#Also I am way ahead of this episode already I just wanted to draw this part yE
isjasz · 11 months
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When the 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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choster33 · 4 months
Bridgerton Season 3 ep 2 Reaction
Again, I am going at this slowly and probably going to be spoiled mercilessly until June but I am watching one episode a week until June. So here is my reaction to Episode 2. Spoilers ahead.
Ok, so I've been spoiled by references to this already. But Colin and the whores. So right now I don't feel any way about this because Colin is over age and single. He is back from Europe and has had the influence of Anthony and Benedict before him. He is not cheating on anyone here and having fun especially because he can. He has the money and the freedom to do it. He is not deflowering virgins and lying to women or mistreating them, he is getting in practice.
Now back to Polin. Ok the discussion about the first meeting is SO CUTE! He brings it up which shows how much of it he remembers and shows that it is important to him, not some insignificant thing. I would be melting! "Because we were children" indeed. The best love starts with friendship and there is no better friends than the ones you have as little children! You are your purest selves! Even Rae the housemaid thinks there's something going on! Plus I love the ease Penelope feels around Colin and that they are friends. Yes!
Colin talking to Penelope about going abroad and finding himself is surprising and refreshing. In the books, a major plot point was Colin chafing at the Bridgerton name and wanting to be known and admired for himself which leads to Penelope encouraging Colin's writing. I wonder if they will ever include Colin writing in the show and am curious about that. But I'm not mad that show!Colin is more at peace and one with himself in the show than the books, it makes him more grounded and by the time they get together Penelope will be getting whole, mature Colin. "Living for the estimation of others is a trap, once you break free, the world opens up." Swoon!
Bridgerton drawing room! Colin listens to her. He asked her where she was most comfortable and uses that information. This is the kind of stuff that makes me love friends to lovers. Whether there is sex involved or not, this is the one person who actually knows you, who actually cares about your wants and needs. He's not doing anything nefarious or even self serving, he is just being her friend. Yes! This is also one of the reasons I've always liked Colin, he is a cinnamon roll sweetheart who truly is a good friend which makes Penelope's crush on him a healthy choice.
OMG! The eyes bit! Yes, Penelope yes! See, she loves the kindness in Colin and she was vulnerable, even he needed a drink then! Ooh they put in the journal reading and hand cutting scene from the books! Yes, it was one of the scenes I loved! He is angry at her for seeing something so intimate, but he also is super close physically to her as well as a type of freedom that someone has seen his most intimate thoughts.
Ooh, hand twitching, he's definitely thinking of Penelope! Eloise is not wrong here, they are single and often unchaperoned, if they are really playing friends and leading to nothing it does not look right, but we know better! Aww, Polin laughing together! Yes, that is a horse joke! One thing I love about Polin is their mutual sense of humor at puns, jokes etc. They are both word nerds at heart and I love it.
Featheringtons and the lack of sex knowledge is a hoot! They are not my favorite people and side story, but I did cackle at that. Aww, I;m glad that Bridgerton is putting people in wheelchairs in the show! Yes and he's not a joke or anything, good for them! And Colin isn't judgmental or disapproving, score!
Ooof, damn you meddling mamas and gossiping bitches leave Penelope alone! And I am proud and clinging to the writers allowing Cressida to be a fully fleshed out person and not just a villain for not starting the gossip. Ooh, yes though on Colin defending Pen so heartily even to his own sister.
I knew Cressida wasn't the culprit! Yes, the writers are really trying to make Cressida a rounded out character and worthy of forgiveness or at least some understanding. I wonder what they are going to do for her as the season progresses... I think it might be a good look to turn things on its head and to put out the message that no one is irredeemable and etc.
The scene of Penelope at the window is so sad, even her mother doesn't believe she will get a husband and she was forced to write as Lady Whistledown about how pathetic she is. She herself knows how the game is played and how courtship works and this is not the way to get a husband, she's definitely in some deep darkness right now.
Then we get Colin coming over to check in on Pen! Ohh, she asked for a kiss! They started and now they are really going for it! Yeehaw! Squee! Omg! SO hot. The look in his eyes afterwards! Oh! I see where Colin is the prince being awakened by the kiss! Pen is like bye thanks for the kiss and it probably meant nothing to you so I won't make a thing out of it. And he is all I did it to be kind to my friend but it feels so good and right and HOT damn what am I feeling?? Yes, yes, yes!
I can't wait for the next two episodes! I'm living for this!
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allaboardthevespa · 7 months
All I've Ever Needed
(Warning, some mild spoilers for episode 3 lie ahead in this preamble)
Soooooo episode 3 happened, and honestly, I don't know how to feel. I LOVE where Riya's arc is going and Jake also calmed down, which is good to see. But god Miriam did Tom dirty this ep, and I am kinda starting to worry about Ellie's arc. I mean, if she's doing a villain arc, fair enough, but I'm worried for what this will mean for her friendship with Gabby - reminder that Ellie was the first person who ever made Gabby feel valid? I really don't want things to go awry between them but I'm worried it's an inevitability...
So to cheer myself up I wrote an adorable fluff ficlet featuring them being romantic, cuz I've been starved for that content lol. It's probably not very in character for Ellie knowing what she's been through, but I need some touching cuteness.
Oh yeah, Tess is here too.
Outside the Cyan Team's tent, Tess was drawing a night sky. She gazed towards the heavens, and painted drops of white to represent the twinkling stars above her.
Watching her from within the tent, Ellie and Gabby decided to go out to watch their friend.
"Wow, Tess," Gabby chirped as she stepped outside the waterproof tent, getting Tess' attention, "That's such a pretty drawing! You're so good at this!" "Thanks," the dark-haired girl responded with a smile.
All of a sudden an idea appeared in Tess' mind. She took a pale white paint and streaked it gently across the dark blue background, before dabbling a tiny dot ahead of that white streak.
The girls didn't take long to register what Tess had just painted. "Wow," Ellie spoke lightly, "Is that a shooting star?" "What else would it be?" the artist chuckled quietly, before looking to the skies once more, admiring the twinkling stars above her. "Even after a life like mine, I've still wished on a shooting star every time I've seen one. Maybe it's futile, but it's a source of comfort. It always has been." "Aw, I do the very same thing!" giggles the Polish girl, "Every time I see a shooting star, I wish that I could make friends with every animal in the world and make them all happy forever!" She clapped her hands giddily, and Ellie couldn't help but blush at how adorable her girlfriend was being. It felt like, even after the life she'd been through, Gabby's infectious joy was always capable of making her rough life worth dealing with.
Calming down, Gabby sat on the grass and asked Tess, "If you could make a wish right now…what would you wish for?" "Well," the quiet girl considers for a moment, before giving her answer, "I'd wish that Ally and Hunter could find a way to work through their issues and be happy. That's what I want most." Now the Asocial turned to the freckled girl, "What about you, Ellie? If you could wish for anything…what would you wish for?"
Ellie thought for a moment, and soon came up with her response…
"Honestly? I don't need to wish for anything," she said, "Right now, I have everything I want and need." "Wait, huh?" Gabby gasped, "But what about your jo-" Ellie cut her off, giving her girlfriend a warm, loving smile. "That'd be nice, trust me…but I already have everything I could've ever needed in my life…" And with that, Ellie gently put one of her hands on Gabby's cheek, stroking it gently with her fingers. She gazed deeply into the eyes of her beloved Tree Hugger - her one and only Nature Princess.
"And she's right here in front of me."
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copperrust · 7 months
thinking about how autism and schizospec symptoms overlap (venting ahead)
i thought i was autistic for some time. i had trouble making connection to peers and they perceived me as "weird" and i had "odd" interests and preferred to stay solitary. and i was bullied for my entire school life so i guessed that that was just undiagnosed autism this whole time?
but it was like this only since i started school, i don't remember anything from my early childhood except for misplaced dreams but my parents told me i was a very friendly and talkative child, i didn't have trouble speaking nor connecting with people.
i'm thinking about how my mother told me once that "it was like they i was switched up with a different child".
i was turned into kindergarten a year early and it was the same with school. i just turned 6 years old and everyone else was already 7. it's not like it was something that severe but i guess i just couldn't adapt well to that new environment.
i moved cities for second grade. that's somewhat the time where i start to actually remember things. i remember getting othered and bullied and i remember crying almost every day and teachers telling me to stop because it makes them look bad. i remember that there was nobody to tell. i remember getting no help at all. i remember changing schools again only in fourth grade and the bullying not stopping but only getting lighter.
i don't know if it was in first or second grade but i guess i developed stpd during that time. now when i changed schools my othering and bullying was "justified" even by "well-behaved" children because now i was weird and now i acted weird and nobody would be friends with someone like that. i remember drawing and drawing and drawing a lot because i liked drawing animals and i didn't like people anymore
i remember coping through violent fantasies and drawings since third grade because it was not safe to cry in public and i don't know when my face got so flat because it was not safe to show myself to people and how nobody noticed
i remember not trusting people because people hate me and people are staring at me and people are judging me and they expect me to trust and want to open myself to them
i remember that the last words from my classmate when i finished middle school were that i'm really weird
i don't know if i developed avpd later or at roughly the same time or even if there is avpd. i am not very good with memory
i remember finding symptoms of autism and thinking that wow that must be it. that must be the reason why everything happened and why i'm like this. but i uh don't really stim and don't have that much sensory issues and didn't connect to a lot of non-social issues that autistic people have. it's weird how i struggled with derealization and depersonalisation and disassociation so much and it didn't connect somehow that that could be trauma-based.
and then i experienced my first psychotic episode at 17 i think lol.
i was supposed to summarise all of this somehow in a really good way but i don't remember what i wanted to say. other traumatic stuff also happened along the way but i don't want to include things because they are not relevant and i'm afraid of being tracked.
it's weird how trauma literally rewires your brain and makes you a different person where you don't even know what you could have been
but it was just kids being kids eh
also schizospec and autistic people should unite i think
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mayapapaya33 · 3 months
Sandman Hopes and Dreams
I know I'm getting way ahead of myself here but lets assume for a minute that netflix doesn't mess everything up and we have the completed show of our Dreams, What extra, non 1-75 material would you love to see on screen in a perfect world? Either incorporated into the show itself, or as a spin off tv show/ movie/ animated feature/ short/ Claymation/ Coraline-esque stop motion/ etc, whatever you can think of.
Personally, my biggest hope is that they do The Dream Hunters, either as a special episode in the tv show, or as an animated short film, using Yoshitaka Amano's art as inspiration. It's one of my favorite Sandman stories. I'm pretty sure they are already planning on doing Sandman Overture based on the little bits of set up they put in season 1 (And I really hope they incorporate J H Williams III's art style into that). I'm also almost 100% certain they are going to do the song of Orpheus, because... well duh lol. I think they could easily incorporate bits of Endless Nights into the show if they wanted to.
