#Also I totally gotta fix his arms
writtenbymoonflower · 8 months
how about
and hear me out
room mate! marauders who are obsessed with their shy roomate
oh trust me, hunny, i am hearing you. hope this is okay! shy gn!reader x poly!marauders
cw: nothing really, just fluff, reader is very flustered
1.1k words
Your eyes were blurry as you shuffled into the sunny kitchen. You weren’t used to waking up to the curtains open and breakfast on the stove. You’d lived with people before of course, but none as lively as this bunch. You weren’t complaining, though, you were quickly warming to them, even though you had probably spoken a total of 50 words to your new housemates in the three weeks you had lived with them. Most of these words likely consisting of sorry, excuse me, thank you. 
They had been talking though. Ever since the day you met they had been treating you like their best friend. Not even that. They were all best friends. (Though you considered that wasn’t all, on more than one occasion you had caught Sirius with his head in James’ lap, or Remus’ legs swung over one of the other boys. You had also observed a fair number of kisses between the three boys). But rather, they treated you like something precious, like a porcelain doll they were begging to get a hold of.
That thought made you immediately think of the nickname Sirius (or ‘Pads’ as the boys occasionally called him) had stuck you with. 
“Hey, dollface! You sleep well?” The coal-haired boy looked like he was itching to beckon you under his arm, but resisted. You were thankful, not knowing if you could survive that.
“It was good.” You hummed, barely legible to James over the sound of his bacon sizzling. You padded over to the breakfast table, sitting one chair away from Sirius and his huge bowl of cereal. No sooner had you sat down when a steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of you by a spindly hand. 
“Here you go, dovey.” Remus sat in the chair between you and Sirius. 
“Oi, Moons. You’re blocking my view.” You turned in your chair to look behind you at the ‘view’ he was referring to, brows scrunching in confusion when all you saw was the archway. You heard a light chuckle from Remus and a snicker from Sirius as you whipped back around. The possible meaning dawned on you, making you his your heated face in your mug.
“Don’t torture the poor thing.” James scolded, giving a (what you were sure he believed was comforting) squeeze to your shoulder before he sat on your other side.
“I never tortured anyone.” Remus corrected from behind his morning paper, slowly eating a cup of berry-yogurt. “Collective punishment is a war crime, Prongs” 
“Leavin’ me to the wolves huh, Moons?” Sirius sassed, sipping on his coffee that was mostly just cream and sugar. 
“Oh trust me, I’m sure we all know how much you’d love to be left to the wolf.” James smirked, clearly in on a joke that you had no idea about. He abandoned his teasing to turn to you, fixing a horribly kind look that made your tummy turn to mush. “There is some bacon and eggs on the stove for breakfast, but I’m sure Sirius would let you into his cereal.” 
“There’s also yogurt.” Remus looked pointedly to his near-empty cup. 
“Oh no, I’m okay. I could never take your food. I’m not hungry anyway.” You muttered into your mug. 
“You’ve gotta eat somethin’ babydoll. Can’t have you skipping meals.” Sirius had a playful, if not protective tilt to his tone. 
“I’ll find somethin’ don’t worry.” You scrubbed your bleary eyes with irritated cadence, still on the brink of sleep despite the warm caffeine swirling in your system. Thick fingers wrapped around your wrist to pull your offending hand away. 
“Gentle, sweetheart.” James scolded lightly. “Gonna hurt yourself like that.” He squeezed your hand before letting it go but it felt oddly like your face and your lungs were being squeezed as well. If this was the boys normal, you weren’t sure if you were going to survive. 
You mumbled a sorry looking at the mahogany table like it held the meaning of life, or the extra hour of sleep you desperately craved. 
“What’ve we told you? You say sorry too much, sweet thing. It’s like, your favorite word or something.” Sirius laughed, slurping down his cereal milk and licking his chops. You bit back another apology and rubbed your eyes again, though much more gentle this time. James cooed in sympathy. 
“You still sleepy?” He rubbed your back again, which made you both more heated and more drowsy. 
“Yeah.” You hummed, shamefaced as you played with the hem of your oversized t-shirt. You were thankful that you were still too shy to not wear long pants around them, because they would definitely be able to tell how tensed your legs were. Remus set his paper down.
“Do you have work today, love?” 
“No, ‘s my day off.” James grinned at that, but Sirius spoke up. 
“Happy coincidence! It’s ours too.” He grinned. “How about we all watch something? We can put something on in the lounge room and you can catch a bit of sleep on the settee?” He suggested. You shrunk at the thought of sleeping in front of them, but weren’t opposed to the idea.
“We’ll make sure to wake you up so you don’t sleep the day away.” James added, still rubbing your back. You were easily convinced. 
“Okay, that does sound nice.” Barely above a whisper. 
“We can all have a big lunch when you get up, too. Maybe we could go out?” Remus suggested as he led you gently to the living room. You tried to make your way to the armchair, but you were tugged to the couch. 
“That won’t be comfy, dollface. Here you go.” Sirius sat on the settee close to one arm, Remus by the other. Sirius pulled you between them while James sat on the floor and you whined in protest. 
“No, I’ll move. You sit here, James.”
Remus swore that was the loudest he had ever heard you speak. 
“No, I’m good right here. Thanks though, sweetness.” James reassured. He was sat in the middle, though rather close to Remus so the mousy boy could reach out with one hand and scratch James’ scalp, roving his long fingers through the thick curls. You were so distracted that you were startled when Sirius tugged on you again, maneuvering your head onto a pillow that laid on his lap. You tensed before relaxing into his warmth. You tucked your legs into yourself as Remus covered you with a blanket before going back to loving on James. 
“There you go, baby. That feel nice?” Sirius said, unfamiliarly soft as he stroked your hair, hand a welcome warmth on your scalp. 
Baby. Baby. Baby.
It would surprise you if you woke up from this nap. Your heart had nearly stopped on the spot.
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emmyrosee · 14 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a modern!au sukuna x fem!reader in which they're dating and they're babysitting little yuji for the day, going to the park, grocery store, or whatever, and some old lady thinks yuji is their son and sukuna and reader had yuji as teens so she starts judging, making comments and kinda insulting them for having a kid so young. (but yuji is just sukuna's little brother)
I hope what I said made sens 😅 and feel totally free to ignore my request if you don't want to do it or if you're not taking requests at the moment :)
tw// mean old ladies, insinuations of s3x in teenage years, sukuna talking back, lots of swearing, mentions of death, I wouldn’t normally put warnings but juuuuuuuuuust in case
There’s a scoff that rings out in the air as the last of your footstep passes her. It’s enough to make Sukuna stop on impact. You turn to him, and Yuuji in his stroller looks up to see what the stop is, but Sukuna’s eyes are firm in annoyance, the vein in his forehead pulsing.
“I’m sorry,” he begins, spinning on his heel. “Is there a problem, maam?” His voice dribbles sarcasm, and you feel your heart rate pick up from anxiety.
When you turn to face the old woman, her face is twisted in judgement, wrinkles furrowed deeper than natural as she glares past Sukuna and burrows her sights onto you. A chill shrills down your spine as her cold gaze fixes on you.
“Babies having babies,” she snarls cruelly, and you see Sukuna’s knuckles lighten from the force of gripping the handles. “You couldn’t keep it in your pants, and you couldn’t close your legs, hmm? Reproducing when you shouldn’t be. You ought to be embarrassed.”
You cheeks heat up in embarrassment, but when you look up at sukuna again, his grin is curled devilishly. You sigh, “sukuna, come on-“
“No,” he hisses. “I want to hear what the crypt keeper’s gotta say. One foot in the grave, one on a fucking oil spill and you’re wasting your breath spilling bullshit? You oughta be embarrassed.”
She clutches her chest in offense, “I can’t stand you youths these days, wasting your life on each other, disappointing your parents. Why they’d ever approve of you keeping that sin in the carriage is ridiculous.”
You’re quick to grab Sukuna’s collar and keep him from launching at the lady. He’s not happy about being stopped, he’s practically frothing at the mouth in rage, but at your grip, he stands down.
His mouth however, does not.
“I’m offended people like you even get to breathe my air,” he snarls, and you try to ignore the look the old lady gives you- she looks almost prideful to be getting such a reaction. “That child is not sin, that’s my fucking little brother- and even if it was, if you looked at him and the first thing you thought of was my girlfriend and I smashing, you need to tell your fucking hospice nurse, you pervert.”
“It’s not my fault nor concern that your husband died from an asthma attack your dusty old pussy gave him, but if you ask me, he dodged a fucking bullet because holy fuck if I had to spend my days waiting for you to die first, I’d pull the plug myself.”
“You think you get to sit here and judge my girlfriend, my self, my fucking brother without consequence, you are sadly mistaken. And I sincerely hope that, with the bottom of my soul, that when your decrepit heart finally decides to stop and bless the world by taking your life, no one bats an eye. If this is how you treat strangers with a child, I would love to see how you treat your loved ones. Sit on it and fucking twist, you old bitch.” Then, he flashes her a smile, “have the day you fucking deserve, you twat.”
The woman stares at him, eyes wide and jaw agape. You also, stare at him with wide eyes and an agape jaw, and it isn’t until he wraps his arm around your waist and starts to push the carriage again, that you follow.
“Sukuna,” you say, voice shaky. “Why…?”
“Because no one gets to look at my fucking family in any way other than damn respect,” he growls, fingers digging into your hip from anger. “No one.”
“No, I mean…” you swallow thickly. “Why do people feel the need to be so cruel?”
“The world is cruel,” he says flatly. Then, he sighs and shakes his head, “but I have no issue in putting terrible people in their place. Especially for yuuji. Especially for you.”
You smile softly and lay your hand on his, lacing your fingers with his as they rest on your hip, “we’re lucky to have you then, aren’t we?”
He chuckles, “it’s about time you appreciate it.”
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
the art of conversation (from a professional yapper)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍉
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just wanted to preface this by saying that NOT everyone is extremely sociable and thats totally okay. this post is to help improve ur conversational skills and charisma ✨
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social skills are literally the FOUNDATION of effective communication. its important bcuz it allows u to build meaningful relationships, express urself, collaborate with others etc.
when ur learn how to be an effective communicator u can connect more deeply with the people around u. being more social can also provide u with opportunities, and in general make ur life SO much easier. not to mention u have a lot more fun.
an inferiority complex is the feeling of inadequacy, an insecurity that ur not on the same level as someone else. a superiority complex is the opposite, u can come off as smug or condescending. both are bad in their own right.
the way that u can combat this is by adopting the mindset that you are neither below or above anyone else, and no one else is above or below you.
doing so can kind of even the playing field of conversation in ur mind and make sure that ur not feeling some kind of way before going into a conversation bcuz when u let ur superiority/inferiority complex go by un-fixed it can sabotage communication and not give ppl the change to get to know u.
first u gotta start off with thinking about ways that shame has influenced ur thoughts or actions. an example that im sure a lot of us could relate to is the whole cringe concept.
to help unlearn shame i recommend journalling, therapy, and mindfulness so that then u can let urself ENJOY things again, without having the looming fear of the judgement of others.
also no genuinely happy person is going to take time out of their day to shame u, only a loser would do that. and if ur the one shaming others for liking something bcuz of ur own insecurity, get that fixed and get a life.
when approaching someone or starting conversation with someone for the first time, a rly good way to start it is with a compliment. dont start it by saying hi cuz i think thats so awkward 😭
compliment them for something, their response can also tell u a lot about them also bcuz some ppl will take the compliment well and some ppl will serve u a dirty look and that alone can tell u if u rly wanna be conversing with that person.
since we've already talked about why learning to not feel embarrassed about every little thing is important, here's what to do when something like that comes up. literally laugh.
for example the other day someone whom i've never spoken to before came up to me and started talking to me so familiarly, like with their arm around me and everything and i just went with it 💀 until he noticed that he had mistaked me for someone else, but its okay cuz now i have a new friend. LAUGH ABOUT IT.
dont take everything so seriously, being able to enjoy and take a joke is what makes conversation so much fun. note, do NOT mistake taking a joke as taking disrespect bcuz u should not take that, there is a distinct difference.
the biggest advice i can give as a yapper is to be more lighthearted and not take everything seriously. bcuz i feel like when we take everything so seriously we become rigid and thats not hot, be a breath of fresh air instead ✨
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lookingformoondrop · 10 months
could i request a boyfriend!andrew graves x reader headcannons or scenarios? i LOVE TCOAAL🫶🫶
Boyfriend! Andrew Graves x Reader - Headcanons
TW: Andy has a foul mouth, reader gets groped, Andy is a little possessive, a tiny bit of violence (-is always the answer)
♥︎Notes: I'm kind of an idiot so if you notice something is spelled incorrectly, feel free to send me a dm so i can fix it (totally not at all referring to my first Yandere!Andy x Reader post where I spelled dark as darmfk ;-;). Also this is kind of short because so many people requested for Andy x Reader, so I didn't want to pull out all the stops. I hope this meets your expectations <3.♥︎
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The first thing you gotta to know about dating Andy, is that he's very touch starved.
