years
~ Issue # 2 ~ Book One: Chapter Two: The Things That Haunt Us ~
Wide shot of the New York City skyline at night. In the foreground is a hotel type roof top sign that reads ‘Way Back When’
ARTIST NOTE: Insert is in the top left of panel 2.
CAPTION: New York City.
ELIJAH: Is the child safe?
Splash: Full shot of a man in a purple trench coat from behind, mostly in shadow of a nearby alleyway. He’s looking up at a tenement building that has had part of its upper floors blown away and is now a smoking mess. On the street across from the man are fire trucks, ambulances, patrol cars, with medics, fire and police officers. It’s raining and the lights are reflected on the wet street.
CAPTION: Brooklyn.
FIRE OFFICER: I’m telling you. I’ve been doing this job 20 yrs, ain’t never seen nothing like it. There was nothing of them left, nothing.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head to chest shot of the man looking up at the smoking building. He’s Asian, appearing to be in his mid to late 30’s, white dyed hair with piercing but kind green eyes.
Along with the purple trench coat he’s also wearing simple black trousers, worn black boots and an old style grey turtleneck jumper.
Head to waist shot of him from behind. He’s stood at the end of an alleyway, and one of the police officers is now walking over to him.
Half page panel. Full profile shot of Elijah and the police officer facing each other, stood at the end of the alleyway and framed by its walls.
OFFCIER: Yeah, he’s safe. Good job I got here when I did. What the hell happened anyway? It’s hard enough keeping our worlds apart as it is.
ELIJAH: It was Magellan, well, his followers anyway. They got the same information we did. A Magic Kind, powerful, started showing potential the moment he hit a year old. What about the parents?
Two panels on this vertical tier. Similar to the previous panel but closer.
OFFICER: Dead. They didn’t stand a chance. I doubt the poor kid will even remember them. Honestly, it’s probably best if he doesn’t.
Forehead to chin semi-profile shot of Elijah, his face half in shadow.
ELIJAH: No, he’ll remember them, I’ll make sure of it.
Two panels on this vertical tier. In the foreground is a patrol car parked in the alleyway, with Elijah and the police officer approaching.
OFFICER: So, what’ll happen to him? The Academy?
ELIJAH: Possibly, it’s not my decision.
OFFICER: Up to the Ministry then, as always.
ELIJAH: As always.
Overhead shot of a baby wrapped up in a blanket on the backseat of the patrol car, his ebony skin lit by light from the windows above.
OFFICER ( O.P ): Well, here he is, safe and sound, don’t look all that powerful.
ELIJAH ( O.P ): They never do.
Half page panel. Head to waist semi-profile shot of Elijah turning away, holding the baby, concealed under his coat from the downpour.
OFFCIER (O.P ): Good luck, and to the kid too.
ELIJAH: Thank you, he’ll need it.
SPLASH: Twilight. Full exterior shot of the diner. It’s barely more than a shell now, mostly rubble, with smoke pluming upward. In the foreground of the panel are the burnt remains of the Reapers. Written in the dusty ground by the road are the words ‘33 Years Later.’
Three panels on this bottom tier. Shot of the desert horizon, what remains of sunset being lost to the grey of twilight. Through the shimmering haze we can see the shape of a figure who’s approaching.
Similar to the previous panel but now a closer shot. The figure is a man. He‘s tall, lithe, muscular but not overly so. He’s wearing simple black boots and trousers and a waistcoat on his upper half. His chalk white skin is covered in tattoos, his arms, his torso, his face and bald head. Slung over his shoulder is a backpack and a rifle.
Head to chest shot of him, a closer look at his face. He’s of a similar age to Jeremiah. He has no eyebrows and his eyes are albino pink, which are now narrowed as he spots something ahead.
CLARA( O.P ): Arrgh … cough …cough … Jesus.
Three panels on this top tier. In the foreground Clara is lying among the rubble. She’s bloodied, badly burned and clearly dying. Behind her, in a full shot, Jobe is watching with no hint of emotion.
CLARA: Please … I don’t wanna die … please …
Head to waist shot of Jobe now crouched and cradling her broken body.
CLARA: It hurts Mr, it hurts so bad, I just want it to stop.
JOBE: I know, I can help you.
CLARA: Who are you?