I don't know how you would translate those creepy drawings of Despair but they should try because they are fantastic. Perhaps through a rough, sketchy, jagged looking animation style? Just give us a weird, disjointed 5 minute animation of horror and Despair lol. I want it. And if they did Desire's story it would be a good way of seeing Desire in their element from an unbiased source divorced from any interaction with Dream. Because so far most people who have only watched the tv show probably think that Desire is just a villain when it's more complicated than that. (I would see that story as live action, it's very grounded in reality). And Dream's story might give some insight into their relationship dynamics, which would really help give depth to Desire's character. (could be live action with fun cgi elements, could be animated, hard to say, it's in space with a bunch of aliens and sentient suns, I'd love if they did most of it with practical effects though. It would totally give Star Trek vibes.)
You couldn't really do Delirium's story (or Destruction's) until the end of the show for obvious reasons, but I love it and hope they do it! I think of the stories Death and Destiny's are the least likely to be adapted mostly because they have the least plot relevance and least character relevance, They could draw on the art as inspiration for Destiny's garden, and I hope they do, because It's very pretty and Escher esque! (And Death has cooler stories to choose from). I could see them skipping or shortening Destruction's bit and adding it to the end of Delirium's story and making it one long piece. (I think Delirium's bit would lend itself to crazy animation imposed on top of real actors so we can see their hallucinations in the real world. Destruction's piece could be live action).
I'd love it of they did Death's stories onscreen, I know a Death movie has been in development "heck" according to Neil Gaiman for like 20 years lol (We could have had Guillermo del Toro as executive producer!!!!!!!) But they have a Death cast and ready to go and it's such a wasted opportunity not to do it with her. I'm assuming any movie made would be Death: The High Cost of Living. But I do dearly wish to see Death: The Time of Your Life onscreen as well. And again, the casting will already have been done, Foxglove and Hazel will (presumably) be in Season 2. So maybe they could do an extra special episode in the show somewhere with the plot of Death: the Time of your Life? (Both of these stories could easily be 90% live action with bits of cgi and other cool computer wizardry wherever necessary. Probably more cgi or animation for Death: the Time of Your Life for the bit where they're in the Underworld and for the zombie baby nightmare lol. (Am I remembering that right? It's been a minute since I read this story).
I've read most of the extra Sandman material Neil Gaiman himself has written but I haven't yet gotten around to exploring all of the stuff other people have written. Feel free to recommend reading material by the way! I don't care how obscure or how tangential to the Sandman universe it is, if you think it's great and want them to adapt it let me know what medium you think would best suit the story and whether it would suit a spin off or could be incorporated into the main tv show in a way that makes sense!
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b1zmuth · 3 months
Welcome To Hell!
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Episode 2 
‘’Shitty Beginnings’’
´angel, angel, go away!´
My head hurts. 
Well, considering how i just landed flat on my face after falling 50000+ miles, would be a pretty much expected response. 
Starting to look around at my newfound surroundings, i noticed a brightly lit sign up ahead- so i dusted myself off and pulled the gigantic splinter out of my hand and walked up to it, inspecting it and reading what it said.
I also noticed that there was a small booth box with a older looking demon inside of it- walking up to it i got ready to speak but was interrupted by the woman speaking.
‘’Another one? Jesus facking christ! You little angels are dropping like flies down here! *HACK* *COUGH* name and registraaaaaation pleaze.’’ the clerk lady said whilst puffing her lung cancer smoke in my face
‘’I go by Koi, no last name nor registration- they dont really do that up there.’’ i responded fanning away the thick black smoke with my hand
‘’Thats just sooooooo facking nice. I guess ill jast have to *COUGH* make you a licanse.’’ the clerk lady said whilst printing me out a card and handing it to me through the shielded screen adorned with bullet holes and.. Something else. 
‘’Thank you’’ i said whilst attempting to walk away- only to be abruptly stopped by the clerk lady flagging me down. 
‘’Sweethart.. That gate is only used for the royal personalities! Youll have to use the tube to get to da main citay.’’ 
‘’The tube? What do you me-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’’ 
‘’Cane. Where the hell is this new transfer student? Weve been sitting here for HOURS now!’’ 
‘’I dont know, Calico just said be here early so they wouldn't wander off’’ 
‘’Great! I really wanted to spend my Monday night sitting on the cold hard floor instead of fucking SLEEPING.’’ 
‘’Dont you do this shit every NIGHT? Get over it. Youll be o-fucking-kay!’’
‘’I hope you slip and fall.’’
Really. I JUST came out of my comatose state from breaking a bone or two even getting here- only to be send flying downwards through a tube that smells.. Rancid! 
It smells like garbage juice in here..gosh.
Landing facefirst on the ground again, i found myself fully redressed in a school outfit, and having two large figures standing above me 
I JUST GOT HERE!! How am I already getting mugged? Oh right.. This is hell..
‘’Well, there's your answer, finally! after an hour of waiting.’’
‘’Hi. Are you the new transfer student?’’ 
‘’I guess so, i just landed facefirst in the ground so?’’ 
‘’Ha! Thats so tough man- could never be me though.’’ 
I got up and dusted myself off only to get up close and VERY personal with the two figures, examining the one to my right, seemed like someone who would be a serial killer- he had on a weird mask that had a crude drawing of a smiley face on it, seemed to have dark skin that was rough like a dragons scale, had long goat-like horns that seemed to reach around his head, and was significantly taller than the one to my left. 
The one to my left seemed WAY more approachable than the other.. Guy. he had multiple long horns and multiple eyes, all narrowly pointed towards me, he looked sinister, but also like someone i could possibly use and trust.
But alas, this is hell.
‘’Welcome To Hell.’’ Both of them simultaneously said.
‘’My name is Cane Witherspoon, future heir to the throne of Hell, and current prince of hell.’’ The one to my left ‘’Cane” said whilst giving me the worlds most blank stare.
‘’Im Simon. No last name. Lets keep the introduction short and simple.’’ The one to my right named ‘’Simon’’ responded
Great. Nevermind my great thinking on making these two my allies. There is no way in HEAVEN that will i fool around with someone this wicked.
‘’My name is Koi, they don't give us last names in Heaven. Short and sweet- just like how you wanted it.’’ i responded, now starting to tense up
Simons eyes seemed to light up when he heard my name.. I guess we knew eachother in a different time.
‘’Thats great. Fuckin amazin. Now i have to deal with even MORE paperwork.’’ Simon said whilst rolling his eyes
‘’I guess we’ll have to be your guide, cmon. We totally dont bite!’’ Cane added starting to walk away
‘’Lucky for you, my father has prepared a special room for you.’’ Cane turned to me and said
‘’Did your dickass dad really make this poor kid sleep in the basement of our dor-’’ Simon almost said before i cut him off
‘’Its alright, its better than what i was sleeping on up there.’’ I said whilst preparing a spell.
Suddenly, the room was lit and shrouded in clouds and dim lights, with a gigantic and fluffy cloud bed and furniture, adorned just the way i liked it.. Not to bright to where it would irritate me.
‘’What the fuck?’’ they both said looking at me with the most confused look on their faces 
‘’Language! Saying bad words in here will TOTALLY kill you oooooh!’’ i said mimicking a ghost whilst flopping ontop of my new bed
‘’Har har, very funny.. Did they not give you this treatment in Heaven?’’ Cane asked whilst playing with my dangling stars that hung from the roof
‘’No, not since HE took over. We got forced to sleep on.. Something.’’ i said trying to hold back a voice crack
‘’Oh. I know we arent supposed to really show any type of emotion but, i feel for you.’’ Simon said whilst rolling on the floor, clearly loving the clouded floor
‘’You two are demons, i highly doubt that you even feel for me, to you guys i am of lesser value.’’ i said whilst still laying in my bed
‘’Never thought of you as lesser value, we just dont like meeting new angels since they always are cocky about them coming from heaven- you seem different.’’ Cane responded still playing around with the dangling stars 
‘’Thats somewhat reassuring- thanks.’’ i said whilst giving a playful kick to Canes shins
*Two yellow auras, one swirled with grey and one swirled with pink.
Their auras dont tell me anything concerning, for now i guess i can trust them?
I still dont see how Cane is actually finding some excitement by playing with dangling stars. Ha.
‘’Oh yeah, we still have to introduce you to school and more around the eternal shitdump of hell.’’ Cane responded, looking down and at a faint snoring noise. 
I also instinctively looked down to find a sleeping Simon.. Sleeping. On. MY. floor!
Ugh. Cmon.
‘’If you want, you guys can stay the night- because im NOT waking up that sleeping beast.’’
‘’Sure, but as much as id love to sleep on your floor, i can really only get a goodnights sleep floating.’’ 
‘’I don't even like sitting whilst floating, so the fact that your able to sleep whilst doing it baffles me.’’  
‘’An influx of memories caused by a traumatic event.. Is that why your here?’’
‘’Yes.. I think.’’
‘’Lets see.. What type of tramautic response is this causing for you?’’
‘’I guess more nightmares and ----.’’ 
--scribble scribble--
‘’Ah, yes! I realize now.. Are you feeling like this due to the daybreak event?’’ 
‘’That might be the stemming problem for me.. I just miss ---sh and --i. I left them up there with HIM.’’ 
--scribble-- --tap-- tap-- --scribble--
‘’Do you want me to watch over them for you?’’ 
‘’Yes. Please make sure that they both remain safe.’’
‘’As you know, i cannot guarantee their safety as they eventually will have to come down here to hide.’’ 
‘’Thats okay. They are mature enough to handle the crown prince and any other foe that comes into contact with them.’’
‘’But! --sh, poor, poor --sh. Hes always had a savior complex- so im afraid that if --i goes, --sh will stay behind in order to save him.’’
‘’Him and his fucking savior complex. Its nice when your being the one saved but trying to save him just makes that a pain in the as-’’
‘’Language. This is technically a holy sacred temple of our savior.’’
‘’Okay. Can we talk a bit more about arrangements for them?’’ 
‘’Of course, Castiel.’’
‘’Koi? Wake up.’’ a tall figure standing right over me said 
‘’Wha- what? Why?’’ i responded in a groggy tone
As i FINALLY opened my eyes and looked up, i saw Simon and Cane standing over me with tired looks on their faces  
‘’Because i said so! You have to get up and get ready for school’’ Simon said whilst picking me up from the neckline of my cloud pajamas :(
‘’Hey HEY! Easy on the pajamas!’’ i said whilst jumping out of my bed  and successfully landing flat on my face 
‘’Ugh.. Hold on i have to get my uniform dont i?’’  i asked simon
‘’Yeah here.. I ironed it out for you last night’’ Cane said whilst holding up a perfectly good red and black school uniform’’
*jingle jangle* ‘’can you stop with that shit? Does it look like i want to hear your car keys- knowing good n’ fuckin well where we are going! ‘’ Simon snapped at Cane 
‘’Aw. Youll be fucking ok! Koi looks happy to go’’ Cane responded with a smirk 
‘’Thats fantastic!! You point out the goody two shoes and say ‘’HE LOOKS HAPPY TO GO TO SCHOOL!’’ dickwad.’’ Simon snapped back, rolling his eyes
Boy do they bicker much. 
