#And they both have that neurodivergent fixation on it
Do You Know This (Non-canon) Autistic Character?
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Evidence below the cut!
he has a long-term fixation on the tv show cheers, in ‘simon and marcy’ he uses the theme song to help ground himself. he seems to find comfort in the show *because* of its mundanity, which helps him cope with the sudden changes that have been thrust upon him. adding onto this, he’s shown to demonstrate routine behavior in fionna and cake via listening to the theme song while he’s getting ready in the morning. he also tends to go on tangents -usually about archaeology which could also be read as a special interest- seemingly without registering whether anyone around him is actually listening. also disregarding the mushroom war and the crown, i’d say the struggle to communicate on both ends was one of the biggest cracks in his and betty’s relationship. canon focuses more on the communication deficits on his end, those being that he didn’t seem to discern that betty was putting her life on hold for his sake (episodes 9 and 10 of fionna and cake sort of paint him as being at fault for that which i disagree with because it just read like nonverbal social cues going over his head to me but whatever) i also strongly believe that betty is neurodivergent in some way as well but that’s a whole other can of worms
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Barty and James didn’t like each other till they found out that they both love Star Wars so much it’s embarrassing
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rayvern-sheep · 2 months
I have noticed an annoying increase in ppl using “hyper-fixation” to describe something they enjoy…
Please look up what terms mean instead of just repeating them because you saw someone else use it. The context they used it in might be wrong.. It makes it hard to actually talk abt this shit when everyone severely misunderstands what the term means.
It’s not as serious as misusing the term “intrusive thought” but it’s still not great.
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akai-anna · 9 months
shinichi and ran and so fckin dense when it comes to eACH OTHER IT'S SO STUPIDLY ENDEARING i'm DYING
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anders-hawke · 2 years
the other day my mom saw me making the mcr gifset and asked me if it wasn’t time to move on from the x-files................................. like mom if i could simply “move on” i wouldn’t have been in photoshop gifing mulderino and scullbag i promise you that
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certainwill · 1 year
help me i am fixating on lambdadelta so bad and i don’t know what to do ;~;
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I’m downtown and I wish I were here w my friends instead of my parents bc there’s been so much queer stuff that I’ve just spotted causally that I can’t even be excited about bc my parents are with me.
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i was talking about getting a 95 on that autism raads self assessment to my mom and she was like "can you send me that" and she got a 90
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timmydraker · 13 days
CW: use of R word
Tim who, as much as he doesn’t want it to be true, is a poster boy for typical Neurodivergence. He’s more logically thinking that emotionally and needs obvious signs of someone’s emotional state that he can put together to understand how he should respond to help them.
But that’s not what bothers him because that doesn’t bother his parents.
Instead it’s his passion, though not in technology and detective work as they quickly found use for that in their business, but for bugs.
Ever since he was a kid Tim has been enamoured by insects and arachnids and even fungi. He would only read books that talked about bugs or had one on the cover, but since it helped him learn to read at a steady pace his parents didn’t mind.
At least, not at first.
When Tim got into coding just so he could make his own little web-journal for all his bug finds, they were happy he was learning how to organise and structure at just six years old, but when he only did those things regarding bugs…
Tim had his first panic attack when he watched his father pick up his terrarium filled with Diapheromera Femorata (Stick bugs) and chucked it into the bin. The glass shattered as the corner his something hard and he was forced to watch his bugs struggle to navigate the glass and rubbish, most of them injured.
His mother had gagged when she saw them and demanded the whole bin be burnt with the bugs still inside.
Tim had been so heart broken, but mostly confused. His parents traveled the world to dig up dirt and old items that were mostly the same yet they didn’t like bugs?
When he asked one his Nanny’s she gave him an answer that he would never forget, “Well, you see… only those people like bugs, y’know? The… special ones, like re-“
Tim never even let himself think of the last word she spoke and from then only forced himself to only focus on his computer work. He still loved photography but now he took photos of skylines and trees, not the beautiful beehive a few yards behind his house or the spider webs that sat between branches like art works. He took photos of Batman and Robin and for a long time that was enough to make his longing bearable.