JOBE: Don‘t try to speak, rest, close your eyes.
Similar to the previous panel but now he’s looking at her with pity, her body weighted up against his as he tenderly grabs her head.
JOBE: Shhh, that‘s it.
SPLASH: Full shot of them as he gently snaps her neck, his head bowed, a profound sadness and regret in his expression. The horizon behind him is grey with the blue black of night creeping in.
ARTIST NOTE: Chapter title is written beneath them, along the bottom of the splash. Book One: Chapter Two: The Things That Haunt Us.
S.F.X: Snap.
JOBE: It‘s okay, you can sleep now.
Page width panel. Night. Wide shot of the desert. Jeremiah’s Plymouth 71 is roaring down the road, with a trail of dust behind it.
CAPTION: 50 Miles North.
JEREMIAH: This should do, we’re far enough away now.
JEREMIAH: Jesse stop, you need to rest.
JESSE: Yeah, okay, okay.
Two panels on this tier. Full shot of the Plymouth from the front with a full shot of both Jesse and Jeremiah getting out. Jesse is bent over, looking completely overwhelmed like she wants to be sick.
JESSE: Jesus, I need some air.
JEREMIAH: You okay?
Head to chest semi-profile shot of Jesse, her face full of unrestrained anger, everything that’s happened now exploding out.
JESSE: Am I okay? Really? I just watched my whole life go up in smoke! I just saw my fucking friend die! Would you be okay?! I’ve seen some freaky shit in my time Mr, but that was way beyond the pale!
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head to chest shot of Jeremiah from behind with a head to waist shot of Jesse facing him, exhausted.
JEREMIAH: Jeremiah.
JESSE: What?
Forehead to chin semi-profile shot of Jeremiah, his face mostly in shadow.
JEREMIAH: My name is Jeremiah.
Three panels on this top tier. Full shot of Jesse walking up a dirt path, with a full shot of Jeremiah stood by the Plymouth in the background.
JESSE: Your name is trouble, that’s what it is, with a capital fucking T. You rode into my life and you brought hell right with you!
Head to waist shot of Jesse, calmer now, her arms folded, looking thoughtfully out toward the horizon, with Jeremiah stood behind her.
JEREMIAH: That wasn’t my intention. They were tracking me. I couldn’t stay in the open. I had no idea they would send the Reapers.
JESSE: Yeah, right. What do you mean they were tracking you? Who are you?
Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Jeremiah, the night sky behind.
JEREMIAH: It’s not who I am. It’s what I have.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of Jesse, arms still folded, Jeremiah behind. It’s clear she’s feeling curious, despite herself.
JESSE: Yeah? I heard that guy say you stole something.
JEREMIAH: I retrieved something, there’s a difference. It doesn’t belong to them.
Head to chest shot of Jesse, with Jeremiah in a head to waist shot behind. She’s frowning, looking deeply suspicious at what he’s telling her.
JESSE: And it belongs to you?
JEREMIAH: No, I’m taking it back to where it does belong.
Page width panel. Full profile shot of them both. We can see now that Jesse is stood atop a steep rocky outcrop. Behind them the sky is vast and clear and full of stars. She is still facing away from Jeremiah.
JESSE: And they’re trying to stop you.
JEREMIAH: Something like that, yes.
JESSE: So, tell me, why didn’t you just use magic back at the diner?
Page width panel. Similar to the previous panel but now Jesse has turned around to face him directly and her arms are no longer folded.
JEREMIAH: What do you mean, I did.
JESSE: Well, you turned the magic back on those other two, yet you used a shot gun on them Reapers, so fess up Jeremiah, what gives?
JEREMIAH: It would have needed far stronger magic. I don’t do that anymore.
JESSE: Why the hell not. You’re Magic Kind, ain’t ya?
Page width panel. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Jeremiah, half turned away from her, with Jesse in the background.
JEREMIAH: It’s a long story.
JESSE: What the hell does that mean, was?
FULL PAGE SPLASH: Morning. Full shot of Elijah from behind, stood with a young boy. The boy is Thomas Hyde, who was the child Elijah took from Brooklyn. Thomas is now about 11 years old. Elijah is dressed very much as he was before, Tom is wearing black trousers and a duffle coat. They’re stood in front of an imposing 18th century red bricked building, very gothic in style. It’s snowing, several inches of soft white snow on the ground. Written vertically on the front of the building are the words ‘Way Back When.’
