#Alcatraz High
xtruss · 1 year
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Alcatraz Island still draws tourists for its history as a federal penitentiary. But it also has a rich past as little-known military base, erected to guard against foreign invasion. Image Credit: Mbprojekt Maciej Bledowski, iStock
Ground-Penetrating Radar Reveals Military Structures Buried Beneath Alcatraz Penitentiary
Using non-invasive techniques, archaeologists have confirmed the presence of a coastal fortification beneath what was once the prison’s recreation yard.
— By Katherine J. Wu, Published March 4, 2019 | August 02, 2023
Alcatraz might be best known as a popular tourist destination, the site of the former high-security prison that once held Al Capone. But a team of archaeologists has now unveiled new evidence of this San Francisco Bay island’s often overlooked military history.
In the study, published last Thursday in the journal Near Surface Geophysics, researchers used non-invasive technologies to pull back the curtain on a stunningly well-preserved 19th century coastal fortification that lies beneath the ruins of this infamous federal penitentiary. The work confirms that while prison construction in the early 1900s destroyed much of the former military installation, several structures were buried more or less intact, enshrining a critical sliver of Alcatraz’s colorful past.
“This really changes the picture of things,” says study author Timothy de Smet, an archaeologist at Binghamton University. “These remains are so well preserved, and so close to the surface. They weren’t erased from the island—they’re right beneath your feet.”
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Study author Timothy de Smet used non-invasive techniques to create a subsurface map of remains of Alcatraz Island's former military fortification. Image Credit: Timothy de Smet, Binghampton University
Prior to the mid-1800s, Alcatraz Island was a barren strip of land capable of supporting little more than a raucous population of seabirds. But in the wake of the California Gold Rush, the United States government looked to the rocky outcrop as a potential military base to protect the newly bustling city from foreign invasion. Over the next several decades, a stone- and brick-based fortification was erected, then rebuilt as earthen structures better equipped to handle erosion. But Alcatraz struggled to keep pace with the rapid changes in artillery during and after the Civil War era, and by the late 1800s, the island’s defenses were essentially obsolete. Military pursuits on Alcatraz were abandoned shortly thereafter.
When the island’s prison was erected around the turn of the 20th century, little physical evidence of its former architecture remained—or so many thought. The new study, led by de Smet, says otherwise. To look beneath the surface, the researchers deployed ground-penetrating radar, which pulses electromagnetic waves into the earth, returning signals that can visualize remains without excavation. The strategy uncovered a labyrinth of subterranean structures, including an earthwork traverse, a kind of defensive trench, running beneath the penitentiary’s former recreation yard.
“Below the Surface, Alcatraz is Still Full of Mysteries”
“This really reinforces what several historians and archaeologists had long suspected,” says study author and Alcatraz historian John Martini. “Up until this point, we had nothing to go on except for a few visible trace remains and maps—and a lot of suspicion.”
In a way, Martini says, the findings reflect just how limited real estate was on Alcatraz, which clocks in at less than 50 acres. “On a small island, there’s only so many places you can build,” he says. “And it’s unlikely they went to the trouble of demolishing all this stuff.”
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A 15-inch Rodman cannon and its gun crew, 1869. These were the largest guns mounted on Alcatraz. Image Credit: National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Because they’re both sensitive and non-destructive, techniques like ground-penetrating radar are crucial for these kinds of investigations, and can complement historical records that survived the era, says Jolene Babyak, an Alcatraz historian who was not involved in the study.
With these results in hand, de Smet and his colleagues plan to continue archaeological investigations under Alcatraz. Going forward, only time will tell what this rock will reveal, Martini says. “Below the surface, Alcatraz is still full of mysteries,” he says. “There’s still a whole lot to be learned.”
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Soldiers posing in the island’s ordnance yard. A brick Citadel capped the summit of Alcatraz. 1869. Image Credit: National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
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asexualdindjarin · 1 year
ultimate "is England ok" energy is that we have a few US prison themed bars called Alcotraz where you put on an orange jumpsuit and you get to play pretend sneaking in your contraband alcohol to drink in cells
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drabblesandimagines · 6 months
Swipe Right
Leon Kennedy x female reader, commissioned piece Lots of dumb fluff ahead! Thanks so much to the lovely @porcelainseashore for commissioning me with the brief of Leon using a dating app! I've said it before and I'll say it again - please do go check out Porcelain's fics! x
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“So,” Leon places his elbows on the counter behind, leans back and flashes a winning smile, “how about dinner later?”
The auburn-haired woman waits for her coffee to finish dispensing before she shakes her head, lips pursed. “No, thank you, Agent Kennedy.”
“Oh.” He was sure they’d had some sort of connection. Their eyes had met across the office on more than one occasion, flirtatiously so – had he read it wrong? “You have plans already tonight?”
“Mm, something like that.” She smiles, politely, picking up her DSO-branded mug and heading out of the break room without so much as a glance back.
Leon shrugs it off – he’s good at that – and places his own mug under the spout, about to make his coffee selection when a familiar voice chirps over his shoulder.
“Have you ever thought of internet dating?”
He spins round, surprised. “Claire?”
“Hi.” She waves with a smile. “So, internet dating?”
Leon’s brow furrowed, about to ask why she was here, but from the visitor lanyard around her neck it was clear it was down to some sort of TerraSafe business, but why is she going on about internet dating?
“Wait, did you hear…?”
“The dinner invite? Oh, yes.” She nods, crossing her arms. “Does that ever work?”
Claire quirks an eyebrow.
“Okay, not recently.” He retorts, turning back around and pressing the button for his black coffee to start dispensing.
“Uh-huh…” She steps forward, turns to lean against the counter to look at him. “I’m telling you, Leon - internet dating. I finally convinced Chris to give it a go about six months back, and he seems pretty happy. Been seeing a nice girl for three months now – a florist.”
Leon shakes his head, watching the coffee dispense with feigned interest. “Surprised Redfield went for it. How the hell do you introduce anyone to what we’ve seen?” At least with women from work, he didn’t have to skirt around what the hell he does all day.
“Heard of keeping work and homelife separate?”
“And Chris manages that?”
“I mean, she knows what he’s shared with her, but he took it slow. It’s not like the government can keep everything secret these days – not with everyone having a smart phone.” Claire grimaces, remembering the videos of the Alcatraz attack popping up on social media on a live stream. It was taken down pretty quick, but still popped up occasionally. They can’t hide it forever.
“Anyway, enough about Chris’ love life, I’m trying to help yours. Have you tried it? There’s websites and apps…”
Leon recalls a week of medical leave – battered, bruised and laid out on the couch on high doses of meds, flipping through the cable channels and losing hours to a show about people falling in love over the internet, only for the person to be using a fake photo of an entirely different identity and being crushed when they met in person.
“Isn’t that where the catfish are?”
Claire rolls her eyes. “We won’t set your radius that large.”
He looks down, a little confused. “My… radius?”
Leon’s not present on social media, but that’s hardly a surprise with his work. Maybe, if things had been different, he would’ve trawled through it at some point – joined a group for graduates from the Police Academy of ’98, checked in, gone to some sort of graduating class reunion where they would’ve swapped stories from precincts over a lukewarm beer or two in a hall dressed up with balloons and streamers.
Come to think of it, he doesn’t really remember the names of anyone in his graduating class, though he’s not sure if that’s down to a certain amount of knocks to the head throughout his career getting to him. He could look them up – they’ll be in some sort of database somewhere that Hunnigan could help him locate, but what would he say?
“Me? Well, I had one day on the job – hell of a first day, actually – and then I was ‘recruited’ into military training, so technically not a cop anymore either.”
“Phone, please.” Claire has moved to sit down at one of the small tables in the kitchen, now holding out her hand expectantly. He finds himself joining her, mug of coffee in one hand and the other pulling out his cell from his suit jacket pocket. He hands it over because it’s Claire and he’s known her long enough now to know she’s not going to drop the subject so easily.
“Have you got any selfies on here?”
“Don’t think so. Why?”
“To put on your profile. Anything I shouldn’t see in your gallery?”
He shakes his head.
“Seriously, Leon?” She must’ve opened the app by the way she’s scrolling down on the screen. “These are all sunsets and photos of your motorcycle.”
“What should I be picking pictures of?”
“Oh, wait… Here’s one.” She turns the phone around. It’s him, grinning, next to a corpse of a zombiefied lion. “I repeat – seriously, Leon?”
“Ha, yeah.” He smiles in acknowledgement. “I was trying to get Hunnigan interested in fieldwork with the spectacular sights.” Claire turns the phone back around and the sound of a camera shutter clicks out of the speaker.
“Ooh, that’s a good candid – and no-one needs to know what you were looking at.”
“Look, it’s nice of you to offer, but I don’t know about all this…” He rubs the back of his head.
“It’s 30 days free. Just try it and if you still don’t like it by the end of the trial, you can delete it off your phone and I won’t bring it up again.”
He stalls, taking a long sip of his coffee as he thinks. Claire means well, after all and if Chris has had luck with it, considering what Leon knows he’s seen and lived through, what does he have to lose, really?
“Fine. 30 days.”
“Great! Now, let’s set up your profile…”
Claire had given him a tutorial – swipe left if you’re not interested on a profile, right if you are. If the person swipes right in return, it’ll set you up as a match and you can start a conversation – signaled by a small speech bubble icon appearing on the bottom right.
It wasn’t until that evening that Leon tried it out properly, sat on his couch, killing time before bed and begins to swipe through. It feels a little odd – he usually likes to get to know a person somewhat before offering out his dinner invite, but this is mostly on looks alone, with a tiny snippet of profile information – age, location, what they’re looking for.
He swipes right on a blonde, her profile full of photos from beach vacations or something, says she’s not too far away from him and is ‘looking to connect with someone deeply.’ A chat box pops up immediately and after a moment or two, three dots show Beauty – he’s not sure that’s her real name - is typing.
Hey, big boy. What’s bigger – your forearms or… An eggplant emoji?
He hesitates over writing back a response. He can flirt with the best of them, but how is anyone meant to make a genuine connection over this app? Maybe he’s too old for this shit.
He puts his cell down by his side and switches on the television instead.
“So…” Claire drawls over his shoulder over three weeks later, tracked him down to his desk.
“So…” He mocks back with a tease, swinging around in his office chair.
“Any good dates recently?”
He laughs. “How do you even get that far?”
“You’ve not gone on one?”
“Not for lack of trying.” It’s true. After Beauty, he had struck up conversation with a few more genuine girls that seemed to be going well until he’d broached the idea of a date and they’d drop off the radar. “A couple seemed interested but then stopped replying. I got one date – she didn’t show up.”
“Oh, come on.” Claire leans against his desk. “That can’t be everyone. Let me see.” There’s the expectant hand again. He sighs, picks up his phone and opens the app before handing it over to her.
She sets to scrolling through new arrivals for him, before she pauses. “Well, this one looks sweet.”
“Claire, I appreciate your concern but I just don’t think this app is for me. I gave it a go, I swear.”
“I know, but you’ve got a few days left on the free trial at least - you won’t lose anything. Just take a look?”
He takes the phone back and looks at the screen – a cropped picture of you, it looks like, your friends’ arms around your shoulders, a big, genuine smile on your face. Not a pout or a smolder in a night club mirror.
“Aw, you’re smiling.”
“Fine.” He swipes, but the message bubble doesn’t pop up. That’s the one thing he doesn’t like about this app – you never know if the other one will swipe back.
“No match.”
“Give her a moment,” Claire elbows him, playfully. “Not everyone is scrolling for dates at work.”
“Speaking of, I’ve got a meeting. See you!”
You throw yourself down on the bed, a little bit tipsy after an evening of drinking with your friends, and hold your phone dangerously above your face – you’ve been so close to giving yourself a black eye from the drop so many times but never learn – and open up that stupid app. Your friend had encouraged you to sign up to it after declaring you’d been in a pity party for long enough now after your last break-up and it was time to get back out there.
You scroll through the latest arrivals, swiping left as you go. Everyone internet dates now, you don’t know why you only seem to attract utter creeps on it. You’d been on a few dates, but they’d all been entirely awkward outside the safety of the chat box.
You pause on one new arrival, Leon, 41, the first photo in the set clearly a candid. He’s dressed in a suit – no tie. Businessman, you wonder? Amazingly hot and maybe the most shiniest hair you’ve ever seen.
You roll over onto your stomach and swipe right, smiling when a chat bubble appears.
Leon had just settled into bed for the night when his phone vibrated angrily on the bedside table. He threw a hand out, blindly, and looked at the screen, half expecting it to be an email from work or a message from Hunnigan.
It’s neither – a notification from the app.
Hi, Leon. Thanks for swiping. Can I ask something?
He frowns – a unique opener, but it could still go the way of the others, he reckons. He’s not a prude, per say, but he’s seen a lot more than he was intending to these past few weeks. He backs up and has a quick scroll through your profile, vaguely recognizing your face from when he’d swiped right earlier that day – the girl Claire had deemed sweet.
Hi – ask away.
A bubble appears with three dots within.
How do you get your hair that shiny?
Leon barks out a laugh - definitely refreshing.
I’m sorry, I don’t think we’re at that stage of our relationship yet where I’m comfortable sharing my beauty secrets.
Please? Mine is so dull.
He clicks on your profile again and onto the photos but can’t see why you’re worried about your hair. Truthfully, all he registers when he looks at the picture is that sweet, genuine smile.
Looks pretty good from what I can see.
The camera adds all the shine. Are you using a filter?
Trust me when I say I wouldn’t know how.
Don’t know about filters but using a dating app? That doesn’t gel.
My friend suggested I give this online dating thing a go, so here I am.
Well, you’ll have to thank your friend for me.
Leon hesitates a moment, before shrugging it off.
I’ll be sure to, especially as it’s got me talking to you.
Your scalp tingles, but it seems nothing to do with the alcohol consumed earlier.
Too cheesy? I told you I’m new to this, right?
Nah, you’re gouda.
Leon grins.
The conversation continues to flow over the next few days. You talk about work – he keeps it vague, works in the government, can be called away on business trips last minute – and you are equally elusive in your response of office work. Internet safety, he reckons, smart girl that you are. Hearing his phone ping with a notification has quickly become his favourite sound.
Nice day? Definitely. Picked up my motorcycle – it’s been in the shop a while. Dare I ask what happened? He hesitates. Chasing a bioterrorist down a highway is perhaps a little too much…
Hit by a truck. I wasn’t on it - obviously.
Jeez. Insurance not just buy you a new one? I can’t think how that’s salvageable.
It’s my favourite, I couldn’t give up on her. You ever been on a motorcycle?
Uh-uh. Too scared.
What of?
Falling off, mainly.
No danger of that if you ride tandem - just need to be sure to hold on real tight.
You bite your lip, mulling over a response, but Leon fills the gap.
And I’d look after you, of course. Make a nice first date, don’t you think?
First date? That’s more, like, third or even fourth date material.
There’s your chance, Kennedy – don’t mess it up.
Well, then we better get the first date out of the way.
You bite your lip as you type back a response. Is that your way of asking?
If it is?
If it is, then I’m free Friday...
Friday morning arrives and Leon’s at his desk, typing up a report when his phone chimes. Checking over his shoulder, he pulls it out of his pocket and smiles when he sees it’s a text from you. You’d exchanged numbers the other night, deciding it time to take communication off app ahead of meeting up.
Morning. Question?
Morning. Still after my shampoo secrets?
Yes… But not that. How am I meant to recognize you?
I thought that’d be easy – by how shiny my hair is, apparently.
It’ll be dark out, though.
Is this you trying to be subtle about asking for another photo?
No comment.
Leon locks his computer, the screensaver switching to today’s date and time on a black background. He swings his desk chair around, looks around again to make sure no-one’s on their way past, and opens the camera app. He flips the viewfinder around and tries out a couple of smiles before snapping a selfie – if Claire could see him now…
He sends it through.