If he still followed several pages and articles about bugs either a secret email account, that didn’t matter.
His parents were happy with him even if they still made remarks about his ‘stupid little fixation’.
It’s when they are going over the paper work for Bruce to be Tim’s legal guardian while they weren’t home with Tim’s older brothers hanging around as moral support (bodyguards) that his parents mock him.
Janet is signing some paper with a stupidly expensive pen and chatting to no one in particular when she says, “You’re all lucky we killed this nasty little bugs of his so you don’t have to deal with them.”
Everyone else in the room freezes, beside Jack who huffs a laugh and adds, “Good thing we did, he’d probably be more of a retard otherwise- talking about ‘habitats’ and bloody spiders.”
All of the members of the Wayne family are dead quiet as Tim sits there with a clear look of disassociation coming into his eyes. Alfred has a calm look on his face that tells all who know him that he’s furious and Bruce is strikingly similar.
Jason looks ready to attack and Dick isn’t even moving to stop his brother or calm anyone down.
Damian is holding onto Titus’s collar like a lifeline but seems to give the hound some kind of silent order as the usually calm dog begins to growl low and dangerous.
Jack and Janet tense and stare at both dog and master, Jack ordering him to control his dog.
Bruce stands, letting Titus growl and taking the half signed papers and throwing them in the bin, “I changed my mind, I will be taking you to court for full custody of my son. Leave my house now so I may obtain a restraining order.”
Janet genuinely flounders for a moment and begins to shout about outrage and audacity but when Dick sees that Tim is starting to cry he stands up and reminds them that he is a cop before moving to pick up his second youngest brother and leaving the room.
Tim doesn’t hear much else, only muffled shouting and the sound of a door slamming.
He distantly realises he’s in the family room, not the one they use to have guest but the real one with beanbags and a snack draw, and is being cradled by his brothers. Even Damian is beside him, holding onto his hand tightly as they wait for Bruce and Alfred.
Tim sobs into Dicks chest for Alamos a whole hour before settling more, Bruce coming into the room and Jason and Dick reluctantly hand him over to he can be held by their father.
“Tim, chum, it’s alright. We’ve got you.”
The boy in question shakes his head, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I won’t talk about the bugs I promise-“
Bruce squeezes him tighter and kisses his head, “I don’t want that. What I want is to hear about your bugs.”
Stunned, Tim looks up at him with confusion and barely gets his mouth to move enough to ask what he means.
Dick coos from beside him on the next couch and runs a hand through his hair lovingly, “My sweet baby brother we love you, and you love bugs! So of course we want to hear about it. I’m so sorry we didn’t know how they had been treating you but it was wrong. There’s nothing wrong with you, I swear it.”
Tim sniffled, nodding absentmindedly. They gave him a moment for their words to sink in before Damian spoke up, “Timothy, I demand you tell me about your bugs.”
Jason makes a noise and elbows Damian as if to tell him to shut up, probably thinking the other was being rude, but Tim knows his brother well and just smiles. “I can do that, Dami. I… I don’t think you’ll be very interested though.”
Damian scoffs, “I will ignore that statement as it implies I would waste my time with something I don’t care for.”
Bruce smiles at his youngest and holds Tim’s hand, “I agree. Could you maybe tell us about why you like them? Or your favourites?”
It takes him a moment to respond, but when he looks at all their open expressions and gets an encouraging nod from Alfred, he stutters out a response before gradually gaining confidence as they ask genuine questions to his facts and descriptions.
They each make an effort to ask him about bugs, Jason asking a few times if he wants to check out some books that he knows use bugs as symbolism’s and Dick asking if he can tell him the difference between insects and arachnids several times. Damian and Bruce are both a bit more subtle with their support at first, but after a month Tim enters his room to find a giant terrarium with several different sections so he can have multiple bugs that might not get along with each other.