ARTIST NOTE: No border for this full page splash. They are framed by the open gates either side of them. On the right hand gate is a sign that reads: The Byzantine Academy: School For The Gifted.
ARTIST NOTE: Inserts 2 to 4 are to be read vertically on the right of the page.
CAPTION: Manhattan.
CAPTION: “Yeah well, ain’t they all.“
TOM: So this is it.
ELIJAH: This is it.
Full shot of them both framed by the gates, with a street behind them.
TOM: It’s funny, I thought I’d feel prepared. You’ve told me about this place my whole life, but now I’m actually here, it just feels strange.
ELIJAH: I know, I felt the same way.  Not here, but I know how you feel.
Similar to the previous panel but now a head to waist shot of them.
ELIJAH: It’ll be okay, Tom. You’ve worked hard to be here. Your parents would be proud. This place, it can give you something to aim for, it can give you somewhere to belong if you’re willing to let it.
Head to chest profile shot of them, with Tom in the foreground of the panel.
TOM: But you’ll still be around? You’re staying here?
ELIJAH: Of course.
Three panels on this tier. Full shot of Jesse sat on the outcrop, arms resting on her knees, with Jeremiah stood a few feet behind her. Scratched into the rock of the outcrop are the words ‘23 Years Later’
CAPTION: “Always.”
JEREMIAH: It’ll be sunrise soon, then we’ll have to get going. Did you sleep?
JESSE: Better than I thought.
Similar to the previous panel, but now Jeremiah is stood right behind her.
JESSE: Just so you know, I ain’t happy travelling with you, ain’t happy at all, but the way I see it, for now I ain’t got much of a choice.
JEREMIAH: Fair enough.
Head to chest profile shot of Jesse with the half light desert sky behind.
JESSE: How can you stand it, being in the Storm Lands? I’ve spent every single second since I was 10 years old, trying my best to keep away.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of Jeremiah now stood beside her
JEREMIAH: You’re from the Storm Lands?
JESSE: Yep, my town was ground zero.
Similar to the previous panel but Jeremiah’s head is now slightly bowed. It’s clear the mention of the town has stirred up an old memory.
JEREMIAH: I’m sorry.
Head to chest semi-profile shot of Jesse, who’s now half turned to him.
JESSE: Ain’t your fault. I hate the way this world is now. Well, the good ol’ U.S.A anyway. All of it was better before magic came along.
JESSE: Magic should have made things better, but it just made ‘em worse.
Three panels on this top tier. Forehead to chin profile shot of Jesse.
JESSE: Do you remember what it was like, before the war? I mean, I kind of do, but it’s all kinda vague now, just bits of memories really.
Full profile shot of them both, Jeremiah looking thoughtfully at the sky.
JEREMIAH: Sometimes memories are all we have.
JESSE: Not sure I even got those.
Head to chest profile shot of Jeremiah, a thoughtful expression on his face.
JEREMIAH: What would you say if it could all be like it used to be, if magic was gone forever, if the Reapers could finally find peace.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Similar to panel 2 with Jeremiah looking down at Jesse. Her expression is sceptical. She’s not buying it.
JESSE: That ain’t possible.
JEREMIAH: If I’ve learnt anything it’s that the impossible is very often possible.
Forehead to chin semi-profile shot of Jeremiah, his face cast in shadow.
JEREMIAH: How much do you know about what happened that day?
JEREMIAH: About what really happened.
Two panels on this top tier. Full profile shot of Jesse sat on the outcrop.
JESSE: Only what people say, that Thomas Hyde was supposed to be a hero. He won the war, but at the same time he doomed all of us. Lot of people say he died, bunch of others say he wanted to disappear.
JESSE: Truth is, he fucked up big time.
Head and shoulders profile shot of Jeremiah, the sky behind now lighter.
JEREMIAH: As these things go that’s not too far off the truth. But as always the real truth is a bit more complicated than history tells us.
Page width panel. Full profile shot of them together on the outcrop.
JESSE: Ain’t no history ever been written that was the whole truth.
JEREMIAH: True, but what you heard was mostly right.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Similar to panel 2, a profile shot of Jeremiah.
