#Cass couldn't control how she was raised
bats-and-birds-24 · 4 months
Chapter 5:
Several sparring matches later, Jason found himself exhausted. He learned quickly that despite her slight build, she was a force to be reckoned with.
A jolt of shame went through him. He wasn't nearly as good as he thought he was. He shook off the thought and signed to Cass that he was taking a break.
While rehydrating, he glances over at her to find that she was looking directly at him. Feeling that it would be rude to not acknowledge her, he signed to her in ASL if she knew sign language.
Cass shook her head no, but then placed her hand over her mouth and tapped her ear. Jason caught on and replied, "Are you saying that you're mute, but you can still hear?" She nodded yes.
Taking this as his cue to continue, he then asks, "So, how exactly did you end up in the league?" She paused for a moment then pointed to the ground and then back at herself. "Oh, so you were born here." This came as a surprise for him, as he didn't think that there were people born and raised in the league.
The question of her age began to gnaw at Jason, she looked young, but she said that she was born in the league, meaning that she has lived her entire life in Nanda Parbat. A child shouldn't be trained to be an assassin he thought.
"How old are you?" He asked, hoping that she just looked young. His hopes were dashed when she held her palms up before her and closed her thumb. 9 years old. She hadn't even reached double digits yet.
Jason could see the pits green tinge at the corner of his eyes. He needed to control himself. But it was so unfair that she was robbed of her childhood, to be this.
Jason thought back to his own childhood, he loved being Robin, but he definitely wasn't old enough to know the consequences of being a vigilante. He was protected by one of the biggest superheroes in the world and he still died.
He wasn't bitter anymore about losing his childhood, not after Talia explained his mark to him. But he was still furious at the fact that Bruce hadn't changed his ways. Joker should be dead, or at least in prison. He could take on a new Robin sure, but he couldn't at the very least put the Joker in prison?
He needed to calm himself, he knew that. The pits green creeping into his vision. He was shaking.
Jason felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, it was Cass. When he made eye contact with her, she pulled him into a hug. Once they pulled away from each other, Cass put her hand over his heart, she surprised him by speaking, "Hurt, big brother hurt."
This successfully pulled him away from his pit madness. Big brother, she had called him big brother. His face flushed in happiness when he heard that. He pulled her back into a hug, "yeah Cass, I'm your big brother now."
As they pulled apart once more, Cass waved goodbye and left to her own quarters. For the first time in a while, Jason grinned.
Tim, with bags under his eyes also grinned. His plan was brilliant, and complete, all that was left was to execute it.
The league won't ever see him coming.
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kanzakurawrites · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the other parents of the VKs?
Evil Queen used Evie as a servant for most of her life, only stopping when she realized how dirty Evie was getting
Cruella tried to train Carlos with a dog whistle and a spray bottle - but with the water on the Isle being so dirty and likely toxic it caused Carlos to get sick. While Cruella didn't care about that, she didn't want to get sick, so she stopped with the spray bottle, and then with the whistle after finally realizing that he couldn't hear it. (The Isle made her a lot more unstable)
Jafar has tried to arrange marriages for Jay with those on the Isle who might be able to have wealth in Auradon, such as the Evil Step-Granddaughters and the Queen of Hearts daughter, but it never worked out. He's tried multiple times to pair Jay off with Mal.
Gaston takes his boys out "hunting"... make of that what you will.
Gaston also managed to bribe one of the Auradon guards to bring over some chickens and a rooster so each of his boys, and himself, can have five dozen eggs a day.
Hans is actually a pretty decent father. If you ignore the fact that he's taught his kid(s) all his manipulation tactics. That aside, he's also taught them how to read, write, mathmatics, history, etiquet, etc.
Smee loves his kids, but he isn't exactly always there for them. Because of this, Sammy took care of his brothers growing up more than his father did.
Anastasia is a good mom. Along with taking care of her own kids, she takes care of a lot of the orphans on the island. And Dizzy has practically become hers.
On a similar note, Drizella is not a good mother and has A LOT of children, all girls. Some of her girls are as high-strung and rotten as she is, but the younger ones (like Dizzy) have become little "Cinderella's".
Surprisingly, Lady Tremaine tried to stop it, but never succeeded.
Ursula taught Uma all the Greek myths and legends, and would repeatedly tell her that one day they'd get off the island.
While he's an amazing father to Celia, Dr. Facilier wasn't the greatest dad to Freddie and does regret it (even if he won't admit it)
Like Hans, Captain Hook made sure his kids knew how to read and write. He also taught Harriet and Harry how to read maps, create maps, as many constellations as he could remember (many drawn out on paper), swordfighting, and pretty much everything that goes along with being a pirate. (He would have taught CJ, but after his wife's death he pulled away from her - CJ looks the most like the siblings mother)
Mother Gothel treats Ginny like a maid, but isn't the worst parent. The worst she's done is drag on Ginny's appearance to make herself look better (which is bad, but on an island of villains, better than a lot of kids get). Somewhere in her, she might love Ginny, but at the end of the day Mother Gothel is an incredibly selfish woman.
(A similar headcanon that can also be true is that Mother Gothel is actually Ginny's grandmother, and Ginny is Cassandra's daughter only Cassandra willingly let her mother raise Ginny in order to protect her as Cass isn't the most popular on the Isle)
The Huntsman has taught his kids everything he knows and they do animal control - they can't really harm the original hyenas who were thrown on the Isle, but they can take care of the never ones.
Morgana kept having children in hopes that eventually one would transform while under the barrier, but it never happened. Over the course of twenty years, she managed to have 15 children and had to open up her own school.
Edgar lives quietly in his very run down apartment in the square where he and his son run an animal grooming business. With how many "evil animal sidekicks" there are, it goes surprisingly well. He has to leave the room whenever a cat comes in, though, so Eddie does a lot of the word.
Yzma tends to conduct very dangerous experiments in her attempt to do magic.
The Stabbington Brothers have raised their children together, so the Stabbington Cousins are really more like siblings. With that said, the brothers have been determined to raise children who will become better thieves than Flynn Rider, and better fighters than themselves. The fighting has gone good, but the they're never satisfied with the Cousins thievery thanks to Jay always managing to beat them.
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bonefall · 1 year
sorry for the trivial question, feel free to ignore
i've been curious if you have any songs you associate with Bumble (canonic or bb)
for me it's "Smooth criminal" by Michael Jackson and "Don't lose ur head" from six the musical, maybe someday i'd draw a pmv for each of them
love the new ask button design btw
For BB!Bumble, I feel like Constellations by the Oh Hellos is her song. It's about the fall of the Tower of Babel, but also... the way that things explode and change, the loss of meaning after something you love has gone away, how everything is a sort of interpretation.
The opening lines especially bring to mind the First Battle, and its buildup.
How she couldn't translate fast enough, Clear Sky, Thunder Storm, and Tall Shadow eventually ignoring her to shout at each other in Tribemew, The Wind Runner demanding Bumble give the words to her so SHE can shout, King Arc losing patience just wanting his son back.
The way she can feel that it's all about to topple down, the building fury, the horrible dawning that she's lost control and is about to be in the middle of the battlefield.
I can feel it on my tongue; brick and mortar Thick as scripture, drawing lines in the sand and laying borders As tall as towers I babble on until my voice is gone This hill I'll die on is about 90 meters of bricks Coloured indigo, and inscribed with my name, and lined with cedar But the words fall flat like Cymbals crashing, like molars gnashing
The invocations of "constellations" later in the songs also strikes me a certain way, with Bumble in mind. She wasn't raised with a star-based religion. How strange must it have been, for the strength of belief of all the other cats to make it real?
'Cause like constellations a million years away Every good intention, every good intention Is interpolation, a line we drew in the array Clinging to the faces, clinging to the shapes in the silence
The idea that it's all lines we drew, to make meanings. She is a character who grapples with that, too, her own self-worth, purpose, and meaning in early ThunderClan. Especially when (ironically, considering the story of the tower of babel), the languages start to merge into Clanmew and her work isn't needed like it was.
And the end of the song has that, too.
Like constellations imploding in the night Everything is turning, everything is turning And the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light Everything you thought you knew will fall apart, but you'll be all right
It's her song, in my mind.
I also really like songs from Cass Elliot in her mouth. Make Your Own Kind of Music, Dream a Little Dream of Me, New World Coming, etc.
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abarbaricyalp · 1 year
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Written for the @sambuckylibrary anniversary event! Rated G, no CWs.
"You know, he's not half so scary in person," Carlos said from Sam's far side.
Sam finished crushing trash further into a garbage bag before he followed Carlos' gaze across the party to the table where Bucky was regaling many, many children with an, undoubtedly, dramatic story. There were enough swooping hand gestures and mimed explosions at any rate.
"Yeah, the TV adds seven layers of hostility," he joked. "He's actually just a good actor."
Carlos snorted and rolled his eyes at Sam's ribbing. "You always were the first one to offer a second chance to anyone and anything. Do you remember when you--"
"When that stray bit me three separate times and I still cried when animal control caught it and took it away?" Sam finished for him. The story had followed him along since he was thirteen. If someone wanted to boil Sam Wilson down to his essence, that was the story they told. "To be fair, someone told me while I was in the hospital getting stitches for the last bite."
"You spent weeks afterwards tryin' to borrow anyone's home phone to call and ask about it 'cause your mama wouldn't let you use y'all's phone," he continued.
"He wasn't a bad dog. Just scared," Sam chuckled softly. He moved his fingers over the textured edge of a paper plate. "It wasn't his fault."
Carlos just smiled at him like he and Sam were on the same page, which was never true. Carlos was usually seven steps ahead of Sam. It's probably what had made him and Paul Wilson such good friends, even though they were otherwise very different men. He clapped a hand on Sam's shoulder and then moseyed away.