Bruce and Alfred don’t even make any comments or give disapproving looks when Dick and Jason reveal they each got a tattoo of the bug that Tim said he associates with them.
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aerscribbles · 4 months
Some pointers on writing Hua Cheng's mental state, because people seem to think I'm good at that:
If you have ADHD or other neurodivergence with a tendency to fixate, imagine yourself in such a state that thinking about your hyperfixation replaces most of your physical needs and also makes you stronger. If you don't, ask someone who does (my askbox and messages are open).
He fidgets. He stims. He makes a smiley face from his food before he eats it on multiple occasions in canon. Him silly.
Before the start of canon, this man has had about TWO instances of consciously accepting friendly touch that he fully remembers (that we know about), both from Xie Lian. Touch starvation, touch starvation for DAYS.
Read some papers on parasocial relationships.
His self-hatred is in a completely different form than what a lot of the fandom seems to mischaracterize him as- I see this part of his issues as a combination of guilt over his 'failures' and dehumanizing himself as an object belonging to Xie Lian. Oooh, parallels!
He is not just his devotion to Xie Lian, he is a person with his own thoughts, opinions, aesthetics and moral perspectives. The reason his devotion is so significant is that he is willing to throw it all away at the slightest hint of Xie Lian wanting him to do so.
He genuinely cares about Ghost City with all its chaos, and is willing to let Xie Lian see its darker realities. It's not just a chore or a duty for him, he isn't ashamed, he likes the residents and is perfectly willing to protect them from traditional justice. Consider him as the leader of a crime family, still in a position of great authority but having a real bond with his subordinates.
None of that 'unworthy to be in your presence' stuff. He is FINE with Xie Lian initiating any kind of contact or interaction as long as it is not a situation where he feels he 'tricked' Xie Lian into doing it (oxcart).
Vriscourse participant. Xie Lian did nothing wrong.
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deadnametrading · 5 months
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I've been reading people's interpretations of this scene, and while I agree with the substance of the take that "Laios is quite isolated and his party often don't understand him", it's not the reading I get from this scene in either the manga or the anime.
So let's review the board, spoilers for episode 18 of the anime, obviously
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Senshi's Laios: very cute, a reflection of his standards of masculinity. Possibly influenced by him being older, by Dwarven ageing, and the fact Laios is clean shaven. He projects similar notions on Chilchuck, and other biases onto Marcille. I feel this can mostly be chalked up to how brief his time with the party currently has been (1-2 weeks).
Chilchuck's Laios: Dangerous, unreasonable, unhinged, and coloured by his long time experience of Laios.
At this point in the story Chil's perception of Laios has changed rapidly due to both the reveal of his monster obsession (back in episode 1, previously suppressed) and the confrontation with Shuro, among other things. As seen in episode 13, he think's Laios is going to suicidally chase Falin to his death. He also thinks his monster obsession is a sign of a disturbed mind (not a suprise given his own experiences of the dungeon).
Marcille's Laios: Quite the opposite of Senshi, Laios' masculinity is exaggerated, which does reflect her Elf beauty standards (male and female Elves are often similarly feminine ).
Specifically for Marcille, she was told Laios looked a lot like Falin, and before meeting him, her opinion of him was really low (see the Falin makeup extras and her retelling the story of being alone after Laios left home, to Marcille).
Now, I've hated people in my lifetime, there's an inclination to be more critical of them than you would other people. Marcille didn't like the comparisons between the two siblings, and so fixated on their differences.
For review, here is there first meeting:
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Marcille came for a fight, clearly her letters didn't tell Falin the whole story. She HATED Laios in this scene. Everything in the three years after was clawing back from this mess.
Look at Laios, not a button a stubble, and neither person got any short or taller in the intervening years. When she gets irate over people saying Falin and Laios look similar, it's because of that mental image broadcasted by the Shapeshifter. That's how she sees him in her mind, the man who took Falin away from her, who made Falin unhappy, and who others have the gall to compare to her dearest friend Falin.