I can just headcanon that due to his aloof personality and very broody behavior, he doesn't get many hugs...
So when you enter his life, best believe that Andy shows you this completely different side of him!
I'm talking.... Cuddling in the mornings till the point where you're almost late for work because he refuses to let you go.
I'm talking.... Andy being able to sense when you're about to go into the shower. His spidey-senses tingles, and the moment you're about to hop in, he's right there already getting his hair wet.
I'm talking.... Trapping you with his kisses when you're making food, definitely not noticing that he's causing you to burn dinner.
And no amount of protest can deter this man either.
Speaking of making food... Andrew is the master-chef of the house!
Now he's no Gorden Ramsey (as he likes to tell you whenever he makes you a sandwich), but everyone knows that one bite of his food is enough to make a sailor come back to the land.
So it's very nifty when you're sick and at home, in need to have someone take care of you.
The first time you ever got sick was when you and Andy were still living separately.
It was a Friday night, and it was supposed to be your 1-year anniversary with Andy. Unfortunately, due to some unhygienic biotch at the office, you caught a cold and had to cancel.
At first Andy didn't respond, instead leaving you on read. You felt bad, figuring that he was mad at you for canceling.
But lo' and behold, exactly 10 minutes later, that was a frantic sound of keys jiggling into the your front door.
You had gotten up from your couch-potato position to see the person who wanted to rush into your home so badly, when it occurred to you;
Andrew is the only one with another set of keys...
And with that realization, Andy burst through the door with a pharmacy store bag in one hand, and a grocery store bag in another.
In an instant, Andy made you take a disgusting amount of cold medicine, and blessed your cold home with the warmth and smell of spices and herbs (likely all from the soup).
When the food was ready, he sat you up with a pillow and hand-fed you soup for the rest of the night. You felt so bad for ruining your anniversary, but everytime you tried to apologize for it, Andrew would stuff your mouth with more soup and would say;
"I don't care about that romance and anniversary shit. We don't need to go to a fancy restaurant or an expensive place just to feel like we're honoring an important date. That date is important because it is our date. We don't need to one-up that memorable time just to remind everyone of how special it is... Y/N, you're crying into the soup."
Needless to say, you cried.
But Andrew doesn't just take care of you...You best believe he also protects.
Well, sorta.
You could be in a grocery store, at a Boba shop, in the mall, getting new shoes, it wouldn't matter, Andrew would always have his hand on your waist.
Be it because he saw someone look at you, doesn't matter who or how old they are, he'll always wrap his arms around you and whisper ever so softly, "You're mine..."
It has definitely given you some weird looks over the years, but you know he means well.
And if anyone ever actually looks at you funny? It's over for them.
Andrew will make it VERY clear that you're not to be messed with.
For example, a couple of months into your relationship, you were riding the train. Enjoying a simple conversation about suspicious neighbors and whatnot, when all of the sudden some guy came up behind you and tried groping you discreetly.
Andy noticed very quickly that all the blood drained from your face. He looked behind you and noticed the old geezer trying to get a hand full of someone way younger than them, and Andrew could feel every restraint in his body snap.
In an act of "self-defense" as told to the cops later on, Andrew punched the living daylights of the guy and sent him flying into a pole.
You fussed over Andy's fist for awhile, completely forgetting about how you felt. But the only thing Andy could think about was how he should've hit that guy harder.
When you guys were finally walking home, hand in hand, you leaned on Andrew.
"I'm sorry about today Andy... I didn't mean for you to get all banged up."
Andrew snorted, "My knuckle is a little scratched up, so what? That perverted asshole had it coming for him."
You kissed Andy's cheek, which granted you a dark blush from Andy, and a grin from you.
"Thank you Aaandy~" You brushed his hand with your thumb,
Being in a relationship with Andy is a little messy, and yes sometimes a little crazy. But no matter what happens, Andy will always stick by your side.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." Andy squeezed your hand in return.
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Thank you for the ask<3
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mintiicinnamonii · 2 months
Hi, I have a request, how about an (Amnesia rules) one-shot with Macaque and his female S/O?
Like macaque somehow winds up with amnesia (memories going back to the time of the brother hood maybe?) and once he catches sight of his wife he’s immediately smitten and starts flirting and trying to court her the entire time as everyone tries to figure out how to fix him? Please and thank you 🙏🏻
notes: this is my first oneshot, apologies! i went for a more clingy macaque approach, since he was way shyer during the brotherhood era. also, since the brotherhood era was before macaque was betrayed and started to develop his abandonment issues, he was probably way more affectionate, thus this. so now yall get clingy cat macaque and his wife
Amnesia Rules Macaque
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“What do you mean, ‘he’s looking for me???’” You asked through the phone, tapping your foot on the floor, eyebrows furrowed. MK was on the other end, hastily explaining. “I MEAN that we woke him up while he was mystic monkey meditating and now he doesn’t remember us, hates the Monkey King-“ You sighed. “Doesn’t he already hate him??” Silence. “Thats besides the point! He’s been looking for you for AGES, We had to tie him up so he wouldn’t escape!”
You groaned. “I’ll be right there.”
When you walked into Pigsy’s Noodles, out of all the things you thought could happen, you did not expect this. Macaque was clinging onto you like a koala, hissing at anyone who went 50 feet close to you. “So you’re telling me, that Macaque lost his memories??” You asked, crossing your legs as Macaque nuzzled your neck. “Yeah, basically..” MK groaned. Wukong, who was hiding behind the counter as to not get mauled to his impossible death by Macaque, peeked his head out. “Geez, I forgot how annoying Macaque was back then-“ He shut himself up as Macaque growled at him. “Hey, no growling.” You scolded, petting Macaque’s head. The monkey purred, leaning into your touch. “You’re great with your hands~” He chuckled as you went bright red. “So.. how do we get him back to normal??” Sandy raised a brow, looking at the smitten monkey. Everyone in the room looked directly at Tang, who was eating his noodles without a care. “What? Why are you all looking at me?” Tang crossed his arms as Pigsy facepalmed himself. “Tang, you KNOW WHY! We need to get Macaque back to normal!” 
Wukong nodded from his hiding spot. “Yeah! Can we go back to grumpy Macaque and not have a Macaque thats trying to maul me 24/7, Jangles? PLEASE???” You shrugged. “I dunno.. I like cuddly Macaque. Can we keep him like this?” You kissed Macaque’s forehead as he purred, hugging you tighter. Your heart melted; it was if you were watching a little cat. A cat so adorable you couldn’t help but take a picture. For blackmail. Totally not because you thought it was cute. 
Tang hummed. “I mean.. if this works the same way it did when Monkey King lost his memories.. we just gotta crush him with a rock.”
Your eyes widened as you choked on your spit. “CRUSH HIM WITH A ROCK?! THE HELL YOU MEAN ‘CRUSH HIM WITH A ROCK?!” Macaque noticed your anger, looking up at you. “Starlight? Everything okay?” You snapped out of your rage instantly, glancing at Macaque. “I’m fine Mac. No need to worry.” You squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek, causing a bit of pink to creep up his face. Macaque, in an attempt to hide this, buried his face in your chest. 
“Any blunt force will do, cause we aren’t exactly in a place where giant rocks are right now..” Tang said, fixing his glasses. “So what do we do then? Keep him like this?!” Pigsy asked, crossing his arms. “Please do.” You chimed in. Suddenly, Mei gasped. “I have a great idea.”
“WHY DID I HAVE TO BE THE BAIT???” Wukong screamed as he ran through Flower Fruit Mountain. Sandy, Tang, Pigsy, MK, Mei, and you watched as Macaque chased a screaming Wukong down. “DON’T WORRY MONKEY KING! YOU GOT THIS!” MK yelled, giving him a thumbs up. “Okay.. almost there..” Mei watched carefully. As Macaque chased Wukong, he got closer and closer to the cliff where they all were. “NOW!” 
Sandy quickly pushed a beige boulder off the cliff, crushing Macaque with it. You were just standing there, flabbergasted as your best friends casually crushed your husband with a boulder like it was nothing. Sandy pat your shoulder in consolation as you stood there. Wukong sighed in relief. “Thank god its over-“ As Macaque stirred, Wukong yelped, summoning his cloud and flying away instantly. You on the other hand, ran right up to him. “Hun?? Macaque??” You asked frantically. Macaque got up, groaning as he rubbed his head. He looked over at you with those gorgeous amber eyes. “Hey, gem..” He smiled. Suddenly, you hugged him tightly, peppering his face in kisses. “Oh thank GOD you’re back-“ Macaque blinked, confused til he looked up to see the others on the cliff, peering down and awwing at the sight. “Ah. I see..” He sighed, looking back down at you and your worried face. He chuckled. “Don’t worry, plum..” He kissed your forehead. “Nothing can make me forget my love for you.”
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certifiedfreec · 8 months
neighbor!keegan is super handy! <3
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🏠 neighbor!keegan notices you when you first move in, but he doesn’t introduce himself just yet- he knows you’ll probably need time to unpack, adjust to the new space, etc. he’s also not sure how you feel about strangers helping you carry your personal belongings, even though he’d really like to help you. it’s just in his nature to serve others!
🏠 the first time you see him, he’s either out in the garage tinkering with his car or working on some sort of project. he likes to keep his hands busy, always fixing or constructing something…though he can certainly think of some ways to use his hands with you ;)
🏠 neighbor!keegan is in his own little world, humming along to the music playing on his speakers while he works away, so he doesn’t immediately notice you from across the street while you’re getting your mail. you can see the muscles in his arms ripple, the slight sheen of sweat from his efforts and the way it makes his t-shirt cling to his form. you’ve got the best seat in the house! if you stare too long, he’ll definitely feel your eyes though- he’s just extra keen like that :)) once he actually spots you, he’ll conveniently stop what he’s doing and grab his mail too, raising his palm as a quick wave while he walks to the end of his driveway.
🏠 “you reminded me to get mine,” he calls with a smile when he reaches his mailbox, and you can’t help but check him out; he’s in a delicious sweet spot between buff and lean, and he’s a good bit taller than you! he’s got pretty blue eyes that most definitely pick up on your ogling, and a rich, low voice that could say all kinds of things to you 🫣 behind him, you see the setup of tools and supplies in his garage, and you immediately know he’s a handy guy- doesn’t hurt that he’s super cute too. it looks like he could help you out in all sorts of ways! <3
🏠 you stand by your mailbox as you introduce yourself, and he leans on his own while he asks you how you’ve been liking the house and the neighborhood, if you’ve had any issues, etc. this man’s gotta collect his intel! it’s the perfect time to offhandedly mention that everything is great except for the fact that the previous owner left all the tile for the backsplash on the kitchen walls but never even started the job :/ keegan’s appalled! how could they leave all that work to you?? :( luckily he’s got mortar and a trowel on hand for times like these, and he’d be happy to take care of it for you- just give him a good time to come over and he’s there!
🏠 a real sweetie, neighbor!keegan is. he’s over a couple of days later, tools in hand, and you immediately like the feeling of him being in your house once he steps inside. he’s quiet while he works, focused and back in his own little world while you answer emails on your laptop in the living room, but he’s grateful when you tell him he’s more than welcome to play his music :’) turns out he has an impeccable playlist, and soon enough you’re humming along with him from your work area! he thinks it’s adorable and just has to remark on it in his own way of teasing. “heh, you don’t look like you’d listen to this kinda stuff.”
