#Bit of a ramble
asphelissorcery · 1 year
“Gregory is an irredeemable monster” “Gregory is an innocent baby” Wrong and Wrong. Gregory is morally dubious and that makes him more interesting.
Him and Vanessa designed a program that prevents people from releasing the Mimic by alerting animatronics to kill the person outright. One of the nodes is Roxy, meaning he probably made her one so if anyone came down there the V.A.N.N.I. mask or the Mimic itself would imitate his voice and agro her. The M.X.E.S. Entity tries to run you over with a go-kart. And even after all that, he tried to reach Cassie all night to keep her out of danger and gave her directions to the exit. Regardless of if he’s the one that dropped the elevator shaft or not he’d have understandable reasons- not morally perfect reasons, mind you, but understandable ones.
And outside of Ruin, in the base game, he makes tough calls. He tears Freddy’s friends to shreds and lies about it, but he has damn good reasons for doing so. They were trying to kill him. And in order to reach the Afton ending or (if you destroyed Monty first) Princess Quest III- the two “good” endings- he NEEDS those parts. Just so happens the only way to get them is through the other animatronics. So, as he would probably reason, “sucks to suck.”
Gregory is willing to put a stop to Afton’s influence no matter the cost. Him and Vanessa are keeping the Mimic down there no matter the cost. And that’s SUPER interesting. No more of trying to blanket statement him as either entirely wrong or entirely right- he’s neither. Kid’s willing to get his hands dirty for the greater good.
So pleaaaaaaase stop unironically saying that he did no wrong OR that he’s a horrible person. Joking is fine- I find a lot of the jokes funny- but please don’t seriously boil him down to all good or all bad. And also he’s like twelve
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This is legitimately so cool. I'm just imagining all the language learning opportunities, if everyone tries to, with this server.
We've already learned a bit of each language just from people talking to each other. But now with translating signs and books.
If people just try, they can learn some common words from each other's languages. Like they try figuring out what it means in their own language and test themself with the translation. AHHH I'M SO EXCITED
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
They got married.
It’s weird to Jamie, nothing really changed but he feels like a different person.
They’ve come back from two months off and it might’ve been the best vacation honeymoon combo in the world. He knows he should tell Roy his plan but, some casual mysteries are fun. Gotta keep old men on their toes.
He knocks on the office door, he’s spinning his ring out of nervousness, “come in.”
He opens Rebbeca’s door, “Jamie! Welcome back!” She says turning from her windows and opening her arms for a hug. He smiles, and accepts the hug.
“It’s great to be back. Had a fabulous time but home is home.”
Rebbeca nods, she walks him over to the couch, “not that I’m not happy to see you Jamie, but we don’t do this. Are you okay? Problems with Roy?”
Jamie’s ears go a bit red, he ducks his head. “No! God no, and I know we don’t I’m sorry. I needed to ask you if something would be a PR nightmare before I did it.”
She laughs crossing her legs and pats his arm. “You married you coach while still being coached by him Jamie, I think you’ll be okay.”
He nods, he really hasn’t stopped smiling since the wedding, fuck maybe even since the proposal.
“I want to surprise everyone, mostly Roy, by wearing just his name on my kit.”
Rebbeca nods, thank god she’s hard to shock. “Legal name change or just kit?”
“Legal. Roy and I have talked about me hyphenating but I want my fathers name to end with my father, I never really thought I would be able to get rid of it. But now that I have the choice? I choose to be a Kent.”
Rebbeca pulls him into another hug. When they pull away Jamie swears she’s wiping a tear out of her eye. “I’ll make it happen. You sure you can keep quiet about it for another month?”
Jamie laughs standing, he helps Rebbeca stand. “I kept quiet about my being in love with Roy for years I think one month won’t kill me.”
Roy was practically shoved out of the locker room, normally not weird but it was a bit weird because Jamie was still not in his kit.
He’s getting twitchy. It’ll be fine but it is the first game since being married, fuck it’s the first game in general.
He hears the players announcements, he hears a stumble in the sentence.
“Joey look at that! Jamie is wearing Kent on his kit! Looks like formerly known as Jamie Tartt is now going to be known as Jamie Kent, gotta say, I’m happy for them Joe.”
“Absolutely Richard, they were pretty private at their relationship but they got married a month into the off season. But Joey look down at Coach Kent. He looks shocked, we think this might be a surprise ladies and gentlemen!”
Fuck. Jamie.