Included the time and date and all. Happy?
No comment.
Well, how will I recognize you?
Easy. I’ll be the one coming up to you and saying, “Hi, Leon.” See you tonight x
Until then x
The two of you had decided to meet at a bistro – varied menu for all tastes, not too intimate, excellent wine, spirits and craft beer menu.
Leon is nervous as he stands to the side of the entrance – an emotion he hasn’t truly entertained since 1998. There had been no time for it when bioweapons and death were staring him down the face. But, tonight… Well, he’s out of his element on this one. Leon had only ever approached women through work and, yes, it was to varying degrees of success but they’d already seen him properly in person, heard his voice, aware of what he does. There was a horrible niggle at the back of his mind that the date who had stood him up a few weeks ago had caught sight of him and turned heel on the spot.
He looks down at this watch to see it’s bang on 7.30. He’d arrived ten minutes too early, but didn’t want to chance being late and showing up in a fluster. When he looks up, slipping a hand back into his pocket, a figure with a familiar face is walking towards him, greets him with an anxious smile and an awkward half-wave.
God, you’re adorable.
“Hi, Leon.” 
“Hi,” He smiles, one hand still in his pocket, the other hanging down by his side. He wonders if he should’ve gone in for the kiss on the cheek, but he’s missed his chance.
“Erm…” You wring your hands together. “You okay?”
“Great. You?”
Why does he feel as giddy as he did when he picked up his girlfriend for prom back at high school?
“I’m good. It’s nice to put a… voice to a face?” You laugh – light and airy - and Leon’s already desperate to hear it again.
“It really is. Er, shall we?” He gestures forward with his arm.
You nod. “Let’s.”
The conversation is stagnant at first, a sentence here or there as you peruse the drinks menu and move on to ordering starters and entrees. With a little liquid courage, though, the two of you soon slip into easy conversation.
It’s just after the appetizers are cleared when Leon realizes he’s completely and utterly smitten.
You don’t even know where the time has gone, but all of the sudden the two of you are the only diners left and it’s clear the wait staff are looking for you to leave so they can begin their nightly clean down.
He follows you out and onto the sidewalk, a few metres away from the bistro entrance, standing awkwardly opposite each other – mirroring the beginning of the evening.
“So, fancy a ride?”
You tilt your head at him curiously before you burst out into laughter and he grins, rubbing the back of his head, awkwardly, as he realizes the context.
“I mean, I brought my bike here. I can give you a ride home - on my bike.”
You smile. “Not on the first date, remember?”
“Of course.” He nods. “Sticking to your principles – I respect that. Well, can I call you a cab?”
“Oh, actually, I’m gonna walk. I live just in that building over there…” You point up to an apartment building about halfway up the next block.
“I could walk you across the street?” He cringes as he realizes maybe he’s coming on too heavy-handed. “I’m sorry, I promise I can take a hint-”
“No.” You cut across abruptly. “I mean, walking me home would be nice.”
You cross the road in silence, both wrapped up in your own thoughts. You wish you lived slightly further away so you’d have longer to work out what to say, how to end the night.
“So…” Leon begins the other side of the road, the entrance to your apartment block just ahead. He’s trying to keep calm and collected, but there’s just something about you that has made his heart race, his palms sweaty. Don’t fuck this up, Kennedy. “I had a really lovely evening.”
“Me too.” You smile back – and you mean it – but you can’t help but brace yourself. Is this the part where he says, yeah, he had a nice time, but he’d rather not do it again? It seems all too good to be true. He’s the same as he was on the phone, messages and photos.
“Great…” You take a deep breath at his pause, unconsciously clenching your fists, “..cos I was wondering how you felt about a second date?”
“You’re really desperate to get me on that motorcycle, huh?” You tease, instantly relaxing. “But, seriously, I’d like that, to see you again.”
“Is tomorrow too soon?”
“That depends what you have in mind.” You stop, suddenly – the apartment foyer to your left. “This is me.”
“Well, we’ve done dinner, shall we work backwards and have lunch next?”
You take a step closer. “And then breakfast?”
“Fourth could be a midnight feast?” He steps forward too, misjudging the distance and something hard brushes against your stomach. Leon’s eyes widen in alarm. “Oh, wait, I…” He dips his hand into his trouser pocket and pulls out a travel-sized bottle of shampoo with a sheepish smile. “I meant to give you this at the end of dinner – my beauty secret.”
You yank him forward by his jacket collar and kiss him before you can even think properly about what you’re doing. You step up onto your tip toes to deepen the kiss, a hand bracing yourself against his chest for a moment before you mean to step back, maybe even apologise for pouncing on the man, but Leon’s arms wrap around your waist, holding you in place, kissing you back incessantly before you both have to retreat for breath.
“Well, if I knew the shampoo would get that reaction I would’ve started the night off with it.” He murmurs, pulling away and resting his forehead against yours. “I gotta ask though - you’ll kiss on the first date, but not ride a motorcycle?”
You shrug, half-heartedly. “One’s more dangerous than the other.”
He kisses you once more, softly, ending with a teasing nibble on your lip.
“Oh, we’ll see about that, sweetheart.” -- Masterlist . 1,000 followers event
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Have you heard of the American Indian Movement? Did you know natives had a movement/group in the 70's-80's dedicated to native liberation?
No? It's a part of history they don't teach you in school, but come close and look so I can show you.
Watch this, it's not long I promise. This is Russel Means, a prominent native activists and one of the leaders of AIM. AIM sought to help natives with things like tribal sovereignty, housing, healthcare, and food security.
Here he is testifying to the US government.
The transcript ^
A little excerpt of the end:
"The American Indian people’s right to self-determination is recognized and will be implemented through the following policies:
The American Indian individual shall have the right to choose his or her citizenship and the American Indian nations have the right to choose their level of citizenship and autonomy up to absolute independence;
The American Indian will have their just property rights restored which include rights of easement, access, hunting, fishing, prayer, and water;
The BIA will be abolished with the American Indian tribal members deciding the extent and nature of their governments, if any;
Negotiations will be undertaken to exchange otherwise unclaimed and un-owned federal property for any and all government obligations to the American Indian nations, and to fully -- and to hold fully liable those responsible for any and all damages which have resulted from the resource development on or near our reservation lands including the -- including damages done by careless and inexcusable disposal of uranium mill tailings and other mineral and toxic wastes.
I want to thank you, gentlemen, for inviting me here. It's been a high honor, especially since I'm the only one invited here today to testify that doesn't receive money from the federal government. Also, I want to make -- I was introduced as a former founder and leader of American Indian movement to the tribal chairwoman that you have here, a former associates for the American Indian Movement back in the days when we were gross militants and so I just wanted to let you in on that, that the American Indian Movement is a very proud continuing part of American Indian Society.
Thank you."
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"The American Indian Movement remains based in Minneapolis with several branches nationwide. The organization prides itself on fighting for the rights of Native peoples outlined in treaties and helping to preserve indigenous traditions and spiritual practices. The organization also has fought for the interests of aboriginal peoples in Canada, Latin America and worldwide. “At the heart of AIM is deep spirituality and a belief in the connectedness of all Indian people,” the group states on its website."
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willownwisp · 8 months
ree's leon valentine's day advent <3
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hi everyone. <3 as the leon kennedy fluff truther, i'm making an advent for valentine's day because pookie deserves so much love! everyday, i'll be posting a fic ranging from nsfw/sfw fluff for babu leon, i'll be putting out the scenarios and snippets below if y'all are interested. author's note: i've been meaning to put this out like a week ago when i finally figured out the problem w my account as to why tumblr wasn't letting me reply to comments :( but sadly, college got me so head empty. anyway, i've already got 2 days worth of fics already finished so i hope y'all can give me a read. <3
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FEBRUARY 8 𖹭 nice legs, daisy dukes. (vendetta!leon x fem!reader) Leon feels like a creep, fuck that. He definitely looks like a creep. Thirty-six year old in all of his 5'11 glory standing outside his girlfriend's college leant against his Ducati like a dick, carrying a box of those, instagrammable pastries you always like to look at. It doesn't hurt to be sweet. Not when you walk — run, at the sight of him in your preppy mini dress, highlighting those long, long legs. Nothing is sweeter, especially when it's wrapped around him.
FEBRUARY 9 𖹭 starry skies, blue eyes. (re4r!leon x fem!reader) Stars dot stygian skies, the night is young, the moon is high. Leon's heart soars with your every laughter. The way your eyes close and your nose scrunches. God he was so in love with you, he could forgive the fact that the tent should have been up hours ago before night. You swear you remember your knots from your wide-eyed Girl Scout days, and he swears these silly moments with you are what makes life bearable.
FEBRUARY 10 𖹭 cold woes. (re4r!leon x fem!reader) Leon S. Kennedy. The apple of his instructors' eyes (and yours), he's a top graduate in the Police Academy for fuck's sake. He's decimated hordes of zombies in his first day as a rookie cop. Endured military training in the middle of nowhere, he's saved the President's daughter. He doesn't get sick. Only that he does catch a cold at the expense of prioritizing you, his clumsy girlfriend, who forgot to wear a jacket on a camping trip, offering his warm clothes to you. He doesn't regret it, he likes taking care of you, but there's something adorable about your sheepish apologies as you wait on him. He could get used to being babied. FEBRUARY 11 𖹭 love on me. (di!leon x fem!reader) As much as Leon loves the sun, the beaches, the tropics. Oh what he would give to become a beach bum in his next life instead of being smacked by bioweapons day in, night out, and being a good bitch to good ol' U.S of A. Unfortunately, after the events of Alcatraz, maybe he's had enough of the sea for now. He gives himself a pat on the back, takes out a chunk of his savings to go to Japan because you've been eyeing it. You said you were interested in the food, culture, and sights. So why in the world were you dragging him to a love hotel? FEBRUARY 12 𖹭 fill up your cup. (re6!leon x fem!reader) He feels himself spiraling recently, turning to the bottle because a glass is never troubled by his woes. He breaks them of course, can't help it, seems like his life is doomed to him breaking in the end. Fragments of glass scatters on the floor, vodka spills on the floor splashes it around like his grief because his body can only take so much. You arrive as he tries to pick them up, attempts to pick himself up. You whisper assurance, he doesn't deserve it. The way you look at him ardently, the gentleness that is your existence. You empty out his pain, and fill it with love. FEBRUARY 13 𖹭 the thrill, the love. (damnation!leon x fem!reader) He wills his old Yamaha to go faster. Your dainty arms clinging to him, the softness of your touch as his speed breaks the sound barrier. What started as mere curiosity turns into rituals. Secrets that only the both of you know. He knocks on your door at midnight, drives you around town. He scolds you every time your arm breaks free, throwing them to the wind. You don't care, you love the thrill, you love him. Leon admits that there is something alluring to the thrill of the chase. Perhaps that's why he's spent his years chasing Ada, but with you it was different. FEBRUARY 14 𖹭 kiss it better. (di!leon x fem!reader) Leon is a man full of stories, his pain, his peace, his fears, his needs. There is more to him than just being a formidable weapon against bioterrorism. He never was a weapon, just a flesh and blood human, and in his mortality there are scars. Deep within him, and littered in his skin. You kiss the faded slash on his hand, he tells you how he'd got it from when Ashley Graham had tried to stab him under the influence of the plaga. You kiss it again, and what he doesn't tell you is the wave of warmth that washes his entire being, it tugs on his very soul. You kiss the scars because it's there, because it's him, and in his reverie, he thinks you truly are his person.
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hispg · 9 months
My love mine All mine
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Pairings: DI! Leon X Fem! Reader
Summary: Your husband returned from his mission, the house was quiet until he heard your daughter's commotion.
Wc: 2.4k
Warnings: comfort, domestic things, established relationship, mention of pregnancy, mild angst, Leon mentioning some of his traumas, bit of fluffy.
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Leon was tired, months away traveling back and forth, doing missions that seemed endless. That last mission was hell, coming back from Alcatraz was like a light at the end of the tunnel.
And he couldn't stop dreaming about this damn vacation that he needed so badly, he didn't have the same stamina to keep going back and forth.
He was completely exhausted, he didn't even know how he'd got home. The fatigue in his body simply alerted him that all he needed was a hot bath and a soft bed.
But nothing mattered more to him than getting home, seeing his beloved family. You, his wife, together with your little daughter. His little family, one of the only reasons he woke up every day.
And once he opened the door to your shared house, and smelled that sweet scent he missed so much, something in him woke up.
Of course all the tiredness was still there, but he was at peace, he was finally home.
With his family. With his two girls.
He silently entered the house, placing his heavy bag on the floor, making a small noise. The silence was comforting, but at the same time he was missing something.
Then he took off his boots and put them in the corner. He didn't realize how much he missed home until he saw the picture frames scattered around the living room.
The photos of when the two of you met on a trip to Paris, he was there on business, and didn't expect to meet the love of his life right there.
Or even the photo of when he proposed to you, your bright smile as you looked at the ring on your fingers, or the way Leon looked at you with such tenderness.
In the next photo it was you dressed all in white, him dressed in a suit that was strangely out of his usual, he felt like a clown every time he wore a suit, even though he looked beautiful in it. In the photo, your hands were occupied with a bouquet, while he held you in his arms like a princess.
There was the photo of when you were pregnant, the first picture of your daughter, so many picture frames all over the living room. Leon loved every one of them and would remember them for the rest of his life.
Just as he couldn't help but notice the Polaroids you put up on the wall, with recent photos of your little family, even though Leon wasn't a very smiley man, he always smiled in the photos he took with you and your daughter.
Because he was always happy in the presence of his own small family.
He felt his heart fill with joy as soon as he saw a baby playpen in the living room, the hello kitty teddies resting inside the pink playpen, along with dolls and small toy cars.
The environment made him feel so real, so normal. Being at home made him forget who he really was, made him forget his messy life. Because this was the place where he belonged, the place he would never leave, never forget. His precious little place, where he was happier than he could have dreamed.
His family, his wife, his daughter. Phrases he spoke with pride, without having to think twice.
The silence in the house was almost soothing, nothing but his breathing in there. But soon the calm was interrupted by a familiar whimper, coming from your daughter's room.
He hurried a little, looking through the crack in the door to see you rocking the little one gently back and forth.
You had told him that the little one had recently caught a cold because of the low temperatures. You had even said that she had high irritability and the usual flu symptoms, as well as a slightly higher body temperature, but nothing more.
But he couldn't have imagined finding you crying with her, the dark circles in your eyes showing him that you hadn't slept much recently.
You looked so much like him, both of you tired, the expression of someone who hadn't had a minute's rest in the last few days.
You were so focused on putting the little girl to sleep that you didn't even notice that Leon had arrived, you didn't even hear when he opened the door to enter the house.
Your senses only returned when the little girl stopped crying for a brief moment, a faint smile forming on her lips as she looked up at her father, stretching out her arms for him to pick her up.
"Shh, Daddy's here..." He whispers, rocking the little one gently, looking at you as he does so.
"I'm sorry." The first thing you manage to sob out, he didn't know who was crying more, the little one or you.
He nodded, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead, "No, love, it's okay."
"I don't know what to do... She doesn't stop crying. She can't sleep for more than five minutes..." You say, gently stroking the little girl's hair, trying to calm her down somehow.
Leon sighed, giving your daughter a kiss on the forehead, looking at her with gentle eyes, as if her constant crying was tugging at his heartstrings.
There wasn't much he could do. Just try to make the little one comfortable in this difficult phase.
He knew you were upset at not being able to welcome him in a better way, with a nice dinner as usual. But he would never judge you for taking care of your family, he knew how difficult the last few days had been for you.
