#B already knows this because I haven't shut up about it for months but! the chokehold EIAT has on me!
sulkybbarnes · 1 year
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Visual representation of how I feel about even in another time by phlegmatic ( @irregularcollapse ) ❤️
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hairmetal666 · 7 months
Steve doesn't date, not anymore. He goes to bars, clubs, picks people up and makes it clear it's just for the night; that it can't, won't, be for anything more.
He falls too fast and too hard; wants so badly to be loved that he loses himself to it. So, he doesn't date and he's fine. More than fine, actually. Not worrying about finding someone, about falling in love, lets him truly enjoy his life; maybe for the first time since childhood.
He goes with Robin to visit her parents in Hawkins, wakes up at the ass crack of dawn to go for a run. With the sun barely up, he doesn't expect to come face-to-face with Eddie Munson, smoking on a park bench.
They startle each other in the early Hawkins quiet, Eddie jumping hard enough that he drops his cigarette into the dirt at his feet.
"Christ, Harrington!" He snarls a little.
"Fuck, Eddie." Steve fights to catch his breath. "What are you doing out this early?"
He glances up, finds Eddie's eyes raking over this body in a way that makes him go hot all over.
"Haven't been home yet." Eddie smirks. And he can see that's true, Eddie is fully dressed, faint lines of mascara trail across his cheeks.
"Had a show?"
"Something like that." Eddie's cheeks pink, and he pulls a chunk of hair over his face.
Understanding dawns, and Steve points at him, delighted laugh bubbling in his throat.
"You had an all night Hellfire meeting?" Steve cackles.
"Shut--Harrington, shut-up." But he's smiling too. "I'm in town this weekend. Dustin insisted!"
"You can tell him no, you know?" Steve giggles.
"Like you ever could."
Eddie stands then, and they hug, quick and tight. He practically crumbles into his friend's body, but then, that's nothing new. Steve breathes him in, immediately comforted by the familiarity of tobacco and leather and sweat and weed.
"I'm at Rob's. Come say hi?"
Eddie nods and they trek back together. They kept in touch, after Vecna, and their chatting is easy, like it's not been six months since the last time.
Eddie stays for breakfast tells them with a smile, "I was gonna call but--I'm moving to Chicago. That's why I'm crashing at Wayne's for now, stopped on the way--"
The rest of his words are smothered by the force of Steve and Robin's hug, Steve's heart beating an elated rhythm he doesn't bother investigating.
When Eddie makes it to town, they hang out as constantly as an adult with a day job and a touring musician can. It's nice, good, to see Eddie sitting on their couch. To watch him smoke a joint on the balcony. To hangout in his bed as he works on new music. It's just like the summer of '86, before they all went off to find their futures.
They're closer than they've ever been. Crashing at each other's apartments, sharing clothes, meeting for coffee and drinks and meals. There's not a day or night when they're free that they don't spend together.
Steve knows he's falling for Eddie; was halfway there already, and now--well, Eddie's beautiful and funny and smart and talented. He doesn't make a move, though. Because Eddie'll leave, like they all do, and losing Eddie will crush him more than anyone else ever has.
In June, Eddie's gone for a month, touring across the midwest. The day he's expected back, Steve's in the kitchen, rolling up fresh pasta, simmering sauce on the stove.
Robin stomps in, eyes flashing. "What are you doing?"
"Making dinner?" Steve raises an eyebrow.
They glare at each other across the kitchen. Steve breaks first. "What's wrong with making our friend dinner?"
"I don't want either of you to get hurt."
Steve freezes, swallows. "I'm not--I'm--I wouldn't."
"Just. Promise you'll be careful?"
He nods, squeezes his hands into fists. "Course, Rob."
And he means it, he really does, but when Eddie lets himself in, Steve runs to the doorway to pull his friend into a tight hug.
Eddie huffs out a burst of air on impact, laughing lightly. "Miss me, sweetheart?"
"So much," Steve whispers. He presses his nose into Eddie's neck, breathing him in, and he doesn't miss the way a kiss is pressed into his hair, the way Eddie's breathing him in too.
They fall into their natural rhythm immediately, Eddie following him to the kitchen, cooing and posturing that Steve made him dinner.
As Steve serves up the food, Eddie wraps his arms around his waist, leaning against his back. God help him, but Steve can't help relax into the hold, turning his head until their eyes meet.
Desire bleeds from Eddie's gaze, and Steve's breath hitches. He wants this so badly, knows he shouldn't, but he lets himself lean in until they share air.
But--he can't lose Eddie. He can't.
He turns away, lets the moment die. Eddie doesn't stay over that night, and Steve pretends like it doesn't make his stomach hurt.
They aren't as close after that.
Steve keeps telling himself it's because they're busy. The school year's starting up, Steve's got lesson plans to write; Eddie made an EP, it got interest, he's taking meetings in New York and LA. It's okay that they're spending less time together.
Until Eddie stops returning his calls.
He tries not to worry. But one call becomes two, becomes three, and he can't help it. He goes over, dread a knot in his stomach. Eddie opens the door, and he's shirtless with sweatpants slung low on his hips, hair loose and streaming around his shoulders. He looks happy.
"Steve? What are you--"
"You weren't answering my calls, and--can I come in?"
Eddie winces. "It's not a good time, Harrington."
He stands there for a second, stung, not sure what to say.
"Eddie, I--"
"Babe?" A voice calls from inside the apartment. "Who's at the door?"
Steve freezes. Can't think, can't move. He hopes it isn't obvious that his heart is shattering, but Eddie's blinking at him, panic written in the lines gathering on his forehead.
"Steve, Stevie, please," Eddie is saying, but he can't do this. He can't do this.
He walks away, all the way home, numb to everything around him.
The phone's ringing when he gets to the apartment. He ignores it. Goes to his room, locks himself in, crawls into bed.
The phone keeps ringing. He keeps ignoring it.
It isn't supposed to be like this. They weren't dating, weren't trying for a relationship; Eddie's supposed to be his. He curls into himself, sobs until his ribs hurt, until his eyes are as heavy as his heart, and he falls asleep.
Steve startles awake, disoriented, to someone knocking on his bedroom door. He has no idea what time it is, how long he slept, but he expects Robin to be waiting in the hall.
It's Eddie. Hair in a messy bun, face flushed, eyes too bright.
"I'm sorry," falls out of Steve's mouth before he can think of anything else.
"Steve, I--I don't--" Eddie shakes his head. "Do you want to be in a relationship with me?"
"Yes," Steve whispers. "But I can't lose you, Eddie."
Eddie reaches out, slender hand, cupping Steve's jaw. "I need you to really listen when I say this, sweetheart. You will never, ever lose me. Not a chance."
"You can't know that," Steve says. Tears break free, cascade down his cheeks. "I used to think who could ever leave me? You know, back before Nancy. But I realized that actually no one would stay. And I can't--with you I can't--"
"Sweetheart," Eddie chokes on a sob. "I'm yours. Have been for years. I will never, ever leave you, no matter what we are to each other. But I can't be in some of a relationship with you. You have me wrapped around your finger, and I--I need it all, Steve."
"I want you to have it, Eddie." He presses his hand to his heart. "This belongs to you, but I--I couldn't survive you leaving."
"I would stay, Steve. I will. I promise on everything I have, everything I am, that you would never, ever lose me."
Steve stumbles into Eddie's arms, totally gone, and their mouths meet in a clumsy kiss. It wrecks Steve, tears him apart, renders him down to his smallest parts only to build him back together. He knows now for certain that there is no one else in the world for him.
They break apart, but don't move out of each other's orbit. "I love you," Steve whispers.
"Stevie, sweetheart, I love you more than anything." His fingers wind their way into Steve's hair, gentle, holding him. "I promise you'll have me for forever--fuck, longer than forever. My soul will find yours wherever we end up. I swear it."
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 3 - "Okay, show me."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
"So… first time getting kidnapped?"
Tim blinked at the teen that was tied to a wall right across from him. He marveled for a a moment at how similar the two looked and even thought that he could see how the other teen could have gotten mistakenly kidnapped in his place. Though if they had already kidnapped him then why did they end up kidnapping him again?
"No, getting kidnapped kinda comes with the name and status." Tim finally answered and the other kid nodded sagely as if he understood. "Usually they are a little more incompetent."
He moved his wrists a little causing the strange silver bracelets they had slapped on his wired before chaining him to the wall so that they would cause a rattling noise, making the other teen look at them with a raised eyebrow.
"So first time getting kidnapped by the GIW then."
"Guys in White, or well Ghost Investigation Ward, a government organization." The other teen explained with a shrug. "Usually they are incompetent. Aside from a couple of burns from getting shot, this is the first time they actually managed to chain me in a while. Normally they would have messed up by now but it's interesting that they even manage to nap you too."
Now Tim raised an eyebrow. That was news to him. To think there was a governmental organization that was actively abducting civilians for who knows what. Damn, he could see how B would not be happy once he told them about that.
"Sorry btw." Tim blinked up at the other teen in confusion, who chuckled in return. "They probably kidnapped you thinking you were my double or something. We look similar enough for them to think that."
"Wait…" Tim's eyes widened in realization. "They kidnapped me because I look like you? Not the other way around?"
"Uh yeah, why would I be kidnapped because of you?"
"Tim Drake-Wayne. Does that ring a bell?" Tim huffed only to watch how the other teen furrowed his eyebrows as if deep in thoughts before shrugging.
"In fact no it doesn't. But I don't keep up with high society, it helps pissing of the fruitloop whenever he drags me to 'meet important people' and I actively call them false names no matter how often he introduces them."
Tim's eye twitched. While that is fun, this was also the first time he met someone who hadn't heard of his name before in some way or form. In the end just let out a sigh.
"So what now? We wait to get rescued or will they release us after some time?" Well he had already tipped off his family, so it was probably only a matter of time until one of his siblings burst in to play knight in shining armor. He just hoped it wasn't Jason again, or he wouldn't shut up about having saved him for another month.
"Oh we can wait, but they won't release us. It's probably better if we get out on our own."
"Really? And how do you plan for us to get out of the handcuffs?" Well Tim did have a lock pin hidden in his jacket and some small sized tools stuffed into the sole of his shoes but with his hands chained above his head it was a little difficult to get them. But his feet were not chained so with just a bit of body twisting he could-
"Oh the handcuffs are no problem. They can be easily removed by overloading them."
"Overloading?" Tim arched an eyebrow, now the cuffs did not look like your normal brand he can admit that but how was the other going to do that unless he had some secret electric tool stored on him.
"Yea, overloading. It's pretty simple. These look like the same Brant they tried to cuff me with a year ago. It's funny how they look like they haven't learned a single thing in all these years."
"Really now?" Tim stared at the other teen unimpressed. "Okay, show me. How are you going to overload them with no tools around?"
"Easy." The other teen smirked at him and Tim's eyes widen as he saw the others hands emitting a green light before the cuffs on his wrist sparked and then fell off. Okay, noted the other teen was a Meta.
"My name is Danny by the way." Danny grinned as he rubbed his wrists before getting up and walking over to Tim to do the same to his cuffs. Tim rubbed his his own wirsts, carefully examining them for any time of injury only to look up just in time to watch Danny reach into his own chest. With wide eyes he watched Danny sticking out his tongue while one of his hands was going through his body as if he was looking for something.
"Aha! I knew I stuck them in my body somewhere for a situation like this!" Okay there was so much to unpack from this sentence alone but before Tim could even ask a single question Danny pulled out a lockpick set from his chest and proceeded to pick at their cell door.
"I have so many questions." Tim muttered, still watching the other teen.
"Well I can probably answer some of them once we are out of here. It's the least I can do after you get kidnapped because of me." Danny grinned as the lock he was working on clicked and he swung the door open. "Wanna talk over some coffee? You look like you need some."
"This is definitely not what I expected when I said 'show me'." Tim muttered once more walking passed Danny out of their cell, eager to leave this place.
"Yea well that the more civilian friendly things I can do." Danny followed with a grin. "Though I do have some other tricks I could have used too."
"You talk like a hero." Tim thought aloud, eyeing the teen and how they were holding themselves. Nothing about this teen screamed innocent civilian anymore, well aside from the obvious Meta abilities. He also marbled about the fact that they basically just walked out of the warehouse they had been holding. Huh looked like these GIW guys were really as incompetent as Danny had mentioned earlier.
"Yea, well I am a retired Hero." Great now Tim got more to look into in regards to Danny. Oh that reminded him, he probably should tell his family that he was no longer kidnapped… but that could probably wait until after he got his coffee with Danny. What was the worst that could happen? Red Hood storming an empty building. Oh well, it would be a good exercise for his brother then.
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. WORD COUNT: 3.8k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. lovesick!gojo, lovesick!oc. hardcore mutual pining.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend and satoru are assigned an overnight mission together, but what happens when there's only one bed? AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic takes place one week after love at first fight, so be sure to read it to know what happened last week 😊 and yes, satoru is the enemy in this title. the one tricky thing about writing student!satoru and oc gojo girlfriend is doing the research of what was used back in 2006-2007. like earphones and an mp3 player?! REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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“hey (y/n)! yaga-sensei is looking for you.” suguru greeted you as he passed by you in the hallway of tokyo jujutsu high. you had just got out of the community showers after a very tiring close combat training session with mei mei.
you tossed your towel behind your shoulder, “he is? why?”
it's never a good thing when yaga-sensei is looking for anyone—that meant that you were in trouble or you had a mission. you haven't been assigned any missions yet, and you already got in trouble the other day for hemming your uniform skirt too short.
“he said to meet him in the classroom,” suguru said with an amusing smile, “i think you’re going to go on your first mission.”
“what?! really?!” you were so excited. you had been at jujutsu high for over a month now. yaga-sensei didn’t want to send you on any missions until you brushed up on your close combat. he knew that you could defend and attack in long ranges due to your cursed technique, but he didn’t want you to risk getting injured because you couldn’t fight at a close range yet—so you worked extra hard to get better at close combat.
“yup! i think you’ll have a great first mission.” suguru confidently said knowing damn well that your first mission would be with the one and only—satoru gojo.
you entered the first years' classroom, sliding the door shut behind you.
"hi (y/n), glad you could make it." yaga-sensei started, "i'm sending you on your first mission tomorrow."
"okay, that's great, but what's he doing here?" you pointed at the white haired sorcerer.
yaga-sensei cleared his throat, "he'll be your partner for your upcoming mission. satoru has kindly offered to join."
"hey." satoru waved, greeting you with a smug smile.
you started to feel your cheeks burn in mortification, "can i go with suguru instead?"
satoru was offended and wanted to know why you didn't want to go on a mission with him. he wanted to spend time with you, so how could you ask for suguru instead? the girl he was chasing wanted his bestfriend out of all people? he folded his arms in dissatisfaction, "suguru is busy. what's wrong wi—"
your sensei saved you by interrupting, "i'll brief the you two tomorrow before you leave on your mission. make sure to be ready by 5pm."
later that night: (y/n)'s dorm room
you and shoko were painting your nails in your dorm room as you updated her on what had happened earlier today.
"sensei's sending you on your very first mission with gojo?" shoko giggled, painting dark green nail polish on her fingernails.
you frowned, "i mean... it's not a bad thing, since satoru's really strong and all. but out of all people—why does it have to be him?"