Conclusion: Laios and Falin, their emotional and social alienation, and how they each influence others like Marcille and Kabru; these things are central to the story, and to Laios as a protagonist. The last thing I want it people thinking I'm dismissing that.
But at this point in the story, focusing on that narrative, it's proverbially putting the cart in front of the horse. Structurally, this encounter is a review of party stability moving forward. The previous battle with Chimera Falin put everyone on edge, made them uncertain of their future, and distrustful of Laios.
Laios came out of his fight with Shuro (Toshiro) appearing unobservant to people's appearances and feelings. Marcille and Chilchuck recognise Kabru and Laios didn't. They're suspicious of his abilities. Laios, in turn, knows he has the chance to win them back, knows he fucked up with Shuro (Toshiro) and ruined their friendship.
This encounter is about Laios' shortcomings, reflective of his neurodivergence, the doubts of his party, and how Laios uses his strengths to compensate, and even solve problems his party members can't. Ultimately, this chapter is saying, Laios is different, but he is not lesser, and in a battle against monsters he excels.
The others can point out differences in clothing and speech easily, but those were the tools the shape shifter easily used against them. Laios succeeds precisely because he's focusing on the things others don't pick up on.
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arieswritez · 6 months
puppy love
puppy love | yandere!mark grayson x afab!reader | MULTI-CHAP: 1
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cw; DARK CONTENT!!! MDNI!!! reader is neurodivergent, ableism, growing up is messy & adults suck, angst, niceguy™/slight incel mark, childhood friend/bully!mark, mark gets his powers sooner, teeny tiny implications of pseudo incest (blink and you'll miss it), violent rape, threats of violence, & canon typical violence, stalking, implied murder, gender & body dysphoria, mentions/implications of disordered eating, mark teases reader about their body once, overall asshole mark, implied grooming (mark handles it but he's a lil bitch about it later), so, victim blaming, misogyny, the inexplicable horrors of being afab, objectification, sexualization
about; snapshots of you and mark growing up together. neither of you make it to the other end of the spectrum - budding adulthood - unscathed . . . but at least you have each other. what is it they say? Sandbox love never dies.
a/n: alt title [vignettes of a life: growing pains]. here's something to make you wish you were never born xx. this came out wayy longer than i expected & i figured the only way to properly digest it was by breaking it up into chapters. this one’s pretty intense so please heed the warnings. they'll be included in every chapter forward. enjoy! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
1 .
you still remember the fog of childhood innocence.
the fluffy pajamas that were both comfy and scratchy all at once. the stickers on your bedroom wall, on your wooden headboard. plastic restaurant playground mazes, fishing out toys from greasy boxes. the feeling of chalk staining your fingers and gravel digging into your soft knees: chubby legs soon to be scarred.
and amidst the fog, you remember mark. the sporty, hyperactive kid who’d run across the school yard with a sweater wrapped around his neck like a cape, arms spread wide pretending he could fly.
you remember him.
vibrant, loving, quick witted.
it was glaringly obvious all the kids in your grade wanted to be friends with mark grayson. he had a posse: his very own group of 'superheroes', as the teachers used to call it. and before you learned to multiply, something inside you brewed like a poison. you wanted to be like him but you weren't, and so, your stubborn, little kid mind decided you didn't like him.
you hated him, actually. you hated the way he knew all the right answers in class. you hated his laugh. you hated how he was the fastest during sports. you hated how he was fun and smart and good at everything you weren't.
but dislike or not, that didn't stop your fixation. you continued to watch him from afar. and in your journals - to the best of your ability - you drew yourself striding across the playground with a sweater tied around your neck.
you kept to yourself. painfully shy and practically non-verbal: despite your daydreams of someday being a 'normal' kid like mark. your teachers held conferences with your parents about your struggles. despite the fog that blanketed the memories of your childhood: the feeling of dread settling deep in your tummy during the meetings is something that makes you wince to this day.