His eyes fell on the coffee cup on the bookshelf, the children's books spread out on the floor. You should have read all the stories to her by now, hoping that the girl would go to sleep or calm down.
Which apparently didn't work.
"Go and rest, love. I'll take care of her." Leon tells you with a half-smile, singing a soft lullaby.
You frown, looking at him calmly. You were both tired, but for now he wanted to take responsibility for your daughter.
The baby girl was still whimpering on Leon's chest, her little hands clutching Leon's shirt, holding on so tightly that it felt like she would pull it off him.
As he hummed a little lullaby, the child put her arms around Leon's neck, hiding her red, swollen face from crying in his arms.
Seeing you also crying from exhaustion at not being able to do anything, he kissed your forehead, giving you a small smile.
"Rest, sweetpea." He didn't care how tired he was, he'd spent days in worse situations. A few more hours awake wouldn't make any difference.
You reluctantly went to your shared room, mentally promising yourself that you would only sleep for a few hours. You were just as tired as he was.
As soon as Leon heard the door close, he looked at the little girl with a smile, kissing her forehead gently.
"Shhh... I know it hurts, but Daddy's here." He said, and she looked at him with a pout for a moment, stopping crying briefly.
Leon's heart calmed down for a while, seeing that she had stopped crying a little. Only for her to start whimpering once more, burying her face in his chest.
"Shhh shhh..." He soothed, carrying her into the bathroom of her room.
Perhaps a fresh shower along with clean clothes would calm her down a bit, or at least bring her a little comfort.
He turned on the hot water to fill the tub a little, while he sat the baby on the edge of the tub and began to gently remove her clothes. It hurt his heart to hear her sobs, seeing how hoarse her little voice was getting with how much she had already cried.
You had told him that because of the flu, the little one had acquired a small irritation in her throat, causing you to go to the doctors and start treatment with some medication. And he knew that the fact that she was crying so much didn't help the irritation one bit.
But as if by some quirk of fate, when Leon put her in the water, she relaxed a little. She closed her eyes and leaned against his chest.
Her golden strands were so reminiscent of Leon's that every time he looked at his little girl, he saw himself.
A being full of innocence and purity, an angel in his eyes. It's a pity that unlike her, he wasn't lucky enough to have a good life, or a less turbulent one.
His innocence was taken away early on, giving way to a terrible bitterness that he only cultivated over the years.
But it would be different with her, he swore he would protect her with his life. She was his daughter, the treasure of his life, along with you.
Sometimes he finds himself wondering what things would have been like if he hadn't met you? If he hadn't taken a turn. If you hadn't shown him that he was still worthy of being loved.
That he wasn't bad. You showed him the light, and it was still hard to believe that the honor of having a family with you was his.
All this happiness was his, all his.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the tiny girl yawn, which for him was a sign that his plan had worked. He gently wrapped her in a towel and carried her in his arms, taking her to the changing table and putting on a new diaper.
Soon he spotted a pair of pink onesies, which looked comfortable enough for her to sleep in, so he started to put them on her.
Gently placing his hand on her chest to calm her down, a habit he always did with her, just putting a little pressure so she wouldn't move, and she would always stay quiet. Sometimes with a smile on her face.
When he had finished, he took her to bed and put her under the covers, making her warm and comfortable. He even put her various plush toys around her.
She was already feeling sleepy, her little blue eyes were threatening to close slowly, she wasn't crying anymore, just hiccupping every now and then. Her fever was better too, at least Leon didn't feel her body getting so hot.
Leon picked up a children's storybook, Sleeping Beauty, her favorite. When he lay down next to her, he began to read the story quietly.
"Once upon a time..." He began, until he was interrupted by her protesting in a low voice.
"Use your princess voice, Daddy." She says, a pout forming on her small lips.
Leon had to bite his lip to keep from smiling, trying to take the proposal as seriously as possible.
"Right, right. Let's start again.'" He murmurs, giving her a kiss on the forehead before starting again.
This time he's done it right, starting in a soft voice, trying to imitate a princess voice somehow. And he couldn't have been prouder when he got a small laugh out of her, almost imperceptible, but it was there.
From the yawns she was giving, it wouldn't be long before she fell asleep. And neither would Leon, he didn't know how he was still awake. He already knew that he would soon fall asleep with her.
So he kept reading until she eventually fell asleep, and he did the same, sleeping surrounded by her soft toys, feeling her little legs on his torso as she slept.
Both sleeping peacefully after a restless night.
Hours later, you wake up from your peaceful slumber, feeling a little better that you've at least had some rest. And from the silence in the house, you could tell that Leon had managed to put your daughter to sleep.
The sun was already rising, its warm rays beginning to illuminate the house, along with the birdsong that filled your ears. You thought about getting up to make breakfast, after all Leon must have been starving.
So you got up and decided to check on them before going into the kitchen, and you headed for your daughter's room. As soon as you open the door, you see one of the cutest images you could imagine.
Leon was lying in bed, pretending to still be asleep while your daughter was putting make-up on him. You had to stop yourself from laughing at the absurd amount of blush on his cheeks.
She had even put a little princess crown on his head, she was really dolling Leon up.
You could see from the smile he was tugging at the corner of his lips that he was enjoying this immensely. He was the type who would do anything for his little girl.
And you couldn't contain the laugh that escaped your lips when the little girl took a section of his hair and tied it into a pigtail, one on each side of his head.
When he heard your laughter, he opened his eyes, smiled softly and mouthed a silent 'good morning' to you.
You did the same, entering the room and approaching the two of them.
"I bet you'd make a great Sleeping Beauty." You tease, looking at your husband with amusement.
And he looks back at you, a smile forming and his mouth opening to let out a cheesy joke. But your daughter's cute, croaky voice echoes through the room:
" No, 'cause Daddy snores a lot." She says, the little gummy smile that made you crack up, showing her little teeth.
The next thing that was heard in the room was your laughter, along with your daughter's sweet giggles.
Leon snorted, crossing his arm and looking at the two of you. He even tried to make an angry face, but the moment he saw his two girls smiling at nothing, he couldn't help himself and let out a smile too.
He propped himself up on his elbows, pulling the little girl towards him and starting to tickle her.
"That's no way to talk to Daddy, young lady." He says, trying to keep his tone serious, but your daughter's giggle is simply infectious.
"Daddy!" she squeals, bouncing her little legs with laughter.
You were grateful for the family you had formed. Grateful for the kind of lazy mornings that were so enjoyable. Maybe breakfast can wait a bit, can't it?
The calm, happy atmosphere there. It was something that Leon had cherished and acclaimed so many times. A haven where he could forget his own demons.
A place where he could relax and forget about the world outside, a place where he could be himself. The person, not the agent.
And he was grateful for his two girls.
For his life, because nothing would make sense without you.
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macfrog · 1 year
hits different cowboy like me chapter twelve
oh, my, love is a lie! are we all ready? do we have our coping strategies in place? have we prepared ourselves for impending doom? then gather round, my dear children, for i’ve a tale to tell. and it’s a SORE one
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pairing: dbf!joel x fem!reader
summary: still reeling from your fight with joel, you seek out an effective way to deal with it: a night of sambuca shots and no second thoughts
warnings: 18+ (minors dni!!!) alcohol + drug consumption (reader gets hammered), heartache, angst, unwanted touching, intended sexual assault, drink spiking, descriptions of blood and bruising, protective!joel gets into a quick barfight, more discussion of cheating(?), joel won't admit feelings, pain pain and more pain, age gap (reader is 23, joel is 48), cursing
word count: 10.9k
series masterlist | main masterlist | playlist
Joel takes a beat to answer. Like he’s waiting for your voice to fill the space, the way it usually would. What’s up, old man? How hard is it to copy an address right? Lois not as good at typing as she is at sucking your – “You, uh…you got it. Call me if there’s anythin’ you need. I’m home all night.” The call cuts before your dad gets the chance to say goodbye. Which doesn’t really matter, because he wasn’t talking to your dad. You know it, ‘n Joel knows it.
Of course he went to see Lois. He’s probably been seeing her for some time now. A nice lady, his own age, his line of work. You’re pretty sure she has a son, too. And your dad would love her, would love to think Joel was shacking up with some plant hire receptionist. She could turn your life around, son, he’d said. They fit together like a couple of jigsaw pieces. What the fuck would he have ever seen in you, past some young, tight thing for him to fuck? Just a placeholder. Just a time-waster.
A twenty-three-year-old; enough energy to keep him on his toes, cure his boredom. Fill his summer with something to do. And close enough to him, too, that he reeled you in with minimum effort. One stupid look at you – one stupid, stupid glance and you were hooked. High as a kite on him. All the touching, all the whispering. That fucking – the fucking bottle. The video. All of it, every second he ever spent near you – it all makes you cringe now.
And then, once the embarrassment of being played by your dad’s best friend passes, there’s the hurt. The aching. Fuck, the aching. The way your chest swells, feels like it might rip at the seams and burst open. The sting behind your eyes anytime you picture his smile, the way he’d look at you. The feeling of your throat closing up whenever you go to speak, windpipe constricting around any words that aren’t his name, and using them to choke you.
And it’s not like you can talk to anyone about it. Can’t have a heart-to-heart with your dad, have him make you a tea and sit him down by your window, ask for advice on heartbreak and getting over his best friend. You’ve been excusing your reclusiveness by telling him you’re on your period. That’s why you haven’t left your bed in four days.
It was just all so fucking believable, wasn’t it? So good, you thought you were dreaming the entire time.
And here he’d just proven you right. You dreamt it all up.
Has he fucked her yet? Lois. Is she one of the ten he told you about the other night? Has she touched him the way you have? Has he touched her, the way he did you?
Does she know how he sounds when he comes undone? How he looks? How he feels? Does she do it for him the way you do it? And what does he call her? Baby? Darlin’? Or something different entirely?
Now you’re wondering when he started seeing her, and then, if they have slept together, when the first time was. Whether or not you cross over with her. Maybe he went and fucked her after you argued. Let off some steam over at her place, while you sat in his house, smelling his shirts and reading his stupid fucking Alcatraz books. While you paced around, practicing the words you’d say to him when he came back.
All you wanted was for him to come back. You wanted him to come find you upstairs, take the book from your hands and lean his head down on your chest, mumble an apology into the material of your shirt and then kiss you, and kiss you again while he pulled the clothes from your body, and kiss you while you were naked underneath him, and kiss you while he rocked his hips into yours.
Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
You think you hate her. You don’t even know her. Don’t know what she looks like, only heard her voice. She’s probably gorgeous. Probably a really sweet woman, helps out on the PTA, the type that stops to read missing dog posters so she can keep an eye out for them. Probably knows Joel well enough that she writes Sarah a birthday card every year. Just a real nice, Southern lady.
And you fucking hate her.
That’s not fair, though, and you know it. She didn’t do anything wrong. Joel’s the one who screwed you over – screwed you both over. Really, you and Lois are one and the same.
Except that she’s taken away the only thing to put a real smile on your face since you got home, and for that, you fucking hate her.
What had he said again? That night he drove you home from Sal’s, the night your dad asked him to stay for pizza. …said she’d like to go for a drink. I said maybe sometime. Maybe he’d organized that drink, in the midst of whatever you two had been doing. Thought nothing of it – you said it yourself: you were just messing around. Said it, like, three times to him. Good fucking job.
And that adds to the hurt. That neither of you seemed to care enough to call it anything more. Because now, sitting alone in your room, desperately checking your phone for a missed call or a text message from him, ears pricking at every sound your dad makes downstairs in case he’s answering a call from Joel or welcoming him in through the front door – you wish you had called it something.
Wish you had just fucking said it. Told him outright about the feelings you had. You were thinking about them enough – the thought circled your mind any time there was a moment’s silence between you.
Sometimes, the way he’d glance over to you, the way his hand would brush against yours, the way he’d say your name…he felt like…
Yours. He was yours. He was so fucking close to being yours.
You almost said it, once. Almost admitted it to him. Couple times you saw it flash behind his eyes, too. And it’s a damn good thing neither of you did say it, because it would’ve been a mistake. Would’ve been lies.
You don’t love him. You never did. You were in some fantasy, built by Joel. There ain’t no love between you. None from your side. And definitely none from him.
Definitely – none – from –
Anna’s been at you all week. She text you on Monday night, but you were about four layers of blanket deep in your bed, weeping into a box of dry cereal and listening to some sad girl playlist on repeat. You fished your cell out from under your mattress the next morning. Your dad had to call it to help you find it.
Anna: Frank’s again on Friday? Rodeo night round 2!!!
Tuesday, it was Please?? It was so fun on Sat. Cmon, Kara’s coming again. Sam’s working but that means free shots so.
On Wednesday, she tried a new approach. I’ll cover any shift you want.
Any two shifts……
Ok three????
Thursday, she started to get desperate. I’ll spill all your secrets to my dad if you don’t come. And you know he’ll tell them all to your dad lol
By Friday morning, though, she’d decided you had no say in the matter: you were going, and you’d be happy about it. And you didn’t have it in you to fight back.
She’s standing at the side of the mirror, scanning you from head to two.
“All black? Again?”
“I look good in black.”
“You look good in anything,” she agrees, turning to sift through your closet, “so why don’t we go for…?”
“No,” you clip, holding a finger up to the red dress in her hands. “No.”
“What’s wrong with it? It’s hot. C’mon.”
“Why do I gotta be hot?”
“I mean…is Mr. Miller gonna be pickin’ you up again, or…?”
You lob a previously discarded dress at her and she snorts, turning to slip it back onto a hanger.
Even his fucking surname sends a pang of pain through your body. Your heart jumps at the sound of it, like its hopes had risen for a second, but then it plummets with the realization that it’s not really Joel, and he’s still really gone.
You’re in a plain black slip dress, black denim jacket slung over your shoulders. Black lace-up boots, too. It’s like rodeo night, except without the fun and excitement of Joel waiting for you at the end of the night. It’s basically rodeo night’s funeral. And good fucking riddance.
Anna – always glittering, always in some sparkly getup – leads you out of your bedroom and down the stairs. Your dad agreed to drop you guys off, seeing as he’s out working later on.
He’s sat in his armchair, glasses on the tip of his nose, squinting down at the instruction booklet to that fucking Garmin he’s still wrestling with. He looks up and claps his hands once.
“Ready, girls?”
Anna nods eagerly and you lift your eyebrows, thinking about how Joel would laugh at the sight of his buddy still fighting a very obviously lost battle to a GPS. Then you think about how he’d tell you quietly, You look beautiful, darlin’, and ask you to text him when you got home safe.
And finally, you think about how much of an ass he is, and you blink the tears from your eyes before following the two blurry figures out to the car.
Anna snaps a couple selfies as the car winds out of the neighborhood, angling her phone to pull you into shot. The sun setting over the roofs of the houses dazzles your eyes. She tuts, tells you to Look like you actually wanna be goin’ out, and sends them to Kara, letting her know you’re on your way.
You’re watching her reply to a text from some boy she’s seeing when your dad’s ringtone echoes throughout the car, the name on the tiny digital screen the very last name you want to see right now.
Or maybe the very name you’ve been waiting all week to see. Just, on your screen instead of your dad’s.
“Hey, Joel,” your dad calls, and your body instinctively leans in to listen better. Drawn in like a magnet to just the sound of his voice.
“Hey, bud,” he replies. It’s like a punch to your chest. Hands around your throat. Salt behind your eyes. “I just got off the phone with Clark’s, they just dropped that equipment off at the site. Said there wasn’t nobody around to sign for it, so they just left it at the gate.”
“It’s a manned site, what do they mean there wasn’t–?”
“No idea,” Joel says, cutting across him. “Just said there wasn’t anybody to take the delivery.”
Anna’s head slowly turns in your direction, likely to take another dumb selfie or to ask some random question about your outfit, but you turn away, refusing to meet her hazel-eyed stare. Refusing to let her take your attention away from this phone call. From Joel.