Sam looked over at Bucky, still in the midst of his story, and wondered when the last time was that he'd had teeth bared at him as he offered out a helping hand. And, honestly, cold shoulders and sarcasm aside, he couldn't remember. DC all those years (and not years) ago, probably. Even watching the Winter Soldier work again a few weeks ago hadn't been enough to remind Sam that Bucky could be that kind of dangerous. Especially not when it only took a touch and a look from Sam for him to draw back out of the character again. Sam was in no danger of being bit. No good person around was. Definitely more like the kind of dog that wanted to be a lap dog despite being a hundred pounds of muscle.
Sam made his way over to the table, just to make sure he didn't need to offer Bucky an escape. From the angle he was coming at, and the way Bucky's head was on a constant swivel to keep up with all of the laughing and teasing and questions around him, Sam got a chance to just look at him. The sun was bright on his face, making his eyes look like they were lit up and painting his hair more of an auburn than Sam had ever seen it. There were curls forming close to his head, brought out by the humid salt air and Sam had never seen that either. It kind of knocked the breath out of his chest.
Finally, he stepped closer, about to interrupt whatever exaggerated story Bucky was telling, but the man's words stalled him before he could.
"And Sam came out nowhere!" Bucky exclaimed, miming a sudden flight dive with his hand. "He took out a whole bunch of bad guys without breaking a sweat. Steve told me it was the coolest thing he's ever seen."
"Steve Rogers thinks Uncle Sam is cool?" Cass asked, all wide eyed. Sam would be offended, but it was less that Cass was in disbelief and more like he wanted to hear Bucky say it again.
"Steve thinks Sam is the coolest!" Bucky assured. "That's why Sam's Captain America and not someone else."
Sam raised an eyebrow that no one was going to see, but he supposed that the simple version was best while Bucky recounted glory days with a bunch of kids. Bucky reached out to catch a girl by the back of the shirt as she worked on climbing to the other side of the table so she could stand on the bench. She struck a dramatic pose and stared off in the distance for a moment.
"I wanna have wings. How do I get wings?" she asked.
"Well first, you have to eat all your vegetables. And you have to make good grades," Bucky explained, tugging her down to sit. "But you also have to be kind and not selfish, right? Gotta behave like Sam does."
"Even to my brother?" she asked with a frown.
"Even to your brother," Bucky agreed with a solemn nod.
When Sam couldn't stand it anymore, he came over to put a hand on Bucky's shoulder and tug him back from the table. "Hey, mythmaker, you're gonna have to help clean at some point. Come on, let's go," he encouraged, pulled Bucky's shoulder until Bucky dramatically flailed backwards.
"I'm not a mythmaker," he argued as he carefully extricated himself from the table. "I don't exaggerate."
"I do not believe you," Sam promised lightly.
Bucky clicked his tongue and then waved at the kids around the table who had quite eagerly taken his spot, clambering over each other even as Sam and Bucky walked away.
"You can never let me have the spotlight," Bucky sighed. When Sam glanced over at him, Bucky already had his eyes on Sam and he was grinning easily.
"I'm really jealous, what can I say?" he jokingly admitted. They walked for another moment, past all the trash they really should be taking care of, before Sam jostled his elbow against Bucky's side. "It's not like they were listening to stories about you anyway," he teased gently.
"Well, just the last one. Or the last two, depending on when you showed up," Bucky defended. It was unconvincing, especially when he snickered to himself anyway. "Your stories are more family friendly."
"You were sounding pretty bragadocious of those stories."
"Oooh, there's a vocabulary word," Bucky laughed. He nudged Sam towards an empty pier and sat down so he could dangle his legs over the edge of it. Sam followed suit and watched the water lap at the old wood. Algae and barnacles clung to the supports and drifted in the repetitive current.
"I'm proud of you," Bucky eventually said, barely audible over the water. The noises of the party were far enough away that Sam could almost believe he was underwater, with the way his head went light with the compliment.
"Thanks, man," he said back just as softly. "You're not doing too bad for yourself either."
Bucky knocked his shoulder into Sam's and then stayed leaning against him as he stared out over the water. Sam let his own head come to rest on Bucky's, tucking his cheek against Bucky's sun warmed hair. The birds called overhead, waiting for their chance to swoop in on discarded food and open trash. Music started up from somewhere near the heart of the party. The water continued to gently keep time with the wind and the current. And Bucky was warm and solid and constant beside him.
Sam was pretty damn proud too.
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boldlyanxious · 1 year
Unintended consequences
ttt 2023
Ladybug and Chat Noir were finally coming out on top in this battle. Even with the outsiders, who were having their own battle focused on the pair, they had managed to draw Hawkmoth out. They would finally be able to put a stop to the misuse of the butterfly miraculous once and for all.
He was clearly drawing them out but they had him cornered. He was trying to bring his akuma back to fight them but they planned ahead for this. They had been training and all the miraculi were in play. They had all the back up they needed to end this.
Red Hood dropped down between them as they approached. Ladybug had rushed in while Chat Noir was moving in more slowly to block and escape routes. She didn't see Red Hood knock him flat on his back and take his ring off his finger, but did distract Hawkmoth for just long enough that she was able to grab his brooch and tear it away. Red Hood was already moving toward her so she looped her yoyo high above. She swung away without looking back to see the man Hawkmoth was revealed to be. She still needed to stay ahead of Red Hood.
Adrien seemed frozen but he would have to rally, Red Hood was gaining on her too fast. He gripped her leg and she couldn't get away. She chose to protect the miraculous over her identity. She shouted down to Adrien as she tossed the earrings. They had practiced this in their recent training. If getting the miraculi were the goal then keeping them safe would be their plan.
She trusted that he would catch them so she did her best to control her fall.
Her grip had loosened when she took off the earrings so she slipped and Red Hood fell with her. He landed first but he was already rolling to lessen the impact to himself. She tucked her arms in and pushed away as soon as she could. Adrien was bent to pick up the earrings he hadn't managed to catch but Gabriel Agreste was lunging for him.
Marinette could see that the man didn’t even pause to consider that it was his son he was attacking. He was focused only on his prize. She jumped forward to stop him, not caring that none of them were magically protected now. Gabriel shoved her aside and moved to where Adrien stumbled back with the earrings. Marinette dove between them and Gabriel raised his arm to strike her but Red Hood pulled her out of the way. She bumped into Adrien who caught her but still seemed stunned as they watched Red Hood punch him and then work on restraining him.
The rest of both teams started showing up and Jason allowed the rest of the bats to take over the arrest while he came over to see how they were coping with the mixed victory. The Parisian heroes were huddled around them but Adrien didn’t respond to anything. Marinette reached for his hand but her heart broke when he finally spoke.
“Well, I guess that makes sense,” he said.
Jason pulled him close and he took the comfort for only a moment before he pushed off and ran away. Marinette stopped anyone from following. She and Jason met back up with the rest of his team before going after Adrien. The Parisian heroes were returning all the miraculi they had used. Marinette was repeating the same things over again as everyone wanted to know if Adrien would be okay. It was probably better for him to not be here and hear everything the others were saying. They were so shocked that they couldn’t help but discuss how everything had worked and he didn’t need to hear that.
The bats decided to debrief later. She was fairly certain that Cass had suggested it. She always seemed to be able to push Batman to the things she thought the others needed. Jason took her hand as they walked away and she laid her head against his shoulder. They had won but she still felt like they lost.
“A part of me wishes that your team had never come,” she looked guilty at the admission. “I know I asked, but this is not what I meant.”
“It’s hard when something so good leads to something so terrible.”
“Is that for me?” Adrien asked.
They didn't have to look hard for him. Marinette’s balcony was his favorite hang out when he needed some space. Marinette held up the bag.
“It isn’t even mamma’s spaghetti,” she gave a stiff smile when her joke fell flat. “It’s Maman’s soup.”
She sat next to him and leaned against him. He relaxed against her and she could feel his weight on her shoulder. Jason shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around him. They stayed there for several minutes. They didn’t need to talk and they knew each other well enough to
know that isn’t what Adrien needed right now. Jason shifted away and Adrien made a sad noise until Jason held his hand.
He turned and reached for the bag and pulled out the container of soup.
“I don’t think I can eat right now," Adrien held up his other hand and shook his head.
“You need to eat,” Jason said sternly but he squeezed Adrien's hand gently. “You can refuse but I’ll just force feed you.”
Adrien didn’t look like he believed him at first but Jason reached for a spoon and took the lid off. Adrien reached out for the container and Jason put a kiss on his cheek when he handed it to him. Marinette had pulled out the other two containers and handed one to Jason. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek too.
They ate in silence for a few minutes but she could tell when Adrien was done eating. He peeked over to Jason to make sure he wouldn’t object to the amount that he hadn’t finished, but instead he caught Marinette watching him. He looked down at her soup and then back at Jason. They had one shot. Jason seemed to know immediately that they were planning something but they were too used to working together. They both took a spoonful of soup and fed it to Jason when he opened his mouth. He made a muffled noise but he seemed mollified when they leaned in and kissed his cheeks at the same time.
The night was cooling off so they dropped through the trap door and laid on Marinette’s bed until her parents decided it was too late to have her boyfriends in her bed.
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in--somnium · 1 year
((I feel like Cassia comes across as really sweet for a couple of reasons- the most obvious being that her dad is also very kind and he instilled that on her from a young age. Like... her mom isn't great (and actually never wanted kids in the first place ^^;), but her dad did his best in raising her and she carries a lot of his selflessness and such with her for that reason.