🏠 you laugh and look over at him from your desk, admiring how all those muscles in his back and arms flex as he applies the tiles to the walls :’) “what’s that supposed to mean?” you tease back, and you only hear him let out a low chuckle. “i dunno…” is all you get sheepishly in response- you can’t see it, but he’s totally blushing <33
🏠 neighbor!keegan finishes installing the backsplash as you both chat every once in a while, but even the silence is comforting with him around; you could definitely get used to having him in your space! he eventually calls for you to come take a look; he really wants to do a good job for you so he can do more projects around your house…and maybe you too ;) you come into the kitchen, and it of course looks beautiful!! he loves seeing how your face lights up when you admire his craftsmanship :) you’re already reaching in your wallet to give him some cash, but he’s quick to wave it away. you’ve never had a neighbor so giving of their time!! however, when you offer to order dinner from a place of his choice as a thank you, he just can’t deny spending more time with you <3
🏠 once you actually sit down with him, you find out that neighbor!keegan has a super dry sense of humor. he doesn’t need to say much to have you cracking up, and god does he love the sound of your laugh! he asks you about your move, where you came from, the reason you relocated here, etc., because he’s eager to learn any scrap of information there is to know about you. you’ve totally piqued his interest, and he’s pretty sure he’s piqued yours too :)
🏠 he’s normally pretty even-keeled, not one to ever rush things unless it’s an emergency, but you must be giving him some signals during dinner that you really like his presence- and he’s all too aware of you to ignore them! it started off as you two sitting just a liiiiittle bit closer on your couch, but it soon evolves into you straddling his lap while his mouth explores from your lips to your chest- all he can do in between those kisses is murmur about how pretty you are with that low, husky voice of his as his hardworking hands roam and squeeze all over you :’)
🏠 neighbor!keegan ends up leaving that night without things escalating too far, mainly out of consideration so you didn’t feel rushed or pressured, but then he’s at your door a couple of nights later telling you he can’t stop thinking about you :(( a neighbor coming to you in a time of need- it would simply be rude not to help him, right? he did do a beautiful job with the backsplash in your kitchen, not to mention!
🏠 this, plus the clear fact that he’s an unbelievably attractive guy, are enough reason for you to be splayed out on your kitchen counter with your legs over his shoulders, his tongue lapping at your clit like you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted <3 your head rolls back at how good his mouth feels on you, and you get to appreciate his work all over again when you notice the beautiful backsplash behind you :’) he must be that detailed and focused in all areas of his life, because somehow he’s already managed to make you cum all over his mouth and fingers too many times to count!
🏠 if you couldn’t get a good look at his craftsmanship from earlier, now you can when he bends you over the counter and fills you with his thick cock <3 he knows just what to say to have you fluttering around his length and moaning out his name: “take it, princess…”, you feel so good, baby…” “uh huh, so perfect for me…” you know how he likes to keep his hands busy, evident by the way they’re gripping and squeezing your flesh wherever they can as he pounds into you and tells you how good you’re taking him :’)
🏠 neighbor!keegan is your new favorite installation in your kitchen as he fucks you on your counter, making you arch your back for him before he coats your insides with his hot load <33 he’s quick to pick up your shaky, sexed-out body, sweeping you away to your bed before heading to your bathroom to start a bath for you. he learns something: he’d much rather keep busy taking care of you than any of his house or car projects!
🏠 you hear the bath water turn on, and neighbor!keegan is quiet for a moment before you hear him pipe up. he must he checking out your shower, already planning his next opportunity to come over, and you laugh when you hear his dry observation. “hey…think the tile might need to be fixed in here, too.” of course you’d let him start a new project in your home, as many as he wanted to, really- he’s clearly very skilled with his hands, after all ;)
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princessbrunette · 5 months
babydaddy!jj still being hopelessly in love with reader. constantly finding reason to be at her place, fixing anything if it breaks, having play dates with your daughter that lead you him sleeping over and waking up to you making him breakfast while he feeds your daughter. all the emotions come running back and he just knows he wants to make you his wife. maybe he’d just blurt it out because he can’t help himself
this. he is relentless. constantly showing up unannounced just to ask you the most random question.
୨ৎ . ⸝⸝ ! 🌙 ꒱
when you open the door you look all stressed and tired and you have coffee down your top and he just wants to make your life easier and help you so bad! cocomelon is on full blast, your baby is loudly babbling and shouting and you’re just simultaneously relieved at his presence but also stubborn, shaking your head at him. “jj this could have been a text.” you respond briskly and his eyes dart between you and your hallway before wedging himself through your door slightly.
“yeah, no for sure uh— i was just in the area, y’know how it is and my phone died so… hold on a minute, what’s this?” he points to the small side table in your hallway and you furrow your brows, too exhausted for the conversation.
“a table.” you answer in deadpan.
“well, you’re damn right about that— but look, right here. this!” he points to the corner. “you know, soon enough our lil girl is gonna start crawlin’ and when she does things like this are gonna be a total danger to her and her squishy head. what if she falls, huh? rams right into it? did’ya consider that?” he’s being totally theatrical, nudging his foot against the low table on the ground.
“i’m sure we’ll manage, jay—”
“nope. you got tape? i’m baby proofin’ the shit outta this house.” he slides into your home, walking straight through to the living room where you hear him greet your baby. “theres my favourite little gremlin!”
you lean against the wall for a second, disorientated from lack of sleep before following him in and dropping down on the couch. “the tapes in the kitchen drawer. just watch her for a little would you? just gonna close my eyes for a second.” you hum, sinking into the couch. you feel the seat dip beside you, and a hand on your arm.
“hey, you been gettin’ any sleep?” his voice is gentler now, concerned.
“m’fine.” you rasp, half asleep already. he sighs out his nose.
“di’nt i tell you to call me if you needed me to take her? dont gotta do this all by yourself, mama.” he softly reprimands and you shrug, too sleepy to argue and he lets it go, watching you for a moment.
you wake up, in your bed at around 2AM — JJ clearly having taken over for the whole night, putting you and the baby to sleep. you shoot up, disorientated and concerned, going to sprint from your bed but accidentally stepping on the blonde sleeping on the floor beside it.
“ow, jeez woman!” he groans, sitting up.
“jay— you, where’s —”
“asleep. you’re meant to be sleepin’ too. you knocked the hell out, aaand… i didn’t wanna wake you n’stuff so…” he explains, running a hand through matted hair. you blink yourself more awake, looking around before back at him.
“why are you down there?” you exasperate and he blinks back at you.
“‘can sleep in here with me jj, it’s fine. you put a baby in me for gods sake you don’t have to act so repulsed.” you grumble before rolling over to face the other way, making room for him. at this, he shoots up, appearing directly behind you in bed.
“hey, woah — quite the accusation there. s’not true, alright? i was being…respectful. that’s my bad.” he holds his hands up and you unclench your muscles slightly, relaxing more into the bed.
“‘kay.” your tone softens and so does he, laying down and getting comfortable beside you, staring at the ceiling. after a moment he speaks again, quietly.
“repulsed… yeah right, dude. i’m like the freakin’ opposite. you have no clue.”
in the morning he’s not by your side, but when you pad out into the kitchen — you find your baby in her high-chair, being spoon fed by her blonde father.
“look who it is, say riiiise and shine, mama.” jj, cheerful as ever grins as he spoons more mush into the babies mouth. she babbles out spitty sounds in retaliation, equally thrilled to see you. “yeah, close enough.” he chuckles, wiping the mess on her chin.
“good morning baby!” you coo, leaning forward to kiss her soft head. “and good morning daddy.” you gently place your hand on his back as you pass him making his heart skip a beat, watching you rifle the cabinet for your mug to make some coffee.
“oo, i remember when you used t’call me that.” he smirks to himself, spooning up more baby food and you whip your head around to give him a look.
“jj! not infront of the baby.” you huff, light heartedly and he holds up a hand.
“my bad, my bad.”
his smile doesn’t fade, and when you turn you back to pick out a mug — you grow one of your own.
୨ৎ . ⸝⸝ ! 🌙 ꒱
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
♡ Barbie Girl ♡ | AU!Joel Miller x f! Reader
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A/N: this was such a fun lil idea to pursue and I love the idea of Joel wearing pink just cause he knows how happy it makes Sarah ♡
~word count: 1.5k~
Summary: Joel, Sarah and Tommy go to the Barbie movie opening weekend
Warnings: none, lots of fluff, Joel is a feminist icon, soft dad vibes, Joel is a girl dad himbo, he’ll do anything to make his kid happy, Sarah is an icon on her own, Tommy is Tommy of course but he’s so himbo too, AU that takes place in 2023, Joel is a progressive dad, Sarah loves him for it, little bit of flirting with Joel and the reader, no age gap, some spoilers for the Barbie movie! (+18 for language) minors dni.
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July 2023, Austin Texas
Joel Miller never would consider himself to be a ‘girl dad’ as the younger generation would refer to him as. He had to literally look up what the word ‘DILF’ meant when Sarah told him one day after school that all of the moms thought he was attractive. He had Google on speed dial just so he could feel like he was ‘hip’ again. 36 years old and he felt older than ever. Sarah was a big help of course and steered her dad in the right direction political wise. Her dad was a good man of course, but nothing made her happier than when she had his full support as a young woman. Before the Barbie movie came out, Joel and Sarah spent every weekend volunteering at a local women’s shelter. The bumper of his truck was decorated with women-empowering stickers including a sticker that said, ‘Abortion is Healthcare’ and ‘Women’s Rights Are Human Rights.’ He didn’t stop there of course. He also had a BLM sticker, ‘Dismantle White Supremacy’, ‘Eat The Rich’ and he still had a Bernie sticker front and center.
The weekend that the Barbie movie came out, Joel had already pre ordered tickets for him, Sarah and Tommy as well who had multiple pink shirts for Joel to choose from. Sarah had insisted that they all had to wear pink and Joel would do just about anything to make his baby girl happy.
“Are ya sure your old man doesn’t look silly in this?” Joel gestured to his hot pink tee-shirt with a soft huff as he observed his appearance in the mirror.
“Dad, why do you think you look silly? Pink is totally your color!” Sarah responded with a genuine smile as she playfully placed the Barbie baseball cap on his mess of brown curls. “Do you or do you not feel Bonita?”
Joel stifled a chuckle, shaking his head as he fixed the cap on his head. “I feel Bonita.”
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The drive to the movie theater consisted of listening to a Barbie inspired Spotify playlist off of Sarah’s phone. Joel and Tommy proudly knew every word to the Barbie Girl song of course. Once they arrived to the theater, Joel was awe-struck at the amount of people who were dressed in pink and he felt less self-conscious about his hot pink shirt when he saw numerous guys and dads wearing pink shirts as well.
At first he was confused when a group of women around his age said, “Hi Ken” to him and Tommy, and “Hi Barbie” to Sarah who immediately responded with a wave and, “Hi Barbie!” She gently nudged her dad with her elbow as he stood there blinking, mouth opening and closing like a fish. “Dad, you gotta say hi Barbie! Back.”
“Oh. OH! Shit, sorry sweet pea.” He cleared his throat under his breath before he raised his hand with a sheepish smile. “Hi Barbie!” He was looking right at you out of all of your friends. You were dressed head to toe in pink and you mirrored the same sheepish smile that he did. Joel turned to his daughter afterwards, cheeks feeling inflamed. “Did I do alright? So, I say that everytime someone says hi Ken?”
“You did great, dad! Yeah, so everytime a Barbie says, ‘hi Ken!’ You say, ‘hi Barbie!’, and when a Ken says, ‘hi Ken!’ You say, ‘hi Ken!’”
“Yeah, brother. It ain’t that hard.” Tommy chimed in and wrapped his arm around Joel’s shoulders and gave them a light squeeze.
“Shuddup Tommy.” Joel grumbled under his breath.
Your friends from your college days insisted that you join them to go see the new Barbie movie. At first you were against the idea until you read reviews and once you saw it was a movie that empowered women, you were all in. It was your idea in the end to dress head to toe in pink and you and your friends each had a comfort Barbie in your purses as well.
When you saw Joel Miller across the way looking confused as all hell when your friends said ‘hi Ken!’ You thought he was adorable for two reasons. One being he clearly was wearing pink to support his daughter and two, he looked proud of himself after saying ‘hi Barbie!’ To you and your friends.
“Now, that’s a real man if I’ve ever seen one!” Your one friend, Jessica excitedly whispered to the group as if she was back in her highschool days in the passing period hallways.
“Okay, but his brother? Jesus Christ, if I wasn’t married I would be all over that!” Avery chimed in with a giggle.
“How do you know that they’re brothers? They could be two dads taking their daughter to the movies.” You responded with a shrug as you pulled up the tickets on your phone.
“Nah, they look related and besides, the one with the baseball cap was looking right at you babe!” Jaimie commented with a small grin as she nudged your side gently.
“No, he wasn’t.” You responded with a light laugh and shake of your head.
“Girl, he looked like a blubbering fish when he saw you.” Your friends all affirmed.
Your friends were right on the money with that one. Joel Miller was doing his absolute best to check you out in the most respectful way he could while he was in the line for popcorn. Sarah of course caught the way her dad was looking at you, and she was determined to get him to muster up the courage to talk to you after the movie.