Roy doesn’t know what his face is doing but he assumes it’s something smiley. Beard nudges him forward to where Jamie ended up in front of them.
He’s bouncing in place, must be nervous, nervous about how Roy will react?
Well count Roy as thoroughly turned on and happy. He knows. They promised they wouldn’t be relationshipy on the field but Roy’s pretty sure Jamie will forgive him.
He yanks Jamie to him. “Kent huh?” Jamie smiles and does a spin, god Roy hates the paparazzi but he’s going on google later to find these pictures.
“Thought you might like the surprise?”
Roy tilts his head back, Christ he’s about to do this, he leans down and kisses Jamie. “Love it. Love you. Now go focus so at least one of us is paying attention.”
Rebbeca has showed up down with them sometime during this, she’s smiling at them. “You do this Rebbeca?”
She laughs, patting his arm, “I might’ve known he wanted to shock you.”
Roy nods. God he’s happy.
Oh god.
His sister is going to be so annoying.
God Twitter.
God taking Jamie apart knowing his name is Jamie’s name.
Problems for later, they’ve got a game to win.
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something-lemonade · 3 months
Doing the apple aphantasia test I'm just dead, do people really not see realistic images? I can't even image not seeing anything, I'm so sorry if you have aphantasia. That's wild. Can you really only come up with associated feelings and stuff. I don't even know how that would feel. Closing your eyes and seeing nothing. Wow.
Like, I'm not saying there's something bad or wrong about you guys I'm just saying I could not fathom that, I see so much, mentally. I can imagine things super realistically, I'm so shooketh. Like no daydreams? No vivid imagery about whatever Fandom you obsess over? You guys don't have those scary vivid intrusive thoughts? That's amazingly interesting, I'm sorry
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cw grief, moving on, long ramble
It's been a bit under a year without Grandma T. I've dreaded Christmas, felt sick at the adverts asking "what does your Christmas look like?" knowing there will never be another Christmas for me. But today I was finally strong enough to open the big garbage bags in which all of her crochet work was stored in. I went through them, folded them and finally put them in the closet. My hallway is finally clear. And my heart is lighter. I know Christmas is going to be hard. But I'm going to do my best to hold onto the happy memories and traditions.
That being said, I've been trying to push through the Christmas countdown, just to kind of... get back to the idea of Christmas being happy and bright and full of laughter. And I hope I can share Christmas with you all this year, even though I cannot be with my family this year. Sorry for the long ramble. But thank you for taking time to listen.
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m4gp13 · 1 month
One of my favourite things to think about when it comes to immortals and reincarnation co-existing is an immortal recognising a soul they knew in its previous life and still having a lot of affection for it and trying to take care of it. Maybe a god finds out a beloved mortal hero they once knew has reincarnated into a cat, so they take the cat in and it becomes the most well-looked-after cat in the whole world. Maybe an immortal had to say goodbye to a giant tortoise who had been their closest companion for almost a hundred years and are elated when they discover their old friend's new incarnation. What about an immortal who was in so much pain losing someone the first time that now they're trying so hard to find a way to make that someone's newest incarnation immortal as well so they never have to lose them again.
and what about the mortal's perspective on this? It's beautiful to be loved, yes, but how much of it is the immortal loving the person they are now versus loving the memory of the person they used to be? And what about the mortal's identity? Do they have any control over who they are and who they choose to become or is it all predetermined?
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half-life-citizen · 2 months
Sometimes I'm sad; but then I look at the world around me, that every raindrop falling erodes stones raised from the heart of the world itself, that moss creeps over the once magma and just lives
The world is composed of natural processes, and it calms me to realise how everything is connected
How the world is just a nice place to be in.
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redamancering · 1 year
to those who noticed the blazamy in my last chapter. you are my target audience and i wish you the best.
i actually wrote an alternative scene of lavender haze from blaze’s perspective where she’s utterly whipped for amy, and it turned out better than the published fic so i’m not sure how to feel about that. i adore them so much.
anyway, been reading the comments on gauntlet and i just wanted to share my appreciation again. i’m not sure when the next chapter will be out, it will likely be a few weeks. but thank you to everyone who’s reading and enjoying so far!!!!!