JEREMIAH: Things got pretty bad at the end of the war. Hyde had lost everything, lost everyone he loved. He had one last chance, a desperate hopeless chance so he took it. It was all he had left in him.
Similar to panel 3 but now it’s a closer shot of them on the outcrop.
JESSE: You talk like you knew him.
JESSE: He really dead then?
Forehead to shoulders semi-profile shot of Jeremiah cast in shadow.
JEREMIAH: Yes, he’s dead.
JEREMIAH: After it was done, half the world considered him a hero, the other half, well, they had good reason for thinking otherwise.
SPLASH: Full shot of Ezekiel ‘Zek’ Jones stumbling backward as he’s attacked by Abel, who here is about 11 years old. Abel is holding the magical energy in his hand threateningly close to Zek’s face. In the background is Zoe Darkwater held back by a young Amaris. They are all stood on the grassy lawns of the Academy. Written on a nearby water fountain are the words ‘Way Back When.’
Zek wears special spectacles that resemble bronze goggles, almost steam punk in design beneath his short, black scruffy hair. He wears a suit but it’s baggy, his tie is loose and his shirt is hanging out. Zoe is Native American with chin length blue hair, wearing denim jeans, a loose white T shirt with crosses on it and a short red jacket.
ARTIST NOTE: There’s no border as such on the edges of this splash panel.
CAPTION: “Well, he ain’t no hero to me.”
ABEL: Show me up in class, would ya?
ZOE: Zek! Leave him alone Abel!
AMARIS: Stay out of this Darkwater!
Three panels on this tier. Head to chest profile shot of Zek and Abel.
TOM ( O.P ): Is there a problem here?
In the foreground on the right of the panel is a head to waist shot of Tom from behind. In the background Abel is half turned to him.
ABEL: Well, well, the quiet one finally speaks.
TOM: I didn’t have anything to say until now.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Close up forehead to chin shot of Abel.
ABEL: Is that so?
Close up of Tom’s hand, the tips of his fingers fizzing with blue light.
Similar shot to panel 2 but now Abel is reacting in surprise as the blue light hits his hand, his head thrown back in pain as it strikes him.  
Three panels on this top tier. Full profile shot of Tom and Abel facing each other.
ABEL: You’ll pay for that.
TOM: I’m sure.
Head to waist shot of Abel with Amaris, his sister, now behind him.
AMARIS: Abel, it’s not worth it, big brother. He’ll wait.
Similar to the previous panel but now a head to chest shot of them.
ABEL: Yes, he will.
Page width panel. In the foreground is a head to chest shot of Abel and Amaris walking away on the right of the panel. In the background Tom, Zek and Zoe are now standing together in a group.
ZEK: Thanks, I’m Ezekiel, Ezekiel Jones. You can call me Zek though.
TOM: No problem. Thomas Hyde. Tom
Three panels on this bottom tier. Head to waist shot of Zek from Tom’s P.O.V, with Zoe stood behind him. He’s smiling and introducing her with a gesture like someone presenting to an audience.
ZEK: Nice to meet you Tom. And this firecracker here is Zoe Darkwater.
Head to waist shot of the three of them walking off. Tom in the middle.
TOM: First day, and we’re already in fight, great start.
Full shot of them from behind walking away across the Academy grounds.
ZOE: Yeah, and I got a feeling it won’t be the last.
Page width panel. Wide shot of Jesse and Jeremiah coming down the rocky hill, which in a full shot is similar to Vasquez Rocks in California. Behind it the sunrise is now creeping into the blue black sky. Scratched into the rocks of the hill are the words ’23 Years Later.’
JEREMIAH: Do you know what an Armageddon spell is?
JESSE: Heard about it. It’s what Hyde used against Magellan, ain’t it?
Two panels on this tier. Full shot of Jeremiah walking along the dirt path that winds down the hill, with Jesse in full shot behind him.
JEREMIAH: Yes, the war was lost, Magellan had won. Like I said, Hyde was desperate.
JEREMIAH: What he did ended the war …
Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a head to waist shot of them.
JESSE: But it fucked a lot of things up in the process.
Page width panel. Full shot of them both stood lower down on the dirt path but Jeremiah has now stopped and is turned to face Jesse.