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The movie was everything Sarah had imagined it to be. She laughed, she cried and Joel and Tommy had teared up during some of the scenes. Especially when Barbie and Ken travel to the real world and the first thing she experiences is being cat-called and objectified by men. The patriarchy was alive and well outside of Barbie land and as a straight, white man, Joel recognized that he and Tommy had an easy life compared to their female counterparts. This didn’t mean that they agreed with it. In fact, Joel and Tommy were fully against the patriarchal system.
Sarah found herself hugging her dad tightly as the credits rolled and he was gently smoothing down her curls and kissing the top of her head. Sometimes Joel felt guilty over the fact that Sarah no longer had a mother figure in her life, but it was moments like these that reminded him that he was just a dad doing his best for his kid who he loved so dearly. “I love you so much, baby girl. I’ll always fight for you. Okay, kiddo?” He whispered softly with his lips against her temple.
Sarah hugged him tighter. “I love you so much dad. Thank you for always being there for me.”
Tommy was tearing up again.
The three Millers took a selfie with the Barbie poster just outside the movie theater with their faces squished into the frame. The picture was being taken while you were standing outside of the women’s bathroom waiting for your friends. You watched as Joel struggled to get his phone at the right angle, so you took it upon yourself to go over and help. “Hi Kens, hi Barbie! Would you guys like me to take a picture of you?”
Joel already felt his cheeks begin to heat up. “Hi Barbie. That would be great if ya could. Can never get these damn angles right with this thing. I uh—I like your outfit. It’s very Barbie.” He commented softly.
“Thanks, Ken. I really like your baseball cap.” You responded with a genuine smile as he handed you his phone. You took a few steps back so that all three Miller’s would be in the frame. You took a few photos before handing him his phone back just as your friends were departing from the bathroom.
“Hey, Barbie? Before you go, my dad is way too shy to say it but he thinks you’re super duper pretty.” Sarah proclaimed without skipping a beat.
Joel was beet red now as he scrubbed a hand down his face, fingertips scraping across his beard. “Sarah! You can’t just—” He sighed with a nervous smile. “Okay, it’s true Barbie. I do think you’re super duper pretty. Cats out of the bag thanks to my daughter.” He gave Sarah a playful warning look and mussed up her curls.
“Well Ken, it’s your lucky day because I think you’re really handsome. Do you wanna see Oppenheimer with me next weekend?”
“I would absolutely love to go see Oppenheimer with you next weekend Barbie.” Joel didn’t hesitate to respond.
“It’s a date. See you next weekend, Ken.” You exchanged phone numbers before you made your way over to your friends who were waiting for you.
“This Barbie has a date next weekend!” You told your friends the good news and they all excitedly cheered for you.
As soon as Joel and Sarah got home, Sarah dug out her old box of Barbie’s and brought them down to the living room, while Joel had found all of the Barbie DVD’s that Sarah insisted he keep. They spent the rest of the evening playing with her Barbie’s and watching the Princess and the Pauper; Sarah’s all time favorite Barbie movie.
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Tag list: @chaotic-mystery @saradika @cavillscurls @thetriumphantpanda @sinsofsummers @morning-star-joy @cupofjoel @dinsdjrn @korynnekorynne @kirsteng42 @last-girl @tessa-quayle (you will love this one)
Creator divider made by @saradika
Barbie divider made by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
Im obsessed with Sevika’s slutty lil waste and had the idea of a tailor!reader who purposefully makes slutty clothes for Sevika. Sevika would bring her clothes to reader after a fight made them ruined and reader would fix them BUTTTT make them tighter and shorter to see those ABS. Also like the idea of reader making Sevika a suit idk I think she’d look so delicious. ALSO like the idea that reader created the concept of her red cape WHICH is why it’s so special to Sevika.
this is such an amazing concept!
men and minors dni
you've met sevika before in passing. she sometimes accompanies silco to his appointments, brooding in a corner as you pin and measure various suits and vests on the man.
but the first time you actually talk to the woman, is when she comes in without silco, a grimace on her face and a giant sweater pulled over her abdomen.
"hi! you picking up silco's new suit?" you ask her as she approaches the counter. she sighs and bites her lip.
"no, i... i need some help." she says. you tilt your head in curiosity. she takes a deep breath. "there was an accident." she says, slowly pulling her sweater up and off her body.
you gasp as she reveals her torso, only covered by wraps. her left arm is gone, her shoulder bandaged, scars and bandages littering the left side of her body.
your heart sinks.
"shit." you say aloud. sevika laughs and nods.
"yeah." she says sadly. you quickly round the counter and wave sevika in to the side room, so the two of you can talk privately.
she explains to you that silco's doctor is working on a new arm for her, a mechanical arm. she tells you that she'll need to have all her left sleeves removed, that she's seen how 'you work miracles on silco's skinny ass.' and then, darting her eyes away from you, she shyly asks if you could come up with some kind of cover for her new arm.
your heart breaks a bit for her, and before you can help yourself, you dart forward to give the woman in front of you a hug.
she's stiff in your arms, and just as you're about to pull away, she lets out a sad little sigh and wraps her only arm around you.
you hold her until she pulls away. it ends up being a ten minute hug.
you don't mention the tears staining your shirt when she finally pulls away. you don't mention the redness in her eyes. you just smile at her and shake her hand, telling her that you'll get to work on a mock up for a cover, inviting her back over with her shirts for alterations next week.
the next week she comes in with a dufflebag stuffed full of her shirts and jackets.
while you've got her on the platform, wearing her favorite shirt, you can't help but admire how striking her figure is.
"you have a lovely waist." you say, trailing your hands down her sides as you look at her in the mirror. sevika's eyes go wide, a tiny blush blooming on her cheeks.
"th-thanks." she stutters out. you smile.
"you should show it off more." you say. she blushes even harder. you gently tuck the hem of her shirt up one inch, exposing a little patch of her abdomen. "like this." you say, smiling.
sevika blinks at you owlishly. "you think?" she asks. you nod.
"totally." you say. she hums.
"you don't think it's a little much?" she asks. you laugh.
"sevika, if you've got it, you gotta flaunt it!" you say. she smirks, her eyes darting away from yours in the mirror.
"okay. just an inch, right?" she asks. you nod.
it's a lie. that night, as you're carefully removing her left sleeves from her favorite clothes, you pin her shirts' waistlines an inch higher. and then another.
when sevika returns the next week, she smirks at you as you help her try on her favorite shirt.
"that seems like more than an inch." she chastises you. you giggle.
"your belly button's still covered, so it's still professional." you say, shrugging. she laughs.
"that's the rule, huh?" she asks. you laugh and nod.
you're lucky that sevika likes your creative decision. you're lucky that she doesn't seem to notice the way you touch her far more than is necessary for a few pins and measurements. you can't help yourself, though.
just as she's about to leave with all her altered shirts in tow, you stop her.
"wait, sevika!" you call. she turns around with a raised eyebrow. "what's your favorite color?" you ask. she frowns.
"i-- i don't really have one." she says.
you gasp, then grab her hand and drag her back to the work room. she giggles the whole way.
"get on the platform." you demand, taking her duffel bag off her shoulder and throwing it on an empty chair.
you run to your fabrics, pulling scraps of various colors off the shelves. then, approaching sevika, you lay the strips over her shoulders, examining her in the mirror as you study her.
"what're you doing?" she asks, smiling at you. you hum.
"you've got beautiful skin." you say. "a lovely umber." you mumble as you pull a few scraps of pastel fabric off her shoulders. sevika blushes, but you ignore it. "you're definetly a winter." you say. she raises an eyebrow at you.
"what's that mean?" she asks. you smile.
"means you look good in jewel tones. royal blues, emerald greens, you'd look amazing in some rich purple." you say as you wander back to your shelves to pull some more scraps out.
sevika's pupils are dilated, her breathing rapid when you return, draping more colors over her shoulders.
"see that?" you ask from behind her, holding a scrap of royal purple up beside her cheek. "gorgeous." you whisper. "makes your pretty silver eyes sparkle." you say.
sevika's speechless, stuttering and shaking her head.
"purple might be a bit much for everyday wear though, huh?" you ask her. she gulps and nods, and you smile. "we'll save it for your suit." you say.
"my suit!?" she asks. you giggle and nod.
"every gangster needs a nice suit, sev." you say. "silco's gonna be dragging you up top for all kinds of fancy meetings and dinners."
"and how much will this suit cost me?" she asks. you laugh.
"it's on the house. perks of being my favorite customer." you say as you pull the scraps of green and purple off her shoulders. "blue or red?" you ask her, biting your lip and studying her reflection. sevika shrugs.
"i-i dunno." she says. "i'm your favorite customer?" she asks. you blink up at her, smiling at the soft look in her eye.
"yeah." you say.
"oh." she whispers. "well... you're my favorite tailor?" she tries. you burst into laughter, adoring the flustered look that takes over sevika's face.
"i better be." you tease her.
you reach up and gently trace over the light blue scars on her cheeks. "these are gorgeous, y'know." you say. sevika blushes beneath your touch. "i think red's your color." you say. "blue would be nice, but the red will make these pretty scars really pop." you say.
sevika takes a shaky breath, and you pull your hand away. "r-red works." she says. you smile.
"what kind of metal is your arm gonna be? bronze? silver?" you ask. she shrugs.
"gold with copper armor." she says. you grin.
"lovely." you say, smiling.
sevika starts coming by every evening, 'checking up on her cover,' she says, but from the way she just sticks around to keep you company, you figure it's a little more than that.
by the end of the week, sevika and you have shared three dinners, she's shown you the mockups for her new arm, you've shown her how to do a simple stitch, and you've both formed a pretty intense crush on one another.
on friday night, sevika comes in carrying take out, and you grin at her appearance.
"your cover's ready." you say. sevika's eyes widen.
"really?" she asks. you nod. "that was quick." she says. you shrug.
"only the best for my favorite customer." you say, leading her to the workroom.
she stands on the platform, used to the process by now, and you excitedly pull the box off the shelves, a pretty purple bow decorating it. you hand it to her, and sevika raises an eyebrow.
when she opens the box, she gasps.
"holy shit!" she says, pulling her poncho out of the box, throwing the cardboard over her shoulder. you laugh.
it's a cape-like thing, but you've adjusted it so the slit is on her right side, so she'll have full range of motion and functionality with her right arm. the neckline is pouch enough she can pull it up as a hood, and it's been hand embroidered with gold thread, little designs that match the swirls in the gold of her left lapel.
she looks up at you with tears in her eyes, and you gasp.
"is it okay?" you ask, nervously.
sevika scoffs and drops the cape, and your heart drops with it.
but before you can freak out, sevika's reaching forward with her arm, pulling you toward her, and smashing her lips against yours.
"it's beautiful." she whispers against your lips. you sigh, wrapping your arms around her waist and kissing her again.
ten minutes later, when you finally stop kissing, sevika bends down to pick up her poncho, shoving it in your hands. "put it on for me?" she asks. you smile and nod, turning her to face the mirrors as you gently guide her head through the hole, straightening it on her shoulders.
she grins at her reflection. "it's perfect." she says. "thank you." she whispers, tears in her eyes. you melt behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist and hooking your chin over her shoulder.
"do you wanna get dinner with me sometime? not here?" you ask. she grins and turns around in your arms.
"fuck yes i do." she says, before kissing you.
a month later, sevika's your girlfriend, her mech arm's been installed, and you've finished her suit.
she comes over to your store after work like she always does, and you grin at her appearance.
"hey." you say, pulling her back into the workroom before she can give you your hello kiss. she laughs as you shove her toward the platform. "strip." you command. she raises an eyebrow at you.
"here?" she asks.
you laugh. "not like that! your suit's ready." you say.
"oh." sevika says, a little disappointed. you flick her forehead and giggle, then help her out of her clothes.
when she's dressed in her suit, a three piece velvet purple, with golden thread and buttons, the waist hemmed just a tad bit high so a bit of her skin shows, you nearly cum in your pants.
"oh, i'm a genius." you say, nodding at your girlfriend all suited up. she laughs. "look." you say, turning her around to face the mirrors.
it's sevika's turn to gawk. she gasps and then grins, turning side to side, running her hands up and down the fabric.
"fuck... i look..."
"so fucking sexy." you finish for her. she blushes, but doesn't deny it.
"i was gonna say handsome." she says. you laugh.
"both are true, but mine is more accurate." you say. she grins, then turns around and pulls you into her arms.
"i'm in love with you." she says. "i know it's fast, and you don't have to say it back, but you're like the best thing that's ever happ--"
you cut her off with a sloppy kiss, fisting the lapels of her new suit jacket moaning against her lips. you pull away with a gasp, reaching up to trace her pretty blue scars, and you smile at her sparkling silver eyes.