I dont really think that Simon has the hots for me considering their attitude this morning- but they just might be upset that they cant do their regular dose of  anarchy.
‘’Oh PLEASE! Shut the fuck up! Clearly robotnik is the better villian than metal sonic’’
‘’Whats better? A metal robot designed for killing and kicking ass or some fatass long nosed bitch?’’ 
Both of the boys bickering slowly faded as they walked out of the door.. Without Koi. Maybe he should stop with his lousy daydreaming and catch a hint.
‘’What?’’ ‘’Simon left something here.. Looks like a diary. Wait WAIT! Did they seriously leave me?? On the first day of school??’’
After 2 hours, Cane finally noticed that Koi was nowhere to be seen and promptly turned around the car and sped back to the house. ‘’You FUCKING idiot! How the hell can you lose a damn bright ass angel??’’ ‘’Hes not my obligation or problem now- this ones on you’’
Yeah, that car ride to the school was pretty uncomfortable. 
Simon thought it would be a funny joke to make me sit in a childs car seat.. What a piece of work he is. 
As Cane pulled into the parking lot of the school, Simon only sighed in response and got out of the car, throwing a fit all the way to the door and punting some poor kid like a football who was just minding their own business. 
‘’Ight Koi. i have only one rule for you- and thats STICK WITH ME. im not getting in deep shit because you wandered off.’’ Cane turned around and said to me 
‘’Im not stupid. They atleast teach us that you demons would have a ‘’ory.. Gasm?’’ if you saw us anywhere near you.’’ I responded tugging on the door handle to no avail though.
Cane only started laughing and got out of the car to meet me at the door.
‘’Whoopsies, child lock’’ he said, winking at me and offering his hand.
‘’You both are so insufferable! I am not THAT short!’’ (i still took this hand though, his car was pretty tall.) i snorted back with a small smile 
‘’Yeah yeah whatever you say short boy’’ Cane responded smiling back and walking to the office. 
Whilst we walked in the long hallways, Cane suddenly stopped and looked at me with a weird face, and asked me a question
‘’Oh. I have to take a quick piss- and i have a student council meeting in 5 minutes too. Can you find a student with a red tag on and ask them for directions to the office?’’
‘’Sure- but-’’ 
‘’Kay, thanks’’ Cane responded and ruffled my hair and PROMPTLY disintegrated into.. Nothing? 
I guess he has teleportation powers or something.
As i looked around, i finally found a student with a red tag on and asked them for directions, but they were about to say something before a taller female figure hushed them and told them sternly to help me. 
Sooner or later the teacher walked away and so did the STUDENT?? 
So now, poor Koi stood there like deer in headlights frantically searching around for someone else, to literally no avail since the hallway was CLEAR. 
‘’Oh my.’’ Koi said to himself 
Walking down the halls he eventually found a curtained off room with about.. Six shadows moving around inside.
Good god am i not going inside of there- ill just keep on walking around and pray that the office magically appears.. 
‘’Are you looking for something?’’ A deep and gruff voice said from behind him 
Poor Koi almost jumped out of his skin hearing a sudden voice.. Only to find a shadow.. Man? Standing behind him. ‘’Im sorry, im looking for the office or somewhere to find my schedule. Are you a guide here?’’ Koi timidly asked because aside from demons, he HATED shadow people. ‘’Im not a guide, but i am apart of the Student Council here. Your overseer Cane asked me to locate you to give you your schedule.’’ the shadow figure responded, blinking its red eyes and handing a paper to Koi 
‘’Well, arent i supposed to address you or something? Also thank you!’’ Koi responded with a smile 
‘’Excuse my rudeness. I havent introduced myself. I am Kortax, and yes, i am a higher being shadow.’’ Kortax said, bowing as an apology and greeting
Oh, you cannot be serious. NOT HIM. ‘’Oh, yeah… thanks.’’ 
‘My pleasure.’’ 
You best believe i booked it to the nearest hallway.. Just to get away from him. Well, luckily i had my schedule now so i can atleast go to class… Worship & backwards messaging.. 
Great! That seems like a fun class to attend, maybe i can learn how to- ‘’This class has to be the most mind-numbing class ever, when will the teacher shut up for once? I actually cant believe i thought this class would be somewhat FUN.’’ .
The intercom crackled to life with a loud ear-shattering echo. ‘’Will Koi Kishimoto report to the office immediately’’
Seriously, out of all the names for a LAST name they pick THAT??
The silence in the room was deafening as everyone nearly broke their necks to look back at him and koi could only hold his head down in shame. A consecutive ‘’OOOOOOOOOOH!’’ roared across the classroom Koi got up and took the walk of shame to the office. As he arrived, you could hear distant shouting, and as Koi got closer to the office doors, it got louder… and louder.
“I want to know where the FUCK is our tour guide! We cannot have a transfer student roaming the damn halls!’’ shouted a very tall and muscular demon ‘’Im so sorry Principal Wither, apparently the tour guide decided 9AM was smoke break time.’’ A much smaller and frail demon responded ‘’That doesnt matter anymore you lazy shit! I will just get this new transfer student…’’ Principal Wither responded ‘’Koi Kishimoto?’’ ‘’Yes him, i will get this Koi Kishimoto to get a full tour by my youngest son.’’ Principal wither said ‘’Okay, Koi should be on his way soon then.’’ ‘’Finally, you do something fucking GOOD for once Blanco! Principal Wither laughed out Koi just had to listen to that whole dramafest, a bit mentally scarred from the Principals endless yelling. The Vice Principal named ‘’Blanco’’ turned around and finally addressed Koi. ‘’Ah, you must be Koi Kishimoto, correct?’’ ‘’Yeah, im Koi.’’  
‘’Take a seat then’’ Koi VERY reluctantly took a seat at the desk “Its about time that you show up, Let me introduce myself. I am Principal Wither, and this Fuckhead right here is Vice Principal Blanco”
“I see that your tour guide wasnt up to par, no?’’ “Yeah, he kinda like ditched me the second the teacher walked away.’’
“.. so your saying Cane defied his duties today?’’ 
‘’No, no sir. Cane had to excuse himself to go use the restroom and deal with a student council matter’’
‘’Thats splendid.. The student council meeting should be ending soon.. CALICO! Bring my son to me this INSTANT!’’
‘’Oh! Uh.. ye-yes sir!’’ 
I really just figured that maybe i wouldnt want to be in the same room as both Canes father and him so i just packed up and went back to class.
The class was boring. Litterally had nothing to do with Worshiping and backwards messaging. But since i still have no cl
ue in the world where im going, i just waited for Cane to appear, either way, my next class is Dark Magic training, but im hoping that the teacher will just let me sit the class out.
  ‘’Koi?’’ Cane said, suddenly appearing right behind my shoulder, and finally moving to stand beside me.
‘’Yes Cane?’’ i responded, clearly tired
‘’Sorry about my dad, i know he frightened you a bit.’’ Cane retorted, with a small snicker and putting his arm around my neck 
‘’Look Cane, ive had a really, REALLY stressful day- could you NOT? Everytime i turn a corner, this man and that man wants to look me up and down like im a piece of ham!!’’ I finally snapped, yelling at cane
‘’Jesus, calm down for a second- first of all, you are quite literally a piece of ham to these animals up here, you know how valuable angel scent is going for?’’ 
Cane is pretty cool. He makes me laugh alot, it helps distract me from what happened above. My head hurts anytime that i really think about it.
‘’Koi! Quit fuckin spacing out. Were supposed to be helping you tour the school, not watching you run into a damn wall because your heads stuck in fucking lalaloopsie land.’’ Cane told me, purposefully bumping into me to wake me up
‘’Huh? Oh yeah sure- wheres that serial killer guy or whatever his name was’’
‘’Ha! Thats oh… HAAAA- oh my fucking god- ive gotta tell Simon you said that HeHEEEEEE’’
‘’Dont! Please for the love of god, hes gonna murder me!!’’
‘’With what? A fucking Cereal box and a bowl of milk? HAAAaaaa’’
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They’ve put up all the Taskmaster season 16 interviews already, which I like. In recent seasons they’ve been putting them out earlier and earlier into the season, and I always thought they should really just put all of them up before the season starts, as those are meant to be a way to get a feel for the contestants ahead of actually seeing them. The way they’ve split it in earlier seasons has a couple airing before the season starts and then the others airing a few episodes in, so some give you that feel for ones we don’t know about yet and then some are just extra details about people we’ve already seen on the show, and it’s a bit confusing. I much prefer being able to watch them all beforehand.
I watched them all tonight, and quite enjoyed that. Liked the format of this one – finally making them draw a picture of Alex after years of drawing Greg. And God, Alex is good at his job. Sometimes I forget a bit, or just take it for granted, how incredibly funny Alex Horne can be while just really causally, deadpan, fucking with a contestant via simple questions. To answer one of the questions he asked – no, I don’t think anyone else could do that job as well as he does (though Paul Williams is also fucking good at it). I think a lot of other people could do Greg’s job, very few could do Alex’s.
The interviews were fun. I enjoyed how much of an impression Julian Clary made, as I haven’t seen him do much else so that was a nice way to get to know him a bit. Imposing and confident. The only one to not just do everything Alex asked him. Clearly it’s a character, but there may have also been an underlying bit of “I have had a very long and very successful career in showbusiness, I don’t need to be desperate to do well on a panel show.”
Lucy Beaumont’s reminded me of how much I enjoy watching Lucy Beaumont do anything. I’ve seen her do quite a few things by now, and I still don’t have much of a handle on how much of her ditzy persona is real, but I am looking forward to seeing if I can figure it out via Taskmaster. Not even try to figure out “her true hidden self” or whatever – I’d just like to know how much of it we’re supposed to assume is a character. Though the fact that I can’t really tell is definitely part of her charm. Nearly everything about her is part of her charm. She’s got a lot of charm. So much charm.
I liked Sue Perkins’ mix of Julian Cleary’s “I’m too successful to need to be desperate to impress on a panel show” attitude (the exact opposite of Lucy Beaumont, who came off as being full of “desperate to impress on a panel show” attitude, which is what I’d expected from her), and Lucy Beaumont’s struggling and scrambling. She came off as pretty similar to the Sue Perkins I know from other panel shows, which is exactly what I hope she’ll be on Taskmaster. The duality of humanity. The confidence and the scrambling. The cool exterior and the panic. It’s going to be fun.