Your dad sighs, runs a hand down his cheek. “I hope it’s still there when I get to it. Sure you gave ‘em the right address on Monday?”
“I wrote it down exactly how you text me it.”
Joel’s voice sounds flatter than normal. Less trademark Joel grumbly and more tired, deflated. A little irritated. It bruises your heart hearing him and not chiming in, not teasing him for potentially getting the street name wrong or something. Not letting him know you’re here.
Your dad does that anyway, though.
“Well,” he sighs again, hitting the turn signal, “I’m on my way to Frank’s – girls are havin’ another one of their wild nights out. I’ll head straight from there to the site ‘n make sure everything’s in place. Thanks, Joel.”
Joel takes a beat to answer. Like he’s waiting for your voice to fill the space, the way it usually would. What’s up, old man? How hard is it to copy an address right? Lois not as good at typing as she is at sucking your –
“You, uh…you got it. Call me if there’s anythin’ you need. I’m home all night.”
The call cuts before your dad gets the chance to say goodbye. Which doesn’t really matter, because he wasn’t talking to your dad. You know it, ‘n Joel knows it.
No. He was talking to you. He knew you’d be listening. Knew that conversation would mean much more to you than it ever could to your dad. And he knew you’d be hanging on to every word he spoke.
He’s home all night, which translates to: he’s only ever fifteen minutes away if you wind up needing him. If you end up wanting him.
You’ve spent the last four days purposefully stopping yourself from wanting him. Your thumb has hovered over his name in your contacts more times than you’d care to admit. Mostly at night, when your dad goes to bed and there’s eight hours of quiet – quiet you’d usually fill by annoying Joel, striking up a conversation at midnight when he’s about to sleep.
What the fuck would you even say if he did pick up? Would you be mad? Would you yell? Or would you just break down, sob a few incoherent sentences down the line to him and pray that he doesn’t hang up?
But then – would he even pick up? It’s not a thought you want to entertain much. That sound of ringing and ringing, and no gruff, Hey, baby, at the other end.
Your chest hurts. You take a gulp of air.
You’d happily have him never touch you again if he’d just come the fuck back.
Anna slaps your arm and Joel’s face is wiped clean from your mind. “C’mon,” she chirps, and nods out of your window.
You turn to see the faded blue brick walls of Frank’s, clusters of people outside clutching cigarettes and glasses, holding hands up to shield their eyes from the sunlight and tipping their heads back in laughter at one another. Kara stands among them, arms crossed, shoulders hunched. She waves when you catch her eye, stumbling out of the car in a daze.
Anna’s arm links through yours, almost violently, and she skips along the sidewalk to Kara, who joins your chain. The three of you stroll into the bar together and over to Sam, who smiles genially in welcome.
“Hello, ladies,” he sings, leaning in. “What can I do ya for?”
“Get us drunk, Sam!” Anna exclaims, rapping her knuckles on the bar top, and, for the first time tonight, you find yourself nodding in agreement with her.
Get me –
fucking –
You get your wish. Sam hands you a cold beer, and within twenty minutes you’re ordering a second. Anna and Kara opt for cocktails, some bright pink concoction that you don’t even bother to ask the name of, you just lean over the bar and tell Sam to make up a third.
And then there are the shots, two each, which are a hysterically terrible idea. You know it as you tip your head back, sickly taste of sambuca spilling down your throat and taking with it the very last of your good sense, apparently.
All the while, that phone call rattles through your head. Joel’s voice swings between your ears like a pendulum. His dry tone, the borderline contempt he spoke to your dad with. The thought of who he’s been with and what he’s been doing either side of that call burns like the drink in your belly, and forces you back up to the bar for another to wash him away with.
You rock against the dark wood, sticky with alcohol, and hoist yourself up onto a stool. “One peer, blease, sir,” you garble to Sam, one finger in the air. “Oh, wait…”
You throw your hand down onto the bar with a roar of laughter and lean back, forgetting there’s no back to your chair. It tilts back, and your hands fumble to grab the edge of the bar, but it’s too far, too late, and you land on the solid floor with a clatter – metal leg of the stool digging into your own.
“Fuck,” you hiss, dragging yourself back to your feet. A thin line of dark red blood cuts from halfway down your calf, streaming down into your boot.
“Are you okay?” Sam yells, stood frozen with the beer and bottle opener still in his hands.
“I’m fine,” you grumble, clambering to your feet. You don’t even convince yourself.
Sam doesn’t let go of the bottle when your fingers curve around it. He looks you dead in the eye and asks, “What’s goin’ on?” and you know he won’t let go until you answer him.
“Nothin’. I’m fine.”
Until you answer him truthfully, that is.
“I’m…It’s just…I got a lot goin’ on up here.” Your shaky finger draws a circle against your temple, and your eyes flutter closed.
“I can see that. Is this really a good ide–”
“Well, howdy, clumsy!”
The owner of whatever fucking annoying voice just shrieked through your ears slaps his hand down on your shoulder, almost toppling you for the second time in five minutes, and you twist around to find a pair of red, blotchy cheeks and almost equally red hair to match, stood before you.
“Hi…?” You squint your eyes to get a better look, the figure swaying with the room behind him.
“Hi.” He’s still smiling. Two huge front teeth, like a pair of overgrown Tic Tacs. “You have no idea who I am, do you? That’s…embarrassing for me.”
“Zack!” another voice screams over the bassline of the music. “Are you fucking coming or not, dude?”
A pale, jittery guy with a dark green t-shirt hanging off of his lean frame barges into the red-haired boy’s side, and a few seconds after his mouth stops moving, you register what he’s said.
“No – f-fucking – way,” you breathe, staring him up and down. His red flannel is tucked into his jeans, sealed by a brown leather belt. There’s a longhorn head on the buckle. “Zack? From Costco? What the fuck’d you do, stalk me?”
He laughs awkwardly, looking from you to over your shoulder, where Sam’s still holding your beer.
“Sorry–” you mutter, shaking your head. “I’m not at my best right now.”
“It’s cool,” he replies, grinning. “You look like you’re having a good night. I’m out with my buddies. This is Eric.”
Eric gives you a nod – his blond fringe jumps, and he jerks his head to sweep it back out of his eyes. “Nice to meet you,” he says, before rounding again on Zack. “Seriously, bro, he says he’s not waitin’ around this time. C’mon!”
“We were gonna head to the rooftop if you wanted to come?” Zack raises his eyebrows, pointing a thumb over his shoulder as Eric and another two figures make off for the stairs at the other end of the bar.
“Sure.” You blindly reach for your beer and Sam relents, letting it slip from his grasp. He calls your name as you trot off, and you turn for one second to give his worried stare a thumbs up, before swirling back toward the stairs. No second thought.
This isn’t the night for second thoughts.
The rooftop is quieter, less crowded. Background noise made up of passing cars, a siren in the distance, and the muffled music from downstairs. You wander over to where Zack stands with Eric and a couple others: a short guy with wireframe glasses, hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets, and someone you think you almost recognize.
His black V-neck looks like it might burst at the seams around his chest, swollen with muscle. Thick neck, holding up a square jawline, and a face heavy with features which mirror the broad body below.
And a thick smell of marijuana which follows his every move.
Zack shuffles to the side to let you into the circle. You shimmy in between him and Eric.
V-neck pulls a small metal case from his back pocket and fishes a cigarette out of it. Eyes start to shift around the group, the boys glancing over shoulders to check who’s watching.
“Are we…? Is that weed?” you blurt out.
“Shut the fuck up!” Eric hisses, jabbing his elbow into your ribcage.
V-neck eyes you down quickly. It’s the first he looks at you, and it puts a sickly feeling through your body. Sends the alcohol hurtling over itself in your stomach.
You raise your eyebrows and wrap your arms around yourself, your beer bottle against your lips. “Sorry, jeez…”
“This is Knox,” Zack mutters, as Knox lights the cigarette.
He takes one hit, inhaling deeply with his chin in the air, and passes it to the boy in the hoodie. Another cloud of smoke joins Knox’s, slowly dispersing above your heads, and then it’s Eric’s turn. With a cough, his fist against his lips, he passes it to Zack. Soon, the air around you is thick and white, and Zack’s handing you the joint.
You lift it to your lips and inhale. The feeling hits you instantly; your body feels light, your face warm, your eyes blink in and out of focus, watching as a blurry shadow begins to follow your hand when you pass the joint back to Knox.
A couple more circuits, and the roach is pressed into the ground by Knox’s boot. The group separates; Zack and his friends fall into some metal chairs around a table, sparking up a debate on the best Lord of the Rings film, and you float around nearby.
“You a friend of Zack’s?” Knox asks, downing what’s left of his whiskey.
“Hm…Not really. We met at Costco, ‘cause I was there to get some party stuff for my dad’s friend’s daughter’s– Well, she’s my friend, too, and she wanted this garden party, and my dad’s friend was like, What the fuck is a garden party? you know, so I had to go help ‘im get stuff for it, with my dad, who was kinda a buzzkill, but anyway…Z-Zack helped me lift some sodas into my cart.”
Knox nods once. Fingers locked tight around his empty glass. He’s staring you down like you’re fresh meat.
You purse your lips and stare back, but quickly get bored when he doesn’t speak, and you miss Anna and her selfies and her sambuca shots. As you’re about to wander back to the door, though, Knox steps in front of you.
“So, you’re here often, then?”
Your shoulder knocks into his. “Huh?”
“Saw you last week. You were pretty spaced, don’t know if you remember.”
The memory whips past your eyes quicker than you can catch it, frames lingering only long enough for you to see Knox’s thick arm linked with yours outside Frank’s, the smell of weed in your nostrils, and the bright lights of Joel’s truck. And then it’s gone, before you can get a good grip of it.
“I’m…I remember now. Yeah. No, I’m not here much, I just…Rough week.”
He nods again, and you suspect he hasn’t listened to a word you’ve said since he got you alone. “You want another drink?”
The way he’s looking at you makes you feel more and more nauseous. Makes you want to turn and run back downstairs, slot in beside Anna and Kara, bury yourself between their shoulders and stay there until they decide they want to go home.
It makes you feel the way it felt last week, when he halted you outside the bar on your way to Joel. And suddenly the memory is soaring in front of your eyes again.
Your hand on Joel’s elbow. The frown on his face. Whitened knuckles around the steering wheel. ‘s go, pretty girl. Pretty girl. Pretty girl. Pretty girl.
“Yeah,” you tell Knox. “Yeah, I do.”
You follow him downstairs where he nods to Sam at the bar.
Sam ignores him, instead glares at you. “Can we talk…?” he asks, but Knox cuts across him.
“Beer, right?” he checks with you, and you nod. “And another whiskey.”
Your friend hesitantly grabs the drinks, glancing up at you every five seconds in a question. You respond by nodding slowly, feeling your head bounce each time you do.
You lazily scan the room for Anna and Kara, who you spot in a booth over by the window. The spotlights overhead reflect in the sparkles of Anna’s dress; Kara’s holding the straw of her drink between her lips, bobbing her head to the music. You saunter over, twirling on your way.
“Where have you been, baby?” Anna calls, giggling when you fall against the booth, palms flat on the wooden table.
“Upstairs,” you mumble, and then feel a tap on your back.
“Forgot this,” Knox says, pushing the beer into your hand. “You wanna go dance?”
Anna’s face twists into one of worry, and you give her an apologetic smile and spin off, following the wide frame to a dark corner of the bar where he takes your wrist and pulls your body against his.
He’s not doing much dancing, rather, he’s just keeping a solid grip on your waist, watching as you rock side to side, taking a couple shallow sips of your drink. You pull on his arm, Fucking move, dude, but he only leans further back, until he’s shrouded in shadows and pulling you into them with him.
When he leans into your space and snakes a drunken arm tight around your neck, you don’t retreat. You lean in, too, and plant your lips on his.
It’s messy, it’s a little gross. He tastes sour, weed and alcohol on his tongue, and it makes you wish you’d never started kissing him. Still, you take it further. You open your mouth more, letting more of him in, soak your own tongue, wet your lips. You barely even feel it when his hands move south and cup your ass, and it’s only when he squeezes that you wriggle out of his grip.
“Sorry,” you mumble, taking hold of his sleeve to steady yourself. “Sorry.”
He shakes his head, says something short that you don’t hear, and you lean back against him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He’s smaller, much shorter than Joel. Your shoulders almost match the height of his. But he’s more built, he’s bulkier, in an uncomfortable way. Like trying to put your arms around a giant balloon or something. There’s no softness, no enclosing feeling when your weight presses against his. Just the huge surface of his chest, the hollow feeling of two mismatched bodies unwillingly pushed together.
Not strong. Not safe. Not secure. Not him.
But you’re kissing him again, because it’s the first time in five days you’ve felt something other than your aching chest and heavy head. You’re kissing him because you feel unwanted and unloved and, even though he seems almost as hammered as you are, it feels good to have someone want to be on you.
You’re kissing him because you’re trying to pretend it’s Joel.
Only he tastes…well, disgusting, and he smells different. He’s sweating from the heat in the bar, and his arms aren’t placed somewhere to make you feel wrapped in his grasp, they’re placed anywhere that he can pinch, squeeze, or otherwise fondle.
Joel’s face swims in and out of your head; a smile as he pulls you in for a kiss, a smirk when he’s telling you off, soft eyes when he’s listening to you talk. It makes you want to throw up.
That might just be the drinks.
Someone taps you furiously on the shoulder, and you push Knox off your body.
When your eyes fail to meet Sam’s, he takes your wrist and drags you behind the bar, ripping the beer bottle from your grasp and almost launching it into the sink. It smashes, and the liquid pours down the drain.
“Hey, what the f–?”
“I’m gonna call your dad,” he yells, deafening to your numb ears.
“Do not fucking call my dad,” you slur, laughing a little. “I’m fine! I’m having fun.”
“You’re fucking wasted. And that guy – he’s bad news.”
“Does it matter?”
He shakes his head in disbelief. “Who even are–? What the fuck is up with you right now? Yes, it fucking matters!”
“Not my dad,” you repeat as you back away, staggering over to the booth where your friends sit.
Anna storms over to meet you, slipping her wrist around yours and bringing you to a halt. “Did Sam find you?” she asks. Her hands plant on your shoulders, and she dips her head until you’re eye to eye.
She’s blurry. She’s nothing but shapes, and movements, and noises. And she’s fucking pissing you off.
“Can everyone just – get the fuck off of me?” you groan, stumbling backwards, and Anna links her hands with yours to stop you from collapsing.
She pulls you back upright, leaning in close. Her head shakes, you can see that much. But her expression is cloudy, and her hands don’t let go of yours so easily when you try to pull away. The orb-like shapes in front of you mutter your name, only it’s not Anna’s voice, it’s his.
Anna’s babbling, panicked tone drives through your skull. “She’s been drinking, like, a lot, and I think she might’ve had some weed upstairs. But Sam said he saw –”
“C’mon, kid,” his voice says again, and there’s a heavy arm pulling you off to the door.
“Get – off – of – me.” You struggle in his grasp, pushing his body away from yours, fingers expecting to find the V-neck collar of a black shirt and instead finding –
Buttons. The edges of a green flannel shirt. And a soft cotton tee underneath. And then his scent washes over you: warm, sweet, earthy. Grounding.
“Joel…” you whisper, thick with fear and intoxication and need.
His jaw angles down, you catch one fleeting glimpse of his chin, graying beard, tight lips hidden beneath it, and then you’re shoving his chest again, attempting to push him as far away from your own body as he’ll go.
Only he doesn’t move.
“Fuck off,” you seethe, palms flat on his pecs. “Get the fuck away from me.”
He says your name in a hazy blur, says, “We’re goin’ home,” and you almost laugh in his face.