"i love you too." you say. sevika grins. "have you ever given modeling any thought?" you ask.
sevika laughs and leans forward to kiss you again.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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svtdarlingbby · 2 years
Seventeen with a gym rat s/o
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Svt x gym rat s/o. aka with an s/o who loves the gym as much as these buff babes. also low-key an excuse to post seventeen gym selcas 🫣💪
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I think Cheol said somewhere that he prefers playing sports vs going to the gym
but since he's with you and wants to spend more time with you he finds himself at the gym
he's pretty impressed by all your knowledge of various workout machines
wanted to impress you though so he suggested lifting weights
he's surprisingly able to lift a lot
but not as effortlessly at you
you found yourself gently correcting his form so he won't get hurt
tbh it was so endearing for Cheol
you babying him was so sweet
after weights you guys decided to have a friendly competition on the stair master
Cheol thought it would be easy, I mean it's just climbing stairs right?
he was huffing and puffing meanwhile you were still climbing the infinite stairs effortlessly
it was at that point he considered you a fitness god and told himself that he'd always go to the gym with you
the next day he was soooo sore lol he couldn't get out of bed rip
you couldn't help but laugh
still tho you were nice and rewarded his efforts with some cuddles
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Jeonghan finds himself going to the gym occasionally but the gym def isn't a huge priority in his life
however since dating you he noticed how much you love going to the gym
so he figured he might as well try it out too
but omg
he's trying sooooo hard to focus on lifting AND THEN THERES YOU
looking hella hot in your gym clothes lifting weights effortlessly
is totally checking you out
and you def notice
ah right-
but he low-key uses this as an excuse to get your attention
"Y/N? is my form right?" he says as he purposely holds the weights weirdly
"Nope, you've gotta hold it like this" you say as you adjust his grasp and form
lol this menace found the perfect way to get you close to him
of course he still actually listens to you and works out
but occasionally he'll try to purposely mess up his form to get you to help if he's extra needy
doesn't care if he's sore the next day
will use this as an excuse to cuddle with you
until you use your muscles to break free of his grasp and haul his ass out of bed
this reminds him that maybe he should continue going to the gym
one day he'll have enough muscles to cuddle you all day
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I feel like Joshua goes to the gym more often then he makes it out to be
have you seen this guy's veiny arms??
he's gotta be lifting
he's super happy about having an s/o who also prioritizes the gym
arm day with you is always his fave
just seeing your strong muscles and physique lift the heavy weights just make his heart go crazy
like ughhh mommy/daddy
so he also wants to return the favor by impressing you
puts a lot of effort into lifting, making sure his form is just right
tbh you really do serve as motivation for him
he's been getting buffer since he started dating you
he has the cutest shyest smile when you compliment him
"Wow Josh, you've got arms of steel" you say as you squeeze his bicep
if he could he would melt right there
it means a lot coming from you since you're an expert with all things fitness
def reciprocates too
like you guys would just be chilling and he'd squeeze your arm
"Damn Y/N, you're armed and dangerous"
oh lord he's such a cheeseball
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y'all did you see limbo? 👀
it's so obvious Jun has worked hard for that body
and it was so convenient that you came into his life at that point
just as he was incorporating the gym more into his routine is when you and him began to date
tbh it was so convenient and Jun really appreciates having you around
Jun doesn't know if his form is correct? don't worry he's got you to fix it
Jun needs someone to spot him when he's bench pressing? you're already there by his side
Jun is experiencing a plateau? you've already got suggestions of different new exercises to try
basically it's because of you and your support he's even more motivated to go to the gym!
also my man Jun also appreciates the view if you know what I'm saying
having you by his side makes him feel even more stronger and powerful
like "yes my s/o is a fitness buff and is helping ME while looking like a snack"
these are just his thoughts tho
in reality he's just snaking his toned arms around your just as toned form, smiling to himself
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ohhh you know he's gonna make you his gym buddy
I meannnnnn have you seen this mans body???
boi loves to workout
will always spot you during arm day
is your biggest cheerleader when you move up in weights!!
will literally hug you all sweaty in the middle of the gym lol its a little embarrassing but sooo endearing
the fact that you love to work out? you're prob building quite the muscles
Soonyoung isn't shy when it comes to wanting to feel your toned arms
"Whoaaaa since when did you become so buff?" he says infatuated with your arms lol
of course you feel flustered cuz this man does this even in public!!
but low-key his reactions are your motivation to keep up your progress
also he lovesss to take gym selfies
you think his gym selfies are hot? they get even better with you right next to him flexing your hard work
he feels so luckyy
overall he loves that he gets to work out at the gym with a hottie like you
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I feel like Wonwoo is a subtle guy when it comes to the gym
like yeah it's so obvious he goes to the gym but the gym isn't a huge facet of his life
when he realizes that its quite the opposite for you, he sees this as an opportunity to make more of an effort to make the gym routine
tbh he's amazed at how locked in you are with a routine at the gym
so for the first few days he kinda just copies you lol
he does the same exercises and kinda lets you be
its comfortable silence really
you guys both have your earbuds in doing your own thing while being near each other
of course he'll steal a few glances at you
but he always says its to match your form lolll sure
in private though he's always teasing you in a good way about your muscles
like he'll just randomly approach you, squeeze your muscular bicep, and say something like "close the gyms" in a really deadpan voice
it's soooo cheesy lmaooo but that line never fails to make you feel flustered hehe
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have you seen Jihoon lately?
this mans getting b u f f
and having an s/o who's a gym rat like him?
whenever you're getting ready to go to the gym Jihoon always wants to tag along
"Don't you have to produce a song tonight?"
"Nah I can squeeze in a gym session"
he's mainly going because you're going lol
he's def impressed with how fit you are, knowing all the machines and having effortless form
he's like damn I wanna be like that too
ALWAYS brags about this fact to the boys when he works out with them
"What kinda machine is that?" asked one of the guys
"That's a hip abductor, Y/N is a master of that"
also whenever you two are at the gym together
he feels so much more motivated
will def wanna do exercises that involve the both of you
is always down to hold down your feet during sit ups
cardio day you guys are on treadmills side by side
Jihoon won't admit this but when you guys are taking it easy a walking on the treadmills he treats it as if you guys were on a peaceful stroll together
he also won't admit he turns into a blushing puddle whenever you notice his progress
"Dang Jihoon, you're looking buff today" you say as you squeeze his toned biceps
that's it. brb Jihoon is gonna go to the gym to keep up the progress
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I know this man is gonna be obsessed with the fact that you love the gym
he def will use the gym as an opportunity to spend time with you
while also getting buff himself
Seokmin is a total goofball
I can see him asking you for "motivation" during pushups
aka him asking you to lie under him for a kiss for each successful push up
like just look at him in that pic god damn
I meannnn lets just say you both benefited from that
he's also your biggest cheerleader
like when you're lifting weights omg he got the whole gym staring at you with his cheering
after you lift the weights he's still gonna be a goofball about it
"now lift me pls" he says holding out his arms to you
you can only roll your eyes but lift him up nonetheless
he's giggling like an idiot and you can only roll your eyes
low-key motivates you to get stronger and vice versa
he wants to pick you up too hehe
he really does make gym sessions so much more enjoyable aww
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man Mingyu really does work out for that hot bod of his
while he love to play sports he also finds himself working out often too
when you came into his life though he thought having you around would motivate him more to go to the gym
because you were already sporting quite the hot body yourself
while you were typically very focused at the gym, once Mingyu came along that changed
of course you always thought Mingyu was hot, but when he's working out
oh my
you feel your face somehow get even hotter despite being all sweaty from working out when you see Mingyu doing all this
while you're over here flustered over him Mingyu gets kinda cocky lol
like when he's spotting you while you're lifting
"Whoa there Y/N, I know I'm making your heart race but you gotta take it easy" he says as he fixes your form
mannn does he make working out hard
or when you're stretching he'll purposely flaunt stretch his arms while you glare as you're trying to hold your stretch
he'll also flex and try to lift the heaviest weights ever to get your attention
thankfully his antics catch up to him as he's superrr sore the next day
but he'd happily use this as a reason for you to take the lead if you know what I mean ;)
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Minghao has become quite the fitness buff within the past few years
I mean look at those guns!!
I remember Minghao once said that it is super hard for him to gain muscle and look at him now ughhh
and seeing you succeed with your fitness goals makes Minghao even more proud
going to the gym is like breathing for you guys
you two always go to the gym together
and since you're with Minghao, every occasion has to be a fashion statement
you two are always wearing the coolest, trendiest, gym clothes that still manage to be uniquely your styles
it makes Minghao's heart flutter every time he seeing you wearing the gym shoes he bought you
especially when you're wearing one of his old gym shirts omg this man can barely even focus on working out LMAO and he's like the biggest gym rat out of all these dudes
gym selfies are a priority
his fav ones being the ones where both of you are goofily flexing your muscles
he's always so impressed by how much you can lift too
is soooooo flustered when you lift him up in the middle of the gym
but he secretly loves it so much awww like on the inside he's giggling and kicking his feet in the air haha
but as unserious as you guys act
once it comes to working out, you guys are fitness gods
you two are so focused when you're in the zone lifting or running on the treadmill
it's impressive really
and Minghao is so thankful that you're here to make the gym more fun
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Seungkwan has found himself going to the gym more often since you came into his life
you would think it's because he wants to live a healthy lifestyle
it's because you two are so damn competitive
ever since you told him how many minutes it took for you to run a mile on the elliptical Boo was impressed but decided to challenge you
"Oh yeah? That's pretty impressive, but I can easily do that in less time"
"Oh really?"
so you guys go to the gym
and for you the elliptical is nothing
you look over and see Seungkwan starting to break a sweat in the first five minutes
"Getting tired Boo?"
"Stay in your lane"
god he was so sassy lol
but beating each other in a friendly competition was how you two rolled
of course you ended up winning while Seungkwan was a huffing puffing mess, all red
"Ok I admit it Y/N, you are a fitness god"
that compliment fueled your ego lol but you weren't mean about it
"Here's the prize for second place" you said before you kissed him
"Maybe losing isn't so bad after all" he laughed and hugged you, not minding either of you being sweaty
"Haha loser, let's play some badminton?" you ask
"Always! Now we'll see whose the loser" he smirks
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okay first of all why is he wearing denim on denim TO THE GYM??
ANYWAYS kinda like Jeonghan I don't see Vernon prioritizing the gym all that much
but once he starts dating you, he notices that the gym ends up taking a lot of your time
so he's like "heck why not go with Y/N to the gym?"
is ill prepared as you can see in the pic
"Hansol. WHY are you not in your gym clothes?"
"Hm? Oh. Right. Let me snap a pic of my fit before I change"
once he's changed he's ready to go!
feels kinda lost tho with all the machines
you're about to start lifting when you see Vernon looking confused as he's trying to distinguish a dumbbell from a kettlebell
you think its kinda cute watching his eyes go back and forth between the different types of weights
but you also don't wanna patronize him or anything
"Hansol, why don't you start with a dumbbell?" you say handing an appropriately weighted dumbbell to him
at this point you kind of become like his personal trainer
at first he was just watching you to see what you did with your dumbbell and tried to do the same
once you began to guide him you could tell he was a lot more secure
and he really did look like he was enjoying the workout!
tbh the gym really strengthens your bond this way
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our boy Lee Chan is obsessed with the gym
I mean look at that body ughhhh 😮‍💨
so when he starts dating you the gym becomes practically your second homes
he's hella impressed with your strength for sure
"Whoa Y/N, how are you able to lift that much?"
he's also kinda cheeky when it comes to stealing glances at you working out
it's leg day and you're doing squats? 👀
he's super subtle about it tho cause he actually takes the gym seriously *ahem Jeonghan*
he also def tries to show off for you
when he's doing arm curls he'll def put extra effort in flexing his biceps when he sees you watching
will also act like the heaviest weights are nothing for him
pays for his cockiness the next day in the form of soreness
this becomes the perfect opportunity for you to cuddle with his muscular self
maybe the gym can wait a few more minutes hehe
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
yk how reid is heavily autistic coded? (might be canon i cant remember) maybe little reader having a meltdown and/or sensory issues and spencer understanding and helping them?
Too Much | Spencer Reid x Reader
a/n: I am not officially diagnosed with autism so if I’ve gotten anything incorrect please let me know and I’ll immediately fix it. this also got so much less agere then I intended it to be
warnings: sensory overload, anxiety, stimming, reader going non-verbal, crying, mentions of Reid & reader being autistic
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It was too much, everything was too much. There’s the buzzing of the board Garcias presenting on, the click of the clock on the wall, Emily tapping her pen relentlessly against the round table, Rossi keeps looking at you and you don’t know why- everything is too much.