"probably because there is a whopping total of 6 students here at jujutsu high. that gives you a high probability of going on a mission with gojo at least once in your life."
"we haven't really talked since last week." you sighed.
"you two haven't actually had any alone time since that day he took you shopping for your birthday." shoko realized, "—and then the idiot got in trouble for sneaking out of your dorm room that morning..."
"yeah, let's not talk about that," you blushed at the memory, overflowing your nails with baby blue nail polish on accident. (read 'love at first fight' here)
shoko reassured you, "you'll be fine! it's gojo after all—the mission should be a piece of cake and you'll be back in no time."
the next day: mission briefing
"the city of chiba has requested that we exorcise any curses that are in the area of a new department store that they are in the process of building." yaga-sensei started, "they requested one sorcerer grade 1 or higher as it's a time crunch for them and they’re willing to pay the premium. this is easily a grade 3 or 4 mission, so i figured this would be a great first time mission for you to shadow, (y/n)."
"and you get the best person to shadow." satoru bragged knowing it was him you were shadowing.
you rolled your eyes at him, adverting your attention back to your sensei, "i'm guessing this a one-day mission and we leave tomorrow?"
yaga-sensei cleared his throat, "actually, it's overnight. jujutsu high has a reservation at the daiwa roynet hotel across the street from the department store lot. you two will be leaving tonight, spending the night in chiba to get an early start on your mission and then coming back in the evening. i expect a full report the morning after you come back."
you and satoru had to share a hotel room overnight?
you peered over at satoru. he was tipped back in his chair, balancing on the back two legs, his arms folded behind his head. he looked very content with this mission. your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest and roll out the door.
satoru turned to look at you, "ready to go, (y/n)? you got your big girl pants on for your first mission?"
you shot an ice shard at him, hitting his infinity as he hehehe'd in his seat. yaga-sensei massaged his temples watching his two special grade students go at it.
‘are these two ever going to finally admit they like each other?’ the sensei asked himself.
"are we leaving or not?" you barked at satoru, holding out your arm for him to link his through so you could teleport with him.
satoru winked at his sensei and gave him two finger guns before taking your arm to loop over his, "see you later, sensei."
satoru clasped his hands and just like that—you were in shibuya station.
"you have to work on your long distance transportation so we don't have to take the subway, satoru." you bullied your partner.
"i told you last week that i was working on it." satoru rolled his pretty blue eyes at you. "—i'm able to teleport further and further now."
"so how long until we get to chiba?" you asked satoru.
"it's about an hour by subway."
you and satoru were sitting side by side in the subway car. you could hear the rubber wheels rolling against the tracks, the voices of people talking, and the sounds from a teenager's video game sitting across from you. as you leaned over to dig in your bag for your earphones, your hand accidentally brushed satoru's.
you murmured an apology, "sorry..."
satoru raised his eyebrow, leaning into you and whispering in your ear. "if you want to hold my hand, all you have to do is ask."
"i don't want to hold your hand, satoru." you lied.
you looked over at satoru's hand that rested on his left thigh. his fingers were slender, nails and cuticles trimmed neatly. they looked soft. you wished that you had the courage to hold his hand.
he grinned, shaking his head in disbelief. he loved your feistiness. he could never get you to flirt back with him to save his life, but he lived for your retorts.
you went back to untangling your earphones so that you could listen to your mp3 player. after a moment, you turned to him, holding out the other half of your earphones, "wanna listen?"
"before i take this, what kind of music do you listen to?" satoru jabbed at you, "you seem like you'd only listen to pretty boy idols."
you rolled your eyes at him, "i actually have a wide taste in music. right now i'm listening to american 80's. they're my dad's favorite songs."
you smiled at the memory of touya handing you a cd from your father’s large collection of music. he told you that your father was a huge 80's fan before his passing. you spent a majority of your childhood listening to your father’s collection growing up.
satoru took the earphone from you and stuck it in his ear. his stared off into the corner of the subway car.
"so what's this song called?" he asked you, genuinely curious. he wanted to get to know you more, so this was his way of trying.
"it's called 'nothing's gonna change my love for you' by george benson." you beamed, "the love songs were so great in the 80's."
"it's nice."
"you haven't even listened to the whole song yet." you giggled, "do you even know what it's about?"
satoru laughed, "obviously nothing getting in the way of this guy's love for his girl."
"ooh! let me show you another one of my favorites." you said excitedly, "it's called 'nothing compares 2 u' by prince! he wrote it in the 80's but sinead o'connor released it in the 90's..." you continued to ramble.
satoru heart melted at the way your face lit up while you showed him some of your favorite old school songs. he had no idea what the hell you were talking about, but your bright and animated smile drew him in. he couldn't not listen to you talk about your favorite things in the world. he wanted to know every little thing about you. he wanted to always be by your side so that you could tell him about anything that made you happy.
later that night: checking into the hotel
after the hour long subway ride, you and satoru walked to the daiwa roynet hotel so you could check-in for the night.
satoru held your backpack for you as you walked up to the front desk. the front desk employee greeted you. "hi! welcome to the daiwa roynet hotel. how can i help you?"
"hi! we have a reservation under (y/n) (l/n) or satoru gojo. jujutsu high school should've made the reservation."
the employee smiled and nodded as they looked up the reservation. they started to furrow their eyebrows. it looked like something was wrong.
"i'm sorry, miss. we tried to contact you about your hotel room reservation, but we couldn't reach anyone."
"what's wrong with the reservation?" you asked, confused.
"it was originally booked for two queen beds, but we only have rooms with one standard queen bed at the moment."
"that can't be right..." you panicked, "what phone number did you call?"
you looked at your phone to see if you got a missed call. no missed calls were in your log.
“satoru, did you get a phone call by any chance?" you called out to him. satoru walked up to the front desk to join you. he looked at his phone as well, seeing no missed calls either.
"we called this number," the hotel employee recited a number that wasn't yours or satoru's.
"it's yaga-sensei's phone number." satoru said as he recognized the number.
the hotel employee apologized, "i'm sorry. will one bed do? we can refund you the cost of the two beds. or we can give you two separate rooms."
"ummm—" you bit your lip in hesitation. you weren't sure what to say. even though you and satoru shared your bed last week, would it be okay for you two to do this again? should you get an separate room instead and ask for reimbursement from jujutsu high later?
"that's fine. we'll just take the single bed. no need to make a huge fuss out of it." satoru replied back to the hotel employee with a wink. the employee handed him the room key and bowed to the both of you, appreciating your understanding.
as satoru led the way to the hotel room, your face started to fill with worry. were you really supposed to share a bed with satoru tonight? you were already so embarrassed about what happened last week in your dorm room. how could this happen?
satoru stopped in front of the room, unlocking the door with the room key and opening the door to enter. there was the dreaded single queen sized bed, an arm chair in the corner, and a tv sitting on top of the large dresser. not only did you have to share a bed with satoru, you had to share a bathroom too?
'could this mission get any worse?' you thought to yourself.
"you can take the bed. i'll sleep in the arm chair." satoru said nonchalantly.
"are you sure? i can sleep in the chair. i'm smaller than you." you said. by a whole foot, to be exact.
satoru feigned chivalry, "my grams would kill me if i did such an un-gentlemanly thing."
"i'll have to thank your grandma one day." you said with a giggle. "you take the shower first then."
"don't gotta tell me twice." satoru sang. he loved hot showers. he would always fight for who would get to shower first back at the dorms. satoru set down both of your backpacks and dug for his clothes and toiletries.
you sat in the arm chair that satoru was going to be sleeping on. it was uncomfortable and barely had any cushion. was he really going to sleep on this? you felt guiltier and guiltier the more you sat in this chair. you ordered extra pillows and blankets from room service in hopes that it would help provide some comfort for him tonight.
you spent time reading over the mission details, twirling your long black hair between your fingers. you heard the bathroom door open, steam flowing out of the bathroom. satoru stepped out, tousling his damp hair. he was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt.
"your turn." he motioned for you to hit the shower.
you teased him, "i hope you didn't take all the hot water."
"i saved some for you, princess." he shot back with a grin.
you quickly grabbed your clothes and toiletries, closing the door behind you. back at the school, the community showers were separated by women and men. sitting outside this bathroom door was satoru gojo, and that made your heart race.
while you showered, you wondered what satoru was thinking about right now. you thought about the subway ride and how he listened to your father’s favorite songs with you. you thought about how you actually wanted to hold his hand, even though you lied and told him no. and lastly, you thought about your feelings for satoru... they were growing day by day. did he feel the same way about you?
after your shower, you blew dry your hair (it always took a long time since it was so long), did your skincare routine, and brushed your teeth. you changed into a baggy long sleeve shirt and pajama shorts. you flipped off the bathroom light, finding satoru curled up in the arm chair with the extra pillows and blankets you ordered for him. he was trying his best to sleep in the unbearably cramped chair that was clearly not made for men over six feet tall.
"goodnight, satoru." you said, climbing into the bed. you frowned while looking at him. your heart shattered at the poor sight.
"night, (y/n)." he replied, eyes closed, brows furrowed. he was clearly miserable.
you tossed and turned for the last hour. you couldn't sleep. you watched satoru sleep in the arm chair—or tried to sleep in the arm chair. he had adjusted his freakishly tall body so that he could lay upright. he said he wanted to be a gentleman and let you sleep on the bed, but you still felt guilt-ridden.
“satoru.” you whispered his name. no answer came from him. you tried calling his name again, a little louder this time, “satoru gojo.”
he opened one eye, squinting at you with his arms folded against his chest. “what do you want, (y/n)? i'm trying to sleep.” he asked you, voice groggy and laced with a hint of annoyance.
kissing the back of your teeth, you got out of the bed and stomped over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him off the chair towards you and the damn hotel bed. satoru raised his eyebrows.
“i like women who take the lead.” he joked while rubbing the sleepiness away from his face.
you shot him a glare, “shut up—i just feel bad that you’re sleeping on the chair when this bed can clearly fit two people…” you trailed off awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him. you felt your cheeks turning cherry red, thankful that it was dark so that satoru couldn’t see your blushing face.
satoru smiled at you, his hand scratching the back of his undercut. you were still holding his hand—and honestly? he hoped that you wouldn't let go.
“just keep your hands to yourself this time.” you muttered as you quickly let go of his hand, still embarrassed from the events of last week. deep down, you secretly hoped he wouldn't listen to you.
he gave you his signature shit eating grin and saluted you, “yes ma’am.”
the next morning
your alarm rang at 7am. you and satoru had to be at the department store lot by 9am. 2 hours would give you enough time to get ready and grab breakfast downstairs.
you yawned as you turned into a bare, broad chest. your head resting on a strong right bicep. your eyes widened, your hand came up to cover your mouth. '
damn it, not again!', you cursed yourself.
"glad we were able to do this again." satoru greeted you in reference from his statement last week, his eyes still closed. he felt you wake up when you turned into his chest just moments ago.
"ugh, satoru gojo! what did i say about keeping your hands to yourself?!" you hissed at him.
"i kept my hands to myself. you're the one who cuddled up right next to me and then attempted to use my arm as a pillow. as a gentleman, i couldn’t not let you use my arm as a pillow." he sat up, dramatically rotating his arm from having its' circulation cut off. "ugh, i have dead arm now from your big head."
"hey, i don't have a big head!" you threw your pillow at him, only for it to hit his infinity.
satoru's frosty white bedhead caught your attention. it was so unfair how statuesque he looked in the mornings. you felt like you looked like a troll doll compared to him.
"do you always have to take off your shirt in the middle of the night? or do you only do this when you get a chance to sleep next to me?" you questioned him with a strong but sleepy glare from your emerald green eyes.
satoru slyly admitted, "it gets hot at night. especially when you're cuddling."
"i never asked you to cuddle me, so you didn't have to take off your shirt." you retorted.
"well, i don’t think i can ever sleep alone anymore. having a personal heater is nice, especially during the cold winter months.” satoru sarcastically teased. sleeping next to you was something he could definitely get used to, even if it wasn't cold.
you folded your arms and looked away from him, “well, you’re going to have to get used to sleeping alone again when we get back to jujutsu high. you’re not my boyfriend so you can't just sleep next to me whenever you want.”
satoru leaned in towards you, grabbing your arm. he asked in a lower tone, sending shivers down your spine, “can i be your boyfriend then?”
“no.” you quickly answered before flicking his forehead.
satoru winced and palmed his forehead, chuckling as he watched you get out of bed to dash to the bathroom in embarrassment.
you were in your dorm room writing your post-mission report for yaga-sensei that was due in the morning, your pencil scribbling and scrabbling as you watched the snow fall outside your window. you were unknowingly tracing hearts on your paper.
you thought about how satoru always made you feel so shy ever since you came to jujutsu high. as a matter of fact, your heart never failed to race around him. you couldn’t tell if he liked you or not—or if he just flirted with every girl like that. you could feel your heart opening up to the white haired sorcerer with each passing moment you spent with him. this last mission didn't help either as you spent a close proximity with him at all times.
love. something you never thought you’d find here at jujutsu high, especially with satoru gojo. was love really possible between you and him? no way. satoru was... well—he was the satoru gojo. why would he want to be with someone like you? a sorcerer who couldn't even control her own powers, someone who could barely fight in close combat, someone so weak... you beat yourself up over your flaws, not knowing that somebody else might love you despite them.
you heard four knocks on your door. it was well past curfew, who would be knocking at your door this late? maybe shoko needed to borrow your pre-calculus notes? knowing her, she was usually up late studying.
you got up from your desk and tightened your robe. you opened your dorm room door to find satoru gojo standing in front of you—speak of the handsome devil.
“w-what are you doing here? it's past c-curfew.” you stammered, feeling a flush fill your cheeks. you didn't want satoru to know you were just thinking of him. he would never let you live it down.
he gave you a sheepish look, scratching the back of his head like he always did when he was nervous. “can i spend the night?”
you stared at him for a moment. was satoru gojo really asking to spend another night with you? he gave you his signature grin in hopes that you’d let him into your room—and maybe into your heart one day.
you rolled your pretty green eyes and sighed, “fine... only because it's cold tonight.”
you opened the door for him to enter your room. satoru snuck by you and quickly jumped onto your very comfortable king sized bed, getting under the covers before you changed your mind and kicked him out.
“—and keep your hands to yourself.” you reminded him again as you walked towards him.
“no promises, sweetheart.” he cheekily retorted as he laced his fingers with yours to pull you into your own bed. you plopped down next to him.
“want an arm pillow?” he asked softly. looking over to see your pretty face that he couldn’t stop thinking about. he’d gladly wake up with dead arm in the morning if that’s what it took to sleep next to you every night.
you shyly replied, “yes, please.”
satoru gave you his right arm as you snuggled up next to him, laying your head on his bicep. he curled his arm against your back and pressed you against his side. you could hear his heart beating rapidly. was it possible that he could hear yours too?
“(y/n)?” he called out your name, interrupting your sweet thoughts.
“yes, satoru?”
“do you like suguru more than me?”
you groaned, “god—satoru, go to sleep.”
he squeezed you tightly in hopes of hearing what he wanted you to say, “answer the question.”