“I don’t f-fucking think so.”
“Yeah? Well, I do. Thanks, Anna, I got her.”
“Hey,” a fourth voice joins the chorus, “hey, you know this guy?”
Knox pushes past Joel’s arm, unlinking your fingers from his, and takes your shoulder with one rough hand. All your anger, all your rage at Joel, and yet, the second you’re separated from him, the only thing on your mind is having his hand back around yours.
Joel’s upper lip twitches, he stares at the back of Knox’s head and then scoffs, reaches by him again to take your wrist. You let him have it. “Come on,” he says.
Knox is rounding on him, holding Joel back with a palm flat to his chest. “I ain’t too comfortable lettin’ her head outta here with some random old man, dude…”
Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the –
Joel’s jaw ticks. His expression falls blank, narrowed eyes looking up and down Knox’s frame as you tremble behind it, Anna’s steady arm around your shoulders.
“Take your hand off of me, and move aside,” he snarls, voice dangerous. You can hear the threat, and at the same time, the desperate attempt from within himself to hold off.
“Hey,” Anna reaches forward, tapping Knox’s shoulder three times with a glittery nail, “she knows him. It’s fine. He’s fine.”
“Nah, man,” Knox hisses back, “who the fuck even are you? You ain’t takin’ her anywhere.”
You step forward, putting yourself between the two of them, hands clumsily landing on each of their shoulders. “He’s a f…my dad’s friend,” you slur, eyes unfocused.
Knox isn’t listening. He hasn’t listened the entire fucking night. His eyes are set on Joel’s as he wraps a tight fist around your free arm, trying to pull you closer to him. Only he’s hurting you, and your fingers struggle to pry yourself free, so you look up at Joel.
You couldn’t see Anna’s expression. Couldn’t make out the worry on her face that her voice clued you in on. You could barely even see Sam, when he dragged you out of the dark corner of the bar.
But you can see Joel. See the shadow his brows cast over his glower, see his thin lips, see the tightening of his jaw. See the rage inside him like it’s an alarm beacon, flashing red from behind his eyes.
Knox tugs angrily on your wrist. “You just gonna let this asshole ruin your night?”
“Let go of m-me,” you murmur, suddenly feeling the bar’s eyes on you. Your face reddens with heat from the alcohol, doubled by your embarrassment.
When he hears you, Joel’s face contorts into one you’ve never seen on his face in your life. Fury, disgust and fury, twisting his lip and tugging on his brows. He leans in and rips yours and Knox’s hands apart, pulling you free and shifting you behind his body with as much effort as it’d take him to click his fingers. Your weak hand reaches out to take a fistful of his shirt, holding onto him at his spine.
The men square up to one another, Joel at least four inches taller and, despite Knox’s built form, far broader. Knox takes a step forward and Joel matches.
“Joel…” you whisper, catching Anna’s gaping stare over his shoulder.
“Hey, uh, Mr. Miller?” Sam edges in from behind Knox. “I’m gonna have to ask that you…don’t…do this, but if you have to, can y’all maybe move it out to the street?”
“Do I gotta do somethin’?” Joel asks Knox. You pull in closer to his back, trying to hide your face from the spotlight cast on you by what feels like thousands of drunken eyes staring directly at you.
Knox thinks it over for a moment. You can see Zack watching like a deer in the headlights from behind his buddy. He’s seen Joel before, and you know from the way his eyes stick on him that he recognizes him. Remembers how briskly he swept you out of the soft drinks section, how blunt he was about it.
The V-neck swells with the deep inhale its wearer takes, and then he shakes his head, sighing. Smug smirk thick across his lips.
“Nah, man. I didn’t think she was gonna be worth the fuck anyways, so.”
Joel clicks his teeth, gives his head one quick shake, mutters a resigned, “Alright,” then reaches back, and nudges you gently by the stomach until you’re safely out of reach.
And then he swings.
Once, catching Knox across the corner of his jaw, sending his face skyward. The crowd around the three of you gasps. Knox’s burly chest twists, and he staggers backward. His hands come up to clutch his face before Joel’s taking the collar of his shirt in his fist, reeling him in and holding him steady.
“Joel!” you yell, but he doesn’t fucking hear you.
His second blow lands square on Knox’s nose with a crack loud enough even for your numb ears to hear over the thudding music. Blood sprays from his nostrils and floods down into his mouth, smearing across his cheek as Joel’s knuckles ricochet off the square face. The crimson pours down his chin, spattering onto his shirt, bright and shocking against the stretched black material.
Joel lets him drop and he collapses onto all fours, coughing blood and spit and whatever the fuck else onto the dark floor.
“Fuck!” Knox screams, fingers trembling over his burst nose – thick, dark droplets running down his hands. “You motherfucker, you broke my fucking nose!”
Joel stoops down, takes the back of Knox’s shirt in two rough hands and hauls him up until he’s limp on his knees.
“I ever see you around here again,” he growls, “I ever find out you’ve been anywhere near her, as much as looked in the same fuckin’ direction as her, I’ll do worse ‘n break your Goddamn nose. You hear me?”
Knox whimpers, more blood dribbles from between his lips, and Joel throws him down. He turns back to you, massaging his knuckles with his thumb, and grabs your hand.
Your voice is weak with shock. “What the f-uck was that?”
“Just – come on,” he says, dragging you out of Frank’s without another word.
He leads your wobbly form down the street, past chattering crowds toward his black truck, opening the door for you and helping your unsteady limbs up into the passenger side, before he closes the door over and strides around to the driver’s side.
When he shuts his door – more of a slam – he sighs, head leaning back. His hand clenches and then relaxes, loosening his knuckles, hissing anytime the quickly-darkening skin stretches.
“Sorry,” you mutter.
“What you sorry for?”
You shrug. Your mouth trips over words. “…gettin’ you into a barfight.”
He doesn’t look over at you. Just Hms and switches the ignition on, pulling away from the busy curb.
“Where’s m-my dad?” you slur.
“Work. Site inspection, remember?”
You nod, turning back to the road when you start to feel motion sick. Your eyes feel like they’re spinning in their sockets, your stomach flips with the slightest turn. “He get that delivery?” you ask, letting Joel know you heard the phone call earlier.
His jaw turns in your direction. Letting you know he knows you heard it. “Yeah. He’ll be home in a couple hours.”
“Did Sam c-call him?”
“No. Why?”
You lean your head against the passenger window, the cold distracting your brain from the ache in your head. The streetlights sail by in a blur. The engine rattles through the glass.
“Asked ‘im not to.”
“Yeah? ‘n why’s that?”
Your head rolls back onto the headrest as you decide on an answer. I didn’t want him seeing me drunk and high. I don’t care about you seeing me drunk and high. I just wanted to see you.
“’s never seen me drunk.”
“Or high?”
You snort. “I’m not…”
When your head slants to the left to look at Joel, his face turns from yours. He was just looking at you, and you missed it. Probably had that look on his face, that Nice try, kid expression.
“Okay…” you admit, spiritless, “a little high, then.”
“Anna was the one who called,” Joel says. “Said you were hammered, some guy was all over you, ‘n Sam watched him put somethin’ in your drink. They couldn’t find you anywhere. She was fuckin’ hysterical.”
Your head bobs with the moving truck. “When’d he put someth…?”
Joel shrugs. “I dunno. But I believe it.”
So do I, you think. Knox was on you from the minute he saw you. Tight grip around your waist, your wrist, drawing you into him with beer and weed and whatever else he had in his pockets. The comment that had warranted him two bone-breaking punches from Joel all but confirmed the intentions he had in mind. And now you feel fucking stupid.
“I didn’t really…I only had a couple sips of it,” you hear yourself saying, head heating with embarrassment – an attempt to convince him, or maybe more yourself, that you’re not as dumb as leaving your drink to be roofied.
Your voice sounds pathetic, though, and Joel doesn’t say anything to make you feel better. Doesn’t say anything to make you feel worse, either – the silence does that by itself.
You bring your knees up to your chin, nestling a little into the seat. It could almost feel like nothing’s happened, nothing’s changed, except you’re intoxicated, and Joel’s hands are firmly by his person. Not on your thigh, or tangled between your fingers like they usually would be.
You study him. Stare at every part of him like it’s the last time you’ll ever get to see it, until the gentle curve of his nose and the glint of his watch face are burned into the back of your eyelids when you close them over. Face lit red from the brake lights in front, right hand sitting idly on his thigh.
He looks like your Joel. Almost. Just a little closed off. Distant.
But he came to get you, right? Damn near punched Knox’s lights out, took you by the hand, led you back to the safety of his truck. He came straight to Frank’s as soon as Anna called. And he’s taking you home. He’s looking out for you.
So why doesn’t he feel like your Joel?
Well. You can wager a pretty solid guess. It starts with L and ends with comma, Receptionist at Clark’s Plant Hire.
The dark silhouette of your house looms overhead as Joel pulls into your drive. Sure enough, your dad’s not home.
The engine cuts and your head drops, eyes fixing on your hands clasped in your lap. You know Joel’s watching you. What the fuck is he thinking about?
Fuck that. Don’t think about that. Let’s not dive into that pool of imagination.
“Well, thanks.” You do your best to smile, without really looking at him. Your fingers find the door handle and you tug on it, pushing it open and spilling out onto your driveway.
You hear Joel sniff behind you. “Need a hand?”
“I’m good,” you call back, only just managing to stay on your feet.
The cold air helps a little to waken you up, sharpen your senses, but the world around you is still a whir of dull color and shapelessness, and you wobble across to the house in a route of zig-zags, boots almost tripping over thin air as you go. When you reach your front door, you hear his truck lock and the shadow of him appears by your side.
“I said I’m good.”
“I ain’t leaving you, kid. You’re hammered.”
You roll your eyes and open your mouth to protest, but then he’s taking the keys out of your hand and unlocking the door himself, hand on your back as he ushers you into your own house.
“I’m f-fine,” you repeat, tripping over the doorway.
“Look it.”
You meander over to the stairs, and when your foot manages to find the first step, Joel says your name. Your gaze sweeps across the floor until it meets his boots, travels up his legs, and finally rests on his outstretched hand.
“Water,” he tells you.
“I’m fine,” you say, the word losing meaning the more you utter it. “I wanna go – to bed.”
He shakes his head, and then tilts it in the direction of the kitchen.
You groan, mumble something about him being such an asshole, and walk straight by his hand.
Joel doesn’t react. Just follows you and hits the lights, which burn your eyes when they flicker to life. You wince and point up to them.
“Off,” you bluntly order, and he grunts, stepping back to oblige. You’re plunged straight back into darkness.
You’re holding yourself unsteadily against the edge of the kitchen island, whole body swaying. The room is fucking spinning, the lights out back swirling with it in a blur of white motion before your eyes. You swallow dryly and turn around to focus on Joel.
He’s filling a glass over the sink. “What happened to your leg?” he asks over his shoulder.
You turn your knee, examining the dent in your calf where the stool leg cut into you. The dry burgundy stain like a backwards seam line on your skin, emerging from a bright red bruise slowly fading to deep purple.
“Fell off a stool,” you mutter, angling it in the moonlight streaming in through the window.
Joel Hms again. “You got anything to cover it?”
You shrug, having lost any and all energy to barter back with him. He slides the glass across the countertop to you, followed by a bottle of painkillers, then turns back to the open drawer he pulled them from and begins rummaging for a band-aid.
Your shaky hand lifts the glass to your lips. It’s cold and slippery in your grasp, drops of condensation running over your fingers like the blood from Knox’s nose had run over his. The more you tighten your grip, the harder it becomes to hold, until it’s sliding from your clutch.
“Easy,” Joel murmurs, appearing at the side of you and placing his hands over yours, holding the glass still.
“Your knuckles are bleeding,” you say, eyes focusing and then unfocusing on the marks at the base of his fingers, the dabs of dark red where the skin has burst.
He slowly lowers your hands until the glass is safely back on the counter, and then pulls away from you, drawing his swollen knuckles in to his body.
“They’re bleedin’,” you repeat, looking up at him.
“I know they’re bleedin’.”
“Let me see,” you step forward, “Joel. Let me–”
He catches your hands in his. Pushes them back down. Stares at the counter, sighs instead of replying.
Your eyes sting, filling with tears that crowd your already-blurred vision. The punch you feel to your gut brings you to your senses as if it drains you of every substance in your system all at once.
It’s like he’s broken up with you all over again. And it pisses you the fuck off.
“Fuck you,” you whisper into the dark, and he doesn’t move. Doesn’t lift his eyes, doesn’t even flinch. “Fuck you, so much.”
You’re staring him down, what little you can see of him in the pale light cascaded onto him through the shades. The crease between his brows, more prominent with the frown on his face; the line his lips form with the tight clench of his jaw.
Fucking look at me, you think. He can say something back – anything. You can stand and hiss horrible words at one another, yell at each other if that’s what he wants to do. Argue until you’re blue in the face, until the alcohol’s all dried up and the moonlight on his chest is replaced by sunlight. Just fucking look at me.
“You’re an asshole and a liar, you know that?”
“Yeah?” he asks, eyebrows lifting.
“Yeah,” you decide. “Just stringing me along this whole time.”
You blink away the tears before they can fall, making room for more. They’re forming rapidly, each time heavier, and thicker, and angrier. But fuck it, right? This is over. He’s done, and you’re done. Just ignore the pain of it, stick your finger in the wound and keep pushing until you hit bone.
“That guy you punched? He was all over me. All fucking night.”
Joel’s voice is toneless. He’s already over the conversation before it’s begun. “I know he was, kid.”
“We kissed.”
“I know that, too.”
“Had his hands all over me. ‘n if it hadn’t been him, it woulda been literally any other guy in there.”
The words are starting to bleed into one another in your inebriated state. Anger turning to rage turning to fear turning to shame turning to hurt turning back into anger.
“Woulda kissed any one of ‘em. Mighta let them take me home, mighta let them fuck me.”
His head gives an involuntary shake and he blinks. Like he’s trying to wash the thought away. The image of you under someone else, moaning someone else’s name, pulling someone else into your body.
“That piss you off? It make you hate me?”
And then he looks up. Finally, his gaze locks with yours. And his eyes are just as glassy, just as fucking full of tears as yours. He replies with the worst thing he could possibly come up with. It forces the breath from your lungs in a painful exhale.
“There ain’t a thing in this world that you could do that would make me hate you, you know that.”
And then your tears start to fall. Your façade breaks. Stone crumbles. Dam bursts. They fall onto your cheeks, searing on your heated skin, rolling down onto the front of your dress in dark splatter marks.
Through a sob, you choke out another, “Fuck you, Joel,” and then, when you catch your breath, “you don’t get to – to sleep with someone else, and make me feel like the idiot for it.”
He looks up at you with a dark expression, lips locked tight like he’s refusing to let something slip. He shakes his head, and then says, “Can we not have this conversation right now?”
You scoff. A drunken, angry scoff. “You don’t wanna talk about her? When’s a good fuckin’ time, then? When suits you and f-fuckin’ – Lois?”
He falls quiet. Presses his fingers into his eyes. Sighs. “Baby,” he says into his palms.
“’m not your fucking baby,” you whisper between your teeth.
“Baby.” He drops his hands. Looks you dead in the eye. “I did not sleep with Lois.”
You’re frozen to the spot. Your lips fall apart, coated in salty tears. You’re holding your breath, though you’re not sure what for. The room stops spinning for all of ten seconds until he speaks again.
“I didn’t. I know what that message sounded like. Know how you musta heard it. But nothin’ happened, nothin’ has ever happened. Nothin’ would ever happen,” he says, a little more animated, tossing his hands in the air.
You stare between his eyes. He’s still enough that your fucked brain can focus on them, can see plain as day – even in the dark kitchen, even through your cloudy tears and all of the poison in your blood – that he’s telling the truth.