“Y/n?” You startle at Reid’s soft voice from your left, his expression just as gentle as his voice.
“Y- yeah?” You mange but just barely, talking feels like so much work and especially with your little space clawing at your mind.
“You okay?” You huff at Spencers concern, why would he think you’re not okay? Even if you feel like running out of this room, you have to be okay, you have to stay calm and organized at work, it’s the rules.
The rules you have made up for yourself as you’ve seen how your team can lose it a little bit, how they’re so open to be who they are around one another, but that’s not you. You are collected and treated with respect, not someone that freaks out over Emily’s pen hitting the table over, and over, and over and-
“Please stop doing that!” You shout, tears springing to your eyes when you realize that you just yelled at Prentiss. Her face is one of shock as she drops her pen quickly against the table, you clasp a hand over your mouth in horror, you can’t believe you just yelled at Emily, one of your best friends.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get so upset- I’m sorry, it’s just- I um- I can’t- it’s-.” You give up on trying to explain yourself and instead slide down to the floor.
This is unprofessional, you note, but it’s helping the slightest bit. Helping the buzz of stimulation die down just the smallest possible amount when you start to rock in place, tucking your head into your knees and wrapping your arms around yourself in hopes that none of your harmful stims come out.
“Hey, can you look at me?” Reid appears in front of you, he helps block out some of the light and you can recognize that the team must have left with how little murmurs there are.
“There you are. Feel like you can talk?” You give a hesitant nod, of course you can talk, physically, it just might take all of your energy right now, Spencer seems to understand this as he hums along.
“Okay, you don’t have to. Is it too sensory overloading in here?” A firm nod as yes, yes that’s exactly it, he gets it.
“We can go somewhere quieter if you’d like, I’m sure Em wouldn’t mind giving us her office for a bit.” Oh god Emily’s probably so mad at you, she’s probably writing you up for yelling at coworkers, for having an outburst during the work day, she’s probably-
“Hey don’t do that, everything’s okay and Prentiss totally understands. Trust me, I’ve done worse than yell at her when I was overstimulated.” You cock your head at Reid, you’ve never seen him in a state of overstimulation or ever heard him mention things of the sort.
“I’m autistic, the team knows and I figured it was time you did too.” A weight lifts off your chest, Spencer smiles when the tension drops from your shoulders. You quickly point to yourself, hoping Spencer will understand that you’re also autistic.
“You are too? I gotta tell Garcia, she made me a whole sensory toy basket when I told her, I’m sure she’d do the same for you.” You smile to Spencer, the buzzing isn’t so bad now, there’s no eyes on you that you don’t want there and everything seems to be calming down.
Though your little headspace is coming in strongly, as it does after meltdowns or shutdowns, it gives your body a way to recharge. Work isn’t an ideal location for your regression, pushing it away doesn’t seem to be working either.
“Let’s go to Em’s office.” Spencer must pick up on something shifting in you since he offers his hand up for you to grab, something you know he doesn’t do often, you take it gratefully and let him lead the two of you down to Prentiss’ empty room.
“Now nobody can come bother us.” Spencer smiles over his shoulder, triple checking that the office is locked and it’s just you two.
“Do you need anything? Sometimes Garcia will put a show on her laptop for me when I’m coming down from a meltdown, I can go grab my computer if you want. Or I have a few books in my bag.” He starts to rummage around in his satchel, pulling out four books that have all been throughly read through based off how worn out they are.
“Wanna read one?” Your headspace doesn’t feel nearly big enough to read one of those books, the font is too small, pages filled with so many words that you can’t even pronounce correctly on a good day.
“I’ll read to you.” Reid decides when you just stay silently staring down at the books.
He gets situated in the corner of Emily’s couch quickly, sifting through the books til he finds one he thinks is the best choice, then Spencer opens up an arm for you. It takes a second before you fully comply, you know Reid isn’t huge on physical touch, but he lets you settle into his side.
“Chapter one…” Spencer begins, you lay happily against him, no more anxiety in your chest, all you feel is security in Reid’s arms as you listen to his soft voice.
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Some midweek headcanons for everyone because I need interaction so bad.
I present: the gang when they get their wisdom teeth out (modern AU cause I said so)
Mans refuses to get them out until they’d grown in and started hurting because he didn’t wanna have to deal with the recovery period but is absolutely miserable
Come out of anesthesia thinking everything’s funny as shit. Two Bit is absolutely delighted.
If Betty is there he basically becomes that one viral video where the guy tries to ask out his own wife
They get him home relatively easily but then Ponyboy and Soda have the genius idea to prank him
You know that video of the two brothers who make their sister think the zombie apocalypse is actively happening as they drive her home from wisdom teeth surgery? That but Darry is at home and mans locks in
He tries to barricade the door and gets a baseball bat he isn’t fuckin around
Two bit laughs so hard he pulls a muscle in his side
Soda and Ponyboy
Darry comes up with the brilliant idea it’ll be easier to just have them both get them taken out on the same day
This was not a brilliant idea
Soda is a crier coming out of the anesthesia and he is inconsolable and is convinced they took out all of his teeth
He also thinks they killed Ponyboy and the nurses have to move the recovery beds close together so Soda can hold Ponyboy’s hand as he just asks every two seconds if he looks ugly without any teeth as he legit has snot running down his face
Ponyboy is just high as shit, mans is staring at the ceiling wide eyed and just keeps going “is this real” he’s completely unaware that Soda is hysterical
“Darry why do you have four eyes?” “what” “what?”
They both get milkshakes on the way home but since their faces are numb they both just get it all over their faces and shirts trying to eat it with a spoon because no straws
Two Bit
Has the absolute time of his life
He flirts with every person in the room, nurses, doctor, the gang
Snatches his phone from Darry immediately and posts about a total of twenty snapchats to his story of him just spewing total nonsense
When he gets in the car he immediately takes the aux and proceeds to play the most heinous music choices. He plays What Does the Fox Say twice and Darry contemplates crashing the car
He only had two wisdom teeth and recovered in like two days and everyone was bitter about it
Mans wakes up ready to go
He tries to get out of the bed and pull out his IV like four times saying he’s got places to be
When asked by Soda why he needs to get up and go so bad Steve says in all seriousness that he is an important business man and he needs to go to speak with investors
Ponyboy laughs so hard Darry kicks him out of the room
Gets mad they didn’t fix the gap in his front teeth and asks wtf he paid for then
Sleep like twelve hours the second he gets home
Everyone thought he was gonna cry immediately up waking up
He did not. Johnny coming out of anesthesia was just him being annoyed that he got woken up
He legit had the best nap of his life on the propofol and he asks the nurse if they can put him back under
They explain to him the procedures over and he can talk to his friends. He looks over at them and then back at the nurse “put me back to sleep rn”
Two Bit immediately inundates him trying to show him stupid TikToks and THEN he starts crying
“Why are you crying Johnny?” “I ain’t never gonna sleep that good again am I”
Once the anesthesia wears off a bit more he immediately has the munchies and easily finishes two milkshakes in like record time
If you’ve ever seen someone wake up from anesthesia fighting it’s hilarious cause they’re ready to go but they move at a sloths pace so you just gotta hold their arm down and be like not rn buddy
Garbles out some trash talk but calms down some because Two Bit distracts him showing him videos of monkeys doing stuff on TikTok
He begs the doctor relentlessly to give him the teeth. He announces he wants to make earrings out of them.
Once he’s more calm he starts flirting terribly with all the nurses. They all shut him down and he just keeps going
“Miss have you ever been told you have stunning eyes?” He’s got the icepack thing wrapped around his cheeks lookin like a chipmunk and he has a mouth full of cotton
Eats solids immediately after going home (even though he had a milkshake) he scarfed down some fries before they can stop him and ends up getting a dry socket and makes sure it’s everyone’s problem
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years
No Good, Very Bad Day
Raphael x Reader
Prompt: Perhaps, reader has been stressed and he wants to help them feel better. Even better if it’s a friends to lovers trope where they are just friends in the beginning but this changes the nature of their relationship.
Note: I also love the friends to lovers trope! Confession fics are among my faves. I hope you like it! Ignore the title, it’s very fluffy, reader is just going through it lol.
Warnings: swears
Word Count: 1.1k
Reader is: Female-ish. (one use of the word girlfriend, but that’s it lmao)
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It had been one hell of a stressful day. For starters, your insurance had fucked up your therapy. Your landlord still hadn’t fixed your broken showerhead. One of the customers at work had been an asshole, and it really put you in a bad mood. Add to that the lingering Facebook request from your ex and yeah……just not the best day.
So, a little storm cloud seemingly hovering over your head, you sat in your apartment, wrapped in a blanket, wearing your comfiest pair of pajamas. You had some snacks on the coffee table, and you were playing one of your favorite video games on your Switch, hoping to get your mind off of the everything, even if only for a little while.
After a while of sitting there alone, you heard a tap on your window. It was too soft to be a rogue pigeon forgetting what glass was, so it meant one of four things. However, when you approached, you quickly realized who it was crouched just outside your fire escape.
You pulled open the window and helped Raphael inside. He came to hang out sometimes, but you hadn’t been expecting him.
“Hey, Red. What’s going on?”
“Nothin’, just on patrol. Quiet night.” He shrugged. It took him a second, but once he got a better look at you, he could tell something was wrong. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, it’s just…it’s been a really long day.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in—”
“No! No, Raph, seeing you has actually been the best part of my day so far.”
His look of panic faded, replaced instead with a warm smile. “Alright, so how am I makin’ you feel better right now? What problems I gotta fix?”
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to.” He assured you, tilting his head. “So let’s get to work.”
You walked over to the living room and told him everything that was going on.
“Well first of all, that asshole at work can get fucked. It’s not yer job to fix all of his problems.”
You laughed, nodding. “I needed to hear that. Thank you.”
“I can take a look at yer showerhead if ya want. And you’re always welcome to take showers down in the lair if ya gotta.” He assured you. “I didn’t even know it was broken.”
“It’s usable, but it’s barely a trickle coming out of it.”
“Mmm, gotcha. Well, I’ll see what I can do. We can call Donnie and see if he’s got any parts we could use in the meantime. And I can totally have him yell at ya insurance guy, too. He’s real good at that, knows all the legal mumbo jumbo.” Raph walked through all of your problems, and, as he always seemed to, he made you feel a lot better about everything.
“Thank you, Raph.” You told him sincerely, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Aww, shorty, no need for tears. I’ll take care of ya. I always will.” He promised, gathering you in his big strong arms, one of his large hands stroking through your hair comfortingly.
Something clicked then, while he was holding you. You’d always had a bit of a crush on Raph, admittedly. Who wouldn’t? He was big and strong and brave, loyal to a fault, and always willing to fight for you, no matter the cost. He was…well, he was everything you were looking for, honestly. He always had been.
The two of you split. Raph went to work on your showerhead while you ordered a pizza and texted Donnie about your insurance fiasco. Once the pizza arrived and the shower was more or less fixed, the two of you settled on the couch again, putting on a movie and enjoying each other’s presence.
Maybe it was because you felt like you had nothing to lose after the day you’d had, or maybe you were finally coming to your senses, but you looked at Raphael and stated with certainty, “You know, you’d be a really great boyfriend, Raphael.”
He froze for a long moment before chuckling sheepishly. “Yeah? What gave you that impression?”
“I don’t know, you’re just…you’re the best. I really don’t know what I’d do without you in my life and…I don’t want to know.”
His eyes were wide, heart racing so loudly, he was sure you could hear it from where you were sitting. “W-what are ya saying?”
“I like you, Raph. I have for a while. But if you don’t feel the same, nothing has to change. I’m okay with this, too.”
Raph set down his pizza and stared at you like a third eye had sprouted on your forehead. “You’re bein’ serious right now?”
“Of course I am. Why?”
“Well, I just…” He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling. “I mean, look at me. You’re…You actually like me? Do ya need your eyeballs checked?”
“Of course I like you! Who wouldn’t?”
He scoffed. “Imma need you to elaborate on that.”
“Well for starters, you’re six-foot-five, super muscular, super handsome, but beyond that…you’re sweet. You’re kind, you’re a good listener, and you’re downright gentle when you want to be. You’re protective and brave and the most loyal and loving person I’ve ever met. You make me laugh more than anyone I’ve ever met and I know that no matter what happens to me, you’ll always be there for me. Hell, you took the worst day I’ve had in a while and turned it around in twenty minutes.”