“yes, i totally like suguru more than you.” you lied as you sighed in disbelief, “satoru, you’re literally sleeping right next to me for a third time since we met over a month ago. make it make sense, please.”
you could sense that satoru had his signature shit eating grin on his face. “alright, (y/n). just making sure.”
and in that moment, you thought that maybe love was possible with satoru gojo.
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pablitogavii · 10 months
Counting Blessings
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You practically ran to Mikky's apartment , and you needed to tell someone.
"He's so tiny..can't believe he was living inside my belly for nine months" she said playing with the little boy laid on the couch while you were sipping on some tea completely lost in thought.
"What's wrong girl??" she said and you finally snapped out of your dreamland. She could help you, but you had to tell her now.
"Umm..I..I..ne..ed..advice??" you say and she nods waiting for the question.
"Mikky..I'm..pregnant" you say touching your stomach not believing it until it finally left your lips. Now it was all true. And you were panicking more than ever!!
"Oh My God! Congratulations!! How's Pablo taking it??" she asked already knowing he doesn't know from the way my face looked. I was too scared to tell him.
"I was too scared to tell him with everything going on..I found out on the day of his injury" you explain
"And still you haven't told him?? When will you!?" she asked
"I don't know! Everything happened so fast with him..and..tomorrow is his surgery" you say
"You have to tell him tonight! It will help him tomorrow!" she said
"U sure? I don't know if it's good idea?" you say worried he might hate it deep down knowing he's not a man like that.
"He's not gonna hate it! He loves you! And this will help him overcome this tragedy that happened" she said and you smiled thinking the same thing. Maybe now he won't feel useless these eight months..
"You're right! I gotta go!" you say and she smiles as you rushed passed Frankie who yelled "say hey to Pablo for me!" before you left.
When you arrived home, Pablo was sitting at the sofa. You came in nervously playing with your sweater edges.
"Amor? You wanna sit or keep standing in front of a screen like that?" he mocked and you quickly moved sitting down in silence. Now he was intrigued.
"Que pasa? Everything ok with Mikky and the baby?" he asked and at the mention of beby your stomach literally flipped.
"Yeh..yeh..they're fine..but um P, I have something to tell you" you say and he nods waiting while lowering the volume on the tv.
"Just please don't talk to me about the surgery, I'm nervous enough.." he said with smile but you knew he was not in such a mood..at least not yet.
"No..umm..it's not about that..well it is about the next eight months..and I know it seems like the end of the world to you..but um..I..j..just..don't know how to tell you this..it's so hard" you said and Pablo started to have fear in his eyes.
"You don't love me anymore? Yeh, you love a footballer and i'm an invalid now.." he said and you shut him up with your hand as he stared at you with big eyes.
"Shut up P..I love you so much..and..I think these eight months don't have to be so horrible..b..because" you move your hand while he keeps quiet. This was it..
"I'm pregnant Pablo.." you say touching your belly and he just sits there frozen.
"I..will..be..dad?" he said and you smiled nod
"Yes, cariño..you will be papi in eight months" you moved closer kneeling in front of his legs holding his face that was covered in tears.
"You happy cariño??"you try nervously not knowing what type of tears these were.
"Of course I feel happy! You're the love of my life preciosa..now you have my baby..it's all perfect" he said as you hugged him tightly letting him cry into your shoulder.
"I'm blessed preciosa..so blessed" he said and you smiled nodding your head and kissing his the top of his.
"You shouldn't be on the floor! It's cold! Venga! Let me take you to bed preciosa.." he said and you chuckled reminding him he is the patient now but he refused to listen holding your hand and taking you to bed where he tucked you in before joining behind you to cuddle you.
"Um, preciosa..could..I?" he said referring to your belly and you smiled taking his arm and wrapping it so he touched your still invisible bump.
"It's your daddy mi amor..he's the one touching you now" you say he watched in utter love with blushed cheeks.
"What would you like to have amorcito??" he asked still touching gently and you smiled wide.
"Hm..it's a boy cariño..I know" you say to his confused face.
"Don't you find it out later??" he asked and you chuckled nodd
"Hm..it's mother's instinct..we will have little Pablito in eight months" you say looking at his brightened face. Then you turned around touching his face worried.
"Just..please..return to us P" you say to him before he kissed your lips lovingly with much force.
"I promise..there's nothing I wish more..just to keep counting blessings with you two.." he said into new kiss that gave you reassurance..<3
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they-call-me-emmy · 9 months
Memories - Tara Carpenter
I'm using da lyrics from 'Memories' by my angelic sweet angel face Conan Gray. I worship him. Thank you.
i dont even know how to classifiy this or whatever but lie eyhahh
It's been a couple months That's just about enough time For me to stop crying when I look at all the pictures
The Polaroids on your bed sheet. The small, scribbled dates in blue sharpie on the back. The way you genuinely looked happy in the photo. The way your own face looked back at you. The way her face looked back at you. It's been months. Get over it. That's what your friends tell you. What your family tells you. What you tell yourself.
Now I kinda smile, I haven't felt that in a while It's late, I hear the door Bell ringing and it's pouring
Tears well up in your eyes, blurring your vision and causing the lights to disable it completely. You needed to put these pictures down. Throw them away, lock them up, anything. Anything to make you stop looking. The sad, sarcastic laugh escapes your throat and you feel weird the moment it comes out.
You jump as the doorbell rings. You don't know who it could be. Its raining outside, you can hardly see the streetlamps. Your wearing the same baggy, stained shirt you'd been wearing for the previous week and a half. It might have been hers, you honestly can't remember.
You stumble to the door, opening it and feeling your eyes widen.
I open up that door, see your brown eyes at the entrance You just wanna talk and I can't turn away a wet dog
"Tara." You say, a slight twinge of coldness to your tone, although you were too shocked and hurt to muster up enough to shoot at her.
"Y/n." She said softly, the same tone as yours but the coldness replaced with what normally you would label as guilt. But Tara doesn't feel guilty....does she?
"Can I..." You clear your throat, willing yourself not to shout or cry or blame her for everything. It takes a lot of strength to not shut the door in her face, but you've always had a soft spot for her. "Can I help you?"
"I just...I just want to talk." She stares at her feet.
But please don't ruin this for me Please don't make it harder than it already is I'm trying to get over this
You can't have this girl ruining everything. Barging back in, to 'talk'. But you knew. You knew how much you wanted her back. But you're working for it. Working on getting over it. You're trying, you really are, but fuck. It might not be working. She's making this harder by coming here, bugging you. If she'd let you be, you'd forget about her, at some point.
I wish that you would stay in my memories But you show up today, just to ruin things I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized
You wanted to forget. Have it all gone. Burn those fucking photos. But she's here, and she's real, and she's talking about how sorry she is, how her life is a mess and she needs a place to stay. And you can't do it now, you couldn't do it before and certainly not when she's crying in your living room. But you needed to get over her. You were scared.
But you're not letting me do that, 'cause tonight You're all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position Too busy playing the victim to be listening to me when I say
She's been drinking. The daze in her eyes and her wobbly movements and speech would show that to anyone. She's crying, telling you she left you for your own sake, that she didn't mean it and she was just having a hard time with life.
But now you were having a hard time. Because of her. And here she was, drunkenly crying to you. And here you were, letting her back in, for what? What're you getting out of this?
But you just can't turn her away.
"I wish that you would stay in my memories" In my memories, stay in my memories
"Tara, it's not right. You should leave. You're in my past. Go."
"G-God, please Y/n...d-don't k-kick me out-t." She sniffled, and her big brown eyes filled with more tears and suddenly you felt guilty, like kicking a bird from it's nest. But this wasn't her place. She didn't live here, you weren't with her. She had no right to stay.
But for some crazy reason you'd definitely regret in a day, you let her stay.
Now I can't say goodbye if you stay here the whole night You see, it's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning Over and over again
"Can I stay over?" She asked you softly, her eyes wide and you couldn't say no.
Why can't you ever say no?
You knew that you'd never leave her behind if she kept coming back, forcing her way back into your heart. You knew you'd never get over her when she's laying on you couch like she used to, eyes closed and a sweet, innocent aura surrounding her sleeping figure.
I promise that the ending always stays the same So there's no good reason in make believing that we could ever exist again
You weren't ever going to go back to the way it was. She needs to stop trying. There's nothing in your favor. In your relationships favor. There's nothing that makes you two an important couple. You were just two people. You couldn't be with her anymore. That ship had sailed, and relationships never last through the second round.
I can't be your friend, can't be your lover Can't be the reason we hold back each other from falling in love With somebody other than me
You couldn't be her friend, it's too much to bear. The knowledge that you'd been with her, felt her, held her and loved her was too much. And she knew that. You couldn't be her girlfriend again. That hadn't worked out the first round, why would you suffer to try to survive the second? But she can't feel a connection, no, because then, she'd be stuck pity filled and guilty, and she too, just like you, would never move on and never find love. But it can't be with you, and it will never be because god fucking dammit that didn't work out and you ruined your chance. She ruined your chance.
She ruined this for you, and there was no going back. There was no fixing what had been broken.
And for that, she deeply regretted.
I clearly cannot write sad stuff
please comment because those are my favorites <3
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scarletwinterxx · 9 months
for the hope of it all - haechan imagine
hello💛 it's been a long time since i wrote something this longggg, ngl it took me months to finish this. and i'm inlove. (with this story and hyuck🤭) happy holidays! it's been such a rollercoaster of a year, i'm glad to have been a part of your year as much as you are a part of mine🤍🥺 hope you like it!
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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No matter how many times Haechan denies it, his friends would think the exact opposite. In the words of his good friend Huang Renjun, the reason why Haechan never shuts up is because he’s so in love with himself he just loves the sound of his own voice.
Rightfully so, Haechan always reasons out. Why would he not love it when he consistently scores high 90’s whenever they have karaoke nights. One game he know he doesn’t have to cheat his way into winning.
"Oh god, shut up please" Renjun groans
"What, I'm right though. If only I work out a bit more, I'm sure I can beat Jaemin on arm wrestling. Give me until the end of the year"
"I'd give good money to see that" Jaemin mumbles
"You'll bet on me right?" Haechan asks Renjun
"That's stupid, here why don't we make a bet. I bet you can't keep your mouth shut for the rest of the night" Renjun proposes, he knows just how competitive Haechan can get.
"If I win?"
"I'll be your personal slave for a week"
"Make it a month" Haechan negotiates, waiting for Renjun to say yes.
"Deal" Renjun says, knowing his friend would last 5 minutes. "If I win, you'll be my personal errand boy" Haechan rolls his eyes, acting like he's zipping his lips and throwing the key away.
"Goodluck with that" Jaemin laughs, waiting to see who wins. He knows Renjun would, Renjun is never wrong.
"Who needs another drink?" Jaemin asks, ready to stand up but Haechan stops him. "Oh, you haven't lost yet but since you're offering. I'll get 1 more beer" Jaemin tells him
"Same here, make that 2 more"
Haechan salutes to his friends before walking away, keeping his lips shut tight. If there's something Haechan loved more than his voice, it would be proving Renjun wrong.
He grabs four more beer cans from the cooler, trying to hold all in his hands. When he turns around he accidentally bumps against someone or something, losing his grip on some of the cans.
"Oh shit, sorry. Wait I'll get that"
Before Haechan could say anything, the other person was already leaning down to get it.
"Here, sorry again" standing straight back up you hand Haechan the cans, only to see him just looking at you
"Uh you okay?" you ask, he just nods
"Okay, well I'm gonna go now. Sorry again" you mumble then excused yourself, walking towards the other room. Haechan wanted to punch himself, he wanted to say something he should've said something.
He don't even know you and yet he was ready to lose the stupid bet with Renjun even if it meant he'll be a personal slave.
"Dude, I just bumped in with the prettiest girl I swear I need to find her. God that was stupid, I looked stupid I just stood there. I didn't even ask for her name. What the fuck was wrong with me, now I'll never find her again. What if I never find her again?"
Renjun and Jaemin just share a confused look while Haechan rambles on
"What the fuck are you going on about?"
"The mystery girl! My mystery girl! I let her get away" Haechan groans, slumping down on his previous seat sulking like a little child who didn't get to buy his favorite candy.
"You know you just spoke right?" Jaemin asks
"Fuck that, I already missed my chance" Haechan grumbles
"I'm sure you'll find her again. Now open that beer for me" Renjun says,
"Why don't you open it?" Haechan sneers at his friend
"Well I won right, why would I do things I'm fully capable of doing when I have you?" Renjun teases Haechan, taking one of the cans to open it only for the can to burst out
"Oh fucks sake" Haechan shouts while his two friends doubles over with laughter, tonight is definitely not his night.
Ever since that night, Haechan has been on the look out for his mystery girl. Hoping fate is on his side and he'd bump into you again but it's been two weeks and not a single sign of you.
"Dude, I'm dying here. Can't you help a friend out?" Haechan exaggeratedly says as he takes the seat beside Jaemin
"And what can I help you with? Finding your mystery girl?"
"You know her?"
"You should be nicer to me, I literally woke up for this. I don't see Renjun doing this for you" Haechan glares at Jaemin
"Can you just order coffee, please. We need to finish this report by 11" Jaemin brushes him off, too busy typing away on his laptop
He copies Jaemin's order mockingly as he makes his way to the counter. Busy scrolling on his phone, he didn't pay that much attention around him.
When he got to the counter, he orders for him and Jaemin only to find that he forgot his card. Again.
"Shit I don't have my card, can you wait a moment my friend's over there"
"Sorry can't hold orders" the cashier says
"I literally go here everyday, he's right there. I don't have cash on me"
"I got it, here's a 50" someone says from behind him, sliding the money on the counter which the cashier takes with a smile
"Thanks, here's your change" the cashier says, handing the change to you. Only then Haechan looks back to see you.
"It's you" he mumbles
At first you weren't sure he was talking to you, so you didn't notice. But then you feel someone's gaze on you, he seemed familiar but you can't quite place where you met him before.
"Have we met before?" you ask him
"yes, yea I mean yes at the party. You helped me with the beer"
"Oh, that was you. Hi, guess I saved you again" you joke
"Yea, thanks I owe you. Twice. I'll pay you back though, give me a moment" he leaves while you order
"Hey, give me money" Haechan tells Jaemin, his friend shoots him a confused look "Quick! I'll pay you back, okay thanks" he takes the money quickly before jogging back to where you were waiting for your order
"Here you go, and next time I'll buy you coffee. For you know the first time you saved me" he smiles at you, hoping it would work
"Don't mention it" you answered with a smile. Someone calls from the counter, guessing it was yours because you went to take it. Remembering your name this time.
"Wait uhm can I have your number?" he's never been nervous to ask someone their number but right now he can feel his palms get a bit sweaty.
"Haechan right?" he nods at your question
"I have a feeling we'll see each other again, I'll give it to you then" you smile then walk away.
"Why not now? What if we don't see each other for a long time?"
"Then you'll have something to look forward to, see you around Haechan"
Leaving Haechan to watch after you mesmerized.
He already knows he'd wait all day or week or no matter how long just to meet you again. It's like you got him under some spell.
Haechan walks back to their table, holding his and Jaemin's coffee.