Susan Wokoma was the one I knew the least well, even including Cleary, so seeing her was fun. It was funny to watch her after someone like Julian Cleary, who was deadpanning right alongside Alex. While Susan was the opposite, breaking into giggles at the absurdity of everything he said, reminding me that way of Desiree Burch or even Katherine Parkinson. Constantly surprised by the revelation of what show she’s on (which might be explained by her answer of “my agents wanted me to” when asked why she did the show). Her laugh is fun to listen to, as is her defensiveness every time Alex changes the rules. I look forward to listening to both those things for ten episodes.
Sam Campbell had me worried for a bit, with my bold claims that I think he will be better at the tasks (not even at the comedy, just at scoring points in the tasks) than anyone else on this season. It doesn’t bode incredibly well toward me being proven right that he couldn’t remember how pronouns worked and tripped over his words on every sentence when asked to make a pretty simple language change. That skill is integral to a lot of tasks. Though my hopes were restored when his picture was revealed at the end, and it was by far the best. That’s a skill I didn’t even know he had when I was listing the skills he’s displayed through his stand-up that I think will make him good at tasks. Turns out Sammy C can draw, add that to the list of reasons for my prediction! (Actually I’ve just realized I did already know that, he drew that picture that James Acaster brought in ages ago.) Anyway, he was huge fun, that was the sort of energy level I've been hoping he'll bring.
I had a friend on Tumblr apologize to me the other day for whether they talk too much about finding a comedian attractive, as though I am too respectable a person for such tawdry things and shouldn’t have to hear them. Which is a ridiculous thing to apologize for, given that I’m well aware that Tumblr.com is very much the talking about famous people you want to fuck website. I mean, I might personally use it for other things, but I’m not here to disrespect its main function. So having said that, I’ve had a crush on Sue Perkins since I first got into Radio 4’s The News Quiz when I was nineteen. I didn’t even know what she looked like until I’d been hearing her voice for years, but just hearing her on the radio was enough to do that (though… when I eventually Googled a picture of her, that certainly didn’t hurt). On the subject of voices, seeing Lucy Beaumont’s video has reminded me that that particular accent is… certainly an impressive accent. That’s a good accent. What's the least creepy way I can say that's a good accent? Because I'd like to do that. And look, I sort of think that everyone, regardless of their gender or usual sexual orientation, who sees Sam Campbell has at least a bit of a crush on him.
So there you go, I thought I’d end my post with something to let people know that no one has to apologize to me for calling comedians hot on Tumblr.com; I can do it too, even if I usually make at least some effort to say these sorts of things slightly less often than I think them. But I’m glad everyone is having a good time.
New season tomorrow! New season tomorrow! Very excited for the new season tomorrow (even though I’m going to see Grace Petrie tomorrow, which I’m incredibly fucking excited about, so I won’t get to watch the episode until Friday after work). Happy early Taskmaster Day to all who celebrate!
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dicepunks · 1 year
New (Rest of an) Episode: 1.54B - Nightfall, Part II
So this one has already been in the feed for a couple days, but work has been so all-encompassing this week that there wasn’t bandwidth for both the editing/rendering/uploading process and the “telling people about the thing we worked so hard on” process. So, with apologies for the messiness of getting the finale all the way distributed to the listening public, we are so, so pleased to present to you…
Dice Punks Episodes 1.54A & 1.54B - Nightfall, Parts I & II!
I, Adam, am (figuratively) allergic to self-promotion or self-congratulation, so this is hard for me to say, but: I think this is good, that we did a good job with this campaign and this finale, and that it will be fun to listen to!
Nearly five hours of campaign-climactic listening, with a gratis Dice Peeks after-show in the main feed to celebrate! And atop that, our campaign-retrospective discussion/hangout epilogue episode will go live tomorrow evening.
So join us in all this actual-play audio-entertainment revelry, join one of our stalwart patrons over on AO3 for a delightful coda once you’ve listened to the finale, and also join me, Hollyhock God ordinaire, below the jump for some post-campaign musings, if that sounds like your thing!
So here we are, the end of our first full campaign. Perhaps unsurprisingly, looking back on our first full campaign to have wrapped has me reflecting on the origins of the podcast as a whole, so if that’s of interest to you, you’re reading the right post!
Our first episode, 0.1 - The Dice Punks Play Dicepunk, went live on 14 April 2021, but it was recorded well ahead of time in late 2020. It grew out of a Quarantimes diversion earlier that year, in which casual chatting online with friends who were also stuck at home turned into a weekly-to-biweekly campaign in a system & setting I’d been interested in trying out since 2009: Over the Edge.
It’s a very rules-light system with a very 1990s, conspiratorial edge to it, so I figured it’d be a good way to get Drew and Joanne into their first major forays into tabletop gaming, as well as giving myself a fun opportunity to try out a system and setting I’d wanted to play in for a while. And so it was! Every week, we spent a few hours just telling an amusingly absurd story together.
We conducted these sessions over Discord, and someone, I don’t recall who, eventually mentioned that we could use a bot to record the sessions for posterity. That suggestion then led to someone expressing an interest in participating should I ever decide to podcast a campaign. I responded that people should not joke about such things if they didn’t want to get roped into an ongoing podcast-recording commitment, and just like that, the kind-of-a-joke turned into starting a podcast.
Things moved very quickly and very slowly after that. I’d already been thinking of a mad, quixotic follow-up campaign to OtE in an ill-advised combination of the REIGN and Nobilis systems, using a setting of my own devising. This ill-advised idea was motivated by:
my desire to finally try playing Nobilis 2nd edition, after having read about it years before (also in 2009),
my love of the One-Roll Engine used by REIGN, and
the hundreds of hours I’ve spent playing Dominions 3, 4, and 5, and sharing the stories generated by those fractally complex systems with whoever I could rope into listening.
So I pitched the system idea to people, we played a one-shot to test the system, then we started drawing up characters. In the meantime, I had found there was a system out there already called Dicepunk, so I contacted its author to ask about the name we were considering. Between us, we decided our first episode would be a one-shot in a game using the Dicepunk system, and so our Psionics one-shot came to be!
After that, of course, Nightfall had taken shape, and we got started building a backlog ahead of launching the public feed. We started off recording in Discord (as a backup) and Audacity (for the higher quality, local recordings), but moved pretty quickly to Reaper, a digital audio workstation that didn't constantly lock up my desktop. And thus have we carried on through all kinds of things: Drew getting COVID just before some early recordings, Des getting brought into the main cast, Dask ascending, the campaign running a good 25% longer than I initially thought it would, and more.
Throughout Nightfall, our listenership has remained very modest, and our patron count has fluctuated between 2 and 3 people, but even in the planning stages, our attitude was always that if even one person listened to the fruits of our efforts, it'd be well worth it. And you know what? It has been!
So! I'm going to be trying to do a lot of promotion in the next month or so, since good jumping-on points aren't that common in campaign-based actual-play shows... but I'm not good at it, and we don't exactly have an advertising budget. (The awesome people who give us their real, actual dollars have bought TTRPG books and improved audio equipment for us, but no ads as yet!) If you're so inclined, we'd love for folks to share posts like this around, give us a listen, rate and review us, recommend us to anyone they think might like our stuff, maybe even check out patreon.com/dicepunks and dicepunks.com!
If you've read this far, we appreciate it, and we hope you'll like what we do -- coming up, we have more Extreme Meatpunks Forever, a mini-series in Unknown Armies, a Halloween special, and a new campaign in Hard Wired Island!
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swizzee · 2 years
Ok ok, I don’t have any art to share cause I’m in the heat of the moment but I need to rave about the new ToH episode for a second
I was bummed about the leaks and made it my mission to go spoiler free until the premiere so I could enjoy it the way Diana intended
I love all the new lore we’ve just got from the new episode cause it really ties everything from season two in. The ancient rival races of collectors and titans killing each other off so one race could prevail but then their endlings become…. Friends? Also the supreme being of the universe is literally a toddler? So silly, so perfect. One thing I’m dying to learn more about is the collector code cause it’s hinted about a tiny bit and also how the Collector just changed it cause he wanted to play hide and seek?? SO SILLY. King literally reads it and doesn’t question anything, he walks down the halls of the palace and ignores the depictions of his ANCESTORS LITERALLY GETTING MURDERED!!? Hello sir your fat head is hiding the lore! I am excited to see King learn the full extent of his powers cause if they’re equally as powerful as the Collector’s, the final show down is gonna kick ass!
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One of my biggest regrets was embracing literally every Thanks to Them spoiler I could get my fingers on so the whole story was kinda meh when I actually watched it. One thing that no one even bothered mentioning was all the Star Trek references! The whole season we learn about how Luz’s parents got together over a shared love of Star Trek. Gus and Hunter dress up the whole episode, I mean twist my arm and kiss my soul Diana!! I love Star Trek so much, almost as much as I love crossovers. So Star Trek x any of my other interests? Just steal my heart already!
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BEAM ME UP??? Hunter dressed as Data, Gus as maybe Riker or Forge??? I am in love
Willow coping with her emotions and her friends helping her realize she’s more than just the rock of the group was so wonderful and really embraced so much of the Willow character development we never got to see. Her and hunter holding hands at the end was adorable too. Fingers crossed for a tiny cheek kiss by the end of the next special 🤞
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Luz and her mom finally being able to understand each other was so adorable and done with so much passion, the whole scene left me in tears. Her mom relating back to Luz of how she was a weird, nerdy kid in high school and just wanted to protect her daughter from relentless bullying honestly hit way to close to home. I’ve always been a weird kid (ie. Sci Fi enthusiast, artsy fartsy, lover of cartoons, hater of sports) and have had the same conversations Luz had with her mom in season one. “You need to calm down, try to relate to other kids more. There’s nothing wrong with you, you might just be a bit… much for some people”. It broke my heart seeing their strained relationship but that just made me even more in awe of them bonding over their weird passion.
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“All I ever wanted was to be understood”. She’s just like me fr ☹️💔
Luz’s palesman reveal was so long awaited by everyone and Diana definitely did not disappoint. I saw so many videos on theories about her palesman but I never considered every single theory would be right lmao. Anyway, string bean is so perfect and a great reflection of how Luz is so much more than a silly otter or a sulking sparrow, she embodies everything. I love String Bean, especially all the different forms they offer for her, can’t wait to draw all of them!!!
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More girlfriend content! I love them sm, mmmm young love, so yummy, GET IN MY MOUTH EGGEGEGDHJDJKE 🤬💖
I understand that the third season was meant to be more than three specials but tbh, I can’t imagine seeing such a beautiful piece of artistry separated into episodes. The colors, character designs, plot, everything. It was all leaps and bounds ahead of Thanks to Them so my hopes are even higher for Watching and Searching
This is one of my favorite screen caps, enjoy!