while you traced patterns into the table in front of you, they'd talk about you as if you weren't in the same room. your teacher did most of the talking. . and, like most of the time, your brain blocked out the sound of her droning voice. instead, your parent's voice was who you heard. and despite struggling to keep up with the onslaught of information, too, all your parent offered was a hushed, “I don't know what's wrong with them.”
you couldn't pay attention. you didn't talk to the other kids. you clung onto your teacher while in class. . and onto your parent during drop-off.
you were different.
but different.
the former a more pressing concern than the latter.
after countless tedious meetings, you soon associated being different with being singled out. being different meant spending an hour sitting in a boring office, listening to teachers repeat the same information - over and over and over again.
a mention about a doctor your parent(s) always refused.
regardless of the calming - sympathetic? - smile of your teacher, it always felt like you were in trouble. even if you couldn't quite put your finger on what you were doing wrong.
on the way home, your parent(s) would eye you through the rearview mirror. you pulled at the loose strings from your sweater and pretended not to notice.
the front door of your childhood home would creak open. your parent(s) would sit at the dinner table, silent, immobile, and - quiet as always - you'd go to your room until you were certain they were asleep to sneak either dinner or a midnight snack.
you were in trouble.
you just didn't know how to stop getting into it.
your teachers grew evermore desperate.
when suggestions of socializing would cause you to clam up: they decided to bite the bullet and break you in by force, hoping your behavior was caused by childhood timidity. one you’d soon outgrow instead of. . something else.
they’d grouped you with myriad of students in hopes you'd socialize or at least participate in something that wasn't independent school work. soon, your tears of frustration when you couldn't communicate correctly no longer held it's child-like charm. your teary, red eyed protests were ignored.
or met with indignation.
until finally - as a last ditch effort you assume - they sat you next to mark grayson.
you protested. not because he made you nervous - which he did - but because you wanted to dislike him. because being in the proximity of everything you wanted to be would be too much to bare. because mark would only make you look even weirder in comparison. but none of it mattered because as soon as the two of you met everything just. . fell into place.
much to your pleasure, he did most of the talking and didn't seem weirded out by your social skills - or lack thereof.
you found your tummy didn't hurt when he spoke to you and he didn't ask you something along the lines of why are you this way? why aren't you like the rest of us?
for the first time while in school, you were comfortable. the overwhelming pressure of having to perform was nonexistent in mark's company.
he'd ask you about your favorite cartoons and movies, and books, and “oh! do you read any comics?!”, and ranted on how unfair it was that the two of you would soon be forced to read books without pictures in them.
his excitement barely let you get a word in. his energy was contagious, all consuming, and the attention he gave you felt like the praise you'd hardly ever receive. you forgot all about your dumb vendetta, wondering why you had one in the first place. and you morphed into a mini version of him.
the two of you were attached by the hip by the end of the week. much to the dismay of your teachers, who you were sure began to rethink their decision when the two of you wouldn't behave in class.
and, perhaps, it was a mistake. they wouldn't want you to potentially stunt mark’s growth - what if it was contagious?
unbeknownst to you, your teachers did think about separating the two of you. but the risk of you reverting to your old ways and the possibility of invoking debbie grayson’s wrath must've been far too high for their liking.
ultimately, a unanimous decision was made to grit their teeth and bare it.
in the meantime, his posse reluctantly welcomed you in. mark even gave you your very own superhero name! and you tried your hardest to keep up with him. for his sake. for your own.
god knows you tried.
but you were never good at performing.
you weren't as fast or as agile as him. you couldn't jump high enough and your sound effects were nowhere near as good. and in an attempt to overcompensate, you overestimated yourself, took a leap you knew you couldn't make, and scraped your knee.
and like a true hero, mark was the first to come to your aid. he'd sat you down on the plastic playset of the playground while you sniveled - part due to embarrassment instead of the stinging, throbbing pain of a scraped knee. he'd dabbed at your injury with crumbled tissue and placed a colorful seance dog band-aid over your cut.
when you finished rubbing your eye with your tiny fist, you didn't see beading blood and irritated flesh, instead, you were met with big, dark brown eyes that glimmered as they stared into yours.
he was close enough to count his eyelashes.