"Why are you smiling like that? You're scaring me"
"You can't ruin my day. This is like the best day ever. Give me the handouts I'll do it" he tells Jaemin, taking the laptop from him and getting to work.
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"Why why why did you drag me here?" Haechan grumbles as Renjun practically drags him by his sleeves to the art wing.
"Because I need to talk to Chenle about something and you're driving me home. But knowing you, you'd probably forget and leave me, so I'm taking you with me"
Renjun lets go of his sleeve to get his phone, "Yah Zhong Chenle, I'm here. What do you mean? Okay and? Fine what's her name?"
Haechan wasn't listening to the conversation, making himself busy by reading some random flyers on the wall when suddenly he hears another voice speak
"Hi, sorry are you Renjun?"
Haechan knows that voice, immediately he turns his head and there you were speaking to his friend
"Y/N?" Renjun asks, "It's you" Haechan mumbles
"Yea, here's Chenle's stuff. He left earlier and forgot about it. Good thing I was still here" you explain with a smile, both you and Renjun still oblivious to the boy smiling stupidly on the sidelines.
When you sensed someone looking at you, you looked over to the side to see Haechan already looking at you
"Hi, you're Haechan right?"
You remember him. You actually remember his name and you really did meet again. Haechan internally panics.
"You two know each other?" Renjun asks, you just nod your head. "Yea, I kinda saved him twice" you joke
Renjun looked back to his friend before looking at you again, "He's being weird, I think it's time to go. Thanks again" Renjun waves bye at you.
You say goodbye and watch him walk away, expecting Haechan to follow but he stayed behind
"You okay?" you ask
"You said you'd give your number when we meet again" he blinks at you, "I did?" you chuckled. You do recall telling him that, not expecting him to remember it though.
The two of you stared at each other, he was just about to say something again when suddenly you smile at him and it's like the wind got knocked out of his lungs.
He takes his phone out only to see it dead, he looks up at you like a kicked puppy. You can't help but giggle. You take a pen from your back pocket then you took his hand. Writing on the back of his palm as gently as you could, "There. Call me if you need saving again" you joke, "I guess I'll see around" you add before saying bye and walked back inside the room.
"Yah Lee Haechan! What are you doing?" Renjun shouts at his friend, breaking him from his stupor
"That was her! Renjun that was her!" He runs excitedly towards his friend, looking at your number written at the back of his hand
"Who? What the hell are you talking about?"
"That's the girl I've been talking about. This is fate, we met a few times now. And look she gave me her number"
Renjun has known Haechan for a long time, he has seen his friend in different situations but never once has he seen Haechan act like this. Be this excited, not even when he beats Jaemin when they play games. Or that time he won over Renjun when they played monopoly.
"Oh god, if this is how you act when you're in love please spare me"
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The next time he sees you is during the town fair. Some of the fraternities and clubs from university participated in the booths so a lot of students were roaming around.
He has sent you a few texts since the last time he saw you and he could never get past the introductory stage. It's obvious he's attracted to you, but to him that's not enough. Being attracted to someone can just mean you like them physically, he wants to know you. What you like, what you don't like. How you drink your coffee in the morning, what your favorite song is and all of that.
It's kind of silly to be this invested over a girl he met only a few times but there's just something about you that enchants him.
And just like that, it's like the universe heard his thoughts. There you were standing amongst the crowd, like that slowmo moment in movies when everyone else disappears and all he can focus on is you. Before he can stop himself, he's already walking towards you.
"Hey" someone said from behind you, making you turn around.
"Oh hi, I haven't seen you around campus and we finally meet here" you smile at him and Haechan swore your smile is brighter than all the lights in this carvinal fair combined.
"Yea, been busy. Are you alone or are you with your friends?" he notices
"Just me, I asked Chenle to come but he said he has basketball training. He's my blockmate and friend"
He wanted to be your friend to, he wanted to be more than that. He wanted to be just someone to you. He thoughts.
"Have you gone on any of the rides?" he asks, you shook your head
"Want to come with? I can join you" he offers
"You sure, didn't you come with your friends?" you ask back
"Nah, I mean I did but I already lost them so I guess I'm coming with you. If that's okay"
"Sure, kinda afraid of that ferris wheel though" you say, pointing at the tallest ride.
"Noted, we won't even come near it. How about we just walk around and check out the booths?"
That's how you spend the next few hours, playing games, trying out the food and just having unexpected fun with this guy.
When the sun was just about to set, you stood by the barriers to watch it. Loving how the colors of the sky change, you admire it like it's the first time you're seeing this happen.
While your attention was on the sunset, the boy beside you was very captivated by you. Haechan couldn't tear his eyes off you. He pulls his phone out to capture the moment,
"What was that?"
"Did you just take a picture of me?" you ask him
"Yea" Haechan answers carefully, scared that he might have overstepped your boundaries. "Sorry, I should've asked first but you looked pretty. I mean the moment looked pretty so I uh yea" rubbing the back of his neck as he tries or more like fail to explain
Instead of getting mad at him, you just laugh. Smiling at the boy beside you. "That's a fine, the sunset is beatiful" you mumble
"I meant you" he said, "Huh, that's a first"
"Nobody has ever taken a picture of you?"
You shake your head before speaking "Being called pretty, even though you took it back a second after saying it" you tease him
Looking straight ahead again, watching the sun disappear from the horizon. From your periphery you can tell he was still looking at you, "I didn't it say so I can fish out more compliments from you, I just thought about it so I said it. I'm being cynical again, don't mind me"
"You're beautiful, you know? And I'm saying that because that's what I can only think of right now" he tells you, his eyes never leaving the side of your face. He was committing every detail to his memory, this moment can be one of new core memories.
"Can I see the picture you took?" you ask, changing the subject
"I'll post it, you can check it there. Don't worry, you look cute there" he says as he put his camera away
"Hey Hyuck, thank you for today. I was getting stressed with school, this was like a breath of fresh air" you tell him, resting your cheek against your arm.
He follows your actions, eyes staying on yours
"Anytime, you can call me anytime. It's always good to watch the sunset after a long day, reminds us that even the long hard days end"
"Yea, I like the sunset"
"I can be your sunset, when you have a tough day just call me. I'll try to make it better" he tells you, voice sounding like your favorite tune.
"Okay" you mumble, a few moment passes just looking at his features being kissed by the last light of the day before it disappears.
Suddenly, you think endings aren't that bad after all. If this is how all your days end, if he's there to promise another tomorrow to you then maybe that one movie line was right. Sometimes endings are the best part.
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After that, you and Haechan started to grow closer together. When you're not texting, you're on a call with him. You sometimes spend your vacant period and study in the library together.
You also notice how attentive the guy is towards you. You're not naive, there's definitely something there but for now you don't say anything. You don't want to assume, because what if you're the only one who thinks that way.
So you just let things happen, let fate run its course.
Props to Haechan because he is a very consistent guy.
"Hey Y/N, your boyfriend's here" Chenle says when he entered the studio, earning a very confused look from you
"Huh? Who?"
"Dude with brown hair, friends with Renjun"
You try to piece his description together, only to think of one person
"Haechan's here?" you ask, putting your brush down
"Yea outside, hey you're still wearing your apron!" he shouts after you but you were already out of the room
"And she tells me she doesn't like him like that" he says to himself with a chuckle.
Meanwhile you walk towards the entrance and sure enough Haechan is standing there. "What are you doing here?" you ask, catching his attention. Immediately he smile at you, striding across the hall to stand directly infront of you.
"It's raining, you hate going home in this weather so I just kinda took a chance if you're still here. Good thing I bumped into on of your classmate" he says, referring to Chenle
"Didn't your class end early?" you ask him
"Yea, I went back to my dorm then it started to rain. So I came back"
"You came back? For me?"
"You hate the rain" he says as if it was the only explanation he got when in reality he really wanted to see you today. The both of you have been very busy so apart from the few messages, you haven't gotten the chance to hang out. Reality is, Haechan couldn't wait another day to see you again.
"Did you bring an umbrella?" he asks you when you didn't speak, shaking your head to answer him
He chuckles before showing you the bright yellow umbrella he brought, "Good thing I came then"
"You didn't have to"
"I wanted to, we haven't hung out in a while. You probably buried yourself again with work, you need to rest" you were just about to say no but he takes your paint covered hand
"I can't wait to see your next masterpieces, I'm sure it's all precious to you and you want to finish it. But you're precious to me too, so I need to take care of you" he says, looking down at your hand in his. Smiling at how perfectly it fits right there.
You can ask a thousand question and he will always come back to you with an answer. Not once since you met him did he ever make you feel any sort of doubt.
"I'll just go grab my stuff" you tell him, giving his hand a squeeze before dropping it. Walking back to the studio to get your bag. Chenle was already gone, probably took the other way when he went. So you get your bag, took your apron off, turned off the lights before walking back to where Haechan was.
He spots you down the hall, taking your bag from you to sling it on his shoulder. "Ready to go?" he asks you
You nod, "Thank you, you saved my day once again"
"What did I tell you? I'll always be here to make your tough days better" he smile at you before throwing one arm around you to pull you closer, he opens the umbrella with his other hand making sure it covers you.
You did hate going anywhere in this weather. If you're home right now, you wouldn't mind it that much. Being out and about when it's raining stresses you out. You always feel anxious about commuting or driving or going anywhere when the weather is bad.
But right now while sharing this yellow umbrella with the boy you potentially like, you don't hate it as much so long as he's there to hold you and walk with you under the rain shower.
"It's your birthday soon, got any plans?" Haechan looks over at you, waiting and hoping for a favorable answer. One that would go well with his plans.
You shake your head, you weren't even aware "Didn't even know it's August already"
You didn't like making a big deal out if it, to you it's another normal day.
"So you're not going out?"
"Probably not, it's a weekday so I might have a class. I'll just go to the studio if I don't have any class that day. Why?"
"If you're not busy, do you want to have dinner? with me? do you want to go get dinner on your birthday with me?" he asks you, feeling nervous for no reason. He practiced this in his head many times but he can't say it straight now that he's saying it to you.
You giggle at his question, "Dinner? Sure"
"Yea, I don't have anything planned" you shrug
"Okay, cool. Uh how does 6pm sound? You can come by at my place" he tells you, he can feel the heat rushing to his cheeks. Hoping you don't notice it, you do.
Fast forward a couple of days later, it's your birthday. When you woke up you had one message, sent exactly at 12:01 am from one Lee Haechan.
"Happy birthday, I wanted to be the first one"
That alone was enough to make you smile for the day. You prepared for the day, did some school works until it was time to go over at Haechan's place.
Ringing his doorbell once, you waited for him. You hear a click then the door opens, Haechan welcomes you with a smile.
"Hey! You're here, happy birthday" he greets you, letting you in before closing the door behind you. You walk inside his place to see the table set up, looking back at him
"You cooked for me?" you ask him, trying to fight the smile making it's way on your lips but you fail
"Yea, it's your special day and I know you'd like this ten times better than going out. Plus I got you cake, wait did you want to go out?" he asks, worried he just ruined the night. It's your birthday, the first one you'll celebrate together so he wanted to make sure it was special.
You didn't say anything at first then you jogged to where he was standing, throwing your arms around his shoulders to engulf him with a hug
"I love it, thank you thank you" you tell him, Haechan can hear the smile in your voice and just like that his worries were washed away. He puts his arms around your waist to lift you up, hugging you tighter. He kisses your temple, "Happy birthday, I'm glad I got to meet you in this lifetime"
You pull away from where your head was buried to look at him in the eyes, "Me too, I hope all versions of me meet their version of you"
He smiles at you, setting you back down on your feet again.
"Let's enjoy this dinner then, how about a movie after?"
"Sounds like a lovely night" you beam at him
"Oh I got you something, it's not big don't worry. Just something you might need, I thought of you when I saw it"
You take the bag from him, opening it excitedly to see what's inside. A yellow thing catching your eye, when you take it out you see it's a big cute scrunchie. You did mention you needed a new one.
"It's cute thank you, I need one when I do work at the studio. This is perfect. Thank you, Haechan. Really this whole night is perfect. I don't like celebrating this day but maybe it isn't too bad when I get to celebrate it like this"
"Then I can say mission accomplished, if you're happy then that's all that matters. It's your day today, I wanted to celebrate this day with you"
You smile at him, hugging him again. Immediately he hugs you back, resting his cheek on your head he hears you mumble
"Thank you"
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It's past 10pm, yet again you were too busy finishing your work to even check the time. You remember telling Haechan you'll text him when you get home but you're still at the studio.
"You're still here?" someone asks, making you look behind you. Chenle standing by the doorway, "I thought I was the last one here" he adds
"Just need to finish this piece, I'm just cleaning up actually"
"Surprised to see you here, it's raining cats and dogs outside" just then you here the rumble of thunder outside
"Headphones" you tell him, "Well you better go now, traffic is bad. There was an accident in town. A few cars piled up" He tells you
"Oh that sounds bad, was anyone harmed?"
"Not sure, Jisung just texted me on his way home to find another route since it was still there when he passed by. I think it's near your place too"
"I should go now then, maybe I'll take a cab" you say, picking your bag from the floor and following Chenle down the hall
"Oh wait Haechan was asking for you, I thought you went home earlier so I said you're not here anymore" Chenle recalls seeing Haechan outside the building maybe an hour ago
"What do you mean Haechan was here?" already your mind was racing, a hundred bad scenarios playing
"He went out to find you, I don't know where he is- HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING IT'S POURING OUTSIDE!" Chenle shouts after you but you were already out of the building.
You weren't sure where you were running off to, but when you heard there was an accident near your place you got this bad feeling in your chest.
"Y/N? What are you doing there?" Renjun asks, rolling down the window the car, you spot Jaemin from the driver's side. They also had a late night at campus, not expecting to see you running outside at this hour of the night when Haechan left to pick you up earlier.
"Haechan? Where's Haechan? I need to see him" you utter, the rain beating down on you. The two guys share a worried look, Jaemin already searching for an umbrella inside the car while Renjun throws his jacket over him before running over to you to get inside the car
"Haechan" you say
"We don't know where he is, have you tried calling him?" Renjun asks, you nodded your head. You did try but he wasn't answering, now you don't even know where your phone is
"I'll call him" Jaemin says, taking his phone to quickly dial his friend's number. After a few tries still no answer
"Can you drive near my place, I heard something happened. What if-"
"Hey don't freak out, I'm sure he just forgot to charge his phone again" Renjun comforts you as Jaemin drives away.
Due to the heavy rain and accident, the traffic was bad. You couldn't wait another minute so for the second time tonight you ran through the rain
"Yah Y/N, where are you going?!" Renjun shouts as he watch you run through traffic
"I really hope Haechan's okay" he mumbles, looking over Jaemin who is calling Haechan again hoping the other would pick up.
Running as fast as you could, you finally reached the block before your apartment where the crash happened. You look around the busy street, police were still there but no sign of any medical personnel.
You look left and right, turning your head over and over again trying to see a familiar face.
Haechan was getting worried, it's late and raining hard. He should've charged his phone but he left his charger at home, now it's dead and useless. Wondering where you are at the moment, then he looks outside again to check if they're letting cars through.
Something catches his eye, someone running by. It was as quick as a second but he knows that yellow scrunchie, he can tell from a mile away.