But it's also that... She's spent almost her whole life having to learn to self regulate. She got her first powers when she was really young. Like, so young she doesn't even actually have a memory of NOT having them. Her parents found out about her abilities when she was barely 4 years old because she was telling them about a dream she'd had that was actually a dream her DAD had and she'd just been dream-walking, she just didn't know it. (She rarely has dreams of her own and it took a long time to not accidentally dream-walk all the time. Even as an adult, when someone else's dreams are really intense or she's been stressed out for the day, she does it without realizing). So this girl has lived, as far as she's concerned, her whole life with magic abilities in some form or another. Dream walking, inducement, and manipulation came first. Then she showed signs of telepathic abilities which lead into her being able to manipulate emotions and, eventually memories to some degree. And, more recently, her telekinesis, which used to be fairly minor, has gotten really out of hand - her powers are ever expanding as she gets older which makes it hard for her to keep control of them all. And, as with a lot of powers, hers are affected quite a bit by her emotional state. Realistically, she hasn't got the greatest control of her telekinesis, for example. When she's stressed out sometimes things will tremble around her or items will fall off of shelves or walls for seemingly no reason. If she's in a really bad state, then it can get more dangerously out of control. (Recently, actually, even more minor stressors can cause bigger reactions because she has less control of her telekinesis overall.) But if she can stay grounded and calm then she can keep it under control, focus that energy inward on herself instead of projecting it outward and causing chaos. Then there's the fact that she can manipulate emotions, too. So she's had to be careful about how intensely she's feeling things because there have been times when her emotions have been so strong and she's been so out of control of her powers that she's projected them onto everyone around her. (Her parents divorce, for example, left not just her a fucking mess, but she realized that she was projecting that hurt and frustration and guilt on her entire class when it welled up too much and got out of hand. And because different people react to different emotions in different ways, it led to a classroom full of out of control kids. Some of the kids were crying. Others were fighting- like, literally fighting. One had a full blown breakdown and had to go home because she was in such a state of disarray. The teacher had to call for help because she was so overwhelmed between the chaos and the grief she was feeling that she couldn't manage the class. Cass went home early that day because she realized what was happening and it stressed her out so much she literally had to run to the bathroom to throw up. And soon after she went home... things started to calm down.) So what I'm saying is she is almost always actively trying to keep her mindset in check, trying to stay rational instead of emotional, keep a positive attitude even when she wants to scream, because she knows she could hurt someone (or herself) if she's not careful. And I just feel like that's a really important thing to consider about her character. It's not that she DOESN'T get pissed off easily (in fact, I'd say she gets frustrated quite quickly and is also prone to holding grudges, sometimes even to the point of pettiness), it's just that she knows if she lets things get to her, she won't have as much control.
It also doesn't help that she hasn't had all of her powers from the start. She's gained some new ones as she's gotten older, and with each new ability comes new hurdles. New things to be aware of and worried about. She tries to take it a step at a time and not stress about it constantly, but when she feels herself getting a bit out of line emotionally, she has to correct herself. So... yes, she's a sweetheart. She's my little ray of sunshine. Sweet baby girl. But it's not just because she's always, naturally, like that. It's a choice. It's an attempt to keep herself together. It's not an act, necessarily- she really is very sweet- but it's something she often has to actively maintain so she can keep control. She has, of course, learned better control of some of her powers (and her father has been helping her to train with her telekinesis because that's one of his strongest abilities- though he can't help with a lot of the more internal things like her emotional / memory manipulation because he doesn't have those abilities). That doesn't mean, though, that they don't get out of hand sometimes. It also doesn't mean that she isn't often worried about losing control of them.))
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cassiopeiagarcia · 1 year
[ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away
'I can't be the only who feels like this.'
Cass looked intently at her older sister. The same big, brown eyes she would see every day at the mirror stared back at her. There was a certain sadness in them, in Andro's perfect face. A sight she didn't get to see very often.
'What do you mean?'
'I feel like I'm going crazy.'
'Well, you are crazy.'
Andro let out a laugh. One that had not much joy in it.
'To that crime I must confess.' The dark-haired woman said, a hand pressed on her chest, the hint of a smile on her lips. Her expression darkened within seconds. 'But... you know what I mean.'
Cass nodded, understanding. Assuming the conversation was going to be long and deep, she put down the pen she was holding. She had been scribbling song lyrics in a piece of paper, under someone's portrait. A person who had died in a game, whose features she had found inspiring, worth portraying. She couldn't save them, but at least now she would remember them. Drawings like that had been accumulating in the past days. People who left but never came back. People who did come back, but died from their wounds. Sagged shoulders, faces hanging loose, distorted with horror and pain.
'I do, Andro. I am trying really, really hard to make this whole... circus, for the lack of a better word, inside my head, stop. Trying to get it under control. Repeating a mantra. Like I will survive this.'
'And? Does it help?'
'No. But at least it keeps me from thinking something darker.'
Andro collapsed. Suddenly. And completely. Tears sprung in her eyes. She turned her head away. Was it because of her own pain, or because of what Cass had just told her? An alloy of both, perhaps? The little sister stood up, and approached the older one. Tentatively, with hesitation. How you would approach a caged, dangerous animal. She raised a hand and placed it on her shoulder.
'Hey Andro, it's fine. We're fine.'
'Is it?'
Cass blinked a few times. Tears welled up and run down the sides of her face. Her sister still hadn't spilled any, and there she was, already drowning in them. But Andro... no trembling lip. No tragic face. She had already recovered from her outburst, if you could even call it that. Cass would have doubted it even happened, if it was not because of a single tear, glistening on the raven-haired woman's cheek. She wiped it away, with a swift movement of her hand.
'Can I stay with you tonight? Like when we were little and had to share a room?'
'I'd love that.'
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mzminola · 2 years
So follow-up thought to the Cass vs Jason Battle for the Cowl What If:
Once the battle is over, Cass is now Batman. That was always a given. She’s taking over in a situation where Bruce is presumed dead, Oracle & the Birds of Prey are mostly off doing their own thing, Dick is Nightwing, Tim is Robin, Stephanie is still Spoiler for now, and Damian is choosing between staying in Gotham with the Bats or leaving with his mother and presumably returning to the League of Assassins.
Cass & Damian together is a good set-up for the story to explore concepts of upbringing, personal agency, loyalty to a person vs loyalty to an idea, and people’s ability to change.
In canon, Dick!Batman decided to take Robin from Tim and give the mantle to Damian, with his stated reasons being that he’s uncomfortable having a Robin he views as an equal, and he thinks Damian needs it.
Cass!Batman is not going to do that.
Firstly: In this era of continuity, Dick set the Robin mantle aside and became Nightwing, and the problem (aside from all the reasons why he left) was Bruce giving Robin to Jason without asking. Not from having Robin taken. And this was about a decade ago in-universe. Cass had the experience of Bruce taking the Batgirl mantle from her while she was active in the role, with pretty much no explanation, within a couple years of BftC. She’s not going to take Robin away from Tim.
Secondly, and where we really dig into the themes: Cass and Dick have fairly different life experiences that are going to lead them to different views of what Damian needs, and what about himself Damian is responsible for.
Cassandra and Damian were both raised in the League of Assassins. Damian within the main bases surrounded by lots of people, Cass in an isolated base with her dad bringing people in for short periods of time.
Cass, at age eight, killed one man and decided to never do that again.
Damian at age ten, has killed multiple people and only stops because his dad told him to.
Cass is loyal to the idea of Batman. The Bat represents ideals Cass already held, and gave her a practical model and support network to uphold them.
Damian is loyal to Bruce. He’s at a point in his life where he wants to get to know and learn from his father, and as far as I can tell in canon decided that with Bruce dead, learning from his senior-most student, Dick Grayson, is as close as he’s going to get.
Cass likely has sympathy for Damian and understands his fears, but she’s never going to take his upbringing as an excuse for his actions. She’s not going to take it as a reason to go easy on him. She’s never going to say “He doesn’t know better.”
Because she was also raised to be a killer, and chose otherwise.
At a younger age than Damian is now.
Why would she think he needs extra help learning right from wrong? Why would she think he needs incentives for ‘good’ behavior?
At the same time, she’s never going to give up on him. More than anyone else, Cass is going to have unshaking faith that Damian can change. Cass’s Batgirl run’s biggest theme was people’s ability and choice to change. The idea that no matter what wrongs you have done before, you can always choose to stop, choose to do better.
Whether Damian sticks around…if this were a contemporary story he’d probably decide to learn from Cass for the same reasons he decided to learn from Dick. She’s a student of his father.
If this was the Preboot era writing though? That version of Damian was misogynistic as hell. He didn’t even respect his own mother half the time. He would not want to learn from Cass. He’d either decide to learn from Nightwing, or go back to the League.
It’s definitely a more interesting story where he decides to learn from Cass, because otherwise it’s just a couple pages of discussion and then they split up. Him sticking around is what’s needed to explore these themes rather than just passingly mention them, and also?
It be a chance for Cass to see where the League upbringing has influenced her aside from killing by seeing pieces of herself reflected in Damian’s mindset and behaviors.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Now I am curious about the girls day with batmom, can we have it pls?
Bruce looked around the table at lunch and frowned, "Alfred where-"
"Miss Y/N took the other ladies in the house for a girl's day. Miss Cassandra and Miss Stephanie needed school clothes and Miss Barbara offered her assistance," Alfred said simply.
Bruce's frown faded slightly and he grunted, "Did they take-"
"They took the Jeep, I believe."
You look at the flamboyant bald man currently trying to persuade Barbara into much longer nails and raise your eyebrow over the rim of your mimosa glass, "Roland, the girl said no," you tut. "They all do too much work with their hands to have the Dragon Talons you like designing."
Roland sniffed, "It's a pity any of you work with your hands- these callouses are a crime. What are you doing anyway-"
"Whatever they like. Don't you worry your pretty little head. Just do what they ask."
"I don't know why I bother with you," he scolded without any real heat. He bothered because you tipped well and told the best dirty jokes... but. He was still irritated that you hadn't let him bedazzle your fingertips.
"I thought it was because you like having something to complain about," you tease. Next to you, Cass smiles a little where she's watching with interest as someone applied lime green sparkly polish to her toes.
"I just can't believe Bruce agreed to pay for all this stuff," Steph snorted.
"Oh no sweetie," you laugh, "I just don't give him a chance to say no.."