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thefigmented · 11 months
ok but why IS baby boy so haunted??? why's the ten year old got the eyebags of a twenty year old
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oh boy so. figaro was a. strange child, generally speaking (well, he's still strange, but in different ways)
some stuff copied over from discord under the cut (cw for casual biphobia and ableism, i think?) --
His family was.. I mean they weren't like. abusive. but they weren't exactly supportive either? He's kind of a disappointment in their eyes. Never follows the rules well enough, never had interests in the "right" areas (he's an artist and a musician instead of somethin "practical", and likes men as well as women), and when he was a young boy and started talking about seeing "ghosts" and occasionally having delusions his parents kinda started treating him like a ticking bomb, like he was insane and had to controlled and "steered in the right direction" always.
He doesn't get awful delusions where he's unable to tell real from fake as much anymore, but when he was a kid and they happened more often, sometimes he'd accidentally hurt people. Nothing serious, but it made people less friendly towards him in general even though he was a sweet kid. That's part of the reason he left home and started traveling soon as he was able to (around 17 or 18, probably). Didn't feel like he belonged or like anyone actually wanted him there when he was back "home"
I guess as he got older he got better at dealing with it, and the worst of it sort of mellowed out. Still gets him sometimes though, and it's still just as scary for him as it was back then.
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He's doin' alright, all things considered
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laurasauras · 1 year
i have to say, it really is amazing how every football/soccer fan i know is like 100% behind the women's world cup. every one of them is talking about the great goals and which player is out with an injury and which team is definitely going to win this round, but they can't wait to watch it anyway.
for my entire life, women have been paid less than men or not at all because they don't bring the same kind of attention and therefore don't draw the advertisers etc etc. and maybe that's true? but we weren't even given the option, the games either didn't exist or weren't televised! and now we are, and people are damn sure showing up to watch!
my 3yo niece recently said to her dad that she couldn't do a sport (can't remember which one) because girls weren't as strong as boys, and i have NO idea where she got that from, but her dad bought tickets to a women's basketball game as soon as he'd stopped reassuring her that that was complete bullshit (in much more compassionate words, he's a great dad)
so i knew that it was important for this cup to be celebrated how it is because you know, let the little girls see that they can be strong and fast etc etc, but i genuinely hadn't expected to see the intense investment that people regardless of their gender have in these games. it's just really nice :)
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gumy-shark · 11 months
got a comment on one of my old bnha fics, the first thing i ever posted on ao3. it’s over three years old now. i’d forgotten about that fic. i wonder how that commenter found it, now that it’s been nearly three years since the last update? they must have spent a long time scrolling and reading- or maybe Quirk Analysis (My Hero Academia) is just a somewhat barren tag? i don’t know.
they didn’t even leave any nice comments, any feedback one way or the other- they simply asked if they could “suggest a comment to” a certain character’s powers, if i do end up posting a chapter on her- and it took me aback. this fic had been untouched for nearly 3 full years, and this person was asking about a next chapter. not in a pushy way, either! they weren’t asking when the next chapter was going to come out, or demanding that i write more, or even offering unasked-for criticism (all of which are comments i’ve gotten before). and it made me want to come back to that fic, give it a proper goodbye (or, more likely, a “‘til we meet again.”
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aroace-poly-show · 2 years
idk if this has been brought up before (it probably has but idc i love this game and i WILL rant whether you like it or not) and if its already super obvious to everyone but me when i first got into the game, but a cool little detail i like about omori is the parallels between aubrey and sunny. specifically, their very similar reactions in an argument under a lot of stress.
sunny had been under a lot of stress on the day of the recital, being unable to get the part right and disliking the violin because of how it took away from him getting to spend time with his friends. under that stress, he ended up throwing his violin down the stairs in the argument with mari. mari, obviously, gets angry (not really blaming her though, it’d be a normal reaction), and sunny, not seeing mari be angry before, gets even more stressed. when she gets in his way when he tries to run, he unconsciously reacts and then as we know, pushes her down the stairs which results in the whole incident. he didn’t want to hurt mari. he never would have wanted to kill her. but he was under pressure and his fight or flight reacted before he could know what he was doing. he just wanted to push her out of the way so he could leave.
aubrey does a really fucking similar thing. she was under stress at the lake. kel’s blaming her and not understanding her, and villainizes her. sunny, who hasn’t left his house in 4. FUCKING. YEARS. suddenly is back out of the blue and had fucking. stabbed her??? out of nowhere during a fight??? goddamn. basil, who she’s already had her issues with, was just screaming for help which is getting her in trouble (and she doesn’t know why he was screaming for help in the first place bc she hadn’t even done anything to him then), is also there, and he’s technically the reason sunny and kel had just fought her in the first place. she’s overwhelmed by all this, and when basil tries to talk to her and gets closer, she reacts and pushes him into the lake. her fight or flight reacted before she could know what she was doing. she wasn't thinking about how he couldn't swim. she didn’t want to push basil into the lake. she just wanted him to go away.