Without a doubt, he gets out of the car to chase after the person. There he sees you standing in the middle of traffic looking terrified. Then he was screaming your name, he needed you to see him, he needed to be close to you this instant to ask you what's wrong.
You don't know if you were dreaming but you definitely heard him, looking around again you see someone standing a few cars back. You hear it again.
Then you were running. Leaping straight into his awaiting arms, throwing your own around him trapping him there like you were afraid he was going to float away.
"Hey, you okay? What were you doing running through the rain? You're gonna sick" Haechan tells you but you can't hear all his word, the sound of your own beating heart was louder.
"You're okay" you keep on repeating, when he felt you calm down a bit he broke away from your embrace but still kept you in his arms,
"What happened?"
It's like a switch has been flipped because the next second you were hitting him, "Ouch! what I do?!" Haechan asks
"You weren't answering your phone! I thought something bad happened to you! I couldn't find you, I thought-" then you were crying again, hoping he can't tell since it's still raining. Your tears mixing with the raindrops but Haechan knows.
Instead he just takes your face in his hands, cradling it ever so gently to comfort you.
"I'm okay, I'm right here see. I'm sorry, I'll call next time"
"You scared me" you mumbled
"Sorry" he tells you with a small smile, those three words were more than enough confirmation for him. He knows just how much you hate thunderstorms, your love and hate relationship with rain. And yet here you are, running through the worst weather because you were looking for him.
He hugs you again, "I'm here" he tells you
"Let's get you out of this rain, we're both gonna get sick" he says as he guides you back to his car. Once the two of you settle inside, Haechan turns the heat on and looks for something else to keep you from freezing.
"Wait, Renjun and Jaemin was right behind me. I need to text time but I don't know where my phone is" you say
"Well my phone is dead, I'll text them when we get back"
He was just about to say something else when someone knocks on his window, it was Renjun. "Did you see Y/N? She dashed away- Oh you're there. Well then, make sure you take a warm shower when you get home. Also next time, charge your phone please" he tells Haechan before waving goodbye to you.
Haechan lets out a chuckle before rolling his windows up, looking over at you again.
"You okay? Do you need anything?"
You shook your head, rubbing your hands together to generate some warmth. Now that you've finally calmed down, you can definitely feel the cold. Haechan ofcourse notices this, taking your hands in between his before putting it against his lips. Blowing gently on it to keep you warm.
"Next time, I promise I'll text you when I go out this late or when I leave somewhere so you don't go out running in the rain. You could've gotten hurt or worse"
"I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't even thinking. You weren't answering your phone and then I heard something happened here, my mind freaked out" you tell him, watching him continue his actions of rubbing the back of your hands and blowing on them
"You were really worried about me?"
You chuckled, "I forgot I was scared of thunder and rain. I don't think I would even mind if a lightning struck right infront of me" you tell him. And it was the truth. Your fears were outweighed by your worry for him. It didn't matter to you, all you needed was to see him.
"I'm glad you're okay" you whisper, Haechan smiles at you putting down your hands. He then cradles your face again, leaning over the console to get closer to you. Tilting your head down a bit to kiss you on the forehead.
When the two of you arrived to his dorm, he immediately got towels to help you dry off. He showed you the bathroom to change, giving his extra clothes.
While waiting for you, he changes also then goes back to the kitchen to prepare hot chocolate for the two of you.
"Thanks for lending me your clothes" you say from behind him, when he turns around it's like his heart leaped out of his chest.
It's not that big of a deal, but seeing you in his clothes does something to him. He's pretty sure he's blushing right now.
"Yea sure, uh I'm making hot choco" he stutters, if you noticed you don't comment on it and he silently thanks you for it.
The two of you sit on his couch, waiting for the rain to stop while sipping on your hot choco.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" you answer
"Why don't you like the rain?"
"Something happened, I got in a minor accident. I was driving home from school too, it was raining hard I couldn't even see the road. The car swerved off the road, thankfully I wasn't badly injured but it was very scary. I hated going out when it's raining ever since" you explain while Haechan listens attentively
"I'm glad you're okay" he mumbles
You chuckle, putting the mug down before pulling your legs up to hug them. "I was in high school, ever since I couldn't drive at night or when it's raining"
The two of you talked about everything, he wanted to know all about you and here you are letting him. You didn't even notice how the time passed.
"Hey the rain stopped" Haechan suddenly says
"Oh yea, I guess I should go. Oh wow is that the time" you see it on the wall clock since your phone is still nowhere to be found, probably left it in Jaemin's car earlier during your mini freak out.
"I can drive you home" Haechan offers
"It's late, I can take a cab or walk"
"Absolutely not, I'm driving you home. Come on" he pulls you up, holding you by the arm.
"Hey Haechan"
He stops, looking back at you. "Yea?"
"I'm glad you're okay" you tell him
He smiles at you, this time he pulls you to him. Hugging you.
It was unexpected. For a second he thought he did the wrong thing, but then he felt your arms go around him holding him tighter.
He kisses the top of your head, a silent assurance. He won't dare to say anything, soaking the moment.
When the two of you broke apart, he just smile at you before speaking again.
"Let's drive you home"
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That was like the calm before the storm.
Haechan don't get it, was it something he said? Something he did?
It's been days and you're avoiding him. He sent numerous calls and texts. When he asked Chenle if you were coming you class, he did say you attended regularly.
What he didn't know was you were having a war with yourself.
You like Haechan. You like him so so much it scares you.
It scares you because what if this is all temporary. What if he's only doing it to be kind to you. What if he gets tired of you like all the boys you've liked before.
That's why for the past few days you couldn't face him. You don't know what to say to him, you don't understand your own feelings how can you even explain all of that to him.
Chenle knows all about your dilemma, after all he is one of your closest friend. Which is also why he's the first person Haechan looked for when he couldn't contact you,
"Just give her time, plus it's you. Give her a few days and she's talk to you again"
"What do you mean it's me?" he asks, confused
Chenle chuckles before answering, "I'm not about to pour out her feelings for her. You need to talk to her about that. All I know is ever since she met you, she's been happier" then he points at the latest piece you were making
"See that? She's been working on it for a while now, it's not an assignment. She said it just reminded her of one of her favorite days"
It was a painting of a sunset, looking so similar as the one the two of you saw before.
You weren't even there but that painting said a thousand words and confirmed everything to Haechan. All his doubts going away. He knew this was your way of talking to him.
This is how you confess to him. In your own way.
Haechan smiles as he stares at it.
He thinks he gave you enough time.
Meanwhile you were at home, half sulking half overthinking. This is the longest you went without talking to Haechan. It wasn't until you started to avoid him you realized just how big his presence is in your day to day life.
Hearing a knock on your door, you were hoping it was the boy you've been thinking about for days. But no.
The last person you expected to see on your doorstep: your ex-boyfriend, Lee Jeno.
"What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
"Why?" your face void of any emotion.
It's been a while since you last saw him or even talked to him, he still looked the same but not really. Like this wasn't the version of Jeno you once knew and loved.
"I just want to talk"
It took you a few seconds before you open the door, letting him in your apartment.
"I don't have anything to say to you, so make it quick" you tell him
"Well first, I'm sorry for that messy break up. You deserved more"
You cut him off, "I did, I do. I deserve more that being broken up over text message with a measly reason of you being tired. What exactly did you get tired of? Do tell, since you're already here"
"I felt like I was never going to be on the same page as you, you had everything planned out. You're so sure of yourself while I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I was afraid you're going to meet someone else out there and realize he's better than me"
"I told you I didn't care, that night I said I was ready to wait whatever it is you need to accomplish first. I was okay with learning everything with you. You're the one who closed that door. You're the one who walked away, you don't get to walk back and ask if we could do it again"
He looks at you with apologetic eyes. Once upon a time that would've made you crumble and say yes to whatever he bids. But just as you realize this isn't the Jeno from before, you're also not the person you used to be.
"If you told me that a year ago, I would've come running back to you. For days, weeks, months all I thought about was where did I go wrong. Many times I had to stop myself from saying I missed you until I realized I deserved more than that. It wasn't the wrong love at the wrong time, there's no such thing as that. I loved you at the right time, it was short but I was happy. But that was a memory ago, Jeno"
"So I really am too late" he shows a sad smile
"One day when you meet another girl and you tell her about your plans in the future, about making more memories, I hope that it's true. I hope you find her again" you smile at him.
Neither of you said much after that, he said his goodbye knowing that this time it really might be the last one. This time he knows you really finally let go. There was no one waiting for him.
When he walked out your door, you didn't feel sad in the way you just got your heart broken. You feel sad for the girl who cried so many nights, who asked if she was ever worth to love.
You cried for that version of you who was so ready to love and yet fate forbade her to.
Before it got too much, you decided to take a walk to clear your mind.
Your first thought was to call Haechan until you stopped yourself. It's unfair to unload this baggage on him. He doesn't deserve it. Even though he told you over and over again you can lean on you him you can never bring yourself to fully do so.
What you didn't know was Haechan already knew what was happening. A few days ago, Jeno approached him and asked him what was going between the two of you. It was weird since he wasn't that close with the guy.
It wasn't until Jaemin told him that you and Jeno used to date, it's like the puzzle pieces fell into place. You never directly told Haechan about him but he's sure Jeno is the reason and the guy behind all your stories.
He wanted to pay you a visit when he saw Jeno walking out of your building, getting in his car and driving away. Meanwhile Haechan stayed inside his car. Thinking and waiting for the moment until he saw you walking out with nothing in hand.
He already knew what was happening.
So many things running through his head at the moment. How he's so mad at Jeno for making you go through this again, how worried he is about you and how he just wanted to hug you while telling you everything was going to be okay.
But above all he was hoping you don't retreat back to your old self, he doesn't want you to feel like you need to suffer alone and let your emotions eat you from within.
Of course he can't let you walk alone this late at night, he quickly got out of his car. Following a few steps behind you to make sure you're safe.
He watch you enter the park and sit on one of the benches. For a while he just lets you be. He knows you needed a moment for yourself. You needed the quiet to clear your mind.
A minute turned into five, then turned into ten until thirty minutes have passed when he finally decided to approach you.
"I knew I'd find you here"
You don't move from where you were standing, still looking up the skies counting all the stars over and over again.
"You know if you want to get away, you can just ask me. I'll drive you anywhere, you had my worried" Haechan continues, still you didn't say a word to him
"I can go if you want, I just need to know you're okay" he adds
"Why are you here?" you finally speak, asking him
"I can't let you walk this late at night alone, I was looking for you all day too"
"Well you found me" you tell him
Haechan feels frustrated, he's not even mad anymore when you won't any of his calls or texts. Or when you suddenly disappeared without a word.
He had his fair share of arguements, his friends know he'll never back down until he can prove himself right. But with you he can't seem to fight back. And right now it feels like he's about to go into battle.
"You need to tell me how you feel, I'm trying to understand you but you won't let me. How long will you keep on running away from me?"
"Why are you tired? You think I'm hard to get to?" you ask, this time looking over at him.
He looks back at you, checking if you're okay. Apart from the obvious tiredness, he's glad to see you unharmed. Atleast that's one less thing he was to worry about.
You wait for him to say something, the two of you just looking at each other. Before he speaks, he shrugs his jacket off before throwing it over your shoulder. You know he's upset with you but he's still taking care of you.
He takes a deep breath before speaking, “Was that what all the boys before me said? that you’re hard to get? because they got you all wrong. You’re not hard to get, you’re easier to read than my favorite music sheet. I can tell just want you want to say before you say anything”
“Oh so now you’re an expert on me?” you stop him but he was quick to answer back, not yet ready to back down.
“Is that so bad? Is it such a bad thing to want to know you? I am trying to understand and know you. That says more than any of them. You’re not hard to get, you’re hard to earn and that's a thousand times better. You like ketchup beside your fries not on them, you hate summer because of the heat, you like your coffee cold even in the morning. You eat Nutella with a spoon but you don't like it on bread. If me talking my tongue off, following you until the soles of my shoes crumble, run until we run out of road I will not stop trying to earn you because that’s what you deserve. You deserve a man who will go the lengths and beyond for you. You’re not a girl anyone can get, you’re a girl only the worthy can earn”
Nobody has ever fought this hard for you, it's always you fighting for the person. For so long you felt like a lost cause, a mere stop along the way until Haechan came and made you feel like this was a trip worth going to. Like he didn't mind what the destination would be, all he wants is to be on this journey with you.
"And how long will you think that?" you whisper
Looking at you right now, Haechan can tell all fight just left you. And not in a bad way. Right now you're waving the white flag, surrendering your walls and maybe finally letting him in. So he takes this chance and leaped to give you what you needed to hear,
"Until you believe me, and even after that. Until all the flowers wither away, and they bloom again. I'll tell you over and over again until the day that when you think even for a second if you're worthy to love, you won't hear their voices but mine. You'll remember my words, me saying over and over again that you're worth to love, my love" he breaths out, with each word the distance between the two of you minimizing until the ends of his shoes touches yours.
"I'll tell you again and again, when you forget I'll look right into your eyes and tell you you're perfect enough" he whispers, resting his forehead against yours.
"Do I deserve this? Do I deserve you-" "Yes, yes you do"
Then he was kissing you, wiping every doubt every question away. Remembering how to fall in love, that warm feeling you only feel whenever he's around. When he smiles at you, when he greets you goodmorning and goodnight, when he holds your hand.
He kisses you like he's sealing a promise, right in this moment he didn't need anything else. It was perfect, nothing like he ever imagined because this is so much better.
When the two of you broke apart, he's smiling ear to ear
"I love you"
Like the first time you met, he just looks at you. This time with love in his eyes. Looking at you like you're the one who painted his skies, like you're the sun of his universe, like you're more than enough.
And to him, you are.
You are more than enough.
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alyswritings · 2 years
Kook Boyfriend
Request: could i request like jj maybank and sister!reader gets a kook boyfriend and jj is telling her she shouldn’t be with him but she says she loves him then he cheats on her ?
JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Summary: JJ doesn't trust his sister dating a kook.
Warnings: cheating
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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"Are you fucking insane?"
Y/N rolls her eyes at JJ's question, dropping her head back onto the couch.
"JJ." She heavily sighs, tired of arguing with him about this.
"No. Really. A kook?" JJ asks. "You're dating a fucking kook?"
"Yes." She lets out a deep exhale.
"And you didn't tell me for five months?!"
"Because I knew you would react like this!"
"No, shit, Y/N! He's a fucking kook! You know he's just gonna dump you sooner or later!"
"No, he won't!" Y/N argues.
"Okay, guys, how about--" John B tries to intervene.
"Shut up!" Both siblings yell at him.
"Yep." John B mumbles, sharing a look with the others. None of them are super pleased with the idea of Y/N dating a kook, but JJ is the most upset about it.
"Look, JJ, it's my life. So your opinion doesn't really fucking matter. If I wanna date him, I'll date him!" Y/N declares.
"No. No, I-- I am forbidding it." JJ says.
"Oh, Jesus." Kie mumbles, rolling her eyes.
"Forbidding it?" Y/N asks and JJ nods. "You can't forbid me to date, JJ. This isn't the 17th fucking century or something." She says.
"I can lock you in a bedroom."