He stared at you for a long moment, kind of in shock. He forced a laugh so he didn’t burst into tears on the spot. “You’ve been keeping all of that tucked away in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Yep.” You shrugged, unsure of what else to say.
“You actually like me.” He stated, letting the pieces click. “See, just when I was starting to think my giant crush on you was hopeless…” He let out a little disbelieving laugh. “Holy shit.”
“So can I like kiss you now or…?”
Raph leaned over, crushing his lips to yours, cherishing the taste of them as your arms wound around his neck, tugging him closer to you. Raph pulled you into his lap, strong arms wrapping around your frame, your chest pressed to his. The way he kissed you left you breathless, and when you finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours, searching your eyes for any sign of disgust, but only finding love.
“Ya know, I think Mikey’s gonna be pissed I’m the first one to get a girlfriend.”
“And Casey’s gonna owe April like twenty bucks.” You said, causing him to laugh.
“So…ya still think I’m gonna be a good boyfriend.”
You nodded, pressing another soft kiss to his lips. “The best, in fact.”
Taglist: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel
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ask-unpleasant · 16 days
hey chat sorry for the month of inactivity. i was unmotivated to do anything with this blog
but then i looked at some of the art on here and realized that i just lost my love for the character designs. so you know how we're gonna fix that? we're redesigning some characters bayybeeee 😈
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starting with the man the myth the legend, here is UNPLEZZIE 2.0
he's probably the only one i had genuine problems with other than not being very aesthetically pleasing. he seemed too boring, his proportions were always a bit wonky, and the way he became more and more simple the more i drew him dumbed him down to just...awkward.
for this redesign, i kept all the features that made him my unpleasant. the only really signature thing i changed was his hair, sorry not sorry he had to fire his barber. i changed his scars to be far less opaque as to not clutter him up (which was the main reason i left them out most of the time), the only drawback is that i'm no longer just scribbling them in with a brush, they're actual geometry, so i cut back on the arms just for my own sake. also his tail now looks (and acts) like an actual docked tail.
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creepy was probably my least favorite character to draw. its head shape with the hair that always ends off screen, the 4 arms, the lack of any real way to move visible, it has always been a mess of a character. don't get me wrong, creepy is my second favorite character to write for (beaten only by neuro), i love its personality and its inflection, i just never got the chance to show that because i hated drawing it so much.
so for the redesign, i've basically reimagined it. its face hair now has an actual definitive ending, it has a more unique shape, and is just much more expunged-friendly in my opinion. it looks even more like its mom now...
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next is this one, i thought she was american. here's PARANORMAL 2.0
i'm gonna be totally honest i have no idea what i was doing when designing para for the first time. that outfit was 100% subconsciously stolen from some other character i can't think of right now. it also really just didn't fit her character at all. also i dont know why i gave her boobs???? what????
anyways for the redesign she's basically a whole new design now. i wanted to play with some shape language. also, para always had a sort of inhuman quality to me, despite her personality, so i've given her inverted eyes and some animalistic features. i guess it adds irony or something, i dunno.
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and finally, the moment GERIATRIC CAT you've all been waiting for, UNNERVING 2.0
in truth nervy's design is my favorite. the only gripe i had is the lack of legs, like with creepy. also i had to give her one of the same pride flag ass gradient as the rest so she'd fit in with the rest. other than all that i love her she is perfect just the way she is with minor adjustments
that's all the redesigns done!! i only did these 4 because stabby is not mine to redesign and NEURO is perfect just the way it is. feel free to give me any constructive criticism for these redesigns, i can always tweak em a bit. also the more stripy gradients wont a pattern that follows the contours of the body but rather just unmoving plaid always. i hope this lengthy yap sesh contributed something to something, maybe gave some insight into my characters.
and if you got this far i put a public discord server link in the intro post. you dont gotta ask anymore. dont tell anyone....shhh....*lovingly puts my finger on your lips* *smirks* *bolts away* *gets hit by truck* *instantly fatal*
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
So how about sub din who is just started to date Dom reader and hasn't taken his helmet off yet. So things are getting steamy with them both and is din sitting on readers lap grinding on him and reader asks if he wants to take a step further and din nods yes. And reader makes sure that din is comfortable and says to leave the helmet on for din and doesn't want to rush him. And leads to din first time with reader and is riding him in the control room in the razor crest. I hope you are doing good and really glad that you are taking mandalorian requests.-🐸
A/N Oh 🐸, you with your amazing ideas, and always so descriptive! Though I gotta change the 'Started dating reader' part because the Din in my heart is a socially awkward mf that needs at LEAST 6 months of relationship development before holding hands. I also hope you are doing well! Yall gotta bear with me here this is gonna be my FIRST take on a star wars fic, let alone a Mandalorian fic, so if I do make any mistakes while writing some Mando'a words here, feel free to DM me or reply so I can fix where I wrote it wrong! As always, apologies for some mistakes, english is my 2nd language, and enjoy dear Readers! <3
Ner Din'ika 
Tags: Din Djarin x m!Reader, Grogu, Luke Skywalker, he's there as Grogus's teacher tho lmao, Mando'a words (Translation at the end), Bottom!Din, soft!Din, Keldabe kiss, First Kiss, Riding, Pet names, touch-starved!Din, fluff, fluff and smut, aftercare.
Din's first time with you is—as expected—filled with yearning and want and scalding touches and a kiss? 
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[Takes place around the time frame of Grogus training in Book of Boba Fett, but i refuse to let The Razor Crest explode so here we are]
You stand at the mouth of The Razor Crest, watching as Din supervised Grogu’s latest training with Luke. The kid has flown a total of five little pebbles and an even more impressive number of bigger boulders, seven now counting. Din, worry and protectiveness practically oozing from his armor, stands off to the side, just near the tree lines, eyes watchful of his foundling as Luke, yet again, lets the little boy fly over his head. You’d deem it dangerous, stars, maybe irresponsible. But what do you know about Jedi training?
Instead, your eyes follow the line of Din's stature. His arms are crossed, leaning against some of the bamboos. Clearly trying to resemble a sort of relaxed stance, but you can see the tension, feel it even. Comes with being a Mandalorian’s boyfriend, you chuckle. Those broad shoulders lean back, Beskar reflecting the shining light of the growing evening, slowly he turns his head to glance at you sitting on the Crest’s mouth. You meet his visor, grinning, before he curtly turns back to where he was watching his kid. Your smile widens.
You met him through Cara Dune. She’s a good friend of yours, the one who pulled you out of your boring everyday life on Sorgan, used to fish the little morsels from your villages ponds, to hanging around her and earned her respect. Until that Beskar donned man and his little green kid came. Thought he wanted to take in Cara and you were ready to step in his way, but after they dueled, they came to a truce and started their alliance. He helped the villagers fight off the raiders that once terrorized the place, and once that's done he opted to leave, not before you hitched a ride to Nevarro with Cara.
It had to be admitted, the kid did catch your heart and held on to it, so you offered to help him and Grogu find his kind. Cycles after your initial meeting, you’ve grown close with both Din and Grogu, curious at the man’s past and equally drawn to him. Then that imperial bastard, Moff Gideon, had to up and steal the kid. So you, Cara, Bo-Katan and Hell, Boba Fett himself, joined forces to save him. 
The universe truly is bountiful to its protector, because you didn't take into account that saving The Mandalorians kid would give you the honor of learning his name and, by stars, becoming his boyfriend. Remembering back to those months, you still think you're the luckiest warrior in the whole galaxy to be blessed with such an amazing and loving clan of three. 
Reeling back to reality, far into the field, you see Grogu has gone tired and Luke has halted their training for the day, the little green guy already slumping into the dirt below and curling in on himself. You sigh fondly, walking down the ramp and jogging to wear Grogus doe eyes are already half lidded, and he yawns. 
“Come here kiddo,” You coo as you pick up his little body, cradling him in your arms. You see Luke talking to Din, too far away for you to catch, but you could see him nodding to Lukes animated chatter. You smile, glancing back down to Grogus little head burying himself deeper into your warmth, he’s already pawing at the jacket you're wearing, which makes you giggle and pull it around his little body. 
Luke walks over to where you’re standing, smiling as he sees Grogu already bundled up by you. “We should have dinner first before we sleep, right Grogu?”
Now that made his floppy ears perk. Grogu immediately turns from where you were hugging him, making grabby hands and incoherent words at the idea of food, which you smile at before handing him to Lukes waiting arms. 
“We’ll join you in a bit,” You said, and Luke nodded, already turning back into the direction of his temple. 
On cue, Din approaches you and slides an arm around your middle, pulling you to him at which you welcome the tug. With a steady hand on the cool Beskar chest plate, the two of you watch as Grogu flails his arms around, undoubtedly talking about something that only Luke could understand, the serenity of the fields surrounding you lulls you into a sense of peace. You turn to meet Dins visor, directed at Luke and Grogu, before it slowly turns to you, making you smile softly. Slowly, you bring your hand to caress the side of his helmet, fingers edging slightly under it, taking in the feeling of that powerful metal that has saved your boyfriend countless times. His gloved hand holds your wrist, not tugging away, just an anchor, a testament to his trust in you to know you’ll never take off his helmet, to know you’re patient to let Din take his own pace. 
The hand holding his helmet pulls slightly, and Din comes with. Your eyes flutter close as you feel the cold Beskar touch your crown, sighing when a shaky hand cups your jaw, bringing you closer. Despite the gap the armor creates, you’re never tired of feeling Dins hand on your nape, heavy over your pulse, burning even through his gloves. You smile, pulling back slightly, before you press a kiss to where his cheeks would be. “Let’s eat, cyar’ika,” You whisper, and you feel him nod.
You smile when he pulls back, arm still securely on your hips while the other smoothes over your jaw. You chuckle, pulling him to the smell of dinner being prepared by Luke, tugging him by his hand.
After dinner is done and cleaned, Din has given Grogu his nightly bath and the kid is ready to pass out at any moment. Luke has taken him to his quarters and settled the little one on his own bed, just on the other side of his room. The bots have yet to make more sleeping quarters, still focusing on more classes and storage area, so the only available bed room would be Lukes, where Grogu is also staying. 
You and Din have known this from your last visits, opting to sleep in the privacy of the Crest instead. So you and Din bid the two a good night, and trek up the clearing where the ship is docked. 
Din’s arm never left your side, holding and pressing slightly, making you arch a brow at him. He only stares at you, undoubtedly false innocent eyes inside that helmet. You scoff, nudging him aside before pressing the button to close the ramp, submerging the two of you in the darkness of the Crest, shards of the twin moons the only thing leading you and Din up into the hull of the ship. 
His hands now roam around your body, pushing you slightly until your back hits the wall, you return his desperate touch with the same fervor. Finding the sliver of body suit on his hip not covered by his armor, you snake insistent fingers into the fabric and squeeze, his helmet not able to hide his groan.
“Easy dearest,” You smooth your hand over the area, other hand holding the side of his neck, thumb drawing soothing circles. “Let's take these off, alright?” He nods shakily.
You lead him to the compartment next to the sleeping pod, the table there clean of clutter and made to store Dins armor. Piece by piece, starting with his shoulder pauldrons, each part eased off with care, pressing a kiss to the Mudhorn signet, you can hear Dins stuttered breath. Then down to his vambraces, littering kisses from his shoulder and leading a path down to his forearm, then hands as you carefully pry off those thick gloves. You push Din slightly so his waist hits the edge of the table, pressing another kiss to the bare skin of his hand, half lidded eyes meets his visor at which you hear him exhale a ragged breath. 
Carefully unbuckling the belts around his breastplate, setting it on the table before you pull off the breastplate, the bodystocking stretches over his broad chest deliciously. As you put the armor piece aside, your hand smoothes over the fabric, pressing slightly where you know Din is sensitive the most, watching him inhale sharply before you smirk, littering kisses on your way down. As you crouch, you move to take off each leg piece, first tigh guards, pressing light kisses on the exposed fabric, then shin guards and the belts on top of it, then finally the knee-pads and his heavy boots. Gentle hands stoke up slightly, pushing the end of his pants up until you feel the tickle of leg hair, Din visibly shaking on top of you, gripping the table behind him until his scarred knuckles turn white. 
You smile, languidly making your way up his body, unwrapping his cape and setting it aside. The final divide between you and your boyfriend. His last brick, and the wall crumbles down. 
Shaking hands clasps at your back as you press kisses on his still covered clavicle, making the fabric damp and warm as he squirms. You hear his breath grow ragged, then you bite down, just enough to hear him groan and drop his head to your shoulder, his hands holding onto you like a lifeline. 