JESSE: You said it was possible to rid the world of magic, that don’t make much sense to me. How could such a thing even be possible?
JEREMIAH: It was always possible, but no one knew where the Source was.
Page width panel. Similar to panel 3 of page 14, but with a bit more of the sunrise now seeping into the blue black of the early sky.
JESSE: The Source?
JEREMIAH: Where magic first started, like the Cradle of Life in Africa. Everything always comes from somewhere, everything that ever was always has that first spark, a beginning, a well spring.
JESSE: What are you saying, that you can actually snuff that spark out?
Three panels on this tier. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Jeremiah.
JEREMIAH: Perhaps. It won’t be easy though. Those people at the diner, Abel and Amaris, they’re part of a larger group, the Acolyte Order.  
JEREMIAH: To them the Source is sacred, they’ll do anything to protect it. If we go up against them then we’re going to need some help.
Head to waist shot of them both, with Jesse now stood a little closer.
JESSE: You know where this Source is?
JEREMIAH: Not exactly, but I know a way we might find out.
JESSE: That’s why you need to find this help first, right?
Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a head to chest shot of them.
JEREMIAH: Yes, and to do that it means going into the Storm Lands.
JESSE: Those people, the Acolyte Order, will they come after me now?
JEREMIAH: No, I don‘t think so, it‘s me they‘re after.
JESSE: But if I helped you?
JEREMIAH: That would change things.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head to chest semi-profile shot of Jesse, looking downward thoughtfully, frowning as she comes to a decision.
JESSE: Damn it.
Forehead to chin semi-profile shot of her, her expression now determined.
JESSE: Okay, here’s the deal, if anything you’ve remotely told me is even half true then I’m in. I’ve been running away for far too long, my whole life if I‘m honest. I guess now, finally, I’m tired of running.
Full shot of Tom, Zek and Zoe’s distorted reflections in the water of a lake.
ARTIST NOTE: Insert is positioned in the top left hand corner of panel 2.
TOM: That him?
ZOE: That’s him.
ZEK: His entire family was murdered. They say he was the target though, that he was part of some prophecy that said he’d defeat Magellan.
SPLASH: Full shot of a young Jobe stood at the edge of the lake, looking a very withdrawn and lonely figure. Even at this age he is pale, though at this time he has cropped white hair. We are in the grounds of the Byzantine Academy, blooming green with Spring time. Written in the nearby gravel path are the words ’Way Back When.’
Two panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of Tom, Zek and Zoe from behind, looking across the lake over at Jobe on the opposite side.
TOM: You mean, like a chosen one or something?
ZOE: Yep.
TOM: He must be pretty special then.
Head to waist shot of them with the Byzantine Academy grounds behind.
ZEK: So they say, it’s all rumours though.
TOM: He looks pretty lonely.
ZOE: Well, it can’t be easy. That’s a lot for anyone to death with.
Half page panel. In the foreground is a head to waist semi-profile shot of Jobe examining a butterfly on a nearby branch. In the background are Tom, Zek and Zoe across the lake in a full shot, watching.
ZEK: Some of the others here see him as just a freak.
TOM: They don’t understand. They couldn’t.
Two panels on this vertical tier. Head to waist profile shot of Tom, Zek and Zoe looking across the lake, Jobe in the foreground of the panel.
ZEK: Keeps himself to himself.
ZOE: But maybe if it was the right person.
TOM: What are you? … Oh right.
Similar to the previous panel but now a head to chest shot of them.
ZEK: Way I see it Tommy boy, you got a lot in common, with your parents and all.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head and shoulders profile shot of Tom.
TOM: *Sigh* Okay, I’ll try.
It’s a full shot of Tom. He’s now facing Jobe, both stood at he edge of the lake, with their figures reflected in the nearby sun dappled water.
CAPTION: “But I’m not promising anything.”
SPLASH: Day. The desert. In the foreground on the left of the panel is a battered camper van. It has clearly been attacked. The door is open with a man laying on the ground in front of it. Bloodied. Eyes open. Dead. In the background is a full shot of Jobe. Written on the side of the van in blood are the words ’21 Years Later.’
Two panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of him crouched and closing the dead man’s eyes, his head bowed in respect of his passing.
Similar to the previous panel but now he’s looking into the camper van.