"Oh, yeah? For how long?"
"Until you get some fucking sense knocked into you."
"JJ, I'm dating him. I love him!"
"Oh, please! You're, like, fifteen. How the hell do you know what being in love is?" JJ asks.
"What? Cause you'd know any better?" Y/N asks.
"I know I wouldn't fall in love with a fucking kook!" JJ exclaims.
"Well, good for you! Not all of them completely suck, JJ!"
"Yes, they do!"
"Um, hello?" Sarah speaks up, motioning between her and Kie.
"You two don't count." JJ says.
"Why not? They're kooks. They don't suck. They totally count." Y/N argues.
"Okay, well, they're girls. Girls are lot less toxic than guys." JJ says.
"That's debatable." Kie comments.
"Yeah, it's more of a person thing, not really a gender thing." Pope says.
"Okay, well, trying to forbid me from dating someone is toxic. You can't control me, JJ!" Y/N shouts.
"I'm just trying to look out for you! He's gonna hurt you sooner or later!" JJ exclaims.
"You don't know that!"
"He's a kook! Of course he will!"
"Yeah, well, fuck you!" Y/N shoves him and storms out of the chateau.
"That went well." John B comments.
"Shut up." JJ glares at him.
- - -
Y/N climbs up the fence that leads to her boyfriend's room. It's been a week since her fight with JJ and they haven't talked to each other at all. Y/N stopped hanging out with the pogues somewhat since she knows they'll just try to talk to her about the fight and the kook.
Y/N gets up to the window that's already open and she quietly climbs in. Once she's on the floor, she looks up, freezing at the sight.
There, on the bed, sits her boyfriend and a girl that Y/N knows is a kook, practically sucking each others' faces off. Y/N stands frozen for a few moments, knocking out of her shocked state a few moments later.
"What the fuck?!" She exclaims making the two jump apart.
"Y/N." Her boyfriend's face pales. "I-- it-- it's not what it looks like." He says.
"Then what the fuck is it?" Y/N asks.
"It... it's-- well, it's..." He stammers. "Babe, look."
"No. No, I'm not your fucking babe." She says, backing away from his touch. "Fuck you."
"Y/N, come on. Let's just--" He's cut off as Y/N slaps him hard enough, his head spins to the side.
"Fuck you. We're over." Y/N seethes. "Have a nice life." She grumbles, crawling back out the window.
"Y/N." He tries, but she only flips him off before climbing back down the side of the house.
- - -
Y/N is sitting on the couch on the porch of the chateau. It's late at night and a bit chilly out so she has a blanket covering her legs. Her legs are pulled up to her chest and she's wearing one of the guys' hoodies since it was the first thing she found that would keep her warm.
She got home a couple of hours ago, having spent most of the afternoon just walking around, not wanting to face her friends and definitely not wanting to face her brother.
She snuck into the house and found John B asleep, but the others weren't there. So Y/N grabbed a blanket and a hoodie and stepped outside, deciding to do her crying on the porch so she had a smaller chance of waking her friend up.
Y/N hears a car drive up and glances up to see the Twinkie. She quickly wipes her eyes, trying to act like she wasn't crying. She keeps her gaze down as she hears JJ get out of the car and walk up to the house.
JJ walks onto the porch, stopping when he spots his sister on the couch.
"Hey." He says.
"Hi." She mumbles.
"What, uh... what are you doing here?" JJ asks.
"Well, didn't really wanna risk going to our actual house." Y/N comments.
"Right." JJ mumbles. "Why are you outside?"
"Wanted some air." She says, shrugging.
JJ almost accepts the answer, except for having the feeling that something's actually wrong. He walks closer, going to walk inside, but when he glances back over at her, he finally notices the tear streaks on her face.
"Are you crying?" He asks.
"No." She denies, but her voice cracks.
"Y/N, what happened?" JJ asks, walking closer to her.
"Nothing. I'm fine." Y/N insists.
"Y/N, come on, what happened?" JJ asks.
"I told you. Nothing." Y/N says.
"Then why are you crying?"
"I'm not."
"Well, you were."
"It's nothing, JJ." Y/N says.
"Come on, just tell me. Please." JJ pleads.
Y/N huffs, glancing up at him.
"You can say "I told you so."" Y/N says.
"What?" JJ asks.
"You were right. He broke my heart. So-- so gloat all you want, throw a whole fucking party. Whatever. Have a blast." Y/N says.
It takes a moment before realization hits JJ.
"Y/N, I... I didn't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry." JJ says and Y/N scoffs.
"No, you're not. You got proven right. He's a kook and he's a dick. Your standard of them holds up." Y/N says.
"Y/N, I'm serious. I didn't want you to get hurt. I was just trying to help you not get hurt. I didn't want you to get hurt." JJ says.
"Whatever. Just leave me alone." Y/N says.
"Leave me alone." She states, her voice firmer.
JJ frowns, but doesn't argue. He walks back over to the door and goes to open it. He looks back over at her and his heart breaks when he sees her tears have resumed and her hand is over her mouth to muffle her cries.
JJ forgets about listening to her as he quickly makes his way over to her. JJ pulls her into a hug and that's when Y/N lets herself just completely fall apart. JJ keeps her in a tight hold, doing his best to comfort her.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @itsmaneskinbitch @ironmaiden1313
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sunwarmed-ash · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Yeah so I still haven't recovered from the 'Payback' and "Checkmate' episodes of White Collar so the A/B/O fic is finally writing itself.
Enjoy the angst 😈😘
“Caffrey, just the man I wanted to see.” Keller says, appearing out of the shadows like the shapeshifting demon he is.  “You shouldn’t have hurt Elizabeth,” Neal warns, “You're going to pay for that, Peter will make sure of it.” “I believe it. It looks like you already have,” Keller smirks, nodding towards Neal’s freshest injury. Neal’s tight-lipped frown hurts. Peter really did a number on his jaw.  “I’m here to suggest a proposal.” Keller pumps his eyebrows in interest.  “Is that right?”
“I want to offer myself up for exchange.” “Oh yeah?” Keller laughs crulley. “And what makes you think you’re a better bargaining chip than Mrs. Fed?”  “I’m your collateral. Do you have any idea how much a well renowned thief who's had unlimited access to FBI resources goes for these days? A pretty one too. I could clear off your debt to the Russians and then some.” “There’s that ego no ones had the heart to shatter yet. But you and I both know that's still not enough. Not after everything.” “What do you want?” “What do I want? Think about it Neal, I'll give you a minute.”  “Fine… I’ll take you to the U-Boat treasure.” ---------- Neal walks Keller around the storage unit. He knows Mozz can see them. He knows he’s going to be furious. But maybe Keller will back off him too. Neal won’t give this over without a gurenturee.  Keller looks over the older Degas, whistling in appreciation.  “Tell me something Neal. Why didn't you leave? You had the treasure. You, Mozz, one last final score. But instead, you stayed. Why is that?” Neal shrugs, never one to give up the upper hand.  “You see what I have here.” Keller scoffs cruelly.  “Yeah, a Daddy that keeps you on a short leash. But you’ve always had a kink for authority huh? And the pathetic inability to make really any decisions yourself. Because you can't trust yourself not to take the easy score. You need a moral compass. Enter Mr. Fed. Only too bad he doesn’t want you anymore. Not after you almost got his real wife killed.” Neal clenches his jaw shut. It hurts. But not as much as the truth of that statement does.  “Elizabeth, acted similarly, didn't she?” Keller continues, “When I took her husband. Did it ever bother you, how easy it was for them to give you up, for eachother?”  Of course it bothers Neal. He’s been overthinking that fact every moment of every day since the first time it happened. it fucking kills him it’s happened twice.  Keller’s circling him now, like he’s the treasure.  “They know about you? Your ‘status’?” Keller asks.  “...Yes.” Neal feels a wound he hasn’t thought about in months flay back open. After Wilkes took him hostage, he made sure no one would ever want Neal again. What good is an unbonded Omega who can’t carry children?  Keller's smile widens.   “So they know they're wasting their time on you?” Neal’s temper flares.  “They're not-”  But Keller interrupts.  “You may think you are a part of Team Burke Neal, but you’re not. You never will be. Because they are good people, and you aren’t.” 
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 1 year
Hakuoki Tsukikage Kazama Short Story
This is the last translation to make up for March (only four not five since i don't count a week because of my bday)... I'm probably just going to translate the rest of what I can for April...
Also I hate tax law. Taxes themselves are something I'm okay with to a degree since I'm probably more federalist and like health care and the idea of dental care, but looking through who knows how many statues and laws from the CRA for just one thing is something I wish I didn't subject myself to lol.
The story for this translation was originally published in B's-LOG 2019年11月号.
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the last of these I'll be able to translate are the Souji one with the books, the Saito story with the flower in winter, the Harada story and the one for Souma.... i think those haven't been translated?
Hakuoki Tsukikage B’s Log 2019年11月 Kazama Short Story “Nagatsuki (長月)” [meaning the 9th month of the lunar calendar]
Translation by KumoriYami
"This was all that could be prepared."
"No, it's nothing. I should be the one apologising for forcing you to do this."
With a plate in my hand that I received from the hostess who bowed her head to apologise, I greeted her before going back to the room.
On our journey to Aizu, this was the only inn we could find.
The closer to the battlefield, the fewer people there were, and the once lively stores and inns tightly shut their doors.
This was something that had been realized after camping out several times, [though] Amagiri-san found that there was inn operating at the end of the road/street [not sure about the first half here].
(It was thanks to Amagiri-san...)
Chizuru sighed as she thought this.
"...Too slow."
Back in the room, Kazama-san had already put on his yukata and was relaxing as he looked out the window.
Ever since we left Edo, Kazmaa-san had been wearing simple western-style sleeves.
Although that really suited him, I still thought he was more attractive while wearing a kimono.
"Out of kindness, the hostess provided me with a choushi. What do you think about this?"
According to ChatGPT (since I could not find a response I liked through google): "In Japanese, 铫子 (choushi) is called "yakan" (ヤカン) which refers to a kettle or a pot used for boiling water or heating liquids, often made of metal or ceramic. It is commonly used for making tea or coffee, but can also be used for warming sake or other alcoholic beverages." T/N: the raw itself uses "铫子"
"Hmph… this sake is not to my taste, but if you want to pour it, I'll drink it."
In response to his arrogant statements, I smiled wryly and poured some sake for him.
I wasn't used to his behaviour before, but now I've completely accepted it.
(He is actually a very emotional person…)
I already know that now.
As I listened to the sound of insects in the distance, I poured sake into his cup.
In this private room [In private?], he was unexpectedly quiet, and was fond of silence, so I didn't have to force myself to greet him.
His posture as he looked up at the moon was so graceful, like the appearance of someone in a painting—
(What am I thinking...)
For some reason, I was now very concerned about Kazama-san's inner thoughts/opinions.
"It's almost the fifteenth night [Alternatively, this can be interpreted as "the night of the full moon" like in the Juugoyabana drama].
"This sake is no good, but I can it's not bad as a side dish to appreciating the moon."
In contrast to his sarcasm, his eyes were gentle.
"When you're satisfied and aren't asking for more, it's easy to get what you want. In this world, there are too many foolish fossils [term is for people out of date or have fallen behind] who have forgotten this."
His words penetrated deeply into my heart.
With my own eyes, I have witnessed what people who pursue profit and those who have robbed others to satisfy their own desires. I saw firsthand what that looked like to the state of my hometown.
If Kazama-san wasn't at my side, perhaps I wouldn't be able to endure it.
"...So, are you satisfied now?"
"What a foolish question."
The corners of his mouth curled into a smile at the me who was feeling shy.
"If you want me to feel satisfied, let me satisfy myself first… it is useless to have another's person way of thinking/thoughts fulfilled by someone else."
(...He truly is a gentle person.)
The words I heard were a comfort to me who was worrying about those still fighting, and those yet to fight.
As he looked up towards the moon again, and I silently thanked him.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Hey, I just saw a Marauder stan claiming that James has changed because he apparently plans to make Snape the godfather of his second child. Like... what ?? Do you know where this is coming from ?
*laughs in day 3760 of dealing with Marauder stans’ fanon bullshit*
Aight, let’s get to work:
That claim is a completely unfounded fan-theory that makes no sense whatsoever. This theory/whateverweshouldcallit was presented as one of Jowling Kowling Rowling’s headcanons/unpublished ideas, but it did not originate with her.
There are so many things wrong with this fan theory, including the fact that:
Lily was not pregnant with a second child and even if she was I highly doubt that she and James would pick Snape as a godfather. Peter is right there [a) I’m not counting Sirius because he’s already Harry’s godfather so let’s assume they’ll want to pick someone else b) I’m not counting Remus because we were told that they suspected him at that time]
They didn't know that he already was on the good side at the time and probably haven't even seen him for years.
Even if they knew, James most definitely would not pick Severus as the godfather (no matter how much he supposedly changed), and hell, I don’t even think Sevy himself would want that. Jimothy and the leapfrog would probably pick Sirius again, or perhaps Peter, whom they trusted oh-so much? (😏)
As far as we know Sevy and the deadhead redhead never crossed paths once during the war. They were on opposite sides of the war and Lily got married to James. It’s more than likely they never crossed paths after graduation. Even when Severus had begun operating as a double-agent for Dumbles—which was before Lily died, mind you—the Order was completely unaware of it.
To even get remotely close to the sort of scenario, this would mean that:
— Severus and Lily would need to have rekindled their friendship.
— James and Sev would have needed to make peace with each other.
— Dumbledore would’ve had to reveal Severus’s position as a spy to the Order—whom he knew included a traitor (oh god.. Marauder stans bouta have a field day with this)—which was extremely risky.
^^ And I don’t doubt either of the first two points I listed above would have taken a much longer time than a year/year and a half. And besides, in between Sev switching sides and the Potters dying, James and Lily would access the privilege of seeing Severus only at Order meetings… which a) they did not b) wouldn’t have been enough time to get that close to someone to the point where you’d want them to be the godparent of your child. Plus, there’s a chance that James and Lily didn’t even attend any Order meetings whilst they were in hiding.
So yeah, not only is this very much not canon but it also ignores most of what’s established in it.
To expand this a bit more, you say this Marauder stan used this as proof of James’s apparent growing up? Well, let’s debunk that, shall we?
It isn’t canon. Boom. Argument completely debunked. It ain’t canon = don’t use it to defend your non-existent faves. <3 Piece of cake.
You can’t use “oh well it’s possible that James would have matured/matured” or “it’s possible he would’ve made peace with Snape,” those are mere what if’s. What if’s are not arguments. It’s ridiculous how this is such a simple thinking process but these arguments have been going on for such a long time. It appears the logic is unable to continue logicing in the Harry Potter fandom.
Story time:
I remember a year ago I dealt with this idiot on YouTube who used this exact argument. (I remember cause 1. holy shit time goes by fast 2. I got a notif for someone complimenting me for my responses 😌 3. around a month ago, I argued with someone in that same comment section.) And I of course corrected them and wrote most of the arguments I’ve written here. They got super pissed and kept on telling me “shut up you stupid Snape apologist,” “fuck you,” “James actually grew out of his bullying ways,” “most of what you said are lies and exaggerations about James (💀💀),” etc. I will legitimately NEVER get over the fact that that person actually said “I guess it’s one rule for Severus Snape and another rule for everyone else,” like sir… do you not know how ironic that is coming from a Snape anti? 😭😭
Anyway, I hope I answered your question, anon! Have a nice day.