“see?” he patted a chubby hand against your knee gently. “all better!”
and, yeah - heat spread across your cheeks with newfound emotion - it was all better. all evidence of injury, the throbbing pain and blood, was long gone save for the aid he’d given you.
he’d patched you up. he'd made you better. in more ways than one. and what remained was a fuzzy feeling inside your chest.
he’d grinned at you with missing front teeth.
and you found yourself grinning back.
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sakuralovespossums · 7 months
JJK Teachers x Autistic Student Reader (Platonic)
Satoru Gojo 🩵
It’s obvious that jujutsu society still lives by old fashioned and bigoted ideals (ie. hating women and non-sorcerers) so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were also ableist.
As a result, it can be pretty challenging being a neurodivergent sorcerer student without options for accommodations or counseling, as if being a sorcerer student itself wasn’t hard enough.
Still, you tried your best to mask your autism and keep up with your peers the best you could.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Gojo though (the guy sees through everything, c’mon)
He would quickly take notice of your behavior and habits (stimming, disassociation, difficulty grasping social queues)
He suspects that you may be on the spectrum and looks into your student files to confirm. Once he’s proven right, he decides to do some research on it himself so that he can better understand and help you.
One day after class, Gojo calls you to stay for a minute so you guys can talk.
“Hey y/n! Mind if we chat for a bit? It’ll only be a minute!”
You feel nervous as you walk towards him, hoping you didn’t do anything wrong.
“Listen, I know we’re not exactly in the same boat, but I know what it’s like to mask around others all the time.” He says while pulling his eye mask.
He tells you he gets feeling different from everyone and having to put on a persona to make them like you.
“Just know that you don’t have to wear it around me. I’m your teacher and I wanna get to know the real y/n. Course, it’s up to you though. I’m not pushing.”
He then tells you that he’ll make the accommodations you need to help make your classroom experience less stressful.
And if any of those old geazers complain about it, they’ll have to take it to him.
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he hands you a napkin with your favorite character printed on it.
It’s a gift he got for you from his recent mission.
You happily accept it and wipe your tears away before embracing him in a tight hug. He returns the hug with one arm as he looks down at you with a genuine smile.
He’s glad he could reach out to you and make you feel safe around him.
Since then, Gojo takes more note of your autism and accommodates to it however he can.
You’d think he wouldn’t care with how……insensitive he can be, but he does acknowledge the impact mental health can have on people. He couldn’t be there for Suguru, but he’ll try to be there for you.
He asks you what kind of foods you like/don’t like before he leaves for his missions, so that he knows what kind of snacks to bring back for you.
Makes sure you understand the instructions and materials in class. He’ll check on you privately, just in case you don’t want him asking you in front of the other students.
Will still make you the butt of some of his jokes (but it’s never to make fun of your autism).
He just finds your difficulty with grasping his sarcastic humor too good an opportunity to not poke fun at.
Can still come off as insensitive sometimes (it’s Gojo) but is trying his best. Just let him know when he’s said/done something to upset you and he’ll stop.
Sometimes when it’s just you two, he’ll listen to you explain your current special interests.
Imagine him listening to you talk about your favorite show on the phone while fighting a special grade curse.
“Mmhmm, yeah? Hold on a sec y/n.” He finishes killing off the giant curse in front of him. “Sorry about that, you were saying?”
He knows what it’s like to be easily overstimulated since his six eyes enhance all his senses. He also gets migraines a lot because of it, just like you.
If you have/had a Digimon hyper fixation, you’re his #1 student now. He will test you on your Digimon knowledge. You’ll both get lost in back-and-forth conversations about the lore, show, and games. If he deems you a worthy fan, he’ll even let you play his old Digimon games.
The highest form of honor you could receive from him.
When you and your class are out in town and enter a crowded area, if you feel extremely overwhelmed, Gojo will teleport you out of there to a place with less people.
