#Adventure Channel
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as newspapers today dont tend to hire children, a modern day Tintin would run a clickbait YouTube channel, except the clickbait is 100% real every single time
he starts off as an irritating conservative pundit at 14, meets Chang then leaves the think tank paying him and launches his own independent channel and blows up shortly after. Chang helps with video editing and managing his socials and they often chat on video calls between adventures. Haddock, his foster dad, has absolutely no knowledge of his earlier videos.
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icelynodette · 1 year
Sunriver Trip Bend Oregon
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dasketcherz · 2 months
okay Andrew Garfield as Hugo's singing voice... yeh I can see that vision actually.
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s0me-rand0m-d0rk · 6 months
Ok. So, you know that TV show Ghost Adventures? Let's make it Danny phantom.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker are college age. Danny's studying astrophysics and astronomy. Tucker's studying engineering. And Sam's double majoring in occult studies and parapsychology. They're not in Amity Park, I don't know where they'd be but it would probably be a really haunted city/town. They need some extra money so they start a paranormal investigation group kinda like what Ghost Adventures is, but local. They post their findings on YouTube. They basically blow up overnight and get monetized after they get a few videos out there.
Danny is the "medium". (He's not a medium. He just has ghost powers.)
Tucker's the tech specialist.
Sam's the occult specialist.
But instead of provoking the ghosts and being rowdy and screaming all the time (don't get me wrong, the show is funny and I do enjoy watching it, but we all know they're not always respectful of the spirits.), they're actually trying to solve the problem the ghost is posing. They try to compromise with them and help them pass on.
Sam sends Danny into creepy basements by himself just like Zak does with Aaron. She also pulls the most obscure and random occult facts out of her ass. One time, she told the audience that it was possible to exorcise ghosts using music. She proceeded to play Riptide on a ukulele for the spirit of a pre-teen girl and it worked. After the episode is over, people go to look it up, and low and behold, there it is.
Tucker makes progressively more insane and less believable gadgets to contact and interact with ghosts. Their audience tunes in every week wonder what he'll have next. The last episode, it was some sort of ghostly etch-a-sketch. AND THE GHOSTS ACTUALLY USED IT. Did one of them draw a dick on it like a smart ass? Probably.
Sometimes Danny has full on conversations with no one on camera. He waves when there's no one else in the room. He scolded a poltergeist that tried to push him down the stairs. He consistently says that most ghosts just need a hug. Dark spirit? Hug it. Violent poltergeist? They need a hug. Ghostly child? HUG. The audience notices his eyes glowing in the dark. Is it special effects? No one knows.
No one can tell if they're serious or not. They had a literal gun that shoots ghosts. They play music for ghosts. They have ghostly etch-a-sketches. Unless you're from Amity Park, there's no way you're believing that.
But, people who have their properties investigated often say that the activity stops or de-intensifies or changes all together. People may have to change things, like hanging up a photo of the deceased, holding a memorial service, or stopping/changing renovations. But they make the ghost happy or even pass on. That way they stop throwing the good china out of the cabinets.
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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childhood shows + favorites
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aphantimes · 7 months
Examples of Knuckles sensing all forms of Chaos Energy (and other things?) so I can aggressively point here whenever people forget about it
I see this part of Knuckles' abilities forgotten way too often and it drives me insane so here
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Very blatant. His entire gameplay in SA1 and SA2 revolves around this ability. He innately has the ability to sense the Master Emerald and its shards. Rouge meanwhile is given an Emerald Detector in SA2 to explain her gameplay.
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He senses "some strange energy" right before Sonic Chaos Controls right in front of him. Essentially predicting a Chaos Control. IDK how else you could read this lmao he literally sensed a Chaos Control. (I swear I never see anyone talk about this ever grrr)
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This interaction in Sonic Rush confirms that he can sense both Sol Emeralds and Chaos Emeralds. For him to be able to mistake Sol Emeralds for Chaos Emeralds without seeing them, he has to be using some sixth sense, and has to be familiar with sensing Chaos Emeralds as well.
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(This is from a Sonic Station Live segment, unofficial translation found here.)
Knuckles goes looking for a mysterious Emerald presence, and finds Tails' fake Emerald. Pretty straightforward. Also, evidence of the Master Emerald itself being sentient and able to direct Knuckles to investigate anomalies. (I wish more people made use of that, too.)
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(This is from a story on the Sonic Channel website. Original found here, unofficial translation from Windii Gitlord's blog found here.)
This is... a strange one. A bit of an outlier. I assumed that instances of Knuckles sensing treasures were purely gameplay mechanics, but here he appears to literally sense a pair of combat gloves, which is completely unrelated to Chaos Energy. So I guess he can do that too? But maybe it's only because he was led there by the ghosts of his ancestors? Who knows.