“Ex-plain,” you say dryly, looking down to his lips.
Joel sighs again. “I told you I had work to do. Had to head over to Clark’s to order that stuff for your dad. Saw her there, said hi. ‘n that’s all.”
Your eyes slowly close over, wet lashes on hot, dehydrated skin. Your ears are ringing, your body aching. You breathe a sigh as what he says sinks into your slow, throbbing brain, and then lull to one side, slumping against the counter.
“You didn’t…you didn’t think this was worth tellin’ me on Monday?”
“Tried, baby. You were gone. You were so angry; thought it’d be better if I let you cool off.”
“You’re – a fucking – idiot,” you seethe, shaking your head. It’s starting to pound again, sharp pain right behind your eyes like they’re being tugged backwards.
“Well, tonight, I guess that makes two of us.”
You grimace at him. “Lettin’ me go for four fuckin’ days thinking that –”
“– thinkin’ that I would actually cheat on ya? ‘s that what you think a’ me?”
“What did you ex-pect? You didn’t exactly try to – c-clear it up.” You step back, lifting a hand to cup your forehead with a groan. A mix of frustration, pain, and exhaustion in the form of a slow-moving ache hauls its way from one temple to the other.
“Baby, I gotta get you to bed,” Joel says, stepping forward. “We can talk about this when you’re able to see straight.”
“I’m fine,” you whimper, but it’s the least convincing you’ve sounded all night.
“Don’t fucking call me kid. Like it’s some pet name, like you give a damn about me–”
“You think I don’t give a damn about you? You think I don’t care?”
Your head wobbles in response. It sends the room hurtling again, Joel’s figure swimming in and out of your vision. You grab the countertop again in attempt to freeze him in place.
He tuts and turns his jaw. “You know how much sleep I’ve had these last few days? Not a fuckin’ minute. I ain’t slept a single night, worryin’ about you ‘n what’s goin’ through your head. Like I give a damn about you. I wish I didn’t give a damn about you, baby. Make my life a whole lot easier.”
“Then, show me. Fucking prove it to me.”
“Prove it to you how? Break some asshole’s nose in a bar? Take you home when you’re wasted?”
Yeah. And also, no. Not just that.
You seethe. “You know what the fuck I mean. Do something about it.”
“I can’t,” he says, raising his voice. “Can’t take you out on dates, can’t put my arm around you, can’t kiss you ‘less there ain’t nobody watchin’. I can’t do none of what I wanna do. This is – it’s fuckin’…”
“…impossible,” you breathe, thick and slurred.
Joel lifts his head then, sees the look in your eye. He sniffs. “’s pretty damn hard, yeah.”
You tip your head back, feel the weight of your tears and your eyes and your brain slap against the back of your skull, a nauseating pull at the nape of your neck. You’re defeated. Nothing left in you to argue, talk, even so much as breathe.
Your words drag between one another, each one beginning with the remnants of the one before it.
“Just - take me to bed.”
He’s standing inches from you, hands hovering over your own, hesitant or unwilling or fucking afraid to touch you.
You ball your fists against his chest and give him one tiny, ineffective shove. But he’s bigger, stronger, sober. He doesn’t budge. Accepting defeat, you breathe one last, “Fuck you,” and brush past him, staggering out of the kitchen.
Joel – water and painkillers in hand – watches you like a hawk going upstairs, arms braced for you to lean on anytime you begin to tumble backward. When you do, his hand brushes your elbow, and you whip it out of his reach and reel it back in to your body.
He settles you on the bed just like he did six days ago, after your rodeo night. Only he doesn’t kneel, doesn’t take your boots off. Just walks away, grabs a tee from your chest of drawers and hands it to you to slip into by yourself.
You don’t even have to open your eyes. You know which one he’s given you. Can tell from the feel of the material, the cracked lettering on the chest, that it’s his Rangers shirt, the same one he put on you the first night you slept together. Smells more like you than it does him these days, but feels just like he always does. And as he waits a safe two-feet from you for you to change, no hands reaching out to help, to fix your hair, to stroke your cheek – you think the shirt will just have to do.
Everything he does is close enough for you to recognize him as Joel, and yet distant enough for him to be someone totally different. Every move he makes is pre-determined, all outcomes already analyzed and mapped, all risks carefully averted. It’s like he’s walking a minefield.
He hands you a couple of pills and helps with lifting the water to your lips. Then he sits at the end of your bed and applies the band-aid while you drag a makeup wipe clumsily over your face.
His thumbs linger on your fucked leg, rubbing over the padded dressing a few times after it’s stuck on, gentle and slow. Eyes never leaving the spot your skin broke open. And then, when you’re done with it, he takes the makeup wipe and quickly runs it down your calf, cleaning the dry blood from your skin.
Touch as delicate as though he were holding a rose – fingers brushing over your body like you might tear or fall apart at the slightest movement. When he’s done, he makes his way around to the opposite side of the bed.
“There’s a sleeping bag in the hall closet if you’d rather take the floor,” you tell him, rolling back and pulling your knees to your chin.
“Nah,” Joel says with the groan of a near-fifty-year-old man, kicking his boots off and propping his pillows up. “We’re close enough by now.”
He pulls the flannel from his shoulders and tosses it to the end of the bed, then slips in under the covers beside you, clasping his hands on his chest. His entire body a perfectly polite distance away.
Your wrist lifts, weak and limp, and your fingers ghost across his red wine knuckles. He winces a little, but he doesn’t move. Instead, he watches as you trace the curves of his hands, surfing the valleys where the bone drops, then back up to the peaks where the blood breaks from his skin.
“You didn’t have to…” you whisper. “He was just some dirtbag.”
He sniffs. Replies to you in his head, translated through the look in his eye. Wasn’t all about the dirtbag.
And you know it. Knox was just an asshole who took the hit for the last four days. Sure, he deserved it. But his big, ugly face and the uglier words which happened to tumble out of it were simply a punchbag full of sand; Joel’s fist hammering into it was as much about defending you as it was about punishing someone, anyone, the first fucker who wound up on the wrong side of him, for everything that had happened.
He's angry. At himself and at you and at this entire fucking mess. And you’re angry. At yourself and at him and at the very same thing. The two of you lie side by side in the dark, both broken and bruised and bleeding. You let out a small, pathetic sigh, and Joel echoes it.
His eyes close over and you stare at him. Stare at the faint lines on his face that slowly fade as he relaxes more, falls closer and closer to sleeping. Watch his chest slowly rising and falling, and his hands moving up and down with it. His entire body is still. Like it’s the first calm he’s had in a while. The first time he’s been able to settle.
And you stare at him. For hours, feels like. You stare at him until sleep, or alcohol, or something stronger coats over your vision and sweeps him out of focus.
The wall opposite your window is lit with a single stripe of bright, nauseating orange, the sunrise staring in between your drapes. There are birds screaming outside. Your head is still throbbing and your throat feels like splintered wood and the other side of your bed is empty.
He can’t have left long ago. The mattress is still warm under the sheets he’s folded back over. His shirt is sat folded on the pillowcase.
You grab it and haul yourself out of bed – head still spinning, you trip out of your room.
He’s gotta be in the kitchen. He’ll be standing at the counter drinking a coffee, he’ll mumble a Mornin’, then pull you in and kiss the top of your head. He’ll ask how you’re feeling and if you want some breakfast. He’ll be Joel again.
“Joel…?” you call, rounding the bottom of the stairs toward the kitchen. No response.
The clock on the oven reads 5:57. The kitchen is deserted. When you loop around the island – as if he’d be crouched behind it or something – you notice an empty mug sitting in the sink, trails of black coffee at the bottom.
Your shaking hands cup around the ceramic. It’s cooling, but it’s warm.
He’s been in here.
“Joel!” you yell. Come out, now, this ain’t funny anymore.
You hear the squeak of wheels rolling to a stop outside and flee over to the living room windows, daybreak burning your eyes when you peer through the shades.
You’re frantically searching, going blind with the bright rays singeing your corneas, pacing back and forth between each window to get an angle on the street that will show you his truck. Show you him.
You don’t even notice the sound of keys in the door, or the rattle it makes as it pushes open.
“Hey, kiddo.”
You whip around. The owner of the voice lifts a hand to his puffy eyes and rubs them, yawning.
“H-hi, Dad.”
You look fucking insane. Hair all over the place, makeup haphazardly removed, Joel’s flannel shirt hanging from your fist. Wearing nothing but a long tee, a blood-seeped band-aid on your calf.
“Good night?” he says with a sleepy chuckle. “I am pooped. You want anythin’ before I head up to bed?”
You shake your head, but he’s not looking. Rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.
“Alright, I’m gonn–”
“Where’s Joel?”
Your desperation has reached a new high. Your pride, a new low. You just want him back, don’t care who knows or thinks or suspects what. Just come back.
“Joel? He brought me home and I woke up and he’s gone.”
“He – Well, I…I suppose he’ll be at work, hon. He can’t stick around here all day.” He smiles weakly, and then swivels on his heels.
“He text you?”
He sighs, his back still turned. “What has gotten into…? Here.”
Your dad twists and throws his phone toward you. It lands on the carpet at your feet. Then he turns back and begins climbing the stairs.
“See ya in a few hours.”
When he turns the corner on the landing and his footsteps fade out of earshot, you bend and your fingers clutch his phone.
He has one unread text from Joel.
You unlock the phone with a click and open up the message thread. Your half-drunk, half-sleepy eyes flit across the screen, leaning back against the arm of the couch to read every word he ever sent your dad.
Joel: She’s in bed. Sat with her for a bit to make sure she didn’t roll onto her back. She’s a little worse for wear. I got a job up in Waco I need to be at in an hour, so I gotta head.
You scroll further back.
Joel: She okay?
Joel: Sarah says she hasn’t heard from her in a few days. We can come over for dinner tonight if you reckon that might help?
Further back still.
Joel: Sure, not doing anything anyway. Sarah in Nashville. Tell her to text me when she’s ready to be picked up. Hope she enjoys her rodeo night 🤠
Joel: Table booked for 6. Get you both at 5:45. Looking forward to it.
You scroll until your eyes hurt.
Joel: No answer. She’ll be home soon I bet.
Joel: You ever seen Grey’s Anatomy? Pretty good TV
Joel: Your daughter available tonight to help me put up stuff for Sarah coming home? I fear what might happen if I attempt it myself
You read the final message, the first thing he sent your dad after you got home. Six days in. He’d driven you home from work.
Joel: No problem, wouldn’t have her walking home in the rain. Was nice to see her again. She’s a sweetheart.
You’re laid back across the couch, your legs hanging over the armrest. You drop the phone to your chest and stare up at the ceiling, suddenly feeling a lot more sober.
She’s a sweetheart.
Your throat tightens around a sob. Like a fist clenching around your neck, crushing your breath to nothing. Your eyes well, tears slowly flood across your vision and then spill over, running rapidly down to your ears and seeping into the fabric of the couch. You’re still silent. Still unable to open your mouth.
You’re doing everything you can to hold back. To stop it from happening. But your chest feels like it could burst, and your eyes are screwing shut tighter and tighter, and your body curls up like an animal succumbing to a mortal wound, and then –
Then, you break.
It forces its way from your throat, hammering against the sides of your mouth before it’s escaping, tearing away from your lips and hurtling skyward. A deep, violent exhale. Broken, and painful, and heavy.
There’s no one to hold back for. Just you, sat in your living room, clutching the flannel of a man who doesn’t want you anymore.
Your breath stammers, shudders against the palms of your hands as your fingertips massage your eyes. You’re crying like a little kid, and it’s not making you feel any better, but no matter what you do, it won’t stop.
And you don’t know why. You tell yourself that: I don’t know why I’m crying. Almost laugh when you think it through to yourself: sobbing at 6AM over someone you were sleeping with, for all of, what, four weeks? I don’t know why the fuck I’m crying.
Except – you do. You do. And you’re totally, completely, undeniably fucked.
You sigh and close your eyes.
You are – fucked.
taglist: @yvonneeeee @subconsciouscollapse @leahlovestwd @peqchsoup @whorror-s @k1ttybean @whichwitchwanda @abuttoncalledsmalls @anner--nanner @jpbplvr @laysmt @ankhmutes @bookishhella @cannolighost @luvrking @mellymbee @yourwinchesterbros @nostalxgic @scottstotts @daiseygriffithx @letsgroovetonighttt @huffle-punk @unbotheredbeeeee @iluvurfather @wildcat116 @godisawomansblog @55vvaa55 @koshkaj-blog @initforthebooks @theywhowriteandknowthings @thatgirljayy@sasakipsposts @casa-boiardi @milla-frenchy @aim-formyheart @taeslarityy @lxstbxyscave23 @joelmillerxapologist @capt-rex @giixo @capricorngf @feministfanboi @fifia-writes @darleneslane @theplumsoldier @sharp-cheekbones-locked @suzmagine @endlessthxxghts @ivebeenflagged
@blognametakenn @jessahmewren @nobodycanseeinsidemysoul @ranahx @pedropascalsbbg @alejaa-a @dindjarinsbeskarbunny @cartoon-garbage04 @caatheeriinee07 @kngslayr @dissentientss @hopplessilse @vickywallace @lelifesaver @slvbl @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @casa-boiardi @msjarvis @acornacreacure @totallynotastanacc @earthtogrogu @sexygaypalpatine @cool-iguana @serenaxpedro @lizzyervs @bitchwitch1981 @brittmb115 @stormseyer @scarletthefierce @patti7dc @pattwtf @atticrissfinch @pascalpvnk @jediknightjana @jessie8605 @caitispunk @mrsquill @uncassettodiricordi @gracieispunk @hellishjoel
(lmk if i’ve missed you out & check my taglist info for how to be added!)
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
All the places the batfam was banned from
Damian's parent-teacher conferences
The HBO writer's room
An almond farm in Manteca, California
Victoria's Secret
32 U.S. states + Puerto Rico
6 countries
Downtown Tokyo
Comm. Gordon's office
Ra's Al Ghul's hot tub
The Phantom Zone
Other-dimension Jason's safehouse
Every Pizza Hut in Ontario
15 feet of any Confederate statue in South Carolina
The Ford dealership in Tallahassee
Riker's Island
Club Penguin
The original Starbucks
Wayne Enterprises boiler room
Brentwood Academy biology department
Outback Steakhouse
West-Reeve school debate team
Steph's apartment bathroom
USDA regional inspection office
Every BP gas station on the Atlantic seaboard
Gotham High model rocket club
Gotham High acapella choir
Gotham High ventilation system
Harper's work table
A meme subreddit
A furry Discord
A Minecraft battle royale
His part-time job after ghosting instead of formally resigning
Every Gotham restaurant requiring a dress code
50 feet of the Mona Lisa
The Manor's wine cellar
Planet Fitness
A Harry Styles concert
A falafel cart
Justice League snack storage
The local tarot reader
A bus stop in Hong Kong
The Vienna Philharmonic
The Apple Store
The Microsoft Store
Amazon HQ
The backend of all Google sites
Best Buy
The Pentagon
A Home Depot in Wisconsin
Yellowstone National Park
A free pottery class
Gotham City Hall
The Tootsie Roll factory
Boy Scouts (not because of gender)
The duck pond at the park
A Barnes & Noble in Boston
A soccer stadium
A Dairy Queen in Houston
A rest stop near Reno
Death Valley
The Kremlin
The British Museum
The Vatican
Most museums in Gotham
Times Square
Buckingham Palace
A mini golf course
Netflix studios
The kitchen
Kate's garage without her present
Batburger without someone else accompanying
A Justice League conference room
The Batcave when injured
Best Western
Jason's safehouse
Facebook Marketplace
Diana's invisible jet
Stark Industries break room mini-fridge
Near any animals on Kent Farm without Clark's supervision
934 notes · View notes
thesmpisonfire · 11 months
Okay okay so Bagui translated and found Guapito. But theres a block of garbled text in between the first block of text and "guapito?"