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The glittery eyes, the flowing tears, the way the light reflects off her face in a way the separates her from the scenery??? PLEASE OH MY GOD IT WILL KILL ME VGFTVGTDVGYDGVHDHUCUDHCUDJ
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anonil88 · 2 years
The White Lotus Ep 5 and 6 Liveblog
Episode 5 thoughts
Tanya is annoying but I hate to see these men con her and belittle her.
The way this couple is looking at Harper is oooo its hot as fuck. Aubrey is so fine too.
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The opera scene is actually very sweet but I am still suspicious of this man and his whole group.
Oh they are broke.....damn tonya you are about to be "had".
That is a ginormous secret that Daphne just dropped. Whew lord they better hope that secret doesn't get out because they are in a dysfunctional but happy stable marriage.
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"Uncle" or uncle? Cause he has been giving me rent boy since this group showed up together.
Albie might be an actual nice guy but he screams incel at moments, other moments he just seems like a sweet boy trying not to be like his dad and granddad.
I think Lucia is going to have a fiance or something because that guy was like.....hmmm. Oooo or that could be her brother and he is trying to be like "be more discreet".
Episode 6 thoughts
Can these four fuck already cause they're drawing out this jealous power play, and I don't want to come out of this show hating either Daphne or Harper. We as a society really do love a deranged woman.
I want Mia and Lucia to have the best life ever because they done so much for this hotel and only one is being paid.
Ethan is hot but man does he got some serious resentment bubbling against Cameron. It is kind of funny that he was so "IM NOT CHEATING" only to turn around and start thinking his wife is going to petty fuck his "friends". (He definitely may be right based on Cameron's past but I need him to take a second, collect himself, and then bring it up. Oh wait but then he'd have to take his wife's approach.
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This 3 generation men trio being turned away from a matriarchy mirrored household is pretty funny. Its even funnier because they may be blood related.
Ethan is bugging! Daphne and Cameron are messy and full of lies but they are really functional. They also clearly do care about eachother whereas Harper and Ethan don't even seem to like eachother. Sexual attraction aside in ep 1 and 2 all he did was talk down on what she wanted to do on the trip. It was pushback from every side and he was the one person who could be like "oh honey that is a great choice" without it seeming ingenuine. I wonder why they got married.
Not these gays about to set Tonya up with a boy toy and snow ❄. I hate it because this group seem to have alterior motives. British boy is drowning himself in alcohol to prepare for whatever meanwhile killing Portia's mood.
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Not the replacement ending up an actual creeper.
Boyfriend? Fiancee? Ughhhh oh Valentina is hurt. Hey at least the receptionist is a little aware that it hurts but still wanted to celebrate her birthday.
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Ethan has mur der in his eyes. 😭
Granddad realized he might be a bad person after not getting what he's been searching for. The comfort of a woman. 😂 someone has mommy issues for sure.
That's a very pretty martini glass. The stem is so skinny and the bowl/cup area is so thin as well. Very nice glasswork or prop pulled.
I thought for a second they weren't actually going to have a party/a gallery. But they didn't lie about that at least.
A gun? To a blizzard? Oh Tanya please be careful.
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Is Valentina not out out? Ohhh she's just never done that. Mia is actually being very sweet albeit forward about this.
Lucia and Albie actually really do like eachother, even if this ends up just a trip romance.
Valentina looks so afraid and Mia is like let me give you a birthday gift.
Jack is a rouse I think in general and especially now getting her to stay away from the villa, but he also being an obnoxious United fan so he should probably sober up.
Ay Valentina get you a lil something something on your birthday.
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Not Ethan making up scenarios, this is going to end up so so bad. Especially with all these statues that provoke the mind and expose the truth of everyone's intentions.
I wonder how much of what is happening to or being told to Tonya is false and how much is true.
The reddit super sleuths were right, like how tf did they even catch this all those previous episodes. Albeit that is one of the weaker storyline this season, the Greg or Carl dude Tonya shacked up with in season 1.
Boy toy just out here in his birthday suit but I appreciate that he's taking the gentle approach with Tonya.
SERIOUS! Can someone identify the painting of the woman with the dagger?
Oop not Jack spilling fucking tea. I hope Portia a. Helps Tonya see the light and b. Stops complaining to this boy so it can't be used against her later.
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Ep 7/Finale next week woot woot. My prediction is its Cameron, Ethan, and then a red herring. Trailer is looking mighty spicy for the finale. Also, I like that the Italian actors are getting their own moment to shine in certain episodes for their character development and we get to see their post show bts talk back. "All the characters are tragic and funny."
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armybratz123 · 2 years
Requests and Rules
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Hello! I am new to tumblr but thought it be fun to try out and use to get out some one shots, extras from my in-progress stories, etc;
I write on Wattpad, Ao3, Quotev, and fan fiction.net under the usernames Nerd101, NeedAlert101, and ArmyBratz101 for those of you who may have heard or read my stories before. This is my first post! And I’ve decided to start off with requests. To me get started, afterwards, some time in the future, we’ll see whether or not I’ll continue doing requests once I get the ball rolling.
Doctor Who
Danny Phantom
Twisted Wonderland
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
One Piece
Percy Jackson
Miraculous Ladybug
Transformers (specifically Bayverse, but I’m open to the other versions as well. Just be specific)
Twilight (limited, I'm very picky with this one)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Persona 5
How to Train Your Dragon
Avatar the Last Airbender
Lord of the Rings
Fate (Be specific which one)
My Hero Acadamia
Good Omens
(More will most likely be added on in the future.)
What I Can and Am Willing to Do:
Crossovers; I’ve always find it fun twisting the stories and universe in ways so two worlds can exist as one, or just how one person from a different world is like in another.
Reader inserts; I’m meh at them (haven’t done too many) but depending on the request I might do some. But don’t get your hopes up.
OCs; it’s fun making up characters from a different world, but I will only do my own. You want to request an OC from a certain world, great! Just if you want a specific detail (ability, world they’re from, personality trait, people to interact with, good/bad/antihero, love interest, etc;) just tell me and I’ll add that in! These OC’s can also be used for requests in the future once finished (I’ll even draw them).
AUs; I love them and and always enjoy writing them. Such as soulmates, fantasy, mafia, monsters, etc; been original made up ones you guys have in mind, I’m willing to try them out! There are just only two Aus that I won’t do, and they will be specified in my ‘Don’ts’ list.
Fluff; give me the fluff!
Hurt/comfort; some of these babies have been through a lot. And I will gladly write stories that give them the love and strength that they deserve.
Angst; I’m suprise at myself at how GOOD I actually am at writing angst. It almost scares me 😅. But just to let you know, the angst I wrote will always turn out alright and happy, even a little fluffy, at the end bc I can’t write sad endings to save my life.
happy endings; not much to say. Summed it up pretty much in the Angst rule. I hate unhappy endings, ‘nough said.
Extras; if you’re a reader of my content and stories from the fan fiction sites and want something that are not shown in the books, like an au or scene between episodes/chapters then go on and request some. Even aus or different way things could have happened in my stories go ahead and ask!
Music Videos; I like doing them, they’re fun. I’ve been making some from over the years with my hoards of photos and fan art I’ve found and saved over the years lol. But yeah, I’ll most likely post some I’ve already have, but if you have a certain song or fandom, go ahead and request!
(More will most likely be added on in the future.)
What I Won’t Do:
Smut or any kind of NSFW; I will write kisses, cuddles, and other romance couple things, but it’s going to be very safe and PG.
Alpha/Beta/Omegas; it ties in with smut and NSFW for me, I know that’s not the thing all the time, and there are a couple of stories in this au that I like, but I don’t feel confident enough to write this while making it comfortable for me and sticking to the au. So, just to save me the pain, no, I will not do this au. Sorry if that disappoints you guys.
Yandere; I like this content on occasion, but I will not be able to write this for the life of me. I put myself in the characters’ I write shoes, as if I was living the adventure with them. So I can’t write this in that case. Angst is one thing, this is something else entirely. Again, sorry for those of you that are disappointed, but I gotta put my foot down on things that make me uncomfortable.
Sad/Unhappy endings; I kinda mentioned/glossed over this already. But I’m putting down anyway, just in case. I can write sad and angst things but I always gotta end light or happy. If I don’t, then it most likely means I’ll be doing a continuation of that particular story/one shot.
(More will most likely be added on in the future.)
This is just the beginning. Direct message me, or go to the ask box. I will be waiting, in the mean time, I will most likely be writing some stuff on my own in between requests. I hope you enjoy my work!
Be Your Best You! Bye~!
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sapphosclown · 2 years
i just finished watching wednesday on netflix and i wanna talk about it
spoilers ahead
first and foremost i would like to say i am not a fan of the addams family, i do not know pretty much anything about the lore or anything other than the basic stuff, goth family, morticia and gomez are in love, wednesday is spooky. i wanted to watch this show for two reasons, i wanted to see more of the addams family and i think jenna ortega is pretty.
now that thats out of the way, i saw some people critiquing the family dynamics of the netflix show, saying the big thing about the addams family is that whilst being goth and morbid they love each other and the fact that was changed in the show really softened a blow for them. considering i haven’t seen past versions i don’t want ti comment too much on this. i will say tho, i think maybe giving wednesday mommy issues was cheap writing because i think a loving family dynamic would have made for more interesting characters. the switch up i can only imagine came into play because they needed a way to draw out the plot/leave wednesdays visions a mystery for longer.
speaking of cheap writing, i did find the show a bit corney from an outside perspective. i think the actors did a great job, especially jenna ortega, but the writing was meh and the plot was predictable, to me at least. that’s not to say it wasn’t enjoyable. i truly enjoyed my watch through and had a fun time watching and trying to put together the puzzle with wednesday. i will say i predicted that plot twist half way through the show purely because it seemed right there and i thought it would be funny. a lot of little moments i totally saw coming.
the plot itself wasn’t bad, persay, but i would’ve liked it to be different. the heavy focus on romance/the love triangle was not something i expected but i really should have to be honest. i didn’t have any expectations walking into the show so i can’t say definitively what i would’ve liked to see instead. again, an enjoyable watch if you’re just watching something for the hell of it but it didn’t feel like anything special to me, just another retold story of a beloved character.
the thing that distracted me maybe the most the whole time was the cgi of the hyde. literally what the fuck was that. why did it look so fucking goofy. i literally couldn’t even be stressed when it was on screen bc of how goofy it looked. ESPECIALLY when it showed tyler turning into the hype, damn near peed my pants. there’s no way they’re budget was that damn small that they couldn’t get some better special effects. like i can’t tell if it was supposed to be goofy as a style choice or if they just ran out of money for that part. i watched the entirety of First Kill (also on netflix) which had many reviews on the poor sfx and i truly think the hyde was worse than anything in that show.