“Sleeping pod or-” 
“T-the cockpit…” He falters as you press another kiss nearing his neck. “Please,” 
You hum, nodding against his neck before leading him by the hand, careful touches along his hips as you usher him up the stairs. You follow suit, not forgetting to grab the lube from the compartment on the wall. 
When your feet touch the cockpits floor, Din impatiently pulls you up, hands stroking over your chest, down to your hips at which he breathes raggedly under your chin. You chuckle, moving him back until he feels the control panel. He almost jumps to sit on it, but you sit back on the captain's chair, you pull him towards you, making him stumble into your lap. His whine reverberates through his helmet's modulator adding a static edge to it. You made sure he’s comfortable before sliding your hands to his back, reaching to tug the zipper down. 
The zippers opens his backside into the night's cold air, making him arch into your warm touch, pressing his clothed cock to your lap. He whines from the movement, holding on to your shoulders, almost crushing them. With each skin slowly being revealed into the night's air, you press your lips against it, reveling in each whine and ragged breath you got out of Din. With every part of the suit being peeled, Din’s tanned skin is shown, bathed under the light of the moons and stars. Scars on his body paint an infinite constellation, your eyes following each one, from the deep ones to those that have grown lighter than Dins expanse of skin. 
Finally, he pulls at the tight bodysuit, discarding it somewhere on the floor, and his hands paws at your jacket, labored breath impatiently prying it off of your figure. You grin, shrugging the article off, followed by your shirt, leaving the both of you shirtless and breathless. Dins shaking hand strokes down your shoulder, to your arms, before he arches into you when your languid fingers trace his sensitive back, sending jolts rippling through his body. 
“Please…” Despite his helmet still perfectly secured on his head, you could feel his warmth ghosting at your neck. It truly has been a while since you and Din shared some privacy, always jumping from planet to planet, looking for more Mandalorians to repair broken bonds and doing favors that benefit Din’s covert. Only now did you and your boyfriend get to breathe in the warm embrace of peace within this planet, so you're not surprised just how sensitive Din has gotten.
“What do you need kar’ta?” Your hand holds Dins hip, no doubt leaving marks to be cherished in the morning, letting him grind himself on your thigh, broken moans and breath singing into your ears. You pride yourself for learning bits of Mando’a if only to hear his gasps each time you use it. “Hm? What do you want?” 
“I- ugh,” Din grunts as he feels one hand snakes into his trousers, stroking him steadily, his precum easing the movement. You smirk, other hand tweaking one of his perked nipples, bumping your head against his, making sure the amber in your eyes burns through his visor. The need melts into his skin. 
You’ve never gone past reverent touches and helping each other get off by hand, you haven't even gotten the pleasure of seeing Din fall apart by your mouth, but from the way he grinds into your touch, broken moans filling the room, his desperation leaks into your body. “Want me to fuck you?”
“Stars- Yes.” He moans when you tighten your hand just so. You nod, easing your hand away from his cock which makes him whine, until you begin to help him out of his pants.
“Okay, alright,” Your breath stutters when Din grinds over your cock, already tenting in the confines of your pants. Between you and Din’s relationship, the both of you haven't truly moved on from scalding touches and helping each other get off by hand. This is a new territory for Din, and you have to make sure he feels safe and comfortable in your embrace. 
You carefully slide him out of his trousers along with his briefs and discard it with the same pile as his top, feeling his strong thighs shake underneath your touch. Fumbling for the bottle of lube, you pour just enough on your hand and warm it up a bit, before following Din’s tailbone down to the top of his arse. He shivers, whining into your shoulder as he feels your digits ghosts over his hole, already squirming in your hold. 
“Come on, please,” He begs, nails scratching at your back. You slowly insert one finger, the tip first, letting the Din situate himself to the foreign feeling. He groans, burying himself deeper between the crook of your neck, his mandibles digging slightly at your jaw. The lube easies your finger to push more, deeper, until you hear his high pitch, broken moan, then slowly push in another. At that, he jerks his head to the side, chest still flushed with yours. 
When you begin scissoring, Din throws his head back, arches into your touch, which beckons you to chase him, biting at the now exposed column of his neck, making sure to leave marks no one but you know and Din could feel. Din feels delirious, deeply intoxicated from both your fingers and the feeling of your warm mouth pressing over sensitive skin and old scars, jolting each time you bite down or kiss longer to leave darker spots. He scarcely remembers moaning out broken syllables that should form your name, making your hold on his hips tighten, squeezing the scarred skin. 
After deeming it enough prep, you carefully pull your fingers out, pressing kisses on the planes of your boyfriend's chest, feeling him take ragged breaths, a steady hue of red throughout his body. You shuffle to discard your pants, hissing when you feel the cold air hit your heated skin. You could feel Din growing impatient, if the way he squirms could be interpreted as that, so you tug your pants off and align yourself under Din. 
“Slowly baby, slowly,” You remind him, his thigh shaking with anticipation. Hands holding under his thigh, making sure gravity doesn't take hold, you lower Din’s shivering body, inch by inch. The tight heat of his hole almost stutters your hold, making you groan, feeling the head of your cock inside him. You can feel Dins graps digs into your shoulders as he gasps.
Finally, your thighs are flushed with Dins, feeling the man shudder above you as you try to regain some sort of composure, breathing in shaking breaths. Din claws his way from your pellicals to your chest, making red rivers across your chest. You groan, pushing into his touch, which in turn shifts where you sat, enough to make your boyfriend shiver.
"M-move." He manages. "Move, please." 
"Anything for you mesh'la," You say as your teeth dangerously ghosts over his pulse. 
Planting your feet on the metal floor, you suppress the cold that shoots up your bones and instead focus on holding Din upright, thrusting into him with each movement. His arms shakes, moves back to grip the control panel, his scarred knuckles a hue lighter. A deep growl rumbles through you when you feel Din’s hole clenching around you, raking blunt teeth across his chest. You trail reverent kisses across a deep scar that runs from his left clavicle to just under his abdomen, Din shivers. In a more tender moment, slowed down after release with the two of you tangled together, you would've asked what those scars meant, wondering about the stories of your boyfriend's life. Maybe later, much later in the night.
When you hear a mewl, almost a hurt sound coming from the man currently flushed on top of you, your lips curls into a sharp grin, before hauling Din from gripping at the ships console to fall into your grasp, his arms immediately around your neck with a choked gasp from the sudden change. With the chair supporting both of your weight, you have the advantage to claw at Din’s hips, digging calloused fingers into his skin, using your strength to push Din up and down.   
You feel yourself nearing the edge, with Din clenching around you it’s hard to keep up the pace. The side of his helmet would leave an angry mark on your shoulder, making you grunt when Din lets out a broken whimper and buries his head to the crook of your neck. “C-close, baby,”
“Me too…” He lets out a breathy moan when your hand finds his dick, pumping it hastily, pushing him to his limit.
“Stars i-” You stutter when Din clenches around you. “Fuck- Wish i can kiss you,” 
Slip of a tongue. Shit. 
Your movement falters, a shiver shoots up when Din pulls his head back, dark visors looking straight to you, assessing you. 
"Din i-" But before you could sputter out a reason, an apology for forsaking the trust he gave you, darkness suddenly envelops your vision, rendering you blind. Dins hand covers your eyes, you could feel his calluses over your skin.
Then, as if a searing star itself break the atmosphere, you feel slightly chapped lips against yours, a tickle of stubble and- Is that a mustache? 
Din grunts into your mouth, realizing you still have one hand wrapped around him. He moans, moving with your thrusts, his kiss devouring your gasps as you push at him, deepening it. His tongue traces yours and confidently moves in, effectively rendering your brain into a short-circuit. Your mind briefly wonders how such a reserved man has this much skill in kissing, he’s no virgin but surely he hasn't kissed anyone beside you. Then he bites at your lower lip before bringing you deeper again with a hand on your nape, and all hell breaks loose.
You growl into the kiss, basking in the whimper he lets out as your hand moves faster and thrust grows sloppier, but definitely still hitting that spot that makes Din scream. He pulls back, inhaling sharply when you bite lightly on his jaw, feeling the hair that decorate it. Oh you’d worship him just to see his debauched face without being blind, and the thought is enough to make you cum. 
You feel yourself release inside Din’s warmth, making him shiver and let out a broken moan of your name. With your hand jerking him off, he follows suit, throwing his head back, painting his chest with strings of pearly cum. Once spent, he slumps into your embrace, helmet already in place and breathing raggedly next to your ear. You pry his hand off your eyes and press a kiss to the sliver of neck you could reach. 
Blinking away the little dots from your eyes being closed and pressed by his hand, you slowly steady your breath as you rub circles on Dins pelicals and lower back, feeling him sigh and melt at your touch. You can't help to let out a chuckle, which earns you a questioning sound from your boyfriend. 
“Nothing, just…” You smile, licking at your lips, trying to savor Din’s taste. “Best kiss I've ever had.”
That made him chuckle, nuzzling the cool helmet against the side of your neck. “Me too.”
Your smile widens, closing your eyes and simply letting the warmth of after-sex wafts through the cockpit. Speaking of which, you should probably clean up and sleep in the proper sleeping pod. The seat, plush as it is, won't do your back any good. So you reach for your scattered pants, looking for the fabric you always keep in your back pocket. When you finally find it, you shift Din a bit to clean up the mess that went up to both his and your chest, then carefully pull out of the man, making you groan as he shivers, wiping down what leaks out of him and the remaining lube around your length. 
Standing up and making your way down takes another effort, but nothing you can't do for Din, sleepy and content Din in your arms. Pushing the button to open the sleeping pod, you set him down on the edge of it before handing him a bottle of water.
“Drink, love,” You grin, before busying yourself on the table where another water bottle is kept and downing it. You hear the hushed shh of Dins helmet as it’s being taken off, then the cap of the water bottle turning. You swallow another gulp of water, before flashes of earliers heated kiss shocks you and makes you choke on the water slightly. You cough, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before closing the bottle and setting it back. 
“You uh… Done?” You clear your throat.
“Yeah,” You nod, turning back to see Dins helmet back on and him extending his arm, returning the bottle to you. You set it on the table and push him back to lie down in the pod. It’s always been a tight fit with both you and your boyfriend sleeping in it, but you make do.
When the doors are shut and the lights turned off, another hiss of Dins helmet makes your heart thump harder, but he shifts to place it on a small compartment off to the side and lays his head on your chest, one arm around you. You hook your arm around him, the other playfully raking through his curls. You could tell just from how it coils around your fingers, Din practically purring into your touch like a Loth Cat. You grin, pressing a kiss to his forehead before shifting to get comfortably on the pillow. 
“Good night, Din'ika,”
“Good night, Cyar’ika,” 
Cyar'ika: Darling, beloved, sweetheart 
Kar'ta: Heart
Mesh'la: beautiful
Requests are open! 
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Reader who’s cuddle bug and very much a touchy-touchy person. They’re the type who would casually hold their friends hand and all that. They literally cannot help but want to be close to people and will just gravitate to whoever’s closet.
Reader who’s been kidnapped and very much not onboard with any of this so whenever Simon just manhandles them so that he can forcibly cuddle them. They go along with it very grudgingly. Readers gotta’ get their fix of cuddles and contact from somewhere.
They’re very much like a cat whose like: I don’t like this, I hate you.
But also— I will allow it but only know that it’s because this aligns with my interests, I tolerate you at best.
They act like they’re very put upon when really they’re just melting the moment Simons wraps his arms around them. They end up dozing off not even two minutes later.
🍋 Anon
there's a bit in Bitter Heat by Mia Knight where the main character monologues internally about how the love interest (who she's very angry at) is always using physical touch against her - she grew up very touch starved so now even little brushes make her all soft, and he totally uses it against her. she hates it, hates that she genuinely feels better when the man she's so so angry at runs a hand through her hair and it makes me fucking FERAL!!!! drives me out of my mind oh my god
your kidnapper using your love language against you???? figuring out that you need physical touch and denying it to you so you just sort of linger near them, kind of hope (but hate that you're hoping) that they'll initiate like they always do and grab you for cuddles.
johnny doesn't mind giving in, grabs onto you whenever you drift close enough for him to touch. simon, however, sees exactly what you want and makes you ask - or at least makes you touch him first. doesn't reach out, doesn't react to your presence at all until you brush against his arm, maybe lean your weight a little into him. then he scoops you up, drags you to him and keeps you under his chin
also i need you to know that johnny would be annoyingly cocky if you fell asleep in his lap. he'd feel like he's on top of the absolute world, literally nothing would take the smile from his face
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