JOBE: It’s okay, I won’t harm you.
Three panels on this top tier. Full shot of him from behind, crouched by the open door. Inside its shadowy, streams of light seeping in.
JOBE: You can come out.
Similar to the previous panel but now within the shadow we can see the shape of what appears to a girl, who’s stood there watching.
JOBE: It’s okay, it’s safe now.
Similar to the previous two panels but now the girl is stood at the doorstep. She’s wearing a torn and frayed dress, a jumper with a blood stained teddy bear on it and Doc Martin boots. Her skin is deathly pale, her long ginger hair bedraggled and hung over her face.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Forehead to chin close up of the girl and we see now her eyes are yellow. She’s infected with Dark Magic.
Head to waist shot of Jobe stumbling backward as the girl attacks him, her eyes wild, her sharp teeth showing as she bites down at him.
Full shot of him crouched over her, pushing her swiftly and efficiently to the ground without hesitation, his hand pressed on her.
Page width panel. On the left of the panel is a full shot of the girl now sat up against the camper van, her knees pulled up into her chest, pitiful, looking like a wounded animal. On the right of the panel Jobe is crouched a few feet away, holding his hand out to her.
JOBE: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re infected with Dark Magic, not fully, but that hunger you feel means it’s in your blood. You’re a Half Blood, I can help you but you need to trust me.
Three panels on this tier. Full shot of Jobe from her distorted P.O.V.
JOBE: You need to breathe slowly. Deep, slow, breaths. That’s it.
JOBE: Tell me, what is your name?
Full shot of her sat up against the camper van, her face dirty, tear stained. We can see now that she’s pretty young, about 8 or 9 yrs old.
MATILDA: Matilda … my name was Matilda, before the dark came. I tried not to … my father … I tried to stop myself but I couldn’t …
Similar to the shot in panel 2 but now her P.O.V of Jobe is less distorted.
JOBE: It wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t you, not really. I know what it’s like to have something inside you. Something dark and terrible.
JOBE: I can show you how to control it.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Close up shot of him holding out his hand.
JOBE: Let me help you.
Close up shot of Matilda holding her thin pale hand out to him in return.
Page width panel. Full shot of Jeremiah from behind, stood on the dirt path of the rocky hill and looking down onto Jesse, who’s stood waiting by the Plymouth, leaning on its roof, bathed in the sunrise.
ARTIST NOTE: The dialogue of Zek and Zoe are represented by floating word balloons which are coloured in hues of yellow and blue.
ZOE ( O.P ): If you like her, let her go.
ZEK ( O.P ): Yeah, cut her loose.
Two panels on this tier. Head to chest shot of Jeremiah watching Jesse.
JEREMIAH: I can protect her.
Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of him looking up at the sky.
ZOE ( O.P ): Like you protected us?
JEREMIAH: That’s not fair.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of Jeremiah stood on the dirt path. On either side of him are now the ghostly figures of Zek and Zoe.
ZEK: Nope, neither is being dead.
Similar to the previous panel but now their figures are mostly substantial, like they’re really there with him. They look similar to how they do in the flashbacks, but a few years older, about 17 yrs old.
ZOE: Maybe you should tell us what’s really going on.
Half page panel. Full shot of the three of them on the dirt path. The sky is now blooming with the orange and red colours of sunrise.
JEREMIAH: I got her into this.
ZOE: So you’re feeling guilty, huh?
JEREMIAH: I don’t do guilt.  
ZEK: No? Who you kidding, feeling responsible is what you do best.
Two panels on this vertical tier. Head to waist shot of Jesse stood by the Plymouth, still leaning on its roof and bathed in the sunrise.
CAPTION: “She didn’t ask to be part of this.”
Head to chest semi-profile shot of Jeremiah stood with Zek and Zoe.
ZEK: Neither did we, remember, things just work out that way sometimes.
ZOE: *Sigh* Still no closer to the reason though.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Forehead to chin shot of Jeremiah.
JEREMIAH: Okay, maybe I’m just tired of being alone.
ZOE ( O.P ) And there it is.
High view of the Plymouth now as it travels fast along the desert road.
CAPTION: “Yeah well, while we’re on that particular subject just remember how things always turn out when you make friends, Tommy boy.”
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