the difference between the 2 of them was that aubrey got so much luckier, with hero coming just in time to save basil. she had her chance to make up for it and apologize to him. she doesn't have to live with the guilt of having actually killed someone. poor 12 yr old sunny never got that lucky.
neither of them meant to hurt someone. neither of them wanted to hurt someone they cared about. they were just under pressure and pushed into a stressful situation. sunny's just ended so, so much worse than aubrey's. (i just feel bad for them both. i love them so much. i want them all to be happy again </3)
(this also feeds into my delusion that aubrey would forgive sunny, at least eventually. bc she did the same thing. she just got lucky. i like to think she'd at least eventually realize that and kind of empathize with him. he never got the opportunity that she got. and what's worse, the poor guy was only 12. </3)
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toxinfox · 2 years
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Exaltober, Days 2, 3, and 4: Light of the Unconquered, Shapechangers of Silver, Weavers of Starmetal
The Skalishaya Sisters
Born into a family of scavengers whose fortunes were made or broken by raiding tombs and uncovering artifacts, the three sisters Anjali, Kaveri, and Malati were scattered across Creation when the untimely (?) deaths of their parents Kirandir and Nakanadi caused them to lose track of each other until adulthood. 
Anjali Skalishaya, No Moon Lunar
Anjali, the eldest, was 19 and old enough to accompany her parents on that fateful trip to a long-forgotten manse in the deep East. Three mortals entered the manse. One Exalt left. Anjali, newly bereft and terrified of what her remaining family would think of what she’d become, wandered in the East for a time before encountering a circle of Solars, whom she worked with for many years, reclaiming the lost university of Sperimin/Mahalanka from Raksi, thwarting the schemes of a circle of Abyssals, and eventually encountering her Celestial mate, Rachna... (but that’s a whole other story!). 
Kaveri Shendo, Night Caste Solar
Too young to accompany their parents on the Eastern manse job, Kaveri, who was 10 years old at the time, and Malati, who was only 6, stayed behind with their Aunt Jindei and Uncle Ursho Shendo in Farhold while their parents and older sister Anjali ventured into the deep East. When months passed and no one returned from the expedition, it became clear that... no one ever would. 
Ursho was a Lookshyan soldier on leave, and had to return to Lookshy, so, rightly assuming the two girls were now orphans, he packed Kaveri and Malati up, and he and Jindei headed back to Lookshy with the two girls. While Malati was misplaced along the way, Kaveri grew up in Lookshy, receiving military training as an excellent archer. 
But when she accidentally uncovered a plot involving the highly dangerous Mourning Field just outside Lookshy’s southern gates, her efforts to investigate landed her whole family in trouble with the law. Her aunt and uncle were thrown in prison, and Kaveri was on the lam. Determined to stop whatever was going on, Kaveri did something bold and desperate: she broke into the bedroom of the Chumyo of Lookshy, forged a letter of pardon using the signet ring on the sleeping man’s finger, and then smuggled herself into the Nightwatch Citadel prison on the underside of a supply cart, intending to present the letter of pardon to the warden. She was moments from the warden’s door when she Exalted. 
Malati, the Resplendent Orchid, Chosen of Secrets
On the way back to Lookshy, the small family of aunt, uncle, and two young girls passed through Nexus. While making their way through a crowded market, Malati got separated from the rest of the family, and in spite of days of looking, was never found. Devastated but on a timetable, eventually, Ursho and Jindei had to stop looking and continue on to Lookshy with Kaveri. 
In truth, they never would have found Malati, because minutes after she’d been misplaced in the bustling market, she was snatched up by a Sidereal and taken to Yu Shan, where it was foretold that when she reached 18, she herself would Exalt as one of the favored of the Maidens, and her Fate looked bright indeed. 
Malati grew up in Yu Shan, and retained hazy memories of her parents and sisters. When she was a teenager, she entered into the training of an old and powerful master: Chejop Kejak himself. She was a brilliant martial artist even before she Exalted, and Kejak treated her like a favored pupil, but whenever she asked him about her family, he would say very little, other than that she should let them go-- as a Seneschal of the Maidens, she would have greater responsibilities than looking for a handful of mortals who wouldn’t remember her anyway. 