'She really doesn't," Barbara said grinning when Steph's eyes went wide as she deliberated over purple polish colors. "She just declares she's doing something and if he doesn't like it, he can sulk about it."
"Charmed life," Cass said, eyes crinkling at the corners.
Roland made a soft envious sound, "Does he have a brother?"
Steph eyed clothing racks and frowned, making a soft discontented sound. It was nice, being out with the girls. But it didn't magically make her mom less shit. Or the ongoing mess of her love life any less draining.
"Hmm?" you answer, holding out a shirt for her to inspect- 70's inspired. Purple. And would look nice with a pair of the flared jeans she'd already bought.
She took it, feeling the fabric and crinkled her nose at the price tag, "How did you do it?" she asked quietly
"What specifically-"
"I mean, after everything. Like- with-" she broke off the word 'cult'. Not sure if she was actually allowed to ask about that. Or about the time you left. Things that weren't really secrets but just not things you LIKED to talk about; not as anything more than a passing comment.
But when you pat her arm and add the shirt to what was laying on her arm, she gets a sense that you know.
"It took time," you answer after a moment. "But I had to make the choices that were best for me- even if they didn't make sense to anyone else. And more than that, I had to learn that it was okay to do that. That I didn't have to let my past determine my future. Any more than I ever had to be that... powerless ever again."
Stephanie bit her lip and you smile a little. "When my sister was killed," you pause and tuck an errant lock of hair behind her ear, "I couldn't stop them. And I carried that guilt with me for a long time. Still do. But. I know that I can stop other girls from meeting the same fate. So- I focus on that. Because I can't control the past; or other people. All I have is right now. That's all anyone really has."
"That's- kinda depressing."
"It can be," you hum, "At least until you get used to it. There's something liberating about just saying 'fuck it' and learning to live for yourself."
Stephanie smiled. It was less rare to hear you use swear words but it still sounded funny, given that your usual curses were "Hell's Teeth" or "Son of a biscuit" around the house where the kids could hear you.
"When did you hit 'fuck it'?"
"About the time Dick and Tim gave me my new 'pet name'," you muse. "I think that's when I really figured out I didn't have to let ANYONE tell me what to do anymore."
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starks-hero · 3 years
Right a Wrong
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You, Sam and Bucky get to work repairing Sam’s family boat. Turns out the boat isn’t the only thing in need of fixing. But with help from you and Sam, Bucky figures some stuff out.
Word Count: 3,745
Warnings: a bit of a make-out session but not enough to be classed as smut, tfatws spoilers! 1x05
a/n: This is a direct result of watching episode 5 too many times. Spoilers below!
|| Part Two ||
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Small waves lapped gently against the dock and the afternoon sun warmed your back as you worked on the old boat.
You were standing side by side with Bucky, crowbar in hand as you attempted to pry off the old metal cleats from the boats side, whilst he expertly pulled rusted pipes apart and threw them into a pile. As if on queue, one of the pipes on the opposite side of the ship burst, hissing and spurting out white clouds of steam. You marvelled at how quickly Bucky reacted, quickly crossing the deck and sealing the leak with an abrupt upward turn of the pipe with his metal arm.
"Where did you learn so much about fixing boats?" You teased, motioning to the now fixed pipe with your crowbar. Bucky dusted off his hands.
"I used to work on the docks in Brooklyn before the war." He shrugged, rolling up his sleeves to the elbow and taking a seat on a crate next to you. "I picked up a few things."
He furthered his point by leaning over and pulling at the cleat you'd been grappling with. It came away from where it was attached to the boat's side with ease in Buckys iron grip. He smirked as he tossed the scrap aside and you rolled your eyes.
"Show off."
Bucky chuckled, sitting back as Sam stepped onto the boat. He was carrying a crate in one hand and shook his head when he noticed Bucky's smirk and your dismissive smile.
"Alright, you two." He placed the crate down and pulled out two green bottles, throwing one to Bucky and handing you the other. "Beer break."
Sam took a seat across from you both and you sighed as you opened your beer, raising it up to Bucky.
His annoyance was discredited by the fond smile that broke through his expression as he begrudgingly clinked his bottle with yours. You reached over and did the same with Sam as the three of you relaxed under the heat of the Louisiana sun.
"It's starting to look good," you noted as you glanced around the boat and Sam smiled.
"Yeah, it's coming together." He took a swig of his beer. "You know, Sarah and I were talking." He started and both you and Bucky glanced up at him. "And we could use the help. Don't suppose you two would consider staying around a while? Just till we get a lead on Karli."
The offer caused a noticeable smile to pull at your lips whilst Bucky shifted beside you at Sam's words. His agitation grew and he stood.
"I've got my plane to catch tomorrow, a hotel room for the night," he said, raising his bottle to his lips to hide his doubt. He really didn't have that much of a plan beyond that.
"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?" Sam asked and Bucky shrugged.
"Well, I don't want to make it weird for your family."
"Just stay here," Sam said and you couldn't help but nod subconsciously. The truth was you really didn't really want to leave. There was something about staying with the Wilson's and spending the day fixing up an old run-down family boat that made everything seem so normal. It gave you a sense of home, a sense of normality that you hadn't had in a long time. For a while, it even made you forget about the flag smashers, Walker, all of it. It was a much-needed break.
"The people in this town are the most welcoming in the world. They don't care if you wear small t-shirts or if you've got six toes or if your mom is your aunt-"
You laughed and Bucky barely hid a chuckle behind a huff of breath and a bright smile.
"Okay, I get it. The people are nice."
You placed your bottle aside and turned to Sam.
"You're sure Sarah doesn't mind?" you asked and Sam's smile only widened.
"She's the one that offered."
Grinning, you sat back and nodded. "Then I don't see why not."
"See?" Sam pointed to you and then Bucky. "Just stay, man."
Bucky shuffled his feet for a moment before finally answering with a begrudging, "Okay. Alright." He didn't say anything else as he turned and walked down the boat.
"He'll come around. He probably just wants his space." You said, picking up your beer. Sam nodded, taking a swig of his own drink.
"I hope you're right."
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You woke up feeling more refreshed than you had in a while. Your hands and back hurt slightly from the tiring work on the boat, but it was a dull ache compared to the constant throbbing that came after a mission. Your cheeks were warm, surely as a result of the hours spent out in the sun the day before.
Both you and Bucky stayed the night. Sarah had offered you the spare room and after a solid fifteen minutes of bickering, you finally conceded to Bucky and agreed to sleep in the guest bed. He took the couch.
The sun was just beginning to rise up over the water when you and Bucky both headed back out to the boat. Sam joined you not long after. You worked until mid-afternoon, reluctantly taking short breaks. You fell into a quick rhythm as you worked around the boat. Surprisingly, the three of you seemed to make a pretty decent team off of the battlefield.
"Hey, can you pass me a 12-300?" Sam asked from under the boat's control panel. Bucky reached into the toolbox and placed the wrench in Sam's outstretched hand. A few seconds later Sam was rolling out from under the controls and glaring disapprovingly at Bucky.
"I asked for a 12-300," Sam stated plainly. "This is a 10-250."
"No, it's not." Bucky bit back.
"Yes, it is."
"No, it's not!"
"Hey, geniuses." You cut their bickering short as both men turned to look at you. You held up the grease-slick wrench that had been misplaced and tossed it to Sam. "You left it below deck when you were working on the engine."
Sam muttered a quiet 'thanks' as he got back to work. Silence settled over the three of you for a few minutes until Sam decided it was getting awkward.
"So, are you still planning on leaving tonight?" He asked from under the station and Bucky nodded, before realising Sam couldn't see him.
"Yeah," he said loud enough for Sam to hear. "I'll be out of your way soon."
You could hear Sam's sigh from beneath you as he clambered back to his feet and stood between you and the super-soldier leaning against the wall of the cabin.
"Well, there's no hurry."
Sam didn't say anything else as he cleaned the oil and grease from his hands with a cloth and stepped off the boat. Bucky sighed and let his head fall back behind him.
"Go," you ordered plainly and he looked up at you.
"Go," you said again, nodding your head towards where Sam was walking away. "You both need to talk. Bucky, whatever you're not saying, it's getting to you. So go talk to him."
Bucky hesitated, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He glared at nothing in particular but his gaze softened when it found you and he muttered a quiet, 'fine.' You stepped aside as he made his way past you and stepped up onto the dock, heading after Sam.
"And don't be a smart ass!" You called after him. He didn't reply, but you could only hope that Sam and Bucky's conversation would be somewhat constructive.
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"Nice shot!" You retrieved the football from the back of the goal as Cass, Sam's eldest nephew, celebrated his score.
Once Sam and Bucky had left the boat, you had headed back to the house, helping Sarah with any errands or chores, doing anything you could to help out. Sam and Bucky had been gone a little over an hour and you didn't know if that meant their talk was going very well or very not. You'd been sitting rather uselessly on the couch, waiting in anticipation, when Sam's nephews had invited you to play a game of football. And how could you refuse?
You tossed the ball back to the boys who eagerly pounced at it. You were stood in the small goal, allowing both boys to take as many shots as they wanted. AJ stepped forward and kicked the ball, groaning when it flew off to the left, a few meters away from where you were standing and missed the net entirely. He glanced down at the ground, disheartened.
“Hey, it's alright, AJ.” You smiled as you ran to grab the ball and passed it back to him. “Come on, try again.”
With encouragement from his brother, he took the shot and this time the ball planted itself in the top corner of the goal. Both boys cheered as they celebrated and you smiled. You dusted yourself off, your knees and hands covered in dust from the football game as you turned to head back inside the house. Both boys protested as you left but you promised them you'd be back. The more time you spent with AJ, Cass, Sam and Sarah, the more you didn't want to leave. There was something about staying with the Wilson's that made you feel content. It was homely and offered a sense of normality that the last few weeks had caused you to miss.