on a little bit of a separate tangent but relating back to first kill, it’s a little frustrating that this show honestly was just as corney as first kill was but this one will probably get a second season but first kill won’t. whether it be the queer love story or it just simply isn’t as marketable as the addams family, it makes me sad.
i’m regards to the romance, i truly think from the bottom of my heart wednesday and enid should have gotten together. assuming there will be a season 2 i would still like to see them end up together. their hug at the end of episode 8 brought more emotion than any scene they had with their love interests. and i don’t want to say that platonic love can’t be portrayed like that, because i love platonic love and would be happy to see more of it. but id also be happy to see sapphic content, especially in something as recognizable and popular as the addams family. not to mention how queer themes already present themselves relevantly in the plot. this whole “outcasts vs normies” thing is a painfully obvious reflection on minority groups. wednesday being the odd one out even in her own strange family would be so well tied together in her also being queer. not to mention the blatant metaphor in the parents day episode about enid wolfing out and being afraid her family won’t accept her if she doesn’t fit their expectations. a sapphic love story between enid and wednesday would have enhanced the plot substantially and made it feel more fleshed out than a half assed love triangle with two white boys i can barley tell apart. i would take a focused story of these two girls falling for each other over the other one any day.
not to mention, wednesday did not really like tyler nor xavier. she only cared about herself and used them to get what she wanted/needed. and i love it for her! but why did they try to say she liked them! especially tyler! she had absolutely zero interest in him romantically. i honestly wanted to like it so bad but there was nothing between them to me. he clearly had feelings for her but she did not reciprocate them. on the other hand, i believe wednesday loves enid, if not proven by their hug. there was a solid chemistry between the two of them and while consistently shown in their em sections of the screen it was deliberate to me in a way i don’t think i can dissect right now having only watched once. but neither of their love interests had the chemistry they had with each other and i really wish they would’ve just gone with that story or head that direction next season.
i think i will probably watch the show again, i enjoyed it. i’ll enjoy reading analysis of it because i just love film analysis. i think the visuals were pretty (besides the hyde don’t even). and most of all jenna ortega’s take on wednesday addams was, in my lowly opinion, wonderfully executed, despite the writing and plot, i loved her and feel like she fit the part very well. watching her do her little dancey dance is mesmerizing and i’m in love with her.
i believe that’s all i have to say, i just had many many thoughts as i was watching and i really wanted to express them. thanks for reading if anyone did, this was a little nonsenish. i’d love to hear other opinions as well :)
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akuaya-eng · 3 months
(Main story) Chapter 1 - Episode 8
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...... This might be the first time I’ve seen the Prince talk so much about his past. Have you ever seen him like this, Espada?
By continuing to purify, am I causing him more suffering? If so, what should I do...
...You’re not listening, are you? Hey, Espada.
...What is it?
Isn't what you should be doing right now not overprotecting the Prince but pushing him forward?
What on earth... are you talking about?
I'm saying he needs to face reality. And you should help him do that, even if it makes him suffer. Accepting it is his duty, isn’t it? After all, it’s all the result of his own actions. It'd be selfish to just run away or forgetting about it. Even you would be disappointed if your beloved Prince just thought, "The curses are gone, so who cares?".
...Lord Dia has suffered enough. As long as his heart is at peace, that is enough for me.
Oh, how touching. Such twisted sense of loyalty.
...Why are you even staying in this castle? To fill his ears with nonsense?
If you seriously think my earlier statements were nonsense, then you’re the one who’s off. The Prince is just facing the consequences of his actions. Isn’t that right?
What do you understand about him? He has suffered alone for a thousand years.
Hey, are you really imagining the Prince right in front of you?
What did you say?
To me, it looked like the Prince was trying to accept reality. So why are you trying to make him look away from it?
...I don’t intend to interfere with his decisions. I just think it might be too much for him to face everything at once. But you, acting as if you’re speaking truths, might actually want to see him break, don’t you?
And if I did?
Then my suspicion would turn to certainty, and I’d turn my blade on you.
Ha, that’s violent. If that were my intention... I’ve had plenty of chances to slit his throat until now. I could have, but I didn’t... You should commend me for that.
Hold on, you’re too aggressive. I'm just talking hypothetically. Besides, it was the Prince who decided to keep an outsider like me in the castle, right? Don’t forget that.
This is also hypothetical, but if you were a threat to him, I would not show mercy... Though someone like you couldn’t even scratch him.
You’re quite talkative when you're actually listening.
You’ve never been quiet, not since the day you barged into this castle. I can't overlook any more of your disrespect towards Lord Dia.
Are you picking a fight with me? If you start one, I'll take it.
That’s a simple-minded way to think. Let me correct you. Fights happen between equals. Unfortunately, we are not equals. So, I will administer your punishment... properly.
Calling a princess unequal, huh? You're just a puppet doing the Prince’s bidding.
Go ahead, draw your sword already.
Fine. I was looking for a workout anyway.
Make sure to entertain me, okay?
You’d better puff up your chest while you can. —Here I come. —Hah! (strikes)
You dodged well. Then... how about this! (strikes)
...Ugh! Damn... what strength...!
What’s wrong? Is all you can do just block my sword?
—Your strikes have been predictable! Hah! (strikes)
Your footwork is wide open.
You always aim for the feet when you’re in trouble. If you were this predictable all the time, I wouldn’t have to struggle.
And yet, you almost get hit in vital spots every time, don’t you? When will you overcome your height disadvantage?
You need to actually land a fatal blow before giving advice. With no intention to overcome your weakness, you can’t defeat me. Your light strikes can’t even cut through meat, let alone bone. Why not build some muscle?
There it is. "Build some muscle!" You always say that when we spar. I keep telling you, I’m fine the way I am. If I bulked up, I couldn’t wear cute dresses. Besides, I can fight just fine like this.
Those flimsy clothes must be hard to move in.
Dresses aren’t just cute. They let me sneak into the foolishly unguarded spaces of those who underestimate me. (strikes)
! So, you’re finally getting serious. In that case... Haaa! (strikes)
Ugh! Each hit is so heavy...! Stop holding back from the start...! Haaa! (strikes)
.... Ugh!
I'm the type of person who makes up for their lack of power with speed. I know that well.
Of course I do. And-- I know your sides are weak! (strikes)
Got you!
(A purple fog appears)
--What!? A curse!?
Why it had to appear right now!?
The source... It’s that dragon.
...Hey, Espada. You’re not great at switching gears, are you? Can we call a truce for now?
Always with an extra word. But... I can’t eliminate you here without disrespecting Lord Dia’s decision. So, let’s leave it at that for now.
Heh, fine then. Be careful, Espada. There are quite a few!
I know. Leave this to me.
I’ll purify that one over there.
Alright. Let’s finish this in one go!
Espada & Fiori
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
What I Thought About "Hollow Mind" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won't read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
And today, we're talking about "Hollow Mind" from The Owl House. An episode where Luz teams up with Hunter, a sort of friend on the road to redemption. The two of them go on an adventure inside someone else's mind, likely to see the memories of this person and learn more about that character and maybe even more about the sort of friend Luz teamed up with...Wait, didn't we already do this?
Yeah, we already did this.
It was "Understanding Willow." An episode where Luz teamed up with Amity, a sort of friend at the time who was on the road to redemption. The two of them go on an adventure inside Willow's mind, seeing her memories, and learning more about Willow and even Amity.
I mean, I don't mind a show reusing a premise. After all, complete originality is an impossibility that no series should pressure themselves to live up to. However, there's a difference between a show putting its own spin on an premise another had already done and just reusing the same premise from a Season One episode. Though, I'll admit, this is just me judging "Hollow Mind" based on its synopsis. Odds are there will be more differences than similarities in terms of story and circumstance. The question is: Were there?
Hey, um...Future Schmuck, here. I, uh...I wrote that on Wednesday in preparation for today, and...Yeah, I can certainly say that it was different. It was definitely different. Holy s**t, was it different.
How different? Well...
Let's find out together, shall we?
Spoilers ahead.
The Opening: Instantly, this episode hooks you with an ominous feeling of dread and intrigue. Not only do we start with Luz and Hunter trapped inside the worst place imaginable, which is the mind of a tyrant, but it also leads to the audience wondering how this happened. It's a solid way to begin this adventure into horror, trauma, and heartbreak. Because starting out with them going into his mind just wouldn't feel like as big of a punch.
As for the HOW...
Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf Breaking into Belos’ Mind: Let's get it out of the way: These people in cloaks are undoubtedly Raine, Darius, and Ebberwolf. You see Raine's specs and Eberwolf's eyes, and the Abominations witch got worried the second Hunter got mentioned (which was sweet). There's no one else it could be, so don't pretend it isn't them. Anyway...
I loved this sort of half-reveal. It shows us that the rebellion is both strong and also competent. We've seen how powerful these three are and how crafty they can be. It's also worth mentioning that the plan could have worked if Hunter didn't somehow catch onto them. Granted, we're not sure what the plan was, but it would...probably work out. Maybe...
Look, I'm gonna level with you all. The future's looking bleak for these characters, and I'm going to use every ounce of hope and denial to make it better. Alright? Alright.
Luz Interrupting the Flashback: I like that despite how dark this episode can get, the writers still know when to throw in a few good jokes. It keeps things light, so you don't scar the kiddies too much. And now that we're on Luz's side of the story...
Eda and Luz Needed to Fix Luz’s Cape: Makes sense. We saw the ends of Luz's cape torn at the end of "Yesterday's Lie," so it needs some repairs. And it's sweet of Eda wanting to help fix her kid's cape. Downright adorable, even.
King Learning Spanish: This is also adorable. The fact that Luz is teaching King her language is wholesome as heck, and yes, I'm lingering on the heartwarming moments to prepare myself for the heartbreaking ones. WHAT OF IT?!
The Witch Joining a Coven/Not Helping Eda: This is the first sting in the heart that we get in this episode. The sound of terror and a bit of defeat in the witch's voice when she says she has to join a coven and can't help wild witches anymore is just...yikes. It shows how strong Belos' influence is and how much his words can infect others. And now that we know what those Coven Sigils are...it's even more of a yikes moment for me.
And as for why so many people are STILL falling for Belos' BS...Well, King explains it perfectly.
“No one wants to know they spent years wasting their life following the wrong person.”: Do you want to know why real-life tyrants still get away with so much in their countries? It's because people choose to be ignorant of their leadership. Now, that's on them, that's true. But picture the alternative: You're told this person you've put your faith into is also a lying, genocidal maniac. Not only that, but you indulged this person for years. Decades, even. So, the realization that you're partially responsible for this same tyrant's evil and self-righteous quest will tear you apart. So, to avoid emotional/mental torment, you'll believe it's better to ignore it and pretend that perhaps this factual evidence is wrong. It's the worst thing to do, but for your own self-preservation, you still do it. Because, at the time being, it's better to be in self-denial than to let yourself feel hurt. I mean, it isn't, but you'd think it is. And kudos to the show for nailing that feeling perfectly.