Either that or he’ll grab you and turn on his infinity, giving you space from the bumping crowd of bodies around you.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be away from people for a bit, he’ll understand and probably leave a candy outside your door.
He knows you need extra help and accommodations with your disability, but he never treats you differently from his other students and knows you’re tough enough to handle whatever’s thrown at you.
You are a sorcerer, after all.
He wants to guide the next generation of stronger sorcerers where no one gets left behind, including those like you.
“Gojo-sensei, why are you staring at that corner?”
“Just trying to figure out why you’re always staring at it during class. What makes it more interesting than me?”
Nanami Kento 🥖
He also quickly notices your autism and makes sure you feel comfortable unmasking around him.
He does NOT tolerate discrimination/unfair treatment of any kind towards people based on their disabilities.
I imagine one of his coworkers at his old accounting job was on the spectrum and understood how challenging it could be for them. So he would try to help them however he could.
Because of this, he has more personal experience under his belt to better understand how to work with you.
He thinks it’s shit how a lot of society and the education system (both in and out of jujutsu society) are so unaccommodating to people with physical/mental health needs.
If you have a hyper fixation with bread and/or cooking, he’ll gladly listen to you talk about it however long you want while donning his usual stoic expression.
Don’t worry, he’s not bored or annoyed. As a fellow culinary lover himself, he’s genuinely interested in listening to you talk and will engage in the conversation.
The way you enthusiastically talk about your interests reminds him a bit of Haibara.
He admires your attention to detail and strong sense of empathy towards people, animals, and inanimate objects.
His low voice is very calming to you.
If you follow a specific schedule and/or organized, he’ll admire that too since he also hates falling behind schedule.
If you are spacing out during an important briefing about a mission, he’ll say your name to get your attention or gently pat your shoulder.
“Oh, sorry!”
“That’s alright. Do you want me to repeat what I just said?”
If you’re in a dissociative episode, he’ll calmly ask you what’s bothering you and help you work through it however he can.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be alone for a while, he’ll understand and give you as much space as you need.
He might knock on your door to give you a small packaged pastry. He hopes it helps.
He understands you may have some internalized ableism, so he makes sure to speak positively of your autism to help you build your confidence.
“L/n-san, why do you have a coat with you when it’s March?”
“Oh, well it was pretty cold this morning. And…well…it’s not anymore but…..”
“I see. That’s a rather smart decision on your part.”
“It means you’re always well prepared for anything. That’s an important skill to have as a sorcerer.”
“Thanks, Nanami-sensei.”
“………………….so can I try on your gogg—”
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tealvenetianmask · 1 month
Not to overanalyze a joke (I would never do that), but this moment from the fucking penguin short says a lot to me about Blitz and Moxxie's relationship and why it's so rocky.
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Moxxie: I first read this interaction as Moxxie messing with Blitz, not gonna lie. But after some reflection, I don't think he is at all. Based on how fucking dialed in to every single task Moxxie gets (think all of Unhappy Campers or how carried away he gets with paying the street vendors in Seeing Stars), I think he's just so fixated on taking the notes Blitz is dictating that he completely fails to realize when Blitz's comments start to be not for the notes.
I think it also reveals a way in which Moxxie fundamentally doesn't understand Blitz. As the audience, we can tell right away that when Blitz switches to complaining, it's not for the notes. But I could see Moxxie viewing Blitz as sort of unpredictable/chaotic and truly not knowing that he wouldn't want it included. Will he yell at me for not including it? Don't know. Better be thorough to do a good job! And then he gets yelled at for including it. Poor guy.
Even though he's often critical of Blitz, Moxxie relies on Blitz's approval for his self-esteem a lot. So he's used to getting yelled at by his boss, but it still hurts him.
Blitz: Okay, our guy has a short temper in general, but especially with Moxxie. From his perspective, Moxxie is doing something completely nonsensical, and yes, beyond stupid.
