#COVID is exhausting
crxwes · 30 days
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Per usual, I'm obsessed with her
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Been gone for a moment so a steph sketch!
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never lay down in bed right after eating. don't think about staying on your phone for nearly two hours in that position. don't sleep either. acid reflux is real and i hate that guy
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sentientsky · 9 months
i’ve been terrible at replying to people lately. i feel so guilty, but how the hell am I supposed to explain that i’ve been flaky because i can't stop thinking ab two fictional immortal losers that spend two seasons of a tv show and 5 and a half odd million years just homoerotically gazing at one another and yearning???
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fruitdragon · 1 month
My mother explaining my disability : Okay so you have GCK-MODY which means that if your insulin levels aren't regulated they will start to eat your connective tissues and your mitochondria isn't properly stimulated when nutrients enter the cell leading to chronic exhaustion. You also have Chronic Migraine, hemiplegic leading to partial paralysis and weakness of the limb leading to long term damage, as well as "regular" meaning some days you won't be able to get out of bed because the your senses are attacking your brain, sometimes leading to vomitting spells and blindness episodes. You are also suffering from Long COVID, post COVID myopathy and lactic acid overproduction....
Me explaining my disability: So yeah my parents genetics are a nightmare and I got cursed by the bone wizard, check out my forearm crutches
(my mother's explanation is actually usually much more detailed since she got her PhD in biology and biochemistry and works in patient engagement for research surrounding disability. But I gave what she will bring up in casual conversation)
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maria-ruta · 7 months
im not even at "sleepy bitch disease" mode at this point
i'm fullass "fatigue fag"
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leeblissy · 9 months
hi I'm home sick with covid, am probably not getting paid for my time off, and have had to order quite a bit of food cuz I don't feel well enough to make anything o/-< it's getting very expensive very fast and I don't have much money left, plus the money im losing out on from not working is gonna fucking suck.
I can't draw anything rn cuz my apple pencil doesn't work and I'm just so so exhausted anyway but here's my kofi and my v*nmo is herecomeslee if you wanna help a guy out
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bigbutchgothgirl · 2 months
The Witness gave me Headpats! :3
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i can only assume it was for bein such a good little glyphbreaker birdboi 😤🐦
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arliedraws · 2 months
why am i posting so many texts posts in a row? it is because my covid symptoms are gone, my period is over, and my brain is functioning again
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tearlessrain · 20 days
covid was weird for me honestly, it was technically a mild case and I had very few of the typical symptoms (almost no cough, barely had a sore throat, could still taste/smell fine not that it mattered since I was constantly nauseous) and I wouldn't really say I had long covid but getting it definitely Did Something to me that was not good. my body/energy levels/mental health have just kinda been all around worse ever since. it's been two years and a lot of it is not as bad as it once was (I'm apparently just a human barometer forever now though which wasn't a thing at all before) but I still suspect this is probably true of a lot of people and it is not helping the whole "everyone is kinda fucked up now" thing.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
still a hardcore believer in the "totk was absolute development hell" theory btw, even if I know it will never be confirmed or denied, but all the signs are there honestly
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acarrcreations · 3 months
Chronic fatigue syndrome isn't just "being tired all the time" it's:
• Cancelling plans last minute, even if they've been planned weeks in advance/you really wanted to go/even if it's just talking over voice chat online because of exhaustion or pain
• Having insomnia because of waking up in the night due to pain
• Being so tired you struggle to string a sentence together/ forgetting what you were saying half way through a sentence/memory issues
• Struggling to do the hobbies you loved or completely giving up on them
• Having to suddenly drop what you were doing to go sit/lie down because of dizziness/breathlessness/muscle pain/exhaustion/chest pains
• The frustration and boredom of not being able to do what you want, even simple everyday things
• Having a full night's sleep and feeling exactly how you did the night before
• Having to deal with the bs that is post exertional malaise, and calculating what days/activities are worth more than others
• Realising how much you took for granted before getting sick
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moregraceful · 2 days
turning anon asks back on but if i get any more unsolicited medical advice i swear to god i'm starting a kill list
bobby brink meeting his maker during torts death skate day 2 or something:
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tortorella is such an interesting coach bc there's no fuck around period, there is only find out immediately...very funny watching the team slowly lose the will to live during whatever soul-destroying endurance run that was though. sorry to bobby brink for making direct eye contact while i was laughing at you.
my only other takeaways are jamie drysdale really is fun to watch and nic deslauriers is huge. i think him and garnet hathaway could. well.
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consult-sherlockholmes · 11 months
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You're welcome, sweetie. I saw you working (i guess) and I didn't want to bother you (I can't concentrate knowing that you're only wearing a sheet Christ God)
And err... I left my phone number in one of the bags, you know... in case you need m-... in case you need to bring you more groceries, yes.
Get better soon! 💋
At least someone brought me food while John was replacing me eating food with someone else while I was suffering all on my own abandoned. How dare this Steven seduce him and steal him away from me this vulture snake, carrion eater. So this is a rare occurrence, I don't say this often, but thank you. Just take this that my brain is already influenced by it all. And the sheet is a necessity my temperature has been increasing since hours and I won't put my suits through that abuse of disease ridden body fluids. Easier to wash and handle as well, and I started freezing inbetween so I can wrap myself in a blanket interchangeably. I have to try to work as much as I can before I am completely incapacitated, it feels as if it's getting worse every hour.
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ofmdee · 1 month
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elliesbelle · 1 year
i’m gonna put off publishing it til tomorrow, but just a little preview of skinny dipping:
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let me know if you wanna be tagged when i post it ♡
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