You entered the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water. Sarah had told you over and over again to help yourself to anything in the kitchen. You leaned against the counter, glass in hand and just basked in the feeling of not having to worry about donning a suit and risking your life at a moments notice. It was something you could get used to.
“That was adorable.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a voice and you found Bucky joining you in the kitchen. He was smirking fondly.
“You and the boys.”
You chuckled softly and shrugged. “They're sweet kids.”
Bucky nodded, pulling a glass of his own from the shelf and filling it with water from the tap. It furthered the sense of domesticity that you were really starting to love. He took a seat at the table across from you.
“So,” you started as you placed your own glass aside. “How did it go? You and Sam.”
Bucky chuckled and you couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or genuine, but something about the grin that lingered on his lips had you banking on the latter.
‘‘Not bad,” he admitted eventually with a shrug. He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “We talked. He said if I'm going to fix anything, if I'm going to get what's left of him out of my mind.” Bucky subconsciously ran his hand across his temple. “I'm going to have to put in the work. Help the people I wronged instead of just saying sorry.”
You nodded, silently making a note to thank Sam later on. He always had a way with words, he could always get through to people. That's why he was given the shield.
“He's got a point.”
Bucky scoffed and hung his head at your words. “I should have known you'd be on his side.” There was no hostility in his words. He just sounded amused, and maybe a little tired.
“I don't think this comes down to whose side I'm on, Bucky. We both want what's best for you.” You answered honestly and Bucky glimpsed up at you. He anxiously toyed with his hands as you spoke, looking vulnerable, and slightly lost despite how hard he tried to hide it. You knew Sam had already spoken to him, but it couldn't hurt for you to say something as well.
“Look Bucky, telling yourself that you're okay and that everything that happened doesn't matter anymore because you've made 'amends' isn't going to help.”
He sighed, shuffling his feet against the tiles of the kitchen floor. “I know,” he admitted quietly.
“And I know you're probably tired of hearing this but, you're not him anymore, Bucky. You're not the winter soldier. Everything you did whilst you were him wasn't your choice. Just because you remember it doesn't mean that it was your fault. It's not your responsibility to fix it.”
Bucky sighed but didn't interrupt. He was listening. This wasn't like the therapist that he was forced to sit in front of and lie to every other week. This was someone he trusted, someone whose words he valued. Someone he honestly believed could help. He sighed but nodded to show that he was still listening.
“I think Sam’s right,” you said. “It might not be your responsibility to fix everything that went wrong but trying could help. It could give you that closure that you keep chasing after. You need to let go, Bucky. You need to forgive yourself. Maybe you just need the people who are hurting to forgive you first. Then you can learn how to do the same.”
Bucky's expression was unreadable. So many emotions flashed across his eyes you found it difficult to pinpoint just one.
“How do I start?” he asked quietly. It just seemed impossible. There were so many people he'd hurt, so many people he'd wronged. He'd left children as orphans, wives as widows and parents childless. How could he possibly start trying to fix or make all those people feel in any way better?
You smiled softly at his question. “Small. One at a time,” you said simply. “Then just keep putting one in front of the other.”
Bucky considered your words, glancing down at his hands as he thought. Before long, a small smirk pulled at his lips.
“I can't decide who'd make a better therapist. You or Sam,” he joked and you laughed, shaking your head dismissively.
“Well, Sam did council veterans so I think he takes that title.”
“I'd say it's pretty tied,” Bucky said, walking across the kitchen and standing next to you as he washed his glass, drying it off and placing it back on the shelf. The room fell into a comfortable silence.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said after a moment, his tone sincere and his expression genuine as he looked at you. You nodded, gently placing your hand against his shoulder.
“Don't mention it. You know I'm always here if you need to talk.”
The sound of a football colliding with the wall dangerously close to the window followed by two voice's loudly shouting, 'sorry!' in unison drew a quaint laugh from you both.
“Duty calls.” You grinned, patting Bucky on the back as you passed him. “Team Wilson is missing its goalkeeper.”
Bucky chuckled, watching you go. You crossed the kitchen but his voice stopped you just as your hand reached the doors handle.
You turned back around to face him and couldn't help but notice that he seemed a little more apprehensive than he had before.
He exhaled slowly, willing himself to tell you what was on his mind.
“I was just thinking things over and you know, I’m leaving today,” he hesitated slightly before glancing up at you. “And I guess I was wondering if you’d come with me?”
Your hand slipped from where it was still holding the brass handle of the door. You tilted your head as your mind fully processed his question. The shock must have been evident in your expression as Bucky rushed to continue.
“I know you're planning on staying here and I get why.” He pulled a tattered red book from his pocket which you immediately recognized as Steve’s. He began absentmindedly turning the pages, running his fingers over the paper. “I want to try and start fixing things, making things right. But truth is I have no idea where to start. I thought that maybe you could help me with that?”
“I thought you wanted your space," you admitted after a moment.
“No.” He shook his head. “That's the last thing I want.”
You thought it over, resting your back against the door. Bucky trusted you, evidently a lot more than you thought he did. Not only was he comfortable enough telling you how he felt and admitting he didn't know what to do next. But he also wanted you with him. It was clear he was holding back, not wanting to overwhelm you by admitting just how badly he wanted you to go with him. But the way he eagerly watched you as he waited patiently for your answer was a dead give away.
You wanted to help Bucky, you wanted to be there for him. If that meant helping him right his wrongs and staying with him during that trying time, at least until Sam got a lead on Karli and the Flag Smashers, then you were more than happy to comply.
“You're sure about this?” you asked and Bucky pushed off the counter and crossed the room, stopping just in front of you.
“Absolutely.” His voice dropped down to a hushed whisper. “Come with me.” His hand gently caught your wrist, his fingers running up your arm. His face was inches from yours now, your breaths mingling. “Please?”
His lips pressed to yours before you could answer and you immediately kissed back. Your hand fell against his shoulder, the other laying gently against the nape of his neck. He groaned quietly against you, his arms finding your waist as he gently guided you backwards till your back met the wall. He pressed into you, his hands roaming up your body and you moaned as he deepened the kiss.
“Yes.” You answered when he pulled away slightly and he smiled against you, relieved. Neither of you said anything else as Bucky sighed and pulled you closer, his thigh slipping between your legs as he pinned you to the wall.
God, he'd wanted to do this for so long. Wanted to kiss you, to feel you against him. He wanted you. Your hand slipped into his hair and you pulled him closer, smirking against him. You'd wanted this just as bad. And you both only had your own stubbornness to blame for taking so damn long. It didn't matter now though. Not as he gently bit down on your lower lip and you slipped your hand under his shirt and felt up his chest. It all felt so natural, so right.
“Ten minutes.”
Both your eyes flew open at the all too familiar voice, Bucky pulling away from you so quickly he only barely avoided falling over a nearby chair.
“I left you two alone to talk for ten minutes,” Sam repeated from where he was standing on the other side of the room, his arms crossed. You tried to subtly smoothen out your clothes whilst Bucky ran his hand through his tangled hair.
“We were,” Bucky said, clearing his throat. “We were talking. We...talked.”
Sam nodded, entirely unconvinced, and smirked. He reclined against the counter, showing no sign of leaving anytime soon. A painfully awkward silence settled over the kitchen as Sam continued to shift his knowing stare from you to Bucky.
The humiliation of the entire situation seemed to get to Bucky first as he clasped his hands together after less than a minute.
“You know, what? I'm leaving in a few hours and I've got to pack so I better just go-” Bucky rambled as he shot you a subtle apologetic look before turning to Sam, who was nodding along in faux agreement to his pathetic attempt of an excuse.
Bucky quickly crossed the kitchen, Sam harshly patting him on the back as he passed him and left the room. Leaving just you and Sam alone. You turned to your friend and found that he was still grinning at you with that same mischievous look in his eyes. You felt like a deer in headlights. In an attempt to act as though Sam hadn't just walked in on you and Bucky making out, you tried making normal conversation.
“Sam, there was actually something I wanted to tell you. I know I said I was going to stay for a while but I guess there's been a change of plan. I-”
“I know.” He cut you off and his smile only widened when you looked at him in utter confusion. “You honestly think he would have asked you to go with him if I didn't tell him to get his shit together first?”
Your confusion slowly melted away and was replaced with a look of disbelief. You laughed despite yourself. You should have known Sam had something to do with it. ‘‘How long have you been playing cupid?” you asked jokingly and Sam chuckled.
“He needs you, Y/N. More than he wants to admit,” Sam said, tone now more serious than before. “Things will be fine here, I'll call you as soon as Torres finds us something to work with. But right now, he needs your help before that hole he's stuck in gets too deep for him to climb out of.”
You sighed as the weight of Sam's words set in. He was right, Bucky really did need you. That wasn't a responsibility you could afford to take lightly. Not that you planned to.
“Thanks, Sam,” you said genuinely and Sam smirked as he crossed the room and pulled you into a hug. He could tell you needed it.
“Anytime.” He pulled away and offered you a warning glare. “But I swear, if you two making out the minute I turn my back becomes a regular thing I'm going to kick both your asses.”
“Got it,” you nodded, barely stifling a laugh.
Sam's scowl melted into a smile and he motioned towards the stairs. “Go on, get your things together. You've got a plane to catch in a few hours.”
You smiled and headed upstairs after Bucky. Sam leaned against the counter with his arms crossed and a satisfied smile. Getting you two together had taken more work than he'd thought. But he knew it would be worth it, you both needed each other. Whether you were willing to admit it or not. And Sam was confident that if there was anyone that could help Bucky and offer him that sense of home and peace that he was so desperately craving, it was you.
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tag list: @bakerstreethound​ @miraclesoflove​ @doozywoozy​ @kealohilani-tepise
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mmvalentine · 3 years
Spaghetti (extended edition) pt 2 | Feysand
Single dad AU, domestic fluff and smut. Read part 1 part 3 part 4.