I think the first block is just Cellbit rambling, reminiscing Alcatraz and let himself loose in that high of no consequences and mindless aggression, but at the end is him calling out for Roier, needing his anchor again
146 notes · View notes
qhideduo · 11 months
Another interesting thing from earlier was Pac saying that he (and Mike) were in Alcatraz for a year and a half (paraphrased: "after coexisting for a year and a half in a high security prison with cell")
108 notes · View notes
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Semi Finals
Kim Dokja (ORV) vs. Eugenides (The Queen's Thief)
Lemony Snicket (Series of unfortunate events) vs. Marvin (In Trousers)
Eugendies (The Queen's Thief) vs. Lemony Snicket (Series of Unfortunate Events)
CONGRATS TO LEMONY SNICKET FOR WINNING THE WINNERS BRACKET!! However, there is one more battle for him to face. The winner of the revival bracket!
For tie sweeps, im giving each match up a 0.2% margin. Additionally, you have to convince me that these two character have something in common besides being unreliable goofiers
Propaganda is very much encouraged :]
Please be nice to each other :( At the end of the day, this is a silly internet bracket with way too many obscure characters to count. remember to touch grass everyone
Polls from round 1-3 will be one day! From there, all polls will be a week, including the finals
The winner of the loser's bracket will go against the winner of the winner's bracket and that winner will be declared the most unreliable
Main tag (with polls) will be #unreliable narrator battle
NOTE; I do NOT write the propaganda on each poll. It's the propaganda I collect in submissions.
List of all characters below (+their match ups and brackets!)
(im not sure how to make them face each other?? if that makes sense. so uh. have these 4, right facing brackets :') )
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I tried to evenly match everyone, however, i also metaphorically live under a rock so my view on everything might be EXTREMELY skewed. sorry.
Round 1
Lemony Snicket (A series of unfortunate events) vs. Dr. James Sheppard (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd) 
Neil Josten (All For the Game) vs. Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) 
Simon Snow (Carry On) vs. Alcatraz Smedry (Alcatraz Vs The Evil Librarians) 
The Biologist (Annihilation) vs. Yukio Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) 
Briony Tallis (Atonement) vs. Tobias (Animorphs) 
Montresor (Cask of Amontillado) vs. Margot Garcia (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise) 
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative) vs. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3) 
Jason Todd (DC Comics/Batman) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) 
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age) vs. Marco (Animorphs) 
Mysterious Man (Into the Woods) vs. Narrator of Jane the Virgin (Jane the Virgin) 
Johnny Traunt (House of Leaves) vs. Charlie Gordon (Flowers for Algernon) 
The Narrator of Greater Boston (Greater Boston) vs. Italo Calvino (If on a Winter’s Night, a Travler) 
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) vs. Rue Bennet (Euphoria) 
Tsurugi Kamishiro (Kamen Rider Kabuto) vs. Nishijou Takumi (Chaos; Head) 
Humbert Humbert (Loltia) vs. Ted(I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) 
Brooke Page (Ever After High) vs. Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games) 
Round 2
Lemony Snicket (A series of unfortunate events) vs. Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) 
Simon Snow (Carry On) vs. The Biologist (Annihilation)
Briony Tallis (Atonement) vs. Margot Garcia (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise) 
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) 
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age) vs. Mysterious Man (Into the Woods)
Johnny Traunt (House of Leaves) vs. The Narrator of Greater Boston (Greater Boston)
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) vs. Tsurugi Kamishiro (Kamen Rider Kabuto)
Ted(I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) vs. Brooke Page (Ever After High)
Round 3
Lemony Snicket (A series of unfortunate events) vs. The Biologist (Annihilation)
Margot Garcia (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise) vs. Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative)
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age) vs. Johnny Traunt (House of Leaves)
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) vs. Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) 
Round 4
Lemony Snicket (A series of unfortunate events) vs. Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative)
Johnny Traunt (House of Leaves) vs. Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) 
Round 5
Lemony Snicket (A series of unfortunate events) vs. Johnny Traunt (House of Leaves)
The Narrators (Ever After High) vs. Louis De Pointe Du Lac (Interview with the Vampire)
Ulysses (Fallout New Vegas) vs. Phone Guy (FNAF) 
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) vs. Hamlet (Hamlet) 
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) vs. The Narrator of Fight Club (Fight Club) 
Joker (Joker) vs. Ted (How I Met Your Mother) 
Alex Eggleston (YIIK: A Postmodern RPG) vs. Benjamin Brynn (Before Your Eyes) 
Odokawa (Odd Taxi) vs. Nadeko Sengoku (Monogatari Series) 
Mima Kirigoe (Perfect Blue) vs. Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) 
The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess) vs. Dr. Money (Presentable Liberty) 
The Batter (OFF) vs. Sunny (Omori) 
Submitter (Real Life) vs. Every Fic Writer (Real Life) 
Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) vs. Cale Henituse (Trash of the Counts Family) 
Wei Wuxian (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) vs. Beatrice (Umineko) 
Haruaki Fusaishi (Raging Loop) vs. Lee Hakhyun (ORV Side Stories) 
Kim Dokja (ORV) vs. Yoon Jongwoo (Strangers From Hell) 
Prince Huai (The Imperial Uncle) vs. Fukuide Kei (Ultraman Geed) 
Round 2
Louis De Pointe Du Lac (Interview with the Vampire) vs. Phone Guy (FNAF) 
Hamlet (Hamlet) vs. The Narrator of Fight Club (Fight Club) 
Ted (How I Met Your Mother) vs. Benjamin Brynn (Before Your Eyes) 
Nadeko Sengoku (Monogatari Series) vs. Mima Kirigoe (Perfect Blue)
The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess) vs. The Batter (OFF)
Every Fic Writer (Real Life) vs. Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS)
Beatrice (Umineko) vs. Lee Hakhyun (ORV Side Stories) 
Kim Dokja (ORV) vs. Prince Huai (The Imperial Uncle)
Round 3
Phone Guy (FNAF) vs. Hamlet (Hamlet) 
Benjamin Brynn (Before Your Eyes) vs. Mima Kirigoe (Perfect Blue)
The Batter (OFF) vs. Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS)
Lee Hakhyun (ORV Side Stories) vs. Kim Dokja (ORV)
Round 4
Hamlet (Hamlet) vs. Mima Kirigoe (Perfect Blue)
Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) vs. Kim Dokja (ORV)
Round 5
Hamlet (Hamlet) vs. Kim Dokja (ORV)
Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb) vs. Percy Jackson (PJO) 
Jonathan Sims (Mangus Archives) vs. John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) 
Kuzco (Emperor’s New Groove) vs. Goob (Meet the Robinsons) 
Jeramie Brasirie (Ohsama Sentai King Ohger) vs. Noé Archiviste (Vanitas no Carte) 
Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle) vs. Darkstalker (Wings of Fire) 
Nelly Lockwood (Wuthering Highs) vs. Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes)  
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. Apollo/Lester (Trials of Apollo) 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) vs. The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) 
Guy Montag (Fahrenheit 451) vs. Holden Caulfield (The Catcher in the Rye) 
Theo Decker (The Goldfinch) vs. Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) 
Pi (The Life of Pi) vs. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon) 
Rosie Amo (The Administration Podcast) vs. Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence) 
Charles Kinbote (Pale Fire) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight) 
Lloyd Allen (Shaperaverse) vs. Josh Newman (SINF) 
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) vs. The Maid (The House in Fata Morgana) 
Eugenides (The Queen’s Thief) vs. Grisia Sun (The Legend of Sun Knight) 
Round 2
Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb) vs. John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) 
Kuzco (Emperor’s New Groove) vs. Jeramie Brasirie (Ohsama Sentai King Ohger)
Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle) vs. Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes)  
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) 
Holden Caulfield (The Catcher in the Rye) vs. Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) 
Pi (The Life of Pi) vs. Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence) 
Charles Kinbote (Pale Fire) vs. Lloyd Allen (Shaperaverse)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) vs. Eugenides (The Queen’s Thief)
Round 3
Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb) vs. Kuzco (Emperor’s New Groove)
Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) vs. Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) vs. Pi (The Life of Pi)
Lloyd Allen (Shaperaverse) vs. Eugenides (The Queen’s Thief)
Round 4
Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb) vs. Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) vs. Eugenides (The Queen’s Thief)
Round 5
Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb) vs. Eugenides (The Queen’s Thief)
Narrator of Death in the Forest (Death in the Forest) vs. Singer of the Main Character (The Main Character) 
Guy Pearce (Memento) vs. Chief Bromden (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) 
Joe Goldberg (YOU) vs. Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Sixth Sense)
Daniil Dankovsky (Pathologic) vs. Amanda (Amanda The Adventurer) 
Keyser Soze (The Usual Suspects) vs. Jane (The Yellow Wallpaper) 
Narrator of Tell Tale Heart (Tell Tale Heart) vs. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) 
Gareth (Philadelphia) vs. Grace Marks (Alias Grace) 
Squealer (Animal Farm) vs. Scout (To Kill A Mockingbird) 
Katrina Kim (Liar Dreamer Thief) vs. Aislyn (The City We Became)
Claudia (Monday’s Not Coming) vs. Marvin (In Trousers) 
Mars (The Honeys) vs. Jane North-Robinson (Horrid) 
Rachel (The Girl on the Train) vs. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl) 
The Mother (Pumpkin Eater)vs. Lacey (Lacey’s Diner) 
Leshy (Inscryption) vs. Taylor Herbert (Worm) 
All the Narrators of Rashomon (Rashomon) vs. Wayne Booth (The Rhetoric of Fiction) 
Christopher (The Curious Incident o the Dog in the Night-Time) vs. Alex (A Clockwork Orange)
Round 2
Singer of the Main Character (The Main Character) vs. Guy Pearce (Memento)
Joe Goldberg (YOU) vs. Amanda (Amanda The Adventurer) 
Jane (The Yellow Wallpaper) vs. Narrator of Tell Tale Heart (Tell Tale Heart)
Gareth (Philadelphia) vs. Scout (To Kill A Mockingbird) 
Aislyn (The City We Became) vs. Marvin (In Trousers) 
Mars (The Honeys) vs. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl) 
The Mother (Pumpkin Eater) vs. Leshy (Inscryption)
All the Narrators of Rashomon (Rashomon) vs. Alex (A Clockwork Orange)
Round 3
Singer of the Main Character (The Main Character) vs. Amanda (Amanda The Adventurer) 
Narrator of Tell Tale Heart (Tell Tale Heart) vs. Scout (To Kill A Mockingbird) 
Marvin (In Trousers) vs. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl) 
Leshy (Inscryption) vs. All the Narrators of Rashomon (Rashomon)
Round 4
Singer of the Main Character (The Main Character) vs. Narrator of Tell Tale Heart (Tell Tale Heart)
Marvin (In Trousers) vs. Leshy (Inscryption)
Round 5
Narrator of Tell Tale Heart (Tell Tale Heart) vs. Marvin (In Trousers)
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labrxnth · 1 year
Prison Break- Part 4 (Leon Kennedy x Reader series)
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
CW: Death Island spoilers, suicide thoughts/intentions
WC: 2572
Summary: You and your co-worker Leon Kennedy are sent on a mission to rescue a kidnapped robotic engineer Dr. Antonio Taylor. The journey for him leads the two of you to somewhere you thought you would never go, Alcatraz.
A/N: I guess Tumblr fucking shadow banned me. The last part got flagged. Idk if this part will or not so.... have fun I guess. Also, remember how at the beginning of this fic I said that this was me trying to remember the lines from a month ago? Yeah… it’s really starting to show now
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
“Leon?” Jill asked, her eyes looking over him. The pair stared at each other, trying to process the words that they were thinking. 
“You got a gun?” Leon asked. 
“No,” she replied. Leon’s hand went into his vest, pulling out a handgun and twirling it, so the hand grip was facing her and he was holding the barrel. 
“Now you do,” He said and lightly smirked. 
“Thanks,” she replied, taking the gun and making sure it was loaded. 
As if on cue, an infected stumbled through the waterways towards them. 
“Uh Jill, any idea why that’s here?” Leon asked, firing bullets at it and the one behind it. 
“Those… used to be tourists,” she replied, shooting them as well. 
“That’s some fucked up tour,” Leon retorted and watched the two go down.
A slithering sound cut across the water of the sewers. Both of their eyes darted to where the sound came from. The sewers were dark, the few between lights on the cobblestone being the only source of light. 
Leon could’ve sworn the light was playing tricks on him as he watched something <em>emerge</em> from the water. 
The creature crawled up onto the stone walkway, on all fours. It’s brain was exposed and it didn’t have any eyes. 
A licker was the one thing that Leon could’ve gone his entire life without running into again.
Scratch that, there were <em>multiple</em> things that Leon could go his entire life without seeing again. But lickers were definitely high on that list. 
It crawled towards Leon and Jill, almost sniffing the air trying to get their scent. They were completely still, looking at each other in agreement to deal with it quietly. The wet footprints echoed through the hall as it made its way towards the two. 
After it got a little too close for comfort, they aimed their guns at the licker’s brain and unloaded their bullets. As if their day couldn’t get any better, the licker growled at them and started running. 
“Uh oh,” Leon said, taking aim at the creature. 
More shadowy figures emerged from the water and like ants, more lickers joined the one. Eyes widening and curses flowing, Jill and Leon turned tail and ran down the walkway. 
“How many are there?!” Jill yelled as they ran, ocasionally reaching behind herself to fire a bullet. 
“I ain’t stopping to count!” Leon replied, almost scoffing. Ahead of them, Leon saw a box with a hazmat symbol on it- a flammable hazmat symbol. “Move!” He said. 
Jill rounded the corner coming up and Leon dropped the box to the ground. With a light kick, he sent it down the hallway. His eyes tracked the barrel with the sights of his Sentinel and he pulled the trigger, quickly dodging around the corner. 
Licker corpses, flames, and smoke flew past them, Leon’s hand going up to shield himself. After the chaos died down, Leon took a few deep breaths. 
“Zero,” he said and looked around the corner. 
Jill, who was also trying to catch her breath, looked at him confused. Her eyes squinted and brows furrowed. “What?” She asked. 
“You asked me how many there were,” Leon replied, a slight smirk on his face as he leaned against the brick wall. 
Jill blinked a few times, looking at him, not believing how he could be like this. They took a few more seconds to recoup and got moving again. 
Footsteps echoes through the waterways at the two of them kept moving. “So, how the hell did you get dragged into this?” Jill asked, looking ahead. 
“Me and my field partner are tracking down a robotics engineer who was doing some black market trading, the usual,” He replied. 
“Field partner? I don’t see them,” Jill said, her interest piqued. Her head turned towards him, expecting him to answer with an explanation.
“It seems like I lost her,” Leon said. “She’s tough though… she’ll make it through.”
Jill scoffed a bit, in a friendly manner. “If she’s the agent that Chris has told me about, then she’ll be fine. She can handle herself,” Jill said.
“She can,” Leon said determined. “I’m in for an earful about us getting separated though,” he added, slightly chuckling. 
“I like her already,” Jill retorted. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
“Antonio Taylor? No his name is Tony Ramirez,” Claire said, staring at you. She coughed, leaning forward, leading you to sit next to her with your hand on her shoulder. 
“No, me and Leon are tracking him down, he’s definitely our guy,” you replied gently. 
Your eyes stared at the man across the cell from you and Claire. He was older, balding, and looked terrified. His eyes were almost shaking in their sockets. 
“We’re all dead…” he whimpered, crawling more in the corner. 
You rolled your eyes and looked at the top of the cell, trying to find any faults in the bars. “Chris, when did you two get grabbed?” You asked, wondering how much time they’ve been here for. 
