#Adventure Stories
pulpsandcomics2 · 2 days
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Weird Tales Jan 1936 cover by Margaret Brundage
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
I studied adventure and fantasy films as well as adaptations extensively in university so I have a video essay planned (finally I’m getting to YouTube) but I’m interested to get your thoughts since pretty much all of these problems are stemming the place that’s sparked the Writers’ Strike so it feels relevant.
Because we obviously have fantastic writers and directors and creatives out there - why aren’t they getting to tell stories?
Also, support the Writers Strike.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 7 days
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art by Samson Pollen (1960s-1970s)
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ladydenkiart · 10 days
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mon projet de BD avance bien, le scénario est fait a 70%
my comic book project is progressing well, the scenario is 70% done
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20kmemesunderthesea · 5 months
Mobilis in Mobile
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Things of Interest:
Captain Nemo, Freedom Fighter
My Thoughts on the Russian 1975 three-Part Miniseries, “Captain Nemo”.
SNL: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Nemo's Fury
Verne: the Shape of Fantasy
My Story:
Hello my fellow bookworms, geeks and uncivilized vagrants! My name is Anna, and I hail from the United States.
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I married a man from India. He’s the full package. Tall, dark and handsome…sort of broody until he warms up to you, then he’s a total cinnamon roll. He’s also adventurous, has compelling leadership qualities and a penchant for humanitarianism, which is one of the main reasons I husband’ed him. We’ve been bound in holy matrimony for many a year, and he’s aged like fine wine.
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Early on in our relationship I read "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." I couldn’t put it down! At night I would dream about being on board the Nautilus. Furthermore…I was immediately smitten with Captain Nemo. 
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Like, DANG. I actually got flustered reading TKLUTS. He’s first introduced with three paragraphs describing how handsome he is, with a commanding presence, swarthy features and “finely-tapered hands.” In Professor Aronnax’s words, “Certainly the most wonderful physical specimen I'd ever met up with.”
As the story progresses, he’s shown to be level-headed under pressure, a great leader, and, of course a brilliant mind. My little ol’ heart could hardly handle it when he saved that pearl-diver’s life…or when he smuggled gold to the revolutionaries in Crete. And it did NOT help when he would have an passionate outburst, or break down in tears at the sight of a human life being taken. 
Like, JULES VERNE...he made Captain Nemo SO HOT…and for what?!
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Now obsessed with this literary figure, I simply HAD to find out his elusive backstory. A brief Google search revealed another Jules Verne book, “The Mysterious Island,” which promised to answer my questions. Upon reading “The Mysterious Island,” I was hard-hit by the tragic tale of the deposed Indian Prince Dakkar, alias Captain Nemo who lost his family during the rebellion of 1857, then built a futuristic submarine in secret with his faithful followers, and dedicated his life to science…and revenge.
Wait…WAIT a minute…Captain Nemo is Indian? Captain Nemo is the name nationality as my husband?
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The way people look up to him…the intelligent, constantly active mind…the thirst for adventure…the tender heart hidden under an exterior of emotional constipation -- all wrapped up in one hunky Indian man...
It was then I realized that I was besotted with a fictional character…who is a dead ringer for MY OWN HUSBAND! You bet your boots that he’s the most wonderful physical specimen I'd ever met up with! 
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Upon re-reading TKLUTS I could attest that the way Captain Nemo reacts in any given situation is just how my husband would react if he had a penchant for engineering and undiagnosed chronic depression. I was flabbergasted that I hadn’t seen it before!
Practically slamming a copy of “20k League Under the Sea” in front of my spouse, I said, “THIS COULD BE US: we just need a submarine!”
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Once my husband’s close friend, a tech-y businessman, mentioned in passing that he was starting a new venture in making radio equipment for submarines. My husband said flippantly that he’s half-tempted to join his friend. (Nothing has come of it, but it's a great thought.)
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The moral of the story is…don’t hold out. Boys REALLY ARE better in books, so wait until you find the literary character of your dreams. It’s truly a joy to hold his finely-tapered hands.
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prngslvr · 6 months
why do the main characters always have to go home after a big adventure?? why can't they just stay in whatever world they're in, why is it a huge deal
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beatleshalloween · 2 months
Story newly updated!
The Beatles find themselves transformed back in time in separate time periods, living lives as different people, while able to remember their old life in the 1960s.
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suparhythm · 2 months
Beyond Anxiey and Self-Isolation
The ceiling fan creaks a monotonous lullaby, a mocking counterpoint to the symphony of anxieties swirling inside my head.Sunlight bleeds weakly through the dusty blinds, illuminating the dust motes dancing a chaotic ballet in the air; each particle a tiny reflection of the disarray that is my life.My reflection in the mirror across the room mocks me,dark circles under bloodshot eyes, hair a…
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lrgcarter · 5 months
Hi everyone,
I've been pretty disabled recently. As in, 'not been able to work and now that's about to bite me in the ass' disabled.
Not only have I been unable to attend the nine to five job, I've also been failing to do any creative stuff. I'd really like to. I'd love to be able to write my stories and make my comics and do loads of art. But nope, all my time is spent going to doctor's appointments and then recovering from doctor's appointments and then waiting for months for the next appointment because there isn't enough doctor coverage for reasons we are all aware of.
So, does anyone want to buy some stories I've already written? I mean, they are free, so you can read them without paying. But then, if you like them, you could maybe send me some money with the provided links? That would be totes cool.
I'm going to let this post gather the clicky clicks, then in a day or two, spoon depending, I'll be back to explain the stories in more detail! They already have blurbs at the above link but I'll be able to write up something more tumblr friendly over the weekend.
So, in conclusion: follow link, read stories, pay me money for two decades worth of on/off labour if you like them?