Of course Feyre hadn't left, despite the diaster that was dinner, and now the boys are in bed and they're on the couch with glasses of wine and exhaustion. Then again, Rhys always feels exhausted, these days.
"You need it, after tonight," Rhys had said as he poured the wine.
"They're delightful," Feyre told him, eyes twinkling at the mention of the twins.
"They're terrors," Rhys corrected.
That was three glasses ago. They've kicked off their shoes, and she's got her feet curled under her on the couch. Feyre's hair is coming out of its braid and she's leaning toward him as she laughs. She has such a gorgeous laugh- Rhys can't remember what he even said to her now. He can't remember the last time he got drunk.
"So," Feyre asks, and maybe she's a little drunk too, because it's only now that she asks the big question. She asks it quietly, softly with her head cocked to one side and gentleness in her eyes. "Is... there a mother in the picture?"
Rhys looks down at his wine glass, and wishes it were a little fuller. Alas, the bottle is empty between them.
"No," he says slowly. "She died." He turns the stem of the glass in his fingers. "With their father, in fact."
Feyre waits, doesn't raise her eyebrows or ask questions. Just watches him. Rhys takes a deep breath.
"Cass and Az are my nephews. Their parents were in a car crash when they had just turned one. They know there was another dad, a different dad before me, but they're still so young it's hard to tell how much they understand or remember." Rhys looks at her. "I don't really tell a lot of people though."
In fact, he doesn't tell anyone this. The boys are legally adopted, they already had the same last name, and it's just easier this way. In the beginning, when Rhys first got them, people would either react with pity, or give him hero-praise. He couldn't say which made him more uncomfortable.
"I think... when everything happened, it just really hit me that suddenly, I was all they had in the world. My sister was gone, she was married to my best friend and he was gone too. We don't have any other family. So I guess they were all I had, too."
Feyre says, "That must be very lonely."
And Rhys doesn't know how to tell her she's right. Over the years, he dove into being a father, which meant he lost contact with many of his friends. The only significant women in his life now are Mor and Emerie, a couple from parenting group. Feyre is the first adult company he's had in... too long.
Before he knows what he's doing, Rhys leans forward and kisses her on the mouth. He's never this impulsive, and it surprises even him. He draws back quickly, looking more shocked that she does, and starts to apologise.
"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have-"
But Feyre grabs a hold of his shirt as he moves away. She pauses, inches from his face, while the words die in Rhys's mouth. And then she presses her lips back to his, and it's so slow, languid, wine-drenched kiss she gives him.
Rhys leans into her, and his hands find her jaw. He thinks for a second that he really needs to slow down- but Feyre has other ideas. The tip of her tongue touches his lower lip, and he's a dead man.
Rhys pushes her back against the couch, sure that he is moving too fast but completley unable to stop it. A hunger opens up in his chest, and it's a cavernous need that drives him to get her lying back, head on the armrest while his hand strokes her ribs and his tongue touches her teeth. His thumb finds the underside of a breast and again his mind says slow down, slow down.
He doesn't know how.
There's a part of him that begs Feyre to take control, to pull away or indicate somehow that this isn't what she wants. That will force him to put the brakes on before he fucks it all up. He's so relieved when she doesn't.
Quite the opposite- Feyre's hands slide into his hair and her nails send shivers down his spine when they scrape against his neck. The tip of her foot is sliding up his ankle, and every kiss he gives her she exhales back to him in lush, hot slides. He's so hard against her, there's too much fabric between them, and when he flexes his hips against her she bumps up to meet him.
Rhys couldn't tell you later on how they got to his bedroom, but when he rolls Feyre on top of his body, his back hits his own mattress instead of falling on the lounge room floor. His hands slide under her sweater and stroke the petal-smooth skin of her back, and his fingers skitter on her spine when she goes for the buttons of his shirt.
"Wait," Rhys mumbles, when Feyre's mouth is on his bare chest. She looks up at him, and gods she looks cute from here. Her lips and her chin are a little red from where his stubble has scratched her, and her hair is falling in her eyes again.
"Is... is this okay?" she asks him, suddenly uncertain. Rhys barks a laugh.
"Better than okay," he says, and kisses her palm. "I just..."
He sucks a breath in through his teeth, and runs his hands over the blue jeans that were once so appealing and now suddenly must go. He tangles their legs together, and then flips then over so suddenly that Feyre gasps a little when her head lands on the pillow. Rhys settles his hips over hers, and lightly strokes the pink of her cheekbones. His eyes watch her lips when he speaks. "I want to take my time... with you."
Feyre reaches for him once more, but Rhys folds her fingers in his and stops her hands by her head instead. He wants her touch- is utterly coming undone beneath her touch- but more than that, he wants to touch her. First this- first the gorgeous warmth of her beneath his lips and his fingertips. He has not let himself miss this, not while the twins needed everything to be the same for good length of time. But now he drowns in her.
Rhys lets Feyre's hands go and hums his contenment when she does not move them. She simply grips the edges of the pillow while Rhys pushes the hem of her top up and sweeps his hands over her ribcage, her stomach, her hips. When his thumbs travel the bottom edge of her bra, Rhys looks to her face for confirmation. Feyre just shivers a little and arches up toward him, and Rhys watches her eyes as he unclips her bra underneath her. Feyre bites her lip as she smiles, and lifts her arms above her head. The sweater and the bra come off together.
Rhys lets out a low groan at the sight of Feyre shirtless. His tongue now traces the paths his hands made, while his hands cup the soft fullness of her breasts. Feyre lets him, not moving apart from little twitches up to his lips as he moves over her. The first moan comes when he closes his mouth over her nipple, and then it's only a few moments before she's pulling his face back to hers.
Feyre tugs Rhys's shirt the rest of the way off him, and drops it to the floor. His naked stomach now slides over hers, and he doesn't want to lose the body contact even as his hand moves down between them. Feyre's back arches as he touches her, rubs up and down her through her jeans. He shoves the zipper down, slides his fingers under her waistband and hisses at how wet she is. Rhys's tongue moves under her ear, in time with his fingers between her legs.
"You are so gorgeous," he mumbles onto her skin. "You're...mmm you feel just perfect."
Feyre's first orgasm is breathy and whimpering, and her eyes fly open with the shock of how fast it comes. Rhys only smirks and keeps his pace steady. He watches it build and crest in her, and she's trying to touch him back by Rhys won't let her. He waits till she's coming down, then drags her jeans the rest off the way off. When he kisses her now, she's soft and pliant beneath his hands. He strokes his fingers softly down the centre of her underwear, knowing she'll be over-sensitised for a moment.
After a second, Feyre opens her eyes and smiles gently at him. "My turn," she whispers, and goes for the button of his own jeans.
"Not yet," Rhys tells her, and presses kisses into the hollow of her neck until she's trying to move on his fingers, seeking more friction with her hips. He watches her writhe for a while, loving how much she wants it, before moves her panties to the side and hovers his fingers over her entrance. "You want this?" he asks her.
"Yes," she breathes. "Yes, yes, all of it, please..."
It's the 'please' that gets him. "Where did you come from," Rhys groans softly, as he slides his fingers inside her. Feyre doesn't answer, just moves her mouth silently, head tilted back and eyes closed as he works her.
Rhys kisses the exposed arch of her throat, the line of her collarbone, and down her sternum. His teeth scrape at her navel, her hip bones, the soft inside of her thigh. He licks over her clit and she cries out so sweetly he does it again. Again.
The second orgasm is shuddering and sweet, and Rhys nearly laughs at how easy it is. He's forgotten how it feels to bring someone over the edge like this, and he's not willing to give up control just yet. Not when she looks so good coming on his fingers and when being able to turn someone on like this is doing no small thing for his ego.
So Rhys rides the high, speeds his fingers on that rough patch inside her that makes eyes roll when he rubs it and it's only as Feyre's second climax blends into her third does the ache in his cock become so insisitent that he lets her grab him through his jeans.
Feyre's eyes open on his as she catches her breath, and Rhys leans his forehead on her chest. His eyes squeeze shut and her hand between them feels divine- it's with great reluctance that he rolls off of her and lies on his side next to her.
"Where are you going?" Feyre asks him, turning toward him.
"Slight hitch here," Rhys says with a rueful grin. "I didn't exactly plan this." Feyre raises an eyebrow, unsure where this is going. "I don't have any condoms," Rhys clarifies. "You've been the first one here in... a while."
"Oh," Feyre says. She bites her lip, and it's so cute Rhys immediately leans in and kisses her. "I can still take a turn," Feyre says softly.
"You want to do something for me?" Rhys says. Feyre nods. He slides a hand up her back and studies the freckles across her nose.
"Stay the night?" he asks quietly.
"Okay," Feyre whispers.
She looks at him a moment longer, then sighs before rolling over and leaning her back against him. Rhys folds his arms around her, and strokes his hands over her belly and her hip and her flank until he falls asleep with the smell of her hair in his nose.
...and wakes with Feyre's mouth around his cock.
Rhys groans in his throat and is pulled from sleep into pleasure in the early hours of the morning. Pale dawn light is only just slipping in through the plantation shutters and Feyre's tongue over the head of him makes stars burst behind his eyelids.
He reaches out blindly and his fingers slide in the tumbling curls of Feyre's hair. Rhys's other arm folds behind his head and his heels push against the sheets. He cannot say how long this goes on for but it doesn't take long before his hips are stuttering beneath her hands.
"I'm so close," he breathes, but Feyre only sucks him harder. He watches himself disappear behind her lips and he's the fucking luckiest man on the planet. "I'm gonna come..." Rhys mumbles, and Feyre scratches her nails against his stomach and keeps moving her damn mouth.
When his climax hits him it pulls his back off the bed and the world goes fuzzy as he's spilling between Feyre's lips. He groans low and long and the sound is distant in his own ears.
"Fuuuck," he exhales, and Feyre just smothers a laugh as she wipes the corners of her mouth. She sildes up his chest even as his heart is calming down and kisses him with her teeth on his lower lip.