At the beginning of the penguin short, it's clear that Blitz doesn't want to do this job. He thinks that what the client wants is pointless, and besides, they have to go somewhere freezing. And we get quite a few clues that he's been feeling down about the whole Stolas situation and he's not excited to work any job, much less this one. And in the midst of all that, Moxxie is making a mess of the notes, so now it will have to be fixed. It's very annoying.
Also, Moxxie often has this air of superiority with Blitz. He likes calling out Blitz for having stupid plans, and he often comes across as judgmental. In Truth Seekers, we saw that he feels like Moxxie is smarter than him and/or judging him. So his annoyance might also relate to the idea that Moxxie is both judgmental and always fucking up.
If we want to stretch it a bit (yes, I know it's a stretch), Blitz is relying on Moxxie for accurate and quick notes because if Blitz's dyslexic ass did it himself they'd be a mess. He doesn't want to spend time fixing his own work OR Moxxie's work.
In all: No, I don't think this is a big moment in the plot by any stretch. I just think it's a really funny and interesting way to highlight some aspects of their dynamic, especially since the short later sets them against each other in *cough* other areas.
As a final thought, there are absolutely conflicting trauma responses impacting the friendship/working relationship between these two, and very likely differing neurodivergences as well. Blitz for sure needs to apologize to Moxxie for how he treats him, but Moxxie could maybe stand to explain and possibly adapt some of his behaviors as well. (Get all these characters good mental healthcare please.)
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bratzforchris · 7 months
Jake Webber x adhd reader 😭🙏🏼
Our Own Love
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Jake said in the Zach Sang interview that he is auDHD, so here are some headcanons about life as a neurodivergent couple! Also, he looks so cute here I just want to squeeze him <3 Reader is gender neutral here!
☆ meal prepping services. because both of you have adhd, cooking and grocery shopping is really difficult, and takeout is quite expensive, so you order from a meal prepping service to help that
☆ fidgets everywhere
☆ when one of you has a task to get done, the other will sit in the same room and do their own things as "body doubling"
☆ your house is quite filled with oddities and random shit both of you bought for dopamine, but it makes for funny stories at parties
☆ you're lucky enough to have a spare room, so you and Jake turn it into a "neurodivergent" room with a sensory swing, fidgets, and all kinds of things that help both of you regulate after a long day
☆ always doing youtube challenges where you try new foods because it gives you a dopamine rush
☆ "jake, where's the remote?"
"I don't know. where'd we leave it?"
☆ you both have oral fixations as a way to stim, so you vow to quit cigarettes and vapes together
☆ accompanying each other through things like therapy, new meds, etc. all the "not so cute and quirky" parts of adhd
☆ advocating for each other for managers/family/etc who give you a hard time
☆ it helps to have someone else who understands your struggles and can relate <3
☆ reminding each other to eat/drink water/use the restroom
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @melguilbert @oobleoob @idek3000hi
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here<3
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anonzentimes · 4 months
i have the evil neurodivergency that doesnt let me engage with random specific aspects of my favorite midea because my brain has labled them as like, not cringe, but unconfortable in a way adjacent to the concept of cringing, even though theyre absolutely not "cringe". so i havent watched the stage plays or heard the nagito songs even though i REALLY want to but one day i will. one day ill become normal so that i can unlock new insanity (engage with hyperfixation the way god intended
BRO THIS IS SO WILD TO ME BECAUSE I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THE STAGE PLAY ALL DAY I GOT REMINDED HOW AMAZING IT IS AGAIN AND STARTED HYPER FIXATING AND STRUGGLING TO GET STUFF DONE WATCHING IT LMAOO oh yeah and then there's been me coming up with so many video ideas that i haven't finished my nagito songs essay script sighhhhhhhh............ i need the nagito songs hyperfix to hit me like a truck so i finish it in a flash honestly but NO i got stage play and nagito characterization thoughts today (i'm not mad at ALL i love it here so much)
I wish you the best anon!!!! I love them both and I hope for you to be able to overcome that struggle and enjoy them to their fullest sometime soon, take your time :)
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