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enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 103
There stood a figure shrouded in darkness. Their desire for power and domination eclipsed any semblance of virtue or morality. They had watched as the so-called heroes paraded through, their lust for glory blinding them to the consequences of their actions.
"You!" the figure's voice echoed through the desolate landscape, cutting through the silence like a knife. "You heroes, with your hollow promises of justice and righteousness. You label anyone who dares to oppose you as villains, but I am more than just an obstacle in your path. I am your ultimate challenge, your final test."
The heroes, caught off guard by the figure's bold proclamation, exchanged wary glances amongst themselves. One of them stepped forward, their voice filled with defiance. "You think you can defeat us? You're nothing but a twisted version of what a hero should be."
The figure chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down the spines of those gathered. "Oh, but I am so much more than that. I am the embodiment of your darkest fears, the culmination of your own hubris. And unlike your childish games, in this battle, I will emerge victorious."
With a menacing grin, the figure extended a hand, summoning forth shadows that twisted and writhed at their command. The heroes braced themselves, knowing that this confrontation would be unlike any they had faced before.
As the battle ensued, each clash of steel and surge of power only served to fuel the figure's determination. They fought with a ferocity born from years of resentment and bitterness, their every move calculated to outwit and overpower their adversaries.
"You may have bested others before me," the figure taunted, their voice dripping with contempt, "but you will find that I am not so easily defeated."
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pulpsandcomics2 · 4 months
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Weird Tales December 1937
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Chapter 3
The full chapter is under the readmore.
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Taglist: @ashintheairlikesnow @vickytokio @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @whither-wander-whump @dragyouthroughthewhump @studyofwhump
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luckyluan · 3 months
Mr. + Mr. Sharpe, Pt. III
FEB 8, 2024 - 11:02PM 
*three years ago* 
Maxim and Antwan stood locked in a stand off. Antwan’s left hand was full of the cashmere sweater at Maxim’s throat while Maxim’s right arm collided with Antwan’s other hand which held a gleamingly sharp butcher’s knife. 
“I’m telling you I know what I’m doing!” Antwan grunted. 
“And I’m telling you, you’re gonna end up on a fucking cereal box if you meet this guy! He’s trying to kill you!” Maxim spat back. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
“Of course, you don’t.” Maxim growled. 
Maxim positioned his leg behind Antwan and pushed him over as he let out a scream. Antwan tumbled over Maxim’s thigh and his knife clattered to the floor. Maxim sprang on him and pinned Antwan’s thick frame to the ground. 
“Stop. Fuck, Antwan! Just be still.” 
Maxim’s voice was now a furious whisper as Antwan squirmed beneath him.  
“Shh!” he hissed. 
Maxim aimed his gun at the dingy door of the small kitchen and, seconds later, a man dressed in all black sent the door flying off the hinges with a kick of his boot. The tip of his gun scoured the air as Maxim’s first bullet buried itself deep into the man’s throat. His second bullet lodged itself in the assassin’s heart and his last bullet drilled a hole through the man’s skull before tunnelling its way out the back and into the wall behind him. The assassin’s eyes rolled back in his head as he dropped to the linoleum floor with a thud. The thick layer of glaze covering his eyes turned to tears and they spilled over his lids as his hollowed head hit the floor. 
“Good shot.” Antwan groaned. 
“Thanks. I call it a Third Eye.” Maxim smiled. 
“I can see why.” 
“You trust me now?” 
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catra-writes · 10 months
i've added my book to wattpad now! check it out on either quotev or wattpad, no sign in required!
possibly posting here to tumblr soon and or ao3?
if you know anywhere else i can post my book or if you could please share this around that would be awesome!
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leo-fie · 5 months
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne would make a great tv show. It's a cast away story, but not quite what we today would expect.
It takes place in 1865, all the characters are prisoners of the Confederacy and in trying to get back to Union troops, steal a balloon during a storm that takes them all the way to the southern pacific where they barely make on a tiny, uncharted island.
The characters are Cyrus Smith, an engineer and leader of the team. His servant and former slave Nab. His dog Top. The journalist and war reporter Gedeon Spilett. The experienced sailor Pancroff. And Pancroff's captain's orphaned son Harbert, a well read teenage boy. They make a pretty good team and would with very little changes work well in an adaptation.
Of course we'd have to clean up the racism of the book. Though not malicious, it's still written in the 1870s and it shows.
So these 6 land on the island with nothing but the clothes on their back. Literally. That's the first interesting diversion from other cast away stories I think. They don't have any handy stuff or tools for quite some time. No fed ex parcels or shipwrecks. They don't even have pocket knives or matches in a time when most men had useful stuff on them at all times.
So even though they know how to build themselves an oven, they can't light it. Fire is a problem, just like in other stories, but for different reasons.
Which touches on the other difference. These guys know how to help themselves. How to find freshwater, how tides work, where to find bird's nests and sea shells, etc. They know from the get go that they'll spend quite some time on the island, probably the rest of their lives. They act accordingly.
Not to go too far into spoilers, but it basically turns into a base building game. First it's about food and shelter, later about reliable production of food and making tools, later about blowing up a lake Fight Club style (I'm not making this up).
It gets repetitive in the book because these guys have not a lot going on, but we could easily write some growing friendships, some conflicts, some coming of age for Harbert, etc.
There even is a mystery element to the story.
I'm just saying. Sometimes the classics are classics for a reason.
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"Intertwined Souls"
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"No young man, nor woman no matter how great, can know their destiny. They cannot glimpse their part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, they must live and learn. And so it will be for the young warlock and witch arriving at the gates of Camelot. A boy and girl that will, in time, father and mother the legend. Their names: Merlin and Victoria."
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