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parragone · 2 years
anyway a snippet of the brainrot this morning that's totally not tied to the a/b/o nonsense i posted earlier, no siree
yes it's poly spetsnaz [ tachanka/kapkan/glaz focused], sue me, they're easy to write
more ships will probably happen but a/b/o brainrot is real even though i intended to finish a DIFFERENT SET OF WIPS
"I hope you know that I am going to bite you if you get too close to me," Maxim griped as he peeled off his shirt. It clung in ways that gave his partners secondhand discomfort, though he looked relieved and relaxed once he was bare. The early symptoms of his heat were always uncomfortable, and it was always a difficult period to navigate.
"As if we haven't bitten each other plenty," Alexsandr remarked as he gestured to his neck, where three distinct silvered bite scars had long since settled into his skin. "A bite is no deterrent."
The hunter made a face as he balled up his shirt and tossed it at the older man, which was an attempt to both shut him up and placate him - one which, unsurprisingly, worked - as Timur opened the door to their quarters with a bag in hand. There was only one absent now, but if Maxim knew his partners, then it would stay that way.
"Shuhrat?" Maxim rolled his shoulders as he asked, braced for the worst possible answer.
"He volunteered to share space with Mark," Timur replied with a small shrug as he set the bag down on the bed. "James would have, but Mark's heat manifested as fatigue, so it wouldn't have worked out very well. Shuh offered to share a room with him since he's already touch repulsed during his rut."
Alexsandr sighed heavily, though the hunter couldn't tell if it was to indulge in his scent or due to disappointment. "Well, I suppose-"
"He also said," Timur interrupted as he got his coat off, "That he would like pictures if you are willing, and made a rather sweet suggestion to me as he left with the poor man."
Maxim froze for a moment, his hands in his hair as he processed what had been said. Shuhrat was peculiar in that he rarely had the drive for sex, but often had ideas that got him in particular fucked stupid. The last time Shuhrat had made a suggestion to Timur, Maxim had ended up barely able to remember his own name or how to say anything beyond yes and no.
Which was why he still refused to let Alexsandr have access to a vibrator, regardless of how much the man begged.
"And what suggestion was that?" He knew he'd get an answer if he just asked, and if it weren't for the fact that he knew full well he'd be a little out of his mind in a few hours, he might've left it to mystery.
"It was innocent, I promise," the sniper laughed. "Do you remember the collar Alexsandr got you a few months ago? He suggested we actually use it on you, see how well you take to being a pet."
He would be lying if he said he had forgotten. It had lingered in his drawer since the day he'd received it, simply because he'd been unsure about whether it would be safe to wear it, even in private; somehow, he was more wary of how he might behave if he slipped too deep into subspace than he was of how his partners would handle him. He cast a glance to Alexsandr and nodded in acknowledgement, only to get a shrug and smile in return.
"There is a matching leash," Alexsandr confirmed. "If you would be willing to try it."
"That and pictures, hm," Maxim muttered as he took a seat beside Alexsandr. His skin itched in ways he couldn't explain, but the presence of a trusted and rather loved alpha eased the early stages of his body's demand. The fact the older man slid his hand into Maxim's and intertwined their fingers certainly helped, even if he didn't have it in him to say so. "Sure, sure. One condition - you force me to do color checks. God knows I will be far too gone to remember to say anything if I've reached my limit."
"That, we can do." Timur nodded as he spoke, one hand in the bag on the bed. He rummaged around for a moment before he tossed a bar to the hunter, who barely glanced at the contents of the thing before he'd ripped the wrapper open to devour the contents. "Thought you would be a little hungry."
"I think that is more than a little," Alexsandr laughed softly as he squeezed the hunter's hand.
"Yeah, well, here in an hour or so I'm gonna be hungry for something else and I'll be the worst bitch on the planet if you two can't provide." Maxim shrugged, an almost smug smile on his face as he did so. "You'd better get whatever prep work you want to do done, since he wants pictures."
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listieshadows · 1 year
Listie says some words about every new movie she saw in July 2023 that she hadn't seen before
Eh, why not? I may as well say a few words about every movie I saw last month that I hadn't already seen before (at least according to the spreadsheet I've been keeping up with since February 2017). So, here we go—below the cut, of course, since this is gonna really run long.
(A note from right before I posted this: I actually kind of underestimated how long this would be when I started writing this, oh my goodness. This is 22 films I said words about down there.)
Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny (2023)
Date seen: 2023-07-02
I'll admit I liked this one more coming out of the theater than I do now, so many days removed from it. Back when I made my Indiana Jones ranking post, I ranked it dead in the middle, as worse than Last Crusade and better than Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, but, honestly? I think I might like Crystal Skull a it better than this, actually?
Of course, I might change my mind again if I ever re-watch it, but... I don't know. I can't exactly pinpoint anything specific about it. There's not even nitpicks I can point to to make a mountain-out-of-a-molehill deal out of like everyone did back when Crystal Skull was released.
And, actually, maybe it is just that Dial doesn't have any big, goofy, unbelievable movie serial/B-movie moments like any of the others did. For the most part, it is kind of just a Fast & Furious spectacle with some tomb raiding thrown in there. And when we do get that big moment... Somehow, in a franchise where aliens have already happened, this still seems like a small step too far?
I don't know. I'm not gonna declare it the worst film of 2023 like I'm sure some other people already have, because I did enjoy my time in the theater. I didn't start to wonder two-thirds of the way through "Maybe this isn't good, actually?" like I did SHAZAM! Fury Of The Gods. I'unno. At any rate, this still feels like a better adventure for Jones to bow out on than Crustal Skull. At least until they deepfake Harrison Ford for a sixth film, anyway.
Nimona (2023)
Date seen: 2023-07-03
Jeez, and I'd thought that Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse would the best 2023 film I'd see all year. Like, I knew Nimona would be good, but I didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it can. It legitimately made me cry, which, despite how much my mom teases me about it, is not something I do that often.
It really is incredible to me that Disney left this movie to die when they shut down Blue Sky, but they still let The Ice Age Adventures Of Buck Wild happen. And, gawd, I thought it was a slap in the face before, because it seemed like the only thing Disney wanted to do with Blue Sky was milk the dead cow that is the Ice Age franchise even further (I haven't even seen the Scratt shorts)... And, really, if Blue Sky hadn't been closed down, its biggest crime is that it would've been boring, and potentially pointless if the Buck Wild TV series that this movie was obviously a pilot for never happened.
But in the wake of Nimona's release, The Ice Age Adventures Of Buck Wild is even worse, because Nimona, no doubt, would've been Blue Sky's best movie. Maybe even better than The Peanuts Movie. And that just makes it all the more tragic that Blue Sky was closed before they could finally hit their creative stride.
Also, Nimona ended the same way that Spider-Man: Homecoming did, and part of me's grateful that it did, 'cuz I actually would've been bawling for the next hour or so if it didn't, and I had other shit to do, so...
Mission: Impossible III (2006)
Date seen: 2023-07-03
At the start of July I was in the middle of watching all of the Mission: Impossible movies into the lead-up to Dead Reckoning Part One (more on that later!), and of course this is the last of the "original trilogy," as I like to think of it, before they went from spy thrillers to Jackie Chan stunt spectaculars.
And, honestly, of all of the films, this might be my least favorite?
Like, I'unno, in general, I prefer the more stunt-focused flicks to these, but even besides that... I just really didn't take to it? Like, the first one does the spy stuff the best, I think, and then the sequel is stupid, enjoyable John Woo nonsense. But this? It's the one I'd return to the least.
I mean, maybe I'm just pissed that they never told me what the hell the Rabbit's Foot was.
Independence Day (1996)
Date seen: 2023-07-04
I don't have much to say about this one, really. It's just stupid, popcorn fun. Like, yeah, it's overly jingoistic, but Will Smith punches out an alien and a whole shit-ton of miniatures blow up. Come on, that's entertainment.
I mean, at any rate, I enjoyed watching this movie more than Anonymous. At least this movie didn't put forward any Anti-Stratfordian conspiracy theories.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
Date watched: 2023-07-08
Surprisingly, this was the only one of the "latter trilogy" that I hadn't seen before this year. I'm not entirely sure why. I mean, I believe all three were available to me when I watched Ghost Protocol and Fallout, so I can't exactly figure out why it took me this long.
And big surprise, it's as much of a fun, thrilling spy action stunt spectacular as the other two. I wasn't expecting anything less.
Part of me kind of feels like these three are sort of interchangeable—like, if you wanna watch a spy movie where Tom Cruise risks his life being very high up in the air, you'd be fine with any of these. Of course, that's ignoring the actual stories, and I'm not saying they're bad in calling them interchangeable. Just that, in the future, if I were to try and figure out which one to watch, I'd have a hard time 'cuz they're all so equally good.
Maybe I'd just make it easy and put on Mission: Impossible 2, I'unno.
Spinout (1966)
Date watched: 2023-07-10
I've already talked about this movie in a previous post, so I'll just direct you there if you wanna hear my thoughts about it. Y'know, if you're really dying to find out what some random user on Tumblr thinks about Elvis's twentieth-some movie.
The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
Date watched: 2023-07-15
I plan to watch all of the Transformers movie this August, so I figured I may as well take the time to watch the original flick. Which, really, let's be honest, mostly served just to wipe most of the previous cast away so they could promote new toys.
I didn't not enjoy this movie, don't get me wrong, but obviously I didn't get as much out of it as I could have. Like, if I were a kid in the 80's, or if I were deeply invested in the cartoon, or if I didn't know that Optimus comes back, dies and comes back in the season of the show following this movie. Mostly, I just wanted to hear Eric Idle and Orson Welles, watch some robots beat up other robots, listen to one of the characters say "Aw, shit!" and devour the film's gloriously cheesy 80's soundtrack, which even includes Weird Al's "Dare To Be Stupid". And I got all that, so...
My friend Aylo didn't like it when I said that Hot Rod is partially responsible for Optimus Prime's death, but, hey, I just call 'em like I see 'em. Also, I mistook Hot Rod for Wheelie, and I wanted to perpetuate those allegations just to spite Wheelie.
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)
Date watched: 2023-07-16
I mean this in the best way possible—this movie frustrated the shit out of me. I just wanted Ethan to keep a hold on that damn key, but it just kept on getting yoinked out of his hands by some damn pickpocket or whoever. And, like, I mean it in the best way because that does mean I was invested in what was going on enough to care, but gaaaawd, how is this the person Ethan's had the most trouble with?
This movie's portrayal of A.I. is exactly what both A.I. evangelists and doomsayers clam it will be.
The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension (1984)
Date watched: 2023-07-18
Is this what all superhero movies feel like to people who aren't deeply invested in them? 'Cuz I found it pretty dang enjoyable if it is.
Also, I accidentally learned why that watermelon was there, and it bums me out because I liked the mystery way more.
Ruthless People (1986)
Date watched: 2023-07-20
This is a fine black comedy, but certainly not the best Zucker/Abrams/Zucker. I mean, literally, the only times I remembered that they directed this was the opening credits and the closing credits. In-between? I'unno, maybe I was just too distracted by Danny DeVito to remember.
And, yes, I did watch this movie entirely because its title song was the subject of Weird Al's only miss in parodying a hit, "Toothless People". Indeed, it really isn't even the best parody on the album. Not even "Addicted To Spuds" is right there with the line "Some tater tots would blow your mind!"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze (1991)
Date watched: 2023-07-20
The second part of my preparation for the upcoming Turtles movie this August, and... I don't think it's that much worse than the first, honestly? Clearly not as good, of course, but I'd give it a thumbs up.
This movie reminds me a lot of Ghostbusters II, where the tone was lightened up quite a bit from the first film because there was a franchise and a Saturday morning cartoon all the little kids were into. Now, true, the Turtles were already a franchise and cartoon beforehand, so it's not a 100% accurate comparison, but you get what I mean. After the first film, which was based more on the original comics, proved to be a success, the sequel was made to fit in better with how most people knew the TMNT.
But, again, I don't think it's a total downgrade. I can still take this mostly seriously, even with some of the dumber lines and moments. And at least we still have the Henson costumes. Can't argue with those.
Really, the only part that absolutely stunk was the anti-climax of Super Shredder. Like, even the appearance of Vanilla Ice got a laugh of me because... Come on, it's Vanilla Ice. What else was I supposed to do?
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (2006)
Date watched: 2023-07-22
I watched this to celebrate the one-year anniversary of me watching all of the Superman movies I hadn't seen before (which meant "literally all of them except the DCEU two"), and in the intermediate time I've seen a lot of other movies, so I can't exactly tell you how this cut stacks up to the original, but... It's Superman II. It's the best of all of 'em. Can't argue with it.
I don't think you should watch this over the theatrical cut, but if you're curious to see how Donner would've cut it, I say go for it.
And, hey, 'know, this didn't cost Warner Bros. millions like that other time they let someone recut one of their DC movies (and, yes, thank you, I do refuse to watch it—or the original for that matter).
But so we don't go to the next film on that note, I wanna confess that the only thing I noticed different from the original cut was when I thought, "Hey, waitaminute—that shot where Superman blows a woman's skirt up wasn't there before."
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993)
Date watched: 2023-07-23
Any enjoyment I got out of this you could credit way more to James Rolfe than you can the film itself. If it weren't for his old review, I wouldn't've laughed nearly as much at the bad lines, poor special effects, terrible costumes, stupid story, and just the utterly bone-headed decision to have the Turtles time travel to early 17th-century Japan.
Well, at least it's not the worst thing to feature that subway lair set—though it's not exactly a compliment to say that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III is only barely better than Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.
The Flash (2023)
Date watched: 2023-07-24
I wanna state upfront that nobody made a dime off of me watching this. The only thing I wasted here was my time.
So. The Flash.
You ever watch something just to be able to call it the worst thing you've seen all year?
Seriously, if the film hadn't stopped dead in its tracks in the middle of the climax to shove poorly rendered CGi fanservice in our face, it would have been fine. Maybe slightly better than SHAZAM! Fury Of The Gods. But that one extended moment is so crassly cynical, I think it caused "multiverse fatigue" all by itself, and I can't imagine myself willingly seeing anything worse this year.
Literally the best part was just the opening logos, and the fact that the movie quotes "Barbie Girl" really pissed me off, because that meant it tied directly into the next movie I saw.
Barbie (2023)
Date watched: 2023-07-24
I remember when I first heard that there was going to be a live-action Barbie movie, I was really skeptical. Like this was Mattel looking at the success of The LEGO Movie years ago and decided to shit out something in the vein of, like, The Smurfs or whatever.
Never would I have imagined that, years later, I'd be one of many people sitting in the theater audience wearing pink.
Absolutely lived up to the hype and how insane the trailers made it look. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Gawd bless.
You go live your best life, Alan.
Hatching Pete (2009)
Date watched: 2023-07-25
This is another one of those DCOMs I've seen ahead of the podcast Escape From Vault Disney—which is the only kind of DCOM I see, for the record—and, well, on a scale of "Does this feature a man in a chicken suit committing grand theft auto?", it's so far the best one.