Belos’ “Mind”: Speaking of self-denial, let's now talk about the first layer of Belos' mindscape.
It speaks volumes of Belos' character in his interpretation of events that even he knows aren't true. The way Belos believes he conquered wild magic on the day he lost to a teenage girl or portrayed himself as a hero to the town he just burned down really tells us that the man is blind to his own mistakes and malice. And, seeing how this is the first layer of Belos' mind, it even acts as the perfect security system. If someone somehow snuck into his mind, which this episode proves is possible, they'll see how Belos wants them to see it: As him being the hero that the Isles needs and the ruler who can lead them to victory. So, not only do we know how full of himself Belos can be, but we now know how little he's willing to leave to chance. Because if he can't even trust his own mind to be defenseless, he can't trust anything.
Baby Belos: And then we have this to show us how much of a conniving little d**k he can be.
Just like Luz and Hunter, I saw Baby Belos and thought, "Oh, he must be the last good part of him. I mean, it's weird how he's taking random stuff, but he's not the big scary demon thing. Surely he's the good guy." No. He wasn't. At all.
If anything, Baby Belos is another example of Big Belos' master manipulation. He knew what it would exactly take for Luz and Hunter to trust him and get them to do what he wanted. It's sick, twisted, and, MAN, could I use some wholesomeness to distract how much I hate Belos right now...
Hunter So Worried for Flapjack: ...That'll do.
I mean, come on. The fact that Hunter gets so worried for Flapjack's safety and how he explicitly states that he loves the bird? That's wholesome as heck, and I'm all for it...Alright, back to the madness.
Belos’ Real Mind: Once again, we learn so much about Belos here. It's in tatters, raggy, and has portions of his memories scratched out, visually telling us that there are parts of his past that he chooses to repress. As for his past, we see snippets of how he became the monster we know him as. I'm not talking about the memories Luz and Hunter walked into (though I will get into that in a minute). I'm talking about the paintings hidden in the background that details Philip's path into becoming Belos. We see who he and his brother were, their relationship, how they came to the Isles, how and why Philip killed his brother, how he got those marks on his arms, and even why Belos' ears are pointed. It's all there, and it's all hidden in the background, telling us the history of Belos while leaving some details out for a future story to reveal. Still, what they did show hints at something pretty twisted, and I'm both excited and scared to see what happens next.
Eda Making A Way Back: And while that's going on, we got a nice little B-plot about Eda doing everything she can to get Luz back. What gets to me about this plot is how panicked you can tell Eda is during this situation. Her baby is currently stuck in the mind of a dictator that's probably worse than Hitler himself. You can't blame her for running around wildly, trying everything she can while having Hooty lock down the Owl House so no one can interrupt them. It's going further beyond Mom-mode, telling us more about how much she deeply cares about Luz.
Raine Not Knowing What Hooty Is: And this episode still got jokes! And a funny one at that, which I appreciate...because it all goes downhill from here.
The Result of the First Coven Patches: ...I hate this.
I mean, I love this scene because it did its intended job of me hating it...but I still hate it.
The lack of even an ounce of sympathy as he left a group of people brain dead, their bodies probably buried under the snow to this day, is just...it is the worst thing a Disney antagonist has done. They were just sacks of meat to Belos, and he had no qualms that his experiment all but took the lives of what were good people. And...I hate it.
The Collector: This character, though. This I love.
Their design and the way they are animated are pretty unique. Sure, it's twisted that they're so excited for the complete genocide of the Boiling Isles, but...at least they're kind of cute in their excitement?
Fine, let's get back to the horror.
The Hall of Dead Golden Guards: ...Remember when Hunter said he loved Flapjack? Yeah, that was a sweet moment...when it lasted.
The Demon Thing Was Palismans: AND SEEING HOW I BROUGHT UP A PALISMAN...F**K!
I didn't need this. I didn't need the revelation that the thing we were supposed to be afraid of turned out to be the souls of dead palismans trying to warn Luz and Hunter that they're helping Belos kill them.
I didn't need that horrific and mildly depressing reveal. DID NOT NEED IT!
Hunter IS a Grimwalker: NOR DID I NEED THIS! OH...F**KING F**K!
The fact that Hunter really is a copy of Belos' brother, and a replaceable one at that, hurts me deeply just for the identity crisis it will undoubtedly give Hunter.
PLEASE tell me there's at least some wholesomeness that can heal this pain?
Luz Trying to Save Hunter: ...I mean...I guess that kind of works.
Luz having zero hesitation to save a person who has mostly tried to kill her in the past is nice to see. It also happened because of Belos' zero hesitation to murder Hunter in his own mind...but at least Luz saving him is wholesome?
...There's no going back, is there?
Belos is a Witch Hunter: NOPE! There really isn't! Oh...FRICK! They're really going there, huh?
Ok, are we SURE this is a kids' show? Because our main antagonist is confirmed to be a living member of the Salem Witch Trials. A member who wants to commit genocide on an entire race because he was raised to believe his holy mission justifies the hundreds upon thousands of deaths based on his own prejudice. A man who could very much exist in real life if the Boiling Isles wasn't a work of fiction. A villain who isn't just evil but realistically evil. A character that teaches us that the most prejudiced and ignorant have the power to be the most dangerous people on the planet. And that is...that is...ARE WE SURE THIS IS A KIDS' SHOW?!
Luz Learns Belos is Philip: Oh, the hits keep on coming...
Remember what I said that it would tear a person up inside when they realized they're partially responsible for helping a tyrant? This is what I mean. Luz finds out that she has some credit for giving Belos everything he wants, and it destroys her. She even tries to deny it at first. The evidence is right there, in front of her face, and all she can say is, "No, it's not possible." Because it's better to live in denial than to believe you've helped create a monster. A monster who thinks it's better to sacrifice the lives of innocent people for his own self-interest.
Sacrificing Titan’s Blood for Luz: When, in reality, the best sacrifices come from the heart. The Titan's blood is the most essential thing Luz has at the moment, and Eda uses it to get her kid back home. Though, I really hope Eda didn't use all of it and just ripped off a finger of Amity's glove. It still gives the feeling of sacrifice as Luz now has fewer do-overs to make a new door while also not overtly screwing Luz over in finding a way back home. Still, it was a tough call Eda made, and no one can blame her for going through this decision. I worry about what this means for the future, but...there's something worse on my mind.
Hunter’s Panic Attack: This...broke me. The horror in Hunter's voice when he realizes Belos will kill him if they meet again. The way Hunter tears his cloak off as if it burned him, now knowing how it only leads to death. And the fact, despite being in a place where people will show him what real love looks like, he runs.
Hunter runs because it's all he can do. The most powerful man on the planet will want Hunter dead, and he fears that there's nowhere that he is safe. It is soul-crushingly well written, making it another perfect ending.
...Uh...I guess it's kind of weird how Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf stay silent? I get that the writers want to keep it a "secret," but contextually, it makes little sense why they keep quiet.
However, that's quite possibly the nitpickiest of nitpicks I could have ever nitpicked. This episode's another A+
"Hollow Mind" might have a similar idea to "Understanding Willow," but the differences matter with who's mind we go into. "Understanding Willow" shows us the tragedy behind the character we already love. "Hollow Mind" also has tragedy, but by revealing the history and motivation behind an evil, evil, EVIL man. What follows is the trauma of one of our favorite characters and hints of a future that makes me more scared than I am excited to see. To compare it with "Understanding Willow" would be a hollow comparison at best.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hey. So when do you think Sasuke realised his true feelings for Naruto? I feel like he knew since part one itself, in some way at least. He was aware of something. When Sasuke tells Naruto his body moved on its own, I feel like there were seeds of realisation or at least a trigger point. In Shippuden, he always seems like he is fully aware of his depth of feelings for Naruto, he gets super emotional because of it. The fact that he is driven to ask Naruto again and again about his feelings, and is disappointed except for chapter 698 proves that he knew this feeling was somehow different, and he wanted understanding from Naruto, maybe to validate his own feelings, since he is equally inexperienced if not oblivious like Naruto.
He knows deep down that Naruto is special to him, he adores Naruto privately, he had since before the genin days. At the end of vote 1, I think he realises it fully, his true feelings for Naruto. What do you think?
Wonderful Ask, Anon!!! 😍😍😍. 
[[Lengthy Post ahead]]
I am damn sure, like 100%, the moment he realized his true feelings is when he thought he was going to die and recollected all the memories he shared with Naruto (including the Accidental Kiss and Roasting Sakura for insulting Naruto) for one Last Time in the Land of the Waves Arc.
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You might be thinking now, "What makes you so sure?"
Well, Kishimoto just hammered into our faces in many plotlines.
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How is this panel has to do anything with Sasuke?, You may ask.
The answer is here.
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"You will realize what you are, as death comes to embrace you".
Itachi, no matter how cold he acted before Sasuke in that battle, he simply couldn't keep up his Evil Brother act at the final moment of his death.
He just smiled. That is who Itachi really was and always will be for Sasuke.
Again, you may ask, 'All this happens much later in the series, Kishi might've had a different mindset back when he was drawing part 1'.
You are right. But Kishi's mindset was the same all the time. He even established this 'True face before Death' theme very strongly in Land of the Waves arc itself.
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This is who Zabuza really was. He didn't treat Haku like a Tool. Infact, his final words were, "I wanted to go the same place as you".
Kakashi made sure to convey this message to Haku in the War Arc, when he fought with the Edo Tensei'ed Haku and Zabuza.
And there are many characters who died in this series. Almost all of them projects their true feelings before their death. Just rewind the deaths of Nagato, Yahiko, Konan, Obito, Madara. You might've noticed that there won't be any lies. For Example, Obito. When he died for the first time, he was really thinking about Kakashi and Rin. He even said, ‘I wish I could’ve spent more time with them’. That’s who Obito really was. He was convinced with that Tsukuyomi plan because he wanted to live in a dream world where Rin and Kakashi will be with him happily. 
So, a person, at their final moment thinks only about all their memories shared with that 'precious' person signifies only one thing. That person must have unconditionally loved the one they thought about.
Sasuke realized that he loves Naruto at that moment and he had no regrets because he smiled before falling into Naruto's lap.
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And I always wondered, 'Why did Sasuke thought only about Naruto? Didn't he have any other good memories other than the ones he shared with Naruto?'.
Well, this goes way back when he was just 8, right after the Massacre. Yes, the chapter 698 confession. But I am not going to attach all the panels here as I will go in-depth about it later in this post.