So of course, she she did finally Exalt, Malati read the Loom for herself to see if she could find out what had happened to her family. She found, of course, that her mother and father’s threads had snapped long ago, when she was a little girl. But the threads of her two sisters, Anjali and Kaveri.... burned a brilliant, shining gold and silver. They were Celestial Exalts. 
With Kejak’s Bronze Faction teachings feeling very heavy on her shoulders, Malati had a choice to make. Follow the philosophy of the man who had trained her and counseled her for a large portion of her young life... or find her sisters, her only living family, and see for herself if the Celestial Exalted really were that bad... 
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I've been stuck inside for 4 days with the flu and I am getting a bit homesick... listening to my dad's pink floyd covers on loop on youtube to feel like I'm there and they're just in the other room. Haven't seen them in a whole month and yeah. Probably will be another one before I'll see them.... missing moms birthday.......
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ebony-etchings · 11 months
cnai ask about reena?
Please ask me about my ocs please please please they live almost exclusively in my head and any notes I get from posting about them is the closest they'll ever be to paying rent
Anyway judging by the fact someone liked the ninjago oc post from a while ago recently, I shall bestow upon ye knowledge about Reena (Ninjago edition)
Below the cut. There is much to say.
[Slaps roof of oc]
Reena is my oldest oc, first spawning into existence when I was but a mere 11 years of age
She is very special to me
She is also a horrible little bastard
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Reena is a thief for hire with a stage name that has changed at least 3 times. It's either Phantom or Fox or some ninjago-brand villain pun name that I can't quite remember. It's been a while.
She functions as a minor/recurring antagonist that steals weird macguffins for shadowy figures for fun and for profit
She doesn't take most things very seriously, she's just here for for a good time, yknow? Crime gets her out the house and gives her a chance to stretch her abilities
She is the self-proclaimed "master of illusion", whether these powers stem from elemental abilities or if its more of a sorcery deal (ala Clouse) is a mystery
And like any self-respecting individual with illusion powers, she abuses the hell out of them, heavily reliant on disorienting and distracting opponents so she can slip out of trouble and snag whatever her prize is. She's fast, sure, she's stealthy, but a fighter? She is not
But what she is, is very, very irritating to deal with. The ninja have had run-ins with her a few times and they collectively conclude that she is insufferable. Not to say all their encounters are adversarial, or at least from Reena's perspective anyway. Honestly she quite likes the ninja. They save Ninjago like, all the time, and if Ninjago is consumed by giant snakes or darkness or ghosts then what? Nothing good probably
Speaking of canon characters, Ronin is also familiar with her. Reena used to be a kind of apprentice of his towards the beginning of her criminal career. And by apprentice I mean she helped Ronin steal things and Ronin gave her a very small cut of the profits. Apparently, she thought she deserved a bigger cut for some reason and ditched him not long after. Sometimes their paths cross when they're both off on quests to steal things. There's no hard feelings though, they just both like to bully each other
Anyway backstory
Also a subject of ambiguity and frequent change, the tldr of the original edition is she lived in ninjago city with her parents and little brother but then her parents got lowkey killed by the great devourer and I guess bc I was 11 and didn't think about the fact they'd qualify for adoption, this led the vastly unqualified Reena to start stealing things so they could get by. And then gradually expanding her enterprises into bigger things
Yknow, classic backstory
(When I was 11 Rebooted had only just aired so actually Harumi stole Reena's backstory- (This is a joke))
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More recent versions of her backstory find her parents just. Straight up absent for most of her life for unknown reasons. She's part of a kinda thieves guild thing, and an additional part of her motivation for stealing is bragging rights. Still gotta look out for her little brother though. Vaguely.
So uh. Yeah.
That got a little long but yknow, that is a crash course on Reena Things, please ignore the fact her outfit keeps changing, it has never been consistent
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soundscape-sandbox · 2 years
hey, if you don't mind me asking but will you make a big jsab series or do you just blog
tbh I've only just found your page so...
[ This is for the most part an ask blog, though I may do a few one shots should I find the time!]
[I did think about making it a proper comic, but the way I've written the lore it would be impossible for me to do so, unless I plan to spend years of my life working at it consistently, which is not feasible for me- (after all I am to be at university at the end of this academic year, and have a job to boot!) - so I cannot make those kinds of commitments as things stand ^^;]
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