“About 15 minutes,” Chris gruffly replied. His voice was as tired and strained as Claire’s. The clock was ticking for all of you and your hope was in your partner. 
“Don’t worry…. Leon will get to us,” you said, smiling a bit at Claire. 
Your hope for Leon never faltered. Not since your first mission together, especially not after the mission in New York. You knew that Leon always found a way, no matter the stakes. 
And he always found his way to you. 
“Hurry up Leon…” You said under your breath. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Leon and Jill were making their way to the others, the walkways had turned into tunnels they had to crawl through. He pulled one of his gloves off with his teeth, putting it in one of the pockets on his tactical vest. 
The only light in the tunnel was from their flashlights as they made their way through. 
“So, your black market engineer… gonna tell me more?” Jill asked, trying to pass the time. She looked ahead the best that she could with Leon in front of her, trying to find any shapes in the dark. Having someone with her helped, but her brain still played out the worst scenario possible. Either the night in the Spencer mansion, September of 1998, or Wesker brainwashing her plagued her vision when she was alone.  
“Taylor? Yeah. He was making robotics for the government then decided to sell U.S. secrets to anyone willing to pay,” Leon replied, trying his best to look ahead. “And I guess ‘Bounty Hunter’ is a part of me and (Y/n)’s job description now. Why are you here?” His voice cut through Jill’s thoughts. 
“Me, Chris, and Claire are here tracking down some virus readings,” Jill replied. “Claire found some virus culture on a whale and double checked it with Rebecca. She roped me and Chris into looking into it.” 
“It seems like our cases are intertwined,” Leon replied. 
Jill looked at the tunnel they were crawling through, her eyes climbing up the brick walls. “What were these tunnels even made for?” She wondered out loud. 
“They were munition tunnels made back when this was a fort,” Leon answered without skipping a beat. 
“Didn’t know you were a tour guide,” Jill replied. 
Leon’s chuckle cut the tension in the tunnel. “I’ll be putting ‘your guide on me résumé,” he chuckled. Jill almost bumped into him when he stopped short, his hand going in the air. 
“What?” Jill whispered. 
“Can’t you feel it? There’s a draft…” Leon replied, his hand moving to right to feel the stone bricks. Feeling around them, he found one that gave when he pushed in. “Bingo..” he added and pushed it in, it falling to the ground. 
Jill got the idea and started helping him clear the poorly set bricks, making an exit for them. 
“After you,” Leon said, gesturing for Jill to go first. 
“Ladies first,” Jill replied and gestured for him to go. 
“Fine,” Leon grumbled and crawled through the exit. 
His feet hit regular concrete flooring and he was able to fully stand up. Shining his flashlight around, they must’ve been in a storage room. “It’s clear,” he said back to Jill who followed him. 
The two walked towards the door, opening it to a room with monitors and control panels everywhere along a wall. File cabinets, pipes, and white board adorned the rest of the room. 
Leon walked to the middle of it, looking around to try and find a clue about his missing doctor. Jill joined him, looking around the console. 
Suddenly, the PA system came to life and a voice cut through the room over the speakers. “Well if it isn’t Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy,” the voice said. 
Jill and Leon stood back to back, their guns drawn faster than the blink of an eye. 
“Well, if it isn’t… whoever you are,” Leon replied. 
“Come on out and we won’t bite,” Jill said. 
“Meet me in the holding cells.. I have a few things, sorry, <em>people</em>, that you’re looking for,” the voice replied and the speakers turned off. 
Leon and Jill’s eyes locked and they ran towards the holding cells. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Over the past ten minutes, you and the Redfields had definitely deteriorated. Your breathing was more labored, feeling the shortness in your lungs, and you felt fatigued, sluggish. Every once in awhile, a cough escaped you, it ringing in your ears and chest. 
Looking across the cell from you at Claire, you could tell she wasn’t doing well either. You could only guess what Chris was like on the other side of the wall Claire was up against. 
You heart the sound of two pairs of boots hitting the ground, rubbing towards the cells. 
“Chris!” You heard Leon say. As he got closer, he saw Claire and you in the cell. “Claire, (Y/n)!” He said and ran over to the bars. Reaching through the rusted iron bars, his hand felt your forehead, then your cheeks, checking your temperature. 
“Shit, you’re burning up,” he said. 
If you weren’t so pressed for time, you would’ve been thankful for him. He looked like an angel swooping down from heaven to save you. In your delirious state, you saw how his shirt sleeve was tight around his bicep muscles and took a mental picture. Claire coughing snapped you back to reality. 
“I’m fine,” you said and pulled his hand away, coughing into your elbow. “Claire and Chris have been here longer…” you added. 
“Are you okay?” Leon asked the two of you. 
“I’m okay,” Claire replied, obviously lying. 
You were about to say something when the sound of a door opening caught all of your attention. Leon and Jill pointed their guns towards the balcony and you and Claire only had the strength to look in the direction. 
Out walked two figures, one you had met before. The same, blank face that you met on the highway yesterday. Maria stood next to a man that you had never seen before in your life. He looked around Chris’s age, his hair was medium length and dark. He carried a cane with him that he rhymically tapped on the ground; the sound on the metal catwalk pierced your ears. 
“I wouldn’t point your gun at me,” he said, looking at Jill and Leon. “Claire and (Y/n) are both infected, in a cell with Dr. Antonio Taylor. Soon enough Claire will turn, killing Taylor and eventually (Y/n) if she doesn’t turn fast enough.” 
Your blood ran cold as you thought about this being how your life ended. You spent the past few years trying to defeat the virus, only to be infected in the end. That and you could t even confess your long time feeling for your work partner. This was a shitty way to go. 
Claire looked up at you, her eyes conveying everything you needed to know. She was exhausted, and rightfully so, but somewhere deep in that exhaustion was the usual Redfield determination that could move mountains and punch boulders. 
“I wonder… will you shoot Claire and (Y/n)? Shoot just Claire and let your partner turn, or let them both turn and watch them rip Taylor limb from limb?” The man on the balcony asked. 
Leon looked in the cell, the gears in his head obviously turning and quick. He couldn’t shoot you even if you were turning and begging him to. You were his one weakness in the world, he couldn’t lay a finger on you to hurt you.
And Claire… the two of them had been through hell and back, being two of a handful of survivors of Raccoon City. They were friends, thick as thieves for awhile. Letting the two of you get taken by infection wasn’t what he wanted, but he <em>couldn’t</em> shoot either of you.
“Leon… it’s okay… do what you have to,” you said and coughed, looking at him. You knew what the correct choice was. Death by infection plagued your nightmares over and over again as you fell asleep. It was a scary possibility for the job you had, and now that possibility was your reality. 
“I can’t…” he said quietly, looking at you. The rhythmic tapping from the man’s cane hit the balcony again, making you wince. 
He pulled out a revolver and shot it towards your cell. Instinctively, your arms went around your head, to somehow protect it, but you felt nothing. Your blood went cold as you thought of the possibility of him shooting Claire. Shaking, your arms went down to find Claire staring back at gou, equally as fine and confused. You two turned to look at Dr. Taylor and saw a gun shot wound in his chest. The man fell over, collapsing to the ground.
Leon grunted in pain, his hand swatting his neck. Maria vaulted over the balcony and landed on the bottom floor, her eyes dead set on Leon. She punched Jill in the stomach and kicked Leon in the torso, sending him flying into the bars of your cell and laying on the floor. His back was right up against the bars. 
She went to kick him again, but the man’s voice cut through the room. “Leave him, the infection will kill him,” he said. Maria glared at you and Leon, then made her way back up to the balcony. 
“Leon…” You said and grabbed his arm through the bars. He wiggled his arm out of your hold and replaced it with his hand, looking at you. 
Your forehead leaned against the bars, <em>almost like it was against his forehead</em>. His head leaned up against the same ones and it felt like you two were the only two in the room. Everybody else faded away as you could still hear talking and everything melted away until it was just the two of you. You heard the familiar cadence and tone of Leon’s voice, he was talking, but you couldn’t make out what it was. His eyes were still locked on yours, wincing every once in a while. 
Just like the mission in New York, it was just the two of you.
And just like that mission in New York, you could’ve sworn you meant the world to him. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Catch this early on my AO3
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iridescentpull · 2 months
Nightly Visits
For day two of @felpacweek , Fuga Impossível!! Ao3 here
Felps visits when it's dark, when it's easier to slip in unnoticed and unbothered. He always manages to sneak past the security patrol, though he's certain they've spotted him before. They just choose not to say anything, or rather, they're too lazy to say anything. In Alcatraz, that's probably for the best, and he's thankful for it.
He slips inside the infirmary, careful not to cause a disturbance. It's quiet here, as always, but not peaceful. The silence is deafening, and it's the kind of silence that can drive a man insane, so he tries to ignore the quiet as much as he can.
Eventually, the guard reaches the room he's looking for. The name tag outside reads 'Ward A21,' which is new, but the face that peers out from behind the glass door is the same as ever.
Felps opens the door silently, mindful of the creaking. The figure lays on the bed, unmoving. He has a wrist cuffed to the bed, but Felps knows he's not going anywhere anytime soon. He has no intention to go anywhere. No motivation to go anywhere.
Pac is sleeping, eyes closed and his breathing even. He's wearing the white clothes of the infirmary, hair a few inches longer, skin sickly pale and bruises staining his skin. He looks almost peaceful. Minus the bruises, he looks exactly the same as all the other nights, when Felps did patrol and stayed just a few seconds longer at Pac’s cell, just watching him sleep. Sometimes, Pac would wake up and they would relax in each other's presence until Felps needed to continue patrol.
But Felps knows it's not the same– far from it, really.
Because Pac is passed out on the bed, high off pain meds and one leg less.
Pac has lost his right leg, an insane cannibal too eager to punish someone, to have that rush of teeth sinking into flesh and blood pouring out. Pac lost a lot of blood and had to be rushed to the infirmary, or else he wouldn't have survived.
Felps feels guilt. He was there, he watched as Cell held him down, making Pac choose what leg to cut off. Pac had begged, screamed and cried. It was horrible. And Felps had done nothing.
The guilt was overwhelming, and he felt sick, but there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing except this, nightly visits when Pac was passed out. Felps could easily visit him when Pac was awake, but he didn’t feel like he deserved it. He was too much of a coward.
He takes a seat next to Pac, careful not to touch him, even though he wants to hold his hand or run his hand across his locks of hair.
Felps watches him, the steady rise and fall of his chest, his long lashes, his dry lips, and it all feels like too much, too overwhelming.
So, before the feelings swallow him whole, Felps gets up, leaves the room, and locks the door.
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Country Sites (1995) is the last of the site series of sourcebooks (another was planned — Planar Sites, but that turned into Vortex of Madness a couple years later). This is better than Castle Sites but a tiny bit inferior to City Sites, I think? It’s close. The upshot is that this is a book full of high quality material that is just shy of system agnostic, and thus a resource for all sort of RPGs.
There are two sorts of site here, minor and major. All of them include maps, history, NPCs and other necessary information. The minor sites are a bridge over a gorge, a fort, a toll house and a riverside inn. They are brisk little things, peppered with adventure seeds.
The major sites are more like short, open-ended adventures. There’s a haunted temple, a tent city in the caldera of a dormant volcano (is it a caldera if it is dry? I dunno, but this is not a lake), a necropolis, a floating ship’s graveyard (not unlike Hodgson’s Sargasso stories), an island prison, a big old wall and a bizarre castle. A couple of these are immediately identifiable riffs on real-world locations — the last seems like Bavaria’s Neuschwanstein, the wall is obviously Hadrian’s, the necropolis draws from the mastaba tombs surrounding the pyramids of Giza, the prison echoes Alcatraz. These all boast quite a bit more material. The ship’s graveyard seems particularly robust, with ten separate ships detailed (though no seaweed people, alas). I like pretty much all of this stuff, but I like it slightly less for those real world connections. They fix them in my mind in a way that is unhelpful and a bit prosaic. I expect that is my own damn problem, though.
Excellent illustrations throughout by Phillip Robb. Dennis Kauth did all the cartography, which is a clear selling point of the book and does much to evoke the site. I love Jennell Jaquays’ cover here, too. This one feels almost Games Workshoppish.
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kaunisbaby · 5 months
story time from milan 15/04:
got in line super early just for the fuck of it i guess
also we had friends there already
ghostkid weren't there bc one member had a personal emergency, so rbfh's set was longer, they were amazing. they even played an unreleased song for the first time ever!! + jere's guitar solo time 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 he's so hot
at the m&g bc played fever and ALCATRAZ for the first time in 8 years bc the venue was called alcatraz. that was SO COOL i loved it. i also have the video so keep an eye out
group selfie with blind channel: acquired
fourth picture with aleksi: also acquired (+ i promised him it was the last time i was bothering him + pls don't hate me 😂😂 as always he was super sweet and we didn't know he was sick at that time 🥺 poor angel)
the show was once again FIRE idk how i proceed to have the time of my life every time i see them live like. fr. id do every show if i could they make me so happy
when ale didn't show up during byob and niko and joel sang his parts i was pretty confused but it all makes sense now!! i feel so bad that he even played at all, like dude how can you play a show with high fever
joel and niko used the gifts fans gave them during the vip (glasses and rose) and it was super fun
still smiled at aleksi and aleksi smiling back at me. love of my life angel
niko called himself roberto violento and instead of going "everybody say violent bob" during his interlude he sang "everybody say ro-ber-to" which. fine 😂
during we are so saints niko made some faces that clearly referenced his misadventures at the duomo the day before 😅 i have this on camera dw
gotta admit though i had a feeling there was something up with him, not that he didn't play well or anything but he was visibly less energetic than in berlin and barcelona
again the show was amazing i love this band so much 🩷🩷🩷
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valenfield-inspo · 2 years
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Just basically theorizing here a bit to kill some time before we get more info on the upcoming cgi film, "Resident Evil: Death Island". It's nothing to be taken remotely seriously as we haven't been given much as to what the movie will exactly entail (just a synopsis and summed up bios of the characters).
I'm assuming in this scene, Chris walks in on Jill at a shooting range (presumably at a BSAA compound?) to inform her about his investigation of the outbreak happening in San Francisco. I wonder if he's going to ask her to join in on the investigation. I mean they've known each other a long time going back to the days of STARS Alpha team, to the Spencer Mansion Incident, reuniting after the events of Code Veronica to join a private task force to take down Umbrella, to being part of the formation of the BSAA and up until Jill's sacrifice to save Chris from being killed by Albert Wesker in Lost in Nightmares. They have had a long history of working together and completely trust each other and with Jill's determination for justice (which we really saw that up close in RE3, both OG and Remake) and responsibility, no doubt Chris would want her on the mission.
We know Jill rejoins the team but I wonder if she'll still experience any of the mental side effects from re5. If those feelings of guilt might surface some while on the mission in Alcatraz. Since Alcatraz was once a prison, maybe it would trigger memories of Jill being imprisoned by Wesker for 3 years. 3 years must of felt like a lifetime with being tortured and forced to participate in inflicting acts of bioterrorism. It just would be nice to see her overcome those "mental demons" and get to display some badassery that we know she's capable of doing. She's already got a great supporter in Chris (can't wait to see them working together again!). So I think she would do amazing. Chris certainly knows she can hold her own! I know the series doesn't tend dive too deep with the characters prioritizing game play over story. And even the cgi films are more like fan service action vehicles, especially with Vendetta. So not getting my hopes up too high but it is fun to come up with ideas. I just wish they would take the opportunity to use these animated film series to explore the protagonists more. Go deeper. After all, since the films are not video games, they wouldn't have to worry about balancing game play over story, etc... They could just focus more on the story. Just some thoughts for now anyway until we know more.
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