However, there are three panels that provides the general gist of what Sasuke felt about Naruto, the whole time.
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Whenever Sasuke watches Naruto, he reminded him of his family and it made Sasuke 'felt relieved' or 'feel warm and fuzzy'. Simply put, Naruto's presence made him happy.
And did Sasuke ever felt relieved?
Yes, he did!!
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This above scene happens sometime after the massacre and yet, somehow Naruto could make him smile even in that distressful situation.
And this is one recurring feeling which Sasuke experience whenever he comes in contact with Naruto. After the Massacre, somehow Naruto became his source of happiness or relief. This panel right after massacre, that smile before his ‘supposed’ death, on seeing the Great Naruto Bridge with a relaxed smile, VoTE2  smile.....  
Sasuke smiled at all these scenes and you know the reason why!!!
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This is exactly opposite from how he felt earlier. And this conflicting thoughts are what Sasuke was battling in his mind throughout Part 1 and Part 2 until Chapter 697. He liked Naruto's presence. But, For him, the very thought of bonding with him made him feel weak. 
According to Sasuke, the stronger he bonds with someone the more he has to worry about losing them and the very thought of losing them will put him in a precarious position which is considered as a weakness. And Sasuke doesn’t want to experience this again. 
Meaning, Sasuke doesn’t want to feel the pain of loss over someone, ever again. He wants to be the person who don’t care about anyone.
Did Sasuke ever expose his weakness?
Yes he did!!! 
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This is his absolute display of weakness and this is what he always wanted to avoid. The very thought of something is going to happen to Naruto made him do something that put him under immense pain. 
Yes, In his mind, he doesn’t want to care about anyone’s loss. But his body doesn’t seem to listen to him. And that’s why his body moved on it’s own.
God!!! This made me cry!!!!
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Now, this feeling Sasuke had towards Naruto was very evident in the War Arc. That one time he sensed Naruto’s Chakra in Konoha and asked Orochimaru to hurry up. Also when Naruto was bawling after seeing countless shinobi’s deaths, Sasuke’s reaction changed from ‘I don’t care 😶’ to ‘How dare you😠’, I consider all these moments where Sasuke was bothered about Naruto . But since, I want to focus only on Pre- Land of the Waves moments, I’m not going to add those moments here.
Did Sasuke felt pain in Part 1?
Of course, he did!!!
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Well, I always consider this scene as something ‘very personal’ for Sasuke. 
In this post, I’ve written about how chapter 3 is masked by the ‘Accidental Kiss’ as a comical facade but when you analyze it deeply you will find that Naruto and Sasuke’s rivalry thing goes long back, even before the series started.
After hearing Pinky’s insensitive comment, what Sasuke did here was completely extreme. He was just giving her a ‘Murder Stare’ which was way too extreme for Naruto, if he was just a teammate. When in reality, Naruto was not just his teammate. That’s why I think Sasuke was bothered by this insensitive comment and roasted her because he knew Naruto was suffering from this loneliness ever since he saw him when he was 8. And when someone made fun of his loneliness, Sasuke just couldn’t keep quiet. 
Isn’t this some form of feeling pain of the person you care about and standing up for them?
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This is another scene which I don’t have to go in detail about. 
On my first watch, I always wondered, ‘Why Sasuke was making exceptions for Naruto? They just know for a very few days and yet why was he giving his lunch and standing up for him, which he doesn’t have to in the first place? It’s just 2 episodes in and Sasuke has already made 4 exceptions, why was he doing this?’
But after watching Episode 478, I came to the realization that Sasuke did all these because he knew about Naruto before the series even started. 
It’s funny that before this scene, Sasuke was giving his long-ass serious speech to Pinky about how he is an avenger, he was crying at that time, he wants to get stronger than someone and wants to kill him, he can’t waste his time here..... And yet when he saw Naruto suffering from Hunger, he just gave his lunch without minding the consequences. (Ninja Career says Hello!!!!)
Now, Let’s get back to my previous question I posed here, 
Why did Sasuke thought only about Naruto in his final moments? Didn't he have any other good memories other than the ones he shared with Naruto?
The answer is, ‘Sasuke always felt any one of the three extreme emotions such as Happiness, Weakness, Pain in the presence of Naruto. And all these 3 extremities are not something you feel for everyone unless that person shares your blood or the person you love unconditionally. Sasuke, at this point has no one that shares his blood plus the only blood relation left was the one he wants to kill. And since Sasuke thinks he is going to die, he doesn’t mind thinking about his happiest moments with the person he considers as ‘precious’ , because somehow Sasuke considers Naruto as ‘His Person’ or you can say ‘a part of himself’’
And that’s why I think Sasuke realized his true feelings just when he was about to die. 
At the end of vote 1, I think he realizes it fully, his true feelings for Naruto.
I had this same thought before, anon!!! But after multiple re-watches, I realized something else. You cannot realize your true feelings and say a painful ‘Good Bye’ at the same time.
Realizing true feelings works only in two ways,
You either say a ‘Good Bye’ to someone. After leaving that person you may realize you miss that person and eventually you may come to term with your feelings.
You already have a strong feeling established in your heart and say a painful ‘Good Bye’. And VoTE 1 belongs to this category.
Simply put, Break ups and Love realization cannot happen simultaneously.
And that’s why Sasuke casually said, “To me, you’ve become my closest friend” without any hesitation. Because he already knew it otherwise obtaining Mangekyou Sharingan (MS) will not be possible if you don’t have such a strong feelings established already.
That whole battle started off as a way to obtain MS but then it changed into his desperate attempt to cut off his bond with Naruto to become stronger and only killing him can sever it because it’s such a strong one. It’s not a bond that will be severed by saying a simple, ‘Thank you’.
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At this moment, Sasuke must be realizing he simply cannot cut off this bond and he is again making an exception by letting this one weakness to exist and embracing it by being closer to him for one final time.
And this is one of the hauntingly brilliant way of conveying A Connection indirectly. And the best part is... this scene is not accidental. We know Sasuke felt stinging pain in his arms and knelt down & coughed up blood. How did he end up straight above Naruto’s face?
It’s because Sasuke simply wanted to convey his unbroken bond with Naruto by deliberately leaning towards his face. Rain falls on Sasuke and all those droplets passes through Sasuke’s face and falls upon Naruto’s face or it is very possible that Sasuke might by crying and his tears might be touching his face, but either way, it creates a Connection which he couldn’t able to cut off. In the fillers, Sasuke’s sweat drop falls on Naruto. It’s almost similar to how at the end of chapter 698, both of their blood connects together to form a connection. Which means only death can separate their connection.
That’s why I feel that this is the moment where he is painfully saying his Good Bye for one last time, it pains him immensely because he already knows that leaving his ‘precious’ person who became a part of himself is not very easy added to that he hurt him so much during the battle. And for this reason, Sasuke felt ‘leaving Naruto is like ripping off half of his body’.
He knows deep down that Naruto is special to him, he adores Naruto privately, he had since before the genin days. What do you think?
Sasuke always fights this inner battle within himself. Mind Vs Heart & Body. 
His mind says, ‘No more Bonds. Just stay alone. That will save you a lot of pain’.
His body says, ‘Create Bonds. Feel Relieved’. 
When Sasuke met Naruto near the lake pier, His body wins the battle and that’s why he smiled back at him despite the trauma he went through few days earlier. This is when Naruto became special to him.
When Sasuke attempted to make friendship with Naruto. His body wins the battle and that’s why he offered food, trained along with him.
When Sasuke died for Naruto by casting away his dreams, his body moved on its own.
At the beginning of VoTE1 battle, his mind said, ‘Leave Naruto. Pursue your dreams by treading in a darker path by filling your heart with hatred’. His body said, ‘Be with Naruto. Achieve your goals by filling your heart with Love’.
By the end of VoTE1, Sasuke came to the conclusion that he really couldn’t sever his bond with Naruto, no matter how hard he tried. That’s why his body moved on its own and ended up straight above Naruto’s face for one last time. Carrying all the heart break of a painful breakup, Sasuke treads towards the darker path. For the very first time, Sasuke’s mind won the inner battle. And he was extremely saddened by it.
Throughout Shippuden, Sasuke mostly listened to his mind and whenever he does, he was seen pushing Naruto away like leaving with Orochimaru, ramming chidori through Naruto’s Shadow Clone when pursuing Itachi, promising to kill Naruto before Attacking Konoha, wanting to fight with Naruto in VoTE2.
But whenever he followed his heart, you can see scenes like Sasuke occupying Naruto’s personal space in Orochimaru hideout, Sasuke smiling at Great Naruto Bridge, asking Obito about Kyuubi (Naruto) when he joined Akatsuki, stopping his rampage on seeing Naruto’s eyes under The Bridge, asking Obito to wait and listened to Naruto under the Bridge, sensing Naruto’s chakra in Konoha and getting concerned about it, prioritize saving Naruto over everyone in the War Arc, switching off Sharingan at the last moment. These are all the moment where Sasuke’s heart was winning over his mind.
And finally at the end of VoTE2, Sasuke happily claimed, ‘I lost’, meaning, his mind which always asked him to cut the bond with Naruto lost to his Heart and Body which always wanted him to be with Naruto. And when Sasuke felt that he was unconditionally loved by Naruto who was willing to share his pain, Sasuke cried happily and finally sealed his Bond with Naruto.
But anyways, I still get this question, why do Sasuke had to battle his feelings for Naruto like a lover? And why Naruto had to act all Tsundere towards Sasuke for most of the Part 1 if only they are friends!!! Like Shikamaru was never shown to be acting tsundere towards Chouji or Naruto. Or Obito was never shown to battle his feelings towards Kakashi!!! Itachi was never shown to be obsessed about Sasuke all the time. Or Hashirama was never obsessed about Tobirama either. Like we were shown many fraternal bonds, friendly bonds throughout the series. And yet why none of those bonds fits for Naruto and Sasuke? 
Well, this post is not the right place to cover these questions and I am simply going to leave it at that. 
Sasuke realized it very early and that’s why he decided to push Naruto away by the end of Part 1. Whereas Naruto truly realized his feelings at the end of Part 1 and decided to put himself close with Sasuke in Part 2 and finally confessed in VoTE2 that, ‘Remember, you once gave me your food during the Bell Test? It’s because you simply can’t tolerate to watch me suffer before your eyes.... I also feel the same way about you.. I simply cannot see you suffer alone when you were willing to give your body to Orochimaru... It just hurt me a lot inside’.
They finally realize the feelings they had for each other is a love in a broader sense which cannot be labelled under a certain term (it may include a father, a mother, a friend, a lover too) and we can call them as Pure Soulmates, where one cannot live without the other, where one cannot bear to see the other one suffer and they always wanted to be standing next to each other sharing their happiness and pain in their hearts. 
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