Oh yeah. BTW, Knuckles gets sent dreams by his ancestors' ghosts. That is canon. Someone pls use that in some way lol
So anyway. There. A bunch of examples of Knuckles sensing all forms of Chaos Energy, not just the Master Emerald. Throw this at someone if they question the extent of this ability and want evidence lol
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menheim · 2 months
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Ross Lynch 🤍
via instagram
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tailschannel · 1 year
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In case you missed it: Take a look at this commemorative artwork of Shadow the Hedgehog from SEGA Japan, marking the 22nd anniversary of Sonic Adventure 2.
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elbdot · 10 months
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Can you believe it's been 7 years already? Seven whole years... And I got to meet SO many wonderful people thanks to this comic and gained SO much experience from it, especially through the Comic Dub I recorded, directed and published last year!
No really, it's incredible to think how much of an influence this fancomic had on my life in every aspect and I am incredibly grateful for how much it helped me grow, both as an artist and a person, and how I got to build a wonderful community of both fans and friends through it over the years! 🥹🥰💖💕 Originally I wanted to plan a Livestream for today and draw something a bit more extravagant, but unfortunately like many others I'm currently sick with a harsh whooping cough 🤧😷😔
So all I managed to draw was future-Guz and El, relating to my past winter-comics of them I published around Christmas! ;w; You can see them HERE and HERE
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Thank you all SO MUCH for your immense support over the years and I hope I still get to do a belated Anniversary Stream with all of you before the end of the year! ;w; Love you guys! 💖 ~Eleanor
Thank you to my Patrons, who support future updates and animations of the comic!
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voidfire-studios · 11 months
"Why are you crying?"
Me, inconsolable: Th-they're-*sob* they're normal fish
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They're normal fish in the picture. They were his fairy godparents. They were *hic* like his parents- and-and *sniff* they loved him so much *sob* and he loves them so much and-and- *sniff* he's never going to remember them *hic* because now he's all grown and they're normal fish in the picture
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They're normal fish!
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lxikoniko · 1 year
Jimmy not only knowing Clark isn't human, which validates all his other beliefs (which also turned out to be true), but choosing to not say anything and letting himself be viewed as nothing more then the crazy paranormal conspiracy theorist just so he can protect his best friend... honestly is so freaking cathartic.
Jimmy knowing from before the start of the series is such a good example of the "I've known all along" trope. Put some fucking respect on my boy's name, we all need a Jimmy in our lives.
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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A little rooftop conversation
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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A little while ago while hanging out at the manor for game night, Stephanie introduced the family to another one of her current favorite artist.
This was nothing unusual, Steph had a new favorite artist almost every other week. But this one was different. It wasn't just a single person but a group that called themselves ‘Team Phantom’.
Every song was different as every song was sang by a different person. So there was a song for everyone, including Jason.
He feel in love with the soft smooth voice of ‘The Sister’. Her songs were so dreamy and melancholic, and told stories that he often couldn't understand but made him feel like if he were there doing whatever she was doing. Feeling whatever she was feeling.
It was amazing. Her voice was just so beautiful. So calming. So additive, the way it calmed the pits. He didn't know why but every time her songs played it was like the pits disappeared. And so did ever constant green haze that haunted him.
The sense of clarity he was left with when one of her songs ended was like a fuckin high and he couldn't get enough.
Long after the game night he sought after her music. Her songs. Her voice. It was his medicine and his drug. His addiction. Which sucked because just like every other addiction, withdrawal was a BITCH.
It's been six months since ‘The Sister’ has released a new song. Since ANY of Team Phantom had released any new songs. And it was really suspicious considering how consistent their schedules were. But that was okay, kinda. Life was life and maybe something happened. He'll just listen to her old songs on repeat like he's been doing for the last six months.
Is what he said until they posted a new video to their channel.
It wasn't the 3 to 4 minute animated or stagnant image music video he was uses to. Instead, it was a dark shaking video, as if someone was running. Then bright teal eyes appeared on the screen. Everything stopped for a moment. Then came the still soft and smooth but now trembling voice of ‘The Sister’.
She uttered a single word.
Before it ended and turned black.
It could honestly just be a prank. But something told him other wise.
Before he even decided what course of action he was going to take. A message came in through the family group chat. And from the Demon child no less.
‘We need to help Team Phantom. NOW!!!!!’
Everyone agreed.
And Jason felt very validated that he wasn't the only one secretly addicted to their music.
Now it's time to save Team Phantom.
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otogariado · 1 year
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anybody else remember the hall of egress
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cultofasparagus · 1 year
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nicnavarrocage · 19 days
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I was originally gonna include JonTron but he's not TGWTG enough.
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