"You're incredible," Rhys tells her, and she just bites his chin lightly and then goes back to sleep in his arms.
They get another hour of sleep before the twins break in.
It's not unusual for a Saturday morning, and there's no lock on the door. They take one look at Feyre, just now stirring, and scream.
"Feyre's here, Feyre's here," the chant, running around and around the room. Rhys has to admit for the last hour or so, he had completely forgotten he had two children.
"Out, out, out!" he tells them, but they don't listen. They never do.
They climb straight up onto the bed, the opposite of what Rhys said, and jump on the covers only narrowly missing shin bones and other, more sensitive body parts. Rhys groans, and Feyre giggles as she tries to push her hair back and hold the sheets up to her chin. Finally, he sits up and roars "THERE'S PANCAKES DOWNSTAIRS" and the twins freeze, look at each other, and bolt for the door.
Rhys falls back against the pillows as little feet thunder down the stairs, and it's only out of one eye that he risks taking a peek at poor Feyre. It's the first time he's looking ast her properly at her since last night.
She rolls over and gives him a look that nearly has him reaching for her. Her hair is early-morning mussed, her cheeks are flushed and there's a glimmer in her eyes that trips up his heart.
Rhys leans across, and kisses her sleep-swollen lips as if he could press his apology there. This woman who is in his arms and in his bed. He looks her in the eye and says, "We have approximately thirty seconds before they realise they've been tricked."
Feyre flashes him a grin that makes him regret his words instantly, but he knows it's more than necessary as they tug on clothes haphazardly, and indeed Feyre has just straightened her sweater before the boys are back and all over her like a rash.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao @achernarlight @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @hopefulacademia @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @fandomstalker27 @realbookloverproblems @dealfea @s-tormwitch @cretaceous-therapod @whenyadoesntcutit @scatterbrainedgirl @whoever-you-choose-to-love @endlessdaydream @themoonthestarsthesuriel @rarephloxes
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l-egionaire · 4 years
At The Bookshop-A Tangled The series Fic
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Set after this. (I'd read this bio on Athena before reading this to make sure it makes sense and you have a good view on her appearance.)
Cassandra let out a breath.
She could do this.
Ever since Rapunzel had helped her realize that she had developed an....infatuation, with the girl she'd bumped into on the road the other day, the princess had been enthusiastic about helping her friend find a romantic partner.. But instead of a peppy barrage of questions like she would've done in the past, Rapunzel had simply stopped by Cass's room while she was polishing her sword and casually mentioned that one of the guards (I.E. Eugene) had seen the girl hanging around the Corona bookstore.
Sure enough, through the stores window, she could see the girl, still draped in her hooded violet cloak, scanning the shelves and occasionally pulling a book from the shelves and tucking it under her arm.
Just seeing the girl from a distance made Cass's pulse speed up and her palms start to sweat. This was even worse than when she'd had feelings for Rapunzel. She had at least been able to keep her feelings in check around the princess. But now, just seeing this girl was enough to make her a nervous wreck.
But she wasn't going to let that stop her. She'd fought against thieves, magical monsters and giant machines. She'd come back from being the servant of an ancient evil spirit. She was not going to let herself be hobbled by something as simple as a crush!
With that she pushed open the doors and headed over to where the girl still perused the books.
Unfortunately, the closer Cass got to the girl the more her confidence started to melt away into nervousness. By the time she was standing close enough to her to be noticed, Cass's legs felt like jelly, her stomach was twisted into knots, and her tongue became numb.
Using all her energy, Cass managed to choke out, "Hi!"
The girl turned to look at her and Cass's head filled with fog at the sight of her beautiful green eyes.
The girl mouth curled into a slight smile. "Oh hey. Its Ca...ca...ca right?"
Cass wasn't sure what made her blush brighter, the fact that the girl remembered her or that she recalled their humiliating first meeting.
To her surprised, Cass managed to get her tongue, which currently felt like it was made of stone, to move enough to stutter, "oh, uh, actually it's Cassandra. Or Cass. My friends call me Cass. You can call me Cass too if you want. Or Cassandra if you feel like Cass is too informal."
The small giggle the girl let out at Cass's stammering made her want to die, but thankfully she didn’t seem put off.
"Well, nice to meet you Cass, I'm Athena." The girl, Athena, offered a hand from beneath her robe.
Cass took the hand and shook it, painfully aware of how drenched in sweat her palm was and the unintentional enthusiasm she shook with.
"Heh, Athena. Thats a really pretty name." Cass's eyes widened as she realized what she just said. "Pretty nice name! Athena is a pretty nice name. Is what I meant."
"Yeah, I happen to like it myself. In my hometown it means " wisdom"."
"Hah! Wisdom, right. That really makes sense because smart people, you know, like books and you like....books."
Cass groaned internally. She was seriously beginning to entertain the notion of running herself through with her own sword rather than having to spend another moment humiliating herself. Athena simply raised an amused eyebrow at her.
"Yes, books are interesting. I'm especially fond of the words inside. Makes for good reading." She said with a slight chuckle.
"Yeah, reading is great. It's...it's...awesome! I-i love to read."
Okay, that was slightly better. She may have still sounded like her tongue was split in two but she managed to say something that was pseudo-coherent and not too emberassing.
"Really? What kind of stuff do you read?" Athena asked.
"Oh, uh, letters, sentences, anything with words."
Dear god, what was wrong with her?! She could face men twice her size without blinking, but one pretty girl and suddenly she turned into a stuttering trembling mess!
Athena gave another amused giggle. "Well, It was nice meeting you Cass, but I should get-."
"WAIT!" Cass yelled, wincing slightly at her unintended volume. "I'm sorry. I just-I wanted to ask if maybe you'd be interested in going with me up to the palace?"
Athena's eyes widened. "The palace? The palace, the palace? As in that giant building that towers over the rest of Corona?No offense, but I don't think they allow visitors."
Cass nodded. "My dad works-well, used to work there as a place guard. I basically grew up there. I was thinking maybe we could hang out, I could show you around."
"I don't know." Athena said slowly, her eyes creased with worry.
"It'll be fine! I go up there to visit my best friends all the time. I could give you a tour of the place you, you could even stay for dinner." Cass offered.
Athena looked as if she was about to decline when suddenly, from beneath her cloak where her belly was, came a loud gurgling noise.
She glared at her gut as if angry that it was daring to make noise then look back at Cass.
"This dinner...would there be meat there by any chance?"
"Uh, yes?" Cass said with slight confusion.
"Then....I guess It couldn't hurt going to see the palace."
"YES!" Cass blushed as she realized she'd once again lost control of her voice and quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard. But the only person around was Athena who looked like she struggling no to laugh.
"I mean, great. How about I meet you at the castle gates in an hour?"
"Perfect. See you then Cass." Athena shot Cass a wink that made her nearly collapse from pure joy before walking off to continue browsing the books.
After a few minutes replaying the moment Athena winked at her in her head, Cass snapped out of her love daze and raced back to the palace.
"I got to go get ready! And make sure the staff is prepared for a guest!....And that we have meat!"
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verobatto · 5 years
War decision/Heart decision
The break-up of TFW
Supernatural 14x19 "Jack in the box" meta/spoiler alert
Hello my dear Fandom. How are you?? I'm here with the second meta from this episode, you can read the first part here. I hope you enjoy this it took me a little of investigation and stuffs...
Ok... Things are getting wild and... Idk what they are doing people, really... I will just present to you the evidence as always with a little spec that I think I'm not the one thinking about it... Is just a painful equation with the clues we have till now. Ok. Let's start this trip...
Castiel is in a Holy Mission
Castiel, being an angel of the Lord, keeps his mission and his promises, as i talked in my first meta. To ANY COST. I want you to keep that in mind. Ok? Sobbing...
Castiel's mission is his promise to Kelly, so from the beginning, he marks the limit. He won't hurt Jack. He will help him and guide him.
But he asks for help to Heaven, and there's Dumah. Dumah is behaving weird, but not so. Beacuse she is on charge now, and the power of being the chief, corrupts. But Castiel didn't know about her intentions first.
And what was Dumah looking for? She wanted to find the Nephilim and control him, control his powers... By using a very manipulative speech, as AUMichael and Lucifer did. But she was successful. Beacuse she smartly used Sam and Dean's names with him. And the innocent child fell for it.
And then, she used him to PURIFY EARTH, by killing innocents... But pay attention to the three heaven punishments they mentioned in this episode...
Lot's wife became a pillar of salt. (Gen. 19:26)
Lot and his wife lived next to Abraham lands, but Lot hated Sodoma because they were sinners and bad people. Then one day an angel of the Lord ask Lot to take his family with them and to run and to don't look behind because God was about to burn Sodoma and Gomorra because he was tired of them. So Lot did as the angel said, they run away, but his wife disobeyed and look behind, and immediately became a pillar of salt. The lesson here: God saves the obedient and punishes the disobedient.
The man who received this punishment was writing about how Church lies. So against the Church Holy mission.
Core and his family eaten by the earth. (Num. 16:31)
Gore and his family rebelled against God and Moises, so God talked with Moises asking him to take the rest of the people and stay away from Core's tend. He did as God said, and immediately the land broke and devoured Core, and his family, and the tend with all their things.
The lesson: Those who don't listen to God will be hardly punished.
In this case was a woman who said miracles are lies.
King Herodes is eaten by worms (Hech. 12:23)
An angel of the Lord released Peter from jail, and king Herodes ordered to kill the guards. The people was not agreed, and because he was playing to be God taking those decisions, an angel hurt him and the worms ate him.
The lesson: Those who trying to play God by deciding who dies and who lives, receive the Heaven punishment.
Here the man who dies at the hospital was the good shepherd who lead the sheep's that we're stoñwn buenas Jack. And you can see in that scene being the priest, a pic about Jesus as the good shepherd.