In another universe, "Hatching Pete" is the title of a trans coming out story.
Elvis: That's The Way It Is (1970)
Date watched: 2023-07-26
Now this is what I wanted from an Elvis film—Elvis on stage singing his ass off, doing flailing karate moves, messing around with his band, finding time to kiss every woman in the audience, and deepthroating his microphone. Fun times!
TMNT (2007)
Date watched: 2023-07-26
Maybe the best Turtles film since the first one? I'unno, maybe if it had a plot I could give a hoot about, because Winters and all of the everything he was doing was just not doing it for me.
But, hey, at least I got to look at good looking CGi Turtles one more time before... Urgh. The next two.
Inception (2007)
Date watched: 2023-07-27
Oh, so that's why everybody uses "-ception" as a suffix. Neat! And the rest of the movie's real good, too.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007)
Date watched: 2023-07-28
I wouldn't say this is as bad as Turtles III—I mean, it keeps the characters in New York, but that's the lowest possible bar for it to clear, and it certainly doesn't cross into being good.
It's such a strange decision to have the movie focus so centeredly on April, but I guess it's for the better we don't spend as much time as we could have being forced to focus on creeper Mikey.
Oppenheimer (2023)
Date watched: 2023-07-30
Lemme say up front that this is a good movie. A very good movie. Maybe one of Nolan's best—I haven't seen enough of his work to say for sure, but from what I've read, it's a very good candidate not only for Nolan's best, but maybe even best of the year. And certainly, this is absolutely a film that needs to be seen in theaters. There are moments in here I can't imagine just watching on a TV or phone.
And I bring all this preface just to say that if anyone sees this film rank towards the middle of my 2023 film ranking, it's because, honestly, if it weren't for the whole "Barbenheimer" phenomenon, I don't think I would've gone out of my way to see it, at least not in theaters. I'm sure I still would've had some interest in this film (largely because of the Epic Rap Battle where Oppenheimer battled Thanos), but not enough to go out of my way like this.
Also, lemme jus' say that, yeah, I agree with Issa Rae; I am a bit of psychopath for seeing this late. Didn't hit me until a few hours after I'd left the theater, but, yeah; shit could mess you up if you let it.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows (2016)
Date watched: 2023-07-31
I guess it's better than the first—I mean, credit for addressing issues like how pointless splitting Shredder into two characters was and for actually giving the Turtles character focus, and for adding in elements that fans had no doubt waited forever to see, like Krang and Be-Bop and Rocksteady—but it's still not that great.
Seriously, could they not get Krang on set for more than two days? He's a big brain alien with a mustache for some reason; he can't be that busy!
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orphanage-body · 2 years
Hi 👋
1, 4, 6, 12, 15 and 19 for the book ask
Hey you! Thanks for the ask! 😁
1. book you've reread the most times?
Definitely my dad's collection of Astérix and Boule & Bill comics. I've read those so much when I was younger. Other than that, I'm not really a rereader of books. Special mention tho: The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which I've read twice in the span of a year. This book b r o k e me.
4. what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
Comics (french BDs and US comic books), mangas, sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, classics, the english section (if they have one). Not necessarily in that order. Oh, and I have that thing where I look at the books I already own, or I look for the ones I plan on buying one day, like I'm judging the bookstore's good tastes.
6. what books have you read in the past month?
You say "bookS" as if I wasn't the slowest motherfucker out there. I'm rereading 1984 by George Orwell (yeah I know what I said in my first answer, but it's different, I read that book for the first time 10 years ago). I've also read one or two Watchmen comics (the new edition in 12 volumes), and one or two Detective Conan.
12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
Yeah, I enjoyed most of them (except Le Père Goriot by Balzac, and De Gaulle's Mémoires (never went past the first chapter of that one)), I was an avid reader back then. I don't remember them all, but I remember I particularly liked Tous les matins du monde by Quignard, and À la lumière d'hiver by Jaccottet (programme du bac de litté 2012 rpz).
15. recommend and review a book
Uuuhhh I'm so bad at this. Okay, huh. I don't even know what to recommend? I already talked about my favorite book, The Ocean... Hey, you know what? I'll do The Ocean. So, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman. I love this book so much, you don't even know. It's about a middle-aged man, the narrator, who comes back to his childhood town after his dad's funeral. His steps lead him to a farm nearby, and as the woman living there invite him to sit in front of the pond behind the farm, he unlocks some forgotten memories from his childhood, and the time he spent with the ageless girl who used to live on the farm, her mother, and her grandmother, who pretended she witnessed the creation of the moon. I love Gaiman's books (the 3 I've read so far, at least), because it's not fantasy set in a fantasy world, it's set in an ordinary world, in which the main character lives an ordinary life, until magic comes into their life, turning their world upside down.
Fun fact about this book: I first read it in Finland, when I got a library card (I had read and loved Good Omens and was curious about reading more books by Gaiman and Pratchett, and stumbled upon The Ocean). And it broke me. It was so good. And heart-wrenching. Several months later, I buy the (gorgeous) illustrated version of this book, and decide to reread it. And you know what? Much like the main character, I had forgotten about the ending. So when I read it again, it broke me some more. Anyway, that rec is wayyyyy too long, but if you haven't, you should read it (but maybe you have, since you've read other stuff by Gaiman). Also Gaiman says this one is 90% autobiographical.
19. most disliked popular books?
Idk, I'm not a hater of books, I'm a non-reader of books I'm not interested in (also, I tend to not read a particular book when the hype is big, like I wait for it to calm down or I don't read it at all). Gotta say tho, HP lives a sour taste in my mouth now, obviously. Sometimes writers need to shut the fuck up.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Kelis: I'm obsessively private. I'm like the Pink Panther...duh duh duh duh...*laughs*... l feel like right now there's really no separation between business and life, and for me that's extremely important.
I signed my first deal when I was 17 and when I got released I was 27.
I launched my sauce line Bounty & Full and had my own food truck after I graduated culinary school..
It was in Australia where I fell in love with wine, years ago - going to wineries and tasting stuff - and I slowly started looking into getting my sommelier certification.
Interviewer: you curated the menu for Floyd Mayweather's 40th birthday party. And the drink -
Kelis: Morir Sonando.. they give it to children to fatten them up.[ Im Puerto Rican] It's like a Creamsicle, it's delicious.
Interviewer: [about Nas] the world has like not accepted that you guys are not together anymore
Kelis: I think every generation, you know, has their couples. For me it was like Treach and Pepa. And you feel like you're part of their story. I love romance, but what people need to understand is these are real people, and real hearts that get broken. I understood it [people wanting us to get back together] right after it happened. But 9 years later, it boggles my mind that people are still saying it.
We got married before our actual wedding ceremony. My mom didn't approve of the marriage. There was a certain rawness about that era that doesn't exist now. Everything was different, how people responded to us was different [than now].
When he [Nas] and I got married I was already on my third album. I already had made a name for myself before we ever met. We fell in love, and quickly. And we're both alike in that we're good at shutting out the world. I think when other people's opinions got involved, the relationship started to get progressively worse, although the relationship was never good in the first place.
I was 22 when I met him. We were both drinking too much, smoking too much, spending too much. And then when the money gets low, it's a very low low. There's no balance, no normalcy.
I was madly in love, so I accepted a lot of things I shouldn't have. The infidelity was the straw that broke the camel's back, but that wasn't it. I didn't file for divorce because he cheated. He'd been cheating for two years and I knew that. It was because on top of the other stuff, now you're gonna cheat. I was 7 months pregnant, thinking I cannot bring a person into the world in this. This is a mess. I filed for divorce in April and Knight was born in July.
There was a lot of mental and physical abuse. But I think I would have stayed longer had I not been pregnant.
He would get way too drunk, and hit me. I would try and fight back. I think he would black out [from the drinking]. The next day it would be like nothing happened.
I haven't spoken a word about Nas in 9 years, but he's spoken about me.
One time he was so angry he broke the doors off its hinges.
When the pictures of Chris Brown and Rihanna came out, I felt like I was in double dutch. Should I jump out, should I say anything? Because at that time, I had bruises all over my body. But I wasn't ready to say anything.
I didn't want to feel weak. I thought, I chose him as my partner. I'm gonna stick it out. I stayed for years after that.
So much of me was out of character in that marriage.
Nas is obsessed with his image. That's why everyone think he's phenomenal and I'm just this raging b****...
Interviewer: So what is he going to think when he sees this interview?
Kelis: I mean, he already hates me. When I finished culinary school, I had just had the baby. And I go home and see a foreclosure sign on the door. I call Nas, like, 'there's a foreclosure sign on our door, what's going on?!" And he responded, "Go f*** yourself."
I got with him when I was 22. I had Knight at 29. It's like, you wait until I have a baby to do this? I was terrified. So I had to put out Flesh Tone [my album].
And it's like, now he wants to be in my son's life, just dip in and out when he hasn't been there for so long. And I didn't want people to know I was angry because as soon as you're an angry black woman, then you're an 'angry black woman' and then that's forever...
But you know what? I am black. And I am furious. And I am not sorry.
I have never been perfect, but I am a damn good mom. And I have sacrificed so much to be a good mom.
I've waited for him to show up, so much so that I can't even tell my son that he's coming until he's at the curb...because of how many times he hasn't shown up.
You can't not show up for months. He only started paying child support consistently two years ago. My child will be 9 this July. So I didn't get a single cent up until 2012.
My mother had a stroke one Saturday, and I asked Nas if he could bring my son and Nas said no. I told him, 'my mom just had a stroke, can you bring Knight?' and he just says, 'no.' *breaks down crying*
My mom is a tank yo, my mom is just this little firecracker. She always has red lips on and everything. She's New York to the death.. It just made me realize how short life is. And to see her like that...I was mortified. You know, Knight and her have such a good relationship. I didn't grow up with my grandparents, so it was super important to me that my kids have that. Nas's mother passed away, so all we have is my parents.
I walked out to save myself, and to save my baby. Knight didn't deserve any of this.
My current husband is a dad to Knight. Not because he wants to replace his father, but because he's the only one there. Knight met my husband when he was four. He started calling his stepdad 'Poppa.' I never asked or told him to do that. My son was looking for a dad.
Like I said, Knight is going to be 9. Nas has only ever been to two birthdays. I'm the one who does everything for him.
I even invited him to Thanksgiving to be cordial, and let Knight go with his dad while my husband and I were on our honeymoon. The next day, I see online that he filed for custody because he supposedly 'can't see his kids.' I thought I was in the twilight zone.
I don't think it should be 50/50 just because sperm was involved. If you want to be involved, prove it. The California courts, in their effort to be fair, often negate facts. I am devastated for women that can't afford to pay lawyers in a situation like this. Thank God I can.
If you want Nas go get him. Please. And you'll be running for the hills just like Nicki [Nicki Minaj]. I don't want that man back, he's no prize.
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On The Same Page side quest, Prologue
Merula: Hey... gryffindor...
Malcolm: ...
Merula: ...
Merula: I can't believe I'm saying this but. Can we stop this shit for just one day please!?
Malcolm: And why the fuck should I? After you mocked my brothers? After you sabotaged us in class? After you tried to KILL MY BROTHER BY LOCKING HIM IN A CLOSET!
Malcolm: Why?
Merula takes a deep breath before speaking, her breath is hesitant.
Merula: I... I need your help. And Don't you dare start.
Malcolm: Why? What the fuck could I gain from helping you? And what the fuck do you want from me?
Merula: It's for Alexandros,
She is still getting used to calling him by his first name.
Merula: I- I need to plan a picnic date but I have no idea what to do.
Malcolm: So for my brother... that you tried to kill.
Merula: ....
She looks down at her feet, her crunched up to her torso.
Merula: Because I wanted to confess to him and make ...us... official.
Malcolm: Holy- Shit!
They both sit down and relax their bodies. Both remain quiet for a little bit. Merula is fixing her outfit as she gets prepared to speak.
Merula: There! I said it. Okay... I wanted to make us official because we haven't talked about it and I need your help. You know him the best and your brother, Hufflepuff, wouldn't give me actually advice just dumb shit to fuck with me!
Merula: I fucking hate saying it especially to you! but I need to make this special.
Merula: Deathwood is an absolute idiot and a weak wizard, but...I want to be... together..
Merula: But I don't know enough of what he likes. I am done embarrassing myself so you can trust my motives! OKAY!! Can you- assist me just this ONCE.
Malcolm: I'll help for my brother, but what's in it for me?
Merula: I'll leave you and your friends alone for 2 weeks.
Malcolm: 3.
Merula: A month.
Malcolm: Make it 2.
Merula: FINE!
Malcolm: Okay so you already know he's- well it doesn't matter.
Merula: Yeah I already know he has some mental disorders, doesn't really help with planning.
Malcolm: It should be somewhere quiet so it doesn't bother his ears or leave him irritated. Somewhere with a good view of the outdoors, as he likes that. For some reason he likes darkly lit areas, and prefers the cold then hot places.
Merula: Okay I can work with that, but what about food and drinks?
Malcolm:...Juice boxes.
Merula: what.
Malcolm: Yeah he likes apple juice in a juice box, both of them get really excited when they find a pack in the fridge. But lemonade, fizzy drinks, pumpkin juice are all good options.
Merula: How autistic are your brothers!?
Malcolm: You are the one who wants to be his girlfriend, you shouldn't be judging.
Merula: Sh-shut up and tell me what food he likes!
Malcolm: Well he has quite the appetite, so bring some food. There are a lot of things he wouldn't mind eating and enjoys, like lasagna, or a really good soup.
Merula: Soup?
Malcolm: Yeah with rice, but those are a bit messy so you should go with something like tacos, hotdogs, flautas, or Oh I- yeah so get him so tortas and some potato farls as well as some pumpkin pie.
Merula: We get it you live in a Hispanic house hold, what the fuck is a tu-torta and a potato farllels!?
Malcolm: It's farls and it's Irish, its essientally a potato cake and a torta is a Hispanic sandwich, made with bolillos, a type of bread and a variety of spices.
Merula: You are making it very hard to ste- acquire these items, but fine. Any other recommendations?
Malcolm: Nope, none. just don't be a dick.
Merula: ...Just don't go telling anyone about this, or I'll go back on our deal and make your life hell.
Malcolm: yeah, yeah you don't need to threaten me, I'll keep my promise as long as you do the same.
Her brow is furrowed and full of shame and anger.
Merula: We are not friends b-
Malcolm: Yeah no, Fuck you.
Merula: WELL before you so rudely cut me OFF! I wanted to say Thank you. This means a lot. Ugh I hate being sappy like this- so kindly fuck off!
Malcolm gets up and starts walking away from her, clearly glad to be done talking to her as he flips her the bird. Merula begins speaking to herself.
Merula: Oh merlin, I hate him, and I hated every second this, but... at least it will be worth it.
Merula: Wait! FUCK I didn't ask if there are any outfits that Deathwood would like. I hope my hair isn't too much of a mess.
Alexandros: Hey bro, how have you been?
Malcolm: I'm fine, hey heads up, bring that necklace that mom gave you. You will thank me later.
Alexandros: ???
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