Everytime it was an angel of the Lord who execute the Holy Mission, and this time who will receive the punishment by Castiel's hands??
Dean is suffering and taking hard decisions
Making use of his First Born duties and with the whole mess that he is feeling inside, Dean talked about his mom in front of that hunters. And he used jokes in his speech... Trying to say goodbye with a smile. But he is struggling inside with the pain. Jokes are a defense mechanism of avoidance too... But he says GOODBYE MOM anyway.
After this we had a violent entrance coming from AUBobby, who killed a monster in the middle of them with an axe... Remember what the axe represented? I talked about that in this post.
So the axe represents the JUDGMENT AND THE ANGER. So accurate with the following events in this episode and I guess it will be in the nest episode too, related with Dean's actions...
Sam asked Dean to stay with them to talk about Mary and Jack, and he didn't want to. He is avoiding again the pain of talk about his mom, about Jack.
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Gif set credit @shirtlesssammy
But Sam and CAS knows Dean very well...they know he acts like this, trying to push his emotions very down inside of him. Even so, Castiel tried... Look at the angel's sad face full of pain and feeling guilt... Yes... Because they didn't talk yet about it. But Sam asked him to leave his brother because he needed time... So... He just makes that question ... And Dean answered in avoidance again.
And after this we had Dean crying alone in the woods... Handling with his own pain.
Then, Sam asked him how he felt... (Like Castiel asked him before) and he answered with another question not related to his feelings at all, but with Sam researching... Avoidance again.
Sam trying to comfort him with the speech that he must being repeating to himself to feel better about Mary's death. "She is in a better place", but Dean is furious "Angels are dicks." Same vibes from season 7 when he was talking with Kevin in the basement about angels... He was disappointed there with Castiel. But this time we had a parallel in this same episode with the man who didn't believe in angels and Heaven. And we know what happened there...
Then... Dean takes the war decision, the hard decision, and convinces Sammy to follow him. He build the speech Sammy has to use with Jack. He is asking Sam to lie. Sam isn't at all convinced but he goes his brother's directions anyway.
When Jack answered Sammy's prayers, using the word FAMILY, the one who gives the speech is the first born again, Dean. He contains his pain and anger when he had Jack in front of him. And he fullfil the plan.
He is hunting Jack... Because he is feeling the boy become a monster, and as I wrote in my first meta, he had told Jack in season 13 he will kill him if it was necessary.
This is a train of bad decisions... And we don't know where it leads... But... We had a lot of clues talking about "silver steak through the heart" as my friend @emblue-sparks and I had repeated a million of times since 14x06 Optimism when it first was mentioned... They repeated the same way to kill in 14x16, and in 14x17 we had this...
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Gif credit @agusvedder
So... Is this foreshadowing the end??? Who will stop the sacrifice in the Moriah mountain in the morning at episode when Dean will try to kill Jack? Who will be the Heaven executor in Holly Mission??? I don't even want to think it...
And this...
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Pic credit @weirddorkylittlediana remember Dean was walking in 14x17 surrended by this kind of yellow signs? And we related it with Sammy asking Dean to stop... Well... There's so many ways to finish this season I'm so scared...
Sam trying to do right but...
Sam is handling with pain as he can...
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Gif credit @ohsamulet
Sammy is talking to himself here too. He knows his mom is happy with his dad in Heaven and that's a good way to let her go.
But after this Dean came with the plan and Sam just couldn't handle it. It was too much for him. First his mom, and now deceive Jack to lock him in the Mal'ak box for ever. A horrible eternity alone... The thing that made him lose it that time with his brother, now... He is listening again that horrible plan. He knows Jack is dangerous now, but he doesn't now the person who is making him doing those bad things.
And he is a dad too. He had raised that child so he can't believe how things are happening now. He is like frozen. Not thinking too much about it... Following his brother lead...
And he prays to Jack... And when he had Jack in front of him, innocently talking about "the accident", not having a reasonable view about that, he knows Jack is clueless, as always. And he can't talk... So Dean spoke for him. Dean said the words he was expecting from him to say it. And he followed his lead again. For Sammy should be like living again another nightmare... Not being able to wake up from the previous one.
And Jack entered inside the box. And now he felt the worst thing on Earth because that's not how Sam Winchester acts. He always find ANOTHER WAY. He is the one who KEEPS FIGHTING AND INVESTIGATING. Why not this time? Maybe because the pain of loosing his mother is overwhelming to him, and he can't think about another thing. He said I CAN'T STOP THINLING ABOUT MOM. So that's the thing. HE CAN'T THINK NOW ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE.
But when Castiel arrives... He breaks that nightmare and brought back Sam to reality.
As he did in 14x15...
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Castiel looked at Sam searching for that Sam he knew. And he founded him. He was regretful and in pain.
How he will act in the next episode? Gah... Idk...
Jack and the mirrors
Jack is still alone, but he doesn't wanted to be anymore. He is regretful and he wants Mary back, right there, with him. He misses his family, and in the middle of that, Lucifer appears again. Trying to make him feel the same that AUMichael did with Dean and the Empty with Castiel...
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Gif credit @deans-top-13-zepp-traxx
Yes, but Jack said DEAN MAKES MISTAKES TOO. Dean is his role model. He trust him.
The encounter between Jack and Dumah was particularly similar to Jack's encounter with Lucifer and AUMichael too. The manipulative speech, using Sam and Dean as an excuse, and the name of his mother, made him choose to follow her lead. And he committed horrendous crimes under Dumah twisted guidance.
The next step was to take control over Heaven .. as a new God...
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Pic credit @empty-cass
We knew who had being sit in that throne before... One of them was Lucifer and maybe Godstiel too, so the parallel is very blantant. Any angelical being had twisted intentions. All of them except one...
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Gif credit @faramaiofnerdwoodforest
And this happened in 13x19...
So... Jack doesn't have bad intentions... He is just like Castiel sitting there... And he has his mother essence inside of him...
And now amazingly making angels from people... That was weird Supernatural... But well... Good way to restore Heaven. Who wants to be an angel??
Another mirror was Jack inside the box... Afraid of being lonely calling desperately for his dad's... Dean mirror in 14x12 when he had that horrible nightmare...
And Lucifer strikes again... And this time because Jack was so afraid and he felt alone in that darkness... He listened him. And he released himself from that prison ...
I saw him talking in that Cemetery with Castiel, it looked like a cozy conversation between a dad and a son... And I liked it... Let's see what happen...
To conclude:
TFW members are right night in different pages. Mary's death is the central cause of the pain and bad choices.
Jack is innocent an manipulable... Very dangerous in wrong guidance, because he has not soul, so he just uses logic resolutions for problems.
Castiel is doing his own path by trying to find another way, and keeping his promise to Kelly.
Dean is angry and mourning his mom, trying to handle the pain, but stuck in his feelings, making bad choices.
I hope Sammy to wake up and to try to bring back his brother.
The end is near and I just can't stop thinking we are going to suffer horribly. Thanks a lot writers... Don't worry... I didn't need my heart anyway...
C-u later my friends!! 💕💕
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @hippyatheart80 @anarchiana
Buenos Aires April 19th 2019 2:57 AM
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moiraineswife · 7 years
I just finished acowar and I have a few questions. Now that Keir etc are allowed in velaris, couldn't mor kill him? She's allowed to, right? And to me, mor closeting herself does not make any sense at all. She said it was so her father wouldn't spoil that for her, but isn't that bowing down to him? There are even queer high lords, so why does it matter what the court of nightmares thinks about her sexuality? And azriel/elain does not make a lot of sense to me either ,:/
-Mor has been allowed to kill her parents since Rhys took over as High Lord and gave her the permission to do so, it is her choice, just not one she has made yet. (Personally, though, it’s my hc that Amren keeps her word to Mor and when the war is over she and Az pay Keir a little visit and basically just, you can go to Velaris, technically, but I can also skin you alive very, very slowly too, so maybe we should both exercise some control over the things we can do, hm? The next morning she simply tells Mor that neither Keir nor the CoN will ever set foot in Velaris, she’s safe. Mor believes her.) 
- @cass-ian posted a lovely long piece about queer rep in acowar and I agreed with the points she made on this, that Mor could be out to her family/Velaris but not the CoN. And tbh, like I’ve defended Mor’s actions in not coming out to anyone, and I stand by that...But from a narrative perspective there are some gaping inconsistencies for the sake of convenience and angst in ACOWAR. 
First of all, Keir is only a steward, the person who actually runs the Hewn City; and indeed the person who runs Velaris as well...Is Mor. Mor is Rhys’ Third in command, the only people in the Night Court who outrank her are Rhys and Amren. Keir, in ACOMAF, does not appear to have any authority over her or ability to influence her in this way. Buuut plot/Drama are more important than consistency and Mor’s power/agency so...That gets overlooked. 
Secondly, it would appear, given how comfortably out and happy both Thesan and Helion are, that homophobia is not really a thing in Prythian (or the mortal realm, given Nesta’s thoughts in Wings and Embers)....Except for the CoN. Because like, it needs to exist in this one place to...Cause Mor pain, obviously. I suppose I could have gone with that given how grossly misogynistic the CoN is and how obsessed it is with breeding and bloodlines (LITERALLY WHY THOUGH. UR ALL IMMORTAL. CALM UR NEED TO HAVE CHILDREN. ahem) But this still drags us back to your first, very correct point, that Mor has authority over the Hewn City and that entire court, they should not be able to threaten her (though I suppose you could talk about internalised homophobia and the way she was raised but I still just.....This narrative was so badly done it physically pains me) 
The bottom line here is: Consistency does not matter, so long as there can be Gay Angst, we’ll bend over backwards just to generate some of that. 
-I think it’s a lovely little friendship and I’m like...the shippers can fill their boots, I get it, go nuts, it’s grand. I just don’t ship it...and I’d rather it be kept out of my tags/tagged properly so it can be avoided. Pls and thank you. 
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